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Uni Si m Desi gn

OLI I nt er f ace
Ref er ence Gui de
Copy r i ght
April 2010 R390. 1 Release
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Copyright Honeywell 2010. All right s reserved.
Prepared in Canada.
Table of Cont ent s
1 Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace .... ........ ....... ....... ...... 1- 1
1. 1 I nt roduct ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1- 3
1. 2 Aqueous/ Mixed Solvent Elect rolyt e Syst ems. . . . . . . . . 1- 5
1. 3 Gibbs Fr ee Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1- 12
1. 4 OLI Thermodynamic Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1- 15
1. 5 Ot her Physical Phases in Equilibrium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1- 16
1. 6 UniSim Design OLI _Elect rolyt e Propert y Package 1- 17
1. 7 Range of Applicabilit y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1- 28
1. 8 OLI I nt erface Component Dat abases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1- 31
1. 9 OLI Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1- 37
1. 10 Pet roleum Fr act ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1- 38
2 Ex ampl es of OLI Pr edi ct i on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2- 1
2. 1 Solubilit y Predict ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2- 2
2. 2 Speciat ion in Sour Wat er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2- 7
3 Aqueous Ther mody nami cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3- 1
3. 1 Thermodynamics Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3- 2
3. 2 Equilibrium Const ant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3- 2
3. 3 Principal Thermodynamic Propert ies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3- 3
3. 4 Helgeson- Kirkham- Flowers Equat ion of St at e . . . . . . . 3- 5
3. 5 St andard St at e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3- 8
3. 6 Excess Propert ies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3- 9
3. 7 Mult i- phase Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3- 15
3. 8 Mixed Solvent Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3- 18
3. 9 Scaling Tendencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3- 21
A Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace Ful l Dat abase . . . . . . . . . . A- 1
A. 1 List of UniSim Design OLI I nt erface Full Dat abase. A- 2
B Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace GEOCHEM Dat abase B- 1
B. 1 List of UniSim Design OLI I nt erface GEOCHEM
Dat abaseB- 2
C Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace MSE Dat abase . . . . . . . . . C- 1
C. 1 List of UniSim Design OLI I nt erface Full Dat abase. C- 2
I ndex .... ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ...... I - 1
Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace 1- 1
1- 1
1 UniSim Design OLI
I nt erface
1 Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace .................................................. .......... 1
1.2 Aqueous/ Mi x ed Sol vent El ect r ol yt e Sy st ems ....................... .......... 5
1.2.1 Speciat ion of Aqueous/ Mixed Solvent Elect rolyt es. .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... 5
1.2.2 High I onic St rengt h Syst ems .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... 8
1.2.3 Process Applicat ion . .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. 10
1.3 Gi bbs Fr ee Ener gy ..... ........................................................... .........12
1.4 OLI Ther modynami c Fr amew or k .......................................... .........15
1.5 Ot her Physi cal Phases i n Equi l i br i um ................................... .........16
1.6 Uni Si m Desi gn OLI _El ect r ol yt e Pr oper t y Pack age................ .........17
1.6.1 Elect rolyt e Calculat ion Techniques .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. 18
1.6.2 Elect rolyt e Component s .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. 18
1.6.3 Chemist ry Model Generat ion . .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. 19
1.6.4 Elect rolyt es Nomenclat ure. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. 20
1.6.5 Elect rolyt e Propert ies. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. 21
1.6.6 Disabling Solid Component s . .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. 22
1.6.7 Scaling Tendencies .. .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. 23
1.6.8 UniSim Design Column Operat ion . .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. 24
1.6.9 Elect rolyt e St ream Flash . .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. 27
1.7 Range of Appl i cabi l i t y .......................................................... .........28
1.7.1 Aqueous Syst ems. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. 28
1.7.2 Mixed Solvent Syst ems ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. 29
1.7.3 Gas & Second Liquid Phase... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. 29
1.7.4 Mult i- Component Syst ems. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. 29
1- 2 Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace
1- 2
1.8 OLI I nt er f ace Component Dat abases ................................... .........31
1.8.1 Full Dat abase . ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. 32
1.8.2 Limit ed Dat abase . ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. 32
1.8.3 Special Dat abases ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. 32
1.8.4 Privat e User Dat abases - OLI Dat a Service .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. 37
1.9 OLI Engi ne ................ ........................................................... .........37
1.10 Pet r ol eum Fr act i on . ........................................................... .........38
1.10. 1 Oil Charact erizat ion . .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. 38
1.10. 2 Laborat ory Dat a . ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. 38
1.10. 3 Pet roleum Fluids Charact erizat ion Procedure . .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. 38
Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace 1- 3
1- 3
1. 1 I nt roduct ion
Many indust rial processes are affect ed by many pr oduct ion and
environment al concerns when dealing wit h elect rolyt es. A process
cannot be designed and opt imized effect ively wit hout comprehensively
and accurat ely addressing elect rolyt e chemist ry and phenomena.
Elect r olyt e chemist ry is part icularly complex and challenging t o
underst and and predict , especially for real indust rial syst ems which
cont ain many component s and operat e over broad ranges of
t emperat ures, pressures, and concent rat ions. Many indust r ial
operat ions need t o be aware of t he concerns of elect rolyt e chemist ry in
t hese processes and can include:
Aqueous/ Mixed Solvent chemical and separat ions processes.
Chemical conversion.
Solut ion cryst allizat ion.
Pharmaceut ical and specialit y chemical manufact uring.
React ive separat ions including acid gas t reat ment .
Wast e wat er t reat ment .
Environment al behaviour of wast es, discharges, and accident al
Corr osion and scaling of equipment .
Simplified elect rolyt e syst em modeling and comput at ional appr oaches
using approximat ion are usually ineffect ive, and can be pot ent ially
dangerous, when applied t o real process applicat ions. Elect rolyt e
syst ems oft en behave in complex and unpredict able ways, int r oducing
great risk int o plant design and operat ion if t hey are not adequat ely
underst ood and account ed for. On t he ot her hand, reliable elect rolyt e
models can ult imat ely provide t remendous insight , pr ocess
alt ernat ives, efficiencies in plant design, t rouble- shoot ing, and
opt imizat ion. This improves process economics, reliabilit y, versat ilit y,
and meet s environment al const raint s.
The UniSim Design OLI I nt erface package is based on OLI Syst ems
soft ware t hat provides client s wit h a t heoret ical framework, dat abases,
dat a regression t echniques, and applicat ions soft ware t hat
comprehensively and accurat ely simulat es and predict s elect rolyt e
syst ems.
1- 4 I nt r oduct i on
1- 4
The UniSim Design OLI I nt erface approach allows you t o access OLI
component s and t he OLI Engine, which is dist inguished by t he following
unique element s:
Compl et e speci at i on. The OLI model predict s and considers all
of t he t rue species in a solut ion, and account s for t hese in t he
comput at ions.
Robust st andar d st at e f r amew or k . Based on t he Helgeson
equat ion of st at e and paramet er regression and pr opr iet ary
est imat ion t echniques, t he OLI model provides accurat e
equilibrium const ant s and ot her st andard st at e propert ies over
t he broadest possible aqueous range of condit ions.
Act i v i t y coef f i ci ent s f or compl ex , hi gh i oni c st r engt h
sy st ems. Based on t he combined work of Bromley, Zemait is,
Meissner, Pit zer, and OLI t echnologist s, OLI models can predict
behaviour under real world condit ions.
Compr ehensi v e dat abank . The Dat abank covers 79 inorganic
element s and t heir associat ed compounds and complexes, and
over 3000 organic chemicals. For cust omized coverage of client s'
chemist ry and privat e dat abanks, cont act OLI Dat a Service.
Ther mo- phy si cal pr oper t i es. OLI has developed unique
chemical- physical based models t o comput e t hermodynamic and
t ransport propert ies for complex aqueous/ mixed solvent
environment s and are provided by t he UniSim Design OLI
I nt er face.
This unique and powerful elect rolyt e capabilit y provides benefit s in
profit abilit y t hrough a host of applicat ions in t he oil and gas, chemicals,
government research, pulp & paper, met als and mining,
pharmaceut ical, pet roleum, and energy indust ries as has been t he case
of past OLI client s. The UniSim Design OLI I nt erface package can be
applied t o many real indust ry applicat ions, which are list ed below.
Honeywell, in co- operat ion wit h OLI Syst ems is pleased t o provide
t hese capabilit ies in t he UniSim Design OLI I nt erface package.
Ex ampl es of t he Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace Appl i cat i ons
Emergency Chlorine
Ahlst ron NSSC "St ora"
Organic Acid Removal
in Brines
Caust ic Wash Tower Tower Scale Cont rol
Foul Feed St ripper
BTEX St ripper
Acid St ream
Neut ralizat ion
Mult i- Effect Evaporat or MSF Desalinat ion Plant
Removal of Fluoride
I ons from Wast e Wat er
Cooling Tower Dregs Washer and
Scrubbing Refinery
Process St reams wit h
Coke Oven Gas Hazardous Wast e Deep
Well Disposal
Chlor- Alkali Brine
Treat ment
Ammonia St ill Cont aminat ed Ground
Wat er Management
Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace 1- 5
1- 5
1. 2 Aqueous/ Mixed Solvent
Elect rolyt e Syst ems
The UniSim Design OLI I nt erface package provides t he OLI facilit ies
t hat allow t he user t o avoid complexit ies associat ed wit h elect r olyt e
syst ems. This means t hat t he user never has t o:
writ e an equilibrium react ion.
define a t rue species in t he aqueous phase ( t he user only
provides t he cust omary molecular chemical component s) .
deal wit h any complexit ies associat ed wit h solving for t he
occurrence of ot her physical phases in addit ion t o t he aqueous
carry out any dat a regressions t o develop model coefficient s
( t hese are all provided by t he OLI dat abank) .
Essent ially, t he descript ion of pr ocess st reams and process unit s is no
different t han wit h convent ional simulat ion. For example, t he following
sect ion det ails t he use of a highly complex syst em of H
O/ FeCl
which t he user only deals wit h a t wo component syst em. Behind t he
scenes, t he OLI soft ware deals wit h t he 15 t rue species in solut ion, t he
11 equilibrium react ions in t he aqueous phase, and t he physical
equilibrium bet ween t he aqueous phase and ot her phases. This may
occur for any solid, vapour, and second liquid phase. The following
sect ions will describe t he complexit ies associat ed wit h aqueous or
mixed solvent elect rolyt e syst ems.
1. 2. 1 Speciat ion of Aqueous/
Mixed Solvent Elect rolyt es
Elect r olyt e syst ems oft en behave in complex ways and int roduce great
risk int o plant design and operat ion if not underst ood and account ed
for. Elect rolyt es in wat er are challenging because many chemicals react
wit h wat er t o form one or mor e new species via chemical equilibrium
react ions. The result ing process is oft en t ermed speciat ion.
A part icularly complex syst em occurs when a single chemical
compound, like ferric chloride ( FeCl3) is dissolved in wat er. This result s
in 15 different species and a number of independent equilibrium
react ions wit hin t he aqueous phase, which are list ed below.
FeCl 3 Speci es w i t hi n t he Aqueous Phase
, OH
, Cl
, Fe
, FeCl
, FeCl
, FeCl
, FeCl
, FeOH
, FeOH
, FeOH4
, Fe
( OH)
, H2O, HCl
Current ly, FeCI

component is available
in AE Dat a bank
select ion only.
1- 6 Aqueous/ Mi x ed Sol vent El ect r ol yt e
1- 6
The specific rost er of species is usually confirmed by experiment al
Toget her, t his process of aqueous speciat ion via react ion and t he
physical equilibria wit h ot her phases, can produce unpr edict able
result s. For example, one mole of ferric chloride dissolved in wat er
produces a solut ion wit h a pH of approximat ely 2, making ferric chloride
in wat er a fairly st rong acid. This non- int uit ive result occurs when OH

combines wit h Fe
via a series of st ep- wise react ions, as shown in t he
above react ions. The deplet ion of hydroxide ions t hen causes t he wat er
dissociat ion equilibrium react ion t o act t o t he right liberat ing more
hydrogen ions.
Now, imagine t he complexit y of not j ust a single chemical compound in
wat er but , rat her, several compounds in a mult i- component syst em.
The opport unit y for equilibrium r eact ions increases in such syst ems. An
impor t ant and uncount able mult i- component syst em is t he four-
component syst em wat er- ammonia- carbon dioxide- hydrogen sulfide.
I n t his case, t he list of species and react ions in t he aqueous phase
include t he following.
I f t he seven aqueous speciat ion equilibrium react ions ( above) are
ignored, and t he st andard t hermodynamic propert ies for t he VLE
bet ween H
, NH
, and H
S in t he aqueous and gas phases are
t aken, t he errors in predict ing VLE will be as high as several orders of
magnit ude. The errors are shown in t he figure below wit h some point s
I ndependent Equi l i br i um React i ons w i t hi n t he Aqueous Phase
O = H
+ OH
+ Cl
= FeCl
HCl = H
+ Cl
+ OH
= FeOH
+ Cl
= FeCl
+ OH
= FeOH
+ Cl
= FeCl
+ OH
= FeOH
+ Cl
= FeCl
+ OH
= FeOH
( OH)
= 2Fe
+ 2OH
Mul t i - Component Sy st em w i t hi n t he Aqueous Phase
O, H
, OH
, CO
, CO
, NH
, NH
, NH
( CO)
, H
, S
I ndependent Equi l i br i um React i ons w i t hi n t he Aqueous Phase
O = H
+ OH
+ H
O = NH
+ H
O = H
S = H
+ HS
= H
+ CO
= H
+ S

+ H
O = NH
+ OH
Refer t o Chapt er 2 -
Ex ampl es of OLI
Pr edi ct i on for a
det ailed discussion and
comparison of OLI
predict ed and
experiment al result s for
t his syst em.
Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace 1- 7
1- 7
exceeding t hree order s of magnit ude.
Based on complet e speciat ion in t he aqueous phase, a robust
t hermodynamic framework, and a support ing dat abank, t he OLI
predict ion can be accurat ely illust rat ed and is shown in t he figure
Elect r olyt es ar e not only formed by inorganic salt s ( e. g., FeCl3) and
gases ( e. g., ammonia) , which dissolve in wat er. Many organic acids
( e. g., formic acid) as well as ot her organic compounds dissociat e in
wat er and form ions. I n addit ion, t he result ing ions may form new
species called complexes, ion pairs, or organo- met allic complexes by
Fi gur e 1. 1
Fi gur e 1. 2
1- 8 Aqueous/ Mi x ed Sol vent El ect r ol yt e
1- 8
combining wit h met al ions. Many ot her organic compounds dissolve in
wat er wit hout dissociat ing.
For almost all chemical compounds t hat dissolve in wat er, t here are
limit s t o t heir solubilit y. This solubilit y varies when ot her chemical
compounds are present as well. Any at t empt t o dissolve more t han t he
solubilit y limit will result in part it ioning of t he chemical compound t o
anot her physical phase. At room t emperat ure, for example, t his may be
a solid phase in t he case of dissolving sodium chloride, a gas phase in
t he case of carbon dioxide, or a second liquid phase in t he case of
I t is a formidable challenge t o grasp a complet e pict ure of
t hermophysical propert ies, speciat ion, and part it ioning t o ot her phases
for a mixt ure of chemicals in wat er. The keys t o solving t his problem in
t he form of a pr edict ive model is t o obt ain t he correct speciat ion and
t hen ut ilize st at e- of- t he- art models t o represent relevant
t hermodynamic pr opert ies of all species in t he aqueous and relat ed
1. 2. 2 High I onic St rengt h Syst ems
High ionic st rengt h syst ems are part icularly pr oblemat ic for simple
t hermodynamic approaches. Previously, complexit ies of speciat ion for
aqueous elect rolyt e syst ems were discussed. I t is import ant t o realize
t hat t hese complexit ies are much more significant for syst ems wit h
many component s at high concent rat ions. Simplified met hods are
somet imes used for highly dilut e syst ems, however, t hese met hods are
not valid for higher concent rat ion mult i- component syst ems t ypical of
real indust r ial pr ocesses. For example, t he unit y act ivit y coefficient
( ) assumpt ion can lead t o subst ant ial errors as shown in t he figure 1 =
Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace 1- 9
1- 9
At high concent rat ions, int eract ion of ions and molecular species wit h
each ot her make t he solvent very significant , which cannot be ignored.
I n addit ion, at high concent rat ions, t he format ion of complexes, as well
as mult i- component chemical int eract ions make accurat e model
predict ion difficult . The OLI framework is t he only one in exist ence t hat
incorporat es a robust , predict ive act ivit y coefficient model t hat can
accommodat e t hese severe non- idealit ies. Furt hermore, t he OLI in-
place Dat abank includes coefficient s result ing from t housands of dat a
regressions based on t he best available t hermodynamic dat a for binary
and many t ernary syst ems. The accuracy of t he OLI predict ions is
illust rat ed by t he effect of t emperat ure, pressure, and concent rat ion in
t he figure below.
Fi gur e 1. 3
Fi gur e 1. 4
1- 10 Aqueous/ Mi x ed Sol vent El ect r ol yt e
1- 10
1. 2. 3 Process Applicat ion
Thorough underst anding of aqueous elect rolyt es provides benefit s,
feat ures, capabilit ies, calculat ions, and funct ionalit y for chemical
process indust ries.
Consider a process applicat ion in which chlorine, a component of an off-
gas product , is t o be scrubbed wit h ( 10% by weight ) sodium hydroxide
solut ion. Several operat ing issues have evolved from t his applicat ion.
Given t he current design configurat ion, t he scrubbing efficiency is low.
The plant operat ors increased t he sodium hydroxide concent rat ion from
10% ( by weight ) t o 20% ( by weight ) . I n addit ion, t he Wast e Liquid
from t he scrubber was desired t o have a pH > 8. 3 for alkalinit y cont rol.
The result of t he change in concent rat ion result ed in frequent fouling of
t he scrubber and an inabilit y t o cont rol t he pH.
Using t he UniSim Design OLI I nt erface package, plant operat ors found
t hat increasing t he concent rat ion of sodium hydr oxide t o 20% ( by
weight ) was inadequat e in increasing t he scrubbing efficiency.
Fi gur e 1. 5
Caust ic
Cont rol
Scrubbing Scrubbed
Off Gas Wast e
Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace 1- 11
1- 11
The amount of chlorine removal is limit ed t o appr oximat ely 50% at
sodium hydroxide concent rat ions great er t han 15% ( by weight ) , as
illust rat ed below.
Plant operat ors not iced t hat t he column fouled frequent ly at t he high
concent rat ions of sodium hydroxide, and t hat t he off- gas cont ained
carbon dioxide as well as chlorine.
Using t he OLI _Elect rolyt e package, plant operat ors found t hat sodium
bicarbonat e was creat ed when t he sodium hydroxide concent rat ions
was increased. At t he 20% by weight concent rat ion of sodium
hydroxide, sodium bicarbonat e ( a solid) begins t o form as illust rat ed in
t he figure below.
The plant operat ors confir med t he presence of t his solid in t heir
Anot her problem was t hat t he specificat ion of a pH > 8. 3 could not be
Fi gur e 1. 6
Fi gur e 1. 7
1- 12 Gi bbs Fr ee Ener gy
1- 12
maint ained. The UniSim Design OLI I nt erface package det ermined t he
pH response of t he chemist r y underlying t he process. The pH levels off
at approximat ely 7. 0 as t he concent rat ion of NaOH increases. This
levelling effect is common in aqueous chemist ry and is due t o t he
presence of solid NaHCO
forming inside t he scrubber. As long as t his
solid cont inues t o form, t he pH cannot increase as shown below.
Due t o a lack of underst anding of aqueous elect r olyt e syst ems amongst
t he chemical pr ocess indust ry, t he abilit y t o pr edict propert ies ( e. g., pH)
and phase separat ions associat ed wit h aqueous- based chemical
syst ems is limit ed. I n a limit ed number of sit uat ions ( e. g., sour wat er
syst ems) t her e are some correlat ions available for predict ing VLE or
SLE for aqueous- based syst ems. Designs and/ or plant operat ions are
usually based upon very conservat ive approaches ( e. g., over- design) t o
avoid problems t hat could be predict ed and avoided wit h t he use of t he
UniSim Design OLI I nt erface package.
A t ypical example is scaling in t ower unit s. The format ion of salt s can
result in scale format ion wit hin a t ower, which will reduce a t ower' s
effect iveness and, event ually, require shut down of t he unit and even
t he plant . Wit h t he OLI model, such salt format ion is readily predict ed
and t hus avoids alt ering operat ing condit ions, t he level of use of a
reagent , or t he addit ion of a scale inhibit or. All of t hese can be predict ed
via t he UniSim Design OLI I nt erface package based on OLI models.
1. 3 Gibbs Free Energy
There are five principal part ial molal propert ies in each phase t hat will
be discussed. They are t he:
Gibbs Fr ee Energy
Ent halpy
Fi gur e 1. 8
Refer t o Chapt er 3 -
Ther mody nami cs for
det ailed informat ion on
aqueous t hermodynamics
used in t he UniSim
Design OLI I nt erface
Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace 1- 13
1- 13
Ent ropy
Heat Capacit y
I n part icular, t he focus is on t he aqueous phase for which t he
t hermodynamic approach is not well underst ood. The key t o
t hermodynamic equilibrium in t he aqueous int raphase speciat ion
equilibria and t he physical equilibria bet ween phases is t he Gibbs free
energy ( chemical pot ent ial) . For every t her modynamic equilibrium
react ion, t he t ot al Gibbs fr ee energy for t he species on t he left side of
t he react ion must be equal t o t he t ot al Gibbs fr ee energy on t he right
side of t he react ion.
An example of such a react ion is shown below.
G = Tot al Gibbs Free Energy
The t ot al Gibbs free energy can be furt her defined in t erms of a
St andard St at e Gibbs free ener gy ( G
) and an act ivit y ( a) as follows:
R = Gas Const ant
T = Absolut e t emperat ure
Not e t hat t his definit ion is in t er ms of an act ivit y rat her t han a
concent rat ion. To writ e t his in t erms of concent rat ion, t he not ion of
act ivit y coefficient needs t o be int roduced, which capt ures t he
depart ure from idealit y. I n ot her words, t he relat ionship bet ween t he
act ivit y of a species and t he concent rat ion of t hat species.
= act ivit y coefficient
m = concent rat ion unit molalit y ( aqueous syst ems)
( 1. 1)
( 1. 2)
( 1. 3)
( 1. 4)
O + H
+ G
+ =
Refer t o Sect i on 3. 5 -
St andar d St at e for
more informat ion on t he
defined St andard St at e.
RT ln(a
) + =


1- 14 Gi bbs Fr ee Ener gy
1- 14
Molalit y is defined as t he number of moles of a species in a kilogram
( approx. 55. 508 moles) of wat er. Defining concent rat ion in t his way
makes t he concent rat ion definit ion independent of densit y and
t herefor e, t emperat ur e.
The st andard st at e used for aqueous- based syst ems is t he one most
commonly used in lit erat ure. For any species ot her t han wat er, t he
st andard st at e is t he concent rat ion of a hypot het ical one- molal solut ion
of t he species ext rapolat ed t o infinit e dilut ion. This st andard st at e is
t ermed asymmet rical and is a funct ion of t emperat ure and pr essure
only. Rewrit ing Equat i on ( 1.3) :
= Excess Gibbs Free Energy ( RT ln( a) )
There ar e similar expressions t o Equat i on ( 1. 5) for all five principal
part ial molal propert ies. The ot her four ( ent halpy, ent ropy, heat
capacit y, and volume) propert y expressions can be writ t en as:
For Gibbs free energy, t he excess t erm was direct ly relat ed t o t he
act ivit y coefficient . For t he ot her four propert ies, denot ed above, t he
excess t erms all relat e t o various part ial derivat ives of t he act ivit y
coefficient . For example, t he excess ent halpy direct ly relat es t o t he first
part ial derivat ive of t he act ivit y coefficient wit h respect t o t emperat ure.
The UniSim Design OLI I nt erface aqueous t hermodynamics is based on
t he OLI framework and det ailed in Chapt er 3 - Aqueous
Ther mody nami cs.
( 1. 5)
( 1. 6)
( 1. 7)
( 1. 8)
( 1. 9)
+ =
+ =
+ =
Cp Cp Cp
+ =
+ =
Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace 1- 15
1- 15
1. 4 OLI Thermodynamic
OLI has developed a t hermodynamic formulat ion for t he
t hermodynamic pr opert ies ( Gibbs energy, ent halpy, et c. ) discussed in
Sect i on 1. 3 - Gi bbs Fr ee Ener gy. The formulat ion is based on t he
Helgeson framework for t he st andard st at e t erms and Bromley,
Zemait is, Pit zer, Debye- Huckel, and ot hers for t he excess t er ms.
The predict ive nat ure of t he OLI model is based upon t he work of
Harold Helgeson and co- workers. Helgeson and ot hers have developed
a pr edict ive equat ion of st at e for t he predict ion of t he part ial molal
st andard st at e proper t ies of any species wit hin t he aqueous phase.
Dimit ri Sverj ensky cont ribut ed great ly in providing met hods for
est imat ing t he coefficient s of t he equat ion of st at e for species where it
is not pract ical t o regress for t he required coefficient s. I t is beyond t he
scope of t his document t o provide t he specific formulas for t he five
principal st andard st at e t erms, however a general descript ion is shown
The paramet ers shown in each equat ion are equat ion of st at e
coefficient s t hat are unique t o each species. I n many cases, a1 t hrough
a4 can be ignored since t hese coefficient s relat e only t o t he effect s of
pressure on t he propert ies of int erest , and unt il pressures get above
100 at mospheres t he effect s of pressure are negligible. OLI has
incorporat ed a Helgeson framework and est imat ion met hods t hat allow
dat a banking for t he , c1, and c2 for virt ually any species in wat er and
a1 t hrough a4 for most cases. Remember t hat equilibrium const ant s
depend solely on t he individual G values for t he const it uent species in
each react ion. The OLI framework based on Helgeson can predict t hese
individual G values for any species in wat er, and t herefore, can also
predict any equilibrium const ant . This fully predict ive framework for
st andard st at e propert ies relieves t he hist oric burden of speciat ion fr om
t he act ivit y coefficient s. Thus, t he remaining composit ional effect s
( called non- idealit y) are placed on t he act ivit y coefficient s wit hout t he
speciat ion equilibrium.
Refer t o Chapt er 3 -
Ther mody nami cs for
det ailed informat ion on
Aqueous t hermodynamics
used in t he UniSim
Design OLI I nt erface
G G T P e c1 c2 a1 a2 a3 a4 , , , , , , , , ( ) =
H H T P e c1 c2 a1 a2 a3 a4 , , , , , , , , ( ) =
S S T P e c1 c2 a1 a2 a3 a4 , , , , , , , , ( ) =
Cp Cp T P e c1 c2 a1 a2 a3 a4 , , , , , , , , ( ) =
V V T P e c1 c2 a1 a2 a3 a4 , , , , , , , , ( ) =
1- 16 Ot her Phy si cal Phases i n
1- 16
As not ed earlier, t he excess pr opert ies relat e t o t he act ivit y coefficient s.
OLI ' s model for act ivit y coefficient s of ions has t he following form:
DH = Debye- Huckel t erm which is a funct ion of ionic st rengt h
BZ = Bromley- Zemait is t erm which is a funct ion of ionic st rengt h,
t emperat ure, and t he individual species concent rat ions
represent ed by m ( t he vect or of species molalit ies)
I = ionic st rengt h which is direct ly relat ed t o various ionic
concent rat ions
The Debye- Huckel t erm complet ely describes t he act ivit y coefficient for
very dilut e syst ems.
1. 5 Ot her Physical Phases in
The UniSim Design OLI I nt erface package based on t he OLI model
t akes int o account t he possible occurrence of ot her phases in
equilibrium wit h t he aqueous phase. I t also pr ovides dat abank support
so t hat all required t hermodynamic calculat ions are carried out
aut omat ically. Almost any solid t hat might form from an aqueous
mixt ure is account ed for since t he OLI model can simult aneously
consider up t o 250 possible solids t hat might precipit at e from a
mixt ure. I n realit y it is rare t hat more t han five solids will act ually
precipit at e at one t ime, but t he model will correct ly pr edict t he
precipit at ing solids. I n addit ion, t he model account s for possible
format ion of a gas phase and a second ( non- aqueous) liquid phase.
The condit ion for physical equilibrium bet ween phases is t hat t he t ot al
Gibbs free energy ( chemical pot ent ial) is equal for t he phases in
equilibrium. The manner in which OLI calculat es Gibbs free energy for
t he aqueous phase was est ablished in Sect i on 1. 3 - Gi bbs Fr ee
Ener gy . I n t his sect ion, t he OLI calculat ion of t he Gibbs free energy for
solids, gases and a second liquid phase will be described.
Each solid in equilibrium wit h t he aqueous phase is an independent
phase, t herefore, t he Gibbs free ener gy is calculat ed for individual
solids. This is shown in t he classical t hermodynamics definit ion in t he
(1.11) DH(I) BZ(I,T,m) + =
Refer t o OLI _El ect r ol y t e
Opt i ons ( in Chapt er 2 -
Fl ui d Pack age of t he
Uni Si m Desi gn
Si mul at i on Basi s guide)
for informat ion on
including or excluding
phases in UniSim Design
simulat ions.
Refer t o Sect i on 3. 7 -
Mul t i - phase Model for
det ailed informat ion on
mult iphase equilibrium
models used in t he
UniSim Design OLI
I nt erface package.
Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace 1- 17
1- 17
following equat ion:
Tr = reference st at e t emperat ure of 298. 15 K
For t he gas and second liquid phase, t he OLI model uses an enhanced
SRK formulat ion for t he t hermodynamic propert ies. For t he free energy,
t he classical formulat ion is used and shown below:
= fugacit y coefficient of species i in t he gas or non- aqueous liquid
= mole fract ion of species i in t he gas or non- aqueous liquid phase
1. 6 UniSim Design
OLI _Elect rolyt e Propert y
The UniSim Design OLI _Elect rolyt e propert y package models aqueous,
convent ional and ot her complex chemical syst ems. This package was
developed in co- operat ion wit h OLI Syst ems, I nc. Through UniSim
Design, it allows you t o access t he OLI component dat abases as well as
t o t he OLI engine for t he aut omat ic generat ion of t he elect rolyt es
chemist ry model.
OLI _Elect r olyt e is an available pr opert y package opt ion wit hin t he
Simulat ion Basis Manager in UniSim Design. The OLI _Elect rolyt e
propert y package can model complex chemical phenomena, including:
I nt raphase Equilibria bet ween aqueous, organic, vapour and
solid phases.
I nt raphase Equilibria including redox and speciat ion react ions.
Three unit operat ions and 4 rigorous elect rolyt es column have been
T Tr ( ) Cp T d
V P d
+ + + =
P) + =
Refer t o Chapt er 11 -
El ect r ol y t e Oper at i ons
in t he Uni Si m Desi gn
Oper at i ons Gui de for
det ailed informat ion on
unit operat ions.
1- 18 Uni Si m Desi gn OLI _El ect r ol yt e
1- 18
added t o UniSim Design for use in simulat ions involving elect r olyt es.
The unit operat ions include t he Neut ralizer, Cryst allizer, and Precipit at or
which are det ailed in t he Uni Si m Desi gn Oper at i ons Gui de.
1. 6. 1 Elect rolyt e Calculat ion
The OLI _Elect r olyt e propert y package uses a highly advanced
t hermodynamic and mat hemat ical framework for predict ing t he
equilibrium propert ies of a chemical syst em. This predict ive framework
is based upon:
The revised Helgeson equat ion of st at e for predict ing t he
st andard st at e t hermodynamic propert ies of all species,
including organics, in wat er.
The Bromley- Zemait is framework for t he predict ion of excess
t hermodynamic pr opert ies.
The Pit zer and Set schenow for mulat ion for t he predict ion of t he
excess t hermodynamic propert ies of molecular species in wat er.
The enhanced SRK equat ion of st at e for t he predict ion of vapour
and non- aqueous liquid phase t hermodynamic propert ies. This
enhanced equat ion of st at e applies t o organics which are
sparingly soluble in wat er, and which form a second liquid phase
t hat is nearly ideal.
1. 6. 2 Elect rolyt e Component s
All elect rolyt e feat ures ar e accessed t hrough t he UniSim Design
int erface. This package does not use t he UniSim Design component
dat abases, but rat her accesses t he OLI dat abases, which include
informat ion required for generat ing t he chemist ry models. TThere are
t wo dat abanks, Aqueous elect rolyt e( AE) and Mixed Solvent
Elect rolyt e( MSE) , available wit h t his package. Each dat abank offeres
ident ical UniSim Design Funct inalit y but differs wit h regard t o t he
number of available component s.
AE. This dat abank provides 5041 component dat abase or 2, 187
component dat abase depending on your license wit h OLI engine
on a Ful l or Li mi t ed dat abase opt ion. The Full dat abase also
includes t he GEOCHEM ( mineral component s) elect rolyt es
dat abase. The Limit ed dat abase is a subset of t he Full dat abase.
MSE. Current ly t his dat abank provides 1000 component
dat abase
The following funct ions are not support ed in UniSim Design when using
t he OLI _Elect r olyt e propert y package compared t o t he t radit ional
component s.
Refer t o Chapt er 3 -
Ther mody nami cs for
det ailed informat ion on
t hermodynamic
calculat ion met hods.
Refer t o Sect i on 1. 2. 4 -
Addi ng El ect r ol y t e
Component s in t he
Uni Si m Desi gn
Si mul at i on Basi s
Gui de for informat ion
on adding dat abase
component s t o a UniSim
Design simulat ion.
Refer t o Sect i on 1. 8 -
OLI I nt er f ace
Dat abases for more
informat ion on
component dat abases.
Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace 1- 19
1- 19
Classificat ion of component s is based on t heir t ype; all
component s are classified as miscellaneous ( you can not use t he
family filt er) .
Oil mixt ures and hypot het ical component s are not available. To
add hypot het ical component s, a privat e dat abase must be
creat ed and specified in t he Addit ional Dat abase, Privat e
Dat abank opt ion.
1. 6. 3 Chemist ry Model Generat ion
When all component s are select ed, UniSim Design aut omat ically
generat es t he chemist ry model when user select s t o leave Basis
Environment , which is required t o perform flash calculat ions. User can
also init ialize t he OLI Engine via t he I nit ialize Elect rolyt es
Environment but t on in t he Fluid Package Basis view. UniSim Design
predict s all possible species in each phase t hat could exist in t he
chemical syst em defined by t he select ed component s and t he opt ional
phases and adds t hem t o t he chemist ry model.
When t he model has been successfully generat ed, t he OLI Engine is
ready t o begine calculat ions.
I f w at er i s not added or sel ect ed as a component , Uni Si m
Desi gn w i l l add i t aut omat i cal l y.
1- 20 Uni Si m Desi gn OLI _El ect r ol yt e
1- 20
1. 6. 4 Elect rolyt es Nomenclat ure
To accommodat e t he elect rolyt e package in UniSim Design, some
UniSim Design nomenclat ure has been modified and propert ies have
been added. Key pr opert ies pert aining t o elect r olyt e simulat ions, such
as pH, molalit y, ionic st rengt h, osmot ic pressure, heat capacit y, and
viscosit y may be accessed t hrough t he Elect rolyt es page on t he
Worksheet t ab for a st ream operat ion.
The UniSim Design specificat ions have also been modified t o
accommodat e t he charact erist ics of t he elect rolyt e syst em by
incorporat ing bot h molecular and ionic component informat ion.
When discussing t he component s in a UniSim Design OLI I nt erface
case, it is necessary t o dist inguish bet ween t wo different set s of
Appar ent ( or molecular) species.
Tr ue includes apparent and ionic species.
The apparent component s include all molecular component s t hat are
eit her select ed, or may for m t hr ough ionic react ions. The apparent
component s do not include any ions t hat may be formed t hrough
react ion of t he component s. The apparent species are a subset of t he
t rue component group.
The t r ue species or component s include all of t he apparent species as
well as ions formed t hrough react ions or dissociat ion in t he aqueous
Appar ent ( Composi t i on page) and Tr ue Speci es ( El ect r ol y t es
page) can be f ound on t he Wor k sheet t ab of t he st r eam
pr oper t y vi ew f or el ect r ol y t e si mul at i ons.
Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace 1- 21
1- 21
As an example, a user specifies a fluid cont aining apparent component s
, and H
S. The ionic react ions may be given as:
The apparent species are H
, and H
S. The t r ue species include
t he apparent species as well as H
, OH
, NH
, HS
, and S
1. 6. 5 Elect rolyt e Propert ies
There ar e propert ies used in t his document at ion which are specific t o
elect rolyt es chemist ry and ar e not commonly referr ed t o in ot her
UniSim Design document at ion. I n order t o facilit at e t he use of t his
document at ion, some of t hese propert ies are defined in t he following
t able:
Pr oper t y Descr i pt i on
Mol al
Concent r at i o
The number of moles of solut e per kilogram of solvent . I n
UniSim Design, t he solvent is always wat er.
pH Expresses t he acidit y of aqueous solut ions. I t is calculat ed
by t aking t he negat ive logarit hm of t he hydronium ion in a
solut ion:
The great er t he acidit y of a solut ion, t he lower t he pH
value. Likewise, t he more basic a solut ion, t he higher t he
pH. Alt hough t he pH scale is t ypically considered t o range
from 0 t o 14 wit h a complet ely neut ral solut ion having a pH
of 7, pH may ext end beyond t he general scale. This
includes negat ive pH values for very acidic solut ions, and
pH values great er t han 14 for ext remely basic solut ions.
I oni c
St r engt h
A value which relat es t o t he charge of a solut ion given by
t he equat ion:
I = ionic st rengt h
= concent rat ion of t he ion i
= charge of t he ion i
O + NH
The t rue species
propert ies can be found
on t he Elect rolyt es page
of t he Worksheet t ab
( St ream Propert y View) in
a UniSim Design
simulat ion case.
pH H
| | log =
| |
-------------- log =
I 0.5 c

1- 22 Uni Si m Desi gn OLI _El ect r ol yt e
1- 22
1. 6. 6 Disabling Solid Component s
When t he solid phase is included in a case, t he elect rolyt es engine
generat es a model t hat predict s all possible solid species, including
hydrat es, for t he syst em. Depending on t he number of component s in
t he case, a model t hat is difficult for t he syst em t o efficient ly handle
Osmot i c
Pr essur e
Osmosis is t he process by which solvent passes
spont aneously t hrough a semi- permeable membrane,
separat ing solut ions of different concent rat ion from t he
region of lower solut e concent rat ion t o t he region of higher
solut e concent rat ion. Solvent molecules pass from t he
region of higher concent rat ion t o t hat of lower
concent rat ion, but t he net rat e of solvent flow is from t he
lower t o higher concent rat ion regions. There will cont inue
t o be a net flow rat e of solvent part icles t hrough t he
membrane as long as t here is a concent rat ion gradient
across t he membrane or unt il t he hydrost at ic pressure from
t he solut ion of great er concent rat ion forces solvent
part icles against t he gradient t o equalize t he flow rat e. The
hydrost at ic pressure exert ed under t his condit ion is called
t he osmot ic pressure.
The osmot ic pressure, , of a solut ion is dependent on t he
number of solut e part icles present in t he solut ion. For dilut e
aqueous solut ions, t he equat ion is:
M = molarit y of t he solut ion
R = ideal gas const ant
T = t emperat ure of t he solut ion
Temperat ure of t he solut ion is significant because it affect s
t he number of solvent - membrane collisions per unit t ime.
Speci f i c
El ect r i cal
Conduct i vi t y
The specific elect rical conduct ivit y is expressed in t he
following relat ion:
L = elect rical conduct ivit y ( 1/ ohm)
l = lengt h of t he conduct ing media ( m)
A = cross sect ional area of t he conduct ing media ( m
Mol ar
El ect r i cal
Conduct i vi t y
The molar elect rical conduct ivit y is expressed in t he
following relat ion:
Ls = specific elect rical conduct ivit y
= concent rat ion of t he elect rolyt e solut ion
Pr oper t y Descr i pt i on
t MRT =
Ls L
-- =
A Ls
-------- =
Refer t o
OLI _El ect r ol y t e
Opt i ons ( in Chapt er 2
- Fl ui d Pack age of t he
Uni Si m Desi gn
Si mul at i on Basi s
Gui de) for more
informat ion on including
and excluding solid
component s.
Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace 1- 23
1- 23
may result .
UniSim Design allows you t o disable any of t he solid component s in a
case via t he OLI _Elect rolyt e Propert y Package Basis view. Select ive
disabling of solid component s t hat are not of int erest t o a simulat ion
result in fast er execut ion and convergence t imes. To disable solid
component s from a case, click t he Select ed Solid but t on in t he Fluid
Package Basis view for t he OLI _Elect r olyt e propert y package. The
Select ed Solid view will appear wit h all of t he predict ed precipit at es and
hydrat es for t he case wher e t o can choose t o include or exclude t he
solid component .
UniSim Design also allows you t o disable solid component s for a
part icular st ream. Any solid in a st ream may be excluded by select ing
t he Solid radio but t on in t he Phase group of t he Elect rolyt es page of t he
st ream propert y view. Disable t he solid by clicking on t he I nclude
checkbox for t he part icular solid( s) t o be removed from t he
calculat ions. Aft er disabling any solid( s) , t rigger t he solver so it
performs a st ream flash excluding t hese solid( s) in t he calculat ion.
When solid component s are excluded, UniSim Design is required t o
recalculat e t he model before you proceed wit h a case. You can consult
t he calculat ed scaling t endency of a solid ( described in t he next
sect ion) t o det ermine it s significance t o t he case.
1. 6. 7 Scaling Tendencies
The scaling t endency of a solid refers t o it s t endency t o form at t he
specified st ream condit ions. Solids wit h a scaling index gr eat er t han
one will form if:
t he solid format ion is governed by equilibrium ( as opposed t o
kinet ics)
t here are no ot her solids wit h a common cat ion or anion port ion
which also has a scaling t endency great er t han one.
I f more t han one solid exist s wit h a common ion and t he scaling
t endencies are great er t han one, t hen at least one of t he solids will
form. Scaling indices can be used t o det ermine which solids can be
safely removed fr om t he model.
The scaling index of a solid is calculat ed wit h st ream propert ies and can
be viewed by select ing Propert ies for t he Tr ue Species I nfo group and
select ing Solid as t he phase on t he elect rolyt es st ream propert y view.
Refer t o Sect i on 3 -
Ther mody nami cs for
t he t hermodynamic
calculat ion t echniques.
1- 24 Uni Si m Desi gn OLI _El ect r ol yt e
1- 24
1. 6. 8 UniSim Design Column
Operat ion
The elect r olyt es column charact erist ics are ver y similar t o t hose of any
UniSim Design column available using ot her available UniSim Design
propert y packages. Column convent ions, commands and met hods by
which you cr eat e and run t he columns are, for t he most part , t he same
in t he UniSim Design OLI I nt erface. However, t here are some import ant
differences t hat must be discussed t o aid in t he building and running of
t he column wit hin t his package.
This sect ion will cover only t hose column met hods t hat differ from t he
t radit ional funct ions of t he UniSim Design column. For a det ailed
descript ion of t he column unit operat ions, refer t o Sect i on 8 - Col umn
in t he Uni Si m Desi gn Oper at i ons Gui de.
Basic Column Configurat ions
There are five basic t ypes of column t emplat es available for t he
OLI _Elect r olyt e propert y package:
Dist illat ion Column
Refluxed Absorber
Reboiled Absor ber
Liquid- Liquid Ext ract or
When using t he elect rolyt es package, you cannot modify t he column
t emplat es as you can in t he st andard UniSim Design column
environment s. I nsert a column as you would any unit operat ion by
select ing it from t he obj ect palet t e or by adding an operat ion t hrough
t he Flowsheet menu. The input fields t hat appear are similar t o t he
st andard UniSim Design column fields wit h t he following except ions:
Flows can only be specified on a mole basis. Alt hough, t he
displayed result s can be viewed on a molar, mass, or liquid
volume. basis.
Exchanger dut ies must be specified for column operat ions.
The OLI column can have a maximum 10 side draws and a maximum 5
pump arounds.
Plot s
The Plot s page can be accessed from t he Performance t ab of t he column
environment . Tray by t ray elect rolyt e propert ies can be viewed eit her in
Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace 1- 25
1- 25
a graph or t able by select ing t he Elect rolyt e Propert ies opt ion.
Elect r olyt e propert y profiles can be seen versus t ray number for pH,
ionic st rengt h and if t here are solids - t he scale index profiles can be
The Elect r olyt es group allows you t o select bet ween True Flow and
Molecular Flow for viewing proper t y pr ofiles. True flow includes ionic
effect s as well as molecular species. Molecular ( apparent ) flow includes
molecular component s eit her select ed or which form fr om ionic
react ions. They do not include ionic effect s t hat are formed t hrough
react ions. All ot her views inside t he column environment represent Tr ue
Column Specificat ions
The biggest difference you will most likely encount er when adding a
column t o a case using t he OLI _Elect rolyt e propert y package involves
t he met hods by which column specificat ions are defined and changed.
OLI columns have pre- defined specificat ions, where as, t radit ional
UniSim Design columns are flexible. Wit h t he OLI _Elect rolyt e package,
specificat ions are for t he most part not replaceable like UniSim Design
An Elect rolyt es column has a set of variables, which depending on t he
equipment , must be specified. The following t able list s t he column
equipment and t he specificat ions required when added t o a column:
I t should be not ed t hat pump arounds are also considered t o be draws.
Therefor e, if you have five pump arounds, you can specify five more
draws. Addit ionally t he following should be not ed:
Tr ay Ef f i ci enci es. The Murphree t ray efficiency for all st ages
may be specified. The efficiencies can be specified on a st age-
by- st age basis. They can also be specified by component
efficiency t ype as well as overall efficiency.
Tot al Condenser. The dist illat e rat e, reflux rat e and reflux rat io
may be specified. I n order t o inst all a t ot al condenser, a column
wit h a condenser should be inst alled and Tot al should be
select ed as t he condenser t ype. Simult aneously, appropriat e
specificat ions ( dist illat e rat e, reflux rat e or rat io are inst alled
Equi pment Speci f i cat i on OLI Rest r i ct i ons
Vapour Si de Dr aw Draw Rat e 5 Draw
Li qui d Si de Dr aw Draw Rat e 5 Draw
Si de Ex changer
( Condenser , Reboi l er )
Exchanger Dut y
Pump Ar ound Pump Around Rat e and
Dut y
5 Pump Arounds
Feeds 10 Feed St reams
For more informat ion on
t rue and molecular species,
refer t o Sect i on 1. 6. 4 -
El ect r ol y t es
Nomencl at ur e.
1- 26 Uni Si m Desi gn OLI _El ect r ol yt e
1- 26
and act ivat ed) . The decant er is only available wit h organic
liquids ( t wo liquid phase) . Aqueous liquids are refluxed and t he
organic liquid is flashed and drawn out in t he condenser.
Pump Ar ounds. Pump arounds operat e from t he bot t om ( draw)
t o t he t op ( ret urn) st age for t he UniSim Design OLI I nt erface.
Pump arounds cannot overlap, t hat is, t he draw st age must be
on a higher st age t han t he previous pump around ret urn st age.
Also, pump arounds require aqueous liquids only. St andard
UniSim Design is flexible and allows t he user t o operat e pump
arounds from higher st age t o t he lower st age or from t he lower
st age t o t he upper st age.
OLI Specs
Alt hough, t he elect rolyt es column specificat ions are fixed, cont rol
variables may be added for t he fixed specificat ions. A cont rol variable is
an act ive specificat ion t hat adj ust s t o reach t he value of t he t arget
specificat ion. For inst ance, a side draw on an absorber requires t hat t he
draw rat e be specified. A cont rol can be set over t he draw rat e
specificat ion so t hat anot her var iable can be specified. A cont rol may be
t he flow rat e of a part icular component in t he st ream, or t he st ream
t emperat ure. When t he column solves, t he side draw rat e will be
adj ust ed t o meet t he t arget specificat ion. A list of t he available t arget
specificat ions include:
Tray t emperat ure
Tray vapour, liquid, or side draw flow rat e
Tray vapour, liquid, or side draw component flow
Tray vapour, liquid, or side draw component fract ion
The following are act ive spec cont rol variables:
Draw flow
Pump around flow
Dut y
Pump around dut y
Pump around ret urn t emperat ure
I t is import ant t o remember t hat when a cont rol variable is added over
a specificat ion, t he specificat ion becomes an init ial guess. Therefor e,
you should keep in mind t hat even t hough a cont rol variable is being
placed over a specificat ion, t he specificat ion value is impor t ant as a
good init ial guess will help UniSim Design calculat e t he column quickly
and efficient ly.
The available t arget specificat ions view has t he OLI Spec but t on. This
but t on act ivat es where you can specify cont rol variables and set t he
Act ive st at us of t he OLI spec. This can also be done from t he Specs
Summary page.
Alt hough t he process of adding cont rols over specificat ions in t he
Act ive spec cont rol
variables can be accessed
via t he Specs page of t he
Design t ab in a column
environment .
Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace 1- 27
1- 27
Elect r olyt es package seems rest rict ive compared t o t he usual UniSim
Design column specificat ion met hod, it is act ually an equivalent
met hod. The differ ence is t hat t he usual UniSim Design algorit hm
formulat es t he specificat ions direct ly int o t he column solut ion. The
column algorit hm used in t he Elect rolyt es package does not have t he
specificat ions built int o t he solut ion and t herefore t he column
formulat ion is built wit h a fixed set of variables t hat includes t he basic
specificat ions. I nit ial guesses are requir ed for t he basic variables. As
such, t he column requires specificat ions for all t he basic column
paramet ers.
Column St reams
I t should be not ed t hat column st reams may have slight ly different
result s compared wit h st ream flash result s. You can cr oss check
bet ween t he t wo st ream result s via t he obj ect navigat or in t he
Flowsheet menu. The int ernal ( COL) column st ream result s are direct ly
based on t he OLI column solver. The ext ernal st ream result s are
calculat ed by t he st ream flash. Also, osmot ic pressure, heat capacit y
and viscosit y propert ies are not calculat ed int ernally in t he column, but
rat her calculat ed by t he st ream flash.
1. 6. 9 Elect rolyt e St ream Flash
The elect r olyt e st ream flash differ s from t he UniSim Design mat erial
st ream flash t o handle t he complexit ies of speciat ion for aqueous
elect rolyt e syst ems. The UniSim Design OLI I nt erface package is an
int erface t o t he OLI Engine ( OLI Syst ems) t hat enables simulat ions
wit hin UniSim Design using t he full funct ionalit y and capabilit ies of t he
OLI Engine for flowsheet simulat ion.
When t he OLI _Elect rolyt e proper t y package is associat ed wit h mat er ial
st reams, t he st reams exclusively become elect rolyt e mat erial st reams
in t he flowsheet . That is, t he st ream conduct s a simult aneous phase
and react ion equilibrium flash.
An elect rolyt e mat erial st ream in UniSim Design can perform t he
following t ypes of flashes:
TP Flash
PH Flash
TH Flash
PV Flash
TV Flash
Due t o t he involvement of react ions in t he st ream flash, t he equilibrium
1- 28 Range of Appl i cabi l i t y
1- 28
st ream flash may result in a different molar flow and composit ion from
t he specified value. Therefore, mass and energy are conserved for an
elect rolyt e mat erial st ream against t he UniSim Design st r eam for mass,
molar and energy balances.
Limit at ions exist in t he UniSim Design OLI I nt erface package in t he
calculat ion of t he st ream flash result s. The calculat ion for t he
elect rolyt e flash result s must fall wit hin t he following physical ranges t o
be valid:
For AE dat aback select ion:
composit ion of H
O in aqueous phase must be > 0. 65.
Temperat ure must be bet ween 0 and 300C unless a LOWTEMP
dat abase opt ion is select ed.
Pressure must be bet ween 0 and 1500 at m.
I onic st rengt h must be bet ween 0 and 30 mole/ kg- H
For MSE Dat abank select ion, t here is no limit at ion for composit ion of
O in aqueous phase. Since LOWTEMP dat abase is not available at t he
moment wit h t he select ion of MSE dat abank, t emperat ure limit at ion
must be bet ween 0 and 300C.
1. 7 Range of Applicabilit y
The UniSim Design OLI I nt erface package support s predict ed
frameworks and calculat es ( flash) equilibrium for aqueous syst ems. The
package allows chemical syst ems t o be accurat ely simulat ed over t he
following condit ions.
1. 7. 1 Aqueous Syst ems
The range of applicabilit y for an aqueous syst em is shown in t he t able
Pr oper t i es Aqueous Sy st ems
Temper at ur e 0 - 300C
Pr essur e 0 - 1,500 at m
Mol Fr act i on of w at er w i t hi n
t he aqueous l i qui d phase
0.65 - 1.0
I oni c St r engt h 0 - 30 molal
A addi t i onal l ow t emper at ur e dat abase t hat ex t ends t he
r ange t o - 50 t o 300C can be added.
A addit ional low
t emperat ure dat abase t hat
ext ends t he range t o - 50 t o
300C can be added. Refer
t o Sect i on 1. 8. 3 - Speci al
Dat abases on LOWTEMP
for more informat ion.
Refer t o Sect i on 1. 8. 3 -
Speci al Dat abases on
LOWTEMP for more
informat ion.
Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace 1- 29
1- 29
1. 7. 2 Mixed Solvent Syst ems
The range of applicabilit y for an mixed solvent syst em is shown in t he
t able below:
1. 7. 3 Gas & Second Liquid Phase
The OLI model t hat is used for t he gas phase and second liquid phase is
based on an enhanced SRK equat ion of st at e. Due t o t he limit s of t he
SRK equat ion of st at e, cert ain non- ideal second liquid phases may not
be predict ed accurat ely.
1. 7. 4 Mult i- Component Syst ems
Anot her limit at ion is for mult i- component syst ems wit h more t han
t hree component s plus wat er.
The OLI model includes dat a regression for an enor mous number of
chemical syst ems and is provided in t he UniSim Design OLI I nt erface
package. I n general, all single component s plus wat er have been
Pr oper t i es
Mi x ed Sol v ent
Syst ems
Temper at ur e 0 - 300C
Pr essur e 0 - 1,500 at m
I oni c St r engt h 0 - 30 molal
1- 30 Range of Appl i cabi l i t y
1- 30
The accuracy of t ypical binary syst em predict ions at different
t emperat ures are illust rat ed in t he figure below.
I n addit ion, many t ernary syst ems ( wat er plus t wo ot her component s)
have been regressed t oget her wit h t he const it uent binary syst ems. The
t ernary syst em pr edict ions compared t o experiment al dat a are
illust rat ed in Fi gur e 1. 10 and Fi gur e 1.11.
Fi gur e 1. 9
Fi gur e 1. 10
Refer t o Chapt er 2 -
Ex ampl es of OLI
Pr edi ct i on for ot her
examples of predict ed
dat a fit s.
Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace 1- 31
1- 31
I n Fi gur e 1. 11, t he unusual behaviour of gypsum at 25C and high
NaCl concent rat ions ( t here is a maximum gypsum solubilit y at an
int ermediat e NaCl concent rat ion) should be not ed. This behaviour could
not be predict ed wit h less rigorous models, but is accurat ely predict ed
by t he UniSim Design OLI I nt erface package using OLI models.
For regressed syst ems, t he error bet ween pr edict ed and experiment al
values is generally less t han 10%.
For all mult i- component syst ems ( wit h more t han t hr ee component s
plus wat er) , t he OLI model relies on some est imat ion/ predict ion
met hods. The key t o t hese syst ems is whet her or not t he subsyst ems
defined by wat er t oget her wit h component s present in excess of 1
molal concent rat ion have been subj ect ed t o dat a regression by t he OLI
framework. I f t he syst em is not , t he predict ions will usually be good
qualit at ively but fairly subst ant ial errors ( 25+ %) may result in t he
act ual predict ions. For most common t ernary syst ems ( e. g., H
, H
/ NaCl) , it is safe t o assume t hat OLI models include t he
required t ernary syst em regressions.
1. 8 OLI I nt erface Component
Dat abases
The UniSim Design OLI I nt erface package provide AE and MSE
dat abanks. The AE and MSE dat abanks offer ident ical UniSim desing
funct ionalit y but differs wit h regards t o t he number of available
Fi gur e 1. 11
The UniSim Design OLI
I nt erface package
provides well over 100
syst ems which have
been regressed by OLI .
1- 32 OLI I nt er f ace Component
1- 32
component s and t he associat ed chemist ry model wit h t he calculat ion
engine. The AE dat abank includes t he Full dat abase, Limit ed dat abase
and t he Special dat abases ( i. e., GEOCHEM, LOWTEMP, and REDOX)
depending on t he t ype of your license wit h OLI Engine. The Full and
Limit ed dat abases offer ident ical UniSim Design funct ionalit y but differs
wit h regard t o t he number of available component s. The Special
dat abases ext end t he range of applicabilit y of t he Full dat abase t o
include unique component s ( e. g., minerals, and pure met als) and
propert ies under special condit ions ( e. g., below 0C) .
1. 8. 1 Full Dat abase
Full dat abase covers 5041 species. I n t erms of inorganic chemist ry, t his
includes much of t he aqueous chemist r y in wat er ( including speciat ion
react ions) for 79 inorganic element s from t he periodic t able ( including
act inides, heavy and pr ecious met als) and t heir associat ed aqueous
species. I n addit ion, t he dat abank covers over 3000 organic chemical
compounds ( including elect r olyt es, chelat es, and organo- met allic
species) . Comput ed t hermodynamic propert ies such as pH, ionic
st rengt h, ent halpy, densit y, osmot ic pr essure are supplied from t he
dat abase.
The aim of t he package is t o cover any species t hat is of int erest t o
client s and pr ocess indust ries. However, if a species is missing or does
not cover t he range of condit ions of int erest , t he OLI Dat a Service is
1. 8. 2 Limit ed Dat abase
The Limit ed dat abase cont ains 2, 187 st andard component s t hat are of
most int erest t o process indust ries. I t is limit ed and is a subset of t he
Full dat abase.
1. 8. 3 Special Dat abases
UniSim Design support s t hree OLI special dat abases:
To access t he OLI _Elect rolyt e Addit ional Dat abase view, click on t he
Addi t i onal Dat abase but t on in t he Component List propert y view.
You can add one or more special dat abases t o t he Full dat abase by
select ing t he special dat abase( s) in t he OLI _ El ect r ol y t e Addi t i onal
The Full dat abase of
elect rolyt e component s
is list ed in Appendi x A
- Uni Si m Desi gn OLI
I nt er f ace Ful l
Dat abase.
Refer t o Sect i on 1. 8. 4 -
Pr i v at e User
Dat abases - OLI Dat a
Ser v i ce t o for more
informat ion.
LOWTEMP are support ed
by AE dat abank only.
Refer t o Sect i on 1. 2. 4 -
Addi ng El ect r ol y t e
Component s in t he
Uni Si m Desi gn
Si mul at i on Basi s guide
for more informat ion on
t he Component List
propert y view.
Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace 1- 33
1- 33
Dat abase view.
The GEOCHEM dat abank is support ed in t he UniSim Design OLI
I nt erface package wit h AE dat abank select ion. The dat abank is
separat ed from t he public since it cont ains many solids, which only
form via t hermodynamic equilibrium aft er long periods of t ime ( oft en
t housands of years) . They are solids t hat form in nat ure and are oft en
different from t he form of a solid t hat may form in a much short er
amount of t ime ( usually inst ant ly) wit hin a pr ocess. Thus, t he
GEOCHEM solids t end t o form t hrough aging of t he aqueous
environment in cont act wit h a source of t he element s comprising t he
The LOWTEMP dat abase provides an accurat e t hermodynamic
framework for calculat ing t he physical and chemical propert ies of mult i-
phase, aqueous syst ems at low t emperat ure. The LOWTEMP dat abase
covers exact ly t he same elect r olyt e component s as t he Full dat abase,
except t hat t he LOWTEMP dat abase ext ends t he applicable t emperat ure
range t o - 50C t o 300C. Current ly it is support ed in t he UniSim Design
Fi gur e 1. 12
OLI has a f ew ot her dat abases t hat ar e gener al l y di st r i but ed
w i t h t he pr oduct . Al l ot her Speci al Dat abank s t hat ar e
pr ovi ded w i t h t he OLI Engi ne ( but ar e not cur r ent l y i n
Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace) ar e not pr ovi ded t o cont r i but e
t o t he speci at i on but , r at her , hel p t o suppor t t he pr oduct s i n
ot her w ays.
elect rolyt e Dat abase
component s are list ed in
Appendi x B - Uni Si m
Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace
GEOCHEM Dat abase.
1- 34 OLI I nt er f ace Component
1- 34
OLI I nt erface wit h AE dat abank select ion.
The REDOX dat abase support s calculat ions involving t he reduct ion and
oxidat ion of pure met als and alloys t o simulat e t he corrosion process in
aqueous syst em. The REDOX chemist ry can be st udied for real solut ion,
including t race component s. Once you act ivat ed t he REDOX dat abase
and select ed t he desired component s, OLI aut omat ically generat es a
mat rix of all possible redox subsyst ems. Each redox subsyst em consist s
of a collect ion of species cont aining a given element in any oxidat ion
st at e.
Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace 1- 35
1- 35
You can act ivat e an individual redox subsyst em by performing t he
1. From t he Fluid Package proper t y view, select t he Set Up t ab.
2. I n t he Proper t y Package Select ion group, select t he
OLI _El ect r ol y t e fluid package.
3. Click on t he Redox Subsy st em Sel ect i on but t on in t he Redox
Opt ions group.
4. The Redox Sub- Syst ems view appears. You can include t he desired
redox subsyst ems by checking t heir corresponding checkboxes.
5. Click on t he Vi ew El ect r ol y t e React i on i n Tr ace Wi ndow but t on
t o view all t he elect r olyt e r eact ions involved for t he select ion.
I f t he Vi ew El ect r ol y t e React i on i n Tr ace Wi ndow but t on is
disabled, click on t he I ni t i al i ze El ect r ol y t es Env i r onment but t on
in t he Fluid Package propert y view t o act ivat e t he elect rolyt e
syst em.
Fi gur e 1. 13
Fi gur e 1. 14
By def aul t , OLI REDOX sel ect s t he r edox subsy st ems t hat
cont ai n met al s of engi neer i ng i mpor t ance. Thi s def aul t i s
mot i vat ed by cor r osi on appl i cat i ons, f or w hi ch r edox
t r ansf or mat i ons of engi neer i ng met al s ar e i mpor t ant .
Refer t o Chapt er 2 -
Fl ui d Pack age in t he
Uni Si m Desi gn
Si mul at i on Basi s guide
for informat ion on adding
fluid packages.
1- 36 OLI I nt er f ace Component
1- 36
I n principle, you can select all redox subsyst ems. However, t his will
most likely result in t ime- consuming calculat ions. Therefore, a careful
select ion of subsyst ems is recommended. OLI recommends t he
following guidelines for select ing redox subsyst ems:
I f you are st udying t he corrosion of any met al, you have t o
include t he redox subsyst em corresponding t o t hat met al. Most
likely, REDOX will recommend t o include t hat met al as a default .
There is a large number of element s t hat usually occur in only
one oxidat ion st at e. Met als of t he first and second group in t he
periodic t able ( e. g., Na, K, Ca, et c. ) are a good example. There
is usually no need t o include such met als in t heir element al
There are some non- met als t hat may or may not be import ant in
t he redox equat ions. A t ypical example is sulfur. I f you are
st udying, for example, corrosion of met als in H
S- cont aining
environment s, it will be necessary t o include t he sulfur redox
subsyst em because H
S may form sulfides, which commonly
undergo redox t ransformat ions. However, if you are using H

only as an acid and do not ant icipat e any redox react ions, you
do not have t o select t he sulfur redox subsyst em.
Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace 1- 37
1- 37
1. 8. 4 Privat e User Dat abases -
OLI Dat a Service
The UniSim Design OLI I nt erface package allows you t o provide
addit ional dat abases via t he Privat e Dat abank in t he OLI _Elect rolyt e
Addit ional Dat abase propert y view. You can provide your own
supplement ary dat abases ( Privat e Dat abase) in addit ion t o t he Public
( Limit ed, Full and Special) dat abases by specifying t he pat h and name
of t he privat e dat abase in t he Pat h of Privat e Dat abase field. Aft er you
have locat ed t he privat e dat abase, it will be list ed in t he Privat e
Dat abase t able ( see Fi gur e 1.15) . You can select t he desired privat e
dat abases by checking t heir corresponding checkboxes.
The privat e dat abases can be prepared by users wit h t raining but are
nor mally produced by t he OLI Dat a Service. The procedure for
cust omizing dat abases is t o inform OLI Syst ems t hat cert ain chemist ry
eit her is not covered or inadequat ely covered by t he Full Dat abase. OLI
will t hen est imat e t he amount of t ime and provide quot at ions for t he
service. The fee is based upon whet her or not OLI can provide public
domain informat ion and if OLI can release t he result s wit h subsequent
releases of it s Public Dat abanks. OLI ' s Dat a Service begins all proj ect s
wit h a t horough lit erat ure search. Aft er all relevant lit erat ure is crit ically
reviewed and t he experiment al dat a is fit , nonlinear regression is
carried out . As a result of t hese regressions, dat abank coefficient s are
1. 9 OLI Engine
The OLI Engine is t he essent ial heart of all OLI soft ware. The UniSim
Design OLI I nt erface package is an int erface t o t he OLI Engine t hat
enables simulat ions wit hin UniSim Design using t he full funct ionalit y
and capabilit ies of t he OLI Engine for flowsheet simulat ion.
Fi gur e 1. 15
Refer t o Fi gur e 1.12 in
Sect i on 1.8 - OLI
I nt er f ace Component
Dat abases for more
informat ion on t he
OLI _Elect rolyt e Addit ional
Dat abase propert y view.
For more informat ion on
request ing privat e
dat abase services,
consult t he OLI Syst ems
web sit e
w w w .ol i sy st
1- 38 Pet r ol eum Fr act i on
1- 38
The OLI Engine is defined as t he dat abanks and solvers t hat enable t he
predict ion and numerical solut ion of t he underlying chemical and
physical equilibria. Therefore, t he t hermophysical propert ies and phase
separat ions for almost any mixt ure of chemicals in wat er or mixes
solvent , at almost any condit ions are of pract ical int erest t o indust ry.
Refer t o t he OLI Engine manual for mor e informat ion on OLI Engine
Soft ware. This can be obt ained by cont act ing OLI Syst ems.
1. 10 Pet roleum Fract ion
The UniSim Design Oi l Manager I nt erface support s OLI Pet roleum
Fract ion engine when t he associat ed fluid package is OLI Elect rolyt e.
1. 10. 1 Oil Charact erizat ion
The pet roleum charact erizat ion met hod in Pet roleum Fract ion convert s
your laborat ory assay analyses of condensat e, crude oils, pet roleum
cut s, and coal- t ar liquids int o a series of discret e hypot het ical
component s. There pet roleum hypocomponent s provides t he basis for
t he propert y packager t o predict t he remaining t hermodynamic and
t ransport propert ies necessary for fluid modeling.
1. 10. 2 Laborat ory Dat a
Accurat e volat ilit y charact erist ics are vit al when represent ing a
pet roleum fluid in your process simulat ion. OLI Pet roleum Fract ion
accept s four st andard laborat ory analyt ical assay procedures. Each of
t he dat a t ypes corresponds t o t he condit ions of t he experiment s used t o
measure t he assay. These are summarized in t he following sect ion.
1. 10. 3 Pet roleum Fluids
Charact erizat ion Procedure
St ep 1 I nit ializat ion
Before ent ering t he Oil Charact erizat ion environment , you are required
The f l ash condi t i ons f or st andar d Uni Si m Desi gn OLI
I nt er f ace pack age i ncl ude T = 0 t o 300C, P = 0 t o 1,500
at m, I oni c St r engt h = 0 t o 30 mol al .
Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace 1- 39
1- 39
t o creat e a fluid package wit h OLI _Elect rolyt e propert y package at t he
very minimum.
The Oil Manager t ab of t he Basis Manager view is show below:
To ent er t he Oil environment , select t he ent er Oil Environment but t on
as shown in Fi gur e 1.16, or select t he Oil Environment but t on fr om t he
t oolbar.
St ep 2 Oil Charact erizat ion View
When you ent er t he Oil Environment , t he following view appears:
This view is t he Oil Charact erizat ion envir onment . There are t wo t abs
which represent t he main areas of t he environment and are described
Fi gur e 1. 16
Fi gur e 1. 17
1- 40 Pet r ol eum Fr act i on
1- 40
The Cl ear Al l and Ret ur n t o Basi s Env i r onment but t ons are
available on any t abs of t he Oil Charact erizat ion propert y view.
St ep 3 Charact erizing Assays
The Assay t ab of t he Oil Charact erizat ion View is shown below:
The available Assays are list ed in t he left port ion of t he view. The
following Assay manipulat ion but t ons are available:
For a highlight ed Assay, you can edit t he name in t he Name field and
provide a descript ion in t he descript ion t ext box found in Assay
Tab Descr i pt i on
Assay Add, edit , delet e, close Assay.
I nst al l Oi l I nst all hypocomponent int o a st ream in a UniSim
Design case.
Fi gur e 1. 18
But t on Descr i pt i on
Vi ew Edit t he current highlight ed Assay.
Add Creat e a new Assay.
Del et e Erase t he current ly highlight ed Assay.
Cl one Creat e a new Assay wit h t he same propert ies as t he
current ly highlight ed Assay. UniSim Design
immediat ely opens a new Assay view.
Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace 1- 41
1- 41
I nformat ion group.
To creat e a new assay or edit an exist ing assay you can click t he Add or
View but t ons, respect ively. This opens t he Assay propert y view for t he
new or exist ing assay. The Assay Propert y View is shown below:
The Assay propert y view consist s of t wo t abs, which are described
There are four obj ect s found at t he bot t om of t he proper t y view and are
Al l assay names must f ol l ow t he f ol l ow i ng convent i on:
1. Fi r st 3 char act er s must be uni que bet w een assay s
( mi mi mum of t hr ee char act er s)
2. The name can not cont ai n any speci al sy mbol s and must
be upper case, onl y ( A- H and 0- 9) char act er s al l ow ed
3. The name i s l i mi t ed t o 5 char act er s onl y .
Fi gur e 1. 19
Tab Descr i pt i on
I nput Dat a Allows t he user t o define and specify t he Assay.
I nst al l Oi l Allows t he user t o at t ach relevant comment s t o
t he Assay.
1- 42 Pet r ol eum Fr act i on
1- 42
described below:
I n t he Assay Di st i l l at i on Ty pe pull down list , you can choose one of
t he following met hods:
I n t he " Assay Ther mo Ty pe" pull down list , you can choose one of t he
Tab Descr i pt i on
Name The user can provide t he name of t he Assay in t he
Name cell.
Assay St at us The St at us bar is displayed at t he bot t om of t he
Assay Was Not Cal cul at ed. You have not
provided enough Assay informat ion t o
det ermine a solut ion or you have not clicked
t he Calculat e but t on.
Assay Was Cal cul at ed. You have provided
Assay informat ion, clicked t he calculat e
but t on, and obt ained a solut ion.
An Er r or Was Found Dur i ng Cal cul at i on.
The t race window usually shows a descript ion
of t he t ype of Error.
Cal cul at e Click t his but t on t o calculat e t he Assay.
Del et e Click t his but t on t o delet e t he current Assay.
Met hod Descr i pt i on
ASTM D86 Used for light and medium pet roleum product s
and is carried out at at mospheric pressure. The
result s are convert ed int ernally in t he OLI model
generat or t o a TBP ( True Boiling Point Curve) .
This curve is t hen fit t o a spline t o smoot h t he
curve. The cut s are t aken from t he spline.
ASTM D1160 Used for heavier pet roleum product s and is oft en
carried out under vacuum. Somet imes as low as 1
mm Hg. The result s are convert ed int ernally in
t he OLI model generat or t o a TBP ( True Boiling
Point Curve) . This curve is t hen fit t o a spline t o
smoot h t he curve. The cut s are t aken from t he
ASTM D2887 Uses gas chromat ography t o produce t he
dist illat ion curve and is applicable t o a wide range
of pet roleum product s. The result s are always
report ed on a volume percent basis. The result s
are convert ed int ernally in t he OLI model
generat or t o a TBP ( True Boiling Point Curve) . This
curve is t hen fit t o a spline t o smoot h t he curve.
The cut s are t aken from t he spline.
TBP Cur v e This is t he t rue boiling point curve. These curves,
in pract ice, are difficult t o obt ain. The ot her
met hods are usually used inst ead.
Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace 1- 43
1- 43
following met hods:
I n t he "Assay Densi t y Ty pe" pull down list , you can choose one t he
following t ype of bulk densit y of t he assay.
The corresponding gr av i t y v al e should be provided in t he following
page t oget her wit h t he Number of Cut s which is t he act ual pseudo-
component s t hat will be creat ed.
At t he Assay Dat a I nput group, you need t o provide Dist illat ion Dat a.
Depending on your select ion of Assay Di st i l l at i on Ty pe, t he Assay
Percent is volume% for TBP, D86 and D1160 and weight % for D2887.
Met hod Descr i pt i on
API Uses t he specific gravit y t o est imat e t he crit ical
paramet ers. The specific gravit y, if not ent ered,
can be est imat ed from t he API gravit y or t he
Wat son K. The boiling point s are t aken from t he
assay dat a.
CAVETT This met hod uses t he API gravit y met hod t o
det ermine t he crit ical propert ies. The API gravit y,
if not ent ered can be est imat ed from t he act ual
specific gravit y or t he Wat son K. The boiling point s
for t he pseudo- component s are t aken from t he
LEEKES This met hod uses t he Wat son K and t he specific
gravit y ( which can be est imat ed via t he Wat son K)
t o det ermine t he crit ical paramet ers.
Met hod Descr i pt i on
Speci f i c Gr av i t y Unit less
API Gr av i t y
where: SG= Specific Gravit y
Wat son K
where: SG= Specific Gravit y, NBP is t he normal
boiling point .
Fi gur e 1. 20
5 . 131
) 60 (
5 . 141
) 60 (


