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We will be using MATLAB to develop code to solve the vector approach for a three dimensional analysis of a load acting

on a shaft. MATLAB is a powerful fourth generation programming language. MATLAB allows matrix manipulations, plotting of functions and data implementation of algorithms, creation of user interfaces, and interfacing with programs written in other languages including C, C++, JAVA, and FORTRAN. As suggested by its name (a contraction of MATRIX LABORATORY) , MATLAB create and manipulate arrays of (vectors) , (matrices) , or more dimensions. In the MATLAB vernacular, a vector refers to a one dimensional (1 x N or Nx1) matrix commonly refers to an array in the other programming language. A matrix generally refers to 2-dimentional array, i.e. an MxN array where m and n are greater than 1. Arrays with more than 2 dimensions are called multidimensional arrays. Arrays are a fundamental type and many standard functions natively support array operations allowing work on arrays with out allowing explicit loops. Therefore the MATLAB language is also an example of array programming language.

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