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Who What When Where Why and How? Anything Else??

Research Choose an angle and then prepare questions as a guideline, but dont set an agenda Dont overlook the obvious questions In person interviews are the best, phone is a second option Email is only for very basic news, i.e. srictly factual

The Interview
Interviews are conversations State your purpose off the top If using a recorder, ask if its OK Let the interviewee lead you into new territory As needed, bring your interviewee back to the story but make note of other info Always ask for clarification on anything thats unclear; its not impolite its smart!

The Interview cont.

Questions should be targeted and openended Keep factual questions at the end as a wrap-up or first to lead into open ended questions whatevers most comfortable Steer questions to capture thoughts, ideas and emotions for the most interesting story and your best quotes Keep questions short, the longer the question, the more likely to confuse

Body Language
Great reporters are great listeners. Carl Bernstein

Body language accounts for a huge percentage of effective communication Stay relaxed and informal; put your interviewee at ease Use all communications skills such as nods, smiles, assents, eye contact this assists you to build relationship and trust Remember theres no body language in email and very limited by phone Pay attention to the interviewees body language

Hard vs soft news interviews

In soft news interviews, allow the interview to ramble a bit in search of interesting quotes and information In hard news, keep the interviews short get the info you need and move on

Find different ways of asking the same question if the topic is complex Stay open-minded, avoid pre-judgments Chat up assistants for TWU admin sources Show that youre friendly and confident Avoid looking at your notebook too often! Remember, the interviewee has your story you dont. Put aside any biases or ideas going into the interview and go with what you get

Closing the interview

Let the interviewee know youll call back if you need further clarification. If they ask to read it first say a polite no tell them an editor will be going over the story and youd be happy to review facts with them to ensure you have received them accurately. Thank the interviewee!

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