3 / 1
1- 44 Pet r ol eum Fr act i on
1- 44
The st at us bar at t he bot t om of t he Assay Dat a input group will show
t he following message:
Wit h all t he necessary Assay dat a provided on t his page, t he Cal cul at e
but t on will t urn int o act ive. You can click t he Cal cul at e but t on t o
generat e hypocomponent s.
St ep 4 I nst all Oil
Wit h t he successful complet ion of St ep 3 Charact erizing Assay, you may
inst all a calculat ed Assay int o your UniSim Design case. The I nst all Oil
t ab of t he Oil Charact erizat ion propert y view is shown below:
The Assay name( s) appear in t he Oil Name column of t he t able. Simply
provide a St ream name for t he Assay, and ensure t hat t he inst all box is
checked. You may use an exist ing st ream name, or cr eat e a new one.
I f you do not pr ovide a name or you deact ivat e t he I nst all box( es) , t he
hypocomponent ( s) will not be at t ached t o t he fluid package. You can
inst all an oil t o a specific subflowsheet in you case by specifying t his in
t he Flowsheet column.
Tab Descr i pt i on
Assay Dat a St at us The St at us bar is displayed at t he bot t om of t he
At l east 5 poi nt s ar e r equi r ed. You must
provided at least 5 pairs of Assay dist illat ion
dat a
A Poi nt i s Undef i ned. I n a row, bot h Assay
Percent and Temperat ure have t o be
Val ue x x x i s out of or der. The values
ent ered for Assay Percent and Temperat ure
must be consist ent .
Fi gur e 1. 21
Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace 1- 45
1- 45
Each inst alled Oil appears in t he component list as a series of
hypocomponent s named wit h t he first five available charact ers of t he
Assay Name plus t he average boiling point of t he individual oil
component in Kelvin.
For each inst alled oil, flow rat e for each Assay should be provided in t he
Flowrat e column wit h eit her mass or molar basis. The flow and
composit ion for each const it uent oil is t ransferred t o your designat ed
flowsheet st reams. The flow rat e of any specified Oil st ream can be
changed at any t ime by re- specifying t he st ream rat e in t he flowsheet
sect ion.
1- 46 Pet r ol eum Fr act i on
1- 46
Ex ampl es of OLI Pr edi ct i on 2- 1
2- 1
2 Examples of OLI
Predict ion
2.1 Sol ubi l i t y Pr edi ct i on.. ........................................................... .......... 2
2.1.1 Sodium Chloride Dat a.. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... 2
2.1.2 Barit e Dat a .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... 3
2.1.3 Celest it e Dat a. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... 4
2.1.4 Celest it e Solubilit y versus Temperat ure .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... 5
2.1.5 Gypsum & Anhydrit e Dat a . ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... 6
2.2 Speci at i on i n Sour Wat er ..................................................... .......... 7
2- 2 Sol ubi l i t y Pr edi ct i on
2- 2
2. 1 Solubilit y Predict ion
Comparisons of OLI predict ed and experiment al result s for elect rolyt e
syst ems are pr ovided in t his chapt er. The UniSim Design OLI I nt erface
package can indirect ly predict t he solubilit y from a st ream flash in
UniSim Design.
2. 1. 1 Sodium Chloride Dat a
OLI ' s ext ensive dat abase allows for predict ion of virt ually all import ant
indust rial solids. Below is a plot of t he observed versus predict ed
solubilit y of NaCl over a broad range of pressures.
Fi gur e 2. 1
Ex ampl es of OLI Pr edi ct i on 2- 3
2- 3
2. 1. 2 Barit e Dat a
OLI Elect rolyt es accurat ely predict s t he barit e solubilit y over broad
ranges of t emperat ures, pressures, and salinit ies as shown below.
Fi gur e 2. 2
2- 4 Sol ubi l i t y Pr edi ct i on
2- 4
2. 1. 3 Celest it e Dat a
Based upon qualit y fit s, OLI Elect rolyt es soft ware produces accurat e
predict ions of st ront ium sulfat e ( celest it e) solubilit y under a variet y of
condit ions. I n t he t wo figures shown below, celest it e solubilit y is
predict ed at t wo separat e t emperat ures ( 25 and 71. 1C) over t he
solubilit y range of NaCl ( 0 t o 6 molal) .
Fi gur e 2. 3
Ex ampl es of OLI Pr edi ct i on 2- 5
2- 5
2. 1. 4 Celest it e Solubilit y versus
Temperat ure
The following graphs illust rat e t he experiment al and pr edict ed solubilit y
of calcit e at high t emperat ures, pressures, and NaCl concent rat ions. I t
can be seen t hat OLI accurat ely predict s calcit e solubilit y over all
condit ions. This is due t o t he rigorous approach t o comput ing t he
t hermodynamic solubilit y of CaCO3, and t he act ivit y coefficient s for t he
complet e speciat ion of t he ions in solut ion.
Fi gur e 2. 4
2- 6 Sol ubi l i t y Pr edi ct i on
2- 6
2. 1. 5 Gypsum & Anhydrit e Dat a
OLI soft ware produces accurat e predict ions of calcium sulfat e solubilit y
under a variet y of condit ions for t he t wo maj or cryst alline phases. I n
t he t wo graphs shown below, gypsum ( CaSO4. 2H2O) and anhydrit e
( CaSO4) solubilit y is predict ed over t he NaCl range of 0 t o 6 molal.
Fi gur e 2. 5
Ex ampl es of OLI Pr edi ct i on 2- 7
2- 7
2. 2 Speciat ion in Sour Wat er
This example is for a sour wat er syst em ( NH
/ H
/ H
O) wit h t he
following sour wat er species.
The chemist ry can be summarized as:
*Note that additional electrolyte reactions are needed.
This example illust rat es t he impor t ance of considering aqueous
react ions and speciat ion, as well as t he compliance of OLI predict ions
wit h experiment al dat a.
The dat a cont ained in t he t able below compares t he experiment al
part ial pressures of carbon dioxide, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide
against a VLE only model and t he full OLI speciat ed model.
Sour Wat er Speci es
Vapour Speci es H
, H
S and NH
Aqueous Neut r al Speci es H
, H
S and NH
Aqueous I oni c Speci es H
, OH
, NH
, HS
, S
, CO
, and
Vapour - Li qui d Equi l i br i um React i ons ( Mol ecul ar Equi l i br i um)
( v ap)
= H
3( v ap)
= NH
3( aq)
2( v ap)

2( aq)
( v ap)
= H
( aq)
Aqueous Chemi cal React i ons ( El ect r ol y t e Equi l i br i um) *
O = H
+ OH
3( aq)
+ H
O = NH
2( aq)

O = H
= H
+ CO
+ H
( aq)
= NH
3( aq)
( hy dr ol y si s of i on)
( aq)
= H
+ HS
= H
+ S
2- 8 Speci at i on i n Sour Wat er
2- 8
The calculat ed part ial pressures of t he gases are over predict ed as
shown below in Fi gur e 2. 7. I n t he case of ammonia ( filled and open
diamonds) , t he over pr edict ion may be as much as five orders of
magnit ude. I f t he OLI full speciat ion approach is not followed, t his dat a
can be improved wit h st at ist ical correct ions or by applying a st rong
act ivit y model. However, t he corr ect ions may only work for t he set of
condit ions specified here. I f ot her condit ions are desired, t hen t he
correct ions will not be valid.
Fi gur e 2. 6
Ex ampl es of OLI Pr edi ct i on 2- 9
2- 9
The OLI approach using full speciat ion is predict ive over t he ent ire
range of OLI model condit ions.
When all of t he equilibria dat a is included ( wit h aqueous react ions) in
t he calculat ions, t he calculat ed part ial pressure of t he gases agrees
wit h t he experiment al values shown in Fi gur e 2. 8. This is done wit hout
specialized dat a regression t o t he general range of t his dat a. This
provides confidence t hat t he predict ions will hold at ot her condit ions.
Fi gur e 2. 7
Fi gur e 2. 8
2- 10 Speci at i on i n Sour Wat er
2- 10
Aqueous Ther mody nami cs 3- 1
3- 1
3 Aqueous
3.1 Ther modynami cs Over vi ew .................................................. .......... 2
3.2 Equi l i br i um Const ant ........................................................... .......... 2
3.3 Pr i nci pal Ther modynami c Pr oper t i es ................................... .......... 3
3.4 Hel geson- Ki r k ham- Fl ow er s Equat i on of St at e ...................... .......... 5
3.4.1 The Helgeson Equat ion of St at e ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... 7
3.5 St andar d St at e.......... ........................................................... .......... 8
3.5.1 Aqueous . ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... 9
3.5.2 Vapour . .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... 9
3.5.3 Organic Liquid ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... 9
3.5.4 Solid . ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... 9
3.6 Ex cess Pr oper t i es ..... ........................................................... .......... 9
3.6.1 I onic St rengt h ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. 10
3.6.2 Aqueous Act ivit y Coefficient s .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. 10
3.7 Mul t i - phase Model .... ........................................................... .........15
3.7.1 Solid-Aqueous Equilibrium. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. 16
3.7.2 Solid Phase Thermodynamic Propert ies .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. 16
3.7.3 Mixed EOS Model . ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. 16
3.8 Mi x ed Sol vent Model . ........................................................... .........18
3.8.1 Model Framework. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. 18
3.8.2 Model Paramet ers ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. 20
3.9 Scal i ng Tendenci es ... ........................................................... .........21
3- 2 Ther mody nami cs Ov er vi ew
3- 2
3. 1 Thermodynamics
Underst anding aqueous t hermodynamics is essent ial for t he modeling
of elect rolyt es. The UniSim Design OLI I nt erface package is based on
t he OLI t hermodynamic framework, which is briefly discussed in
Chapt er 1 - Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace. A t horough discussion of
OLI s underlying aqueous t hermodynamic framework is present ed in
t his sect ion.
OLI provides a complet e speciat ion model for predict ion of
t hermophysical proper t ies of aqueous- based syst ems over a broad
range of operat ing condit ions. This includes principal t hermodynamic
propert ies, equat ions of st at e, excess propert ies, modern models,
mult i- phase models, limit at ions t o t he current UniSim Design OLI
I nt erface model, and scaling t endencies.
3. 2 Equilibrium Const ant
The evaluat ion of t he following st andard st at e equat ion is cent ral t o OLI
soft ware.
= part ial molal, st andard- st at e Gibbs Free Energy of react ion.
The subscript
refers t o an equilibrium react ion, not gas
const ant
R = Gas Const ant ( 8. 314 J/ mole/ K)
T = t emperat ure ( Kelvin)
K = equilibrium const ant
( 3. 1)
Refer t o Sect i on 3. 5 -
St andar d St at e for t he
definit ion of st andard
st at e.
G RT ln K =
Aqueous Ther modynami cs 3- 3
3- 3
The t ot al free energy, , not j ust t he st andard st at e port ion is
defined as:
= st oichiomet ric coefficient
= Gibbs Free Energy of format ion for a species i
3. 3 Principal Thermodynamic
Propert ies
Aqueous t hermodynamic pr opert ies are also discussed in Sect i on 1.3 -
Gi bbs Fr ee Ener gy wit h focus on t he aqueous phase.
The following t hermodynamic propert ies are composed of t wo part s:
The st andard st at e part t hat is only a funct ion of t emperat ure
and pressure ( denot ed by t he superscr ipt ) .
The excess part t hat is a funct ion of t emperat ure, pr essure, and
concent rat ion ( denot ed by t he superscr ipt
) .
Part ial Molal Gibbs Free Energy
Part ial Molal Ent halpy
Part ial Molal Ent ropy
( 3. 2)
( 3. 3)
( 3. 4)
( 3. 5)
G v


+ =
+ =
+ =
3- 4 Pr i nci pal Ther modynami c
3- 4
Part ial Molal Heat Capacit y
Part ial Molal Volume
= st andard st at e propert y
= excess propert y
( 3. 6)
( 3. 7)
+ =
+ =
Aqueous Ther modynami cs 3- 5
3- 5
3. 4 Helgeson- Kirkham-
Flowers Equat ion of St at e
Helgeson, Kir kham, and Flowers ( HKF)
1, 2
have found t hat t he st andard
st at e t hermodynamic propert y of any species in wat er can be
represent ed by a funct ion wit h seven t erms which have specific values
for each species.
The seven t erms ( a1- 4, c1- 2, and ) are int egrat ion const ant s for
volume ( a) , heat capacit y ( c) , and t emperat ure and pressure proper t ies
of wat er ( ) . They are independent of t he dat a syst em used t o obt ain
t hem and are shown below.
R = t he reference st at e propert y ( 25C, 1 bar)
= st andard st at e propert y
a1. . . . a4 = t he pressure effect s
c1, c2 = t he t emperat ure effect s
= pressure and t emperat ure effect s
The Helgeson equat ion of st at e paramet ers are used t o predict
equilibrium const ant s.
The logarit hm of t he equilibrium const ant ( LOG K) for t he dissociat ion
of t he bicarbonat e ion as a funct ion of t emperat ur e at sat urat ion
1. H.C. Helgeson, D.H. Kirkham, G.C. Flowers. Theoretical Prediction of the Thermodynamic Behavior of
Aqueous Electrolytes at High Pressures and Temperatures - Parts I through IV. American Journal of Science
1974, 1976, 1981.
2. J.C. Tanger, IV Doctoral Thesis. Calculation of the Standard Partial Molal Thermodynamic Properties of
Aqueous Ions and Electrolytes at High Pressures and Temperatures" University of California at Berkeley, 1986
H.C. Helgeson Advisor.
( 3. 8)
(a1,...,a4,c1,c2,e) + =
( ) f
(a1,...,a4,c1,c2,e) + + =
(a1,...,a4,c1,c2,e) + =
(a1,...,a4,c1,c2,e) + =
(a1,...,a4,c1,c2,e) + =
3- 6 Hel geson- Ki r k ham- Fl ow er s
3- 6
pressure is shown in t he following figure.
The symbols represent t he dat a t aken from t he reference
foot not es
1, 2,3,4,

, alt hough t he line was generat ed fr om t he equat ion of
st at e.
Fi gur e 3. 1
1. H.S. Harned and S.R. Scholes. The Ionization Constant of HCO3- from 0 to 50. Journal of the American
Chemical Society 63, 1706 (1941).
2. R. Nasanen. Zur Einwirkung der Saure und Basenzusatze auf die Fallungskurvevon Bariumcarbonate. Sou-
men Kemistilehti 90, 24 (1946).
3. F. Cuta and F. Strafelda. The second dissociation constant of carbonic acid between 60 and 90C. Chem. Listy
48, 1308 (1954).
4. B.N. Ryzhenko. Geochemistry International 1, 8 (1963).
5. C.S. Patterson, G.H. Slocum, R.H. Busey, and R.E. Mesmer. Carbonate equilibrium in hydrothermal systems:
First ionization of carbonic acid in NaCl media to 300C. Geoch. Cosmoh. Acta 46, 1653 (1982).
Aqueous Ther modynami cs 3- 7
3- 7
3. 4. 1 The Helgeson Equat ion of
St at e
Ent halpy
Gibbs Free Energy
( 3. 9)
P T ,


A c
( ) c
\ .
| |
\ .
| |
( )
+ P +
+ P
\ .
| |
( ) a
+ P +
+ P
------------ +
\ .
| |
2T O
T O ( )
-- 1
\ .
| |
-- 1
\ .
| |
e c
T c
\ .
| |
Pr Tr ,
Pr Tr ,
----------- 1
\ .
| |

Pr Tr ,

+ +
+ +
+ +
P T ,


Pr Tr ,

( ) c
\ .
| |
+ a
( )
+ P +
+ P
\ .
| |
+ P +
+ P
\ .
| |
( ) a
+ P +
+ P
\ .
| |
\ .
| |
\ .
| |
\ .
| |

\ .
| |
\ .
| |
----- ln
T O ( )
O ( )
\ .
| |
-- 1
\ .
| |
Pr Tr ,
Pr Tr ,
\ .
| |
Pr Tr ,
Pr Tr ,
( )
+ +
A = A

+ P +
\ .
| |
+ P +
\ .
| |
+ +
\ .
| |
e Q
-- 1
\ .
| |
e c
P c
\ .
| |
3- 8 St andar d St at e
3- 8
Heat Capacit y at Const ant Pressure
Ent ropy
H = ent halpy
G = Gibbs free energy
V = volume
Cp = heat capacit y at const ant pressure
S = ent ropy
Y = 2600 bar
w = temperature and pressure dependent term for the electrostatic nature of
Q = pressure functions of the dielectric constant
e = dielectric constant of water
. .. a
= pressure dependent t erms
, c
= pressure dependent t erms
3. 5 St andard St at e
The st andard st at e r efers t o a t hermodynamic value at a defined st at e
( t emperat ure, pressure, and concent rat ion)

\ .
| |
T O)
\ .
| |
( ) a
+ In
+ P +
+ P
\ .
| |
e c
T c
\ .
| |
-- 1
\ .
| |
\ .
| |
+ +

Pr Tr ,

\ .
| |
\ .
| |

--- ln
T O ( )
O ( )
\ .
| |

\ .
| |
( ) a
+ P +
+ P
\ .
| |
+ eY
-- 1
\ .
| |
e c
T c
\ .
| |
Pr Tr ,
Pr Tr ,

+ +
O 228 K =
Aqueous Ther modynami cs 3- 9
3- 9
3. 5. 1 Aqueous
The hypot het ical 1. 0 molal solut ion ext rapolat ed from infinit e dilut ion.
3. 5. 2 Vapour
The I deal Gas Pure Component ( mole fract ion = 1. 0) .
3. 5. 3 Organic Liquid
The I deal Gas Pure Component ( mole fract ion = 1. 0) .
3. 5. 4 Solid
The pure component solid.
3. 6 Excess Propert ies
Excess proper t ies are a funct ion of t emperat ure, pressure and
composit ion. Wit h excess propert ies, t he concept of act ivit ies and
act ivit y coefficient s is int r oduced.
The excess propert y which is most import ant is t he excess Gibbs fr ee
energy. An int roduct ion t o molal propert ies can be referred t o in
1. M. Rafal, J.W. Berthold, N.C. Scrivner, and S.L. Grise. Chapter 7: Models for Electrolyte Solutions, Mod-
els for Thermodynamic and Phase Equilibria Calculations. Stanley I Sandler, Ed. Marcel-Dekker, Inc. New York:
1994. p. 686.
Fi gur e 3. 2
3- 10 Ex cess Pr oper t i es
3- 10
Sect i on 1. 3 - Gi bbs Fr ee Ener gy.
This equat ion can be rewrit t en as:
Ot her excess pr opert ies involve various part ial derivat ives of wit h
respect t o t emperat ure and/ or pressure:
3. 6. 1 I onic St rengt h
The ionic st rengt h is defined by t he following equat ion:
nI = number of charged species
= charge number of species
= molalit y
3. 6. 2 Aqueous Act ivit y
Coefficient s
The aqueous act ivit y coefficient is represent ed by a long and shor t
range definit ion as shown in t he following equat ion.
RT ln a

RT ln a

o ln
-- z
( )
i 1 =

log Long range Short range + =
Aqueous Ther modynami cs 3- 11
3- 11
Long Range Term
Highly dilut e solut ions ( e. g., 0.01 m NaCl) . The ions are separat ed
sufficient ly such t hat t he only int eract ions are bet ween t he ions and t he
solvent .
A = ion size paramet er
A( T) , B( T) = Debye- Huckel paramet ers relat ed t o dielect ric const ant
of wat er
At 25C and 1 At m
A( T) = 0. 5092 kg
/ mole
B( T) = 0. 3283 kg
0. 5
/ mole- cm X 10
- 8
Short Range Term
I ncreased concent rat ions in solut ion. The ions st art t o int eract wit h
each ot her ( opposit ely charged species at t ract , like charged species
repel) in addit ion t o t he int eract ions wit h t he solvent .
n = number of opposit ely charged species
Modern Formulat ions
Bromley- Meissner: Semi- Correlat ive
The Bromley
- Meissner
equat ion can pr edict and ext rapolat e excess
propert ies when dat a is limit ed or unavailable.
1. H.C. Helgeson and D.H. Kirkham. American Journal of Science Vol. 274, 1199 (1974)
2. L.A. Bromley. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 4, 669 (1972)
3. H.P. Meissner. AIChE Symposium Ser. No. 173, 74, 124 (1978)
A T ( ) I
B T ( ) I +
------------------------- =
T I , ( )m
( )
j 1 =

3- 12 Ex cess Pr oper t i es
3- 12
A = Debye- Huckel const ant
I = ionic st rengt h
B = Bromley paramet er
= mean act ivit y coefficient
= charge of cat ion
= charge of anion
Bromley- Zemait is
Joseph Zemait is ext ended t he work of Bromley by adding t wo new
t erms t o t he Bromley- Zemait is
act ivit y model.
Zemait is added t he C and D t erms. Each of t he B, C, and D t erms have
t he following t emperat ure ( T in C) funct ionalit y.
Pit zer: Highly I nt erpolat ive
The Pit zer
equat ion is somewhat dependent on t he model. When using
1. Zemaitis, J.F., Jr., D.M. Clark, M. Rafal, and N.C. Scrivner, Handbook of Aqueous Electrolyte Thermody-
namics, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, New York, 1986.

1 I +
0.06 0.6B + ( ) Z
--------------- +
\ .
| |
---------------------------------------- BI + + =


1 I +
0.06 0.6B + ( ) Z
--------------- +
\ .
| |
---------------------------------------- BI CI
+ + + + =
+ + =
+ + =
+ + =
Aqueous Ther modynami cs 3- 13
3- 13
large amount of published dat a, considerable caut ion is required t o
verify t he employed st andard st at e model.
= Debye- Huckel t erm
= st oichiomet ric coefficient for t he cat ion
= st oichiomet ric coefficient for t he anion
v = v
+ v
m = concent rat ion ( molal)
= Pit zer B t erm t hat cont ains adj ust able paramet ers
= Pit zer V t erm t hat cont ains adj ust able paramet ers
Helgeson: Limit ed in Scope
= Debye- Huckel const ant according t o Helgeson
= charge on cat ion
= charge on anion
= ion size paramet er
= ext ended Debye- Huckel t erm according t o Helgeson
I = t rue ionic st rengt h which includes t he effect s of complexat ion
= conversion of molal act ivit y t o mole fract ion act ivit y
= elect rost at ic effect s on t he solvent due t o t he species k
= moles of elect rolyt e ( summat ion)
2. K.S. Pitzer, et al. Journal of Soln. Chem 4, 249 (1975); Journal of Phys Chem. 81, 1872 (1977); Journal of
Soln. Chem. 7, 327(1978); Journal of the American Chemical Society 96, 5701 (1974)
1. IBID, p 74
2. H.C. Helgeson, D.H. Kirkham, and G.C. Flowers. American Journal of Science. 281, 1249 (1981)


2 v
( )
\ .
| |

2 v
( )
\ .
| |

+ + =





1 a

I +
--------------------- I

---- b

i k ,
------ b

l k ,

+ +
\ .
| |
+ + =

3- 14 Ex cess Pr oper t i es
3- 14
= moles of cat ion per mole of elect rolyt e
= moles of anion per mole of elect rolyt e
i, l
= adj ust able paramet er for t he ion- ion int eract ion
= fract ion of ionic st rengt h on a t rue basis at t ribut ed t o t he cat ion
= fract ion of ionic st rengt h on a t rue basis at t ribut ed t o t he anion
= ( half) t he cat ion charge
= ( half) t he anion charge
Neut ral Species
Neut ral molecules in wat er are affect ed by ot her species in a solut ion.
The salt ing in and out of a gas is a t ypical example. When oxygen is
dissolved in pure wat er, it has a t ypical solubilit y. When salt is added,
t he oxygen solubilit y decr eases. This is most likely due t o int eract ions
of sodium and chloride ions react ing wit h t he neut ral oxygen molecule.
The solubilit y of oxygen in NaCl solut ions at 25C and 1 at m is shown in
t he figure below.
Set schenow
This phenomenon known as salt ing in/ out is charact erized by t he
Set schenow
equat ion. The formulat ion is in t erms of t he rat io of
solubilit ies in pure wat er t o an aqueous salt solut ion at a const ant
Fi gur e 3. 3
1. J. Setschenow, Z. Physik. Chem., 4, 117 (1889)
i k ,
l k ,
Aqueous Ther modynami cs 3- 15
3- 15
t emperat ure.
= solubilit y of gas in pure wat er
= solubilit y of gas in a salt solut ion
K = Set schenow coefficient
= concent rat ion of t he salt
I n t his case, t he K is approximat ely equal t o - 0. 0002. I t should be
not ed t hat t his approach is limit ed t o a single t emperat ure.
Pit zer
The Pit zer
formulat ion is a more rigorous approach t han t he
Set schenow equat ion. The effect s of t emperat ure and composit ion can
be modeled.
= adj ust able paramet er for molecule- molecule int eract ions.
( A funct ion of t emperat ure)
= adj ust able paramet er for molecule- ion int eract ions. ( A
funct ion of t emperat ure)
= concent rat ion of neut ral species
3. 7 Mult i- phase Model
The t hermodynamic mult iple physical phases in equilibrium wit h t he
aqueous phase are discussed in t his sect ion. The model will correct ly
predict precipit at ing solids, format ion of a gas phase and a second
( non- aqueous) liquid phase. Refer t o Sect i on 1. 5 - Ot her Phy si cal
Phases i n Equi l i br i um for more informat ion on physical phases in
equilibrium wit h t he aqueous phase.
1. K.S. Pitzer, et al. Journal of Soln. Chem 4, 249 (1975); Journal of Phys. Chem. 81, 1872 (1977); Journal of
Soln. Chem. 7, 327 (1978); Journal of Am. Chem. Soc. 96, 5701 (1974)
---- Km
= =
0 m m ( )
0 m s ( )
+ =
0 m m ( )
0 m s ( )
3- 16 Mul t i - phase Model
3- 16
3. 7. 1 Solid-Aqueous Equilibrium
The general solid- aqueous equilibrium form is charact erized below.
Examples of solid- aqueous react ions include:
3. 7. 2 Solid Phase Thermodynamic
Propert ies
Solids in equilibrium wit h t he aqueous phase are independent phases.
Thus, t he Gibbs free energy is calculat ed for individual solids and is
represent ed by t he classical t hermodynamic equat ion.
The compressibilit y of t he solid remains const ant ( V = b
) when
simulat ed under normal condit ions.
3. 7. 3 Mixed EOS Model
I n addit ion t o solids, UniSim Design OLI I nt erface account s for t he
possible format ion of a gas and a second ( non- aqueous) phase. The
following t hermodynamic equat ions are applied t o t he gas and liquid
phases based on t he enhanced SRK formulat ion.
. p
+ + + =
cr ( )
aq ( )
aq) + =
O Ca
aq ( ) SO
aq ( )
O + + =
( )
----- T d
\ .
| |
T d
V P d
+ + + =
Cp a
T a
+ + =
V b
T P , ( ) A
---- CT
+ + + + + + =
Aqueous Ther modynami cs 3- 17
3- 17
Vapour-Aqueous Phase
The gas or vapour- aqueous phase is represent ed by t he general
t hermodynamic equat ion.
Non-Aqueous Liquid-Aqueous Phase
The non- aqueous second liquid phase is represent ed by t he following
t hermodynamic equat ion.
RT |
P ( ) ln + G
( ) ln + =

P =
The reference state for the vapor is the ideal gas
RT f
( ) ln + G
RT a
( ) ln + =
------- = =
The reference state for the non-aqueous liquid is the ideal gas vapor
RT |
P ( ) ln + G
( ) ln + =

P =
RT f
( ) ln + G
RT a
( ) ln + =
------- = =
3- 18 Mi x ed Sol v ent Model
3- 18
3. 8 Mixed Solvent Model
The model
is developed t o handle elect rolyt e syst ems ranging from
infinit e dilut ion t o solid sat urat ion or pure solut e limit and for var ious
complet ely miscible inorganic syst ems over a full concent rat ion range.
Also, t he model is capable of repr esent ing phase equilibria in
mult icomponent inorganic syst ems cont aing mult iple salt s, acids, and
bases. Complex phase behavior such as format ion of mult iple hydrat ed
salt s, double salt s, or t he presence of eut ect ic point s can be accurat ely
represent ed. The model is equally valid for classical aqueous syst ems,
t hose wit h more t han one dist inct solvent and mixt ures in whihc a given
component may cont inuously vary from being a solut e t o being a
solvent .
3. 8. 1 Model Framework
The excess Gibbs energy is expressed as
3. 32
where repr esent s t he cont r ibut ion of long- range elect rost at ic
int erat ion, r epresent s specific, primarily ionic ( i. e., ion- ion and ion-
molecule) int erat ions and is a short - range cont ribut ion result ing
from int er molecular int erat ions.
The long- range int eract ion cont ribut ion is calculat ed fr om t he Pit zer-
Debye- Huckel formula

expressed in t erms of model fract ions any
symmet rically normalized.
For t he short - range int eract ion cont ribut ion t o t he excess Gibbs energy,
t he UNI QUAC equat ion is used
3. 33
wit h t he combinat inal and residual t erms expressed as
3. 34
1. P. Wang, A. Anderko and R.D. Young, A Speciation-Based Model for Mixed-Solvent Electrolyte Systems,
Fluid Phase Equilibria, Vol. 203, 2002, 141-176.
2. K.S. Pitzer, Thermodynamics of electrolytes. I. Theoretical basis and General Equations, J. Phys. Chem.,
Vol. 77, 1973, 268-277.
3. K.S. Pitzer, Electrolytes. From Dilute Solutions to Fused Salts, J. Am. Chem. Soc. Vol. 102, 1980, 2902-
------- + + =
---------------- + =
-------------------------- En
( ) Ex
--- ln
-- Eq
--- ln + =
Aqueous Ther modynami cs 3- 19
3- 19
3. 35
3. 36
3. 37
3. 38
where and are t he surface and size paramet ers, respect ively, for
t he species i; Z is a const ant wit h a value of 10; is t he binary
int erat ion paramet er bet ween species i and j ( ) . The UNI QUAC
model has been ext ensively verified for syst ems composed of neut ral
The middle- range int erat ion cont ribut ion is calculat ed from an ionic
st rengt h- dependent , symmet rical second viral coefficient - t ype
3. 39
where , and t he ionic st rengt h
dependency of is given by
3. 40
where and are adj ust able paramet ers and is set equal t o
0. 01. I n general, t he paramet er and are calculat ed as funct ion
of t emperat ure as
3. 41
3. 42
Speciat ion effect s due t o t he format ion of ion pair s and complexes are
explicit ely t aken inyo account using chemical equilibria. Chemical
equilibrium calculat ions requires t he st andard- st at e chemical pot ent ial,
, for all species t oget her wit h act ivit y coefficient s.
The st andard- st at e chemical pot ent ials for aqueous speicies ar e
calculat ed as funct ios of t emperat ure and pressure using t he Helgeson-
Kirkham- Flowers equat ion of st at e
. The paramet ers of t his model are
available for a large number of aqueous species including ions,
associat ed ion pairs, and neut ral species. I t should be not ed t hat
st andard- st at e propert ies calculat ed from t he model of Helgeson et al.
1. H.C. Helegeson, D.H.Kirkham and G.C. Flowers, Theoretical Predition of the Thermodynamic Behavior ot
Aqueous Electrolytes at High Pressure and Temperature - Part I through IV. Amer. J. Sci. Vol. 274, 1974, 1089-
1198; ibid., Vol. 274, 1199-1261; ibid., Vol. 276, 1976, 97-240; ibid., Vol. 281, 1981, 1249-1516.
---------------- En
( ) Eq
( ) ln | | =
--------- =
--------- =
\ .
| |
exp =
-------- E n
( ) EEx
( ) | | =
( ) B
( ) = B
0 = =
( ) b
+ ( ) exp + =
0 ij ,
1 ij ,
T b
2 ij ,
T + + =
0 ij ,
1 ij ,
T c
2 ij ,
T + + =
3- 20 Mi x ed Sol v ent Model
3- 20
are based on t he infinit e- dilut ion reference st at e and on t he molarit y
concent rat ion scale. At t he same t ime, t he act ivit y coefficient s obt ained
from equat ion 3. 32 are symmet rically normalized and based on t he
mode fract ion scale. To make t he speciat ion calculat ions consist ent , t he
following conversions are performed: ( i) t he act ivit y coefficient s
calculat ed from equat ion 3. 32 are convert ed t o t hose based on t he
unsymet rical reference st at e, i. e. at infinit e dilut ion in wat er, as
described by Wang et al. and ( ii) t he molarit y- based st andar d- st at e
chemical pot ent ials are convert ed t o a corresponding mole fract ion-
based quant it y.
3. 8. 2 Model Paramet ers
The paramet ers of t he mode are det ermined on t he basis of various
kinds of experiment al dat a. I n part icular, dat a of t he following t ype
may be included in t he regression of model paramet ers:
1. Vapour- liquid equilibria;
2. Osmot ic coefficient s ( or act ivit y of wat er) in aqueous solut ions and
act ivit y coeffient s, especially in complet ely dissociat ed syst esm;
3. Solubilit y of salt s in wat er and ot her solvent s;
4. Propert ies of elect rolyt es at infinit e dilut ion, such as acid/ base
dissociat ion and complexat ion const ant s;
5. Dat a t hat reflect ionic equilibria in solut ion, such as pH
measurement s;
6. Densit ies;
7. Heat s of mixing and dilut ion;
8. Heat capacit ies.
Among t hese t ype of dat a, vapor- liquid equilibria and salt solubilit ies
are of paramount import ance. Whereas vapor- liquid equilibrium dat a
direct ly const rain t he excess gibbs energy, solid- liquid equilibrium dat a
can be used t o const rain bot h t he excess Gibbs energy and t he
propert ies of solid phases t hat are in equilibrium wit h t he liquid phase.
The use of mult iple dat a t ypes is imporant t o ensure t he accuracy of
model paramet ers.
The experiment al dat a cover t he concent rat ion ranges from infinit e
diliut ion in wat er t o t he solubilit y or fused slat limit , whichever applies.
The combined model is t ypically applicable for t emperat ur e up t o 0. 9T
where T
is t he crit ical t emperat ure of t he mixt ure. This is due t o t he
fact t hat t he excess Gibbs energy model is valid only for liqui- like
syst ems and, t her efore, cannot approach t he crit ical locus t oo closely.
Thus, t he propert ies of relat ively dilut e aqueous syst ems can be
represent ed up t o ca. 300
C. I n concent rat ed elect rolyt e syst ems, t he
crit ical t emperat ure is t ypically higher and t he model may be valid well
Aqueous Ther modynami cs 3- 21
3- 21
beyond 300
3. 9 Scaling Tendencies
The scaling t endency is t he rat io of t he real- solut ion solubilit y product
t o t he t hermodynamic limit based on t he t hermodynamic equilibrium
const ant .
For Example, consider t he following dissolut ion:
The ion act ivit y product ( I AP) is defined as t he product of specific ions.
I n t his case t hat would be t he ions t hat result from t he dissociat ion of a
part icular solid. For t his example, a 1. 0 molal NaHCO3 solut ion is
Assuming I deal solut ion act ivit ies:
The solubilit y pr oduct ( K
) is t he t hermodynamic limit of ion
availabilit y.
The scaling t endency is t hen t he rat io of available ions t o t he
t hermodynamic limit .
The above scaling fact or is based on assuming ideal condit ions. The
act ual species concent rat ion and act ivit y coefficient s are:
3 s ( )
+ =


