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Canadian Officer Tells How They Attacked His Ship For Seven Hours, But IronNerved Captain Foiled Foe
Petty Officer James Walkey, son of Dr. and Mrs . A. E. "ralkey, 152 Gage avenue south, is home on leave from duties with the Royal Canadian Navy after an exciting time at sea, which included the damaging of the Canadian destroyer, Saguenay, last December. Petty Officer Walkey's own story of the torpedoing of the Saguenay, which later made port under her own steam, has already appeared in the Spectator. Since that time, however, his life has not been by any means dull.


Attacked Seven Hours On the day of the Bismarck sinking the ship in which he is now serving was attacked for seven hours straight by Nazi bombers somewhere in the Atlantic. Bombs fell all around52 of them, he says, were obviously dire c t e d at the destroyer. in which he is serving - b u t the nearest fell abou t 100 feet away. "They w e r e using the levelbombing t e c hnique most of the time," he s a i d, "although toward the end of the attack James Walkey some o f the raiders made attempts to divebomb us . But either the planes were not built for it or the Germans were rotten shots, for they overshot their mark very badly every time . "Our skipper stood on the bridge the whole time without batting an eye . We had lookouts posted all over the decks to give warning when bombs had been released. Amazing Coolness "Each time the skipper watched the bombs descending and then, having decided in what direction they were likely to fall, ordered hard a-port or hard a-starboard to dodge them. It worked every time . But it was amazing to see how cool he was ." Petty Officer Walkey, who is an engine-room artificer, says he would rather be on deck than below during a bombing attack. "When you are on deck you can see hov, close the bombs are falling," he~ explained, "When you are below you simply hear the whine and the thud . You never know where the n ext one is going to fall ."

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