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Abstract The method in waste management in Indonesia generally still relies on open dumping in waste disposal areas.

A change of paradigm on waste management to 3R concept in household scale is needed. This researchs purpose is to identify the 3R waste management process and the level of community participation in 3R waste management in Juppandang and Buttu Batu village. This research is a descriptive qualitative research, which is a research that plans to describe the phenomenon on household waste management with 3R concept conducted in the field of research. Results of the research show that household waste management with 3R concept in Juppandang and Buttu Batu village can reduce waste production, but not optimized in the implementation, which includes the waste sorting and composing, due to lack of means and infrastructures. The composition of waste in Enrekang city consists of organic waste (71,74%), paper and cardboard (12,44%), plastic (9,28%), metal (can, iron, aluminium 3,57%), rubber and tires (1,71%), glass (0,36%), and wood (0,87%). Organic waste is processed into compost that will reduce waste production and environmental damage, while the waste sorted waste can also reduce waste production, its products can be sold or managed to increase the peoples income.

Keyword: community participation level, waste production

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