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Two books in one:

Holy Gospels:
Harmonized and
by David Webster M.Div.
From the greatest revelation Heaven has ever given to the Churh
sine the original Deposit o! Faith.
"o# in the "e# $mpli!ied %heims &ersion o! the Gospels'
a ne# modern language version o! the most aurate translation o! the Gospels.
(peial Combo )dition *+,,
-David .. Webster. $D *+,,. $ll rights reserved. "o part o! this boo/ may be reprodued in any !orm or by any
eletroni or mehanial means' inluding in!ormation storage and retrieval systems' #ithout permission in #riting !rom the
publisher' e0ept by a revie#er #ho may 1uote brie! passages in a revie#.
According to According to
The Poe o! the M"n#God The Poe o! the M"n#God
The New A$%i!ied Rheis &ersion
The Rest o! the Gos$e% Stor'
The Rest o! the Gos$e% Stor'
A D"ted S("r' o! the New Test"ent Gos$e%s "nd
The Poem of the Man-God in S'nthesis
- *++2 by David .. Webster M. Div.
The New Test"ent Gos$e% Acco(nts )%%(in"ted b'
The Re*e%"tions on the Li!e "nd Te"chings o! the Lord +es(s ,hrist
Gi*en to the noted M"ri" &"%tort"
-e'ed to The Poem "nd
The Dated Parallel Harmony of the Gospels

Maria Valtorta, Italian Mystic +1961

According to According to
The Poe o! the M"n#God The Poe o! the M"n#God
The New A$%i!ied Rheis &ersion
Illuminated and in Current )nglish
- *++2 by David .. Webster M. Div
RE&)SED /Y /)SHOP R),HARD ,HALLONER0 A1D1 2678#2635
9ith (ndeni"b%e e*idence The Poe o! the M"n#God w"s entire%' " dict"tion !ro He"*en "nd th"t the
Greek te:ts (sed b' +eroe0 "nd $reser*ed in the Rheis New Test"ent0 were the best te0ts1
9ith i$ort"nt coent"r' on "n' di!!ic(%t Gos$e% $"ss"ges "de c%e"r
b' The Poe o! the M"n#God1
The "e# Testament Gospels in Harmony and in Chronologial se1uene
#ith every Chapter o! The 3oem
-e'ed to The est of the Gospel !tory "nd The Poem of the Man-God
9ith Scri$t(re )nde:

Fe"t(ring (ni;(e <,h"in Links= to ;(ick%' %oc"te the iedi"te%' $receding "nd !o%%owing te:t
"s origin"%%' !o(nd in the Gos$e% n"rr"ti*es
Second Edition 5>>6
? 5>>5
/Y DA&)D +1 9E/STER
9h' the New A$%i!ied @"nd )%%(in"tedA Rheis Tr"ns%"tionB 9h' the New A$%i!ied @"nd )%%(in"tedA Rheis Tr"ns%"tionB
The %heims &ersion o! the "e# Testament is the only )nglish translation
based on the reno#ned #or/ o! the Gree/ and Hebre# sholar (aint
.erome (AD C75#75>A1 )t is the best "nd ost re%i"b%e Eng%ish#%"ng("ge
tr"ns%"tion in the wor%d0 "nd ore "cc(r"te th"n "n' odern tr"ns%"tion !or
three *er' $rono(nced re"sons1
D FI%(T it w"s b"sed on the o%dest "nd ost co$%ete o! the "ncient 5
cent(r' New Test"ent te:ts0 "n' o! which "re no %onger "*"i%"b%e to (s
tod"'1 These %ost "n(scri$ts "re now $reser*ed only in !t" #erome$s %atin
V&l'ate and th&s also in the (n'lish heims Version"
D ()C4"D 111/(t not on%' is the Rheis &ersion b"sed on the best "ncient
"n(scri$ts b(t Saint Jerome knew Latin, Hebrew and Biblical Greek
more precisely than scholars today; he w"s " %ing(istic geni(s1 St1
+eroe w"s Greek#s$e"king !ro birthE he knew L"tin $er!ect%'0 "nd Hebrew
"nd Ar""ic ne"r%' "s we%% h"*ing st(died Hebrew !ro the "ge o! 5F0 "nd
he was 1!! years closer to the writin" o# the $ew %estament than
today&s scholars'
(THI%D, %he re)elations to *aria +altorta so,ndly establishes that
these older and no lon"er e-tant te-ts ,sed by Jerome were the best
te-ts, the e-istin" copies of which are called .the recei)ed te-ts/
beca,se their ori"inals were chosen by the 0h,rch as the best te-ts as
early as 11! AD' At that time they were incorporated in the 0h,rch&s
#irst assembled Latin Bible called the Old Itala'

Additionally, a st,dy o# the +altorta re)elations yields an incredible
amo,nt o# ,nderstandin" as to why these te-ts the 0h,rch deemed
the best, and ,sed by Jerome, were ,s,ally more e-pansi)e than the
later .red,ctionist te-ts/ that modern scholars ha)e claimed to be .the
better te-ts'/ %his matter is dealt with thro,"ho,t the $ew Ampli#ied
2heims +ersion $ew %estament as well as in the appendi- o# the Rest
of the Gospel Story' %he massi)e and o)erwhelmin" and indisp,table
scienti#ic e)idence o# the di)ine ori"in o# the re)elations to *aria
+altorta lea)es the matter absol,tely beyond disp,te' 3or the e)idence
"o to htt$:GGwww1s"*eo(rch(rch1orgGdescri$tions$oe1$d!
)t h"s now becoe c%e"r to "n' honest rese"rcher th"t we did not need " new
/ib%e b(t ere%' " %"ng("ge ($d"te to the Do("'#Rheis tr"ns%"tion1 A%% the
odern tr"ns%"tors0 (n!ort(n"te%'0 is%ed b' those $rooting the %"ter
red(ctionist te:ts @the Sin"itic(s "nd the &"tic"n(sA0 h"*e %ost these ost
e:tr"ordin"r' A$osto%ic insights bec"(se the' "%% (sed the new /ib%e
constr(cted b' odern scho%"rs1
The New A$%i!ied Rheis New Test"ent w"s the res(%t o! " desire to
$rod(ce the ost theo%ogic"%%' "nd te:t("%%' re%i"b%e ,"tho%ic tr"ns%"tion0 "
re"ding th"t not on%' $reser*ed its theo%ogic"% integrit' b(t which co(%d "%so
be (nderstood b' re"ders tod"'1 This re;(ired the (se o! c(rrent terino%og'
!or "rch"ic words no %onger !"i%i"r to tod"'Hs re"der1 )t re;(ired ch"nges in
"wkw"rd sentence str(ct(res which h"*e $ro*en "n obst"c%e to re"ders1

To "ke the work s(it"b%e to (se with c(rrent rese"rch too%s0 "%% signi!ic"nt
$ro$er n"es o! $ersons "nd $%"ces were gi*en the c(rrent s$e%%ings1 The o%d
Eng%ish $rono(ns @Thee "nd Tho(A in re!erence to God0 howe*er0 h"*e been
ret"ined where*er $ossib%e "s we%% "s the <Th(s s"ith the LordHs1= A%%
$rono(ns re!erring to deit' "re "%so c"$it"%iIed1

)n "ddition to the i$ro*eents "de in the te:t itse%!0 other i$ort"nt
!e"t(res o! this work inc%(de c%"ri!ic"tions "nd "$%i!ic"tions $%"ced within
the te:t "nd set o!! in br"ckets1 This w"s done to he%$ the re"der g"in the !(%%
e"ning o! the te:t0 which is o!ten on%' i$%ied b(t not e:$%icit%' e:$ressed
b' the tr"ns%"tion1 9e $r"' !or the g%or' o! God "nd !or the restor"tion o!
the !"ith o! GodHs $eo$%e0 th"t we h"*e "chie*ed " e"s(re o! o(r go"%s1

H4W T4 %)$D TH) ")W $M35IFI)D %H)IM( ")W
T)(T$M)"T: )t is i$ort"nt to disting(ish the /ib%ic"% te:t !ro the
"$%i!ic"tions1 The best w"' to do this is to re"d the te:t !irst witho(t the
"$%i!ic"tions1 )n the second re"ding inc%(de the "$%i!ic"tions1 D+9
)NTROD.,T)ON iii
S,R)PT.RE )NDEJ !rom the Gospels to this )or*0 "nd to The Poem i:
These inde:es "re strict%' designed to t"ke 'o( to the %oc"tion in The Poem to where the act&al e+ent or narration origin"%%' occ(rred1
Loc"tions in The Poem th"t ere%' s(bst"nti"te " Gos$e% e*ent "re in $"rentheses1 An e:h"(sti*e O%d "nd New Test"ent Scri$t(re "nd
s(bKect inde: wi%% be !o(nd in The Rest o! the Gos$e% Stor'1
Loc"tions: Gos$e% E$isode The Poe This 9ork
PART ) THE T9O PROM)SED SONS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 @21#2C1A )0 2G$61 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
PART )) THE /)RTH AND H)DDEN L)FE OF +ES.S ,HR)ST 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 @271#C71A )0 58G$2C41 1 1 1 1 3
The Three!o%d 9itness to +es(s ,hrist the Messi"h 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 @C31#CF1A )0 77G$5C3 1 1 1 2>
+es(s is Tested "nd Pro*en "s Messi"h 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1@C61#761A )0 7FG$5761 1 12>
+es(s Re*e"%s Hise%! "s Messi"h in G"%i%ee 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1@741#321A )0 35G$568 1 1 1 25
+es(s Re*e"%s Hise%! "s Messi"h in +(de" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 @351#3F1A )0 3CG$543 1 1 1 2C
First G"%i%e"n G 5 Months0 E A$ri% # E +(ne 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 @3F1#FC1A )0 34G$C>3 1 1 127
First +(de"n G 5 Months0 E +(ne # L +(%'1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 )0 FFG$C7C 1 1 126
Second G"%i%e"n # S'ro#Phoenici" G C Months0 L +(%' # E No* 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 @F71#FF1A )0 44G$7FF 1 1 1 26
Second +(de"n # S""ri" G 5 Months0 E No* # M +"n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 @F61#6C1A )0 222G$3871 1 128
LLe"*ing +(de" !or G"%i%ee # S""ri" G M +"n#L +"n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 @621#6C1A )0 2C8G$1636 1 1 52
Third G"%i%e"n # Tetr1 o! Phi%i$0 S""ri" G 5 Months0 L +"n # E A$r 1 1 1 @671#25>1A ))0 23>G$C71 1 1 55
L)n S""ri" G E A$ri%M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ))0 285G$5F7 1 1 C3
Third +(de"n G 5 Months0 E A$ri% # E +(ne 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 @2521#2561A ))0 283G$564 1 1 CF
L+er(s"%e G E#M A$ri%M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1@2521#2531A ))0 28FG$564 1 1 CF
LSo(th E"st +(de"n ,irc(it G L A$ri% # E +(neM1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 @25F1#2561A ))0 5>6G$C3F 1 1 C4
Fo(rth G"%i%e"n # S'ro#Phoenici"0 Dec"$o%is0 Tetr"rch' o! Phi%i$ G
7 Months0 E +(ne # L Se$teber 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1@2541#2361A ))0 556G$764 1 1 7>
Fo(rth +(de"n # Pere"0 Dec"$o%is G 25 Months0 E Oct # M No* 1 1 1 1 1 @2341#2F51A ))0 564G$571 1 1 33
LPere"0 Dec"$o%is G L October # M No*eberM1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 @2FC1A )))0 543G$F7 1 1 36
Fi!th G"%i%e"n # S'ro#Phoenici"0 Tetr"rch' o! Phi%i$0 Dec"$o%is0 Pere"
7 Months0 M No*eber # M M"rch 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1@2F71#24F1A )))0 586G$25F1 1 36
LTow"rds +er(s"%e # Dec"$o%is0 Pere" G M M"rchM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 @2461A )))0 C33G$7371 1 F8
The Fi!th +(de"n # Pere"0 Dec"$o%is0 Northern S""ri"
C Months0 M M"rch # L +(ne 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 @2441#2861A )))0 CF>G$7871 1 F8
LE1 O! +ord"n # Pere"0 Dec"$o%is0 Northern S""ri" G E#L +(neM1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 )&0 72FG$5> 1 1 6C
The Si:th G"%i%e"n # Dec"$o%is0 Tetr"rch' o! Phi%i$0 S'ro#Phoenici"0 S""ri" G
7 Months0 L +(ne # L October 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 @2841#5>21A )&0 753G$4>1 1 16C
LTo +er(s"%e0 in S""ri" G L OctoberM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 )&0 768G$7571 1 63
Si:th @Gre"tA +(de"n # Pere"0 S""ri" G
F Months0 L October # M A$ri%1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 @5>51#5C31A )&0 74CG$7781 1 63
Tri($h"% Entr' to Pre$"r"tion !or P"sso*er 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 @5CF1#53F1A &0 346G$C82 1 1 44
The .$$er Roo 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 @5361#56>1A &0 384"G$7851 2>>
Gethse"ne 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 @5621#5431A &0 388G$355 1 12>F
The Tri"%s o! +es(s ,hrist 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 @54F1#C2>1A &0 F>>bG$373 12>4
The 9"' o! the ,ross 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 @C221#C751A &0 F>7G$38C1 1 227
The Res(rrection o! O(r Lord +es(s ,hrist1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1@C7C1#C361A &0 F25G$F8> 1 125>

The Ascension o! +es(s ,hrist 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 @C341#C381A &0 FC7G$4C3 1 1253
The ,oing o! the Ho%' S$irit 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 @CF>1#CF51A &0 FC3G$464 1 125F
The ,h(rch is Est"b%ished 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 @CFC1#C651A &0 FC4G$48> 1 1254
The P"ss"ge "nd Ass($tion o! the /%essed &irgin M"r'1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 &0 F73G$857 1 12CC
Fin"% Re*e%"tions to M"ri" &"%tort"1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 &0 F76G$184C1 12C7
OTHER )NDEJES to this work "nd The Poem
GEOGRAPH),AL )NDEJ # O*er 23> di!!erent geogr"$hic"% %oc"tions1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 )#2C3
REG)ONAL )NDEJES # Poe ,h"$ters "nd Gos$e% E$isodes c"tegoriIed b' regions 1 1 1 1 1 1 )#232
)NDEJ o! PARA/LES # 86 $"r"b%es to%d b' +es(s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 )#235
)NDEJ o! M)RA,LES # 554 indi*id("% ir"c%es or ir"c(%o(s e*ents 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 )#23C
APPEND)J F(rther E*idence !or the Di*ine Origin o! The Poem of the Man God 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 )#234
The Poem S($$orts the Rheis New Test"ent
,oncerning <so c"%%ed NPri*"teH Re*e%"tion=
The ,"tho%ic ,h(rch not on%' "cknow%edges the e:istence o! <$ri*"te= re*e%"tion e"nt entire%' !or $ri*"te !"ith "nd
$erson"% e:ercise in discernent0 bec"(se it o!ten inc%(des *er' !"(%t' h("n e%eents0 b(t re*e%"tion e"nt !or $(b%ic !"ith
"$"rt !ro wh"t is now tered P(b%ic Re*e%"tion or th"t re*e%"tion in which is !o(nd the De$osit o! F"ith1 This re*e%"tion0
with ob*io(s $(b%ic signi!ic"nce, is "%w"'s "(thentic"ted b' "n (nist"k"b%e s($ern"t(r"% sign"t(re "nd is c"%%ed in the
,"techis <the "(thentic c"%%s o! ,hrist "nd the s"ints to the ,h&rch1= Acknow%edging the $o$(%"r c(sto o! "%so c"%%ing
this <$ri*"te re*e%"tion0= "nd "cknow%edging the !"i%(re o! the ,h(rch to gi*e it " $ro$er n"e0 the ,"techis c"%%s it <so
c"%%ed N$ri*"teH re*e%"tion1= 9hi%e "cknow%edging th"t this re*e%"tion c"nnot s($$%' "n' new or"% or theo%ogic"% tr(th0 it
"!!irs the need o! s(ch re*e%"tion to "ke ore e:$%icit o(r (nderst"nding o! th"t De$osit "nd <to he%$ L(sM %i*e ore !(%%'
b' it in " cert"in $eriod o! histor'= @,"techis P"r1FF0 F6A1 The ,"techis !(rther st"tes th"t g(ided b' the M"gisteri( o!
the ,h(rch0 the !"ith!(% @sens&s fideli&mA know how to <discern "nd we%coe in Lto the ,h(rchM these re*e%"tions1=
.n!ort(n"te%'0 tho(gh the ,h(rch h"s N"$$ro*edH soe o! these re*e%"tions to be !ree o! or"% or theo%ogic"% error0 it h"s
ne*er deterined "n' to be <"(thentic c"%%s o! ,hrist or the s"ints to the ,h(rch1= )t h"s %e!t to the !"ith!(% the
res$onsibi%it' o! discerning these p&-licly si'nificant He"*en sent re*e%"tions1 9hi%e "n' /isho$s "nd $riests h"*e %"cked
either interest or "bi%it' in discerning wh"t ,hrist or His s"ints in He"*en "re s"'ing to the ,h(rch0 the ,"techis0 in
"greeent with o(r Lord0 howe*er0 s"'s the !"ith!(% do know how to discern "nd we%coe these re*e%"tions into the ,h(rch:
<M' shee$ he"r M' *oice 1 1 1 "nd the' !o%%ow Me1=

The Poem of the Man-God
+(st "s F"ti"0 The Poem w"s e"nt b' He"*en to be be%ie*ed "nd we%coed into the ,h(rch "s historic"%%' *"%id
"(thorit"ti*e re*e%"tion1 This we c"nnot s"' !or the $io(s b(t o!ten !iction"% e:$"nsions on the bib%ic"% "cco(nts b' the
*ener"b%e "nd ho%' ,"therine Eerich which were e"nt b' He"*en on%' !or $erson"% "nd $ri*"te de*otion "nd !"ith1 )t
is ob*io(s the ins$ir"tion o! ,"therine Eerich did not re%"te to historic"% det"i% "nd th"t her *isions were "t ties si$%'
di*ine%' s"ncti!ied h("n i"gin"tion1 The $"r"o(nt i$ort"nce o! The Poem !or the ,h(rch is not on%' seen in its
$ro*en historic"% "cc(r"c'D @"n (nist"k"b%e di*ine sign"t(re !or e*en the (nbe%ie*erA0 its $ower!(% (ne:ce%%ed s$irit("% "nd
instr(cti*e signi!ic"nce0 b(t in its tie%iness in re%"tion to F"ti"1
D M"ri" &"%tort"0 in the s$irit where there is no tie0 w"s in !"ct " %iter"% e'e#witness to the %i!e "nd inistr' o! O(r Lord as
it act&ally occ&rred" For incontro*ertib%e e*idence go to: ###.saveourhurh.org7desriptionspoem.pd! Her re*e%"tions then
were <dict"ted= word !or word $recise%'0 "s she re$e"ted%' c%"ied1

9e "re "%so $%e"sed to "nno(nce th"t the /e"ti!ic"tion $rocess h"s now beg(n !or M"ri" &"%tort"0 who is being considered b'
"n' ,"tho%ic "(thorities "s one o! the gre"test *ision"ries o! "%% tie1 She is b(ried in the /"si%ic" o! The Ann(nci"tion in
F%orence0 the he"d;("rters o! the Ser*ite Order0 who con!irned in Oct 5>2> th"t the $rocess h"s beg(n1
The Dating o! The Poem of The Man-God
One o! the (ni;(e !e"t(res o! The Poem is the "b(nd"nce o! in!or"tion inc%(ded in the work b' which the d"ting o!
the entire Gos$e% record h"s been "de $ossib%e1 This he%$!(% in!or"tion not on%' coes !ro the ins$ired n"rr"tion
itse%! b(t !ro M&Hs own $erson"% obser*"tions1 /esides being soeties c%e"r%' indic"ted0 n(ero(s other e%eents
h"*e s(bst"nti"ted the tie o! ne"r%' e*er' e$isode "t %e"st to the 'e"r0 the se"son o! the 'e"r "nd the onth1 )n o*er
h"%! o! the e$isodes0 the *er' d"' o! the week is either st"ted or is discern"b%e1 D"' b' d"' se;(ences h"*e been
est"b%ished b' tr"*e% itiner"ries re*e"%ed in the n"rr"ti*e "nd in the nor"% e*er'd"' coents "nd disc(ssions between
+es(s0 His Disci$%es "nd others "%ong the w"'0 re*e"%ing s$eci!ic tie inter*"%s between "n' e*ents1 O*er"%% tie
$eriods0 inc%(ding 'e"rs0 onths "nd e*en d"'s !or "n' e*ents0 "re not on%' o!ten st"ted b(t "re o!ten *eri!ied b' " *"st
co$%e: o! other tiing %inks1 The consistent%' "cc(r"te n"t(re o! this *"st n(ber o! soeties *er' co$%e: tiing
e%eents not on%' re*e"%s the di*ine origin o! this work b(t "%so h"s "de it $ossib%e to cre"te "n "%ost $er!ect r(nning
<di"r' "cco(nt= o! the inistr' o! ,hrist1 S(ch "n "cco(nt wi%% gi*e the re"der !or the !irst tie "n "cc(r"te sense o! the
tie re%"tionshi$ !or e*er' e$isode in the %i!e "nd inistr' o! o(r Lord1
The 8ear o! 4ur 5ord9s :irth
Lonie O"ndt o! the Ph'sics De$"rtent o! P(rd(e .ni*ersit'0 (sing co$(ter $rogr"ing o! the so%"r s'ste !or
this tie $eriod0 h"s disco*ered M&Hs gr"$hic descri$tions o! " s$ring night sk' $%"ces the inistr' o! ,hrist between
the 'e"rs AD C2 "nd AD C71 This wo(%d e"n +es(s w"s born in %"te 2 /, "s the ,h(rch h"d origin"%%' deterined1
Tho"s D(be o! 9"shington St"te "$$e"rs to h"*e s(bst"nti"ted this tr"dition"% *iew "%so with other e"ns0 not the
%e"st o! which h"s been the so%*ing o! "n' o! the tiing $rob%es r(n into b' A(%"gnier0 who0 in The Diary of #es&s,
"ss(ed the 3 /, *iew in his "tte$t to d"te The Poem1 For these re"sons "nd !or the e*idence th"t !o%%ows we h"*e
"cce$ted the 2 /, d"ting o! the /irth o! O(r Lord1
The Ye"r o! O(r LordHs /irth0 Deceber 530 AD 2 The Ye"r o! O(r LordHs /irth0 Deceber 530 AD 2
/"sed on +ose$h(s0 who he%d in one inst"nce th"t Herod died in 7 /, or 63> .,0 odern scho%"rs c%"iing the ,h(rch
%ost tr"ck o! the correct d"te0 h"*e disco(nted the e:tensi*e "nd thoro(gh rese"rch o! the onk Dion'si(s the Litt%e in
AD 3C5 who conc%(ded0 as many others -efore him0 th"t 4ur 5ord #as born on the *2
day o! the last month o! the
year ;2< !rom the !ounding o! %ome =;2< >C? and in the @
year o! the ,A@
Gree/ 4lympiad =,A@ 45A0 the 'e"r
we now c"%% 2 /,1 /(t0 it wo(%d h"*e been i$ossib%e !or the ,h(rch to h"*e %ost tr"ck o! this d"te "s it coincided with
the &ni+ersal Ro"n t":"tion "nd enro%%ent b' A(g(st(sP F(rther0 Dion'si(sH work w"s so we%% done in con!iring
the tr"dition o! the ,h(rch th"t 63C ., "nd the 7
'e"r o! the 287
OL w"s !ro then on recogniIed b' all historians "s
<2 /,= "nd the !o%%owing 'e"r w"s c"%%ed the <2
'e"r o! O(r Lord1= The odern reKection o! this est"b%ished record
w"s done "%so des$ite the !"ct th"t +ose$h(s w"s e:tree%' c"re%ess with his d"tes thro(gho(t his writings e*en gi*ing
t)o dates !or the de"th o! Herod0 one in 7 /, "nd the other in 6 or 4 /,P @The d"tes be%ow c"n *"r' b' " 'e"r
de$ending on the c"%end"r (sed1A Ld. 75> Q date o! deathM.
I. $nient #itness to Christ9s :irth in the @
year o! the ,A@
4lympiad =our , :C?:
Turtullian =d. ***? records th"t the n"ti*it' o! +es(s took $%"ce in the @,
year o! Caesar $ugustus0 which is " 'e"r
%"ter th"n +eroeHs %"ter "cco(nt be%ow0 bec"(se T(rt(%%i"n went b' the L"tin d"ting0 which h"s Deceber 53 in the
$re*io(s 'e"r !ro th"t d"te in the Greek c"%end"r1 +eroe0 tho(gh L"tin0 w"s (sing Greek so(rces when he %i*ed in
P"%estine1 <Ag"inst the +ews0= PL ))0 co%1 F271
)usebius o! Caesarea =d. <@2?: records th"t ,hrist w"s born in the @
year o! the ,A@
4lympiad0 "nd th"t the
P"ssion o! ,hrist occ(rred in the ,
year o! the *+<
4lympiad0 and in the ,B
year o! Tiberius @o(r AD CCA.
<,hronic%es0= PG :i:0 co%1 3C> in se;(ence:
)n his <Ecc%esi"stic"% Histor'0= PG :i:0 co%1 5460 E(sebi(s records th"t Caesar $ugustus reigned !or 2C years and @
months. @H"*ing "scended the throne in 7C /,0 the 75nd 'e"r o! his reign wo(%d h"*e beg(n on A$ri% 20 2 /, "nd
ended A$ri% 20 AD 21A The signi!ic"nce o! the 75
'e"r wi%% be seen in +eroeHs witness be%ow1
(t )piphanius =d. @+<? records th"t ,hrist w"s born in the .ulian year @2 @2 /, on o(r c"%end"rA0 the @
year o! the
4lympiad0 "nd th"t the P"ssion took $%"ce in the ,Bth year o! Tiberius on M"rch 530 "nd the Res(rrection on
the 56th1 De Anno N"t"%i ,hristi "nd De Anno P"ssionis ,hristi0 PG :iii0 co%s1 8>5 "nd 864
4rosius =d. @,B? records th"t ,hrist w"s born in wh"t we tod"' wo(%d c"%% Deceber o! 2 /,1 <Histor' Ag"inst the
P"g"ns0= PL :::i0 book 60 co%1 2>38
(t .erome =d. @*+? h"s ,hristHs /irth in @*D$ugustus and <*DHerod1 <+eroeHs )nter$ret"tion o! the ,hronic%es o!
E(sebi(s P"$hi%i(s= PL ::*ii0 co%1 381
II. More anient #itness o! our 5ord9s :irth in the @
year o! the ,A@
45 revealed by ounting ba/#ard <<
years !rom the dates these have given !or the Crui!i0ion. This is in addition to )piphanius and )usebius above
#ho have also plae the Crui!i0ion in ,BDTiberus =the ,
year o! the *+< 45?:
(t .ustin Martyr =d. ,C<? records th"t ,hrist died in the ,;
year o! Tiberius @which beg"n in A(g(st AD C5 "nd
ended in A(g(st0 in o(r $D <<?1 <A$o%ogi"0= PL *i0 co%1 C4C1 LThe di!!erence in the 'e"rs o! r(%e c"n *"r' de$ending on
the c"%end"r (sed "nd the w"' $"rts o! 'e"rs "re co(nted1M
.ulius $!rianus' =,C+D*@+E? who "de "n e:tensi*e st(d' o! the Hebrew "nd Greek ,"%end"rs0 records th"t "t the age
o! << "nd in the ,
year o! the *+<
4lympiad ,hrist s(!!ered His P"ssion1 @E:t"nt Fr"gents PG :0 co%1 8>A
The Gospel o! "iodemus 0 which w"s considered b' those who deeed it A$ocr'$h"% to h"*e been written in $D *B+0
d"tes the ,r(ci!i:ion in the @
year o! *+* 45 =in our $D <<?.
F"ote: The reason ,;D,B Tiberius #as hosen rather than his ,A
year =*
year o! *+* 45? by these early !athers #as li/ely beause they !igured a
shorter li!e and ministry o! Christ based on a misinterpretation o! 5u/e <:,' *<. (ee the hronology hart in the Introdution to the Gospels.G
)t w"s not necess"r'0 howe*er0 to "ssign n&merical dates to "n' o! the e$isodes in this work !or one to !(%%' enKo' the
!%owing chrono%ogic"% se;(ence o! this work0 which we be%ie*e to be the on%' completely historically acc&rate "cco(nt o!
the %i!e "nd inistr' o! +es(s ,hrist gi*en to the ,h(rch "$"rt !ro the Gos$e%s1 <E"r%' +"n("r'0 ne:t d"'0= "nd <E"r%'
+"n("r'0 two d"'s %"ter0 on S"t(rd"'0= etc10 wo(%d e*en be $re!er"b%e to ost re"ders1 M' work does n(eric"%%' d"te
e+ery year o! this ore th"n 6>#'e"r $eriod co*ered in this work
The Diary of #es&s b' +e"n A(%"gnier0 "s " s("riIed "cco(nt0 en"b%ed re"ders to get "n "bbre*i"ted s("riIed
"cco(nt o! +es(sH inistr' "s re*e"%ed in The Poem" .n!ort(n"te%'0 The Diary w"s not ke'ed to The Poem, nor w"s the
re!erence to the Gos$e%s " co$%ete one1 The est of the Gospel !tory "kes ($ !or these de!iciencies "nd wi%% becoe
"n in*"%("b%e co$"nion to "%% who re"d thro(gh The Poem or wish to "ke !re;(ent re!erence to the New Test"ent
Gos$e% "cco(nts "s the' $roceed" )t wi%% kee$ one !(%%' orient"ted "s the' re"d thro(gh The Poem which0 bec"(se o! its
det"i% "nd issing %inks between e$isodes one c"n e"si%' %ose contin(it'1 ) " gre"t%' indebted to A(%"gnierHs $ioneer
work "nd to Tho"s D(be0 who h"*e "de the cre"tion o! this work (ch e"sier1
Gospel )pisodes
The CF4 Gos$e% e$isodes in this work were deterined !or e"se in st(d' (sing The Poem or the Dated Harmony "nd to
"chie*e " strict chrono%ogic"% order !or the New Test"ent Gos$e% "cco(nts1 This w"s done in the !o%%owing w"':
21 Gos$e% e*entsGte"chings th"t e:tended into " second ch"$ter in The Poem were considered se$"r"te e$isodes1
51 Se$"r"te e$isodes were "%so (s("%%' "de !or (%ti$%e e*entsGte"chings0 e*en in the s"e ch"$ter o! The Poem
when di!!erent Gos$e% writers se$"r"te%' recorded these1 One e*ent recorded b' M"tthew "nd "nother b' M"rk0 e*en i! the'
h"$$ened on the s"e d"' "nd were !o(nd in the s"e ch"$ter in The Poem, were (s("%%' considered two e$isodes1 The
Seron on the Mo(nt "nd the ,r(ci!i:ion "cco(nt o!!er n(ero(s e:"$%es o! this1
C1 Se$"r"te e$isodes were "%so "de whene*er e*ents in " te:t were not in e:"ct chrono%ogic"% order1 Ag"in0 the
Seron on the Mo(nt "nd the ,r(ci!i:ion "cco(nt $resent "n' e:"$%es o! this bec"(se the Gos$e% writers h"d %iter"r' or
theo%ogic"% re"sons !or "b"ndoning " strict chrono%ogic"% order1
The D"ted P"r"%%e% H"ron' o! the Gos$e%s
The obKecti*e in the cre"tion o! this work w"s to en"b%e "n' re"der o! The Poe to e"si%' co$"re the re*e%"tion gi*en
to (s b' the E*"nge%ists "nd the re*e%"tion gi*en to M& in " strict chrono%ogic"% order1 S(ch " co$"rison wi%% not on%'
"(thentic"te the "cc(r"c' o! the Gos$e% "cco(nts0 tho(gh the' were "%ost "%w"'s condensed "nd soeties $"r"$hr"sed0
b(t wi%% est"b%ish with (ndis$(ted cert"int' the di*ine origin o! The Poem1 One wi%% see th"t The Poem w"s no h("n%'
contri*ed or "rt!(% e:$"nsion on the Gos$e% "cco(nts0 !or the e:$"nsions "re !"r too co$%e: "nd "re tied into e*en ore
co$%e: conte:ts0 "%% o! which then !or one co$%ete%' !%owing "nd consistent stor' o! o*er 70>>> $"ges0 in*o%*ing0
incredib%'0 o*er 3>> di!!erent ch"r"ctersP +(st "s "stonishing "nd conc%(si*e is the !"ct th"t The Poem de$"rts r"dic"%%' !ro
the chrono%ogic"% order scho%"rs h"*e deterined !or the Gos$e% record1 )t is "n "%together new "rr"ngeent o! the Gos$e%
record1 @See A$$endi:: The Di*ine Origin o! The PoemA1
The H"ron' wi%% "%so en"b%e the re"der o! the Gos$e%s to ;(ick%' o*e b"ck "nd !orth between the Gos$e%s0 The
Poem "nd the s("r' "cco(nts in The est of the Gospel !tory" )n "ddition0 -e' Links which direct the re"der to the
iedi"te%' $receding "nd iedi"te%' !o%%owing te:t "s !o(nd in the Gos$e% n"rr"ti*e wi%% en"b%e the re"der to get "
soeties !"scin"ting *iew o! how the Gos$e% writers c(t "nd $"sted their "cco(nts together !ro wh"t w"s "t one tie "
!"r ore co$%ete "nd ore chrono%ogic"% record1 M"n' o! these ob*io(s c(t "nd $"ste %oc"tions "re noted in the H"ron'1
These too%s sho(%d $ro*ide te:t("% critics st(d'ing the origin "nd constr(ction o! the Gos$e%s with " ost (ni;(e
o$$ort(nit' to "d*"nce their !ie%d o! (nderst"nding1
not"tions direct one to the "$$endi:0 where soe 62 "%tern"te
renditions !ro the Re*ised &ersion o! 2447 "re %isted1 These "re the ost signi!ic"nt di!!erences in the e:isting origin"%
%"ng("ge "n(scri$ts o! the New Test"ent1 Here one !inds "n ""Iing "greeent between The Poem "nd the Rheis
New Test"ent "s o$$osed to the odern tr"ns%"tions1
The Rheis New Test"ent
The Rheis *ersion o! the New Test"ent0 tr"ns%"ted !ro the L"tin &(%g"te0 w"s the st"nd"rd !or the ,"tho%ic
,h(rch !ro its $(b%ic"tion in 2345 thro(gh its re*ision in 263> b' /isho$ ,h"%%oner @"nd the ,on!r"ternit' re*ision in
2872A (nti% the "$$e"r"nce o! the New Aeric"n /ib%e in 286>1 )nteresting%'0 The Poem "ni!ests " (ni;(e "nd s(bst"nti"%
"greeent with the Rheis tr"ns%"tion1 The (ndeni"b%e e*idence !or the di*ine origin o! The Poem th(s s$e"ks ;(ite
c%e"r%' in res$ect to the "cc(r"c' o! the L"tin &(%g"te "nd the Eng%ish Rheis &ersion t"ken !ro it0 in contr"st to the other
odern ,"tho%ic *ersions s(ch "s the NA/0 the RS&0 the +er(s"%e /ib%e0 or the Li*ing /ib%e1 @See A$$endi: (nder: The
Poem of the Man-God S($$orts the Rheis New Test"ent1A
Insight on the 4rigin o! the (ynopti Gospels
E*idence th"t "%% three writers c(t !ro " %"rger chrono%ogic"% te:t "nd $"sted their "cco(nts together is re*e"%ed b'
the con!%icting in!or"tion between the act&al conte:ts o! the Gos$e% te:ts !o(nd in The Poem "nd the conte:ts o! these
te:ts "s !o(nd in the Gos$e%s1 See the Gos$e% e$isodes be%ow in The Dated Parallel Harmony of the Gospels1
E*idence St L(ke c(t !ro " %"rger chrono%ogic"% te:t to cre"te his own Gos$e% : 2F510 2FC10 26510 "nd 22410where "n'
"ncient "(thorities re"d in L(ke 6:220 <on the ne:t d"'= r"ther th"n the <%"ter= edit th"t s"'s ere%' <"!terw"rds1= 9h"t
$recedes this te:t in L(ke does not t"ke $%"ce the d"' be!ore "ccording to The Poem1 The %"rger te:t !ro which L(ke c(t this
stor' (st h"*e cont"ined the stor' o! the Deoni"cs !ro Ger"sh"0 which did occ(r the d"' be!ore "nd is %oc"ted in L(ke
4:5F#C80 M"tthew 4:54#C7 "nd M"rk 3:2#5>1
)! L(ke did not do "%% his own editing or re"rr"nging0 then he co$ied "t %e"st soe o! his work !ro "n "%re"d' reworked
te:t "nd not !ro the %ess reworked one M"tthew h"d or "' h"*e borrowed !ro1 9e "' conc%(de this bec"(se L(keHs
Gos$e% cont"ins si: c"ses o! n"rr"tions broken ($ "nd re"rr"nged @!or theo%ogic"% or %iter"r' re"sonsA "ccording to both The
Poem and M"tthew1 See 6810 25310 27510 27310 27410 24C11 A%% this w"s done (nder the )ns$ir"tion o! God1
E*idence M"tthew c(t !ro " %"rger chrono%ogic"% te:t @"%ost cert"in%' his own origin"% "cco(ntPA to cre"te his
Gos$e%: 22>10 25410 268b10 52811
E*idence M"rk c(t !ro " %"rger chrono%ogic"% te:t to cre"te his own Gos$e%: 3410 26810 52811
E*idence M"rk "' h"*e co$ied soe o! L(keHs Gos$e% or "t %e"st borrowed !ro the s"e reworked so(rce:
M"rk co$ies two o! L(keHs si: broken n"rr"tions @681 "nd 2751A
M"' the re"der !ind gre"t Ko' "nd b%essing in the re"ding "nd st(d' o! wh"t "n' !ee% is the ost signi!ic"nt $ost "$osto%ic
re*e%"tion e*er gi*en to the ,h(rch1 M"' these too%s "id "n' re"ders in th"t b%essed s$irit("% $(rs(itP
$ F)W $>TH4%IT$TI&) T)(TIM4"I$5( T4 TH) 34)M 4F TH) M$"DG4D

"ot in the entire history o! the Churh h"s there e*er been the kind o! $r"ise !ro "s "n' we%%#res$ected "(thorities "s
h"s coe !or The Poem of the Man God1 )ndeed0 there is no $"r"%%e% to this work in *eri!i"b%e "(thenticit' or s$irit("%it' in
e:istence in the wor%d1 As Fr1 Gino &io%ini testi!ied0 it is Hthe only true visionDandD#ord revelation on the Gospels ever
granted to man/ind.I Nothing h"s so "(thentic"ted the tr(th!(%ness "nd re%i"bi%it' o! Ho%' Scri$t(res or the Ho%' ,"tho%ic
F"ith "s h"s this incredib%e re*e%"tion1 LThe 2
Edition w"s $%"ced on the !orbidden %ist on%' bec"(se the work w"s $(b%ished witho(t the "$$ro*"% o!
the Ho%' O!!ice1 The Ho%' O!!ice c%"ied to be (n"w"re o! its order to be $(b%ished b' Po$e Pi(s J))1 This (n!ort(n"te occ(rrence %ed "n' others to %"ter r"sh%'
"nd (nK(st%' K(dge the work0 e*en "!ter e:$%"n"tor' notes were $%"ced in the work to e:$%"in soe obsc(re re!erences "nd "!ter it w"s then "%%owed to be
re$(b%ished1 The ,ongreg"tion !or the Doctrine "nd F"ith h"s "de it c%e"r th"t des$ite these criticiss0 "%% ,"tho%ics "re now !ree to re"d the work "nd "ke
their own discernentsPM

His Holiness 3ope 3ius JII0 Febr("r' 5F02874 @Osser*"tore Ro"noA <P(b%ish this work "s it is1 There is no need to
gi*e "n o$inion "bo(t its origin0 whether it be e:tr"ordin"r' or not1 9ho re"ds it wi%% (nderst"nd1=
Msgr. >go 5attanzi0 de"n o! the F"c(%t' o! Theo%og' o! the L"ter"n Ponti!ic"% .ni*ersit'0 "d*isor to the Ho%' O!!ice
@2832A: <The "(thor co(%d not h"*e written s(ch "nd "b(nd"nt "o(nt o! "teri"% witho(t being (nder the in!%(ence o! "
s($ern"t(r"% $ower1=
Fr. Gabriel M. %oshini0 $ro!essor "t <M"ri"n(0= Ponti!ic"% F"c(%t' o! Theo%og' in Roe0 renowned "rio%ogist0
"(thor o! 2C> books0 "nd "d*isor to the Ho%' O!!ice @2865A: <) (st c"ndid%' "dit th"t the M"rio%og' !o(nd in M"ri"
&"%tort"Hs writings0 whether $(b%ished or not0 h"s been !or e " re"% disco*er'1 No other M"ri"n writing0 not e*en the s(
tot"% o! "%% the writings ) h"*e re"d "nd st(died0 were "b%e to gi*e e "s c%e"r0 "s %i*e%'0 "s co$%ete0 "s %(ino(s0 or "s
!"scin"ting "n i"ge0 both si$%e "nd s(b%ie0 o! M"r'0 GodHs "ster$iece1=
3ro!' Fabrizio :raini0 .ni*ersit' o! P"%er" @2868A: <9h"t constit(tes the !inish %ine !or others0 so to s$e"k0 is0 on
the contr"r' M"ri" &"%tort"Hs "scetic st"rting $oint1=
Dr. &ittorio Tredii0 geo%ogist "nd iner"%ogist0 )t"%' @2835A: <) wish to (nder%ine the "(thorHs (ne:$%"in"b%' $recise
know%edge o! P"%estine in its $"nor"ic0 to$ogr"$hic"%0 geo%ogic"% "nd iner"%ogic"% "s$ects1=

Fr. Gabriel $llegra' 4.F.M.' renowned tr"ns%"tor o! the /ib%e in ,hinese0 M"c"oGHong -ong @286>A: <The !inger o!
God is here1 As !or theo%ogic"% K(sti!ic"tion o! " book "s con*incing0 "s ch"ris"tic0 "s e:tr"ordin"r' e*en !ro " ere%'
h("n $oint o! *iew0 "s is M"ri" &"%tort"Hs Poem of the Man-God0 ) !ind it in St1 P"(%Hs !irst e$ist%e to the ,orinthi"ns 270F
where he writes0 NT"ke e !or inst"nce brothers0 o! wh"t (se co(%d ) be to 'o(0 i! ) were to coe to 'o( s$e"king in tong(es0
b(t witho(t re*e%"tion or know%edge0 $ro$hec' or doctrineBH = His c"(se !or c"noniI"tion is $rogressing1
H.). George H. 3eare' (.M.' !orer Archbisho$ o! S(*"0 FiKi0 now retired in Pro*idence0 Rhode )s%"nd @2846A: <)
!irst c"e in cont"ct with the work o! M"ri" &"%tort" in 2868 L111M ) !ind it treendo(s%' ins$iring1 )t is i$ossib%e !or e to
i"gine th"t "n'one co(%d re"d this treendo(s work with "n o$en ind "nd not be con*inced th"t its "(thor c"n be no one
b(t the Ho%' S$irit o! God1=

$rhbishop $l!onso Carini0 Secret"r' o! the ,ongreg"tion o! the S"cred rites @287FA: <There is nothing therein which
is contr"r' to the Gos$e%1 R"ther this work0 " good co$%eent to the Gos$e%0 contrib(tes tow"rds " better (nderst"nding o!
its e"ning1=
Fr. Drey!us0 o! the French /ib%ic"% "nd Archeo%ogic"% Schoo%0 +er(s"%e @284FA: <) w"s gre"t%' i$ressed on !inding in
M"ri" &"%tort"Hs work the n"es o! "t %e"st si: or se*en towns0 which "re "bsent !ro the O%d "nd New Test"ents1 These
n"es "re known b(t to " !ew s$eci"%ists 1 1 1 1 How co(%d she h"*e known these n"es0 i! not thro(gh the re*e%"tions she
c%"is th"t she h"d1=
Fr. Gino C. &iolini' ,"%g"r' A%bert"0 ,"n"d" @2846A: <)t is the gos$e% $roc%"ied with new *igor "nd det"i%1 )t is "
$ower!(% %ight be"ed on the $erson o! +es(s ,hrist "nd his etern"% te"chings1 )ndeed this work "$$e"rs to be the on%' tr(e
*ision#"nd#word re*e%"tion on the gos$e%s e*er gr"nted to "nkind1=
Msgr. 3ea 1ua Ia Mahi1 Pri*"te Secret"r' o! Po$e P"(% &)0 to Fr1 ,1M1 /erti OSM0 in "n ho(r#%ong inter*iew @28FCA
<9hen His Ho%iness @P"(% &)A w"s Archbisho$ o! Mi%"n0 he re"d one o! the books o! The Poem of the Man-God1 He to%d
e how he "$$reci"ted it0 "nd h"d e send the co$%ete work to the Libr"r' o! the dioces"n Sein"r'1=
The Most %everend %oman Danyla/ 0D HNot withst"nding *"rio(s c%"is to the contr"r'0 theo%ogi"ns o! "(thorit'0
Scri$t(re scho%"rs0 who h"*e st(died The Poem0 con!ir the "cc(r"c' o! &"%tort"Hs descri$tions o! $%"ce0 geogr"$h'0 her
"cc(r"te know%edge o! the Ho%' L"nd0 etc1 And we (st reeber th"t M"ri" &"%tort" did not h"*e the he"%th nor the
o$$ort(nit' to st(d' or to corre%"te her obser*"tions1 Re"ding the !i*e *o%(es in Eng%ish or the ten *o%(es in )t"%i"n0 )
w"s o*erwhe%ed b' her "ster' not on%' o! $oetic co$osition0 b(t o! det"i%s0 o! $erson"ges0 o! e*ents in the Gos$e% stor'1
) !ind signi!ic"nt con!ir"tion o! the "n' ch"r"cters o! "$ost%es0 disci$%es0 $enitents0 etc10 entioned not on%' in Scri$t(re0
b(t in the %it(rgic"% "nd $"tristic tr"dition o! the ,h(rch in the /'I"ntine tr"dition1 Her ch"r"cters "re not i"gin"r'0 "s )
s(s$ect o! the ch"r"cters o! the n"rr"tion o! "nother *ision"r' "nd 'stic0 ,"therine Eerich0 b(t re"% $eo$%e0 whose
identit' is con!ired b' the F"thers "nd the %it(rgic"% !e"sts o! the /'I"ntine ,h(rch1 L"st%'0 M"ri" &"%tort" $resents one o!
the ost *i*id0 be"(ti!(%0 %i*ing "nd con*incing i"ges o! the %i*ing +es(s th"t ) h"*e e*er enco(ntered1=
(His 4-cellency *ost 2e)' 2oman Danylak, ,ntil recently "i)en new responsibilities in 2ome, had been 0hancellor o# the %oronto 4parchy
(Diocese5 and 0ons,ltor o# the 6onti#ical 0ommission #or the re)ision o# 4astern 0anon Law' He was also 6astor o# St' Josaphat (7krainian
0atholic5 0athedral in %oronto, and is the translator and close #riend o# 7krainian )isionary Josyp %erelya' Bishop Danylak has a License in Sacred
%heolo"y, and Doctorates in both 0anon and 0i)il Law #rom the 6onti#ical 7ni)ersity in 2ome'
The "bo*e testionies were t"ken !ro0 A(thorit"ti*e Testioni"%s1 www1b"rdstown1coGRbrchr'sGinde:1ht%
Fr. =(aint? 3io da 3ietrelina0 The !"ed )t"%i"n ,"$(chin stig"tist w"s "n "*id s($$orter o! M"ri" &"%tort" "nd her
works0 inc%(ding The Poem of the Man-God1 Pio is ;(oted te%%ing " c%ose de*otee o! his when she "sked i! he "d*ised her to
re"d the work0 <I don9t advise you to K I order you toLI The ;(ote is t"ken !ro " %etter d"ted +"n("r' 60 2848 to Ei%o
Pi"nni0 the "(thor o! Padre Pio and Maria Valtorta @$"ge F4A1 Pio h"d " $"ssion !or this work bec"(se he knew the work
w"s des$er"te%' needed in the ,h(rch1
TH) D$T)D 3$%$55)5 H$%M4"8 4F TH) G4(3)5( and the
34)M 4F TH) M$"DG4D
The Gospel )pisode number wi%% t"ke 'o( to the "$$ro$ri"te section in this Harmony of the Gospels or The est of the Gospel !tory"
.se the &olume' page or hapter numbers to go direct%' to The Poem"
Te0ts that are not asribed a Gospel )pisode number re$resent "teri"% th"t is (n#d"t"b%e1 A te:t co(%d be (n#d"t"b%e bec"(se it is
not historic"% n"rr"ti*e or si$%' bec"(se the te:t w"s not !o(nd in The Poem" $ parenthesis around =The Poem loation? e"ns
in!or"tion here s(bst"nti"tes the Gos$e% n"rr"ti*e b(t is not itse%! the Gos$e% e*ent1 $ parenthesis around =text loations? re!ers to
%oc"tion in the RS&1 :ra/ets around FThe Poem loationG e"ns the Gos$e% te:t is " *er' gener"% st"teent re%"ting to ore th"n one
ch"$ter o! The Poem1 The symbol MN e"ns the te:t is not !o(nd in The Poem"
TH) G4(3)5 4F
E$isode S : Te:t: The Poe:
Mt 2:2#26 TU
81 Mt 2:24#28 )025C
2>1 Mt 2:5>#57" TU
221 Mt 2:57b#53 @)025FA
261 Mt 5:2#25 )02F6
241 Mt 5:2C#23 L)0ch C3#CFM
281 Mt 5:2F#24 L@)0ch 6C#63AM
5>1 Mt 5:28#5C @)0282A
541 Mt C:2#C @)0575A
581 Mt C:7#F @)0575A
C>1 Mt C:6#2> @)0575A
C51 Mt C:22025 @)0575A
C31 Mt C:2C#26 L)0ch 77#73M
C61 Mt 7:2 @)0576A
C41 Mt 7:5" @)0576A
7>1 Mt 7:5b#22 )0578
751 Mt 7:25#2F )053F
321 Mt 7:26 @)0543A
731 Mt 7:24#55 )05F4
F>1 Mt 7:5C#53 )0CC5
641 Mt 3:205 ))0253
4>1 Mt 3:C#25 ))02C3
681 Mt 3:2C#2F ))0258
421 Mt 3:26#5> ))0275
441 Mt 3:52#57 ))027F
481 Mt 3:53#5F ))027F
2>C1 Mt 3:56#C5 ))0267
8>1 Mt 3:CC#C6 ))0274
4F1 Mt 3:C4 ))027F
47"1G27C1 Mt 3:C807> ))0277
Mt 3:72 TU
47b1 Mt 3:75 ))0277
4C1 Mt 3:7C ))0277
461 Mt 3:77#74 ))0273
8F1 Mt F:2#7 ))0238
821 Mt F:3#4 ))0232
2521 Mt F:8#2C ))0C5F
861 Mt F:27023 ))02F2
871 Mt F:2F#24 ))023C
831 Mt F:28#52 ))0236
2>>1 Mt F:5505C ))026>
881 Mt F:57 ))026>
841 Mt F:53#C7 ))02F5
2>71 Mt 6:2#F ))0268
8C1 Mt 6:6#22 ))0235
431 Mt 6:25 ))0273
2441 Mt 6:2C027 )))032C
451 Mt 6:23#5> ))027C
2>6"1 Mt 6:52#5C054058 ))0246
2>31 Mt 6:57#56 ))024>
2>6b1 Mt 6:54#58 ))0246
2>F1 Mt 4:2#7 ))0242
2>41 Mt 4:3#2C ))0248
341 Mt 4:27#26 L)0 ch F>0F2M
2>81 Mt 4:24#55 ))0282
22F1 Mt 4:5C#56 ))05C>
2261 Mt 4:54#8:2" ))05CF
F51 Mt 8:2b#4 )0CC8
F71 Mt 8:8#2C )0322
631 Mt 8:27#26 ))06>
2541 Mt 8:24#5F ))0747
2581 Mt 8:56#C7 ))078F
2C51 Mt 8:C3 ))0326
2C71 Mt 8:CF#C4 ))0324
6F1 Mt 2>:2#7 ))08C
2751 Mt 2>:3#75 ))0F85
2771 Mt 22:2 ))06>>
2731 Mt 22:5#56 ))06>5
2761 Mt 22:54#C> ))0624
25F1 Mt 25:2#4 ))0724
27>1 Mt 25:8#27 ))0F64
2721 Mt 25:23#52 TU
2741 Mt 25:55#3> ))065>
22>1 Mt 2C:2#8 ))0283
2221 Mt 2C:2>#5C ))05>>
22C1 Mt 2C:57#C> ))0522
2231 Mt 2C:C20C5 ))0553
2F612 Mt 2C:CC#C3 )))0563
2271 Mt 2C:CF#7C ))0525
2C31 Mt 2C:77 ))035>
2CF1 Mt 2C:73#3C ))03C2
2C41 Mt 2C:37#34 ))036F
2781 Mt 27:205 @)))0C8FA
C81 Mt 27:C#3 @)0537 A
2251 Mt 27:C#3 L@))0ch 24>0242AM
27F1 Mt 27:F#25" @))0658A
23>1 Mt 27:25b02C ))0ch5F8056>
2321 Mt 27:27#52 ))067C
2351 Mt 27:55#5C ))0676
23C1 Mt 27:57#C7 ))0674
2371 Mt 27:C30CF
L@))0ch 567#56FAM
2F71 Mt 23:2#22 )))027C
2F31 Mt 23:25#5> )))027F
2FF1 Mt 23:52 L)))0ch C230C2FM
2F81 Mt 23:55#54 )))0586
2641 Mt 23:58" )))0C87
268"1 Mt 23:58b )))07>3
2471 Mt 23:C>#C8 )))07CC
2631 Mt 2F:2#7 )))0CF3
26F1 Mt 2F:3#5> )))0CF8
2661 Mt 2F:52#54 )))0C43
268b1 Mt 26:2#26 @24A )))07>3
24>1 Mt 26:24#5> )))0723
2421 Mt 26:52055 @)))0723A
2451 Mt 26:5C#5F )))0726
24C1 Mt 24:2#2> )))0756
2871 Mt 24:22 )&023
2C>1 Mt 24:25#27 ))0788
23F1 Mt 24:23#26 )))028
2361 Mt 24:24#C3 )))052
5281 Mt 28:205 L)&0ch 3C4#373M
2461 Mt 28:C#25 )))07F3
5>81 Mt 28:2C#23 )&0747
5C>1 Mt 28:2F#C> &0544
2F41 Mt 5>:2#2F )))0546
5C21 Mt 5>:26#28 &0585
5C51 Mt 5>:5>#54 &058F
5CC1 Mt 5>:58#C7 &0C2C
5CF1 Mt 52:2#F &0C82#C85
5C41 Mt 52:6#26 &0C86
5C81 Mt 52:24#28" &0728
57C1 Mt 52:28b#55 &0754
5751 Mt 52:5C#56 &0752
2821 Mt 52:54#C5 )))0663
5721 Mt 52:CC#7F &0728
2531 Mt 55:2#27 ))0C32
5771 Mt 55:23#55 &07C>
5731 Mt 55:5C#CC &07C2
57F1 Mt 55:C7#7F &07C6
5741 Mt 5C:2#C8 &0773
5781 Mt 57:205 &0578
53>1 Mt 57:C#32 &07FC
2571 Mt 53:2#2C ))0C77
2F>1 Mt 53:27#C> )))0C6
5321 Mt 53:C2#7F &07F6
5351 Mt 5F:205 @&07F8A
53F1 Mt 5F:C#3 &074F
5C71 Mt 5F:F#2C &0CFC
5C31 Mt 5F:27#2F L&0ch 343034FM
53C1 Mt 5F:26#28 &076F
5361 Mt 5F:5> &0787
5F21 Mt 5F:52055 &03>3
5FC1 Mt 5F:5C057 &03>F
5F51 Mt 5F:53 &03>F
5F>1 Mt 5F:5F#58 &03>7
5621 Mt 5F:C> &0326
5341 Mt 5F:C2#C3 &0784
5651 Mt 5F:CF#77 &03C>
5671 Mt 5F:7307F &03C6
5631 Mt 5F:76#78 &03C6
56F1 Mt 5F:3>" &03C4
5421 Mt 5F:3>b032 &03C4
5451 Mt 5F:35#37 &03C4
54>1 Mt 5F:3303F" &03C4
5431 Mt 5F:3Fb &03C8
54F1 Mt 5F:36" &0373
5481 Mt 5F:36b034 &0332
58>1 Mt 5F:38#F4 &033C
5821 Mt 5F:F806> @&0337A
5851 Mt 5F:62065 @&0337A
5871 Mt 5F:6C#63 &0337
5831 Mt 56:2 &0333
58F"1 Mt 56:5 &0333
5861 Mt 56:C#3" &036C
C521 Mt 56:3b &0F>3
C381 Mt 56:F#2> @&0464 A
58Fb1 Mt 56:22#27 &0334
C>>1 Mt 56:23#24 &03FC
C>31 Mt 56:28 &03F6
C>21 Mt 56:5>#5C &03FC
C>61 Mt 56:57#53 &03F4
C>51 Mt 56:5F" &03FC
C>81 Mt 56:5Fb &03F4
C>C1 Mt 56:56#C> &03F3
C2>1 Mt 56:C2 TU
C2C1 Mt 56:C5 &0F>5
C271 Mt 56:CC &0F>C
C241" Mt 56:C7 &0F>F
C281 Mt 56:C30CF &0F2>
C24b1 Mt 56:C6#C4 &0F>C
C5>1 Mt 56:C8#77 &0F22
C2F1 Mt 56:73 &0F2>
C5F1 Mt 56:7F076 &0F24
C541 Mt 56:74078 &0F28
CC21 Mt 56:3> &0F52
CC51 Mt 56:32#3C &0F520F57
CC31 Mt 56:37#3F &0F53
CC71 Mt 56:36034 &0F57
CC61 Mt 56:380F>" &0F54
CC81 Mt 56:F>b &0FC4
CC41 Mt 56:F2 &0FC>
C7>1 Mt 56:F5#FF &0F72
C7C1 Mt 54:2 &06>7
C771 Mt 54:5#7 &0F84
C7F1 Mt 54:3#2> &06>F
C761 Mt 54:22#23 @&0654A
C331 Mt 54:2F026 &0458
C341 Mt 54:24#5> &0465
TH) G4(3)5 4F
(T. M$%O
541 Mk 2:2#7 @)0575A
581 Mk 2:30F @)0575A
C51 Mk 2:604 @)0575A
C31 Mk 2:8#22 L)0ch 77#73M
C61 Mk 2:25 @)0576A
C41 Mk 2:2C" @)0576A
7>1 Mk 2:2Cb )0578
C81 Mk 2:27" @)0537A
321 Mk 2:27b023 @)0543A
731 Mk 2:2F#5> )05F4
361 Mk 2:52#54 )0C24
341 Mk 2:58#C7 L)0ch F>0F2M
381 Mk 2:C3#C4 )0C58
F>1 Mk 2:C8 )0CC5
F21 Mk 2:7>#73 )0CC3
F51 Mk 5:2#25 )0CC8
FC1 Mk 5:2C )0,h1F3
F71 Mk 5:27#26 )0322
631 Mk 5:24#55 ))06>
25F1 Mk 5:5C#54 ))0724
27>1 Mk C:2#F ))0F64
2721 Mk C:6#25 TU
6F1 Mk C:2C#28 ))08C
2741 Mk C:5>#C3 ))065>
22>1 Mk 7:2#8 ))0283
2221 Mk 7:2>#5> ))05>>
68"1 Mk 7:52 ))0258
275b1 Mk 7:55 ))0F85
Mk 7:5C057
2381 Mk 7:53 )))0CF
2231 Mk 7:5F#C7" ))0553
22F1 Mk 7:C7b#7> ))05C>
2261 Mk 3:2#5> ))05CF
2541 Mk 3:52#7C ))0747
2C41 Mk F:2#F" ))036F
2C81 Mk F:Fb L))0ch 57F0576M
275"1 Mk F:6#22 ))0F85
2771 Mk F:2502C ))06>>
2781 Mk F:27#2F @)))0C8FA
2251 Mk F:26#5>
L@))0ch 24>0242AM
27F1 Mk F:52#58 @ ))0658A
23>1 Mk F:C>#C5))0ch 5F8056>
2321 Mk F:CC#77 ))067C
2351 Mk F:7307F ))0676
23C1 Mk F:76#3C ))0674
2371 Mk F:37#3F
L@))0ch 567#56FAM
2F71 Mk 6:2#2F )))027C
2F31 Mk 6:26#5C )))027F
2F81 M k 6:57#C> )))0586
2621 Mk 6:C2 )))0C>50C22
2671 Mk 6:C5#C6 )))0C34
2471 Mk 4:2#2> )))07CC
2631 Mk 4:22025 )))0CF3
26F" Mk 4:2C#52 )))0CF8
2641 Mk 4:55#5F )))0C87
26Fb1 Mk 4:56#C> )))0C62
2661 Mk 4:C2#C8@8:2A )))0C43
2681 Mk 8:2#5F@5#56A )))07>3
24>1 Mk 8:56#54 )))0723
2421 Mk 8:58#C2 @)))0723A
2451 Mk 8:C5"@CC"A )))0726
24C1 Mk 8:C5b#76 )))0756
68b1 Mk 8:74078"b ))0258
5281 Mk 2>:2 L)&0ch 3C4#373M
2461 Mk 2>:5#25 )))07F3
5>81 Mk 2>:2C#2F )&0747
5C>1 Mk 2>:26#C2 &0544
5C21 Mk 2>:C5#C7 &0585
5C51 Mk 2>:C3#73 &058F
5CC1 Mk 2>:7F#35 &0C2C
5CF1 Mk 22:2#F &0C82#C85
5C4"1 Mk 22:6#22" &0C86
5C4c1 Mk 22:22b &07>C
5C81 Mk 22:25#27 &0728
5C4b Mk 22:23#28 &07>5
57C1 Mk 22:5>#53 &0754
861 Mk 22:5F ))02F2
5751 Mk 22:56#CC &0752
5721 Mk 25:2#25 &0728
5771 Mk 25:2C#26 &07C>
5731 Mk 25:24#56 &07C2
57F1 Mk 25:54#C6 &07C6
5741 Mk 25:C4#7> &077F
5761 Mk 25:72#77 &077>
5781 Mk 2C:205 &0578
53>1 Mk 2C:C#C6 &07FC
5351 Mk 27:205 @ &07F8A
5C71 Mk 27:C#8 &0CFC
5C31 Mk 27:2>022
L&0ch 343034FM
53C Mk 27:25#2F &076F
5361 Mk 27:26 &0787
5F21 Mk 27:24028 &03>3
5FC1 Mk 27:5>052 &03>F
5F>1 Mk 27:55#53 &03>7
5621 Mk 27:5F &0326
5341 Mk 27:56#C2 &0784
5651 Mk 27:C5#7> &03C>
5671 Mk 27:72075 &03C6
5631 Mk 27:7C#73 &03C6
5421 Mk 27:7F076 &03C4
54>1 Mk 27:74078 &03C4
5431 Mk 27:3>#35 &03C8
54F1 Mk 27:3C" &0373
5481 Mk 27:3Cb037 &0332
58>1 Mk 27:33#F3 &033C
5821 Mk 27:FF#F4 @&0337A
5851 Mk 27:F806>" @&0337A
5871 Mk 27:6>b#65 &0337
5831 Mk 23:2" &0333
58F1 Mk 23:2b#3 &0333
C>>1 Mk 23:F#2> &03FC
C>21 Mk 23:22#27 &03FC
C>51 Mk 23:23"b &03FC
C>81 Mk 23:23c &03F4
C>C1 Mk 23:2F#28 &03F3
C2>1 Mk 23:5> TU
C2C1 Mk 23:52 &0F>5
C271 Mk 23:55 &0F>C
C241 Mk 23:5C &0F2>
C281 Mk 23:57 &0F2>
C24b1 Mk 23:53#54 &0F>C
C5>1 Mk 23:58#C5 &0F22
C2F1 Mk 23:CC &0F2>
C5F1 Mk 23:C70C3 &0F24
C541 Mk 23:CF &0F28
C581 Mk 23:C6" &0F5>
CC21 Mk 23:C6b &0F52
CC51 Mk 23:C4 &0F520F57
CC31 Mk 23:C8#72 &0F53
CC71 Mk 23:75#73 &0F57
CC61 Mk 23:7F"0b &0F54
CC81 Mk 23:7Fc &0FC4
CC41 Mk 23:76 &0FC>
C7C" Mk 2F:2" &06>7
C721 Mk 2F:2b0c &0FF>
C7Cb1 Mk 2F:50C &06>7
C7F1 Mk 2F:7#22 &06>F
C741 Mk 2F:2502C &0656
C781 Mk 2F:27 &06C6
C3F1 Mk 2F:23 &0437
Mk 2F:2F TU
C3515 Mk 2F:26#24 &0647
C341 Mk 2F:2805> &0465

TH) G4(3)5 4F
(T. 5>O)
Lk 2:2#7 TU
21 Lk 2:3#5C @)052A
51 Lk 2:57#53 @)088A
C1 Lk 2:5F#C4 )04>
71 Lk 2:C8#33 L)0ch 28#52M
41 Lk 2:3F )0228
31 Lk 2:36034 )022>
F1 Lk 2:38#68 )02F
61 Lk 2:4>" TU
5F1 Lk 2:4>b TU
251 Lk 5:2#C )0258
2C1 Lk 5:703 )02C7
271 Lk 5:F#5> L)0ch 580C>M
231 Lk 5:52 )0233
2F1 Lk 5:55#C8 )02F2
521 Lk 5:7>#72 L)0ch C6#C8M
551 Lk 5:75 )05>4
5C1 Lk 5:7C#77 @)055>A
571 Lk 5:73 @)055>A
531 Lk 5:7F#35 )0525
V @)055>A
561 Lk C:205 @)0575A
541 Lk C:C#F @)0575A
C>1 Lk C:6#8 @)0575A
C21 Lk C:2>#27 @)0575A
C51 Lk C:23#24 @)0575A
C81 Lk C:2805> @)0537A
C31 Lk C:52#5C" L)0ch 77#73M
Lk C:5Cb#C4 TU
C61 Lk 7:2 @)0576A
C41 Lk 7:5" @)0576A
7>1 Lk 7:5b#2C )0578
781 Lk 7:27023 @)0568A
F31 Lk 7:2F" )0338
FF1 Lk 7:2Fb#C> )03F7
3F1 Lk 7:C20C5 L)0ch 38#F3M
361 Lk 7:CC#C6 )0C24
341 Lk 7:C4#72 L)0ch F>0F2M
381 Lk 7:7507C )0C58
F>1 Lk 7:77 )0CC5
FC1 Lk 3:2#22 L)0ch F70F3M
F21 Lk 3:25#2F )0CC3
F51 Lk 3:26#5F )0CC8
F71 Lk 3:56#C5 )0322
631 Lk 3:CC#C8 ))06>
25F1 Lk F:2#3 ))0724
27>1 Lk F:F#22 ))0F64
6F1 Lk F:25#2F ))08C
661 Lk F:26#28 ))088
4>"1 Lk F:5>#5C ))02C3
2>21 Lk F:57 ))0267
2>51 Lk F:53 ))0267
4>b1 Lk F:5F ))02C3
46"1 Lk F:56054 ))0273
471 Lk F:580C> ))0277
431 Lk F:C2 ))0273
46b1 Lk F:C5#CF ))0273
2>71 Lk F:C6#75 ))0268
451 Lk F:7C077 ))027C
851 Lk F:73 ))023>
2>4b1 Lk F:7F ))0248
2>31 Lk F:76#78 ))024>
2>61 Lk 6:2" ))0246
2>4"11 Lk 6:2b#2> ))0248
2241 Lk 6:22#24 ))0535
273"1 Lk 6:28#C3 ))06>5
2C21 Lk 6:CF#3> ))032>
2CC1 Lk 4:2#C L))0ch 5CF#5F7M
22>1 Lk 4:7#4 ))0283
2221 Lk 4:8#23 ))05>>
68"1 Lk 4:2F ))0258
275b1 Lk 4:26 ))0F85
238b1 Lk 4:24 )))0CF
274c1 Lk 4:28#52 ))0656
22F1 Lk 4:55#53 ))05C>
2261 Lk 4:5F#C8 ))05CF
2541 Lk 4:7>#3F ))0747
275"1 Lk 8:2#3 ))0F85
277"1 Lk 8:F ))06>>
277b1 Lk 8:2>" ))06>>
2781 Lk 8:6#8 @)))0C8FA
23>1 Lk 8:2>b L))0ch 5F8056>M
2321 Lk 8:22#26 ))067C
26F1 Lk 8:24#52 )))0C62
2661 Lk 8:55#56 )))0C43
2681 Lk 8:54#73 )))07>3
24C"1 Lk 8:7F#3> )))0756
5581 Lk 8:32#3F &0562
2>81 Lk 8:36#F5 ))0282
236b1 Lk 2>:2#25 )))05C
273b1 Lk2>:2C#23 ))06>6
236"1 Lk 2>:2F )))052
2341 Lk 2>:26#5> )))05F
273c1 Lk 2>:52#57 ))06>4
2F21 Lk 2>:53#C6 )))0C4
2481 Lk 2>:C4#75 )))0F5>
2521 Lk 22:2#7 ))0C5F
2551 Lk 22:3#2C ))0C54
274"1 Lk 22:27#5F ))065>
2FC1 Lk 22:56054 )))068
274b1 Lk 22:58#C5 ))0653
28C"1 Lk 22:CC )))042>
2>>1 Lk 22:C7#CF ))026>
28Cb1 Lk 22:C6#37 )))0422
28F1 Lk 25:2#25
L)&0ch 726#728M 2331 Lk
25:2C#3C )))06
Lk 25:37#36 TU
481 Lk 25:34038 ))027F
2F51 Lk 2C:2#3 )))07C
26C1 Lk 2C:F#8 )))0C7C
2651 Lk 2C:2>#26 )))0CC4
2231 Lk 2C:24028 ))0553
2F612 Lk 2C:5>#52 )))0563
2F615 Lk 2C:55 L)))0ch C56#
2441 Lk 2C:5C#C3 )))032C
26>1 Lk 27:2#57 )))0C54
238"1 Lk 27:53#CC )))0C7
68b1 Lk 27:C70C3 ))0258
2C>1 Lk 23:2#6 ))0788
2C61 Lk 23:4#2> ))0372
25C1 Lk 23:22#C5 ))0CC4
28>1 Lk 2F:2#24 )))0FC8
2281 Lk 2F:28#C2 ))05F2
24Cb1 Lk 26:205 )))07C>
23F1 Lk 26:C )))028
236c1 Lk 26:7 )))052
2851 Lk 26:30F )))0645
2861 Lk 26:6#2> )&03>
2841 Lk 26:22 L)&0ch 753#745M
5>21 Lk 26:25#28 )&0772
5>71 Lk 26:5>052 )&073F
5>F1 Lk 26:55#53 )&07F2
Lk 26:5F#C6 TU
5251 Lk 24:2#4 )&03F5
5261 Lk 24:8#27 )&0F43
5>81 Lk 24:23#26 )&0747
5C>1 Lk 24:24#C> &0544
5C21 Lk 24:C2#C7 &0585
5CC1 Lk 24:C3#7C &0C2C
2871 Lk 28:2#2> )&02C
2F>1 Lk 28:22#56 )))0C6
5CF1 Lk 28:54#C7 &0C82#C85
5C4"1 Lk 28:C3#7> &0 C86
5C61 Lk 28:72#77 &0C87
37G5C4b1Lk 28:7307F
57>1 Lk 28:76074
L&0ch 38>#387038F"M
5751 Lk 5>:2#4 &0752
5721 Lk 5>:8#28 &0728
5771 Lk 5>:5>#5F &07C>
5731 Lk 5>:56#7> &07C2
57F1 Lk 5>:72#77 &07C4
5741 Lk 5>:73#76 &077F
5761 Lk 52:2#7 &077>
5781 Lk 52:30F &0578
53>1 Lk 52:6#C4 &07FC
5C31 Lk 55:2#5 L&0ch343034FM
53F1 Lk 55:C#F &074F
53C1 Lk 55:6#2C &076F
5361 Lk 55:27#24 &0787
5F>1 Lk 55:2805> &03>7
5F2"1 Lk 55:52 &03>3
5FC1 Lk 55:55 &03>F
5F2bG5F61 Lk 55:5C &03>3
V &0327
5341 Lk 55:57#C4 &0784
5621 Lk 55:C8 &0326
5651 Lk 55:7>#75 &03C>
56C1 Lk 55:7C077 &03C3
5671 Lk 55:7307F &03C6
5631 Lk 55:76 &03C6
5661 Lk 55:74 &03C4
5681 Lk 55:78 TU
5421 Lk 55:3> &03C4
5451 Lk 55:32" &03C4
54C1 Lk 55:32b &03C4
54>1 Lk 55:3503C &03C4
54F1 Lk 55:37" &0373
5481 Lk 55:37b &0332
5821 Lk 55:33#36 @&0337A
5851 Lk 55:34 @&0337A
5871 Lk 55:38#F5 &0337
5441 Lk 55:FC#F3 &0332
58C1 Lk 55:FF &0337
5831 Lk 55:F6#62 &0333
58F1 Lk 5C:2#6 &0333
5841 Lk 5C:4#25 &03F2
5881 Lk 5C:2C#2F &03FC
C>21 Lk 5C:26#55 &03FC
C>71 Lk 5C:5C &03FF
C>F1 Lk 5C:57053 &03F6
C2C1 Lk 5C:5F &0F>5
C251 Lk 5C:56#C5 &0386
C241 Lk 5C:CC &0F>C
C5C1 Lk 5C:C7" &0F27
C281 Lk 5C:C7b &0F2>
C5>1 Lk 5C:C3#C4 &0F22
C551 Lk 5C:C8#72 &0F25
C571 Lk 5C:7507C &0F27
C2F1 Lk 5C:77 &0F2>
C561 Lk 5C:73" &0F28
CC51 Lk 5C:73b &0F520F57
C581 Lk 5C:7F" &0F5>
CC>1 Lk 5C:7Fb &0F5>
CC21 Lk 5C:7Fc &0F52
CC31 Lk 5C:76#78 &0F53
CC71 Lk 5C:3>#35 &0F57
CC61 Lk 5C:3C037 &0F54
CC41 Lk 5C:33 &0FC>
C7>1 Lk 5C:3F" &0F72
C721 Lk 5C:3Fb &0FF>
C751 Lk 5C:3Fc &0F65
C7C1 Lk 57:2 &06>7
C7F1 Lk 57:5#25 &06>F
C741 Lk 57:2C#C3 &0656
C781 Lk 57:CF#78 &06C6
C341 Lk 57:3>#3C &0465
TH) G4(3)5 4F
(T. .4H"
CC1 +n 2:2#27 TU
C71 +n 2:23#54 @)0575A
CF1 +n 2:58#C7 )0575
721 +n 2:C3#C8 )053C
7C1 +n 2:7>#75" )053F
771 +n 2:75b )05F>
7F1 +n 2:7C#32 )0565
761 +n 5:2#5 )056F
741 +n 5:C#22 )0568
3>1 +n 5:25 @)0543A
351 +n 5:2C" @)0543A
3C1 +n 5:2Cb @)0543A
371 +n 5:27#2F )0546
331 +n 5:26#53 )0544
F61 +n C:2#52 )0F26
F41 +n C:55" )0F5F
F81 +n C:55b#57 )0FC>
6>1 +n C:53#CF )0F48
621 +n 7:2#75 L))0ch 275#27FM
651 +n 7:7C" ))053
6C1 +n 7:7Cb077 ))0C2
671 +n 7:73#37 ))0CF
25>1 +n 3:2 ))0564
2561 +n 3:5#76 ))07F4
23>1 +n F:205 L))0ch 5F8056>M
2471 +n F:C07 )))07CC
2321 +n F:3#2F ))067C
2351 +n F:26 ))0676
23C1 +n F:24#52 ))0674
2431 +n F:55#53 )))07CF
24F1 +n F:5F#65 )))077>
2831 +n 6:2 L)&0ch 72F#763M
2881 +n 6:5#8 )&0727
5>>1 +n 6:2> )&075C
5>51 +n 6:22#2C )&0778
5>C1 +n 6:27 )&0737
5>31 +n 6:23#57 )&0738
5>61 +n 6:53#C> )&07F5
5>41 +n 6:C2#CF )&076>
52>1 +n 6:C6#4:2 )&0748
5221 +n 4:5#22 )&03>5
52C1 +n 4:25#5> )&03F7
5271 +n 4:52#38 )&0362
5231 +n 8:2#C7 )&038C
52F1 +n 8:C3#2>:52 )&0F78
5241 +n 2>:55#C8 )&0684
5281 +n 2>:7>#75
L)&0ch 3C4#373M
55>1 +n 22:205 &03
5521 +n 22:C07 &058
5551 +n 22:30F @ &076A
55C1 +n 22:6#2F &077
5571 +n 22:26#7F &078
5531 +n 22:76#3C &06F
55F1 +n 22:37"0b &084
5561 +n 22:37c L&0ch 33>#3FFM
5541 +n 22:33#3F@36A
L&0ch 3F4#342M
5C71 +n 25:2#22 &0CFC
5C41 +n 25:25#28 &0C86
5371 +n 25:5>#7C &0745
5331 +n 25:77#3> &0743
5381 +n 2C:2#5> &03>>
5F21 +n 2C:52055 &03>3
5FC1 +n 2C:5C#C> &03>F
5F71 +n 2C:C2#C4 &03>6
5F31 +n 27:2#C2 &035>
5FF1 +n 23:2#2F &032C
5F41 +n 23:26#56 &0323
5F81 +n 2F:2#CC &0323
56>1 +n 26:2#5F @ &0326A
5621 +n 24:2 &0326V355
5631 +n 24:50C &03C6
5641 +n 24:7#F &03C4
54>1 +n 24:6#8 &03C4
5421 +n 24:2> &03C4
5451 +n 24:22 &03C4
5471 +n 24:25 &03C8
54F1 +n 24:2C#2F &0373
5821 +n 24:26024 @&0337A
5461 +n 24:28#5C &0374
5481 +n 24:57 &0332
5851 +n 24:53 @&0337A
5871 +n 24:5F#56 &0337
58F1 +n 24:54#C4 &0333
C>>1 +n 24:C8 &03FC
C>21 +n 24:7> &03FC
C>51 +n 28:2 &03FC
C>C1 +n 28:50C &03F3
C>71 +n 28:7#8 &03FF
C>F1 +n 28:2>#23 &03F6
C>81 +n 28:2F &03F4
C221 +n 28:26 &038C
C241 +n 28:24 &0F>C
C>41 +n 28:28 &03F4
C231 +n 28:5>#55 @&03F4A
C281 +n 28:5C057 &0F2>
C261 +n 28:53 &0F2>
C531 +n 28:5F056 &0F2F
C561 +n 28:54 &0F28
C541 +n 28:58#C>" &0F28
C581 +n 28:C>b &0F5>
CC21 +n 28:C>c &0F52
CCF1 +n 28:C2#CC &0F5F
CCC1 +n 28:C7#C6 &0F55
CC71 +n 28:C4 &0F57
C751 +n 28:C8 &0F65
CC6 +n 28:7>#75 &0F54
C7C1 +n 5>:2" &06>7
C731 +n 5>:2b#C" &06>F
C761 +n 5>:Cb#24 &06>F
C781 +n 5>:2805> &06C6
C3>1 +n 5>:52#57 &0676
C321 +n 5>:53 &0678
C351 +n 5>:5F#58 &0633
C3C1 +n 5>:C>0C2 &0685
C371 +n 52:2#5C &045C
+n 52:57053 TU
TH) $CT( 4F TH) $34(T5)(
C361 Ac 2:7#4 &04F8
C341 Ac 2:8#25 &0465
CF>1 Ac 2:2C#5F &0464
CF21 Ac 5:2#C &0445
CF51 Ac 5:7#76 &044F
CFC1 Ac C:2#7:C6 TU
CF71 Ac 3:2#2F TU
CF31 Ac 3:26#F:6 TU
CFF1 Ac F:4#23 @&08>3A
CF61 Ac 6:2#3C @&08>3A
CF41 Ac 6:37#4:C
O)8 T4
TH) D$T)D 3$%$55)5 H$%M4"8 4F TH)
and The 3oem o! the ManDGod
TUF61 Q Te%%s where 'o( wi%% !ind the iedi"te%' $receding
"nd iedi"te%' !o%%owing conte:t o! .ohn *:,;D,B1 v. ,C
wi%% be !o(nd iedi"te%' "bo*e @in Gos$e% E$isode 2@.?
whi%e v.,A wi%% be !o(nd %"ter in Gos$e% E$isode C;.
The "rrows @A "%w"'s indic"tes th"t the te:t in the Gospels is
in $er!ect chrono%ogic"% order1
F61 @the (nder%ined SA )ndic"tes there h"s now been "n
interr($tion in +ohnHs chrono%ogic"% "teri"% b' one or ore o!
the other Gos$e% writers1 @Gos$e% E$isodes 3F1 W FF1 interr($t
+ohnHs te:t1A
.Italici/ed te0ts "re ;(otes !ro the O%d Test"ent1
Y.nder%ined te:t in $"r"%%e% $"ss"ges ;(ick%' %oc"tes the s"e
tho(ght in the "dK"cent te:t@sA1
P Te:t("% note1 ()) $33)"DIJ !or signi!iane1
22. L Mch0 AD0 C2 The .e#s $s/ !or a (ign 3CG$1554
+N 5 TUF61
26 And His disci$%es reebered0 th"t it w"s written:
The /eal of thy ho&se has eaten me &p" ZPs"1 F4:2> @F8:8[
24 The +ews0 there!ore0 "nswered "nd s"id to hi: 9h"t
sign do Yo( show (nto (s0 seeing Yo( do these thingsB
22. P The 33
Gos$e% E$isode "ccording to "ct("%
chrono%ogic"% se;(ence1
E Mch Q E"r%' M"rch M Mch Q Mid M"rch L Mch Q L"te M"rch
AD C2 Q The C2
'e"r "!ter o(r LordHs /irth1
3CG$1554 Q ,h"$ter 3C0 $"ge 554 in the Poem which
e:$"nds ($on the Gos$e% te:t o! +ohn 5:26#241
=3CG$1554? wo(%d h"*e indic"ted ,h"$ter 3C o! the Poem
on%' s(bst"nti"tes the Gos$e% "cco(nt witho(t "n' det"i%1

EJTRA,T 34)M &OL 5 ,oent on +ohn 7: 5>
!t" Photina 1oman Martyrolo'y for March 2345 6 %ord, o&r ancestors ha+e )orshipped on this mo&ntain" 7o& say that one
m&st )orship only in #er&salem" 8&t 7o& said that there is only 9ne God" Help me to see )hat I m&st do and )here: ;
+ES.S: \ 9o"n0 be%ie*e Me1 /e!ore %ong the F"ther wi%% be worshi$$ed neither on the o(nt"in in S""ri" nor in
+er(s"%e1 Yo( worshi$ Hi 9ho 'o( do not know1 9e worshi$ Hi 9ho we know0 bec"(se s"%*"tion coes !ro the
+(d"e"ns1 ) reind 'o( o! the Pro$hets1 /(t the tie wi%% coe0 n"'0 it h"s "%re"d' "rri*ed0 when the tr(e worshi$$ers wi%%
worshi$ the F"ther in s$irit "nd tr(th0 no %onger "ccording to the "ncient rite0 b(t to the new one0 where there wi%% be no
s"cri!ice o! "ni"%s cons(ed b' !ire1 There wi%% be the etern"% s"cri!ice o! the )"c(%"te &icti cons(ed b' the Fire o!
,h"rit'1 )t wi%% be " s$irit("% c(%t in " s$irit("% -ingdo1 And it wi%% be (nderstood b' those who "re "b%e to worshi$ in
s$irit "nd tr(th1 God is S$irit1 Those who worshi$ Hi (st do so s$irit("%%'1 ]
\ Yo( s$e"k ho%' words1 ) know0 bec"(se we "%so know soething0 th"t the Messi"h is "bo(t to coe: the Messi"h0 He 9ho
is c"%%ed "%so ^,hrist^1 9hen He coes0 He wi%% te"ch (s e*er'thing1 Not !"r !ro here there is "%so one who is s"id to be
His Prec(rsor1 And "n' go "nd %isten to hi1 /(t he is so se*erePX Yo( "re kindX "nd the so(%s o! $oor $eo$%e "re not
"!r"id o! Yo(1 ) think th"t ,hrist wi%% be good1 The' s"' th"t He is the -ing o! Pe"ce1 9i%% it be %ong be!ore He coesB ]
\ ) h"*e to%d 'o( th"t His ho(r h"s "%re"d' coe1 ]
\ How do Yo( knowB Are Yo( $erh"$s one o! His disci$%esB The Prec(rsor h"s "n' disci$%es1 A%so ,hrist wi%% h"*e
the1 ]
\ )0 9ho " s$e"king to 'o(0 " +es(s ,hrist1 ]
\ Yo(PX OhPX ] The wo"n0 who h"d s"t down ne"r +es(s0 st"nds ($ "nd is "bo(t to r(n "w"'1
\ 9o"n0 wh' "re 'o( r(nning "w"'B ]
\ /ec"(se ) " str(ck with terror "t being ne"r Yo(1 Yo( "re ho%'1 ]
\ ) " the S"*io(r1 ) c"e here0 "%tho(gh it w"s not necess"r'0 bec"(se ) knew th"t 'o(r so(% w"s tired o! w"ndering1 Yo(
"re disg(sted with 'o(r !oodX ) h"*e coe to gi*e 'o( " new !ood0 which wi%% reo*e 'o(r n"(se" "nd tirednessX Here
"re M' disci$%es coing b"ck with M' !ood1 /(t ) h"*e "%re"d' been !ed b' gi*ing 'o( the !irst cr(bs o! 'o(r
rede$tion1 ]
The disci$%es g%"nce "t the wo"n o(t o! the corners o! their e'es0 ore or %ess $r(dent%'0 b(t no one s$e"ks1 She goes "w"'
!orgetting "bo(t her "$hor" "nd the w"ter1
\ Here0 M"ster ] s"'s Peter1 \ The $eo$%e h"*e tre"ted (s *er' we%%1 Here is soe cheese0 !resh bre"d0 o%i*es "nd "$$%es1
T"ke wh"t Yo( w"nt1 )t_s " good Kob th"t wo"n %e!t her "$hor"1 9e sh"%% dr"w w"ter with it ;(icker th"n with o(r s"%%
!%"sks1 9e sh"%% h"*e " drink "nd then we sh"%% !i%% the1 And we sh"%% not h"*e to "sk the S""rit"ns !or "n'thing e%se1
Neither sh"%% we h"*e to go ne"r their !o(nt"ins1 Are Yo( not e"tingB ) w"nted to get soe !ish !or Yo(0 b(t there w"s none1
Perh"$s Yo( wo(%d h"*e $re!erred it1 Yo( %ook tired "nd $"%e1 ]
\ ) h"*e " !ood which is (nknown to 'o(1 ) wi%% h"*e soe o! it "nd it wi%% restore Me consider"b%'1 ]
The disci$%es %ook "t one "nother in;(isiti*e%'1
+es(s re$%ies to their si%ent ;(estions: \ M' !ood is to do the wi%% o! Hi 9ho sent Me "nd to "cco$%ish the work which He
w"nts Me to co$%ete1 9hen " sower sows the seed0 c"n he s"' th"t he h"s done e*er'thing "nd th(s st"te th"t he c"n re"$
the h"r*estB Most cert"in%' not1 How (ch ore there is sti%% to be done be!ore he "' s"': ^M' work is "cco$%ished^1
And he c"nnot rest (nti% th"t oent1 Look "t these %itt%e !ie%ds in the bright idd"' s(nshine1 On%' " onth "go0 e*en %ess
th"n " onth "go0 the soi% w"s b"re "nd d"rk bec"(se it w"s wet with r"in1 Look now1 )t %ooks "s i! it were co*ered b' " %ight
whitish *ei%0 bec"(se o! the "n' *er' $"%e#green corn stes0 which h"*e K(st coe ($ "nd %ook e*en %ighter bec"(se o! the
bright s(nshine1 Th"t is the !(t(re cro$ "nd seeing it 'o( s"': ^)t wi%% be h"r*est tie in !o(r onths1 The sowers wi%%
e$%o' re"$ers0 bec"(se i! one "n is ;(ite s(!!icient to sow his !ie%d0 "n' en "re re;(ired to re"$ the h"r*est1 And the'
"re "%% h"$$'1 /oth the "n who sowed " s"%% s"ck o! corn "nd now (st $re$"re his gr"n"ries to store the cro$0 "nd those
who in " !ew d"'s e"rn eno(gh to %i*e on !or " !ew onths^1 $lso in the spiritual !ield those #ho reap #hat I have so#n
#ill reRoie #ith Me and li/e Me' beause I #ill give them the #ages and rops due to them. I #ill give them #hat to
live on in My eternal Oingdom. 8ou have but to reap. I have done the hardest #or/. $nd yet I say to you: SCome.
%eap the harvest in My !ield. ) " g%"d th"t 'o( b(rden 'o(rse%*es with the she"*es o! M' corn1 9hen 'o( h"*e h"r*ested
"%% the corn th"t )0 witho(t e*er tiring0 h"*e sown e*er'where0 then the wi%% o! God wi%% be !(%!i%%ed "nd ) wi%% sit "t the
b"n;(et in the ,e%esti"% +er(s"%e^1 Here the S""rit"ns "re coing with Photin"i1 /e kind to the1 The' "re so(%s coing
to God1 ]

TH) D$T)D 3$%$55)5 H$%M4"8 4F TH) G4(3)5(
TH) 34)M 4F TH) M$"DG4D
MT 2 The Davidi 5inage !rom (olomon to .oseph
Not %oc"ted in The Poem

Abr"h" begot )s""c1 And )s""c begot +"cob1 And +"cob begot
+(d"h "nd his brethren1 C And +(d"h begot PereI "nd Oer"h o!
T""r1 And PereI begot HeIron1 And HeIron begot R"1 7 And
R" begot Ain"d"b1 And Ain"d"b begot N"hsh"n1 And
N"hsh"n begot S"%on1 3 And S"%on begot LC or 7 issing
gener"tions here0 stricken o(t o*er the rebe%%ion o! re!(sing to enter ,"n""nM
/o"I o! R"h"b1 And /o"I begot Obed o! R(th1 And Obed begot
+esse1 F And +esse begot D"*id the king1 And David the king
begot (olomon0 o! her th"t h"d been the )ife o! .ri"h1 6 And
So%oon begot Rehobo"1 And Rehobo" begot AbiK"h1 And
AbiK"h begot As"1 4 And As" begot +ehosh"$h"t1 And +ehosh"$h"t
begot +or"1 And +or" begot LAh"Ii"h @thro(gh the e*i% Ath"%i"h0
d"(ghter o! Ah"bA who begot +o"sh who begot A"Ii"h who begotM .IIi"h
Lor AI"ri"hM1 8 And .IIi"h begot +oth"1 And +oth" begot Ah"I1
And Ah"I begot HeIeki"h1 2> And HeIeki"h begot M"n"sseh1
And M"nesseh begot Aon1 And Aon begot +osi"h1 22 And
+osi"h begot L+ehoi"ki @who w"s "de king o! +(d"h b' "n Eg'$ti"n
Ph"r"ohA who begotM +echoni"h L+ehoi"chinM "nd his brethren in the
de$ort"tion to /"b'%on1
25 And "!ter the de$ort"tion to /"b'%on0 +echoni"h
She"%tie%1 Lthro(gh " d"(ghter who "rried Neri o! the %in"ge o! D"*idH son
N"th"n0 not So%oon8 And She"%tie% begot Oer(bb"be%1 2C And
Oer(bb"be% begot Abi(d1 And Abi(b begot E%i"ki1 And E%i"ki
begot AIor1 27 And AIor begot O"dok1 And O"dok begot Achi1
And Achi begot E%i(d1 23 And E%i(d begot E%e"I"r1 And E%e"I"r
begot M"tth"n1 And M"tth"n begot .aob F.ames' the Greek !orG1
2F And +"cob begot .oseph the h(sb"nd o! M"r'0 o! who w"s
born .esus' #ho is alled Christ1
26 So "%% the gener"tions !ro Abr"h" to D"*id0 "re !o(rteen
gener"tions1 And !ro D"*id to the de$ort"tion to /"b'%on "re
!o(rteen gener"tions

"nd !ro the de$ort"tion to /"b'%on to ,hrist
"re !o(rteen gener"tions1
D.ehoniah: A!ter the c(rse on +echoni"s "nd his %in"ge @+er 55:C>A0 So%oonHs %ine is
re$%"ced with N"th"nHs %ine"ge in S"%"thie% be!ore it s$%its in the two sons o! Oer(bb"be%0
Abi(d @*12CA "nd ReI" @Lk C:56A
L- C The Davidi 5inage !rom "athan to Heli' F.oahim and
MaryG Not %oc"ted in The Poem C31TUC61
5Cb being @"s it w"s s($$osedA the son o! +ose$h0 who Lthro(gh Holy
Mary "nd her !"ther .oahimM w"s o! Heli0 who w"s o! M"tth"t0
57 who w"s o! Le*i0 who w"s o! Me%chi0 who w"s o! +"nn"i0 who
w"s o! +ose$h0 53 who w"s o! M"tt"thi"s0 who w"s o! Aos0 who
w"s o! N"h(0 who w"s o! Es%i0 who w"s o! N"gg"i0 5F who w"s o!
who w"s o! M"tt"thi"s0 who w"s o! Seein0 who w"s o! +osech0 who
w"s o! +od"0 56 who w"s o! +o"n"n0 who w"s o! Rhes"0 who w"s o!
Oer(bb"be%0 who w"s o! She"%tie%0 who w"s o! Neri0 54 who w"s o!
Me%chi0 who w"s o! Addi0 who w"s o! ,os"0 who w"s o! E%"d"0
who w"s o! Er0 58 who w"s o! +osh("0 who w"s o! E%ieIer0 who w"s
o! +ori0 who w"s o! M"tth"t0 who w"s o! Le*i0 C> who w"s o!
Sieon0 who w"s o! +(d"h0 who w"s o! +ose$h0 who w"s o! +on"0
who w"s o! E%i"ki0 C2 who w"s o! Me%e"0 who w"s o! Menn"0
who w"s o! M"tt"th"0 who w"s o! "athan0T who w"s o! David0 C5
who w"s o! +esse0 who w"s o! Obed0 who w"s o! /o"I0 who w"s o!
LC issing gener"tions here0 stricken !or the rebe%%ion "g"inst entering into
,"n""nM S"%on0 who w"s o! N"hshon0 CC who w"s o! Ain"d"b0
who w"s o! Adin0 Lwho w"s o! ArniM0 who w"s o! HeIron0 who w"s o!
PereI0 who w"s o! +(d"h0 C7 who w"s o! +"cob0 who w"s o! )s""c0
who w"s o! $braham0 who w"s o! Ter"h0 who w"s o! N"hor0 C3
who w"s o! Ser(g0 who w"s o! Re(0 who w"s o! Pe%eg0 who w"s o!
Eber0 who w"s o! She%"h0 CF who w"s o! ,"in"n0 who w"s o!
Ar$h":"d0 who w"s o! She0 who w"s o! No"h0 who w"s o!
L"ech0 C6 who w"s o! Meth(se%"h0
who w"s o! Enoch0 who w"s o! +"red0 who w"s o! M"h"%"%ee%0 who
w"s o! ,"in"n0 C4 who w"s o! Enos0 who w"s o! Seth0 who w"s o!
$dam0 who w"s o! God L" <son= o! God0 b(t who %ost the st"t(s !or hise%!
"nd his $rogen' in the !"%%M1
D"athan: Showing both the %eg"% "nd the or"% right to the throne o! D"*id0 L(ke shows
how the c(rse on So%oonHs %ine @+er1 55:C>A does not %e"*e )sr"e% witho(t " king1 He shows
th"t S"%"thie% w"s the son o! Neri !ro "n (nc(rsed %ine o! D"*id @i1e1 tho(gh N"th"n r"ther
th"n So%oonA1 )t is %ike%' th"t Neri "rried " d"(ghter o! +econi"h "nd bore S"%"thie% to
restore the king%' %ine1 No "tter which %ine"ge !ro Oer(bb"be% is the tr(e ro'"% %ine0 +es(s
inherits the both "s son o! M"r' "nd then "s the %eg"% son o! +ose$h1
L- 2 (aint 5u/e9s Introdution to His Gospel #TU21
2 FORASM.,H "s "n' Linc%(ding M"tthew the A$ost%eM h"*e t"ken in h"nd to set !orth in order L!ro M"tthewHs origin"% e:tensi*e written recordsM "
n"rr"tion o! the things th"t h"*e been "cco$%ished "ong (s0 5 e:"ct%' "s these0 who !ro the beginning were e'ewitnesses "nd inisters o! the
9ord0 h"*e de%i*ered the to (s0 C it seeed good to e "%so0 h"*ing !o%%owed "%% things c%ose%' "nd c"re!(%%' !ro the *er' beginning0 to write to
thee in order0D ost e:ce%%ent Theo$hi%(s0 7 th"t 'o( "' know the cert"int' o! those words in which 'o( h"*e been instr(cted Lb' the ,h(rchHs
A$osto%ic o!!iceM1
Din order: M"n' good scho%"rs h"*e "ss(ed this to be chrono%ogic"% order "nd h"*e th(s shown $re!erence to L(keHs order o*er M"rk "nd M"tthew1 The Poem $ro*es this to be "n error re*e"%ing
L(ke to be the ost chronolo'ically disordered" There "re !o(r c%e"r c"ses where M"tthew "nd M"rk "gree on " se;(ence @"nd "%so s($$orted b' The PoemA0 'et the se;(ences "re not !o%%owed b'
L(ke1 There "re F e$isodes o! +es(sH te"chings which were broken ($ b' L(ke to !it his $(r$ose "s re*e"%ed b' The Poem "nd !(rther s(bst"nti"ted b' M"tthewHs "cco(nt1 F(rther0 M"rk co$ied
L(keHs $"ttern in 5 o! these c"sesP @See 6810 25310 27510 27310 27410 24C1A The Poem re*e"%s th"t L(keHs <order= <!ro the beginning= re!ers to the conce$tion "nd birth o! the $rec(rsor o! the
Messi"h0 +ohn the /"$tist0 which w"s not in M"tthewHs already circ&latin' Gos$e%1 /e'ond this0 his order w"s s$irit("% "nd theo%ogic"%1 L(ke h"d the %e"st "c;("int"nce o! the e*"nge%ists with the
chrono%og' o! o(r LordHs inistr'0 so it sho(%d not s(r$rise (s to !ind wh"t The Poem re*e"%s1

2G$6 # )ntrod(ction Lto The Poem, b' +es(sM1
5G$4 # @M Oct028 /,A # +o"chi "nd Anne M"ke " &ow to the Lord1
CG$22 # @L Oct028 /,A # Anne0 Pr"'ing in the Te$%e0 H"s Her 9ish F(%!i%%ed1
7G$2F # @E A$r024 /,A # 9ith " ,"ntic%e0 Anne Anno(nces th"t She )s " Mother1
3G$5> # @L Se$024 /,A # /irth o! the &irgin M"r'1
FG$CC # @L Dec024 /,A # The P(ri!ic"tion o! Anne "nd the O!!ering o! M"r'1
6G$C6 # @M Se$023 /,A # The Son H"s P(t His 9isdo on His Mother_s Li$s1
4G$75 # @M#L Dec023 /,A # M"r' )s Presented in the Te$%e1 Age C1
8G$74 # @F#4 /,A # De"th o! +o"chi "nd Anne1
2>G$32 # @S(er 3 or F /,A # M"r'_s ,"ntic%e )$%oring the ,oing o! ,hrist1
22G$34 # @L Oct0C /,A # M"r' 9i%% ,on!ide Her &ow to the S$o(se God 9i%% Gi*e Her1
25G$F2 # @L Dec0C /,A # +ose$h )s A$$ointed H(sb"nd o! the &irgin1
2CG$FF # @L Feb05 /,A # 9edding o! the &irgin "nd +ose$h1
27G$6C # @L Feb05 /,A # +ose$h "nd M"r' "rri*e in N"I"reth1
23G$66 # ,onc%(sion to the Pre#Gos$e%1
,. E Se$0 5 /, The 3romise o! a (on to Uaharias and )lizabeth D Te$%e in +er(s"%e @52G$188A
L- 2 # TU
3 There w"s in the d"'s o! Herod0 the king o! +(de"0 " cert"in $riest n"ed O"ch"ri"h0 o! the d"i%' te$%e
ser*ice o! Abi"0 "nd his wi!e w"s o! the d"(ghters o! A"ron0 "nd her n"e E%iI"beth1 F And the' were both
righteo(s be!ore God0 w"%king in "%% the co"ndents "nd ordin"nces o! the Lord0 witho(t b%"e1 6 And the'
h"d no son0 !or E%iI"beth w"s b"rren0 "nd the' both were we%% "d*"nced in 'e"rs1
4 And it c"e to $"ss when he e:ec(ted the $riest%' !(nction in the order o! his co(rse be!ore God0 8 "ccording
to the c(sto o! the $riest%' o!!ice0 it w"s his %ot to enter into the te$%e LHo%' $%"ceM "nd o!!er incense0 o! the
Lord1 2> And "%% the (%tit(de o! the $eo$%e were $r"'ing witho(t Lin the te$%e co(rtM "t the ho(r o! incense1
22 And there "$$e"red to hi an angel o! the 5ord st"nding on the right side o! the "%t"r o! incense1 25 And
O"ch"ri"h0 seeing hi0 w"s tro(b%ed "nd !e"r !e%% ($on hi1 2C /(t the "nge% s"id to hi: Fe"r not0 O"ch"ri"h0
!or 'o(r $r"'er is he"rd "nd 'o(r wi!e E%iI"beth sh"%% be"r thee " son "nd 'o( sh"%% c"%% his n"e +ohn Le"ning
<the gr"ce o! +eho*"h=M: 27 And 'o( sh"%% h"*e Ko' "nd g%"dness "nd "n' sh"%% reKoice in his n"ti*it'0 23 !or he
sh"%% be gre"t be!ore the 5ord1 He sh"%% drink no wine nor strong drink LN(1F:2#7M0 "nd he sh"%% be !i%%ed with
the Ho%' S$irit e*en !ro his otherHs wob1 Lc!1 *172M 2F And he sh"%% con*ert "n' o! the chi%dren o! )sr"e% to
the Lord their God1 26 And he sh"%% go be!ore Him in the s$irit "nd $ower o! E%iK"h0 th"t he "' t(rn the he"rts
o! the !"thers (nto the chi%dren0 "nd the (nbe%ie*ing to the wisdo o! the K(st0 to $re$"re !or the Lord " $er!ected
$eo$%e1 LM"%17:3#FE )s"17>:CM 24 And O"ch"ri"h s"id to the "nge%: How sh"%% ) know thisB For ) " "n o%d "n "nd
' wi!e is "d*"nced in 'e"rs1 28 And the "nge% "nswering0 s"id to hi: ) " G"brie%0 who st"nds be!ore God0
"nd w"s sent to s$e"k to thee "nd to bring thee these good tidings1 5> And beho%d0 'o( sh"%% be d(b0 "nd sh"%%
not be "b%e to s$e"k (nti% the d"' in which these things sh"%% coe to $"ss bec"(se 'o( h"*e not be%ie*ed '
words0 which sh"%% be !(%!i%%ed in its tie1
52 Now the $eo$%e were w"iting !or O"ch"ri"h1 And the' wondered wh' he t"rried so %ong in the te$%e1 55
And when he c"e o(t he co(%d not s$e"k to the0 "nd the' (nderstood th"t he (st h"*e seen " *ision in the
te$%e1 And he "de signs to the "nd re"ined s$eech%ess1 5C And it c"e to $"ss "!ter the d"'s o! his o!!ice
were "cco$%ished0 he de$"rted to his own ho(se1
*. M Se$0 5 /, )lizabeth Coneives # Hebron in +(de" @52G$188A
L- 2 TU
57 And "!ter those d"'s E%iI"beth0 his wi!e0 concei*ed "nd hid herse%! !i*e onths0 s"'ing: 53 Th(s Lin this s"e
$ri*"te "nd $erson"% w"'M h"s the Lord de"%t with e in the d"'s wherein He %ooked ($on e to t"ke "w"' '
re$ro"ch "ong en.
"ote: E%iI"beth w"s de*oting this tie tot"%%' in th"nksgi*ing to the Lord bec"(se she s"w th"t w"s how God h"d %ooked ($on her in
tot"% de*otion1
<. M Mch0 2 /, The $nnuniation o! Gabriel to Mary D N"I"reth 2FG$14>
L- 2 TU
5F And in the si:th onth Lo! E%iI"bethHs $regn"nc'M0 the angel Gabriel w"s sent !ro God into " cit' o! G"%i%ee0
c"%%ed N"I"reth0 56 to " *irgin es$o(sed Leng"gedM to " "n whose n"e w"s +ose$h0 o! the ho(se o! D"*id1
And the *irginHs n"e w"s M"r'1 54 And the "nge% "rri*ing0 s"id to her: H"i%0 L'o( who "reM !(%% o! gr"ce0 the Lord
is with theeP /%essed "re 'o( "ong "%% woenP
58 /(t h"*ing he"rd0 she w"s tro(b%ed "t his s"'ing "nd
wondered within herse%! wh"t this s"%(t"tion ight e"n1 C> So the "nge% s"id to her: Fe"r not0 M"r'0 !or 'o(
h"*e !o(nd gr"ce with God1 C2 /eho%d 'o( sh"%% concei*e in 'o(r wob "nd bring !orth " Son0 "nd 'o( sh"%% c"%%
His n"e .esus Le"ning: <S"*ior=M1 C5 He sh"%% be gre"t "nd sh"%% be c"%%ed the (on o! the Most High0 "nd the
Lord God sh"%% gi*e (nto Hi the throne o! D"*id his !"therE "nd He sh"%% reign in the ho(se o! +"cob !ore*erP CC
And o! His kingdo there sh"%% be no endP C7 And M"r' s"id to the "nge%: How sh"%% this be done0 bec"(se )
know not "nB C3 And the "nge% "nswering0 s"id to her: The Ho%' S$irit sh"%% coe ($on thee0 "nd the $ower o!
the Most High sh"%% o*ersh"dow thee1
And0 there!ore0 "%so the Holy 4ne which sh"%% be born o! thee sh"%% be
c"%%ed the (on o! God. CF And beho%d0 'o(r co(sin E%iI"beth0 she "%so h"s concei*ed " son in her o%d "ge "nd
this is the si:th onth with her who w"s c"%%ed b"rren1 C6 For no word sh"%% be i$ossib%e with God1 C4 And
M"r' s"id: /eho%d the h"nd"id o! the LordP /e it done to e "ccording to 'o(r wordP And the "nge% de$"rted
!ro her1
26G$45 # The Disobedience o! E*e "nd the Obedience o! M"r'1
24G$8> # @M Mch02 /,A # The Ann(nci"tion o! E%iI"bethHs Pregn"nc' to +ose$h1
@. E A$r0 2 /, Mary &isits )lizabeth D N"I"reth to Hebron 28#52
L- 2 TU41
C8 And M"r' rising ($ in those d"'s L"!ter " two week w"itM0 went into the hi%% co(ntr' with h"ste into LHebronM "
cit' o! +(d"h1 7> And she entered into the ho(se o! O"ch"ri"h "nd greeted E%iI"beth1 72 And it c"e to $"ss th"t
when E%iI"beth he"rd M"r'Hs greeting0 the in!"nt %e"$ed in her wob1 And E%iI"beth w"s !i%%ed with the Ho%'
S$irit0 75 "nd she cried o(t with " %o(d *oice0 "nd s"id: /LESSED ARE YO. AMONG 9OMEN0 AND
/LESSED )S THE FR.)T OF YO.R 9OM/P 7C And how h"s it Lthis honorM coe to e0 th"t the other o! '
Lord L+eho*"h GodM sho(%d coe to eBP 77 For beho%d "s soon "s the *oice o! 'o(r greeting so(nded in ' e"rs0
the in!"nt in ' wob %e"$ed !or Ko'P 73 And b%essed "re 'o( who h"*e be%ie*ed0 bec"(se those things sh"%% be
"cco$%ished th"t were s$oken to thee b' the LordP
7F And M"r' s"id: M' so(% sh"%% "gni!' the LordP 76 And ' s$irit reKoices in God ' S"*iorP
74 /ec"(se He reg"rded the h(i%it' o! His h"nd"id1 For beho%d !ro hence!orth "%% gener"tions sh"%% c"%%
e b%essed1 ZPs"177:26[
78 /ec"(se He 9ho is ight'0 h"s done gre"t thing s D to e0 "nd ho%' is His n"eP
3> And His erc' is !ro gener"tion (nto gener"tions0 to those who !e"r Hi1
32 He h"s showed ight in His "rP He h"s sc"ttered the $ro(d in the conceit o! their he"rtP
35 He h"s $(t down the ight' !ro their se"t0 "nd h"s e:"%ted the h(b%eP
3C He h"s !i%%ed the h(ngr' with good things0 "nd the rich He h"s sent e$t' "w"'P 37 He h"s recei*ed "nd
he%$ed )sr"e% His ser*"nt0 being ind!(% o! His erc'0 33 "s He s$oke to o(r !"thers0 to Abr"h" "nd to his seed0
Dhas done great things: The *irgin"% conce$tion o! +es(s within the wob o! M"r'0 recogniIed b' "%% tr(e ,hristi"ns is b(t one o! these <gre"t things1=
There w"s then ore th"n the ir"c%e o! the *irgin"% conce$tion o! the ,hrist1 M"r'0 knowing the st"in o! Origin"% Sin w"s "%w"'s tr"ns!erred to the
o!!s$ring b' *irt(e o! the so"tic identit' o! other "nd chi%d0 knew th"t she (st h"*e been $reser*ed !ro th"t corr($tion "t her own birth in order to be"r
the sin%ess ,hrist chi%d1 She then knew she h"d to h"*e been s"*ed $re*io(s%' !ro this corr($tion b' the One she now bore in her wob1 The *irgin"%
conce$tion o! ,hrist brings M"r' to $r"ise God0= 9ho is ight'E= M"r'Hs )"c(%"te ,once$tion brings her to dec%"re0 <ho%' is His n"eP=
3$((4&)% 7 , :C 7 ) $3%I5
55"G$2>C # @M A$r02 /,A # M"r' "nd E%iI"beth S$e"k o! their ,hi%dren1
55bG$2>F # @E M"'02 /,A # M"r' "nd E%iI"beth S$e"k o! their ,hi%dren1
2. L M"'0 2 /, The :irth o! .ohn the :aptist # Hebron 5CG$122>
L- 2 41TU
36 Now E%iI"bethHs !(%% tie !or being de%i*ered h"d coe "nd she bro(ght !orth " son1 34 And her neighbors "nd
kins!o%k he"rd th"t the Lord h"d showed His gre"t erc' tow"rds her0 "nd so the' reKoiced with her1
C. E +(n0 2 /, The :aptist9s Cirumision and Uehariah9s 3rophey # Hebron 57G$122F
L- 2 TU
38 And it c"e to $"ss th"t on the eighth d"' the' c"e to circ(cise the chi%d0 "nd the' c"%%ed hi b' his
!"therHs n"e Oech"ri"h1 F> And his other "nswering0 s"id: Not soP /(t he sh"%% be c"%%ed0 +ohnP F2 And the'
s"id to her: There is no one o! 'o(r kindred who is c"%%ed b' this n"e1 F5 And so the' "de signsD to his
!"ther0 how he wo(%d h"*e hi c"%%ed1 FC And de"nding " writing t"b%et0 he wrote0 s"'ing: +ohn is his n"e1
And the' "%% wondered1 F7 And iedi"te%' his o(th w"s o$ened "nd his tong(e %oosed0 "nd he s$oke0
b%essing GodP F3 And " ho%' !e"r c"e ($on "%% their neighbors "nd "%% these things were noised "bro"d o*er "%%
the hi%% co(ntr' o! +(de"1 FF And "%% th"t h"d he"rd the news %"id it ($ in their he"rt0 s"'ing: 9h"t e*er then
sh"%% this chi%d beBP For the h"nd o! the Lord w"s with hi1
F6 And Oech"ri"h0 his !"ther0 w"s L"%soM !i%%ed with the Ho%' S$irit "nd he $ro$hesied0 s"'ing:
F4 /%essed be the Lord God o! )sr"e% bec"(se He h"s *isited "nd bro(ght rede$tion to His $eo$%e0 F8 "nd h"s
r"ised ($ " Horn o! s"%*"tion to (s in the ho(se o! D"*id his ser*"nt0 6> "s He s$oke b' the o(th o! His ho%'
$ro$hets0 who were !ro the beginning0 62 "nd Lbro(ghtM S"%*"tion !ro o(r eneies0 "nd !ro the h"nd o! "%%
th"t h"te (s W 65 in order to $er!or the erc' L$roisedM to o(r !"thers0 "nd to reeber His ho%' co*en"nt0 6C
the o"th0 which He swore to Abr"h" o(r !"ther0 th"t He wo(%d gr"nt to (s0 67 th"t being de%i*ered !ro the
h"nd o! o(r eneies0 we "' ser*e Hi witho(t !e"r0 63 in ho%iness "nd K(stice Lrighteo(snessM be!ore Hi0 "%% o(r
6F And 'o(0 O chi%d0 sh"%% be c"%%ed the $ro$het o! the Highest0 !or 'o( sh"%% go be!ore the !"ce L$resenceM o! the
Lord to $re$"re His w"'s0 66 to gi*e the know%edge o! s"%*"tion to His $eo$%e0 (nto the reission o! their sins0
64 Thro(gh the he"rt o! the erc' o! o(r God0 in which the Light !ro on high h"s *isited (s LM"%17:5M0 68 to
en%ighten those who sit in d"rkness0 "nd in the sh"dow o! de"th0 to direct o(r !eet into the w"' o! $e"ceP L)s"18:5M
THidden here is indic"tion O"ch"ri"s w"s *er' h"rd o! he"ring0 " !"ct The Poem does not iss @)0$12>>A1
;. 2 /, # AD 2C .ohn Gro#s in (pirit L#M
L- 2 TU15F1
4>" And the chi%d L+ohnM grew "nd w"s strengthened in s$iritE
B. E +(%'0 2 /, Mary %eturns to "azareth 53G$1228
L- 2 71TU31
3F And M"r' "bode with her "bo(t three onthsE "nd L7> d"'s "!ter +ohnHs birthM she ret(rned to her own ho(se1
A. E +(%'0 2 /, .oseph MisRudges Mary D Fro +er(s"%e to N"I"reth 53bG$1252
MT 2 # TU
24 Now the gener"tion LbirthM o! ,hrist w"s in this w"': 9hen His other M"r' w"s es$o(sed to +ose$h0 be!ore
the' c"e together Lin "rri"geM0 she w"s !o(nd with chi%d o! the Ho%' S$irit1 28 .$on this +ose$h0 her LbetrothedM
h(sb"nd0 being " K(st "n "nd not wi%%ing $(b%ic%' to e:$ose her0 w"s inded to $(t her "w"' $ri*"te%'1
,+. E +(%'0 2 /, .oseph is )nlightened # N"I"reth @5FbG$1258A
5> /(t whi%e he tho(ght on these things0 beho%d the $ngel o! the 5ord "$$e"red to hi in his s%ee$ s"'ing:
+ose$h0 son o! D"*id0 !e"r not to t"ke (nto thee M"r' 'o(r wi!e0 !or th"t which is concei*ed in her is o! the Ho%'
S$irit1 52 And she sh"%% bring !orth " Son "nd 'o( sh"%% c"%% His n"e +ES.S0 !or He sh"%% s"*e His $eo$%e !ro
their sinsP 55 Now "%% this w"s done th"t it ight be !(%!i%%ed which the Lord s$oke b' the $ro$het L)s"i"hM0
s"'ing: 5C 8ehold a +ir'in shall -e )ith child and -rin' forth a !on and they shall call His name (mman&el 0
which being inter$reted is0 God )ith &s1Z)s"16:27[1 57" And +ose$h rising ($ !ro s%ee$0
,,. M +(%'0 2 /, .oseph :elieves and 4beys # N"I"reth1 L#M
MT 2 TU261
57b did "s the Ange% o! the Lord h"d co"nded hi0 "nd took (nto hi LM"r' "sM his wi!e1 53 And he knew her
not (nti%D she bro(ght !orth her !irstborn son1 And he c"%%ed His n"e +ES.S Le"ning0 <+eho*"h is S"*ior=M1
D <knew her not ti%= h"s been isinter$reted b' soe to e"n Ho%' M"r' "nd +ose$h did not %i*e ce%ib"te %i*es1 St +eroe shows this e:$ression w"s
coon "ong the Hebrews to denote b' the word <(nti%= " s$eci"% e$h"sis on%' on wh"t is done1 )t "kes no $oint wh"te*er !or the !(t(re1 Other
e:"$%es: )s"i"h 7F:7 God s"'s0 <) AM0 ti% 'o( grow o%d1= This does not e"n God wi%% ce"se being the ) AM when )s"i"h grows o%d1 God s"id to His
di*ine Son0 <Sit on ' right h"nd ti% ) "ke Thine eneies Th' !ootstoo%1= The Son wi%% !ore*er sit "t the right h"nd o! God1
,*. L Dec0 2 /, The %oman Census D N"I"reth 56G$1258
L- 5 5F1TU
2 AND it c"e to $"ss0 th"t in those d"'s there went o(t " decree !ro ,"es"r A(g(st(s0 th"t the who%e wor%d
sho(%d be enro%%ed1 5 This enro%%ing w"s !irst "de b' ,'rin(s LP(b%i(s S(%$ici(s a(irni(sM0 the Lco#Mgo*ernorD Lor
<i$eri"% de%eg"te=M o! S'ri" Lwhi%e S"t(rni(s w"s Go*ernorM1 C And "%% went to be enro%%ed0 e*er' one into his own cit'1
,<. L Dec0 2 /, Mary and .oseph go to :ethlehem 54G$12C7
L- 5 TU
7 And +ose$h "%so went ($ !ro G"%i%ee0 o(t o! the cit' o! N"I"reth into +(de"0 to the cit' o! D"*id0 which is
c"%%ed /eth%ehe0 bec"(se he w"s o! the ho(se "nd !"i%' o! D"*id0 3 to be enro%%ed with M"r' his es$o(sed
wi!e0 who w"s with ,hi%d1
,@. L Dec0 2 /, The :irth o! the (avior and the &isit o! the (hepherds # /eth%ehe 580C>
L- 5 TU
F And it c"e to $"ss th"t when the' were there0 her d"'s were "cco$%ished th"t she sho(%d be de%i*ered1 6
And she bro(ght !orth her !irstborn SonD "nd wr"$$ed Hi ($ in sw"dd%ing c%othes "nd %"id Hi in " "nger
bec"(se there w"s no roo !or the in the inn1 D!irstborn: A tit%e o! $reeinence not indic"ti*e o! n(ber1 )s""c w"s
Abr"h"Hs !irstborn "nd on%' son1
4 And there were in the s"e co(ntr' she$herds "biding "nd kee$ing w"tch o*er their !%ock "t night1
8 And beho%d an angel o! the 5ord stood b' the0 "nd the brightness o! God shone ro(nd "bo(t the0 "nd the'
gre"t%' !rightened1 2> And the "nge% s"id to the: Fe"r not0 !or0 beho%d0 ) bring 'o( good tidings o! gre"t Ko' th"t
sh"%% be to "%% the $eo$%eP 22 For this d"' in the cit' o! D"*id is born to 'o( " S"*ior0 9ho is ,hrist the LordP 25
And this sh"%% be " sign (nto 'o(: Yo( sh"%% !ind the in!"nt wr"$$ed in sw"dd%ing c%othes "nd %"id in " "nger1
2C And s(dden%' there w"s with the "nge% a multitude o! the heavenly army o! angels0 $r"ising God0 "nd
s"'s <the doc(ents "re di*ided= between <en o! Good wi%%= "nd <good wi%% tow"rd en0= the %"tter s($$orted b' b $ : D' "nd "s
e:$ected0 the ore odern critics "nd editors1 The Poem, howe*er est"b%ishes the Do("'#Rheis rendition0 <en o! good wi%%= "s
the $ro$er one1M
23 And it c"e to $"ss "!ter the "nge%s de$"rted !ro the into He"*en0 the she$herds s"id one to "nother: Let
(s go o*er to /eth%ehe0 "nd %et (s see this word th"t h"s coe to $"ss0 which the Lord h"s showed to (sP 2F
And the' c"e with h"ste "nd the' !o(nd M"r' "nd +ose$h0 "nd the in!"nt %'ing in the "nger1 26 And seeing0
the' "de known the word th"t h"d been s$oken to the Lb' the "nge%M concerning this chi%d1 24 And "%% th"t
he"rd Lin the entire /eth%ehe "re"M wondered "t those things th"t were to%d the b' the she$herds1 28 /(t M"r'
ke$t "%% these words Lto herse%!M0 $ondering the in her he"rt1 5> And the she$herds ret(rned0 g%ori!'ing "nd
$r"ising God !or "%% the things the' h"d he"rd "nd seen0 K(st "s it w"s to%d the1
,2. E +"n0 AD 2 .esus is Cirumised # /eth%ehe C2G$1233
L- 5 TU
52 And "!ter eight d"'s were !(%!i%%ed0 when the chi%d w"s to be circ(cised0 His n"e w"s c"%%ed +ES.S0 the
n"e gi*en b' the "nge% be!ore He w"s concei*ed in the wob1
,C. E Feb0 AD 2 Mary and .oseph 3resent .esus in the Temple # +er(s"%e C5G$12F2
L- 5 TU521
55 And "!ter the d"'s o! M"r'Hs $(ri!ic"tion were !(%!i%%ed0 "ccording to the L"w o! Moses LLe*125:2#7M0 the'
bro(ght Hi to +er(s"%e0 to $resent Ldedic"teM Hi to the Lord0 5C "s it is written in the L"w o! the Lord: (+ery
male openin' the )om- shall -e called holy to the %ord, ZE:od(s 2C:5E N(bers 4:2F[ 57 "nd to o!!er " s"cri!ice0
"ccording "s it is written in the L"w o! the Lord0 " $"ir o! t(rt%edo*es0 or two 'o(ng $igeons1 53 And beho%d0
there w"s a man in .erusalem named (imeon1 And this "n w"s K(st "nd de*o(t0 w"iting !or the conso%"tion
o! )sr"e%0 "nd the Ho%' S$irit w"s in hi1 5F And he h"d recei*ed "n "nswer !ro the Ho%' S$irit0 th"t he wo(%d
not see de"th0 be!ore he h"d seen the ,hrist Lthe Anointed OneM o! the Lord1 56 And $ro$ted b' the S$irit he
c"e into the te$%e1 And when His $"rents bro(ght in the chi%d +es(s0 to do !or Hi "ccording to the c(sto o!
the %"w0 54 Sieon took Hi into his "rs "nd b%essed God0 "nd s"id: 58 Now Yo( "re disissing Yo(r ser*"nt0
O Lord0 "ccording to Yo(r word in $e"ce0 C> bec"(se ' e'es h"*e seen Yo(r s"%*"tion0 C2 which Yo( h"*e
$re$"red be!ore the !"ce o! "%% $eo$%esP C5 A %ight !or re*e%"tion to the Genti%es "nd the g%or' o! Yo(r $eo$%e
CC And His !"ther "nd other wondered "t those things which were s$oken concerning Hi1 C7 And Sieon
b%essed the0 "nd s"id to M"r' His other: 8ehold this ,hild is set for the fall and for the res&rrection of many
in Israel, and for a si'n )hich shall -e contradicted< C3 =nd yo&r o)n so&l a s)ord shall pierce, that o&t of
many hearts, tho&'hts may -e re+ealed" Z)s"1 4:27[
CF And there w"s one $nna' a prophetess' the d"(ghter o! Ph"n(e%0 o! the tribe o! Asher1 She w"s !"r "d*"nced
in 'e"rs0 "nd h"d %i*ed with her h(sb"nd se*en 'e"rs !ro her *irginit'1 C6 And she w"s " widow e*en !or eight'
!o(r 'e"rs0 who de$"rted not !ro the te$%e0 "nd who b' !"stings "nd $r"'ers ser*ed in worshi$ night "nd d"'1
C4 Now she0 "t the s"e ho(r0 coing in0 ret(rned th"nks to the Lord "nd s$oke o! +es(s to "%% Lshe knewM who
%ooked !or the rede$tion o! )sr"e%1
C8 And "!ter the' h"d $er!ored "%% things "ccording to the L"w o! the Lord L"nd nine onths in /eth%ehe "nd two
"nd " h"%! 'e"rs in Eg'$tM0 the' ret(rned into G"%i%ee to N"I"reth0 their cit' Lthe hoetown o! both M"r' "nd +ose$h tho(gh
+ose$h h"d not seen M"r' since she %e!t !or the Te$%e "t the "ge o! threeM1
,;. M#L Se$0 AD 2 Wise Men (ee/ .esus # +er(s"%e to /eth%ehe C7G$12F6
MT 5 221TU
2 9HEN +es(s there!ore w"s born in /eth%ehe o! +(d"h0 in the d"'s o! -ing Herod LThe Gre"tM0 beho%d Lnine
onths "!ter His birthTM0 there c"e wise en LM"gi0 "stro%ogersM !ro the e"st to +er(s"%e 5 s"'ing: 9here is He
9ho is born -ing o! the +ewsB For we h"*e seen His st"r in the e"st0 "nd h"*e coe to worshi$ Hi1 C And
-ing Herod he"ring this w"s tro(b%ed0 "nd "%% +er(s"%e with hi1 DSee N(157:26 "nd note be%ow "t *18E +er15C:3E
7 And "sseb%ing together "%% the chie! $riests "nd the scribes o! the $eo$%e0 he in;(ired o! the where ,hrist
sho(%d be born1 3 The' s"id to hi: )n /eth%ehe o! +(d"h1 For so it is written b' the $ro$het: F =nd yo&
8ethlehem the land of #&dah art not at all the least amon' the princes of #&dah >as most -elie+ed 8ethlehem to
-e?@, for o&t of yo& shall come forth the ,aptain that shall r&le My people Israel1 ZMic"h 3:5[
6 Then Herod0 $ri*"te%' c"%%ing the wise en0 in;(ired di%igent%' o! the concerning the tie o! the st"rHs
"$$e"r"nce0 4 "nd sending the into /eth%ehe0 he s"id: Go "nd di%igent%' in;(ire "!ter the ,hi%d "nd when 'o(
h"*e !o(nd Hi0 bring e word "g"in th"t ) "%so "' coe to worshi$ Hi1
8 H"*ing he"rd the king0 the' went their w"'0 "nd beho%d the star which the' h"d seen in the e"st went be!ore
the (nti% it c"e "nd stood o*er where the ,hi%d w"s1 LThis w"s no %iter"% st"r b(t "n "nge%1M
2> And seeing the st"r the' reKoiced with e:ceeding gre"t Ko'1 22 And entering into the ho(se Lo! Anne0 the
/eth%ehe she$herdHs e$%o'erM0 the' !o(nd the chi%d with M"r' His other1 And !"%%ing down the' "dored Hi1
And o$ening their tre"s(res0 the' o!!ered Hi gi!ts o! go%d0 !r"nkincense0 "nd 'rrh1
25 And h"*ing recei*ed Lto their in;(ir'M an ans#er in their s%ee$ th"t the' sho(%d not ret(rn to Herod0 the' went
b"ck "nother w"' into their co(ntr'1
DThe 9ise Men0 !%eeing Herod0 "rri*e in Engedi K(st "!ter the gr"$e h"r*est which conc%(des in Se$teber @)))G$1 F48 See "%so )G$12620268A
,B. L Se$0 AD 2 The Warning to Flee # Fro /eth%ehe to Eg'$t C30CFG$1268#287
2C And "!ter the' h"d de$"rted0 beho%d "n angel o! the 5ord "$$e"red in " dre" to +ose$h0 s"'ing: Arise "nd
t"ke the ,hi%d "nd His other "nd !%ee into Eg'$t "nd st"' there (nti% ) sh"%% noti!' 'o(1 For it wi%% coe to $"ss
th"t Herod wi%% seek the ,hi%d to destro' Hi1
27 +ose$h "rose "nd took the ,hi%d "nd His other b' night "nd withdrew into Eg'$t1 And He w"s there (nti%
the de"th o! Herod0 23 th"t it ight be !(%!i%%ed which the Lord s$oke b' the $ro$het0 s"'ing: 9&t of ('ypt ha+e
I called My son1 ZHose" 22:2[
,A. L Se$0 AD 2 Herod9s Wrath against :ethlehem @6C#63G$1C65#C83A
2F Then Herod $ercei*ing th"t he w"s de%(ded b' the wise en w"s e:ceeding "ngr'0 "nd sending Lso%diersM
ki%%ed "%% the "%e chi%dren th"t were in /eth%ehe "nd in "%% the s(rro(nding co(ntr'side0 !ro two 'e"rs o%d
"nd (nder0 "ccording to the tie which he h"d di%igent%' in;(ired o! the wise en1 26 Then w"s !(%!i%%ed th"t
which w"s s$oken b' +erei"h the $ro$het0 s"'ing: 24 = +oice in amah )as heard, lamentation and 'reat
mo&rnin'< achael -e)ailin' her children, and )o&ld not -e comforted, -eca&se they )ere no more Z+erei"h
*+. S$ring0 AD 7 The Holy Family %eturns !rom )gypt D Fro Eg'$t to N"I"reth @CFbG$1282A
MT 5 TU541
28 /(t when Herod w"s de"d0 beho%d "n "nge% o! the Lord "$$e"red to +ose$h in his s%ee$ in Eg'$t0 5> s"'ing:
Arise "nd t"ke the ,hi%d "nd His other "nd go into the %"nd o! )sr"e% !or the' "re de"d who so(ght the %i!e o!
the ,hi%d1
52 So +ose$h "rose "nd took the ,hi%d "nd His other0 "nd c"e into the %"nd o! )sr"e%1 55 /(t he"ring th"t
Arche%"(s reigned in +(de" in the $%"ce o! Herod his !"ther0 he w"s "!r"id to go to +(de" Lwhere the $riest Oech"ri"h
h"d w"nted the to reside "nd were wi%%ing to do so tho(gh the' did not "t "%% wish to %i*e there1 @The Poem )023FAM0 "nd being
w"rned in " dre" the' retired into the region o! G"%i%ee1 5C And coing there the' dwe%t in " cit' c"%%ed
N"I"reth LM"r' "nd +ose$hHs hoe town where the' h"d "%w"'s wished to %i*e0 the order o! He"*en "%w"'s t"king $recedence o*er
the directi*es o! " $riest1M th"t it ight be !(%!i%%ed which w"s s"id b' the $ro$hets0 th"t He sh"%% be c"%%ed
<N"I"rene1= Lnet/er Q <The br"nch= )s"122:2E Oech1 C:4 "nd "s One des$ised +n1 6:72E Ps"1 55E )s"1 3CM
*,. AD 7 # 2C .esus9 )arly 8outh # N"I"reth C6#C8G$1287#525
L- 5 2F1TU
7> And the ,hi%d grew0 "nd bec"e strong Lin s$iritM0 !(%% o! wisdo0 "nd the gr"ce o! God w"s in Hi1 72 And
His $"rents went e*er' 'e"r to +er(s"%e0 !or the so%en d"' o! the P"sso*er1
**. E A$r0 AD 2C .esus Comes o! $ge 7 3assover D To +er(s"%e 7>G$15>4
L- 5 TU
75 And when He w"s twe%*e 'e"rs o%d0 the' went ($ to +er(s"%e "ccording to the c(sto o! the !e"st1
*<. M A$r0 AD 2C Mary and .oseph 5ose .esus # +er(s"%e @72cG$155>A
L- 5 TU
7C And h"*ing !(%!i%%ed the d"'s0 when the' ret(rned0 the chi%d +es(s re"ined in +er(s"%e0 b(t His $"rents
knew it not1 77 And thinking th"t He w"s in the co$"n'0 the' c"e " d"'Hs Ko(rne' "nd on%' then so(ght Hi
"ong their kins!o%k "nd "c;("int"nces1
*@. M A$r0 AD 2C Mary and .oseph %eturn to .erusalem @72cG$155>A
L- 5 TU
73 And not !inding Hi0 the' ret(rned into +er(s"%e0 seeking hi1
*2. M A$r0 AD 2C .esus is Found in the Temple Teahing the Dotors # +er(s"%e 72G$1525
L- 5 TU561
7F And it c"e to $"ss th"t "!ter three d"'s the' !o(nd Hi in the te$%e sitting in the idst o! the doctors0
he"ring the "nd "sking the ;(estions1 76 And "%% th"t he"rd Hi were "stonished "t His wisdo "nd His
"nswers1 74 And seeing Hi0 the' wondered1 And His other s"id to Hi: Son0 wh' h"*e Yo( done so to (sB
/eho%d Yo(r !"ther "nd ) h"*e so(ght Yo( sorrowing1 78 And He s"id to the: How is it th"t 'o( so(ght MeB
Did 'o( not know0 th"t ) (st be "bo(t M' F"therHs b(sinessB 3> And the' (nderstood not the word th"t He
s$oke to the1 32 And He went down with the "nd c"e to N"I"reth "nd w"s s(bKect to the1 And His
other ke$t "%% these words in her he"rt1 35 And +es(s "d*"nced in wisdo "nd "ge0 "nd in gr"ce with God "nd
*C. L A$r0 AD 2C .ohn the :aptist 5eaves !or the Desert at the $ge o! T#elve F;;7$17>FM
L- 2 61TU251
4>b "nd L+ohnM w"s in the deserts (nti% the d"' o! his "ni!est"tion to )sr"e%1 LE"r%' AD C>M
75G$555 # @S$ringGS(er AD 54A # The De"th o! S"int +ose$h1 +ose$h is "ro(nd F> 'e"rs o%d "nd +es(s is 561
*;. E"r%' AD C> The Word o! God Comes to the :aptist # +(de"n 9i%derness @73G$1575A
L- C 531TU
2 NO9 in the !i!teenth 'e"r o! the Lso%eM reign o! Tiberi(s ,"es"r0 Ponti(s Pi%"te being go*ernor o! +(de"0 "nd
Herod being tetr"rch o! G"%i%ee0 "nd Phi%i$ his brother tetr"rch o! )t(r"e"0 "nd the co(ntr' o! Tr"chonitis0 "nd
L's"ni"s tetr"rch o! Abi%eneE 5 .nder the high $riests Ann"s "nd ,"i"$h"s0 the 9ord o! the Lord w"s re*e"%ed
(nto +ohn0 the son o! O"ch"ri"h0 in the desert1
*B. L S$ring0 AD C> The :aptist :egins His Ministry # +ord"n Ri*er b' /eth"b"r" @73G$1575A
MT C 5>1TU
2 AND in those d"'s c"e +ohn
the /"$tist $re"ching in the desert
o! +(de"1 5 And s"'ing: Re$ent0
!or the -ingdo o! He"*en is "t
h"ndP C For this w"s he who w"s
s$oken o! b' )s"i"h the $ro$het0
s"'ing: = +oice of one cryin' in
the desert5 Prepare yo& the )ay of
the %ord, ma*e strai'ht His
paths? Z)s"i"h 7>:C[
M- 2 # TU
2 THE beginning o! the Gos$e% LGood
NewsM o! +es(s ,hrist0 the Son o! God1 5
As it is written in )s"i"h the $ro$het:
8ehold I send My messen'er -efore Thy
face, )ho shall prepare the )ay -efore
Thee1 ZM"%"chi C:2[ C = +oice of one
cryin' in the desert5 Prepare 7o& the
)ay of the %ord, ma*e strai'ht His paths1
Z)s"i"h 7>:C[ 7 +ohn w"s in " deserted
$%"ce b"$tiIing "nd $re"ching the
b"$tis o! re$ent"nce Lthe b"$tis
signi!'ing $erson"% re$ent"nceM0 %e"ding to
the reission o! L$erson"%M sins1
L- C
C And he c"e into "%% the co(ntr' "bo(t the
+ord"n0 $re"ching the b"$tis o! re$ent"nce
!or the reission o! sins0 7 "s it w"s written
in the book o! the s"'ings o! )s"i"h the
$ro$het: >I hear@ the +oice of one >#ohn the
8aptist@ cryin' in the )ilderness5 Prepare the
)ay of the %ord, ma*e strai'ht His paths? A
(+ery +alley shall -e filled and e+ery
mo&ntain and hill shall -e -ro&'ht lo)?B
The croo*ed shall -e made strai'ht and the
ro&'h )ays plain? 6 =nd all flesh shall see
the sal+ation of God? Z)s"i"h 7>:C#7[ DThe
h(b%e sh"%% be e:(%ted "nd the $ro(d sh"%% be
*A. L S$ring0 AD C> The :aptist9s $seti 5i!e # The +ord"n Ri*er b' /eth"n' @73G$1575A
7 Now this +ohn h"d his g"rent "de o! c"e%sH h"ir0 "nd " %e"ther
be%t w"s "bo(t his w"ist "nd his !ood w"s %oc(st "nd wi%d hone'1 3
Then +er(s"%e0 "%% +(de"0 "nd "%% the co(ntr' "bo(t +ord"n went o(t
to hi0 F "nd were b"$tiIed b' hi in the +ord"n0 con!essing their
M- 2 TUC51
3 And there went o(t to hi "%% the co(ntr' o! +(de"0 "nd "%%
the' o! +er(s"%e0 "nd were b"$tiIed b' hi in the ri*er +ord"n0
con!essing their sins1 F And +ohn w"s c%othed with Lc%oth wo*en
o!M c"e%Hs h"ir0 with " %e"ther be%t "bo(t his w"ist "nd he "te
%oc(sts "nd wi%d hone'1
<+. M +"n0 AD C2 The :aptist and the 3harisees # +ord"n Ri*er @73G$1575A
6 And seeing "n' o! the Ph"riseesD "nd S"dd(cees coing to his
b"$tis0 he s"id to the: Yo( brood o! *i$ers0 who h"s Lbeen "b%e to
con*incing%'M w"rn 'o( to !%ee !ro the wr"th to coeB 4 L/(t i! indeed "
ir"c%e h"s h"$$enedM bring !orth0 there!ore0 !r(it Lgood works "nd s"cri!ici"%
$en"nceM consistent with re$ent"nce Lbe!ore 'o( coe to see eMP 8 And
think not to s"' within 'o(rse%*es: 9e h"*e Abr"h" !or o(r !"ther0
!or ) te%% 'o( th"t God is "b%e o! these stones to r"ise ($ chi%dren to
Abr"h" Lore worth' th"n 'o(PM 2> For now the ":e is %"id to the root
o! the trees "nd e*er' tree0 there!ore0 th"t does not 'ie%d good !r(it
sh"%% be c(t down "nd c"st into the !ireP
DThe Poem te%%s o! M"tthi"s te%%ing +es(s th"t the Ph"risee Dor"s h"d coe to the /"$tist to
be /"$tiIed "nd w"s re!(sed "nd to%d to go the Messi"h to get His sins !orgi*en1 )0F44
L- C 541TU
6 He s"id0 there!ore0 to the (%tit(des th"t went !orth to be
b"$tiIed b' hi Lb(t !or the he"ring o! the Ph"risees "ong the who
wished to re#g"in the !"*or o! those the' were %osing to the /"$tistM: Yo(
o!!s$ring o! *i$ers0 who h"s showed 'o( to !%ee !ro the wr"th to
coeBP 4 /ring !orth0 there!ore0 !r(it worth' o! re$ent"nce
Lbe!ore 'o( coe here !or b"$tisMP And do not begin to s"'0 9e h"*e
Abr"h" !or o(r !"ther1 For ) s"' (nto 'o(0 th"t God is "b%e o!
these stones to r"ise ($ chi%dren to Abr"h" Lore worth' th"n
'o(MP 8 For now the ":e is %"id to the root o! the treesP E*er'
tree0 there!ore0 th"t brings not !orth good !r(it sh"%% be c(t down
"nd c"st into the !ireP
<,. M +"n0 AD C2 The :aptist Instruts 3ublians and (oldiers # +ord"n Ri*er 3G$1575A
2> And the $eo$%e "sked hi0 s"'ing: 9h"t then sh"%% we doB 22 And he "nswering0 s"id to the: He who h"s
two co"ts0 %et hi gi*e to hi who h"s none1 And he who h"s !ood0 %et hi do in %ike "nner1 25 And the
$(b%ic"ns Lt": co%%ectors !or RoeM "%so c"e to be b"$tiIed0 "nd s"id to hi: M"ster0 wh"t sh"%% we doB 2C /(t he
s"id to the: E:"ct no ore th"n th"t which is "$$ointed 'o(1 27 And the so%diers "%so "sked hi0 s"'ing: And
wh"t sh"%% we doB And he s"id to the: Do *io%ence to no "n0 neither "cc(se wrong!(%%' "n' "n0 "nd be
content with 'o(r $"'1
<*. M +"n0 AD C2 Christian :aptism in the Holy (pirit Foretold # The +ord"n ne"r /eth"b"r" @73G$1575A
22 ) indeed b"$tiIe 'o( in the
w"ter (nto re$ent"nce0 b(t He
9ho sh"%% coe "!ter e is
ightier th"n )0 9hose shoes ) "
not worth' to be"r1 He sh"%%
b"$tiIe 'o( in the Ho%' S$irit "nd
!ire Lo! di*ine ho%' %o*eM1D 25 9hose
LwinnowingM !"n is in His h"nd0 "nd
He wi%% thoro(gh%' c%e"nse His
threshing !%oor "nd g"ther His
whe"t into the b"rn0 b(t the ch"!!
He wi%% b(rn ($ with
(n;(ench"b%e !ireP
M- 2 581TUC31
6 And he $re"ched0
s"'ing: There is
coing "!ter e One
ightier th"n )0 the
%"tchet o! whose
s"nd"%s ) " not
worth' to stoo$ down
"nd %ooseP 4 ) h"*e
b"$tiIed 'o( with
w"ter0 b(t He sh"%%
b"$tiIe 'o( with the
Ho%' S$iritP
L- C TUC81
23 And "s the $eo$%e were in e:$ect"tion0D "nd "%% were thinking in
their he"rts o! +ohn0 th"t $erh"$s he ight be the ,hrist0 2F +ohn
"nswered0 s"'ing (nto "%%: ) indeed b"$tiIe 'o( with w"ter b(t there
sh"%% coe One ightier th"t )0 the %"tchet o! 9hose shoes ) " not
worth' to %ooseP He sh"%% b"$tiIe 'o( with the Ho%' S$irit "nd with !ire
Lo! di*ine %o*eM1D 26 9hose winnowing !ork is in His h"nd0 "nd He wi%%
$(rge Lc%e"r "nd c%e"nM His threshing !%oor L)sr"e%M "nd wi%% g"ther the
whe"t into His b"rnE b(t the ch"!! He wi%% b(rn with (n;(ench"b%e !ireP
24 And "n' other things e:horting0 did he $re"ch to the $eo$%e1
Dbaptize #ith the Holy (pirit: This wo(%d res(%t in regener"tion0 new birth "nd
restor"tion to di*ine sonshi$0 the "tter o! the st"in o! Origin"% Sin being once "nd
!or "%% reo*edP Those who wi%%!(%%' re!(se this $ro*ision wi%% !"ce " wr"th !ro
He"*en (ne;("%%ed to "n'thing the n"tion o! )sr"e% h"d e*er seen1 The horri!'ing
destr(ction o! the +ewish n"tion who t(rned its b"ck on ,hrist is described in horri!ic
det"i% b'
+ose$h(s in his Cars of the #e)s0 *0 *i
<<. (nd"te"b%eT The $postle .ohn9s Disourse on the Divinity' Humanity and 4!!ie o! Christ L#M
+N 2 # TU
2 )N THE beginning w"s the 9ord Lw"s "%re"d' in e:istencePM0 "nd the 9ord w"s with God Lbe!ore tie beg"nM0 "nd
the 9ord w"s God1 5 L)n other words0M He w"s in the beginning with God1 C A%% things were "de b' Hi0 "nd
witho(t Hi w"s nothing "de th"t w"s "de1
7 )n Hi w"s %i!e0 "nd the %i!e Lo! ,hristM w"s the %ight o! en1 3 And the Light Lo! %i!eM shines in d"rkness0 "nd
the d"rkness did not o*ercoe it Ltho(gh it "de e*er' "tte$t toM1
F There w"s " "n sent !ro God0 whose n"e w"s +ohn1 6 This "n c"e !or " witness to gi*e testion' o!
the Light0 th"t "%% en ight be%ie*e thro(gh hi L"nd his b"$tis"% inistr'M1 4 He w"s not the Light0 b(t w"s to
gi*e testion' o! the Light1
8 The Tr(e Light w"s th"t which en%ightens e*er' "n who coes into this wor%d1 2> He w"s in the wor%d0
"nd the wor%d w"s "de b' Hi0 b(t the wor%d knew Hi not1 22 He c"e (nto his own L$eo$%eM0 "nd His own
recei*ed Hi not1 25 /(t "s "n' "s recei*ed Hi0 He g"*e $ower to be "de the sons o! God0 to those who
be%ie*e in His n"e LHis "(thorit' "nd $ersonM1 2C 9ho "re born L"g"in "s GodHs sonsM0 not o! b%ood0 nor o! the wi%% o!
the !%esh0 nor o! the wi%% o! "n0 b(t o! GodLHs wi%% "nd $owerM1 27 And the 9ord w"s "de !%esh0 "nd dwe%t "ong
(s0 @"nd we s"w His g%or'0 the g%or' "s it were o! the on%' L/eingM begotten o! the F"therA0 !(%% o! gr"ce "nd tr(th1
T+es(s gi*es the content o! this te"ching to +ohn whi%e the' were *isiting /eth%ehe1 @See )06CG$C68A
<@. M +"n0 AD C2 The Witness o! the :aptist to the Christ # The +ord"n ne"r /eth"b"r"
+N 2 TUCF1
23 +ohn bore witness o! Hi "nd cried o(t0 s"'ing: This w"s He o! 9ho ) s$okeP He 9ho sh"%% coe "!ter
e is $re!erred be!ore e0 bec"(se He w"s Le:istingM be!ore e Ltho(gh +ohn w"s concei*ed !irstM1 2F And o! His
!(%%ness Lo! Gr"ceM we "%% h"*e recei*ed0 "nd gr"ce ($on gr"ceP 26 For whi%e the L"w w"s gi*en b' Moses0 gr"ce
"nd tr(th c"e b' +es(s ,hrist1 24 No "n h"s seen God Lin His !(%% g%or' "nd re"%it'M "t "n'tie0 the on%' begotten
Son 9ho is in the boso o! the F"ther0 He h"s re*e"%ed HiP LAbr"h" s"w God @+eho*"h0 the SonA who "$$e"red with
two "nge%s "%% o! which "$$e"red %ike en @Gen124:2#50 550 CCA1 +"cob s"w God0 b(t "s the Son o! God @Gen1C5:C>A1 Moses "%so
s"w God b(t on%' His <b"ck= not his <!"ce= !or God $%"in%' s"id0 <no "n sh"%% see Me "nd %i*e1= @E:1CC:24#5CAM
28 And this is the testion' o! +ohn0 when the +ews sent $riests "nd Le*ites !ro +er(s"%e to Hi to "sk
Hi: 9ho "re 'o(B 5> And he con!essed0 "nd did not den'0 b(t con!essed: ) " not the ,hristP 52 And the'
"sked hi: 9ho then "re 'o(B Are 'o( E%iK"h LM"%17:3MB And he s"id: ) " notP Are 'o( The Pro$het LMoses
$redicted wo(%d coe0 the ,hrist1 De(t124:23MB And he "nswered: NoP 55 The' s"id0 there!ore0 (nto hi: 9ho "re
'o(0 th"t we "' gi*e "n "nswer to those who sent (sB 9h"t do 'o( s"' o! th'se%!B 5C He s"id: I am the +oice
of one cryin' o&t in the )ilderness, ma*e strai'ht the )ay of the %ord, "s the $ro$het )s"i"h s"id1Z)s"i"h 7>:C[
57 And those th"t were sent were o! the Ph"risees1 53 And the' "sked hi0 s"'ing to hi: 9h' then do 'o(
b"$tiIe0 i! 'o( "re not ,hrist0 nor E%iK"h0 nor The Pro$hetB 5F +ohn "nswered the0 s"'ing: ) b"$tiIe with
w"ter0 b(t there h"s stood One in the idst o! 'o(0 9ho 'o( know notP 56 The s"e is He 9ho sh"%% coe Lto
inisterM "!ter e0 9ho is $re!erred be!ore e0 the %"tchet o! 9hose shoe ) " not worth' to %ooseP 54 These
things h"$$ened in /eth"n'0 be'ond the +ord"n where +ohn w"s b"$tiIing1
7CG$574 # ,onc%(sion o! the Pri*"te Li!e Lo! ,hristM1 Ho%' M"r' re%"tes this to M"ri" &"%tort"1
.)(>( %)&)$5)D $( M)((I$H
<2. M +"n0 AD C2 The Three!old Witness to Christ 7 The Water and (pirit in Christian :aptism # The +ord"n 77073G$15C3
MT C ne"r /eth"b"r"
2C Then c"e +es(s !ro G"%i%ee to the +ord"n to
+ohn to be b"$tiIed b' hi1 27 /(t +ohn $rotested0
s"'ing: ) o(ght to be b"$tiIed b' Yo(0 'et "re Yo(
coing to eBP 23 And +es(s "nswering0 s"id to hi:
A%%ow it to be so now1 For it is $ro$er !or (s Lboth 'o(
"nd MeM to !(%!i%% "%% righteo(sness1 Then he consented1
2F And +es(s being b"$tiIed0 iedi"te%' c"e o(t
o! the w"ter "nd %o0 the he"*ens were o$ened to Hi
"nd +ohn s"w the (pirit o! God descending "s " do*e
"nd %ighting ($on Hi1 26 And beho%d a voie !rom
Heaven0 s"id: TH)S )S MY /ELO&ED SON0 )N
M- 2 C51TUC61
8 And it c"e to $"ss in those d"'s th"t
+es(s c"e !ro N"I"reth o! G"%i%ee
"nd w"s b"$tiIed b' +ohn in the +ord"n1
2> And iedi"te%' coing ($ o(t o!
the w"ter0 he L+ohnM s"w the he"*ens
o$ened0 "nd the (pirit "s " do*e
descending0 "nd re"ining on Him1 22
And there c"e a voie !rom Heaven:
coing o! the Ho%' S$irit ($on +es(s "t His
b"$tis w"s the $roo! o! wh"t the /"$tist h"d
K(st s"id in *14 th"t !o%%owing ,hrist in
,hristi"n b"$tis i$"rts the Ho%' S$irit1M
52 Now it c"e to $"ss L"!ter +ohn
h"d conc%(ded his $re"chingM0 when "%%
the $eo$%e were b"$tiIed0 "nd +es(s
"%so h"d been b"$tiIed b(t 'et Lwhi%e
He w"s sti%%M $r"'ing0 He"*en w"s
o$ened0 55 "nd the Holy (pirit
descended ($on Hi in the sh"$e o!
" do*e0 "nd a voie ame !rom
Heaven: THO. ART MY
9ELL PLEASEDP LPs"15:6E )s"175:2M
5C" And +es(s hise%! when He
beg"n LHis inistr'M w"s "bo(t the
"ge o! thirt' 'e"rs0 LAct("%%' C> 'e"rs
"nd C onthsM DL*15Cb#C4 is +ose$hHs
<C. M +"n0 AD C2 The :aptist9s Witness to the Messiah 7 The :aptism o! Water and the (pirit 73G$1575
+N 2 +ord"n Ri*er ne"r /eth"b"r"
58 The ne:t d"' L"!ter C710 b(t the s"e d"' "s C31M +ohn s"w +es(s coing to hi0 "nd he s"id: /EHOLD THE
) " $h'sic"%%' o%derM HE 9AS LHe $ree:istedM /EFORE ME0 C2 "nd ) knew Hi not1D /(t th"t He "' be "de
"ni!est in )sr"e%0 there!ore0 h"*e ) coe b"$tiIing with w"terP C5 And +ohn g"*e testion'0 s"'ing: ) s"w the
S$irit coing down "s " do*e !ro He"*en0 "nd He re"ined ($on Hi1 CC And Lgrowing ($M ) knew Hi not
Lso +ohn w"s not "b%e to identi!' Hi b' "$$e"r"nceM1 /(t He 9ho sent e to b"$tiIe with w"ter0 s"id to e: He ($on
9ho 'o( sh"%% see the S$irit descending "nd re"ining0 He it is 9ho b"$tiIes with the Ho%' S$irit1 C7 And )
s"w0 "nd ) g"*e testion'0 th"t this One is the Son o! God Li1e1 o! the *er' essence "nd n"t(re o! GodM1
DI /ne# Him not: Tho(gh the' were co(sins0 the *er' re"% thre"t th"t the Ro"ns $osed to the ho(se o! +(d"h "nd th(s the Ho%'
F"i%'0 !orced O"ch"ri"h "nd E%iI"beth to iso%"te these%*es "nd their son +ohn !ro the Ho%' F"i%'1 The /"$tistHs ir"c(%o(s
conce$tion "nd birth h"d "%so "ttr"cted signi!ic"nt "nd wides$re"d "ttention in )sr"e% which wo(%d h"*e end"ngered the Ho%' F"i%'
i! "n' !"i%' cont"cts wo(%d h"*e becoe $(b%ic know%edge1 This ention o! co$%ete iso%"tion between +es(s "nd the /"$tist is
$ower!(% intern"% testion' to the *er' wide s$re"d $(b%ic "w"reness o! the ir"c(%o(s n"t(re o! the births o! both +es(s "nd the
.)(>( T)(T)D $"D 3%4&)" T4 :) TH) M)((I$H
<;. M +"n0 AD C2 .esus is 5ed into the Wilderness # +ord"n Ri*er to the +(de"n 9i%derness @7FG$1576A
MT 7 C31TU
2 THEN +es(s w"s %ed b'
the S$irit into the desert to
be te$ted b' the De*i%1
M- 2 C31TU
25 And iedi"te%' the S$irit
dro*e Hi o(t into the L+(de"nM
L- 7 C31TU
2 AND +es(s LHis h("n n"t(reM being !(%% o! the Ho%' S$irit L!ro
His b"$tis W C:550 "nd b' which we c"n know th"t those who !o%%ow Hi in
,hristi"n /"$tis recei*e the s"e Ho%' S$iritM0 ret(rned !ro the +ord"n
"nd w"s %ed b' the S$irit into the desert0
<B. M +"n # L Feb0 AD C2 .esus Fasts !or @+ Days # A Mo(nt"in Pe"k E"st o! Hebron @7FG$1576A
MT 7 TU7>1
5" And when he h"d !"sted !ort' d"'s
"nd !ort' nights0
M- 2
2C" And He w"s in the desert !ort' d"'s
"nd !ort' nights0
L- 7 TU7>1
5" where !or the s$"ce o! !ort' d"'s He w"s
te$ted b' the De*i%1 And He "te nothing in
those d"'s1
<A. M#L +"n0 AD C2 The :aptist is Imprisoned the ,
TimeT While .esus is Fasting D M"ch"er(s0 E"st o! the De"d Se"
2251 M Mch0 AD C5 +es(s hears of the 5
"rrest o! the /"$tist whi%e in /eths"id" @24>G$15>>A
MT 27
C For Herod h"d L" 'e"r "nd 5 onths be!ore his 5
"rrestM "$$rehended +ohn0 bo(nd
hi0 "nd $(t hi into $rison L"!ter 6#4 onths o! inistr'M0 bec"(se o! Herodi"s0 his
brotherHs wi!e1 7 For +ohn s"id to hi: )t is not %"w!(% !or 'o( to h"*e herP 3 And
Le*en tho(gh heM h"d " ind to $(t hi to de"th0 he !e"red the $eo$%e bec"(se the'
esteeed hi "s " $ro$het1 LSo Herod %e!t hi in $rison !or 6 onths (nti% he w"s !reed
thro(gh " bribe1 Si: onths %"ter he w"s "g"in "rrested "nd i$risoned !or 6 ore onths when
he w"s ki%%ed1M
TNone o! the Gos$e%s s$e"k o! ore th"n one i$risonent0 tho(gh Mk "nd LkHs "cco(nt $%"ced e"r%' in their
Gos$e%s0 indic"tes "n e"r%' i$risonent whi%e MtHs %"ter $%"ceent indic"tes " second i$risonent K(st "s
re*e"%ed in The Poem" +n1 s$e"ks on%' o! one %"ter i$risonent1 See F81 "nd 2251
M- 2 7>1TU321
27" Now "!ter
L+es(s w"s %ed into
the wi%dernessM
+ohn w"s
de%i*ered ($ Lto
L- C C51TUC31
28 /(t Herod the tetr"rch0 when
he w"s re$ro*ed b' +ohn !or
Herodi"s his brotherHs wi!e0 "nd
!or "%% the e*i% which he h"d
done0 5> "dded this e*i% "%so
"bo*e "%% the others0 b' sh(tting
+ohn ($ in $rison1
@+. L Feb0 S(n0 AD C2 The Temptation o! .esusD # 5> Mi%es on His 9"' /"ck to the +ord"n Ri*er 7FG$1578
MT 7 C41TU751
5b He w"s "!terw"rds h(ngr'1 C Then the Te$ter0
coing0 s"id to Hi: )! Yo( "re the Son o! God
co"nd th"t these stones be "de bre"dP 7 +es(s
"nswered "nd s"id: )t is written0 Dot -y -read alone
does man li+e, -&t -y e+ery )ord that proceeds from
the mo&th of God1ZDe(t1 4:C[ 3 Then the De*i% took Hi
($ into the ho%' cit' "nd set Hi ($on the $inn"c%e o!
the te$%e0 F "nd s"id to hi: )! Yo( "re the Son o!
God0 c"st Yo(rse%! down0 !or it is written: That He
hath 'i+en His an'els char'e o+er Thee, and in their
hands shall they -ear Thee &p, lest perhaps Tho& dash
Thy foot a'ainst a stone1 ZPs"18>L82M:22[ 6 +es(s s"id to
hi: )t is written "g"in: 7o& shall not tempt the %ord
yo&r God? 4 Ag"in the De*i% took Hi ($ into " *er'
high o(nt"in "nd showed Hi "%% the kingdos o!
the wor%d "nd
their g%or'1 8 And
s"id to Hi: A%%
these wi%% ) gi*e
Yo(0 i! !"%%ing
down Yo( wi%%
"dore e1 2>
Then +es(s s"id to
hi: /e gone0
S"t"nP For it is
written: The %ord
yo&r God shall
yo& adore, and
Him only shall
yo& ser+e?
ZDe(t1F:2C[ 22
Then the De*i% %e!t Hi1 And beho%d "nge%s c"e "nd
inistered to Hi1
DM"tthew $resents the e:"ct order !or the te$t"tions1
M- 2 C41TUC81
2Cb he w"s "ong the wi%d "ni"%s0 "nd LthenM w"s
te$ted b' S"t"n1 /(t the "nge%s then inistered to

5b And when
the' Lthe 7> d"'s o!
!"stingM h"d ended0
He w"s h(ngr'1 C
And the De*i%
s"id to hi: )!
Yo( "re the Son
o! God0 s$e"k to
this stone th"t it
be "de bre"dP
7 /(t +es(s
"nswered hi: )t
is written th"t
man li+es not -y
-read alone -&t
-y e+ery )ord of
God" ZDe(t1 4:C[ 3 So the De*i% %ed Hi into " high o(nt"in
"nd showed Hi "%% the kingdos o! the wor%d in " oent
o! tie1 F And he s"id to Hi: To Yo( wi%% ) gi*e "%% this
$ower0 "nd the g%or' o! the0 !or to e the' h"*e been
de%i*ered "nd to who ) wi%%0 ) c"n gi*e the1 6 )! Yo(0
there!ore0 wi%% do ho"ge Lshow res$ectM be!ore e0 "%% this
sh"%% be Yo(rsP 4 /(t +es(s "nswering s"id to hi: )t is
written: 7o& shall adore the %ord yo&r God and Him only
shall yo& ser+e" ZDe(t1F:2CE 2>:5>[ 8 So he bro(ght Hi to
+er(s"%e "nd set Hi on " $inn"c%e Lg"b%eM o! the te$%e
"nd he s"id to Hi: )! Yo( "re the Son o! God0 c"st
Yo(rse%! !ro here0 2> !or it is written0 th"t He has 'i+en
His an'els char'e o+er 7o&, to *eep 7o&" 22 And th"t in
their hands they shall -ear 7o& &p, lest perhaps 7o& dash
7o&r foot a'ainst a stone" ZPs"18>L82M:22#25[ 25 And +es(s
"nswering0 s"id to hi: )t is s"id: 7o& shall not tempt the
%ord yo&r God? ZDe(t1F:2F[ 2C And "%% the te$t"tion being
ended0 the De*i% de$"rted !ro Hi !or " tie1
@,. L Feb0 Mon0 AD C2 .ohn and .ames Follo# .esus D .$ the +ord"n to ,"$ern"( 76G$153C
+N 2 CF1TU7C1
C3 The ne:t d"' "g"in +ohn Lthe /"$tistM w"s st"nding with two o! his disci$%es L+"es "nd +ohn0 the sons o! OebedeeM1
CF And seeing +es(s w"%king0 he Lthe /"$tistM s"id: /EHOLD THE LAM/ OF GODP
C6 Now the two disci$%es h"d he"rd hi s$e"k LSee CF1M0 "nd L%"ter0 "!ter the' s"w +es(s "g"in "!ter His 7> d"' !"st "nd
te$t"tionM the' !o%%owed +es(s1 C4 And +es(s t(rning "nd seeing the !o%%owing Hi0 s"id to the: 9h"t do 'o(
seekB The' s"id to Hi0 R"bbi @which is to s"'0 being inter$reted0 M"sterA0 where do Yo( dwe%%B C8 He s"id to
the: ,oe "nd see1 So the' c"e "nd s"w where He "bode Lin ,"$ern"(M0 "nd the' st"'ed with Hi th"t d"'1
Now it w"s "bo(t the tenth ho(r L7 $M1
@*. L Feb0 Mon0 AD C2 .esus (ettles in Capernaum 76G$153F
MT 7 7>1TU321
25 And when +es(s h"d he"rd th"t +ohn h"d been de%i*ered ($ Lin his !irst i$risonentM0 He Lt"king +ohn "nd +"es
with HiM retired into G"%i%ee0 2C "nd %e"*ing the cit' N"I"reth0 He c"e "nd dwe%t in ,"$ern"( on the G"%i%ee
se" co"st0 in the %"nd o! Oeb(%on "nd N"$ht"%i 27 th"t it ight be !(%!i%%ed which w"s s"id b' )s"i"h the $ro$het:
23 %and of Ee-&lon and land of Daphtali, the )ay of the sea -eyond the #ordan, Galilee of the Gentiles, 2F the
people that sat in dar*ness ha+e seen 'reat li'ht and to those )ho sat in the re'ion of the shado) of death, li'ht
is spr&n' &p1 Z)s"i"h 8:2[
@<. L Feb0 Fri0 AD C2 $ndre# Tells 3eter o! Christ # ,"$ern"( 74G$153F
+N 2 721TU
7> And Andrew0 the brother o! Sion Peter0 w"s one o! the twoD who h"d he"rd wh"t +ohn Lthe /"$tist s"idM0 "nd
!o%%owed Hi1 72 He !inds !irst his brother Sion LPeterM0 "nd s"id to hi: 9e h"*e !o(nd the Messi"hP @9hich
is0 being inter$reted0 the ,hrist1A 75" And he bro(ght hi to +es(s1
Dthe t#o: )n h(i%it' +ohn e:c%(des hise%! !ro this "cco(nt in 721 "nd 7C1 tho(gh it w"s he "nd +"es th"t "cco$"nied +es(s to
,"$ern"( !ro the +ord"nP Andrew w"s "ct("%%' the C
witness0 b(t who s"cri!iced his being with +es(s !ee%ing constr"ined to r(sh
b"ck to G"%i%ee to he%$ his *er' i$"tient brother Peter with !ishing1

@@. L Feb0 Fri0 AD C2 3eter is Called the %o/ # ,"$ern"( 78G$15F>
+N 2 TU7F1
75b And +es(s %ooking ($on hi0 s"id: Yo( "re Sion the son o! +on"h1D Yo( sh"%% be c"%%ed ,e$h"s LAr""ic
!or <rock=M @which Lin GreekM is tr"ns%"ted PeterA1 DThe Poem s($$orts <+on"h0= o! the DGR not the <+ohn= o! ss1 b : 51
@2. L Feb0 Fri0 AD C2 The First Four Disiples # ,"$ern"( 78G$15F4
MT 7 321TUF>1
24 And +es(s0 w"%king b' the se" o! G"%i%ee0 s"w two brothers0
Sion0 who is c"%%ed Peter0 "nd Andrew his brother c"sting " net
into the se" !or the' were !isheren1
28 And He s"id to the: ,oe !o%%ow Me "nd ) wi%% "ke 'o(
!ishers o! en1 5> And the' iedi"te%'0 %e"*ing their nets0
!o%%owed Hi1 52 And going on !ro there0 He s"w two other
brothers0 +"es the son o! Oebedee "nd +ohn his brother in " shi$
with Oebedee their !"ther ending their nets1 And He c"%%ed the1
55 And the' iedi"te%' %e!t their nets "nd
their !"ther "nd !o%%owed Hi1
M- 2 321TU361
2F And $"ssing b' the Se" o! G"%i%ee0 He s"w Sion LPeterM "nd
Andrew his brother c"sting nets into the se"0 !or the' were
!isheren1 26 And +es(s s"id to the: ,oe "!ter Me0 "nd ) wi%%
"ke 'o( !ishers o! en1 24 And iedi"te%' %e"*ing their nets0
the' !o%%owed Hi1 28 And going on !ro there " %itt%e !"rther0 He
s"w +"es the son o! Oebedee0 "nd +ohn
his brother0 who "%so were ending their
nets in their shi$1 5> And iedi"te%' He
c"%%ed the1 And %e"*ing their !"ther
Oebedee with his hired en in the shi$
L"nd M"r' S"%oe0 their otherM0 the' !o%%owed
@C. L Feb0 S"tGS(n0 AD C2 3hilip and "athanael Find The Christ # Fro ,"$ern"( to /eths"id" 3>G$1565
+N 2 771TU
7C On the !o%%owing d"' +es(s wo(%d go !orth into G"%i%ee0 "nd there He !o(nd Phi%i$1 And +es(s s"id to hi:
Fo%%ow MeP 77 Now Phi%i$ w"s o! /eths"id"0 the cit' o! Andrew "nd Peter1 73 Phi%i$ then !inds N"th"n"e%0 "nd
s"id to hi: 9e h"*e !o(nd Hi o! 9ho Moses in the L"w0 "nd the Pro$hets did write0 +es(s the son o!
+ose$h o! N"I"rethP 7F /(t N"th"n"e% s"id to hi: ,"n "n'thing good coe !ro N"I"rethB Phi%i$ s"id to hi:
,oe "nd seeP 76 +es(s Lin the s$iritM s"w N"th"n"e% coing to Hi "nd L"rri*ingM He s"id o! hi: /eho%d "n
)sr"e%ite indeed in who there is no !"%sehoodP 74 N"th"n"e% s"id to Hi: Fro where do Yo( know eB +es(s
"nswered "nd s"id to hi: /e!ore Phi%i$ c"%%ed 'o(0 when 'o( were (nder the !ig tree0 ) s"w 'o(1 78 N"th"n"e%
"nswered Hi "nd s"id: R"bbi0 Yo( "re the Son o! GodP Yo( "re the -ing o! )sr"e%P 3> +es(s "nswered "nd s"id
to hi: /ec"(se ) s"id0 ) s"w 'o( (nder the !ig tree0 'o( be%ie*eB Gre"ter things th"n these sh"%% 'o( seeP 32
And +es(s s"id to hi: Most cert"in%' "nd "ss(red%'0 ) s"' to 'o(0 'o( sh"%% see the He"*en o$ened "nd the
"nge%s o! God "scending "nd descending o*er the Son o! M"nP
"ote: +es(s is s$e"king o! His entire ir"c(%o(s inistr' where He"*en0 being now o$en to Hi @since His tri($h in the
wi%derness o! !"sting "nd te$t"tionA !inds "nge%s contin("%%' bring to Hi !ro the F"ther the wisdo "nd "(thorit' to do "%% He
wi%% be doing1
@;. L Feb0 S(n0 AD C2 .esus is Invited to the Wedding at Cana D /eths"id"
+N 5 TU
2 AND the third d"' L!ro PeterHs c"%% in 771 "bo*eM0 there w"s " "rri"ge in ,"n" o! G"%i%ee0 "nd the other o!
+es(s w"s there1 5 And +es(s "nd His Disci$%es "%so were in*ited to the "rri"ge1
"ote: Th"t +es(sH ne) fo&nd disciples were in*ited to this wedding is e*idence th"t +es(s "s Messi"h h"d becoe " hot to$ic o! the
d"'1 +ohn the /"$tist h"d gi*en his c%e"r $(b%ic witness to ,hrist " onth be!ore "t His /"$tis b(t "g"in the !o%%owing d"'1 Now
"!ter " onth "w"' "nd h"*ing ret(rned the who%e region (st been "b(II with e:$ect"tion1 +es(s sees howe*er th"t e*er'one needed
to get " good %esson on the i$ort"nce o! His other0 Ho%' M"r'0 to His Messi"nic inistr'1
.)(>( %)&)$5( HIM()5F $( M)((I$H I" G$5I5)) and the importane o! Holy Mary to His
@B. E Mch0 Mon0 AD C2 .esus %eveals He is Messiah in Galilee 7 He Inaugurates His Ministry (ooner
than 3lanned # ,"n" 35G$1568
+N 5
C And when the wine w"s !"i%ing0 the other o! +es(s s"id to Hi: The' h"*e no wine1 7 And +es(s s"id to her:
9o"n0 wh"t is th"t to Me "nd to 'o(BD M' ho(r h"s not 'et coe1 3 His other then s"id to the w"iters:
9h"te*er He sh"%% s"' to 'o(0 do it1 F Now there were set there si: w"ter $ots o! stone0 "ccording to the "nner
o! the $(ri!'ing o! the +ews0 cont"ining two or three e"s(res L5>#C> g"%%onsM "$iece1 6 +es(s s"id to the: Fi%%
the w"ter $ots with w"ter1 And the' !i%%ed the ($ to the bri1 4 Then +es(s s"id to the: Dr"w o(t now "nd
c"rr' to the chie! stew"rd o! the !e"st1 And the' c"rried it1 8 And when the chie! stew"rd h"d t"sted the w"ter
"de wine0 not knowing where it w"s !ro0 tho(gh the ser*"nts th"t drew the w"ter knew0 he c"%%ed the
bridegroo 2> "nd s"id to hi: E*er' "n "t !irst sets !orth good wine "nd when en h"*e we%% dr(nk0 then
th"t which is worse1 /(t 'o( h"*e ke$t the good wine (nti% nowP 22 This beginning o! ir"c%es did +es(s in
,"n" o! G"%i%ee0 "nd so "ni!ested His g%or'0 "nd His Disci$%es be%ie*ed in Hi1 DWhat is that to Me and youE
+es(sH ;(estion here ob*io(s%' w"s not !or His MotherHs he"ring or bene!it b(t !or "%% the others $resentP +es(s w"s re"%%' "sking the
;(estion the' h"d on their inds0 then He "nswered it not with words b(t b' His "ction0 re*e"%ing c%e"r%' K(st how i$ort"nt Ho%'
M"r' w"s to His inistr' "nd issionP Her desire o*ed Hi to begin His inistr' e"r%'P She is there!ore indeed the Medi"tri:0
Ad*oc"te "nd )ntercessor be!ore her Son !or "%% "nkind1
@A. E Mch0 AD C2 5u/e %e!ers to the Mirale at Cana # G"%i%ee @35G$1568A
L- 7 7>1TUF31
27 And +es(s ret(rned L!ro 7> d"'s o! !"sting "nd the te$t"tionM in the $ower o! the S$irit0 into G"%i%ee0D "nd the
!"e o! Hi went o(t thro(gh the who%e co(ntr'1 23 And He t"(ght in their s'n"gog(es "nd w"s "gni!ied
Lhonored "nd $r"isedM b' "%%1 Dpo#er: +es(s now h"d the po)er o! the S$irit1 ,hristi"n /"$tis gi*es one the Ho%' S$irit b(t the
$ower (st be g"ined b' the e:ercise o! *irt(e K(st "s +es(s g"ined it0 9ho is o(r e:"$%e in "%% things1 L(ke is re!erring to +es(sH
ir"c%e o! t(rning w"ter into wine "t ,"n" when he s$e"ks o! the $ower o! the S$irit1
2+. E Mch0 AD C2 .esus Goes to Capernaum D To Tiberi"s "nd then ,"$ern"( @35G$1543A
+N 5 741TU351
25 A!ter this +es(s went down to ,"$ern"(0 He0 His other0 His brethren0 "nd His Disci$%es0 "nd the'
re"ined there not "n' LF or 6M d"'s1
2,. E Mch0 AD C2 .esus :egins His 3reahing Ministry in Galilee D ,"$ern"( @35G$1543A
MT 7 51TU731
26 Fro th"t tie +es(s beg"n to $re"ch "nd to s"':
Re$ent0 !or the -ingdo o! He"*en is "t h"ndP
M- 2 C81TU731
27b +es(s c"e into G"%i%ee0 $re"ching the Gos$e% o! the -ingdo o! God0
23 "nd s"'ing: The tie is "cco$%ished1 And: The -ingdo o! God is "t
h"ndP Re$ent0 "nd be%ie*e the Gos$e%P
.)(>( %)&)$5( HIM()5F $( M)((I$H I" .>D)$
2*. E Mch0 AD C2 .esus Goes to .erusalem !or the 5ate Marh 3assover @35G$1543A
+N 5 3>1TU
2C" And the P"sso*er o! the +ews w"s ne"r0
2<. E Mch0 AD C2 .esus Goes to .erusalem !or the 5ate Marh 3assover
+N 5 TU
2Cb "nd +es(s went ($ to +er(s"%e1
2@. L Mch0 AD C2 .esus %eveals He is Messiah in .udea 7 He Cleanses the Temple # +er(s"%e
@5C4b1 M A$r0 S(n ADC7 The Second Te$%e ,%e"nsingA @344cA
73 And entering into the te$%e0
+es(s beg"n to c"st o(t those th"t
so%d "nd those th"t bo(ght
therein1 7F S"'ing to the: )t is
written: My ho&se is the ho&se
of prayer" 8&t yo& ha+e made it
a den of thie+es1 Z)s"i"h 3F:6E +erei"h
+N 5 TU
27 And +es(s !o(nd in the te$%e those who so%d o:en0 shee$ "nd do*es0 "nd the ch"ngers o! one'
sitting1 23 And when He h"d "de0 "s it were0 " sco(rge o! %itt%e cords0 He dro*e the0 "nd "%so the
shee$ "nd the o:en0 "%% o(t o! the te$%eP And the one' o! the ch"ngers He $o(red o(t0 "nd the
t"b%es He o*erthrewP 2F And to those who so%d do*es He s"id: T"ke these things o(t o! here0 "nd
"ke not the ho(se o! M' F"ther " ho(se o! erch"ndiseP LOech 27:52M
"ote: +ohn records the te$%e c%e"nsing which took $%"ce "t the o$ening o! the inistr' o! o(r Lord0 bec"(se M"tthew
"nd M"rk on%' entioned the one which took $%"ce "t the end1 L(keHs *er' brie! descri$tion sees to better !it the !irst
c%e"nsing @28:73#7FA b(t he $%"ces it "t the end to indic"te th"t e*ent1 The Poem describes both c%e"nsings @)0546E
22. L Mch0 AD C2 The .e#s $s/ !or a (ign o! .esus9 Messiahship # The Te$%e 3CG$1544
+N 5 TUF61
26 And LrecogniIing th"t the s$irit "nd e:$erience o! D"*id w"s "%so th"t o! the Messi"hM His Disci$%es reebered th"t it
w"s written Lb' D"*idM: The /eal of Thy ho&se hath eaten me &p" ZPs"1F4LF8M:2>[ 24 The +ews there!ore "nswered
"nd s"id to Hi: 9h"t sign do Yo( show (nto (s0 seeing Yo( do these things BD 28 +es(s L$ointing to Hise%!M
"nswered "nd s"id to the: Destro' this Te$%e "nd in three d"'s ) wi%% r"ise it ($1 5> The +ews Lignoring +es(sH
gest(reM then s"id: Fort'#si: 'e"rs w"s this te$%e in b(i%ding "nd wi%% Yo( r"ise it ($ in three d"'sB 52 /(t He
s$oke o! the te$%e o! His bod'1 55 9hen0 there!ore0 He h"d risen "g"in !ro the de"d0 His Disci$%es
reebered th"t He h"d s"id this0 "nd the' be%ie*ed the Scri$t(re LPs"123L2FM:2>M0 "nd the word th"t +es(s h"d s"id1
D+es(s w"s "ct("%%' $roc%"iing His Messi"hshi$ b' this c%e"nsing o! the te$%e K(st "s the Scri$t(res in Oech"ri"h 27:52 $redicted
the Messi"h wo(%d do1 This is wh' the' "sk !or " sign to $ro*e He is the Messi"h1 The on%' sign +es(s wo(%d $roise0 howe*er0 !or
these #e)ish r&lers wo(%d be His Res(rrection "!ter three d"'s1 /(t e*er' ir"c%e He $er!ored d(ring His inistr' w"s " sign o!
9ho He w"s to those who witnessed the1
5C Now when +es(s w"s "t +er(s"%e "t the P"sso*er ($on the !e"st d"'0 "n' be%ie*ed in His n"e0 seeing
His signs which He did1D 57 /(t +es(s did not tr(st Hise%! to the L!or He s"w the sh"%%owness o! their !"ithM0 !or He
knew "%% en0 53 "nd He needed not "n'oneHs testion'0 !or He knew wh"t w"s in "n1
DThese signs re!er to the bo%dness in which He dro*e o(t the erch"nts !ro the te$%e co(rt '"rd "nd the he"%ing o! Sion the
Oe"%ot0 the c%ose !riend o! L"I"r(s0 o! <%e$ros'1= This news s$re"d to "n' "s L"I"r(s w"s one o! the we"%thiest en in +er(s"%e
"nd )sr"e%1 +es(s h"d $re!ored no other ir"c%es "cce$t the $ri*"te one in G"%i%ee "t ,"n"1

3$((4&)% 7 $D <, 7 5 M$%CH

37G$548 # @L MchA # +es(s Meets +(d"s )sc"riot "nd Tho"s c ,(res Sion the Oe"%ot1
33G$583 # @L MchA # Tho"s /ecoes " Disci$%e L6
3FG$C>> # @L MchA # +(d"s o! A%$h"e(s0 Tho"s "nd Sion Are Acce$ted "s L4
"nd 2>
M Disci$%es "t the +ord"n1
36G$C>3 # @E A$ri%A # Ret(rn to N"I"reth "!ter P"sso*er with the Si: Disci$%es1
34G$C>4 # ,hrono%ogic"%%' this ,h"$ter coes "!ter ,h"$ter FC1 See "t th"t %oc"tion1

FI%(T G$5I5)$" MI"I(T%8 7 * M4"TH( 7 ) $3%I5 D ) .>") $D <, LPoe ,h"$ters 34#F3M
2C. A$r#M"'0 AD C2 From "azareth and Mount Carmel to Capernaum 38#F3
L- 7 FF1TU
C2 And He went down into ,"$ern"(0 " cit' o! G"%i%ee0 "nd there He t"(ght the on the S"bb"th d"'s1 C5 And
the' were "stonished "t His doctrine0 !or His s$eech w"s with $ower "nd "(thorit'1
Note: L(ke $%"ces the e$isode o! ,hristHs reKection in N"I"reth @FF1A K(st $rior to this e$isode !or " dr""tic e!!ect0 tho(gh it coes %"ter1
2;. L A$r0 S"t0 AD C2 $ Demonia is Cured in the (ynagogue # ,"$ern"( 38G$1C24
M- 2
52 And the' entered into ,"$ern"(1 And iedi"te%' on the S"bb"th
d"' going into the s'n"gog(e0 He t"(ght the1 55 And the' were
"stonished "t His doctrine0 !or He w"s te"ching the "s one h"*ing
"(thorit'0 not "s the scribes1
5C Now there w"s in their s'n"gog(e " "n with "n (nc%e"n s$irit "nd he
cried o(t0 57 s"'ing: 9h"t h"*e we to do with Yo(0 +es(s o! N"I"rethBP
H"*e Yo( coe to destro' (sBP ) know 9ho Yo( "re0 the Ho%' One o!
GodP 53 And +es(s thre"tened hi0 s"'ing: S$e"k no ore0 "nd go o(t o!
the "nP 5F And the (nc%e"n s$irit0 te"ring hi0 "nd cr'ing o(t with " %o(d
*oice0 went o(t o! hi1 56 And the' were "%% ""Ied0 inso(ch th"t the'
;(estioned "ong these%*es0 s"'ing: 9h"t thing is thisB 9h"t is this
new doctrineB For with $ower He co"nds e*en the (nc%e"n s$irits "nd
the' obe' HiP 54 And the !"e o! +es(s w"s s$re"d iedi"te%' into "%%
the co(ntr' o! G"%i%ee1
L- 7 TU

CC And in the s'n"gog(e there w"s " "n who h"d "n
(nc%e"n s$irit0 "nd he cried o(t with " %o(d *oice0 C7
S"'ing: Let (s "%oneP 9h"t h"*e we to do with Yo(0
+es(s o! N"I"rethP H"*e 'o( coe to destro' (sB ) know
Yo( who Yo( "re0 the Ho%' One o! GodP C3 And +es(s
reb(ked hi0 s"'ing: Ho%d 'o(r $e"ce "nd go o(t o! hiP
And when the deon h"d thrown hi down into their
idst0 he went o(t o! hi b(t did not "t "%% h(rt hi1 CF
And there c"e " ho%' !e"r ($on "%%0 "nd the' t"%ked
"ong these%*es0 s"'ing: 9h"t word is this0 !or with
"(thorit' "nd $ower He co"nds the (nc%e"n s$irits0
"nd the' go o(tP C6 And the !"e o! Hi w"s $(b%ished
into e*er' $%"ce o! the co(ntr'1
2B. M M"'0 S"t0 AD C2 3eter9s MotherDinD5a# Healed D ,"$ern"( F>0F2G$1C28
MT 4 2>41TU2>81
27 And when +es(s went into
PeterHs ho(se0 He s"w his
wi!eHs other %'ing sick with "
!e*er1 23 And He to(ched her
h"nd "nd the !e*er %e!t her0 "nd
she "rose "nd inistered to
the1 2F And when e*ening
h"d coe0 the' bro(ght to Hi
"n' who were $ossessed with
deons0 "nd He c"st o(t the
s$irits with His word1 And "%%
who were sick He he"%ed 26
th"t it ight be !(%!i%%ed which
w"s s$oken b' the $ro$het
)s"i"h0 s"'ing: He too* o&r
infirmities and -ore o&r
diseases1 Z)s"i"h 3C:7[
M- 2 TU
58 And iedi"te%'D going o(t o! the s'n"gog(e the'D
c"e with +"es "nd +ohn into the ho(se o! Sion LPeterM
"nd Andrew1 C> And SionHs wi!eHs other w"s in bed
sick with " !e*er "nd iedi"te%' the' to%d Hi o! her1
C2 And coing to her0 "nd t"king her b' the h"nd0 He
%i!ted her ($ "nd iedi"te%' the !e*er %e!t her0 "nd she
inistered (nto the1
C5 And when it w"s e*ening0 "!ter s(nset0 the' bro(ght
to Hi "%% th"t were i%% "nd who were $ossessed with
deons1 CC And the entire cit' h"d g"thered together "t
the door0 C7 "nd He he"%ed "n' th"t were tro(b%ed with
*"rio(s dise"ses1 And He c"st o(t "n' deons b(t
!orbid the Lthe deonsM to s$e"k0D bec"(se the' knew
Dimmediately: se*er"% S"bb"ths h"d $"ssed between 361 "nd 3410 b(t the'
h"d K(st "ttended the s'n"gog(e th"t d"'1
Dthey: +es(s "nd Peter
Dbut !orbid: +es(s cert"in%' did not wish to gi*e His eneies
occ"sion to re$ort th"t He w"s (sing the witness o! deons to
s($$ort His c%"i o! being the Messi"h "nd the Son o! GodP
L- 7 TU
C4 And +es(s rising ($ o(t o! the
s'n"gog(e L2#C S"bb"ths %"terM0 went into
Sion LPeterHsM ho(se1 And SionHs
wi!eHs other w"s t"ken with " gre"t
!e*er0 "nd the' begged Hi !or her1 C8
And st"nding o*er her0 He reb(ked the
!e*er "nd it %e!t her1 And iedi"te%'
rising0 she inistered to the1 7> And
when the s(n w"s down0 "%% those who
h"d "n' sick with *"rio(s dise"ses
bro(ght the to Hi1 And He %"'ing
His h"nds on e*er' one o! the0 he"%ed
the1 72 And deons went o(t !ro
"n'0 cr'ing o(t "nd s"'ing: Yo( "re
the Son o! GodP And reb(king the He
!orbid the to s$e"k0D !or the' knew
th"t He w"s ,hrist1
D!orbid: +es(s knew th"t His eneies wo(%d
cert"in%' (se the witness o! these deons
"g"inst Hi1
2A. M M"'0 S(n0 AD C2 .esus Departs to 3ray # Ne"r ,"$ern"( F5G$1C58
M- 2 TU
C3 And rising *er' e"r%' He went o(t into " desert LedMD $%"ce
"nd there He $r"'ed1 CF And Sion LPeterM0 "nd those who were
with hi0 !o%%owed "!ter Hi1 C6 And when the' h"d !o(nd
Hi0 the' s"id to Hi: E*er'one is %ooking !or Yo(P C4 And
He s"id to the: Let (s go into the neighboring towns "nd
cities th"t ) "' $re"ch there "%so0 bec"(se !or this $(r$ose )
h"*e coe1
L- 7 TU
75 And when it w"s d"'0 going o(t He went into " desertLedM $%"ce0D
"nd the (%tit(des so(ght Hi0 "nd c"e to Hi "nd the' tried to
con*ince Hi th"t He sho(%d not de$"rt !ro the1 7C To who He
s"id: To other cities "%so ) (st $re"ch the -ingdo o! God0 !or this
re"son ) h"*e been sent Linto the wor%dM1
Ddesert plae Q <eros= h"s been ore recent%' est"b%ished to e"n on%' " $%"ce
th"t is sec%(ded or $ri*"te1 The Poem h"d "%re"d' "!!ired this in the 287>Hs"
C+. M M"'0 S(n0 AD C2 .esus 3reahes Throughout Galilee # O(tside -or"Ii0 /eths"id" "nd Ne"rb' &i%%"ges FCG$1CC5
MT 7
5C And +es(s went "bo(t "%% G"%i%ee Lwhi%e the Disci$%es st"' "t ,"$ern"(M0 te"ching in their
s'n"gog(es "nd $re"ching the Gos$e% LGood NewsM o! the -ingdo "nd he"%ing "%% "nner o!
sickness "nd e*er' in!irit' "ong the $eo$%e1 57 And His !"e went thro(gho(t "%% S'ri"1
And the' $resented to Hi "%% who were sick who were t"ken with *"rio(s dise"ses "nd
torents0 "nd s(ch "s were $ossessed b' deons0 "nd %(n"tics0 "nd those who h"d $"%s'0
"nd He c(red the1 53 And "n' $eo$%e !o%%owed Hi !ro G"%i%ee0 !ro Dec"$o%is0 !ro
+er(s"%e0 !ro +(de"0 "nd !ro be'ond the +ord"n1
M- 2 TU
C8 And He went
!orth $re"ching in
their s'n"gog(es0
"nd in "%% G"%i%ee0
c"sting o(t deons1
L- 7 TUFC1
77 And He
$re"ching in the
s'n"gog(es o!
C,. M M"'0 S(n0 AD C2 .esus Heals a 5eper "ear Oorazim FCG$1CC3
M- 2 TU
7> And there c"e " %e$er Ln"ed Abe%M to Hi0 begging Hi0 "nd
knee%ing down s"id to Hi: )! Yo( wi%%0 Yo( c"n "ke e c%e"nP 72
And +es(s0 h"*ing co$"ssion on hi0 stretched !orth His h"nd "nd
to(ching hi0 s"id to hi: ) wi%%P /e "de c%e"nP 75 And when He
h"d s$oken0 iedi"te%' the %e$ros' de$"rted !ro hi "nd he w"s
"de c%e"n1 7C And He strict%' ch"rged hi "nd iedi"te%' sent
hi "w"'0 77 h"*ing s"id to hi: See th"t 'o( te%% no one0D b(t go0
show 'o(rse%! to the high $riest0 "nd o!!er !or 'o(r c%e"nsing the
things th"t Moses co"nded !or " testion' to the1 73 /(t he0
h"*ing gone o(t0 beg"n to $(b%ish "nd to b%"Ie "bro"d the word0 so
th"t +es(s co(%d not o$en%' go into the cit'0 b(t w"s L!orced to goM
witho(t in deserted $%"ces1 /(t the' !%ocked to Hi !ro "%% sides1
D+es(s soeties ordered si%ence !or those He he"%ed bec"(se He did not wish to
be det"ined b' the res(%ting crowds b(t o!ten it w"s bec"(se He knew the $ersons
co(%d not withst"nd the $ersec(tion the' wo(%d recei*e !ro the re%igio(s r(%ers1
25 And it c"e to $"ss0 when He w"s
in " cert"in cit'0 beho%d " "n LAbe%M
!(%% o! %e$ros'0 who seeing +es(s0 "nd
!"%%ing on his !"ce0 begged Hi0
s"'ing: Lord0 i! Yo( wi%%0 Yo( c"n
"ke e c%e"nP 2C And stretching
!orth His h"nd0 He to(ched hi0
s"'ing: ) wi%%P /e c%e"nsedP And
iedi"te%' the %e$ros' de$"rted !ro
hi1 27 And He ch"rged hi th"t he
sho(%d te%% no "n0 b(t s"id0 Go0 show
'o(rse%! to the $riest "nd o!!er !or "
testion' to the0 "ccording "s Moses
co"nded !or 'o(r c%e"nsing1 23 /(t
the !"e o! Hi went "bro"d "%% the
ore "nd gre"t crowds c"e together
to he"r "nd to be he"%ed b' Hi o!
their in!irities1 2F And He retired
into " deserted $%"ce0 "nd $r"'ed1
D L(ke correct%' indic"tes this is not the s"e cit'
"s the one in*o%*ed in the e$isode he inserted K(st
be!ore this one @See FC1A
34G$C>4 # @L M"'A # ,(re o! " /%ind "n "t ,"$ern"(1 LThis ,h"$ter is here in $ro$er chrono%ogic"% $%"ce1M
C*. L M"'0 AD C2 $ Man #ith 3alsy is Healed and Forgiven D ,"$ern"( F7G$1CC8
MT 8 2261TUF71
2b "nd He c"e into His
own cit'1 5 And beho%d
the' bro(ght to Hi one
sick o! the $"%s' %'ing in "
bed1 And +es(s seeing
their !"ith0 s"id to the "n
sick o! the $"%s': /e o!
good he"rt0 son0 'o(r sins
"re !orgi*en 'o(1 C And
beho%d soe o! the scribes
s"id within these%*es: He
b%"s$heesP 7 And +es(s
$ercei*ing their tho(ghts0
s"id: 9h' do 'o( think
e*i% in 'o(r he"rtsB 3
9h"t is e"sier to s"': Yo(r
sins "re !orgi*en 'o(0 or to
s"': Arise "nd w"%kB F /(t
th"t 'o( "' know th"t
the Son o! M"n h"s $ower
on e"rth to !orgi*e sins0 He
s"id to the "n sick o! the
$"%s': Arise0 t"ke ($ 'o(r
bed "nd go to 'o(r ho(seP
6 And he "rose "nd went
to his ho(se1 4 And the
(%tit(de seeing it Lwere
str(ck withM !e"r "nd "we0 "nd g%ori!ied God 9ho
g"*e s(ch $ower to en11
M- 5 TU
2 AND "g"in He entered into ,"$ern"( "!ter
soe d"'s L22 d"'sM1 5 And "s it w"s disco*ered th"t
He w"s in LPeterHsM ho(se0 "n' c"e together0 so
th"t there w"s no roo0 not e*en "t the doorw"'1
And +es(s s$oke to the the 9ord Lo! God0 The Good
NewsM1 C Then the' c"e bringing " $"r"%'tic to
Hi0 c"rried b' !o(r en1 7 And when the' co(%d
not get hi to +es(s bec"(se o! the crowd0 the'
(nco*ered the roo! o*er where He w"s0 "nd
o$ening it0 the' %et down the bed on which the "n
sick o! the $"%s' %"'1 3 And when +es(s h"d seen
their !"ith0 He s"id to the $"r"%'tic: Son0 'o(r sins
"re !orgi*en 'o(1 F Now there were soe o! the
scribes sitting there "nd thinking in their he"rts: 6
9h' does this M"n s$e"k this w"'BP He
b%"s$heesP 9ho c"n !orgi*e sins b(t GodBP 4
+es(s0 "t once knowing in His s$irit th"t the'
re"soned within these%*es0 s"id to the: 9h'
re"son these things in 'o(r he"rtsB 8 9hich is
e"sierB To s"' to the sick o! the $"%s': Yo(r sins
"re !orgi*en 'o(0 or to s"': Arise0 t"ke ($ 'o(r bed0
"nd w"%kB 2> /(t th"t 'o( "' know th"t the Son
o! M"n h"s $ower on e"rth to !orgi*e sins0 He s"id
to the sick o! the $"%s': 22 ) s"' to 'o(0 "rise0 t"ke
($ 'o(r bed "nd go to 'o(r ho(seP 25 And
iedi"te%' he "rose0 "nd t"king ($ his bed0 went
his w"' in the sight o! "%%0 so th"t "%% wondered "nd
g%ori!ied God0 s"'ing: 9e h"*e ne*er seen the
%ikes o! thisP
L- 3
TUF71 26 And it c"e to $"ss on " cert"in d"'0
"s +es(s s"t te"ching Lin PeterHs ho(seM0 th"t there
were "%so Ph"risees "nd doctors o! the L"w sitting
b' who h"d coe o(t o! e*er' town o! G"%i%ee0 o!
+(de" "nd +er(s"%e1 And the $ower o! the Lord
w"s $resent to he"% Lthe sickM1 24 And beho%d0 en
bro(ght " "n in " bed who h"d the $"%s'1 And
the' so(ght e"ns to bring hi in "nd to %"' hi
be!ore +es(s1 28 b(t when the' co(%d not !ind "
w"' to bring hi in bec"(se o! the (%tit(de0 the'
went ($ ($on the roo! "nd %et hi down with his
bed thro(gh the ti%es into the idst be!ore +es(s1
5> 9hen +es(s s"w his !"ith0 he s"id: M"n0 'o(r
sins "re !orgi*en 'o(1 52 And the scribes "nd
Ph"risees beg"n to think0
s"'ing: 9ho is this One
9ho s$e"ks b%"s$heiesBP
9ho c"n !orgi*e sins0 b(t
God "%oneB 55 And when
+es(s knew their tho(ghts0
He s"id to the: 9h"t is
this 'o( "re thinking in
'o(r he"rtsB 5C 9hich is
e"sier to s"'0 Yo(r sins "re
!orgi*en 'o(0 or0 Arise "nd
w"%kB 57 /(t th"t 'o( "'
know th"t the Son o! M"n
h"s $ower on e"rth to
!orgi*e sins0 He s"id to the
sick o! the $"%s': ) s"' to
'o(0 Arise0 t"ke ($ 'o(r
bed "nd go to 'o(r ho(seP
53 And iedi"te%' rising
($ be!ore the0 he took ($
the bed on which he h"d
%"in0 "nd he went "w"' to
his own ho(se0 g%ori!'ing
God1 5F And "%% were
"stonished "nd the'
g%ori!ied God1 And the'
were !i%%ed with ho%' !e"r0
s"'ing: 9e h"*e seen
wonder!(% things tod"'P
C<. L M"'0 AD C2 The Miraulous Cath o! Fish D ,"$ern"( F70 F3G$1CCF
M- 5
2C And He went
!orth "g"in to the se"
side0 "nd the entire
crowd c"e to Hi0
"nd He t"(ght the1
L- 3
2 AND it c"e to $"ss "s He w"s st"nding b' the L"ke o! Gennes"ret LSe" o! G"%i%eeM th"t the (%tit(des $ressed
($on Hi to he"r the 9ord o! God1 5 And He s"w two shi$s dr"wn ($ b' the %"ke0 b(t the !isheren h"d %e!t
the0 "nd were w"shing their nets1 LThe' h"d been w"shing nets K(st be!ore C*.1 See ,h F7 in the Poe1M C And going
into one o! the shi$s th"t w"s SionHs0 He desired hi to dr"w b"ck " %itt%e !ro the %"nd1 And sitting He
t"(ght the (%tit(de o(t o! the shi$1 7 Now when He h"d !inished s$e"king0 He s"id to Sion: L"(nch o(t
into the dee$ "nd %et down 'o(r nets !or " dr"(ght1 3 And Sion "nswering0 s"id to Hi: M"ster0 we h"*e
%"bored "%% night "nd h"*e t"ken nothing0 b(t "t Yo(r word ) wi%% %et down the net1 F And when the' h"d done
this0 the' enc%osed " *er' gre"t (%tit(de o! !ish0 "nd their net beg"n to bre"k1 6 And so the' beckoned to their
$"rtners who were in the other shi$0 th"t the' sho(%d coe "nd he%$ the1 And the' c"e "nd !i%%ed both the
shi$s so th"t the' were ne"r%' sinking1 4 Now when Sion Peter s"w this0 He !e%% down "t +es(sH knees0 s"'ing:
De$"rt !ro e0 !or ) " " sin!(% "n0 O LordP 8 For he "nd "%% th"t were with hi were who%%' "stonished "t
the h"(% o! !ish which the' h"d t"ken1 2> And so were "%so +"es "nd +ohn the sons o! Oebedee0 who were
SionHs $"rtners1 And +es(s s"id to Sion: Fe"r not Lbec"(se o! 'o(r !"(%tsM0 !ro now on 'o( sh"%% c"tch enP
22 And h"*ing bro(ght their shi$s to %"nd0 then %e"*ing "%% things0 the' !o%%owed Hi1
DThis "cco(nt is so re!%ecti*e o! Peter th"t there c"n h"rd%' be " do(bt th"t L(ke got this "cco(nt direct%' !ro Peter1