1.0 =
1.0 =
1.0 = m
1.0 =
IAP = (1.0)(1.0)(1.0)(1.0) = 1.0
| | HCO
| |
0.403780 =
------- =
---------------- 2.48 = =

0.598 =
0.596 =
0.894 = m
0.866 =
IAP = (0.598)(0.894)(0.596)(0.866) = 0.276
3- 22 Scal i ng Tendenci es
3- 22
Therefor e, t he new scaling t endency is:
The concent rat ions are not equal t o 1. 0. This is due t o speciat ion and
t he chemical equilibria which t end t o form complexes t hat provide a
sink for carbonat e species. For t his example, t he concent rat ions
( molal) are:
The scaling t endencies represent t he following:
I f ST < 1, t hen t he solid is under- sat urat ed
I f ST > 1, t hen t he solid is super- sat urat ed
I f ST = 1, t hen t he solid is at sat urat ion
Scaling I ndex = Log ( ST)
TRANGE is t he nomenclat ure for solids t hat have been fit t o a
polynomial form rat her t han pure t hermodynamics. The polynomial has
t he following funct ional form:
I t is known t hat ext rapolat ing polynomials is inaccurat e and may lead t o
incorrect predict ions of t he scaling t endency. Therefore, t he applicable
range is generally limit ed t o dat a set .
Consider t he following example for a four solid syst em.
The t able above indicat es t hat t he solids change t heir form as t he
t emperat ure is increased.
Each solid is fit t o t he above polynomial. There may be problems if t he
ext rapolat ed values from higher number hydrat es ext end t o t he r egions
Sol i d Temper at ur e Range ( C)
O 0 - 35
O 35 - 37
O 37 - 109
109 - 350
------- =
---------------- 0.683 = =
0.016 = NaHCO
0.101 =
0.012 = NaCO
0.004 =
Log K = A + B/T + CT + DT
Aqueous Ther modynami cs 3- 23
3- 23
where t he lower number hydrat es are st able.
Not ice t hat t he deca- hydrat e species does not ext rapolat e smoot hly t o
high t emperat ures as shown below.
At 350 K, it can be seen t hat if t he solid is included in t he model, t he
equilibrium based solver would at t empt t o include it over t he act ual
solid, which is t he monohydrat e.
Since t he decahydrat e species is out side t he t emperat ure range, it is
mat hemat ically eliminat ed from t he equat ions.
Fi gur e 3. 4
3- 24 Scal i ng Tendenci es
3- 24
Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace Ful l Dat abase A- 1
A- 1
A UniSim Design OLI
I nt erface Full Dat abase
A.1 Li st of Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace Ful l Dat abase............... .......... 2
A- 2 Li st of Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace
A- 2
A. 1 List of UniSim Design OLI
I nt erface Full Dat abase
The full dat abase covers t housands of species in wat er. I n t erms of
inorganic chemist ry t his includes much of t he aqueous chemist ry
including speciat ion react ions for 79 element s in wat er fr om t he
Periodic Table. I n addit ion, t housands of organic chemical compounds
( elect rolyt e and non- elect rolyt e) are covered. The following list includes
t he UniSim Design OLI I nt erface Name, Formula and t he Common/
I UPAC name. To find or mat ch an elect rolyt e component in UniSim
Design, select t he appropriat e component or t ype in t he UniSim Design
OLI I nt erface name.
For mul a Common/ I UPAC Name
Uni Si m Desi gn
OLI I nt er f ace
( C2H5) 4N+ 1 Tet raet hylammonium ion( + 1) ET4NI ON
( C2H5) 4NBr Tet raet hylammonium bromide ET4NBR
( C2H5) 4NCl Tet raet hylammonium chloride ET4NCL
( C2H5) 4NClO4 Tet raet hylammonium perchlorat e ET4NCLO4
( C2H5) 4NI Tet raet hylammonium iodide ET4NI
( C3H7) 4N+ 1 Tet rapropylammonium ion( + 1) PR4NI ON
( C3H7) 4NBr Tet rapropylammonium bromide PR4NBR
( C3H7) 4NCl Tet rapropylammonium chloride PR4NCL
( C3H7) 4NI Tet rapropylammonium iodide PR4NI
( C4H9) 3PO4 Tri- n- but ylphosphat e TRI BUTPHOS
( C4H9) 4N+ 1 Tet rabut ylammonium ion( + 1) BU4NI ON
( C4H9) 4NBr Tet rabut ylammonium bromide BU4NBR
( C4H9) 4NCl Tet rabut ylammonium chloride BU4NCL
( C4H9) 4NI Tet rabut ylammonium iodide BU4NI
( C5H11) 4N+ 1 Tet raamylammonium ion AM4NI ON
( C5H11) 4NBr Tet rapent ylammonium bromide AM4NBR
( C5H11) 4NCl Tet rapent ylammonium chloride AM4NCL
( C5H11) 4NI Tet rapent ylammonium iodide AM4NI
( C6H13) 4N+ 1 Tet rahexylammonium ion( + 1) HX4NI ON
( C6H13) 4NBr Tet rahexylammonium bromide HX4NBR
( C6H13) 4NCl Tet rahexylammonium chloride HX4NCL
( C6H13) 4NI Tet rahexylammonium iodide HX4NI
( CaHCO3) 2CO3 Di( calcium bicarbonat e) carbonat e CAHCO32CO3
( CaHCO3) 2SO4 Di( calcium bicarbonat e) sulfat e CAHCO32SO4
( CH3) 4N+ 1 Tet ramet hylammonium ion( + 1) ME4NI ON
( CH3) 4NBr Tet ramet hylammonium bromide ME4NBR
( CH3) 4NCl Tet ramet hylammonium chloride ME4NCL
( CH3) 4NClO4 Tet ramet hylammonium perchlorat e ME4NCLO4
( CH3) 4NF Tet ramet hylammonium fluoride ME4NF
Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace Ful l Dat abase A- 3
A- 3
( CH3) 4NI Tet ramet hylammonium iodide ME4NI
( CH3) 4NNO3 Tet ramet hylammonium nit rat e ME4NNO3
( COOH) 2.2H2O Oxalic acid dihydrat e OXALAC. 2H2O
( HF) 2 Hydrofluoride, dimer H2F2
( HF) 6 Hydrogen fluoride, hexamer H6F6
( MgCl) 2CO3 Di( magnesium chloride) carbonat e MGCL2CO3
( MgCl) 2SO4 Di( magnesium chloride) sulfat e MGCL2SO4
( MgHCO3) 2CO3 Di( magnesium bicarbonat e) carbonat e MGHCO32CO3
( MgHCO3) 2SO4 Di( magnesium bicarbonat e) sulfat e( VI ) MGHCO32SO4
( NH4) 2C2O4 Ammonium oxalat e NH42OX
( NH4) 2C2O4. 1H2O Ammonium oxalat e monohydrat e NH42OX. 1H2O
( NH4) 2CO3 Ammonium carbonat e NH42CO3
( NH4) 2CO3. 2NH4HCO3 Ammonium sesquicarbonat e NH44H2CO33
( NH4) 2HPO4 Ammonium hydrogen ort hophosphat e NH42HPO4
( NH4) 2HPO4. 2H2O Ammonium hydrogen ort hophosphat e
dihydrat e
( NH4) 2S Ammonium sulfide NH42S
( NH4) 2S5 Ammonium pent asulfide NH42S5
( NH4) 2SiF6 Ammonium hexafluorosilicat e NH42SI F6
( NH4) 2SO3 Ammonium sulfit e NH42SO3
( NH4) 2SO3. 1H2O Ammonium sulfit e monohydrat e NH42SO3. 1H2O
( NH4) 2SO4 Ammonium sulfat e NH42SO4
( NH4) 3PO4 Ammonium ort hophosphat e NH43PO4
( NH4) 3PO4. 3H2O Ammonium phosphat e t rihydrat e NH43PO4. 3H2O
( NpO2) 2( OH) 2+ 2 Di( dioxonept unium( VI ) ) dihydroxide
ion( + 2)
( NpO2) 2C2O4 Dioxonept unium( V) oxalat e NPVO22C2O4
( NpO2) 3( OH) 5+ 1 Tri( dioxonept unium( VI ) ) pent ahydroxide
ion( + 1)
( P2O5) 2 Phosphorus pent oxide P4O10
( PuO2) 2( OH) 2+ 2 Di( dioxyplut onium( VI ) ) dihydroxide
ion( + 2)
( PuO2) 2C2O4 Di( dioxyplut onium( V) ) oxalat e PUVO22C2O4
( PuO2) 3( OH) 5+ 1 Tri( dioxyplut onium( VI ) ) pent ahydroxide
ion( + 1)
( TcO( OH) 2) 2 Oxyt echnet ium( I V) dihydroxide, dimer TCI VOOH22
( UO2) ( ASO4) 2 Uranyl( VI ) arsenat e UO23ASO42
( UO2) 2( OH) 2+ 2 Diuranyl( VI ) dihydroxide ion( + 2) UO22OH2I ON
( UO2) 2[ C10H12N2O8] Diuranyl( VI ) EDTA UO22EDTA
( UO2) 2[ C6H5O7] 2- 2 Diuranyl( VI ) dit art rat e ion( - 2) UO22CTRT2I ON
( UO2) 2Cl3 Uranyl( VI ) uranyl( V) chloride UO22CL3
( UO2) 2P2O7 Uranyl( VI ) pyrophosphat e UO22P2O7
( UO2) 3( OH) 5+ 1 Triuranyl( VI ) pent ahydroxide ion( + 1) UO23OH5I ON
( UO2) 3( PO4) 2 Uranyl( VI ) ort hophosphat e UO23PO42
( UO2) 3( PO4) 2.4H2O Uranyl( VI ) ort hophosphat e t et rahydrat e UO23PO42.4H2O
For mul a Common/ I UPAC Name
Uni Si m Desi gn
OLI I nt er f ace
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[ Pt ( NH3) 6] ( OH) 4 Plat inum( I V) hexaammonia
t et rahydroxide
[ Pt ( NH3) 6] Cl4 Plat inum( I V) hexaammonia t et rachloride PTNH36CL4
2Na2SO4. Na2CO3 Hexasodium carbonat e bissulfat e NA6SO42CO3
Ag Silver AGEL
Ag( C2O4) - 1 Silver oxalat e ion( - 1) AGC2O4I ON
Ag( CN) 2- 1 Silver dicyanide ion( - 1) AGCN2I ON
Ag( CN) 3- 2 Silver t ricyanide ion( - 2) AGCN3I ON
Ag( NH3) 2+ 1 Silver diammonia ion( + 1) AGNH32I ON
Ag( NO2) 2- 1 Silver dinit rit e ion( - 1) AGNO22I ON
Ag( OH) 2- 1 Silver dihydroxide ion( - 1) AGOH2I ON
Ag( SCN) 2- 1 Silver dit hiocyanat e ion( - 1) AGSCN2I ON
Ag( SCN) 3- 2 Silver t rit hiocyanat e ion( - 2) AGSCN3I ON
Ag( SCN) 4- 3 Silver t et rat hiocyanat e ion( - 3) AGSCN4I ON
Ag[ C10H12N2O8] - 3 Silver EDTA ion( - 3) AGEDTAI ON
Ag[ C14H18N3O10] - 4 Silver DTPA ion( - 4) AGDTPAI ON
Ag[ C2H3O2] Silver( I ) acet at e AGACET
Ag[ C2H3O2] 2- 1 Silver diacet at e ion( - 1) AGACET2I ON
Ag[ C2H3O3] Silver glycolat e AGGLYCOL
Ag[ C2H3O3] 2- 1 Silver diglycolat e ion( - 1) AGGLYCOL2I ON
Ag[ C2H7NO] + 1 Silver mono( 2- aminoet hanol) ion( + 1) AGMEXHI ON
Ag[ C2H7NO] 2+ 1 Silver di( 2- aminoet hanol) ion( + 1) AGMEXH2I ON
Ag[ C2H8N2] + 1 Silver monoet hylenediamine ion( + 1) AGEDAI ON
Ag[ C2H8N2] 2+ 1 Silver diet hylenediamine ion( + 1) AGEDA2I ON
Ag[ C4H11NO2] + 1 Silver mono( N, N- diet hanolamine)
ion( + 1)
Ag[ C4H11NO2] 2+ 1 Silver di( N,N- diet hanolamine) ion( + 1) AGDEXH2I ON
Ag[ C6H15NO3] + 1 Silver monot riet hanolamine ion( + 1) AGTEXHI ON
Ag[ C6H15NO3] 2+ 1 Silver di( t riet hanolamine) ion( + 1) AGTEXH2I ON
Ag[ C6H6NO6] - 2 Silver NTA ion( - 2) AGNTAI ON
Ag[ H2C6H6NO6] Silver dihydrogen NTA AGH2NTA
Ag[ H3C10H12N2O8] Silver t rihydrogen EDTA AGH3EDTA
Ag[ H4C14H22N3O10] Silver t et rahydrogen DTPA AGH4DTPA
Ag[ HC10H13N2O8] - 2 Silver hydrogen EDTA ion( - 2) AGHEDTAI ON
Ag[ HC2H8N2] + 2 Silver hydrogen et hylenediamine ion( + 2) AGHEDAI ON
Ag+ 1 Silver ion( + 1) AGI ON
Ag2[ C2H8N2] 2+ 2 Disilver diet hylenediamine ion( + 2) AG2EDA2I ON
Ag2C2O4 Silver( I ) oxalat e AG2C2O4
Ag2CO3 Silver( I ) carbonat e AG2CO3
Ag2MoO4 Disilver molybdenum t et raoxide AG2MOO4
Ag2O Silver( I ) oxide AG2O
Ag2S Silver( I ) sulfide AG2S
Ag2Se Silver( I ) selenide AG2SE
Ag2SeO3 Disilver selenium t rioxide AG2SEO3
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Ag2SeO4 Disilver selenium t et raoxide AG2SEO4
Ag2SO4 Silver( I ) sulfat e AG2SO4
Ag2WO4 Disilver t ungst en t et raoxide AG2WO4
Ag3AsO4 Trisilver arsenium t et raoxide AG3ASO4
Ag3PO4 Silver( I ) phosphat e AG3PO4
AgBr Silver( I ) bromide AGBR
AgBr2- 1 Silver dibromide ion( - 1) AGBR2I ON
AgBr3- 2 Silver t ribromide ion( - 2) AGBR3I ON
AgBr4- 3 Silver t et rabromide ion( - 3) AGBR4I ON
AgCl Silver chloride AGCL
AgCl2- 1 Silver dichloride ion( - 1) AGCL2I ON
AgCl3- 2 Silver t richloride ion( - 2) AGCL3I ON
AgCl4- 3 Silver t et rachloride ion( - 3) AGCL4I ON
AgCN Silver cyanide AGCN
AgF Silver( I ) fluoride AGF
AgF. 2H2O Silver( I ) fluoride dihydrat e AGF. 2H2O
AgF. 4H2O Silver( I ) fluoride t et rahydrat e AGF.4H2O
AgI Silver iodide AGI
AgI 2- 1 Silver diiodide ion( - 1) AGI 2I ON
AgI 3- 2 Silver t riiodide ion( - 2) AGI 3I ON
AgI 4- 3 Silver t et raiodide ion( - 3) AGI 4I ON
AgNO2 Silver nit rit e AGNO2
AgNO3 Silver nit rat e AGNO3
AgOH Silver hydroxide AGOH
AgSCN Silver t hiocyanat e AGSCN
AgSO4- 1 Silver sulfat e ion( - 1) AGSO4I ON
Al Aluminum ALEL
Al( NO2) 3 Aluminum nit rit e ALNO23
Al( NO3) 3 Aluminum nit rat e ALNO33
AL( NO3) 3. 6H2O Aluminum nit rat e hexahydrat e ALNO33.6H2O
Al( NO3) 3.8H2O Aluminum nit rat e oct ahydrat e ALNO33.8H2O
Al( NO3) 3.9H2O Aluminum nit rat e nonahydrat e ALNO33.9H2O
Al( OH) 2+ 1 Aluminum dihydroxide ion( + 1) ALOH2I ON
Al( OH) 3 Aluminum hydroxide ALOH3
Al( OH) 4- 1 Aluminum t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) ALOH4I ON
Al( SO4) 2- 1 Aluminum disulfat e ion( - 1) ALSO42I ON
Al[ C10H12N2O8] - 1 Aluminum EDTA ion( - 1) ALEDTAI ON
Al[ C14H18N3O10] - 2 Aluminum DTPA ion( - 2) ALDTPAI ON
Al[ C2H3O2] + 2 Aluminum monoacet at e ion( + 2) ALACETI ON
Al[ C2H3O2] 2+ 1 Aluminum diacet at e ion( + 1) ALACET2I ON
Al[ C2H3O2] 3 Aluminum acet at e ALACET3
Al[ H2C14H18N3O10] Aluminum dihydrogen DTPA ALH2DTPA
Al[ HC10H12N2O8] Aluminum hydrogen EDTA ALHEDTA
Al[ HC14H18N3O10] - 1 Aluminum hydrogen DTPA ion( - 1) ALHDTPAI ON
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Al+ 3 Aluminum ion( + 3) ALI ON
Al2( SO4) 3 Aluminum sulfat e AL2SO43
Al2( SO4) 3.16H2O Aluminum sulfat e hexadecahydrat e AL2SO43.16H2O
Al2( SO4) 3.6H2O Aluminum sulfat e hexahydrat e AL2SO43.6H2O
Al2Mn3O12Si3 Dialuminum t rimanganese t risilicon
Al2S3 Aluminum sulfide AL2S3
Al2Si2O5( OH) 4 Halloysit e HALLOYSI TE
Al2SiO5( OH) 4 Dialuminum silicon pent aoxide
t et rahydroxide
Al4Fe5Si6O22( OH) 2 Tet raaluminum pent airon hexasilicon
docosaoxide dihydroxide
AlBr3 Aluminum bromide ALBR3
AlCl3 Aluminum chloride ALCL3
AlCl3.6H2O Aluminum chloride hexahydrat e ALCL3. 6H2O
AlF+ 2 Aluminum monofluoride ion( + 2) ALFI ON
AlF2+ 1 Aluminum difluoride ion( + 1) ALF2I ON
AlF3 Aluminum fluoride ALF3
AlF3.3H2O Aluminum fluoride t rihydrat e ALF3.3H2O
AlF4- 1 Aluminum t et rafluoride ion( - 1) ALF4I ON
AlF5- 2 Aluminum pent afluoride ion( - 2) ALF5I ON
AlF6- 3 Aluminum hexafluoride ion( - 3) ALF6I ON
AlI 3 Aluminum iodide ALI 3
AlO( OH) Aluminum oxide hydroxide ALOOH
AlOH+ 2 Aluminum monohydroxide ion( + 2) ALOHI ON
AlPO4 Aluminum phosphat e ALPO4
AlSO4+ 1 Aluminum monosulfat e ion( + 1) ALSO4I ON
Am( C2O4) 2- 1 Americium( I I I ) dioxalat e ion( - 1) AMI I I C2O42I ON
Am( C2O4) 3- 3 Americium( I I I ) t rioxalat e ion( - 3) AMI I I C2O43I ON
Am( CO3) 2- 1 Americium( I I I ) dicarbonat e ion( - 1) AMCO32I ON
Am( HCO3) 2+ 1 Americium( I I I ) di( bicarbonat e) ion( + 1) AMHCO32I ON
Am( NO3) 2+ 1 Americium( I I I ) dinit rat e ion( + 1) AMNO32I ON
Am( NO3) 3 Americium( I I I ) nit rat e AMNO33
Am( OH) 2+ 1 Americium( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) AMI I I OH2I ON
Am( OH) 3 Americium( I I I ) hydroxide AMI I I OH3
Am( OH) 4 Americium( I V) hydroxide AMI VOH4
Am( SO4) 2- 1 Americium( I I I ) disulfat e ion( - 1) AMI I I SO42I ON
Am[ C10H12N2O8] - 1 Americium( I I I ) EDTA ion( - 1) AMEDTAI ON
Am[ C10H13N2O8] Americium( I I I ) hydrogen EDTA AMI I I HEDTA
Am[ C14H18N3O10] - 2 Americium( I I I ) DTPA ion( - 2) AMDTPAI ON
Am[ C2H3O3] + 2 Americium( I I I ) monoglycolat e ion( + 2) AMI I I GLYCOI ON
Am[ C2H3O3] 2+ 1 Americium( I I I ) diglycolat e ion( + 1) AMI I I GLYCO2I ON
Am[ C2H3O3] 3 Americium( I I I ) glycolat e AMI I I GLYCO3
Am[ C6H5O7] Americium( I I I ) cit rat e AMCTRT
Am[ C6H5O7] 2- 3 Americium( I I I ) dicit rat e ion( - 3) AMCTRT2I ON
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Am[ C6H6NO6] Americium( I I I ) NTA AMNTA
Am[ C6H6NO6] 2- 3 Americium( I I I ) di- NTA ion( - 3) AMNTA2I ON
Am[ H2C14H18N3O10] Americium( I I I ) dihydrogen DTPA AMH2DTPA
Am[ HC10H12N2O8] Americium( I I I ) hydrogen EDTA AMHEDTA
Am+ 3 Americium( I I I ) ion( + 3) AMI I I I ON
Am+ 4 Americium ion( + 4) AMI VI ON
Am2( C2O4) 3 Americium( I I I ) oxalat e AMI I I 2C2O43
Am2( CO3) 3 Americium( I I I ) carbonat e AM2CO33
AmBr3 Americium( I I I ) bromide AMI I I BR3
AmC2O4+ 1 Americium( I I I ) monooxalat e ion( + 1) AMI I I C2O4I ON
AmCl+ 2 Americium( I I I ) monochloride ion( + 2) AMI I I CLI ON
AmCl2+ 1 Americium( I I I ) dichloride ion( + 1) AMI I I CL2I ON
AmCl3 Americium( I I I ) chloride AMI I I CL3
AmCO3+ 1 Americium( I I I ) monocarbonat e ion( + 1) AMCO3I ON
AmF+ 2 Americium( I I I ) monofluoride ion( + 2) AMI I I FI ON
AmF2+ 1 Americium( I I I ) difluoride ion( + 1) AMI I I F2I ON
AmF3 Americium( I I I ) fluoride AMI I I F3
AmF4 Americium( I V) fluoride AMI VF4
AmHCO3+ 2 Americium( I I I ) bicarbonat e ion( + 2) AMHCO3I ON
AmI 3 Americium( I I I ) iodide AMI I I I 3
AmNO3+ 2 Americium( I I I ) mononit rat e ion( + 2) AMNO3I ON
AmO2( OH) 2 Americium dioxide dihydroxide AMO2OH2
AmO2+ 1 Dioxyamericium( V) ion( + 1) AMVO2I ON
AmO2+ 2 Dioxyamericium( I I I ) ion( + 2) AMO2I ON
AmO2OH Americium dioxide hydroxide AMVO2OH
AmOH+ 2 Americium( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( 2) AMI I I OHI ON
AmSO4+ 1 Americium( I I I ) monosulfat e ion( + 1) AMI I I SO4I ON
Ar Argon AR
As Arsenic ARSEL
As( OH) 2Cl3 Arsenic dihydroxide t richloride ASOH2CL3
As2O3 Arsenic( I I I ) oxide AS2O3
As2O5 Arsenic( V) oxide AS2O5
As2O5.1. 7H2O Arsenic( V) oxide 1. 7- hydroxide AS2O5. 1. 7H2O
As2O5.4H2O Arsenic( V) oxide t et rahydrat e AS2O5. 4H2O
As2S3 Arsenic( I I I ) sulfide AS2S3
As2S4- 2 Diarsenic( I I I ) t et rasulfide ion( - 2) AS2S4I ON
As2S5 Arsenic( V) sulfide AS2S5
AsO+ 1 Arsenic( I I I ) monoxide ion( + 1) ARSOI ON
AsO2- 1 Arsenic( I I I ) dioxide ion( - 1) ARSO2I ON
AsO3- 3 Arsenic( I I I ) t rioxide ion( - 3) ARSO3I ON
AsO4- 3 Arsenic( I I I ) t et raoxide ion( - 3) ARSO4I ON
Au Gold AUEL
Au( CN) 2- 1 Gold( I ) dicyanide ion( - 1) GLDI CN2I ON
Au( OH) 3 Gold( I I I ) hydroxide GLDI I I OH3
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Au( OH) 3 Gold( I I I ) hydroxide GOLDOH3
Au( OH) 4- 1 Gold( I I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) GLDI I I OH4I ON
Au( OH) 5- 2 Gold( I I I ) pent ahydroxide ion( - 2) GLDI I I OH5I ON
Au+ 1 Gold ion( + 1) GLDI I ON
Au+ 3 Gold ion( + 3) GLDI I I I ON
AuBr Gold( I ) bromide GLDI BR
AuBr2- 1 Gold( I ) dibromide ion( - 1) GLDI BR2I ON
AuBr3 Gold( I I I ) bromide GLDI I I BR3
AuBr4- 1 Gold( I I I ) t et rabromide ion( - 1) GLDI I I BR4I ON
AuCl Gold( I ) chloride GLDI CL
AuCl3 Gold( I I I ) chloride GLDI I I CL3
AuCl4- 1 Gold( I I I ) t et rachloride ion( - 1) GLDI I I CL4I ON
AuCN Gold( I ) cyanide GLDI CN
AuI Gold( I ) iodide GLDI I OD
AuOH Gold( I ) hydroxide GLDI OH
B Boron BEL
B( C6H5) 4- 1 Tet raphenyl borat e ion( - 1) BPH4I ON
B( OH) 3 Boric acid BOH3
B( OH) 4- 1 Boron t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) BOH4I ON
B2O6H5- 1 Diboron oxide pent ahydroxide ion( - 1) B2OOH5I ON
B2S3 Diboron t risulfide B2S3
B3O3( OH) 4- 1 Triboron t rioxide t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) B3O3OH4I ON
B4O5( OH) 4- 2 Tet raboron pent aoxide t et rahydroxide
ion( - 2)
Ba Barium BAEL
Ba( CN) 2 Barium cyanide BACN2
Ba( CN) 2.1H2O Barium cyanide monohydrat e BACN2. 1H2O
Ba( CN) 2.2H2O Barium cyanide dihydat e BACN2. 2H2O
Ba( H2PO4) 2 Barium dihydrogen ort hophosphat e BAH2PO42
Ba( HCO3) ( OH) Barium hydroxide bicarbonat e BAOHHCO3
Ba( HCO3) 2 Barium bicarbonat e BAHCO32
Ba( HS) 2 Barium bisulfide BAHS2
Ba( HSO3) 2 Barium bisulfit e BAHSO32
Ba( HSO4) 2 Barium bisulfat e BAHSO42
Ba( NO2) 2 Barium nit rit e BANO22
Ba( NO2) 2.1H2O Barium nit rit e monohydrat e BANO22.1H2O
Ba( NO3) 2 Barium nit rat e BANO32
Ba( OH) 2 Barium hydroxide BAOH2
Ba( OH) 2. 8H2O Barium hydroxide oct ahydrat e BAOH2. 8H2O
Ba[ C10H12N2O8] - 2 Barium EDTA ion( - 2) BAEDTAI ON
Ba[ C10H14N2O8] Barium dihydrogen EDTA BAH2EDTA
Ba[ C14H18N3O10] - 3 Barium DTPA ion( - 3) BADTPAI ON
Ba[ C2H3O2] + 1 Barium monoacet at e ion( + 1) BAACETI ON
Ba[ C2H3O2] 2 Barium acet at e BAAC2
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Ba[ C2H3O2] 2.2H2O Barium acet at e dihydrat e BAAC2.2H2O
Ba[ C2H3O2] 2.3H2O Barium acet at e t rihydrat e BAAC2.3H2O
Ba[ C2H3O3] + 1 Barium monoglycolat e ion( + 1) BAGLYCOLI ON
Ba[ C2H3O3] 2 Barium glycolat e BAGLYCOL2
Ba[ C2H4NO2] + 1 Barium monoglycine ion( + 1) BAGLYCI NI ON
Ba[ C2H4NO2] 2 Barium diglycine BAGLYCI N2
Ba[ C3H6NO2] + 1 Barium mono- ( L- alpha- alanine) ion( + 1) BAALANI ON
Ba[ C3H6NO2] 2 Barium di- ( L- alpha- alanine) BAALAN2
Ba[ C4H4O6] Barium t art rat e BATARTRT
Ba[ C6H5O7] - 1 Barium cit rat e ion( + 1) BACTRTI ON
Ba[ C6H6NO6] - 1 Barium NTA ion( - 1) BANTAI ON
Ba[ H2C6H5O7] + 1 Barium dihydrogen cit rat e ion( + 1) BAH2CTRTI ON
Ba[ H3C14H18N3O10] Barium t rihydrogen DTPA BAH3DTPA
Ba[ HC10H12N2O8] - 1 Barium hydrogen EDTA ion( - 1) BAHEDTAI ON
Ba[ HC14H18N3O10] - 2 Barium hydrogen DTPA ion( - 2) BAHDTPAI ON
Ba[ HC4H4O6] + 1 Barium hydrogen t art rat e ion( + 1) BAHTARTRTI ON
Ba[ HC6H5O7] Barium hydrogen cit rat e BAHCTRT
Ba[ HC6H6NO6] Barium hydrogen NTA BAHNTA
Ba[ HCOO] + 1 Barium monoformat e ion( + 1) BACOOHI ON
Ba[ HCOO] 2 Barium format e BACOOH2
Ba[ NH2( COO) ] 2 Barium dicarbamat e BANH2CO22
Ba+ 2 Barium ion( + 2) BAI ON
Ba3( PO4) 2 Barium phosphat e( V) BA3PO42
BaBr2 Barium bromide BABR2
BaBr2.1H2O Barium bromide monohydrat e BABR2.1H2O
BaBr2.2H2O Barium bromide dihydrat e BABR2.2H2O
BaC2O4 Barium oxalat e BAOX
BaC2O4. 0. 5H2O Barium oxalat e hemihydrat e BAOX. 0. 5H2O
BaC2O4. 2H2O Barium oxalat e dihydrat e BAOX. 2H2O
BaC2O4.3. 5H2O Barium oxalat e 3.5 hydrat e BAOX. 3.5H2O
BaCl2 Barium chloride BACL2
BaCl2.1H2O Barium chloride monohydrat e BACL2.1H2O
BaCl2.2H2O Barium chloride dihydrat e BACL2.2H2O
BaClOH Barium hydroxide chloride BAOHCL
BaCO3 Barium carbonat e BACO3
BaCrO4 Barium chromat e( VI ) BACRO4
BaF+ 1 Barium monofluoride ion( + 1) BAFI ON
BaF2 Barium fluoride BAF2
BaHCO3+ 1 Barium bicarbonat e ion( + 1) BAHCO3I ON
BaHPO4 Barium hydrogen ort hophosphat e BAHPO4
BaI 2 Barium iodide BAI 2
BaI 2. 1H2O Barium iodide monohydrat e BAI 2. 1H2O
BaI 2. 2H2O Barium iodide dihydrat e BAI 2. 2H2O
BaI 2. 7.5H2O Barium iodide 7.5 hydrat e BAI 2.7.5H2O
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BaMoO4 Barium molybdat e( VI ) BAMOO4
BaOH+ 1 Barium hydroxide ion( + 1) BAOHI ON
BaS Barium sulfide BAS
BaSe Barium selenide BASE
BaSeO4 Barium selenat e BASEO4
BaSO3 Barium sulfit e BASO3
BaSO4 Barium sulfat e BASO4
BaWO4 Barium t ungst at e( VI ) BAWO4
Be Beryllium BEEL
Be( OH) 2 Berrylium hydroxide BEOH2
Be+ 2 Beryllium ion ( + 2) BEI ON
BeO2- 2 Beryllat e ion ( - 2) BEO2I ON
Bi Bismut h BI EL
Bi( NO3) 2+ 1 Bismut h( I I I ) dinit rat e ion( + 1) BI NO32I ON
Bi( NO3) 3 Bismut h( I I I ) nit rat e BI NO33
Bi( OH) 2+ 1 Bismut h( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) BI OH2I ON
Bi( OH) 3 Bismut h( I I I ) hydroxide BI OH3
Bi( OH) 4- 1 Bismut h( I I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) BI OH4I ON
Bi[ C10H12N2O8] - 1 Bismut h( I I I ) EDTA ion( - 1) BI EDTAI ON
Bi[ C2H3O2] + 2 Bismut h( I I I ) monoacet at e ion( + 2) BI ACETI ON
Bi[ C2H3O2] 2+ 1 Bismut h( I I I ) diacet at e ion( + 1) BI ACET2I ON
Bi[ C2H3O2] 3 Bismut h( I I I ) t riacet at e BI ACET3
Bi[ HC10H12N2O8] Bismut h( I I I ) hydrogen EDTA BI HEDTA
Bi+ 3 Bismut h ion( + 3) BI I ON
Bi2( SO4) 3 Bismut h( I I I ) sulfat e BI 2SO43
Bi2S3 Bismut h( I I I ) sulfide BI 2S3
Bi2Se3 Bismut h( I I I ) selenide BI 2SE3
BiBr+ 2 Bismut h( I I I ) monobromide ion( + 2) BI BRI ON
BiBr2+ 1 Bismut h( I I I ) dibromide ion( + 1) BI BR2I ON
BiBr3 Bismut h( I I I ) bromide BI BR3
BiBr4- 1 Bismut h( I I I ) t et rabromide ion( - 1) BI BR4I ON
BiCl+ 2 Bismut h( I I I ) monochloride ion( + 2) BI CLI ON
BiCl2+ 1 Bismut h( I I I ) dichloride ion( + 1) BI CL2I ON
BiCl3 Bismut h( I I I ) chloride BI CL3
BiF3 Bismut h( I I I ) fluoride BI F3
BiI 3 Bismut h( I I I ) iodide BI I 3
BiNO3+ 2 Bismut h( I I I ) mononit rat e ion( + 2) BI NO3I ON
BiOH+ 2 Bismut h( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) BI OHI ON
Br- 1 Bromide ion ( - 1) BRI ON
Br2 Bromine BR2
Br2 Bromine BR2EL
Br3- 1 Tribromide ion( - 1) BR3I ON
Br3Pu Plut onium( I I I ) bromine PUI I I BR3
BrO- 1 Hypobromit e( I ) ion ( - 1) BROI ON
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BrO3- 1 Bromat e( VI ) ion ( - 1) BRO3I ON
BrO4- 1 Perbromat e( VI I ) ion ( - 1) BRO4I ON
C Carbon ( graphit e) CEL
C10Cl10O Decachloroket one KEPONE
C10Cl12 Perchloropent acyclodecane MI REX
C10Cl8 Perchloronapht halene OCLNAPHTHA
C10H10 1,3- Diet henylbenzene DVI NYLBNZ
C10H10 1- Met hylindene MEI NDEN1
C10H10 2- Met hylindene MEI NDEN2
C10H10Cl2O2 2,4- Dichlorophenoxy- 1- met hyl
propanoat e
C10H10O2 5- ( 1- propenyl) - 1,3- benzodioxole I SOSAFROL
C10H10O2 5-Allyl- 1,3- benzodioxole SAFROLE
C10H10O4 Dimet hyl ort hopht halat e DI MEPHTHAL
C10H10O4 Dimet hyl isopht halat e DMI PHTALAT
C10H10O4 Dimet hyl t erepht halat e DMTEPHTHAL
C10H12 cis- 2- Phenyl- 2- but ene CPHEBU2EN2
C10H12 Dicyclopent adiene DCPNTDI EN
C10H12 1,2, 3, 4-Tet rahydronapht halene HDNAPH1234
C10H12 5- Met hylindan MEI NDAN5
C10H12 2- Phenyl- 1- but ene PHEBU1EN2
C10H12 t rans- 2- Phenyl- 2- but ene TPHEBU2EN2
C10H12N2O5 2- sec- But yl- 4, 6- dinit rophenol DI NOSEB
C10H12N2O5 2,4- Dinit ro- 6- t ert - but ylphenol DI NOTERB
C10H12N2O8- 4 EDTA ion( - 4) EDTAI ON
C10H12O 3- Phenyl- 1- propene ALLYLANI SL
C10H12O Anet hole ANETHOLE
C10H12O2 2- Met hoxy- 4- propenylphenol I EUGENOL
C10H12O4 Diallyl maleat e DALLYLMAL
C10H12O4 3,4, 5-Trimet hoxybenzaldehyde TMEBNAL345
C10H14 1- Phenylbut ane BUTYLBNZ
C10H14 p- Cymene CYMENEP
C10H14 1,2- Diet hylbenzene DI ETBNZ12
C10H14 2- Et hyl- 1,3- dimet hylbenzene ETMXYLEN2
C10H14 4- Et hyl- m-xylene ETMXYLEN4
C10H14 5- Et hyl- m-xylene ETMXYLEN5
C10H14 4- Et hyl- o-xylene ETOXYLEN4
C10H14 1,2- Dimet hyl- 3- et hylbenzene ETOXYLENE3
C10H14 2- Et hyl- 1,4- dimet hylbenzene ETPXYLEN2
C10H14 I sobut ylbenzene I BUBNZ
C10H14 m- Cymene MCYMENE
C10H14 m- Diet hylbenzene MDETBNZ
C10H14 1- Met hyl- 3- propylbenzene ME1PRO3BNZ
C10H14 1- Met hyl- 2- propylbenzene ME1PROBNZ2
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C10H14 o- Cymene OCYMENE
C10H14 1,4- Diet hylbenzene PDETBNZ
C10H14 sec- But ylbenzene SECBUTYBNZ
C10H14 1,2, 3, 4-Tet ramet hylbenzene TMEBNZ1234
C10H14 1,2, 3, 5-Tet ramet hylbenzene TMEBNZ1235
C10H14 1,2, 4, 5-Tet ramet hylbenzene TMEBNZ1245
C10H14 t ert - But ylbenzene TTBUTYLBNZ
C10H14O 5- I sopropyl- 2- met hylphenol CARVACROL
C10H14O 2- Met hyl- 4- ( 1- met hylet henyl) - 2-
cyclohexene- 1- one
C10H14O 3- t ert - But ylphenol MTTBUPHE
C10H14O p- t ert - But ylphenol PTTBUPHENL
C10H14O2 p- t ert - But ylcat echol PTTBUCATE
C10H15N 2,6- Det hylaniline DETANI L26
C10H15N 1,1- Dimet hyl- 2- phenylet hanamine PHETERMI NE
C10H16 4- I sopropyl- 1- met hyl- 1,5- cyclohexadiene ALPHELLAND
C10H16 alpha-Terpinene ALTERPI NEN
C10H16 bet a- Phellandrene BEPHELLAND
C10H16 2,2- Dimet hyl- 3- met hylenenorbornane CAMPHEN
C10H16 D- Limonene DLI MONEN
C10H16 4- I sopropyl- 1- met hyl- 1,4- cyclohexadiene GATERPI NEN
C10H16 alpha- Pinene PI NENEALP
C10H16 bet a- Pinene PI NENEBETA
C10H16 Terpinolene TERPI NOLEN
C10H16O 2- Bornanone CAMPHOR
C10H16O4 Dipropyl cis- but enedioic acid DPROMALEAT
C10H16O4- 2 Sebacic acid ion( - 2) SEBACATI ON
C10H17O4- 1 Hydrogen sebacic acid ion( - 1) HSEBACATI ON
C10H18 cis- Decahydronapht halene CHD10NAPH
C10H18 Trans- Decahydronapht halene THD10NAPHT
C10H18O alpha-Terpineol ALTEROL
C10H18O2 5- Hexyldihydro- 2( 3H) - furanone GDECALACTN
C10H18O4 Sebacic acid SEBACI CAC
C10H19O2- 1 Decanoat e ion( - 1) DECANI ON
C10H20 n- But ylcyclohexane BUCHXAN
C10H20 1- Decene DECEN1
C10H20O Decanal DECANAL1
C10H20O L- Ment hol MENTHOL1
C10H20O2 1- Nonanecarboxylic acid DECNOI CACI
C10H20O2 2- Et hylhexyl acet at e ET2HXLACET
C10H20O2 I sopent yl isovalerat e I PENTVALRT
C10H22 n- Decane C10H22
C10H22 2- Met hylnonane MENONAN2
C10H22 3- Met hylnonane MENONAN3
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C10H22 4- Met hylnonane MENONAN4
C10H22 5- Met hylnonane MENONAN5
C10H22 2,2- Dimet hyloct ane MEOCTAN22
C10H22O 1- Decanol DECANOL1
C10H22O Dipent yl et her DI PENTETH
C10H22O 8- Met hyl- 1- nonanol ME8NONOL1
C10H22O4 But oxyt riet hylene glycol TELNGLYBU
C10H22O4 Tripropylene glycol monomet hyl et her TPROGLI ME
C10H22O5 Dimet hoxyt et raglycol TEGLYDMETH
C10H23N Di- n- Pent ylamine DAMYLAMN
C10H23N 1- Decylamine DECYLAMN
C10H24N+ 1 Hydrogen 1- decylamine ion( + 1) HDECYLAI ON
C10H2Cl6 1,2, 3, 4,5,6- Hexachloronapht halene HXCLNAPHLN
C10H4Cl2O2 2,3- Dichloro- 1, 4- napht halenedione DI CHLONE
C10H5Cl7 3- Chlorochlordene HEPTACHLOR
C10H5Cl7O Epoxyhept achlor HCLEPOX
C10H6Cl8 alpha- Chlordane ALCHLORDAN
C10H6Cl8 Oct achloro- 4, 7- met hanot et rahydroindane CHLORDANE
C10H6Cl8 t rans- Chlordane GCHLORDANE
C10H6O2 1,4- Napht halenedione NAPHQUI NON
C10H7Br 1- Bromonapht halene BRNAPHTH1
C10H7Cl 2- Chloronapht halene CLNAPHTH2
C10H7Cl 1- Chloronapht halene CLNAPTH1
C10H8 Napht hene NAPHTHALEN
C10H8O 1- Napht halenol NAPHTHOL1
C10H8O 2- Napht halenol NAPTHOL2
C10H9N 2- Napht halenamine NAPHTHLAM2
C10H9N 1- Napht halenamine NAPHTHYAM1
C11H10 1- Met hylnapht halene ME1NAPHTH
C11H10 2- Met hylnapht halene ME2NAPHTH
C11H11N2O2- 1 L-Trypt ophane ion( - 1) LTRYPTOPHI ON
C11H12Cl2O3 2- ( 2,4- Dichlorophenoxy) propyl acet at e DPROESTE24
C11H12N2O2 L-Trypt ophane HLTRYPTOPH
C11H13N2O2+ 1 Hydrogen L-Trypt ophane ion( + 1) H2LTRYPTOPHI ON
C11H14 4,6- Dimet hylindan MEI NDAN46
C11H14 4,7- Dimet hylindan MEI NDAN47
C11H14O 1- ( 2,4,6-Trimet hylphenyl) et hanone TACETPHEON
C11H14O2 n- But yl benzoat e BUBNZAT
C11H14O2 4- t ert - But ylbenzoic acid TTBUBNZAC
C11H15NO3 2- Met hylet hoxyphenyl carbamat e PROPOXUR
C11H16 1- I sopropyl- 3, 5- dimet hylbenzene I PRODMEBNZ
C11H16 n- Pent ylbenzene PENTYLBNZ
C11H16 Pent amet hylbenzene PMEBNZ
C11H16O 4- t ert -Amylphenol PTTAMYLPHE
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C11H20O2 2- Et hylhexyl acrylat e ET2HXLACRY
C11H21O2- 1 Undecanoic acid ion( - 1) UNDECI ON
C11H22 1- Undecene UNDECEN1
C11H22O 2- Hendecanone MENONYLKET
C11H22O Undecanal UNDECANAL1
C11H22O2 Met hyl decanoat e MECAPRAT
C11H22O2 Undecanoic acid UNDECACI D
C11H24 n- Undecane C11H24
C11H24 2- Met hyldecane MEDECAN2
C11H24 4- Met hyldecane MEDECAN4
C11H24O n- Undecanol UNDECNOL1
C11H25N 1-Aminoundecane UNDECYLAMN
C12Cl8O Oct achlorodibenzofuran OCDF
C12Cl8O2 Oct achlorodibenzo- p- dioxin OCDBPOX
C12H10 1, 8- Et hylenenapht halene ACENAPHTHN
C12H10 1,1' - Biphenyl BI PHENYL
C12H10Cl2N2 3,3' - Dichloro- 4,4' - diaminobiphenyl DCBNZI DN33
C12H10Cl2N2O 3,3' - Dichloro- 4,4' - diaminodiphenyl et her DCDPHAMETH
C12H10O Diphenyl et her DI PHENETH
C12H10O 1- Hydroxy- 2- phenylbenzene HDPHEPHE1
C12H11Cl3O3 2- ( 2,4- Dichlorophenoxy) - 4- chloro- 2-
but enyl acet at e
C12H11N p-Aminodiphenyl AMNDPHE4
C12H11N Diphenylamine DI PHENAMN
C12H11N3 p-Aminoazobenzene AMNAZOBNZ4
C12H12 1,2- Dimet hylnapht halene DMENAPH12
C12H12 1,3- Dimet hylnapht halene DMENAPH13
C12H12 1,4- Dimet hylnapht halene DMENAPH14
C12H12 1,5- Dimet hylnapht halene DMENAPH15
C12H12 1,6- Dimet hylnapht halene DMENAPH16
C12H12 1,8- Dimet hylnapht halene DMENAPH18
C12H12 2,3- Dimet hylnapht halene DMENAPH23
C12H12 1- Et hylnapht halene ETNAPH1
C12H12 2- Et hylnapht halene ETNAPH2
C12H12 2,6- Dimet hylnapht halene MENAPH26
C12H12 2,7- Dimet hylnapht halene MENAPH27
C12H12N2 4, 4' - Diaminodiphenyl BENZI DI NE
C12H12N2O 4,4' - Diaminodiphenyl et her DAMNDPHEOX
C12H13Cl3O3 2- ( 2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxy) - 1-
met hylpropyl acet at e
C12H14 1,2, 3-Trimet hylindene MEI NDEN123
C12H14Cl2O3 2- ( 2,4- Dichlorophenoxy) but ylacet at e DBUACET24
C12H14O4 Diet hyl- o- pht halat e DI ETPHTHL
C12H14O4 Monoisobut ylpht halat e MI BE
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C12H16 Cyclohexylbenzene CHXYLCBZ
C12H18 m- Diisopropylbenzene DI PROBNZ3
C12H18 p- Diisopropylbenzene DI SPRPBNZP
C12H18 1- Phenylhexane HXYLBNZ
C12H18O 2, 6- Diisopropylphenol DI PROPHE26
C12H20O 2- Cyclohexylcyclohexanone CHXLCHXON
C12H20O4 Dibut yl maleat e DBUMALEAT
C12H22 Bicyclohexyl BCHXYL
C12H23N Dicyclohexylamine DCHXYLAMN
C12H23O2- 1 Lauric acid ion( - 1) DODECI ON
C12H24 1- Dodecene DODECEN1
C12H24N+ 1 Hydrogen dicyclohexylamine ion( + 1) HDCHXYLAMI ON
C12H24O 1- Dodecanal DODECANAL
C12H24O2 Lauric acid LAURI CACI D
C12H26 Dodecane C12H26
C12H26O Di- n- Hexyl et her DHXYLETH
C12H26O 1- Dodecanol DODECANOL1
C12H26O3 bis( 2- But oxyet hyl) et her DETGLYBUET
C12H27N DI - n- Hexylamine DI NHXLAM
C12H27N n- Dodecylamine DODECYLAMN
C12H27N Tribut ylamine TBUAMN
C12H28N+ 1 Hydrogen n- dodecylamine ion( + 1) HDODECYAI ON
C12H2Cl5O 2,3, 4, 7,8- Pent achlorodibenzofuran PCDF23478
C12H2Cl6O 1,2, 3, 6,7,8- Hexachlorodibenzofuran HCBF123678
C12H2Cl6O 1,2, 3, 4,7,8- Hexachlorodibenzofuran HCDBF12347
C12H2Cl6O 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8- Hexachlorodibenzofuran HDF234678
C12H2Cl6O2 1,2, 3, 6,7,8- Hexachloro- p- dioxin HCPD123678
C12H3Cl5O 1,2, 3, 7,8- Pent achlorodibenzofuran PCDF12378
C12H3Cl5O2 1,2, 3, 7,8- Pent achlorodibenzo- p- dioxin PCPDO12378
C12H4Cl4O 2, 3, 7, 8-Tet rachlorodibenzofuran TCDF2378
C12H4Cl4O2 2,3, 7, 8-Tet rachlorodibenzo- p- dioxin TCDD2378
C12H8 Acenapht halene ANAPHLEN
C12H8 Biphenylene BPHELEN
C12H8Cl6 Aldrin ALDRI NE
C12H8Cl6O Endrin ket one BENDRKET
C12H8Cl6O Aldrin epoxide DI ELDRI NE
C12H8Cl6O Endrin EDRI NE
C12H8O Dibenzofuran DBNZFURAN
C12H8S Dibenzot hiophene DBTHI OPHE
C12H9BrO 1- Bromo- 4- phenoxybenzene BRPHOXBN1
C12H9ClO 1- Chloro- 4- phenoxybenzene CLPHEOBNZ
C12HCl7O 1,2, 3, 4,6,7, 8- Hept achlorodibenzofuran HCLDBNZFRN
C12HCl7O2 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8- Hept achlorodibenzo- p-
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C13H10 2, 2' - Met hylenebiphenyl FLUORENE
C13H10O Benzophenone BNZPHENON
C13H12 Diphenylmet hane DPHEME
C13H12 2- Met hyl- 1, 1' - biphenyl MEBI PHENL2
C13H12Cl2N2 4,4' - Met hylenebis( 2- chlorobenzenamine) MOCA
C13H14 2- I sopropylnapht halene I PRONAPH
C13H14 2,3, 5-Trimet hylnapht halene MENAPH235
C13H14 2,3, 6-Trimet hylnapht halene MENAPH236
C13H14N2 4,4' - Met hylenediamine MEDANI LI NE
C13H20 1- Hept ylbenzene HEPTBNZ1
C13H25O2- 1 Tridecanoic acid ion( - 1) TDECATI ON
C13H26 1-Tridecene C13H26
C13H26O Tridecanal TRI DECANAL
C13H26O2 n- But yl nonanoat e BUNONANOAT
C13H26O2 Met hyl dodecanoat e MELAURATE
C13H26O2 Tridecanoic acid TDECNOI CAC
C13H28 n-Tridecane C13H28
C13H28O 1-Tridecanol TRI DECANL1
C13H6Cl6O2 2,2' - Met hylenebis( 3,4,6- t richlorophenol) HCLPHENE
C13H8O Fluorenone FLUORENON
C13H9N 2, 3- Benzoquinoline ACRI DI NE
C14H10 Ant hracene ANTHRACEN
C14H10 Diphenylacet ylene DPHEACELN
C14H10 Phenant hrene PHENANTHR
C14H10Cl4 1,1- Bis( 4- chlorophenyl) - 2,2-
dichloroet hane
C14H12 ( Z) - 1,2- Diphenylet hene CSTI LBEN
C14H12 1- Met hylfluorene MEFLUOREN1
C14H12 4- Met hylfluorene MEFLUOREN4
C14H12 t rans- St ilbene TSTI LBEN
C14H12O2 Benzyl benzoat e BNZBNZAT
C14H14 1,1- Diphenylet hane DI PHENET11
C14H14 1,2- Diphenylet hane DPHEET12
C14H14O Benzyl et her DBNZETH
C14H16 1- n- But ylnapht halene BUNAPH1
C14H16N2 o-Tolidine OTOLUI DI NE
C14H16N2O2 3,3' - Dimet hoxybenzidine DMOXBNZDN
C14H17Cl3O4 2- But oxyet hyl- 2, 4,5-
t richlorophenoxyacet at e
C14H18Cl2O4 2- But oxyet hyl- 2- ( 2, 4-
dichlorophenoxy) acet at e
C14H18N3O10- 5 DTPA ion( - 5) DTPAI ON
C14H18O4 Dipropyl pht halat e DPROPHTH
C14H20O2 2,6- Di- t ert - but ylbenzoquinone TTBUBNZQI
C14H22 1- Oct ylbenzene OCTYLBNZ
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C14H22O 2,4- Di- t ert - but ylphenol DTTBUPHE24
C14H22O p- t ert - Oct ylphenol PTTOCTYPHE
C14H27O2- 1 n-Tet radecoic acid ion( - 1) TEDEACI ON
C14H28 1-Tet radecene TETDECEN1
C14H28O 2-Tet radecanone TEDECON2
C14H28O2 n-Tet radecanoic acid MYRSTI CACD
C14H30 n-Tet radecane C14H30
C14H30O 1-Tet radecanol TEDECANOL1
C14H31N Tet radecylamine TEDECYLAMN
C14H8Cl4 4,4' - DDE DDE44
C14H8O2 Ant hraquinone ANTHRAQUI
C14H9Cl5 2,4' - DDT DDT24
C14H9Cl5 p, p' - DDT DDT44
C14H9Cl5O 1,1- Bis( p- chlorophenyl) - 2,2, 2-
t richloroet hanol
C14H9NO2 2-Amino- 9,10- ant hraquinone AMNANTRAQ2
C15H10 4,5- Met hylenephenant hrene MEPHENTHPE
C15H11NO2 1-Amino- 2- met hylant hraquinone AMMEANTHQ
C15H12 2- Met hylant hracene MEANTHRA2
C15H12 9- Met hylphenant hrene MEPHENANT9
C15H12 2- Met hylphenant hrene MEPHTHR2
C15H12 1- Phenylindene PHEI NDEN1
C15H13N 1- Phenant hrenemet hanamine MAMNPHTHR1
C15H16O p- alpha- Cumylphenol ALCUMYLPHL
C15H16O p- Cumylphenol PCUMYLPHE
C15H16O2 2,2- Bis( p- hydroxyphenyl) propane BI SPHENOLA
C15H24 n- Nonylbenzene NONYLBNZ
C15H24O 4- Nonylphenol PNONYLPHE
C15H24O 2,6- DI - t ert - But yl- p- cresol TTDCRESL26
C15H26O 3,7, 11-Trimet hyl- 1,6,10- dodecat rien- 3- ol NEROLI DOL
C15H29O2- 1 Pent adecanoic acid ion( - 1) PTDEATI ON
C15H30 1- Pent adecene PENTADECEN
C15H30O 2- Pent adecanone PNTDEON2
C15H30O2 Met hyl t et radecanoat e METDECAAT
C15H30O2 Pent adecanoic acid PNTDECAC
C15H32 n- Pent adecane C15H32
C15H32O 1- Pent adecanol PNTDECANOL
C15H33N 1- Pent adecanamine PDECANAMN1
C16H10 Fluorant hene FLUANTHEN
C16H10 Pyrene PYRENE
C16H12 2- Phenylnapht halene PHENAPH2
C16H12 1- Phenylnapht halene PHENNAPTH1
C16H14 2,7- Dimet hylphenant hrene MEPHEN27
C16H14 3,6- Dimet hylphenant hrene MEPHEN36
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C16H14Cl2O3 4,4' - Dichlorobenzilic acid et hyl est er CLBNZLATE
C16H15Cl3O2 2,2- Bis( p- met hoxyphenol) - 1,1,1-
t richloroet hane
C16H20 n- Hexylnapht halene HXYLNAPHTH
C16H21Cl3O3 2,4, 5-Trichlorophenoxy- 2-
et hylhexylacet at e
C16H21Cl3O3 ( 2, 4,5-Trichlorophenoxy) - ( 2,4, 4-
t rimet hylpent yl) acet at e
C16H22Cl2O3 I sooct yl ( 2, 4- dichlorophenoxy) acet at e DOCTYACE24
C16H22O4 Diisobut ylpht halat e DI BE
C16H22O4 Di- n- But yl pht halat e DI BUTYPHTL
C16H24 6- Hexylt et ralin HTDNAP1234
C16H26 n- Decylbenzene DECYLBNZ
C16H31O2- 1 Palmit ic acid ion( - 1) PALMATI ON
C16H32 1- Hexadecene C16H32
C16H32 1- Decylcyclohexane DECYLCHXN
C16H32O2 Et hyl t et radecanoat e ETDECANOAT
C16H32O2 Palmit ic acid PALMI TACI D
C16H34 n- Hexadecane C16H34
C16H34O Di- n- Oct yl et her DOCTYLETH
C16H34O 1- Hexadecanol HEXDECANOL
C16H34S 1- Hexadecanet hiol CETYLMCTN
C17H10O 7H- Benz[ de] ant hracen- 7- one BNZTHRON
C17H12 Benzo[ a] fluorene BNZFLUOREN
C17H12 2- Met hylpyrene MEPYREN2
C17H14O5 3- ( alpha-Acet onylfurfuryl) - 4-
C17H28 1- Phenylundecane UNDECBNZ
C17H33O2- 1 Hept adecanoic acid ion( - 1) HPTDATI ON
C17H34 1- Hept adecene HEPTDECEN1
C17H34O2 Hept adecanoic acid HPTDECNOAC
C17H34O2 Met hyl hexadecanoat e MEHXDECNAT
C17H36 n- Hept adecane C17H36
C17H36O 1- Hept adecanol HPTDECANL1
C18H12 Benzo[ a] ant hracene BNZANTHR
C18H12 Chrysene CHRYSEN
C18H12 Triphenylene TPHENYLEN
C18H14 m-Terphenyl MTERPHENYL
C18H14 o-Terphenyl OTERPHENYL
C18H14 p-Terphenyl PTERPHENYL
C18H20 4- Met hyl- 2, 4- diphenyl- 1- pent ene DPHME4PTE
C18H22 2,3- Dimet hyl- 2, 3- diphenyl but ane DMDPH23BU
C18H30 Dodecylbenzene DDECYLBNZ
C18H30O2 Linolenic acid LI NOLENAC
C18H32O2 Linoleic acid LI NOLEI CAC
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C18H34O2 Oleic acid OLEI CAC
C18H34O4 Dibut yl sebacat e DBUSEBACAT
C18H34O4 Dihexyl adipat e DHXYLADI P
C18H35O2- 1 St earic acid ion( - 1) STERATI ON
C18H36 1- Oct adecene OCTADECEN1
C18H36O2 Et hyl hexadecanoat e EHXDECAT
C18H36O2 St earic acid STEARI CACI
C18H38 n- Oct adecane C18H38
C18H38O Dinonyl et her DI NONYLETH
C18H38O 1- Oct adecanol OCTADECNL1
C19H15O3 Coumat et ralyl COUMTRALYL
C19H16O4 3- ( alpha-Acet onylbenzyl) - 4-
C19H20O4 But yl benzyl pht halat e BUBNZPHTHA
C19H26 1- Nonylnapht halene NONYLNAPH1
C19H32 Tridecylbenzene TDECYLBNZ
C19H34O2 Met hyl cis, cis- 9, 12- oct adecadienoat e MELI NOL
C19H36O2 Met hyl oleat e MEOLEATE
C19H37O2- 1 Nonadecanoic acid ion( - 1) NONDATI ON
C19H38 1- Nonadecene NONANDECN1
C19H38O2 Met hyl oct adecanoat e MEODECAT
C19H38O2 Nonadecanoic acid NONDECI CAC
C19H40 n- Nonadecane C19H40
C19H40O 1- Nonadecanol NONDECNOL1
C20H12 2,3- Benzofluorant hene BNZBFLUO
C20H12 10,11- Benzofluorant hene BNZJFLUO
C20H12 11,12- Benzofluorene BNZKFLUO
C20H12 Benzo[ a] pyrene BNZPYREN
C20H12 Perylene PERYLENE
C20H16 9,10- Dimet hyl- 1,2- benzant hracene DMBNZAN712
C20H16 Triphenylet hylene TPHEETHLN
C20H28 1- Decylnapht halene DECYLNAPH1
C20H30O2 Abiet ic acid ABI ETI CAC
C20H31N Dehydroabiet ylamine DMI PMAPHRN
C20H38O2 Cet yl met hacrylat e CETYMEACRY
C20H39O2- 1 1- Eicosanoic acid ion( - 1) EI COATI ON
C20H40 1- Eicosene EI COSEN1
C20H40O2 1- Eicosanoic acid EI COAC1
C20H42 n- Eicosane C20H42
C20H42O 1- Eicosanol EI COSANAL1
C21H16 3- Met hylbenza[ j ] aceant hrene MEACANTHB3
C21H20Cl2O3 Permet hrin PERMETHRN
C21H28O3 Pyret hrin I PYRETHRI N1
C21H44 Heneicosane HENEI COSAN
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C22H12 Benzo[ ghi] perylene BNZPERLGHI
C22H12 I ndenopyrene I NDENPYREN
C22H14 Dibenzo[ a,h] ant hracene DBANTHAH
C22H28O5 Pyret hrin I I PYRETHRI N2
C22H42O4 Di( 2- et hylhexyl) adipat e BEHXLADI P
C22H42O4 Dioct yl hexadioat e DNODA
C22H44O2 n- But yl st earat e BUSTEARAT
C22H46 Docosane DOCOSAN
C23H15ClO3 2- [ ( p- Chlorophenyl) phenylacet yl] - 1, 3-
C23H16O4 2- ( Diphenylacet yl) - 1, 3- indandione DI PHACI NON
C23H22O6 Rot enone RETONON
C23H48 Tricosane TRI COSAN
C24H14 Dibenzo[ a,e] pyrene DBNZPYRAE
C24H14 Dibenzo( a,l) pyrene DBNZPYRAL
C24H14 Dibenzo[ a, h] pyrene DBPYRAH
C24H14 Dibenzo[ b,h] pyrene DBPYRAI
C24H38O4 2- Et hylhexyl pht halat e BETHXPHTH2
C24H38O4 Diisooct yl pht halat e DI OCTYLPHT
C24H38O4 Di- n- oct yl pht halat e DOPHTH
C24H50 n-Tet racosane TTCOSAN
C25H52 Pent acosane PENTCOSAN
C26H20 Tet raphenylet hylene TPHEETLN
C26H54 Hexacosane HXCOSAN
C27H46O Cholest erol CHOLESTROL
C27H56 Hept acosane HPTCOSAN
C28H46O4 Diisodecyl pht halat e DI DECYLPHT
C28H58 n- Oct acosane OCTACOSAN
C29H60 n- Nonacosane NONACOSAN
C2CaH3NO5 Calcium bicarbonat e carbamat e CAHCO3AMCT
C2Cl2F4 1,2- Dichlorot et rafluoroet hane CL3FL4ET
C2Cl3F3 1, 1, 2-Trichlorot rifluoroet hane TCLTFETH
C2Cl4 1, 1, 2, 2-Tet rachloroet hylene CL4ETHEN
C2Cl4F2 1, 1, 2, 2-Tet rachlorodifluoroet hane CLFLET1122
C2Cl4F2 1, 1, 1, 2-Tet rachlorodifluoroet hane TCLDFETH
C2Cl4O Trichloroacet yl chloride CL3ACETCL
C2Cl6 Perchloroet hane CL6ET
C2ClF5 1- Chloro- 1, 1, 2, 2, 2- pent afluoroet hane CLFL5ET
C2F4 Perfluoroet hene FL4ETHLN
C2F6 Hexafluoroet hane FL6ET
C2H2 Acet ylene ACETYLENE
C2H2Br4 1,1, 2, 2-Tet rabromoet hane TBRE1122
C2H2Cl2 cis- 1, 2- Dichloroet hylene DCLETC12
C2H2Cl2 1, 1- Dichloroet hylene DCLETE11
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C2H2Cl2 t rans- 1, 2- Dichloroet hylene TRDI CLEE12
C2H2Cl2F2 1, 2- Dichloro- 1, 1- difluoroet hane CL2FL2ETH
C2H2Cl2F2 1, 2- Dichloro- 1, 2- difluoroet hane CL2FL2ETHS
C2H2Cl2O Chloroacet yl chloride CLACETCL
C2H2Cl2O2 2, 2- Dichloroacet ic acid CL2ACETAC
C2H2Cl4 1, 1, 1, 2-Tet rachloroet hane CL4ET1112
C2H2Cl4 1, 1, 2, 2-Tet rachloroet hane CL4ET1122
C2H2ClF3 2- Chloro- 1, 1, 1- t rifluoroet hane CLFL3ETH
C2H2ClO2- 1 Chloroacet at e ion( - 1) CLACETATI ON
C2H2F2 1,1- Difluoroet hene FL2ETHLN11
C2H2F4 1,1, 1, 2-Tet rafluoroet hane FL4ET1112
C2H2O2 1,2- Et hanedione GLYOXAL
C2H2O4 Oxalic acid OXALAC
C2H3Br Bromoet hene BRETHENE
C2H3BrO Acet yl bromide ACETBR
C2H3Cl Vinyl chloride VI NYLCL
C2H3Cl3 1, 1, 1-Trichloroet hane CL3ET111
C2H3Cl3 1, 1, 2-Trichloroet hane CL3ET112
C2H3ClO Acet yl chloride ACETCL
C2H3ClO2 Chloroacet ic acid CLACETAC
C2H3F3 1,1, 1-Trifluoroet hane FL3ET111
C2H3FO2 Fluoroacet ic acid FLACETAC
C2H3MgNO5 Minnesot ait e MGHCO3AMCT
C2H3N Acet onit rile ACENI TRI LE
C2H3NS Met hyl isot hiocyanat e MEI CYANT
C2H3O2- 1 Acet at e ion( - 1) ACETATEI ON
C2H3O3- 1 Glycolat e ion( - 1) GLYCOLATI ON
C2H4 Et hene C2H4
C2H4Br2 1, 1- Dibromoet hane BR2ET11
C2H4Br2 1,2- Dibromoet hane DBRE12
C2H4Cl2 1, 1- Dichloroet hane CL2ET11
C2H4Cl2 1, 2- Dichloroet hane CL2ET12
C2H4Cl2O Dimet hyl- 1,1- dichloroet her BI SCLMEETH
C2H4F2 1,1- Difluoroet hane FL2ET11
C2H4F2 1,2- Difluoroet hane FL2ET12
C2H4N2O2 Oxamide OXAMI DE
C2H4N2O6 Et hanediol dinit rat e ELNGLI NTRT
C2H4NO2- 1 Glycinat e ion( - 1) GLYCI NATI ON
C2H4O Acet ic aldehyde ACETALDEHD
C2H4O 1, 2- Epoxyet hane ETHYLENOXD
C2H4O2 Acet ic acid ACETACI D
C2H4O2 Met hyl format e MEFORMATE
C2H4O3 Glycolic acid GLYCOLACI D
C2H4O4 Formic acid, dimer FORM2
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C2H5Br Bromoet hane EBROMI D
C2H5Cl Et hyl chloride CLETHANE
C2H5ClO 2- Chloroet hanol CLETNOL2
C2H5F Et hyl fluoride ETFL
C2H5I Et hyl iodide EI ODI D
C2H5NO Et hanamide ACETAMI DE
C2H5NO N- Met hylformamide NMEFORM
C2H5NO2 Glycine GLYCI NE
C2H5NO2 Nit roet hane NI TROET
C2H6 Et hane C2H6
C2H6NO2+ 1 Hydrogen glycine ion( + 1) HGLYCI NI ON
C2H6O Dimet hyl et her DMEETHER
C2H6O Et hanol ETHANOL
C2H6O2 1,2- Et hanediol ETHEGLYCOL
C2H6OS Dimet hyl sulphoxide DI MESULFOX
C2H6S Dimet hyl sulfide DMESFI DE
C2H6S Et hanet hiol ETMCAPTAN
C2H6S2 Dimet hyl disulfide DMEDSFI DE
C2H7N Dimet hylamine DMEA
C2H7N Et hylamine ETAMI NE
C2H7NO 2-Aminoet hanol MEXH
C2H8N+ 1 Hydrogen dimet hylamine ion( + 1) DMEAHI ON
C2H8N+ 1 Hydrogen et hylamine ion( + 1) ETAMHI ON
C2H8N2 Et hylenediamine ENAMN2
C2H8N2 1,1- Dimet hylhydrazine MEHYRAZN11
C2H8NO+ 1 Hydrogen 2-Aminoet hanol ion( + 1) MEXH2I ON
C2HBrClF3 1, 1, 1-Trifluoro- 2- bromo- 2- chloroet hane HALOTHANE
C2HCl3 Trichloroet hylene TCLETHLN
C2HCl3O 2, 2- Dichloroacet yl chloride CL2ACETCL
C2HCl3O Trichloroacet aldehyde CL3ACETAL
C2HCl3O2 Trichloroet hanoic acid CL3ACETAC
C2HCl5 Pent achloroet hane CL5ET
C2HClF4 1- Chloro- 1, 1, 2,2- t et rafluoroet hane CL1F1122ET
C2HClF4 1- Chloro- 1, 2, 2,2- t et rafluoroet hane CLFL4ETH
C2HF5 Pent afluoroet hane FL5ET
C2HO4- 1 Hydrogen oxalat e ion( - 1) HOXALATI ON
C2N2 Cyanogen CYANOGEN
C2O4- 2 Oxalat e ion( - 2) OXALATI ON
C30H60O 2-Tridecanone TRI DECANN2
C30H62 Tricont ane TRI CONTAN
C31H46O2 Phyt omenadione VI TAMK1
C31H64 Hent riacont ane HENTRI ACNT
C32H66 n- Dot riacont ane DOCTRI ACON
C33H68 n-Trit riacont ane TTACONT
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C34H70 n-Tet rat riacont ane TETRTRI ACT
C35H72 n- Pent at riacont ane PENTTRI ACT
C36H74 n- Hexat riacont ane HXTACONTAN
C3Cl6 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3- hexachloro- 1- propene HXCLPROPN1
C3F6 Perfluoro- 1- propene FL6PRPLENE
C3H10N+ 1 Hydrogen isopropylamine ion( + 1) I PRAMHI ON
C3H10N+ 1 Hydrogen propylamine ion( + 1) PROPAMHI ON
C3H10N+ 1 Triet hylamine ion( + 1) TRI MEAHI ON
C3H2N2 Propanedinit rile PRPADNTRI L
C3H2O4- 2 Malonic acid ion( - 2) MALONATI ON
C3H3Cl 3- Chloro- 1- propyne CL1PRPYNE3
C3H3ClO 2- Propenyl chloride ACRYLYLCL
C3H3N 2- Propenenit rile ACRYLONTRL
C3H3O2- 1 Acrylat e ion( - 1) ACRYLATEI ON
C3H3O4- 1 Hydrogen malonic acid ion( - 1) HMALONATI ON
C3H4 1,2- Propadiene ALLENE
C3H4 1- Propyne MEACETLEN
C3H4Cl2 2, 3- Dichloropropene CL2PRPEN23
C3H4Cl2 1, 1- Dichloropropene CLPROPEN11
C3H4Cl2 ( E) - 1, 3- Dichloro- 1- propene ECLPRPEN13
C3H4Cl2 ( Z) - 1, 3- Dichloro- 1- propene ZCLPRPEN13
C3H4Cl2O 1, 3- Dichloro- 2- propanone CLPRP2ON13
C3H4Cl2O2 2- Chloroet hyl chloroformat e CLECLFORMT
C3H4N2O Cyanoacet amide CYACETAMD
C3H4O 2- Propenal ACROLEI N2
C3H4O Propargyl alcohol PROPGLAL
C3H4O2 Acrylic acid HACRYLATE
C3H4O4 Malonic acid MALONI CAC
C3H5Br2Cl 1,2- Dibromo- 3- chloropropane BRCLPRP123
C3H5Cl 1- Chloro- 2- propene ALLYLCL
C3H5Cl 2- Chloropropene CLPRPEN2
C3H5Cl3 1, 2, 3-Trichloropropane TCLPRP123
C3H5ClO 1- Chloro- 2, 3- epoxypropane CLEPOXPPN1
C3H5ClO2 Et hyl chloroformat e ETCLFORMAT
C3H5ClO2 Met hyl chloroacet at e MECLACET
C3H5N3O9 Trinit roglycerin NLGLYCER
C3H5NO 2- Propenamide ACRYLAMI DE
C3H5NO 3- Hydroxypropanenit rile HACRLNL
C3H5O2- 1 Propionic acid ion( - 1) PROPANATEI ON
C3H5O3- 1 Lact ic acid ion( - 1) LACTATI ON
C3H6 Propylene C3H6
C3H6 Cyclopropane CYCLPRPN
C3H6Cl2 1, 1- Dichloropropane CL2PRPN11
C3H6Cl2 1, 2- Dichloropropane DCLPRP12
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C3H6Cl2 1, 3- Dichloropropane DI CLPRP13
C3H6Cl2 1, 3- Dichloropropane PROPCL13
C3H6Cl2O 2,3- Dichloro- 1- propanol CLPROP1L23
C3H6Cl2O 1,3- Dichloro- 2- propanol CLPROP2L13
C3H6N2 3-Aminopropanenit rile PROPAM3NL
C3H6N2O2 Malonamide MALONAMD
C3H6N6O6 sym-Trimet hylenet rinit ramine RDX
C3H6NO2- 1 bet a-Alanine ion( - 1) BALANNI ON
C3H6NO2- 1 DL-Alanine ion( - 1) DLALANNI ON
C3H6NO2- 1 L- alpha-Alanine ion( - 1) LALANNI ON
C3H6NO2- 1 Sarcosine ion( - 1) SARCOSNI ON
C3H6NO3- 1 L- serine ion( - 1) LSERNI ON
C3H6NO3- 1 2-Aminoet hanol carboxy ion( - 1) MEXCO2I ON
C3H6O Acet one ACETONE
C3H6O 2- Propen- 1- ol ALYLALCHOL
C3H6O Met hyl vinyl et her MEVI NETHER
C3H6O Propionaldehyde PRPI ONALDH
C3H6O 2- Met hyloxiran PRPYLOXD12
C3H6O2 Et hyl format e EFORMAT
C3H6O2 Propionic Acid HPROPANATE
C3H6O2 Met hylacet at e MACTAT
C3H6O3 Lact ic acid LACTI CAC
C3H7Br 1- Bromopropane BRPRPAN1
C3H7Br 2- Bromopropane BRPRPAN2
C3H7Cl n- Propyl chloride CLPRP1
C3H7Cl I sopropyl chloride CLPRP2
C3H7ClO 1- Chloro- 2- propanol CL1PROL2
C3H7ClO 2- Chloro- 1- propanol CL2PROL1
C3H7I Propyl iodide I PRPAN1
C3H7I I sopropyl iodide I PRPAN2
C3H7NO N,N- Dimet hylformamide DI MEFRMAMN
C3H7NO N- Met hylacet amide NMEACETAMD
C3H7NO Propanamide PROPAMI DE
C3H7NO2 bet a-Alanine BALANI NE
C3H7NO2 Lact amide LACTAMI D
C3H7NO2 L- alpha-Alanine LALANI NE
C3H7NO2 1- Nit ropropane NI TPRPN1
C3H7NO2 2- Nit ropropane NI TPRPN2
C3H7NO2 Sarcosine SARCOSI NE
C3H7NO2 Et hyl carbamat e URETHAN
C3H7NO3 L- Serine LSERI NE
C3H8 Propane C3H8
C3H8NO2+ 1 Hydrogen bet a- alanine ion( + 1) HBALANI ON
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C3H8NO2+ 1 Hydrogen DL- alanine ion( + 1) HDLALANI ON
C3H8NO2+ 1 Hydrogen L- alanine ion( + 1) HLALANI ON
C3H8NO2+ 1 Hydrogen sarcosine ion( + 1) HSARCOSNI ON
C3H8NO3+ 1 Hydrogen L- serine ion( + 1) HLSERNI ON
C3H8O 2- Propanol I SPROPANOL
C3H8O Met hoxyet hane MEETETHER
C3H8O 1- Propanol PROPANOL1
C3H8O2 1,2- Propanediol PRPLNGLY12
C3H8O3 Glycerol GLYCEROL
C3H9N I sopropylamine I PRPYLAM
C3H9N Propylamine PROPYLAMN
C3H9N Trimet hylamine TRI MEAMI NE
C40H82 Tet racont ane TETRACONT
C45H92 Pent at et racont ane PENTETRCON
C4Cl6 Perchlorobut adiene HXCL13BD
C4F8 Oct afluorocyclobut ane FL8CYCBUTN
C4H10 n- But ane C4H10
C4H10 I sobut ane I SOBUTANE
C4H10NO+ 1 Hydrogen morpholine ion( + 1) MORPHHI ON
C4H10NO2+ 1 Hydrogen 4- aminobut anoic acid ion( + 1) HAM4BUTNI ON
C4H10NO2+ 1 Hydrogen DL- 2- aminobut yric acid
ion( + 1)
C4H10NO2+ 1 Hydrogen 2- met hylalanine ion( + 1) HME2ALANI ON
C4H10O Diet hyl et her EETHER
C4H10O 2- Met hyl- 1- Propanol I SBUALCHOL
C4H10O 2- Met hoxypropane MEI PROETH
C4H10O 1- Met hoxypropane MEPROPETH
C4H10O 2- But yl alcohol SBUTYALCH
C4H10O t ert - But yl alcohol TTBUALCHOL
C4H10O2 1, 4- But anediol BUTAN2HD14
C4H10O2 2, 3- But anediol BUTAN2HD23
C4H10O2 1, 2- Dimet hoxyet hane MEOX2ME12
C4H10O4 1,2, 3, 4- But anet et rol ERYTHRI TOL
C4H10S 1- But anet hiol BUTYLMCPT
C4H10S 3-Thiapent ane ET2SULFD
C4H10S I sobut anet hiol I BUTYLMCPT
C4H10S 2- But anet hiol SBUTYLMCPT
C4H11N 1- But anamine BUTYLAMI NE
C4H11N N,N- Diet hylamine DI ETHYLAMN
C4H11N I sobut ylamine I BUTYLAMN
C4H11N 2- But anamine SECBUTYAMN
C4H11NO 2- Dimet hylaminoet hanol DMEAMETL
C4H11NO Dimet hylet hanolamine ME2ETNOAMN
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C4H11NO 3- Met hoxypropylamine MOPA
C4H11NO2 N,N- Diet hanolamine DEXH
C4H11NO2 2-Aminoet hoxyet hanol DGXH
C4H12N+ 1 Hydrogen 1- but aneamine ion( + 1) BUTYAMHI ON
C4H12N+ 1 Hydrogen N, N- diet hylamine ion( + 1) DI ETAHI ON
C4H12N+ 1 Hydrogen isobut ylamine ion( + 1) I BUTAMHI ON
C4H12N+ 1 Hydrogen 2- but anamine ion( + 1) SECBUAHI ON
C4H12N2 Tet ramet hylenediamine TETMEDAMN
C4H12NO+ 1 Hydrogen dimet hylet hanolamine ion( + 1) DMETAMHI ON
C4H12NO+ 1 Hydrogen 2- dimet hylaminoet hanol
ion( + 1)
C4H12NO+ 1 Hydrogen 3- met hoxypropylamine
ion( + 1)
C4H12NO2+ 1 Hydrogen N, N- diet hanolamine ion( + 1) DEXH2I ON
C4H12NO2+ 1 Hydrogen 2- aminoet hoxyet hanol ion( + 1) DGXH2I ON
C4H13N2+ 1 Tet ramet hylenediammonium ion( + 1) HTETMEDAMNI ON
C4H14N2+ 2 Tet ramet hylenediammonium ion( + 2) H2TETMEDAMNI ON
C4H2O4- 2 Fumaric acid ion( - 2) FUMARATEI ON
C4H2O4- 2 Maleic acid ion( - 2) MALEI CI ON
C4H3O4- 1 Hydrogen fumaric acid ion( - 1) HFUMARATEI ON
C4H3O4- 1 Hydrogen maleic acid ion( - 1) HMALEI CI ON
C4H4 Vinylacet ylene VI NYACETYL
C4H4HoO6+ 1 Holmium( I I I ) t at rt at e ion( + 1) HOTRTRTI ON
C4H4N4 2,3- Diaminomaleonit rile DAMNDNTL
C4H4O4 Fumaric acid FUMARACI D
C4H4O4 Maleic acid H2MALEI C
C4H4O4- 2 Succinic acid ion( - 2) SUCCNATEI ON
C4H4O5- 2 Malic acid ion( - 2) MALI CTI ON
C4H4O6- 2 Tart rat e ion( - 2) TARTRTI ON
C4H4S Thiophene THI OPHENE
C4H5Cl 2- Chloro- 1, 3- but adiene CLPRENE2
C4H5ClO 2- Met hyl- 2- propenoyl chloride METHACRYCL
C4H5ClO2 Met hyl 2- chloro- 2- propenoat e MECLACRYL2
C4H5N Met hylacrylonit rile METACRYNTL
C4H5NO4- 2 I DA ion( - 2) I DAI ON
C4H5NO4- 2 L-Aspart ic acid ion( - 2) LASPARI ON
C4H5O2- 1 cis- Crot onic acid ion( - 1) CCROTI ON
C4H5O2- 1 Met hacrylic acid ion( - 1) MEACRLTI ON
C4H5O2- 1 t rans- Crot onic acid ion( - 1) TCROTI ON
C4H5O4- 1 Hydrogen succinic acid ion( - 1) HSUCCNATI ON
C4H5O5- 1 Hydrogen malic acid ion( - 1) HMALI CTI ON
C4H5O6- 1 Hydrogen t art rat e ion( - 1) HTARTRTI ON
C4H6 1,3- But adiene BUDI ENE13
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C4H6 1,2- But adiene BUTADI EN12
C4H6 1- But yne ETACETYLEN
C4H6 2- But yne ME2ACETNTL
C4H6Cl2 3, 4- dichloro- 1- but ene CL21BUTN34
C4H6Cl2 Cis- 1, 4- dichloro- 2- but ene CL2CBUTN14
C4H6Cl2 alpha- 1, 3- Dichloro- 2- but ene CL2TBUYN13
C4H6Cl2 1, 4- Dichloro- t rans- 2- but ene DCLBUTE142
C4H6Cl2O2 1, 2- Dichloroet hyl acet at e CLET12ACET
C4H6N2O2 Fumaramide FUMARAMD
C4H6NO4- 1 Hydrogen I DA ion( - 1) HI DAI ON
C4H6NO4- 1 Hydrogen L- aspart ic acid ion( - 1) HLASPI ON
C4H6O 2, 5- Dihydrofuran HYD2FURN25
C4H6O 2- Met hylacrolein METHACROLN
C4H6O 3- But ene- 2- one MEVI NYLKET
C4H6O Divinyl et her VI NY2ETHER
C4H6O2 But ynediol BUTYNDI OL
C4H6O2 cis- Crot onic acid CCROTAC
C4H6O2 Met hacrylic acid MEACRYLACD
C4H6O2 Met hyl acrylat e MEACRYLATE
C4H6O2 t rans- Crot onic acid TCROTAC
