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WindowsLanguage=ENU LocaleId=1033 CodePage=1252 L1=Save As - Dialog L2=When will the "Save As" dialog be shown?

L3=When no file name is specified L4=Always L5=Never L6=PDF Settings - Dialog L7=When should the "PDF Settings" dialog be shown? L8=Always L9=Never L10=Other Dialogs L11=Suppress all errors L12=Heading L13=Watermark L14=Text L15=Rotation (0-360) L16=Size L17=Transparency (0-100) L18=Document Properties L19=Author L20=Use Default L21=Use Default L22=Title L23=Subject L24=Keywords L25=Output L26=PDF &File Name L27=Confirm Overwrite L28=Show PDF L29=Open the PDF document after creation L30=Ask L31=Yes L32=No L33=Quality Settings L34=PDF &Quality L35=Append To PDF L36=Append PDF L37=Position L38=Superimpose Documents L39=Background PDF L40=Password Protection L41=Owner password L42=User password L43=Key Length L44=Permissions L45=Set Permissions L46=Print L47=Copy to clipboard L48=About L49=PDF &File Name L50=&Quality L51=&Show PDF after creation L52=Owner password L53=User password L54=Key Length L55=Permissions L56=Set Permissions L57=Print

L58=Copy to clipboard L59=Append PDF L60=Position L61=You can append your PDF output with an existing PDF file. Select the PDF fil e you want to append to. You can also choose the position of your output in rela tion to the appended PDF file. L62=Background PDF L63=The superimpose feature will write your PDF output on top of another PDF fil e. The best result is achieved if the imposed documents are using the same paper format. L64=Text L65=Rotation (0-360) L66=Size L67=Transparency (0-100) L68=Author L69=Title L70=Subject L71=Keywords L72=Macros L73=Version L74=File L75=Save PDF Document As L76=PDF Documents L77=All Files L78=Select a PDF File Name L79=Select a PDF File L80=General L81=Dialogs L82=Document L83=Watermark L84=Merge L85=Security L86=About L87=No Help Available L88=Options L89=Create PDF L90=The output PDF file must be specified. Please enter the path of a valid file name or use the browse button. L91=The output folder does not exist. Please enter the path of a valid folder or use the browse button. L92=The PDF you want to append does not exist. L93=The PDF you want to use as background does not exist. L94=The PDF file already exists.\n\n%1\n\nDo you want to overwrite it? L95=Do you want to open the PDF document? L96=Unable to locate Ghostscript installation. L97=Date L98=Time L99=Document name L100=Document name without extension L101=User name L102=Computer name L103=Document author L104=Document title L105=System generated GUID L106=Location of personal documents L107=User's desktop L108=Value of environment variable TEMP L109=An error occurred. L110=Default L111=Screen

L112=Ebook L113=Printer L114=Prepress L115=not allowed L116=low quality L117=high quality L118=Lower left corner to Upper right corner L119=Upper left corner to Lower right corner L120=Bottom L121=Top L122=Error copying PDF to destination L123=Error L124=Error copying PDF document to destination file.\n\nPlease close the file '% 1' if it is open and try again. L125=The printer was unable to open the PDF document.\n\nMake sure you have a PD F document reader installed on your computer.\n\nFree PDF readers are available at and L126=Error opening the PDF Document. L127=Save L128=OK L129=Cancel [delete]QH_tab_dialogs=Dialogs\nThe dialog tab contains settings that control wh ich dialogs the user will see during PDF creation. QH_tab_about=About\nAbout this program. [delete]QH_tab_document=Document Properties\nSet the document properties of the generated PDF file. \n\nIf you choose to use the default property value then the value specified in the text field will only be used in case the default value i s empty. [delete]QH_tab_general=General Settings\nUse the general settings to specify an output file and the quality of the generated PDF file. [delete]QH_tab_macros=Macros\nMacros are values that are substituted with other values when a PDF is created.\n\nOn this tab you can setup that an occurrence of a specific substring within a macro should be substituted with a different subs tring. [delete]QH_tab_merge=Merge\nThis PDF printer can merge PDF documents. You can ap pend the current PDF output to an existing PDF document.\n\nYou can also superim pose documents. Select a Background PDF to write on top of another document. \n\ nThis is typically used if you have a PDF document containing your letter head. QH_tab_security=Security\nUse the settings on this tab to control the access to the created PDF document. [delete]QH_tab_watermark=Watermark\nA PDF can be stamped with a watermark. \n\nT he settings on this tab controls what the watermark will look like. [delete]QH_appendfilename=Append PDF\nEnter the file name of the PDF file that y ou want to append to.\n\nThe result of the append operation is stored in the cre ated PDF file. QH_appendposition=Position\nSet the position of the append operation relative to the document specified above.\n\nThe default position is "Bottom". This will in sert the print at the bottom of the specified PDF document. QH_author=Author\nEnter the value of the document's Author property. QH_browsepdf=Browse\nBrowse for a PDF file name. [delete]QH_cancel=Cancel\nCancel the creation of the PDF. [delete]QH_confirmoverwrite=Confirm Overwrite\nThis setting will determine if th e user has to confirm an overwrite of an existing PDF file.\n\nIt is recommended that this option is enabled. QH_keylength=Key Length\nChoose the length of the key used in the document encry ption. QH_keywords=Keywords\nEnter the value of the document's Keywords property. QH_macrolist=Macros\nChoose the macros that you want to define rules for. QH_macros=Macros\nThis is a list of available macros.\n\n<username> = Logged on user.\n<computername> = Computer name.\n<docname> = Document name.\n<basedocname

