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SOCIAL ENCYCLICALS Rerum Novarum On the Condition of Labour: 1891 - Leo XIII lays out rights and responsibilities

s of capital and labour describes the proper role of government protects workers' rights to organise into associations to seek just wages and working conditions. Quadragesimo Anno On Reconstructing the Social Order: 1931- Pius XI decries the effect of greed and concentrated economic power on working people and society calls for an equitable distribution of goods : demands of common good and social justice protects the right and extends the opportunity of ownership affirms social purpose of private ownership and promotes harmony among classes. Mater et Magistra Christianity and Social Progress: 1961 : John XXIII deplores the widening gap between rich and poor nations, arms race and plight of farmers affirms employee sharing in ownership, management, profits advocates aid to less developed countries without thought of domination makes Christian social doctrine an integral part of Christian life: calls Christians to work for a more just world. Pacem in Terris Peace on Earth: 1963 : John XXIII Human rights as the basis of peace; Calls for disarmament; All nations have equal dignity and right to self-development; Allocation of resources and monitoring the policies of multinational corporations; Public policies that facilitate the relocation of refugees; Society based on subsidiarity; World-wide public authority promoting universal common good : the United Nations Organisation; integrates faith and action. Gaudium et Spes The Church in the Modern World: 1965 - 2nd Vatican Council laments growing world poverty and threat of nuclear war; bases political and economic decisions on human dignity; sees peace as an ordering of society built on justice; builds an international community based on subsidiarity; establishes organisations to foster and harmonise world trade; states responsibility of Christians to work for structures to make a more just and peaceful world. Populorum Progressio On the Development of Peoples: 1967- Paul VI affirms rights of poor nations to full human development; decries economic structures promoting inequality; Authentic development is not limited to economic growth; Resources be shared through aid, technical assistance, fair trade relations, and advocates a World Fund to direct funds now spent on arms, to the poor; Private property does not constitute an absolute right for anyone; sets out reciprocal obligations for multinationals: these firms should be initiators of social justice; advocates a welcome to young people and workers who emigrate from poor nations. Octogesima Adveniens A Call to Action: 1971 - Paul VI Calls for: political action for economic justice; objective analysis of the situation of one's society, identifying action for justice; response to unjust situations by individual Christians and local churches; political action for change.

Justice in the World 1971 : Synod of Bishops supports adherence to the UN Declaration of Human Rights; advocates right to development to include both economic growth, and economic and political participation by the people; calls for restraint regarding the arms race and trade; recognises individual and social sin; requires Church policies and life style to model justice so as to be credible in preaching justice; names action for justice a constituent part of being a Christian. Evangelii Nuntiandi Evangelization in the Modern World: 1975- Paul VI proclaim the gospel as liberation from oppression, assist in that liberation, witness to it and ensure its completion; see social justice as integral to faith; translate social teaching into action; integrate personal and societal transformation. Redemptor Hominis Redeemer of Mankind: 1979- John Paul II establish human rights as the fundamental principles for all programmes, systems and regimes; change investments for armaments into investments for food at the service of life; avoid exploitation of the earth; work together for transformation of economic structures. Laborem Exercens On Human Work: 1981 : John Paul II affirms the dignity of work based on dignity of the worker; links commitment to justice with the pursuit of peace; asks for the fostering of just wages, joint ownership and sharing in management and profits by labour; affirms right of all workers to form associations and to defend their vital interests; asks that immigrant workers be treated by the same standards as citizens; calls for workplace justice as responsibility of society, employer, worker. Sollicitudo Rei Socialis The Social Concerns of the Church: 1987 : John Paul II promote the option for the poor; Political will to create just mechanisms for the common good of humanity; devote the resources used for arms to the alleviation of human misery; injustice of the few having so much and the many having almost nothing; " call for conversion to solidarity - in light of interdependence; structures which hinder the full development of peoples; reform world trade and financial systems; name structures of sin. Centesimus Annus The 100th Year: 1991 - John Paul II identify failures of both socialist and market economies; lighten or cancel debt of poor countries; disarm; simplify life styles and eliminate waste in rich nations; develop public policies for full employment, job security; establish institutions for arms control; call rich nations to sacrifice income and power. Tertio Millennio Adveniente The Jubilee Year 2000: 1994 - John Paul II A Commitment to justice and peace; raise our voices on behalf of the poor of the world; reduce substantially or cancel outright the International Debt; reflect on the difficulties of dialogue between cultures; and on problems connected with women's rights.

Evangelium Vitae Gospel Life: 1995 - John Paul II sacred value of human: womb -tomb Negative forces against life : human beings : children forced into poverty, malnutrition and hunger due to unjust distribution of resources; wars and arms' trade; ecological destruction; criminal spread of drugs; promotion of certain kinds of sexual activity, besides being morally unacceptable, also involve grave risks to life; procured abortion: "structure of sin"; infanticide due to serious handicaps or illnesses; euthanasia becoming legalized; population control : means of controlling the population growth of poorer nations; assisted suicide. DEUS CARITAS EST On Christian Love - God is Love : January 25, 2006 Connectedness of EROS AND AGAPE UNITY of love of neighbour and love of God EACH PERSON needs: loving personal concern. Radical Form of EROS AGAPE ; JESUS CHRIST : the incarnate love of God.. Christian charitable activity : based on the experience of a personal : Awakening OF a love of neighbour. CARITAS IN VERITATE Charity in Truth - June 29, 2009 Absolute profiteering w/o common good as end destroys wealth and creates poverty The scandal of glaring inequalities in all fields multinational companies as well as local producers : violators of human rights Man human person as primary capital to be safeguarded public conscience : food , access to water as a universal right of all humans, without distinction or discrimination. respect for life cannot be detached from questions concerning the development of peoples legislation contrary to life shaped moral attitudes and praxis : spread of an anti-birth mentality Exportation of this mentality to other States : cultural progress ?? poor are not to be considered a burden, but a resource, even from the purely economic point of view. cultural struggle : supremacy of technology and human moral responsibility in bioethics.

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