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Knowledge International University

Midterm Assignment

Course Name: Aqeedah 1 Course Code: AQD 1 Instructor: Shaykh Abu Salman Deya ud Deen Eberle

Student Details Name: Hassan Basarally Student ID: 1120020 Batch:

Assignment Question: Give one example each of violation in Tawheed ar-Ruboobeeyah, Tawheed al-Asmaa was-Sifaat and Tawheed al-'Ebaadah in your community and explain how it violated Tawheed. Answer: Tawheed is of utmost importance to the Muslim, it is the criterion between belief and disbelief. The term is derived from the Arabic verb to make one; in Islam it refers to singling out Allah, in worship and directing worship to Him alone. Tawheed can be divided into

three categories: Tawheed ar Ruboobiyah (Oneness in Lordship), Tawheed al Asmaa was Sifaat (Oneness in Names and Attributes) and Tawheed al Ebaadah or Tawheed al Uloohiyah (Oneness in Worship). Due to Tawheeds importance, it is incumbent to learn what contradicts it. The only way to truly understand something is to know its opposite. Shirk, which is contrary to Tawheed, linguistically means associating and Islamically means to associate a partner with Allah, in worship. In Trinidad and Tobago, Muslims fall into Shirk in all categories of Tawheed. Tawheed ar Ruboobiyah is violated through the use of amulets, Tawheed as Asmaa was Sifaat is negated in

the denial of Allahs, practice of Tadheem.

, attribute of rising and Tawheed al Ebaadah is violated in the

Tawheed ar Ruboobiyah is to believe that Allah,

, is the Lord, Creator,

Sustainer and Controller of the everything that exists and that nothing is outside His dominion. In Trinidad and Tobago, many Muslims wear or have made amulets which are called Guards or Taweedh. They go to the Imams who make them by inscribing verses of the Quran on a piece of paper, chain or container. In addition, the Imams may recite a Dua over it and then give it to the people. These amulets are then worn, hung in the home, hung in the car or given to children. It is believed that by wearing such things one will be protected from harm, evil Jinn and evil eye. This is Tamaim, which Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab,

, defined as putting an amulet around the

necks of children to save them from the effects of evil eye, Ibn Masood, , describes it as 1 Shirk. This is Shirk in Tawheed ar Ruboobiyah because it indicates that something other than Allah, can give protection. This denies that Allah is the Sustainer and

Controller over everything. If one uses such things, one is depending on it instead of Allah, and denies His ability to protect His slaves from harm. It does not matter if the amulet has verses of the Quran because one can only worship Allah, the Quran and Sunnah upon the understanding of the Pious Predecessors. Tawheed al Asmaa was Sifaat comprises of five beliefs. Firstly, Allah, names and attributes which He and the Messenger, one cannot give Allah, only has in a manner legislated in

, describes Him with. Secondly,

a new name or attribute, also thirdly, one cannot give Allah,

a name or attribute from His creation. Fourthly, humans cannot be an attribute of Allah, and finally, one cannot be given a name of Allah, in its definite form except

by having the prefix Abd or slave or attached. It is therefore from our Aqeedah regarding Tawheed al Asmaa was Sifaat that we do not change their meaning, deny them, distort their 2 meaning or compare them to living things. Tawheed al Asmaa was Sifaat in Trinidad and Tobago is denied when Muslims say that Allah is physically everywhere, not through His knowledge. Allah,
1 2 Kitab at Tawheed: Chapter 8: Ruqa, Talismans and Amulets by Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab Islamic Creed: Question # 4 by Muhammad bin Jamil Zino

, is in fact over His Throne as is shown in the verse in Surah Mulk:

) Do you feel secure that He, Who is over the heaven ) (Allah), will not cause the earth to sink with you, and then it should quake? (16). Muslims have done two things by its denial: firstly, the denial of an attribute of Allah, giving Allah, His Messenger, and secondly

an attribute of being physically everywhere that was not used by Him or

. This belief is propagated in Trinidad and Tobago by a book called

rises is to limit Him to a place and that or His Messenger,

Elementary Teachings of Islam which has been used in Masajid for over sixty years. It is so ingrained that people say that to say that Allah,

the attribute of Istawa (rising) has never been mentioned by Allah,

. They do not understant that evry name has an attribute but not every attribute has
a name. Tawheed al Ebaadah entails directing worship to nothing except Allah, . In

Trinidad and Tobago this is violated the practice of Tadheem. Tadheem is the practice in which Muslims gather, stand in Qiyam and sing a poem welcoming the Prophet, gathering. It is believed that the Prophet Tadheem the people seek the intercession of the Prophet, to the

is actually present with them. During

. This act is an act of

Shirk in Tawheed al Ebaadah in many ways. Firstly it involves people taking and action of the Salah and directing it to the Prophet, intercession of the Prophet, instead of Allah. Secondly, it involves asking

. Intercession can only be asked from Allah,

as is stated in Surah Zumar: Say: "To Allah belongs all intercession. His is the Sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, and then to Him you shall be brought back. (44)". Seeking intercession is an act of worship that can only be directed to Allah, and cannot be directed to anyo0ne else regardless of how pious that on the Day of Judgement will only be .

person is. The intercession of the Prophet, through the permission of Allah,

In conclusion, In Trinidad and Tobago there is Shirk in the three categories of Tawheed. Shirk in Tawheed ar Ruboobiyah occurs when through the wearing of amulets, Shirk in Tawheed al

Asmaa was Sifaat occurs when people deny Allahs attribute of Istawa and Shirk in Tawheed al Ebaadah occurs in the practice of Tadheem. We beg Allah, to Tawheed. Indeed He hears our supplication. to guide these people back

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