FI%(T .>D)$" MI"I(T%8 7 * M4"TH( 7 ) .>") D 5 .>58 $D <, LPoe ,h"$ters FF#46M
3)"T)C4(T 7 $D <, 7 ) .>")
FFG$C7C # @M +(nA # The )sc"riot Finds +es(s "t Gethse"ne "nd is Acce$ted "s " Disci$%e1 L22
F6G$C7F # @M +(nA # +es(s 9orks the Mir"c%e o! the /roken /%"des "t the Fish G"te1
F4G$C3> # @M +(nA # +es(s Pre"ches in the Te$%e1 +(d"s )sc"riot )s with Hi1
F8G$C33 # @M +(nA # +es(s Te"ches +(d"s )sc"riot1
6>G$CF> # @L +(nA # +es(s eet +ohn o! Oebedee "t Gethse"ne1
62G$CFF # @L +(nA # +es(s with +(d"s )sc"riot Meets Sion Oe"%ot "nd +ohn1
65G$CF8 # @L +(nA # +es(s0 +ohn0 Sion "nd +(d"s go to /eth%ehe1
6CG$C65 # @L +(nA # +es(s "t /eth%ehe in the Pe"s"ntHs Ho(se "nd in the Grotto1
67G$C42 # @L +(nA # +es(s Goes to the Hote% in /eth%ehe "nd Pre"ches !ro the R(ins o! AnneHs Ho(se1
63G$C48 # @L +(nA # +es(s "nd the She$herds E%i"s0 Le*i "nd +ose$h1
6FG$C83 # @L +(nA # +es(s "t +(tt"h with the She$herd )s""c1
66G$7>5 # @L +(nA # +es(s "t Hebron1 O"ch"ri"sH Ho(se1 Ag%"e1
64G$7>8 # @L +(n or E +(%A # +es(s "t -erioth1 De"th o! O%d S"(%1
68G$728 # @E +(%A # +es(s on His 9"' /"ck Sto$s with the She$herds ne"r Hebron1
4>G$757 # @E +(%A # +es(s Ret(rns to the Mo(nt"in 9here He F"sted "nd to the Rock o! Te$t"tion1
42G$7CC # @E +(%A # At the +ord"n Ford1 Meeting with the She$herds +ohn0 M"tthi"s "nd Sieon1
45G$7C4 # @E +(%A # +(d"s )sc"riot Te%%s o! how He So%d Ag%"eHs +ewe%s to Dioedes1 The one' !ro this w"s (sed to !ree +ohn the
/"$tist0 who h"d been i$risoned !i*e "nd " h"%! onths !ro %"te +"n("r' @see Gos$e% e*ent S72A1
4CG$777 # @M +(%0Th(A # +es(s ,ries on "cco(nt o! +(d"s0 "nd Sion Oe"%ot ,o!orts Hi1
47G$778 # @M +(%0S"tA # +es(s Meets L"I"r(s "t /eth"n'1
43G$737 # @M +(%0S(nA # +es(s Goes /"ck to +er(s"%e "nd Listens to +(d"s )sc"riot in the Te$%e "nd then Goes to Gethse"ne1
4FG$738 # @L +(%0MonA # +es(s S$e"ks to the So%dier A%e:"nder "t the Fish G"te1
46G$7FC # @L +(%A # +es(s "nd )s""c ne"r Doco1 De$"rt(re tow"rd Esdr"e%on1
()C4"D G$5I5)$" MI"I(T%8D (8%4D3H4)"ICI$ 7 < M4"TH( 7 5 .>58 D ) "4&)M:)% $D <, LPoe ,h"$ters 44#

44G$7FF # @L +(%A # +es(s 9ith the She$herd +on"h in P%"in o! Esdr"e%on1
48G$762 # @L +(%0S(nA # Ret(rn to N"I"reth "!ter Le"*ing +on"h1
8>G$766 # @L +(%0MonA # The Ne:t D"' in the Ho(se in N"I"reth1
82G$742 # @L +(%09edA # +es(s_ Lesson to His Disci$%es in the O%i*e#Gro*e1
85G$743 # @L +(%0Th(A # +es(s_ Lesson to His Disci$%es ne"r His Hoe1
8CG$748 # @E A(g0FriA # The Lesson to the Disci$%es in the Presence o! the Most Ho%' &irgin in the G"rden in N"I"reth1
87G$787 # @E A(g0S"tA # ,(re o! the /e"(t' o! -or"Ii1 Seron in the S'n"gog(e "t ,"$ern"(1
83G$3>> # @E A(g0MonA # +"es o! A%$h"e(s is Recei*ed Aong the Disci$%es1 +es(s Pre"ches ne"r M"tthew_s ,(stos /ench1
8FG$3>F # @E A(g09edA # +es(s Pre"ches to the ,rowd "t /eths"id"1
C@. E A(g0 Th(0 AD C2 The Call o! Matthe#' The ,*
Disiple # ,"$ern"( o! G"%i%ee 86G$1322
MT 8 F51TU631
8 And when +es(s $"ssed on !ro there0
He s"w " "n sitting in the c(sto
ho(se n"ed M"tthew1 And He s"id to
hi: Fo%%ow Me1 And he rose ($ "nd !o%%owed
2> And it c"e to $"ss "s He w"s sitting
"t the t"b%e in the ho(se Lo! M"tthewM0
beho%d "n' $(b%ic"ns "nd sinners Lwho
were "%% M"tthewHs !riends "nd "c;("int"ncesM
c"e "nd s"t down with +es(s "nd His
Disci$%es1 22 And the Ph"risees seeing it0
s"id to His Disci$%es: 9h' does 'o(r
M"ster e"t with $(b%ic"ns "nd sinnersBP 25
/(t +es(s he"ring it0 s"id: The' th"t "re in
he"%th need not " $h'sici"n0 b(t the' th"t
"re i%%1 2C Go then "nd %e"rn wh"t this
e"ns: I )ill ha+e mercy and not
sacrifice? ZHose" F:F[ For ) h"*e not
coe to c"%% the K(st0 b(t sinners1
DM"tthew0 h"*ing been gre"t%' o*ed b' +es(sH
$re"ching0 h"d reno(nced his $"st %i!e o! sin "nd h"d been
"non'o(s%' gi*ing "%s to +es(s !or se*er"% weeks1
M- 5 TU631
27 And when He w"s $"ssing b'0 He
s"w Le*i LM"tthewM the son o! A%$h"e(s
sitting "t the t": t"b%e1 And He s"id to
hi: Fo%%ow Me1 And rising ($0 he
!o%%owed Hi1
23 And it c"e to $"ss "s +es(s s"t "t "
e"% in his ho(se0 "n' $(b%ic"ns "nd
sinners s"t down together with +es(s
"nd His Disci$%es1 For there were
"n' who !o%%owed Hi Lto M"tthewHs
ho(seM1 2F And the scribes o! the
Ph"risees seeing th"t +es(s "te with
$(b%ic"ns "nd sinners0 s"id to His
Disci$%es: 9h' does 'o(r M"ster e"t
"nd drink with $(b%ic"ns "nd sinnersBP
26 +es(s he"ring this0 s"id to the:
The' th"t "re we%% h"*e no need o! "
$h'sici"n0 b(t the' who "re sick1 ) c"e
not to c"%% the K(st0 b(t sinners1
L- 3 F51TU631
56 And "!ter these things He went !orth "nd
s"w " $(b%ic"n n"ed Le*iD sitting "t the t":
o!!ice0 "nd He s"id to hi: Fo%%ow Me1 54 And
%e"*ing "%% things0 he rose ($ "nd !o%%owed
Hi1 58 And Le*i "de Hi " gre"t !e"st in
his own ho(seE "nd there w"s " gre"t co$"n'
o! $(b%ic"ns0 "nd o! others0 th"t were "t the
t"b%e with the1 C> /(t the Ph"risees "nd
scribes (r(red0 s"'ing to His Disci$%es:
9h' do 'o( e"t "nd drink with $(b%ic"ns "nd
sinnersB C2 And +es(s "nswering0 s"id to the:
The' th"t "re who%e need not the $h'sici"n0 b(t
the' th"t "re sick1 C5 ) c"e not to c"%% the K(st0
b(t sinners to re$ent"nce1
D)t is interesting how both M"rk "nd L(ke conce"%ed
M"tthewHs $"st b' here c"%%ing hi Le*i1 M"tthew
howe*er "dits his $"st1 The writers "%so conce"%ed the
in!"o(s $"st o! M"r' M"gd"%ene tho(gh Peter wishing
to "ke " *er' strong $oint re*e"%ed soe o! it whi%e
entioning she w"s the !irst to see the LordP
84G$324 # @M A(g0T(eA # +es(s on the L"ke o! Tiberi"s1 Lesson to His Disci$%es ne"r the S"e Town1
88G$35F # @M A(g0T(eA # +es(s Looks !or +on"th"n in the Ho(se o! ,h(I" "t Tiberi"s1
2>>G$3C2 # @M A(g0T(eA # +es(s in the Ho(se o! His .nc%e A%$h"e(s "nd then "t His Own Ho(se1
%>2G$37> # @M A(g09edA # +es(s a(estions His Mother "bo(t His Disci$%es1
2>5G$372 # @M A(g0MonA # ,(re o! +oh"nn" o! ,h(I" ne"r ,"n"1
2>CG$374 # @L A(gA # +es(s in Leb"non with the She$herds /enK"in "nd D"nie%1
2>7G$33C # @E Se$0MonA # +es(s in the Se"#Town LPto%e"isM Recei*es Letters ,oncerning +on"h1
C2. E Se$0 AD C2 .esus %eturns to "azareth !rom 3tolemais
L- 7 781TU
2F" And He c"e to N"I"reth0 where He w"s bro(ght ($0
/' this tie +es(s h"s he"%ed "t %e"st 25 $eo$%e in G"%i%ee @se*en in ,"$ern"(A inc%(ding the renowned +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"1 /(t $ride
in !"i%' ebers @Ho%' +ose$hHs o%der brother A%$h"e(s "nd his two o%dest sonsA who K(dged +es(s "s " shirker o! !"i%' d(t' h"d
$oisoned ost "%% o! N"I"reth1
CC. E Se$0 S"t0 AD C2 .esus is Thro#n out o! the City o! "azareth 2>FG$13F7
L- 7 TU3F1
2Fb "nd He went into the s'n"gog(e "ccording to His c(sto on the S"bb"th d"' "nd He rose ($ to re"d1 26
And the Lthe ro%% o! theM /ook o! )s"i"h the $ro$het w"s de%i*ered to Hi1 And "s He (nro%%ed the book "nd !o(nd
the $%"ce where it w"s written:
24 The !pirit of the %ord is &pon Me" Cherefore He hath anointed Me to preach the Gospel to the poor, He
hath sent Me to heal the contrite of heart, 28 to anno&nce deli+erance to the capti+es, and si'ht to the -lind, to
set at li-erty those that are -r&ised, to anno&nce the accepta-le year of the %ord, and the day of re)ard" Z)s"i"h
5> And when he h"d re#ro%%ed the book0 He ret(rned it to the inister "nd s"t down1 And the e'es o! "%% in the
s'n"gog(e were !i:ed on Hi1 52 And He beg"n to s"' to the: This d"' is !(%!i%%ed this Scri$t(re in 'o(r e"rsP
55 And "%% g"*e " good testion' o! Hi0 b(t the' wondered "t the words o! gr"ce th"t $roceeded !ro His
o(th0 "nd the' s"id: )s not this the son o! +ose$hB
5C And He s"id to the: Do(bt%ess 'o( wi%% ;(ote Me this $ro*erb: Physician, heal thyself? LAnd "%so s"' to Me:M
The gre"t things we h"*e he"rd done in ,"$ern"(0D do "%so here in Yo(r own co(ntr'P
57 Then He s"id: Most "ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0 th"t no $ro$het is "cce$ted in his own co(ntr'P 53 )n tr(th ) s"'
to 'o(0 there were "n' widows in the d"'s o! E%iK"h in )sr"e%0 when He"*en w"s sh(t ($ three 'e"rs "nd si:
onths0 when there w"s " gre"t !"ine thro(gho(t "%% the e"rth1 5F And to none o! the w"s E%iK"h sent0 b(t to
O"re$h"th o! Sidon0 to " L$"g"nM widow wo"n1 56 And there were "n' %e$ers in )sr"e% in the tie o! E%ish" the
$ro$het0 b(t none o! the were c%e"nsed b(t N"""n the S'ri"n1
54 And "%% the' in the s'n"gog(e0 he"ring these things0 were !i%%ed with "ngerP 58 And the' rose ($ "nd thr(st
Hi o(t o! the cit'1 And the' bro(ght Hi to the brow o! the hi%% whereon their cit' w"s b(i%t 0D th"t the' ight
c"st Hi down he"d%ong1 C> /(t He $"ssing thro(gh the idst o! the0 went His w"'1
DCapernaum: .esus had per!ormed ; o! the ,< Galilean mirales in Capernaum and none in "azareth beause o! their
unbelie! and preRudie. This inludes the mirales that 5u/e no# details in the rest o! this Chapter' and through 2:<*. L(ke
h"s ob*io(s%' <c(t "nd $"sted= these stories0 witho(t editing the !ro wh"t (st h"*e been " (ch %"rger "nd ore chrono%ogic"%
work or !ro $erson"% inter*iews with the A$ost%es1
DThe hill at "azareth: w"s sit("ted between two hi%%s or in " *"%e "ong o(nt"ins1 The $%"ce the' dro*e +es(s is to the so(th o!
the cit' "nd is tod"' c"%%ed the Mt1 o! Preci$it"tion1 L(ke cert"in%' got this det"i% !ro Ho%' M"r' with who he s$ent (ch tie in
$re$"r"tion !or writing his Gos$e%1
2>6G$3F8 # @M Se$A # +es(s in the Ho(se o! +oh"nn" o! ,h(I" with His Mother1
2>4G$362 # @OctoberA # +es(s "t the &int"ge in the Ho(se o! Anne1 Mir"c%e o! " P"r"%'tic ,hi%d1
2>8G$366 # @E No*A # +es(s "t Dor"s_ Ho(se1 The De"th o! +on"h1
22>G$348 # @E No*A # +es(s in the Ho(se o! +"cob ne"r L"ke Mero1
TH) ()C4"D .>D)$" MI"I(T%8 D ($M$%I$ 7 * M4"TH( 7 ) "4& $D <, D M .$" $D <* LPoe ,h"$ters 222#278M
T$:)%"$C5)( =%esheduled? 7 $D <, 7 )DM "4&)M:)%
222G$387 # @E No*A # Ret(rn to the +ord"n Ford ne"r +ericho1
225G$384 # @M No*A # +es(s in the Ho(se o! L"I"r(s1 M"rth" S$e"ks o! the M"gd"%ene1
22CG$F>7 # @M No*A # )n L"I"r(s_ Ho(se Ag"in "!ter the T"bern"c%es1 )n*it"tion o! +ose$h o! Ari"the"1
227G$F>3 # @L No*A # +es(s Meets G""%ie% "t the /"n;(et o! +ose$h o! Ari"the"1
223G$F2C # @L No*0S"tA # ,(re o! the Litt%e D'ing bo'1 The So%dier A%e:"nder1 )nti"tion to +es(s1
C;. L No*0 AD C2 "iodemus (ee/s .esus at "ight # +er(s"%e 22FG$1F26
+N C 331TU
2 AND there w"s " "n o! the Ph"risees n"ed Nicode(s0 " r(%er o! the +ews1 5 This "n Lwho w"s both
"ttr"cted b' +es(sH "ct in c%e"nsing the te$%e eight onths be!ore "nd the "n' ir"c%es since0 w"s now !e"r!(% o*er the
constern"tion o! the re%igio(s %e"ders o*er " Ro"n so%dier b"rging into the restricted Te$%e "re" in se"rch o! +es(s o*er "n
eergenc' "nd +es(sH reb(ke o! the r(%ers !or their (nc"%%ed !or re"ction @)022FG$1F2CAM c"e to +es(s b' night "nd s"id to
Hi: R"bbi0 we Lse*er"% ebers o! the S"nhedrin: he0 +ose$h o! Ari"the" "nd G""%ie%M know th"t Yo( "re " te"cher
coe !ro God0 !or no "n c"n do these signs which Yo( do (n%ess God be with Hi1 LNicode(s then con!esses his
"gon' "nd str(gg%e to be !(%%' cert"in o! the essi"hshi$ o! +es(s1M
C +es(s "nswered "nd s"id to hi: Most cert"in%' "nd "ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0 (n%ess " "n is born "g"in0 he
c"nnot see the -ingdo o! God1D
7 Nicode(s s"id to Hi: How c"n " "n be born when he is o%dB ,"n he enter " second tie into his
otherHs wob "nd be born "g"inB
3 +es(s "nswered: Most cert"in%' "nd "ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0 (n%ess " "n is born "g"in o! w"ter "nd the Ho%'
S$irit0 he c"nnot enter into the -ingdo o! God1 F Th"t which is born o! the !%esh0 is !%esh0 "nd th"t which is
born o! the S$irit0 is s$irit1 6 9onder not0 th"t ) s"id to 'o(0 'o( (st be born "g"in1 4 The S$irit bre"thes
where He wi%%0 "nd 'o( he"r His *oice L"nd the *oice o! the F"therM0 b(t 'o( know not !ro where He coes0 "nd
where He goes1 So is e*er' one who is born o! the S$irit1 8 Nicode(s "nswered "nd s"id to hi: How c"n
these things be doneB
2> +es(s "nswered "nd s"id to hi: Are 'o( " "ster in )sr"e% "nd 'o( do not know these thingsB L)t re"%%' w"s
incredib%e th"t Nicode(s w"s so b%ind here0 considering he knew !(%% we%% the (ni*ers"% "!!%iction o! Ad"ic sin0 the c%os(re o!
He"*en to "%% the !"ith!(% who were w"iting !or the rede$tion "nd the c%e"r $ro$hecies o! the <new he"rt= th"t wo(%d soed"' be
gi*en to GodHs $eo$%e in EIekie% 22:28#5> thro(gh the $roised coing o! the S$irit @+oe% 5:54A which wo(%d restore di*ine sonshi$
to GodHs $eo$%e1 The re"% $rob%e w"s th"t "%% o! these %e"ders h"d been is%ed b' their own $ride concerning the n"t(re o! the
Messi"h "nd His kingdo1 The' K(st co(%d not be%ie*e the si$%e G"%i%e"n Disci$%es co(%d see "%% this be!ore the' co(%dPM 22
Most cert"in%' "nd "ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0 th"t We Lthe S$irit0 the F"ther "nd )M s$e"k wh"t We know0 "nd We testi!'
wh"t We h"*e seen0 "nd 'o( do not Lwho%ehe"rted%'M recei*e 4ur testion'1 LThe di*ine testion' o! the F"ther "nd the
S$irit gi*en "t ,hristHs b"$tisPM 25 )! ) h"*e s$oken to 'o( o! e"rth%' things Li1e1 the signs "t M' b"$tis o! the S$iritHs
descent to bring this New /irthM0 "nd 'o( be%ie*e not0 how wi%% 'o( be%ie*e i! ) sh"%% s$e"k to 'o( o! he"*en%' things
Lthe things ) h"*e seen "nd he"rd in He"*enMB 2C And no "n h"s "scended into He"*en Lin order to re*e"% its re"%it' to
enM0 e:ce$t He 9ho "%so descended !ro He"*en0 the Son o! M"n 9ho is Le*en nowM in He"*en Lbeho%ding the !"ce
o! His F"ther #Acts 5:53E +n127:CM1 27 And "s Moses %i!ted ($ the ser$ent in the desert Lto s"*e the )sr"e%ites bitten b'
*i$ers #N(152:8M0 so (st the Son o! M"n be %i!ted ($ Lon " crossM0 23 th"t whoe*er be%ie*es in Hi "' not
$erish b(t "' h"*e %i!e e*er%"sting Ldi*ine he"*en%' %i!eMP
L)n **127023 +es(s gi*es Nicode(s one o! those he"*en%' things @not "ttested to b' "n <e"rth%'= sign or $roo!A th"t He knew he
wo(%d re"%%' !ind h"rd to "cce$t0 b(t which +es(s knew he needed to he"rPM
2F For God so %o*ed the wor%d th"t He gi*e His on%' begotten Son0 th"t whoe*er be%ie*es in Hi "' not
$erish0 b(t h"*e %i!e e*er%"sting Ldi*ine or he"*en%' %i!eM1 26 For God did not send His Son into the wor%d to
conden the wor%d0 b(t th"t the wor%d b' Hi ight be s"*ed1 24 He who be%ie*es in Hi is not condened1
/(t he who does not be%ie*e is "%re"d' condened0 bec"(se he be%ie*es not in the n"e o! the on%' begotten Son
o! God1 28 And the re"son !or this K(dgent is bec"(se the Light L,hrist Hise%! # 2:3#2>M h"s coe into the wor%d0
"nd en0 bec"(se their works were e*i%0 %o*ed d"rkness r"ther th"n the Light1 5> For e*er' one who does e*i%
h"tes the Light0 "nd does not coe to the Light0 th"t his works "' not be re$ro*ed1 52 /(t he who does wh"t is
honest "nd right0 coes to the Light th"t his works "' be "de "ni!est0 bec"(se the' "re done in Lthe $resence
o!M God1
DNicode(s h"d been "t the b"n;(et "t +ose$h o! Ari"the" "nd he"rd +es(s K(st " !ew d"'s be!ore @See 227G$F>3 "bo*eA1
CB. E Dec0 T(e0 AD C2 .esus :egins Teahing 3ublily in .udea # To ,%e"r 9"ter0 6 i%es North o!
55" A!ter these things +es(s "nd His Disci$%es c"e Lo(tM intoD the %"nd o! +(de"0 Lto inister $(b%ic%' "s the' h"d
done in G"%i%eeM1
D+es(s w"s "%re"d' in +(de"P Once "g"in The Poem c%"ri!ies " h"rd%' noticed b(t e:tree%' di!!ic(%t st"teent in the Gos$e%s b' showing +es(sH
tie in +(de" $rior to this @M +(ne# M +(%' ,h1 FF#46 "nd ost o! No*eber ,h1 222#22FA w"s s$ent in $ri*"te inistr' "nd co(nse%0 not in $(b%ic

CA. E Dec W M +"n0 AD C2 .esus at Clear Water 7 .ohn "ear )non in (amariaT 224G$1FC>
55b "nd there He "bode with the "nd b"$tiIed L"t ,%e"r 9"ter0 6 i%es N1 o! +erichoM1 5C And +ohn "%so w"s
b"$tiIing0 b(t in EnonD ne"r S"%i bec"(se there w"s (ch w"ter there1 And $eo$%e c"e "nd were b"$tiIed1
57 For +ohn w"s not 'et c"st into $rison Lthe second "nd !in"% tie !ro M M"rch0 AD C5 to M A(g(st AD C5M1
DNOTE: +ohn h"d esc"$ed !ro " $re*io(s 6 onth i$risonent soe 7 onths be!ore in A(g(st "nd !or his s"!et' h"s now o*ed his inistr' !ro
/eth"b"r" to S""ri"1
228G$FCF # @E Dec0FriA # +es(s "t the ,%e"r 9"ter: ) A the Lord Yo(r God1
25>G$F77 # @E Dec0S"tA # +G , 9: Yo( Sh"%% H"*e No Other Gods in M' Presence1
252G$F76 # @E Dec0MonA # +G , 9: Yo( Sh"%% Not T"ke M' N"e in &"in1
255G$F37 # @E Dec0T(eA # +G , 9: Honor Yo(r F"ther "nd Yo(r Mother1
25CG$FF7 # @E Dec09edA # +G , 9: Yo( Sh"%% Not Fornic"te1
257$GF62 # @M Dec0Th(A # The &ei%ed 9o"n "t the ,%e"r 9"ter1
253G$F6F # @M Dec0S(nA # +G , 9: Obser*e Ho%' D"'s1
25FG$F4> # @M Dec0MonA # +G , 9: Yo( Sh"%% Not -i%%1 The De"th o! Dor"s1

;+. M Dec0 T(e0 AD C2 The :aptist Testi!ies that .esus is the Christ
+N C Sti%% "t ,%e"r 9"ter TU
53 And there "rose " ;(estion between soe o! +ohnHs disci$%es "nd the +ews concerning $(ri!ic"tion1 5F And
so the'
c"e to +ohn0 "nd s"id to hi: R"bbi0 He who w"s with 'o( be'ond the +ord"n0 to who 'o( g"*e
testion'0 beho%d He b"$tiIes0
"nd "%% en coe to Hi1
These disci$%es o! the /"$tist were Sieon0 +ohn "nd M"tthi"s0 three o! the /eth%ehe she$herds who contin(ed with +ohn to
enco(r"ge hi tho(gh the' wished to be with +es(s1
A re!erence to +es(sH inistr' "t ,%e"r 9"ter1 @))0$$1FCF#F44A
56 +ohn "nswered "nd s"id: A "n c"nnot recei*e "n'thing Linc%(ding " inistr'M (n%ess it be gi*en hi !ro
He"*en1 54 Yo( 'o(rse%*es be"r e witness th"t ) s"id: ) " not ,hrist0 b(t th"t ) " sent be!ore Hi1 58 He
9ho h"s the bride is the /ridegrooP /(t the !riend o! the bridegroo0 who st"nds "nd %istens to Hi0 e:"%ts
with Ko' bec"(se o! the bridegrooHs *oice1 This ' Ko'0 there!ore0 is !(%!i%%edP C> He (st incre"se0 b(t ) (st
C2 He 9ho coes !ro "bo*e is "bo*e "%%1 He who is o! the e"rth is o! the e"rth0 "nd o! the e"rth he s$e"ks1
He 9ho coes !ro He"*en is "bo*e "%%1 C5 )t is to wh"t He h"s L"ct("%%'M seen "nd he"rd0 th"t He testi!ies to0
"nd 'et no "n recei*es His testion'P CC He who h"s recei*ed His testion' h"s set his se"% o! "$$ro*"% to
this: Th"t God is tr(eP C7 For He 9ho God h"s sent0 s$e"ks the words o! GodP For God h"s not b' %iited
e"s(re gi*en LHiM the S$iritP C3 The F"ther %o*es the Son "nd He h"s gi*en "%% things into His h"ndP CF He
who be%ie*es Lwith co$%ete or $er!ect !"ithM in the Son h"s %i!e e*er%"sting0 b(t he who is not s(bKect to the Son Lwith
on%' "n inte%%ect("% "scent to the tr(th0 witho(t obedience# +"es 5:270 260 550 5FM 0 sh"%% not see %i!e0 b(t the wr"th o! God
"bides Lre"insM on hi1 LThis "nger o! God does not necessarily i$%' " conden"tion to He%%1 On%' or"% sin brings th"t %e*e%
o! conden"tion1M
254G$F85 # @M Dec09edA # +es(s "t the ,%e"r 9"ter: Yo( Sh"%% Not ,o*et Yo(r Neighbor_s 9i!e1
258G$F86 # @M Dec0Th(A # +G , 9: He ,(res the M"d Ro"n "nd S$e"ks to the Ro"ns1
2C>G$6>C # @M Dec0FriA # +G , 9: Yo( Sh"%% Not /e"r F"%se 9itness1
2C2G$6>8 # @L DecA # +G , 9: Yo( Sh"%% Not ,o*et 9h"t /e%ongs to Yo(r Neighbor1
2C5G$625 # @L DecA # +G , 9: ,%os(re1
2CCG$628 # @L Dec09edA # +es(s %e"*es the ,%e"r 9"ter "nd Goes Tow"rd /eth"n'1
2C7G$656 # @L Dec0Th(A # ,(re o! +er(s"0 The 9o"n o! Doco A!!%icted with ,"ncer1
2C3G$6C> # @L Dec0FriA # At /eth"n' in the Ho(se o! Sion Oe"%ot1
F)$(T 4F D)DIC$TI4" 4% 5IGHT( 7 $D <, 7 5 D)C)M:)%
2CFG$6C4 # @M +"nA # The Fe"st o! Dedic"tion in L"I"r(s_ Ho(se with the She$herds1
2C6G$674 # @M +"nA # Ret(rn to the ,%e"r 9"ter1
2C4G$637 # @M +"nA # A New Disci$%e1 De$"rt(re !or G"%i%ee1
F5)$&I"G .>D)$ F4% G$5I5)) D ($M$%I$ 7 $D <*G LPoe ,h"$ters 2C8#278M

2C8G$636 # @M +"nA # On the Mo(nt"ins ne"r E"(s1
27>G$6F5 # @M +"nA # )n the Ho(se o! ,%eo$"s0 the He"d o! the S'n"gog(e1
272G$6 # @M +"n0S(nA # )nstr(ctions to the Disci$%es whi%e Going tow"rd Ari"the"1
;,. M#L +"n0 AD C5 Threatened in .udea' .esus 5eaves .udea !or Galilee 7 The (amaritan Woman 275#
S'ch"r in S""ri" TU
2 9HEN +es(s0 there!ore0 (nderstood th"t the Ph"risees h"d he"rd th"t He "de ore disci$%es "nd b"$tiIed
ore th"n +ohn L!ro the s(ccess o! His inistr' "t ,%e"r 9"ter # ))0$1F85#628M 5 @Tho(gh +es(s Hise%! did not b"$tiIe0
b(t on%' His Disci$%esA0 C He %e!t +(de" "nd went "g"in into G"%i%ee1 7 And o! necessit'0 He w"s to $"ss thro(gh
S""ri"1 3 He c"e0 there!ore0 to " cit' o! S""ri" which is c"%%ed S'ch"r ne"r the %"nd which +"cob g"*e to his
son +ose$h1 F Now +"cobHs we%% w"s there1 +es(s0 there!ore0 being we"ried with His Ko(rne'0 s"t on the we%%1 )t
w"s "bo(t the si:th ho(r Lnoon0 %ong "!ter the woen nor"%%' coe to dr"w w"terM1
6 Present%' there c"e " wo"n o! S""ri" to dr"w w"ter1 +es(s s"id to her: Gi*e Me to drink1 4 @For His
Disci$%es h"d gone into the cit' to b(' !ood1A 8 Then the S""rit"n wo"n s"id to Hi: How do Yo(0 being "
+ew0 "sk o! e " drink0 who " " S""rit"n wo"nB For the +ews do not co(nic"te with the S""rit"ns1 2>
+es(s "nswered "nd s"id to her: )! 'o( knew the gi!t o! God0 "nd 9ho He is th"t "sked o! 'o(: Gi*e e to drink0
'o( $erh"$s wo(%d h"*e "sked o! Hi0 "nd He wo(%d h"*e gi*en 'o( %i*ing w"ter1 22 The wo"n s"id to Hi:
Sir0 Yo( h"*e nothing in which to dr"w0 "nd the we%% is dee$1 Fro where then wo(%d 'o( get %i*ing w"terB 25
Are 'o( gre"ter th"n o(r !"ther +"cob who g"*e (s the we%%0 "nd dr"nk !ro it hise%!0 "s we%% "s his chi%dren0
"nd his c"tt%eB 2C +es(s "nswered "nd s"id to her: 9hoe*er drinks o! this w"ter sh"%% thirst "g"in0 b(t he who
sh"%% drink o! the w"ter th"t ) wi%% gi*e hi0 sh"%% ne*er thirst1 27 /(t the w"ter th"t ) wi%% gi*e hi sh"%%
becoe in hi " !o(nt"in o! w"ter0 s$ringing ($ into %i!e e*er%"sting Ldi*ine he"*en%' %i!eM1 23 The wo"n s"id to
hi: Sir0 gi*e e this w"ter th"t ) "' not thirst0 nor coe here to dr"wP
2F +es(s s"id to her: Go0 c"%% 'o(r h(sb"nd0 "nd coe b"ck here1 26 The wo"n "nswered "nd s"id: ) h"*e
no h(sb"nd1 +es(s s"id to her: Yo( h"*e s$oken tr(%' in s"'ing0 ) h"*e no h(sb"nd0 24 !or 'o( h"*e h"d !i*e
h(sb"nds "nd he who 'o( now h"*e is not 'o(r h(sb"nd1 )n this 'o( h"*e s$oken tr(th!(%%'1 28 The wo"n
s"id to Hi: Sir0 ) $ercei*e th"t Yo( "re " $ro$het1 5> O(r !"thers worshi$ed on this o(nt"in LMt1 GeriIiM0 "nd
'o( L+ewsM s"' th"t "t +er(s"%e is the $%"ce where en (st worshi$1 52 +es(s s"id to her: 9o"n0 be%ie*e Me
th"t the ho(r is coing when 'o( sh"%% neither on this o(nt"in nor in +er(s"%e worshi$ the F"ther1 55 Yo(
worshi$ th"t which 'o( know not1D 9e worshi$ th"t which we know0 !or s"%*"tion is o! the +ews1 5C /(t the
ho(r is coing0 "nd now is0 when the tr(e worshi$ers sh"%% worshi$ the F"ther in s$irit "nd in tr(th L"nd no %onger
in "ni"% s"cri!ices or con!ined to on%' one "%t"rM1 For the F"ther "%so seeks s(ch to worshi$ Hi1 57 God is " s$irit
"nd the' who worshi$ Hi (st worshi$ Hi in s$irit "nd in tr(th1 53 The wo"n s"id to Hi: ) know th"t the
Messi"h is coing0 who is c"%%ed ,hrist0 there!ore0 when He h"s coe0 He wi%% te%% (s "%% things1 5F +es(s s"id
to her: )0 9ho " s$e"king with 'o(0 " HeP
DThe S""rit"ns h"d no cert"int' "bo(t the (se!(%ness o! their re%igion in obt"ining the !"*or o! God "s it h"d been rooted in -ing
+erobo"Hs schis"tic go%den c"%! i"ges he set ($ in S""ri" in 87F /, to kee$ those o! his northern kingdo o! )sr"e% !ro going
to +(de" to worshi$1 The re%igio(s s'ste w"s cre"ted in direct disobedience to the Lord God "nd th(s its worshi$ers co(%d ne*er
know i! the' were being he"rd b' God or i! their re%igion h"d "n' redeeing *"%(e in their %i*es1
56 And K(st then His Disci$%es c"e1 And the' wondered !inding Hi t"%king with " wo"n1 Yet no one "sked:
O! wh"t "re Yo( in;(iringB Or: 9h' "re 'o( s$e"king with herB 54 The wo"n0 there!ore0 %e!t her w"ter $ot
"nd went her w"' into the cit'0 "nd s"id to the en there: 58 ,oe "nd see " M"n 9ho h"s to%d e e*er'thing )
h"*e e*er doneP )s not He the ,hristB C> The' went0 there!ore0 o(t o! the cit'0 "nd c"e to Hi1
C2 )n the e"n tie the Disci$%es begged Hi0 s"'ing: R"bbi0 e"tP C5 /(t He s"id to the: ) h"*e !ood to e"t
o! which 'o( know not1 CC The disci$%es0 there!ore0 s"id one to "nother: H"s "n' "n bro(ght Hi to e"tB C7
+es(s s"id to the: M' !ood is to do the wi%% o! Hi 9ho sent Me0 "nd th"t ) "' $er!ect His work Lin he"rts "nd
in the wor%dM1 LThe F"ther h"d "%re"d' st"rted " work in this wo"nHs he"rt "nd in the he"rts o! the en o! this cit'1M C3 Do 'o(
not s"': There "re 'et !o(r onths0 "nd then the h"r*est coes Lin M"'MB /eho%d0 ) s"' to 'o(0 %i!t ($ 'o(r e'es0
"nd see the !ie%ds0 !or the' "re white "%re"d' (nto h"r*est1D CF And he who re"$s wi%% recei*e w"ges0 "nd g"ther
!r(it (nto %i!e e*er%"sting Lhe"*en%' %i!eM0 th"t both he who sows L"s we "re here doingM0 "nd he who re"$s L"s 'o( wi%% do
%"terM0 "' reKoice together1 C6 For in this is the s"'ing tr(e: Th"t it is one "n th"t sows0 "nd it is "nother th"t
re"$s1 C4 ) h"*e sent Li1e1 ) wi%% be sendingM 'o( to re"$ th"t in which 'o( did not %"bor1 Others h"*e %"bored0 "nd
'o( Lb' re"$ingM h"*e entered Li1e1 wi%% be enteringM into their %"bors1
DThe correct (nderst"nding o! <white= in this d"' w"s <g%e"ing1= <.nto h"r*est= e:$resses the "ntici$"tion o! h"r*est th"t coes
when one sees e*en the s%ightest e*idence o! s$ro(ting1 The s$ro(ting o! wh"t h"d been sown here wo(%d h"*e been *er' e*ident "t
the end o! +"n("r'1 So "%so the s$ro(ting o! tr(th in these S""rit"ns wo(%d 'ie%d " gre"t h"r*est in the e"r%' ,h(rch1
C8 Now "n' o! the S""rit"ns o! th"t cit' be%ie*ed in Hi bec"(se o! the testion' o! the wo"n s"'ing: He
to%d e e*er'thing ) h"*e e*er done1 7> So when the S""rit"ns h"d coe to Hi0 the' desired th"t He wo(%d
st"' "whi%e there1 So +es(s "bode there two d"'s1 72 And "n' ore be%ie*ed in Hi bec"(se o! His own
word1 75 And the' s"id to the wo"n: 9e now be%ie*e0 not on%' !or 'o(r word0 !or we o(rse%*es h"*e he"rd
Hi0 "nd know th"t He is indeed the S"*ior o! the wor%dP
;*. L +"n0 AD C5 .esus 5eaves (yhar !or )non to see .ohn the :aptist 276G$153
+N 7 TU
7C" Now "!ter two d"'s0 +es(s de$"rted !ro there0
274G$58 # @L +"nA # +es(s &isits the /"$tist ne"r Enon1 He s$e"ks to +ohn "nd $re$"res hi !or the tri"% he is to
!"ce1 +es(s ne*er sees +ohn "g"in1
;<. L +"n0 AD C5 .esus 5eaves (amaria !or Galilee 278G$1C2
+N 7 TU
7Cb "nd went into G"%i%ee1 77 For +es(s Hise%! g"*e testion' th"t " $ro$het h"s no honor in his own
D+es(s is s$e"king o! +(de"0 "s He w"s o! ro'"% +(de"n %ine"ge1
THI%D G$5I5)$" MI"I(T%8D T)T%$%CH8 4F 3HI5I3' ($M$%I$ 7 * M4"TH( 7 5 .$" D ) $3% $D <* LPoe ,h123>#287M
23>G$C7 # @L +"nA # +es(s "t N"I"reth1 ^Son0 ) 9i%% ,oe with Yo(1^
;@. L +"n0 AD C5 .esus Heals the (on o! a "obleman # )n G"%i%ee0 N"$ht"%i then ,"n" 232G$1CF
+N 7 TU25>1
73 And when He h"d coe into G"%i%ee0 the G"%i%e"ns recei*ed Hi0 h"*ing seen "%% the things He h"d done "t
+er(s"%e on the !e"st d"'0 !or the' "%so h"d gone !or the !e"st d"'1 LAt the Fe"st o! T"bern"c%es @%"te No*eberA +es(s
he"%ed " bo' be!ore " %"rge crowd ort"%%' inK(red b' the horse o! " Ro"n so%dier1 He "%so reb(ked the te$%e r(%ers !or their
r(deness to the Ro"n so%dier who w"s co$e%%ed to enter the s"nct("r' o! the Te$%e to "sk !or he%$ !or the bo'1 )0223G$11F2C
+es(sH reb(ke o! the +(de"n re%igio(s r(%ers w"s in itse%! eno(gh to ende"r hi to ost G"%i%e"nsPM
7F He c"e "g"in0 there!ore0 into ,"n" o! G"%i%ee0 where He h"d t(rned the w"ter into wine1 And there w"s "
cert"in r(%er Lo! HerodHs co(rtM0 whose son w"s sick "t ,"$ern"(1 76 He0 h"*ing he"rd th"t +es(s h"d coe !ro
+(de" into G"%i%ee0 went to Hi "nd begged Hi to coe down "nd he"% his son0 !or he w"s "t the $oint o!
de"th1 L+es(s se*ere%' re$ro*ed this eber o! HerodHs co(rt !or $"rtici$"ting in the /"$tistHs i$risonent "nd th"t it h"d to t"ke "
ir"c%e o! the he"%ing o! +oh"nn"0 ,h(I"Hs wi!e to get hi to be%ie*ePM
74 +es(s0 there!ore0 s"id to hi: .n%ess 'o( see signs "nd wonders0 'o( be%ie*e notP
78 The r(%er Lnow in te"rsM s"id to Hi: Lord0 coe down be!ore ' son diesP
3> +es(s s"id to hi: Go 'o(r w"'1 Yo(r son %i*es1 The "n be%ie*ed the word which +es(s s"id to hi0 "nd
went his w"'1 32 And "s he w"s going down0 his ser*"nts et hi1 And the' bro(ght word0 s"'ing th"t his son
now %i*ed1 35 He "sked0 there!ore0 o! the the ho(r when he grew better1 And the' s"id to hi: Yesterd"'0 "t
the se*enth ho(r L2 $M0 the !e*er %e!t hi1 3C The !"ther0 there!ore0 knew0 th"t it w"s "t the s"e ho(r th"t +es(s
s"id to hi: Yo(r son %i*es0 "nd he "nd his who%e ho(se be%ie*ed1 37 This is "g"in the secondD ir"c%e th"t
+es(s did0 when He h"d coe o(t o! +(de" into G"%i%ee1
DThis w"s the second ir"c%e specifically to con+ince His relati+es in the ,anaFDa/areth area He w"s the Messi"h1 +es(s h"d $er!ored many other
ir"c%es b' this tie1 The contr"r' *iew t"ken b' "%% $re*io(s chrono%ogists who h"*e isinter$reted this te:t $%"ces "%% +es(sH other ir"c%es "!ter these
two1 /(t th"t $oses " $rob%e with the "cco(nts o! "%% three other E*"nge%ists1 A%% the other E*"nge%ists re*e"% +es(s to h"*e initi"ted " *igoro(s
he"%ing inistr' iedi"te%' "!ter His /"$tis "nd Testing which cre"ted gre"t !"e !or Hi thro(gho(t the entire "re"0 K(st "s The Poem "%so re*e"%s1
,o$"re Mt 7:24#5CE Mk 2:2F#54E Lk 7:2#271 Note th"t +ohn sing%es o(t0 and alone entions these two s$eci"% ir"c%es $er!ored "t ,"n" in the
$resence o! relati+es "nd !o%%ows ($ in 6:3 with "n ($d"te on the contin(ed "nd (n!ort(n"te st"te o! (nbe%ie! amon' His relati+es: <neither did His
brethren be%ie*e in Hi1= This kind o! s(r$rising te:t("% insight "nd c%"ri!ic"tion is !o(nd thro(gho(t The Poem1
235G$CF # @L +"nA # )n Oebedee_s Ho(se1 S"%oe is Acce$ted "s " Disci$%e1
23CG$7> # @L +"nA # +es(s S$e"ks to His Disci$%es o! 9oen_s A$osto%"te1
237G$75 # @E FebA # +es(s "t ,"es"re" on Se" S$e"ks to G"%%e' S%"*es1
233G$74 # @E FebA # ,(re o! the Litt%e Ro"n Gir% "t ,"es"re"1
23FG$37 # @E FebA # Ann"%e"h De*otes Herse%! to God "s " &irgin1
236G$38 # @E FebA # )nstr(ctions to the 9oen Disci$%es "t N"I"reth1
234G$58 # @E FebA # +es(s S$e"ks to +oh"nn" o! ,h(I" on the L"ke1
;21 E Feb0 AD C2 The Vuestion $bout Fasting D Gherghes" @E"st Shore o! the Se" o! G"%i%eeA 238G$16>
MT 8
27 Then c"e to Hi the disci$%es
o! +ohn Lthe /"$tistM0 s"'ing: 9h' do
we "nd the Ph"risees !"st o!ten0 b(t
Yo(r disci$%es do not !"stB 23 And
+es(s s"id to the: ,"n the chi%dren
o! the bridegroo o(rn0 "s %ong "s
the bridegroo is with theB /(t the
d"'s wi%% coe when the bridegroo
sh"%% be t"ken "w"' !ro the "nd
then the' sh"%% !"st1 2F And nobod'
$(ts " $iece o! r"w Lnew0 (nshr(nkenM
c%oth onto "n o%d g"rent1 For the
$"tch wi%% te"r "w"' !ro the
g"rent0 "nd " gre"ter rend wi%% be
"de1 26 Neither do the' $(t new
wine into o%d wineskins Lwhich c"n no
%onger e:$"ndM1 Otherwise the
wineskins wi%% bre"k0 the wine wi%%
s$i%%0 "nd the wineskins $erish1 /(t
the' $(t new wine into new
wineskins so "nd both "re $reser*ed1
M- 5 F71TU25F1
24 Now the disci$%es o! +ohn "nd the
Ph"risees were "cc(stoed to !"sting0 so
soe c"e "nd "sked Hi: 9h' do the
disci$%es o! +ohn "nd o! the Ph"risees !"st0
b(t Yo(r disci$%es do not !"stB 28 And
+es(s s"id to the: ,"n the chi%dren o! the
"rri"ge !"st0 "s %ong "s the bridegroo is
with theB As %ong "s the' h"*e the
bridegroo with the0 the' c"nnot !"st1 5>
/(t the d"'s wi%% coe when the
bridegroo sh"%% be t"ken "w"' !ro the
"nd then the' in those d"'s sh"%% !"st1 52 No
"n sews " $iece o! r"w Lnew (nshr(nkenM
c%oth to "n o%d g"rent0 otherwise the new
$iece wi%% te"r "w"' !ro the o%d0 "nd there
is "de " gre"ter rend1 55 No "n $(ts new
wine into o%d bott%es0 otherwise the wine
wi%% b(rst the L"%re"d' e:$"ndedM bott%es0 "nd
both the wine wi%% be s$i%%ed "nd the bott%es
wi%% be %ost1 /(t new wine (st be $(t into
new bott%es1
L- 3 F71TU25F1
CC And the' s"id to Hi: 9h' do the disci$%es
o! +ohn !"st o!ten "nd "ke s$eci"% $r"'ers0 "nd
the disci$%es o! the Ph"risees in %ike "nnerE b(t
'o(rs e"t "nd drinkB C7 And +es(s s"id: ,"n 'o(
"ke the chi%dren o! the bridegroo !"st whi%e
the bridegroo is with theB C3 /(t the d"'s
wi%% coe when the bridegroo sh"%% be t"ken
"w"' !ro the0 then sh"%% the' !"st in those
d"'s1 CF And He "%so to%d the " $ro*erb: No
"n t"kes " $iece !ro " new g"rent to $(t on
"n o%d g"rent0 otherwise he te"rs the new0 "nd
"%so bec"(se the $iece t"ken !ro the new wi%%
not "tch with the o%d1 C6 And no "n $(ts new
wine into "n o%d bott%e bec"(se the new wine
wi%% bre"k the bott%es0 "nd it wi%% be s$i%%ed "nd
the bott%es wi%% be %ost1 C4 /(t new wine (st be
$(t into new bott%es0 then both "re $reser*ed1 C8
And no "n drinking o%d wine0 h"s iedi"te%'
" desire !or the new0 !or he s"'s: The o%d is
2F>G$6C # @M FebA # Fro N"$ht"%i to Gisc"%"1 Meeting with R"bbi G""%ie%1
2F2G$64 # @M FebA # The Gr"ndson o! E%i0 " Ph"risee o! ,"$ern"(0 is ,(red1
2F5G$42 # @M FebA # +es(s in the Ho(se in ,"$ern"( A!ter the Mir"c%e on E%ish"1
2FCG$46 # @M FebA # Dinner in the Ho(se o! E%i0 the Ph"risee o! ,"$ern"(1
2F7G$8> # @L FebA # Tow"rds the Retre"t on the Mo(nt"in be!ore the E%ection o! the Disci$%es1
2F4G$22F # @L FebA # Ag%"e in M"r'_s Ho(se "t N"I"reth1 @This ch"$ter is now in ,hrono%ogic"% orderA
;C. L Feb0 S(n0 AD C5 The Commissioning o! the T#elve # The Hi%%s "bo*e M"gd"%" 2F3G$18C
MT 2>
2 AND h"*ing c"%%ed His twe%*e disci$%es
together0 He g"*e the $ower o*er (nc%e"n
s$irits0 to c"st the o(t0 "nd to he"% "%% kinds
o! dise"ses "nd in!irities1 5 And the n"es
o! the twe%*e A$ost%es "re these: The !irst0
(imon #ho is alled 3eter0 $ndre# his
brother0 C .ames the son o! Oebedee0 .ohn his
brother0 3hilip0 :artholome# LN"th"nie%M0
Thomas LDid'(sM' Matthe# LLe*iM the
$(b%ic"n0 .ames Lthe LessMD the son o!
A%$h"e(s0 F.udasGThaddeus' Lhis brotherM0 7
(imon LOe"%otM the ,"n"ne"n Lthe Oe"%otM0 "nd
.udas Isariot0 who "%so betr"'ed Hi1
"ote: M"tthew $%"ces his "cco(nt o! this coission "!ter
the Seron on the Mo(nt $erh"$s to e$h"siIe the
i$ort"nce o! its te"chings to their A$ost%eshi$1
M- C 2721TU2741
2C And He went ($ on the hi%%side0 "nd those who
He Hise%! chose He c"%%ed0 "nd the' c"e to Hi1
27 And He "$$ointed twe%*e be with Hi th"t He
ight send the L"s A$ost%esM to $re"ch1 23 And He
g"*e the $ower to he"% sicknesses "nd to c"st o(t
deons1 2F There w"s (imon0 to who He g"*e the
n"e ,e$h"s LPeter or Petros is the Greek tr"ns%"tion o!
,ephas, the act&al name which +es(s g"*e SionM0 26
.ames the son o! Oebedee0 .ohn the brother o!
+"es0 who he n"ed /o"nerges0 which e"ns the
Sons o! Th(nder0 24 $ndre#0 3hilip0
:artholome#0 Matthe#0 Thomas "nd .ames o!
A%$h"e(s0 "nd Thaddeus L+(d"s0 "%so o! A%$h"e(s0 Ho%'
+ose$hHs o%der brotherM0 (imon the ,"n"ne"n028 "nd
.udas Isariot0 who "%so betr"'ed Hi1 TThis n"e
w"s "ct("%%' gi*en "t " %"ter tie @))0C58G$585A1
L- F 27>1TU
25 And it c"e to $"ss in those
d"'s0 th"t He went o(t into "
o(nt"in to $r"'1 And He $"ssed
the who%e night in $r"'er to God1
2C 9hen d"' h"d coe0 He c"%%ed
(nto Hi His disci$%es0 "nd chose
twe%*e o! the @who "%so he
n"ed A$ost%esA: 27 (imon0 who
He s(rn"ed Cephas "nd
$ndre# his brother0 .ames "nd
.ohn0 3hilip' :artholome#0 23
Matthe# "nd Thomas0 .ames the
son o! A%$h"e(s0 "nd (imon who
is c"%%ed the Uealot0 2F And .ude0
DThe +"es "nd Th"dde(s be%ow were the two
<brothers= o! +es(s who bec"e A$ost%es "nd
were the 'o(ngest o! !o(r sons o! A%$h"e(s0
the o%der brother o! Ho%' +ose$h1 A%$h"e(s0
the h(sb"nd to M"r'0 "%ong with his two o%dest
sons bitter%' o$$osed +es(s "t the !irst which
c"(sed " *er' $"in!(% di*ision in the !"i%'
with M"r' "nd her two 'o(ngest sons !ir%' on
the side o! +es(s1
the brother o! +"es0 "nd .udas Isariot0 who
w"s the tr"itor1
;;. L Feb0 S(n0 AD C5 .esus Heals and Delivers Many D At the Foot o! the Hi%%s ne"r M"gd"%"
L- F TU4>"1
26 And coing down with the0 He stood in " $%"in o$en $%"ceD with " gre"t co$"n' o! His disci$%es "nd "
*er' gre"t (%tit(de o! $eo$%e !ro "%% +(de" "nd +er(s"%e0 "nd !ro the se" co"st both o! T're "nd Sidon1 24
These h"d coe to he"r Hi "nd to be he"%ed o! their dise"ses1 And the' th"t were tro(b%ed with (nc%e"n s$irits
were c(red1
28 And the entire (%tit(de so(ght to to(ch Hi0 !or *irt(e went o(t !ro Hi "nd he"%ed e*er'one1
DThis is neither the $%"ce or e*en the s"e d"' the Seron on the Mo(nt @*1F etc1 be%owA w"s gi*en1 The S1O1M1 w"s gi*en the ne0t
day on " di!!erent o(nt"in in the "re"1

2F6G$2>6 # @L FebA # )n the Ho(se o! +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"1 +es(s "nd the Ro"n L"dies1
2F4G$22F # @This ch"$ter coes "!ter ,h"$ter 2F71 See "bo*e1 This ch"$ter w"s origin"%%' $%"ced "!ter ,h1 2F6 on%' to "int"in the
!%ow o! the stor'1A
;B. L Feb0 S(n0 AD C5 The (ermon on The Mount # Fro Tiberi"s to ne"r Arbe%" 2F8G$1253
MT 3 F>1TU4>1
2 AND seeing the (%tit(des0 He went ($ into " o(nt"in0D "nd when He w"s se"ted His disci$%es c"e to
5 And o$ening His o(th0 He t"(ght the0 s"'ing:
DSee note "bo*e "t 661 @Lk1 F:26A1
;A. L Feb0 S(n0 AD C5 (.4.M. 8ou $re the (alt and 5ight # Ne"r Arbe%%" 2F8G$1258
MT 3 4>1TU421
2C Yo( "re the s"%t o! the e"rth0
b(t i! the s"%t %oses its !%"*or0 how
sh"%% it be restoredB )t is good !or
nothing b(t to be c"st o(t "nd to be
trodden on b' en1 27 Yo( "re the
%ight o! the wor%d1 A cit' se"ted on
" o(nt"in c"nnot be hid1 23
Neither do en %ight " %"$ "nd
$(t it (nder " b(she%0 b(t ($on "
%"$ st"nd th"t it "' shine to "%%
th"t "re in the ho(se1 2F So %et 'o(r
%ight shine be!ore en th"t the'
"' see 'o(r good works "nd
g%ori!' 'o(r F"ther 9ho is in
M- 7 2221TU275b1
52 And He s"id to the: )s " %"$ bro(ght in to
be $(t (nder " b(she%0 or (nder " bedB )s it not to
be set on " %"$ st"ndB
M- 8 24C1TU5281
74L78M For e*er' one Lo! 'o(M sho(%d be s"%ted with
!ire Li1e1 GodHs %o*eM "nd e*er' s"cri!ice sho(%d be
s"%ted with s"%t Ldi*ine %o*eM1 78"bL3>"bM S"%t is
good1 /(t i! the s"%t becoes (ns"*or' how wi%%
'o( re#se"son itB H"*e s"%t Ldi*ine %o*eM in
Mk 8 Not %oc"ted in The Poem
78cL3>cM "nd h"*e $e"ce "ong 'o(rse%*es1
L- 4
2F Now0 no "n %ighting " %"$ co*ers it
with " *esse%0 or $(ts it (nder " bed0 b(t he
sets it ($on " %"$ st"nd th"t the' who coe
in "' see the %ight1
L- 27
C7 S"%t is good0 b(t i! the s"%t sh"%% %ose its
s"*or0 how sh"%% it be re#se"sonedB C3 )t is
neither $ro!it"b%e !or the %"nd nor !or the
d(nghi%%0 b(t sh"%% be c"st o(t1 He who h"s
e"rs to he"r0 %et hi he"rP
B+. E Mch0 Mon0 AD C5 (.4.M. The :eatitudes # Fo(r Mi%es S9 o! M"gd"%" ne"r Arbe%" 26>G$12C3
MT 3 641TU681
C /%essed "re the $oor in s$irit0 !or theirs is the -ingdo o!
7 /%essed "re the eek0 !or the' sh"%% $ossess the %"nd1
3 /%essed "re the' who o(rn0 !or the' sh"%% be co!orted1
F /%essed "re the' who h(nger "nd thirst "!ter righteo(sness0 !or
the' sh"%% be !i%%ed1
6 /%essed "re the erci!(%0 !or the' sh"%% obt"in erc'1
4 /%essed "re the c%e"n o! he"rt0 !or the' sh"%% see God1
8 /%esses "re the $e"ce"kers0 !or the' sh"%% be c"%%ed chi%dren
o! God1
2> /%essed "re the' who s(!!er $ersec(tion !or righteo(snessH
s"ke0 !or theirs is the -ingdo o! He"*en1
22 /%essed "re 'o( when the' sh"%% re*i%e 'o(0 "nd $ersec(te
'o(0 "nd s$e"k "%% e*i% "g"inst 'o( !"%se%'0 !or M' s"ke0 25 be
g%"d "nd reKoice !or 'o(r rew"rd is *er' gre"t in He"*en1 For in
%ike "nner the' $ersec(ted the $ro$hets who were be!ore 'o(1
L- F 661TU2>51
5> And He0 %i!ting ($ His e'es on His disci$%es0 s"id: /%essed "re
'o( who "re $oor0 !or 'o(rs is the -ingdo o! GodP
52 /%essed "re 'o( who h(nger now0 !or 'o( sh"%% be !i%%edP /%essed
"re 'o( who wee$ now0 !or soed"' 'o( sh"%% %"(ghP
55 /%essed sh"%% 'o( be when en sh"%% h"te 'o( "nd when the'
sh"%% reKect "nd "b"ndon 'o( "nd sh"%% re$ro"ch 'o( "nd s$(rn 'o(r
n"e "s e*i%0 !or the Son o! M"nHs s"ke1 5C /e g%"d in th"t d"' "nd
reKoice0 !or beho%d0 'o(r rew"rd is gre"t in He"*enP For "ccording to
these things their !"thers did to the $ro$hets
L- F 2>21TU46"1
5F 9oe to 'o( when en sh"%% b%ess 'o(0 !or "ccording to these
things did their !"thers to the !"%se $ro$hets1
B,. E Mch0 T(e0 AD C5 (.4.M. I $m not Come to Destroy the 5a# D Ne"r Arbe%"
MT 3 681TU441
26 Do not think th"t ) " coe to destro' the L"w or the Pro$hets1 ) " not coe to destro' b(t to !(%!i%%1 LThe
Lord w"s e*er'thing the L"w $ointed to "nd e*er'thing the $ro$hets t"%ked "bo(tPM 24 For tr(%' ) s"' (nto 'o(0 (n%ess
He"*en "nd e"rth $"ss0 not one Kot Lthe s"%%est %etter in the "%$h"betM0 nor one titt%e L" s"%% "rk identi!'ing cert"in
%ettersM sh"%% not $"ss o! the L"w0 (nti% "%% is !(%!i%%ed1 28 He0 there!ore0 who sh"%% bre"k one o! these %e"st
co"ndents "nd sh"%% so te"ch en Lto do so "%soM0 sh"%% be c"%%ed the %e"st in the -ingdo o! He"*en1 /(t he
who sh"%% do "nd te"ch Lthe %e"st co"ndentM0 he sh"%% be c"%%ed gre"t in the -ingdo o! He"*en1 5> For ) te%%
'o(0 th"t (n%ess 'o(r righteo(sness "bo(nd ore th"n th"t o! the scribes "nd Ph"risees0 'o( sh"%% not e*en enter
into the -ingdo o! He"*en1
B*. E Mch0 T(e0 AD C5 (.4.M. :e#are o! False 3rophets # Ne"r Arbe%"
MT 6 2441TU2>61
23 /ew"re o! !"%se $ro$hets who coe to 'o( in the c%othing o!
shee$ b(t inw"rd%' the' "re r"*ening wo%*es1 2F /' their !r(it Lthe
conse;(ence o! their te"chings in the %i*es o! othersM 'o( sh"%% know the1
Do en g"ther gr"$es o! thorns0 or !igs o! thist%esB 26 E*en so e*er'
good tree brings !orth good !r(it0 "nd the e*i% tree brings !orth e*i%
!r(it1 24 A good tree c"nnot bring !orth e*i% !r(it0 neither c"n "n e*i%
tree bring !orth good !r(it1 28 E*er' tree th"t brings not !orth good
!r(it sh"%% be c(t down "nd sh"%% be c"st into the !ire1 5> 9here!ore0
b' their !r(it 'o( sh"%% know the1
L- F 2>71TU851
7C For there isnHt " good tree th"t brings !orth e*i% !r(it0 nor is
there "n e*i% tree th"t brings !orth good !r(it1 77 For e*er' tree is
known b' its !r(it1 For en do not g"ther !igs !ro thorns0 nor
!ro " br"b%e b(sh do the' g"ther gr"$es1
B<. E Mch0 T(e0 AD C5 (.4.M. 8ou Hath Heard it (aid D Ne"r Arbe%"
MT 3 471TU461
7C Yo( h"*e he"rd th"t it h"s been s"id: Yo( sh"%% %o*e 'o(r neighbor "nd h"te 'o(r ene'1
LLe*128:26#24:1 Lo*e here is on%' e:$%icit%' re;(ired !or oneHs brother or kin1 )t w"s ass&med b' this th"t one co(%d h"te othersPM
B@a. E Mch0 T(e0 AD C5 (.4.M. Turn the 4ther Chee/ # Ne"r Arbe%" 262G$1277
27C1 L A(g0 AD C5 +es(s Gi*es )$ort"nt ,o(nse% to His Disci$%es # ,"$ern"( 5F7G$1F87
MT 3
C8 /(t ) s"' to 'o( do not resist the e*i% L"nM1 /(t i! he strikes 'o(
on 'o(r right cheek0 t(rn to hi "%so the other1 7> And i! " "n wi%%
contend with 'o( in co(rt "nd t"kes "w"' 'o(r shirt0 gi*e "%so 'o(r
co"t to hi1
MT 3 Not %oc"ted in the Poem
72 And whoe*er wi%% !orce 'o( Lto goM one i%e0 go with hi two1
MT 3 4F1TU4C1
75 Gi*e to hi who "sks o! 'o(0 "nd !ro hi who wo(%d borrow o!
'o( t(rn not "w"'1
L- F 46"1TU
58 And to hi who strikes 'o( on the one cheek0 o!!er "%so the
other1 And hi who t"kes "w"' !ro 'o( 'o(r c%o"k0 !orbid
hi not to t"ke 'o(r co"t "%so1 C> Gi*e to e*er'one who "sks o!
'o(0 "nd o! hi who t"kes "w"' 'o(r goods0 do not "sk !or the
B2. E Mch0 T(e0 AD C5 (.4.M. Do >nto 4thers as 8ou Would Have Them Do To 8ou D Ne"r Arbe%" 262G$1273
MT 6 8C1TU2441
25 A%% things0 there!ore0 wh"te*er 'o( wo(%d th"t en do to 'o(0 do "%so
to the1 For this is Lthe *er' essence o!M the L"w "nd the Pro$hets1
L- F TU46b1
C2 And "s 'o( wo(%d th"t en do to 'o(0 do 'o( "%so to
BC. E Mch0 T(e0 AD C5 (.4.M. $n )ye !or an )ye D Ne"r Arbe%" 262G$1273
MT 3 8>1TU471
C4 Yo( h"*e he"rd th"t it h"s been s"id: =n eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth1 ZE:od(s 52:57[
B;. E Mch0 T(e0 AD C5 (.4.M. 5ove 8our )nemies # Ne"r Arbe%" 262G$1273
MT 3 4C1TU8F1
77 /(t ) s"' to 'o(: Lo*e 'o(r eneies0 do good to those who h"te
'o( "nd $r"' !or those who $ersec(te "nd s%"nder 'o(0 73 th"t 'o(
"' be the chi%dren o! 'o(r F"ther 9ho is in He"*en0 9ho "kes
His s(n to rise ($on the good "nd the b"d0 "nd sends r"in ($on the
K(st "nd the (nK(st1 7F For i! 'o( on%' %o*e those who %o*e 'o(0
wh"t rew"rd sh"%% 'o( h"*eB Do not e*en the $(b%ic"ns do thisB
76 And i! 'o( greet 'o(r brethren on%'0 wh"t ore th"n others "re
'o( doingB Do not "%so the he"then do thisB 74 /e 'o( there!ore
$er!ect Lin righteo(snessM0 "s "%so 'o(r he"*en%' F"ther is $er!ect Lin
T9hi%e Mt (ses +es(sH e:"ct word <$er!ect= L(ke (ses the word <erci!(%= to c"$t(re
wh"t +es(s "ct("%%' e"nt b' His (se o! the word1
L- F 4>b1TU471
56 /(t ) s"' to 'o( th"t he"r: Lo*e 'o(r eneies0 do good to
those who h"te 'o(1 54 /%ess those who c(rse 'o(0 "nd $r"' !or
those who "b(se 'o(1
L- F 431TU2>71
C5 Now i! 'o( on%' %o*e those who %o*e 'o(0 wh"t credit is th"t to
'o(B For sinners "%so %o*e those who %o*e the1 CC And i! 'o(
on%' do good to those who do good to 'o(0 wh"t credit is th"t to
'o(B For sinners "%so do this1 C7 And i! 'o( %end on%' to the o!
who 'o( ho$e to recei*e0 wh"t credit is th"t to 'o(B For sinners
"%so %end to sinners0 !or to recei*e "s (ch Lin ret(rnM1 C3 /(t %o*e
'o(r eneies1 Do good0 "nd %end0 ho$ing !or nothing !ro it "nd
'o(r rew"rd sh"%% be gre"t0 "nd 'o( sh"%% be the sons o! the
Highest1 For He is kind to the (nth"nk!(% "nd to the e*i%1 CF /e
there!ore erci!(%0 "s 'o(r F"ther "%so is erci!(%1
BB. E Mch0 T(e0 AD C5 (.4.M. 8ou shall "ot Oill D Ne"r Arbe%" 262G$127F
MT 3 421TU
52 Yo( h"*e he"rd th"t it w"s s"id to the o! o%d: 7o& shall not m&rder LE:15>:2CM1 And: 9hoe*er sh"%% (rder
sh"%% be in d"nger o! the K(dgent1 55 /(t ) s"' to 'o(0 th"t whoe*er is "ngr' with his brother sh"%% be in d"nger
o! the K(dgent1 And whoe*er sh"%% s"' to his brother0 R"c"P sh"%% be in d"nger o! the co(nci% o! the S"nhedrinE
"nd whoe*er sh"%% s"': Yo( Lc(rsedM !oo%0 sh"%% be in d"nger o! He%% !ire1D 5C )! there!ore 'o( o!!er 'o(r gi!t "t the
"%t"r "nd there 'o( reeber th"t 'o(r brother h"s soething "g"inst 'o(0 57 %e"*e there 'o(r o!!ering be!ore
the "%t"r "nd go !irst to be reconci%ed to 'o(r brother0 "nd then coe to o!!er 'o(r gi!t1
D)! c"%%ing 'o(r brother " c(rsed !oo% $(ts one in dan'er of He%% then there "re sins th"t "re ort"%0 "nd sins th"t "re on%' *eni"%0
which do not bring one into %i"bi%it' to conden"tion to He%%1 This "%so shows %i"bi%it' to etern"% conden"tion is not inherited b(t is
the res(%t o! " conscio(s wi%%!(% choice to sin in " ost serio(s "nner1
BA. E Mch0 T(e0 AD C5 (.4.M. $gree #ith 8our $dversary D Ne"r Arbe%" 262G$127F
MT 3 TU2>C1
53 /e "t "greeent with 'o(r "d*ers"r' "s soon "s $ossib%e0
whi%e 'o( "rt sti%% in his co$"n' %est $erh"$s he de%i*ers 'o( to
the K(dge0 "nd the K(dge de%i*ers 'o( to the o!!icer0 "nd 'o( be c"st
into $rison1 5F Most "ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0 'o( sh"%% not get o(t
(nti% 'o( re$"' the %"st !"rthing1
Sett%ing "n' o! o(r te$or"% debts !or "n' o! o(r sins be!ore we die "nd st"nd
be!ore GodHs K(dgent is wise1 E:$i"tion in this %i!e is !"r %ess de"nding
th"n w"iting !or the $(rging !ires "!ter de"th1 2 ,or1 C:2C#23
L- 25 2>31TU2F51
34 And when 'o( go with 'o(r "d*ers"r' to the "gistr"te0 whi%e
'o( "re in the w"'0 ende"*or to be de%i*ered !ro hi0 %est
$erh"$s he dr"ws 'o( be!ore the K(dge0 "nd the K(dge de%i*ers 'o(
to the o!!icer0 "nd the o!!icer c"sts 'o( into $rison1 38 ) s"' to 'o(0
'o( sh"%% not get o(t !ro there0 (nti% 'o( $"' the *er' %"st ite
L!r"ction o! " centM1
A+. E Mch0 9ed0 AD C5 (.4.M. 8ou (halt "ot (#ear at $ll D Ne"r Arbe%" 265G$1274
MT 3 2>C1TU4F1
CC Ag"in 'o( h"*e he"rd th"t it w"s s"id to the o! o%d: Yo( sh"%% not swe"r !"%se%' b(t 'o( sh"%% $er!or 'o(r
o"ths to the Lord LLe*128:25E De(t15C:5CM1 C7 /(t ) s"' to 'o(: Do not to swe"r "n o"th "t "%%0 neither b' He"*en0 !or it
is the throne o! God0 C3 nor b' the e"rth0 !or it is His !ootstoo%0 nor b' +er(s"%e0 !or it is the cit' o! the Gre"t
-ing1 CF Neither sh"%% 'o( swe"r b' 'o(r he"d0 bec"(se 'o( c"nnot "ke one h"ir white or b%"ck1 C6 /(t %et
'o(r 'es0 be 'es "nd 'o(r no0 no1 Th"t which is o*er "nd "bo*e these0 is o! LtheM e*i% LoneM1
A,. E Mch0 9ed0 AD C5 (.4.M. :e "ot as the Hyporites # Ne"r Arbe%" 265G$1232
3 And when 'o( $r"'0 'o( sh"%% not be "s the h'$ocrites who %o*e to st"nd "nd $r"' in the s'n"gog(es "nd on
street corners th"t the' "' be seen b' en1 Most "ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0 the' h"*e recei*ed their rew"rd1 F /(t
'o(0 when 'o( $r"'0 enter into 'o(r $ri*"te ch"ber0 "nd h"*ing sh(t the door0 $r"' to 'o(r F"ther in secret "nd
'o(r F"ther 9ho sees in secret wi%% rew"rd 'o(1 6 And when 'o( "re $r"'ing0 do not b"bb%e on with *"in
re$etition "s the he"then1 For the' think th"t on%' in their (ch s$e"king the' wi%% be he"rd1 4 /e not0 there!ore0
%ike the0 !or 'o(r F"ther knows wh"t is need!(% !or 'o( be!ore 'o( "sk Hi1 L2 -124:53#58M
A*. E Mch0 9ed0 AD C5 (.4.M. 4ut o! the $bundane o! the Heart D Ne"r Arbe%" 265G$123>
L- F 451TU2>4b1
73 A good "n o(t o! the good tre"s(re o! his he"rt brings !orth th"t which is goodE "nd "n e*i% "n o(t o! the
e*i% tre"s(re Lo! his he"rtM brings !orth th"t which is e*i%1 For o(t o! the "b(nd"nce o! the he"rt the o(th s$e"ks1
A<. E Mch0 9ed0 AD C5 (.4.M. $s/ and it (hall be Given D Ne"r Arbe%" 265G$1235
MT 6 2>71TU431
6 Ask0 "nd it sh"%% be gi*en 'o(1 Seek0 "nd 'o( sh"%% !ind1 -nock0 "nd it sh"%% be o$ened to 'o(1 4 For e*er'one
who "sks0 recei*es0 "nd he who seeks0 !inds1 And to hi who knocks0 it sh"%% be o$ened1 8 Or wh"t "n is there
"ong 'o(0 th"t i! his son sh"%% "sk !or bre"d0 wi%% gi*e hi " stoneB 2> Or i! he sh"%% "sk hi !or " !ish0 wi%% he
gi*e hi " ser$entB 22 )! 'o( then being e*i% L"s 'o( "reM know how to gi*e good gi!ts to 'o(r chi%dren0 how (ch
ore wi%% 'o(r F"ther 9ho is in He"*en gi*e good things to those who "sk HiB
A@. E Mch0 9ed0 AD C5 (.4.M. When 8ou Fast D Ne"r Arbe%" 265G$123C
MT F 861TU
2F And when 'o( !"st0 be not s"d !"ced "s the h'$ocrites0 !or the' "ke their !"ces dis"%0 th"t the' "' "$$e"r
(nto en to be !"sting1 Most "ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0 the' h"*e recei*ed their rew"rd1 26 /(t 'o(0 when 'o( !"st
"noint 'o(r he"d "nd w"sh 'o(r !"ce0 24 th"t 'o( "$$e"r (nto en not to be !"sting0 b(t on%' (nto 'o(r F"ther
9ho sees in secret0 "nd 'o(r F"ther 9ho sees in secret wi%% rew"rd 'o(1
A2. E Mch0 Th(0 AD C5 (.4.M. 5ay "ot up !or 8ourselves D Ne"r Arbe%" 26CG$1236
MT F TU2>>1
28 L"' not ($ !or 'o(rse%*es tre"s(res on e"rth where r(st "nd oth cons(es0 "nd where thie*es bre"k thro(gh
"nd ste"%0 5> b(t %"' ($ !or 'o(rse%*es tre"s(res in He"*en where neither r(st nor oth cons(es0 "nd where
thie*es do not bre"k thro(gh "nd ste"%1 52 For where 'o(r tre"s(re is there wi%% 'o(r he"rt be "%so Lwhich "%w"'s
re*e"%s wh"t 'o( re"%%' %o*eM1
AC. E Mch0 Th(0 AD C5 (.4.M. When 8ou do $lms D Ne"r Arbe%" 26CG$1238
MT F 461TU821
2 TA-E heed th"t 'o( do not 'o(r righteo(s deeds be!ore en to be seen b' the0 otherwise 'o( sh"%% not h"*e "
rew"rd o! 'o(r F"ther 9ho is in He"*en1
5 There!ore0 when 'o( gi*e to the $oor0 so(nd not " tr($et be!ore 'o( "s the h'$ocrites do in the s'n"gog(es
"nd in the streets th"t the' "' be honored b' en1 Most "ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0 the' h"*e recei*ed their rew"rd1
C /(t when 'o( gi*e to the $oor0 %et not 'o(r %e!t h"nd know wh"t 'o(r right h"nd does0 7 th"t 'o(r "%s "' be
in secret0 "nd 'o(r F"ther 9ho sees in secret wi%% re$"' 'o(1
A;. E Mch0 Th(0 AD C5 (.4.M I! 8ou Will Forgive # Ne"r Arbe%" 26CG$12F2
27 For i! 'o( wi%%
!orgi*e en their
o!!ences0 'o(r he"*en%'
F"ther wi%% "%so !orgi*e
'o( 'o(r o!!ences1 23
/(t i! 'o( wi%% not !orgi*e en0 neither wi%% 'o(r F"ther !orgi*e 'o( 'o(r o!!ences1

5FLRS& !nM /(t i! 'o(
wi%% not !orgi*e0
neither wi%% 'o(r
F"ther 9ho is in
He"*en0 !orgi*e 'o(
'o(r sins1
This te:t is not !o(nd in the %"ter red(ctionist ss:b : C 5 W gi*ing e*idence it w"s "dded "!ter M"rkHs !irst edition o! his Gos$e%1
Since The Poem shows this te:t w"s not $"rt o! this disco(rse0 b(t sti%% *eri!ies th"t these were o(r LordHs words !ro the Seron on
the Mo(nt @which "re !o(nd in M"tthewHs Gos$e%A this te:t w"s inserted %"ter "t %e"st b' soeone who knew o! its "(thenticit'
@ost %ike%' b' Peter hise%!A0 i! on%' bec"(se it !it so $er!ect%' with the s(bKect o! !orgi*eness1 This "tter o! !orgi*eness w"s o!
$"rtic(%"r interest to Peter1
"4T): This "br($t bre"k in ,hristHs te"ching on tr(sting God in res$ect to "teri"% "tters w"s occ"sioned b' the disr($tion c"(sed b' the i$(dent
M"gd"%ene "nd the crowdHs "ngr' re"ction to her1 Yo( wi%% notice th"t !or this re"son M"tthew $%"ced this te:t right "!ter his "cco(nt o! the LordHs
$r"'er @2521A1 M"rk $%"ces it "!ter 'et "nother o! ,hristHs te"ching on !orgi*eness @57C1A1 Another incredib%e indic"tion o! the "(thenticit' o! The
AB. E Mch0 Th(0 AD C5 (.4.M. Do "ot Worry about 8our 5i!e D Ne"r Arbe%" 26CG$12F5
MT F 881TU2>71
53 There!ore ) s"' to 'o(0 be not "n:io(s !or 'o(r %i!e0 wh"t 'o( sh"%% e"t0 nor !or 'o(r bod'0 wh"t 'o( sh"%% $(t
on1 )s not %i!e ore th"n !ood "nd the bod' ore th"n the r"ient Lwhich on%' co*ers itMB 5F /eho%d the birds o! the
"ir0 !or the' neither sow0 nor do the' re"$0 nor g"ther into b"rns0 'et 'o(r he"*en%' F"ther !eeds the1 Are not
'o( o! (ch ore *"%(e th"n the'B 56 And which o! 'o(0 b' t"king tho(ght0 c"n "dd to his st"t(re the s"%%est
e"s(re Lor "dd to his s$"n o! %i!eMBD 54 And !or r"ient0 wh' "re 'o( worriedB ,onsider the %i%ies o! the !ie%d0 how
the' grow1 The' %"bor not0 neither do the' s$in Lto cre"te their own co*eringsM1 58 /(t ) s"' to 'o( th"t not e*en
So%oon in "%% his g%or' w"s "rr"'ed "s one o! these1 C> And i! the gr"ss o! the !ie%d0 which is here tod"' "nd
toorrow is c"st into the !(rn"ce0 how (ch ore wo(%d God so c%othe 'o( Lwhen 'o( need itM0 O 'o( o! %itt%e
!"ithB C2 /e not "n:io(s0 there!ore0 s"'ing: 9h"t sh"%% we e"tB Or: 9h"t sh"%% we drinkB Or: 9ith wh"t sh"%%
we be c%othedB C5 For "!ter "%% these things do the he"then seek1 For 'o(r F"ther knows th"t 'o( h"*e need o! "%%
these things1 CC Seek !irst0 there!ore0 the -ingdo o! God "nd His righteo(sness "nd "%% these other things sh"%%
be gi*en to 'o( in "ddition1 C7 /e not there!ore "n:io(s !or toorrow !or toorrow wi%% h"*e Leno(gh o!M its own
"n:ieties1 S(!!icient !or e"ch d"'D is its own concerns1
DHis span o! li!eQ There is s($$ort !or this "ddition"% tho(ght in The Poem" The smallest measure: %iter"%%'0 <one c(bit0= b(t
tod"' we wo(%d s"' <one inch= so the tho(ght is "s tr"ns%"ted1
D(u!!iient: An:iet' "nd concern in itse%! is not wrong1 )t is on%' (se%ess "nd need%ess worr' th"t is wrong0 or not doing the right
thing with these eotion"% <sign"%s1= These eotion"% sign"%s re;(ire "n inte%%igent choice to con!ident%' "sk !or GodHs wisdo "nd
!"ith to res$ond $ro$er%' to the distressing occ"sion b(t "%so to !(%%' tr(st God !or "%% we h"*e not -een called in the crisis to "ddressP
9orries "bo(t $rob%es0 o(t o! 'o(r contro%0 %ike worr'ing "bo(t toorrows $rob%es "re "%w"'s wrong1

AA. E Mch0 Fri0 AD C5 (.4.M. 8ou Cannot (erve God and Mammon D Ne"r Arbe%"
MT F 2>>1TU841
57 No "n c"n ser*e two "sters1 For either he wi%% h"te the one "nd %o*e the other0 or he wi%% s(st"in the one
"nd des$ise the other1 Yo( c"nnot ser*e God "nd "on1
,++. E Mch0 Fri0 AD C5 (.4.M. The 5ight o! the :ody is the )ye # Ne"r Arbe%" 267"G$126>
55 The %ight Lthe g(iding (nderst"ndingM !or 'o(r bod'
is 'o(r e'e1 )! 'o(r e'e is sing%e Lwith $(re *isionM0
'o(r who%e bod' sh"%% be Ldi*ine%'M %ightened1 5C
/(t i! 'o(r e'e is e*i% 'o(r who%e bod' sh"%% be
d"rkened L"nd do e*i% thingsM1 )! then the %ight Lthe
g(iding (nderst"ndingM th"t is in 'o(0 be d"rkness0
how gre"t sh"%% th"t d"rkness be L!or it wi%% d"rken
'o(r entire bod' "nd "%% its "ctionsMP
L- 22 28C1TU28C1
C7 The %ight Lthe g(iding (nderst"ndingM !or 'o(r bod' is 'o(r e'e1 )! 'o(r e'e is
sing%e Lwith $(re *isionM0 'o(r who%e bod' sh"%% be Ldi*ine%'M en%ightened1 /(t i! 'o(r
e'e is e*i% 'o(r who%e bod' sh"%% be d"rkened L"nd do e*i% thingsM1 C3 T"ke heed
there!ore th"t the %ight Lthe g(iding (nderst"ndingM th"t is in 'o( becoes not
d"rkened1 CF )! then 'o(r who%e bod' is en%ightened h"*ing no $"rt in d"rkness0
the who%e bod' sh"%% be en%ightened0 "nd "s " bright %"$0 sh"%% en%ighten 'o(1
L(ke co$ied this te:t direct%' !ro M"tthew "nd !ro his origin"% record1 M"tthew !(rther
condensed wh"t he h"d origin"%%' written in his Ko(rn"% which itse%! w"s " gre"t condens"tion o!
+es(sH disco(rse1 See "%so the e:$%"n"tion in The est of the Gospel !tory1
,+,. E Mch0 Fri0 AD C5 (.4.M. Woe # Ne"r Arbe%"
L- F 4>"1TU
57 /(t woe to 'o( who "re rich0 !or 'o( h"*e 'o(r conso%"tion L"nd it wi%% (tter%' $erish "t 'o(r de"thMP
,+*. E Mch0 Fri0 AD C5 (.4.M. Woe # Ne"r Arbe%"
L- F TU4>b1
53 9oe to 'o( th"t "re !i%%ed0 !or 'o( sh"%% h(nger1 9oe to 'o( th"t now %"(gh0 !or 'o( sh"%% o(rn "nd wee$1
,+<. E Mch0 Fri0 AD C5 (.4.M. .esus on Divore and 5ust D Ne"r Arbe%"
MT 3 481TU8>1
56 Yo( h"*e he"rd th"t it w"s s"id to the o! o%d: 7o& shall not commit ad&ltery" 54 /(t ) s"' to 'o( th"t
whoe*er sh"%% %ook on " wo"n in order to %(st "!ter her h"s "%re"d' coitted "d(%ter' with her in his he"rt1 58
And i! 'o(r right e'e L'o(r *er' best e'eM sc"nd"%iIes 'o(0 $%(ck it o(t "nd c"st it !ro 'o(1 For it is better !or 'o(
th"t one o! 'o(r ebers sho(%d $erish0 r"ther th"n th"t 'o(r who%e bod' be c"st into He%%1 C> And i! 'o(r right
h"nd sc"nd"%iIes 'o(0 c(t it o!! "nd c"st it !ro 'o(0 !or it is better !or 'o( th"t one o! 'o(r ebers sho(%d
$erish0 r"ther th"n th"t 'o(r who%e bod' be c"st into He%%1 C2 And it h"s been s"id: 9hoe*er sh"%% $(t "w"' his
wi!e (st gi*e her " bi%% o! di*orce1 C5 /(t ) s"' to 'o(0 th"t whoe*er sh"%% $(t "w"' his wi!e0 e:ce$t !or the
c"(se o! !ornic"tion0 "kes her to coit "d(%ter' L!or she wi%% "%ost cert"in%' need to re"rr'M0 "nd he who sh"%%
"rr' her th"t is Lwrong%'M $(t "w"'0 coits "d(%ter'1
Contratual vs. (aramental Marriage: +es(s is s$e"king here to +ews be!ore the re#instit(tion o! the S"cr"ent"% "rri"ge in His
,h(rch which h"d been %ost in the F"%%1 He s"'s th"t !or the +ew0 di*orce "nd re"rri"ge were "%%owed !or the innocent $"rt' on%' in
the c"se o! !ornic"tion on the $"rt o! the other $"rt'1 +es(s "%so "%%owed the re"rri"ge o! the innocent wo"n who is wrong%'
di*orced b(t %"'s the g(i%t !or the "d(%ter' in*o%*ed in cre"ting the new bond "t the !eet o! the di*orcing $"rt'1 The S"cr"ent"%
"rri"ge0 howe*er0 r"ises "rri"ge to " higher %e*e%1 )t is not " contr"ct th"t c"n be broken i! the other $"rt' !"i%s to %i*e ($ to his or
her *ows0 it is " co*en"nt1 A!ter the "rri"ge cons("tion0 the coitent is (ncondition"%1 For ore on S"cr"ent"%
M"rri"ge: The Poem5 I&';@CD;@BX &'B@2DB@C
,+@. E Mch0 Fri0 AD C5 (.4.M. .udge "ot 5est 8ou be .udged # Ne"r Arbe%"
MT 6 841TU8C1
2 +.DGE not0 th"t 'o( "' not be K(dged1 5 For
with wh"t K(dgent 'o( K(dge0 'o( sh"%% be K(dged
"nd with wh"t e"s(re 'o( ete o(t Lto othersM0 it sh"%%
be e"s(red to 'o(1 C And wh' do 'o( st"re "t the
$"rtic%e th"t is in 'o(r brotherHs e'e "nd do not see the
be" th"t is in 'o(r own e'eB 7 Or how is it th"t 'o(
s"' to 'o(r brother: Let e c"st the $"rtic%e o(t o!
'o(r e'e0 whi%e " be" is in 'o(r own e'eB 3 Yo(
h'$ocrite0 c"st o(t !irst the be" in 'o(r own e'e "nd
then 'o( sh"%% see to c"st o(t the $"rtic%e !ro 'o(r
brotherHs e'e1 F Gi*e not th"t which is ho%' to dogs0
neither c"st 'o(r $e"r%s be!ore swine0 %est $erh"$s
the' tr"$%e the (nder their !eet "nd t(rn on 'o(
"nd rend 'o(1
L- F
C6 +(dge not0 "nd 'o( sh"%% not be K(dged1 ,onden not0 "nd 'o( sh"%% not be
condened1 Forgi*e0 "nd 'o( sh"%% be !orgi*en1 C4 Gi*e0 "nd it sh"%% be gi*en
to 'o(1 Yes0 in good e"s(re0 $ressed down0 sh"ken together "nd r(nning
o*er sh"%% the' gi*e into 'o(r bosoP For with the s"e e"s(re th"t 'o(
e"s(re0 it sh"%% be e"s(red to 'o( in ret(rn Lb(t o!ten in w"'s 'o( c"nnot
c"%c(%"te or co$rehendM1
C8 And He s$oke "%so to the " $ro*erb: ,"n the b%ind %e"d the b%indB Do
the' not both !"%% into the ditchB 7> The disci$%e or st(dent is not "bo*e his
"ster0 b(t e*er' disci$%e sh"%% be considered $er!ected0 i! he on%' becoes "s
his "ster1 72 And wh' do 'o( see the s$eck in 'o(r brotherHs e'e b(t do not
notice the be" th"t is in 'o(r own e'eB 75 Or how c"n 'o( s"' to 'o(r
brother: /rother0 %et e $(%% the s$eck o(t o! 'o(r e'e0 when 'o( do not see
the be" in 'o(r own e'eB Yo( h'$ocrite0 c"st !irst the be" o(t o! 'o(r own
e'e "nd then sh"%% 'o( see c%e"r%' to t"ke o(t the s$eck !ro 'o(r brotherHs
,+2. E Mch0 Fri0 AD C5 (.4.M. The House on a %o/ # Ne"r Arbe%" 267cG$124>
MT 6 2>6"1TU2>6b1
57 E*er' one0 there!ore0 who he"rs M' words "nd obe's the
sh"%% be %ike (nto to " wise "n who b(i%t his ho(se ($on " rock1
53 And when the r"in !e%% "nd the !%oods c"e0 "nd the winds
b%ew "nd be"t ($on th"t ho(se it !e%% not !or it w"s !o(nded on "
rock1 5F And e*er'one who he"rs M' words "nd obe's the not
sh"%% be %ike " !oo%ish "n who b(i%t his ho(se ($on the s"nd1 56
And when the r"in !e%%0 "nd the !%oods c"e0 "nd the winds b%ew
"nd be"t ($on th"t ho(se0 it !e%%0 "nd gre"t w"s its !"%%1
L- F 2>4b1TU2>61
76 E*er'one who coes to Me0 "nd who he"rs M' words0 "nd "cts
($on the0 ) wi%% show 'o( wh"t he is %ike1 74 He is %ike " "n
b(i%ding " ho(se0 who d(g dee$ "nd %"id the !o(nd"tion ($on "
rock1 And when " !%ood c"e0 the stre" be"t *eheent%' ($on
th"t ho(se0 b(t it co(%d not sh"ke it !or it w"s !o(nded on " rock1
78 /(t he who he"rs b(t does not "ct ($on the0 is %ike " "n
b(i%ding his ho(se ($on the e"rth witho(t " !o(nd"tion0 "g"inst
which the stre" be"t *eheent%'1 And so iedi"te%' it !e%%0 "nd
the r(in o! th"t ho(se
w"s co$%ete1
,+C. E Mch0 Fri0 AD C5 (.4.M. $ 5eper is Healed # Ne"r Arbe%" 263G$1242
MT 4 2>6b1TU2>41
2 AND when He h"d coe down !ro the o(nt"in0 gre"t crowds !o%%owed Hi1 5 And beho%d " %e$er c"e "nd worshi$ed Hi s"'ing:
Lord0 i! Yo( wi%% to do so0 Yo( c"n "ke e c%e"nP C And +es(s stretching !orth His h"nd0 to(ched hi s"'ing: ) wi%%1 /e "de c%e"nP
And iedi"te%' his %e$ros' w"s c%e"nsed1 7 Then +es(s s"id to hi: See th"t 'o( te%% no "n0 b(t go0 show 'o(rse%! to the $riest "nd
o!!er the gi!t which Moses co"nded !or " testion' (nto the1
,+;. E Mch0 S"t0 AD C5 (.4.M. "ot )veryone That (aith' 5ord 5ord # Ne"r Arbe%"
MT 6 451TU2>31
52 Not e*er'one who s"'s to Me: Lord0 LordP sh"%% enter into the -ingdo o! He"*en0 b(t he who does the
wi%% o! M' F"ther 9ho is in He"*en0 he sh"%% enter into the -ingdo o! He"*en1 55 M"n' wi%% s"' to Me in
th"t d"': Lord0 Lord0 h"*e not we $ro$hesied in Yo(r n"e0 "nd c"st o(t deons in Yo(r n"e0 "nd done "n'
ir"c%es in Yo(r n"eB 5C And then wi%% ) $ro!ess (nto the0 ) ne*er knew 'o(P LYo(r works were ne*er done o(t o!
%o*e !or Me b(t on%' to $roote 'o(rse%*es1M De$"rt !ro Me0 'o( th"t work ini;(it'P
MT 6 2>31TU2>F1
54 And it c"e to $"ss when +es(s h"d !(%%' ended these s"'ings0 the $eo$%e s"t "stonished "nd in "dir"tion
"t His doctrine0 58 !or He w"s te"ching the "s one h"*ing "(thorit' "nd not "s the scribes "nd Ph"risees1
L- 6
2" AND when He h"d
!inished His ess"ge
in the he"ring o! the
,+B. E Mch0 AD C5 The (ervant o! a Centurion is Healed D ,"$ern"( 266G$1248
MT 4 2>F1TU341
3 And when He h"d entered into ,"$ern"( there c"e to Hi "
LRo"nM cent(rion0 begging Hi0 F s"'ing: Lord0 ' ser*"nt %ies "t
hoe sick o! the $"%s' "nd is grie*o(s%' torented1 6 And +es(s s"id
to hi: ) wi%% coe "nd he"% hi1 4 And the cent(rion "nswering0
s"id: Lord0 ) " not worth' th"t Yo( sho(%d enter (nder ' roo! b(t
on%' s"' the word "nd ' ser*"nt sh"%% be he"%ed0 8 !or ) "%so " "
"n s(bKect to "(thorit' h"*ing (nder e so%diers "nd ) s"' to this
one: Go0 "nd he goes0 "nd to "nother: ,oe0 "nd he coes0 "nd to '
ser*"nt: Do this0 "nd he does it1 2> And +es(s he"ring this0 "r*e%ed0
"nd s"id to those who !o%%owed Hi: Most "ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0 )
h"*e not !o(nd s(ch gre"t !"ith in "%% )sr"e%P 22 And ) s"' to 'o( th"t
"n' sh"%% coe !ro the e"st "nd the west "nd sh"%% sit down with
Abr"h"0 )s""c0 "nd +"cob in the -ingdo o! He"*en0 25 b(t the
chi%dren o! the -ingdo Lthose in the co*en"ntPM sh"%% be c"st o(tside
into the d"rknessD where there sh"%% be wee$ing "nd gn"shing o!
teeth1 2C And +es(s s"id to the cent(rion: Go0 "nd "s 'o( h"*e
be%ie*ed0 so wi%% it be it done to 'o(1 And the ser*"nt w"s he"%ed "t
the s"e ho(r1
DThe co*en"nts o! God on%' gi*e (s s$eci"% gr"ce to he%$ (s to dr"w ne"r to God
"nd %i*e ho%' %i*es the' do not g("r"ntee eitherP /eing in the co*en"nt does not
g("r"ntee He"*en to "n'one nor does being o(tside the co*en"nt in this %i!e e"n
'o( wi%% in the end be denied He"*enP On%' those who die in " st"te o! ort"% sin
wi%% be denied He"*en "nd th"t wi%% be tr(e o! soe <who were once i%%(in"ted0
who h"*e t"sted "%so the he"*en%' gi!t0 "nd were "de $"rt"kers o! the Ho%'
S$irit= @Hebrews 7:7AP 9h"t then is the *"%(e o! the New /irth "nd the New
,o*en"nt in ,hristB )! soe wi%% be %ost des$ite the New /irth0 (%tit(des ore
wo(%d be %ost witho(t itP 9itho(t the Gos$e% o! ,hrist "n' $"g"ns in ort"% sin
who co(%d be s"*ed wi%% be %ost "nd "n' %i*ing (nder the b(rden o! *eni"% sin
wo(%d ne*er be set !ree !ro the in this %i!e "nd on%' "!ter (ch di!!ic(%t' in
2b He entered into ,"$ern"(1 5 Now " cert"in LRo"nM
cent(rion h"d " ser*"nt who w"s de"r to hi who w"s sick "nd
re"d' to die1 C And when he h"d he"rd o! +es(sH coing0 he
sent (nto Hi the r(%ing e%ders o! the +ews0 desiring Hi to
coe "nd he"% his ser*"nt1 7 And when the' c"e to +es(s0 the'
begged Hi e"rnest%'0 s"'ing to Hi: He is worth' th"t Yo(
sho(%d do this !or hi1 3 For he %o*es o(r n"tion "nd he h"s
b(i%t (s " s'n"gog(e1 F So +es(s went with the1 And when he
w"s now not !"r !ro the ho(se0 the cent(rion sent his !riends
to Hi0 s"'ing: Lord0 tro(b%e not Yo(rse%!0 !or ) " not worth'
th"t Yo( sho(%d enter (nder ' roo!1 6 For which re"son
neither did ) think 'se%! worth' to coe to Yo(1 /(t ere%'
s"' the word "nd ' ser*"nt sh"%% be he"%ed1 4 For ) "%so " "
"n s(bKect to "(thorit'0 h"*ing (nder e so%diers0 "nd ) s"' to
one: Go0 "nd he goes0 "nd to "nother: ,oe0 "nd he coes "nd
to ' ser*"nt: Do this0 "nd he does it1 8 9hen +es(s he"rd
this0 He "r*e%ed "t hi1 And t(rning "bo(t to the (%tit(de
th"t !o%%owed hi0 He s"id: Most "ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0 ) h"*e
not !o(nd s(ch gre"t !"ith0 not e*en in "%% )sr"e%P 2> And the'
who were sent0 h"*ing ret(rned to the ho(se0 !o(nd the ser*"nt
who h"d been sick0 who%eP
L- F 851TU2>31
7F And wh' c"%% Me0 Lord0 LordP "nd do not the things which )
,+A. M Mch0 AD C5 The Cost o! Disipleship D /' the Se" "t ,"$ern"( 264G$1282
24 And +es(s0 seeing gre"t crowds "bo(t
Hi0 g"*e orders to $"ss to the other
side Lo! the Se" o! G"%i%eeM1 28 There "
cert"in scribe c"e "nd s"id to hi:
M"ster0 ) wi%% !o%%ow Yo( where*er Yo(
wi%% go1 5> And +es(s s"id to hi: Fo:es
h"*e ho%es "nd the birds o! the "ir h"*e
nests0 b(t the Son o! M"n h"s nowhere
to %"' His he"d1 52 And "nother o! His
disci$%es s"id to Hi: Lord0 "%%ow e
!irst to go "nd b(r' ' !"ther1 55 /(t
+es(s s"id to hi: Fo%%ow Me "nd %et the
de"d b(r' their de"d1
L- 8 5581TU236"1
36 And it c"e to $"ss "s the' w"%ked in the w"'0 th"t " cert"in "n s"id to Hi: ) wi%%
!o%%ow Yo( where*er Yo( goP 34 +es(s s"id to hi: The !o:es h"*e ho%es "nd the birds o! the
"ir h"*e nests0 b(t the Son o! M"n h"s nowhere to %"' his he"dP 38 /(t He s"id to "nother:
Fo%%ow eP And he s"id: Lord0 "%%ow e !irst to go "nd to b(r' ' !"ther1 F> And +es(s s"id
to hi: Let the de"d b(r' their de"d1 /(t 'o( go "nd $re"ch the -ingdo o! GodP F2 And
"nother s"id: ) wi%% !o%%ow Yo(0 Lord0 b(t %et e !irst t"ke ' %e"*e o! those who "re "t '
ho(se1 F5 +es(s s"id to hi: No "n $(tting his h"nd to the $%o(gh "nd %ooking b"ck is !it !or
the -ingdo o! GodP
)n inter$reting "nd "$$%'ing this co(nci% o! o(r Lord we (st reeber th"t +es(s s"w the we"knesses in "%%
these en "nd knew how to best bring these things to their "ttention so the' co(%d be corrected1 Disci$%eshi$ is
d"ngero(s to those who o*er esti"te their strengths "nd "re b%ind to their we"knesses1 A disci$%e (st h"*e
reso%*ed to gi*e his "%% to the c"(se "nd (st be "b%e to honest%' %ook "t hise%! in order to "tt"in th"t obKecti*e1
,,+. M Mch0 AD C5 The 3arable o! the (o#er D /' the Se" "t /eths"id" 268G$1283
MT 2C 2741TU
2 THE SAME DAY L"s 2>81 "bo*eMD +es(s0
going o(t o! LPeterHsM ho(se0 s"t b' the se" side1
5 And gre"t crowds were g"thered "ro(nd Hi0
so th"t He went ($ into " bo"t "nd s"t1 And the
entire crowd stood on the shore1 C And He
s$oke to the "n' things in $"r"b%es0 s"'ing:
/eho%d the sower went !orth to sow1 7 And
whi%e he sowed0 soe seeds !e%% b' the w"'
side0 "nd the birds o! the "ir c"e "nd "te the
($1 3 And soe !e%% ($on ston' gro(nd0 where
the' h"d not (ch e"rth "nd the' s$r(ng ($
on%' iedi"te%' Lor witho(t %"stingM bec"(se the'
h"d no de$th o! e"rth1 F /(t when the s(n w"s
($ the' were scorched "nd bec"(se the' h"d no
root the' withered "w"'1 6 And others !e%%
"ong thorns1 And the thorns grew ($ "nd
choked the1 4 And others !e%% ($on good
gro(nd0 "nd the' bro(ght !orth !r(it0 soe "
h(ndred#!o%d0 soe si:t'#!o%d0 "nd soe thirt'#
!o%d1 8 He who h"s e"rs to he"r0 %et hi he"rP
DThe same day: According to The Poem this re!ers to
his "cco(nt o! +es(s instr(cting three en on
disci$%eshi$ in 4:28#551 M"tthew there!ore c(t "nd
re"rr"nged this "nd the $re*io(s te:t !ro " %onger
chrono%ogic"% te:t witho(t odi!'ing it1 M"rk "nd
L(ke odi!' the te:t to !it the new conte:t in which
the' $%"ce it1 The Poem cert"in%' does not !o%%ow wh"t
wo(%d be e:$ected in "n' h("n reconstr(ction o! the
M- 7 2741TU
2 AND "g"in He beg"n to te"ch b' the se"
side "nd " gre"t crowd h"d g"thered
together (nto Hi0 so th"t He went ($ into
" shi$ "nd s"t there on the se" whi%e the
crowd w"s ($on the %"nd b' the se" side1 5
And He t"(ght the "n' things in
$"r"b%es0 "nd in His te"ching He s"id to
the: C Listen "%% o! 'o(1 /eho%d0 " sower
went o(t to sow1 7 And "s he sowed soe
!e%% b' the w"' side "nd the birds o! the "ir
c"e "nd "te it ($1 3 And other LseedM !e%%
($on ston' gro(nd0 where it h"d not (ch
e"rth "nd it shot ($ iedi"te%'1 /(t
bec"(se it h"d no de$th o! e"rth0 F when
the s(n h"d risen0 it w"s scorched "nd
bec"(se it h"d no root Ldee$ eno(gh to !ind
w"terM0 it withered "w"'1 6 And soe !e%%
"ong thorns1 And the thorns grew ($
"nd choked it0 "nd it 'ie%ded no !r(it1 4
And soe !e%% ($on good gro(nd "nd
bro(ght !orth !r(it1 )t s$r"ng ($ "nd
incre"sed "nd 'ie%ded !r(it0 soe thirt'0
soe si:t'0 "nd soe "n h(ndred !o%d1 8
And He s"id: He who h"s e"rs to he"r0 %et
hi he"rP
L- 4 2CC1TU
7 And "s " *er' gre"t (%tit(de w"s
g"thering together0 h"stening o(t o! the
s(rro(nding cities (nto Hi0 He s$oke
to the b' " $"r"b%e1 3 The sower
went o(t to sow his seed1 And "s he
sowed0 soe !e%% b' the w"' side0 "nd
it w"s trodden down0 "nd the !ow%s o!
the "ir de*o(red it1 F And other seed
!e%% ($on " rock0 "nd "s soon "s it h"d
s$r(ng ($ it withered "w"' bec"(se it
h"d no oist(re1 6 And other seed !e%%
"ong thorns0 "nd the thorns growing
($ with it choked it1 4 And other seed
!e%% ($on good gro(nd0D "nd h"*ing
s$r(ng ($0 it 'ie%ded !r(it "
h(ndred!o%d1 S"'ing these things0 he
cried o(t: He who h"s e"rs to he"r0 %et
hi he"rP
DThe good ground0 "%%owing the seed not
on%' to s$ro(t @which e"ns to (nderst"nd
"nd recei*e the 9ordA0 b(t "%so to be"r !r(it0 is
the he"rt th"t h"s the wi%% to "ct on wh"t the
9ord is re;(iring1 There is no K(sti!ic"tion !or
$"st sin witho(t " lo+in' s&-mission to
,hrist and o-edience1 See *123 "nd +"es
5:27#5F "nd Acts 5:C4 where /"$tis is the
"ct re;(ired "nd th"t indic"tes " wi%%ingness
to s&-mit to ,hrist$s a&thority in His
,,,. M Mch0 AD C5 .esus )0plains the 3arable o! the (o#er # PeterHs Hoe0 /eths"id" 24>G$15>>
MT 2C TU22C1
2> And His Disci$%es c"e "nd s"id to Hi:
9h' do Yo( s$e"k to the in $"r"b%esB 22
He "nswered "nd s"id to the: /ec"(se to
'o( it is gi*en to know the 'steries o! the
-ingdo o! He"*en0 b(t to the it is not
gi*en1 25 For he who h"s L"de " s$irit("%
incre"seM0 to hi sh"%% be gi*en0 "nd he sh"%%
"bo(nd b(t he who h"s not L"de "n incre"seM0
!ro hi sh"%% be t"ken "w"' th"t "%so which
he h"d Lorigin"%%'M1 2C There!ore0 ) s$e"k to
the in $"r"b%es0 bec"(se seeing the' see
not0 "nd he"ring the' he"r not0 neither do
the' (nderst"nd1 LThe' see "nd he"r with their
o(ter e'es "nd e"rs b(t not with the e'es "nd e"rs o!
their he"rts0 "cce$ting the LordHs te"ching "s *"%id
"nd ob%ig"tor'1 To re"%%' see "nd he"r the tr(th
e"ns 'o( wi%% s(bit to it "nd obe' it1M 27 And
the $ro$hec' o! )s"i"h is !(%!i%%ed in the0
who s"id: 8y hearin' yo& shall hear, -&t
shall not &nderstand, and seein' yo& shall
see, -&t shall not percei+e1 23 Gor the heart
of this people has 'ro)n fat )ith
insensiti+ity, and )ith their ears they ha+e
-een d&ll of hearin', and their eyes they
ha+e sh&t, lest at anytime they sho&ld see
)ith their eyes, and hear )ith their ears, and
&nderstand )ith their heart, and -e
con+erted, and I sho&ld heal them1 Z)s"i"h F:8#
2>[ LSee *er' i$ort"nt note in M"rkHs "cco(nt1M
M- 7
2> And when He w"s "%one0 the Twe%*e who were with Hi "sked
Hi "bo(t the $"r"b%e1 22 And He s"id to the: To 'o( it is gi*en
to know the 'ster' o! the -ingdo o! God0 b(t !or the good o!
those th"t "re witho(t0 "%% things "re gi*en in $"r"b%es0 25 th"t they
may see, -&t see and not percei+e, and hear, -&t hear and not
&nderstand, lest at anytime they sho&ld -e con+erted, and their
sins sho&ld -e for'i+en them" Z)s"i"h F:8#2>[
The Lord e:$%"ins th"t He hid (ch o! His te"ching bec"(se "n' )sr"e%ites0 "s
the Lord describes o! the )sr"e%ites in )s"i"hHs d"'0 were not re"d' to recei*e it0
bec"(se the' were not $re$"red to be 'en&inely or completely con*erted !ro
their wrong w"'s1 Their con*ersion wo(%d be no ore th"n "n e:tern"%
con!orit' (ch %ike the con*ersion o! the $h"r"oh o! the E:od(s wo(%d h"*e
been h"d God $ressed ($on hi " %onger d(r"tion o! the $%"g(es @See
Ro18:55#5CA1 For this re"son the Lord in )s"i"hHs d"' "s +es(s here decides
He wi%% g"in ore so(%s !or the -ingdo o! God in the %ong r(n b' %etting
K(dgent !"%% on the n"tion o! )sr"e% th"n b' s"*ing it o*er wh"t he knew wo(%d
on%' be "n essenti"%%' !orced0 h"%! he"rted con*ersion1 +es(s did not w"nt these
to $ercei*e "nd (nderst"nd "%% His te"chings bec"(se the' wo(%d recei*e it
ere%' to esc"$e " n"tion"% K(dgent not o(t o! %o*e !or God or others1 This
insight brings o(t " *er' i$ort"nt !"ct1 Di*ine K(dgents on n"tions "nd
$eo$%es "re "*erted e*en i! the re$ent"nce o! $eo$%es "re h"%! he"rted "nd %e"ds
on%' to ere e:tern"% con!orit' to the %"ws o! God1 9e "%so (st reeber0
howe*er0 God h"s " right "nd e*en " or"% d(t' to withho%d !ro wi%%!(%
sinners or n"tions the gr"ce needed to e!!ect s(ch h"%! he"rted con!orit' when
bringing K(dgent on the wi%% e!!ect " gre"ter re$ent"nce or or"% con!orit'
in other $eo$%es @Ro122:22#25A1 Th"t K(dgent itse%! "' "t the %"st oent
bring soe e*en in ort"% sin to re$ent"nce resc(ing the !ro etern"%
d"n"tion1 )t is GodHs %o*e !or the good o! the ost whi%e "int"ining K(stice
th"t go*erns "%% God does1
L- 4 TU68"1
8 And His
Disci$%es "sked
Hi wh"t this
$"r"b%e ight
e"n1 2> To the
He s"id: To 'o( it
is gi*en to know
the 'ster' o! the
-ingdo o! God0
b(t to the rest Lthe
tr(th is to be %e!tM in
$"r"b%es0 that
seein' they may
not see, and
hearin' they may
not &nderstand"
HIsa"659-13I LTh"t
the' "' see "nd he"r
on%' in $"rt1 See note
in M"rkHs "cco(nt1
2F /(t b%essed "re 'o(r e'es0 bec"(se the' see0
"nd 'o(r e"rs0 bec"(se the' he"r1 26 For ost
"ss(red%'0 ) s"' to 'o(0 "n' $ro$hets "nd K(st en
h"*e desired to see the things th"t 'o( see0 b(t
h"*e not seen the "nd to he"r the things th"t 'o(
he"r b(t h"*e not he"rd the1
24 He"r0 there!ore0 the $"r"b%e o! the sower1 28
9hen "n' one he"rs the 9ord o! the -ingdo "nd
(nderst"nds it not0 there coes the wicked one "nd
c"tches "w"' th"t which w"s sown in his he"rt1
This is he who recei*ed the seed b' the w"' side1
5> And he who recei*ed the seed ($on ston'
gro(nd is he who he"rs the 9ord0 "nd Lbe%ie*ingM0
iedi"te%' recei*es it with Ko'1 52 Yet he h"s no
root in hise%! LHe h"s no reso%*e or coitent o! wi%%
to obedienceM0 so this LKo' "nd enth(si"s th"t coes with
!"ithM is on%' !or " tie "nd when there "rises
trib(%"tion "nd $ersec(tion bec"(se o! the 9ord0 he
is iedi"te%' sc"nd"%iIed1 55 And he who
recei*ed the seed "ong thorns is he who he"rs the
9ord0 b(t the c"re o! this wor%d "nd the
deceit!(%ness o! riches choke o(t the 9ord0 "nd he
becoes !r(it%ess1 5C /(t he who recei*es the seed
($on good gro(nd LHe who h"s the wi%% "nd reso%*e to
obe' wh"t !"ith in the 9ord re;(iresM0 is he who he"rs
the 9ord0 "nd (nderst"nds0 "nd Lwhose obedience to
the !"ithM be"rs !r(it1 L<F"ith witho(t works is de"dP=
+"es 5:5FM Soe 'ie%ding " h(ndred#!o%d0 "nd
"nother si:t'#!o%d0 "nd "nother thirt'#!o%d1 LL(keHs
"cco(nt "kes +es(s te"ching e*en c%e"rer on this $oint b'
"dding th"t those who "re the <good gro(nd= "re those who
"!ter he"ring the !"ith gi*ing 9ord "%so <kee$ it1= Lk14:23M
M- 7
2C Then He s"id to the: Are 'o( witho(t
(nderst"nding e*en o! this $"r"b%eB How then sh"%% 'o(
(nderst"nd "n' o! M' $"r"b%esB 27 He who sows0 is one
who sows the 9ord LMe0 the ,hristPM1 23 And those who
recei*e the seed b' the w"' side "re those when "s soon
"s the' h"*e he"rd0 S"t"n iedi"te%' "$$ro"ches "nd
t"kes "w"' the 9ord th"t w"s sown in their he"rts1
LThese on%' recei*e @he"rA the 9ordG,hrist with their e"rs not their
he"rts1M 2F And those who recei*e the seed on the ston'
gro(nd "re the' who0 when the' h"*e he"rd the 9ord0
iedi"te%' recei*e it Lthe' be%ie*e "nd "cce$t the
9ordG,hristM with Ko'1 26 /(t the' h"*e no root Lwi%% or
deterin"tionM in these%*es Lto s(st"in the 9ord b' tr(e
s(bission to itM0 b(t end(re Lin its Ko'M on%' !or " tie "nd
then when trib(%"tion "nd $ersec(tion "rise !or the 9ord
the' "re iedi"te%' sc"nd"%iIed1 LThese !"i% to obe' wh"t
the' know the 9ord @or !"ithA re;(ires o! the tho(gh the' h"*e
been gi*en the gi!t o! !"ith moti+atin' the to obe'1 Neither "re
these K(sti!ied !or !"ith witho(t works is de"d1 +"es15:26#5FM 24
And those who recei*e the seed on the thorn' gro(nd
"re those who he"r the 9ord0 28 b(t the c"res o! the
wor%d0 "nd the deceit!(%ness o! riches0 "nd the %(sts
"!ter other things entering in choke the 9ord0 "king it
!r(it%ess1 LThese "%so "!ter recei*ing the 9ordG,hrist !"i% to obe'
wh"t the' know the 9ord @or !"ithA re;(ires o! the0 so neither "re
these K(sti!ied1 +"es15:26#5FM 5> And those who recei*e
the seed on the good gro(nd "re those who he"r the
9ord0 "nd recei*e it LHiM0 "nd Lin "dditionPM 'ie%d !r(it
Lb' 'ie%ding in obedience to the di*ine oti*"ting in!%(ence o! the
!"ith the' h"*e re%ie*edM0 soe 'ie%ding thirt'#!o%d0 others
si:t'#!o%d0 "nd others " h(ndred!o%d LThis !r(it is the
e*idence o! oneHs K(sti!ic"tion bec"(se it is $rod(ced b' oneHs
obedient res$onse to the 9ord "nd the en"b%ing gi!t o! !"ith He
i$"rted1 See the !r(it o! the S$irit: G"%13:55#571M
L- 4
22 Now the $"r"b%e is
this: The seed is the 9ord
o! God1 25 And the' b' the
w"' side "re the' who
he"r b(t then the De*i%
coes "nd t"kes the 9ord
o(t o! their he"rts %est
be%ie*ing the' sho(%d be
s"*ed1 2C Now the' Lwho
recei*ed the seedM ($on the
rock "re the' who when
the' he"r0 recei*e the
9ord with Ko'0 b(t these
h"*e no roots0 !or the'
be%ie*e !or " whi%e b(t in
tie o! te$t"tion the'
!"%% "w"'1 27 And the'
Lwho recei*ed the seedM which
!e%% "ong thorns "re the'
who h"*e he"rd0 b(t going
their w"' the' "re choked
with the c"res the riches
"nd the $%e"s(res o! this
%i!e "nd 'ie%d no !r(it1 23
/(t the' Lwho recei*ed the
seedM on the good gro(nd
"re the' who in " good "nd
$er!ect L%o*ing "nd 'ie%dingM
he"rt0 "!ter he"ring L"nd
recei*ingM the 9ord0 do
kee$ it0 "nd bring !orth
!r(it in $"tience1
,,*. M Mch0 AD C5 The :aptist is Imprisoned the (eond and Final Time D +es(s He"rs the News "t /eths"id"
C81 M#L +"n0 AD C2 The /"$tistHs 2
)$risonent @76G$153CA
MT 27 2781TU27F1
C For Herod h"d L" 'e"r "nd 5 onths $re*io(s%'M "$$rehended
+ohn0 bo(nd hi0 "nd $(t hi into $rison0 bec"(se o!
Herodi"s0 his brotherHs wi!e1 7 For +ohn s"id to hi: )t is
not %"w!(% !or 'o( to h"*e herP 3 And Le*en tho(gh heM h"d "
ind to $(t hi to de"th0 he !e"red the $eo$%e bec"(se the'
esteeed hi "s " $ro$het1 LSo Herod %e!t hi in $rison !or 6
onths (nti% he w"s !reed thro(gh " bribe1 Here0 si: onths %"ter he
w"s "g"in "rrested "nd i$risoned !or 6 ore onths when he w"s
M- F
26 For Herod hise%! h"d sent o(t "nd "$$rehended +ohn0 "nd bo(nd hi
in $rison !or the s"ke o! Herodi"s0 the wi!e o! Phi%i$ his brother0 bec"(se he
h"d "rried her1 24 For +ohn h"d s"id to Herod: )t is not %"w!(% !or 'o( to
h"*e 'o(r brotherHs wi!eP 28 Now Herodi"s %"id sn"res !or hi desiring to
$(t hi to de"th b(t co(%d not0 !or Herod !e"red +ohn0 knowing hi to be
" K(st "nd ho%' "n "nd so ke$t hi Ls"!eM1 And when he he"rd hi L$re"chM0
he w"s (ch $er$%e:ed b(t he Lsti%%M he"rd hi g%"d%'1
,,<. M Mch0 AD C5 The 3arable o! the Wheat and Tares =Co/le? # -or"Ii 242G$1522
MT 2C In )lias9 =5evi9s? /ithen garden 2221TU2231
57 Another $"r"b%e He $ro$osed to the0 s"'ing: The -ingdo o! He"*en is %ike (nto " "n who sowed good
seed in his !ie%d1 53 /(t whi%e his en were "s%ee$0 his ene' c"e "nd sowed cock%e Ld"rne%G t"resM "ong the
whe"t "nd went his w"'1 5F And when the b%"de h"d s$r(ng ($ "nd h"d bro(ght !orth !r(it0 then the cock%e "%so
w"s noticed1 56 And the ser*"nts o! the "ster o! the ho(se coing0 s"id to hi: Sir0 did 'o( not sow good seed
in 'o(r !ie%dB How then does it cont"in cock%e Ld"rne%G t"resMB 54 And he s"id to the: An ene' h"s done this1
And the ser*"nts s"id to hi: 9o(%d 'o( h"*e (s go "nd g"ther it ($B 58 And he s"id: No0 %est $erh"$s g"thering
($ the cock%e0 'o( "%so root ($ the whe"t with it1 C> A%%ow both to grow (nti% the h"r*est0 "nd in the tie o! the
h"r*est ) wi%% s"' to the re"$ers: G"ther ($ !irst the cock%e Ld"rne%G t"resM "nd bind it into b(nd%es to b(rn0 b(t the
whe"t g"ther into ' b"rn1
,,@. M Mch0 AD C5 .esus )0plains the 3arable o! the Wheat and the Tares D -or"Ii 242G$1525
MT 2C 2F61TU2C31
CF Then0 h"*ing sent "w"' the (%tit(des L!ro 2C:C> "bo*eM0 He c"e into the ho(se Lo! Le*i # ))0525M0D "nd His
Disci$%es c"e to Hi0 s"'ing: E:$o(nd to (s the $"r"b%e o! the cock%e Ld"rne%G t"resM o! the !ie%d1 C6 +es(s
"nswered "nd s"id to the: He who sows the good seed is the Son o! M"n0 C4 "nd the !ie%d is the wor%d1 And the
good seed "re the chi%dren o! the -ingdo1 The cock%es "re the chi%dren o! the wicked one0 C8 "nd the ene'
th"t sowed the is the De*i%1 LS"t"n $%"ces his $eo$%e "ong GodHs $eo$%e "t e*er' soci"% %e*e% "nd in e*er' soci"% str(ct(re
inc%(ding the ,h(rch1 There wi%% "%w"'s be " +(d"s soewhere ne"r (s1M /(t the h"r*est is the end o! the wor%d "nd the
re"$ers "re the "nge%s1 7> E*en "s the cock%e Ld"rne%G t"resM0 there!ore0 is g"thered ($ "nd b(rnt with !ire0 so sh"%%
it be "t the end o! the wor%d1 72 The Son o! M"n sh"%% send His "nge%s "nd the' sh"%% g"ther o(t o! His kingdo
"%% sc"nd"%s "nd those who work ini;(it'0 75 "nd sh"%% c"st the into the !(rn"ce o! !ire where there sh"%% be
wee$ing "nd gn"shing o! teeth1 7C Then sh"%% the K(st shine "s the s(n in the kingdo o! their F"ther1 He who
h"s e"rs to he"r0 %et hi he"rP1
DThe house o! 5evi: This is the ho(se o! the new disci$%e E%i"s @Le*iA who decided to !o%%ow +es(s
r"ther th"n "ttend his !"therHs !(ner"% @2>81A1 <The ho(se0= indic"tes M"tthew c(t this te:t !ro " ore co$%ete conte:t inc%(ding " $re*io(s re!erence1
The Poem c"tches this in(te b(t signi!ic"nt det"i%1
245G$523 # @M MchA # On His 9"' to M"gd"%"0 +es(s S$e"ks to Soe She$herds1
24CG$528 # @M MchA # +es(s "t M"gd"%"1 He Meets with M"r' M"gd"%ene the Second Tie1
,,2. M Mch0 AD C5 The 3arable o! the (eed Cast into the )arth and the Mustard (eed D M"gd"%" 247G$1553
MT 2C 22C1TU2F61
C2 Another $"r"b%e He set
!orth (nto the0 s"'ing: The
-ingdo o! He"*en is %ike
(nto " gr"in o! " (st"rd
seed which " "n took "nd
sowed in his !ie%d1 C5 )t is the
%e"st indeed o! "%% seeds0 b(t
when it is grown it is gre"ter
th"n "n' herb0 "nd becoes
" tree so th"t the birds o! the
"ir coe "nd dwe%% in its
M- 7 2381TU
5F And He s"id: The -ingdo o! God is "s i! " "n c"st seed into the soi% 56 then
contin(es Lhis d"i%' ro(tineM s%ee$ing "nd rising night "nd d"' whi%e the seed s$rings ($ "nd
grows witho(t his (nderst"nding how1 54 For the e"rth o! itse%! brings !orth !r(it0 !irst the
b%"de0 then the e"r0 then "!terw"rds the !(%% gr"in in the e"r1 58 /(t when the !r(it o!!ers
itse%! Lbeing ri$eM0 iedi"te%' he sends in the sick%e Lthe h"r*estersM0 bec"(se the h"r*est h"s
C> And He s"id: To wh"t sh"%% we co$"re the -ingdo o! GodB Or in wh"t $"r"b%e
sh"%% we e:$%"in itB C2 )t is "s " gr"in o! " (st"rd seed which0 when it is sown in the
e"rth0 is the s"%%est o! "%% the seeds th"t "re on e"rth1 C5 /(t when it is sown "nd it grows
($0 it becoes gre"ter th"n "%% the herbs "nd shoots o(t gre"t br"nches0 so th"t the birds o!
the "ir c"n dwe%% in its sh"de1 CC And with "n' s(ch $"r"b%es He s$oke to the the
9ord0 "ccording "s the' were "b%e to (nderst"nd1 C7" And He did not te%% the Lthe crowdsM
"n'thing witho(t " $"r"b%e1
L- 2C 2651TU2F6121
24 +es(s s"id there!ore:
9h"t is the -ingdo o!
God %ike0 "nd (nto wh"t
sh"%% ) co$"re itB 28
)t is %ike " gr"in o! "
(st"rd seed which "
"n took "nd c"st into
his g"rden1 And it grew
"nd bec"e " gre"t tree0
"nd the birds o! the "ir
%odged in its br"nches1
,,C. M Mch0 AD C5 .esus Calms the %aging (ea D Le"*ing M"gd"%" !or the Se" o! G"%i%ee 243G$15C>
MT 4
5C And when He entered
into the bo"t0 His Disci$%es
!o%%owed Hi1 57 And
beho%d " gre"t te$est "rose
in the se"0 so th"t the bo"t
w"s co*ered with w"*es0 b(t
He w"s "s%ee$1 53 So the'
c"e to Hi "nd "woke
Hi0 s"'ing: LordP S"*e (sP
9e "re $erishingP 5F And
+es(s s"id to the: O 'o( o!
%itt%e !"ith0 wh' "re 'o( so
!e"r!(%B Then rising ($ He
co"nded the winds "nd
the se"0 "nd there c"e "
gre"t c"%1 56 /(t the en
wondered0 s"'ing: 9h"t
"nner o! M"n is this !or the
wind "nd the se" obe's HiP
M- 7 TU
C7b /(t $ri*"te%' He e:$%"ined e*er'thing to His Disci$%es1 C3
And th"t d"'0 when e*ening h"d coe He Lbeing ne"r e:h"(stionM s"id
to the: Let (s $"ss o*er to the other side1 CF And sending "w"'
the crowd0 the' took Hi L"w"'M e*en "s He w"s L"%re"d'M in the
shi$0 "nd there were other shi$s with Hi"B C6 And there "rose "
gre"t wind stor "nd the w"*es be"t into the shi$ so th"t the shi$
w"s !i%%ing with w"ter1 C4 And +es(s w"s in the b"ck $"rt o! the
shi$ s%ee$ing ($on " L%e"therM c(shion1 And the' "woke Hi0 "nd
s"id to hi: M"ster0 does it not concern Yo( th"t we $erishBP C8
And rising ($0 He reb(ked the wind0 s"'ing to the se": Pe"ce0 be
sti%%P And the wind ce"sed "nd there w"s "de " gre"t c"%1 7>
Then He s"id to the: 9h' were 'o( so !e"r!(%B H"*e 'o( 'et no
!"ithB And the' were !i%%ed with gre"t "we "nd ho%' !e"r "nd s"id
one to "nother: 9ho is this th"t both wind "nd se" obe' hiBP
Dother boats: This is not entioned in The Poem b(t th"t "cco(nt does not
co*er the %e"*ing !ro M"gd"%" b(t $icks ($ when +es(s "nd the Disci$%es "re
"%re"d' "t se"1 Peter0 who re%"tes (ch o! his Gos$e% to M"rk0 w"s there "nd
(st h"*e entioned this "s the docks "t M"gd"%" were o!ten b(s' in the
e*ening with Ro"n $%e"s(re bo"ts "%w"'s "king Peter *er' "ngr'1 L(ke0
who w"s not there0 does not ention other bo"ts1
L- 4 274c1TU
55 And it c"e to $"ss on " cert"in
d"' th"t +es(s went into " %itt%e shi$
with His Disci$%es1 And He s"id to
the: Let (s go o*er to the other side
o! the %"ke LSe" o! G"%i%eeM1 So the'
%"(nched !orth1 5C And "s the' were
s"i%ing0 He s%e$t1 And there c"e
down " stor o! wind ($on the %"ke
"nd the' were being !i%%ed with w"ter
"nd were in d"nger1 57 And the' c"e
"nd woke Hi0 s"'ing: M"ster0 we "re
$erishingP /(t0 He "rising0 reb(ked
the wind "nd the r"ging o! the se"0 "nd
it ce"sed0 "nd there w"s c"%1 53 And
He s"id to the: 9here is 'o(r !"ithB
And the' being "!r"id Lto s$e"kM0
wondered0 s"'ing one to "nother: 9ho
then is this 9ho co"nds both the
winds "nd the se"
"nd the' obe' HiBP
LM#L M"rch # +es(s "nd the Disci$%es e*"nge%iIe in " wide "re" "ro(nd the Se" o! G"%i%ee "nd go to ,"$ern"( "s $roised ))05>4052>M1

,,;. E A$r0 Th(0 AD C5 T#o Demonias' 4ne !rom Gerasha' Delivered # Tow"rd G""%" 24F G$15CF
MT 4 TUF51
54 And when He
"rri*ed on the other side
o! the w"ter0 into the
co(ntr' o! the Ger"sens0 there et Hi two T who
were $ossessed with deons0 coing o(t o! the
se$(%chers1 The' were e:ceeding%' !ierce0 so th"t
none co(%d $"ss b' th"t w"'1 58 And beho%d the'
cried o(t0 s"'ing: 9h"t h"*e we to do with Yo(0 +es(s Son o!
GodBP H"*e Yo( coe here to torent (s be!ore the tieBP
C> And there w"s not !"r !ro the " herd o! "n' swine
!eeding1 C2 And the deons begged Hi0 s"'ing: )! Yo(
c"st (s o(t0 send (s into
the herd o! swine1
C5 And He s"id to
the: GoP So the' going
o(t went into the swine0
"nd beho%d the who%e
herd r"n *io%ent%' down
" stee$ $%"ce into the
se"0 "nd the' $erished
in the w"ter1
CC And the' th"t ke$t
the !%ed0 "nd coing
into the cit'0 to%d
e*er'thing0 "nd
concerning those who
h"d been $ossessed b'
the deons1 C7 And
beho%d the who%e cit'
went o(t to eet +es(s0
"nd when the' s"w
Hi0 the' begged Hi
th"t He wo(%d de$"rt
!ro their %"nd1
MT 8
2" AND entering into "
bo"t0 He $"ssed o*er
Lthe Se" o! G"%i%ee to
DThere were two de%i*ered b(t
Mk "nd Lk do not ention the
other0 we $res(e bec"(se
"ccording to The Poem he did
not iedi"te%' !o%%ow +es(s1
M- 3
2 AND the' c"e
L!ro ,"$ern"(M o*er
the str"it o! the se"D
into the co(ntr' o! the
Ger"senes1 5 And "s
He got o(t o! the shi$0
iedi"te%' there et
Hi o(t o! the tobs "
"n with "n (nc%e"n
s$irit0 C who "de his
dwe%%ing in the tobs0
"nd no "n now co(%d
bind hi0 not e*en
with ch"ins1 7 For
h"*ing been o!ten
bo(nd with sh"ck%es
"nd ch"ins0 he h"d
broken the ch"ins "nd
broken the sh"ck%es in
$ieces0 so no one co(%d
contro% hi1 3 And d"'
"nd night in the tobs
"nd in the o(nt"ins
he contin("%%' cried
"nd c(t hise%! with
stones1 Dstrait o! the
sea: This is where the
($$er +ord"n enters the Se"
o! G"%i%ee !ro %"ke
Meron1 The Poem
con!irs this ro(te !ro
the N9 o! the Se" to the
SE side @))0$15CCA1
F And seeing +es(s "!"r o!!0 he r"n "nd worshi$ed
Hi1 6 And cr'ing with " %o(d *oice0 he s"id:
9h"t h"*e ) to do with Yo(0 +es(s0 the Son o! the
Most High GodBP ) "dK(re Yo( b' God th"t Yo(
torent e notP 4 For +es(s h"d s"id to hi: Go
o(t o! the "n0 'o( (nc%e"n s$iritP
8 And +es(s "sked hi: 9h"t is 'o(r n"eB And
he "nswered Hi: M' n"e is Legion0 !or we "re
"n'P 2> And he begged Hi re$e"ted%'0 th"t He
wo(%d not dri*e hi "w"' o(t o! the co(ntr'1
22 And there w"s there ne"r the o(nt"in0 " gre"t
herd o! swine !eeding1 25 And the s$irits begged
Hi0 s"'ing: Send (s into the swine th"t we "'
enter into theP 2C And +es(s iedi"te%' g"*e
the $erission1 And the (nc%e"n s$irits0 going
o(t0 entered into the swine0 "nd the herd0 being
"bo(t two tho(s"nd0 w"s c"rried he"d%ong with
gre"t *io%ence into the se" "nd were drowned1
27 And the' who !ed the swine !%ed "nd to%d it in
the cit' "nd in the co(ntr' side1 And those who
he"rd went o(t to see wh"t h"d been done1 23 And
the' c"e to +es(s "nd s"w hi who h"d been
tro(b%ed b' the De*i%0 sitting c%othed "nd in his
right ind0 "nd the' were "!r"id1D 2F And the'
who h"d seen it0 to%d the0 how the "n who h"d
the deons h"d been de"%t with "nd concerning the
swine1 26 And the' beg"n to beg Hi th"t He
wo(%d de$"rt !ro their %"nd. Da!raid: M"n' "ong
this crowd "de their %i*ing r"ising swine which the' knew
w"s " !orbidden !ood (nder +ewish %"w "nd inste"d o!
th"nksgi*ing !or the de%i*ered "n the' were $ossessed b' "
!e"r o! %osing ore o! their swineP
24 And when He ste$$ed into the shi$0 he who
h"d been tro(b%ed with the deons0 beg"n to beg
Hi th"t he ight be with Hi1 28 /(t He
"ditted hi not Linto their co$"n'M0 b(t s"id to
hi: Go into 'o(r ho(se to 'o(r !riends "nd te%%
the wh"t gre"t things the Lord h"s done !or 'o(
"nd th"t He h"s h"d erc' on 'o(1 5> So he went
his w"' "nd beg"n to $roc%"i in Dec"$o%is wh"t
gre"t things +es(s h"d done !or hi1 And "%% who
he"rd wondered1
L- 4
5F And the' s"i%ed L!ro ,"$ern"(M to the co(ntr'
o! the Ger"senes0 which is L"cross the %"keM !ro
G"%i%ee1 56 And when +es(s h"d coe !orth onto
the %"nd there He et " cert"in "n who h"d h"d "
deon " *er' %ong tie1 He wore no c%othes0
neither did he %i*e in " ho(se0 b(t "ong the
se$(%chers1 54 And when he s"w +es(s he !e%%
down be!ore Hi0 "nd cr'ing o(t with " %o(d *oice0
he s"id: 9h"t h"*e ) to do with Yo(0 +es(s0 Son o!
the ost high GodBP ) beseech Yo(0 do not torent
eP 58 For +es(s h"d co"nded the (nc%e"n
s$irit to go o(t o! the "n1 For re$e"ted%' the
deon h"d seiIed hi so th"t he h"d to be bo(nd
with ch"ins "nd ke$t in !etters0 tho(gh bre"king the
ch"ins0 he w"s dri*en b' the De*i% into deserted
C> And +es(s "sked hi0 s"'ing: 9h"t is 'o(r
n"eB And he s"id: Legion0 !or "n' deons h"d
entered into hi1 C2 And the deons begged Hi
th"t He wo(%d not co"nd the to go into the
Ab'ss1 LThe $byss: A%so c"%%ed the </otto%ess Pit=
@Re*18:205022A1 This wi%% be the $%"ce o! the (%ti"te "nd
!in"% doo !or e*i% s$irits0 the !"%%en "nge%s who be!ore the
cre"tion o! "n sided with L(ci!er in rebe%%ion "g"inst God
@)s"125:27#5>E Re*125:7A "nd were c"st down to the e"rth cre"ting
the d"rkness on the !"ce o! the dee$ in Genesis 2:51 The Ab'ss
sees to h"*e been cre"ted origin"%%' !or those deons who !e%% into
e*en gre"ter e*i% "nd <ke$t not their !irst st"te b(t !orsook their own
h"bit"tion= "nd corr($ted "nkind $rior to the Gre"t F%ood
@Gen1F:5#7A "nd were0 there!ore0 <reser*ed (nder d"rkness in
e*er%"sting ch"ins0 (nto the K(dgent o! the gre"t d"'= @+(de FA1M
C5 Now there w"s there " herd o! "n' swine !eeding on
the o(nt"in1 And the' begged Hi th"t He wo(%d "%%ow
the to enter into the1 So He "%%owed the1 CC The
deons0 there!ore0 went o(t o! the "n "nd entered into
the swine0 "nd the herd r"n *io%ent%' down " stee$ $%"ce
into the %"ke "nd were drowned1
C7 9hen the' who !ed the s"w this0 the' !%ed "w"' "nd
to%d it in the cit' "nd in the *i%%"ges1 C3 And the $eo$%e
went o(t to see wh"t h"d h"$$ened1 And the' c"e to
+es(s "nd !o(nd the "n0 o(t o! who the deons h"d
de$"rted0 sitting "t His !eet0 c%othed "nd in his right
ind0 "nd the' were "!r"id1 CF And the' "%so who h"d
seen Lwh"t h"d h"$$enedM0 to%d the how he h"d been
he"%ed !ro the %egion Lo! deonsM1 C6 And "%% the $eo$%e
o! the co(ntr' o! the Ger"senes begged Hi to de$"rt
!ro the0 !or the' were seiIed with gre"t !e"r1 And
+es(s0 going ($ into the shi$0 ret(rned b"ck "g"in Lto the
other side o! the %"ke to T"riche"M1
C4 Now the "n0 o(t o! who the deons h"d de$"rted0
begged +es(s th"t he ight be with Hi1 /(t +es(s sent
hi "w"'0 s"'ing: C8 Ret(rn to 'o(r ho(se "nd te%% wh"t
gre"t things God h"s done !or 'o(1 And he went thro(gh
the who%e cit'0 $(b%ishing wh"t gre"t things +es(s h"d
done !or hi1
DThe Poem gi*es re"son to M"rk "nd L(keHs o*er%ooking the other
deoni"c which M"tthew entions1 On%' one iedi"te%' !o%%ows
o(r Lord1

H)$DI"G T4 .)%>($5)M F4% 3$((4&)% D $D <*
246G$5C4 # @E A$r0Th(A # Tow"rds +er(s"%e !or the Second P"sso*er1 Fro T"riche" to Mt T"bor1
244G$57C # @E A$r0FriA # Fro T"bor to Endor in the ,"*e o! the Necro"ncer1 Enco(nter with Fe%i:0 9ho /ecoes +ohn o! Endor1
,,B. E A$r0 Fri0 AD C5 .esus %aises a Man From the Dead D N"in0 on the 9"' to +er(s"%e 248G$1535
L- 6 2>4"1TU273"1
22 And it c"e to $"ss "!terw"rds0 th"t He went into " cit' th"t is c"%%ed N"in0 "nd there went with Hi His
Disci$%es0 "nd " gre"t crowd1 25 And when He c"e nigh to the g"te o! the cit'0 beho%d " de"d "n w"s c"rried
o(t0 the on%' son o! his otherE "nd she w"s " widow1 And " gre"t crowd o! the cit' w"s with her1 2C And when
the Lord s"w her0 being o*ed with erc' tow"rds her0 He s"id to her: 9ee$ not1 27 And He c"e ne"r "nd
to(ched the !(ner"% bier1 And the' who c"rried it sto$$ed "nd stood sti%%1 And He s"id: Yo(ng "n0 ) s"' to 'o(0
"riseP 23 And he who w"s de"d s"t ($ "nd beg"n to s$e"k1 And He g"*e hi to his other1 2F And there c"e "
ho%' !e"r on the "%%0 "nd the' g%ori!ied God0 s"'ing: A gre"t $ro$het h"s risen ($ "ong (sP And: God h"s
*isited His $eo$%eP 26 And this r(or "bo(t Hi went !orth thro(gho(t "%% +(de" "nd thro(gho(t "%% the co(ntr'
ro(nd "bo(t1 24 And +ohnHs disci$%es to%d hi o! "%% these things1
"ote: +ohn h"s K(st been i$risoned the second tie in M"ch"er(s b(t w"s being w"tched o*er "nd in!ored b' the she$herd
disci$%es1 Fo(r onths %"ter in A(g(st AD C5 he wo(%d be behe"ded1
28>G$533 # @E A$r0FriA # Fro N"in to Esdr"e%on1 +es(s St"'s "t Mic"h_s1
,,A. E A$r0 S"t0 AD C5 The %ih Man and 5azarus D P%"in o! Esdr"%on 282G$15F2
L- 2F To the Poor Pe"s"nts o! ,r(e% Dor"s 28>1TU24Cb1
28 There w"s " cert"in rich "n who w"s c%othed in $(r$%e "nd !ine %inen "nd he !e"sted s($t(o(s%' e*er'
d"'1 5> And there w"s " cert"in begg"r n"ed L"I"r(s who %"' "t his g"te0 !(%% o! sores0 52 desiring on%' to be
!i%%ed with the cr(bs th"t !e%% !ro the rich "nHs t"b%e0 b(t which no one g"*e hi1 On%' the dogs c"e "nd
%icked his sores1
55 And it c"e to $"ss th"t the begg"r died "nd w"s c"rried b' the "nge%s into Abr"h"Hs boso LThe $%"ce in
H"desGSheo% o! rede$ti*e e:$ect"tionM1 And then the rich "n "%so died "nd he w"s b(ried1 And in H"des Lb(t the
%owest $"rt o! H"desGSheo% reser*ed !or the d"ned # Ps"143L4FM:2C0 Re*1 5>:2C#27M 5C h"*ing %i!ted ($ his e'es when he w"s in
torent0 he s"w Abr"h" "!"r o!! "nd L"I"r(s in his boso1 57 And he cried0 "nd s"id: F"ther Abr"h"0 h"*e
erc' on e "nd send L"I"r(s th"t he "' di$ the ti$ o! his !inger in w"ter to coo% ' tong(e !or ) "
torented in this !%"eP
53 And Abr"h" s"id to hi: Son0 reeber th"t 'o( recei*ed good things in 'o(r %i!etie0 "nd on the other
h"nd L"I"r(s recei*ed e*i% things0 b(t now he is co!orted "nd 'o( "re torented1 5F And besides "%% this0
between (s "nd 'o( there is !i:ed " gre"t ch"s so th"t the' who wo(%d desire to $"ss !ro here to 'o(0 or !ro
there to here c"nnot1
56 And he re$%ied: Then0 !"ther0 ) beseech 'o(0 th"t 'o( wo(%d send L"I"r(s to ' !"therHs ho(se !or ) h"*e !i*e
brethren0 54 th"t he "' testi!' to the %est the' "%so coe into this $%"ce o! torentP
58 And Abr"h" s"id to hi: The' h"*e Moses "nd the $ro$hets0 %et the he"r the1
C> /(t he s"id: No0 !"ther Abr"h"P /(t i! one went to the !ro the de"d the' wi%% re$entP
C2 And he s"id to hi: )! the' wi%% not he"r Moses "nd the $ro$hets0 neither wi%% the' be%ie*e i! one rose "g"in
!ro the de"d1
+es(s te%%s the "bo*e tr(e "cco(nt to soe se*ere%' o$$ressed $e"s"nts o! " rich "nd cr(e% Ph"risee1 This is not " $"r"b%e bec"(se
$"r"b%es do not (s("%%' inc%(de n"es "nd here we not on%' h"*e L"I"r(s0 b(t Abr"h" "nd Moses "nd " *er' re"% $%"ce c"%%ed
H"des1 /(t $"r"b%e or not0 +es(s wo(%d ne*er s$e"k o! we%% (nderstood "nd !ir%' be%ie*ed s$irit("% re"%ities "s tho(gh the' were
!"cts (n%ess the' were indeed !"cts1 +eho*"hHs 9itnesses den' conscio(s e:istence o! the h("n s$irit "!ter de"th1 To the conscio(s
e:istence coes on%' "!ter the <res(rrection= when the righteo(s "re "ct("%%' recre"tedP
FI" ($M$%I$ 7 ) $3%I5 $D <*G LPoe ,h"$ters 285#287M
285G$5F7 # @E A$r0MonA # Fro Esdr"e%on to Eng"nnin0 Sto$$ing "t Megiddo1
28CG$5F8 # @E A$r0T(e to 9edA # Fro Eng"nnin to Sheche in Two D"'s1
287G$56C # @E A$r0Th(A # Fro Sheche to /eeroth1
THI%D .>D)$" MI"I(T%8 7 * M4"TH( 7 ) $3%I5 D ) .>") $D <* LPoe ,h"$ters 283#55FM
,*+. E A$r0 AD C5 Heading to .erusalem D Thro(gh S""ri" to +er(s"%e 283G$1564
+N 3 671TU2561
2 AFTER these things L6C1#671MD w"s " !e"st d"' o! the +ews LP"sso*erM0 "nd +es(s went ($ to +er(s"%e1
D/(t +ohn "%so ski$s o*er "%% the rest o! the C
G"%i%e"n inistr' @631 # 2281A0 " 5 onth $eriod to coe here to +es(sH de$"rt(re to
F.)%>($5)M 7 ) D M $3%I5 $D <*G LPoe ,h"$ters 28F#5>FM
28FG$542 # @E A$r0S"tA # The S"bb"th "t Gethse"ne1
286G$548 # @E A$r0S"tA # )n the Te$%e "t the Ho(r o! the O!!ering1
284G$585 # @E A$r0S"tA # +es(s Meets His Mother "t /eth"n'1
288G$C>> # @M A$r0S(nA # +es(s Goes to the Le$ers o! Si%o" "nd /en Hinno1 The Power o! M"r'_s 9ord1
5>>G$C>8 # @M A$r0MonA # Ag%"e Meets the M"ster1
5>2G$C23 # @M A$r09edA # M"rKi"_s E:"in"tion1
5>5G$C5> # @M A$r0Th(A # At the Te$%e on the E*e o! P"sso*er1
,*,. M A$r0 Th(0 AD C5 The 4ur Father # L"I"r(sH P"%"ce in +er(s"%e !or the P"sso*er Me"% 5>CG$1C5F
8 Pr"'0 there!ore0 "!ter this "nner: O(r
F"ther 9ho "rt in He"*en0 h"%%owed be Th'
n"eP 2> M"' Th' kingdo coeP M"' Th'
wi%% be done on e"rth "s it is in He"*en1 22
Gi*e (s this d"' o(r d"i%'D bre"d0 25 "nd
!orgi*e (s o(r debts0 "s we "%so !orgi*e o(r
debtors1 2C And %e"d (s not into te$t"tion0
b(t de%i*er (s !ro e*i% Lor !ro the E*i% oneM1
Dsupersubstantial is the origin"% tr"ns%"tion in the
DGR "!ter "n' codices o! the &(%g"te0 b(t <d"i%'= is
!o(nd in others1 <D"i%'= is the w"' the Greek is
tr"ns%"ted1 ,ert"in%' this bre"d is " re!erence to th"t
which wi%% be necess"r' !or (s to s(r*i*e not on%'
$h'sic"%%' -&t also spirit&ally "nd on " d"' b' d"'
b"sis1 The E(ch"rist th(s t"kes no s(bordin"te $%"ce
in the e"ning "nd indeed !ro the *er' beginning
the E(ch"rist w"s t"ken d"i%' @Acts 5:7FA1
L- 22 2481TU
2 AND it c"e to $"ss th"t +es(s w"s in " cert"in $%"ce $r"'ing1 9hen He !inished0 one
o! His Disci$%es s"id to Hi: Lord0 te"ch (s to $r"' "s +ohn "%so t"(ght his disci$%es1 5
And He s"id to the: 9hen 'o( $r"'0 s"': 9&r F"ther0 )ho art in Hea+en, h"%%owed be
Th' n"e1 Th' kingdo coe on earth as it is in Hea+en1 C Gi*e (s this d"' o(r d"i%'
bre"d1 7 And !orgi*e (s o(r sins0 !or we "%so !orgi*e e*er'one who is indebted to (s1
And %e"d (s not into te$t"tion -&t sa+e &s from the (+il 9ne1
Missing lines in the 5ord9s 3rayer: According to The Poem, the words in it"%ics0 which we h"*e
"dded were c%e"r%' $"rt o! the origin"% $r"'er th"t +es(s t"(ght the Disci$%es e*en "s M"tthewHs Gos$e%
records it1 Th"t the %"ter red(ctionist ss1 @b : 5A %e!t o(t these %ines indic"tes "t th"t tie there were
soe ss1 th"t did not h"*e these %ines1 S(ch oissions c%e"r%' !"*or the *iew th"t L(keHs origin"% ss1
did not inc%(de the @he w"s not $resent when the $r"'er w"s gi*enA bec"(se we c"nnot i"gine how
the' co(%d h"*e in"d*ertent%' dro$$ed o(t or th"t "n'one wo(%d $(r$ose%' t"ke the o(t1 /(t the
ist"ke is "de in "ss(ing th"t L(ke hise%! did not %"tter "dd the %ines in " %"ter editionP ,ert"in%'
s(ch o*ersight b' L(ke wo(%d h"*e been c"(ght re%"ti*e%' soon "nd corrected0 tho(gh the shorted co$'
wo(%d h"*e been ;(ick%' co$ied "nd distrib(ted1 An' i$ro*ed or ore co$%ete %"ter edition sho(%d be
"cce$ted o*er " $re*io(s edition1 On%' i! we consider "dditions i%%egiti"te "nd "de b' (n"(thoriIed
$ersons or i! the' "re errors sho(%d we c%"i in!eriorit' !or the1
,**. A$r0 Th(0 AD C5 The 5esson on Importunity in 3rayer D )n the Mo(nt o! O%i*es 5>CG$1C54
L- 22 TU274"1
3 Then +es(s s"id to the LHis Disci$%esM: 9hich o! 'o( wo(%d h"*e " !riend0 th"t going to hi "t idnight "nd
s"'ing to hi: Friend0 %end e three %o"*es0 F bec"(se " !riend o! ine on his Ko(rne' h"s K(st coe to e "nd )
h"*e nothing to set be!ore hi1 6 And he !ro within0 wo(%d L"ct("%%'M "nswer0 "nd s"': Tro(b%e e not0 the door
is now sh(t "nd ' chi%dren "re with e in bed1 ) c"nnot rise "nd gi*e 'o(B 4 Yet0 Le*en i! 'o( sho(%d h"*e s(ch "
!riendM0 i! 'o( sho(%d contin(e knocking0 ) s"' to 'o(0 "%tho(gh he wi%% not rise "nd gi*e 'o( ere%' bec"(se he is
'o(r !riend0 'et0 bec"(se o! 'o(r i$ort(nit'0 he wi%% rise "nd gi*e 'o( "s (ch "s 'o( need1 8 And ) s"' to 'o(:
Ask0 "nd it sh"%% be gi*en 'o(P Seek0 "nd 'o( sh"%% !indP -nock0 "nd it sh"%% be o$ened to 'o(P 2> For e*er'one
who "sks0 recei*es0 "nd he who seeks0 !inds0 "nd to hi who knocks0 it sh"%% be o$enedP 22 And which !"ther
"ong 'o(0 i! his son "sks !or bre"d0 wi%% gi*e hi " stoneB Or i! he "sks !or " !ish0 wi%% gi*e hi " ser$entB 25
Or i! he "sks !or "n egg0 wi%% gi*e hi " scor$ionB 2C )! 'o( then0 being e*i% Lwith " !"%%en h("n n"t(reM0 know how
to gi*e good gi!ts to 'o(r chi%dren0 how (ch ore wi%% 'o(r F"ther !ro He"*en gi*e the Ho%' S$irit to those
who "sk HiB
"ote: L(ke here w"s either gi*en " $ro!o(nd insight direct%' !ro the S$irit or w"s to%d b' one o! the Disci$%es o! the "ct("% conte:t
o! +es(sH words here "nd re*e"%ed to (s in The Poem1 The words: <the Ho%' S$irit to those who "sk Hi= were not %iter"%%' +es(s
words "t this $oint1 /(t0 "ccording to The Poem, +es(s "de the !o%%owing coent be!ore gi*ing the "bo*e stor'0 !ro which L(ke
co(%d h"*e deri*ed his gre"ter "$$%ic"tion to +es(sH %iter"% words: <9hen 'o( "re in He"*en0 God "%one wi%% be 'o(r no(rishent1
/e"tit(de wi%% be 'o(r !ood1= L(ke knows th"t the gi!t o! the Ho%' S$irit is the <down $"'ent= or <t"ste= o! th"t !ood so he "kes
+es(sH words "$$%' to th"t s($erior !ood which w"s now being $re$"red to be o!!ered to "nkindP
3$((4&)% D$8 7 $D <* 7 M $3%I5' F%ID$8
5>7G$CC> # @M A$r0 S"tA # +es(s to the Genti%es: F"ith is /(i%t "s Yo(r Te$%es1
,*<. M A$r0 AD C5 3arable o! the 3rodigal (on D L"I"r(sH Ho(se in /eth"n' 5>3G$1CC4
L- 23 2C61TU28>1
22 And +es(s s"id: A cert"in "n h"d two sons1 25 And the 'o(nger o! the s"id to his !"ther: F"ther0 gi*e e
the $ortion o! s(bst"nce th"t !"%%s to e Lb' inherit"nceM1 So he di*ided (nto the both his s(bst"nce1
2C And not "n' d"'s "!ter0 the 'o(nger son0 g"thering "%% together0 went "w"' into " dist"nt co(ntr' "nd there
w"sted his s(bst"nce0 %i*ing rioto(s%'1 27 And "!ter he h"d s$ent "%%0 there c"e " ight' !"ine in th"t co(ntr'0
"nd he beg"n to be in need1 23 And so he went "nd Koined hise%! L"s " s%"*eM to one o! the citiIens o! th"t
co(ntr'1 And he sent hi to his !"r to !eed swine1 2F And he wo(%d g%"d%' h"*e !i%%ed his sto"ch with the
c"rob $ods the swine did e"t0 !or no "n g"*e "n'thing to hi1
26 And when he c"e to hise%!0 he s"id: How "n' hired ser*"nts "re there in ' !"therHs ho(se th"t "bo(nd
with bre"d0 "nd ) " $erishing here with h(nger1 24 ) wi%% "rise0 "nd wi%% go to ' !"ther "nd s"' to hi:
F"ther0 ) h"*e sinned "g"inst He"*en "nd be!ore 'o(P 28 ) " not worth' to be c"%%ed 'o(r son1 M"ke e "s one
o! 'o(r hired ser*"nts1 5> And rising ($ he c"e to his !"ther1 And when he w"s 'et " gre"t w"' o!!0 his !"ther
s"w hi "nd w"s o*ed with co$"ssion1 And r(nning to hi !e%% ($on his neck "nd kissed hi1
52 And the son s"id to hi: F"ther0 ) h"*e sinned "g"inst He"*en0 "nd be!ore 'o(1 ) " not now worth' to be
c"%%ed 'o(r son1
55 And the !"ther s"id to his ser*"nts: /ring !orth ;(ick%' the !irst robe "nd $(t it on hi "nd $(t " ring on his
h"nd "nd shoes on his !eetP 5C And bring here the !"tted c"%! "nd ki%% it0 "nd %et (s e"t "nd "ke err'0 57
bec"(se this ' son w"s de"d0 b(t h"s coe to %i!e "g"inP He w"s %ost0 b(t is now !o(ndP And the' beg"n to
"ke err'1
53 Now his o%der son w"s in the !ie%d0 "nd when he c"e "nd drew ne"r the ho(se he he"rd (sic "nd d"ncing1
5F And he c"%%ed one o! the ser*"nts "nd "sked wh"t these things e"nt1 56 And he s"id to hi: Yo(r brother
h"s coe "nd 'o(r !"ther h"s ki%%ed the !"tted c"%!0 bec"(se he h"s recei*ed hi b"ck s"!e "nd so(nd1
54 And the o%der son w"s "ngr' "nd wo(%d not go in1 His !"ther0 there!ore0 coing o(t beg"n to $%e"d with hi1
58 And he "nswering0 s"id to his !"ther: /eho%d0 !or so "n' 'e"rs did ) ser*e 'o(0 "nd ) h"*e ne*er disobe'ed
'o(r co"nds "nd 'et 'o( h"*e ne*er gi*en e Le*enM " kid to "ke err' with ' !riendsP C> /(t "s soon "s
this 'o(r son h"s coe0 who h"s de*o(red his s(bst"nce with h"r%ots0 'o( h"*e ki%%ed !or hi the !"tted c"%!P C2
/(t the !"ther s"id to hi: Son0 'o( h"*e "%w"'s been with e L"nd e*en now 'o( "re with ePM0 "nd "%% ) h"*e is
'o(rs1 C5 /(t it w"s $ro$er th"t we sho(%d "ke err' "nd be g%"d0 !or this 'o(r brother w"s de"d "nd is coe
to %i!e "g"inP He w"s %ost0 "nd is now !o(ndP
+es(s te%%s this $"r"b%e to co!ort the dee$%' grie*ing so(% o! L"I"r(s who h"s 'et to see his sister M"r' o*ed b' +es(sH inistr' "nd
witness1 A!ter the $"r"b%e +es(s te%%s L"I"r(s0 <Th"t is wh"t wi%% h"$$en to the de"r so(% 'o( "re "w"iting1 GodHs bo(nt' h"s no
,*@. M A$r0 AD C5 3arable o! the Five Foolish &irgins D /eth"n' 5>FG$1C77
MT 53 53>1TU2F>1
2 AT THAT tie the -ingdo o! He"*en sh"%% be %ike (nto ten *irgins0 who t"king their %"$s0 went o(t to eet
the bridegroo "nd the bride1 5 And !i*e o! the were !oo%ish "nd !i*e were wise1 C /(t the !i*e !oo%ish0 h"*ing
t"ken their %"$s0 did not t"ke Le:tr"M oi% with the1 7 /(t the wise took oi% in their *esse%s "s we%% "s in their
%"$s1 3 And "s the bridegroo w"s s%ow in coing0 the' "%% s%(bered "nd s%e$t Lwhi%e their %"$s "%% e:h"(sted
their oi%M1
F And "t idnight there w"s " cr' "de: /eho%d the bridegroo coesP Go !orth to eet hiP 6 Then "%% the
*irgins "rose "nd tried their %"$s1 4 Then the !oo%ish s"id to the wise: Gi*e (s o! 'o(r oi%0 !or o(r %"$s
h"*e gone o(t L"nd we h"*e no e:tr" oi%M1 8 The wise "nswered0 s"'ing: Lest $erh"$s there wi%% not be eno(gh !or (s
"nd !or 'o(0 go r"ther to those who se%% "nd b(' !or 'o(rse%*es1
2> Now whi%e the' went to b('0 the bridegroo c"e "nd the' who were re"d' went in with hi to the
"rri"ge0 "nd the door w"s sh(t1 22 /(t "t %"st coe "%so the other *irgins0 s"'ing: Lord0 Lord0 o$en to (sP 25
/(t he "nswering s"id: Most "ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0 ) know 'o( not1 2C 9"tch0 there!ore0 bec"(se 'o( know
neither the d"' nor the ho(r Lwhen the Groo wi%% coe !or His /rideMP
Doil: +es(s (sed this !ig(re to re!er to $(re %o*e1
,*2. M A$r0 AD C5 3arable o! the Wedding FeastD # L"I"r(sH Hoe in /eth"n' 5>FG$1C32
MT 55 5721TU5771
2 AND +es(s "nswering0 s$oke "g"in in $"r"b%es to the0 s"'ing: 5 The -ingdo o! He"*en is %ike (nto to "
king who "de " "rri"ge ce%ebr"tion !or his son1 C And he sent his ser*"nts to c"%% those who were in*ited to
the "rri"ge0 b(t the' wo(%d not coe1
7 Ag"in he sent other ser*"nts0 s"'ing: Te%% those who were in*ited: /eho%d0 ) h"*e $re$"red ' dinner1 M'
b(%%ocks "nd !"ttened c"%*es "re ki%%ed0 "nd "%% things "re re"d'P ,oe "%% o! 'o( to the "rri"ge !e"stP 3 /(t
the' ignored the in*it"tion0 "nd went their own w"'s0 one to his !"r0 "nd "nother to his erch"ndise1 F And the
rest %"id h"nds on his ser*"nts0 "nd h"*ing tre"ted the sh"e!(%%'0 $(t the to de"th1 6 /(t when the king
he"rd o! it he w"s "ngr'0 "nd sending his "ries he destro'ed those (rderers0 "nd b(rned down their cit'1 L+es(s
is re!erring to wh"t he knows wi%% h"$$en to +er(s"%e within one gener"tion1M 4 Then he s"id to his ser*"nts: The "rri"ge
!e"st indeed is re"d' b(t the' th"t were in*ited were not worth'1 8 Go there!ore0 into the thoro(gh!"res "nd "s
"n' "s 'o( sh"%% !ind0 c"%% to the "rri"ge !e"st1 2> And his ser*"nts going !orth into the b'w"'s0 g"thered
together "%% th"t the' !o(nd0 both b"d "nd good "nd so the "rri"ge ce%ebr"tion h"%% w"s !i%%ed with g(ests 1
LSinners0 S""rit"ns0 "nd Genti%es wo(%d be so(ght o(t "s the +(de"ns incre"sing%' reKected the Messi"h1M
22 And the king went in to see the g(ests "nd he s"w there " "n who did not h"*e on " wedding g"rent1 25
And he s"id to hi: Friend0 how did 'o( coe in he"r not h"*ing " wedding g"rentB /(t he Lshowing his (tter
conte$tM g"*e no "nswer1 2C Then the king s"id to the w"iters: /ind his h"nds "nd !eet "nd c"st hi into the
d"rkness o(tside where there sh"%% be wee$ing "nd gn"shing o! teethP 27 For "n' "re c"%%ed0 b(t !ew "re
"ote: According to O(r LordHs e:$%"n"tion to His Disci$%es in the Poem it is c%e"r th"t +(d"s )sc"riot w"s the "n thrown o(t1 The
"$$%ic"tion0 howe*er0 is to "n'one who coes into the ,h(rch in order to $roote their own interests r"ther th"n those o! the Lord1
This w"s one ore "tte$t b' +es(s to t(rn +(d"s "w"' !ro his de"d%' $(rs(it o! "tte$ting to g"in !or hise%! " $osition o!
$roinence b' !orcing +es(s into "king "%%i"nce with the +ewish %e"ders1 ))0C3C
D+es(s "%so te%%s the P"r"b%e o! the 9edding Fe"st 2> onths %"ter "t the t"b%e o! )sh"e% the Ph"risee @See 26>1A1
F(4>TH )$(T .>D)$" CI%C>IT7 5 $3%I5 D ) .>") $D <*G LPoe ,h"$ters 5>6# 55FM
5>6G$C3F # @L A$rA # Fro /eth"n' to the Grotto o! /eth%ehe1
5>4G$CF3 # @M A$rA # Going to E%iI"_s "t /ethI(r1
5>8G$C63 # @L A$rA # +es(s in E%iI"_s Ho(se S$e"ks o! Sorrow th"t /e"rs Fr(it1
52>G$C4> # @L A$rA # Tow"rds Hebron: The 9or%d_s Re"sons "nd God_s1
522G$C43 # @L A$rA # 9e%coe Rece$tion "t Hebron1
525G$C85 # @L A$r0 FriA # At +(tt"h0 +es(s S$e"ks in )s""c_s Ho(se1
52CG$C88 # @E M"'A # At -erioth0 +es(s S$e"ks in the S'n"gog(e1
527G$7>5 # @E M"'A # At +(d"s_ Ho(se "t -erioth1
523G$7>4 # @On " d"' in E#M M"'A # The L(n"tic Gir% o! /ethginn"1
52FG$727 # @M M"'0FriA # )n the P%"in tow"rds Ashke%on1
,*C. L M"'0 S"t0 AD C5 )ating From the Fields on the (abbath # The P%"in tow"rd Ashke%on 526G$1724
MT 25 2761TU27>1
2 AT THAT T)ME L52FG$727 "bo*eMD +es(s w"s
going thro(gh the gr"in !ie%ds on the S"bb"th "nd
His Disci$%es being h(ngr' beg"n to $%(ck the
gr"in "nd to e"t1 5 And the Ph"risees seeing the0
s"id to Hi: /eho%d Yo(r disci$%es "re doing th"t
which is not %"w!(% to do on the S"bb"th d"'1 C
/(t He s"id to the: H"*e 'o( not re"d wh"t
D"*id "nd the' who were with hi did when he
w"s h(ngr'0 7 how he entered into the ho(se o!
God "nd "te the %o"*es o! $ro$osition which were
not %"w!(% !or hi or !or those who were with hi
to e"t0 b(t w"s on%' !or the $riestsB 3 Or h"*e 'o(
not re"d in the L"w0 th"t on the S"bb"th d"'s the
$riests in the te$%e bre"k the S"bb"th0 "nd "re
witho(t b%"eB F /(t ) te%% 'o( th"t there is here
Lbe!ore 'o(M soething gre"ter th"n the te$%e1 6
And i! 'o( knew wh"t this e"ns: I )ill ha+e
mercy, and not sacrifice Z) -ings 23:55E Ecc%1 7:26E Hose"
F:F[0 'o( wo(%d ne*er h"*e condened the
innocent L!or $%(cking gr"in on the S"bb"thM1 4 For the
Son o! M"n is Lord e*en o! the S"bb"th1
D$t that time: shows th"t M"tthew c(t this te:t !ro his
own %onger te:t bec"(se the $hr"se does not !it M"tthewHs
$re*io(s conte:t1 )t does0 howe*er0 !it the "cco(nt in The
Poem iedi"te%' $receding this "cco(nt @))0727A1
M- 5 631TU27>1
5C And it c"e to $"ss "g"in th"t the Lord
w"%ked b' the gr"in !ie%ds on the S"bb"th1 And "s
the' "de their w"' His Disci$%es beg"n to $%(ck
the e"rs o! gr"in1 57 And the Ph"risees s"id to
Hi: /eho%d0 wh' do the' on the
S"bb"th d"' do th"t which is not
%"w!(%BP 53 And He s"id to the:
H"*e 'o( ne*er re"d wh"t D"*id
"nd the' who were with hi did
when he h"d need "nd w"s hise%!
h(ngr'B 5F How he went into the
ho(se o! God0 (nder Abi"th"r the
high $riest0 "nd "te the s"cred
%o"*es o! $ro$osition0 which w"s not
%"w!(% to e"t b(t w"s on%' !or the
$riests0 "nd how he g"*e to the
who were with hiB L2 S"1 52:2#FE 5
S"14:26M 56 And He s"id to the:
The S"bb"th w"s "de !or "n0 "nd
not "n !or the S"bb"th0 54
there!ore0 the Son o! M"n is Lord o!
the S"bb"th "%so1
L- F
2 AND it c"e to $"ss on the second
!irst S"bb"th0D th"t "s He went b' the
gr"in !ie%ds0 His Disci$%es $%(cked the
gr"ins0 "nd r(bbing the in their
h"nds0 "te the1 LDe(t15C:53M 5 And
soe o! the Ph"risees s"id to the:
9h' do 'o( th"t which is not %"w!(%
on the S"bb"th d"'sB LE:15>:2>E 5C:25E
De(t13:27M C And +es(s "nswering the0
s"id: H"*e 'o( not so
(ch "s re"d wh"t
D"*id did when he "nd
the' who were with
hi were h(ngr' L2
S"152:2#FM0 7 how he
went into the ho(se o!
God "nd took "nd "te
the bre"d o! $ro$osition
Lthe s"cred show bre"dM0
"nd g"*e to those who
were with hi0 which
is not %"w!(% !or "n'one
to e"t b(t on%' !or the
$riestsB LLe*157:8M 3 And
he s"id to the: The
Son o! M"n is Lord
"%so o! the S"bb"th1
Dthe (eond !irst
(abbath: /ib%ic"%
scho%"rs h"*e $(II%ed
o*er this !or cent(ries b(t
o!!ering no c%(e "s to its
e"ning1 /(t now th"t
we know !ro the Poem
th"t this occ(rred on
S"t(rd"'0 M"' @55A0 AD
C5 we !ind this is the 2st
S"bb"th "!ter the second
or s($$%eent"% Fe"st o!
.n%e"*ened /re"d1 This
!e"st beg"n on the 27
the onth !o%%owing the
reg(%"r P"sso*er in
Nis"n1 This second !e"st in the +ewish onth o! Oi! G )KK"r
w"s !or those who !or soe re"son co(%d not kee$ the
reg(%"r P"sso*er1

524G$755 # @L M"'0S(nA # Arri*"% "t Ashke%on1
528G$7C5 # @L M"'0S(nA # Te"ching "t Ashke%on1
55>G$7C8 # @L M"'0MonA # +es(s "t M"gd"%g"d )nciner"tes " P"g"n )do%
552G$773 # @L M"'0T(eA # Lessons to the A$ost%es Going to +"bnee%1
555G$732 # @L M"'A # Tow"rds Modin1
55CG$733 # @L M"'A # +es(s S$e"ks to Highw"' Men1
557G$7F> # @E +(nA # Arri*"% "t /ether1

3)"T)C4(T 7 $D <* 7 ) .>")' ($T>%D$8
,*;. E +(n0 S"t0 AD C5 Healing at the 3ool o! :ethzathaT on the (abbath # +er(s"%e "t Pentecost
+N 3 25>1TU23>1
5 Now there is "t +er(s"%e " $oo%0 c"%%ed Prob"tic"0 which in Hebrew is n"ed /eths"id" L:ethzathaM0D
h"*ing !i*e $orches Ldoorw"'sM1 C )n these %"' " gre"t co$"n' o! sick0 o! the b%ind0 %"e0 "nd withered0 w"iting
!or the o*ing o! the w"ter1 J =nd an an'el of the %ord descended at certain times into the pool and the )ater
)as mo+ed" =nd he )ho )ent do)n first into the pond after the motion of the )ater )as made )hole of )hate+er
infirmity he lay &nder" L&erse 7 is oitted in b : CT D "nd once "g"in we see e*idence these "re %"ter te:ts which re$resented
"n "tte$t to restore wh"t w"s tho(ght to be the origin"% Scri$t(res "nd to cre"te " (ni!or te:t1 /(t "s "%% the e*idence s(ggests
these "dditions were "de b' those who knew the sit("tions o! which the' wrote0 being ost %ike%' the origin"% "(thors these%*es1
This e"ns th"t these %"ter "dditions sho(%d h"*e been $reser*ed0 K(st "s the ,h(rch in its tr"dition !"ith!(%%' didP Here in this te:t
we h"*e e*idence o! the error o! the odern te:t("% reconstr(ctionists who h"*e ignored the wisdo o! the Tr"dition o! the ,h(rch1
This te:t @*17A w"s known in the 5
cent(r' "nd witho(t it the who%e stor'0 "nd *16 in $"rtic(%"r0 is %e!t r"ther ho%%ow "nd inco$%ete1
F(rther0 The Poem $resents +es(s0 Hise%!0 in this e$isode c%e"r%' "!!iring in the $resence o! the A$ost%es th"t the o*ing o! the
w"ter w"s indeed b' "n "nge%1 Th(s it "%ost cert"in th"t i! this w"s " %"ter "ddition0 it w"s "de b' +ohn hise%! to one or ore o!
his e:isting "n(scri$ts0 !or no other e'e witnesses o! the e*ent were "t th"t tie %i*ingPM 3 And there w"s " cert"in "n there0
who h"d been thirt'#eight 'e"rs in his in!irit'1 F 9hen +es(s h"d seen hi %'ing0 "nd knew th"t he h"d been "
%ong tie in th"t condition0 He s"id to hi: Do 'o( wish to be "de who%eB 6 The in!ir "n "nswered Hi:
Sir0 ) h"*e no "n0 when the w"ter is tro(b%ed0 to $(t e into the $oo%1 For whi%e ) " coing0 "nother goes
down be!ore e1 4 +es(s s"id to hi: Arise0 t"ke ($ 'o(r bed0 "nd w"%kP 8 And iedi"te%' the "n w"s "de
who%e0 "nd he took ($ his bed "nd w"%ked1
D:ethzatha: The Poem here de$"rts !ro both the Rheis "nd the ,on!r"ternit' rendition o! </eths"id"0= which !o%%owed "n
"ncient te:t("% error1 The Poem "%so ignored the $o$(%"r rendition0 </ethesd"0= which is now recogniIed "s <*er' do(bt!(%= @P&lpit
,ommentary "nd /11F1 9estcottA0 "nd !inds both the NRS& "nd the +er(s"%e /ib%e in "greeent with its rendition </ethI"th"1=
And it w"s the S"bb"th th"t d"'1 2> The +ews0 there!ore0 s"id to hi who w"s he"%ed: )t is the S"bb"thP )t is
not %"w!(% !or 'o( to t"ke ($ 'o(r bedP 22 He "nswered the: He 9ho "de e who%e s"id to e0 T"ke ($ 'o(r
bed "nd w"%k1 25 The' "sked hi0 there!ore: 9ho w"s th"t M"n 9ho s"id to 'o(: T"ke ($ 'o(r bed "nd w"%kBP
2C /(t he who w"s he"%ed knew not who it w"s0 !or +es(s went "w"' !ro the crowd th"t w"s st"nding in the
$%"ce1 27 A!terw"rds0 +es(s !o(nd hi in the te$%e "nd s"id to hi: /eho%d0 'o( "re "de who%e1 Sin no
ore0 %est soe worse thing h"$$ens to 'o(1 23 The "n went his w"' "nd to%d the +ews th"t it w"s +es(s 9ho
h"d "de hi who%e1 2F There!ore0 the +ews $ersec(ted +es(s0 bec"(se He did these things on the S"bb"th1 26
/(t +es(s "nswered the: M' F"ther works Lcontin("%%'M (nti% now Le*en on this *er' S"bb"thM0 "nd ) "%so work1 24
.$on th"t0 there!ore0 the +ews so(ght "%% the ore to ki%% Hi0 bec"(se Lin their *iewM He not on%' broke the
S"bb"th0 b(t "%so s"id God w"s His F"ther0 "king Hise%! e;("% to God1
Jesus promises His critics He will raise the dead.
28 Then +es(s "nswered "nd s"id to the: Most cert"in%' "nd "ss(red%'0 ) s"' (nto 'o(0 the Son c"nnot do
"n'thing o! Hise%!0 b(t on%' wh"t He sees the F"ther doing1 For wh"te*er He does0 these the Son "%so does in
%ike "nner1 5> For the F"ther %o*es the Son "nd shows Hi e*er'thing th"t He does1 And gre"ter works th"n
these wi%% He show Hi0 th"t 'o( "' wonderP 52 For "s the F"ther r"ises ($ the de"d "nd gi*es %i!e0 so the Son
"%so gi*es %i!e to whoe*er He wi%%s1 55 For neither does the F"ther K(dge "n' "n0 b(t h"s gi*en "%% K(dgent
to the Son0 5C th"t "%% en "' honor the Son "s the' honor the F"ther1 He who honors not the Son0 honors not
the F"ther 9ho h"s sent Hi1 57 Most cert"in%' "nd "ss(red%' ) s"' (nto 'o(0 th"t he who he"rs M' word0 "nd
be%ie*es Hi 9ho sent Me0 h"s %i!e e*er%"sting Lhe"*en%' %i!eM0 "nd wi%% not coe into K(dgent0 b(t is L"%re"d'M
$"ssed !ro de"th to %i!eP
53 Most cert"in%' "nd "ss(red%' ) s"' (nto 'o(0 th"t the ho(r is coing0 "nd now is0 when the de"d Lin
H"desGSheo%M sh"%% he"r the *oice o! the Son o! God0 "nd the' th"t he"r sh"%% %i*e Lin New ,o*en"nt regener"ting %i!e "nd
enter etern"% %i!e in He"*enMP LE$h1 7:4#2>E 2 Pet1 C:28 c!1 7:FM 5F For "s the F"ther h"s %i!e in Hise%!0 so He h"s gi*en the
Son "%so to h"*e %i!e in Hise%!1 56 And He h"s gi*en Hi $ower to e:ec(te K(dgent0 bec"(se He is the Son o!
M"n Ltr(%' "nd !(%%' the $er!ect "nM1 54 9onder not "t this0 !or the ho(r is coing L"t the end o! the wor%dM0 in which
"%% th"t "re in the gr"*es sh"%% he"r the *oice o! the Son o! God1 58 And the' th"t h"*e done good things0 sh"%%
coe !orth (nto the res(rrection o! %i!e0 b(t the' th"t h"*e done e*i%0 (nto the res(rrection o! K(dgent LD"nie%
25:5E Re*1 5>:2C#27M1
Jesus rebukes the unbelief of the reliious rulers.
C> ) c"nnot o! M'se%! do "n'thing1 As ) he"r L!ro M' F"therM0 so ) K(dge1 And M' K(dgent is K(st0 bec"(se )
seek not M' own wi%% b(t the wi%% o! Hi 9ho sent Me1 C2 )! ) on%' be"r witness o! M'se%!0 M' witness is not
tr(e1 C5 There is Another 9ho be"rs witness o! Me0 "nd ) know th"t the witness which He gi*es o! Me is tr(e1
CC Yo( sent LessengersM to +ohn0 "nd he g"*e testion' to the tr(th1 C7 /(t ) de$end not on testion' !ro "n
Le*en !ro one "s ho%' "s +ohnM0 b(t ) s"' these things th"t 'o( "' be s"*ed L!ro ort"% sinM1 C3 He L+ohnM w"s "
b(rning "nd " shining %ight0 "nd 'o( were wi%%ing !or " tie to reKoice in his %ight L(nti% he beg"n re$ro*ing 'o( !or
'o(r sinsM1 CF /(t ) h"*e " gre"ter testion' th"n th"t o! +ohn0 !or the works which the F"ther h"s gi*en Me to
!inish W the works these%*es0 which ) do W gi*e testion' o! Me th"t the F"ther h"s sent Me1 C6 And the
F"ther Hise%! 9ho h"s sent Me0 h"s gi*en testion' o! Me L"t M' /"$tisM1 Neither h"*e 'o( he"rd His *oice
"t "n'tie0 nor seen His sh"$e1 C4 And neither h"*e 'o( His 9ord "biding in 'o(0 !or 9ho He h"s sent0 Hi
'o( be%ie*e not1 C8 Se"rch the Scri$t(res0 !or 'o( think in the to h"*e %i!e e*er%"sting0 b(t these "re the' th"t
gi*e testion' o! MeP 7> And 'o( wi%% not coe to Me th"t 'o( "' h"*e %i!e1
72 ) c"re nothing !or the g%or' !ro en Lb(t on%' GodHs g%or' which is His %o*eM1 75 /(t ) know 'o(0 th"t 'o( h"*e
not the %o*e o! God in 'o(1 7C ) h"*e coe in the n"e o! M' F"ther Lwhich is %o*eM0 "nd 'o( h"*e not recei*ed
Me0 b(t i! "nother sho(%d coe in his own n"e Lin the n"e o! se%!#interestM0 hi 'o( wi%% recei*eP 77 How c"n 'o(
be%ie*e0 'o( who recei*e g%or' one !ro "nother "nd i! 'o( do not seek the g%or' which is !ro God "%oneBP 73
Think not th"t ) wi%% "cc(se 'o( to the F"ther1 There is One 9ho "cc(ses 'o(0 Moses0 in who 'o( Lon%'M ho$eP
7F For i! 'o( did be%ie*e Moses0 'o( wo(%d cert"in%' be%ie*e Me "%so0 !or he wrote o! Me1 76 /(t i! 'o( do not
be%ie*e his writings0 how wi%% 'o( be%ie*e M' wordsB
These re!erences to ,hrist in Moses inc%(de the $roise o! the seed o! the wo"n "nd her cr(shing the ser$ents he"d @Gen1 C:23AE the
"n' t'$es o! ,hrist s(ch "s the b%ood' s"cri!ices "de b' "n !ro the beginning "nd then the $riestGking Me%chiIedeck to who
Abr"h" hise%! $"id tithes @Gen127:24#5>A1 Then there w"s +"cobHs $ro$hec' o! Messi"h gi*en to +(d"h @Gen178:2>AE the br"Ien
ser$ent h(ng on " cross !or the he"%ing o! the $eo$%e @N(152:4#8AE The P"sso*er th"t re;(ired the b%ood on the door $osts "nd %inte%
which !ored "nother cross @E:od1 25AE the %"'o(t o! the t"bern"c%e in 'et "nother cross "nd $resenting the %i!e "nd inistr' o! ,hrist
inc%(ding His "toneentE the Ark o! the ,o*en"nt in which were the s'bo%s o! the Messi"h "nd the *ei% be!ore the ArkE the entire
Le*itic"% s"cri!ici"% s'ste "nd the D"' o! AtoneentE /"%""Hs $ro$hec' o! the coing Messi"h @N(157:26A "nd !in"%%' e*en
Moses own $ro$hec' o! the coing o! The Pro$het in De(t1 24:241 A1M1 Hodgkin in his ,hrist in =ll the !cript&res de*otes C>
$"ges s("riIing the re!erences to ,hrist in the Pent"te(ch1
55FG$76F # @E +(nA # M"r' H"s Sent !or M"rth" "t M"gd"%"1
F4>%TH G$5I5)$" MI"I(T%8D (8%4D3H4)"ICI$' D)C$345I(' T)T%. 4F 3HI5I3 7 @ M4"TH( 7 ) .>" D 5 ()3 $D
<* LPoe ,h"$ters 556#566M
556G$764 # @M +(nA # M"rKi" is Entr(sted to Por$hire"1
554G$745 # @M +(nA # +es(s S$e"ks "t /eths"id"1
,*B. M +(n0 AD C5 $ (ynagogue %ulers9 Daughter %aised !rom the Dead D ,"$ern"( 558G$1747
MT 8 631TU
24 And "s He w"s s$e"king
these thingsD to the0
beho%d " cert"in r(%er c"e
($ "nd worshi$ed Hi0
s"'ing: Lord0 ' d"(ghter
is e*en now de"d0 b(t
coe0 %"' Yo(r h"nd ($on
her "nd she sh"%% %i*e1 28
And +es(s rising ($ with
His Disci$%es0 !o%%owed
hi1 5> And beho%d "
wo"n who h"d been
tro(b%ed !or twe%*e 'e"rs
with "n iss(e o! b%ood c"e
behind Hi "nd to(ched
the he o! His g"rent1
TGreetings to the crowds in
M- 3 2261TU2C41
52 And when +es(s h"d $"ssed "g"inD in the shi$ L!ro
/eths"id" to ,"$ern"(1 @See ))0$174CAM o*er the str"it o! the
" gre"t (%tit(de "sseb%ed together (nto Hi0 ne:t
to the se"1 55 And there c"e one o! the r(%ers o! the
s'n"gog(e n"ed +"ir(s1
And seeing Hi0 he !e%% down
"t His !eet0 5C "nd e"rnest%' begged Hi0 s"'ing: M'
d"(ghter is "t the $oint o! de"thP ,oe0 %"' Yo(r h"nd
($on her0 th"t she "' be he"%ed "nd %i*eP 57 So +es(s
went with hi1 And " gre"t crowd !o%%owed Hi0
thronging Hi1 53 And " wo"n who w"s "!!%icted b' "n
iss(e o! b%ood !or twe%*e 'e"rs0 5F "nd h"d s(!!ered "n'
things !ro "n' $h'sici"ns0 h"*ing s$ent "%% th"t she
h"d0 'et w"s no better0 b(t r"ther worse0 56 when she h"d
he"rd o! +es(s0 she c"e into the crowd behind Hi "nd
to(ched His g"rent1 54 For she s"id: )! ) sh"%% b(t to(ch
His g"rent0 ) sh"%% be who%eP
L- 4 2261TU275"1
7> And it c"e to $"ss th"t when +es(s
ret(rned Lto ,"$ern"( !ro which the' %e!t in
4:5FM0 the (%tit(de recei*ed Hi !or the'
were "%% w"iting !or Hi Lbec"(se o! the
sickness o! +"ir(sH d"(ghterM1 72 And beho%d
there c"e " "n whose n"e w"s +"ir(s0
"nd he w"s " r(%er o! the s'n"gog(e Lin
,"$ern"(M1 And he !e%% down "t the !eet o!
+es(s0 begging Hi to coe to his ho(se0 75
!or his on%' d"(ghter0 "%ost twe%*e 'e"rs
o%d0 w"s d'ing1 And it h"$$ened "s He went
He w"s thronged b' the crowds1
7C And there w"s " cert"in wo"n h"*ing "
!%ow o! b%ood !or twe%*e 'e"rs who h"d s$ent
"%% her s(bst"nce on $h'sici"ns "nd co(%d not
be he"%ed b' "n'one1
MT 8
52 For she s"id within herse%!: )! ) sh"%% to(ch on%' His g"rent0 )
sh"%% be he"%ed1 55 /(t +es(s t(rning "nd seeing her0 s"id: T"ke
he"rt0 d"(ghter0 'o(r !"ith h"s "de 'o( who%e1 And the wo"n
w"s "de who%e !ro th"t ho(r1 5C Now when +es(s h"d coe into
the ho(se o! the r(%er "nd s"w the instre%s "nd the crowd "king
"n ($ro"r0 57 He s"id: Mo*e o(t0 !or the gir% is not de"d0 b(t
s%ee$s1 And the' %"(ghed Hi to scorn1 53 So when the crowd h"d
been $(t !orth0 He went in "nd took
her b' the h"nd1 And the "id "rose1
5F And the news went "bro"d into th"t
entire region1
DThe girl is not dead: +es(s did not w"nt the
crowd to know He w"s c%"iing " %i!e !ro
the de"d ir"c%e bec"(se it wo(%d h"*e
bro(ght " se*ere $ersec(tion
to this ho%' s'n"gog(e r(%er
"nd worst o! "%% "n
(nbe"r"b%e b(rden ($on the
chi%d1 +es(s to co*er the
tr(th (ses the theo%ogic"%%'
correct ,hristi"n ter !or
de"th which is <s%ee$= "s it
con!irs the ho$e in the
res(rrection o! the bod'
M- 3
58 And iedi"te%' the !%ow o! her b%ood w"s dried ($0 "nd she
!e%t in her bod' th"t she w"s he"%ed o! the e*i% "!!%iction1 C> And
iedi"te%'0 +es(s0 knowing in Hise%! th"t *irt(e h"d $roceeded
!ro Hi0 t(rned to the crowd0 "nd s"id: 9ho h"s to(ched M'
g"rentsB C2 And His Disci$%es s"id to Hi: Yo( see th"t the
crowd is thronging Yo( "nd 'et 'o( "sk0 9ho h"s to(ched MeB C5
And He %ooked "bo(t to see her who h"d done this1 CC And the
wo"n0 knowing wh"t h"d been done in her0 tho(gh !e"ring "nd
treb%ing0 c"e "nd !e%% down be!ore Hi0 "nd to%d Hi
e*er'thing1 C7 And He s"id to her: D"(ghter0 'o(r !"ith h"s "de
'o( who%e1 Go now in $e"ce0 "nd be co$%ete%' de%i*ered o! 'o(r
strait o! the sea: Here "nd "t *12 shows the in!or"tion is coing !ro one
with *er' inti"te know%edge o! the tr"*e%ing e:$eriences o! O(r Lord "nd one
inti"te%' "tt"ched to the Se" o! G"%i%ee1 PeterHs $rints "re "%% o*er this Gos$e%P
M"rk %i*ed "nd grew ($ in +er(s"%e not "n'where ne"r the Se" o! G"%i%ee1
named .airus: Th"t M"tthew does not n"e +"ir(s or ention the witnesses
th"t testi!ied the d"(ghter w"s de"d0 whi%e M"rk @PeterA does both is !(rther
e*idence o! M"tthewHs (ch e"r%ier "cco(nt1 )t is c%e"r !ro the stor' th"t
+es(s de%iber"te%' conce"%s this ir"c%e !or the s"ke o! +"ir(s "nd $"rtic(%"r%'
!or the 'o(ng d"(ghter1 /oth M"tthew "nd Peter knew *er' we%% the
serio(sness o! this "tter "nd th(s on%' "!ter "n' @C>A 'e"rs w"s M"rk
"%%owed to disc%ose the n"e o! +"ir(s "nd the n"t(re o! the ir"c%e1 L(ke0
ost %ike%' !e%t s"!e in entioning the n"es bec"(se his Gos$e% w"s written 2>
'e"rs %"ter "nd in Greek to " !riend n"ed Theo$hi%(s1
C3 9hi%e He w"s 'et s$e"king0 soeone c"e !ro the s'n"gog(e
r(%erHs ho(se0 s"'ing Lto +"ir(sM: Yo(r d"(ghter is de"d0 wh' tro(b%e
the M"ster "n' !(rtherB CF /(t +es(s h"*ing he"rd wh"t w"s
s$oken0 s"id to the r(%er o! the s'n"gog(e: Fe"r not0 on%' be%ie*eP
C6 And He "%%owed no "n to !o%%ow Hi0 b(t Peter0 +"es0 "nd
+ohn the brother o! +"es1 C4 And the' coe to the ho(se o! the
s'n"gog(e r(%er "nd noticed " t((%t "nd $eo$%e %o(d%' wee$ing
"nd w"i%ing1 C8 And going in0 He s"id to the: 9h' "ke this
o(tcr' "nd this wee$ingB The %itt%e gir% is not de"d0 b(t is
s%ee$ing1D 7> And the' %"(ghed Hi to scorn1 /(t He0 h"*ing $(t
the "%% o(t0 took the !"ther "nd the other0 "nd those who were
with Hi0 "nd entered in where the gir% w"s %'ing1 72 And t"king
the gir% b' the h"nd0 He s"id to her: T"%ith" c(iP which is0 being
inter$reted is: Litt%e gir%0 ) s"' to 'o(0 "riseP 75 And iedi"te%'
the gir%0 who w"s twe%*e 'e"rs o%d0 rose ($ "nd w"%ked1 And the'
Lin the rooM were beside these%*es with (tter "stonishent1 7C
And He strict%' ch"rged the Lin the rooM th"t no "n sho(%d know
it Lth"t the chi%d w"s re"%%' r"ised !ro the de"dM "nd co"nded th"t
soething sho(%d be gi*en her to e"t1
L- 4
77 She c"e behind Hi "nd to(ched
the he o! His g"rent0 "nd
iedi"te%' the !%ow o! her b%ood
sto$$ed1 73 And +es(s s"id: 9ho w"s
it th"t to(ched MeB And when "%%
were den'ing it0 Peter "nd the' who
were with hi s"id: M"ster0 the
crowds thronged "nd $ressed Yo(0 "nd
do Yo( "sk: 9ho to(ched MeB 7F And
+es(s s"id: Soebod' h"s to(ched
Me0 !or ) know th"t *irt(e h"s gone o(t
!ro Me1 76 And the wo"n seeing
th"t she w"s not hidden0 c"e
treb%ing0 "nd !e%% down be!ore His
!eet "nd dec%"red be!ore "%% the $eo$%e
the re"son she h"d to(ched Hi "nd
how she w"s iedi"te%' he"%ed1 74
And He s"id to her: D"(ghter0 'o(r
!"ith h"s "de 'o( who%e1 Go 'o(r
w"' in $e"ceP
78 As He w"s 'et s$e"king there c"e
one to the r(%ers o! the s'n"gog(e0
s"'ing to hi: Yo(r d"(ghter is de"dP
Tro(b%e Hi not1 3> And +es(s he"ring
this word0 "nswered the !"ther o! the
"id: Fe"r not1 On%' be%ie*e0 "nd she
sh"%% be s"!e1 32 And when +es(s h"d
coe to the ho(se0 He did not "%%ow
"n' "n to go in with Hi0 e:ce$t
Peter0 +"es0 "nd +ohn0 "nd the !"ther
"nd other o! the "iden1 35 And "%%
Lin the ho(seM we$t "nd o(rned !or her1
/(t +es(s s"id: 9ee$ not1 The "id is
not de"d0 b(t s%ee$s1D 3C And the'
%"(ghed hi to scorn0 knowing th"t she
w"s de"d1 37 /(t +es(s t"king her b'
the h"nd0 cried o(t0 s"'ing: M"id0
"riseP 33 And her s$irit ret(rned0 "nd
she "rose iedi"te%'1 And +es(s
directed the to gi*e her soething to
e"t1 3F And her $"rents were
"stonished0 who He ch"rged to te%%
no "n wh"t w"s done1
5C>G$744 # @M +(nA # +es(s "nd M"rth" "t ,"$ern"(1
,*A. M +(n0 AD C5 T#o :lind Men and a Dumb Man Healed # ,"$ern"(
MT 8 TUC51
56 And "s +es(s $"ssed !ro there0 two b%ind en !o%%owed Hi cr'ing o(t s"'ing: H"*e erc' on (s O Son o!
D"*idP 54 And when He h"d coe to the ho(se Lwhere the' "%w"'s st"'ed when in ,"$ern"(M0D the b%ind en c"e
to Hi1 And +es(s s"id to the: Do 'o( be%ie*e th"t ) c"n do this to 'o(B The' s"id to hi: Yes0 LordP 58 Then
He to(ched their e'es0 s"'ing: According to 'o(r !"ith0 be it done to 'o(P C> And their e'es were o$ened1 And
+es(s strict%' ch"rged the s"'ing: See th"t no "n Lhere in ,"$ern"( @ ))078FAM he"rs o! this1 C2 /(t the' going
o(t0 s$re"d His !"e "bro"d in "%% th"t "re"1
C5 And when the' h"d gone o(t0 beho%d the' bro(ght Hi " d(b "n $ossessed with " deon1 CC And "!ter
the deon w"s c"st o(t0 the d(b "n s$oke0 "nd the crowds wondered0 s"'ing: Ne*er w"s the %ike seen in
)sr"e%P C7 /(t the Ph"risees s"id: /' the $rince o! deons He c"sts o(t deonsP
TTho"sH ho(se where +es(s "nd the Disci$%es "%w"'s st"'ed when in ,"$ern"(1 <The ho(se= with no re!erence shows th"t M"tthew c(t this te:t
!ro " ore det"i%ed conte:t which w"s cert"in%' his own Ko(rn"%1
,<+. M +(n0 AD C5 The 3arable o! the 5ost (heep D At Fo(nt ,reek ne"r -or"Ii 5C5G$1788
MT 24
25 9h"t do 'o( thinkB )! " "n h"s " h(ndred shee$
"nd one o! the sho(%d go "str"'0 does he not %e"*e
the ninet'#nine in the o(nt"ins0 "nd go to seek th"t
which is gone "str"'B 2C And i! he !inds it0 ost
"ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0 he reKoices ore !or th"t one0
th"n !or the ninet'#nine th"t went not "str"'1 27 E*en
so it is not the wi%% o! 'o(r F"ther0 9ho is in He"*en0
th"t one o! these
%itt%e ones sho(%d $erish1
"ote: This w"s the occ"sion "nd indeed the $"r"b%e th"t bro(ght
to co$%etion the dr""tic con*ersion o! M"r' o! M"gd"%"0 the
in!"o(s sister o! L"I"r(s "nd M"rth" o(t o! which +es(s c"st
o(t se*en deons who h"d hidden herse%! !ro the crowd "t Fo(nt
,reek1 M"tthew discrete%' $(ts this e$isode in the conte:t o! O"cch"e(sH

