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Chapter 7

Result & Conclusion

Conclusion & further Possible Research


7.1 Result:
After completion of the thesis project, the following result is achieved-

The motor speed is controlled by programming the microcontroller.

The motor is controlled at any angle of multiply of 0.9, as the resolution of the motor is 0.9. The position of pointer can be reset from any position to the reference zero point. The step size is 1.8 for full step operation and 0.9 for half step operation.

The motor is rotate at any direction by using programming. The direction of rotation can be changed at input signal of microcontroller.

We are successful on developing coding for the control of stepper motor. We have used code vision Avr C software for this purpose.

7.2 Conclusion & further Possible Research:

In this thesis project we have worked with computer parallel port, microcontroller, stepper motor, relay, motion detector and power transistor. With all these we have developed controlling program, a motor driving hardware, an interfacing system. We tried our best to complete the thesis work successfully. The step size of our stepper motor is 1.8, for full step operation, and 0.9 for half step operation 1.8.


In this thesis work, delay function is used to control the speed of the stepper motor. the delay function depend on microcontroller crystal frequency. In our project we used the ATmega 32 internal 8Mhz frequency. So the speed of motor is not very high. In order to achieve high rotation speed,external crystal may be used for further research.Moreover the motion detector used in this project have a problem to detect object crefully and it only operate particular one point and only 300mm object distance. It can not operate particular field of view. For further development of this project,microwave motion detector may be used.



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