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Algorithm name

Architectur e

Net Input

Activation Function

Weight Update AND Biased update

Stopping Condition


Single Layer, Feed-forward Dual layer Feed-forward

y_in= bj+xiwij

y= 1 if y_in> y= 0 if - y_in y= -1 if y_in< - y= 1 if y_in y=-1 if y_in <

wij(new)=wij(old)+xi y bj(new)=bj(old)+y wij(new)=wij(old)+ txi bj(new)=bj(old)+ t where t=target b(new)=b(old)+(t-y_in), wi(new)=wi(old)+(t-y_in)xi

Only one iteration If y=t, for all samples




y_in=xiwi + b


Dual Layer

Z_inj=bj+xi wij y_in=b3+z1v1+z2v2

f (x)=1 if x>0 -1 if x<0

When t=-1 bj(new)=bj(old)+(-1-z_inj), wij(new)=wij(old)+ (-1z_inj)xi when t=1 bj(new)=bj(old)+(1-z_inj), wij(new)=wij(old)+ (1z_inj)xi

If the greatest weight change is smaller then the applied threshold. If weight changes have stopped so one Iteration is complete

Hetero Associative Auto Associative Discrete Hopfield Back propagation

Single Layer


Yj=1 if y_inj>j Yj if y_inj= j -1 if y_inj< j Yj=1 if y_inj>0 -1 if y_inj<0 1 yi 0 if y-ini> if y-ini= if y-ini<


All samples have been processed All samples have been processed

Single Layer



Unsupervised Learning Feedbackward Multi-layer supervised learning Feed-forward

Y_inj = xi + yiwji

Y_inj = wijxi + bj Yj=1/1-e-Y_in Errors: For hidden layers Errj = Oj (1-Oj) Errk wjk For output layer Errj = Oj (1-Oj) (Tj-Oj)

Wij(new) = wij(old) + Errj Oi bj = bj(old) + Errj

We will solve it until the error is zero Err=0

Self Organization map

unsupervised learning FeedForward


Choose the minimum Dj and set the value of j according to it.

Wij(new)= Wij(old)+[xi-wij(old)] (new)= 0.5 (old) If convergence criterion met, STOP. Or When cluster 1 and cluster 2 is inverse of each other.

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