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Control statement 1. decision making statement 2. looping statement 3. jumping statement decision making statement 1. 2. 3. 4.

simple if syntax: if(condition) { Statement; } EX: #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int age; clrscr(); printf("enter ur age:"); scanf("%d",&age); if(age>=18) { simple if if else else if switch

printf("Eligible to vote"); } getch(); } If .. else statement Syntax: If(condition) { Statement; } else { Statement; } Ex: Write a pgm to print a given age is eligible to vote or not #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int age; clrscr(); printf("enter ur age:"); scanf("%d",&age); if(age>=18)

{ printf("Eligible to vote"); } else { printf("Not eligible to vote"); } getch(); }

1. write a pgm to greatest of 2 numbers 2. write a pgm to given number is positive or negtive Else if Syntax: If(condition) { Statement; } else if(condition) { Statement; } . . . .

else { Statement; } Ex:

//write a pgm to print given character is vowel or not void main() { char c; clrscr(); printf("enter ur character :"); scanf("%c",&c); if((c=='a')||(c=='A')) { printf("Given character is vowel"); } else if((c=='e')||(c=='E')) { printf("Given character is vowel"); } else if((c=='i')||(c=='I')) { printf("Given character is vowel"); }

else if((c=='o')||(c=='O')) +-+{ printf("Given character is vowel"); } else if((c=='u')||(c=='U')) { printf("Given character is vowel"); } else { printf("Not Vowel:"); } getch(); } Work: Write a pgm to print given number is odd or even Write a pgm to print given number is positive , negative or zero Write a pgm to print greatest of 3 number Write a pgm to given character is vowel or not(if ..else) Write a pgm to get reg. no, five subj. marks. do the foll. calculate total, avg. display pass if all sub.marks > 40 or fail if avg >= 90 Excellent, >=80 Very Good, >=60 Good, >=50 Fair >=40 satisfactory and finally <40 poor (display the appropriate grade)

*Write a pgm to calculate the eb bill i) eb reading in shop or home


shop 100 units

Multiple branching construct Switch In this case of selection is made from several altetnatives available a group of instructions pertaining to the selected alternative is only executed.

switch(expression) { case <expr1>: statement ........ break; case <expr2>: statement ......... break; case <exprN> : statement ........ break; default: statement break; } #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h>

void main() { int i; clrscr(); printf("Enter the no betn 1 to 5:"); scanf("%d",&i); switch(i) { case 1: printf("Ur no is ONE"); break; case 2: printf("Ur no is TWO"); break; case 3: printf("Ur no is THREE"); break; case 4: printf("Ur no is FOUR"); break; case 5 printf("Ur no is FIVE"); break; default : printf("Ur NO is more than 5");

break; } getch(); } Looping statement: This is for repeated execution of a group of instructions till a condition evaluates to true. 1. Initialization 2. Condition 3. Increment/decrement Types 1. While loop 2. Do while loop 3. For loop

Syn. while(condition) { statements } void main() { int n=1; clrscr(); while(n<=10) { printf("\n N=%d",n); n++;

} getch(); } //write a pgm to print the multiplication table for given number void main() { int n=1,a; clrscr(); printf("Enter your values:"); scanf("%d",&a); while(n<=10) { printf("\n%d * %2d = %3d",a,n,n*a); n++; } getch(); } Dowhile Loop Syntax: do { statements } while(condition); void main() {

int n=1; clrscr(); do { printf("\n N=%d",n); n++; } while(n<=10); getch(); }

prg. to reverse the number write a pgm to print odd and even from 1 to 50 Write a pgm to print 1 22 333 Write a pgm to print sum of digits 123=1+2+3=>6 --------------------------------

For loop For(initialization;condition;re-initialization) { //statements } void main()

{ int r=1,c; clrscr(); while(r<=3) { c=1; while(c<=r) { printf("* "); c++; } printf("\n"); r++; } getch(); }

prg. to reverse the number Write a pgm to count the occurrance of a given character in the given string Write a pgm to insert the given character in given string Write a pgm to print 1 *** 22 ** 333 * Write a pgm to print sum of digits 123=1+2+3=>6

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