L- 23
2 NO9 the $(b%ic"ns "nd sinners drew ne"r to +es(s to he"r Hi1 5 And the
Ph"risees "nd the scribes (r(red0 s"'ing: This M"n recei*es sinners0 "nd
e"ts with the1
C So +es(s s$oke to the this $"r"b%e0 s"'ing: 7 9h"t "n "ong 'o( who h"s
" h(ndred shee$0 "nd i! he sho(%d %ose one o! the0 does not %e"*e the ninet'#
nine in " deserted $%"ce0D "nd go "!ter th"t which w"s %ost (nti% he !inds itB 3
And when he h"s !o(nd it0 does not %"' it ($on his sho(%ders0 reKoicingB F And
coing hoe0 does not c"%% together his !riends "nd neighbors0 s"'ing to the:
ReKoice with e0 bec"(se ) h"*e !o(nd ' shee$ th"t w"s %ostB 6 ) s"' to 'o(0
th"t K(st "s cert"in%' there sh"%% be Ko' in He"*en ($on one sinner who re$ents0
ore th"n ($on ninet'#nine K(st who need no re$ent"nceP DDeserted plae: +es(s
s$e"ks o! %e"*ing the ninet'#nine shee$ "%one in " deserted $%"ce0 which whi%e it s$e"ks o!
%one%iness it "%so s$e"ks o! " $%"ce s"!e !ro thie*es or wo%*es1 9hen we soeties !ee%
neg%ected b' the Lord whi%e others "re getting the "ttention we need to reeber this c"rePM
"ote: L(ke %ikewise "*oids "n' direct re!erence to the M"gd"%ene1
5CCG$3>2 # ,oent on the ,on*ersion o! M"r' o! M"gd"%"1
5C7G$3>4 # @M +(nA # M"rth" H"s Her &ictor' 9ithin Her Gr"s$1
,<,. M +(n0 AD C5 (imon the 3harisee and Mary o! Magdala Who $noints .esus D At N"in
L- 6 273"1TU2CC1
CF And one o! the Ph"risees desired +es(s to e"t with hi1 And +es(s went into the ho(se o! the Ph"risee "nd
s"t down to e"t1 C6 And beho%d " wo"n LM"r' M"gd"%ene0 @the identit' o! who L(ke conce"%sAM who w"s in the cit'
LM"r' h"d K(st coe !ro M"gd"%" %ooking !or +es(s "nd disco*ered "t ,"$ern"( th"t He w"s in N"i @" C> i%es trek K(st to $o(r
o(t her dee$ gr"tit(de !or +es(sPAM0 " gre"t sinner0 when she knew th"t He s"t to e"t in the Ph"riseeHs ho(se0 bro(ght in
"n "%"b"ster bo: o! ointent1 C4 And st"nding behind "t His !eet0 she beg"n to wet His !eet with te"rs1 Then
wi$ing the with the h"ir o! her he"d0 she kissed His !eet "nd "nointed the with the ointent1
C8 And the Ph"risee who h"d in*ited Hi0 seeing it0 s$oke within hise%!0 s"'ing: This M"n0 i! He were "
$ro$het0 wo(%d s(re%' know who "nd wh"t "nner o! wo"n this is who to(ches Hi W th"t she is " sinnerP
7> And +es(s "nswering0 s"id to hi: Sion0 ) h"*e soething to s"' to 'o(1 So he s"id: M"ster0 s"' it1 72 A
cert"in creditor h"d two debtors0 the one who owed !i*e h(ndred den"rii0 "nd the other !i!t'1 75 And where"s
neither h"d the e"ns to $"'0 he !org"*e the both1 9hich0 there!ore0 o! the two wo(%d %o*e hi ostB 7C
Sion "nswering0 s"id: ) s($$ose he to who he !org"*e ost1 And he s"id to hi: Yo( h"*e K(dged right%'1 77
And t(rning to the wo"n0 He s"id (nto Sion: Do 'o( see this wo"nB ) entered into 'o(r ho(se0 b(t 'o(
g"*e Me no w"ter !or M' !eet0 b(t she with te"rs h"s w"shed M' !eet0 "nd with her h"ir h"s wi$ed the1 73 Yo(
g"*e Me no kiss0 b(t she0 since she c"e in h"s not ce"sed to kiss M' !eet1 7F Yo( did not "noint M' he"d with
oi%0 b(t she with ointent h"s "nointed M' !eet1 76 9here!ore0 ) s"' to 'o(: M"n' sins "re !orgi*en her0 bec"(se
she h"s %o*ed (ch1 /(t to he who is !orgi*en0 %ess0 %o*es %ess1 74 And He s"id to her: Yo(r sins "re !orgi*en
'o(1 78 And the' who s"t "t the e"% with Hi beg"n to s"' within these%*es: 9ho is this 9ho "%so !orgi*es
sinsBP 3> And He s"id to the wo"n: Yo(r !"ith h"s s"*ed 'o(0 enter into $e"ceP
TL(ke discrete%' hides the identit' o! the M"gd"%ene b' s"'ing she w"s <in the cit'0= to be inter$reted b' re"ders th"t she %i*ed in the cit' o! N"in1
,<*. L +(n0 AD C5 )vangelizing in "orthern Galilee # /etween L"ke H(%"h "nd the Se" o! G"%i%ee
MT 8 2581TU2C71
C3 And +es(s went "bo(t "%% the cities "nd towns0 te"ching in their s'n"gog(es "nd $re"ching the Gos$e% o! the
-ingdo "nd he"%ing e*er' dise"se "nd e*er' in!irit'1
,<<. L +(n#M A(g0 AD C5 (piritual Women Contribute to .esus9 Ministry D )n G"%i%ee 5CF#5F7G$1326#6>>
L- 4 2C21TU22>1
2 AND it c"e to $"ss "!terw"rds th"t He "nd the Twe%*e with Hi tr"*e%ed thro(gh the cities "nd towns0 $re"ching "nd
bringing the Gos$e% LGood News o!M the -ingdo o! God1 5 And cert"in woen who h"d been he"%ed o! e*i% s$irits "nd
in!irities0 M"r' who is c"%%ed M"gd"%ene0 o(t o! who se*en deons h"d gone !orth0 C +o"nn" the wi!e o! ,h(I"0
HerodHs stew"rd L" terin"% in!irit'0 )0$1354#374M0 "nd S(s"nn" Lthe bride o! ,"n" # " terin"% in!irit'0 ))0$1CF#C4M0 "nd "n' others
who inistered (nto Hi o! their s(bst"nce1
"ote: This e$h"sis on the signi!ic"nt $"rt these woen $%"'ed c"e str"ight !ro L(keHs %ength' inter*iews with Ho%' M"r'P As is
"b(nd"nt%' c%e"r in the Poem0 the woen disci$%es in !"ct $(t the A$ost%es to re"% sh"e on many occ"sions "nd tho(gh the' soeties "ditted
it w"s "%w"'s with eb"rr"ssed re%(ct"nceP M"tthew "nd M"rk @the $en"n o! PeterA e*en "!ter the' were so h(b%ed b' their sh"e!(%
!"i%(res "!ter the betr"'"% o! the Lord hesit"ted to ention the i$ort"nce o! the woen bec"(se the woen were the occ"sion o! +es(s being
ocked "nd ridic(%ed b' their eneies0 b(t L(ke o*ed b' higher $rinci$%e th"n the iedi"te bene!its o! short r"nge $o%itics in the e"r%'
,h(rch h"d no co$(nction in this reg"rd1 F"r too "n' bisho$s in the thro(gho(t the histor' o! the ,h(rch h"*e s"cri!iced higher $rinci$%es !or
the $o%itics o! short sighted te$or"r' "d*"nt"ges1
,<@. L +(n0 AD C5 The Compassion o! .esus !or the Multitudes D North o! the Se" o! G"%i%ee 5CFG$1324
MT 8 2C51TU6F1
CF Now seeing the crowds0 He h"d co$"ssion on the bec"(se the' were distressed "nd we"ried %ike shee$ th"t h"d no
she$herd1 C6 Then He s"id to His Disci$%es: The h"r*est indeed is gre"t b(t the %"borers "re !ew1 C4 Pr"' there!ore0 the
Lord o! the h"r*est0 th"t He sends !orth %"borers into His h"r*est1
,<2. L +(n0 AD C5 The Oingdom o! Heaven is li/e Hidden Treasure # North o! the Se" o! G"%i%ee 5CFG$135>
MT 2C 2271TU
77 The -ingdo o! He"*en is %ike (nto " tre"s(re hidden in " !ie%d0 which " "n h"*ing !o(nd it0 hides0 "nd !or Ko' goes
"nd se%%s "%% th"t he h"s "nd b('s th"t !ie%d1
5C6G$357 # @M +(n0T(eA # The M"gd"%ene is Acco$"nied b' M"r' Aong the Disci$%es1
,<C. L +(n0 AD C5 The Oingdom o! Heaven is 5i/e a Merhant and a "et # ,"$ern"( 5C4G$13C2
MT 2C TU2C41
73 Ag"in0 the -ingdo o! He"*en is %ike (nto " erch"nt seeking !ine $e"r%s1 7F 9ho0 when he h"d !o(nd one $e"r% o!
gre"t $rice0 went his w"' "nd so%d "%% th"t he h"d0 "nd bo(ght it1
76 Ag"in0 the -ingdo o! He"*en is %ike (nto " net c"st into the se" g"thering together "%% kinds o! !ish1 74 9hich0 when
it w"s !i%%ed0 the' drew o(t1 And sitting b' the shore0 the' s"*ed o(t wh"t w"s good in *esse%s0 b(t the b"d the' c"st !orth1
78 So sh"%% it be "t the end o! the wor%d1 The "nge%s sh"%% go o(t "nd sh"%% se$"r"te the wicked !ro "ong the K(st0 3> "nd
sh"%% c"st the into the !(rn"ce o! !ire where there sh"%% be wee$ing "nd gn"shing o! teeth LRe*127:27#5>E 28:5>#52M1 L9e sho(%d
not "t "%% be s(r$rised th"t e*i% en wi%% be in the ,h(rch "tte$ting to (se it !or $erson"% g"inPM
32 H"*e 'o( (nderstood "%% these thingsB The' s"id to Hi: Yes1 35 He s"id (nto the: There!ore0 e*er' scribe Lte"cher o!
the %"wM instr(cted in the -ingdo o! He"*en is %ike " "n who is " !"ther o! " !"i%'0 who brings !orth o(t o! his tre"s(r'
new things "nd o%d things L"ccording to the needs o! his !"i%'M1
3C And it c"e to $"ss when +es(s h"d !inished these $"r"b%es0 He $"ssed !ro there Lto /eths"id" # ))03C7M L+es(s %e"*es !or
/eths"id" "nd tr"*e%s "bo(t !or " onth "nd " h"%! be!ore ret(rning to ,"$ern"( @See 27>1A1
5C8G$3C7 # @L +(nA # M"rKi" Te"ches M"r' M"gd"%ene the ^O(r F"ther111^
,<;. L +(n0 AD C5 The 3arable o! the 5ost Coin D The Poor District in M"gd"%" 57>G$1372
L- 23 2C>1TU25C1
4 Or wh"t wo"n h"*ing ten dr"ch"s0 i! she %oses one dr"ch"i L" d"'Hs w"geM0 does not %ight " %"$0 swee$ the ho(se0
"nd seek di%igent%' (nti% she !inds itB 8 And when she h"s !o(nd it0 does not c"%% together her !riends "nd neighbors0
s"'ing: ReKoice with e0 bec"(se ) h"*e !o(nd the dr"ch"i which ) h"d %ostB 2> So ) s"' to 'o(0 there sh"%% be Ko' be!ore
the "nge%s o! God o*er one sinner re$enting1
572G$375 # @L +(nA # -now%edge )s Not ,orr($tion i! it )s Re%igion1
575G$33> # @L +(nA # )n the Ho(se "t ,"n"1
57CG$334 # @E +(%0FriA # +ohn Re$e"ts the S$eech M"de b' +es(s on Mt T"bor1
577G$3F7 # @E +(%0FriA # +es(s "t N"I"reth1
,<B. E +(%0 S"t0 AD C5 .esus9 (eond %eRetion at "azareth 573G$136F
MT 2C 2CF1TU2781
37 And coing into His own co(ntr'0D He t"(ght the in their
s'n"gog(es0 "nd the' being in wonderent0 s"id: How did this
M"n obt"in this wisdo "nd ir"c(%o(s $owerB 33 )s not this the
c"r$enterHs sonB )s not His other c"%%ed M"r'0 "nd His brethren
Lco(sins @See "t 6F1AM .ames0 +ose$h0 Sion0 "nd .ude FThaddeusGB
3F And His sisters Lco(sinsM0 "re the' not "%% with (sB Fro
where0 there!ore0 did He recei*e "%% these thingsB 36 And the'
were sc"nd"%iIed o*er hi1 /(t +es(s s"id to the: A $ro$het is
not witho(t honor0 "cce$t in his own co(ntr'0 "nd in his own
ho(se1 L.ames "nd .ude bec"e A$ost%es1 +ose$h "nd Sion0 the two
e%dest sons o! Ho%' +ose$hHs e%dest brother0 A%$h"e(s0 did not be%ie*e in +es(s
(nti% "!ter the Res(rrection1 A%$h"e(s @,%o$h"sA "nd his e%dest son +ose$h0
-itterly o$$osed +es(s "nd cre"ted " $"in!(% di*ision in the !"i%'1M 34 So
He did not do "n' ir"c%es there0 bec"(se o! their (nbe%ie!1
DHis ret(rn to N"I"reth in 57CG$334 "bo*e0 the d"' be!ore1
M- F 2541TU
2 AND going o(t !ro there0 He went into His own co(ntr'
LN"I"rethM0 "nd His Disci$%es !o%%owed Hi1 5 And when the S"bb"th
h"d coe He beg"n to te"ch in the s'n"gog(e1 And "n' he"ring
Hi were "stonished "t His te"ching0 s"'ing: How did this M"n
"c;(ire "%% these thingsB And wh"t wisdo is this th"t h"s been
gi*en to HiB And wh"t "re these ight' works done b' His
h"ndsB C )s not this the c"r$enter0 the son o! M"r'0 the brotherD
Lco(sinM o! .ames' "nd +ose$h0 "nd .ude FThaddausG0 "nd SionB
Are not "%so His sisters Lco(sinsM here with (sB And the' were
sc"nd"%iIed Lo!!endedM in reg"rd to Hi1 7 And +es(s s"id to the: A
$ro$het is not witho(t honor0 b(t in his own co(ntr' "nd in his own
ho(se0 "nd "ong his own kindred1 And He co(%d not do "n' work
o! Lgre"tM ir"c%es there1 On%' " !ew th"t were sick He c(red0 %"'ing
His h"nds ($on the1 F" And He "r*e%ed bec"(se o! their
D)n the Hebrew or Ar""ic0 the %"ng("ge o! Peter "nd M"rk there is no word !or
co(sin "nd the word brother w"s "%w"'s (sed1
,<A. E +(%0 S(n0 AD C5 From "azareth to :ethlehem o! Galilee
M- F TU275"1
Fb "nd he went thro(gh the *i%%"ges ro(nd "bo(t te"ching1
576G$345 # @E +(%0S(nA # At /eth%ehe in G"%i%ee1
574G$385 # @E +(%0MonA # Going tow"rd Sic"inon1
578G$38F # @E +(%0MonA # +es(s Meets the Disci$%es "t Sic"inon1
53>G$F>7 # @E +(%0Th(A # At T're: +es(s S$e"ks o! Perse*er"nce1
532G$F>8 # @E +(%0Th(A # Ret(rn to Sic"inon1 +es(s S$e"ks o! F"ith1
535G$F2F # @M +(%A # De$"rt(re !ro Sic"inon1 The /%essed &irgin M"r' "nd S$irit("%iIed M"ternit'1
53CG$F55 # @M +(%A # S'nt'che0 the Greek S%"*e1
537G$F58 # @M +(%A # Good /'e to M"r' M"gd"%"0 to M"rth" "nd S"ndwich1
533G$FC3 # @M +(%A # +es(s S$e"ks o! Ho$e1
53FG$F7> # @M +(%A # +es(s Goes ($ Mt ,"re% with His ,o(sin +"es1
536G$F7C # @M +(%A # +es(s Re*e"%s to +"es o! A%$h"e(s His F(t(re A$osto%ic Mission1
534G$F32 # @M +(%A # +es(s "nd His ,o(sin0 +"es0 on Their 9"' /"ck !ro Mt ,"re%1
538G$F38 # @M +(%A # Peter S$e"ks to Dor"s_ Pe"s"nts "bo(t the Lo*e 9hich )s S"%*"tion1
5F>G$FFF # @M +(%A # +es(s to +oh"nn_s Pe"s"nts: Lo*e )s Obedience1
5F2G$FF8 # @M +(%A # )n the Ho(se o! Dor" "nd Phi%i$1
,@+. L +(%0 S"t0 AD C5 $ Man #ith a Withered Hand Healed on the (abbath D ,"$ern"( 5F5G$1F64
MT 25 25F1TU
8 And when He h"d $"ssed !ro there0 He
c"e into their s'n"gog(es1 2> And beho%d
there w"s " "n who h"d " withered h"nd0
"nd th"t the' ight "cc(se Hi the' "sked
Hi0 s"'ing: )s it %"w!(% to he"% on the
S"bb"th d"'sB 22 /(t He s"id to the: 9h"t
"n is there "ong 'o( who h"s " shee$0
"nd i! the shee$ !"%%s into " $it on the
S"bb"th d"'0 wi%% not t"ke ho%d on it "nd %i!t
it o(tB
M- C 25F1TU
2 AND +es(s entered "g"in into the
s'n"gog(e0 "nd there w"s " "n there who
h"d " withered h"nd1 5 And the' w"tched
Hi whether He wo(%d he"% on the S"bb"th
d"' th"t the' ight "cc(se Hi1 C And He
s"id to the "n who h"d the withered h"nd:
St"nd ($ here in the idst1
L- F 25F1TU6F1
F And it c"e to $"ss "%so on "nother
S"bb"th th"t He entered into the s'n"gog(e
"nd t"(ght1 And there w"s " "n whose
right h"nd w"s withered1 6 And the scribes
"nd Ph"risees w"tched i! He wo(%d he"% on
the S"bb"th th"t the' ight !ind "n
"cc(s"tion "g"inst Hi1

MT 25
25 How (ch better is " "n th"n
" shee$B There!ore0 it is %"w!(% to
do " good deed on the S"bb"th
d"'s1 2C Then He s"id to the "n:
Stretch !orth 'o(r h"nd1 And he
stretched it !orth "nd it w"s
restored to he"%th e*en "s the other
h"nd1 27 And the Ph"risees going
o(t he%d " cons(%t"tion "g"inst
Hi0 how the' ight destro' Hi1

Note: This te:t w"s $%"ced b' "%% three s'no$tic
Gos$e% writers "!ter "nother e$isode de"%ing
with the S"bb"th @25F1A1 ,hrono%ogic"% order
w"s not their !oc(s1
M- C
7 And He s"id to the: )s it %"w!(% to do good on the
S"bb"th d"'s or to do e*i%B To s"*e %i!e or to destro'B /(t
the' re"ined si%ent1 3 And %ooking ro(nd "bo(t on the
with "nger0 being grie*ed !or the b%indness o! their he"rts0
He s"id to the "n: Stretch !orth 'o(r h"nd1 And he
stretched it !orth "nd his h"nd w"s restored1 F And the
Ph"risees0 going o(t0 iedi"te%' he%d " cons(%t"tion with
the Herodi"nsD "g"inst Hi0 how the' ight destro' Hi1
DThe Herodians were " $"rt' in )sr"e% th"t be%ie*ed strong%' in (nit'
with Roe "nd s($$orted the i$osed Ro"n kingshi$ o! Herod1 The'
be%ie*ed th"t thro(gh this king%' %ine w"s to be !(%!i%%ed the Messi"nic
ide"% !or )sr"e%1 Herod the Gre"t h"d "!ter "%% b(i%t their te$%eP The
Herodi"ns th(s !e"red +es(s K(st "s did sects o! the Ph"risees "nd
S"dd(cees0 bec"(se he w"s " thre"t to "%% o! their in*ested interests1 /(t
e"ch o! these $"rties "%so h"ted e"ch other0 b(t in the end it w"s the !e"r
"nd thre"t th"t +es(s $resented to "%% these isg(ided se%!ish interest
gro($s th"t (nited the "g"inst +es(s1
L- F
4 /(t He knew their tho(ghts
"nd s"id to the "n who h"d the
withered h"nd: Arise "nd st"nd
!orth in the idstP And rising he
stood !orth1 8 Then +es(s s"id to
the: ) "sk 'o(: )s it %"w!(% on
the S"bb"th d"'s to do good0 or to
do e*i% W to s"*e %i!e0 or to destro'
it L"s 'o( do b' 'o(r te"chingsMB 2>
And %ooking ro(nd "bo(t on the
"%%0 He s"id to the "n: Stretch
!orth 'o(r h"nd1 And he stretched
it !orth "nd his h"nd w"s restored1
22 And the' were !i%%ed with
"dness "nd the' cons$ired one
with "nother wh"t the' ight do
to +es(s1
,@,. L +(% # M A(g0 AD C5 .esus Withdra#s !rom Capernaum L#M
MT 25 TU2741
23 /(t +es(s knowing it0 retired !ro there0 b(t "n'
!o%%owed Hi "nd He he"%ed the "%%1 2F And He ch"rged
the th"t the' sho(%d not "ke Hi known0 LToo (ch $(b%icit'
o*er His ir"c(%o(s $owers re"ching His eneies in )sr"e% wo(%d h"*e
se*ere%' restricted His te"ching inistr' "nd His $%"n w"s to !irst b(i%d "
strong b"se in )sr"e% so th"t it wo(%d be "b%e to $enetr"te into "%% the
Genti%e n"tions1M 26 th"t it ight be !(%!i%%ed which w"s s$oken
b' )s"i"h the $ro$het0 s"'ing: 24 8ehold My !er+ant )hom I
ha+e chosen, My -elo+ed in Chom My so&l has -een )ell
pleased" I )ill p&t My !pirit &pon Him, and He shall sho)
K&d'ment to the Gentiles1 28 He shall not contend, nor cry
o&t, neither shall any man hear His +oice in the streets1 5>
The -r&ised reedB He shall not -rea* and smo*in' )ic*B He
shall not e0tin'&ish, &ntil He leads forth K&d'ment >thro&'h all
opposition@ onto +ictory >)hen the -r&ised reeds )ill -e healed and
near e0tin'&ished )ic*s )ill -e re-enflamed@1 52 =nd in His name
the Gentiles shall hope1 Z)s"i"h 75:2#7[
DThe two s'bo%s o! the $oor "nd broken in s$irit who the Lord wi%% not
!(rther o$$ress b(t wi%% "tte$t to he"% "nd re#en!%"e1
M- C TU26F1
6 /(t +es(s retired with His Disci$%es to the se" Lo! G"%i%eeM b(t " gre"t
crowd !o%%owed Hi !ro G"%i%ee "nd +(de"0 4 !ro +er(s"%e0 !ro
)d(e"0 "nd !ro be'ond the +ord"n1 And "%so " gre"t (%tit(de c"e
to Hi !ro "ro(nd T're "nd Sidon0 h"*ing he"rd the things which He
did1 8 So He to%d His Disci$%es th"t " s"%% shi$ sho(%d w"it on Hi
bec"(se o! the (%tit(de0 !e"ring %est the' sho(%d crowd Hi o!! the
be"ch1 2> For h"*ing he"%ed so "n' Lth"t d"'M0 e*er'one who h"d
"!!%iction $ressed ($on Hi K(st to to(ch Hi1 22 And the (nc%e"n
s$irits0 when the' s"w Hi0 !e%% down be!ore Hi "nd cried0 s"'ing:
25 Yo( "re the Son o! GodP /(t He strict%' ch"rged the Lthe e*i% s$iritsM
th"t the' sho(%d not "ke Hi known1 L+es(s knew this testion' o! the
deons wo(%d cert"in%' be (sed "g"inst Hi1M
Note: +es(s did not w"nt S"t"n testi!'ing to His identit'1 This testion' o! deons wo(%d
cert"in%' be (sed "g"inst Hi "s we%% "s "n' !"i%(re on His $"rt to si%ence this testion' 1
5FCG$F42 # @M A(gA # A D"' o! +(d"s )sc"riot "t N"I"reth1
,@*. M A(g0 AD C5 .esus9 Counsel to the Disiples Who are to 3reah and Heal on their 4#n # ,"$ern"(
MT 2> 6F1TU2771
3 These twe%*e +es(s sent o(t0 co"nding the0 s"'ing: Go not into the w"' o!
the Genti%es "nd enter not into the cities o! the S""rit"ns1 F /(t go r"ther to the
%ost shee$ o! the ho(se o! )sr"e%1 6 And "s 'o( go0 $re"ch0 s"'ing: The -ingdo
o! He"*en is "t h"ndP 4 He"% the sick0 r"ise the de"d0 c%e"nse the %e$ers0 "nd c"st
o(t deons1 Free%' 'o( h"*e recei*ed0 !ree%' gi*eP 8 Do not t"ke "n' go%d0 or
si%*er0 or "n' one' in 'o(r $(rses Lbe%tsM0 2> or $ro*ision b"gs !or 'o(r Ko(rne'0
neither two co"ts0 or e:tr" s"nd"%s0 or " st"!! L"%% were to %e"*e their st"!!s behind0 b(t
For the work"n is worth' o! his !ood1 22 And into wh"te*er cit' or town
'o( enter0 in;(ire who in it is worth'0 "nd there "bide (nti% 'o( %e"*e1 25 And
when 'o( coe into the ho(se0 greet it0 s"'ing: M"' $e"ce be to this ho(se1

a sta!!: +es(s %iter"%%' s"id to His Disci$%es not to t"ke <t)o or more t(nics or s$"re shoes0 or
$i%griHs st"!! or we"$ons1= So one st"!! w"s "%%owed1 @See ))0$1F8CA1 M"rk F:4 s"'s the' were
"%%owed <a w"%king stick1= There is th(s no contr"diction on%' " di!!erence in !oc(s1
M- F 2C81TU2771
6 And He c"%%ed the
Twe%*e0 "nd beg"n to send
the in $"irs o! two0 gi*ing
the $ower o*er (nc%e"n
s$irits1 4 And He
co"nded the th"t the'
sho(%d t"ke nothing !or the
Ko(rne'0 b(t " Li1e1 oneM st"!!
on%'0D no scri$ Lcont"iner !or
!oodM0 no bre"d0 nor one'
in their $(rse0

L- 8 2541TU2771
2 THEN c"%%ing
together the twe%*e
A$ost%es0 +es(s g"*e
the $ower "nd
"(thorit' o*er "%%
deons0 "nd to c(re
dise"ses1 5 And He sent
the to $roc%"i the
-ingdo o! God "nd to
he"% the sick1

MT 2>
2C And i! th"t ho(se is worth'0 'o(r $e"ce sh"%% coe ($on it0 b(t i! it is not
worth'0 'o(r $e"ce sh"%% ret(rn to 'o(1 27 And whoe*er wi%% not recei*e 'o( or
he"r 'o(r words0 "s 'o( %e"*e th"t ho(se or cit'0 sh"ke o!! their d(st !ro 'o(r
!eet1 LThe A$ost%es were to "ke s(re not to t"ke "n' o! the resentents the' h"d been shown
with the b(t %e"*e the behind1M 23 Most "ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0 it sh"%% be ore
to%er"b%e !or the %"nd o! Sodo "nd Goorr"h in the d"' o! K(dgent th"n !or th"t
cit'1 LThe K(dgent ($on Sodo w"s inst"nt1M
2F /eho%d ) send 'o( o(t "s shee$ in the idst o! wo%*es1 /e there!ore wise "s
ser$ents "nd si$%e "s do*es1 26 /(t bew"re o! en !or the' wi%% de%i*er 'o( ($
in their co(nci%s0 "nd the' wi%% sco(rge 'o( in their s'n"gog(es1 24 And 'o( sh"%%
be bro(ght be!ore go*ernors0 "nd be!ore kings !or M' s"ke0 !or " testion' to
the "nd to the Genti%es1 28 /(t when the' sh"%% de%i*er 'o( ($0 t"ke no tho(ght
how or wh"t to s$e"k0 !or it sh"%% be gi*en 'o( in th"t ho(r wh"t to s$e"k1 5> For
it is not 'o( th"t wi%% s$e"k0 b(t the S$irit o! 'o(r F"ther 9ho wi%% s$e"k in 'o(1
52 The brother "%so sh"%% de%i*er ($ the brother to de"th0 "nd the !"ther the son1
And chi%dren sh"%% rise ($ "g"inst their $"rents "nd sh"%% $(t the to de"th1 55
And 'o( sh"%% be h"ted b' "%% en !or M' n"eHs s"ke0 b(t he who sh"%%
$erse*ere (nto the end sh"%% be s"*ed1 5C And when the' sh"%% $ersec(te 'o( in
one cit'0 !%ee into "nother1 Most "ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0 'o( sh"%% not !inish "%% the
cities o! )sr"e%0 (nti% the Son o! M"n coes1 L+es(s e:$%"ined to the A$ost%es th"t the'
wi%% not be "b%e to e*"nge%iIe e*er' town in )sr"e% (nti% He ret(rns "t the *er' end o! this "ge
bec"(se )sr"e%0 !or its <dre"d!(% sin0= wi%% be sc"ttered !or cent(ries be!ore it is g"thered "g"in1M
57 The disci$%e is not "bo*e the "ster0 nor the ser*"nt "bo*e his %ord1 53 )t is
eno(gh LNo ore c"n or sho(%d be e:$ected th"nM !or the disci$%e th"t he be "s his
"ster0 "nd the ser*"nt "s his %ord1 So0 i! the' h"*e c"%%ed the Good"n LM"sterM o!
the ho(se /ee%Ieb(b0D how (ch ore Lwi%% he c"%%M those o! His ho(seho%d
L/ee%Ieb(bMB LThe Phi%istine god o! !%ies0 which !eed on !i%th "nd dec"'1 )t w"s the %owest ter
the +ews co(%d !ind to con*e' conte$t1 5 -12:C0FM
5F There!ore0 !e"r the not0 !or nothing is co*ered th"t sh"%% not be re*e"%ed0 or
hidden0 th"t sh"%% not be knownP 56 Th"t which ) te%% 'o( in the d"rk0 'o( L"nd 'o(r
s(ccessorsM $roc%"i in the %ight Lo$en%'M "nd th"t which 'o( now he"r Lwhis$eredM in
the e"r0 $re"ch ($on the ho(seto$s1 L+es(s re*e"%ed the entire bod' o! !"ith to the A$ost%es
inc%(ding th"t which "t the tie co(%d not be !(%%' re*e"%ed (nti% the <b"$tis o! b%ood= wo(%d
condition the wor%d to better recei*e it @The Poem ))0F84A1 The Scri$t(res do not !or this re"son
cont"in "n' e%eents o! the !"ith1 The <,h(rch= is the <$i%%"r "nd gro(nd o! the tr(th1= 2
Ti1C:231 54 And !e"r not those who ki%% the bod'0 b(t "re not "b%e to ki%% the so(%0
b(t r"ther !e"r Hi who c"n destro' both so(% "nd bod' in He%%P 58 Are not two
s$"rrows so%d !or " !"rthingB "nd not one o! the !"%%s on the gro(nd witho(t 'o(r
F"ther1 C> /(t the *er' h"irs o! 'o(r he"d "re "%% n(bered1 C2 Fe"r not0
there!ore0 !or better "re 'o( th"n "n' s$"rrows1 C5 E*er' one0 there!ore0 who
sh"%% con!ess Me be!ore en0 ) wi%% "%so con!ess hi be!ore M' F"ther 9ho is in
He"*en1 CC /(t he who sh"%% den' Me be!ore en0 ) wi%% "%so den' hi be!ore M'
F"ther 9ho is in He"*en1
C7 Do not think th"t ) c"e to send $e"ce ($on e"rth1 ) c"e not to send $e"ce0
b(t the sword Lth"t wi%% s$irit("%%' c(t en !ree !ro their s%"*er' to sin1 These de%i*er"nces
wo(%d c"(se !e"r "nd h"tred in those who h"*e %i*ed o!! the s%"*er' o! those set !reeM1 C3 For )
c"e Lwith M' swordM to set " "n "t *"ri"nce "g"inst his !"ther0 "nd the d"(ghter
"g"inst her other0 "nd the d"(ghter#in#%"w "g"inst her other#in#%"w1 CF And "s
" "nHs eneies sh"%% be those o! his own ho(seho%d1 C6 He who %o*es !"ther or
other ore th"n Me is not worth' o! Me0 "nd he who %o*es son or d"(ghter
ore th"n Me is not worth' o! Me1 C4 And he who does not t"ke ($ his cross "nd
!o%%ow Me0 is not worth' o! Me1 Lc!1 L(ke 27:5F#56 !ro "nother occ"sionM He who
!inds his life LHe who is centered "ro(nd hise%! "nd te$or"% s"tis!"ctionsM sh"%% %ose it0
b(t he who sh"%% %ose his life !or Me0 sh"%% !ind it Lthe tr(e %i!e0 the life of ,hristM1
7> He who recei*es 'o(0 recei*es Me "nd he who recei*es Me0 recei*es Hi th"t
sent Me1 72 He who recei*es " $ro$het in the n"e o! Lor bec"(se he isM " $ro$het0
sh"%% recei*e the rew"rd o! " $ro$het1 And he who recei*es " K(st "n in the
n"e o! Lor bec"(se he isM " K(st "n0 sh"%% recei*e the rew"rd o! " K(st "n1 75
And whoe*er sh"%% gi*e to one o! the %e"st ones Lo! M' ser*"ntsM on%' " c($ o! co%d
w"ter in the n"e o! th"t disci$%e0 ost "ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0 he sh"%% not !"i% to
recei*e his rew"rd1
M- F
8 "nd to be shod with Lon%' one $"ir o!M s"nd"%s0 "nd th"t the' sho(%d not $(t on two
co"ts1 2> And He s"id to the: 9here*er 'o( sh"%% enter into " ho(se0 there "bide
(nti% 'o( de$"rt !ro th"t
$%"ce1 22 And whoe*er sh"%%
not recei*e 'o(0 nor he"r
'o( "s 'o( go !orth !ro
there0 sh"ke o!! the d(st
!ro 'o(r !eetD !or "
testion' to the1
M- 7
55 For there h"s nothing
been hidden Lb' GodM which
sh"%% not L"t the correct tieM
be "de "ni!est0 neither
w"s it "de secret Lin the
!irst $%"ceM0 !or "n' other
re"son b(t th"t it "' be
s$re"d "bro"d Lto the gre"test
$ossib%e n(ber o! $eo$%eMP
"ote: This w"s "%so s$oken on the E
b"nk o! +ord"n @See )&1728G$177 "t
M- 7 TU2381
Not !o(nd in The Poem:
5C )! "n' "n h"s e"rs to
he"r0 %et hi he"rP 57 And
He s"id to the: T"ke gre"t
heed to wh"t 'o( he"r L!ro
MeM1 9h"te*er e"s(re 'o(
(se Lin e*"%("ting M' 9ord0
whether it is with re*erence "nd
obedience0 or c"re%essnessM0 it
sh"%% be e"s(red Lin *irt(e
"nd wisdoM b"ck to 'o(
"g"in0 "nd e*en ore Lth"n
"n e;("% e"s(reM sh"%% be
gi*en to 'o( Lwho he"r with
!(%% re*erenceM1
L- 8
C He s"id to the: T"ke
nothing Le:tr"M !or 'o(r
Ko(rne' Li1e1 "s 'o( nor"%%'
wo(%d !or " Ko(rne'M0 neither
L"n e:tr"M st"!!0 nor one'
b"g0 nor bre"d0 nor one'1
Neither (st 'o( h"*e two
co"ts1 7 And wh"te*er
ho(se 'o( sh"%% enter0 "bide
there "nd de$"rt not !ro it1
3 And !or whoe*er
wi%% not recei*e 'o(0
when 'o( go o(t o!
th"t cit'0 sh"ke o!!
e*en the LtheirM d(st o!
'o(r !eet0 !or "
testion' "g"inst
the1 LTheir eneies
were to know th"t none o!
the "niosit' the' were
shown w"s going to %e"*e
with the to show the
how the' sho(%d %o*ePM
L- 4 68"1TU238b1
26 For there is not
"n'thing secret
Lwhether the hidden
errors o! "n or the
hidden tr(ths o! GodM
th"t sh"%% not be "de
"ni!est0 nor th"t is
hidden th"t sh"%% not
be known "nd
bro"dc"st "bro"d L"nd
the ,h(rch w"s to be
GodHs e"ns to e:$ose "%%
things th"t h"*e
$re*io(s%' been hiddenMP
"ote: L(ke 2>:2#25 ight
K(st "s we%% h"*e been $%"ced
here r"ther th"n in Gos$e%
E$isode 2361 See ))05F7G
,@<. M A(g0 AD C5 .esus Continues His Counsel # ,"$ern"( 5F7G$1F87
47"1 E Mch0 AD C5 This te:t is "%so !o(nd in the S1O1M1 262G$1273
MT 3 4F1TU47b1
C8 /(t ) s"' to 'o( do not resist the e*i% L"nM1 /(t i! he strikes 'o( on 'o(r right cheek0 t(rn to hi "%so the
other1 7> And i! " "n wi%% contend with 'o( in co(rt "nd t"kes "w"' 'o(r shirt0 gi*e "%so 'o(r co"t to hi1
,ontr"r' to wh"t is $o$(%"r%' be%ie*ed "nd t"(ght0 re*enge ere%' !or $erson"% re"sons w"s ne+er "cce$t"b%e to God or $rooted in
the s"cred writings1 @See Genesis 7:23E Pro*157:54E 53:52#55A1 The <e'e !or "n e'e= @E:152:57E De(t128:52A w"s the r(%e !or ci*i%
go*ernent "%one e*en "s it is "%%owed tod"' "nd to the degree o! the "bsence o! the rede$ti*e s$irit o! ,hrist in the $eo$%e o! "n'
societ'1 @See Ro"ns 2C:2#7A1 9hen +es(s "ddressed the s(bKect here i$%'ing " ch"nge !ro "n <e'e !or "n e'e0= He w"s s$e"king o!
the is"$$%ic"tion o! this "nd"te !or ci*i% go*ernent1 The Ph"risees h"d $o$(%"riIed " $erson"% "$$%ic"tion o! this which K(sti!ied
personal *indicti*eness "nd indi!!erence tow"rd the sinner "nd o!!ender1 @See "%so 53:52#55A
MT 3 Not %oc"ted in the Poem TU4C1
72 And whoe*er wi%% !orce 'o( Lto goM one i%e0 go with hi two1
,@@. M A(g0 AD C5 The Disiples )vangelize on Their 4#n D Fro ,"$ern"( into G"%i%ee 5F7G$1F85
MT 22
2 AND it c"e to $"ss when +es(s
h"d !inished His ch"rge to His
twe%*e disci$%es0 He $"ssed !ro
there to te"ch "nd $re"ch in their
M- F
25 And going !orth the' $re"ched th"t
en sho(%d re$ent1 2C And the' c"st o(t
"n' deons0 "nd "nointed with oi%
"n' th"t were sick "nd he"%ed the1
L- 8
F And going o(t0 the' went "bo(t thro(gh the towns
$roc%"iing the Gos$e% "nd he"%ing e*er'where
L- 8 /"ck to ,"$ern"(
,@@b1 L A(g0 Fri 5F7G$16>>
2>" And the A$ost%es0 when the' h"d ret(rned0 to%d
+es(s "%% the' h"d done1
,@2. L A(g0 S(n0 AD C5 The :aptist (ends T#o Doubting Disiples to Vuestion .esus 7 Woe to the Cities # ,"$ern"(
MT 22 TU2761
5 Now when +ohn0 in $rison0 h"d he"rd o!
the works o! ,hrist he sent two o! his
Lske$tic"%M disci$%es who Lwere to%d !or their own
bene!it toM "sk Hi: C Are Yo( He 9ho w"s
$roised to coe0 or do we %ook !or "notherB
7 And +es(s "nswering s"id to the: Go "nd
re%"te to +ohn L!or yo&r o)n 'oodM wh"t 'o(
h"*e he"rd "nd seen1 3 The b%ind see0 the
%"e w"%k0 the %e$ers "re c%e"nsed0 the de"!
he"r0 the de"d rise "g"in0 "nd the $oor h"*e
the Gos$e% $re"ched to the1Z)s"i"h C3:3E F2:2[
F And Lto the two ske$tic"% disci$%es He s"id0M
b%essed is he who sh"%% not be sc"nd"%iIed in
6 And when the' went their w"'0 +es(s
beg"n to s"' to the crowds concerning +ohn:
9h"t did 'o( Lwho "re so o!!ended b' +ohnHs
!orce!(% ess"ge "nd "(stere %i!eM go o(t into the
desert to seeB A L!%is'M reed sh"ken with the
windB 4 9h"t did 'o( go o(t to seeB A "n
c%othed in so!t g"rentsB /eho%d the' th"t
"re c%othed in so!t g"rents "re in the ho(ses
o! kings1 8 /(t wh"t did 'o( go o(t to seeB
A $ro$hetB L)! 'o( did then th"t is wh"t 'o( s"wPM
Yes0 ) te%% 'o(0 b(t he is ore th"n " $ro$hetP
2> For this is he o! who it w"s written:
8ehold I send My an'elic messen'er -efore
7o& come, )ho shall prepare Thy )ay -efore
Thee1 ZM"%"chi C:2[
L- 6 $t the House o! Thomas' their Host
28 And +ohn Lwhi%e i$risoned in M"ch"er(sM c"%%ed to hi two o! his Lconcerned "nd do(btingM
disci$%es0 "nd sent the L!or their own bene!itM to +es(s0 s"'ing: Are 'o( He 9ho w"s to
coe0 or "re we to %ook !or "notherBD 5> And when the en h"d coe (nto Hi0 the'
s"id: +ohn the /"$tist h"s sent (s to Yo(0 s"'ing: Are 'o( He 9ho w"s to coe0 or "re
we to %ook !or "notherB 52 And in th"t s"e ho(r0 +es(s de%i*ered "n' o! their dise"ses0
"i%ents "nd e*i% s$irits1 And to "n' who were b%ind He g"*e sight1 55 And "nswering0
He s"id to the: Go "nd re%"te to +ohn wh"t 'o( h"*e he"rd "nd seen1 The b%ind see0 the
%"e w"%k0 the %e$ers "re "de c%e"n0 the de"! he"r0 the de"d rise "g"in0 "nd to the $oor
the Gos$e% is $re"ched1 5C And b%essed is he who sh"%% not be sc"nd"%iIed in Me1
D)t is not +ohn who h"s these do(bts b(t soe o! his own disci$%es who h"d di!!ic(%t' in reconci%ing
di!!erent inistr' "$$ro"ch o! +es(s with wh"t +ohn h"d t"(ght es$eci"%%' "!ter soe *er' shrewd
Ph"risees h"d "%ost con*inced those th"t +ohn the /"$tist h"d to be the Messi"h1 The ;(estions he gi*es
the to "sk "re theirs "nd he send the to +es(s !or their own bene!it1 +es(s0 o! co(rse "%so wishes to %et
+ohn in $rison know wh"t God w"s doing thro(gh Hi to enco(r"ge hi1 This *iew0 in contr"st to the
odern e:$ositors who $%"ce the do(bt in the /"$tistHs ind@PA w"s the *iew o! the e"r%' ,h(rch
e:$ositors "nd it is *eri!ied b' The Poem"
57 And when the essengers o! +ohn h"d de$"rted0 He beg"n to s$e"k to the crowds
concerning +ohn L"n' o! who do(bted +ohnHs c"%%ing bec"(se it di!!ered !ro th"t o! +es(sPM1
9h"t did 'o( go o(t into the desert to see W " L" thin we"kM reed sh"ken with the windB 53
9h"t did 'o( go o(t to see W " "n c%othed in so!t g"rentsB /eho%d the' who dress in
cost%' "$$"re% "nd %i*e de%ic"te%'0 "re in the ho(ses o! kings1 5F /(t wh"t did 'o( go o(t
to see W " $ro$hetB 9e%%0 ) s"' to 'o(0 he is ore th"n " $ro$het1 56 This is he Lthe "nge% G
essengerM o! who it is written: 8ehold I send My an'el -efore Thy face >the Messiah$s
presence@, )ho shall prepare Thy )ay -efore Thee" ZM"%"chi C:2[ 54 For ) s"' to 'o(:
Aong those born o! woen0 there is not " gre"ter $ro$het th"n +ohn the /"$tist L"king
hi in ho%iness "nd *irt(e c%ose to ho%' +ose$hM1 /(t he who is the %e"st in the -ingdo o! God
Lthe New ,o*en"ntM0 is gre"ter th"n he Lbec"(se those in the kingdo "re not ere%' born o! woen0
b(t o! GodPM1 58 And "%% the $eo$%e "nd the $(b%ic"ns he"ring this "cknow%edged the
K(stice God Lin +es(sH wordsM0 being b"$tiIed with +ohnHs b"$tis1 C> /(t the Ph"risees "nd
the %"w'ers des$ised the co(nse% o! God
"g"inst these%*es b' re!(sing to be b"$tiIed
b' +ohn1
MT 22
22 Most "ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0 there h"s not risen "ong those
born o! woen " gre"ter "n th"n +ohn the /"$tist L"king hi
e;("% to +ose$h in ho%iness "nd *irt(eM0 'et he who is the %e"st in the
-ingdo o! He"*en Lin the New ,o*en"ntM is gre"ter th"n he
Lbec"(se those in the -ingdo "re not born ere%' o! woen0 b(t o! GodMP
25 And !ro the d"'s o! +ohn the /"$tist (nti% now0 the
-ingdo o! He"*en (st be t"ken b' *io%ence L"g"inst oneHs own
inc%in"tions "nd e*i%M0 "nd the *io%ent L"g"inst these%*esM wi%% t"ke it1
2C For "%% the Pro$hets "nd the L"w $ro$hesied Lco*ering the
entire sco$e o! h("n histor'M (nti% +ohn0 27 "nd he w"s E%iK"h0 who
w"s to coe LM"%1 C:2E 7:3M0 i! 'o( wi%% recei*e itP 23 He who h"s
e"rs to he"r Lthe tr(thM0 %et hi he"rP
2F /(t how sh"%% ) describe this gener"tionB )t is %ike (nto
chi%dren sitting in the "rket $%"ce Lwho0 no "tter wh"t the' did
co(%d not get their co$"nions to Koin the in their !(n0 whether it w"s "
Ko'!(% wedding $%"' nor " !(ner"% dirgeM0 26 who0 cr'ing to their
co$"nions s"id: 9e h"*e $i$ed to 'o( "nd 'o( h"*e not
d"ncedP 9e h"*e %"ented "nd 'o( h"*e not o(rnedP 24 For
+ohn c"e neither e"ting nor drinking "nd the' s"': He h"s "
deonP 28 The Son o! M"n c"e e"ting "nd drinking0 "nd the'
s"': /eho%d " "n th"t is " g%(tton "nd " wine drinker0 " !riend
o! $(b%ic"ns "nd sinnersP /(t wisdo is K(sti!ied b' her chi%dren
Lb' its !r(it or conse;(ences in %i*esM1
5> Then He beg"n to re$ro"ch the cities in which ost o! His
ir"c%es were done0 !or the' h"d not re$ented1 52 9oe to 'o(0
,hor"IinP 9oe to 'o(0 /eths"id"P For i! the ir"c%es th"t h"*e
been done in 'o( h"d been done in T're "nd Sidon0 the' wo(%d
h"*e %ong "go re$ented L"nd done their $en"nceM in s"ckc%oth "nd
"shes1 55 And ) s"' (nto 'o(0 it sh"%% be ore to%er"b%e !or T're
"nd Sidon in the d"' o! K(dgent0 th"n !or 'o(P 5C And 'o(0
,"$ern"(0 do 'o( think 'o( sh"%% be e:"%ted to He"*enB Yo(
sh"%% go down e*en (nto H"des Lthe nether wor%dMP For i! the
ir"c%es th"t h"*e been done in 'o( h"d been done in Sodo0
$erh"$s it wo(%d h"*e re"ined (nto this d"'P 57 For ) s"' (nto
'o(0 th"t it sh"%% be ore to%er"b%e !or the %"nd o! Sodo in the
d"' o! K(dgent0 th"n !or 'o(P
53 At th"t tie +es(s $r"'ed "nd s"id: ) th"nk Thee0 O F"ther0
Lord o! He"*en "nd e"rth0 bec"(se Yo( h"*e hid these things
!ro the wise "nd $r(dent0 "nd h"*e re*e"%ed the to the %itt%e
onesP 5F Yes0 F"ther0 !or so h"th it seeed good in Th' sight1 56
A%% things "re de%i*ered to Me b' M' F"ther0 "nd no one knows
the Son b(t the F"ther1 Neither does "n'one know the F"ther0
b(t the Son0 "nd He to who it $%e"ses the Son to re*e"% Hi1
L- 6
C2 And the Lord s"id: .nto wh"t then sh"%% ) %iken the en o! this
gener"tionB To wh"t "re the' %ikeB C5 The' "re %ike chi%dren sitting
in the "rket$%"ce Lwho0 no "tter wh"t the' did co(%d not get their
co$"nions to Koin the in their !(n0 whether it w"s " Ko'!(% wedding $%"' nor "
!(ner"% dirgeM0 "nd s$e"king one to "nother "nd s"'ing: 9e h"*e $i$ed
to 'o(0 "nd 'o( h"*e not d"nced1 9e h"*e o(rned0 "nd 'o( h"*e
not we$t1 CC For +ohn the /"$tist c"e neither e"ting nor drinking0
"nd Lsoe o!M 'o( s"': He h"s " deonP C7 The Son o! M"n h"s coe
e"ting "nd drinking "nd Lsoe o!M 'o( s"': /eho%d " M"n 9ho is "
g%(tton "nd " drinker o! wine0 " !riend o! $(b%ic"ns "nd sinnersP C3
/(t wisdo is K(sti!ied b' "%% her chi%dren Lthe !r(it it $rod(cesM1
L- 2> 236b1TU236"
2C 9oe to 'o(0 ,hor"IinP 9oe to 'o(0 /eths"id"P For i! the ight'
works th"t h"*e been done in 'o( h"d been done in T're "nd Sidon0
the' wo(%d h"*e re$ented sitting in s"ckc%oth "nd "shes %ong "goP 27
/(t it sh"%% be ore to%er"b%e !or T're "nd Sidon "t the K(dgent
th"n !or 'o(P 23 And 'o(0 ,"$ern"(0 which h"*e been e:"%ted (nto
He"*en0D 'o( sh"%% be thr(st down to H"des Lthe nether wor%dM1
D,"$ern"( h"d the $ri*i%ege o! the S"*ior0 <He"*en= itse%!0 %i*ing in their cit'P /(t "%%
these cities in the north end o! the Se" o! G"%i%ee within C> 'e"rs e:$erienced " $"rtic(%"r%'
de*"st"ting end K(st "s $ro$hesied b' o(r Lord when the Ro"ns decided to $(t "n end to
the n"tion o! )sr"e%1 To this d"' this once $o$(%"ted region %ies &tterly desolate?
L- 2> 2341TU2F21
52 )n th"t s"e ho(r L**12C#23 "bo*eM0 +es(s reKoiced in the Ho%' S$irit0
"nd s"id: ) con!ess to Thee0 O F"ther0 Lord o! He"*en "nd e"rth0
bec"(se Yo( h"*e hidden these things !ro the wise "nd $r(dent0
"nd h"st re*e"%ed the to %itt%e onesP Yes0 F"ther0 !or so it h"s
seeed good in Th' sightP 55 A%% things "re de%i*ered to Me b' M'
F"therE "nd no one knows 9ho the Son is b(t the F"ther0 "nd no one
knows 9ho the F"ther is b(t the Son0 "nd to whoe*er the Son wi%%
re*e"% HiP 5C And t(rning to His Disci$%es0 He s"id: /%essed "re
the e'es th"t see the things which 'o( seeP 57 For ) s"' to 'o(0 th"t
"n' $ro$hets "nd kings h"*e desired to see the things th"t 'o( see0
"nd h"*e not seen the0 "nd to he"r the things th"t 'o( he"r0 "nd
h"*e not he"rd theP
,@C. L A(g0 S(n0 AD C5 The Murder o! .ohn the :aptist # +es(s "t ,"$ern"( He"rs this Acco(nt 5> D"'s L"ter
MT 27 2251TU23>1
F And on HerodHs birthd"'0 the d"(ghter o!
Herodi"s d"nced be!ore the "nd $%e"sed Herod1
6 So he $roised with "n o"th to gi*e her
wh"te*er she wo(%d "sk o! hi1 4 /(t she0 being
instr(cted be!ore b' her other0 s"id: Gi*e e in
" dish the he"d o! +ohn the /"$tist1 8 And the
king w"s str(ck s"d0 'et bec"(se o! his o"th0 "nd
!or the g(ests th"t s"t with hi "t the t"b%e0 he
co"nded it to be gi*en to her1 2> And he sent
"nd behe"ded +ohn in the $rison1 22 And his
he"d w"s bro(ght in " dish "nd it w"s gi*en to
the d"se%0 "nd she bro(ght it to her other1 25"
And his disci$%es c"e "nd took the bod' "nd
b(ried it0
M- F
52 /(t "n o$$ort(ne d"' c"e L!or Herodi"sM when Herod0 on his birthd"' threw "
b"n;(et !or the $rinces0 the trib(nes0 "nd chie! en o! G"%i%ee1 55 And when the
d"(ghter o! Herodi"s h"d coe in "nd h"d d"nced "nd $%e"sed Herod "nd those th"t
were with hi0 the king s"id to the gir%: Ask e wh"t 'o( wi%% "nd ) wi%% gi*e it to
'o(1 5C And he swore to her s"'ing: 9h"te*er 'o( sh"%% "sk ) wi%% gi*e 'o(0 tho(gh it
is the h"%! o! ' kingdoP 57 9hen she h"d gone o(t Lo! the rooM0 she s"id to her
other0 wh"t sh"%% ) "skB She re$%ied: The he"d o! +ohn the /"$tistP 53 And when
she c"e in iedi"te%' with h"ste to the king0 she "sked0 s"'ing: ) wo(%d th"t 'o(
iedi"te%' gi*e e in " dish0 the he"d o! +ohn the /"$tist1 5F And the king w"s
str(ck with $"in!(% sorrow0 'et bec"(se o! his o"th0 "nd bec"(se o! those th"t were
with hi "t the b"n;(et0 he wo(%d not dis$%e"se her1 56 /(t sending "n e:ec(tioner0
he co"nded th"t the /"$tistHs he"d sho(%d be bro(ght in " dish1 54 And the'
behe"ded hi in the $rison0 "nd bro(ght his he"d in " dish "nd g"*e it to the gir%0 "nd
the gir% g"*e it to her other1 58 9hen his disci$%es he"rd o! it the' c"e "nd took
+ohnHs bod' "nd %"id it in " tob1
5FFG$6>4 # @L A(g0MonA # +es(s 9orks "s " ,"r$enter "t -or"Ii1
,@;. L A(g0 Fri0 AD C5 Come >nto Me $ll 8ou that 5abor # ,"$ern"( 5F6G$1624
MT 22 2731TU25F1
54 ,oe to Me0 "%% 'o( who %"bor "nd "re b(rdened "nd ) wi%% re!resh 'o(1 58 T"ke ($ M' 'oke ($on 'o(rse%!
"nd %e"rn o! Me bec"(se ) " eek "nd h(b%e o! he"rt0 "nd 'o( sh"%% !ind rest !or 'o(r so(%s1 C> For M' 'oke is
sweet "nd M' b(rden is %ight1
,@B. E Se$0 Fri0 AD C5 $ :lind Mute' 3ossessed Man Healed # ,"$ern"( 5F4G$165>
MT 25 2721TU22>1
55 Then one w"s bro(ght to Hi $ossessed with " deon0
b%ind "nd d(b0 "nd He he"%ed hi0 so th"t he both s$oke
"nd s"w1 5C And "%% the crowds were ""Ied0 "nd s"id: )s
not this the Son o! D"*id Lthe $roised Messi"hMB 57 /(t the
Ph"risees he"ring it0 s"id: This "n c"sts o(t deons0 on%'
b' /ee%Ieb(b LThe Phi%istine god o! !%ies0 which !eed on !i%th "nd
dec"'1 )t w"s the %owest ter the +ews co(%d !ind to con*e'
conte$t1 5 -12:C0FM the $rince o! the deons1 53 And +es(s
knowing their tho(ghts0 s"id to the: E*er' kingdo
di*ided "g"inst itse%! wi%% be "de deso%"te0 "nd e*er' cit'
or ho(se di*ided "g"inst itse%! wi%% not st"nd1 5F And i!
S"t"n c"sts o(t S"t"n0 he is di*ided "g"inst hise%!1 How
then does his kingdo st"ndB 56 And i! ) b' /ee%Ieb(b
c"st o(t deons0 b' who do 'o(r disci$%es L%it: <sons=M
c"st the o(tB There!ore0 the' L'o(r own disci$%esM sh"%% be
'o(r K(dges Lbec"(se the' know 'o( h"*e no $ower o*er the
deonsM1 54 /(t i! ) b' the S$irit o! God c"st o(t deons
then h"s the -ingdo o! God coe ($on 'o(1 58 Ag"in0
how c"n "n' one enter into the ho(se o! the strong L"s ) "
doingM "nd ri!%e his goods0 (n%ess he !irst bind the strong
oneB On%' then he wi%% be "b%e to ri!%e his ho(se1 C> He
whoe*er is not with Me Lin this "tterM0 is "g"inst Me1 And
He who g"thers not with Me0 sc"tters1 C2 There!ore0 ) s"'
to 'o(: E*er' sin "nd b%"s$he' c"n be !orgi*en en0 b(t
the b%"s$he' "g"inst the S$irit sh"%% not be !orgi*en1 C5
And whoe*er sh"%% s$e"k " word "g"inst the Son o! M"n0
it c"n be !orgi*en hi0 b(t he who sh"%% s$e"k "g"inst the
Ho%' S$irit0 it sh"%% not be !orgi*en hi0 neither in this
wor%d0 nor in the wor%d to coe1
This is c%e"r e*idence th"t soe sins c"n be !orgi*en in the ne:t wor%d1 +es(s is
on%' "!!iring " doctrine "%w"'s be%ie*ed b' the +ews who !or this re"son
$r"'ed !or the de"d to h"sten their "!ter %i!e rede$tion1 5 M"cc125:77#7FE 2
CC Either L'o(M "ke the tree L'o( $%"ntM good "nd its !r(it
Lwi%% beM good0 or L'o(M "ke the tree L'o( $%"ntM e*i% "nd its
!r(it Lwi%% beM e*i%1 L/(t in either c"se it isM !ro the !r(it the
tree is known1 C7 O gener"tion o! *i$ers0 how c"n 'o(
s$e"k good things0 since 'o( "re e*i%B For o(t o! the
"b(nd"nce o! the he"rt the o(th s$e"ks1 C3 A good "n
o(t o! " good tre"s(re brings !orth good things "nd "n e*i%
"n o(t o! "n e*i% tre"s(re brings !orth e*i% things1 CF /(t
) s"' (nto 'o(0 th"t e*er' id%e word th"t en sh"%% s$e"k0
the' sh"%% render "n "cco(nt !or it in the d"' o! K(dgent1
C6 For b' 'o(r words 'o( sh"%% be K(sti!ied0 "nd b' 'o(r
words 'o( sh"%% be condened1
C4 Then soe o! the scribes "nd Ph"risees "nswered Hi0
s"'ing: M"ster we wo(%d %ike to see " sign !ro Yo(1
M- C 6F1TU22>1
5> And the' c"e to "
ho(se Lwhere +es(s "%w"'s
st"'ed in ,"$ern"(M0 "nd
the (%tit(de c"e
together "g"in0 so th"t
the' co(%d not so (ch
"s e"t their e"%s1 52
And when His kinsen
LHis two o%dest co(sins0 the
e%dest sons o! A%$h"e(s
@Ho%' +ose$hHs o%der
brotherAM h"d he"rd o! it0
the' went o(t to %"'
ho%d on Hi0 !or the'
s"id: He h"s becoe
"dP 55 And the
scribes who h"d coe
down !ro +er(s"%e0
s"id: He h"s
/ee%Ieb(b0 "nd b' the
$rince o! deons He
c"sts o(t deonsP 5C
And "!ter +es(s h"d
c"%%ed the together0
He s$oke to the in
$"r"bo%ic %"ng("ge:
How c"n S"t"n c"st o(t
S"t"nB 57 And i! "
kingdo becoes
di*ided "g"inst itse%!
th"t kingdo c"nnot
st"nd1 53 And i! "
ho(se be di*ided
"g"inst itse%!0 th"t
ho(se c"nnot st"nd1 5F
And i! S"t"n rises ($
"g"inst hise%! "nd is
di*ided he c"nnot
st"nd0 b(t wi%% h"*e "n
end1 56 No "n c"n
enter into the ho(se o!
" strong "n "nd rob
hi o! his goods (n%ess
he !irst binds hi L"s )
h"*e done to S"t"nM0 "nd
then he sh"%% $%(nder
his ho(se1
54 Most "ss(red%' ) s"'
to 'o(0 th"t "%% sins "nd
b%"s$heies (ttered
"' be !orgi*en (nto
the sons o! en0
L- 22 2551TU2FC1
27 Now +es(s w"s c"sting o(t " deon th"t
w"s d(b1 And it occ(rred when He h"d c"st
o(t the deon0 the d(b "n s$oke "nd the
crowds "r*e%ed "t the ir"c%e1 23 /(t soe
o! the s"id: He c"sts o(t deons b'
/ee%Ieb(b0 the $rince o! deons1 2F And
others te$ting Hi0 "sked !or " sign !ro
He"*en1 26 /(t +es(s seeing their tho(ghts0
s"id to the: E*er' kingdo di*ided "g"inst
itse%! sh"%% be bro(ght to deso%"tion0 "nd
d'n"st' "!ter d'n"st' sh"%% !"%%1 24 And i!
S"t"n "%so is di*ided "g"inst hise%!0 how c"n
his kingdo st"ndB ) s"' this bec"(se 'o( s"'
th"t thro(gh /ee%Ieb(b ) c"st o(t deons1 28
Now "%so0 i! ) c"st o(t deons b' /ee%Ieb(b0
b' who do 'o(r chi%dren Ldisci$%esM c"st the
o(tB L+es(s (sed the s"e e:orcist !or(%" "s the'0 so
to be honest the Ph"risees wo(%d h"*e to consider th"t
the' "%so (sed deons to c"st o(t deons1 /(t it is "%so
%ike%' the' were not s(ccess!(% in c"sing o(t deons1M
There!ore0 the' sh"%% be 'o(r K(dges Lbec"(se
'o( "re "%so "cc(sing the b' "cc(sing MeMP 5> /(t
i! ) b' the !inger o! God c"st o(t deons0
witho(t " do(bt the -ingdo o! God h"s coe
($on 'o(1 52 9hen " strong "n "red
$rotects his co(rt0 those things which he
$ossesses "re s"!e1 55 /(t i! " stronger one
th"n he coes ($on hi "nd o*ercoes hi
L"s ) h"*e done with S"t"nM0 he wi%% t"ke "w"' "%%
his "r"ent in which he tr(sted0 "nd wi%%
distrib(te his s$oi%s1 5C He who is not with
Me0 is "g"inst Me1 And he who g"thers not
with Me0 sc"ttersP
Note th"t +es(s does not s"' those who "re not )ith His
=postles "nd who do not 'ather )ith His =postles "re
necess"ri%' "g"inst Hi or "re g(i%t' o! sc"tteringP (ee ,B<a.
M"n' Protest"nt inistries th"t do not recogniIe the A$osto%ic
,h(rch "re ser*ing ,hrist0 in the most important matters "nd
"s %ong "s the' do not o$$ose the ,h(rch the' "re <!or itP=
57 9hen the (nc%e"n s$irit h"s gone o(t o! "
"n0 he w"%ks thro(gh b"rren "nd deso%"te
$%"ces seeking rest0 "nd not !inding it0 he s"'s:
) wi%% ret(rn into ' ho(se !ro where ) c"eP
53 And when he coes0 he Lo!tenM !inds it
swe$t "nd g"rnished L"nd w"iting !or his ret(rnMP
5F He then goes "nd t"kes with hi se*en
other s$irits ore wicked th"n hise%! "nd
entering in0 the' "%% dwe%% thereP So the %"st
st"te o! th"t "n becoes worse th"n the !irst1
MT 25
C8 He "nswering s"id to the: An e*i% "nd "d(%tero(s
gener"tion seeks "

"nd Lno !(rtherM sign sh"%% be gi*en it0 b(t the
sign o! +on"h the $ro$het1 7> For "s +on"h w"s in
the h(ge !ishHs be%%'
three d"'s "nd three nights L+on12:26M so
sh"%% the Son o! M"n be in the he"rt o! the e"rth three d"'s
"nd three nights1
72 The en o! Nine*eh sh"%% rise in
K(dgent with this gener"tion "nd sh"%% conden it
the' re$ented "t the $re"ching o! +on"h1 And beho%d One
gre"ter th"n +on"h is hereP 75 The ;(een o! the so(th Lthe
;(een o! Sheb"M sh"%% rise in K(dgent with this gener"tion "nd
sh"%% conden it bec"(se she c"e !ro the ends o! the e"rth
to he"r the wisdo o! So%oon L2 -12>:2E 5 ,hr18:2M0 "nd beho%d
One gre"ter th"n So%oon is hereP
huge !ish9s belly: )t w"s no wh"%e th"t sw"%%owed +on"h "s e*er'one knows their
o(ths "re too s"%% to sw"%%ow " "n1 The Greek word (sed here w"s !or any
h(ge se" cre"t(re1 Hoer (sed it !or " se"%0 "t " %"ter tie !or " wh"%e0 the sh"rk0
the dog#!ish0 etc1 The entire bodies o! en h"*e been !o(nd in sh"rks "nd in the
three days and three nights: The intended tie !or ,hristHs entobent w"s C
!(%% d"'s "nd C !(%% nights @65 ho(rsA b(t the $r"'ers o! Ho%' M"r' c(t the tie in
h"%! @CF ho(rsA b(t not so "s to *oid the $ro$hec'1 Now it w"s C $"rts o! d"'s "nd
$"rts o! nights (sing the Ro"n d"'Gnight ode% r"ther th"n the Hebrew one "nd
inc%(ded the tie His s$irit w"s in H"desGSheo%1
Des$ite the s$ect"c(%"r <$rec(rsor sign o! +on"h0= o! L"I"r(s rising !ro the de"d
which w"s witnessed b' ne"r%' "%% the re%igio(s r(%ers in +er(s"%e "nd then the
Res(rrection o! ,hrist Hise%!0 the re%igio(s r(%ers on%' h"rdened their he"rts1
The' were th(s destro'ed in their own gener"tion whi%e Nine*eh " $"g"n n"tion
w"s $reser*ed !or "nother 553 'e"rsP
7C And when "n (nc%e"n s$irit h"s gone o(t o! " "n he
w"nders thro(gh "ired $%"ces L$%"ces hosti%e to hiM seeking
rest0 "nd !inds none LSee note on the re"%it' o! deons "t 4:C7M1 77
Then he s"'s: ) wi%% ret(rn into ' ho(se !ro where ) c"e1
And coing b"ck he !inds it e$t'0 swe$t0 "nd g"rnished
L"n:io(s%' w"iting !or hi to ret(rnPM1 73 Then he goes "nd brings
with hi se*en other s$irits ore wicked th"n hise%! "nd
the' enter in "nd dwe%% there1 Now the %"st st"te o! th"t "n
in "de worse th"n the !irst1 So sh"%% it be "%so to this
wicked gener"tionP
7F As He w"s 'et s$e"king to the (%tit(des L"t the ho(se He
"%w"'s st"'ed "t in ,"$ern"(M0 beho%d His other "nd His
brethren stood witho(t0 seeking to s$e"k to Hi1 76L76!nM
And soeone s"id to Hi: /eho%d Yo(r other "nd Yo(r
brethren0 Lthe two o%dest (nbe%ie*ing co&sins @Mt12:57PA one o! who
w"s c%e"r%' %ooking !or "n o$$ort(nit' to reb(ke +es(s be!ore the crowdM
"re st"nding o(tside0 seeking Yo(1 74 /(t He "nswering the
one who to%d Hi0 s"id Lin the he"ring o! "%% the $eo$%eM: 9ho is
M' other0 "nd who "re M' brethrenB 78 And stretching
!orth His h"nd tow"rds His disci$%es0 He s"id: /eho%d M'
other "nd M' brethren1 3> For whoe*er sh"%% do the wi%% o!
M' F"ther0 9ho is in He"*en0 he is M' brother0 "nd sister0
"nd other1
M- C
58 b(t he who
sh"%% b%"s$hee
"g"inst the Ho%'
S$irit sh"%% ne*er
be !orgi*en0 b(t
sh"%% be g(i%t' o! "n
e*er%"sting sin1 C>
L+es(s w"rned theM
bec"(se the' s"id
th"t He h"d "n
(nc%e"n s$irit1 LThis
w"s "n "tt"ck on the s$irit
o! %o*e th"t +es(s h"d
"ni!est tow"rd the "nd
th"t0 i! done in !(%%
know%edge0 $%"ces one
be'ond rede$tion
bec"(se it de$ri*es the
wi%% o! "n' "bi%it' to e*er
be o*ed b' gr"ce to tr(e
C2 And His other
"nd His brethren
Lthe two o%dest0
(nbe%ie*ing co(sins
@Mt12:57PAM c"e1
And st"nding
witho(t0 sent !or
Hi0 c"%%ing Hi1
C5 /(t " crowd w"s
sitting "bo(t Hi
so the' s"id to Hi:
/eho%d Yo(r
other "nd Yo(r
brethren "re
o(tside "sking !or
Yo(1 CC And
"nswering the0
He s"id: 9ho is
M' other "nd M'
brethrenB C7 And
%ooking ro(nd
"bo(t on those who
s"t "bo(t Hi0 He
s"id: /eho%d M'
other "nd M'
brethren1 C3 For
whoe*er sh"%% do
the wi%% o! God0 he
is M' brother0 "nd
M' sister0 "nd
L- 22
53 And when he coes0 he Lo!tenM !inds it swe$t "nd
g"rnished L"nd w"iting !or his ret(rnMP 5F He then goes
"nd t"kes with hi se*en other s$irits ore wicked
th"n hise%! "nd entering in0 the' "%% dwe%% thereP
So the %"st st"te o! th"t "n becoes worse th"n the
L- 22 FC1TU28C1
58 And "s the (%tit(des incre"sing%' thronged
Hi0 He $roceeded to s"': This gener"tion Ls$e"king
o! the gro($ o! Ph"risees "nd scribes s(rro(nding HiM is "
wicked gener"tion1 )t "sks " sign0 b(t " sign sh"%%
not be gi*en it0 e:ce$t the sign o! +on"h the $ro$het1
C> For "s +on"h w"s " sign to the Nine*ites0 so sh"%%
the Son o! M"n "%so be to this gener"tion Lo! re%igio(s
%e"dersM1 L+es(s re!(sed to $er!or "n' ir"c%es s$eci!ic"%%'
!or these re%igio(s %e"ders b(t ne*er sto$$ed $er!oring the
!or those with !"ith1M C2 The ;(een o! the so(th sh"%%
rise in the K(dgent with the en o! this gener"tion
"nd sh"%% conden the0 bec"(se she c"e !ro the
ends o! the e"rth to he"r the wisdo o! So%oon0
"nd beho%d " gre"ter One th"n So%oon is hereP L2
-12>:2#2CE 5 ,hr18:2#25M C5 The en o! Nine*eh sh"%% rise
in the K(dgent with this gener"tion "nd sh"%%
conden it0 bec"(se the' re$ented "t the $re"ching
o! +on"h1 And beho%d " gre"ter One th"n +on"h
hereP L+on"h C:7#2>M
L- 4 238b1TU22F1
28 And +es(sH other "nd brethren Lco(sins @Mt12:57PAM
c"e (nto Hi b(t the' co(%d not re"ch Hi
bec"(se o! the crowd1 5> And it w"s to%d Hi: Yo(r
other "nd Yo(r brethren st"nd witho(t desiring to
see Yo(P 52 9ho "nswering0 s"id to the: M'
other "nd M' brethren "re the' who he"r the 9ord
o! God0 "nd do itP
"ote: +es(s w"s gre"t%' $"ined in h"*ing to $(b%ic%' reb(ke his two
co(sins in !ront o! His own other0 who the' h"d bro(ght "g"inst her
wi%% with the intention o! $(b%ic%' reb(king +es(s1 The he"d o! the
!"i%'0 A%$h"e(s0 Ho%' +ose$hHs o%der brother @"nd his two o%dest sonsA
w"s the $ri"r' so(rce o! this criticis which h"d s$re"d to the
s(rro(nding co(nities1 +es(s w"s being "cc(sed o! "nd se*ere%'
condened !or neg%ecting his !"i%i"% d(ties0 bec"(se His inistr' %e!t
His other "%one so (ch o! the tie1 +es(s h"d to tr' to "ke c%e"r
th"t $h'sic"% !"i%' ties were a-sol&tely nothin' when co$"red to
!ide%it' to God "nd His c"%%0 "nd th"t inc%(ded His own n"t(r"%
re%"tionshi$ to His own Ho%' MotherP These "cc(s"tions "nd
conden"tion !ro c"e des$ite the !"ct th"t no one w"s ore
s($$orti*e o! +es(sH $(b%ic inistr' th"n Ho%' M"r'P
,@A. E Se$0 Fri0 AD C5 Herod Fears the :aptist is %isen G .esus Hears o! the :aptist9s Murder # ,"$ern"( @C76G$1C8FA
MT 27
2 AT THAT T)ME Herod
the Tetr"rch he"rd o! the
!"e o! +es(s1 5 And he
s"id to his ser*"nts: This is
+ohn the /"$tistP He h"s
risen !ro the de"dP And
th"t is wh' ight' works
"re shown !orth in HiP
M- F
27 Now -ing Herod he"rd Lo! these ir"c%esM0 !or
+es(sH n"e Lre$(t"tion "nd ch"r"cterM h"d becoe we%%
known0 "nd he s"id: +ohn the /"$tist h"s risen
"g"in !ro the de"d "nd th"t is wh' these ight'
works show !orth in HiP 23 And others s"id: He is
E%iK"hP /(t others s"id: He is " $ro$het0 %ike one o!
the $ro$hets Lo! o%dMP 2F /(t when Herod he"rd it he
s"id: +ohn0 who ) behe"ded0 he h"s risen "g"in
!ro the de"dP
L- 8 2771TU
6 Now Herod the tetr"rch he"rd o! "%% the things
th"t were done b' +es(s0 "nd he w"s $er$%e:ed
bec"(se it w"s s"id 4 b' soe th"t +ohn h"d risen
!ro the de"d0 b(t b' others th"t E%iK"h h"d
"$$e"red0 "nd b' others th"t one o! the o%d
$ro$hets h"d risen1 8 And Herod s"id: +ohn ) h"*e
behe"ded0 b(t who is this o! who ) he"r s(ch
thingsB And he so(ght to see Hi1
,2+. E Se$0 FriGS"t0 AD C5 .esus %etires to )astern (ide o! (ea o! Galilee # To ne"r T"riche" on SE end o! the Se" 5F8056>G$1658#
MT 27 27F1TU
25b "nd c"e "nd to%d
+es(s1 2C 9hen +es(s h"d
he"rd this0 He retired
!ro there b' bo"t0 into "
deserted $%"ceD "$"rt L"t
so(th end o! the Se" o!
G"%i%eeM0 "nd the crowds
h"*ing he"rd o! it0
!o%%owed Hi on !oot o(t
o! the cities1
M- F
C> And the A$ost%es coing together (nto +es(s
re%"ted to Hi "%% the things th"t the' h"d done "nd
t"(ght LSee 2771M1 C2 And He s"id to the: ,oe "$"rt
into " deserted $%"ce "nd rest " %itt%e0 !or there were
"n' coing "nd going "nd the' h"d not so (ch "s
tie to e"t1 C5 And entering into " shi$0 the' went
"$"rt into " deserted $%"ce1D
D9e now know the Greek word <eros= this is not a desert "s w"s
wrong%' (nderstood "nd tr"ns%"ted in the ,on!r"ternit' NT in 2872 b(t "
sec%(ded or deserted $%"ce K(st "s K(st "s The Poem re*e"%ed in the e"r%'
L- 8 TU
2>b And t"king the0
+es(s went "side "%one
into " deserted $%"ceD
which be%ongs to
/eths"id" Le"ning the
/eths"id" side o! the Se" or the
E side which w"s not in
G"%i%ee0 "s o$$osed to the
,"$ern"( side which w"sM1
+N F 2561TU2471
2 AFTER these things
+es(s went o*er the Se"
o! G"%i%ee0 which is th"t
o! Lthe Se" o!M Tiberi"s1 5
And " gre"t crowd
!o%%owed Hi bec"(se
the' s"w the ir"c%es
which He did on those
who were dise"sed1
562G$6C8 # @M Se$A # S$e"king to " Scribe on the /"nks o! the +ord"n1
,2,. M Se$0 AD C5 .esus Feeds the 2'+++ # The First Feeding ne"r T"riche"
MT 27 TU
27 And He coing !orth
s"w " gre"t (%tit(de0
"nd h"d co$"ssion on
the0 "nd he"%ed their
sick1 23 And when it
w"s e*ening0 His
Disci$%es c"e to Hi0
s"'ing: This is "
deserted $%"ce "nd the
ho(r is now %"te0 send
"w"' the (%tit(des th"t
going into the towns0
the' "' b('
these%*es !ood1 2F /(t
+es(s s"id to the: The'
h"*e no need to go1 Yo(
gi*e the soething to
e"tP 26 The' "nswered
Hi: 9e h"*e nothing
here b(t !i*e %o"*es "nd
two !ish1 24 He s"id to
the: /ring the here
to Me1 28 And when He
h"d instr(cted the
(%tit(de to sit down
($on the gr"ss0 He took
the !i*e %o"*es "nd the
two !ish0 "nd %ooking ($
to He"*en0 He b%essed0
"nd broke the0 "nd
g"*e the %o"*es to His
Disci$%es1 And the
Disci$%es g"*e to the
(%tit(de1 5> And the'
"%% did e"t "nd were
!i%%ed1 Then the' took
($ wh"t re"ined0
being twe%*e !(%%
b"skets o! !r"gents1 52
And the n(ber o!
those who "te w"s !i*e
tho(s"nd en0 besides
woen "nd chi%dren1
M- F
CC And "n' s"w the going "w"'
"nd disco*ered
where the' were

so the' r"n together there on
!oot !ro "%% the cities0 "nd got there
be!ore the1 C7 And +es(s getting
o(t Lo! the bo"tM s"w " gre"t
(%tit(de0 "nd L(n%ike the Disci$%es0
es$eci"%%' PeterPM He h"d co$"ssion
on the0 bec"(se the' were "s shee$
not h"*ing " she$herd0 so He beg"n
to te"ch the "n' things1 C3 And
when the d"' w"s now !"r s$ent0 His
Disci$%es c"e to Hi0 s"'ing: This
is " deserted $%"ce0 "nd the ho(r is
now %"te0 CF send the "w"'0 th"t
going into the ne:t *i%%"ges "nd
towns the' "' b(' these%*es !ood
to e"t1 C6 And He "nswering s"id to
the: Gi*e the soething to e"t
'o(rse%*es1 And the' s"id to Hi:
Sh"%% we go "nd b(' bre"d !or two
h(ndred den"rii0
"nd gi*e the to
e"tBP C4 And He s"id to the: How
"n' %o"*es h"*e 'o(B Go "nd see1
And when the' !o(nd o(t0 the' s"id:
Fi*e L%o"*esM "nd two !ish1 C8 And
He directed the th"t the' sho(%d
get the "%% to sit down b'
co$"nies ($on the green gr"ss1 7>
And the' s"t down in r"nks b'
h(ndreds "nd b' !i!ties1 72 And
when He h"d t"ken the !i*e %o"*es
"nd the two !ish He %ooked ($ to
He"*en "nd b%essed "nd broke the
%o"*es0 "nd g"*e the to His
Disci$%es to set be!ore the crowd1
And He "%so di*ided the two !ish
"ong the "%%1 75 And the' "%% did
e"t "nd were !i%%ed1 7C And the'
took ($ twe%*e !(%%
b"skets o! !r"gents "nd
o! the !ish which were
%e!t1 77 And the' th"t did
e"t were !i*e tho(s"nd
en Lnot co(nting woen
"nd chi%drenM1
L- 8 TU26F1
22 /(t when the $eo$%e he"rd this the'
!o%%owed +es(s0 "nd He Lgr"cio(s%'M recei*ed
the "nd s$oke to the o! the -ingdo o!
God "nd he"%ed those who h"d need o!
he"%ing1 25 Now the d"' beg"n to dec%ine "nd
the Twe%*e c"e "nd s"id to Hi: Send "w"'
the (%tit(de th"t going into the towns "nd
*i%%"ges ro(nd"bo(t the' "' %odge "nd get
$ro*isions0 !or we "re here in " deserted $%"ce1
2C /(t He s"id to the: Gi*e the soething
to e"t 'o(rse%*es1 And the' s"id: 9e h"*e no
ore th"n !i*e %o"*es "nd two !ish0 (n%ess
$erh"$s we sho(%d go "nd b(' !ood !or this
entire (%tit(deP 27 Now there were "bo(t
!i*e tho(s"nd en1 And +es(s s"id to His
Disci$%es: H"*e the sit down b' !i!ties in
co$"nies1 23 And the' did so0 h"*ing the
"%% sit down1 2F And t"king the !i*e %o"*es "nd
the two !ish0 He %ooked ($ to He"*en "nd
b%essed the1 Then He broke the "nd g"*e
to His Disci$%es to distrib(te to the (%tit(de1
26 And the' "%% "te "nd were !i%%ed1 And there
w"s t"ken ($ twe%*e b"skets !(%% o! the
!r"gents th"t re"ined1
+N F 2471TU
3 9hen +es(s0 there!ore0 h"d %i!ted ($ His
e'es0 "nd s"w th"t " *er' gre"t (%tit(de w"s
coing to Hi0 He s"id to Phi%i$: Fro
where sh"%% we b(' bre"d th"t these "' e"tB
F And this He s"id to tr' Hi0 !or He Hise%!
knew wh"t He wo(%d do1 6 Phi%i$ "nswered
Hi: Two h(ndred den"rii L5>> d"'s w"gesM
worth o! bre"d is not s(!!icient !or the0 th"t
e*er' one "' e*en t"ke " %itt%e1 4 One o! His
Disci$%es0 Andrew0 the brother o! Sion
Peter0 s"id to Hi: 8 There is " bo' here th"t
h"s !i*e b"r%e' %o"*es "nd two !ish0 b(t wh"t
"re these "ong so "n'B 2> Then +es(s
s"id: M"ke the en sit down1 Now there w"s
(ch gr"ss in the $%"ce1 The en0 there!ore0
in n(ber "bo(t !i*e tho(s"nd0 s"t down1 22
disovered: The Poem e:$%"ins this %itt%e noticed det"i% gi*en "bo(t the disco*er' o! the destin' o! +es(s "nd His Disci$%es "nd it is not s(r$rising th"t it is !o(nd on%' here in <PeterHs
Gos$e%1= )t w"s PeterHs brother#in#%"w who o$ened his o(th when he sho(%dnHt h"*e @))06C6#6C8A "nd g"*e "w"' their destin' to the crowd "t ,"$ern"( "nd it in!(ri"ted Peter1 On%'
Peter wo(%d h"*e tho(ght to h"*e entioned thisP
a denarius w"s " coon %"borHs w"ge1
And +es(s took the
%o"*es0 "nd when He
h"d gi*en th"nks0 He
distrib(ted to those who
were sitting down1 )n
%ike "nner "%so He did
with the !ish0 "nd
distrib(ted "s (ch "s
the' w"nted1 25 And
when the' were !(%%0 He
s"id to His Disci$%es: G"ther ($ the
!r"gents th"t re"in0 %est the' be
%ost1 2C The' g"thered ($0
there!ore0 "nd !i%%ed twe%*e b"skets
with the !r"gents o! the !i*e b"r%e'
%o"*es0 %e!t o*er "nd "bo*e b' those
th"t h"d e"ten1 27 Now those en0
when the' h"d seen wh"t " ir"c%e
+es(s h"d done0 s"id: This is o! "
tr(th0 the Pro$het th"t w"s to coe
into the wor%d LDe(t1 24:24MP
23 +es(s0 there!ore0 when
He knew th"t the' wo(%d
coe to t"ke Hi b'
!orce0D "nd "ke Hi L"n
e"rth%'M king0 !%ed "g"in
into the o(nt"in "%one
b' Hise%!1
DThis t"kes $%"ce "!ter the 5

!eeding0 the !o%%owing s$ring0 b(t since +ohn cobined th"t
e*ent here with the !irst !eeding he (st $%"ce this re"ction o!
the $eo$%e here to con*e' this tr(th1
2F And when e*ening h"d coe0 His Disci$%es
went down to the se"1
D*1 23 "ct("%%' be%ongs to " %"ter e$isode not entioned in the
Gos$e%s1 +ohn $(ts it here to show soe o! the oti*"tion !or
this %"ter "ction1 See )&0 7F5G$C221
,2*. M Se$0 AD C5 .esus (ends His Disiples to :ethsaida and Capernaum # T"riche" to ,"$ern"(
MT 27 TU
55 And iedi"te%' +es(s directed His
Disci$%es to go ($ into the bo"t "nd to go
be!ore Hi o*er the Se" o! G"%i%ee0 whi%e
He disissed the $eo$%e1 5C And h"*ing
disissed the (%tit(de0 He went into "
o(nt"in "%one to $r"'1 And when it w"s
e*ening0 He w"s there "%one1
M- F
73 And iedi"te%' He "de His Disci$%es
to go into the shi$ th"t the' ight go be!ore
Hi o*er the se" to /eths"id" whi%e He
disissed the $eo$%e1 7F And when He h"d
disissed the0 He went ($ to the o(nt"in
to $r"'1
26 And when the' Lthe Disci$%esM h"d
gone ($ into " shi$0 the' went o*er
the se" to ,"$ern"(1 And it w"s
now d"rk0 "nd +es(s h"d not coe to
,2<. M Se$0 AD C5 3eter Wal/s on the Water 7 .esus (tills the (torm D Se" o! G"%i%ee 56CG$1674
MT 27 TU
57 /(t the bo"t in the idst o! the se" w"s tossed with
the w"*es !or the wind w"s contr"r'1 53 And in the !o(rth
w"tch o! the night LC#F AMM0 He c"e to the w"%king
($on the se"1 5F And the' seeing Hi w"%k ($on the se"0
were tro(b%ed0 s"'ing: )t is "n "$$"ritionP And the' cried
o(t !or !e"r1 56 /(t iedi"te%' +es(s s$oke to the0
s"'ing: /e o! good cheerP )t is )0 !e"r notP
54 And Peter "nswering0 s"id: Lord0 i! it is Yo(0 %et e
coe to Yo( ($on the w"terP 58 And He s"id: ,oeP And
Peter going down o(t o! the bo"t0 w"%ked ($on the w"ter
to coe to +es(s1 C> /(t seeing the wind w"s strong0 he
bec"e "!r"id1 And when he beg"n to sink0 he cried o(t0
s"'ing: Lord0 s"*e eP C2 And iedi"te%' +es(s
stretching !orth His h"nd took ho%d o! hi0 "nd s"id to
hi: O 'o( o! %itt%e !"ith0 wh' did 'o( do(btB C5 And
when the' h"d coe ($ into the bo"t0 the wind ce"sed1 CC
And the' who were in the bo"t c"e "nd worshi$ed Hi0
s"'ing: )ndeed Yo( "re the Son o! GodP
C7 And h"*ing $"ssed o*er the w"ter0 the' c"e into the
co(ntr' o! Gennes"ret1
M- F
76 And when it w"s %"te the shi$ w"s in the
idst o! the se" whi%e +es(s Hise%! w"s
"%one on the %"nd1 74 And seeing the Lin the
s$iritM "bo(t the !o(rth w"tch o! the night LC
AMM %"boring in rowing @!or the wind w"s
"g"inst theA0 He c"e to the w"%king ($on
the se"0 b(t He L"de "s tho(gh HeM wo(%d h"*e
$"ssed b' the1 78 And the'0 seeing Hi
w"%king ($on the se"0 tho(ght it w"s "n
"$$"rition0 "nd the' "%% cried o(t1 3> For the'
"%% s"w Hi "nd were terri!ied1 /(t
iedi"te%' He s$oke to the0 "nd s"id:
T"ke he"rt0 it is )P Fe"r notP 32 And He went
($ to the into the shi$ "nd the wind ce"sed1
And the' were now e*en !"r ore "stonished
within these%*es1 35 For the' (nderstood not
Lthe re"% %essonM concerning the %o"*es Lth"t God
"%w"'s s($$%ies when the need "risesM0 !or their
he"rts were b%inded1
3C And when the' h"d $"ssed o*er Lthe Se" o!
G"%i%eeM0 the' c"e into the %"nd o! Gennes"ret
"nd docked "g"inst the shore1
+N F TU243
24 And the se" "rose b'
re"son o! " gre"t wind
th"t b%ew1 28 9hen the'
h"d rowed0 there!ore0
"bo(t twent'#!i*e or
thirt' !(r%ongs LC#7 i%esM0
the' s"w +es(s w"%king
($on the se" "nd dr"wing
ne"r to the shi$0 "nd the'
were terri!ied1 5> /(t He
s"id to the: )t is )P /e
not "!r"idP 52 The' were
wi%%ing0 then0 to t"ke
Hi into the shi$0 "nd
iedi"te%' the shi$ w"s
"t the %"nd to which the'
were goingP L)t is 25 i%es
"cross the Se" !ro T"riche"
to ,"$ern"(1M
,2@. M#L Se$0 AD C5 )vangelizing and Healing in the Gennesaret %egion @567#
MT 27 TU2F71
C3 And when the en o! th"t $%"ce h"d know%edge o! Hi0 the'
sent word into "%% th"t co(ntr'0 "nd bro(ght to Hi "%% th"t were
dise"sed1 CF And the' begged Hi th"t the' ight to(ch b(t the
he o! His g"rent1 And "s "n' "s to(ched it0 were "de
M- F TU2F71
37 And when the' h"d gone o(t o! the shi$0 iedi"te%' the $eo$%e
disco*ered Hi1 33 And r(nning thro(gh th"t who%e co(ntr'0 the'
beg"n to c"rr' "bo(t in beds those who were sick to where the'
he"rd +es(s w"s1 3F And where*er He entered0 into towns0 into
*i%%"ges0 or cities0 the' %"id the sick in the streets "nd begged Hi
th"t the' ight to(ch b(t the he o! His g"rent1 And "s "n' "s
to(ched Hi were "de who%e1
567G$635 # @L Se$A # The Deeds o! ,or$or"% "nd S$irit("% Merc'1
,22. L Se$0 AD C5 .esus %ebu/es a Covetous Man 7 3arable o! the %ih Fool 7 $ 5esson on Worry 7
3arable o! the Wath!ul (ervant # A Hi%% "bo*e M"gd"%" 563G$16
L- 25 28F1TU481
2C And one in the (%tit(de s"id to hi: M"ster0 s$e"k to ' brother th"t he di*ides the inherit"nce with e1
27 /(t He s"id to hi: M"n0 who h"s "$$ointed Me K(dge or di*ider o*er 'o(B 23 And He s"id to the: T"ke
heed "nd bew"re o! "%% co*eto(sness0 !or " "nHs %i!e does not consist in the "b(nd"nce o! things which he
$ossessesP 2F And He to%d " $"r"b%e to the0 s"'ing: The %"nd o! " cert"in rich "n bro(ght !orth "b(nd"nt
h"r*ests1 26 And he tho(ght within hise%!0 s"'ing: 9h"t sh"%% ) do0 bec"(se ) h"*e no roo to bestow '
h"r*estsB 24 And he s"id: This wi%% ) do: ) wi%% $(%% down ' b"rns "nd wi%% b(i%d gre"ter ones "nd into the
wi%% ) g"ther "%% ' gr"in "nd ' goods1 28 And ) wi%% s"' to ' so(%: So(%0 'o( h"*e "n' goods %"id ($ !or
"n' 'e"rs0 t"ke 'o(r rest0 e"t0 drink0 "ke 'o(rse%! err'P 5> /(t God s"id to hi: Yo( !oo%0 this night wi%%
the' Lthe "nge%sM re;(ire 'o(r so(% !ro 'o(0 "nd now whose sh"%% those things be which 'o( h"*e $ro*ided L!or
'o(rse%!MBP 52 So it is with those who %"' ($ tre"s(re !or these%*es "nd "re not rich tow"rds God Lb' (sing his
"teri"% goods to restore !"ith "nd ho$e in the he"rts o! the des$"iringM1
!o not worr" o#er temporal needs
55 And +es(s s"id to His disci$%es: There!ore0 ) s"' to 'o(0 be not "n:io(s !or 'o(r %i!e0 wh"t 'o( sh"%% e"t0 or
!or 'o(r bod'0 wh"t 'o( sh"%% we"r1 5C Li!e is ore th"n !ood "nd the bod' is ore th"n the r"ientP 57 ,onsider
the r"*ens0 !or the' sow not0 neither do the' re"$0 neither h"*e the' storeho(ses or b"rns0 'et God !eeds the1
How (ch ore *"%("b%e "re 'o( th"n the'P 53 And which o! 'o( b' t"king tho(ght c"n "dd to his st"t(re the
s"%%est (nitBD 5F )! then 'o( "re not "b%e to do so (ch "s the %e"st thing0 wh' "re 'o( "n:io(s !or "%% the restB
56 ,onsider the %i%ies0 how the' grow1 The' %"bor not0 neither do the' s$in1 /(t ) s"' to 'o(0 not e*en So%oon
in "%% his g%or' w"s c%othed %ike one o! these1 54 Now i! God c%othes in this "nner $%"nt %i!e th"t is tod"' in the
!ie%d "nd to orrow is c"st into the o*en0 how (ch ore Lwi%% He c%otheM 'o(0 O 'o( o! %itt%e !"ithB 58 And seek
not wh"t 'o( sh"%% e"t or wh"t 'o( sh"%% drink0 "nd be not tossed "bo(t Lbetween !"ith "nd worr'M1 C> For "%% these
things do the $"g"ns o! the wor%d seek1 /(t 'o(r F"ther knows th"t 'o( h"*e need o! these things1 C2 /(t seek
!irst the -ingdo o! God "nd His righteo(sness0 "nd "%% these things sh"%% be "dded (nto 'o(1 DThe smallest unit:
%iter"%%'0 <one c(bit0= b(t tod"' we wo(%d s"' <one inch= so the tho(ght is "s tr"ns%"ted es$eci"%%' c!1 *15F1
$se "our temporal ood to bu" the %indom of God
C5 Fe"r not0 %itt%e !%ock0 !or it h"s $%e"sed 'o(r F"ther to gi*e 'o( " kingdo Lr(%e "nd "(thorit'M1 CC Se%% wh"t 'o(
$ossess "nd gi*e to the $oor1 M"ke to 'o(rse%*es one' b"gs which grow not o%d0 'es0 "ke " tre"s(re in
He"*en which wi%% not !"i%0 where no thie! "$$ro"ches0 where no oth corr($ts1 C7 For where 'o(r tre"s(re is0
there wi%% 'o(r he"rt be "%so1
&i#e in expectation of the &ord's return
C3 Let 'o(r %oins be girded Ldress 'o(rse%*es !or ser*iceM0 "nd 'o(r %"$s be b(rning in 'o(r h"nds1 CF And 'o(
'o(rse%*es be %ike en who "re w"iting !or their %ord to ret(rn !ro the wedding !e"st0 th"t when he coes "nd
knocks0 'o( "' o$en to hi iedi"te%'1 C6 /%essed "re those ser*"nts0 who the Lord sh"%% !ind w"tching
when He coesP Most "ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0 th"t He wi%% gird Hise%!0 "nd "ke the sit down to !e"st0 "nd
coing b' wi%% inister (nto theP C4 And i! He sho(%d coe in the second w"tch L2> $ # 5 "M0 or coe in the
third w"tch L5 "#F "M0 "nd !ind the so0 b%essed "re those ser*"ntsP C8 /(t know this th"t i! the ho(seho%der
knew "t wh"t ho(r " thie! wo(%d coe0 he wo(%d s(re%' w"tch "nd wo(%d not "%%ow his ho(se to be broken intoP
7> /e then K(st "s re"d' L"s he wo(%d beM0 !or "t wh"t ho(r 'o( think not0 the Son o! M"n wi%% coeP LThis is tr(e !or
His coing "t o(r $h'sic"% de"th1M
(hristians will be most responsible for their nelect
72 And Peter s"id to Hi: Lord0 do Yo( s$e"k this $"r"b%e on%' to (s0 or %ikewise to "%%B 75 And the Lord s"id:
L) " s$e"king o! M whoe*er then is th"t !"ith!(% "nd wise stew"rd0 who his %ord sets o*er his !"i%' or ho(seho%d0
to gi*e the their "%%ow"nce o! gr"in in d(e se"sonB 7C /%essed is th"t ser*"nt0 who when his %ord sh"%% coe0
he sh"%% !ind so doing L!"ith!(%%' $"'ing "%% the ser*"nts "nd he%$M1 77 &eri%' ) s"' to 'o(0 he wi%% set hi o*er "%% th"t he
$ossesses Lnot K(st the $"'ro%% "cco(ntM1 73 /(t i! th"t ser*"nt sh"%% s"' in his he"rt: M' %ord is %ong in coing "nd
sh"%% begin to strike the enser*"nts "nd "idser*"nts0 "nd to e"t "nd to drink "nd get dr(nk0 7F the %ord o! th"t
ser*"nt wi%% coe in " d"' th"t he wished not0 "nd "t "n ho(r th"t he wi%% not e:$ect1 And He sh"%% c(t hi o!!0
"nd sh"%% "$$oint hi his %ot with (nbe%ie*ers1 76 And th"t ser*"nt who knew the wi%% o! his %ord0 b(t did not
$re$"re hise%!0 or do "ccording to his wi%%0 sh"%% be be"ten with "n' stri$es1 74 /(t he who knew not0 "nd did
things worth' o! stri$es0 sh"%% be be"ten with !ew stri$es1 And (nto whoe*er (ch is gi*en0 o! hi (ch sh"%%
be re;(ired0 !or to who en h"*e coitted (ch0 o! hi en wi%% de"nd the ore1
(hrist will expose and separate men and consume e#il
78 ) h"*e coe to c"st !ire on the e"rth0 "nd wh"t e%se wo(%d ) desire0 b(t th"t it be "%re"d' kind%edBP 3> And )
h"*e " b"$tis with which ) " to be b"$tiIed LiersedM0 "nd how distressed ) " (nti% it is "cco$%ishedP 32
Do 'o( think th"t ) h"*e coe to gi*e $e"ce on e"rthB ) te%% 'o(0 no0 b(t se$"r"tionP 35 For there sh"%% be !ro
hence!orth !i*e in one ho(se di*ided1 )t sh"%% be three "g"inst two0 "nd two "g"inst three1 3C The !"ther sh"%% be
di*ided "g"inst the son0 "nd the son "g"inst his !"ther0 the other "g"inst the d"(ghter0 "nd the d"(ghter "g"inst
the other0 the other#in#%"w "g"inst her d"(ghter#in#%"w0 "nd the d"(ghter#in#%"w "g"inst her other#in#%"w1
LThe doctrine o! %o*e0 erc' "nd K(stice wi%% c"(se " serio(s re"ction in those who chose se%!ishness0 h"tred "nd inK(stice bec"(se
with the doctrine coes ob*io(s or"% i$er"ti*es "nd conse;(ences !or reKection1M
L- 25 Not !o(nd in The Poem TU481
37 And +es(s s"id "%so to the crowds: 9hen 'o( see " c%o(d rising !ro the west0 iedi"te%' 'o( s"': A
shower is coingP And so it h"$$ens1 33 And when 'o( see the so(th wind b%ow0 'o( s"': There wi%% be he"tP
And it coes to $"ss1 3F Yo( h'$ocrites0 'o( know how to discern the !"ce o! the he"*en "nd o! the e"rth0 b(t
how is it th"t 'o( do not discern this tieBP
"ote: Not on%' h"d the 74C 'e"rs $redicted b' D"nie% @8:57#5FA to the Messi"h !ro the end o! the /"b'%oni"n ,"$ti*it' bro(ght
the to th"t *er' tie @"nd co(%d not b' "n' reckoning be !orced be'ond AD 23A b(t "%% the Messi"nic signs h"d "%so been witnessed0
the LordHs birth "t /eth%ehe to the *er' we%% known *irgin o! the Te$%e0 "nd the $ro$hesied st"r "nd the 9ise Men1 F(rther0 the
$rec(rsor0 +ohn the /"$tist0 $ro$hesied b' M"%"chi h"d "%so coe "nd gi*en c%e"r witness to ,hrist "s Messi"h1 And whi%e the on%'
other essi"nic ho$e in Herod "nd in his d'n"st' w"s e:$osed "nd h"d !"ded !or its (tter corr($tion o(r LordHs righteo(sness "nd His
ir"c(%o(s inistr' co(%d not h"*e been "n' c%e"rer1 The reKection o! ,hrist "s Messi"h w"s not !or %"ck o! e*idence it w"s bec"(se
this gener"tion did not wish the kind o! de%i*er"nce +es(s o!!ered the1 The !"ct o! the "tter w"s th"t these %e"ders %o*ed their own
or"% corr($tion "nd b%inded b' their $ride co(%d not see the horrendo(s K(dgent "w"iting the1
,2C. L Se$0 AD C5 .esus on 4ur Duty to an )rring :rother # )n M"gd"%" "t M"r'Hs Est"te 56FG$128
MT 24 2C>1TU
23 /(t i! 'o(r brother sh"%% o!!end 'o(0 go "nd reb(ke hi between 'o( "nd hi "%one1 )!
he he"rs 'o(0 'o( wi%% g"in 'o(r brother1 2F /(t i! he wi%% not he"r 'o(0 t"ke with 'o( one
or two ore0 bec"(se in the o(th o! two or three witnesses e*er' word "' st"nd Lin c"se
'o( (st 'et go to the ,h(rchM1 26 And i! he wi%% not he"r the0 te%% the ,h(rch1 And i! he wi%%
not he"r the ,h(rch0 %et hi be to 'o( "s the he"then "nd the $(b%ic"n L"n obKect on%' !or
con*ersion "nd rede$tionM1
L- 26 24Cb1TU 236c1
C T"ke heed to 'o(rse%*es L%est 'o( !"i% in 'o(r
d(t' tow"rd 'o(r brotherM1 )! 'o(r brother sins
"g"inst 'o(0 re$ro*e hi0 "nd i! he re$ents0
!orgi*e hi1
,2;. L Se$0 AD C5 .esus )mpo#ers the T#elve and Commissions The (eventy T#o )lders 7 Forgiveness and the >nmeri!ul
(ervant D M"gd"%" "t M"r'Hs Est"te 566G$152
MT 24 TU5281
24 Most "ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o( LA$ost%es0 the A$osto%ic bod' o! the ,h(rchM0
wh"te*er 'o( sh"%% bind ($on e"rth0 sh"%% be bo(nd "%so in He"*en0
"nd wh"te*er 'o( sh"%% %oose ($on e"rth0 sh"%% be %oosed "%so in
He"*en1 28 Ag"in ) s"' to 'o(0 th"t i! two o! 'o( sh"%% consent ($on
e"rth0 concerning "n' LK(stM thing0 wh"te*er the' sh"%% "sk0 it sh"%% be
done !or the b' M' F"ther 9ho is in He"*en1 5> For where there
"re two or three g"thered together in M' n"e0 there " ) in the
idst o! the1
52 Then c"e Peter (nto Hi "nd s"id: Lord0 how o!ten "' '
brother o!!end "g"inst e0 "nd ) Lsti%% (stM !orgi*e hiB .nti% se*en
tiesB 55 +es(s s"id to hi: ) s"' not to 'o(0 (nti% se*en ties0 b(t
(nti% se*ent' ties se*en1
This !orgi*eness in*o%*es the $erson"% "niosit' "nd bitterness o*er inK(stice not
necessarily the inK(stice itse%!1 )! it is !or the better o! "%%0 to seek co$ens"tion
!or inK(stice then th"t co(rse sho(%d be $(rs(ed0 b(t th"t sho(%d be done on%' o(t
o! oti*es !or the good o! "%% not to s"tis!' soe $erson"% h(rt1 ,o$"re 24:23#
26 "t 23F1 "bo*e where the o!!ended brother is to go to the ,h(rch to correct the
o!!ense o! "n o!!ending brother1
5C There!ore0 is the -ingdo o! He"*en %ike (nto to " king who
wished to sett%e "cco(nts with his ser*"nts1 57 And when he h"d
beg(n to t"ke the "cco(nt0 one w"s bro(ght to hi who owed hi ten
tho(s"nd t"%ents Ld2>0>>>0>>>M1 53 And "s he h"d not the e"ns to $"'
it0 his %ord co"nded th"t he0 his wi!e "nd chi%dren "nd "%% th"t he
h"d sho(%d be so%d0 "nd $"'ent to be "de1 5F /(t th"t ser*"nt
!"%%ing down begged hi0 s"'ing: H"*e $"tience with e "nd ) wi%%
$"' 'o( "%%P Lwhich w"s not $ossib%e1M 56 So the %ord o! th"t ser*"nt being
o*ed with $it'0 %et hi go "nd !org"*e hi the debt1 54 /(t when
th"t ser*"nt h"d gone o(t0 he !o(nd one o! his !e%%ow ser*"nts who
owed hi "n h(ndred den"rii Ld5>M0 "nd %"'ing ho%d o! hi0 chocked
hi0 s"'ing: P"' wh"t 'o( oweP 58 And his !e%%ow ser*"nt
!"%%ing down begged hi0 s"'ing: H"*e $"tience with e0 "nd )
wi%% $"' 'o( "%%P C> /(t he wo(%d not he"r hi0 b(t went "nd
c"st hi into $rison (nti% he $"id the debt1
L- 2> 273b1 TU2341
2F He who he"rs 'o(0 he"rs Me1 And he who des$ises 'o(0 des$ises
Me1 And he who des$ises Me0 des$ises Hi 9ho sent Me1
L- 2> 2>81TU273b1
2 AND "!ter these things the Lord "%so "$$ointed se*ent'#two
others0 "nd he sent the two b' two "he"d o! Hi into e*er' cit' "nd
$%"ce where He w"s $%"nning to go1
the seventyDt#o: This is the correct rendition which the Poem "kes *er' c%e"r
"nd is s($$orted b' "n' "ncient ss1 inc%(ding: /0 D0 "0c0e0%0g *(%g1 s'rr1 c(r1
sin1 Once "g"in the odern tr"ns%"tions h"*e been is%ed b' the %"ter editing
re!%ected in: b $ C 5 W . This ch"nge w"s ob*io(s%' "de %"ter to con!or to the
n(ber o! the +ewish r(%ing e%dersP This correct rendition is tod"' on%' in the DGR
"nd the ,on!r"ternit' NTP
5 And He s"id to the: The h"r*est indeed is gre"t0 b(t the
%"borers "re !ewP Pr"' there!ore0 the Lord o! the h"r*est th"t
He wi%% send %"borers into His h"r*est1 C GoP /eho%d ) send
'o( "s %"bs "ong wo%*es1 7 ,"rr' neither $(rse0 nor one'
b"g0 nor shoes1 And greet no "n b' the w"'1 3 )nto wh"te*er
ho(se 'o( enter0 !irst s"': Pe"ce be to this ho(se0 F "nd i! "
%o*er o! $e"ce is there0 'o(r $e"ce sh"%% rest ($on hi0 b(t i!
not0 it sh"%% ret(rn to 'o(1 6 And in th"t ho(se re"in0 e"ting
"nd drinking th"t which the' h"*e0 !or the %"borer is worth' o!
his hire1 Mo*e not !ro ho(se to ho(se1 4 And into wh"te*er
cit' 'o( enter0 "nd the' recei*e 'o(0 e"t th"t which is set be!ore
'o(1 8 And he"% the sick th"t "re there0 "nd s"' to the: The
-ingdo o! God h"s coe ne"r to 'o(1 2> /(t in wh"te*er cit'
'o( enter th"t recei*es 'o( not0 go !orth into the streets "nd s"':
MT 24
C2 Now his !e%%ow ser*"nts0 seeing wh"t w"s done were *er' gre"t%'
grie*ed0 "nd the' c"e "nd to%d their %ord "%% th"t w"s done1 C5 Then
his %ord c"%%ed hi "nd s"id to hi: Yo( wicked ser*"nt0 ) !org"*e 'o(
"%% the debt bec"(se 'o( "sked e0 CC sho(%d not 'o( then h"*e h"d
co$"ssion "%so on 'o(r !e%%ow ser*"nt0 e*en "s ) h"d co$"ssion on
'o(BP C7 And his %ord being "ngr' de%i*ered hi to the tort(rers (nti%
he $"id "%% the debt Lwhich now wo(%d be do(b%' i$ossib%e to doM1 C3 So
"%so sh"%% M' he"*en%' F"ther do to 'o(0 i! 'o( !orgi*e not e*er'one
his brother !ro 'o(r he"rts1
"ote: /oth the !"ct o! "nd the re"son th"t the K(dgent o! the wicked is etern"% is re*e"%ed
here1 To des$ise or reKect GodHs !orgi*ing gr"ce in this %i!e $%"ces God be'ond the $ossibi%it'
!or !orgi*ing "n' o! o(r sins bec"(se it $%"ces the indi*id("% be'ond the $ossibi%it' o! e*er
tr(%' re$enting1 The %ost then not on%' e:ist "!ter K(dgent witho(t ho$e o! rede$tion which
the' h"*e reKected b(t %i*e with the !(%% (nderst"nding o! the e*i% o! their sin1
L- 2>
22 E*en the *er' d(st o! 'o(r cit' L'o(r "niosit'M th"t c%ings to
(s0 we wi$e o!! "g"inst 'o(P Yet know this Ldes$ite how 'o( h"*e
re"cted to (sM0 th"t the -ingdo o! God is "t h"ndP 25 ) s"' to
'o(0 it sh"%% be ore to%er"b%e "t th"t d"' !or Sodo0 th"n !or
th"t cit'P LThe horror th"t these "n' cities in )sr"e% e:$erience in the
'e"rs $receding "nd inc%(ding the !in"% de*"st"tions o! the Ro"n e$eror
Tit(s in 6> AD were !"r worse th"n the inst"nt destr(ction o! Sodo1 This
(tter horror is det"i%ed b' +ose$h(s in Cars: iii#i*M
"ote: This te:t co(%d K(st "s we%% h"*e been $%"ce in Gos$e% E$isode 2751 See
L- 26 23F1TU2851
7 And i! he sins "g"inst 'o( se*en ties in " d"'0 "nd se*en
ties in " d"' he is con*erted tow"rds 'o(0 s"'ing0 ) re$entP
Forgi*e hiP LThis !orgi*eness is in reg"rd to the $erson"% o!!ence o! the
inK(stice1 For the o!!enderHs own s"ke0 howe*er0 the %i"bi%it' inc(rred in "n
o!!ence it (s("%%' best to re;(ire0 es$eci"%%' i! it is " re$e"ted o!!ence or not
ere%' "n "ccident1M
F4>%TH .>D)$" MI"I(T%8D 3)%)$' D)C$345I( 7 ,2 M4"TH( 7 ) 4CT D M "4& $D <* LPoe ,h"$ters 564#58FM

564G$57 # @E OctA # +es(s Meets L"I"r(s "t the Fie%d o! the G"%i%e"ns1
,2B. E Oct0 AD C5 The ;* %eturn !rom )vangelizing and Healing D +er(s"%e: Fe"st o! T"bern"c%es
L- 2> 236"1TU273c1
26 And the se*ent'#two L%it: HThe (eventy'I which now n(bered 65M
ret(rned with Ko'0 s"'ing: Lord0 the deons
"%so "re s(bKect to (s in Yo(r n"eP 24 And He s"id to the: ) s"w S"t"n !"%%ing %ike %ightening !ro He"*en1 28
/eho%d0 ) h"*e gi*en 'o( $ower to tre"d ($on ser$ents "nd scor$ions0 "nd ($on "%% the $ower o! the ene'0 "nd
nothing sh"%% h(rt 'o(1 5> /(t 'et reKoice not in this0 or th"t s$irits "re s(bKect (nto 'o(0 b(t reKoice in this0 th"t
'o(r n"es "re written in He"*enP
54>G$C> # @E OctA # At the Te$%e !or the T"bern"c%es1

T$:)%"$C5)( 7 $D <* 7 ) D 5 4CT4:)%
,2A. E Oct0 AD C5 The Cost o! Disipleship and the Cost o! "egleting the Call # To the Te$%e
M- 7
53 For he who h"s Lg"ined the
ost !ro M' 9ordM0 to hi sh"%% be gi*en Le*en oreM0 "nd he who h"s not Lg"inedM0 th"t "%so which he
h"s Lbeen gi*enM sh"%% be t"ken "w"' !ro hi1 LSee the P"r"b%e o! the T"%ents: M"tt153:27#C> "t 2F>1M

53 And there went gre"t
(%tit(des with +es(s1 And
t(rning0 He s"id to the: 5F )!
"n' "n coes to Me "nd h"tes
not L<in " ho%' w"'= M his !"ther0
"nd other0 "nd wi!e0 "nd
chi%dren0 "nd brethren0 "nd
sisters0 'es "nd his own %i!e "%so0
he c"nnot be M' disci$%e1 L+es(s
w"s s$e"king here o! reno(ncing the
sens("% $"ssions which coe in these
re%"tionshi$s0 bec"(se the' "t ties
inter!ere with the gen(ine best interests
o! "n1 c!1 M"tt12>:C6 !ro "
di!!erent occ"sion1M 56 And
whoe*er does not c"rr' his cross
"nd coe "!ter Me L!o%%ow M'
e:"$%eM0 c"nnot be M' disci$%e1
54 For which o! 'o( h"*ing in
ind to b(i%d " tower0 does not
!irst sit down "nd consider the
necess"r' costs0 "nd whether 'o(
h"*e the e"ns to !inish it0 58
%est0 "!ter 'o( h"*e %"id the
!o(nd"tion0 "nd not being "b%e to
!inish it0 "%% who see it begin to
ock 'o(0 C> s"'ing: This "n
beg"n to b(i%d "nd w"s not "b%e
to !inishP C2 Or wh"t king "bo(t
to go to "ke w"r "g"inst
"nother king0 does not !irst sit
down "nd think whether he is
"b%e with ten tho(s"nd to eet
hi who coes "g"inst hi with
twent' tho(s"ndB C5 Or "t %e"st0
whi%e the other is 'et "!"r o!!0
sends "n eb"ss'0 desiring
conditions o! $e"ce1 CC So
%ikewise e*er' one o! 'o( th"t
does not reno(nce "%% th"t he
$ossesses0 c"nnot be M'

24 T"ke heed0 there!ore0 how
'o( he"rP For whoe*er h"s0 Lb'
he"ring with " s&-missi+e heart to
o-ey0M to hi sh"%% be gi*en0 "nd
whoe*er h"s not L%istened to o-eyM0 th"t "%so which he thinks he h"s0 sh"%% be t"ken "w"' !ro hiP
,C+. E Oct0 AD C5 The 3arable o! the Talents # The Te$%e "t the Fe"st o! T"bern"c%es
MT 53 2571TU5321
27 For Lthe coing o! the LordM is e*en "s " "n going into " !"r
co(ntr' who c"%%ed his ser*"nts "nd de%i*ered to the his goods1 23
And to one he g"*e !i*e t"%entsD L" %i!e tie o! w"ges !or " coon
"nM0 "nd to "nother two LC> 'e"rs w"gesM0 "nd to "nother one L23
'e"rs w"gesM0 to e*er'one "ccording to his $ro$er "bi%it' "nd
iedi"te%' he took his Ko(rne'1 DA T"%ent w"s " go%d onet"r' (nit
re$resenting "$$ro:i"te%' 306>> den"rii or dr"ch"1 A dr"ch" w"s "
%"boring "nHs w"ge !or one d"'1 2F And he who h"d recei*ed the !i*e
t"%ents went his w"' "nd tr"ded with the0 "nd g"ined "nother
!i*e1 26 And in %ike "nner he who h"d recei*ed the two0 g"ined
"nother two1 24 /(t he who h"d recei*ed the one0 going his LownM
w"' Ldoing on%' wh"t he w"nted to do in %i!eM d(g into the e"rth "nd hid
his %ordHs one'1 28 /(t "!ter " %ong tie the %ord o! those ser*"nts
c"e "nd sett%ed "cco(nts with the1 5> And he who h"d recei*ed
the !i*e t"%ents bro(ght "%so the other !i*e t"%ents0 s"'ing: Lord0 'o(
de%i*ered to e !i*e t"%ents0 beho%d ) h"*e g"ined "nother !i*e1 52
His %ord s"id to hi: 9e%% done0 good "nd !"ith!(% ser*"nt0 bec"(se
'o( h"*e been !"ith!(% o*er " !ew things0 ) wi%% $%"ce 'o( o*er
"n' things1 Enter into the Ko' o! 'o(r %ord1 55 And he "%so who
h"d recei*ed the two t"%ents c"e "nd s"id: Lord0 'o( de%i*ered
two t"%ents to e0 beho%d ) h"*e g"ined "nother two1 5C His %ord
s"id to hi: 9e%% done0 good "nd !"ith!(% ser*"nt0 bec"(se 'o( h"*e
been !"ith!(% o*er " !ew things0 ) wi%% $%"ce 'o( o*er "n' things1
Enter into the Ko' o! 'o(r %ord1 57 /(t he who h"d recei*ed the one
t"%ent c"e "nd s"id: Lord0 ) knew th"t 'o( were " h"rd "n0
re"$ing where 'o( h"*e not sown0 "nd g"thering where 'o( h"*e
not winnowed Lthe gr"inM1 53 And being "!r"id ) went "nd hid 'o(r
t"%ent in the e"rth1 /eho%d here 'o( h"*e th"t which is 'o(rs1 5F
And his %ord "nswering0 s"id to hi: 9icked "nd s%oth!(% ser*"nt0
since 'o( knew th"t ) re"$ed where ) sowed not0 "nd g"thered
where ) h"*e not winnowed0 56 'o( o(ght0 there!ore0 to h"*e
coitted ' one' to the b"nkers0 so th"t "t ' coing ) sho(%d
h"*e recei*ed ' own with interest1 54 T"ke "w"'0 there!ore0 the
t"%ent !ro hi "nd gi*e it to hi who h"s ten t"%ents1 58 For to
e*er'one who h"s sh"%% be gi*en0 "nd he sh"%% "bo(nd0 b(t !ro
hi who h"s not L"de "n' g"inM0 th"t "%so which he sees to h"*e
Lbec"(se it ne*er w"s his ownM sh"%% be t"ken "w"'1 C> Now t"ke the
(n$ro!it"b%e ser*"nt "nd c"st hi o(t into the o(tside d"rkness1
"ote: A%% en h"*e been gi*en soe e"s(re o! !"ith or co$rehension o!
GodHs tr(th ($on which the' "re ob%ig"ted to "ct0 b(t which "%so the' "re !ree to
ignore @Ro12:26#5>E 5:27#23E Acts 2>:2#7A1 This is the incomplete faith o! which
+"es 5:55 s$e"ks th"t (st be "de $er!ect b' obedience to wh"t th"t !"ith
re;(ires o! (s1 The ""Iing thing here is th"t the "n with the one t"%ent did
not throw "w"' this !"ith or corr($t it0 he ere%' decided to "int"in "n
orthodo: re%igio(s e:terior b(t inw"rd%' %i*e co$%ete%' !or hise%! witho(t
"n' gen(ine %o*e !or others or $erson"% obedience to the or"% %"ws o! God
@See *124A1
L- 28 2871TU5CF1
22 As the' were he"ring these things Lon the cost o! disci$%eshi$ #
Lk127:53#CC "t 238"1M0 +es(s s$oke "dding " $"r"b%e0 bec"(se He
w"s ne"r +er(s"%e0 "nd bec"(se the' tho(ght th"t the -ingdo
o! God sho(%d iedi"te%' be "ni!ested1 25 He s"id there!ore:
A cert"in nob%e"n went into " !"r co(ntr' to recei*e !or hise%!
" kingdo "nd to ret(rn1 2C And c"%%ing his ten ser*"nts0 he g"*e
the ten $o(nds Lin"sM Lone in" Q C onths w"gesM0 "nd s"id to
the: Tr"de with these (nti% ) coe b"ck1 27 Now soe o! his
citiIens h"ted hi "nd the' sent "n eb"ss"ge "!ter hi0 s"'ing:
9e wi%% not h"*e 'o( to reign o*er (sP 23 And it c"e to $"ss th"t
he ret(rned0 h"*ing recei*ed the kingdo1 Then he co"nded
his ser*"nts to be c"%%ed0 to who he h"d gi*en the one' th"t he
ight know how (ch e*er' "n h"d g"ined b' tr"ding1 2F And
the !irst c"e0 s"'ing: Lord0 'o(r $o(nd Lin"M h"s g"ined ten
$o(nds Lin"sM1 26 And he s"id to hi: 9e%% done0 'o( good
ser*"nt0 bec"(se 'o( h"*e been !"ith!(% in " %itt%e0 'o( sh"%% h"*e
"(thorit' o*er ten cities1 24 And the second c"e0 s"'ing: Lord0
'o(r $o(nd Lin"M h"s g"ined !i*e $o(nds Lin"sM1 28 And he s"id
to hi: Yo( "re now r(%er "%so o*er !i*e cities1 5> And "nother
c"e0 s"'ing: Lord0 beho%d here is 'o(r $o(nd Lin"M0 which )
h"*e ke$t %"id ($ in " c%oth0 52 !or ) !e"red 'o(0 bec"(se 'o( "re
"n "(stere "n1 Yo( t"ke ($ wh"t 'o( did not %"' down "nd 'o(
re"$ th"t which 'o( did not sow 55 He s"id to hi: O(t o! 'o(r
own o(th ) K(dge 'o(0 'o( wicked ser*"ntP Yo( knew th"t ) w"s
"n "(stere "n0 t"king ($ wh"t ) %"id not down0 "nd re"$ing th"t
which ) did not sow LNote: The ser*"nts Kob w"s to "ke " $ro!it"b%e g"in
!or their "sters0 !or which the' were gi*en their kee$ "nd K(st $"'entPM0 5C
so wh' then did 'o( not $(t ' one' into the b"nk th"t "t '
coing ) ight h"*e e:"cted it with interestB 57 And he s"id to
those who stood b': T"ke the $o(nd Lin"M "w"' !ro hi "nd
gi*e it to hi who h"s ten $o(nds Lin"sM1 53 And the' s"id to
hi: Lord0 he "%re"d' h"s ten $o(nds Lin"sM1 5F /(t ) s"' to 'o(0
th"t to e*er'one who h"s L"de the gre"test incre"se !or MeM sh"%% be
gi*en0 "nd he sh"%% "bo(nd0 b(t !ro hi who h"s not0 e*en th"t
which he h"s0 sh"%% be t"ken !ro hi1 56 /(t Lthe nob%e"n "%so
s"id:M As !or those ' eneies L"nd the other se*en ser*"nts who sided
with theM0 who wo(%d not h"*e e reign o*er the0 bring the
hither0 "nd ki%% the be!ore eP

"ote: This $"r"b%e (ses the mina' h"s 2> ser*"nts0 "nd w"s to%d <ne"r
+er(s"%e= "nd so is " di!!erent $"r"b%e entire%' th"n M"tthewHs $"r"b%e o! the
t"%ents1 Since it is not gi*en in the Poem it is i$ossib%e to know when this
w"s gi*en so it is $%"ced with M"tthewHs $"r"b%e "t 2F>1 ere%' !or
co$"rison1 The high e:$ect"tion !or the iedi"c' o! the kingdo
"ni!est"tion @*122A $%"ces this "!ter the r"ising o! L"I"r(s "nd $erh"$s "t the
tie o! the Tri($h"% entr'1 The Poem shows this te:t (st h"*e been c(t !ro "
di!!erent conte:t o! other te"chings o! +es(s not entioned in the Poem1 E$isode 2871
which L(ke h"s $receding this one does not !it this te:t1
,C,. E Oct0 AD C5 The 5a#yer and the 3arable o! the Good (amaritan # The Te$%e
L- 2> 273c1TU2481
53 And beho%d " cert"in %"w'er0 te$ting Hi0 stood ($ s"'ing0 M"ster0 wh"t (st ) do to $ossess etern"%
LHe"*en%'M %i!eB LNo one $ossessed <etern"%= %i!e "t this tie b(t were w"iting !or it to be gi*en in the New ,o*en"nt WEIek1CF:5FM
5F /(t He s"id to hi: 9h"t is written in the %"wB How do 'o( re"d itB 56 He "nswering s"id: 7o& shall lo+e
the %ord yo&r God )ith yo&r )hole heart, and )ith yo&r )hole so&l, and )ith all yo&r stren'th, and )ith all
yo&r mind, and yo&r nei'h-or as yo&rself" ZDe(t1 F:3[ 54 And +es(s s"id to hi: Yo( h"*e "nswered right1 Do
this0 "nd 'o( sh"%% %i*e Lin He"*en with God !or this wo(%d %e"d one into the New ,o*en"ntM1
58 /(t he wishing to K(sti!' hise%!0 s"id to +es(s: /(t who is ' neighborB C> And +es(s "nswering0 s"id: A
cert"in "n went down !ro +er(s"%e to +ericho "nd !e%% "ong robbers who "%so stri$$ed hi0 "nd h"*ing
wo(nded hi went "w"'0 %e"*ing hi h"%! de"d1 C2 And it K(st h"$$ened th"t " cert"in $riest went down the
s"e w"' "nd seeing hi0 $"ssed hi b'1 C5 )n %ike "nner "%so " Le*ite0 when he c"e ne"r the $%"ce "nd s"w
hi0 he "%so $"ssed b'1 CC /(t " cert"in S""rit"n0 being on his Ko(rne' c"e ne"r hi1 And seeing hi0 he
w"s o*ed with co$"ssion1 C7 And going ($ to hi0 he bo(nd ($ his wo(nds "!ter $o(ring in oi% "nd wine1
And setting hi ($on his own be"st0 bro(ght hi to "n inn "nd took c"re o! hi1 C3 And the ne:t d"' he took
o(t two den"rii Ltwo d"'s w"gesM "nd g"*e to the host0 "nd s"id: T"ke c"re o! hi "nd wh"te*er 'o( sh"%% s$end
o*er "nd "bo*e0 ) "t ' ret(rn0 wi%% re$"' 'o(1 CF 9hich o! these three0 in 'o(r o$inion0 w"s neighbor to hi
who !e%% "ong the robbersB C6 He re$%ied: He who showed erc' to hi1 And +es(s s"id to hi: Go0 "nd do
in %ike "nner1
"ote: The +ews who contin(ed to ho%d $reK(dices "g"inst the S""rit"ns wo(%d re!(se to s(bit to ,hristi"n /"$tis "nd the ,h(rch "nd its !"ith so
the' wo(%d not know the gi!t o! the Ho%' S$irit "nd c%e"nsing !ro Origin"% Sin which (nti% the "toneent o! ,hrist h"d b"red "%% h("nit' !ro He"*en1
E$h17:4#2>E Lk12F:5>#5C1
,C*. E Oct0 AD C5 The Vuestion o! Tragedy and Human Culpability D L"I"r(sH P"%"ce in +er(s"%e
L- 2C 481TU26C1
2 AND there were $resent0 "t th"t *er' tie0D soe who to%d hi o! the G"%i%e"ns0 whose b%ood Pi%"te h"d
ing%ed with their s"cri!ices1 5 And He "nswering0 s"id to the: Do 'o( think th"t these G"%i%e"ns were sinners
"bo*e "%% the other en o! G"%i%ee bec"(se the' s(!!ered s(ch thingsB C No0 b(t ) s"' to 'o(0 (n%ess 'o( re$ent0
'o( sh"%% "%% %ikewise $erishPD 7 Or those eighteen ($on who the tower !e%% in Si%o" "nd ki%%ed the0 do 'o(
think th"t the' "%so were debtors "bo*e "%% the other en who dwe%t in +er(s"%eB 3 No0 b(t ) s"' to 'o(0 e:ce$t
'o( re$ent0 'o( sh"%% "%% %ikewise $erishP
D$t that very time: The Poem shows ,h 25 did not $recede this e$isode1 This shows L(ke <c(t= this stor' !ro " $re*io(s%' written te:t0 no do(bt
M"tthewHs origin"% records "nd did not edit the tr"nsition1 The Poem shows th"t L(ke 2>:53#C6 "t 2F21 iedi"te%' $receded this e$isode @)))054>G$7>#
Dli/e#ise perish: The n"tion did not re$ent "nd th(s the' were destro'ed in the ost *io%ent o! "ss"(%ts in AD 6> K(st "s w"rned here1
542G$77 # @M OctA # At the Te$%e0 The' Are Aw"re o! Er"ste(s0 o! +ohn o! Endor "nd S'nt'che1
545G$3> # @M OctA # S'nt'che S$e"ks in L"I"r(s_ Ho(se1
54CG$33 # @L OctA # The Mission o! Fo(r A$ost%es in +(de"1
547G$36 # @M Oct A # +es(s Le"*es /eth"n' !or Tr"ns#+ord"n1
F3)%)$' D)C$345I( 7 5 4CT4:)% D M "4&)M:)% $D <*G LPoe ,h"$ters 543#58FM

543G$F7 # @L Oct09edA # Arri*"% "t R"oth with the Merch"nt !ro the Other Side o! the E($hr"tes1
54FG$6> # @L Oct0Th(A # Fro R"oth to Ger"s"1
,C<. L Oct0 Fri0 AD C5 .esus on the (uperiority o! (piritual %elationships over $ll 4thers #
)n Ger"s" o! Dec"$o%is 546G$168
L- 22 274"1TU274b1
56 And it c"e to $"ss "s +es(s s$oke these things0 " cert"in wo"n !ro the crowd0 %i!ting ($ her *oice0 s"id to
hi: /%essed is the wob th"t bore Yo(0 "nd the $"$sLbre"stsM th"t g"*e Yo( s(ckP 54 /(t He s"id: /%essed
r"ther "re the' who he"r the 9ord o! God "nd kee$ itP
"ote: Once "g"in L(ke c(t this te:t !ro its origin"% conte:t which is c%e"r%' described in )))054FG$67#681 L(ke th(s h"s in"d*ertent%' "de the crowd
here the crowd "t ,"$ern"( in 274"11 These e$isodes0 howe*er0 "re two onths "$"rt "nd in two geogr"$hic"% "re"s1 This is K(st one e:"$%e o! "n'
where The Poem <interr($ts= seeing%' $er!ect%' !%owing Gos$e% "cco(nts1 )n "n e:$"nded Gos$e% "cco(nt o! h("n origin0 this wo(%d not on%' be
co$%ete%' (nnecess"r'0 b(t wo(%d both r"ise (nnecess"r' obKections "nd "t the s"e tie "ke the cre"tion o! s(ch "n "cco(nt !"r ore di!!ic(%t1
There "re in The Poem 22F s(ch <(nnecess"r'= <interr($tions= to the "%ost (ni*ers"%%' "cce$ted Gos$e% chrono%og'1 See A$$endi:1
544G$4> # @L Oct0S"tA # The S"bb"th "t Ger"s"1
548G$43 # @L Oct0S(nA # Fro Ger"s" to the Fo(nt"in o! the ,"e%eer1
58>G$8C # @E No*0MonA # Going to /oIr"h1
582G$8F # @E No*0T(eA # At /oIr"h1
585G$2>2 # @E No*0T(eA # The Seron "nd Mir"c%es "t /oIr"h1
58CG$2>4 # @E No*09edA # F"rewe%% to the 9oen Disci$%es1
587G$222 # @E No*09ed c Th(A # At Arbe%"1
583G$226 # @E No*0T(eA # Going to Aer"1
58FG$257 # @E No*09edA # +es(s Pre"ches "t Aer"1

FIFTH G$5I5)$" MI"I(T%8 D (8%4D3H4)"ICI$' T)T%. 4F 3HI5I3' D)C$345I(' 3)%)$ 7 @ M4 7 M "4& $D <* D
M MCH $D << LPoe ,h"$ters 586#C38M

586G$25F # @M No*A # The Litt%e Or$h"ns M"r' "nd M"tthi"s1
584G$2C7 # @M No*A # M"r' "nd M"tthi"s Are Entr(sted to +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"
,C@. L No*0 AD C5 .esus )0poses the )vil o! 3harisaial Tradition that &iolates the Word o! God D At N"in
MT 23
2 THEN scribes "nd Ph"risees c"e to
Hi !ro +er(s"%e0 s"'ing: 5 9h' do
Yo(r disci$%es tr"nsgress the tr"dition o!
the r(%ing e%dersB For the' w"sh not their
h"nds when the' e"t their e"%s1 C /(t He
"nswering0 s"id to the: 9h' do 'o(
tr"nsgress the co"ndent o! God b'
'o(r tr"ditionB For God s"id: 7 Honor thy
father and mother" And: He )ho shall
c&rse father or mother, let him die the
death1 ZE:od(s 5>:25E De(t13:2F[ 3 /(t 'o( s"':
9hoe*er sh"%% s"' to !"ther or other0
wh"te*er 'o( wo(%d h"*e g"ined !ro e
is "%re"d' dedic"ted "s " gi!t to God0 F
then he sh"%% not h"*e to honor his !"ther
or his other1 /' this 'o( h"*e "de *oid
the co"ndent o! God b' 'o(r
tr"dition1 6 H'$ocrites0 we%% h"s )s"i"h
$ro$hesied o! 'o(0 s"'ing: 4 This people
honors Me )ith their lips, -&t their heart
is far from Me1 8 =nd in +ain do they
)orship Me, teachin' >instead@ doctrines
and commandments of men >)hich ma*e
+oid the la)s of God@1 Z)s"i"h 58:2C[
2> And h"*ing c"%%ed together the
(%tit(des (nto Hi0 He s"id to the:
He"r "nd (nderst"nd0 22 it is not th"t
which goes into the o(th th"t de!i%es "
"n0 b(t wh"t coes o(t o! the o(th th"t
de!i%es hi1
M- 6 $t the home o! Daniel' the young man .esus raised !rom the dead
2 AND there "sseb%ed together "ro(nd +es(s the Ph"risees "nd soe o! the scribes
coing !ro +er(s"%e1 5 For the' h"d seen soe o! His Disci$%es e"t bre"d with coon
or with (nw"shed h"nds "nd the' !o(nd !"(%t with the1 C For the Ph"risees "nd "%% the
+ews do not e"t witho(t o!ten w"shing their h"nds0 ho%ding the tr"dition o! the r(%ing
e%ders1 7 And when the' coe !ro the "rket0 (n%ess the' w"sh0 the' do not e"t1 And
there "re "n' other things th"t h"*e been de%i*ered to the to obser*e0 the w"shings o!
c($s0 o! $ots0 "nd o! br"Ien *esse%s0 "nd o! beds1 3 And the Ph"risees "nd scribes "sked
Hi: 9h' do not Yo(r disci$%es w"%k "ccording to the tr"dition o! the r(%ing e%ders b(t
the' e"t bre"d with coon L(nw"shedM h"ndsB F /(t He "nswering0 s"id to the:
,orrect%' did )s"i"h $ro$hes' o! Yo( h'$ocrites0 "s it is written: This people honor Me
)ith their lips, -&t their heart is far from Me1 =nd in +ain do they )orship Me, teachin'
as doctrines the precepts of men1 Z)s"i"h 58:2C[ 4 For0 whi%e 'o( %e"*e the co"ndents o!
God 'o( ho%d !"st to the tr"dition o! en0 the w"shing o! $ots "nd o! c($s0 "nd "n' other
things 'o( do %ike these1
8 And He "%so s"id to the: a(ite e!!ecti*e%' 'o( "ke *oid the co"ndent o! God0
th"t 'o( "' kee$ 'o(r own tr"dition1 2> For Moses s"id: Honor yo&r father and yo&r
mother< ZE:15>:25[ "nd He )ho shall c&rse father or mother, may he s&rely die? ZE:152:26[ 22
/(t 'o( s"' " "n is e:e$t i! he sh"%% s"' to his !"ther or other: 9h"te*er wo(%d h"*e
been !ro e to 'o(r $ro!it is ,orb"n0 which is " gi!t to God1 25 Then 'o( no %onger
$erit hi to do "n'thing L!in"nci"%%'M !or his !"ther or other0 2C "king *oid the 9ord o!
God b' 'o(r own tr"dition which 'o( h"*e h"nded down1 And "n' other %ike things 'o(
27 And c"%%ing "g"in the (%tit(de (nto Hi0 He s"id to the: He"r Me0 "%% o! 'o(0 "nd
(nderst"ndP 23 There is nothing !ro witho(t " "n th"t entering into hi c"n de!i%e hi1
/(t the things which coe !ro " "n L!ro his own ind "nd he"rtM0 those "re wh"t de!i%e "
"n1 2FL!nM If any man ha+e ears to hear, let him hear?B
DThe Poem con!irs th"t this %"st st"teent w"s indeed $"rt o! this disco(rse showing th"t i! this w"s "
%"ter "ddition it w"s "de b' one who w"s witness to this scene0 ost %ike%' b' Peter hise%!1 @)))0$1277A1
Th"t *1 2F w"s not !o(nd in "%% the te:ts it w"s oitted in the %"ter e!!ort to cre"te " (ni!or te:t in b ' :'
D' 5. That these te0ts' alleged by the modern ritis to be HbetterI represent the later edited te0ts
see notes at Matt. *<:,@ at *@B. and *+:,C at ,CB. M
,C2. L No*0 AD C5 What Comes out o! the Mouth Ma/es 4ne >nlean # A Shee$!o%d tow"rds Endor C>>G$127F
MT 23 TU
25 Then c"e His Disci$%es0 "nd s"id to Hi: Do Yo( know th"t the
Ph"risees0 when the' he"rd this word0 were sc"nd"%iIedB 2C /(t He
"nswering the0 s"id: E*er' $%"nt which M' he"*en%' F"ther h"s not
$%"nted sh"%% be rooted ($1 27 Let the "%one1 The' "re b%ind0 "nd
%e"ders o! the b%ind1 And i! the b%ind %e"d the b%ind0 both wi%% !"%% into
the $it1 23 And Peter "nswering0 s"id to Hi: E:$o(nd to (s this
$"r"b%e1 2F /(t He s"id: Are 'o( "%so 'et witho(t (nderst"ndingB 26
Do 'o( not (nderst"nd0 th"t wh"te*er enters into the o(th0 goes into
the be%%' "nd is c"st o(t into the $ri*'B 24 /(t the things which
$roceed o(t o! the o(th0 coe !orth !ro the he"rt0 "nd those things
de!i%e " "n1 28 For !ro the he"rt coe !orth e*i% tho(ghts0
(rders0 "d(%teries0 !ornic"tions0 the!ts0 !"%se testionies0
b%"s$heies1 5> These "re the things th"t de!i%e " "n0 b(t to e"t
with (nw"shed h"nds does not de!i%e " "n1
M- 6 TU2F81
26 And when He c"e into " ho(se Lne"r EndorM !ro the crowd0
His Disci$%es "sked Hi "bo(t the $"r"b%e1 24 And He s"id to
the: So "re 'o( "%so witho(t know%edgeB Do 'o( not
(nderst"nd th"t "n'thing !ro witho(t entering into " "n
c"nnot de!i%e hi Lin the tr(e or s$irit("% senseM0 28 bec"(se it enters
not into his he"rt0 b(t goes into the sto"ch0 "nd goes o(t into
the $%"ce !or w"ste1 @LTh(s He w"s hereb'M $(ri!'ing "%% !oods
L!reeing the !ro the !orer cereoni"% conden"tionsM1A 5> /(t He
"%so s"id: The things which coe o(t !ro " "n "re wh"t
de!i%es " "n1 52 For !ro within0 or o(t o! the he"rt o! en0
$roceed e*i% tho(ghts0 "d(%teries0 !ornic"tions0 (rders0 55
the!ts0 co*eto(sness0 wickedness0 deceit0 %"sci*io(sness0 "n e*i%
e'e0 b%"s$he'0 $ride0 "nd !oo%ishness1 5C A%% these e*i% things
coe !ro within "nd de!i%e " "n1
C>2G$274 # @L No*A # Fro Endor to M"gd"%"1
C>5G$235 # @L No*A # +es(s "t N"I"reth !or the Dedic"tion1
C>CG$23F # @E DecA # +es(s with +ohn o! Endor "nd S'nt'che "t N"I"reth1
C>7G$234 # @E DecA # +es(s_ Lesson to M"rKi"1
C>3G$2F5 # @E DecA # Sion Oe"%ot "t N"I"reth1
C>FG$2F7 # @E DecA # An E*ening "t Hoe in N"I"reth1
C>6G$26> # @E DecA # +es(s "nd the 9i!e o! His ,o(sin0 Sion1
C>4G$265 # @E DecA # Sion Goes /"ck to +es(s1
C>8G$264 # @M DecA # Sion Peter "t N"I"reth1
C2>G$245 # @M DecA # +es(s S$e"ks "bo(t the Ho%' Econo' o! .ni*ers"% Lo*e1
F)$(T 4F D)DIC$TI4" 4% 5IGHT( 7 $D <* 7 M D 5 D)C)M:)%
C22G$243 # @L DecA # +ohn o! Endor 9i%% H"*e to Go to Antioch1
C25G$286 # @L DecA # The /eginning o! the Third Ye"r "t N"I"reth0 whi%e Pre$"ring !or De$"rt(re1
C2CG$5>C # @L DecA # De$"rt(re !ro N"I"reth1
C27G$52> # @L DecA # Tow"rds +i$hth"he%1
,CC. L Dec W M +"n0 AD C5 .esus 5eaves Galilee !or the (ea Coast #ith T#o )0iles <230C2FG$1527#552
MT 23 TU2F81
52 And +es(s went !ro there "nd retired Lin " c"*e in +i$hth"he%M in the %"nd o! T're "nd Sidon1
C26G$555 # @L DecA # Le"*ing Pto%e"is !or T're
C24G$556 # @L DecA # De$"rt(re !ro T're on " ,ret"n Shi$1
C28G$5C5 # @E +"nA # Stor "nd Mir"c%es on the Shi$1
C5>G$5C6 # @E +"nA # Arri*"% "nd L"nding "t Se%e(ci"1
C52G$57> # @E +"nA # Fro Se%e(ci" to Antioch1
C55G$57F # @E +"n0 9edA # At Antigoni"1
C5CG$53C # @E +"n0 S"tA # F"rewe%% to Antioch "!ter Pre"ching1 At Se%e(ci" @E +"n0 S(nA1 Fro Se%e(ci" to Pto%e"is @E +"n0 S(n # M +"n0
C57G$5F5 # @M +"nA # Ret(rn o! the Eight A$ost%es "nd Arri*"% "t AchIib1
C53G$5F8 # @M +"nA # At AchIib with Si: A$ost%es1
,C;.,. M +"n0 Mon0 AD CC The Oingdom o! Heaven is li/e 5eaven # The borders o! Phoenici" C5FG$1563
MT 2C 2231TU2271
CC Another $"r"b%e He s$oke to the: The -ingdo o! He"*en is %ike (nto %e"*en which "
wo"n took "nd hid in three e"s(resDo! e"%0 (nti% the who%e w"s %e"*ened1
C7 A%% these things +es(s s$oke in $"r"b%es to the crowds0 "nd He did not s$e"k to the
witho(t (sing $"r"b%es1 C3 Th"t it ight be !(%!i%%edD which w"s s$oken b' the $ro$het0 s"'ing:
I )ill open my mo&th in para-les, I )ill &tter thin's hidden from the fo&ndation of the )orld1
D The Gos$e% s"ncti!ic"tion o! h("n re"son0 eotion0 "nd wi%% "s +eroe conc%(ded1
DThis w"s si$%' e*idence th"t +es(s w"s one who e"s(red ($ to the highest ide"% o! the wisest o! en1 As
THE Son o! M"n he (st !(%!i%% e*er' ide"% o! $er!ect "n1 This w"s one e%eent then th"t +es(s h"d to !(%!i%% to
c%"i this tit%e1 And 'es0 th"t does "ke this " $ro$hec'P
5> And "g"in He s"id: .nto wh"t
sh"%% ) consider the -ingdo o! God to
be %ikeB 52 )t is %ike %e"*en L'e"stM0
which " wo"n took "nd hid in three
e"s(res o! e"% L!%o(rM0 (nti% the
who%e w"s %e"*ened1
C56G$563 # @M +"n0 s"e d"'0 MonA # Arri*"% "t A%e:"ndroscene1
,C;.*. M +"n # M Mch0 AD CC In the Cities o! (yroD3hoeniia and Galilee C56#C3F
L- 2C TU2441
55 And He went thro(gh the cities "nd towns te"ching0 "nd "king His Ko(rne' to
+er(s"%e L!or the P"sso*er "nd the beginning o! His 3
+(de"n inistr'M1
"ote: This is e*idence o! " co$' !ro " we%% ke$t Ko(rn"% o! one who w"s "ct("%%' " witness1 M"tthew
w"s the Ko(rn"%ist "ong the Disci$%es1 See "%so *1 C2 "t 2441 be%ow1
,CB. M +"n0 T(e0 AD CC 3arable o! the Wor/ers o! the )leventh Hour D A%e:"ndroscene0 S'ro#Phoenici"T
C54 G$1546
MT 5>
2 THE -ingdo o! He"*en is %ike (nto "n est"te owner0 who went o(t e"r%' in the orning to hire %"borers !or
his *ine'"rd1 5 And h"*ing "greed with the %"borers !or " den"ri(s " d"'0 he sent the into his *ine'"rd1 C And
going o(t "bo(t the third ho(r L8 AMM0 he s"w others st"nding id%e in the "rket $%"ce1 7 And he s"id to the: Go
"%so into ' *ine'"rd0 "nd ) wi%% gi*e 'o( wh"t is K(st1 3 And the' went their w"'1 And "g"in he went o(t "bo(t
the si:th L25 NoonM "nd the ninth ho(r LC PMM0 "nd did in %ike "nner1 F And "bo(t the e%e*enth ho(r LF PMM he
went o(t "nd !o(nd others st"nding0 "nd he s"id to the: 9h' did 'o( st"nd id%e here "%% d"'B 6 The' s"id to
hi: /ec"(se no "n h"s hired (s1 He s"id to the: Go "%so into ' *ine'"rd1
4 Now when e*ening h"d coe0 the %ord o! the *ine'"rd s"id to his stew"rd: ,"%% the %"borers "nd $"' the
their hire0 beginning !ro the %"st hired to the !irst1 8 9hen0 there!ore0 the' who c"e "bo(t the e%e*enth ho(r LF
PMM0 h"d coe0 the' recei*ed e*er' "n " den"ri(s1 2> /(t when the !irst "%so c"e0 the' tho(ght th"t the'
sho(%d recei*e ore0 b(t the' "%so recei*ed e*er' "n " den"ri(s1 22 And recei*ing it the' (r(red "g"inst the
"ster o! the est"te0 25 s"'ing: These %"st h"*e worked b(t one ho(r0 "nd 'o( h"*e "de the e;("% to (s0 who
h"*e borne the b(rden o! the d"' "nd the he"t1 2C /(t he "nswering s"id to one o! the: Friend0 ) h"*e done 'o(
no wrong0 did 'o( not "gree with e !or " den"ri(sB 27 T"ke wh"t is 'o(rs "nd go 'o(r w"'0 ) h"*e chosen to
gi*e to these %"st e*en "s ) h"*e gi*en to 'o(1 23 )s it not %"w!(% !or e to do wh"t ) choseB Do 'o( see e*i%0
bec"(se ) " goodB 2F So Lin M' -ingdoM sh"%% the %"st Li! the' ere%' %"cked o$$ort(nit'M be L"s tho(gh the' wereM !irst0
"nd the !irst Lc"%%ed who did not (se their o$$ort(nities wi%% tr(%' beM %"st1 For "n' "re c"%%ed0 b(t !ew chosenB L)n this
Genti%e "re" ost knew the bitter rece$tion w"s getting in )sr"e% "nd +es(s e:$%"ins there gi*es re"son !or this "no"%' bec"(se the
reKection o! His own $eo$%e wo(%d n"t(r"%%' gi*e re"son !or the to ;(estion O(r LordHs integrit' "nd c%"is1 This insight coes
!ro the Poem "nd sense o! wh"t h"s been otherwise " te:t("% di!!ic(%t'1M
This $"r"b%e is " wonder!(% i%%(str"tion on how God K(dges "nd rew"rds "n1 God "%w"'s sees wh"t is in the he"rt1 9h"t " "n is
wi%%ing to do0 tho(gh %"cking o$$ort(nit'0 is wh"t God sees "nd is the b"sis o! His rew"rd in eternit'1 ,%e"r%' the en who worked
"%% d"' needed " reb(ke !or their indi!!erence to their !e%%ow (ne$%o'ed brethren1 9ith God the K(dge0 there is no need to en*'
"n'oneHs $osition0 "n'oneHs $ri*i%eges0 or "bi%ities0 b(t r"ther the need is to $r"' !or those with these things th"t the' "re not destro'ed
b' the "nd so in the end wi%% enKo' sh"ring in " rew"rd th"t wo(%d h"*e otherwise been %ostP
DFor many are alled: This $hr"se th"t does not "$$e"r to !it the tho(ght o! the conte:t 'ie%ds " gre"t tre"s(re o! tr(th "bo(t the
se*er"% Greek te:ts th"t h"*e oitted it0 bec"(se th"t $hr"se is in the !(%% disco(rse gi*en b' o(r Lord th"t w"s gi*en to M& in the
Poem? This c"n on%' e"n th"t M"tthew hise%! $%"ced it in his "n(scri$t "nd th"t it w"s " %"ter editor who de%eted it ere%'
bec"(se it did not "$$e"r to !it the conte:tP This means that manusripts:b @Sin"tic(sA : @&"tic"n(sA D 5 and U that omit this
te0t are all later edited te0tsL A%% the odern tr"ns%"tions !o%%owing the odern <scho%"rshi$= th(s oit this te:t inc%(ding the
NA/0 +er(s"%e0 NE/0AS&0 NAS&0 RS&0 NRS&0 TE&0 N)&0 Mo!!"tt0 Phi%%i$s0 Montgoer'0 9e'o(th0 9i%%i"s0 /eck0 /erk%e'0
"nd the Li*ing /ib%e1 The on%' *ersions th"t inc%(ded this te:t "re the DGR0 ,on!r"ternit' NT0 the -+& @Recei*ed Te:tA0 the L"s"Hs
Ar""ic Peshitt" NT0 "nd the D"rb' /ib%e1
C58G$582 # @M +"n0Th(A # The Sons o! Th(nder1 Going tow"rd AchIib with the She$herd Ann"s1
,CA. L +"n0 Fri0 AD CC The Daughter o! the 3ersistent Canaanite is Delivered # A *i%%"ge be!ore AchIib tow"rds S'ro#Phoenici"

MT 23 2FF1TU2641
55 And beho%d " wo"n o! ,"n""n who c"e o(t o! those
co"sts0 cr'ing o(t0 s"id to Hi: H"*e erc' on e0 O Lord0
son o! D"*idP M' d"(ghter is grie*o(s%' tro(b%ed b' the
De*i%P 5C /(t +es(s "nswered her not " word1 And His
Disci$%es c"e "nd begged Hi0 s"'ing: Send her "w"'0 !or
she cries "!ter (s1 57 And He "nswering0 s"id Lto herM: ) w"s
not sent b(t to the shee$ th"t "re %ost o! the ho(se o! )sr"e%1
53 /(t she c"e "nd worshi$ed Hi0 s"'ing: Lord0 he%$ eP
5F +es(s "nswering s"id: )t is not good to t"ke the bre"d o!
the chi%dren0 "nd to c"st it to the dogs1 56 /(t she s"id: Yes0
Lord0 b(t e*en the %itt%e $($s "%so e"t o! the cr(bs th"t !"%%
!ro the t"b%e o! their "sters1 54 Then +es(s "nswering0
s"id to her: O wo"n0 gre"t is 'o(r !"ithP /e it done to 'o(
"s 'o( wi%%P And her d"(ghter w"s c(red !ro th"t ho(r1
M- 6 2F31TU2621
57 And rising !ro there Lthe Endor "nd N"I"reth "re"M He went into the
%"nd o! T're "nd Sidon L"nd "!ter ne"r%' " onth in this northern "re" HeM
entered into " ho(se Lo! +on"h the !"rerM0 "nd He desired th"t no "n
sho(%d know it b(t He co(%d not be hidden1 53 And " wo"n0 whose
d"(ghter h"d "n (nc%e"n s$irit0 "s soon "s she he"rd o! +es(s0 c"e in
"nd !e%% down "t His !eet1 5F Now the wo"n w"s " Genti%e0 " S'ro#
Phoenici"n b' r"ce1 And she begged Hi th"t He wo(%d c"st !orth the
deon o(t o! her d"(ghter1 56 +es(s s"id to her: A%%ow !irst the chi%dren
to be !i%%ed0 !or it is not good to t"ke the bre"d o! the chi%dren "nd c"st it
to the L%itt%e $et ho(se#M dogs1 54 /(t she "nswered "nd s"id to Hi: Yes0
Lord0 b(t e*en the s"%% $($s (nder the t"b%e "%so e"t the cr(bs o! the
chi%dren1 58 And He s"id to her: For this s"'ing go 'o(r w"' !or the
deon is gone o(t o! 'o(r d"(ghter1 C> And when she h"d coe into her
ho(se she !o(nd the gir% %'ing ($on the bed0 "nd "%so th"t the deon h"d
CC2G$C>6 # @L +"n0S(nA # /"rtho%oew H"s .nderstood "nd S(!!ered1
CC5G$C22 # @L +"nA # On the 9"' /"ck to G"%i%ee1
CCCG$C2C # @E Feb0 9edA # Meeting +(d"s )sc"riot "nd Tho"s1
,;+. M Feb0 S"t0 AD CC $ Man With Dropsy is Healed on the (abbath 7 The 3arable o! the Wedding
:an1uet D Ne"r Megiddo CC7G$1C54
L- 27
2 AND it c"e to $"ss0 when +es(s went into the ho(se o! one o! the chie! o! the Ph"risees L)sh"e% ben F"biM on
the S"bb"th d"' to e"t bre"d0 th"t the' Lhe "nd !i*e other !e%%ow r(%ersM w"tched Hi1 5 And beho%d0 there w"s "
cert"in "n be!ore Hi th"t h"d the dro$s' Lwho +es(s h"d in*ited to coe to in order to cre"te this te"ching
o$$ort(nit'M1 C And +es(s "nswering0 s$oke to the %"w'ers "nd Ph"risees0 s"'ing: )s it %"w!(% to he"% on the
S"bb"th d"'B 7 /(t the' he%d their $e"ce1 /(t He t"king hi0 he"%ed hi "nd sent hi "w"'1 3 And +es(s0
"nswering the0 s"id: 9hich o! 'o( wo(%d h"*e "n "ss or "n o: !"%% into " $it0 "nd wo(%d not iedi"te%' dr"w
hi o(t on the S"bb"th d"'B F And the' co(%d not re$%' to Hi on this1
) lesson on humilit" for reliious rulers.
6 And He "%so s$oke " $"r"b%e to those who were in*ited0 "!ter noting how the' chose the !irst se"ts "t the t"b%e0
s"'ing to the: 4 9hen 'o( "re in*ited to " wedding0 sit not down in the !irst $%"ce0 %est $erh"$s one ore
honor"b%e th"n 'o( w"s in*ited b' 'o(r host0 8 "nd he who in*ited 'o( "nd hi0 sho(%d coe "nd s"' to 'o(:
Gi*e this "n $%"ce1 Then 'o( (st begin with sh"e to t"ke the %owest $%"ce1 2> /(t when 'o( "re in*ited0 go
"nd sit down in the %owest $%"ce th"t when he who in*ited 'o( coes0 he "' s"' to 'o(: Friend0 go on ($
higher1 Then 'o( sh"%% recei*e honor be!ore those who sit with 'o( "t the t"b%e1 22 /ec"(se e*er' one who e:"%ts
hise%! sh"%% be h(b%ed "nd he who h(b%es hise%! sh"%% be e:"%ted1
25 And +es(s "%so s"id to hi who h"d in*ited Hi: 9hen 'o( "ke " dinner or " s($$er0 c"%% not 'o(r !riends0
nor 'o(r brethren0 nor 'o(r kinsen0 nor 'o(r neighbors who "re rich0 %est $erh"$s the' "%so in*ite 'o( "g"in0
"nd " $"' b"ck be "de to 'o(1 2C /(t when 'o( "ke " !e"st0 c"%% the $oor0 the "ied0 the %"e0 "nd the
b%ind1 27 Then 'o( sh"%% be b%essed Lo! GodM0 bec"(se the' h"*e not the e"ns to $"' 'o( b"ck1 Then reco$ense
sh"%% be "de !or 'o( "t the res(rrection o! the K(st1
The Parable of the *eddin +an,uet and a se#ere rebuke
23 9hen one o! the LE%e"I"rM who s"t "t the t"b%e with +es(s0 h"d he"rd these things0 he Lto bre"k the ic' chi%% "t the
t"b%ePM s"id to Hi: /%essed is he who sh"%% e"t bre"d in the -ingdo o! GodP 2F /(t +es(s s"id to hi: A
cert"in "n "de " gre"t s($$er "nd in*ited "n'1 26 And he sent his ser*"nt "t the ho(r o! s($$er to s"' to
those who were in*ited th"t the' sho(%d coe0 !or now "%% things were re"d'1 24 And the' beg"n "%% "t once to
"ke e:c(ses1 The !irst s"id to hi: ) h"*e bo(ght " !"r "nd ) (st go o(t "nd see it1 ) beg 'o(0 h"*e e
e:c(sed1 28 And "nother s"id: ) h"*e bo(ght !i*e 'oke o! o:en "nd ) (st go to tr' the0 ) beg 'o(0 h"*e e
e:c(sed1 5> And "nother s"id: ) h"*e K(st "rried " wi!e0 "nd there!ore ) c"nnot coe1 52 And ret(rning0 the
ser*"nt to%d these things to his %ord1 Then the "ster o! the ho(se0 being "ngr'0 s"id to his ser*"nt: Go o(t
;(ick%' into the streets "nd %"nes o! the cit' "nd bring in here the $oor0 the !eeb%e0 the b%ind0 "nd the %"eP 55
And the ser*"nt s"id: Lord0 it is done "s 'o( h"*e co"nded "nd 'et there is roo1 5C And the Lord s"id to the
ser*"nt: Go o(t into the highw"'s "nd hedges0 "nd co$e% the to coe in th"t ' ho(se "' be !i%%edP 57 /(t
) s"' (nto 'o(0 th"t none o! those en th"t were be!ore in*ited0 sh"%% t"ste o! ' s($$erP L9e sho(%d ;(ite correct%'
conc%(de !ro this $"r"b%e th"t the end o! the "ge "nd the $resent wor%d wi%% coe $recise%' when the ho(se o! He"*en is !i%%ed0
neither one oent sooner nor one oent %"ter1 And it is "%ost cert"in th"t <!i%%ed= e"ns not on%' n(bers b(t " cert"in e"s(re
o! "c;(ired *irt(eP The wor%dHs obsession with o*er$o$(%"tion is not on%' "n e*i% b"sed on its con!%ict with the ost e%eent"% !"ct o!
theo%og'0 GodHs %o*e !or "n0 b(t with this e*idence o! His s$eci!ic $(r$ose !or h("n e:istence1 It is not o+er-pop&lation -&t
&nder-e+an'eli/ation that is o&r pro-lem?M
D)sh"e% the Ph"risee1 M& in The Poem s"'s +es(s to%d the $"r"b%e o! The 9edding Fe"st here0 b(t L(keHs $"r"b%e entions no wedding so this is
either " s%ight%' odi!ied *ersion or "nother $"r"b%e "%together1 +es(s to%d " $"r"b%e o! " wedding !e"st "t L"I"r(sH est"te in /eth"n' "bo(t 2> onths
$re*io(s%' @))05>FG$C32A1
CC3G$CC5 # @M FebA # +es(s "t N"I"reth with His ,o(sins "nd with Peter "nd Tho"s @On the w"' b"ck to G"%i%eeA1
,;,. M Feb0 AD CC .esus :a/ at the (ea o! Galilee a!ter Three Months @CC>G$1C>5A
M- 6 2F81TU2671
C2 And "g"in going o(t o! the %"nd o! T're LSee "t F810 )))0C26#CC>0 L +"nM0 He c"e b' Sidon to the Se" o! G"%i%ee0 Lb(t
!irstM thro(gh the idst o! the %"nd o! Dec"$o%is LSee "t )))0 ,h158C05870 E No*M1
,;*. M Feb0 S"t0 AD CC $ Crippled Woman Healed in the (ynagogue on the (abbath D -or"Ii
L- 2C 26C1TU2231
2> And +es(s w"s te"ching in theirD s'n"gog(e on their S"bb"th1 22 And beho%d there w"s " wo"n who h"d "
s$irit LdeonM o! sickness eighteen 'e"rs1 And she w"s bent !orw"rd ($on herse%!0 neither co(%d she %ook ($ "t
"%%1 25 9hen +es(s s"w her0 He c"%%ed her (nto Hi0 "nd s"id to her: 9o"n0 'o( "re de%i*ered !ro 'o(r
in!irit'1 2C And He %"id His h"nds ($on her0 "nd iedi"te%' she w"s "de str"ight "nd g%ori!ied God1 27 And
the r(%er o! the s'n"gog(e @being "ngr' th"t +es(s h"d he"%ed on the S"bb"thA "nswering0 s"id to the (%tit(de:
There "re si: d"'s wherein 'o( o(ght to work0 there!ore0 in th"t tie coe "nd be he"%ed b(t not on the S"bb"th
d"'1 23 And the Lord "nswering hi0 s"id: Yo( h'$ocrites0 do not e*er'one o! 'o( on the S"bb"th d"' %oose his
o: or his "ss !ro the "nger "nd %e"d the to w"terB 2F And o(ght not this d"(ghter o! Abr"h"0 who S"t"n
h"s bo(nd these eighteen 'e"rs0 be %oosed !ro this bond"ge on the S"bb"th d"'B 26 And when He s"id these
things0 "%% His "d*ers"ries were "sh"ed0 b(t "%% the $eo$%e reKoiced !or "%% the things th"t were so g%orio(s%'
done b' Hi1
D Their: does not re!er to citiIens o! or ne"r the "re" in e$isode 26C1 @S"$hetA or 2F51 @+er(s"%eA "s the conte:t in L(ke re;(ires1 The Poem s"'s
this is -or"Ii1 L(ke (st h"*e c(t this te:t !ro "nother "cco(nt th"t took $%"ce in -or"Ii "nd $%"ced it in the conte:t o! 26C1 "nd 2F51 witho(t
editing it1 The Poem here once "g"in "ni!ests other th"n wh"t we wo(%d h"*e e:$ected in " h("n%' cre"ted e:$"nsion on the Gos$e%s1
,;<. M Feb0 S"t0 AD CC 3arable o! the (terile Fig Tree # To S"$het
L- 2C 2F51TU2651
F +es(s "%so s$oke this $"r"b%e: A cert"in "n h"d " !ig tree $%"nted in his *ine'"rd1 And he c"e seeking
!r(it on it0 b(t !o(nd none1 6 And he s"id to the dresser o! the *ine'"rd: /eho%d0 !or these three 'e"rs ) c"e
seeking !r(it on this !ig tree0 "nd ) !o(nd none1 ,(t it done there!ore0 wh' sho(%d it c%(tter the gro(ndB 4 /(t the
dresser "nswering0 s"id to hi: Lord0 %e"*e it "%one this 'e"r "%so (nti% ) dig "ro(nd it "nd co$ost it with
"n(re1 8 Perh"$s it wi%% be"r !r(it0 b(t i! not0 then "!ter th"t 'o( c"n c(t it down1 LFro the beginning o! the
inistr' o! the /"$tist to the end o! o(r LordHs inistr' w"s "bo(t " onth short o! 7 'e"rs1 The C V 2 'e"r in this $"r"b%e ties in to
these two inistries1M
CC4G$C73 # @M Feb0S(nA # Going tow"rds Meiron1
CC8G$C78 # @M Feb0S(nA # At Hi%%e%_s Se$(%cher "t Gisc"%"1
,;@. L Feb0 Mon0 AD CC .esus Heals a Dea! and Dumb Man # /etween Gisc"%" "nd -edesh C7>G$1C34
M- 6 2621TU2471
C5 And the' bro(ght to Hi one who w"s de"! "nd d(b0 "nd the' begged Hi th"t He wo(%d %"' His h"nd ($on
hi1 CC And t"king hi "side !ro the (%tit(de "$"rt0 +es(s $(t His !ingers into his e"rs0 "nd s$itting0 He
to(ched his tong(e0 C7 "nd %ooking ($ to He"*en0 He gro"ned "nd s"id to hi: E$h$het"P 9hich is: /e o$enedP
C3 And iedi"te%' his e"rs were o$ened "nd his tong(e w"s %oosed0 "nd he e*en s$oke correct%'PD CF And He
ch"rged the th"t the' sho(%d te%% no "n1 /(t the ore He ch"rged the0 so (ch the ore did the' $(b%ish itP
C6 And so (ch the ore did the' wonder0 s"'ing: He h"s done "%% things we%% L"nd not "s o(r +ewish r"bbis h"d
c%"iedMP He h"s "de both the de"! to he"r "nd the d(b to s$e"kP
Dhe spo/e: This w"s 'et "nother ir"c%e !or one who h"d been de"! since birth1
Dso muh the more: One c"n see PeterHs gre"t irrit"tion here0 not on%' bec"(se it w"s disobedience "nd disres$ect !or +es(s b(t it
disr($ted their tr"*e%ing $%"ns "nd Peter *er' e"r%' h"d t"ken on the ro%e o! +es(sH $rotectorP
,;2. L Feb0 AD CC .esus %esponds to Those Who $s/ !or a (ign # -edesh
MT 2F 2471TU
2 AND the Ph"risees "nd S"dd(cees c"e to Hi0 "nd
te$ting Hi the' "sked Hi to show the " sign !ro
He"*en1 5 /(t He "nswered "nd s"id to the: 9hen it is
e*ening0 'o( s"': )t wi%% be !"ir we"ther0 !or the sk' is red1
C And in the orning: Tod"' there wi%% be " stor0 !or the
sk' is red "nd o*erc"st1 Yo( know then how to discern the
!"ce o! the sk'0 b(t 'o( c"nnot discern the signs o! the
7 A wicked "nd "d(%tero(s gener"tion seeks "!ter
" sign b(t " sign sh"%% not be gi*en it0 e:ce$t the sign o!
+on"h the $ro$het1 And He %e!t the "nd went "w"'1
&*12#C: Tho(gh this is not in soe o! the <"ncient te:ts0= The
Poem *eri!ies its being origin"%%' gi*en b' O(r Lord1 This e"ns
th"t M"tthew @or soeone who knew the disco(rseA "dded this %"ter
in "n e"r%' re*ision o! the Gos$e%1
M- 4
22 And the Ph"risees c"e !orth "nd beg"n to interrog"te Hi0 "sking Hi
!or " sign !ro He"*en0 te$ting Hi1 25 And sighing dee$%' in s$irit0 He
s"id: 9h' does this gener"tion seek " signB Most "ss(red%'0 ) s"' to 'o(0 no
signD sh"%% be gi*en to this gener"tionDP
Dno sign: Peter oits ention o! the sign o! +on"h which +es(s did $roise to the
Ph"risees bec"(se he is e$h"siIing +es(sH deni"% o! "n' sign at that time which these
r(%ers were de"nding1
Dthis generation: +es(s is s$e"king only of the reli'io&s r&lers when (sing the words
<this gener"tion1= +es(s $er!ored many ir"c%es "!ter this !or others0 b(t He did not do
"n'thing be!ore these %e"ders th"t co(%d not be e"si%' re"soned "w"'1 S(ch (ndeni"b%e
signs wo(%d h"*e on%' incre"sed their "niosit' tow"rds Hi "nd hindered his te"ching
inistr' to others1 The sign o! +on"h w"s howe*er $receded b' " prec&rsor si'n to the
Res(rrection0 the r"ising o! L"I"r(s !ro the de"d1 Tho(gh this w"s gr"nted to the
re%igio(s r(%ers who were $resent in %"rge n(bers it on%' se"%ed His !"te1
,;C. L Feb0 AD CC Con!usion over 5eavened :read 7 3eter9s Great Con!ession # +ord"n Ri*er S9 o! ,"es"re" Phi%i$$i
3 And when His Disci$%es h"d coe o*er the w"ter Lthe !%ooding
+ord"nM0D the' disco*ered the' h"d !orgotten to t"ke bre"d L"nd the'
beg"n co$%"ining "bo(t not h"*ing eno(gh bre"d !or the tri$ bec"(se the' did
not w"nt to enter into the towns !or !e"r o! being con!ronted b' "ngr'
Ph"riseesM1 F +es(s s"id to the: T"ke heed "nd bew"re o! the %e"*en
o! the Ph"risees "nd S"dd(ceesP 6 /(t the' tho(ght within
these%*es0 s"'ing: )t is bec"(se we h"*e t"ken no bre"d L"nd were
co$%"ining "bo(t being shortM1 4 And +es(s knowing it0 s"id: O 'o( o!
%itt%e !"ith0 wh' "re 'o( thinking this Lwh"t ) s"idM is bec"(se we
h"*e no bre"dBP LThe Disci$%es tho(ght +es(s w"s reb(king the !or their
desire !or soe bre"d1M
TThe gre"t%' swo%%en "nd !%ooding +ord"n in %"te winter in P"%estine1
M- 4 TU2641 ,;Ca1
2C And %e"*ing the0 He went ($ "g"in into the shi$ "nd $"ssed to
the other side o! the w"ter Lthe !%ooded +ord"n Ri*er north o! the Se" o!
G"%i%eeM1 27 Now the' h"d !orgotten to t"ke bre"d so the' h"d b(t
one %o"! with the in the shi$ L"nd h"d becoe dist(rbed o*er the
"tterM1 23 And +es(s ch"rged the0 s"'ing: T"ke heed1 /ew"re o!
the %e"*en o! the Ph"risees "nd o! the %e"*en o! HerodP 2F And
the' re"soned "ong these%*es0 s"'ing: )t is bec"(se we h"*e no
bre"d L"nd were co$%"ining "bo(t not h"*ing "n'MP
L- 8 2321TU 24 And it c"e to $"ss "s +es(s w"s "%one
$r"'ing0 His Disci$%es being with Hi0 He "sked the0 s"'ing:
9ho do the $eo$%e s"' th"t ) "B
8 Do 'o( not 'et (nderst"nd0 nor reeber the
!i*e %o"*es "ong !i*e tho(s"nd en0 "nd how
"n' b"skets 'o( took ($B LThere is nothing wrong
with %e"*ened bre"dPM 2> Nor the se*en %o"*es "ong
!o(r tho(s"nd en0 "nd how "n' b"skets 'o(
took ($B 22 9h' do 'o( not (nderst"nd th"t when
) s"id to 'o(0 /ew"re o! the %e"*en o! the
Ph"risees "nd S"dd(cees0 it w"s not concerning
bre"dB 25 Then the' (nderstood th"t wh"t He s"id
w"s not th"t the' sho(%d bew"re o! the %e"*en o!
bre"d0 b(t o! the doctrine o! the Ph"risees "nd
S"dd(cees1 2C And +es(s c"e into the region o!
,"es"re" Phi%i$$i "nd He "sked His Disci$%es0
s"'ing: 9ho do en s"' th"t the Son o! M"n isB
27 And the' s"id: Soe s"' +ohn the /"$tist0 "nd
others s"' E%iK"h0 "nd others +erei"h0 or one o!
the $ro$hets1 23 +es(s s"id to the: /(t who do
'o( s"' th"t ) "B 2F Sion Peter "nswered "nd
s"id: Yo( "re ,hrist0 the Son o! the %i*ing God1
LMost +ews did not be%ie*e the Messi"h wo(%d be "n' ore
th"n " kind o! s($erior h("n being W the Son o! M"n W "s
w"s Ad" be!ore the F"%% or " gre"t $ro$het who co(%d
work ir"c%es1 On%' " !ew be%ie*ed th"t the Messi"h
wo(%d "%so be di*ine0 the *er' Son o! God1 /(t !ew co(%d
see +es(s et their criteri" !or Messi"h %et "%one the *er'
Son o! GodP M 26 And +es(s "nswering0 s"id to hi:
/%essed "re 'o(0 Sion /"rLson o!M#+on"h0 bec"(se
!%esh "nd b%ood h"s not re*e"%ed this to 'o(0 b(t
M' F"ther 9ho
is in He"*en1
24 And ) s"' to
'o(: Th"t 'o(
"re Peter0 "nd
($on this rock )
wi%% b(i%d M'
ch(rch0 "nd the
g"tes o! H"des
Lthe nether wor%dM
sh"%% not
$re*"i% "g"inst

28 And ) wi%%
gi*e to 'o( the
ke's o! the
-ingdo o!
He"*en1D And
wh"te*er 'o(
sh"%% bind ($on
e"rth0 it sh"%%
be bo(nd "%so
in He"*en0 "nd
wh"te*er 'o(
sh"%% %oose
($on e"rth0 it
sh"%% be %oosed
"%so in He"*en1
5> Then He
His Disci$%es0
th"t the' sho(%d
te%% no one th"t He w"s +es(s the ,hrist1 LThis instr(ction w"s only
bec"(se ,"es"re" Phi%i$$i w"s " thoro(gh%' Genti%e cit' "nd )sr"e% h"d not 'et
been gi*en their !(%% o$$ort(nit' to res$ond to ,hrist1 His c%"i to be both the
Son o! M"n and the !on of God w"s ne*er hidden in His $re"ching to the
crowds in )sr"e%1 On%' when con!ronted with the re%igio(s r(%ers "bo(t His
c%"i to be the Son o! God w"s +es(s e*"si*e1M
DThe Oeys o! the Oingdom: Th"t Peter is "de the new Prie Minister o!
O(r LordHs -ingdo @His ,h(rchA on e"rth becoes "bso%(te%' indis$(t"b%e
es$eci"%%' when co$"ring this te:t to )s"i"h 55:23#5C1
M- 4
26 +es(s knowing their tho(ghts0 s"id to the:
9h' do 'o( re"son0 Lth"t wh"t ) s"id isM bec"(se 'o(
h"*e no bre"d L"nd were wishing to h"*e soeMB Do
'o( not 'et know or (nderst"nd Lth"t %e"*ened bre"d
is cert"in%' not wrong to e"t b(t th"t 'o( h"*e becoe "s
!"ith%ess "s the Ph"riseesP Do not 'o( know 'et0 th"t ) c"n
s($$%' 'o( bre"d "n'tie 'o( re"%%' need itMB )s 'o(r
he"rt sti%% b%indedB 24 H"*ing e'es0 do 'o( sti%%
not seeB And h"*ing e"rs0 do 'o( sti%% not he"rB
Do 'o( neither reeber 28 when ) broke the
!i*e %o"*es "ong !i*e tho(s"nd0 how "n'
b"skets !(%% o! !r"gents 'o( took ($B The' s"id
to Hi: Twe%*e1 5> And wh"t "bo(t the se*en
%o"*es "ong !o(r tho(s"nd0 how "n' b"skets o!
!r"gents did 'o( t"ke ($B And the' s"id to Hi0
Se*en1 52 And He s"id to the: How do 'o( not
'et (nderst"nd Lth"t ) " s$e"king o! s$irit("% "tters
"nd "bo(t 'o(r (nbe%ie! in M' "bi%it' to c"re !or 'o( "nd
in 'o(r growing !e"r "nd h"tred o! 'o(r eneies0 the re"%
%e"*en o! the Ph"risees "nd HerodMB
M- 4 2641TU
56 And +es(s "nd His Disci$%es went o(t into
the towns o! ,"es"re" Phi%i$$i1 And on the w"'0
He "sked His Disci$%es0 s"'ing to the: 9ho do
en s"' th"t ) "B 54 The' "nswered hi0 s"'ing:
+ohn the /"$tist0 b(t soe E%iK"h0 "nd others "s
one o! the o%d $ro$hets1 58 Then He "sked the:
/(t who do 'o( s"' th"t ) "B Peter "nswering
s"id to Hi: Yo( "re the ,hrist1 C> And He
strict%' ch"rged the th"t the' sho(%d not te%% "n'
"n o! Hi1
L- 8
24 And it c"e
to $"ss "s +es(s
w"s "%one
$r"'ing0 His
Disci$%es being
with Hi0 He
"sked the0
s"'ing: 9ho
do the $eo$%e
s"' th"t ) "B
28 The'
"nswered "nd
s"id: +ohn the
"%tho(gh soe
s"' E%iK"h "nd
others s"' th"t
one o! the
!orer $ro$hets
h"s risen1 5>
/(t He s"id to
the: /(t
9ho do 'o(
s"' th"t ) "B
Sion Peter
s"id: The
,hrist o! God1
52 /(t He
ch"rging the0
ordering th"t
the' sho(%d te%%
this to no "n1
C7CG$C6C # @L Feb09edA # At ,"es"re" Phi%i$$i1 @The content o! Mt 2F:52b is !o(nd in this ch"$ter0 b(t "%so occ(rs in ch"$ter C73A1
C77G$C68 # @L Feb09edA # At the ,"st%e "t ,"es"re" P"ne"s1
,;;. L Feb0 AD CC 3eter is %ebu/ed 7 The Cost o! Disipleship # Fro ,"es"re" to L"ke Mero C73G$1C43
52 Fro th"t tie +es(s beg"n to showD
to His Disci$%es th"t He (st go to
+er(s"%e "nd s(!!er "n' things !ro
the r(%ing e%ders0 the scribes "nd chie!
$riests0 "nd be $(t to de"th "nd the third
d"' rise "g"in1 55 And Peter t"king Hi0
beg"n to reb(ke Hi0 s"'ing: Lord0 be it
!"r !ro Yo(0 this sh"%% not be done (nto
Yo(P 5C /(t He t(rning0 s"id to Peter: Get
behind Me0 S"t"nP Yo( "re " sc"nd"% (nto
Me bec"(se 'o( *"%(e not the things th"t
"re o! God0 b(t the things th"t "re o! enP
Dbegan to sho#: An ob*io(s re!erence to His
e:$%"ining from !cript&re its re!erence to the
s(!!ering Messi"h1
57 Then +es(s s"id to His Disci$%es: )!
"n' "n wi%% coe "!ter Me0 %et hi den'
hise%! "nd t"ke ($ his cross "nd !o%%ow
M- 4 TU2681
C2 And He beg"n to te"ch the0 th"t the Son o!
M"n (st s(!!er "n' things "nd be reKected b'
the r(%ing e%ders0 b' the high $riests0 "nd the
scribes0 "nd be ki%%ed0 b(t then "!ter three d"'s
rise "g"in1 C5 And He s$oke the 9ord o$en%'
"nd $%"in%' L'et neither ) @PeterPA0 nor ost o! the other
Disci$%es be%ie*ed this wo(%d be %iter"%%' tr(eP 9e
be%ie*ed +es(s w"s in !"ct $re$"ring to bring in the
-ingdo in its f&llness be!ore He %e!t (s "nd were
there!ore w"iting !or E%iK"h to coe !irstPM1 And Peter
took Hi "side0 "nd beg"n to reb(ke Hi1 CC
9ho "!ter t(rning "bo(t "nd seeing His
Disci$%es0 thre"tened Peter0 s"'ing: Go behind
Me0 S"t"nP /ec"(se 'o( desire not the things
th"t "re o! God0 b(t the things th"t "re o! enP
C7 And c"%%ing the crowd together with His
Disci$%es0 He s"id to the: )! "n' "n wi%%
!o%%ow Me0 %et hi den' hise%! "nd t"ke ($ his
cross0 "nd !o%%ow Me1
L- 8
55 S"'ing: The Son o! M"n (st s(!!er
"n' things "nd be reKected b' the r(%ing
e%ders0 the chie! $riests "nd scribes0 "nd
be ki%%ed0 "nd the third d"' rise "g"in1
LThis is "%so where S"t"n s$e"ks thro(gh Peter
te$ting the Lord "nd where Peter is se*ere%'
5C And He s"id to "%%: )! "n' "n wi%%
coe "!ter Me %et hi den' hise%! "nd
t"ke ($ his cross d"i%' "nd !o%%ow Me1 57
For whoe*er wi%% s"*e Lse%!ish%' $reser*eM
his %i!e0 sh"%% %ose it Lbec"(se th"t wi%% ki%%
oneHs so(%M1 /(t he who sh"%% %ose his %i!e
!or M' s"ke L!ree%' o!!er it "s " s"cri!ice !or the
higher c"(se o! ,hristM0 sh"%% s"*e it1 53 For
wh"t "d*"nt"ge h"s " "n i! he g"ins the
who%e wor%d "nd %oses hise%!0 "nd
throws "w"' his own Letern"%M so(%B
53 For he who wi%% s"*e his %i!e sh"%% %ose it0 "nd he who
wi%% %ose his %i!e !or M' s"ke sh"%% !ind it1 5F For wh"t wi%%
it $ro!it " "n i! he g"ins the who%e wor%d0 "nd s(!!ers the
%oss o! his own so(%B Or wh"t e:ch"nge co(%d " "n "ke
!or his so(% Lth"t wo(%d be worthwhi%eMB 56 For
the Son o! M"n sh"%% coe in the g%or' o! His
F"ther with His "nge%s L"t e*er' "nHs de"th0 in
the coing K(dgent ($on )sr"e% @in 6> ADA0 "nd "t
the end o! the wor%dM0 "nd then wi%% He render to
e*er' "n "ccording to
his works1 54 Most
"ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0
there "re soe o! those
who st"nd here0 th"t
sh"%% not t"ste de"th0 (nti% the' see the Son o! M"n coing
in His kingdoPD
DA re!erence to the coing destr(ction o! +er(s"%e0 the Te$%e "nd its
s"cri!ici"% s'ste in 6> AD b' the Ro"ns1 The <Second ,oing= o! ,hrist th(s
is " !"r ore $ro!o(nd re"%it' th"n $resented b' "n'1 @See "%so Mt1 5F:F7 "nd
Mk1 27:F5 "t 58>1A
M- 4
C3 For whoe*er wi%% s"*e his %i!e sh"%% %ose
it0 "nd whoe*er sh"%% %ose his %i!e !or M' s"ke
"nd the Gos$e% sh"%% s"*e it1 CF For wh"t
sh"%% it $ro!it " "n i! he g"ins the who%e
wor%d0 "nd s(!!ers the %oss o! his so(%B C6 Or
wh"t sh"%% " "n Lin his right indM gi*e in
e:ch"nge !or his so(%B C4 /(t he who sh"%%
be "sh"ed o! Me "nd o! M' words in this
"d(%tero(s "nd sin!(% gener"tion0 the Son o!
M"n "%so wi%% be "sh"ed o! hi0 when He
sh"%% coe in the g%or' o! His F"ther with the
ho%' "nge%s1 C8L8:2M And He s"id to the:
Most "ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0 th"t there "re
soe o! 'o( who st"nd here who sh"%% not
t"ste de"th (nti% the' see the -ingdo o!
God coing in $owerP D
L- 8
5F For he who sh"%% be
"sh"ed o! Me "nd o!
M' words0 o! hi the
Son o! M"n sh"%% be
"sh"ed when He sh"%%
coe in His "Kest'0
with th"t "%so o! His
F"ther0 "nd o! the ho%'
"nge%s1 56 /(t ) te%% 'o(
o! " tr(th: There "re
soe st"nding here th"t
sh"%% not t"ste de"th
(nti% the' see the
-ingdo o! GodPD
,;B. L Feb0 AD CC .esus Heals a :lind Man in :ethsaida # To /eths"id" "t D"'bre"k C7FG$1C87
MT 23 2F81TU
58" And when +es(s
h"d $"ssed on !ro
there0 He c"e ne"r
to the Se" o!
M- 4
55 And the' c"e to /eths"id"1 Here the' bro(ght to Hi " b%ind "n "nd begged Hi th"t He wo(%d to(ch
hi1 5C And t"king the b%ind "n b' the h"nd0 He %ed hi o(t o! the town "nd s$itting ($on his e'es "nd %"'ing
His h"nds on hi0 He "sked hi i! he s"w "n'thing1 57 And %ooking ($0 he s"id: ) see en "s it were %ike trees0
w"%king1 53 A!ter He "g"in %"id his h"nds on his e'es "nd he beg"n to g"Ie intent%'0 "nd w"s now restored so th"t
he s"w "%% things c%e"r%'1 5F And +es(s sent hi to his ho(se0 s"'ing: Go into 'o(r ho(se0 b(t i! 'o( enter into
the town0 te%% nobod'1
"ote: Soeties +es(s ordered si%ence on the $"rt o! those he"%ed bec"(se He h"d (rgent b(siness e%sewhere "nd did not wish to be
det"ined b' crowds whose he%$ He knew wo(%d not be"r s$irit("% !r(it "n'w"'0 "nd other ties the order w"s !or the good o! the one
he"%ed to s"*e hi !ro "tt"cks b' the re%igio(s %e"ders He knew the' were not "b%e to h"nd%e1
C76G$C83 # @L Feb to E Mch A # Fro ,"$ern"( to N"I"reth with M"n"en "nd the 9oen Disci$%es1
,;A. E Mch0 AD CC The Trans!iguration on Mount Tabor # Fro N"I"reth to Mo(nt T"bor C74G$17>3
MT 23 TU2471
58bAnd going ($ into " o(nt"in0 He s"t
MT 26 2661TU
2 AND "!ter si: d"'s L!ro 26410 )))0C7FG$C82M
+es(s took with Hi Peter0 +"es0 "nd
+ohn his brother0 "nd bro(ght the ($ into
" high o(nt"in "$"rt L!ro the other
5 And .esus w"s tr"ns!ig(red be!ore the1
And His !"ce shone "s the s(n "nd His
g"rents bec"e white "s snow1 C And
beho%d there "$$e"red to the Moses "nd
)liRah t"%king with Hi1 7 And Peter
"nswering0 s"id to +es(s: Lord0 it is good
!or (s to be hereP )! Yo( wo(%d0 %et (s
"ke here three t"bern"c%es0 one !or Yo(0
one !or Moses0 "nd one !or E%iK"hP 3 And "s
he w"s 'et s$e"king0 beho%d " bright c%o(d
o*ersh"dowed the1 And %o0 " *oice o(t o!
the c%o(d0 s"id: This is M' be%o*ed Son0 in
who ) " we%% $%e"sed0 %isten to HiP F
And the Disci$%es he"ring this0 !e%% ($on
their !"ces0 "nd were *er' (ch "!r"id1 6
And +es(s c"e "nd to(ched the "nd s"id
to the: Arise0 "nd !e"r not1
M- 8 2661TU
2L5M AND "!ter si: d"'s L!ro 26410 )))0C7FG$C82M +es(s took with
Hi Peter0 +"es0 "nd +ohn0 "nd %ed the ($ into " high
o(nt"in "$"rt b' these%*es0 "nd there He w"s
tr"ns!ig(red be!ore the1 5LCM And His g"rents bec"e
shining "nd e:ceeding white "s snow0 "s no !(%%er so"$ ($on
e"rth co(%d "ke white1 CL7M And there "$$e"red to the
E%iK"h with Moses0 "nd the' were t"%king with +es(s1 7L3M
And Peter "nswering0 s"id to +es(s: R"bbi0 it is good !or (s
to be hereP Let (s "ke three t"bern"c%es0 one !or Yo(0 "nd
one !or Moses0 "nd one !or E%iK"hP 3LFM For he knew not
wh"t he w"s s"'ing0 !or the' were str(ck with !e"r1 FL6M And
there w"s " c%o(d o*ersh"dowing the "nd " *oice c"e o(t
o! the c%o(d0 s"'ing: This is M' ost be%o*ed SonP Listen
to HiP 6L4M And iedi"te%' %ooking "bo(t0 the' s"w no
"n "n' ore0 b(t on%' +es(s with the1 LThe He"*en%' F"ther
tries to get Peter "nd +"es to re"%iIe the' "re not %istening to their
M"sterP +ohn w"s the on%' A$ost%e who knew +es(s wo(%d "ct("%%' dieP
See **14#8 be%ow1M
4L8M And "s the' c"e down !ro the o(nt"in0 He ch"rged
the not to te%% "n' "n wh"t the' h"d seen (nti% the Son o!
M"n wo(%d be risen "g"in !ro the de"d1 8L2>M And the'
ke$t the word to these%*es0 ;(estioning together wh"t He
e"nt in th"t He wo(%d be risen "g"in !ro the de"d1
2>L22M And the' "sked Hi0 s"'ing: 9h' then do the
Ph"risees "nd scribes s"' th"t E%iK"h (st coe !irstB L+es(s
words "bo(t "n iinent <de"th= "nd <res(rrection= @which the' took
"s !ig(r"ti*eA seeed to con!%ict with the *iew th"t E%iK"h w"s
L- 8 2661TU24C"1
54 And it c"e to $"ss
"bo(t eight d"'s "!ter
these words L!ro 26610
)))0C7FG$C82M0 th"t +es(s took
Peter0 +"es0 "nd +ohn0
"nd went ($ into "
o(nt"in to $r"'1
58 And whi%e He $r"'ed0
the !or o! His
co(nten"nce w"s "%tered0
"nd His r"ient bec"e
white "nd g%istening1 C>
And beho%d two en were
seen t"%king with Hi1
The' were Moses and
)liRah C2 "$$e"ring in
"Kest'1 And the' s$oke
o! His de$"rt(re Lde"th "nd
AscensionM "nd wh"t He
wo(%d bring "bo(t in
+er(s"%e Lits destr(ction in
7> 'e"rsM1 C5 /(t Peter "nd
the' who were with Hi
were he"*' in s%ee$1 /(t
w"king ($0 the' s"w His
g%or' "nd the two en
stood with Hi1
MT 26
4 And the' %i!ting ($ their
e'es s"w no one b(t on%' +es(s1
8 And "s the' c"e down !ro the o(nt"in0 +es(s
ch"rged the0 s"'ing: Te%% this *ision to
no "n (nti% the Son o! M"n h"s risen
!ro the de"d1 2> And His
Disci$%es "sked Hi0 s"'ing:
9h' then do the scribes s"'
th"t E%iK"h (st coe !irst
Lbe!ore the Messi"h est"b%ishes the
-ingdo "nd %e"*esMB 22 And He
"nswering0 s"id to the: E%iK"h
indeed sh"%% coe0D "nd restore
"%% things1 25 /(t ) s"' to 'o(0
th"t E%iK"h h"s "%re"d' coe0
"nd the' knew hi not0 b(t
h"*e done (nto hi wh"t the'
h"d in ind Lb' ki%%ing hiM1 So
"%so the Son o! M"n sh"%% s(!!er
!ro the1 2C Then the
Disci$%es (nderstood0 th"t He
h"d s$oken to the o! +ohn the
/"$tist1 DThis w"s "%so !(%!i%%ed in
,h(rch histor' in St1 Fr"ncis J"*ier
@23>F#2335A0 one o! the two
witnesses s$oken o! $ro$hetic"%%' in
Re*122 This wi%% h"*e 'et "nother
!(%!i%%ent "t the end o! the "ge1
27 And when He h"d coe to
the crowd0 there c"e to Hi "
"n !"%%ing down on his knees
be!ore Hi0 s"'ing: L23M Lord0
h"*e $it' on ' son0 !or he is "
%(n"tic "nd s(!!ers (ch0 !or he
!"%%s o!ten into the !ire "nd
o!ten into the w"terP 23L2FM
And ) bro(ght hi to Yo(r
disci$%es0 b(t the' co(%d not
c(re hi1 2FL26M Then +es(s
"nswered "nd s"id Lto the deon
wor%d He s"w "ro(nd HiM: O
(nbe%ie*ing "nd $er*erse
gener"tion0 how %ong sh"%% )
h"*e to be "ro(nd 'o(BP How
%ong sh"%% ) h"*e to to%er"te
'o(BP /ring hi here to Me1
26L24M And +es(s reb(ked the
deon "nd the deon went o(t
o! hi0 "nd the chi%d w"s c(red
!ro th"t ho(r1 LThe sin in )sr"e%
o$ened the ($ to these e*i% s$irits1M
M- 8
to coe be!ore the Messi"nic kingdo0 bec"(se this <tri"%= o! +es(s
w"s in their *iew to initi"te the -ingdo in its !(%%ness ob%iter"ting
"%% His eneies1M 22L25M +es(s "nswering0 s"id to the: Yes0
E%iK"h0 when he sh"%% coe L"t the end o! the "geM0 sh"%% !irst
restore "%% thingsE b(t Li! 'o(r *iew o! M' co$%ete tri($h is
K(st "ro(nd the cornerM how is it "%so written o! the Son o!
M"n0 th"t He (st s(!!er "n' things "nd be des$isedB
25L2CM /(t ) s"' to 'o(0 th"t E%iK"h h"s "%re"d' coe Lb(t
th"t E%iK"h did not restore "%% thingsM0 b(t the' h"*e done to hi
L+ohn the /"$tistM wh"t the' desired Lb' betr"'ing hi "nd
t(rning hi o*er to Herod to i$rison "nd ki%%M0 K(st "s it is
written o! Hi L9ho sh"%% %ikewise s(!!er "nd dieMP
This %"st sentence does not re!er to the /"$tist "s ost renditions h"*e "de it
"$$e"r1 )t is " !in"% conc%(ding st"teent "bo(t the Lord re!erring b"ck to the
Son o! M"n in *1221 The Poem c%e"rs this ($ with the Lord "ct("%%' h"*ing
s"id: <The' wi%% do the s"e to the Son o! M"n bec"(se en do not w"nt to
"cknow%edge wh"t is good !or the1= )))0C74G$172>
2CL27M And coing to His Disci$%es0 He s"w " gre"t
(%tit(de "bo(t the "nd the scribes dis$(ting with the1
27L23M And iedi"te%' "%% the $eo$%e seeing +es(s were
"stonished "nd str(ck with !e"r1 And r(nning to Hi0 the'
greeted Hi1 23L2FM And He "sked the: 9h"t do 'o(
;(estion "ong 'o(rse%*esB 2FL26M And one in the
(%tit(de0 "nswering0 s"id: M"ster0 ) h"*e bro(ght ' son
who h"s " d(b s$irit to Yo(1 26L24M 9ho0 where*er the
s$irit t"kes hi0 it d"shes hi0 "nd he !o"s "t the o(th
"nd gn"shes with his teeth0 "nd w"stes "w"'0 "nd ) s$oke
to Yo(r disci$%es to c"st hi o(t0 b(t the' co(%d not1
24L28M +es(s "nswering the0 s"id Lto the deonic hordes th"t
He "%one s"w "ro(nd the "nM: O !"ith%ess gener"tion0 how
%ong sh"%% ) be with 'o(BP How %ong (st ) to%er"te 'o(BPD
/ring hi (nto Me1 28L5>M And the' bro(ght hi1 And "s
soon "s he h"d seen Hi0 iedi"te%' the s$irit tro(b%ed
hi1 And being thrown down ($on the gro(nd0 he ro%%ed
"bo(t !o"ing1 5>L52M And +es(s "sked his !"ther: How
%ong "go w"s it since this h"$$ened to hiB He s"id:
Fro his in!"nc'1 52L55M And o!ten the s$irit c"sts hi
into the !ire "nd into w"ter to destro' hi1 /(t i! Yo( c"n
do "n'thing0 he%$ (sP H"*e co$"ssion on (sP 55L5CM And
+es(s s"id to hi: )! 'o( c"n be%ie*e0 "%% things "re
$ossib%e to hi who be%ie*es1 5CL57M And iedi"te%' the
!"ther o! the bo' cr'ing o(t with te"rs s"id: ) do be%ie*e0
LordP He%$ ' (nbe%ie!P 57L53M And when +es(s s"w the
(%tit(de r(nning together0 He thre"tened the (nc%e"n
s$irit0 s"'ing to hi: De"! "nd d(b s$irit0 ) co"nd
'o(0 go o(t o! hi "nd ne*er enter into hi "g"inP 53L5FM
And cr'ing o(t "nd gre"t%' te"ring hi0 the s$irit went o(t
o! hi1 And he bec"e "s de"d0 so th"t "n' s"id: He is
de"dP 5FL56M /(t +es(s t"king hi b' the h"nd0 %i!ted hi
($0 "nd he "rose1
DH4 !aithless and perverse generationI w"s "ddressed to the deonic
ho"rds "!!%icting this "n "nd in!%(encing the crowds0 not to the Disci$%es1
L- 8
CC And it c"e to $"ss th"t "s the' were
de$"rting !ro Hi0 Peter0 not knowing
wh"t he w"s s"'ing0 s"id to +es(s:
M"ster0 it is good !or (s to be hereP Let
(s "ke three t"bern"c%es0 one !or Yo(0
"nd one !or Moses0 "nd one !or E%iK"hP C7
And "s he s$oke these things there c"e
" c%o(d th"t o*ersh"dowed the1 And
when the' entered into the c%o(d the'
were "!r"id1 C3 Then " *oice c"e o(t o!
the c%o(d0 s"'ing: This is M' be%o*ed
SonP He"r HiP
CF And "!ter the *oice w"s (ttered0 +es(s
w"s !o(nd "%one1 And the' were s(bd(ed
in si%ence "nd to%d no one in those d"'s
"n' o! these things which the' h"d seen1
C6 And it c"e to $"ss the d"'
!o%%owing0 when the' c"e down !ro
the o(nt"in0 " gre"t (%tit(de et Hi1
C4 And beho%d " "n "ong the crowd
cried o(t0 s"'ing: M"sterP ) beg 'o(0 %ook
($on ' son bec"(se he is ' on%' oneP
C8 And %o0 " s$irit seiIes hi0 "nd he
s(dden%' cries o(t0 "nd he throws hi
down "nd con*(%ses hi so th"t he !o"s
"t the o(th1 He br(ises hi1 He h"rd%'
e*er de$"rts !ro hi1 7> And ) desired
th"t Yo(r disci$%es c"st hi o(t0 b(t the'
co(%d not1 72 And +es(s Lseeing the deonic
hordes "ro(nd HiM "nswering0 s"id: O
(n!"ith!(% "nd $er*erse gener"tion Lbreed
o! deonsM0 how %ong (st ) be "ro(nd 'o(
"nd to%er"te 'o(BP L+es(s then s"id0M /ring
'o(r son here1 75 And "s he w"s coing
to Hi the deon threw hi down "nd
con*(%sed hi1 7CL75bM And +es(s
reb(ked the (nc%e"n s$irit "nd c(red the
bo'0 restoring hi to his !"ther1 77L7CM
And "%% were "stonished "t the ight'
$ower o! God1 /(t whi%e "%% wondered "t
"%% the things +es(s did0 He s"id to His
Disci$%es: L77M Let these words sett%e in
'o(r inds: )t sh"%% coe to $"ss th"t the
Son o! M"n sh"%% be de%i*ered into the
h"nds o! enP 73 /(t the' (nderstood
not this word Lits !(%% i$%ic"tionsM !or it Lthe
!(%% tr(thM w"s hidden !ro the Lb' their
own c"rn"% inds which did not wish to know
the tr(thM0 so th"t the' $ercei*ed it not1
And the' were "!r"id to "sk Hi
concerning this word1
,B+. E Mch0 AD CC The Disiples $s/ $bout the Man They Could not Heal # N"I"reth
MT 26
24L28M Then c"e the Disci$%es to +es(s secret%' "nd s"id: 9h' co(%d not we
c"st hi o(tB 28L5>M +es(s s"id to the: /ec"(se o! 'o(r (nbe%ie!1 Gor most
ass&redly I say to yo&, if yo& ha+e faith as a 'rain of m&stard seed, yo& co&ld
say to this mo&ntain, emo+e from here to there, and it )o&ld mo+e" =nd
nothin' )o&ld -e impossi-le to yo&" LThe it"%iciIed te:t w"s $%"ced here b' M"tthew
!ro "nother e$isode to co$%ete " *er' i$ort"nt $oint1 The Poem re*e"%s this w"s not
gi*en "t this tie here b(t on%' "t M"tt152:52 "t *@<.1 M"tthew d&plicated it here bec"(se it
!it with +es(sH te"ching here1M 5>L52!nM /(t this kind Lo! deonM is not c"st o(t b(t b'
$r"'er "nd !"sting1
M- 8 TU
56L54M And when He h"d coe into the ho(se Lo! the
/%essed &irginM0 His Disci$%es secret%' "sked Hi: 9h'
co(%d not we c"st hi o(tB 54L58M And He s"id to
the: This kind wi%% go o(t b' nothing other th"n
$r"'er "nd !"sting1
DM"r'Hs ho(se1 An indic"tion this te:t w"s "%so c(t !ro " ore
e:tensi*e n"rr"tion in*o%*ing the identit' o! this ho(se1
,B,. E Mch0 AD CC .esus )mphasizes His Death the (eond TimeT to His Disiples # Tow"rds ,"n"0 then Tiberi"s
MT 26 TU
52L55M And when the' c"e together in G"%i%ee0 +es(s
L"g"inM s"id to the: The Son o! M"n sh"%% be betr"'ed into
the h"nds o! en0 55L5CM "nd the' sh"%% ki%% Hi0 "nd the
third d"' He sh"%% rise "g"in1 And the' were e:ceeding%'
"ote: +es(s h"d !irst entioned this de"th in 2F:521 )! this occ(rred here K(st
"!ter 24>1 "bo*e then it h"$$ened in the 5 d"'s between ,h1C78 "nd C3> o! the
Poem" /(t this co(%d "%so be re!erring here to the tie 4 d"'s %"ter
@III'<2@7p.@2<A where +es(s c%e"r%' to%d all His Disciples He w"s to s(!!er "nd
L- 8 TU
58LC>M And de$"rting !ro there0 the' $"ssed thro(gh G"%i%ee0 "nd He
$%"nned th"t no "n sho(%d know it LHis itiner"r'M1 C>LC2M And He t"(ght
His disci$%e0 "nd s"id to the: The Son o! M"n sh"%% be betr"'ed into the
h"nds o! en "nd the' sh"%% ki%% Hi0 "nd "!ter He is ki%%ed0 He sh"%% rise
"g"in the third d"'1 C2LC5M /(t the' (nderstood not His word Lbe%ie*ing
r"ther th"t He w"s s$e"king !ig(r"ti*e%'M0 "nd the' were "!r"id to "sk Hi
Lbec"(se the' re"%%' did not w"nt to know i! this w"s %iter"%%' tr(eM1
,B*. E Mch0 AD CC The Coin in the Fish9s Mouth !or the Temple Ta0 # Fro Tiberi"s to ,"$ern"( C3>G$1726
MT 26
5CL57M And when the' h"d coe to ,"$ern"( L!ro Tiberi"sM0 the' th"t co%%ected the didr"ch"s Lthe Te$%e t":: two
dr"ch"s Q e sheke% or two d"'s w"geM0D c"e to Peter "nd s"id to hi: Does not 'o(r M"ster $"' the didr"ch"sBP 57L53M
He s"id: YesP L/(t Peter w"s c%e"r%' "ngered o*er h"*ing to $"' t": to this !i%th' den o! thie*es0 "s he c"%%ed the1M And when he h"d
coe into the ho(se Lwhere +es(s "%w"'s st"'ed in ,"$ern"(M0 +es(s knowing his tho(ghts0 s"id: 9h"t is 'o(r o$inion0
SionB O! who do the kings o! the e"rth recei*e trib(te or c(stoB O! their own chi%dren or o! str"ngersB 53L5FM
And he s"id: O! str"ngers1 +es(s s"id to hi: Then the chi%dren "re !ree Lso 'o(r thinking is not co$%ete%' wrongM1 5FL56M
/(t th"t we "' not sc"nd"%iIe the0 go to the se" "nd c"st in " hook "nd the !ish which sh"%% !irst coe ($0 t"ke0 "nd
when 'o( h"*e o$ened its o(th0 'o( sh"%% !ind " st"ter L" 7 dr"ch" coinM1 T"ke th"t0 "nd gi*e it to the !or 'o( "nd
DE*er' "%e 5> 'e"rs o! "ge "nd o%der w"s re;(ired to $"' 5 dr"ch"s 'e"r%' !or the ($kee$ o! the Te$%e "nd this the Disci$%es d(ti!(%%'
!(%!i%%ed tho(gh not witho(t ob*io(s re*(%sion "nd i%% wi%%1 Here0 being %"te with their ob%ig"tion0 the not so s(bt%e !"%se "cc(s"tion o! %"w
bre"king w"s "n ob*io(s "dded irrit"tion to Peter1
M- 8 TU
5"LCC"M And
the' c"e to
,B<. E Mch0 AD CC The "eed to be 5i/e Children 7 The Danger o! 4!!ending the Humble o! Heart # ,"$ern"(
MT 24 TU2871
2 AT THAT HO.R the Disci$%es c"e
to +es(s0 s"'ing: 9ho do 'o( think is
gre"test in the -ingdo o! He"*enB 5
And +es(s0 c"%%ing (nto hi " %itt%e chi%d0
set hi in the idst o! the0 C "nd s"id:
Most "ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0 (n%ess 'o(
be con*erted "nd becoe "s %itt%e
chi%dren 'o( sh"%% not enter into the
-ingdo o! He"*en1 7 9hoe*er0
there!ore0 sh"%% h(b%e hise%! "s this
%itt%e chi%d0 he is the gre"test in the
-ingdo o! He"*en1 3 And he who
sh"%% recei*e one s(ch %itt%e chi%d in M'
n"e0 recei*es Me1 F /(t he who sh"%%
sc"nd"%iIe one o! these %itt%e ones who
be%ie*e in Me0 it were better !or hi Lin
order to $re*ent the o!!enceM th"t " i%%stone
be h"nged "bo(t his neck0 "nd th"t he
sho(%d be drowned in the de$th o! the
se"P 6 9oe to the wor%d bec"(se o!
sc"nd"%s1 Tho(gh it (st be th"t sc"nd"%s
coe0 ne*erthe%ess woe to th"t "n b'
who the sc"nd"% coesP 4 And i! 'o(r
h"nd or 'o(r !oot c"(ses 'o( to so sin0
c(t it o!! "nd c"st it !ro 'o(1 )t wo(%d be
better !or 'o( to go into %i!e "ied or
%"e0 th"n h"*ing two h"nds or two !eet0
to be c"st into e*er%"sting !ire1 8 And i!
'o(r e'e c"(ses 'o( to sin0 $%(ck it o(t0
"nd c"st it !ro 'o(1 )t wo(%d be better
!or 'o( h"*ing one e'e to enter into %i!e0
th"n h"*ing two e'es "nd be c"st into
He%% !ire1 2> See th"t 'o( des$ise not
one o! these %itt%e ones0 !or ) s"' to 'o(0
th"t their "nge%s in He"*en "%w"'s see
the !"ce o! M' F"ther 9ho is in He"*en1
M- 8 TU68b1
C5bLCCbM And when the' were in the ho(se Lwhere +es(s "%w"'s
st"'ed in ,"$ern"(M0 He "sked the: 9h"t did 'o( disc(ss "nd
"rg(e "bo(t on the w"'B CCLC7M /(t the' he%d their $e"ce0 !or
on the w"' the' h"d dis$(ted "ong these%*es o*er which o!
the w"s the gre"test1 C7LC3M And sitting down0 He c"%%ed the
Twe%*e "nd s"id to the: )! "n' "n desires to be !irst0 he
(st be the %"st o! "%%0 "nd the inister to "%%1 C3LCFM And
t"king " chi%d0 He set hi in the idst o! the1 9hen he h"d
ebr"ced hi he s"id to the: CFLC6M 9hoe*er sh"%% recei*e
one s(ch chi%d "s this in M' n"e0 recei*es Me1 And whoe*er
sh"%% recei*e Me0 recei*es not Me on%'0 b(t Hi 9ho sent
C6LC4M +ohn "nswered Hi0 s"'ing: M"ster0 we s"w one
c"sting o(t deons in Yo(r n"e who does not !o%%ow (s0 "nd
we !orbid hi1 C4LC8M /(t +es(s s"id: Do not !orbid hi1 For
there is no "n th"t does " ir"c%e in M' n"e0 th"t c"n soon
"!terw"rds s$e"k i%% o! Me1 C8L7>M For Lin this c"seM he who is
not "g"inst 'o( is !or 'o(1 7>L72M For whoe*er sh"%% gi*e 'o( "
c($ o! w"ter to drink in M' n"e0 bec"(se 'o( be%ong to
,hrist0 ost "ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0 he sh"%% not !"i% to recei*e
his rew"rdP
72L75M And whoe*er sh"%% sc"nd"%iIe one o! these %itt%e ones
who be%ie*e in Me0 it wo(%d be better !or hi th"t " i%%stone
were h(ng "ro(nd his neck "nd he were c"st into the se" Lth"n
!or this to h"$$enM1 75L7CM And i! 'o(r h"nd sc"nd"%iIes 'o( L"nd
wo(%d c"(se 'o( to so o!!endM0 c(t it o!!1 )t is better !or 'o( to
enter into %i!e Lnow with GodM0 tho(gh "ied0 th"n h"*ing two
h"nds "nd L"t de"thM go to He%%0 into (n;(ench"b%e !ire0
7CL77!nM )here their )orms dies not, and the fire is not
e0tin'&ished"B 77L73M And i! 'o(r !oot sc"nd"%iIes 'o(0 c(t it
o!!1 )t is better !or 'o( to enter %"e into %i!e e*er%"sting
LnowM0 th"n h"*ing two !eet0 to be c"st L%"terM into the He%% o!
(n;(ench"b%e !ire0 73L7F!nM )here their )orms dies not, and
the fire is not e0tin'&ished"T 7FL76M And i! 'o(r e'e
sc"nd"%iIes 'o(0 $%(ck it o(t1 )t is better !or 'o( with one e'e
to LnowM enter into the -ingdo o! God0 th"n h"*ing two e'es
to L%"terM be c"st into the He%%
o! !ire0 76L74M where their
wors dies not0 "nd the !ire is
not e:ting(ished1 L)s"1FF:57M
DL*17C "nd 73
L- 8
F And there "rose " deb"te
"ong the Disci$%es "s to
which o! the w"s gre"test1
76 /(t +es(s $ercei*ing the
tho(ghts o! their he"rts took "
chi%d "nd set hi b' Hi0 74
"nd s"id to the: 9hoe*er
sh"%% recei*e this chi%d in M'
n"e0 recei*es Me1 And
whoe*er sh"%% recei*e Me0
recei*es Hi 9ho sent Me1
For he who is the %e"st "ong
'o( "%%0 he is the gre"test
Lbec"(se he is ost %ike GodM1
78 And +ohn0 "nswering0 s"id:
M"ster0 we s"w " cert"in "n
c"sting o(t deons in Yo(r
n"e "nd we !orbid hi
bec"(se he did not !o%%ow (s1
3> And +es(s s"id to hi: Do
not !orbid hi0 !or he who is
not "g"inst 'o( Lbec"(se he is !or
MeM0 is !or 'o(1
L- 26 2281TU23F1
2 AND +es(s s"id to His
Disci$%es: )t is i$ossib%e
th"t sc"nd"%s sho(%d not coe0
b(t woe to hi thro(gh who the'
coeP 5 )t wo(%d be better !or hi th"t
" i%%stone were h(ng "bo(t his neck
"nd he be c"st into the se"0 th"n th"t
one sho(%d sc"nd"%iIe one o! these
%itt%e onesP
,B@. E Mch0 Th(0 AD << Feeding o! the @'+++ # Second Feeding: To Dec"$o%is0 the Hi%%s E"st o! the Se" o! G"%i%ee @S$ringGno
MT 23
C> And there c"e to Hi gre"t (%tit(des0
h"*ing with the the d(b0 the b%ind0 the %"e0
the "ied0 "nd "n' others0 "nd the' %"id the
down "t His !eet0 "nd He he"%ed the0 C2 so th"t
the (%tit(des "r*e%ed seeing the d(b s$e"k0
the %"e w"%k0 "nd the b%ind see0 "nd the' g%ori!ied
the God o! )sr"e%1
C5 And +es(s c"%%ed together His Disci$%es "nd
s"id: ) h"*e co$"ssion on the (%tit(des bec"(se
the' h"*e contin(ed with Me now three d"'s "nd
h"*e nothing to e"t0 "nd ) wi%% not send the "w"'
!"sting %est the' !"int in the w"'1 CC And the
Disci$%es s"id (nto Hi: Fro where "re we to
obt"in so "n' %o"*es in this deserted $%"ce0 "s to
!i%% so gre"t " (%tit(deB C7 And +es(s s"id to
the: How "n' %o"*es h"*e 'o(B And the' s"id:
Se*en0 "nd " !ew %itt%e !ish1 C3 And He ch"rged the
(%tit(de to sit down ($on the gro(nd1 CF And
t"king the se*en %o"*es "nd the !ish0 "nd gi*ing
th"nks0 he broke the "nd g"*e to His Disci$%es0
"nd the Disci$%es g"*e to the $eo$%e1 C6 And the'
"%% did e"t "nd h"d their !i%% "nd the' e*en took ($
se*en b"skets !(%% o! wh"t re"ined o! the
!r"gents1 C4 And the' th"t "te were !o(r tho(s"nd
en0 beside chi%dren "nd woen1 C8 And h"*ing
disissed the (%tit(de0 He went ($ into " bo"t
"nd c"e into the district o! M"ged"n1
M- 4
2 )N THOSE DAYS when "g"in0 there w"s " gre"t (%tit(de0 "nd
the' h"d nothing to e"t Lre!erence to the 2
!eeding F onths be!ore
@2321AM0 +es(s c"%%ed His Disci$%es together "nd s"id to the: 5 )
h"*e co$"ssion on the (%tit(de0 !or beho%d the' h"*e now been
with Me three d"'s "nd h"*e h"d nothing to e"t1 C And i! ) sho(%d
send the "w"' !"sting to their hoe the' wi%% !"int in the w"'0
!or soe o! the c"e !ro "!"r1 7 And His Disci$%es "nswered
Hi: Fro where co(%d "n'one !i%% the here with bre"d in this
(ninh"bited regionB 3 And He "sked the: How "n' %o"*es
h"*e 'o(B The' s"id: Se*en1 F And t"king the se*en %o"*es "nd
gi*ing th"nks0 He broke the "nd g"*e to His Disci$%es to
distrib(te0 "nd the' distrib(ted the to the $eo$%e1 6 And the'
h"d on%' " !ew %itt%e !ish0 b(t He b%essed the0 "nd ordered the
to be set be!ore the1 4 And the' did e"t "nd were !i%%ed "nd the'
took ($ se*en b"skets o! th"t which w"s %e!t o! the !r"gents1 8
And those th"t h"d e"ten were "bo(t !o(r tho(s"nd1 Then He sent
the "w"'1 2> And iedi"te%' going ($ into " shi$ with His
Disci$%es0 He c"e into the district o! D"%"n(th" LM"gd"%"M1
"ote: )t is ;(ite re*e"%ing th"t M"rk @PeterA bre"ks with " chrono%ogic"% order here "nd
now re*erts to " $re*io(s e*ent @2631A0 !o%%owing M"tthewHs $"ttern1 This e"ns Peter
"nd M"rk were (sing M"tthewHs Gos$e% in this work1 +ohn0 howe*er0 who (st h"*e
cert"in%' h"d M"tthew "nd M"rkHs "cco(nts $icks ($ his n"rr"tion precisely here0 "!ter
ski$$ing ne"r%' 6 onths @2371 # 2471A which were "%re"d' !(%%' co*ered in the other
Gos$e% writers1 Here is K(st one e:"$%e o! many where the Poem $ro*es its co$%ete%'
s($ern"t(r"% origin in its cre"ting so (ch intric"te consistenc' o(t o! the di!!erences in
the !o(r Gos$e%s whi%e 'et co$%ete%' ignoring "%% $re*io(s chrono%ogic"% schees !or the
LordHs inistr' "s it cert"in%' does hereP M
+NF 23>1TU2321
C +es(s0 there!ore0
went ($ into "
o(nt"in0 "nd there
He s"t with his
disci$%es1 7 Now the
P"sso*er0 the !e"st d"'
o! the +ews0 w"s ne"r
"t h"nd1
DThis w"s the s$ring P"sso*er
,B2. M Mch0 Fri0 AD CC $!ter the Feeding o! the @'+++ # ,"$ern"( C3CG$17CF
+N F 23C1TU
55 The ne:t d"' L"!ter **1 C#7 o! 2471 the 5nd FeedingPMD the (%tit(de th"t stood on the other side o! the se" L"t ,"$ern"(M0 s"w th"t there
w"s no other shi$ there b(t one Lb' which the Disci$%es h"d "rri*ed )itho&t +es(sM0 "nd th"t +es(s h"d not entered into the shi$ with His
Disci$%es Lth"t "rri*ed "t ,"$ern"(M0 b(t th"t His Disci$%es h"d gone "w"' "%one1 5C /(t other shi$s c"e in !ro Tiberi"s ne"r (nto the
$%"ce where the' h"d e"ten the bre"d0 when the Lord g"*e th"nks1 57 9hen0 there!ore0 the (%tit(de L!ro Tiberi"sM s"w th"t +es(s w"s
not there0 nor His Disci$%es0 the' L"%soM took shi$$ing "nd c"e to ,"$ern"(0 seeking !or +es(s1
53 And when the' h"d !o(nd Hi on the other side o! the se" L"t ,"$ern"(M0 the' s"id to Hi: R"bbi0 when did Yo( coe hereB F"ote:
+es(s "nd the 25 h"d gone to M"gd"%" b' shi$ the d"' be!ore1 The Twe%*e %e!t +es(s there "nd bo"ted to ,"$ern"( "%one1 +es(s coes to ,"$ern"( %"ter1M
D+ohn si$%i!ies his "cco(nt b' te%%ing o! on%' one !eeding "nd th(s h"d $(t this te:t into the conte:t o! the !irst !eeding @23C1A1
,BC. M Mch0 Fri0 AD CC The 4!!ense o! the :ody and :lood o! Christ # S'n"gog(e "t ,"$ern"( C3CG$177>
+N F TU2831
5F +es(s "nswered the "nd s"id: Most cert"in%' "nd "ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(: Yo( seek Me not K(st bec"(se 'o( h"*e seen ir"c%es0 b(t
bec"(se 'o( did e"t o! the %o"*es0 "nd were !i%%ed1 56 L"bor not !or the !ood which $erishes0 b(t !or th"t which end(res (nto %i!e
e*er%"sting Lhe"*en%' %i!eM0 which the Son o! M"n wi%% gi*e 'o(P For Hi h"s God the F"ther se"%ed Lwith His "$$ro*"% b' gr"nting Hi $ower to
$er!or ir"c%esM1 LThe ir"c%es were to ,hrist "nd His doctrine wh"t " se"% w"s to " doc(ent1 F(rther0 it is "%so s"id th"t " good b"ker wo(%d o!ten st"$ "n
i"ge into their bre"d so it co(%d be identi!ied1M 54 The' s"id0 there!ore0 (nto Hi: 9h"t sh"%% we do th"t we "' work the works o! GodB 58
+es(s "nswered "nd s"id to the: This is the work o! God0 th"t 'o( be%ie*e B in Hi 9ho He h"s sentP C> The' s"id0 there!ore0 to Hi:
9h"t sign0 there!ore0 do Yo( show th"t we "' see0 "nd "' be%ie*e Yo(B 9h"t do Yo( workB C2 O(r !"thers did e"t "nn" in the
desert0 "s it is written: He 'a+e them -read from Hea+en to eat" ZE:od(s 2F:27[ C5 Then +es(s s"id to the: Most cert"in%' "nd "ss(red%' )
s"' to 'o(: Moses did not gi*e 'o( bre"d !ro He"*en0 Lit w"s the F"ther th"t didM0 b(t M' F"ther "%so gi*es 'o( the Tr(e /re"d !ro
He"*en1 CC For the LTr(eM /re"d o! God is th"t which coes down !ro He"*en "nd gi*es %i!e to the wor%dP C7 The' s"id0 there!ore0 (nto
Hi: Lord0 gi*e (s "%w"'s this /re"dP DThe be%ie! s$oken o! here is not the <i$er!ect !"ith= s$oken o! in +"es 5:550 b(t perfect !"ith which becoes
M"rk 8:7C "nd 73 The Poem shows th"t technic"%%' +es(s on%' re!erred to the etern"% torent o! the wor "t *173L7FM0 b(t since M"rk "$$"rent%'
is$%"ced it origin"%%' in *176L74M0 "nd %"ter0 r"ther th"n de%ete it0 it w"s $%"ced in "%% three %oc"tions1 Ag"in this is indic"tion th"t whoe*er "de the %"ter
"ddition h"d !irsth"nd know%edge o! the "ct("% words o! ,hrist "nd in this c"se no do(bt Peter hise%!1 )tHs h"rd to i"gine "n' other re"son this w"s $%"ced
in "%% three $%"ces other th"n " scr($(%o(s o*er concern o! it being origin"%%' o(t o! $%"ce1 This o! co(rse %ed to di!!ering ss1 in circ(%"tion1 The %"ter
"tte$ts "t restor"tion re!%ected in b @Sin"tic(sA : @&"tic"n(sA D 5 w"s on the b"sis o! " $(re g(ess "nd te:t("% "esthetics which %ed to the de%etion o! its
occ(rrence in 7CL77M "nd 73L7FM1
o(rs "!ter obedience to th"t which !"ith re;(ires o! (s1 <)$er!ect !"ith= is ere know%edge o! the tr(th0 ent"% "ssent to tr(th or <he"d know%edge0= which i! not
s(rrendered to in obedience c"nnot K(sti!' or gi*e %i!e1 E*en the deons know the tr(th b(t the' do not s(bit to the tr(th1
Jesus declares He is the +read of &ife from Hea#en.
C3 And +es(s s"id to the: ) " the /re"d o! Li!eP He who coes to Me sh"%% not h(nger0 "nd he who be%ie*es in Me sh"%% ne*er thirstP
CF /(t ) s"id (nto 'o(0 th"t 'o( "%so h"*e seen Me "nd 'o( be%ie*e notP C6 A%% who the F"ther gi*es to Me sh"%% coe to Me0 "nd hi
who coes to Me0 ) wi%% not c"st o(t0 C4 bec"(se ) c"e down !ro He"*en not to do M' own wi%%0 b(t the wi%% o! Hi 9ho sent Me1
C8 Now this is the wi%% o! the F"ther 9ho sent Me0 th"t o! "%% who He h"s gi*en Me0 ) sho(%d %ose nothing0 b(t sho(%d r"ise it ($ "g"in in
the %"st d"'1 LSee note "t 26:25 @56>1AM 7> And this L"%soM is the wi%% o! M' F"ther 9ho sent Me0 th"t e*er'one who sees the Son L(nderst"nds
Hi "s tr(eM0 "nd L"%soM be%ie*es in Hi Lwith $er!ect o-edient faithM0 sho(%d L"%re"d'PM h"*e %i!e e*er%"sting Lhe"*en%' %i!eM0 "nd ) wi%% r"ise hi
($ in the %"st d"'P
The Jews cannot belie#e Jesus is an" other than a man.
72 The +ews0 there!ore0 (r(red "t Hi bec"(se He h"d s"id: ) " the Li*ing /re"d which c"e down !ro He"*en1 75 And the'
s"id: )s not this +es(s0 the son o! +ose$h0 whose !"ther "nd other we knowB How then does He s"': ) c"e down !ro He"*enBP 7C
+es(s0 there!ore0 "nswered "nd s"id to the: M(r(r not "ong 'o(rse%*es1 77 No "n c"n coe to Me0 e:ce$t the F"ther0 9ho h"s
sent Me0 dr"ws hi0 "nd ) wi%% r"ise hi ($ in the %"st d"'1 L/(t since 'o( "re $(tting 'o(rse%*es o(tside His re"ch 'o( c"nnot coe to Me1M 73 )t is
written in the $ro$hets: =nd they shall all -e ta&'ht of God1 Z)s"i"h 37:2C[ E*er'one who h"s %istened to the F"ther "nd h"s %e"rned0 coes
to Me1 7F Not th"t "n' "n h"s seen the F"ther1 /(t He 9ho is o! God0 He on%' h"s seen the F"ther1 76 Most cert"in%' "nd "ss(red%' )
s"' (nto 'o(: He who be%ie*es in Me Lwith $er!ect o-edient faithM0 h"s L"%re"d'PM e*er%"sting Lhe"*en%'M %i!e1 74 L9h'B /ec"(seM ) " the /re"d
o! Li!e1 78 Yo(r !"thers did e"t "nn" in the desert0 b(t "re de"d1 3> This Lo! which ) s$e"kM is the /re"d which coes down !ro He"*en0
th"t i! "n' "n e"ts o! it0 he "' not diePD 32 ) " the Li*ing /re"d which c"e down !ro He"*en1 35L32bM )! "n' "n e"ts o! this
/re"d0 he sh"%% %i*e !ore*er0 "nd the bre"d th"t ) wi%% gi*e is M' F%esh0 !or the %i!e o! the wor%d1
Dhe may not die: +es(s here "$$e"rs to be "%%(ding to the coing ch"nge in the st"te o! the de$"rted righteo(s1 )n the New ,o*en"nt those who die now h"*e
opport&nity to go direct%' into the $resence o! God in He"*en1 This sees to be wh"t +es(s e"ns when He s"'s th"t those who e"t o! Hi <may not die1= The'
no %onger ha+e to be se$"r"ted !ro God "!ter $h'sic"% de"th "s the O%d ,o*en"nt $"tri"rchs1
-xcept "ou eat M" .lesh and drink M" +lood.
3CL35M The +ews0 there!ore0 stro*e "ong these%*es0 s"'ing: How c"n this M"n gi*e (s His !%esh to e"tB 37L3CM Then +es(s s"id to
the: Most cert"in%' "nd "ss(red%' ) s"' (nto 'o(: E:ce$t 'o( e"t the F%esh o! the Son o! M"n0 "nd drink His /%ood0 'o( sh"%% not h"*e
LNew ,o*en"ntM Li!e in 'o( L!or this wi%% be the !oc"% $oint o! worshi$ "nd !e%%owshi$ in M' ,h(rch W Acts 5:7FM1 33L37M He who e"ts M' F%esh0 "nd
drinks M' /%ood0 h"s e*er%"sting Lhe"*en%'M %i!e "nd ) wi%% r"ise hi ($ in the %"st d"'1 3FL33M For M' F%esh is !ood indeed0 "nd M'
/%ood is drink indeed1 36L3FM He who e"ts M' F%esh0 "nd drinks M' /%ood0 "bides in Me0 "nd ) in hi1 34L36M As the %i*ing F"ther h"s
sent Me0 "nd ) %i*e b' the F"ther0 so he who e"ts Me0 the s"e "%so sh"%% %i*e b' Me1 38L34M This is the /re"d th"t c"e down !ro
He"*en1 Not "s 'o(r !"thers did e"t "nn" "nd "re de"d1 He who e"ts this /re"d0 sh"%% %i*e !ore*er1 F>L38M These things He s"id0
te"ching in the s'n"gog(e in ,"$ern"(1
Man" of Jesus' own disciples lea#e Him.
F2LF>M M"n'0 there!ore0 o! His disci$%es0 he"ring it0 s"id: This s"'ing is h"rd0 "nd who c"n "cce$t itBP F5LF2M /(t +es(s0 knowing in
Hise%! th"t His disci$%es (r(red "t this0 s"id to the: Does this sc"nd"%iIe 'o(B FCLF5M )! then 'o( sh"%% see the Son o! M"n "scend
($ where He w"s be!ore Lwo(%d this he%$ 'o( to (nderst"nd how 'o( wi%% be "b%e to $"rt"ke o! Me witho(t being sc"nd"%iIedM B F7LFCM )t is the S$irit
th"t gi*es %i!e0 the !%esh Lb' itse%!M $ro!its nothingP The words th"t ) h"*e s$oken to 'o( "re s$irit "nd %i!e1 F3LF7M /(t there "re soe o!
'o( who be%ie*e not1 For +es(s knew !ro the beginning who the' were th"t did not be%ie*e0 "nd who he w"s th"t wo(%d betr"' hi1
FFLF3M And He s"id: For this re"son ) s"id to 'o( th"t no "n c"n coe to Me (n%ess it is gi*en hi b' M' F"ther1
The )uharist: The greatest mirale God has ever pre!ormed and His greatest gi!t o! love to those #ho believeL
E*er'one here in the s'n"gog(e "t ,"$ern"( knew e:"ct%' wh"t +es(s w"s s"'ing "nd th(s h"d two %ogic"% "nd %egiti"te ;(estions which +es(s in **1FC#F7
"nswers: ,? How co(%d the' $ossib%' %iter"%%' e"t His F%esh "nd drink His /%oodB @*135A *? 9h"t good wo(%d coe o! ere%' e"ting His F%esh "nd drinking His
)n res$onse to ho) one co(%d e"t "nd drink o! Hi +es(s %e"*es the " c%(e th"t He wo(%d s($$%' His /od' "nd /%ood K(st "s the "nn" w"s s($$%ied !ro
He"*en1 /"sic"%%' He s"'s to the <9o(%d 'o( h"*e " $rob%e i! 'o( knew ) wo(%d be $h'sic"%%' in He"*en gi*ing o! M'se%! to 'o( !ro thereB= )n "nswer to
the second ;(estion o! wh"t good wo(%d cons(ing His /od' "nd /%ood do0 +es(s is str"ight !orw"rd1 He is c%e"r th"t ere%' e"ting "nd drinking o! His /od'
"nd /%ood wo(%d h"*e no *"%(e wh"te*er i! it w"s not done in the $ro$er s$irit1 <)t is the s$irit th"t gi*es %i!e1= )n !"ct0 "ccording to St1 P"(%0 i! not done in the
s$irit th"t s(ch " gi!t wo(%d re;(ire0 it wo(%d be " desecr"tion0 "nd i! done in wi%%!(% h'$ocris' it wo(%d be worth' o! the K(dgent o! de"th @2 ,or1 22:C>A1
The Li!e $roised to those who $"rt"ke "nd denied to those who re!(se is New ,o*en"nt %i!e1 )t does not e"n those witho(t it "re condenedP F(rther0 i! one is
honest%' (n"w"re o! the te"ching o! ,hrist "nd 'et h"s " $"ssion"te desire to be one with ,hrist who c"n s"' th"t God h"s not inc%(ded hi in New ,o*en"nt %i!e
K(st "s God inc%(des those in the ,o*en"nt who h"*e h"d " sii%"r desire !or /"$tis b(t witho(t h"*ing itB The ,h(rchHs ,"techis $%"in%' s"'s th"t <God is
not bo(nd b' His S"cr"ents1=
F6LFFM A!ter this "n' o! His disci$%es Le*en soe o! those chosen "ong the <65=M went b"ck "nd w"%ked no ore with Hi1 F4LF6M 9hen
+es(s s"id to the Twe%*e: 9i%% 'o( "%so go "w"'B F8LF4M And Sion Peter "nswered Hi: Lord0 to who sh"%% we goB Yo( h"*e the words
o! etern"% %i!e1 6>LF8M And we h"*e be%ie*ed "nd h"*e known th"t Yo( "re the ,hrist0 the Son o! God1 62L6>M +es(s "nswered the: H"*e
not ) chosen 'o( twe%*e0 "nd one o! 'o( is " deonB 65L62M He e"nt +(d"s )sc"riot0 the son o! Sion0 !or he0 "%tho(gh he w"s one o!
the Twe%*e0 w"s "bo(t to betr"' Hi1
C37G$774 # @M Mch0S"tA # Nico%"(s o! Antioch1 <Second Anno(nceent= o! the P"ssion1 LThe second entioned in The Poem, b(t Mt "nd Mk
ention one $rior to this which The Poem o*er%ooks @2421A1 Th"t wo(%d then "ke this one the third "nno(nceent1 The error is in the ch"$ter tit%e "dded %"ter
not in the re*e%"tion in The PoemPM

