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Deglutition (Swallowing)

3 Stages
1. In mouth 2. In pharynx

3. In esophagus

Stage 1 In Mouth
Elevation of hyoid bone (digastric and

mylohyoid) raises the tongue to the roof of the mouth The intrinsic muscle press the tongue against the hard palate to squeeze the food toward the pharynx Palatoglossus muscle elevates the base of the tongue to squeeze the food into the pharynx Styloglossus muscle draws the tongue posteriorly, propelling the bolus into the oropharynx The palatoglossus and palatopharyngeus muscle, together with elevation and retraction of the tongue, close the oropharyngeal isthmus behind the bolus

Stage II in Pharynx (Involuntary)

Levator veli palatini and tensor veli palatini

elevate the soft palate to seal off the nasopharyngeal isthmus


palatopharyngeus, and salpingopharyngeus muscle draw the upper portion of the pharynx upward over the bolus. and digastric m draws the attached larynx cranially under the Tongue , so larynx rises to close itself against the lid (epiglottis)
and inf cons. Ms. propels the bolus through the piriform recesses to either sides of the larynx


Sequential contraction of the sup, middle,

Stage III
The inferior constrictor muscle and cricopharyngeus

muscle squeeze the bolus into the esophagus

The lingual and pharyngeal muscles relax The infrahyoid muscle contract to draw the larynx


hyoglossus and genioglossus return the tongue to

the floor of the mouth

with depression of the hyoid bone,the epiglottis vertical positionbreathing

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