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=== 1 Temporada === # O Clandestino Teimoso (The Reluctant Stowaway) # A Nave Fantasma (The Derelict) # Ilha no Cu (Island in The

Sky) # Terra de Gigantes (There Were Giants in the Earth) # Mar Revolto (The Hungry Sea) # Hapgood Esteve Aqui (Welcome Stranger) # Um Estranho Amigo (My Friend, Mr. Nobody) # Invasores da Quinta Dimenso (Invaders from Fifth Dimension) # O Estranho Osis (The Oasis) # Os Seres Eletrnicos (The Sky is Falling) # A Lmpada de Aladim (Wish Upon a Star) # A Mini Espaonave (The Raft) # O Co Desaparecido (One of Our Dogs is Missing) # O Ataque das Plantas Monstruosas (Attack of The Monster Plants) # Volta Terra (Return from Outer Space) # O Estranho Colecionador - 1 parte (The Keeper) # O Estranho Colecionador - 2 parte (The Keeper) # O Pirata do Cu (The Sky Pirate) # O Fantasma do Espao (Ghost in Space) # A Guerra dos Robots (The War of the Robots) # O Espelho Mgico (The Magic Mirror) # O Desafio (The Challenge) # O Mercador do Espao (The Space Trader) # Sua Majestade Smith (His Majesty Smith) # Os Semeadores do Universo (The Space Croppers) # Nem Tudo o que Reluz... (All That Gliters) # A Civilizao Perdida (The Lost Civilization) # Um Passeio Sexta Dimenso (A Change of Space) # A Voz do Esprito (Follow The Leader) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

=== 2 Temporada === # Fuga Desesperada (Blast Off Into Space)

# A Estranha Dama Verde (Wild Adventure) # O Planeta Fantasma (The Ghost Planet) # O Mundo Proibido (The Forbidden World) # Circo do Espao (Space Circus) # O Tribunal das Galxias (The Prisoners Of Space) # A Mquina Andride (The Android Machine) # Os Torneios Mortais de Gama 6 (The Deadly Games of Gamma 6) # O Ladro do Espao Sideral (The Thief From Outher Space) # A Maldio do Primo Smith (Curse of Cousin Smith) # A Oeste de Marte (West Of Mars) # Uma Visita ao Inferno (A Visit To Hades) # A Destruio do Rob (The Wreck Of The Robot) # O Monstro do Pesadelo (The Dream Monster) # O Homem Dourado (The Golden Man) # A Moa da Dimenso Verde (The Girl From The Green Dimension) # O Cavaleiro Espacial (The Questing Beast) # O Fabricante de Brinquedos (The Toymaker) # Motim no Espao (Mutiny In Space) # Os Vikings do Cu (The Space Vikings) # Foguete para a Terra (Rocket To Earth) # A Caverna dos Mgicos (The Cave Of The Wizards) # O Tesouro do Planeta Perdido (Treasures Of The Lost Planet) # A Revolta dos Andrides (Revolt Of The Androids) # Os Colonizadores (The Colonists) # Viagem Atravs do Rob (Trip Through The Robot) # A Famlia Fantasma (The Phantom Family) # Os Homens Mecnicos (The Mechanical Men) # O Viajante Astral (The Astral Traveller) # O Amuleto da Galxia (The Galaxy Gift) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

=== 3 Temporada === # Os Condenados (The Condemned of Space) # Visita a um Planeta Hostil (Visit To A Hostile Planet) # O Ataque dos Homens-Relgio (Kidnapped in Space) # A Noite do Caador (Hunter's Moon)

# Primitivos do Espao (The space Primevals) # O Terrvel Exrcito Cyborgue (The Space Destructors) # O Inacreditvel Zaybo (The Haunted Lighthouse) # O Misterioso Planeta Verde (Flight Into The Future) # Coliso de Planetas (Collision Of The Planets) # Criaturas da Nvoa (The Space Creatures) # A Namorada do Rob (Deadliest of the Species) # Jardim Zoolgico das Galxias (A Day at the Zoo) # O Grande Hotel Espacial (Two Weeks In Space) # A Princesa do Planeta Gelado (Castles in Space) # Robinson Nmero 2 (Anti-Matter Man) # Ataque Terra (Target: Earth) # Penny, A Princesa do Espao (Princess Of Space) # O Mercador do Tempo (The Time Merchant) # O Planeta Prometido (The Promised Planet) # Os Fugitivos (Fugitives In Space) # O Concurso de Beleza Csmica (Space Beauty) # O Inacreditvel Monstro Vegetal (The Flamig Planet) # A Revolta das Plantas (The Great Vegetable Rebellion) # A Enorme Sucata do Espao (Junkyard of Space)

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