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Rooms of the house

PARTS OF THE HOUSE HOUSE room balcony bathroom bedroom dining room living room sitting room garage kitchen basement cellar attic study toilet door doorbell doormat letter box window roof chimney staircase/stairs flat (GB) apartment (US) habitaci balc bany dormitori menjador sala sala de estar garatge cuina soterrani celler tic estudi bany porta timbre pelfut bstia finestra teulada xemeneia escala apartament apartament

DINING ROOM dining room living room table chair armchair sofa / settee (GB) floor ceiling rug carpet fireplace radiator lamp light curtain wall wallpaper television menjador sala taula cadira butaca sof pis sostre catifa catifa fixa xemeneia radiador lmpada llum cortina paret paper de paret televisor

KITCHEN kitchen fridge frozen oven microwave oven dishwasher washing machine ironing board toaster liquidizer (GB) blender (US) cuina nevera congelador forn forn de microones rentaplats rentadora taula de planxar torradora liquadora liquadora

mixer broom sink tap waste bin worktop tea towel frying pan saucepan pressure cooker kettle bowl tin opener corkscrew fork knife spoon teaspoon cutlery drawer cup glass saucer jug coffeepot coffee maker teapot tablecloth napkin

batedora escombra aigera aixeta cub descombreries placa de cocci drap paella cassola olla a pressi manxa bol obrellaunes llevataps forquilla ganivet cullera cullereta caix dels coberts tassa vas plat gerra gerra pel caf cafetera tetera tovalles tovall

BATHROOM bathroom bath bany banyera

shower toilet bidet washbasin tap mirror soap soap dish towel towel rail bath mat toilet paper sponge comb hairbrush hair drier shampoo conditioner safety razor electric razor shaving foam toothbrush toothpaste nailbrush

dutxa wter bidet lavabo aixeta mirall sab sabonera tovalla per posar tovalloles catifa de bany paper higinic esponja pinta raspall assecador xamp crema maquina dafaitar m. da. elctrica crema dafaitar raspall de dents dentfric raspall dungles

BEDROOM bedroom bed bedside table bedside lamp wardrobe chest of drawers

dormitori llit tauleta lmpada guarda-robes calaixera

drawers mattress pillow blanket sheet duvet bedspread alarm clock

caixons matals coix manta llenol edred vnova rellotge despertador

OTHER ROOMS Attic Ballroom Box Room Cellar Cloakroom Conservatory Dining Room Drawing Room Games Room Hall Larder Library Lounge Music Room Office Pantry People store things in the attic. A room in stately homes where rich people dance and concerts are held. A small room used for storage. Underneath the house. A small room where people put their coats. A greenhouse attached to a house for the display of plants. A room where people eat (see eating at home). A room in stately homes where rich people entertain. A room in large houses where games are played. The entrance passage to a house. A small room used for the storage of food. A room where books are kept. Another name for living room. A room where people play music. A room where people work. A small room used to store kitchen and dining items.

Parlour Sitting Room Spare Room/ Guest Room Toilet Utility Room

Old fashioned word for living room. Another name for living room. A room where guests sleep. A room where people go to the toilet (often known as WC) A room where appliances such as washing machines are used. v=DR5qPNPGCmY&feature=player_embedded

1. Rooms of the house. Various activities. Click here. 2. Parts of the house. Click here. 3. Choose the correct option. Click here. 4. Name the rooms. Click here. 5. Writing. Click here. 6. Read and write. Click here. 7. Memory game. Click and match. Click here. 8. Select the right room. Click here. 9. Game. Click here.

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