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asslve suppresslon of lowfrequency nolse or vlbraLlon has numerous dlsadvanLages malnly because
of Lhe volume of Lhe absorbers 8y Lhe usage of slgnal processors lL has became posslble Lo uLlllze
dlfferenL acLlve nolse conLrol meLhods 1hese are based on Lhe phenomenon of Lhe desLrucLlve
lnLerference A secondary nolse has Lo be generaLed whlch suppresses Lhe prlmary (le Lhe orlglnal)
nolse aL Lhe properly slLuaLed mlcrophones

1he whole problem has boLh acousLlcal and conLrol aspecLs ln some cases lf Lhe secondary source can
be lmplemenLed near Lo Lhe prlmary source (eg a venLllaLlon ducL) a slngle loudspeaker mlcrophone
palr ls enough ln oLher cases lf Lhe nolse source ls noL concenLraLed and Lhe suppresslon ln an
enclosure has Lo be achleved (eg an alrplane) more loudspeakers and mlcrophones are uLlllzed

AcLlve nolse conLrol ls a new research and developmenL dlrecLlon aL our deparLmenL Powever Lhe
knowledgebase ln measuremenL sysLem ldenLlflcaLlon and slgnal processlng helps us Lo obLaln new
resulLs ln Lhls fleld

Wcbnical Background

AcLlve nolse conLrol requlres mulLlfarlous knowledge such as measuremenL analog and dlglLal slgnal
processlng and acousLlcs ueslgn of acLlve nolse conLrol sysLems needs measuremenLs on Lhe planL Lo be
conLrolled 1he records derlved durlng Lhe measuremenLs play an essenLlal role ln planL ldenLlflcaLlon
and sysLem slmulaLlon AlgorlLhm deslgn and evaluaLlon has a cenLral role lL should be ln close Lles wlLh
Lhe oLher parLs of Lhe deslgn process 1he maln Lask ls Lo lmplemenL or lmprove dlglLal slgnal processlng
meLhods can be used for Lhls purpose AlLhough Lhe deslgn needs Lhe flrsL measuremenL resulLs
lnvolvlng Lhe a prlorl knowledge ln Lhe fleld (llLeraLure experlences) Lhe work on Lhls Lask can be sLarLed
aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe deslgn 1hls Lask lncludes LheoreLlcal derlvaLlons slmulaLlons and laboraLory
experlmenLs uue Lo Lhe speclal feaLures (eg hlgh LemperaLure) of Lhe posslble acousLlc sysLems Lhe
acLlve nolse conLrol sysLem needs speclal hardware Lools Sensor and acLuaLor deslgn ls an lmporLanL
parL of Lhe sysLem deslgn 1he flnal parL requlres lndusLrlal experlmenLs glvlng feedback Lo Lhe above
parLs of Lhe deslgn 1hls experlmenLal phase ls also for reveallng Lhe scope of acLlve nolse conLrol for Lhe
acLual purpose

An acousLlc Lransfer funcLlon
W_Warcb activitiW_

ConvenLlonal nolse conLrollers are usually adapLlve fllLers wlLh Lhe parameLers updaLed malnly on LMS
basls 1he flrsL sysLems for Lhls Lask were feedback sysLems 1he mosL successful appllcaLlons of Lhem
are slngle channel sysLems ln whlch Lhe loudspeaker ls closely poslLloned Lo Lhe error mlcrophone (eg
an ear defender) 1he nexL sLep was Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of feedforward conLrollers 1hese sysLems need
an addlLlonal reference slgnal whlch ls correlaLed wlLh Lhe prlmary nolse leedforward conLrol was
successfully lmplemenLed ln varlous acLlve nolse sysLems Such adapLlve sysLems uLlllze Lhe fllLeredx
LMS (xLMS) algorlLhm Lherefore Lhey need a bullLln model on Lhe acousLlc paLh beLween Lhe
secondary source and Lhe mlcrophone 1he accuracy of Lhls model lnfluences Lhe success of Lhe conLrol
AdapLlve sysLems are able Lo suppress boLh broadband and harmonlc nolse

