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EVENTS & DATES TO REMEMBER Tisha BAv The fast to commemorate the destruction of the first and second Bait Hamikdash begins on Saturday evening July 28th. Because Erev Tisha Bav is Shabbat, not all of the usual laws apply; for example, the meal before the fast may be meat, since the meal is on Shabbat. To allow people to eat the final meal as late in the day as possible, we will daven Mincha on Shabbat, July 28 at 3:00 pm (please note we will not serve seudat shlishit in Shul). You should finish your pre-fast meal no later than 8:10 pm. We will daven Maariv and read Eicha at 9:30 pm after Shabbat is over so families may drive. However, we do not make a regular Havdala; instead we say Baruch hamavdil bein kodesh lechol. On Tisha BAv we observe the chameshet inuyim, which are the same five prohibitions that are observed on Yom Kippur for the entire Tisha Bav. The prohibitions include: no eating or drinking, no annointing, no wearing leather shoes, no bathing or washing even part of your body, and no marital relations. As an additional sign of mourning, we do not exchange greetings, engage in levity or transact business. We also are not permitted to learn joyous passages of Torah. Instead we learn those passages from the Talmud in Gittin or Moed Kattan that deal with the destruction of the Temple or laws of mourning. We may also learn those sections from the Nach dealing with the destruction of the Temple provided that we skip those sections that speak of redemption. JULY 28, 2012 Mincha at 3:00 pm. Finish your pre-fast meal by 8:10 pm. Maariv & Eicha will begin at 9:30 pm. At this time we will remove the parochet from the Ark, dim the lights and sit on the ground or low stools or benches. Eicha will be read as will the evening Kinot. JULY 29, 2012 Shacharit will begin at 8:00 am. There is Torah reading and a Haftarah. As a sign of mourning, we do not don the Tallit or Tefillin until the afternoon. At the conclusion of davening, we recite the entire Kinot service. We do not get up to sit on regular chairs until after mid-day, which is at 12:56. At 11:00 am, Rabbi Ben Zion will give a shiur on selected themes found in the Kinos. We hope to show the Chafetz Chaim Heritage Foundation Video at 3:00 pm. Seeing Good in Others with Rabbis Jonathan Rietti, Zelig Pliskin and Dov Brezak. Mincha will begin at 7:50 pm We put on the Tallit and Tefillin and recite those sections of the davening that were

omitted in the morning. We also take out the Torah and read a Haftarah. Maariv will begin at 8:20 pm and will be followed by Kiddush Levanah, the sanctification of the moon. The fast will end at 8:54 pm. On the merit of our sincere prayers and mourning for Jerusalem and for the destruction of the Bait Hamikdash, may the Almighty hear our prayers. May He have mercy on us and send the Mashiach to redeem us from the four corners of the earth to a rebuilt Eretz Yisrael and Bait Hamikdash. Rabbi Meyer Juzints The Chain of Miracles The Chain of Miracles is due to arrive shortly. Final preparations for Nechamas Meyer, Mussar on Parsha, Breishis and Shemos, are almost complete, and will be ready, with G-ds help, around Simchas Torah. Juzint Beit Hamussar Class After Tisha Bav please join us for a new shiur studying Drush Ohr Hachayim, on the immortality of the soul, by the Tiferes Yisrael. The shiur will be given by Rabbi Ben Zion Lazovsky on a weeknight evening before mincha; starting date to be announced soon. Annual Meeting Our Annual Meeting to discuss the past year and to vote on the new slate of officers and directors will take place on Thursday, August 2 at 7:15 pm. HIGH HOLIDAYS 5773 Membership We invite you to join us for the High Holidays. Rosh Hashana begins on September 16th! Please refer to the enclosed flyer for information about membership and seats for the High Holidays. Selichot We begin to recite Selichot, prayers of repentance and atonement, on Motzai Shabbat, September 8th at 11:00 pm. Before Selichot, please join us at 10:00 pm for refreshments and an inspiring speaker immediately preceding Selichot. Please join us to begin the High Holiday season in a meaningful way. Lulav and Etrog The shul will once again sell top quality Lulav sets from Israel. Prices and order forms will be available by September 1st. Sets will be available for pick-up after Yom Kippur. Weekday Minyanim Please join us for daily minyanim. Shacharit is at 6:00 am Monday through Friday, and 8:00 am on Sunday. MinchaMaariv on Sunday through Thursday is 15 minutes before sunset.

