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Factors Affecting Motor Development

Factors within the Individual

General Motor Development

1. Cephalocaudal 2. Proximodistal 3. Differentiation 4. Integration *Reverses with age Phylogeny and Ontogeny

Developmental direction (Gesell, 1954)

Phylogeny - (Motor Development)



Maturation Sequence


Phylogenetic skills Environment?


- (Motor Learning) skills



Factors within the Environment

Effects of Early Stimulation and Deprivation

Movement Implications

What are some reasons for the rush to stimulate?


Age of Parents Work Competition Knowledges

Good or Bad?  Head Start Programs



Infant Walkers Bolsters and other supports New Research: Windows of Opportunity

New ideas on early brain development:

Neuronal Development and wiring (synapses) Main circuitry pre-wired prenatally (heredity)  Complete architecture of the brain (experience)  Experience strengthens synapses  Stimulation from environment = connections  Weak or unmade connections - pruned away

Stimulation: Best Practices


Good or Bad? AAP Suggestions Professor Suggestions

Stimulation: Suggestions

Early in life (windows of opportunity) Cooperative efforts Basic gross motor activities (before 2) Sensory-motor experiences

Effects of Early Deprivation

Type, length, time, and severity Examples Hopi Indian cradleboard The Orphanage Anna (Nell) Young Savage of Abeyron


Deprivation / Vicarious Living

Deprivation: Issues  Cognitive, Social and Motor Vicarious Living: Issues  Pressure from parents  Extinguishing behaviors

Concepts Related to Early Stimulation / Deprivation


1. Critical Periods 2. Readiness 3. Catch-up

Four Elements of Critical Periods


1. Readiness 2. Time Limits 3. Enduring Behaviors 4. Domains of Development


Minimum Characteristics Appropriate Stimuli How do we know when a child is ready to learn a new skill?


Return Recovery dependent: severity, length, and time of deprivation Examples: Anna / Harlows Monkeys

Characteristics of a good Motor-Development Program

Positive and fun  Opportunity to learn  Current level of performance  Child-oriented  Varied environment  Pressure free  Follow Professorial Guidelines*

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