C4H6O2 Vinyl acet at e VI NYLACET
C4H6O3 Acet yl anhydride ACETANHYD
C4H6O4 Succinic acid H2SUCCNATE
C4H6O5 Malic acid MALI CAC
C4H6O6 L-Tart aric acid H2TARTRT
C4H7ClO 2- Chloroet hoxyet hene CLETOXETE2
C4H7ClO2 Et hyl chloroacet at e ETCLACETAT
C4H7ClO2 I sopropyl chloroformat e I PROPCLFRT
C4H7ClO2 Propyl chloroformat e PROPCLFRMT
C4H7N I sobut yronit rile I SBUNI TRI L
C4H7N n- But anenit rile NBUTYRNTL
C4H7N2O3- 1 N- Glycylglycine ion( - 1) GLYGLYCNI ON
C4H7N2O3- 1 L-Asparagine ion( - 1) LASPARGI ON
C4H7NO Crot onamide CROTONAMD
C4H7NO 2- Met hylacrylamide MEACRYAMD2
C4H7NO4 2,2' - I minobisacet ic acid H2I DA
C4H7NO4 L-Aspart ic acid LASPARTAC
C4H7O2- 1 n- But anoic acid ion( - 1) BUTANI ON
C4H8 1- But ene BUTENE1
C4H8 cis- 2- But ene CBUTEN
C4H8 Cyclobut ane CYCBUTAN
C4H8 I sobut ene I SOBUTENE
C4H8 t rans- 2- But ene TBUTEN
C4H8Cl2 1, 4- Dichlorobut ane CL2BUTAN14
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C4H8Cl2 2, 3- Dichlorobut ane DCLBN23
C4H8Cl2O Di( 2- chloroet hyl) oxide DI CLETETH2
C4H8N2O2 Succinamide SUCCI NAMD
C4H8N2O3 N- Glycylglycine HGLYGLYCN
C4H8N2O3 L-Asparagine LASPARAGN
C4H8N8O8 2,4, 6, 8H- N,N, N, N-Tet ranit ro- 1,3, 5,7-
t et razocine
C4H8NO2- 1 4-Aminobut anoic acid ion( - 1) AM4BUTNI ON
C4H8NO2- 1 DL- 2-Aminobut yric acid ion( - 1) DLAM2BUTI ON
C4H8NO2- 1 2- Met hylalanine ion( - 1) ME2ALANI ON
C4H8NO3- 1 Threonat e ion( - 1) LTHREONI ON
C4H8NO4+ 1 Trihydrogen I DA ion( + 1) H3I DAI ON
C4H8NO4+ 1 Hydrogen L- aspart ic acid ion( + 1) H3LASPI ON
C4H8O 1, 2- But ene oxide BUTOXI DE12
C4H8O n- But anal BUTRALDEHY
C4H8O Et hoxyet hene ETVI NETHER
C4H8O 2- Met hylpropanal I BUTALDHYD
C4H8O 2- But anone MEETKETONE
C4H8O Tet rahydrofuran THFURAN
C4H8O2 n- But anoic acid BUTYRI CAC
C4H8O2 Cis- 2- but ene- 1, 4- diol C2BUY14HD2
C4H8O2 1,4- Dioxane DI OXANEP
C4H8O2 Et hyl acet at e EACTAT
C4H8O2 I sopropyl format e I PROPFORMT
C4H8O2 Met hyl propanoat e MEPRPANATE
C4H8O2 Propyl format e PRFORMAT
C4H8O4 Acet ic acid, dimer ACET2
C4H9Br 1- Bromobut ane BRBUTAN1
C4H9Br 2- Bromobut ane BRBUTAN2
C4H9Cl 1- Chlorobut ane CLBUTAN1
C4H9Cl 2- Chlorobut ane SBUTYLCL
C4H9Cl t ert - But yl chloride TBUTYLCL
C4H9I 1- I odobut ane I BUTAN1
C4H9N2O3+ 1 Dihydrogen N- glycylglycine ion( + 1) H2GLYGLYCNI ON
C4H9N2O3+ 1 Hydrogen L- asparagine ion( + 1) HLASPARGI ON
C4H9NO 2- Met hylpropanamide MEPROPAMD
C4H9NO Morpholine MORPHOLN
C4H9NO N,N- Dimet hylacet amide NNM2ACEAMD
C4H9NO2 4-Aminobut anoic acid AM4BUTNI CD
C4H9NO2 DL- 2-Aminobut yric acid DLAM2BUTCD
C4H9NO2 2- Hydroxy- 2- met hylpropaneamide H2ME2PRAMD
C4H9NO2 2- Met hylalanine ME2ALANI NE
C50H102 Pent acont ane PENTACONT
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C55H112 Pent apent acont ane PENPENTCON
C5Cl6 Perchlorocyclopent adiene HXCLCYPNTD
C5H10 cis- 2- Pent ene C2PENTEN
C5H10 1- Pent ene C5H10
C5H10 Cyclopent ane CYCLOPNTAN
C5H10 3- Met hyl- 1- but ene ME1BUTEN3
C5H10 2- Met hyl- 2- but ene ME2BUTEN2
C5H10 2- Met hyl- 1- but ene ME2BUTYN2
C5H10 t rans- 2- Pent ene T2PENTEN
C5H10Cl2 1,5- Dichloropent ane CL2PNTAN15
C5H10Cl2O2 bis( 2- Chloroet hoxy) met hane BI CLETOXME
C5H10N2O3 L- Glut amine LGLUTAMI NE
C5H10NO2+ 1 Hydrogen L- proline ion( + 1) H2LPROLI NEI ON
C5H10NO2- 1 L-Valine ion( - 1) LVALI NEI ON
C5H10NO2- 1 DL- Norvaline ion( - 1) NORVALNI ON
C5H10NO2S- 1 DL- Met hionine ion( - 1) DLMETHNI ON
C5H10NO2S- 1 L- Met hionine ion( - 1) LMETHI NNI ON
C5H10NO3+ 1 Hydrogen 4- hydroxyproline ion( + 1) H2LHDPROLNI ON
C5H10NO4+ 1 Trihydrogen L- glut amic acid ion( + 1) H3LGLUTI ON
C5H10NO4- 1 N,N- Diet hanolamine carboxylat e ion( - 1) DEXCO2I ON
C5H10NO4- 1 2-Aminoet hoxyet hanol carboxylat e ion( -
C5H10O Cyclopent anol CYPNTNOL
C5H10O 2-Acet ylpropane MEI PRPYKET
C5H10O Valeric aldehyde PENTANAL1
C5H10O Diet hyl ket one PENTANON3
C5H10O 2- Pent anone PNTANON2
C5H10O2 n- But yl format e BUTYLFARMT
C5H10O2 Et hyl propanoat e ETPROPNAT
C5H10O2 I sobut yl format e I BUTLFORMT
C5H10O2 I sovaleric acid I VALERI CAC
C5H10O2 Met hyl n- but yrat e MENBUTYRAT
C5H10O2 2,2- Dimet hylpropanoic acid MPROPANAT2
C5H10O2 n- Pent anoic acid NPNTANOI AC
C5H10O2 Propyl acet at e NPROPYLACT
C5H10O3 DL- Et hyl lact at e ETLACTAT
C5H11Cl 1- Chloropent ane CLPNTAN1
C5H11N2O3+ 1 Hydrogen L- glut amine ion( + 1) HLGLUTAMI ON
C5H11NO2 L-Valine LVALI NE
C5H11NO2 DL- Norvaline NORVALI NE
C5H11NO2S DL- Met hionine HDLMETHN
C5H11NO2S L- Met hionine HLMETHI NN
C5H12 n- Pent ane C5H12
C5H12 I sopent ane I PENTAN
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C5H12 Neopent ane NEOPENTANE
C5H12N2O N,N- Diet hylurea NNDETUREA
C5H12NO2+ 1 Hydrogen L- valine ion( + 1) HLVALI NEI ON
C5H12NO2+ 1 Hydrogen DL- norvaline ion( + 1) HNORVALNI ON
C5H12NO2S+ 1 Hydrogen DL- met hionine ion( + 1) H2DLMETHNI ON
C5H12NO2S+ 1 Hydrogen l- met hionine ion( + 1) H2LMETHI NNI ON
C5H12O 2,2- Dimet hyl- 1- propanol M22PRNL1
C5H12O 2- Met hyl- 1- but anol M2BTNOL1
C5H12O 3- Met hyl- 1- but anol M3BTNOL1
C5H12O 3- Met hyl- 2- but anol M3BTNOL2
C5H12O t ert -Amyl alcohol ME2BUTNL2
C5H12O 1- Met hoxy- 2- met hylpropane MEI BUTETH
C5H12O 1- Met hoxybut ane MENBUTETH
C5H12O 2- Met hoxybut ane MESBUTETH
C5H12O Met hyl t ert - but yl et her METBUTETHR
C5H12O 1- Pent anol PENTANOL
C5H12O 2- Pent anol PENTNOL2
C5H12O 3- Pent anol PENTNOL3
C5H12O2 Neopent yl glycol NEOPENTGLY
C5H12O4 Pent aeryt hrit ol PNTAERYTHR
C5H13N n- Pent ylamine NPENTYLAMN
C5H13NO Dimet hylisopropanolamine DMI PA
C5H13NO2 Diet hanolmet hylamine MDEXH
C5H14NO+ 1 Hydrogen dimet hylisopropanolamine
ion( + 1)
C5H14NO2+ 1 Hydrogen diet hanolmet hylamine ion( + 1) MDEXH2I ON
C5H4O2 2- Furanaldehyde FURFURAL
C5H4O4- 2 I t aconic acid ion( - 2) I TACONTI ON
C5H5N Pyridine PYRI DI NE
C5H5O4- 1 Hydrogen it aconic acid ion( - 1) HI TACONTI ON
C5H6 Cyclopent adiene CPENTADI EN
C5H6 2- Met hyl- 1- but ene- 3- yne ME1BUT3YN2
C5H6 1- Pent ene- 3- yne PENTEN3YN1
C5H6 1- Pent ene- 4- yne PENTEN4YN1
C5H6N+ 1 Hydrogen pyridine ion( + 1) HPYRI DI NI ON
C5H6O4 I t aconic acid I TACONAC
C5H6O4- 2 Glut aric acid ion( - 1) GLUTARI ON
C5H7NO2 Biomass, aut ot rophic act ive BUGAACTI V
C5H7NO2 Biomass, aut ot rophic inert BUGAI NERT
C5H7NO2 Biomass, het erot rophic act ive BUGHACTI V
C5H7NO2 Biomass, het erot rophic inert BUGHI NERT
C5H7NO2 Biomass, Nit rosomonas, aut ot rophic
act ive
C5H7NO2 Biomass, Nit rosomonas, aut ot rophic
inact ive
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C5H7NO2 Biomass, Nit robact er, aut ot rophic act ive BUGBACTI V
C5H7NO2 Biomass, Nit robact er, aut ot rophic inact ive BUGBI NERT
C5H7NO4- 2 L- Glut amic acid ion( - 2) LGLUTI ON
C5H7O3- 1 Levulinic acid ion( - 1) LEVULTI ON
C5H7O4- 1 Hydrogen glut aric acid ion( - 1) HGLUTARI ON
C5H8 Cyclopent ene CPENTEN
C5H8 I soprene I SOPRENE
C5H8 3- Met hyl- 1, 2- but adiene ME12BUDI N3
C5H8 3- Met hyl- 1- but yne ME1BUTYN3
C5H8 1,3- Pent adiene PENTDI E132
C5H8 1,2- Pent adiene PENTDI EN12
C5H8 1- Pent yne PENTYN1
C5H8 cis- 1,3- Pent adiene PNTADI EN13
C5H8 1,4- Pent adiene PNTADI EN14
C5H8 2,3- Pent adiene PNTADI EN23
C5H8 t rans- 1, 3- Pent adiene T13PNTDI EN
C5H8NO2- 1 L- Proline ion( - 1) LPROLI NEI ON
C5H8NO3- 1 4- Hydroxyproline ion( - 1) LHDPROLNI ON
C5H8NO4- 1 Hydrogen L- glut amic acid ion( - 1) HLGLUTI ON
C5H8O 2- Met hyl- 3- but yn- 2- ol MEBUTYNOL2
C5H8O Met hyl isopropenyl ket one MEI PRPLKET
C5H8O2 3-Acet oxypropene ALLYLACET
C5H8O2 Et hyl acrylat e ETACRYLATE
C5H8O2 Met hyl met hacrylat e MEMECRYLAT
C5H8O2 Vinyl propionat e NI NYPRPI AT
C5H8O3 Levulinic acid LEVULAC
C5H8O4 Glut aric acid GLUTARAC
C5H9N2O3- 1 L- Glut amine ion( - 1) LGLUTAMI ON
C5H9NO 1- Met hyl- 2- pyrrolidinone MEPYROLI DN
C5H9NO3 4- Hydroxyproline HLHDPROLN
C5H9O2- 1 2,2- Dimet hylpropanoic acid ion( - 1) MPROPAT2I ON
C5H9O2- 1 n- Pent anoic acid ion( - 1) PENTANI ON
C60H122 Hexacont ane HEXACONT
C65H132 Pent ahexacont ane PENHEXCONT
C6Cl6 Perchlorobenzene CL6BENZEN
C6H10 cis, t rans- 2, 4- Hexadiene CT24HXDI EN
C6H10 Cyclohexene CYCLOHEXEN
C6H10 1, 5- Hexadiene HEXADI EN15
C6H10 1- Hexyne HEXYNE1
C6H10 2- Hexyne HEXYNE2
C6H10 3- Hexyne HEXYNE3
C6H10 2,3- Dimet hyl- 1, 3- but adiene MEBU13EN23
C6H10 t rans,t rans- 2,4- Hexadiene TT24HXDI EN
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C6H10Br2 1,4- Dibromocyclohexane BRHXN14
C6H10Cl2 ( E) - 1, 2- Dichlorocyclohexane ECLCHXN12
C6H10Cl2O 3,3- Dichloromet hyloxolane CLMEOXLN33
C6H10N3+ 1 Hydrogen 3,3' - iminobispropanenit rile
ion( + 1)
C6H10N3O2+ 1 Hydroxide hist idine ion( + 1) H2LHI STI DNI ON
C6H10O Cyclohexanone CYCLHEXNON
C6H10O 3- ( 2- Propeneoxy) propene DI ALLYETH
C6H10O 2- Met hyl- 2- pent en- 4- one MEPNTON432
C6H10O2 Et hyl met hacrylat e ETMEACRYL
C6H10O2 1- Propyl acrylat e NPROPYACRT
C6H10O2 2- Oxacyclohept anone OXCHEPNON2
C6H10O3 Propanoic anhydride PRPI OANHYD
C6H10O4 Adipic acid ADI PI CACI D
C6H11ClO ( E) - 4- Chlorocyclohexanol ECLCHXNOL4
C6H11N N,N- Diallylamine DI ALLYLAMN
C6H11N Hexanenit rile HEXANNTRL
C6H11N3O2+ 2 Dihydrogen hist idine ion( + 2) H3LHI STI DNI ON
C6H11NO Cyclohexanone oxime CHEXNNOXI M
C6H11O2- 1 Hexanoic acid ion( - 1) HEXANI ON
C6H11O3- 1 2- Hydroxycaproic acid ion( - 1) HYHEXATI ON
C6H12 cis- 2- Hexene C2HEXENE
C6H12 cis- 3- Hexene C3HEXENE
C6H12 1- Hexene C6H12
C6H12 Cyclohexane CYCLOHEXAN
C6H12 2- Et hyl- 1- but ene ETBUT1EN2
C6H12 2- Met hyl- 1- pent ene ME1PENTNE2
C6H12 3- Met hyl- 1- pent ene ME1PENTNE3
C6H12 4- Met hyl- 1- pent ene ME1PENTNE4
C6H12 2,3- Dimet hyl- 1- but ene ME2BU1EN23
C6H12 3,3- Dimet hyl- 1- but ene ME2BU1EN33
C6H12 2,3- Dimet hyl- 2- but ene ME2BU2EN23
C6H12 2- Met hyl- 2- pent ene ME2PENTEN2
C6H12 cis- 3- Met hyl- 2- pent ene MEC2PENTN3
C6H12 cis- 4- Met hyl- 2- pent ene MEC2PENTN4
C6H12 Met hylcyclopent ane MECPENTAN
C6H12 t rans- 4- Met hyl- 2- pent ene MET2PENTN4
C6H12 t rans- 2- Hexene T2HEXENE
C6H12 t rans- 3- Hexene T3HEXENE
C6H12Cl2O 2,2' - Dichlorodiisopropyl et her CLI PROP2ET
C6H12N+ 1 Hydrogen N,N- diallylamine ion( + 1) HDI ALLYLI ON
C6H12NO2- 1 6-Aminohexanoic acid ion( - 1) AMCAPRI ON
C6H12NO2- 1 DL- I soleucine ion( - 1) DLI LEUCNI ON
C6H12NO2- 1 L- I soleucine ion( - 1) LI LEUCNI ON
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C6H12NO2- 1 L- Leucine ion( - 1) LLEUCI NI ON
C6H12NO2- 1 DL- Norleucine ion( - 1) NORLEUCI ON
C6H12O 1- ( Et henyloxy) - but ane BUTVNYETH
C6H12O Cyclohexanol CHXANOL
C6H12O Et hyl isopropyl ket one ETI PROPKET
C6H12O 1- Hexanal HEXANAL1
C6H12O 3- Hexanone HEXANON3
C6H12O 2- Hexanone HEXANONE2
C6H12O 4- Met hyl- 2- pent anone M4PNTON2
C6H12O 3,3- Dimet hyl- 2- but anone ME2BU2ON33
C6H12O 3- Met hylpent an- 2- one MEPNTN2ON3
C6H12O2 1- But yl acet at e BUTLACETAT
C6H12O2 4- Met hyl- 2- pent anon- 4- ol DI ACETNALC
C6H12O2 2- Et hylbut yric acid ETBUTYRAC2
C6H12O2 Et hyl 2- met hylpropanoat e ETI BUTYRAT
C6H12O2 Et hyl n- but anoat e ETNBUTYRAT
C6H12O2 Caproic acid HXNOI CACI D
C6H12O2 I sobut yl acet at e I BUTYLACET
C6H12O2 n- Pent yl format e NPENTYLFMT
C6H12O2 Propyl propionat e NPROPPROPT
C6H12O2 sec- But yl acet at e SECBUTACET
C6H12O2 t ert - But yl acet at e TTBUTACETT
C6H12O3 2- Hydroxycaproic acid HYCAPRI CAC
C6H12O3 Paracet aldehyde PARALD
C6H12O6 bet a- D- Fruct ose FFURANOS
C6H12O6 Levulose FPYRANOS
C6H12O6 D- Glucose GLUCOS
C6H12O6 alpha- D- Glucose ADGLUC
C6H12O6 bet a- D- Glucose BDGLUC
C6H12O6 bet a- D- Fruct ose BDFRUC
C6H12O6. H2O alpha- D- Glucose monohydrat e ADGLUC. H2O
C6H13Cl 1- Chloro- n- hexane CLHXANE1
C6H13N4O2- 1 L-Arginine ion( - 1) LARGI NI ON
C6H13NO2 6-Aminohexanoic acid AMCAPRACD
C6H13NO2 DL- I soleucine DLI LEUCI NE
C6H13NO2 L- I soleucine LI LEUCI NE
C6H13NO2 L- Leucine LLEUCI NE
C6H13NO2 DL- Norleucine NORLEUCI NE
C6H14 n- Hexane C6H14
C6H14 2,2- Dimet hylbut ane ME2BUTAN22
C6H14 2,3- Dimet hylbut ane ME2BUTAN23
C6H14 2- Met hylpent ane MEPENTAN2
C6H14 3- Met hylpent ane MEPENTAN3
C6H14N4O2 L-Arginine LARGI NI NE
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C6H14NO2+ 1 Hydrogen 6- aminohexanoic acid ion( + 1) HAMCAPRI ON
C6H14NO2+ 1 Hydrogen DL- isoleucine ion( + 1) HDLI LEUCNI ON
C6H14NO2+ 1 Hydrogen L- isoleucine ion( + 1) HLI LEUCNI ON
C6H14NO2+ 1 Hydrogen L- leucine ion( + 1) HLLEUCI NI ON
C6H14NO2+ 1 Hydrogen DL- norleucine ion( + 1) HNORLEUCI ON
C6H14O 2- I sopropoxypropane DI PROPETH
C6H14O n- Propyl et her DNPROPETH
C6H14O 2- Et hyl- 1- but anol ET1BUTNOL2
C6H14O 1- Hexanol HEXANOL
C6H14O 2- Hexanol HEXNOL2
C6H14O 4- Met hyl- 2- pent anol M4PTNOL2
C6H14O 2- Met hyl- 1- pent anol ME1PNTNOL2
C6H14O 1- Met hoxypent ane MENPENTETH
C6H14O n- But yl et hyl et her NBUTETETHE
C6H14O t ert - But yl et hyl et her TTBUTETETH
C6H14O But ane, 2- met hoxy- 2- met hyl- TTPENTYETH
C6H14O2 1,1- Diet hoxyet hane ACETAL
C6H14O2 2- But oxyet hanol BUTOXETNL2
C6H14O2 1,2- Diet hoxyet hane DI ETOXTN12
C6H14O2 1, 6- Hexanediol HEXANI OL16
C6H14O3 bis( 2- Met hoxyet hyl) et her ETLN2GLM2E
C6H14O3 Trimet hylolpropane TMEPROPAN
C6H14O6 Galact it ol GALACTI TOL
C6H14O6 Mannit ol MANNI TOL
C6H14O6 Sorbit ol SORBI TOL
C6H15N Diisopropylamine DI I PROPAMN
C6H15N n- Dipropylamine DPRAMI NE
C6H15N n- Hexylamine NHEXYLAMN
C6H15N Triet hylamine TRI EAMI NE
C6H15N4O2+ 1 Hydrogen L- arginine ion( + 1) HLARGI NI ON
C6H15NO2 Diisopropanolamine DI PXH
C6H15NO3 Triet hanolamine TEXH
C6H16N+ 1 Hydrogen diisopropylamine ion( + 1) DI I PRAMHI ON
C6H16N+ 1 Hydrogen n- dipropylamine ion( + 1) DPRAMHI ON
C6H16N+ 1 Hydrogen n- hexylamine ion( + 1) HNHEXYLAMI ON
C6H16N+ 1 Hydrogen t riet hylamine ion( + 1) TETHAMHI ON
C6H16N2 Hexamet hylenediamine MELN6AMN2
C6H16N4O2+ 2 Dihydrogen L- arginine ion( + 2) H2LARGI NI ON
C6H16NO2+ 1 Hydrogen diisopropylamine ion( + 1) DI PXH2I ON
C6H16NO3+ 1 Hydrogen t riet hanolamine ion( + 1) TEXH2I ON
C6H17N2+ 1 Hydrogen hexamet hylenediamine
ion( + 1)
C6H2Cl4 1, 2, 4, 5-Tet rachlorobenzene CLBNZ1245
C6H2Cl4O 2,3, 4, 6-Tet rachlorophenol CLPHEN2346
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C6H2Cl4O 2,3, 5, 6-Tet rachlorophenol CLPHEN2356
C6H3Cl3 1, 3, 5-Trichlorobenzene CL3BNZ135
C6H3Cl3 1, 2, 3-Trichlorobenzene CLBNZ123
C6H3Cl3 1, 2, 4-Trichlorobenzene TCLBNZ124
C6H3Cl3O 2,3, 5-Trichlorophenol CLPHENL235
C6H3Cl3O 2,3, 6-Trichlorophenol CLPHENL236
C6H3Cl3O 2,4, 5-Trichlorophenol CLPHENL245
C6H3Cl3O 2,4, 6-Trichlorophenol CLPHENL246
C6H3Cl3O 3,4, 5-Trichlorophenol CLPHENL345
C6H3N3O7 2, 4, 6-Trinit rophenol PI CRI CAC
C6H4Br2 m- Dibromobenzene MBR2BNZ
C6H4Br3N 2,4, 6-Tribromoaniline BRANI LN246
C6H4BrCl 2- Bromochlorobenzene BRCL2BNZ
C6H4BrCl 1- Bromo- 3- chlorobenzene BRCLBNZ3
C6H4Cl2 m- Dichlorobenzene MDCLBNZN
C6H4Cl2 o- Dichlorobenzene ODCLBNZN
C6H4Cl2 p- Dichlorobenzene PDCLBNZN
C6H4Cl2O 2, 4- Dichlorophenol CLPHENOL24
C6H4Cl2O 2, 6- Dichlorophenol CLPHENOL26
C6H4ClNO2 m- Chloronit robenzene MCLNI TBNZ
C6H4ClNO2 o- Chloronit robenzene OCLNI TBNZ
C6H4ClNO2 1- Chloro- 4- nit robenzene PCLNI TBNZ
C6H4N2O4 1,4- Dinit robenzene DI NI TBNZ14
C6H4N2O4 m- Dinit robenzene MNI T2BNZ
C6H4N2O4 o- Dinit robenzene ONI T2BNZ
C6H4N2O5 2,4- Dinit rophenol NI PHENOL24
C6H4N2O5 2,5- Dinit rophenol NI PHENOL25
C6H4N2O5 2,6- Dinit rophenol NI PHENOL26
C6H4NO2- 1 Nicot inic acid ion( - 1) NI COTACDI ON
C6H4O2 1, 4- Benzoquinone QUI NON
C6H4O2- 2 1,2- Benzenediol ion( - 2) BZDI OL12I ON
C6H4O2- 2 1,3- Benzenediol ion( - 2) BZDI OL13I ON
C6H4O2- 2 1,4- Benzenediol ion( - 2) BZDI OL14I ON
C6H5Br Bromobenzene BRBENZEN
C6H5BrO 2- Bromophenol BRPHENOL2
C6H5Cl Chlorobenzene CLBENZEN
C6H5Cl2N 3,4- Dichloroaniline CL2ANI LN34
C6H5Cl2N 2,3- Dichlorobenzenamine CLANI LI N23
C6H5Cl2N 2,4- Dichlorobenzenamine CLANI LI N24
C6H5ClO m- Chlorophenol MCLPHENOL
C6H5ClO o- Chlorophenol OCLPHENOL
C6H5ClO p- Chlorophenol PCLPHENOL
C6H5F Fluorobenzene FBENZENE
C6H5I I odobenzene I BENZENE
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C6H5I O 4- I odophenol I PHENOL4
C6H5N3O4 2,4- Dinit roaniline DNI TANI L24
C6H5NO2 Nicot inic acid HNI COTACD
C6H5NO2 Nit robenzene NI TBNZ
C6H5NO3 2- Nit rophenol NI TPHENOL2
C6H5NO3 3- Nit rophenol NI TPHENOL3
C6H5NO3 4- Nit rophenol NI TPHENOL4
C6H5O- 1 Phenol ion( - 1) C6H5OI ON
C6H5O2- 1 Hydrogen 1, 2- benzenediol ion( - 1) HBZDI OL12I ON
C6H5O2- 1 Hydrogen 1, 3- benzenediol ion( - 1) HBZDI OL13I ON
C6H5O2- 1 Hydrogen 1,4- Benzenediol ion( - 1) HBZDI OL14I ON
C6H5O7- 3 Cit rat e ion( - 3) CI TRATI ON
C6H6 Benzene BENZENE
C6H6Cl6 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6- Hexachlorocyclohexane ALPHABHC
C6H6Cl6 bet a- 1, 2,3,4, 5, 6- Hexachlorocyclohexane BETABHC
C6H6Cl6 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6- Hexachlorocyclohexane DELTABHC
C6H6Cl6 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6- Hexachlorocyclohexane LI NDANE
C6H6ClN o- Chloroaniline CLANLN2
C6H6ClN m- Chloroaniline CLANLN3
C6H6ClN 1-Amino- 4- chlorobenzene CLANLN4
C6H6N2O2 2- Nit raniline NI TANL2
C6H6N2O2 m- Nit roaniline NI TANL3
C6H6N2O2 4- Nit roaniline NI TANLI NEP
C6H6N3O4+ 1 Hydrogen 2,4- dinit roaniline ion( + 1) HDNI TANI L24I ON
C6H6NO2+ 1 Hydrogen nicot inic acid ion( + 1) H2NI COTACDI ON
C6H6NO6- 3 NTA ion( - 3) NTAI ON
C6H6O Phenol C6H5OH
C6H6O2 1,2- Benzenediol BNZDI OL12
C6H6O2 1,3- Benzenediol BNZDI OL13
C6H6O2 1,4- Benzenediol HYDRQUI NON
C6H6O7- 2 Hydrogen cit rat e ion( - 2) HCI TRATI ON
C6H7N Aniline ANI LI NE
C6H7O7- 1 Dihydrogen cit rat e ion( - 1) H2CI TRATI ON
C6H8 1, 3- Cyclohexadiene CHEXDI EN13
C6H8 Met hylcyclopent adiene MECPENTD
C6H8N2 m- Phenylenediamine MPHEENAMN2
C6H8N2 o- Phenylenediamine OPHENLNAM2
C6H8N2 1,4- Phenylenediamine PHENDI AMNP
C6H8N3O2- 1 Hist idine ion( - 1) LHI STI DNI ON
C6H8O 3- Met hyl- 2- cyclopent ene- 1- one ME3CPENTEN
C6H8O4- 2 Adipic acid ion( - 2) ADI PATI ON
C6H8O7 Cit ric acid CI TRAC
C6H8O7. 1H2O Cit ric acid monohydrat e CI TRAC. 1H2O
C6H9N3 3,3' - I minobispropanenit rile I MI N33PRNL
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C6H9N3O2 Hist idine HLHI STI DN
C6H9NO6 Nit rilot riacet ic acid H3NTA
C6H9O4- 1 Hydrogen adipic acid ion( - 1) HADI PATI ON
C6HCl5 Pent achlorobenzene CL5BNZ
C6HCl5O Pent achlorophenol CL5PHENOL
C70H142 Hept acont ane HEPTCONT
C75H152 Pent ahept acont ane PENHEPTAC
C7H10 2- Norbornene NORBORNEN2
C7H10O2 Allyl met hacrylat e ALLYMEACRT
C7H10O4- 2 Pimelic acid ion( - 2) PI MELATI ON
C7H11O4- 1 Hydrogen pimelic acid ion( - 1) HPI MELATI ON
C7H12 Cyclohept ene CHEPTEN
C7H12O2 n- But yl acrylat e BUTACRYLAT
C7H12O2 I sobut yl acrylat e I BUACRYLAT
C7H12O2 Cyclohexanecarboxylic acid NAPHTHENAC
C7H12O2 Propyl met hacrylat e PROMEACRL
C7H12O4 Pimelic acid PI MELI CAC
C7H13O2- 1 Hept anoic acid ion( - 1) HEPTANI ON
C7H14 1- Hept ene C7H14
C7H14 Cyclohept ane CHEPTAN
C7H14 cis- 2- Hept ene CHEPTEN2
C7H14 cis- 3- Hept ene CHEPTEN3
C7H14 cis- 1,2- Dimet hylcyclopent ane CMECPENT12
C7H14 cis- 1,3- Dimet hylcyclopent ane CMECPENT13
C7H14 Et hylcyclopent ane ETCPENTAN
C7H14 2- Et hyl- 1- pent ene ETPENTEN2
C7H14 3- Et hyl- 1- pent ene ETPENTEN3
C7H14 2, 3, 3-Trimet hyl- 1- but ene MEBUTEN233
C7H14 1,1- Dimet hylcyclopent ane MECHEPTN11
C7H14 Met hylcyclohexane MECHEXAN
C7H14 2- Met hyl- 1- hexene MEHEXEN2
C7H14 3- Met hyl- 1- hexene MEHEXEN3
C7H14 4- Met hyl- 1- hexene MEHEXEN4
C7H14 t rans- 2- Hept ene THEPTEN2
C7H14 t rans- 3- Hept ene THEPTEN3
C7H14 t rans- 1, 2- Dimet hylcyclopent ane TMECPENT12
C7H14 t rans- 1, 3- Dimet hylcyclopent ane TMECPENT13
C7H14NO4- 1 Diisopropanolamine carboxylat e ion( - 1) DI PXCO2I ON
C7H14O cis- 2- Met hylcyclohexanol CMECHXOL2
C7H14O cis- 3- Met hylcyclohexanol CMECHXOL3
C7H14O cis- 4- Met hylcyclohexanol CMECHXOL4
C7H14O Hept anal HEPTANAL1
C7H14O 2- Hept anone HEPTANON2
C7H14O 3- Hept anone HEPTANON3
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C7H14O 4- Hept anone HEPTANON4
C7H14O 1- Met hylcyclohexanol MECHXOL1
C7H14O 2- Met hylhexanal MEHEXANAL2
C7H14O 3- Met hylhexanal MEHEXANAL3
C7H14O 5- Met hyl- 2- hexanone MEHXON5
C7H14O 2,4- Dimet hyl- 3- pent anone MEPENTON24
C7H14O t rans- 2- Met hylcyclohexanol TMECHXOL2
C7H14O t rans- 3- Met hylcyclohexanol TMECHXOL3
C7H14O t rans- 4- Met hylcyclohexanol TMECHXOL4
C7H14O2 But yl propanoat e BUPROPI ONT
C7H14O2 Hept anoic acid HPNOI CACI D
C7H14O2 I sopent yl acet at e I SAMYACET
C7H14O2 Et hyl isovalerat e I VALERAT
C7H14O2 1- Pent yl acet at e PENTYLACET
C7H14O2 Propyl n- but yrat e PROBUTYRAT
C7H14O2 sec-Amyl acet at e SECAMLAC
C7H14O2 2,3- Dimet hylpropylacet at e TTAMYLACET
C7H14O3 Et hyl- 3- et hoxypropanoat e ETETOXPRT3
C7H15Br 1- Bromohept ane BRHEPTAN1
C7H16 n- Hept ane C7H16
C7H16 3- Et hylpent ane ETPENTAN3
C7H16 2, 2, 3-Trimet hylbut ane MEBUTAN223
C7H16 2- Met hylhexane MEHXAN2
C7H16 3- Met hylhexane MEHXAN3
C7H16 2,2- Dimet hylpent ane MEPENTAN22
C7H16 2,3- Dimet hylpent ane MEPENTAN23
C7H16 2,4- Dimet hylpent ane MEPENTAN24
C7H16 3,3- Dimet hylpent ane MEPENTAN33
C7H16O 1- Hept anol HEPTANOL
C7H16O 2- Hept anol HEPTANOL2
C7H16O 5- Met hyl- 1- hexanol ME5HXOL1
C7H17N 1- Hept anamine HEPTYLAMN
C7H18N+ 1 Hydrogen 1- Hept anamine ion( + 1) HHEPTYLI ON
C7H3Br2NO 3,5- Dibromo- 4- hydroxybenzonit rile BROMOXYNI L
C7H3Cl2N 2,6- Dichlorobenzonit rile DI CHLBENI L
C7H4Cl2O m- Chlorobenzoyl chloride MCLBNZYLCL
C7H4Cl2O2 3, 4- Dichlorobenzoic acid CLBNZAC34
C7H4O3- 2 m- Salicylic acid ion( - 2) MSALI CYLI ON
C7H4O3- 2 Salicylic acid ion( - 2) OSALI CYLI ON
C7H4O3- 2 p- Salicylic acid ion( - 2) PSALI CYLI ON
C7H5Cl2NO2 3-Amino- 2,5- dichlorobenzoic acid CHLORAMBEN
C7H5Cl3 alpha, alpha,alpha-Trichlorot oluene BNZTRI CL
C7H5ClO2 3- Chlorobenzoic acid CLBNZAC3
C7H5ClO2 o- Chlorobenzoic acid OCLBNZI CAC
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C7H5N Benzonit rile BNZONI TRI L
C7H5N3O6 2,4, 6-Trinit rot oluene NI TOLUN246
C7H5N5O8 N- Met hyl- N, 2, 4,6- t et ranit roaniline TETRYL
C7H5O2- 1 Benzoic acid ion( - 1) BENZOATI ON
C7H5O3- 1 Hydrogen m- salicylic acid ion( - 1) HMSALI CYLI ON
C7H5O3- 1 Hydrogen salicylic acid ion( - 1) HOSALI CYLI ON
C7H5O3- 1 Hydrogen p- salicylic acid ion( - 1) HPSALI CYLI ON
C7H6Cl2 alpha, alpha- Dichlorot oluene BNZYLDI CL
C7H6Cl2 3, 4- Dichlorot oluene CLMEBNZ234
C7H6Cl2 2, 4- Dichlorot oluene DI CLTOLU24
C7H6N2O4 2, 4- Dinit rot oluene NI TOLUEN24
C7H6N2O4 2, 5- Dinit rot oluene NI TOLUEN25
C7H6N2O4 2, 6- Dinit rot oluene NI TOLUEN26
C7H6N2O4 3, 4- Dinit rot oluene NI TOLUEN34
C7H6N2O4 3, 5- Dinit rot oluene NI TOLUEN35
C7H6NO2- 1 2-Aminobenzoic acid ion( - 1) AM2BNZATI ON
C7H6O Benzaldehyde BNZALDEHYD
C7H6O2 Benzoic acid BNZACI D
C7H6O2 4- Hydroxybenzaldehyde HDBNZALD4
C7H6O3 m- Salicylic acid MSALI CYLAC
C7H6O3 p- Salicylic acid PSALI CYLAC
C7H6O3 Salicylic acid SALI CYLAC
C7H7Br 4- Bromot oluene BRTOLUEN4
C7H7Cl Benzyl chloride BENZYLCL
C7H7Cl 2- Chlorot oluene CLTOLUENEO
C7H7Cl 4- Chlorot oluene CLTOLUENEP
C7H7ClO 4- Chloro- 3- met hylphenol CL4ME3PHNL
C7H7NO Benzoylamide BNZAMI D
C7H7NO2 2-Aminobenzoic acid HAM2BNZAT
C7H7NO2 m- Nit rot oluene NI TTOLUNEM
C7H7NO2 2- Nit rot oluene NI TTOLUNEO
C7H7NO2 4- Nit rot oluene NI TTOLUNEP
C7H7NO3 2- Nit roanisole NI TANI SOL2
C7H8 Toluene TOLUENE
C7H8ClN 5- Chloro- 2- met hylbenzenamine CL5M2BNZAM
C7H8N2O2 3,5- Diaminobenzoic acid DAMBNZI C35
C7H8NO2+ 1 Hydrogen 2- aminobenzoic acid ion( + 1) H2AM2BNZATI ON
C7H8O Met hoxybenzene ANI SOLE
C7H8O alpha- Hydroxyt oluene BNZYLALCHL
C7H8O m- Cresol MCRESOLE
C7H8O o- Cresol OCRESOLE
C7H8O p- Cresol PCRESOLE
C7H8O2 2- Met hoxyphenol GUAI ACOL
C7H8O2 4- Met hoxyphenol MEOXPHENLP
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C7H9N alpha- Hydroxyt oluene BNZYLAMN
C7H9N 3-Toluidine MTOLUI DI NE
C7H9N o-Toluidine TOLUI DI NEO
C7H9N p-Toluidine TOLUI DI NEP
C80H162 Oct acont ane OCTACONT
C8H10 Et hylbenzene ETBNZ
C8H10 1,3- Dimet hylbenzene MXYLENE
C8H10 o-Xylene OXYLENE
C8H10 1,4- Dimet hylbenzene PXYLENE
C8H10NO2+ 1 Hydrogen 2- ( met hylamino) benzoic acid
ion( + 1)
C8H10O 2,3-Xylenol DI MEPHNL23
C8H10O 2,4-Xylenol DI MEPHNL24
C8H10O 2,5-Xylenol DI MEPHNL25
C8H10O 2,6-Xylenol DI MEPHNL26
C8H10O 4- Et hylphenol ETPHENOLP
C8H10O sec- Phenet hyl alcohol ETPHENYL1
C8H10O 2- Met hylbenzyl alcohol MEBNZYAMD2
C8H10O 3- Et hylphenol METPHENOL
C8H10O 2- Et hylphenol OETPHENOL
C8H10O 2- Phenylet hanol PHEETNOL2
C8H10O Phenet ole PHENETOL
C8H10O 3,4-Xylenol XYLENOL34
C8H10O 3,5-Xylenol XYLENOL35
C8H10O2 4- Et hyl- 1,3- dihydroxybenzene ETRESORCNL
C8H10O2 1,4- Dimet hoxybenzene MEOXBNZ14
C8H10O2 2- Phenoxyet hanol PHENOXETL2
C8H10O2 1,2- Dimet hoxybenzene VERATROL
C8H10O3 3, 4- Dimet hoxyphenol MEOXPHEN34
C8H10O4 Et hylene diacrylat e GLYDI ACRYL
C8H11N 2- Et hylaniline ETANI LI N2
C8H11N 2,4, 6-Trimet hylpyridine MPYRI DN246
C8H11NO 2- Met hoxy- 5- met hylbenzenamine PCRESI DI NE
C8H11NO p- Phenet idine PPHENETI D
C8H12 1, 5- cyclooct adiene COCTDI EN15
C8H12 Vinylcyclohexene VI NYLCHXEN
C8H12O4 Diet hyl maleat e DETMALEAT
C8H12O4 2- Met hyl- 2- propene- 1, 1- dioldiacet at e MEACROLACT
C8H12O4- 2 Suberic acid ion( - 2) SUBERATI ON
C8H13O4- 1 Hydrogen suberic acid ion( - 1) HSUBERATI ON
C8H14 Cyclooct ene COCTENE
C8H14O2 n- But yl met hacrylat e BUMEACRYL
C8H14O3 But yric anhydride BUTYRANHD
C8H14O4 Diet hyl succinat e DETSUCCI NT
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C8H14O4 Suberic acid SUBERI CAC
C8H15O2- 1 Oct anoic acid ion ( - 1) OCTANI ON
C8H16 1- Oct ene C8H16
C8H16 Cyclooct ane CCYCOCTAN
C8H16 cis- 1,2- Dimet hylcyclohexane CMECHEXN12
C8H16 cis- 1,3- Dimet hylcyclohexane CMECHEXN13
C8H16 cis- 1,4- Dimet hylcyclohexane CMECHEXN14
C8H16 Et hylcyclohexane ETCYCLHEXN
C8H16 2- Et hyl- 1- hexene ETHEX1EN2
C8H16 I sopropylcyclopent ane I PROCPENTN
C8H16 1,1- Dimet hylcyclohexane MECHEXN11
C8H16 1- Met hyl- 1- et hylcyclopent ane MEETCPEN11
C8H16 2, 4, 4-Trimet hyl- 1- pent ene MEPNTEN244
C8H16 2,4, 4-Trimet hyl- 2- pent ene MPEN2EN244
C8H16 Propylcyclopent ane PROCPENTAN
C8H16 t rans- 1, 2- Dimet hylcyclohexane TMECHEXN12
C8H16 t rans- 1, 3- Dimet hylcyclohexane TMECHEXN13
C8H16 t rans- 1, 4- Dimet hylcyclohexane TMECHEXN14
C8H16 t rans- 2- Oct ene TOCTEN2
C8H16 t rans- 3- Oct ene TOCTEN3
C8H16O 2- Et hylhexanal ETHEXAL2
C8H16O Oct anal OCTANAL1
C8H16O 2- Oct anone OCTANON2
C8H16O2 n- But yl n- but yrat e BUBUTYRAT
C8H16O2 n- Hexyl acet at e HEXYLACET
C8H16O2 I sobut yl isobut yrat e I BUI BUYRAT
C8H16O2 Oct anoic acid OCTANOI CAC
C8H16O4 2- ( 2- Et hoxyet hoxy) et hyl acet at e DEGEEACET
C8H18 n- Oct ane C8H18
C8H18 3- Et hylhexane ETHXAN3
C8H18 2- Met hyl- 3- et hylpent ane ME2ET3PNTN
C8H18 3- Met hyl- 3- et hylpent ane ME3ET3PNTN
C8H18 2,2, 3, 3-Tet ramet hylbut ane MEBUTN2233
C8H18 2- Met hylhept ane MEHPTAN2
C8H18 3- Met hylhept ane MEHPTAN3
C8H18 4- Met hylhept ane MEHPTAN4
C8H18 2,2- Dimet hylhexane MEHXAN22
C8H18 2,3- Dimet hylhexane MEHXAN23
C8H18 2,4- Dimet hylhexane MEHXAN24
C8H18 2,5- Dimet hylhexane MEHXAN25
C8H18 3,3- Dimet hylhexane MEHXAN33
C8H18 3,4- Dimet hylhexane MEHXAN34
C8H18 2, 2, 3-Trimet hylpent ane MEPNTAN223
C8H18 2, 2, 4-Trimet hylpent ane MEPNTAN224
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C8H18 2, 3, 3-Trimet hylpent ane MEPNTAN233
C8H18 2, 3, 4-Trimet hylpent ane MEPNTAN234
C8H18O DI - n- But yl et her DI BUETHER
C8H18O Di- t ert - but yl et her DI TTBUETH
C8H18O 2,2' - Oxybisbut ane DSECBUETH
C8H18O 2- Et hyl- 1- hexanol ET2HXNOL1
C8H18O 1- Oct anol OCTANOL1
C8H18O 2- Oct anol OCTANOL2
C8H18O2 2- Hexyloxy- 1- et hanol HEXYLOXTOL
C8H18O3 bis( 2- Et hoxyet hyl) et her DETGLYDEET
C8H18O3 Dipropylene glycol met hyl et her PROGLI METH
C8H18O4 2, 5, 8, 11-Tet raoxadodecane TGLYDMETH
C8H19N Di- n- But ylamine DI BUTYAMN
C8H19N Diisobut ylamine DI I BUAMN
C8H19N n- Oct ylamine NOCTYLAMN
C8H20N+ 1 Hydrogen di- n- but ylamine ion( + 1) HDI BUTAMI ON
C8H20N+ 1 Hydrogen diisobut ylamine ion( + 1) HDI I BUAMI ON
C8H20N+ 1 Hydrogen n- oct ylamine ion( + 1) HOCTYLI ON
C8H4Cl2O2 1, 3- Benzenedicarbonyl chloride I PHTHAYLCL
C8H4O3 Pht halic anhydride PHTHANHYDR
C8H4O4- 2 I sopht halic acid ion( - 2) I PHTHTI ON
C8H4O4- 2 Pht halic acid ion( - 2) PHTHLTI ON
C8H4O4- 2 Terepht halic acid ion( - 2) TPHTHTI ON
C8H5Cl3O3 ( 2, 4,5-Trichlorophenoxy) acet ic acid TACETAC245
C8H5O4- 1 Hydrogen isopht halic acid ion( - 1) HI PHTHTI ON
C8H5O4- 1 Hydrogen pht halic acid ion( - 1) HPHTHLTI ON
C8H5O4- 1 Hydrogen t erepht halic acid ion( - 1) HTPHTHTI ON
C8H6 Et hynylbenzene ETHYNYLBNZ
C8H6Cl2O3 3, 6- Dichloro- 2- met hoxybenzoic acid DI CAMBA
C8H6Cl2O3 2,4- Dichlorophenoxyacet ic acid DPHEOXAC24
C8H6O Benzofuran BNZFURAN
C8H6O2 1- Pht halanone PHTHALI D
C8H6O4 I sopht halic acid I PHTHALAC
C8H6O4 Pht halic acid PHTHALACI D
C8H6O4 Terepht halic acid TERPHTHAAC
C8H7ClO 2- Chloroacet ophenone CLACEPHENN
C8H7N Phenylacet onit rile PHENACENTL
C8H7O2- 1 3- Met hylbenzoic acid ion( - 1) MTOLUI ON
C8H7O2- 1 o-Toluic acid ion( - 1) OTOLUI ON
C8H7O2- 1 p-Toluylic acid ion( - 1) PTOLUI ON
C8H7O3- 1 Phenoxyacet ic acid ion( - 1) PHOXACI ON
C8H8 Phenylet hene STYRENE
C8H8NO2- 1 2- ( Met hylamino) benzoic acid ion( - 1) MAMBNZACI ON
C8H8O 1- Phenyl- 1- et hanone ACETPHENON
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C8H8O 2, 3- Dihydrobenzofuran HDBNZFUR23
C8H8O 4-Tolualdehyde PTOLUALD
C8H8O St yrene oxide STYRENOX
C8H8O2 Benzeneacet ic acid BNZACETAC
C8H8O2 Met hyl benzoat e MEBENZOATE
C8H8O2 3- Met hylbenzoic acid MTOLUI CAC
C8H8O2 p-Toluylic acid PTOLUI CAC
C8H8O2 o-Toluic acid TOLUCACI DO
C8H8O3 2- ( Met hoxycarbonyl) phenol MESALI CYL
C8H8O3 Phenoxyacet ic acid PHOXACAC
C8H9NO N- Phenylacet amide ACETANI LI D
C8H9NO 2- Phenylacet amide PHENACEAMD
C8H9NO2 2- ( Met hylamino) benzoic acid HMAMBNZAC
C9H10 3- Phenyl- 1- propene ALLYLBNZ
C9H10 2- Phenyl- 1- propene ALMESTYREN
C9H10 cis- 1- Propenylbenzene CPROYLBNZ
C9H10 I ndan I NDAN
C9H10 1- Et henyl- 2- met hylbenzene MESTYRENEO
C9H10 1- Met hyl- 3- et henylbenzene MMESTYREN
C9H10 p- Met hylst yrene PMESTYREN
C9H10 t rans- 1- Propenylbenzene TPROYLBNZ1
C9H10Cl2N2O 1,1- Dimet hyl- 3- ( 3,4- dichlorophenyl) urea DI URON
C9H10NO2- 1 DL- 3- Phenylalanine ion( - 1) DLPHALI ON
C9H10NO2- 1 L- Phenylalanine ion( - 1) LPHEALI ON
C9H10NO3- 1 Hydrogen L- t yrosine ion( - 1) HLTYROSNI ON
C9H10O 1- Phenyl- 1- propanone PROPI OPHEN
C9H10O2 alpha-Acet oxyt oluene BNZYLACET
C9H10O2 Et hyl benzoat e ETBENZOAT
C9H10O2 Met hyl p- t oluat e ME4MEBNZAT
C9H10O2 2,4- Dimet hylbenzoic acid MEBNZAC24
C9H10O2 2,5- Dimet hylbenzoic acid MEBNZAC25
C9H10O2 3,4- Dimet hylbenzoic acid MEBNZAC34
C9H10O2 3,5- Dimet hylbenzoic acid MEBNZAC35
C9H10O2 3- Phenylpropionic acid PHENPROPAC
C9H11NO2 DL- 3- Phenylalanine DLPHENLALN
C9H11NO2 L- Phenylalanine LPHENLALAN
C9H11NO3 L-Tyrosine LTYROSI NE
C9H12 I sopropylbenzene CUMENE
C9H12 4- Et hylt oluene ETTOLUENEP
C9H12 2- Et hylt oluene MEETBNZ12
C9H12 m- Et hylt oluene MEETBNZ13
C9H12 1, 3, 5-Trimet hylbenzene MESI TYLENE
C9H12 Propylbenzene PROPYLBNZ
C9H12 1, 2, 3-Trimet hylbenzene TMEBNZ123
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C9H12 1, 2, 4-Trimet hylbenzene TMEBNZ124
C9H12 Vinylnorbornene VYNOBORNN
C9H12NO2+ 1 Hydrogen DL- 3- phenylalanine ion( + 1) HDLPHALI ON
C9H12NO2+ 1 Hydrogen L- phenylalanine ion( + 1) HLPHEALI ON
C9H12NO3+ 1 Hydrogen L- t yrosine ion( + 1) H3LTYROSNI ON
C9H12O Benzyl et hyl et her BNZLETETH
C9H12O 2- I sopropylphenol I PROPPHEN2
C9H12O 3- I sopropylphenol I PROPPHEN3
C9H12O 4- I sopropylphenol I PROPPHEN4
C9H12O 2- Phenyl- 2- propanol PHE2PROOL2
C9H12O 3- Phenyl- 1- propanol PHENPROTL3
C9H12O 2,3, 5-Trimet hylphenol TMPHENL235
C9H12O 2,4, 5-Trimet hylphenol TMPHENL245
C9H12O 2,4, 6-Trimet hylphenol TMPHNOL246
C9H12O 3,4, 5-Trimet hylphenol TMPHNOL345
C9H12O3 1,2, 3-Trimet hoxybenzene TMOXBNZ123
C9H13N 1- Phenyl- 2- aminopropane AMPHETAMN
C9H13N 2,4, 5-Trimet hylaniline TMANI LN245
C9H13N 2,4, 6-Trimet hylbenzenamine TMEANLN246
C9H14O I sophoron I SOPHORONE
C9H14O 2,6- Dimet hyl- 2, 5- hept adiene- 4- one MEHEPENON
C9H14O4- 2 Azelat e ion( - 2) AZELATI ON
C9H15O4- 1 Hydrogen azelat e ion( - 1) HAZELATI ON
C9H16O4 Azelaic acid AZELAI CAC
C9H17O2- 1 Nonanoic acid ion( - 1) NONANI ON
C9H18 ( 1- Met hylet hyl) cyclohexane I PROCHXAN
C9H18 n- But ylcyclopent ane NBUCPENTEN
C9H18 1- Nonene NONEN1
C9H18 Propylcyclohexane NPROCHEXN
C9H18O Diisobut yl ket one DI I BUKETON
C9H18O 1- Nonanal NONANAL1
C9H18O 2- Nonanone NONANON2
C9H18O 5- Nonanone NONANON5
C9H18O 2,2, 4, 4-Tet ramet hyl- 3- pent anone TMPENN2244
C9H18O2 But yl- 3- met hylbut anoat e BUTI VALERT
C9H18O2 n- But yl valerat e BUVALERAT
C9H18O2 Met hyl oct anoat e MEOCTAT
C9H18O2 Nonanoic acid NONOI CACI D
C9H18O2 n- Oct yl format e OCTYLFMT
C9H20 n- Nonane C9H20
C9H20 3,3- Diet hylpent ane DETPENTN33
C9H20 2,2- Dimet hyl- 3- et hylpent ane DMETPTN223
C9H20 2,4- Dimet hyl- 3- et hylpent ane DMETPTN243
C9H20 2,2- Dimet hylhept ane DMHEPTAN22
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C9H20 2,6- Dimet hylhept ane DMHEPTAN26
C9H20 3- Et hylhept ane ETHEPTAN3
C9H20 2,2, 5-Trimet hylhexane MEHXAN225
C9H20 2,4, 4-Trimet hylhexane MEHXAN244
C9H20 2- Met hyloct ane MEOCTAN2
C9H20 3- Met hyloct ane MEOCTAN3
C9H20 4- Met hyloct ane MEOCTAN4
C9H20 2,2, 3, 3-Tet ramet hylpent ane MEPNTN2233
C9H20 2,2, 3, 4-Tet ramet hylpent ane MEPNTN2234
C9H20 2,2, 4, 4-Tet ramet hylpent ane MEPNTN2244
C9H20 2,3, 3, 4-Tet ramet hylpent ane MEPNTN2334
C9H20O 2,6- Dimet hyl- 4- hept anol MEHPT4OL26
C9H20O 1- Nonanol NONANOL1
C9H20O 2- Nonanol NONANOL2
C9H21N 1- Nonanamine NONYLAMN1
C9H21N Tripropylamine TPROAMN
C9H22N+ 1 Hydrogen t ripropylamine ion( + 1) HTPROAI ON
C9H6Cl8O I sobenzan I SOBENZAN
C9H7Cl3O3 2- ( 2, 4, 5-Trichlorophenoxy) propanoic acid SI LVEX
C9H7Cl3O3 I sooct yl 2- ( 2, 4, 5-
t richlorophenoxy) propionat e
C9H7N I soquinoline I SQUI NOLN
C9H7N Quinoline QUI NOLI NE
C9H8 I ndene I NDENE
C9H8Cl2O3 Met hyl ( 2, 4- dichlorophenoxy) acet at e DMEESTER24
C9H8O 1- I ndanone I NDANON1
C9H8O 2- Met hylbenzofuran MEBNZFUR2
C9H8O2 Cinnamic acid CI NNAMI CAC
C9H9N 2- Met hyl- 1H- indole MEI NDOL2
C9H9N 3- Met hyl- 1H- indole MEI NDOL3
C9H9N 3- Met hyl- 1H- indole MEI NDOL5
C9H9NO3- 2 L-Tyrosine ion( - 2) LTYROSNI ON
Ca Calcium CAEL
Ca( Al2Si5O14) . 5H2O Calcium dialuminum pent asilicat e
pent ahydrat e
Ca( Al2Si6O16) . 5H2O Calcium dialuminum hexasilicon
hexadecaoxide pent ahydrat e
Ca( CN) 2 Calcium cyanide CACN2
Ca( H2PO4) 2 Calcium dihydrogen ort hophosphat e( V) CAH2PO42
Ca( H2PO4) 2.1H2O Calcium dihydrogen ort hophosphat e( V)
monohydrat e
Ca( HC2O4) 2 Calcium di( hydrogen oxalat e) CAHC2O42
Ca( HCO3) 2 Calcium bicarbonat e CAHCO32
Ca( HCO3) Cl Calcium bicarbonat e chloride CAHCO3CL
Ca( HCO3) HS Calcium bicarbonat e bisulfide CAHCO3HS
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Ca( HCO3) HSO4 Calcium bicarbonat e bisulfat e CAHCO3HSO4
Ca( HCO3) OH Calcium bicarbonat e hydroxide CAHCO3OH
Ca( HS) 2 Calcium bisulfide CAHS2
Ca( HSO3) 2 Calcium bisulfit e CAHSO32
Ca( HSO4) 2 Calcium bisulfat e CAHSO42
Ca( NbO3) 2 Calcium diniobium( V) hexaoxide CANBO32
Ca( NH2CO2) 2 Calcium carbamat e CANH2CO22
Ca( NO2) 2 Calcium nit rit e CANO22
Ca( NO2) 2. 1H2O Calcium nit rit e monohydrat e CANO22. 1H2O
Ca( NO2) 2. 4H2O Calcium nit rit e t et rahydrat e CANO22. 4H2O
Ca( NO3) + 1 Calcium mononit rat e ion( + 1) CANO3I ON
Ca( NO3) 2 Calcium nit rat e CANO32
Ca( NO3) 2. 3H2O Calcium nit rat e t rihydrat e CANO32. 3H2O
Ca( NO3) 2. 4H2O Calcium nit rat e t et rahydrat e CANO32. 4H2O
Ca( OH) 2 Calcium hydroxide CAOH2
Ca( OH) Cl Calcium hydroxide chloride CAOHCL
Ca( VO3) 2 Calcium divanadium( V) hexaoxide CAVO32
Ca[ C10H12N2O8] - 2 Calcium EDTA ion( - 2) CAEDTAI ON
Ca[ C10H14N2O8] Calcium dihydrogen EDTA CAH2EDTA
Ca[ C14H18N3O10] - 3 Calcium DTPA ion( - 3) CADTPAI ON
Ca[ C2H3O2] + 1 Calcium monoacet at e ion( + 1) CAACETI ON
Ca[ C2H3O2] 2 Calcium acet at e CAACET2
Ca[ C2H3O2] 2. 2H2O Calcium acet at e dihydrat e CAACET2.2H2O
Ca[ C2H3O2] 2. H2O Calcium acet at e monohydrat e CAACET2.1H2O
Ca[ C2H3O3] + 1 Calcium monoglycolat e ion( + 1) CAGLYCOLI ON
Ca[ C2H3O3] 2 Calcium glycolat e CAGLYCOL2
Ca[ C2H4NO2] + 1 Calcium monoglycine ion( + 1) CAGLYCI NI ON
Ca[ C2H4NO2] 2 Calcium diglycine CAGLYCI N2
Ca[ C3H5O2] + 1 Calcium monopropionat e ion( + 1) CAPROPI ON
Ca[ C3H5O2] 2 Calcium propanat e CAPROP2
Ca[ C3H5O2] 2. 1H2O Calcium propanat e monohydrat e CAPROP2. 1H2O
Ca[ C3H6NO2] + 1 Calcium mono( l- alpha- alanine) ion( + 1) CAALANI ON
Ca[ C3H6NO2] 2 Calcium di( l- alpha- alanine) CAALAN2
Ca[ C4H4O4] Calcium succinat e CASUCCNATE
Ca[ C4H4O6] Calcium t art rat e CATARTRT
Ca[ C6H5COO] + 1 Calcium monobenzoat e ion( + 1) CABENZOATI ON
Ca[ C6H5COO] 2 Calcium benzoat e CABNZAT
Ca[ C6H5COO] 2. 3H2O Calcium benzoat e t rihydrat e CABNZAT. 3H2O
Ca[ C6H5O7] - 1 Calcium monocit rat e ion( - 1) CACTRTI ON
Ca[ C6H6NO6] Calcium hydrogen NTA CAHNTA
Ca[ C6H6NO6] - 1 Calcium mono- NTA ion( - 1) CANTAI ON
Ca[ C6H6NO6] 2- 4 Calcium di- NTA ion( - 4) CANTA2I ON
Ca[ C7H4O3] Calcium salicylat e CAOSALI CYL
Ca[ C7H5O3] + 1 Calcium hydrogen salicylat e ion( + 1) CAHOSALI CYLI ON
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Ca[ Fe( CN) 6] - 1 Calcium hexacyanoferric( I I I ) ion( - 1) CAFEI I I CN6I ON
Ca[ Fe( CN) 6] - 2 Calcium hexacyanoferric( I I ) ion( - 2) CAFEI I CN6I ON
Ca[ H2C6H5O7] + 1 Calcium dihydrogen cit rat e ion( + 1) CAH2CTRTI ON
Ca[ H3C14H18N3O10] Calcium t rihydrogen DTPA CAH3DTPA
Ca[ HC10H12N2O8] - 1 Calcium hydrogen EDTA ion( - 1) CAHEDTAI ON
Ca[ HC14H18N3O10] - 2 Calcium hydrogen DTPA ion( - 2) CAHDTPAI ON
Ca[ HC4H4O6] + 1 Calcium hydrogen t art rat e ion( + 1) CAHTARTRTI ON
Ca[ HC6H5O7] Calcium hydrogen cit rat e CAHCTRT
Ca[ HCOO] + 1 Calcium monoformat e ion ( + 1) CACOOHI ON
Ca[ HCOO] 2 Calcium format e CACOOH2
Ca+ 2 Calcium ion( + 2) CAI ON
Ca2[ C14H18N3O10] - 1 Dicalcium DTPA ion( - 1) CA2DTPAI ON
Ca2[ Fe( CN) 6] Calcium ferrocyanide( I I ) CA2FEI I CN6
Ca2Al4Si8O24. 7H2O Dicalcium t et raaluminum oct asilicon
t et racosaoxide hept ahydrat e
Ca2Fe5Si8O22( OH) 2 Dicalcium pent airon oct asilicon
docosaoxide dihydroxide
Ca2Mg5Si8O22F2 Dicalcium pent amaganesium oct asilicon
docosaoxide difluoride
Ca3( AsO4) 2 Calcium arsenat e( V) CA3ASO42
Ca3( BO3) 2 Calcium ort hoborat e CA3BO32
Ca3( PO4) 2 Calcium ort hophosphat e CA3PO42
Ca3( VO4) 2 Calcium ort hovanadat e( V) CA3VO42
Ca3[ Fe( CN) 6] 2 Calcium ferricyanide( I I I ) CA3FECN62
CaAl2Si4O12. 6H2O Dialuminum calcium t et rasilicon
dodecaoxide hexahydrat e
CaAl2Si7O18. 6H2O Heulandit e HEULANDI TE
CaBr2 Calcium bromide CABR2
CaBr2. 4H2O Calcium bromide t et rahydrat e CABR2. 4H2O
CaBr2. 6H2O Calcium bromide hexahydrat e CABR2. 6H2O
CaC2O4 Calcium oxalat e CAC2O4
CaC2O4. 1H2O Calcium oxalat e monohydrat e CAC2O4.1H2O
CaCl2 Calcium chloride CACL2
CaCl2. 2H2O Calcium chloride dihydrat e CACL2. 2H2O
CaCl2. 4H2O Calcium chloride t et rahydrat e CACL2. 4H2O
CaCl2. 6H2O Calcium chloride hexahydrat e CACL2. 6H2O
CaCl2. CaO Calcium chloride oxide CA2CL2O
CaCl2. CaO.2H2O Calcium chloride oxide dihydrat e CA2CL2O. 2H2O
CaCl2. H2O Calcium chloride monohydrat e CACL2. 1H2O
CaCO3 Calcium carbonat e CACO3
CaCr2O7 Calcium dichromat e( VI ) CACR2O7
CaCr2O7. 4H2O Calcium dichromat e( VI ) t et rahydrat e CACR2O7. 4H2O
CaCr2O7. 5H2O Calcium dichromat e( VI ) pent ahydrat e CACR2O7. 5H2O
CaCr2O7. 6H2O Calcium dichromat e( VI ) hexahydrat e CACR2O7. 6H2O
CaCrO4 Calcium chromat e( VI ) CACRO4
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CaF+ 1 Calcium monofluoride ion( + 1) CAFI ON
CaF2 Calcium fluoride CAF2
CaH2BO3+ 1 Calcium dihydrogen borat e ion( + 1) CAH2BO3I ON
CaH2PO4+ 1 Calcium dihydrogen ort hophosphat e( V)
ion( + 1)
CaH4TeO6 Calcium t et rahydrogen t ellurium
CaHC2O4+ 1 Calcium hydrogen oxalat e ion( + 1) CAHC2O4I ON
CaHCO3+ 1 Calcium bicarbonat e ion( + 1) CAHCO3I ON
CaHCO3HCO3 Calcium di( bicarbonat e) CAHCO3HCO3
CaHPO4 Calcium hydrogen ort hophosphat e( V) CAHPO4
CaHPO4. 2H2O Calcium hydrogen ort hophosphat e( V)
dihydrat e
CaHSiO3+ 1 Calcium hydrogen silicat e ion( + 1) CAHSI O3I ON
CaI 2 Calcium iodide CAI 2
CaMoO4 Calcium molybdat e( VI ) CAMOO4
CaOH+ 1 Calcium hydroxide ion( + 1) CAOHI ON
CaPO4- 1 Calcium ort hophosphat e( V) ion( - 1) CAPO4I ON
CaS Cacium sulfide CAS
CaSe Calcium selenide CASE
CaSeO3 Calcium selenit e( I V) CASEO3
CaSeO3. 2H2O Calcium selenit e( I V) dihydrat e CASEO3. 2H2O
CaSeO4 Calcium selenat e( VI ) CASEO4
CaSeO4. 2H2O Calcium selenat e( VI ) dihydrat e CASEO4. 2H2O
CaSiO2( OH) 2 Calcium silicon dioxide dihydroxide CAH2SI O4
CaSO3 Calcium sulfit e CASO3
CaSO3.0. 5H2O Calcium sulfit e hemihydrat e CASO3. 0.5H2O
CaSO3. 2H2O Calcium sulfit e dihydrat e CASO3. 2H2O
CaSO4 Calcium sulfat e CASO4
CaSO4.2H2O Calcium sulfat e dihydrat e CASO4. 2H2O
CaTe Calcium t elluride CATE
CaTeO3 Calcium t ellurit e CATEO3
CaTeO3.H2O Calcium t ellurit e monohydrat e CATEO3. 1H2O
CaTiO3 Calcium t it anium t rioxide CATI O3
CaWO4 Calcium t ungst en t et raoxide CAWO4
CBrCl3 Bromot richloromet hane BRCL3ME
CBrClF2 Bromochlorodifluoromet hane BRCLF2C1
CCl2F2 Dichlorodifluoromet hane DI CLDI FLME
CCl3F Fluorot richloromet hane TRI CLFLME
CCl3NO2 Trichloronit romet hane TRI CLNI TME
CCl4 Carbon t et rachloride CARBNTET
CClF3 Chlorot rifluoromet hane CLFL3ME
Cd Cadmium CDEL
Cd( C2O4) 3- 4 Cadmium t rioxalat e ion( - 4) CDC2O43I ON
Cd( C2O8) 2- 2 Cadmium dioxalat e ion( - 2) CDC2O42I ON
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Cd( CN) 2 Cadmium cyanide CDCN2
Cd( CN) 3- 1 Cadmium t ricyanide ion( - 1) CDCN3I ON
Cd( CN) 4- 2 Cadmium t et racyanide ion( - 2) CDCN4I ON
Cd( HS) 2 Cadmium bisulfide CDHS2
Cd( HS) 3- 1 Cadmium t ri( hydrogen sulfide) ion( - 1) CDHS3I ON
Cd( HS) 4- 2 Cadmium t et ra( hydrogen sulfide) ion( - 2) CDHS4I ON
Cd( NH3) 2+ 2 Cadmium diammonia ion( + 2) CDNH32I ON
Cd( NH3) 3+ 2 Cadmium t riammonia ion( + 2) CDNH33I ON
Cd( NH3) 4+ 2 Cadmium t et raammonia ion( + 2) CDNH34I ON
Cd( NH3) 5+ 2 Cadmium pent aammonia ion( + 2) CDNH35I ON
Cd( NH3) 6+ 2 Cadmium hexaammonia ion( + 2) CDNH36I ON
Cd( NO2) 2 Cadmium nit rit e CDNO22
Cd( NO2) 3- 1 Cadmium t rinit rit e ion( - 1) CDNO23I ON
Cd( NO3) 2 Cadmium nit rat e CDNO32
Cd( NO3) 2. 2H2O Cadmium nit rat e dihydrat e CDNO32. 2H2O
Cd( NO3) 2. 4H2O Cadmium nit rat e t et rahydrat e CDNO32. 4H2O
Cd( OH) 2 Cadmium hydroxide CDOH2
Cd( OH) 3- 1 Cadmium t rihydroxide ion( - 1) CDOH3I ON
Cd( OH) 4- 2 Cadmium t et rahydroxide ion( - 2) CDOH4I ON
Cd( SCN) 2 Cadmium t hiocyanat e CDSCN2
Cd( SCN) 3- 1 Cadmium t rit hiocyanat e ion( - 1) CDSCN3I ON
Cd( SCN) 4- 2 Cadmium t et rat hiocyanat e ion( - 2) CDSCN4I ON
Cd( SeCN) 2 Cadmium selenocyanat e CDSECN2
Cd[ C10H12N2O8] - 2 Cadmium mono- EDTA ion( - 2) CDEDTAI ON
Cd[ C14H18N3O10] - 3 Cadmium DTPA ion( - 3) CDDTPAI ON
Cd[ C2H3O2] + 1 Cadmium monoacet at e ion( + 1) CDACETI ON
Cd[ C2H3O2] 2 Cadmium acet at e CDACET2
Cd[ C2H3O2] 3- 1 Cadmium t riacet at e ion( - 1) CDACET3I ON
Cd[ C2H3O3] + 1 Cadmium monoglycolat e ion( + 1) CDGLYCOLI ON
Cd[ C2H3O3] 2 Cadmium glycolat e CDGLYCOL2
Cd[ C2H4NO2] + 1 Cadmium monoglycine ion( + 1) CDGLYCI NI ON
Cd[ C2H4NO2] 2 Cadmium diglycine CDGLYCI N2
Cd[ C2H7NO] + 2 Cadmium mono( 2- aminoet hanol) ion( + 2) CDMEXHI ON
Cd[ C2H7NO] 2+ 2 Cadmium di( 2- aminoet hanol) ion( + 2) CDMEXH2I ON
Cd[ C2H7NO] 3+ 2 Cadmium t ri( 2- aminoet hanol) ion( + 2) CDMEXH3I ON
Cd[ C2H8N2] + 2 Cadmium mono( et hylenediamine)
ion( + 2)
Cd[ C2H8N2] 2+ 2 Cadmium di( et hylenediamine) ion( + 2) CDEDA2I ON
Cd[ C2H8N2] 3+ 2 Cadmium t ri( et hylenediamine) ion( + 2) CDEDA3I ON
Cd[ C3H6NO2] + 1 Cadmium mono( l- alpha- alanine) ion( + 1) CDALANI ON
Cd[ C3H6NO2] 2 Cadmium di( l- alpha- alanine) CDALAN2
Cd[ C4H11NO2] + 2 Cadmium mono( N, N- diet hanolamine)
ion( + 2)
Cd[ C4H11NO2] 2+ 2 Cadmium di( N, N- diet hanolamine)
ion( + 2)
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Cd[ C6H15NO3] + 2 Cadmium monot riet hanolamine ion( + 2) CDTEXHI ON
Cd[ C6H15NO3] 2+ 2 Cadmium di( t riet hanolamine) ion( + 2) CDTEXH2I ON
Cd[ C6H15NO3] 3+ 2 Cadmium t ri( t riet hanolamine) ion( + 2) CDTEXH3I ON
Cd[ C6H5O7] - 1 Cadmium cit rat e ion( - 1) CDCTRTI ON
Cd[ C6H6NO6] - 1 Cadmium mono- NTA ion( - 1) CDNTAI ON
Cd[ C6H6NO6] 2- 4 Cadmium di- NTA ion( - 4) CDNTA2I ON
Cd[ H2C10H12N2O8] Cadmium dihydrogen EDTA CDH2EDTA
Cd[ H2C14H18N3O10] -
Cadmium dihydrogen DTPA ion( - 1) CDH2DTPAI ON
Cd[ H2C6H5O7] + 1 Cadmium dihydrogen cit rat e ion( + 1) CDH2CTRTI ON
Cd[ H3C14H18N3O10] Cadmium t rihydrogen DTPA CDH3DTPA
Cd[ HC10H12N2O8] - 1 Cadmium hydrogen EDTA ion( - 1) CDHEDTAI ON
Cd[ HC14H18N3O10] - 2 Cadmium hydrogen DTPA ion( - 2) CDHDTPAI ON
Cd[ HC6H5O7] Cadmium monohydrogen cit rat e CDHCTRT
Cd[ HC6H6NO6] Cadmium hydrogen NTA CDHNTA
Cd[ HCOO] + 1 Cadmium monoformat e ion( + 1) CDCOOHI ON
Cd[ HCOO] 2 Cadmium format e CDCOOH2
Cd[ HCOO] 2. 2H2O Cadmium format e dihydrat e CDCOOH2.2H2O
Cd+ 2 Cadmium ion( + 2) CDI ON
Cd2[ C14H18N3O10] - 1 Dicadmium DTPA ion( - 1) CD2DTPAI ON
CdBr+ 1 Cadmium bromide ion( + 1) CDBRI ON
CdBr2 Cadmium bromide CDBR2
CdBr2. 4H2O Cadmium bromide t et rahydrat e CDBR2. 4H2O
CdBr3- 1 Cadmium t ribromide ion( - 1) CDBR3I ON
CdBr4- 2 Cadmium t et rabromide ion( - 2) CDBR4I ON
CdC2O4 Cadmium oxalat e CDC2O4
CdC2O4. 3H2O Cadmium oxalat e t rihydrat e CDC2O4. 3H2O
CdCl+ 1 Cadmium monochloride ion( + 1) CDCLI ON
CdCl2 Cadmium chloride CDCL2
CdCl2. 1H2O Cadmium chloride monohydrat e CDCL2. 1H2O
CdCl2. 2. 5H2O Cadmium chloride 2. 5- hydrat e CDCL2. 2. 5H2O
CdCl3- 1 Cadmium t richloride ion( - 1) CDCL3I ON
CdCl4- 2 Cadmium t et rachloride ion( - 2) CDCL4I ON
CdCN+ 1 Cadmium cyanide ion( + 1) CDCNI ON
CdCO3 Cadmium carbonat e CDCO3
CdF+ 1 Cadmium monofluoride ion( + 1) CDFI ON
CdF2 Cadmium fluoride CDF2
CdHS+ 1 Cadmium bisulfide ion( + 1) CDHSI ON
CdI + 1 Cadmium monoiodide ion( + 1) CDI I ON
CdI 2 Cadmium iodide CDI 2
CdI 3- 1 Cadmium t riiodide ion( - 1) CDI 3I ON
CdI 4- 2 Cadmium t et raiodide ion( - 2) CDI 4I ON
CdMoO4 Cadmium molybdat e( VI ) CDMOO4
CdNH3+ 2 Cadmium ammonia ion( + 2) CDNH3I ON
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CdNO2+ 1 Cadmium mononit rit e ion( + 1) CDNO2I ON
CdNO3+ 1 Cadmium mononit rat e ion( + 1) CDNO3I ON
CdOH+ 1 Cadmium monohydroxide ion( + 1) CDOHI ON
CdS Cadmium sulfide CDS
CdSCN+ 1 Cadmium monot hiocyanat e ion( + 1) CDSCNI ON
CdSe Cadmium selenide CDSE
CdSeCN+ 1 Cadmium monoselenocynat e ion( + 1) CDSECNI ON
CdSeO3 Cadmium selenit e CDSEO3
CdSeO3. 0.5H2O Cadmium selenit e hemihydrat e CDSEO3.0. 5H2O
CdSeO4 Cadmium selenat e CDSEO4
CdSeO4. 1H2O Cadmium selenat e monohydrat e CDSEO4.1H2O
CdSeO4. 2H2O Cadmium selenat e dihydrat e CDSEO4. 2H2O
CdSO4 Cadmium sulfat e CDSO4
CdSO4. 2. 6H2O Cadmium sulfat e 2. 6 hydrat e CDSO4. 2. 6H2O
CdSO4. H2O Cadmium sulfat e monohydrat e CDSO4. 1H2O
CdWO4 Cadmium t ungst at e CDWO4
Ce Cerium CEEL
Ce( C2O4) 2- 1 Cerium( I I I ) dioxalat e ion( - 1) CEC2O42I ON
Ce( C2O4) 3- 3 Cerium( I I I ) t rioxalat e ion( - 3) CEC2O43I ON
Ce( NO3) 3 Cerium( I I I ) nit rat e CENO33
Ce( NO3) 3.6H2O Cerium( I I I ) nit rat e hexahydrat e CENO33. 6H2O
Ce( NO3) 4 Cerium( I V) nit rat e CEI VNO34
Ce( OH) 2+ 1 Cerium( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) CEOH2I ON
Ce( OH) 3 Cerium( I I I ) hydroxide CEOH3
Ce( OH) 4- 1 Cerium( I I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) CEOH4I ON
Ce( SO4) 2- 1 Cerium( I I I ) disulfat e ion( - 1) CESO42I ON
Ce( SO4) 2- 1 Cerium( I I I ) monosulfat e ion( + 1) CESO4I ON
Ce[ C10H12N2O8] - 1 Cerium( I I I ) EDTA ion( - 1) CEEDTAI ON
Ce[ C14H18N3O10] - 2 Cerium( I I I ) DTPA ion( - 2) CEDTPAI ON
Ce[ C2H3O2] + 2 Cerium( I I I ) monoacet at e ion( + 2) CEACETI ON
Ce[ C2H3O2] 2+ 1 Cerium( I I I ) diacet at e ion( + 1) CEACET2I ON
Ce[ C2H3O2] 3 Cerium( I I I ) acet at e CEACET3
Ce[ C6H5O7] Cerium( I I I ) cit rat e CECTRT
Ce[ C6H5O7] 2- 3 Cerium( I I I ) dicit rat e ion( - 2) CECTRT2I ON
Ce[ C6H6NO6] Cerium( I I I ) NTA CENTA
Ce[ C6H6NO6] 2- 3 Cerium( I I I ) di- NTA ion( - 3) CENTA2I ON
Ce[ H2C14H18N3O10] Cerium( I I I ) dihydrogen DTPA CEH2DTPA
Ce[ HC10H12N2O8] Cerium( I I I ) hydrogen EDTA CEHEDTA
Ce+ 3 Cerium ion( + 3) CEI ON
Ce+ 4 Cerium ion( + 4) CEI VI ON
Ce2( C2O4) 3 Cerium( I I I ) oxalat e CE2OX3
Ce2( C2O4) 3. 9H2O Cerium( I I I ) oxalat e nonahydrat e CE2OX3. 9H2O
Ce2( CO3) 3 Cerium( I I I ) carbonat e CE2CO33
Ce2( SO4) 3 Cerium( I I I ) sulfat e CE2SO43
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Ce2( WO4) 3 Cerium( I I I ) t ungst at e CE2WO43
Ce2O3 Cerium( I I I ) oxide CE2O3
Ce2S3 Cerium( I I I ) sulfide CE2S3
CeBr3 Cerium( I I I ) bromide CEBR3
CeC2O4+ 1 Cerium( I I I ) monooxalat e ion( + 1) CEC2O4I ON
CeCl+ 2 Cerium( I I I ) monochloride ion( + 2) CECLI ON
CeCl2+ 1 Cerium( I I I ) dichloride ion( + 1) CECL2I ON
CeCl3 Cerium( I I I ) chloride CECL3
CeCl4- 1 Cerium( I I I ) t et rachloride ion( - 1) CECL4I ON
CeCO3+ 1 Cerium( I I I ) monocarbonat e ion( + 1) CECO3I ON
CeF+ 2 Cerium( I I I ) monofluoride ion( + 2) CEFI ON
CeF2+ 1 Cerium( I I I ) difluoride ion( + 1) CEF2I ON
CeF3 Cerium( I I I ) fluoride CEF3
CeF4- 1 Cerium( I I I ) t et rafluoride ion( - 1) CEF4I ON
CeH2PO4+ 2 Cerium( I I I ) dihydrogen ort hophosphat e
ion( + 2)
CeHCO3+ 2 Cerium( I I I ) bicarbonat e ion( + 2) CEHCO3I ON
CeI 3 Cerium( I I I ) iodide CEI 3
CeNO3+ 2 Cerium( I I I ) mononit rat e ion( + 2) CENO3I ON
CeO2 Cerium( I V) oxide CEO2
CeOH+ 2 Cerium( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) CEOHI ON
CePO4 Cerium( I I I ) ort hophosphat e CEPO4
CePO4. 2H2O Cerium( I I I ) ort hophosphat e dihydrat e CEPO4. 2H2O
CF4 Carbon t et rafluoride FL4ME
CH2Br2 Dibromomet hane DBRMETHN
CH2BrCl Bromochloromet hane BRCLME
CH2Cl2 Dichloromet hane DCLMETHN
CH2ClF Chlorofluoromet hane CLFLME
CH2F2 Difluoromet hane FL2ME
CH2I 2 Diiodomet hane DI I METHN
CH2O Formaldehyde FORMALDHYD
CH2O2 Formic acid HCOOH
CH3Br Met hyl bromide MBROMI D
CH3Cl Met hyl chloride CLME
CH3F Met hyl fluoride FLME
CH3I Met hyl I odide I METHAN
CH3NO2 Carbamic acid HNH2CO2
CH3S- 1 Met hanet hiol ion( - 1) CH3SI ON
CH4 Met hane CH4
CH4N4O2 Nit roguanidine NI TGUANI D
CH4S Met hanet hiol MEMERCAPTN
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CH5N Met hylamine MEAMI NE
CH6N+ 1 Hydrogen met hylamine ion( + 1) MEAMHI ON
CHBr2Cl Dibromochloromet hane BR2CLME
CHBr3 Bromoform BROMFORM
CHBrCl2 Bromodichloromet hane BRCL2ME
CHCl3 Chloroform CHLOROFM
CHClF2 Chlorodifluoromet hane CLFL2ME
CHF3 Trifluoromet hane FL3ME
CHO2- 1 Format e ion( - 1) COOHI ON
Cl- 1 Chloride ion( - 1) CLI ON
Cl2 Chlorine CL2
ClCN Cyanogen chloride CYANOGENCL
ClO- 1 Hypochlorit e ion( - 1) CLOI ON
ClO2 Chlorine dioxide CLO2
ClO2- 1 Chlorit e ion( - 1) CLO2I ON
ClO3- 1 Chlorat e ion( - 1) CLO3I ON
ClO4- 1 Perchlorat e ion( - 1) CLO4I ON
CN- 1 Cyanide ion( - 1) CNI ON
CNO- 1 Cyanat e ion( - 1) CNOI ON
CO Carbon monoxide CO
Co Cobalt COEL
Co( C2O4) 2- 2 Cobalt ( I I ) dioxalat e ion( - 2) COI I C2O42I ON
Co( C2O4) 3- 4 Cobalt ( I I ) t rioxalat e ion( - 4) COI I C2O43I ON
Co( NH3) + 2 Cobalt ( I I ) monoammonia ion( + 2) COI I NH3I ON
Co( NH3) 2+ 2 Cobalt ( I I ) diammonia ion( + 2) COI I NH32I ON
Co( NH3) 3+ 2 Cobalt ( I I ) t riammonia ion( + 2) COI I NH33I ON
Co( NH3) 4+ 2 Cobalt ( I I ) t et raammonia ion( + 2) COI I NH34I ON
Co( NH3) 5+ 2 Cobalt ( I I ) pent aammonia ion( + 2) COI I NH35I ON
Co( NH3) 6+ 2 Cobalt ( I I ) hexaammonia ion( + 2) COI I NH36I ON
Co( NH3) 6+ 3 Cobalt ( I I I ) hexaammonia ion( + 3) COI I I NH36I ON
Co( NO3) 2 Cobalt ( I I ) nit rat e COI I NO32
Co( NO3) 2. 2H2O Cobalt ( I I ) nit rat e dihydrat e COI I NO32. 2H2O
Co( NO3) 2. 3H2O Cobalt ( I I ) nit rat e t rihydrat e COI I NO32. 3H2O
Co( NO3) 2. 4H2O Cobalt ( I I ) nit rat e t et rahydrat e COI I NO32. 4H2O
Co( NO3) 2. 6H2O Cobalt ( I I ) nit rat e hexahydrat e COI I NO32. 6H2O
Co( OH) 2 Cobalt ( I I ) hydroxide COI I OH2
Co( OH) 3 Cobalt ( I I I ) hydroxide COI I I OH3
Co( OH) 3- 1 Cobalt ( I I ) t rihydroxide ion( - 1) COI I OH3I ON
Co( OH) 4- 2 Cobalt ( I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 2) COI I OH4I ON
Co( SCN) 2 Cobalt ( I I ) t hiocyanat e COI I SCN2
Co( SeCN) 2 Cobalt ( I I ) selenocyanat e COI I SECN2
Co[ C10H12N2O8] - 2 Cobalt ( I I ) EDTA ion( - 2) COI I EDTAI ON
Co[ C10H14N2O8] Cobalt ( I I ) dihydrogen EDTA COI I H2EDTA
Co[ C14H18N3O10] - 3 Cobalt ( I I ) DTPA ion( - 3) CODTPAI ON
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Co[ C2H3O2] + 1 Cobalt ( I I ) monoacet at e ion( + 1) COACETI ON
Co[ C2H3O2] 2 Cobalt ( I I ) acet at e COACET2
Co[ C2H3O2] 3- 1 Cobalt ( I I ) t riacet at e ion( - 1) COACET3I ON
Co[ C2H3O3] + 1 Cobalt ( I I ) monoglycolat e ion( - 1) COI I GLYCI ON
Co[ C2H3O3] 2 Cobalt ( I I ) glycolat e COI I GLYC2
Co[ C2H4NO2] 2 Cobalt ( I I ) diglycine COGLYCI N2
Co[ C2H8N2] + 2 Cobalt ( I I ) monoet hylenediamine ion( + 2) COEDAI ON