> = Document name without a file extension.\n<title> = Title of the printed docu ment.\n<author> = Author of the printed document.\n<date> = Date (yyyy-mm-dd).\n <time> = Time (\n<guid> = System generated guid.\n<personal> = Locatio n of personal files.\n<desktop> = User's desktop.\n<env:xx> = Environment variab le xx. [delete]QH_ok=OK\nClick OK to create the PDF with the selected settings. QH_ownerpassword=Owner Password\nEnter the password that will give owner permiss ions when opening the PDF file. [delete]QH_pdffilename=PDF File Name\nSpecify the default name of the PDF file.\ n\nYou can use macros in the file name.\n\nPress the <> button to see a list of available macros. QH_permissionscopy=Copy to Clipboard\nCheck this box if users should be allowed to copy text to the clipboard from the document. QH_permissionsprint=Print Quality\nSelect the allowed print quality. QH_quality=PDF Quality\nThe quality setting affects the size of the created PDF file. Select a quality setting that matches your target. QH_setpermissions=Set Permissions\nLimit the access to the document when the use r password is supplied. [delete]QH_showpdf=Show PDF\nUse this setting to control if the generated PDF do cument should be shown after it is created. QH_showsaveas=Show Save As\nBy default the "Save As" dialog is shown before the PDF Settings dialog if no predefined file name is set. [delete]QH_showsaveas=Show Settings\nUse this setting to determine if the user w ill see the PDF Settings dialog when printing to a PDF file.\n\nThe settings dia log allows the user to specify parameters related to PDF quality, watermark, mer ging and encryption. QH_subject=Subject\nEnter the value of the document's Subject property. QH_superimposefilename=Background PDF\nIf you specify the file name of an existi ng PDF file here then your output will be printed on top of that document. [delete]QH_suppresserrors=Suppress Errors\nThis setting will suppress any error messages during PDF generation. QH_title=Title\nEnter the value of the document's Title property. QH_usedefaultauthor=Use Default Author\nCheck this box if you want to use the Au thor set by the printing program.\n\nThe value in the Author field is used if th e printer doesn't set a value. QH_usedefaulttitle=Use Default Title\nCheck this box if you want to use the Titl e set by the printing program.\n\nThe value in the Title field is used if the pr inter doesn't set a value. QH_userpassword=User Password\nEnter the password that will give user permission s. QH_watermarkrotation=Rotation\nYou can change the rotation of the watermark with this setting.\n\nBy default the rotation is from lower left corner to upper rig ht corner. QH_watermarksize=Size\nEnter the text size of the watermark.\n\nThe default text size is 6. QH_watermarktext=Watermark Text\nEnter the text that should appear in the waterm ark.\n\nYou can use macros in the value. QH_watermarktransparency=Transparency\nThe transparency controls how dark the wa termark text appears.\n\nEnter a value in the range from 0 to 100. 0 is black an d 100 is white (invisible). L130=yyyy-mm-dd L132=Open destination folder after creation L133=Destination Folder L134=Remember last file name L135=Remember last folder L136=Select Watermark Color L137=Other L138=Color L139=Vertical position

