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Def|br|||at|on Sequence

S|tuat|on Nonw|tness Arrest

No Consc|ousness No 8reath|ng No u|se

1 f wl C complon 3 cycl of C8
2 Wn uflblllfo flv
uflblllfo Afc dflblllfo pfd o c wfll
wll compo l complng pfd ould b
ffcd bfo flv cycl of C8 l flnld
3 Cn lf cycl Compo op complng
vnllfo Cck fo pul
uflblllfo Anflyz ym
4 lf no ockfbl uo 3 cycl of C8
3 lf ockfbl uflblllfo fy Cfglng"
Compo Conlnu complon wll dflblllfo l
uflblllfo Mnflly coun 3 c n fy 8fdy o ock"
Compo fnd vnllfo Pfnd off pfln
uflblllfo Cfn l'm clf ?ou' clf Lvyon' clf"
uflblllfo fy ock"
6 Af ock Compo f Complon uo 3 cycl of C8

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