Co[ C2H8N2] 2+ 2 Cobalt ( I I ) di( et hylenediamine) ion( + 2) COEDA2I ON
Co[ C2H8N2] 3+ 2 Cobalt t ri( et hylenediamine) ion( + 2) COEDA3I ON
Co[ C3H6NO2] + 1 Cobalt ( I I ) mono( L- alpha- alanine) ion( + 1) COI I ALANI ON
Co[ C3H6NO2] 2 Cobalt ( I I ) di( L- alpha- alanine) COI I ALAN2
Co[ C4H4O6] Cobalt ( I I ) t art rat e COI I TRTRT
Co[ C6H15NO3] + 2 Cobalt ( I I ) monot riet hanolamine ion( + 2) COI I TEXHI ON
Co[ C6H5O7] - 1 Cobalt ( I I ) cit rat e ion( - 1) COI I CTRTI ON
Co[ C6H6NO6] - 1 Cobalt ( I I ) mono- NTA ion( - 1) COI I NTAI ON
Co[ C6H6NO6] 2- 4 Cobalt ( I I ) di- NTA ion( - 4) COI I NTA2I ON
Co[ CAH4NO2] + 1 Cobalt ( I I ) monoglycine ion( + 1) COGLYCI NI ON
Co[ H2C14H18N3O10] -
Cobalt ( I I ) dihydrogen DTPA ion( - 1) COH2DTPAI ON
Co[ H2C6H5O7] + 1 Cobalt ( I I ) dihydrogen cit rat e ion( + 1) COI I H2CTRTI ON
Co[ H3C14H18N3O10] Cobalt ( I I ) t rihydrogen DTPA COH3DTPA
Co[ HC10H12N2O8] - 1 Cobalt ( I I ) hydrogen EDTA ion( - 1) COI I HEDTAI ON
Co[ HC14H18N3O10] - 2 Cobalt ( I I ) hydrogen DTPA ion( - 2) COHDTPAI ON
Co[ HC6H5O7] Cobalt ( I I ) monohydrogen cit rat e COI I HCTRT
Co[ HC6H6NO6] Cobalt ( I I ) hydrogen NTA COI I HNTA
Co[ HCOO] + 1 Cobalt ( I I ) monoformat e ion( + 1) COCOOHI ON
Co[ HCOO] 2 Cobalt ( I I ) format e COCOOH2
Co+ 2 Cobalt ion( + 2) COI I I ON
Co+ 3 Cobalt ion( + 3) COI I I I ON
CO2 Carbon dioxide CO2
Co2[ C14H18N3O10] - 1 Dicobalt ( I I ) DTPA ion( - 1) CO2DTPAI ON
CO3- 2 Carbonat e ion( - 2) CO3I ON
CoBr+ 1 Cobalt ( I I ) monobromide ion( + 1) COI I BRI ON
CoBr2 Cobalt ( I I ) bromide COI I BR2
CoBr2. 2H2O Cobalt ( I I ) bromide dihydrat e COI I BR2. 2H2O
CoBr2. 4H2O Cobalt ( I I ) bromide t et rahydrat e COI I BR2. 4H2O
CoBr2. 6H2O Cobalt ( I I ) bromide hexahydrat e COI I BR2. 6H2O
CoC2O4 Cobalt ( I I ) oxalat e COC2O4
CoC2O4. 2H2O Cobalt ( I I ) oxalat e dihydrat e COC2O4. 2H2O
CoCl+ 1 Cobalt ( I I ) monochloride ion( + 1) COI I CLI ON
CoCl2 Cobalt ( I I ) chloride COI I CL2
CoCl2. 2H2O Cobalt ( I I ) chloride dihydrat e COI I CL2. 2H2O
CoCl2. 4H2O Cobalt ( I I ) chloride t et rahydrat e COI I CL2. 4H2O
CoCl2. 6H2O Cobalt ( I I ) chloride hexahydrat e COI I CL2. 6H2O
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CoCl3 Cobalt ( I I I ) chloride COI I I CL3
CoCO3 Cobalt ( I I ) carbonat e COI I CO3
CoF2 Cobalt ( I I ) fluoride COI I F2
CoF3 Cobalt ( I I I ) fluoride COI I I F3
CoMoO4 Cobalt ( I I ) molybdat e( VI ) COI I MOO4
CoNO3+ 1 Cobalt ( I I ) mononit rat e ion( + 1) COI I NO3I ON
CoOH+ 1 Cobalt ( I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 1) COI I OHI ON
CoOH+ 2 Cobalt ( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) COI I I OHI ON
CoS Cobalt ( I I ) sulfide COI I S
COS Carbonyl sulfide COS
CoSCN+ 1 Cobalt ( I I ) monocyanide ion( + 1) COI I SCNI ON
CoSe Cobalt ( I I ) selenide COSE
CoSeCN+ 1 Cobalt ( I I ) selenocyanat e ion( + 1) COI I SECNI ON
CoSeO3 Cobalt ( I I ) selenit e COSEO3
CoSeO3. 2H2O Cobalt ( I I ) selenit e dihydrat e COSEO3. 2H2O
CoSeO4 Cobalt ( I I ) selenat e COSEO4
CoSeO4. 4H2O Cobalt ( I I ) selenat e t et rahydrat e COSEO4. 4H2O
CoSeO4. 6H2O Cobalt ( I I ) selenat e hexahydrat e COSEO4. 6H2O
CoSeO4. 7H2O Cobalt ( I I ) selenat e hept ahydrat e COSEO4. 7H2O
CoSeO4. H2O Cobalt ( I I ) selenat e monohydrat e COSEO4. 1H2O
CoSO4 Cobalt ( I I ) sulfat e COI I SO4
CoSO4. 1H2O Cobalt ( I I ) sulfat e monohydrat e COI I SO4. 1H2O
CoSO4.6H2O Cobalt ( I I ) sulfat e hexahydrat e COI I SO4. 6H2O
CoSO4. 7H2O Cobalt ( I I ) sulfat e hept ahydrat e COI I SO4. 7H2O
CoWO4 Cobalt ( I I ) t ungst at e COWO4
Cr Chromium CREL
Cr( C2O4) 2- 2 Chromium( I I ) dioxalat e ion( - 2) CRI I C2O42I ON
Cr( NO3) 3 Chromium( I I I ) nit rat e CRI I I NO33
Cr( NO3) 3. 9H2O Chromium( I I I ) nit rat e nonahydrat e CRI I I NO33. 9H2O
Cr( OH) 2 Chromium( I I ) hydroxide CRI I OH2
Cr( OH) 2+ 1 Chromium( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) CROH2I ON
Cr( OH) 3 Chromium ( I I I ) hydroxide CROH3
Cr( OH) 4- 1 Chromium( I I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) CROH4I ON
Cr[ C10H12N2O8] - 1 Chromium( I I I ) EDTA ion( - 1) CRI I I EDTAI ON
Cr[ C10H12N2O8] - 2 Chromium( I I ) EDTA ion( - 2) CRI I EDTAI ON
Cr[ H2C10H12N2O8] Chromium( I I ) dihydrogen EDTA CRI I H2EDTA
Cr[ HC10H12N2O8] Chromium( I I I ) hydrogen EDTA CRI I I HEDTA
Cr[ HC10H12N2O8] - 1 Chromium( I I ) hydrogen EDTA ion( - 1) CRI I HEDTAI ON
Cr+ 2 Chromium ion( + 2) CRI I I ON
Cr+ 3 Chromium ion( + 3) CRI I I I ON
Cr2( SO4) 3 Chromium( I I I ) sulfat e CR2SO4
Cr2( SO4) 3 Chromium( I I I ) sulfat e CR2SO43
Cr2( SO4) 3. 14H2O Chromium( I I I ) sulfat e t et radecahydrat e CR2SO4. 14H2O
Cr2( SO4) 3. 16H2O Chromium( I I I ) sulfat e hexadecahydrat e CR2SO4. 16H2O
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Cr2O7- 2 Dichromat e( VI ) ion( - 2) CR2O7I ON
Cr2S3 Chromium( I I I ) sulfide CR2S3
CrBr+ 2 Chromium( I I I ) monobromide ion( + 2) CRI I I BRI ON
CrBr2 Chromium( I I ) bromide CRI I BR2
CrBr3 Chromium( I I I ) bromide CRI I I BR3
CrC2O4 Chromium( I I ) oxalat e CRI I C2O4
CrCl+ 2 Chromium( I I I ) monochloride ion( + 2) CRI I I CLI ON
CrCl2 Chromium( I I ) chloride CRI I CL2
CrCl2+ 1 Chromium( I I I ) dichloride ion( + 1) CRI I I CL2I ON
CrCl3 Chromium( I I I ) chloride CRI I I CL3
CrF+ 2 Chromium( I I I ) monofluoride ion( + 2) CRFI ON
CrF2 Chromium( I I ) Fluoride CRF2
CrF3 Chromium( I I I ) fluoride CRF3
CrH2PO4+ 2 Chromium( I I I ) dihydrogen
ort hophosphat e ion( + 2)
CrHPO4+ 1 Chromium( I I I ) hydrogen ort hophosphat e
ion( + 1)
CrI + 2 Chromium( I I I ) monoiodide ion( + 2) CRI I I I I ON
CrI 2 Chromium( I I ) iodide CRI I I 2
CrI 3 Chromium( I I I ) iodide CRI I I I 3
CrNO3+ 2 Chromium( I I I ) mononit rat e ion( + 2) CRI I I NO3I ON
CrO3 Chromium( VI ) t rioxide CRO3
CrO4- 2 Chromat e( VI ) ion( - 2) CRO4I ON
CrOH+ 2 Chromium( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) CROHI ON
CrS Chromium( I I ) sulfide CRS
CrSO4+ 1 Chromium( I I I ) sulfat e ion( + 1) CRSO4I ON
Cs Cesium CSEL
Cs[ B( C6H5) 4] Cesium t et raphenylborat e CSBPH4
Cs[ C2H3O2] Cesium acet at e CSACET
Cs[ C2H3O3] Cesium glycolat e CSGLYCOL
Cs[ C2H3O3] 2- 1 Cesium diglycolat e ion( - 1) CSGLYCOL2I ON
Cs[ C6H5O7] - 2 Cesium cit rat e ion( - 2) CSCTRTI ON
Cs[ H2C6H5O7] Cesium dihydrogen cit rat e CSH2CTRT
Cs[ HCOO] Cesium format e CSCOOH
Cs[ HCOO] . 1H2O Cesium format e monohydrat e CSCOOH. 1H2O
Cs+ 1 Cesium ion( + 1) CSI ON
CS2 Carbon disulfide CRBDSULF
Cs2CO3 Cesium carbonat e CS2CO3
Cs2CO3.3. 5H2O Cesium carbonat e 3.5 hydrat e CS2CO3.3.5H2O
Cs2CrO4 Cesium chromat e( VI ) CS2CRO4
Cs2MoO4 Cesium molybdat e( VI ) CS2MOO4
Cs2SeO3 Cesium selenit e CS2SEO3
Cs2SeO4 Cesium selenat e CS2SEO4
Cs2SO4 Cesium sulfat e CS2SO4
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CsBO2 Cesium met aborat e CSBO2
CsBr Cesium bromide CSBR
CsCl Cesium chloride CSCL
CsF Cesium fluoride CSF
CsF.1H2O Cesium fluoride monohydrat e CSF. 1H2O
CsH2PO4 Cesium dihydrogen ort hophosphat e CSH2PO4
CsHF2 Cesium hydrogen difluoride CSHF2
CsI Cesium iodide CSI
CsNbO3 Cesium niobat e CSNBO3
CsNO2 Cesium nit rit e CSNO2
CsNO3 Cesium nit rat e CSNO3
CsOH Cesium hydroxide CSOH
CsOH. H2O Cesium hydroxide monohydrat e CSOH. 1H2O
CsSO4- 1 Cesium monosulfat e ion( - 1) CSSO4I ON
CsTaO3 Cesium t ant alat e CSTAO3
CsTcO4 Cesium pert echnet at e CSTCVI I O4
Cu Copper CUEL
Cu( C2O4) 2- 2 Copper( I I ) dioxalat e ion( - 2) CUC2O42I ON
Cu( CN) 2 Copper( I I ) cyanide CUCN2
Cu( CN) 2- 1 Copper( I ) dicyanide ion( - 1) CUI CN2I ON
Cu( CN) 3- 2 Copper( I ) t ricyanide ion( - 2) CUI CN3I ON
Cu( CN) 4- 3 Copper( I ) t et racyanide ion( - 3) CUI CN4I ON
Cu( CO3) 2- 2 Copper( I I ) dicarbonat e ion( - 2) CUCO32I ON
Cu( H2PO4) 2 Copper( I I ) dihydrogen ort hophosphat e CUH2PO42
Cu( NH3) 2+ 2 Copper( I I ) diammonia ion( + 2) CUNH32I ON
Cu( NH3) 3+ 2 Copper( I I ) t riammonia ion( + 2) CUNH33I ON
Cu( NH3) 4+ 2 Copper( I I ) t et raammonia ion( + 2) CUNH34I ON
Cu( NH3) 5+ 2 Copper( I I ) pent aammonia ion( + 2) CUNH35I ON
Cu( NO2) 2 Copper( I I ) nit rit e CUNO22
Cu( NO3) 2 Copper( I I ) nit rat e CUNO32
Cu( NO3) 2. 2.5H2O Copper( I I ) nit rat e 2. 5 hydrat e CUNO32.2. 5H2O
Cu( OH) [ C10H12N2O8] -
Copper( I I ) hydroxide EDTA ion( - 3) CUOHEDTAI ON
Cu( OH) [ C6H6NO6] - 2 Copper( I I ) hydroxide NTA ion( - 2) CUOHNTAI ON
Cu( OH) 2 Copper( I I ) hydroxide CUOH2
Cu( OH) 3- 1 Copper( I I ) t rihydroxide ion( - 1) CUOH3I ON
Cu( OH) 4- 2 Copper( I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 2) CUOH4I ON
Cu( SCN) 2 Copper( I I ) t hiocyanat e CUSCN2
Cu( SCN) 3- 1 Copper( I I ) t rit hiocyanat e ion( - 1) CUSCN3I ON
Cu( SCN) 4- 2 Copper( I I ) t et rat hiocyanat e ion( - 2) CUSCN4I ON
Cu[ C10H12N2O8] - 2 Copper( I I ) mono- EDTA ion( - 2) CUEDTAI ON
Cu[ C14H18N3O10] - 3 Copper( I I ) DTPA ion( - 3) CUDTPAI ON
Cu[ C2H3O2] + 1 Copper( I I ) monoacet at e ion( + 1) CUACETI ON
Cu[ C2H3O2] 2 Copper( I I ) acet at e CUACET2
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Cu[ C2H3O2] 3- 1 Copper( I I ) t riacet at e ion( - 1) CUACET3I ON
Cu[ C2H3O3] + 1 Copper( I I ) monoglycolat e ion( + 1) CUGLYCOLI ON
Cu[ C2H3O3] 2 Copper( I I ) glycolat e CUGLYCOL2
Cu[ C2H4NO2] + 1 Copper( I I ) monoglycine ion( + 1) CUGLYCI NI ON
Cu[ C2H4NO2] 2 Copper( I I ) diglycine CUGLYCI N2
Cu[ C2H7NO] + 2 Copper( I I ) mono( 2- aminoet hanol)
ion( + 2)
Cu[ C2H7NO] 2+ 2 Copper( I I ) di( 2- aminoet hanol) ion( + 2) CUMEXH2I ON
Cu[ C2H7NO] 3+ 2 Copper( I I ) t ri( 2- aminoet hanol) ion( + 2) CUMEXH3I ON
Cu[ C2H7NO] 4+ 2 Copper( I I ) t et ra( 2- aminoet hanol)
ion( + 2)
Cu[ C2H8N2] + 2 Copper( I I ) monoet hylenediamine ion( + 2) CUEDAI ON
Cu[ C2H8N2] 2+ 2 Copper( I I ) diet hylenediamine ion( + 2) CUEDA2I ON
Cu[ C3H6NO2] + 1 Copper( I I ) mono( L- alpha- alanine)
ion( + 1)
Cu[ C3H6NO2] 2 Copper( I I ) di( L- alpha- alanine) CUALAN2
Cu[ C4H11NO2] + 2 Copper( I I ) mono( N, N- diet hanolamine)
ion( + 2)
Cu[ C4H11NO2] 2+ 2 Copper( I I ) di( N. N- diet hanolamine)
ion( + 2)
Cu[ C4H11NO2] 3+ 2 Copper( I I ) t ri( N,N- diet hanolamine)
ion( + 2)
Cu[ C4H11NO2] 4+ 2 Copper( I I ) t et ra( N,N- diet hanolamine)
ion( + 2)
Cu[ C4H4O6] Copper( I I ) t art rat e CUTRTRT
Cu[ C5H13NO2] + 2 Copper( I I ) monodiet hanolmet hylamine
ion( + 2)
Cu[ C5H13NO2] 2+ 2 Copper( I I ) di( diet hanolmet hylamine)
ion( + 2)
Cu[ C5H13NO2] 3+ 2 Copper( I I ) t ri( diet hanolmet hylamine)
ion( + 2)
Cu[ C5H13NO2] 4+ 2 Copper( I I ) t et ra( diet hanolmet hylamine)
ion( + 2)
Cu[ C6H15NO3] + 2 Copper( I I ) mono( t riet hanolamine)
ion( + 2)
Cu[ C6H15NO3] 2+ 2 Copper( I I ) di( t riet hanolamine) ion( + 2) CUTEXH2I ON
Cu[ C6H5O7] - 1 Copper( I I ) cit rat e ion( - 1) CUCTRTI ON
Cu[ C6H6NO6] - 1 Copper( I I ) mono- NTA ion( - 1) CUNTAI ON
Cu[ C6H6NO6] 2- 4 Copper( I I ) di- NTA ion( - 4) CUNTA2I ON
Cu[ H2C10H12N2O8] Copper( I I ) dihydrogen EDTA CUH2EDTA
Cu[ H2C14H18N3O10] -
Copper( I I ) dihydrogen DTPA ion( - 1) CUH2DTPAI ON
Cu[ H2C6H5O7] + 1 Copper( I I ) dihydrogen cit rat e ion( + 1) CUH2CTRTI ON
Cu[ H3C14H18N3O10] Copper( I I ) t rihydrogen DTPA CUH3DTPA
Cu[ HC10H12N2O8] - 1 Copper( I I ) hydrogen EDTA ion( - 1) CUHEDTAI ON
Cu[ HC14H18N3O10] - 2 Copper( I I ) hydrogen DTPA ion( - 2) CUHDTPAI ON
Cu[ HC6H5O7] Copper( I I ) hydrogen cit rat e CUHCTRT
Cu[ HC6H6NO6] Copper( I I ) hydrogen NTA CUHNTA
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Cu[ HCOO] + 1 Copper( I I ) monoformat e ion( + 1) CUCOOHI ON
Cu[ HCOO] 2 Copper( I I ) format e CUCOOH2
Cu+ 1 Copper( I I ) monochloride ion( + 1) CUCLI ON
Cu+ 1 Copper ion( + 1) CUI I ON
Cu+ 2 Copper( I I ) ion( + 2) CUI ON
Cu2[ C14H18N3010] - 1 Dicopper( I I ) DTPA ion( - 1) CU2DTPAI ON
Cu2O Copper( I ) oxide CU2O
Cu2S Copper( I ) sulfide CUI 2S
Cu2Se Copper( I ) selenide CU2SE
Cu3( PO4) 2 Copper( I I ) phosphat e CU3PO42
Cu3( PO4) 2.2H2O Copper( I I ) ort hophosphat e dihydrat e CU3PO42. 2H2O
Cu3( PO4) 2.3H2O Copper( I I ) ort hophosphat e t rihydrat e CU3PO42. 3H2O
CuBr Copper( I ) bromide CUI BR
CuBr+ 1 Copper( I I ) monobromide ion( + 1) CUBRI ON
CuBr2 Copper( I I ) bromide CUBR2
CuBr2. 4H2O Copper( I I ) bromide t et rahydrat e CUBR2.4H2O
CuC2O4 Copper( I I ) oxalat e CUC2O4
CuCl Copper( I ) chloride CUCL
CuCl2 Copper( I I ) chloride CUCL2
CuCl2. 2H2O Copper( I I ) chloride dihydrat e CUCL2. 2H2O
CuCl3- 1 Copper( I I ) t richloride ion( - 1) CUCL3I ON
CuCN Copper( I ) cyanide CUI CN
CuCO3 Copper( I I ) carbonat e CUCO3
CuF Copper( I ) fluoride CUF
CuF2 Copper( I I ) fluoride CUF2
CuI Copper( I ) iodide CUI I
CuMoO4 Copper( I I ) molybdat e CUMOO4
CuNH3+ 2 Copper( I I ) monoammonia ion( + 2) CUNH3I ON
CuNO2+ 1 Copper( I I ) mononit rit e ion( + 1) CUNO2I ON
CuNO3+ 1 Copper( I I ) mononit rat e ion( + 1) CUNO3I ON
CuNO32. 6H2O Copper( I I ) nit rat e hexahydrat e CUNO32.6H2O
CuOH Copper( I ) hydroxide CUI OH
CuOH+ 1 Copper( I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 1) CUOHI ON
CuS Copper( I I ) sulfide CUS
CuSCN+ 1 Copper( I I ) monot hiocyanat e ion( + 1) CUSCNI ON
CuSeO3 Copper( I I ) selenit e CUSEO3
CuSeO3. 2H2O Copper( I I ) selenit e dihydrat e CUSEO3.2H2O
CuSeO4 Copper( I I ) selenat e CUSEO4
CuSeO4. 5H2O Copper( I I ) selenat e pent ahydrat e CUSEO4. 5H2O
CuSO4 Copper( I I ) sulfat e CUSO4
CuSO4. 3H2O Copper( I I ) sulfat e t rihydrat e CUSO4.3H2O
CuSO4. 5H2O Copper( I I ) sulfat e pent ahydrat e CUSO4.5H2O
CuWO4 Copper( I I ) t ungst at e CUWO4
Dy Dysprosium DYEL
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Dy( NO3) 3 Dysprosium( I I I ) nit rat e DYNO33
Dy( OH) [ C6H6NO6] - 1 Dysprosium( I I I ) hydroxide NTA ion( - 1) DYOHNTAI ON
Dy( OH) 2+ 1 Dysprosium( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) DYOH2I ON
Dy( OH) 3 Dysprosium( I I I ) hydroxide DYOH3
Dy( OH) 4- 1 Dysprosium( I I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) DYOH4I ON
Dy( SO4) 2- 1 Dysprosium( I I I ) disulfat e ion( - 1) DYSO42I ON
Dy[ C10H12N2O8] - 1 Dysprosium( I I I ) EDTA ion( - 1) DYEDTAI ON
Dy[ C14H18N3O10] - 2 Dysprosium( I I I ) DTPA ion( - 2) DYDTPAI ON
Dy[ C2H3O2] + 2 Dysprosium( I I I ) monoacet at e ion( + 2) DYACETI ON
Dy[ C2H3O2] 2+ 1 Dysprosium( I I I ) diacet at e ion( + 1) DYACET2I ON
Dy[ C2H3O2] 3 Dysprosium( I I I ) acet at e DYACET3
Dy[ C4H4O6] + 1 Dysprosium( I I I ) t art rat e ion( + 1) DYTRTRTI ON
Dy[ C6H5O7] Dysprosium( I I I ) cit rat e DYCTRT
Dy[ C6H6NO6] Dysprosium( I I I ) NTA DYNTA
Dy[ C6H6NO6] 2- 3 Dysprosium( I I I ) di- NTA ion( - 3) DYNTA2I ON
Dy[ H2C14H18N3O10] Dysprosium( I I I ) dihydrogen DTPA DYH2DTPA
Dy[ HC10H12N2O8] Dysprosium( I I I ) hydrogen EDTA DYHEDTA
Dy[ HC10H18N3O10] - 1 Dysprosium( I I I ) hydrogen DTPA ion( - 1) DYHDTPAI ON
Dy+ 3 Dysprosium ion( + 3) DYI ON
Dy2( CO3) 3 Dysprosium( I I I ) carbonat e DY2CO33
Dy2( SO4) 3 Dysprosium( I I I ) sulfat e DY2SO43
Dy2( SO4) 3.8H2O Dysprosium( I I I ) sulfat e oct ahydrat e DY2SO43.8H2O
Dy2[ C4H4O6] 3 Dysprosium( I I I ) t art rat e DY2TRTRT3
DyCl+ 1 Dysprosium( I I I ) dichloride ion( + 1) DYCL2I ON
DyCl+ 2 Dysprosium( I I I ) monochloride ion( + 2) DYCLI ON
DyCl3 Dysprosium( I I I ) chloride DYCL3
DyCl4- 1 Dysprosium( I I I ) t et rachloride ion( - 1) DYCL4I ON
DyCO3+ 1 Dysprosium( I I I ) carbonat e ion( + 1) DYCO3I ON
DyF+ 2 Dysprosium( I I I ) monofluoride ion( + 2) DYFI ON
DyF2+ 1 Dysprosium( I I I ) difluoride ion( + 1) DYF2I ON
DyF3 Dysprosium( I I I ) fluoride DYF3
DyF4- 1 Dysprosium( I I I ) t et rafluoride ion( - 1) DYF4I ON
DyH2PO4+ 2 Dysprosium( I I I ) dihydrogen
ort hophosphat e ion( + 2)
DyHCO3+ 2 Dysprosium( I I I ) bicarbonat e ion( + 2) DYHCO3I ON
DyNO3+ 2 Dysprosium( I I I ) mononit rat e ion( + 2) DYNO3I ON
DyOH+ 2 Dysprosium( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) DYOHI ON
DyPO4 Dysprosium( I I I ) ort hophosphat e DYPO4
DySO4+ 1 Dysprosium( I I I ) monosulfat e ion( + 1) DYSO4I ON
Er Erbium EREL
Er( NO3) 3 Erbium( I I I ) nit rat e ERNO33
Er( OH) [ C6H6NO6] - 1 Erbium( I I I ) hydroxide NTA ion( - 1) EROHNTAI ON
Er( OH) 2+ 1 Erbium( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) EROH2I ON
Er( OH) 3 Erbium( I I I ) hydroxide EROH3
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Er( OH) 4- 1 Erbium( I I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) EROH4I ON
Er( SO4) 2- 1 Erbium( I I I ) disulfat e ion( - 1) ERSO42I ON
Er[ C10H12N2O8] - 1 Erbium( I I I ) EDTA ion( - 1) EREDTAI ON
Er[ C14H18N3O10] - 1 Erbium( I I I ) hydrogen DTPA ion( - 1) ERHDTPAI ON
Er[ C14H18N3O10] - 2 Erbium( I I I ) DTPA ion( - 2) ERDTPAI ON
Er[ C2H3O2] + 2 Erbium( I I I ) monoacet at e ion( + 2) ERACETI ON
Er[ C2H3O2] 2+ 1 Erbium( I I I ) diacet at e ion( + 1) ERACET2I ON
Er[ C2H3O2] 3 Erbium( I I I ) acet at e ERACET3
Er[ C4H4O6] + 1 Erbium( I I I ) t art rat e ion( + 1) ERTRTRTI ON
Er[ C6H5O7] Erbium( I I I ) cit rat e ERCTRT
Er[ C6H6NO6] Erbium( I I I ) NTA ERNTA
Er[ C6H6NO6] 2- 3 Erbium( I I I ) di- NTA ion( - 3) ERNTA2I ON
Er[ H2C14H18N3O10] Erbium( I I I ) dihydrogen DTPA ERH2DTPA
Er[ HC10H12N2O8] Erbium( I I I ) hydrogen EDTA ERHEDTA
Er+ 3 Erbium ion ( + 3) ERI ON
Er2( CO3) 3 Erbium( I I I ) carbonat e ER2CO33
Er2( SO4) 3 Erbium( I I I ) sulfat e ER2SO43
Er2( SO4) 3. 8H2O Erbium( I I I ) sulfat e oct ahydrat e ER2SO43. 8H2O
Er2[ C4H4O6] 3 Erbium( I I I ) t art rat e ER2TRTRT3
ErCl+ 2 Erbium( I I I ) monochloride ion( + 2) ERCLI ON
ErCl2+ 1 Erbium( I I I ) dichloride ion( + 1) ERCL2I ON
ErCl3 Erbium( I I I ) chloride ERCL3
ErCL3. 6H2O Erbium( I I I ) chloride hexahydrat e ERCL3. 6H2O
ErCl4- 1 Erbium( I I I ) t et rachloride ion( - 1) ERCL4I ON
ErCO3+ 1 Erbium( I I I ) monocarbonat e ion( + 1) ERCO3I ON
ErF+ 2 Erbium( I I I ) monofluoride ion( + 2) ERFI ON
ErF2+ 1 Erbium( I I I ) difluoride ion( + 1) ERF2I ON
ErF3 Erbium( I I I ) fluoride ERF3
ErF4- 1 Erbium( I I I ) t et rafluoride ion( - 1) ERF4I ON
ErH2PO4+ 2 Erbium( I I I ) dihydrogen ort hophosphat e
ion( + 2)
ErHCO3+ 2 Erbium( I I I ) bicarbonat e ion( + 2) ERHCO3I ON
ErNO3+ 2 Erbium( I I I ) mononit rat e ion( + 2) ERNO3I ON
ErOH+ 2 Erbium( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) EROHI ON
ErPO4 Erbium( I I I ) ort hophosphat e ERPO4
ErSO4+ 1 Erbium( I I I ) monosulfat e ion( + 1) ERSO4I ON
Eu Europium EUEL
Eu( NO3) 3 Europium( I I I ) nit rat e EUNO33
Eu( OH) [ C6H6NO6] - 1 Europium( I I I ) hydroxide NTA ion( - 1) EUOHNTAI ON
Eu( OH) 2 Europium( I I ) hydroxide EUI I OH
Eu( OH) 2+ 1 Europium( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) EUOH2I ON
Eu( OH) 3 Europium( I I I ) hydroxide EUOH3
Eu( OH) 4- 1 Europium( I I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) EUOH4I ON
Eu( SO4) 2- 1 Europium( I I I ) disulfat e ion( - 1) EUSO42I ON
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Eu[ C10H12N2O8] - 1 Europium( I I I ) EDTA ion( - 1) EUEDTAI ON
Eu[ C14H18N3O10] - 2 Europium( I I I ) DTPA ion( - 2) EUDTPAI ON
Eu[ C2H2O3] + 2 Europium( I I I ) monoacet at e ion( + 2) EUACETI ON
Eu[ C2H3O2] 2+ 1 Europium( I I I ) diacet at e ion( + 1) EUACET2I ON
Eu[ C2H3O2] 3 Europium( I I I ) acet at e EUACET3
Eu[ C2O4] + 1 Europium( I I I ) monooxalat e( + 1) EUC2O4I ON
Eu[ C2O4] 2- 1 Europium( I I I ) dioxalat e ion( - 1) EUC2O42I ON
Eu[ C3H6NO2] + 1 Europium( I I ) mono( L- alpha- alanine)
ion( + 1)
Eu[ C3H6NO2] 2 Europium( I I ) di( L- alpha- alanine) EUI I ALAN2
Eu[ C4H4O6] + 1 Europium( I I I ) monot art rat e ion( + 1) EUTRTRTI ON
Eu[ C6H5O7] Europium( I I I ) cit rat e EUCTRT
Eu[ C6H6NO6] Europium( I I I ) NTA EUNTA
Eu[ C6H6NO6] 2- 3 Europium( I I I ) di- NTA ion( - 3) EUNTA2I ON
Eu[ CHO2] + 1 Europium( I I ) monoformat e ion( + 1) EUI I FORI ON
Eu[ CHO2] + 2 Europium( I I I ) monoformat e ion( + 2) EUFORI ON
Eu[ CHO2] 2 Europium( I I ) format e EUI I FOR2
Eu[ CHO2] 2+ 1 Europium( I I I ) diformat e ion( + 1) EUFOR2I ON
Eu[ CHO2] 3 Europium( I I I ) format e EUFOR3
Eu[ H2C14H18N3O10] Europium( I I I ) dihydrogen DTPA EUH2DTPA
Eu[ HC10H12N2O8] Europium( I I I ) hydrogen EDTA EUHEDTA
Eu[ HC14H18N3O10] - 1 Europium( I I I ) hydrogen DTPA ion( - 1) EUHDTPAI ON
Eu+ 2 Europium ion( + 2) EUI I I ON
Eu+ 3 Europium ion( + 3) EUI I I I ON
Eu2( CO3) 3 Europium( I I I ) carbonat e EU2CO33
Eu2( SO4) 3 Europium( I I I ) sulfat e EU2SO43
Eu2( SO4) 3.8H2O Europium( I I I ) sulfat e oct ahydrat e EU2SO43. 8H2O
Eu2[ C2O4] 3 Europium( I I I ) oxalat e EU2C2O43
Eu2[ C4H4O603 Europium( I I I ) t art rat e EU2TRTRT3
EuBr+ 2 Europium( I I I ) monobromide ion( + 2) EUBRI ON
EuBr3 Europium( I I I ) bromide EUBR3
EuCl+ 1 Europium( I I ) monochloride ion( + 1) EUI I CLI ON
EuCl+ 2 Europim( I I I ) monochloride ion( + 2) EUCLI ON
EuCl2 Europium( I I ) chloride EUI I CL2
EuCl2+ 1 Europium( I I I ) dichloride ion( + 1) EUCL2I ON
EuCl3 Europium( I I I ) chloride EUCL3
EuCL3. 6H2O Europium( I I I ) chloride hexahydrat e EUCL3. 6H2O
EuCL3- 1 Europium( I I ) t richloride ion( - 1) EUI I CL3I ON
EuCl4- 1 Europium( I I I ) t et rachloride ion( - 1) EUCL4I ON
EuCl4- 2 Europium( I I ) t et rachloride ion( - 2) EUI I CL4I ON
EuCO3+ 1 Europium( I I I ) monocarbonat e ion( + 1) EUCO3I ON
EuF+ 1 Europium( I I ) monofluoride ion( + 1) EUI I FI ON
EuF+ 2 Europium( I I I ) fluoride ion( + 2) EUFI ON
EuF2 Europium( I I ) fluoride EUI I F2
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EuF2+ 1 Europium( I I I ) difluoride ion( + 1) EUF2I ON
EuF3 Europium( I I I ) fluoride EUF3
EuF3- 1 Europium( I I ) t rifluoride ion( - 1) EUI I F3I ON
EuF4- 1 Europium( I I I ) t et rafluoride ion( - 1) EUF4I ON
EuF4- 2 Europium( I I ) t et rafluoride ion( - 2) EUI I F4I ON
EuH2PO4+ 2 Europium( I I I ) dihydrogen
ort hophosphat e ion( + 2)
EuHCO3+ 2 Europium( I I I ) hydrogen carbonat e
ion( + 2)
EuNO3+ 2 Europium( I I I ) mononit rat e ion( + 2) EUNO3I ON
EuOH+ 2 Europium( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) EUOHI ON
EuPO4 Europium( I I I ) ort hophosphat e EUPO4
EuSO4+ 1 Europium( I I I ) monosulfat e ion( + 1) EUSO4I ON
F- 1 Fluoride ion ( - 1) FI ON
F2 Fluorine F2
Fe I ron FEEL
Fe( C2O4) 2- 1 I ron( I I I ) dioxalat e ion( - 1) FEI I I C2O42I ON
Fe( C2O4) 2- 2 I ron( I I ) dioxalat e ion( - 2) FEI I C2O42I ON
Fe( C2O4) 3- 3 I ron( I I I ) t rioxalat e ion( - 3) FEI I I C2O43I ON
Fe( C2O4) 3- 4 I ron( I I ) t rioxalat e ion( - 4) FEI I C2O43I ON
Fe( CN) 6- 3 I ron( I I I ) hexacyanide ion( - 3) FEI I I CN6I ON
Fe( CN) 6- 4 I ron( I I ) hexacyanide ion( - 4) FEI I CN6I ON
Fe( HAsO4) + 1 I ron( I I I ) monohydrogen ort hoarsenat e
ion( + 1)
Fe( NO3) 2 I ron( I I ) nit rat e FEI I NO32
Fe( NO3) 2. 6H2O I ron( I I ) nit rat e hexahydrat e FEI I NO32. 6H2O
Fe( NO3) 3 I ron( I I I ) nit rat e FEI I I NO33
Fe( NO3) 3. 9H2O I ron( I I I ) nit rat e nonahydrat e FEI I I NO33. 9H2O
Fe( OH) 2 I ron( I I ) hydroxide FEI I OH2
Fe( OH) 2+ 1 I ron( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) FEI I I OH2I ON
Fe( OH) 3 I ron( I I I ) hydroxide FEI I I OH3
Fe( OH) 3- 1 I ron( I I ) t rihydroxide ion( - 1) FEI I OH3I ON
Fe( OH) 4- 1 I ron( I I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) FEI I I OH4I ON
Fe( OH) 4- 2 I ron( I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 2) FEI I OH4I ON
Fe( SCN) 2+ 1 I ron( I I I ) dit hiocyanat e ion( + 1) FEI I I SCN2I ON
Fe( SCN) 3 I ron( I I I ) t hiocyanat e FEI I I SCN3
Fe[ C10H12N2O8] - 1 I ron( I I I ) EDTA ion( - 1) FEI I I EDTAI ON
Fe[ C10H12N2O8] - 2 I ron( I I ) EDTA ion( - 2) FEI I EDTAI ON
Fe[ C10H14N2O8] I ron( I I ) dihydrogen EDTA FEI I H2EDTA
Fe[ C14H18N3O10] - 2 I ron( I I I ) DTPA ion( - 2) FEDTPAI ON
Fe[ C14H18N3O10] - 3 I ron( I I ) DTPA ion( - 3) FEI I DTPAI ON
Fe[ C2H3O2] + 1 I ron( I I ) monoacet at e ion( + 1) FEACETI ON
Fe[ C2H3O2] 2 I ron( I I ) acet at e FEACET2
Fe[ C2H3O3] + 1 I ron( I I ) monoglycolat e ion( + 1) FEI I GLYCI ON
Fe[ C2H3O3] + 2 I ron( I I I ) glycolat e ion( + 2) FEI I I GLYCOI ON
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Fe[ C2H3O3] 2 I ron( I I ) glycolat e FEI I GLYC2
Fe[ C2H4NO2] + 1 I ron( I I ) monoglycinat e ion( + 1) FEGLYCI NI ON
Fe[ C2H4NO2] 2 I ron( I I ) glycinat e FEGLYCI N2
Fe[ C3H6NO2] + 1 I ron( I I ) mono( L- alpha- alanine) ion( + 1) FEI I ALANI ON
Fe[ C3H6NO2] 2 I ron( I I ) di( L- alpha- alanine) FEI I ALAN2
Fe[ C4H4O6] I ron( I I ) t art rat e FEI I TRTRT
Fe[ C4H4O6] + 1 I ron( I I I ) t art rat e ion( + 1) FEI I I TRTRTI ON
Fe[ C4H4O6] 3 I ron( I I I ) t art rat e FE2TARTRT3
Fe[ C6H5O7] I ron( I I I ) cit rat e FEI I I CTRT
Fe[ C6H5O7] - 1 I ron( I I ) cit rat e ion( - 1) FEI I CTRTI ON
Fe[ C6H6NO6] I ron( I I I ) NTA FENTA
Fe[ C6H6NO6] - 1 I ron( I I ) NTA ion( - 1) FEI I NTAI ON
Fe[ C6H6NO6] 2- 3 I ron( I I I ) di- NTA ion( - 3) FENTA2I ON
Fe[ H2C14H18N3O10] I ron( I I I ) dihydrogen DTPA FEH2DTPA
Fe[ H3C14H18N3O10] I ron( I I ) t rihydrogen DTPA FEI I H3DTPA
Fe[ HC10H12N2O8] I ron( I I I ) hydrogen EDTA FEI I I HEDTA
Fe[ HC10H12N2O8] - 1 I ron( I I ) hydrogen EDTA ion( - 1) FEI I HEDTAI ON
Fe[ HC14H18N3O10] - 1 I ron( I I I ) hydrogen DTPA ion( - 1) FEHDTPAI ON
Fe[ HC14H18N3O10] - 2 I ron( I I ) hydrogen DTPA ion( - 2) FEI I HDTPAI ON
Fe[ HC6H5O7] I ron( I I ) hydrogen cit rat e FEI I HCTRT
Fe[ HC6H6NO6] I ron( I I ) hydrogen NTA FEI I HNTA
Fe[ HCOO] + 1 I ron( I I ) monoformat e ion( + 1) FECOOHI ON
Fe[ HCOO] 2 I ron( I I ) format e FECOOH2
Fe[ NO] [ C10H12N2O8] -
I ron( I I ) nit rogen monoxide EDTA ion( - 2) FEI I NOEDTAI ON
Fe+ 2 I ron ion( + 2) FEI I I ON
Fe+ 3 I ron ion( + 3) FEI I I I ON
Fe1.11Te I ron( I I ) t elluride FETE
Fe2( C2O4) 3 I ron( I I I ) oxalat e FEI I I 2C2O43
Fe2( OH) 2+ 4 Diiron( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 4) FEI I I 2OH2I ON
Fe2( SO4) 3 I ron( I I I ) sulfat e FE2SO43
Fe2[ C14H18N3O10] - 1 Diiron( I I ) DTPA ion( - 1) FEI I 2DTPAI ON
Fe2Al2SiO5( OH) 4 Dialuminum diiron silicon pent aoxide
t et rahydroxide
Fe2Al9Si4O23( OH) Diiron nonaaluminum t et rasilicon
t ricosaoxide hydroxide
Fe2Fe( FeSiO5) ( OH) 4 Tet rairon silicon pet aoxide t et rahydroxide CRONS7A
Fe3( PO4) 2 I ron( I I ) ort hophosphat e FEI I 3PO42
Fe3( PO4) 2. 8H2O I ron( I I ) ort hophosphat e oct ahydrat e FEI I 3PO42.8H2O
Fe3Al2Si3O12 Almandine ALMANDI NE
Fe3Si2O5( OH) 4 Triiron disilicon pent aoxide t et rahydroxide GREENALI TE
Fe3Si4O10( OH) 2 Triiron t et rasilicon decaoxide dihydroxide MI NESOTAI T
Fe4[ Fe( CN) 6] 3 I ron( I I I ) hexacyanoferrat e( I I ) FE4FECN63
Fe5Al2Si3O10( OH) 8 Pent airon dialuminum t risilicon decaoxide
oct ahydroxide
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Fe7Si8O22( OH) 2 Hept airon oct asilicon docosaoxide
FeAl2SiO5( OH) 2 Dialuminum iron silicon pent oxide
FeAsO4 I ron( I I I ) Arsenat e FEI I I ARSO4
FeAsO4 I ron( I I I ) Arsenat e FEARSO4
FeAsO4. 2H2O I ron( I I I ) Arsenat e dihydrat e FEARSO4. 2H2O
FeBr+ 2 I ron( I I I ) monobromide ion( + 2) FEI I I BRI ON
FeBr2 I ron( I I ) bromide FEI I BR2
FeBr2.2H2O I ron( I I ) bromide dihydrat e FEI I BR2. 2H2O
FeBr2.4H2O I ron( I I ) bromide t et rahydrat e FEI I BR2. 4H2O
FeBr2.6H2O I ron( I I ) bromide hexahydrat e FEI I BR2. 6H2O
FeBr3 I ron( I I I ) bromide FEI I I BR3
FeC2O4 I ron( I I ) oxalat e FEI I C2O4
FeC2O4+ 1 I ron( I I I ) monooxalat e ion( + 1) FEI I I C2O4I ON
FeCl+ 1 I ron( I I ) monochloride ion( + 1) FEI I CLI ON
FeCl2 I ron( I I ) chloride FEI I CL2
FeCl2. 2H2O I ron( I I ) chloride dihydrat e FEI I CL2. 2H2O
FeCl2. 4H2O I ron( I I ) chloride t et rahydrat e FEI I CL2. 4H2O
FeCl2. 6H2O I ron( I I ) chloride hexahydrat e FEI I CL2. 6H2O
FeCl2+ 1 I ron( I I I ) dichloride ion( + 1) FEI I I CL2I ON
FeCl2+ 2 I ron( I I I ) monochloride ion( + 2) FEI I I CLI ON
FeCl3 I ron ( I I I ) chloride FECL3
FeCl3. 2. 5H2O I ron( I I I ) chloride 2. 5 hydrat e FECL3. 2. 5H2O
FeCl3. 2H2O I ron( I I I ) chloride dihydrat e FECL3. 2H2O
FeCl3. 6H2O I ron( I I I ) chloride hexahydrat e FECL3. 6H2O
FeCl4- 1 I ron( I I I ) t et rachloride ion( - 1) FEI I I CL4I ON
FeCO3 I ron( I I ) carbonat e FEI I CO3
FeF+ 2 I ron( I I I ) monofluoride ion( + 2) FEI I I FI ON
FeF2 I ron( I I ) fluoride FEI I F2
FeF2+ 1 I ron( I I I ) difluoride ion( + 1) FEI I I F2I ON
FeF3 I ron( I I I ) fluoride FEI I I F3
FeH2PO4+ 1 I ron( I I ) dihydrogen ort hophosphat e
ion( + 1)
FeH2PO4+ 2 I ron( I I I ) dihydrogen ort hophosphat e
ion( + 2)
FeHC2O4+ 2 I ron( I I I ) hydrogen oxalat e ion( + 2) FEI I I HC2O4I ON
FeHCO3+ 1 I ron( I I ) bicarbonat e ion( + 1) FEI I HCO3I ON
FeHPO4 I ron( I I ) hydrogen ort hophosphat e FEI I HPO4
FeHPO4+ 1 I ron( I I I ) hydrogen ort hophosphat e
ion( + 1)
FeI + 2 I ron( I I I ) monoiodide ion( + 2) FEI I I I I ON
FeI 2 I ron( I I ) iodide FEI I I 2
FeI 2+ 1 I ron( I I I ) diiodide ion( + 1) FEI I I I 2I ON
FeI 3 I ron( I I I ) iodide FEI I I I 3
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FeMoO4 I ron( I I ) molybdat e( VI ) FEMOO4
FeNaSi2O6 I ron( I I I ) sodium silicat e NAFEI I I SI O
FeNO3+ 2 I ron( I I I ) mononit rat e ion( + 2) FEI I I NO3I ON
FeOH+ 1 I ron( I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 1) FEI I OHI ON
FeOH+ 2 I ron( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) FEI I I OHI ON
FePO4 I ron( I I I ) ort hophosphat e FEI I I PO4
FePO4. 2H2O I ron( I I I ) phosphat e dihydrat e FEI I I PO4. 2H2O
FeS I ron( I I ) sulfide FEI I S
FeS2 I ron( I I ) disulfide FEI I S2
FeSCN+ 2 I ron( I I I ) monot hiocyanat e ion( + 2) FEI I I SCNI ON
FeSO3 I ron( I I ) sulfit e FEI I SO3
FeSO4 I ron( I I ) sulfat e FEI I SO4
FeSO4. 1H2O I ron( I I ) sulfat e monohydrat e FEI I SO4. 1H2O
FeSO4.4H2O I ron( I I ) sulfat e t et rahydrat e FEI I SO4.4H2O
FeSO4. 7H2O I ron( I I ) sulfat e hept ahydrat e FEI I SO4. 7H2O
FeSO4+ 1 I ron( I I I ) sulfat e ion( + 1) FEI I I SO4I ON
FeTiO3 I ron( I I ) t it anat e FETI O3
FeWO4 I ron( I I ) t ungst at e( VI ) FEI I WO4
Ga Gallium GAEL
Ga( OH) 3 Gallium hydroxide GAOH3
Ga+ 3 Gallium ion( + 3) GAI ON
Gd Gadolinium GDEL
Gd( NO3) 3. 6H2O Gadolinium( I I I ) nit rat e hexahydrat e GDNO33. 6H2O
Gd( OH) [ C6H6NO6] - 1 Gadolinium( I I I ) monohydroxide NTA ion( -
Gd( OH) 2+ 1 Gadolinium( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) GDOH2I ON
Gd( OH) 3 Gadolinium( I I I ) hydroxide GDOH3
Gd( OH) 4- 1 Gadolinium( I I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) GDOH4I ON
Gd( SO4) 2- 1 Gadolinium( I I I ) disulfat e ion( - 1) GDSO42I ON
Gd[ C10H12N2O8] - 1 Gadolinium( I I I ) EDTA ion( - 1) GDEDTAI ON
Gd[ C14H18N3O10] - 2 Gadolinium( I I I ) DTPA ion( - 2) GDDTPAI ON
Gd[ C2H3O2] + 2 Gadolinium( I I I ) monoacet at e ion( + 2) GDACETI ON
Gd[ C2H3O2] 2+ 1 Gadolinium( I I I ) diacet at e ion( + 1) GDACET2I ON
Gd[ C2H3O2] 3 Gadolinium( I I I ) acet at e GDACET3
Gd[ C4H4O6] + 1 Gadolinium( I I I ) t art rat e ion( + 1) GDTRTRTI ON
Gd[ C6H5O7] Gadolinium( I I I ) cit rat e GDCTRT
Gd[ C6H6NO6] Gadolinium( I I I ) NTA GDNTA
GD[ C6H6NO6] 2- 3 Gadolinium( I I I ) di- NTA ion( - 3) GDNTA2I ON
Gd[ CHO2] + 2 Gadolinium( I I I ) monoformat e ion( + 2) GDFORI ON
Gd[ CHO2] 2+ 1 Gadolinium( I I I ) diformat e ion( + 1) GDFOR2I ON
Gd[ CHO2] 3 Gadolinium( I I I ) format e GDFOR3
Gd[ H2C14H18N3O10] Gadolinium( I I I ) dihydrogen DTPA GDH2DTPA
Gd[ HC10H12N2O8] Gadolinium( I I I ) hydrogen EDTA GDHEDTA
Gd[ HC14H18N3O10] - 1 Gadolinium( I I I ) hydrogen DTPA ion( - 1) GDHDTPAI ON
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Gd+ 3 Gadolium ion( + 3) GDI ON
Gd2( CO3) 3 Gadolinium( I I I ) carbonat e GD2CO33
Gd2( SO4) 3 Gadolinium( I I I ) sulfat e GD2SO43
Gd2( SO4) 3. 8H2O Gadolinium( I I I ) sulfat e oct ahydrat e GD2SO43. 8H2O
Gd2[ C4H4O6] 3 Gadolinium( I I I ) t art rat e GD2TRTRT3
Gd9NO3) 3 Gadolinium( I I I ) nit rat e GDNO33
GdBr+ 2 Gadolinium( I I I ) monobromide ion( + 2) GDBRI ON
GdBr3 Gadolinium( I I I ) bromide GDBR3
GdCl+ 2 Gadolinium( I I I ) monochloride ion( + 2) GDCLI ON
GdCl2+ 1 Gadolinium( I I I ) dichloride ion( + 1) GDCL2I ON
GdCl3 Gadolinium( I I I ) chloride GDCL3
GdCl4- 1 Gadolinium( I I I ) t et rachloride ion( - 1) GDCL4I ON
GdCO3+ 1 Gadolinium( I I I ) carbonat e ion( + 1) GDCO3I ON
GdF+ 2 Gadolinium( I I I ) monofluoride ion( + 2) GDFI ON
GdF2+ 1 Gadolinium( I I I ) difluoride ion( + 1) GDF2I ON
GdF3 Gadolinium( I I I ) fluoride GDF3
GdF4- 1 Gadolinium( I I I ) t et rafluoride ion( - 1) GDF4I ON
GdH2PO4+ 2 Gadolinium( I I I ) dihydrogen
ort hophosphat e ion( + 2)
GdHCO3+ 2 Gadolinium( I I I ) bicarbonat e ion( + 2) GDHCO3I ON
GdI + 2 Gadolinium( I I I ) monoiodide ion( + 2) GDI I ON
GdI 3 Gadolinium( I I I ) iodide GDI 3
GdNO3+ 2 Gadolinium( I I I ) mononit rat e ion( + 2) GDNO3I ON
GdOH+ 2 Gadolinium( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) GDOHI ON
GdPO4 Gadolinium( I I I ) ort hophosphat e GDPO4
GdSO4+ 1 Gadolinium( I I I ) monosulfat e ion( + 1) GDSO4I ON
Ge Germanium GEEL
H[ B( C6H5) 4] Hydrogen t et raphenylborat e HBPH4
H[ C14H18N3O10] - 4 Hydrogen DTPA ion( - 4) HDTPAI ON
H[ C6H6NO6] - 2 Hydrogen NTA ion( - 2) HNTAI ON
H[ Fe( CN) 6] - 3 Hydrogen ferrocyanide( I I ) ion( - 3) HFEI I CN6I ON
H+ 1 Hydrogen ion( + 1) HI ON
H2 Hydrogen H2
H2[ C14H18N3O10] - 3 Dihydrogen DTPA ion( - 3) H2DTPAI ON
H2[ C6H6NO6] - 1 Dihydrogen NTA ion( - 1) H2NTAI ON
H2[ Fe( CN) 6] - 2 Dihydrogen ferrocyanide ion( - 2) H2FEI I CN6I ON
H2As2S3O Arsenic( I I I ) sulfide oxide H2AS2S3O
H2AsO4- 1 Dihydrogen arsenat e( VI ) ion( - 1) H2ASO4I ON
H2C10H12N2O8- 2 Dihydrogen EDTA ion( - 2) H2EDTAI ON
H2C2H8N2+ 2 Dihydrogen et hylenediamine ion( + 2) H2ENAMN2I ON
H2CO3 Carbonic acid H2CO3
H2CrO4 Chromic( VI ) acid H2CRO4
H2CrO7 Dichromic( VI ) acid H2CR2O7
H2MnO4 Manganic( VI ) acid H2MNO4
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H2MoO4 Molybdenic( VI ) acid H2MOO4
H2N( CH2) 4CH( NH2) CO
H2N( CH2) 4CH( NH2) CO
2H- 1
Lysine ion( - 1) LYSI NEI ON
H2N( CH2) 4CH( NH3) CO
2H+ 1
Dihydrogen lysine ion( + 1) H2LYSI NEI ON
H2O Wat er H2O
H2P2O7- 2 Dihydrogen pyrophosphat e( V) ion( - 2) H2P2O7I ON
H2PO3- 1 Dihydrogen phosphat e( I I I ) ion( - 1) H2PO3I ON
H2PO4- 1 Dihydrogen ort hophosphat e( V) ion( - 1) H2PO4I ON
H2S Hydrogen sulfide H2S
H2S2 Dihydrogen disulfide H2S2
H2S2O3 Thiosulfuric acid H2S2O3
H2S2O4 Dit hionous acid H2S2O4
H2S2O6 Dit hionic acid H2S2O6
H2S2O8 Peroxodisulfuric( VI I ) acid H2S2O8
H2S5O6 Pent at hionic acid H2S5O6
H2Se Dihydrogen selenide SEH2
H2SeO3 Selenious( I V) acid H2SEO3
H2SeO4 Selenic( VI ) acid H2SEO4
H2SiF6 Dihydrogen hexafluorosilicat e H2SI F6
H2SiO4- 2 Dihydrogen ort hosilicat e ion( - 2) H2SI O4I ON
H2SO3 Sulfurous( I V) acid H2SO3
H2SO4 Sulfuric( VI ) acid H2SO4
H2SO5 Peroxomonosulfuric( VI I I ) acid H2SO5
H2Te Hydrogen t elluride H2TE
H2TeO3 Tellurous( I V) acid H2TEI VO3
H2TeO4 Telluric( VI ) acid H2TEO4
H2TeO4.2H2O Telluric( VI ) acid dihydrat e H2TEO4.2H2O
H2TeO4.6H2O Telluric( VI ) acid hexahydrat e H2TEO4.6H2O
H2VO4- 1 Dihydrogen ort hovanadat e( V) ion( - 1) H2VO4I ON
H2WO4 Tungst ic( VI ) acid H2WO4
H2ZrF6 Hexafluorozirconic acid H2ZRF6
H3[ C14H18N3O10] - 2 Trihydrogen DTPA ion( - 2) H3DTPAI ON
H3[ Fe( CN) 6] Trihydrogen hexaferricyanide H3FEI I I CN6
H3AsO3 Arsenious acid H3ASO3
H3AsO4 Arsenic( VI ) acid H3ASO4
H3C10H12N2O8- 1 Trihydrogen EDTA ion( - 1) H3EDTAI ON
H3I O6- 2 Trihydrogen ort hoperiodat e ion( - 2) H3I O6I ON
H3N( CH2) 4CH( NH3) CO
2H+ 2
Trihydrogen lysine ion( + 2) H3LYSI NEI ON
H3P2O7- 1 Trihydrogen pyrophosphat e( V) ion( - 1) H3P2O7I ON
H3PO3 Phosphorous( I I I ) acid H3PO3
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H3PO4 Ort hophosphoric acid H3PO4
H3SiO4- 1 Trihydrogen silicat e ion( - 1) H3SI O4I ON
H4[ C14H18N3O10] - 1 Tet rahydrogen DTPA ion( - 1) H4DTPAI ON
H4[ C6H6NO6] + 1 Tet rahydrogen NTA ion( + 1) H4NTAI ON
H4[ Fe( CN) 6] Tet rahydrogen ferrocyanide( I I ) H4FEI I CN6
H4I O6- 1 Tet rahydrogen ort hoperiodat e( VI I ) ion( -
H4P2O7 Pyrophosphoric( VI ) acid H4P2O7
H4SiO4 Silicic acid H4SI O4
H4TeO6- 2 Tet rahydrogen ort hot ellurat e ion( - 2) H4TEO6I ON
H5C10H12N2O8+ 1 Pent ahydrogen EDTA ion( + 1) H5EDTAI ON
H5I O6 Periodic( VI I ) acid H5I O6
H5TeO6- 1 Pent ahydrogen ort hot elluric acid ion( - 1) H5TEO6I ON
H6C10H12N2O8+ 2 Hexahydrogen EDTA ion( + 2) H6EDTAI ON
H6TeO6 Ort hot elluric acid H6TEO6
HAs2S4- 1 Hydrogen diarsenic( I I I ) t et rasulfide ion HAS2S4I ON
HAsO2 Met aarsenic( I I I ) acid HASO2
HAsO3- 2 Biarsenat e ion( - 2) HARSO3I ON
HAsO4- 2 Hydrogen arsenat e( VI ) ion( - 2) HASO4I ON
HBr Hydrogen bromide HBR
HBr3 Hydrogen t ribromide HBR3
HBrO Hypobromic( I ) acid HBRO
HBrO3 Bromic( VI ) acid HBRO3
HBrO4 Perbromic( VI I ) acid HBRO4
HC10H12N2O8- 3 Hydrogen EDTA ion( - 3) HEDTAI ON
HC2H8N2+ 1 Hydrogen et hylenediamine ion( + 1) HENAMN2I ON
HCl Hydrogen chloride HCL
HClO Hypochlorous acid HCLO
HClO2 Chlorous( I I I ) acid HCLO2
HClO3 Chloric( VI ) acid HCLO3
HClO4 Perchloric acid HCLO4
HCN Hydrocyanic acid HCN
HCNO Cyanic acid HCNO
HCO3- 1 Bicarbonat e ion( - 1) HCO3I ON
HCrO4- 1 Bichromat e( VI ) ion( - 1) HCRO4I ON
He Helium HE
HF Hydrogen fluoride HF
Hf Hafnium HFEL
HF2- 1 Hydrogen difluoride ion ( - 1) HF2I ON
Hg Mercury HGEL
Hg( CN) 2 Mercury( I I ) cyanide HGCN2
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Hg( CN) 3- 1 Mercury( I I ) t ricyanide ion( - 1) HGCN3I ON
Hg( CN) 4- 2 Mercury( I I ) t et racyanide ion( - 2) HGCN4I ON
Hg( NH3) 2+ 2 Mercury( I I ) diammonia ion( + 2) HGNH32I ON
Hg( NH3) 3+ 2 Mercury( I I ) t riammonia ion( + 2) HGNH33I ON
Hg( NH3) 4+ 2 Mercury( I I ) t et raammonia ion( + 2) HGNH34I ON
Hg( OH) [ C2H8N2] + 1 Mercury( I I ) monohydroxide
et hylenediamine ion( + 1)
Hg( OH) 2 Mercury( I I ) hydroxide HGOH2
Hg( OH) 3- 1 Mercury( I I ) t rihydroxide ion( - 1) HGOH3I ON
Hg( SCN) 2 Mercury( I I ) t hiocyanat e HGSCN2
Hg( SCN) 3- 1 Mercury( I I ) t ri( t hiocyanat e) ion( - 1) HGSCN3I ON
Hg( SCN) 4- 2 Mercury( I I ) t et ra( t hiocyanat e) ion( - 2) HGSCN4I ON
Hg[ C10H12N2O8] - 2 Mercury( I I ) EDTA ion( - 2) HGEDTAI ON
Hg[ C14H18N3O10] - 3 Mercury( I I ) DTPA ion( - 3) HGDTPAI ON
Hg[ C2H3O2] + 1 Mercury( I I ) monoacet at e ion( + 1) HGACETI ON
Hg[ C2H3O2] 2 Mercury( I I ) acet at e HGACET2
Hg[ C2H3O2] 3- 1 Mercury( I I ) t riacet at e ion( - 1) HGACET3I ON
Hg[ C2H3O3] + 1 Mercury( I I ) monoglycolat e ion( + 1) HGGLYCOLI ON
Hg[ C2H3O3] 2 Mercury( I I ) glycolat e HGGLYCOL2
Hg[ C2H4NO2] + 1 Mercury( I I ) monoglycine ion( + 1) HGGLYCI NI ON
Hg[ C2H4NO2] 2 Mercury( I I ) diglycine HGGLYCI N2
Hg[ C2H7NO] + 2 Mercury( I I ) mono( 2- aminoet hanol)
ion( + 2)
Hg[ C2H7NO] 2+ 2 Mercury( I I ) di( 2- aminoet hanol) ion( + 2) HGMEXH2I ON
Hg[ C2H8N2] + 2 Mercury( I I ) monoet hylenediamine
ion( + 2)
Hg[ C2H8N2] 2+ 2 Mercury( I I ) di( et hylenediamine) ion( + 2) HGEDA2I ON
Hg[ C4H11NO2] + 2 Mercury( I I ) mono( N, N- diet hanolamine)
ion( + 2)
Hg[ C4H11NO2] 2+ 2 Mercury( I I ) di( N, N- diet hanolamine)
ion( + 2)
Hg[ C4H4O6] Mercury( I I ) t art rat e HGTARTRT
Hg[ C6H15NO3] + 2 Mercury( I I ) monot riet hanolamine
ion( + 2)
Hg[ C6H15NO3] 2+ 2 Mercury( I I ) di( t riet hanolamine) ion( + 2) HGTEXH2I ON
Hg[ C6H5O7] - 1 Mercury( I I ) cit rat e ion( - 1) HGCTRTI ON
Hg[ C6H6NO6] - 1 Mercury( I I ) NTA ion( - 1) HGNTAI ON
Hg[ H2C10H12N2O8] Mercury( I I ) dihydrogen EDTA HGH2EDTA
Hg[ H3C14H18N3O10] Mercury( I I ) t rihydrogen DTPA HGH3DTPA
Hg[ HC10H12N2O8] - 1 Mercury( I I ) hydrogen EDTA ion( - 1) HGHEDTAI ON
Hg[ HC14H18N3O10] - 2 Mercury( I I ) hydrogen DTPA ion( - 2) HGHDTPAI ON
Hg[ HC6H5O7] Mercury( I I ) hydrogen cit rat e HGHCTRT
Hg[ HC6H6NO6] Mercury( I I ) hydrogen NTA HGHNTA
Hg+ 2 Mercury( I I ) ion( + 2) HGI ON
Hg2( OH) 2 Dimercury( I ) dihydroxide HG2OH2
Hg2+ 2 Dimercury( I ) ion ( + 2) HG2I ON
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Hg2Cl2 Mercurous( I ) chloride HG2CL2
Hg2CO3 Mercury( I ) carbonat e HG2CO3
Hg2OH+ 1 Dimercury( I ) hydroxide ion( + 1) HG2OHI ON
HgBr+ 1 Mercury( I I ) monobromide ion( + 1) HGBRI ON
HgBr2 Mercury( I I ) bromide HGBR2
HgBr- 2 Mercury( I I ) t et rabromide ion( - 2) HGBR4I ON
HgBr3- 1 Mercury( I I ) t ribromide ion( - 1) HGBR3I ON
HgC2O4 Mercury( I I ) oxalat e HGC2O4
HgCl+ 1 Mercury( I I ) monochloride ion( + 1) HGCLI ON
HgCl2 Mercury( I I ) chloride HGCL2
HgCl3- 1 Mercury( I I ) t richloride ion( - 1) HGCL3I ON
HgCl4- 2 Mercury( I I ) t et rachloride ion( - 2) HGCL4I ON
HgCN+ 1 Mercury( I I ) monocyanide ion( + 1) HGCNI ON
HgF+ 1 Mercury( I I ) monofluoride ion( + 1) HGFI ON
HgF2 Mercury( I I ) fluoride HGF2
HgH[ C2H8N2] + 3 Mercury( I I ) hydrogen
di( et hylenediamine) ion( + 3)
HgH2[ C2H8N2] 2+ 4 Mercury( I I ) dihydrogen
di( et hylenediamine) ion( + 4)
HgH2[ C2H8N2] 3+ 4 Mercury( I I ) dihydrogen
t ri( et hylenediamine) ion( + 4)
HgI + 1 Mercury( I I ) monoiodide ion( + 1) HGI I ON
HgI 2 Mercury( I I ) iodide HGI 2
HgI 3- 1 Mercury( I I ) t riiodide ion( - 1) HGI 3I ON
HgI 4- 2 Mercury( I I ) t et raiodide ion( - 2) HGI 4I ON
HgMoO4 Mercury( I I ) molybdat e( VI ) HGMOO4
HgNH3+ 2 Mercury( I I ) monoammonia ion( + 2) HGNH3I ON
HgO Mercury( I I ) oxide HGO
HgOH+ 1 Mercury( I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 1) HGOHI ON
HgS Mercury( I I ) sulfide HGS
HgSCN+ 1 Mercury( I I ) monot hiocyanat e ion( + 1) HGSCNI ON
HgSe Mercury( I I ) selenide HGSE
HgSeO3 Mercury( I I ) selenit e( I V) HGSEO3
HgSeO4 Mercury( I I ) selenat e( VI ) HGSEO4
HgWO4 Mercury( I I ) t ungst at e( VI ) HGWO4
HI Hydrogen iodide HI
HI 3 Hydrogen t riiodide HI OD3
HI O Hypoiodous( I ) acid HI O
HI O3 I odic( V) acid HI O3
HI O4 Periodic( VI I ) acid HI ODO4
HMnO4 Permanganic( VI I ) acid HMNO4
HNbO3 Niobic( V) acid HNBO3
HNO2 Nit rous( I I I ) acid HNO2
HNO3 Nit ric( V) acid HNO3
Ho Holmium HOEL
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Ho( NO3) 3 Holmium( I I I ) nit rat e HONO33
Ho( OH) [ C6H6NO6] - 1 Holmium( I I I ) hydroxide NTA ion( - 1) HOOHNTAI ON
Ho( OH) 2+ 1 Holmium( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) HOOH2I ON
Ho( OH) 3 Holmium( I I I ) hydroxide HOOH3
Ho( OH) 4- 1 Holmium( I I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) HOOH4I ON
Ho( SO4) 2- 1 Holmium( I I I ) disulfat e ion( - 1) HOSO42I ON
Ho[ C10H12N2O8] - 1 Holmium( I I I ) EDTA ion( - 1) HOEDTAI ON
Ho[ C14H18N3O10] - 2 Holmium( I I I ) DTPA ion( - 2) HODTPAI ON
Ho[ C2H3O2] + 2 Holmium( I I I ) monoacet at e ion( + 2) HOACETI ON
Ho[ C2H3O2] 2+ 1 Holmium( I I I ) diacet at e ion( + 1) HOACET2I ON
Ho[ C2H3O2] 3 Holmium( I I I ) acet at e HOACET3
Ho[ C6H5O7] Holmium( I I I ) cit rat e HOCTRT
Ho[ C6H6NO6] Holmium( I I I ) NTA HONTA
Ho[ C6H6NO6] 2- 3 Holmium( I I I ) di- NTA ion( - 3) HONTA2I ON
Ho[ H2C14H18N3O10] Holmium( I I I ) dihydrogen DTPA HOH2DTPA
Ho[ HC10H12N2O8] Holmium( I I I ) hydrogen EDTA HOHEDTA
Ho[ HC14H18N3O10] - 1 Holmium( I I I ) hydrogen DTPA ion( - 1) HOHDTPAI ON
Ho+ 3 Holmium ion( + 3) HOI ON
Ho2( CO3) 3 Holmium( I I I ) carbonat e HO2CO33
Ho2( SO4) 3 Holmium( I I I ) sulfat e HO2SO43
Ho2( SO4) 3. 8H2O Holmium( I I I ) sulfat e oct ahydrat e HO2SO43. 8H2O
Ho2[ C4H4O6] 3 Holmium( I I I ) t art rat e HO2TRTRT3
HO2- 1 Hydrogen peroxide ion( - 1) HO2I ON
HO2C( CH2) 2CH( NH2) C
L- Glut amic acid LGLUTAMAC
HO2C( CH2) 2CH( NH2) C
L- Glut amic acid DLGLUTAMAC
HO2C( CH2) 2CH( NH2) C
L- Glut amic acid GLUTAMACA
HoBr3 Holmium( I I I ) bromide HOBR3
HoCl+ 2 Holmium( I I I ) monochloride ion( + 2) HOCLI ON
HoCl2+ 1 Holmium( I I I ) dichloride ion( + 1) HOCL2I ON
HoCl3 Holmium( I I I ) chloride HOCL3
HoCl3. 6H2O Holmium( I I I ) chloride hexahydrat e HOCL3. 6H2O
HoCl4- 1 Holmium( I I I ) t et rachloride ion( - 1) HOCL4I ON
HoCO3+ 1 Holmium( I I I ) carbonat e ion( + 1) HOCO3I ON
HoF+ 2 Holmium( I I I ) monofluoride ion( + 2) HOFI ON
HoF2+ 1 Holmium( I I I ) difluoride ion( + 1) HOF2I ON
HoF3 Holmium fluoride HOF3
HoF4- 1 Holmium( I I I ) t et rafluoride ion( - 1) HOF4I ON
HoH2PO4+ 2 Holmium( I I I ) dihydrogen
ort hophosphat e( V) ion( + 2)
HoHCO3+ 2 Holmium( I I I ) bicarbonat e ion( + 2) HOHCO3I ON
HoNO3+ 2 Holmium( I I I ) mononit rat e ion( + 2) HONO3I ON
HoOH+ 2 Holmium( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) HOOHI ON
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HoPO4 Holmium( I I I ) ort hophosphat e HOPO4
HoSO4+ 1 Holmium( I I I ) monosulfat e ion( + 1) HOSO4I ON
HP2O7- 3 Hydrogen pyrophosphat e( V) ion( - 3) HP2O7I ON
HPbO2- 1 Hydrogen dioxylead ion( - 1) HPBO2I ON
HPO3- 2 Hydrogen met aphosphat e( I I I ) ion( - 2) HPO3I ON
HPO4- 2 Hydrogen ort hophosphat e( V) ion ( - 2) HPO4I ON
HReO4 Tet raoxorhenic( VI I ) acid HREO4
HS- 1 Hydrogen sulfide ion ( - 1) HSI ON
HSCN Thiocyanic acid HSCN
HSe- 1 Hydrogen selinide ion ( - 1) HSEI ON
HSeCN Selenocyanic acid HSECN
HSeO3- 1 Hydrogen selenit e( I V) ion ( - 1) HSEO3I ON
HSeO4- 1 Hydrogen selenat e( VI ) ion( - 1) HSEO4I ON
HSO3- 1 Bisulfit e( I V) ion ( - 1) HSO3I ON
HSO4- 1 Bisulfat e( VI ) ion ( - 1) HSO4I ON
HSO5- 1 Hydrogen persulfat e( VI I I ) ion ( - 1) HSO5I ON
HTaO3 Tant alic( V) acid HTAO3
HTcO4 Pert echnet ic( VI I ) acid HTCVI I O4
HTe- 1 Hydrogen t elluride ion( - 1) HTEI ON
HTeO3- 1 Hydrogen t ellurit e( I V) ion( - 1) HTEI VO3I ON
HVO4- 2 Hydrogen pervanadat e( V) ion( - 2) HVO4I ON
HWO4- 1 Hydrogen t ungst at e( VI ) ion( - 1) HWO4I ON
HZrF6- 1 Hydrogen hexafluorozirconic acid ion( - 1) HZRF6I ON
I - 1 I odide ion( - 1) I ODI ON
I 2 I odine I OD2EL
I 3- 1 Triiodide ion( - 1) I OD3I ON
I n I ndium I NEL
I n( OH) 3 I ndium( I I I ) hydroxide I NOH3
I n+ 3 I ndium ion( + 3) I NI ON
I O- 1 Hypoiodat e( I ) ion( - 1) I ODOI ON
I O3- 1 I odat e( VI ) ion( - 1) I ODO3I ON
I O4- 1 Periodat e( VI I ) ion( - 1) I ODO4I ON
I r I ridium I REL
K Pot assium KEL
K[ B( C6H5) 4] Pot assium t et raphenylborat e KBPH4
K[ C10H12N2O8] - 3 Pot assium EDTA ion( - 3) K1EDTAI ON
K[ C2H3O2] Pot assium acet at e KACET
K[ C2H3O3] Pot assium glycolat e KGLYCOLAT
K[ C2H3O3] 2- 1 Pot assium diglycolat e ion( - 1) KGLYCOL2I ON
K[ C2H5COO] Pot assium propionat e KPROP
K[ C4H4O4] - 1 Pot asium succinat e ion K1SUCCNATEI ON
K[ C4H4O6] - 1 Pot assium monot art rat e ion( - 1) KTARTRTI ON
K[ C6H5COO] Pot assium benzoat e KBNZAT
K[ C6H5O7] - 2 Pot assium cit rat e ion( - 2) KCTRTI ON
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K[ Fe( CN) 6] - 2 Monopot assium ferricyanide( I I I ) ion( - 2) K1FEI I I CN6I ON
K[ Fe( CN) 6] - 3 Monopot assium ferrocyanide( I I ) ion( - 3) K1FEI I CN6I ON
K[ H3C10H12N2O8] Pot assium t rihydrogen EDTA KH3EDTA
K[ HC4H4O6] Pot assium hydrogen t art rat e KHTARTRT
K[ HCOO] Pot assium format e KCOOH
K+ 1 Pot assium ion( + 1) KI ON
K2[ C4H4O4] Pot asium succinat e K2SUCCNATE
K2[ C4H4O4] Pot asium succinat e K2SUC
K2[ C4H4O4] . 3H2O Pot asium succinat e t rihydrat e K2SUC.3H2O
K2Al2Si5O14. 5H2O Dipot assium dialuminum pent asilicon
t et radecaoxide pent ahydrat e
K2C2O4 Pot assium oxalat e K2C2O4
K2C2O4. H2O Pot assium oxalat e monohydrat e K2C2O4.1H2O
K2CO3 Pot assium carbonat e K2CO3
K2CO3.1.5H2O Pot assium carbonat e 1. 5 hydrat e K2CO3.1. 5H2O
K2Cr2O7 Pot assium dichromat e( VI ) K2CR2O7
K2CrO4 Pot assium chromat e( VI ) K2CRO4
K2HPO4 Pot assium hydrogen phosphat e( V) K2HPO4
K2HPO4. 3H2O Pot assium hydrogen ort hophosphat e( V)
t rihydrat e
K2HPO4. 3H2O
K2HPO4. 6H2O Pot assium hydrogen ort hophosphat e( V)
hexahydrat e
K2HPO4. 6H2O
K2MoO4 Pat assium molybdat e( VI ) K2MOO4
K2S Pot assium sulfide K2S
K2S2O8 Pot assium persulfat e( VI I ) K2S2O8
K2Se Pot assium selenide K2SE
K2SeO3 Pot assium selenit e( I V) K2SEO3
K2SeO3. 4H2O Pot assium selenit e( I V) t et rahydrat e K2SEO3. 4H2O
K2SeO4 Pot assium selenat e( VI ) K2SEO4
K2SO3 Pot assium sulfit e( I V) K2SO3
K2SO4 Pot assium sulfat e( VI ) K2SO4
K2SO4.1H2O Pot assium sulfat e( VI ) monohydrat e K2SO4. 1H2O
K2SO4. KNaSO4 Glaserit e K3NASO42
K2TeO4 Pot assium t ellurat e K2TEO4
K2WO4 Pot assium t ungst at e( VI ) K2WO4
K3[ C6H5O7] Pot assium cit rat e K3CTRT
K3[ C6H5O7] . H2O Pot assium cit rat e monohydrat e K3CTRT. 1H2O
K3[ Fe( CN) 6] Pot assium ferricyanide( I I I ) K3FEI I I CN6
K3PO4 Pot assium ort hophosphat e( V) K3PO4
K3PO4. 3H2O Pot assium ort hophosphat e( V) t rihydrat e K3PO4. 3H2O
K3PO4. 7H2O Pot assium ort hophosphat e( V)
hept ahydrat e
K3PO4. 7H2O
K4[ Fe( CN) 6] Pot assium ferrocyanide( I I ) K4FECN6
K4[ Fe( CN) 6] . 3H2O Pot assium ferrocyanide( I I ) t rihydrat e K4FECN6.3H2O
KAl( SO4) 2 Pot assium aluminum sulfat e K1ALSO4
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KAl( SO4) 2.12H2O Pot assium aluminum sulfat e
dodecahydrat e
K1ALSO4. 12H2O
KBO2 Pot assium met aborat e KBO2
KBr Pot assium bromide KBR
KCl Pot assium chloride KCL
KClO Pot assium hypochlorit e KCLO
KClO3 Pot assium chlorat e( V) KCLO3
KCN Pot assium cyanide KCN
KF Pot assium fluoride KF
KF. 2H2O Pot assium fluoride dihydrat e KF.2H2O
KF.4H2O Pot assium fluoride t et rahydrat e KF.4H2O
KH2AsO4 Pot assium dihydrogen arsenat e( V) KH2ASO4
KH2PO4 Pot assium dihydrogen ort hophosphat e( V) KH2PO4
KHCO3 Pot assium bicarbonat e KHCO3
KHS Pot assium bisulfide KHS
KHSO3 Pot assium bisulfit e( I V) KHSO3
KHSO4 Pot assium bisulfat e( VI ) KHSO4
KI Pot assium iodide KI
KI O3 Pot assium iodat e KI O3
KMgCl3 Pot assium magnesium chloride KMGCL3
KMgCl3. 2H2O Pot assium magnesium chloride dihydrat e KMGCL3. 2H2O
KMnO4 Pot assium permanganat e( VI I ) KMNO4
KNbO3 Pot assium niobat e( V) KNBO3
KNH2CO2 Pot assium carbamat e KNH2CO2
KNO2 Pot assium nit rit e( I I I ) KNO2
KNO3 Pot assium nit rat e( VI ) KNO3
KOH Pot assium hydroxide KOH
KOH.1H2O Pot assium hydroxide monohydrat e KOH. 1H2O
KOH. 2H2O Pot assium hydroxide dihydrat e KOH. 2H2O
Kr Krypt on KR
KSCN Pot assium t hiocyanat e KSCN
KSO4- 1 Pot assium sulfat e( VI ) ion( - 1) KSO4I ON
KTaO3 Pot assium t ant alat e( V) KTAO3
KTcO4 Pot assium pert echnet at e( VI I ) KTCVI I O4
La Lant hanum LAEL
La( NO3) 3 Lant hanum( I I I ) nit rat e LANO33
La( NO3) 3. 6H2O Lant hanum( I I I ) nit rat e hexahydrat e LANO33. 6H2O
La( OH) [ C6H6NO6] - 1 Lant hanum( I I I ) hydroxide NTA ion( - 1) LAOHNTAI ON
La( OH) 2+ 1 Lant hanum( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) LAOH2I ON
La( OH) 3 Lant hanum( I I I ) hydroxide LAOH3
La( OH) 4- 1 Lant hanum( I I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) LAOH4I ON
La( SO4) 2- 1 Lant hanum( I I I ) disulfat e ion( - 1) LASO42I ON
La( SO4) 3 Lant hanum( I I I ) sulfat e LA2SO43
La[ C10H12N2O8] - 1 Lant hanum( I I I ) EDTA ion( - 1) LAEDTAI ON
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La[ C10H13N2O8] Lant hanum( I I I ) hydrogen EDTA LAHEDTA
La[ C14H18N3O10] - 2 Lant hanum( I I I ) DTPA ion( - 2) LADTPAI ON
La[ C2H3O2] + 2 Lant hanum( I I I ) monoacet at e ion( + 2) LAACETI ON
La[ C2H3O2] 2+ 1 Lant hanum( I I I ) diacet at e ion( + 1) LAACET2I ON
La[ C2H3O2] 3 Lant hanum( I I I ) acet at e LAACET3
La[ C4H4O6] + 1 Lant hanum( I I I ) monot art rat e ion( + 1) LATARTRTI ON
La[ C4H4O6] 2- 1 Lant hanum( I I I ) dit art rat e ion( - 1) LATARTRT2I ON
La[ C6H6NO6] Lant hanum( I I I ) NTA LANTA
La[ C6H6NO6] - 3 Lant hanum( I I I ) di- NTA ion( - 3) LANTA2I ON
La[ H2C14H18N3O10] Lant hanum( I I I ) dihydrogen DTPA LAH2DTPA
La[ HC14H18N3O10] - 1 Lant hanum( I I I ) hydrogen DTPA ion( - 1) LAHDTPAI ON
La[ HC4H4O5] + 2 Lant hanum( I I I ) hydrogen t art rat e
ion( + 2)
La[ HCOO] + 2 Lant hanum( I I I ) monoformat e ion( + 2) LACOOHI ON
La[ HCOO] 2+ 1 Lant hanum( I I I ) diformat e ion( + 1) LACOOH2I ON
La[ HCOO] 3 Lant anum( I I I ) format e LACOOH3
La+ 3 Lant hanide ion( + 3) LAI ON
La2( CO3) 3 Lant hanum( I I I ) carbonat e LA2CO33
La2( MoO4) 3 Lant hanum( I I I ) molybdat e( VI ) LA2MOO43
La2( SO4) 3. 9H2O Lant hanum( I I I ) sulfat e nonahydrat e LA2SO43. 9H2O
La2( WO4) 3 Lant anum( I I I ) t ungst at e( VI ) LA2WO43
La2[ C4H4O6] 3 Lant hanum( I I I ) t art rat e LA2TARTRT3
La2S3 Lant hanum( I I I ) sulfide LA2S3
LaCl+ 2 Lant hanum( I I I ) monochloride ion( + 2) LACLI ON
LaCl2+ 1 Lant hanum( I I I ) dichloride ion( + 1) LACL2I ON
LaCl3 Lant hanum( I I I ) chloride LACL3
LaCl3. 7H2O Lant hanum( I I I ) chloride hept ahydrat e LACL3. 7H2O
LaCl4- 1 Lant hanum( I I I ) t et rachloride ion( - 1) LACL4I ON
LaCO3+ 1 Lant hanum( I I I ) carbonat e ion( + 1) LACO3I ON
LaF+ 2 Lant hanum( I I I ) monofluoride ion( + 2) LAFI ON
LaF2+ 1 Lant hanum( I I I ) difluoride ion( + 1) LAF2I ON
LaF3 Lant hanum( I I I ) fluoride LAF3
LaF3. 0. 5H2O Lant hanum( I I I ) fluoride hemihydrat e LAF3. 0. 5H2O
LaF4- 1 Lant hanum( I I I ) t et rafluoride ion( - 1) LAF4I ON
LaH2PO4+ 2 Lant hanum( I I I ) dihydrogen
ort hophosphat e ion( + 2)
LaHCO3+ 2 Lant hanum( I I I ) bicarbonat e ion( + 2) LAHCO3I ON
LaNO3+ 2 Lant hanum( I I I ) mononit rat e ion( + 2) LANO3I ON
LaOH+ 2 Lant hanum( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) LAOHI ON
LaPO4 Lant hanum( I I I ) ort hophosphat e( V) LAPO4