FT4W$%D( .)%>($5)M D D)C$345I(' 3)%)$ 7 M M$%CH $D <<G LPoe ,h"$ters C33#C38G

C33G$737 # @M Mch0S(nA # Going tow"rds G"d"r"1
,B;. M Mch0 Mon0 AD CC .esus on the 4ld Testament 3rovision !or Divore # G"d"r" in Dec"$o%is C3FG$17F3
MT 28 5281TU5>81 C And there c"e to Hi the Ph"risees te$ting Hi0 s"'ing: )s it not
%"w!(% !or " "n to $(t "w"' his wi!e !or "n' c"(seB 7 +es(s
"nswering0 s"id to the: H"*e 'o( not re"d0 th"t He 9ho "de
"n !ro the beginning0 made them male and femaleL And He
contin(ed: 3 Gor this ca&se >i"e" -eca&se )omen )as ta*en o&t of
man, lea+in' man incomplete@ shall a man lea+e father and
mother, and shall clea+e to his )ife, and they t)o shall >a'ain@
-e in one flesh1 ZGenesis 5:57[ F There!ore0 now the' "re not two0
b(t one !%esh1 9h"t0 there!ore0 God h"s Koined together0 %et no
"n $(t "s(nderP 6 The' re$%ied to Hi: 9h' then did Moses
co"nd to gi*e LherM " bi%% o! di*orce "nd to $(t LherM "w"'B 4
He s"id to the: /ec"(se Moses0 !or the h"rdness o! 'o(r
he"rts0 on%' $eritted 'o( to $(t "w"' 'o(r wi*es b(t !ro the
beginning it w"s not so1 8 And ) s"' to 'o(0 th"t whoe*er sh"%%
$(t "w"' his wi!e0 e:ce$t it be !or !ornic"tion "nd sh"%% "rr'
"nother0 coits "d(%ter'P And He who sh"%% "rr' her th"t is
Lwrong%'M $(t "w"'0 coits "d(%ter'
Lbec"(se she sti%% be%ongs to
the otherM1
2> His Disci$%es then s"id Hi: )! the c"se o! " "n with his
wi!e be so0 it is not e:$edient to "rr'P 22 +es(s s"id to the:
Not "%% en c"n "cce$t this word Lor gi!t o! ce%ib"c'M0 b(t on%'
the' to who it is gi*en L!or "rri"ge is best "nd e*en need!(% !or
ost $eo$%eM1 25 For there "re e(n(chs0 who were born so !ro
their otherHs wob0 "nd there "re e(n(chs0 who were "de so
b' en0 "nd there "re e(n(chs0 who h"*e "de these%*es
e(n(chs !or the -ingdo o! He"*en1 He who c"n t"ke Lth"t
st"tionM0 %et hi t"ke it1 LThere is " gre"t need !or those wi%%ing to %i*e
so%e%' !or the -ingdo o! God "nd !or s$irit("% $rogen' in the ,h(rch1
See *1581 )t w"s e*en $ro$hesied in )s"i"h th"t the e(n(ch wo(%d rise to the
highest orders in the ,h(rch W )s"1 3F:C#3M1
M- 2> 5281TU5>81
5 And the Ph"risees coing to Hi "nd te$ting Hi0 "sked Hi: )s
it %"w!(% !or " "n to $(t "w"' his wi!eB C /(t He "nswering0 s"id to
the: 9h"t did Moses co"nd 'o(B 7 The' Lnot "nswering the ;(estion
"bo(t wh"t w"s commandedM inste"d s"id: Moses $eritted to write " bi%%
o! di*orce0 "nd to $(t her "w"'1 3 +es(s "nswering0 s"id: /ec"(se o!
the h"rdness o! 'o(r he"rt he wrote 'o( th"t $rece$t Lpermittin' di*orceM1
F /(t !ro the beginning o! cre"tion0 God "de "n "%e "nd !e"%e
Lso th"t it t"kes " "%e "nd !e"%e to "ke "n co$%eteM1
6 For this c"(se Lto co$%ete his h("nit'M " "n sh"%% %e"*e his !"ther
"nd other0 "nd sh"%% c%e"*e to his wi!e1
4 And the' two sh"%% be in
one !%esh Lone %i*ing bod'M1 There!ore0 now the' "re not two0 b(t one
!%esh Lone %i*ing bod'M1 8 9h"t0 there!ore0 God h"th Koined together Lin
one bod'M0 %et not "n $(t "s(nder1
5et not man put asunder: Tho(gh two (nited in "rri"ge c"n be <torn "s(nder0=
it c"nnot e*er be done witho(t the gr"*e sin o! "d(%ter'1 )n " contr"ct("% "rri"ge0
which is "%%owed !or those o(tside the s$eci"% gr"ce o! ,hristi"n !"ith "nd the
,h(rch0 "d(%ter' bre"ks the bond "nd "%%ows the innocent $"rt' the right o!
re"rri"ge @Mt128:8A1 )n " ,hristi"n s"cr"ent"% "rri"ge which is " co*en"nt
b"sed on (ncondition"% %o*e "nd "de $ossib%e b' the Gr"ce o! ,hrist0 on%' de"th
c"n disso%*e the bond1 The s"cr"ent"% "rri"ge (nion w"s "%w"'s GodHs $%"n !or
"n b(t "nHs "bi%it' to "int"in th"t re%"tionshi$ w"s %ost "!ter the F"%%1 /oth the
$ossibi%it' "nd res$onsibi%it' to "int"in it now $resent in ,hrist in the ,h(rch1
2> And in the ho(seD His Disci$%es "g"in "sked Hi concerning the
s"e thing1 22 And He s"id to the: L)n " s"cr"ent"% "rri"geM whoe*er
sh"%% $(t "w"' his wi!e "nd "rr' "nother0 coits "d(%ter' "g"inst
her1 25 And i! the wi!e sh"%% $(t "w"' her h(sb"nd0 "nd be "rried to
"nother0 she coits "d(%ter'1 D9here this occ(rred is (nknown0 b(t it did
not h"$$en ne"r the tie o! this e$isode1
C36G$7F4 # @M Mch0MonA # At Pe%%"1
C34G$76F # @M Mch0Mon#T(eA # )n M"tthi"s_s Ho(se be'ond +"besh#Gi%e"d1
C38G$74C # @M Mch0Th(#FriA # Rose o! +ericho1
TH) FIFTH .>D)$" MI"I(T%8 D 3)%)$' D)C$345I(' ". ($M$%I$ 7 < M4"TH( 7 M MCH D 5 .>" $D << LPoe
CF>G$787 # @M MchA # Mir"c%e on the +ord"n in F%ood1
CF2G$3>C # @L MchA # On the Other /"nk1 +es(s Meets His Mother "nd the 9oen Disci$%es1
,BB. L Mch0 AD CC Fe# in Israel Find the Way o! 5i!e D They Will )nd up 5ast in the Oingdom # R""h CF5bG$132C
MT 6
2C Enter in "t the n"rrow
g"te0 !or wide is the g"te
"nd bro"d is the w"' th"t
%e"ds to destr(ction0 "nd
"n' there "re who enter in
thro(gh it1 27 For n"rrow
is the g"te "nd str"it
Lco$ressedM is the w"' th"t
%e"ds to %i!e "nd !ew there
"re th"t "re !o(nd on it1 LThe
Peshitt": This Ar""ic rendition
"%%ows wh"t +es(sH "ct("% words
"%%owed0 th"t whi%e <!ew= s$end
(ch o! their %i*es on the n"rrow
w"'0 ost "' in the end !ind
this ro"dP @)))0CF5bG$132CA1M
L- 2C

5C And " cert"in "n s"id
to +es(s: Lord0 wi%% on%' " !ew be s"*edBD /(t He s"id to the: 57 Stri*e to enter b' the n"rrow g"te0 !or
"n'0 ) s"' to 'o(0 sh"%% seek to enter0 "nd sh"%% not be "b%e1 53 /(t when the M"ster o! the ho(se sh"%%
h"*e gone in "nd sh(t the door0 'o( sh"%% begin to st"nd witho(t "nd knock "t the door0 s"'ing: Lord0 o$en
to (sP And He "nswering0 sh"%% s"' to 'o(: ) know not !ro where 'o( coeP 5F Then 'o( sh"%% begin to
s"': 9e h"*e e"ten "nd dr(nk in Yo(r $resence0 "nd Yo( h"*e t"(ght in o(r streetsP 56 And He sh"%% s"' to
'o(: ) know not where 'o( "re !roP De$"rt !ro Me0 "%% 'o( workers o! ini;(it'P 54 There sh"%% be
wee$ing "nd gn"shing o! teeth0 when 'o( sh"%% see Abr"h" "nd )s""c "nd +"cob0 "nd "%% the $ro$hets0 in
the -ingdo o! God0 "nd 'o( 'o(rse%*es thr(st o(tP 58 And there sh"%% coe $eo$%e !ro the e"st "nd the
west0 "nd the north "nd the so(th0 "nd sh"%% sit down in the -ingdo o! God1 C> And beho%d0 the' "re %"st
th"t sh"%% be !irst0 "nd the' "re !irst th"t sh"%% be %"st1 D+es(s does not "nswer the ;(estion i! on%' " !ew @in the endPA
wi%% be s"*ed1 He on%' s"'s <"n'= wi%% in the end be <thr(st o(t= into e*er%"sting $(nishentP These were those who knew
the Gos$e% "nd h"d reKected it !or their e*i% w"'s1 There wi%% be0 howe*er0 <"n'= o(tside the New ,o*en"nt @the (ns"*ed
"nd %ostP A who wi%% be "cce$ted "ccording to +es(s in M"tt1 4:22#251
C2 The s"e d"'0 there c"e soe o! the Ph"risees0 s"'ing to Hi: De$"rt0 "nd %e"*e this $%"ce0 !or
Herod h"s " ind to ki%% Yo(1 C5 And He s"id to the: Go "nd te%% th"t !o:: /eho%d0 ) c"st o(t deons "nd
do c(res to d"' Lthis P"sso*er tieM "nd then toorrow Lthe ne:t !e"st tieM0 "nd the third d"' Lthe !in"% !e"st tieM )
" cons("ted1
CC Ne*erthe%ess ) (st w"%k tod"' Lin +er(s"%e !or the P"sso*er "nd Pentecost AD CCM "nd the !o%%owing tie
LT"bern"c%es0 AD CCM0 "nd the tie !o%%owing LP"sso*er AD C7M0 bec"(se it wi%% not do th"t " $ro$het $erish0 e:ce$t in
+er(s"%e Lin " $erson"% st"te o! ho%inessMP C7 +er(s"%e0 +er(s"%e0 'o( who ki%% the $ro$hets0 "nd stone those who
"re sent to 'o(0 how o!ten wo(%d ) h"*e g"thered 'o(r chi%dren "s the bird g"thers her brood (nder her wings0 b(t
'o( wo(%d notBP C3 /eho%d 'o(r ho(se now sh"%% be %e!t to 'o( deso%"teP And ) s"' to 'o(0 th"t 'o( sh"%% not see
Me (nti% the tie coes when 'o( sh"%% s"': /%essed is He 9ho h"s coe in the n"e o! the LordP LOech125:8#27M
CFCG$323 # @L MchA # At the Te$%e1 The <O(r F"ther111= "nd " P"r"b%e on Tr(e Sons1
CF7G$357 # @L MchA # At Gethse"ne "nd /eth"n'1
CF3G$3C3 # @L Mch09edA # Letters !ro Antioch1
CFFG$373 # @L Mch0Th(A # The Th(rsd"' be!ore P"sso*er1 Morning Pre%iin"ries1
CF6G$376 # @L Mch0Th(A # The Th(rsd"' be!ore P"sso*er1 At the Te$%e1
CF4G$33F # @L Mch0Th(A # The Th(rsd"' be!ore P"sso*er1 )nstr(ctions to the A$ost%es1
CF8G$3F5 # @L Mch0Th(A # The Th(rsd"' be!ore P"sso*er1 )n +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"_s ho(se1
C6>G$366 # @L Mch0Th(A # The Th(rsd"' be!ore P"sso*er1 The e*ening1
C62G$34F # @E A$r0FriA # Pre$"r"tion D"'1 The Morning1
C65G$38> # @E A$r0FriA # Pre$"r"tion D"'1 At the Te$%e1
C6CG$383 # @E A$r0FriA # Pre$"r"tion D"'1 )n the Streets o! +er(s"%e1
C67G$F>2 # @E A$r0FriA # Pre$"r"tion D"'1 The E*ening1
C63G$F>8 # @E A$r0S"tA # The S"bb"th o! the .n%e"*ened /re"d1

3$((4&)% 7 $D << 7 ) $3%I5' ($T>%D$8
,BA. E A$r0 AD CC Martha is 4verDConerned about Temporal Things # )n /eth"n' C6FG$1F5>
C4 Now it c"e to $"ss "s the' went0 th"t +es(s entered into " cert"in town1 And " cert"in wo"n n"ed
M"rth" recei*ed Hi into her ho(se1 C8 And she h"d " sister c"%%ed M"r'0 who w"s sitting "t the LordHs !eet
he"ring His word1 7> /(t M"rth" w"s distressed "bo(t (ch ser*ing1 And coing ($ to Hi she s"id: Lord0
h"*e Yo( no c"re th"t ' sister h"s %e!t e "%one to ser*eB S$e"k to her0 there!ore0 th"t she he%$s e1 72 And
the Lord "nswering0 s"id to her: M"rth"0 M"rth"0 'o( "re concerned "nd tro(b%ed "bo(t "n' things1 75 /(t one
thing is necess"r'1 M"r' h"s chosen the best $"rt which sh"%% not be t"ken "w"' !ro her1
C66G$F55 # @E A$rA # +es(s S$e"ks "t /eth"n'1
C64G$FC> # @E A$rA # Tow"rds Mt1 Adoin1
C68G$FCC # @M A$rA # A!ter the Retre"t ($on Mt1 ,herith1
,A+. M A$r0 AD CC The 3arable o! the (hre#d (te#ard # Ne"r +ericho C4>G$1FC8
2 AND +es(s "%so s"id to His disci$%es: There w"s " cert"in rich "n who h"d " stew"rd1 And the stew"rd w"s
"cc(sed o! h"*ing w"sted his goods1 5 So he c"%%ed hi0 "nd s"id to hi: How is it th"t ) he"r this o! 'o(B T(rn
o*er the "cco(nt o! 'o(r stew"rdshi$0 !or 'o( c"n no %onger be " stew"rd1 C And the stew"rd s"id within hise%!:
9h"t sh"%% ) do0 bec"(se ' %ord is t"king !ro e the stew"rdshi$B To dig0 ) " not "b%e1 To beg0 ) "
7 ) know wh"t ) wi%% do th"t when ) " reo*ed !ro the stew"rdshi$ others "' recei*e e into their ho(ses1 3
There!ore0 c"%%ing together e*er' one o! his %ordHs debtors0 he s"id to the !irst: How (ch do 'o( owe ' %ordB F
And he s"id: An h(ndred b"rre%s o! oi% L8>> g"%%onsM1 And he s"id to hi: T"ke 'o(r bi%% "nd sit down ;(ick%'0
"nd write !i!t'1 6 Then he s"id to "nother: How (ch do 'o( oweB He s"id: An h(ndred ;("rters o! whe"t L8>>
b(she%sM1 He s"id to hi: T"ke 'o(r bi%% "nd write eight'1 4 And the %ord Lwhen he disco*ered the deedM coended
the (nrighteo(s stew"rd0 bec"(se o! the shrewdness in wh"t he h"d done1 For Lit is tr(e th"tM the chi%dren o! this
wor%d "re wiser tow"rds their own conte$or"ries th"n "re the chi%dren o! %ight1 8 And ) s"' to 'o(: M"ke (nto
'o(rse%*es Ls$irit("%M !riends (sing the "on o! ini;(it' L"teri"% we"%thM0 th"t when 'o( sh"%% !"i% Lor"%%' "nd
s$irit("%%'M0 the' "' Lb' their intercessor' $r"'ers !or 'o( in He"*enM recei*e 'o( into e*er%"sting dwe%%ingsP
2> He who is !"ith!(% in th"t which is %e"st is !"ith!(% "%so in th"t which is gre"ter1 And he who is (nK(st in th"t
which is %itt%e is (nK(st "%so in th"t which is gre"ter1 22 )! then 'o( h"*e not been !"ith!(% in Lreg"rd toM
(nrighteo(s "on L"teri"% we"%thM0 who wi%% tr(st 'o( with th"t which is the tr(e Lwe"%thMB 25 And i! 'o( h"*e
not been !"ith!(% in th"t which is "notherHs L"s " stew"rd o! either other enHs or GodHs entr(stentsM0 who wi%% gi*e 'o(
th"t which is 'o(r own Lth"t which w"s destined to -e yo&r o)n b' inherit"nce either on e"rth or in He"*enMB 2C No ser*"nt
c"n ser*e two "sters0 !or either he wi%% h"te the one "nd %o*e the other0 or he wi%% ho%d to the one "nd des$ise
the other1 Yo( c"nnot ser*e God "nd "on L"teri"% we"%thM1 LMone' is not to be o(r "ster b(t o(r ser*"nt to he%$ (s
ser*e God1M
27 Now the Ph"risees who were co*eto(s Lo! "teri"% we"%thM0 he"rd "%% these things0 so the' derided +es(s1 23 So
He s"id to the: Yo( "re the' who K(sti!' 'o(rse%*es be!ore en0 b(t God knows 'o(r he"rts Lth"t 'o( "re not
K(sti!ied be!ore HiM0 !or th"t which is high%' reg"rded b' en L$(rs(it o! we"%thM is "n "boin"tion be!ore GodP
2F The L"w "nd the Pro$hets were (nti% +ohn Lthe /"$tist0 ki%%ed 4 onths be!oreM1 Fro th"t tie the -ingdo o!
God Lo! Lo*eM is $re"ched0 "nd e*er' one Lwith good wi%%M (ses *io%ence L"g"inst his own n"t(reM to LenterM it1 26 And Lto
the Ph"risees who h"*e ch"nged the L"w gi*ing %oo$ho%es !or their sins0 +es(s s"'s0M it is e"sier !or He"*en "nd e"rth to $"ss
th"n one titt%e L$"rt o! " Hebrew %etterM o! the L"w to !"%%1
24 E*er' one who $(ts "w"' his wi!e "nd "rries "nother coits "d(%ter'1 And he who "rries her th"t is
$(t "w"' !ro her h(sb"nd coits "d(%ter'1
These words "re directed s$eci!ic"%%' to two Ph"risees @" S"(e% "nd "n )s"i"hA "nd !or their $erson"% sit("tion1 +es(s did "%%ow !ornic"tion "nd e*en
"b"ndonent "s gro(nds !or di*orce "nd re"rri"ge !or those o&tside the ,hristian ,o+enant @M"tt128:C#25E Mk12>:5#2>A0 b(t the S"cr"ent"%
,o*en"nt"% "rri"ge0 which ,hrist wo(%d reinst"te in the ,h(rch "!ter h"*ing been %ost "s "n ob%ig"tion !or "n since Eden0 c"n on%' be disso%*ed b'
C42G$F7F # @ M A$rA # )n Nike_s ho(se1
C45G$F35 # @M A$rA # At the Ford between +ericho "nd /eth"b"r"1
C4CG$F34 # @M A$rA # )n So%oon_s Ho(se1 O%d An"ni"s1
C47G$FFC # @M A$rA # At the ,rossro"d ne"r So%oon_s &i%%"ge1 P"r"b%e o! the L"bor Agents1
C4FG$F62 # @L A$rA # At Gi%g"%1 The /egg"r Og%"1 The Twe%*e Stones1
C46G$F66 # @L A$r0Th(A # Tow"rds Engedi1
C44G$F4C # @L A$r0FriA # Arri*"% "t Engedi1
C48G$F43 # @L A$r0FriA # Pre"ching "nd Mir"c%es "t Engedi1
C8>G$F85 # @E M"'0S(nA # E%ish" o! Engedi1
C82G$F8F # @E M"'0S(nA # At M"s"d"1
C85G$6>2 # @E M"'0MonA # At the ,o(ntr' Ho(se o! M"r'0 Mother o! +(d"s1
C8CG$6>3 # @M M"'A # F"rewe%% to -erioth1 P"r"b%e o! the Two 9i%%s1
C87G$6>4 # @M M"'A # Anne o! -erioth1 F"rewe%% to +(d"s_s Mother1
C83G$627 # @M M"'A # F"rewe%% to +(tt"1
C8FG$628 # @M M"'A # F"rewe%% to Hebron1
C86G$65C # @M M"'A # F"rewe%% to /ethI(r1
C84G$654 # @M M"'0Th(A # At /ether1
C88G$6CC # @M M"'0FriA # +es(s "t /ether with Peter "nd /"rtho%oew1
7>>G$6C4 # @L M"'0S"tA # F"rewe%% to /ether1
7>2G$67C # @L M"'0S"tA # Sion o! +on"h_s Str(gg%e "nd S$irit("% &ictor'1
7>5G$67F # @L M"'0S(nA # Going tow"rds E"(s on the P%"in1
7>CG$63> # @L M"'0 S(nA # Litt%e Mich"e% "nd Pre"ching ne"r E"(s on the P%"in1
7>7G$6F2 # @ L M"'A # At +o$$"0 +es(s S$e"ks to +(d"s o! -erioth "nd to Soe Genti%es1
,A,. L M"'0 AD CC The 3arable o! the &ineyard 4#ner and the T#o (ons # Nicode(sH Est"te in the
Phi%istine P%"in 7>3G$1663
MT 52 5751TU5721
54 /(t wh"t do 'o( thinkB A cert"in "n h"d two sons1 And coing to the !irst0 he s"id: Son0 go work tod"' in
' *ine'"rd1 58 And he "nswering0 s"id: ) wi%% not1 /(t "!terw"rds0 being o*ed with re$ent"nce0 he went1 C>
And coing to the other0 he s"id in %ike "nner1 And he "nswering0 s"id: ) wi%% go0 sir0 b(t he went not1 C2
9hich o! the two did the !"therHs wi%%B The' s"id to hi: The !irst1 +es(s s"id to the: Most "ss(red%' ) s"' to
'o(0 th"t the $(b%ic"ns "nd the h"r%ots sh"%% go into the -ingdo o! God be!ore 'o(1 C5 For +ohn c"e to 'o( in
the w"' o! K(stice Lrighteo(snessM0 "nd 'o( did not be%ie*e hi0 b(t the $(b%ic"ns "nd the h"r%ots be%ie*ed hi1
/(t 'o(0 seeing it0 did not e*en "!terw"rds re$ent0 th"t 'o( ight be%ie*e hi Lconcerning his testion' to MeM1
,A*. L M"'0 Th(0 AD CC Faith as a Grain o! Mustard (eed # Est"te o! +ose$h o! Ari"the" 7>FG$1645
L- 26 236c1TU2861
3 And the A$ost%es s"id to the Lord: )ncre"se o(r !"ithP F And the Lord s"id: )! 'o( h"d !"ith %ike " gr"in o!
(st"rd seed 'o( co(%d s"' to this (%berr' tree: /e rooted ($ "nd be tr"ns$%"nted into the se"0 "nd it wo(%d
obe' 'o(1 L)t is not how big oneHs !"ith is b(t how $(re "nd (ni:ed with $erson"% "bition "nd oti*es0 or %"ck o! %o*e1M
7>6G$645 # @L M"'0S"tA # )n the Ho(se o! +ose$h o! Ari"the" on " S"bb"th1 +ohn0 " Meber o! the S"nhedrin1
7>4G$644 # @L M"'0S(nA # The A$ost%es S$e"k1
7>8G$68C # @L M"'A # The Mir"c(%o(s G%e"ning in the P%"in1
72>G$4>> # @L M"'A # The Li%' o! the &"%%e'1
3)"T)C4(T 7 $D << 7 5 M$8
722G$4>7 # @L M"'A # )n +er(s"%e !or Pentecost1
,A<1 L M"'0 AD CC Dinner #ith the Wi/ed Hel/ai o! the (anhedrin # +er(s"%e 722G$142>0
L- 22 274b1TU2>>1
CC No "n %ights " %"$ "nd $(ts it in " hidden $%"ce0 or (nder " b(she%0 b(t ($on " %"$ st"nd0 th"t the' th"t
coe in "' see the %ight1
L- 22 2>>1TU28F1
C6 And "s +es(s w"s s$e"king L28C"1M0 " cert"in Ph"risee desired th"t He wo(%d dine with hi1 And +es(s0
going in0 s"t down to e"t1 C4 And the Ph"risee beg"n to "sk within hise%! wh' He did not Linsist onM w"shLingM
be!ore dinner1D C8 And the Lord s"id to hi: Now 'o( Ph"risees "ke c%e"n the o(tside o! the c($ "nd o! the
$%"tter0 b(t 'o(r inside is !(%% o! r"$ine LdiscontentM "nd ini;(it'1 7> Yo( !oo%s0 did not He 9ho "de th"t which is
witho(t0 "ke "%so th"t which is withinB 72 /(t gi*e !or "%s those things which "re within Linner righteo(s
"ttit(des "nd tho(ghts tow"rd others %ike the co(rtes' ) showed 'o( b' not ho%ding ($ 'o(r dinner K(st to !(%!i%% " cereoni"% ritePM 0
"nd beho%d0 "%% things wi%% then be c%e"n (nto 'o( Lwitho(t h"*ing to w"sh oneHs h"ndsM1
75 /(t woe to 'o(0 Ph"risees0 bec"(se 'o( tithe Lon 'o(rM int "nd r(e "nd e*er' herb0 b(t $"ss o*er Lneg%ectM
K(stice0 "nd the %o*e o! God1 Now these things 'o( o(ght to h"*e done0 b(t not to %e"*e the other (ndone1 7C 9oe
to 'o(0 Ph"risees0 bec"(se 'o( %o*e the ($$erost se"ts in the s'n"gog(es0 "nd greeting in the "rket$%"ce1 77
9oe to 'o(0 bec"(se 'o( "re "s hidden (nseen se$(%chers which en (n"w"re w"%k o*er L"nd becoe cereoni"%%'
73 And one o! the %"w'ers "nswering0 s"id to Hi: M"ster0 in s"'ing these things0 Yo( re$ro"ch (s "%so1 7F /(t
+es(s s"id: 9oe to 'o( %"w'ers "%so bec"(se 'o( %o"d en with b(rdens which the' c"nnot be"r0 "nd 'o(
'o(rse%*es do not so (ch "s e*en to(ch the b(rden with "n L($%i!tedM !ingerP 76 9oe to 'o( who b(i%d the
on(ents o! the $ro$hets0 whi%e 'o(r Ls$irit("%M !"thers ki%%ed theP 74 Tr(%' 'o( be"r witness th"t 'o( consent
to the doings o! 'o(r !"thers0 !or the' indeed ki%%ed the "nd 'o( b(i%d their se$(%chers Lto ce%ebr"te their de"ths0
bec"(se 'o( cert"in%' do not obe' their wordsMP 78 For this c"(se "%so the 9isdo o! GodD Lthe Lord s$e"king o! Hise%! W
Mt15C:C7M s"id: ) wi%% send to the $ro$hets "nd "$ost%es0 "nd soe o! the the' wi%% ki%% "nd $ersec(te0 3> th"t
the b%ood o! "%% the $ro$hets which w"s shed !ro the !o(nd"tion o! the wor%d0 "' be re;(ired o! this
gener"tion0 32 !ro the b%ood o! Abe% LGen17:4M (nto the b%ood o! Oech"ri"h0 who w"s s%"in between the "%t"r "nd
the te$%e L5 ,hr157:5>#52E Oech12:2M1 Yes ) s"' to 'o(0 it sh"%% "%% be re;(ired o! this gener"tion Lbec"(se the h"te "nd e*i%
o! these re%igio(s r(%ers th"t wo(%d %e"d to the ,r(ci!i:ion o! +es(s ,hrist GodHs own Son0 $(re Lo*e )nc"rn"te0 w"s the gre"test
crie e*er coitted b' "n to this $oint in histor' with the gre"test h("n c(%$"bi%it'MP 35 9oe to 'o( %"w'ers0 !or 'o( h"*e
t"ken "w"' the ke' o! the know%edge Lo! Tr(thM1 Yo( 'o(rse%*es h"*e not entered in Lto Tr(thM0 "nd those th"t were
entering in0 'o( h"*e hinderedP
3C And "s +es(s w"s s"'ing these things to the0 the Ph"risees "nd the %"w'ers beg"n to *eheent%' $ress Hi
to s$e"k "bo(t "n' things0 37 %'ing in w"it !or Hi0 seeking to c"tch soething !ro His o(th !or which the'
ight "cc(se Hi1
72CG$45> # @L M"'A # At /eth"n'1
727G$6 # @E +(nA # The /egg"r on the Ro"d to +ericho1
,A@. E +(n0 AD CC Uahaeus9 Conversion # +ericho 723G$12C
MT 24 24C1TU2C>1
22L22!nM For the
Son o! M"n h"s
coe to s"*e th"t
which w"s %ost1
This te:t does not occ(r
here in "n' "ncient ss1
b(t +es(s did "ke this
st"teent in the O"cch"e(s
"cco(nt so it "$$e"rs
M"tthew "dded it in " %"ter
L- 28
2 AND entering
into +ericho0 +es(s
w"%ked thro(gh the
cit'1 5 And beho%d0
there w"s " "n
n"ed O"cch"e(s who w"s the chie! o! the $(b%ic"ns LRo"n t": co%%ectorsM0 "nd he w"s rich1 C And he so(ght to see
who +es(s w"s0 b(t he co(%d not bec"(se o! the crowd "nd bec"(se he w"s o! s"%% st"t(re1 7 And r(nning "he"d0
he c%ibed ($ into " s'c"ore tree th"t he ight see +es(s !or He w"s to $"ss th"t w"'1 3 And when +es(s c"e
to the $%"ce0 %ooking ($0 He s"w hi "nd s"id to hi: O"cch"e(s0 "ke h"ste "nd coe down0 !or this d"' ) (st
"bide in 'o(r ho(seP F And he "de h"ste "nd c"e down0 "nd recei*ed Hi with Ko' Linto his ho(seM1 6 And when
the $eo$%e s"w it the' (r(red0 s"'ing: He h"s gone to be " g(est with " "n th"t w"s " sinner1 4 /(t
O"cch"e(s L"!ter the e"%M st"nding0 s"id to the Lord: /eho%d0 Lord0 the h"%! o! ' goods ) gi*e to the $oor0 "nd i! )
h"*e wronged "n' "n o! "n'thing0 ) wi%% restore hi !o(r!o%d1 8 +es(s s"id to hi L"nd the critics be'ond the g"teM:
This d"' is s"%*"tion coe to this ho(se bec"(se he "%so is " son o!
Abr"h"P 2> For the Son o! M"n is coe to seek "nd to s"*e th"t which w"s %ostP
Ddinner: +es(s did not
$(r$ose%' neg%ect this
rit("%0 e*en tho(gh it w"s
"n "de bec"(se it did
s'bo%iIe " good tr(th1
The Poem re*e"%s th"t
He%k"i de%iber"te%' r(shed
+es(s into the dining roo
"s " test to see how serio(s
He took the rit("%1 +es(s0
"%w"'s s(rrendered s(ch
rites0 howe*er0 to co(rtes'
"nd consider"tion !or
DThe Wisdom o! God
said: The Lord is s$e"king
o! Hise%! @Pro*12:5>#5CA
!or wh"t !o%%ows is no
;(ot"tion !ro "n'
Scri$t(re0 (n%ess it is !ro
soe %ost so(rce1 The
Poem is c%e"r th"t these
were +es(s "ct("% words
"nd since "%% the A$ost%es
were $resent0 M"tthew0 "s
w"s his h"bit0 (st h"*e
written down the
con*ers"tion1 Since the
M"tthew does not inc%(de
these words in his Gos$e%
@Mt15C:C7A0 L(ke (st
h"*e h"d "ccess to
M"tthewHs origin"% notes
bec"(se this is too s"%% o!
" det"i% to h"*e been
inc%(ded here b' "n' other
F). 4F .4%D$" D 3)%)$' D)C$345I(' "4%TH)%" ($M$%I$ 7 )D5 .>")' $D <<G LPoe ,h"$ters 72F#757M
,A2. E +(n # L Oct0 AD CC .esus $voids Danger to His Disiples # The Si:th G"%i%e"n Ministr' 72F# 763
+N 6
24F 1TU2881
2 AFTER these things Li1e1 24F10 b(t s$eci!ic"%%' bec"(se o! the de*e%o$ents within the 3
+(de"n Ministr'0 o! which +ohn s"'s
nothing1 See 28810 +ohnHs ne:t e$isode1M +es(s w"%ked in G"%i%ee0 !or He wo(%d not w"%k in +(de"0 bec"(se the +ews
so(ght to ki%% Hi L"nd He knew the Disci$%es wo(%d not be "b%e to h"nd%e in !"ith these thre"ts "g"inst HiM1
,AC. E +(n0 AD CC :e#are o! the 5eaven o! the 3harisees 7 Fear "ot Those Who Oill the :ody # A
&i%%"ge on E"st b"nk o! +ord"n @726G$153#7CA
L- 25 28C1TU2331
2 AND when gre"t (%tit(des stood "bo(t Hi0 so th"t the' tr"$%ed one ($on "nother0 He beg"n to s"' to His
Disci$%es: /ew"re o! the %e"*en o! the Ph"risees which is h'$ocris' Lcoing !ro en*'M1 L/ec"(se their tri($hs o!
which 'o( ight "%so becoe en*io(s0 "re !%eeting1M 5 For there is nothing co*ered Lwhether it is good or e*i%M th"t sh"%% not
be re*e"%ed0 nor hidden th"t sh"%% not be known1 C For wh"te*er things 'o( h"*e s$oken in d"rkness sh"%% be
$(b%ished in the %ight "nd th"t which 'o( h"*e Lh"d toM whis$er in the e"r in the ch"bers0 sh"%% be $re"ched on
the ho(seto$s1 LSoe d"' the who%e wor%d wi%% be shown b' the ,h(rch wh"t 'o( now (st on%' s$e"k in secretPM
M"n' things +es(s t"(ght His A$ost%es which we c"%% the !in"% De$osit o! F"ith <once !or "%% de%i*ered= to the ,h(rch b' ,hrist @+(de
FA0 w"s then not t"(ght $(b%ic%' or $(t in the c"nonic"% record1 The ,h(rch with its contin(ing A$osto%ic O!!ice w"s the c(stodi"n o!
th"t !"ith "nd it beg"n to $roc%"i th"t co$%ete bod' o! !"ith on%' "!ter the ,h(rch h"d been se"soned b' the shedding o! its own
b%ood1 This c"e "!ter the Edict o! Mi%"n in C2C AD1 )t is the ,h(rch then which is <the $i%%"r "nd gro(nd o! the tr(th= with the
Scri$t(re $roc%"iing on%' $"rt o! th"t re*e%"tion1 See 2 Ti1C:23
7 And ) s"' to 'o(0 M' !riends: /e not "!r"id o! the who ki%% the bod'0 "nd "!ter th"t h"*e no ore th"t the' c"n
do1 3 /(t ) wi%% te%% 'o( who 'o( sh"%% !e"r1 Fe"r Hi0 9ho "!ter He h"s ki%%ed0 h"s $ower to c"st into He%%P
Yes0 ) s"' to 'o(0 !e"r HiP F Are not !i*e s$"rrows so%d !or two !"rthings0 "nd not one o! the is !orgotten be!ore
GodB 6 Yes0 the *er' h"irs o! 'o(r he"d "re "%% n(bered1 Fe"r not there!ore0 'o( "re o! ore *"%(e th"n "n'
4 And ) s"' to 'o(0 9hoe*er sh"%% con!ess Me be!ore en0 hi sh"%% the Son o! M"n "%so con!ess be!ore the
"nge%s o! God1D 8 /(t he who sh"%% den' Me be!ore en0 sh"%% be denied be!ore the "nge%s o! God1 2> And
whoe*er s$e"ks " word "g"inst the Son o! M"n0 it sh"%% be !orgi*en hi0 b(t to hi who sh"%% b%"s$hee "g"inst
the Ho%' S$irit0 it sh"%% not be !orgi*en Lbec"(se this one h"s reKected the *er' %"st e"ns God h"s o! bringing hi to tr(e
re$ent"nce @Hebrews F:7#FE 2>:5F#58AM1 22 And when the' sh"%% bring 'o( into the s'n"gog(es0 "nd to "gistr"tes "nd
$owers0 be not "n:io(s how or wh"t 'o( sh"%% "nswer0 or wh"t 'o( sh"%% s"'0 25 !or the Ho%' S$irit sh"%% te"ch 'o(
in the s"e ho(r wh"t 'o( (st s"'1
DCon!ess be!ore the angels: ,%e"r%' this is O(r Lord %"ter in He"*en either "cce$ting or reKecting the intercessor' work o! the "nge%s
in res$onse to the re;(ests o! those who h"*e $r"'er to the1 @See Re*1 4:C#7 where "nge%s h"*e the $r"'ers o! the s"ints o! God in
their h"nds "nd "re then o!!ered to God1A
,A;. E +(n0 AD CC We Will $l#ays be >npro!itable (ervants # E"st /"nk o! +ord"n ne"r Enon 75>G$13>
L- 26 2851TU
6 /(t which o! 'o( h"*ing " ser*"nt !or $%owing or !eeding c"tt%e0 th"t when he h"s coe !ro the !ie%d0 wi%% s"'
to hi: Go iedi"te%'0 sit down !or s($$erP 4 "nd wi%% not r"ther s"' to hi: M"ke re"d' ' s($$er0 gird
'o(rse%! "nd ser*e e (nti% ) e"t "nd drink0 "nd "!terw"rds 'o( sh"%% e"t "nd drinkB 8 Does he e*en th"nk th"t
ser*"nt !or doing the things which he w"s co"nded to doB 2> ) think not1 So 'o( "%so0 when 'o( sh"%% h"*e
done "%% these things th"t "re co"nded o! 'o(0 sho(%d s"': 9e "re (n$ro!it"b%e ser*"nts1 9e h"*e on%' done
th"t which we o(ght to do1
752G$32 # @M +(nA # The Re$ent"nt Sinner )s "%w"'s to be Forgi*en1
755G$36 # @L +(n09edA # M"rt'rdo !or Lo*e )s Abso%(tion1
75CG$F> # @L +(n0Th(A # At ,"es"re"1 P"r"b%e o! the F"ther 9ho Gi*es E"ch o! His ,hi%dren the S"e Ao(nt o! Mone'1
757G$F4 # @L +(n0Th(GFriA # At ,"es"re"1 The Ro"n L"dies "nd the S%"*e0 G"%%" ,i$rin"1
TH) (IJTH G$5I5)$" MI"I(T%8 D D)C$345I(' T)T%$%CH8 4F 3HI5I3' (8%4D3H4)"ICI$' ($M$%I$ 7 @ M4 7 5
.>" D 5 4CT $D << LPoe ,h"$ters 753#745M
,AB. L +(n # L Oct0 AD CC $ Final Ministry in Galilee be!ore His 4!!ering $s 4ur 3assover 5amb
See i$ort"nt te:t /o: on the !o%%owing $"geP 753# 745G$14>#774
L- 26 TU5>21
22 And it c"e to $"ss0 "s He w"s going to +er(s"%e Lto gi*e His %i!eM0 He $"ssed thro(gh the idst o! S""ri" "nd
G"%i%ee Lthen b"ck thro(gh S""ri" to +(de" !or His F
inistr' there "nd His cr(ci!i:ionM1
753G$4> # @L +(n0FriA # A(re" G"%%"1
75FG$44 # @L +(n0FriA # P"r"b%e o! the &ine'"rd "nd o! Free 9i%%1
756G$87 # @L +(n0S"tA # Going "bo(t the P%"in o! Esdr"e%on1
754G$8F # @L +(n0S"tA # The F"%%en Nest "nd the Scribe0 +oh"n"n /en O"cc"i1
758G$2>> # @L +(n0S"tA # The +o(rne' in the P%"in o! Esdr"e%on ,ontin(es1
7C>G$2>5 # @L +(n0S"tGS(nA # Ne"r Se$horis with +oh"n"n_s Pe"s"nts1
7C2G$2>4 # @L +(n0S(nA # Arri*"% "t N"I"reth1
7C5G$22C # @E#M +(%'A # P"r"b%e o! P"inted 9ood1
7CCG$228 # @M +(%0FriA # The S"bb"ths in the Pe"ce o! N"I"reth1
7C7G$257 # @M +(%0S"tA # /e!ore /eing " Mother0 the /%essed &irgin )s " D"(ghter "nd " Ser*"nt o!
7C3G$254 # @M +(%0S"tA # +es(s "nd His Mother ,on*erse1
7CFG$2C> # @M +(%0MonGT(eA # The /%essed &irgin "t Tiberi"s1
7C6G$2CF # @M +(%09edA # A(re" Does the 9i%% o! God1
7C4G$27> # @L +(%0FriA # Another S"bb"th "t N"I"reth1
7C8G$273 # @L +(%0S"tGS(nA # De$"rt(re !ro N"I"reth1 +o(rne' tow"rds /eth%ehe o! G"%i%ee1
77>G$23C # @L +(%0S(nA # +(d"s with the /%essed &irgin "t N"I"reth1
772G$238 # @L +(%A # De"th o! M"rKi"_s Gr"nd!"ther1
775G$2FC # @L +(%A # +es(s S$e"ks o! ,h"rit' to the A$ost%es1
77CG$2F8 # @L +(%A # Arri*"% "t Tiberi"s1 P"r"b%e o! the R"in on the &ine1
777G$242 # @L +(%A # Arri*"% "t ,"$ern"(1
773G$245 # @L A(gA # Pre"ching "t ,"$ern"(1
77FG$244 # @L A(gA # At M"gd"%"1 P"r"b%e on Good "nd /"d 9i%%1
776G$286 # @M Se$A # Litt%e A%$h"e(s o! Merob"1
774G$5>5 # @M Se$A # At the &i%%"ge be!ore Hi$$o1
778G$5>8 # @M Se$0T(eA # Morning Seron in the &i%%"ge on the L"ke1
73>G$523 # @M Se$0T(eA # Ne"r the P%"ce o! the Le$er1 P"r"b%e on the Ten
732G$557 # @M Se$09edA # At Hi$$o1 Lo*e !or the Poor1 ,(re o! "n O%d S%"*e1
735G$5C2 # @L Se$09ed # ATow"rds G""%"1 The /%essed &irginHs Lo*e in Doing the 9i%% o! God1
73CG$5C6 # @L Se$0Th(A # Ne"r G""%"1 +es(s Entr(sts the ,h(rch to the /%essed &irgin "nd
S$e"ks o! Merc' on O$$ressed Peo$%e1
737G$578 # @L Se$0FriA # Fro G""%" to A$hek1
733G$53F # @L Se$0FriA # Pre"ching "t A$hek1
73FG$5F> # @L Se$0FriA # At Gerghes" "nd Ret(rn to ,"$ern"(1
736G$5F3 # @L Se$0FriA # /e "s 9ise "s Ser$ents "nd "s Si$%e "s Do*es1
734G$56> # @L Se$0S"tA # The S"bb"th "t ,"$ern"(1
738G$566 # @L Se$0S"tA # At +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"_s1 Letters !ro Antioch1
7F>G$58F # @L Se$0S(nA # At the Ther"% /"ths o! E"(s o! Tiberi"s1
7F2G$C>2 # @L Se$0S(nA # At T"riche"1 G"%"ti"0 the Sinner1
7F5G$C22 # @L Se$0S(nA # )n ,h(I"_s ,o(ntr' Ho(se1 The Te$ting Pro$os"% M"de to +es(s "nd M"de
-nown b' the Disci$%e +es(s Lo*ed1
7FCG$C54 # @L Se$0MonA # At /eths"id" "nd ,"$ern"(1 De$"rt(re on " New +o(rne'1
7F7G$CC6 # @L Se$0MonA # )n the Ho(se o! +(d"s "nd Anne ne"r L"ke Mero1
7F3G$C72 # @L Se$0MonA # P"r"b%e on the Distrib(tion o! 9"ters1
7FFG$C3> # @L Se$0T(eA # +(d"s )sc"riot Fi%%s +es(s with +o'1
7F6G$C3F # @L Se$0T(eA # F"rewe%% to the Few /e%ie*ers in -or"Ii1
7F4G$C34 # @L Se$0FriA # +es(s S$e"ks o! M"trion' to " Mother#in#L"w1
7F8G$CFC # @L Se$0FriA # +es(s S$e"ks to /"rn"b"s o! the L"w o! Lo*e1
76>G$C6> # @E Oct0S"tA # A +(dgent o! +es(s1
762G$C66 # @E OctA # ,(re o! the /o' /orn /%ind !ro Sidon1
765G$C4C # @E OctA # A &ision th"t )s Lost in " R"$t(re o! Lo*e1
76CG$C44 # @M Oct09edA # Going tow"rd Se$oris1
767G$C8C # @M Oct09edA # +es(s with the Le$ro(s Sinners o! /eth%ehe o! G"%i%ee1
763G$7>5 # @M Oct09edA # +es(s "nd His Mother in the 9ood o! M"tt"thi"s1
,AA. M Oct0 Th(0 AD CC The >nbelie! o! .oseph and (imon' .esus9 Cousins' :egins to Dissipate # P%"in
o! +eIree%0 G"%i%ee # End o! Si:th G"%i%e"n Ministr'
+N 6 2831TU
5 Now the +ewsH Fe"st o! T"bern"c%es w"s "t h"nd L"bo(t " week "w"'M1 C And His brethren LHis two o%dest co(sins
@Mt12:57PA who sti%% did not !(%%' be%ie*eM s"id to Hi: Le"*e here "nd go into +(de" th"t Yo(r disci$%es "%so "' see
the works which Yo( do1 7 For there is no "n th"t does "n'thing in secret0 i! he hise%! desires to be known
o$en%'P )! Yo( do these things Lthese ir"c%esM0 "ni!est Yo(rse%! to the wor%d L"nd i$ose Yo(rse%! in +er(s"%e "s the
right!(% kingM1 3 For neither did His brethren L'etM be%ie*e in Hi L"s $ri"ri%' " spirit&al -ing or "s the Son o! GodM1 F
Then +es(s s"id to the: M' tie h"s not 'et coe L!or wh"t 'o( desireM0 b(t 'o(r tie is "%w"'s re"d'1 6 The
wor%d c"nnot h"te 'o(0 b(t Me it h"tes0 bec"(se ) gi*e testion' o! it0 th"t the works o! the wor%d "re e*i%1 4 Yo(
The @Y month Galilean
ministry missing in the
9hi%e it wo(%d be "%ost
inconcei*"b%e to i"gine th"t
"%% !o(r E*"nge%ists wo(%d
oit e*er' "cco(nt o! "n
entire 7e onth inistr' o!
o(r Lord in G"%i%ee this w"s
e:"ct%' wh"t one disco*ers in
the re"ding The PoemP This
sees ne:t to i$ossib%e1
Howe*er0 in the cre"tion o! "
H"ron' o! the Gos$e%s
b"sed on The Poem, )hich
'i+es a clear datin'
seM&ence it is disco*ered
there w"s indeed " 7e onth
$eriod issing in the Gos$e%
record1 F(rther0 the e*idence
o! " possi-le issing
inistr' is hidden in this te:t
here in 5u/e @2841 "bo*eA
"nd "%so in .ohn @2881
be%owA which entions +es(s
being in G"%i%ee d(ring this
*er' issing tie $eriodP
F(rther0 the "cco(nt in the
Poem gi*es (s the *er'
re"son "%% these "cco(nts
were ski$$edP +es(s is
ere%' bidding e*er'one
!"rewe%% "nd in!oring the
He wi%% see the no ore1
This o! co(rse wo(%d not be
"teri"% s(ited to the Gos$e%
writers1 )ndeed0 L(ke st"tes
wh"t is $recise%' re*e"%ed in
The Poem0 th"t "s +es(s
<$"sses thro(gh the idst o!
S""ri" "nd G"%i%ee= on this
issing inistr' <He )as
'oin' to #er&salem1= 9e
h"*e here K(st "nother ost
incredib%e testion' to the
di*ine origin o! this
re*e%"tion gi*en to M"ri"
go ($ to this !e"st0 b(t ) " not going ($ to this !e"st L"s " Pro$het or " R"bbi W The Poem )&0724M0 bec"(se M' tie is
not 'et !(%%' coe Lto i$ose on "n'oneM1 8 9hen He h"d s"id these things0 He st"'ed LbehindM in G"%i%ee1
766G$728 # @M Oct0Th(A # Aw"iting +oh"n"nHs Pe"s"nts ne"r the +eIree% Tower1
FT4 .)%>($5)M D I" ($M$%I$ 7 5 4CT4:)% $D <<G LPoe ,h"$ters 764#745M
*++. L Oct0 AD CC To .erusalem through (amaria 764G$175C
+N 6 TU5>51
2> /(t "!ter His brethren h"d gone ($0 then He "%so went ($ to the !e"st0 not o$en%'0 b(t0 "s it were0 in secret L"s
ere%' " worshi$erM1
768G$757 # @L Oct0 FriA # +es(s "nd +ohn Arri*e in Eng"nni1
74>G$7C> # @L OctA # +es(s "nd the S""rit"n She$herd1
*+,. L Oct0 AD CC Ten 5epers Healed and 4ne Than/!ul (amaritan # To E$hr"i 742G$1772
L- 26
25 And "s +es(s entered into " cert"in town0 there et Hi ten en who were %e$ers0 st"nding "!"r o!!1 2C The'
%i!ted ($ their *oices0 s"'ing: +es(sP M"sterP H"*e erc' on (sP 27 9hen He s"w the0 He s"id: Go0 show
'o(rse%*es to the $riestsP And it c"e to $"ss0 "s the' went0 the' were "de c%e"n1 23 And one o! the0 when he
s"w th"t he w"s "de c%e"n0 c"e b"ck g%ori!'ing God with " %o(d *oice1 2F And he !e%% on his !"ce be!ore
+es(sH !eet0 gi*ing th"nks1 And this one w"s " S""rit"n1
26 And +es(s "nswering0 s"id0 9ere not ten "de c%e"nB /(t where "re the nineB 24 LT(rning to the "n' +ewish
townHs $eo$%e th"t h"d !o%%owed Hi0 He s"id:M 9"s there is no one !o(nd to ret(rn "nd gi*e g%or' to God0 b(t this
!oreignerP 28 And He s"id to hi: Arise0 go 'o(r w"'0 !or 'o(r !"ith h"s "de 'o( who%eP
745G$777 # @L OctA # At E$hr"i1 The P"r"b%e o! the Poegr"n"te1

TH) (IJTH .>D)$" MI"I(T%8 D 3)%)$' ($M$%I$ 7 C M4" 7 5 4CT $D << D M $3% $D <@ LPoe ,h"$ters 74C#34FM

T$:)%"$C5)( 7 $D << 7 5 4CT4:)% D ) "4&)M:)%
*+*. L Oct0 AD CC The .e#s (ee/ !or .esus at the Feast o! Tabernales # +es(s in /eth"n' G Disci$%es in
+er(s"%e 74CG$1778
+N 6 5>>1TU
22 The +ews0 there!ore0 so(ght Hi on the !e"st d"'0 "nd s"id: 9here is HeB 25 And there w"s (ch
(r(ring "ong the crowds concerning Hi0 !or soe s"id: He is " good "n0 whi%e others s"id: No0 b(t He
sed(ces the $eo$%e1 2C Yet no "n s$oke o$en%' o! Hi !or !e"r o! the +ews1 LFe"r is %"ck o! !"ith "nd %o*e which in
the end contrib(ted "s (ch to o(r LordHs ,r(ci!i:ion "s those who c"%%ed !or it1M
*+<. L Oct0 S(n0 AD CC .esus )nters the Temple on the 2
Day o! the Feast # The Te$%e 747G$1737
+N 6 TU5>31
27 Now "bo(t the idd%e o! the !e"st0 +es(s went ($ into the te$%e "nd t"(ght1
*+@. L Oct0 S(n0 AD CC The Oingdom o! God is Within 8ou # Te$%e in +er(s"%e 747G$173F
L- 26 5>21TU5>F1
5> And being "sked b' the Ph"risees when the -ingdo o! God sho(%d coe0 He "nswered the0 "nd s"id: The
-ingdo o! God coes not with obser*"tion L"s do "%% e"rth%' kingdosM1 52 Neither sh"%% the' s"': /eho%d0 here it
isP Or: /eho%d0 there it isP For %o0 the -ingdo o! God is within 'o(P
*+2. L Oct0 S(n0 AD CC .esus Con!ronts the >nbelie! and Murderous Intentions o! .e#ish 5eaders
+N 6 5>C1TU5>61
23 And the +ews wondered0 s"'ing: How is it th"t this M"n knows the writings Lo! Scri$t(reM0 h"*ing ne*er
%e"rned Lin the R"bbinic"% schoo%sMB 2F +es(s "nswered the0 "nd s"id: M' doctrine Lte"chingM is not Mine0 b(t His
9ho sent Me1 26 )! "n' "n does His wi%%0 he sh"%% know o! the doctrine Lo! ineM0 whether it is o! God0 or
whether ) s$e"k o! M'se%!1 24 He who s$e"ks o! hise%!0 seeks his own g%or'0 b(t He who seeks the g%or' o!
Hi 9ho sent Hi0 He is tr(e "nd there is no inK(stice L(nrighteo(snessM in Hi1 28 Did Moses not gi*e 'o( the
L"wB "nd 'et none o! 'o( kee$s the L"w1 5> LYo( s"' 'o( kee$ the L"wBM0 then wh' do 'o( seek to ki%% Me0 Lwhich
is bre"king the si:th co"ndentMB The crowd "nswered "nd s"id: Yo( h"*e " deonP 9ho seeks to ki%% Yo(BP 52
+es(s "nswered "nd s"id to the: LYo( h"*e0 "nd !or K(stM one work ) h"*e doneP And 'o( "%% "re "sto(ndedP 55
Now0 Moses g"*e 'o( circ(cision @not bec"(se it w"s o! Moses0 b(t !ro the $"tri"rchsA0 "nd 'o( circ(cise "
"n on the S"bb"th d"'1 5C )! " "n recei*es circ(cision on the S"bb"th d"'0 th"t the L"w o! Moses "' not
be broken0 "re 'o( "ngr' "t Me bec"(se ) h"*e he"%ed " "n co$%ete%' Lin bod' "nd so(%M on the S"bb"th d"'B 57
+(dge not "ccording to the "$$e"r"nce Lor the %etterM0 b(t K(dge K(st K(dgent L"ccording to the s$irit or intent o! the
*+C1 L Oct0 S(n0 AD CC The (eond Coming o! Christ #ill be li/e 5ightning # Te$%e in +er(s"%e
L- 26 5>71TU5251
55 And +es(s s"id to His Disci$%es: The d"'s wi%% coe when 'o( sh"%% desire to e:$erience one d"' with the
Son o! M"n L"s 'o( now "re0 "nd in His $h'sic"% re"%it'M "nd 'o( sh"%% not see it1 5C And Lto ock 'o( "nd to e*en c"$t(re
'o( "t th"t tieM the' wi%% s"' to 'o(: See LHi o*erM hereP And: See LHi o*erM thereP Go not "!ter the0 nor
!o%%ow the1 57 For "s the %ightening th"t %ightens !ro (nder He"*en0 shines "%% "cross !ro one end to the
other (nder He"*en0 so sh"%% the Son o! M"n be in His d"'
Lto *isit 'o( right where 'o( "re in "$$"ritionsM1 53 /(t
!irst He (st s(!!er "n' things "nd be reKected b' this gener"tion1
L- 26 What it Will be 5i/e :e!ore the (eond Coming o! Christ 5>F1TU5251
This te:t as a )hole is not !o(nd in The Poem1 The content o! *erses 5F0560C>0 "nd CF "re !o(nd in &o%1 &0 ,h1 3870 $7FF "nd
5F And "s it w"s in the d"'s o! No"h0 so sh"%% it be "%so in the d"'s o! the Son o! M"n1
56 The' "te "nd dr"nk0
the' "rried wi*es "nd were gi*ing in "rri"ge L%i*ing entire%' !or this wor%d "nd its co!orts "nd $%e"s(resM (nti% the d"'
th"t No"h entered into the "rk1 Then the F%ood c"e "nd destro'ed the "%% 1
54 Likewise "s it w"s in the d"'s
o! Lot1 The' "te "nd dr"nk0 the' bo(ght "nd so%d0 the' $%"nted "nd b(i%t1 58 /(t in the d"' th"t Lot went o(t o!
Sodo it r"ined !ire "nd bristone !ro He"*en "nd destro'ed the "%% 1
C> E*en so sh"%% it be in the d"' when
the Son o! M"n sh"%% be re*e"%ed LRe*128#5>M1 C2 )n th"t ho(r0 he who is on the ho(seto$ with his goods in the
ho(se0 %et hi not go down to t"ke the "w"'0 "nd he who is in the !ie%d0 %ikewise0 %et hi not ret(rn b"ck1 C5
Reeber LotHs wi!e1 CC 9hoe*er sh"%% seek to s"*e his %i!e Lo! te$or"% co!ort "nd $%e"s(reM sh"%% %ose itP And
whoe*er sh"%% %ose it L%et it goM sh"%% $reser*e it Lco!ort "nd tr(e $%e"s(re !or eternit'MP
days o! the (on o! Man: )n The Poem +es(s "%so "$$%ied this to the coing <o! the eneies o! the F"ther%"nd= which cert"in%' wo(%d e"n the
coing o! the Ro"ns to destro' +er(s"%e "nd the Te$%e0 b(t wo(%d then "%so "$$%' "n' s$eci!ic tie when di*ine K(dgent coes to " n"tion or
$eo$%e1 GodHs $eo$%e h"*e "%w"'s been gi*en "de;("te w"rnings on these occ"sions1 Note th"t the word days is $%(r"%1
destroyed them all: Tho(gh the sin o! No"hHs d"' "nd the sin o! the inh"bit"nts o! Sodo !orced God to destro' these (nbe%ie*ers0 were "%% those who
died in the Gre"t F%ood dooed etern"%%'B Abso%(te%' notP See 2 Peter C:24#5>E 7:F#61
C7 ) s"' to 'o(0 in th"t night Lo! ,hristHs !in"% !or"% coing #Re*15>:8M there sh"%% be two en in one bed0 the one
sh"%% be t"ken Lin " s($ern"t(r"% !ier' K(dgentM "nd the other sh"%% be %e!t1 C3 Two woen sh"%% be grinding together0
the one sh"%% be t"ken0 "nd the other sh"%% be %e!t1 LCF!nM Two en sh"%% be in the !ie%d0 the one sh"%% be t"ken0
"nd the other sh"%% be %e!t1 CFLC6"M The' "nswering0 s"id to Hi: 9here Lwi%% this end tie K(dgent t"ke $%"ceM0
LordB C6LC6bM +es(s s"id to the: 9here*er the /od' Lthe ,h(rchM sh"%% be0 there wi%% the e"g%es "%so be
g"thered togetherD Lto swoo$ down on the ene' who is re"d' to de*o(r the ,h(rch which wi%% "$$e"r to be d'ing1M
DThere is no cert"int' when **1 CF#C6 were s$oken b(t +es(s did ention the :ody and the eagles in E$isode 53>1 @M"tt157:54A1 Fro The Poem
+es(s identi!ies the /od' there "s His ,h(rch which wi%% "$$e"r "s " de"d cor$se d(ring the end tie tri"%0 K(st be!ore He ret(rns "s %ightening "cross the
sk'1 The e"g%es "re His shining "nge%s who wi%% be in*o%*ed in K(dging "nd destro'ing the ene' who "re the *(%t(res "nd *erin re"d' to de*o(r the
/od'1 E"g%es e"t on%' %i*ing things1
*+;. L Oct0 Mon0 AD CC The .e#s #ere "ot Ignorant o! .esus9 Miraulous Heavenly 4rigin # +es(s
Enters the Te$%e thro(gh the Go%den G"te 743G$17F5
+N 6 5>31TU
53 Soe0 there!ore0 o! +er(s"%e s"id: )s not this He 9ho the' seek to ki%%B 5F And beho%d0 He s$e"ks
o$en%'0 "nd the' s"' nothing to HiP H"*e the r(%ers coe to know !or " tr(th th"t this is the ,hristB 56 LOthers
s"id:M /(t we know this M"n0 !ro where He coes0 b(t when the ,hrist coes0 no "n wi%% know !ro where
He coes1 LM"n' +ews h"d " *er' c"rn"% *iew o! the g%or' o! God0 "nd !ig(red the Messi"h wo(%d !"%% o(t o! the sk' %ike " eteor
or coe in soe other (nn"t(r"% w"'1M 54 +es(s0 there!ore0 cried o(t in the te$%e0 te"ching "nd s"'ing: So 'o( LthinkM
'o( re"%%' know Me0 "nd know !ro where ) c"e L"s 'o( s"'0 c%"iing ignor"nce o! M' he"*en%' originMB L"ote: not
on%' h"d the /"$tist gi*en c%e"r witness to His he"*en%' origin0 b(t the /eth%ehe she$herds h"d been gi*ing witness !or o*er C>
'e"rs to the s$ect"c(%"r e*ents "t the /irth o! ,hrist1M ) h"*e not coe o! M'se%!0 b(t He 9ho sent Me is Tr(th0 9ho
'o( know notP 58 ) know Hi0 bec"(se ) " !ro Hi0 "nd He h"s sent Me1 C> The' so(ght0 there!ore0 to
"$$rehend Hi0 b(t no "n %"id h"nds on Hi0 bec"(se His ho(r h"d not 'et coe1
*+B. E No*0 T(e0 AD CC 8et a 5ittle While I $m With 8ou # Third D"' in the Te$%e 74FG$176>
+N 6 TU52>1
C2 /(t "n' o! the $eo$%e be%ie*ed in Hi0 "nd s"id: 9hen ,hrist coes0 sh"%% He do ore ir"c%es th"n
these which this M"n doesB
C5 The Ph"risees he"rd the $eo$%e (r(ring these things concerning Hi so the r(%ers "nd Ph"risees sent
inisters to "$$rehend Hi1 CC +es(s0 there!ore0 s"id to the: Yet " %itt%e whi%e ) " Lsti%%M with 'o(0 "nd then )
wi%% go b"ck to Hi 9ho sent Me1 C7 Yo( sh"%% seek Me0 "nd sh"%% not !ind Me1 And where ) wi%% be 'o(
c"nnot coe1 C3 The +ews0 there!ore0 s"id "ong these%*es: 9here wi%% He go0 th"t we sh"%% not !ind HiB
9i%% he go (nto the dis$ersed "ong the Genti%es "nd te"ch theB CF 9h"t is this s"'ing th"t He h"s s"id: Yo(
sh"%% seek Me0 "nd sh"%% not !ind Me0 "nd where ) "0 'o( c"nnot coeB
746G$763 # @E No*0T(eA At Nob1 The Mir"c%e on the 9ind1
*+A. E No*0 9ed0 AD CC (u!!er the 5ittle Children to Come T # O(tside +er(s"%e in the Fie%d o! the G"%i%e"ns 744G$1747
MT 28
2C Then %itt%e chi%dren were bro(ght to Hi Lb'
their $"rentsM0 th"t He ight %"' His h"nds ($on
the "nd $r"' !or the1 /(t the Disci$%es
reb(ked the1 27 /(t +es(s s"id to His
Disci$%es: A%%ow the %itt%e chi%dren to coe to
Me0 "nd !orbid the not0 !or the -ingdo o!
He"*en is !or s(ch1B 23 And when He h"d
i$osed His h"nds ($on the L"nd kissed the0
$1743M0 He de$"rted !ro there1
TLitt%e o! wh"t is entioned in the Gos$e%s here is !o(nd in The
Poem "t this tie1 M& "' h"*e not recorded e*er'thing +es(s
s"id or M"tthew drew +es(sH words !ro other occ"sions to
better re$resent His *iew o! chi%dren which were co$ied b' L(ke
"nd M"rk1

M- 2>
2C And the' bro(ght to Hi 'o(ng chi%dren0
th"t He ight to(ch the1 /(t the Disci$%es
reb(ked those who bro(ght the1 27 9hen
+es(s s"w this0 He w"s gre"t%' dis$%e"sed0 "nd
s"id to the: A%%ow the %itt%e chi%dren to coe
(nto Me0 "nd !orbid the not0 !or o! s(ch is the
-ingdo o! GodP 23 Most "ss(red%' ) s"' to
'o(0 whoe*er sh"%% not recei*e the -ingdo o!
God "s " %itt%e chi%d sh"%% not enter into itP 2F
And ebr"cing the0 "nd %"'ing his h"nds
($on the0 He b%essed the1
L- 24
23 Now the' "%so bro(ght (nto
Hi in!"nts th"t He ight to(ch
the1 /(t when the Disci$%es s"w
it0 the' reb(ked the1 2F /(t
+es(s0 c"%%ing the together0 s"id:
A%%ow the chi%dren to coe to Me0
"nd !orbid the not1 For o! s(ch is
the -ingdo o! God1 26 Most
"ss(red%'0 ) s"' to 'o(: 9hoe*er
sh"%% not recei*e the -ingdo o!
God "s " chi%d0 sh"%% not enter into
*,+. E No*0 Th(0 AD CC I! $ny Man Thirst 5et Him Come >nto Me # The Te$%e0 L"st D"' o! Fe"st
+N 6 5>41TU
C6 And on the %"st "nd gre"t d"' o! the !esti*"%0 +es(s stood "nd cried0 s"'ing: )! "n' "n thirst0 %et hi coe to
Me "nd drinkP C4 He who be%ie*es in Me0 "s the Scri$t(re LEIek1 76:2M s"'s: O(t o! His innerost being sh"%% !%ow
ri*ers o! %i*ing w"ter1 C8 Now this Lconcerning the %i*ing w"terM He s"id o! the S$irit which the' who be%ie*ed in
Hi wo(%d recei*e0 !or "s 'et the S$irit w"s not gi*en0 bec"(se +es(s w"s not 'et g%ori!ied Lin His de"th "nd in the
o$ening His side !ro which this ri*er o! w"ter !ro the Te$%e wo(%d !%ow W c!1 5:26#52 "nd EIekie% 76M1
7> There!ore0 when the' o! th"t (%tit(de h"d he"rd these words o! His0 soe s"id: This is The Pro$het indeed
L!oreto%d b' Moses # De(t124:24MP 72 Others s"id: This is the ,hristP /(t soe s"id: 9o(%d ,hrist coe o(t o!
G"%i%eeBP 75 Does not the Scri$t(re s"': Th"t ,hrist coes o! the seed o! D"*id0 "nd !ro /eth%ehe the town
where D"*id w"sB 7C So there "rose " dissension "ong the $eo$%e concerning Hi1 77 And soe o! the
wo(%d h"*e "$$rehended Hi0 b(t no "n %"id h"nds on Hi1
73 The o!!icers0 there!ore0 c"e to the chie! $riests "nd the Ph"risees0 who "sked the: 9h' h"*e 'o( not
bro(ght HiB 7F The o!!icers "nswered: Ne*er did "n' "n s$e"k %ike this M"nP 76 The Ph"risees0 there!ore0
"nswered the: Are 'o( "%so sed(cedBP 74 H"s "n'one o! the r(%ers be%ie*ed in Hi0 or "n' o! the Ph"riseesB
78 /(t this (%tit(de th"t knows not the L"w "re "cc(rsedP 3> Nicode(s @he who c"e to +es(s b' nightA0 who
w"s one o! the0 s"id to the: 32 Does o(r L"w K(dge "n' "n (n%ess it !irst gi*es hi " he"ring0 "nd
deterines wh"t he h"s doneB 35 The' "nswered "nd s"id to hi: Are 'o( "%so " G"%i%e"nBP Se"rch the
Scri$t(res "nd see th"t o(t o! G"%i%ee no $ro$het risesP 3CD And e*er' "n ret(rned to his own ho(se1
B:,D AND +es(s went (nto Mo(nt O%i*et1 TL+ohn 6:3C#4:22M

78>G$783 # @E No*A # At /eth"n'1 <One ,"n -i%% in M"n' 9"'s1=
782G$786 # @E No*A # Ne"r the Fo(nt"in o! En#Roge%1
*,,. E No*0 AD CC The Woman Caught in $dultery D The Te$%e Are" 785G$13>5
+N 4D TU52C1
5 And e"r%' in the orning +es(s c"e "g"in into the te$%e0 "nd "%% the $eo$%e c"e to Hi1 And sitting down
He t"(ght the1 C And the scribes "nd the Ph"risees bro(ght to Hi " wo"n t"ken in "d(%ter'0 "nd the' set her
in the idst0 7 "nd s"id to Hi: M"ster0 this wo"n w"s e*en now c"(ght in the *er' "ct o! "d(%ter'1 3 Now
Moses in the L"w co"nded (s to stone s(ch " one0 b(t wh"t do Yo( s"'B F And this the' s"id te$ting Hi0
th"t the' ight "cc(se Hi1 /(t +es(s bowing Hise%! down wrote with His !inger on the gro(nd1 6 9hen0
there!ore0 the' contin(ed "sking Hi0 He %i!ted ($ Hise%!0 "nd s"id to the: He who is witho(t sin "ong 'o(0
%et hi !irst c"st " stone "t her1 4 And "g"in stoo$ing down0 He wrote on the gro(nd Lthe n"es o! "%% their sinsM1 8
/(t the' he"ring this0 went o(t one b' one0 beginning "t the e%dest1 And +es(s "%one re"ined with the wo"n
st"nding in the idst1 2> Then +es(s %i!ting ($ Hise%!0 s"id to her: 9o"n0 where "re the' who "cc(sed 'o(B
H"s no "n condened 'o(B 22 She s"id: No "n0 Lord1 And +es(s s"id: Neither wi%% ) conden 'o(1 Go0 "nd
now sin no oreP L;:2<DB:,, is not !o(nd in the %"ter red(ctionist ss1b : C 5 indic"ting th"t not "%% ss1 e:isting "t the tie o!
this correction h"d the te:t in +ohnHs Gos$e%1 This indic"tes the te:t w"s "dded %"ter after #ohn first )rote after =D NA1 /(t "g"in "s
The Poem "(thentic"tes the te:t "s gen(ine "nd since it is in +ohnHs *er' $rono(nced st'%e0 in proper seM&ence, we "re !orced to the
conc%(sion th"t +ohn hise%! "dded the te:t in " %"ter edition1 9ho b(t +ohn wo(%d h"*e known the $ro$er se;(ence o! this e*ent
since "%% the other A$ost%es were gone1M
TL+ohn 6:3C#4:22M
78CG$3>4 # @E No*A # )nstr(ctions on the Ro"d to /eth"n'1
787G$322 # @E No*A # At the &i%%"ge o! So%oon "nd in His Ho(se1
783G$32F # @E No*A # +es(s "nd Sion o! +on"s1
78FG$35> # @M No*A # +es(s to Th"dde(s "nd to +"es o! Oebedee1
786G$353 # @M No*A # The M"n !ro Petr"0 ne"r Heshbon1
784G$354 # @M No*A # Descending !ro Mo(nt Nebo1
788G$3C5 # @M No*A # P"r"b%e o! the F"ther who Pr"ises His F"r#"w"' ,hi%dren1 ,(re o! the Litt%e /%ind ,hi%dren0 F"r" "nd T""r1
3>>G$3C8 # @M No*A # Di*ine "nd Di"bo%ic"% Possessions1
3>2G$375 # @M No*A # The 9i!e o! the S"dd(ce"n Necro"ncer1
3>5G$33C # @M No*A # De"th o! An"ni"s1
*,*. M No*0 AD CC The "eed o! 3ersevering Faith in 3rayer 7 The 3arable o! the Woman and the
>nRust .udge # The Te$%e "t +er(s"%e
L- 24 5>F1TU5261
2 AND +es(s to%d the " $"r"b%e th"t we "%so o(ght "%w"'s to $r"' "nd not to %ose ho$e0 5 s"'ing: There w"s "
K(dge in " cert"in cit' who did not !e"r God0 nor reg"rd Lthe needs o!M "n1 C And there w"s " cert"in widow in
th"t cit'0 "nd she c"e to hi0 s"'ing: A*enge e o! ' "d*ers"r'P 7 And !or " %ong tie he wo(%d not1 /(t
"!terw"rds he s"id within hise%!: A%tho(gh ) !e"r not God0 nor reg"rd "n0 3 'et bec"(se this widow is
tro(b%esoe to e0 ) wi%% "*enge her0 %est coing contin("%%' she we"ries eP F And the Lord s"id: He"r wh"t
the (nK(st K(dge s"id1 6 And wi%% not Lo(r K(stM God "*enge His e%ect Lchosen onesM who cr' to hi d"' "nd night
tho(gh He be"rs with the "nd shows LsoeM $"tience in de"%ing with their c"seB 4 ) s"' to 'o( L"s soon "s it is
$ossib%eM0 He wi%% ;(ick%' "*enge theP /(t 'et0 when the Son o! M"n coes0 do 'o( s($$ose He sh"%% !ind !"ith
on the e"rth Len"b%ing en to w"it the re;(ired tie !or "*engingMB
*,<. M No*0 AD CC I $m the 5ight o! the World # The Te$%e 3>7G$13F7
+N 4 5221TU
25 Ag"in0 there!ore0 +es(s s$oke to the0 s"'ing: ) " the Light o! the wor%d1 He who !o%%ows Me0 w"%ks not in
d"rkness0 b(t sh"%% h"*e the %ight o! %i!e1 2C The Ph"risees0 there!ore0 s"id to Hi: Yo( gi*e testion' o!
Yo(rse%!P Yo(r testion' is not tr(eP 27 +es(s "nswered "nd s"id to the: A%tho(gh ) gi*e testion' o! M'se%!0
M' testion' is tr(e0 !or ) know !ro where ) c"e0 "nd know where ) " going0 b(t 'o( know not !ro where )
coe0 or where ) go1 23 Yo( K(dge "ccording to the !%esh Lb' " $"thetic h("n st"nd"rdM1 ) K(dge not "n' "n Lb(t
h"*e on%' shown erc' to "%% e*en to 'o(M1 2F /(t i! ) do K(dge L"nd th"t d"' wi%% cert"in%' coeM0 M' K(dgent wi%% be
tr(e bec"(se ) " not "%one0 b(t ) " with the F"ther 9ho sent Me1 26 And in 'o(r L"w LN(b1C3:C>M it is written
th"t the testion' o! two en is tr(e1 24 ) " one th"t gi*es testion' o! M'se%!0 "nd the F"ther 9ho sent Me
gi*es testion' o! Me L"t M' /"$tisM1 28 The' s"id0 there!ore0 to Hi: 9here is Yo(r !"therB LHe h"s been s%ee$ing
in the se$(%cher !or 'e"rs1 Yo( h"*e no %i*ing !"therPM +es(s "nswered: Yo( neither know Me nor M' F"ther1 )! 'o( did
know Me0 'o( wo(%d know M' F"ther "%so1 5> These words +es(s s$oke in the tre"s(r'0 te"ching in the te$%e1
And no "n %"id h"nds on Hi0 bec"(se His ho(r h"d not 'et coe1
*,@. M No*0 Fri0 AD CC Whither I Go 8ou Cannot Come 7 8ou (hall Die in 8our (ins # The Te$%e
+N 4 TU
52 Ag"in0 there!ore0 +es(s s"id to the: ) " going "w"' "nd 'o( sh"%% seek Me0 b(t 'o( sh"%% die in 'o(r sin1
9here ) go 'o( c"nnot coe1 LThese en wi%% go to "n etern"% He%%M 55 The +ews0 there!ore0 s"id: 9i%% He ki%%
Hise%!0 bec"(se He s"id: 9here ) go0 'o( c"nnot coeB 5C And He s"id to the: Yo( "re !ro bene"th0 ) "
!ro "bo*e1 Yo( "re o! this wor%d0 ) " not o! this wor%d1 57 There!ore0 ) s"id to 'o( th"t 'o( sh"%% die in 'o(r
sins1 For i! 'o( be%ie*e not th"t ) " He Lwith "%% the e*idence 'o( h"*e been gi*enM0 'o( sh"%% die in 'o(r sin1 53
The' s"id0 there!ore0 to Hi: 9ho "re 'o(B +es(s s"id to the: As ) !ro the beginning h"*e s$oken (nto 'o(1
LThe re"ding: <) to%d 'o( "t the beginning wh"t ) " "%so te%%ing 'o( now0= "$$e"rs to be the e"r%iest re"ding0 b(t w"s shortened b'
+ohn in his %"ter edition1 The Poem re*e"%s th"t this de%etion0 %ike "n' other s($$osed <corr($tions0= w"s "de b' the origin"%
"(thor to "ke the te:t ore re"d"b%e1 The Poem "%so re*e"%s th"t "n' %"ter additions were "%so "dded b' the origin"% "(thors @or
"t %e"st b' e'ewitnessesA bec"(se the "dditions "re "%so tr(e to the historic"% e*ent1M 5F M"n' things ) h"*e 'et to s$e"k "nd to
K(dge "bo(t this $eo$%e1 /(t He 9ho sent Me is tr(e "nd wh"t ) h"*e he"rd o! Hi0 ) s$e"k in the wor%d1 56
And the' (nderstood not th"t He s$oke o! God "s His F"ther 1 54 +es(s0 there!ore0 s"id to the: 9hen 'o( sh"%%
h"*e %i!ted ($ the Son o! M"n0 then sh"%% 'o( know th"t ) " He "nd th"t ) do nothing o! M'se%!0 b(t "s the
F"ther h"s t"(ght Me0 these things ) s$e"k1 58 And He 9ho sent Me is with Me0 "nd He h"s not %e!t Me "%one0
!or ) do "%w"'s the things th"t $%e"se Hi1 C> As He s$oke these things0 "n' be%ie*ed in Hi1
C2 Then +es(s s"id to those +ews who be%ie*ed Hi: )! 'o( contin(e in M' 9ord0 'o( sh"%% be M' disci$%es
indeed1 5 And 'o( sh"%% know the tr(th0 "nd the tr(th sh"%% "ke 'o( !reeP CC His detr"ctors re$%ied to Hi:
9e "re the seed Lo!!s$ringM o! Abr"h"0 "nd we h"*e ne*er been s%"*es to "n' "n1 How do Yo( s"': Yo( sh"%% be
C7 +es(s "nswered the: Most cert"in%' "nd "ss(red%' ) s"' (nto 'o(0 th"t whoe*er coits sin is the ser*"nt
o! sin1 C3 Now the ser*"nt "bides not in the ho(se LGodHs co*en"ntM !ore*erE b(t the son "bides !ore*er1 CF )!0
there!ore0 the Son sh"%% "ke 'o( !ree L"nd no %onger " ser*"nt o! sinM0 'o( sh"%% be !ree indeedP C6 ) know th"t 'o(
"re the chi%dren o! Abr"h"0 b(t 'o( seek to ki%% Me bec"(se M' 9ord h"s no $%"ce in 'o(1 C4 ) s$e"k th"t
which ) h"*e seen with M' F"ther "nd 'o( do the things th"t 'o( h"*e seen with 'o(r !"ther1
C8 The' "nswered "nd s"id to Hi: Abr"h" is o(r !"ther1 +es(s s"id to the: )! 'o( were the chi%dren o!
Abr"h"0 LthenM do the works o! Abr"h"1 7> /(t now 'o( seek to ki%% Me0 " M"n 9ho h"s s$oken the tr(th to
'o(0 which ) h"*e he"rd !ro God1 This Abr"h" did not doP 72 Yo( do the works o! 'o(r !"ther1 The' s"id0
there!ore0 to Hi: 9e "re not born o! !ornic"tion1D 9e h"*e one F"ther0 e*en GodP 75 +es(s0 there!ore0 s"id to
the: )! God were 'o(r F"ther0 'o( wo(%d indeed %o*e Me1 For !ro God ) $roceeded "nd c"e1 For ) c"e not
o! M'se%!0 b(t He sent Me1 7C 9h' do 'o( not know M' s$eechB /ec"(se 'o( c"nnot he"r M' 9ord1 77 Yo(
"re o! 'o(r !"ther the De*i%0 "nd the desires o! 'o(r !"ther 'o( wi%% do1 He w"s " (rderer !ro the beginning0
"nd he stood not in the tr(th0 bec"(se tr(th w"s not in hi1 9hen he s$e"ks " %ie0 he s$e"ks o(t o! his own
he"rt0 !or he is " %i"r "nd the !"ther o! %ies1 73 /(t i! ) s"' the tr(th0 'o( be%ie*e Me not1 7F 9hich o! 'o( sh"%%
con*ince Me o! sinB )! ) s"' the tr(th to 'o(0 wh' do 'o( not be%ie*e MeB 76 He who is o! God0 he"rs the words
o! God1 There!ore0 'o( he"r the not0 bec"(se 'o( "re not o! God1 DThis w"s "n "cc(s"tion th"t +es(s w"s i%%egiti"te0
concei*ed o(t o! wed%ock1 )ndeed i! +es(s w"s not *irgin"%%' concei*ed He w"s i%%egiti"te concei*ed in !ornic"tion1 Those who
den' the *irgin birth0 "s "n' odernists in the ,h(rch do0 "cc(se ho%' M"r' o! sin1 74 The +ews0 there!ore0 "nswered "nd
s"id to Hi: Do not we s"' correct%' th"t Yo( "re " S""rit"n0 "nd h"*e " deonB 78 +es(s "nswered: ) h"*e
not " deon0 b(t ) honor M' F"ther0 "nd 'o( h"*e dishonored Me1 3> /(t ) seek not M' own g%or'1 There is
One 9ho seeks Lth"t !or MeM "nd K(dges Lcorrect%'M1 32 Most cert"in%' "nd "ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(: )! "n' "n kee$s
M' 9ord0 he sh"%% ne*er see de"th1 35 The +ews0 there!ore0 s"id: Now we know th"t Yo( h"*e " deon1
Abr"h" is de"d0 "nd the $ro$hets0 "nd 'et Yo( s"': )! "n' "n kee$ M' 9ord he sh"%% ne*er t"ste de"th1 3C
Are 'o( gre"ter th"n o(r !"ther Abr"h" who is de"dB "nd the $ro$hets who "re de"dB 9ho do Yo( "ke
Yo(rse%! to beB 37 +es(s "nswered: )! ) g%ori!' M'se%!0 M' g%or' is nothing1 )t is M' F"ther 9ho g%ori!ies Me0
o! 9ho 'o( s"' th"t He is 'o(r God1 33 Yet 'o( h"*e not known Hi0 b(t ) do know Hi1 And i! ) sho(%d s"'
th"t ) know Hi not0 ) sh"%% be %ike 'o(0 " %i"r1 /(t ) do know Hi0 "nd do kee$ His 9ord1 3F Abr"h" 'o(r
!"ther reKoiced "t the $ros$ect o! seeing Lwith (nderst"ndingM M' d"'1 He s"w it Lwith c%e"r $erce$tionM0 "nd w"s g%"d1
LHebrews 22:2C <A%% these died whi%e s(st"ined b' !"ith0 not h"*ing recei*ed the $roises0 -&t -eholdin' them from afar off1=M 36
The +ews0 there!ore0 Ltwisting His wordsM s"id to Hi: Yo( "re not 'et !i!t' 'e"rs o%d0 "nd h"*e Yo( seen
Abr"h"BP 34 +es(s s"id to the: Most cert"in%' "nd "ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0 be!ore Abr"h" w"s born0 I $MPD
38 The' took ($ stones0 there!ore0 to c"st "t Hi1 /(t +es(s hid Hise%!0 "nd went o(t o! the te$%e1
DI $M: +es(s (sed the $resent tense to con*e' his tie%ess etern"% n"t(re1 This is " (ch stronger st"teent th"n i! He wo(%d h"*e
s"id0 <be!ore Abr"h" w"s born0 I )as1= Th"t wo(%d ere%' h"*e con*e'ed His $ree:istence not His etern"%it'1 Th"t *er'
e:$ression0 <) AM= w"s how God identi!ied Hise%! to Moses "nd w"s the <n"e= !or God th"t Moses w"s to (se in "$$ro"ching the
chi%dren o! )sr"e% "bo(t his c"%% to %e"d the o(t o! Eg'$t1
3>FG$34> # @M No*0FriA # )n +ose$hHs Ho(se "t Se$horis1 Litt%e M"rti"% N"ed M"n"sseh1
3>6G$346 # @M No*0FriA # The O%d Priest M"t"n @or N"t"nA1
*,2. M No*0 S"t0 AD CC $ Man :orn :lind is Healed on the (abbath # On the 9"' to the S'n"gog(e in
+er(s"%e 3>4G$138C
+N 8 TU
2 AND +es(s $"ssing b' s"w " "n who h"d been b%ind !ro his birth1 5 And His Disci$%es "sked hi: R"bbi0
who h"s sinned0 this "n or his $"rents th"t he sho(%d be born b%indB C +es(s "nswered: )t is not th"t this "n
sinned0 nor his $"rents0 b(t th"t the works o! God sho(%d be "de "ni!est in hi1 7 ) (st work the works o!
Hi 9ho sent Me whi%e it is d"' Li1e1 whi%e ) " "%i*eM1 The night Li1e1 de"thM coes0 when no "n c"n work1 3 As
%ong "s ) " in the wor%d L"nother !i*e onthsM0 ) " the Light o! the wor%d1 F 9hen He h"d s"id these things0 He
s$"t on the gro(nd "nd "de c%"' with the s"%i*"0 "nd s$re"d the c%"' on his e'es1 6 And s"id to hi: Go0 w"sh
in the $oo% o! Si%o" @which e"ns0 SentA1 He went0 there!ore0 "nd w"shed0 "nd c"e b"ck seeing1 4 The
neighbors0 there!ore0 who h"d seen hi be!ore when he w"s " begg"r0 s"id: )s not this he who s"t "nd beggedB
And others: This is heP 8 /(t others s"id: No0 b(t he %ooks %ike hi1 /(t he s"id: ) " heP 2> The' s"id0
there!ore0 to hi: How were 'o(r e'es o$enedB 22 He "nswered: Th"t M"n 9ho is c"%%ed +es(s "de c%"' "nd
"nointed ' e'es0 "nd s"id to e: Go to the $oo% o! Si%o" "nd w"sh1 And ) went0 ) w"shed0 "nd ) now seeP 25
And the' s"id to hi: 9here is HeB He s"id: ) do not know1
2C Then the' bro(ght hi who h"d been b%ind to the Ph"risees1 27 Now it w"s the S"bb"th when +es(s "de
the c%"' "nd o$ened his e'es1 23 Ag"in0 there!ore0 the Ph"risees "sked Hi how he h"d recei*ed his sight1 And
he s"id to the: He $(t c%"' ($on ' e'es0 "nd ) w"shed0 "nd ) now see1 2F Soe o! the Ph"risees0 there!ore0
s"id: This M"n 9ho kee$s not the S"bb"th is not o! GodP /(t others s"id: How c"n " "n who is " sinner do
s(ch ir"c%esB And there w"s " di*ision "ong the1 26 The' s"id0 there!ore0 to the b%ind "n "g"in: 9h"t do
'o( s"' o! Hi 9ho h"s o$ened 'o(r e'esB And he s"id: He is " $ro$hetP
24 The +ews then re!(sed to be%ie*e th"t he h"d been b%ind0 "nd h"d recei*ed his sight0 (nti% the' c"%%ed the
$"rents o! hi who h"d recei*ed his sight0 28 "nd "sked the0 s"'ing: )s this 'o(r son0 who 'o( s"' w"s born
b%indB How then is it th"t he now seesB 5> His $"rents "nswered the0 "nd s"id: 9e know th"t this is o(r son0
"nd th"t he w"s born b%ind0 52 b(t how it is th"t he now sees we know not1 And who h"s o$ened his e'es0 we
know not1 Ask hi0 he is o! "ge0 %et hi s$e"k !or hise%!1 55 These things his $"rents s"id0 bec"(se the'
!e"red the +ews0 !or the +ews h"d "%re"d' "greed "ong these%*es0 th"t i! "n' "n sho(%d con!ess Hi to be
,hrist0 he wo(%d be $(t o(t o! the s'n"gog(e1 5C For this re"son his $"rents s"id: He is o! "ge0 "sk hi1
57 The'0 there!ore0 c"%%ed "g"in the "n who h"d been b%ind0 "nd s"id to hi: Gi*e g%or' to GodP 9e know th"t
this M"n is " sinner1 53 He s"id0 there!ore0 to the: )! He is " sinner0 ) know not0 b(t one thing ) know0 th"t
where"s ) w"s b%ind0 now ) seeP 5F The' s"id then to hi: 9h"t did He do to 'o(B How did He o$en 'o(r e'esB
56 He "nswered the: ) h"*e to%d 'o( "%re"d'0 "nd 'o( h"*e he"rd e0 wh' wo(%d 'o( he"r it "g"inB 9i%% 'o(
"%so becoe His disci$%esB 54 The' re*i%ed hi0 there!ore0 "nd s"id: Yo( "re His disci$%e0 b(t we "re the
disci$%es o! Moses1 58 9e know th"t God s$oke to Moses0 b(t "s to this M"n0 we know not !ro where He
c"e1 C> The "n "nswered "nd s"id to the: 9h'0 herein is " wonder!(% thing th"t 'o( know not !ro where
He c"e0 "nd 'et He h"s o$ened ' e'esP C2 Now0 we know th"t God does not he"r sinnersP /(t i! " "n is "
ser*er o! God "nd does His wi%%0 hi He he"rs1 C5 Fro the beginning o! the wor%d it h"s not been he"rd th"t
"n' "n h"s o$ened the e'es o! one born b%indP CC .n%ess this M"n were o! God0 He co(%d not do "n'thing L%ike
thisMP C7 The' "nswered "nd s"id to hi: Yo( were co$%ete%' born in sins0 "nd do 'o( te"ch (sBP And the' c"st
hi o(t Lo! the te$%e "re"M1
3>8G$F>3 # @M No*0S"tA # At Nob1 +(d"s o! -erioth Lies1
32>G$F25 # @L No*09edA # Aong the R(ins o! " Destro'ed &i%%"ge1
322G$F23 # @L No*0Th(A # At E"(s in the Mo(nt"ins1 P"r"b%e o! the Rich 9ise M"n "nd the Poor )gnor"nt /o'1
325G$F55 # @L No*0FriA # The .ndecided Yo(ng M"n1 Mir"c%es "nd Adonitions "t /eth#Horon1
32CG$FC5 # @L No*0FriA # Tow"rds Gibeon1 The Re"sons !or +es(sH Sorrow1
327G$FC4 # @L No*0FriA # At Gibeon1 The 9isdo o! Lo*e1
323G$F75 # @L No*A # Ret(rning to +er(s"%e1
*,C. E # M Dec0 AD CC .esus Com!orts the Healed Man Thro#n out o! the (ynagogue 7 I $m the Good
(hepherd # The Te$%e 32FG$1F78
+N 8 TU5241
C3 +es(s he"rd th"t the' h"d c"st hi o(t L"%so o! the s'n"gog(eM0 "nd when He h"d !o(nd hi0 He s"id to hi: Do
'o( be%ie*e in the Son o! GodB CF He "nswered "nd s"id: 9ho is He0 Lord th"t ) "' be%ie*e in HiB C6 And
+es(s s"id to hi: Yo( h"*e both seen Hi0 "nd it is He 9ho s$e"ks with 'o(1 C4 And he s"id: ) be%ie*e0 LordP
And !"%%ing down0 he worshi$ed Hi1 C8 And +es(s s"id: For K(dgent ) " coe into this wor%d0 th"t the' who
see not0 "' see0 "nd the' who see0 "' becoe b%indP 7> And soe o! the Ph"risees0 who were ne"r Hi0
he"rd this so the' s"id (nto Hi: Are we "%so b%indB 72 +es(s s"id to the: )! 'o( were b%ind 'o( wo(%d h"*e
no sin1 /(t since 'o( s"': 9e see0 'o(r sin re"ins1
." ,+ I am the Good /hepherd.
2 MOST cert"in%' "nd "ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(: He who enters not b' the Door Li1e1 b' MePMD into the shee$!o%d0
b(t c%ibs ($ "nother w"'0 the s"e is " thie! "nd " robber L"nd " !"%se she$herdM1 5 /(t he who enters in b' the
Door is L"%soM the Ltr(eM She$herd o! the shee$1 C To hi the $orter L" !ig(re !or "%% the $ro$hets "nd es$eci"%%' the /"$tistM
o$ens0 "nd the shee$ he"r His *oice1 And He c"%%s His own shee$ b' n"e0 "nd %e"ds the o(t1 7 And when He
h"s %et o(t His own shee$0 He goes be!ore the L"nd %e"ds b' e:"$%eM1 So the shee$ !o%%ow Hi bec"(se the'
know His *oice1 3 /(t " str"nger the' wi%% not !o%%ow0 b(t wi%% !%ee !ro hi0 bec"(se the' know not the *oice
o! str"ngers1 F This $"r"b%e +es(s s$oke to the1 /(t the' (nderstood not wh"t He w"s t"%king "bo(t1 D+es(s0 "s
the Good She$herd is "%so the Door bec"(se He0 "s the She$herd0 cre"ted the shee$ !o%d "nd the doorw"' to be ost sec(re "nd s"!e
"nd c"%%ed the $orters to ser*e "s w"tchen "t the entr"nce1
6 +es(s0 there!ore0 s"id to the "g"in: Most cert"in%' "nd "ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0 ) " the Door o! the shee$1 4
A%% others0 "s "n' "s h"*e coe "re thie*es "nd robbers0 b(t the shee$ he"rd the not1 8 ) " the Door1 /'
Me0 i! "n' "n enters in0 he sh"%% be s"*ed L!or there is no re"% or cert"in s"!et' o(tside the shee$ !o%dM1 And he sh"%% go
in "nd go o(t "nd sh"%% !ind LgoodM $"st(res1 2> The thie! Lste"%ing o*er the w"%%sM coes not b(t to ste"%0 to ki%%0 "nd
to destro'1 ) h"*e coe th"t the' LM' shee$M "' h"*e %i!e0 "nd "' h"*e it ore "b(nd"nt%'P 22 ) " the Good
She$herd1 The Good She$herd gi*es His %i!e !or His shee$1 25 /(t the hire%ing0D he who is not the she$herd0
whose shee$ "re not his0 sees the wo%! coing "nd !%ees0 %e"*ing the shee$0 "nd the wo%! c"tches "nd sc"tters the
shee$1 2C And the hire%ing !%ees0 bec"(se he is " hire%ing1 He h"s no c"re !or the shee$ Lbec"(se he ser*es "in%'
!or w"gesM1 27 ) " the Good She$herd0 "nd ) recogniIe M' own0 "nd M' own know Me1 Dhireling: There "re "n'
o! these in the LordHs $"st(resP
Other sheep I ha#e not of this fold.
23 As the F"ther knows Me0 ) "%so know the F"ther0 "nd ) %"' down M' %i!e !or M' shee$1 2F And other shee$ )
h"*e th"t "re not o! this !o%d0
the "%so ) (st bring0 "nd the' sh"%% "%so he"r M' *oice0 "nd there sh"%% be one
Fo%d "nd one She$herd1
26 This is wh' the F"ther %o*es Me0 bec"(se ) %"' down M' %i!e0 th"t ) "' t"ke it
"g"in Lin " (ch gre"ter !orM1 24 No "n t"kes it "w"' !ro Me0 b(t ) %"' it down o! M'se%!1 ) h"*e $ower to %"'
it down "nd ) h"*e $ower to t"ke it ($ "g"in Lin res(rrectionM1 This is the order h"*e ) recei*ed o! M' F"ther1
The 5ord9s other sheep outside the Covenant Fold: The Lord God h"s "%w"'s h"d "nd "%w"'s wi%% h"*e other shee$ o(tside
His ,o*en"nts1 )n other words there h"*e "%w"'s been "nd "%w"'s wi%% be non#,hristi"ns @$"g"nsA who "re be%o*ed o! God0 His *er'
e%ect0 tho(gh 'et %ost "nd (nredeeed1 Tho(gh not <s"*ed= the' "re s"!e (nti% the' coe to he"r the Gos$e% tr(th1 See "%so the note
on the $"g"n <(ns"*ed= Ro"n cent(rion ,orne%i(s who w"s <"cce$ted with God= on the b"sis o! his good works0 "t Acts 2>:F in
the E*"nge%ic"% ,"tho%ic St(d' /ib%e1
There shall be one Fold: The one !o%d !or the LordHs shee$ is ore th"n the <s$irit("%= (nit' there is between those who %o*e "nd
tr(st the Lord "s S"*ior1 Th"t (nit' is "n "(to"tic re"%it' which coes with gen(ine !"ith "nd inc%(des "%% tr(e ,hristi"ns reg"rd%ess
o! their denoin"tion"% "!!i%i"tion1 +es(sH %"st $r"'er0 howe*er0 w"s !or " kind o! (nit' th"t )as in addition to this &nity0 one th"t w"s
not "(to"tic "nd h"d to be won b' $r"'er1 <) $r"' !or those who sh"%% be%ie*e on Me thro(gh their word0 th"t TH(7 may -e 9D(?
This is wh' +es(s est"b%ished " +isi-le ,h(rch with h("n "(thorit' @M"tt12F:24#28E 24:23#24A "nd $(t Peter "s its he"d1 )t w"s !or
this re"son P"(% s"w the ,h(rch "s A Sing%e </od'0= not ere%' " s$irit("% !e%%owshi$P P"(%0 there!ore0 did not see many -odies or
inde$endent ch(rches0 e"ch with its own $o$e or he"d0 b(t "s he dec%"red to the E$hesi"ns: <There is One /od'0 One S$irit0 XOne
Lord0 One !"ith0 One /"$tisP= @E$h17:7#3A1 Let it be st"ted "s e$h"tic"%%' "s $ossib%e0 +es(s w"s *er' c%e"r th"t the wor%d wo(%d
not coe to be%ie*e in Hi (nti% His $eo$%e knew the (nit' "nd oneness o! ONE /ODY or ONE FOLD @+ohn26:5>#52AP There "re
"n' tod"' who "re tr(e brothers in ,hrist b(t who "re not %i*ing "t hoe in the ,h(rch0 the /od' +es(s est"b%ished "nd in !(%%
!e%%owshi$ with th"t F"i%' o! GodP
28 A dissension rose "g"in "ong the +ews o*er these words LThe Ph"risees co(%d not to%er"te +es(s s"'ing there were
$"g"ns who were s"!e with God o(tside the +ewish co*en"ntPM1 5> And "n' o! the s"id: He h"s " deon0 "nd is "d0
wh' do 'o( %isten to HiBP 52 Others s"id: These "re not the words o! one th"t h"s " deonP ,"n " deon
o$en the e'es o! the b%indBP
326G$F3F # @E#M DecA # Tow"rds /eth"n' "nd in L"I"r(sH Ho(se1
324G$FF2 # @M DecA # Going to Teko"h1 O%d E%i"nn"1
328G$FF8 # @M DecA # At Teko"h1
35>G$F67 # @M DecA # Arri*"% "t +ericho1 O"cch"e(sH A$osto%"te1
*,;. M Dec0 AD CC The 3ublian and the 3harisee at 3rayer in the Temple # +ericho 352G$1F43
L- 24
8 And to soe who tr(sted in these%*es "s being K(st or righteo(s0 'et des$ised others0 +es(s s$oke "%so this
$"r"b%e: 2> Two en went ($ into the te$%e to $r"'1 The one w"s " Ph"risee "nd the other " $(b%ic"n L" Ro"n
t": co%%ectorM1 22 The Ph"risee st"nding0 $r"'ed th(s with hise%!: O God0 ) gi*e Yo( th"nks th"t ) " not "s the
rest o! "nkind0 who "re e:tortionists0 (nK(st0 "d(%terers0 "s "%so is this $(b%ic"n1 25 ) !"st twice in " week1 )
gi*e tithes o! "%% th"t ) $ossess1 2C Now the $(b%ic"n0 st"nding "!"r o!!0 wo(%d not so (ch "s %i!t ($ his e'es
tow"rds He"*en0 b(t str(ck his chest0 s"'ing: O God0 be erci!(% to e " sinnerP 27 ) s"' to 'o(0 this "n went
down to his ho(se K(sti!ied r"ther th"n the other1 /ec"(se e*er'one who e:"%ts hise%! sh"%% be h(b%ed0 "nd he
who h(b%es hise%! sh"%% be e:"%ted1
355G$F44 # @M DecA # )n O"cch"e(sH Ho(se with the ,on*erts1 The So(% "nd the Error o! Reinc"rn"tion1
35CG$F86 # @M DecA # S"be" o! /eth%echi1
357G$62C # @M DecA # At /eth"b"r"0 Reebering the /"$tist1 @This ch"$ter cont"ins wh"t is !o(nd in Mt1 3:58E 24:8E "nd Mk1 8:761 See
ch"$ters 267b "nd C320 A
353G$62F # @L DecA # Going /"ck to Nob1 +es(sH Oniscience1
35FG$65> # @L DecA # At Nob1 +(d"s o! -eriothHs Ret(rn1
356G$653 # @L Dec0FriA # At Nob d(ring the Fo%%owing D"'s1 Hidden Possessions1
354G$6C2 # @L Dec0T(eA # +(d"s o! -erioth )s L(st!(%1
358G$6C3 # @L DecA # +es(s S$e"ks to &"%eri" o! M"trion' "nd Di*orce1 The Mir"c%e o! Litt%e Le*i1
3C>G$63C # @L DecA # +es(s "nd the Prostit(te Sent to Te$t Hi1
3C2G$6F7 # @L Dec0Th(A # +es(s "nd +(d"s o! -erioth Going tow"rds +er(s"%e1
3C5G$6F6 # @L Dec0Th(A # )n the S'n"gog(e o! the Ro"n Freeden1
3CCG$663 # @L Dec0Th(A # +(d"s )sc"riot "nd +es(sH Eneies1
3C7G$643 # @L Dec0Th(A # The Se*en Le$ers ,(red1 )nstr(ctions to the A$ost%es "nd Arri*"% "t /eth"n'1
F)$(T 4F D)DIC$TI4" 4% 5IGHT( 7 $D << 7 5 D)C)M:)% D ) .$">$%8
*,B. L Dec0 Fri0 AD CC I and My Father are 4ne # The Te$%e 3C3G$1684
+N 2> C2F1TU
55 And it w"s the Fe"st o! the Dedic"tion "t +er(s"%e L"%so c"%%ed Fe"st o! P(ri!ic"tion or LightsM0 "nd it w"s winter1
5C And +es(s w"%ked in the te$%e in So%oonHs $orch1 57 The +ews0 there!ore0 c"e ro(nd "bo(t Hi "nd s"id
to Hi: How %ong do Yo( ho%d o(r so(%s in s(s$enseB )! Yo( "re the ,hrist0 te%% (s $%"in%'1 53 +es(s "nswered
the: ) s$e"k to 'o(0 "nd 'o( be%ie*e not1 The works th"t ) do in the n"e o! M' F"ther0 the' gi*e testion' o!
Me L"s to 9ho ) "M1 5F /(t 'o( do not be%ie*e bec"(se 'o( "re not o! M' shee$1 56 M' shee$ he"r M' *oice0
"nd ) know the "nd the' !o%%ow Me1 54 And ) gi*e the %i!e e*er%"sting Lhe"*en%' %i!eM0 "nd the' sh"%% ne*er
$erish1 And no "n sh"%% $%(ck the o(t o! M' h"nd1 58 Th"t which M' F"ther h"s gi*en Me LHis *er' di*ine
n"t(reM0 is gre"ter th"n "n'thing0
"nd no one c"n sn"tch it o(t o! the h"nd o! M' F"ther Lor !ro MeMP C> ) "nd the
F"ther "re one1 LTh"t is0 9e "re one di*ine n"t(re b(t two distinct $ersons1M
&.*A: There h"*e been s%ight di!!erences in the *"rio(s ss1 on this te:t which show e*idence o! %"ter "tte$ts0 "%ost cert"in%' b'
+ohn hise%!0 to con*e' !ro o(r LordHs disco(rse wh"t w"s most appropriate !or his Gos$e%1 Fro the Poem it is "b(nd"nt%' c%e"r
th"t the rendering o! *158 "bo*e0 )ith o&r amplifications is wh"t +es(s "ct("%%' s"id "nd it is the on%' e"ning th"t K(sti!ies *1C>1
This "%so e"ns th"t the %"ter red(ctionist ss1b D $ro$er%' discerned th"t ori'inal rendition o! +ohn here1 )n %ight o! the Poem0
this now sho(%d be considered the <better= te:t("% re"ding1 9h"t +es(s "ct("%%' s"id0 howe*er0 "s re!%ected in the "$%i!ic"tions0
#ohn deli-erately a+oided in his later edition? Th"t +es(s w"s <gi*en= " di*ine n"t(re wo(%d h"*e been gre"t%' is(nderstood
$"rtic(%"r%' in +ohnHs d"' with the $o$(%"r Gnostic heresies0 one o! which t"(ght the di*ine n"t(re o! +es(s c"e ($on Hi in
/"$tis "nd %e!t Hi be!ore the ,r(ci!i:ion1 )n " re*ision it is c%e"r th"t he ch"nged the te:t !(rther to "*oid the !irst de%iber"te
"big(it'0 which %e!t re"ders in $(II%eent: <M' F"ther which g"*e L####M Me is gre"ter th"n "%% "nd no "n is "b%e to $%(ck L####M
o(t o! M' F"therHs h"nd1= Since +ohn did not wish to s"' wh"t +es(s "ct("%%' s"id0 nor s"' wh"t He did not say he %e!t the re"der to
"ke his own discernent1 Since the $re*io(s conte:t !"*ored <the= re!erring to o(r LordHs shee$0 th"t is how ost tr"ns%"tors
rendered it1 )n re"%it' howe*er0 the conte:t o! *158 w"s *1C>P One ore ""Iing *eri!ic"tion o! the di*ine origin o! the Poem 'i+en
to deal decisi+ely )ith the onsla&'ht of modern s*eptical tho&'ht in the ,h&rch? And wh' " re*ision w"s necess"r' i! the !irst
edition o! +ohn w"s ins$ired then h"s "%so been "nsweredP
Jesus attempts to a#oid a hair-splittin theoloical battle.
C2 The +ews then took ($ stones to stone Hi1 C5 +es(s "nswered the: M"n' good works ) h"*e showed 'o(
!ro M' F"ther0 !or which o! these works do 'o( stone MeB CC The +ews "nswered Hi: For " good work we
stone Yo( not0 b(t !or b%"s$he'0 "nd bec"(se th"t Yo(0 being " "n0 "ke Yo(rse%! GodP C7 +es(s "nswered
the: )s it not written in 'o(r %"w: I said yo& are 'odsL ZPs"142@45A:F[ C3 )! He c"%%ed the gods0 to who the
9ord o! God w"s s$oken0 "nd the Scri$t(re c"nnot be broken0 CF do 'o( s"' o! Hi 9ho the F"ther h"s
s"ncti!ied "nd sent into the wor%d: Yo( b%"s$hee0 bec"(se ) s"id0 ) " the Son o! GodB C6 )! ) do not the works
o! M' F"ther0 be%ie*e Me not1 C4 /(t i! ) do0 tho(gh 'o( wi%% not be%ie*e Me L!or 9ho ) c%"i to beM0 be%ie*e the
works Lth"t the' sti%% "re o! God0 e*en tho(gh 'o( think ) " ist"ken "bo(t 9ho ) "M0 th"t 'o( "' L"t %e"stM know "nd
be%ie*e th"t the F"ther is in Me0 "nd ) in the F"ther1 C8 The' so(ght0 there!ore0 to t"ke Hi0 b(t He esc"$ed o(t
o! their h"nds1
L+es(s "tte$ted to reo*e the !oc(s o! deb"te !ro wh"t His c%"i o! di*init' "ct("%%' e"nt "nd the deb"te o*er the $recise
identit' o! His Person to the e*idences th"t no matter )ho He )as He co(%d on%' h"*e been sent b' God1 +es(s w"s wi%%ing to %e"*e
the !orer ($ in the "ir "t %e"st (nti% the %"tter w"s "cknow%edged1M
*,A. E +"n0 AD C7 .esus %etreats :eyond .ordan # Fro /eth%ehe to So%oonHs &i%%"ge on the +ord"n in Pere"1 )&03C4G$1424 W &0373G$172
@MT "nd M- here s("riIe the $re*io(s 2> onths1 M"rk (ses M"tthewHs "cco(nt1A

MT 28
2 AND it c"e to $"ss when +es(s h"d ended these words
Lin ,B@. # 24F1 Dec"$o%is "nd ,"$ern"(M0 He de$"rted !ro
G"%i%ee0 Lto +er(s"%e02461#28410 b"ck to G"%i%ee0 2881#5>210 then
b"ck to +(de"0 5>51#5241M "nd c"e into the %"nd o! +(de"0
be'ond +ord"n Lto So%oonHs &i%%"ge in Pere" # *,A.M1 5 And
gre"t (%tit(des !o%%owed Hi "nd He he"%ed the there1
The %"rge tie g"$s "%ost co$%ete%' hidden here in M"tthew "nd "%so in
M"rk "re b' the in!or"tion in The Poem disco*ered to be !i%%ed in0 in "%ost
$er!ect chrono%ogic"% order0 b' +ohn =,B2.D *,A.?1 This is K(st ore incredib%e
e*idence the Poem w"s direct%' re*e"%ed !ro He"*en1 For !(rther in!or"tion
see The est of the Gospel !tory "t Gos$e% E$isode 5281 1M
M- 2>
2 AND rising ($ !ro there L,B*.#2471
,"$ern"( "nd Dec"$o%is0 Mk 4:2#2> M0
+es(s c"e L"!ter the 3
+(de"n "nd F
G"%i%e"n inistr' @2441 W 5>21AM into the
%"nd o! +(de" be'ond the +ord"n L!or the
+(de"n inistr' @5>51 #5281AM1 And the
(%tit(des !%ocked to Hi L"nd to the
"n' e*"nge%is te"s He h"d sent o(tM
"g"in1 And "s He w"s "cc(stoed0 He
t"(ght the "g"in L"t So%oonHs &i%%"ge1
5281 W 5561M
+N 2> TU
7> And +es(s went "g"in
be'ond the +ord"n0 (nto th"t
$%"ce where +ohn w"s !irst
b"$tiIing0 "nd there He "bode
L"t So%oonHs &i%%"geM1 72 And
"n' resorted to Hi0 "nd the'
s"id: +ohn indeed did no signs
or ir"c%es0 75 b(t e*er'thing
+ohn s"id o! this M"n0 w"s
tr(e1 And "n' be%ie*ed in

**+. E +"n0 T(e0 AD C7 5azarus is (i/ >nto Death # /eth"n' 3C8G$13
+N 22 TU
2 NO9 there w"s " cert"in sick "n n"ed L"I"r(s0 o! /eth"n'0 o! the town o! M"r' "nd M"rth" her sister1 5
@And M"r' w"s she who Lh"d be!oreM "nointedD the Lord with ointent "nd wi$ed His !eet with her h"ir "nd whose
brother L"I"r(s w"s sick1A
DSoe h"*e con!(sed this re!erence to M"r'Hs "nointing +es(s with "n "nointing she "kes ne"r the tie o! His de"th "nd entioned in +ohn 25:C "t
*<@.1 +ohn re!erence here to M"r'Hs "nointing is not " red(nd"nc' b(t " re!erence to wh"t L(keHs Gos$e% records in 6:CF#3> "t ,<,.0 where she !irst
"noints +es(s in the ho(se o! Sion the Ph"risee the d"' "!ter her incredib%e con*ersion @))05C3$132>A1 )t w"s cert"in%' !ro Ho%' M"r' th"t L(ke
got his "cco(nt !or +es(s (st cert"in%' h"*e re%"ted the h"$$ening to His other1 +ohn0 b' the w"'0 w"s the on%' A$ost%e with +es(s "t th"t dinner in
N"in1 The ,on*ersion o! M"r' o! M"gd"%" not on%' rocked the r(%ing c%"ss o! )sr"e% @!or she knew how or"%%' corr($t "n' o! the re%igio(s %e"ders
werePA b(t it re"ched the $"%"ce o! ,"es"r !or she w"s we%% connected with the highest c%"sses o! Ro"n nobi%it'1
37>G$6 # @E +"n0T(eA # The +(de"ns with M"rth" "nd M"r'1
372G$22 # @M +"n0Th(A # M"rth" Sends " Ser*"nt to )n!or the M"ster1
**,. M +"n0 Th(0 AD C7 .esus9 Help is %e1uested # So%oonHs &i%%"ge0 C> i%es !ro /eth"n' 37CG$158
+N 22 TU
C His sisters0T there!ore0 sent to Hi0 s"'ing: Lord0 beho%d0 he who Yo( %o*e is sick L(nto de"thMP 7 And +es(s
he"ring it0 s"id to the Lthro(gh the essengerM: This sickness is not (nto de"th L"s the final endM0 b(t !or the g%or' o!
God0 th"t the Son o! God "' be g%ori!ied b' it1
DA re!erence to the note th"t Martha wrote in which she inc%(ded M"r'Hsn"e @witho(t her consentPA0 th"t +ohn is re!erring to when he s"'s <sisters1= M"r'
h"d nothing to do with this "nd w"s *er' ($set with M"rth" !or this "ction "nd tho(ght th"t this "' h"*e s$oi%ed the $roised ir"c%e1 M"rth" !"i%ed to be%ie*e
"nd obe' the LordHsinstr(ctions b(t M"r' on the other h"nd0 !orgot how (nderst"nding "nd erci!(% the Lord w"s to h("n we"knessP
375G$2F # @M +"n0Th(rGFriA # L"I"r(sH De"th1 This ,h"$ter 375 chrono%ogic"%%' !o%%ows ,h"$ter 37C "bo*e1
377G$C5 # @M +"n0FriA # At L"I"r(sH F(ner"%1
***. M +"n0 S"t0 AD C7 .esus9 5ove Ma/es Him Wait # +es(s in So%oonHs &i%%"ge @373G$176A
+N 22 TU
3 Now +es(s %o*ed M"rth" "nd her sister M"r'0 "nd L"I"r(s1 F 9hen He h"d he"rd0 there!ore0 th"t he w"s sick
L(nto de"thM0 He sti%% re"ined in the s"e $%"ce two d"'s1 LThis w"s 55 i%es !ro /eth"n' e"st o! +ord"n in Pere"1M
**<. M +"n0 S(n0 AD C7 .esus Deides to Go to 5azarus #ho has Died # So%oonHs &i%%"ge 373G$177
+N 22 TU
6 Then "!ter th"t0 He s"id to His Disci$%es: Let (s go into +(de" "g"in1 4 The disci$%es s"id to hi: R"bbi0 the
+ews on%' recent%' so(ght to stone Yo(0 "nd "re Yo( going there "g"inBP 8 +es(s "nswered: Are there not twe%*e
ho(rs o! the d"'B )! " "n w"%ks in the d"'0 he st(b%es not0 bec"(se he sees the %ight o! this wor%d Lthe s(nM1 2>
/(t i! he w"%ks in the night0 he st(b%es0 bec"(se the %ight is not in hi1D 22 These things He s"id0 "nd "!ter th"t
He s"id to the: L"I"r(s o(r !riend s%ee$s0 b(t ) go th"t ) "' "w"ke hi o(t o! s%ee$1 25 His Disci$%es0
there!ore0 s"id: Lord0 i! he s%ee$s0 he sh"%% do we%%1 2C /(t +es(s s$oke o! his de"th0 whi%e the' tho(ght th"t He
s$oke o! the re$ose o! s%ee$1 27 Then0 there!ore0 +es(s s"id to the $%"in%': L"I"r(s is de"d1 23 And ) " g%"d
!or 'o(r s"kes th"t ) w"s not there0 th"t 'o( now "' be%ie*e1 /(t %et (s go to hi1 2F Tho"s0 there!ore0 who
w"s c"%%ed Did'(s0 s"id to his !e%%ow disci$%es: Let (s "%so go0 th"t we "' die with Hi1 D+es(s is s"'ing th"t "s
there is " set tie !or d"'%ight when one c"n see where he is going0 so His tie on e"rth to !ree%' inister is set "nd tho(gh it is ne"ring
night there is sti%% tie "nd it wo(%d be i$ossib%e !or e*i% to be!"%% Hi (nti% it is night !or Hi1
**@. M +"n0 T(e0 AD C7 5azarus is %aised !rom the Dead # /eth"n'
+N 22 TU
26 +es(s0 there!ore0 c"e "nd !o(nd th"t L"I"r(s h"d "%re"d' been !o(r d"'s in the gr"*e1 24 @Now /eth"n' w"s
ne"r +er(s"%e0 "bo(t !i!teen !(r%ongs o!! L"bo(t 5 i%esM1A 28 And "n' o! the +ews h"d coe to M"rth" "nd M"r'
to co!ort the concerning their brother1 5> M"rth"0 there!ore0 "s soon "s she he"rd th"t +es(s h"d coe0 went to
eet Hi1 /(t M"r' s"t "t hoe1 52 M"rth"0 there!ore0 s"id to +es(s: Lord0 i! Yo( h"d been here0 ' brother
wo(%d not h"*e diedP 55 /(t now "%so ) know th"t wh"te*er Yo( sh"%% "sk o! God0 God wi%% gi*e it to Yo(P 5C
+es(s s"id to her: Yo(r brother sh"%% rise "g"in1 L+es(s h"d be!ore $roised M"r' "nd M"rth" " ight' ir"c%e !or L"I"r(sP
c!1 *17>M 57 M"rth" s"id to Hi: ) know th"t he sh"%% rise "g"in in the res(rrection "t the %"st d"'1 53 +es(s s"id to
her: ) " the res(rrection "nd the %i!eP He who be%ie*es in Me0 "%tho(gh he be de"d0 sh"%% %i*e0D 5F And
e*er'one who %i*es Li1e1 is now "%i*eM "nd be%ie*es in Me0 sh"%% ne*er die1D Do 'o( be%ie*e thisB 56 She s"id to
Hi: Yes0 Lord0 ) h"*e be%ie*ed th"t Yo( "re ,hrist the Son o! the %i*ing God0 9ho c"e into this wor%d1
Dshall live 7 shall never die: +es(s here is "%%(ding to the coing ch"nge in the st"te o! the de$"rted righteo(s1 <He who be%ie*esin Me0 "%tho(gh he be de"d sh"%%
%i*e0= e"ns th"t those "%re"d' de"d in Sheo%GH"deswho be%ie*e in ,hrist sh"%% soon be t"ken to He"*en "nd etern"% @he"*en%'A %i!e1 <E*er'one who %i*es0 "nd
be%ie*esin Me0 sh"%% ne*er die1= Now0 in the New ,o*en"nt0 those who !(%%' be%ie*e @"re f&lly prepared to eet GodPA sh"%% ne+er die bec"(se the' go direct%' into
the $resenceo! God in He"*en1 9eno %onger ha+e to -e se$"r"ted !ro God "!ter $h'sic"% de"th "s the O%d ,o*en"nt $"tri"rchs1
54 And when M"rth" h"d s"id these things0 she went "nd c"%%ed her sister M"r' secret%'0 s"'ing: The M"ster h"s
coe "nd c"%%s !or 'o(P 58 As soon "s she he"rd this0 She "rose ;(ick%' "nd c"e to Hi1 C> For +es(s h"d not
'et coe into the town0 b(t He w"s sti%% in the $%"ce where M"rth" h"d et Hi1 C2 The +ews0 there!ore0 who
were with her in the ho(se co!orting her0 when the' s"w th"t M"r' rose ($ s$eedi%' "nd went o(t0 the' !o%%owed
her0 s"'ing: She is going to the gr"*e to wee$ there1 C5 9hen M"r'0 there!ore0 c"e to where +es(s w"s "nd s"w
Hi0 she !e%% down "t His !eet0 "nd s"id to Hi: Lord0 i! Yo( h"d been here0 ' brother wo(%d not h"*e diedP CC
+es(s0 there!ore0 when He s"w her wee$ing0 "nd the +ews th"t were with her wee$ing0 w"s dee$%' o*ed in the
s$irit0 "nd tro(b%ed1 C7 And He s"id: 9here h"*e 'o( %"id hiB The' s"id to Hi: Lord0 coe "nd seeP C3 And
+es(s we$tPD CF The +ews0 there!ore0 s"id: /eho%d how He %o*ed hiP C6 /(t soe o! the s"id: ,o(%d not He
9ho o$ened the e'es o! the "n born b%ind0 h"*e $re*ented this "n !ro d'ingB
DMoved' troubled' #ept' groaning =v.<B?: M"n' h"*e wondered o*er the c"(se o! these dee$ eotions in O(r Lord1 )n His own words +es(s
re*e"%ed to M& the c"(se in The Poem0 &037FbG$1F7: <) we$t not so (ch bec"(se o! the %oss o! M' !riend "nd bec"(se o! the sorrow o! the
sisters "s bec"(se three tho(ghts th"t h"d "%w"'s $ierced M' he"rt %ike three sh"r$ n"i%s s(r!"ced then0 ore %i*e%' th"n e*er0 %ike de$ths stirred
($1 The "scert"inent o! the r(in th"t S"t"n h"d bro(ght to "n b' sed(cing hi to e*i%1 X The $ers("sion th"t not e*en this ir"c%e Xwo(%d
con*ince the +(d"ic wor%d o! the Tr(th o! which ) w"s the be"rer1 And th"t no ir"c%e in the !(t(re wo(%d con*ert the wor%d to ,hrist1 XThe
ent"% *ision o! M' iinent de"th1 X GodHs kindness s$"res 'o( the know%edge o! the !(t(re1 /(t ) w"s not s$"red it1=
C4 +es(s0 there!ore0 "g"in gro"ning in Hise%!0 c"e to the se$(%cher1 Now0 it w"s " c"*e "nd " stone w"s %"id
o*er it1 C8 +es(s s"id: T"ke "w"' the stone1 M"rth"0 the sister o! hi who w"s de"d0 s"id to Hi: Lord0 b' this
tie it wi%% se%% b"d%'0 !or it h"s now been !o(r d"'sP 7> +es(s s"id to her: Did not ) s"' to 'o(0 th"t i! 'o(
be%ie*e0 'o( sh"%% see the g%or' o! God Lsee *15CMB 72 The' took0 there!ore0 the stone "w"'1 And +es(s0 %i!ting ($
His e'es s"id: F"ther0 ) gi*e Thee th"nks th"t Yo( h"*e he"rd Me1 75 And ) knew th"t Yo( h"*e "%w"'s he"rd Me0
b(t bec"(se o! the $eo$%e who st"nd "bo(t h"*e ) s"id it0 th"t the' "' be%ie*e th"t Yo( h"*e sent MeP 7C 9hen
He h"d s"id these things0 He cried with " %o(d *oice: LAOAR.S0 ,OME FORTHP 77 And he who h"d been
de"d c"e !orth0 his !eet "nd h"nds sti%% bo(nd with winding b"nds "nd his !"ce w"s bo(nd "bo(t with " n"$kin1
+es(s s"id to the: Loose hi0 "nd %et hi goP 73 M"n'0 there!ore0 o! the +ews who h"d coe to M"r' "nd
M"rth" "nd h"d seen the things th"t +es(s did0 be%ie*ed in Hi1 7F /(t soe o! the went to the Ph"risees "nd
to%d the the things th"t +es(s h"d done1
**2. M +"n0 T(e0 AD C7 4ne Man should Die !or the 3eople # The Te$%e in +er(s"%e
+N 22 TU
76 The chie! $riests "nd the Ph"risees0 there!ore0 g"thered " co(nci% "nd s"id: 9h"t do we do0 !or this M"n does
"n' ir"c%esBP 74 )! we %e"*e Hi "%one to go on %ike this0 e*er'one wi%% be%ie*e in Hi0 "nd the Ro"ns wi%%
coe "nd t"ke "w"' o(r $%"ce "nd n"tionP 78 /(t one o! the n"ed ,"i"$h"s0 being the high $riest th"t 'e"r0
s"id to the: Yo( know nothingP 3> Neither do 'o( consider th"t it is e:$edient !or 'o( th"t one "n sho(%d die
!or the $eo$%e th"t the who%e n"tion $erish notP 32 And this he s$oke not o! hise%!0 b(t being the high $riest o!
th"t 'e"r0 he $ro$hesied th"t +es(s sho(%d die !or the n"tion1 L)ndeed0 th"t is $recise%' wh' +es(s h"d coe into the wor%dPM
35 And not on%' !or the n"tion0 b(t to g"ther together in one the chi%dren o! God0 th"t were dis$ersed1 3C Fro
th"t d"'0 there!ore0 the' de*ised to $(t +es(s to de"th1
374G$66 # @M +"n0FriA # At /eth"n' "!ter the Res(rrection o! L"I"r(s1
378G$48 # @ L +"n0S"tA # Going to E$hr"i1
**C. L +"n0 S(n0 AD C7 .esus %etreats to (amaria # +es(s 9ithdr"ws to the /order o! S""ri" 33>G$184
+N 22 TU
37"b 9here!ore0 +es(s w"%ked no ore o$en%' "ong the +ews b(t He went into " co(ntr' ne"r the wi%derness0
(nto " cit' th"t is c"%%ed E$hr"i0

**;. L +"n # E A$r0 AD C7 .esus (tays in )phraim and (amaria !or 4ver T#o Months 33>#3FFG$184#57>
+N 22 TU
37c "nd there He "bode with His Disci$%es1
33>G$84 # @L +"n0S(nA # The First D"' "t E$hr"i1
332G$2>5 # @L +"n0FriA # +es(s Res$ects the Prece$t o! Lo*e More Th"n the S"bb"tic L"w1
335G$2>6 # @L +"n0S"tA # The Fo%%owing D"' "t E$hr"i1 P"r"b%e on the Reebr"nce o! M"nHs Etern"% Destin'1
33CG$224 # @L +"n0S"tGS(nA # +es(s E:$%"ins to Peter the M"nd"te !or Reitting Sins "nd 9h' S"ints "nd )nnocents S(!!er1
337G$256 # @E Feb0S"tA # On " S"bb"th in E$hr"i0 +es(s S$e"ks in the S'n"gog(e1
333G$2C7 # @E FebA # The Arri*"% o! the Re%"ti*es o! the ,hi%dren with M"n' Peo$%e o! Sheche1
33FG$2C8 # @E FebA # The P"r"b%e o! the Rock th"t E:c"*"tes the Rock1
336G$277 # @E FebA # Pi%gris Arri*e in E$hr"i !ro the Dec"$o%is1 M"n"enHs Secret Mission1
334G$278 # @E Feb0FriGS"tA # The Secret Meeting with +ose$h o! Ari"the" "nd Nicode(s1
338G$236 # @M Feb0S"t to S(nA # The Se$hori S"(e%1
3F>G$2F4 # @M#L FebA # 9h"t Peo$%e s"' "t N"I"reth1 @M#L FebA Tong(e to the D(b S%"*e o! ,%"(di" Proc(%"1
3F2G$26> # @M#L FebA # F"%se Disci$%es Arri*e "t Sheche1 At E$hr"i0 +es(s Restores the Tong(e to the D(b S%"*e o! ,%"(di"
3F5G$26F # @M Mch0FriA # The M"n o! +"bnee%1
3FCG$243 # @M MchA # S"(e%0 +(d"s o! -erioth "nd +ohn1 P"r"b%e o! the /ees1
3F7G$283 # @L Mch0S(nA # At E$hr"i0 be!ore "nd "!ter the Arri*"% o! +es(sH Mother "nd o! the 9oen Disci$%es with L"I"r(s1
3F3G$527 # @L Mch0FriA # P"r"b%e o! the Torn ,%oth "nd the Mir"c%e o! the 9o"n in ,hi%dbirth1 +(d"s o! -erioth is ,"(ght Ste"%ing1
3FFG$5C3 # @E A$r0MonA # F"rewe%% to E$hr"i1 Going tow"rds Shi%o1
3F6G$572 # @E A$rA # At Shi%oh1 First P"r"b%e on Ad*ice1
**B. E #M A$r0 AD C7 .erusalem is in a Great (tir over the %esurretion o! 5azarus 3F4#342G$1573#C7F
+N 22 TU5C71
33 And the P"sso*er o! the +ews w"s "t h"nd "nd "n' !ro the co(ntr' went ($ to +er(s"%e0 be!ore the
P"sso*er to $(ri!' these%*es1 3F The' so(ght0 there!ore0 !or +es(s "nd the' st"nding in the te$%e co(rts
con*ersed one with "nother0 s"'ing: 9h"t do 'o( thinkB 9i%% He not coe to the !e"stB L36M Now the chie!
$riests "nd Ph"risees h"d Liss(ed "n "rrest w"rr"ntM gi*ing "n order th"t i! "n' "n knew where He w"s0 he w"s
re;(ired te%% the th"t the' ight "$$rehend Hi1
3F4G$573 # @E A$rA # At Lebon"h1 The Second P"r"b%e on Ad*ice1
3F8G$535 # @E A$rA # Arri*"% "t Sheche1
36>G$533 # @E A$rA # At Sheche1 Third P"r"b%e on Ad*ice1
362G$538 # @E A$rA # Le"*ing !or Enon1
365G$5F5 # @E A$r0S(nA # The Yo(ng She$herd /enK"in1 @Lk1 8:32035 is "ct("%%' "t the %"st o! this ch"$ter0 not in ch"$ter 36C be%owA
**A. E A$r0 S(nGMon0 AD C7 .ames and .ohn as/ !or Fire to ome do#n upon a (amaritan City #hih
%eReted Them 36CG$1562
L- 8 24C"1TU2>81
32 And it c"e to $"ss0 when the d"'s o! His Ass($tion Lto He"*enM were "$$ro"ching0D th"t He $roceeded with
!i:ed $(r$ose to go to +er(s"%e1 35 And He sent essengers be!ore Hi 0 who going "he"d0 entered into " cit'
o! the S""rit"ns LTirI"hM to $re$"re !or Hi1 T+(d"s0 E%iI" "nd the other Disci$%es1 +es(s st"'ed b"ck with the woen disci$%es "nd
%itt%e /enK"in1 3C And the' recei*ed Hi not L"nd $h'sic"%%' "b(sed "nd thre"tened the gro($ sent on "he"dM0 bec"(se He
w"s he"ded to +er(s"%e1 37 And when Lre"ching the $ersec(ted gro($M His Disci$%es +"es "nd +ohn s"w wh"t h"d
h"$$ened0 the' s"id: Lord0 wo(%d Yo( h"*e (s co"nd !ire to coe down !ro He"*en0 "nd cons(e theBP
33 And t(rning0 He reb(ked the0 s"'ing: Yo( know not o! wh"t s$irit 'o( "reP
3F The Son o! M"n c"e
not to destro' so(%s0 b(t to s"*eP
And the' went into "nother town1
DK(st ten d"'s be!ore o(r LordHs P"ssion1 L(ke o-+io&sly h"d no interest in chrono%ogic"% orderP
*<+. E A$r0 Mon0 AD C7 The %ih 8oung %uler 7 The Great %e#ard o! Disipleship # Ne"r +ericho0 then to Doco 367G$1544
MT 28
2F And beho%d one c"e "nd s"id to Hi: Good "ster0
good thing sho(%d ) do th"t ) "' h"*e %i!e e*er%"stingB 26
+es(s s"id to hi: 9h' do 'o( "sk Me concerning wh"t is
One "%one is good0 God L"nd He h"s "%re"d' re*e"%ed this to
'o(M1D /(t i! 'o( wo(%d enter into %i!e0 kee$ the
co"ndents1 24 He s"id to hi: 9hich onesB And +es(s
s"id: 7o& shall commit no m&rder" 7o& shall not commit
ad&ltery" 7o& shall not steal" 7o& shall not -ear false )itness1
28 Honor yo&r father and yo&r mother, "nd: 7o& shall lo+e yo&r
nei'h-or as yo&rself1 ZE:od(s 5>:2C027025E Le*128:24[ 5> The 'o(ng
"n s"id to Hi: A%% these ) h"*e ke$t !ro ' 'o(th0 wh"t is
'et %"cking !or eB 52 +es(s s"id to hi: )! 'o( wi%% be $er!ect0
go se%% wh"t 'o( h"*e "nd gi*e it to the $oor0 "nd 'o( sh"%% h"*e
tre"s(re in He"*en0 "nd coe !o%%ow Me1 55 And when the
'o(ng "n h"d he"rd this word0 he went "w"' s"d !or he h"d
gre"t $ossessions1
DThe re*e%"tion gi*en to M& in the Poem "kes (nderst"nd"b%e the re$%' o! +es(s to
the rich "n1 +es(s knew this "n w"s not going to "cce$t His co(nse% "t %e"st
iedi"te%'1 +es(s knowing his $erh"$s (nconscio(s %"ck o! !"ith in Hi "tte$ts to
show hi th"t his professed res$ect !or Hi is not co$%ete%' sincere1 The re$%' o!
+es(s gets the "n0 to con!ident%' "ssert his !"ith th"t +es(s is e*en the <Son o! God1=
Yet when +es(s te%%s this "n0 who h"d "b"ndoned his c"%%ing to re%igio(s ser*ice to
t"ke o*er his !"thers we"%th' b(siness0 to gi*e "%% his we"%th to the $oor0 his !"ith in
+es(s iedi"te%' is re*e"%ed to be %ess th"n <$er!ect1=
5C Then +es(s s"id to His disci$%es: Most "ss(red%'0 ) s"' to
'o(0 th"t " rich "n sh"%% on%' with (ch di!!ic(%t' enter into
the -ingdo o! He"*en1 LAnd i! the rich do not enter the -ingdo o!
He"*en in this %i!e bec"(se o! its di!!ic(%t'0 the' wi%% on%' do so in
$(rg"tor' b(t with e*en (ch ore di!!ic(%t' W "nd th"t on%' i! the' do not
die in " st"te o! ort"% sinPM
M- 2> 5>81TU
26 And when He h"d gone !orth into the w"'0 " cert"in "n
r(nning ($ "nd knee%ing be!ore Hi0 "sked Hi0 Good M"ster0
wh"t sh"%% ) do th"t ) "' recei*e %i!e e*er%"stingB 24 And +es(s
s"id to hi0 9h' do 'o( c"%% Me goodB None is good b(t one0
9ho is God1 28 Yo( know the co"ndents: Do not commit
ad&ltery, do not *ill, do not steal, -ear not false )itness, do not
commit fra&d, honor yo&r father and mother1 ZE:15>:2C[ 5> /(t
he "nswering0 s"id to Hi: M"ster0 "%% these things ) h"*e
obser*ed !ro ' 'o(th1 52 And +es(s %ooking on hi0 "nd
%o*ing hi0 s"id to hi: One thing is %"cking within 'o(1 Go0
se%% wh"te*er 'o( h"*e "nd gi*e to the $oor "nd 'o( sh"%% h"*e
tre"s(re in He"*en0 "nd coe0 !o%%ow Me1 55 He being str(ck
with s"dness "t th"t s"'ing0 went "w"' sorrow!(%0 !or he h"d
gre"t $ossessions1
5C And +es(s %ooking ro(nd "bo(t0 s"id to his disci$%es: How
h"rd%' sh"%% the' who h"*e riches0 enter into LNew ,o*en"nt Li!e
orM the -ingdo o! GodP
L- 24 5>81TU
24 And " cert"in r(%er "sked +es(s0
s"'ing: Good "ster0 wh"t sh"%% ) do
to $ossess e*er%"sting %i!eB 28 And
+es(s s"id to hi: 9h' do 'o( c"%% Me
goodB No one is good b(t God "%one1
5> Yo( know the co"ndents: 7o&
shall not *ill" 7o& shall not commit
ad&ltery" 7o& shall not steal" 7o&
shall not -ear false )itness" Honor
yo&r father and mother" ZE:od(s 5>:2C[
52 /(t he s"id: A%% these things h"*e )
ke$t !ro ' 'o(th1 55 H"*ing he"rd
this +es(s s"id to hi: Yet one thing is
%"cking in 'o(1 Se%% wh"te*er 'o( h"*e
"nd gi*e it to the $oor0 "nd 'o( sh"%%
h"*e tre"s(re in He"*en0 "nd coe
!o%%ow Me1 5C He0 h"*ing he"rd these
things bec"e sorrow!(% !or he w"s
*er' rich1
MT 28
57 And "g"in ) s"' to 'o(: )t is e"sier !or "
c"e% to $"ss thro(gh the e'e o! " need%e0 th"n
!or " rich "n to enter into the -ingdo o!
He"*en1 LO!ten the richer " "n is the ore he is
$ossessed b' his riches "nd no "n c"n enter He"*en
with any "tt"chents wh"te*er s"*e "n "tt"chent to
+es(s ,hrist "nd His $er!ect wi%% !or hiPM 53 And
when the' h"d he"rd this0 the Disci$%es
wondered *er' (ch0 s"'ing: 9ho then c"n be
s"*edBP 5F And +es(s beho%ding the0 s"id to
the: 9ith en this is i$ossib%e0 b(t with
God "%% things "re $ossib%e L!or He c"n @"nd wi%%PA
stri$ en0 who "%%ow Hi0 o! their %o*e o! we"%th "nd
e*er' other inordin"te "tt"chentMP 56 Then Peter
"nswering0 s"id to Hi: /eho%d we h"*e %e!t "%%
things0 "nd h"*e !o%%owed Yo(0 wh"t0 there!ore0
sh"%% we h"*eB Li1e1 Are we going to be s"*ed "nd in
the New ,o*en"nt -ingdoBM 54 And +es(s s"id to
the: Most "ss(red%'0 ) s"' to 'o(0 th"t 'o(
who h"*e !o%%owed Me L+es(s knew the )sc"riot
wo(%d notM in the renew"% o! "%% things Lthe
Disci$%es sti%% h"d " %ong w"' to go in thisPM0 when the
Son o! M"n sh"%% sit on the se"t o! His "Kest'0
'o( "%so sh"%% sit on twe%*e se"ts K(dging the
twe%*e tribes o! )sr"e%1 58 And e*er' one who
h"s %e!t his ho(se0 or brethren0 or sisters0 or
!"ther0 or other0 or wi!e0D or chi%dren0 or %"nds
!or M' n"eHs s"ke0 sh"%% recei*e " h(ndred#
!o%d0 "nd sh"%% $ossess %i!e e*er%"sting1 C> And
"n' th"t "re !irst0 sh"%% be %"st0 "nd "n' th"t
"re %"st sh"%% be !irstP DSe*er"% o! the A$ost%es were
"%re"d' "rried when the' were c"%%ed to A$ost%eshi$ b' o(r
Lord1 These were c"%%ed then to <%e"*e= their wi*es0 not in the
sense o! not $ro*iding !or the or h"*ing their co$"n'0 b(t into
" (t("%%' (nderstood st"te o! ce%ib"te %i!e1 See *1251
M- 2>
57 And the Disci$%es were "stonished "t His words1 /(t
+es(s "g"in "nswering0 s"id to the: ,hi%dren0 how h"rd
it is !or those who tr(st in riches Lwhich ost rich en doM0 to
enter into the -ingdo o! GodP 53 L9itho(t " ir"c%e o! gr"ce
th"t "%%ows the rich to s(rrender their we"%th to GodM it is e"sier
!or " c"e% to $"ss thro(gh the e'e o! " need%e0 th"n !or "
rich "n Lon his ownM to enter into the -ingdo o! God1D
5F The' were then "stonished be'ond e"s(re0 s"'ing
"ong these%*es: 9ho then c"n be s"*edB
Dthe eye o! a needle: )t is incredib%e how "n' coent"tors "nd te"chers
h"*e str(gg%ed o*er this te:t "nd h"*e ended ($ s"'ing $recise%' the o$$osite
wh"t +es(s $%"in%' s"'s here "bo(t it being i$ossib%e witho(t " ir"c%e !or "
rich "n to enter the -ingdo o! God1 To s$e"k o! soe g"te in +er(s"%e
where c"e%s on their knees co(%d $"ss thro(gh "s being this <e'e o! " need%e0=
contr"dicts +es(s te"ching "nd the (nderst"nding o! the Disci$%es who were
(tter%' "stonished1 The word here is <" need%e= not The Need%e1
56 And +es(s %ooking on the0 s"id: 9ith en it is
i$ossib%e0 b(t not with God1 For "%% things "re $ossib%e
with God1 54 And Peter beg"n to s"' (nto Hi: /eho%d0
we h"*e %e!t "%% things "nd h"*e !o%%owed Yo(1 58 +es(s
"nswering0 s"id: Most "ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0 there is no
"n who h"s %e!t ho(se or brethren0 or sisters0 or !"ther0 or
other0 or chi%dren0 or %"nds0D !or M' s"ke "nd !or the
Gos$e%0 C> who sh"%% not recei*e "n h(ndred ties "s
(ch0 now in this tie o! ho(ses0 brethren0 sisters0
others0 chi%dren0 "nd %"nds0 tho(gh with $ersec(tions0
"nd in the wor%d to coe0 %i!e e*er%"stingP C2 /(t "n'
who "re !irst Lin $osition "nd notoriet'M0 sh"%% be %"st0 "nd
L"n' th"t "reM the %"st0 Lsh"%% beM !irst1
DPeter %e"*es o(t <wi!e= here in o(r LordHs %isting bec"(se PeterHs wi!e did
tr"*e% with hi "nd tho(gh Peter "nd his wi!e %i*ed ce%ib"te%' he did not wish
to claim this *irt(e bec"(se he sti%% h"d her co$"nionshi$1 /oth M"thew "nd
+ohn who ne*er did "rr' do inc%(de <wi!e= in their Gos$e%s1
L- 24
57 And +es(s seeing hi
"nd becoing sorrow!(%0
s"id: How di!!ic(%t it is
!or those who h"*e riches
to enter into the
-ingdo o! GodP 53
For it is e"sier !or "
c"e% to $"ss thro(gh the
e'e o! " need%e th"n !or "
rich "n to enter into the
-ingdo o! God1D 5F
And the' who he"rd it0
s"id: 9ho then c"n be
s"*edB 56 He s"id to
the: The things th"t
"re i$ossib%e with en0
"re $ossib%e with God1
54 Then Peter s"id:
/eho%d0 we h"*e %e!t "%%
things "nd h"*e !o%%owed
Yo(1 58 +es(s s"id to
the: Most "ss(red%'0 )
s"' to 'o(0 there is no
"n who h"s %e!t ho(se0
or $"rents0 or brethren0
or wi!e0 or chi%dren0 !or
the -ingdo o! GodHs
s"ke0 C> who sh"%% not
recei*e (ch ore in
this $resent tie0 "nd in
the wor%d to coe %i!e
*<,. M A$r0 T(e0 AD C7 .esus $gain Tells o! His (u!!ering and Death # Fro Doco to +ericho 363G$1585
MT 5> 2F41TU
26 And +es(s0 going ($
to +er(s"%e0 took the
twe%*e disci$%es "$"rt
"nd s"id to the: 24
/eho%d0 we go ($ to
+er(s"%e "nd the Son
o! M"n sh"%% be
betr"'ed to the chie!
$riests "nd the scribes0
"nd the' sh"%% conden
Hi to de"th1 28 And
the' sh"%% de%i*er Hi
to the Genti%es to be
ocked0 "nd sco(rged0
"nd cr(ci!ied0 b(t the
third d"' He sh"%% rise
M- 2>
C5 And the' were on the w"' going ($ to
+er(s"%e0 "nd +es(s went be!ore the0 "nd
the' were "stonishedD "nd those !o%%owing
were "!r"id1 And t"king "g"in the Twe%*e0
He beg"n to te%% the Lin det"i%M the things th"t
wo(%d be!"%% Hi1 CC S"'ing: /eho%d we "re
going ($ to +er(s"%e0 "nd the Son o! M"n
sh"%% be betr"'ed to the chie! $riests0 "nd to
the scribes "nd r(%ing e%ders0 "nd the' sh"%%
conden Hi to de"th0 "nd sh"%% de%i*er Hi
to the Genti%es1 C7 And the' sh"%% ock Hi0
"nd s$it on Hi0 "nd sco(rge Hi0 "nd ki%%
Hi1 /(t the third d"' He sh"%% rise "g"in1
DThe Poem e:$%"ins the c"(se o! this !e"r "nd "stonishent1
+es(s h"d K(st to%d the the' were "%% going to !"ce " *er'
se*ere tri"% "t the coing P"sso*er !e"st K(st 2> d"'s o!! "nd
th"t ost o! the woen disci$%es "nd chi%dren were not to
come to the Passo+er?
L- 24
C2 Then +es(s took (nto Hi the Twe%*e0 "nd s"id to the:
/eho%d0 we sh"%% go ($ to +er(s"%e0 "nd "%% things sh"%% be
"cco$%ished which were written b' the $ro$hets concerning
the Son o! M"n1 C5 For He sh"%% be de%i*ered to the Genti%es
"nd sh"%% be ocked0 "nd sco(rged0 "nd s$it ($on1 CC And
"!ter the' h"*e sco(rged Hi0 the' wi%% $(t Hi to de"th1
/(t the third d"' He sh"%% rise "g"in1 C7 And the' (nderstood
none o! these things0 "nd these words were " 'ster' to
the0 "nd the' (nderstood not the things th"t were s"id1 LThe
A$ost%es h"d wrong%' inter$reted "%% these $ro$hecies !ig(r"ti*e%' not
%iter"%%' essenti"%%' bec"(se the' did not w"nt to be%ie*e the tr(th1M
The Written 3ropheies o! the 3assion o! our 5ord: E:od(s 25:2#
27E Ps"% 23L2FM:2>E 26L24ME 52L55M:60402702302F024E CCLC7M:52E
7>L72M:2>E 72L75M:2>E F4LF8ME 2>4L2>8M:5#4E 226L224M:55E 9isdo o!
So%oon 5:25#5>E 27:6E )s"i"h 3>:30FE 35:27E 3C:C07030F06040802>022E
+oe% 5:C>E D"nie% 8:5FE Oech"ri"h 8:802502CE 25:2>1
*<*. M A$r0 T(e0 AD C7 $ Mother9s %e1uest For 3ositions o! Honor !or Her (ons # To +ericho 363G$158F
MT 5> TU
5> Then the other o! the sons o! Oebedee LM"r' S"%oeM
c"e to Hi with her sons L+"es "nd +ohnM0 "doring "nd
"sking soething o! Hi1 52 +es(s "sked her: 9h"t wo(%d
'o( %ikeB She s"id to Hi: Gr"nt th"t these ' two sons
"' sit0 the one on Yo(r right h"nd0 "nd the other on Yo(r
%e!t in Yo(r kingdo1
M- 2> TU
C3 And +"es "nd +ohn0 the sons o! Oebedee0 c"e to Hi0 s"'ing: M"ster0
we desire th"t wh"t we sh"%% "sk0 Yo( wo(%d do it !or (s1 CF He s"id to the:
9h"t wo(%d 'o( th"t ) sho(%d do !or 'o(B C6 And the' s"id: Gr"nt to (s th"t
we "' sit0 one on Yo(r right h"nd "nd the other on Yo(r %e!t h"nd in Yo(r
MT 5>
55 And +es(s Lt(rning to +"es "nd +ohnM "nswering0 s"id:
Yo( know not wh"t 'o( "sk1 ,"n 'o( drin/ the halie
th"t ) sh"%% drinkB The' s"id to Hi: 9e c"n1 5C He s"id
to the: 4! My halie indeed 'o( sh"%% drink0D b(t to sit
on M' right or %e!t h"nd is not Mine to gi*e to 'o(0 b(t it
is !or the !or who it is $re$"red b' M' F"ther1 57 And
the ten he"ring it were o*ed with indign"tion "g"inst the
two brethren1 53 /(t +es(s c"%%ed the to Hi0 "nd s"id:
Yo( know th"t the $rinces o! the Genti%es %ord it o*er
the0 "nd the' who "re the gre"ter0 e:ercise $ower ($on
the1 5F )t sh"%% not be so "ong 'o(1 /(t whoe*er wi%%
be the gre"ter "ong 'o(0 %et hi be 'o(r inister0 56 "nd
he who wi%% be !irst "ong 'o(0 sh"%% be 'o(r ser*"nt1 54
E*en "s the Son o! M"n h"s not coe to be inistered
(nto0 b(t to inister "nd to gi*e His %i!e "s " rede$tion
!or "n'1 DThe Poem c%"ri!ies this1 )t is not th"t the' co(%d drink
the c&p0 "s the' c%"ied the' co(%d b(t the' wo(%d on%' drink of th"t
c($P 9e know th"t the a(een "%one wi%% occ($' the $%"ce "t O(r
LordHs right h"nd1 She wo(%d indeed drink the c&pP
M- 2>
C4 And +es(s s"id to the: Yo( know not wh"t 'o( "sk1 ,"n 'o( drink o!
the ch"%ice o! which ) drinkB Or be b"$tiIed with the b"$tis o! which ) "
b"$tiIedB C8 /(t the' s"id to Hi: 9e c"n1 And +es(s s"id to the: Yo(
sh"%% indeed drink o! the ch"%ice o! which ) drink "nd be b"$tiIed with the
b"$tis o! which ) " b"$tiIed1 7> /(t to sit on M' right h"nd or on M' %e!t
is not Mine to gi*e to 'o(0 b(t Lit wi%% be gi*enM to the !or who it is
$re$"red1 72 And the other ten he"ring it0 beg"n to be indign"nt "t +"es
"nd +ohn1 75 /(t +es(s0 c"%%ing the0 s"id to the: Yo( know th"t the' who
"re considered r(%ers o*er the Genti%es0 %ord it o*er the "nd their $rinces
h"*e $ower o*er the1 7C /(t it is not Lto beM so "ong 'o(0 b(t whoe*er
wi%% be gre"ter (st be 'o(r inister1 77 And whoe*er wi%% be !irst "ong
'o( (st be the ser*"nt o! "%%1 73 For the Son o! M"n Hise%! h"s not coe
to be inistered (nto0 b(t to inister0 "nd to gi*e His %i!e " r"nso !or
LOn%' those who wish to c"%% +es(s decei*ed or " decei*er c"n "int"in th"t "%% en wi%%
be s"*ed or ;(estion th"t He%% wi%% be the end o! "n' h("n so(%s1 The <"n'=
r"nsoed is c%e"r%' not "%%1 As horri!'ing "nd "goniIing "s this tho(ght is we coit the
s"e sin "s S"t"n i! we $%"ce o(rse%*es "bo*e ,hrist in "n' deni"% o! His te"ching "nd the
$%"in te"ching o! His ,h(rchPM
36FG$584 # @M A$r0T(eA # Meeting with the Disci$%es Led b' M"n"en "nd Arri*"% "t +ericho1 @O*er 3>> disci$%es o! ,hrist were w"iting
to see +es(s0 inc%(ding two !ro the ,o(rt o! Herod Phi%i$0 ost o! the origin"% she$herds o! /eth%ehe "nd $roinent e:#disci$%es o!
G""%ie%1 The' were "%% w"iting "t &eronic"Hs LNikeHsM est"te K(st so(th o! +ericho1A
366G$C>2 # @M A$r0T(eA # 9ith Soe .nknown Disci$%es1
*<<. M A$r0 9ed0 AD C7 :artimaeus and >riel $re Healed o! :lindness D Fro +ericho to /eth"n' 364G$1C2C
MT 5> TU5CF1
58 And when the' went o(t !ro
+ericho0 " gre"t crowd !o%%owed
Hi1 C> And beho%d two b%ind
enD sitting b' the w"'side he"rd
th"t +es(s $"ssed b'0 "nd the' cried
o(t0 s"'ing: O Lord0 Tho( son o!
D"*id0 h"*e erc' on (sP C2 And
the (%tit(de reb(ked the s"'ing
th"t the' sho(%d ho%d their $e"ce1
/(t the' cried o(t the ore0 s"'ing:
O Lord0 Tho( son o! D"*id0 h"*e
erc' on (sP
C5 And +es(s stood "nd c"%%ed
the0 "nd s"id: 9h"t wo(%d 'o(
th"t ) do !or 'o(B CC The' s"id to
Hi: Lord0 th"t o(r e'es be o$enedP
C7 And +es(s h"*ing co$"ssion on
the to(ched their e'es1 And
iedi"te%' the' s"w0 "nd !o%%owed
DTwo en: /%ind .rie% w"s with /"rti"e(s
b(t not entioned b' the other Gos$e% writers
no do(bt bec"(se @"nd "ccording to The Poem4
he did not !o%%ow the Lord iedi"te%'1
M- 2> TU5CF1
7F And the' c"e to "nd then thro(gh
+ericho1 /(t "s He went o(t o! +ericho with
His Disci$%es with " *er' gre"t crowd0
/"rti"e(s0 the b%ind "n0 the son o!
Ti"e(s0 w"s sitting b' the ro"dside
begging1D 76 9hen he h"d he"rd th"t it w"s
+es(s o! N"I"reth0 he beg"n to cr' o(t "nd to
s"': +es(s son o! D"*id0 h"*e erc' on eP
74 And "n' reb(ked hi th"t he ight be
;(iet0 b(t he cried "%% the ore: Son o!
D"*id0 h"*e erc' on ePP 78 And +es(s0
st"nding sti%%0 co"nded hi to be c"%%ed1
So the' c"%%ed the b%ind "n0 s"'ing to hi:
/e o! good co!ort0 "rise0 He c"%%s 'o(1 3>
And c"sting o!! his o(ter g"rent he %e"$ed
($ "nd c"e to +es(s1 32 And +es(s s"id to
hi: 9h"t wo(%d 'o( w"nt Me to do !or
'o(B And the b%ind "n s"id to Hi:
R"bboniP Th"t ) "' seeP 35 And +es(s s"id
to hi: Go 'o(r w"'0 'o(r !"ith h"s "de
'o( who%e1 And iedi"te%' he s"w0 "nd
!o%%owed Hi "%ong the w"'1
L- 24
C3 Now it c"e to $"ss when +es(s drew ne"rD
to +ericho0 th"t " cert"in b%ind "n s"t b' the
w"'side begging1 CF And when he he"rd the
crowd $"ssing b'0 he "sked wh"t this e"nt1 C6
And the' to%d hi th"t +es(s o! N"I"reth w"s
$"ssing b'1 C4 And he cried o(t0 s"'ing: +es(s0
Son o! D"*id0 h"*e erc' on eP C8 And the'
th"t went on "he"d0 reb(ked hi0 s"'ing th"t he
sho(%d be ;(iet1 /(t he cried o(t e*en ore:
Son o! D"*idP H"*e erc' on ePP 7> And +es(s
st"nding sti%%0 co"nded hi to be bro(ght
(nto Hi1 And when he h"d coe ne"r0 +es(s
"sked hi0 72 s"'ing: 9h"t wo(%d 'o( th"t ) do
!or 'o(B He s"id: Lord0 th"t ) "' seeP 75 And
+es(s s"id to hi: Recei*e 'o(r sight0 'o(r !"ith
h"s "de 'o( who%eP 7C And iedi"te%' he
s"w0 "nd !o%%owed Hi0 g%ori!'ing God1 And "%%
the $eo$%e0 when the' s"w it0 g"*e $r"ise to
Dthe' <drew ne"r= to +ericho0 $"ssed thro(gh the cit' "nd %odged
ne"r the cit' th"t $re*io(s night1
368G$C27 # @M A$r0Th(A # Arri*"% "t /eth"n'1
34>G$C5> # @M A$r0FriA # The Frid"' be!ore the Entr' into +er(s"%e1 +(d"s o! -erioth )$enitent1
342G$CC> # @M A$r0FriA # The Frid"' be!ore the Entr' into +er(s"%e1 F"rewe%% to the 9oen Disci$%es "nd the Enco(nter with the
.nh"$$' ,hi%d1
345G$C7F # @M A$r0S"tA # The S"bb"th be!ore the Entr' into +er(s"%e1 P"r"b%e o! the Two L"$s "nd the P"r"b%e A$$%ied to the Mir"c%e
on Sh"%e1
34CG$C3F # @M A$r0S"tA # The S"bb"th be!ore the Entr' into +er(s"%e1 Pi%gris "nd +(de"ns "t /eth"n'1
*<@. M A$r0 S"t0 AD C7 The 4!!ene over Mary9s (ari!ie # L"I"r(sH Est"te in /eth"n' 347G$1CFC
MT 5F 53F1TU
F And when +es(s w"s in /eth"n'0
in the ho(se o! Sion the %e$erD L"t
the b"ck o! L"I"r(sH est"teM0 6 there c"e to
hi " wo"n h"*ing "n "%"b"ster bo: o!
$recio(s ointent0 "nd $o(red it on His
he"d "s He w"s "t the t"b%e1
4 And the Disci$%es seeing it
were indign"nt0 s"'ing Lto
these%*esM: To wh"t $(r$ose is this
w"steBP 8 For this ight h"*e been
so%d !or (ch "nd gi*en to the
$oor1 2> And +es(s knowing it0 s"id
to the: 9h' do 'o( tro(b%e this
wo"nB For she h"s !(%!i%%ed "
good work ($on Me1 22 For the
$oor 'o( h"*e "%w"'s with 'o(0 b(t
Me 'o( h"*e not "%w"'s1 25 For
she0 in $o(ring this ointent ($on
M' bod'0 h"s done it !or M' b(ri"%1
LM"r' M"gd"%ene knew +es(s w"s
%iter"%%' going to die0 "nd th"t w"s wh"t
oti*"ted her "ct o! %o*e1 The disci$%es
were ob%i*io(s to th"t re"%it' which +es(s
!"ced h"*ing $"ssed o!! His words "s
!ig(r"ti*e %"ng("ge1M 2C Most
"ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0 where*er
this Gos$e% sh"%% be $re"ched in
the who%e wor%d0 th"t "%so which
she h"s done sh"%% be to%d in
eor' o! her11
TMt1 "nd Mk1 "' h"*e discreet%' "*oided
entioning the n"e o! L"I"r(s to "*oid
identi!ic"tion o! the wo"n1
M- 27 5351TU
C Now when +es(s w"s in /eth"n'0 in the
ho(se o! Sion LOe"%otM the %e$erD L"t the
b"ck o! L"I"r(sH est"teM0 "nd w"s "t the e"%
t"b%e0 there c"e " wo"n LM"r' M"gd"%ene0
L"I"r(sH sisterM with "n "%"b"ster bo: o!
ointent o! $recio(s s$iken"rd1 And
bre"king the "%"b"ster bo:0 she $o(red it
o(t ($on His he"d1 7 Now there were soe
Lo! +es(sH own disci$%es0 $ri"ri%' +(d"s )sc"riotM
th"t h"d indign"tion within these%*es0
"nd s"id: 9h' w"s this w"ste o! the
ointent "deB 3 For this ointent ight
h"*e been so%d !or ore th"n three h(ndred
den"rii Lne"r%' " 'e"rs w"ge !or " %"borerM "nd
gi*en to the $oor1 And the' (r(red
"g"inst her1 F /(t +es(s s"id: Le"*e her
"%one0 wh' do 'o( tro(b%e herB She h"s
done " good "nd $r"iseworth' thing !or
Me1 6 For the $oor 'o( h"*e "%w"'s with
'o(0 "nd whene*er 'o( choose 'o( "' do
the good0 b(t 'o( wi%% not "%w"'s h"*e
Me1 4 She h"s done wh"t she co(%d "nd h"s
coe be!oreh"nd to "noint M' /od' !or
b(ri"%1 8 Most "ss(red%'0 ) s"' to 'o(:
9here*er this Gos$e% sh"%% be $re"ched in
the who%e wor%d0 this "%so which she h"s
done sh"%% be to%d "s " eori"% !or herP
T+es(s h"d st"'ed in this ho(se on L"I"r(sH est"te be!ore
to "*oid being noticed b(t this tie he w"s in L"I"r(sH
ho(se "nd it w"s M"r' th"t c"e !ro there h"*ing ser*ed
the woen
disci$%es to now ser*e +es(s "nd the en 1
+N 25
2 +ES.S0 there!ore0 si:
d"'s be!ore the P"sso*er0
c"e to /eth"n'0 where
L"I"r(s h"d been de"d0
who +es(s r"ised to %i!e1 5
And the' "de Hi " s($$er
there "nd M"rth" ser*ed0 b(t
L"I"r(s w"s one o! those
who w"s "t the t"b%e with
Hi1 C M"r'0 there!ore0 took
" $o(nd o! ointent o! $(re
%i;(id n"rd o! gre"t $rice0
"nd "nointed the !eet o!
+es(s "nd wi$ed His !eet
with her h"ir1 And the ho(se
w"s !i%%ed with the !r"gr"nce
o! the ointent1 7 Then one
o! +es(sH Disci$%es0 +(d"s
)sc"riot0 who w"s "bo(t to
betr"' Hi0 s"id: 3 9h' w"s
not this ointent so%d !or
three h(ndred den"rii L2>
onths w"gesM "nd gi*en to the
$oorBP F Now he s"id this0
not bec"(se he c"red !or the
$oorE b(t bec"(se he w"s "
thie! "nd h"*ing the $(rse0
c"rried the things th"t were
$(t in it1 6 +es(s0 there!ore0
s"id: Le"*e her "%one0 "nd
"cknow%edge her right to
h"*e ke$t this !or the d"' o!
M' b(ri"%PD 4 For the $oor
'o( "%w"'s h"*e with 'o(0
b(t Me 'o( wi%% not h"*e
D+es(s o!ten %et the Disci$%es
know th"t M"r' M"gd"%eneHs %o*e
!"r e:ce%%ed the "%% "nd here0
tho(gh M"r' co(%d ne*er h"*e
known it0 He w"s "nointed !or His
de"th !or wh"t wo(%d $ro*e
i$ossib%e to do "t the c(sto"r'
tie1 Lo*e is "%w"'s g(ided b' the
di*ine h"nd "nd sees wh"t re"son
c"nnot e*er seeP
8 A gre"t (%tit(de0
there!ore0 o! the +ews knew
th"t He w"s there "nd so the'
c"e0 not !or +es(sH s"ke
on%'0 b(t th"t the' ight see
L"I"r(s0 who He h"d
r"ised !ro the de"d1 2> /(t
the chie! $riests tho(ght to
ki%% L"I"r(s "%so0 22 bec"(se
"n' o! the +ews0 b' re"son
o! hi0 de$"rted !ro the0
"nd be%ie*ed in +es(s1
*<2. M A$r0 S"t0 AD C7 .udas $rranges !or the :etrayal # ,"i"$h"sH Ho(se So(th o! the ,it' 9"%% 343034FG$1C43
MT 5F TU53C1
27 Then went one o! the Twe%*e0 who w"s
c"%%ed +(d"s )sc"riot0 to the chie! $riests0
23 "nd s"id to the: 9h"t wi%% 'o( gi*e
e i! ) wi%% de%i*er Hi (nto 'o(B /(t the'
"%%otted hi on%' thirt' $ieces o! si%*er1 2F
And !ro then on +(d"s so(ght o$$ort(nit'
to betr"' Hi1
M- 27 TU53C1
2> And +(d"s )sc"riot0 one o! the Twe%*e
Lgre"t%' o!!ended o*er the reb(keM0 went to the
chie! $riests0 Lh"*ing decidedM to betr"' Hi to
the1 22 The' ($on he"ring it were g%"d0 "nd
then $roised hi the' wo(%d gi*e hi
one'1 So he so(ght how he ight
con*enient%' betr"' Hi1
L- 55 53>1TU53F1
2 NO9 the Fe"st o! .n%e"*ened /re"d0
which is c"%%ed the P"sso*er w"s "t h"nd1 5
And the chie! $riests "nd the scribes so(ght
how the' ight $(t +es(s to de"th0 b(t the'
!e"red the $eo$%e1
T%I>M3H$5 )"T%8 T4 TH) 3%)3$%$TI4" F4% 3$((4&)% 7 M $3%I5 $D <@ LPoe ,h"$ters 346#386M
*<C. M A$r0 S(n0 AD C7 3reparing !or the )ntry # To the Mo(nt o! O%i*es 346G$1C820 344"G$1C85
MT 52 5CC1TU5C41
2 AND when the' drew ne"r to +er(s"%e
"nd c"e to /eth$h"ge0 on the Le"stern side o!
theM Mo(nt o! O%i*es0 +es(s sent two
disci$%es0 5 s"'ing to the: Go into the
*i%%"ge th"t is !"cing 'o(0 "nd iedi"te%'
'o( sh"%% !ind " donke' tied "nd " co%t with
her1 Loose the "nd bring the to Me1
M- 22
2 AND when the' were dr"wing ne"r to
+er(s"%e "nd to /eth"n' "t the Mo(nt o!
O%i*es0 He sent two o! His Disci$%es0 5
instr(cting the: Go into the *i%%"ge in !ront o!
'o( L/eth$h"geM0 "nd iedi"te%' "t 'o(r coing
into it0 'o( sh"%% !ind " co%t tied ($on which no
"n 'et h"s ridden1 Loose hi0 "nd bring hi
Lwith its otherM1
L- 28 2F>1TU5C4"1
54 And h"*ing s"id these things0
+es(s went "he"d0 going ($ to
+er(s"%e1 58 And it c"e to $"ss
when He h"d coe nigh to /eth$h"ge
"nd /eth"n' (nto the o(nt c"%%ed
O%i*et0 He sent two o! His Disci$%es0
MT 52
C And i! "n' "n sh"%% s"' "n'thing to 'o(0 s"' th"t the
Lord h"s need o! the0 "nd iedi"te%' he wi%% %et the
go1 7 Now "%% this w"s done th"t Lthe Disci$%es ight be "ss(red
th"t +es(s w"s in !(%% contro% o! the e*ents %e"ding to His de"th "nd
"%so th"tM it ight be !(%!i%%ed which w"s s$oken b' the
$ro$het0 s"'ing: 3 Tell the da&'hter of Eion >the people of
#er&salem@5 8ehold thy Oin' comes to thee, mee*, and
sittin' &pon a don*ey, and >in this case@ a colt, the foal of
the don*eyB ne+er acc&stomed to the yo*e1 Z)s"i"h F5:22E
Oech18:8[ F And the Disci$%es going0 did "s +es(s
co"nded the1
DThe $ro$hec' in Oech"ri"h indeed s$e"ks o! on%' one donke'0 which
h"d ne*er been broken or ridden0 b(t th"t cert"in%' does not r(%e o(t
the $resence o! the other "s w"s witnessed b' M"tthew "nd
con!ired in the Poem 1 Since +es(s rode the co%t the conK(nction
<"nd= does not e"n "ddition in " co$%ete sense0 b(t is "s we h"*e
noted in the te:t " ere e0planatory "ddition @<in this c"se=A1
M- 22
C And i! "n' "n sh"%% s"' to
'o(: 9h"t "re 'o( doingB
S"' th"t the Lord h"s need o!
hi0 "nd iedi"te%' he
wi%% %et hi coe here1 7
And going their w"' the'
!o(nd the co%t tied o(tside "
!ront door Lto " ho(seM "t the
eeting o! two ro"ds0 "nd
the' %oose hi1 3 And soe
o! those who stood there0
s"id to the: 9h"t "re 'o(
doing0 %oosing the co%tB F
The' s"id to the "s +es(s
h"d co"nded the0 "nd
the' %et the co%t go with
L- 28
C> s"'ing: Go into the town which is
!"cing 'o( L/eth$h"geM1 At 'o(r entering
'o( sh"%% !ind the co%t o! "n "ss tied on
which no "n e*er s"t1 Loose hi0 "nd
bring hi L"nd the "ssM here1 C2 And i! "n'
"n "sks 'o(: 9h' "re 'o( %oosing hiB
Yo( sh"%% s"' this to hi: /ec"(se the
Lord h"s need o! his ser*ice1 C5 And the'
th"t were sent0 went their w"' "nd !o(nd
the co%t st"nding K(st "s He h"d s"id to
the1 CC And "s the' were %oosing the
co%t0 the owners s"id to the: 9h' "re
'o( %oosing the co%tB C7 So the' s"id:
/ec"(se the Lord h"s need o! hi1 L+es(s
cert"in%' did this to he%$ the A$ost%es re"%iIe in the
d"rk tri"% "he"d th"t He w"s !(%%' in contro% o! the
sit("tion0 reg"rd%ess o! how it "$$e"red1M
*<;. M A$r0 S(n0 AD C7 .esus Weeps over the City o! .erusalem # A Hi%% E"st o! +er(s"%e
L- 28 5C4"1TU371 c 5C4b1
72 And when +es(s drew ne"r0 seeing the cit'0 He we$t o*er it0 s"'ing: 75 )! 'o( "%so h"d known0 e*en "t %e"st in
this 'o(r d"' the things th"t were e"nt !or 'o(r $e"ceP /(t now the' "re hidden !ro 'o(r e'esP 7C For the
d"'s sh"%% coe ($on 'o( when 'o(r eneies sh"%% c"st " trench "bo(t 'o( "nd s(rro(nd 'o(0 "nd sh(t 'o( in on
e*er' side1 L)s"158:CE +er1F:FE EIek17:5M 77 And the' wi%% be"t 'o( "nd 'o(r chi%dren who "re in the cit' down to the
gro(nd1 The' sh"%% not %e"*e in 'o( one stone ($on "nother0 bec"(se 'o( h"*e not known the tie o! 'o(r
*isit"tion Lb' the *er' God o! He"*enMP
*<B. M A$r0 S(n0 AD C7 The Triumphal )ntry 7 The (eond Cleansing o! the Temple # A Hi%% E"st o! the ,it' 344cG$1C86
MT 52 5CF1TU
6 And the' bro(ght the
donke' "nd the co%t "nd
%"id their g"rents ($on
the0 "nd He s"t ($on it1
4 And " *er' gre"t
(%tit(de s$re"d their
g"rents in the w"'0 "nd
others c(t bo(ghs !ro
the trees0 "nd strew the
in the w"'1 8 And the
(%tit(des who went
be!ore "nd who !o%%owed0
cried0 s"'ing: H9!=DD= T9 TH( !9D 9G
D=VID5 8%(!!(D I! H( CH9 ,9M(! ID
TH( D=M( 9G TH( %9D? H9!=DD= ID
TH( HIGH(!T? ZPs"1226L224M:5F[ 2> And
when He h"d coe into +er(s"%e0 the
who%e cit' w"s o*ed0 s"'ing: 9ho is thisBP
22 And the $eo$%e s"id: This is +es(s0 the
$ro$het !ro N"I"reth o! G"%i%ee1
M- 22 5CF TU
6 And the' bro(ght the co%t
to +es(s "nd the' %"id their
g"rents on hi0 "nd He
s"t ($on hi1 4 And "n'
s$re"d their g"rents in the
ro"d "nd others c(t down
bo(ghs !ro the trees "nd
strew the in the ro"d1 8
And the' who went be!ore
"nd those who !o%%owed0
cried0 s"'ing: H9!=DD=?
8%(!!(D I! H( CH9
,9M(! ID TH( D=M( 9G
TH( %9D? 2> 8%(!!(D 8(
,9MIDG? H9!=DD= ID TH(
HIGH(!T? ZPs"1226L224M:5FE )s"i"h
54:2F[ 22" And He entered into
+er(s"%e "nd into the te$%e
"nd h"*ing *iewed "%% things
ro(nd "bo(t0
M- 22
23 And the' c"e to
+er(s"%e1 And when He
h"d entered into the
te$%e L*122"M0 He beg"n
to c"st o(t those who so%d
"nd bo(ght in the te$%e0
"nd o*erthrew the t"b%es
o! the one'ch"ngers
"nd the ch"irs o! those
who so%d do*es1
L- 28
C3 And the' bro(ght the
co%t L"nd its otherM to
+es(s1 And c"sting their
g"rents on the co%t0 the'
set +es(s ($on it1 CF And
"s He went0 the' s$re"d
their c%othes (nderne"th
in the w"'1 C6 And when
He w"s now coing ne"r
the descent o! Mo(nt
O%i*et0 the who%e crowd
o! His disci$%es beg"n
with Ko' to $r"ise God
with " %o(d *oice0 !or "%%
the ight' works the'
h"d seen0 C4 s"'ing:
8%(!!(D 8( TH(
TH( D=M( 9G TH(
%9D? P(=,( ID
H(=V(D, =DD G%97
9D HIGH? ZPs"1226L224M:5FE
)s"i"h 54:2F[ C8 And soe
o! the Ph"risees !ro
"ong the (%tit(de0
s"id to Hi: M"ster0
reb(ke 'o(r disci$%esP
+N 25
25 And on the ne:t d"' "
gre"t (%tit(deD th"t h"d
coe !or the !e"st d"'0
when the' h"d he"rd th"t
+es(s w"s coing to
+er(s"%e0 2C took
br"nches o! $"% trees0
"nd went !orth to eet
Hi0 "nd cried:
H9!=DD=? 8%(!!(D
I! H( CH9 ,9M(! ID
TH( D=M( 9G TH(
%9D, TH( OIDG 9G
I!=(%? ZPs"1226L224M:5FE
)s"i"h 54:2F[ 27 Now +es(s
h"d !o(nd " 'o(ng "ss
"nd s"t ($on it0 "s it w"s
written: 23 Gear not,
da&'hter of Eion? 8ehold, yo&r Oin'
comes, sittin' on an ass$s colt" ZOech1 8:8[ 2F
These things His Disci$%es did not
recogniIe "t the !irst0 b(t when +es(s w"s
g%ori!ied0 then the' reebered th"t these
things were written o! Hi0 "nd th"t the'
h"d !(%!i%%ed these things concerning Hi1
DSoe "ncient "(thorities re"d <the coon
$eo$%e0= "s does The Poem"
MT 52
25 And +es(s went into the te$%e o!
God "nd c"st o(t "%% those who so%d "nd
bo(ght in the te$%e0 "nd o*erthrew the
t"b%es o! the one' ch"ngers0 "nd the
ch"irs o! those who so%d do*es1 2C And
He s"id to the: )t is written: My ho&se
shall -e called the ho&se of prayer, -&t
yo& ha+e made it a den of thie+es? Z)s"i"h
3F:6E +erei"h 6:22[
27 And there c"e to Hi the b%ind "nd
the %"e in the te$%e0 "nd He he"%ed
the1 23 And the chie! $riests "nd
scribes0 seeing the wonders th"t He did0
"nd the chi%dren cr'ing in the te$%e0 "nd
s"'ing: Hosanna to the son of Da+id?
were o*ed with indign"tion1 2F And
the' s"id to Hi: Do Yo( not he"r wh"t
these "re s"'ingB And +es(s s"id to the:
Yes0 b(t h"*e 'o( ne*er re"d: 9&t of the
mo&th of infants and of s&c*lin's 7o&
ha+e perfected praiseL? ZPs"14:CL5M[ 26 And
%e"*ing the0 He went o(t o! the cit' into
/eth"n' "nd re"ined there1
M- 22
2F And He !orbid "n'one to c"rr' "
*esse% thro(gh the te$%e0 26 "nd He
t"(ght the0 s"'ing: )s it not written0 My
ho&se shall -e called the ho&se of prayer
for all nationsL 8&t yo& ha+e made it a
den of thie+es1 Z)s"i"h 3F:6E +erei"h 6:22[ 24
Now when the chie! $riests "nd the
scribes h"d he"rd this0 the' so(ght how
the' ight destro' Hi0 !or the' !e"red
Hi0 bec"(se the who%e (%tit(de w"s in
"we o! His te"ching1 28 And when
e*ening h"d coe0 He went !orth o(t o!
the cit' L*122bM1
M- 22 5C4"1TU
22b when now the e*entide w"s coe0
L"!ter the te$%e c%e"nsingM he went o(t
toLw"rdsM /eth"n' with the Twe%*e L(nto
the !ie%d o! the G"%i%e"ns in the Mt1 o! O%i*es
where the' retired !or the nightM1

