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Our Way…The Arrow

Short Foundations
Version: 1.5

The individual always conduces himself according to his inner tendencies, finding or
not outside himself other interpretations or complements for his own being. Every
impulse comes from an inner individual tendency.

It’s not success or failure what moves him, because regardless the results of his
impulse, his inner tendencies will keep trying to change the reality.

In the same way as a musician expresses himself through a song, the individual always
tries to express its will outside him.

That’s the point: The Inner will needs to be expressed. For example, a painting does
not change its composition being twisted, but some people feel a tension that makes
them put it upright. It’s an unfailing true inner will, which must be expanded, executed,
and expressed at the same time that it’s preserved pure and independent.

To self-help itself in his will expression, the individual has to be related to other group
according to common identification and common goals.

We, whose obedience to ourselves is our duty and our way, get together around
the arrow of TYR’s MILITIA.

- What do we Want?
We seek a new aristocracy where the ubermensch will be the aim, comprehending the
world as a battlefield and its ground for expression.
The prevailing system nowadays is not the system that reflects us. It’s not ours. Our
will, expansive as ever, wants to impose itself over this system. For this reason, it’s
necessary for us to abolish all dogmas, art, ethics, religions and all issues that reflect
this decadent global system and its inherent world vision: Only because it’s opposed to
our free will.

- Our Strategy
Smashing the system is only possible if we can assemble a force able to amount and
produce an equal opposite and equivalent amount of force. In this search for building
up that forces and to live according to our will we take an oath.
We increase our energies, we work together perfecting what we are, allowing the
admission in our group of those who share our Idea, while we attack day by day in
bigger battles this obsolete system.

- Our Tactics
Improve, develop and grow ourselves, while we attack the system without
contemplations, without mercy, nor laws. Spreading chaos, destroying all dogmas,
confusing and disturbing consciences in every place and field: To stand and reinforce
the way of the arrow, our will, and through this, liberate ourselves.

Argentina – 2008 ec

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