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Write a 650- to 800-word paper on your personal ethics development that examines your personal ethical system and

ground rules, including its origins and development. Focus on the developmental aspect of your ethics rather than on a particular position on any issue. Define your underlying ethical system, its primary principles, the sources that helped shape your ethics-such as people, institutions, events, and so forth-and the criteria and decision-making factors you used to revise them. Discuss the potential effect of your ethics on your performance or use of them in your workplace using a personal example.

The deep impact of personal ethics on behavior and personality

Personal ethics affect all areas of life and life style and have a profound impact on relationship, family, business and finances. Development of personal ethics is based on surrounding environment of an individual as well as on his thoughts and psychology. Education, family environment, society all contribute in varying proportions to give an individual his character and moral standing. There are various factors and sources which contribute to the all-round ethical development of a person 1. Religion- your religion has a major effect on your understanding of environment. Every religion lays basic guidelines for its followers to adapt and follow in life. Those who adhere to the core values of their religion believe that they are acting in an ethical way. People also conduct ethical behavior so that they can be rewarded in their after lives. Hence religion can also be a major motivation behind ethical behavior. 2. Culture- the culture of your society has the major impact on your ethical behavior. An individual learns from his society throughout life and any ethical development can only come from societal development and vice-versa. Ethical development of the society and the individual occur simultaneously. Not long ago, racial discrimination was a widely conducted practice in many parts of the world. People carried unethical behavior of racial discrimination without even knowing that they are doing something wrong. This was because the society did not punish the unethical behavior and individuals took things as they are. The caste practices are still followed in many parts of India. Therefore culture has the most profound impact on personal behavior and ethical conduct. 3. Personal experiences and emotions- people learn throughout life and the experiences they have gained have a great impact on their personal ethical conduct. Many people who are against death penalty find themselves supporting it after their loved one is killed by a robber or in an accident. Hence emotions also contribute to your personal ethics. People who are born in war torn country abhor violence of all kinds. This is because they get first hand experience of the torture and killings. 4. Education- an educated individual is more aware of his rights as well as of his ethical standing in the society. Education also dwells deep understanding of various positive and negative aspects of the surroundings in an individual. An educated person is more aware of his thoughts and actions and can control them with more ease. Hence education is important for developing high ethical conduct. It develops the feeling of guilt, shame and pride in an individual and grooms him into a well developed and respected citizen of the society who spreads good ethics in the society.

5. People and leaders as a source of inspiration-some people are born with deep understanding of human society and have high ethics since their birth. We have the examples of Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi who devoted their entire life towards the development of society and promoting high ethical standards. These legends are a source of inspiration for innumerable people throughout the world. Many institutions promote their ideas. Hence, the inspiration from such characters helps in shaping the ethical behavior of many people. Ethical behavior on work place The ethical followed by you is displayed on your work place as well. The individual and organization are both affected by each others actions and ethical behavior. The team leaders have a wide impact on their teams behavior and ethic following. The work place is the ideal place to learn and the employees affect each others psychology and moral conduct. The employees also act as a source of inspiration for each other. Managers who do not follow ethics are not much respected at the work place. Good ethics help you to have a good understanding of your work environment. It also helps you to cajole with your team members and superior and junior staff in a more friendly way. This helps in developing a better work atmosphere, which increase your performance levels. A friendly atmosphere delays your fatigue time and gives you added stamina, vigor and vitality. Thus employees and business men with good ethics and friendly personality are more successful than their rude counterparts. High ethics followings make you broader minded and helps you in understating the needs and preferences of your subordinates in a better way. This helps in increasing work efficiency and developing team spirit. You can therefore achieve your targets with more ease and comfort with the help of ethical behavior. Thus ethics are important in every aspect of your life, be it home or work place. References 1. White, J.E., 1996, [online] Available at :< > [Assessed 31 July 2011] 2. Benefil, R.Z, 2002, [online] Available at :<> [Assessed 31 July 20111] 3. Coler, Larry, 2007, [online] Available at <> [Assessed 31 July 2011]

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