Save the Date - Scholar-in-Residence November 17 Rabbi Dr. Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff of Jerusalem, noted author and scholar, will be Scholar-in-Residence for the weekend of November 16-18. Misheberach List If you have names for a misheberach, please send them to the shul office or e-mail to E-mail List We occasionally send e-mails with important information. To be placed on our e-mail list, please send an e-mail to indicating that you wish to be placed on the e-mail list. We are happy to have more than one email address per family. Send-A-Kid-To-Israel Partnership (S.K.I.P.) Kesser Maariv is proud to be a participating Congregation in S.K.I.P. The program allows parents to contribute money annually in partnership with the synagogue and the Jewish Federation for an Israel trip for their children. Students in grades 3-6, enrolled in a day or afternoon school, who have

Congregation B.H.H. Kesser Maariv A.L. 4341 W. Golf Skokie, IL 60076 (847) 679-9800 fax (847) 679-5041 e-mail: Rabbi Louis A. Lazovsky Steven D. Goldrich, President Rabbi Ben Zion Lazovsky, Associate Rabbi & Executive Director Nasrin Kheradyar & Saretta Lazovsky, Co-Presidents, Adele Goldblum Womens Council Committee Contact Information: Bricks Saretta Lazovsky (847) 676-0556 or (847) 673-2904

Chesed Fund Anne Elovic

Donate Books & Siddurim Office (847) 679-9800 or Endowment Michael Hartz (708) 366-7662

Happy Day Cards Wendy Hartz (708) 205-5109 Kiddush & Seudat Shlisheet Judy Whisler (847) 677-2281 or Membership Bob Greenstein (847) 967-7408 Judy Whisler (847) 677-2281 Office (847) 679-9800

Social Hall Rental Tree of Life Yahrzeit Plaques

finished paying their annual membership to the shul are eligible to participate. For additional details, a registration kit or to enroll your child(ren) for the first time, please contact Ben Zion Lazovsky at (847) 679-9800. Rent the Shul for Your Simcha For information regarding renting the Social Hall for your event, please call Ben Zion Lazovsky at the Shul office at (847) 679-9800. Also, book you childs Bar/Bat Mitzvah in the Shul calendar! Happy Day Cards & Standings Join the Kesser Maariv Cards standing list! For only $50 a year, your name will automatically be included whenever a card is sent from our shul to fellow members for a refua shlayma, condolence or mazal tov. To join the standings, please contact the office at (847) 679-9800 or Also, cards are available for purchase from the office for $1.50 each or 13 cards for $18. If you would like us to send a card for you for $2, please contact Wendy Hartz at (708) 205-5109. PAST EVENTS Shavuot Mishmar - Thanks to Womens Mishmar presenters: Rebbetzin Saretta Lazovsky, Dr. Steve Steinberg; regular Mishmar shiurim by Rabbis Eli, Ben Zion & Louis Lazovsky. Thanks to the Miretzkys and Hartzes for the refreshments...In June we had our Graduation Luncheon in honor of our many graduates...Our Annual Banquet and Ad Journal on July 1st was a great success. We honored Jeffrey & Sandra Cagain with the Community Service Award and Samuel & Sophia Gabay. Thanks to Larry Weinger for his slideshow...Shloshim for Allan Goodkind Over 75 people gathered to remember a good friend, teacher and volunteer. Allan was determined that Kesser Maariv relocate from East Rogers Park to Skokie and not close its doors. The speakers included Steve Isaacs, Joe Zaretsky, Rabbi Asher Krupnick and Rabbi Louis Lazovsky. Our condolences go to Allans wife Robin, daughter CeCe, grandson Charlie, sister Nancy Horns and brother Chester. An audio file of the remembrances is available; contact the office for a copy. ADELE GOLDBLUM WOMENS COUNCIL UPCOMING EVENTS August Women's Shalashudos date will be announced. Womens Week of Learning Monday July 23 7:45 pm Malkie Eisenberg will speak on The Ultimate Mitzvah. Tuesday July 24 7:30 pm Healthy Relationships by guest speaker Keren Bider of Shalva. Wednesday July 25 7:00 pm For Women and Men Mrs. Brenda Huss, Holocaust Survivor and Retired Teacher from Hillel Torah North Suburban Day School will share the story of her life during the war. Bonfire Tuesday July 31 at 7:30 pm. Annual Bonfire at Emily Oaks Nature Center. Don't miss it! Family Musical Event Sunday August 5 at 7:00 pm.Dueling Pianos at Devonshire Park - Bring a lawn chair and a picnic dinner if you want and join us for an exciting, outdoor musical performance.

