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My Opinions and Editorials

They are just that, my opinions. If anyone is offended by my materials, I hope that they are equally offended by the violations against me by the people of whom I have an opinion of, howbeit not highly. If you view the materials that were filed relating to the duties of the treasurer and the second injury fund, you will see that the transfer to that fund was to be initiated by the employer. However the statute, 5-142(a) enacted 1993 in its language doesnt permit for that. It mandates the actions of the officials. Now, if you examine the actual docket issued by the workers compensation commission, you will see that the treasurers office was to appear as a party to the meetings. As far back as the Commissioner Miles decision, which was informally conducted by Commissioner Delaney, we know for a fact that he dismissed the treasurer, or excused the treasurer or representative from having to appear. In the treasurers stead, the Attorneys from the Attorney Generals Office represented the treasurer and the second injury fund. In this, you had the Attorney Generals Office representing the treasurer, the department of corrections, and the third party insurer. This according to my beliefs is collusion, or conspiracy to defraud As the benefits required by law were unlawfully reduced in violation of 31-290 statute regarding fraud, and those accompany statutes I refer to throughout my filings. Now, although 31-290(c) appears in the Workers Compensation Act, they avail themselves to the mandatory benefits of established by 5-142(a) which are separate and distinct from the Workers Compensation Act benefits. This is established through the rulings of the State Supreme Court in its rulings regarding other issues dealing with heart and hypertension, as Heart and Hypertension is not apart of the Workers Compensation Act. The court stated that it was not meant for a re-writing of the same laws to accomplish something already existing in the Workers Compensation Act. It was not a substitute for the benefits. Separate and Distinct is the phrase used by the State Supreme Court. What people must understand is that when I filed complaints against these officials at the workers compensation level, the then Chairman Frankl and current Chairman Mastropeitro both contributed to the fraud or were otherwise a part of this. We can say this, because they classify the fraud as savings, as the OPM along with the Rell Administration classifies these frauds as savings in the Chairmans 2004-2005 Annual Report. This is in conjunction with the policy of the previous Rowland Administration through SEBAC IV and V, which were orchestrated by OPM, Michael Lawlor, Linda Yelmini, Mark Ojakian, and Attorney Livingston of SEBAC, which unfunded benefits for Black injured workers. We see this in opposition to benefits accorded White injured workers similarly situated as in the case of Michael Cozzolino. This was all affirmed by Commissioner Delaney in documents relating to his Decision on this matter. Not to mention that these same individuals responsible for this fraud are the very same people that decide the retirement benefits issues that affected Black workers such as myself White people are giving the right to elect retire pursuant to Conn Gen Stat 5-169(i), while the Black injured workers such as myself are not allowed through their failure to process the papers. One only has to review the letter issued by the Wyman Administration through Helen Kemp on behalf of Mark Ojakian to see this neglect on the administrations par.

