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Third Rome Ivan the Greats suggestion that Russia had succeeded Byzantium as a third Rome.

Peter the Great 1689-1725 Autocrat. Destroyed revolts using cruelty. Liked Absolute Monarchy. Imitated Western Military organization. Created a secret police. Ivan IV Nickname of Ivan the Terrible. Killed many Russian nobles. He wanted to try to control the tsarist autocracy. Catherine the Great- Youngest daughter of Peter the Great. Resumed Peters actions and stopped a rebellion called the Pugachev rebellion. Later used this rebellion as an excuse to increase the central governments powers. Pugachev Emelian Pugachev. Leader of a rebellion that was later stopped by Catherine the Great. He was later butchered by Catherine. Romanovs Orthodox people. Tried to rid Russia of the Mongol values. Old believers Religious conservatives that were exiled to Siberia and southern Russia. Ch 19 Columbian Exchange Exchange between New World to the Old World (Europe and the Americas). Diseases were traded, and goods were also traded. Encomiendas Grants of Indian laborers made to Spanish conquerors and settlers in Mesoamerica and South America. Creoles Whites born in the New World Peninsulares People living in the New world but living in Spain. Bartolome de las Casas Dominican friar that used to be a conquistador. 1484-1566 Hernan Cortes Leader that invaded Mexico. Led 600 people. He eventually killed Moctezuma using the Indians help. Francisco Pizzaro Brought down the Incan empire using around 200 Spaniards. Moctezuma II Aztec emperor that was eventually killed by Cortes. Mita Labor that was later dedicated for the state. Every community was expected to contribute. Haciendas Rural estates in Spanish colonies in New World Galleons Large, heavily armed ships that transported silver from the New World to Spain.

Vice Royalties High-Ranking officials that were direct representatives of the king. (Spain) Sociedad de Castas American social system based on racial origins. War of Spanish Succession Resulted from Bourbon familys succession to Spanish throne in 1701; ended by Treaty of Utrecht in 1713. The Bourbons lost. Charles III Spanish enlightened monarch; ruled from 1759 to 1788; instituted fiscal, administrative, and military reforms in Spain and its empire. Marquis Pombal 1755-1776. Portugals authoritarian prime minister. Tried to break Englands hold on Portugals economy. His reforms werent immediately successful, but they provided a structure that would create an economic boom for Portugal. Global Network Societal Hierarchy Creating a social pyramid based on how important someone was. Ch 20 Triangle Trade- A type of trade that occurred between the Americas, Europe, and Africa. Africa gave slaves, the Americas gave raw materials, and Europe gave manufactured materials and technology that helped create more raw materials. Middle Passage Slave voyage from Africa to the Americas. Very traumatic experience for African slaves. Half of the Africans died on the trip to the Americas. African Diaspora- ?

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