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OGT Social Studies Review Mrs.


1. Enlightenment= 17th century intellectual movement

a. Begins belief that all men are created equal, have the natural born right to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. b. Worked to limit the power of government and the church c. Enlightenment thinkers: 1. John Locke= Natural rights= life, liberty, & property 2. Montesquieu= Separation of powers (one government body does not hold supreme power) U.S. = 3 branches executive, legislative, and judicial 3. Rousseau-Government is formed to protect citizens natural rights. d. Enlightenment ideas led to: 1775-1783= American Revolution, Declaration of Independence, 1789= French Revolution 1806-1825= Latin American war for Independence e. Idea of divine right (Belief that God gives power to monarch) and absolutism of monarchies begins to shatter

2. mid 1700s-1840s English and American Industrial Revolution: a. Industrial Revolution- The industrial revolution is the name is given to the massive social, economic, and technological changes starting in the latter part of 18th century and continuing into the 19th century. It began in Great Britain but spread to North America and elsewhere during the 19th century. The industrial revolution started as the manual-labor and draft-animal-based economy moved towards a machine-based manufacturing economy. b. Improvements in technology leads 1. increased output of product (i.e. Food, clothing can be mass produced) * assembly line leads to mass production of goods so goods become affordable to everyone 2. large amounts of people move from rural (farms) to urban cities for work a. called urbanization (growth of cities) b. results in poor living conditions 1. slums, tenements, disease from overcrowding Documented in U.S. by Jacob Riis c. results in poor working conditions 1. long hours and work week with little pay= poverty Results with women & children working in factories 2. dangerous working conditions (Upton Sinclair: The Jungle) 3. large amounts of immigrants move to U.S. from Europe looking for jobs, land, and freedom from government and the church a. results= they received low pay b. immigrants formed their own communities (ie Little Italy, Chinatown) 4. Birth of Middle Class due to rise in standard of living (people could by things such as furniture, cars [the model T] c. Progressive movement=1. Progressives- Those who believe that government should take an active role in reforming the working conditions of men, women, & children=Goal

is to break up monopolies, to restore equal opportunities, & to succeed in business for everyone d. Rise of monopolies= A situation in which a single company or group owns all or nearly all of the market for a given type of product or service. By definition, monopoly is characterized by an absence of competition, which often results in high prices and inferior products. 1. Laissez-faire- (hands off) U.S. government does not interfere with private business

3. Imperialism- Strong nation has political, economic, & social control over a weaker nation which was fueled by needs for markets and resources due industrial revolution. Stronger countries force their culture and political system on weaker countries. The new colony exists to benefit the colonial power. Idea of WHITE MANS BURDEN-idea that West must civilize backward country a. The Monroe Doctrine of 1823 defined United States foreign policy in the Americas for the rest of the nineteenth century and beyond. It declared that the United States had an interest in the Western Hemisphere and that European powers must not meddle in the affairs of any developing nations there. B.The idea of manifest destiny gained popularity in the 1830s and 1840s. As people began settling the western territories, wresting control of the land from the original Native American inhabitants, many Americans came to believe that it was their nation's "manifest destiny" to possess the entire North American continent. Later in the century, this idea easily gave way to larger dreams of expanding America's influence around the world. C .By the late nineteenth century, the growing industrial economy of the United States was producing many more goods than the nation itself could consume. This overabundance of industrial goods led the United States to look for new markets abroad.

