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************************************************************************** Send an e-mail to an admin when a job gets a status of *MSGW Kent Astrom E-mail Print A AA AAA LinkedIn

Facebook Twitter Share ThisReprints You Can View User Feedback To This Tip The following program checks to see if any iSeries jobs have a status of *MSGW. When the job gets a status of *MSGW, the program sends an e-mail to an administr ator (in this case "") Detailed program information: If anything goes wrong, the program creates a dump and terminates. Create a user space with module "CrtUsrSpc" (source has been included below). Run API "QUSLJOB" to return information of iSeries job. I have used the format n ame "JOBL0200" to retrieve "job status" and "subsystem". Job status has "key of field = 0101" and subsystem "key of field = 1906". Run API "QUSRTVUS" to get user space attribute - starting position of information - number of entries (number of jobs) Run a loop to retrieve information on all jobs that have been loaded in the user space -- one loop for one job. First, run API "QUSRTVUS" to retrieve information about one job. This informatio n has been retrieved in data area "LJOB200". Second, retrieve "key fields" in and loop. Key field 0101 = job status Key field 1906 = subsystem Third, if the job has status *MSGW and e-mail is sent to an Administrator. crtrpgmod module(yourlib/crtusrspc) = create user space (source included in prior mail) crtrpgmod module(yourlib/nkvr4292) = mail program crtpgm pgm(yourlib/nkvr4292) module(yourlib/nkvr4292 yourlib/crtusrspc) actgrp(nkv) A CL program: The program calls the program every minute. pgm check: call pgm(nkv4292) monmsg(cpf0000) dlyjob goto endpgmq3 dly(60) check

The following program sends an e-mail when a job receives a status: *MSGW with OS/400 API and user space. I have included all the /COPY sources and

module sources that create "user space" (CrtUsrSpc) in text files. F**************************************************************** F* F* Program: NKVR4602 Send e-mail when a job get status: *MSGW F* F**************************************************************** F* F**************************************************************** D/TITLE beskrivning arrayer, tabeller D**************************************************************** D* beskrivning arrayer, tabeller D*--------------------------------------------------------------* D* /COPY CrtUsrSpcP /COPY QUsRtvUS /COPY QUsRtvUSP /COPY QUsLJob2P /COPY QUsLJob /COPY APIErrDef /COPY QCmdExc D* D*----------------------------------------------------------------D* program status dataarea D*----------------------------------------------------------------D* D PgmSts SDS D P1User 254 263 D W1Program *PROC D* D*----------------------------------------------------------------D* *lda - local dataarea D*----------------------------------------------------------------D* D LDA e ds dtaara(*lda) D* D*--------------------------------------------------------------* D* work fields * D*--------------------------------------------------------------* D* D Arbetsflt ds D Snipp 1 inz( '''' ) D Count 15 0 inz( 0 ) D KeyCount 15 0 inz( 0 ) D EndPos 15 0 inz( 0 ) D JobbStatus 4 inz( ' ' ) D Subsystem 20 inz( ' ' ) D ReturnCode 1 inz( ' ' ) D UsrSpcName 20 inz( 'DSPJOB QTEMP ' ) D FormatName 8 inz( ' ' ) D QualifedJobName... Show Me More More on Implementation Get help from the community Po wered by D 26 inz( ' ' ) D JobStatus 10 inz( ' ' ) D JobType 1 inz( ' ' ) D NbrOfFldRtn 8B 0 inz( 0 ) D KeyFldRtn 8B 0 inz( 0 ) dim( 100 )

