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Just as Stagnant waters become cesspools of disease So do I become sick when I am paralyzed by fear, legalism, doubt, and self-right

eousness. I ache down to my bones, but cannot feel the pain Because I am so distracted by my endless pursuit what I believe will satisfy. My empty screams fall on deaf ears. My blinded eyes fail to notice the mocking consequences of my mistakes. I am dead. Overtaken by algae, mud, bacteria, leeches. Just as bubbling, flowing waters bring life to all who consume it, So do I come alive when your spirit flows unrestricted through my life. Move me, Maker. Unstop the damns of pride that keep me from flowing. Bring swift and rushing streams of joy to the places where I long ago stopped fe Deep, cold, clear water....revive me. Currents of change, sweep away comfort and deeply rooted, meaningless traditions . May your light penetrate my depths, challenging everything I cling to for comfor t. Moment by moment, breath by breath, Move me inexorably forward....toward the roar your waterfall. Deep calls to deep. I respond by letting go of everything I think could keep me afloat. I would prefer to drown in your torrent than stumble, half-alive, on solid groun d. Living water....move me

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