L- 28
7> To who He s"id:
) s"' to 'o(0 th"t i!
these sho(%d ho%d
their *oices0 the
stones wo(%d cr' o(tP
L- 28 TU57>1
L371 The 2
73 And entering into
the te$%e0 +es(s
beg"n to c"st o(t those
who so%d "nd those
who bo(ght therein1
7F S"'ing to the: )t
is written: My ho&se
is the ho&se of prayer"
8&t yo& ha+e made it
a den of thie+es1 Z)s"i"h
3F:6E +erei"h 6:22[
+N 25
26 The (%tit(de0
there!ore0 th"t h"d
been with +es(s0
when He c"%%ed
L"I"r(s o(t o! the
gr"*e "nd r"ised
hi !ro the de"d0
now g"*e testion'
Lto the ir"c%eM1 24
For which re"son
"%so the $eo$%e c"e
to eet Hi0
bec"(se the' he"rd
th"t He h"d done
this ir"c%e1 28 The
Ph"risees0 there!ore0
s"id "ong
these%*es: Do 'o(
see th"t we $re*"i%
in nothingBP
/eho%d0 the who%e
wor%d h"s gone "!ter
348G$7>3 # @M A$r0S(nA # The E*ening o! P"% S(nd"'1
*<A. M A$r0 Mon0 AD C7 The "ation o! Israel is Cursed in the Fig Tree # Tow"rds +er(s"%e "nd then tow"rds /eth"n'
24 And in the orning0
ret(rning into the cit'0 He
w"s h(ngr'1 28" And seeing
" cert"in !ig tree b' the w"'
side0 He c"e to it0 b(t
!o(nd nothing on it b(t on%'
%e"*es0 "nd He s"id to it:
M"' no !r(it e*er grow on
M- 22
25 And the ne:t d"' when the' c"e o(t !ro Ltow"rdsM /eth"n'0 +es(s w"s h(ngr'1 2C And when He h"d
seen "!"r o!! " !ig tree h"*ing %e"*es0 He c"e i! $erh"$s He ight !ind soething L-e'innin' to growM on it1
And when He h"d coe to it0 He !o(nd nothing Lnot e*en the e:$ected %itt%e green !igsM b(t on%' %e"*es1D Now it
w"s not the tie !or Lri$eM !igs Lso +es(s w"s not then e:$ecting to !ind soething to s"tis!' His h(ngerM1 27 And
res$onding He s"id to the tree: M"' no "n here"!ter e"t !r(it !ro 'o( "n' ore !ore*erP And His
Disci$%es he"rd it1
DSince !igs begin to !or be!ore the %e"*es "re o(t0 this tree0 which stood o(t "ong the other !ig trees !or its (n(s("% greener'
w"s " $rono(nced s'bo% o! re%igio(s h'$ocris'1 +es(s w"s not e:$ecting to !ind edib%e !r(it0 b(t on%' soe e*idence this tree
wo(%d %"ter s"tis!' soeoneHs h(nger1 +es(sH own h(nger then t'$i!ied the h(nger o! "%% en o! good who were w"iting !or the
%ight o! tr(th !ro the co*en"nt $eo$%e "nd n"tion1 This tree0 %ike )sr"e%0 $resented " dis"$$ointing dece$tion1
*@+. M A$r0 Mon#Th( AD C7 .esus Teahes in the Temple 38>#387038F"
L- 28 371 c
76 And He t"(ght d"' "!ter d"' in the te$%e1 And the chie! $riests0 the scribes0 "nd the r(%ers o! the $eo$%e so(ght
to destro' Hi0 74 b(t the' !o(nd nothing the' co(%d do to Hi0 !or "%% the $eo$%e were "n:io(s to he"r Hi1
*@,. M A$r0 Mon0 AD C7 The 3arable o! the Wi/ed Husbandman # The Te$%e 38>G$728
MT 52 2821TU2531
CC He"r "nother $"r"b%e1 There w"s "
"n0 " "ster o! " ho(se0 who $%"nted "
*ine'"rd "nd "de " hedge ro(nd "bo(t it0
"nd d(g in it " wine *"t0 "nd b(i%t " tower1
He then rented it o(t to h(sb"nden0 "nd
went into "nother co(ntr'1 C7 And when
the tie o! the !r(it h"r*est drew ne"r0 he
sent his ser*"nts to the h(sb"nden th"t
the' ight recei*e Lhis sh"re o! M the !r(it1
C3 And the h(sb"nden0 %"'ing h"nds on
his ser*"nts0 be"t one0 ki%%ed "nother0 "nd
stoned "nother1 CF Ag"in he sent other
ser*"nts ore th"n the !orer1 And the'
did to the in %ike "nner1
M- 25 5751TU5771
2 AND +es(s beg"n to s$e"k to the in
$"r"b%es1 A cert"in "n $%"nted "
*ine'"rd0 "de " hedge "bo(t it0 d(g "
$%"ce !or the wine$ress0 b(i%t "
w"tchtower0 "nd rented it o(t to
h(sb"nden "nd went into " !"r co(ntr'1 5
And "t the $ro$er se"son he sent " ser*"nt
to the h(sb"nden to recei*e o! the Lhis
sh"reM o! the !r(it o! the *ine'"rd1 C /(t
the' %"id h"nds on hi0 be"t hi "nd sent
hi "w"' with nothing1 7 And "g"in he
sent to the "nother ser*"nt1 And hi
the' wo(nded in the he"d0 "nd
re$ro"ch!(%%' "b(sed hi1
L- 5>
8 And +es(s beg"n to re%"te to the $eo$%e
this $"r"b%e: A cert"in "n $%"nted "
*ine'"rd "nd %e"sed it o(t to h(sb"nden0
!or he w"s to go "bro"d !or " %ong tie1 2>
And "t the h"r*est se"son he sent " ser*"nt
to the h(sb"nden0 th"t the' sho(%d gi*e
hi Lhis sh"reM o! the !r(it o! the *ine'"rd1
/(t the h(sb"nden0 "!ter be"ting hi0
sent hi "w"' e$t'1 22 And "g"in the
owner sent "nother ser*"nt1 /(t the' be"t
hi "%so0 "nd tre"ting hi re$ro"ch!(%%'0
sent hi "w"' e$t'1
MT 52
C6 /(t %"st o! "%% he sent to the his son0D
s"'ing: The' wi%% re*erence ' son1 C4 /(t the
h(sb"nden seeing the son0 s"id "ong
these%*es: This is the heir0 coe0 %et (s ki%%
hi0 "nd we sh"%% h"*e his inherit"nceP C8 And
t"king hi0 the' ki%%ed hi "nd c"st hi !orth
o(t o! the *ine'"rd1 7> 9hen0 there!ore0 the
%ord o! the *ine'"rd sh"%% coe0 wh"t do 'o(
think he wi%% he do to those h(sb"ndenB 72
The' s"id to hi: He wi%% bring those e*i% en
to "n e*i% end "nd wi%% rent o(t his *ine'"rd to
other h(sb"nden0 who sh"%% render hi the
!r(it in d(e se"son1
75 +es(s s"id to the: H"*e 'o( ne*er re"d in
the Scri$t(res: The !tone )hich the -&ilders >of
old Israel$s temple and reli'ion@ reKected, the same
is -ecome the Head of the corner >for a
completely different Temple@L 8y the %ord this has
-een done, and it is )onderf&l in o&r eyes?
ZPs"1226L224M:55[ LThe re!erence o! the Ps"%ist EIr"
w"s the (se o! the stone reKected !or So%oonHs te$%e to
b(i%d the second te$%e bec"(se So%oonHs te$%e
stones h"d been b(rnt1 This i%%(str"ted the s$irit("%
$rinci$%e th"t God %o*es to $ick($ "nd (se wh"t is
reKected b' "n1 This wo(%d then re;(ire th"t the
Messi"h wo(%d "%so h"*e to be !irst reKected1M
7C There!ore0 ) s"' to 'o(0 th"t the -ingdo o!
God sh"%% be t"ken !ro 'o( "nd sh"%% be gi*en
to " $eo$%e who wi%% $rod(ce the !r(its o! the
-ingdo1 77L77!nM And whoe*er sh"%% !"%% on
L"g"instM this Stone0D sh"%% be broken to $ieces0
b(t on whoe*er )t sh"%% !"%%0D )t sh"%% grind
hi to $owder1
73 And when the chie! $riests "nd Ph"risees
h"d he"rd His $"r"b%es0 the' knew th"t He
s$oke o! the1 7F And whi%e seeking to %"'
h"nds on Hi0 the' 'et !e"red the crowds
bec"(se the' he%d Hi "s " $ro$het Ltho(gh not
"s the Messi"h0 (ch %ess "s the Son o! GodM1
M- 25
3 And "g"in he sent "nother0 "nd hi the'
ki%%ed1 And "n' others were sent0 o! who
soe the' be"t0 "nd others the' ki%%ed1 F
There!ore0 %"st o! "%%0 h"*ing 'et "n on%' sonD
ost de"r to hi0 he "%so sent hi (nto the
s"'ing: The' wi%% re*erence ' son1 6 /(t the
h(sb"nden s"id one to "nother: This is the
heir0 coe0 %et (s ki%% hi "nd the inherit"nce
sh"%% be o(rsP 4 And %"'ing ho%d on hi0 the'
ki%%ed hi "nd c"st hi o(t o! the *ine'"rd1 8
9h"t there!ore do 'o( think the %ord o! the
*ine'"rd wo(%d doB LThe' re$%ied:MDHe wi%%
coe "nd destro' those h(sb"nden "nd wi%%
gi*e the *ine'"rd to others1 2> L+es(s s"id to
the:MDAnd h"*e 'o( not re"d this Scri$t(re0
The !tone )hich the -&ilders >of old Israel$s
temple and reli'ion@ reKected, the same has -een
made the Head of the corner >for a completely
different Temple@? 22 8y the %ord has this -een
done, and it is )onderf&l in o&r eyes?
ZPs"1226L224M:55E )s"i"h 54:2F[ DHere is !(rther e*idence
M"rk is (sing L(keHs Gos$e% to !i%% o(t his Gos$e%
which he h"d "ccess to since P"(% "nd L(ke h"d coe to
Roe in AD F>#F21 The "dditions we "de to ** 802>:
<The' re$%ied= "nd <+es(s s"id to the0= "re "%so
%"cking in L(ke0 tho(gh the' "re !o(nd in M"tthew1 See
"%so note "t 22:281
25 And the' so(ght to %"' h"nds on Hi0 !or
the' knew th"t He s$oke this $"r"b%e o! the0
b(t the' !e"red the $eo$%e1 And %e"*ing Hi0
the' went their w"'1
DMt' M/' and 5/: <' son1= +es(s is here c%e"r%'
indic"ting e*en to His eneies0 He is ore th"n the Son
o! M"n b(t "%so the *er' Son o! God1
TMt. and 5/: Hon this (tone.I According to +es(s to M&0
this sho(%d be <"g"inst this stone= e"ning o$$osition to the
,h(rch !ro one o(tside the ,h(rch1 Those within the ,h(rch
who o$$ose it "re the ones on who the Rock @,hrist "nd His
&ic"rA wi%% !"%%1 @See &0385bG$7C5A
L- 5>
25 And "g"in he sent the third
ser*"nt1 /(t the' wo(nded hi "%so
"nd c"st hi o(t1 2C Then the %ord o!
the *ine'"rd s"id: 9h"t sh"%% ) doB )
wi%% send ' be%o*ed son0D it "' be
when the' see hi the' wi%%
re*erence hi1 27 9hen the
h(sb"nden s"w the son0 the'
tho(ght within these%*es0 s"'ing:
This is the heir0 %et (s ki%% hi th"t
the inherit"nce "' be o(rsP 23 So
the' ki%%ed hi0 c"sting hi o(t o!
the *ine'"rd1 9h"t0 there!ore0 wi%%
the %ord o! the *ine'"rd do to theB
2F He wi%% coe "nd wi%% destro'
these h(sb"nden0 "nd wi%% gi*e the
*ine'"rd to others1 9hen the' he"rd
this the' s"id to hi: God !orbidP
LThese r(%ers knowing +es(s w"s re!erring
to the "s the %egiti"te he"ds o! ethnic
)sr"e% be%ie*ed +es(sH te"ching here w"s
b%"s$he' "s the' were con!ident th"t the
New ,o*en"nt w"s to be "de with "nd
contin(e with ethnically +ewish $eo$%ePM
26 /(t +es(s %ooking on the0 s"id:
9h"t is this then th"t is written0 The
!tone, )hich the -&ilders >of old
Israel$s temple and reli'ion@ reKected,
the same is -ecome the Head of the
corner >for a completely different
Temple@ B ZPs"% 226L224M:55E )s"i"h
54:2F[ 24 9hoe*er sh"%% !"%% ($on
th"t Stone0D sh"%% be br(ised0 b(t
($on whoe*er )t sh"%% !"%%0D )t wi%%
grind hi to $owderP
28 And the chie! $riests "nd the
scribes so(ght to %"' h"nds on Hi
the s"e ho(r0 b(t the' !e"red the
$eo$%e0 !or the' knew th"t He s$oke
this $"r"b%e "bo(t the1
*@*. M A$r0 Mon0 AD C7 :y What $uthority Do 8ou do These Things # The Te$%e 38>G$1752
MT 52
5C And when He h"d coe into the
te$%e there c"e to Hi "s He w"s
te"ching the chie! $riests "nd r(%ing
e%ders o! the $eo$%e0 s"'ing: /' wh"t
"(thorit' do Yo( do these thingsBP And
who h"s gi*en Yo( this "(thorit'BP 57
+es(s "nswering0 s"id to the: ) "%so
wi%% "sk 'o( one ;(estion0 which0 i! 'o(
sh"%% te%% e0 ) wi%% "%so te%% 'o( b' wh"t
"(thorit' ) do these things1 53 The
b"$tis o! +ohn0 !ro where did it
coeB Fro He"*en or !ro enB /(t
the' tho(ght within these%*es0 s"'ing:
5F )! we sh"%% s"'0 !ro He"*en0 He wi%%
s"' to (s: 9h' then did 'o( not be%ie*e
hiB /(t i! we sh"%% s"'0 !ro en0 we
wi%% !e"r the (%tit(de W !or "%% he%d
+ohn "s " $ro$het1 56 So "nswering
+es(s0 the' s"id: 9e know not1 +es(s
then s"id to the: Neither do ) te%% 'o(
b' wh"t "(thorit' ) do these things1
M- 22
56 And the' c"e "g"in to +er(s"%e1
F,*:,D,* The 3arable o! the &ineyard =*@,.? above
#as atually given hereGD And when He w"s
w"%king in the te$%e0 there coe to Hi the
chie! $riests "nd the scribes "nd the e%ders1 54
And the' s"id to hi: /' wh"t "(thorit' do Yo(
do these thingsB And who h"s gi*en Yo( this
"(thorit' th"t Yo( wo(%d do these thingsB 58
And +es(s "nswering0 s"id to the: ) wi%% "%so
"sk 'o( " ;(estion1 )! 'o( "nswer Me0 ) wi%% te%%
'o( b' wh"t "(thorit' ) do these things1 C> The
b"$tis o! +ohn0 w"s it !ro He"*en or !ro
enB Answer e1 C2 /(t the' tho(ght within
these%*es0 s"'ing: )! we s"'0 Fro He"*en0 He
wi%% s"'0 9h' then did 'o( not be%ie*e hiB C5 )!
we s"': Fro en0 we wi%% h"*e re"son to !e"r
the $eo$%e1 For e*er'bod' co(nted +ohn "s "
$ro$het indeed1 CC And the' "nswering0 s"id to
+es(s: 9e know not1 And +es(s "nswering0 s"id
to the: Neither do ) te%% 'o( b' wh"t "(thorit' )
do these things1
L- 5> 57>1TU5721
2 AND it c"e to $"ss0 th"t on one o! these
d"'s th"t +es(s w"s te"ching the $eo$%e in the
te$%e "nd $re"ching the Gos$e%0 the chie!
$riests "nd the scribes0 with the r(%ing
e%ders0 et together0 5 "nd s$oke to Hi0
s"'ing: Te%% (s0 b' wh"t "(thorit' do Yo( do
these thingsBP Or 9ho is he who h"s gi*en
Yo( this "(thorit'BP C And +es(s "nswering0
s"id to the: ) wi%% "%so "sk 'o( one thing1
Answer e: 7 The b"$tis o! +ohn0 w"s it
!ro He"*en0 or o! enB 3 /(t the' tho(ght
within these%*es0 s"'ing: )! we sh"%% s"':
Fro He"*en0 He wi%% s"': 9h' then did
'o( not be%ie*e hi Lwhen he testi!ied to MeMB F
/(t i! we s"': O! en0 "%% the $eo$%e wi%%
stone (s1 For the' "re $ers("ded th"t +ohn
w"s " $ro$het1 6 And the' "nswered th"t the'
knew not !ro where it c"e1 4 And +es(s
s"id to the: Neither do ) te%% 'o( b' wh"t
"(thorit' ) do these things1
D The 3arable o! the &ineyard : The Poem shows this $"r"b%e @25:2#25 "t 5721A c"e be!ore 22:56b#CC @5751A1 This is high%' signi!ic"nt bec"(se it shows th"t
these Gos$e% "cco(nts were written down "t the tie on se$"r"te $"rchents "nd then h"d gotten o(t o! order1 Signi!ic"nt%' "%% the Gos$e% writers who inc%(de this
"cco(nt @M"tthew0 M"rk "nd L(keA h"*e re*ersed these e$isodes e"ning the' all &sed the same miss-ordered so&rce which wo(%d h"*e been M"tthewHs
Ko(rn"%s which he wrote d(ring the LordHs inistr'1 Th"t The Poem t"kes " di!!erent co(rse "%together th"n "%% the E*"nge%ists "%so shows0 with " o(nt"in o!
other e*idence0 this work w"s written tot"%%' inde$endent !ro the /ib%ic"% "cco(nt "nd w"s th(s re*e"%ed direct%' !ro He"*en "s w"s re$e"ted%' c%"ied b'
M"ri" &"%tort"1
382G$75C # @M A$r0MonA # Mond"' Night be!ore P"sso*er1 Te"ching to the A$ost%es "t Gethse"ne1
*@<. M A$r0 T(e0 AD C7 The Withered Fig Tree and the Faith to Move Mountains # To the Te$%e 385G$1754
MT 52 5C81TU5751
28b And iedi"te%' Lo*er nightM the !ig tree
withered "w"'1 5> And the Disci$%es seeing it
wondered0 s"'ing: How is this so soon withered
"w"'BP 52 And +es(s "nswering0 s"id to the: Most
"ss(red%'0 ) s"' to 'o(0 i! 'o( h"*e !"ith "nd st"gger
not0 not on%' this th"t h"s h"$$ened to the !ig tree
sh"%% 'o( do0 b(t "%so i! 'o( sho(%d s"' to this
o(nt"in0 be t"ken ($ "nd c"st into the se"0 it sh"%%
be done1 55 And wh"te*er 'o( sh"%% "sk in $r"'er0
be%ie*ing0 'o( sh"%% recei*e1
M- 22
5> And when the' $"ssed b' in the orning the' s"w the !ig tree dried ($ !ro
the *er' roots1 52 And Peter reebering this0 s"id to hi: R"bbi0 beho%d the !ig
tree0 which Yo( c(rsed is withered "w"'P 55 And +es(s "nswering0 s"id to the:
H"*e !"ith in GodP 5C Most "ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0 th"t whoe*er sh"%% s"' to this
o(nt"in: /e reo*ed "nd be c"st into the se"P "nd sh"%% not st"gger in his he"rt0
b(t be%ie*e th"t wh"te*er he s"id sh"%% be done0 it sh"%% be done !or hiP 57
There!ore0 ) s"' (nto 'o(0 wh"te*er 'o( "sk when 'o( $r"'0 be%ie*e th"t 'o( sh"%%
recei*e "nd the "nswer sh"%% coe to 'o(1 53 And when 'o( st"nd $r"'ing0 i! 'o(
h"*e "n'thing "g"inst "n' "n0 !orgi*e0 th"t 'o(r F"ther "%so 9ho is in He"*en0
"' !orgi*e 'o( 'o(r sins1
*@@. M A$r0 T(e0 AD C7 Is it 5a#!ul to 3ay Tribute to CaesarE # The Te$%e in the Morning 385G$17C>
MT 55 2531TU
23 Then the Ph"risees went "nd cons(%ted "ong
these%*es how the' ight ensn"re Hi in His s$eech1
2F And the' sent to Hi their disci$%es with the
Herodi"ns0D s"'ing: M"ster0 we know th"t Yo( "re "
sincere te"cher0 "nd Yo( te"ch the w"' o! God in tr(th0
neither do Yo( c"re !or "n' "nLHs o$inionM0 !or Yo( do not
reg"rd the $erson o! en Lo*er the tr(thM1 26 Te%% (s
there!ore0 wh"t do Yo( think0 is it %"w!(% to gi*e trib(te
to ,"es"r or notB 24 /(t +es(s knowing their wickedness0
s"id: 9h' do 'o( te$t Me0 'o( h'$ocritesB 28 Show Me
the coin o! the trib(te1 And the' o!!ered Hi " den"ri(s1
5> And +es(s s"id to the: 9hose i"ge "nd inscri$tion
is thisB
52 The' s"id to Hi: ,"es"rHs1 Then He s"id to the:
Render there!ore to ,"es"r the things th"t "re ,"es"rHs
"nd to God the things th"t "re GodHsP 55 And he"ring this
the' were ""Ied0 "nd %e"*ing Hi0 went their w"'s1
DThe Herodians were " $"rt' in )sr"e% th"t be%ie*ed strong%' in (nit' with
Roe "nd s($$orted the i$osed Ro"n kingshi$ o! Herod1 The' be%ie*ed
th"t thro(gh this king%' %ine w"s to be !(%!i%%ed the Messi"nic ide"% !or )sr"e%1
Herod the Gre"t "!ter "%% h"d b(i%t their "gni!icent te$%eP The Herodi"ns
th(s !e"red +es(s K(st "s did sects o! the Ph"risees "nd S"dd(cees0 bec"(se he
w"s " thre"t to "%% o! their in*ested interests1 /(t e"ch o! these $"rties "%so
h"ted e"ch other0 b(t in the end it w"s the !e"r "nd thre"t th"t +es(s $resented
to "%% these isg(ided se%!ish interest gro($s th"t (nited the "g"inst Hi1
M- 25 5721TU
2C /(t the' sent soe o! the
Ph"risees Lbitter h"ters o! RoeM "nd
o! the Herodi"ns Ls($$orters o!
RoePM to Hi th"t the' ight
c"tch Hi in His words1 27 The'
c"e "nd s"id to hi: M"ster0 we
know th"t Yo( "re " sincere
s$e"ker0 "nd h"*e no $erson"% bi"s
!or "n' "n0 !or Yo( reg"rd not the
$erson o! en Lo*er the tr(thM0 b(t
te"ch the w"' o! God in tr(th1 )s it
%"w!(% to gi*e trib(te to ,"es"r or
sh"%% we not gi*e itB 23 +es(s
knowing their h'$ocris'0 s"id to
the: 9h' do 'o( te$t MeB
/ring e " den"ri(s th"t ) "' see
it1 2F And the' bro(ght one1 Then
He s"id to the: 9hose is this
i"ge "nd inscri$tionB The' s"id
to Hi0 ,"es"rHs1 26 And +es(s
"nswering0 s"id to the: Render0
there!ore0 to ,"es"r the things th"t
"re ,"es"rHs "nd to God the things
th"t "re GodHs1 And the' stood
"r*e%ing "t Hi1
L- 5> 5721TU
5> And being ($on the %ooko(t0 the'
sent s$ies Lboth Herodi"ns who s($$orted
Roe "nd Ph"risees who h"ted RoeM0 who
sho(%d !eign these%*es K(st "nd
sincere0 th"t the' ight c"tch Hi in
His words0 th"t the' ight de%i*er Hi
($ to the "(thorit' "nd $ower o! the
go*ernor1 52 And the' "sked Hi0
s"'ing: M"ster0 we know th"t Yo(
s$e"k "nd te"ch right%'0 "nd Yo( do not
res$ect "n' $erson0 b(t te"ch
i$"rti"%%' the w"' o! God in tr(th1 55
)s it %"w!(% !or (s to gi*e trib(te to
,"es"r0 or notB 5C /(t He0 seeing their
cr"!tiness0 s"id to the: 9h' te$t
MeB 57 Show e " den"ri(s1 9hose
i"ge "nd inscri$tion does it be"rB
The' "nswering0 s"id to hi: ,"es"rHs1
53 And He s"id to the: Render
there!ore to ,"es"r the things th"t "re
,"es"rHs "nd to God the things th"t "re
GodHs1 5F And the' co(%d not conden
His word be!ore the $eo$%e1 And so
wondering "t His "nswer0 the'
re"ined si%ent1
*@2. M A$r0 T(e0 AD C7 The Vuestion o! Marriage in Heaven # The Te$%e in the E*ening 385G$17C2
MT 55 TU
5C Th"t d"' there c"e to Hi the
S"dd(cees0 who s"' there is no
res(rrection Lor "!ter%i!eM1 And the' "sked
Hi0 57 s"'ing: M"ster0 Moses s"id: If a
man dies ha+in' no son, his -rother shall
marry his )ife and raise &p offsprin' to
his -rother1 ZDe(t153:3[ 53 Now there were
"ong (s se*en brethren1 And the !irst
h"*ing "rried " wi!e0 died0 "nd not
h"*ing o!!s$ring0 %e!t his wi!e to his
M- 25 TU
24 And there c"e to Hi the S"dd(cees0
who s"' there is no res(rrection L"nd no
"!ter %i!eM0 "nd the' "sked hi0 s"'ing: 28
M"ster0 Moses wrote (nto (s th"t i! "n'
"nHs brother dies "nd %e"*es his wi!e
behind "nd %e"*es no chi%dren0 his brother
sho(%d t"ke his wi!e "nd r"ise ($ o!!s$ring
to his brother1 5> Now there were se*en
brethren "nd the !irst took " wi!e b(t died
%e"*ing no o!!s$ring1
L- 5> TU
56 And there c"e to Hi soe o! the
S"dd(cees who denied th"t there w"s "n'
res(rrection Lor "!ter%i!eM0 "nd the' "sked Hi0
54 s"'ing: M"ster0 Moses wrote (nto (s th"t
i! "n' "nHs brother dies0 h"*ing " wi!e0 "nd
he %e"*es no chi%dren0 th"t his brother
sho(%d t"ke her to wi!e "nd r"ise ($
o!!s$ring (nto his brother1 58 There were0
there!ore0 se*en brethren1 And the !irst took
" wi!e "nd died witho(t chi%dren0
MT 55
5F )n %ike "nner the second0 the
third0 "nd so on to the se*enth1 56
And %"st o! "%%0 the wo"n died "%so1
54 At the res(rrection0 there!ore0
whose wi!e o! the se*en sh"%% she
be0 !or the' "%% h"d herB 58 And
+es(s "nswering0 s"id to the: Yo(
err0 not knowing the Scri$t(res0 or
the $ower o! God1 C> For in the
res(rrection the' sh"%% neither "rr'
nor be "rried0 b(t sh"%% be "s the
"nge%s o! God
in He"*en1 C2 And
concerning the res(rrection o! the
de"d L"nd the re"%it' o! the "!ter%i!e ($on
which the res(rrection o! the bod' is
b"sedM0 h"*e 'o( not re"d th"t which
w"s s$oken b' God0 s"'ing to 'o(:
C5 I am the God of =-raham, and
the God of Isaac, and the God of
#aco-L ZE:od(s C:F[ LGod is s$e"king o!
these th"t h"*e died0 "s sti%% %i*ing1M He is
then not the God o! the de"d0 b(t o!
the %i*ing1 LSo wh' sho(%d 'o( think
God wo(%d not h"*e both the $ower "nd
e*er' intention on r"ising the bodies o!
these who "re still li+in' b"ck to %i!eBM CC
And the (%tit(des he"ring it0 were
"stonished "t His te"ching1
M- 25
52 And the second took her "nd died0
"nd neither did he %e"*e "n' o!!s$ring1
And the third in %ike "nner1 55 And the
se*en "%% took her in %ike "nner "nd did
not %e"*e o!!s$ring1 L"st o! "%%0 the
wo"n "%so died1 5C )n the res(rrection0
there!ore0 when the' sh"%% rise "g"in0
whose wi!e sh"%% she be0 !or the se*en
h"d her "s their wi!eB
57 And +es(s "nswering0 s"id to the:
Do 'o( not there!ore err bec"(se 'o(
know not the Scri$t(res0 nor the $ower o!
GodB 53 For when the' sh"%% rise "g"in
!ro the de"d0 the' sh"%% neither "rr'
nor be "rried0 b(t "re "s the "nge%s in
He"*en1 5F And "s concerning the de"d
th"t the' rise "g"in L$ro*ing "n "!ter%i!e0
which the' deniedM0 h"*e 'o( not re"d in the
/ook o! Moses0 how in the Lb(rningM b(sh
God s$oke to hi0 s"'ing: I am the God
of =-raham, and the God of Isaac, and
the God of #aco-L ZE:od(s C:F[ 56 He is
not the God o! the de"d0 b(t o! the %i*ing1
Yo(0 there!ore0 do gre"t%' err L"s 'o( "%so
den' the re"%it' o! "n "s " s$irit being who
%i*es e*en "!ter de"th "$"rt !ro his bod'M1
L- 5>
C> "nd the ne:t took her to wi!e0 "nd he "%so died
chi%d%ess1 C2 And then third took her1 And in %ike
"nner "%% the se*en0 "nd the' %e!t no chi%dren0 b(t
died1 C5 L"st o! "%% the wo"n "%so died1 CC )n the
res(rrection0 there!ore0 whose wi!e o! these sh"%% she
beB For "%% se*en h"d her "s wi!e1
C7 And +es(s s"id to the: The chi%dren o! this
wor%d "rr' "nd "re gi*en in "rri"ge0 C3 b(t the'
th"t sh"%% be "cco(nted worth' o! th"t wor%d Lo! which
'o( s$e"kM0 "nd o! the res(rrection !ro the de"d0 sh"%%
neither be "rried nor t"ke wi*es1 CF Neither c"n
the' die "n' ore0 !or the' "re e;("% to the "nge%s
"nd "re the chi%dren o! God being the chi%dren o! the
res(rrection1 C6 Now th"t the de"d wi%% rise "g"in Lto
Koin their %i*ing s$iritsM0 Moses "%so showed Lthis tr(thM "t
the b(sh when he c"%%ed the Lord0 the God of
=-raham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of
#aco-" ZE:od(s C:F[ C4 For He is not the God o! the
de"d0 b(t o! the %i*ing1 For "%% Lwhether in or o(t o! the
bod'M "re "%i*e to Hi1 C8 And soe o! the scribes
"nswering0 s"id to Hi: M"ster0 Yo( h"*e "nswered
we%%1 7> And "!ter th"t the' d"red not "sk Hi "n'
ore ;(estions1
"ote: The on%' re"son the S"dd(cees denied the res(rrection
w"s bec"(se the' denied the "!ter %i!e0 so b' +es(s showing the
tr(th o! the %i*ing s$irit o! "n o(tside the bod' He "%so
destro's their re"son !or den'ing the res(rrection o! the bod'1
38CG$7CC # @M A$r0 T(eA The T(esd"' Night be!ore P"sso*er1 Other Te"chings to the A$ost%es1
*@C. M A$r0 9ed0 AD C7 Whih Commandment is the GreatestE Who is the (on o! GodE D Te$%e Are" 387G$17C6
MT 55
C7 /(t the Ph"risees he"ring th"t He
h"d si%enced the S"dd(cees0 c"e
together1 C3 And one o! the0 "
doctor o! the %"w0 te$ting Hi0
"sked Hi: CF M"ster0 which is the
gre"test co"ndent in the %"wB C6
+es(s s"id to hi: 7o& shall lo+e the
%ord yo&r God )ith yo&r )hole
heart, and )ith yo&r )hole so&l, and
)ith yo&r )hole mind1 ZDe(t1F:3[ C4
This is the gre"test "nd the !irst
co"ndent1 C8 And the second is
%ike it: 7o& shall lo+e yo&r nei'h-or
as yo&rself1 ZLe*itic(s 28:24[ 7> On
these two co"ndents h"ng the
who%e L"w "nd the Pro$hets1
"ote: The only $(r$ose !or the L"w "nd the
Pro$hets w"s to $roote the !(%!i%%ent o! these
two co"ndents "ong en to the gre"test
$ossib%e e:tent "nd to the degree th"t God !o(nd
gr"ce eno(gh in the to $r"ctice it "nd to $re$"re
"n to recei*e the One who wo(%d he%$ "n to
!(%%' "tt"in this1
72 9hi%e the Ph"risees were sti%%
g"thered together0 +es(s "sked the0
75 s"'ing: 9h"t do 'o( think o!
,hristB 9hose son wi%% He beB The'
s"id to hi: D"*idHs1
M- 25
54 And there c"e one o! the scribes
who h"d he"rd the re"soning together1 And seeing th"t +es(s h"d
"nswered the we%%0 "sked Hi which is the !irst co"ndent o!
"%%1 58 And +es(s "nswered hi: The !irst co"ndent o! "%% is:
Hear, 9 Israel? The %ord yo&r God is one God1D C> =nd yo& shall
lo+e the %ord yo&r God, )ith yo&r )hole heart, and )ith yo&r )hole
so&l, and )ith yo&r )hole mind, and )ith yo&r )hole stren'th1
ZDe(t1F:7[ This is the !irst co"ndent1 C2 And the second is %ike
it: 7o& shall lo+e yo&r nei'h-or as yo&rself1 ZLe*128:24[ There is no
other co"ndent gre"ter th"n these1 C5 And the scribe s"id to
Hi: 9e%% s"id0 M"ster0 Yo( h"*e st"ted the tr(th0 th"t there is one
God0D "nd there is no other besides Hi1 CC And th"t He sho(%d be
%o*ed with oneHs who%e he"rt0 "nd with oneHs who%e (nderst"nding0
"nd with oneHs who%e so(%0 "nd with oneHs who%e strength1 And to
%o*e oneHs neighbor "s oneHs se%! is " gre"ter thing th"n "n' n(ber
o! b(rnt o!!erings "nd s"cri!ices1 C7 And +es(s0 seeing th"t he h"d
"nswered wise%'0 s"id to hi: Yo( "re not !"r !ro the -ingdo o!
GodP And no "n "!ter th"t d"red to "sk Hi "n' ;(estion1
D4ne God: The Hebrew e:$resses the $%(r"%it' o! the one God1 The word (sed to e:$ress
the (nit' o! God in this te:t in De(terono' is not yacheed0 e"ning "bso%(te (nit' or
oneness0 b(t echad0 the co%%ecti*e !or1 9hen the Lord s$oke o! the oneness o! h(sb"nd
"nd wi!e he "%so (sed the co%%ecti*e !or "s !o(nd here1 Genesis 5:57: <the' sh"%% be one
!%esh1= The $%(r"%it' o! the God he"d is !o(nd !ro beginning to end thro(gho(t Scri$t(re1
See the e:tensi*e note in Gen1221
C3 And +es(s0 te"ching in the te$%e0 s"id0 How c"n the scribes s"'
th"t ,hrist is Lere%'M the son o! D"*idB
L- 5> TU5741
72 /(t +es(s s"id to the: How is it th"t the' Lthese re%igio(s r(%ersM
s"' th"t ,hrist is Lere%'M the son o! D"*idB
MT 55
7C He s"id to the: How then does D"*id b' the
(pirit c"%% Hi Lord0 s"'ing: 77 The &ord
>#eho+ah@ said to my &ord >,hrist the !on of God@,
!it on My ri'ht hand, &ntil I ma*e Thy enemies
Thy footstoolL ZPs"12>8:2[ 73 )! D"*id then c"%%ed
Hi Lthe Messi"hM Lord0 how is He Lere%'M his son
L"nd not also GodHs SonMB 7F And no "n w"s "b%e to
"nswer Hi " word0 neither did "n' "n !ro
th"t d"' !orth d"re to "sk Hi "n' ore
M- 25
CF For D"*id hise%! s"id b' the Holy (pirit:
The &ord >#eho+ah@ said to my &ord >,hrist the !on
of God@, !it on My ri'ht hand, &ntil I ma*e Thy
enemies Thy footstool1
ZPs"12>8L22>M:2[ C6 D"*id0
there!ore0 hise%! c"%%s Hi Lord0 so how then is
He Lere%'M his sonB And " gre"t (%tit(de he"rd
Hi with Ko'1
"ote: As the <son o! D"*id0= the Messi"h w"s the Son o!
M"n0 the second Ad"0 b(t "s D"*idHs <Lord0= He w"s the
on%' begotten Son o! God0 o! the *er' di*ine essence "nd
n"t(re o! God1
L- 5>
75 when D"*id hise%! Lc"%%ing
Hi LordM0 s"id in the /ook o!
Ps"%s: The &ord >#eho+ah@
said to my &ord >,hrist the !on
of God@, sit Tho& on My ri'ht
hand, JQ Pntil I ma*e Thy
enemies Thy footstool B
ZPs"12>8L22>M:2[ 77 Since D"*id
then c"%%ed Hi Lord0 how is
He Lon%'M his sonB
*@;. M A$r0 9ed0 AD C7 The 3oor Wido# #ho Gave her T#o Mites # The Te$%e in the Morning 387G$177>
M- 25 5741TU5781
72 And +es(s0 sitting o$$osite the tre"s(r'0 behe%d how the $eo$%e
c"st one' into the tre"s(r'1 And "n' who were rich c"st in (ch1
75 And there c"e " cert"in $oor widow0 "nd she c"st in two co$$er
%e$t"0D which "kes " ;("dr"n1 7C And c"%%ing His Disci$%es
together0 He s"id to the: Most "ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0 this $oor
widow h"s c"st in ore th"n "%% the others who h"*e c"st into the
tre"s(r'1 77 For "%% the' c"st in w"s !ro their "b(nd"nce0 b(t she o!
her "bKect $o*ert' c"st in "%% she h"d0 her entire %i*ingP D" %e$ton is
o! " den"ri(s @" d"'Hs w"geA1 Yo( co(%dnHt b(' " s%ice o! bre"d with it1
L- 52 5741TU5781
2 AND %ooking on Lthe te$%e crowdM0 +es(s s"w the rich en c"st
their gi!ts into the tre"s(r'1 5 And He "%so s"w " cert"in $oor
widow c"sting in two br"ss ites Lworth eight in(tes w"gesM1 C And
He s"id: Most "ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0 th"t this $oor widow h"s
c"st in ore th"n the' "%%0 7 !or "%% these h"*e o! their "b(nd"nce
c"st into the o!!erings o! God0 b(t she0 o! her (tter $o*ert'0 h"s
c"st in "%% th"t she h"d to %i*e on1
*@B. M A$r0 9ed0 AD C7 Woe to 8ou (ribes and 3harisees # To His Disci$%es "nd others in the Te$%e 387dG$1773
MT 5C 57F1TU
2 THEN +es(s s$oke to the (%tit(des "nd to His Disci$%es0 5 s"'ing: The scribes "nd
the Ph"risees sit on the ch"ir o! Moses1 C 9h"te*er there!ore the' sh"%% s"' to 'o(0
obser*e "nd do0 b(t do not "ccording to their works0 !or wh"t the' s"'0 the' these%*es
do not do1 7 For the' tie ($ he"*' "nd o$$ressi*e b(rdens0
"nd %"' the on enHs
sho(%ders0 b(t the' wi%% not %i!t one o! their !ingers to be"r the these%*es1 3 For "%%
their works the' do to be seen o! en1 LDM For the' "ke their $h'%"cteriesD bro"d0 "nd
en%"rge their !ringes1
LDM *13: Right here in the idd%e o! *130 "ccording to the Poem coes " st"teent P"(%0 s$e"king to the
E$hesi"n E%ders ne"r%' 5> 'e"rs %"ter0 "ttrib(tes to +es(s0 <)t is ore b%essed to gi*e th"n to recei*e1=
@Acts 5>:C3A1 This te%%s (s P"(% h"d "ccess to M"tthewsH origin"%0 ore %ength' Ko(rn"% !ro which
M"tthew h"d e:tr"cted his shorter Gos$e%1
Tphylateries: s"%% c"ses cont"ining cert"in Scri$t(res worn on the %e!t "r "nd !orehe"d d(ring
B!ringes: worn b' "%% "%e )sr"e%ites "ccording to the co"nd in N(123:C4E E:12C:4E De(t1F:41
D F And the' %o*e the !irst $%"ces "t the !e"sts0 "nd the !irst ch"irs in the s'n"gog(es0 6
"nd s"%(t"tions in the "rket $%"ce0 "nd to be c"%%ed b' en0 R"bbi1 4 /(t do not %et
'o(rse%*es be c"%%ed R"bbi Lb(t0 on%' <r"bbi= or <te"cher=M1 For one is 'o(r Te"cherE "nd "%%
'o( "re brethren1 8 And c"%% none 'o(r F"ther ($on e"rth Lr"ther0 s"' <!"ther=M0 !or one is
'o(r F"ther0 9ho is in He"*en1 2> Neither be c"%%ed M"sters Lor </oss0= b(t r"ther0 on%'
<boss=M0 !or one is 'o( M"ster0 ,hrist1 22 He who is the gre"test "ong 'o( sh"%% be 'o(r
ser*"nt1 25 And whoe*er sh"%% e:"%t hise%! sh"%% be h(b%ed0 "nd he who sh"%% h(b%e
hise%! sh"%% be e:"%ted1 L+es(s cert"in%' h"d !"r ore th"n ere words in ind in this "donition1
His !oc(s w"s entirely ($on "ttit(des "bo(t these *"rio(s gi!tings "nd c"%%ingsP 9e h"*e e:$ressed the
distinction b' the (se o! ,"$it"% "nd %ower c"se %etters1 )! we "re not to c"%% "n'one <!"ther= then we
c"nnot c"%% "n'one <te"cher= or <boss= either1 M
2C /(t #oe to 'o( scribes "nd Ph"risees0 h'$ocrites0 bec"(se 'o( sh(t ($ the -ingdo
o! He"*en !or en0 !or not on%' do 'o( not enter in0 b(t 'o( $re*ent those th"t "re going
in !ro enteringP 27L27!nM Woe to 'o( scribes "nd Ph"risees0 h'$ocrites0 bec"(se 'o(
de*o(r the ho(ses L"nd goodsM o! widows0 $r"'ing %ong $r"'ers1 For this 'o( sh"%%
recei*e the gre"ter K(dgentP
LHere "g"in "s in 5>:2F0 we h"*e " later editing o(t o! this
%egiti"te te:t in b : D 5 and U "nd "s " res(%t the te:t h"s been reo*ed !ro the odern
tr"ns%"tions1 The te:t0 howe*er0 w"s indeed $"rt o! o(r LordHs disco(rse "t this $oint "s $ro*en b' the
te:t in The Poem1 The te:tHs $%"ceent here is "%so s($$orted b' E0 F0 G0 H0 -0 M0 "nd other %"ter
(nci"%s0 the recei*ed &(%g"te "nd the S'ri"c *ersions1 See note "t 5>:2F !or e*idence o! the %"ter editing
in the "bo*e "n(scri$ts0 )ron'ly +ie)ed b' odern te:t("% critics to be the <better= te:ts1M
23 Woe to 'o( scribes "nd Ph"risees0 h'$ocrites0 bec"(se 'o( tr"*e% o*er %"nd "nd se"
to "ke one $rose%'te0 "nd when he is "de0 'o( "ke hi two!o%d ore the chi%d o!
He%% th"n 'o(rse%*esP
M- 25
C4 And He s"id to
the in His te"ching:
/ew"re o! the scribes
who %o*e to w"%k in
%ong robes "nd to be
greeted in the
"rket$%"ce C8 "nd
to sit in the !irst
ch"irs in the
s'n"gog(es0 "nd to
h"*e the highest
$%"ces "t b"n;(etsP
7> Yes0 the' who
de*o(r the ho(ses o!
widows "nd co*er
their Le*i%M deeds with
%ong $r"'ersP These
sh"%% recei*e the
gre"test K(dgentP
L- 5> 57F1TU576
73 And in the
he"ring o! "%% the
$eo$%e0 +es(s s"id to
His disci$%es: 7F
/ew"re o! the scribes
who %ike to w"%k
"bo(t in %ong robes0
"nd %o*e s"%(t"tions
in the "rket$%"ce0
"nd the !irst ch"irs in
the s'n"gog(es0 "nd
the chie! $%"ces "t
!e"sts1 76 The'
de*o(r the ho(ses o!
widows0 co*ering
Ltheir sinM with %ong
$r"'ers1 These sh"%%
recei*e the gre"test
2F Woe to 'o( b%ind g(ides who s"'0 9hoe*er sh"%% swe"r b' the te$%e0 it is nothing Lso the o"th c"n be brokenM0
b(t he who sh"%% swe"r b' the go%d o! the te$%e0 is " debtor L"nd (st kee$ his *owMP 26 Yo( !oo%ish "nd b%ind
en0 !or wh"t is gre"ter0 the go%d or the te$%e th"t s"ncti!ies the go%dB 24 And 'o( s"' th"t whoe*er sh"%% swe"r
b' the "%t"r0 it is nothing0 b(t whoe*er sh"%% swe"r b' the gi!t th"t is ($on it0 is " debtorP 28 Yo( b%ind g(ides0
wh"t is gre"ter0 the gi!t0 or the "%t"r th"t s"ncti!ies the gi!tBP 5> He0 there!ore0 who swe"rs b' the "%t"r0 swe"rs b'
it "nd b' "%% th"t is ($on itP 52 And whoe*er sh"%% swe"r b' te$%e0 swe"rs b' it0 "nd b' Hi 9ho dwe%%s in itP
55 And he who swe"rs b' He"*en0 swe"rs b' the throne o! God0 "nd b' Hi 9ho sits ($on itP
5C Woe to 'o( scribes "nd Ph"risees0 h'$ocrites0 bec"(se 'o( tithe 'o(r int0 "nd "nise0 "nd c(in0 "nd h"*e
!orgotten the weightier things o! the L"w %ike K(dgent0 "nd erc'0 "nd !"ithP Yes0 these things 'o( o(ght to
h"*e done0 b(t not to %e"*e these (ndoneP 57 /%ind g(ides0 who str"in o(t " gn"t0 b(t sw"%%ow " c"e%P
53 Woe to 'o( scribes "nd Ph"risees0 h'$ocrites0 bec"(se 'o( c%e"n the o(tside o! the c($ "nd o! the dish0 b(t
within 'o( "re !(%% o! e:tortion "nd (nc%e"nness1 5F Yo( b%ind Ph"risee0 !irst "ke c%e"n the inside o! the c($
"nd o! the dish0 th"t the o(tside "' "%so becoe c%e"nP 56 Woe to 'o( scribes "nd Ph"risees0 h'$ocrites0
bec"(se 'o( "re %ike white#w"shed se$(%chers0 which o(tw"rd%' "$$e"r to en be"(ti!(%0 b(t within 'o( "re !(%%
o! de"d enHs bones0 "nd o! "%% !i%thiness1 54 So 'o( "%so o(tw"rd%' indeed "$$e"r "s K(st "nd righteo(s to en0
b(t inw"rd%' 'o( "re !(%% o! h'$ocris' "nd ini;(it'P
58 Woe to 'o( scribes "nd Ph"risees0 h'$ocrites0 who b(i%d the se$(%chers o! the $ro$hets "nd "dorn the
on(ents o! the righteo(s0 C> "nd s"': )! we h"d been in the d"'s o! o(r !"thers we wo(%d not h"*e been
$"rt"kers with the in the b%ood o! the $ro$hets1 C2 9here!ore0 'o( "re witnesses "g"inst 'o(rse%*es Lb' c"%%ing
the 'o(r !"thersM0 th"t 'o( "re the tr(e sons o! those who ki%%ed the $ro$hetsP C5 Fi%% ($ then the e"s(re o! 'o(r
!"thers Lin h"te "nd (rder0 so it is !(%% to the briMP CC Yo( ser$ents "nd gener"tion o! *i$ers0 how wi%% 'o( !%ee !ro
the K(dgent o! He%%B C7 There!ore0 beho%d ) send to 'o( $ro$hets0 wise en0 "nd scribes LThe A$ost%es0 Ste*en0
P"(%0 "nd "n' others (nn"edM1 And soe o! the 'o( wi%% $(t to de"th "nd cr(ci!'0 "nd soe 'o( wi%% sco(rge in
'o(r s'n"gog(es "nd $ersec(te !ro cit' to cit'0 C3 th"t ($on 'o( "' coe "%% the K(st b%ood th"t h"s been shed
($on the e"rth0 !ro the b%ood o! Abe% the K(st0 e*en (nto the b%ood o! Oech"ri"h the son o! /"r"chi"h L+ehoid"hM0
who 'o( ki%%ed between the te$%e "nd the "%t"rP LGen17:4E 5 ,hr157:52M CF Most "ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0 "%% these
things sh"%% coe ($on this gener"tionP
C6 +er(s"%eP +er(s"%eP Yo( th"t ki%% the $ro$hets0 "nd stone those who "re sent (nto 'o(0 how o!ten ) wo(%d
h"*e g"thered together 'o(r chi%dren "s the hen g"thers her chickens (nder her wings0 b(t 'o( wo(%d notP C4
/eho%d0 'o(r ho(se sh"%% be %e!t to 'o( deso%"teP
C8 For ) s"' to 'o(0 'o( sh"%% not see Me !ro this d"' !orth
(nti% 'o( s"': /%essed is He 9ho coes in the n"e o! the LordP LPs"1226L224M:5FM
*@A. M A$r0 9ed0 AD C7 The Destrution o! the Temple Foretold # O(tside the Te$%e 387dG$1778
MT 57 TU
2 AND +es(s h"*ing coe o(t o! the
te$%e0 went on His w"'1 And His
Disci$%es c"e showing Hi the
b(i%dings o! the te$%e1 5 /(t He
"nswering0 s"id to the: Do 'o( see "%%
these thingsB Most "ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(
there sh"%% not be %e!t here one stone
($on "nother th"t sh"%% not be thrown
M- 2C 5761TU
2 AND "s He w"s going o(t o! the te$%e0 one
o! His Disci$%es Lc"(ght ($ in the "gni!icence "nd
e:tern"% be"(t' o! HerodHs Te$%eM s"id to Hi:
M"ster0 beho%d wh"t "nner o! stones "nd wh"t
b(i%dings "re hereP 5 And +es(s "nswering0 s"id
to hi: Do 'o( see "%% these gre"t b(i%dingsB
There sh"%% not be %e!t one stone ($on " stone
th"t sh"%% not be thrown downP
L- 52 5761TU
3 And "s soe were s"'ing o! the
te$%e0 th"t it w"s "dorned with
"gni!icent stones "nd dedic"ted gi!ts0
+es(s s"id: F As !or these things which
'o( see0 the d"'s wi%% coe in which
there sh"%% not be %e!t one stone ($on
"nother th"t sh"%% not be thrown downP
*2+. M A$r0 9ed0 AD C7 The (igns o! the Coming o! Christ # The Mo(nt o! O%i*es F"cing the Te$%e 387dG$17FC
MT 57
C And when He w"s sitting on Mo(nt
O%i*et0 the Disci$%es c"e to Hi
$ri*"te%'0 s"'ing: Te%% (s when sh"%% these
things Lthe te$%eHs destr(ctionM beB "nd wh"t
sh"%% be the sign o! Yo(r coing0 "nd o! the
cons("tion Lthe endM o! the wor%dB 7 And
+es(s "nswering0 s"id to the: T"ke heed
th"t no "n sed(ces 'o(1
The !isciples' 0st ,uestion answered1 The
Temple destruction and the first phase of
(hrist's /econd (omin.
3 For "n' wi%% coe in M' n"e s"'ing0
) " ,hrist Lb' c%"iing the' "re c"%%ed o! God
to de%i*erer )sr"e% !ro the Ro"nsM0 "nd the'
wi%% sed(ce "n'1
M- 2C
C And "s +es(s s"t on the Mo(nt o! O%i*et
o$$osite the te$%e0 Peter0 +"es0 +ohn
"nd Andrew0 "sked Hi $ri*"te%': 7 Te%% (s0
when sh"%% these things Lthe te$%eHs destr(ctionM
beB And: 9h"t sh"%% be the sign when "%%
these things L,hristHs kingdo coingM sh"%%
begin to be !(%!i%%edB 3 And +es(s "nswering0
beg"n to s"' to the: T"ke heed %est "n' "n
decei*e 'o(1
The 0st ,uestion of the !isciples answered
F For "n' sh"%% coe in M' n"e Lb'
c%"iing the' "re c"%%ed o! God to de%i*er )sr"e% !ro
the Ro"nsM0 s"'ing: ) " HeP And the' sh"%%
decei*e "n'1
L- 52 TU5C31
6 And the' "sked Hi0 s"'ing: M"ster0 when
sh"%% these things Lthe destr(ction o! +er(s"%e "nd
the te$%eM beB And wh"t sh"%% be the sign
when the' Lthe end o! the "ge "nd Yo(r coingM
sh"%% begin to coe to $"ssB
The 0st ,uestion of the !isciples answered.
4 +es(s s"id: T"ke heed th"t 'o( be not
sed(ced0 !or "n' wi%% coe in M' n"e
Li1e1 "ss(ing M' "(thorit'M0 s"'ing: ) "
HeP "nd s"'ing: The tie is "t h"nd Lto
o*erthrow RoeMP There!ore go not "!ter
MT 57
F And 'o( sh"%% he"r o! w"rs "nd r(ors o!
w"rs0 LThese thre"ts0 s%"(ghterings0 "nd w"rs o! Roe
"g"inst the +ews beginning in NeroHs reign in AD 37 @"nd
e:tending to Tit(sH destr(ction o! +er(s"%e "nd the
te$%eA "re gr"$hic"%%' described b' +ose$h(s in his
Cars0 books iii0 "nd i*M "nd see th"t 'o( be not
tro(b%ed1 For these things (st coe to $"ss0 b(t
the end Lo! the te$%e "nd +er(s"%eM is not 'et1 6
For n"tion sh"%% rise "g"inst n"tion0 "nd kingdo
"g"inst kingdoE "nd there sh"%% be $esti%ences0
"nd !"ines0 "nd e"rth;("kes in "n' $%"ces1 4
Now "%% these "re K(st the beginnings o! sorrows1
@AD 37#6>A
8 Then sh"%% the' de%i*er 'o( ($ to be "!!%icted0
"nd sh"%% $(t 'o( to de"th1 And 'o( sh"%% be
h"ted b' "%% n"tions !or M' n"eHs s"ke1 2>
Then sh"%% "n' be sc"nd"%iIed "nd sh"%% betr"'
one "nother "nd sh"%% h"te one "nother1 22 And
"n' !"%se $ro$hets sh"%% rise "nd sh"%% sed(ce
"n'1 25 And bec"(se ini;(it' wi%% "bo(nd0 the
ch"rit' o! "n' sh"%% grow co%d0 2C b(t he who
sh"%% $erse*ere to the end sh"%% be s"*ed1 27 And
this Gos$e% o! the -ingdo sh"%% be $re"ched in
the who%e wor%d !or " testion' to "%% n"tions0
"nd then sh"%% the cons("tion coe1 LThis "%%
h"$$ened within the !irst 7> 'e"rs o! the ,h(rch be!ore
the te$%e w"s destro'ed1M
23 9hen0 there!ore0 'o( sh"%% see the
Aboin"tion o! Deso%"tion0 which w"s s$oken
o! b' D"nie% the $ro$het ZD"nie% 8:56[0 st"nding in
the ho%' $%"ce Lthe Te$%e "t +er(s"%eM0 he who
re"ds %et hi (nderst"nd1 2F Then the' th"t "re
in +(de"0 %et the !%ee to the o(nt"insP 26 And
he who is on the ho(seto$0 %et hi not coe
down to t"ke "n'thing o(t o! his ho(se1 24 And
he who is in the !ie%d0 %et hi not go b"ck to t"ke
his co"t1 28 And woe to those who "re with
chi%d0 "nd who "re n(rsing in those d"'s1 5> /(t
$r"' th"t 'o(r !%ight be not in the winter0 or on
the S"bb"th1 52 For there sh"%% be then gre"t
trib(%"tion0 s(ch "s h"s not been !ro the
beginning o! the wor%d (nti% now0 neither sh"%%
be1 55 And (n%ess those d"'s h"d been
shortened0 no !%esh sho(%d be s"*ed1 LA i%%ion
+ews $erished in the Ro"n s(bK(g"tion o! P"%estine b'
AD 6>1M /(t !or the s"ke o! the e%ect those d"'s
sh"%% be shortened1 5C Then i! "n' "n sh"%% s"'
to 'o(: Lo here is ,hrist0 or there0 do not be%ie*e
hi1 57 For there sh"%% "rise !"%se ,hrists "nd
!"%se $ro$hets0 "nd sh"%% show gre"t signs "nd
wonders0 inso(ch "s to decei*e @i! $ossib%eA
e*en the e%ect1 53 /eho%d ) h"*e to%d it to 'o(0
be!oreh"nd1 LThe horri!'ing "cco(nt o! the Ro"n
destr(ction o! the $eo$%e0 the %"nd o! P"%estine0 o!
+er(s"%e0 its st"r*ing $o$(%"tion0 red(ced to c"nnib"%is
"nd the (tter destr(ction o! the Te$%e is recorded b'
+ose$h(s1 @See +ewish 9"rs0 book *i0 ch1 i*03#6A This
destr(ction o! the Te$%e wo(%d !(%!i%% O(r LordHs
<coing= $roised " %"rge gro($ o! His !o%%owers in
2F:54 "nd "%so to the +ewish r(%ers "t His tri"% in 5F:F71M
The !isciples 2nd ,uestion answered1 The end of the
world3 His m"stical comin and the final solemn
literal comin of (hrist at the resurrection.
5F )!0 there!ore0 the' sh"%% s"' to 'o(: /eho%d He
is in the desert0 go not o(t1 Or: /eho%d0 He is in
soe hidden ch"ber0 be%ie*e it not1 56 For "s
%ightning coes o(t o! the e"st0 "nd "$$e"rs e*en
into the west0 so sh"%% the coing o! the Son o!
M"n be1 L,hrist wi%% 'stic"%%' "$$e"r to "%% the
!"ith!(% "t the s"e tie )here+er they may -e1M
M- 2C
6 And when 'o( sh"%% he"r o! w"rs "nd
r(ors o! w"rs0 !e"r not1 For s(ch things
(st be0 b(t the end is not 'et1 4 For
n"tion sh"%% rise "g"inst n"tion "nd
kingdo "g"inst kingdo0 "nd there sh"%%
be e"rth;("kes in *"rio(s $%"ces0 "nd
!"ines1 These things "re the beginning o!
8 /(t %ook to 'o(rse%*es1 For the' sh"%%
de%i*er 'o( ($ to the co(nci%s0 "nd in the
s'n"gog(es 'o( sh"%% be be"ten1 And 'o(
sh"%% st"nd be!ore go*ernors "nd kings !or
M' s"ke0 !or " testion' to the1 2> And
(nto "%% n"tions the Gos$e% (st !irst be
$re"ched1 22 And when the' sh"%% %e"d 'o(
"nd de%i*er 'o( ($0 t"ke no tho(ght
be!oreh"nd wh"t 'o( sh"%% s$e"k0 b(t s"'
wh"te*er sh"%% be gi*en 'o( in th"t ho(r1
For it wi%% not be 'o( who s$e"k0 b(t the
Ho%' S$irit1 25 And " brother sh"%% betr"'
his brother (nto de"th "nd the !"ther his
son1 And chi%dren sh"%% rise ($ "g"inst the
$"rents "nd sh"%% c"(se their de"th1 2C And
'o( sh"%% be h"ted b' "%% en !or M'
n"eHs s"ke1 /(t whoe*er sh"%% end(re
(nto the end sh"%% be s"*ed1
27 And when 'o( sh"%% see the
Aboin"tion o! Deso%"tion0 st"nding Lin the
Te$%eM where it o(ght not LD"nie% 8:56M0 he
who re"ds %et hi (nderst"ndP Then %et
those who "re in +(de" LNote: This is sti%% the
cent(r'M0 !%ee (nto the o(nt"ins0 23 "nd
%et hi who is on the ho(seto$0 not go
down into the ho(se0 nor enter therein to
t"ke "n'thing o(t o! the ho(se1 2F And %et
hi who sh"%% be in the !ie%d0 not t(rn b"ck
to t"ke ($ his g"rent1 26 And woe to
those who "re with chi%d "nd who "re
n(rsing in those d"'s1 24 /(t $r"' th"t
these things h"$$en not in winter1 28 For
in those d"'s sh"%% be s(ch trib(%"tions0 "s
were not !ro the beginning o! the cre"tion
which God cre"ted (nti% now0 neither sh"%%
be1 5> And (n%ess the Lord h"d shortened
the d"'s0 no !%esh sho(%d be s"*ed1 LA
i%%ion +ews $erished in the Ro"n s(bK(g"tion o!
P"%estine b' AD 6>1M /(t !or the s"ke o! the
e%ect which He h"s chosen0 He h"s
shortened the d"'s1 52 And then i! "n' "n
sh"%% s"' to 'o(0 Lo0 here is the ,hristP Or:
Look0 He is hereP Do not be%ie*e it1 55 For
there wi%% rise ($ !"%se ,hrists "nd !"%se
$ro$hets0 "nd the' sh"%% show signs "nd
wonders0 to sed(ce @i! it were $ossib%eA
e*en the e%ect1 5C T"ke heed there!ore1
/eho%d ) h"*e !oreto%d 'o( "%% things1
The 2nd ,uestion )nswered
57 /(t in those d"'s Lo! this %"st "geM0 L%ongM
"!ter th"t trib(%"tion0 the s(n sh"%% be
d"rkened0 "nd the oon sh"%% not gi*e her
%ight1 53 And the st"rs o! He"*en sh"%% be
!"%%ing down0 "nd the $owers th"t "re in
He"*en0 sh"%% be o*ed1 L9hen e*er'thing
we h"*e re%ied on !or its cert"int' begins to !"i%0
incl&din' o&r spirit&al leaders "nd the
;(enching o! the %ight o! tr(th0 the Gre"t
L- 52
8 And when 'o( sh"%% he"r o! w"rs
"nd seditions0 be not terri!ied1 These
things (st !irst coe to $"ss0 b(t the
end Lo! the Te$%e "nd its s'steM is not
'et iedi"te%'1 2> Then He s"id to
the: N"tion sh"%% rise "g"inst n"tion0
"nd kingdo "g"inst kingdo1 22 And
there sh"%% be gre"t e"rth;("kes in
*"rio(s $%"ces0 "nd $%"g(es0
e$ideics0 !"ines0 "nd terrors !ro
the he"*ens1 And !ro there sh"%% be
gre"t signs1 25 /(t be!ore "%% these
things0 the' wi%% %"' their h"nds ($on
'o( "nd $ersec(te 'o(0 de%i*ering 'o(
($ to the s'n"gog(es "nd into $risons0
dr"gging 'o( be!ore kings "nd
go*ernors !or M' n"eHs s"ke1 2C /(t
it sh"%% h"$$en (nto 'o( !or "
testion' Lto theM1 27 Reso%*e0
there!ore0 in 'o(r he"rts not to
edit"te be!oreh"nd how 'o( sh"%%
"nswer0 23 !or ) wi%% gi*e 'o( " o(th
"nd wisdo which none o! 'o(r
"d*ers"ries sh"%% be "b%e to resist or
re!(te1 2F /(t 'o( sh"%% be betr"'ed
b' 'o(r $"rents "nd brethren0 "nd
kinsen "nd !riends1 And soe o!
'o( the' wi%% $(t to de"th1 26 And 'o(
sh"%% be h"ted b' "%% en !or M'
n"eHs s"ke1 24 /(t not " h"ir o! 'o(r
he"d sh"%% $erish L"%% wi%% be $reser*ed b'
Me !or the d"' o! res(rrectionMP 28 )n 'o(r
$"tience 'o( sh"%% $ossess Lthe !(%%
$otenti"% o!M 'o(r so(%sP
5> And when 'o( sh"%% see +er(s"%e
co$"ssed "bo(t with "n "r' then
know th"t the deso%"tion o! the cit' is
"t h"nd1 52 Then %et those who "re in
+(de" !%ee to the o(nt"ins0 "nd those
who "re in the idst o! the cit'0 de$"rt
L!or God wi%% not $rotect the cit' "s 'o(r
r(%ers wi%% te%% 'o(M1 And those who "re
in the co(ntr'side0 do not enter into it
Lthe cit' to seek re!(geM1 55 For these "re
the d"'s o! *enge"nce0 th"t "%% things
"' be !(%!i%%ed0 th"t "re written1 LThe
destr(ction o! +er(s"%e "nd the te$%e b'
the Ro"ns# D"n18:5FPM 5C /(t woe to
those who "re with chi%d0 "nd "re
n(rsing in those d"'s0 !or there sh"%%
be gre"t distress in the %"nd0 "nd
wr"th ($on this $eo$%e1 57 And the'
sh"%% !"%% b' the edge o! the sword "nd
sh"%% be %ed "w"' c"$ti*es into "%%
n"tions1 And +er(s"%e sh"%% be
trodden down b' the Genti%es (nti% the
ties o! the Genti%es be !(%!i%%edP LSee
Ro1 22:53#561 A ost incredib%e odern d"'
$ro$hec': On%' "!ter 28>> 'e"rs h"*e the +ews h"d
"n' "Kor "ccess to +er(s"%e "nd their %"nd0 b(t
e*en since 2874 Genti%es h"*e doin"ted this %"nd
"nd the "!!"irs "nd the cit' o! +er(s"%e1 On%' when
)sr"e% is con*erted to their Messi"h wi%% the %"nd
tr(%' becoe theirs0 b(t this wi%% on%' be !or " short
tie !or the end wi%% then ;(ick%' !o%%ow1M
The 2
,uestion answered
MT 57
54 9here*er the /od' Lthe ,h(rchM sh"%% be L"nd b' this tie it wi%% %ook
%ike " cor$seM0 there sh"%% the e"g%es LGodHs destro'ing "nge%sM "%so be
g"thered together Lto
de*o(r the *(%t(res "nd *erin
$re$"ring to de*o(r the /od'
which wi%% %ook "s i! it wi%% die0
so do not e:$ose 'o(rse%! to the schee
o! the ene' b' r(nning "!ter his !"%se
r(or c%"iing ,hrist to be here or
thereP @&07F3A1
The $ro$hec' o! the bride in the Song o! So%oon who neg%ected to o$en the door to her
Groo0 who is then be"ten in the streets in " %"te se"rch !or Hi wi%% be "t this tie !(%!i%%edP
@Song o! So%1 ,h13PA )n L(keHs $re*io(s "cco(nt o! the end ties te"ching o! ,hrist there is the
ention o! e"g%es g"thered together @See 5>F1 L(ke 26:C6 AM
58 And iedi"te%' "!ter the trib(%"tion o! those d"'s0 the s(n sh"%%
be d"rkened "nd the oon sh"%% not gi*e her %ight0 "nd the st"rs sh"%%
!"%% !ro He"*en0 "nd the $owers o! He"*en sh"%% be o*ed Li1e1 9hen
e*er'thing we h"*e re%ied on !or its cert"int' begins to !"i%0 inc%(ding o(r s$irit("%
%e"dersPM0 C> "nd then sh"%% "$$e"r the sign o! the Son o! M"n in
He"*en1 And then sh"%% "%% tribes o! the e"rth o(rn1 And the' sh"%%
see the Son o! M"n coing in the c%o(ds o! He"*en with (ch $ower
"nd "Kest'1 C2 And He sh"%% send His "nge%s with " tr($et0 "nd "
gre"t *oice0 "nd the' sh"%% g"ther together His e%ect !ro the !o(r
winds0 !ro the !"rthest $"rts o! the he"*ens to the (tost bo(nds o!

C5 And !ro the !ig tree %e"rn " $"r"b%e: 9hen the br"nch is now
tender "nd the %e"*es coe !orth0 'o( know th"t s(er is nigh1
CC So 'o( "%so0 when 'o( sh"%% see "%% these things L*156: the 'stic"%
"$$e"r"nces o! the s"ints "nd the Lord which "re incre"sing "%% o*er the wor%d "nd
e*er'thing once tr(sted in being sh"kenM0 know th"t it is nigh0 e*en "t the
doors1 C7 Most "ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0 th"t this gener"tion Lth"t sees
these thingsM sh"%% not $"ss0 (nti% "%% these things be done1 C3 He"*en
"nd e"rth sh"%% $"ss0 b(t M' words sh"%% not $"ssP
This e"ns th"t the gener"tion th"t witnesses the 'stic"% coing o! O(r Lord "t the betr"'"%
o! the ,h(rch "nd the ;(enching o! the %ight o! tr(th0 the Gre"t A$ost"s'0 wi%% not $"ss (nti% the
!in"% so%en coing o! o(r Lord t"kes $%"ce1 These end tie e*ents !o%%ow the $"ttern o! one
gener"tion between the betr"'"% o! O(r Lord "nd His coing "t the destr(ction o! +er(s"%e1
)t is i$ort"nt to note in Re*e%"tion 22:4 th"t the <cit'= in which the witnesses o! the ,h(rch
sh"%% be ki%%ed is c"%%ed <+er(s"%e= @"nd s$irit("% <Sodo or Eg'$t=A1 There is then " *er'
c%e"r $"r"%%e% between O(r LordHs cr(ci!i:ion "nd the <cr(ci!i:ion= o! the ,h(rch0 the /od' o!
CF /(t o! th"t d"' "nd ho(r no one knows0 not e*en the "nge%s o!
He"*en0 b(t the F"ther "%one1
C6 And "s in the d"'s o! No"h0D so
sh"%% "%so be the d"'s o! the L!in"%0 !or"%M coing o! the Son o! M"n1
C4 For "s in the d"'s be!ore the !%ood0 the' were e"ting "nd drinking0
"rr'ing "nd gi*ing in "rri"ge0 e*en (nti% th"t d"' in which No"h
entered into the "rk0 C8 "nd knowing not (nti% the !%ood c"e "nd
took the "%% "w"'0 so "%so sh"%% it be "t the coing o! the Son o!
M"n1 7> Then two sh"%% be in the !ie%d0 one sh"%% be t"ken Lin di*ine
K(dgent to be cons(ed b' the brightness o! His coing1 5 Thess1 5:4E
Re*128:22#230521M "nd one sh"%% be %e!t1 72 Two woen sh"%% be
grinding "t the i%%0D one sh"%% be t"ken "nd one sh"%% be %e!t1 75
9"tch there!ore0 bec"(se 'o( know not wh"t ho(r 'o(r Lord wi%%
coe1 D)n L(keHs $re*io(s "cco(nt o! +es(sH te"ching on the end ties0 He entions the
d"'s o! No"h "nd two woen grinding together @5>F1 G Lk1 26:5F0C3A1 These "cco(nts
$rob"b%' be%ong to this te"ching b(t the' were %e!t with other end tie te"chings not !o(nd in
The Poem1
Personal death is also a /econd (omin.
7C /(t know this0 th"t i! the good"n L"sterM o! the ho(se knew "t
wh"t ho(r the thie! wo(%d coe0 he wo(%d cert"in%' w"tch0 "nd wo(%d
not "%%ow his ho(se to be broken into1 77 9here!ore0 be 'o( "%so
re"d'0 bec"(se "t wh"t ho(r 'o( know not the Son o! M"n wi%% coe1
73 9ho then is " !"ith!(% "nd wise ser*"nt0 who his %ord h"s
"$$ointed o*er His !"i%'0 to gi*e the !ood "t the $ro$er tieB 7F
/%essed is th"t ser*"nt0 who0 when his %ord sh"%% coe0 sh"%% !ind so
doingP 76 Most "ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0 He sh"%% $%"ce hi o*er "%% His
goodsP 74 /(t i! th"t e*i% ser*"nt sh"%% s"' in his he"rt: M' %ord is
%ong in coing0 78 "nd sh"%% begin to strike his !e%%ow ser*"nts0 "nd
e"t "nd drink with dr(nk"rds0 3> the Lord o! th"t ser*"nt sh"%% coe
in " d"' th"t he wo(%d not h"*e ho$ed0 "nd "t "n ho(r in which he
wi%% be (n"w"re1 32 And He sh"%% se$"r"te hi "nd "$$oint his
$ortion with the h'$ocrites1 There sh"%% be there wee$ing "nd
gn"shing o! teethP
M- 2C
5F And then sh"%% the' see the Son o! M"n coing in the c%o(ds0
with gre"t $ower "nd g%or'1 56 And then sh"%% He send His "nge%s0
"nd sh"%% g"ther together His e%ect !ro the !o(r winds0 !ro the
(tterost $"rt o! the e"rth
to the (tterost $"rt o!
54 Now o! the !ig tree
%e"rn " $"r"b%e1 9hen the
br"nch is now tender0 "nd
the %e"*es h"*e coe
!orth0 'o( know th"t
s(er is *er' ne"r1 58
So 'o( "%so know th"t it is
*er' nigh0 e*en "t the
doors when 'o( sh"%% see
these things L*157#53M coe
to $"ss1 C> Most "ss(red%'
) s"' to 'o(0 th"t this
gener"tion sh"%% not $"ss0
(nti% "%% these things "re
"cco$%ished Linc%(ding the
!or"% %iter"% ret(rn o! ,hristM1
C2 He"*en "nd e"rth sh"%%
$"ss "w"'0 b(t M' 9ord
sh"%% not $"ss "w"'P
/(t o! th"t d"' or ho(r no
"n knows0 neither the
"nge%s in He"*en0 nor the
Son Lwhi%e in this wor%dM0 b(t
the F"ther1 CC T"ke heed0
w"tch "nd $r"'P
For 'o(
know not when the tie
!eath also in#ol#es a /econd
(omin of (hrist.
C7 )t LM' coingM is e*en
"s " "n who going into "
!"r co(ntr'0 %e!t his ho(se
"nd g"*e "(thorit' to his
ser*"nts o*er e*er' work0
"nd co"nded the $orter
to w"tch1 C3 9"tch
there!ore0 !or 'o( know
not when the %ord o! the
ho(se wi%% coe0 whether
it wi%% be "t e*en0 "t
idnight0 "t the
cockcrowing0 or in the
orningP CF 9"tch %est
coing s(dden%'0 He !inds
'o( s%ee$ingP L+es(s
e:$%"ined to His A$ost%es this
w"s re!erring to His coing "t
o(r de"th1 The Poem &07FF#
7F6M C6 And wh"t ) s"'
to 'o(0 ) s"' to "%%: 9"tchP
L- 52
53 And there sh"%% be signs in the
s(n0 in the oon0 "nd in the st"rs0
"nd ($on the e"rth0 distress o!
n"tions0 b' re"son o! the con!(sion
o! the ro"ring o! the se" "nd o! the
w"*es Ltid"% w"*es "nd ts(n"isM1 5F
Men sh"%% be withering "w"' !or
!e"r0 "nd e:$ect"tion o! wh"t sh"%%
coe ($on the who%e wor%d1 For
the $owers o! the he"*ens sh"%% be
sh"ken1 56 And then the' sh"%% see
the Son o! M"n coing in " c%o(d
Lo! "nge%sM0 with gre"t $ower "nd
"Kest'1 54 /(t when these things
begin to coe to $"ss0 %ook ($0 "nd
%i!t ($ 'o(r he"ds0 bec"(se 'o(r
rede$tion is "t h"ndP
58 And He s$oke to the in "
!ig(re1 See the !ig tree "nd "%% the
trees1 C> 9hen the' now shoot
!orth their !r(it Lthe !ig shows !r(it
be!ore the %e"*esM 'o( know th"t
s(er is nigh1 C2 So 'o( "%so0
when 'o( sh"%% see these things
coe to $"ss0 know th"t the
-ingdo o! God Lin its !(%%
"ni!est"tionM is "t h"nd1 C5 Most
"ss(red%'0 ) s"' to 'o(0 this
gener"tion Lbeginning to see these
signsM sh"%% not $"ss "w"'0 (nti% "%%
things "re !(%!i%%ed1D CC Heaven
and earth shall pass a#ay' but
My #ords shall not pass a#ayL
DThe $eriod inc%(ding the rise0 !"%% "nd
destr(ction o! the /e"st o! Re*e%"tion 2Cc260
the <2>>> 'e"rs0= the !in"% test b' Gog "nd
M"gog in Re*15> "nd the %iter"% coing o! O(r
Lord "nd S"*ior wi%% then be )ithin one
Personal death is also a second
C7 And t"ke heed to 'o(rse%*es0
%est $erh"$s 'o(r he"rts be
weighted down with se%!#
ind(%gence "nd dr(nkenness0 or
the c"res o! this %i!e0 "nd th"t d"'
then coes ($on 'o( s(dden%'
witho(t notice1 C3 For "s " LhiddenM
sn"re it sh"%% coe ($on "%% th"t
dwe%% ($on the !"ce o! the who%e
e"rth1 CF 9"tch there!ore0 $r"'ing
"t "%% ties0 th"t 'o( "' be
"cco(nted worth' to esc"$e "%%
these things th"t "re to coe0 "nd
to Lin the endM st"nd be!ore the Son
o! M"n Lto be recei*ed into the etern"%
C6 And d(ring the d"' +es(s t"(ght
in the te$%e0 b(t "t night0 going
o(t0 He "bode in the o(nt th"t is
c"%%ed O%i*et1 C4 And e"r%' in the
ornings "%% the $eo$%e h"d coe
to Hi in the te$%e to he"r Hi1
*2,. M A$r0 9ed0 AD C7 Those Who Will )nter the Oingdom and Those Who Will be %eReted # Mo(nt
O! O%i*es F"cing the Te$%e 387dG$17F6
C2 And when the Son o! M"n sh"%% coe in His "Kest'0 "nd "%% the "nge%s with Hi0 then sh"%% He sit ($on the
se"t o! His "Kest'1 C5 And "%% n"tions sh"%% be g"thered together be!ore Hi0 "nd He sh"%% se$"r"te en one
!ro "nother0 "s the she$herd se$"r"tes the shee$ !ro the go"ts LEIek1C7:26M1 CC And He sh"%% set the shee$ on
His right h"nd0 b(t the go"ts on his %e!t1 C7 Then sh"%% the -ing s"' to those who sh"%% be on His right h"nd:
,oe0 "%% 'o( b%essed o! M' F"ther0 $ossess the -ingdo $re$"red !or 'o( !ro the !o(nd"tion o! the wor%d1 C3
For ) w"s h(ngr' "nd 'o( g"*e Me to e"t1 ) w"s thirst' "nd 'o( g"*e Me to drink1 ) w"s " str"nger0 b(t 'o( took
Me in1 CF N"ked w"s ) "nd 'o( co*ered Me0 sick w"s )0 "nd 'o( *isited Me1 ) w"s in $rison0 "nd 'o( c"e to
Me1L)s"134:6M C6 Then sh"%% the righteo(s "nswer Hi0 s"'ing: Lord0 when did we see Yo( h(ngr' "nd !ed Yo(0 or
thirst' "nd g"*e 'o( drinkB C4 And when did we see Yo( " str"nger "nd took Yo( inB Or n"ked "nd co*ered
Yo(B C8 Or when did we see Yo( sick or in $rison "nd c"e to Yo(B 7> And the -ing "nswering0 sh"%% s"' to
the: Most "ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0 "s %ong "s 'o( did it to one o! these M' %e"st brethren0 'o( did it to Me 1
LPro*128:26M 72 Then He sh"%% s"' to those "%so th"t sh"%% be on His %e!t h"nd: De$"rt !ro Me 'o( c(rsed into
e*er%"sting !ire which w"s $re$"red !or the De*i% "nd his "nge%sP 75 For ) w"s h(ngr'0 "nd 'o( g"*e Me nothing
to e"t1 ) w"s thirst'0 "nd 'o( g"*e Me nothing to drink1 7C ) w"s " str"nger0 "nd 'o( did not t"ke Me in1 N"ked
w"s )0 "nd 'o( co*ered Me not0 sick "nd in $rison0 "nd 'o( did not *isit Me1 77 Then the' "%so sh"%% "nswer
Hi0 s"'ing: Lord0 when did we see Yo( h(ngr'0 or thirst'0 or " str"nger0 or n"ked0 or sick0 or in $rison0 "nd did
not inister to Yo(BP 73 Then He sh"%% "nswer the0 s"'ing: Most "ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0 "s %ong "s 'o( did it
not to one o! these %e"st ones0 neither did 'o( do it to Me1 7F And these sh"%% go into e*er%"sting $(nishent0 b(t
the K(st0 into %i!e e*er%"stingP
*2*. M A$r0 9ed0 AD C7 .esus9 5ast Teahings to His Many Faith!ul Disiples # The Fie%d o! the G"%i%e"n @383G$17F8A
2 AND it c"e to $"ss when +es(s h"d ended "%% these
words0 He s"id to His Disci$%es: 5 Yo( know th"t "!ter two
d"'s sh"%% be the P"sso*er0 "nd the Son o! M"n sh"%% be
de%i*ered ($ to be cr(ci!ied1
M- 27
2 NO9 the Fe"st o! the P"sso*er "nd o! the AI'es L.n%e"*ened /re"dM
w"s in two d"'s0 "nd the chie! $riests "nd the scribes so(ght how the'
ight b' soe deceit %"' ho%d on +es(s "nd ki%% Hi1 5 /(t the' s"id: Not
on the !e"st d"'0 %est there sho(%d be " t((%t "ong the $eo$%e1 L/(t th"t
is e:"ct%' wh"t took $%"ce "nd the' cert"in%' were not concerned "bo(t its i%%eg"%it'PM
*2<. M A$r0 Th(0 AD C7 $rranging For the 5ast 3assover # Morning in Gethse"ne 38F"G$176F
26 And on the !irst d"' o! the AI'es LFe"st o!
.n%e"*ened /re"dD G 27
Nis"nM0 the Disci$%es
c"e to +es(s0 s"'ing: 9here wo(%d Yo( th"t
we $re$"re !or Yo( to e"t the P"sso*er Ltonight0
the ne:t +ewish d"'0 Frid"'MB 24 +es(s s"id: Go into
the cit' to " cert"in "n "nd s"' to hi: The
M"ster s"'s: M' tie is ne"r "t h"nd0 "t 'o(r
ho(se ) wi%% kee$ the P"sso*er with M'
disci$%es1 28 And the Disci$%es did "s +es(s h"d
instr(cted the0 "nd the' $re$"red the
P"sso*er1 LThis "%so w"s done to he%$ the Disci$%es in
their d"rkest ho(rs to re"%iIe +es(s w"s !(%%' in contro%
o! the sit("tion1M
Dthe !irst day o! $zymes 7 >nleavened :read: )n "n e"r%ier
$eriod Frid"'0 the follo)in' day0 wo(%d h"*e been c"%%ed the
!irst d"' the Festi*"% o! .n%e"*ened /re"d or P"sso*er0 the
!esti*"% being on%' se*en d"'s0 b(t b' the tie o! ,hrist the
Pre$"r"tion D"'0 when the %"bs were s%"in0 w"s o!ten inc%(ded
in the !esti*e $eriod "s M"tthew0 M"rk "nd L(ke "%% "ke c%e"r0
"king "n eight d"' !esti*"%1 A%% %e"*en h"d to be reo*ed !ro
e*er' ho(se "nd b(rned b' noon on this 27
d"' o! Nis"n0 "nd
(n%e"*ened %o"*es h"d to be $re$"red1 /etween 5:C> "nd F $
the s%"(ghtering o! the %"bs took $%"ce0 which were then "de
re"d' !or the P"sso*er e"% th"t beg"n "!ter s(nset0 the
beginning o! the ne:t Hebrew d"'0 Nis"n 230 which on this 'e"r
!e%% on Frid"'1
M- 27
25 Now Lin the orningM on the !irst d"' o!
the Fe"st o! .n%e"*ened /re"d0D when Lin
the "!ternoonM the' s"cri!iced the P"sso*er
L%"bM0 the Disci$%es s"id to Hi: 9here
wo(%d Yo( th"t we go "nd $re$"re !or
Yo( to e"t the P"sso*er Ltonight0 the ne:t
+ewish d"'0 Frid"'MB 2C And +es(s then sent
two o! His Disci$%es0 h"*ing s"id to
the: Go into the cit' "nd there " "n
sh"%% eet 'o( c"rr'ing " $itcher o!
w"ter0 !o%%ow hi1 27 And wh"te*er
ho(se he goes into0 s"' to the "ster o!
the ho(se: The M"ster s"'s: 9here is M'
g(est roo0 where ) "' e"t the P"sso*er
with M' disci$%esB 23 And he wi%% show
'o( " %"rge !(rnished dining roo1 There
$re$"re !or (s1 2F And His Disci$%es
went their w"' "nd c"e into the cit' "nd
the' !o(nd it "s He h"d to%d the0 so the'
$re$"red the P"sso*er1
L- 55
6 And the L!irstM d"' o! the Fe"st o!
.n%e"*ened /re"d L27
o! Nis"nM c"e0
on which it w"s necess"r' th"t the
P"sso*er L%"bsM sho(%d be ki%%ed1 4 And
+es(s sent Peter "nd +ohn0 s"'ing: Go
"nd $re$"re !or (s the P"sso*er th"t we
"' e"t1 8 /(t the' s"id: 9here wo(%d
Yo( th"t we $re$"reB 2> And He s"id to
the: /eho%d0 "s 'o( go into the cit'
'o( sh"%% eet " "n c"rr'ing " $itcher
o! w"ter1 Fo%%ow hi into the ho(se
where he enters1 22 And 'o( sh"%% s"' to
the "ster o! the ho(se: The M"ster
"sks o! 'o(: 9here is the g(est
ch"ber0 where ) "' e"t the P"sso*er
with M' disci$%esB 25 And he wi%% show
'o( " %"rge !(rnished dining roo1 And
there $re$"re1 2C And the' going0 !o(nd
it "s He h"d s"id0 "nd the' "de re"d'
the P"sso*er1
*2@. M A$r0 Th(0 AD C7 .esus (pea/s to Many Interested Gentiles 7 He that 5oves his 5i!e shall 5ose It #
The Te$%e 38F"G$1745
+N 25 5C41TU
5> Now there were cert"in Genti%es "ong the0 who c"e ($ to worshi$ on the !e"st d"'1 52 These0 there!ore0
c"e to Phi%i$ who w"s o! /eths"id" o! G"%i%ee0 "nd "sked hi0 s"'ing: Sir0 we wo(%d see +es(sP 55 Phi%i$
c"e "nd to%d Andrew1 Then Andrew "nd Phi%i$ to%d +es(s1 5C /(t +es(s "nswered the0 s"'ing: The ho(r h"s
coe th"t the Son o! M"n sho(%d be g%ori!iedP 57 Most cert"in%' "nd "ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0 (n%ess the gr"in o!
whe"t0 !"%%ing into the gro(nd0 dies0 53 it re"ins "%one1 /(t i! it dies0 it brings !orth (ch !r(itP He who %o*es
his %i!e sh"%% %ose itP And he who h"tes his %i!e in this wor%d0 kee$s it (nto %i!e etern"%P 5F )! "n' "n inisters
to Me0 %et hi !o%%ow Me0 "nd where ) " there "%so sh"%% M' inister be1D )! "n' "n inisters to Me0 hi
wi%% M' F"ther honorP D,o$"re this to the $roise in 27:C02405205C
56 Now is M' so(% tro(b%ed1 And wh"t sh"%% ) s"'B F"ther0 s"*e Me !ro this ho(rB /(t0 !or this c"(se ) c"e
(nto this ho(rP 54 F"ther0 g%ori!' Th' n"eP A *oice0 there!ore0 c"e !ro He"*en: ) HA&E /OTH
58 The (%tit(de0 there!ore0 th"t stood "nd he"rd0 s"id th"t it th(ndered1 Others s"id: An "nge% s$oke to HiP
C> +es(s "nswered "nd s"id: This *oice c"e not bec"(se o! Me0 b(t !or 'o(r s"kesP C2 Now is the K(dgent o!
the wor%dP Now sh"%% the $rince o! this wor%d be c"st o(tP C5 And )0 i! ) " %i!ted ($ !ro the e"rth0 wi%% dr"w
"%% things to M'se%!1 CC @Now this He s"id0 signi!'ing wh"t de"th He sho(%d die1A C7 The (%tit(de "nswered
Hi: 9e h"*e he"rd o(t o! the L"w th"t ,hrist "bides !ore*er0 so how "re Yo( s"'ing: The Son o! M"n (st be
%i!ted ($B 9ho is this Son o! M"nB C3 +es(s0 there!ore0 s"id to the: Yet " %itt%e whi%e the Light is "ong 'o(1
9"%k Ltow"rds the tr(thM whi%e 'o( h"*e the Light0 th"t the d"rkness does not o*ert"ke 'o(1 For he who w"%ks in
d"rkness0 knows not where he goes1 CF 9hi%e 'o( h"*e the Light0 be%ie*e in the Light0 th"t 'o( "' be the
chi%dren o! Light1
These things +es(s s$oke0 "nd then He went "w"' "nd hid Hise%! !ro the1 C6 And e*en tho(gh He h"d
done so "n' ir"c%es be!ore the0 the' did not be%ie*e in Hi0 C4 th"t the s"'ing o! )s"i"h the $ro$het ight
be !(%!i%%ed0 which s"id: %ord, )ho has -elie+ed o&r reportL and to )hom has the =rm of the %ord >the ,hrist@
-een re+ealedL Z)s"13C:2[ C8 There!ore0 the' co(%d not be%ie*e0 bec"(se )s"i"h s"id
"g"in: 7> He has -linded
their eyes, and hardened their heart
, that they sho&ld not see )ith their eyes, or &nderstand )ith their heart,
and -e con+erted, and that I sho&ld heal them" Z)s"i"h F:8[ 72 These things s"id )s"i"h0 when he s"w His g%or'0
"nd s$oke o! Hi L,hristM1 75 Howe*er0 "n' o! the chie! en "%so be%ie*ed in Hi0 b(t bec"(se o! the Ph"risees
the' did not con!ess Hi0 th"t the' ight not be c"st o(t o! the s'n"gog(e1 7C For the' %o*ed the g%or' o! en
ore th"n the g%or' o! God1
They ould not believe beause Isaiah said: The $ro$hec' did not deterine their (nbe%ie!0 their (nbe%ie! deterined the
$ro$hec'1 +ohnHs e:$ression is si$%' " strong w"' to e$h"siIe the cert"int' o! the di*ine "(thorshi$ o! the Scri$t(res1
He hath blinded their eyesQ%est the' sho(%d be con*erted: The $hr"se "$$%ies on%' to those )s"i"h is describing who he sees "s
de%iber"te%' re!(sing to $ercei*e "nd (nderst"nd in order to a+oid h"*ing to be con*ertedP
*22. M A$r0 Th(0 AD C7 I $m Come as a 5ight into the World D The Te$%e: 9ords S$eci!ic"%%' !or the
Gre"t R"bbi G""%ie% 38F"G$1743
+N 25 TU5381
77 /(t +es(s cried o(t0 "nd s"id: He who be%ie*es in Me0 does not Lon%'M be%ie*e in Me0 b(t in Hi 9ho sent
MeP 73 And he who sees Me0 sees Hi 9ho sent MeP 7F ) h"*e coe "s " %ight into the wor%d0 th"t whoe*er
be%ie*es in Me0 wi%% not re"in in d"rknessP 76 And i! "n' "n he"rs M' words0 "nd kee$s the not0 ) do not
K(dge hi0 !or ) c"e not to K(dge the wor%d0 b(t to s"*e the wor%dP 74 He who des$ises Me "nd recei*es not
M' words0 h"s one to K(dge hi1 The 9ord th"t ) h"*e s$oken0 the s"e sh"%% K(dge hi in the %"st d"'1 78 For
) h"*e not s$oken o! M'se%!0 b(t the F"ther 9ho sent Me0 He g"*e Me "s " co"ndent wh"t ) sho(%d s"'0 "nd
wh"t ) sho(%d s$e"k1 3> And ) know th"t His co"ndent Lto obe' itM is %i!e e*er%"sting1 The things0 there!ore0
th"t ) s$e"k0 e*en "s the F"ther s"id to Me0 so do ) s$e"kP
*2C. M A$r0 Th(0 AD C7 .udas ma/es his Final 3lans !or :etrayal # +(d"s with the S"nhedrin 38F"G$174F
C Then were g"thered together the chie! $riests "nd r(%ing
e%ders o! the $eo$%e into the co(rt o! the high $riest who w"s
c"%%ed ,"i"$h"s1D 7 And the' cons(%ted together th"t the' ight
with s%'ness "$$rehend +es(s "nd $(t hi to de"th1 3 /(t the'
s"id: Not on the !e"st d"'0 %est $erh"$s there sho(%d be " t((%t
"ong the $eo$%e1 D,"i"$h"s w"s high $riest b(t the e%der%' Ann"s sti%%
h"d o*ersight o! the o!!ice1
L- 55
C And S"t"n entered into +(d"s0 who w"s s(rn"ed )sc"riot L<o!
-erioth=M0 one o! the Twe%*e1 7 And he went "nd disc(ssed with the
chie! $riests "nd the "gistr"tes how he ight betr"' +es(s to the1
3 And the' were g%"d Lth"t he h"d !in"%%' "de ($ his ind on the "terM0
"nd $%edged to gi*e hi one'1 F And +(d"s $roised the Lhe
wo(%d !(%!i%% his word this tieM1 And so he so(ght o$$ort(nit' to betr"'
+es(s in the "bsence o! the crowd1
386G$748 # The Th(rsd"' E*ening be!ore P"sso*er1 Arri*"% "t the S($$er Roo LHo%' M"r' de$"rts to " roo "bo*e to re"in in $r"'er
thro(gho(t the night1 +es(s Koins her to s"' goodb'e "nd to $re$"re her !or the ho(rs o! "gon' she wi%% end(re1 A!ter " ost o*ing tie
together0 He bids !"rewe%% to the Mother1M
TH) >33)% %44M 7 M $3%I5 $D <@ LPoe ,h"$ter 384M .e#ish Friday' "isan ,2
*2;. M A$r0 Th(0 AD C7 The First Cup' The Carving o! the 5amb and the (eond Cup # The .$$er Roo 384"G$1787
MT 5F 53C1TU5F21
5> And when it
w"s e*ening0 He
s"t down with His
twe%*e disci$%es1
M- 27 53C1TU5F21
26 And when e*ening
c"e0 He c"e with
the Twe%*e1
L- 55 53C1TU5F>1
27 And when the ho(r h"d coe L!or the P"sso*er e"%M0 He s"t down0 "nd the twe%*e
A$ost%es with Hi1 23 And He s"id to the: 9ith gre"t %onging ) h"*e desired to e"t this
P"sso*er with 'o( be!ore ) s(!!er1 2F For ) s"' to 'o(0 th"t !ro this tie ) wi%% not e"t it
(nti% it Lthe tr(e P"sso*er !e"stM be !(%!i%%ed in the -ingdo o! God Lthe M"rri"ge S($$er o! the
L"b #Re*128:6#80 26#24M1 26 And h"*ing t"ken the L5
M ch"%ice0 He g"*e th"nks0 "nd s"id:
T"ke0 "nd di*ide it "ong 'o(0 24 !or ) s"' to 'o( th"t ) wi%% not drink o! the !r(it o! the
*ine (nti%D the -ingdo o! God coes1
DThis wo(%d be !o%%owing the Res(rrection when o(r Lord Hise%! wo(%d $"ss thro(gh the He"*en%' Te$%e *ei% "nd
$resent His own b%ood "s "n "toneent !or h("n sin "nd so est"b%ish the New ,o*en"nt thro(gh which the Ho%' S$irit
co(%d now be i$"rted to His $eo$%e "king the once "g"in sons o! God0 the st"te which "n %ost "t the F"%%1 This st"te
o! Gr"ce wo(%d be necess"r' !or "n to enter the $resence o! God in He"*en1
*2B. M A$r0 Th(0 AD C7 .esus Warns $bout 3osition and Wea/ness 7 3eter9s Denial Foretold # .$$er Roo 384"G$1784
All three of the above Gospel writers place in this episode (258.) the prediction of Peters denials only because it fts the contet of !esus warnin"
to Peter. Accordin" to The Poem# the predictions ca$e later where !ohn placed it in 2%&.
MT 5F 5621TU5651
C2 Then +es(s s"id to
the: A%% o! 'o( sh"%% be
sc"nd"%iIed in Me this
night1 For it is written: I
)ill stri*e the !hepherd
and the sheep of the floc*
shall -e dispersed"
ZOech12C:6[ C5 /(t "!ter ) "
risen "g"in0 ) wi%% go
be!ore 'o( into G"%i%ee1 CC
And Peter "nswering0 s"id
to Hi: A%tho(gh "%% sh"%%
be sc"nd"%iIed in Yo(0 )
wi%% ne*er be sc"nd"%iIedP
C7 +es(s s"id to hi: Most
"ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0 th"t
in this night be!ore the
cock crows0D 'o( wi%%
den' Me thrice1 LThen "!ter
the !irst cock crowed Peter
"ct("%%' denied the !o(rth tie
be!ore the second %o(der
crowing1M C3 Peter s"id to
Hi: Tho(gh ) sho(%d die
with Yo(0 ) wi%% not den'
Yo(P And "%% the Disci$%es
s"id the s"e1
DMt10 Lk1 "nd +n1 @5F71A "%% show
three deni"%s be!ore the cock crows
e*en once1 This shows "s The
Poem con!irs there were 7 deni"%s
b' Peter1 )ndeed0 Mk1 s"'s th"t "
second crowing t"kes $%"ce right
"!ter " deni"%1 @See 5871A
M- 27 5621TU5651
56 And +es(s s"id to
the: Yo( wi%% "%% be
sc"nd"%iIed in M'
reg"rd this night0 !or it
is written: I )ill stri*e
the !hepherd, and the
sheep shall -e
dispersed? ZOech12C:6[ 54
/(t "!ter ) h"*e risen
"g"in0 ) wi%% go be!ore
'o( into G"%i%ee1 58
/(t Peter s"id to Hi:
A%tho(gh "%% sh"%% be
sc"nd"%iIed in Yo(0 'et
) wi%% notP C> And
+es(s s"id to hi:
Most "ss(red%' ) s"' to
'o(0 tod"' LThis w"s now
the Hebrew Frid"'PM0 e*en
in this night0 be!ore
the cock crows twice0
'o( sh"%% den' Me L"t
%e"stM thrice1 LPeter
"ct("%%' denied 7 ties
be!ore the 5
crowingM C2
/(t he s$oke the ore
*eheent%': A%tho(gh
) sho(%d die together
with Yo(0 ) wi%% not
den' Yo(PP And the'
"%% s"id the s"e thing1
L- 55 5F2b1 c 5F61TU5621
57 And there w"s "%so " stri!e "ongst the0 o*er which o! the seeed to be the
gre"ter1 53 And +es(s s"id to the: The kings o! the Genti%es %ord it o*er the0
"nd the' th"t h"*e $ower o*er the "re e*en c"%%ed bene!"ctors1 5F /(t !or 'o(
this is not to be soP /(t he who is the gre"ter "ong 'o(0 %et hi becoe "s the
'o(nger1 And he who is the %e"der0 %et hi becoe "s he who ser*es1 56 For who
is gre"ter0 he who sits "t the t"b%e0 or he who ser*esB )s it not he who sits "t the
t"b%eB /(t ) h"*e been in the idst o! 'o(0 "s he who ser*es1 54 And 'o( "re those
who h"*e contin(ed with Me in M' tri"%s1 58 And "s M' F"ther h"s "$$ointed to
Me " kingdo so ) "$$oint it to 'o(0 C> th"t 'o( "' e"t "nd drink "t M' t"b%e in
M' kingdo "nd "' sit ($on thrones0 K(dging the twe%*e tribes o! )sr"e% Lthe
who%e bod' o! M' ,h(rch0 New )sr"e%M1
C2 And the Lord s"id: Sion0 Sion0 beho%d S"t"n h"s desired to h"*e 'o( th"t
he "' si!t 'o( "s whe"t1 C5 /(t ) h"*e $r"'ed !or 'o( th"t 'o(r !"ith !"i%s not1
And 'o(0 being then con*erted0 con!ir 'o(r brethren1 CC Peter s"id to +es(s:
Lord0 ) " re"d' to go with Yo(0 both into $rison "nd to de"thP C7 And +es(s s"id:
) s"' to 'o(0 Peter0 the cock sh"%% not crow this d"' Le*en onceM0 (nti% 'o( h"*e
thrice denied th"t 'o( know Me1 LPeter "ct("%%' denied 7 ties be!ore the 5
And he s"id to the "%%: C3 9hen ) sent 'o( witho(t $(rse0 or $ro*ision b"g0 or
shoes0 did 'o( %"ck "n'thingB CF And the' s"id: Nothing1 Then s"id He (nto
the: /(t now he who h"s " $(rse0 %et hi t"ke it0 "nd %ikewise " $ro*ision b"g1
And he who h"s no sword0 %et hi se%% his co"t "nd b(' one1 C6 For ) s"' to 'o(0
th"t this which is written (st 'et be !(%!i%%ed in Me: =nd )ith the )ic*ed )as
He rec*oned" Z)s"i"h 3C:25[ For those things concerning Me h"*e now re"ched their
!(%!i%%ent1 C4 /(t the' s"id: Lord0 beho%d here "re two swordsP And He s"id to
the: )t is eno(gh1
The s#ords +es(s enco(r"ged the to c"rr' were on%' !or their own se%!#de!ense not to est"b%ish
the kingdoP +es(s recogniIes here the b"sic right o! se%! de!ense0 b(t "s !or Hise%! +es(s
"%w"'s tr(sted God to $rotect Hi0 b(t He knew th"t ost en co(%d ne*er %i*e co$%ete%' b'
th"t $rinci$%e1 9h"t ho%ds tr(e !or se%!#de!ense e*en ore cert"in%' goes !or de!ense o! !"i%'
"nd n"tion !or here we "re res$onsib%e !or others who "%ost cert"in%' h"*e not re"ched th"t %e*e%
o! !(%% !"ith "nd to !"i% to $rotect wo(%d be "n "b"ndonent o! " s"cred d(t' (n%ess resist"nce is
c%e"r%' re*e"%ed to be contr"r' to GodHs wi%%1 This w"s tr(e when /"b'%on c"e "s " di*ine
ch"stiseent !or the -ingdo o! +(d"h1 )sr"e% w"s to%d to s(rrender to their c"$tors1
*2A. M A$r0 Th(0 AD C7 .esus Washes His Disiples9 Feet' The <
Cup' The Meaning ' The @
.e#ish Friday' "isan ,2 384"G$13>>
+N 2C 5331TU5F21
2 NO9 LE&ENM /EFORE the !e"st d"' o! the P"sso*er0 +es(s knew th"t His ho(r h"d coe th"t He sho(%d $"ss
o(t o! this wor%d to the F"ther0 "nd h"*ing L"%w"'sM %o*ed His own who were in the wor%d0 He %o*ed the (nto the
*er' end1 5 And so when s($$er w"s done @the De*i% h"*ing now $(t into the he"rt o! +(d"s )sc"riot0 the son o!
Sion to betr"' HiA0 C "nd knowing th"t the F"ther h"d gi*en Hi "%% things into His h"nds0 "nd knowing th"t
He c"e !ro God "nd w"s going b"ck to God0 7 He rose !ro s($$er "nd %"id "side His g"rents0 "nd h"*ing
t"ken " towe%0 He girded hise%!1 3 A!ter th"t0 He $(t w"ter into " b"sin "nd beg"n to w"sh the !eet o! the
Disci$%es "nd to wi$e the with the towe% with which he w"s girded1 F He c"e0 there!ore0 to Sion Peter1 /(t
Peter s"id to Hi: Lord0 do Yo( w"sh ' !eetBP 6 +es(s "nswered "nd s"id to hi: 9h"t ) do0 'o( do not
(nderst"nd now0 b(t 'o( sh"%% know here"!ter1 4 Peter s"id to Hi: Yo( sh"%% ne*er w"sh ' !eetP +es(s
"nswered hi: )! ) w"sh 'o( not0 'o( sh"%% h"*e no $"rt with Me1 8 Sion Peter s"id to Hi: Lord0 then not
on%' ' !eet0 b(t "%so ' h"nds "nd ' he"dP 2> +es(s s"id to hi: He who is "%re"d' w"shed needs not to
w"sh0 b(t on%' his !eet0 to be co$%ete%' c%e"n1 L+es(s h"*ing !inished sits down "nd s"'s:M And 'o( "re now c%e"n0 b(t
not "%% Lo! 'o(M1 22 For He knew who he w"s th"t wo(%d betr"' Hi1 For this re"son He s"id: Yo( "re not "%%
25 So L"%soM "!ter He h"d w"shed their !eet0 "nd t"ken His g"rents0 "nd w"s se"ted He s"id to the: Do 'o(
(nderst"nd wh"t ) h"*e done to 'o(B 2C Yo( c"%% Me M"ster "nd Lord0 "nd 'o( "re right0 !or so ) "1 27 )! then
)0 being 'o(r Lord "nd M"ster h"*e w"shed 'o(r !eet0 'o( "%so o(ght to w"sh one "notherHs !eet1 23 For ) h"*e
gi*en 'o( "n e:"$%e0 th"t "s ) h"*e done to 'o(0 so 'o( (st do "%so1 2F Most cert"in%' "nd "ss(red%' ) s"' to
'o(: The ser*"nt is not gre"ter th"n his %ord1 Neither is the "$ost%e gre"ter th"n He 9ho sent hi1 26 )! 'o(
know these things0 'o( sh"%% be b%essed i! 'o( do the1 24 ) s$e"k not o! 'o( "%%1 ) know who ) h"*e chosen1
/(t th"t the Scri$t(re "' be !(%!i%%ed: He )ho eats -read )ith Me, shall lift &p his heel a'ainst Me1 ZPs"% 7>:2>[
28 ) te%% 'o( now0 be!ore it coes to $"ss th"t when it coes to $"ss0 'o( "' be%ie*e th"t ) " He L"nd not !"%%
into total des$"irM1 5> Most cert"in%' "nd "ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0 he who recei*es whoe*er ) send0 recei*es Me0
"nd he who recei*es Me0 recei*es Hi 9ho sent MeP
*C+. M A$r0 Th(0 AD C7 The "e# 3assover %itual # .$$er Roo .e#ish Friday' "isan ,2 384"G$13>7
MT 5F 5F51TU5621
5F And whi%e the' were "t s($$er0 +es(s
took bre"d0 b%essed "nd broke it0 "nd g"*e
it to His Disci$%es0 "nd s"id: E"ch o! 'o(
t"ke "nd e"t1 This is M' /od'1 56 And
t"king the ,h"%ice0 He g"*e th"nks "nd
g"*e to the0 s"'ing: A%% o! 'o( drink o!
this0 54 !or this is M' /%ood o! the New
Test"ent Lc ,o*en"ntM which sh"%% be shed
!or "n' (nto reission o! sins1 58 And )
s"' to 'o(0 ) wi%% not drink o! the !r(it o!
the *ine !ro this tie !orth (nti% th"t d"'
when ) sh"%% drink it with 'o( new in the
-ingdo o! M' F"ther1D
M- 27 5FC1TU5621
55 And whi%e the' were e"ting0 +es(s took
bre"d "nd b%essing it0 broke "nd g"*e to
the "nd s"id: T"ke it0 this is M' /od'P
5C And h"*ing t"ken the ,h"%ice "nd
gi*ing th"nks0 He g"*e it to the1 And
the' "%% dr"nk o! it1 57 And He s"id to
the: This is M' /%ood o! the New
,o*en"nt0 which sh"%% be shed !or "n'P
53 Most "ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0 th"t ) wi%%
drink no ore o! the !r(it o! the *ine (nti%
th"t d"' when ) sh"%% drink it new in the
-ingdo o! God1D
L- 55 5361TU
28 And t"king L(n%e"*enedM bre"d0 He g"*e
th"nks0 broke it0 "nd g"*e it to the0
s"'ing: This is M' /od' which is gi*en !or
'o(1 Do this "s " coeor"tion o! Me1
5> )n %ike "nner He took the ,h"%ice
"%so0 "!ter the s($$er0 s"'ing: This ,h"%ice
is the New ,o*en"nt Lr"ti!iedM in M' /%ood0
which sh"%% be shed !or 'o(1
D.nder%ined te:t in Mt1 "nd Mk1 Act("%%' be%ong to 5361
where L(ke $ro$er%' $%"ces it1 Mt "nd Mk $%"ce it here
so no one wo(%d coe to think +es(s did not drink o! the
*ine "t the P"sso*er S($$er1 Once "g"in The Poem
c"tches "n e:tree%' !ine $ointP
*C,. M A$r0 Th(0 AD C7 4ne o! 8ou shall :etray Me 7 The Disiples In1uire D .$$er Roo 384"G$13>3
MT 5F 5361TU5FC1
52 And whi%e the' were
e"ting0 He s"id: Most
"ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0
th"t one o! 'o( is "bo(t
to betr"' Me1 55 And
the' being *er' tro(b%ed0
e*er' one beg"n to "sk: )s
it )0 LordB
M- 27
24 And when the' were
"t the t"b%e "nd e"ting0
+es(s s"id: Most
"ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0
one o! 'o( who e"ts with
Me sh"%% betr"' Me1 28
Then the' beg"n to be
sorrow!(% "nd to s"' to
Hi one b' one: )s it )B
L- 55 TU
52 /(t 'et beho%d0 the h"nd o! hi who
betr"'s Me is with Me on the t"b%e1
L- 55 5FC1TU3341
*C,b. c 5F61
5C And the' beg"n to in;(ire "ong
these%*es "s to which o! the wo(%d do
this thing1
+N 2C 5381TU5FC1
52 9hen +es(s h"d s"id these
things0 He w"s tro(b%ed in
s$irit "nd He testi!ied0 "nd
s"id: Most cert"in%' "nd
"ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0 one o!
'o( sh"%% betr"' Me1 55 The
disci$%es0 there!ore0 %ooked "t
one "nother0 do(bting o!
who He s$oke1
*C*. M A$r0 Th(0 AD C7 .udas %esponds #ith Deeit # .$$er Roo 384"G3>F
MT 5F 5FC1TU5F>1
53 And +(d"s who wo(%d betr"' Hi0 "nswering0 s"id: )s it )0 R"bbiB +es(s s"id to hi: Yo( h"*e s"id it L0 not )MP
*C<. M A$r0 Th(0 AD C7 .ohn is Given a (ign G .udas 5eaves !or the (anhedrin # .$$er Roo 384"G$13>F
MT 5F 5F21TU5F51
5C /(t He "nswering
L+ohn0 "nd whis$ering in
his e"rM0 s"id: He who
di$s his h"nd with
Me in the dish0 he
sh"%% betr"' Me1 57
The Son o! M"n
indeed goes "s it is
written o! Hi0D b(t
woe to th"t "n b'
who the Son o!
M"n sh"%% be
betr"'ed1 )t wo(%d
be betterD !or hi i!
th"t "n h"d not
been bornP
M- 27 5F21TU5F>1
5> +es(s s"id to the Lto +ohn0
whis$ering in his e"rM: )t is one o!
the Twe%*e0 who di$s his h"nd
with Me in the dish1 52 And the
Son o! M"n indeed goes0 "s it
is written o! Hi0D b(t woe to
th"t "n b' who the Son o!
M"n sh"%% be betr"'ed1 )t
wo(%d be betterD !or hi i! th"t "n h"d not been
L- 55
5F2"1TU5F2b1 c
5F61 55 And the
Son o! M"n indeed
goes0 "ccording to
th"t which h"s been
deterinedD b(t 'et0
woe to th"t "n b'
who He sh"%% be
betr"'ed ZPs"1
DMt' M/' Z 5/ D as it is
#ritten o! Him: Ps"1
7>:2>L72:8ME F4LF8M:5>L28M#
5CE 2>4L2>8ME )s"13>:7#6E
3CE Oech122:25#2CE 25:2>E
DMt' Z M/ D it #ould be
better: +(d"s th(s went
to He%%P He is "%so
c"%%ed in +n1 26:25 the
<Son o! Perdition1= ZPs"1

5C Now there w"s %e"ning on

+es(sH chest one o! His
Disci$%es0 who +es(s %o*ed1
57 Sion Peter0 there!ore0
beckoned to hi0 "nd s"id to
hi: O! who is He s$e"kingB
53 He0 there!ore0 %e"ning on the
chest o! +es(s0 s"id to hi:
Lord0 who is itB 5F +es(s
"nswered Lwhis$ering in his e"rM:
He it is to who ) sh"%% gi*e the bre"d ) h"*e di$$ed1
And when He h"d di$$ed the bre"d0 He g"*e it to
+(d"s )sc"riot0 the son o! Sion1 56 And "!ter the
orse% Lw"s t"kenM0 S"t"n entered into hi1 And +es(s
s"id to hi: Th"t which 'o( do0 do ;(ick%'1 54 Now
no one "t the t"b%e knew wh' +es(s s"id this to hi1
58 /ec"(se +(d"s h"d the $(rse0 soe tho(ght th"t
+es(s w"s s"'ing to hi: /(' those things which we
h"*e need o! !or the !e"st d"' Lthe ne:t d"' Frid"'M0D or
th"t he sho(%d gi*e soething to the $oor1 C> He0
there!ore0 h"*ing recei*ed the orse%0 went o(t
iedi"te%'1 And it w"s night1
D+n 2C:58 Soe h"*e wrong%' conc%(ded th"t +ohnHs words here showing " %eg"%it' to $(rch"se shows th"t this <L"st S($$er= w"s on the d"' be!ore the +ewish
P"sso*er e"% w"s e"ten "nd on Nis"n 2CG27 not the 27G23th1 The P&lpit ,ommentary notes howe*er th"t <it is cert"in th"t !(rther s"cri!ices0 c"%%ed NP"sso*er0H were
cons(ed on the gre"t d"' o! (n%e"*ened /re"d th"t !o%%owed the e*ening P"sch"% e"%0 "nd it is not $er!ect%' cert"in wh"t the c(sto o! the +ews w"s with re!erence
to $(rch"se1 T"%(dic "(thorities "' be ;(oted both w"'s1= Th"t the S"t(rd"' S"bb"th !o%%owed the ne:t d"' when b('ing w"s e:$ress%' !orbidden gi*es e*er'
re"son to be%ie*e "n' s$eci"% "%%ow"nce to $(rch"se wo(%d h"*e !it in $"rtic(%"r " Frid"' P"sso*er S"bb"th1 Th"t the tri"% "nd ,r(ci!i:ion occ(rred on the P"sso*er
w"s cert"in%' i%%eg"% co(%d K(st "s e"si%' been K(sti!ied b' seeing this "s " di*ine ser*ice o! necessit'1 F(rther it is ;(ite re*e"%ing th"t the re"son the r(%ers did not wish
the "rrest "nd tri"% o! +es(s to be on <the Fe"st D"'= w"s not o*er " !e"r o! i%%eg"%it' b(t o*er the !e"r o! the $eo$%eP @Mk127:5A
*C@. M A$r0 Th(0 AD C7 The "e# Commandment o! 5ove G 3eter is Told he #ill Deny the 5ord # .$$er
Roo 384bG$13>6
+N 2C TU
C2 9hen +(d"s0 there!ore0 h"d gone o(t0 +es(s s"id: Now is the Son o! M"n g%ori!ied "nd God is g%ori!ied in
Hi1 C5 )! God is g%ori!ied in Hi0 God "%so wi%% g%ori!' Hi in Hise%!0 "nd *er' soon wi%% He g%ori!' Hi1 CC
Litt%e chi%dren0 'et " %itt%e whi%e ) " with 'o(1 Yo( sh"%% seek Me0 "nd "s ) s"id to the +ews: 9here ) go 'o(
c"nnot coe0 so ) s"' it to 'o( now1 C7 A new co"ndent ) gi*e to 'o(1 )t is th"t 'o( %o*e one "nother0 th"t
'o( "%so %o*e one "nother "s ) h"*e %o*ed 'o(P C3 /' this sh"%% "%% en know th"t 'o( "re M' disci$%es0 i! 'o(
h"*e %o*e one !or "nother1 CF Sion Peter s"id to Hi: Lord0 where "re Yo( goingB +es(s "nswered: 9here )
go0 'o( c"nnot !o%%ow Me now0 b(t 'o( sh"%% !o%%ow Me "!terw"rds1 C6 Peter s"id to Hi: 9h' c"nnot ) !o%%ow
Yo( nowB ) wi%% %"' down ' %i!e !or Yo(P C4 +es(s "nswered hi: 9o(%d 'o( Lre"%%'M %"' down 'o(r %i!e !or
MeB Most cert"in%' "nd "ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0 the cock sh"%% not crow Le*en onceM0 (nti% 'o( h"*e denied Me
*C2. M A$r0 Th(0 AD C7 In My Father9s House are Many Mansions 7 Whatsoever 8ou $s/ 7 The
3romise o! the 3aralete # .$$er Roo
+N 27 TU
2 LET not 'o(r he"rt be tro(b%ed1 Yo( be%ie*e in God0 be%ie*e "%so in Me1 5 )n M' F"therHs ho(se there "re
"n' "nsions1 )! it were not so0 ) wo(%d h"*e to%d 'o(1 L/(t ) " te%%ing 'o( nowM bec"(se ) go to $re$"re " $%"ce
!or 'o(1 C And i! ) sh"%% go "nd $re$"re " $%"ce !or 'o(0 ) wi%% coe "g"in0 "nd wi%% t"ke 'o( to M'se%!0 th"t
where ) "0 'o( "%so "' be1 LThis "$$%ies s$eci!ic"%%' to the tie their %i!e on e"rth wo(%d be o*er0 b(t it "%so "$$%ies to the
$ri*i%ege o! entering in the s$irit into the $resence o! the F"ther e*en in this %i!e0 where +es(s "%w"'s w"s e*en on e"rth0 "nd "s "g"in
$roised in **15>#5205C1 See "%so Acts 5:53E +n1C:2CE Heb1 F:5>1M 7 And where ) go 'o( know0 "nd the w"' 'o( know1 3
Tho"s s"id to +es(s: Lord0 we know not where Yo( "re going0 "nd how c"n we know the w"'B F +es(s s"id to
hi: ) " the 9"'0 "nd the Tr(th0 "nd the Li!e1 No "n coes to the F"ther0 b(t b' Me1 6 )! 'o( h"d known
Me0 'o( wo(%d witho(t do(bt h"*e known M' F"ther "%so0 "nd !ro now on 'o( know Hi0 "nd 'o( h"*e seen
Hi1 L+ohn $(ts wh"t is in *16" here to e$h"siIe the co$%ete tho(ght which is !inished in **14#22 be%ow0 tho(gh these words o!
o(r Lord c"e in His contest with the Ph"risees in the te$%e in +ohn 4:28 # Gos$e% E$isode *,<. Note th"t in its o$ening the te:t
does not e:"ct%' !it the Disci$%es b(t "n (nbe%ie*ing crowd: <)! 'o( h"d known Me1= Once "g"in the Poem $ro*es it is no ere co$'
o! the bib%ic"% te:t b(t " tr(%' !resh "nd ore co$%ete n"rr"tionPM
4 Phi%i$ s"id to +es(s: Lord0 show (s the F"ther "nd it wi%% be eno(gh !or (s1 8 +es(s s"id to hi: H"*e ) been
!or so %ong " tie with 'o(0 "nd h"*e 'o( not 'et known MeB Phi%i$0 he who sees Me sees the F"ther "%soP How
c"n 'o( s"' then: Show (s the F"therB 2> Do 'o( not be%ie*e th"t ) " in the F"ther0 "nd the F"ther in MeB
These words th"t ) s$e"k to 'o(0 ) s$e"k not b' M'se%!1 /(t the F"ther who "bides in Me0 He does the works Lin
MeM1 22 Do 'o( not be%ie*e th"t ) " in the F"ther0 "nd the F"ther in MeB
25 Otherwise0 be%ie*e !or the *er' worksH s"ke Lwhich "re done in MeM1 Most cert"in%' "nd "ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0
he who be%ie*es in Me0 he "%so sh"%% "%so do the works th"t ) do1 And gre"ter th"n these sh"%% he do0 2C bec"(se
) go to the F"ther "nd LthenM0 wh"te*er 'o( sh"%% "sk the F"ther in M' n"e0 th"t wi%% ) do0 th"t the F"ther "' be
g%ori!ied in the Son1 27 )! 'o( sh"%% "sk Me "n'thing in M' n"e0 ) wi%% do itP
23 )! 'o( %o*e Me0 kee$ M' co"ndents1 2F And ) wi%% "sk the F"ther0 "nd He sh"%% gi*e 'o( "nother
P"r"c%ete L<,o!orter= or "d*oc"teM0 th"t He "' "bide with 'o( !ore*er1 26 The S$irit o! Tr(th0 who the wor%d
c"nnot recei*e0 bec"(se it neither sees Hi nor knows Hi1 /(t 'o( sh"%% know Hi bec"(se He sh"%% "bide
with 'o(0 "nd sh"%% be in 'o(1
24 ) wi%% not %e"*e 'o( or$h"ns1 ) wi%% coe to 'o(1 28 +(st " %itt%e whi%e now "nd the wor%d wi%% see Me no
ore1 /(t 'o( wi%% see Me bec"(se ) %i*e0 "nd 'o( sh"%% "%so %i*e1 5> )n th"t d"' 'o( sh"%% know th"t ) " in M'
F"ther0 "nd th"t 'o( "re in Me0 "nd ) in 'o(1 52 He who h"s M' co"ndents "nd kee$s the0 he it is who
%o*es Me1 And he who %o*es Me sh"%% be %o*ed o! M' F"ther1 And ) wi%% %o*e hi "%so0 "nd wi%% "ni!est
M'se%! to hi1 55 +(d"s LTh"dde(s0 +es(sH co(sinM @not the )sc"riotA0 s"id to hi: Lord0 how is it th"t Yo( wi%%
"ni!est Yo(rse%! to (s "nd not to the wor%dB 5C +es(s "nswered "nd s"id to hi: )! "n' one %o*es Me0 he wi%%
kee$ M' 9ord0 "nd M' F"ther wi%% %o*e hi "nd 9e wi%% coe to hi "nd wi%% "ke o(r "bode with hi1 57
He who %o*es Me not0 kee$s not M' words1 And the 9ord which 'o( h"*e he"rd is not Mine b(t is the F"therHs
9ho sent Me1
53 These things h"*e ) s$oken to 'o( whi%e sti%% with 'o(0 5F b(t the P"r"c%ete0 the Ho%' S$irit0 9ho the
F"ther wi%% send in M' n"e0 He wi%% te"ch 'o( "%% things0 "nd bring "%% things to 'o(r ind0 wh"te*er ) h"*e
s"id to 'o(1 56 Pe"ce ) %e"*e with 'o(0 M' $e"ce ) gi*e (nto 'o(0 not "s the wor%d gi*es0 do ) gi*e (nto 'o(1 Let
not 'o(r he"rt be tro(b%ed0 nor %et it be "!r"id1 54 Yo( h"*e he"rd Me s"' to 'o(: ) " going "w"'0 "nd L"%soM )
wi%% coe (nto 'o(1 )! 'o( %o*ed Me L<be'ond the !%esh=M0 'o( wo(%d indeed be g%"d0 bec"(se ) " going to the
F"ther0 !or the F"ther is gre"ter th"n )1 58 And now ) h"*e to%d 'o( be!ore it coes to $"ss0 th"t when it does
coe to $"ss0 'o( "' be%ie*e L"nd not be sh"ken in 'o(r !"ithM1 C> ) wi%% not now s$e"k with 'o( o! the "n' things
L) wo(%d wish to s"'M1 For the $rince o! this wor%d is coing0 "nd he h"s nothing in Me
Lth"t h"s bro(ght on this d"rk
ho(r1 )t h"s been entire%' the choice o! en th"t gi*es hi this o$$ort(nit'M1 C2 /(t th"t the wor%d "' know th"t ) %o*e the
F"ther "nd "s the F"ther h"s gi*en Me co"ndent0 so h"*e ) doneP Arise0 %et (s go1

The Poem re"ds: HIn #hom I have nothing to do.I Ag"in the ide" sees to be th"t +es(s is disc%"iing "n' res$onsibi%it' !or the
terrib%e crie th"t wi%% be coitted1 )nnocence0 Lo*e "nd &irt(e in their highest $ossib%e degree in the *er' $erson o! the ,re"tor
Hise%! wi%% be *i%i!ied0 condened "nd cr(ci!ied b' the cre"tion o! His own h"ndsP
$rise and let us go: This h"s been " $rob%e"tic st"teent b' +es(s since He contin(es His inti"te disco(rse "nd $r"'ers o! ,h1
2302F0"nd 261 The Poem s(bst"nti"tes the te:t o! +ohn "t this $oint @See &G$32CA1 This is K(st "nother det"i% The Poem does not
*CC. M A$r0 Th(0 AD C7 I $m the True &ine 7 8ou are My Friends i! 8ou Do the Things I Command 8ou
# .$$er Roo 384bG$132C
+N 23 TU5F41
2 ) AM the Tr(e &ine LOech14:25M "nd ' F"ther is the H(sb"nd"n1 5 E*er' br"nch in Me th"t be"rs not !r(it He
wi%% t"ke "w"'0 "nd e*er' one th"t be"rs !r(it0 He wi%% $(rge it0 th"t it "' bring !orth ore !r(it1 C Now 'o( "re
c%e"n b' re"son o! the 9ord which ) h"*e s$oken to 'o(1 7 Abide in Me0 "nd ) in 'o(1 As the br"nch c"nnot be"r
!r(it o! itse%!0 (n%ess it "bides in the *ine0 so neither c"n 'o(0 (n%ess 'o( "bide in Me1 3 ) " the *ine1 Yo( the
br"nches1 He who "bides in Me "nd ) in hi0 the s"e be"rs (ch !r(it0 !or witho(t Me 'o( c"n do nothing1 F
)! "n'one "bides not in Me0 he sh"%% be c"st !orth "s " br"nch "nd sh"%% wither1 And the' sh"%% g"ther hi ($ "nd
c"st hi into the !ire0 "nd the' "re b(rned1 6 )! 'o( "bide in Me "nd M' words "bide in 'o(0 'o( sh"%% "sk
wh"te*er 'o( wi%%0 "nd it sh"%% be done (nto 'o(1 4 )n this is M' F"ther g%ori!ied0 th"t 'o( bring !orth *er' (ch
!r(it0 "nd becoe M' disci$%es1 8 As the F"ther h"s %o*ed Me0 ) "%so h"*e %o*ed 'o(1 Abide in M' %o*e1 2> )!
'o( kee$ M' co"ndents0 'o( sh"%% "bide in M' %o*e0 "s ) "%so h"*e ke$t M' F"therHs co"ndents "nd
"bide in His %o*e1 22 These things ) h"*e s$oken to 'o( th"t M' Ko' "' be in 'o(0 "nd th"t 'o(r Ko' "' be !(%%1
25 This is M' co"ndent0 th"t 'o( %o*e one "nother "s ) h"*e %o*ed 'o(1 2C No "n h"s gre"ter %o*e th"n
this th"t he %"'s down his %i!e !or his !riends1 27 Yo( "re M' !riends0 i! 'o( do the things th"t ) co"nd 'o(1
23 ) wi%% not !ro now on c"%% 'o( ser*"nts0 !or the ser*"nt knows not wh"t his %ord does1 /(t ) h"*e c"%%ed 'o(
!riends0 bec"(se e*er'thing ) h"*e he"rd o! M' F"ther0 ) h"*e "de known to 'o(1 LThe !(%% "nd co$%ete De$osit o!
F"ith h"s been entr(sted to the A$ost%es "nd the A$osto%ic O!!ice o! the ,h(rch0 (ch o! th"t de$osit w"s not to be re*e"%ed (nti% the
,h(rch h"d been se"soned b' its own b%ood shed b' its eneies1 Mt12>:5FE Mk17:55E Lk14:26M 2F Yo( h"*e not chosen Me0 b(t
) h"*e chosen 'o(0 "nd h"*e "$$ointed 'o( th"t 'o( sho(%d go "nd bring !orth !r(it0 "nd th"t 'o(r !r(it sho(%d
re"in1 Th"t wh"te*er 'o( sh"%% "sk o! the F"ther in M' n"e0 He "' gi*e it to 'o(1
*C;. c 5F2b1 M A$r0 Th(0 AD C7 With $nything but 5ove !or the :etrayer' the Disiples again In1uire
$mong Themselves # .$$er Roo 384"G$1327
L- 55 5FC1TU5341
5C And the' beg"n to in;(ire "ong these%*es "s to which o! the wo(%d do this thing1
*CB. M A$r0 Th(0 AD C7 The World #ill $l#ays Hate' 5ove $ny#ayL # .$$er Roo 384bG$1323
+N 23 5FF1TU
26 This ) co"nd 'o(0 th"t 'o( %o*e one "nother1 24 )! the wor%d h"tes 'o(0 reeber th"t it h"s h"ted Me
be!ore 'o(1 28 )! 'o( h"d been o! the wor%d0 the wor%d wo(%d %o*e 'o( "s its own0 b(t bec"(se 'o( "re not o! the
wor%d0 "s ) h"*e chosen 'o( o(t o! the wor%d0 there!ore0 the wor%d h"tes 'o(1 5> Reeber M' word th"t ) s"id
to 'o(: The ser+ant is not 'reater than his master" H#ohn 1Q516I )! the' h"*e $ersec(ted Me0 the' wi%% "%so
$ersec(te 'o(1 )! the' h"*e ke$t M' word0 the' wi%% kee$ 'o(rs "%so1 52 /(t "%% these things the' wi%% do to 'o(
!or M' n"eHs s"ke bec"(se the' know not Hi 9ho sent Me1 55 )! ) h"d not coe "nd s$oken to the0 the'
wo(%d not h"*e the sin L"cco(nted to theM0 b(t now the' h"*e no e:c(se !or their sin L"nd th(s the' wi%% be he%d
"cco(nt"b%e !or itM1D 5C He who h"tes Me0 h"tes M' F"ther "%so1 57 )! ) h"d not done "ong the the works th"t
no other "n h"s done0 the' wo(%d not h"*e sin1 /(t now the' h"*e both seen "nd h"ted both Me "nd M'
F"ther1 53 /(t this is so th"t the word "' be !(%!i%%ed which is written in their %"w: They hated Me )itho&t
ca&se" ZPs"% 57:28[ 5F /(t when the P"r"c%ete coes0 9ho ) wi%% send 'o( !ro the F"ther0 the S$irit o! tr(th0
9ho $roceeds !ro the F"ther0 He sh"%% gi*e testion' o! Me1 56 And 'o( sh"%% gi*e testion'0 bec"(se 'o(
were with Me !ro the beginning1
DThe re%igio(s r(%ers who reKected ,hrist h"d %ong %i*ed in error "nd sin0 ,hrist si$%' "de the "w"re o! the depths o! e*i% within
the0 gi*ing the o$$ort(nit' to rid these%*es o! it1 The' chose not to b' conscio(s%' ebr"cing it "nd th(s addin' to their
d"n"tion which w"s "%re"d' sec(red b' other grie*o(s @ort"%A sins1
*CA. M A$r0 Th(0 AD C7 .esus must Go !or the 3aralete to Come 7 I Have 4verome the World
# .$$er Roo 384bG$1323
+N 2F TU
2 THESE things h"*e ) s$oken to 'o( th"t 'o( "' not be sc"nd"%iIed L"nd coe to do(bt M' w"' "s the only w"' to
*ictor'M1 5 The' wi%% $(t 'o( o(t o! the s'n"gog(es1 'es0 the ho(r is coing th"t whoe*er ki%%s 'o( wi%% think
th"t he is doing " ser*ice to God1 C And these things wi%% the' do to 'o( bec"(se the' h"*e not known the F"ther0
nor Me1 7 /(t these things ) h"*e to%d 'o( th"t when the ho(r coes 'o( "' reeber th"t ) to%d 'o( o! the1
3L7bM /(t ) did not te%% 'o( these things "t the beginning0 bec"(se ) w"s with 'o(1 L3M And now ) " going to
Hi 9ho sent Me1 None o! 'o( h"s L"g"inM "sked Me: 9here "re Yo( goingB F /(t bec"(se ) h"*e s$oken these
things to 'o(0 sorrow h"s !i%%ed 'o(r he"rt L"nd is "king 'o( s$eech%essM1 6 /(t ) te%% 'o( the tr(th1 )t is e:$edient to
'o( th"t ) go0 !or i! ) go not0 the P"r"c%ete Lthe Ho%' S$iritM wi%% not coe to 'o( L"nd the New ,o*en"nt with its
regener"ting New /irth 'o( wi%% not knowM1 /(t i! ) go0 ) wi%% send Hi to 'o(1 4 And when He h"s coe0 He wi%%
con*ince the wor%d o! sin0 "nd o! K(stice Lrighteo(snessM0 "nd o! K(dgent1 8 O! sin0 bec"(se the' be%ie*ed not in
Me1 2> And o! K(stice Lrighteo(snessM0 bec"(se ) go to the F"ther "nd 'o( sh"%% see Me no %onger1 22 And o!
K(dgent0 bec"(se the $rince o! this wor%d is "%re"d' K(dged1
25 ) h"*e 'et "n' things to s"' to 'o( b(t 'o( c"nnot be"r the now1 2C /(t when He0 the S$irit o! tr(th h"s
coe0 He wi%% te"ch 'o( "%% tr(th1 For He sh"%% not s$e"k o! Hise%!0 b(t wh"te*er He sh"%% he"r0 He sh"%% s$e"k1
And the things th"t "re to coe0 He sh"%% show 'o(1 LThis is " specific reference to wh"t wo(%d be shown +ohn in the /ook
o! Re*e%"tion co*ering the entire s$"n o! ,h(rch histor' re*e"%ing the o*erthrow o! 7
/e"st o! D"nie% 6 "nd (nti% the coing o! the
New He"*ens "nd the New e"rthP M 27 He sh"%% g%ori!' Me0 bec"(se He sh"%% recei*e o! Mine0 "nd sh"%% show it to
'o(1 23 A%% th"t the F"ther h"s0 is Mine1 There!ore0 ) s"id0 th"t He sh"%% recei*e o! Mine "nd show it to 'o(1
2F )n " %itt%e whi%e 'o( sh"%% no %onger see Me0 "nd "g"in in " %itt%e whi%e0 'o( sh"%% see Me0 bec"(se ) go to the
F"ther1 26 Then soe o! the Disci$%es s"id one to "nother: 9h"t is this th"t He s"id to (s: )n " %itt%e whi%e 'o(
sh"%% not see Me0 "nd0 "g"in in " %itt%e whi%e 'o( sh"%% see Me0 "nd0 bec"(se ) go to the F"therB 24 The' s"id
there!ore: 9h"t is this th"t He s"id: )n " %itt%e whi%eB 9e do not know wh"t He is s"'ing1 28 And +es(s knew
th"t the' h"d " ind to "sk Hi0 so He s"id to the: Are 'o( in;(iring "ong 'o(rse%*es bec"(se ) s"id: )n "
%itt%e whi%e 'o( sh"%% not see MeE "nd "g"in in " %itt%e whi%e 'o( sh"%% see MeB 5> Most cert"in%' "nd "ss(red%' )
s"' to 'o(0 th"t 'o( sh"%% %"ent "nd wee$0 b(t the wor%d sh"%% reKoice1 And 'o( sh"%% be "de sorrow!(%0 b(t
'o(r sorrow sh"%% be t(rned into Ko'P 52 A wo"n0 when she is in %"bor h"s sorrow bec"(se her ho(r h"s coe0
b(t when she h"s bro(ght !orth the chi%d0 she reebers no ore the "ng(ish0 !or the Ko' th"t " "n is born into
the wor%dP 55 So "%so 'o( now indeed h"*e sorrow0 b(t ) wi%% see 'o( "g"in0 "nd 'o(r he"rt sh"%% reKoice0 "nd
'o(r Ko' no "n sh"%% t"ke !ro 'o(P 5C And in th"t d"' 'o( sh"%% not "sk Me "n'thing1 Most cert"in%' "nd
"ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0 i! 'o( "sk the F"ther "n'thing in M' n"e0 He wi%% gi*e it to 'o(P 57 .$ to now 'o(
h"*e not "sked "n'thing in M' n"e Lo! the F"therM1 Ask0 "nd 'o( sh"%% recei*e0 th"t 'o(r Ko' "' be !(%%P
53 These things ) h"*e s$oken to 'o( in *ei%ed %"ng("ge1 The ho(r is coing when ) wi%% no ore s$e"k to 'o(
in this w"'0 b(t wi%% show 'o( $%"in%' "bo(t the F"ther1 5F )n th"t d"' 'o( sh"%% "sk in M' n"e0 "nd ) s"' not to
'o(0 th"t ) wi%% "sk the F"ther !or 'o( L!or 'o( sh"%% "sk o! the F"ther 'o(rse%*esM1 56 For the F"ther Hise%! %o*es 'o(0
bec"(se 'o( h"*e %o*ed Me "nd h"*e be%ie*ed th"t ) c"e o(t !ro God1 54 ) c"e !orth !ro the F"ther0 "nd
h"*e coe into the wor%d1 Ag"in ) wi%% now %e"*e the wor%d0 "nd ) wi%% go to the F"ther1
58 His Disci$%es s"id to Hi: /eho%d0 now Yo( s$e"k $%"in%'0 "nd not in " $ro*erb1 C> Now we know th"t Yo(
know "%% things0 "nd no one needs to "sk 'o( "n'thing1 /' this we be%ie*e th"t Yo( c"e !orth !ro God1 C2
+es(s "nswered the: Do 'o( now be%ie*eB C5 /eho%d0 the ho(r coes0 "nd it h"s now coe0 th"t 'o( sh"%% be
sc"ttered e*er' "n to his own0 "nd sh"%% %e"*e Me "%one0 "nd 'et ) " not "%one0 bec"(se the F"ther is with Me1
CC These things ) h"*e s$oken to 'o(0 th"t in Me 'o( "' h"*e $e"ce1 )n the wor%d 'o( sh"%% h"*e distress0 b(t
h"*e con!idence0 ) h"*e o*ercoe the wor%d1
*;+. M A$r0 Th(0 AD C7 .esus9 Final 3rayer !or the >nity o! :elievers # .$$er Roo @384bG$1326A
+N 26 TU
2 THESE things +es(s s$oke0 "nd then %i!ting ($ His e'es to He"*en0 He s"id: F"ther0 the ho(r h"s coe0 g%ori!'
Th' Son0 th"t Th' Son "' g%ori!' Thee1 5 Since Yo( h"*e gi*en Hi $ower o*er "%% !%esh0 th"t He "' gi*e
etern"% %i!e to "%% who Yo( h"*e gi*en Hi1D C Now this is etern"% %i!e0 th"t the' "' know Thee0 the on%' tr(e
God0 "nd +es(s ,hrist0 who Yo( h"*e sent1 7 ) h"*e g%ori!ied Thee on the e"rth1 ) h"*e !inished the work
which Yo( h"*e gi*en Me to do1 3 And now g%ori!' Tho( Me0 O F"ther0 with Th'se%!0 with the g%or' which ) h"d0
be!ore the wor%d w"s0 with Thee1
D+es(s is *er' c%e"r here th"t those #ho are given eternal li!e in "e# Covenant rede$tion "re !irst gi*en to Hi b' the F"ther
"!ter being !irst chosen b' Hi1 This e%ection0 which w"s $re!ig(red in )sr"e%Hs e%ection to the O%d ,o*en"nt $ri*i%eges @"nd
res$onsibi%itiesA ob*io(s%' e0cl&ded those not chosen1 This e%ection w"s not to "n' te$or"% b%essing0 "s w"s the !oc(s o! )sr"e%Hs O%d
,o*en"nt e%ection0 which on%' pointed to the coing etern"% b%essing @See Ro"ns 8 on )sr"e%Hs e%ectionA1 The New ,o*en"nt
e%ection o! which +es(s s$e"ks here w"s to the etern"% b%essing itse%!0 Etern"% or He"*en%' Li!eP There "re three *er' i$ort"nt $oints
to reeber "bo(t this New ,o*en"nt e%ection: ,? Those chosen o! the F"ther "re c%e"r%' safe be!ore the' "re <s"*ed= b' !"ith "nd
s(bission "nd obedience to ,hrist in entering the New ,o*en"nt1 The' "re the LordHs <other shee$= which (st 'et be resc(ed in
+ohn 2>:2F1 @See "%so the "cco(nt o! the <s"!e be!ore s"*ed= $"g"n Ro"n cent(rion ,orne%i(s in Acts 2>#22A *? This e%ection is on
the b"sis o! the F"ther seeing these %ost res$onding to the know%edge God h"s gi*en the @His 9ordA concerning His or"% %"w0 e*en
i! written on%' in their he"rts1 @See Ro"ns 5:F#2CA <? The F"therHs e%ection0 howe*er0 "' "%so re"ch (nto those who "re in ort"%
sin0 those who "re no %onger <s"!e= b(t "re in iinent d"nger o! He%%0 b(t on%' sho(%d s(ch gr"ce re"ch the thro(gh the $r"'ers
"nd s"cri!ices o! GodHs $eo$%e "s to t(rn the b"ck to re$ent"nce1 +(de 5C s$e"ks o! <others= who "re $(%%ed o(t o! the *er' !ire Lo!
conden"tion to He%%MP P"(%0 the A$ost%e w"s one who w"s s"*ed !ro the *er' !ires o! He%%1 )t is cert"in th"t the (nco$roising
b(t %o*ing witness o! Ste*en0 the "rt'r h"d (ch to do with P"(%Hs coing b"ck into the !"*or o! the F"ther "nd his e*ent("%
s"%*"tion1 @See "%so the note on e%ection "t Ro14:C>A
F ) h"*e "ni!ested Th' n"e LGodHs n"t(re "nd "(thorit'M to the en who Yo( h"*e gi*en Me o(t o! the wor%d1
Thine the' were0 "nd to Me Yo( g"*e the W "nd the' h"*e ke$t Lobe'edM Th' 9ord1 6 Now the' know th"t "%%
th"t which Yo( h"*e gi*en Me0 c"e !ro Thee1 4 /ec"(se the words Le*er' wordM which Yo( g"*e Me0 ) h"*e
gi*en to the0 "nd the' h"*e recei*ed the0 "nd h"*e coe to know with cert"int' th"t ) c"e o(t !ro Thee0
"nd the' h"*e coe to be%ie*e th"t Yo( did send Me1 8 ) $r"' !or the1 ) $r"' not !or the wor%d0 b(t !or the
who Yo( h"*e gi*en Me0 bec"(se the' "re Thine0 2> "nd "%% th"t is Mine is Thine0 "nd "%% th"t is Thine is
Mine0 "nd ) " g%ori!ied thro(gh the1 22 And now ) " Lto beM no %onger in the wor%d1 /(t these "re in the
wor%d0 "nd ) " coing to TheeP Ho%' F"ther0 kee$ the in Th' n"e who Yo( h"*e gi*en Me th"t the' "'
be one0 "s 9e "%so "reP 25 9hi%e ) w"s with the0 in Th' n"e Lb' Yo(r n"t(re "nd "(thorit'M ) ke$t the L"%%M1
Those who Yo( g"*e Me h"*e ) ke$t1 And none o! the h"s been %ost0 b(t the son o! $erdition Ldestr(ction "nd
Lwho ne*er w"s Yo(rsM th"t the Scri$t(re "' be !(%!i%%ed1 2C And now ) coe to Thee0 "nd these things )
h"*e ) s$oken in the wor%d0 th"t the' "' h"*e M' Ko' !(%!i%%ed within the1 27 ) h"*e gi*en the Th' 9ord0
"nd the wor%d h"s h"ted the bec"(se the' "re no %onger o! the wor%d "s ) "%so " not o! the wor%d1 23 ) $r"' not
th"t Yo( sho(%d t"ke the o(t o! the wor%d0 b(t th"t Yo( sho(%d kee$ the !ro e*i% 1
2F The' "re not o! the
wor%d0 "s ) "%so " not o! the wor%d1 26 S"ncti!' the in tr(th1 Th' 9ord is tr(th1 24 As Yo( h"*e sent Me into
the wor%d0 ) "%so h"*e sent the into the wor%d1 28 And !or the do ) s"ncti!' Lconsecr"teM M'se%!0 th"t the' "%so
"' be s"ncti!ied Lconsecr"tedM in tr(th1
.udas' the son o! perdition' )as not one who the F"ther g"*e to +es(s b(t w"s then %ost1 The F"ther s"w the choices +(d"s
wo(%d "ke in reKecting His c"%%s to hi "nd knew he wo(%d t(rn to h"te God "nd destro' his own so(%1 See F:C8 "nd 24:81
I pray not: The no*e% notion $o$(%"r "ong "n' Protest"nts th"t the Lord wi%% $h'sic"%%' reo*e His $eo$%e o(t o! the wor%d
be!ore the end o! the wor%d is c%e"r%' contr"r' to o(r LordHs $r"'er1 @A%so see note "t 2 Thess17:2FA
5> And not !or the on%' do ) $r"'0 b(t !or the "%so who thro(gh their word sh"%% be%ie*e in Me0 52 th"t the'
"%% "' be one0D "s Yo(0 F"ther0 "re in Me0 "nd ) in TheeE th"t the' "%so "' be one in .s0 th"t the wor%d "'
be%ie*e th"t Yo( h"*e sent Me1 55 And the g%or' which Yo( h"*e gi*en Me0 ) h"*e gi*en to the0 th"t the' "'
be one0 "s 9e "%so "re one0 5C ) in the0 "nd Yo( in Me0 th"t the' "' be "de $er!ect in one0D th"t the wor%d
"' know th"t Yo( h"*e sent Me0 "nd h"*e %o*ed the "s Yo( h"*e "%so %o*ed Me1 57 F"ther0 ) wi%% th"t the'
"%so who Yo( h"*e gi*en Me "' be with Me where ) "0 th"t the' "' see M' g%or' which Yo( h"*e gi*en
Me0 bec"(se Yo( h"*e %o*ed Me be!ore the cre"tion o! the wor%d1 53 +(st Lrighteo(sM F"ther0 the wor%d h"s not
known Thee0 b(t ) h"*e known Thee0 "nd these h"*e known th"t Yo( h"*e sent Me1 5F And ) h"*e "de known
Th' n"e LTh' n"t(re "nd "(thorit'M to the0 "nd wi%% "ke it known Lin M' Res(rrectionM0 th"t the %o*e wherewith
Yo( h"*e %o*ed Me0 "' be in the0 "nd ) in the1
DThe (nit' th"t "%% be%ie*ers in ,hrist h"*e is not eno(gh to con*ince the wor%d th"t ,hrist is o! God1 The (nit' re;(ired !or the
wor%d to be%ie*e +es(s c%e"r%' indic"tes w"s soething be'ond this0 soething O(r Lord !o(nd necess"r' to $r"' !orP The ne:t %e*e%
o! (nit' co(%d on%' be " (nit' in one ,h(rch /od' est"b%ished b' O(r Lord0 the One Fo%d o! which +es(s s$oke in 2>:2F1 )t is "n
"bso%(te sc"nd"% !or GodHs $eo$%e to $roc%"i the' h"*e the di+ine messa'e of reconciliation "nd then not be "b%e to e:ist together
in one !"i%' (nitP /e'ond this +es(s "%so $r"'ed th"t in "ddition to One ,h(rch F"i%' His $eo$%e wo(%d <-e made perfect= in th"t
One /od' (nit' @*15CA1 /oth these %e*e%s o! (nit' re;(ired to con*ince the wor%d o! the tr(th o! ,hrist "re s$oken o! b' P"(% in
)phesians @:,D2: RI, therefore, a prisoner in the %ord, e0hort yo& that yo& )al* )orthy of the +ocation in )hich yo& are called, 2
Cith all h&mility and mildness, )ith patience, s&pportin' one another in lo+e" Q >8ein'@ caref&l to *eep the &nity of the !pirit
>that comes@ in the -ond of peace" J >There is -&t@ 9ne 8ody
and 9ne !pirit< >K&st@as yo& are called in one hope of yo&r callin'
>)hich is &nion )ith God@" A 9ne %ord, one Gaith, one 8aptism"S
G)TH()M$") 7 5 $3%I5 $D <@ LPoe ,h"$ters 384b0 388M
388"0bG$35> # +es(s s$e"ks to M"ri" &"%tort" o! the gre"t "gon' He end(red in +(d"sH $resence "t the L"st S($$er1
*;,. M A$r0 Th(0 AD C7 5eaving !or Gethsemane # .$$er Roo 384bG$13260 388cG$1355
MT 5F 5F>1TU5341
C> And " h'n being s"id0
the' went o(t (nto Mo(nt
M- 27 5F>1TU5341
5F And when the' h"d
intoned " h'n0 the' went
!orth to the Mo(nt o! O%i*es1
L- 55
C8 And going o(t0 +es(s went
"ccording to His c(sto to the
Mo(nt o! O%i*es1 And His
Disci$%es !o%%owed Hi1
+N 24 TU5631
2 9HEN +es(s h"d s"id these things0
He went !orth L!ro the cit'M with His
Disci$%es o*er the brook -idron
where there w"s " g"rden into which
He entered with His Disci$%es1
*;*. M A$r0 Th(0 AD C7 The $gony in the Garden 7 ,
Z *
3rayers # Gethse"ne 388cG$13C>
CF Then +es(s c"e with the into " $%"ce which is
c"%%ed Gethse"ne "nd He s"id to His Disci$%es: Sit
here whi%e ) go
'onder "nd $r"'1 C6
And t"king with Hi Peter "nd the two sons o! Oebedee0
He beg"n to be grie*ed "nd de$ressed1 C4 Then He s"id
to the: M' so(% is sorrow!(% e*en (nto de"th1 St"' here
"nd w"tch with Me1
C8 And going " %itt%e !(rther0 He !e%% ($on His !"ce
$r"'ing0 "nd s"'ing: M' F"ther0 i! it be $ossib%e0 %et this
ch"%ice $"ss !ro MeP Ne*erthe%ess0 not "s ) wi%%0 b(t "s
Yo( wi%%P
7> Then He c"e to His Disci$%es "nd !o(nd the
"s%ee$1 He s"id to Peter: 9h"tB ,o(%d 'o( not w"tch one
ho(r with MeB 72 9"tch "nd $r"' th"t 'o( enter not into
te$t"tion1 The s$irit indeed is wi%%ing0 b(t the !%esh
75 Ag"in the second tie He went "nd $r"'ed0 s"'ing:
M' F"ther0 i! this ch"%ice "' not $"ss "w"' (nti% ) drink
it0 Th' wi%% be doneP
7C And He c"e "g"in "nd !o(nd the s%ee$ing !or their
e'es were he"*'1 77 And %e"*ing the0 He went "g"in
"nd He $r"'ed the third tie0 s"'ing the s"e thing1
M- 27
C5 And the' c"e to " !"r LL"I"r(sH o%i*e gro*eM
c"%%ed Gethse"ne1 And He s"id to His Disci$%es:
Sit here whi%e ) $r"'1 CC And He took Peter0 +"es0
"nd +ohn with Hi1 And He beg"n to be !i%%ed with
terror "nd distress1 C7 And He s"id to the: M' so(%
is o$$ressed with "ng(ish e*en (nto de"th1 St"' here
"nd kee$ w"tch1 C3 And when He h"d gone !orw"rd "
%itt%e0 He !e%% !%"t on the gro(nd "nd He $r"'ed th"t i!
it ight be0 the ho(r ight $"ss !ro Hi1 CF And
He s"id: Abb"0 F"ther0 "%% things "re $ossib%e to
TheeP Reo*e this ch"%ice !ro Me0 b(t not wh"t )
wi%%0 b(t wh"t Yo( wi%%P C6 And He c"e b"ck "nd
!o(nd the s%ee$ing1 And He s"id to Peter: Sion0
"re 'o( s%ee$ingB ,o(%d not 'o( w"tch one ho(rB C4
9"tch "nd $r"' th"t 'o( enter not into te$t"tion1
The s$irit indeed is wi%%ing0 b(t the !%esh is we"k1 C8
And going "w"' "g"in0 He $r"'ed0 s"'ing the s"e
words1 7> And when He ret(rned0 He "g"in !o(nd
the "s%ee$ @!or their e'es were he"*'A0 "nd the'
knew not how to "nswer Hi1
L- 55 TU
7> And when He
h"d coe to the
$%"ce0 He s"id to
the: Pr"'0 %est 'o(
enter into
te$t"tion1 72 And
He0 h"*ing
withdr"wn "w"'
!ro the " stoneHs
throw0 kne%t down
"nd $r"'ed0 75
s"'ing: F"ther0 i!
Yo( wi%%0 reo*e
this ch"%ice !ro
MeP /(t 'et0 not
M' wi%% b(t Thine
be doneP
*;<. M A$r0 Th(0 AD C7 .esus is (trengthened during His <
3rayer by an $ngeli %esponse to the
3rayers o! Mary D Gethse"ne 388cG$13C3
L- 55 TU
7CD And there "$$e"red to Hi an angel !ro He"*en0 strengthening Hi1 And being in "gon'0 He $r"'ed the
ore e"rnest%'1 77D And His swe"t bec"e "s dro$s o! b%ood0 trick%ing down ($on the gro(nd1
*;@. M A$r0 Th(0 AD C7 The Disiples are $#a/ened the <
Time # Gethse"ne 388cG$13C6
MT 5F 5651TU
73 Then He c"e to His Disci$%es0 "nd s"id to the:
S%ee$ now "nd t"ke 'o(r rest0 beho%d the ho(r is "t
h"nd0D "nd the Son o! M"n sh"%% be betr"'ed into the
h"nds o! sinners1 7F Rise0 %et (s goP /eho%d he is "t
h"nd who wi%% betr"' MeP DThis w"s soething o(r Lord
on%' con*e'ed in tho(ght "s He g"Ied "t His s%ee$ing Disci$%es
"nd it e"nt th"t the tie !or w"r!"re in $r"'er w"s o*er so it
w"s now appropriate to s%ee$ or be "t $e"ce1 /(t since the' did
not $re$"re these%*es s$irit("%%' the' wo(%d h"*e "n'thing b(t
$e"ce or con!idence1 +es(s te%%s Peter th"t it w"s ne"r the end o!
the 5
w"tch @ne"r idnightA1
M- 27 5651TU
72 Then He c"e the third tie "nd s"id
to the: S%ee$ now0 "nd t"ke 'o(r rest1
)t Lthe s$irit("% en"b%eent g"ined hereM is
eno(gh Lto get (s "%% thro(ghM1 The ho(rD
h"s coeP /eho%d the Son o! M"n sh"%%
be betr"'ed into the h"nds o! sinners1 75
Rise ($P Let (s goP /eho%d0 he who wi%%
betr"' Me is "t h"ndP
TThe Poem s"'s it w"s ne"r the 5
ho(r or ne"r
L- 55 5621TU5641
73 And when He rose ($ !ro
$r"'er0 He c"e to His Disci$%es
"nd !o(nd the s%ee$ing !or
sorrow1 7F And He s"id to the:
9h' do 'o( s%ee$B Arise0 $r"'0
%est 'o( enter into te$t"tionP
*;2. M A$r0 Th(0 AD C7 The :etrayal o! .udas # Gethse"ne 388cG$13C6
76 As He 'et s$oke0 beho%d +(d"s0
one o! the Twe%*e0 c"e0 "nd with
hi w"s " gre"t crowd with swords
"nd c%(bs sent !ro the chie! $riests
"nd the r(%ing e%ders o! the $eo$%e1
74 Now he who betr"'ed Hi h"d
gi*en the " sign0 s"'ing:
9hoe*er ) sh"%% kiss0 th"t is He0
ho%d Hi !"st1 78 And iedi"te%'
coing to +es(s0 he s"id: H"i%0
R"bbiP And he kissed Hi1
M- 27 TU5421
7C And whi%e He w"s 'et s$e"king0
+(d"s )sc"riot0 one o! the Twe%*e c"e0
"nd with hi " gre"t crowd !ro the
chie! $riests0 the scribes "nd the r(%ing
e%ders0 with swords "nd c%(bs1 77 And he
who betr"'ed Hi h"d gi*en the " sign0
s"'ing: 9hoe*er ) sh"%% kiss0 th"t is
He0 %"' ho%d on Hi "nd %e"d Hi "w"'
sec(re%'1 73 And when +(d"s h"d coe0
iedi"te%' going ($ to +es(s0 +(d"s
s"id: H"i%0 R"bbiP And he kissed Hi1
L- 55
76 As He w"s 'et
s$e"king0 beho%d there
c"e " crowd0 "nd he
who w"s c"%%ed +(d"s0
one o! the Twe%*e0
went be!ore the "nd
drew ne"r to +es(s to
kiss Hi1
+N 24
5 And +(d"s "%so0 who
betr"'ed Hi0 knew the
$%"ce bec"(se +es(s h"d
o!ten resorted there with
His Disci$%es1 C +(d"s0
there!ore0 h"*ing recei*ed "
b"nd o! so%diers "nd
ser*"nts !ro the chie!
$riests "nd the Ph"risees0
c"e there with %"nterns
"nd torches "nd we"$ons1
*;C. M A$r0 Th(0 AD C7 Friend' Why Have 8ou ComeE # Gethse"ne 388cG$13C4
MT 5F TU5421
3>" And +es(s s"id to hi: Friend0 !or wh"t h"*e 'o( coeB
*;;. M A$r0 Th(0 AD C7 .esus Vuestions .udas about the Oiss # Gethse"ne 388cG$13C4
L- 55 5631TU5681
74 And +es(s s"id to hi: +(d"s0 do 'o( betr"' the Son o! M"n with " kissB
*;B. M A$r0 Th(0 AD C7 .esus 3resents Himsel! 7 The Temple Guards Fall to the Ground 388cG$13C4
+N 24 5631TU54>1
7 +es(s0 there!ore0 knowing e*er'thing th"t sho(%d coe ($on Hi0 went !orth0 "nd s"id to the: 9ho do 'o(
seekB 3 The' "nswered Hi: +es(s o! N"I"reth1 +es(s s"id to the: ) " He1 And +(d"s "%so0 who betr"'ed
Hi0 stood with the1 F There!ore0 "s soon "s He h"d s"id to the: ) " He the' !e%% b"ckw"rd to the gro(nd1
*;A. M A$r0 Th(0 AD C7 The Disiples $tta/ .udas and $s/ about >sing (#ords # Gethse"ne L#M
L- 55 5661TU5421
78 And the' th"t were "ro(nd +es(s0 seeing wh"t wo(%d !o%%ow0 s"id to Hi: Lord0 sh"%% we strike with the swordBP
*B+. M A$r0 Th(0 AD C7 .esus )0hanges His 5i!e !or the 5ives o! His Disiples # Gethse"ne 388cG$13C4
MT 5F 5451TU5431
33 )n th"t s"e tie +es(s
s"id to the crowd: Yo( h"*e
coe o(t "s it were to " robber
with swords "nd c%(bs to
"$$rehend Me1 ) s"t d"i%' with
'o( te"ching in the te$%e "nd
'o( did not %"' h"nds on Me1
3F" /(t "%% this w"s done0 th"t
the Scri$t(res o! the $ro$hets
ight be !(%!i%%ed1 LThis is
M"tthews conc%(sion1M

M- 27 5421TU5431
74 And +es(s "nswering0
s"id to the: H"*e 'o(
coe o(t "s to " robber with
swords "nd c%(bs to
"$$rehend MeB 78 ) w"s
d"i%' with 'o( in the te$%e
te"ching "nd 'o( did not %"'
h"nds on Me1 /(t this w"s
th"t the Scri$t(res "' be
!(%!i%%ed1 LM"rk gets this !ro
M"tthew "s +es(s did not s"'
L- 55
35 And +es(s s"id to the chie!
$riests0 the "gistr"tes o! the
te$%e0 "nd the r(%ing e%ders0
who h"d coe to Hi: H"*e
'o( coe o(t0 "s it were0 "g"inst
" thie! with swords "nd c%(bsB
3C 9hen ) w"s d"i%' with 'o( in
the te$%e0 'o( did not stretch
!orth 'o(r h"nds "g"inst Me1
/(t to 'o( "nd the $ower o!
d"rkness does this ho(r be%ong1
+N 24 5641TU
6 There!ore0 He "g"in "sked the:
9ho do 'o( seekB And the'
s"id0 +es(s o! N"I"reth1 4 +es(s
"nswered0 ) h"*e to%d 'o( th"t ) "
He1 )!0 there!ore0 'o( seek e0 %et
these go their w"'1 8 Th"t the
word ight be !(%!i%%ed which He
s"id: O! the who Yo( h"*e
gi*en Me Lo! the A$ost%esM0 ) h"*e not
%ost "n'one1 LSee note "t 26:25 @56>1AE
F:C8 @24F1AM
*B,. M A$r0 Th(0 AD C7 3eter (tri/es the (ervant o! the High 3riest #ith a (#ord # Gethse"ne 388cG$13C4
3>b Then the' c"e ($ "nd %"id
h"nds on +es(s0 "nd he%d Hi1 32
And beho%d one o! those LPeterM who
w"s with +es(s0 stretching !orth his
h"nd0 drew o(t his sword "nd str(ck
the ser*"nt o! the high $riest "nd c(t
o!! his e"r1
M- 27
7F Then the' %"id h"nds on
Hi "nd he%d Hi1 76 And
one o! those who stood b'
LPeterM0 dr"wing " sword0
str(ck " ser*"nt o! the chie!
$riest "nd c(t o!! his e"r1
L- 55 5681TU
3> And one o! the str(ck
the ser*"nt o! the high $riest0
"nd c(t o!! his right e"r1
+N 24 TU
2> Then Sion Peter0 h"*ing "
sword0 drew it "nd str(ck the
ser*"nt o! the high $riest "nd c(t
o!! his right e"r1 And the n"e o!
the ser*"nt w"s M"%ch(s1
*B*. M A$r0 Th(0 AD C7 3ut >p thy (#ord # Gethse"ne 388cG$13C4
MT 5F TU54>1
35 Then +es(s s"id to hi: P(t 'o(r sword b"ck into its $%"ce !or "%%
who t"ke the sword sh"%% $erish with the sword1 3C Do 'o( not think
th"t ) c"n "sk M' F"ther0 "nd He wi%% iedi"te%' gi*e Me ore th"n
twe%*e %egionsD o! "nge%sB 37 /(t then how wo(%d the Scri$t(res be
!(%!i%%ed0 th"t it LM' S"cri!iceM (st coe "bo(t in this w"'B DF0>>> :
25 Q 650>>>
L- 55 TU
32" /(t +es(s
"nswering0 s"id:
A%%ow the this
+N 24 TU5471
22 +es(s0 there!ore0 s"id to Peter: P(t
($ 'o(r sword into the she"th1 The
ch"%ice which M' F"ther h"s gi*en
Me0 sh"%% ) not drink itB The swords
+es(s enco(r"ged the to c"rr' @Lk155:C4A
were on%' !or their own se%!#de!ense not to
est"b%ish the kingdoP @See note "t L(ke
55:C4 "t 5341 on se%!#de!ense1A
*B<. M A$r0 Th(0 AD C7 .esus Heals the )ar o! the (ervant o! the High 3riest # Gethse"ne
L- 55 TU54>1
32b And when He h"d to(ched his e"r0 He he"%ed hi1
*B@. M A$r0 Th(0 AD C7 .esus is (eized the *
Time # Gethse"ne 388cG$13C8
+N 24 5451TU54F1
25 Then the so%diers "nd their c"$t"in0 "nd the +ewish Lte$%eM g("rds took +es(s "nd bo(nd Hi1
*B2. M A$r0 Th(0 AD C7 The Disiples 3ani and Flee # Gethse"ne 388cG$13C8
MT 5F 54>1TU
3Fb Then "%% the Disci$%es0 %e"*ing
Hi0 !%edP
M- 27 54>1TU
3> Then His Disci$%es %e"*ing Hi0 "%% !%ed "w"'1 32 And " cert"in 'o(ng "n L+ohnM !o%%owed
Hi0 h"*ing " %inen c%oth c"st "bo(t his n"ked bod', "nd the' %"id ho%d on hi1 35 /(t he0 c"sting
o!! the %inen c%oth0 !%ed !ro the n"ked1
388dG$3C8 # +es(s re%"tes to M"ri" &"%tort" wh"t it w"s %ike to end(re the "gon' in the G"rden1
TH) T%I$5( 4F .)(>( CH%I(T 7 5 $3%I5 $D <@ LPoe ,h"$ters F>>0 F>CM
F>>"G$377 # +es(s re%"tes to M"ri" &"%tort" the "gon' o! the P"ssion itse%!1
*BC. M A$r0 Th(0 AD C7 To $nnas' FatherDinDla# to Caiaphas # Fro Gethse"ne to the ,it' F>>bG$1373
MT 5F TU5481
36" /(t the'
ho%ding +es(s0 %ed
Hi to LAnn"s then
to ,"i"$h"s @5481AM

M- 27 TU5481
3C" And the'
bro(ght +es(s to
the high $riest
L- 55 54>1TU5481
37" And
"$$rehending Hi0
the' %ed Hi to the
high $riestHs ho(se1
+N 24 5471TU5821
2C And the' %ed Hi "w"' to Ann"s !irst0 !or he w"s !"ther#in#%"w to
,"i"$h"s0 who w"s the high $riest o! th"t 'e"r1 27 Now ,"i"$h"s w"s
he who h"d gi*en the co(nse% to the +ews th"t it w"s e:$edient th"t
one "n sho(%d die !or the $eo$%e1
23 And Sion Peter !o%%owed +es(s0 "nd so did "nother disci$%e L+ohnM1
And th"t disci$%e w"s known to the high $riest0 "nd went in with +es(s
into the co(rt o! the high $riest1 2F /(t Peter stood "t the door
witho(t1 The other disci$%e0 there!ore0 who w"s known to the high
$riest0 went o(t "nd s$oke to the $ortress Ldoor "idM "nd bro(ght in
*B;. M A$r0 Th(0 AD C7 :e!ore $nnas' the FatherD inD 5a# to Caiaphas 7 .esus is :eaten F>>bG$1374
+N 24 5821TU5481
28 The high $riest0 there!ore0 "sked +es(s o! His Disci$%es0 "nd o! His doctrine1 5> +es(s "nswered hi: ) h"*e s$oken o$en%' to the
wor%d1 ) h"*e "%w"'s t"(ght in the s'n"gog(e "nd in the te$%e where "%% the +ews resort "nd in secret ) h"*e s$oken nothing1 52 9h'
do 'o( "sk MeB Ask the who h"*e he"rd wh"t ) h"*e s$oken (nto the1 /eho%d the' know wh"t things ) h"*e s"id1 55 And when He
h"d s"id these things one o! the ser*"nts st"nding b' g"*e +es(s " b%ow0 s"'ing: )s th"t how Yo( "nswer the high $riestB 5C +es(s
"nswered hi: )! ) h"*e s$oken e*i%0 gi*e testion' o! the e*i%0 b(t i! we%%0 wh' h"*e 'o( str(ck MeB
*BB. M A$r0 Th(0 AD C7 $nnas9 (ervants :eat and Mo/ G .esus $gain be!ore $nnas F>>bG$1332
L- 55 5871TU58C1
FC And the en who he%d +es(s0 ocked Hi "nd str(ck Hi1 F7 And the' b%ind!o%ded Hi "nd str(ck His !"ce1 And the' "sked Hi0
s"'ing: Pro$hes'P 9ho w"s it th"t str(ck Yo(B F3 And b%"s$heing0 the' s"id "n' other things "g"inst Hi1
*BA. M A$r0 Th(0 AD C7 $nnas sends .esus to Caiaphas F>>bG$1332
MT 5F 54F1TU
36b ,"i"$h"s the high $riest0 where
the scribes "nd the r(%ing e%ders were
"sseb%ed1 34 And Peter L"nd +ohnM
!o%%owed Hi "!"r o!!0 e*en to the co(rt
o! the high $riest1 And going in0 he s"t
with the ser*"nts0 th"t he ight see the
end Lo! the "tterM1
M- 27 54F1TU
3Cb And "%% the $riests0 the scribes0 "nd
the r(%ing e%ders "sseb%ed together1 37
And Peter !o%%owed Hi !ro "!"r o!!0
e*en into the co(rt o! the high $riest1 And
he s"t with the g("rds "t the !ire "nd
w"red hise%!1
L- 55 54F1TU5821
37b /(t Peter
!o%%owed "!"r o!!1
+N 24 5461TU5851
57 And Ann"s sent Hi
bo(nd to ,"i"$h"s the
high $riest1
*A+. M A$r0 Th(0 AD C7 .esus be!ore Caiaphas F>>bG$133C
38 Now the chie! $riests "nd the who%e co(nci% so(ght !"%se witness "g"inst
+es(s th"t the' ight $(t Hi to de"th0 F> b(t the' !o(nd none tho(gh "n'
!"%se witnesses h"d coe in1 /(t %"st o! "%% there c"e two !"%se witnesses F2
who s"id: This "n s"id: ) " "b%e to destro' the te$%e o! God "nd "!ter three
d"'s to reb(i%d it1D F5 And the high $riest rising ($0 s"id to Hi: Do Yo( "nswer
nothing to the things which these testi!' "g"inst Yo(B FC /(t +es(s he%d His
$e"ce1 And the high $riest s"id to Hi: ) "dK(re Yo(
b' the %i*ing God0 th"t Yo( te%% (s i! Yo( "re the
,hrist the Son o! GodP F7 +es(s s"id to hi: Yo(
h"*e s"id it1 Li1e1 Yo( h"*e st"ted the !"ct0 "s 'o(
ob*io(s%' know *er' we%% wh"t ) h"*e o$en%' c%"iedPM
F(rtherore ) s"' to 'o(0 here"!ter 'o( sh"%% see the
Son o! M"n sitting on the right h"nd o! the $ower o!
God0 "nd coing in the c%o(ds L"nge%ic hostsM o! He"*en1D F3 Then the high
$riests rent his g"rents0 s"'ing: He h"s b%"s$heed0 wh"t !(rther need h"*e we
o! witnessesB /eho%d0 now 'o( h"*e he"rd the b%"s$he'0 FF wh"t do 'o( thinkB
The' "nswering0 s"id: He is g(i%t' o! de"thP F6 Then did the' s$it in His !"ce0
"nd b(!!eted Hi whi%e others str(ck His !"ce with the $"%s o! their h"nds
L)s"13>:FM0 F4 s"'ing: Pro$hes' (nto (s0 O ,hrist0 who is he who str(ck Yo(P
TMt' M/' I #ill destroy: +es(s did not s"' He wo(%d destro' "n' te$%e0 %et "%one the te$%e
in +er(s"%e1 Re!erring to His own /od' He s"id0 <LYo(M destro' this te$%e "nd in three d"'s
) wi%% r"ise it ($1= +n15:28 "t 331
DMt' 5/' The (on o! Man oming: This interedi"te <coing= w"s !(%!i%%ed "t the
destr(ction o! +er(s"%e0 soe 7> 'e"rs %"ter1 See "%so Mt12F:54 "t 2661 Gre"t "ni!est"tions0
there!ore0 o! ,hristHs kingdo $ower be!ore ,hristHs !in"% %iter"% coing then0 "re "%so <second
coings o! ,hrist1= )n The Poem +es(s s"'s those %i*ing "t th"t tie wi%% see the <-ingdo o!
God being est"b%ished "nd its -ing crowned "nd "nointed1= This is cert"in%' the destr(ction o!
+er(s"%e "nd its corr($ted Te$%e1 )))0C821
M- 27 TU
33 And the chie! $riests "nd "%% the co(nci% so(ght
!or e*idence "g"inst +es(s th"t the' ight $(t Hi
to de"th0 b(t !o(nd none1 3F For "n' bore !"%se
witness "g"inst Hi0 b(t their c%"is were not in
"greeent1 36 And soe rising ($0 bore !"%se
witness "g"inst Hi0 s"'ing: 34 9e he"rd Hi s"'0
) wi%% destro' this te$%eD "de with h"nds "nd
within three d"'s ) wi%% b(i%d "nother not "de with
h"nds1 38 /(t their witness did not "gree1 F> And
the high $riest rising ($ in the idst0 "sked +es(s0
s"'ing: Are Yo( gi*ing no "nswer to the things th"t
"re %"id to 'o(r ch"rge b' these enB F2 /(t He
he%d His $e"ce0 "nd "nswered nothing1 Ag"in the
high $riest "sked Hi: Are 'o( the ,hrist the Son
o! the b%essed GodB F5 And +es(s s"id to hi: )
"1 And 'o( sh"%% see the Son o! M"n sitting on
the right h"nd o! the $ower o! God "nd coing with
the c%o(ds o! He"*enPD FC Then the high $riest
rending his g"rents0 s"id: 9h"t need do we h"*e
o! "n' !(rther witnessesB F7 Yo( h"*e he"rd the
b%"s$he'P 9h"t think 'o(B And the' "%%
condened Hi to be g(i%t' o! de"th1 F3 And soe
beg"n to s$it on Hi0 "nd to co*er His !"ce0 "nd to
b(!!et Hi0 "nd to s"' (nto Hi: Pro$hes'P And
the ser*"nts str(ck Hi with the $"%s o! their
*A,. TH.GFR) idnight 3eter9s First Denial 7 .esus in Custody at Caiaphas9 Court
@F>>bG$1337 A
F8 /(t Peter s"t
witho(t in the
co(rt'"rd1 And
there c"e to hi
" ser*"nt "id0
s"'ing: Yo( "%so
were with +es(s
the G"%i%e"nP 6>
/(t he L2
M denied
it be!ore the "%%0
s"'ing: ) know not
wh"t 'o( "re
M- 27 TU
FF Now when Peter w"s in the co(rt be%ow0 there
c"e one o! the "idser*"nts o! the high $riest1 F6
And when she s"w Peter w"ring hise%!0 she
%ooking "t hi s"id: Yo( "%so were with +es(s o!
N"I"reth1 F4 /(t he denied L2
M0 s"'ing: ) neither
know nor (nderst"nd wh"t 'o( "re s"'ing1 =And he
went !orth be!ore the co(rt0 "nd Lho(rs %"ter "!ter the 5
"nd C
deni"% det"i%ed be%owM the cock crew1D?
D9hi%e soe %"ter red(ctionist ss1 =b : 5? omit0 <"nd the
cock crew= other red(ctionist ss1 @C D I W ? %e"*e it in'
"$$"rent%' bec"(se no other e:isting ss1 h"d %e!t it o(tP )t
sees c%e"r th"t the oission w"s "de to "*oid the "$$e"r"nce
o! contr"diction !or those t"king M"rkHs $"renthetic"% here "s
chrono%ogic"%1 See note on 5871 be%ow1
L- 55
33 And when the' h"d
kind%ed " !ire in the idst o!
the co(rt'"rd "nd were
sitting "bo(t it0 Peter w"s in
the idst o! the1 3F And "
cert"in ser*"nt "id h"*ing
seen hi sitting b' the %ight0
"nd h"*ing e"rnest%' behe%d
hi0 s"id: This "n "%so
w"s with HiP 36 /(t he
denied Hi0 s"'ing:
9o"n0 ) know Hi not L2
+N 24 54F1TU5461
26 The "id0 there!ore0
who w"s door "id0 s"id
to Peter: Are 'o( "%so one
o! this M"nHs disci$%esB
He s"id: ) " notP L2
deni"%M 24 Now the
ser*"nts "nd g("rds stood
"t " !ire o! co"%s "nd
w"red these%*es
bec"(se it w"s co%d1 And
with the w"s Peter "%so0
st"nding "nd w"ring
*A*. FR)DAY0 7 AM 3eter9s (eond Denial # An Ho(r be!ore D"wn @F>>bG$1337A
MT 5F TU5871
62 And "s he went o(t o! the g"te0
"nother "id s"w hi0 "nd she s"id
to those who were there: This "n
"%so w"s with +es(s o! N"I"rethP 65
And "g"in he denied with "n o"th: )
know not the M"nP L5

M- 27
F8 And Lso it w"sM "g"in "nother
"idser*"nt seeing hi0 beg"n
to s"' to the b'st"nders: This is
one o! the1 6>" /(t he denied
"g"in L5
L- 55
34 And "!ter " %itt%e whi%e0
"nother seeing hi0 s"id: Yo(
"%so "re one o! theP /(t
Peter s"id: O "n0 ) " notP

+N 24
53 Now Sion Peter w"s
st"nding "nd w"ring hise%!1
The' s"id0 there!ore0 to Hi:
Are 'o( not "%so one o! His
Disci$%esB He denied it "nd
s"id: ) " notP L5
*A<. FR)DAY0 3 AM :e!ore the (anhedrin !or a more 5egal Trial. F>>bG$1337
L- 55 5441TU5831
FF And "s soon "s it w"s d"'0 the r(%ing e%ders o! the $eo$%e0 the chie! $riests "nd scribes c"e together1 And
the' bro(ght +es(s into their co(nci%0 s"'ing: )! Yo( "re the ,hrist0 te%% (sP
*A@. FR)DAY0 3 AM 3eter9s Third Denial to a man. $ Fourth Denial to a Woman

6C And "!ter " %itt%e whi%e L"s
+es(s w"s being %ed to the S"nhedrin
!or " ore %eg"% tri"%1 Lk1 55:FFM the'
L" "nM th"t stood b' c"e0 "nd
s"id to Peter: S(re%' 'o( "%so "re
one o! the0 !or e*en 'o(r
s$eech betr"'s 'o(P 67 Then he
beg"n to c(rse "nd to swe"r th"t
he knew not the M"n1 LC
And iedi"te%' the L2
M cock
crew1 LThen " 7
deni"% to " wo"n
"nd " 5
crowingMD 63 And Peter
reebered the word o! +es(s
which He h"d s"id: /e!ore the
cock crows Le*en onceM0 'o( wi%%
den' Me thrice1 And going !orth0
he we$t bitter%'1
M- 27
6>b And "!ter " whi%e the' L"
"n WLk155:38M th"t stood b' s"id
"g"in to Peter: S(re%' 'o( "re
one o! the0 !or 'o( "re "%so "
G"%i%e"n1 62 /(t he beg"n to
c(rse "nd to swe"r0 s"'ing: )
know not this M"n o! who 'o(
s$e"kP LC
deni"% "nd then the cock
!irst crows0 then " 7
deni"% to "nother
wo"n1M 65 And iedi"te%' the
cock crew "g"in L5
tiePM1 And
Peter reebered the word th"t
+es(s h"d s"id (nto hi: /e!ore
the cock crows twice0 'o( sh"%%
thriceD den' Me1 And he beg"n
to wee$1
L- 55
38 And "!ter the s$"ce0 "s it were0 o!
one ho(r "nother cert"in "n
"!!ired0 s"'ing: O! " tr(th0 this "n
w"s "%so with Hi0 !or he is "%so "
G"%i%e"nP F> And Peter s"id: M"n0 )
know not wh"t 'o( s"'P LC
And iedi"te%' "s he w"s 'et
s$e"king0 the L2
M cock crew1 LThen "
deni"% to " wo"n "nd " 5
F2 And the Lord t(rning %ooked on
Peter1 And Peter reebered the
word o! the Lord0 "s He h"d s"id:
/e!ore the cock crows0 'o( sh"%% den'
Me thrice1 F5 And Peter going o(t0
we$t bitter%'1
+N 24 5851TU58F1
5F One o! the ser*"nts
o! the high $riest @"
kins"n to hi whose
e"r Peter c(t o!!A s"id to
hi: Did ) not see 'o(
in the g"rden with hiB
56 Ag"in0 there!ore0
Peter denied Lthis C
deni"% is to " "nM0 "nd
iedi"te%' the L2
cock crew1 LThen " 7
deni"% to " wo"n "nd "
second crowing1M
D M"tthew0 L(ke0 "nd The Poem "!!ir th"t Peter denied the Lord three ties be!ore the cock crowed e*en once1 @See "%so +n1 2C:C4G5F71A /(t bec"(se none o! the Gos$e%s ention
the !o(rth deni"%0 $%"in%' re*e"%ed in The Poem0 it h"s been (ni*ers"%%' "ss(ed th"t +es(sH re!erence to PeterHs three deni"%s e"ns there were no others1 M"rkHs ere%' inco$%ete
"cco(nt th(s %e"*es the !"(%t' i$ression th"t the ass&med last and third denial c"e after the !irst crowing1 This h"s %ed "n' to conc%(de this to be "n (nist"k"b%e contr"diction in
Scri$t(re1 9h"t h"s been " "Kor di%e" !or bib%ic"% scho%"rs h"s been e:$%"ined $er!ect%' in The Poem1
*A2. FR)DAY0 3 AM .esus (till :e!ore the (anhedrin F>>bG$1337
MT 56
2 AND when orning h"d coe0
"%% the chie! $riests "nd r(%ing
e%ders o! the $eo$%e took co(nse%
"g"inst +es(s0 th"t the' ight
$(t Hi to de"th1
M- 23 TU
2" AND iedi"te%' in the
orning0 the chie! $riests0
ho%ding " cons(%t"tion with the
r(%ing e%ders "nd the scribes "nd
the who%e co(nci%0
L- 55 58C1TU
F6 And +es(s s"id to the: )! ) sh"%% te%% 'o(0 'o( wi%% not
be%ie*e Me1 F4 And i! ) sho(%d ;(estion 'o(0 'o( wi%% not
"nswer Me0 nor %et Me go1 F8 /(t here"!ter the Son o! M"n sh"%%
be sitting on the right h"nd o! the $ower o! God1D 6> Then s"id
the' "%%: Are 'o( then the Son o! GodB +es(s s"id: As 'o( s"'0
th"t ) "P 62 And the' s"id: 9h"t need we "n' !(rther
testion'B For we o(rse%*es h"*e he"rd it !ro His own o(th1
LThe tit%e the Son o! God w"s we%% (nderstood to e"n " c%"i o! di*init'1M
T+es(s re$e"ts His $roise gi*en in 58>1 th"t this gener"tion wo(%d see (nist"k"b%e
e*idence o! his di*ine "(thorit'1 This wo(%d be in the destr(ction o! +er(s"%e "nd its
Te$%e "nd the tri($h o! His ,h(rch1 @See "%so 2661A
*AC. FR)DAY0 6:C> AM .esus :e!ore 3ilate at the $ntonia Fortress F>>bG$1333
MT 56 TU 5861
5 And the' bro(ght
Hi bo(nd0 "nd
de%i*ered Hi to
Ponti(s Pi%"te the
MT 56 C381TUC>>1
22 And +es(s stood
be!ore the go*ernor0
"nd the go*ernor
"sked hi0 s"'ing:
Are Yo( the king o!
the +ewsB +es(s
s"id to hi: Yo(
h"*e s"id it1 Li1e1 Yo(
h"*e st"ted the !"ct1M
25 /(t when He
w"s "cc(sed b' the
chie! $riests "nd
"ncients0 He
"nswered nothing1
2C Then Pi%"te s"id
to Hi: Do 'o( not
he"r how "n'
serio(s things the'
"%%ege "g"inst Yo(B
27 And +es(s
"nswered hi not
e*en " word0 so
th"t the go*ernor
M- 23 TUC>>1
2b "nd binding +es(s0 %ed Hi "w"' "nd de%i*ered Hi to
Pi%"te1 5 And Pi%"te "sked Hi: Are 'o( the king o! the
+ewsB /(t He "nswering0 s"id to hi: Yo( h"*e s"id it
Lcorrect%'M1 C And the chie! $riests "cc(sed Hi o! "n'
things1 7 And Pi%"te "g"in "sked Hi0 s"'ing: Are 'o( not
"nsweringB /eho%d in how "n' "tters the' "cc(se Yo(P
3 /(t +es(s sti%% "nswered nothing so th"t Pi%"te "r*e%ed1
L- 5C
2 AND the who%e
(%tit(de o! the
rising ($0 %ed +es(s
to Pi%"te1 5 And
the' beg"n to
"cc(se Hi0 s"'ing:
9e h"*e !o(nd this
M"n $er*erting o(r
n"tion0 !orbidding
to gi*e trib(te to
,"es"r0 "nd s"'ing
th"t He is ,hrist the
-ing1 C And Pi%"te
"sked Hi0 s"'ing:
Are Yo( the king o!
the +ewsB And He
"nswering0 s"id:
Yo( s"id it Lthe
tr(thM1 7 And Pi%"te
s"id to the chie!
$riests "nd to the
crowds: ) !ind
nothing b%""b%e in
this M"n1D 3 /(t
the' were the ore
e"rnest0 s"'ing: He
stirs ($ the $eo$%e0
te"ching thro(gho(t
"%% +(de"0 beginning
!ro G"%i%ee to this
$%"ceP DClaiming to
be Oing o! the .e#s
#as an inredibly
serious matter1 Th"t
Pi%"te did not consider
+es(sH "ditting this
"n' o!!ense wh"te*er
h"d to e"n he w"s
+ery familiar with
+es(sH *iew o! His
kingshi$1 )ndeed The
Poem re%"tes in gre"t
det"i% both the
"dir"tion "nd res$ect
th"t Pi%"teHs wi!e
,%"(di" Proc(%" h"d
!or +es(s "nd His *iew
o! His s$irit("%
kingdo1 Pi%"te
ere%' "sked +es(s the
;(estion to see i! He
wo(%d own ($ to His
c%"i be!ore hi1
F /(t Pi%"te0
he"ring o! G"%i%ee0
"sked i! the M"n
were o! G"%i%eeB 6
And when he
(nderstood th"t He
w"s o! HerodHs
K(risdiction0 he
sent Hi "w"' to
Herod0 who w"s
"%so hise%! "t
+er(s"%e0 in those
+N 24