These documents can be viewed online, I wont list them in this Op. Someone has to be lying, the law isnt. The facts are what they are as well. Now, as it relates to the issues spoken of in my Op-Ed referencing Chick-Fil-A. It was not my position that homosexuality affects people psychologically. It is not my position as well that it doesnt. My position is that you cannot discount the statements by FRC, and that is the blame of the homosexual community and not the op-ed. As it relates to my Complaints filed in various levels of government, the laws I reference are in fact unambiguous. The laws are a mandate to public officials to act in a certain manner given certain circumstance or events. In other words If A occurs, then B should follow, per the law. Now, the laws are being violated by people, whether homosexual, Jew, or Catholic against Black injured workers such as myself. However the same laws are not violating the rights of White people by these same Homosexuals, Jews, and Catholics, then, it is reasonable to think that they are suffering from some sort of mental imbalance so to speak. Whether you like to attribute it to a spiritual matter, which is not addressed by the statutes or some sort of mental imbalance relating to racism, discrimination or what have you. The fact of the matter is that the public officials Mark Ojakian, Andrew McDonald and Michael Lawlor are according their homosexual partners State of Connecticut benefits for the simple sake of being homosexual, and White injured workers because of them being Catholic or Jew. Where on the other hand, the laws referenced relating to specific injuries sustained on the job as a result of employment is denied Black people. This, where the law mandates otherwise, or the same treatment. The law doesnt say for white people only. So, whether you agree with FRC or not, there is something within the homosexual public officials that defrauds Black injured workers such as myself. The destruction of my family by these individual homosexuals who dont believe in traditional family values was caused by them and their inability to follow the letter of the law. Now, whether it is psychological as stated by FRC is a matter of interpretation, but these homosexuals are educated in the law These individuals managed to process White people, Jews, and Catholics benefits. They refuse to process mine. One step farther, if their imbalance is something that is transferable to other non-homosexuals, is a matter that should be evaluated and studied. But, what I can attest to, and as they profess, they are homosexuals that dont process Black injured employee benefits like they do similarly situated injured White employee, and other homosexuals. These facts, are a matter of the record. Another point is, that these same people tried to hold me in contempt of court for failure to pay child support, and this is a matter which is a part of the record. The deduction of child support to my children and their mother was a payroll deduction that is a matter of the law, and was a process that was to be conducted by mandate, of which these people were to perform. Therefore, it can be reasonable to deduce that these homosexuals in affect, being lawyers, purposefully destroyed the traditional family values that I believe in. So, it has nothing to do with what I think of their homosexual beliefs, as their failure to perform their mandatory duties destroyed my life and not the inverse. Their values are to destroy the traditional family, as I am a victim of their agenda. Now, to me, that is a psychological problem, because my belief in being able to raise my traditional family is something I believe in They, as homosexuals, dont want

anyone attacking their beliefs to be homosexual. So what makes what they value, superior to my beliefs and values. That is a psychological issue. I can only speak to this group of people, and I use that term liberally, because people that intentionally destroy other people in their liberty and rights should not be considered people. The animal category they tried to affix to my being, they in fact turn out to be the very same animal. In other words the pit that they attempt to dig for me, they dig for themselves. The proof is their. I dont see them as either man or woman. Because, I was brought up to repent. I was taught that I should apologize to people that I wrong. My father taught me that a man will stand and admit when he is wrong. I know this, because I saw my father practice what he preached. So for some reason these people that inflicted this damage upon my life are above this, and why, I dont know. But, I do Know it is not of humanity. I know what they claim to be is a deception by the standards of which I was brought up to believe. So, whatever the imbalance, I dont have to visit that issue. What I do know is that they violated the laws, and my rights under the laws, and in doing so my family was destroyed. I think it is up to them to explain this. I cant explain their psychological thought processes. However, to date, they dont see it within their being to do so, which comes from the mind and their beliefs. So, someone should try to define exactly what this homosexuality is and what principles they stand for. I think that would be helpful. Because the Crowley principle of do as you please, does not mesh with the public official duties they are sworn to uphold. Besides, what rights do they as homosexuals, Jews, Catholics, Muslims or Christians, to consider their beliefs in applying their beliefs upon the citizenry. How does the Talmud, Catholic, or religious doctrines find their ways into public laws in this state, when that is a private matter, and not public. In fact, it is not business to have to know if someone is of any particular belief. Public officials should simply apply the law to the citizens, and not their own ideologies and philosophies. This is in the laws contained in the United States Constitution and State of Connecticut. Does being homosexual, Jew, Catholic or what have you mean that you are above the law? I didnt put my life on the line for that. I hope this answers the questions, and thanks to those that have questions, and thanks to the Mennonites. I would like to thank those of you reading my materials. A special thanks to those that support My goal is to be able to receive my benefits and live in peace from all of this. God willing. I didnt create this situation I am In. I was just doing my duty that day. People in government decided not to perform their duties, and now we are here at this point, simple. As I believe, I love people. But, turning the other cheek has long since played out. If I am going to be hating you for eternity, I may as well start hating you now. The Muslims may have something on that point. Destruction, that may be Your choice. My choice, Shmoke Mor Weed. For the record, I choose not to eat chicken. However, if my mother makes it, I will. She raises her own. I try to be vegetarian, I try even harder not to be stupid. Continuous Blessings, Love, Peace, and Joy to all that seek The Light, and may The Creator always give you Strength and Health.And dont forget, URBN the whole time through. BlaBlaBlaBlaBla.

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