D. European nations such as England, Spain, France, Russia, Portugal, Germany, and Belgium had already carved up Africa and large parts of Asia into colonies and "spheres of influence" by the late 1800s. To remain competitive, the United States reacted to European imperialism by looking for a way to secure its own economic future through a policy of expansionism. For example= 1. After 1898 SpanishAmerican war, U.S. becomes imperialist power acquires: Guam, Philippines, & Puerto Rico. 2. U.S. acquisition of Hawaii 3. U.S. intervenes in Latin America and builds Panama Canal in 1903 to ensure a trade route and to ensure national security. Panama Canal cut down travel time and expense. e. RESULTS OF IMPERIALISM= 1. Japan modernizes to protect herself from Imperialist take over 2. China is divided into Spheres of Influence a. U.S. supports an Open Door policy in China 3. Struggles in African nations are directly linked to past imperialist policies. 4. U.S. President Teddy Roosevelt Speak softly and carry a big stick

4. WORLD WAR I 1914-1918= a. 4 M.A.I.N. causes= militarism, alliances, imperialism, nationalism

1. Militarism- the government gives its military high priority 2. Alliances-A number of alliances had been signed by countries between the years 1879 and 1914. These were important because they meant that some countries had no option but to declare war if one of their allies declared war first. 3. Imperialism is when a country takes over new lands or countries and makes them subject to their rule. By 1900 the British Empire extended over five continents and France had control of large areas of Africa. With the rise of industrialism countries needed new markets. The amount of lands 'owned' by Britain and France increased the rivalry with Germany who had entered the scramble to acquire colonies late and only had small areas of Africa 4. Nationalism-means being a strong supporter of the rights and interests of one's country b. Immediate start of war the assassination of Austrias Archduke Ferdinand. c. 1st modern war- trench warfare and advanced weapons are used 1. Submarines 2. Machine guns 3. Tanks 4. Airplanes 5. Mustard gas d. Two sides: Central powers= Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire (Turkey), Bulgaria Allies= Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, and U.S. e. U.S. involvement- Entered war in 1917 1. Initially neutral, sold supplies to both sides

2. Isolationist policy- do not get involved in foreign affairs that did not directly involve the U.S. \ 3. Germanys unrestricted submarine war policy led to sinking U.S. ships=

Lusitania and Sussex= USA ENTERS WAR 4. U.S. involvement led to defeat of Central powers 5. President Wilsons proposed 14 Point plan to promote world peace and introduced League of Nations. a. not as harsh as Treaty of Versailles b. U.S. does not enter League= League fails

1. Ends WWI= very Harsh toward Germany 2. War Guilt clause= Germany solely responsible for war 3. Germany pays $billions$ in reparations (damages) 4. Severely limits size of German military 5. Germany cannot manufacture war materials 6. Germany loses all overseas colonies 7. Poland becomes independent nation 8. Takes away industrial area of Alsace Lorraine and Saar Valley

g. Results
1.Wilsons 14 Points-Outline of proposals by Pres. Woodrow Wilson for a postWorld War I peace settlement. The emphasis on open covenants of peace, openly arrived at was proposed to change the usual method of secret diplomacy practiced in Europe. Other points outlined territorial adjustments following the

war. The last point called for a general association of nations, which presaged the League of Nations. 1. League of Nations established to prevent war a. fails 1. no power to prevent aggression b. U.S. does not join

3. Causes a. Russian revolution, Great Depression, rise of dictators (Hitler) and WWII 1. Dictators allows Hitler to gain power by appealing to Germans about unfair treatment

5. Between wars 1920-1940

a. U.S. falls into Great Depression (1929-1941) 1. causes- bank failure, overproduction, overspending (began using credit instead of cash), stock market crash 2. FDRs plan New Deal to combat Great Depression= growth of Federal

Government B. U.S. returns to isolationist policy c. Beginning of Red Scare= fear of communism (a classless society where all are equal and ruled by an elite few) 1. Result of Communist Revolution in Russia 2. Restricted immigration to U.S. d. 19th amendment (1920) - womens suffrage (right to vote) e. Harlem Renaissance- Glorification of African Americans accomplishments as 1. Writers, music, and musicians 2. part of civil rights movement after WWI