D StartingPosition... D 8B 0 inz( 0 ) D LengthOfData... D 8B 0 inz( 0 ) D KeyStartingPosition... D 8B 0 inz( 0 ) D KeyLengthOfData... D 8B 0 inz( 0 ) D ReceiverVariable... D 32048 D OS400_Cmd 2000 inz( ' ' ) D CmdLength 15P 5 inz( %size( OS400_Cmd ) ) D True 1 inz( *on ) D False 1 inz( *off ) D* D**************************************************************** /TITLE Main Line /free // ************************************************************* // Main line code // ------------------------------------------------------------exsr CheckStatusOfJob; *inlr = true; // ************************************************************* // check status of an job // ------------------------------------------------------------begsr CheckStatusOfJob; // create user space ReturnCode = CrtUsrSpc( UsrSpcName ); if ReturnCode = True; dump; leavesr; endif; // run API to fill user space with information about all iSeries job FormatName = 'JOBL0200'; QualifedJobName = '*ALL ' + '*ALL ' + '*ALL '; JobStatus = '*ACTIVE'; JobType = '*'; NbrOfFldRtn = 2; KeyFldRtn( 1 ) = 0101; KeyFldRtn( 2 ) = 1906; callp QUSLJOB( UsrSpcName : FormatName : QualifedJobName : JobStatus : APIError : JobType : NbrOfFldRtn : KeyFldRtn ); if APIErrorMessageID <> ' '; dump; ReturnCode = True; leavesr; endif; // run API to get user space attribute StartingPosition = 125; LengthOfData = 16; callp QUSRTVUS( UsrSpcName : StartingPosition : LengthOfData : ReceiverVariable : APIError );

QUSA0100 = ReceiverVariable; if APIErrorMessageID <> ' '; dump; ReturnCode = True; leavesr; endif; // preperation to read from user space StartingPosition = QUsrSpcOffset + 1; LengthOfData = QUsrSpcEntrieSize; // read from user space for count = 1 to QUsrSpcEntries; callp QUSRTVUS( UsrSpcName : StartingPosition : LengthOfData : ReceiverVariable : APIError ); LJOB200 = ReceiverVariable; if APIErrorMessageID <> ' '; dump; ReturnCode = True; leavesr; endif; // check status of job JobbStatus = ' '; Subsystem = ' '; LJobKeyInfo = LJob200.ReturnedData; KeyStartingPosition = 1; KeyLengthOfData = LJobKeyInfo.LengthOfInformation; for keycount = 1 to LJob200.NumberOfFieldsReturned; LJobKeyInfo = %subst( LJob200.ReturnedData : KeyStartingPosition : KeyLengthOfData ); KeyLengthOfData = LJobKeyInfo.LengthOfInformation; LJobKeyInfo = %subst( LJob200.ReturnedData : KeyStartingPosition : KeyLengthOfData ); Endpos = LJobKeyInfo.LengthOfData; if LJobKeyInfo.KeyField = 0101; JobbStatus = %subst( LJobKeyInfo.KeyData : 1 : Endpos ); elseif LJobKeyInfo.KeyField = 1906; Subsystem = %subst( LJobKeyInfo.KeyData : 1 : Endpos ); endif; KeyStartingPosition = KeyStartingPosition + KeyLengthOfData; endfor; if Jobbstatus = 'MSGW'; Subsystem = %trim( %subst( Subsystem : 11 : 10 ) ) + '/' + %trim( %subst( Subsystem : 1 : 10 ) ); os400_cmd = 'snddst type(*lmsg) ' + 'tointnet((' + snipp + '' + snipp + ')) dstd(' + snipp + 'Jobb med status *MSGW' + snipp + ') longmsg(' + snipp + 'Jobbet (' + %trim( LJob200.JobName ) + '/' + %trim( LJob200.UserName ) + '/' + %trim( LJob200.JobNumber ) + ') i delsystemet ' + %trim( Subsystem ) + ' har status MSGW' + snipp + ')';

monitor; qcmdexc ( os400_cmd : %size ( os400_cmd ) ); on-error; dump; endmon; endif; StartingPosition = StartingPosition + LengthOfData; endfor; endsr; /TITLE

* APIErrDef Standard API error handling structure. * ************************************************************************** DQUSEC DS D ErrorBytesProvided... D D ErrorBytesAvailble... D D ErrorExceptionId... D D ErrorReserved... D DAPIError DS D APIErrorProvied... D D D APIErrorAvailble... D D APIErrorMessageID... D D APIErrorReserved... D D APIErrorInformation... D

1 5 9 16

4B 0 8B 0 15 16

LIKE( ErrorBytesProvided ) INZ( %LEN( APIError ) ) LIKE( ErrorBytesAvailble ) LIKE( ErrorExceptionId ) LIKE( ErrorReserved ) 240A