L140=Horizontal position L141=Center L142=Left L143=Right L144=Font L145=Horizontal adjustment L146=Vertical adjustment L147=Outline width L148=Layer L149=Stamp (foreground) L150=Watermark (background) L151=Initial zoom level L152=One page L153=Page width L154=Other Settings [delete]QH_rememberlastfilename=Remember File Name\nRemember the last file name when saving a PDF. [delete]QH_rememberlastfoldername=Remember Folder\nRemember the last folder name when saving a PDF. QH_zoom=Initial View\nDefines how the document is shown when it is opened by the reader.\n\nSome readers ignores this setting. [delete]QH_openfolder=Open Destination Folder\nChecking this option will make th e program open the destination folder when the PDF is generated. QH_tab_other=Other Settings\nThis tab holds various other settings. QH_watermarkfontname=Font Name\nSelect the font that you want to be used in the watermark. QH_watermarkcolor=Color\nWith this setting you can specify the color of the wate rmark text.\n\nThe color can be specified in HTML syntax or you can click the br owse button. QH_watermarkfontsize=Font Size\nSpecify the size of the text in the watermark.\n \nI.e. 30 points. QH_watermarkoutlinewidth=Outline Width\nThis value can be used to make the water mark text appear in an outline font.\n\nThe text will appear solid if this value is left blank. QH_watermarklayer=Layer\nThe watermark can be placed either over or under the ac tual print.\n\nUse this setting to control whether the watermark is placed over or under the printed document. QH_watermarkposition=Watermark Position\nYou can control where the watermark is positioned on the page.\n\nSpecify the vertical and horizontal position and set minor adjustmens if needed. L155=Defaults QH_defaults=Reset to Defaults\nClick this button to reset the dialog with defaul t values.\n\nThis will overwrite your current settings. L156=Do you want to reset the dialog values to default values?\n\nPlease note th at you current settings will be overwritten. L157=Select Instance L158=Click this button to restore the default values L159=Bottom L160=Top L161=You have an old version of Ghostscript installed. Ghostscript version %1 or newer is required. Please install a newer version. L162=PDF merge operation in progress... L163=Creating PDF Document... L164=The program was unable to show the document. The extension of your document file name should be PDF. Please fix the extension and try again.\n\nFile name: %1 L165=PDF Document Created (%1 pages) L166=%1 was created L167=%1 pages created... QH_OutputFormat=Output Format\nChoose the format you want to produce.\n\nThe def

ault output format is PDF files. However, you can also choose to produce differe nt types of image files. L168=File Name L169=Format L170=Show Document L171=Open the document after creation L172=Open the document after creation L173=Device L174=Horizontal Resolution L175=Vertical Resolution L176=Text Alpha Bits L177=Graphics Alpha Bits L178=One Image File per Page L179=Image L180=Background Resolution L181=Create File L182=The output PDF file must be specified. Please enter the path of a valid fil e name or use the browse button. L183=Save As L184=Page number L185=Add the <pageno> macro to the output file name? L186=Remove the <pageno> macro from the output file name? L187=Settings - Dialog L188=When should the "Settings" dialog be shown? L189=Append L190=You can append your output with an existing PDF file. Select the PDF file y ou want to append to. You can also choose the position of your output in relatio n to the appended PDF file. L191=The superimpose feature will write your output on top of another PDF file. The best result is achieved if the imposed documents are using the same paper fo rmat. L192=Do you want to open the document? L193=Error copying output to destination L194=Error copying document to destination file.\n\nPlease close the file '%1' i f it is open and try again. L195=The printer was unable to open the document.\n\nMake sure you have a progra m associated with the file extension '%1'. L196=Error opening the document. QH_tab_dialogs=Dialogs\nThe dialog tab contains settings that control which dial ogs the user will see during document creation. QH_tab_document=Document Properties\nSet the document properties of the generate d file. \n\nIf you choose to use the default property value then the value speci fied in the text field will only be used in case the default value is empty. QH_tab_general=General Settings\nUse the general settings to specify an output f ile and other general settings for the output file. QH_tab_macros=Macros\nMacros are values that are substituted with other values w hen a document is created.\n\nOn this tab you can setup that an occurrence of a specific substring within a macro should be substituted with a different substri ng. QH_tab_merge=Merge\nThis printer can merge documents. You can append the current output to an existing PDF document.\n\nYou can also superimpose documents. Sele ct a Background PDF to write on top of another document. \n\nThis is typically u sed if you have a PDF document containing your letter head. QH_tab_watermark=Watermark\nA document can be stamped with a watermark. \n\nThe settings on this tab controls what the watermark will look like. QH_appendfilename=Append PDF\nEnter the file name of the PDF file that you want to append to.\n\nThe result of the append operation is stored in the created out put file. QH_cancel=Cancel\nCancel the creation of the document. QH_confirmoverwrite=Confirm Overwrite\nThis setting will determine if the user h

