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International Business Ethics

International business ethics is a Iorm oI applied ethics or proIessional
ethics that examines ethical principles and moral or ethical problems that
arise a business environment. It also can be deIined as the critical,
structural examination oI how people and institution should behave in
the world oI commerce.
1) Business ethics dimensions:
a) Normative dimension: a corporate practice and a career specialization.
b) Descriptive dimension: academics attempting to understand business
2) Business ethics are limited by law: government use laws and
regulation to point business behavior in what day perceive to beneIicial
3) History oI business ethics: the term business ethics come into
common use in the United States in the early 1970.
4) Importance oI ethics in business: International ethics should be
respected my employees in order to avoid problems in business.
5) The disadvantage oI international business ethics: the lack oI
enIorceability in some companies that don`t obey such obligation may
impede the ability other companies to make proIit.
-onclusion: whatever the disadvantages of international business
ethics are, they should be enforced by law and all employees and
firms should obey them.

Walaa Taleb.

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