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Luca Gil Romn 7 De diciembre de 2011


Webmin is a free remote management app for Linux. It allows you to manage a huge range of services of a known interface. With the same interface you can configure a service, firewall, partitions, system process and webmin itself. HOW TO INSTALL WEBMIN: 1. Download app from: http://webmin/download.html (The Debian one) 2. Follow this steps with admin privileges and from the directory where webmin package is: a. Dpkg i webmin_version_all.deb (version=1.570) b. Apt-get install f START APP Open navigator web (Mozilla Firefox) and write: https://IP_address:10000 You must login with a privilege user:


First of all you must protect the system against unauthorized access: Webmin -> Webmin Configuration

In this section we can control which IP address cant or can access, which user cant use administrative tools, prevent webmin against brute force attacks, block hosts and users between other options.

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