as to confirm an overwrite of an existing file.\n\nIt is recommended that this o ption is enabled. QH_ok=OK\nClick OK to create the file with the selected settings. QH_pdffilename=Output File Name\nSpecify the default name of the output file.\n\ nYou can use macros in the file name.\n\nPress the <> button to see a list of av ailable macros. QH_showpdf=Show Output\nUse this setting to control if the generated document sh ould be shown after it is created. QH_showsettings=Show Settings\nUse this setting to determine if the user will se e the Settings dialog when printing to a file.\n\nThe settings dialog allows the user to specify parameters related to quality, watermark, merging and encryptio n. QH_suppresserrors=Suppress Errors\nThis setting will suppress any error messages during document generation. QH_rememberlastfilename=Remember File Name\nRemember the last file name when sav ing a document. QH_rememberlastfoldername=Remember Folder\nRemember the last folder name when sa ving a document. QH_openfolder=Open Destination Folder\nChecking this option will make the progra m open the destination folder when the documented is generated. L197=Creating %1 File... L198=Document Created (%1 pages) QH_superimposelayer=Layer\nThe content can be placed either over or under the ac tual print.\n\nUse this setting to control whether the content is placed over or under the printed document. L199=Compatibility Level QH_compatibilitylevel=PDF Compatibility Level\nUse this setting to make your PDF documents compatible with older versions of Acrobat.\n\nSome old levels might n ot support all features of the printer. Try changing the compatibility to a high er level if an error occurs during the PDF creation. QH_tab_image=Image\nUse these settings to control the creation of an image file. L200=Fast Web View L201=Show Thumbnails QH_usethumbs=Show Thumbnails\nThis setting can tell the PDF reader to show the page thumbnails when the PDF is shown. QH_pdfa1b=PDF/A-1b\nThis is a document standard used to archive PDF documents. QH_linearize=Fast Web View\nThis will optimize the PDF for viewing over the Inte rnet. Using this setting the first page can be shown without loading the entire document. L202=Macros\nThis is a list of available macros. L203=Adjusted document title L204=Application folder QH_optionsets=Option Sets\nChoose the option set that you want to change the set tings for. QH_manageoptionsets=Manage Option Set\nYou can manage your option sets here.\n\n Option sets can be copied or deleted. You can also create new option sets if you like. QH_apply=Apply current settings\nSave the current settings to the selected optio n set. L205=Your settings were successfully saved. L206=Actions L207=Do you want to share the new option set with other users? L208=Copy Option Set L209=New Option Set L210=Are you sure that you want to remove the option set '%1'?\n\nThis action ca nnot be undone. L211=Error removing option set file '%1'. L212=shared L213=Edit L214=Extracting page %1...

L215=You already have the window open where you can edit the option sets. L216=This action will reset the settings in the current dialog. L217=Do you want to continue? L218=Append if output exists L219=Option Set L220=Choose among your predefined option sets. Click the <Edit...> item to add, edit, or remove your different option sets. L221=Apply QH_appendifexists=Append If Output Exists\nThe program can append your output to an existing outtput file in case the selected output file exist.\n\nThis is an alternative to overwriting the existing file. L222=You are about to re-distill an encrypted document. You should be the rightf ul owner of the content and have the right to re-distill it. Make sure you are n ot violating any copyrights before you continue.\n\nDo you want to continue? L223=You are trying to print a protected document. This is not allowed.

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