PWriodic noi_W control

lf Lhe nolse Lo be suppressed ls perlodlc adapLlve feedforward conLrol ls sLralghLforward because of Lhe
easlly avallable reference slgnal 1hls conLrol Lask ls raLher slmple Lherefore Lhe conLroller should be
slmple as well Powever Lhe sLrucLure of Lhe usual adapLlve conLrollers ls slmllar Lo LhaL for broadband
nolse conLrol 1he alm of our flrsL research work was Lo deslgn an adequaLe conLroller whlch ls flLLed Lo
perlodlc nolse cancelaLlon provldlng slmpler sLrucLure and beLLer conLrol resulLs Lhan Lhe convenLlonal
adapLlve conLrollers

1he LheoreLlcal background of such a conLroller deslgn ls Lhe adapLlve lourler analysls 1he adapLlve
lourler analyzer (AlA) ls a sLrucLurally adapLlve sysLem for exacL measuremenL of bandllmlLed perlodlc
slgnals of arblLrary fundamenLal frequency lL ls an exLenslon of Lhe resonaLor based observers
developed earller Lo perform Lhe recurslve dlscreLe lourler Lransform (8ul1) ln Lhese observers Lhe
resonaLors work ln a common feedback loop provldlng zero sLeadysLaLe feedback error aL Lhe resonaLor
frequencles 1he AlA adapLs Lhe resonaLor frequencles Lo colnclde wlLh Lhose ln Lhe lnpuL slgnal 1he
proposed nolse conLroller can be consldered as an exLenslon of Lhe AlA

Broadband noi_W control

1he experlence wlLh perlodlc nolse conLroller deslgn helped us Lo exLend Lhe ldeas Lo Lhe fleld of
broadband nolse conLrol ln Lhe scope of Lhe research ls Lhe convergence of Lhe LMS based adapLlve
fllLer sLrucLure

AdapLlve fllLers updaLed by Lhe leasL mean square (LMS) algorlLhm are successfully uLlllzed for boLh
ldenLlflcaLlon and conLrol purposes ln acLlve nolse conLrol sysLems ln Lhe case of nolse conLrol Lhe
ouLpuL of Lhe adapLlve fllLer drlves Lhe secondary loudspeaker and Lhe error slgnal ls derlved by Lhe
mlcrophone only aL Lhe end of Lhe secondary paLh ln such cases Lhe fllLered reference LMS (xLMS)
algorlLhm guaranLees Lhe sLable adapLaLlon MulLlple channel sysLems uLlllze Lhe mulLlple error LMS
algorlLhm Powever Lhe convergence of Lhese algorlLhms can be very slow dependlng on Lhe Lransfer
funcLlon of Lhe secondary paLh We have lnLroduced a novel algorlLhm whlch provldes much hlgher
convergence raLe Lhan Lhe xLMS algorlLhm 1he proposed sLrucLure ls a modlflcaLlon of Lhe xLMS
sLrucLure ln addlLlon Lo Lhe fllLer ln Lhe reference slgnal paLh a secondary fllLer ls applled and Lhe same
fllLer ls applled ln Lhe error slgnal paLh 1hls secondary fllLer ls deslgned so LhaL Lhe resulLed magnlLude
response ln Lhe adapLaLlon loop osclllaLes around Lhe unlLy 1he proposed algorlLhm was exLended also
for muLlple channel acLlve nolse conLrol numerlcal and pracLlcal examples verlfy LhaL Lhe proposed
meLhod lmproves Lhe convergence raLe slgnlflcanLly wlLhouL hlgh addlLlonal compuLaLlonal demand

WvWlopmWnt activitiW_

AcLlve nolse conLrol for lndusLrlal phones

lL ls ofLen unavoldable LhaL phones ln a facLory work ln a very nolsy envlronmenL nolse of dlfferenL
machlnes and equlpmenL ls also LransmlLLed ln Lhe phone llne 1here are passlve meLhods Lo suppress
Lhls nolse buL Lhey cannoL solve Lhe problem AcLlve nolse conLrol ls a posslblllLy for efflclenL nolse
suppresslon even lf Lhe specLra of Lhe speech and Lhe nolse are overlapped ln Lhe frequency domaln
1he soluLlon ls deplcLed ln Lhe flgure below

AcLlve nolse conLrol for alrplanes

ropellerdrlven alrplanes generaLe a hlghlevel nolse whlch ls dlsLurblng for Lhe passengers 1he
problem was posed by Lhe alrplane manufacLurer lokker and Lhe experlmenLs were made aL Lhe
1echnlsche hyslsche ulensL ln uelfL Lhe neLherlands unforLunaLely Lhe successful experlmenLs were
lnLerrupLed because of Lhe breakdown of lokker

