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----- Original Message ----From: To: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; melody.mccray-miller@house.ks.

gov Cc: Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2012 9:34 AM Subject: HB 2542 Provision for Citizens Review Panel

Dear Chairman Kiegerl and Committee Members, Mr. Chairman, in a recent response to a constituent regarding HB 2542 you indicated that the bill was not likely to advance based on the projected $4.2 million fiscal note for the Citizens Review Panel which had not been included in the Governors budget proposal. Unless I am mistaken, an appropriation is the constitutional responsibility of our legislators. While I can appreciate the desire to pinch every penny in these economic times, the essential purpose of the Citizens Review Panel is to protect the unalienable rights of parents. The establishment of these panels is long over due when we consider that the current system is structured to prevent public disclosure and oversight. I would strongly encourage the Committee to hold the requisite hearing for HB 2542 and allow the Appropriations Committee to prioritize and reconcile the expenditure. The public and family in particular deserve the opportunity to review what government is doing in our name. Sincerely, Larry Halloran Chairman Wichita - South Central KS 912 Group

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