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SCHOLASTIC Please take a few moments to look through the Scholastic flyers with your child.

Please make cheques payable to Scholastic Canada. Please send in orders by Monday, Feb. 6th. In the Club de Lecture flyer, I recommend the following titles: 1 Le clin vol 6 Cest ma chambre 10 Mon bb chri 11 Un bisou, deux bisouscompte mes bisous 13 Je veux lire 23 Je lis mes mots outils 27 Pat le pirate 28 Mon premier petit poisson

REPORT CARDS Report cards are being sent home on the 15th. Please sign and return the bottom portion on the last page of the report card along with the brown envelope. Please keep in mind that a B letter grade is the provincial standard and this means your child is meeting the provincial expectations. Achieving an A indicates that your child has gone above and beyond grade level expectations, which is difficult to achieve this early in a second language. 100th DAY OF SCHOOL Can you believe that Thursday, February 9th will be our 100th day of school? To celebrate this milestone, please send your child to school with a collection of 100 items (please ensure it is easy to transport to school, such as pennies or paperclips). We will have the opportunity to look at each collection and count them in a variety of ways (ie; by 10s, 5s, 2s). WEBSITES French (around the house and sports) Math (addition & balancing equations) ddition%20exercise/index.html

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