LaPO4. 2H2O Lant hanum( I I I ) ort hophosphat e
dihydrat e
LaSO4+ 1 Lant hanum( I I I ) monosulfat e ion( + 1) LASO4I ON
Li Lit hium LI EL
Li[ B( C6H5) 4] Lit hium t et raphenylborat e LI BPH4
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Li[ C10H12N2O8] - 3 Lit hium EDTA ion( - 3) LI EDTAI ON
Li[ C14H18N3O10] - 4 Lit hium DTPA ion( - 4) LI DTPAI ON
Li[ C2H3O2] Lit hium acet at e LI ACET
Li[ C2H3O2] .2H2O Lit hium acet at e dihydrat e LI ACET. 2H2O
Li[ C2H3O3] Lit hium glycolat e LI GLYCOL
Li[ C2H3O3] 2- 1 Lit hium diglycolat e ion( - 1) LI GLYCOL2I ON
Li[ C6H5O7] - 2 Lit hium cit rat e ion( - 2) LI CTRTI ON
Li[ C6H6NO6] - 2 Lit hium NTA ion( - 2) LI NTAI ON
Li[ H2C6H5O7] Lit hium dihydrogen cit rat e LI H2CTRT
Li[ H2C6H6NO6] Lit hium dihydrogen NTA LI H2NTA
Li[ H3C10H12N2O8] Lit hium t rihydrogen EDTA LI H3EDTA
Li[ H4C14H18N3O10] Lit hium t et rahydrogen DTPA LI H4DTPA
Li[ HCOO] Lit hium format e LI COOH
Li[ HCOO] . 1H2O Lit hium format e monohydrat e LI COOH. 1H2O
Li+ 1 Lit hium ion( + 1) LI I ON
Li2C2O4 Lit hium oxalat e LI 2C2O4
Li2CO3 Lit hium carbonat e LI 2CO3
Li2CrO4 Lit hium chromat e( I V) LI 2CRO4
Li2CrO4. 2H2O Lit hium chromat e( I V) dihydrat e LI 2CRO4. 2H2O
Li2MoO4 Lit hium molybdat e( VI ) LI MO
Li2MoO4. 0.75H2O Lit hium molybdat e( VI ) - 0.75- wat er LI MO.0. 75H2O
Li2S Lit hium sulfide LI 2S
Li2SO3 Lit hium sulfit e( I V) LI 2SO3
Li2SO4 Lit hium sulfat e( VI ) LI 2SO4
Li2SO4. 1H2O Lit hium sulfat e( VI ) monohydrat e LI 2SO4. 1H2O
Li2WO4 Lit hium t ungst at e( VI ) LI 2WO4
Li3VO4 Lit hium ort hovanadat e( V) LI 3VO4
Li3VO4. 1H2O Lit hium ort hovanadat e( V) monohydrat e LI 3VO4. 1H2O
Li3VO4. 9H2O Lit hium ort hovanadat e( V) nonahydrat e LI 3VO4. 9H2O
LiBO2 Lit hium met aborat e LI BO2
LiBO2.2H2O Lit hium met aborat e dihydrat e LI BO2.2H2O
LiBO2.8H2O Lit hium met aborat e oct ahydrat e LI BO2.8H2O
LiCl Lit hium chloride LI CL
LiCl. 1H2O Lit hium chloride monohydrat e LI CL. 1H2O
LiCl. 2H2O Lit hium chloride dihydrat e LI CL. 2H2O
LiClO Lit hium hypochlorit e LI CLO
LiF Lit hium fluoride LI F
LiH2BO3 Lit hium dihydrogen ort hoborat e LI H2BO3
LiHCO3 Lit hium bicarbonat e LI HCO3
LiHS Lit hium bisulfide LI HS
LiHSO3 Lit hium bisulfit e( I V) LI HSO3
LiNbO3 Lit hium niobat e( V) LI NBO3
LiNH2CO2 Lit hium carbamat e LI NH2CO2
LiOH Lit hium hydroxide LI OH
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LiOH. 1H2O Lit hium hydroxide monohydrat e LI OH. 1H2O
LiSO4- 1 Lit hium sulfat e( VI ) ion( - 1) LI SO4I ON
LiTaO3 Lit hium t ant alat e( V) LI TAO3
LiVO3 Lit hium met avanadat e( V) LI VO3
Lu Lut et ium LUEL
Lu( NO3) 3 Lut et ium( I I I ) nit rat e LUNO33
Lu( OH) [ C6H6NO6] - 1 Lut et ium( I I I ) hydroxide NTA ion( - 1) LUOHNTAI ON
Lu( OH) 2+ 1 Lut et ium( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) LUOH2I ON
Lu( OH) 3 Lut et ium( I I I ) hydroxide LUOH3
Lu( OH) 4- 1 Lut et ium( I I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) LUOH4I ON
Lu( SO4) 2- 1 Lut et ium( I I I ) disulfat e ion( - 1) LUSO42I ON
Lu[ C10H12N2O8] - 1 Lut et ium( I I I ) EDTA ion( - 1) LUEDTAI ON
Lu[ C14H18N3O10] - 2 Lut et ium( I I I ) DTPA ion( - 2) LUDTPAI ON
Lu[ C2H3O2] + 2 Lut et ium( I I I ) monoacet at e ion( + 2) LUACETI ON
Lu[ C2H3O2] 2+ 1 Lut et ium( I I I ) diacet at e ion( + 1) LUACET2I ON
Lu[ C2H3O2] 3 Lut et ium( I I I ) acet at e LUACET3
Lu[ C4H4O6] + 1 Lut et ium( I I I ) monot art rat e ion( + 1) LUTRTRTI ON
Lu[ C6H5O7] Lut et ium( I I I ) cit rat e LUCTRT
Lu[ C6H6NO6] Lut et ium( I I I ) NTA LUNTA
Lu[ C6H6NO6] 2- 3 Lut et ium( I I I ) di- NTA ion( - 3) LUNTA2I ON
Lu[ H2C14H18N3O10] Lut et ium( I I I ) dihydrogen DTPA LUH2DTPA
Lu[ HC10H12N2O8] Lut et ium( I I I ) hydrogen EDTA LUHEDTA
Lu[ HC14H18N3O10] - 1 Lut et ium( I I I ) hydrogen DTPA ion( - 1) LUHDTPAI ON
Lu+ 3 Lut et ium ion( + 3) LUI ON
Lu2( CO3) 3 Lut et ium( I I I ) carbonat e LU2CO33
Lu2( SO4) 3 Lut et ium( I I I ) sulfat e LU2SO43
Lu2( SO4) 3.8H2O Lut et ium( I I I ) sulfat e oct ahydrat e LU2SO43. 8H2O
Lu2[ C4H4O6] 3 Lut et ium( I I I ) t art rat e LU2TRTRT3
LuCl+ 2 Lut et ium( I I I ) monochloride ( + 2) LUCLI ON
LuCl2+ 1 Lut et ium( I I I ) dichloride ion( + 1) LUCL2I ON
LuCl3 Lut et ium( I I I ) chloride LUCL3
LuCl4- 1 Lut et ium( I I I ) t et rachloride ion( - 1) LUCL4I ON
LuCO3+ 1 Lut et ium( I I I ) carbonat e ion( + 1) LUCO3I ON
LuF+ 2 Lut et ium( I I I ) monofluoride ion( + 2) LUFI ON
LuF2+ 1 Lut et ium( I I I ) difluoride ion( + 1) LUF2I ON
LuF3 Lut et ium( I I I ) fluoride LUF3
LuF4- 1 Lut et ium( I I I ) t et rafluoride ion( - 1) LUF4I ON
LuH2PO4+ 2 Lut et ium( I I I ) dihydrogen ort hophosphat e
ion( + 2)
LuHCO3+ 2 Lut et ium( I I I ) bicarbonat e ion( + 2) LUHCO3I ON
LuNO3+ 2 Lut et ium( I I I ) mononit rat e ion( + 2) LUNO3I ON
LuOH+ 2 Lut et ium( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) LUOHI ON
LuSO4+ 1 Lut et ium( I I I ) monosulfat e ion( + 1) LUSO4I ON
Mg Magnesium MGEL
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Mg( C2O4) 2- 2 Magnesium dioxalat e ion( - 2) MGC2O42I ON
Mg( HCO3) 2 Magnesium bicarbonat e MGHCO32
Mg( HCO3) 2 Magnesium bicarbonat e bicarbonat e MGHCO3HCO3
Mg( HCO3) Cl Magnesium bicarbonat e chloride MGHCO3CL
Mg( HS) 2 Magnesium bisulfide MGHS2
Mg( HSO3) 2 Magnesium bisulfit e( I V) MGHSO32
Mg( HSO4) 2 Magnesium bisulfat e( VI ) MGHSO42
Mg( NH2CO2) 2 Magnesium carbamat e MGNH2CO22
Mg( NO2) 2 Magnesium nit rit e( I I I ) MGNO22
Mg( NO3) 2 Magnesium nit rat e( V) MGNO32
Mg( NO3) 2. 2H2O Magnesium nit rat e( V) dihydrat e MGNO32.2H2O
Mg( NO3) 2. 6H2O Magnesium nit rat e hexahydrat e MGNO32.6H2O
Mg( NO3) 2. 6H2O Manganese( I I ) nit rat e hexahydrat e MNNO32. 6H2O
Mg( OH) 2 Magnesium hydroxide MGOH2
Mg( TcO4) 2 Magnesium pert echnet at e MGTCVI I O42
Mg[ C10H12N2O8] - 2 Magnesium EDTA ion( - 2) MGEDTAI ON
Mg[ C10H14N2O8] Magnesium dihydrogen EDTA MGH2EDTA
Mg[ C14H18N3O10] - 3 Magnesium DTPA ion( - 3) MGDTPAI ON
Mg[ C2H3O2] + 1 Magnesium monoacet at e ion( + 1) MGACETI ON
Mg[ C2H3O2] 2 Magnesium acet at e MGACET2
Mg[ C2H3O2] 2. 4H2O Magnesium acet at e t et rahydrat e MGACET2. 4H2O
Mg[ C2H3O3] + 1 Magnesium monoglycolat e ion( + 1) MGGLYCOLI ON
Mg[ C2H3O3] 2 Magnesium glycolat e MGGLYC2
Mg[ C2H4NO2] + 1 Magnesium monoglycine ion( + 1) MGGLYCI NI ON
Mg[ C2H4NO2] 2 Magnesium diglycine MGGLYCI N2
Mg[ C2H5COO] + 1 Magnesium monopropanat e ion( + 1) MGPROPI ON
Mg[ C2H5COO] 2 Magnesium propanat e MGPROP2
Mg[ C3H6NO2] + 1 Magnesium mono( L- alpha- alanine)
ion( + 1)
Mg[ C3H6NO2] 2 Magnesium di( L- alpha- alanine) MGALAN2
Mg[ C4H4O6] Magnesium t art rat e MGTRT
Mg[ C6H5COO] + 1 Magnesium benzoat e ion( + 1) MGBNZATI ON
Mg[ C6H5COO] 2 Magnesium benzoat e MGBNZT2
Mg[ C6H5COO] 2.4H2O Magnesium benzoat e t et rahydrat e MGBNZT2. 4H2O
Mg[ C6H5O7] - 1 Magnesium cit rat e ion( - 1) MGCTRTI ON
Mg[ C6H6NO6] - 1 Magnesium NTA ion( - 1) MGNTAI ON
Mg[ COOH] 2 Magnesium format e MGCOOH2
Mg[ Fe( CN) 6] - 2 Magnesium monoferrocyanide( I I ) ion( - 2) MGFEI I CN6I ON
Mg[ H2C6H5O7] + 1 Magnesium dihydrogen cit rat e ion( + 1) MGH2CTRTI ON
Mg[ H3C14H18N3O10] Magnesium t rihydrogen DTPA MGH3DTPA
Mg[ HC10H12N2O8] - 1 Magnesium hydrogen EDTA ion( - 1) MGHEDTAI ON
Mg[ HC14H18N3O10] - 2 Magnesium hydrogen DTPA ion( - 2) MGHDTPAI ON
Mg[ HC4H4O6] + 1 Magnesium hydrogen t art rat e ion( + 1) MGHTARTRTI ON
Mg[ HC6H5O7] Magnesium hydrogen cit rat e MGHCTRT
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Mg[ HC6H6NO6] Magnesium hydrogen NTA MGHNTA
Mg[ HCOO] + 1 Magnesium monoformat e ion ( + 1) MGCOOHI ON
Mg[ HCOO] 2.2H2O Magnesium format e dihydrat e MGCOOH2. 2H2O
Mg+ 2 Magnesium ion( + 2) MGI ON
Mg1. 25( SO4) ( OH) 0.5.0
. 5H2O
Magnesium sulfat e- 0.25- ( magnesium
hydroxide) - hemihydrat e
Mg1. 5( SO4) ( OH) Magnesium sulfat e- 0.5- ( magnesium
Mg2[ FeI I ( CN) 6] Magnesium ferrocyanide( I I ) MG2FEI I CN6
Mg2Al2SiO5( OH) 4 Dimagnesium dialuminum silicon
pent aoxide t et rahydroxide
Mg3( PO4) 2 Magnesium ort hophosphat e( V) MG3PO42
Mg3( PO4) 2.8H2O Magnesium ort hophosphat e( V)
oct ahydrat e
MG3PO42. 8H2O
Mg4Al4Si2O10( OH) 8 Tet ramagnesium t et raaluminum disilicon
decaoxide oct ahydroxide
Mg7Si8O22( OH) 2 Cumt onit e CUMTONI TE
MgBr2 Magnesium bromide MGBR2
MgBr2. 6H2O Magnesium bromide hexahydrat e MGBR2. 6H2O
MgC2O4 Magnesium oxalat e MGC2O4
MgC2O4. 2H2O Magnesium oxalat e dihydrat e MGC2O4. 2H2O
MgCl2 Magnesium chloride MGCL2
MgCl2.2H2O Magnesium chloride dihydrat e MGCL2. 2H2O
MgCl2.4H2O Magnesium chloride t et rahydrat e MGCL2.4H2O
MgCl2.6H2O Magnesium chloride hexahydrat e MGCL2. 6H2O
MgClHCO3 Magnesium chloride bicarbonat e MGCLHCO3
MgClHS Magnesium chloride bisulfide MGCLHS
MgClHSO4 Magnesium chloride bisulfat e( VI ) MGCLHSO4
MgClOH Magnesium chloride hydroxide MGCLOH
MgCO3 Magnesium carbonat e MGCO3
MgCO3.3H2O Magnesium carbonat e t rihydrat e MGCO3. 3H2O
MgCr2O7 Magnesium dichromat e( VI ) MGCR2O7
MgCr2O7.5H2O Magnesium dichromat e( VI ) pent ahydrat e MGCR2O7.5H2O
MgCr2O7.6H2O Magnesium dichromat e( VI ) hexahydrat e MGCR2O7. 6H2O
MgCrO4 Magnesium chromat e( VI ) MGCRO4
MgF+ 1 Magnesium monofluoride ion( + 1) MGFI ON
MgF2 Magnesium fluoride MGF2
MgH2PO4+ 1 Magnesium dihydrogen
ort hophosphat e( V) ion( + 1)
MgHCO3+ 1 Magnesium bicarbonat e ion( + 1) MGHCO3I ON
MgHCO3HS Magnesium bicarbonat e bisulfide MGHCO3HS
MgHCO3HSO4 Magnesium bicarbonat e bisulfat e( VI ) MGHCO3HSO4
MgHCO3OH Magnesium bicarbonat e hydroxide MGHCO3OH
MgHPO4 Magnesium hydrogen ort hophosphat e( V) MGHPO4
MgHSiO3+ 1 Magnesium hydrogen met asilicat e
ion( + 1)
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MgI 2 Magnesium iodide MGI 2
MgI 2. 6H2O Magnesium iodide hexahydrat e MGI 2.6H2O
MgI 2. 8H2O Magnesium iodide oct ahydrat e MGI 2.8H2O
MgMoO4 Magnesium molybdat e( VI ) MGMOO4
MgMoO4. 2H2O Magnesium molybdat e( VI ) dihydrat e MGMOO4.2H2O
MgMoO4. 5H2O Magnesium molybdat e( VI ) pent ahydrat e MGMOO4. 5H2O
MgMoO4. 7H2O Magnesium molybdat e( VI ) hept ahydrat e MGMOO4. 7H2O
MgOH+ 1 Magnesium hydroxide ion( + 1) MGOHI ON
MgP2O7- 2 Magnesium pyrophosphat e( V) ion( - 2) MGP2O7I ON
MgPO4- 1 Magnesium ort hophosphat e( V) ion( - 1) MGPO4I ON
MgS Magnesium sulfide MGS
MgSeO3 Magnesium selenit e( I V) MGSEO3
MgSeO3. 6H2O Magnesium selenit e( I V) hexahydrat e MGSEO3. 6H2O
MgSeO4 Magnesium selenat e( VI ) MGSEO4
MgSeO4.4H2O Magnesium selenat e( VI ) t et rahydrat e MGSEO4.4H2O
MgSeO4. 6H2O Magnesium selenat e( VI ) hexahydrat e MGSEO4. 6H2O
MgSeO4.H2O Magnesium selenat e( VI ) monohydrat e MGSEO4.1H2O
MgSiO2( OH) 2 Magnesium dihydrogen ort hosilicat e MGH2SI O4
MgSO3 Magnesium sulfit e MGSO3
MgSO3. 3H2O Magnesium sulfit e t rihydrat e MGSO3.3H2O
MgSO3. 6H2O Magnesium sulfit e hexahydrat e MGSO3.6H2O
MgSO4 Magnesium sulfat e MGSO4
MgSO4. 1H2O Magnesium sulfat e monohydrat e MGSO4.1H2O
MgSO4. 6H2O Magnesium sulfat e hexahydrat e MGSO4.6H2O
MgSO4. 7H2O Magnesium sulfat e hept ahydrat e MGSO4.7H2O
MgTeO3 Magnesium t ellurit e( I V) MGTEO3
MgTeO3. 5H2O Magnesium t ellurit e( I V) pent ahydrat e MGTEO3.5H2O
MgTeO3. 6H2O Magnesium t ellurit e( I V) hexahydrat e MGTEO3.6H2O
MgWO4 Magnesium t ungst at e( VI ) MGWO4
Mn Manganese MNEL
Mn( C2O4) 2- 2 Manganese( I I ) dioxalat e ion( - 2) MNC2O42I ON
Mn( C2O4) 3- 4 Manganese( I I ) t rioxalat e ion( - 4) MNC2O43I ON
Mn( HCO3) 2 Manganese( I I ) bicarbonat e MNHCO32
Mn( HS) 2 Manganese( I I ) bisulfide MNHS2
Mn( HSO3) 2 Manganese( I I ) bisulfit e MNHSO32
Mn( HSO4) 3 Manganese( I I ) bisulfat e MNHSO42
Mn( NH2CO2) 2 Manganese( I I ) carbamat e MNNH2CO22
Mn( NO3) 2 Manganese( I I ) nit rat e MNNO32
Mn( NO3) 2. 1H2O Manganese( I I ) nit rat e monohydrat e MNNO32. 1H2O
Mn( NO3) 2. 4H2O Manganese( I I ) nit rat e t et rahydrat e MNNO32. 4H2O
Mn( OH) + 1 Manganese( I I ) monohydroxide ion ( + 1) MNOHI ON
Mn( OH) 2 Manganese( I I ) hydroxide MNOH2
Mn( OH) 3- 1 Manganese( I I ) t rihydroxide ion( - 1) MNOH3I ON
Mn( OH) 4- 2 Manganese( I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 2) MNOH4I ON
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Mn( VO3) 2 Manganese( I I ) met avanadat e MNVO32
Mn[ C10H12N2O8] - 2 Manganese( I I ) EDTA ion( - 2) MNEDTAI ON
Mn[ C10H14N2O8] Manganese( I I ) dihydrogen EDTA MNH2EDTA
Mn[ C14H18N3O10] - 3 Manganese( I I ) DTPA ion( - 3) MNDTPAI ON
Mn[ C2H3O2] + 1 Manganese( I I ) monoacet at e ion( + 1) MNACETI ON
Mn[ C2H3O2] 2 Manganese( I I ) acet at e MNACET2
Mn[ C2H3O2] 3- 1 Manganese( I I ) t riacet at e ion( - 1) MNACET3I ON
Mn[ C2H3O3] + 1 Manganese( I I ) monoglycolat e ion( + 1) MNGLYCOLI ON
Mn[ C2H3O3] 2 Manganese( I I ) glycolat e MNGLYCOL2
Mn[ C2H4NO2] + 1 Manganese( I I ) monoglycine ion( + 1) MNGLYCI NI ON
Mn[ C2H4NO2] 2 Manganese( I I ) diglycine MNGLYCI N2
Mn[ C2H8N2] + 2 Manganese( I I ) monoet hylenediamine
ion( + 2)
Mn[ C2H8N2] 2+ 2 Manganese( I I ) di( et hylenediamine)
ion( + 2)
Mn[ C3H6NO2] + 1 Manganese( I I ) mono( L- alpha- alanine)
ion( + 1)
Mn[ C3H6NO2] 2 Manganese( I I ) di( L- alpha- alanine) MNALAN2
Mn[ C4H4O6] Manganese( I I ) t art rat e MNTARTRT
Mn[ C6H5O7] - 1 Manganese( I I ) cit rat e ion( - 1) MNCTRTI ON
Mn[ C6H6NO6] - 1 Manganese( I I ) NTA ion( - 1) MNNTAI ON
Mn[ C6H6NO6] 2- 4 Manganese( I I ) di- NTA ion( - 4) MNNTA2I ON
Mn[ H3C14H18N3O10] Manganese( I I ) t rihydrogen DTPA MNH3DTPA
Mn[ HC10H12N2O8] - 1 Manganese( I I ) hydrogen EDTA ion( - 1) MNHEDTAI ON
Mn[ HC14H18N3O10] - 2 Manganese( I I ) hydrogen DTPA ion( - 2) MNHDTPAI ON
Mn[ HC6H5O7] Manganese( I I ) hydrogen cit rat e MNHCTRT
Mn[ HC6H6NO6] Manganese( I I ) hydrogen NTA MNHNTA
Mn[ HCOO] + 1 Manganese( I I ) monoformat e ion( + 1) MNCOOHI ON
Mn[ HCOO] 2 Manganese( I I ) format e MNCOOH2
Mn+ 2 Manganese ion( + 2) MNI ON
Mn2[ C14H18N3O10] - 1 Dimanganese( I I ) DTPA ion( - 1) MN2DTPAI ON
Mn3( PO4) 2 Manganese( I I ) ort hophosphat e MN3PO42
Mn3( PO4) 2. 6H2O Manganese( I I ) ort hophosphat e
hexahydrat e
Mn3PO42. 3H2O Manganese( I I ) ort hophosphat e t rihydrat e MN3PO42.3H2O
MnBr+ 1 Manganese( I I ) monobromide ion( + 1) MNBRI ON
MnBr2 Manganese( I I ) bromide MNBR2
MnBr2.2H2O Manganese( I I ) bromide dihydrat e MNBR2.2H2O
MnBr2.4H2O Manganese( I I ) bromide t et rahydrat e MNBR2.4H2O
MnC2O4 Manganese( I I ) oxalat e MNC2O4
MnC2O4. 2H2O Manganese( I I ) oxalat e dihydrat e MNC2O4.2H2O
MnCl+ 1 Manganese( I I ) monochloride ion( + 1) MNCLI ON
MnCl2 Manganese( I I ) chloride MNCL2
MnCl2.1H2O Manganese( I I ) chloride monohydrat e MNCL2. 1H2O
MnCl2.2H2O Manganese( I I ) chloride dihydrat e MNCL2. 2H2O
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MnCl2.4H2O Manganese( I I ) chloride t et rahydrat e MNCL2. 4H2O
MnCO3 Manganese( I I ) carbonat e MNCO3
MnF2 Manganese( I I ) fluoride MNF2
MnF2. 4H2O Manganese( I I ) fluoride t et rahydrat e MNF2.4H2O
MnI 2 Manganese( I I ) iodide MNI 2
MnI 2. 4H2O Manganese( I I ) iodide t et rahydrat e MNI 2. 4H2O
MnMoO4 Manganese( I I ) molybdat e( VI ) MNMOO4
MnNO3+ 1 Manganese( I I ) nit rat e ion( + 1) MNNO3I ON
MnO4- 1 Manganat e ion( - 1) MNVI I O4I ON
MnO4- 2 Manganat e( VI ) ion( - 2) MNO4I ON
MnOHHCO3 Manganese( I I ) hydroxide bicarbonat e MNOHHCO3
MnS Manganese( I I ) sulfide MNS
MnSe Manganese( I I ) selenide MNSE
MnSeO4 Manganese( I I ) selenat e MNSEO4
MnSeO4. H2O Manganese( I I ) selenat e monohydrat e MNSEO4. 1H2O
MnSO3 Manganese( I I ) sulfit e MNSO3
MnSO4 Manganese( I I ) sulfat e MNSO4
MnSO4. 1H2O Manganese( I I ) sulfat e monohydrat e MNSO4. 1H2O
MnSO4. 5H2O Manganese( I I ) sulfat e pent ahydrat e MNSO4. 5H2O
MnSO4. 7H2O Manganese( I I ) sulfat e hept ahydrat e MNSO4. 7H2O
MnWO4 Manganese( I I ) t ungst at e( VI ) MNWO4
Mo Molybdenum MOEL
MoO2 Molybdenum( I V) oxide MOO2
MoO3 Molybdenum( VI ) oxide MOO3
MoO4- 2 Molybdenat e( VI ) ion( - 2) MOO4I ON
N2 Nit rogen N2
N2H4 Hydrazine N2H4
N2H5+ 1 Hydrogen hydrazine ion( + 1) N2H5I ON
N2O Nit rous oxide N2O
N2O4 Dinit rogen t et roxide N2O4
Na Sodium NAEL
Na[ B( C6H5) 4] Sodium t et raphenylborat e NABPH4
Na[ C10H12N2O8] - 3 Sodium EDTA ion( - 3) NAEDTAI ON
Na[ C2H3O2] Sodium acet at e NAACET
Na[ C2H3O2] . 3H2O Sodium acet at e t rihydrat e NAACET.3H2O
Na[ C2H3O3] Sodium glycolat e NAGLYCOLAT
Na[ C3H5O2] Sodium propanat e NAPROP
Na[ C3H5O3] Sodium lact at e NALACTAT
Na[ C4H4O4] - 1 Sodium succinat e ion NASUCCNATI ON
Na[ C4H4O6] - 1 Sodium t art rat e ion( - 1) NATARTRTI ON
Na[ C6H5COO] Sodium benzoat e NABNZAT
Na[ C6H5O7] - 2 Sodium cit rat e ion( - 2) NACTRTI ON
Na[ C6H6NO6] - 2 Sodium NTA ion( - 2) NANTAI ON
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Na[ H2C6H5O7] Sodium dihydrogen cit rat e NAH2CTRT
Na[ H2C6H6NO6] Sodium dihydrogen NTA NAH2NTA
Na[ HC10H14N2O8] Sodium t rihydrogen EDTA NAH3EDTA
Na[ HC4H4O6] Sodium hydrogen t art rat e NAHTARTRT
Na+ 1 Sodium ion( + 1) NAI ON
Na2[ C4H4O4] Sodium succinat e NA2SUCCNAT
Na2[ C4H4O4] Sodium succinat e NA2SUC
Na2[ C4H4O4] .6H2O Sodium succinat e hexahydrat e NA2SUC. 6H2O
Na2[ H2C10H12N2O8] Disodium dihydrogen EDTA NA2H2EDTA
Na2[ Pt Cl6] Sodium hexachloroplat inat e( I V) NAPTCL6
Na2[ Pt Cl6] .6H2O Sodium hexachloroplat inat e( I V)
hexahydrat e
Na2Al2Si3O10.2H2O Disodium dialuminum t risilicon decaoxide
dihydrat e
Na2Al2Si5O14.5H2O Sodium aluminum silicat e pent ahydrat e NAPHI LL
Na2B4O7 Sodium t et raborat e NA2B4O7
Na2B4O7. 10H2O Sodium t et raborat e decahydrat e NA2B4O7.10H2O
Na2B4O7. 4H2O Sodium t et raborat e t et rahydrat e NA2B4O7.4H2O
Na2B4O7. 5H2O Sodium t et raborat e pent ahydrat e NA2B4O7.5H2O
Na2C2O4 Sodium oxalat e NA2C2O4
Na2CO3 Sodium carbonat e NA2CO3
Na2CO3. 10H2O Sodium carbonat e decahydrat e NA2CO3. 10H2O
Na2CO3. 1H2O Sodium carbonat e monohydrat e NA2CO3. 1H2O
Na2CO3. 7H2O Sodium carbonat e hept ahydrat e NA2CO3. 7H2O
Na2Cr2O7 Sodium bichromat e NA2CR2O7
Na2Cr2O7.2H2O Sodium dichromat e dihydrat e NA2CR2O7. 2H2O
Na2CrO4 Sodium chromat e( VI ) NA2CRO4
Na2CrO4. 10H2O Sodium chromat e( VI ) decahydrat e NA2CRO4. 10H2O
Na2CrO4. 4H2O Sodium chromat e( VI ) t et rahydrat e NA2CRO4. 4H2O
Na2CrO4. 6H2O Sodium chromat e( VI ) hexahydrat e NA2CRO4. 6H2O
Na2F+ 1 Disodium fluoride ion( + 1) NA2FI ON
Na2H4TeO6 Disodium t et rahydrogen t ellurat e( VI ) NA2H4TEO6
Na2HAsO4 Sodium biarsenat e NA2HASO4
Na2HPO4 Sodium hydrogen ort hophosphat e NA2HPO4
Na2HPO4. 12H2O Sodium hydrogen ort hophosphat e
dodecahydrat e
Na2HPO4.2H2O Sodium hydrogen ort hophosphat e
dihydrat e
Na2HPO4.7H2O Sodium hydrogen ort hophosphat e
hept ahydrat e
Na2MoO4 Sodium molybdat e( VI ) NA2MOO4
Na2MoO4. 10H2O Sodium molybdat e( VI ) decahydrat e NA2MOO4. 10H2O
Na2MoO4. 2H2O Sodium molybdat e( VI ) dihydrat e NA2MOO4. 2H2O
Na2O. Al2O3 Sodium aluminum oxide NAALO22
Na2O. Al2O3.2. 5H2O Sodium aluminum oxide 2. 5 hydrat e NAALO22. 2.5H2O
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Na2S Sodium sulfide NA2S
Na2S. 9H2O Sodium sulfide nonahydrat e NA2S.9H2O
Na2S2O3 Sodium t hiosulfat e NA2S2O3
Na2S2O3. 2H2O Sodium t hiosulfat e dihydrat e NA2S2O3. 2H2O
Na2S2O3. 5H2O Sodium t hiosulfat e pent ahydrat e NA2S2O3. 5H2O
Na2S5 Disodium pent asulfide NA2S5
Na2Se Sodium selenide NA2SE
Na2SeO3 Sodium selenit e( I V) NA2SEO3
Na2SeO3.5H2O Sodium selenit e( I V) pent ahydrat e NA2SEO3.5H2O
Na2SeO4 Sodium selenat e( VI ) NA2SEO4
Na2SeO4.10H2O Sodium selenat e( VI ) decahydrat e NA2SEO4.10H2O
Na2SO3 Sodium sulfit e NA2SO3
Na2SO3. 7H2O Sodium sulfit e hept ahydrat e NA2SO3.7H2O
Na2SO4 Sodium sulfat e NA2SO4
Na2SO4. ( NH4) 2SO4 Sodium ammonium sulfat e NANH4SO4
Na2SO4. ( NH4) 2SO4.4H
Sodium ammonium sulfat e t et rahydrat e NANH4SO4. 4H2O
Na2SO4. 10H2O Sodium sulfat e decahydrat e NA2SO4.10H2O
Na2SO4. NaHSO4 Sodium sulfat e bisulfat e NA3HSO42
Na2Te Sodium t elluride NA2TE
Na2TeO3 Sodium t ellurit e( I V) NA2TEO3
Na2TeO3. 5H2O Sodium t ellurit e( I V) pent ahydrat e NA2TEO3.5H2O
Na2TeO4 Sodium t ellurat e( VI ) NA2TEO4
Na2WO4 Sodium t ungst at e( VI ) NA2WO4
Na2WO4.2H2O Sodium t ungst at e( VI ) dihydrat e NA2WO4. 2H2O
Na2ZrF6 Disodium hexafluorozirconat e NA2ZRF6
Na3AsO4 Sodium arsenat e( V) NA3ASO4
Na3PO4 Sodium ort hohosphat e NA3PO4
Na3PO4.0.25NaOH Sodium ort hophosphat e hydroxide NAPHOH
Sodium ort hophosphat e hydroxide
dodecahydrat e
Na3PO4.1H2O Sodium ort hophosphat e monohydrat e NA3PO4.1H2O
Na3PO4.6H2O Sodium ort hophosphat e hexahydrat e NA3PO4.6H2O
Na3PO4.8H2O Sodium ort hophosphat e oct ahydrat e NA3PO4.8H2O
Na3VO4 Sodium ort hovanadat e( V) NA3VO4
Na4P2O7 Sodium pyrophosphat e( V) NA4P2O7
Na4P2O7. 10H2O Sodium pyrophosphat e decahydrat e NA4P2O7.10H2O
Na5P3O10 Pent asodium t riphosphorous decaoxide NA5P3O10
Na5P3O10. 6H2O Pent asodium t riphosphorous decaoxide
hexahydrat e
NA5P3O10. 6H2O
Na7F( PO4) 2 Hept asodium fluoride diphosphat e NAFPO4
Na7F( PO4) 2.19H2O Hept asodium fluoride diphosphat e
nonadecahydrat e
NaAlCO3( OH) 2 Sodium aluminum dihydroxide carbonat e NAALCO3OH2
NaALO2 Sodium aluminat e NAALO2
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NaB( OH) 4 Sodium boron hydroxide NABOH4
NaB5O8 Sodium pent aborat e NAB5O8
NaB5O8.5H2O NAB5O8.5H2O
NaBO2 Sodium met aborat e NABO2
NaBO2.0. 5H2O Sodium met aborat e hemihydrat e NABO2. 0. 5H2O
NABO2.2H2O Sodium met aborat e dihydrat e NABO2. 2H2O
NaBO2.4H2O Sodium met aborat e t et rahydrat e NABO2. 4H2O
NaBr Sodium bromide NABR
NaBr. 2H2O Sodium bromide dihydrat e NABR. 2H2O
NaCl Sodium chloride NACL
NaClO Sodium hypochlorit e NACLO
NaClO2 Sodium chlorit e NACLO2
NaClO2.3H2O Sodium chlorit e t rihydrat e NACLO2.3H2O
NaClO3 Sodium chlorat e( V) NACLO3
NaClO4 Sodium perchlorat e( VI I ) NACLO4
NaClO4.1H2O Sodium perchlorat e( VI I ) monohydrat e NACLO4.1H2O
NaCN Sodium cyanide NACN
NaCN. 2H2O Sodium cyanide dihydrat e NACN. 2H2O
NaCNO Sodium cyanat e NACNO
NaCO3- 1 Sodium carbonat e ion( - 1) NACO3I ON
NaCOOH Sodium format e NACOOH
NaCOOH. 2H2O Sodium format e dihydrat e NACOOH. 2H2O
NaCOOH.3H2O Sodium format e t rihydrat e NACOOH.3H2O
NaF Sodium fluoride NAF
NaF.Na2SO4 Sodium fluoride sulfat e NA3FSO4
NaH[ C4H4O4] Sodium hydrogen succinat e NAHSUCCNAT
NaH[ C4H4O4] Sodium hydrogen succinat e NAHSUC
NaH[ C4H4O4] . 3H2O Sodium hydrogen succinat e t rihydrat e NAHSUC.3H2O
NaH2BO3 Sodium dihydrogen ort hoborat e NAH2BO3
NaH2PO4 Sodium dihydrogen ort hoport hohosphat e NAH2PO4
NaH2PO4.1H2O Sodium dihydrogen ort hophosphat e
monohydrat e
NaH2PO4.2H2O Sodium dihydrogen ort hophosphat e
dihydrat e
NaHCO3 Sodium bicarbonat e NAHCO3
NaHF2 Sodium hydrogen difluoride NAHF2
NaHS Sodium bisulfide NAHS
NaHSiO3 Sodium hydrogen met asilicat e NAHSI O3
NaHSO3 Sodium bisulfit e NAHSO3
NaHSO4 Sodium bisulfat e NAHSO4
NaI Sodium iodide NAI
NaI . 2H2O Sodium iodide dihydrat e NAI . 2H2O
NaI O3 Sodium iodat e NAI O3
NaI O3. 1H2O Sodium iodat e monohydrat e NAI O3. 1H2O
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NaI O3.5H2O Sodium iodat e pent ahydrat e NAI O3.5H2O
NaMnO4 Sodium permanganat e( VI I ) NAMNO4
NaMnO4. 1H2O Sodium permanganat e( VI I ) monohydrat e NAMNO4.1H2O
NaMnO4. 3H2O Sodium permanganat e( VI I ) t rihydrat e NAMNO4.3H2O
NaNbO3 Sodium niobium t rioxide NANBO3
NaNH2CO2 Sodium carbamat e NANH2CO2
NaNO2 Sodium nit rit e NANO2
NaNO3 Sodium nit rat e NANO3
NaOH Sodium hydroxide NAOH
NaOH.1H2O Sodium hydroxide monohydrat e NAOH.1H2O
NaS2O3- 1 Sodium t hiosulfat e( I I ) ion( - 1) NAS2O3I ON
NaSCN Sodium t hiocyanat e NASCN
NaSCN.1H2O Sodium t hiocyanat e monohydrat e NASCN. 1H2O
NaSO4- 1 Sodium sulfat e ion( - 1) NASO4I ON
NaTaO3 Sodium t ant alat e( V) NATAO3
NaTcO4 Sodium pert echnet at e( VI I ) NATCVI I O4
NaVO3 Sodium met avanadat e( V) NAVO3
NaZrF5 Sodium pent afluorozirconat e NAZRF5
NaZrF5. 1H2O Sodium pent afluorozirconat e
monohydrat e
Nb Niobium NBEL
Nb2O5 Niobium( V) oxide NB2O5
NbBr5 Niobium( V) bromide NBBR5
NbCl5 Niobium( V) chloride NBCL5
NbF5 Niobium( V) fluoride NBF5
NbI 5 Niobium( V) iodide NBI 5
NbO3- 1 Niobat e( V) ion( - 1) NBO3I ON
NbOCl3 Niobium( V) oxychloride NBOCL3
Nd Neodymium NDEL
Nd( NO3) 3 Neodymium( I I I ) nit rat e NDNO33
Nd( NO3) 3. 6H2O Neodymium( I I I ) nit rat e hexahydrat e NDNO33. 6H2O
Nd( OH) [ C6H6NO6] - 1 Neodymium( I I I ) hydroxide NTA ion( - 1) NDOHNTAI ON
Nd( OH) 2+ 1 Neodymium( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) NDOH2I ON
Nd( OH) 3 Neodymium( I I I ) hydroxide NDOH3
Nd( OH) 4- 1 Neodymium( I I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) NDOH4I ON
Nd( SO4) 2- 1 Neodymium( I I I ) disulfat e ion( - 1) NDSO42I ON
Nd[ C10H12N2O8] - 1 Neodymium( I I I ) EDTA ion( - 1) NDEDTAI ON
Nd[ C14H18N3O10] - 2 Neodymium( I I I ) DTPA ion( - 2) NDDTPAI ON
Nd[ C2H3O2] + 2 Neodymium( I I I ) monoacet at e ion( + 2) NDACETI ON
Nd[ C2H3O2] 2+ 1 Neodymium( I I I ) diacet at e ion( + 1) NDACET2I ON
Nd[ C2H3O2] 3 Neodymium( I I I ) acet at e NDACET3
Nd[ C4H4O6] + 1 Neodymium( I I I ) t art rat e ion( + 1) NDTRTRTI ON
Nd[ C6H5O7] Neodymium( I I I ) cit rat e NDCTRT
Nd[ C6H6NO6] Neodymium( I I I ) NTA NDNTA
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Nd[ C6H6NO6] 2- 3 Neodymium( I I I ) di- NTA ion( - 3) NDNTA2I ON
Nd[ H2C14H18N3O10] Neodymium( I I I ) dihydrogen DTPA NDH2DTPA
Nd[ HC10H12N2O8] Neodymium( I I I ) hydrogen EDTA NDHEDTA
Nd[ HC14H18N3O10] - 1 Neodymium( I I I ) hydrogen DTPA ion( - 1) NDHDTPAI ON
Nd+ 3 Neodymium ion( + 3) NDI ON
Nd2( CO3) 3 Neodymium( I I I ) carbonat e ND2CO33
Nd2( SO4) 3 Neodymium( I I I ) sulfat e ND2SO43
Nd2( SO4) 3. 8H2O Neodymium( I I I ) sulfat e oct ahydrat e ND2SO43. 8H2O
Nd2( WO4) 3 Neodymium( I I I ) t ungst at e( V) ND2WO43
Nd2[ C4H4O6] 3 Neodymium( I I I ) t art rat e ND2TRTRT3
NdBr3 Neodymium( I I I ) bromide NDBR3
NdCl+ 2 Neodymium( I I I ) monochloride ion( + 2) NDCLI ON
NdCl2+ 1 Neodymium( I I I ) dichloride ion( + 1) NDCL2I ON
NdCl3 Neodymium( I I I ) chloride NDCL3
NdCl3. 6H2O Neodymium( I I I ) chloride hexahydrat e NDCL3. 6H2O
NdCl4- 1 Neodymium( I I I ) t et rachloride ion( - 1) NDCL4I ON
NdCO3+ 1 Neodymium( I I I ) carbonat e ion( + 1) NDCO3I ON
NdF+ 2 Neodymium( I I I ) monofluoride ion( + 2) NDFI ON
NdF2+ 1 Neodymium( I I I ) difluoride ion( + 1) NDF2I ON
NdF3 Neodymium( I I I ) fluoride NDF3
NdF4- 1 Neodymium( I I I ) t et rafluoride ion( - 1) NDF4I ON
NdH2PO4+ 2 Neodymium( I I I ) dihydrogen
ort hophosphat e ion( + 2)
NdHCO3+ 2 Neodymium( I I I ) bicarbonat e ion( + 2) NDHCO3I ON
NdI 3 Neodymium( I I I ) iodide NDI 3
NdNO3+ 2 Neodymium( I I I ) mononit rat e ion( + 2) NDNO3I ON
NdOH+ 2 Neodymium( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) NDOHI ON
NdPO4 Neodymium( I I I ) ort hophosphat e NDPO4
NdPO4. 2H2O Neodymium( I I I ) ort hophosphat e
dihydrat e
NdSO4+ 1 Neodymium( I I I ) monosulfat e ion( + 1) NDSO4I ON
Ne Neon NE
NH2CO2- 1 Carbamat e ion( - 1) NH2CO2I ON
NH2OH Hydroxylamine HDROXAMN
NH2OH2+ 1 Hydrogen hydroxylamine ion( + 1) HHDRAMI ON
NH3 Ammonia NH3
NH4[ B( C6H5) 4] Ammonium t et raphenylborat e NH4BPH4
NH4[ C2H3O2] Ammonium acet at e NH4ACET
NH4[ C3H5O3] Ammonium lact at e NH4LACTAT
NH4[ HCOO] Ammonium format e NH4COOH
NH4+ 1 Ammonium ion( + 1) NH4I ON
NH4Cl Ammonium chloride NH4CL
NH4ClO4 Ammonium perchlorat e NH4CLO4
NH4CN Ammonium cyanide NH4CN
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NH4F Ammonium fluoride NH4F
NH4H2PO4 Ammonium dihydrogen ort hophosphat e NH4H2PO4
NH4HCO3 Ammonium bicarbonat e NH4HCO3
NH4HF2 Ammonium hydrogen difluoride NH4HF2
NH4HS Ammonium bisulfide NH4HS
NH4HSO3 Ammonium bisulfit e NH4HSO3
NH4NO3 Ammonium nit rat e NH4NO3
NH4OH Ammonium hydroxide NH4OH
NH4SO4- 1 Ammonium sulfat e ion( - 1) NH4SO4I ON
NH4VO3 Ammonium vanadat e( V) NH4VO3
Ni Nickel NI EL
Ni( C2O4) 2- 2 Nickel( I I ) dioxalat e ion( - 2) NI C2O42I ON
Ni( CN) 2 Nickel( I I ) cyanide NI CN2
Ni( CN) 4- 2 Nickel( I I ) t et racyanide ion( - 2) NI CN4I ON
Ni( H2PO4) 2 Nickel( I I ) dihydrogen ort hophosphat e NI H2PO42
Ni( NH3) 2+ 2 Nickel( I I ) diammonia ion( + 2) NI NH32I ON
Ni( NH3) 3+ 2 Nickel( I I ) t riammonia ion( + 2) NI NH33I ON
Ni( NH3) 4+ 2 Nickel( I I ) t et raammonia ion( + 2) NI NH34I ON
Ni( NH3) 5+ 2 Nickel( I I ) pent aammonia ion( + 2) NI NH35I ON
Ni( NH3) 6+ 2 Nickel( I I ) hexaammonia ion( + 2) NI NH36I ON
Ni( NO3) 2 Nickel( I I ) nit rat e NI NO32
Ni( NO3) 2. 2H2O Nickel( I I ) nit rat e dihydrat e NI NO32. 2H2O
Ni( NO3) 2. 4H2O Nickel( I I ) nit rat e t et rahydrat e NI NO32. 4H2O
Ni( NO3) 2. 6H2O Nickel( I I ) nit rat e hexahydrat e NI NO32. 6H2O
Ni( OH) [ C10H12N2O8] -
Nickel( I I ) hydroxide EDTA ion( - 3) NI OHEDTAI ON
Ni( OH) 2 Nickel( I I ) hydroxide NI OH2
Ni( OH) 3- 1 Nickel( I I ) t rihydroxide ion( - 1) NI OH3I ON
Ni( SCN) 2 Nickel( I I ) t hiocyanat e NI SCN2
Ni( SeCN) 2 Nickel( I I ) selenocyanat e NI SECN2
Ni[ C10H12N2O8] - 2 Nickel( I I ) EDTA ion( - 2) NI EDTAI ON
Ni[ C10H14N2O8] Nickel dihydrogen EDTA NI H2EDTA
Ni[ C14H18N3O10] - 3 Nickel DTPA ion( - 3) NI DTPAI ON
Ni[ C2H3O2] + 1 Nickel monoacet at e ion( + 1) NI ACETI ON
Ni[ C2H3O2] 2 Nickel acet at e NI ACET2
Ni[ C2H3O2] 3- 1 Nickel t riacet at e ion( - 1) NI ACET3I ON
Ni[ C2H3O3] + 1 Nickel monoglycolat e ion( + 1) NI GLYCOLI ON
Ni[ C2H3O3] 2 Nickel diglycolat e NI GLYCOL2
Ni[ C2H4NO2] + 1 Nickel monoglycine ion( + 1) NI GLYCI NI ON
Ni[ C2H4NO2] 2 Nickel diglycine NI GLYCI N2
Ni[ C2H7NO] + 2 Nickel mono( 2- aminoet hanol) ion( + 2) NI MEXHI ON
Ni[ C2H7NO] 2+ 2 Nickel di( 2- aminoet hanol) ion( + 2) NI MEXH2I ON
Ni[ C2H7NO] 3+ 2 Nickel t ri( 2- aminoet hanol) ion( + 2) NI MEXH3I ON
Ni[ C2H8N2] + 2 Nickel monoet hylenediamine ion( + 2) NI EDAI ON
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Ni[ C2H8N2] 2+ 2 Nickel di( et hylenediamine) ion( + 2) NI EDA2I ON
Ni[ C2H8N2] 3+ 2 Nickel t ri( et hylenediamine) ion ( + 2) NI EDA3I ON
Ni[ C3H6NO2] + 1 Nickel mono( L- alpha- alanine) ion( + 1) NI ALANI ON
Ni[ C3H6NO2] 2 Nickel di( L- alpha- alanine) NI ALAN2
Ni[ C6H15NO3] + 2 Nickel t riet hanolamine ion( + 2) NI TEXHI ON
Ni[ C6H15NO3] 2+ 2 Nickel di( t riet hanolamine) ion( + 2) NI TEXH2I ON
Ni[ C6H5O7] - 1 Nickel cit rat e ion( - 1) NI CTRTI ON
Ni[ C6H6NO6] - 1 Nickel mono- NTA ion( - 1) NI NTAI ON
Ni[ C6H6NO6] - 4 Nickel di- NTA ion( - 4) NI NTA2I ON
Ni[ H2C14H18N3O10] - 1 Nickel dihydrogen DTPA ion( - 1) NI H2DTPAI ON
Ni[ H2C6H5O7] + 1 Nickel dihydrogen cit rat e ion( + 1) NI H2CTRTI ON
Ni[ H3C14H18N3O10] Nickel t rihydrogen DTPA NI H3DTPA
Ni[ HC10H12N2O8] - 1 Nickel hydrogen EDTA ion( - 1) NI HEDTAI ON
Ni[ HC14H18N3O10] - 2 Nickel hydrogen DTPA ion( - 2) NI HDTPAI ON
Ni[ HC6H5O7] Nickel hydrogen cit rat e NI HCTRT
Ni[ HC6H6NO6] Nickel hydrogen NTA NI HNTA
Ni[ HCOO] + 1 Nickel( I I ) monoformat e ion( + 1) NI COOHI ON
Ni[ HCOO] 2 Nickel( I I ) format e NI COOH2
Ni+ 2 Nickel ion( + 2) NI I ON
Ni2[ C14H18N3O10] - 1 Dinickel DTPA ion( - 1) NI 2DTPAI ON
Ni3( PO4) 2 Nickel ort hophosphat e NI 3PO42
NiBr2 Nickel( I I ) bromide NI BR2
NiBr2. 6H2O Nickel( I I ) bromide hexahydrat e NI BR2. 6H2O
NiC2O4 Nickel( I I ) oxalat e NI C2O4
NiC2O4. 2H2O Nickel( I I ) oxalat e dihydrat e NI C2O4. 2H2O
NiCl+ 1 Nickel( I I ) monochloride ion( + 1) NI CLI ON
NiCl2 Nickel( I I ) chloride NI CL2
NiCl2. 2H2O Nickel( I I ) chloride dihydrat e NI CL2. 2H2O
NiCl2. 4H2O Nickel( I I ) chloride t et rahydrat e NI CL2.4H2O
NiCl2. 6H2O Nickel( I I ) chloride hexahydrat e NI CL2.6H2O
NiCO3 Nickel( I I ) carbonat e NI CO3
NiF+ 1 Nickel( I I ) monofluoride ion( + 1) NI FI ON
NiF2 Nickel( I I ) fluoride NI F2
NiF2. 4H2O Nickel( I I ) fluoride t et rahydrat e NI F2. 4H2O
NiHPO4 Nickel( I I ) hydrogen ort hophosphat e NI HPO4
NiI 2 Nickel( I I ) iodide NI I 2
NiI 2. 4H2O Nickel( I I ) iodide t et rahydrat e NI I 2.4H2O
NiI 2. 6H2O Nickel( I I ) iodide hexahydrat e NI I 2. 6H2O
NiMoO4 Nickel( I I ) molybdat e( VI ) NI MOO4
NiNH3+ 2 Nickel( I I ) monoammonia ion( + 2) NI NH3I ON
NiNi( CN) 4 Nickel( I I ) t et racyanonickel NI NI CN4
NiNO3+ 1 Nickel( I I ) nit rat e ion( + 1) NI NO3I ON
NiOH+ 1 Nickel( I I ) monohydroxide ion ( + 1) NI OHI ON
NiS Nickel( I I ) sulfide NI S
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NiSCN+ 1 Nickel( I I ) t hiocyanat e ion( + 1) NI SCNI ON
NiSeCN+ 1 Nickel( I I ) selenocyanat e ion( + 1) NI SECNI ON
NiSeO3 Nickel( I I ) selenit e( I V) NI SEO3
NiSeO4 Nickel( I I ) selenat e( VI ) NI SEO4
NiSeO4. 4H2O Nickel( I I ) selenat e( VI ) t et rahydrat e NI SEO4. 4H2O
NiSeO4. 6H2O Nickel( I I ) selenat e( VI ) hexahydrat e NI SEO4.6H2O
NiSO4 Nickel( I I ) sulfat e NI SO4
NiSO4.6H2O Nickel( I I ) sulfat e hexahydrat e NI SO4.6H2O
NiSO4.7H2O Nickel( I I ) sulfat e hept ahydrat e NI SO4.7H2O
NiWO4 Nickel( I I ) t ungst at e( VI ) NI WO4
NO Nit ric oxide NO
NO2 Nit rogen dioxide NO2
NO2- 1 Nit rit e ion( - 1) NO2I ON
NO3- 1 Nit rat e ion( - 1) NO3I ON
Np( CO3) 5- 6 Nept unium( I V) pent acarbonat e ion( - 6) NPI VCO35I ON
Np( H2PO4) 2+ 1 Nept unium( I I I ) di( dihydrogen
ort hophosphat e) ion( + 1)
Np( H2PO4) 3 Nept unium( I I I ) dihydrogen
ort hophosphat e
Np( HPO4) 2 Nept unium( I V) hydrogen ort hophosphat e NPI VHPO42
Np( HPO4) 3- 2 Nept unium( I V) t ri( hydrogen
ort hophosphat e) ion( - 2)
Np( HPO4) 4- 4 Nept unium( I V) t et ra( hydrogen
ort hophosphat e) ion( - 4)
Np( HPO4) 5- 6 Nept unium( I V) pent a( hydrogen
ort hophosphat e) ion( - 6)
Np( NO3) 2+ 2 Nept unium( I V) dinit rat e ion( + 2) NPI VNO32I ON
Np( NO3) 3+ 1 Nept unium( I V) t rinit rat e ion( + 1) NPI VNO33I ON
Np( NO3) 4 Nept unium( I V) nit rat e NPI VNO34
Np( OH) + 3 Nept unium( I V) monohydroxide ion( + 3) NPI VOHI ON
Np( OH) 2+ 2 Nept unium( I V) dihydroxide ion( + 2) NPI VOH2I ON
Np( OH) 3 Nept unium( I I I ) hydroxide NPI I I OH3
Np( OH) 3+ 1 Nept unium( I V) t rihydroxide ion( + 1) NPI VOH3I ON
Np( OH) 4 Nept unium( I V) hydroxide NPI VOH4
Np( OH) 5- 1 Nept unium( I V) pent ahydroxide ion( - 1) NPI VOH5I ON
Np( SO4) 2 Nept unium( I V) sulfat e NPI VSO42
Np+ 3 Nept unium ion( + 3) NPI I I I ON
Np+ 4 Nept unium ion( + 4) NPI VI ON
NpBr3 Nept unium( I I I ) bromide NPI I I BR3
NpBr4 Nept unium( I V) bromide NPI VBR4
NpCl+ 3 Nept unium( I V) monochloride ion( + 3) NPI VCLI ON
NpCl2+ 2 Nept unium( I V) dichloride ion( + 2) NPI VCL2I ON
NpCl3 Nept unium( I I I ) chloride NPI I I CL3
NpCl4 Nept unium( I V) chloride NPI VCL4
NpF+ 3 Nept unium( I V) monofluoride ion( + 3) NPI VFI ON
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NpF3 Nept unium( I I I ) fluoride NPI I I F3
NpF4 Nept unium( I V) fluoride NPI VF4
NpF6 Nept unium( VI ) fluoride NPF6
NpH2PO4+ 2 Nept unium( I I I ) dihydrogen
ort hophosphat e ion( + 2)
NpNO3+ 3 Nept unium( I V) mononit rat e ion( + 3) NPI VNO3I ON
NpO2( C2O4) 2- 2 Dioxonept unium( VI ) dioxalat e ion( - 2) NPO2C2O42I ON
NpO2( C2O4) 2- 3 Dioxonept unium( V) dioxalat e ion( - 3) NPVO2C2O42I ON
NpO2( CO3) 2- 2 Dioxonept unium dicarbonat e ion( - 2) NPO2CO32I ON
NpO2( CO3) 2- 3 Dioxonept unium( V) dicarbonat e ion( - 3) NPVO2CO32I ON
NpO2( CO3) 3- 4 Dioxonept unium t ricarbonat e ion( - 4) NPO2CO33I ON
NpO2( CO3) 3- 5 Dioxonept unium( V) t ricarbonat e ion( - 5) NPVO2CO33I ON
NpO2( OH) 2 Dioxonept unium( VI ) hydroxide NPO2OH2
NpO2( SO4) 2- 2 Dioxonept unium( VI ) disulfat e ion( - 2) NPO2SO42I ON
NpO2[ C10H12N2O8] - 3 Dioxonept unium EDTA ion( - 3) NPO2EDTAI ON
NpO2[ C6H6NO6] - 2 Dioxonept unium( VI ) NTA ion( - 2) NPO2NTAI ON
NpO2[ H2C6H6NO6] Dioxonept unium( VI ) dihydrogen NTA NPO2H2NTA
NpO2[ H3C10H12N2O8] Dioxonept unium( VI ) t rihydrogen EDTA NPO2H3EDTA
NpO2[ HC10H12N2O8] -
Dioxonept unium( VI ) hydrogen EDTA ion( -
NpO2[ HC6H6NO6] - 1 Dioxonept unium( VI ) hydrogen NTA ion( -
NpO2+ 1 Dioxonept unium( V) ion( + 1) NPVO2I ON
NpO2+ 2 Dioxonept unium( VI ) ion( + 2) NPO2I ON
NpO2C2O4 Dioxonept unium( VI ) oxalat e NPO2C2O4
NpO2C2O4- 1 Dioxonept unium( V) monooxalat e ion( - 1) NPVO2C2O4I ON
NpO2Cl Dioxonept unium( V) chloride NPVO2CL
NpO2Cl+ 1 Dioxonept unium( VI ) monochloride
ion( + 1)
NpO2Cl2 Dioxonept unium( VI ) chloride NPO2CL2
NpO2CO3 Dioxonept unium( VI ) carbonat e NPO2CO3
NpO2CO3- 1 Dioxonept unium( V) monocarbonat e ion( -
NpO2F Dioxonept unium( V) fluoride NPVO2F
NpO2F+ 1 Dioxonept unium( VI ) monofluoride
ion( + 1)
NPO2F2 Dioxonept unium( VI ) fluoride NPO2F2
NpO2H2PO4 Dioxonept unium( V) dihydrogen
ort hophosphat e
NpO2H2PO4+ 1 Dioxonept unium( VI ) dihydrogen
ort hophosphat e ion( + 1)
NpO2HC2O4+ 1 Dioxonept onium( VI ) hydrogen oxalat e
ion( + 1)
NpO2HPO4 Dioxonept unium( VI ) hydrogen
ort hophosphat e
NpO2HPO4+ 2 Nept unium( I V) mono( hydrogen
ort hophosphat e) ion( + 2)
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NpO2HPO4- 1 Dioxonept unium( V) hydrogen
ort hophosphat e ion( - 1)
NpO2NO3+ 1 Dioxonept unium( VI ) mononit rat e ion( + 1) NPO2NO3I ON
NpO2OH Dioxonept unium( V) hydroxide NPVO2OH
NpO2OH+ 1 Dioxonept unium( VI ) monohydroxide( + 1) NPO2OHI ON
NpO2SO4 Dioxonept unium( VI ) sulfat e NPO2SO4
NpO2SO4- 1 Dioxonept unium( V) sulfat e ion( - 1) NPVO2SO4I ON
NpOH+ 2 Nept unium( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) NPI I I OHI ON
NpSO4+ 2 Nept unium( I V) sulfat e ion( + 2) NPI VSO4I ON
O2 Oxygen O2
O3 Ozone OZONE
O3Te- 2 Tellurat e( I V) ion( - 2) TEI VO3I ON
OH- 1 Hydroxide ion( - 1) OHI ON
Os Osmium OSEL
P Phosphorus PEL
P2O5 Phosphorus pent oxide P2O5
P2O7- 4 Pyrophosphat e ion( - 4) P2O7I ON
Pb Lead PBEL
Pb( HCO3) 2 Lead( I I ) bicarbonat e PBHCO32
PB( HS) 2 Lead( I I ) bisulfide PBHS2
PB( HSO3) 2 Lead( I I ) bisulfit e PBHSO32
Pb( HSO4) 2 Lead bisulfat e PBHSO42
Pb( NH2CO2) 2 Lead( I I ) carbamat e PBNH2CO22
Pb( NO2) 2 Lead( I I ) nit rit e PBNO22
Pb( NO2) 3- 1 Lead( I I ) t rinit rit e ion( - 1) PBNO23I ON
Pb( NO3) 2 Lead( I I ) nit rat e PBNO32
Pb( NO3) 3- 1 Lead( I I ) t rinit rat e ion( - 1) PBNO33I ON
Pb( OH) 2 Lead( I I ) hydroxide PBOH2
Pb( SCN) 2 Lead( I I ) t hiocyanat e PBSCN2
Pb( VO3) 2 Lead( I I ) met avanadat e PBVO32
Pb[ C10H12N2O8] - 2 Lead( I I ) EDTA ion( - 2) PBEDTAI ON
Pb[ C14H18N3O10] - 3 Lead( I I ) DTPA ion( - 3) PBDTPAI ON
Pb[ C2H3O2] + 1 Lead( I I ) monoacet at e ion( + 1) PBACETI ON
Pb[ C2H3O2] 2 Lead( I I ) acet at e PBACET2
Pb[ C2H3O2] 3- 1 Lead( I I ) t riacet at e ion( - 1) PBACET3I ON
Pb[ C2H3O3] + 1 Lead( I I ) monoglycolat e ion( + 1) PBGLYCOLI ON
Pb[ C2H3O3] 2 Lead( I I ) diglycolat e PBGLYCOL2
Pb[ C2H4NO2] + 1 Lead( I I ) monoglycine ion( + 1) PBGLYCI NI ON
Pb[ C2H4NO2] 2 Lead( I I ) diglycine PBGLYCI N2
Pb[ C2H7NO] + 2 Lead( I I ) mono( 2- aminoet hanol) ion( + 2) PBMEXHI ON
Pb[ C2H8N2] + 2 Lead( I I ) monoet hylenediamine ion( + 2) PBEDAI ON
Pb[ C2H8N2] 2+ 2 Lead( I I ) di( et hylenediamine) ion( + 2) PBEDA2I ON
Pb[ C3H6NO2] + 1 Lead monoalanine ion( + 1) PBALANI ON
Pb[ C3H6NO2] 2 Lead( I I ) alanine PBALAN2
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Pb[ C4H4O6] Lead( I I ) t art rat e PBTARTRT
Pb[ C6H6NO6] - 1 Lead( I I ) NTA ion( - 1) PBNTAI ON
Pb[ H2C10H12N2O8] Lead( I I ) dihydrogen EDTA PBH2EDTA
Pb[ H3C14H18N3O10] Lead( I I ) t rihydrogen DTPA PBH3DTPA
Pb[ HC12N2O8] - 1 Lead( I I ) hydrogen EDTA ion( - 1) PBHEDTAI ON
Pb[ HC14H18N3O10] - 2 Lead( I I ) hydrogen DTPA ion( - 2) PBHDTPAI ON
Pb[ HC6H6NO6] Lead( I I I ) hydrogen NTA PBHNTA
Pb[ HCOO] + 1 Lead( I I ) monoformat e ion( + 1) PBCOOHI ON
Pb[ HCOO] 2 Lead( I I ) format e PBCOOH2
Pb+ 2 Lead( I I ) ion( + 2) PBI ON
Pb2[ C14H18N3O10] - 1 Dilead( I I ) DTPA ion( - 1) PB2DTPAI ON
Pb3( PO4) 2 Lead( I I ) ort hophosphat e PB3PO42
Pb3( VO4) 2 Lead( I I ) ort hovanadat e PB3VO42
PbBr+ 1 Lead( I I ) monobromide ion( + 1) PBBRI ON
PbBr2 Lead( I I ) bromide PBBR2
PbBr3- 1 Lead( I I ) t ribromide ion( - 1) PBBR3I ON
PbC2O4 Lead( I I ) oxalat e PBC2O4
PbCl+ 1 Lead( I I ) monochloride ion( + 1) PBCLI ON
PbCl2 Lead( I I ) chloride PBCL2
PbCl3- 1 Lead( I I ) t richloride ion( - 1) PBCL3I ON
PbCl4- 2 Lead( I I ) t et rachloride ion( - 2) PBCL4I ON
PbCO3 Lead( I I ) carbonat e PBCO3
PbF+ 1 Lead( I I ) monofluoride ion( + 1) PBFI ON
PbF2 Lead( I I ) fluoride PBF2
PbF3- 1 Lead( I I ) t rifluoride ion( - 1) PBF3I ON
PbF4- 2 Lead( I I ) t et rafluoride ion( - 2) PBF4I ON
PbH2PO4+ 1 Lead( I I ) dihydrogen ort hophosphat e
ion( + 1)
PbHPO4 Lead( I I ) hydrogen ort hophosphat e PBHPO4
PbI + 1 Lead( I I ) monoiodide ion( + 1) PBI I ON
PbI 2 Lead( I I ) iodide PBI 2
PbI 3- 1 Lead( I I ) t riiodide ion( - 1) PBI 3I ON
PbI 4- 2 Lead( I I ) t et raiodide ion( - 2) PBI 4I ON
PbMoO4 Lead( I I ) molybdat e PBMOO4
PbNO2+ 1 Lead( I I ) mononit rit e ion( + 1) PBNO2I ON
PbNO3+ 1 Lead( I I ) mononit rat e ion( + 1) PBNO3I ON
PbO Lead( I I ) oxide PBO
PbOH+ 1 Lead( I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 1) PBOHI ON
PbS Lead( I I ) sulfide PBS
PbSCN+ 1 Lead( I I ) t hiocyanat e ion( + 1) PBSCNI ON
PbSe Lead( I I ) selenide PBSE
PbSO3 Lead( I I ) sulfit e PBSO3
PbSO4 Lead( I I ) sulfat e PBSO4
PbWO4 Lead( I I ) t ungst at e( VI ) PBWO4
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Pd Palladium PDEL
Pd( NH3) + 2 Palladium( I I ) monoammonia ion( + 2) PDNH3I ON
Pd( NH3) 2+ 2 Palladium( I I ) diammonia ion( + 2) PDNH32I ON
Pd( NH3) 3+ 2 Palladium( I I ) t riammonia ion( + 2) PDNH33I ON
Pd( NH3) 4+ 2 Palladium( I I ) t et raammonia ion( + 2) PDNH34I ON
Pd( OH) 2 Palladium( I I ) hydroxide PDI I OH2
Pd( SO4) 2- 2 Palladium( I I ) disulfat e ion( - 2) PDI I SO42I ON
Pd( SO4) 3- 4 Palladium( I I ) t risulfat e ion( - 4) PDI I SO43I ON
Pd[ C2H3O2] + 1 Palladium( I I ) monoacet at e ion( + 1) PDACETI ON
Pd[ C2H3O2] 2 Palladium( I I ) acet at e PDACET2
Pd[ C2H3O2] 3- 1 Palladium( I I ) t riacet at e ion( - 1) PDACET3I ON
Pd[ C2H4NO2] + 1 Palladium( I I ) monoglycine ion( + 1) PDGLYCI NI ON
Pd[ C2H4NO2] 2 Palladium( I I ) diglycine PDGLYCI N2
Pd+ 2 Palladium ion( + 2) PDI I I ON
PdCl+ 1 Palladium( I I ) monochloride ion( + 1) PDI I CLI ON
PdCl2 Palladium( I I ) chloride PDI I CL2
PdCl3- 1 Palladium( I I ) t richloride ion( - 1) PDI I CL3I ON
PdCl4- 2 Palladium( I I ) t et rachloride ion( - 2) PDI I CL4I ON
PdOH+ 1 Palladium( I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 1) PDI I OHI ON
PdS Palladium( I I ) sulfide PDS
PdSO4 Palladium( I I ) sulfat e PDI I SO4
Pm Promet hium PMEL
PO4- 3 Phosphat e ion( - 3) PO4I ON
Pr Praseodymium PREL
Pr( NO3) 3 Praseodymium( I I I ) nit rat e PRNO33
Pr( NO3) 3. 6H2O Praseodymium( I I I ) nit rat e hexahydrat e PRNO33. 6H2O
Pr( OH) [ C6H6NO6] - 1 Praseodymium( I I I ) hydroxide NTA ion( - 1) PROHNTAI ON
Pr( OH) 2+ 1 Praseodymium( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) PROH2I ON
Pr( OH) 3 Praseodymium( I I I ) hydroxide PROH3
Pr( OH) 4- 1 Praseodymium( I I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( -
Pr( SO4) 2- 1 Praseodymium( I I I ) disulfat e ion( - 1) PRSO42I ON
Pr[ C10H12N2O8] - 1 Praseodymium( I I I ) EDTA ion( - 1) PREDTAI ON
Pr[ C14H18N3O10] - 2 Praseodymium( I I I ) DTPA ion( - 2) PRDTPAI ON
Pr[ C2H3O2] + 2 Praseodymium( I I I ) monoacet at e ion( + 2) PRACETI ON
Pr[ C2H3O2] 2+ 1 Praseodymium( I I I ) diacet at e ion( + 1) PRACET2I ON
Pr[ C2H3O2] 3 Praseodymium( I I I ) acet at e PRACET3
Pr[ C4H4O6] + 1 Praseodymium( I I I ) t art rat e ion( + 1) PRTRTRTI ON
Pr[ C6H5O7] Praseodymium( I I I ) cit rat e PRCTRT
Pr[ C6H6NO6] Praseodymium( I I I ) NTA PRNTA
Pr[ C6H6NO6] 2- 3 Praseodymium( I I I ) di- NTA ion( - 3) PRNTA2I ON
Pr[ H2C14H18N3O10] Praseodymium( I I I ) dihydrogen DTPA PRH2DTPA
Pr[ HC10H12N2O8] Praseodymium( I I I ) hydrogen EDTA PRHEDTA
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Pr[ HC14H18N3O10] - 1 Praseodymium( I I I ) hydrogen DTPA ion( -
Pr+ 3 Praseodymium ion( + 3) PRI ON
Pr2( CO3) 3 Praseodymium( I I I ) carbonat e PR2CO33
Pr2( SO4) 3 Praseodymium( I I I ) sulfat e PR2SO43
Pr2( WO4) 3 Praseodymium( I I I ) t ungst at e PR2WO43
Pr2[ C4H4O6] 3 Praseodymium( I I I ) t art rat e PR2TRTRT3
PrBr3 Praseodymium( I I I ) bromide PRBR3
PrCl+ 2 Praseodymium( I I I ) monochloride ion( + 2) PRCLI ON
PrCl2+ 1 Praseodymium( I I I ) dichloride ion( + 1) PRCL2I ON
PrCl3 Praseodymium( I I I ) chloride PRCL3
PrCl3. 7H2O Praseodymium( I I I ) chloride hept ahydrat e PRCL3. 7H2O
PrCl4- 1 Praseodymium( I I I ) t et rachloride ion( - 1) PRCL4I ON
PrCO3+ 1 Praseodymium( I I I ) carbonat e ion( + 1) PRCO3I ON
PrF+ 2 Praseodymium( I I I ) monofluoride ion( + 2) PRFI ON
PrF2+ 1 Praseodymium( I I I ) difluoride ion( + 1) PRF2I ON
PrF3 Praseodymium( I I I ) fluoride PRF3
PrF4- 1 Praseodymium( I I I ) t et rafluoride ion( - 1) PRF4I ON
PrH2PO4+ 2 Praseodymium( I I I ) dihydrogen
ort hophosphat e ion( + 2)
PrHCO3+ 2 Praseodymium( I I I ) bicarbonat e ion( + 2) PRHCO3I ON
PrI 3 Praseodymium( I I I ) iodide PRI 3
PrNO3+ 2 Praseodymium( I I I ) mononit rat e ion( + 2) PRNO3I ON
PrOH+ 2 Praseodymium( I I I ) monohydroxide
ion( + 2)
PrPO4 Praseodymium( I I I ) ort hophosphat e PRPO4
PrSO4+ 1 Praseodymium( I I I ) sulfat e ion( + 1) PRSO4I ON
Pt Plat inum PTEL
Pt ( NH3) 4+ 2 Plat inum( I I ) t et raammonia ion( + 2) PTI I NH34I ON
Pt ( OH) 2 Plat inum( I I ) hydroxide PTI I OH2
Pt ( SO4) 2- 2 Plat inum( I I ) disulfat e ion( - 2) PTI I SO42I ON
Pt ( SO4) 3- 4 Plat inum( I I ) t risulfat e ion( - 4) PTI I SO43I ON
Pt [ ( NH3) 6] + 4 Plat inum( I V) hexaammonia ion( + 4) PTI VNH36I ON
Pt [ C2H3O2] + 1 Plat inum( I I ) monoacet at e ion( + 1) PTACETI ON
Pt [ C2H3O2] 2 Plat inum( I I ) acet at e PTACET2
Pt [ C2H3O2] 3- 1 Plat inum( I I ) t riacet at e ion( - 1) PTACET3I ON
Pt [ C2H4NO2] + 1 Plat inum( I I ) monoglycine ion( + 1) PTGLYCI NI ON
Pt [ C2H4NO2] 2 Plat inum( I I ) diglycine PTGLYCI N2
Pt [ H2C10H12N2O8] Plat inum( I I ) dihydrogen EDTA PTH2EDTA
Pt [ H3C10H12N2O8] + 1 Plat inum( I I ) t rihydrogen EDTA ion( + 1) PTH3EDTAI ON
Pt [ HC10H12N2O8] - 1 Plat inum( I I ) hydrogen EDTA ion( - 1) PTHEDTAI ON
Pt + 2 Plat inum ion( + 2) PTI I I ON
Pt + 4 Plat inum ion( + 4) PTI VI ON
Pt Cl+ 1 Plat inum( I I ) monochloride ion( + 1) PTI I CLI ON
Pt Cl+ 3 Plat inum( I V) monochloride ion( + 3) PTI VCLI ON
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Pt Cl2 Plat inum( I I ) chloride PTI I CL2
Pt Cl2+ 2 Plat inum( I V) dichloride ion( + 2) PTI VCL2I ON
Pt Cl3+ 1 Plat inum( I V) t richloride ion( + 1) PTI VCL3I ON
Pt Cl3- 1 Plat inum( I I ) t richloride ion( - 1) PTI I CL3I ON
Pt Cl4 Plat inum( I V) chloride PTI VCL4
Pt Cl4- 2 Plat inum( I I ) t et rachloride ion( - 2) PTI I CL4I ON
Pt Cl5- 1 Plat inum( I V) pent achloride ion( - 1) PTI VCL5I ON
Pt Cl6- 2 Plat inum( I V) hexachloride ion( - 2) PTI VCL6I ON
Pt OH+ 1 Plat inum( I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 1) PTI I OHI ON
Pt S Plat inum( I I ) sulfide PTS
Pt SO4 Plat inum( I I ) sulfat e PTI I SO4
Pu Plut onium PUEL
Pu( C2O4) 2 Plut onium( I V) oxalat e PUI VC2O42
Pu( C2O4) 3- 2 Plut onium( I V) t rioxalat e ion( - 2) PUI VC2O43I ON
Pu( C2O4) 4- 4 Plut onium( VI ) t et raoxalat e ion( - 4) PUI VC2O44I ON
Pu( CO3) 2 Plut onium( I V) carbonat e PUI VCO32
Pu( HPO4) 2 Plut onium( I V) hydrogen ort hophosphat e PUI VHPO42
Pu( NO3) 2+ 2 Plut onium( I V) dinit rat e ion( + 2) PUI VNO32I ON
Pu( NO3) 3+ 1 Plut onium( I V) t rinit rat e ion( + 1) PUI VNO33I ON
Pu( NO3) 4 Plut onium( I V) nit rat e PUI VNO34
Pu( OH) 2+ 2 Plut onium( I V) dihydroxide ion( + 2) PUI VOH2I ON
Pu( OH) 3 Plut onium( I I I ) hydroxide PUI I I OH3
Pu( OH) 3+ 1 Plut onium( I V) t rihydroxide ion( + 1) PUI VOH3I ON
Pu( OH) 4 Plut onium( I V) hydroxide PUI VOH4
Pu( SO4) 2 Plut onium( I V) sulfat e PUI VSO42
Pu[ C10H12N2O8] Plut onium( I V) EDTA PUI VEDTA
Pu[ C6H5O7] + 1 Plut onium( I V) cit rat e ion( + 1) PUI VCI TRATI ON
Pu+ 3 Plut onium ion( + 3) PUI I I I ON
Pu+ 4 Plut onium ion( + 4) PUI VI ON
Pu2( SO4) 3 Plut onium( I I I ) sulfat e PUI I I 2SO43
Pu2O3 Plut onium( I I I ) oxide PU2O3
PuC2O4+ 2 Plut onium( I V) monooxalat e ion( + 2) PUI VC2O4I ON
PuCl+ 3 Plut onium( I V) monochloride ion( + 3) PUI VCLI ON
PuCl2+ 2 Plut onium( I V) dichloride ion( + 2) PUI VCL2I ON
PuCl3 Plut onium( I I I ) chloride PUI I I CL3
PuCl3. 6H2O Plut onium( I I I ) chloride hexahydrat e PUI I I CL3. 6H2O
PuCl3+ 1 Plut onium( I V) t richloride ion( + 1) PUI VCL3I ON
PuCl4 Plut onium( I V) chloride PUI VCL4
PuCO3+ 2 Plut onium( I V) carbonat e ion( + 2) PUI VCO3I ON
PuCO3- 1 Dioxyplut onium( V) carbonat e ion( - 1) PUVO2CO3I ON
PuF2+ 2 Plut onium( I V) difluoride ion( + 2) PUI VF2I ON
PuF3 Plut onium( I I I ) fluoride PUI I I F3
PuF3+ 1 Plut onium( I V) t rifluoride ion( + 1) PUI VF3I ON
PuF3+ 3 Plut onium( I V) monofluoride ion( + 3) PUI VFI ON
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PuF4 Plut onium( I V) fluoride PUI VF4
PuF6 Plut onium( VI ) fluoride PUF6
PuHPO4 Dioxyplut onium( VI ) hydrogen
ort hophosphat e
PuI 3 Plut onium( I I I ) iodide PUI I I I 3
PuNO3+ 3 Plut onium( I V) mononit rat e ion( + 3) PUI VNO3I ON
PuO2( C2O4) 2- 2 Dioxyplut onium( VI ) dioxalat e ion( - 2) PUO2C2O42I ON
PuO2( C2O4) 2- 3 Dioxyplut onium( V) dioxalat e ion( - 3) PUVO2C2O42I ON
PuO2( CO3) 2- 2 Dioxyplut onium( VI ) dicarbonat e ion( - 2) PUO2CO32I ON
PuO2( CO3) 3- 4 Dioxyplut onium( VI ) t ricarbonat e ion( - 4) PUO2CO33I ON
PuO2( NO3) 2 Dioxyplut onium( VI ) nit rat e PUO2NO32
PuO2( OH) + 1 Dioxyplut onium( VI ) monohydroxide
ion( + 1)
PuO2( OH) 2 Dioxyplut onium( VI ) hydroxide PUO2OH2
PuO2( SO4) 2- 2 Dioxyplut onium( VI ) disulfat e ion( - 2) PUO2SO42I ON
PuO2[ C10H12N2O8] - 2 Dioxyplut onium( VI ) EDTA ion( - 2) PUO2EDTAI ON
PuO2[ C10H13N2O8] - 2 Dioxyplut onium( V) hydrogen EDTA ion( -
PuO2[ C2H3O3] + 1 Dioxyplut onium( VI ) monoglycolat e
ion( + 1)
PuO2[ C2H3O3] 2 Dioxyplut onium( VI ) glycolat e PUO2GLYCOL2
PuO2[ C2H3O3] 3- 1 Dioxyplut onium( VI ) t riglycolat e ion( - 1) PUO2GLYCOL3I ON
PuO2[ C6H6NO6] - 2 Dioxyplut onium( VI ) NTA ion( - 2) PUO2NTAI ON
PuO2[ H2C6H6NO6] Dioxyplut onium( VI ) dihydrogen NTA PUO2H2NTA
PuO2[ H3C10H12N2O8] Dioxyplut onium( VI ) t rihydrogen EDTA PUO2H3EDTA
PuO2[ HC10H12N2O8] -
Dioxyplut onium( VI ) hydrogen EDTA ion( -
PuO2+ 1 Dioxyplut onium( V) ion( + 1) PUVO2I ON
PuO2+ 2 Dioxyplut onium( VI ) ion( + 2) PUO2I ON
PuO2C2O4 Dioxyplut onium( VI ) oxalat e PUO2C2O4
PuO2C2O4- 1 Dioxyplut onium( V) monooxalat e ion( - 1) PUVO2C2O4I ON
PuO2Cl Dioxyplut onium( V) chloride PUVO2CL
PuO2Cl+ 1 Dioxyplut onium( VI ) monochloride
ion( + 1)
PuO2Cl2 Dioxyplut onium( VI ) chloride PUO2CL2
PuO2CO3 Dioxyplut onium( VI ) carbonat e PUO2CO3
PuO2F Dioxyplut onium( V) fluoride PUVO2F
PuO2F+ 1 Dioxyplut onium( VI ) monofluoride ion( + 1) PUO2FI ON
PuO2F2 Dioxyplut onium( VI ) fluoride PUO2F2
PuO2F3- 1 Dioxyplut onium( VI ) t rifluoride ion( - 1) PUO2F3I ON
PuO2F4- 2 Dioxyplut onium( VI ) t et rafluoride ion( - 2) PUO2F4I ON
PuO2NO3 Dioxyplut onium( V) nit rat e PUVO2NO3
PuO2NO3+ 1 Dioxyplut onium( VI ) mononit rat e ion( + 1) PUO2NO3I ON
PuO2OH Dioxyplut onium( V) hydroxide PUVO2OH
PuO2SO4- 1 Dioxyplut onium( V) sulfat e ion( - 1) PUVO2SO4I ON
PuOH+ 3 Plut onium( I V) monohydroxide ion( + 3) PUI VOHI ON
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PuPO4 Lut et ium( I I I ) ort hophosphat e LUPO4
PuSO4 Dioxyplut onium( VI ) sulfat e PUO2SO4
PuSO4+ 1 Plut onium( I I I ) sulfat e ion( + 1) PUI I I SO4I ON
PuSO4+ 2 Plut onium( I V) monosulfat e ion( + 2) PUI VSO4I ON
Ra Radium RAEL
Ra( I O3) 2 Radium iodat e RAI O32
Ra( I O3) 2.H2O Radium iodat e monohydrat e RAI O32. 1H2O
Ra( NO3) 2 Radium nit rat e RANO32
Ra( OH) 2 Radium hydroxide RAOH2
Ra[ C10H12N2O8] - 2 Radium EDTA ion( - 2) RAEDTAI ON
Ra[ C10H14N2O8] Radium dihydrogen EDTA RAH2EDTA
Ra[ C2H3O2] + 1 Radium monoacet at e ion( + 1) RAACETI ON
Ra[ C2H3O2] 2 Radium acet at e RAACET2
Ra[ C2H3O3] + 1 Radium monoglycolat e ion( + 1) RAGLYCOLI ON
Ra[ C2H3O3] 2 Radium glycolat e RAGLYCOL2
Ra[ C2H4NO2] + 1 Radium monoglycine ion( + 1) RAGLYCI NI ON
Ra[ C2H4NO2] 2 Radium diglycine RAGLYCI N2
Ra[ C4H4O6] Radium t art rat e RATARTRT
Ra+ 2 Radium ion( + 2) RAI ON
Ra3( PO4) 2 Radium phosphat e RA3PO42
RaBr2 Radium bromide RABR2
RaBr2. 2H2O Radium bromide dihydrat e RABR2. 2H2O
RaCl+ 1 Radium monochloride ion( + 1) RACLI ON
RaCl2 Radium chloride RACL2
RaCl2. 2H2O Radium chloride dihydrat e RACL2. 2H2O
RaCO3 Radium carbonat e RACO3
RaF+ 1 Radium monofluoride ion( + 1) RAFI ON
RaF2 Radium fluoride RAF2
RaI + 1 Radium monoiodide ion( + 1) RAI I ON
RaI 2 Radium iodide RAI 2
RaI 2. 0. 5H2O Radium iodide hemihydrat e RAI 2. 0. 5H2O
RaNO3+ 1 Radium mononit rat e ion( + 1) RANO3I ON
RaOH+ 1 Radium monohydroxide ion( + 1) RAOHI ON
RaS Radium sulfide RAS
RaSe Radium selenide RASE
RaSeO3 Radium selenit e RASEO3
RaSeO4 Radium selenat e RASEO4
RaSO3 Radium sulfit e RASO3
RaSO4 Radium sulfat e RASO4
Rb Rubidium RBEL
Rb[ B( C6H5) 4] Rubidium t et raphenylborat e RBBPH4
Rb[ C2H3O2] Rubidium acet at e RBACET
Rb[ C2H3O3] Rubidium glycolat e RBGLYCOL
Rb[ C2H3O3] 2- 1 Rubidium diglycolat e ion( - 1) RBGLYCOL2I ON
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Rb[ C6H5O7] - 2 Rubidium cit rat e ion( - 2) RBCTRTI ON
