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-The last thing Andrea Fernandez recalls before being drugged is holding her new born baby on a Bogota

city bus.Police found her three days later, muttering to h erself and wandering topless along the median strip of a busy highway. Her face was badly beaten and her son was gone.Fernandez is just one of hundreds of victi ms every month who, according to Colombian hospitals, are temporarily turned int o zombies by a home-grown drug called scopolamine which has been embraced by thi eves and rapists."When I woke up in the hospital, I asked for my baby and nobody said anything. They just looked at me," Fernandez said, weeping. Police believe her son Diego was taken by a gang which traffics in infants.Colorless, odorless and tasteless, scopolamine is slipped into drinks and sprinkled onto food. Vict ims become so docile that they have been known to help thieves rob their homes a nd empty their bank accounts. Women have been drugged repeatedly over days and g ang-raped or rented out as prostitutes.In the case of Fernandez, the mother of t hree was rendered submissive enough to surrender her youngest child.Most troubli ng for police is the way the drug acts on the brain. Since scopolamine completel y blocks the formation of memories, unlike most date-rape drugs used in the Unit ed States and elsewhere, it is usually impossible for victims to ever identify t heir aggressors."When a patient (of U.S. date-rape drugs) is under hypnosis, he or she usually recalls what happened. But with scopolamine, this isn't possible because the memory was never recorded," said Dr. Camilo Uribe, the world's leadi ng expert on the drug.Scopolamine has a long, dark history in Colombia dating ba ck to before the Spanish conquest.Legend has it that Colombian Indian tribes use d the drug to bury alive the wives and slaves of fallen chiefs, so that they wou ld quietly accompany their masters into the afterworld.Nazi "angel of death" Jos eph Mengele experimented on scopolamine as an interrogation drug. And scopolamin e's sedative and amnesia-producing qualities were used by mothers in the early 2 0th century to help them through childbirth.Finding the drug in Colombia these d ays is not hard.The tree which naturally produces scopolamine grows wild around the capital and is so famous in the countryside that mothers warn their children not to fall asleep below its yellow and white flowers. The tree is popularly kn own as the "borrachero," or "get-you-drunk," and the pollen alone is said to con jure up strange dreams."We probably should put some sort of fence up," jokes bio logist Gustavo Morales at Bogota's botanical gardens, eyeing children playing wi th borrachero seeds everywhere."If you ate a few of those, it would kill you."Al though scopolamine can be easily extracted from the seeds, experienced criminals hardly ever bother with them, police say.Pure, cheap scopolamine is brought acr oss the border from neighboring Ecuador, where the borrachero tree is harvested for medical purposes, Uribe said. The alkaloid is used legally in medicines acro ss the world to treat everything from motion sickness to the tremors of Parkinso n's disease.The use of scopolamine by criminals appears to be confined to Colomb ia, at least for now, and it's not clear why the drug is such a rampant problem in Colombia. Some analysts blame it on a culture of crime in the Andean nation, home to the world's largest kidnapping and cocaine industries, not to mention La tin America's longest-running guerrilla war.There are so many scopolamine cases that they usually don't make the news unless particularly bizarre. One such inci dent involved three young Bogota women who preyed on men by smearing the drug on their breasts and luring their victims to take a lick.Losing all willpower, the men readily gave up their bank access codes. The breast-temptress thieves then held them hostage for days while draining their accounts.The U.S. Embassy in Bog ota takes scopolamine very seriously and offers staff tips on how avoid being dr ugged. One piece of advice may seem obvious: Don't let your drinks out of your s ight when at a Bogota bar or nightclub.Still, at least three visiting U.S. gover nment employees here have been drugged and robbed over the past two years. Other American victims from time to time appear at the embassy seeking help, still sh aking off a scopolamine hangover."I remember one case, an American reported bein g drugged," an embassy official said. "He says to his doorman 'Why did you let t hem walk out with my stuff.' The doorman says, 'Because you told me to.'" By Phil Stewart

They chose to use the drug Scopolamine, which also went by the nickname "Burunda nga" or "the Voodoo drug". The drug is extracted from the pods of a flowering sh rub that grows in remote regions of South America. In its processed, powdered fo rm, Scopolamine is "void of smell, void of taste". When properly administered "i t causes absolute obedience" without this being "observable by others". Importan tly, the target will not recall any of the events that occurred during the perio d they were under the spell of the drug. In outlining these details, Tatum adds that it is important to administer the drug in the correct dosage, for he has kn own targets to die from too high a dose. Others have "remained under the influen ce of Burundanga for up to three weeks". Precise dosage can be achieved by liqui d ingestion, the powder being readily soluble. Ingestion via cigarettes is also an optimum method of ingestion. It is fast-acting and takes no more than 20 minu tes to work. Tatum states that X was invited to spend a relaxing weekend at a lu xury hotel as a guest of his friend George Bush. His host for the weekend was a trusted 18-year veteran field-intelligence officer. The evening started with coc ktails and was followed by a fine meal. "'Nothing but the best' were the orders. " Following the meal, he was ushered into the suite of a "blonde bombshell" supp lied by the CIA. Mr X had already ingested a dose of Burundanga during pre-dinne r cocktails. X was gallant with the blonde as they both moved into the bedroom w here video cameras were already set up in one corner. In short order, the blonde had X standing naked in front of her and began to indulge his desires. All the while, the video cameras whirred. Slowly stripping off, the "blonde" revealed hi s manhood in all its glory. Mr X was instructed to reciprocate the favour and pe rform fellatio. He obliged, his intimate activities recorded at 24 frames a seco nd on videotape. Tatum says the male prostitute was hired from a bar in New York and killed that same evening. Two weeks later, X - wholly unaware of the events of that evening - was visited in Nicaragua. He was presented with a copy of the video footage, along with instructions. Tatum says that X can never allow that video to be seen: "Not only does it reveal his homosexuality, but it also reveal s his bestiality and satanic worship rituals." As frame after frame flicked by, X reportedly wept, forced to watch himself kill his homosexual "lover" and then engage in the most grisly cannabalistic ritual imaginable. Neutralised, Mr X bec ame a leading member of the Nicaraguan government a few short weeks later. THE P EGASUS FILE by David G. Guyatt "One Christian nurse quit the University Hospital here, because newborns are sec retly being given implants. A few years ago, it was discovered that The Upjohn, an American multinational company was involved in placing radiotransmitting mate rial in with their liquid cortisone preparation Depomedrone, which created an im plant when medical personnel put Depomedrone into their patients. The Illuminati Formula: Chapter 8 The Science of Body Manipulation and Programming

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