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2pm-11pm 330pm-1230am MNCHN TRAINING OF TRAINORS Pregnancy is wanted, planned and supported Adequately managed and facility based

ased thru skilled health professionals with proper postpartum and post natal care Expectations: 1. Re-orientation/Refresher; 2. Updates on MNCHN; 3. KAS on MNCHN Objectives o Kalusugan Pangkalahatan Execution Plan and Implementation Arrangements o MNCHN Manual of Operations 2011 2nd edition o Roles and Responsibilities of Trainors House Rules o Time in 8-12 to 1-5 o CP in silent mode

KALUSUGANG PANGKALAHATAN (Dr. Maila Bernabe) Infant and maternal mortality rate declined but the rate of the decline has slowed down in the 1990s Large variation in health status across different population groups, income levels and geographic area suffer primarily o Lack of access to health facilities o Receive poor quality of health care o High cost of medicine and health services o Not covered by effective public health and primary care services Inequities: o Inappropriate Health Service Delivery System Public Health- fragmentation of PHC brought about by devolution and institutional deficiencies at the national level that leads to low absorptive capacity of public health programs Hospitals- in rural setting: not strategically located, inadequate staff, poorly equipped, low occupancy o Inadequate Regulatory Mechanism o Poor Health Financing Strategies o Target quintile 1 and 2 o Enrollment of the poorest families (PhilHealth) o Increase coverage of poor families o Increase availment of PhilHealth benefits Streamline requirements for availment of benefits Intensify information on PhilHealth benefits and entitlements Set-up PhilHealth desks in public hospitals to facilitate enrollment and other processes Integration of DOH and PhilHealth licensing and accreditation procedures o Increase support value of PhilHealth

MNCHN MANUAL OF OPERATIONS Rapid reduction of maternal and neonatal deaths thru the provision of a package of MNCHN services MOP intended to guide the LGUs to deliver the MNCHN services esp to populations that are most at risk o Risk assessment and priority populations o Service packages essential to addressing the MNCHN needs of target population o Establishing a functional MNCHN service delivery network (SDN) o Ensuring quality of care in delivering MNCHN services o Identifying the various financing options to sustain the implementation of the strategy o Identifying the mechanisms by which to monitor and evaluate performance and the roles of the DOH central office units, CHDs, LGUs o Developed to guide the local authorities (chief executives, health officers MNCHN STRATEGIES Three delays: o Delay in identification of complications o Delay in referral o Delay in the management of complications DAY 2 MNCHN SERVICE DELIVERY NETWORK

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