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Enhancement of FP Growth Algorithm

Many techniques have been proposed to further improve the performance of frequent item set mining algorithms. Taking FP-tree based frequent pattern growth algorithms like FP-growth, we can improve its performance by any of the fallowing optimization techniques. 1) FP-growth generally uses an FP-tree to generate conditional pattern bases using a bottom-up projection technique i.e., projection unto the prefix path of an item p. However we can increase its performance by top-down projection i.e., projection unto suffix path of an item p in the generation of a conditional pattern base. 2) Nodes and pointers are uniformly used in FP-tree in the FP-growth algorithm which consumes a lot of space when data are sparse. We can improve performance by exploring array and pointer based hybrid implementation, where a node may store multiple items when it contains no splitting point to multiple sub-branches. 3) It is time and space consuming to generate numerous conditional pattern bases during pattern-growth mining. We can increase the performance by pushing right the branches that have been mined for a particular item p, i.e., to push them to the remaining branches of the FP-tree.

Team Members: 1) P. Samuel Phinny Kumar 2) K. Hemanth 3) M. Mahender 08831A0538 - 08831A0513 - 08831A0518

Guide: Prof. Sandeep Singh Rawat

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