Serve Dinner at Cafe ARK Wednesday, August 15th at 4:45 pm. Call Cookie at (847) 673-8149 to reserve your space. KM Knitters meet every other Tuesday at 7:00 pm at the Shul. Call Wendy for next meeting date. No experience necessary Beginners welcome! Knitters of all abilities attend. For more information, meeting confirmation, and to be placed on the email list please call Wendy Hartz at (708) 205-5109. PAST EVENTS Torah & the Violin - 18-year-old violinist Lisa Chertoff wowed the audience with her performance.... At recent Womens Seudot Shlisheet, Rabbi Joe Ozarowski spoke on Spiritual Issues in the Elections, and Lauren Kane spoke on Exotic Travels of a Jew. Thanks to sponsors Sharon Friedman and Cookie Goldrich.... The Shavuot Plant Sale provided lovely plants for residents of the Robineau and Lieberman Geriatric Center for Shavuot. Thanks to Brenda Kahn, Evelyne Sternfeld and Cookie Goldrich.... In late May, Cookie Goldrich, Brenda Kahn, Nasrin Kheradyar, Carmella Bega, Sara Gaynes and Larry Rosen served dinner at the ARK. GOOD & WELFARE Mazel Tov to: Evelyne Sternfeld on the birth of a greatgrandson...Jeff and Eleanor Greenspan on the birth of a grandson, Yisrael, to Eva & Zach Zussman...Ann & Alan Herbach on the birth of a granddaughter, Malka Hinda, born to Jacob & Danielle Herbach...Maury & Tina Pressburger on the marriage of their son Korey to Shevy Goldman...Lester Farber on the marriage of his daughter Allison to Dr. Scott David...Ellen & Arkady Kats on the marriage of their daughter Anya to Daniel Gordon...Dr. Joel Feder on the engagement of his son Nathan to Rebecca Feder. Mazel Tov to all of our Graduates! Refuah Shleima to: Yair Elovic, Kathy Evans. Condolences to: the family of Allan S. Goodkind, former Chairman of the Board (see more under Past Events above). Celebrate your simcha on the Etty Rubinow Tree of Life! Leaves are $100, Acorns are $500 and Foundation Stones are $1,000. Call Ben Zion at (847) 679-9800 to order, or just print the order form off of our website. Thank you to our recent Kiddush Sponsors: Alan & Heather Busch; Sanford & Shelley Schwartz; Edmond & Miriam Namordi; Rabbi Neil & Debbie Brill; Maury & Tina Pressburger; Ben Zion Lazovsky; Larry & Judy Weinger; Arkady & Ellen Kats; and anonymous sponsors. Thank you to our recent Seudat Shlisheet Sponsors: Dan & Faith Harris; Gilda Allswang, Lazovsky family, Sandy & Marty Miretzky, Harvey & Miriam Schiller; Gil & Dahlia Abramov; Aron Lavon. To sponsor a Kiddush or Seudat Shlisheet, please call the office, or Judy Whisler at (847) 677-2281. Do you have a new neighbor who might enjoy davening at Kesser Maariv? Please call the office so we

