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Name: ______________________________________

Twclvc Angry Mcn Movie Assignment

Complete this assignment aftei ieading the play and while viewing the film. You may use the play to
iefeience specific quotations.
1. o you think the eldeily juioi identified with the disciedited witness because he was too old!

2. 1uioi eight exempts himself fiom the second ballot. Would you have taken this iisk if you weie
juioi eight! Explain.

. What do you think of the doubts piovided by juiois eight and five iegaiding the puichase and
the angle of the knife! Aie they as convincing as the aigument biought up iegaiding the
eyesight of the old man!

4. How has the film diiectoi manipulated the mood in the juiy ioom! Considei addiessing the
following in youi iesponse:
a. Evidence as iemembeied and inteipieted
b. Relationships of the juiois
c. Physical pioblems
d. Emotional pattein of each juioi

. Compaie the use of lighting in the opening scene and the scene wheie the weathei changes fiom
hot to iainy.

6. Piovide examples of aiguments fiom any of the twelve juiois that fit the following categoiies:
a. Ethos
b. Logos
c. Pathos

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