D qcmdexc PR D os400_cmd D cmdlength

extpgm( 'QCMDEXC' ) 2000A options( *varsize ) const 15P 5 const

DQUSA0100 DS D QUsrSpcOffset... D D QUsrSpcEntries... D D QUsrSpcEntrieSize... D

1 9 13

4B 0 12B 0 16B 0

/TITLE Huvudprogram H NOMAIN /COPY CrtUsrSpcP /TITLE CrtUsrSpc: Create User Space for OS/400 API's **************************************************************** * * CrtUsrSpc: Create User Space for OS/400 API's * **************************************************************** * P CrtUsrSpc B EXPORT * * --- Procedure Interface Definition * D CrtUsrSpc PI 1 D UsrSpcName 20 * * --- Local Variables * D ReturnCode S 1 D ObjName S 10 INZ(' ') D ObjLib S 10 INZ(' ') D UserSpace S 20 INZ(' ') D ExtraAtr S 10 INZ(' ') D UserInit S 1 INZ(' ') D UserAuth S 10 INZ('*EXCLUDE ') D UserText S 50 INZ(' ') D OS400_Cmd S 160 INZ(' ') D Cmd_Length S 15P 5 INZ(0) D True S 1 INZ( *ON ) D False S 1 INZ( *OFF ) * D BinaryField DS D UserSize 1 4B 0 INZ(50000) * * Remove "User Space" * C EVAL ObjName = %SUBST(UsrSpcName : 1 : 10 ) C EVAL ObjLib = %SUBST(UsrSpcName : 11 : 10 ) * C EVAL OS400_Cmd = 'DLTUSRSPC ' + C 'USRSPC(' + C %TRIM( ObjLib ) + C '/' + C %TRIM( ObjName ) + C ')' C EVAL Cmd_Length = %SIZE(OS400_Cmd) C CALL 'QCMDEXC' 89 C PARM OS400_Cmd C PARM Cmd_Length * * Create "User Space" * C CALL 'QUSCRTUS' C PARM UsrSpcName C PARM ExtraAtr C PARM UserSize C PARM UserInit

C C * * ReturnCode *


UserAuth UserText

C EVAL ReturnCode = %ERROR C* C RETURN ReturnCode * P CrtUsrSpc E * ****************************************************************** C/TITLE

DLJOBINPUT ds D JobName... D D UserName... D D JobNumber... D D Status... D D UserSpace... D D UserSpaceLibrary... D D Format... D D JobType... D D Reserved01... D D Reserved02... D D* DLJOB100 ds D JobName... D D UserName... D D JobNumber... D D InternalJobId... D D Status... D D JobType... D D JobSubType... D D Reserved01... D D* DLJOB200 ds D JobName... D D UserName...

qualified 1 11 21 27 37 47 57 65 66 69 10 20 26 36 46 56 64 65 68 72B 0 qualified 1 11 21 27 43 53 54 55 10 20 26 42 52 53 54 56 qualified 1 10

D 11 20 D JobNumber... D 21 26 D InternalJobId... D 27 42 D Status... D 43 52 D JobType... D 53 53 D JobSubType... D 54 54 D Reserved01... D 55 56 D JobInfoStatus... D 57 57 D Reserved02... D 58 60 D NumberOfFieldsReturned... D 61 64B 0 D ReturnedData... D 65 1064 D* DLJOB200KEY ds D KeyNumber01... D 1 4B 0 D NumberOfKeys... D 5 8B 0 D* DLJOBKEYINFO ds D LengthOfInformation... D 1 4B 0 D KeyField... D 5 8B 0 D TypeOfData... D 9 9 D Reserved01... D 10 12 D LengthOfData... D 13 16B 0 D KeyData... D 17 1016



* --- Prototype for API Retrive User Space * D QUSRTVUS pr extpgm( 'QUSRTVUS' ) D QRtvUserSpace... D 20 D QRtvStartingPosition... D 8B 0 D QRtvLengthOfData... D 8B 0 D QRtvReceiverVariable... D 32048 D QRtvError... D 256

* --- Prototype for CrtUsrSpc

* D CrtUsrSpc D UsrSpcName


1 20

* --- Prototype for API Retrive List Job * D QUSLJOB pr extpgm( 'QUSLJOB' ) D QJobUserSpace... D 20 D QJobFormatName... D 8 D QJobJobName... D 26 D QFldStatus... D 10 D QFldError... D 256 D QJobType... D 1 D QNbrFldRtn... D 8B 0 D QKeyFldRtn... D 8B 0 dim( 100 )

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