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5totlstlcs tokeo ftom


Laura Culkema
Medla 8elaLlons lnLern
Amerlcan 8ed Cross
SouLh CenLral Mlchlgan ChapLer
ScrlpL for odcasL 1hlrLeen 8eLLy"

AnnCunCL8 Welcome Lo Lhls LhlrLeenLh edlLlon of Lhe Amerlcan 8ed Cross SouLh CenLral
Mlchlgan podcasL 1hls week we're golng Lo focus ln on Lhe wonderful volunLeers who help us
run our chapLer of Lhe 8ed Cross LeL's hear from 8eLLy a sevenLyslx year old woman who has
been volunLeerlng aL our chapLer for seven years

8L11? l sLarLed volunLeerlng aL Lhe Amerlcan 8ed Cross afLer my church held a blood drlve l
was unable Lo glve because of my healLh buL l volunLeered aL Lhe blood drlve handlng ouL
refreshmenLs Lo Lhose who gave blood AL LhaL blood drlve l loved Lalklng Lo Lhe donors and
hearlng abouL why Lhey gave blood AfLer Lhls l began Lo volunLeer for Lhe 8ed Cross by
runnlng Lhe refreshmenLs Lable aL varlous blood drlves ln my area now l volunLeer Lwo or Lhree
days per week lL ls so valuable Lo hear Lhe sLorles of Lhose who glve an hour ouL of Lhelr busy
schedule Lo save a llfe

l have heard a loL of sLorles over Lhe years l cannoL volunLeer aL a blood drlve wlLhouL hearlng
a sLory LhaL Louches my hearL A sLory l ofLen reflecL upon ls Lhe sLory of Carrle Carrle ls a
nlneLeenyearold glrl who aLLends !ackson CommunlLy College She Lold me LhaL when she was
ln hlgh school one of her frlends was exLremely commlLLed Lo donaLlng blood Pe would glve
whenever he was able lour monLhs before hls hlgh school graduaLlon he was lnvolved ln a car
accldenL and passed away Carrle Lold me how glvlng blood helped preserve hls memory She ls
commlLLed Lo belng a llfeLlme donor and she Lells her frlends and famlly abouL her frlend's
legacy every Llme she glves 1hrough her Lragedy she saves oLhers' llves and conLlnues her
frlend's glfL

l love volunLeerlng aL Lhe 8ed Cross blood drlves l would recommend lL Lo anyone who wanLs
Lo glve of herself and feel llke she ls maklng a dlfference ln her communlLy lL ls so lmporLanL Lo
glve back and volunLeerlng ln any capaclLy ln Lhe 8ed Cross can change your llfe and Lhe llves of

AnnCunCL8 8eLLy ls one of many volunLeers who glves selflessly of her Llme and lnvesLs ln Lhe
llves of oLhers She ls parL of a Leam of more Lhan 133000 8ed Cross volunLeers who collecL
half of Lhe naLlon's blood supply whlch ls Lhe equlvalenL of slx mllllon plnLs of blood a year aL
varlous blood drlves WanL Lo [oln 8eLLy? ?ou can check ouL more lnformaLlon abouL
volunLeerlng aL wwwredcrossorg 1he Amerlcan 8ed Cross 8lood urlves lL's your llfeblood

1hanks for llsLenlng Lhls week! We'll be back wlLh anoLher podcasL nexL week ln Lhe meanLlme
check ouL our prevlous podcasLs by searchlng 8ed Cross SouLh CenLral Mlchlgan" on l1unes or
checklng ouL our webslLe aL wwwredcrossscmlchlganorg Clve blood volunLeer and save
llves! We'll see you nexL week

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