54 Then the' %ed +es(s !ro
,"i"$h"s to the go*ernorHs
h"%%1 And it w"s orning1
And the' went not into the
h"%%0 th"t the' ight not be
de!i%ed0 b(t th"t the' ight
e"t the P"sso*er1D 58 Pi%"te0
there!ore0 went o(t to the
"nd s"id: 9h"t "cc(s"tion do
'o( bring "g"inst this M"nB
C> The' "nswered "nd s"id to
hi: )! He were not "
"%e!"ctor0 we wo(%d not h"*e
de%i*ered Hi ($ to 'o(1 C2
Pi%"te0 there!ore0 s"id to the:
T"ke Hi 'o(rse%! "nd K(dge
Hi "ccording to 'o(r %"w1
The +ews0 there!ore0 s"id to
hi: )t is not %"w!(% !or (s to
$(t "n' "n to de"th0 C5 th"t the word o! +es(s ight be
!(%!i%%ed0 which He s"id0 signi!'ing wh"t de"th He sho(%d
die1 L+es(s h"d $redicted th"t He wo(%d be <%i!ted ($= "nd th"t
wo(%d be cr(ci!i:ion on " Ro"n cross @C:27E 4:54E 25:C5A1M
DAs noted "t 2C:58 @"t 5FC1A it is cert"in th"t other s"cri!ices c"%%ed
<P"sso*er= were cons(ed on the ne:t d"' !o%%owing the P"sch"%
e"%1 This wo(%d be " id#d"' e"% "nd w"s reg"rded "s e"ting the
P"sso*er @De(t1 2F:5#CE 5 ,hron1C>:55E C3:6#8A1 /(t it is "%so ;(ite
$ossib%e th"t the chie! $riests h"d been interr($ted in their P"sso*er
$re$"r"tions "nd were w"iting !or " decision o! the Ro"n go*ernor
in reg"rd to +es(s be!ore the' coenced their P"sso*er obser*"nce1
CC Pi%"te0 there!ore0 went into the h"%% "g"in "nd c"%%ed
+es(s0 "nd s"id to Hi: Are 'o( the king o! the +ewsB C7
+es(s "nswered: Are 'o( "sking this thing o! th'se%!0 or
h"*e others to%d 'o( this o! MeB C3 Pi%"te "nswered: A )
" +ewB Yo(r own n"tion "nd the chie! $riests h"*e
de%i*ered Yo( ($ to e1 9h"t h"*e Yo( doneB CF +es(s
"nswered: M' kingdo is not o! this wor%d1 )! M'
kingdo were o! this wor%d0 M' ser*"nts wo(%d cert"in%'
h"*e !o(ght to kee$ Me !ro being de%i*ered to the +ews1
/(t now L'o( c"n cert"in%' seeM M' kingdo is not !ro here1
C6 Pi%"te0 there!ore0 s"id to Hi: Are 'o( " king thenB
+es(s "nswered: Yo( s"' correct%' th"t ) " " king1 For
this w"s ) born0 "nd !or this c"e ) into the wor%d0 th"t )
sho(%d gi*e testion' to the tr(th1 E*er' one who is o! the
tr(th he"rs M' *oice1 C4 Pi%"te s"id to Hi: 9h"t is
tr(thBP And when he s"id this0 he went o(t "g"in to the
+ews "nd s"id to the: ) !ind no c"(se "g"inst Hi1
*A;. FR)DAY0 4:C> AM Ono#ing He has not #on His Favor' .udas thro#s his Money into Caiaphas9
Fae F>2"G$136C
MT 56 58F"1 TUC521
C Then +(d"s0 who betr"'ed Hi0 seeing th"t He w"s condened0 re$ented "nd bro(ght b"ck the thirt' $ieces o!
si%*er to the chie! $riests "nd r(%ing e%ders0 7 s"'ing: ) h"*e sinned in betr"'ing innocent b%oodP /(t the' s"id:
9h"t is th"t to (sB See to th"t 'o(rse%!P Li1e1 Th"t is 'o(r $rob%ePM 3" And c"sting down the $ieces o! si%*er in the
te$%e0 he de$"rted0
*AB1 FR)DAY0 4:C> AM .esus :e!ore Herod F>>bG$13F2
L- 5C 58F1TU
4 And Herod0 seeing +es(s0 w"s *er' g%"d0 !or he o! " %ong tie h"d been desiro(s to see Hi0 bec"(se he h"d
he"rd "n' things "bo(t Hi0 "nd he h"d ho$ed to see soe sign done b' Hi1 8 And he ;(estioned Hi with
"n' words1 /(t +es(s "nswered hi in nothing1 2> And the chie! $riests "nd the scribes stood b'0 e"rnest%'
"cc(sing Hi1 22 And Herod with his "r' tre"ted hi with conte$t "nd ocked Hi1 Then $(tting on Hi "
white g"rent0 the' sent Hi b"ck to Pi%"te1 25 And Herod "nd Pi%"te were "de !riends th"t s"e d"'0 !or
be!ore the' h"d been eneies one to "nother1
*AA. FR)DAY0 8 AM .esus :a/ :e!ore 3ilate 7 3ilate Tries to Free .esus F>>bG$13FC
L- 5C TUC>21
2C And Pi%"te0 c"%%ing together the chie! $riests0 the "gistr"tes0 "nd the $eo$%e0 27 s"id to the: Yo( h"*e $resented (nto e this
M"n "s one who $er*erts the $eo$%e1 And beho%d )0 h"*ing e:"ined Hi be!ore 'o(0 !ind no o!!ence in this M"n0 in those things
wherein 'o( "cc(se Hi1 23 No0 "nd neither did Herod1 For ) sent 'o( to hi0 "nd beho%d L"s 'o( seeM0 nothing worth' o! de"th h"s
been done b' Hi1 2F ) wi%% ch"stise Hi0 there!ore0 "nd re%e"se Hi1
<++1 FR)DAY0 8:C> AM 3ilate Gives the 3eople a Choie bet#een :arabbas and .esus F>>bG$13FC
MT 56 58Fb1TUC>31
23 Now ($on the !e"st Lo! the
P"sso*erM the go*ernor w"s
"cc(stoed to re%e"se to the
$eo$%e one $risoner0 whoe*er the' chose1 2F And he h"d then Lin
c(stod'M " notorio(s $risoner who w"s c"%%ed /"r"bb"s1 26 The'0
there!ore0 being g"thered together !or this $(r$ose0 Pi%"te s"id:
9ho wo(%d 'o( th"t ) re%e"se to 'o(0 /"r"bb"s or +es(s0 9ho is
c"%%ed ,hristB 24 For he
knew th"t !or en*' the'
h"d de%i*ered Hi1
M- 23 58F1TU
F Now on the !e"st d"' Pi%"te w"s "cc(stoed to re%e"se (nto
the one o! the $risoners0 whoe*er the' re;(ested1 6 And there
w"s one c"%%ed /"r"bb"s0 who w"s $(t in $rison with soe
seditio(s en0 who in the sedition h"d coitted (rder1 4 And
the crowd Ltr'ing to get +es(s !reedM c"e ($ "nd beg"n to beg Pi%"te
th"t he wo(%d do "s he h"d "%w"'s done !or the1 8 And Pi%"te
"nswered the0 "nd s"id: 9i%% 'o( th"t ) re%e"se to 'o( the king o!
the +ewsB 2> For he knew th"t the chie! $riests h"d de%i*ered Hi
($ o(t o! en*'1
"ote: Pi%"te0 inste"d o! re%e"sing +es(s or e*en (sing the occ"sion to "ke the
s%ightest "$$e"% to the crowd !or K(stice0 decides inste"d to ock the +ews he
h"tes with +es(sH c%"i o! kingshi$P This on%' in!%"ed the eneies o! +es(s1
Pi%"te here becoe "n (tter%' des$ic"b%e e:"$%e o! "n (tter%' worth%ess r(%er
ore interested in " oent"r' $%e"s(re o! his c%e*er Kibe "g"inst the +ews he
des$ised th"n in $re*enting "n "bso%(te o(tr"ge o! inK(stice b' the (nder his
+N 24
C8 /(t 'o( h"*e "
c(sto th"t ) sho(%d
re%e"se one (nto 'o( "t
the P"sso*er1 9o(%d
'o(0 there!ore0 th"t )
re%e"se (nto 'o( the
king o! the +ewsB
<+,. FR)DAY0 8:C> AM The Cro#d Chooses :arabbas9 !or %elease # /e!ore Pi%"te F>>bG$13FC
MT 56 C>31TUC>61
5> /(t the chie! $riests "nd r(%ing
e%ders $ers("ded the $eo$%e th"t
the' sho(%d "sk !or /"r"bb"s "nd
$(t +es(s to de"th1 52 And the
go*ernor "g"in s"id to the: 9hich
o! the two do 'o( wish e to
re%e"se (nto 'o(B And the' cried0
/"r"bb"sP 55 Pi%"te s"id to the:
9h"t sh"%% ) do then with +es(s
9ho is c"%%ed ,hristB The' "%%
cried: Let Hi be cr(ci!iedP 5C The
go*ernor s"id to the: 9h'B 9h"t
e*i% h"s He doneB /(t the' cried
o(t the ore0 s"'ing: Let Hi be
M- 23 TU
22 /(t the chie! $riests
o*ed the $eo$%e0 th"t he
sho(%d inste"d re%e"se
/"r"bb"s to the1 25 And
Pi%"te "g"in Lnow bent on
"king s$ort o! the sit("tion "nd
"g"in "t the e:$ense o! betr"'ing
his sworn d(t' to ($ho%d K(stice "s
Ro"n go*ernorM "nswering0
s"id to the: 9h"t wi%% 'o(
then th"t ) do to the king o!
the +ewsB 2C /(t the' "g"in
cried o(t: ,r(ci!' HiP 27
And Pi%"te s"id to the:
9h'0 wh"t e*i% h"s He doneB
/(t the' cried o(t the ore:
,r(ci!' HiPP
L- 5C
26L26!nM Now o! necessit' he LPi%"teM w"s
to re%e"se (nto the one Lhe%d $risoner b'
RoeM ($on the !e"st d"'1
24 /(t the who%e (%tit(de together cried
o(t0 s"'ing: Aw"' with this M"nP And:
Re%e"se (nto (s /"r"bb"sP
28 Now0 he w"s " "n who0 !or " cert"in
sedition "de in the cit'0 "nd !or (rder
h"d been c"st into $rison1 5> /(t Pi%"te
"g"in s$oke to the0 desiring Lh"%!#he"rted%'M
to re%e"se +es(s1 52 /(t the' cried "g"in0
s"'ing: ,r(ci!' HiPP ,r(ci!' HiPP 55
And he s"id to the the third tie: 9h'B
9h"t e*i% h"s this M"n doneB ) !ind no
c"(se o! de"th in Hi1 ) wi%% ch"stise Hi0
there!ore0 "nd %et Hi goP L)! there h"d been
"n' interest "t "%% !or K(stice on Pi%"teHs $"rt it w"s
entire%' gone b' this <third tie= !or K(stice
"%re"d' knew the "nswer to the ;(estion "sked here
+N 24
7> Then
cried the' "%%
s"'ing: Not
this M"n0 b(t
w"s " robber1
<+*. FR)DAY0 2> AM 3ilate Has .esus (ourged F>>bG$13FC
MT 56
5F" Then he re%e"sed to the /"r"bb"s0 "nd
h"*ing sco(rged +es(s0
M- 23 TUC>81
23"b And so Pi%"te being wi%%ing to s"tis!'
the $eo$%e0 re%e"sed to the /"r"bb"s "nd
de%i*ered ($ +es(s0 "!ter he h"d sco(rged
+N 28
2 THEN0 there!ore0 Pi%"te took
+es(s "nd sco(rged Hi1 LM"rk sees
this e*ent "s "rking o(r LordHs
,r(ci!i:ion "t "bo(t the C
ho(r0 8#2> AM
See Mk123:53M
<+<. FR)DAY0 2> AM .esus Cro#ned #ith Thorns' :eaten and Mo/ed D /e!ore Pi%"te F>>bG$13F3
MT 56 C>81TUC2>1
56 Then the so%diers o! the go*ernor took
+es(s into the $"%"ce "nd g"thered "bo(t
Hi the who%e b"tt"%ion1 54 And stri$$ing
Hi0 the' $(t " LRo"n o!!icerHsM sc"r%et
c%o"k "bo(t Hi1 58 And we"*ing " crown
o! thorns0 the' $(t it ($on His he"d "nd
$%"ced " reed in His right h"nd1 And
bowing the knee be!ore Hi the' ocked
Hi0 s"'ing: H"i%0 king o! the +ewsP C>
And s$itting ($on Hi0 the' took the reed
"nd str(ck His he"d1
M- 23 C>81TUC2>1
2F And the so%diers %ed Hi "w"' into the
co(rt inside the $"%"ce which is the
$r"etori(1 And the' c"%%ed together the
entire det"chent o! so%diers1 26 And the'
c%othed Hi with " $(r$%e LrobeM0 "nd
we"*ing " crown o! thorns0 the' $(t it
($on Hi1 24 And the' beg"n to s"%(te
Hi: H"i%0 king o! the +ewsP 28 And the'
str(ck His he"d with " Lb"boo#%ikeM reed1
And the' s$it on Hi1 And bowing their
knees0 the' ocking%' did Hi ho"ge1
+N 28 TU
2 THEN0 there!ore0 Pi%"te took +es(s "nd
sco(rged Hi1 LM"rk sees this e*ent "s "rking
o(r LordHs ,r(ci!i:ion "t "bo(t the C
ho(r0 8#2>
AM See Mk123:53 "t C24b1M
<+@. FR)DAY0 2>:C> AM 3ilate: I Find "o Fault in Him F>>bG$13FF
L- 5C C>21TUC>F1
5C /(t the' were insistent
with %o(d cries0 de"nding
th"t +es(s be cr(ci!ied1 And
their *oices $re*"i%ed1
+N 28 TUC>F1
7 Pi%"te0 there!ore0 "g"in went !orth "nd s"id to the: /eho%d0 ) bring Hi !orth (nto 'o(0 th"t 'o(
"' know th"t ) !ind no c"(se in Hi L!or wh"t 'o( "re de"ndingM1 3 +es(s0 there!ore0 c"e !orth0
be"ring the crown o! thorns "nd the $(r$%e g"rent1 And Pi%"te s"id to the: /eho%d the M"nP F
9hen0 there!ore0 the chie! $riests "nd the ser*"nts h"d seen Hi0 the' cried o(t0 s"'ing: ,r(ci!' HiP
,r(ci!' HiP Pi%"te s"id to the: T"ke Hi 'o(rse%! "nd cr(ci!' Hi0 !or ) !ind no c"(se L!or thisM in
HiP 6 The +ews "nswered hi: 9e h"*e " L"w "nd "ccording to the L"w He o(ght to die0 bec"(se He
"de Hise%! the Son o! GodP 4 9hen Pi%"te0 there!ore0 h"d he"rd this s"'ing0 he !e"red the ore1 8
And he entered into the h"%% "g"in "nd s"id to +es(s: Fro where "re 'o(B /(t +es(s g"*e hi no
<+2. FR)DAY0 2>:C> AM 3ilate9s Wi!e Warns Him F>>bG$13F6
MT 56 C>>1TUC>21
28 And "s he w"s sitting in the $%"ce o! K(dgent0 his wi!e L,%"(di" Proc(%"M sent word to hi0 s"'ing: H"*e
nothing to do with th"t K(st M"nP For ) h"*e s(!!ered "n' things this d"' in " dre" bec"(se o! Hi1
"ote: Soe o! the ost !"scin"ting e$isodes in The Poem re%"te the incredib%e cont"cts "nd e:ch"nges +es(s h"d with se*er"%
Ro"n wo"n o! high r"nk inc%(ding Pi%"teHs wi!e0 ,%"(di" Proc(%"1 These were cont"cts "de !ro their "c;("int"nce with M"r'
o! M"gd"%" who h"d been so $ro!o(nd%' ch"nged b' o(r Lord1 ,%"(di" w"s not " be%ie*er "t this tie b(t she h"d coe to "
$ro!o(nd res$ect !or Hi1
<+C. FR)DAY0 22 AM We Have "o Oing but Caesar # /e!ore Pi%"te F>>bG$13F6
L- 5C C>71TUC2C1
57 And Pi%"te g"*e sentence
th"t it sho(%d be "s the'
re;(ired1 53 And he re%e"sed
(nto the hi0 who !or
(rder "nd sedition0 h"d
been c"st into $rison0 who
the' h"d desired0 b(t +es(s he
de%i*ered ($ to their wi%%1
+N 28 C>71TUC>81
2> Pi%"te0 there!ore0 s"id to hi: Do Yo( not s$e"k to eB Do Yo( not know th"t ) h"*e $ower to
cr(ci!' Yo(0 "nd ) h"*e $ower to re%e"se Yo(B 22 +es(s "nswered: Yo( wo(%d not h"*e "n' $ower
"g"inst Me0 (n%ess it were gi*en to 'o( !ro "bo*e1 There!ore0 those who h"*e de%i*ered Me to 'o(
h"*e the gre"ter sin1
25 And !ro then on Pi%"te so(ght to re%e"se Hi1 /(t the +ews cried o(t0 s"'ing: )! 'o( re%e"se this
M"n0 'o( "re not ,"es"rHs !riendP For whoe*er "kes hise%! " king s$e"ks "g"inst ,"es"rP 2C Now
when Pi%"te h"d he"rd these words0 he bro(ght +es(s !orth "nd s"t down in the K(dgent se"t in the
$%"ce th"t is c"%%ed The P"*eent "nd in Hebrew0 G"bb"th"1 27 And it w"s the P"r"sce*e L$re$"r"tion d"'
to the S"bb"th d"'0 Frid"'M o! the P"sso*er Lweek not o! the P"sso*er D"'M0D "bo(t the si:th ho(r LnoonM0 "nd he
s"id to the +ews: /eho%d 'o(r kingP 23 /(t the' cried o(t: Aw"' with HiP Aw"' with HiP ,r(ci!'
HiP Pi%"te s"id to the: Sh"%% ) cr(ci!' 'o(r kingBP The chie! $riests "nswered: 9e h"*e no king b(t
,"es"rP DM"rk 23:75 con!irs the d"' o! ,r(ci!i:ion w"s the d"' o! <$re$"r"tion= !or the S"bb"th0 or Frid"'1
<+;. FR)DAY0 22:C> AM 3ilate Washes His Hands F>>bG$13F4
MT 56 C>21TUC>51
57 And Pi%"te0 seeing th"t he $re*"i%ed nothing0 b(t th"t r"ther " t((%t w"s "de0 took w"ter "nd w"shed his h"nds be!ore the $eo$%e0
s"'ing: ) " innocent o! the b%ood o! this K(st M"n0 see to it 'o(rse%*es1 53 And the who%e $eo$%e "nswering0 s"id: His /%ood be ($on (s
"nd o(r chi%drenP
<+B. FR)DAY0 22:C>AM The (ign on the Cross # /e!ore Pi%"te F>>bG$13F4
+N 28 C241TUC231
28 And Pi%"te wrote " tit%e "%so0 "nd he $(t it ($on the ,ross1 And the writing w"s: +ES.S OF NAOARETH0 THE -)NG OF THE
<+A. FR)DAY0 22:C> AM 3ilate Delivers .esus to be Crui!ied F>>bG$13F4
MT 56 C>51TUC>C1
5Fb de%i*ered Hi
(nto the to be
M- 23
23c LThen Pi%"te de%i*ered
HiM to be cr(ci!ied1
+N 28 C>F1TUC221
2F Then0 there!ore0 he de%i*ered +es(s to the Lthe chie! $riests W *123M to be
cr(ci!ied1 And the' Lthe chie! $riests (nder the $rotection o! Ro"n so%diersM took +es(s
"nd %ed Hi !orth1
"ote: These "re $%"in "nd si$%e !"cts not soe %"ter <$o%eic= b' the e"r%' ,hristi"ns to tr'
to e:oner"te the Ro"ns !ro their g(i%t in ,hristHs cr(ci!i:ionP
<,+. FR)DAY0 22:C> AM .esus is $gain Mo/ed L#M
MT 56 C>C1TUC2C1
C2 And "!ter the' h"d ocked Hi the' took o!! the c%o"k "nd $(t
on Hi His own g"rents "nd %ed Hi "w"' to be cr(ci!ied1
M- 23 C>C1TUC2C1
5> And "!ter the' h"d "de s$ort o! Hi0 the' took o!! the
$(r$%e robe0 "nd $(t on Hi His own g"rents0 "nd %ed Hi o(t
to cr(ci!' Hi1
F>>cG$3F4 # +es(s re%"tes to M"ri" &"%tort" tho(ghts on His eeting with Pi%"te1
F>2"G$36C # De"th o! +(d"s -erioth L)sc"riotM1 @2#5 PMA The /eh"*ior o! M"r' tow"rds +(d"s ,"nce%s E*eHs /"ring tow"rds ,"in1
F>2bG$34> # +es(s coents on the (tter e*i% th"t +(d"s !e%% into1
F>2cG$345 # +es(s coents on the re%"tionshi$ he h"d with M"r' "nd the re%"tionshi$ between Ad" "nd E*e1
F>5G$343 # Other Te"chings on the First P"rents "nd on the P"r"%%e%is between ,"in "nd +(d"s1
F>CG$38> # +ohn Goes to Get M"r'1 @+es(s h"s K(st been h"nded o*er to the +ews b' Pi%"te "nd is w"iting to be %ed to His cr(ci!i:ion1A
The tie is between 2>:C> "nd22:C> AM Frid"'1
TH) W$8 4F TH) C%4(( 7 5 $3%I5 $D <@ LPoe ,h"$ters F>7#F>40 F2>#F22M
<,,. FR)DAY0 22:C> AM The Way to the Cross F>7G$138C
+N 28 C>81TUC241
26 And be"ring His own cross0 He went !orth to th"t $%"ce which is c"%%ed ,"%*"r'0 b(t in Hebrew0 Go%goth"0
<,*. FR)DAY0 25 NOON Weep "ot !or Me but !or 8ourselves F>7G$1386
L- 5C C2C1TUC241
56 And there !o%%owed Hi " gre"t co$"n' o! $eo$%e0 "nd o! woen0 who bew"i%ed "nd %"ented Hi1 54 /(t
+es(s t(rning to the0 s"id: D"(ghters o! +er(s"%e0 wee$ not o*er Me0 b(t wee$ !or 'o(rse%*es0 "nd !or 'o(r
chi%dren1 58 For beho%d the d"'s sh"%% coe in which the' wi%% s"': /%essed "re the b"rren0 "nd the wobs th"t
h"*e not borne0 "nd the bre"sts th"t h"*e ne*er n(rsed1 C> Then sh"%% the' begin to s"' to the o(nt"ins: F"%%
($on (sP "nd to the hi%%s: ,o*er (sP C2 For i! when the tiber is green the' Lthe Ro"nsM do these things0 wh"t
sh"%% be done in when it is dr'B LA $ro*erb i$%'ing the destr(cti*e $ower o! " !orest !ire e"ning here: )! the Ro"ns do this
to Me 9ho is $er!ect%' K(st0 wh"t wi%% the' do to this (nbe%ie*ing n"tion !or their (%tit(de o! sins "nd cries "g"inst RoeBM
C5 And there were "%so two other criin"%s %ed with Hi to be $(t to de"th1 L)s"13C:25M
<,<. FR)0 NOON (imon :ears the Cross o! Christ F>7G$1F>5
MT 56 C2>1TU
C5 And going o(t0 the' !o(nd "
"n o! ,'rene0 n"ed Sion1
The' !orced hi to t"ke ($ His
M- 23 C2>1TU
52 Then the' !orced one c"%%ed Sion0 " ,'reni"n0
who $"ssed b'0 coing o(t o! the co(ntr'0 the !"ther o!
A%e:"nder "nd o! R(!(s0 to t"ke ($ His cross1
"ote: A%e:"nder "nd R(!(s ob*io(s%' h"d becoe we%% known
be%ie*ers "t the tie the writing o! M"rkHs Gos$e%1 Tr"ditions
"re strong th"t these brothers "cco$"nied Peter "nd Andrew on
soe o! their ission"r' tri$s1 The n"es "re entioned on%'
here in <PeterHs Gos$e%1=
L- 5C C>F1TUC251
5F And "s the' %ed +es(s "w"'0 the' %"id
ho%d o! one Sion o! ,'rene0 coing !ro
the co(ntr'1 And the' %"id the cross on
hi to c"rr' "!ter +es(s1
<,@1 FR)DAY0 25#2 PM .esus $rrives at Calvary F>7G$1F>C
MT 56 TUC241
CC And the' c"e to the $%"ce th"t is c"%%ed Go%goth"0 which is Lin
L"tinM the $%"ce o! ,"%*"r' Le"ning0 the P%"ce o! the Sk(%%M1
M- 23 TUC241
55 And the' bro(ght Hi into the $%"ce c"%%ed Go%goth"0 which
being inter$reted Lin L"tinM is: The P%"ce o! ,"%*"r' Lthe P%"ce o! the
<,2. FR)DAY0 25#2 PM The Chie! 3riests 4bRet to the (ign @F>>cG$13F4A
+N 28 C>41TUC281
5> This tit%e0 there!ore0 "n' o! the +ews did re"d bec"(se the $%"ce where +es(s w"s cr(ci!ied w"s ne"r to the
cit'1 And it w"s written in Hebrew0 Greek0 "nd in L"tin1 52 Then the chie! $riests o! the +ews s"id to Pi%"te: Do
not write: The -ing o! the +ews0 b(t th"t He s"id0 ) " the -ing o! the +ewsP 55 Pi%"te "nswered: 9h"t ) h"*e
written0 ) h"*e writtenP
<,C. FR)DAY0 25#C PM Dar/ness Comes at "oon F>3G$1F2>
MT 56 C5>1TUC5F1
73 Now !ro the si:th ho(r L25 noonM there
w"s d"rkness o*er the who%e e"rth (nti%
the ninth ho(r LC PMM1
M- 23 C5>1TUC5F1
CC And when the si:th ho(r L25 noonM h"d
coe0 there w"s d"rkness o*er the who%e
e"rth (nti% the ninth ho(r LC $M1
L- 5C C571TUC561
77 And it w"s "%ost the si:th ho(r LnoonM0
"nd there w"s d"rkness o*er "%% the e"rth
(nti% the ninth LC $M ho(r1
"ote: This d"rkness th"t c"e w"s not "n ordin"r' ec%i$se o! the s(n -y the moon "s P"sso*er w"s "t !(%% oon when the oon w"s "s !"r !ro the s(n "s it
co(%d be1 Soething e%se co*ered the s(n besides the oon or "n' d(st or soke !ro the e"rth;("keP Soe h"*e tho(ght we "' h"*e "n inde$endent record o!
s(ch " ir"c%e b' the Ro"n "stronoer0 Ph%egon0 who0 s$e"king o! the 27
'e"r o! the reign o! Tiberi"s @the 'e"r ,hrist w"s to h"*e diedA0 s"id th"t <the gre"test
ec%i$se o! the s(n th"t w"s e*er known h"$$ened then0 !or the d"' w"s so t(rned into night th"t the st"rs "$$e"red1= His work0 =nnals of the 9lympiads0 is not
e:t"nt b(t is ;(oted b' A!ric"n(s "nd E(sebi(s1 The d"ting o! this0 howe*er0 is not correct1 Soe h"*e disco(nted this citing bec"(se it is c"%%ed <"n ec%i$se0= b(t
wh"t is described co(%d h"rd%' h"*e been c"(sed ere%' b' the oonP Tert(%%i"n in A$o%10 ::i0 st"tes th"t " notice o! this d"rkness w"s to be !o(nd in the "rchi*es
o! Roe1 W !ro the P&lpit ,ommentary "nd 8arnes Dotes1
<,;. FR)DAY025#2 PM The Faith!ul Women at the (ene o! the Crui!i0ion F>3G$1F>7
+N 28 C281TUC531
53 Now there stood b' the cross o! +es(s0 His other0 "nd His otherHs sister0 M"r' o! ,%eo$"s0D "nd M"r'
M"gd"%ene1 DM"r' ,%eo$"sGA%$h"e(s w"s a co&sin to Ho%' M"r' "s she w"s the wi!e o! +ose$hHs o%dest brother A%$h"e(s "nd
other to +es(s !o(r <brethren1= Since Hebrew "nd Ar""ic h"*e no word !or co(sin the ters brother "nd sister were "%w"'s (sed1

<,B. FR)DAY0 25#2 PM .esus Must %eRet the Drin/ !rom .ohanna !or His %elie! 7 .esus is "ailed to the Cross
MT 56 C271TU
C7 And Lbe!ore being n"i%ed to the
crossM the' g"*e Hi wine to drink
ing%ed with g"%%1 And when He
h"d t"sted0 He wo(%d not drink1
11 MT 56
C6 And the' $(t o*er His he"d the
"cc(s"tion written: TH)S )S
+E9S1 C4 At the s"e tie there
were cr(ci!ied with Hi two
thie*es0 one on the right h"nd "nd
one on the %e!t1
M- 23 C271TU
5C And Lbe!ore being n"i%ed to the crossM the' g"*e Hi
wine ing%ed with 'rrh to drink0 b(t He did not t"ke
M- 23
)t w"s the third ho(r0D "nd the' cr(ci!ied Hi Lg"*e the
sentence o! cr(ci!i:ionM1 5F And the inscri$tion o! the
ch"rge "g"inst Hi w"s written "bo*e: THE -)NG OF
THE +E9S1 56 And with Hi the' cr(ci!ied two
thie*es0 the one on His right h"nd0 "nd the other on His
%e!t1 54LRS& !nM And the Scri$t(re w"s !(%!i%%ed0 which
s"'s: =nd )ith the )ic*ed He )as rep&ted1 Z)s"i"h 3C:25[
DA re!erence b"ck to the tie when +es(sH !"te w"s se"%ed W the
tri"% be!ore Pi%"te between 8#2> AM "t M"rk 23:22#23 @C>21A1
L- 5C
CC And when the'
h"d coe to the
$%"ce which is
c"%%ed ,"%*"r'0
the' cr(ci!ied Hi
there with the
robbers0 one on
the right h"nd0 "nd
the other on the
+N 28 C221TUC>41
24 where the'
cr(ci!ied Hi1
And with Hi
were two others0
one on e"ch side0
with +es(s in the
<,A1 FR)DAY0 2 PM The (oldiers Gamble !or .esus9 Clothes F>3"G$1F2>
MT 56 TU
C3 And "!ter the' h"d cr(ci!ied
Hi0 the' di*ided His g"rents0
c"sting %ots0 th"t it ight be
!(%!i%%ed which
w"s s$oken b' the
$ro$het LD"*idM0
s"'ing: They
di+ided My
'arments amon'
them, and &pon
My +est&re they
cast lots1 ZPs"152:28L55:24M[ CF And the' s"t "nd w"tched Hi1
M- 23 TU
57 And cr(ci!'ing Hi0 the'
di*ided His g"rents0 c"sting %ots
($on the0 deterining wh"t
e*er' "n sho(%d t"ke1
L- 5C C5C1TU
C7b /(t the'0
di+ided His
'arments -y
castin' lots1
+N 28
5C The so%diers0
there!ore0 when
the' h"d
cr(ci!ied Hi0
took His
g"rents "nd
"de !o(r $"rts0 to e*er' so%dier " $"rt0 "nd "%so His co"t1
Now the co"t w"s witho(t se"0 wo*en !ro the to$
thro(gho(t1 57 The' s"id then one to "nother: Let (s not c(t
it0 b(t %et (s c"st %ots !or it !or whose it sh"%% be1 This w"s
th"t the Scri$t(re ight be !(%!i%%ed0 s"'ing: They ha+e
parted My 'arments amon' them, and &pon My +est&re they
ha+e cast lots" ZPs"1 52:28 L55:24M[ And the so%diers0 indeed0 did
these things1
<*+. FR)DAY0 2#5 PM Come Do#n !rom the Cross and (ave 8oursel! F>3"G$1F22
MT 56 C241TUC2F1
C8 And the' th"t $"ssed b' b%"s$heed Hi0
w"gging their he"ds LPs"152L55M:4#8L6#4ME 2>4L2>8M:53M 7>
"nd s"'ing: A#h"P Yo( th"t wo(%d destro' the te$%e
o! God "nd in three d"'s reb(i%d it0 s"*e Yo(r own
se%!P )! Yo( "re the Son o! God0 coe down !ro the
crossP 72 )n %ike "nner "%so the chie! $riests0 with
the scribes "nd r(%ing e%ders0 ocking0 s"id: 75 He
s"*ed others0 Hise%! He c"nnot s"*eP )! He is the
king o! )sr"e% %et Hi now coe down !ro the
cross "nd we wi%% be%ie*e HiP 7C He tr(sted in
God0 %et Hi now de%i*er Hi i! He wi%% h"*e Hi0
!or He s"id: ) " the Son o! GodP 77 And in the
s"e w"' the thie*esD who were cr(ci!ied with
Hi0 "%so re$ro"ched Hi1
D/(t "s soon "s the one thie! recogniIed +es(s w"s no
criin"% b(t the Messi"h he h(b%' "sked !or erc' @&0 $1F>60
F22A1 9e (st reeber there "re "n' tod"' whose reKection
o! ,hrist is not o(t o! "%ice !or the tr(th b(t o(t o! ignor"nce
o! it1
M- 23 C241TUC2F1
58 And the' who $"ssed b' b%"s$heed
Hi0 w"gging their he"ds "nd s"'ing: A#
h"P Yo( 9ho wo(%d destro' the te$%e
o! God "nd in three d"'s b(i%d it ($
"g"in0 C> S"*e Yo(rse%! "nd coe down
!ro the cross Li! Yo( c"nMP C2 )n %ike
"nner "%so the chie! $riests with the
scribes0 ocking0 s"id one to "nother:
He s"*ed others b(t Hise%! He c"nnot
s"*eP C5 Let ,hrist the king o! )sr"e%
coe down now !ro the cross th"t we
"' see "nd be%ie*eP And the' th"t were
cr(ci!ied with Hi "%so re*i%ed Hi1
L- 5C
C3 And the $eo$%e stood w"tching0
"nd the r(%ers with the derided
Hi0 s"'ing: He s"*ed others0 %et
hi s"*e Hise%! i! He is ,hrist0
the chosen o! GodP CF And the
so%diers Lo(t o! their own disd"in !or the
+ewsM "%so ocked Hi0 coing to
Hi "nd o!!ering hi *ineg"r0 C6
"nd s"'ing: )! Yo( "re the king o!
the +ews0 s"*e Yo(rse%!P C4 And
there w"s "%so "n inscri$tion
written o*er Hi in %etters o!
Greek0 L"tin0 "nd Hebrew: TH)S
<*,. FR)DAY0 2#5 PM (eeing the Crui!i0ion !rom the Mount o! 4lives0 .udas Hangs Himsel! F>2"G$1F>3
MT 56 5861TUC381
3b "nd L"!ter "d%' r(shing here "nd there in the cit' !or se*er"% ho(rs "nd then !ro Gethse"ne witnessing the cr(ci!i:ionM went "nd h"nged hise%!
with " h"%ter1
<**. FR)DAY0 5 PM The T#o Thieves F>3"G$1F25
L- 5C C5>1TU5571
C8 And one o! the robbers who w"s "%so s(s$ended0 b%"s$heed Hi0 s"'ing: )! Yo( "re ,hrist0 s"*e Yo(rse%! "nd (sP 7> /(t the other
"nswering0 reb(ked hi0 s"'ing: Do 'o( not !e"r God0 seeing 'o( "re condened (nder the s"e sentenceB 72 /(t we indeed "re
condened K(st%'0 !or we "re recei*ing the d(e $"'ent !or o(r deeds0 b(t this M"n h"s done no e*i%1
<*<. FR)DAY0 5#C PM Father' Forgive Them F>3"G$1F27
L- 5C C241TUC281
C7" And +es(s s"id: F"ther0 !orgi*e the0 !or the' know not wh"t the' doP

"ote: this $r"'er co(%d not be "nswered !or "n'0 b(t this $r"'er cert"in%' te%%s (s th"t +es(s !org"*e His worst eneiesP
<*@. FR)DAY0 5#C PM %emember Me #hen 8ou Come into Thy Oingdom F>3"G$1F27
L- 5C C551TU52F1
75 And he s"id to +es(s: Lord0 reeber e when Yo( sh"%% coe into Yo(r kingdoP 7C And +es(s s"id to hi: Most "ss(red%' ) s"'
to 'o(0 this d"' 'o( sh"%% be with Me in P"r"dise1
D3aradise is not He"*en1 +es(s did not go to He"*en (nti% "!ter His res(rrection1 +es(s "$$e"ring to the M"gd"%ene on Res(rrection S(nd"' s"id0 <Do not to(ch
Me !or ) h"*e not 'et "scended to M' F"ther1= @+n15>:26 "t C7F1A +es(s h"d !irst descended into Sheo%GH"des0 with "%% in w"iting !or rede$tion "nd !or the g"tes
o! He"*en to be o$ened1 Here He $roc%"ied the Good News to both in P"r"dise "nd in the $%"ce o! $(rging @2 Peter C:24#5>E 7:FE E$h1 7:4#2>A1 Those who were
$re$"red0 entered the New ,o*en"nt "nd were then "!ter His "$$e"r"nce to the M"gd"%ene %ed b' o(r Lord with P"r"dise itse%! into the F"therHs $resence in
He"*en when He !irst $resented His own b%ood behind the He"*en%' *ei% to "tone !or the sins o! "n1 On%' "!ter o(r LordHs "toning work w"s $resented to the
F"ther w"s He"*en o$ened to the redeeed1
<*2. FR)DAY0 5#C PM Mary is Given to .ohn and the Churh F>3"G$1F2F
+N 28 C261TUC561
5F 9hen +es(s0 there!ore0 h"d seen His other "nd the disci$%e st"nding who He %o*ed L+ohnM0 He s"id to His other: 9o"n0 beho%d
'o(r sonP 56 A!ter th"t He s"id to the disci$%e: /eho%d 'o(r otherP And !ro th"t ho(r0 the disci$%e took her "s his own LotherM1
<*C. FR)DAY0 5#C PM My God' My God Why Hast Thou Forsa/en MeE F>3"G$1F24
MT 56 C2F1TUC541
7F And "bo(t the ninth ho(r LC PMM +es(s cried with " %o(d *oice0
s"'ing: EL)0 EL)0 LAMMA SA/A,THAN)BP Th"t is0 M' God0
M' God0 wh' h"st Tho( !ors"ken MeBP LPs"152L55M:5L2MM
76 And soe th"t stood there "nd he"rd0 s"id: This M"n is c"%%ing
!or E%iK"hP
M- 23
C7 And "t the ninth ho(r LC PMM0 +es(s cried o(t with " %o(d
*oice0 s"'ing: ELO)0 ELO)0 LAMMA SA/A,THAN)BP 9hich
is0 being inter$reted0 M' God0 M' God0 wh' h"st Tho( !ors"ken
MeBP C3 And soe o! those st"nding b' who he"rd0 s"id: /eho%d
He c"%%s !or E%iK"hP
<*;. FR)DAY0 5# C PM I Thirst F>3"G$1F28
L- 5C C2F1TUCC51
73" And the s(n w"s d"rkened0
+N 28 C531TU
54 A!terw"rds0 +es(s knowing th"t "%% things were now "cco$%ished0 "nd th"t the Scri$t(res ight
be !(%!i%%ed0 s"id: I THI!T? ZPs"1F4:55LF8:52M[
<*B. FR)DAY0 5#C PM .esus Drin/s the 3ain!ul 4!!ering o! 5ove !rom a 3agan (oldier
MT 56
74 And iedi"te%' one o! the r(nning took " s$onge
"nd !i%%ed it with *ineg"r Lso(r wineM "nd $(t it on " reed0
"nd g"*e Hi to drink1 LPs"1F4LF8M:55L52MM 78 And the others
s"id: Let Hi beP Let (s see whether E%iK"h wi%% coe to
de%i*er Hi1 L+es(s did not re!(se this o!!er b' this $"g"n who
wished to re%ie*e His thirst b' o!!ering this s"%i*" sti(%"nt0 tho(gh
the *ineg"r on%' intensi!ied the $"in o! His br(ised o(th1M
M- 23
CF And soeone r"n "nd !i%%ed
" s$onge with *ineg"r0 "nd
$(tting it ($on " reed0 g"*e to
Hi " drink0 s"'ing: St"'0 %et
(s see i! E%iK"h wi%% coe to
t"ke Hi down1
+N 28 TU
58 Now there w"s " *esse% set there
!(%% o! *ineg"r1 And the'0 $(tting "
s$onge !(%% o! *ineg"r on L" reed o!M
h'sso$0 $(t it to His o(th1 C>"
+es(s0 there!ore0 when He h"d t"ken
the *ineg"r0
<*A. FR)DAY0 C PM It is FinishedL F>3"G$1F5>
M- 23 TUCC21
C6" And +es(s0 h"*ing cried o(t with " %o(d *oice0
L- 5C CC51TU
7F" And +es(s cr'ing o(t with " %o(d *oice0
+N 28 TUCC21
C>b L+es(sM s"id: )T )S
<<+. FR)DAY0 C PM Father' Into Thy Hands I Commend My (pirit F>3"G$1F5>
L- 5C TU
<<,. FR)DAY0 C PM .esus9 5ast Cry Was' HM4TH) . . LI F>3"G$1F52
MT 56 5541TU
3> And +es(s "g"in0 cr'ing with "
%o(d *oice0 'ie%ded ($ His S$irit1
M- 23 C581TU
C6b LHeM g"*e ($ His
L- 5C TUCC31
7Fc And s"'ing this0 He g"*e ($
His S$irit1
+N 28
C>c And bowing His he"d0
He g"*e ($ His S$irit1
<<*. FR)DAY0 C PM The Temple &eil is %ent 7 Many (aints %ise !rom the Dead F>3"G$1F520F57
MT 56 TUCC31
32 And beho%d the *ei% o! the te$%eD w"s rent in two !ro the to$ e*en to the
botto0 "nd the e"rth ;("ked0 "nd the rocks were rentP 35 And the gr"*es were
o$ened "nd "n' bodies o! the s"ints th"t h"d s%e$t "rose0 3C "nd coing o(t o!
the tobs "!ter His res(rrection0 c"e into the ho%' cit' "nd "$$e"red to "n'1
M- 23 TUCC31
C4 And the *ei% o! the
te$%e w"s rent in two0
!ro the to$ to the
L- 5C
73b "nd the *ei% o!
the te$%e w"s rent
down the idd%e1
DThe *ei% w"s "n e:ceeding%' thick wo*en di*ider se$"r"ting the ho%' $%"ce in the Te$%e !ro the Ho%' o! Ho%ies into which no one w"s to go or e*en %ook
e:ce$t the high $riest once " 'e"r1 At th"t tie he wo(%d go into the $resence o! the Ark o! the ,o*en"nt "nd s$rink%e the b%ood on the Merc' Se"t ($on the "rk
to "ke "toneent !or the $eo$%e1 The signi!ic"nce o! this (ndeni"b%e di*ine "ct w"s to deonstr"te th"t there h"d !in"%%' been " S"cri!ice "de th"t w"s
"cce$t"b%e to de"% with sin "nd now the w"' w"s o$en !or en to re"ch He"*en "nd !e%%owshi$ with the F"ther1

<<<. FR)DAY0 7 PM .esus9 (ide is 3iered F>3"G$1F55
+N 28 CCF1TU
C7 /(t one o! the so%diers LLongin(sM with " s$e"r o$ened His side0 "nd iedi"te%' there c"e o(t b%ood "nd
w"ter1 C3 And he who s"w it h"s gi*en testion'0 "nd his testion' is tr(e1 And he knows th"t he te%%s the
tr(th0 th"t 'o( "%so "' be%ie*e1 CF For these things were done0 th"t the Scri$t(re ight be !(%!i%%ed: 7o& shall
not -rea* a -one of Him" ZE:125:76E N(18:25[ C6 And "g"in "nother Scri$t(re s"'s: They shall loo* on Him Chom
they pierced1 ZOech125:2>[
<<@. FR)DAY0 7#3 PM .oseph o! $rimathea $s/s !or the :ody o! .esus F>3"G$1F57
MT 56 CC31TUCC61
36 And when it w"s
e*ening0 there c"e "
cert"in rich "n o!
Ari"the" L"nd eber o!
the r(%ing co(nci%M0 n"ed
+ose$h0 who "%so w"s "
disci$%e o! +es(s1 34 He
went to Pi%"te "nd
re;(ested the /od' o!
+es(s1 Then Pi%"te
co"nded th"t the /od'
sho(%d be de%i*ered to
M- 23

75 And when e*ening h"d now coe @bec"(se it
w"s sti%% the P"r"sce*e LPre$"r"tion D"'M0 th"t is0
the d"' be!ore the LS"t(rd"'M S"bb"thA0 7C +ose$h
o! Ari"the"0 " nob%e co(nse%or0 who w"s "%so
hise%! %ooking !or the -ingdo o! God0 c"e
"nd went in bo%d%' to Pi%"te0 "nd begged the
/od' o! +es(s1 77 /(t Pi%"te wondered how He
sho(%d be "%re"d' de"d1 And sending !or the
cent(rion0 he "sked hi i! He were "%re"d' de"d1
73 And when he h"d (nderstood this b' the
cent(rion0 he g"*e the /od' to +ose$h1
L- 5C
3> And beho%d there w"s "
"n n"ed +ose$h0 o!
Ari"the"0 " cit' o! +(de"0
who w"s " co(nse%or Lto the
S"nhedrinM0 " good "nd K(st
"n0 32 who "%so hise%!
%ooked !or the -ingdo o!
God1 @The s"e h"d not
consented to their co(nse%
"nd its doings1A 35 This "n
went to Pi%"te "nd begged !or
the /od' o! +es(s1
+N 28 TUC751
C4 And "!ter these
things0 +ose$h o!
Ari"the" @bec"(se he
w"s " disci$%e o! +es(s0
b(t secret%' !or !e"r o!
the +ewsA0 begged
Pi%"te th"t he ight
t"ke "w"' the /od' o!
+es(s1 And Pi%"te g"*e
%e"*e1 He c"e0
there!ore0 "nd took the
/od' o! +es(s1
<<2. FR)DAY0 7#3 PM The %oman Centurion 5onginus :elieves F>3"G$1F53
MT 56 CC51TUCC71
37 Now the LRo"nM cent(rion0 "nd
those who were with hi w"tching
+es(s0 h"*ing seen the e"rth;("ke "nd
the things th"t h"$$ened0 were gre"t%'
"!r"id0 s"'ing: )ndeed this w"s the Son
o! GodP 33 And Lwhi%e +ohn "nd Ho%' M"r'
were "t the crossM there were there "n'
woen "!"r o!!0 who h"d !o%%owed +es(s
!ro G"%i%ee0 inistering (nto Hi0 3F
"ong who w"s M"r' M"gd"%ene0 "nd
M"r' Lo! ,%o$"sGA%$h"e(sM the other o!
.ames "nd .osephT0 "nd LM"r' S"%oeM
the other o! the sons o! Oebedee L+"es
"nd +ohnM1
M- 23 CC51TUCC71
C8 And the LRo"nM cent(rion who stood !"cing Hi0 seeing
th"t He h"d gi*en ($ His s$irit0 cr'ing
o(t in this "nner
s"id: )ndeed this M"n w"s the Son o! GodP 7> And Lbesides
Ho%' M"r' "nd +ohn "t the crossM there were "%so woen %ooking
on "!"r o!!0 "ong who w"s M"r' M"gd"%ene0 "nd M"r' Lo!
A%$h"e(sG,%o$"sM the other o! .ames the %essD "nd o!
.oseph0D "nd S"%oe Lother o! +"es "nd +ohnM0 72 who0 "%so
when +es(s w"s in G"%i%ee !o%%owed Hi0 "nd inistered to
Hi0 "nd "n' other woen who c"e ($ with Hi to
D.ames and .oseph: Two o! +es(sH !o(r <brothers= @co(sinsA "nd sons
o! M"r' "nd A%$h"e(sG,%o$"s W see "t Mt12>:C @6F1A +ose$h w"s the o%dest
"nd bitter%' o$$osed +es(s (nti% he c"e to be%ie*e "!ter the
Res(rrection1 +"es w"s "$$ointed b' O(r Lord "s /isho$ o! the
+er(s"%e ch(rch1M
L- 5C CC21TUCC71
76 Now the LRo"nM cent(rion0
seeing wh"t w"s done0 g%ori!ied
God0 s"'ing: )ndeed this w"s "
K(st M"nP 74 And the entire
crowd th"t h"d coe together
to th"t sight0 seeing the things
th"t were done0 ret(rned
striking their bre"sts1 78 And
"%% +es(sH "c;("int"nces0 "nd
the woen th"t h"d !o%%owed
hi !ro G"%i%ee0 stood "!"r
o!!0 beho%ding these things1
L+ohn "nd Ho%' M"r' h"d st"'ed
ne"r the !oot o! the cross1M
<<C. FR)DAY0 7#3 PM The .e#s $s/ !or .esus9 5egs to be :ro/en F>3"G$1F5F
+N 28 CC21TUCCC1
C2 Then the +ews0 bec"(se it w"s the $re$"r"tion d"' LFrid"'M th"t the bodies ight not re"in on the cross on
the S"bb"th d"' W !or th"t w"s " gre"t S"bb"th d"' Lbeing within the 6 d"' P"sso*er !esti*"%M W begged Pi%"te th"t their
%egs ight be broken Lto h"sten de"thM0 "nd th"t the' ight be t"ken "w"'1 C5 The so%diers0 there!ore0 c"e "nd
broke the %egs o! the !irst0 "nd o! the other who w"s cr(ci!ied with Hi1 CC /(t "!ter the' c"e to +es(s0 when
the' s"w th"t He w"s "%re"d' de"d0 the' did not bre"k His %egs1
<<;. FR)DAY0 3#F PM .oseph o! $rimathea Gives his "e# Garden Tomb !or .esus F>F"G$1F54
MT 56 CC71TUCC81
38 And +ose$h0
t"king the /od'0
wr"$$ed it ($ in "
c%e"n %inen c%othD
F>" "nd %"id it in
his own new L!reshM
tob0 which he h"d
hewed o(t in "

M- 23 CC71TUCC81
7F"b And +ose$h b('ing
!ine %inen0 "nd t"king
Hi down0 wr"$$ed Hi
($ in the !ine %inen0D "nd
%"id Hi in " se$(%cher
which w"s hewn o(t o! "
L- 5C CC71TU
3C And t"king +es(s down0 he
wr"$$ed Hi in !ine %inen0D
"nd %"id Hi in " se$(%cher
th"t w"s hewn in the stone0 "nd
wherein no "n h"d 'et been
%"id1 37 And it w"s the d"' o!
the P"r"sce*eD LPre$"r"tion !or
the S"t(rd"' S"bb"th0 Frid"'M0 "nd
the S"bb"th drew on1
+N 28 C751TUC7C1
7> The' took0 there!ore0 the /od' o! +es(s0 "nd
bo(nd it in %inen c%oths0D with the s$ices0 "s the
"nner o! the +ews is to b(r'1 72 Now there w"s in
the $%"ce where +es(s w"s cr(ci!ied " g"rden0 "nd in
the g"rden " new se$(%cher wherein no "n 'et h"d
been %"id1 75 So there the' %"id +es(s0 bec"(se o!
the Pre$"r"tion d"'D o! the +ews "nd bec"(se the
se$(%cher w"s ne"r b'1
Dlinen loth: The Shro(d o! T(rin $reser*ed to this *er' d"' is indeed this *er' c%oth $ro*ided b' +ose$h o! Ari"the" "nd the i$rint w"s e:$%"ined b' o(r Lord
to M& in &0$1FF4#FF81 The second s"%%er c%oth entioned b' +ohn w"s $%"ced on the !"ce1 The <*eronic"= $reser*ed to this d"' w"s that cloth1
Dday o! 3reparation: This <w"s the technic"% n"e !or Frid"'0 @which in ecc%esi"stic"% Greek "nd L"tin is sti%% known "s P"r"sce*eA1 E*en tho(gh this $"rtic(%"r
Frid"' w"s the !irst !e"st d"'0 it co(%d sti%% be c"%%ed si$%' N$re$"r"tionH "ccording to r"bbinic"% writings o! th"t tie @Str"ck#/i%%erbeck0 ii0 $$1 454#4C5A1= Nor*"%
Ge%denh('s0 ,ommentary on the Gospel of %&*e1 This e%iin"tes the !oo%ish notion th"t ,hrist w"s not cr(ci!ied on Frid"'0 the P"sso*er Fe"st "nd th"t the L"st
S($$er w"s then not " P"sso*er e"%1
<<B. FR)DAY0 3#F PM The Women at the Tomb !or .esus9 :urial F>Fb#dG$1FC>
MT 56 CC81TUC7>1
F2 And M"r' M"gd"%ene w"s there0 "nd the
other M"r' Lo! A%$h"e(sM sitting o$$osite the
M- 23
76 And M"r' M"gd"%ene0 "nd M"r' Lo!
A%$h"e(sM the other o! +ose$h0 LSion0 +(d"s
Th"dd"e(s0 "nd +"es the %essM behe%d where He
w"s %"id1

L- 5C TUC7>1
33 And the woen who h"d coe with
Hi !ro G"%i%ee0 !o%%owing "!ter0 s"w
the se$(%cher "nd how His bod' w"s
The #omen #ho sa# the sepulher were: M"r'0 o(r LordHs MotherE M"r' o! A%$h"e(s0 the other o! +es(sH !o(r <brothers= @two o! who were A$ost%esAE M"r'
M"gd"%eneE M"r' S"%oe o! Oebedee other o! +"es "nd +ohnE S(s"nn"0 the bride o! ,"n"E "nd M"rth"1 /(t the on%' woen who went into the tob with
+ohn0 +ose$h o! Ari"the" "nd Nicode(s "nd s"w <how His /od' w"s %"id0= were Ho%' M"r' "nd M"r' M"gd"%ene1
<<A. FR)DAY0 3#F PM $ (tone is %olled 4ver the Door F>6G$1FC4
MT 56 CC61TUCC41
F>b And he ro%%ed " gre"t stone o*er the door o! the tob0 "nd went
his w"'1
M- 23 CC61TUCC41
7Fc And he ro%%ed " stone to the door o! the se$(%cher1
3$((4&)% ($::$TH :)GI"( 5 $3%I5 F%ID$8 C3M
<@+. FR)DAY E&E0 @S"bb"thA The Chie! 3riests $s/ !or the Tomb to be (ealed and Guarded F>6G$1F72
MT 56 CC41TUC7C1
F5 And the ne:t d"' which !o%%owed the d"' o! $re$"r"tion L!or the S"bb"thM0 the chie! $riests "nd the
Ph"risees c"e together to Pi%"te0 FC s"'ing: Sir0 we h"*e reebered0 th"t th"t sed(cer s"id0 whi%e He w"s
'et "%i*e: A!ter three d"'s ) wi%% rise "g"in1 F7 ,o"nd0 there!ore0 the se$(%cher to be g("rded (nti% the
third d"'0 %est $erh"$s His Disci$%es coe "nd ste"% Hi "w"' "nd s"' to the $eo$%e: He h"s risen !ro the
de"d0 "nd the %"st error sh"%% be worse th"n the !irst1 F3 Pi%"te s"id to the: Yo( h"*e " g("rd1 Go0 g("rd it
the best 'o( c"n1 FF And the' de$"rting "de the se$(%cher s(re0 se"%ing the stone "nd setting g("rds1 LThis
$roced(re on%' %ent credibi%it' to the Res(rrection in the e'es o! "n' who knew o! these sec(rit' e"s(resPM
L- 5C CC41TU
3F" And Lthe woenM
ret(rning L!ro the tobM0
F>4"G$F74 # @The Night o! Good Frid"'A # M"r'Hs "ng(ish with the woen disci$%es "nd +ohn in the <.$$er Roo= o*er the %oss o! her Son1
F>4bG$F35 # M"r'Hs "ng(ishing %"ent contin(es1 She $%e"ds to her de$"rted Son to gi*e her " sign to co!ort her in the "gon' o! her
<@,. FR)DAY E&E0 @S"bb"thA The 3reparation o! the (pies F>4cG$1FF>
M- 2F C7C"1TU C7Cb1
2bc =Now M"r' M"gd"%ene0 "nd M"r' Lo! A%$h"e(sG,%o$h"sM the
other o! +"es Lthe %essM0 "nd S"%oe Lother o! +ohn "nd +"es o!
OebedeeM0 h"d bo(ght sweet s$ices0 th"t coing L" d"' %"terM0 the'
ight "noint +es(s1? "ote: See C7C"1 !or !irst $"rt o! the *erse1
L- 5C TU
3Fb the' $re$"red s$ices "nd ointents1
"ote: )t w"s not " *io%"tion o! the S"bb"th to c"re !or !"i%' needs1
F>8G$FFF # The Redeeing &"%(e o! +es(sH "nd M"r'Hs S(!!erings1 +ohn is He"d o! the Lo*ers1 @+es(s gi*es $erson"% insights to M"ri"
<@*. SAT.RDAY DAY @S"bb"thA %esting on the (abbath # A Roo ne"r the .$$er Roo F2>G$1F65
3Fc And on the S"bb"th d"' the'
rested0 "ccording to the
+N 28 CC71TUCC61
C8 And Nicode(s "%so c"e @he who "t the !irst c"e to +es(s b' nightA0 bringing " i:t(re
o! 'rrh "nd "%oes0 "bo(t " h(ndred $o(nd weight1 LThese wo(%d be bro(ght to the Tob %"ter on
S(nd"' orning b' !i*e woen "!ter the' h"d been %"borio(s%' $re$"red1M
F22G$F42 # @The Night o! Ho%' S"t(rd"'A # Ho(rs %"ter in the night0 M"r' o! A%$h"e(s !inds Ho%' M"r'0 h"*ing h"d no s%ee$ !or c%ose
to three d"'s0 on her knees be!ore the <*eronic"= sti%% $r"'ing1 Ho%' M"r' ends ($ conso%ing her sister#in#%"w in her distress o*er her
two sons0 +(d"s Th"dd"e(s "nd +"es !or "b"ndoning +es(s1 +ohn then !in"%%' coes b"ck h"*ing !o(nd in Gethse"ne both Peter
"nd the "nt%e o! +es(s0 which is torn "nd co*ered with b%ood1 Since the )sc"riotHs 'e%%ow "nt%e w"s there "nd the te"rs were !ro
h("n teeth "rks0 the' conc%(de +(d"s w"s res$onsib%e1 Peter0 not thinking he co(%d e*er be !orgi*en0 resisted +ohnHs "n'
"tte$ts to bring hi b"ck to M"r'0 (nti% it w"s %"te "t night1 9hen he did coe he s"t o(tside the door wee$ing0 re!(sing to coe in
e*en "!ter M"r' herse%! c"%%ed hi to coe1 Once "g"in ignoring her own grie!0 she h"d to go to the door "nd $ick hi ($ !ro the
gro(nd1 9h"t tender he"%ing co(nse% w"s then gi*en to this broken "nP The' e*ent("%%' "%% retire "nd !"%% "s%ee$ 111 e:ce$t the
be"(ti!(% Morning St"r0 who c"n do nothing b(t $r"'P
TH) %)(>%%)CTI4" 4F 4>% 54%D .)(>( CH%I(T 7 5 $3%I5 $D <@ L+es(s re*e"%s this took $%"ce "t 3 AM on S(nd"'
orning @&0 $625AM LPoe ,h"$ters F25#FCCM
F25"G$F8> # @The Morning o! the Res(rrectionA # )t is sti%% *er' d"rk "s the woen disci$%es !inish $re$"ring the ointents1 Peter begins
"g"in " terrib%e %"ent o*er his !"i%(re1 M"r' M"gd"%ene con!ronts hi c"%%' "nd kind%'0 b(t direct%' "nd $ower!(%%'1 9h"t " %essonP
At the ention o! +es(sH res(rrection0 Peters shows his (nbe%ie! which both dee$%' grie*es "nd "ngers the M"gd"%ene1 )n "n o$en
reb(ke the M"gd"%ene te%%s M"r'0 in e"rshot o! Peter "nd the rest0 the' sho(%d $re$"re Ho%' M"r'Hs roo0 which is ne"r the <.$$er
Roo0= !or +es(sH ret(rn Mond"' e*ening "nd %ock K(st the two o! the together into it1 She then s"'s0 <The rest0 the others who do
not be%ie*e0 we wi%% %ock the in o*er there0 with their do(bts1= Ag"in it is the M"gd"%ene0 bec"(se o! her tender %o*e !or +es(s th"t
en"b%es her to "ss(re Ho%' M"r' to st"' behind whi%e the she "nd the other !o(r woen go to c"re !or +es(sH bod'1 +ohn st"'s behind
with Ho%' M"r' "nd Peter who h"s "g"in hidden hise%! in grie! o*er his sin1 M"r' sends +ohn o(t to !ind "nd inister to hi1
F25bG$F8F # Ho%' M"r' contin(es her $r"'ers !or " h"stening o! the res(rrection o! Her Son whi%e the woen "re on their w"' to the
tob1 =<@@. belo#?
F25cG$F84 # She is sti%% $r"'ing so e"rnest%' th"t She does not notice the e"rth;("ke1 =<@2. belo#?
<@<. S.NDAY0 3AM d"rk (ee the above "ote on the %esurretion # To the Tob F23G$16>7
MT 54 C7>1 TU
2 AND "!ter the
S"bb"th0 when it
beg"n to d"wn on the
!irst d"' o! the week0
c"e M"r'
M"gd"%ene "nd the
other M"r' Lo!
A%$h"e(s0 "%one with
M"rth"0 +oh"nn"0 M"r'
S"%oe "nd S(s"nn"M0 to
see the se$(%cher1
M- 2F CC41TUC721
2" And when the S"bb"th w"s $"st0
M- 2F C721TUC7F1
"nd *er' e"r%' in the orning0 the !irst d"' o! the week0 the'D c"e
toLw"rdsM the se$(%cher0 the s(n being now K(st beginning to rise Lit 'et
being ost%' d"rk W +n1 5>:2M1 C Now Lbe!ore the' %e!tM the' h"d s"id one to
"nother: 9ho sh"%% ro%% (s b"ck the stone !ro the door o! the
se$(%cherB L/ec"(se M"r' M"gd"%ene w"s not "!r"id o! the Ro"n g("rds "nd knew
how to bend their wi%%s to get "ccess to the Tob0 she goes on "he"d "%one to the Tob1 She h"d
e:$ected to coe b"ck to get the other woen when the Tob w"s o$ened1M
L- 57 TUC7F1
2 AND on the !irst
d"' o! the week0
*er' e"r%' in the
orning0 the' c"e
toLw"rdsM the
se$(%cher0 bringing
the s$ices which
the' h"d $re$"red1
+N 5> 761TUC731
2" AND on the
!irst d"' o! the
week0 M"r'
M"gd"%ene c"e
e"r%'0 when it
w"s 'et d"rk0
L"%oneM (nto the
"ote: 9hi%e M"r' S"%oe "nd S(s"nn" w"it b' the cit' w"%%0 M"r' o! A%$h"e(s "nd M"rth" go into the cit' to get +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"1 This is wh' the woen ended ($ going to the Tob
in three gro($s "!ter the ;("ke hit the cit'1 /e!ore M"r' gets to the Tob or e*en in sight o! it0 she is ne"r%' knocked to the gro(nd b' " bo%t o! %ight "nd "n e"rth;("ke1

<@@. S.NDAY0 3AM d"rk The Tomb is 4pened by $ngeli Fore F2CG$1F84
MT 54 TUC7F1
5 And beho%d there w"s " gre"t e"rth;("ke0 !or an angel o! the 5ord descended !ro He"*en0 "nd c"e "nd
ro%%ed b"ck the stone "nd s"t ($on it1 C And his co(nten"nce w"s "s %ightning "nd his r"ient "s snow1 7 And !or
!e"r o! hi the g("rds were str(ck with terror "nd bec"e "s de"d en1
"ote: M"r' now "rri*es "t the Tob0 sees the o$ened Tob0 "nd be%ie*es soeone h"s sto%en the /od' o! +es(s1 The bo%t o! %ight "nd e"rth;("ke she
sees "s GodHs K(dgent on the g("rds who "%%owed it1
F27G$6>2 # +es(s A$$e"rs to His Mother1 M"r' is $rostr"ted with Her !"ce on the !%oor1 A c%osed window is o$ened with " %o(d noise
"nd M"r' r"ises Her he"d to see0 "nd there She sees Her Son "s bri%%i"nt "s the s(n1
<@2. S.NDAY 3AM d"rk The Magdalene %uns to the %oom near the >pper %oom and :a/ F23G$16>F
+N 5>
2b "nd she LM"r' M"gd"%eneM s"w the stone t"ken "w"' !ro the se$(%cher1 5 She r"n0 there!ore0 "nd c"e to
Sion Peter "nd to the other disci$%e who +es(s %o*ed L+ohnM0 "nd s"id to the: The' h"*e t"ken "w"' the Lord
o(t o! the se$(%cher0 "nd weD know not where the' h"*e %"id HiP C" Peter "nd th"t other disci$%e L+ohnM0
there!ore0 went o(t0 LM"r' M"gd"%ene0 in s$e"king to Peter "nd +ohn0 inc%(des the other woen who %e!t !or the tob with her0
tho(gh on%' M"r' ends ($ "t the tob "%one0 bec"(se Peter "nd +ohn knew the' "%% went o(t "s " gro($1M
D(hould read Hand I.I O(t o! the 5F Eng%ish &ersions cons(%ted0 inc%(ding the ,"tho%ic Rheis "nd the NA/0 on%' the "ncient Ar""ic Peshitt"
@now recogniIed "s the ost re%i"b%e New Test"ent te:tA correct%'0 "nd in "greeent with The Poem0 (sed the $erson"% $rono(n <)1= Tho(gh the
woen cert"in%' "%% st"rted o(t together to *isit the Tob0 " si$%e re!%ection on the Gos$e% "cco(nt wi%% re*e"% the M"gd"%ene w"s "%one on this !irst
*isit to the Tob1 This incredib%e $recision "nd e*idence o! The Poem$s &niM&e inde$endent origin is "ni!est thro(gho(t1
"ote: /e!ore Peter0 +ohn "nd M"r' M"gd"%ene get b"ck to the Tob0 S(s"nn" "nd M"r' S"%oe0 witho(t w"iting !or the ret(rn o! M"r' M"gd"%ene0 r(sh to the Tob1 The' see "n "nge%
who te%%s the <He is not here1 He h"s risen1= The' "re terri!ied "nd think S"t"n is decei*ing the @Mk 12F:7#4E Mt1 54:4"A1 The' go b"ck to the roo ne"r the .$$er Roo b(t in !e"r
s"' nothing1 Peter0 +ohn "nd M"r' M"gd"%ene now "rri*e1 The' <be%ie*e= "s M"r' th"t soeone sto%e the /od' o! +es(s1 M"r' st"'s "nd disco*ers the Tr(th1 She then r(ns b"ck to the
.$$er Roo with the news1 As she does0 the third gro($ o! woen @Lk 57:2#8A0 M"r' o! A%$h"e(s0 M"rth" "nd +oh"nn" who h"d been "t the Tob "nd s"w t)o "nge%s0 r(sh in to te%%
their "cco(nt to Peter0 +ohn0 M"r' M10 Ho%' M"r' "nd the si%ent !e"r!(% woen1 The !e"r!(% si%ent woen now te%% their stor' "%so1 Peter "nd +ohn sti%% do not be%ie*e +es(s is risenP To
sett%e "n' do(bts0 M"r' o! A%$h"e(s "nd one o! the !e"r!(% woen0 S"%oe0 go b"ck to the tob to *eri!' wh"t the' h"d seen1 On the w"' b"ck0 +es(s "$$e"rs to the1 The' ho%d His !eet
"nd worshi$ HiP M"tthew cobines the C gro($s o! woen "nd C o! their *isit"tions to the Tob into one *isit to "*oid the co$%e:it' o! the e*ent
<@C. S.NDAY0 3AM d"wn Three Groups o! Women' Mary Magdalene and the Five &isits to the Tomb F23G$16>F
MT 54 C771 TU
The :lended (tory

3 And the angel
"nswering0 s"id to
the L!e"r!(%M woen
LS(s"nn" "nd M"r'
S"%oeM: Fe"r not0 !or
) know th"t 'o( seek
+es(s 9ho w"s
cr(ci!ied1 F He is
not here !or He h"s
risen "s He s"id1
,oe "nd see the
$%"ce where the
Lord w"s %"id1 6
And going ;(ick%'0
te%% His Disci$%es
th"t He h"s risen
"nd beho%d He wi%%
go be!ore 'o( into
G"%i%ee1 There 'o(
sh"%% see Hi1 Lo0 )
h"*e to%d 'o(1
4 And the' Lthe
!e"r!(% woenM went
o(t ;(ick%' !ro the
se$(%cher with !e"r
"nd L%"ter0 the
M"gd"%ene0 who
ret(rned with Peter "nd
+ohn0 sees +es(s bec"(se
she st"'s wee$ing "t the
tob1 9hi%e she is
ret(rning to the .$$er
Roo the Ko'!(% woen
@M"r' o! A%$h"e(s "nd
M"rth"A "rri*e0 see two
"nge%s "nd go o(t withM
gre"t Ko'0 r(nning to
te%% His Disci$%es1
8 And beho%d L(ch
%"terM .esus et
the Lthe <*eri!'ing
gro($0= M"r' o!
A%$h"e(s "nd M"r'
S"%oeM0 s"'ing:
GreetingsP And the'
c"e ($ "nd took
ho%d o! His !eet "nd
worshi$ed Hi1 2>
Then +es(s s"id to
the: Fe"r notP Go0
te%% M' brethren to
go into G"%i%ee0
there the' sh"%% see
M- 2F C7Cb1TUC741
The Fear!ul Women

7 And %ooking0 the'
LS(s"nn" "nd M"r' S"%oeM
s"w the stone ro%%ed
b"ck1 For it w"s *er'
3 And entering into the
se$(%cher0 the' s"w a
young man sitting on
the right side c%othed
with " white robe1 And
the' were "stonished1 F
He s"id to the: /e not
!rightenedP Yo( seek
+es(s o! N"I"reth 9ho
w"s cr(ci!ied1 He h"s
risenP He is not here0
beho%d the $%"ce where
the' %"id Hi1 6 /(t go0
te%% His Disci$%es "nd
Peter th"t He goes be!ore
'o( into G"%i%ee1 There
'o( sh"%% see Hi0 "s He
to%d 'o(1 4 /(t the'
going o(t0 !%ed !ro the
se$(%cher1 For "
treb%ing "nd !e"r h"d
seiIed the0 "nd the'
s"id nothing to "n' "n0
!or the' were "!r"id1
Three anient mss. o! Mar/
b : 5 end here but see
note at v. ,C:,B at <2*.*L
8D /(t .esus rising e"r%'
the !irst d"' o! the week0
"$$e"red !irst to M"r'
M"gd"%ene0 o(t o! who
He h"d c"st se*en
deons1 Lb(t on%' "!ter she
h"d coe b"ck to the tob
"!ter h"*ing !irst gi*en the
Disci$%es the s"d re$ort o! the
e$t' tob "nd the sto%en
2>D She went "nd to%d
those who h"d been with
Hi0 who were o(rning
"nd wee$ing Lbec"(se the'
tho(ght soeone h"d sto%en
the bod'M1 22D And the'
Lthe A$ost%es0 inc%(ding
+ohnPM he"ring th"t He
w"s "%i*e0 "nd h"d been
seen b' her0 did not
L- 57
The .oy!ul Women
5 And the' L2
M"r' M"gd"%ene "%one0
S(s"nn"0 M"r' S"%oe with +o"nn" @the
!e"r!(% woenA0 C
The M"gd"%ene0 Peter
"nd +ohn0 7
M"r' o! A%$h"e(s "nd M"rth"#
the <Ko'!(% woen= MD !o(nd the stone
ro%%ed b"ck !ro the se$(%cher1 C And
going in0 the' did not !ind the /od'
o! the Lord +es(s1
7 And it c"e to $"ss0 "s the' LM"r' o!
A%$h"e(s "nd M"rth"# the <Ko'!(% woen= M
were "stonished in their ind "t this0
beho%d0 t#o men FangelsG stood b'
the0 in shining "$$"re%1 3 And "s
the' were !rightened0 "nd were
bowing their !"ces tow"rds the
gro(nd0 the en s"id (nto the: 9h'
do 'o( seek the %i*ing "ong the
de"dB F He is not here0 b(t h"s risen1
Reeber how He s$oke (nto 'o(0
when He w"s in G"%i%ee0 6 s"'ing:
The Son o! M"n (st be de%i*ered
into the h"nds o! sin!(% en0 "nd be
cr(ci!ied0 "nd the third d"' rise
4 And the' reebered +es(sH words1
8 And going b"ck !ro the se$(%cher0
the' to%d "%% these things to <the
e%e*en0= "nd to "%% the rest Lwho h"d
K(st he"rd !ro the M"gd"%ene th"t she h"d
seen the Lord0 where($on the !e"r!(% woen
now !in"%%' te%% o! their enco(nter with the
"nge%1M1 2> And Lin the endM it w"s M"r'
M"gd"%ene0 "nd +o"nn"0 "nd M"r'
LS"%oeM o! +"es0 "nd the other
woen LS(s"nn"0 M"r' o! A%$h"e(s0
M"rth"M who were with the0 who LK(st
oents be!oreM to%d these things to the
A$ost%es1 22 And these words seeed
to the Lthe A$ost%esM "s id%e t"%es0 "nd
the' did not be%ie*e the1 25 /(t
Lbe!ore "n' o! this "nd ($on M"r'
M"gd"%eneHs *er' !irst re$ort th"t soeone
h"d sto%en the /od' since the tob w"s
e$t'M Peter rising ($ Lwith +ohn "nd the
M"gd"%eneM0 r"n to the se$(%cher1 And
stoo$ing down0 he s"w the %inen
c%oths %"id b' these%*es1 And LPeter0
with +ohnM went "w"' wondering in
hise%! "t th"t which h"d coe to
+N 5>
Mary Magdalene
Cb "nd the' LPeter "nd +ohnM c"e tow"rd the
se$(%cher1 7 And the' both r"n together0 b(t
th"t other disci$%e o(t r"n Peter "nd c"e to
the se$(%cher !irst1 3 And when he stoo$ed
down0 he s"w the %inen c%oths %'ing0 b(t 'et
he went not in1 F Then c"e Sion Peter
L"nd the M"gd"%eneM0 !o%%owing hi0 "nd the'
went into the se$(%cher "nd s"w the %inen
c%oths %'ing0 6 "nd the n"$kin th"t h"d been
"bo(t +es(sH he"d0 not %'ing with the %inen
c%oths0 b(t "$"rt0 wr"$$ed ($ into one $%"ce1
4 Then th"t other disci$%e who c"e !irst to
the se$(%cher "%so went in0 "nd he s"w0 "nd
be%ie*ed Lthe /od' w"s sto%enM1 8 For "s 'et
the' knew not the Scri$t(re th"t +es(s (st
L%iter"%%'M rise "g"in !ro the de"d1 2> The
disci$%es0 there!ore0 de$"rted "g"in to their
hoe1 LA%% the Disci$%es "cce$t +ohn took +es(s
words "bo(t His De"th "nd Res(rrection "s
!ig(r"ti*e1M 22 /(t M"r' stood o(tside the
se$(%cher0 wee$ing1 Now "s she w"s
wee$ing she stoo$ed down "nd %ooked into
the se$(%cher0 25 "nd she s"w t#o angels in
#hite sitting0 one "t the he"d "nd the other
"t the !eet where the bod' o! +es(s h"d been
%"id1 2C The' s"id to her: 9o"n0 wh' "re
'o( wee$ingB She s"id to the: /ec"(se
the' h"*e t"ken "w"' ' Lord "nd ) know
not where the' h"*e %"id Hi1 27 9hen she
h"d s"id this0 she t(rned herse%! b"ck "nd
s"w .esus st"nding b(t she knew not th"t it
w"s +es(s1 23 +es(s s"id to her: 9o"n0
wh' "re 'o( wee$ingB 9ho do 'o( seekB
She0 thinking it w"s the g"rdener0 s"id to
Hi: Sir0 i! 'o( h"*e t"ken Hi "w"'0 te%%
e where 'o( h"*e %"id Hi0 "nd ) wi%% t"ke
Hi "w"'1 2F +es(s s"id to her: M"r'P She
t(rning0 s"id to Hi: R"bboniP @9hich is to
s"'0 M"sterPA 26 +es(s s"id to her: Do not
to(ch Me0 !or ) h"*e not 'et "scended to M'
F"therP LHebrews 8:25 c!1 Mt1 54:8M /(t go to M'
brethren0 "nd s"' to the th"t ) "scend to M'
F"ther "nd to 'o(r F"ther0 to M' God "nd
'o(r God1 E$h1 7:4#2>
24 M"r' M"gd"%ene c"e "nd to%d the
Disci$%es: ) h"*e seen the Lord "nd these
things He s"id to eP
LThe Ko'!(% woen now r(sh in to te%% their stor' "nd the
!e"r!(% woen !in"%%' te%% wh"t the' s"w1 Peter "nd +ohn sti%%
do not be%ie*eP So then M"r' o! A%$h"e(s "nd M"r' S"%oe
go to the Tob1 On their w"' b"ck +es(s eets the1 The'
"re "%%owed to to(ch Hi1 See Mt1 54:8#2>1M

<@;. S.NDAY0 3AM d"wn The Guards are :ribed to 5ie and Given False $ssurane @F52G$1654A
MT 54 TUC331
22 9ho when the' Lthe woen W "ct("%%' on%' M"r' M"gd"%ene on her !irst "$$e"r"nce "t the TobM h"d de$"rted0 beho%d
soe o! the g("rds c"e into the cit' "nd to%d the chie! $riests "%% th"t h"d been done1 25 And the' being
"sseb%ed together with the r(%ing e%ders0 t"king co(nse%0 g"*e " gre"t s( o! one' to the so%diers0 2C s"'ing:
S"' th"t His Disci$%es c"e b' night "nd sto%e Hi "w"' when we were "s%ee$1 27 And i! the go*ernor LPi%"teM
sh"%% he"r this we wi%% $ers("de hi "nd sec(re 'o(1 23 So the'0 t"king the one'0 did "s the' were to%d1 So
this word Lth"t the Disci$%es sto%e his /od'M w"s s$re"d "bro"d "ong the +ews e*en (nto this d"' LAD 780 23 'e"rs
%"terM1 LO! co(rse when the news re"ched Pi%"te these r(%ing e%ders were *er' h"$$' to see the so%diers si%enced !ore*erPM
F2FG$625 # ,oent on the Res(rrection1 +es(s e:$%"ins to M"ri" &"%tort" wh' He !irst "$$e"red to His other "nd M"r' M"gd"%ene1
F26G$623 # @"bo(t 4# 8 AMA # +es(s A$$e"rs to L"I"r(s1 L"I"r(s is the !irst witness to the Disci$%es "t his est"te th"t +es(s is
res(rrected1 +es(s w"nted L"I"r(s to te%% "%% the Disci$%es to go o*er to the <.$$er Roo= where the woen disci$%es0 Peter "nd +ohn
were1 D(ring this tie0 +ose$h o! Ari"the" h(rried o*er to the tob which w"s on his own est"te ne"r Go%goth"1 He $icked ($ the
c%e"n shro(d in which +es(s h"d been wr"$$ed @which w"s !o(nd ro%%ed ($ inside the *ei%A "nd the soi%ed sheet in which +es(s w"s
%owered !ro the cross "nd bro(ght to the tob1 These wo(%d be entr(sted to L"I"r(s0 !or he w"s sti%% in !"*or with Roe1 The
+ews wo(%d not d"re bother hi @see ch"$ter F7>0 $18>20 8>5A1
F24G$65> # @"$:1 2> AMA # +es(s A$$e"rs to +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"1
F28G$65C # @"$:1 22 AMA # +es(s A$$e"rs to +ose$h o! Ari"the"0 to Nicode(s "nd to M"n"en "t Nicode(sH hoe1
F5>G$653 # @"ro(nd noonA # +es(s A$$e"rs to the She$herds1 The' were on their w"' !ro /eth"n'1
<@B. S.NDAY C PM .esus $ppears to T#o Disiples Going to )mmaus F52G$1656
M- 2F
25D And "!ter
th"t0 .esus
"$$e"red in
"nother !or to
two o! the
w"%king0 "s the'
were going into
the co(ntr'side1
2CD Then the'
going Lb"ck to
+er(s"%eM to%d it to
the rest0 b(t
neither did the'
be%ie*e the1

Three anient mss. o!
Mar/ b : 5 omit
,C:AD*+ but see note at
M/. ,C: ,B at <2*.*L
L- 57 C7F1TU
2C And beho%d0 two o! the L!o%%owers o! ,hristM went the s"e d"' to " town which w"s si:t' !(r%ongs L"bo(t se*en
i%esM !ro +er(s"%e0 c"%%ed E"(s1 27 And the' t"%ked together o! "%% these things which h"d h"$$ened1 23 And
it c"e to $"ss0 th"t whi%e the' t"%ked "nd re"soned with these%*es0 .esus Himsel! "%so dr"wing ne"r0 went with
the1 2F /(t their e'es were *ei%ed0 so the' wo(%d not know Hi1
26 And He s"id to the: 9h"t "re these disc(ssions th"t 'o( "re h"*ing one with "nother "s 'o( w"%k0 "nd "re
s"dBP 24 And the one o! the0 whose n"e w"s ,%eo$"s0 "nswering0 s"id to Hi: Are 'o( on%' " str"nger to
+er(s"%e0 "nd h"*e not known the things th"t h"*e been done there in these d"'sBP
28 And He s"id: 9h"t thingsB And the' s"id: ,oncerning +es(s o! N"I"reth0 9ho w"s " $ro$het0 ight' in work
"nd word be!ore God "nd "%% the $eo$%e1 5> And how o(r chie! $riests "nd $rinces de%i*ered Hi to be condened
to de"th0 "nd cr(ci!ied Hi1 52 /(t we ho$ed0 th"t it w"s He 9ho sho(%d h"*e redeeed )sr"e%1 And now0 besides
"%% this0 tod"' is the third d"' since these things were done1 55 And oreo*er0 cert"in woen "%so o! o(r co$"n'
!rightened (s0 who be!ore it w"s %ight0 were "t the se$(%cher0 5C "nd not !inding His /od'0 c"e0 s"'ing0 th"t the'
h"d "%so seen " *ision o! "nge%s0 who s"id th"t He is "%i*e1 57 And soe o! o(r $eo$%e LPeter "nd +ohnM went to the
se$(%cher0 "nd !o(nd it Le$t'M "s the woen h"d s"id0 b(t Hi the' !o(nd not1
53 Then He s"id to the: O !oo%ish en0 "nd s%ow o! he"rt to be%ie*e in "%% the things which the $ro$hets h"*e
s$okenP 5F O(ght not ,hrist to h"*e s(!!ered these things0 "nd so to enter into His g%or'B 56 And beginning "t
Moses "nd "%% the $ro$hets0 He e:$o(nded to the in "%% the Scri$t(res0 o! the things th"t were concerning Hi1
Isaiah 2+:CX 2*:,<D2<:,*X Wisdom *:,+D*@X Daniel A:*CX Uehariah ,*:,+X ,<:;X 3salm ,2F,CG:*<X *,F**G 1 The !o%%owers o! ,hrist
ne*er do(bted or denied the Lord w"s going to s(!!er h(i%i"tion "nd reKection0 the' K(st did not be%ie*e He wo(%d %iter"%%' "nd $h'sic"%%'
*B And the' drew nigh to the town where the' were going "nd He "de "s tho(gh He wo(%d go !(rther1 58 /(t
the' constr"ined Hi0 s"'ing: St"' with (s bec"(se it is tow"rds e*ening "nd the d"' is now !"r s$ent1 And He went
in with the1
C> And it c"e to $"ss0 whi%e He w"s "t the t"b%e with the0 He took bre"d0 "nd b%essed "nd broke it0 "nd g"*e it to
the1 C2 And their e'es Lo! (nderst"ndingM were o$ened0 "nd the' recogniIed Hi1 And He *"nished o(t o! their sight1
LTh"t +es(s re*e"%ed Hise%! in the E(ch"rist "nd then inst"nt%' *"nished co(%d on%' e"n He w"nted to te%% those who wo(%d be His
!o%%owers where the' wo(%d !ind Hi !ro now onPM
The Lord now iedi"te%' "$$e"rs to the Disci$%es with Tho"s "bsent "s described in **1CF#78
C5 And the' s"id one to the other: 9"s not o(r he"rt b(rning within (s whi%e He s$oke on the w"' "nd o$ened to (s
the Scri$t(resBP
CC And rising ($ the s"e ho(r0 the' went Lthe 6 i%esM b"ck to +er(s"%e0 "nd the' !o(nd the e%e*en g"thered
together0 "nd those th"t were st"'ing with the0 C7 who s"id: The Lord is risen indeed0 "nd h"s "$$e"red to Sion
LPeter @with the others0 e:c%(ding Tho"sA **1CF#78 be%owMP C3 And the' to%d the things which h"$$ened on the w"' Lto
E"(sM0 "nd how the' recogniIed Hi in the bre"king o! the bre"d1
<@A. S.NDAY0 E&E The Ten Disiples Finally (ee the %esurreted 5ord D .$$er Roo
M- 2F
27D At %ength He
"$$e"red to the
e%e*en "s the' were
e"ting together1 And
He re$ro"ched the
!or their (nbe%ie!
"nd h"rdness o! he"rt0 bec"(se the' did not be%ie*e the who h"d seen Hi "!ter He h"d
risen "g"in1
Three anient mss. o! Mar/ b : 5 omit ,C:AD*+ but see note at M/. ,C: ,B at <2*.*L
L- 57
CF Now LK(st be!ore
thisM whi%e the' Lthe 2>
Disci$%esM were
s$e"king o! these
things L"ong
these%*esM0 .esus
stood in the idst o!
the0 "nd s"id to
the: Pe"ce be to
)t is )0 !e"r
notP C6 /(t the'
being tro(b%ed "nd
!rightened0 s($$osed
th"t the' s"w "
s$irit1 C4 And He
s"id to the: 9h'
"re 'o( tro(b%ed0
"nd wh' do these
tho(ghts "rise in
'o(r he"rtsB C8 See
M' h"nds "nd !eet0
it is ) M'se%!1
H"nd%e "nd see0 !or
" s$irit h"s not !%esh
"nd bones "s 'o( see
Me to h"*e1 7> And
when He h"d s"id
this0 He showed
the His h"nds "nd !eet1
72 /(t whi%e the' 'et be%ie*ed not0 "nd wondered !or Ko'0 He
s"id: H"*e 'o( "n'thing to e"tB 75 And the' o!!ered Hi " $iece o! " broi%ed !ish "nd "
7C And when He h"d e"ten be!ore the0 t"king the re"ins0 He g"*e to
77 And He s"id to the: These "re the words which ) s$oke to 'o( whi%e ) w"s 'et with
'o( th"t "%% things (st be !(%!i%%ed which "re written in the L"w o! Moses0 the Pro$hets0
"nd in the Ps"%s0 concerning Me1 73 Then He o$ened their (nderst"nding th"t the'
ight (nderst"nd the Scri$t(res1 7F And He s"id to the: Th(s it is written0 "nd th(s it
w"s necess"r' !or ,hrist to s(!!er0 "nd to rise "g"in !ro the de"d the third d"'0 LHos1F:5M
76 "nd th"t re$ent"nce "nd reission o! sins sho(%d be $re"ched in His n"e (nto "%%
n"tions0 beginning "t +er(s"%e1 74 And 'o( "re witnesses o! these things1 78 And ) send
the $roise o! M' F"ther ($on 'o(0 b(t st"' in the cit' (nti% 'o( be end(ed with $ower
!ro on high1
The t#o !rom )mmaus no# ome to tell the $postles o! their enounter #ith .esus. &v.<<D<2
+N 5>
28 Now when it w"s
%"te th"t s"e !irst
d"' o! the week0
tho(gh the doors
were sh(t where the
Disci$%es were
g"thered together !or
!e"r o! the +ews0
.esus c"e "nd stood
in their idst0 "nd
s"id to the: Pe"ce
be to 'o(P 5> And
when He h"d s"id
this0 He showed the
His h"nds "nd His
side1 The disci$%es0
there!ore0 were g%"d0
when the' s"w the
<2+. S.NDAY E&E %eeive 8ou the Holy Ghost # .$$er Roo F5CG$1676
+N 5> TU
52 He s"id0 there!ore0 to the "g"in: Pe"ce be to 'o(P As the F"ther h"s sent Me0 ) "%so send 'o(1 55 9hen He h"d s"id this0 He
bre"thed on the "nd s"id to the: Recei*e the Ho%' S$iritP 5C 9hose sins 'o( sh"%% !orgi*e0 the' "re !orgi*en the0 "nd whose
sins 'o( sh"%% ret"in0 the' "re ret"inedP
57 Now0 Tho"s0 one o! the Twe%*e0 who w"s c"%%ed Did'(s0 w"s not with the when +es(s c"e1
<2,. L A$r0 Mon # S"t0 AD C7 Thomas is Found and :rought :a/ 7 He Does "ot :elieve # .$$er Roo
+N 5> TU
53 LL"terM the other disci$%es0 there!ore0 s"id to hi: 9e h"*e seen the LordP /(t he s"id to the: E:ce$t ) sh"%% see in His h"nds
the $rint o! the n"i%s "nd $(t ' !inger into the $%"ce o! the n"i%s0 "nd $(t ' h"nd into His side0 ) wi%% not be%ie*e1
F57bG$632 # +es(s %"ents !or the Tho"sH o! tod"' th"t wi%% contin(e to do(bt the tre"s(res o! the re*e%"tions o! His %i!e gi*en
e*en in these works1

<2*., L A$r0 S(n0 AD C7 The Follo#ing (unday Thomas (ees the 5ord # .$$er Roo F53G$1633
+N 5> TU
5F And "!ter eight d"'s "g"in +es(sH Disci$%es were within0 "nd Tho"s w"s LnowM with the1 And tho(gh the doors were sh(t0
.esus c"e "nd stood in the idst "nd s"id: Pe"ce be to 'o(P 56 Then He s"id to Tho"s: P(t 'o(r !inger in here0 "nd see M'
h"nds1 And bring here 'o(r h"nd0 "nd $(t it into M' side "nd be not !"ith%ess b(t be%ie*ingP 54 Tho"s "nswered "nd s"id to
Hi: M' Lord "nd ' GodP 58 +es(s s"id to hi: /ec"(se 'o( h"*e seen Me0 Tho"s0 'o( h"*e be%ie*ed1 /%essed "re the'
who h"*e not seen "nd h"*e be%ie*edP
TThe Greek word cheir tr"ns%"ted here <h"nd= e"nt the %ower "r "nd inc%(ded the wrist1
F5FG$6F2 # @M"' 20 MonA # At Gethse"ne with the A$ost%es1
<2*.*. Mon0 M"' 20 AD C7 .esus $ppears at Calvary to His Disiples and Gives 3romises F56G$1647
Three "ncient ss1 o! M"rk b / L oit M"rk 2F:8#5> b(t see note "t *1 24 be%owP
M- 2F TUC341
2FD He who be%ie*es "nd is b"$tiIed sh"%% be s"*ed0 b(t he who dis#be%ie*es Lin !"ce o! the !"ctsM sh"%% be condened1 L*12F not
%oc"ted in The Poem b(t **126#24 be%ow "re $"r"$hr"sed"M
And these signs sh"%% !o%%ow those who be%ie*e: )n M' n"e the' sh"%%
c"st o(t deons0 the' sh"%% s$e"k with new tong(es1 24D The' sh"%% t"ke ($ ser$ents0 "nd i! the' sh"%% drink "n' de"d%' thing0 it
sh"%% not h(rt the1 The' sh"%% %"' their h"nds ($on the sick0 "nd the' sh"%% reco*er1

Th"t v.,C is not %oc"ted in The Poem does not e"n +es(s did not s"' this to His Disci$%es1
/(t since vv. ,2' ,;D*+0 tho(gh $"r"$hr"sed0 w"s indeed s$oken b' the Lord to the A$ost%es0 is $roo! th"t this te:t and this entire endin' to this Gospel
1++"9-2340 w"s "t %e"st written b' soeone who h"d !irsth"nd know%edge o! +es(sH words "nd His $ri*"te enco(nter with the E%e*enP And the honor gi*en to
the M"gd"%ene with the h(b%e con!ession o! A$osto%ic (nbe%ie! $oints direct%' to Peter1 )n this c"se "%% the e*idence !ro "%% the other "n(scri$ts
described be%ow "%so indic"tes th"t this te:t w"s in M"rkHs Gos$e% !ro the *er' beginning1 This te:t "$$e"rs to h"*e been reo*ed in the ,ode: Sin"itic(s
"nd &"tic"n(s0 bec"(se whi%e it e:"%ted " wo"n o! " notorio(s%' b"d re$(t"tion it "$$e"red to c"st do(bt on the "$osto%ic o!!iceP Perh"$s the thre"t o!
Mont"nis $%"'ed " $"rt in its "tt"ck on the ,h(rchHs instit(tion o! Ho%' Orders "nd its e$h"sis on s$e"king in <tong(es1= This is "n e"r%' e:"$%e o!
<conser*"ti*es= (sing c"rn"% ethods to tr' to $reser*e the ,h(rch which in !"ct h"s on%' b(i%t " strong b"se !or odernists in the %"st cent(r' ch"%%enge the
integrit' o! the ,h(rchHs c"non o! Scri$t(reP
4ther mss. support !or this te0t ch"%%enging the neg"tion o! b : 5' is (n"nio(s "ong the .nci"% ss1 Aong the ,(rsi*es it is "%so (n"nio(s1
F(rther0 the ost "ncient *ersions0 both o! the E"stern "nd 9estern ch(rches with no e:ce$tions recogniIe this $"ss"ge1 The Peshito S'ri"c @5
Phi%o:eni"n "nd the ,(retoni"n S'ri"c @e"r%ier th"n b :? witness "(thenticit'1 The e"r%ier *ersion o! the &(%g"te @O%d )t"%icA "%so cont"ins this te:t1
)ren"e(sH @AD 266A witness @<Ad*1 H"er10 iii12>A is conc%(si*e in th"t "t this tie this te:t w"s recogniIed "s "(thenticP This evidene is presented here to
illustrate Rust ho# !ar a!ield te0tual ritis have gone in their essentially baseless assumptions about the Hmore reliableI Code0 (iniatius and
&atianus. =(ee also at Matt. *+:,C =,CB.?Z Mar/ A:@@'@C =,B<.? See )ntrod(ction to M"rk, the P&lpit ,ommentary1
<2<. E M"'0 T(e0 AD C7 .esus $ppears all over Israel in the (ame Day to Demonstrate His
4mnipresene and again to over 2++ at Mt. Tabor @See C331 be%owA F54G$1685
+N 5> TU
C> M"n' other signs "%so did +es(s in the sight o! His Disci$%es which "re not written in this book1 C2 /(t these "re written th"t
'o( "' be%ie*e th"t +es(s is the ,hrist0 the Son o! God "nd th"t be%ie*ing0 'o( "' h"*e %i!e in His n"e1
<2@. E M"'0 9ed # 9ed0 AD C7 3eter Does His 3enane and is Con!irmed in His 4!!ie o! Chie! (hepherd
# SE shores o! Se" o! G"%i%ee F58G$145C
+N 52 TU
2 AFTER this0 .esus showed Hise%! "g"in to the Disci$%es "t the Se" o! Tiberi"s LSe" o! G"%i%eeM1 And He showed Hise%! "!ter
the !o%%owing "nner1 5 There were together Sion Peter0 Tho"s0 who is c"%%ed Did'(s0 N"th"nie%0 who w"s o! ,"n" o!
"nd the sons o! Oebedee0 "nd two others o! His Disci$%es LAndrew "nd Sion Oe"%otM1
C Sion Peter s"id to the: ) "
going !ishing1 The' s"id to hi: 9e "%so wi%% coe with 'o(1 And the' went !orth0 "nd entered into the shi$ b(t th"t night the'
c"(ght nothing1
N"th"nie%G/"rtho%oew %"ter o*ed to /eths"id" "nd took c"re o! his $(t"ti*e other1 )))0$1C75A
Se*en o! the E%e*en: M"tthew0 Phi%i$0 "nd the two co(sins o! +es(s0 +"es the Less "nd +(d"s Th"dd"e(s were not with the1
7 /(t when the orning h"d coe0 +es(s stood on the shore0 b(t the Disci$%es knew not th"t it w"s +es(s1 3 +es(s0 there!ore0 s"id
to the: ,hi%dren L/o'sMP H"*e 'o( "n' !oodB The' "nswered Hi: NoP F He s"id to the: ,"st the net on the right side o! the
shi$ "nd 'o( sh"%% !ind LitM1 So the' c"st Lthe netM0 there!ore0 "nd now the' were not "b%e to dr"w it in0 !or the "b(nd"nce o! !ish1 6
Th"t Disci$%e0 there!ore0 who +es(s %o*ed0 s"id to Peter: )t is the LordP Sion Peter0 when he he"rd th"t it w"s the Lord0 $(t on
his co"t L($$er "nd o(ter g"rentM "bo(t hi @!or he w"s in his (nderg"rentA0 "nd c"st hise%! into the se"1 4 /(t the other
disci$%es c"e in the shi$ @!or the' were not !"r !ro the %"nd0 b(t "s it were two h(ndred c(bits LC3> !eetMA0 dr"gging the net with
8 Then "s soon "s the' c"e to %"nd0 the' s"w " !ish %'ing on hot co"%s "nd bre"d1 2> +es(s s"id to the: /ring here soe o! the
!ish which 'o( h"*e now c"(ght1 22 Sion Peter went ($ "nd drew the net to %"nd0 !(%% o! gre"t !ish0 one h(ndred "nd !i!t'#three1
And "%tho(gh there were so "n' the net w"s not broken1 25 +es(s s"id to the: ,oe "nd dineP And none o! the who were "t
the e"%0 d"red "sk Hi: 9ho "re 'o(B knowing th"t it w"s the Lord1 2C And +es(s c"e "nd took the bre"d "nd g"*e it to
the0 "nd the !ish in %ike "nner1 27 This w"s now the third tie th"t +es(s h"d "ni!ested to His Disci$%es "!ter He h"d risen
!ro the de"d1
23 9hen0 there!ore0 the' h"d dined0 +es(s s"id to Sion Peter: Sion0 son o! +on"h0 Do 'o( %o*e Me ore th"n theseB He s"id
to Hi: Yes0 Lord0 Yo( know th"t ) %o*e Yo(1 He s"id to hi: Feed ' %"bs1 2F He "sked hi "g"in: Sion0 son o! +on"h: Do
'o( %o*e MeB He s"id to hi: Yes0 Lord0 Yo( know th"t ) %o*e Yo(1 He s"id to hi: Feed ' %"bs1 26 He s"id to hi the third
tie: Sion0 son o! +ohn: Do 'o( %o*e MeB Peter w"s grie*ed0 bec"(se He h"d s"id to hi the third tie: Do 'o( %o*e MeB And
he s"id to Hi: Lord0 Yo( know "%% things1 Yo( know th"t ) %o*e Yo(1 He s"id to hi: Feed M' shee$1 24 Most cert"in%' "nd
"ss(red%' ) s"' to 'o(0 when 'o( were 'o(nger0 'o( girded 'o(rse%! "nd w"%ked where e*er 'o( desired1 /(t when 'o( "re o%d0
'o( sh"%% stretch !orth 'o(r h"nds Lto be !i:ed to " crossM0 "nd "nother sh"%% gird 'o( L"s the' did Me "t M' cr(ci!i:ionM0 "nd %e"d 'o(
where 'o( wo(%d not wish Lto 'o(r de"thM1 28 And this He s"id0 signi!'ing b' wh"t de"th He sho(%d g%ori!' God1 And when He h"d
s"id this0 He s"id to hi: Fo%%ow Me1 LPeter w"s "rt'red in cr(ci!i:ion "t the tie o! P"(%Hs "rt'rdo in Roe (nder Nero in AD F6GF40 c%ose
to 5> 'e"rs $rior to +ohnHs Gos$e%1M
5> Peter t(rning "bo(t0 s"w th"t Disci$%e who +es(s %o*ed !o%%owing0 who "%so %e"ned on +es(sH chest "t s($$er0 "nd h"d "sked:
Lord0 who is he who sh"%% betr"' Yo(B 52 9hen Peter s"w Hi0 he s"id to +es(s: Lord0 "nd wh"t sh"%% this "n doB 55 +es(s
s"id to hi: So i! ) wi%% h"*e hi to re"in (nti% ) coe0D wh"t is it to 'o(B +(st !o%%ow MeP 5C This s"'ing0 there!ore0 went
"bro"d "ong the brethren0 th"t th"t Disci$%e sho(%d not die1 /(t +es(s did not s"' to hi th"t He sho(%d not die0 b(t: So i! ) wi%%
h"*e hi to re"in (nti% ) coe0 wh"t is it to 'o(B DThis w"s indeed " re!erence to O(r LordHs !in"% !or"% ret(rn "!ter "n' "ges which is
$ro*en here to h"*e been we%% (nderstood to be " *er' %ong tie1 The Poem re*e"%s +es(s on ore th"n one occ"sion te%%ing His Disci$%es th"t His !in"%
coing wo(%d be "!ter "n' "ges1 The $o$(%"r doctrine "ong e*"nge%ic"% "nd !(nd"ent"%ist Protest"nts th"t ,hrist co(%d h"*e !or"%%' ret(rned "t
"n' tie d(ring this "ge is th(s shown b' this te:t "nd the re*e%"tion to M& to be " !"%%"c'1
+N 52 .nd"t"b%e TUEnd o! +ohn
57 This is th"t disci$%e who gi*es testion' o! these things0 "nd h"s written these things "nd we L"%% in the ,h(rchM know th"t his
testion' is tr(e1
53 /(t there "re "%so "n' other things which +es(s did which0 i! the' were "%% written0 the wor%d itse%!0 ) think0 wo(%d not be
"b%e to cont"in the books th"t wo(%d h"*e to be writtenP
<22. M M"'0 S"t0 AD C7 The Disiples at Mt. Tabor #ith Five Hundred :elievers FC>G$1458
MT 54 C761TUC341
2F And the e%e*en disci$%es went into G"%i%ee0 (nto the o(nt"in where +es(s h"d "$$ointed the to go1 26 And seeing Him
there the' worshi$ed0 b(t Lo! those th"t h"d gone to the o(nt"in0 soe 23>> in "%%0M soe do(bted Lth"t +es(s w"s going to show ($ "s He h"d
s"id "!ter w"iting !or se*er"% d"'s0 "nd so h"*ing he"rd re$orts th"t He h"d "$$e"red e%sewhere0 the' @"bo(t 20>>>A %e!t to seek Hi there1 Th(s the'
issed seeing HiP @See The Poem0 &04C>AM
<2C. M M"'0 S(n0 AD C7 The Great Commission 7 The 5ast Teahings be!ore $sension FC2G$1437
M- 2F C781TU
23D And He s"id to the: Go into the who%e wor%d "nd $re"ch the Gos$e% to e*er' cre"t(re1
$lso see note =
? at <2*.* above.
Here is "nother indic"tion o! PeterHs in!%(ence on this Gos$e%1 This instr(ction on%' !o(nd in M"rk c"e !ro O(r LordHs %"st te"ching be!ore His
Ascension "nd it coes in the idd%e o! "n intense di"%og(e +es(s h"d $erson"%%' with Peter1 @&0435#43FA
FC5G$436 # @L M"'0S(nA # The S($$%eent"r' P"sso*er1
FCCG$4F5 # @L M"'0MonA # F"rewe%% to His Mother be!ore Ascension1 )n section b1 there is "n i$ort"nt note to M"ri" &"%tort" on
the E(ch"rist: <A ir"c%e o! %o*e th"t ) worked !or 'o( en1=
TH) $(C)"(I4" 4F 4>% 54%D .)(>( CH%I(T 7 ) .>") $D <@ LPoe ,h"$ter FC7M
<2;. E +(n0 Th(0 AD C7 $sension Day 7 It is "ot !or 8ou to Ono# the Hour # At Gethse"ne AM
A, 2 # TU
,:7 And e"ting together with the Lten d"'s be!ore Pentecost "t the ho(se in Gethse"neM0 He co"nded the0 th"t the' sho(%d not
de$"rt !ro +er(s"%e0 b(t sho(%d w"it !or the $roise o! the F"ther0 o! which0 He s"id0 'o( h"*e he"rd Me s$e"k F&'BCBDBCA'B;,G
3 For +ohn indeed b"$tiIed with w"ter0 b(t 'o( sh"%% be b"$tiIed with the Ho%' S$irit0 not "n' d"'s hence1
,:C The'0 there!ore0 who h"d coe together0 "sked Hi0 s"'ing: Lord0 wi%% Yo( "t this tie restore "g"in the kingdo to )sr"e%B
F&'B;,G 6 /(t He s"id to the: )t is not !or 'o( to know the ties or oents which the F"ther h"s $(t in His own $ower0 4 b(t
'o( sh"%% recei*e the $ower o! the Ho%' S$irit coing ($on 'o(0 "nd 'o( sh"%% be witnesses (nto Me in +er(s"%e0 "nd in "%%
+(de"0 "nd S""ri"0 "nd e*en to the (tterost $"rts o! the e"rth1
<2B. E +(n0 Th( AM Go and Teah $ll "ations 7 I $m With 8ou until the )nd o! the $ge # The Ho(se "t Gethse"ne FC7G$1465
MT 54 C331TUend
24 And .esus coing0 s$oke to
the0 s"'ing: A%% $ower is gi*en
to Me in He"*en "nd in e"rthP 28
Going0 there!ore0 te"ch "%%
n"tions0 b"$tiIing theD in the
n"e o! the F"ther0 "nd o! the
Son0 "nd o! the Ho%' S$irit1 5>
Te"ching the to obser*e "%%
things wh"te*er ) h"*e
co"nded 'o( "nd beho%d ) "
with 'o( L'o( who occ($' the
A$osto%ic O!!iceM "%w"'s0 e*en to
the cons("tion o! the wor%dP
D+es(s en*isioned the $o$(%"tions o!
entire n"tions recei*ing the b%essing o!
the c%e"nsing o! regener"tion !ro
Origin"% Sin in /"$tis1
M- 2F C3F1TUend
28D And the 5ord
.esus0 "!ter He h"d
s$oken to the0 w"s
t"ken ($ into He"*en0
"nd He s"t down on
the right h"nd o! God1
5>D /(t the' going
!orth $re"ched
e*er'where0 the Lord
working with the0
"nd con!iring the
9ord with signs th"t
DSee note "t Mk 2F:24 "t
C3515 "bo*e1
L- 57 C781TU end
3> And +es(s %ed the
o(tD "s !"r "s /eth"n' "nd
%i!ting ($ His h"nds He
b%essed the1 32 And it
c"e to $"ss whi%e He
b%essed the0 He de$"rted
!ro the "nd w"s c"rried
($ to He"*en1
35 And the' worshi$ing
went b"ck into +er(s"%e
with gre"t Ko'1 3C And
the' were contin("%%' in
the te$%e0 $r"ising "nd
b%essing God1 Aen1
A, 2 C361TUCF>1
8 And when He h"d s"id these things0 whi%e
the' %ooked on0 He w"s r"ised ($0 "nd "
c%o(d recei*ed Hi o(t o! their sight1 2>
And whi%e the' were beho%ding Hi going
($ to He"*en0 beho%d two en stood b'
the in white g"rents1 22 9ho "%so s"id:
Yo( en o! G"%i%ee0 wh' st"nd 'o( %ooking
($ to He"*enB This +es(s 9ho h"s been
t"ken ($ !ro 'o( into He"*en0 sh"%% so
coe "g"in0 "s 'o( h"*e seen Hi going
into He"*en1 F&'B;,DB;BG
,* Then the' ret(rned to +er(s"%e !ro
the o(nt th"t is c"%%ed O%i*et0 which is
ne"r +er(s"%e0 within " S"bb"th d"'Hs
<2A. E +(n0 AD C7 The 3urhase o! the Field o! :lood @FC3G$1464A
MT 56 C521TU58Fb1
F /(t the chie! $riests $icking ($ the $ieces o! si%*er0 s"id: )t is not %"w!(% to $(t the into the corbon" LTe$%e gi!t bo:M bec"(se it
is the $rice o! b%ood LDe(t15C:24M1 6 And "!ter the' h"d cons(%ted together0 the' bo(ght with the one' the $otterHs !ie%d to be "
b(r'ing $%"ce !or str"ngers1 4 For this c"(se the !ie%d w"s c"%%ed H"ce%d""0 th"t is0 The Fie%d o! /%ood0 e*en to this d"' LAD 78 W
23 'e"rs %"terM1 8 Then w"s !(%!i%%ed
th"t which w"s s$oken b' +erei"h the $ro$het0
s"'ing: =nd they too* the thirty pieces of
sil+er, the price of him )ho )as pri/ed, )hom they pri/ed of the children of Israel 1 2> =nd they 'a+e them &nto the potter$s field, as
the %ord appointed to me1 ZOech122:2502CE +er124:50CE C5:F#8E 28:2#2C[
Ho# .eremiah r"ther th"n Oech"ri"h "$$e"rs in the te:t is not cert"in b(t there is no cert"int' th"t it is e*en "n error b' "n e"r%' tr"nscriber1 There "re
three e:$%"n"tions0 the !irst o! which sees ost %ike%': 2A +erei"h0 being the !irst book in the "ncient book o! $ro$hecies w"s (sed b' M"tthew to
describe "%% the $ro$hets1 5A +erei"h "' h"*e s"id soething to this e!!ect b(t w"s %e!t $"rt o! or"% tr"dition1 M"tthew does not ention <Scri$t(re= in
this one c"se which he h"s done "t e*er' $ossib%e o$$ort(nit' to est"b%ish the *"%idit' o! O(r LordHs inistr' "nd %i!e !ro the Hebrew Scri$t(res1 CA There
w"s "n error "de in " *er' e"r%' tr"nscri$tion "nd the shortened !or !or Oech"ri"h @OriosA w"s ist"ken%' written !or the shortened !or !or +erei"h
Ho# is this a prophey !ul!illed in the betrayal o! .esusE )t is c%e"r !ro The Poem @&034FG$1C43A th"t the r(%ers not on%' knew th"t this te:t in
Oech"ri"h w"s "%re"d' coon%' (nderstood to "$$%' to the betr"'"% o! the Messi"h0 b(t the'0 so cert"in were the' th"t He w"s not the Messi"h @"nd for
that +ery reasonA, chose th"t "o(nt to ock +es(s "nd +(d"sP

TH) C4MI"G 4F TH) H458 (3I%IT 7 ) .>") $D <@ LPoe ,h"$ters FC3#FC6M
<C+. E +(n0 AD C7 $ :ethlehem (hepherd Fills the $postoli 4!!ie # The Ho(se o! the .$$er Roo FC3G$1464
A, 2 C341TU
,:,< And when the' h"d entered0 the' went ($ into "n ($$er roo0 where Peter "nd +ohn0 +"es "nd Andrew0 Phi%i$ "nd Tho"s0
/"rtho%oew "nd M"tthew0 +"es o! A%$h"e(s0 Sion Oe"%ot0 "nd +(de the brother o! +"es "bode1 LThe 5 'o(ngest co(sins o! +es(sM
27 A%% these were $erse*ering with one ind in $r"'er with the woen0 "nd M"r' the other o! +es(s0 "nd with His brethren1 LThis
is " re!erence to the two o%der co(sins o! o(r Lord in "ddition to the two %isted "s A$ost%es in *12C0 who h"d resisted +es(s (nti% the tie o! the
Peter addresses the need of fillin the Iscariot's apostleship Matthias is chosen in place of Judas
,:,2 )n those d"'s Peter rose ($ in the idst o! the brethren0 the n(ber o! $ersons g"thered together w"s "bo(t " h(ndred "nd
twent'1 2F Men "nd brethren0 he s"id: The Scri$t(re (st be !(%!i%%ed0 which the Ho%' S$irit s$oke be!ore b' the o(th o! D"*id
concerning +(d"s0 who w"s the %e"der o! those who "$$rehended +es(s1 26 He w"s n(bered with (s0 "nd h"d obt"ined $"rt o! this
inistr'1 24 And he indeed h"s obt"ined " !ie%d !ro the rew"rd o! his ini;(it'0 "nd being h(ng0 he b(rst "s(nder in the idst Lo!
the !ie%dM0 "nd "%% his bowe%s g(shed o(t1 28 And it bec"e known to "%% the inh"bit"nts o! +er(s"%e so th"t the s"e !ie%d w"s
c"%%ed in their tong(e0 H"ce%d""0 th"t is to s"'0 The Fie%d o! /%ood1 5> For it is written in the book o! Ps"%s: %et their ha-itation
-ecome desolate, and let there -e none to d)ell therein" =nd his -ishopric let another ta*e1 ZPs"1F4LF8M:5FL53ME 2>4L2>8M:4[ 52 9here!ore0
one o! these en who h"*e co$"nied with (s "%% the tie th"t the Lord +es(s c"e in "nd went o(t "ong (s0 55 beginning !ro
the b"$tis o! +ohn0 (nti% the d"' He w"s t"ken ($ !ro (s0 one o! these (st now be "de "ong (s " witness Lor "n A$ost%eM with
(s o! His Res(rrection1
2:*< And the' "$$ointed two0 +ose$h0D c"%%ed /"rs"b"s0 who w"s s(rn"ed +(st(s0 "nd M"tthi"s 57 And $r"'ing0 the' s"id: Yo(
O0 Lord0 9ho know the he"rts o! "%% en0 show which o! these two Yo( h"*e chosen 53 to t"ke the $%"ce o! this inistr' "nd
"$ost%eshi$0 !ro which +(d"s h"s b' tr"nsgression !"%%en0 th"t he ight go to his own $%"ce Letern"% $erdition where he be%onged1M1 5F
And the' g"*e the %ots Lto dr"w or c"stM0 "nd the %ot !e%% ($on M"tthi"s0 "nd so he w"s n(bered with the e%e*en A$ost%es1 F&'B;BD
D.oseph w"s the she$herd son o! +ose$h0 the /eth%ehe she$herd who w"s ki%%ed d(ring the "ss"cre1 Matthias w"s "nother o! the /eth%ehe she$herds origin"%%' n"ed
Tobi"s1 He re#n"ed hise%! "!ter his !"ther0 M"tthi"s0 who w"s "%so ki%%ed in the "ss"cre1 He h"d becoe the !"*ored disci$%e o! +ohn the /"$tist1 )0C85E ))0C>M
3)"T)C4(T 7 $D <@ 7 M .>")' (>"D$8
<C,. M +(n0 S(n0 AD C7 The Coming o! the Holy (pirit in Tongues o! Fire # The .$$er Roo FCFG$1445
A, 5 TU
*:, AND when the L3>M d"'s o! Pentecost Lo! AD C7M were !(%!i%%ed0 the' were "%% together in one $%"ce1 5 And s(dden%' there c"e
" so(nd !ro He"*en0 "s o! " ight' wind1 And it !i%%ed the who%e ho(se where the' were sitting1 C And there "$$e"red (nto
the $"rted tong(es "s it were o! !ire0 "nd it rested ($on e*er' one o! the1
<C*. M +(n0 S(n0 AD C7 The Mirale o! Tongues # +er(s"%e L # M
A, 5 TU
*:7 And the' were "%% !i%%ed with the Ho%' S$irit0 "nd beg"n to s$e"k with *"rio(s tong(es L%"ng("gesM0 "ccording "s the Ho%' S$irit
g"*e the to s$e"k1
*:2 Now there were st"'ing "t +er(s"%e0 +ews0 de*o(t en0 o(t o! e*er' n"tion (nder He"*en1 F And when this w"s noised
"bro"d0 the (%tit(de Lwho h"d g"thered !or Pentecost !ro "%% o*er the known wor%dM c"e together0 "nd were con!o(nded in ind0 bec"(se
e*er' "n he"rd the Lthe 25 A$ost%esM s$e"k in his own tong(e1 6 And the' were "%% ""Ied0 "nd wondered0 s"'ing: /eho%d0 "re not
"%% these who s$e"k0 G"%i%e"nsB 4 And how we h"*e he"rd e*er' "n o(r own n"ti*e tong(eB 8 Yes0 P"rthi"ns0 Medes0 E%"ites0
inh"bit"nts o! Meso$ot"i"0 +(de"0 ,"$$"doci"0 Pont(s "nd Asi"0 2> Phr'gi"0 P"$h'%i"0 Eg'$t0 the $"rts o! Lib'" "bo(t ,'rene0
"nd str"ngers o! Roe0 22 +ews "%so "nd $rose%'tes0 ,retes0 "nd Ar"bi"ns0 we h"*e he"rd the s$e"k in o(r own tong(es the
wonder!(% works o! GodP 25 And the' were "%% "stonished "nd wondered0 s"'ing one to "nother: 9h"t does this e"nBP 2C /(t
others ocking0 s"id: These en "re !(%% o! new wineP
Peter preaches to the Jews. 43555 con#erted
*:,@ /(t Peter st"nding ($ with the e%e*en0 %i!ted ($ his *oice "nd s$oke to the: Yo( en o! +(de"0 "nd "%% 'o( who dwe%% in
+er(s"%e0 %et this known to 'o(0 "nd with 'o(r e"rs recei*e ' wordsP 23 For these "re not dr(nk0 "s 'o( s($$ose0 seeing it is b(t
the third ho(r o! the d"' L8 AMMP 2F /(t this is th"t which w"s s$oken o! b' the $ro$het +oe%: 26 =nd it shall come to pass in the
last days0 s"ith the Lord0 I )ill po&r o&t of My !pirit &pon all flesh and yo&r sons and yo&r da&'hters shall prophesy, and yo&r
yo&n' men shall see +isions, and yo&r old men shall dream dreams1 24 =nd &pon My ser+ants indeed, and &pon My handmaids
)ill I po&r o&t in those days of My !pirit, and they shall prophesy1 28 =nd I )ill sho) )onders in the Hea+en a-o+e and si'ns on
the earth -eneath, -lood and fire, and +apor of smo*e1 5> The s&n shall -e t&rned into dar*ness and the moon into -lood, -efore
the 'reat and manifest Day of the %ordB comes 1 52 =nd it shall come to pass, that )hoe+er shall call &pon the name of the %ord,
shall -e sa+ed? Z+oe% 5:54#C5E )s"177:C[
DThe Day o! the 5ord wo(%d coe within 7> 'e"rs when +er(s"%e "nd the Te$%e wo(%d be destro'ed in " horrib%e b%oodb"th1 The signs in the he"*ens
"nd e"rth were the gre"t ;("ke "t the ,r(ci!i:ion0 the s(n "nd oon being d"rkened1 The b%ood w"s o! the Son o! God0 the !ire "nd soke c"e !ro the
%ightening strikes in +er(s"%e "t the ,r(ci!i:ion1 There wi%% be " gre"ter !(%!i%%ent o! this $ro$hec' "nd the D"' o! the Lord "t the end o! the "ge1
*:** Yo( en o! )sr"e%0 he"r these words: +es(s o! N"I"reth0 " M"n "$$ro*ed o! God "ong 'o( b' ir"c%es0 b' wonders0 "nd
signs0 which God did b' Hi0 in the idst o! 'o(0 "s 'o( "%so know0 5C this s"e One being de%i*ered ($ b' the deterin"te
co(nse% "nd !oreknow%edge o! God0 'o(0 b' the h"nds o! wicked en h"*e cr(ci!ied "nd s%"inP 57 /(t God h"s r"ised Hi ($0
h"*ing %oosed Hi !ro the sorrows o! h"des Lde"thM0D "s it w"s i$ossib%e th"t He sho(%d be he%d b' itP 53 For D"*id s"id
concerning Hi: I foresa) the %ord -efore my face -eca&se He is at my ri'ht hand, that I may not -e mo+ed1 5F Gor this my heart
has -een 'lad, and my ton'&e has reKoiced, moreo+er my flesh also shall rest in hope1 56 8eca&se 7o& )ill not lea+e My so&l in
Hades Lthe nether wor%dM, nor s&ffer Thy Holy 9ne L+es(s ,hristM to see corr&ption1 54 7o& ha+e made *no)n to Me the )ays of life"
7o& shall ma*e Me f&ll of Koy )ith Thy co&ntenance1 ZPs"123L2FM:4#22[
DHades FdeathG One o! the +ery r"re occ(rrences where H"desGSheo% is (sed in Scri$t(re to re!er to other th"n the $%"ce o! the "bode o! the s$irit "!ter
de"th1 Here it is " eton' to re!er to de"th itse%!1 Ne*er "re these ters0 howe*er0 (sed to describe " gr"*e or se$(%cher1
*:*A Yo( en0 brethrenP Let e !ree%' s$e"k to 'o( o! the $"tri"rch D"*id0 th"t he died "nd w"s b(ried0 "nd his se$(%cher is with
(s to this $resent d"'P C> 9here"s0 there!ore0 he w"s " $ro$het "nd knew th"t God had s)orn to him )ith an oath, that of the fr&it
of his loins 9ne sho&ld sit &pon his throne1ZPs"12C2L2C5M:22[ C2 Foreseeing this0 He s$oke o! the res(rrection o! ,hrist1 For neither
w"s He %e!t in H"des Lthe nether wor%dM0 neither did His !%esh see corr($tionPZPs"123L2FM:2>[ C5 This +es(s h"s God r"ised "g"in0 "nd o!
th"t we "%% "re witnessesP CC /eing e:"%ted0 there!ore0 b' the right h"nd o! God "nd h"*ing recei*ed o! the F"ther the $roise o!
the Ho%' S$irit0 He h"s $o(red !orth this which 'o( see "nd he"r1 C7 For D"*id "scended not into He"*en0 b(t he hise%! s"id: The
%ord >Gather God@ said to my %ord >the !on of God@, sit Tho& on My ri'ht hand0 C3 Pntil I ma*e Thy enemies Thy footstool1
ZPs"12>8L22>M:2[ CF There!ore0 %et "%% the ho(se o! )sr"e% know ost cert"in%'0 th"t God h"s "de both Lord "nd ,hrist0 this s"e
+es(s0 who 'o( h"*e cr(ci!iedP
*:<; Now when the' h"d he"rd these things0 the' were c(t to the he"rt0 "nd s"id to Peter "nd to the rest o! the A$ost%es: 9h"t sh"%%
we do0 en "nd brethrenBP C4 And Peter s"id to the: Re$ent0 "nd be b"$tiIed e*er' one o! 'o( in the n"e o! +es(s ,hrist0 !or the
reission o! 'o(r sins0 "nd 'o( sh"%% recei*e the gi!t o! the Ho%' S$iritP C8 For the $roise is to 'o( "nd to 'o(r chi%dren0 "nd to "%%
who "re !"r o!!0 whoe*er the Lord o(r God sh"%% c"%%P 7> And with *er' "n' other words did he testi!' "nd e:hort the0 s"'ing:
S"*e 'o(rse%*es !ro this $er*erse gener"tionP 72 There!ore0 the' who recei*ed his LPeterHsM word were b"$tiIed0 "nd there were
"dded Lto the ,h(rchM in th"t d"' "bo(t three tho(s"nd so(%s1 75 And the' $erse*ered in the doctrine o! the A$ost%es0 "nd in the
!e%%owshi$ o! the /re"king o! /re"d0 "nd in $r"'ers1
Dthe :rea/ing o! the :read: This w"s c%e"r%' no ere !e%%owshi$ e"% or %o*e !e"st b(t "n intense%' e"ning!(% rite th"t "ct("%%' $(t the $"rtici$"nts
once "g"in "t the ,ross where their Lord w"s o!!ering Hise%! tot"%%' !or e"ch o! the1 )t literally $(t the "t th"t L"st S($$er when the Lord took the
bre"d o! His own /od' "nd broke it "s He w"s e*en then being (tter%' broken !or their rede$tion1 These were the d"'s there were no dr' e'es "t the
E(ch"ristic "%t"rP .nti% th"t d"' "rri*es once "g"in there wi%% be no reed' !or the "%"d' in the ,h(rch1 ,!15>:6
The #ital communal spirit of the first (hurch
*:@< And !e"r c"e ($on e*er' so(%P M"n' wonders "nd signs "%so were done b' the A$ost%es in +er(s"%e0 "nd there w"s gre"t
!e"r in "%%1 77 And "%% those who be%ie*ed0 were together0 "nd he%d "%% things in coon1 73 Their $ossessions "nd goods the' so%d
"nd di*ided !or "%%0 "s "n'one h"d need1 7F And contin(ing d"i%' with one "ccord in the te$%e0 "nd /re"king /re"d !ro ho(se to
ho(se0 the' took their Food with g%"dness "nd si$%icit' o! he"rt0 76 $r"ising God0 "nd h"*ing !"*or with "%% the $eo$%e1 And the
Lord "dded d"i%' to the ,h(rch s(ch "s sho(%d be s"*ed1 LThose being resc(ed !ro the $er*ersit' o! th"t gener"tion bec"e $"rt o! the
org"niIed str(ct(re which +es(s Hise%! est"b%ished "s " (ni!ied /od' o! witnesses o! this res(rrection $ower gi*en to the1M
TH) CH>%CH I( )(T$:5I(H)D 7 $D <@D22 LPoe ,h"$ters FC4#F7FM
FC4G$48> # @E +(n0AD C7 A # The /%essed &irgin T"kes ($ Her Abode "t Gethse"ne with +ohn0 who !orete%%s Her Ass($tion1
FC8G$48F # @+(%0AD C7A # The /%essed &irgin "nd +ohn in the P%"ces o! the P"ssion1
F7>G$8>> # @L +(%0AD C7 A # The Two Shro(ds o! the Lord1
<C<. AD C7 3eter Heals a Man :orn 5ame # The Te$%e L#M
<:, NO9 Peter "nd +ohn went ($ into the te$%e "t the ninth ho(r o! $r"'er LC PMM1 5 And " cert"in "n who w"s %"e !ro his
otherHs wob w"s being c"rried1 He the' %"id e*er' d"' "t the g"te o! the te$%e which is c"%%ed /e"(ti!(%0 th"t he ight "sk
"%s o! those who went into the te$%e1 C 9hen he h"d seen Peter "nd +ohn "bo(t to go into the te$%e He "sked to recei*e "%s1
7 /(t Peter0 !"stening his e'es ($on hi0 s"id with +ohn: Look ($on (s1 3 And he %ooked e"rnest%' ($on the0 ho$ing th"t he
wo(%d recei*e soe "%s !ro the1 F /(t Peter s"id: Si%*er "nd go%d ) h"*e none0 b(t wh"t ) h"*e ) gi*e 'o(P )n the n"e
Lch"r"cter0 *irt(e "nd "(thorit'M o! +es(s ,hrist o! N"I"reth0 "rise "nd w"%kP 6 And t"king hi b' the right h"nd he %i!ted hi ($0 "nd "t
once his !eet "nd "nk%es recei*ed strength1 4 And he %e"$ing ($0 stood "nd w"%ked0 "nd went in with the into the te$%e0 w"%king
"nd %e"$ing0 "nd $r"ising God1 8 And "%% the $eo$%e s"w hi w"%king "nd $r"ising God1 2> And the' knew hi0 "nd th"t it w"s he
who s"t begging !or "%s "t the /e"(ti!(% G"te o! the te$%e0 "nd the' were !i%%ed with wonder "nd ""Ieent "t th"t which h"d
h"$$ened to hi1
<:,, And "s he he%d onto Peter "nd +ohn0 "%% the $eo$%e r"n to the to the $orch which is c"%%ed So%oonHs0 gre"t%' wondering1
<C@. AD C7 3eter9s Message in the Temple 7 Five Thousand (aved D +er(s"%e L # M
<:,* /(t Peter seeing the0 "nswered the $eo$%e: Yo( en o! )sr"e%0 wh' do 'o( wonder "t thisB Or wh' do 'o( %ook ($on (s "s i!
b' o(r strength or $ower we h"d "de this "n to w"%kBP 2C The God o! Abr"h"0 the God o! )s""c0 "nd the God o! +"cob0 the God
o! o(r !"thers0 h"s g%ori!ied His Son +es(s0 9ho 'o( indeed de%i*ered ($ "nd denied be!ore the $resence o! Pi%"te0 when he
K(dged th"t He sho(%d be re%e"sed1 27 /(t 'o( denied the Ho%' One "nd the +(st One0 "nd desired " (rderer to be gr"nted (nto
'o(P 23 /(t the A(thor o! Li!e 'o( ki%%edP 9ho God h"s r"ised !ro the de"d0 o! which we "re witnessesP 2F And b' His n"e0
b' !"ith in His n"e0 this "n0 who 'o( h"*e seen "nd known h"s been strengthenedP And the !"ith which is b' Lor thro(ghM Hi0
h"s gi*en this "n $er!ect so(ndness in the sight o! 'o( "%%P
<:,; And now0 brethren0 ) know th"t 'o( did this thro(gh ignor"nce0 "s did "%so 'o(r r(%ers1 24 /(t those things which God be!ore
h"d showed (s b' the o(th o! "%% the $ro$hets0 th"t His ,hrist sho(%d s(!!er0 He h"s so !(%!i%%edP L)s"i"h 3>:FE 35:2C#3C:25E 9isdo 5:2>#57E
D"nie% 8:5FE Oech"ri"h 25:2>E 2C:6E Ps"% 23L2FM:5CE 52L55M 28 /e re$ent"nt0 there!ore0 "nd be con*erted0 th"t 'o(r sins "' be b%otted o(t0 5>
th"t the ties o! re!reshent "' coe !ro the $resence o! the Lord1 L5>M And th"t He "' send Hi 9ho h"s been $re"ched
(nto 'o(0 +es(s ,hrist0 52 who He"*en indeed (st recei*e0 (nti% the ties o! the restit(tion o! "%% things0 o! which God h"s
s$oken b' the o(th o! His ho%' $ro$hets0 !ro the beginning o! the wor%d L"nd th"t e"ns Ad" w"s " $ro$het "nd th"t he hise%! wrote o!
the restor"tion o! the wor%d @Gen1C:2FA1 See Gen13:2M1
God h"s ne*er %e!t "n witho(t s$eci"%%' "(thentic"ted ho%' ins$ired witnesses to Hi "nd rede$ti*e tr(th "nd to den' it or th"t there h"s been then a
complete "nd acc&rate record o! this entire tr"i% o! witnesses is to "cc(se God o! serio(s or"% !"i%(re in reg"rd to His own cre"tion0 " serio(s or"%
!"i%(re !"r ore serio(s th"n " $"rent "b"ndoning their own chi%drenP
55 For Moses s"id: = Prophet shall the %ord yo&r God raise &p &nto yo& of yo&r -rethren, li*e &nto me" Him yo& shall hear in all
thin's )hate+er He shall tell yo&1 5C =nd it shall -e that e+ery so&l )ho )ill not hear that Prophet, shall -e destroyedB >-y the %ord
Himself@ from amon' the people? ZDe(t124:23#28[
D)n %ight o! +es(sH $roised %iter"% destr(ction re$e"ted%' !oreto%d in the Gos$e%s0 Peter correct%' sees the conse;(ence o! re!(sing to he"r the Pro$hets1
This s%"(ghter o! the (nbe%ie*ing +ewish $eo$%e w"s %iter"%%' !(%!i%%ed in the 'e"rs iedi"te%' $receding "nd in the 'e"r AD 6> b' the Ro"n "ries1 The
(tter horror o! th"t tie is described b' +ose$h(s1
<:*@ And "%% the $ro$hets0 !ro S"(e% "nd "!terw"rds0D who h"*e s$oken0 h"*e to%d o! these d"'s1 53 Yo( "re the chi%dren o! the
$ro$hets "nd o! the co*en"nt which God "de to o(r !"thers0 s"'ing to Abr"h": =nd in yo&r !eed shall all the *indreds of the
earth -e -lessed1ZGen125:C[ 5F God0 r"ising ($ his Son0 h"s sent Hi Lthro(gh (s "nd His ,h(rchM to 'o( !irst0 to b%ess 'o(0 th"t e*er'
one "' con*ert hise%! !ro his wickedness1
D4n the oming o! the reReted su!!ering and resurreted Messiah: )s"i"h 3>:FE 35:2C#3C:25E 9isdo 5:2>#57E D"nie% 8:5FE Oech"ri"h 25:2>E 2C:6E
Ps"% 23L2FM:5CE 52L55M1 4n the "e# Covenant through the impartation o! the Holy (pirit and other propheies o! the Christ beginning #ith
(amuel: 2 S"15:2>E +oe% 5:5C#C5E Hos1 F:CE 2>:25E 22:20 )s"1 6:27E 8:2#50F#6E C5:2#4E 7>:C#70 2>#22E 75:C#706E 3CE F5:5E F3:23E +er15C:3E EIek1 52:56E
C7:22#2F0 5CE C6:55#54E Oech1 5:2>#22E C:4#2>E F:25#2CE 4:25#2CE 22:6#27E 25:2>E 2C:F#6E H"gg1 5:5>E M"%1C:2#7M
<C2. AD C7 3eter9s $rrest by the (anhedrin 7 3eter is Tried and %eleased # +er(s"%e L # M
A, 7 TU
@:, AND "s the' were s$e"king to the $eo$%e0 the $riests0 "nd the o!!icer o! the te$%e0 "nd the S"dd(cees0D c"e ($on the0 5
being grie*ed th"t the' t"(ght the $eo$%e0 "nd $re"ched in +es(s the res(rrection !ro the de"d1 C And the' %"id h"nds ($on the
"nd $(t the in ho%d (nti% the ne:t d"'0 !or it w"s now e*ening1 7 /(t "n' o! the who h"d heard the Word 0 be%ie*ed1 And the
n(ber o! the en c"e to "bo(t !i*e tho(s"nd1 Dthe S"dd(cees did not be%ie*e in the res(rrection or "n "!ter%i!e1
Peter and John are apprehended Their constanc"
@:2 And it c"e to $"ss on the orrow th"t their $rinces0 e%ders0 "nd scribes0 g"thered together in +er(s"%e0 F inc%(ding Ann"s the
high $riest0 ,"i"$h"s0 +ohn0 "nd A%e:"nder0 "nd "s "n' "s were o! the kindred o! the high $riest1 6 And setting the in the idst0
the' "sked: /' wh"t $ower or b' wh"t n"e h"*e 'o( done thisB 4 Then Peter0 !i%%ed with the Ho%' S$irit0 s"id to the: Yo(
$rinces o! the $eo$%e "nd e%ders0 he"r: 8 )! we this d"' "re e:"ined concerning the good deed done to the in!ir "n0 "nd b' wh"t
e"ns he h"s been "de who%e0 2> be it known to 'o( "%% "nd to "%% the $eo$%e o! )sr"e%0 th"t b' the n"e L"(thorit'M o! o(r Lord
+es(s ,hrist o! N"I"reth0 9ho 'o( cr(ci!ied0 9ho God h"s r"ised !ro the de"d0 e*en b' Hi this "n st"nds here be!ore 'o(
who%eP 22 This is the !tone )hich )as reKected -y yo& the -&ilders, )hich has -ecome the Head of the corner1ZPs"1226:55E )s"154:2F[D
25 Neither is there s"%*"tion in "n' other1 For there is no other n"e (nder He"*en gi*en to en0 whereb' we (st be s"*edP DA%so
see note "t M"tt1 52:751
@:,< Now seeing the const"nc' o! Peter "nd o! +ohn0 "nd (nderst"nding th"t the' were i%%iter"te "nd ignor"nt en0 the' wondered1
And the' knew th"t the' h"d been with Lthe res(rrectedPM +es(s1 27 Seeing "%so the "n who h"d been he"%ed st"nding with the0
the' co(%d s"' nothing "g"inst it1 23 /(t the' co"nded the to go "side o(t o! the co(nci% "nd the' con!erred "ong
these%*es0 2F s"'ing: 9h"t sh"%% we do to these en0 !or indeed " known ir"c%e h"s been done b' theB To "%% the inh"bit"nts
o! +er(s"%e it is "ni!est0 "nd we c"nnot den' itP 26 /(t0 th"t it "' be no !(rther s$re"d "ong the $eo$%e0 %et (s thre"ten the
th"t the' s$e"k no ore in this n"e to "n' "n1 24 And c"%%ing the0 the' ch"rged the not to s$e"k "t "%%0 nor te"ch in the n"e
o! +es(s1 28 /(t Peter "nd +ohn "nswering0 s"id to the: )! it be K(st in the sight o! God to he"r 'o( r"ther th"n God0 'o( be the
K(dgeP 5> For we c"nnot b(t s$e"k o! the things which we h"*e seen "nd he"rdP 52 /(t the' thre"tening the0 sent the "w"'0 not
!inding how the' ight $(nish the bec"(se o! the $eo$%e0 !or e*er'one g%ori!ied LGod !orM wh"t h"d been done0 "nd !or wh"t h"d
coe to $"ss1 55 For the "n w"s "bo*e !ort' 'e"rs o%d0 in who th"t ir"c(%o(s c(re h"d been wro(ght1
@:*< And being re%e"sed0 the' ret(rned to their own co$"n' "nd re%"ted "%% th"t the chie! $riests "nd e%ders h"d s"id to the1
<CC. AD C7 The 3raise and 3rayer o! the )arly Churh # +er(s"%e L # M
A, 7 TU
57 9hen the' he"rd it with one "ccord the' %i!ted ($ their *oice to God0 "nd s"id: Lord0 Tho( "rt He 9ho "de He"*en "nd e"rth0
the se"0 "nd "%% th"t is within theP 53 9ho0 b' the Ho%' S$irit0 b' the o(th o! o(r !"ther D"*id0 Yo(r ser*"nt0 h"st s"id: Chy did
the Gentiles ra'e and the people ima'ine s&ch +ain thin'sL 5F The *in's of the earth stood &p, and the princes assem-led to'ether
a'ainst the %ord and His ,hrist1 ZPs"15:2[ 56 For o! " tr(th there "sseb%ed together in this cit' "g"inst Yo(r Ho%' ,hi%d +es(s0
9ho Yo( h"*e "nointed0 Herod0 "nd Ponti(s Pi%"te0 with the Genti%es "nd the $eo$%e o! )sr"e% 0 54 to do wh"t Yo(r h"nd "nd Yo(r
co(nse% h"d "%re"d' decreed to be done1 58 And now0 Lord0 beho%d their thre"tening0 "nd gr"nt (nto Yo(r ser*"nts0 th"t with "%%
con!idence the' "' spea/ 8our Word0 C> b' stretching !orth Yo(r h"nd to c(re0 "nd th"t signs "nd wonders to be done b' the
n"e o! Yo(r ho%' Son +es(s1 C2 And when the' h"d $r"'ed0 the $%"ce where the' were "sseb%ed w"s o*ed1 And the' were "%%
!i%%ed with the Ho%' S$irit0 "nd the' spo/e the Word o! God with con!idence1
Who Crui!ied .esus and WhyE
Tho(gh it w"s the +ewish r(%ers who o*ed the crowds "g"inst +es(s be!ore the Ro"n "(thorities "nd th(s were direct%' he%d "cco(nt"b%e !or +es(sH
cr(ci!i:ion0 it is *er' i$ort"nt to reeber th"t the Ro"n indi!!erence to K(stice in reg"rd to +es(s e"ns the *er' s"e sins %"' %"tent within the1 9h'
w"s +es(s the obKect o! s(ch conte$t "nd indi!!erence b' these %e"dersB )t w"s bec"(se +es(s c"e not to tre"t the s'$tos o! the h("n sin condition
b(t the *er' root "%ign"nc' which He knew rested in *"r'ing degrees in the he"rts o! "%% "nkind1 For this re"son +es(s wo(%d not be $o$(%"r with
"n'one s"*e !or those honest eno(gh "nd br"*e eno(gh do de"% r(th%ess%' !irst with these%*es1 Po%itic"% !ig(res "nd soci"% re!orers "%w"'s g"in gre"t
!"e !or these%*es bec"(se the' o!ten chose to "%ign these%*es on%' "g"inst we%% recogniIed soci"% e*i%s "nd with o*eents th"t $roise ;(ick "nd
si$%e so%(tions1 These o*eents o!ten cre"te inK(stice K(st "s e*i% "s the ones the' "re "tte$ting to "ddress bec"(se the e*i%s "re tre"ted on%' to$ic"%%'1
The $rob%e is th"t these o*eents "re o!ten dri*en b' e;("%%' inordin"te $"ssions "nd $reK(dices1 The tr(e historic"% +es(s0 the one !"ith!(%%' $resented
b' the ,h(rch in its Ho%' Scri$t(res ne*er wi%% be $o$(%"r "ong the rich0 the $ower!(%0 the $ro(d0 the h"te!(%0 the rebe%%io(s0 the se%!#centered0 or the
%icentio(s1 O(r LordHs gre"test workings wi%% "%w"'s be "ong the eek0 the kind0 the %o*ing0 the h(b%e "nd it wi%% work ;(iet%' "nd (nnoticed %ike
%e"*en hidden in the do(gh1
The unit" of the (hurch
@:<* Now the co$"n' o! be%ie*ers h"d b(t one he"rt "nd one so(%0 neither did "n'one s"' th"t "n' o! the things which he
$ossessed w"s his own0 b(t "%% things were he%d in coon "ong the1 CC And with gre"t $ower did the A$ost%es gi*e testion'
o! the Res(rrection o! +es(s ,hrist o(r Lord0 "nd gre"t gr"ce w"s in the "%%1 C7 For neither w"s there "n' one need' "ong the1
For "s "n' "s were owners o! %"nds or ho(ses0 so%d the0 "nd bro(ght the $rice o! the things the' so%d0 C3 "nd %"id it down be!ore
the !eet o! the A$ost%es1 And distrib(tion w"s "de to e*er' one0 "ccording "s he h"d need1 CF And +ose$h0 who0 b' the A$ost%es0
w"s s(rn"ed /"rn"b"s @which is0 b' inter$ret"tion0 Son o! conso%"tionA0 " Le*ite0 " n"ti*e o! ,'$r(s0 C6 h"*ing %"nd0 so%d it0 "nd
bro(ght the $rice0 "nd %"id it "t the !eet o! the A$ost%es1
<C;. AD C7 $nanias and (apphira 5ie to the Holy Ghost # +er(s"%e L#M
A, 3 TU
Peter confronts the sin of )nanias and /apphira
2:, /.T " cert"in "n n"ed An"ni"s0 with S"$$hir" his wi!e0 so%d " $iece o! %"nd0 5 "nd deceit!(%%' ke$t b"ck $"rt o! the $rice
o! the %"nd Ls"'ing the' were gi*ing it "%% to the LordM0 his wi!e being $"rt' to the deceit1 So the' bro(ght on%' " cert"in $"rt o! it "nd %"id
it "t the !eet o! the A$ost%es1 C /(t Peter s"id: An"ni"s0 wh' h"s S"t"n te$ted 'o(r he"rt th"t 'o( wo(%d %ie to the Ho%' S$irit "nd
kee$ $"rt o! the $rice o! the %"ndB 7 9hi%e it re"ined (nso%d0 w"s it not 'o(r ownB And e*en "!ter it w"s so%d0 w"s not the
$roceeds sti%% in 'o(r contro%BD 9h' h"*e 'o( concei*ed this thing in 'o(r he"rtB Yo( h"*e not %ied to en0 b(t to God1 3 And
An"ni"s he"ring these words0 !e%% down "nd e:$ired1 And there c"e gre"t !e"r ($on "%% th"t he"rd it1 F And the 'o(ng en rising
($0 reo*ed hi0 "nd c"rr'ing hi o(t0 b(ried hi1 DThis then does not in any sense wh"te*er %end s($$ort to st"te "nd"ted co(nis or
we%!"re1 This is ,hristi"n ch"rit' which et the s$eci!ic need o! the tie o! the need' within the ,h(rch1 St"te "nd"ted ch"rit' is essenti"%%' "nti#
,hristi"n0 or "t %e"st s(b#,hristi"n1 )n the "bsence o! ,hristi"n ch"rit'0 howe*er0 the st"te does h"*e " d(t' to i$ose t":"tion !or critical soci"% we%!"re o!
its citiIens1 )t ne*er howe*er h"s " right to (nderine ,hristi"n ch"rit' b' &nnecessary soci"% we%!"reP ,o(nis0 or "bso%(te st"te we%!"re is "n
econoic Anti#,hrist !or it is " s(bstit(te !or ,hristi"n ch"rit'1 Howe*er0 !ree reigning c"$it"%is where the "c;(iring o! we"%th "nd goods becoes
$ri"r' in " societ' is "%so "n econoic Anti#,hrist both !ors "re e;("%%' dri*en b' the ido%"tr' o! "teri"%is1
2:; Now in "bo(t the s$"ce o! three ho(rs %"ter0 his wi!e0 not knowing wh"t h"d h"$$ened0 c"e in1 4 And Peter s"id to her: Te%%
e0 wo"n0 whether 'o( so%d the %"nd !or this (chB And she s"id: Yes0 !or th"t (ch1 8 And Peter s"id (nto her: 9h' h"*e 'o(
"greed together to te$t the S$irit o! the LordB /eho%d the !eet o! those who h"*e b(ried 'o(r h(sb"nd "re "t the door0 "nd the'
sh"%% c"rr' 'o( o(tP 2> )edi"te%' she !e%% down be!ore his !eet0 "nd g"*e ($ the ghost1 And the 'o(ng en coing in0 !o(nd her
de"d "nd so c"rried her o(t0 "nd b(ried her b' her h(sb"nd1 22 And there c"e gre"t !e"r ($on the who%e ,h(rch0 "nd ($on "%% who
he"rd these things1
2:,* And b' the h"nds o! the A$ost%es were "n' signs "nd wonders wro(ght "ong the $eo$%e1 And the' Lthe A$ost%esM were "%%
with one "ccord in So%oonHs $orch1 LThe "re" iedi"te%' encirc%ing the Te$%e $ro$er0 o(tside o! which w"s the ,o(rt o! the Genti%es1M 2C /(t
o! the rest Lthose o(tside the ,h(rchM no "n d"re Koin hise%! (nto the0 b(t the $eo$%e "gni!ied Lhigh%' $r"isedM the1 27 And the
(%tit(de o! en "nd woen who be%ie*ed in the Lord incre"sed e*en ore0 23 so (ch so th"t the' bro(ght !orth the sick into the
streets0 "nd %"id the on beds "nd co(ches th"t when Peter c"e0 his sh"dow "t %e"st0 ight o*ersh"dow "n' o! the "nd the'
ight be de%i*ered !ro their in!irities1 2F And there c"e "%so together to +er(s"%e " (%tit(de o(t o! the neighboring cities0
bringing sick $ersons0 "nd s(ch "s were tro(b%ed with (nc%e"n s$irits0 who were "%% he"%ed1
<CB. AD C7 or C3 The $postles Imprisoned 7 They are %eleased by an $ngel 7 Gamaliel9s Warning L# M
A, 3 TU
Jewish rulers imprison the )postles. The" are freed b" an anel. )! 46 7 1!4Q1
2:,; Then the high $riest0 rose ($0 "nd "%% those who were with hi @which is the sect o! the S"dd(ceesA0 being !i%%ed with en*'1
24 And the' %"id h"nds on the A$ost%es "nd $(t the in the coon $rison1
2:,A /(t "n "nge% o! the Lord b' night0 o$ening the doors o! the $rison "nd %e"ding the o(t0 s"id: 5> Go0 st"nd "nd s$e"k in the
te$%e to the $eo$%e "%% the words o! this %i!e1 52" 9hen the' he"rd this0 the' entered into the te$%e e"r%' in the orning "nd
2:*,b And the high $riest "nd those who were with hi c"e "nd c"%%ed together the co(nci% "nd "%% the e%ders o! the chi%dren o!
)sr"e%1 And the' sent word to the $rison to h"*e the bro(ght1 55 /(t when the o!!icers c"e "nd o$ened the $rison0 the' did not
!ind the there0 "nd so ret(rned "nd re$orted it0 5C s"'ing: The $rison indeed we !o(nd sh(t with "%% cert"int' "nd the kee$ers
st"nding be!ore the doors b(t o$ening it we !o(nd no "n withinP 57 Now when the o!!icer o! the te$%e "nd the chie! $riests
he"rd these things0 the' were $er$%e:ed concerning the "nd wh"t this wo(%d coe to1 53 Then one c"e "nd to%d the: /eho%d0
the en who 'o( $(t in $rison "re in the te$%e st"nding "nd te"ching the $eo$%eP 5F Then went the c"$t"in with the o!!icers "nd
bro(ght the witho(t *io%ence0 !or the' !e"red the $eo$%e %est the' sho(%d be stoned1
2:*; And when the' h"d "rri*ed0 the' set the be!ore the co(nci%0 "nd the high $riest "sked the0 54 s"'ing: 9ith "bso%(te
"(thorit' we co"nded 'o( th"t 'o( not te"ch in this n"eP And beho%d0 'o( h"*e !i%%ed +er(s"%e with 'o(r doctrineP And 'o(
intend to bring the b%ood o! this M"n ($on (sP 58 /(t Peter "nd the A$ost%es "nswering0 s"id: 9e o(ght to obe' God r"ther th"n
en1 C> The God o! o(r !"thers h"s r"ised ($ +es(s0 9ho 'o( $(t to de"th0 h"nging Hi ($on " treeP C2 Hi h"s God e:"%ted
with His right h"nd0 to be Prince "nd S"*ior0 to gi*e re$ent"nce to )sr"e%0 "nd reission o! sinsP C5 And we "re witnesses o! these
things "nd L"%so o!M the Ho%' S$irit0 who God h"s gi*en to "%% who obe' Hi Lin /"$tis W Acts 5:C4#C8E 55:2F M1 LThis is ore th"n ere
2:<< 9hen the' h"d he"rd these things0 the' were c(t to the he"rt0 "nd the' tho(ght to $(t the to de"th1 C7 /(t one in the co(nci%
rising ($0 " Ph"risee0 n"ed G""%ie%0 " doctor o! the %"w0 res$ected b' "%% the $eo$%e0 co"nded the en to be $(t !orth " %itt%e
whi%e1 C3 And he s"id to the: Yo( en o! )sr"e%0 t"ke heed to 'o(rse%*es wh"t 'o( intend to do "s to(ching these enP CF For
be!ore these d"'s rose ($ Theod"s0D "!!iring hise%! to be soebod'0 to who " n(ber o! en0 "bo(t !o(r h(ndred0 Koined
these%*es1 He w"s s%"in "nd "%% th"t be%ie*ed hi were sc"ttered "nd bro(ght to nothing1 C6 A!ter this "n0 rose ($ +(d"s o!
G"%i%ee0 in the d"'s o! the enro%%ing0 "nd drew "w"' the $eo$%e "!ter hi1 He "%so $erished "nd "%%0 e*en "s "n' "s consented to
hi0 were dis$ersed1 C4 And now0 there!ore0 ) s"' to 'o(0 re!r"in !ro these en "nd %et the "%one1 For i! this co(nci% or this
work be o! en0 it wi%% coe to nothing1 C8 /(t i! it is o! God0 'o( c"nnot o*erthrow it0 %est $erh"$s 'o( be !o(nd e*en to !ight
"g"inst God1 And the' consented to hi1
DSoe critics h"*e !oo%ish%' ch"rged L(ke here with " g%"ring historic"% error0 in c%"iing " cert"in rebe% n"ed Theod"s rose ($ "g"inst Roe in )sr"e%
soe 3> 'e"rs be!ore it s($$osed%' h"$$ened1 These t"ke the so%e word o! +ose$h(s who is notorio(s !or his historic"% in"cc(r"cies "nd contr"dictor'
d"ting "nd who %i*ed C> be'ond the tie o! L(ke0 o*er " edic"% doctor who %i*ed "t the tie entionedP /(t i! indeed there w"s " Theod"s who %ed "
rebe%%ion in AD@SA 73 "s +ose$h(s s"'s0 it cert"in%' does not r(%e o(t "ong the "n' rebe%%ions th"t took $%"ce in this tie0 "nother one b' " Theod"s
coing K(st be!ore the rebe%%ion o! the +(d"s "t the tie o! the cens(s "nd the /irth o! ,hrist0 K(st "s L(ke re$orts o! G""%ie%Hs s$eechP These critics (st
be c%"iing the di*ine insight "nd inerr"nc' !or these%*es the' "re den'ing !or the Scri$t(res !or the' "$$e"r to "ct("%%' be%ie*e the' know ore "bo(t
histor' 5>>> 'e"rs "!ter the !"ct th"n L(ke "nd G""%ie% who %i*ed itP
2:@+ And c"%%ing in the A$ost%es0 "!ter the' h"d sco(rged the0 the' ch"rged the th"t the' sho(%d not s$e"k "t "%% in the n"e o!
+es(s0 then the' disissed the1 72 And the' indeed went !ro the $resence o! the co(nci%0 reKoicing th"t the' were "cco(nted
worth' to s(!!er re$ro"ch !or the n"e o! +es(sP 75 And e*er' d"' the' ce"sed not in the te$%e "nd !ro ho(se to ho(se to te"ch
"nd $re"ch ,hrist +es(s1
<CA. AD C7#C3 The First Deaons Chosen to Care !or the "eedy # +er(s"%e L # M
C:, AND in those d"'s "s the n(ber o! the disci$%es were incre"sing0 there "rose " (r(ring o! the Greeks "g"inst the
Hebrews0 !or their widows were neg%ected in the d"i%' inistr"tion1 5 Then the twe%*e0 c"%%ing together the (%tit(de o! the
disci$%es0 s"id: )t is not re"son"b%e th"t we sho(%d %e"*e the Word o! God "nd ser*e t"b%es1 C 9here!ore0 brethren0 %ook Yo( o(t
"ong 'o(rse%*es se*en en o! good re$(t"tion0 !(%% o! the Ho%' S$irit "nd wisdo0 who we "' "$$oint o*er this b(siness1 7
/(t we wi%% gi*e o(rse%*es contin("%%' to $r"'er "nd to the ministry o! the Word1 3 And the s"'ing w"s we%coed b' the who%e
"sseb%'1 And the' chose Ste$hen0 " "n !(%% o! !"ith "nd o! the Ho%' S$irit0 Phi%i$0 Prochor(s0 Nic"nor0 Tion0 P"ren"s0 "nd
Nico%"s0 " $rose%'te o! Antioch1 F These the' then set be!ore the A$ost%es1 And the' $r"'ing0 i$osed h"nds ($on the1
C:; And the Word o! the 5ord inreased0 "nd the n(ber o! the disci$%es gre"t%' (%ti$%ied in +er(s"%e1 A%so " gre"t n(ber
o! the $riests obe'ed the !"ith1

<;+. E"r%' AD CF (teven9s Wisdom and 3o#er # +er(s"%e @F72G$18>3A
C:B And Ste$hen0 !(%% o! gr"ce "nd !ortit(de0 did gre"t wonders "nd signs "ong the $eo$%e1 8 Now there "rose soe !ro wh"t is
c"%%ed the s'n"gog(e o! the Freeden L"de ($ o! !orer s%"*es !ro the He%%enistic "re"sM0 o! the ,'reni"ns0 o! the A%e:"ndri"ns0 "nd o!
those who were o! ,i%ici" "nd Asi"0 to dis$(te with Ste$hen1 2> /(t the' were not "b%e to resist the wisdo "nd the s$irit in which
he s$oke1 22 Then the' bribed en to s"' the' h"d he"rd hi s$e"k words o! b%"s$he' "g"inst Moses "nd "g"inst God1 25 And
the' stirred ($ the $eo$%e0 the e%ders0 "nd the scribes1 And r(nning together the' took hi "nd bro(ght hi to the co(nci%1 2C And
the' set ($ !"%se witnesses0 who s"id: This "n ce"ses not to s$e"k words "g"inst the ho%' $%"ce "nd the L"w1 27 For we h"*e
he"rd hi s"'0 th"t this +es(s o! N"I"reth sh"%% destro' this $%"ce0 "nd sh"%% ch"nge the tr"ditions which Moses de%i*ered (nto (s1
LFro The Poem we h"*e %itt%e do(bt th"t Ste*en co(%d *er' we%% h"*e dec%"red this $roise o! O(r Lord $(b%ic%' to the $eo$%e b(t Ste*en did not e*er
s$e"k "g"inst the L"w1M 23 And "%% who s"t in the co(nci% %ooking on hi0 s"w his !"ce "s i! it h"d been the !"ce o! "n "nge%1
<;,. E"r%' AD CF (teven9s (tirring Message # /e!ore the ,o(nci% o! the S"nhedrin in +er(s"%e @F72G$8>3A
A, 6 TU
/tephen's speech before the council )! 46 7 1!4Q2
;:, THEN the high $riest s"id: Are these things soB 5 Then he LSte*enM s"id: Yo( en0 brethren0 "nd !"thers0 %istenP The God o!
g%or' "$$e"red to o(r !"ther Abr"h"0 when he w"s in Meso$ot"i"0 be!ore he dwe%t in H"r"n C "nd s"id to hi: Go forth o&t of
yo&r co&ntry, and from yo&r *indred, and come into the land )hich I shall sho) yo&1 ZGen125:5[ 7 Then he went o(t o! the %"nd o!
the ,h"%de"ns0 "nd dwe%t in H"r"n1 And !ro there0 "!ter his !"ther w"s de"d0 God reo*ed hi into this %"nd L2826 /,M0 wherein
'o( now dwe%%1 3 /(t He g"*e hi no inherit"nce in it0 no0 not the $"ce o! " !oot LEg'$t took direct contro% o! the %"nd (nder Sen(sert ))) in
the 246>Hs /,M0 b(t He $roised to gi*e it to hi in $ossession0 "nd to his seed "!ter hi0 when "s 'et he h"d no chi%d1 F And God
s"id to hi that his seed )o&ld soKo&rn in a stran'e co&ntry, and that they )o&ld -rin' them &nder -onda'e, and ill-treat them,
>the entire soKo&rnin' lastin'@ fo&r h&ndred years1D 6 =nd the nation )hich they shall ser+e )ill I K&d'e0 s"id the Lord1 =nd after
these thin's they shall 'o o&t and ser+e Me in this place1ZGen123:2C[ 4 And He g"*e hi the co*en"nt o! circ(cision L248C /, W Gen
26:2C#27M0 "nd so he begot )s""c L2485 /, W Gen152M0 "nd circ(cised hi the eighth d"'1 Then )s""c begot +"cob0 "nd +"cob the
twe%*e $"tri"rchs1
D@++ years o! soRourning in a land not theirs: 2F> 'e"rs in ,"n""n "nd 5C8 'e"rs in Eg'$t o! which on%' 48 'e"rs w"s h"rd bond"ge1 Eg'$ti"n
chrono%og' shows there w"s 48 'e"rs between the "ccession o! Ahose ) @in"(g(r"ting the New -ingdo "!ter dri*ing o(t the Seitic H'ksos r(%ers who
!"*ored the )sr"e%itesA "nd Aenhote$ )))0 who w"s the Ph"r"oh o! the E:od(s1 Aenhote$ )))Hs only le'itimate heir died in the Passo+er pla'&e endin'
the 1N
dynasty" Since Moses w"s born *er' soon "!ter the de"th order o! Ph"r"oh @A"ronHs birth C 'e"rs be!ore Moses w"s not thre"tenedA "nd he w"s
born 4> 'e"rs be!ore the 27FC /, E:od(s0 the de"th order (st h"*e been !irst $roc%"ied in the F
or 6
'e"r o! Ahose )0 the first pharaoh o! the New
-ingdo1 @Not on%' do histori"ns "gree Ahose w"s the !irst to introd(ce s%"*er' into Eg'$t b(t 6:24#28 be%ow indic"tes this Ph"r"oh w"s the !irst o! "n
entire %ine o! "nti#Seitic kings1A This wo(%d "ke a(een H"tshe$s(t the s(rrog"te other o! Moses1 Those )ishin' to correlate the 8i-lical e+ents
)ith sec&lar acco&nts of ('yptian history sho&ld *no) that the sec&lar datin' of the entire 12
('yptian dynasty thro&'h at least the De) Oin'dom is
1N-23 years too ad+anced )hen compared to the -i-lical chronolo'y" See "%so the )ntrod(ction to E:od(s !or (ch gre"ter det"i% "nd e:$%"n"tion1
;:A And the $"tri"rchs0 thro(gh en*'0 so%d +ose$h into Eg'$t0 b(t God w"s with hi0 2> "nd de%i*ered hi o(t o! "%% his
trib(%"tions1 And He g"*e hi !"*or "nd wisdo in the sight o! Ph"r"oh0 the king o! Eg'$t0 "nd he "$$ointed hi go*ernor o*er
Eg'$t0 "nd o*er "%% his ho(se1 LThere is *er' %itt%e known "bo(t these Seitic H'ksos kings who r(%ed Eg'$t !or soe 2F> 'e"rs b(t the tie s$"n
"nd the !"*or"b%e tre"tent o! the )sr"e%ites !its $er!ect%' with the /ib%ic"% "cco(nt1 Those who $(t the )sr"e%ites in Eg'$t be!ore the H'ksos not on%' do
*io%ence to the bib%ic"% chrono%og' b(t "%so c"nnot e:$%"in how +ose$h w"s gi*en " ch"riot when it is coon know%edge th"t the H'ksos introd(ced the
ch"riot to Eg'$t1M 22 Now there c"e " !"ine ($on "%% Eg'$t "nd ,"n""n0 "nd gre"t distress0 "nd o(r !"thers !o(nd no !ood1 25 /(t
when +"cob h"d he"rd th"t there w"s gr"in in Eg'$t0 he sent o(r !"thers !irst1 2C And "t the second tie Lthe' *isited Eg'$tM0 +ose$h
bec"e known b' his brethren0 "nd his kindred w"s "de known to Ph"r"oh1 27 And +ose$h sending L"n in*it"tionM0 c"%%ed !or +"cob
his !"ther "nd "%% his kindred0 "%% se*ent'#!i*e so(%s LGen173:8#2>M1 23 So +"cob went down into Eg'$t0 "nd there he died0 "nd "%so
o(r !"thers1 2F And L%"terM their bodies were tr"ns$orted b"ck to Sheche L!or +ose$h0 who w"s b(ried in the %"nd $(rch"sed b' +"cobM "nd
Lthe others0 )s""c "nd +"cobM were %"id in the se$(%cher th"t Abr"h" bo(ght !or " s( o! one' o! the sons o! H"or0 the son o!
Sheche Lin HebronM L+osh157:C5E Gen13>:2CM1
To ch"rge Ste*en with error here "s soe critics do is !oo%ish "nd irr"tion"%1 Ste*en0 one o! G""%ie%Hs ost $riIed disci$%es co(%d not $ossib%' h"*e been
ignor"nt o! s(ch signi!ic"nt histor'P1 Pressed !or tie "nd seeing no need !or co$%ete det"i% Ste*en ere%' co$resses the two "cco(nts o! %"nd $(rch"ses
"nd the two "cco(nts o! b(ri"%s o! the $"tri"rchs into one1 Abr"h" $(rch"sed %"nd "t Hebron where he0 )s""c0 "nd +"cob were b(ried1 +"cob bo(ght %"nd
"t Sheche where +ose$h w"s b(ried1
;:,; And when the tie o! the $roise drew ne"r Ld(ring this predicted 7>> 'e"r $eriod o! soKo(rning "nd the fo&r 'enerations to be born in
Eg'$t be!ore de%i*er"nce @Gen 23:2FA M0 which God h"d $roised to Abr"h"0 the $eo$%e incre"sed "nd were (%ti$%ied in Eg'$t0 24
(nti% "nother king "rose in Eg'$t0 who knew not +ose$h1 28 This s"e LkingM de"%ing cr"!ti%' with o(r r"ce0 "!!%icted o(r !"thers0
th"t the' sho(%d e:$ose their chi%dren0 to the end the' ight not be ke$t "%i*e1 L+"es is re!erring to Ph"r"oh0 Ahose )0 o! the 24
the !irst o! " contin(ing %ine o! Eg'$ti"n kings to r(%e Eg'$t in 2F> 'e"rs "nd who iss(ed the de"th edict in his F
or 6
'e"r "nd who w"s reigning when
Moses w"s born1M
;:*+ At the s"e tie Moses w"s born0 "nd he w"s di*ine%' "ttr"cti*e "nd w"s no(rished three onths in his !"therHs ho(se1 52
And when he w"s e:$osed Lto $erishM0 Ph"r"ohHs d"(ghter La(een H"tshe$s(tM took hi ($0 "nd no(rished hi !or her own son1 55 And
Moses w"s instr(cted in "%% the wisdo o! the Eg'$ti"ns0 "nd he w"s ight' in his words "nd in his deeds1 LMoses de*e%o$ed the
ines in the Sin"i $enins(%" !or a(een H"tshe$s(t "nd "de Eg'$t " we"%th' n"tion1 According to +ose$h(s he0 "s Th(tose ))0 "%so enriched Eg'$t with
go%d b' his g"ining the !"*or o! the N(bi"ns1M 5C And when he w"s " !(%% !ort' 'e"rs o%d0 it c"e into his he"rt to *isit his brethren0 the
chi%dren o! )sr"e%1 57 And when he h"d seen one o! the s(!!er wrong0 he de!ended hi1 And striking the Eg'$ti"n0 he "*enged
hi who s(!!ered the inK(r'1 53 Now he tho(ght th"t his brethren (nderstood th"t God b' his h"nd wo(%d s"*e the0 b(t the'
(nderstood it not1 5F And the d"' !o%%owing0 he showed hise%! to the when the' were "t stri!e Lbetween these%*esM0 "nd wo(%d
h"*e reconci%ed the in $e"ce0 s"'ing: Men0 'o( "re brethrenP 9h' h(rt one "notherBP 56 /(t he who did the inK(r' to his
neighbor thr(st hi "w"'0 s"'ing: 9ho h"s "$$ointed 'o( $rince "nd K(dge o*er (sBP 54 9h"t0 wi%% 'o( ki%% e "s 'o( ki%%ed the
Eg'$ti"n 'esterd"'BP 58 And Moses !%ed ($on he"ring this0 "nd w"s " str"nger in the %"nd o! Midi"n0 where he begot two sons1
LE:15:22#23055E 24:C#71 Moses then %i*ed tending shee$ !or 7> 'e"rs in Midi"n1M
;:<+ And when !ort' 'e"rs were e:$ired0 there "$$e"red to hi in the desert o! Mo(nt Sin"i Lin Ar"bi"0 not in the $resent d"' <Sin"i
Penins(%"= o! Eg'$t # See note "t G"%17:53 in the E*"nge%ic"% St(d' /ib%ePM "n "nge% in " !%"e o! !ire in " b(sh1 C2 And Moses seeing it0
wondered "t the sight1 And "s he drew ne"r to *iew it0 the *oice o! the Lord c"e (nto hi0 s"'ing: C5 I am the God of yo&r
fathers, the God of =-raham, the God of Isaac, and the God of #aco-?ZE:1C:F[ And Moses being terri!ied0 d"red not to %ook1 CC And
the Lord s"id to hi: %oose the shoes from yo&r feet for the place )herein yo& stand is holy 'ro&nd?ZE:1C:3[ C7 I ha+e seen the
affliction of My people )hich are in ('ypt and I ha+e heard their 'roanin' and I ha+e come do)n to deli+er them" =nd no) come,
and I )ill send yo& into ('ypt1ZE:1C:6#4[
;:<2 This Moses0 who the' re!(sed0 s"'ing: Cho has appointed yo& prince and K&d'eL Hi0 God sent to be $rince "nd redeeer
b' the h"nd o! the Ange% Lb' the Son o! GodM 9ho "$$e"red to hi in the b(shP CF He bro(ght the o(t0 doing wonders "nd signs in
the %"nd o! Eg'$t "nd in the Red Se" "nd in the desert !or !ort' 'e"rs1 C6 This is th"t Moses who s"id to the chi%dren o! )sr"e%: =
Prophet shall God raise &p to yo& of yo&r o)n -rethren, as myself" Him shall yo& hear ?ZDe(t124:23[ C4 This is he who w"s in the
ch(rch in the wi%derness with the Ange% 9ho s$oke to hi on Mo(nt Sin"i L"%so c"%%ed Mt1 HorebM0 "nd Lwho w"sM with o(r !"thers0
who recei*ed the words o! %i!e to gi*e (nto (s LThe /ook o! the ,o*en"nt # E:15>#5CM0 C8 who o(r !"thers wo(%d not obe'0 b(t thr(st
hi "w"' "nd in their he"rts t(rned b"ck into Eg'$t L"!ter Moses0 recei*ing the Ten ,o"ndents0 w"s de%"'ed in Mt1 Horeb !or "bo(t "
onthM0 7> s"'ing to A"ron: Ma*e &s 'ods to 'o -efore &s" Gor, as for this Moses )ho -ro&'ht &s o&t of the land of ('ypt, )e *no)
not )hat has -ecome of him1ZE:1C5:2[ 72 And the' "de " c"%! in those d"'s "nd o!!ered s"cri!ices to the ido% "nd reKoiced in the
works o! their own h"nds1 75 And God t(rned L!ro the "nd re!(sed to "cco$"n' the sending on%' "n "nge% to g(ide the # E:155:C7 # 5C:C1
The Lord "%so "t this tie g"*e the the Le*itic"% L"w @E:153#C2:22A "s " necess"r' $(nishent !or the go%den c"%! e$isodeM "nd g"*e the ($ to
ser*e the host o! He"*en Lsee EIek153:53#5FPM0 "s it is written in the books o! the $ro$hets: Did yo& >really@ offer +ictims and
sacrifices to Me for forty years, in the desert, 9 ho&se of IsraelL 7C >Do, yo& did not @ for yo& too* &nto yo&rsel+es the ta-ernacle
of Moloch, and the star of yo&r 'od empham, fi'&res )hich yo& made to adore them" =nd I )ill >no)@ carry yo& a)ay -eyond
8a-ylon"ZAos 3:53#56[ LSte*en s(bstit(tes 8a-ylon !or Damasc&s0 c"$it"% o! Ass'ri"0 bec"(se he is here spea*in' to #&deans whose s"e sins "n'
'e"rs be!ore bro(ght their c"$ti*it' to /"b'%on1 Aos0 o! co(rse0 w"s s$e"king $ro$hetic"%%' to )sr"e% @the Northern tribesA who wo(%d be t"ken c"$ti*e b'
;:@@ The T"bern"c%e o! the Testion' Lwith the Ark o! the ,o*en"ntM w"s with o(r !"thers in the desert0 "s God ord"ined !or the Lafter
the calf )orship0 re*e"%ing th"t "n Atoneent wo(%d h"*e to be "de soe d"' in*o%*ing the Son o! God "nd th"t the one who c"rried Hi in her wob
@Ho%' M"r'A0 <The Ark0= wo(%d be *it"%%' "ssoci"ted with th"t AtoneentPM0 s$e"king to Moses0 that he sho&ld ma*e it accordin' to the form
)hich he had seen1ZE:153:7>[ 73 9hich "%so o(r !"thers0 L"!ter C4 'e"rs o! wi%derness w"ndering0M recei*ed "nd bro(ght in Lto ,"n""nM with
+es(sD L+osh("1 <+es(s= is the %iter"% tr"ns%"tion o! +osh("M into the $ossession o! the Genti%es0 who God dro*e o(t be!ore the !"ce o! o(r
!"thers0 (nto the d"'s o! D"*id1 7F Now D"*id !o(nd gr"ce be!ore God0 "nd desired to !ind " dwe%%ing $%"ce !or the God o! +"cob1
76 /(t So%oon b(i%t Hi " ho(se1 74 Yet the ost High dwe%%s not in ho(ses "de b' h"nds0 "s the $ro$het s"id: 78 Hea+en is
My throne and the earth My footstool" Chat ho&se )ill yo& -&ild MeL saith the %ord" 9r )hat is the place of My restin'L 3> Has
not My o)n hand made all these thin'sLZ)s"1FF:2[ DTh"t it w"s <+es(s0= !o%%owing Moses @who re$resented the L"wA0 who wo(%d %e"d the ren"nt
o! )sr"e%0 who s(r*i*ed the wi%derness0 into the Proised Rest w"s K(st one ore c%e"r witness to the di*ine c"%%ing o! +es(s ,hrist 9ho re$%"ced the
Le*itic"% L"w1 Th"t "n' de%i*ered !ro Eg'$t ne*er "de it to the $roised %"nd w"s "%so " $ro$hetic indic"tion th"t "n' in +es(sH d"' @"nd e*en those
in the New ,o*en"ntA wo(%d "%so <see to coe short= o! the tr(e rest o! He"*enP Hebrews 7:2#22P
;:2, Yo( sti!!#necked "nd (ncirc(cised in he"rt "nd e"rs0 'o( h"*e "%w"'s resisted the Ho%' S$iritP As 'o(r !"thers did0 so "%so
do 'o(P 35 9hich o! the $ro$hets h"*e not 'o(r !"thers $ersec(tedBP And the' h"*e s%"in theD who !oreto%d the coing o! the
+(st One0 o! 9ho 'o( h"*e been now the betr"'ers "nd (rderersP W 3C LYes0 'o(M who h"*e recei*ed the %"w b' the dis$osition o!
"nge%s0 "nd L'etM h"*e not ke$t itP D)s"i"h w"s s"wn "s(nder "nd "n' $ro$hets were s%"in in the reign o! M"n"sseh1
<;*. E"r%' AD CF (teven9s Martyrdom 7 The First Great 3erseution o! the Churh # +er(s"%e F720F75
A, 6 TU #
;:2@ Now he"ring these things0 the' were c(t to the he"rt0 "nd the' gn"shed "t hi with their teeth1
33 /(t he0 being !(%% o! the Ho%' S$irit0 %ooking ($ ste"d!"st%' to He"*en0 s"w the g%or' o! God "nd +es(s st"nding on the right
h"nd o! God1 L3FMAnd he s"id: /eho%d0 ) see the he"*ens o$ened "nd the Son o! M"n st"nding on the right h"nd o! GodP
;:2CF2;G And the' cr'ing o(t with " %o(d *oice0 sto$$ed their e"rs0 "nd with one "ccord r"n *io%ent%' ($on hi1 36L34M And c"sting
hi !orth witho(t the cit'0 the' stoned hi1 Now the witnesses %"id down their g"rents "t the !eet o! " 'o(ng "n0 whose n"e
w"s S"(%1 34L38M And the' stoned Ste$hen L"s he w"sM in*oking Lthe LordM "nd s"'ing: Lord +es(s0 recei*e ' s$iritP 38LF>M And
!"%%ing on his knees0 he cried with " %o(d *oice0 s"'ing: Lord0 %"' not this sin to their ch"rgeP And when he h"d s"id this0 he !e%%
"s%ee$ in the Lord1 And S"(% w"s "%so consenting to his de"th1 LThis "w!(% scene inc%(ding S"(%Hs *io%ent e:ch"nge with Ste*en "nd G""%ie% is
!o(nd in The Poem &08>3 !!1M
A, 4
B:, AND "t th"t tie there rose ($ " gre"t $ersec(tion "g"inst the ,h(rch which w"s "t +er(s"%e0 "nd the' were "%% dis$ersed
thro(gh the %"nd o! +(de" "nd S""ri"0 e:ce$t the A$ost%es1 5 And de*o(t en took c"re !or Ste$henHs !(ner"% "nd "de gre"t
o(rning o*er hi1 C /(t S"(% "de h"*oc o! the ,h(rch0 entering in !ro ho(se to ho(se0 dr"gging "w"' en "nd woen "nd
coitting the to $rison1
F75G$825 # @E AD CF A # Ste*enHs bod' is reco*ered "t night b' Peter0 +"es0 +ohn0 the Oe"%ot0 Nicode(s "nd Ho%' M"r'1 The' t"ke the
bod' to M"r'Hs ho(se in Gethse"ne1
F7CG$823 # @A$ri% AD 74A # G""%ie% /ecoes " ,hristi"n1
F77G$85> # @AD 74A # Peter ,on*erses with +ohn1
TH) 3$(($G) $"D $((>M3TI4" 4F TH) :5)(()D &I%GI" M$%8 7 $D 22 LPoe ,h"$ters F37#F7F "nd F76M
F73G$857 # @E +(%'0Fri AD 33A # The /%iss!(% P"ss"ge o! the /%essed &irgin M"r'1
F7FG$8C7 # @E +(%0T(e AD 33A # The Ass($tion o! the /%essed &irgin M"r'0 "ge 621
FI"$5 %)&)5$TI4"( T4 M$%I$ &$5T4%T$ F%4M 4>% :5)(()D 5$D8 $"D 4>% ($&I4% .)(>( CH%I(T.
F76"G$8C4 # On the P"ss"ge0 the Ass($tion "nd Ro'"%t' o! the /%essed &irgin1 M"r' e:$%"ins to M"ri" &"%tort" Her Ass($tion "nd
F76bG$87> # +es(s e:$%"ins ore on M"r'Hs Ass($tion1
F76cG$872 # M"r' entions the ecst"s' o! gi*ing birth to +es(s "nd es$eci"%%' Her "scension1 The Ho(se !ro which she w"s <"bd(cted=
to He"*en w"s in Gethse"ne "nd h"s been %ong destro'ed b' the Ro"ns1
F76dG$872 # M"r' s"'s ore on her %onging !or her Son be!ore she w"s "ss(ed1
F76eG$87C # M"r' on the distinction between so(% "nd s$irit1
F76!G$877 # M"r' on her Ass($tion "nd wh"t God h"d wished !or "%% "nkind to e:$erience in $"ssing to the ne:t %i!e1
The Rest o! the Gos$e%
The Rest o! the Gos$e%
A D"ted S("r' o! the New Test"ent Gos$e%s "nd
The Poem of the Man-God in S'nthesis
The New Test"ent Gos$e% Acco(nts )%%(in"ted b'
The Re*e%"tions on the Li!e "nd Te"chings o! the Lord +es(s ,hrist
Gi*en to the noted M"ri" &"%tort"
-e'ed to The Poem "nd
The Dated Parallel Harmony of the Gospels
)nc%(ding o*er 23> $"ges o! )nde:ing
The ,o$%ete Re"derHs Tr"*e% G(ide !or The Poem of the Man-God
with Scri$t(re )nde: o! the Gos$e%s "nd Acts o! the A$ost%es
Second Edition 5>>6
Now with " co$%ete O%d Test"ent )nde:
5>>5 b' D"*id +1 9ebster0 M1 Di*1
The Rest o! the Gos$e% Stor'
)NTROD.,T)ON 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 iii
A Few A(thorit"ti*e Testionies To The Poem of The Man-God
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1*
N1T1 S,R)PT.RE )NDEJ !rom the Gospels to this )or*0 The Parallel Harmony0 "nd to The Poem 1 1 1 1 1 1*iii
N1T1 S,R)PT.RE )NDEJ !rom The 3oem to the Gos$e%s0 The Parallel Harmony0 "nd this )or* 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1:i
OLD TESTAMENT S,R)PT.RE )NDEJ !rom (ripture to The Poem 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
OLD TESTAMENT S,R)PT.RE )NDEJ !ro The Poem to the O%d Test"ent Scri$t(re1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 :*iii
,HARTS: The Priest%' "nd Ro'"% )nherit"nce o! ,hristE The 6> 9eeks o! D"nie% "nd The P"%estini"n Agric(%t(r"% "nd ,%i"tic
,"%end"r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Loc"tion: Gos$e% E$isode The Poem This 9ork
PART ) THE T9O PROM)SED SONS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1@21#2C1A )0 2G$161 1 1 1 1 1 2
PART )) THE /)RTH AND H)DDEN L)FE OF +ES.S ,HR)ST 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 @271#C71A )0 58G$12C4 1 1 1 1 6
The Three!o%d 9itness to +es(s ,hrist the Messi"h 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 @C31#CF1A )0 77G$15C3 1 1 1 12C
+es(s is Tested "nd Pro*en "s Messi"h1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1@C61#761A )0 7FG$1576 1 1 1 1 2C
+es(s Re*e"%s Hise%! "s Messi"h in G"%i%ee 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1@741#3C1A )0 35G$15681 1 1 1 23
+es(s Re*e"%s Hise%! "s Messi"h in +(de" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1@371#331A )0 3CG$15431 1 1 1 23
First G"%i%e"n G 5 Months0 E A$ri% # E +(ne 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 @3F1#FC1A )0 36G$1C>31 1 1 1 2F
First +(de"n G 5 Months0 E +(ne # L +(%' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 )0 FFG$1C7C 1 1 1 1
Second G"%i%e"n # S'ro#Phoenici" G C Months0 L +(%' # E No* 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 @F71#FF1A )0 44G$17FF 1 1 1 155
Second +(de"n # S""ri" G 5 Months0 E No* # M +"n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 @F61#6>1A )0 222G$13871 1 1 156
LLe"*ing +(de" !or G"%i%ee W S""ri"M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1@621#6C1A )0 2C8G$16361 1 1 1
Third G"%i%e"n # Tetr1 o! Phi%i$0 S""ri" G 5 Months0 L +"n # E A$r 1 1 1 1@671#25>1A ))0 23>G$1C7 1 1 1 C5
L)n S""ri" G E A$ri%M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ))0 285G$15F71 1
Third +(de"n G 5 Months0 E A$ri% # E +(ne 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1@2521#2561A ))0 283G$15641 1 7C
L+er(s"%e G E#M A$ri%M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1@2521#2531A ))0 28FG$1564 1 1 7C
LSo(th E"st +(de"n ,irc(it G L A$ri% # E +(neM1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 @25F1#2561A ))0 5>6G$1C3F1 1 73
Fo(rth G"%i%e"n # S'ro#Phoenici"0 Dec"$o%is0 Tetr"rch' o! Phi%i$ G
7 Months0 E +(ne # L Se$teber 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1@2541#2361A ))0 556G$1764 1 1 76
Fo(rth +(de"n # Pere"0 Dec"$o%is G 5 Months0 E Oct # M No* 1 1 1 1 1 1 @2341#2FC1A ))0 564G$157 1 1 1 36
LPere"0 Dec"$o%is G L October # M No*eberM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1@2FC1A )))0 543G$1F71 1 1 38
Fi!th G"%i%e"n # S'ro#Phoenici"0 Tetr"rch' o! Phi%i$0 Dec"$o%is0 Pere" G
7 Months0 M No*eber # M M"rch 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1@2F71#2461A )))0 586G$125F1 1 1F2
LTow"rds +er(s"%e # Dec"$o%is0 Pere" G M M"rchM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 @2461A )))0 C33G$17371 1 167
The Fi!th +(de"n # Pere"0 Dec"$o%is0 Northern S""ri" G
C Months0 M M"rch # L +(ne 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 @2441#2861A )))0 CF>G$17871 1 16F
LE"st o! +ord"n: Pere"0 Dec"$o%is0 Northern S""ri" G E # L +(neM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 )&0 72FG$15>1 1 1
The Si:th G"%i%e"n # Dec"$o%is0 Tetr"rch' o! Phi%i$0 S'ro#Phoenici"0 S""ri" G
7 Months0 L +(ne # L October 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1@2841#5>21A )&0 753G$14> 1 1 4F
LTo +er(s"%e # in S""ri" G L OctoberM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 )&0 768G$17571 1
Si:th @Gre"tA +(de"n # Pere"0 S""ri" G
F Months0 L October # M A$ri%1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 @5>51#5C31A )&0 74CG$17781 1 8C
Tri($h"% Entr' to Pre$"r"tion !or P"sso*er 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1@5CF1#53F1A &0 346G$1C82 1 1 226
The .$$er Roo 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 @5361#56>1A&0 384"G$1785 1 253
Gethse"ne 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 @5621#5431A &0 388G$1355 1
The Tri"%s o! +es(s ,hrist 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 @54F1#C2>1A &0 F>>bG$1373 1
The 9"' o! the ,ross 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 @C221#C751A &0 F>7G$138C 1 1
The Res(rrection o! O(r Lord +es(s ,hrist 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 @C7C1#C361A &0 F25G$1F8>1 1 27>

The Ascension o! O(r Lord +es(s ,hrist 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1@C341#C381A &0 FC7G$14C3 1 1 27F
The ,oing o! the Ho%' S$irit 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1@CF>1#CF51A &0 FC3G$1461 1 1 276
The ,h(rch is Est"b%ished 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1@CFC1#C651A &0 FC4G$148> 1 1 276
The P"ss"ge "nd Ass($tion o! the /%essed &irgin M"r' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 &0 F73G$18571 1 278
Fin"% Re*e%"tions to M"ri" &"%tort" !ro O(r /%essed L"d' "nd the Lord +es(s1 1 1 &0 F76G$18C4 1 1 23>
OTHER )NDEJES to this )or*0 The Poem0 "nd The Parallel Harmony
,HRONOLOG),AL S.MMARY G )NDEJ @The H"nd' ,o$"ct Tr"*e% G(ideA1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1233
GEOGRAPH),AL )NDEJ # O*er 23> di!!erent geogr"$hic"% %oc"tions 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
REG)ONAL )NDEJES # Poe ,h"$ters "nd Gos$e% E$isodes c"tegoriIed b' regions 1 1 1 1 1 1 247
/)OGRAPH),AL )NDEJ # An enc'c%o$edic inde: o! o*er 3>> $ersons entioned in The Poem 1 1 24F
S./+E,T )NDEJ # O*er 73> s(bKects with det"i%ed s(bdi*isions 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
)NDEJ o! PARA/LES # 83 $"r"b%es to%d b' +es(s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
538 )NDEJ o! M)RA,LES # 5>6 indi*id("% ir"c%es or ir"c(%o(s e*ents 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
,HAPTER )NDEJ with " s("r' o! s(b#ch"$ters "nd d"tes these re*e%"tions were gi*en to M&1 1 5F3
APPEND)J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
F(rther E*idence !or the Di*ine Origin o! The Poem of the Man God
The Poem "nd the Rheis New Test"ent
The ,h"$ters o! the Poe in the order the' were origin"%%' re*e"%ed
The Dating 4! The Poem Of The Man-God
One o! the (ni;(e !e"t(res o! The Poem is the "b(nd"nce o! in!or"tion inc%(ded in the work b'
which the d"ting o! the entire Gos$e% record h"s been "de $ossib%e1 This he%$!(% in!or"tion not on%'
coes !ro the ins$ired n"rr"tion itse%! b(t !ro M&Hs own $erson"% obser*"tions1 /esides being
soeties c%e"r%' indic"ted0 n(ero(s other e%eents h"*e s(bst"nti"ted the tie o! ne"r%' e*er' e$isode
"t %e"st to the 'e"r0 the se"son o! the 'e"r "nd the onth1 )n o*er h"%! o! the e$isodes0 the *er' d"' o!
the week is either st"ted or is discern"b%e1 D"' b' d"' se;(ences h"*e been est"b%ished b' tr"*e%
itiner"ries re*e"%ed in the n"rr"ti*e "nd in the nor"% e*er'd"' coents "nd disc(ssions between +es(s0
His Disci$%es "nd others "%ong the w"'0 re*e"%ing s$eci!ic tie inter*"%s between "n' e*ents1 O*er"%%
tie $eriods0 inc%(ding 'e"rs0 onths "nd e*en d"'s !or "n' e*ents0 "re not on%' o!ten st"ted b(t "re
o!ten *eri!ied b' " *"st co$%e: o! other tiing %inks1 The consistent%' "cc(r"te n"t(re o! this *"st
n(ber o! soeties *er' co$%e: tiing e%eents not on%' re*e"%s the di*ine origin o! this work b(t
"%so h"s "de it $ossib%e to cre"te "n "%ost $er!ect r(nning <di"r' "cco(nt= o! the inistr' o! ,hrist1
S(ch "n "cco(nt wi%% gi*e the re"der "n "cc(r"te sense o! the tie re%"tionshi$ !or e*er' e$isode in the
%i!e "nd inistr' o! o(r Lord1
No "tte$t here h"s been "de to re%"te this tie $eriod or "n' o! its e*ents to o(r Gregori"n
c"%end"r s'ste1 Deterining the "ct("% n&merical date !or "n' d"' o! "n' onth wo(%d !irst re;(ire
deterining the "ct("% 'e"r in which ,hrist w"s born1 Tho(gh the "Korit' o! odern scho%"rs h"*e
conc%(ded th"t ,hrist w"s born in 3 /,0 not e*er'one sh"res th"t *iew1 Soe $(t +es(sH birth "s e"r%' "s
F0 6 or e*en 4 /,1 Others "int"in the %"te Deceber 2 /, d"te "s origin"%%' recogniIed b' ,h(rch
scho%"rs in the 7
cent(r'1 Lonie O"ndt o! the Ph'sics De$"rtent o! P(rd(e .ni*ersit'0 (sing co$(ter
$rogr"ing o! the so%"r s'ste !or this tie $eriod0 h"s disco*ered M&Hs gr"$hic descri$tions o! "
s$ring night sk' $%"ces the inistr' o! ,hrist between the 'e"rs AD C2 "nd AD C71 This wo(%d e"n
+es(s w"s born in %"te 2 /, "s the ,h(rch h"d origin"%%' deterined1 Tho"s D(be fo! 9"shington St"te
"$$e"rs to h"*e s(bst"nti"ted this tr"dition"% *iew "%so with other e"ns0 not the %e"st o! which h"s been
the so%*ing o! "n' o! the tiing $rob%es r(n into b' A(%"gnier0 who0 in The Diary of #es&s, "ss(ed
the 3 /, *iew in his "tte$t to d"te The Poem1 D(be f is " rese"rcher who e:$ects to ch"%%enge the
odern d"ting *iew o! this er"1 )t "' be " !ew 'e"rs be!ore his work wi%% be re"d' !or $(b%ic"tion1
)t is not necess"r'0 howe*er0 to "ssign n&merical dates to "n' o! the e$isodes in this work !or one to
!(%%' enKo' the !%owing chrono%ogic"% se;(ence o! this work0 which we be%ie*e to be the on%' co$%ete%'
historically acc&rate "cco(nt o! the %i!e "nd inistr' o! +es(s ,hrist gi*en to the ,h(rch "$"rt !ro the
Gos$e%s1 <E"r%' +"n("r'0 ne:t d"'0= "nd < E"r%' +"n("r'0 two d"'s %"ter0 on S"t(rd"'0= etc10 wo(%d e*en
be $re!er"b%e to ost re"ders1 M' work does n(eric"%%' d"te e+ery year o! this ore th"n 6>#'e"r
$eriod co*ered in this work1 ) (se the "bbre*i"tions :5 @to design"te 'e"rs :e!ore the 5ordHs birthA "nd
$5 @!or 'e"rs $!ter the 5ordHs birthA1 )! 'o( be%ie*e +es(s w"s born in 2 /, then the 'e"rs in this work
@/L "nd ALA corres$ond to /, "nd AD1 )! 'o( be%ie*e He w"s born in 3 /, then 'o( si$%' "dd 7 'e"rs
to "%% o! o(r :5 d"tes to get the "$$ro$ri"te /, 'e"r1 To obt"in the "$$ro$ri"te AD d"te !or o(r $5
d"tes0 si$%' s(btr"ct 7 'e"rs1 Reeber0 there is no 'e"r Iero1
The Diary of #es&s b' +e"n A(%"gnier0 "s " s("riIed "cco(nt0 en"b%ed re"ders to get "n "bbre*i"ted
s("riIed "cco(nt o! +es(sH inistr' "s re*e"%ed in The Poem" .n!ort(n"te%'0 The Diary w"s not ke'ed
to The Poem, nor w"s the re!erence to the Gos$e%s " co$%ete one1 The est of the Gospel !tory "kes
($ !or these de!iciencies "nd wi%% becoe "n in*"%("b%e co$"nion to "%% who re"d thro(gh The Poem or
wish to "ke !re;(ent re!erence to the New Test"ent Gos$e% "cco(nts "s the' $roceed" )t wi%% kee$
one !(%%' orient"ted "s the' re"d thro(gh The Poem which0 bec"(se o! its det"i% "nd issing %inks between
e$isodes one c"n e"si%' %ose contin(it'1 ) " gre"t%' indebted to A(%"gnierHs $ioneer work "nd to Tho"s
D(be f0 who h"*e "de the cre"tion o! this work so (ch e"sier1
Gos$e% E$isodes
The CF4 Gos$e% e$isodes in this work were deterined !or e"se in st(d'0 whi%e (sing The Poem or the
Dated Harmony "nd to "chie*e " strict chrono%ogic"% order !or the New Test"ent Gos$e% "cco(nts1
E$isodes were deterined in the !o%%owing w"':
21 Gos$e% e*entsGte"chings th"t e:tended into " second ch"$ter in The Poem were considered se$"r"te
51 Se$"r"te e$isodes were "%so (s("%%' "de !or (%ti$%e e*entsGte"chings e*en in the s"e ch"$ter o!
The Poem when di!!erent Gos$e% writers se$"r"te%' recorded these1 One e*ent recorded b' M"tthew "nd
"nother e*ent b' M"rk0 e*en i! the' h"$$ened on the s"e d"' "nd were !o(nd in the s"e ch"$ter in
The Poem, were (s("%%' considered two e$isodes1 The Seron on the Mo(nt "nd the cr(ci!i:ion "cco(nt
o!!er n(ero(s e:"$%es o! this1
C1 Se$"r"te e$isodes were "%so "de whene*er e*ents in " te:t were not in e:"ct chrono%ogic"% order1
Ag"in the Seron on the Mo(nt "nd the cr(ci!i:ion "cco(nt $resent "n' e:"$%es o! this bec"(se the
Gos$e% writers h"d %iter"r' or theo%ogic"% re"sons !or "b"ndoning " strict chrono%ogic"% order1
The Rest o! the Gos$e% Stor'
The obKecti*e in the cre"tion o! this work w"s to $ro*ide " ch"$ter b' ch"$ter s("r' o! The Poem0
b' which the re"der co(%d not on%' kee$ hise%! orient"ted whi%e going thro(gh The Poem0 b(t see how
The Poem re%"ted to the content "nd se;(ence o! the Gos$e%s1 S("ries o! Gos$e% e$isodes th(s
inc%(de0 in bold te0t0 $ertinent in!or"tion !ro The Poem th"t <!i%%s o(t= the "cco(nts or wo(%d he%$ to
inter$ret the1 S("ries o! e"ch e:tr"#bib%ic"% ch"$ter o! The Poem0 "re d"ted "nd $%"ced in
chrono%ogic"% order with e*er' Gos$e% e$isode0 $ro*iding "n "ddition"% o*er"%% conte:t !or the entire
Gos$e% record1 A%% s("ries "re ke'ed to The Poem" A%% Gos$e% e$isode s("ries0 in "ddition0 "re
ke'ed to the Dated Parallel Harmony !or iedi"te cross#re!erence1
The 8ear o! 4ur 5ord9s :irth
Lonie O"ndt o! the Ph'sics De$"rtent o! P(rd(e .ni*ersit'0 (sing co$(ter $rogr"ing o! the
so%"r s'ste !or this tie $eriod0 h"s disco*ered M&Hs gr"$hic descri$tions o! " s$ring night sk' $%"ces
the inistr' o! ,hrist between the 'e"rs AD C2 "nd AD C71 This wo(%d e"n +es(s w"s born in %"te 2 /,
"s the ,h(rch h"d origin"%%' deterined1 Tho"s D(be fo! 9"shington St"te "$$e"rs to h"*e
s(bst"nti"ted this tr"dition"% *iew "%so with other e"ns0 not the %e"st o! which h"s been the so%*ing o!
"n' o! the tiing $rob%es r(n into b' A(%"gnier0 who0 in The Diary of #es&s, "ss(ed the 3 /, *iew
in his "tte$t to d"te The Poem1 For these re"sons "nd !or the e*idence th"t !o%%ows we h"*e "cce$ted
the 2 /, d"ting o! the /ith o! O(r Lord1
The Ye"r o! O(r LordHs /irth0 Deceber 530 2 AD The Ye"r o! O(r LordHs /irth0 Deceber 530 2 AD
/"sed on +ose$h(s0 who he%d th"t Herod died in 7 /, or 63> .,0 odern scho%"rs h"*e
disco(nted the e:tensi*e "nd thoro(gh rese"rch o! the onk Dion'si(s the Litt%e in 3C5 who conc%(ded0
as many others -efore him0 th"t o(r Lord w"s born in 2 /, "nd in the 'e"r 63C !ro the !o(nding o!
Roe @63C .,A "nd in the 7th 'e"r o! the 287th Greek O%'$i"d @287 OLA0g"nd th"t Herod died in AD
F0 "s +eroeD @AD 75>A "nd Orosis D@AD 724A h"d "%re"d' conc%(ded0 or in AD 3 "s witnessed b'
E(sebi(s o! ,"es"re"D in C73 AD1 @These d"tes c"n *"r' b' " 'e"r de$ending on the c"%end"r (sed1A
This disco(nting o! these tr"dition"% d"tes were done not on%' o*er the "b(nd"nt e*idence
Dion'si(s ""ssed "nd other e"r%ier witnesses b(t with the know%edge th"t +ose$h(s w"s e:tree%'
c"re%ess with his d"tes e*en gi*ing t)o dates !or the de"th o! Herod0 one in 7 /, "nd the other in 6 or 4
/,P +ose$h(s is0 in !"ct0 notorio(s !or his in"cc(r"cies1
The Traditional Dates in our 5ord9s 5i!e =Dates an vary a year depending on the alendar used?
His /irth: 287th OLG7th 'e"r0 63C .,0 2 /,0 Dec 53 At Te$%e0 "t 25: 284th OLG2st 'e"r0
6FF .,0 AD 2C0 A$r
4 d"'s %"ter: 283th OLG2st 'e"r0 637 .,0 AD 20 +"n 2 His /"$tis: 5>5nd OLGCrd 'e"r0
645 .,0 AD C20 +"n
Herod9s death: ,ACth 457*nd year ;2A >C' $D C ,r(ci!i:ion: 5>Crd OLG5nd 'e"r0
64F .,0 AD C70 A$r

D+eroe@d1 75>A: <)n C AD Herod h"d "%% the "%e chi%dren ki%%ed0 "nd in F AD he died " wretched b(t
we%% erited de"th0 his bod' ridd%ed with wors1= <+eroeHs )nter$ret"tion o! the ,hronic%es o! E(sebi(s
P"$hi%i(s= PL ::*ii0 co%1 381 Ld1 75>Q d"te o! de"thM
DOrosis@d1 724A: records th"t ,hrist w"s born in 2 /,E Herod died in AD FE ,r(ci!i:ion w"s in AD CC1
<Histor' Ag"inst the P"g"ns0= PL :::i0 book 60 co%12>38
DE(sebi(s@d1C73A: ,hrist born in the 7th 'e"r o! the 287th O%'$i"d "nd Herod died in 3 AD
<,hronic%es0= PG :i:0 co%1 3C>
+(%i(s A!ric"n(s @2F>#57>BA who "de "n e:tensi*e st(d' o! the Hebrew "nd Greek ,"%end"rs: records
th"t "t the "ge o! CC "nd in the 2st 'e"r o! the 5>Crd O%'$i"d ,hrist s(!!ered His P"ssion1 @E:t"nt
Fr"gents PG :0co%1 8>A
+(stin M"rt'r @d1 2FCA records th"t ,hrist died in the 26th 'e"r o! Tiberi(s which beg"n in A(g(st AD C5
"nd ended in A(g(st AD CC1 <A$o%ogi"0= PL *i0 co%1 C4C1
T(rt(%%i"n @d1 555A records th"t the n"ti*it' o! +es(s took $%"ce in the 72st 'e"r o! ,"es"r A(g(st(s0
which is " 'e"r %"ter th"n +eroeHs "cco(nt bec"(se T(rt(%%i"n went b' the L"tin d"ting which h"s its
Deceber 53 in the $re*io(s 'e"r !ro where th"t d"te w"s in the Greek c"%end"r1 +eroe0 tho(gh L"tin0
w"s (sing Greek so(rces when he %i*en in P"%estine1
Ph%egon' " sec(%"r histori"n "nd " !reed s%"*e o! H"dri"n the e$eror @226#2C4A d"tes wh"t co(%d on%' be
the d"rkening o! the s(n "t noon "t the tie o! the cr(ci!i:ion0 <which w"s so re"rk"b%e th"t nothing
co$"r"b%e h"s e*er been seen be!ore0= "s in the 7th 'e"r o! the 5>5nd O%'$i"d1 @Fr"gent"
Historic(0 Didot1 P"ris 24740 *o% iii0 Phe%egon0 /k 2C0 ,h 1270 "s cited in +1S1 D"%e'Hs <The ,ontro*ers'
,oncerning the D"tes o! the /irth "nd De"th o! +es(s ,hrist= A1
The Gos$e% o! Nicode(s which w"s considered b' those who deeed it A$ocr'$h"% to h"*e been
written in AD 54>0 d"tes the ,r(ci!i:ion in the 23th 'e"r o! Tiberi"s ,"es"r @no do(bt !ig(ring on%' his
so%e reignA0 in the 28th 'e"r o! Herod "nd in the 7th 'e"r o! 5>5 OL in AD CC1
E$i$h"ni(s @d1 7>CA records th"t ,hrist w"s born in 2 /, in the 7th 'e"r o! the 287th O%'$i"d "nd the
P"ssion w"s in the 24th 'e"r o! Tiberi(s on M"rch 53 "nd the res(rrection 5 d"'s %"ter1
"ote: )n these %"st two entries it (st be noted th"t the 'e"rs o! r(%e "' "%so *"r' de$ending on how
$"rts o! 'e"rs "re h"nd%ed "nd how Koint r(%e0 i! "n'0 is h"nd%ed1
Further insight on the traditional dating o! the :irth o! 4ur 5ord see Catholi $pologetis
International #eb site: http:77###.atholiintl.om7epologetis7artiles7bible7sripturalDhronologies,.htm
The disorder introdued into preDChristian hronology by using the 3tolemy anon #hih #as at the time ontradited by not
only the :iblial reord but by several other anient reords seularists also introdued into the Christian era. Choosing to ignore
the #itness o! the early Churh Fathers and the thoroughly orroborating sholarly researh o! Dionysius the 5ittle in 2<* they
#ould hoose ,A hundred years !rom the !at to rather aept the reord o! .osephus #ho #as desribed as early as ,BA< in the
Grande -nc"clopedie as Hboast!ul' proud' pretentiousX one #ho !alsi!ied history to his o#n advantage.I
)t is not necess"r'0 howe*er0 to "ssign n&merical dates to "n' o! the e$isodes in this work !or one to
!(%%' enKo' the !%owing chrono%ogic"% se;(ence o! this work0 which we be%ie*e to be the on%' co$%ete%'
historically acc&rate "cco(nt o! the %i!e "nd inistr' o! +es(s ,hrist gi*en to the ,h(rch "$"rt !ro the
Gos$e%s1 <E"r%' +"n("r'0 ne:t d"'0= "nd < E"r%' +"n("r'0 two d"'s %"ter0 on S"t(rd"'0= etc10 wo(%d e*en
be $re!er"b%e to ost re"ders1 M' work does n(eric"%%' d"te e+ery year o! this ore th"n 6>#'e"r
$eriod co*ered in this work
The Diary of #es&s b' +e"n A(%"gnier0 "s " s("riIed "cco(nt0 en"b%ed re"ders to get "n "bbre*i"ted
s("riIed "cco(nt o! +es(sH inistr' "s re*e"%ed in The Poem" .n!ort(n"te%'0 The Diary w"s not ke'ed
to The Poem, nor w"s the re!erence to the Gos$e%s " co$%ete one1 The est of the Gospel !tory "kes
($ !or these de!iciencies "nd wi%% becoe "n in*"%("b%e co$"nion to "%% who re"d thro(gh The Poem or
wish to "ke !re;(ent re!erence to the New Test"ent Gos$e% "cco(nts "s the' $roceed" )t wi%% kee$
one !(%%' orient"ted "s the' re"d thro(gh The Poem which0 bec"(se o! its det"i% "nd issing %inks between
e$isodes one c"n e"si%' %ose contin(it'1 ) " gre"t%' indebted to A(%"gnierHs $ioneer work "nd to Tho"s
D(be f0 who h"*e "de the cre"tion o! this work so (ch e"sier1
Gos$e% E$isodes
The CF4 Gos$e% e$isodes in this work were deterined !or e"se in st(d'0 whi%e (sing The Poem or the
Dated Harmony "nd to "chie*e " strict chrono%ogic"% order !or the New Test"ent Gos$e% "cco(nts1
E$isodes were deterined in the !o%%owing w"':
21 Gos$e% e*entsGte"chings th"t e:tended into " second ch"$ter in The Poem were considered se$"r"te
51 Se$"r"te e$isodes were "%so (s("%%' "de !or (%ti$%e e*entsGte"chings e*en in the s"e ch"$ter o!
The Poem when di!!erent Gos$e% writers se$"r"te%' recorded these1 One e*ent recorded b' M"tthew "nd
"nother e*ent b' M"rk0 e*en i! the' h"$$ened on the s"e d"' "nd were !o(nd in the s"e ch"$ter in
The Poem, were (s("%%' considered two e$isodes1 The Seron on the Mo(nt "nd the cr(ci!i:ion "cco(nt
o!!er n(ero(s e:"$%es o! this1
C1 Se$"r"te e$isodes were "%so "de whene*er e*ents in " te:t were not in e:"ct chrono%ogic"% order1
Ag"in the Seron on the Mo(nt "nd the cr(ci!i:ion "cco(nt $resent "n' e:"$%es o! this bec"(se the
Gos$e% writers h"d %iter"r' or theo%ogic"% re"sons !or "b"ndoning " strict chrono%ogic"% order1
The Rest o! the Gos$e% Stor'
The obKecti*e in the cre"tion o! this work w"s to $ro*ide " ch"$ter b' ch"$ter s("r' o! The Poem0
b' which the re"der co(%d not on%' kee$ hise%! orient"ted whi%e going thro(gh The Poem0 b(t see how
The Poem re%"ted to the content "nd se;(ence o! the Gos$e%s1 S("ries o! Gos$e% e$isodes th(s
inc%(de0 in bold te0t0 $ertinent in!or"tion !ro The Poem th"t <!i%%s o(t= the "cco(nts or wo(%d he%$ to
inter$ret the1 S("ries o! e"ch e:tr"#bib%ic"% ch"$ter o! The Poem0 "re d"ted "nd $%"ced in
chrono%ogic"% order with e*er' Gos$e% e$isode0 $ro*iding "n "ddition"% o*er"%% conte:t !or the entire
Gos$e% record1 A%% s("ries "re ke'ed to The Poem" A%% Gos$e% e$isode s("ries0 in "ddition0 "re
ke'ed to the Dated Parallel Harmony !or iedi"te cross#re!erence1
$ F)W $>TH4%IT$TI&) T)(TIM4"I$5( T4 TH- PO-M O. TH- M)8-GO!
Not in the entire histor' o! the ,h(rch h"s there e*er been the kind o! $r"ise !ro "s "n' we%%
res$ected "(thorities "s h"s coe !or The Poem of the Man God1 There is good re"son !or this
(n(s("% "cc%"i1

