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Eiil Hoiaiian

Miclael Lee
Ni Lul Niclen S.S
Tleiesia }uwiia E.
O emale, age iange :o-o yeais (:o-o, i-o)
O SES A dan B+
O Middle-up segmeni (SES A 8 B+) wiil monilly
expendiiuie aboui Rp - Rp
O Locl 8 Locl useis
O Oilei biands useis
O Non-useis
Cu Culdance (rlce)
- What kind of brands usually used as plastic keeper
- Reason to use any specific brand
- Lock & Lock price compare to its quality
- Price range as they feel worth it to buy Lock & Lock
Cu Culdance (ulsLrlbuLlon)
O leie usually easy io found Locl 8 Locl
O leie usually convenience io buy Locl 8 Locl and
O Any difficuliies io found Locl 8 Locl
O Convenience foi diieci oi indiieci selling iliougl
MLM sysiem
Cu Culdance (ueslgn)
- Siaiemeni aboui exisiing design of Locl 8 Locl
- Advaniages 8 disadvaniages of exisiing design
- Bad expeiiences as Locl 8 Locl useis
- Idea aboui appiopiiaie design foi nexi pioduci
LxperlmenLal ueslgn
(1lme Serles ueslgn)
- Piice : mengobseivasi peiilalu pembelian
lonsumen sebelum dan sesudal pembeiian
- Disiiibuiion: mengobseivasi piefeiensi
lonsumen dalam membeli Locl 8 Locl melalui
flag sioie, Heio, Caiiefoui dan pameian ] eveni
- Design : obseivasi peiilalu lonsumen ieniang
waina, balan dan beniul piodul Locl 8 Locl
1PAnk ?Cu

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