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Leadership Checklist
23 May 2011 6 Comments If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. John Quincy Adams Im creating a leadership checklist that should act like a hub and spoke of effective leadership practices. The challenge is distilling effective leadership practices into one-liner reminders that are easy to evaluate the behavior, where possible. I used a specific user story format (As a leader, I ) to both make each line item a standalone story, but also to test these as personal unit tests for leadership. By making each one more precise, insightful, and actionable, while pinning to effective practices, this should serve as a simple and scannable cheat sheet of proven practices for leadership. If done well, it should reflect years of insight and lessons at a glance. Its a work in progress. Here is is so far: Top 10 1. I listen to people until they feel heard (empathic listening.) 2. I balance focusing on tasks with focusing on people. 3. I vary my leadership style in terms of motivating and directing based on the needs and abilities of who Im dealing with. 4. I vary my leadership style between people-focused and task-focused based on the situation Im in. 5. I continuously find ways to simplify. 6. I focus on service to others. 7. I allocate time for whats important. 8. I do what I say I will do. 9. I create a compelling vision that inspires people to rally around. 10. I take feedback and adapt in response. Core I am a self-starter and I take the initiative. I am approachable and encourage people to talk to me. I ask questions that help move the ball forward. I build the confidence of others. I clarify whether I want to focus more on thought-leadership, people leadership, or both. I focus on leading myself first before I take on leading others (self-leadership, team leadership, organizational leadership, etc.) I influence others through skills and connection, not power and position. I focus on we not me. I over-communicate both upwards and downwards. 1/9


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I I I I I Action I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

realize my success comes through others. remind myself that leadership is a privilege in that people choose to follow. scale my impact by thinking in terms of systems and ecosystems. think beyond the moment. treat people the way I want to be treated.

ask, What do we want to accomplish? avoid inaction. avoid unnecessary distractions. balance the results with the journey. create SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant, and Timely) demonstrate a bias for action. ensure people have intrinsically motivating goals. help identify next steps. help people identify the tests for success. help people identify what good would look like. help people see a sense of progress. hold people accountable to what they agreed they would do. inspire others to action. maintain quality and deadlines while dealing with multiple priorities. mobilize my team to achieve. structure a path for success. surround myself with people that balance my weaknesses and amplify my strengths. take bold action. take decisive action. turn ideas into actions.

Change I I I I I I I I I anticipate and prepare for changes. build a sense of urgency for the most important things. communicate the what, why, who, how and when of a change initiative. embrace change. put together the right coalition of people to help drive change. see change as an opportunity. socialize change in effective ways. stay flexible in my approach. understand and can document risks of change and risks or avoiding change.

Communication I I I I I I I I I I I I challenge ideas while respecting other opinions. communicate clearly. ask solution-focused questions, such as How might we solve that? communicate in an open and respectful way. encourage people to bring me problems. encourage people to put their ideas out on the table. encourage an open door policy. know how to manage up, down, and sideways effectively. lead with my why. let people know theyve been heard by replaying back what Ive heard. listen to others. listen with the intent to learn.

Decisions and Choice I always factor the right thing to do and ethics when faced with choices and decisions. I am not afraid to admit when I am wrong or someone has a better idea. I am prepared to make tough decisions. I build consensus for ideas. I focus on doing business the right, ethical way. I help people understand that until a decision is made its ok to argue like hell but once it is made everyone needs to get in the boat and row! I involve the right people for key decisions. I know when to defer to other people for their expertise. 2/9


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I recognize that not all people will agree with my decisions. Energy, Motivation, and Inspiration I I I I I I I I I I I I build a team of energizers and weed out the energy sappers. demonstrate passion and enthusiasm. give others meaningful work and show them why its meaningful. identify opportunities. invest in peoples strengths to help them blossom. look to the future with possibility. make people feel valued for their contributions. make the workplace an enjoyable place to be. reward effort and results. reward people when they excel. spend more time in my strengths and less time in my weaknesses. take time to renew and recharge.

Influence and Connection I I I I I I I I I balance connection and conviction. build trust through reliable actions. connect with peoples values. demonstrate compassion for people and their situations. demonstrate empathy for the people. demonstrate empathy for the situation. establish rapport before trying to influence. read a situation to know who the owners, influencers, and decision makers are. recognize that I cannot please all the people all the time.

