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Harun Ugur Yelikli ID No: 08045072

Feedback describes the situation when output from (or information about the result of) an event or phenomenon in the past will influence the same event/phenomenon in the present or future. Jose, as we have discussed you shows clear initiative in setting your goals. You have in the main approached the (specifics) activities with a professional and considered approach. The feedback from the clients demonstrated that you had excellent communication skills and were able to pick up on non-verbal as well as verbal cues in a supportive and helpful manner. We discussed the need for your documentation of client issues to be more specific and although you have responded to feedback there is still scope for it to be more detailed. My observations of you in practice showed that you have a meticulous approach to detail and that you are able to prioritise well". Effective feedback is a key part of the assessment process, but it is important to recognise that this not the only skill a work-based supervisor needs to ensure good quality assessment. The next section will examine some of the other skills that are fundamental to assessment.
Positive feedback improves confidence; it feels good and increases motivation. It may help the receiver to have the confidence to deal with the more negative aspects of their performance. Think of the language you are using - use questions initially rather than accusations. For example: "how do you think reacting like that appeared to the client? Rather than "that was unprofessional behaviour" Offer support and challenge. There are two dimensions to feedback: support and challenge. The most constructive feedback is high on support and high on challenge. Explore alternatives. Note how the feedback is received. Anticipate an emotional response.

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