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These mappings are conveniently expressed as the quotient of two linear expressions and are commonly known as linear

fractional or bilinear transformations. They arise naturally in mapping problems involving the function arctan(z). In this section, we show how they are used to map a disk one-to-one and onto a half-plane. An important property is that these transformations are conformal in the entire complex plane except at one point. (see Section 10.1) Let that (10-13) is called a bilinear transformation, a Mbius transformation, or a linear fractional transformation. Theorem 10.3 (The Implicit Formula). There exists a unique bilinear transformation that maps three distinct points onto three distinct points , respectively. An implicit formula for the mapping is given by the equation (10-18) . denote four complex constants with the restriction . Then the function

Example 10.4. Construct the bilinear transformation w = S(z) that maps the points onto the points , respectively.

Solution. We use the implicit formula, Equation (10-18), and write

Expanding this equation, collecting terms involving w and zw on the left and then simplify.

Therefore the desired bilinear transformation is . Example 10.5. Find the bilinear transformation w = S(z) that maps the points onto the points , respectively.

Solution. Again, we use the implicit formula, Equation (10-18), and write

Using the fact that .

, we rewrite this equation as

We now expand the equation and obtain

which can be solved for w in terms of z, giving the desired solution .

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