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Astronomy is a natural science that deals with the study of celestial objects (such as stars, planets, comets, nebulae,

galaxies e.t.c)

It consists of 8 planets and other celestial bodies orbiting the star known as The Sun held in place by the gravitational pull of the Sun.

Order of Distance from Sun Order of size Moons Appearance

They are spherical celestial bodies The orbits of the planets are elliptical (like squashed circles) with the Sun in the centre.

Each planets distance from the Sun varies and the table below shows the distance of the planets from the Sun

Not only do the planets vary in distance from the sun but also sizes; The order from biggest to smallest being; -Jupiter -Saturn -Uranus -Neptune -Earth -Venus -Mercury

Moons (lower mass body) are the natural satellites that rotate around planets planets (higher mass body) All planets except Mercury and Venus have moons Some planets have more than one moon


No. of Moons

Mercury Venus Earth Mars

1 2

Saturn Uranus

61 27



The planets all have atmospheres made up different gases which gives the planets different colours. Venus; yellowish color The Earth; blue with patches of white, green, and brown Mars; reddish color Jupiter; dirty yellowish hue. Saturn; orange and white Uranus; light blue-green Neptune; blue

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