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Levels of Development


An example for you.

Level D (INternal motivation)
Perseveres in spite of a challenge Keeps an optimistic attitude toward obstacles Doesn't require constant adult direction or supervision to stay on task Independently asked for help when necessary, rather than worrying

Level C (EXternal motivation)

Does all of the above but ONLY when the teacher is nearby or when there is a desire to impress someone who is watching

Level B & A
On task ONLY when a teacher is directly supervising and even then chooses not to focus well Gives up without much effort Displays a pessimistic attitude toward obstacles Blames others or circumstances as an excuse to give up Doesn't ask for help or accept help that is offered Worries but chooses not to take action that will help in moving forward

Levels of Development

Impulse Control

An example for you.

First, recognize that regardless of the emotion or impulse, you ALWAYS have a choice of how to react to it.

When annoyed, count to 10 before you speak; if very annoyed, count to 100. -Thomas Jefferson

Level D (INternal motivation)

Demonstrates self-control Independently uses the Stop-Think-Go method to choose a reaction (the teacher never even knows this)

Level C (EXternal motivation)

Uses the Stop-Think-Go method to choose a reaction ONLY when a teacher is nearby or prompted by someone else Demonstrates control ONLY to please others

Level B & A
Blames others for choices made by him or herself Allows other people to control his or her behavior Reacts without thinking of options Reacts without consideration of others

silently gasp a long, deep breath.

of options.

with your best choice.

Levels of Development

An example for you.

Dealing with a Misbehaving Peer

Level D (INternal motivation)
Thinks and makes choices for oneself Pays little attention to the misbehavior of others Focuses on own tasks Acts as a leader by acting as a good role model Understands that misbehaving peers are simply depriving themselves of positive opportunities

Level C (EXternal motivation)

Doesnt encourage misbehavior if teacher is near Displays quiet amusement that encourages the misbehavior of the peer Waits for a teacher to take charge

Level B & A
Believes that someone elses misbehavior gives him/her permission to misbehave as well Actively encourages misbehaving peer by laughing or joining in Joins in by becoming a disruptive influence in class Doesnt completely settle down, even after teacher takes charge Eagerly follows a poor role model with little or no self-control

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