can welcome them, or call Anne Elovic, Chesed Fund Chair, at (847) 673-2904. DVAR TORAH DVAR TORAH Tisha Bav begins at sundown on Satuday evening, July 28th, and concludes 42 minutes after sundown on Sunday evening, July 29th. The Fast of The 9th of Av, or Tisha Bav, was originally to be the day of greatest joy for the Jewish people. It was on that day that the Jewish people were to enter Israel after their exodus from Egypt. However, when the spies that Moses had sent to explore Israel returned on the night of Tisha Bav, they brought back a false report so evil that the people rejected the land and G-d. As a result of this sin, the Almighty issued a decree against the Jewish people: they would wander 40 years in the desert and all males age 20 and over would die in the wilderness, never to enter the promised land. The Almighty further decreed that as a result of the false tears shed by the Jewish People, the day would permanently be one of travail. Indeed, both Temples were destroyed on the 9th of Av with the subsequent exiles of the Jewish people; the Spanish Inquisition began on this day in 1492, and approximately 425 years later, World War I was declared on Tisha Bav. Five years ago, the expulsion of Jews living in Gaza began the day after Tisha Bav. The solemnity of Tisha Bav requires that a major fast begin the evening before and last approximately 25 hours. During evening services we read the Book of Eicha Lamentations, which deals with the misery of our people during the time of Churban destruction of the Temples. In the morning we read the Kinot services, which recount the sorrow and suffering of the Jewish people throughout the ages. It is a day of reflection; the Jewish people repent their past misdeeds to bring themselves closer to the Almighty and prepare for the Days of Awe. It is also a day of hope; tradition teaches us that the Mashiach Messiah will be born or will arrive on this day with Elijah the prophet informing us of our redemption. Tu Bav - The 15th day of Av corresponding to Friday, August 3 - Tu meaning 15 in Gematria - is a minor holiday on which we do not fast, say eulogies or say Tachanun. Several reasons are given for the holiday. One is that by that day, the summer is half over, leaving us more time to learn Torah at night. Another reason has to do with drying wood to be used on the Mizbeiach (Altar) in the Temple. The Maharal says that while the Jews were in the desert, they only married members of their own tribe. After they entered the Land of Israel, they began to marry members of other tribes on the 15th of Av. Because these marriages strengthen ties between families in different tribes, it is a cause for a minor holiday. Contemporarily, this last reason is the most oft-cited, and therefore it is common to celebrate weddings on this day. Rosh Chodesh Elul - Shabbat August 18th and Sunday August 19th - When Moshe Rabbeinu ascended Mt. Sinai to receive the second set of Luchot (Tablets), he went up on this day. The month of Elul also initiates a 40-day period of repentance. Within those forty days are the Aseret

Yemay Teshuva - Ten Days of Repentance that begin with Rosh Hashana and conclude with Yom Kippur. The Shofar is blown every morning during Elul to awaken our sleeping hearts to return to Hashem. We also recite the penitential Psalm LDovid Ohrie (Psalm 27). Selichot, prayers of forgiveness and atonement, are recited at midnight, while Ashkenazic Jews recite them for at least four days prior to Rosh Hashana this year, we will begin Selichot on Motzai Shabbat, September 8, 2012. In our time, because being up at midnight for so many nights is difficult, many only recite the first Selichot service in the

middle of the night. The focal point of Selichot prayers is the recitation of the 13 attributes of G-d. Tradition teaches us that reciting these attributes evokes Divine mercy. G-d Himself bestowed this tradition to Moshe Rabbenu when he ascended to the heavens to receive the Ten Commandments, Torah and Oral traditions. Rosh Hashana will begin Sunday night September 16, and Yom Kippur will be Tuesday evening and Wednesday September 25th and 26th. Kesser Maariv Pushkas (Tzedaka Boxes) Are Available. Call the Office to pick one up.


