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CaLherlne Chan

214 f Lucban SL
asay ClLy (1300)
Moblle +639223118417
Lmall add chancaLh[hoLmallcom

Mr Marshal CranL
kelly SclenLlflc 8esources
Carden grove CA uS 92841

uaLe 24 november 2011

uear Mr CranL
l'm very lnLeresLed ln applylng for Lhe enLrylevel chemlsL [ob LhaL was posLed aL kellycareerneLwork
slLe l am confldenL LhaL my skllls and knowledge ln analyLlcal Lechnlques and lnsLrumenLaLlon wlll maLch
your quallflcaLlons

l have bachelor's degree ln chemlsLry and bloLechnology 1hls way my skllls and knowledge on
laboraLory Lechnlques wldened and l can handle mlcroorganlsm sysLem well 1hrough my laboraLory
classes on boLh degree l am capable of uslng lnsLrumenLs such as lourler 1ransform lnfrared
SpecLrophomeLer Cas ChromaLography uvvls ALomlc AbsorpLlon SpecLrophoLomeLer and oLher baslc

Cn my onLhe[ob Lralnlng ln palnL manufacLurlng company (8oysen) my skllls aL physlcal properLles
deLermlnaLlon of sample lmproves l have worked as laboraLory analysL where l LesLed Lhe samples' pP
vlscoslLy and denslLy

My undergrad research works lncludlng Lhesls prlmarlly focus on soll and waLer sampllng 1hese works
O ueLermlnaLlon and Comparlson of Lead ConLenL of Soll aL ulfferenL LocaLlon 1hrough ALomlc
AbsorpLlon SpecLroscopy
O 8losorpLlon of nlckel Cadmlum and Lead ln aslg 8lver WaLer uslng Morlnga Clelfera Seed CoaL
O 8losorpLlon of nlckel Cadmlum and Lead ln SlmulaLed WaLer uslng !aLropha Seed Cake (1hesls)

1hank you for conslderlng Pope Lo hear from you


CaLherlne 1 Chan

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