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Chat meeting (23/04/2012) Believing in humanity

Last 23rd of April, 2012 we had a chat meeting with some of our project partners. The chat was programmed for the 2nd term, but finally it took place on April due to technological reasons. Our students were chatting for 1 hour with their partners from Italy and Czech Republic. They were telling each other how a day was in their schools (schedules, subjects, timetables, activities, etc). At the beginning, it was a bit difficult to say something to other unknown person, however little by little the chat became more vivid and they ended up sharing their emails and their social network accounts. It was an interesting experience and we should repeat it before our meetings in Sweden and Germany, because some of our students will travel to these countries. Maybe, it would be better to have a video conference, but we dont know the technological possibilities of each country so perhaps this is a matter to discuss in the followings meetings. Here we are some photos of this chat at the IES Mediterrneo in Cartagena. If you have other countries photos, it would be great to see you, too.

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