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;==|sabaku no gaara|



name: sabaku no gaara

author: anjel
created: seventh august 2007

special stuffs about him:
he doesnet have guard, but if opponent is near and is attacking a sand barrier
appears infront of him.
gaara is slow, so he falls slower in air.

s = stand
c = crouch
a = air
r = run


s a: light punch.
s b: strong punch ;its not really a punch, he just throws some sand from his jar,
this make opponent fall when hit.
s x: medium punch.
s y: sand uppercut. ;sand appears infront of gaara, it has the force of a
uppercut, altso make you fall.

c a: light punch.
c x: light punch.
c b: sand appears under opponent.
c y: sand appears behind opponent.
c a+b: big sand uppercut. ;alot of sand appears around gaara, and attacks upward,
makes you fall.
c x+y: teleport.

a a: sand throw. ;gaara throws some sounds from his jar again.
a x: sand throw. ;gaara throws some sounds from his jar again.
a b: sand throw. ;gaara throws some sounds from his jar again.
a y: sand throw. ;gaara throws some sounds from his jar again.

r a: sand and dust comes infront of gaara and sends opponent away.
r b: sand and dust comes infront of gaara and sends opponent away.
r x: sand and dust comes infront of gaara and sends opponent away.
r y: sand and dust comes infront of gaara and sends opponent away.

down back down forward a: sabakku kyuu ;on english "deseart graveyard", sand
appear around opponent and makes him/she raise in air then the sand implode.
down back down forward b: sabakku taisou ;tons of sand appear opponent, and falls
on him/she, then gaara pumpes in chakra (dunno aboyt that) and make sand explode.

things to add:
button style change, i am to lazy to do it now.
winane for ripping the super bg.
pakis pride for ripping the gaara sprites.
neimad for ripping some sand effekts (from snd4).
kyubieyes for recoloring some sand sprites (from snd2).
mugen china for the "auto defence" idea, and altso uchiacody (probably spelled it
wrong :p) for useing theyr idea on a "small" char.
elecbyte for mugen engine.
cyanide for being best coder ever, and i learned "coding" from his tutorials.
me for being teh l337z0rz and relesing another char!
tyler for inspiration, he coded a gaara for "nnp" aka "nass", i wanted to make one
to :p.
people at mfg forum writing long read-me's, made me wanna write one to :p.
you! for downloading this char and give feedback, or else!
cyanide again for helping me (really much) with the button layout.
cyanide for the third time helping me with making the sabakku kyuu special better.

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