Rb[ H2C6H5O7] Rubidium dihydrogen cit rat e RBH2CTRT
Rb+ 1 Rubidium ion( + 1) RBI ON
Rb2CO3 Rubidium carbonat e RB2CO3
Rb2CO3.1. 5H2O Rubidium carbonat e 1. 5 hydrat e RB2CO3.1.5H2O
Rb2CO3.1H2O Rubidium carbonat e monohydrat e RB2CO3.1H2O
Rb2CO3.3. 5H2O Rubidium carbonat e 3. 5 hydrat e RB2CO3.3.5H2O
Rb2CrO4 Rubidium chromat e( VI ) RB2CRO4
Rb2MoO4 Rubidium molybdat e( VI ) RB2MOO4
Rb2SeO3 Rubidium selenit e RB2SEO3
Rb2SeO4 Rubidium selenat e RB2SEO4
Rb2SO4 Rubidium sulfat e RB2SO4
Rb2WO4 Rubidium t ungst at e( VI ) RB2WO4
RbBO2 Rubidium met aborat e RBBO2
RbBr Rubidium bromide RBBR
RbCl Rubidium chloride RBCL
RbF Rubidium fluoride RBF
RbF.1H2O Rubidium fluoride monohydrat e RBF. 1H2O
RbH2PO4 Rubidium dihydrogen ort hophosphat e RBH2PO4
RbHF2 Rubidium hydrogen difluoride RBHF2
RbI Rubidium iodide RBI
RbNbO3 Rubidium niobat e RBNBO3
RbNO2 Rubidium nit rit e RBNO2
RbNO3 Rubidium nit rat e RBNO3
RbOH Rubidium hydroxide RBOH
RbOH.1H2O Rubidium hydroxide monohydrat e RBOH. 1H2O
RbOH. 2H2O Rubidium hydroxide dihydrat e RBOH. 2H2O
RbSO4- 1 Rubidium sulfat e ion( - 1) RBSO4I ON
RbTaO3 Rubidium t ant alat e RBTAO3
Re Rhenium REEL
ReO4- 1 Rhenat e( VI I ) ion( - 1) REO4I ON
Rh( OH) 2 Rhodium( I I ) hydroxide RHI I OH2
Rh( OH) 2+ 1 Rhodium( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) RHI I I OH2I ON
Rh( OH) 3 Rhodium( I I I ) hydroxide RHI I I OH3
Rh( SO4) 2- 1 Rhodium( I I I ) disulfat e ion( - 1) RHI I I SO42I ON
Rh( SO4) 2- 2 Rhodium( I I ) disulfat e ion( - 2) RHI I SO42I ON
Rh( SO4) 3- 3 Rhodium( I I I ) t risulfat e ion( - 3) RHI I I SO43I ON
Rh( SO4) 3- 4 Rhodium( I I ) t risulfat e ion( - 4) RHI I SO43I ON
Rh[ C2H3O2] + 1 Rhodium( I I ) monoacet at e ion( + 1) RHACETI ON
Rh[ C2H3O2] 2 Rhodium( I I ) acet at e RHACET2
Rh[ C2H3O2] 3- 1 Rhodium( I I ) t riacet at e ion( - 1) RHACET3I ON
Rh[ C2H4NO2] + 1 Rhodium( I I ) monoglycine ion( + 1) RHGLYCI NI ON
Rh[ C2H4NO2] 2 Rhodium( I I ) glycine RHGLYCI N2
Rh+ 2 Rhodium( I I I ) ion( + 2) RHI I I ON
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Rh+ 3 Rhodium ion( + 3) RHI I I I ON
Rh2( SO4) 3 Rhodium( I I I ) sulfat e RHI I I 2SO43
Rh2O3 Rhodium( I I I ) oxide RH2O3
RhCl+ 1 Rhodium( I I ) monochloride ion( + 1) RHI I CLI ON
RhCl+ 2 Rhodium( I I I ) monochloride ion( + 2) RHI I I CLI ON
RhCl2 Rhodium( I I ) chloride RHI I CL2
RhCl2+ 1 Rhodium( I I I ) dichloride ion( + 1) RHI I I CL2I ON
RhCl3 Rhodium( I I I ) chloride RHI I I CL3
RhCl3- 1 Rhodium( I I ) t richloride ion( - 1) RHI I CL3I ON
RhCl4- 1 Rhodium( I I I ) t et rachloride ion( - 1) RHI I I CL4I ON
RhCl4- 2 Rhodium( I I ) t et rachloride ion( - 2) RHI I CL4I ON
RhOH+ 1 Rhodium( I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 1) RHI I OHI ON
RhOH+ 2 Rhodium( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) RHI I I OHI ON
RhSO4 Rhodium( I I ) sulfat e RHI I SO4
RhSO4+ 1 Rhodium( I I I ) monosulfat e ion( + 1) RHI I I SO4I ON
Rn Radon RN
Ru Rut henium RUEL
Ru( OH) 2 Rut henium( I I ) hydroxide RUI I OH2
Ru( OH) 2+ 1 Rut henium( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) RUI I I OH2I ON
Ru( OH) 3 Rut henium( I I I ) hydroxide RUI I I OH3
Ru( SO4) 2- 1 Rut henium( I I I ) disulfat e ion( - 1) RUI I I SO42I ON
Ru( SO4) 2- 2 Rut henium( I I ) disulfat e ion( - 2) RUI I SO42I ON
Ru( SO4) 3- 3 Rut henium( I I I ) t risulfat e ion( - 3) RUI I I SO43I ON
Ru( SO4) 3- 4 Rut henium( I I ) t risulfat e ion( - 4) RUI I SO43I ON
Ru[ C2H3O2] + 1 Rut henium( I I ) monoacet at e ion( + 1) RUACETI ON
Ru[ C2H3O2] 2 Rut henium( I I ) acet at e RUACET2
Ru[ C2H3O2] 3- 1 Rut henium( I I ) t riacet at e ion( - 1) RUACET3I ON
Ru[ C2H4NO2] + 1 Rut henium( I I ) monoglycine ion( + 1) RUGLYCI NI ON
Ru[ C2H4NO2] 2 Rut henium( I I ) glycine RUGLYCI N2
Ru+ 2 Rut henium ion( + 2) RUI I I ON
Ru+ 3 Rut henium ion( + 3) RUI I I I ON
Ru2( SO4) 3 Rut henium( I I I ) sulfat e RUI I I 2SO43
RuCl+ 1 Rut henium( I I ) monochloride ion( + 1) RUI I CLI ON
RuCl+ 2 Rut henium( I I I ) monochloride ion( + 2) RUI I I CLI ON
RuCl2 Rut henium( I I ) chloride RUI I CL2
RuCl2+ 1 Rut henium( I I I ) dichloride ion( + 1) RUI I I CL2I ON
RuCl3 Rut henium( I I I ) chloride RUI I I CL3
RuCl3- 1 Rut henium( I I ) t richloride ion( - 1) RUI I CL3I ON
RuCl4- 1 Rut henium( I I I ) t et rachloride ion( - 1) RUI I I CL4I ON
RuCl4- 2 Rut henium( I I ) t et rachloride ion( - 2) RUI I CL4I ON
RuCl5- 2 Rut henium( I I I ) pent achloride ion( - 2) RUI I I CL5I ON
RuCl6- 3 Rut henium( I I I ) hexachloride ion( - 3) RUI I I CL6I ON
RuOH+ 1 Rut henium( I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 1) RUI I OHI ON
RuOH+ 2 Rut henium( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) RUI I I OHI ON
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RuSO4 Rut henium( I I ) sulfat e RUI I SO4
RuSO4+ 1 Rut henium( I I I ) monosulfat e ion( + 1) RUI I I SO4I ON
S- 2 Sulfide ion( - 2) SI ON
S2- 2 Disulfide ion( - 2) S2I ON
S2O3- 2 Thiosulfit e( I I ) ion( - 2) S2O3I ON
S2O4- 2 Thiosulfat e( I I I ) ion( - 2) S2O4I ON
S2O5- 2 Ort hosulfat e( I V) ion( - 2) S2O5I ON
S2O6- 2 Met asulfat e( V) ion( - 2) S2O6I ON
S2O8- 2 Parasulfat e( VI I ) ion( - 2) S2O8I ON
S3- 2 Trisulfide ion( - 2) S3I ON
S4- 2 Tet rasulfide ion( - 2) S4I ON
S5- 2 Pent asulfide ion( - 2) S5I ON
S5O6- 2 Pent asulfat e( I I ) ion( - 2) S5O6I ON
Sb Ant imony SBEL
Sb( OH) 2+ 1 Ant imony( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) SBOH2I ON
Sb( OH) 3 Ant imony( I I I ) hydroxide SBOH3
Sb( OH) 4- 1 Ant imony( I I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) SBOH4I ON
Sb( OH) 5 Ant imony( V) hydroxide SBOH5
Sb( OH) 6- 1 Ant imony( V) hexahydroxide ion( - 1) SBOH6I ON
Sb2( SO4) 3 Ant imony( I I I ) sulfat e SB2SO43
Sb2O3 Ant imony( I I I ) oxide SB2O3
Sb2O5 Ant imony( V) oxide SB2O5
Sb2S3 Ant imony( I I I ) sulfide SB2S3
Sb2Se3 Ant imony( I I I ) selenide SB2SE3
SbBr3 Ant imony( I I I ) bromide SBBR3
SbCl3 Ant imony( I I I ) chloride SBCL3
SbF3 Ant imony( I I I ) fluoride SBF3
SbI 3 Ant imony( I I I ) iodide SBI 3
Sc Scandium SCEL
Sc( OH) 3 Scandium hydroxide SCOH3
Sc+ 3 Scandium ion( + 3) SCI ON
SCN- 1 Thiocyanat e ion( - 1) SCNI ON
Se Selenium SEEL
Se- 2 Selenide ion( - 2) SEI ON
SeCN- 1 Selenocianat e ion( - 1) SECNI ON
SeO2 Selenium dioxide SEO2
SeO3- 2 Selenit e ion( - 2) SEO3I ON
SeO4- 2 Selenat e ion( - 2) SEO4I ON
SF6 Sulfur hexafluoride SF6
Si Silicon SI EL
SiCl4 Silicon t et rachloride SI CL4
SiF4 Tet rafluorosilane SI F4
SiF6- 2 Hexafluorosilicon ion( - 2) SI F6I ON
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SiO2 Silicon dioxide ( amorphous) SI O2
Sm Samarium SMEL
Sm( NO3) 3 Samarium( I I I ) nit rat e SMNO33
Sm( NO3) 3. 6H2O Samarium( I I I ) nit rat e hexahydrat e SMNO33. 6H2O
Sm( OH) [ C6H6NO6] - 1 Samarium( I I I ) monohydroxide NTA ion( -
Sm( OH) 2 Samarium( I I ) hydroxide SMI I OH2
Sm( OH) 2+ 1 Samarium( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) SMOH2I ON
Sm( OH) 3 Samarium( I I I ) hydroxide SMOH3
Sm( OH) 4- 1 Samarium( I I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) SMOH4I ON
Sm( SO4) 2- 1 Samarium( I I I ) disulfat e ion( - 1) SMSO42I ON
Sm[ C10H12N2O8] - 1 Samarium( I I I ) EDTA ion( - 1) SMEDTAI ON
Sm[ C14H18N3O10] - 2 Samarium( I I I ) DTPA ion( - 2) SMDTPAI ON
Sm[ C2H3O2] + 2 Samarium( I I I ) monoacet at e ion( + 2) SMACETI ON
Sm[ C2H3O2] 2+ 1 Samarium( I I I ) diacet at e ion( + 1) SMACET2I ON
Sm[ C2H3O2] 3 Samarium( I I I ) acet at e SMACET3
Sm[ C4H4O6] + 1 Samarium( I I I ) t art rat e ion( + 1) SMTRTRTI ON
Sm[ C6H5O7] Samarium( I I I ) cit rat e SMCTRT
Sm[ C6H6NO6] Samarium( I I I ) NTA SMNTA
Sm[ C6H6NO6] 2- 3 Samarium( I I I ) di- NTA ion( - 3) SMNTA2I ON
Sm[ H2C14H18N3O10] Samarium( I I I ) dihydrogen DTPA SMH2DTPA
Sm[ HC10H12N2O8] Samarium( I I I ) hydrogen EDTA SMHEDTA
Sm[ HC14H18N3O10] - 1 Samarium hydrogen DTPA ion( - 1) SMHDTPAI ON
Sm+ 2 Samarium ion( + 2) SMI I I ON
SM+ 3 Samarium ion( + 3) SMI I I I ON
Sm2( CO3) 3 Samarium( I I I ) carbonat e SM2CO33
Sm2( SeO4) 3 Samarium( I I I ) selenat e SMSEO43
Sm2( SeO4) 3. 8H2O Samarium( I I I ) selenat e oct ahydrat e SMSEO43. 8H2O
Sm2( SO4) 3 Samarium( I I I ) sulfat e SM2SO43
Sm2( SO4) 3. 8H2O Samarium( I I I ) sulfat e oct ahydrat e SM2SO43. 8H2O
Sm2( WO4) 3 Samarium( I I I ) t ungst at e SM2WO43
Sm2[ C4H4O6] 3 Samarium( I I I ) t art rat e SM2TRTRT3
SmCl+ 2 Samarium( I I I ) monochloride ion( + 2) SMCLI ON
SmCl2+ 1 Samarium( I I I ) dichloride ion( + 1) SMCL2I ON
SmCl3 Samarium( I I I ) chloride SMCL3
SmCl3. 6H2O Samarium( I I I ) chloride hexahydrat e SMCL3. 6H2O
SmCl4- 1 Samarium( I I I ) t et rachloride ion( - 1) SMCL4I ON
SmCO3+ 1 Samarium( I I I ) carbonat e ion( + 1) SMCO3I ON
SmF+ 2 Samarium( I I I ) monofluoride ion( + 2) SMFI ON
SmF2+ 1 Samarium difluoride ion( + 1) SMF2I ON
SmF3 Samarium( I I I ) fluoride SMF3
SmF4- 1 Samarium( I I I ) t et rafluoride ion( - 1) SMF4I ON
SmH2PO4+ 2 Samarium( I I I ) dihydrogen
ort hophosphat e ion( + 2)
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SmHCO3+ 2 Samarium( I I I ) bicarbonat e ion( + 2) SMHCO3I ON
SmNO3+ 2 Samarium( I I I ) mononit rat e ion( + 2) SMNO3I ON
SmOH+ 2 Samarium( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) SMOHI ON
SmPO4 Samarium( I I I ) ort hophosphat e SMPO4
SmPO4. 2H2O Samarium( I I I ) phosphat e dihydrat e SMPO4. 2H2O
SmSO4+ 1 Samarium( I I I ) monosulfat e ion( + 1) SMSO4I ON
Sn( CN) 2 Tin( I I ) cyanide SNCN2
Sn( OH) 2 Tin( I I ) hydroxide SNOH2
Sn( OH) 2+ 2 Tin( I V) dihydroxide ion( + 2) SNI VOH2I ON
Sn( OH) 3+ 1 Tin( I V) t rihydroxide ion( + 1) SNI VOH3I ON
Sn( OH) 3- 1 Tin( I I ) t rihydroxide ion( - 1) SNOH3I ON
Sn( OH) 4 Tin( I V) hydroxide SNI VOH4
Sn( OH) 5- 1 Tin( I V) pent ahydroxide ion( - 1) SNI VOH5I ON
Sn( OH) 6- 2 Tin( I V) hexahydroxide ion( - 2) SNI VOH6I ON
Sn( SCN) 2 Tin( I I ) t hiocyanat e SNSCN2
Sn( SCN) 3- 1 Tin( I I ) t rit hiocyanat e ion( - 1) SNSCN3I ON
Sn[ C4H4O6] Tin( I I ) t art rat e SNTARTRT
Sn+ 2 Tin ion( + 2) SNI ON
Sn+ 4 Tin ion( + 4) SNI VI ON
SnBr+ 1 Tin( I I ) monobromide ion( + 1) SNBRI ON
SnBr2 Tin( I I ) bromide SNBR2
SnBr3- 1 Tin( I I ) t ribromide ion( - 1) SNBR3I ON
SnBr4 Tin( I V) bromide SNI VBR4
SnCl+ 1 Tin( I I ) monochloride( + 1) SNCLI ON
SnCl+ 3 Tin( I V) monochloride ion( + 3) SNI VCLI ON
SnCl2 Tin( I I ) chloride SNCL2
SnCl2+ 2 Tin( I V) dichloride ion( + 2) SNI VCL2I ON
SnCl3+ 1 Tin( I V) t richloride ion( + 1) SNI VCL3I ON
SnCl3- 1 Tin( I I ) t richloride ion( - 1) SNCL3I ON
SnCl4 Tin( I V) chloride SNI VCL4
SnCl4- 2 Tin( I I ) t et rachloride ion( - 2) SNCL4I ON
SnCl5- 1 Tin( I V) pent achloride ion( - 1) SNI VCL5I ON
SnF+ 1 Tin( I I ) monofluoride ion( + 1) SNFI ON
SnF2 Tin( I I ) fluoride SNF2
SnI 2 Tin( I I ) iodide SNI 2
SnI 4 Tin( I V) iodide SNI VI 4
SnMoO4 Tin( I I ) molybdat e( VI ) SNMOO4
SnOH+ 1 Tin( I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 1) SNOHI ON
SnOH+ 3 Tin( I V) monohydroxide ion( + 3) SNI VOHI ON
SnSCN+ 1 Tin( I I ) monot hiocyanat e ion( + 1) SNSCNI ON
SnWO4 Tin( I I ) t ungst at e( VI ) SNWO4
SO2 Sulfur dioxide SO2
SO3 Sulfur t rioxide SO3
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SO3- 2 Sulfit e ion( - 2) SO3I ON
SO4- 2 Sulfat e ion( - 2) SO4I ON
Sr St ront ium SREL
Sr( C2H3O2) 2 St ront ium acet at e SRAC2
Sr( CN) 2 St ront ium cyanide SRCN2
Sr( CN) 2.4H2O St ront ium cyanide t et rahydrat e SRCN2. 4H2O
Sr( H2PO4) 2 St ront iom dihydrogen ort hophosphat e SRH2PO42
Sr( HC2O4) 2 St ront ium hydrogen oxalat e SRHC2O42
Sr( HCO3) 2 St ront ium bicarbonat e SRHCO32
Sr( HS) 2 St ront ium bisulfide SRHS2
Sr( HSO3) 2 St ront ium bisulfit e SRHSO32
Sr( HSO4) 2 St ront ium bisulfat e SRHSO42
Sr( NH2CO2) 2 St ront ium carbamat e SRNH2CO22
Sr( NO2) 2 St ront ium nit rit e SRNO22
Sr( NO2) 2. 1H2O St ront ium nit rit e monohydrat e SRNO22. 1H2O
Sr( NO3) 2 St ront ium nit rat e SRNO32
Sr( NO3) 2. 4H2O St ront ium nit rat e t et rahydrat e SRNO32. 4H2O
Sr( OH) 2 St ront ium hydroxide SROH2
Sr( OH) 2.8H2O St ront ium hydroxide oct ahydrat e SROH2.8H2O
Sr( OH) 2. H2O St ront ium hydroxide monohydrat e SROH2. 1H2O
Sr[ C10H12N2O8] - 2 St ront ium EDTA ion( - 2) SREDTAI ON
Sr[ C10H14N2O8] St ront ium dihydrogen EDTA SRH2EDTA
Sr[ C14H18N3O10] - 3 St ront ium DTPA ion( - 3) SRDTPAI ON
Sr[ C2H2O3] + 1 St ront ium monoglycolat e ion( + 1) SRGLYCOLI ON
Sr[ C2H3O2] + 1 St ront ium monoacet at e ion( + 1) SRACETI ON
Sr[ C2H3O2] 2. 0. 5H2O St ront ium acet at e hemihydrat e SRAC2.0. 5H2O
Sr[ C2H3O2] 2. 4H2O St ront ium acet at e t et rahydrat e SRAC2.4H2O
Sr[ C2H3O3] 2 St ront ium diglycolat e SRGLYCOL2
Sr[ C2H4NO2] + 1 St ront ium monoglycine ion( + 1) SRGLYCI NI ON
Sr[ C2H4NO2] 2 St ront ium diglycine SRGLYCI N2
Sr[ C3H6NO2] + 1 St ront ium monoalanat e ion( + 1) SRALANI ON
Sr[ C3H6NO2] 2 St ront ium alanat e SRALAN2
Sr[ C4H4O6] St ront ium t art rat e SRTRTRT
Sr[ C6H5O7] - 1 St ront ium monocit rat e ion( - 1) SRCTRTI ON
Sr[ C6H6NO6] - 1 St ront ium NTA ion( - 1) SRNTAI ON
Sr[ H3C14H18N3O10] St ront ium t rihydrogen DTPA SRH3DTPA
Sr[ HC10H12N2O8] - 1 St ront ium hydrogen EDTA ion( - 1) SRHEDTAI ON
Sr[ HC14H18N3O10] - 2 St ront ium hydrogen DTPA ion( - 2) SRHDTPAI ON
Sr[ HC4H4O6] + 1 St ront ium hydrogen t art rat e ion( + 1) SRHTARTRTI ON
Sr[ HC6H5O7] St ront ium hydrogen cit rat e SRHCTRT
Sr[ HC6H6NO6] St ront ium hydrogen NTA SRHNTA
Sr[ HCOO] + 1 St ront ium monoformat e ion( + 1) SRCOOHI ON
Sr[ HCOO] 2 St ront ium format e SRCOOH2
Sr+ 2 St ront ium ion( + 2) SRI ON
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Sr3( AsO4) 2 St ront ium arsenat e SR3ASO42
Sr3( PO4) 2 St ront ium ort hophosphat e SR3PO42
SrBr2 St ront ium bromide SRBR2
SrBr2. 6H2O St ront ium bromide hexahydrat e SRBR2.6H2O
SrC2O4 St ront ium oxalat e SRC2O4
SrC2O4. 1H2O St ront ium oxalat e monohydrat e SRC2O4. 1H2O
SrCl2 St ront ium chloride SRCL2
SrCl2. 1H2O St ront ium chloride monohydrat e SRCL2. 1H2O
SrCl2. 2H2O St ront ium chloride dihydrat e SRCL2. 2H2O
SrCl2. 6H2O St ront ium chloride hexahydrat e SRCL2. 6H2O
SrCO3 St ront ium carbonat e SRCO3
SrCrO4 St ront ium chromat e SRCRO4
SrF+ 1 St ront ium monofluoride( + 1) SRFI ON
SrF2 St ront ium fluoride SRF2
SrHC2O4+ 1 St ront ium mono( hydrogen oxalat e)
ion( + 1)
SrHPO4 St ront ium hydrogen ort hophosphat e SRHPO4
SrI 2 St ront ium iodide SRI 2
SrI 2. 2H2O St ront ium iodide dihydrat e SRI 2. 2H2O
SrI 2. 6H2O St ront ium iodide hexahydrat e SRI 2.6H2O
SrMoO4 St ront ium molybdat e( VI ) SRMOO4
SrNO3+ 1 St ront ium mononit rat e ion( + 1) SRNO3I ON
SrOH+ 1 St ront ium monohydroxide ion( + 1) SROHI ON
SrPO4- 1 St ront ium ort hophosphat e ion( - 1) SRPO4I ON
SrS St ront ium sulfide SRS
SrSeO4 St ront ium selenat e SRSEO4
SrSO3 St ront ium sulfit e SRSO3
SrSO4 St ront ium sulfat e SRSO4
SrWO4 St ront ium t ungst at e( VI ) SRWO4
Ta Tant alum TAEL
Ta2O5 Tant alum( V) oxide TA2O5
TaBr5 Tant alum( V) bromide TABR5
TaCl5 Tant alum( V) chloride TACL5
TaF5 Tant alum( V) fluoride TAF5
TaO3- 1 Tant alat e ion( - 1) TAO3I ON
Tb Terbium TBEL
Tb( NO3) 3 Terbium( I I I ) nit rat e TBNO33
Tb( OH) [ C6H6NO6] - 1 Terbium( I I I ) hydroxide NTA ion( - 1) TBOHNTAI ON
Tb( OH) 2+ 1 Terbium( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) TBOH2I ON
Tb( OH) 3 Terbium( I I I ) hydroxide TBOH3
Tb( OH) 4- 1 Terbium( I I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) TBOH4I ON
Tb( SO4) 2- 1 Terbium( I I I ) disulfat e ion( - 1) TBSO42I ON
Tb[ C10H12N2O8] - 1 Terbium( I I I ) EDTA ion( - 1) TBEDTAI ON
Tb[ C14H18N3O10] - 2 Terbium( I I I ) DTPA ion( - 2) TBDTPAI ON
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Tb[ C2H3O2] + 2 Terbium( I I I ) monoacet at e ion( + 2) TBACETI ON
Tb[ C2H3O2] 2+ 1 Terbium( I I I ) diacet at e ion( + 1) TBACET2I ON
Tb[ C2H3O2] 3 Terbium( I I I ) acet at e TBACET3
Tb[ C2O4] + 1 Terbium( I I I ) monooxalat e ion( + 1) TBC2O4I ON
Tb[ C2O4] 2- 1 Terbium( I I I ) dioxalat e ion( - 1) TBC2O42I ON
Tb[ C4H4O6] + 1 Terbium( I I I ) monot art rat e ion( + 1) TBTRTRTI ON
Tb[ C6H5O7] Terbium( I I I ) cit rat e TBCTRT
Tb[ C6H6NO6] Terbium( I I I ) NTA TBNTA
Tb[ C6H6NO6] 2- 3 Terbium di- NTA ion( - 3) TBNTA2I ON
Tb[ H2C14H18N3O10] Terbium( I I I ) dihydrogen DTPA TBH2DTPA
Tb[ HC10H12N2O8] Terbium( I I I ) hydrogen EDTA TBHEDTA
Tb+ 2 Terbium( I I I ) monofluoride ion( + 2) TBFI ON
Tb+ 3 Terbium ion( + 3) TBI ON
Tb2( CO3) 3 Terbium( I I I ) carbonat e TB2CO33
Tb2( SO4) 3 Terbium( I I I ) sulfat e TB2SO43
Tb2( SO4) 3. 8H2O Terbium( I I I ) sulfat e oct ahydrat e TB2SO43. 8H2O
Tb2[ C2O4] 3 Terbium( I I I ) oxalat e TB2C2O43
Tb2[ C4H4O6] 3 Terbium( I I I ) t art rat e TB2TRTRT3
Tb2O3 Terbium( I I I ) oxide TB2O3
TbCl+ 2 Terbium( I I I ) monochloride ion( + 2) TBCLI ON
TbCl2+ 1 Terbium( I I I ) dichloride ion( + 1) TBCL2I ON
TbCl3 Terbium( I I I ) chloride TBCL3
TbCl3. 6H2O Terbium( I I I ) chloride hexahydrat e TBCL3. 6H2O
TbCl4- 1 Terbium( I I I ) t et rachloride ion( - 1) TBCL4I ON
TbCO3+ 1 Terbium( I I I ) carbonat e ion( + 1) TBCO3I ON
TbF2+ 1 Terbium difluoride ion( + 1) TBF2I ON
TbF3 Terbium( I I I ) fluoride TBF3
TbF4- 1 Terbium( I I I ) t et rafluoride ion( - 1) TBF4I ON
TbH2PO4+ 2 Terbium dihydrogen ort hophosphat e
ion( + 2)
TbHC14H18N3O10- 1 Terbium( I I I ) hydrogen DTPA ion( - 1) TBHDTPAI ON
TbHCO3+ 2 Terbium( I I I ) bicarbonat e ion( + 2) TBHCO3I ON
TbI + 2 Terbium( I I I ) monoiodide ion( + 2) TBI I ON
TbI 3 Terbium( I I I ) iodide TBI 3
TbNO3+ 2 Terbium( I I I ) mononit rat e ion( + 2) TBNO3I ON
TbOH+ 2 Terbium( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) TBOHI ON
TbPO4 Terbium( I I I ) ort hophosphat e TBPO4
TbSO4+ 1 Terbium( I I I ) monosulfat e ion( + 1) TBSO4I ON
Tc Technet ium TCEL
Tc( OH) 2CO3 Technet ium( I V) dihydroxide carbonat e TCI VOH2CO3
Tc( OH) 3CO3- 1 Technet ium( I V) t rihydroxide carbonat e
ion( - 1)
Tc2O7 Technet ium hept oxide TCVI I 2O7
TcO( OH) + 1 Oxyt echnet ium( I V) monohydroxide
ion( + 1)
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TcO( OH) 2 Oxyt echnet ium( I V) dihydroxide TCI VOOH2
TcO( OH) 3- 1 Oxyt echnet ium( I V) t rihydroxide ion( - 1) TCI VOOH3I ON
TcO+ 2 Oxyt echmet ium( I V) ion( + 2) TCI VOI ON
TcO2 Technet ium( I V) dioxide TCI VO2
TcO2. 2H2O Technet ium( I V) dioxide dihydrat e TCI VO2. 2H2O
TcO4- 1 Pert echnet at e( VI I ) ion TCVI I O4I ON
Te Tellurium TEEL
Te( OH) 3+ 1 Tellurium( I V) t rihydroxide ion( + 1) TEI VOH3I ON
Te- 2 Telluride ion( - 2) TEI ON
TeO2 Tellurium( I V) oxide TEO2
Th Thorium THEL
Th( C2O4) 2 Thorium( I V) oxalat e THC2O42
Th( C2O4) 3- 2 Thorium( I V) t rioxalat e ion( - 2) THC2O43I ON
Th( C2O4) 4- 4 Thorium( I V) t et raoxalat e ion( - 4) THC2O44I ON
Th( H2PO4) 2+ 2 Thorium( I V) di( dihydrogen
ort hophosphat e) ion( + 2)
Th( HPO4) 2 Thorium( I V) hydrogen ort hophosphat e THHPO42
Th( HPO4) 3- 2 Thorium( I V) t ri( hydrogen
ort hophosphat e) ion( - 2)
Th( NO3) 2+ 2 Thorium( I V) dinit rat e ion( + 2) THNO32I ON
Th( NO3) 3+ 1 Thorium( I V) t rinit rat e ion( + 1) THNO33I ON
Th( NO3) 4 Thorium( I V) nit rat e THNO34
Th( NO3) 4. 4H2O Thorium( I V) nit rat e t et rahydrat e THNO34. 4H2O
Th( NO3) 4. 5H2O Thorium( I V) nit rat e pent ahydrat e THNO34. 5H2O
Th( NO3) 4. 6H2O Thorium( I V) nit rat e hexahydrat e THNO34. 6H2O
Th( OH) 2+ 2 Thorium( I V) dihydroxide ion( + 2) THOH2I ON
Th( OH) 3+ 1 Thorium( I V) t rihydroxide ion( + 1) THOH3I ON
Th( OH) 4 Thorium( I V) hydroxide THOH4
Th( SO4) 2 Thorium( I V) sulfat e THSO42
Th( SO4) 3- 2 Thorium( I V) t risulfat e ion( - 2) THSO43I ON
Th( SO4) 4- 4 Thorium( I V) t et rasulfat e ion( - 4) THSO44I ON
Th[ C10H12N2O8] Thorium( I V) EDTA THEDTA
Th[ C14H18N3O10] - 1 Thorium( I V) DTPA ion( - 1) THDTPAI ON
Th[ C6H6NO6] + 1 Thorium( I V) NTA ion( + 1) THNTAI ON
Th[ HC10H12N2O8] + 1 Thorium( I V) hydrogen EDTA ion( + 1) THHEDTAI ON
Th[ HC14H18N3O10] Thorium( I V) hydrogen DTPA THHDTPA
Th[ HC6H6NO6] Thorium( I V) hydroxide NTA THOHNTA
Th+ 4 Thorium ion( + 4) THI ON
Th2( OH) 2+ 6 Dit horium( I V) dihydroxide ion( + 6) TH2OH2I ON
ThBr4 Thorium( I V) bromide THBR4
ThBr4. 10H2O Thorium( I V) bromide decahydrat e THBR4. 10H2O
ThBr4. 12H2O Thorium( I V) bromide dodecahydarat e THBR4. 12H2O
ThBr4. 7H2O Thorium( I V) bromide hept ahydrat e THBR4. 7H2O
ThC2O4+ 2 Thorium( I V) monooxalat e ion( + 2) THC2O4I ON
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ThCl+ 2 Thorium( I V) dichloride ion( + 2) THCL2I ON
ThCl+ 3 Thorium( I V) monochloride ion( + 3) THCLI ON
ThCl3+ 1 Thorium( I V) t richloride ion( + 1) THCL3I ON
ThCl4 Thorium( I V) chloride THCL4
ThCl4. 2H2O Thorium( I V) chloride dihydrat e THCL4. 2H2O
ThCl4. 7H2O Thorium( I V) chloride hept ahydrat e THCL4. 7H2O
ThCl4.8H2O Thorium( I V) chloride t et rahydrat e THCL4. 4H2O
ThCl4.8H2O Thorium( I V) chloride oct ahydrat e THCL4. 8H2O
ThF+ 3 Thorium( I V) monofluoride ion( + 3) THFI ON
ThF2+ 2 Thorium( I V) difluoride ion( + 2) THF2I ON
ThF3+ 1 Thorium( I V) t rifluoride ion( + 1) THF3I ON
ThF4 Thorium( I V) fluoride THF4
ThF4.2. 5H2O Thorium( I V) fluoride 2. 5 hydrat e THF4.2. 5H2O
ThH2PO4+ 3 Thorium( I V) dihydrogen ort hophosphat e
ion( + 3)
ThHC2O4+ 3 Thorium( I V) bicarbonat e ion( + 3) THHC2O4I ON
ThHPO4+ 2 Thorium( I V) hydrogen ort hophosphat e
ion( + 2)
ThI 4 Thorium( I V) iodide THI 4
ThNO3+ 3 Thorium( I V) mononit rat e ion( + 3) THNO3I ON
ThO2 Thorium dioxide THO2
ThOH+ 3 Thorium( I V) monohydroxide ion( + 3) THOHI ON
ThS2 Thorium( I V) sulfide THS2
ThSO4+ 2 Thorium( I V) monosulfat e ion( + 2) THSO4I ON
Ti Tit anium TI EL
Ti( CO3) 2 Tit anium( I V) carbonat e TI I VCO32
Ti( HCO3) 2+ 1 Tit anium( I I I ) dibicarbonat e ion( + 1) TI HCO32I ON
Ti( HCO3) 3 Tit anium( I I I ) bicarbonat e TI HCO33
Ti( HCO3) 4 Tit anium( I V) bicarbonat e TI I VHCO34
Ti( OH) 2+ 1 Tit anium( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) TI I I I OH2I ON
Ti( OH) 2+ 2 Tit anium( I V) dihydroxide ion( + 2) TI I VOH2I ON
Ti( OH) 3 Tit anium( I I I ) hydroxide TI I I I OH3
Ti( OH) 3+ 1 Tit anium( I V) t rihydroxide ion( + 1) TI I VOH3I ON
Ti( OH) 4 Tit anium( I V) hydroxide TI I VOH4
Ti( SO4) 2 Tit anium( I V) sulfat e TI I VSO42
Ti[ C10H12N2O8] - 1 Thorium( I V) EDTA ion( - 1) TI EDTAI ON
Ti[ HC10H12N2O8] Tit anium( I I I ) hydrogen EDTA TI HEDTA
Ti+ 3 Tit anium ion( + 3) TI I I I I ON
Ti+ 4 Tit anium ion( + 4) TI I VI ON
Ti2( CO3) 3 Tit anium( I I I ) carbonat e TI I I I 2CO33
Ti2( SO4) 3 Tit anium( I I I ) sulfat e TI I I I 2SO43
Ti2O3 Tit anium( I I I ) oxide TI 2O3
TiCl+ 1 Tit anium( I V) t richloride ion( + 1) TI I VCL3I ON
TiCl+ 2 Tit anium( I I I ) monochloride ion( + 2) TI I I I CLI ON
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TiCl+ 3 Tit anium( I V) monochloride ion( + 3) TI I VCLI ON
TiCl2+ 1 Tit anium( I I I ) dichloride ion( + 1) TI I I I CL2I ON
TiCl2+ 2 Tit anium( I V) dichloride ion( + 2) TI I VCL2I ON
TiCl3 Tit anium( I I I ) chloride TI I I I CL3
TiCl4 Tit anium( I V) chloride TI I VCL4
TiCl4- 1 Tit anium( I I I ) t et rachloride ion( - 1) TI I I I CL4I ON
TiCO3+ 1 Tit anium( I I I ) carbonat e ion( + 1) TI I I I CO3I ON
TiCO3+ 2 Tit anium( I V) carbonat e ion( + 2) TI I VCO3I ON
TiF+ 2 Tit anium( I I I ) monofluoride ion( + 2) TI I I I FI ON
TiF+ 3 Tit anium( I V) monofluoride ion( + 3) TI I VFI ON
TiF2+ 1 Tit anium( I I I ) difluoride ion( + 1) TI I I I F2I ON
TiF2+ 2 Tit anium( I V) difluoride ion( + 2) TI I VF2I ON
TiF3 Tit anium( I I I ) fluoride TI I I I F3
TiF3+ 1 Tit anium( I V) t rifluoride ion( + 1) TI I VF3I ON
TiF4 Tit anium( I V) fluoride TI I VF4
TiF4- 1 Tit anium( I I I ) t et rafluoride ion( - 1) TI I I I F4I ON
TiHCO3+ 2 Tit anium( I I I ) monobicarbonat e ion( + 2) TI HCO3I ON
TiHCO3+ 3 Tit anium( I V) bicarbonat e ion( + 3) TI I VHCO3I ON
TiO2 Tit anium( I V) oxide ANATASE
TiOH+ 2 Tit anium( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) TI I I I OHI ON
TiOH+ 3 Tit anium( I V) monohydroxide ion( + 3) TI I VOHI ON
TiOSO4 Tit anyl( I V) sulfat e TI OST
TiOSO4. 2H2O Tit anyl( I V) sulfat e dihydrat e TI OST. 2H2O
TiSO4+ 1 Tit anium( I I I ) sulfat e ion( + 1) TI I I I SO4I ON
TiSO4+ 2 Tit anium( I V) sulfat e ion( + 2) TI I VSO4I ON
Tl Thallium TLEL
Tl( OH) 3 Thallium( I I I ) hydroxide TLI I I OH3
Tl+ 1 Thallium ion( + 1) TLI ON
Tl+ 3 Thallium ion( + 3) TLI I I I ON
TlOH Thallium( I ) hydroxide TLOH
Tm Thulium TMEL
Tm( NO3) 3 Thulium( I I I ) nit rat e TMNO33
Tm( OH) [ C6H6NO6] - 1 Thulium( I I I ) hydroxide NTA ion( - 1) TMOHNTAI ON
Tm( OH) 2+ 1 Thulium( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) TMOH2I ON
Tm( OH) 3 Thulium( I I I ) hydroxide TMOH3
Tm( OH) 4- 1 Thulium( I I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) TMOH4I ON
Tm( SO4) 2- 1 Thulium( I I I ) disulfat e ion( - 1) TMSO42I ON
Tm[ C10H12N2O8] - 1 Thulium( I I I ) EDTA ion( - 1) TMEDTAI ON
Tm[ C14H18N3O10] - 2 Thulium( I I I ) DTPA ion( - 2) TMDTPAI ON
Tm[ C2H3O2] + 1 Thulium( I I I ) diacet at e ion( + 1) TMACET2I ON
Tm[ C2H3O2] + 2 Thulium( I I I ) monoacet at e ion( + 2) TMACETI ON
Tm[ C2H3O2] 3 Thulium( I I I ) acet at e TMACET3
Tm[ C2O4] + 1 Thulium( I I I ) monooxalat e ion( + 1) TMC2O4I ON
Tm[ C2O4] 2- 1 Thulium( I I I ) dioxalat e ion( - 1) TMC2O42I ON
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Tm[ C4H4O6] + 1 Thulium( I I I ) t art rat e ion( + 1) TMTRTRTI ON
Tm[ C6H5O7] Thulium( I I I ) cit rat e TMCTRT
Tm[ C6H6NO6] Thulium( I I I ) NTA TMNTA
Tm[ C6H6NO6] 2- 3 Thulium( I I I ) di- NTA ion( - 3) TMNTA2I ON
Tm[ H2C14H18N3O10] Thulium( I I I ) dihydrogen DTPA TMH2DTPA
Tm[ HC10H12N2O8] Thulium( I I I ) hydrogen EDTA TMHEDTA
Tm[ HC14H18N3O10] - 1 Thulium( I I I ) hydrogen DTPA ion( - 1) TMHDTPAI ON
Tm+ 3 Thulium ion( + 3) TMI ON
Tm2( CO3) 3 Thulium( I I I ) carbonat e TM2CO33
Tm2( SO4) 3 Thulium( I I I ) sulfat e TM2SO43
Tm2[ C2O4] 3 Thulium( I I I ) oxalat e TM2C2O43
Tm2[ C4H4O6] 3 Thulium( I I I ) t art rat e TM2TRTRT3
Tm2O3 Thulium( I I I ) oxide TM2O3
TmCl+ 2 Thulium( I I I ) monochloride ion( + 2) TMCLI ON
TmCl2+ 1 Thulium( I I I ) dichloride ion( + 1) TMCL2I ON
TmCl3 Thulium( I I I ) chloride TMCL3
TmCl4- 1 Thulium( I I I ) t et rachloride ion( - 1) TMCL4I ON
TmCO3+ 1 Thulium( I I I ) carbonat e ion( + 1) TMCO3I ON
TmF+ 2 Thulium( I I I ) monofluoride ion( + 2) TMFI ON
TmF2+ 1 Thulium difluoride ion( + 1) TMF2I ON
TmF3 Thulium( I I I ) fluoride TMF3
TmF4- 1 Thulium( I I I ) t et rafluoride ion( - 1) TMF4I ON
TmH2PO4+ 2 Thulium( I I I ) dihydrogen ort hophosphat e
ion( + 2)
TmHCO3+ 2 Thulium bicarbonat e ion( + 2) TMHCO3I ON
TmNO3+ 2 Thulium( I I I ) nit rat e ion( + 2) TMNO3I ON
TmOH+ 2 Thulium( I I I ) hydroxide ion( + 2) TMOHI ON
TmPO4 Thulium( I I I ) ort hophosphat e TMPO4
TmSO4+ 1 Thulium( I I I ) monosulfat e ion( - 1) TMSO4I ON
U Uranium UEL
U( CO3) 2 Uranium( I V) carbonat e UI VCO32
U( HPO4) 2 Uranium( I V) hydrogen ort hophosphat e UI VHPO42
U( HPO4) 2. 4H2O Uranium( I V) hydrogen ort hophosphat e
t et rahydrat e
U( OH) 2+ 2 Uranium( I V) dihydroxide ion( + 2) UI VOH2I ON
U( OH) 3 Uranium( I I I ) hydroxide UI I I OH3
U( OH) 3+ 1 Uranium( I V) t rihydroxide ion( + 1) UI VOH3I ON
U( OH) 4 Uranium( I V) hydroxide UI VOH4
U( OH) 5- 1 Uranium( I V) pent ahydroxide ion( - 1) UI VOH5I ON
U( SO3) 2 Uranium( I V) sulfit e UI VSO32
U( SO4) 2 Uranium( I V) sulfat e UI VSO42
U[ C10H12N2O8] Uranium( I V) EDTA UI VEDTA
U[ C2H3O2] + 2 Uranium( I I I ) monoacet at e ion( + 1) UI I I ACI ON
U[ C2H3O2] 2+ 1 Uranium( I I I ) diacet at e ion( + 1) UI I I AC2I ON
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U[ C2H3O2] 3 Uranium( I I I ) acet at e UI I I AC3
U[ HCOO] + 2 Uranium( I I I ) monoformat e ion( + 2) UCOOHI ON
U[ HCOO] 2+ 1 Uranium( I I I ) diformat e ion( + 1) UCOOH2I ON
U[ HCOO] 3 Uranium( I I I ) format e UCOOH3
U+ 3 Uranium ion( + 3) UI I I I ON
U+ 4 Uranium ion( + 4) UI VI ON
U3( PO4) 4 Uranium( I V) ort hophosphat e UI V3PO44
UBr2Cl Uranium( I I I ) dibromide chloride UBR2CL
UBr2Cl2 Uranium( I V) dibromide dichloride UBR2CL2
UBr2I 2 Uranium( I V) dibromide diiodide UBR2I 2
UBr3 Uranium( I I I ) bromide UI I I BR3
UBr3Cl Uranium( I V) t ribromide chloride UBR3CL
UBr3I Uranium( I V) t ribromide iodide UBR3I
UBr4 Uranium( I V) bromide UI VBR4
UBr5 Uranium( V) bromide UVBR5
UBrCl2 Uranium( I I I ) bromide dichloride UBRCL2
UBrCl3 Uranium( I V) bromide t richloride UBRCL3
UBrI 3 Uranium( I V) bromide t riiodide UBRI 3
UCl+ 3 Uranium( I V) monochloride ion( + 3) UI VCLI ON
UCl2F2 Uranium( I V) dichloride difluoride UCL2F2
UCl2I 2 Uranium( I V) dichloride diiodide UCL2I 2
UCl3 Uranium( I I I ) chloride UI I I CL3
UCl3F Uranium( I V) t richloride fluoride UCL3F
UCl3I Uranium( I V) t richloride iodide UCL3I
UCl4 Uranium( I V) chloride UI VCL4
UCl5 Uranium( V) chloride UVCL5
UCl6 Uranium( VI ) chloride UCL6
UClF3 Uranium( I V) chloride t rifluoride UCLF3
UClI 3 Uranium( I V) chloride t riiodide UCLI 3
UF+ 3 Uranium( I V) monofluoride ion( + 3) UI VFI ON
UF2+ 2 Uranium( I V) difluoride ion( + 2) UI VF2I ON
UF3 Uranium( I I I ) fluoride UI I I F3
UF3+ 1 Uranium( I V) t rifluoride ion( + 1) UI VF3I ON
UF4 Uranium( I V) fluoride UI VF4
UF4.2. 5H2O Uranium( I V) fluoride 2. 5 hydrat e UI VF4. 2.5H2O
UF5 Uranium( V) fluoride UVF5
UF6 Uranium( VI ) fluoride UVI F6
UI 3 Uranium( I I I ) iodide UI OD3
UI 4 Uranium( I V) iodide UI VI 4
UO2 Uranium( I V) oxide UI VO2
UO2( C2O4) 2- 2 Uranyl( VI ) dioxalat e ion( - 2) UO2C2O42I ON
UO2( C2O4) 3- 4 Uranyl( VI ) t rioxalat e ion( - 4) UO2C2O43I ON
UO2( CO3) 2- 2 Uranyl( VI ) dicarbonat e ion( - 2) UO2CO32I ON
UO2( CO3) 3- 4 Uranyl( VI ) t ricarbonat e ion( - 4) UO2CO33I ON
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UO2( I O3) 2 Uranyl( VI ) iodat e UO2I O32
UO2( NO3) 2 Uranyl( VI ) nit rat e UO2NO32
UO2( NO3) 2. 2H2O Uranyl( VI ) nit rat e dihydrat e UO2NO32. 2H2O
UO2( NO3) 2. 3H2O Uranyl( VI ) nit rat e t rihydrat e UO2NO32. 3H2O
UO2( NO3) 2. 6H2O Uranyl( VI ) nit rat e hexahydrat e UO2NO32. 6H2O
UO2( OH) 2 Uranyl( VI ) hydroxide UO2OH2
UO2( SO4) 2- 2 Uranyl( VI ) disulfat e ion( - 2) UO2SO42I ON
UO2[ C2H3O2] + 1 Uranyl( VI ) monoacet at e ion( + 1) UO2ACI ON
UO2[ C2H3O2] 2 Uranyl( VI ) acet at e UO2AC2
UO2[ C2H3O2] 3- 1 Uranyl( VI ) t riacet at e ion( - 1) UO2AC3I ON
UO2[ C6H5O7] - 1 Uranyl( VI ) monocit rat e ion( - 1) UO2CTRTI ON
UO2[ C6H6NO6] - 1 Uranyl( VI ) NTA ion( - 1) UO2NTAI ON
UO2[ HC10H12N2O8] - 1 Uranyl( VI ) hydrogen EDTA ion( - 1) UO2HEDTAI ON
UO2[ HC6H5O7] Uranyl( VI ) hydrogen cit rat e UO2HCTR
UO2[ HC6H6NO6] Uranyl( VI ) hydrogen NTA UO2HNTA
UO2+ 1 Uranyl( V) ion( + 1) UVO2I ON
UO2+ 2 Uranyl( VI ) ion( + 2) UO2I ON
UO2Br2 Uranyl( VI ) bromide UO2BR2
UO2Br2. 1H2O Uranyl( VI ) bromide monohydrat e UO2BR2. 1H2O
UO2Br2. 3H2O Uranyl( VI ) bromide t rihydrat e UO2BR2. 3H2O
UO2C2O4 Uranyl( VI ) oxalat e UO2C2O4
UO2C2O4.3H2O Uranyl( VI ) oxalat e t rihydrat e UO2C2O4.3H2O
UO2Cl+ 1 Uranyl( VI ) monochloride ion( + 1) UO2CLI ON
UO2Cl2 Uranyl( VI ) chloride UO2CL2
UO2Cl2. 3H2O Uranyl( VI ) chloride t rihydrat e UO2CL2. 3H2O
UO2Cl2. H2O Uranyl( VI ) chloride monohydrat e UO2CL2. H2O
UO2CO3 Uranyl( VI ) carbonat e UO2CO3
UO2F+ 1 Uranyl( VI ) monofluoride ion( + 1) UO2FI ON
UO2F2 Uranyl( VI ) fluoride UO2F2
UO2F2.3H2O Uranyl( VI ) fluoride t rihydrat e UO2F2.3H2O
UO2F3- 1 Uranyl( VI ) t rifluoride ion( - 1) UO2F3I ON
UO2F4- 2 Uranyl( VI ) t et rafluoride ion( - 2) UO2F4I ON
UO2I O3+ 1 Uranyl( VI ) monoiodat e ion( + 1) UO2I O3I ON
UO2OH Uranyl( V) hydroxide UVO2OH
UO2OH+ 1 Uranyl( VI ) monohydroxide ion( + 1) UO2OHI ON
UO2SO3 Uranyl( VI ) sulfit e UO2SO3
UO2SO4 Uranyl( VI ) sulfat e UO2SO4
UO2SO4.3H2O Uranyl( VI ) sulfat e t rihydrat e UO2SO4. 3H2O
UOH+ 3 Uranium( I V) monohydroxide ion( + 3) UI VOHI ON
USO4+ 2 Uranium( I V) sulfat e ion( + 2) UI VSO4I ON
V Vanadium VEL
V( C2O4) 2- 1 Vanadium( I I I ) dioxalat e ion( - 1) VC2O42I ON
V( OH) 3 Vanadium( I I I ) hydroxide VI I I OH3
V+ 2 Vanadium ion( + 2) VI I I ON
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V+ 3 Vanadium ion( + 3) VI I I I ON
V2( C2O4) 3 Vanadium( I I I ) oxalat e V2C2O43
V2O3 Vanadium( I I I ) oxide V2O3
V2O4 Vanadium( I V) oxide V2O4
V2O5 Vanadium( V) pent oxide V2O5
VBr3 Vanadium( I I I ) bromide VBR3
VC2O4+ 1 Vanadium( I I I ) monooxalat e ion( + 1) VC2O4I ON
VCl3 Vanadium( I I I ) chloride VCL3
VF3 Vanadium( I I I ) fluoride VF3
VO( C2O4) 2- 2 Vanadyl( I V) dioxalat e ion( - 2) VOC2O42I ON
VO( OH) + 1 Vanadyl( I V) monohydroxide ion( + 1) VOOHI ON
VO( OH) 2 Vanadyl( I V) hydroxide VOOH2
VO( OH) 3 Vanadat e( V) hydroxide VOOH3
VO+ 2 Vanadyl ion( + 2) VOI ON
VO2+ 1 Vanadit e ion( + 1) VO2I ON
VO2Cl Vanadit e( V) chloride VO2CL
VO2F Vanadit e( V) fluoride VO2F
VO2F2- 1 Vanadit e( V) difluoride ion( - 1) VO2F2I ON
VO2F3- 2 Vanadit e( V) t rifluoride ion( - 2) VO2F3I ON
VO2OH Vanadit e( V) hydroxide VO2OH
VOC2O4 Vanadyl( I V) oxalat e VOC2O4
VOCl+ 1 Vanadyl monochloride ion( + 1) VOCLI ON
VOCl2 Vanadyl( I V) chloride VOCL2
VOF+ 1 Vanadyl( I V) monofluoride ion( + 1) VOFI ON
VOF2 Vanadyl( I V) fluoride VOF2
VOF3- 1 Vanadyl( I V) t rifluoride ion( - 1) VOF3I ON
VOF4- 2 Vanadyl( I V) t et rafluoride ion( - 2) VOF4I ON
VOH+ 2 Vanadium( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) VI I I OHI ON
VOSO4 Vanadyl( I V) sulfat e VOSO4
VOSO4.6H2O Vanadyl( I V) sulfat e hexahydrat e VOSO4.6H2O
W Tungst en WEL
WO4- 2 Tungst en( VI ) t et raoxide ion( - 2) WO4I ON
Xe Xenon XE
Y Yt t rium EYEL
Y( C2O4) 2- 1 Yt t rium( I I I ) dioxalat e ion( - 1) EYC2O42I ON
Y( C2O4) 3- 3 Yt t rium( I I I ) t rioxalat e ion( - 3) EYC2O43I ON
Y( NO3) 2+ 1 Yt t rium dinit rat e ion( + 1) EYNO32I ON
Y( NO3) 3 Yt t rium nit rat e EYNO33
Y( OH) [ C6H6NO6] - 1 Yt t rium hydroxide NTA ion( - 1) EYOHNTAI ON
Y( OH) 2+ 1 Yt t rium dihydroxide ion( + 1) EYOH2I ON
Y( OH) 3 Yt t rium hydroxide EYOH3
Y( OH) 4- 1 Yt t rium t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) EYOH4I ON
Y( SO4) 2- 1 Yt t rium disulfat e ion( - 1) EYSO42I ON
Y[ C10H12N2O8] - 1 Yt t rium( I I I ) EDTA ion( - 1) EYEDTAI ON
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Y[ C14H18N3O10] - 2 Yt t rium( I I I ) DTPA ion( - 2) EYDTPAI ON
Y[ C2H3O2] + 2 Yt t rium monoacet at e ion( + 2) EYACETI ON
Y[ C2H3O2] 2+ 1 Yt t r ium diacet at e ion( + 1) EYACET2I ON
Y[ C2H3O2] 3 Yt t rium acet at e EYACET3
Y[ C4H4O6] + 1 Yt t rium t art rat e ion( + 1) EYTARTRTI ON
Y[ C6H6NO6] Yt t rium NTA EYNTA
Y[ C6H6NO6] - 3 Yt t rium di- NTA ion( - 3) EYNTA2I ON
Y[ H2C14H18N3O10] Yt t rium dihydrogen DTPA EYH2DTPA
Y[ HC10H12N2O8] Yt t rium hydrogen EDTA EYHEDTA
Y[ HC14H18N3O10] - 1 Yt t rium hydrogen DTPA ion( - 1) EYHDTPAI ON
Y+ 3 Yt t rium ion( + 3) EYI ON
Y2( C2O4) 3 Yt t rium oxalat e EY2C2O43
Y2( SO4) 3 Yt t rium sulfat e EY2SO43
Y2( SO4) 3. 8H2O Yt t rium sulfat e oct ahydrat e EY2SO43.8H2O
Y2( WO4) 3 Yt t rium t ungst at e( VI ) EY2WO43
Y2[ C4H4O6] 3 Yt t rium t art rat e EY2TARTRT3
Y2O3 Yt t rium oxide EY2O3
Yb Yt t erbium EYBEL
Yb( NO3) 3 Yt t erbium( I I I ) nit rat e EYBNO33
Yb( OH) [ C6H6NO6] - 1 Yt t erbium( I I I ) hydroxide NTA ion( - 1) EYBOHNTAI ON
Yb( OH) 2 Yt t erbium( I I ) hydroxide EYBI I OH2
Yb( OH) 2+ 1 Yt t erbium( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) EYBOH2I ON
Yb( OH) 3 Yt t erbium( I I I ) hydroxide EYBOH3
Yb( OH) 4- 1 Yt t erbium( I I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) EYBOH4I ON
Yb( SO4) 2- 1 Yt t erbium( I I I ) disulfat e ion( - 1) EYBSO42I ON
Yb[ C10H12N2O8] - 1 Yt t erbium( I I I ) EDTA ion( - 1) EYBEDTAI ON
Yb[ C14H18N3O10] - 2 Yt t erbium( I I I ) DTPA ion( - 2) EYBDTPAI ON
Yb[ C2H3O2] + 2 Yt t erbium( I I I ) monoacet at e ion( + 2) EYBACETI ON
Yb[ C2H3O2] 2+ 1 Yt t erbium( I I I ) diacet at e ion( + 1) EYBACET2I ON
Yb[ C2H3O2] 3 Yt t erbium( I I I ) acet at e EYBACET3
Yb[ C4H4O6] + 1 Yt t erbium( I I I ) monot art rat e ion( + 1) EYBTRTRTI ON
Yb[ C6H5O7] Yt t erbium( I I I ) cit rat e EYBCTRT
Yb[ C6H6NO6] Yt t erbium( I I I ) NTA EYBNTA
Yb[ C6H6NO6] 2- 3 Yt t erbium( I I I ) di- NTA ion( - 3) EYBNTA2I ON
Yb[ CHO2] + 2 Yt t erbium( I I I ) monoformat e ion( + 2) EYBFORI ON
Yb[ CHO2] 2+ 1 Yt t erbium( I I I ) diformat e ion( + 1) EYBFOR2I ON
Yb[ CHO2] 3 Yt t erbium( I I I ) format e EYBFOR3
Yb[ H2C14H18N3O10] Yt t erbium( I I I ) dihydrogen DTPA EYBH2DTPA
Yb[ HC10H12N2O8] Yt t erbium( I I I ) hydrogen EDTA EYBHEDTA
Yb[ HC14H18N3O10] - 1 Yt t erbium( I I I ) hydrogen DTPA ion( - 1) EYBHDTPAI ON
Yb+ 2 Yt t erbium ion( + 2) EYBI I I ON
Yb+ 3 Yt t erbium ion( + 3) EYBI I I I ON
Yb2( CO3) 3 Yt t erbium( I I I ) carbonat e EYB2CO33
Yb2( SO4) 3 Yt t erbium( I I I ) sulfat e EYB2SO43
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Yb2( SO4) 3. 8H2O Yt t erbium( I I I ) sulfat e oct ahydrat e EYB2SO43. 8H2O
Yb2[ C4H4O6] 3 Yt t erbium( I I I ) t art rat e EYB2TRTRT3
YbCl+ 2 Yt t erbium( I I I ) monochloride ion( + 2) EYBCLI ON
YbCl2+ 1 Yt t erbium( I I I ) dichloride ion( + 1) EYBCL2I ON
YbCl3 Yt t erbium( I I I ) chloride EYBCL3
YbCL3.6H2O Yt t erbium( I I I ) chloride hexahydrat e EYBCL3.6H2O
YbCl4- 1 Yt t erbium( I I I ) t et rachloride ion( - 1) EYBCL4I ON
YbCO3+ 1 Yt t erbium( I I I ) carbonat e ion( + 1) EYBCO3I ON
YbF+ 2 Yt t erbium( I I I ) monofluoride ion( + 2) EYBFI ON
YbF2+ 1 Yt t erbium( I I I ) difluoride ion( + 1) EYBF2I ON
YbF3 Yt t erbium( I I I ) fluoride EYBF3
YbF4- 1 Yt t erbium( I I I ) t et rafluoride ion( - 1) EYBF4I ON
YbH2PO4+ 2 Yt t erbium( I I I ) dihydrogen
ort hophosphat e ion( + 2)
YbHCO3+ 2 Yt t erbium( I I I ) bicarbonat e ion( + 2) EYBHCO3I ON
YbNO3+ 2 Yt t erbium( I I I ) mononit rat e ion( + 2) EYBNO3I ON
YbOH+ 2 Yt t erbium( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) EYBOHI ON
YbPO4 Yt t erbium( I I I ) ort hophosphat e EYBPO4
YBr+ 2 Yt t rium( I I I ) monobromide ion( + 2) EYBRI ON
YBr3 Yt t rium( I I I ) bromide EYBR3
YbSO4+ 1 Yt t erbium( I I I ) monosulfat e ion( + 1) EYBSO4I ON
YC2O4+ 1 Yt t rium( I I I ) monooxalat e ion( + 1) EYC2O4I ON
YCl+ 2 Yt t rium( I I I ) monochloride ion( + 2) EYCLI ON
YCl3 Yt t rium( I I I ) chloride EYCL3
YCl3. 6H2O Yt t rium( I I I ) chloride hexahydrat e EYCL3. 6H2O
YF+ 2 Yt t rium monofluoride ion( + 2) EYFI ON
YF2+ 1 Yt t rium difluoride ion( + 1) EYF2I ON
YF3 Yt t rium fluoride EYF3
YH2PO4+ 2 Yt t rium dihydrogen ort hophosphat e
ion( + 2)
YNO3+ 2 Yt t rium mononit rat e ion( + 2) EYNO3I ON
YOH+ 2 Yt t rium monohydroxide ion( + 2) EYOHI ON
YPO4 Yt t rium ort hophosphat e EYPO4
YPO4. 2H2O Yt t rium ort hophosphat e dihydrat e EYPO4. 2H2O
YSO4+ 1 Yt t rium monosulfat e ion( + 1) EYSO4I ON
Zn Zinc ZNEL
Zn( C2O4) 2- 2 Zinc dioxalat e ion( - 2) ZNC2O42I ON
Zn( C2O4) 3- 4 Zinc t rioxalat e ion( - 4) ZNC2O43I ON
Zn( CN) 2 Zinc cyanide ZNCN2
Zn( CN) 3- 1 Zinc t ricyanide ion( - 1) ZNCN3I ON
Zn( CN) 4- 2 Zinc t et racyanide ion( - 2) ZNCN4I ON
Zn( HC2O4) 2 Zinc hydrogen oxalat e ZNHC2O42
Zn( HCO3) 2 Zinc bicarbonat e ZNHCO32
Zn( HS) 2 Zinc bisulfide ZNHS2
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Zn( HSO3) 2 Zinc bisulfit e ZNHSO32
Zn( HSO4) 2 Zinc bisulfat e ZNHSO42
Zn( NH2CO2) 2 Zinc carbamat e ZNNH2CO22
Zn( NH3) 2+ 2 Zinc diammonia ion( + 2) ZNNH32I ON
Zn( NH3) 3+ 2 Zinc t riammonia ion( + 2) ZNNH33I ON
Zn( NH3) 4+ 2 Zinc t et raammonia ion( + 2) ZNNH34I ON
Zn( NO3) 2 Zinc nit rat e ZNNO32
Zn( NO3) 2.1H2O Zinc nit rat e monohydrat e ZNNO32. 1H2O
Zn( NO3) 2.2H2O Zinc nit rat e dihydrat e ZNNO32. 2H2O
Zn( NO3) 2.4H2O Zinc nit rat e t et rahydrat e ZNNO32. 4H2O
Zn( NO3) 2.6H2O Zinc nit rat e hexahydrat e ZNNO32. 6H2O
Zn( OH) [ C10H12N2O8] -
Zinc hydroxide EDTA ion( - 3) ZNOHEDTAI ON
Zn( OH) [ C6H6NO6] - 2 Zinc hydroxide NTA ion( - 2) ZNOHNTAI ON
Zn( OH) 2 Zinc hydroxide, amorphous ZNOH2
Zn( OH) 3- 1 Zinc t rihydroxide ion( - 1) ZNOH3I ON
Zn( OH) 4- 2 Zinc t et rahydroxide ion( - 2) ZNOH4I ON
Zn( SCN) 2 Zinc dit hiocyanat e ZNSCN2
Zn( SCN) 3- 1 Zinc t rit hiocyanat e ion( - 1) ZNSCN3I ON
Zn( SCN) 4- 2 Zinc t et rat hiocyanat e ion( - 4) ZNSCN4I ON
Zn[ C10H12N2O8] - 2 Zinc EDTA ion( - 2) ZNEDTAI ON
Zn[ C14H18N3O10] - 3 Zinc DTPA ion( - 3) ZNDTPAI ON
Zn[ C2H14NO] 2+ 2 Zinc di( 2- aminoet hanol) ion( + 2) ZNMEXH2I ON
Zn[ C2H3O2] + 1 Zinc monoacet at e ion( + 1) ZNACETI ON
Zn[ C2H3O2] 2 Zinc acet at e ZNACET2
Zn[ C2H3O2] 3- 1 Zinc t riacet at e ion( - 1) ZNACET3I ON
Zn[ C2H3O3] + 1 Zinc monoglycolat e ion( + 1) ZNGLYCOLI ON
Zn[ C2H3O3] 2 Zinc glycolat e ZNGLYCOL2
Zn[ C2H4NO2] 2 Zinc diglycine ZNGLYCI N2
Zn[ C2H7NO] + 2 Zinc mono( 2- aminoet hanol) ion( + 2) ZNMEXHI ON
Zn[ C2H7NO] 3+ 2 Zinc t ri( 2- aminoet hanol) ion( + 2) ZNMEXH3I ON
Zn[ C2H8N2] + 2 Zinc mono( et hylenediamine) ion( + 2) ZNEDAI ON
Zn[ C2H8N2] 2+ 2 Zinc di( et hylenediamine) ion( + 2) ZNEDA2I ON
Zn[ C2H8N2] 3+ 2 Zinc t ri( et hylenediamine) ion( + 2) ZNEDA3I ON
Zn[ C3H6NO2] + 1 Zinc monoalanat e ion( + 1) ZNALANI ON
Zn[ C3H6NO2] 2 Zinc dialanat e ZNALAN2
Zn[ C4H4O6] Zinc t art rat e ZNTRTRT
Zn[ C5H13NO2] 2+ 2 Zinc di( diet hanolmet hylamine) ion( + 2) ZNMDEXH2I ON
Zn[ C5H13NO2] 3+ 2 Zinc t ri( diet hanolmet hylamine) ion( + 2) ZNMDEXH3I ON
Zn[ C5H13NO2] 4+ 2 Zinc t et ra( diet hanolmet hylamine)
ion( + 2)
Zn[ C5H15NO2] + 2 Zinc mono( diet hanolmet hylamine)
ion( + 2)
Zn[ C6H5O7] - 1 Zinc cit rat e ion( - 1) ZNCTRTI ON
Zn[ C6H6NO6] - 1 Zinc NTA ion( - 1) ZNNTAI ON
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Zn[ C6H6NO6] 2- 4 Zinc di- NTA ion( - 4) ZNNTA2I ON
Zn[ H2C10H12N2O8] Zinc dihydrogen EDTA ZNH2EDTA
Zn[ H2C14H18N3O10] -
Zinc dihydrogen DTPA ion( - 1) ZNH2DTPAI ON
Zn[ H2C6H5O7] + 1 Zinc dihydrogen cit rat e ion( + 1) ZNH2CTRTI ON
Zn[ H3C14H18N3O10] Zinc t rihydrogen DTPA ZNH3DTPA
Zn[ HC10H12N2O8] - 1 Zinc hydrogen EDTA ion( - 1) ZNHEDTAI ON
Zn[ HC14H18N3O10] - 2 Zinc hydrogen DTPA ion( - 2) ZNHDTPAI ON
Zn[ HC6H5O7] Zinc hydrogen cit rat e ZNHCTRT
Zn[ HC6H6NO6] Zinc hydrogen NTA ZNHNTA
Zn[ HCOO] + 1 Zinc monoformat e ion( + 1) ZNCOOHI ON
Zn[ HCOO] 2 Zinc format e ZNCOOH2
Zn[ HCOO] 2. 2H2O Zinc format e dihydrat e ZNCOOH2.2H2O
Zn+ 2 Zinc ion( + 2) ZNI ON
Zn2[ C14H18N3O10] - 1 Dizinc DTPA ion( - 1) ZN2DTPAI ON
Zn3( PO4) 2 Zinc ort hophosphat e ZN3PO42
Zn3( PO4) 2. 1H2O Zinc ort hophosphat e monohydrat e ZN3PO42. 1H2O
Zn3( PO4) 2. 2H2O Zinc ort hophosphat e dihydrat e ZN3PO42.2H2O
Zn3( PO4) 2. 4H2O Zinc ort hoposphat e t et rahydrat e ZN3PO42.4H2O
ZnBr+ 1 Zinc bromide ion( + 1) ZNBRI ON
ZnBr2 Zinc bromide ZNBR2
ZnBr2.2H2O Zinc bromide dihydrat e ZNBR2.2H2O
ZnBr3- 1 Zinc t ribromide ion( - 1) ZNBR3I ON
ZnC2H4NO2+ 1 Zinc monoglycine ion( + 1) ZNGLYCI NI ON
ZnC2O4 Zinc oxalat e ZNC2O4
ZnC2O4.2H2O Zinc oxalat e dihydrat e ZNC2O4.2H2O
ZnCl+ 1 Zinc chloride ion( + 1) ZNCLI ON
ZnCl2 Zinc chloride ZNCL2
ZnCl2.1H2O Zinc chloride monohydrat e ZNCL2. 1H2O
ZnCl2.3H2O Zinc chloride t rihydrat e ZNCL2. 3H2O
ZnCl2. 5ZnO Zinc dichloride pent oxide ZN6CL2O5
ZnCl2. 5ZnO. 8H2O Zinc dichloride pent oxide oct ahydrat e ZN6CL2O5. 8H2O
ZnCl3- 1 Zinc t richloride ion( - 1) ZNCL3I ON
ZnCN+ 1 Zinc monocyanide ion( + 1) ZNCNI ON
ZnCO3 Zinc carbonat e ZNCO3
ZnF+ 1 Zinc monofluoride ion( + 1) ZNFI ON
ZnF2 Zinc fluoride ZNF2
ZnF2. 4H2O Zinc fluoride t et rahydrat e ZNF2. 4H2O
ZnH2PO4+ 1 Zinc dihydrogen ort hophosphat e ion( + 1) ZNH2PO4I ON
ZnHC2O4+ 1 Zinc hydrogen oxalat e ion( + 1) ZNHC2O4I ON
ZnHCO3+ 1 Zinc bicarbonat e ion( + 1) ZNHCO3I ON
ZnHPO4 Zinc hydrogen ort hophosphat e ZNHPO4
ZnI + 1 Zinc monoiodide ion( + 2) ZNI I ON
ZnI 2 Zinc iodide ZNI 2
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ZnI 2. 2H2O Zinc iodide dihydrat e ZNI 2. 2H2O
ZnMoO4 Zinc molybdat e( VI ) ZNMOO4
ZnNH3+ 2 Zinc monoammonia ion( + 2) ZNNH3I ON
ZnNO3+ 1 Zinc nit rat e ion( + 1) ZNNO3I ON
ZnOH+ 1 Zinc monohydroxide ion( + 1) ZNOHI ON
ZnS Zinc sulfide ZNS
ZnSCN+ 1 Zinc monot hiocyanat e ion( + 1) ZNSCNI ON
ZnSe Zinc selenide ZNSE
ZnSeO3 Zinc selenit e ZNSEO3
ZnSeO3.2H2O Zinc selenit e dihydrat e ZNSEO3. 2H2O
ZnSeO3. H2O Zinc selenit e monohydrat e ZNSEO3. 1H2O
ZnSeO4 Zinc selenat e ZNSEO4
ZnSeO4.6H2O Zinc selenat e hexahydrat e ZNSEO4. 6H2O
ZnSeO4. H2O Zinc selenat e monohydrat e ZNSEO4. 1H2O
ZnSO3 Zinc sulfit e ZNSO3
ZnSO4 Zinc sulfat e ZNSO4
ZnSO4. 1H2O Zinc sulfat e monohydrat e ZNSO4.1H2O
ZnSO4. 6H2O Zinc sulfat e hexahydrat e ZNSO4.6H2O
ZnSO4. 7H2O Zinc sulfat e hept ahydrat e ZNSO4.7H2O
ZnWO4 Zinc t ungst at e( VI ) ZNWO4
Zr Zirconium ZREL
Zr( C2O4) 2 Zirconium oxalat e ZRC2O42
Zr( NO3) 2+ 2 Zirconium dinit rat e ion( + 2) ZRNO32I ON
Zr( OH) [ C6H6NO6] Zirconium hydroxide NTA ZROHNTA
Zr( OH) 2+ 2 Zirconium dihydroxide ion( + 2) ZROH2I ON
Zr( OH) 3+ 1 Zirconium t rihydroxide ion( + 1) ZROH3I ON
Zr( OH) 4 Zirconium hydroxide ZROH4
Zr( OH) 5- 1 Zirconium pent ahydroxide ion( - 1) ZROH5I ON
Zr( SO4) 2 Zirconium sulfat e ZRSO42
Zr( SO4) 2.4H2O Zirconium sulfat e t et rahydrat e ZRSO42.4H2O
Zr[ C10H12N2O8] Zirconium EDTA ZREDTA
Zr[ C6H6NO6] + 1 Zirconium NTA ion( + 1) ZRNTAI ON
Zr+ 4 Zirconium ion( + 4) ZRI ON
ZrBr4 Zirconium bromide ZRBR4
ZrC2O4+ 2 Zirconium monooxalat e ion( + 2) ZRC2O4I ON
ZrCl+ 3 Zirconium monochloride ion( + 3) ZRCLI ON
ZrCl2+ 2 Zirconium dichloride ion( + 2) ZRCL2I ON
ZrCl3+ 1 Zirconium t richloride ion( + 1) ZRCL3I ON
ZrCl4 Zirconium t et rachloride ZRCL4
ZrF+ 3 Zirconium monofluoride ion( + 3) ZRFI ON
ZrF2+ 2 Zirconium difluoride ion( + 2) ZRF2I ON
ZrF3+ 1 Zirconium t rifluoride ion( + 1) ZRF3I ON
ZrF4 Zirconium fluoride ZRF4
ZrF4. 1H2O Zirconium fluoride monohydrat e ZRF4. 1H2O
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ZrF4. 3H2O Zirconium fluoride t rihydrat e ZRF4. 3H2O
ZrF5- 1 Zirconium pent afluoride ion( - 1) ZRF5I ON
ZrF6- 2 Zirconium hexafluoride ion( - 2) ZRF6I ON
ZrI 4 Zirconium iodide ZRI 4
ZrNO3+ 3 Zirconium mononit rat e ion( + 3) ZRNO3I ON
ZrO2 Zirconium oxide ZRO2
ZrOCl2 Zirconium oxide dichloride ZROCL2
ZrOCl2. 2H2O Zirconium oxide dichloride dihydrat e ZROCL2. 2H2O
ZrOCL2. 3. 5H2O Zirconium oxide dichloride 3. 5 hydrat e ZROCL2. 3. 5H2O
ZrOCl2. 6H2O Zirconium oxide dichloride hexahydrat e ZROCL2.6H2O
ZrOCl2. 8H2O Zirconium oxide dichloride oct ahydrat e ZROCL2.8H2O
ZrOH+ 3 Zirconium monohydroxide ion( + 3) ZROHI ON
ZrS2 Zirconium sulfide ZRS2
ZrSO4+ 2 Zirconium sulfat e ion( + 2) ZRSO4I ON
ZrSO42.1H2O Zirconium sulfat e monohydrat e ZRSO42.1H2O
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Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace GEOCHEM Dat abase
B- 1
B UniSim Design OLI
I nt erface GEOCHEM
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B- 2
Dat abase
B. 1 List of UniSim Design OLI
I nt erface GEOCHEM
Dat abase
The GEOCHEM dat abase is seperat ed from t he full dat abase. I t cont ains
many solids t hat only form via t hermodynamic equilibrium aft er long
periods of t ime ( t housands of years) . These solids form in nat ure and
are oft en different from t he form of a solid, made up of t he same
element s, t hat may form in a much short er amount of t ime ( usually
inst ant ly) wit hin a process. Thus, t he GEOCHEM solids t end t o form
t hrough aging of t he aqueous environment in cont act wit h a source of
t he element s comprising t he solids. The following list includes t he
UniSim Design OLI I nt erface Name, Formula and t he Common/ I UPAC
name. To find or mat ch an elect rolyt e component in UniSim Design, you
must act ivat e t he GEOCHEM checkbox by clicking t he Addit ional
Dat abank but t on in t he Elect rolyt e library component page and t hen
select t he appropriat e component or t ype.
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12CaO. 7Al2O3 Dodecacalcium t et radecaaluminum
t rit riacont aoxide
Al2O3 Aluminum oxide AL2O3
Al2Si2O5( OH) 4 Dialuminum disilicon pent aoxide
t et rahydroxide
Al2Si4O10( OH) 2 Dialuminum t et rasilicon decaoxide
Al2SiO5 Dialuminum silicon pent aoxide ANDALUSI TE
Al2SiO5 Dialuminum silicon pent aoxide KYANI TE
Al2SiO5 Dialuminum silicon pent aoxide SI LLI MANI T
AlO( OH) Aluminum oxide hydroxide DI ASPORE
Ba2SiO4 Dibarium silicon t et raoxide BA2SI O4
BaSiO3 Barium silicon t rioxide BASI O3
Bi2O3 Bismut h oxide BI 2O3
Ca( Al2Si4O12) . 2H2O Calcium dialuminum t et rasilicon
dodecaoxide dihydrat e
Ca2Al2Si3O10( OH) 2 Dicalcium dialuminum t risilicon decaoxide
Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace GEOCHEM
B- 3
Ca2Al2SiO7 Dicalcium dialuminum silicon hept aoxide CA2AL2SI O7
Ca2Al3Si3O12( OH) Dicalcium t rialuminum t risilicon
dodecaoxide hydroxide
Ca2Al3Si3O12( OH) Dicalcium t rialuminum t risilicon
dodecaoxide hydroxide
Ca2Mg5Si8O22( OH) 2 Dicalcium pent amagnesium oct asilicon
docosaoxide dihydroxide
Ca2MgSi2O7 Dicalcium magnesium disilicon
hept aoxide
Ca2SiO4 Dicalcium silicon t et raoxide CA2SI O4
Ca2SiO4 Dicalcium silicon t et raoxide OLI VI NE
Ca3Al2( SiO4) 3 Tricalcium dialuminum t risilicon
Ca3Fe2Si3O12 Tricalcium diiron t risilicon dodecaoxide ANDRADI TE
Ca3MgSi2O8 Tricalcium magnesium disilicon oct aoxide CA3MGSI O42
Ca5( OH) ( PO4) 3 Pent acalcium hydroxide phosphat e CA5OHPO43
CaAl2( Al2Si2O10) ( OH) 2 Calcium t et raaluminum disilicon
decaoxide dihydroxide
CaAl2Si2O7( OH) 2 Calcium dialuminum disilicon hept aoxide
CaAl2Si2O7( OH) 2. 1H2O Calcium dialuminum disilicon hept aoxide
dihydroxide monohydrat e
CaAl2Si2O8 Calcium dialuminum disilicon oct aoxide CAAL2SI 2O8
CaAl2Si4O12 Calcium dialuminum t et rasilicon
CaAl2Si4O12 Calcium dialuminum t et rasilicon
CaAl2Si4O12. 4H2O Calcium dialuminum t et rasilicon
dodecaoxide t et rahydrat e
CaAl2SiO6 Calcium dialuminum silicon hexaoxide CAALALSI O6
CaCO3 Calcium carbonat e ARAGONI TE
CaFe2O4 Calcium diiron t et raoxide CAFE2O4
CaFeSi2O6 Calcium iron disilicon hexaoxide CAFESI O32
CaMg( CO3) 2 Calcium magnesium carbonat e DI SDOL
CaMg( CO3) 2 Calcium magnesium carbonat e DOLOMI TE
CaMg( CO3) 2 Calcium magnesium carbonat e ORDDOL
CaMg3( CO3) 4 Calcium t rimagnesium carbonat e CAMG3CO34
CaMgSi2O6 Calcium magnesium disilicon hexaoxide DI OPSI DE
CaMgSi2O6 Calcium magnesium disilicon hexaoxide CAMGSI O32
CaMgSiO4 Calcium magesium silicon t et raoxide CAMGSI O4
CaO Calcium oxide CAO
CaSiO3 Calcium silicon t rioxide CASI O3
CaSiO3 Calcium silicon t rioxide PWOLLAST
CaTiSiO5 Calcium t it anium silicon pent aoxide SPHENE
CdSiO3 Cadmium silicon t rioxide CDSI O3
Co2SiO4 Dicobalt silicon t et raoxide CO2SI O4
Cr2O3 Chromium( I I I ) oxide CR2O3
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B- 4 Li st of Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace
B- 4
Cu2( OH) 2CO3 Dicopper dihydroxide carbonat e CU2OH2CO3
Cu3( OH) 2( CO3) 2 Tricopper dihydroxide dicarbonat e CU3OH2CO32
Cu5FeS4 Pent acopper( I ) iron( I I I ) t et rasulfide CU5FEI I I S4
CuFeS2 Copper( I I ) iron( I I ) disulfide CUFEI I S2
CuO Copper( I I ) oxide CUO
Dy2O3 Dysprosium oxide DY2O3
Er2O3 Erbium oxide ER2O3
Eu2O3 Europium oxide EU2O3
EuO Europium( I I ) oxide EUI I O
Fe2O3 I ron( I I I ) oxide FEI I I 2O3
Fe2SiO4 Diiron silicon t et raoxide FEI I 2SI O4
Fe3O4 Triiron t et raoxide MAGNETI TE
FeO I ron( I I ) oxide FEI I O
FeO( OH) I ron( I I I ) oxide hydroxide FEOOH
FeSiO3 I ron silicon t rioxide FEI I SI O3
Gd2O3 Gadolinium oxide GD2O3
Ho2O3 Holmium oxide HO2O3
K2O Pot assium oxide K2O
K2Si2O5 Dipot assium disilicon pent aoxide K2SI 2O5
K2SiO3 Dipot assium silicon t rioxide K2SI O3
KAl3( OH) 6( SO4) 2 Pot assium t rialuminum hexahydroxide
sulfat e
KAl3Si3O10( OH) 2 Pot assium t rialuminum t risilicon
decaoxide dihydroxide
KAlSi3O8 Pot assium aluminum t risilicon oct aoxide KALSI 3O8
KAlSi3O8 Pot assium aluminum t risilicon oct aoxide KFELDSPAR
KAlSi3O8 Pot assium aluminum t risilicon oct aoxide MAXMI C
KAlSiO4 Pot assium aluminum silicon t et raoxide KALSI O4
La2O3 Lant hanum oxide LA2O3
Lu2O3 Lut et ium oxide LU2O3
Mg2( OH) 2CO3 Dimagnesium dihydroxide carbonat e MG2OH2CO3
Mg2( OH) 2CO3. 3H2O Dimagnesium dihydroxide carbonat e
t rihydrat e
Mg2Al3( AlSi5O18) Dimagnesium t et raaluminum pent asilicon
oct adecaoxide
Mg2Al3( AlSi5O18) Dimagnesium t et raluminum pent asilicon
oct adecaoxide
Mg2Al3( AlSi5O18) . 1H2O Dimagnesium t et raluminum pent asilicon
dodecaoxide monohydrat e
Mg2SiO4 Dimagnesium silicon t et raoxide FORSTERI TE
Mg2SiO4 Dimagnesium silicon t et raoxide MG2SI O4
Mg3Al2Si3O12 Trimagnesium dialuminum t risilicon
Mg3Si2O5( OH) 4 Trimagnesium disilicon pent aoxide
t et rahydroxide
Mg3Si2O5( OH) 4 Trimagnesium disilicon pent aoxide
t et rahydroxide
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Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace GEOCHEM
B- 5
Mg3Si4O10( OH) 2 Trimagnesium t et rasilicon decaoxide
Mg4[ Si6O15( OH) 2( H2O) 2] .
Tet ramagnesium hexasilicon
pent adecaoxide dihydroxide
pent ahydrat e
Mg48Si35O85( OH) 62 Oct at et racont amagnesium
pent at ricont asilicon pent aoct acont aoxide