His Ho%iness Po$e Pi(s J))0 Febr("r' 5F02874 @Osser*"tore Ro"noA: <P(b%ish this work "s it is1
There is no need to gi*e "n o$inion "bo(t its origin0 whether it be e:tr"ordin"r' or not1 9ho re"ds
it wi%% (nderst"nd1=
Msgr1 .go L"tt"nIi0 De"n o! the F"c(%t' o! Theo%og' o! the L"ter"n Ponti!ic"% .ni*ersit'0 "d*isor to
the Ho%' O!!ice @2832A: <The "(thor co(%d not h"*e written s(ch "n "b(nd"nt "o(nt o! "teri"%
witho(t being (nder the in!%(ence o! " s($ern"t(r"% $ower1=
Fr1 G"brie% Roschini0 $ro!essor "t <M"ri"n(0= Ponti!ic"% F"c(%t' o! Theo%og' in Roe0 renowned
"rio%ogist0 "(thor o! 2C> books0 "nd "d*isor to the Ho%' O!!ice @2865A: <) (st c"ndid%' "dit
th"t the M"rio%og' !o(nd in M"ri" &"%tort"Hs writings0 whether $(b%ished or not0 h"s been !or e "
re"% disco*er'1 No other M"ri"n writing0 not e*en the s( tot"% o! "%% the writings ) h"*e re"d "nd
st(died0 were "b%e to gi*e e "s c%e"r0 "s %i*e%'0 "s co$%ete0 "s %(ino(s0 or "s !"scin"ting "n
i"ge0 both si$%e "nd s(b%ie0 o! M"r'0 GodHs "ster$iece1=
The Witness o! (aint 3io o! 3ietrelina
F"ther Pio d" Pietre%cin"0 The !"ed )t"%i"n ,"$(chin stig"tist w"s "n "*id s($$orter o! M"ri"
&"%tort" "nd her works inc%(ding The Poem of the Man-God1 Pio is ;(oted te%%ing " c%ose de*otee
o! his when she "sked i! he "d*ised her to re"d the work0 HI don9t advise you to K I order you
toLI The ;(ote is t"ken !ro " %etter d"ted +"n("r' 60 2848 to Ei%o Pi"nni0 the "(thor o! Padre
Pio and Maria Valtorta @$"ge F4A1 This book "%so reco(nts se*er"% doc(ented 'stic"%
e:$eriences M"ri" &"%tort" h"d with P"dre Pio whi%e the' both were "%i*e1
I"D)J !ro TH) G4(3)5( $"D $CT(
TH) 34)M 4F TH) M$"DG4D
TH) %)(T 4F TH) G4(3)5 (T4%8 and
TH) D$T)D 3$%$55)5 H$%M4"8 4F TH) G4(3)5(
The Gospel )pisode number wi%% t"ke 'o( to the "$$ro$ri"te section in the est of the Gospel !tory or the Harmony of the Gospels1
Fro either o! these works 'o( wi%% then be directed to the $ro$er %oc"tion in The Poem1 These works $ro*ide d"tes "nd geogr"$hic"%
%oc"tions !or the e$isode1 The est of the Gospel !tory wi%% gi*e 'o( " s("r' o! signi!ic"nt in!or"tion !ro The Poem "nd i$ort"nt
inter$reti*e notes th"t wo(%d shed %ight on the Scri$t(re "cco(nt1 Or0 (se the &olume' page or hapter numbers to go direct%' to The
Te0ts that are not asribed a Gospel )pisode number re$resent "teri"% th"t is (nd"t"b%e1 A te:t co(%d be (nd"t"b%e bec"(se it is not
historic"% n"rr"ti*e or si$%' bec"(se the te:t w"s not !o(nd in The Poem" $ parenthesis around =The Poem loation? e"ns
in!or"tion here s(bst"nti"tes the Gos$e% n"rr"ti*e b(t is not itse%! the Gos$e% e*ent1 :ra/ets around FThe Poem loationG e"ns the
Gos$e% te:t is " *er' gener"% st"teent re%"ting to ore th"n one ch"$ter o! The Poem1 The s'bo% TU e"ns the te:t is not !o(nd in
The Poem"
TH) G4(3)5 4F
Gos$e% 3oem:
E$isode S : Te:t: *o% G $"ge
Mt 2:2#26 TU
81 Mt 2:24#28 )025C
2>1 Mt 2:5>#57" TU
221 Mt 2:57b#53 @)066A
261 Mt 5:2#25 )02F6
241 Mt 5:2C#23 L)0ch C3#CFM
281 Mt 5:2F#24 L@)0ch 6C#63AM
5>1 Mt 5:28#5C @)0282A
541 Mt C:2#C @)0575A
581 Mt C:7#F @)0575A
C>1 Mt C:6#2> @)0575A
C51 Mt C:22025 @)0575A
C31 Mt C:2C#26 L)0ch 77#73M
C61 Mt 7:2 @)0576A
C41 Mt 7:5" @)0576A
7>1 Mt 7:5b#22 )0578
751 Mt 7:25#2F )053F
321 Mt 7:26 @)0543A
731 Mt 7:24#55 )05F4
F>1 Mt 7:5C#53 )0CC5
641 Mt 3:205 ))0253
4>1 Mt 3:C#25 ))02C3
681 Mt 3:2C#2F ))0258
421 Mt 3:26#5> ))0275
441 Mt 3:52#57 ))027F
481 Mt 3:53#5F ))027F
2>C1 Mt 3:56#C5 ))0267
8>1 Mt 3:CC#C6 ))0274
4F1 Mt 3:C4 ))027F
471G27C1 Mt 3:C807> ))0277
Mt 3:72 TU
4C1 Mt 3:7C ))0277
461 Mt 3:77#74 ))0273
8F1 Mt F:2#7 ))0238
821 Mt F:3#4 ))0232
2521 Mt F:8#2C ))0C5F
861 Mt F:27023 ))02F2
871 Mt F:2F#24 ))023C
831 Mt F:28#52 ))0236
2>>1 Mt F:5505C ))026>
881 Mt F:57 ))026>
841 Mt F:53#C7 ))02F5
2>71 Mt 6:2#F ))0268
8C1 Mt 6:6#22 ))0235
431 Mt 6:25 ))0273
2441 Mt 6:2C027 )))032C
451 Mt 6:23#5> ))027C
2>6"1 Mt 6:52#5C054058 ))0246
2>31 Mt 6:57#56 ))024>
2>6b1 Mt 6:54#58 ))0246
2>F1 Mt 4:2#7 ))0242
2>41 Mt 4:3#2C ))0248
341 Mt 4:27#26 L)0 ch F>0F2M
2>81 Mt 4:24#55 ))0282
22F1 Mt 4:5C#56 ))05C>
2261 Mt 4:54#8:2" ))05CF
F51 Mt 8:2b#4 )0CC8
F71 Mt 8:8#2C )0322
631 Mt 8:27#26 ))06>
2541 Mt 8:24#5F ))0747
2581 Mt 8:56#C7 ))078F
2C51 Mt 8:C3 ))0326
2C71 Mt 8:CF#C4 ))0324
6F1 Mt 2>:2#7 ))08C
2751 Mt 2>:3#75 ))0F85
2771 Mt 22:2 ))06>>
2731 Mt 22:5#56 ))06>5
2761 Mt 22:54#C> ))0624
25F1 Mt 25:2#4 ))0724
27>1 Mt 25:8#27 ))0F64
2721 Mt 25:23#52 TU
2741 Mt 25:55#3> ))065>
22>1 Mt 2C:2#8 ))0283
2221 Mt 2C:2>#5C ))05>>
22C1 Mt 2C:57#C> ))0522
2231 Mt 2C:C20C5 ))0553
2F61 Mt 2C:CC#C3 )))0563
2271 Mt 2C:CF#7C ))0525
2C31 Mt 2C:77 ))035>
2CF1 Mt 2C:73#3C ))03C2
2C41 Mt 2C:37#34 ))036F
2781 Mt 27:205 @)))0C8FA
C81 Mt 27:C#3 @)0537A
2251 Mt 27:C#3 L@))0ch 24>0242AM
27F1 Mt 27:F#25" @))0658A
23>1 Mt 27:25b02C ))0ch5F8056>
2321 Mt 27:27#52 ))067C
2351 Mt 27:55#5C ))0676
23C1 Mt 27:57#C7 ))0674
2371 Mt 27:C30CF L@))0ch 567#56FAM
2F71 Mt 23:2#22 )))027C
2F31 Mt 23:25#5> )))027F
2FF1 Mt 23:52 L)))0ch C230C2FM
2F81 Mt 23:55#54 )))0586
2641 Mt 23:58" )))0C87
268"1 Mt 23:58b )))07>3
2471 Mt 23:C>#C8 )))07CC
2631 Mt 2F:2#7 )))0CF3
26F1 Mt 2F:3#5> )))0CF8
2661 Mt 2F:52#54 )))0C43
268b1 Mt 26:2#26 @24A )))07>3
24>1 Mt 26:24#5> )))0723
2421 Mt 26:52055 @ )))0723 A
2451 Mt 26:5C#5F )))0726
24C1 Mt 24:2#2> )))0756
2871 Mt 24:22 )&023
2C>1 Mt 24:25#27 ))0788
23F1 Mt 24:23#26 )))028
2361 Mt 24:24#C3 )))052
5281 Mt 28:205L)&0ch 3C4#373M
2461 Mt 28:C#25 )))07F3
5>81 Mt 28:2C#23 )&0747
5C>1 Mt 28:2F#C> &0544
2F41 Mt 5>:2#2F )))0546
5C21 Mt 5>:26#28 &0585
5C51 Mt 5>:5>#54 &058F
5CC1 Mt 5>:58#C7 &0C2C
5CF1 Mt 52:2#F &0C82#C85
5C41 Mt 52:6#26 &0C86
5C81 Mt 52:24#28" &0728
57C1 Mt 52:28b#55 &0754
5751 Mt 52:5C#56 &0752
2821 Mt 52:54#C5 )))0663
5721 Mt 52:CC#7F &0728
2531 Mt 55:2#27 ))0C32
5771 Mt 55:23#55 &07C>
5731 Mt 55:5C#CC &07C2
57F1 Mt 55:C7#7F &07C6
5741 Mt 5C:2#C8 &0773
5781 Mt 57:205 &0578
53>1 Mt 57:C#32 &07FC
2571 Mt 53:2#2C ))0C77
2F>1 Mt 53:27#C> )))0C6
5321 Mt 53:C2#7F &07F6
5351 Mt 5F:205 @&07F8A
53F1 Mt 5F:C#3 &074F
5C71 Mt 5F:F#2C &0CFC
5C31 Mt 5F:27#2F L&0ch 343034FM
53C1 Mt 5F:26#28 &076F
5361 Mt 5F:5> &0787
5F21 Mt 5F:52055 &03>3
5FC1 Mt 5F:5C057 &03>F
5F51 Mt 5F:53 &03>F
5F>1 Mt 5F:5F#58 &03>7
5621 Mt 5F:C> &0326
5341 Mt 5F:C2#C3 &0784
5651 Mt 5F:CF#77 &03C>
5671 Mt 5F:7307F &03C6
5631 Mt 5F:76#78 &03C6
56F1 Mt 5F:3>" &03C4
5421 Mt 5F:3>b032 &03C4
5451 Mt 5F:35#37 &03C4
54>1 Mt 5F:3303F" &03C4
5431 Mt 5F:3Fb &03C8
54F1 Mt 5F:36" &0373
5481 Mt 5F:36b034 &0332
58>1 Mt 5F:38#F4 &033C
5821 Mt 5F:F806> @&0337A
5851 Mt 5F:62065 @&0337A
5871 Mt 5F:6C#63 &0337
5831 Mt 56:2 &0333
58F"1 Mt 56:5 &0333
5861 Mt 56:C#3" &036C
C521 Mt 56:3b &0F>3
C381 Mt 56:F#2> @&0464A
58Fb1 Mt 56:22#27 &0334
C>>1 Mt 56:23#24 &03FC
C>31 Mt 56:28 &03F6
C>21 Mt 56:5>#5C &03FC
C>61 Mt 56:57#53 &03F4
C>51 Mt 56:5F" &03FC
C>81 Mt 56:5Fb &03F4
C>C1 Mt 56:56#C> &03F3
C2>1 Mt 56:C2 TU
C2C1 Mt 56:C5 &0F>5
C271 Mt 56:CC &0F>C
C241 Mt 56:C7 &0F2>
C281 Mt 56:C30CF &0F2>
C24b1 Mt 56:C6#C4 &0F>C
C5>1 Mt 56:C8#77 &0F22
C2F1 Mt 56:73 &0F2>
C5F1 Mt 56:7F076 &0F24
C541 Mt 56:74078 &0F28
CC21 Mt 56:3> &0F52
CC51 Mt 56:32#3C &0F520F57
CC31 Mt 56:37#3F &0F53
CC71 Mt 56:36034 &0F57
CC61 Mt 56:380F>" &0F54
CC81 Mt 56:F>b &0FC4
CC41 Mt 56:F2 &0FC>
C7>1 Mt 56:F5#FF &0F72
C7C1 Mt 54:2 &06>7
C771 Mt 54:5#7 &0F84
C7F1 Mt 54:3#2> &06>F
C761 Mt 54:22#23 @&0654A
C331 Mt 54:2F026 &0458
C341 Mt 54:24#5> &0465

TH) G4(3)5 4F (T. M$%O

541 Mk 2:2#7 @)0575A
581 Mk 2:30F @)0575A
C51 Mk 2:604 @)0575A
C31 Mk 2:8#22 L)0ch 77#73M
C61 Mk 2:25 @)0576A
C41 Mk 2:2C" @)0576A
7>1 Mk 2:2Cb )0578
C81 Mk 2:27" @)0537A
321 Mk 2:27b023 @)0543A
11731 Mk 2:2F#5> )05F4
361 Mk 2:52#54 )0C24
341 Mk 2:58#C7 L)0ch F>0F2M
381 Mk 2:C3#C4 )0C58
F>1 Mk 2:C8 )0CC5
F21 Mk 2:7>#73 )0CC3
F51 Mk 5:2#25 )0CC8
FC1 Mk 5:2C )0F3
F71 Mk 5:27#26 )0322
631 Mk 5:24#55 ))06>
25F1 Mk 5:5C#54 ))0724
27>1 Mk C:2#F ))0F64
2721 Mk C:6#25 TU
6F1 Mk C:2C#28 ))08C
2741 Mk C:5>#C3 ))065>
22>1 Mk 7:2#8 ))0283
2221 Mk 7:2>#5> ))05>>
68"1 Mk 7:52 ))0258
275b1 Mk 7:55 ))0F85
Mk 7:5C057 TU
2381 Mk 7:53 )))0CF
2231 Mk 7:5F#C7" ))0553
22F1 Mk 7:C7b#7> ))05C>
2261 Mk 3:2#5> ))05CF
2541 Mk 3:52#7C ))0747
2C41 Mk F:2#F" ))036F
2C81 Mk F:Fb L))0ch 57F0576M
275"1 Mk F:6#22 ))0F85
2771 Mk F:2502C ))06>>
2781 Mk F:27#2F @)))0C8FA
2251 Mk F:26#5> L@))0ch 24>0242AM
27F1 Mk F:52#58 @ ))0658A
23>1 Mk F:C>#C5 ))0ch5F8056>
2321 Mk F:CC#77 ))067C
2351 Mk F:7307F ))0676
23C1 Mk F:76#3C ))0674
2371 Mk F:37#3F L@))0ch 567#56FAM
2F71 Mk 6:2#2F )))027C
2F31 Mk 6:26#5C )))027F
2F81 Mk 6:57#C> )))0586
2621 Mk 6:C2 )))0C>50C22
2671 Mk 6:C5#C6 )))0C34
2471 Mk 4:2#2> )))07CC
2631 Mk 4:22025 )))0CF3
26F" Mk 4:2C#52 )))0CF8
2641 Mk 4:55#5F )))0C87
26Fb1 Mk 4:56#C> )))0C62
2661 Mk 4:C2#C8@8:2A )))0C43
2681 Mk 8:2#5F@5#56A )))07>3
24>1 Mk 8:56#54 )))0723
2421 Mk 8:58#C2 @)))0723A
2451 Mk 8:C5"@CC"A )))0726
24C1 Mk 8:C5b#76 )))0756
68b1 Mk 8:74078"b ))0258
5281 Mk 2>:2 L)&0ch 3C4#373M
2461 Mk 2>:5#25 )))07F3
5>81 Mk 2>:2C#2F )&0747
5C>1 Mk 2>:26#C2 &0544
5C21 Mk 2>:C5#C7 &0585
5C51 Mk 2>:C3#73 &058F
5C71 Mk 2>:7F#35 &0C2C
5CF1 Mk 22:2#F &0C82#C85
5C4"1 Mk 22:6#22" &0C86
5C4c1 Mk 22:22b &07>C
5C81 Mk 22:25#27 &0728
5C4b Mk 22:23#28 &07>5
57C1 Mk 22:5>#53 &0754
861 Mk 22:5F ))02F2
5751 Mk 22:56#CC &0752
5721 Mk 25:2#25 &0728
5771 Mk 25:2C#26 &07C>
5731 Mk 25:24#56 &07C2
57F1 Mk 25:54#C6 &07C6
5741 Mk 25:C4#7> &077F
5761 Mk 25:72#77 &077>
5781 Mk 2C:205 &0578
53>1 Mk 2C:C#C6 &07FC
5351 Mk 27:205 @&07F8A
5C71 Mk 27:C#8 &0CFC
5C31 Mk 27:2>022 L&0ch1343034FM
53C Mk 27:25#2F &076F
5361 Mk 27:26 &0787
5F21 Mk 27:24028 &03>3
5FC1 Mk 27:5>052 &03>F
5F>1 Mk 27:55#53 &03>7
5621 Mk 27:5F &0326
5341 Mk 27:56#C2 &0784
5651 Mk 27:C5#7> &03C>
5671 Mk 27:72075 &03C6
5631 Mk 27:7C#73 &03C6
5421 Mk 27:7F076 &03C4
54>1 Mk 27:74078 &03C4
5431 Mk 27:3>#35 &03C8
54F1 Mk 27:3C" &0373
5481 Mk 27:3Cb037 &0332
58>1 Mk 27:33#F3 &033C
5821 Mk 27:FF#F4 @&0337A
5851 Mk 27:F806>" @&0337A
5871 Mk 27:6>b#65 &0337
5831 Mk 23:2" &0333
58F1 Mk 23:2b#3 &0333
C>>1 Mk 23:F#2> &03FC
C>21 Mk 23:22#27 &03FC
C>51 Mk 23:23"b &03FC
C>81 Mk 23:23c &03F4
C>C1 Mk 23:2F#28 &03F3
C2>1 Mk 23:5> TU
C2C1 Mk 23:52 &0F>5
C271 Mk 23:55 &0F>C
C241 Mk 23:5C &0F2>
C281 Mk 23:57 &0F2>
C24b1 Mk 23:53#54 &0F>C
C5>1 Mk 23:58#C5 &0F22
C2F1 Mk 23:CC &0F2>
C5F1 Mk 23:C70C3 &0F24
C541 Mk 23:CF &0F28
C581 Mk 23:C6" &0F5>
CC21 Mk 23:C6b &0F52
CC51 Mk 23:C4 &0F520F57
CC31 Mk 23:C8#72 &0F53
CC71 Mk 23:75#73 &0F57
CC61 Mk 23:7F"0b &0F54
CC81 Mk 23:7Fc &0FC4
CC41 Mk 23:76 &0FC>
C7C" Mk 2F:2" &06>7
C721 Mk 2F:2b0c &0FF>
C7Cb1 Mk 2F:50C &06>7
C7F1 Mk 2F:7#22 &06>F
C741 Mk 2F:2502C &0656
C781 Mk 2F:27 &06C6
C3F1 Mk 2F:23 &047>
Mk 2F:2F#24 TU
C3515 Mk 2F:26#24 &0647
C341 Mk 2F:2805> &0465
TH) G4(3)5 4F (T. 5>O)
Lk 2:2#7 TU
21 Lk 2:3#5C L)0ch 5>#55M
51 Lk 2:57#53 @)088A
C1 Lk 2:5F#C4 )04>
71 Lk 2:C8#33 L)0ch 28#52M
41 Lk 2:3F )0228
31 Lk 2:36034 )022>
F1 Lk 2:38#68 )02F
61 Lk 2:4>" TU
5F1 Lk 2:4>b TU
251 Lk 5:2#C )0258
2C1 Lk 5:703 )02C7
271 Lk 5:F#5> L)0ch 580C>M
231 Lk 5:52 )0233
2F1 Lk 5:55#C8 )02F2
521 Lk 5:7>#72 L)0ch C6#C8M
551 Lk 5:75 )05>4
5C1 Lk 5:7C#77 @)055>A
571 Lk 5:73 @)055>A
531 Lk 5:7F#35 )0525V@)055>A
561 Lk C:205 @)0575A
541 Lk C:C#F @)0575A
C>1 Lk C:6#8 @)0575A
C21 Lk C:2>#27 @)0575A
C51 Lk C:23#24 @)0575A
C81 Lk C:2805> @)0537A
C31 Lk C:52#5C" L)0ch 77#73M
Lk C:5Cb#C4 TU
C61 Lk 7:2 @)0576A
C41 Lk 7:5" @)0576A
7>1 Lk 7:5b#2C )0578
781 Lk 7:27023 )0568
F31 Lk 7:2F" )0338
FF1 Lk 7:2Fb#C> )03F7
3F1 Lk 7:C20C5 L)0ch 34#F3M
361 Lk 7:CC#C6 )0C24
341 Lk 7:C4#72 L)0ch F>0F2M
381 Lk 7:7507C )0C58
F>1 Lk 7:77 )0CC5
FC1 Lk 3:2#22 L)0ch F70F3M
F21 Lk 3:25#2F )0CC3
F51 Lk 3:26#5F )0CC8
F71 Lk 3:56#C5 )0322
631 Lk 3:CC#C8 ))06>
25F1 Lk F:2#3 ))0724
27>1 Lk F:F#22 ))0F64
6F1 Lk F:25#2F ))08C
661 Lk F:26#28 ))088
4>"1 Lk F:5>#5C ))02C3
2>51 Lk F:57 ))0267
2>21 Lk F:53 ))0267
4>b1 Lk F:5F ))02C3
46"1 Lk F:56054 ))0273
471 Lk F:580C> ))0277
431 Lk F:C2 ))0273
46b1 Lk F:C5#CF ))0273
2>71 Lk F:C6#75 ))0268
451 Lk F:7C077 ))027C
851 Lk F:73 ))023>
2>4b1 Lk F:7F ))0248
2>31 Lk F:76#78 ))024>
2>61 Lk 6:2" ))0246
2>4"11 Lk 6:2b#2> ))0248
2241 Lk 6:22#24 ))0535
273"1 Lk 6:28#C3 ))06>5
2C21 Lk 6:CF#3> ))032>
2CC1 Lk 4:2#C L))0ch 5CF#5F7M
22>1 Lk 4:7#4 ))0283
2221 Lk 4:8#23 ))05>>
68"1 Lk 4:2F ))0258
275b1 Lk 4:26 ))0F85
238b1 Lk 4:24 )))0CF
274c1 Lk 4:28#520 ))0656
22F1 Lk 4:55#53 ))05C>
2261 Lk 4:5F#C8 ))05CF
2541 Lk 4:7>#3F ))0747
275"1 Lk 8:2#3 ))0F85
2771 Lk 8:F02>" ))06>>
2781 Lk 8:6#8 @)))0C8FA
23>1 Lk 8:2>b L))0ch15F8056>M
2321 Lk 8:22#26 ))067C
26F1 Lk 8:24#52 )))0C62
2661 Lk 8:55#56 )))0C43
2681 Lk 8:54#73 )))07>3
24C"1 Lk 8:7F#3> )))0756
5581 Lk 8:32#3F &0562
2>81 Lk 8:36#F5 ))0282
236b1 Lk 2>:2#25 )))05C
273b1 Lk2>:2C#23 ))06>6
236"1 Lk 2>:2F )))052
2341 Lk 2>:26#5> )))05F
273c1 Lk 2>:52#57 ))06>4
2F21 Lk 2>:53#C6 )))0C4
2481 Lk 2>:C4#75 )))0F5>
2521 Lk 22:2#7 ))0C5F
2551 Lk 22:3#2C ))0C54
274"1 Lk 22:27#5F ))065>
2FC1 Lk 22:56054 )))068
274b1 Lk 22:58#C5 ))0653
28C"1 Lk 22:CC )))042>
2>>1 Lk 22:C7#CF ))026>
28Cb1 Lk 22:C6#37 )))0422
28F1 Lk 25:2#25 L)&0ch1726#728M
2331 Lk 25:2C#3C )))06
Lk 25:37#36 TU
481 Lk 25:34038 ))027F
2F51 Lk 2C:2#3 )))07C
26C1 Lk 2C:F#8 )))0C7C
2651 Lk 2C:2>#26 )))0CC4
2231 Lk 2C:24028 ))0553
2F612 Lk 2C:5>#52 )))0563
2F615 Lk 2C:55 L)))0ch C56#C3FM
2441 Lk 2C:5C#C3 )))032C
26>1 Lk 27:2#57 )))0C54
238"1 Lk 27:53#CC )))0C7
68b1 Lk 27:C70C3 ))0258
2C>1 Lk 23:2#6 ))0788
2C61 Lk 23:4#2> ))0372
25C1 Lk 23:22#C5 ))0CC4
28>1 Lk 2F:2#24 )))0FC8
2281 Lk 2F:28#C2 ))05F2
24Cb1 Lk 26:205 )))07C>
23F1 Lk 26:C )))028
236c1 Lk 26:7 )))052
2851 Lk 26:30F )))0645
2861 Lk 26:6#2> )&03>
2841 Lk 26:22 L)&0ch 753#745M
5>21 Lk 26:25#28 )&0772
5>71 Lk 26:5>052 )&073F
5>F1 Lk 26:55#53 )&07F2
5321 Lk 26:5F056 )&07F6
Lk 26: 54#C6 TU
5251 Lk 24:2#4 )&03F5
5261 Lk 24:8#27 )&0F43
5>81 Lk 24:23#26 )&0747
5C>1 Lk 24:24#C> &0544
5C21 Lk 24:C2#C7 &0585
5CC1 Lk 24:C3#7C &0C2C
2871 Lk 28:2#2> )&02C
2F>1 Lk 28:22#56 )))0C6
5CF1 Lk 28:54#C7 &0C82#C85
5C4"1 Lk 28:C3#7> &0C86
5C61 Lk 28:72#77 &0C87
37G5C4b1Lk 28:7307F L)0546E&07>5M
57>1 Lk 28:76074
L&0ch 38>#387038F"M
5751 Lk 5>:2#4 &0752
5721 Lk 5>:8#28 &0728
5771 Lk 5>:5>#5F &07C>
5731 Lk 5>:56#7> &07C2
57F1 Lk 5>:72#77 &07C4
5741 Lk 5>:73#76 &077F
5761 Lk 52:2#7 &077>
5781 Lk 52:30F &0578
53>1 Lk 52:6#C4 &07FC
5C31 Lk 55:2#5 L&0ch1343034FM
53F1 Lk 55:C#F &074F
53C1 Lk 55:6#2C &076F
5361 Lk 55:27#24 &0787
5F>1 Lk 55:2805> &03>7
5F2"1 Lk 55:52 &03>3
5FC1 Lk 55:55 &03>F
5F2bG5F61 Lk 55:5C &03>3V&0327
5341 Lk 55:57#C4 &0784
5621 Lk 55:C8 &0326
5651 Lk 55:7>#75 &03C>
56C1 Lk 55:7C077 &03C3
5671 Lk 55:7307F &03C6
5631 Lk 55:76 &03C6
5661 Lk 55:74 &03C4
5681 Lk 55:78 TU
5421 Lk 55:3> &03C4
5451 Lk 55:32" &03C4
54C1 Lk 55:32b &03C4
54>1 Lk 55:3503C &03C4
54F1 Lk 55:37" &0373
5481 Lk 55:37b &0332
5821 Lk 55:33#36 @&0337A
5851 Lk 55:34 @&0337A
5871 Lk 55:38#F5 &0337
5441 Lk 55:FC#F3 &0332
58C1 Lk 55:FF &0337
5831 Lk 55:F6#62 &0333
58F1 Lk 5C:2#6 &0333
5841 Lk 5C:4#25 &03F2
5881 Lk 5C:2C#2F &03FC
C>21 Lk 5C:26#55 &03FC
C>71 Lk 5C:5C &03FF
C>F1 Lk 5C:57053 &03F6
C2C1 Lk 5C:5F &0F>5
C251 Lk 5C:56#C5 &0386
C241 Lk 5C:CC &0F>C
C5C1 Lk 5C:C7" &0F27
C281 Lk 5C:C7b &0F2>
C5>1 Lk 5C:C3#C4 &0F22
C551 Lk 5C:C8#72 &0F25
C571 Lk 5C:7507C &0F27
C2F1 Lk 5C:77 &0F2>
C561 Lk 5C:73" &0F28
CC51 Lk 5C:73b &0F520F57
C581 Lk 5C:7F" &0F5>
CC>1 Lk 5C:7Fb &0F5>
CC21 Lk 5C:7Fc &0F52
CC31 Lk 5C:76#78 &0F53
CC71 Lk 5C:3>#35 &0F57
CC61 Lk 5C:3C037 &0F54
CC41 Lk 5C:33 &0FC>
C7>1 Lk 5C:3F" &0F72
C721 Lk 5C:3Fb &0FF>
C751 Lk 5C:3Fc &0F65
C7C1 Lk 57:2 &06>7
C7F1 Lk 57:5#25 &06>F
C741 Lk 57:2C#C3 &0656
C781 Lk 57:CF#78 &06C6
C341 Lk 57:3>#3C &0465
TH) G4(3)5 4F (T. .4H"
CC1 +n 2:2#27 TU
C71 +n 2:23#54 @)0575A
CF1 +n 2:58#CF )0575
721 +n 2:C6#C8 )053C
7C1 +n 2:7>#75" )053F
771 +n 2:75b )05F>
7F1 +n 2:7C#32 )0565
761 +n 5:2#5 )056F
741 +n 5:C#22 )0568
3>1 +n 5:25 @)0543A
351 +n 5:2C" @)0543A
3C1 +n 5:2Cb @)0543A
371 +n 5:27#2F )0546
331 +n 5:26#53 )0544
F61 +n C:2#52 )0F26
F41 +n C:55" )0F5F
F81 +n C:55b#57 )0FC>
6>1 +n C:53#CF )0F48
621 +n 7:2#75 L))0ch 275#27FM
651 +n 7:7C" ))053
6C1 +n 7:7Cb077 ))0C2
671 +n 7:73#37 ))0CF
25>1 +n 3:2 ))0564
2561 +n 3:5#76 ))07F4
23>1 +n F:205 L))0ch15F8056>M
2471 +n F:C07 )))07CC
2321 +n F:3#2F ))067C
2351 +n F:26 ))0676
23C1 +n F:24#52 ))0674
2431 +n F:55#53 )))07CF
24F1 +n F:5F#62 )))077>
2831 +n 6:2 L)&0ch 72F#763M
2881 +n 6:5#8 )&0727
5>>1 +n 6:2> )&075C
5>51 +n 6:22#2C )&0778
5>C1 +n 6:27 )&0737
5>31 +n 6:23#57 )&0738
5>61 +n 6:53#C> )&07F5
5>41 +n 6:C2#CF )&076>
52>1 +n 6:C6#4:2 )&0748
5221 +n 4:5#22 )&03>5
52C1 +n 4:25#5> )&03F7
5271 +n 4:52#38 )&0362
5231 +n 8:2#C7 )&038C
52F1 +n 8:C3#2>:52 )&0F78
5241 +n 2>:55#C8 )&0684
5281 +n 2>:7>#75 L)&0ch 3C4#373M
55>1 +n 22:205 &03
5521 +n 22:C07 &058
5551 +n 22:30F @ &076A
55C1 +n 22:6#2F &077
5571 +n 22:26#7F &078
5531 +n 22:76#3C &06F
55F1 +n 22:37"0b &084
5561 +n 22:37c L&0ch 33>#3FFM
5541 +n 22:33#3F@36A
5C71 +n 25:2#22 &0CFC
5C41 +n 25:25#28 &0C86
5371 +n 25:5>#7C &0745
5331 +n 25:77#3> &0743
5381 +n 2C:2#5> &03>>
5F21 +n 2C:52055 &03>3
5FC1 +n 2C:5C#C> &03>F
5F71 +n 2C:C2#C4 &03>6
5F31 +n 27:2#C2 &032>
5FF1 +n 23:2#2F &032C
5F41 +n 23:26#56 &0323
5F81 +n 2F:2#CC &0323
56>1 +n 26:2#5F @&0326A
5621 +n 24:2 &0326V355
5631 +n 24:50C &03C6
5641 +n 24:7#F &03C4
54>1 +n 24:6#8 &03C4
5421 +n 24:2> &03C4
5451 +n 24:22 &03C4
5471 +n 24:25 &03C8
54F1 +n 24:2C#2F &0373
5821 +n 24:26024 @&0337A
5461 +n 24:28#5C &0374
5481 +n 24:57 &0332
5851 +n 24:53 @&0337A
5871 +n 24:5F#56 &0337
58F1 +n 24:54#C4 &0333
C>>1 +n 24:C8 &03FC
C>21 +n 24:7> &03FC
C>51 +n 28:2 &03FC
C>C1 +n 28:50C &03F3
C>71 +n 28:7#8 &03FF
C>F1 +n 28:2>#23 &03F6
C>81 +n 28:2F &03F4
C221 +n 28:26 &038C
C241 +n 28:24 &0F>C
C>41 +n 28:28 &03F4
C231 +n 28:5>#55 @&03F4A
C281 +n 28:5C057 &0F2>
C261 +n 28:53 &0F2>
C531 +n 28:5F056 &0F2F
C561 +n 28:54 &0F28
C541 +n 28:58#C>" &0F28
C581 +n 28:C>b &0F5>
CC21 +n 28:C>c &0F52
CCF1 +n 28:C2#CC &0F5F
CCC1 +n 28:C7#C6 &0F55
CC71 +n 28:C4 &0F57
C751 +n 28:C8 &0F65
CC6 +n 28:7>#75 &0F54
C7C1 +n 5>:2" &06>7
C731 +n 5>:2b#C" &06>F
C761 +n 5>:Cb#24 &06>F
C781 +n 5>:2805> &06C6
C3>1 +n 5>:52#57 &0676
C321 +n 5>:53 &0678
C351 +n 5>:5F#58 &0633
C3C1 +n 5>:C>0C2 &0685
C371 +n 52:2#5C &045C
+n 52:57053 TU
TH) $CT( 4F TH) $34(T5)(
C361 Ac 2:7#4 &04F8
C341 Ac 2:8#25 &0465
CF>1 Ac 2:2C#5F &0464
CF21 Ac 5:2#C &0445
CF51 Ac 5:7#76 &044F
CFC1 Ac C:2#7:C6 TU
CF71 Ac 3:2#2F TU
CF31 Ac 3:26#F:6 TU
CFF1 Ac F:4#23 @&08>3A
CF61 Ac 6:2#3C @&08>3A
CF41 Ac 6:37#4:C L&08>3#823M
I"D)J !ro TH) 34)M 4F TH) M$"DG4D
TH) G4(3)5( $"D $CT('
The Gospel )pisode number wi%% t"ke 'o( to the "$$ro$ri"te site in the Harmony of the Gospels or the est of the Gospel !tory" These
works $ro*ide the d"te "nd geogr"$hic"% %oc"tion !or the e$isode1 The est of the Gospel !tory wi%% gi*e 'o( " s("r' o! signi!ic"nt
in!or"tion !ro The Poem "nd i$ort"nt inter$reti*e notes th"t wo(%d shed %ight on the Scri$t(re "cco(nt1
$ =parenthesis? around The Poem loation e"ns in!or"tion here on%' s(bst"nti"tes the Gos$e% n"rr"ti*e b(t is not itse%! the "ct("%
Gos$e% e*ent1 P"ge n(ber on%' indic"tes the beginning o! the Gos$e% te:t1 F:ra/etsG around The Poem loation e"ns the Gos$e%
te:t is " *er' gener"% st"teent re%"ting to ore th"n one ch"$ter o! The Poem1 =3arenthesis? "ro(nd te0t loation indic"te *"ri"nts
!ro the Rheis &ersion en(er"tion1

TH) 34)M
&45>M) 4")
Poe Gos$e% Scri$t
P"ge: E$isode S : Te:t:
)02F F1 Lk 2:38#68
)0F3 FC1 Mk 5:2C
@)066A 221 Mt 2:57b#53
)04> C1 Lk 2:5F#C4
L)087#2>CM 71 Lk 2:C8#33
L@)08F#22>AM 21 Lk 2:3#5C
@)088A 51 Lk 2:57#53
)022> 31 Lk 2:36034
)0228 41 Lk 2:3F
)025C 81 Mt 2:24#28
@)0258A 2>1 Mt 2:5>#57"
)0258 251 Lk 5:2#C
)02C7 2C1 Lk 5:703
L)02C4#233M 271 Lk 5:F#5>
)0233 231 Lk 5:52
)02F2 2F1 Lk 5:55#C8
)02F6 261 Mt 5:2#25
L268#287M 241 Mt 5:2C#23
@)0282A 5>1 Mt 5:28#5C
L)0287#5>4M 521 Lk 5:7>#72
)05>4 551 Lk 5:75
)0525G@55>A 531 Lk 5:7F#35
@)055>A 5C1 Lk 5:7C#77
@)055>A 571 Lk 5:73
@)055>AG525 531 Lk 5:7F#35
L)05C3#576M C31 Mt C:2C#26
L)05C3#576M C31 Mk 2:8#22
L)05C3#576M C31 Lk C:52#5C"
@)0575A 561 Lk C:205
@)0575A 541 Mt C:2#C
@)0575A 541 Mk 2:2#7
@)0575A 541 Lk C:C#F
@)0575A 581 Mt C:7#F
@)0575A 581 Mk 2:30F
@)0575A C>1 Mt C:6#2>
@)0575A C>1 Lk C:6#8
@)0575A C21 Lk C:2>#27
@)0575A C51 Mt C:22025
@)0575A C51 Mk 2:604
@)0575A C51 Lk C:23#24
@)0575A C71 +n 2:23#54
)0575 CF1 +n 2:58#CF
@)0576A C61 Mt 7:2
@)0576A C61 Mk 2:25
@)0576A C61 Lk 7:2
@)0576A C41 Mt 7:5"
@)0576A C41 Mk 2:2C"
@)0576A C41 Lk 7:5"
)0578 7>1 Mk 2:2Cb
)0578 7>1 Mt 7:5b#22
)0578 7>1 Lk 7:5b#2C
)053C 721 +n 2:C6#C8
@)0537A C81 Mt 27:C#3
@)0537A C81 Mk 2:27"
@)0537A C81 Lk C:2805>
)053F 751 Mt 7:25#2F
)053F 7C1 +n 2:7>#75"
)05F> 771 +n 2:75b
)05F4 731 Mt 7:24#55
)05F4 731 Mk 2:2F#5>
)0565 7F1 +n 2:7C#32
)056F 761 +n 5:2#5
)0568 741 +n 5:C#22
)0568 781 Lk 7:27023
@)0543A 3>1 +n 5:25
@)0543A 321 Mt 7:26
@)0543A 321 Mk 2:27b023
@)0543A 351 +n 5:2C"
@)0543A 3C1 +n 5:2Cb
)0546G&07>5 37G5C4b1 Lk 28:7307F
)0546 371 +n 5:27#2F
)0544 331 +n 5:26#53
L)0C>4#C7CM 3F1 Lk 7:C20C5
)0C24 361 Mk 2:52#54
)0C24 361 Lk 7:CC#C6
L)0C28#C58M 341 Mt 4:27#26
L)0C28#C58M 341 Mk 2:58#C7
L)0C28#C58M 341 Lk 7:C4#72
)0C58 381 Mk 2:C3#C4
)0C58 381 Lk 7:7507C
)0CC5 F>1 Mt 7:5C#53
)0CC5 F>1 Lk 7:77
)0CC5 F>1 Mk 2:C8
)0CC3 F21 Mk 2:7>#73
)0CC3 F21 Lk 3:25#2F
LCCF#C7CM FC1 Lk 3:2#22
)0CC8 F51 Mt 8:2b#4
)0CC8 F51 Mk 5:2#25
)0CC8 F51 Lk 3:26#5F
L@)0C65#C83AM 281 Mt 5:2F#24
@)07>FA 5F1 Lk 2:4>b
)0322 F71 Mt 8:8#2C
)0322 F71 Mk 5:27#26
)0322 F71 Lk 3:56#C5
)0338 F31 Lk 7:2F"
)03F7 FF1 Lk 7:2Fb#C>
)0F26 F61 +n C:2#52
)0F5F F41 +n C:55"
)0FC> F81 +n C:55b#57
)0F48 6>1 +n C:53#CF
TH) 34)M
&45>M) TW4
L))08#53M 621 +n 7:2#75
))053 651 +n 7:7C"
))0C2 6C1 +n 7:7Cb077
))0CF 671 +n 7:73#37
))06> 631 Mt 8:27#26
))06> 631 Mk 5:24#55
))06> 631 Lk 3:CC#C8
))08C 6F1 Mt 2>:2#7
))08C 6F1 Mk C:2C#28
))08C 6F1 Lk F:25#2F
))088 661 Lk F:26#28
))0253 641 Mt 3:205
))0258 681 Mt 3:2C#2F
))0258 68"1 Mk 7:52
))0258 68b1 Mk 8:74078"b@7803>"bA
))0258 68b1 Lk 27:C70C3
))0258 68"1 Lk 4:2F
))02C3 4>1 Mt 3:C#25
))02C3 4>"1 Lk F:5>#5C
))02C3 4>b1 Lk F:5F
))0275 421 Mt 3:26#5>
))027C 451 Mt 6:23#5>
))027C 451 Lk F:7C077
))0277 4C1 Mt 3:7C
))0277 471G27C1 Mt 3:C807>
))0277 471 Lk F:580C>
))0273 431 Mt 6:25
))0273 431 Lk F:C2
))0273 461 Mt 3:77#74
))0273 46"1 Lk F:56054
))0273 46b1 Lk F:C5#CF
))027F 4F1 Mt 3:C4
))027F 441 Mt 3:52#57
))027F 481 Mt 3:53#5F
))0274 8>1 Mt 3:CC#C6
))023> 851 Lk F:73
))0232 821 Mt F:3#4
))0235 8C1 Mt 6:6#22
))023C 871 Mt F:2F#24
))0236 831 Mt F:28#52
))0238 8F1 Mt F:2#7
))02F2 861 Mt F:27023
))02F2 861 Mk 22:5F
))02F5 841 Mt F:53#C7
))026> 881 Mt F:57
))026> 2>>1 Mt F:5505C
))026> 2>>1 Lk 22:C7#CF
))0267 2>21 Lk F:53
))0267 2>51 Lk F:57
))0267 2>C1 Mt 3:56#C5
))0268 2>71 Mt 6:2#F
))0268 2>71 Lk F:C6#75
))024> 2>31 Mt 6:57#56
))024> 2>31 Lk F:76#78
))0242 2>F1 Mt 4:2#7
))0246 2>6"1 Mt 6:52#5C054058
))0246 2>6b1 Mt 6:54#58
))0246 2>61 Lk 6:2"
))0248 2>41 Mt 4:3#2C
))0248 2>4b1 Lk F:7F
))0248 2>4"1 Lk 6:2b#2>
))0282 2>81 Mt 4:24#55
))0282 2>81 Lk 8:36#F5
))0283 22>1 Mt 2C:2#8
))0283 22>1 Mk 7:2#8
))0283 22>1 Lk 4:7#4
L))05>>#523M 2251 Mt 27:C#3
L@))05>>#523AM 2251 Mk F:26#5>
))05>> 2221 Mt 2C:2>#5C
))05>> 2221 Mk 7:2>#5>
))05>> 2221 Lk 4:8#23
))0522 22C1 Mt 2C:57#C>
))0525 2271 Mt 2C:CF#7C
))0553 2231 Mt 2C:C20C5
))0553 2231 Mk 7:5F#C7"
))0553 2231 Lk 2C:24028
))05C> 22F1 Mt 4:5C#56
))05C> 22F1 Mk 7:C7b#7>
))05C> 22F1 Lk 4:55#53
))05CF 2261 Mt 4:54#8:2"
))05CF 2261 Mk 3:2#5>
))05CF 2261 Lk 4:5F#C8
))0535 2241 Lk 6:22#24
))05F2 2281 Lk 2F:28#C2
))0564 25>1 +n 3:2
))0C5F 2521 Mt F:8#2C
))0C5F 2521 Lk 22:2#7
))0C54 2551 Lk 22:3#2C
))0CC4 25C1 Lk 23:22#C5
))0C77 2571 Mt 53:2#2C
))0C32 2531 Mt 55:2#27
))0C32 2531 Lk 27:2F#57
))0724 25F1 Mt 25:2#4
))0724 25F1 Mk 5:5C#54
))0724 25F1 Lk F:2#3
))07F4 2561 +n 3:5#76
))0747 2541 Mt 8:24#5F
))0747 2541 Mk 3:52#7C
))0747 2541 Lk 4:7>#3F
))078F 2581 Mt 8:56#C7
))0788 2C>1 Mt 24:25#27
))0788 2C>1 Lk 23:2#6
))032> 2C21 Lk 6:CF#3>
L))0326#F82M 2CC1 Lk 4:2#C
))0326 2C51 Mt 8:C3
))0324 2C71 Mt 8:CF#C4
))035> 2C31 Mt 2C:77
))03C2 2CF1 Mt 2C:73#3C
))0372 2C61 Lk 23:4#2>
))036F 2C41 Mt 2C:37#34
))036F 2C41 Mk F:2#F"
L))0366#385M 2C81 Mk F:Fb
))0F64 27>1 Mt 25:8#27
))0F64 27>1 Mk C:2#F
))0F64 27>1 Lk F:F#22
))0F85 2751 Mt 2>:3#75
))0F85 275"1 Mk F:6#22
))0F85 275b1 Mk 7:55
))0F85 275"1 Lk 8:2#3
))0F85 275b1 Lk 4:26
))06>> 2771 Mt 22:2
))06>> 2771 Mk F:2502C
))06>> 2771 Lk 8:F02>"
))06>5 2731 Mt 22:5#56
))06>5 273"1 Lk 6:28#C3
))06>6 273b Lk 2>:52#57
))0624 2761 Mt 22:54#C>
))065> 2741 Mt 25:55#3>
))065> 2741 Mk C:5>#C3
))065> 274"1 Lk 22:27#5F0
))0653 274b1 Lk 22:58#C50
))0656 274c1 Lk 4:28#520
@))0658A 27F1 Mt 27:F#25"
L))0658#6C8M 23>1 Mt 27:25b02C
L))0658#6C8M 23>1 Mk F:C>#C5
L))0658#6C8M 23>1 Lk 8:2>b
L))0658#6C8M 23>1 +n F:205
@))0658A 27F1 Mk F:52#58
))067C 2321 Mt 27:27#52
))067C 2321 Mk F:CC#77
))067C 2321 Lk 8:22#26
))067C 2321 +n F:3#2F
))0676 2351 Mt 27:55#5C
))0676 2351 Mk F:7307F
))0676 2351 +n F:26
))0674 23C1 Mt 27:57#C7
))0674 23C1 Mk F:76#3C
))0674 23C1 +n F:24#52
L@))0635#)))05>AM 2371 Mt 27:C30CF
L@))0635#)))05>AM 2371 Mk F:37#3F
TH) 34)M
&45>M) TH%))

)))06 2331 Lk 25:2C#3C
)))028 23F1 Mt 24:23#26
)))028 23F1 Lk 26:C
)))052 2361 Mt 24:24#C3
)))052 236"1 Lk 2>:2F
)))052 236c1 Lk 26:7
)))05C 236b1 Lk 2>:2#25
)))05F 2341 Lk 2>:26#5>
)))0C7 238"1 Lk 27:53#CC
)))0CF 2381 Mk 7:53
)))0C6 2F>1 Mt 53:27#C>
)))0C6 2F>1 Lk 28:22#56
)))0C4 2F21 Lk 2>:53#C6
)))07C 2F51 Lk 2C:2#3
)))068 2FC1 Lk 22:56054
)))027C 2F71 Mt 23:2#22
)))027C 2F71 Mk 6:2#2F
)))027F 481 Lk 25:34038
)))027F 2F31 Mt 23:25#5>
)))027F 2F31 Mk 6:26#5C
L)))0527#555M 2FF1 Mt 23:52
L)))0563#7F4M 2F615 Lk 2C:55
)))0563 2F612 Mt 2C:CC#C3
)))0563 2F612 Lk 2C:5>#52
)))0546 2F41 Mt 5>:2#2F
)))0586 2F81 Mt 23:55#54
)))0586 2F81 Mk 6:57#C>
)))0C>50C22 2621 Mk 6:22
)))0C54 26>1 Lk 27:2#23
)))0CC4 2651 Lk 2C:2>#26
)))0C7C 26C1 Lk 2C:F#8
)))0C34 2671 Mk 6:C5#C6
)))0CF2 238b1 Lk 4:24
)))0CF3 2631 Mt 2F:2#7
)))0CF3 2631 Mk 4:22025
)))0CF8 26F1 Mt 2F:3#5>
)))0CF8 26F"1 Mk 4:2C#52
)))0C62 26Fb1 Mk 4:56#C>
)))0C62 26F1 Lk 8:24#52
)))0C43 2661 Mt 2F:52#54
)))0C43 2661 Mk 4:C2#C8@8:2A
)))0C43 2661 Lk 8:55#56
)))0C87 2641 Mt 23:58"
)))0C87 2641 Mk 4:55#5F
@)))0C86A 2781 Mt 27:205
@)))0C86A 2781 Mk F:27#2F
@)))0C86A 2781 Lk 8:6#8
)))07>3 268"1 Mt 23:58b
)))07>3 268b1 Mt 26:2#26@24A
)))07>3 2681 Mk 8:2#5F@5#56A
)))07>3 2681 Lk 8:54#73
)))0723 24>1 Mt 26:24#5>@28#52A
)))0723 24>1 Mk 8:56#54@54058A
@)))0723A 2421 Mt 26:52055@5505CA
@)))0723A 2421 Mk 8:58#C2@C>#C5A
)))0726 2451 Mt 26:5C#5F@57#56A
)))0726 2451 Mk 8:C5"@CC"A
)))0756 24C1 Mt 24:2#2>
)))0756 24C1 Mk 8:C5b#76@CCb#74A
)))0756 24C"1 Lk 8:7F#3>
)))07C> 24Cb1 Lk 26:205
)))07CC 2471 Mt 23:C>#C8
)))07CC 2471 Mk 4:2#2>
)))07CC 2471 +n F:C07
)))07CF 2431 +n F:55#53
)))077> 24F1 +n F:5F#62
)))07F3 2461 Mt 28:C#25
)))07F3 2461 Mk 2>:5#25
)))032C 2441 Mt 6:2C027
)))032C 2441 Lk 2C:5C#C3
)))0F5> 2481 Lk 2>:C4#75
)))0FC8 28>1 Lk 2F:2#24
)))0663 2821 Mt 52:54#C5
)))0645 2851 Lk 26:30F
)))042> 28C"1 Lk 22:CC
)))0422 28Cb1 Lk 22:C6#37
TH) 34)M
&45>M) F4>%

)&02C 2871 Lk 28:2#2>
)&023 2871 Mt 24:22
L)&05>#722M 2831 +n 6:2
L)&053#7FM 28F1 Lk 25:2#25
)&03> 2861 Lk 26:6#2>
L)&04>#778M 2841 Lk 26:22
)&0727 2881 +n 6:5#8
)&075C 5>>1 +n 6:2>
)&0772 5>21 Lk 26:25#28
)&0778 5>51 +n 6:22#2C
)&0737 5>C1 +n 6:27
)&073F 5>71 Lk 26:5>052
)&0738 5>31 +n 6:23#57
)&07F2 5>F1 Lk 26:55#53
)&07F5 5>61 +n 6:53#C>
)&07F6 5321 Lk 26:5F056
)&076> 5>41 +n 6:C2#CF
)&0747 5>81 Mt 28:2C#23
)&0747 5>81 Mk 2>:2C#2F
)&0747 5>81 Lk 24:23#26
)&0748 52>1 +n 6:C6#4:2
)&03>5 5221 +n 4:5#22
)&03F5 5251 Lk 24:2#4
)&03F7 52C1 +n 4:25#5>
)&0362 5271 +n 4:52#38
)&038C 5231 +n 8:2#C7
)&0F78 52F1 +n 8:C3#2>:52
)&0F43 5261 Lk 24:8#27
)&0684 5241 +n 2>:55#C8
L)&0424#&076M 5281 Mt 28:205
L)&0424#&076M 5281 Mk 2>:2
L)&0424#&076M 5281 +n 2>:7>#75

TH) 34)M
&45>M) FI&)
&03 55>1 +n 22:205
&058 5521 +n 22:C07
&077 55C1 +n 22:6#2F
@&076A 5551 +n 22:30F
&078 5571 +n 22:26#7F
&06F 5531 +n 22:76#3C
&084 55F1 +n 22:37"0b
L&084#572M 5561 +n 22:37c
L&0573#C7FM 5541 +n 22:33#3F@36A
&0562 5581 Lk 8:32#3F
&0544 5C>1 Mt 28:2F#C>
&0544 5C>1 Mk 2>:26#C2
&0544 5C>1 Lk 24:24#C>
&0585 5C21 Mt 5>:26#28
&0585 5C21 Mk 2>:C5#C7
&0585 5C21 Lk 24:C2#C7
&058F 5C51 Mt 5>:5>#54
&058F 5C51 Mk 2>:C3#73
&0C2C 5CC1 Mt 5>:58#C7
&0C2C 5CC Mk 2>:7F#35
&0C2C 5CC1 Lk 24:C3#7C
&0CFC 5C71 Mt 5F:F#2C
&0CFC 5C71 Mk 27:C#8
&0CFC 5C71 +n 25:2#22
L&0C6>#C46M 5C31 Mt 5F:27#2F
L&0C6>#C46M 5C31 Mk 27:2>022
L&0C6>#C46M 5C31 Lk 55:2#5
&0C820C85 5CF1 Mt 52:2#F
&0C820C85 5CF1 Mk 22:2#F
&0C820C85 5CF1 Lk 28:54#C7
&0C87 5C61 Lk 28:72#77
&0C86 5C41 Mt 52:6#26
&0C86 5C4"1 Mk 22:6#22"
&0C86 5C4"1 Lk 28:C3#7>
&0C86 5C41 +n 25:25#28
&07>5 5C4b1 Mk 22:23#28
&07>5G)0546 5C4b1G371
Lk 28:7307F
&07>5 5C4b1 Lk 28:7307F
&07>C 5C4c1 Mk 22:22b
L&07>4#7F80763M 57>1 Lk
&0728 5C81 Mt 52:24#28"
&0728 5C81 Mk 22:25#27
&0728 5721 Mt 52:CC#7F
&0728 5721 Mk 25:2#25
&0728 5721 Lk 5>:8#28
&0752 5751 Mt 52:5C#56
&0752 5751 Mk 22:56#CC
&0752 5751 Lk 5>:2#4
&0754 57C1 Mt 52:28b#55
&0754 57C1 Mk 22:5>#53
&07C> 5771 Mt 55:23#55
&07C> 5771 Mk 25:2C#26
&07C> 5771 Lk 5>:5>#5F
&07C2 5731 Mt 55:5C#CC
&07C2 5731 Mk 25:24#56
&07C2 5731 Lk 5>:56#7>
&07C6 57F1 Mt 55:C7#7F
&07C6 57F1 Mk 25:54#C6
&07C4 57F1 Lk 5>:72#77
&077> 5761 Mk 25:72#77
&077> 5761 Lk 52:2#7
&0773 5741 Mt 5C:2#C8
&077F 5741 Mk 25:C4#7>
&077F 5741 Lk 5>:73#76
&0778 5781 Mt 57:205
&0778 5781 Mk 2C:205
&0778 5781 Lk 52:30F
&07FC 53>1 Mt 57:C#32
&07FC 53>1 Mk 2C:C#C6
&07FC 53>1 Lk 52:6#C4
&07F6 5321 Mt 53:C2#7F
@&07F8A 5351 Mt 5F:205
@&07F8A 5351 Mk 27:205
&076F 53C1 Mt 5F:26#28
&076F 53C1 Mk 27:25#2F
&076F 53C1 Lk 55:6#2C
&0745 5371 +n 25:5>#7C
&0743 5331 +n 25:77#3>
&074F 53F1 Mt 5F:C#3
&074F 53F1 Lk 55:C#F
&0787 5361 Mt 5F:5>
&0787 5361 Mk 27:26
&0787 5361 Lk 55:27#24
&0784 5341 Mt 5F:C2#C3
&0784 5341 Mk 27:56#C2
&0784 5341 Lk 55:57#C4
&03>7 5F>1 Mt 5F:5F#58
&03>> 5381 +n 2C:2#5>
&03>7 5F>1 Mk 27:55#53
&03>7 5F>1 Lk 55:2805>
&03>3 5F21 Mt 5F:52055
&03>3 5F21 Mk 27:24028
&03>3 5F2"1 Lk 55:52
&03>3G327 5F2b1G5F61
Lk 55:5C
&03>3 5F21 +n 2C:52055
&03>F 5F51 Mt 5F:53
&03>F 5FC1 Mt 5F:5C057
&03>F 5FC1 Lk 55:55
&03>F 5FC1 +n 2C:5C#C>
&03>6 5F71 +n 2C:C2#C4
&032C 5FF1 +n 23:2#2F
&0327G3>3 5F61G5F2b1
Lk 55:5C
&0323 5F41 +n 23:26#56
&0323 5F81 +n 2F:2#CC
@&0326A 56>1 +n 26:2#5F
&0326 5621 Mt 5F:C>
&0326 5621 Mk 27:5F
&0326 5621 Lk 55:C8
&0326G355 5621 +n 24:2
&0328 5F31 +n 27:2#C2
&0355 G326 5621 +n 24:2
&03C> 5651 Mt 5F:CF#77
&03C> 5651 Mk 27:C5#7>
&03C> 5651 Lk 55:7>#75
&03C3 56C1 Lk 55:7C077
&03C6 5671 Mt 5F:7307F
&03C6 5671 Mk 27:72075
&03C6 5671 Lk 55:7307F
&03C6 5631 Mt 5F:76#78
&03C6 5631 Mk 27:7C#73
&03C6 5631 Lk 55:76
&03C6 5631 +n 24:50C
&03C4 56F1 Mt 5F:3>"
&03C4 5661 Lk 55:74
&03C4 5641 +n 24:7#F
&03C4 54>1 Mt 5F:3303F"
&03C4 54>1 Mk 27:74078
&03C4 54>1 Lk 55:3503C
&03C4 54>1 +n 24:6#8
&03C4 5421 Mt 5F:3>b032
&03C4 5421 Mk 27:7F076
&03C4 5421 Lk 55:3>
&03C4 5421 +n 24:2>
&03C4 5451 Mt 5F:35#37
&03C4 5451 Lk 55:32"
&03C4 5451 +n 24:22
&03C4 54C1 Lk 55:32b
&03C8 5471 +n 24:25
&03C8 5431 Mt 5F:3Fb
&03C8 5431 Mk 27:3>#35
&0373 54F1 Mt 5F:36"
&0373 54F1 Mk 27:3C"
&0373 54F1 Lk 55:37"
&0373 54F1 +n 24:2C#2F
&0374 5461 +n 24:28#5C
&0332 5441 Lk 55:FC#F3
&0332 5481 Mt 5F:36b034
&0332 5481 Mk 27:3Cb037
&0332 5481 Lk 55:37b
&0332 5481 +n 24:57
&033C 58>1 Mt 5F:38#F4
&033C 58>1 Mk 27:33#F3
@&0337A 5821 Mt 5F:F806>
@&0337A 5821 Mk 27:FF#F4
@&0337A 5821 Lk 55:33#36
@&0337A 5821 +n 24:26024
@&0337A 5851 Mt 5F:62065
@&0337A 5851 Mk 27:F806>"
@&0337A 5851 Lk 55:34
@&0337A 5851 +n 24:53
&0337 58C1 Lk 55:FF
&0337 5871 Mt 5F:6C#63
&0337 5871 Mk 27:6>b#65
&0337 5871 Lk 55:38#F5
&0337 5871 +n 24:5F#56
&0333 5831 Mt 56:2
&0333 5831 Mk 23:2"
&0333 5831 Lk 55:F6#62
&0333 58F"1 Mt 56:5
&0333 58F1 Mk 23:2b#3
&0333 58F1 Lk 5C:2#6
&0333 58F1 +n 24:54#C4
&0334 58Fb1 Mt 56:22#27
&03F2 5841 Lk 5C:4#25
&03FC 5881 Lk 5C:2C#2F
&03FC C>>1 Mt 56:23#24
&03FC C>>1 Mk 23:F#2>
&03FC C>>1 +n 24:C8
&03FC C>21 Mt 56:5>#5C
&03FC C>21 Mk 23:22#27
&03FC C>21 Lk 5C:26#55
&03FC C>21 +n 24:7>
&03FC C>51 Mt 56:5F"
&03FC C>51 Mk 23:23"b
&03FC C>51 +n 28:2
&03F3 C>C1 Mt 56:56#C>
&03F3 C>C1 Mk 23:2F#28
&03F3 C>C1 +n 28:50C
&03FF C>71 Lk 5C:5C
&03FF C>71 +n 28:7#8
&03F6 C>31 Mt 56:28
&03F6 C>F1 Lk 5C:57053
&03F6 C>F1 +n 28:2>#23
&03F4 C>61 Mt 56:57#53
&03F4 C>41 +n 28:28
&03F4 C>81 Mt 56:5Fb
&03F4 C>81 Mk 23:23c
&03F4 C>81 +n 28:2F
@&03F4A C231 +n 28:5>#55
&036C 5861 Mt 56:C#3"
&038C C221 +n 28:26
&0386 C251 Lk 5C:56#C5
&0F>5 C2C1 Mt 56:C5
&0F>5 C2C1 Mk 23:52
&0F>5 C2C1 Lk 5C:5F
&0F>C C271 Mt 56:CC
&0F>C C271 Mk 23:55
&0F>C C24b1 Mt 56:C6#C4
&0F>C C24b1 Mk 23:53#54
&0F>C C241 Lk 5C:CC
&0F>C C241 +n 28:24
&0F>3 C521 Mt 56:3b
&0F2> C2F1 Mt 56:73
&0F2> C2F1 Mk 23:CC
&0F2> C2F1 Lk 5C:77
&0F2> C261 +n 28:53
&0F2> C241 Mt 56:C7
&0F2> C241 Mk 23:5C
&0F2> C281 Mt 56:C30CF
&0F2> C281 Mk 23:57
&0F2> C281 Lk 5C:C7b
&0F2> C281 +n 28:5C057
&0F22 C5>1 Mt 56:C8#77
&0F22 C5>1 Mk 23:58#C5
&0F22 C5>1 Lk 5C:C3#C4
&0F25 C551 Lk 5C:C8#72
&0F27 C5C1 Lk 5C:C7"
&0F27 C571 Lk 5C:7507C
&0F2F C531 +n 28:5F056
&0F24 C5F1 Mt 56:7F076
&0F24 C5F1 Mk 23:C70C3
&0F28 C561 Lk 5C:73"
&0F28 C561 +n 28:54
&0F28 C541 Mt 56:74078
&0F28 C541 Mk 23:CF
&0F28 C541 +n 28:58#C>"
&0F5> C581 Mk 23:C6"
&0F5> C581 Lk 5C:7F"
&0F5> C581 +n 28:C>b
&0F5> CC>1 Lk 5C:7Fb
&0F52 CC21 Mt 56:3>
&0F52 CC21 Mk 23:C6b
&0F52 CC21 Lk 5C:7Fc
&0F52 CC21 +n 28:C>c
&0F520F57 CC51 Mt 56:32#3C
&0F520F57 CC51 Mk 23:C4
&0F520F57 CC51 Lk 5C:73b
&0F55 CCC1 +n 28:C7#C6
&0F570F52 CC51 Mt 56:32#3C
&0F570F52 CC51 Mk 23:C4
&0F570F52 CC51 Lk 5C:73b
&0F57 CC71 Mt 56:36034
&0F57 CC71 Mk 23:75#73
&0F57 CC71 Lk 5C:3>#35
&0F57 CC71 +n 28:C4
&0F53 CC31 Mt 56:37#3F
&0F53 CC31 Mk 23:C8#72
&0F53 CC31 Lk 5C:76#78
&0F5F CCF1 +n 28:C2#CC
&0F54 CC61 Mt 56:380F>"
&0F54 CC61 Mk 23:7F"0b
&0F54 CC61 Lk 5C:3C037
&0F54 CC61 +n 28:7>#75
&0FC> CC41 Mt 56:F2
&0FC> CC41 Mk 23:76
&0FC> CC41 Lk 5C:33
&0FC4 CC81 Mt 56:F>b
&0FC4 CC81 Mk 23:7Fc
&0F72 C7>1 Mt 56:F5#FF
&0F72 C7>1 Lk 5C:3F"
&0FF> C721 Mk 2F:2b0c
&0FF> C721 Lk 5C:3Fb
&0F65 C751 Lk 5C:3Fc
&0F65 C751 +n 28:C8
&0F84 C771 Mt 54:5#7
&06>7 C7C1 Mt 54:2
&06>7 C7C"1 Mk 2F:2"
&06>7 C7Cb1 Mk 2F:50C
&06>7 C7C1 Lk 57:2
&06>7 C7C1 +n 5>:2"
&06>F C731 +n 5>:2b#C"
&06>F C7F1 Mt 54:3#2>
&06>F C7F1 Mk 2F:7#22
&06> F C7F1 Lk 57:5#25
&06>F C761 +n 5>:Cb#24
&0656 C741 Mk 2F:2502C
&0656 C741 Lk 57:2C#C3
@&0654A C761 Mt 54:22#23
&06C6 C781 Mk 2F:27
&06C6 C781 Lk 57:CF#78
&06C6 C781 +n 5>:2805>
&0676 C3>1 +n 5>:52#57
&0678 C321 +n 5>:53
&0633 C351 +n 5>:5F#58
&0685 C3C1 +n 5>:C>0C2
&045C C371 +n 52:2#5C
&0458 C331 Mt 54:2F026
&047> C3F1 Mk 2F:23
&04F8 C361 Ac 2:7#4
&0465 C341 Mt 54:24#5>
&0465 C341 Mk 2F:2805>
&0465 C341 Lk 57:3>#3C
&0465 C341 Ac 2:8#25
@&0464A C381 Mt 56:F#2>
&0464 CF>1 Ac 2:2C#5F
&0445 CF21 Ac 5:2#C
&044F CF51 Ac 5:7#76
@&08>3A CFF1 Ac F:4#23
@&08>3A CF61 Ac 6:2#3C
L&08>3#85>M CF41 Ac 6:37#4:C
T)JT( >()D I" THI( W4%O
"4T F4>"D I" TH) 34)M

Mt 2:2#26 # Gene"%og' o! +ose$h
Mk 7:5C057 # +es(sH te"ching
Mt 3:72# +es(sH te"ching
Lk 2:2#7 # )ntrod(ction to L(ke
Lk C:5Cb#C4 # Gene"%og' o! M"r'
Lk 25:37#36 # +es(sH te"ching
Lk 26: 54#C6 # +es(sH te"ching
Mk 2F:2F#24 # +es(sH te"ching
+n 52:57053 # +ohnHs own n"rr"tion

Dated but not in The Poem
2721 Mt 25:23#52E Mk C:6#25 #
5681 Lk 55:78 # The Disci$%esH
C2>1 Lk 23:5>E Mt 56:C2 # +es(sH
CFC1 Ac C:2#7:C6 # E"r%' ,h(rch
CF71 Ac 3:2#2F # E"r%' ,h(rch
CF31 Ac 3:26#F:6 # E"r%' ,h(rch

45D T)(T$M)"T (C%I3T>%) I"D)J
From (C%I3T>%) to The Poe o! the M"n#God
En(er"tions in the odern ,"tho%ic *ersions "nd the o%der Do("'GRheis &ersion "re identic"% (n%ess noted1 9hen di!!erent0 the
Do("' is (s("%%' the second entr' in $"renthesis1 The Douay is the !irst =and only? entry #hen !ollo#ed by =d7rDonly?. In these
ases there is missing te0t in the modern versions. The @dGrA not"tion "%w"'s e"ns The Poem $re!ers the o%der Do("'GRheis
rendition1 The Poem0 with !ew e:ce$tions0 s(bst"nti"tes the Do("' @O1T1A "nd the Rheis @N1T1A tr"ns%"tion where there "re not"b%e
di!!erences1 This not"tion wi%% be !o(nd "!ter 66 o! the 86C entries in this inde:0 re$resenting 28 s$eci!ic te:ts1
/ook Atr"ns%"tions' !ro odern to the o%der Do("' &ersion: )0 )) S"(e% Q )0 )) -ingsE )0 )) -ings Q )))0 )& -ingsE )0 )) ,hronic%es Q
)0)) P"r"%i$oenonE EIr" Q ) Esdr"sE Nehei"h Q )) EIdr"sE Song o! So%oon Q ,"ntic%e o! ,"ntic%esE Ob"di"h Q Abdi"sE Oe$h"ni"h Q
So$honi"sE H"gg"i Q Agge(sE Sir"ch Q Ecc%esi"stic(s
&0C>3 Aos 8:22
))057 /"r(ch C:2#3
)&0F5> /"r(ch C:8#2C
)&0F5> /"r(ch C:5>
)&0F52 /"r(ch C:56
))0C48 /"r(ch F:C#65 @5#62A
))05C /"r(ch 5:2F#24
))05C /"r(ch 5:57#5F
I CH%4"IC5)(
@) P"r"%i$oenonA
))05F> ) ,hronic%es 7:802>
)&02>6 ) ,hronic%es 7:8#2>
))0C88 ) ,hronic%es 2>
)&024C ) ,hronic%es 54:C#6
)072F ) ,hronic%es 58:2
)&024C ) ,hronic%es 58:2>#28
II CH%4"IC5)(
@)) P"r"%i$oenonA
))07>> )) ,hronic%es C:2
))03FF )) ,hronic%es 4:22
)))0F47 )) ,hronic%es 5>:5#26
))086 )) ,hronic%es 58:C#54
)0653 D"nie% C
))0246 D"nie% C
&05> D"nie% C
&0832 D"nie% C:5C#56
&0257 D"nie% C:36#8> @dGrA
)&0335 D"nie% 3
))024F D"nie% 6#25
))052C D"nie% 6#25
&0757 D"nie% 6025
)&03F6 D"nie% 6:8#2>
)03C D"nie% 8:27
)0C4 D"nie% 8:5>#56
)&073F D"nie% 8:5>#56
)&0F27 D"nie% 8:5>#56
&0738 D"nie% 8:5>#56
&07FC D"nie% 8:5>#56
&0768 D"nie% 8:5>#56
&08>4 D"nie% 8:5>#56
)0C8 D"nie% 8:57
)037 D"nie% 8:57
)0523 D"nie% 8 57#56
&052> D"nie% 8:57
)0526 D"nie% 8:53#56
))0566 D"nie% 8:5F# 2>:52
)&056> D"nie% 8:5F056
&06C5 D"nie% 8:5F056
&0476 D"nie% 8:5F056
))0323 D"nie% 2>:25
&0476 D"nie% 22:C2
)&0F27 D"nie% 25:6#2>
&0476 D"nie% 25:22
)&0253 D"nie% 2C
&055 D"nie% 2C:5C
&04C6 D"nie% 27:5C#75
&0483 De(terono' 2:58#CC
&0232 De(terono' C
)))0422 De(terono' 7:23#24
)0567 De(terono' 3
)062C De(terono' 3
)0FC8 De(terono' 3:F
)0F77 De(terono' 3:6#2>
)0F35 De(terono' 3:22
)0F66 De(terono' 3:25#23
&02F5 De(terono' 3:25
)0FF2 De(terono' 3:2F
)))027C De(terono' 3:2F
)&0CF2 De(terono' 3:2F
&0752 De(terono' 3:2F
)&0C63 De(terono' 3:26024
)0C35 De(terono' 3:26
)0C33 De(terono' 3:26
)0F4> De(terono' 3:26
)&0C67 De(terono' 3:24052
)0FF3 De(terono' 3:24
))0267 De(terono' 3:24
))0266 De(terono' 3:24
)))0F73 De(terono' 3:24
)062> De(terono' 3:28052
)06>6 De(terono' 3:5>
))0276 De(terono' 3:5>
)0F83 De(terono' 3:52
&08C2 De(terono 3:C5#F:2C
)062C De(terono' F
)0567 De(terono' F
)0363 De(terono' F:7
))05>5 De(terono' F:7
)))0C8 De(terono' F:7
)))0227 De(terono' F:7
))0C57 De(terono' F:3
))063F De(terono' F:3
)))05F De(terono' F:3
)))06C6 De(terono' F:3
)&0F7> De(terono' F:3
)&066C De(terono' F:3
&05>5 De(terono' F:3
&07C6 De(terono' F:3
&0772 De(terono' F:3
)036C De(terono' F:2C
)))0F6F De(terono' F:27#2F
)0F8> De(terono' F:2F
&053F De(terono' F:2F
))03FF De(terono' 6:C
)))0F77 De(terono' 2>:2F
)))04 De(terono' 2>:26
)0F7> De(terono' 2C:3
))05C3 De(terono' 27:C#4
)))0385 De(terono' 23:22
)0544 De(terono' 2F:24#5>
)&03F5 De(terono' 2F:24#5>
)&0C74 De(terono' 2F:28
)&03F6 De(terono' 26:F
)0544 De(terono' 24:205
)&0C63 De(terono' 24:23#5>
))02C8 De(terono' 28:52
)&0C67 De(terono' 28:52
)&0753 De(terono' 28:52
)&0358 De(terono' 28:52
)&0C63 De(terono' 52:52
)&084 De(terono' 55:2#7
)))02F> De(terono' 55:F
)&084 De(terono' 55:F
)&03>5 De(terono' 55:55#57
))0C82 De(terono' 5C:2
))0FC7 De(terono' 5C:2302F
)0544 De(terono' 5C:2805>
))0276 De(terono' 5C:52#5C
)06FF De(terono' 57
))0264 De(terono' 57:2#7
)))07FF De(terono' 57:2#7
)))0385 De(terono' 57:27
)))0687 De(terono' 57:28#55
)))0425 De(terono' 56:23
)))0427 De(terono' 56:23
)))0427 De(terono' 56:57053
)&07FF De(terono' C5:7C
)0C3C De(terono' C5:72
)&0328 De(terono' C5:74#35
)&0356 De(terono' C5:74#35
&02>> De(terono' CC:2C#26
))0CF8 Ecc%esi"stes 2:50C
))0658 Ecc%esi"stes 2:5024
)0C33 Ecc%esi"stes 2:5
)&05F2 Ecc%esi"stes 3:7#F
))053 Ecc%esi"stes 22:7
)0C33 Ecc%esi"stes 25:2C
))0FCF Esther 2:2#4
))0C74 Esther 5:26
)067> Esther 3
)))0425 Esther 3:2#3
))074C E:od(s 5
))0F6F E:od(s 5:3#2>
&07C5 E:od(s 7:3
))03C E:od(s 6:25
&0786 E:od(s 22025
&06C5 E:od(s 22025
&0253 E:od(s 25028
))0566 E:od(s 25:2#27
)))04>4 E:od(s 25:2#27
&0C44 E:od(s 25:2#27
&0C48 E:od(s 25:3
&0C8> E:od(s 25:6
)02>3 E:od(s 25:52
&0786 E:od(s 25:56
&0C45 E:od(s 25:58#C7
&0C8> E:od(s 2C
)&0253 E:od(s 2C:22#2F
)))0C33 E:od(s 27:23#5C
)))0F63 E:od(s 27:23#5C
&06> E:od(s 27:2F#5C
)052F E:od(s 27:52055
))063F E:od(s 2F
)))0775 E:od(s 2F:703027
)0627 E:od(s 2F:2805>
)))0227 E:od(s 26:4#2F
)0657 E:od(s 26:22025
)&0727 E:od(s 24:2C#56
)0FC8 E:od(s 28
))02CC E:od(s 28
)&055> E:od(s 28:2F#5>:52
&06FC E:od(s 28:2F
)062C E:od(s 5>

)))0428 E:od(s 5>
))0566 E:od(s 5>:2#26
)))066 E:od(s 5>:2#26
)&03>2 E:od(s 5>:2#26
)&0563 E:od(s 5>:50C
)))0422 E:od(s 5>:7
))0F68 E:od(s 5>:6
))056F E:od(s 5>:4#22
)052> E:od(s 5>:2>
))027F E:od(s 5>:2C
)0333 E:od(s 5>:27
)&0378 E:od(s 5>:5C
)))0387 E:od(s 52:26
))02C8 E:od(s 52:57
)&0C67 E:od(s 52:57
)&0753 E:od(s 52:57
)&0358 E:od(s 52:57
))0C26 E:od(s 55:55
))074C E:od(s 55:55
&02C6 E:od(s 55:55#57
&025F E:od(s 55:580C>
))086 E:od(s 57:7
&06FC E:od(s 53:2>#55
&0477 E:od(s 58:2#C3
&06FC E:od(s C>:2#2>
)0627 E:od(s C5
)&035C E:od(s C5
))0C8F E:od(s C5:23#57
))0C8F E:od(s CC
))0C8F E:od(s C7
)&0378 E:od(s C7:26
)&03FF E:od(s C7:58#C3
&06C4 E:od(s C7:58#C3
&06FC E:od(s C6:2#8
&06FC E:od(s C6:53#58
)&03F6 EIekie% 2:5F#54
))026 EIekie% 5:2#4
)&078> EIekie% 4:2#24
)&078> EIekie% 4:7#F
&0474 EIekie% 802>
)))04>8 EIekie% 8:7#F
&0C>6 EIekie% 2F
))024 EIekie% 24:7#C>
))05> EIekie% 5C
)&0F3C EIekie% C7
&0768 EIekie% C7:22#2F
)&0CF7 EIekie% CF:4#57
)&078> EIekie% C6
)&066> EIekie% C6:7#27
))055 EIekie% C6:23#54
)&0782 EIekie% 76:2#25
)&0667 EIekie% 76:2#25
&074> EIekie% 76:2#25
&047C EIekie% 76:2#25
)))0F47 EIekie% 76:2>
)U%$ @) Esdr"sA
&02C> EIr" 2#F
&077C EIr" 2#F
&02C2 EIr" C:22#2C
)))07F3 EIr" 8:F06
))03FF EIr" 2>:2>
)))0F8 Genesis 2#22
&0472 Genesis 2#C
)))067> Genesis 20C
)045 Genesis 2
))03F> Genesis 2
)&03F3 Genesis 2
)))07FF Genesis 2:5F
&0377 Genesis 2:5F056
&047C Genesis 2:5F056
))05>C Genesis 2:56
))0547 Genesis 2:56#C2
)03C Genesis 2:54
))0264 Genesis ):54
&0227 Genesis 50C
)045 Genesis 5
)033F Genesis 5
)062> Genesis 5
))032> Genesis 5:5
&036 Genesis 5:5#6
&047C Genesis 5:6
&0854 Genesis 5:6
&0822 Genesis 5:4
&0FC5 Genesis 5:4#26
)))0F75 Genesis 5:2F026
)&0C4 Genesis 5:24
&0343 Genesis 5:5>#57
))03FF Genesis 5:5C
))0547 Genesis 5:5C
)&0525 Genesis 5:5C
))0264 Genesis 5:5C057
)&0CF> Genesis 5:5C057
)&0CF2 Genesis 5:5C057
)024F Genesis 5:57
))0543 Genesis 5:57
)))07FF Genesis 5:57
&0756 Genesis C
)06F7 Genesis C
)0F3C Genesis C
)062> Genesis C
))0F6F Genesis C
))0F8C Genesis C
&0343 Genesis C
&0326 Genesis C:2#6
&0377 Genesis C:2#6
&0822 Genesis C:2#6
)&06>C Genesis C:2#23
))0574 Genesis C:F#57
))0574 Genesis C:6
)))0356 Genesis C:4#2>
)052 Genesis C:23 @dGrA
)044 Genesis C:23 @dGrA
)0277 Genesis C:23 @dGrA
)0C46 Genesis C:23 @dGrA
))0CFC Genesis C:23 @dGrA
)&0F>6 Genesis C:23 @dGrA
)&06>C Genesis C:23 @dGrA
)&0C4 Genesis C:23 @dGrA
)&07CC Genesis C:23 @dGrA
&0C63 Genesis C:23 @dGrA
&0776 Genesis C:23 @dGrA
&0FC4 Genesis C:23 @dGrA
&0F7F Genesis C:23 @dGrA
&0443 Genesis C:23 @dGrA
&048F Genesis C:23 @dGrA
&087F Genesis C:23 @dGrA
)0C4F Genesis C:23#24 @dGrA
)0223 Genesis C:2F
)&0F>6 Genesis C:2F
&0377 Genesis C:24
))06>8 Genesis C:28
)))0772 Genesis C:28
)))0F53 Genesis C:52
)062> Genesis 7
)))055> Genesis 7
)))0567 Genesis 7
&054> Genesis 7
&066F Genesis 7
&053C Genesis 7:2#F
)))0F75 Genesis 7:2#2F
)))0625 Genesis 7:2#2F
&0C45 Genesis 7:2#2F
&0C48 Genesis 7:2#2F
&034F Genesis 7:2#2F
&0687 Genesis 7:2#2F
)067C Genesis 7:7
))0C45 Genesis 7:4
&036F Genesis 7:4
&0347 Genesis 7:4
)0744 Genesis 7:4#25
)&0367 Genesis 7:4#25
&0F38 Genesis 7:4#25
)))0F6C Genesis 7:4#2F
)))04>8 Genesis 7:4#2F
))07>2 Genesis 7:2>022
)))0F36 Genesis 7:23
&02F3 Genesis 7:23
)06F3 Genesis 7:2302F
&0348 Genesis 7:2302F
&0348 Genesis 7:5305F
&0F8> Genesis 3
&0872 Genesis 3:24#57
)06F3 Genesis F#8
&0756 Genesis F
))024F Genesis 6
))0F66 Genesis 6
&07FF Genesis 6:22#5C
)02F3 Genesis 4:52
&0756 Genesis 8
&0C33 Genesis 8:22
)&036F Genesis 2502C
&043C Genesis 25:2#53
&044> Genesis 23:2
)&0367 Genesis 2F052
)0333 Genesis 2F:2
)&0F57 Genesis 26:2
)&0385 Genesis 26:8#27
)024F Genesis 26:23
)&036F Genesis 24055
&0878 Genesis 24:27
)&0558 Genesis 24:C5
)))0F75 Genesis 28:2#58
)024F Genesis 28:3
))0F66 Genesis 28:5C#53
)0333 Genesis 52:2#C
&0C45 Genesis 55
))0C4 Genesis 55:2#C
&046> Genesis 55:23#24
))0C45 Genesis 53:8
)))06C8 Genesis 53:58#C7
&036> Genesis 53:58#C7
))02C Genesis 5F:52
)0567 Genesis 54:2>#55
))0567 Genesis 54:2>#55
)055 Genesis 54:22
)038F Genesis 54:25
)&0257 Genesis 58#C3
)0333 Genesis C>:2#70 55#57
&0528 Genesis C3:2F#5>
)0C46 Genesis C3:2805>
)))0355 Genesis C6:25#CF
))024F Genesis 72
&04> Genesis 74078
&03>5 Genesis 78:408
)))032> Genesis 78: 5305F
H$:$OO>O @H"b"c(cA
)))0CF2 H"b"kk(k 2:5#7
)))0CF5 H"b"kk(k 2:3
)))0CF3 H"b"kk(k 2:25
)))0CFF H"b"kk(k 5:C070F @dGrA
)))0CF6 H"b"kk(k C
)&0C>5 H"b"kk(k C:2C024
)))0CFF H"b"kk(k 5:8025028
H$GG$I @Agge(sA
)0526 H"gg"i 5:8 @2>A
))032 H"gg"i 5:22#27@25#23A
))035 H"gg"i 5:23#24@2F#28A
H4()$ @OseeA
)&0FC> Hose" 2
)&0FC> Hose" 5:2#C
)&0FC2 Hose" 5:27#24
&0757 Hose" F:5
&0C>3 Hose" F:7
&0728 Hose" 8:F
&0C>C )s"i"h 2:24
)&0FFC )s"i"h 5:55
))02>7 )s"i"h F:F#4
&06CF )s"i"h F:F#4
)075 )s"i"h F:F#22
)&07F4 )s"i"h F:4
))05>7 )s"i"h F:2>
)))02>7 )s"i"h F:2>
)037 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
)0C8 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
)077 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
)04> )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
)0252 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
)0C6F )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
)0C63 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
)0C4> )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
)0673 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
))026 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
)))07>C )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
)))07>3 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
)&073 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
)&025F )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
)&0726 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
)&06>C )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
)&064F )s"i"h 6:27 @dGr
&07>> )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
&0776 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
&0743 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
&06C5 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
&0538 )s"i"h 4:27023
&07>6 )s"i"h 4:22#23
)))02>7 )s"i"h 8
)0C66 )s"i"h 8:5
))028> )s"i"h 8:5
)0723 )s"i"h 8:30F
&0768 )s"i"h 8:F
&06C5 )s"i"h 8:F
)&0726 )s"i"h 8:F06
))0323 )s"i"h 2>:3#5F
)0C6F )s"i"h 22:2
)0367 )s"i"h 22:2
)&06>C )s"i"h 22:205
))03C )s"i"h 22:2#7
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)))0786 )s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
)))0F32 )s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
)))0622 )s"i"h 35:2C#3C#25
)))042C )s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
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)&0FFF )s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
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)&0CFC +erei"h 78:56
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)0522 )) -ings 55:2>#2C
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))03F4 Le*itic(s 27
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&0858 Le*itic(s 2F
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&07C6 Le*itic(s 28:24
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)&0C63 Le*itic(s 5>:2#3E
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)&058 Le*itic(s 52:2F#57
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)065 Le*itic(s 52:5C
)&04>C Le*itic(s 57:2>#5C
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)))0675 Le* 5F:27#7F @27#73A
&0C4C Le* 5F:27#7F @27#73A
I M$CC$:))(
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)))0F64 ) M"cc"bees 5:56#C2
)))04>F ) M"cc"bees 5:C8#74
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)0625 ) M"cc"bees 7:77#32
)0627 ) M"cc"bees 7:73
)))06>6 ) M"cc 3:2402803F#F2
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)0627 ) M"cc"bees 22
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)))0223 Nehei"h 4:802>
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)0567 Nehei"h 2>:C2
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)0627 N(bers C:7
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)&05F4 Pro*erbs 53:8
&02F5 Pro*erbs 56:2>
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)&07FF Ps"% 22>:2 @2>8:A
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)&07F6 Ps"% 22>:7 @2>8:A
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)&07>> Ps"% 227 @22C"A
&0786 Ps"% 227:205 @22C ":A
&0464 Ps"% 223:205@22Cb:A
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&03>7 Ps"% 22F:2> @223:A
&03>C Ps"% 226:205 @22F:A
&03>C Ps"% 224:2#5F @226:A
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&03>7 Ps"% 228 @224A
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))0C68 R(th 7:27024#55
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)075 Sir"ch 2:3
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)078 Sir"ch 7:25 @dGrA@2CA
)))0385 Sir"ch 4:F#8 @6#2>A
&055 Sir"ch 8:2> @dGr#on%'A
&06> Sir"ch 57:4#C7
&08C5 Sir"ch 57:22#7F
&062 Sir"ch 57:5F#C2
&062 Sir"ch 57:C2#C4
&062 Sir"ch 57:72#76
)&0F7F Sir"ch C>:604
)))0385 Sir"ch C5: 8 @dGrA @2CA
)))0387 Sir"ch C7:24#55
))05F Sir"ch C3:2#7 @2#FA
)))0F34 Sir"ch 75:22
)))0775 Sir"ch 73:2#3
&085C Sir"ch 74:2#2>
&0254 Sir"ch 3>:5305F @dGrA
(4"G 4F (454M4"
@,"ntic%e o! ,"ntic%esA
)))0F47 Song o! So% 2:2C027
&08CC Song o! So% 5:2
))0CFC Song o! So% 5:C#3
)))0C47 Song o! So% 5:2>#27
&0F7> Song o! So% 5:2>027
&0355 Song o! So% 5:25
&0C8C Song o! So% 5:27
)06C6 Song o! So% C:2
))067> Song o! So% C:2#7
)))07>7 Song o! So% 7:2022025
))0C38 Song o! So% 7:7
)))04>5 Song o! So% 70F06
)0F8 Song o! So% 7:25
)))0F47 Song o! So% 7:25
))0CF8 Song o! So% 7:25#2F
)))07>7 Song o! So% 3:2
)&022> Song o! So% 3:5
)&06C7 Song o! So% 3:5
&0F>6 Song o! So% 3:2>#2F
)0CC4 Song o! So% F:50C @205A
)))07>7 Song o! So% F:50C @205A
)07> Song o! So% F:4 @F06A
)))0FC3 Song o! So% 4:F
)))07>7 Song o! So% 4:F06
)&022> Song o! So% 4:22025
))074C Tobit 2#27
)&0253 Tobit 2
)024F Tobit 2:22 @25A
)024F Tobit 2:52 @dGrA@5CA
))0F37 Tobit C:6#26 @dGrA
&0422 Tobit 3#25
)0358 Tobit F
)06> Tobit 6:25#27@dGrA
)03C Tobit 4:7#4
)0358 Tobit 8
)0358 Tobit 25
))0C76 Tobit 25:6
&05C> Tobit 25:6
&04F> Tobit 25:6
))074C Tobit 25:4#25
)&0F>6 Tobit 2C
&08C5 Tobit 2C
)055 Tobit 2C:2
&08C2 Tobit 2C:22#24 @dGrA
)055 Tobit 2C:2C#24 @dGrA
)&0F>4 Tobit 2C:2C#24 @dGrA
&046C 9isdo 5:57
))06>> 9isdo 5:22@dGrA
)&077 9isdo 7:5#7
)&0F75 9isdo 6#8
)024 9isdo 6:53
)023 9isdo 4
)027 9isdo 4:5
))02>2 9isdo 8

)023 9isdo 2>
))06>> 9isdo 25:2F
)023 9isdo 2C
U)3H$"I$H @So$honi"sA
))07C6 Oe$h"ni"h 5:3#6
)))042C Oe$h"ni"h C:7
)))042C Oe$h"ni"h C:4
&07>4 Oech"ri"h C:8#7:2>
))07C6 Oech"ri"h 8:2#3
)0524 Oech"ri"h 8:8
&0C8> Oech"ri"h 8:8
&0768 Oech"ri"h 8:802>
)&02>F Oech"ri"h 22:7#22
&0C>3 Oech"ri"h 22:2>#27
&044> Oech"ri"h 22:2502C
&0C45 Oech"ri"h 22:2502C
&0C43 Oech"ri"h 22:25
&0C>3 Oech"ri"h 2C:6#8
45D T)(T$M)"T (C%I3T>%) I"D)J
From TH) 34)M 4F TH) M$"DG4D to (ripture
En(er"tions in the odern ,"tho%ic *ersions "nd the o%der Do("'GRheis &ersion "re identic"% (n%ess noted1 9hen di!!erent0 the
Do("' is (s("%%' the second entr' in $"renthesis1 The Douay is the !irst =and only? entry #hen !ollo#ed by =d7rDonly?. In these
ases there is missing te0t in the modern versions. The @dGrA not"tion "%w"'s e"ns The Poem $re!ers the o%der Do("'GRheis
rendition1 The Poem0 with !ew e:ce$tions0 s(bst"nti"tes the Do("' @O1T1A "nd the Rheis @N1T1A tr"ns%"tion where there "re not"b%e

di!!erences1 This not"tion wi%% be !o(nd "!ter 66 o! the 86C entries in this inde:0 re$resenting 28 s$eci!ic te:ts1
/ook Atr"ns%"tions' !ro odern to the o%der Do("' &ersion: )0 )) S"(e% Q )0 )) -ingsE )0 )) -ings Q )))0 )& -ingsE )0 )) ,hronic%es Q
)0)) P"r"%i$oenonE EIr" Q ) Esdr"sE Nehei"h Q )) EIdr"sE Song o! So%oon Q ,"ntic%e o! ,"ntic%esE Ob"di"h Q Abdi"sE Oe$h"ni"h Q
So$honi"sE H"gg"i Q Agge(s
&olume I
27 9isdo 4:5
23 Pro*erbs 3:24#28
9isdo 4
9isdo 2>
9isdo 2C
24 9isdo 6:53
52 Genesis C:23 @dGr#on%'A
55 Genesis 54:22
Tobit 2C:2
Tobit 2C:2C#24 @dGrA
5F Pro*erbs 4:55#C2
CF Pro*erbs 8:7
C4 ) -ings 4
D"nie% 8:5>#56
C8 D"nie% 8:57
)s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
7> Song o! So%oon F:4 @6A
72 Sir"ch 2:2
75 Sir"ch 2:3
)s"i"h F:F#22
77 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
74 Sir"ch 7:22#24@dGrA @25#52A
78 Sir"ch 7:2C @dGrA @25A
3C Genesis 2:54
Tobit 4:7#4
D"nie% 8:27
37 D"nie% 8:57
)s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
33 )s"i"h 3C:3
38 N(bers CF:F#2>
F8 Song o! So%oon 7:25
6> Tobit 6:25#27 @dGrA @2302FA
62 Pro*erbs 4
65 Le*itic(s 52:5C
4> )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
45 Genesis 2
Genesis 5
44 Genesis C:23 @dGrA
2>3 )s"i"h 3C:C
E:od(s 25:52
N(bers 52:8
223 Genesis C:2F
252 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
2C2 Mic"h 3:2
277 Genesis C:23 @dGrA
2F3 Genesis 4:52
265 Mic"h 3:2
24F Genesis 5:57
Genesis 26:23
Genesis 28:3
R(th 7:2>
) S"(e% 2:5028
) S"(e% 5:5>
)) S"(e% 2:5F0 56
Tobit 2:22 @25A
Tobit 2:52 @dGrA @5CA
52> E:od(s 5>:2>
522 )) -ings 55:2>#2C
523 D"nie% 8 57#56
N(bers 57:26
+erei"h C2:23
52F +erei"h C2:23
)) -ings 5:22
E:od(s 27:52055
)s"i"h 7>:2#3
526 D"nie% 8:53#56
H"gg"i 5:8 @2>A
524 Oech"ri"h 8:8
M"%"chi C:2
+on"h 5
+on"h C
557 Ps"% 2F:6#22 @23:A
553 Ps"% 47:2#8 @4C:5#2>A
Ps"% 43:22#2C @47:25#27A
Ps"% 2C5:2#26 @2C2:A
55F Ps"% 225:208 @222:A
Ps"% 82:2#2C @8>:A
5F7 +erei"h 6:C#6
5FF Mic"h F:4
567 De(terono' 3
De(terono' F
Genesis 54:2>#55
Nehei"h 2>:C2
Nehei"h 2C:23#5C
56F Ps"% 82:2#C @8>:A
544 De(terono' 2F:24#5>
De(terono' 24:205
De(terono' 5C:2805>
C23 +osh(" 6:2C
C2F )) M"cc"bees F:2C027
C26 )s"i"h 7>:22
Mic"h 3:2
C54 Le*itic(s 28:25
CC4 Song o! So% F:50C @205A
C32 Mic"h 3:205
C35 +erei"h 5C:C
De(terono' 3:26
C3C De(terono' C5:72
C33 De(terono' 3:26
Ecc%esi"stes 2:5
Ecc%esi"stes 25:2C
C62 ) M"cc"bees
)) M"cc"bees
C63 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
C6F N(bers 57:26
)s"i"h 22:2
)s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
C66 )s"i"h 8:5
+erei"h 2C:23
C4> )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
C4F Genesis C:23#24 @dGrA
C46 Genesis C3:2805>
+erei"h C2:23
Mic"h 3:2
Genesis C:23 @dGrA
723 )s"i"h 8:30F
72F ) ,hronic%es 58:2
728 N(bers 28:22
7C8 Le*itic(s 28:24
744 Genesis 7:4#25
784 Ps"% 32:2#22@3>:C#2CA
)) S"(e% 22
)) S"(e% 25
+(dges 2C#2F
358 Tobit F
Tobit 8
Tobit 25
333 E:od(s 5>:27
Genesis 2F:2
Genesis C>:2#70 55#57
) S"(e% 2:3#6
+(dges 2C:5057
) S"(e% 2:28#5>
Genesis 52:2#C
33F Genesis 5
3F7 )s"i"h F2:2
3F3 ) -ings 26:8
36C De(terono' F:2C
367 )s"i"h 22:2
363 De(terono' F:7
Le*itic(s 28:24
N(bers F:57#5F
38F Genesis 54:25
386 )s"i"h FC:2#7
Ps"% 55:2F @52:26A
F2> Ps"% 22>:7 @2>8:A
F53 N(bers 52:8
FC6 N(bers 57:26
FC8 E:od(s 28
De(terono' 3:F
F7> De(terono' 2C:3
F77 De(terono' 3:6#2>
F35 De(terono' 3:22
F3C Genesis C
FF> Le*itic(s 28:24
FF2 De(terono' 3:2F
FF3 De(terono' 3:24
FFF Le*itic(s 24:5505C
F62 Pro*erbs 28:2C
F66 De(terono' 3:25#23
F4> De(terono' 3:26
F8> De(terono' F:2F
F82 Le*itic(s 2>:5
F83 De(terono' 3:52
6>> )) -ings 3:2#28
6>6 De(terono' 3:5>
6>4 Pro*erbs F:25#28
62> De(terono' 3:28052
Genesis 5
Genesis C
Genesis 7
N(bers 25
625 ) M"cc"bees 7:77#32
62C De(terono' 3
De(terono' F
Le*itic(s 28:24
E:od(s 5>
627 ) M"cc"bees 7:73
E:od(s C5
) -ings 2
) M"cc"bees 22
N(bers C:7
E:od(s 2F:2805>
)) S"(e% 2C
)) S"(e% 22E5
)) M"cc"bees C:57#7>
)) M"cc"bees 7:5C#53
623 Ps"% 32 @3>A
Ps"% 2C> @258A
62F )s"i"h F2
657 E:od(s 26:22#25
653 D"nie% C
6C3 +ob C#C5
6C6 Song o! So%oon C:2
67> Esther 3
67C Genesis 7:7
673 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
674 Nehei"h 8:30F
6F7 Genesis C
6F3 Genesis 7:2302F
Genesis F#8
6FF De(terono' 57
&olume II
2C Genesis 5F:52
26 EIekie% 5:2#4
)s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
Mic"h 3:2
24 EIekie% 24:7#C>
5> EIekie% 5C
55 EIekie% C6:23#54
5C /"r(ch 2F#24
/"r(ch 57#5F
57 /"r(ch C:2#3
53 Ecc%esi"stes 22:7
5F Sir"ch C3:2#7 @2#FA
C4 Genesis55:2#C
32 H"gg"i 5:22#27@25#23A
35 H"gg"i 5:23#24 @2F#28A
3C )s"i"h 22:2#7
E:od(s 6:25
3F ) S"(e% 2:5
36 N(bers F
FC +(dith 2>#2C
+(dith 7
)) M"cc"bees 6
F8 +osh(" 57:2#52
6> +osh(" 57:55#54
48 ) S"(e% 2C:4#23
86 E:od(s 57:7
+osh(" 7:2#8028#57@53A
)) ,hronic%es 58:C#54
2>2 9isdo 8
2>7 )s"i"h F:F#4
2CC E:od(s 28
2C8 E:od(s 52:57
De(terono' 28:52
27F E:od(s 5>:2C
276 De(terono' 3:5>
De(terono' 5C:52#5C
23F N(bers F:57#5F
267 De(terono' 3:24
266 De(terono' 3:24
264 Le*itic(s 52:26#52
Genesis ):54
Genesis 5:5C057
De(terono' 57:2#7
24F Genesis 6
+on"h 5:2#2> @5#22A

Genesis 72
+(dith 2C:3#6
D"nie% 6#25
246 D"nie% C
28> )s"i"h 8:5
)s"i"h 22:25
)s"i"h F>:F#25
5>5 De(terono' F:7
5>C Genesis 2:56
5>7 )s"i"h F:2>
52C D"nie% 6#25
5C3 De(terono' 27:C#4
57C ) S"(e% 54:6#53
576 ) S"(e% 26:7>#37
) S"(e% 57:2#4 @5#8A
) S"(e% 5F:2#25
574 Genesis C:F#57
) S"(e% 54:23#28
Genesis C:6
5F> ) ,hronic%es 7:802>
5F3 ) -ings 24:5>#7>
567 Genesis 54:2>#55
56F E:od(s 5>:4#22
566 E:od(s 25:2#27
)s"i"h 35:22#3C:22
Ps"% 55 @52A
D"nie% 8:5F# 2>:52
E:od(s 5>:2#26
542 Ps"% 25>#2C7 @228#2CCA
Ps"% 255:2 @252:A
547 Genesis 2:56#C2
Genesis 5:5C
543 Genesis 5:57
C>3 )s"i"h 22:2#7
)s"i"h 53:4
)s"i"h 33:2
C26 E:od(s 55:55
C57 De(terono' F:3
Le*itic(s 28:24
C7> Sir"ch C:2F @24A
C76 Tobit 25:6
C74 Esther 5:26
C37 N(bers F:57#5F
C38 Song o! So%oon 7:7
CF2 Mic"h 3:5
CFC Song o! So%oon 5:C#3
Genesis C:23
CF8 Song o! So%oon 7:25#2F
CF8 Ecc%esi"stes 2:50C
C6C )) M"cc"bees 25:C4#73 @7FA
C64 R(th 2:4#57
C68 R(th 2:5>
R(th 7:270 24#55
C45 Genesis 53:8
Genesis 7:4
C44 +osh(" 52:2#F
+osh(" 52:2C
C48 /"r(ch F:C#65 @5#62A
C82 De(terono' 5C:2
C8F +erei"h 5:5C#56
E:od(s C5:23#57
E:od(s CC
E:od(s C7
C86 +erei"h 5:C5
C88 ) ,hronic%es 2>
)) M"cc"bees 7
7>> )) ,hronic%es C:2
)) M"cc"bees 7
7>2 )) M"cc"bees 7:C4
Genesis 7:2>022
7>8 +osh(" 52:58
+osh(" 8
+osh(" 2>
) S"(e% F:2C#28
+(dges 2C#23
) S"(e% 26:2
+osh(" 2>:30F
) S"(e% 26:7
) S"(e% 52:2>#23
752 ) S"(e% 52:2#F
7CC +erei"h 76:5
7C6 Oech"ri"h 8:2#3
Oe$h"ni"h 5:3#6
732 ) S"(e% F
733 ) M"cc"bees 8:28
)) M"cc"bees 2#6
76F Ps"% 228:22F @224:A
74C Tobit 2#27
Tobit 25:4#25
E:od(s 55:55
E:od(s 5
3>C Ps"% 4F:23 @43:A
Ps"% 2>C:4 @2>5:A
Ps"% 273:4 @274:A
32> Genesis 5:5
323 )s"i"h 2>:3#5F
D"nie% 2>:25
378 +ob 25:604
+ob 22:26024
3F> Genesis 2
3FF )) ,hronic%es 4:22
Genesis 5:5C
EIr" 2>:2>
De(terono' 6:C
3F4 Le*itic(s 27
3F8 +(dges 8:6#2F
362 Le*itic(s 52:2
346 N(bers 3:22#C2
F>> )) M"cc"bees 2:24#CF
F>F ) -ings 26:8#57
F23 N(bers 2C:52#57 @55#53A
F24 ) -ings 28:27
F5> ) M"cc"bees 6
F58 )s"i"h C3:5
FC7 De(terono' 5C:2302F
FC3 )) -ings 5:22
FCF Esther 2:2#4
FC4 )s"i"h 7C:4
FC8 N(bers 52:408
F74 ) -ings 24:5>#7>
)) -ings 5:22
F78 )s"i"h 3C:C
F3> ) -ings 2C
)) -ings 5:6#24
) -ings 28:28#52
) -ings 55:3C
F3C Le*itic(s 4:2>#25
) S"(e% 2>:2
) S"(e% 2F:2C
F37 ) -ings 26:52#57
Tobit C:6#26 @dGrA @6#53A
FF3 )s"i"h 2F:2
)s"i"h 3C:6
F6F Genesis C
E:od(s 5:3#2>
Le*itic(s 23:28#CC
F66 Genesis 6
Genesis 28:5C#53
F68 ) S"(e% 5C:28#54
E:od(s 5>:6
F4F ) S"(e% 2F:22
F8C Genesis C
F86 )) S"(e% 57:2F#5C
6>> 9isdo 5:22@dGrA
9isdo 25:2F
6>3 )s"i"h 7>:2#3
6>F M"%"chi C:2
6>8 Genesis C:28
653 +on"h 50C
65F ) -ings 2>:2#2C
658 Ecc%esi"stes 2:5024
67> Song o! So%oon C:2#7
63F De(terono' F:3
Le*itic(s 28:24
E:od(s 2F
6F> )s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
Ps"% 55 @52A
&olume III
4 De(terono' 2>:26
26 Le*itic(s 28:24
24 Le*itic(s 28:26
5F De(terono' F:3
C8 De(terono' F:7
Le*itic(s 28:24
72 )s"i"h 7>:22
F8 Genesis 2#22
66 E:od(s 5>:2#26
83 +on"h 5
2>7 )s"i"h FC:2#7
)s"i"h F:2>
)s"i"h 8
2>3 )s"i"h F>:F
22C Nehei"h 4:2
227 De(terono' F:7
Le*itic(s 28:24
E:od(s 26:4#2F
223 Nehei"h 4:802>
22F Nehei"h 8
257 )) -ings 24:2C#C6
27C De(terono' 3:2F
277 )s"i"h 58:2C
2F> De(terono' 55:F
2F2 Ps"% 73 @77A
55> Genesis 7
552 ) -ings 24:C4
53C )s"i"h 35
537 )s"i"h 35
536 )s"i"h 35
534 )s"i"h 35:22
538 )s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
5F2 N(bers F:57#5F
5F5 )s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
567 Genesis 7
CCF )) S"(e% 57:55#53
C33 E:od(s 27:23#5C
N(bers 52:408026024
CF> +osh(" 5>:6
CF2 H"b"kk(k 2:5#7
CF5 H"b"kk(k 2:3
CF3 H"b"kk(k 2:25
CFF H"b"kk(k 5:C070F @dGrA
H"b"kk(k 5:8025028
CF6 H"b"kk(k C
C6F +on"h 205
) -ings 2>:2#C
C47 Song o! So%oon 5:2>#27
C43 ) S"(e% 205
7>5 Pro*erbs 4:55#C2
7>C )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
7>7 Song o! So%oon 3:2
Song o! So%oon F:50C
Song o! So%oon 7:2022025
Song o! So%oon 4:F06
7>3 +erei"h C2:55
)s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
772 Genesis C:28
775 E:od(s 2F:703027
Sir"ch 73:2#3
773 )s"i"h 37:2C
732 ) -ings 25:54
Nehei"h 2C:27055
7F3 EIr" 8:F06
7FF Genesis 2:5F
Genesis 5:57
De(terono' 57:2#7
74> )s"i"h 78:5
)s"i"h 32:2F
+ob 75
786 )s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
32> Genesis 78: 5305F
N(bers F:57#5F
355 Genesis C6:25#CF
356 Genesis C:4#2>
3C6 Ps"% 32:C @3>:3A
3F> Le*itic(s 27:CC#36
385 De(terono' 23:22
De(terono' 57:27
Sir"ch 4:F#8 @6#2>A
Sir"ch C5:8 @dGrA @2CA
38C +(dith
) -ings 205
387 Sir"ch C7:24#55 @52#56A
)s"i"h FF:C
+erei"h 55:2C#26
Pro*erbs 52:2C
E:od(s 52:26
F>F Le*itic(s 57:23
F53 Genesis C:52
FC> N(bers F:57#5F
FC2 ) M"cc"bees 8:2#24
FC7 ) -ings 26:5#F
FC3 Song o! So%oon 4:F
F75 Genesis 7:2#2F
Genesis 28:2#58
Genesis 5:2F026
F77 De(terono' 2>:2F
F73 )) -ings 5:52
De(terono' 3:24
F32 Ps"% C2 @C>A
)s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
Ps"% 55:23 @52:2FA
F36 Ps"% 2CC:2 @2C5:A
Genesis 7:23
F34 Sir"ch 75:22
F6C Genesis 7:4#2F
F63 +osh(" C:2#7
E:od(s 27:23#5C
+osh(" 7:27#24
F6F De(terono' F:27#2F
+osh(" 7:2#8
F64 ) M"cc"bees 5:56#C2
F47 ) S"(e% 57
)) ,hronic%es 5>:5#26
Song o! So% 2:2C027 @2502CA

EIekie% 76:2>
Song o! So%oon 7:25
F44 Ps"% 7> @C8A
F84 ) M"cc"bees
6>6 ) M"cc"bees 3:2402803F#F2
) S"(e% 2F:2#2C
) S"(e% 23:2>#5C
622 )s"i"h 35:2C#3C#25
Ps"% 55 @52A
Ps"% C2 @C>A
625 Genesis 7:2#2F
623 )s"i"h FF:2
626 )s"i"h FF:3#22
624 )s"i"h FF:25#2F
652 Ps"% 67 @6CA
) M"cc"bees
653 )s"i"h 7C:2#2C
65F )s"i"h 7C:27#57
6C6 De(terono' F:3
6C8 Genesis 53:58#C7
67> Genesis 20C
672 ) -ings 52:2#7
675 Le*itic(s 5F:27#7F @27#73A
N(bers 2F
67C ) -ings 52:56#58
678 Ps"% 26:4 @2F:A
Ps"% 82:7 @8>:A
63F ) M"cc"bees C:C4#7:23
634 ) M"cc"bees 7:2F#53
6F> N(bers F:57#5F
687 De(terono' 57:28#55
4>5 Song o! So%oon 70F06
4>3 +erei"h 24028
4>F ) M"cc"bees 5:5C#5F
) M"cc"bees 5:C8#74
4>6 +erei"h 57
4>4 E:od(s 25:2#27
4>8 Genesis 7:4#2F
EIekie% 8:7#F
422 E:od(s 5>:7
De(terono' 7:23#24
425 De(terono' 56:23
Esther 3:2#3
42C Oe$h"ni"h C:7
Ps"% 55 @52A
)s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
Oe$h"ni"h C:4
427 De(terono' 56:23
De(terono' 56:57053
428 E:od(s 5>
&olume I&
58 Le*itic(s 52:2F#57
C4 Genesis 5:24
Genesis C:23 @dGrA
77 9isdo 7:5#7
Pro*erbs 3:5505C
73 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
84 De(terono' 55:2#7
De(terono' 55:F
2>3 +erei"h CF
2>F )s"i"h 34:2#6
Oech"ri"h 22:7#22
2>6 +on"h 5
) ,hronic%es 7:8#2>
22> Song o! So%oon 4:22025
Song o! So%oon 3:5
257 Genesis 58#C3
+(dges 22:C7#7>
) S"(e% 205
253 R(th
Tobit 2
D"nie% 2C
N(bers 57:26
E:od(s 25028
E:od(s 2C:22#2F
25F )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
)s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
)s"i"h 3C:7 @dGrA
Ps"% 55:6 @dGrA @52:4A
2C4 Pro*erbs C2:2>#C2
+(dges 7:26#55
)) M"cc"bees 6
2F5 Ps"% 2520255 @25>0252A
24C )) -ings 28:5>#C6
) ,hronic%es 54:C#6
) ,hronic%es 58:2>#28
247 +erei"h 3
522 ) S"(e% 4:3#6
525 Genesis 5:5C
524 Ps"% 23:2#3 @27:A
55> E:od(s 28:2F#5>:52
558 )s"i"h 33:2
Genesis 24:C5
5C3 ) -ings 28:22#24
573 )s"i"h 7>:2#3
57F )s"i"h 7>:F#4
576 )s"i"h F2
574 )s"i"h 3F:F06
533 Le*itic(s 5>:F
536 N(bers 5>
534 N(bers 5>:4
5F2 Ecc%esi"stes 3:7#F @C#3A
Pro*erbs 5>:2>
5F4 Pro*erbs 53:8
56> D"nie% 8:5F056
563 E:od(s 5>:50C
C>5 H"b"kk(k C:2C024
C>3 )s"i"h 75:2#6
C28 ) M"cc"bees 5:C8#74
C74 De(terono' 2F:28
+(dges 2C#2F
C34 N(bers F:57#5F
CF> )) -ings 8
Genesis 5:5C057
CF2 Genesis 5:5C057
De(terono' 3:2F
CF5 +(dith
CFC )s"i"h 27:53#56
)s"i"h 26:2
+erei"h 78:56
CF7 EIekie% CF:4#57
Ps"% 48:5>#56 @44:52#54A
Ps"% 65:3#22 @62:F#25A
Ps"% 55 @52A
)s"i"h 3C
)s"i"h FC:2#7
Ps"% F8 @F4A
C67 De(terono' 3:24052
E:od(s 52:57
De(terono' 28:52
C63 De(terono' 3:26024
Le*itic(s 5>:2#3E 57:27
N(bers 23:C3
De(terono' 52:52
De(terono' 24:23#5>
7>> Ps"% 227 @22C":A
727 E:od(s 24:2C#56
726 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
)s"i"h 8:F06
752 +(dges 703
)) -ings 8:26
753 E:od(s 52:57
De(terono' 28:52
7CC N(bers 57:26
Genesis C:23 @dGrA
7C4 N(bers 57:26
775 N(bers 57:26
) -ings 2C:503
N(bers 55:52#CC
77C N(bers 22:5F#C>
73F D"nie% 8:5>#56
736 ) S"(e% 5:2#2>05>
7F3 Ps"% 5:6
7FF De(terono' C5:7C
Ps"% 22>:2 @2>8:A
7F6 Ps"% 22>:7 @2>8:A
7F4 )s"i"h F:4
78> EIekie% 4:2#24
EIekie% 4:7#F
EIekie% C6
782 EIekie% 76:2#25
785 )s"i"h 33:2
788 ) S"(e% 55:5>
) -ings 2:3#8
) -ings 2:72#3C
3>2 E:od(s 5>:2#26
3>5 De(terono' 55:55#57
322 N(bers F:57#5F
328 De(terono' C5:74#35
35C E:od(s C5
353 N(bers 52:52#C3
356 De(terono' C5:74#35
358 E:od(s 52:57
De(terono' 28:52
3C7 Ps"% 32:2F026 @3>:24028A
374 ) S"(e% 54:C#5>
)) -ings 2:2#702F
Le*itic(s 28:5F0C2
378 Le*itic(s 5>:F
E:od(s 5>:5C
E:od(s C7:26
)) -ings 2:2#702F
335 D"nie% 3
3F2 +osh(" 2>:25#27
3F5 De(terono' 2F:24#5>
3F3 Genesis 2
3FF E:od(s C7:58#C3
3F6 EIekie% 2:5F#54
D"nie% 6:8#2>
De(terono' 26:F
36C +erei"h 703
367 Genesis 7:4#25
Genesis 2F052
36F Genesis 2502C
Genesis 24055
348 )) M"cc"bees 7:C>#C3
385 Genesis 26:8#27
F>> )) M"cc"bees 7
F>C ) -ings 26:8#57
F>6 Genesis C:2F
Genesis C:23 @dGrA
Tobit 2C
F>4 Tobit 2C:2C#24 @dGr#on%'A
F27 D"nie% 8:5>#56E 25:6#2>
)s"i"h 54:22#2C
F23 )s"i"h 54:23#5>
F5> /"r(ch C:8#2C
/"r(ch C:5>
F52 /"r(ch C:56
F57 Genesis 26:2
F58 +osh(" 2>:2>022
FC> ) M"cc"bees C:27#57
Hose" 2
Hose" 5:2#C
FC2 Hose" 5:27#24
F7> De(terono' F:3
+osh(" 802>
Le*itic(s 28:24
) -ings C:7#23
F75 9isdo 6#8
9isdo 8:3
) -ings C:2>#23
F7F Sir"ch C>:604
F3C )s"i"h 22:2#25
EIekie% C7
FFC )s"i"h 5:55
FFF )s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
FF6 ) S"(e% 5:25#7:24
F62 )s"i"h 38:2
F4> +osh(" 2>:25#27
6>5 N(bers 25
+(dges 703
+(dith 25
6>C Genesis C:2#23
Genesis C:23 @dGrA
)s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
)s"i"h 22:205
62C Ps"% 2>>:2#C @88:A
6C7 Song o! So%oon 3:5
66> EIekie% C6:7#27
66C De(terono' F:3
Le*itic(s 28:24
667 EIekie% 76:2#25
64F )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
4>C Ps"% 45:F @42:A
Le*itic(s 57:2>#5C
&olume &
5> +ob 75:2>#26
+on"h 5
D"nie% C
55 Pro*erbs C2:F
+ob 205
Sir"ch 8:2> @dGr#on%'A
D"nie% 2C:5C
5C +(dith 4:3
+(dith 23:802>
36 Genesis 5:5#6
6> E:od(s 27:2F#5C
N(bers 5>:6#22
+osh(" 2>:25#27
) -ings 26:8#57
) -ings 24:72#7F
Pro*erbs F:2F#28
Sir"ch 57:4#C7
62 Sir"ch 57:5F#C2 @dGr#on%'A
Sir"ch 57:C2#C4 @dGr#on%'A
Sir"ch 57:72#76 @dGr#on%'A
4> Genesis 74078
86 N(bers 57:26
2>> De(terono' CC:2C#26
222 )) -ings C:8#5>
225 )) -ings 7:24#C6
22C )) -ings 7:C4#72
227 Genesis 50C
25C +ob 2:52

257 D"nie% C:36#8> @dGrA
253 Ps"% 32:2F026 @3>:24028A
25F E:od(s 55:58#C>
254 Sir"ch 3>:5305F @56054 dGrA
2C> EIr" 2#F
2C2 EIr" C:22#2C
Ps"% 256:2#7
2CC Ps"% 25>#2C7 @228#2CCA
Ps"% 25F:2#F
2C6 E:od(s 55:55#57
27> )) S"(e% 3:F#2>
232 De(terono' C
+osh(" F#4
2F5 Pro*erbs C:58
Pro*erbs 56:2>
De(terono' 3:25
+(dith 4#2C
2FC Pro*erbs C:58
2F7 )s"i"h 3C:C
Ps"% 55 @52A
)s"i"h 3C:7 @dGrA
Ps"% 55:6 @dGrA 52:4
2F3 Genesis 7:23
)s"i"h 3C:25
2FF ) S"(e% 5:F#4
24F +osh(" 8:C#56
28> )s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
Ps"% 55 @52A
Ps"% F8 @F4A
5>5 De(terono' F:3
Le*itic(s 28:24
5>4 N(bers 8:2>#27
52> D"nie% 8:57
Ps"% 4:F @6A
)s"i"h F5:2#C
528 Genesis C3:2F#5>
554 N(bers 2F:2#2F
5C> Tobit 25:6
577 ) S"(e% 20507
53C Genesis 7:2#F
53F De(terono' F:2F
538 )s"i"h 4:27023
56> Ps"% 5C @55A
54> Genesis 7
C>C )s"i"h 2:24
C>7 +ob 56:3#4
C>3 Hose" F:7
+erei"h 5C:30F
Aos 8:22
+erei"h CC:26
Oech"ri"h 2C:6#8
Oech"ri"h 22:2>#27
C>6 EIekie% 2F
C>8 Ps"% 72:8 @7>:2>A
C33 Genesis 8:22
C63 Genesis C:23 @dGrA
C45 ) M"cc"bees C#25
E:od(s 25:58#C7
Genesis 55
Genesis 7:2#2F
)s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
Ps"% 55 @52A
Oech"ri"h 22:2502C
C4C +(dges 7:26#55
+(dith 4#2C
+(dges 22:58#7>
) S"(e% 26:C4#37
Le*itic(s 5F27#7F @27#73A
C43 Oech"ri"h 22:25
C44 E:od(s 25:2#27
C48 Genesis 7:2#2F
E:od(s 25:3
)s"i"h 3C:7 @dGrA
Ps"% 55:6 @dGrA 52:4
C8> E:od(s 25:6
E:od(s 2C
Oech"ri"h 8:8
)s"i"h 75:2#6
C8C Song o! So%oon 5:27
7>> )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
7>5 )s"i"h 3F:6
+erei"h 6:205
7>C Ps"% 4:5 @CA
7>6 )s"i"h 4:22#23
7>4 Oech"ri"h C:8#7:2>
)s"i"h 22:23
723 Ps"% 73 @77A
728 Hose" 8:F
75> Ps"% 224:55 @226:A
752 De(terono' 3:2F
757 Hose" F:5
D"nie% 6025
756 Genesis C0F08
7C5 E:od(s 7:3
7C3 )s"i"h 73:5C
)s"i"h 78:5#7
7C6 De(terono' F:3
Le*itic(s 28:24
7C4 Ps"% 32:2F026 @3>:24028A
Ps"% 22>:2 @2>8:A
772 De(terono' F:3
775 Le*itic(s 28:24
77C EIr" 2#F
) M"cc"bees 2
776 Genesis C:23 @dGrA
)s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
778 Ps"% 224:5F @226:A
738 D"nie% 8:5>#56
7FC D"nie% 8:5>#56
7FF Genesis 6:22#5C
762 Ps"% 55:6 @dGrA 52:4
)s"i"h 3>:F
Ps"% 55:25#27 @52:2C#23A
)s"i"h FC:2#7
765 Ps"% 55:24 @52:28
)s"i"h 35:2C#3C#25
)s"i"h 3C:7 @dGrA
Ps"% 55:6 @dGrA 52:4
764 )s"i"h 22:2#25
768 )s"i"h 7>:2>022
)s"i"h 75:2#6
)s"i"h F2:2#C
EIekie% C7:22#2F
)s"i"h 8:F
Oech"ri"h 8:802>
D"nie% 8:5>#56
)s"i"h FC:2#7
74> )s"i"h 3>:F
)s"i"h 3C:5#6
)s"i"h 3C:7 @dGrA
Ps"% 55:6
EIekie% 76:2#25
)s"i"h 33:2
743 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
Mic"h 3:205
78C ) M"cc"bees C:2
786 E:od(s 25:56
E:od(s 22025
Ps"% 227:205 @22C":A
Ps"% 22C:2#C @225:A
3>5 Genesis 78:408
Ps"% 22F:2#23 @227:2#
3>C Ps"% 226:205 @22F:A
Ps"% 224:2#5F @226:A
3>7 Ps"% 72:8 @7>:2>A
Ps"% 22F:2> @223:A
Ps"% 228 @224A
3>4 +osh(" 2>:25#27
3>8 +(dith 4#2C
323 Ps"% F8:7 @F4:3A
326 Genesis C:2#6
35> )s"i"h 3C:7 @dGrA
Ps"% 55:6 @dGrA 52:4
352 )s"i"h 3C:7 @dGrA
Ps"% 55:6 @dGrA 52:4
355 Song o! So%oon 5:25
357 ) M"cc"bees F:7C#76
358 )s"i"h 3C:7 @dGrA
Ps"% 55:6 @dGrA 52:4
377 Genesis C:2#6
Genesis 2:5F056
Genesis C:24
36> Genesis 53:58#C7
362 )s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
36F Genesis 7:4
347 Genesis 7:4
343 Genesis 5:5>#57
Genesis C
34F Genesis 7:2#2F
348 Genesis 7:2302F
Genesis 7:5305F
38F Nehei"h C:C2 @dGrA @C>A
F>2 )s"i"h 3C:7 @dGrA
Ps"% 55:6 @dGrA 52:4
F>6 Ps"% 73:5 @77:CA
Song o! So%oon 3:2>#2F
)s"i"h 3C:7 @dGrA
Ps"% 55:6 @dGrA 52:4
F53 )s"i"h 3C:30F
FC5 Genesis 5:4#26
FC3 Ps"% 55 @52A
)s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
FC4 Genesis C:23 @dGrA
F7> Song o! So%oon 5:2>027
F7F Genesis C:23 @dGrA
F35 )) M"cc"bees 6
F38 Ps"% 55:2
Genesis 7:4#25
F6> +(dith 2C:7#2> @7#25A
F8> Genesis 3
6C5 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
)s"i"h 8:F
Ps"% 22>:2 @2>8:A
)s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
Ps"% 55 @52A
+on"h 5
E:od(s 22025
D"nie% 8:5F056
6CF )s"i"h F:F#4
6C4 E:od(s C7:58#C3
Ps"% 5C:2#C @55:A
6F2 Ps"% 22>:2 @2>8:A
6FC E:od(s 28:2F
E:od(s 53:2>#55
E:od(s C>:2#2>
E:od(s C6:2#8
E:od(s C6:53#58
66F Genesis 7
687 Genesis 7:2#2F
4>2 +on"h 5
4>7 Ps"% 7>:2 @C8:5A
Ps"% C2:3 @C>:FA
4>F Ps"% 4:5 @CA
422 Tobit 3#25
425 )) S"(e% 22025
45> ) -ings 26:8#57
4C6 D"nie% 27:5C#75 @55#72A
472 Genesis 2#C
47C N(bers 4:F06
N(bers 28:26#55
EIekie% 76:2#25
Genesis 2:5F056
Genesis 5:6
477 E:od(s 58:2#C3
476 D"nie% 8:5F056
D"nie% 22:C2
D"nie% 25:22
474 EIekie% 802>
435 +erei"h 25:27#2F
43C Genesis 25:2#53
4F> Tobit 25:6
4F8 )s"i"h 73:27#53
+erei"h 2F:28#52
Mic"h 7:2#4
46> Genesis 55:23#24
46C 9isdo 5:57 @57053A
464 Ps"% 223:205 @22Cb:A
44> Oech"ri"h 22:2502C
Ps"% F8:53 @F4:5FA
Genesis 23:2
Ps"% 2>8:4 @2>4:8A
443 Genesis C:23 @dGrA
483 N(bers 8:23
De(terono' 2:58#CC
Nehei"h 8:24#52
N(bers 26
+osh(" C:27#26
48F Genesis C:23 @dGrA
8>4 D"nie% 8:5>#56
822 Genesis 5:4
Genesis C:2#6
85C )) -ings 5:22
Sir"ch 74:2#2>
854 Genesis 5:6
858 Le*itic(s 2F
8C2 Tobit 2C:22#24 @dGr#on%'A
De(terono' 3:C5#2C
Le*itic(s 28:23#24
8C5 Ps"% 228 @224A
Ps"% 75:2#7 @72:5#3A
Ps"% C8:2#6 @C4:5#4A
Ps"% 5C @55A
Ps"% 2
Tobit 2C
Sir"ch 57:22#7F @dGr#
8CC Song o! So%oon 5:2
872 Genesis 3:24#57
)) -ings 5:22
87F Genesis C:23 @dGrA
878 +erei"h C5:56
Genesis 24:27
832 D"nie% C:5C#56

3$5)(TI"I$" $G%IC>5T>%$5 $"D C5IM$TIC C$5)"D$%
M&Hs reg(%"r descri$tions o! the c%i"ctic "nd "gric(%t(r"% conditions which she obser*ed0 "cc(r"te%' coincides with
the d"ting o! e"ch o! the F76 ch"$ters o! The Poem deterined b' co$%ete%' inde$endent d"t" s(ch "s Fe"st d"'s "nd
oon c'c%es "!ter or be!ore these e*ents1 The in!or"tion gi*en b' M& "%so is consistent with the (ni;(e c%i"te
di!!erences between the %ower +ord"n *"%%e'0 in +(de"0 the "re" s(rro(nding the Se" o! G"%i%ee0 the higher e%e*"tions "nd the
Mediterr"ne"n Se" co"st "re"s1 E"ch +ewish onth begins with the New Moon "nd is 585 d"'s %ong1 E*er' three 'e"rs0
c"%%ed "n ebo%isic 'e"r0 " thirteenth onth w"s "dded to reconci%e with the so%"r 'e"r1 This di!!erence in the so%"r "nd
%(n"r onth e:$%"ins wh' " +ewish onth o*er " three 'e"r $eriod c"n *"r' in re%"tion to o(r c"%end"r "s (ch "s "n entire
$:I: 7 "I($" M"rch#A$ri% Fe"st o! .n%e"*ened bre"d /"r%e' h"r*est begins0 whe"t
coing into e"r0
(pring P"sso*er "nd First Fr(its <L"tter= r"ins
9inds: so(th0 soeties
UIF 7 I.$% A$ri%#M"' <Second= or <Litt%e= P"sso*er Princi$%e h"r*est onth0 "$ricot
"nd whe"t ri$en0 %itt%e or no r"in1
9inds: so(th
(I&$" M"'#+(ne Fe"st o! Pentecost or 9eeks 9he"t h"r*est begins on
($%"nds0 "%onds ri$en0 gr"$es
begin to ri$en0 hone' co%%ected in
+ord"n *"%%e'0 no r"in
9ind: N90 E "nd kh"seen
T$MM>U +(ne#+(%' 9he"t h"r*est0 *"rio(s
!r(its ri$en0 Hot "nd dr'0 he"*'
9ind: N90 E "nd kh"seen
$: 7 $& +(%'#A(g(st H"r*est: gr"$es0 !igs0 w"%n(ts0
o%i*es0 Hot "nd dr'0 he"*' dews
9ind: E
)5>5 A(g(st#Se$teber Fr(it "nd "iIe h"r*est conc%(des0
cotton "nd $oegr"n"tes ri$en0
sti%% hot0 (ch %ightening0 %itt%e
9ind: NE
)TH$"IM 7 TI(%I Se$teber#October Fe"st o! Tr($ets P%owing "nd sowing "s <e"r%'=
D"' o! Atoneent r"ins begin to %oosen soi%0 *er'
he"*' dews1
9ind: NE
:>5 7 H)(H&$" October#No*eber 9he"t "nd b"r%e' sown0 *int"ge in
N P"%estine0 rice "nd !ig h"r*est0
or"nge tree b%ossos in w"rer
+ord"n *"%%e'0 R"in' onth
9ind: N0 N90 NE0 S0 S9
CHI(5)& 7 OI(5)& No*eber#Deceber Fe"st o! Dedic"tion or Lights Other trees b"re b(t $"st(res begin
to t(rn green "g"in0 Three onths
o! winter r"ins begin1
T):)TH Deceber#+"n("r' F%ocks %e"*e high%"nds !or +ord"n
*"%%e'0 Or"nges ri$ening0 %ower
districts green with b"r%e'0
c(%ti*"tion !or other cro$s begin
,o%dest onth0 r"in0 snow "nd h"i%
on higher hi%%s0 soeties in
(H):$T +"n("r'#Febr("r' A%ond "nd $e"ch b%ossos in
she%tered %oc"%ities0 or"nges ri$e
$D$% Febr("r'#M"rch Gre"t Fe"st o! P(ri ,(%ti*"tion in +ord"n *"%%e' ends0
b"r%e' ri$ens0 th(nder "nd h"i%
!re;(ent0 beginning o! <%"tter=
r"ins critic"% !or cro$s "nd
$D$% (H)"I 7 &)D$% M"rch
This 2C
onth is "dded here "t the end o! the 'e"r -efore the !irst onth o! the re%igio(s new Ye"r @Nis"n0 the onth o!
P"sso*erA 6 ties e*er' 28 'e"rs @"$$ro:i"te%' e*er' C 'e"rsA @"n Ebo%isic 'e"rA to reconci%e the c"%end"r to the so%"r
'e"r1 The 'e"r !o%%owing the "ddition o! this onth wo(%d "ke e"ch o! the ne:t 25 Hebrew onths "$$ro:i"te%' onth
%"ter co$"red to o(r c"%end"r1 The !irst 'e"r o! o(r LordHs inistr' w"s s(ch " 2C %(n"r onth 'e"r @see )0$1F22A so the
P"sso*er @Nis"n 23A o! the !o%%owing 'e"r w"s in o(r A$ri% whi%e the $re*io(s 'e"rHs P"sso*er w"s in M"rch1
)n!or"tion "bo*e w"s t"ken !ro .ngerHs /ib%e Diction"r'0 Mood' Press0 $$1 2FC#2FF0 28F7
Here "re e:"$%es !ro K(st one 'e"r o! +es(sH inistr' o! the "gric(%t(r"% "nd c%i"ctic in!or"tion in The Poem th"t
corrobor"tes $er!ect%' with the d"ting o! this work1 Thro(gho(t The Poem, &"%tort" @who ne*er *isited the Ho%' L"ndA
"cc(r"te%' "ssigns the "gric(%t(r"% "nd c%i"ctic $henoen" she witnessed0 which is o!ten (ni;(e to P"%estine0 with the
"$$ro$ri"te c"%end"r $eriod which she o!ten identi!ies1
L"te M"rch: +es(s s"'s there wi%% on%' be s(nshine !or
onths )))G$1336
At beginning o! A$ri%: Fig trees were s"id to be st"rting
to o$en their %e"*es )))G$1386
Mid A$ri%: <the se"son is good0 dr' "nd i%d1=
End o! A$ri%: <,ro$s "re "t(ring r"$id%'= )))G$1F7F
Mid M"': <cro$s "re ri$e= )))G$16>80674
L"te M"': H"r*esting gr"ins )))G$163>0 scorching
s(n )))G$1635
L"te M"': H"r*est "%ost o*er in %ower $%"ins
L"te M"': H"r*est sti%% occ(rring in higher e%e*"tions
)))G$168C @The re*e%"tion w"s not gi*en in se;(encePA
E"r%' +(ne: He"*' dew )&G$15>
L"te +(ne: Gr"$es "re "t(ring )&G$148
L"te +(ne: Fr(its becoing $er!ect h(es o! "t(rit'0
O%i*es "nd gr"$es sti%% h"rd "nd (nri$e )&G$187
Mid +(%': Gr"$es "re ri$ening )&G$1257
A$ri% or Nis"n: R"in sti%% descended !ro he"*en
Mid#Se$teber: Sti%% hot )&G$15C2
Se$teber: A$$%e h"r*est )&G$1CC6
E"r%' No*eber: 9et we"ther )&G$1783
Mid No*eber: The r"in' se"son h"s coe )&G$133C
L"te No*eber: Trees "re b"re "nd the %"nd $%owed
L"te Deceber: P%owed !ie%ds0 "%re"d' sown !or s$ring
gerin"tion )&G$1653
Mid +"n("r': A%ond trees beginning to b%osso
First h"%! o! M"rch: Gr"in "bo(t to gi*e e"r &G$126F
PA() * )+, )-. P(./*0,1 0.20 34 56 78 9 5 78 34 the poe$ vol PA() * )+, )-. P(./*0,1 0.20 34 56 78 9 5 78 34 the poe$ vol
5 5
A%% in!or"tion in this work wi%% be !o(nd in one o! two !or"ts1
The !irst is the "e# Testament Gospel (ummary paragraph:
)n!or"tion !ro the New Test"ent in NT Gos$e% S("r' $"r"gr"$hs wi%% be !o(nd in reg(%"r $rint1
In!ormation e0lusively !rom The Poem in e*er' NT Gos$e% S("r' $"r"gr"$h wi%% be in bold print1
Scri$t(re %oc"tion in Poe
31 L M"' The /irth o! +ohn the /"$tist1
DDDD #### Lk 2:36034 #### *<7p.,,<
Hebron' early morning: E%iI"beth gi*es birth to +ohn the /"$tist0 a!ter a long and pain!ul night' that
ame ,* days short o! A months1
*<7p.,,+ D The :irth o! the :aptist. Poe ch"$ter n(berG$"ge "nd tit%e @&o%(e is noted in he"dersA
The second is " s("r' o! 3oem Chapters #hih ontain no "e# Testament
Gospel event:
5CbG223 # M"r' te%%s (s th"t the s"ncti!ic"tion o! the /"$tist in the wob o! E%iI"beth in her $resence0
reo*ing origin"% sin !ro hi0 did not c"nce% the c(rse o! E*e in E%iI"beth1
) Mch Q )arly M"rch :C Q /e!ore the /irth o! the Lord -+& Q -ing +"es &ersion
M Mch Q Mid M"rch $D Q A!ter the /irth o! the Lord
5 Mch Q 5ate M"rch M& Q M"ri" &"%tort"

P"ge 2
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5 5

The Poem Chapters7pages in :old 3rint ontains the "T Gospel episode
gives page #here the Gospel Te0t begins. *<7p.,,<
*<7p.,,+ gives the page !or the beginning o! the Chapter and inludes the Chapter Title.
This 3oem hapter only substantiates ertain !ats about the Gospel episode:
5CbG$1223 ,o$%ete%' E:tr"#bib%ic"% Gos$e% re*e%"tion1
31 L M"' New Test"ent Gos$e% E$isode n(ber0 D"te "nd Tit%e1


Gos$ E$isode S Gos$ Re!s V S("r' o! Gos$ E$isode with "e# In!ormation !rom The Poem 3oem Chapter7page
c D"te: [ S("ries o! E:tr"#/ib%ic"% Poe ,h"$ters: !or Gosp. %e!erene:
31 L M"' The /irth o! +ohn the /"$tist1
DDDD #### Lk 2:36034 #### *<7p.,,<
Hebron' early morning: E%iI"beth gi*es birth to +ohn the /"$tist0 a!ter a long and pain!ul night' that
ame ,* days short o! A months1
5CbG223 # M"r' te%%s (s th"t the s"ncti!ic"tion o! the /"$tist in the wob o! E%iI"beth in her $resence0
reo*ing origin"% sin !ro hi0 did not c"nce% the c(rse o! E*e in E%iI"beth1
*<7p.,,+ D The :irth o! the :aptist.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
5C1 M Mch M"r' "nd +ose$h Lose +es(s1
#### #### Lk 5:7C#77 #### @@,7p.**+?
M"r' "nd +ose$h "!ter " !(%% d"' on the ro"d b"ck to N"I"reth c"nnot !ind +es(s1

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5 5
%H4 24S% 93 %H4 G9S64L S%92: %H4 24S% 93 %H4 G9S64L S%92:
Gos$e% E$isode S Gos$e% Re!erences V S("ries o! Gos$e% E$isodes with "e# In!ormation
3oem Chapter7
"nd D"te : !rom The Poem [ S("ries o! e:tr"#/ib%ic"% Poe ,h"$ters:
3age !or Gospel %e!.
3$%T I D TH) TW4 3%4MI()D (4"(
2G$16 # )ntrod(ction1 God did not st"rt the Rede$ti*e er"0 s"'s +es(s0 b' se%ecting
!or His throne " st"r in the sk'0 the $"%"ce o! " $ower!(% "n0 nor e*en the g%or' o! "n
"nge%1 )nste"d0 He chose " 9ob o! " wo"nP +es(s s"'s it w"s the $(rit' o! M"r'
th"t en"b%ed the .ncont"in"b%e One to be cont"ined in the wob o! " cre"t(re b'
widening it into " He"*en1 For this re"son M"r' c"n be c"%%ed the Second#born o! the
F"ther0 being t"(ght b' the First#born whi%e 'et in Her 9ob1
Th"t this wo(%d be the !oc(s o! +es(sH introd(ction to this (n$"r"%%e%ed re*e%"tion gi*en
to His <Litt%e +ohn0= M"ri" &"%tort"0 c"n on%' e"n wh"t the ,h(rch h"s known "nd
t"(ght since the beginning0 th"t the rede$ti*e stor' which %e"*es o(t this )"c(%"te
9ob becoes det"ched !ro re"%it'0 %oses its *er"cit' "nd ;(ick%' becoes steri%e1
Den' the Ho%' in*io%"te )"c(%"te 9o"n "nd Her )"c(%"te 9ob "nd 'o(
reo*e the entire !o(nd"tion to GodHs rede$ti*e work1
5G$14 @E October W 28 /,A # +o"chi "nd Anne M"ke " &ow to the Lord1 N"I"reth:
Anne who is 3>#33 'e"rs o! "ge "nd +o"chi0 who is e*en o%der0 decide to go to the
Te$%e !or the Fe"st o! T"bern"c%es "nd "ke their *ow o!!ering b"ck to God "n' gi!t
o! h("n %i!e God wo(%d entr(st to the1 Litt%e A%$h"e(s0 who h"s "de Anne his
second other0 the son o! <" *er' good neighbor= @CG$12CA0 wi%% "%so go to +er(s"%e1
9e wi%% %"ter disco*er this other to be none other th"n S"r"h0 Ho%' +ose$hHs o%der
The ho(se o! Anne "nd +o"chi in N"I"reth is the ho(se th"t wi%% %"ter be the hoe
o! M"r' "nd +ose$h "nd +es(s1 /' the tie the' sett%e there0 the ho(se wi%% h"*e been
*"c"nt !or se*er"% 'e"rs "nd wi%% h"*e been $"rt%' deo%ished b' Ro"n ro"d b(i%ders1
/e!ore this ho%' co($%e died0 (ch o! the $ro$ert' h"d been so%d to $"' !or e:orbit"nt
t":es %e*ied "g"inst the bec"(se the' were o! )sr"e%Hs ro'"% !"i%' "nd bec"(se o!
+o"chiHs %ong i%%ness @8G$178025G$1F3A1 L5#C weeks $"ss1M

CG$122 @L October W 28 /,A # Anne0 Pr"'ing in the Te$%e0 H"s Her 9ish F(%!i%%ed1
+er(s"%e: On the %"st d"' o! the Fe"st0 the $roise o! "nswered $r"'er coes1 M"r'
is concei*ed "bo(t 5 onths %"ter in the end o! Deceber d(ring the Fe"st o! Lights
CbG$127 # +es(s s$e"ks o! chi%dren "s the K(sti!ic"tion o! "rri"ge "nd the ho%iness o!

P"ge 2
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5 5
His gr"nd$"rentHs "rri"ge1 LC ore onths $"ss1M
7G$12F @E A$ri% # 24 /,A # 9ith " ,"ntic%e0 Anne Anno(nces th"t She )s " Mother1
N"I"reth: Anne0 C onths $regn"nt with M"r'0 te%%s +o"chi o! the e:$erience she
h"d in the Te$%e d(ring the Fe"st "nd the ch"nge she e:$erienced in Deceber1
7bG$124 # +es(s s$e"ks o! His Ko' "nd the Ko' o! He"*en seeing the so(% o! His
MotherHs descend !ro God "nd enc%ose itse%! in the wob o! Anne1 He s$e"ks o! the
F%ower who0 bec"(se She w"s ne*er de$ri*ed o! the reeber"nce o! God0 "%w"'s
%o*ed "nd so wi%%ing%' g"*e Her Fr(it "s Medicine !or the dise"se o! h("n sin1 +es(s
indic"tes th"t origin"% sin w"s not %e"*ing to God <the "dinistr"tion o! %i!e1=
LF onths $"ss1M
3G$15> @L Se$teber # 24 /,A # /irth o! the &irgin M"r'1 N"I"reth: As the chi%d is
"bo(t to be born0 Anne is cert"in her chi%d wi%% h"*e soething to do with the
rede$tion o! )sr"e%1 The signs th"t !o%%owed on%' con!ired her tho(ghts1 A *io%ent
stor0 re!erred to %"ter b' +es(s "s <S"t"nHs hiss0= @3bG$1C>A "nd "%%owed b' God !or
His own $(r$oses0 s(dden%' descends ($on the "nd " bo%t o! %ightening strikes in
!ront o! the ho(se0 knocking the en "g"inst the w"%%1 )edi"te%' "t the birth0 the
stor sto$s "nd " r"inbow0 (n%ike "n' seen be!ore0 "$$e"rs c%e"r "cross the G"%i%e"n
sk'1 A bri%%i"nt st"r "%so "$$e"rs in the sk' whi%e the s(n h"s sti%% not set "nd the oon
becoes !(%%0 three d"'s e"r%'P LNOTE: S"t"n h"d cert"in%' been w"tching the king%'
%in"ge o! D"*id o! which w"s M"r'Hs !"ther +o"chi1 At this $oint it "$$e"rs he w"s
cert"in he h"s !o(nd the !(t(re Mother o! the Messi"h0 the one he w"s to%d wo(%d
cr(sh hi in " ost h(i%i"ting !in"% de!e"t1 Other %"ter e*ents0 howe*er0 inc%(ding
di*ine conce"%ents "nd $erh"$s the rise o! other <ore $rob"b%e= essi"nic
c"ndid"tes0 co$"red to the *er' h(b%e circ(st"nces %"ter s(rro(nding the Ho%'
&irgin "nd the birth "nd e"r%' %i!e o! +es(s0 sees to h"*e c"(sed the E*i% one to
disiss this *iew (nti% he is "g"in "%erted b' the e*ents "ttending +es(sH /"$tis1M
M"r' in e*er' w"' reseb%es Her !"ir0 b%(e#e'ed !"ther1 Anne0 on the other h"nd0 is
d"rk h"ired0 d"rker skinned "nd ;(ite t"%%1
3bG$153 # A g%orio(s he"*en%' conte$%"tion o! M"r'Hs *irginit'E GodHs $(r$ose in
cre"ting "n knowing he wo(%d !"%% "nd cre"te so (ch iser'E the real c"(se o! the
!"%% "nd its tr"gic conse;(encesE the necessit' o! M"r'Hs i"c(%"te conce$tion in the
ho%' conce$tion o! the ,hrist "nd the i$ort"nce o! Her *irginit' in Her $"rt in
o*erthrowing S"t"n "nd his e*i% work in Eden1
LC onths $"ss1M
FG$1CC @L Deceber #24 /,A # The P(ri!ic"tion o! Anne "nd the O!!ering o! M"r'1
The Te$%e in +er(s"%e0 4> d"'s "!ter M"r'Hs birth: O"ch"ri"s "nd E%iI"beth o!
Hebron0 who "re sti%% chi%d%ess "nd se*er"% 'e"rs 'o(nger0 "re with Anne "nd +o"chi1
O"ch"ri"s introd(ces the !"i%' to Ann" o! Ph"n(e%0 who wi%% becoe M"r'Hs
instr(ctor when she is $resented C 'e"rs %"ter1 L+ose$h o! N"I"reth is 27 'e"rs o%d "nd
his o%der brother A%$h"e(s is CC 'e"rs o%d1M
FbG$1CF # M"r' is the ode% o! the chi%d%ike si$%icit' "nd !"ith re;(ired to coe to

P"ge 5
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5 5
LNe"r%' C 'e"rs $"ss1M
6G$1C6 @F"%% # 23 /,A # The Son H"s P(t His 9isdo on His MotherHs Li$s1
N"I"reth: M"r' is now "%ost C 'e"rs o! "ge1 M"r' is gre"t%' distressed th"t0
"ccording to the $ro$het D"nie%0 the coing o! the S"*ior wi%% not be !or "nother C>
'e"rs1 She "sks her other th"t i! She $r"'ed *er' h"rd e*er' d"' "nd de*oted herse%!
to God "s the &irgin other o! the Messi"h wo(%d h"*e to do0 i! God wo(%d send the
S"*ior sooner1 Enco(r"ged b' th"t $ossibi%it'0 M"r' *ows to be " *irgin tot"%%'
dedic"ted to God1 Then She d(b!o(nds Her other b' "sking i! one c"n be " sinner
o(t o! %o*e !or GodP <) wo(%d %ike to be s"*ed b' the S"*ior to recei*e His %o*ing
%ook1 How c"n He s"*e Me i! ) do not get %ostB= At this0 +o"chi coes in with "
b"b' s$"rrow th"t he h"s s"*ed !ro !"%%ing into the s$ring1 Tho(gh he knows nothing
o! M"r'Hs )"c(%"te ,once$tion0 he is the *er' !irst to "nno(nce this di*ine tr(th b'
the Ho%' S$irit: <H"*e ) %o*ed the s$"rrow ore b' s"*ing it be!oreh"nd0 or wo(%d )
h"*e %o*ed it ore s"*ing it "!terw"rdsB= M"r' n(rses the %itt%e s$"rrow0 which ne*er
%e!t the '"rd there"!ter1 LNOTE: +es(s rete%%s this "cco(nt to His Disci$%es1 See
6bG$172 # +es(s e:$%"ins the inte%%igence "ni!est b' the C 'e"r o%d M"r' to those who
wo(%d do(bt this "cco(nt1 LC onths $"ss1 Soe tie in e"r%' to id Deceber
three 'e"r o%d M"r' becoes the center o! e*er'oneHs "!!ection "t " wedding in
N"I"reth to which she kind%' obKects insisting she be%ongs to God "%one1 Fort' !i*e
'e"rs %"ter +es(s re%"tes this to(ching "cco(nt to the Disci$%es which He %e"rned !ro
+ose$h @))028FG$1546AM
4G$175 @M Deceber # 23 /,A # M"r' )s Presented in the Te$%e1 Age C0 +er(s"%e:
E%iI"beth "nd O"ch"ri"s "re "g"in $resent1 E*en tho(gh the tie o! the Messi"h is
known b' "%% to be ne"ring0 bec"(se o! the serio(s dec%ine in !"ith in )sr"e%0 M"r' is the
on%' *irgin o! the ho(se o! D"*id to be in the Te$%e $re$"ring Herse%! !or God1 M"r'
co(%d not concei*e o! Her being chosen "s the &irgin Mother o! God1 M"r' is th(s the
$er!ect ode% o! (tter h(i%it'1 P"rting with %itt%e M"r' is "n e:tree%' "goniIing "nd
$"in!(% e:$erience !or this ho%' co($%e1
4bG$176 # +es(s on the (tter h(i%it' o! M"r' who co(%d not be%ie*e She w"s Herse%!
the 9isdo o! God b(t be%ie*ed s(ch tho(ghts within Her were $ride !or which She
(st re$entP L6#8 'e"rs $"ss1M
8G$174 @8#3 /,A # De"th o! +o"chi "nd Anne1 N"I"reth: A!ter M"r'Hs $resent"tion in
the Te$%e the %i*es o! this ho%' co($%e deterior"tes r"$id%'1 +o"chi becoes *er'
sick0 which gre"t%' dr"ins the !"i%'Hs reso(rces1 E%iI"beth "ssists Anne in her %"st
d"'s @2CG$1F4A1 Not %ong "!ter the %itt%e s$"rrow dies0 +o"chi "nd Anne $"ss "w"' in
s(b%ie $e"ce0 " ho%' de"th !or " ho%' co($%e1 The other o! <%itt%e A%$h"e(s= Lwho
we wi%% %"ter %e"rn to be S"r"h0 Ho%' +ose$hHs sisterM contin(es to coe to see M"r' in
the Te$%e on the Fe"st d"'s @tho(gh *isiting "' h"*e been done thro(gh " c(rt"inA0
so She ne*er %ost co$%ete cont"ct with Her N"I"reth1 @25G$1FFA L2#C 'e"rs

P"ge C
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5 5
2>G$132 @S(er F or 3 /,A # M"r'Hs ,"ntic%e )$%oring the ,oing o! ,hrist1 The
Te$%e: M"r' is 22 or 250 "nd co$%ete%' $ossessed with two "%% cons(ing $"ssionsE
th"t the Messi"h wi%% h"sten His coing0 "nd th"t She wi%% be "b%e to ser*e the Mother
"nd ,hi%d in soew"'0 no "tter how s"%% the ser*ice ight be or wh"t the
incon*enience wo(%d be1 She h"s "%re"d' been shown b' the S$irit th"t the !orer h"s
been "rr"nged0 b(t She now e"rnest%' %ongs "nd $r"'s night "nd d"' !or the %"tter0
which She considers to be the gre"test gi!t "n'one co(%d e*er h"*e1
2>bG$133 # +es(s e:$%"ins the !"scin"ting 'ster' o! how M"r' "nd "%% the S"ints h"d
s(ch (nderst"nding o! the tr(th0 e*en to knowing the !(t(re1 L5#C 'e"rs $"ss1M
22G$134 @L October # C /,A # M"r' 9i%% ,on!ide Her &ow to the S$o(se God 9i%%
Gi*e Her1 M"r' is !i!teen "nd is to%d b' the High Priest it is tie to !ind " s$o(se !or
Her1 M"r' is gre"t%' concerned bec"(se o! Her *ow o! $er$et("% *irginit' con!%icts
with the L"w o! )sr"e% th"t w"nted e*er' +ewish "id to be "rried "nd h"*e chi%dren
@)G$13C038A1 Since it w"s (nderstood th"t the other o! the Messi"h wo(%d be " *irgin
@)G$1C8A o! the ho(se o! D"*id0 it w"s cert"in%' be%ie*ed th"t the conce$tion wo(%d
coe to the chosen *irgin be!ore the tie re;(ired to %e"*e the Te$%e !or "rri"ge1
Since th"t tie h"d $"ssed M"r' w"s now going to h"*e to tr(st God co$%ete%' th"t
the "n to who She wo(%d be gi*en wo(%d (nderst"nd Her ost (n(s("%
coitent1 LNOTE: M& describes the High Priest0 who h"d been ser*ing "t %e"st
since M"r' !irst entered the Te$%e 25 'e"rs $re*io(s%'0 "s " *er' s$irit("% "n1 The
e*i% Ann"s did not becoe high $riest (nti% "ro(nd 6 AD1M
L5 onths $"ss1M
25G$1F2 @L Deceber # C /,A # +ose$h )s A$$ointed H(sb"nd o! the &irgin1
+er(s"%e on the %"st d"' o! the Fe"st o! Dedic"tion or Lights: )t is co%d "nd snow'1
M"n' en h"*e g"thered0 $res("b%' "%% !ro the ho(se o! D"*id0 !ro which one
wo(%d be chosen "s M"r'Hs s$o(se1 A Le*ite coes in c"rr'ing " b(nd%e o! dr'
br"nches0 one o! which h"d ir"c(%o(s%' s$ro(ted1 )t is +ose$hHs br"nch1 +ose$h0 "
c"r$enter0 is !ro N"I"reth "nd th(s knows of M"r'1 He is "bo(t C>0 23 'e"rs o%der
th"n She1 A!ter the' "re !or"%%' introd(ced0 +ose$h te%%s M"r' o! his w"r
re%"tionshi$ to Her !"ther "nd th"t his <brother= Lin#%"wM n"ed A%$h"e(s h"d " son0
"%so n"ed A%$h"e(s0 now 240 who h"d becoe Her otherHs <%itt%e !riend= when she
w"s chi%d%ess @c!1 )0 CG$12CA1 <Litt%e= A%$h"e(s w"s "%so c"%%ed <good A%$h"e(s o!
S"r"h= @S"r"h w"s +ose$hHs sisterA1 He wo(%d grow ($ in N"I"reth "nd *"%i"nt%'
de!end +es(s0 whi%e +ose$hHs "ct("% brother A%$h"e(s wo(%d o$$ose +es(s1 <Good=
A%$h"e(s0 <"%ost " re%"ti*e= o! +ose$h0 wo(%d c%"i " s$eci"% ende"rent to +ose$h
"s <' gre"t !riend= @)0 $3C5A1 This is wh' in )027G$1630 S"r"h @sister to +ose$hA
introd(ces her son <%itt%e= A%$h"e(s @"ge 28A to Ho%' M"r' in the $resence o! +ose$hHs
re"% brother0 A%$h"e(s0 "nd his wi!e0 M"r'0 s"'ing0 <This is A%$h"e(sH ne$hew1= Ag"in0
it is <A%$h"e(sH other= who M"r' en*isions kee$ing her co$"n' d(ring the d"'
@$1FFA1 9ho is this other o! A%$h"e(s who wo(%d be ost c"$"b%e o! being co$"n'
to M"r'B )t co(%d on%' be the S"r"h in )027G$163 who introd(ces her <A%$h"e(s= to
M"r' "nd s"'s0 <M' ho(se is ne"rest to Yo(rs "nd 'o(r !ie%ds "re now o(rs1 1 1 19e
sh"%% o$en " $"ss"ge thro(gh the hedge "nd we sh"%% be together1=

P"ge 7
PA() * )+, )-. P(./*0,1 0.20 34 56 78 9 5 78 34 the poe$ vol PA() * )+, )-. P(./*0,1 0.20 34 56 78 9 5 78 34 the poe$ vol
5 5
+ose$h then te%%s M"r' th"t he w"s not e:$ecting to be chosen bec"(se he did not
w"nt to "rr'0 "s he h"d t"ken " N"I"rite *ow1 M"r'0 gre"t%' re%ie*ed "t this news0
con!ides to +ose$h Her own *ow1
L5 onths $"ss1M
5 /L
2CG$1FF @L Febr("r' # 5 /,A # 9edding o! the &irgin "nd +ose$h1 +er(s"%e: Two
onths h"*e $"ssed in which +ose$h h"s worked to restore M"r'Hs s"%% ho(se "nd
$ro$ert' in N"I"reth1 He h"s "%re"d' coe to *isit Her twice in th"t tie0 e"ch tie "
ro(nd tri$ o! soe 27> i%esP He is once "g"in in +er(s"%e with O"ch"ri"s "nd
E%iI"beth @M"r'Hs co(sinsA0 now !or the <eng"geent= cereon' "nd the !in"% te"r!(%
goodb'es to "%% those o! the Te$%e0 inc%(ding Ann" o! Ph"n(e%1 +ose$h h"s <re"d=
M"r'Hs <secret1= He knows She is The 9o"n1 @See "%so $162A
2CbG$162 # +es(s s$e"ks o! the (n$"r"%%e%ed heroic *irt(es o! the "n +ose$h "s the !irst
co#redeeer o! "nkind1 L2#5 d"'s !ro +er(s"%e to N"I"reth b' c"rt1M
27G$16C @L Febr("r' # 5 /,A # +ose$h "nd M"r' "rri*e in N"I"reth @4> i%esA1
Acco$"nied b' E%iI"beth "nd O"ch"ri"s0 the' coe b' c"rt with "%% the !"i%'
heir%oos th"t Anne h"d gi*en to E%iI"beth to store "w"' !or M"r' in Hebron1 At
N"I"reth0 +ose$h introd(ces M"r' to his e%der brother A%$h"e(s @"ge 3>A "nd M"r'0 his
wi!e @"$$ro:i"te "ge 7>A1 Another wo"n L+ose$hHs sisterM0 "ro(nd 7>0 introd(ces
herse%! "s S"r"h "nd to identi!' herse%! with M"r' she s"'s she w"s Her <otherHs
!riend1= To introd(ce her son she s"'s0 <This is A%$h"e(s L"ge 28M0 A%$h"e(sH
L+ose$hHs brotherHsM ne$hew0 "nd " gre"t !riend o! 'o(r other1= She then introd(ces
her &nnamed h(sb"nd to M"r'1 He is (nn"ed bec"(se he is not o! the !"i%'1
+ose$h re*e"%s the' $%"n to w"it !or the wedding !or "nother 'e"r "nd 4 onths0 (nti% M"r' is "t
%e"st 2F @"ct("%%' "%ost 26A1 This gre"t%' ($set +ose$hHs brother A%$h"e(s "nd "n' others0 "s his
o%dest son %"ter te%%s +es(s @)&0 76FG$172CA1 Tho(gh this de%"' @"nd the %"ter de%"'0 on M"r'Hs $"rtA !or
"n' wedding (nti% +ose$h disco*ered her "%re"d' ne"r%' 7 onths $regn"nt w"s the c"(se o! e:tree
$"in !or both +ose$h "nd M"r' thro(gho(t their %i*es1 The de%"'0 howe*er0 w"s " *er' i$ort"nt $"rt
o! GodHs $%"n to est"b%ish the tr(th o! +es(sH *irgin birth to "t %e"st those who h"d good "nd $(re
he"rts1 To den' or do(bt the *irgin birth o! +es(s wo(%d now re;(ire one to be%ie*e " sin w"s
coitted in the conce$tion o! +es(s1 There is no idd%e gro(nd0 so to s$e"k1 This is " re"% %esson in
the $"in!(% e:tent God h"s o!ten h"d to go to he%$ e*en $eo$%e o! good wi%% to be%ie*e GodHs tr(th1
One c"n on%' i"gine how (ch %ess !"ith there wo(%d be in the cert"int' o! ,hrist "s the Son o!
God0 h"d not +ose$h "nd M"r' been wi%%ing to "ke this $"in!(% s"cri!ice1 LF onths $"ss be!ore
23G$166 # ,onc%(sion to the Pre #Gos$e%1 A $erson"% note to M"ri" &"%tort" !ro +es(s
"nd His Mother1
21 E Se$teber The Proise o! " Son to O"ch"ri"s "nd E%iI"beth1
#### #### Lk 2:3#5C #### =*+D**?
The Te$%e in +er(s"%e: (i0 months a!ter ta/ing Mary and .oseph ba/ to
"azareth !rom the Temple0 O"ch"ri"s0 the $riest0 is $roised " son b' the Ange%
G"brie%1 He does not be%ie*e "nd is str(ck d(b1 The (nbe%ie! w"s <ine:c(s"b%e= i!

P"ge 3
PA() * )+, )-. P(./*0,1 0.20 34 56 78 9 5 78 34 the poe$ vol PA() * )+, )-. P(./*0,1 0.20 34 56 78 9 5 78 34 the poe$ vol
5 5
!or no other re"son th"n bec"(se Anne0 who w"s O"ch"ri"sH own "(nt0 h"d been gi*en
M"r' in her o%d "ge1 L5 weeks $"ss1M
51 M Se$teber E%iI"beth ,oncei*es1
#### #### Lk 2:57053 #### *,7p.AA?
Hebron: E%iI"beth concei*es the $roised son0 the $rec(rsor to the ,hrist1 LF
onths $"ss1M
2 /L
C1 M M"rch The Ann(nci"tion o! G"brie% to M"r'1
#### #### Lk 2:5F#C4 #### C7p.B+
N"I"reth: G"brie% *isits ,C2 year old M"r'0 si: onths "!ter E%iI"beth concei*es1
She "nd +ose$h h"*e been in N"I"reth !or Rust over a year. M"r'Hs ;(estion0 <How
sh"%% this coe "bo(t0 since ) do not know "nB= #as not a 1uestioning o! God9s
ability to per!orm a mirale' but a 1uestion onerning the part God might be
e0peting Her to play in this. The very dearest thing in Her li!e #as Her vo# o!
perpetual virginity to hasten the oming o! the Messiah. Humble to the !inal
degree' (he #as as/ing i! God #anted Her to give up even thisL Her ne0t #ords
to Gabriel' omitted by the Gospel #riter 5u/e' reveal the true intent o! Her !irst
1uestion: H3erhaps the 5ord #ill no longer aept the o!!er o! His maidservant
and does not #ant Me a virgin !or His loveEI 9hen M"r' s"'s <'es= to GodHs wi%%0
She knows the terrib%e stig" She "nd Her Son wi%% h"*e to be"r !ro those who wi%%
not be%ie*e0 since She is on%' betrothed to +ose$h1 She !orgoes "n' tho(ght o!
$ressing !or "n iedi"te "rri"ge to +ose$h1 She knows th"t the $"in o! !"%se
"cc(s"tion is on%' to be the *er' beginning o! her sorrow!(% %ot @&0856A1 She 'ie%ds "%%
this to the Lord o(t o! e:$%icit !"ith in "nd %o*e !or God1 M"r' is then to%d th"t
E%iI"beth is with chi%d and that her hild #ill be the 3rophet o! Her (on. It is this
/no#ledge and Her deep desire to help )lizabeth that so highly motivates Her to
see )lizabeth. )t is apparently the trip itsel! that is "de in h"ste beause Mary
must #ait about three #ee/s be!ore (he an go to Hebron #ith .oseph' #ho
#ants to leave !or .erusalem loser to 3assover.
,C7p.;A D The $nnuniation
26G$145 # The Disobedience o! E*e "nd the Obedience o! M"r'1 +es(s te%%s (s wh"t
God intended !or "n when He "de hi to h"*e doinion o*er the e"rth1 S(ch
"(thorit' co(%d on%' be "chie*ed when "n wo(%d coe to r(%e o*er his three st"tes1
+es(s "%so te%% (s the identit' o! the et"$horic"% tree o! the -now%edge o! Good "nd
E*i%0 the choice o! which robbed "n o! God0 His gr"ce "nd %o*e1 .nderst"nding
these "tters wi%% re*e"% wh' M"r'0 "s the $er$et("% &irgin0 is so i$ort"nt in restoring
wh"t we h"*e %ost1
26bG$147 # M"r': <) obe'ed in M' Ko'= "nd knew <the $"in o! the F"ther bec"(se o!
the corr($tion o! E*e who h"d %owered herse%! to the %e*e% o! in!erior cre"t(res1= <)
e:$erienced "ternit' witho(t "n' kind o! $ro!"n"tion th"t ) ight te%% the wor%d how
sweet w"s the destin' o! the wo"n1= <) redeeed th"t sin b' going ($ the s"e

P"ge F
PA() * )+, )-. P(./*0,1 0.20 34 56 78 9 5 78 34 the poe$ vol PA() * )+, )-. P(./*0,1 0.20 34 56 78 9 5 78 34 the poe$ vol
5 5
st"ges "s the' decended1= E*eHs descent into sin1 The ,ross0 the new Tree1
26cG$144 # +es(s on the tr(e n"t(re o! the F"%% o! Ad" "nd E*e1
24G$18> @M M"rch # 2 /,A # The Ann(nci"tion o! E%iI"bethHs Pregn"nc' to +ose$h1
L,h1240 s"e d"' "s ,h12FM +ose$h sto$s in to see M"r' "!ter his !(%% d"' o! work0 "s
w"s his c(sto be!ore retiring to his own ho(se1 M"r' te%%s hi th"t She h"s %e"rned
<!ro " essenger th"t wo(%d not %ie0= th"t E%iI"beth0 her co(sin !ro Hebron0 is with
chi%d "nd th"t She wo(%d %ike to go "nd st"' with her "whi%e1 O(t o! !e"r o! e*en the
s"%%est e%eent o! $ride entering Her %i!e0 She s"'s nothing "bo(t G"brie% or the
ess"ge She w"s gi*en1 +ose$h s"'s he wi%% go with Her to +er(s"%e c%oser to the
P"sso*er i! She c"n w"it " !ew d"'s1 )t is "greed1
24bG$18C # The tho(ght o! how Her condition wo(%d "!!ect +ose$h0 M"r' s"'s0 w"s "s
sh"r$ "s " rose thorn th"t $ierced Her he"rt1 Torn on one h"nd b' the !e"r o! $ride
@!or to K(sti!' s(ch " sign"% gr"ce0 She wo(%d h"*e to s"' She w"s the ost !"*ored o!
woenA0 "nd the $"in th"t he wo(%d cert"in%' !ee% not (nderst"nding the tr(e n"t(re o!
Her st"te0 She goes be!ore God in $r"'er1 The "nswer She recei*es wi%% e"n "gon'
!or the both on " %e*e% !ew wo(%d e*en begin to (nderst"nd: </e si%ent1 Entr(st Me
with the t"sk o! K(sti!'ing Yo( with 'o(r s$o(se1= L5 weeks $"ssM
71 E A$ri% M"r' &isits E%iI"beth1
#### #### Lk 2:C8#33 #### ,AD*,
M"r'Hs tri$ to E%iI"bethHs hoe in Hebron o! +(de" @2>3 i%esA is "de in h"ste:
.oseph attends Mary as !ar as .erusalem. They both go to the Temple !or prayer
and then to a home o! .oseph o! (ephoris =I&' 2B+?' a relative o! Uebedee
=*27p.,*,?. .oseph #ill stay there !or the 3assover' a!ter #hih he #ill leave !or
"azareth. Mary proeeds by don/ey to Uaharias and )lizabeth9s home' another
t#enty miles south. )lizabeth is no# seven months along. M"r' greets E%iI"beth0
"nd the (on o! God #ithin Her Womb santi!ies His preursor =*<b7p.,,2?.
Christian :aptism similarly santi!ies the human soul.
The M"gni!ic"t o! M"r'1 )n Her $r"ise to the Lord God0 M"r' entions she h"s
recei*ed ore th"n one (n(s("% gr"ce0 !or which she wi%% be honored b' "%%
gener"tions: <He th"t is ight' h"th done gre"t thin's !or MeE "nd Ho%' is His N"e1=
A%% ,hristi"ns0 o! co(rse0 recogniIe the one gr"ce0 Her being chosen to be the &irgin
Mother o! the Son o! God1 On%' ,"tho%ics recogniIe the second0 the )"c(%"te
,once$tion o! M"r' Herse%!1 The !irst gr"ce0 "ccording to M"r'0 re*e"%ed the
Mightiness o! GodE the second gr"ce0 the Ho%iness o! God1 F4n the ;
day be!ore
3assover they all li/ely set out !or .erusalem !or the 3assover' meeting .oseph
#here he #as staying #ith relatives o! UebedeeG
,A7p.A@ D Mary and .oseph (et 4ut !or .erusalem.
*+7p.AC D @C d"'s %"terA From .erusalem to Uaharias9 House @56 i%esA.
5>bG$184 # M"r' on the i$ort"nce o! the $rotection o! $r"'er1
*,7p.AA D @S"e d"' "s ,h1 5>A $rrival at Uaharias9 House. LA !ew d"'s $"ss
be!ore ,h1 551M

P"ge 6
PA() * )+, )-. P(./*0,1 0.20 34 56 78 9 5 78 34 the poe$ vol PA() * )+, )-. P(./*0,1 0.20 34 56 78 9 5 78 34 the poe$ vol
5 5
55G$12>C @M A$ri%A # M"r' "nd E%iI"beth S$e"k o! their ,hi%dren1 M"r' is b"ck in
Hebron "nd +ose$h h"s ret(rned to N"I"reth1 M"r' "nd E%iI"beth sh"re their Ko's "nd
sorrows1 L5#C weeks $"ss1M
55bG$12>F @E M"'A # The ho%' secrets o! God "re re*e"%ed on%' to those who w"%k in
!"ith1 O"ch"ri"s0 there!ore0 does not 'et discern the ho%iness o! the "ternit' o! M"r'1
L5#C weeks $"ss to ,h1 5C1M
55cG$12>8 # M"r' s$e"ks o! Her !"ith in GodHs $ro*isions !or Her own needs "s She
he%$s E%iI"beth1

31 L M"' The /irth o! +ohn the /"$tist1
#### #### Lk 2:36034 #### *<7p.,,+
Hebron' early morning: E%iI"beth gi*es birth to +ohn the /"$tist0 a!ter a long
and pain!ul night.
5CbG$1223 # M"r' te%%s (s th"t the s"ncti!ic"tion o! the /"$tist in the wob o!
E%iI"beth in Her $resence0 reo*ing origin"% sin !ro hi0 did not c"nce% the c(rse o!
E*e in E%iI"beth1 She s(!!ered gre"t%' in her de%i*er'0 where"s M"r' co(%d not know
th"t $"in1 M"r'Hs $"in w"s the !"r gre"ter $"in o! the s$irit("% gener"tion o! "%% who
wo(%d coe to !"ith0 which in*o%*ed "cce$ting the heino(s de"th o! Her Son so th"t
She co(%d honest%' s"' to those who (rdered Hi0 <) %o*e 'o(0 coe to Me 9ho "
'o(r Mother1= 9h"t s$irit("% $"in She h"s borne !or "%% those She h"s been "b%e to
bring o(t o! sin to regener"tion0 b(t wh"t e*en gre"ter $"in there h"s been !or Her
!ro those who h"*e s$(rned Her s"cri!ice "nd %o*e "nd "dded the !in"% tort(re o!
sti%%birthP And oh0 how "n' sti%%births h"s this Mother we$t o*erP
*<7p.,,+ D The :irth o! the :aptist. L6 d"'s $"ss1M
F1 E +(ne The /"$tistHs ,irc(cision "nd O"ch"ri"sH Pro$hec'1
#### #### Lk 2:38#68 #### *@7p.,,C
Hebron: As +ohn the /"$tist0 eight days old' is n"ed0 O"ch"ri"s is restored his
s$eech and to him is also no# revealed the Holy truth o! Mary9s maternity. He
/neels be!ore Mary' and !or his blindness as/s !or Her !orgiveness and Her
blessing' and than/s Her deeply !or all the grae (he has brought to them. )t w"s
"!ter this th"t O"ch"ri"s0 !i%%ed with the Ho%' S$irit0 $ro$hecies o! the s"*ing inistr'
o! their son1 M"r' h"s been in Hebron !or t#o months' but (he is over t#o and a
hal! months along1 (he stays until the 3resentation o! .ohn and the 3uri!iation
o! )lizabeth <* days later. (he noti!ies .oseph' no# ba/ in "azareth' so he an
ome !or the Temple ritual' but he arrives Rust a!ter the eremony.
57bG$1224# 9ith O"ch"ri"sH re$ent"nce in ind0 M"r' "kes "n "$$e"% !or (s to
con!ess o(r sins "nd re$ent th"t we ight "%so obt"in GodHs %ight "nd His rew"rd1
*@7p.,,C D The Cirumision o! the :aptist. LC5 d"'s $"ss be!ore ,h1531M
61 2 /, # 2C AL +ohn Grows in S$irit1
#### #### Lk 2:4>b #### LDM
Fi%%ed with the Ho%' S$irit !ro his otherHs wob0 +ohn grows in the S$irit1
F5ater' immediately a!ter the :ethlehem slaughter' he #ill be hidden. E*en %"ter'

P"ge 4
PA() * )+, )-. P(./*0,1 0.20 34 56 78 9 5 78 34 the poe$ vol PA() * )+, )-. P(./*0,1 0.20 34 56 78 9 5 78 34 the poe$ vol
5 5
at the age o! t#elve' he wi%% %e"*e to %i*e in the desert1M
41 L +(ne M"r' Ret(rns to N"I"reth1
#### #### Lk 2:3F #### *27p.,,A
.erusalem: 4n the !ortieth day a!ter his birth' .ohn the :aptist is presented
in the Temple and )lizabeth is puri!ied. .oseph arrives !rom "azareth on the
day o! the :aptist9s 3resentation but too late !or the eremony. He !inds them all
at the home o! relatives o! Uebedee. .oseph noties Mary is #ith hild as they
begin their return home near sunset. (he is more than three and a hal! months
along. The' ret(rn to N"I"reth1 Mary has been instruted by the 5ord to remain
silentL This is an inredibly great spiritual trial !or Her and .oseph.
*27p.,,A # The 3resentation o! the :aptist in the Temple.
81 L +(n WE +(% +ose$h MisK(dges M"r'1
Mt 2:24028 #### #### #### *2b7p.,*<
For three days on the trip ba/ to "azareth' +ose$h is in (tter t(roi% o*er
M"r'Hs condition0 "nd on%' " heroic e:ercise o! ho%iness kee$s hi !ro re"cting in "
h"r!(% w"'1 Mary spea/s at length about the three days o! silent agony they
both endured. (he' beause heaven had not revealed the truth to Her holy
spouse' and he' beause not being able to possibly oneive o! anything but the
#orst' is seeing absolutely everything preious in his li!e ollapsing.
*2b7p.,*< # The 3resentation o! the :aptist in the Temple.
2>1 E +(%' +ose$h is En%ightened1
Mt 2:5>#57" #### #### #### =*C7p.,*A?
"azareth: In the middle o! the !irst night at "azareth' the Ange% o! the Lord
*isits +ose$h to c"% his torenting !e"r "bo(t M"r'1
5FG$125F @E +(%' # 2 /,A # M"r' o! N"I"reth ,%"ri!ies the M"tter with +ose$h1 @Ne:t
d"'A This "cco(nt is too o*ing "nd ho%' !or "n' coent1
5FbG$1254 # M"r' e:$%"ins to M& th"t Her !e"r w"s !or +ose$h erring "nd th"t the
gre"test test o! h(i%it' is re"ining si%ent "bo(t soe s$eci"% gr"ce in oneHs %i!e1
L5#3 d"'s $"ss in h(rried $re$"r"tion !or the wedding1M
221 E +(%' +ose$h /e%ie*es "nd Obe's1
Mt 2:57b053 #### #### #### =,@7p.;;?
N"I"reth: The 9edding1 Mary is ,CY years old. Waiting !or the Feast o!
Tabernales in 4tober !or the #edding' as they had planned' is no# out o! the
1uestion. )n obedience to the Ange%0 +ose$h "nd M"r' "re "rried #ithin a #ee/
=*C7p.,*B?. L3e onths $"ss1M
251 L Deceber The Ro"n ,ens(s1
#### #### Lk 5:2#C ####
N"I"reth: This (abbath =E? day' " notice !or the ,ens(s appears on the
(ynagogue door. )t is the on%' Ro"n cens(s !or 3alestine either be!ore or during

P"ge 8
PA() * )+, )-. P(./*0,1 0.20 34 56 78 9 5 78 34 the poe$ vol PA() * )+, )-. P(./*0,1 0.20 34 56 78 9 5 78 34 the poe$ vol
5 5
the li!e o! Christ. LNOTE: This is e$h"siIed n(ero(s ties in The Poem @$1C320 C8>0 7260 etc1A "nd in Acts 3:C6M1
3ublius (ulpiius ,'reni(s @VuirniusA w"s Himperial delegate'I or oDgo*ernorE
(entius (aturinus #as the Governor. =(ee ;<7p.<B,' CB7p.<C,' ;<7p.<B,? Mary'
spea/ing to .oseph' notes that the #orld #as at peae and that :ethlehem as a
to#n did not even e0ist at the time o! Miah9s prophey tho(gh !ro 2 S"(e%
2F:2 we know D"*id w"s born there1
*;7p.,*A D The Census )dit.
2C1 L Deceber M"r' "nd +ose$h go to /eth%ehe1
#### #### Lk 5:703 ####
+ose$h "nd M"r' go to /eth%ehe @64 i%esA immediately. They do not #ait !or
their other relatives #ho deide to go to :ethlehem later a!ter the Feast o!
Dediation =II' <C*?. :ethlehem is the poorest to#n in .udea =<@b7p.,;C?. "ear
:ethlehem' they are given diretions by some shepherds to an old ave east o! the
ity =ruins o! the To#er o! David?' Rust in ase they ould !ind nothing else. They
also give Mary and .oseph some mil/. These are the same shepherds #ho #ere
visited by the heavenly hosts later that night.
*B7p.,<@ D The .ourney to :ethlehem.
3$%T II D TH) :I%TH $"D HIDD)" 5IF) 4F .)(>( CH%I(T , :C D$D <+
271 L Deceber The /irth o! the S"*ior "nd the &isit o! the She$herds
#### #### Lk 5:F#5> #### *A'<+
The /irth o! +es(s in /eth%ehe #as at midnight' nine months !rom the
$nnuniation' some ,2 years be!ore the prophesied time o! Daniel. :y ounting
the years o! the ;+ #ee/s o! Daniel as lunar years =,*0*A2 P*2@ days? instead o!
solar years o! <C2 days' the prophey #as still literally !ul!illed' though ,2 solar
years sooner. =(ee also ,+7p.2@ and the e0tensive note on The (eventy Wee/s at
*2<.? It #as the prayers o! Mary and her holy vo# that had hastened Christ9s
oming. .esus9 birth itsel! #as ompletely miraulous' as all men #ould have
been born' had man not sinned. That #inter being partiularly severe' .esus
su!!ered greatly in the several nights He #as in the ave be!ore one o! the
shepherds !ound a home !or the Holy !amily in :ethlehem =<,7p.,22?. Contrary
to the song' .esus did ry. Mary #as no# ,; and .oseph #as about <*.
$ording to the more anient .e#ish alendar' His birth #as on Oislev =Chislev?
*2' during the Feast o! 5ights' preisely as .esus Himsel! e0plains to three o! His
Disiples #hen revisiting the ave <, years later =;<7p.<B+? and then again to
3eter =,<*7p.;,;?.
58bG$1275 # M"r' s$e"ks !(rther o! the gre"t e:tent o! Her s"cri!ice "nd s(!!ering she
wi%%ing%' "cce$ted to redee (s !ro E*eHs sin1
C>bG$1237 # +es(s s$e"ks o! the h(b%e0 ho%' "nd "b(nd"nt%' genero(s !"ith o! the

P"ge 2>
PA() * )+, )-. P(./*0,1 0.20 34 56 78 9 5 78 34 the poe$ vol PA() * )+, )-. P(./*0,1 0.20 34 56 78 9 5 78 34 the poe$ vol
5 5
she$herds0 who were the !irst E(ch"ristic worshi$ers in the ,h(rch1 The' were the
!irst worshi$ers o! the /od' o! the S"*ior1
*A7p.,<B D The :irth o! 4ur 5ord .esus.
<+7p.,@2 D $doration o! the (hepherds.
LA !ew d"'s "!ter the birth o! o(r Lord0 the Ho%' F"i%' !inds she%ter K(st "cross
!ro the c"r"*"n inn in the hoe o! Anne o! /eth%ehe0 the e$%o'er o! the
/eth%ehe she$herds1 E%i"s %e"*es !or Hebron to te%% O"ch"ri"s the $riest1M
AD 2
231 E +"n("r' +es(s is ,irc(cised1
#### #### Lk 5:52 #### <,7p.,22
The ,irc(cision o! +es(s in /eth%ehe on the eighth d"'1 Uaharias !rom
Hebron =,2 miles? #as present but )lizabeth had to stay in Hebron to are !or
her little .ohn #ho had the normal problems assoiated #ith teething. 5ittle
.ohn #as ; months old. With great sorro# Mary and .oseph onede to
Uaharias9 desire !or them to raise .esus in .udea' a plae' he insisted' #as Hmore
aeptableI to the .e#s. They submit to #hat seemed a very unreasonable and
detrimental proposition only beause Uaharias #as a priest. They trusted God'
ho#ever' in their obediene.
C2bG$1234 # M"r' gi*es soe wonder!(% insights into the ho%iness "nd wisdo o!
+ose$h in contr"st to the h("n (nderst"nding o! O"ch"ri"s the $riest0 to whose
!oo%ish wish the' 'ie%d in !"ith1
<,7p.,22 D Uaharias9 &isit Falmost ertainly !or the irumision o! .esusG.
LC5 d"'s $"ss1M
2F1 E Febr("r' M"r' "nd +ose$h Present +es(s in the Te$%e1
#### #### Lk 5:55#C8 #### <*7p.,C,
+er(s"%e: M"r'Hs $(ri!ic"tion "nd +es(sH $resent"tion in the Te$%e1 Ann" o!
Ph"n(e% had been Mary9s teaher #hen (he lived in the Temple. Sieon w"s "
ho%' "nd !"ith!(% poor "n0 not a priest. "ot only did the 3riest and the rulers
#ho #ere present ignore (imeon9s #ords but they sho#ed ontempt !or them.
Thirty years later' old .ohn o! "ob tells .esus o! his o#n #itness to (imeon9s
praise o! the Christ Child and his prophey =I&'@;C?.
<*7p.,C+ D 3resentation o! .esus in the Temple. L5e onths $"ss be!ore
A%$h"e(sH *isit !ro N"I"reth1M
&0 363G$158F @L A$rA # A%$h"e(s "nd M"r' o! ,%o$"s *isit the Ho%' F"i%' in
/eth%ehe or +er(s"%e !or +es(sH !irst P"sso*er1 LC onths $"ss1M
CCG$12F3 @S(er #AD 2A # L(%%"b' o! the &irgin1 /eth%ehe L5 onths $"ss1M

P"ge 22
PA() * )+, )-. P(./*0,1 0.20 34 56 78 9 5 78 34 the poe$ vol PA() * )+, )-. P(./*0,1 0.20 34 56 78 9 5 78 34 the poe$ vol
5 5
261 L Se$teber 9ise Men Seek +es(s1
Mt 5:2#25 #### #### #### <@7p.,C;
Three wise en0 Melhior' :althazar and Gaspar' "rri*e in +er(s"%e0 then
/eth%ehe0 a!ter having been !irst guided to )ngedi =near the Dead (ea? !rom
three orners ="'(')? o! the #orld: Tur/ey and 3ersia' )thiopia' and Mongolia.
The <st"r= th"t g(ided the #as not natural but miraulous. .esus is lose to nine
months old beause the Wise Men !leeing !rom Herod are in )ngedi Rust a!ter the
(eptember grape harvest =III'p.CBA?. The Holy Family is living in the house o!
$nne o! :ethlehem' the employer o! one o! the shepherds' all during this time.
The Wise Men mention an unusual star in the s/y on a ertain night o! the
previous Deember' as #ell as H#ords that He FGodG #rites #ith stars o! !ire in
the vault o! Heaven.I LNOTE: )n his !orthcoing book0 To D(be f describes this *er' incredib%e testion' to the
,hrist in the /eth%ehe sk' on the night o! His birth1 +es(s %"ter re%"tes ore on the 9ise MenHs re"ching +er(s"%e0 when the st"r
dis"$$e"red "nd on their in;(iring o! Herod "t gre"t risk o! their own %i*es1 See )&0 782G$17881M
In the A months be!ore the visit o! the Wise Men' aording to the inn/eeper'
HmanyI ame !rom as !ar as )gypt to honor the ne# Oing. This #as the result o!
the #itness o! the shepherds to those in :etyhlehem #ho had ome !rom all over
Israel !or the ensus #ho had spread the story upon their return to their homes.
C7bG$1267 # +es(s coents "t %ength on the incredib%e s$irit("% ch"r"cter "nd integrit'
o! the 9ise Men1 He conc%(des with signi!ic"nt obser*"tions "bo(t +ose$h "nd M"r'
t"ken !ro this stor'1
<@7p.,C; D The $doration o! the Wise Men.
241 L Se$teber The 9"rning to F%ee1
Mt 5:2C#23 #### #### #### <2' <C
The Ho%' F"i%' %e"*es /eth%ehe !or Eg'$t =<++ miles? #ith three don/eys the
day "!ter the wise en o!!er their "dor"tion "nd gi!ts1 They in!orm absolutely no
one o! their move. They simply disappear #ithout a trae. The gi!ts o! the #ise
men are only enough to get them through in )gypt. Here they lived in poverty
until the (pring o!$D @' having to o!ten deprive themselves o! !ood to !eed .esus.
LNOTE: )t is $ossib%e th"t h"d the' been %i*ing in N"I"reth be!ore their esc"$e to Eg'$t0 the s%"(ghter "' h"*e been ore
wides$re"d "nd the' "' not h"*e been "b%e to esc"$e so e"si%'1 More %ike%'0 howe*er0 it w"s O"ch"ri"sH insistence on h"*ing the
st"' in /eth%ehe th"t $(t the in the ost d"nger1 )t w"s this (nderst"nding0 "nd the tho(ght th"t M"r'0 +ose$h "nd +es(s h"d ore
th"n %ike%' been ki%%ed0 th"t wo(nded O"ch"ri"s so dee$%' th"t he bec"e " tr(%' ho%' "n go*erned b' the s$irit0 not b' h("n ego
"nd h("n re"sonP Th(s it w"s th"t M"r' "nd +ose$hHs obedience to $riest%' "(thorit' not on%' bro(ght GodHs "nge%ic essengers o!
$rotection ($on the "nd the !"*or o! God into their %i*es0 b(t it he%$ed "ke " s"int o! " $riest1 @&0 363G$158F c )067F#676AM
C3bG$124C # )n the F%ight into Eg'$t e$isode0 +es(s $oints o(t the signi!ic"nce o!
M"tthewHs do(b%e re!erence to +ose$h t"king <the ,hi%d "nd His Mother0= r"ther th"n
wh"t wo(%d h"*e been nor"% "nd e:$ected in e*er' other c"se: <t"ke yo&r )ife "nd
,hi%d1= +es(s contin(es0 <M"r' )as and remained a +ir'in0 "nd th"t on%' Her so(%
w"s "rried to +ose$h0 e:"ct%' "s Her s$irit w"s (nited only to the S$irit o! God 1 1 1
M"tthew did not he"r things re$orted b' third $"rties1 He he"rd the direct%' !ro
M"r'Hs %i$s to 9ho he "$$%ied !or in!or"tion1=
CFbG$1282 # The $oor ho(se in " !oreign %"nd is " %esson in h(i%it'0 resign"tion "nd
good h"ron'0 s"'s +es(s1 <M"n' $eo$%e0 He s"'s0 on%' bec"(se the' "re !"ir%' good
,"tho%ics who $r"' "nd recei*e Me in the E(ch"rist0 the' $r"' "nd recei*e Me !or

P"ge 25
PA() * )+, )-. P(./*0,1 0.20 34 56 78 9 5 78 34 the poe$ vol PA() * )+, )-. P(./*0,1 0.20 34 56 78 9 5 78 34 the poe$ vol
5 5
NtheirH needs0 not !or the needs !or their so(%s "nd !or the g%or' o! God 7 bec"(se on%'
se%do those who $r"' "re not se%!ish 1 1 1= How (ch s"cri!ice th"t $%"ce "nd th"t
ho(se re$resented0 b(t how (ch he"*en%' %o*e "nd $e"ce !i%%ed th"t hoe bec"(se
th"t hoe desired only wh"t God w"ntedP
<27p.,;A D The Flight into )gypt. L2 'e"r in Eg'$t $"sses be!ore ,h1CF1M
281 L Se$teber HerodHs 9r"th "g"inst /eth%ehe1
Mt 5:2F#24 #### #### #### =;<D;2?
Within the #ee/' Herod ki%%s *C boys' C girls @b"bies (nder twoA and many
adults #ho resist =(ee !ootnote ;<7p.<;2?. The ne#s o! this and .oseph and
Mary9s disappearane sets relatives and !riends into a pani. .oseph9s brother
$lphaeus' !rom "azareth' goes to :ethlehem and Hebron to searh. They live in
sorro# and !ear !or the ne0t t#o and a hal! years =&' 2;27p.*A2' *AC?. %ome is
sho/ed at this at o! Herod =;@7<B@?. The slaughter in :ethlehem seriously
a!!ets the shepherds also. .oseph is /illed de!ending his #i!e and hild and
Tobias loses his !ather' Matthe# =;27p.<A*?. The remaining ,, shepherds are
driven out o! the ity beause they are blamed !or the :ethlehem massare.
Ho#ever' they never ease to be heroi #itnesses o! #hat they sa#' though they
#ould lose ontat #ith the Holy Family until .esus9 publi ministry. $!ter the
massare' and despite the #itness o! the three Magi' it #as onluded by most in
:ethlehem that the shepherd9s story #as an idle tale reated in a drun/en stupor.
4ne o! the shepherds' TobiasDMatthias =a rename in honor o! his slain !ather?'
later beame the $postle replaing .udas Isariot1
AD 5 # C
CFG$1246 # The Ho%' F"i%' in Eg'$t1 @Mid 'e"r WAD CA LAnother 2e 'e"rs $"ss in
Eg'$t be!ore ,h1CFb1M
AD 7
5>1 S$ring The Ho%' F"i%' Ret(rns !ro Eg'$t1
Mt 5:28#5C #### #### #### =<Cb7,A,?
$!ter t#o and a hal! years in Materia' )gypt' and he"ring !ro "n "nge% o!
HerodHs de"th' the Ho%' F"i%' %e"*es Eg'$t !or )sr"e%1 (till intending to obey the
#ishes o! Uaharias' they start out !or .udea =<++ miles?. The' "re w"rned b' the
Ange% o! the Lord "bo(t residing in +(de"0 "nd so the' he"d !or N"I"reth0 ontinuing
along the Mediterranean oast @8> i%esA. They have been a#ay !rom "azareth
!or over three and one hal! years. =(ee also II' *@C7p.2B,? LNOTE: M"r' "nd +ose$h dis$%"' the
$er!ect b"%"nce between heroic obedience to di*ine%' "$$ointed h("n "(thorit' b' s(bission to O"ch"ri"s when it went "g"inst
e*er'thing )ithin them0 "nd obedience to God when th"t h("n "(thorit' (st be ignored1 9hen God s$oke0 there w"s no ;(estion
th"t His word w"s s($ree o*er "n' h("n "(thorit'1M L5 'e"rs $"ss be!ore ,h1C61M
521 AD 7 # 2C +es(sH E"r%' Yo(th1
#### #### Lk 5:7>072 #### <;D<A

P"ge 2C
PA() * )+, )-. P(./*0,1 0.20 34 56 78 9 5 78 34 the poe$ vol PA() * )+, )-. P(./*0,1 0.20 34 56 78 9 5 78 34 the poe$ vol
5 5
+es(sH !irst twe%*e 'e"rs in N"I"reth1 M"r' "nd +ose$h go e*er' 'e"r to +er(s"%e
!or P"sso*er in the s$ring "nd T"bern"c%es in the !"%% @6> i%esA1 Mary' #ho also
teahes the t#o youngest o! $lphaeus9 !our hildren' .ames and .udas Thaddeus'
shools .esus at home. These becoe two o! +es(sH Twe%*e Disci$%es1
C6bG$128F # +es(s s$e"ks o! His hoe0 <h"$$' in its $o*ert' bec"(se it w"s
s(rro(nded b' the %o*e o! two s"ints0 the gre"test the wor%d e*er h"d1= +es(s0 h"*ing
s(bitted Hise%! to h"*ing "n "s " te"cher0 "nd to h"*ing the need o! "n "s
te"cher0 describes how $er!ect%' th"t ho%' "nd co$%ete%' %o*ing "n $er!ected Hi "s
" tr(e "n1
<;7p.,A@ D @AD 3 or FA The First Wor/ing 5esson Given to .esus. L2 'e"r
<B7p.,AB D @E A(t(nAD F or 6A Mary the Teaher o! .esus' .udas and .ames.
LF 'e"rs $"ssM
C8G$15>3 # Pre$"r"tions !or +es(sH ,oing o! Age @9inter0AD 2CA "nd De$"rt(re !ro
N"I"reth @E A$r #AD 2CA1
551 E A$ri% +es(s ,oes o! Age G P"sso*er1
#### #### Lk 5:75 #### @+7p.*+B
To +er(s"%e @6> i%esA1 +es(s h"s coe o! "ge1 He is e0amined by the Dotors
o! the 5a#1 They stay !or 3assover. Uaharias had .ohn the :aptist e0amined
the day be!ore' but !ear o! %oman eyes /eep .oseph and Mary !rom any publi
assoiation #ith the :aptist. The %omans #ere ontinually #athing #ith the
intent o! eliminating any #ho might raise the .e#ish hopes !or a messiah. =(ee
@+7p.*+B D .esus )0amined in the Temple When He is o! $ge. L2 week $"sses
be!ore ,h1721M
5C1 M A$ri% M"r' "nd +ose$h Lose +es(s1
#### #### Lk 5:7C077 ####
M"r' "nd +ose$h0 a!ter a !ull day on the ro"d b"ck to N"I"reth0 c"nnot !ind +es(s1
571 M A$ri% M"r' "nd +ose$h Ret(rn to +er(s"%e1
#### #### Lk 5:73 ####
M"r' "nd +ose$h ret(rn to +er(s"%e that night in se"rch o! +es(s1
531 M A$ri% +es(s is Fo(nd in the Te$%e Te"ching the Doctors1
#### ##### Lk 5:7F#35 #### @,7p.*,*

P"ge 27
PA() * )+, )-. P(./*0,1 0.20 34 56 78 9 5 78 34 the poe$ vol PA() * )+, )-. P(./*0,1 0.20 34 56 78 9 5 78 34 the poe$ vol
5 5
They searh !or him on the oneDday return trip and a!ter he/ing !or noties
at the ity and temple gates' t#o more days in .erusalem. +es(s is !in"%%' !o(nd in
the te$%e "!ter three d"'s ;(estioning the gre"t Doctors0 among #ho #ere the great
%abbis Hillel and Gamaliel' #ho #ere open to .esus9 #ords' and (hammai' #ho
#as hostile. .esus re!ers to Himsel! as the Temple that #ill not be demolished.
The young .esus here ma/es a prophey that #ould haunt Gamaliel the rest o!
his li!e. (pea/ing o! the Temple around them' .esus delares to them all' HThese
stones shall hear My voie again and vibrate hearing My last #ordsLI It is at the
very moment o! this propheti utterane that Mary sees .esus in the Temple.
=(ee e0tensive note on Daniel9s (eventy Wee/s at *2<.? 5ater' (imon the $postle
reounts Gamaliel9s testimony to some o! .esus9 #ords on that day =I&'@,B?.
72cG$155> # +es(s re!%ects on the re"ctions o! M"r'0 or on Her lac* of re"ction0
es$eci"%%' tow"rd +ose$h !or not $"'ing ore "ttention to Hi0 seeing He sho(%d now
h"*e been with the en0 "nd h"*ing been0 <b' GodHs $ro*ision @PA= ke$t in the d"rk
"bo(t His where"bo(ts !or three d"'sP
@,7p.*,* D The Dispute o! .esus #ith the Dotors in the Temple.
5F1 L A$ri% +ohn the /"$tist Le"*es !or the Desert1
#### #### Lk 2:4>b #### =;;7p.@+C?
$bout this time' .ohn the :aptist' age t#elve' leaves his home in Hebron !or
the desert. Here he lives until he begins his ministry ,; years later in May o!$D
<+. His parents' as #ell as .oseph' pass a#ay during this time =(ee @*7p.***X
;;7p.@+C?. L23 'e"rs $"ss !ro the /"$tistHs sec%(sion to ,h1751M
AD 27 # 58
75G$1555 # The De"th o! S"int +ose$h @S$ring or S(erAD 54A1 @+ose$h is "ro(nd
F> 'e"rs o%d "nd +es(s is 54 'e"rs o%dA1 +ose$h is in the $resence o! +es(s "nd M"r' in
their hoe "t N"I"reth1 +es(s recites " co!orting Ps"% "nd e:$resses His dee$
th"nk!(%ness to hi !or being the Ho%' F"ther he w"s1 9hi%e "sking hi to "nno(nce
to the w"iting P"tri"rchs th"t the S"*ior is in the wor%d "nd th"t the g"tes o! He"*en
wi%% soon be o$ened !or the0 He b%esses hi with $r"'ers "nd $roises o! di*ine
co!ort1 Tho(gh he s(!!ered with gre"t $"in @88G$13C>A0 +ose$h $"sses in $e"ce in the
ebr"ce o! +es(s1 /oth M"r' "nd +es(s grie*e dee$%' o*er the %oss o! +ose$h1 L5
'e"rs to the /"$tistHs c"%%ing1M
561 S$ring The 9ord o! God ,oes to the /"$tist1
#### #### Lk C:205 #### =@27p.*@*?
The 9ord o! God coes to the /"$tist in the desert in the !i!teenth 'e"r o! Tiberi(s
,"es"r1 Pi%"te w"s go*ernor o! +(de"0 Herod w"s Tetr"rch o! G"%i%ee "nd Phi%i$
his brother Tetr"rch o! )t(re" "nd Tr"chonitis1

