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Tercera Edicin

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february 2012

a t a r h e e l i n A r g e n t i n a
Ut orci, Duis ultricies Maecenas non quam. Cras erat. Aliquam pede. vulputate eu, estmorbi tristique senectus. Page 3


I pray that this letter finds you well and enjoying the beginnings of spring! Im excited to share with you what God has been showing me in the past month.
Normally, at least in the northern hemisphere, the word hot and the word February do not go together, but we have had one hot February down here in Argentina. The extreme humidity, however, has not been a deterrent to the desires of students in Vida Estudiantil (Campus Crusade) to share the Gospel with their peers (photos above are from different times that we joined with students on campus to share the good news of Jesus). I have been really impressed to see the students within our movement taking the initiative to evangelize on their campuses. They have planned when we would meet on campus, have invited their peers, and have led the preevangelism prayer times. Seeing how God is working in and through them blows me away! Of the memories of this month, what stands out most in my mind is when we went to a campus that in English is called University City. It was an incredibly humid day and we were literally dripping sweat as we went to share the Gospel with students. Using a picture survey called Soularium, I went around with a girl named Agustina to meet and initiate spiritual conversations with students. Since it was Agustinas first time sharing her faith with fellow students, she observed me use the survey. We had some good conversations that day, but what was most encouraging to me was that she was taking one of her first steps in sharing her faith: trusting the Lord and loving Him by seeking to obey Him and love others. How cool that I was able to hang out with her and be used by God to walk with her in that! I pray that God would bless you and you would be reminded of His goodness! -Britt

PRAYER REQUESTS: Agustina would continue to trust the Lord by sharing her faith with her peers the Lord would continue to raise up new believers in Universtiy City



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