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1st Day Plan

*As students enter---color by number page, crayons on tables, name tags, collect supplies 7:55-8:45 specials 8:45 directly to carpet for First Day Jitters introduce myself with my poster *Safetymoving to and from desks, around classroom *Practice going to desks and coming back *Further explain poster assignments, also sharing supplies *back to desks to work on All About Me drawings *have some students share drawings/introduce themselves 9:30 *Introduce Job Chart (not assigning jobs this week, letting everyone have a chance to practice) *Lining up procedures, line leaders, restroom monitors, lights, break procedures 9:45 *read Miss Nelson is Missing *discuss book, rules and procedures, make classroom rules poster, discuss color changes, conduct calendars, tickets, buckets/Friday drawings *have some students share drawings/introduce themselves 10:10 *discuss/chart Writers Workshop Schedule 60 Minutes--Writers Meeting, Writing Time, Sharing Time) *explain that we will follow the same procedure for writing each day, usually starting with a book *read Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon *discussion *explain writing procedures, handout spirals/folders, Allow students time to personalize writing spirals with stickers or gluing on cutouts 10:40 *chart Good Listeners Look Like/Sound Like *to desks to introduce classroom library, how its organized, procedures for choosing/returning books *use the just right book term (will be explained with more detail tomorrow *allow students, a few at a time, practice choosing a book from classroom library. Then returning to correct basket 11:00 Lunch procedures/pins 11:15-11:45

11:45 *several more students share posters Introduce Target Mathwhole group this first week Restroom break 12:20 math journals, how to handle, start from front, one page at a time, using both sides of page, closing journals before putting in deskglue number word list inside front cover, start writing the number 1 and word one on first page 12:35 Carpetskip counting practice 100 chart worksheet, review name, number, date, turn in basket Introduce base ten materials, practice making numbers on ELMO, allow some free exploration of base ten, asses what they can do King of The Playground.recess rules 1:30-1:50 recess Drink 1:55 *Conduct simple experiment?? Briefly mention safety/scientific procedure steps (question, hypothesis, ) *Introduce Science Books, allow students to look through (if time allows) 2:20 Take Home Foldersset up, explain conduct calendar, pockets, Pack-up/dismissal procedures

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