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"Solder paste printing requirements for CSP packages"

New technologies, such as the use of ultra-fine pitch components and specially the introduction of CSP technology, are pushing towards smaller aperture sizes and the use of thinner stencils for the solder paste printing process. Solder paste release process understanding is vital to achieve an appropriate solder paste volume with high repeatability. Solder paste release process is affected by parameters such as stencil thickness, stencil area ratio, solder paste particle size, aperture shapes design, the stencil manufacturing process, etc. A better understanding on how these parameters affect the printing process may be achieved through a controlled experiment with different stencil designs and different solder pastes. This paper describes the methodology used to evaluate several different stencil designs and solder pastes including the use of five and six mil stencils and several different solder pastes. Data collected included the number of defects and measurement of solder paste volume and height. Statistics have been used for the analysis of quantitative data. Results from this evaluation have been critical in the success of a new process for CSP assembly in a standard SMT environment. Also, stencil design and solder paste selection for other applications have benefited from the conclusions of this study.

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