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Daily Lesson Plan for Year 4 KBSR Science Date Time Class Enrolment Subject Theme Learning Area

: 22nd March 2012 : 10.30am 12.00pm (1 hour 30 minutes) : Year 4 Jujur : 36 pupils (16 boys and 20 girls) : Science : Investigating Living Things : Living Things Undergo Life Processes

Learning Objective : Analysing Life Processes that Animal Undergo Learning Outcome : At the end of the lesson, pupils will able to state the characteristics of animals breathing: 1) State that animals breathe 2) Identify the breathing structure s for certain animals. 3) State that breathing structures for different types of animals may be different. Prior Knowledge : In previous lesson, pupils have learnt that human used lungs to breathe.

Science Knowledge : Science Process Skill Observing, communicating, classifying, making inferences, predicting.

Manipulative Skills: none Scientific values Being cooperative, have analytical and critical thinking, and Noble Values Thinking rationally, being honestly, having an interest and Curiosity towards environment, appreciating the balance of Nature.

Teaching aids: My CD courseware, LCD, laptop, marker pen, A4 paper, cards.

Phase/ Time

Content/ Concepts

Teaching & Learning Activities/ Procedures Teacher Pupils


1) Orientation (5 minutes)

Verbal interaction with teacher and peers. Importance breathing. of

Ask pupils to close their - Count with finger 1 until 5 Thinking skills: nose with finger for 5 then released their nose. seconds. Teachers ask pupils some question, e.g. : Can we close our nose longer than 5 seconds? Why? What structures involved when we breathe. No, we cannot close our nose longer than 5secs. Because, breathe. Lungs. (any acceptable answer) we need to Observing Making inference - Expected answer: Generating idea Attributing Making generalization


2) Elicitation of idea (25minutes)

Breathing of: -

structures Teacher ask question to the Pupils will try to answer the Teaching aids: pupils. question. Expected answer: - LCD Monkey - lungs - How about animals? Do - Yes, all animals need to - Laptop Eagle - lungs they need to breathe? breathe. - Cards (Index A) Fish - gills - Are they having the same - No, they have different Grasshopper structure of breathing structure of breathing SPS: trachea organs? organs. Crabs book - Observing lungs - Classifying Frogs lungs and Teacher divides pupils into six groups. moist skins

Teacher will play on the video Pupils form six groups consists Values: showing different structures of of six members each group. animal breathing organs. - Cooperation Pupils view the video showing Teacher will give one card to different structures of animal each group right after one of breathing organs. the animals has been shown. Pupils will fill in the blank on Repeat the steps above until to the card given. the last animals in the video. Pupils continue to watch the video and try to fill the blank on the card given one by one. 3) Restructuring of ideas (25minutes) Different breathing Teacher will ask one of the Each group will try to answer Teaching aids: organs for animals. members from each group to the question correctly. - LCD answer the question in the - Monkey lungs. - Laptop video activity. - Eagle lungs. - Fish gills. SPS: Rewards will be given to the - Grasshopper groups that give correct trachea. - Communicating - Crabs book answer. - Making specification lungs. Each group will construct they - Frogs lungs and Teacher will give instruction to Values: each group to form a mind own mind map by their own moist skins. creativity. map from the card given. - Cooperation

4) Application of ideas (25minutes)

Other examples of Teacher will give task to each Each group will discuss about Teaching aids: animals using the group that is: other animals in each - A4 paper breathing organ of breathing organs. - Magic colour - List down other animals

that have the breathing organs of lungs, gills, trachea, and moist skins.


The task must be complete in All of the group members - Classifying 10minutes and after that each stand in front of the class and - Communicating group will present of their present their findings. Values: findings in the form of table or mind map in other 10minutes. - Have critical and analytical thinking. 5) Reflection (5minutes) Conclusion Teacher guides pupils to Each group will be represented Values: reflect what they have learnt by one member to reflect what - Thinking rationally. today. they have learnt today. - High understanding. Teacher asks pupils if they Any pupils can ask question to - Being honestly. have any question. the teacher.

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