6. WWII 1939-1945
a. 1939 Hitlers Germany invades Poland b. Two powers

1. Axis= Germany (Hitler), Italy (Mussolini), and Japan 2. Allies= Great Britain, Soviet Union, and U.S. (1941) c. United States enters war after Japan bombs Pearl Harbor d. War ends when U.S. drops 2 atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan e. RESULTS of WAR 1. Millions of refugees (Europe and Asia) left homeless 2. Many European countries receive independence 3. Nation of Israel is established= Arab-Israeli conflict begins f. U.S. and Soviet Union emerge as worlds Super Powers 1. U.S. =capitalist 2. Soviet Union= communist 3. Beginning of Cold War 4. Atomic bomb begins arms race between U.S. and Soviet Union

7. Cold War-1991= intense hostility between the U.S. and Soviet Union without actually
fighting a. Compete in nuclear arms race and space race b. U.S. foreign policy of Containment= not allowing the spread of communism 1. Leads to Korean Conflict- 1950-1953

2. Leads to Vietnam Conflict- 1959=1975 c. Marshall Plan- was the large-scale American program to aid Europe where the United States gave monetary support to help rebuild European economies after the end of World War II in order to combat the spread of Soviet communism 1. Soviet Union rejected plan 2. Plan weakened appeal of the spread of communism in Western Europe d.Iron Curtain- blocks information and people between the Soviet Union and Western Europe 1945-1990 e. Berlin, Germany split into West (capitalist) and East (communist) 1. East Germany builds Berlin wall to prevent people from crossing into Western Berlin 1961-1989 2. Berlin Airlift- Allies dropped supplies from planes to give aid to Western Berlin f. Cuban Missile Crisis 19621. Cuban dictator Castro forms alliance with Soviet Union 2. Soviet Union attempts to install nuclear weapons in Cuba 3. U.S. formed naval blockade and prevented nuclear war g. McCarthyism- early 1950s U.S. Senator whose accusations of communism sparked fear of communism in U.S. to worsen

8. Civil Rights Movement-1955- 1968

a. African- Americans began to demand the fair and equal treatment b. Prominent Civil rights leader 1. Martin Luther King Jr. - preached peaceful protests 2. Malcolm X a. Both leaders are assassinated c .Large amounts of protests break out especially in the South d. Major government legislation 1. Jim Crow Laws (segregation) allow for legal separation of races 2. Plessey v. Ferguson- Supreme Court case that upholds separate but equal Or segregation 3. Brown v. Board of Education- declares segregation unconstitutional a. Overturns Plessey v. Ferguson

Economy= How a society produces what is consumes. Economics= the study of how economies work.


1. Market economy/capitalism- Type of economy with private ownership of property and voluntary exchanges. a. entrepreneurs (businessmen) - A person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on financial risk to do so. 2. Command Economy/Communism- Economy where the government makes ALL economic decisionsno private property, no choices (I.E. Soviet Union) 3. Mix Economy- An economic system that combines capitalism & communism USA

4. Traditional Economy-Economy where people work and produce in the same field as their ancestors did (I.E. Peasants in Europe before industrial revolution, Third world countries)

B. Key Terms
1. Goods- Tangible (touchable) items that are produced in an economy example:

2. Service-Intangible (nontouchable) activities produced in an economy example:

3. Consumers-People who buy goods and services in an economy

4. Business Cycle-Ongoing series of economic expansions and extractions

C.Supply and Demand- Economics has many rules& laws. Most influential are:
1. Law of Demand-The cheaper a good or a service is, the more consumers will

Buy of it and vice versa 2. Law of Supply- The higher the price a good/ service sells for, the more that Entrepreneur will provide. 3. Equilibrium- When supply and demand are equal the best thing for economy

TYPES OF GOVERNMENTS 1. Authoritarianism- Idea that leaders must have control of their people to lead effectivelysome examples include:

a. Monarchy-Government where kings/queens are born into power & people have no say. 1. Absolute monarchy- When king or queen has unlimited power. (Ex Louis XIV in 18th century France) 2. Constitutional Monarchy- When the monarchs power is limited by

laws. (Queen Elizabeth II in Britain)

b. Theocracy- Government controlled by church leaders (Ex Iran and its mullahs)