Mg5( OH) 2( CO3) 4. 4H2O Pent amagnesium dihydroxide carbonat e
t et rahydrat e
Mg5Al( AlSi3O10) ( OH) 8 Pent amagnesium dialuminum t risilicon
decaoxide oct ahydroxide
Mg5Al[ AlSi3O10( OH) 2] ( OH)
Pent amagnesium dialuminum t risilicon
decaoxide oct ahydroxide
Mg7Si2O8( OH) 2 Hept amagnesium disilicon oct aoxide
MgAl2O4 Magnesium dialuminum t et raoxide MGAL2O4
MgFe2O4 Magnesium diiron t eraoxide MGFE2O4
MgO Magnesium oxide MGO
MgSiO3 Magnesium silicon t rioxide ENSTATI TE
MgSiO3 Magnesium silicon t rioxide MGSI O3
Mn2SiO4 Dimanganese silicon t et raoxide MN2SI O4
MnO Manganese( I I ) oxide MNO
MnSiO3 Manganese silicon t rioxide MNSI O3
Na2O Disodium oxide NA2O
Na2Si2O5 Disodium disilicon pent aoxide NA2SI 2O5
Na2SiO3.8H2O Disodium silicon t rioxide oct ahydrat e NA2SI O3.8H2O
Na4SiO4 Tet rasodium silicon t et raoxide NA4SI O4
NaAl3Si3O10( OH) 2 Sodium t rialuminum t risilicon decaoxide
NaAlSi2O6 Sodium aluminum disilicon hexaoxide NAALSI 2O6
NaAlSi2O6 Sodium aluminum disilicon hexaoxide NAALSI O32
NaAlSi2O6. 1H2O Sodium aluminum disilicon hexaoxide
monohydrat e
NaAlSi3O8 Sodium aluminum t risilicon oct aoxide ALBI TE
NaAlSi3O8 Sodium aluminum t risilicon oct aoxide HI GHALBI TE
NaAlSi3O8 Sodium aluminum t risilicon oct aoxide LOWALBI TE
NaAlSiO4 Sodium aluminum silicon t et raoxide NAALSI O4
NaFe3( SO4) 2( OH) 6 Sodium t riiron( I I I ) hexahydroxide sulfat e NAJAROSI TE
NaFeSi2O6 Sodium iron disilicon hexaoxide AEGERI NE
Nd2O3 Neodymium oxide ND2O3
NiO Nickel( I I ) oxide NI O
Pb( OH) 2 Lead( I I ) hydroxide PBOH2
PbSiO3 Lead silicon t rioxide PBSI O3
PdO Palladium( I I ) oxide PDO
Pr2O3 Praseodymium oxide PR2O3
SiO2 Silicon dioxide ACRI ST
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B- 6
SiO2 Silicon dioxide CHALCEDONY
SiO2 Silicon dioxide COESI TE
SiO2 Silicon dioxide QUARTZ
Sm2O3 Samarium oxide SM2O3
SnO Tin( I I ) oxide SNO
SnO2 Tin( I V) oxide SNO2
SnS Tin( I I ) sulfide SNS
SnS2 Tin( I V) disulfide SNS2
Sr2SiO4 St ront ium silicon t et raoxide SR2SI O4
SrSiO3 St ront ium silicon t rioxide SRSI O3
TiO2 Tit anium( I V) oxide RUTI LE
USiO4 Uranium silicon t et raoxide USI O4
Yb2O3 Yt t erbium oxide EYB2O3
Zn( OH) 2 Zinc hydroxide ZNOH2EPS
Zn2SiO4 Dizinc silicon t et raoxide ZN2SI O4
ZnCl2.4Zn( OH) 2 Pent azinc oct ahydroxide dichloride ZN5CLOH
ZnCl2.4Zn( OH) 2. 1H2O Pent azinc oct ahydroxide dichloride
monohydrat e
ZnO Zinc oxide ZNO
ZnO. FE2O3 Zinc diiron( I I I ) t et raoxide ZNFE2O4
ZnS Zinc sulfide WURTZI TE
ZnSiO3 Zinc silicon t rioxide ZNSI O3
ZrSiO4 Zirconium silicon t eraoxide ZRSI O4
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Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace MSE Dat abase C- 1
C- 1
C UniSim Design OLI
I nt erface MSE Dat abase
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C- 2
C. 1 List of UniSim Design OLI
I nt erface Full Dat abase
The MSE dat abase covers t housands of species for mixed solvent
syst em, equivelent t o t he Full Dat abase which is developed for aqueous
syst em. The following list includes t he UniSim Design OLI I nt erface
Name, Formula and t he Common/ I UPAC name. To find or mat ch an
elect rolyt e component in UniSim Design, choose MSE radio but t on and
select t he appropriat e component or t ype in t he UniSim Design OLI
I nt erface name.
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OLI I nt er f ace
Br6Fe2 FE2BR6
H3O2( + ) H3O2I ON
C6H6O2 1,2- Benzenediol BNZDI OL12
C6H4O2- 2 1,2- Benzenediol ion( - 2) BZDI OL12I ON
C2H6O2 1,2- Et hanediol ETHEGLYCOL
C3H8O2 1,2- Propanediol PRPLNGLY12
C3H7O2- 1 1,2- Propanediolat e PRPLNGLYI ON
C3H8O 1- Propanol PROPANOL1
C3H8O 2- Propanol I SPROPANOL
C3H7O- 1 2- Propanolat e I SPROI ON
C3H9O+ 1 2- Propanoxonium ion I SPROH2I ON
C6H12O 4- Met hyl- 2- pent anone M4PNTON2
C2H3O2- 1 Acet at e ion( - 1) ACETATEI ON
C2H5O2+ 1 acet at e oxonium ion H2ACETI ON
C2H4O2 Acet ic acid ACETACI D
C4H8O4 Acet ic acid, dimer ACET2
C3H6O Acet one ACETONE
C2H3N Acet onit rile ACENI TRI LE
C6H8O4- 2 Adipat e ion( - 2) ADI PATI ON
C6H10O4 Adipic acid ADI PI CACI D
Al Aluminum ALEL
Al2C3O9 Aluminum carbonat e AL2CO33
AlCl3 Aluminum chloride ALCL3
AlH2O2Cl Aluminum chloride dihydroxide ALO2H2CL
AlCl3H12O6 Aluminum chloride hexahydrat e ALCL3. 6H2O
AlCl2HO Aluminum dichloride hydroxide ALOHCL2
AlF2+ 1 Aluminum difluoride ion( + 1) ALF2I ON
AlH2O2+ 1 Aluminum dihydroxide ion( + 1) ALOH2I ON
AlO8S2- 1 Aluminum disulfat e ion( - 1) ALSO42I ON
AlF3 Aluminum fluoride ALF3
AlF3H6O3 Aluminum fluoride t rihydrat e ALF3. 3H2O
Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace MSE Dat abase C-
C- 3
AlF6- 3 Aluminum hexafluoride ion( - 3) ALF6I ON
AlH3O3 Aluminum hydroxide ALOH3
AlClH4O4- 2 aluminum hydroxychloride ion ALOH4CLI ON
Al+ 3 Aluminum ion( + 3) ALI ON
AlF+ 2 Aluminum monofluoride ion( + 2) ALFI ON
AlHO+ 2 Aluminum monohydroxide ion( + 2) ALOHI ON
AlO4S+ 1 Aluminum monosulfat e ion( + 1) ALSO4I ON
AlN3O9 Aluminum nit rat e ALNO33
AlH12N3O15 Aluminum nit rat e hexahydrat e ALNO33.6H2O
AlH18N3O18 Aluminum nit rat e nonahydrat e ALNO33.9H2O
Al2O3 Aluminum oxide AL2O3
AlHO2 Aluminum oxide hydroxide ( boehmit e) ALOOH
AlF5- 2 Aluminum pent afluoride ion( - 2) ALF5I ON
Al2O12S3 Aluminum sulfat e AL2SO43
Al2H32O28S3 Aluminum sulfat e hexadecahydrat e AL2SO43.16H2O
Al2H12O18S3 Aluminum sulfat e hexahydrat e AL2SO43.6H2O
Al2S3 Aluminum sulfide AL2S3
AlF4- 1 Aluminum t et rafluoride ion( - 1) ALF4I ON
AlH4O4- 1 Aluminum t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) ALOH4I ON
AmH2O4 Americium dioxide dihydroxide AMO2OH2
AmHO3 Americium dioxide hydroxide AMVO2OH
Am+ 4 Americium ion( + 4) AMI VI ON
AmH2O2+ 1 Americium( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) AMI I I OH2I ON
AmH3O3 Americium( I I I ) hydroxide AMI I I OH3
Am+ 3 Americium( I I I ) ion( + 3) AMI I I I ON
AmHO+ 2 Americium( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( 2) AMI I I OHI ON
AmH4O4 Americium( I V) hydroxide AMI VOH4
H3N Ammonia NH3
H7NO8S2 Ammonium bisulfat e sulfuric acid NH4H3SO42
H5NS Ammonium bisulfide NH4HS
ClH4N Ammonium chloride NH4CL
ClH4N Ammonium chloride - bet a solid NH4CLB
F2H5N Ammonium hydrogen difluoride NH4HF2
H5NO4S Ammonium hydrogen sulfat e NH4HSO4
H4N+ 1 Ammonium ion( + 1) NH4I ON
H4N2O3 Ammonium nit rat e NH4NO3
H8N2O4S Ammonium sulfat e NH42SO4
C9H3O5- 1 Anhydrot rimellit at e ion TMELLANHI ON
C2HNa3O6 anhydrous t rona NA3HCO32
Sb Ant imony SBEL
H2O2Sb+ 1 Ant imony( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) SBOH2I ON
H3O3Sb Ant imony( I I I ) hydroxide SBOH3
O3Sb2 Ant imony( I I I ) oxide SB2O3
S3Sb2 Ant imony( I I I ) sulfide SB2S3
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OLI I nt er f ace
C- 4 Li st of Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace
C- 4
H4O4Sb- 1 Ant imony( I I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) SBOH4I ON
H5O5Sb Ant imony( V) hydroxide SBOH5
O5Sb2 Ant imony( V) oxide SB2O5
Ar Argon AR
As Arsenic ARSEL
AsH3 Arsenic t rihydride ASH3
AsO2- 1 Arsenic( I I I ) dioxide ion( - 1) ARSO2I ON
AsO+ 1 Arsenic( I I I ) monooxide ion( + 1) ARSOI ON
As2O3 Arsenic( I I I ) oxide AS2O3
As2S3 Arsenic( I I I ) sulfide AS2S3
AsO3- 3 Arsenic( I I I ) t rioxide ion( - 3) ARSO3I ON
As2O5 Arsenic( V) oxide AS2O5
As2H3. 4O6.7 Arsenic( V) oxide 1. 7- hydroxide AS2O5. 1. 7H2O
As2H8O9 Arsenic( V) oxide t et rahydrat e AS2O5. 4H2O
As2S5 Arsenic( V) sulfide AS2S5
AsO4- 3 Arsenic( V) t et raoxide ion( - 3) ARSO4I ON
AsH3O4 Arsenic( VI ) acid H3ASO4
AsH3O3 Arsenious acid H3ASO3
Ba Barium BAEL
BaH2O2 Barium hydroxide BAOH2
BaHO+ 1 Barium hydroxide ion( + 1) BAOHI ON
BaH18O10 Barium hydroxide oct ahydrat e BAOH2. 8H2O
Ba+ 2 Barium ion( + 2) BAI ON
C6H6 Benzene BENZENE
BeH2O2 Berrylium hydroxide BEOH2
BeO2- 2 Beryllat e ion ( - 2) BEO2I ON
Be Beryllium BEEL
Be+ 2 Beryllium ion ( + 2) BEI ON
AsHO3- 2 Biarsenat e ion( - 2) HARSO3I ON
CHO3- 1 Bicarbonat e ion( - 1) HCO3I ON
CrHO4- 1 Bichromat e( VI ) ion( - 1) HCRO4I ON
Bi Bismut h BI EL
Bi+ 3 Bismut h ion( + 3) BI I ON
BiH2O2+ 1 Bismut h( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) BI OH2I ON
BiH3O3 Bismut h( I I I ) hydroxide BI OH3
BiHO+ 2 Bismut h( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) BI OHI ON
Bi2S3 Bismut h( I I I ) sulfide BI 2S3
BiH4O4- 1 Bismut h( I I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) BI OH4I ON
HO4S- 1 Bisulfat e( VI ) ion ( - 1) HSO4I ON
HO3S- 1 Bisulfit e( I V) ion ( - 1) HSO3I ON
BH3O3 Boric acid BOH3
H4B- 1 Borohydride ion( - 1) BH4I ON
B Boron BEL
BH4O4- 1 Boron t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) BOH4I ON
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Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace MSE Dat abase C-
C- 5
BrO3- 1 Bromat e ion ( - 1) BRO3I ON
BrHO3 Bromic( VI ) acid HBRO3
Br- 1 Bromide ion ( - 1) BRI ON
Br2 Bromine BR2
Br2 Bromine ( st andard st at e) BR2EL
Ca2Cl2N2O6 Ca2Cl2NO32 CACLNO32
Ca2Cl2H8N2O10 Ca2Cl2NO32. 4H2O CACLNO32. 4H2O
Cd Cadmium CDEL
CdH2S2 Cadmium bisulfide CDHS2
CdHS+ 1 Cadmium bisulfide ion( + 1) CDHSI ON
CdH2O2 Cadmium hydroxide CDOH2
Cd+ 2 Cadmium ion( + 2) CDI ON
CdHO+ 1 Cadmium monohydroxide ion( + 1) CDOHI ON
CdH4S4- 2 Cadmium t et ra( hydrogen sulfide) ion( - 2) CDHS4I ON
CdH4O4- 2 Cadmium t et rahydroxide ion( - 2) CDOH4I ON
CdH3S3- 1 Cadmium t ri( hydrogen sulfide) ion( - 1) CDHS3I ON
CdH3O3- 1 Cadmium t rihydroxide ion( - 1) CDOH3I ON
CaK4N6O18 CaK4NO36 CAK4NO36
Ca Calcium CAEL
CCaO3 Calcium carbonat e CACO3
CaCl2 Calcium chloride CACL2
CaCl2H0. 666666O
Calcium chloride 0. 33 hydrat e CACL2. 0.33H2O
CaCl2H4O2 Calcium chloride dihydrat e CACL2. 2H2O
CaCl2H12O6 Calcium chloride hexahydrat e CACL2. 6H2O
CaCl2H2O Calcium chloride monohydrat e CACL2. 1H2O
CaCl2H8O4 Calcium chloride t et rahydrat e CACL2. 4H2O
CaH4O8P2 Calcium dihydrogen ort hophosphat e CAH2PO42
CaH6O9P2 Calcium dihydrogen ort hophosphat e
monohydrat e
CaH2O4P+ 1 Calcium dihydrogen ort hophosphat e( V)
ion( + 1)
CaF2 Calcium fluoride CAF2
CaHO4P Calcium hydrogen ort hophosphat e CAHPO4
CaH5O6P Calcium hydrogen ort hophosphat e
dihydrat e
CaH2O2 Calcium hydroxide CAOH2
CaClHO Calcium hydroxide chloride CAOHCL
CaHO+ 1 Calcium hydroxide ion( + 1) CAOHI ON
Ca+ 2 Calcium ion( + 2) CAI ON
CaF+ 1 Calcium monofluoride ion( + 1) CAFI ON
CaN2O6 Calcium nit rat e CANO32
CaH4N2O8 Calcium nit rat e dihydrat e CANO32. 2H2O
CaH8N2O10 Calcium nit rat e t et rahydrat e CANO32. 4H2O
CaH6N2O9 Calcium nit rat e t rihydrat e CANO32. 3H2O
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C- 6 Li st of Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace
C- 6
Ca3O8P2 Calcium ort hophosphat e CA3PO42
CaO calcium oxide CAO
CaO4S Calcium sulfat e CASO4
CaH4O6S Calcium sulfat e dihydrat e CASO4. 2H2O
CaCl6Mg2 CaMg2Cl6 CAMG2CL6
CO2 Carbon dioxide CO2
CO3- 2 Carbonat e ion( - 2) CO3I ON
Cl3H12KMgO6 Carnallit e KMGCL3.6H2O
Ce Cerium CEEL
Ce+ 3 Cerium ion( + 3) CEI ON
Ce+ 4 Cerium ion( + 4) CEI VI ON
CeH2O2+ 1 Cerium( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) CEOH2I ON
CeH3O3 Cerium( I I I ) hydroxide CEOH3
CeHO+ 2 Cerium( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) CEOHI ON
Ce2O3 Cerium( I I I ) oxide CE2O3
Ce2S3 Cerium( I I I ) sulfide CE2S3
CeH4O4- 1 Cerium( I I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) CEOH4I ON
CeO2 Cerium( I V) oxide CEO2
Cs Cesium CSEL
CsHO Cesium hydroxide CSOH
CsH3O2 Cesium hydroxide monohydrat e CSOH. 1H2O
Cs+ 1 Cesium ion( + 1) CSI ON
ClO3- 1 Chlorat e ion( - 1) CLO3I ON
ClHO3 Chloric( VI ) acid HCLO3
Cl- 1 Chloride ion( - 1) CLI ON
Cl2 Chlorine CL2
ClO2 Chlorine dioxide CLO2
ClO2- 1 Chlorit e ion( - 1) CLO2I ON
CHCl3 Chloroform CHLOROFM
ClHO2 Chlorous( I I I ) acid HCLO2
CrO4- 2 Chromat e( VI ) ion( - 2) CRO4I ON
CrH2O4 Chromic( VI ) acid H2CRO4
Cr Chromium CREL
CrH3O3 Chromium ( I I I ) hydroxide ( amorphous) CROH3
Cr+ 2 Chromium ion( + 2) CRI I I ON
Cr+ 3 Chromium ion( + 3) CRI I I I ON
CrH2O2 Chromium( I I ) hydroxide CRI I OH2
CrS Chromium( I I ) sulfide CRS
CrH2O2+ 1 Chromium( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) CROH2I ON
CrHO+ 2 Chromium( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) CROHI ON
Cr2S3 Chromium( I I I ) sulfide CR2S3
CrH4O4- 1 Chromium( I I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) CROH4I ON
CrO3 Chromium( VI ) t rioxide CRO3
C6H5O7- 3 Cit rat e ion( - 3) CI TRATI ON
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Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace MSE Dat abase C-
C- 7
C6H8O7 Cit ric acid CI TRAC
C6H10O8 Cit ric acid monohydrat e CI TRAC. 1H2O
Ca5ClO12P3 Clorapat it e CA5CLPO43
Co Cobalt COEL
Co+ 2 Cobalt ion( + 2) COI I I ON
Co+ 3 Cobalt ion( + 3) COI I I I ON
CoH2O2 Cobalt ( I I ) hydroxide COI I OH2
CoHO+ 1 Cobalt ( I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 1) COI I OHI ON
CoS Cobalt ( I I ) sulfide COI I S
CoH4O4- 2 Cobalt ( I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 2) COI I OH4I ON
CoH3O3- 1 Cobalt ( I I ) t rihydroxide ion( - 1) COI I OH3I ON
CoH3O3 Cobalt ( I I I ) hydroxide COI I I OH3
CoHO+ 2 Cobalt ( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) COI I I OHI ON
Cu Copper CUEL
CuH18N2O15 Copper ( I I ) nit rat e nonahydrat e CUNO32.9H2O
CuH2O5S Copper ( I I ) sulfat e hydrat e CUSO4. 1H2O
Cu+ 1 Copper ion( + 1) CUI I ON
CuHO Copper( I ) hydroxide CUI OH
Cu2O Copper( I ) oxide CU2O
Cu2S Copper( I ) sulfide CUI 2S
CuH2O2 Copper( I I ) hydroxide CUOH2
Cu+ 2 Copper( I I ) ion( + 2) CUI ON
CuHO+ 1 Copper( I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 1) CUOHI ON
CuN2O6 Copper( I I ) nit rat e CUNO32
CuH5N2O8. 5 Copper( I I ) nit rat e 2.5 hydrat e CUNO32.2.5H2O
CuH12N2O12 Copper( I I ) nit rat e hexahydrat e CUNO32.6H2O
CuO4S Copper( I I ) sulfat e CUSO4
CuH10O9S Copper( I I ) sulfat e pent ahydrat e CUSO4. 5H2O
CuH6O7S Copper( I I ) sulfat e t rihydrat e CUSO4. 3H2O
CuS Copper( I I ) sulfide CUS
CuH4O4- 2 Copper( I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 2) CUOH4I ON
CuH3O3- 1 Copper( I I ) t rihydroxide ion( - 1) CUOH3I ON
C6H12 Cyclohexane CYCLOHEXAN
C6H12O Cyclohexanol CHXANOL
H2Np2O6+ 2 Di( dioxonept unium( VI ) ) dihydroxide
ion( + 2)
H2O6Pu2+ 2 Di( dioxyplut onium( VI ) ) dihydroxide
ion( + 2)
Al2ClH5O5 Dialuminum chloride pent ahydroxide AL2O5H5CL
As2S4- 2 Diarsenic( I I I ) t et rasulfide ion( - 2) AS2S4I ON
B2H5O6- 1 Diboron oxide pent ahydroxide ion( - 1) B2OOH5I ON
B2S3 Diboron t risulfide B2S3
Cr2O7- 2 Dichromat e( VI ) ion( - 2) CR2O7I ON
Cr2H2O7 Dichromic( VI ) acid H2CR2O7
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C- 8 Li st of Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace
C- 8
C5H10O3 Diet hyl carbonat e DI ETHCARB
AsH2O4- 1 Dihydrogen arsenat e( VI ) ion( - 1) H2ASO4I ON
C6H7O7- 1 Dihydrogen cit rat e ion( - 1) H2CI TRATI ON
FH2+ 1 Dihydrogen fluoride ion ( + 1) H2FI ON
H2O4P- 1 Dihydrogen ort hophosphat e( V) ion( - 1) H2PO4I ON
H2O4Si- 2 Dihydrogen ort hosilicat e ion( - 2) H2SI O4I ON
H2O4V- 1 Dihydrogen ort hovanadat e( V) ion( - 1) H2VO4I ON
H2O3P- 1 Dihydrogen phosphat e( I I I ) ion( - 1) H2PO3I ON
H2O7P2- 2 Dihydrogen pyrophosphat e( V) ion( - 2) H2P2O7I ON
H2Se Dihydrogen selenide SEH2
C9H5O6- 1 Dihydrogen t rimellit at e ion H2TMELLI TI ON
H2O10P3- 3 dihydrogen t riphospaht e ion H2P3O10I ON
H2Fe2O2+ 4 Diiron( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 4) FEI I I 2OH2I ON
Cl4H5Li2O2. 5Zn Dilit hium zinc chloride dihemihydrat e LI 2ZNCL4. 2H2O
H2Hg2O2 Dimercury( I ) dihydroxide HG2OH2
HHg2O+ 1 Dimercury( I ) hydroxide ion( + 1) HG2OHI ON
Hg2+ 2 Dimercury( I ) ion ( + 2) HG2I ON
N2O5 Dinit rogen pent oxide N2O5
N2O4 Dinit rogen t et roxide N2O4
HO3Np Dioxonept unium( V) hydroxide NPVO2OH
NpO2+ 1 Dioxonept unium( V) ion( + 1) NPVO2I ON
H2NpO4 Dioxonept unium( VI ) hydroxide NPO2OH2
NpO2+ 2 Dioxonept unium( VI ) ion( + 2) NPO2I ON
HNpO3+ 1 Dioxonept unium( VI ) monohydroxide( + 1) NPO2OHI ON
AmO2+ 1 Dioxyamericium( V) ion( + 1) AMVO2I ON
AmO2+ 2 Dioxyamericium( VI ) ion( + 2) AMO2I ON
HO3Pu Dioxyplut onium( V) hydroxide PUVO2OH
O2Pu+ 1 Dioxyplut onium( V) ion( + 1) PUVO2I ON
H2O4Pu Dioxyplut onium( VI ) hydroxide PUO2OH2
O2Pu+ 2 Dioxyplut onium( VI ) ion( + 2) PUO2I ON
HO3Pu+ 1 Dioxyplut onium( VI ) monohydroxide
ion( + 1)
C4H8K2O5 Di- pot assium acet at e monohydrat e K2ACET2. 1H2O
C4H12K2O7 Di- pot assium acet at e t rihydrat e K2ACET2. 3H2O
CaNa4O12S3 disodium calcium sulfat e NA4CASO43
C6H5Na2O7- 1 disodium cit rat e ion( - 1) NA2CTRTI ON
C6H6Na2O7 disodium hydrogen cit rat e NA2HCI TR
C8H4Na2O4 Disodium isopht halat e NA2I PHTHT
Na2O Disodium oxide NA2O
C8H4Na2O4 Disodium t erepht halat e NA2TPHTHT
S2- 2 Disulfide ion( - 2) S2I ON
H2O6S2 Dit hionic acid H2S2O6
H2O4S2 Dit hionous acid H2S2O4
H2O2Th2+ 6 Dit horium( I V) dihydroxide ion( + 6) TH2OH2I ON
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H2O6U2+ 2 Diuranyl( VI ) dihydroxide ion( + 2) UO22OH2I ON
Dy Dysprosium DYEL
Dy+ 3 Dysprosium ion( + 3) DYI ON
DyH2O2+ 1 Dysprosium( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) DYOH2I ON
DyH3O3 Dysprosium( I I I ) hydroxide DYOH3
DyHO+ 2 Dysprosium( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) DYOHI ON
DyH4O4- 1 Dysprosium( I I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) DYOH4I ON
Er Erbium EREL
Er+ 3 Erbium ion ( + 3) ERI ON
ErH2O2+ 1 Erbium( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) EROH2I ON
ErH3O3 Erbium( I I I ) hydroxide EROH3
ErHO+ 2 Erbium( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) EROHI ON
ErH4O4- 1 Erbium( I I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) EROH4I ON
C2H5O2- 1 Et hanediolat e ETHEGLYI ON
C2H6O Et hanol ETHANOL
C2H5O- 1 Et hanolat e ETOI ON
C2H7O+ 1 Et hoxonium ion ETOH2I ON
C2H7O2+ 1 Et hylene glycoxonium ion ETHGLYHI ON
Eu Europium EUEL
Eu+ 2 Europium ion( + 2) EUI I I ON
Eu+ 3 Europium ion( + 3) EUI I I I ON
EuH2O2 Europium( I I ) hydroxide EUI I OH2
EuH2O2+ 1 Europium( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) EUOH2I ON
EuH3O3 Europium( I I I ) hydroxide EUOH3
EuHO+ 2 Europium( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) EUOHI ON
EuH4O4- 1 Europium( I I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) EUOH4I ON
BrFe+ 2 ferric bromide ion FEI I I BRI ON
Ca5FO12P3 Fluorapat it e CA5FPO43
F- 1 Fluoride ion ( - 1) FI ON
F2 Fluorine F2
FO3S- 1 Fluorosulfat e ion SO3FI ON
FHO3S Fluorosulfonic acid HSO3F
CHO2- 1 Format e ion( - 1) COOHI ON
CH3O2+ 1 format e oxonium ion H2COOHI ON
CH2O2 Formic acid HCOOH
C2H4O4 Formic acid, dimer FORM2
Gd Gadolinium GDEL
GdH2O2+ 1 Gadolinium( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) GDOH2I ON
GdH3O3 Gadolinium( I I I ) hydroxide GDOH3
GdHO+ 2 Gadolinium( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) GDOHI ON
GdH4O4- 1 Gadolinium( I I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) GDOH4I ON
Gd+ 3 Gadolium ion( + 3) GDI ON
Ga Gallium GAEL
GaH3O3 Gallium hydroxide GAOH3
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Ga+ 3 Gallium ion( + 3) GAI ON
CaCl3K Gidrofillit e KCACL3
K3NaO8S2 Glaserit e K3NASO42
CaNa2O8S2 Glauberit e NA2CASO42
Ca5H2K2O25S6 Goergeyit e K2CA5SO46.H2O
Au Gold AUEL
Au+ 1 Gold ion( + 1) GLDI I ON
Au+ 3 Gold ion( + 3) GLDI I I I ON
AuHO Gold( I ) hydroxide GLDI OH
AuH3O3 Gold( I I I ) hydroxide GLDI I I OH3
AuH5O5- 2 Gold( I I I ) pent ahydroxide ion( - 2) GLDI I I OH5I ON
AuH4O4- 1 Gold( I I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) GLDI I I OH4I ON
C26H55NO2 HAc.t rioct ylamine complex HACETTOA
He Helium HE
F6P- 1 hexafluorophosphat e ion PF6I ON
CNa6O11S2 Hexasodium carbonat e bissulfat e NA6SO42CO3
Ho Holmium HOEL
Ho+ 3 Holmium ion( + 3) HOI ON
H2HoO2+ 1 Holmium( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) HOOH2I ON
H3HoO3 Holmium( I I I ) hydroxide HOOH3
HHoO+ 2 Holmium( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) HOOHI ON
H4HoO4- 1 Holmium( I I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) HOOH4I ON
H4N2 Hydrazine N2H4
F6H6 Hydrofluoride, hexamer H6F6
H2 Hydrogen H2
C6H5O2- 1 Hydrogen 1, 2- benzenediol ion( - 1) HBZDI OL12I ON
C6H9O4- 1 hydrogen adipat e ion( - 1) HADI PATI ON
AsHO4- 2 Hydrogen arsenat e( VI ) ion( - 2) HASO4I ON
BrH Hydrogen bromide HBR
ClH Hydrogen chloride HCL
C6H6O7- 2 Hydrogen cit rat e ion( - 2) HCI TRATI ON
HO2Pb- 1 Hydrogen dioxylead ion( - 1) HPBO2I ON
FH Hydrogen fluoride HF
H5N2+ 1 Hydrogen hydrazine ion( + 1) N2H5I ON
H4NO+ 1 Hydrogen hydroxylamine ion( + 1) NH3OHI ON
HI Hydrogen iodide HI
C8H5O4- 1 Hydrogen isopht halic acid ion( - 1) HI PHTHTI ON
HO3P- 2 Hydrogen met aphosphat e( I I I ) ion( - 2) HPO3I ON
HMoO4- 1 Hydrogen molybdenat e ion( - 1) HMOO4I ON
C6H6NO2+ 1 Hydrogen nicot inic acid ion( + 1) H2NI COTACDI ON
HO4P- 2 Hydrogen ort hophosphat e( V) ion ( - 2) HPO4I ON
HO2- 1 Hydrogen peroxide ion( - 1) HO2I ON
HO5S- 1 Hydrogen persulfat e( VI I I ) ion ( - 1) HSO5I ON
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HVO4- 2 Hydrogen pervanadat e( V) ion( - 2) HVO4I ON
HO7P2- 3 Hydrogen pyrophosphat e( V) ion( - 3) HP2O7I ON
HO4Se- 1 Hydrogen selenat e( VI ) ion( - 1) HSEO4I ON
HSeO3- 1 Hydrogen selenit e( I V) ion ( - 1) HSEO3I ON
HSe- 1 Hydrogen selinide ion ( - 1) HSEI ON
H2S Hydrogen sulfide H2S
HS- 1 Hydrogen sulfide ion ( - 1) HSI ON
H2Te Hydrogen t elluride H2TE
HTe- 1 Hydrogen t elluride ion( - 1) HTEI ON
HO3Te- 1 Hydrogen t ellurit e( I V) ion( - 1) HTEI VO3I ON
C8H5O4- 1 Hydrogen t erepht halic acid ion( - 1) HTPHTHTI ON
HO2Sn- 1 Hydrogen t in( I I ) ion( - 1) HSNO2I ON
C9H4O6- 2 Hydrogen t rimellit at e ion HTMELLI TI ON
HO4W- 1 Hydrogen t ungst at e( VI ) ion( - 1) HWO4I ON
H3O+ 1 Hydronium ion( + 1) H3OI ON
HO- 1 Hydroxide ion( - 1) OHI ON
H3NO Hydroxylamine NH2OH
BrO- 1 Hypobromit e( I ) ion ( - 1) BROI ON
BrHO Hypobromous acid HBRO
ClO- 1 Hypochlorit e ion( - 1) CLOI ON
ClHO Hypochlorous acid HCLO
I O- 1 Hypoiodat e( I ) ion( - 1) I ODOI ON
HI O Hypoiodous( I ) acid HI O
H3O2P Hypophosphorous acid H3PO2
H2O2P- 1 Hypophosphorous ion( - 1) H2PO2I ON
I n I ndium I NEL
I n+ 3 I ndium ion( + 3) I NI ON
H3I nO3 I ndium( I I I ) hydroxide I NOH3
I O3- 1 I odat e( VI ) ion( - 1) I ODO3I ON
HI O3 I odic( V) acid HI O3
I - 1 I odide ion( - 1) I ODI ON
I 2 I odine I OD2EL
Fe I ron FEEL
Br2FeH18O9 I ron ( I I ) bromide nonahydrat e FEI I BR2. 9H2O
Fe+ 2 I ron ion( + 2) FEI I I ON
Fe+ 3 I ron ion( + 3) FEI I I I ON
Br2Fe I ron( I I ) bromide FEI I BR2
Br2FeH4O2 I ron( I I ) bromide dihydrat e FEI I BR2. 2H2O
Br2FeH12O6 I ron( I I ) bromide hexahydrat e FEI I BR2. 6H2O
Br2FeH8O4 I ron( I I ) bromide t et rahydrat e FEI I BR2. 4H2O
CFeO3 I ron( I I ) carbonat e FEI I CO3
FeS2 I ron( I I ) disulfide ( isomet ric) FEI I S2
H2FeO2 I ron( I I ) hydroxide FEI I OH2
HFeO+ 1 I ron( I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 1) FEI I OHI ON
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FeO I ron( I I ) oxide FEO
FeO4S I ron( I I ) sulfat e FEI I SO4
FeH14O11S I ron( I I ) sulfat e hept ahydrat e FEI I SO4. 7H2O
FeH2O5S I ron( I I ) sulfat e monohydrat e FEI I SO4. 1H2O
FeS I ron( I I ) sulfide ( hexagonal) FEI I S
FeH4O4- 2 I ron( I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 2) FEI I OH4I ON
H3FeO3- 1 I ron( I I ) t rihydroxide ion( - 1) FEI I OH3I ON
Br3Fe I ron( I I I ) bromide FEI I I BR3
Br3FeH3O1. 5 I ron( I I I ) bromide hydrat e FEBR3. 1. 5H2O
H2FeO2+ 1 I ron( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) FEI I I OH2I ON
FeH3O3 I ron( I I I ) hydroxide FEI I I OH3
HFeO+ 2 I ron( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) FEI I I OHI ON
FeN3O9 I ron( I I I ) nit rat e FENO33
FeH12N3O15 I ron( I I I ) nit rat e hexahydrat e FENO33. 6H2O
FeH18N3O18 I ron( I I I ) nit rat e nonahydrat e FENO33. 9H2O
Fe2O3 I ron( I I I ) oxide FEI I I 2O3
Fe2O12S3 I ron( I I I ) sulfat e FE2SO43
Fe2H12O18S3 I ron( I I I ) sulfat e hexahydrat e FE2SO43. 6H2O
Fe2H18O21S3 I ron( I I I ) sulfat e nonahydrat e FE2SO43. 9H2O
Fe2H6O18S4 I ron( I I I ) sulfat e sulfuric acid dihydrat e FEH2SO44. 2H2O
Fe2H18O24S4 I ron( I I I ) sulfat e sulfuric acid oct ahydrat e FEH2SO44. 8H2O
FeH4O4- 1 I ron( I I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) FEI I I OH4I ON
C8H6O4 I sopht halic acid I PHTHALAC
C8H4O4- 2 I sopht halic acid ion( - 2) I PHTHTI ON
FNa3O4S Kogarkoit e NA3SO4F
Kr Krypt on KR
CaH4Na4O14S3 Labile salt NA4CASO43.2H2O
La+ 3 Lant hanide ion( + 3) LAI ON
La Lant hanum LAEL
H2LaO2+ 1 Lant hanum( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) LAOH2I ON
H3LaO3 Lant hanum( I I I ) hydroxide LAOH3
HLaO+ 2 Lant hanum( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) LAOHI ON
La2S3 Lant hanum( I I I ) sulfide LA2S3
H4LaO4- 1 Lant hanum( I I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) LAOH4I ON
Pb Lead PBEL
H2PbS2 Lead( I I ) bisulfide PBHS2
H2O2Pb Lead( I I ) hydroxide PBOH2
Pb+ 2 Lead( I I ) ion( + 2) PBI ON
HOPb+ 1 Lead( I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 1) PBOHI ON
OPb Lead( I I ) oxide PBO
PbS Lead( I I ) sulfide PBS
H13N3O8S2 Let ovicit e NH43HSO42
Li Lit hium LI EL
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C- 13
CaCl3H10LiO5 Lit hium calcium chloride pent ahydrat e LI CACL3. 5H2O
ClLi Lit hium chloride LI CL
ClH4LiO2 Lit hium chloride dihydrat e LI CL.2H2O
ClH2LiO Lit hium chloride monohydrat e LI CL.1H2O
ClH10LiO5 Lit hium chloride pent ahydrat e LI CL. 5H2O
ClH6LiO3 Lit hium chloride t rihydrat e LI CL. 3H2O
F6LiP Lit hium hexafluorophosphat e LI PF6
HLiO Lit hium hydroxide LI OH
H3LiO2 Lit hium hydroxide monohydrat e LI OH. 1H2O
Li+ 1 Lit hium ion( + 1) LI I ON
ClLiO4 Lit hium perchlorat e LI CLO4
Lu Lut et ium LUEL
Lu+ 3 Lut et ium ion( + 3) LUI ON
H2LuO2+ 1 Lut et ium( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) LUOH2I ON
H3LuO3 Lut et ium( I I I ) hydroxide LUOH3
HLuO+ 2 Lut et ium( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) LUOHI ON
H4LuO4- 1 Lut et ium( I I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) LUOH4I ON
Mg Magnesium MGEL
CMgO3 Magnesium carbonat e MGCO3
Cl2Mg Magnesium chloride MGCL2
Cl2H24MgO12 Magnesium chloride 12 hydrat e MGCL2.12H2O
Cl2H4MgO2 Magnesium chloride dihydrat e MGCL2. 2H2O
Cl2H12MgO6 Magnesium chloride hexahydrat e MGCL2. 6H2O
ClHMgO Magnesium chloride hydroxide MGCLOH
Cl2H16MgO8 Magnesium chloride oct ahydrat e MGCL2. 8H2O
Cl2H8MgO4 Magnesium chloride t et rahydrat e MGCL2.4H2O
F2Mg Magnesium fluoride MGF2
H2MgO2 Magnesium hydroxide MGOH2
HMgO+ 1 Magnesium hydroxide ion( + 1) MGOHI ON
Mg+ 2 Magnesium ion( + 2) MGI ON
FMg+ 1 Magnesium monofluoride ion( + 1) MGFI ON
H12MgN2O12 Magnesium nit rat e hexahydrat e MGNO32.6H2O
H18MgN2O15 Magnesium nit rat e nonahydrat e MGNO32.9H2O
MgN2O6 Magnesium nit rat e( V) MGNO32
H4MgN2O8 Magnesium nit rat e( V) dihydrat e MGNO32.2H2O
MgO4S Magnesium sulfat e MGSO4
H14MgO11S Magnesium sulfat e hept ahydrat e MGSO4. 7H2O
H12MgO10S Magnesium sulfat e hexahydrat e MGSO4. 6H2O
H2MgO5S Magnesium sulfat e monohydrat e MGSO4. 1H2O
MnO4- 1 Manganat e ion( - 1) MNVI I O4I ON
MnO4- 2 Manganat e( VI ) ion( - 2) MNO4I ON
Mn Manganese MNEL
Mn+ 2 Manganese ion( + 2) MNI ON
H2MnO2 Manganese( I I ) hydroxide MNOH2
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HMnO+ 1 Manganese( I I ) monohydroxide ion ( + 1) MNOHI ON
MnS Manganese( I I ) sulfide MNS
H4MnO4- 2 Manganese( I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 2) MNOH4I ON
H3MnO3- 1 Manganese( I I ) t rihydroxide ion( - 1) MNOH3I ON
H2MnO4 Manganic( VI ) acid H2MNO4
Hg Mercury HGEL
H2HgO2 Mercury( I I ) hydroxide HGOH2
Hg+ 2 Mercury( I I ) ion( + 2) HGI ON
HHgO+ 1 Mercury( I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 1) HGOHI ON
HgO Mercury( I I ) oxide HGO
HgS Mercury( I I ) sulfide HGS
H3HgO3- 1 Mercury( I I ) t rihydroxide ion( - 1) HGOH3I ON
AsHO2 Met aarsenic( I I I ) acid HASO2
O6S2- 2 Met asulfat e( V) ion( - 2) S2O6I ON
CH4O3S Met hanesulfonic acid CH4SO3
CH3O3S- 1 Met hanesulfonic acid ion( - 1) CH3SO3I ON
CH6O4S Met hanesulfonic acid monohydrat e CH4SO3.1H2O
CH10O6S Met hanesulfonic acid t rihydrat e CH4SO3.3H2O
CH3O- 1 Met hanolat e MEOI ON
CH5O+ 1 Met hoxonium ion MEOH2I ON
Ca2Cl6Mg MgCa2Cl6 MGCA2CL6
Ca2Cl6H12MgO6 MgCa2Cl6. 6H2O MGCA2CL6.6H2O
MoO4- 2 Molybdenat e( VI ) ion( - 2) MOO4I ON
H2MoO4 Molybdenic( VI ) acid H2MOO4
Mo Molybdenum MOEL
Mo+ 3 Molybdenum ion( + 3) MOI ON
H3MoO3 Molybdenum( I I I ) hydroxide MOOH3
MoO2 Molybdenum( I V) oxide MOO2
MoO3 Molybdenum( VI ) oxide MOO3
HO10P3- 4 monohydrogen t riphosphat e ion HP3O10I ON
C4H9NO N,N- Dimet hylacet amide NNM2ACEAMD
H2Na8O14S3 NA8OH2SO43 NA8OH2SO43
C4H8O n- But anal BUTRALDEHY
Nd Neodymium NDEL
Nd+ 3 Neodymium ion( + 3) NDI ON
H2NdO2+ 1 Neodymium( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) NDOH2I ON
H3NdO3 Neodymium( I I I ) hydroxide NDOH3
HNdO+ 2 Neodymium( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) NDOHI ON
H4NdO4- 1 Neodymium( I I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) NDOH4I ON
Ne Neon NE
Np+ 3 Nept unium ion( + 3) NPI I I I ON
Np+ 4 Nept unium ion( + 4) NPI VI ON
H3NpO3 Nept unium( I I I ) hydroxide NPI I I OH3
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HNpO+ 2 Nept unium( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) NPI I I OHI ON
H2NpO2+ 2 Nept unium( I V) dihydroxide ion( + 2) NPI VOH2I ON
H4NpO4 Nept unium( I V) hydroxide NPI VOH4
HNpO+ 3 Nept unium( I V) monohydroxide ion( + 3) NPI VOHI ON
H5NpO5- 1 Nept unium( I V) pent ahydroxide ion( - 1) NPI VOH5I ON
H3NpO3+ 1 Nept unium( I V) t rihydroxide ion( + 1) NPI VOH3I ON
Ni Nickel NI EL
Ni+ 2 Nickel ion( + 2) NI I ON
Cl2Ni Nickel( I I ) chloride NI CL2
Cl2H4NiO2 Nickel( I I ) chloride dihydrat e NI CL2. 2H2O
Cl2H14NiO7 Nickel( I I ) chloride hept ahydrat e NI CL2.7H2O
Cl2H12NiO6 Nickel( I I ) chloride hexahydrat e NI CL2. 6H2O
Cl2H8NiO4 Nickel( I I ) chloride t et rahydrat e NI CL2.4H2O
H2NiO2 Nickel( I I ) hydroxide NI OH2
ClNi+ 1 Nickel( I I ) monochloride ion( + 1) NI CLI ON
HNiO+ 1 Nickel( I I ) monohydroxide ion ( + 1) NI OHI ON
NiO4S Nickel( I I ) sulfat e NI SO4
H14NiO11S Nickel( I I ) sulfat e hept ahydrat e NI SO4.7H2O
H12NiO10S Nickel( I I ) sulfat e hexahydrat e NI SO4. 6H2O
H2NiO5S Nickel( I I ) sulfat e monohydrat e NI SO4. 1H2O
NiS Nickel( I I ) sulfide NI S
H3NiO3- 1 Nickel( I I ) t rihydroxide ion( - 1) NI OH3I ON
C6H5NO2 Nicot inic acid HNI COTACD
C6ClH6NO2 Nicot inic acid hydrochloride NI COTHCL
C6H4NO2- 1 Nicot inic acid ion( - 1) NI COTACDI ON
NbO3- 1 Niobat e( V) ion( - 1) NBO3I ON
HNbO3 Niobic( V) acid HNBO3
Nb Niobium NBEL
Nb2O5 Niobium( V) oxide NB2O5
NO3- 1 Nit rat e ion( - 1) NO3I ON
HNO3 Nit ric acid HNO3
HNO9S2 Nit ric acid sulfur t rioxide HNO3SO32
NO Nit ric oxide NO
NO2- 1 Nit rit e ion( - 1) NO2I ON
N2 Nit rogen N2
NO2 Nit rogen dioxide NO2
N2O Nit rous oxide N2O
HNO2 Nit rous( I I I ) acid HNO2
Ca4H6O14.5P3 Oct acalcium phosphat e OCP
H3O4P Ort hophosphoric acid H3PO4
H6O6Te Ort hot elluric acid H6TEO6
O2 Oxygen O2
OTc+ 2 Oxyt echmet ium( I V) ion( + 2) TCI VOI ON
H2O3Tc Oxyt echnet ium( I V) dihydroxide TCI VOOH2
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H4O6Tc2 Oxyt echnet ium( I V) dihydroxide, dimer TCI VOOH22
HO2Tc+ 1 Oxyt echnet ium( I V) monohydroxide
ion( + 1)
H3O4Tc- 1 Oxyt echnet ium( I V) t rihydroxide ion( - 1) TCI VOOH3I ON
O3 Ozone OZONE
Pd Palladium PDEL
Pd+ 2 Palladium ion( + 2) PDI I I ON
H2O2Pd Palladium( I I ) hydroxide PDI I OH2
HOPd+ 1 Palladium( I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 1) PDI I OHI ON
PdS Palladium( I I ) sulfide PDS
O8S2- 2 Parasulfat e( VI I ) ion( - 2) S2O8I ON
C44H90O23 PEG- 1000 HPEG1000
C544H1090O273 PEG- 12000 HPEG12000
C68H138O35 PEG- 1500 HPEG1500
C908H1818O455 PEG- 20000 HPEG20000
C26H54O14 PEG- 600 HPEG600
C26H53O14- 1 PEG- 600 ( - 1) ion PEG600I ON
C26H52O14- 2 PEG- 600 ( - 2) ion PEGL600I ON
C272H546O137 PEG- 6000 HPEG6000
Br5- 1 pent abromide ion( - 1) BR5I ON
Ca5HO13P3 Pent acalcium hydroxide phosphat e CA5OHPO43
H5O6Te- 1 Pent ahydrogen ort hot elluric acid ion( - 1) H5TEO6I ON
Na5O10P3 Pent asodium t riphosphorous decaoxide NA5P3O10
Ca5H6Na2O27S6 Pent asulfat e NA2CA5SO4. 3H2O
O6S5- 2 Pent asulfat e( I I ) ion( - 2) S5O6I ON
S5- 2 Pent asulfide ion( - 2) S5I ON
H2O6S5 Pent at hionic acid H2S5O6
BrO4- 1 Perbromat e( VI I ) ion ( - 1) BRO4I ON
BrHO4 Perbromic( VI I ) acid HBRO4
ClO4- 1 Perchlorat e ion( - 1) CLO4I ON
ClHO4 Perchloric acid HCLO4
I O4- 1 Periodat e( VI I ) ion( - 1) I ODO4I ON
H5I O6 Periodic( VI I ) acid H5I O6
HI O4 Periodic( VI I ) acid HI ODO4
HMnO4 Permanganic( VI I ) acid HMNO4
H2O8S2 Peroxodisulfuric( VI I ) acid H2S2O8
H2SO5 Peroxomonosulfuric( VI I I ) acid H2SO5
O4Tc- 1 Pert echnet at e( VI I ) ion TCVI I O4I ON
HO4Tc Pert echnet ic( VI I ) acid HTCVI I O4
C6H6O Phenol C6H5OH
C6H5O- 1 Phenol ion( - 1) C6H5OI ON
O4P- 3 Phosphat e ion( - 3) PO4I ON
H4O4. 5P Phosphoric acid 0.5 hydrat e H3PO4.0. 5H2O
H3O3P Phosphorous( I I I ) acid H3PO3
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P4 Phosphorus P4EL
P Phosphorus PEL
O5P2 Phosphorus pent oxide P2O5
O10P4 Phosphorus pent oxide ( dimer) P4O10
Pt Plat inum PTEL
H4O4Pt Plat inum hydroxide PTOH4
Pt + 2 Plat inum ion( + 2) PTI I I ON
Pt + 4 Plat inum ion( + 4) PTI VI ON
H2O2Pt Plat inum( I I ) hydroxide PTI I OH2
HOPt + 1 Plat inum( I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 1) PTI I OHI ON
Pt S Plat inum( I I ) sulfide PTS
Pu Plut onium PUEL
Pu+ 3 Plut onium ion( + 3) PUI I I I ON
Pu+ 4 Plut onium ion( + 4) PUI VI ON
H3O3Pu Plut onium( I I I ) hydroxide PUI I I OH3
O3Pu2 Plut onium( I I I ) oxide PU2O3
H2O2Pu+ 2 Plut onium( I V) dihydroxide ion( + 2) PUI VOH2I ON
H4O4Pu Plut onium( I V) hydroxide PUI VOH4
HOPu+ 3 Plut onium( I V) monohydroxide ion( + 3) PUI VOHI ON
H3O3Pu+ 1 Plut onium( I V) t rihydroxide ion( + 1) PUI VOH3I ON
K Pot assium KEL
C2H3KO2 Pot assium acet at e KACET
CHKO3 Pot assium bicarbonat e KHCO3
HKO4S Pot assium bisulfat e( VI ) KHSO4
CK2O3 Pot assium carbonat e K2CO3
CH3K2O4. 5 Pot assium carbonat e 1. 5 hydrat e K2CO3.1. 5H2O
CH12K2O9 Pot assium carbonat e hexahydrat e K2CO3. 6H2O
ClK Pot assium chloride KCL
H2KO4P Pot assium dihydrogen ort hophosphat e( V) KH2PO4
FK Pot assium fluoride KF
FH4KO2 Pot assium fluoride dihydrat e KF.2H2O
FH8KO4 Pot assium fluoride t et rahydrat e KF.4H2O
H13K2O10P Pot assium hydrogen ort hophosphat e( V)
hexahydrat e
K2HPO4. 6H2O
H7K2O7P Pot assium hydrogen ort hophosphat e( V)
t rihydrat e
K2HPO4. 3H2O
HK2O4P Pot assium hydrogen phosphat e( V) K2HPO4
HKO Pot assium hydroxide KOH
H9KO5 Pot assium hydroxide 4 hydrat e KOH. 4H2O
H5KO3 Pot assium hydroxide dihydrat e KOH. 2H2O
H3KO2 Pot assium hydroxide monohydrat e KOH. 1H2O
K+ 1 Pot assium ion( + 1) KI ON
KNO3 Pot assium nit rat e KNO3
K3O4P Pot assium ort hophosphat e( V) K3PO4
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H14K3O11P Pot assium ort hophosphat e( V)
hept ahydrat e
K3PO4. 7H2O
H6K3O7P Pot assium ort hophosphat e( V) t rihydrat e K3PO4. 3H2O
C3H5K4O10.5 Pot assium sesquicarbonat e sesquihydrat e K4H2CO33. H2O
K2O4S Pot assium sulfat e( VI ) K2SO4
Pr Praseodymium PREL
Pr+ 3 Praseodymium ion( + 3) PRI ON
H2O2Pr+ 1 Praseodymium( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) PROH2I ON
H3O3Pr Praseodymium( I I I ) hydroxide PROH3
HOPr+ 2 Praseodymium( I I I ) monohydroxide
ion( + 2)
H4O4Pr- 1 Praseodymium( I I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( -
C3H7O- 1 Propanolat e PR1OI ON
C3H9O+ 1 Propanoxonium ion PR1OH2I ON
C4H6O3 Propylene carbonat e PRPLNCARB
C3H9O2+ 1 Propylene glycoxonium ion PRPLNGLYHI ON
O7P2- 4 Pyrophosphat e ion( - 4) P2O7I ON
H4O7P2 Pyrophosphoric( V) acid H4P2O7
Ra Radium RAEL
H2O2Ra Radium hydroxide RAOH2
Ra+ 2 Radium ion( + 2) RAI ON
HORa+ 1 Radium monohydroxide ion( + 1) RAOHI ON
RaS Radium sulfide RAS
Rn Radon RN
O4Re- 1 Rhenat e( VI I ) ion( - 1) REO4I ON
Re Rhenium REEL
Rh Rhodium RHEL
Rh+ 3 Rhodium ion( + 3) RHI I I I ON
H2O2Rh Rhodium( I I ) hydroxide RHI I OH2
HORh+ 1 Rhodium( I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 1) RHI I OHI ON
H2O2Rh+ 1 Rhodium( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) RHI I I OH2I ON
H3O3Rh Rhodium( I I I ) hydroxide RHI I I OH3
Rh+ 2 Rhodium( I I I ) ion( + 2) RHI I I ON
HORh+ 2 Rhodium( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) RHI I I OHI ON
O3Rh2 Rhodium( I I I ) oxide RH2O3
Rb Rubidium RBEL
HORb Rubidium hydroxide RBOH
Rb+ 1 Rubidium ion( + 1) RBI ON
Ru Rut henium RUEL
Ru+ 2 Rut henium ion( + 2) RUI I I ON
Ru+ 3 Rut henium ion( + 3) RUI I I I ON
H2O2Ru Rut henium( I I ) hydroxide RUI I OH2
HORu+ 1 Rut henium( I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 1) RUI I OHI ON
H2O2Ru+ 1 Rut henium( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) RUI I I OH2I ON
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C- 19
H3O3Ru Rut henium( I I I ) hydroxide RUI I I OH3
HORu+ 2 Rut henium( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) RUI I I OHI ON
ClH4NaO2 Salt NACL. 2H2O
Sm Samarium SMEL
Sm+ 2 Samarium ion( + 2) SMI I I ON
Sm+ 3 Samarium ion( + 3) SMI I I I ON
H2O2Sm Samarium( I I ) hydroxide SMI I OH2
H2O2Sm+ 1 Samarium( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) SMOH2I ON
H3O3Sm Samarium( I I I ) hydroxide SMOH3
HOSm+ 2 Samarium( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) SMOHI ON
H4O4Sm- 1 Samarium( I I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) SMOH4I ON
Sc Scandium SCEL
H3O3Sc Scandium hydroxide SCOH3
Sc+ 3 Scandium ion( + 3) SCI ON
O4Se- 2 Selenat e ion( - 2) SEO4I ON
H2O4Se Selenic( VI ) acid H2SEO4
Se- 2 Selenide ion( - 2) SEI ON
H2O3Se Selenious( I V) acid H2SEO3
O3Se- 2 Selenit e ion( - 2) SEO3I ON
Se Selenium SEEL
O2Se Selenium dioxide SEO2
H4O4Si Silicic acid H4SI O4
Si Silicon SI EL
O2Si Silicon dioxide ( amorphous) SI O2
Ag Silver AGEL
AgH2O2- 1 Silver dihydr oxide ion( - 1) AGOH2I ON
AgHO Silver hydroxide AGOH
Ag+ 1 Silver ion( + 1) AGI ON
Ag2O Silver( I ) oxide AG2O
Ag2S Silver( I ) sulfide AG2S
Na Sodium NAEL
C2H3NaO2 Sodium acet at e NAACET
C2H9NaO5 Sodium acet at e t rihydrat e NAACET. 3H2O
C6H8Na2O4 Sodium adipat e NA2ADI PATE
AlH24NaO20S2 Sodium alum ALNAS. 12H2O
AlNaO2 Sodium aluminat e NAALO2
AlH4NaO4 Sodium aluminat e NAALOH4
AlCH2NaO5 Sodium aluminum dihydroxide carbonat e NAALCO3OH2
Al2H5Na2O6. 5 Sodium aluminum oxide 2.5 hydrat e NAALO2.2.5H2O
CHNaO3 Sodium bicarbonat e NAHCO3
HNaO4S Sodium bisulfat e NAHSO4
CNa2O3 Sodium carbonat e NA2CO3
CH20Na2O13 Sodium carbonat e decahydrat e NA2CO3. 10H2O
CH14Na2O10 Sodium carbonat e hept ahydrat e NA2CO3. 7H2O
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C- 20
CH2Na2O4 Sodium carbonat e monohydrat e NA2CO3. 1H2O
ClNa Sodium chloride NACL
C6H5NaO7- 2 Sodium cit rat e ion( - 2) NACTRTI ON
C6H7Na1O7 sodium dihydrogen cit rat e NAH2CI TR
H6NaO6P Sodium dihydrogen ort hophosphat e
dihydrat e
H4NaO5P Sodium dihydrogen ort hophosphat e
monohydrat e
H2NaO4P Sodium dihydrogen ort hoport hohosphat e NAH2PO4
FNa Sodium fluoride NAF
C6H9NaO4 Sodium hydrogen adipat e NAHADI PATE
F2HNa Sodium hydrogen difluoride NAHF2
HNa2O4P Sodium hydrogen ort hophosphat e NA2HPO4
H5Na2O6P Sodium hydrogen ort hophosphat e
dihydrat e
H25Na2O16P Sodium hydrogen ort hophosphat e
dodecahydrat e
H15Na2O11P Sodium hydrogen ort hophosphat e
hept ahydrat e
HNaO4P- 1 Sodium hydrogen ort hophosphat e ion ( -
HNaO Sodium hydroxide NAOH
H8NaO4. 5 Sodium hydroxide 3. 5 hydrat e NAOH. 3. 5H2O
H9NaO5 Sodium hydroxide 4 hydrat e NAOH. 4H2O
H11NaO6 Sodium hydroxide 5 hydrat e NAOH.5H2O
H15NaO8 Sodium hydroxide 7 hydrat e NAOH.7H2O
H5NaO3 Sodium hydroxide dihydrat e NAOH. 2H2O
H3NaO2 Sodium hydroxide monohydrat e NAOH. 1H2O
Na+ 1 Sodium ion( + 1) NAI ON
C6H4NNaO2 Sodium nicot inat e NANI COT
C6H5NNaO2. 5 Sodium nicot inat e hemihydrat e NANI COT. 05H2O
C6H7NNaO3.5 Sodium nicot inat e sesquihydrat e NANI COT. 15H2O
NNaO3 Sodium nit rat e NANO3
H2NNa3O8S Sodium nit rat e sulfat e hydrat e NA3NO3SO4.H2O
Na3O4P Sodium ort hohosphat e NA3PO4
H24Na3O16P Sodium ort hophosphat e dodecahydrat e NA3PO4. 12H2O
H12Na3O10P Sodium ort hophosphat e hexahydrat e NA3PO4. 6H2O
H2Na3O5P Sodium ort hophosphat e monohydrat e NA3PO4.1H2O
H16Na3PO12 Sodium ort hophosphat e oct ahydrat e NA3PO4.8H2O
Ca5Na2O24S6 sodium pent acalcium sulfat e NA2CA5SO4
Na4O7P2 Sodium pyrophosphat e( V) NA4P2O7
C2H5Na3O8 sodium sesquicarbonat e dihydrat e NA3HCO32. 2H2O
Na2O4S Sodium sulfat e NA2SO4
Na2O4S Sodium sulfat e ( monoclinic) NA2SO4M
HNa3O8S2 Sodium sulfat e bisulfat e NA3HSO42
H20Na2O14S Sodium sulfat e decahydrat e NA2SO4. 10H2O
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C- 21
Na2O3S2 Sodium t hiosulfat e NA2S2O3
H4Na2O5S2 Sodium t hiosulfat e dihydrat e NA2S2O3. 2H2O
H10Na2O8S2 Sodium t hiosulfat e pent ahydrat e NA2S2O3. 5H2O
C2K2Na2O6 Sodium- Pot assium carbonat e K2NA2CO32
CH12KNaO9 Sodium- Pot assium carbonat e hydrat e KNACO3.6H2O
Sr St ront ium SREL
H2O2Sr St ront ium hydroxide SROH2
Sr+ 2 St ront ium ion( + 2) SRI ON
HOSr+ 1 St ront ium monohydroxide ion( + 1) SROHI ON
H2NO3S- 1 Sulfamat e ion ( - 1) NH2SO3I ON
H3NO3S Sulfamic acid NH3SO3
O4S- 2 Sulfat e ion( - 2) SO4I ON
S- 2 Sulfide ion( - 2) SI ON
O3S- 2 Sulfit e ion( - 2) SO3I ON
O2S Sulfur dioxide SO2
O3S Sulfur t rioxide SO3
H2O4S Sulfuric( VI ) acid H2SO4
CaH2K2O9S2 Syngenit e K2CASO42. 1H2O
CaCl6H24Mg2O12 Tachhydrit e CAMG2CL6. 12H2O
O3Ta- 1 Tant alat e ion( - 1) TAO3I ON
HO3Ta Tant alic( V) acid HTAO3
Ta Tant alum TAEL
O5Ta2 Tant alum( V) oxide TA2O5
Tc Technet ium TCEL
O7Tc2 Technet ium hept oxide TCVI I 2O7
O2Tc Technet ium( I V) dioxide TCI VO2
H4O4Tc Technet ium( I V) dioxide dihydrat e TCI VO2. 2H2O
O3Te- 2 Tellurat e( I V) ion( - 2) TEI VO3I ON
H2O4Te Telluric( VI ) acid H2TEO4
Te- 2 Telluride ion( - 2) TEI ON
Te Tellurium TEEL
O2Te Tellurium( I V) oxide TEO2
H3O3Te+ 1 Tellurium( I V) t rihydroxide ion( + 1) TEI VOH3I ON
H2O3Te Tellurous( I V) acid H2TEI VO3
Tb Terbium TBEL
Tb+ 3 Terbium ion( + 3) TBI ON
H2O2Tb+ 1 Terbium( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) TBOH2I ON
H3O3Tb Terbium( I I I ) hydroxide TBOH3
FTb+ 2 Terbium( I I I ) monofluoride ion( + 2) TBFI ON
HOTb+ 2 Terbium( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) TBOHI ON
O3Tb2 Terbium( I I I ) oxide TB2O3
H4O4Tb- 1 Terbium( I I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) TBOH4I ON
C8H6O4 Terepht halic acid TERPHTHAAC
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C8H4O4- 2 Terepht halic acid ion( - 2) TPHTHTI ON
B4H4O9- 2 Tet raboron pent aoxide t et rahydroxide
ion( - 2)
C16H37NO Tet rabut ylammonium hydroxide BU4NOH
C16H36N+ 1 Tet rabut ylammonium ion( + 1) BU4NI ON
H4O6Te- 2 Tet rahydrogen ort hot ellurat e ion( - 2) H4TEO6I ON
H4O10P3- 1 t et rahydrogen t riphosphat e ion H4P3O10I ON
HO4Re Tet raoxorhenic( VI I ) acid HREO4
S4- 2 Tet rasulfide ion( - 2) S4I ON
Tl Thallium TLEL
Tl+ 1 Thallium ion( + 1) TLI ON
Tl+ 3 Thallium ion( + 3) TLI I I I ON
HOTl Thallium( I ) hydroxide TLOH
H3O3Tl Thallium( I I I ) hydroxide TLI I I OH3
O4S2- 2 Thiosulfat e( I I I ) ion( - 2) S2O4I ON
O3S2- 2 Thiosulfit e( I I ) ion( - 2) S2O3I ON
H2O3S2 Thiosulfuric acid H2S2O3
Th Thorium THEL
O2Th Thorium dioxide THO2
Th+ 4 Thorium ion( + 4) THI ON
H2O2Th+ 2 Thorium( I V) dihydroxide ion( + 2) THOH2I ON
H4O4Th Thorium( I V) hydroxide THOH4
HOTh+ 3 Thorium( I V) monohydroxide ion( + 3) THOHI ON
S2Th Thorium( I V) sulfide THS2
H3O3Th+ 1 Thorium( I V) t rihydroxide ion( + 1) THOH3I ON
Tm Thulium TMEL
Tm+ 3 Thulium ion( + 3) TMI ON
H2O2Tm+ 1 Thulium( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) TMOH2I ON
H3O3Tm Thulium( I I I ) hydroxide TMOH3
HOTm+ 2 Thulium( I I I ) hydroxide ion( + 2) TMOHI ON
O3Tm2 Thulium( I I I ) oxide TM2O3
H4O4Tm- 1 Thulium( I I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) TMOH4I ON
Sn+ 2 Tin ion( + 2) SNI ON
Sn+ 4 Tin ion( + 4) SNI VI ON
Cl2Sn Tin( I I ) chloride SNCL2
H2O2Sn Tin( I I ) hydroxide SNOH2
C2H6O6S2Sn Tin( I I ) met hanesulfonat e SNCH3SO32
CH3O3SSn Tin( I I ) met hanesulfonat e ion ( + 1) SNCH3SO3I ON
ClSn+ 1 Tin( I I ) monochloride( + 1) SNCLI ON
HOSn+ 1 Tin( I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 1) SNOHI ON
OSn Tin( I I ) oxide SNO
Cl4Sn- 2 Tin( I I ) t et rachloride ion( - 2) SNCL4I ON
Cl3Sn- 1 Tin( I I ) t richloride ion( - 1) SNCL3I ON
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C- 23
Cl4Sn Tin( I V) chloride SNI VCL4
Cl2Sn+ 2 Tin( I V) dichloride ion( + 2) SNI VCL2I ON
H2O2Sn+ 2 Tin( I V) dihydroxide ion( + 2) SNI VOH2I ON
H4O4Sn Tin( I V) hydroxide SNI VOH4
ClSn+ 3 Tin( I V) monochloride ion( + 3) SNI VCLI ON
HOSn+ 3 Tin( I V) monohydroxide ion( + 3) SNI VOHI ON
O2Sn Tin( I V) oxide SNO2
Cl5Sn- 1 Tin( I V) pent achloride ion( - 1) SNI VCL5I ON
H5O5Sn- 1 Tin( I V) pent ahydroxide ion( - 1) SNI VOH5I ON
Cl3Sn+ 1 Tin( I V) t richloride ion( + 1) SNI VCL3I ON
H3O3Sn+ 1 Tin( I V) t rihydroxide ion( + 1) SNI VOH3I ON
Ti Tit anium TI EL
Ti+ 3 Tit anium ion( + 3) TI I I I I ON
Ti+ 4 Tit anium ion( + 4) TI I VI ON
H2O2Ti+ 1 Tit anium( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) TI I I I OH2I ON
H3O3Ti Tit anium( I I I ) hydroxide TI I I I OH3
HOTi+ 2 Tit anium( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) TI I I I OHI ON
O3Ti2 Tit anium( I I I ) oxide TI 2O3
H2O2Ti+ 2 Tit anium( I V) dihydroxide ion( + 2) TI I VOH2I ON
H4O4Ti Tit anium( I V) hydroxide TI I VOH4
HOTi+ 3 Tit anium( I V) monohydroxide ion( + 3) TI I VOHI ON
O2Ti Tit anium( I V) oxide ( anat ase) ANATASE
H3O3Ti+ 1 Tit anium( I V) t rihydroxide ion( + 1) TI I VOH3I ON
C7H8 Toluene TOLUENE
H5Np3O11+ 1 Tri( dioxonept unium( VI ) ) pent ahydroxide
ion( + 1)
H5O11Pu3+ 1 Tri( dioxyplut onium( VI ) ) pent ahydroxide
ion( + 1)
B3H4O7- 1 Triboron t rioxide t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) B3O3OH4I ON
Br3- 1 Tribromide ion( - 1) BR3I ON
C6H15N Triet hylamine TRI EAMI NE
H3O7P2- 1 Trihydrogen pyrophosphat e( V) ion( - 1) H3P2O7I ON
H3O4Si- 1 Trihydrogen silicat e ion( - 1) H3SI O4I ON
H3O10P3- 2 t rihydrogen t riphosphat e ion H3P3O10I ON
C9H3O6- 3 Trimellit at e ion TMELLI TI ON
C9H6O6 Trimellit ic acid TMELLI TAC
C9H4O5 Trimellit ic anhydride TMELLANHYD
C24H51N t rioct ylamine TRI OCTYLAM
O10P3- 5 t riphosphat e ion P3O10I ON
H5O10P3 Tripolyphosphoric acid H5P3O10
C6H16Na3O12. 5 Tri- sodium cit rat e 5. 5- hydrat e NA3CI TR. 5.5H2O
C6H5Na3O7 Tri- sodium cit rat e anhydrous NA3CI TR
C6H9Na3O9 Tri- sodium cit rat e dihydrat e NA3CI TR. 2H2O
S3- 2 Trisulfide ion( - 2) S3I ON
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H5O11U3+ 1 Triuranyl( VI ) pent ahydroxide ion( + 1) UO23OH5I ON
W Tungst en WEL
O4W- 2 Tungst en( VI ) t et raoxide ion( - 2) WO4I ON
H2O4W Tungst ic( VI ) acid H2WO4
U Uranium UEL
U+ 3 Uranium ion( + 3) UI I I I ON
U+ 4 Uranium ion( + 4) UI VI ON
H3O3U Uranium( I I I ) hydroxide UI I I OH3
H2O2U+ 2 Uranium( I V) dihydroxide ion( + 2) UI VOH2I ON
H4O4U Uranium( I V) hydroxide UI VOH4
HOU+ 3 Uranium( I V) monohydroxide ion( + 3) UI VOHI ON
O2U Uranium( I V) oxide UI VO2
H5O5U- 1 Uranium( I V) pent ahydroxide ion( - 1) UI VOH5I ON
H3O3U+ 1 Uranium( I V) t rihydroxide ion( + 1) UI VOH3I ON
HO3U Uranyl( V) hydroxide UVO2OH
O2U+ 1 Uranyl( V) ion( + 1) UVO2I ON
H2O4U Uranyl( VI ) hydroxide UO2OH2
O2U+ 2 Uranyl( VI ) ion( + 2) UO2I ON
HO3U+ 1 Uranyl( VI ) monohydroxide ion( + 1) UO2OHI ON
O11P2U2 Uranyl( VI ) pyrophosphat e UO22P2O7
H3O4V Vanadat e( V) hydroxide VOOH3
VO4- 3 Vanadat e( V) ion( - 3) VO4I ON
H3O4V Vanadic( V) acid H3VO4
O2V+ 1 Vanadit e ion( + 1) VO2I ON
HO3V Vanadit e( V) hydroxide VO2OH
V Vanadium VEL
V+ 2 Vanadium ion( + 2) VI I I ON
V+ 3 Vanadium ion( + 3) VI I I I ON
H3O3V Vanadium( I I I ) hydroxide VI I I OH3
HOV+ 2 Vanadium( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) VI I I OHI ON
O3V2 Vanadium( I I I ) oxide V2O3
O4V2 Vanadium( I V) oxide V2O4
O5V2 Vanadium( V) pent oxide V2O5
OV+ 2 Vanadyl ion( + 2) VOI ON
H2O3V Vanadyl( I V) hydroxide VOOH2
HO2V+ 1 Vanadyl( I V) monohydroxide ion( + 1) VOOHI ON
H2O Wat er H2O
C4H3Na5O12 wegscheider' s salt NA5H3CO34
Xe Xenon XE
Yb Yt t erbium EYBEL
Yb+ 2 Yt t erbium ion( + 2) EYBI I I ON
Yb+ 3 Yt t erbium ion( + 3) EYBI I I I ON
H2O2Yb Yt t erbium( I I ) hydroxide EYBI I OH2
H2O2Yb+ 1 Yt t erbium( I I I ) dihydroxide ion( + 1) EYBOH2I ON
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C- 25
H3O3Yb Yt t erbium( I I I ) hydroxide EYBOH3
HOYb+ 2 Yt t erbium( I I I ) monohydroxide ion( + 2) EYBOHI ON
H4O4Yb- 1 Yt t erbium( I I I ) t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) EYBOH4I ON
Y Yt t rium EYEL
H2O2Y+ 1 Yt t rium dihydroxide ion( + 1) EYOH2I ON
H3O3Y Yt t rium hydroxide EYOH3
Y+ 3 Yt t rium ion( + 3) EYI ON
HOY+ 2 Yt t rium monohydroxide ion( + 2) EYOHI ON
O3Y2 Yt t rium oxide EY2O3
H4O4Y- 1 Yt t rium t et rahydroxide ion( - 1) EYOH4I ON
Zn Zinc ZNEL
Cl2Zn Zinc chloride ZNCL2
Cl2H5O2.5Zn Zinc chloride dihemihydrat e ZNCL2. 2. 5H2O
ClZn+ 1 Zinc chloride ion( + 1) ZNCLI ON
Cl2H2OZn Zinc chloride monohydrat e ZNCL2. 1H2O
Cl2H3O1.5Zn Zinc chloride sesquihydrat e ZNCL2. 1. 5H2O
Cl2H8O4Zn Zinc chloride t et rahydrat e ZNCL2. 4H2O
Cl2H6O3Zn Zinc chloride t rihydrat e ZNCL2. 3H2O
Cl5H5O2Zn2 Zinc hydrogen chloride dihydrat e ZN2HCL5. 2H2O
H2O2Zn Zinc hydroxide, amorphous ZNOH2
Zn+ 2 Zinc ion( + 2) ZNI ON
HOZn+ 1 Zinc monohydroxide ion( + 1) ZNOHI ON
N2O6Zn Zinc nit rat e ZNNO32
H4N2O8Zn Zinc nit rat e dihydrat e ZNNO32. 2H2O
H12N2O12Zn Zinc nit rat e hexahydrat e ZNNO32. 6H2O
H2N2O7Zn Zinc nit rat e monohydrat e ZNNO32. 1H2O
H18N2O15Zn Zinc nit rat e nonahydrat e ZNNO32. 9H2O
H8N2O10Zn Zinc nit rat e t et rahydrat e ZNNO32. 4H2O
O4SZn Zinc sulfat e ZNSO4
H14O11SZn Zinc sulfat e hept ahydrat e ZNSO4.7H2O
H12O10SZn Zinc sulfat e hexahydrat e ZNSO4. 6H2O
H2O5SZn Zinc sulfat e monohydrat e ZNSO4.1H2O
SZn Zinc sulfide ( cubic) ZNS
Cl4Zn- 2 Zinc t et rachloride ion( - 2) ZNCL4I ON
H4O4Zn- 2 Zinc t et rahydroxide ion( - 2) ZNOH4I ON
Cl3Zn- 1 Zinc t richloride ion( - 1) ZNCL3I ON
H3O3Zn- 1 Zinc t rihydroxide ion( - 1) ZNOH3I ON
Zr Zirconium ZREL
H2O2Zr+ 2 Zirconium dihydroxide ion( + 2) ZROH2I ON
H4O4Zr Zirconium hydroxide ZROH4
HOZr+ 3 Zirconium monohydroxide ion( + 3) ZROHI ON
O2Zr Zirconium oxide ZRO2
H5O5Zr- 1 zirconium pent ahydroxide ion ZROH5I ON
S2Zr Zirconium sulfide ZRS2
For mul a Common/ I UPAC Name
Uni Si m Desi gn
OLI I nt er f ace
C- 26 Li st of Uni Si m Desi gn OLI I nt er f ace
C- 26
H3O3Zr+ 1 Zirconium t rihydroxide ion( + 1) ZROH3I ON
Zr+ 4 Zirconium( I V) ion ZRI ON
For mul a Common/ I UPAC Name
Uni Si m Desi gn
OLI I nt er f ace
I - 1
I ndex
Act ivit y
Bromley- Meissner 3- 11
Bromley- Zemait is 3- 12
Helgeson 3- 13
Pit zer 3- 15
Set schenow 3- 14
Act ivit y Coefficient s 1- 15, 3- 10
Aqueous Thermodynamics 1- 14, 3- 2
Bromely- Zemait is 1- 16
Column Operat ions 1- 24
Column Specificat ions 1- 25
Complexes 1- 7
organo- met allic 1- 7
Component s 1- 18
Full dat abank 1- 32
Debye- Huckel 1- 16
Ent halpy 1- 12
Helgeson 3- 7
Part ial Molal 3- 3
Ent ropy 1- 13
Helgeson 3- 8
Part ial Molal 3- 3
Equat ion of St at e
Bromley- Zemait is 3- 11
Helgeson 3- 7
Helgeson- Kirkham- Flowers 3- 5
HKF 3- 5
Pit zer 3- 12
Equilibrium Const ant 3- 2
Gibbs Free Energy 3- 9
Excess Propert ies 3- 9
St ream 1- 27
Gibbs Free Energy 1- 12, 1- 16
Excess 1- 14
Helgeson 3- 7
Part ial Molal 3- 3
St andard St at e 1- 13
Tot al 1- 13, 3- 3
Heat Capacit y 1- 13
Helgeson 3- 8
Part ial Molal 3- 4
I onic St rengt h 1- 21, 3- 10
Mol Fract ion
Limit at ions 1- 28
Mult i- Component Syst ems
Limit at ions 1- 29
Mult iphase Model 3- 15
Neut ral Species 3- 14
Nomenclat ure 1- 20
OLI Dat aservice 1- 37
OLI Engine 1- 37
OLI specs 1- 26
OLI Thermodynamics 1- 15
Osmot ic Pressure 1- 22
Ot her Physical Phases 1- 16
Gas phase 1- 16
Second non- aqueous liquid phase 1- 16
Pet roleum Fract ions
TBP 1- 42
pH 1- 21
Plot s 1- 24
Limit at ions 1- 281- 29
Process Applicat ions 1- 10
Propert ies 1- 21
Pump Arounds 1- 26
Scaling Tendencies 1- 23, 3- 21
Solid Phase 1- 16
Solubilit y 1- 8
Solubilit y Predict ion 2- 2
Speciat ion 1- 5
Sour Wat er 2- 7
Specificat ions
Column 1- 25
OLI 1- 26
St andard St at e 3- 8
Syst ems 1- 8
High I onic 1- 8
Index I-2
I - 2
TBP 1- 42
Temperat ure
Limit at ions 1- 281- 29
Thermodynamic Propert ies 3- 3
Tot al Condenser 1- 25
TRANGE 3- 22
Tray Efficiencies 1- 25
True Boiling Point Curve 1- 42
Volume 1- 13
Helgeson 3- 7
Part ial Molal 3- 4

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