Date Matot-Masei Devarim/Chazon Vaetchanan/ Nachamu Eikev Reeh Shoftim Ki Teitzei Ki Tavo Nitzavim 7/20-7/21 7/27-7/28 8/3-8/4 8/10-8/11 8/17-8/18 8/24-8/25 8/31-9/1 9/7-9/8 9/14-9/15 Candle Lighting 8:01 pm 7:54 pm 7:47 pm 7:38 pm 7:28 pm 7:17 pm 7:05 pm 6:53 pm 6:41 pm Erev Mincha 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 6:55 pm 6:40 pm Shacharit 8:45 am 8:45 am 8:45 am 8:45 am 8:45 am 8:45 am 8:45 am 8:45 am 8:45 am Shiur 6:50 pm no shiur 6:35 pm 6:25 pm 6:15 pm 6:05 pm 5:55 pm 5:40 pm 5:30 pm Mincha 7:50 pm 3:00 pm 7:35 pm 7:25 pm 7:15 pm 7:05 pm 6:55 pm 6:40 pm 6:30 pm

If you have a chiyuv - obligation to daven or require an Aliya, please inform Rabbi Lazovsky before Shabbat. To sponsor a kiddush or shalashudos, please call Judy Whisler at (847) 677-2281. WEEKDAY SCHEDULE Sunday Morning at 9:45 am: Parsha Class in the Minyan Times Minyanim meet in the Kaufman Bais Midrash Weekly Sedra. Given by Rabbi Moshe Soloveichik Shacharit Sunday: 8:00 am Drush Ohr HaChayim by the Tiferes Yisrael on Monday-Friday: 6:00 am the Immortality of the Soul, given by Rabbi Ben Zion (call for day & time) Mincha-Maariv Sunday-Thursday: 15 minutes before sundown For more learning opportunities, contact Rabbis B. or E. Lazovsky Classes Malamud Reference Library Come and Learn from any of the hundreds of titles in our library. Lending Library Members may borrow books from our Lending Library, located on the south side of the Social Hall. Tape Lending Library We have tapes and digital audio files on many topics including Chumash, Talmud and Mussar.

$@2" July 15, 2012 Dear Members and Friends: We hope this letter finds you well, and safely enjoying the summer. By now we hope you are familiar with the many programs and milestones that we have achieved since our arrival in Skokie. It is with great pleasure that we invite you, your family and friends to reserve your high holiday seats and worship with us for the upcoming New Year of - 5773. We are confident that the upcoming holiday services will be truly moving and meaningful. Selichot services will be held on Saturday night, September 8, 2012, at 11:00 p.m., at 4341 W. Golf in Skokie, with a special program and refreshments held at 10:00 p.m., immediately preceding the services. Please come, get acquainted with our congregation and allow us to welcome you and include you as part of our extended family. We will once again use the ArtScroll Machzor for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Membership and Ticket Rates Family Rate (2 tickets) $1000 $475 Single Rate (1 ticket) $525 $265 $525 $200 Additional Seat $200 $200 Dependent Child $75 $75 $200

Membership First Time Good Neighbor Tickets Tickets only, no membership

Friend of Kesser Maariv (no tickets or membership)

The membership rates have not increased in the past six years. To encourage new memberships this year, we will again waive the building fund obligation for new members. To serve you better, we accept payments of $500 and above by Visa, Master Card or Discover. If you have any further questions, please call Bob Greenstein at (847) 967-7408, Judy Whisler at (847) 677-2281, or the synagogue office at (847) 679-9800. The congregation and officers want to extend our warmest best wishes for a New Year filled with good health, peace, prosperity, and happiness to our members, worshipers, families and friends. Please tell your friends, neighbors and relatives about our shul, and encourage them to join us for the upcoming high holiday season. L'Shana Tova Tikatevu V'Tachatemu,

S vn Gld h tee o ric

L u A e L z vk ois ryh a osy

Steven Goldrich, President Rabbi Louis Aryeh Lazovsky ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ City, State & Zip Code: _________________________________________ Phone : __________________ E-mail: _______________________________________ and __________________________________________ Number of Men's Seats: _________________ Number of Boys Seats: __________________ Total Number of Seats: __________________ Number of Women's Seats: __________________________ Number of Girls Seats: _____________________________ Amount Enclosed : _________________________________.

Credit Card Payments: Name on Card_______________________ Amount to be charged: ________________ Card # _________-_________-_________-_________ Exp: ____ ____ 3-digit Security Code:__________

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