Saddam Hussein

Adolf Hitler

c. Dictatorship- Government where leader rules by force & the people have NO say. 1. Totalitarian Dictatorship-Dictator has total control over every Aspect of his peoples lives (Stalin in Soviet Union) 2. Fascist Dictatorship- Super-nationalistic dictator that is Worshipped like a god (Hitler in Germany)

1. Democracy- Type of government where a countrys citizens possess all of the political power of, for, and by the people

a. representative democracy- citizens vote for people to work on their Behalf (USA) b. presidential democracy- democracy with independent executive branch (President) that checks legislative branch (USA) c. direct democracy- citizens vote on all issues (New England towns & Swiss canteens)

d .Parliamentary democracy- Democracy where legislative branch (Parliament) holds all the countrys power. (Great Britain)

e. anarchy- NO government

Key Amendments to Constitution

Amendments are official changes to the Constitution that must be ratified (approved) by at least of the states. 1st= Citizens freedoms= religion, speech, assembly, and petition 2nd=Right to bear arms (own weapons) 4th= No unlawful search and seizure- Warrant (court order) needed for arrest or searches 5th= Due process (laws apply equally to all citizens); cant be forced to testify against self or self incriminate 6th=Right to a speedy, public trial by a jury of their peers 7th=Trial by jury in civil suits (court cases between individuals for monetary damages) 8th=No cruel or unusual punishments or excessive fines/bail 13th=Abolished slavery in U.S. b/c of Civil War 14th= all natural born citizens 15th= African American right to vote (suffrage) 17th=Direct election of Senators (by the people) due to Progressives 18th=Prohibition of Alcohol (REPEALED BY 21ST AMENDMENT) 19th=Womens suffrage 24th=Illegal poll tax (tax to vote) due to Civil Rights movement 26th= Voting age lowered to 18 due to Vietnam War

Key Supreme Court Decisions

Marbury v Madison- 1803- Established judicial review, or the ability of the Supreme Court to review the actions of Congress and the President Dred Scott v Sanford- 1857- Pre-civil war case stated African-Americans were property, not people, and had no rights. Plessey v Ferguson-1896- Made racial segregation acceptable as long as there were Separate but equal accommodations. Schenck v U.S. 1919-WWI era case=citizens freedom of speech can be limited in times of War Brown v Board of Education 1954- Ended segregation in schools, started civil rights movement Roe v Wade -1973-Legalized abortion for women Miranda v Arizona -1966- Your legal rights must be read when you are arrested or charges are dropped (Miranda Rights) University of California v Bakke -1978-made non-minority (white) discrimination illegal but allowed affirmative action (giving minorities preference in jobs and schools)

Human Rights Issues A. Segregation- separating people because of race.

1. De jure segregation- Separation of races by law, as happened in American South and South Africa. 2. Jim Crow- nickname for segregation laws in the South. 3. Apartheid- De jure segregation in South Africa where white minority dominated and mistreated a black majority

4. De facto segregation- When races separate by choice or circumstances, not by law (ex African-Americans in northern cities). B. Genocide- Widespread killing of people because of their race. Famous examples: 1. The Holocaust- Hitler and Nazi Germanys extermination of 6 million Jews and 6 million other minorities during WWII. 2. Ethnic Cleansing- Name used to describe Serbias genocide of non-Serbians in the 1990s. 3. Rwandan genocide- When around 1 million Tutsi tribesmen were killed by Hutu tribesmen in the African Country- Rwanda.


1. Primary Source- a document, artifact, or other object that is directly related to a topic. (Example- the Constitution when studying American Government) 2. Secondary source- a document, artifact, or other object that discusses a topic but was created after the fact (a text book about the American government and Constitution written in 1990) 3. Credibility- Whether something is believable or not. 4. Reliability- Whether something is factual or not. 5. Bias-Personal opinions that influence what people write and say. 6. Propaganda- One-sided information that is used to persuade people or influence their actions. (Ex TV commercials).

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