1he sLrucLure for perlodlc nolse conLrol menLloned above was LesLed ln a laboraLory envlronmenL 1he
maln characLerlsLlcs of Lhe sysLem were Lhe followlng

2 fundamenLal frequencles
4 conLrolled harmonlcs
3 mlcrophones
4 loudspeakers
1300 Pz sampllng frequency
1MS320C30 uS
AdapLlve lourler Analyzer
8esonaLor 8ased ConLroller

AcLlve nolse conLrol for furnaces

1he alm ls developmenL of acLlve conLrol sysLems whlch suppress Lhe nolse appearlng ln furnaces and
boller rooms 1he nolse generaLed by Lhe combusLlon chamber of Lhe furnace has dlfferenL ln[urlous
lnfluences ln exLreme slLuaLlons lL can desLroy Lhe equlpmenL buL even aL normal condlLlons Lhe nolse
ls harmful for Lhe personnel worklng ln Lhe boller room 1he nolse leavlng Lhe boller room ls a heavy
envlronmenLal load ConvenLlonal meLhods of suppresslng Lhls nolse uslng sound absorbers generally do
noL work well aL such clrcumsLances Cn Lhe one hand Lhe power of Lhls nolse ls concenLraLed ln Lhe
lowfrequency range (below 300 Pz) on Lhe oLher hand LradlLlonal nolse absorbers cannoL be lnsLalled
on furnaces AcLlve cancelaLlon of Lhe furnacenolse seems Lo be a promlslng soluLlon 1hls pro[ecL ls
granLed by Lhe Pungarlan lund for SclenLlflc 8esearch C1kA 1023868

8elaLed publlcaLlons


AcLlve cancelaLlon of perlodlc dlsLurbances hu 1hesls (ln Pungarlan) 1echnlcal unlverslLy of 8udapesL
8udapesL Pungary 1997 93 pages

apers ln perlodlcals

L Su[berL l nagy rAlA based perlodlc nolse cancelaLlonr erlodlca olyLechnlca Ser LlecLrlcal
Lnglneerlng vol 40 no1 pp 310 1996

L Su[berL C ecell rAcLlve nolse conLrol slmulaLlon ln MA1LA8r erlodlca olyLechnlca Ser LlecLrlcal
Lnglneerlng vol 40 no1 pp 1124 1996

L Su[berL C ecell rSlgnal model based perlodlc nolse conLroller deslgnr MeasuremenL Lhe !ournal
of Lhe lnLernaLlonal MeasuremenL ConfederaLlon lMLkC vol 20 no 2 pp 133141

apers ln conference proceedlngs

L Su[berL u uunay r8esonaLor based acousLlc nolse cancelaLlonr presenLed on Lhe 30Lh lnLernaLlonal
AcousLlcs Conference !une 68 1993 Zlllna Slovakla ln proceedlngs pages 133138

L Su[berL C ecell rerlodlc nolse conLrol an observer approachr presenLed on Lhe 8Lh lMLkC 1C4
Symposlum SepL 1617 1996 8udapesL Pungary ln proceedlngs pages 184187

L Su[berL C ecell rnolse cancelaLlon uslng resonaLor based conLrollerr presenLed on Lhe AcLlve 97 r
1he lnLernaLlonal LAA Symposlum on AcLlve ConLrol of Sound and vlbraLlon Aug 2123 1997
8udapesL Pungary ln proceedlngs pages 903916

L Su[berL rA fllLered reference fllLered error LMS algorlLhmr presenLed on Lhe lLLL lnLernaLlonal
Workshop on lnLelllgenL Slgnal rocesslng SepL 47 1999 8udapesL Pungary ln proceedlngs pages

L Su[berL rA new fllLered LMS algorlLhm for acLlve nolse conLrolr presenLed on Lhe AcLlve 99 1he
lnLernaLlonal LAA Symposlum on AcLlve ConLrol of Sound and vlbraLlon uec 24 1999 lorL Lauderdale
llorlda uSA ln proceedlngs pages 11011110

1echnlcal reporL

L Su[berL 8 uunay r8esonaLor based perlodlc nolse cancelaLlonr 1echnlcal reporL (1uPAC81
0044) 1993 1u1nC uelfL Lhe neLherlands

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