Learning, Growth, and Self-Awareness I am a lifelong learner. I am open to feedback and constructive criticism. I encourage healthy competition. I encourage people to test themselves and stretch themselves. I encourage testing results. I find the lessons. I find ways for people, processes, and products to grow and evolve. I focus on strengths and limit liabilities. I follow the growth. I get feedback on my actions and the impact on people. I give honest and constructive feedbackthe kind I would like to receive. I help people spend more time in their strengths. I know and act according to my principles. I know how to provide specific, accurate, timely, and relevant constructive feedback. I know my weaknesses. I model the best. I own my mistakes. I provide opportunities for my people to excel I seek input from multiple perspectives on how to improve. I try and improve my weaknesses that are liabilities. I use mistakes as learning opportunities. I use tough situations as leadership opportunities. when I make a mistake, I do what I can to make it right. Problem Solving I I I I I I I I ask clarifying questions about the problem. break down problems into smaller, easier, more manageable chunks. challenge myself to take on big hairy challenges. focus on the task and keep my ego out of it. frame the problem in a way thats actionable. help people focus on what they control. prioritize my problem solving (solving the problems that have the most impact). solve problems.



Leadership Checklist - Sources of In


ask people what they need to be successful. can break the work down in a way that can be managed effectively. clear roadblocks for people. create a sense of ownership. create ways for people to collaborate on problems. delegate tasks effectively. empower people to get their jobs done. encourage others to spend more time in their strengths and less time in their weaknesses. encourage others to take bold action. encourage people to share what they know and grow others. encourage people to team up. find a way for the team to win. foster team spirit. give others the leeway to do the work. help clarify expectations and roles. help find ways to make my team more productive. help manage and balance personalities on the team. help my people balance their work and life. help people find roles that unleash and bring out their best. help people internalize what success looks like. help people work together by focusing on the greater good. know how to get out of the way and let people do their jobs. know the strengths individuals bring to the table. know when to play quarterback and when to play coach. share what I learn to help make others great. set clear boundaries and allow people to act within those boundaries. value and encourage diversity on the team. value the unique contribution that each individual brings.

Vision, Mission, Values I I I I I I I I I I I I can communicate the mission in one line. can prioritize effectively across competing concerns. can relate the vision and mission to what people are doing. co-create a compelling mission that is simple, sticky, and powerful. co-create a vision that people sign up for. create a larger playground for more people to play. demonstrate that I respect other peoples values. have a vision for the organization that inspires. help people see the forest from the trees by communicating priorities and setting focus. know what my values are and I communicate them to others. live my values. respect other peoples opinions even if I disagree with them.

Related Resources Leadership Blogs Leadership Books Lessons Learned from Colin Powell Lessons Learned from John Wooden The Top 10 Leadership Lessons (Jim Kouzes) Many thanks to the following reviewers and contributors: Alex Mackman, Dan Ruder, Daniel Rubiolo, John deVadoss, Nathalie Irvine, and Rudolph Araujo. Photo by Adrian Aesthetic.


Daniel M. Wood said: Nice list JD. Ill print it out and go through it in more detail. 4/9


Leadership Checklist - Sources of In

I just wanted to share a little story with you. In the book What to do when you become the boss, Bob Sheldon shares a cool definition of a leader. He was going to explain leadership to a class of children so, as you do with kids, he asked What is a leader? - First a boy raised his hand and said A leader goes first. - Then a girl piped up A leader has followers Is there a better definition? # 23 May 2011 at 9:15 am

Evan said: Hi JD, I think this is a superb list. A couple of quibbles. The first one is probably really about the ordering. It is that a good leaders first job is to listen. Without this being a self starter and taking initiative is just impulsive and leads to wasted time, money and effort. This is really just about the impression that was created for me by having the first point as the first point. My other quibble is about the dont take it personally expression. Leaders do take feedback and adapt in response. And this can involve changing their ways of relating and personal style. So I find that expression confusing though I agree with what I think it is intended to convey (get your ego out of it). # 23 May 2011 at 7:25 pm

Kate said: Hi J.D., Very comprehensive list! I particularly like the Learning, Growth, and Self-Awareness section I really believe if we cannot manage ourselves and control our internal environment, leading others is near on impossible. I suppose that boils down to lead by example! # 24 May 2011 at 3:02 am

JD (author) said: @ Daniel I like the story @ Evan Very good points and I agree. I added to the list and reshaped the items. @ Kate I find its a lot easier to follow a leader that sets an example. Its a trust a confidence thing. I also like the leaders that make others great through mentoring, seeing potential, and unleashing it. # 24 May 2011 at 9:02 am

Stephen Downes said: I would drop the As a leader part of the sentences. It adds nothing, and obscures the value that is actually there (ironically, like many leaders). 5/9


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# 24 May 2011 at 4:10 pm

JD (author) said: @ Stephen I got mixed opinions when I tested, some people liked it, some people didnt. I think for the ones that liked it, it was because as they read it (silently to themselves), it helped them put themselves into the leadership role, in a story sort of way. For now, I removed As a leader. # 24 May 2011 at 6:11 pm

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