P"ge 23
PA() * )+, )-. P(./*0,1 0.20 34 56 78 9 5 78 34 the poe$ vol PA() * )+, )-. P(./*0,1 0.20 34 56 78 9 5 78 34 the poe$ vol
5 5
541 L S$ring The /"$tist /egins His Ministr'1
Mt C:2#C Mk 2:2#7 Lk C:C#F #### =@27p.*@*?
+ohn begins his $re"ching "nd b"$tiIing inistr' o! $en"nce (nto the reission o!
581 L S$ring The /"$tistHs Ascetic Li!e1
Mt C:7#F Mk 2:30F #### #### =@27p.*@*?
The +ord"n Ri*er near :ethabara: +ohnHs b"$tis o! re$ent"nce "nd "scetic %i!e1
L4#8 onths %"ter +es(s wi%% show ($ !or His /"$tis1M
C>1 M +"n("r' The /"$tist "nd the Ph"risees1
Mt C:6#2> #### Lk C:6#8 #### =@27p.*@*?
+ohn reb(kes the Ph"risees "nd S"dd(cees1
C21 M +"n("r' The /"$tist )nstr(cts P(b%ic"ns "nd So%diers1
#### #### Lk C:2>#27 #### =@27p.*@*?
The s"e d"'0 the $eo$%e "sk +ohn wh"t the' sho(%d do to show the h"*e re$ented1
C51 M +"n("r' ,hristi"n /"$tis in the Ho%' S$irit Foreto%d1
Mt C:22#25 Mk 2:604 Lk C:23#24 #### =@27p.*@*?
S"e d"': The $eo$%e wonder i! +ohn is the Messi"h1 +ohn e:$%"ins the gre"t
di!!erence between hi "nd his b"$tis "nd the Messi"h "nd His /"$tis with the
Ho%' S$irit1
CC1 D The A$ost%e +ohnHs Disco(rse on the Di*init'0 H("nit' "nd O!!ice o! ,hrist1
#### #### #### +n 2:2#27 L#M
The +ohn the /"$tist is on%' sent to be"r witness o! to the 9ord0 9ho is God0
,re"tor "nd the tr(e Light1 .esus atually gives the ontent o! .ohn ,:AD,, to .ohn
!ive months later #hile visiting :ethlehem =(ee ;<7p.<;A?.
C71 M +"n("r' The 9itness o! the /"$tist to the ,hrist1
#### #### #### +n 2:23#54
S"e d"': +ohn the /"$tist0 the witness0 the *oice o! one cr'ing in the wi%derness1
+ohn is b"$tiIing ne"r /eth"ni" @RheisA0 "%so s$e%%ed /eth"n' @New Aeric"nA0 on
the e"st side o! +ord"n0 not the /eth"n' ne"r +er(s"%e1 This w"s ne"r /eth"b"r"
@-+&A on the e"st side o! the +ord"n1 LThe ne:t d"' or the !o%%owing d"' +es(s
"rri*es "t the +ord"n1M
7CG$1554 # ,onc%(sion o! the Pri*"te Li!e Lo! ,hristM1 @Re%"ted to M& b' Ho%'

P"ge 2F
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
3$%T III D TH) 3>:5IC MI"I(T%8 4F .)(>( CH%I(T 7 .anuary'$D <, D
$pril'$D <@
.esus %evealed as Messiah
The Three!o%d 9itness to +es(s ,hrist the Messi"h: The /"$tist0 The He"*en%' F"ther "nd
the Ho%' S$irit GAD C2 LPoe ,h"$ters 77#73M
C31 M +"n("r' The Three!o%d 9itness to ,hrist1 The 9"ter "nd S$irit in ,hristi"n /"$tis1
Mt C:2C#26 Mk 2:8#22 Lk C:52#5C" #### @@' @2
+es(s "rri*es "t the +ord"n Lne"r both /eth"b"r" "nd /eth"n'0 towns e"st o! the
+ord"n # +n 2:54M !or His b"$tis "!ter %e"*ing His Mother in N"I"reth in late
Deember. T#o and a hal! years be!ore' .esus and Mary had lost their beloved
.oseph. Now M"r' %oses Her +es(s to the inistr' th"t She knew wo(%d end in the
gre"test inK(stice "nd "!!%iction "n' two h("n beings wo(%d end(re1 She 'ie%ds to
this0 GodHs ho%' wi%%0 o(t o! Her $(re %o*e !or God "nd "n (nbo(nded %o*e !or
h("nit'1 +ohnHs testion'0 the testion' o! the Ho%' S$irit in the do*e0 "nd the
F"therHs "$$ro*"% o! His Son in the words: <This is M' /e%o*ed Son in who ) "
we%% $%e"sed0= is " three#!o%d witness to the ,hrist1
@@7p.*<2 D Fare#ell to His Mother and Departure !rom "azareth.
CF1 M +"n("r' The Three!o%d 9itness to ,hrist1 The /"$tis o! 9"ter "nd the S$irit1
#### #### #### +n 2:58#CF
S"e d"' "t the +ord"n: 5ater the same day .esus omes by again and +ohn0
#ho has been preahing !or some eight months' "nno(nces: </eho%d the L"b o!
God1= +ohn "nd Andrew0 two o! +es(sH !(t(re Disci$%es0 he"r this witness @76G$153CA1
@$ndre#' t#o years later' tells his e0periene to believers assembled in one o!
5azarus9 homes in $ntioh. III' <*<7p.*22?
@27p.*@* D .esus Is :aptized in the .ordan.
+es(s is Tested "nd Pro*en "s Messi"hGAD C2 LPoe ,h"$ters 7F#32M
C61 M +"n("r' +es(s is Led into the 9i%derness1
Mt 7:2 Mk 2:25 Lk 7:2 #### L#M
The S$irit iedi"te%' %e"ds +es(s into the desert0 some <+ miles south to#ards
)ngedi. It is e0tremely old and #indy in the mountain ave #here .esus stays
C41 M +"n("r' +es(s F"sts !or 7> d"'s1
Mt 7:5" Mk 2:2C" Lk 7:5" ##### =@C7p.*@;?
+es(s begins His 7> d"'s o! !"sting near the top o! a barren mountain pea/ east
o! Hebron =@C7p.*@B?. $t the end o! the !ast' He desends the mountain and goes
ba/ north to the desert' #here it is very hot.
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
C81 M#L +"n("r' The /"$tist is )$risoned the First Tie1
Mt 27:C#3 Mk 2:27" Lk C:2805> #### =@;7p.*2@?
During the !irst days o! .esus9 @+Dday !ast' +ohn the /"$tist is i$risoned the
!irst time. This on!inement lasts some seven months until $ugust' a!ter #hih
he has some seven months o! !reedom be!ore being imprisoned the seond time
in early Marh D$D <*. $!ter !ive more months in prison' he is beheaded in midD
$ugust' $D <*. Matthe#' #ho has no interest in presenting the less signi!iant
!irst imprisonment' blends the t#o imprisonments into one and plaes the
in!ormation at the point o! the later imprisonment that led to his death. @For this
re"son th"t in!or"tion is $%"ced here and "t the second i$risonent1 See Gos$e%
e$isode 2251A @See )))0 C5CG$1 536A
7>1 M Feb0 S(nd"' The Te$t"tion o! +es(s1
Mt 7:5b#22 Mk 2:2Cb Lk 7:5b#2C #### @C7p.*@A
The Te$t"tion o! +es(s b' S"t"n ours in the desert' some *+ miles on His
#ay ba/ to the .ordan !ord' a day a!ter the @+Dday !ast.
@C7p.*@; D .esus is Tempted in the Desert by the Devil.
721 M Feb0 Mond"' +ohn "nd +"es Fo%%ow +es(s1
#### #### #### +n 2:C6#C8 @;7p.*2<
Ne:t d"': Two o! the /"$tistHs disci$%es0 .ohn and .ames' sons o! Uebedee'
oming !rom Mahaerus =#here the :aptist #as imprisoned?' #ere on their #ay
home to :ethsaida on the (ea o! Galilee. /oth .ohn and .ames see +es(s among
a large ro#d o! people' but a!ter suh a long !ast He is so hanged that He is not
reognized by anyone but .ohn. =.ames admits this * years later. III' <*<7p.*2B?
.ohn and .ames !o%%ow Hi ($ the +ord"n *"%%e'0 #ishing to be His devotees sine
they had lost the :aptist1 $ndre#' ho#ever' is in too muh o! a hurry to get
home to help his brother' (imon' #ith his !ishing' so does not heed .ohn9s
invitation to Roin them as they go #ith .esus. .ames and .ohn "cco$"n' +es(s
to where He w"s going to st"' in ,"$ern"(0 three i%es e"st o! /eths"id"1 (imon is
not too happy #hen he later !inds his brother' $ndre#' had allo#ed .ames and
.ohn to Hdisappear #ith that Man F.esusGLI
76bG$1537 # O! th"t %"rge crowd0 wh' w"s on%' +ohn "b%e to recogniIe +es(sB +es(s
te%%s (s wh'1 )t w"s bec"(se +ohn w"s witho(t %ewdness1 He w"s the P(re One
"ongst +es(sH disci$%es1 +es(s s$e"ks o! the i$ort"nce o! ch"stit' "nd *irginit'1
751 M Febr("r' +es(s Sett%es in ,"$ern"(1
Mt 7:25#2F #### #### #### @;7p.*2C
A!ter " *D< day tri$ b"ck to G"%i%ee with .ohn and .ames' +es(s sett%es in
,"$ern"( at the home o! a !riend o! His relatives. This is "!ter +ohn the /"$tist is
i$risoned the !irst time.
@;7p.*2< D .esus Meets .ohn and .ames.
7C1 L Feb0 Frid"' Andrew Te%%s Peter o! ,hrist1
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
#### #### #### +n 2:7>#75" @B7p.*2C
"e0t day at :ethsaida @C i%esA0 +ohn0 in his Gos$e%0 h(b%' credits Andrew with
being one o! the <two= "cco$"n'ing +es(s b"ck to G"%i%ee !ro the +ord"nP Indeed'
$ndre# had desired to aompany .esus #ith .ames and .ohn but sari!ied his
desire to more 1ui/ly get ba/ to help his brother 3eter #ith !ishingL +ohn "%so
credits Andrew with bringing Sion to +es(s0 but in !at it is he #ho plays the
maRor role. Sion is not in a good mood over the absene o! .ames and .ohn'
but soon is dr"wn to +es(s1
@B7p.*2C D .ohn and .ames (pea/ to 3eter about the Messiah.
771 L Feb0 Frid"' Peter is ,"%%ed the Rock1
#### #### #### +n 2:75b @A7p.*C+
(ame day a!ter the servie at the synagogue at Capernaum' +es(s0 s$e"king the
n"ti*e Ar""ic0 n"es Sion <,e$h"s0= e"ning <rock1= The Greek ter <Petros0=
e"ning rock or soeties stone @!ro which is deri*ed <Peter=A w"s (sed b'
M"tthew to re!er to Peter on%' bec"(se he wrote his Gos$e% in Greek1 Matthe# the
ta0 olletor is #athing .esus #ith great interest1
@A7p.*C+ D First Meeting o! 3eter and the Messiah.
731 L Feb0 S"t(rd"' The First Fo(r Disci$%es1
Mt 7:24#55 Mk 2:2F#5> #### #### 2+7p.*CB
Ne:t d"' in Capernaum0 +es(s in!ormally "sks Sion "nd Andrew0 then +"es
"nd +ohn to !o%%ow Hi1 The !ishermen then all go ba/ to :ethsaida.
7F1 L Feb0 S"t(rd"' Phi%i$ "nd N"th"nie% Find The ,hrist1
#### #### #### +n 2:7C#32 2+7p.*;*
The same day' .ohn omes ba/ to Capernaum to bring .esus to :ethsaida.
In 3eter9s house in :ethsaida' +es(s in!ormally c"%%s Phi%i$ "nd N"th"n"e%1
2+7p.*CB D .esus at :ethsaida in 3eter9s House. He Meets 3hilip and "athanael.
761 L Feb0 S(nd"' +es(s is )n*ited to the 9edding in ,"n"1
#### #### #### +n 5:205 2,7p.*;C
"e0t day at :ethsaida: .udas Thaddeus' .esus9 ousin0 omes !rom "azareth
at Mary9s instrutions to in*ite +es(s to (usanna9s wedding in ,"n"1
2,7p.*;C D .udas Thaddeus at :ethsaida to Invite .esus to the Wedding at Cana.
+es(s Re*e"%s Hise%! "s Messi"h in G"%i%ee GAD C2 LPoe ,h"$ters 32#35M
741 E Mch0 Mond"' +es(s re*e"%s He is Messi"h in G"%i%ee1 He )n"(g(r"tes His Ministr'
Sooner Th"n P%"nned1
#### #### #### +n 5:C#22 2*7p.*;A
The ne0t day: The wedding o! (usanna =(ee II' <2'<C? in ,"n" @5>i%esA1 +es(sH
Mother M"r'0 Mary o! Clopas =$lphaeus9 #i!e? and her hildren =.esus9 !our
ousins? were "%% there1 Tho(gh +ohn in his Gos$e% s"'s th"t the Disci$%es coe to
be%ie*e "s the res(%t o! this !irst ir"c%e0 on%' .ohn' and the soon to be disiples'
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
.udas Thaddeus and .ames o! $lphaeus' are atually present to #itness the
mirale1 .esus' entering His ministry' no longer relates to Mary as a son in
subRetion to a Hmother'I but as one alled and obedient to His Heavenly Father.
Ho#ever' He sees Her no# as HThe WomanI o! Genesis three. .esus then sho#s
all present Rust ho# important this HWomanI is to Him' His ministry and to eah
o! us by oneding to Her re1uest on behal! o! the #edding party. .esus thus
inaugurates His redemptive ministry sooner than He had plannedL There is
there!ore a very deep and po#er!ul spiritual union bet#een .esus HThe ManI
and HThe WomanI #e usually re!er to as Mary' the Mother o! God. Mary is here
revealed to be Mediatri0 o! God9s grae and $dvoate !or all o! us. =(ee also
781 E Mch0 Mond"' L(ke Re!ers to the Mir"c%e "t ,"n"1
#### #### Lk 7:27023 #### =2*7p.*;A?
S"e d"': The ret(rning to G"%i%ee in $ower o! the S$irit is a re!erene to .esus9
!irst mirale at Cana o! Galilee Rust !our days a!ter returning !rom .udea' #here
He had been baptized by .ohn' !asted' and been tempted by (atan.
2*7p.*;A D .esus at the Wedding at Cana.
3>1 L Feb W E Mch +es(s Goes to ,"$ern"(1
#### #### #### +n 5:25 =2*7p.*B2?
The ne:t d"' +es(s0 His Mother0 His co(sins "nd His disci$%es =.ohn' co(sin .udas
Thaddeus and perhaps co(sins .oseph and .ames? go to Tiberias @25i%esA and
then boat to ,"$ern"( @Fi%esA !or " !ew d"'s1 @See ,h"$ter 320 $15660 5680 587A
321 E M"rch +es(s /egins His Pre"ching Ministr' in G"%i%ee1
Mt 7:26 Mk 2:27b023 #### #### =2*7p.*B2?
Capernaum: +es(s begins to $re"ch: <Re$ent0 the -ingdo o! He"*en is "t h"nd1=
351 E M"rch +es(s Goes to +er(s"%e !or the P"sso*er1
#### #### #### +n 5:2C" =2*7p.*B2?
(ame day at Capernaum: The late Marh P"sso*er is ne"r1
+es(s Re*e"%s Hise%! "s Messi"h in +(de" GAD C2 LPoe ,h"$ters 3C#3FM
3C1 E#M Mch +es(s Goes to +er(s"%e !or the P"sso*er1
#### #### #### +n 5:2Cb =2*7p.*B2?
S"e d"': +es(s he"ds to +er(s"%e #ith His si0 disiples =3eter' $ndre#' .ames
o! Uebedee and .ohn' 3hilip and "athaniel? !or the P"sso*er1 The' "rri*e @8>i%esA
0 a!ter a very unhurried Rourney' at a little house in an olive plantation in
LThe' "re here !or two weeks1 @See ,h"$ters 32G$1$5660 568 "nd 37G$1548AM
371 M M"rch +es(s Re*e"%s He is Messi"h in +(de"1 He ,%e"nses the Te$%e1
#### #### Lk 28:7307F +n 5:27#2F 2<7p.*B;
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
The First ,%e"nsing o! the Te$%e1 The signi!iane o! this leansing is that the
rulers properly ta/e it as .esus9 laim to messiahship and the imminene o! the
Day o! the 5ord. They are all very !amiliar #ith the prophey in Uehariah
,@:*,. This is #hy the r(%ers "sk +es(s !or " sign o! His Messi"hshi$1 LNOTE: Since L(ke
oits the !irst c%e"nsing o! the te$%e0 we (se his "cco(nt o! the second c%e"nsing here "%so1M
331 M M"rch The +ews Ask !or " Sign o! +es(sH Messi"hshi$1
#### #### #### +n 5:26#53 2<7p.*BB
S"e d"': +es(s re$%ies th"t He Hise%! is the sign: <Destro' this true Te$%e "nd
in three d"'s ) wi%% r"ise it to give praise to God.I
2<7p.*B2 D .esus Drives the Merhants out o! the Temple. LThe P"sso*er is the
ne:t d"'1M
37G$1548 @L M"rch0 the d"' "!ter P"sso*erA # +es(s Meets +(d"s )sc"riot "nd Tho"s
"nd ,(res Sion the Oe"%ot1 H"*ing he"rd +es(s in the Te$%e0 Tho"s0 +(d"s
)sc"riot "nd Sion Oe"%ot seek o(t the Lord1 +es(s c(res Sion be!ore the "%%1
+(d"s w"nts to !o%%ow the Lord to <t"ke $"rt= in His <g%or'1= Tho"s w"nts to !o%%ow
,hrist b(t does not !ee% worth'1 /oth "re "sked to think "bo(t their desire "nd "re
disissed1 L"ter0 Tho"s coes b"ck0 being (n"b%e to be"r not being with +es(s0 "nd
is "cce$ted !or his strong wi%%1 The c(re o! Sion the Oe"%ot o! <%e$ros'= in the Ho%'
,it' is the official st"rting $oint o! +es(sH $(b%ic inistr'1 The ir"c%e o! ,"n" w"s0 in
+es(sH own words0 <to "ke M' Mother h"$$'1= )t w"s <the "d*"nce= o! di*ine gr"ce
<d(e to M' Mother1= LNOTE: Sion the Oe"%ot sees s'bo%ic o! +er(s"%e "nd +(de"0 "nd his he"%ing " testion' to
+es(sH wi%%ingness "nd "bi%it' to he"% the n"tion o! its sin "nd "!!%iction1M
33G$1583 @L M"rch0 s"e d"'A # Tho"s /ecoes " Disci$%e1 At +on"hHs ho(se
o(tside +er(s"%e1 Peter becoes " bit Ke"%o(s o! the "ttention +es(s is gi*ing Tho"s0
the %"tecoer0 "nd in His interest in Sion the he"%ed %e$er1 L+es(s %"ter he"%s "nother
%e$er "t the +er(s"%e Fish G"te @)0C>2A1M
3FG$1C>> @L M"rch0 7#F d"'s %"terA # +(d"s o! A%$h"e(s Lthe 4
M0 Tho"s Lthe 6
M "nd
Sion L8
M Are Acce$ted "s Disci$%es "t the +ord"n1 Sion Oe"%ot "nd Tho"s "re
to%d to st"' in the +er(s"%e "re" to $re$"re it !or the LordHs ret(rn !or Pentecost in
two onths1 The origin"% si: Disci$%es "nd +(d"s o! A%$h"e(s wi%% go b"ck to G"%i%ee
with +es(s1
The First Galilean Ministry 7 T#o Months' ) $pril D ) .une'$D <, F3oem Chapters
36G$1C>3 @E A$ri%A # Ret(rn to N"I"reth @6> i%esA "!ter P"sso*er with the Si:
Disci$%es1 H"*ing been gone !or three onths0 +es(s "nd his str"nge gro($ "re w"r%'
we%coed b' the chi%dren0 b(t on%' d(teo(s%' b' the o%der *i%%"gers1 O! co(rse0 M"r'
;(ick%' con!esses0 "s she ebr"ces her Son0 th"t G"%i%e"ns "nd those !ro N"I"reth
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
h"*e to%d "bo(t the Te$%e incident1 Aong those who "re critic"% "re the $roinent
"nd res$ected citiIen A%$h"e(s @e%der brother to the %"te +ose$hA "nd his two o%der
sons1 A%$h"e(sH wi!e0 M"r'0 is $resent "nd is st"nding with +es(s in this !"i%'
di*ision1 She is o*erKo'ed to disco*er th"t her 'o(ngest0 +(d"s Th"dd"e(s0 h"s
decided to !o%%ow +es(s1
L5#C weeks: +es(s is "%one "t Mo(nt ,"re% @28i%esA1 @See ))0 285G$15F7A Here he
c(res Abe%0 his !irst tr(e %e$er @)0C250CCCE ))05F7A1 He is "%so "%one "t Mo(nt T"bor
@58 i%esA1 @See )0 34G$1C25A /etween ,h136c34M
3F1 A$ri% # M"' LFro Mt1 T"borM to ,"$ern"(1
#### #### Lk 7:C20C5 #### 2B D C2
+es(s0 b"ck in ,"$ern"( @28i%esA0 te"ches with "(thorit'1
34G$1C>4 @L M"'A # ,(re o! " /%ind M"n "t ,"$ern"(1 @This ch"$ter coes
chrono%ogic"%%' "!ter Gos$e% E$isode F21A Peter shows +es(s how the' !ish with the nets1
+es(s te"ches Peter "bo(t the c((%"ti*e e!!ects o! s"%% sins "nd the i$ort"nce o! inistering to
" b%ind "n o*er " !ishing sched("%1 The b%ind "n h"d he"rd o! +es(s thro(gh " %e$er +es(s
he"%ed between ,h1 36 "nd 341 L+es(s goes b"ck to ,"$ern"( "s He h"d $roised in
361 L A$ri%0 S"t(rd"' A Deoni"c is ,(red in the S'n"gog(e1
#### Mk 2:52#54 Lk 7:CC#C6 #### 2A7p.<,B
+es(s $re"ches to " crowd in the s'n"gog(e "t ,"$ern"( about the muh
greater Oingdom He has ome to establish' a Oingdom that #ill root out sin and
deliver men !rom spiritual slavery. $!ter a religious leader hallenges .esus9
dotrine and laim to be the Messiah' +es(s c"sts o(t "n (nc%e"n s$irit as a sign to
them that He is the Messiah and that His dotrine is o! God.
2A7p.<,@ D The Demonia o! Capernaum Cured in the (ynagogue.
L5 weeks: +es(s inisters in the co(ntr'side "ro(nd ,"$ern"(1 )n the -or"Ii
P%"in @See )0F>G$1C52A )n /eths"id" "nd in ne"rb' *i%%"ges1 @/etween ,h138 c F>AM
341 M M"'0 S"t(rd"' PeterHs Mother#in#L"w is He"%ed1
Mt 4:27#26 Mk 2:58#C7 Lk 7:C4#72 #### C+'
+es(s he"%s PeterHs other#in#%"w "t her ho(se in ,"$ern"(1 M"n' "re he"%ed "nd
de%i*ered in ,"$ern"(1 Matthe# the ta0 olletor gives his <
(abbath day gi!t
to .esus9 alms !und anonymously' through a boy messenger and also as/s !or
C+7p.<,A D Cure o! (imon 3eter9s MotherDinDla#.
C,7p.<,@ D .esus 3reahes and Wor/s Mirales in 3eter9s House1
381 M M"'0 S(nd"' +es(s De$"rts into " Deserted P%"ce to Pr"'1
#### Mk 2:C3#C4 Lk 7:7507C #### C*7p.<*A
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
Ne:t d"' "t ,"$ern"(: +es(s de$"rts to $r"'1 He $%"ns to inister "%one
thro(gho(t G"%i%ee1
C*7p.<*A D .esus 3rays at "ight.
F>1 M M"'0 S(nd"' +es(s Pre"ches Thro(gho(t G"%i%ee1
Mt 7:5C#53 Mk 2:C8 Lk 7:77 #### C<7p.<<*
The s"e d"': +es(s te"ches "nd he"%s in :ethsaida =<miles? and' later' in the
!ollo#ing eleven days' in the nearby villages.
F21 M M"' +es(s He"%s " Le$er LNe"r -or"IiM1
#### Mk 2:7>#73 Lk 3:25#2F #### C<7p.<<2
The s"e d"': +es(s0 approahing Oorazim0 he"%s " %e$er named $bel.
C<7p.<<* D The 5eper Cured at Oorazim.
34G$1C>4 @L M"'0 " !ew d"'s %"terA # ,(re o! " /%ind M"n "t ,"$ern"(1 @This
ch"$ter is here in $ro$er chrono%ogic"% order1A On the %"keshore in !ront o! PeterHs
ho(se0 +ohn brings " b%ind "n !or +es(s to he"%1 Peter is "n:io(s bec"(se "%% the other
!isheren h"*e %e!t !or the good s$ots1
F51 L M"' A M"n with P"%s' is He"%ed "nd Forgi*en1
Mt 8:2b#4 Mk 5:2#25 Lk 3:26#5F #### C@7p.<<A
$!ter some days' " $"r"%'tic is he"%ed "nd !orgi*en in 3eter9s house in ,"$ern"(
"!ter being %et down thro(gh the roo!1 The crowd' #hih ould not get into the
house' "%so w"nts to he"r +es(s s$e"k so +es(s "ccood"tes the b(t (st esc"$e
the $ress o! the crowd in PeterHs bo"t1
FC1 L M"' The Mir"c(%o(s ,"tch o! Fish1
#### Mk 5:2C Lk 3:2#22 #### C@'
(ame day "t ,"$ern"(: +es(s $re"ches !ro the bo"t and #arns them that
(atan #ill try to destroy all the good that He has planted in their hearts. They
must guard against his e!!orts. The ir"c(%o(s c"tch o! !ish coes "!ter the' h"d
%"bored "%% night witho(t c"tching "n'thing1 The ath ame even though it #as the
#rong time to !ish. 3eter9s best and holiest intentions to !eed the many poor and
hungry #ho had ome and #ere #aiting !or .esus to return to Capernaum had
not been enough' though .esus assures them it #as their harity that #as #hat
#as important not the !ood. The 9ord o! the M"ster0 howe*er0 w"s needed to bring
the c"tch1 Fo%%owing this c"tch "nd PeterHs h(b%e con!ession0 +es(s o!!ici"%%' c"%%s
Peter "nd his <co$"nions= "s His Disci$%es "nd tr(e <!ishers o! en1= They
immediately head to .erusalem !or 3enteost.
C@7p.<<C D The 3aralyti Cured in 3eter9s House.
C27p.<@, D The Miraulous Draught o! Fishes.
LNe:t d"': +es(s "nd his si: G"%i%e"n Disci$%es he"d to +er(s"%e !or Pentecost1 At
+er(s"%e @8>i%esA1 He re"ins se$"r"ted !ro the so "s not to irrit"te the
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
sensiti*ities o! the +(de"ns1 /etween ,h1F3 c FF1 See: F6G$1C781M
First .udean Ministry 7 T#o Months' ) .une D 5 .uly' $D <, F3oem Chapters CCDB;G
This First +(de"n Ministr' in +(de" @,h1FF#46A w"s not " $(b%ic one0 b(t to i$ort"nt
indi*id("%s0 not the %e"st o! which were the /eth%ehe she$herds0 who wo(%d $re$"re +(de"
!or His %"ter inistries1
LThe G"%i%e"n Disci$%es ret(rn hoe "!ter Pentecost0 %e"*ing +es(s in +er(s"%e1 /etween ,h1F3 c
FFM ,h1FF#62: +es(s s$ends the ne:t two weeks (nti% id#%"te +(ne in +er(s"%e "nd Gethse"ne1
FFG$1C7C @M +(neA # The )sc"riot Finds +es(s "t Gethse"ne "nd is Acce$ted "s "
Disci$%e1 +(d"s )sc"riot !in"%%' !inds +es(s "nd insists on being "cce$ted "s " Disci$%e
in !"ce o! the $%"inest w"rnings1 His words e:$%"ining his re"son !or w"nting to be "
disci$%e te%% e*er'thing: <) dre" o! the -ingdo o! )sr"e% "nd ) see 'o( "s a *in'1=
+es(s0 who wi%% ne*er reKect "n'one0 "cce$ts hi "s the tenth Disci$%e on%' "!ter !"i%ing
to diss("de hi1 +es(s knows this is the betr"'er1
F6G$1C7F @M +(ne0 ne:t orningA # +es(s 9orks the Mir"c%e o! the /roken /%"des "t
the Fish G"te1 +es(s0 with " ir"c%e0 sto$s " !ight th"t wo(%d h"*e ended in b%oodshed1
He s$e"ks on %o*e !or o(r neighbor "nd introd(ces Hise%! "s the Messi"h to the
ench"nted crowd1

F4G$1C3> @M +(ne0 s"e d"'0 PMA # +es(s Pre"ches in the Te$%e1 +(d"s )sc"riot )s
with Hi1 +es(s introd(ces Hise%! to the Te$%e A(thorit'0 gi*ing His Messi"nic
credenti"%s witho(t entioning the tit%e1 +es(s "%so entions wh' it is in the F"therHs
$%"n to h"*e Hi %i*e in G"%i%ee1 )t is to !"ci%it"te the (nion o! "%% )sr"e% (nder the
She$herd1 )n the Te$%e0 +es(s s$e"ks "bo(t %o*ing 'o(r eneies "nd !orgi*ing those
who o!!end (s1 +es(s he"%s " b%ind "n "nd testi!ies to " Le*ite th"t He is the Messi"h1
F8G$1C33 @M +(ne0 s"e d"'0 PMA # +es(s Te"ches +(d"s )sc"riot1 +es(s s$e"ks o! the
need o! co$%ete%' s(bd(ing the !%esh in order to be%ong to the s($ern"t(r"%1 )t is
ob*io(s th"t +(d"s !"%%s into $eriods o! de$ression "nd des$"ir "nd h"s conte$%"ted
s(icide0 since +es(s brings ($ the s(bKect1 He e:$%"ins th"t $ride is the root o! s(ch "
st"te1 +es(s s$e"ks o! "n "s the highest order o! cre"tion0 h"*ing been gi*en the
s$irit o! "n "nge% "nd "%so the !(%% be"(t' o! "ni"%1
+es(s s$e"ks "bo(t His te$t"tions "nd th"t He not on%' h"d not e*er sinned b(t
He ne+er )anted to sin" He s"'s the re"son He c"e in h("n !%esh w"s to $ro*e to
"%% the rest o! h("nit' th"t i! the' do not w"nt to sin the' wonHt either1 A%tho(gh we
know th"t neither M"r' nor +es(s were born with <conc($iscence= @the "%re"d'
inordin"te tendencies within their n"t(resA b(t were %ike Ad" "nd E*e0 the' h"d
within their h("n n"t(res "%% the desires o! the !%esh0 "%% o! which were "t %e"st
contin("%%' s&''estin' the <goodness= o! wh"t wo(%d be tr(%' e*i%1 9hen +es(s s"'s
to +(d"s0 <we= h"*e e*er'thing within <(s0= both good "nd e*i%0 He c"nnot be
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
inc%(ding Hise%! i! b' e*i% He is re!erring to conc($iscence0 or "ct("% inordinate
desires1 9h"t +es(s e"nt b' e*i% w"s on%' the $otenti"% !or e*i%0 or the ere desires
o! the !%esh th"t on%' i! "%%owed to reign o*er the s$irit b' " )illf&l choice0 becoe sin1
LNOTE: Those who wish to (se +es(sH words here to throw do(bt on this re*e%"tion
show no interest in (nderst"nding wh"t +es(s w"s tr'ing to te"ch +(d"s nor e*en to
+es(sH own c%"ri!ic"tion1 +es(s te%%s +(d"s $%"in%'0 <) ne+er )anted to sin1= Th"t is
c%e"r%' " c%"i there w"s no e*i% within Hi "nd th"t "%% te$t"tion there!ore h"d to be
!ro witho(t1 +es(s s$oke to +(d"s0 who w"s in need o! knowing th"t His te$t"tions
were *er' re"%0 essentially the *er' s"e "s his own0 "nd th"t there!ore +(d"s h"d no
e:c(se !or 'ie%ding to sin1 )t does not t"ke the !"%%en h("n n"t(re or conc($iscence
)ithin &s to be be !"t"%%' te$ted or to sin "s Ad" "nd E*e $ro*ed to (s0 nor does
conc($iscence within (s $re*ent (s @with the he%$ o! GodA to %i*e witho(t conscio(s
sinP +es(s "bso%(te%'did not w"nt to de!ine this iss(e in " w"' th"t wo(%d gi*e +(d"s
"nother e:c(se to think he w"s "t soe dis"d*"nt"ge in "tt"ining " ho%' %i!eP ,h"$ters
3 "nd F %e"*e no do(bt "bo(t this "tter1M
6>G$1CF> @L +(ne0 C d"'s %"ter0 PMA # +es(s eets +ohn o! Oebedee "t Gethse"ne1
+ohn0 who c"e b"ck !ro G"%i%ee with soe $ro*isions !ro the other Disci$%es "nd
Ho%' M"r'0 h"*ing been with the Oe"%ot0 te%%s +es(s "bo(t the c%ose !riend o! Sion
Oe"%ot who owns ost o! /eth"n'1 A%one with +ohn0 +es(s %"ents o*er the s$irit("%
de"dness o! the Te$%e "nd its $riesthood1 +ohn te%%s +es(s th"t he is we%% "c;("inted
with Ann"s "nd ,"i"$h"s bec"(se o! the good b(siness re%"tionshi$ his !"ther Oebedee
h"s h"d with the0 $ro*iding the !ish !ro G"%i%ee1 +es(s s$e"ks to +ohn o! the <new
Disci$%e= who he (st tr' to e*"nge%iIe with his !"ith1
62G$1CFF @L +(ne0 ne:t d"'A # +es(s with +(d"s )sc"riot Meets Sion Oe"%ot "nd +ohn1
9"iting !or the Oe"%ot0 +es(s s$e"ks to +(d"s o! his %"te !"ther "nd His desire to
becoe the One in who he co(%d !ind his de$"rted !"ther1 Sion Oe"%ot0 " c%ose
!riend o! L"I"r(s0 eets +es(s "g"in1 He h"d been he"%ed b' +es(s two onths be!ore0
K(st "!ter the P"sso*er1 Sion "nd Tho"s h"d "t th"t tie been $re$"ring +er(s"%e
"nd +(de" !or +es(sH ret(rn1

65G$1CF8 @L +(ne0 5 d"'s %"terA # +es(s0 +ohn0 Sion "nd +(d"s go to /eth%ehe @8
i%esA1 The )sc"riot0 Sion Oe"%ot "nd +ohn go with +es(s to /eth%ehe to *isit the
c"*e o! His birth1 Sion s$e"ks to +(d"s o! his own ist"ken *iews o! the Messi"h "s
" Oe"%ot1
6CG$1C65 @L +(ne0 s"e d"'A # +es(s "t /eth%ehe in the Pe"s"ntHs Ho(se "nd in the
Grotto1 )n " $e"s"ntHs ho(se o(tside o! /eth%ehe0 the' disco*er th"t the $"in o! th"t
"ss"cre is sti%% *er' !resh in /eth%ehe "nd th"t h"tred reigns in he"rts0 sh(tting o(t
"%% $ossibi%it' o! %ight1 +ohn is brokenhe"rted "t +es(s being reKected0 so +es(s gi*es
hi wh"t +ohn hise%! %"ter records in 2:8#22 o! his Gos$e% to co!ort hi1
The' go to the grotto !or the night0 (ch to the distress o! +(d"s1 Here +es(s
con!irs the d"te o! His birth "s ,his%e* 530 "ccording to the "ncient Hebrew c"%end"r1
He "!!irs th"t the decree w"s iss(ed b' <i$eri"% de%eg"te= P(b%i(s S(%$ici(s a(irin(s
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
on orders !ro ,"es"r "t the tie Senti(s S"t(rnin(s w"s Go*ernor o! P"%estine1 He
"dds th"t the we"ther w"s se*ere1
67G$1C42 @L +(ne0 " d"' %"terA # +es(s Goes to the Hote% in /eth%ehe "nd Pre"ches
!ro the R(ins o! AnneHs Ho(se1 The hote% kee$er reebers we%% the d"' " 'o(ng
wo"n "nd her h(sb"nd c"e to !ind " roo1 He reebers %"ter how e*er'one
c%"ied the newborn w"s the Messi"h "nd how $eo$%e !or "n' onths c"e !ro "%%
o*er0 "s !"r "s Eg'$t0 to *isit Hi0 "nd th"t %"st o! "%% were the three gre"t "nd we"%th'
<"gici"ns1= The e*ents "de hi *er' rich "s "n innkee$er1 The innkee$er then
shows +es(s0 +ohn0 Sion "nd +(d"s the "n' reinders o! the terrib%e s%"(ghter0
inc%(ding the deo%ished ho(se o! Anne @who h"d ho(sed the Ho%' F"i%' !or the 8
onths the' were in /eth%eheAE the o%d s'n"gog(e which "ngr' citiIens destro'ed b'
!ire bec"(se the "rch#s'n"gog(e insisted the ,hi%d w"s the Messi"h1 +es(s tries to
co!ort the $eo$%e who h"d g"thered0 b(t disco*ering th"t He is the One who h"d
been the occ"sion o! so (ch o! their grie! the' t(rn on Hi with ins(%ts "nd stones1
+(d"s0 h"*ing K($ed in !ront o! +es(s t"kes the hits !or Hi1 +es(s now w"nts to seek
o(t the she$herds o! /eth%ehe who c"e to worshi$ on th"t !irst co%d ,hrist"s C2
'e"rs be!ore "nd h"d been s(ch good !riends to Hi in the nine onths be!ore the
63G$1C48 @L +(ne0 s"e d"'A # +es(s "nd the She$herds E%i"s0 Le*i "nd +ose$h1 The
hi%%s be'ond /eth%ehe @3#2> i%esA: The' se"rch !or "nd !ind two o! the she$herds0
E%i"s "nd Le*i0 "nd 'o(ng +ose$h0 the son o! "nother she$herd @"%so n"ed +ose$hA0
ki%%ed d(ring the s%"(ghter1 9hi%e ost o! the she$herds h"d s(!!ered (ch !ro the
/eth%ehe incident0 "%% o! the @e:ce$t )s""c0 who w"s sickA h"d gotten she$herding
Kobs thro(gh O"ch"ri"s1 One o! the twe%*e she$herds h"d done *er' we%%1 He h"d
becoe " stew"rd o! ,h(I"0 " stew"rd to Herod1 Three o! the she$herds h"d becoe
disci$%es o! +ohn the /"$tist0 who0 tho(gh now sti%% i$risoned0 wi%% esc"$e soe tie
in A(g(st thro(gh the he%$ o! g("rds0 bribed b' " %"rge s( o! one' secret%' h"*ing
coe !ro " re$ent"nt wo"n the Disci$%es wo(%d serio(s%' isK(dge "nd conden1
LThe /"$tist0 o! co(rse0 wo(%d be rec"$t(red0 b(t not be!ore he s$ends se*en ore
onths inistering1M
6FG$1C83 @L +(ne0 5 or ore d"'s %"terA # +es(s "t +(tt"h with the She$herd )s""c1
+es(s0 His three Disci$%es "nd the three she$herds go to +(tt"h @5>#53 i%esA to !ind
the i$o*erished "nd bedridden )s""c1 9hen )s""c is to%d +es(s h"s coe "nd w"nts
hi to coe to Hi0 he inst"nt%' is he"%ed "s he K($s o(t o! bed "nd r(ns to eet
+es(s1 )s""c t"kes the "%% to eet S"r"h "nd +o"chi0 who h"d done so (ch to he%$
hi d(ring his %ong i%%ness1
66G$17>5 @L +(ne0 one to two d"'s %"terA # +es(s "t Hebron @2> i%esA1 O"ch"ri"sH
Ho(se1 Ag%"e1 +es(s !inds th"t the ho%' ho(se o! His <co(sins0= E%iI"beth0 O"ch"ri"s
"nd the /"$tist h"d been con!isc"ted b' " eber o! HerodHs co(rt0 the tob o!
O"ch"ri"s on the $ro$ert' desecr"ted0 "nd the ho(se t(rned into " brothe%1 As gre"t "
contr"diction "s "%% this w"s0 $erh"$s the worst contr"dictions wi%% be seen in those in
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
this "cco(nt who tho(ght the' were so ho%'1 First0 there is the woodc(tter0 who is so
%o'"% to the /"$tist "s to be%ie*e hi the ho%iest "n who e*er %i*ed "nd "t %e"st the
$rec(rsor to the Messi"h1 Yet0 when testion' is gi*en b' the Disci$%e +ohn @who h"d
hise%! been the /"$tistHs !"*orite disci$%eA th"t he $erson"%%' he"rd hi $oint o(t
"nother "s the Messi"h0 he reKects the testion'1
Then we see the contr"diction in the Disci$%es these%*es "nd es$eci"%%' in the
)sc"riot0 who0 s$e"king !or the "%%0 "nd sc"nd"%iIed "s the' "%% "re b' the $resence o!
the $rostit(te0 %"shes her with conden"tion "nd ins(%t1
Then there w"s wh"t seeed to e*er'one0 e:ce$t the Ho%' One Hise%!0 "s gre"t "
contr"diction "s the desecr"ted ho(se itse%!1 +es(s "$$ro"ches the $rostit(te Ag%"e "nd
"sks to see the ho(se "nd se$(%cher1 +es(s goes to the $%"ce o! the desecr"ted
se$(%cher "nd edit"tes1 Ag%"e0 dr"wn to +es(s b' the Light she sees in Hi0 goes
o*er "nd s$e"ks1 +es(s does not dis"$$oint this sick0 broken0 se"rching he"rt0 b(t He
cert"in%' dis"$$oints ne"r%' e*er'bod' e%seP
LThe she$herds0 E%i"s "nd )s""c0 st"' with their !%ocks in Hebron "nd +es(s0 +ohn0
The Oe"%ot "nd +(d"s he"d to -erioth @23 i%esA0 +(d"sH hoetown "nd !ro which he
deri*ed the n"e0 +(d"s )s#c"riot1M
64G$17>8 @E +(%'0 C d"'s %"terA # +es(s "t -erioth1 De"th o! O%d S"(%1 /'$"ssing his
otherHs h(b%e !"r hoe0 +(d"s t"kes +es(s to his e%"bor"te co(ntr' hoe1 +(d"s
h"s t"ken "n' things into his own h"nds0 h"*ing ordered his other to "ke
e%"bor"te $re$"r"tions !or +es(sH coing1 +es(s knows the gre"t sorrow th"t +(d"sH
other be"rs !or her son "nd the gre"test sorrow 'et to coe0 so He does "%% he c"n to
strengthen her0 %"*ishing ($on her "%% the honor she deser*es0 soething +(d"s h"s
!"i%ed to do1
A!ter correcting +(d"s0 +es(s goes to town "nd is greeted b' the w"iting citiIens1
He s$e"ks in the s'n"gog(e "nd "tte$ts to correct the wrong ide" th"t +(d"s h"d
gi*en o! Hi o! " con;(ering -ing1 /(t $ro*idence is "%w"'s "t %e"st one ste$ "he"d
o! e*i% "nd sees to shine the *er' brightest in its w"ke1 The Light here coes in the
testion' o! "n o%d "n who reco(nts the stor' o! he"ring @ob*io(s%' thro(gh the
she$herdsA th"t the S"*ior w"s born in /eth%ehe <"t the tie o! the edict0= "nd how
he h"d gone to see the chi%d1 He e:$resses the (n!orgett"b%e i$ression the e:$erience
h"d %e!t in his so(% "nd the ine!!"b%e Ko' he now !inds in seeing be!ore hi the God#
"n1 He is !i%%ed with the S$irit "nd $ro$hecies o! the (%ti"te tri($h o! this -ing o!
the 9or%d0 who wi%% be decor"ted in His own b%ood0 crowned in " wre"th o! b%eeding
thorns0 "nd whose sce$ter is " crossP He then dies enr"$t(red in %o*e "nd Ko' in the
"rs o! +es(s1
L+es(s0 <(nc%e"n0= st"'s in the co(ntr'side !or the re;(ired three d"'s be!ore st"rting
o(t !or Hebron @26 i%esA0 "rri*ing " d"' %"ter1 +es(s sto$s to *isit S"r"h in +(tt" @8
i%esA on His w"'1 /etween ,h164 c 681 @See )068G$1752AM
68G$1728 @E +(%'0 s"e d"'A # +es(s on His 9"' /"ck Sto$s with the She$herds ne"r
Hebron1 +es(s0 +(d"s0 The Oe"%ot0 "nd +ohn reKoin the two she$herds who h"d st"'ed
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
"t Hebron1 +(d"s "rg(es with +es(s o*er His "$$ro*"% o! the w"' the she$herds h"d
res$onded to the seeking $rostit(te o! Hebron0 who h"d gi*en the " %"rge "o(nt o!
cost%' Kewe%r' !or the $oor1 +(d"s w"nts to go iedi"te%' to te"ch this wo"n the
w"'s o! God1 +es(s (st becoe e$h"tic in His <NOP= to get +(d"s to %isten1 He
then gi*es soe +ery important teachin' on de"%ing with e:tree c"(tion tow"rd
those seeking to esc"$e their sin @$175CA1
/e!ore +es(s0 +ohn0 +(d"s "nd the Oe"%ot %e"*e the she$herds to their *"rio(s
issions0 )s""c0 the she$herd %"ents th"t des$ite his e'ewitness testion' o! the
,hrist ,hi%d0 the $eo$%e o! Hebron re!(se to consider "n' %o'"%t' to "n'one b(t the
/"$tist1 +es(s res$onds: <)t is " sin ;(ite coon to "n' $%"ces "nd "n' $resent
"nd !(t(re be%ie*ers1 The' %ook "t the work"n0 not "t the "ster who sent the
work"n1= M"n' in the ,h(rch tod"' get no !(rther in their !"ith th"n con!orit' to
the h("n "(thorit' "nd o(tw"rd !ors o! !"ith "nd worshi$ in the ,h(rch1 As ho%'
"nd God#ord"ined "s these "%% "' be0 the' "re not ends in themsel+es b(t e"ns to "
direct, $erson"% "nd inti"te re%"tionshi$ to God Himself"
4>G$1757 @E +(%'0 one to two d"'s %"terA # +es(s Ret(rns to the Mo(nt"in 9here He
F"sted @2> i%esA "nd to the Rock o! Te$t"tion @23 i%esA1 /e!ore +es(s sends
+(d"s0 +ohn "nd the Oe"%ot into sec%(sion in their res$ecti*e c"*es to edit"te0 He
reinds +(d"s @who wo(%d h"*e tho(ght +es(s wo(%d h"*e chosen " schoo% o! the
r"bbis or the Essenes !or His own $re$"r"tion0 r"ther th"n this wi%dernessA0 K(st how
reo*ed both the r"bbis "nd the Essenes "re !ro the tr(th1 +es(s s$e"ks o! the two
ene' $owers we (st !"ce "nd how the' work to ens%"*e "nd then cr(sh (s 1 He
"%so s$e"ks o! the two so(%s He wi%% redee b' $en"nce1 The two so(%s th"t +es(s0 b'
His own s"cri!ice0 wi%% redee d(ring this week "re no do(bt Ag%"e0 the $rostit(te0
%i*ing in the /"$tistHs !orer ho(se in Hebron0 "nd M"tthew0 the t": co%%ector0 who h"s
been "goniIing o*er his sin !or " onth "nd " h"%!1 LThe' "%% s$end 3 d"'s with
%ength' $eriods e"ch d"' in iso%"ted edit"tion1M
Ne:t d"' @$754A0 be!ore the' %e"*e the wi%derness c"*es0 +es(s describes the
e:tree conditions he end(red !or 7> d"'s1 A!ter w"%king !or si: ho(rs0 the' coe to
the $%"ce where S"t"n h"d te$ted +es(s @c!1 7FG$1576A1 He s$e"ks in det"i% o! the
e:h"(sting str(gg%e He h"d in the Te$t"tion "nd how th"t thro(gh this str(gg%e He
h"d obt"ined the $ower to $er!or ir"c%es1 Then He s"'s0 <Do "s ) did0 i! 'o( w"nt
to do "s ) do1=
42G$17CC @M +(%'0 orning o! ne:t d"'A # At the +ord"n Ford1 Meeting with the
She$herds +ohn0 M"tthi"s "nd Sieon @23 i%esA1 Litt%e +ose$h0 who h"s "%re"d' et
+es(s0 $oints o(t the Lord to the w"iting she$herds1 The she$herds te%% +es(s o! the
!ee%ing o! gre"t %oss the' s(!!ered "!ter He h"d dis"$$e"red witho(t " tr"ce !ro
/eth%ehe "nd how their being with the /"$tist w"s in ho$es to "g"in !ind Hi1 +es(s
then %e"rns th"t the !riends o! the /"$tist need twent' t"%ents0 to obt"in the !reedo o!
the /"$tist who h"d been i$risoned since %"te +"n("r'1 @See Gos$e% e$isode 721A
L"cking se*en t"%ents o! th"t "o(nt0 +es(s directs +(d"s to se%% Ag%"eHs Kewe%s to
"ke ($ the di!!erence1 +(d"s0 with " *er' re%(ct"nt +ohn0 he"ds to +ericho to do
b(siness1 )ncredib%'0 the desecr"tion o! the hoe o! O"ch"ri"s0 the !"ther o! the
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
/"$tist0 b' the $rostit(te Ag%"e %ed not on%' to her con*ersion0 b(t "%so thro(gh her
gi!t c"e the !reedo o! the /"$tist1
45G$17C4 @M +(%'0 s"e d"'0 PMA # +(d"s )sc"riot Te%%s o! how He So%d Ag%"eHs +ewe%s
to Dioedes1 +es(s "nd the Oe"%ot h"*e "%so "rri*ed in +ericho @23 i%esA1 +(d"s0 *er'
$ro(d o! hise%!0 "rri*es with " tort(red +ohn0 h"*ing obt"ined 2>e t"%ents !ro the
s"%e1 +(d"s sh"e%ess%' describes his shrewd0 sh"d' "nd dece$ti*e rendeI*o(s with the
go%d de"%er o! +ericho1 +es(s0 to the dis"' o! +(d"s0 gi*es the entire "o(nt to the
she$herd disci$%es o! the /"$tist1
4CG$1777 @M +(%'0 F#6 d"'s %"ter0 Th(r1A # +es(s ,ries on "cco(nt o! +(d"s "nd Sion
Oe"%ot ,o!orts Hi1 /etween +ericho "nd /eth$h"ge @3 i%esA0 +es(s s$e"ks to "
!"rer on the c"(se "nd (se!(%ness o! $"in in this %i!e "nd th"t e:$i"ting in P(rg"tor'
wi%% be " tho(s"nd ties ore $"in!(% th"n e:$i"ting in this %i!e1 +ohn "nd +(d"s %e"*e
!or +er(s"%e !or !o(r d"'s1
The Oe"%ot !inds +es(s wee$ing o*er +(d"s "nd tries to conso%e Hi1 +es(s e:$%"ins
to the Oe"%ot wh' He c"nnot send +(d"s "w"'1 )t wo(%d be (se%ess !ro " h("n
$oint o! *iew @$rob"b%' e"ning th"t soe one e%se wo(%d betr"' HiA0 "nd the "ct
wo(%d "%so be (nch"rit"b%e1 +(d"s wo(%d "%so be the schoo% in which Peter wo(%d
%e"rn ore th"n !ro "n'one e%se1 L/e!ore going to /eth"n' +es(s "nd Sion go to
/eth$h"ge @6 i%esAM
47G$1778 @M +(%'0 5 d"'s %"ter0 S"t1A # +es(s Meets L"I"r(s "t /eth"n'1 +es(s goes
with Sion Oe"%ot to eet his !riend L"I"r(s0 " we"%th' %"ndowner in /eth"n' @2
i%eA1 He h"d the !"*or o! Roe "nd w"s th(s !e"red b' the S"nhedrin0 b(t w"s
c"rr'ing " *er' dee$ wo(nd in his s$irit c"(sed b' the sc"nd"% o! his 'o(nger sister0
M"r' o! M"gd"%"1 D(e to the stig" o! her beh"*ior0 L"I"r(s h"d to "b"ndon his
$"%"ce in +er(s"%e "nd retire in /eth"n'1 L"I"r(s is "ro(nd CC or C7 'e"rs o! "ge1
43G$1737 @M +(%'0 ne:t d"'0 S(n1A # +es(s Goes /"ck to +er(s"%e @5 i%esA "nd
Listens to +(d"s )sc"riot in the Te$%e "nd then Goes to Gethse"ne1 +es(s0 with the
Oe"%ot0 s$e"ks o! ret(rning to G"%i%ee "nd to His Mother0 who en"b%ed Hi to coe
into the wor%d "nd s(!!er "%% its e*i% "nd 'et !orgi*e1 She is <the gre"t a(een o! the
wor%d0 the Ntr(e Te$%e o! God0H "nd Her he"rt0 the Ho%' Ark1 The Oe"%ot he"rs +(d"s
*"%i"nt%' de!end +es(s in the Te$%e1 LTh"t e*ening +es(s he"%s " d'ing 23#'e"r#o%d
gir% o! t(berc(%osis who wi%% becoe the !irst <n(n1= She "$$e"rs "t N"I"reth seeking
+es(s soe si: onths %"ter1 @))023FG$137AM
4FG$1738 @L +(%'0 ne:t d"'0 Mon1A # +es(s S$e"ks to the So%dier A%e:"nder "t the Fish
G"te1 +es(s0 w"iting to eet the She$herds0 who were to eet Hi "t the Fish G"te0
h"s "n interesting e:ch"nge with " so%dier "bo(t his d(t' tow"rd s$ite!(% +ews who
h"*e the tr(e re%igion b(t !"i% to %i*e ($ to it bec"(se it re;(ires one to %o*e oneHs
eneies1 He s$e"ks "%so o! the so(%0 which goes b"ck to God 9ho wi%% either be "
Friend or One who wi%% $(nish1
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
46G$17FC @L +(%'0 one or ore d"'s %"terA # +es(s "nd )s""c ne"r Doco @2F i%esA1
De$"rt(re tow"rd Esdr"e%on1 The she$herd )s""cHs tire%ess witness to the /eth%ehe
,hi%d !or thirt' 'e"rs0 e*en whi%e he w"s sick0 occ"sions soe words o! wisdo !ro
+es(s "bo(t the h("n !"(%ts o! tiredness "nd h"ste "s roots o! $ride1 He e:horts the
Disci$%es0 es$eci"%%' +(d"s0 who w"s re"d' to gi*e ($ tr'ing to con*ince $eo$%e th"t
+es(s w"s the Messi"h0 to not tr' to be better th"n God0 9ho both cre"ted the
(ni*erse "nd bro(ght rede$tion o*er " %ong $eriod o! tie "nd witho(t *io%ence1
LFin"%%'0 "!ter "%ost two onths "w"' !ro G"%i%ee0 +es(s0 the Disci$%es @+ohn0
+(d"s "nd Sion Oe"%otA "nd two she$herds @Le*i "nd
+ose$hA %e"*e +(de" !or G"%i%ee1M
(eond Galilean Ministry D (yroD3hoeniia 7 Three Months' 5 .uly D ) "ovember'$D <,
F3oem Chapters BBD,,+G
44G$17FF @L +(%'0 two d"'s %"terA # +es(s 9ith the She$herd +on"h in P%"in o!
Esdr"e%on @F3 i%esA1 +on"h h"s been b"d%' istre"ted "nd be"ten b' Dor"s0 the est"te
owner0 " rich "nd $ower!(% Ph"risee0 b(t h"s ste"d!"st%' "int"ined his !"ith in the
,hi%d o! /eth%ehe1
48G$1762 @L +(%'0 <" !ew= LCM d"'s %"ter0 S(n1A # Ret(rn to N"I"reth "!ter Le"*ing
+on"h1 The se$"r"tion is di!!ic(%t !or both +es(s "nd +on"h0 b(t +es(s $roises th"t He
wi%% ret(rn so he wi%% be "b%e to once "g"in see His Mother "!ter these *er' %ong "nd
di!!ic(%t thirt' 'e"rs1 @See 2>8G$1366A
+es(s0 "%one with the Oe"%ot0 e:$%"ins both the $"in He h"s in not being "b%e to !ree
+on"h !ro Dor"sH cr(e% h"nd0 "nd the re"son He c"nnot do it1 +es(sH "nswer to
Sion Oe"%otHs ;(estion "s to who God is "nd wh"t it e"ns to know God is
Le"*ing the P%"in o! Esdr"e%on0 "!ter three d"'s with Dor"sH ser*"nts0 +es(s he"ds
to N"I"reth @2> i%esA1 He h"s not been in N"I"reth0 nor seen His Mother0 since e"r%'
A$ri%0 "%ost !o(r onths1 +es(s now %e"*es His gro($0 who wi%% o*ernight in "
woods0 "nd h(rries to N"I"reth to see His Mother1 The incredib%e %o*e +es(s "nd
M"r' h"d !or e"ch other is w"r%' "nd tender%' re*e"%ed in this ch"$ter1 +es(s hides
!ro M"r' the !(%% tr(th o! how He "nd the she$herds h"*e been tre"ted in /eth%ehe1
8>G$1766 @L +(%'0 ne:t d"'0 Mon1A # The Ne:t D"' in the Ho(se in N"I"reth1 /e!ore
+es(s is ($0 M"r' "nd M"r' o! A%$h"e(s "re b(s' "king bre"d1 Peter wi%% be coing
to bring !resh !ish "s he h"s e*er' Mond"' !or soe tie1 Peter h"s coe to h"*e "
s$eci"% "tt"chent to +es(sH Mother d(ring this tie0 "nd he wi%% soeties (se it to
g"in s$eci"% !"*ors !ro the LordP 9hen the' "rri*e0 Sion Oe"%ot "nd the two
she$herds0 Le*i "nd +ose$h0 "nd the )sc"riot "re introd(ced to M"r' "nd !in"%%' to
Peter0 who coes in %"ter1 He is (tter%' s(r$rised to see +es(s1 Le*i %e"*es !or +(de"0
t"king " %etter to L"I"r(s !ro the Oe"%ot st"ting th"t he w"nts the $roceeds !ro the
s"%e o! his $ro$ert' to go to the $oor1
82G$1742 @L +(%'0 two d"'s %"ter0 9ed1A # +es(sH Lesson to His Disci$%es in the O%i*e
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
Gro*e1 +(st o(tside N"I"reth: +ohn h"s "rri*ed b"ck !ro ,"$ern"( with the other
G"%i%e"n Disci$%es "nd so "%% ten Disci$%es "re $resent1 @+"es o! A%$h"e(s "nd
M"tthew "re not 'et Disci$%es1A +es(s begins to $re$"re the !or inistr' b'
e$h"siIing !irst "nd !oreost the' (st %o*e one "nother "nd be (nited1 He te%%s
the th"t e*en tho(gh the' h"*e not been "s indoctrin"ted in the o%d w"'s0 the' h"*e
been "!!ected b' "n' wrong ide"s th"t wi%% work to kee$ the !ro being one !"i%'
"nd tre"ting one "nother %ike brothers1 +(d"sH $ride0 no do(bt0 h"*ing been o!!ended
b' +es(sH $re!erence !or the si$%e %i!e ore t'$ic"% o! G"%i%ee th"n +(de"0 conc%(des
th"t +es(s h"s " $reK(dice "g"inst +(de"1 His "cc(s"tion is into%er"b%e to Peter0 who
h"s his !irst r(n#in with +(d"s "nd (st then be corrected b' +es(s1
85G$1743 @L +(%'0 ne:t d"'0 Th(r1A # +es(sH Lesson to His Disci$%es ne"r His Hoe1
+es(s te"ches !ro the $re*io(s d"'Hs incident in which in"$$ro$ri"te st"teents were
"de b' both Peter "nd the )sc"riot1 +es(s s$e"ks o! His Mother0 the $er!ect e:"$%e
o! h(i%it'0 which is so needed to "*oid the sin th"t r(ins the so(%1 He w"rns the o!
the <$er!ect crie= th"t wi%% be known when the *ei% o! the Te$%e wi%% be torn1

8CG$1748 @E A(g(st0 ne:t d"'0 Fri1A # The Lesson to the Disci$%es in the Presence o!
the Most Ho%' &irgin in the G"rden in N"I"reth1 A!ter c"ring !or the !o%i"ge th"t h"d
been dis"rr"nged b' the $re*io(s d"'Hs stor0 +es(s c"%%s the "%% together with His
Mother to s$e"k !(rther "bo(t their A$osto%ic !or"tion1 He (st "%so de"% with the
di*ision in the !"i%' c"(sed b' +(d"s o! A%$h"e(s %e"*ing to !o%%ow Hi1 A%$h"e(s is
o%d "nd obstin"te%' resisting +es(s0 "nd bitter o*er his son !o%%owing +es(s1 The
sit("tion h"s di*ided the !"i%' "nd broken the otherHs he"rt1 +(d"sH $"in o*er this
di*ision is $rono(nced0 "nd0 "ccording to +es(s0 gre"t%' eritorio(s !or both hise%!
"nd his !"ther1
87G$1787 @E A(g(st0 ne:t d"'0 S"t1A # ,(re o! the /e"(t' o! -or"Ii1 Seron in the
S'n"gog(e "t ,"$ern"( @5F i%esA1 Andrew %e"ds +es(s to his !irst con*ert0 the now
"bhorred %e$ro(s b(t !orer </e"(t' o! -or"Ii1= +es(s he"%s the wo"n whose
he"rt w"s so ch"nged b' the witness "nd co$"ssion o! Andrew th"t "%% she re"%%'
w"nts is to be !orgi*en "nd to h"*e etern"% %i!e1 /(t +es(s "%so he"%s her bec"(se o! her
!"ith1 /"ck "t the s'n"gog(e where +es(s h"s gone to $re"ch0 we see M"tthew
st"nding in the doorw"' "nd recei*ing "%% sorts o! side g%"nces1 )t is the !irst tie he
h"s coe this c%ose to " s'n"gog(eP Peter gi*es " *er' (nbecoing descri$tion o!
hi to +es(s "nd recei*es s(ch " se*ere %ook !ro Hi th"t he retre"ts to the end o!
the %ine o! Disci$%es1 +es(s s$e"ks on the sin o! D"*id "nd the re$ent"nce th"t w"s
necess"r' !or hi to he"r God "g"in1 He s$e"ks o! the sin th"t destro'ed S"son0 b(t
"%so o! the re$ent"nce "nd $en"nce th"t restored hi1
Since the news o! the he"%ing o! the %e$ro(s wo"n h"d "%re"d' gotten "ro(nd0
+es(s ere%' reinds the o! her re$ent"nce "nd $en"nce "nd sends Peter o(t into the
crowd to co%%ect "n o!!ering to he%$ her st"rt o*er in %i!e1 Peter is h"nded once "g"in0
"s he h"s e*er' S"bb"th0 " %"rge o!!ering thro(gh " essenger1 He "sks +es(s who the
gi*er is1 +es(s re$%ies with " si%e0 <) wi%% te%% 'o( when 'o( %e"rn not to s$e"k i%% o!
"n'one1= )t is PeterHs des$ised t": co%%ector0 M"tthewP
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
83G$13>> @E A(g(st0 two d"'s %"ter0 Mon1A # +"es o! A%$h"e(s is Recei*ed Aong the
Disci$%es1 LThe22
M +es(s Pre"ches ne"r M"tthewHs ,(stos /ench1 ,"$ern"(:
+es(sH co(sins +(d"s "nd his brother +"es c"n no %onger t"ke the stri!e "t hoe
cre"ted b' their !"ther0 A%$h"e(s0 so the' %e"*e N"I"reth "nd coe to ,"$ern"(1
+"es h"s "%so decided to !o%%ow +es(s0 i! he is "%%owed0 b(t %"ents th"t i! he is not
"cce$ted he wi%% h"*e nowhere to go1 He is "cce$ted "s the 22
Peter0 inste"d o! reKoicing "t the %"rge h"(% o! !ish0 is gr(b%ing th"t <th"t thie! o*er
there0= $ointing to M"tthew0 wi%% not on%' "ke hi $"' ore !or the e:tr" !ish b(t
wi%% incre"se the $ercent"ge he $"'s on "%% the !ish0 " sort o! gr"d("ted incoe t": th"t
$(t Peter in " (ch higher t": br"cket1 The' "re "%% "sto(nded "t M"tthewHs res$onse
when the' coe to $"' the t":P +es(s s$e"ks to the crowd in !ront o! M"tthewHs t":
t"b%e0 b(t the ess"ge is cert"in%' !or M"tthew1
M"r' o! A%$h"e(s h"s coe "%% the w"' !ro N"I"reth to PeterHs other#in#%"wHs
ho(se in ,"$ern"( @57 i%esA seeking +es(sH he%$1 She is in gre"t distress o*er the
st"te o! A%$h"e(s "nd the di*ision between hi "nd the two o%der bo's "nd +"es "nd
+(d"s0 who h"*e %e!t to !o%%ow +es(s1 The $eo$%e o! N"I"reth "re "cc(sing +es(s o!
bre"king ($ the !"i%' o! their d'ing !"ther "nd he"%ing others b(t %etting his own
!"i%' s(!!er1 PeterHs wi!e goes to get +es(s1 +es(s coes o*er to the ho(se "nd
co!orts her with the $roise o! GodHs b%essing on her "nd the st(bborn A%$h"e(s1
Peter t"kes her b"ck to N"I"reth1
8FG$13>F @E A(g(st0 two d"'s %"ter0 9ed1A # +es(s Pre"ches to the ,rowd "t /eths"id"
@C i%esA1 +es(s s$e"ks "t %ength to " crowd "t /eths"id"1 He s$e"ks !r"nk%' o! the
o$$osition the <gre"t ones= wi%% o(nt "g"inst Hi "nd th"t the' wi%% becoe His
eneies1 He s$e"ks o! the bo"sts o! S"t"n to ens%"*e "%% o! "nkind b(t "%so o! the
$ower o! the 9ord th"t wi%% bring the %ost shee$ b"ck to the !o%d1 +es(s then s$e"ks o!
en who sinned with the </e"(t' o! -or"Ii= "nd the need o! the woen who h"ted
her to !orgi*e1 He "kes " $"ssion"te "$$e"% !or entering the $ri*i%eged inistr' o!
becoing co#redeeers with Hi0 soething e*en the "nge%s co(%d not do1 M"tthew
is there1
F71 E A(g(st The ,"%% o! M"tthew0 the 25
Mt 8:8#2C Mk 5:27#26 Lk 3:56#C5 #### A;7p.2,,
A d"' %"ter: +es(s is in ,"$ern"( @C i%esA1 Matthe# has been giving seretly
to .esus9 alms !und and #eeping over his spiritual ondition !or three months.
On this d"' +es(s w"%ks ($ to M"tthewHs c(sto t"b%e0 "nd in the presene o! His
sho/ed disiples' c"%%s hi to be His 25
Disci$%e1 .esus e0presses His interest in
going to Matthe#9s home /no#ing ho# passionately Matthe# had been hoping
!or suh an oasion. .esus !inds a ban1uet prepared !or Him' His Disiples and
some o! Matthe#9s lose !riends. The Disiples are very uneasy about suh a
lose assoiation #ith this ta0 olletor #ho had a #er" bad reputation. .udas is
very #orried about this reating !urther on!lit #ith three po#er!ul 3harisees o!
the area' )li' (imon and .oahim. (ure enough' the' h"d noticed the $rocession to
M"tthewHs hoe "nd interKect these%*es into the scene1 They ma/e numerous
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
ausations' to #hih .esus responds in the most graious and oniliating
manner. They then leave. =T#o years later' Matthe# gives his interesting
testimony o! ho# he #as onverted to a group o! believers at one o! 5azarus9
houses in $ntioh. III' <*<7p.*2C?
A;7p.2,, D The Call o! Matthe#.
84G$1324 @M A(g(st0 !i*e d"'s %"ter0 T(e1A # +es(s on the L"ke o! Tiberi"s1 Lesson to
His Disci$%es ne"r the S"e Town1 The twe%*e Disci$%es "nd %itt%e +ose$h0 " disci$%e0
"re with +es(s on the L"ke o! G"%i%ee going !ro ,"$ern"( to Tiberi"s @6 i%esA1
A%so on the L"ke "re se*er"% %eis(re bo"ts !i%%ed with $%e"s(re#seeking en "nd
woen1 )n one0 which is c(tting "cross the $"th o! PeterHs bo"t0 is the M"gd"%ene
with her Ro"n %o*ers1 Once "g"in0 Peter is in*o%*ed in "n enco(nter th"t is not *er'
$%e"s"nt1 This is +es(sH "nd the Disci$%esH !irst enco(nter with M"r' o! M"gd"%"1
+(d"s betr"'s his own tho(ghts "bo(t the be"(ti!(% M"gd"%ene when he tries to !ind in
others wh"t c"n on%' be " K(sti!ic"tion !or his own1 This becoes " ost signi!ic"nt
te"ching occ"sion !or +es(s on the i$ort"nce "nd serio(sness o! their c"%%ing "s
88G$135F @M A(g(st0 s"e d"'0 T(e1A # +es(s Looks !or +on"th"n in the Ho(se o!
,h(I" "t Tiberi"s1 +on"th"n0 one o! the /eth%ehe she$herds who h"s been ost
!"*ored "teri"%%'0 is gone1 He h"s t"ken +oh"nn"0 ,h(I"Hs wi!e0 who is d'ing !ro
co$%ic"tions "!ter " sti%%birth0 to the o(nt"ins o! Leb"non in " %"st e!!ort to s"*e her
%i!e1 To "ke "tters worse0 ,h(I" h"s been c"%%ed to HerodHs co(rt o*er the crisis
in*o%*ing the recent esc"$e o! the /"$tist1 +es(s "ss(res the ho(seho%d He wi%% s"*e
her %i!e i! the' h"*e !"ith1 +on"th"n0 the she$herd0 h"d indeed bro(ght the !"ith to this
entire $roinent ho(seho%d1 LNOTE: Mention is "de o! Phi%i$ witnessing to others o!
+es(sH ir"c%es in Tiberi"s <soe tie "go= "nd "t " tie he did not know where +es(s
w"s1 +es(s w"s in +(de" )itho&t the G"%i%e"n Disci$%es !or two onths !ro K(st "!ter
Pentecost @e"r%' to id#+(neA to e"r%' A(g(st1M
+es(s is going to N"I"reth !or si: d"'s "nd instr(cts the to send +oh"nn" there i!
the' ret(rn in th"t tieE otherwise He wi%% go to Leb"non to !ind the1 +es(s $%"ns
!irst0 howe*er0 to sto$ "t S(s"nn"Hs "t ,"n" @25 i%esA to get soe o! A%$h"e(sH
!"*orite !ood de%ights with which He ho$es to he%$ His co(sins he"% the bitterness in
their !"ther1 @See )088G$13C>A
2>>G$13C2 @M A(g(st0 s"e d"'0 T(e1A # +es(s in the Ho(se o! His .nc%e A%$h"e(s "nd
then "t His Own Ho(se @7 i%esA1 +es(s !irst r(ns into <good= A%$h"e(s o! S"r"h0 who
is one o! the !ew tr(e be%ie*ers in N"I"reth1 LNOTE: He h"s "%so been " !riend o! M"r'
"nd Her other0 Anne0 !ro the beginning0 when he w"s K(st " %itt%e bo'1 His other0
S"r"h0 w"s +ose$hHs sister0 bec"(se +ose$h c"%%s S"r"hHs h(sb"nd " <brother= n"ed
A%$h"e(s1 Since this c"nnot be his re"% brother A%$h"e(s0 it (st be " brother#in#%"w0
"king S"r"h " sister1 See "bo*e "t Poe ,h"$ters 25 "nd 271M
He te%%s +es(s o! the "w!(% row th"t occ"sioned +"es "nd +(d"s to %e"*e on
Mond"' the week be!ore to coe to Hi in ,"$ern"(1 +es(s goes to the tro(b%ed
hoe where +"es "nd +(d"s h"*e "%re"d' gone to tr' to "ke $e"ce "nd !"i%ed1 The
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
scene th"t !o%%ows is tr(%' he"rtbre"king1 )t is the kind o! circ(st"nce o(t o! which
tr(e heroes "re "de "nd e'es "re o$ened to the e:tent o! the h("n $%ight "nd how
tr(e "nd e*er%"sting s$irit("% bonds "re "de between spirit&al brothers "nd between
spirit&al sons "nd their spirit&al !"thers in the -ingdo o! GodP

%>2G$137> @M A(g(st0 ne:t d"'0 9ed1A # +es(s a(estions His Mother "bo(t His
Disci$%es1 )n res$onse to M"r'Hs concern "bo(t h"*ing +(d"s )sc"riot "s " Disci$%e0
+es(s s"'s0 <M' ,o%%ege (st re$resent the wor%d0 "nd in the wor%d the' "re not "%%
2>5G$1372 @M A(g(st0 !i*e d"'s %"ter0 Mon1A # ,(re o! +oh"nn" o! ,h(I" ne"r ,"n" @7
i%esA1 As +es(s @$retends toA $re$"re to %e"*e !or the o(nt"ins o! Leb"non to !ind
+oh"nn" "nd to *isit +on"th"n0 D"nie% "nd /enK"in0 the re"ining three she$herds o!
/eth%ehe0 He e:c(ses "%% who do not wish to go1 +(d"s0 wishing to go b"ck to
+(de"0 "kes "n e:c(se o! needing to he%$ his other with the gr"$e h"r*est1 +(st "s
+(d"s %e"*es N"I"reth0 +on"th"n0 the !orer /eth%ehe she$herd0 now stew"rd o!
,h(I"0 coes r"cing into N"I"reth on his horse "nd ($ to the door "nd enters the
ho(se "nd !"%%s "t +es(sH !eet1 A!ter his Ko'!(% ecst"tic "dor"tion "t seeing the Messi"h0
"!ter w"iting thirt' 'e"rs0 He b%(rts o(t the stor' o! his tri$ with +oh"nn" to ,"es"re"
Phi%i$$i0 "nd the *ision +oh"nn" h"d recei*ed o! " M"n in her ho(se in Tiberi"s who
w"s c"%%ing her b"ck so He co(%d gi*e her b"ck her %i!e1 He h"d K(st now r"ced b"ck
!ro Tiberi"s0 whi%e +oh"nn" is being bro(ght b"ck tow"rd ,"n" to ;(icken her
eeting with +es(s1 This "cco(nt "nd the "cco(nt o! the eeting "nd he"%ing o!
+oh"nn" is dee$%' o*ing1 )nc%(ded in this "cco(nt is " ost $er!ect%' tied reb(ke
!ro <good= A%$h"e(s to the c(rio(s N"I"renes0 who "re ""Ied th"t +es(s h"s s(ch
in!%(enti"% !riends "s one o! HerodHs stew"rds1 A!ter the eotion#!i%%ed eeting "nd the
""Iing inst"nt he"%ing o! +oh"nn"0 +es(s "nd the Disci$%es "re in*ited to Tiberi"s b'
the K(bi%"nt "nd "doring +oh"nn" @2C i%esA1 A!ter their st"'0 +es(s "nd the Disci$%es
de$"rt with +on"th"n !or Leb"non @3> i%esA in se"rch !or the %"st two %i*ing
/eth%ehe she$herds1
2>CG$1374 @L A(g(st0 se*er"% d"'s %"terA # +es(s on LinM Leb"non with the She$herds
/enK"in "nd D"nie%1 +on"th"n sh"res soe shocking insights "bo(t the r(th%essness
o! ro'"% $ower1 He e:$%"ins the chi%%ing intrig(e "nd e*i% th"t res(%ted in the !reedo
o! the /"$tist "nd the re"son ,h(I"0 " good "n0 wo(%d not e*en consider %e"*ing
HerodHs co(rt0 tho(gh his work gre"t%' disg(sted hi1
+es(s s(r$rises the "%% b' te%%ing the the tie is soon when the wor%d wi%% be
!i%%ed with those h"$$' to die !or !ide%it' to gr"ce "nd %o*e o! God1 He then s"'s0
<There "re "n' te$%es o! dre"d!(% gods1 The' wi%% in !(t(re be te$%es o! the tr(e
God0 "nd the %e$ros' o! $"g"nis wi%% be c%e"nsed b' the %(str"% w"ter "de with the
b%ood o! "rt'rs1=
+on"th"n gi*es (s soe insight on the treendo(s $ower o! the Ph"risees0
es$eci"%%' Dor"s0 who h"s been so cr(e% to +on"h1 ,h(I"0 HerodHs co(rtier0 tr'ing to
redee hi0 w"s si$%' %"(ghed "t1 The %"st two she$herds !in"%%' eet +es(s1 9h"t
ine:$ressib%e Ko' is sh"red between +es(s "nd these h(b%e0 "doring so(%sP LA%$h"e(s0
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
+es(sH (nc%e0 dies whi%e He is here in Leb"nonGS'ro#Phoenici" @C3 i%esA1 Th"t does
not he%$ His "%re"d' *er' b"d re$(t"tion in N"I"reth1M
2>7G$133C @E Se$teber0 " week %"terA # +es(s in the Se" #Town Recei*es Letters
,oncerning +on"h1 At Pto%e"is @7> i%esA: +es(s0 thro(gh the ;(iet intercession o!
Andrew0 sto$s " "n !ro re$(di"ting his b"rren wi!e1 +(st then +ose$h0 the she$herd0
shows ($ !ro N"I"reth with three %etters !or +es(s0 the !irst !ro His Mother re%"ting
the de"th o! A%$h"e(s "nd "d*ising Hi not to coe bec"(se o! the b"d sentients
"ong the $eo$%eE the second0 !ro L"I"r(s0 who h"s negoti"ted the rede$tion o!
+on"h !ro Dor"sE "nd the third !ro Dor"s with " concession to "%%ow +on"h to be
redeeed0 b(t on%' "!ter the h"r*est "nd "t do(b%e the $rice1 +es(s decides to go to
N"I"reth @5C i%esA "g"inst His otherHs "d*ice to conso%e the torn "nd grie*ing
F31 E Se$teber +es(s Ret(rns to N"I"reth L!ro Pto%e"isM1
#### #### Lk 7:2F" #### ,+27p.22A
Ne:t d"': +es(s enters N"I"reth o! G"%i%ee and ma/es peae #ith His ousin
(imon a!ter the death o! $lphaeus' his !ather. $lphaeus and his t#o older sons
=(imon and .oseph? had shared a deep resentment #ith many in "azareth over
#hat they onsidered something ne0t to insanity in .esus #ho #ould leave His
Mother to Hroam about the #orld dra#ing upon Himsel! hatred and derisionI
and ma/ing their !amily the laughingsto/ o! "azareth. To ma/e matters #orse'
$lphaeus9 t#o youngest sons =.udas Thaddaeus and .ames? had le!t home to
!ollo# .esus. FThe terrible sene o! stri!e in $lphaeus9 home is !ound in
,++7p.22<.G $lphaeus' having told .esus to leave his house' thus had died
#ithout the presene o! all his !amily.
,+27p.22A D .esus Ma/es 3eae #ith His Cousin (imon in the House o! Mary o!
FF1 M Se$0 S"t +es(s is Thrown o(t o! the ,it' o! N"I"reth1
#### #### Lk 7:2Fb#C> ####
Fo(r d"'s %"ter "t N"I"reth: Anno(ncing His ission "s one o! erc' tow"rd the
sin!(% "nd the need' in an attempt to e0plain the reason !or His absene !rom His
Mother and "azareth on%' got Hi thrown o(t o! the cit'0 esc"$ing de"th on%' b'
the h"nd o! God1 Mary Hersel! is ompelled to leave Her home and !inally
"azareth itsel! to !ind some peae o! mind. (he aompanies .esus and the
Disiples !or about a month and a hal! =,+;7p.2CA?. The Poem gives the reason
the people o! "azareth reated so strongly to .esus9 laim o! divine mission to
heal the bro/en hearted. .esus #as absent !rom His unle $lphaeus9 !uneral.
$lphaueus #as Holy .opseph9s oldest brother and a #ell respeted head o! the
,+Cb7p.2C@ D .esus is Driven 4ut o! "azareth and He Com!orts His Mother.
%e!letions on Four Contemplations.
2>FcG$13F3 # )n " hoe o(tside N"I"reth0 M"r' begs +es(s to kee$ "w"' !ro
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
N"I"reth bec"(se o! the i%% wi%% e*en in the !"i%'1 He concedes to Her desire1 E:ce$t
!or " brie! *isit in C weeks0 He wi%% %e"*e N"I"reth "nd G"%i%ee !or the Second +(de"n
Ministr' "nd wi%% not ret(rn (nti% L +"n("r'0AD C51 2>FdG$13F6 # ,onte$%"tions o!
+es(s on !o(r o! His "nd His MotherHs sorrows: First +(d"s: <Deceit!(%0 shrewd0
greed'0 %(st!(%0 dishonest0 ore inte%%igent "nd c(%t(red th"n the "sses0 he h"d been
"b%e to i$ose hise%! on e*er'bod'1= He %o*ed witho(t restr"int the $(rse0 woen
"nd $osition "ong en1 <On%' ) "nd the F"ther "nd the S$irit know wh"t ) h"d to
o*ercoe to be "b%e to end(re hi "t M' side1= Second0 the hosti%it' o! $riests0
Ph"risees0 Scribes "nd S"dd(cees: <The' were shrewd !o:es th"t ende"*ored to dri*e
Me into their dens to te"r Me to $ieces1 The' were thirst' !or M' b%ood1= Third0 the
inconst"nt crowd: <)t is the be"st th"t %icks the h"nd o! the t"er i! it is "red with "
whi$ or o!!ers " $iece o! e"t to s"tis!' its h(nger1 /(t i! the t"er !"%%s "nd c"n no
%onger "ke (se o! the %"sh0 or i! he h"s no ore !ood !or its h(nger0 then it r(shes "t
hi "nd te"rs hi to $ieces1= Fo(rth0 the h("nit' o! the A$ost%esP <How (ch
Lthere w"sM o! itP ) w"s c"rr'ing in M' "rs0 to %i!t the ($ to he"*en0 stones which
weighed down to e"rth1 E*en those who did not conte$%"te 1 1 1 becoing inisters
o! "n e"rth%' king0 "s +(d"s )sc"riot did0 those who did not think o! coing to the
throne in M' $%"ce0 i! need be0 "s he did0 were sti%% e"ger !or g%or'1 Th"t g%or' th"t
d"II%es 'o( %ike " ir"ge "%so in ce%esti"% "tters1 )t is not Le*enM the ho%' %onging !or
P"r"dise th"t ) w"nt 'o( to h"*e1 LTh"tMis " h("n desire th"t 'o(r ho%iness "' be
known1 No1 /e!ore Lth"tM 'o( (st be "b%e to drink "%% the ch"%ice th"t ) dr"nk 1 1 11
Then0 when 'o( h"*e !(%!i%%ed 'o(r d(t' co$%ete%'0 'o( (st sti%% s"': N9e "re (se%ess
ser*"nts0H "nd w"it !or M' F"ther 1 1 1 to gr"nt 'o( o(t o! His goodness0 " $%"ce in His
2>6G$13F8 @M Se$teber0 ne:t d"'0 S(n1A # +es(s in the Ho(se o! +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"
with His Mother1 Tiberi"s @52 i%esA: +es(s is seeking " $%"ce where His Mother c"n
go "nd get "w"' !ro "%% the h"tred0 " $%"ce where she c"n !ind %o*e "g"in0 so He
coes to "sk this !"*or1 +oh"nn" "nd ,h(I" "re honored to "ccood"te +es(s0 so
+on"th"n sets o!! with " w"gon to get M"r' "nd her sister#in#%"w1 The "rri*"% o! the
w"gon o! the Proc(r"tor o! the Tetr"rch Herod to resc(e the Mother o! +es(s "nd
M"r' o! A%$h"e(s cre"tes " re"% stir in N"I"reth "nd " re"% o$$ort(nit' !or <good=
A%$h"e(s o! S"r"h0 who is gi*en c"re o! M"r'Hs ho(se0 to gi*e the c(rio(s citiIens o!
the town "nother h(i%i"ting tong(e %"shing1 Arri*ing in Tiberi"s0 the Ho%' Mother is
we%coed "s ro'"%t'1
L,"$ern"( @4 i%esA # /etween ,h12>6c2>41 @See )0 2>7G$1334E 2>FG$13FFE
>6G$13F8A There is "bo(t " onth "nd " h"%! @M Se$t# E No*A th"t $"sses in which
+es(s seems to h"*e done *er' %itt%e in $(b%ic0 e:ce$t wh"t is entioned in ,h1
2>4G$13620 be%ow1 Perh"$s it w"s " tie to !ind soe he"%ing !ro "%% the bitter h"tred
in the !"i%' th"t h"d no do(bt s$re"d o(t to $oison the who%e o! G"%i%ee1M
2>4G$1362 @OctoberA # +es(s "t the &int"ge in the Ho(se o! Anne1 Mir"c%e o! "
P"r"%'tic ,hi%d1 The P%"in o! -or"Ii @3 i%es !ro ,"$ern"(A: A!ter +es(s s$e"ks
to the ho(seho%d o! Anne "nd +(d"s0 M"r' $resents +es(s with the $"r"%'Ied chi%d o!
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
one o! the ser*"nts1 +es(s does not "sk the (s("% ;(estions o! the wo"nE He he"%s
the chi%d !or M"r'Hs s"ke inst"nt%'1
L O,TO/ER F)RST @"nd $erh"$s c"nce%edA TA/ERNA,LES GAD C2 @c!1 $1 364A

2>8G$1366 @E No*eberA # +es(s "t DorisH Ho(se1 The De"th o! +on"h1 Since the
h"r*est is $"st0 +es(s goes to the $%"ins o! Esdr"e%on to redee +on"h @5F i%esA1
A!ter "n "w!(% enco(nter with the cr(e% Dor"s0 "nd the c(rsing o! his %"nds0 +es(s
obt"ins the cr(e%%' istre"ted d'ing she$herd0 +on"h1 +es(s re;(ests the he%$ o! "
Ro"n o!!icer0 P(b%i(s a(inti%i"n(s0 st"tioned in ,"es"re"0 to t"ke the "i%ing +on"h "s
!"r "s $ossib%e tow"rd N"I"reth in his c"rt1 He concedes0 "nd in His co$"n' on the
w"' to N"I"reth @6 i%esA he is str(ck with the gre"t wisdo o! +es(s1 +es(s $roises
He wi%% see hi when He goes to ,"es"re"1 This h"$$ens three onths %"ter1
22>G$1348 @E No*eber0 ne:t d"'A # +es(s in the Ho(se o! +"cob ne"r L"ke Mero1
+es(s h"s K(st gone !"r o(t o! His w"' to %"ke Mero @C4 i%esA to he"% " d'ing "n0
"nd Peter is ($set "bo(t being %"te to the Second @or $ost$onedA Fe"st o! T"bern"c%es1
+es(s corrects Peter "nd s"'s th"t ,h(I" h"s $ro*ided w"gons !or (ch o! the w"' to
s$eed ($ their tri$1 As it begins to r"in0 the' t"ke she%ter in the kind hoe o! the
$e"s"nt +"cob0 who h"s two or$h"ned chi%dren0 M"tthi"s "nd M"r'1
LThe' set o(t !or Tiberi"s @28 i%esA to get " c"rt !ro ,h(I" "nd rest on the
S"bb"th1 S(nd"'0 the' set o(t !or +er(s"%e1 Mond"' the' "rri*e "t the +"bbok Ri*er
@3> i%esA on the E"st b"nk o! the +ord"n1 The' contin(e then on !oot to the Ford o!
+ord"n @52 i%esA where the' e:$ect to see the /"$tist once "g"in inistering1M
The (eond .udean Ministry D (amaria 7 T#o Months' ) "ovember'$D <, D M
.anuary'$D <*
F3oem Chapters ,,,D,@AG
EARLY W M)D NO&EM/ER0 SE,OND @resched(%edA TA/ERNA,LES @4 d"'sA GAD C2
222G$1387 @E No*eberA # Ret(rn to the +ord"n Ford ne"r +ericho1 +es(s "nd the
Disci$%es "re s(r$rised to not !ind the /"$tist here $re"ching "nd b"$tiIing1 So%oon0
the !err'"n0 te%%s the th"t since his esc"$e !ro $rison in e"r%' A(g(st he h"s been
inistering ne"r the +ord"n (ch !(rther north in S""ri"1
+es(s $redicts His P"sso*er Rite wi%% coincide with the third s$ring h"r*est in )sr"e%1
He re*e"%s there wi%% be three bitter ch"%ices to be dr(nk0 with " gre"t "n' te"rs shed
between the !irst two Lthe $"ssion o! +es(s "nd The Trib(%"tionM1 On%' "!ter the third
LThe !in"% gre"t test0 "!ter which ,hrist wi%% coe0 %iter"%%' in $ower "nd g%or'M wi%%
there be <cert"in $e"ce to en o! good wi%%1= LNOTE: At th"t P"sso*er Rite +es(s s"'s
th"t He wi%% not drink "g"in o! the !r(it o! the *ine (nti% <(nti% the -ingdo o! God h"s
coe1= &0786M

225G$1384 @M No*eber0 " d"' %"terA # +es(s in the Ho(se o! L"I"r(s1 M"rth" S$e"ks
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
o! the M"gd"%ene1 +es(s "nd the Disci$%es "rri*e in +ericho @3 i%esA "nd "re s(r$rised
to !ind +(d"s0 who w"s on %e"*e to he%$ his other with the gr"$e h"r*est1 He h"s K(st
eng"ged O"cch"e(s in " con*ers"tion0 tr'ing to disco*er the n"e o! " cert"in he"*i%'
*ei%ed 'o(ng wo"n who h"d done soe b(siness with hi1 +(d"s0 o! co(rse0 %ies to
co*er hise%!1 A!ter "rri*ing in /eth"n' @24 i%esA "nd sending "%% b(t !o(r o! His
Disci$%es on err"nds0 +es(s eets L"I"r(s0 who now is s(re +es(s knows "bo(t his
dee$est sorrow "nd grie!0 his sister M"r'1 How (ch sorrow "nd grie! h"s torented
this ho(seP +es(s !ir%' "ss(res the th"t i! the' !orgi*e0 Ko' "nd g%or' wi%% coe to
their hoe1 +es(s s$e"ks to the $eo$%e o! /eth"n' "t C PM0 "s $roised0 "nd the
*ei%ed wo"n shows ($ @c!1 $1F28A1 She is Ag%"e o! Hebron @c!1 66G$17>5E 68G$1752A1
LNe:t d"': +es(s "nd the Disci$%es go to the Fe"st o! T"bern"c%es @5 i%esA on the
%"st d"' "nd st"' in the o%i*e gro*e ho(se in Gethse"ne !or " week1 @See )0
22CG$1F>7 @L No*eber0 "!ter " week in Gethse"neA # )n L"I"r(sH Ho(se @5 i%esA
Ag"in "!ter the T"bern"c%es1 )n*it"tion o! +ose$h o! Ari"the"1 L"I"r(s te%%s +es(s th"t
+ose$h o! Ari"the" wo(%d %ike to eet with Hi on the S"bb"th1 +es(s tries to get
L"I"r(s to !orgi*e "n i$ro$riet' o! the )sc"riot1
227G$1F>3 @L No*eber0 two d"'s %"ter on S"t1A # +es(s Meets G""%ie% "t the
/"n;(et o! +ose$h o! Ari"the" @54 i%esA1 +es(s t"kes on%' Sion the Oe"%ot "nd
Tho"s0 bec"(se the' "re +(de"ns "nd bec"(se both "re "c;("inted with +ose$h1
+ose$h h"s "%so in*ited Nicode(s "nd G""%ie%0 "s we%% "s L"I"r(s "nd !o(r others:
Fe%i:0 +ohn0 Sion "nd ,orne%i(s1 A ost signi!ic"nt e:ch"nge o! ;(estions "nd
tho(ghts t"kes $%"ce "ro(nd this t"b%e1 The gre"t str(gg%e between %ight "nd d"rkness
in the so(% o! )sr"e% is here "ni!est1 )n the idd%e between +ose$h o! Ari"the"0 who
be%ie*es in +es(s "s Messi"h "nd those who do not0 is G""%ie%0 who is so *er' c%ose to
"cknow%edging the Tr(th1 Howe*er0 he c"nnot be%ie*e th"t the Messi"h0 who he
knows to be "%i*e0 wo(%d e*er "$$e"r in )sr"e% h"*ing the Ho%iness o! God descend
($on Hi to !(%!i%% His ission with the "boin"tion th"t now e:ists in the Te$%eP
+es(s iedi"te%' res$onds0 <)t c"n "nd does descend bec"(se it Lho%inessM is Merc'P=
G""%ie%Hs on%' !"(%t is the !"(%t o! "%% )sr"e%0 he c"nnot see The God o! Merc'1
LG""%ie% s$e"ks o! <this 'e"r= being "n ebo%isic 'e"r when " 2C
%(n"r onth w"s
"dded to the Hebrew %(n"r c"%end"r1 This w"s done e*er' three 'e"rs to "dK(st their
%(n"r c"%end"r o! on%' C37 d"'s to the so%"r 'e"r1 @See )0 F22A Tho(gh G""%ie% is
s$e"king0 "ccording to o(r c"%end"r0 in %"te No*eberAD C>0 it is their ne0t calendar
year" The +ewish 'e"r st"rted in Se$tGOct1 The e:tr" %(n"r onth wo(%d be "dded "t
the end o! their c"%end"r 'e"r1M
LNe:t F d"'s @S(n1# Fri1A +es(s "nd the Disci$%es inister in the +(de"n co(ntr'side1
223G$1F2C @L No*eber0 the d"' !o%%owing0 S"t1A # ,(re o! the Litt%e D'ing bo'1 The
So%dier A%e:"nder1 )nti"tion to +es(s1 +er(s"%e: A des$er"te so%dier tr'ing to re"ch
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
+es(s in "n "re" o!! %iits to $"g"ns interr($ts the Te$%e decor(1 A %itt%e bo' h"s
been se*ere%' inK(red b' his horse "nd needs he%$0 b(t the so%dier h"s to !ight his w"'
thro(gh sc"nd"%iIed +ews to re"ch +es(s1 The' %e"*e the Te$%e "nd !ind the chi%d1
The chi%d is no sooner he"%ed th"n the Te$%e g("rds "nd soe $riests r(sh ($on the
"nd r"i% "g"inst the !or *io%"ting the Te$%e0 !orbidding +es(s to e*er set !oot in the
Te$%e "g"in1
F61 L No*0 Mond"' Nicode(s Seeks +es(s "t Night1
#### #### #### +n C:2#52 ,,C7p.C,;
T#o days later in .erusalem: Nicode(s coes "t night1 "iodemus had
already met .esus about a #ee/ be!ore' at the home o! .oseph o! $rimathea'
some *2D<+ miles removed !rom the hostile environment o! .erusalem. Gamaliel
#as also an invited guest !or that meal. "o# in .erusalem' Nicode(s is !e"r!(% o!
being seen with +es(s0 espeially a!ter the Temple disturbane and reproo! given
by .esus to the Temple o!!iials a ouple o! days be!ore =,,27p.C,<?.
,,C7p.C,; # .esus (pea/s to "iodemus at "ight' at Gethsemane1
F41 E Dec0T(esd"' +es(s /egins Te"ching P(b%ic"%%' in +(de"1
#### #### #### +n C:55" ,,;7p.C*C
"e0t day: +es(s0 h"*ing "%re"d' been in +(de" sine ) "ovember !or the Feast
o! Tabernales and visits #ith the three .e#ish rulers' <c"e into the %"nd o!
+(de"= in the sense o! ministering publily as He had done in Galilee. .esus goes
to :ethany =* miles? then Clear Water =*2 miles?' seven miles north o! .eriho.
He and the Disiples stay in a building and in an area o#ned by 5azarus. Word
spreads throughout .udea that .esus #ould be spea/ing here daily.
,,;7p.C*C D .esus at 5azarus9 House :e!ore Going to HClear Water.I
F81 E Dec0 Th(rsd"' +es(s in +(de" ne"r the +ord"n L"t ,%e"r 9"terM1 +ohn /"$tiIes in
Enon0 in S""ri"1
#### #### #### +n C:55b#57 ,,B7p.C<+
T#o days later: +es(s $re"ches "nd b"$tiIes in Clear Water until the end o! the
month =#hen He is !ored by the .e#ish leaders to stop?' but stays in .udea until
a (unday in mid .anuary. +ohn the /"$tist w"s "g"in $re"ching "nd b"$tiIing
!(rther north0 "w"' !ro +(de"0 in S""ri"1 He wo(%d be c"st into $rison !or the
seond time about three months later in Marh. In $ugust he #ould be ki%%ed1
When St1 +ohn s$e"ks o! the /"$tist "s being not 'et c"st into $rison0 he is spea/ing
o! the seond !atal imprisonment. 4n this !irst day at Clear Water' about t#enty
sho# up' inluding the Hveiled #omanI #ho has been !ollo#ing .esus and the
Disiples sine they had returned to .udea =,,C7p.C,A?. .esus spea/s o! the
di!!erene bet#een li!e and mere e0istene.
,,B7p.C<+ D .esus at the HClear Water.I 3reliminaries !or 5i!e in Common #ith
the Disiples.
228G$1FCF @E Deceber0 Frid"'0 the second d"' "t ,%e"r 9"terA # +es(s "t ,%e"r 9"ter:
) A the Lord Yo(r God1 The crowd h"s ore th"n do(b%ed !ro the d"' be!ore1
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
25>G$1F77 @E Deceber0 S"t(rd"'0 ne:t d"'A # +G , 9 @+es(s "t ,%e"r 9"terA: Yo(
Sh"%% H"*e No Other Gods in M' Presence1 The crowd this d"' is o*er one h(ndred1
The' "re "%% dee$%' o*ed "t +es(sH words1 Se*er"% "re he"%ed1
252G$1F76 @E Deceber0 Mond"'0 two d"'s %"terA # +G , 9: Yo( Sh"%% Not T"ke M'
N"e in &"in1 There is $"nic "ong the Disci$%es when M"n"en0 !ro the ro'"% co(rt
o! Herod @"nd his !oster brotherA0 shows ($1
255G$1F37 @E Deceber0 T(esd"'0 the ne:t d"'A # +G , 9: Honor Yo(r F"ther "nd Yo(r
Mother1 O*er C>> $eo$%e h"*e coe0 "n' o! who "re sick1 The /"$tist0 who is
b"$tiIing soe 53 i%es north0 is sending his !o%%owers to +es(s "t ,%e"r 9"ter1

25CG$1FF7 @E Deceber0 9ednesd"'0 the ne:t d"'A # +G , 9: Yo( Sh"%% Not Fornic"te1
)t r"ins he"*i%' this d"'0 b(t th"t did not kee$ !i*e scribes "nd r(%ers o! the Te$%e
!ro in!(ri"ting the Disci$%es b' their "cc(s"tions "nd insin("tions "g"inst +es(s1

257$1GF62 @M Deceber0 Th(rsd"'0 the ne:t d"'A # The &ei%ed 9o"n "t ,%e"r 9"ter1
The r"in contin(es1 .nbeknownst to +es(s or the Disci$%es0 the *ei%ed wo"n h"d
st"'ed o*ernight in the r"in0 ho$ing to he"r +es(s "g"in1 9hen she is disco*ered0 she is
gi*en she%ter in " ne"rb' st"b%e1 L No one e%se shows ($ th"t d"' or !or the ne:t
co($%e o! d"'s bec"(se o! the r"in so the' s$end their tie !i:ing ($ the ho(se1 M
253G$1F6F @M Deceber0 S(nd"'0 three d"'s "!ter ch1257A # +G , 9: Obser*e Ho%'
D"'s1 The r"ins h"*e "%ost sto$$ed1 The $eo$%e coe b"ck to he"r +es(s
25FG$1F4> @M Deceber0 Mond"'0 ne:t d"'A # +G , 9: Yo( Sh"%% Not -i%%1 The De"th
o! Dor"s1 Doris0 the Ph"risee0 in !ront o! e*er'one0 is sitten de"d b' the K(stice o!
God !or his incredib%e e*i% "nd h'$ocris' @2>8G$1366#34FA1
6>1 M Dec0 T(esd"' The /"$tist Testi!ies Th"t +es(s is the ,hrist1
#### #### #### +n C:53#CF ,*;7p.CBA
"e0t day at Clear Water: +es(s he"rs o! the /"$tistHs testion' to His
Messi"hshi$ !rom three o! the original :ethlehem shepherds =(imon' .ohn and
Matthias? #ho have beome disiples o! .ohn. The /"$tist s$e"ks o! hise%! "s the
!riend o! the /ridegroo0 whose d(t' is to he%$ Hi and !inally lead the :ride to
His house and then #ithdra# and disappear.
,*;7p.CB; D .7C W: HDo not 3ut the 5ord 8our God to the Test.I The Three
Disiples o! the :aptist.
254G$1F85 @M Deceber0 9ednesd"'0 ne:t d"'A # +G, 9: Yo( Sh"%% Not ,o*et Yo(r
NeighborHs 9i!e1 /etween so (ch di*ine wisdo "nd tr(th is !o(nd this s"d b(t tr(e
word !ro +es(s0 <M"n is too we"k to cr"*e !or soething witho(t cons(ing his
desire1 And wh"t is e:ceeding%' s"d0 "n is not c"$"b%e o! beh"*ing in the s"e w"'
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
with reg"rd to his honest desires1 )n e*i%0 "n wishes "nd then !(%!i%%s his wish1 )n
good0 he wishes "nd then sto$s0 i! he does not retre"t1=
258G$1F86 @M Deceber0 Th(rsd"'0 ne:t d"' # +G, 9: He ,(res the M"d Ro"n "nd
S$e"ks to the Ro"ns1 This is " o*ing "cco(nt o! the h(nger !or tr(th th"t c"n e:ist
in the he"rts o! those in d"rkest $"g"nis1 +es(s s$e"ks o! the so(% "nd the One "nd
Tri(ne God who cre"ted "%% so(%s0 inc%(ding the so(% o! the $"g"n $ossessed b' "
deon1 +es(s e:$%"ins the $ro$riet' o! de%i*ering the $"g"n to " bewi%dered +ewish
crowd "nd to Peter1 The <*ei%ed wo"n= is $resent "nd seen to be sobbing (nder her
*ei%1 Peter de%i*ers "n enco(r"ging ess"ge to her !ro +es(s1
2C>G$16>C @M Deceber0 Frid"'0 ne:t d"'A # +G , 9: Yo( Sh"%% Not /e"r F"%se
9itness1 9hi%e +es(s is inside the %itt%e ho(se0 three $ower!(% Ph"risees @or "s Peter
c"%%s the0 <three honor"b%e b"ndits=A !ro G"%i%ee show ($1 The' "re %ooking !or
+es(s "nd "t the s"e tie s$re"ding %ies "bo(t hi to "s "n' "s the' eet1 The
Disci$%es con!ront the en1 9hen M"tthew c"tches the in " %ie0 the' w"%k "w"'0 "nd
Peter $(nct("tes their h(i%i"tion b' sho(ting "!ter the0 <cow"rdsP= +es(s coes
o(t "nd s$e"ks1 A %i"r0 in gr"*e "tters0 s"'s +es(s0 is worse th"n one who ki%%s "
$ersonHs bod'E he ki%%s " good n"e0 the good eor' o! " "n1 He then s$e"ks on
the three oti*es !or %'ing: h"tred0 greed "nd !e"r1
2C2G$16>8 @L Deceber0 two or three d"'s %"terA # +G , 9: Yo( Sh"%% Not ,o*et 9h"t
/e%ongs to Yo(r Neighbor1 +es(s gi*es n(ero(s i%%(str"tions o! the r(in o! en*' "nd
co*eto(sness "nd the Ko' o! " bird th"t is so !ree bec"(se it t"kes no tho(ght to ho"rd
its !ood in the s(er1
2C5G$1625 @L Deceber0 ne:t d"'A # +G , 9: ,%os(re1 A!ter " stirring ess"ge th"t
tr"ns!i:es the crowd0 +es(s disisses the with " ch"%%enge to kee$ the Fe"st o!
P(ri!ic"tionGDedic"tion with " new s$irit1 +es(s then te%%s Peter He is the <Etern"%
P(ri!ic"tion= "nd w"s born on ,his%e* 531 L"ter He te%%s Peter th"t he wi%% ne*er !"ther
the son he so des$er"te%' desires0 b(t inste"d wi%% be the !"ther o! so "n' th"t the'
wi%% be i$ossib%e to co(ntP
2CCG$1628 @L Deceber0 9ednesd"'0 one or two d"'s %"terA # +es(s %e"*es ,%e"r 9"ter
"nd Goes Tow"rd /eth"n'1 The Disci$%es %e"rn o! " $%"n to "rrest +es(s d(ring the
Fe"st o! Dedic"tion or Lights "nd (rge +es(s to %e"*e ,%e"r 9"ter1 The <*ei%ed
wo"n0= who h"s shown ($ e*er' d"'0 is to%d th"t +es(s wi%% ret(rn1
2C7G$1656 @L Deceber0 Th(rsd"'0 ne:t d"'A # ,(re o! +er(s"0 The 9o"n o! Doco
@2> i%esA A!!%icted with ,"ncer1
2C3G$16C> @L Deceber0 Frid"'0 ne:t d"'A # At /eth"n' in the Ho(se o! Sion Oe"%ot
@23 i%esA1 To the "bso%(te s(r$rise o! L"I"r(s "nd M"rth"0 M"r' M"gd"%ene coes
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
hoe !or the !e"st1 +es(s0 !or this re"son "nd th"t He wishes to re"in hidden !ro
the Te$%e r(%ers0 st"'s in Sion Oe"%otHs !orer ho(se0 " dist"nce !ro L"I"r(sH
ho(se1 L"ter the' "%% g"ther "t SionHs !orer ho(se to he"r +es(s s$e"k1 M"r'0
hiding herse%!0 "%so coes to he"r +es(s1 +es(sH ess"ge is %ike " $iercing "rrow into
her so(%0 b(t being too $ro(d to !"ce her wretched condition0 "nd when the !"i%'
ret(rns to the est"te ho(se0 she s"'s she w"s <%e"*ing this se$(%cher to go "nd %i*e in
Ko'P= This "nd other ins(%ts ne"r%' cr(sh the he"rt o! L"I"r(s "nd M"rth"0 b(t +es(s
o!!ers both $e"ce "nd " $roise o! con*ersion thro(gh their %o*e "nd !orgi*eness1 This
w"s +es(sH second cont"ct with the M"gd"%ene1 @Two d"'s %"ter0 the Ph"risees coe
to ,%e"r 9"ter to "rrest +es(s1 A !ew d"'s "!ter this0 the' "tte$t to stone the <*ei%ed
wo"n0= who w"s w"iting !or +es(s to ret(rn @2C6G$163>A1
2CFG$16C4 @M +"n("r'0 two weeks %"terA # The Fe"st o! Dedic"tion in L"I"r(sH Ho(se
with the She$herds1 This eight#d"' !e"st w"s "$$"rent%' e:tended bec"(se o! the
ebo%isic 'e"r1 The' "%% ce%ebr"te the birthd"' o! ,hrist1 The she$herds sh"re the
wonder o! th"t night0 "nd +es(s re*e"%s the tr(th "bo(t His Ho%' Mother "nd +ose$h1
He e:$%"ins other 'steries s(rro(nding His e"r%' %i!e1
2C6G$1674 @M +"n("r'0 two d"'s %"terA # Ret(rn to the ,%e"r 9"ter @53 i%esA1 A
con!ront"tion occ(rs with the Scribes "nd Ph"risees who thre"ten0 c(rse "nd co"nd
+es(s to %e"*e the "re"1
2C4G$1637 @M +"n("r'0 ne:t d"'A # A New Disci$%e1 De$"rt(re !or G"%i%ee1 The
stew"rd o! the ho(se in ,%e"r 9"ter s$e"ks to +es(s "bo(t the *ei%ed wo"n "nd is
coended !or his $r(dence1 +es(s then %e"*es !or the *i%%"ge to see Tiothe(s0 the
he"d o! the s'n"gog(e0 who h"s been "n"the"tiIed bec"(se o! his s($$ort o! +es(s1
He is "cce$ted "s " new disci$%e1
LLe"*ing +(de" !or G"%i%ee # S""ri" GAD C5M
2C8G$1636 @M +"n("r'0 one or two d"'s %"terA # On the Mo(nt"ins ne"r E"(s @5>
i%esA1 @This is north0 not west0 o! +er(s"%e1A The Disci$%es s$e"k to +es(s "bo(t
their we"knesses1 +es(s te%%s +(d"s0 <Yo(r wi%% is e*er'thing1= He conc%(des with0 <)!
one h"s no i%%(sions0 one h"s no dis"$$ointents0 "nd th(s one does not %ose
enth(si"s1 Reeber th"t when 'o( 1 1 1 wi%% h"*e to work "t the "ni"% "n to
"ke the s$irit("% "n1=
27>G$16F5 @M +"n("r'0 s"e or ne:t d"'A # )n the Ho(se o! ,%eo$"s0 the He"d o! the
S'n"gog(e @3B i%esA1 This is the ho(se +es(s entered "!ter the Res(rrection with the
two disci$%es0 'o(ng ,%eo$"s "nd his !"ther#in#%"w0 Sion @&0 F52G$16C>A1 O%d
,%eo$"s here introd(ces his wi!e0 his one son0 ,%eo$"s0 "nd their chi%dren1 His other
son0 Her"s0 "nd his !"ther#in %"w0 Sion0 h"*e "%so been in*ited1 +es(s e:$%"ins the
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
$ro!o(nd re%"tionshi$ between erc' "nd K(stice in res$ect to the o%d "nd new
,o*en"nts1 ,%eo$"s now $resents +es(s with the re"% re"son He w"s in*ited1 He is
"sked to he%$ so%*e " re"% di!!ic(%t c"se o! (nintention"% incest1 +ose$h h"s not on%'
been the *icti o! "n (nintention"% error b(t now the "n"the" o! the re%igio(s
%e"dersP +es(s resc(es the broken "n !ro his des$"ir "nd o$ens " n(ber o! e'es1
272G$16 @M +"n("r'0 three d"'s %"terA # )nstr(ctions to the Disci$%es whi%e Going
tow"rd Ari"the"1 +es(s s$e"ks to " worried Peter "bo(t His ission o! he"%ing
broken he"rts %ike those o! +ose$h "nd Tione(s @Tiothe(sA0 witho(t reg"rd to wh"t
"n'one ight s"' or do1
621 L +"n("r' Thre"tened in +(de"0 +es(s Le"*es +(de" !or G"%i%ee1 The S""rit"n 9o"n1
#### #### #### +n 7:2#75 ,@*D,@C
"e0t t#o days at S'ch"r @56 i%esA: The S""rit"n wo"n1 +es(s "nd His
disci$%es he"d b"ck to G"%i%ee a!ter being driven !ro +(de" b' Ph"risees who were
!e"r!(% o! +es(sH s(ccess at Clear Water. The 3harisees turn many against .esus by
reating the illusion among the people that .esus is ompeting #ith the more
holy .ohn the :aptist. .esus #as on His #ay to visit .ohn the :aptist in )non to
strengthen him !or his !inal imprisonment less than t#o months a#ay. It #as
shorter to ut aross (amaria. +es(sH enco(nter with the <S""rit"n wo"n0=
3hotinai' is an inredibly touhing aount o! #isdom' understanding'
ompassion and holy insight bringing !orth the !ruit o! eternal li!e in a searhing
soul and in a #hole ommunity ut o!! by so muh #rong thin/ing. +es(sH
ess"ges to the citiIens o! S'ch"r bring gre"t co!ort "nd Ko' to the but great
onern to the Disiples.
,@*7p.A D @Ne:t d"'A Instrution to the $postles Going to#ards (amaria.
,@<7p.,, D @S"e d"'A 3hotinai' the (amaritan Woman.
,@@7p.,C D @S"e d"'A With the 3eople o! (yhar.
,@27p.,A D @Ne:t d"'A )vangelization at (yhar.
,@C7p.** D @Ne:t d"'A Goodbye to the 3eople o! (yhar.
651 L +"n("r' +es(s Le"*es S'ch"r L!or Enon to see +ohn the /"$tistM1
#### #### #### +n 7:7C" ,@;7p.*2
(ame day: +es(s %e"*es S'ch"r !or )non. $ man o! (yhar #ho desires that
.esus deliver his possessed #i!e !ollo#s them. .esus points out to His Disiples
that his !aith and the !aith o! the other (amaritans' #ho had ome to believe
#ithout mirales' #as greater than most believers in Israel. This is true Hhumble
pieI !or the $postles.
,@;7p.*2 D Instrutions to the $postles and the Mirale o! the Woman o! (yhar.
274G$158 @L +"n("r'0 ne:t d"'A # +es(s &isits the /"$tist ne"r Enon @53 i%esA1 He
s$e"ks to +ohn "nd $re$"res hi !or the !in"% tri"% he is to !"ce1 This is "n insight!(%
"nd o*ing scene1 The /"$tist sees his own "rt'rdo "s the <coing= o! +es(sP
+es(s te%%s hi th"t this wi%% be in "bo(t si: onths1 He"ring +es(sH $roise to c"re !or
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
"%% his disci$%es he wi%% be %e"*ing behind0 the /"$tist wee$s !or Ko'1 +es(s ne*er sees
+ohn "g"in1
6C1 L +"n("r' +es(s Le"*es S""ri" !or G"%i%ee1
#### #### #### +n 7:7Cb#77 ,@A7p.<,
S"e d"': +es(s h"*ing %e!t +(de" @"nd now S""ri"A !or G"%i%ee0 teahes His
$postles about a hange in his evangelisti !ous !or .udea. (ine the .e#ish
rulers have reReted His message' he #ill go to the outasts o! .udea in the !uture.
+es(s0 " +(de"n0 considers +(d"h his own co(ntr'0 which indeed h"s reKected Hi1
,@A7p.<,D .esus Teahes the $postles.
Third Galilean Ministry D Tetrarhy o! 3hilip' (amaria 7 T#o Months' 5 .anuary D )
$pril'$D <*
F3oem Chapters ,2,D,A@G

23>G$1C7 @L +"n("r'0 ne:t d"'A # +es(s "t N"I"reth @73 i%esA1 <Son0 ) 9i%% ,oe with
Yo(1= +es(s te%%s M"r' o! the di!!ic(%ties He enco(ntered in the Second +(de"n
ission0 es$eci"%%' o! se*ere %iit"tions He !"ced in tr'ing to he%$ s$irit("%%' broken
woen1 His Mother0 "%ong with M"r' o! A%$h"e(s0 chooses to "cco$"n' Hi to
"%%e*i"te this $rob%e1
671 L +"n("r' +es(s He"%s the Son o! one o! HerodHs o!!icers11
#### #### #### +n 7:73#37 ,2,7p.<C
Two to three d"'s %"ter inistering in G"%i%ee: At ,"n" @2> i%esA0 +es(s he"%s the
d'ing son o! " nob%e"n #ho #or/ed !or the Tetrarh' Herod $ntipas as #ell as
healing (usanna =the bride o! Cana? #ho #as also dying. 9hi%e t(rning the w"ter
into wine w"s the !irst sign0 he"%ing the nob%e"nHs son and (usanna "re the second
and third signs th"t +es(s gi*es s$eci!ic"%%' !or His relatives in G"%i%ee1 @+es(s h"d
$er!ored !"r ore th"n t)o ir"c%es in other $%"ces in G"%i%ee b' this tie1 See 3610
3410 F21# FC1AA For the mirale o! his #i!e9s healing' (usanna9s husband omes to
#illingly give up all but his spiritual union to his #i!e that she may !ul!ill her
hearts desire to devote her li!e to .esus. .esus promises their love' rather than to
lessen' #ould Hrise to the highest degreeLI The #omen disiples beome very
signi!iant to .esus9 ministry !rom this point. $ most !asinating aount o! the
involvement o! highDran/ing %oman #omen no# begins to un!old. =(ee ,2@7p.@*?
,2,7p.<C # In (usanna9s House in Cana. The %oyal 4!!ier.
235G$1C4 @M +"n("r'0 ne:t d"'A # )n OebedeeHs Ho(se1 S"%oe is Acce$ted "s "
Disci$%e1 )n /eths"id" @53 i%esA1 M"r' S"%oe is the wi!e o! Oebedee "nd other to
+"es "nd +ohn1
23CG$17> @L +"n("r'0 two d"'s %"terA # +es(s S$e"ks to His Disci$%es o! 9oenHs
A$osto%"te1 /eths"id": +es(sH Mother0 M"r' o! A%$h"e(s0 S(s"nn"0 S"%oe0 "nd %"ter
other woen wi%% soon "cco$"n' +es(s "nd the Disci$%es soe o! the tie "nd "t
other ties st"' "t <w"iting $%"ces= whi%e the en inister1 Peter0 Phi%i$ "nd
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
/"rtho%oewHs wi*es "nd +(d"s )sc"riotHs other wi%% $ro*ide s"!e hoes o! re!(ge
<sisters= who need to he"% !ro their s$irit("% wo(nds1

237G$175 @E Febr("r'0 7#3 d"'s %"terA # +es(s "t ,"es"re" on Se" @F> i%esA S$e"ks to
G"%%e' S%"*es1 +es(s is "b%e to s$e"k to these s%"*es bec"(se none other th"n P(b%i(s
a(inti%i"n(s0 the so%dier He et three onths be!ore "nd $roised to coe "nd see in
,"es"re"0 is in ch"rge1 F(rther0 the ost $ower!(% wo"n in P"%estine0 ,%"(di"
Proc(%"0 wi!e o! Pi%"te0 ost%' hidden in " %itter0 "%so he"rs the ess"ge "nd is dee$%'
o*ed1 She is $resent th"t d"' bec"(se o! " he"%ing she s"w +es(s $er!or " d"' or so
233G$174 @E Febr("r'0 ne:t d"'A # ,(re o! the Litt%e Ro"n Gir% "t ,"es"re"1 This is
the d"(ghter o! &"%eri"0 one o! ,%"(di" Proc(%"Hs !riends1 &"%eri" K(st h"$$ens to "%so
be " !riend o! +oh"nn" o! ,h(I" o! Tiberi"s1 +es(s de%i*ers " $ower!(% ess"ge o!
GodHs (ni*ers"% c"re "nd %o*e !or "%% h("nit'1 The Ro"ns "re gre"t%' i$ressed
with +es(sH ess"ge1
23FG$137 @E Febr("r'0 two d"'s %"terA # Ann"%e"h De*otes Herse%! to God "s " &irgin1
N"I"reth @C> i%esA: Ann"%e"h becoes Ho%' M"r'Hs s$eci"% d"(ghter "nd the
,h(rchHs !irst <n(n1= +es(s h"d he"%ed this 2F#'e"r#o%d d"(ghter o! E%iI" !ro
+er(s"%e soe si: onths be!ore @)043G$1734A1 +es(s now "kes " $ro$hec' "bo(t
this consecr"ted so(% th"t wo(%d be !(%!i%%ed "t the tie He wo(%d be %ed to the
.%ti"te S"cri!iceP
236G$138 @E Febr("r'0 one d"' %"terA # )nstr(ctions to the 9oen Disci$%es "t
N"I"reth1 +es(s s$e"ks "t %ength "bo(t the gre"t signi!ic"nce o! woen in His ,h(rch
de*oted to God "%one1
234G$158 @E Febr("r'0 two d"'s %"terA # +es(s S$e"ks to +oh"nn" o! ,h(I" on the L"ke
@52 i%esA1 +oh"nn" wo(%d %ike to be ore o$en%' de*oted to the work o! ,hrist0 b(t is
he%d b"ck bec"(se her h(sb"nd is " co(rtier to Herod1 +es(s "ss(res her she wo(%d be
His gre"test he%$ in the ost d"ngero(s ho(rs1
631 E Febr("r' The a(estion Abo(t F"sting1
Mt 8:27#26 Mk 5:24#55 Lk 3:CC#C8 #### ,2A7p.;+
4ne to t#o day later in Gherghesa =,+ miles?: The ;(estion coes ($ "bo(t the
!"sting o! +ohnHs disci$%es whi%e +es(s "nd His disci$%es didnHt1 .esus e0plains that
He represents a ne# day' the day o! redemption' mery and love' #hereas the
:aptist represents the previous day o! 3enane. With this ne# time must ome a
ne# method o! bringing men to redemption. Thus' " new wineskin (st be (sed
!or the new wine1 Neither wi%% one be any more s(ccess!(% in trying to !ore both
methods into one ministry than he #ould be in sewing "n o%d c%oth onto " new
c%oth1 .esus also understands their di!!iulty in aepting His ne# method o!
HordialityI rather than HrigorismI as muh as He understands those who "re
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
(sed to o%d wine tr'ing to iedi"te%' "$$reci"te new wine1 He assures them'
ho#ever' that in time they #ill ome to desire only the ne#.
,2A7p.CB # .esus at Gherghesa. .ohn9s Disiples.
LTo Mero @5 i%esA0 E"st "nd North side o! the L"ke to -edesh @53 i%esA1
/etween ,h1238 c 2F>0 &o%1 ))1 See ))04504CM
2F>G$16C @M Febr("r'0 two d"'s %"terA # Fro N"$ht"%i to Gisc"%" @2> i%esA1 Meeting
with R"bbi G""%ie%1 +es(s "nd His Disci$%es r(n into G""%ie%0 who is on "
$i%gri"ge to the gre"t Hi%%e%Hs se$(%cher1 The e:ch"nge between +es(s "nd G""%ie% is
ost i%%(in"ting1
2F2G$164 @M Febr("r'0 !i*e d"'s %"terA # The Gr"ndson o! E%i0 " Ph"risee o!
,"$ern"( @23 i%esA0 is ,(red1 +es(s he"%s the gr"ndson0 knowing this wi%% not
ch"nge E%i1 The Disci$%es c"nnot (nderst"nd wh' +es(s did this "nd wh' He "%so
conce"%ed the ir"c(%o(s n"t(re o! His work1 +es(s e:$%"ins His "ctions1
2F5G$142 @M Febr("r'0 s"e d"'A # +es(s in the Ho(se in ,"$ern"( A!ter the Mir"c%e
on E%ish"1 At the ho(se o! PeterHs Mother#in#%"w1
2FCG$146 @M Febr("r'0 ne:t d"'A # Dinner in the Ho(se o! E%i0 the Ph"risee o!
,"$ern"(1 9ith the h"rdened E%i "re Ph"risees Sion "nd +o"chi0 who h"d
c"stig"ted +es(s in M"tthewHs ho(se0 "nd Ph"risees S"(e% "nd .ri"h0 "%% o! who
!re;(ented the s'n"gog(e "t ,"$ern"(1 These s"e Ph"risees @e:c%(ding Sion0
who w"s not "n ene' o! +es(sA wo(%d orchestr"te the $%ot0 which within one onth
wo(%d %e"d to the second "nd !in"% "rrest o! +ohn the /"$tist @24>G$15>4A1
L+es(s $re"ches "nd he"%s "n' "ro(nd Tiberi"s @4B i%esA in the ne:t C#7 d"'s1
This cre"tes (ch interest in "ttending the Seron on the Mo(nt " week %"ter1M

2F7G$18> @L Febr("r'0 S(nd"'A # Tow"rds the Retre"t on the Mo(nt"in @C i%esA
be!ore the E%ection o! the Disci$%es1 This retre"t %"sts se*en d"'s "nd is designed to
te"ch the <the gre"t we"$on= o! $r"'er1 This retre"t is to (nite the "%% into <one
2F4G$122F @L Febr("r'0 the second d"' o! the retre"t0 Mond"'A # Ag%"e in M"r'Hs
Ho(se "t N"I"reth1 @This ch"$ter is here $%"ced in chrono%ogic"% order1A The <*ei%ed
wo"n= !inds The Mother "nd te%%s Her the tr"gic stor' o! her !"%%0 her enco(nter with
+es(s in Hebron soe eight onths be!ore0 her "ng(ish o*er her sins "nd her di!!ic(%t'
in !inding rede$tion1 )t is The Mother who en"b%es Ag%"e to st"rt %ooking be'ond her
$"st %i!e to co$%ete rede$tion1
6F1 L Febr("r'0 S(n The ,oissioning o! the Twe%*e1
Mt 2>:2#7 Mk C:2C#28 Lk F:25#2F #### ,C27p.A<
The last day o! the seven day retreat: The A$osto%ic c"%%ing o! the Twe%*e near
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
Magdala. This !ollo#ed a #ee/ o! solitary meditation #hereby they eah
e0periened the presene o! God !or themselves. This too/ plae in the aves o!
the desolate hills #est o! Magdala. .esus ends the #ee/ o! intense spiritual
e0erise #ith some very important #ords: H$s !rom today' you are the $postles'
the hie!s o! My Churh. $ll the hierarhies o! the Churh' throughout the
enturies' shall desend !rom you. I have not hosen you beause you are the
most #orthy' but !or a number o! reasons that you need not /no# no#. I have
hosen you beause o! the #orld. 8ou #ill not be su!!iient !or everything. I #ill
there!ore assoiate you #ith the disiples' #ho #ill remain suh #ho are already
higher up FspirituallyG. They #ill be entrusted #ith e1ual tas/s' but their
position #ill be di!!erent in the eyes o! the #orld' but not in the eyes o! God' so
that the obsure disiple #ill be greater than a /no#n apostle' #ho has only the
name o! apostle and lo#ers his apostoli dignity !or human purposes. The #orld
#ill thro# its tentales to ho/e your souls. De!end yourselves !rom yourselves'
against yourselves' against the #orld' the !lesh and the demon . . ..I +es(s n"es
+"es "nd +ohn0 <Sons o! Th(nder0= at a muh later time' in .anuary o! !ollo#ing
year. =(ee Ch <*A7p.*A<?
,C27p.A< D The )letion o! the T#elve $postles.
661 L Febr("r'0 S(n +es(s He"%s "nd De%i*ers M"n'1
#### #### Lk F:26#28 #### ,CC7p.AA
(ame day: Descending !ro the hi%%s near Magdala' +es(s !inds " %"rge crowd1
He he"%s "nd de%i*ers "n'1 To their great dismay' .esus then leaves the ne#
$postles in harge o! the ro#dL They are bombarded #ith many 1uestions'
inluding some by none other than (tephen and Hermas' t#o o! Gamaliel9s
!avored students. HHo# an #e !ollo# the Master in our soulsEI HHo# an #e
limb to that higher #ayEI $!ter an embarrassing moment o! being almost
ompletely at a loss !or #ords' (imon the Uealot brea/s !orth in a magni!ient
response. He is !ollo#ed by an even more lo!ty and moving illumination by
.ohn. (tephen' #ho is to beome the Churh9s !irst martyr' is so moved he
almost insists on Roining the $postles on the spotL 3eter hesitatingly admonishes
him to #ait or simply aompany them at !irst i! he so #ishes. .esus has' in the
meantime' gone alone !or a brie! but important meeting #ith three prominent
%oman #omen at Chuza and .ohanna9s house in Tiberias =< miles?. He had
promised .ohanna this meeting nearly three #ee/s be!ore =(ee Ch.,2B?.
,CC7p.AA D the First (ermon o! (imon Uealot and .ohn.
2F6G$12>6 @L Febr("r'0 s"e d"'A # )n the Ho(se o! +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"1 +es(s "nd the
Ro"n L"dies1 P%"(tin"0 &"%eri" "nd L'di" h"*e been w"iting !or +es(s !or three d"'s1
+es(s s$e"ks to the o! the One )n!inite Etern"% God0 the <"theis= o! $"g"n Ro"n
ido%"tr'0 the so(% "s " cre"tion o! God so de"r to Hi "s to be " <$"rtic%e o! God0= the
iort"% n"t(re o! the so(%0 "nd ore "ncient $"g"n $hi%oso$hers who were "b%e to
(nderst"nd the tr(th o! the <.nknown God= who cre"ted "%%1
2F4G$122F # @This ch"$ter wi%% be !o(nd "!ter ch"$ter 2F71 This ch"$ter w"s origin"%%'
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
$%"ced "!ter ,h1 2F6 on%' to "int"in the !%ow o! the stor'1A
641 L Febr("r'0 S(n The Seron on the Mo(nt1
Mt 3:205 #### #### #### ,CA7p.,*2
(ame day near $rbela =2 miles?: +es(s0 returns !rom the meeting #ith the
three %oman #omen in Tiberias' #ord o! #hih ertainly #ould have reahed
Mary Magdalene #ho /ne# these %oman #omen #ell. He Koins the disci$%es "nd
the crowd th"t h"s g"thered1 Wishing to spea/ that evening only to His losest
!ollo#ers' He has the ro#d sent a#ay and c%ibs to the top o! the stee$ hi%%1 This
is still lose to the ity o! Magdala. The A$ost%es and about ,++ other lose
disiples then Koin Hi1
681 L Febr("r'0 S(n S1O1M1 G Ye Are the S"%t "nd Light1
Mt 3:2C#2F Mk 7:52E 8:740 Lk 4:2FE 27:C70C3 #### ,CA7p.,*A
78"0b @7803>"0bA
(ame day: +es(s gi*es soe *er' so%en words to those ,++ or so who wo(%d be
the !irst %e"ders in The ,h(rch1 While giving signi!iant and e0tensive #arnings o!
beoming idolatrous shepherds' He reinds the the' "re the s"%t "nd %ight o! the
wor%d1 9hen 'o( %ight " %"$ 'o( do not hide it (nder " b(she%1 The rest o! the
Seron on the Mo(nt wo(%d be !or those who ret(rned the ne:t orning "nd the
!o%%owing !ive d"'s. L+es(s h"d "%re"d' s$oken to the Disci$%es $ri*"te%' "bo(t the
being the s"%t o! the e"rth in )084G$13651M
,CA7p.,*2 D The (ermon on the Mount: H8ou $re the (alt o! the )arth.I
4>1 E M"rch0 MonS1O1M1 G The /e"tit(des1
Mt 3:C#25 #### Lk F:5>#5C05F #### ,;+7p.,<2
"e0t day: The /e"tit(des1 T#o very prominent disiples o! Gamaliel' Hermas
and (tephen' are in the ro#d on this and sueeding days. They are eventually
onverted and beome prominent leaders in the Churh. .esus tells the ro#d
that' rather than to say' HWoe is me i! I sin'I they should !ollo# His #ay o!
saying' HHappy I #ill be i! I do F#hat is goodGLI This' He e0plained' does not
deny the true 5a# o! God but builds upon it as the rose is built on the thorny
stem. When the rose omes !orth it #ould be #rong to !ous on the thorny stem
and !ail to reRoie in the roseL What omes !rom obeying the 5a# should not
ma/e one sad or sorro#!ul' but should ma/e one very happyL This is the
ba/drop !or the H:eatitudes.I .esus then e0plains ho# and #hy eah seemingly
un!ortunate situation that #ill ome to us by obediene to God9s 5a# o! sel!D
denial and 5ove is designed to ma/e us very happy. LNOTE: +es(s e:$%"ins to M& the e"ning o!
being $oor in s$irit in connection with the con*ersion o! O"cch"e(s: )&0 723cG$15>1M
,;+7p.,<* # (.4.M: The :eatitudes =3art 4ne?.
421 E M"rch0 T(e S1O1M1 G ) A not ,oe to Destro' the L"w1
Mt 3:26#5> #### #### #### ,;,7p.,@*
"e0t day: ) h"*e not coe to destro' the L"w b(t to !(%!i%% it0 Hnot #hat men did
throughout enturies . . .. They superimposed preepts . . . ta/en !rom their o#n
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
thoughts aording to their own gain' and they thus lapidated' and su!!oated'
sterilized and buried the most holy 5a# given by God.I The ro#d had gro#n
in size this day' and #ould gro# eah o! these !ive days.
451 E M"rch0 T(e S1O1M1 G /ew"re o! F"%se Pro$hets1
Mt 6:23#5> #### Lk F:7C077 #### ,;,7p.,@<
(ame day: /ew"re o! !"%se $ro$hets1 The' "re %ike b"d trees th"t c"nnot be"r !r(it
and li/e thorns and thistles that must be c"st into the !ire so that the seed may not
spread. HI do not say to you: \Oill the !alse prophets9 . . . I say to you: \5eave
the tas/ to God.9 :ut I say to you: \:e are!ul' /eep a#ay !rom them that you
may not be poisoned by their Ruies.9I

4C1 E M"rch0 T(e S1O1M1 G Yo( H"th He"rd it S"id1
Mt 3:7C #### #### #### ,;,7p.,@@
(ame day: )t h"s been s"id0 %o*e 'o(r neighbor "nd h"te 'o(r ene'1 HThat #as
all right !or the times #hen man did not have the om!ort o! God9s smile. :ut
no# ne# times have ome. . . there #ill not only be an e!!usion o! grae Fupon all
menG' but grae #ill be given to every soul believing in Christ. It is there!ore
neessary to elevate the love !or our neighbor to a per!etion that uni!ies !riend
and enemy.I
471 E M"rch0 T(e S1O1M1 G T(rn the Other ,heek1
Mt 3:C807>075 #### Lk F:580C> #### ,;,7p.,@@
(ame day: T(rn the other cheek0 to the one who strikes 'o(0 Honsidering it is
better that he gives vent to his #rath on you #ho an put up #ith it' rather than
on somebody else #ho #ould ta/e vengeane !or the insult.I Gi*e to hi0 who0
being more honest' "sks !or #hat he needs' instead o! robbing you. I! the rih
#ere really poor in spirit . . . there #ould be no pain!ul soial ine1ualities' the
ause o! so muh human and superhuman alamities.I @Mt1 3:72 h"s not been
!o(nd in The Poem1 Mt1 3:7> is "%so !o(nd in 5F7G$1F8> "t Gos$e% e$isode 27C1A
431 E M"rch0 T(e S1O1M1 G Do .nto Others "s Yo( 9o(%d H"*e The Do To Yo(1
Mt 6:25 #### Lk F:C2 #### ,;,7p.,@2
(ame day: Do (nto others "s 'o( wo(%d h"*e the do to 'o(1 LNote: The iedi"te
conte:t o! this instr(ction is +es(sH te"ching on gi*ing to those who "re in need1M
4F1 E M"rch0 T(e S1O1M1 G An E'e !or "n E'e1
Mt 3:C4 #### #### #### ,;,7p.,@2
(ame day: An e'e !or "n e'e "nd " tooth !or " tooth0 .esus says' His not one o!
the Ten Commandments' but #as added beause man' devoid o! Grae' is suh a
beast that he only understands vengeane.I "o# Hthe old saying has been
aneled by the ne# #ord: \5ove him #ho hates you. . . .9I
461 E M"rch0 T(e S1O1M1 G Lo*e Yo(r Eneies1
Mt 3:77#74 #### Lk F:560540C5#CF #### ,;,7p.,@2
(ame day: Lo*e 'o(r eneies0 do good to those who h"te 'o(1 H8ou must love aording to God
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
and out o! respet !or God' Who is the Creator also o! those #ho are your enemies.I
441 E M"rch0 T(e S1O1M1 G Tho( Sh"%t Not -i%%1
Mt 3:52#57 #### #### #### ,;,7p.,@C
(ame day: )tHs been s"id0 <'o( sh"%t not ki%%1= <) s"'0 Ndo not get "ngr'0H bec"(se "
higher K(dgent is "bo*e 'o( and ta/es into aount immaterial ations1 1 1 It is
useless to ma/e o!!ers at the altar' unless you !or the sa/e o! God' !irst sari!ie
your illD!eelings in your hearts . . .I )! there!ore tho( o!!er the' gi!t "t the "%t"r0 "nd
there tho( reeber th"t th' brother h"th "n'thing "g"inst theeE %e"*e there th'
o!!ering 1 1 1
481 E M"rch0 T(e S1O1M1 G Agree 9ith Thine Ad*ers"r'1
Mt 3:5305F #### Lk 25:34038 #### ,;,7p.,@C
(ame day: 9hen 'o( go with 'o(r "d*ers"r' coe to !(%% "greeent1 .esus'
#ithout revealing his identity' then heals a man be!ore Him #hom he /no#s
hates Him. $s .esus loo/s out over the ro#d He has Rust dismissed !or the day'
He says' H4hL Ho# many hearts overed #ith sales o! hatred there are around
MeLI =.esus gives the same instrution in ,2C. D III' *;C7p.,2A
,;,7p.,@, D (.4.M: The :eatitudes =3art T#o? =B,. to BA.?
8>1 E M"rch0 9ed S1O1M1 G Yo( Sh"%% Not Swe"r "t A%%1
Mt 3:CC#C6 #### #### #### ,;*7p.,@B
"e0t day': Do not bind 'o(rse%! with "n' o"th1 $n oath gives reason !or others
to believe you #ould lie #ithout the oath and that you are unsure o! #hat others
thin/ o! your trust#orthiness. The ro#ds have gro#n still larger on this third
821 E M"rch0 9ed S1O1M1 G /e Not "s the H'$ocrites1
Mt F:3#4 #### #### #### ,;*7p.,2+
(ame day: 9hen 'o( $r"'0 do not be %ike the h'$ocrites0 who0 when $r"'ing %o*e
to st"nd in the s'n"gog(es 1 1 1 where the' "' be seen b' en1 +es(s s"'s prayer
must be an e0pression o! love to God and thus ere recit"tion o! $r"'er witho(t
tho(ght "nd he"rt is worth%ess1 Those #ho believe their prayer HmonologuesI are
more important than helping someone in need are those #ho have !allen into the
idolatry o! prayer.
851 E M"rch0 9ed S1O1M1 G O(t o! the Ab(nd"nce o! the He"rt1
#### #### Lk F:73 #### ,;*7p.,2+
(ame day: O! the "b(nd"nce o! the he"rt the %i$s s$e"k and deeds ome !orth.
8C1 E M"rch0 9ed S1O1M1 G Ask "nd it Sh"%% be Gi*en1
Mt 6:6#22 #### #### #### ,;*7p.,2*
(ame day: Ask "nd it sh"%% be gi*en 'o(0 %ook "nd 'o( wi%% !ind0 knock "nd it wi%%
be o$ened to 'o(1
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
871 E M"rch0 9ed S1O1M1 G 9hen Ye F"st1
Mt F:2F#24 #### #### #### ,;*7p.,2<
(ame day: Moreo*er0 when 'o( !"st0 %ook h"$$' "nd w"sh 'o(r !"ces1 <The F"ther
wi%% see 'o(r heroi seret "nd wi%% gi*e 'o( " double rew"rd1 4ne !or your !asting
and the other !or the sari!ie o! not being praised !or it. $!ter dismissing the
ro#d' .esus unites as !ather and daughter a poor #oman and an old man' and
entrusts them to the are o! 5azarus o! :ethany a!ter o!!ering them bread !rom
His table.
,;*7p.,@; D (.4.M: The :eatitudes =3art Three? =A+. to A@.?
831 E M"rch0 Th( S1O1M1 G L"' Not ($ !or Yo(rse%*es1
Mt F:28#52 #### #### #### ,;<7p.,2;
"e0t day: The ro#ds #ere even larger on this !ourth day. Do not %"'
($ !or 'o(rse%*es tre"s(res on e"rth1 Z**128#52[ <(tore your treasures in Heaven so
that your heart may also be there' above and beyond the ris/ . . . that your very
heart may be atta/ed and robbed . . .by the spirit o! the #orld.I
8F1 E M"rch0 Th( S1O1M1 G 9hen Yo( Do A%s
Mt F:2#7 #### #### #### ,;<7p.,2A
(ame day: T"ke heed th"t 'e do not 'o(r "%s be!ore en1 Z**15#C[ HDo not
linger admiring your deed' s#elling #ith it li/e the toad . . .I Z*17[
861 E M"rch0 Th( S1O1M1 G )! Yo( 9i%% Forgi*e1
Mt F:27023 Mk 22:5F #### #### ,;<7p.,C,
(ame day: $s .esus is ma/ing his onluding remar/s about the need o!
onealing the good #e do' He is interrupted by one #ho auses Him o!
hyporisy by o!!ering t#o poor people bread the day be!ore in !ront o! the ro#d.
3eter has already notied a religious leader at the edge o! the ro#d. His remar/
to .esus indiates they had previous e0periene #ith these leaders using others to
disrupt their meetings. The ro#d is inensed and begins to assail the reviler.
.esus shouts' H(ileneL 5et him spea/.I $s the man is !inally put to shame by
.esus9 humble response' he leaves' but not #ithout ne# insults hurled at the
disrupter !rom the ro#d. It is this senario that prompts .esus to ma/e His
strong and serious appeal to al#ays !orgive the sin o! men. <)! 'o( !orgi*e en
their !"(%ts0 "%so 'o(r F"ther in He"*en wi%% !orgi*e 'o( 'o(r sins1 /(t i! 'o( be"r en
" gr(dge "nd do not !orgi*e the0 neither wi%% 'o(r F"ther !orgi*e 'o( 'o(r
shortcoingsP= .esus then !inishes His thoughts on #ealth' poverty and giving.
LNOTE: Since this te"ching on !orgi*eness is "n interr($tion in +es(sH ess"ge0 M"tthew $%"ces this i$ort"nt word "t the end o! the
<LordHs Pr"'er0= since th"t "%so s$e"ks o! !orgi*ing others sins in order to recei*e !orgi*eness !ro God1 M"rk $%"ces this "t the end
o! 'et "nother e$isode @57C1A on !orgi*eness1M
841 E M"rch0 Th( S1O1M1 G Do Not 9orr' "bo(t Yo(r Li!e1
Mt F:53#C7 #### #### #### ,;<7p.,C*
(ame day: .esus onludes the !ourth day9s message #ith an appeal to
ompletely trust God !or all our temporal needs: HT"ke no tho(ght !or 'o(r %i!e1
Do not worr' "bo(t wh"t 'o( wi%% e"t1= Z**1 5F#CC[ Seek 'e there!ore the -ingdo
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
o! God "nd "%% these things sh"%% be "dded (nto 'o(0 #ithout having to as/ !or them.
,;<7p.,2C D (.4.M: The :eatitudes =3art Four? =A2. to AB.?
881 E M"rch0 Fri S1O1M1G Yo( ,"nnot Ser*e God "nd M"on1
Mt F:57 #### #### ####
"e0t day: No one c"n ser*e two "sters1 He wi%% either %o*e one "nd h"te the
other or *ice *ers"1 Yo( c"nnot be both o! God "nd M"on1 .esus says there are
t#o paths in li!e' #hih men are not only apable o! hoosing but also are
ompelled to hoose. $ll men are apable o! hoosing beause though (atan9s
temptations are strong' God9s HtemptationsI to good are even stronger. We are
also ompelled to hoose bet#een the t#o paths. To thin/ #e an #al/ on both is
an illusion. (uh a mi0ture o! evil #ith good anels out the good.
2>>1 E M"rch0 Fri S1O1M1 G The Light o! the /od' is the E'e1
Mt F:5505C #### Lk 22:C7#CF ####
(ame day: .esus says: HWath your eyes' men. :oth the eyes o! your bodies
and the eyes o! your minds Fyour thoughtsG.I .esus ontinues spea/ing o! both
/inds o! eyes #hile Matthe#' in his Gospel' to simpli!y the theme and apture
.esus9 main point' e0trats only #hat deals #ith man9s physial eyes. .esus
ontinues' <The L$h'sic"%M e'e is the %ight o! the bod'. The thought Fmental eyeG is
the light o! your heart. :ut i! our physial eye is not pure B beause sine organs
are subRet to thought' a orrupt thought #ill also orrupt Four physialG senses
B everything in you #ill beome obsure . . .. )verything is pure to him #ho has
a pure thought Fmental eyeG #hih auses a pure loo/ F#ith the physial eyeG and
the light o! God desends . . . Li1e1 )! th' e'e be sing%e0 th' who%e bod' sh"%% be
%ightsoe1M I! . . . you have austomed your FphysialG eyes to disorderly visions
LN)! the %ight in 'o( be d"rknessHM' everything #ill beome dar/ness in you LNhow
gre"t is th"t d"rknessHM. .esus then spea/s !urther on the sins o! the !lesh and
!inally ma/es this plea: HI beg you' #hile I say to you' \"ever do that'9 I also say
to you: \Do not be in!le0ible #ith those #ho ma/e mista/es.9 %emember that
you are all brothers' made o! one !lesh and one soul. Consider there are many
reasons #hy one is led to sin. :e meri!ul to#ard sinners and /indly help them.
Do that and you #ill reeive a great re#ard.I
2>21 E M"rch0 Fri S1O1M1 G 9OE1
#### #### Lk F:57 ####
(ame day: It is at that very moment the meeting is disrupted by !our rihly
dressed young men arrying in their lo/ed hands the notorious Mary o!
Magdala. .esus' on!ronted by the insolent' insulting and immodest Mary o!
Magdala and her audaious ompanions' stands bold as a lion and then spea/s
out in a heavenly mi0ture o! #isdom' ompassion and unompromising truth'
ompletely de!using and de!eating this atta/ o! the )vil 4ne. H9oe (nto 'o(0
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
rich and !ast living peopleL :eause it is amongst you that the greatest impurity
thrives "nd id%eness "nd one' "re its bed "nd $i%%owP=
2>51 E M"rch0 Fri S1O1M1 G 9OE1
#### #### Lk F:53 ####
+es(s contin(es0 <Yo( "re now s"ted1 The !ood o! onupisene reahes your
throats and ho/es you. /(t 'o( wi%% be h(ngr'1 $nd your hunger #ill be terrible'
insatiable and unappeasable !orever and ever . . .. Yo( now %"(gh1 8ou thin/ you
are triumphing. /(t 'o(r te"rs wi%% !ill the ponds o! Gehenna. $nd they wi%% ne*er
2>C1 E M"rch0 Fri S1O1M1 G +es(s on Di*orce "nd L(st1
Mt 3:56#C5 #### #### ####
+es(s contin(es0 <) te%% 'o(0 th"t he who %ooks "t " wo"n %(st!(%%'0 that she #ho
#ishes to go #ith a man' h"s "%re"d' coitted "d(%ter' in his or her he"rt. There
is no reason that an Rusti!y !orniation. "one. "either the abandonment nor
the repudiation o! a husband FMary Magdalene had an un!ortunate marriage
and had been repudiated' but no# she is living #ith men outside marriage.G "or
pity !or the repudiated #oman.I LNOTE: Th"t w"s cert"in%' the e:c(se the 'o(ng en were gi*ing
these%*es0 !or their ind(%gence with herPM .esus ontinues' HMutilate your body' rather than /ill
it !orever by damning it. Come to your moral senses' 4 rih men' verminous
sin/s o! vie' so that you may not disgust Heaven . . .I Mary' #hose on!ident
impudene turned to so!!ing and sneering and then to rage at her !ailure and
humiliation' gets up and runs do#n the mountain slope' veiling her de!eat in
mo/ing laughter.
5ater in the a!ternoon' .esus ontinues: )! 'o(r right e'e sho(%d c"(se 'o( to
sin0 te"r it o(t "nd throw it "w"' 1 1 1 9hoe*er di*orces his wi!e0 e:ce$ting !or the c"se
o! !ornic"tion0 e:$oses her to L"keth her to coit :RheisM "d(%ter' 1 1 11 He who
"rries her "!ter the di*orce Lwitho(t !ornic"tionM0 coits "d(%ter'1 Death only
dissolves a marriage.I LNOTE: +es(s re*e"%s th"t !ornic"tion bre"ks " "rri"ge bond in " non#s"cr"ent"% "rri"ge
in Gos$e% e$isode 2461 Fornic"tion0 howe*er0 does not dissol+e any marria'e &nion" On%' the *io%"ted $"rt' c"n disso%*e " non#
s"cr"ent"% "rri"ge broken b' !ornic"tion1 9hen +es(s s"'s th"t <on%'= de"th c"n disso%*e " "rri"ge He is s$e"king o! the on%'
o$tion a +iolator of the marria'e &nion has to terin"te the "rri"ge1 The *io%"tor h"s no o$tions other th"n de"th to terin"te "
"rri"ge bec"(se the on%' other w"' to disso%*e " non#s"cr"ent"% "rri"ge %ies with the *io%"ted $"rt'1M
LNOTE: There is "nother i$ort"nt $oint th"t +es(s "kes here "bo(t who is res$onsib%e !or the sin in*o%*ed in the new (nion
cre"ted b' one who h"s been sent "w"' (nK(st%'0 )itho&t -ein' '&ilty of fornication1 /' s"'ing this one is <e:$osed to= "d(%ter'0
+es(s is not !orbidding the (nion0 which He sees here "s "t %e"st a possi-le necessit'0 b(t is $%"cing the g(i%t !or the sin on the one
who disisses the innocent one1 M"tthew re$hr"ses +es(s words to "ke +es(sH *iew ore c%e"r: <c"(ses her to coit "d(%ter'1=
+es(s0 %"ter @)))0 7>6G$1646A0 s$e"king to " Ph"risee0 s"'s th"t sho(%d he end ($ dri*ing "w"' his innocent s$o(se @in this c"se it w"s
entire%' his *erb"% "b(se o! her b"sed on gro(nd%ess Ke"%o(s'0 which w"s dri*ing her to "b"ndon hi1A0 he wo(%d h"*e to e:$i"te !or
both his sin "nd hers0 sho(%d she !ind it necess"r' to re"rr'1M
2>71 E M"rch0 Fri S1O1M1 G +(dge Not Lest Ye be +(dged1
Mt 6:2#F #### Lk F:C6#75 ####
(ame day: +(dge not %est 'o( be K(dged1 ZMt16:5[ <Charity is an absolution.
:e haritable to everybody. I! God gives you muh assistane to /eep you good'
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
do not be proud o! it1= ZMt16:C#3[ H$s you avoid being unharitable' avoid also
being imprudent.I Gi*e not th"t which is ho%' to the dogs1
2>31 E M"rch0 Fri S1O1M1 G The Ho(se on " Rock1
Mt 6:57#56 #### Lk F:76#78 ####
(ame day: The wise "n who b(i%t on the rock1 Finishing His Message' .esus
dismisses the ro#d. With the ro#d !ollo#ing Him' He desends the mountain
into a plain. Here He meets a leper.
,;@7p.,C< D (.4.M: The :eatitudes =3art Five?. The )nounter #ith the
Magdalene. =AA. to ,+2.?
2>F1 E M"rch0 Fri S1O1M1 G A Le$er is He"%ed1
Mt 4:2#7 #### #### #### ,;27p.,B,
(ame day: A %e$er is he"%ed and .ohn' the (ribe' omes and o!!ers to provide
bread !or the ro#d that has stayed over on the (abbath.
,;27p.,B,# The 5eper Healed at the Foot o! the Mountain.
2>61 E M"rch0 S"t S1O1M1 G Not E*er'one th"t S"ith0 Lord Lord1
Mt 6:52#5C054058 #### Lk 6:2" #### ,;C7p.,B;
"e0t day: The !inal message o! the (ermon on the Mount. :e!ore the
message' ho#ever' .ohn the (ribe omes #ith servants loaded do#n #ith bread'
olives' heese and even a roasted lamb. $!ter the meal' .esus begins by dealing
#ith a ommon error o! the day that says God9s #ill ontrols everything. The
only #ill God has is love. $ll that is o! the #orld' the !lesh and the demon is not
God9s #ill' and those #ho hose that #ill are most unhappy. Then He says: H)
so%en%' te%% 'o( th"t not e*er'one "ongst 'o( wi%% enter the kingdo o! He"*en
with e1 $lso amongst my earliest and latest disiples there are some #ho #ill
not enter the /ingdom' beause many #ill do their o#n #ill or the #ill o! the
!lesh' o! the #orld' o! the demon' but not My Father9s. =.ohn' Isaa' Timotheus
no# leave to get the t#o Marys and ta/e them to .erusalem !or the 3assover. (ee
,;C7p.,B2 D The (abbath $!ter the (ermon. $t the Foot o! the Mountain.

2>41 E M"rch The Ser*"nt o! " ,ent(rion is He"%ed1
Mt 4:3#2C #### Lk 6:2b#2>E F:7F #### ,;;7p.,BA
"e0t day' +es(s and his remaining eleven Disiples ret(rn to ,"$ern"( @2>
i%esA0 where +es(s he"%s " ser*"nt o! " cent(rion1 He had heard .esus spea/ on the
previous Thursday. Though he never sa# .esus per!orm a mirale' he believed
He #as God and able to do anything. F<D@ days later the :aptist is aptured near
(yhar. =II' p.;+*?G
,;;7p.,BA D The (ervant o! the Centurion is Cured. LEight d"'s $"ss1M
2>81 M M"rch The ,ost o! Disci$%eshi$
Mt 4:24#55 #### Lk 8:36#F5 #### ,;B7p.,A,
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
)ight days a!ter the healing o! the enturion9s servant' by the sea at
Capernaum: A scribe "sks to be " disci$%e1 He #ould be aepted as a disiple
only a!ter serious re!letion on the ost involved. Another "n is "sked b' the Lord
to !o%%ow hi1 This man' #ith burial provisions in his arms' "sks i! he ight !irst
b(r' his !"ther1 9hen +es(s te%%s hi th"t others sho(%d t"ke c"re o! th"t0 the young
man' named 5evi' gives the !uneral provisions to his !riend and !ollo#s the 5ord.
The third "n is reReted as a disiple "s he is not and never #ill be $re$"red !or the
s"cri!ice "nd rigor o! disci$%eshi$1 He #ill remain as a mere believer. They all get
in a boat and sail aross the (ea o! Galilee to 3eter9s house in :ethsaida.
,;B7p.,A, D .esus Meets Three Men #ho Want to Follo# Him.
22>1 M M"rch The P"r"b%e o! the Sower1
Mt 2C:2#8 Mk 7:2#8 Lk 4:7#4 #### ,;A7p.,A2
S"e d"' b' the se" at :ethsaida =< miles?0 +es(s te%%s the $"r"b%e o! the Sower to
sho# that the initial interest and enthusiasm that the third man had' and that
many #ill have' is not ade1uate. Then .esus ta/es His ne# disiple' 5evi' to
Oorazim =@ miles? so they ould all honor his !ather9s grave siteL They all then
return to :ethsaida =< miles by boat?.
,;A7p.,A< D The 3arable o! the (o#er.
2221 M M"rch +es(s E:$%"ins the P"r"b%e o! the Sower1
Mt 2C:2>#5C Mk 7:2>#5> Lk 4:8#23 ### ,B+7p.*++
(ame day' 3eter9s home in :ethsaida: +es(s e:$%"ins wh' He s$oke in $"r"b%es
"nd e:$%"ins the $"r"b%e o! the Sower1 $t this point .ohn' #ho had le!t to
aompany the t#o Marys to .erusalem some nine days be!ore' has returned to
3eter9s home #ith the tragi ne#s o! the :aptist9s apture at (yhar. He and his
ompany had heard the ne#s arriving in )non around noon o! that day' thin/ing
they #ould !ind the :aptist there. Instead' a traitor doing the bidding o! the
three 3harisees o! Capernaum had led the :aptist into a trap o! Herod9s soldiers
at (yhar. .esus then says' HI must go to Capernaum tomorro#.I
,B+7p.*++ D 5esson to the $postles in 3eter9s Oithen and the $nnounement o!
the :aptist9s Capture.
2251 M M"rch The /"$tist is )$risoned the Second "nd Fin"% Tie1
Mt 27:C#3 Mk F:26#5> #### #### =,B+7p.*++'
(ame day' :ethsaida: This ne#s that Herod h"s "rrested +ohn the /"$tist the
seond time through a betrayal by one o! his o#n disiples leaves the Disiples in
a state o! sorro#' anger and !ear. $bove all' they !ear that .esus #ill be betrayed.
They set out !or Capernaum =2 miles?' but seeing a boat o! (imon the 3harisee in
the harbor' they turn ba/. (ine 3eter insists =over .esus9 #ishL? to go to
Capernaum ahead o! Him to see i! there is a trap there' .esus and the rest o! the
Disiples go ba/ to the home o! their ne# disiple in Oorazim =* miles?1 .ohn
#ill no# be imprisoned !or !ive months until his martyrdom in late $ugust. @See
Gos$e% e$isode 27F1A
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
L+es(s st"rts o(t b' bo"t to ,"$ern"( b(t t(rns b"ck to -or"Ii1 L"ter0 between
,h1243 c24F0 He goes to ,"$ern"( "s He $roised1 @))0 $15>4052>AM
22C1 M M"rch The P"r"b%e o! the 9he"t "nd the T"res @,ock%eA
Mt 2C:57#C> #### #### #### ,B,7p.*,,
"e0t day in Oorazim' at the ne# disiple 5evi9s home' +es(s0 a!ter healing a
little girl' te%%s the $"r"b%e o! the 9he"t "nd T"res to a ro#d that had gathered.
2271 M M"rch +es(s E:$%"ins the P"r"b%e o! the 9he"t "nd the T"res @,ock%eA
Mt 2C:CF#7C #### #### #### ,B,7p.*,*
(ame day in Oorazim: +es(s disisses the crowd1 Pri*"te%' with His Disci$%es in
the ho(se o! 5evi =)lias? and his !amily0 +es(s e:$%"ins the $"r"b%e1 He also applies
the parable to the situation they #ere !aing o! possible betrayal. .esus e0plains:
H:eause the Oingdom . . . #ill be on earth and in Heaven . . . many sons o! the
enemy #ill be mi0ed among the itizens o! the Oingdom. $s prophesied . . . they
#ill reah the per!etion o! sandal and abomination in every ministry on earth
and #ill be o! great annoyane to the hildren o! the spirit. They are not to thin/
that e0luding those #ho might betray #ould ma/e them any sa!er. It ould
even ma/e it #orse. Trying to remove our enemies #ill even damage the
H#heat.I He tells them that #orrying about #hat our enemies #ill do to us is
!ruitless. God #ill only allo# #hat is use!ul to His OingdomL
,B,7p.*+A D 3arable o! the Darnel.
245G$1523 @M M"rch0 ne:t d"'A # On His 9"' to M"gd"%"0 +es(s S$e"ks to Soe
She$herds1 Peter coes b"ck !ro his ission to ,"$ern"( checking !or tr"$s "nd
disco*ers Sion the Ph"risee w"s not in*o%*ed0 b(t the other three Ph"risees h"d
"bsented these%*es !ro ,"$ern"(1 +es(s reinds Peter how (se%ess his worr' is0
b(t Peter sti%% w"nts to be the s"*ior o! the S"*iorP T"king the b"ck ro"ds to M"gd"%"
@4#2> i%esA0 +es(s r(ns into soe she$herds1 He co!orts "n or$h"ned she$herd bo'1

24CG$1528 @M M"rch0 s"e d"'A # +es(s "t M"gd"%"1 He Meets with M"r' M"gd"%ene
the Second Tie1 This is the second inter"cti*e enco(nter b(t the !o(rth "ct("%
enco(nter with the one who is so ens%"*ed b' S"t"n1 This enco(nter !inds the
M"gd"%ene "t " new sh"e!(% "nd tr"gic %ow1
2231 M M"rch The P"r"b%e o! the Seed ,"st into the E"rth "nd the M(st"rd Seed1
Mt 2C:C20C5 Mk 7:5F#C7" Lk 2C:24028 #### ,B@7p.**2
"e0t day in Magdala: The -ingdo o! He"*en is "s i! " "n sho(%d c"st seed
into the e"rth1 .esus then ompares his Word' and love itsel!' to a seed #hih
re1uires great patiene and are to see it sprout and ome to !ruit. .esus is
spea/ing o! the MagdaleneL Having been led to go to Magdala rather than
Capernaum' .esus and the Disiples had Rust run into a tragedy involving Mary
o! Magdala =,B<7p.*,A?. The disiples #ere utterly appalled at #hat they sa#'
but .esus almed the situation and healed the dying man. He also told 3eter not
to insult the arrogant impudent Mary but to pray !or her. Now0 +es(s te%%s the
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
$"r"b%e o! the M(st"rd Seed0 beause He #ants to sho# that it is not big things
that ma/e up the Oingdom o! God but the very smallest o! things DDloveL What
this simple small little thing alled love #as to do in the heart o! Mary o!
Magdala #as ertainly proo! o! this.
,B@7p.**< D $t Magdala in the House o! :enRamin9s Mother.
22F1 M M"rch +es(s ,"%s the R"ging Se"1
Mt 4:5C#56 Mk 7:C7b#7>@72A Lk 4:55#53 #### ,B27p.*<+
S"e d"'0 %e"*ing Magdala !or the Se" o! G"%i%ee: +es(s c"%s the se" "!ter the
Disci$%es coe to the end o! these%*es in their "tte$t to s"*e these%*es1 .esus
says that the Disiples had too muh pride in their abilities as boatmen and in
many other matters' inluding their thin/ing that He needed their ounsel and
protetion. )ntering the boat that evening' they do not #ant .esus9 help' and
desire' ontrary to His o#n #ish' that He get some sleep =,B2b7p.*<*?.
,B27p.*<+ D The Calming o! the (torm.
LL"st h"%! o! M"rch: +es(s "nd the Disci$%es e*"nge%iIe in " wide "re" "ro(nd the
Se" o! G"%i%ee "nd go to ,"$ern"( "s He h"d be!ore $roised1 @))05>4052>AM
2261 E A$ri%0 Th( Two Deoni"cs0 One Fro Ger"sh"0 De%i*ered1
Mt 4:54#8:2" Mk 3:2#5> Lk 4:5F#C8 #### ,BC7p.*<C
"e0t day' %e"*ing Capernaum b' bo"t0 the Disci$%es "nd +es(s s"i% tow"rd Hippo
bet#een Gherghesa @in the co(ntr' o! the Ger"sensA to the north' and Gadara' to
the southeast. H"*ing docked their bo"t @8 i%esA the' st"rt w"%king to#ard Gamala
=@ miles?' where the' eet two deoni"cs0 one o! #hom #as !rom Gerasa' many
miles south o! there. The' "re de%i*ered !ro " %egion o! deons0 which enter " herd
o! swine1 The Gos$e%s o! M"rk "nd L(ke ention on%' one deoni"c beause he #as
the only one #ho spo/e and the only one #ho #anted to !ollo# Christ
immediately1 +es(s "nd His Disci$%es s"i% south and #est to Tarihea =B miles? and
head !or Mount Tabor =,< miles?. LFor ore in!or"tion on this e*ent see
,BC7p.*<< D The Demonias o! Gadara For' rather: at GamalaG.
246G$15C4 @E A$ri%0 s"e d"'0 Th(1A # Tow"rds +er(s"%e !or the Second P"sso*er1
Fro T"riche" to Mo(nt T"bor @2C i%esA1 /e!ore going to +er(s"%e0 +es(s w"nts to
see the (nh"$$' $e"s"nts o! 'o(ng Dor"s @the son o! the Dor"s str(ck de"d e"r%ierA in
the P%"in o! Esdr"e%on0 soe 53 i%es o(t o! the w"'1
LAt Mt1 T"bor # A!ter " nightHs rest0 +es(s s$e"ks to the Disci$%es1 Three onths
%"ter0 +ohn reco(nts wh"t +es(s to%d the here1 ))0 57CG$13F>#3FC @See ))0

244G$157C @E A$ri%0 ne:t d"'0 Fri1A # Fro T"bor to Endor @3 i%esA in the ,"*e o! the
Necro"ncer1 The enco(nter with Fe%i: 9ho /ecoes +ohn o! Endor1 He wi%%
"cco$"n' +es(s "nd His Disci$%es !or the ne:t nine onths (nti% %"te Deceber0 when
bec"(se o! the thre"ts o! +es(sH eneies0 +es(s is !orced to send hi to !"r "w"'
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *

2241 E A$ri%0 Fri +es(s R"ises " M"n Fro the De"d1
#### #### Lk 6:22#24 #### ,BA7p.*2*
(ame day: $!ter having passed through )ndor' they head !or N"in @5 i%esA1
Here +es(s r"ises " 'o(ng "n0 the on%' son o! " widow0 !ro the de"d1 Having seen
the #ido# in agony <"nd being o*ed with erc' tow"rds her0= .esus9 eyes !ill #ith
tears. When as/ed #hy He is #eeping' .esus replies' HI am thin/ing o! My
Mother.I The /"$tist' though in prison' is being ke$t in!ored b' the shepherd
disci$%es1 They then arrive in the plain o! )sdraelon to visit the oppressed
servants o! young Doras.
,BA7p.*2* D The (on o! the Wido# o! "ain.
28>G$1533 @E A$ri%0 s"e d"'0 Fri1A # Fro N"in to Esdr"e%on @25 i%esA1 +es(s St"'s "t
Mic"hHs1 +es(s "nd the Disci$%es see the de*"st"ting res(%ts o! GodHs K(dgent %oosed
b' +es(s on o%d Dor"sH !ie%ds "nd *ine'"rds !i*e onth be!ore @)0 2>8G$134FA1 Fe"r o!
the s"e h"s c"(sed his neighbor0 Ph"risee +oh"nn"n0 to be kinder to his $e"s"nt
2281 E A$ri%0 S"t The Rich M"n "nd L"I"r(s1
#### #### Lk 2F:28#C2 #### ,A,7p.*C,
"e0t day in the 3lain o! )sdraelon: With Doras9 very oppressed servants'
+es(s te%%s the stor' o! the rich "n "nd L"I"r(s1 .esus9 heart is re!reshed and
reRuvenated by the !aith and love o! these humble and !aith!ul souls. He tells
them He #ould li/e to be able to help them materially' but annot. HI an but
point Heaven to you. I an only teah you the great #isdom o! resignation. Do
not hate' never' !or any reason #hatsoever. Hatred is strong F!or hanging
thingsG in the #orld. :ut it al#ays has its limit. 5ove has no limit o! po#er or
time. 5ove there!ore to possess love' as a de!ense and om!ort on the earth' and
as a re#ard in Heaven.I .esus and the Disiples leave #ith the ,*DyearDold
grandson o! one o! the peasants #ho has had to hide in the #oods to live li/e an
animal. He simply ould no longer /eep him there under those onditions. He
#as very small beause o! malnutrition.
,A,7p.*2B D The (abbath at )sdraelon. 5ittle .abez. The 3arable o! %ih Dives.
L)n S""ri" G E A$ri%0AD C5M
285G$15F7 @A$ri%0 two d"'s %"ter0 Mon1A # Fro Esdr"e%on to Eng"nni @8 i%esA0
Sto$$ing "t Megiddo @4 i%esA1 The' r(n into P(b%i(s a(inti%i"n(s who "ss(res +es(s
th"t Roe is w"tching o(t !or Hi "nd th"t he "nd ,%"(di"0 who is the $rocons(%0 wi%%
be in +er(s"%e !or P"sso*er "nd wo(%d %ike to he"r Hi s$e"k i! He co(%d be c%ose
eno(gh to the Pr"etori(1

28CG$15F8 @E A$ri%0 one to two d"'s %"ter0 T(e1 to 9ed1A # Fro Eng"nni to Sheche
in Two D"'s1 This is thirt' i%es o! o(nt"ino(s terr"in1 )t is he"rtw"ring to see the
tender inter"ction between +ohn o! Endor0 who h"d hise%! been so cr(shed b' the
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
wor%d0 "nd Litt%e +"beI0 who h"d known s(ch horror "nd cr(e%t' in his short %i!e1
287G$156C @E A$ri%0 ne:t d"'0 Th(r1A # Fro Sheche to /eeroth @53 i%esA1 +es(s
co!orts +"beI0 who is grie*ing o*er the %oss o! his $"rents1 He coes to re"%iIe who
+es(s re"%%' is1
Third .udean Ministry 7 T#o Months' ) $pril D ) .une'$D <* F3oem Chapters ,A2D
L+er(s"%e G E # M A$ri%M
25>1 E A$ri%0 Fri He"ding to +er(s"%e1
#### #### #### +n 3:2 ,A27p.*;B
"e0t day' +es(s "nd His Disci$%es co$%ete their tri$ to +er(s"%e @4 i%esA1 .ohn
o! )ndor give some #ise ounsel !rom his past e0perienes to a resistant .udas.
,A27p.*;B D From :eeroth to .erusalem.
28FG$1542 @E A$ri%0 ne:t d"'0 S"t1A # The S"bb"th "t Gethse"ne1 +es(s describes the
si: $owers or "gnit(des o! %o*e1 He re*e"%s there w"s no sens("%it' in "rit"% %o*e
be!ore the !"%%1 He "%so sh"res with the two e$isodes in the *er' e"r%' %i!e o! His
Mother th"t show She w"s tr(%' <The Mother o! 9isdo1= )n one o! these e$isodes0
M"r'Hs !"ther0 +o"chi0 testi!ied to the i"c(%"te conce$tion o! his D"(ghter witho(t
"n' co$rehension o! the e"ning o! his words1 )ncredib%'0 +es(s then "kes " ost
signi!ic"nt $ro$hec' concerning "nother testion' b' "nother <$onti!!= "bo(t His
MotherHs )"c(%"te conce$tion1 This $ro$hec' wo(%d not coe to $"ss (nti% the 28
cent(r'P Here "re +es(sH own words to His Disci$%es: RThe day )ill come )hen
another 'ray haired Pontiff )ill say to the )orld5 T!he is the Immac&late
,onception,$ and )ill 'i+e this tr&th to the )orld of -elie+ers as a do'ma )hich
cannot -e ref&ted, so that the Most 8ea&tif&l Vir'in of God cro)ned )ith stars, clad
)ith the rays of the moon, )hich are not so p&re as !he is, -ri'hter than all stars, the
U&een of ,reation and of God, may shine, f&lly re+ealed, in the )orld, )hich in those
days )ill -e sin*in' deeper and deeper in the 'ray fo' of heresies and +ices" 8eca&se
God-Oin' has as His U&een, in His Oin'dom, Mary"S This0 o! co(rse0 w"s %iter"%%'
!(%!i%%ed b' Po$e Pi(s )J on Deceber 40 24371

286G$1548 @E A$ri%0 s"e d"'0 S"t1A # )n the Te$%e "t the Ho(r o! the O!!ering1 The'
r(n into +ose$h o! Ari"the" who $roises to "ssist Peter0 who h"s t"ken
res$onsibi%it' !or the Te$%e e:"in"tion o! +"beI1 +es(s "%so in*ites +ose$h o*er to
Sion Oe"%otHs o%d ho(se on L"I"r(sH est"te in /eth"n' @5 i%esA on Mond"'0 where
He "nd "%% the Disci$%es wi%% be st"'ing1 He "cce$ts the in*it"tion1

284G$1585 @E A$ri%0 s"e d"'0 S"t1A # +es(s Meets His Mother "t /eth"n'1 This is one
h"$$' re(nion !or e*er'one1 At SionHs ho(se is +es(sH Mother0 M"r' o! A%$h"e(s0
M"r' S"%oe0 who h"d e"r%ier coe down with )s""c the she$herd0 Tione(s o! ,%e"r
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
9"ter0 "nd +ose$h0 with the A$ost%e +ohn0 who h"d then ret(rned to G"%i%ee "t the
news o! the /"$tistHs de"th " onth "go1 /esides L"I"r(s "nd M"rth" "nd their
ser*"nts0 there is the o%d "n "nd widow th"t +es(s h"d "de !"ther "nd d"(ghter "t
the Mo(nt o! /e"(tit(des "nd gi*en into L"I"r(sH c"re1 +es(s then introd(ces
e*er'one to His two new disci$%es0 %itt%e +"beI "nd +ohn o! Endor0 who He h"d
"c;(ired on His w"' !ro G"%i%ee1 +"beI0 "t his re;(est0 is gi*en the new n"e o!
M"rKi" b' M"r'1 )s""c the she$herd te%%s +es(s th"t +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"0 o! Tiberi"s0
who "%so h"s " $"%"ce in +er(s"%e0 is hosting the "nd "%% his she$herd co$"nions1
M"r'0 "%one with +es(s0 te%%s o! the <*ei%ed wo"n= Ag%"e who so(ght her o(t in
N"I"reth1 She h"d entr(sted her to S(s"nn" o! ,"n" "nd w"s coing with her !or the
288G$1C>> @M A$ri%0 ne:t d"'0 S(n1A # +es(s Goes to the Le$ers o! Si%o" "nd /en
Hinno1 The Power o! M"r'Hs 9ord1 Sion the Oe"%ot0 h"*ing been considered "
%e$er hise%! K(st " 'e"r "go0 "nd h"*ing %i*ed with the0 knew soe o! these %e$ers W
the ones who s(r*i*ed the winter1 M"r'0 "%one with +es(s b"ck "t /eth"n'0 disc(sses
Her tho(ghts "bo(t "%%owing Peter to h"*e M"rKi" "s " son1 Peter h"d $o(red o(t his
he"rt to M"r' "bo(t his gre"t desire !or M"rKi"1 +es(s0 who h"d other tho(ghts0 is
con*inced o! Her wisdo "nd concedes to Her wishesP
5>>G$1C>8 @M A$ri%0 ne:t d"'0 Mon1A # Ag%"e Meets the M"ster1 She is "ss(red o!
GodHs %o*e "nd !orgi*eness "nd is "!!ired in her decision to go to " desert $%"ce to
e:$i"te !or her $"st1 She is gi*en s$eci"% $roises o! di*ine "id in her "scent to
5>2G$1C23 @M A$ri%0 two d"'s %"ter0 9ed1A # M"rKi"Hs E:"in"tion1 A!ter the Te$%e
rit("%0 +ose$h o! Ari"the" in*ites then "%% o*er to his +er(s"%e $"%"ce !or dinner1
5>5G$1C5> @M A$ri%0 ne:t d"'0 Th(1A # At the Te$%e on the E*e o! P"sso*er1 +es(s0
His A$ost%es "nd the woen disci$%es go to L"I"r(sH $"%"ce in +er(s"%e to e"t the
P"sso*er e"%1 The she$herds "nd the $e"s"nts o! +oh"n"n0 who were "%%owed to
coe to the P"sso*er this 'e"r0 go o*er to +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"Hs $"%"ce0 where "%% o! her
!riends !ro G"%i%ee "re $resent1
2521 M A$ri%0 Th( The O(r F"ther1
Mt F:8#2C #### Lk 22:2#7 #### *+<7p.<*C
.esus and His Disiples eat the 3assover meal at 5azarus9 palae in .erusalem
and then leave !or the Mount o! 4lives. +es(s te"ches the the <O(r F"ther which
"rt in He"*en 1 1 1 0= emphasizing that everything man needs is in that prayer. He
then says Hit is so per!et a prayer that neither the storms o! heresies nor the
ourse o! ages #ill undermine it.I He also predits that even though Christianity
#ill be Hsplit by (atan9s bite . . . these separated little ells' devoid o! the gi!ts'
#hih I #ill leave to the Mother Churh . . . #ill pray #ith this universal prayer
as #ell.I .esus then e0plains the great signi!iane o! eah segment o! this prayer.
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
2551 M A$ri%0 Th( The Lesson on )$ort(nit' in Pr"'er1
#### #### Lk 22:3#2C #### *+<7p.<*B
The %essons on the 5ord9s Pr"'er in the Mount o! 4lives contin(es: HGive us
today our daily bread.I To overome the Disiples9 relutane to believe the
Father ould be moved by prayer to supply even our physial needs li/e bread'
He te%%s the the $"r"b%e o! the Persistent Friend "nd reinds the th"t F"ther God is
!"r better th"n the best e"rth%' !"ther1
*+<7p.<*< D The H4ur Father.I
LFrid"': Sion "nd +(d"s Th"dde(s go b"ck to L"I"r(sH P"%"ce to get the woen0
M"rKi"0 "nd +ohn o! Endor0 who st"'ed with the1 Then the' "%% go to /eth"n' to
L"I"r(sH est"te1 @5>CG$1CC>AM
5>7G$1CC> @M A$ri%0 S"t1A # +es(s to the Genti%es: F"ith is /(i%t "s Yo(r Te$%es1 The
Ro"n so%dier P(b%i(s a(inti%i"n0 P%"(tin"0 &"%eri"0 L'di" "nd F%"*i" coe to L"I"r(sH
est"te to he"r +es(s e:$%"in soe s$irit("% "tters1 +es(s is dee$%' o*ed "t the
sincerit' "nd o$enness o! these Genti%es1 As the' "%% %e"*e0 L"I"r(s s"'s with " he"*'
he"rt0 <E*er'bod' coes to Yo(0 e:ce$t M"r'1= +es(s $roises th"t M"r' o! M"gd"%"
wi%% coeP
25C1 M A$ri%0 S(n The P"r"b%e o! the Prodig"% Son1
#### #### Lk 23:22#C5 #### *+27p.<<B
"e0t day in :ethany: With 5azarus present and his sister Mary o! Magdala in
mind =as #ell as .ohn o! )ndor?' +es(s te%%s the $"r"b%e o! the Prodig"% Son1 The
day be!ore' .esus had promised 5azarus that He #ould bring his sister ba/ to
him and Martha. $!ter the parable' and in private' .esus says to 5azarus' HIn
this parable the younger son repented' and the same thing #ill happen to the
dear soul you are #aiting !or.I .udas Isariot !inally omes ba/' in desolation
!or some deep moral !ailure' having been #ith his H!riendsI !or over a #ee/ and
having missed even the 3assover !east.
*+27p.<<B D The 3arable o! the 3rodigal (on.
2571 M A$ri%0 S(n The P"r"b%e o! the Fi*e Foo%ish &irgins1
Mt 53:2#2C #### #### #### *+C7p.<@@
:ethany: 5ater that evening to the poor peasants o! .ohanan the 3harisee'
+es(s te%%s the $"r"b%e o! the !i*e Foo%ish &irgins1 .esus sa# them as the #ise
&irgins and the rulers o! Israel as spiritually sloth!ul and !oolish' #ith only an
out#ard sho# o! religious interest. .esus also #anted to emphasize that great
/no#ledge #as not re1uired to enter the Oingdom and that all the H#ise
virgins'I though no# only honored bridesmaids =espeially .ohanan9s peasants?'
#ould someday be married to the eternal GodL
2531 M A$ri%0 S(n P"r"b%e o! the 9edding Fe"st1
Mt 55:2#27 #### LLk 27:2F#57MD #### *+C7p.<2,
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
(ame day in :ethany: $!ter the peasants leave' +es(s te%%s the $"r"b%e o! the
M"rri"ge Fe"st to those !rom :ethany #ho #ere in muh more danger o! spiritual
pride than the poor peasants. .esus is also bro/enhearted over .udas9 slavery to
sin. In yet another attempt #a/e him to the danger he is in' .esus ma/es a lear
re!erene to him in the 3arable o! the Marriage Feast. .udas #as present to hear
this parable and /ne# .esus #as re!erring to him. The intr(der0 o! co(rse0 o(t o!
"n "%ost inconcei*"b%e $ride "nd disres$ect !or the -ing "nd His Son0 entered the
wedding h"%% witho(t " wedding g"rent1 What .esus is ompelled to say later to
.udas' #ho tries to over his evil' brings grie! and tears to all present. @Ten
onths %"ter0 +es(s0 in the hoe o! )sh"e% the Ph"risee0 re$e"ts this $"r"b%e1 )))0
CC7G$1CC2A TLNOTE: L(keHs *ersion "kes no ention o! " wedding0 so it is either "n "d"$t"tion o! the wedding !e"st $"r"b%e
or "nother $"r"b%e "%together1 L(ke $%"ces this in his Gos$e% "s tho(gh it were $"rt o! Gos$e% e$isode 26>1 where M"ri" &"%tort" s"'s
+es(s "g"in to%d the $"r"b%e o! the 9edding1M
*+C7p.<@@ D The 3arable o! the Ten &irgins and the 3arable o! the %oyal
LSo(th E"st +(de"n ,irc(it G L A$ri% # E +(ne0AD C5M
5>6G$1C3F @L A$ri%0 ne:t d"'0 Mon1A # Fro /eth"n' to the Grotto o! /eth%ehe @8
i%esA1 +es(s0 M"r' o! A%$h"e(s0 M"r' S"%oe0 the A$ost%es "nd M"rKi" s$end tie
in the birth$%"ce o! +es(s0 enr"$t(red b' the &irgin MotherHs reiniscing "bo(t th"t
/eth%ehe night when She h"d been c"(ght ($ into <"n oce"n o! %ight= "nd %ost in the
boso o! GodP LThe' "%% !irst go to +"%" @2 i%eA the ne:t d"' @$1CFCAM
5>4G$1CF3 @L A$ri%0 ne:t d"'0 T(e1A # Going to E%iI"Hs "t /ethI(r @22 i%esA1 E%iI" w"s
one o! M"r'Hs <co$"nions o! the Te$%e= @))0 288G$1C>4A1 The' !ind her in " st"te o!
(tter des$"ir o*er soe *er' tr"gic e*ents1
5>8G$1C63 @L A$ri%0 ne:t d"'0 9ed1A # +es(s in E%iI"Hs Ho(se S$e"ks o! Sorrow th"t
/e"rs Fr(it1 A di*ine "ster$iece o! wisdo !ro +es(sP
52>G$1C4> @L A$ri%0 one or ore d"'s %"terA # Tow"rds Hebron: The 9or%dHs Re"sons
"nd GodHs1 +(d"s ch"%%enges the wisdo "nd !"irness o! +es(s1

522G$1C43 @L A$ri%0 s"e d"'A # 9e%coe Rece$tion "t Hebron @7 i%esA1 A $ower!(%
ess"ge "g"inst the e*i% "nd corr($tion in re%igio(s %e"ders "nd " $ower!(% sign o!
+es(sH "(thorit'P

525G$1C85 @L A$ri%0 one or ore d"'sA # At +(tt"h @4 i%esA0 +es(s S$e"ks in )s""cHs
Ho(se1 )s""c is the /eth%ehe she$herd who h"d been dis"b%ed !or thirt' 'e"rs "nd
w"s he"%ed inst"nt%' ten onths "go K(st he"ring th"t +es(s h"d coe to see hi1 The
cit' h"d not !orgotten this gr"ce1 +es(s s$e"ks o! the wides$re"d ido%"tr' in ost o!
the he"rts o! GodHs $eo$%e1

52CG$1C88 @E M"'0 4 d"'s %"terA # At -erioth @8 i%esA0 +es(s S$e"ks in the
S'n"gog(e1 +es(s is enth(si"stic"%%' recei*ed1 The citiIens "re so $ro(d to h"*e one
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
o! +es(sH Disci$%es !ro their cit'1 9hi%e +es(s reo*es the $ossibi%it' !or "n'one to
think he is s$e"king o! +(d"s0 He $%"in%' "nd e$h"tic"%%' te%%s o! his coing betr"'"%
b' one o! His own1 Since He knows th"t the' wi%% cert"in%' K(dge the ho%' "nd
innocent other when the crie occ(rs "nd wi%% s(!!er these%*es being K(dged "nd
condened "s citiIens o! the cit' o! the deicide0 +es(s w"rns the "bo(t the e*i% o!
either "cce$ting s(ch K(dgent !ro others or being $"rt o! K(dging those who "re
527G$17>5 @E M"'0 ne:t d"'0 S(n1A # At +(d"sH Ho(se "t -erioth1 +es(s goes to e:tr"
%engths to !orti!' +(d"sH other with the tr(th o! her ho%iness "nd GodHs !"*or tow"rds
her to $re$"re her !or her (%ti"te tri"%1 M"r' co(nse%s the grie*ing other0 who
knows +(d"s is e*i%0 to ho$e "nd $r"'1
LThe' st"' in -erioth " !ew d"'s then go to /ethI(r @24 i%esA to eet E%iI"0 then
to /ethginn"1M
523G$17>4 @Soetie in the ne:t C#23 d"'sA # The L(n"tic Gir% o! /ethginn" @25
i%esA1 The d"(ghter o! the innkee$er0 S"(e%0 is c(red1
52FG$1727 @L M"'0 5 d"'s "!ter this23 d"' $eriod0 Fri1A # )n the P%"in tow"rds
Ashke%on1 The s(n is *er' hot0 the Disci$%es "re h(ngr' "nd the citiIens "re hosti%e1
The' h"*e been dri*en o(t o! one *i%%"ge @G"thBA "nd h"*e !o(nd no hos$it"%it'
"n'where e%se "%ong the ro"d1
25F1 L M"'0 S"t E"ting Fro the Fie%ds on the S"bb"th1
Mt 25:2#4 Mk 5:5C#54 Lk F:2#3 #### *,;7p.@,B
"e0t day #al/ing to#ards $sh/elon near the Mediterranean (ea shore =,2E
miles?: Having had all hospitality denied them' the Disci$%es "re e:tree%' h(ngr'1
The' begin to e"t !ro the !ie%ds on the S"bb"th1 The' eet with t#o Ph"risees
oming !rom a (abbath elebration in a nearby to#n. They are hostile and
o!!ended' even at .esus9 most humble responses. "early in a !it' the' ch"rge +es(sH
Disci$%es with both stealing and *io%"ting the S"bb"th1 While .onathon the
3harisee orders .esus to leave and never to sho# up in his presene again' .esus
propheies be!ore them all that this 3harisee #ill #ant to see Him again and
beome guilty o! something truly illegal. :e!ore He leaves' He reminds them that
the priests also rightly' and regularly' HviolateI the (abbath in the name o!
serving God and people.
*,;7p.@,B D .esus is Master also o! the (abbath.
524G$1755 @L M"'0 ne:t d"'0 S(n1A # Arri*"% "t Ashke%on1 A!ter "rri*ing in the cit' @23
i%esA0 the Disci$%es "re sent o(t in gro($s to e*"nge%iIe "nd then eet together "t C
528G$17C5 @L M"'0 s"e d"'0 S(n1A # Te"ching "t Ashke%on1 E"ch gro($ re$orts on its
s(ccesses "t e*"nge%iIing1 +(d"s h"d c"(sed "n o!!ence0 b(t the other gro($s were
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *

55>G$17C8 @L M"'0 ne:t d"'0 Mon1A # +es(s "t M"gd"%g"d )nciner"tes " P"g"n )do%1
9hi%e the Disci$%es "re in Ashdod e*"nge%iIing0 +es(s goes to M"gd"%g"d @C i%esA0
$er!ors " ight' sign "g"inst ido%"tr'0 "nd s"*es the wi!e "nd chi%d o! the cit'Hs
%e"ding citiIen1
L+es(s goes to Ashdod @2> i%esA on His w"' to +"bnee% @5> i%esA1M
552G$1773 @L M"'0 ne:t d"'0 T(e1A # Lessons to the A$ost%es Going to +"bnee%1 As the'
w"%k0 +es(s re*e"%s the destin' o! +ohn0 His co(sin +"es "nd Peter1 Th"t +"es wo(%d
be the on%' one to st"' in P"%estine does not set we%% with the others who think this
wo(%d be the best $%"ce to inister1 +es(s "ss(res the the *er' o$$osite is tr(e1 He
te%%s the th"t their $reK(dices h"*e b%inded the to the gre"t tre"s(re o! h("n so(%s
o(tside their hoe%"nd1 /' " $"r"b%e0 He shows how those o(tside the tr(e !"ith0 "nd
those who0 %"ter0 wi%% be ,hristi"n b(t o(tside His A$osto%ic ,h(rch0 "re to be seen "nd
we%coed into the !(%% tr(th o! The ,h(rch1 L+es(s "nd +ohn then go to Ekron @7
i%esA to e*"nge%iIe0 whi%e the others go to Modin @26 i%esA1M
555G$1732 @L M"'0 3 d"'s %"ter0 S(n1A # Tow"rds Modin1 +ohn coes b"ck with +es(s
with his !"ce "g%ow "nd the others do their best to get hi to te%% wh"t h"d h"$$ened1
He wi%% not te%% the1 +ohn h"d been "b%e to do soething th"t none o! the others
were 'et "b%e to do1
55CG$1733 @E +(ne0 5 d"'s %"ter0 T(e1A # +es(s S$e"ks to Highw"' Men1 Enc"$ed "t
night "t " $o$(%"r rest "re" "%ong the ro"d with others0 inc%(ding erch"nts "nd " rich
wedding $"rt'0 the' he"r "$$ro"ching b"ndits !ro " wooded "re" $re$"ring
these%*es to strike0 ki%% "nd $%(nder1 E*er'one knows the' "re in ort"% d"nger1
+es(s dis"rs the b' " c%e"r b(t co$"ssion"te "$$e"% !or the to t(rn !ro the e*i%
the' h"d $%"nned1
557G$17F> @E +(ne0 ne:t d"'0 9ed1A # Arri*"% "t /ether1 9ith the $re*io(s nightHs
incident inesc"$"b%' in ind0 the Disci$%es disc(ss "nd deb"te how +es(s w"s "b%e to
dis"r these en1 Soe s"id it w"s b' His words1 Others s"' it w"s the !orce o! His
wi%%1 +es(s s"id it w"s neither1 )t is then th"t the' disco*er the re"% tr(th "nd the
re"son wh' +ohn w"s "b%e to do wh"t he did in Ekron1 The e"ns is si$%' LO&E1
As the' "$$ro"ch /ether @55 i%esA0 the' see +oh"nn"Hs est"te where M"r'0 the other
woen disci$%es0 E%iI" "nd M"rKi" h"*e w"ited !or the1 L5 d"'s $"ss1M
2561 E +(ne0 S"t A M"n is He"%ed "t the Poo% o! /ethI"th" on the S"bb"th1
#### #### #### +n 3:5#76 **27p.@CB
+er(s"%e @4 i%esA at 3enteost: A "n is he"%ed "t the Poo% o! /ethI"th"1 +es(sH
restoring this he%$%ess "n on the S"bb"th stirs " new stor "ong the %e"ders in the
Te$%e0 "nd in GodHs per!etly timed $ro*idence0 o$ens "n o$$ort(nit' !or +es(s to
be"r witness to the tr(th "bo(t His re%"tionshi$ to the F"ther "nd es$eci"%%' the $ower
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
He h"s to bring the de"d b"ck to %i!e1 He s$e"ks o! His "bi%it' to r"ise both the
$h'sic"%%' de"d "nd the s$irit("%%' de"d1 Z+n 3:28#58[ .ust be!ore .esus begins that
very disourse in the Temple' He is given an important message !rom 5azarus
about a spiritual brea/through in the heart and soul o! his sister' the notorious
and in!amous Mary o! Magdala' the sandal o! Israel. It #ould be within this
high $ro!i%e !"i%' =#ho pratially o#ned :ethany' muh o! .erusalem and other
lands in Israel? that +es(s wo(%d !(%!i%% "n (n$"r"%%e%ed spirit&al res(rrection "nd %"ter
in L"I"r(s hise%! "n (n$"r"%%e%ed $h'sic"% res(rrection1 Des$ite these signs
deonstr"ting His $ower o*er $h'sic"% %"ws "nd His $ower o*er sin "nd e*i%0 the
r(%ers o! )sr"e% wo(%d on%' bec"e e*en ore obstin"te in their (nbe%ie!1
**27p.@CC D The 3aralyti at the 3ool o! :ethzatha.
55FG$176F @E +(ne0 2#5 d"'s %"terA # M"r' H"s Sent !or M"rth" "t M"gd"%"1 At
/eth"n' @5 i%esA0 L"I"r(s shows +es(s the %etter he recei*ed !ro M"rth"0 who h"d
been re;(ested b' her sister M"r' to coe to M"gd"%"1 M"r' is no %onger $ro(d "nd
inso%ent0 b(t h(b%ed "nd dee$%' tro(b%ed "bo(t her w"'w"rd %i!e1 She h"s "sked her
o%der sister "n' ;(estions "bo(t +es(s "nd we$t " gre"t de"%1 L"I"r(s h"s been so
cr(shed in s$irit "nd so dee$%' brokenhe"rted o*er his 'o(nger sister th"t this sign o!
ho$e "nd the con!idence He !inds on +es(sH !"ce !or M"r'Hs rede$tion brings hi to
bre"k down "nd wee$ on +es(sH chest1 L"I"r(s is "bo(t to "sk +es(s i! He wo(%d go
"nd he%$ M"r'0 b(t be!ore he gets the words o(t0 +es(s s"'s0 <) wi%% go1= M"rth" is0
howe*er0 to eet Hi no %"ter th"n two weeks in ,"$ern"( !or co(nse% on he%$ing
M"r' to t"ke her !in"% ste$s tow"rd her rede$tion1
L+es(s goes to Gethse"ne to we%coe His Mother0 the other woen "nd +(d"s0
who h"*e de$"rted !ro +oh"nn"Hs est"te in /ether1 Sto$$ing in Gethse"ne0 +oh"nn"
goes b"ck to /ether "nd E%iI" ret(rns to /ethI(r0 her hoe1 +(d"s0 M"r' S"%oe0
M"r' o! A%$h"e(s0 Ho%' M"r' "nd M"rKi" %e"*e b' c"rt1 +es(s0 +ohn o! Endor "nd
the Disci$%es %e"*e on !oot to N"I"reth @63i%esA1M
LE#M +(ne: +es(s "nd His Disci$%es s$end " !ew @8A d"'s in N"I"reth0 then dro$
S(s"nn" o!! "t her hoe in ,"n" @7 i%esA "nd go to Tiberi"s @26i%esA to s"i% to
/eths"id" @2> i%esA1M
Fourth Galilean Ministry D (yroD3hoeniia' Deapolis' Tetrarhy o! 3hilip 7 Four
Months M .une D 5 (eptember'$D <* F3oem Chapters **;D*;;G
556G$1764 @M +(ne0 ne:t d"'A # M"rKi" is Entr(sted to Por$hire"1 At /eths"id"0
h"*ing "rri*ed !ro Tiberi"s b' bo"t @Mk 3:520 2541 be%owA: PeterHs eek "nd
chi%d%ess wi!e is beside herse%! with Ko' to !ind0 "!ter %osing Peter0 to now h"*e " chi%d
to c"re !or1 Peter h"d not h"d " h"$$ier d"' in his %i!e1
554G$1745 @M +(ne0 s"e d"'A # +es(s S$e"ks "t /eths"id"1
2541 M +(ne A S'n"gog(e R(%erHs D"(ghter R"ised !ro the De"d1
Mt 8:24#5F Mk 3:52#7C Lk 4:7>#3F #### **A7p.@B@
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
"e0t day' "!ter ret(rning to Capernaum =< miles? a!ter t#o months absene
=,,C.',,;.?' the' "re greeted b' "n enth(si"stic crowd1 On His w"' to the ho(se o!
+"ir(s0 the chie! r(%er o! the s'n"gog(e0 " wo"n with "n iss(e o! b%ood is he"%ed b'
to(ching +es(sH g"rent1 +es(s then r"ises !ro the de"d +"ir(sH d"(ghter1 +es(s te%%s
the crowd she is s%ee$ing to oneal the mirale !rom those #ho #ould not believe
any#ay. Martha is also in Capernaum #aiting !or .esus' as instruted' and in
great distress over her sister Mary. Mary is in the middle o! a raging battle to
regain her soul !rom the )vil 4ne. (he is #orried that Mary has gone mad. @For
Mk 3:52 see 556G$1764 "bo*eA
**A7p.@B@ D The Woman #ith the Haemorrhage and .airus9 Daughter.
5C>G$1744 @M +(ne0 s"e d"'A # +es(s "nd M"rth" "t ,"$ern"(1 +es(s co(nse%s
M"rth" "t %ength "bo(t her distressed sister M"r'0 s"'ing th"t her beh"*ior w"s on%'
re"son !or enco(r"geent1 +es(s then "sks her to %et M"r' know th"t He wi%% be
s$e"king Th(rsd"' e*ening "t Fo(nt ,reek "t ,"$ern"(1
2581 M +(ne Two /%ind Men "nd " D(b M"n He"%ed1
Mt 8:56#C7 #### #### #### *<,7p.@AC
(ame day at Capernaum: )vening. Two b%ind en0 whose $%e"s h"d been
ignored0 show ($ "t the ho(se #here .esus and the $postles al#ays stay in
Capernaum. .esus had put them o!! to e0erise their #ills. +es(s now he"%s the1
His desire !or the not to s$e"k o! the ir"c%e applied to itizens o! Capernaum'
not to those o! their o#n hometo#ns. L"ter0 " gro($ bring " "n $ossessed o! "
deon1 He is "%so he"%ed1
*<,7p.@A@ D The T#o :lind Men and a Dumb Demonia Cured.
2C>1 M +(ne0 Th( The P"r"b%e o! the Lost Shee$1
Mt 24:25#27 #### Lk 23:2#6 #### *<*7p.@AA
"e0t day' a!ter sundo#n: .esus is spea/ing at Fount Cree/ and Mary o!
Magdala is there' hiding behind a hillo/. Ono#ing Mary is there' +es(s "kes "
ost o*ing "nd co$"ssion"te $%e" !or her love and trust in the $"r"b%e o! the Lost
Shee$0 o! #hih the (ripture gives only the brie!est e0erpts. Mary' pro!oundly
moved' enters the door o! redemptive grae' #eeping tears o! Roy and relie!
beause she /no#s .esus is spea/ing o! her. Martha' not having seen her sister at
Fount Cree/' is terribly distressed' and goes ba/ to Magdala some three miles
do#n the oast to searh !or her. Mary hersel! !inally arrives ba/ in Magdala
!illed #ith peae and Roy' to the great relie! and Roy o! Martha. They spend most
o! the night in eah other9s arms in estati Roy. $s Mary !alls asleep' Martha
annot not #ait until sunup' so that very night =morning? she heads ba/ to
Capernaum' some three miles to tell .esus everything. LNOTE: +(d"s )sc"riot "%so he"rd th"t
ess"ge0 which w"s K(st "s (ch !or hi "s it w"s !or M"r'0 b(t there w"s in hi "n "%together di!!erent res$onse1M
*<*7p.@AA D The 3arable o! the 5ost (heep.
5CCG$13>2 # ,oent on Three E$isodesD ,onnected with the ,on*ersion o! M"r' o!
M"gd"%"1 )ncredib%e insights into GodHs gr"ce0 the <i$(rit'= o! the se%! righteo(s
$ride within too "n' o! GodHs $eo$%e th"t "cco(nts !or (ch non#con*ersion0 "nd
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
the conditions we need to eet to dr"w en o(t o! the d"rkness o! sin1 DLThe Three E$isodes
concerning the M"gd"%ene "re: )0 267bG$1265E )0 5C5G$1788E "nd ))0 24CG$15281M
5C7G$13>4 @M +(ne0 ne:t d"'A # M"rth" H"s Her &ictor' 9ithin Her Gr"s$1
,"$ern"(0 K(st "t s(n($: This is the K(bi%"nt stor' th"t M"rth" s$i%%s o(t to +es(s o!
the con*ersion o! her sister1
L+es(s wi%% s"i% "cross the %"ke to T"riche" then w"%k to N"in1 The M"gd"%ene wi%% st"rt o(t b' c"rt
to ,"$ern"( to !ind +es(s to $o(r o(t to +es(s her dee$ gr"tit(de0 b(t !inds He is in N"in1 +es(s0
with the A$ost%e +ohn0 h"d to kee$ " dinner d"te $roised two d"'s be!ore @))05C2G$1178FA with Sion
the Ph"risee in N"in @24 i%esA1M
2C21 M +(ne LSionM the Ph"risee "nd LM"r' o! M"gd"%"M0 the 9o"n 9ho
Anoints +es(s1
#### #### Lk 6:CF#3> #### *<27p.2,+
(ame day: Martha athes +es(s at da#n ready to boat to the West oast o!
Galilee and ta/e a road to "ain !or " dinner d"te with (imon' " Ph"risee1 Martha
obviously goes ba/ to Mary and tells her #here .esus is going and #ho #ill be
there. M"r' M"gd"%ene has already gone to#ard Capernaum trying to !ind .esus'
and no# ma/es the trip to "ain' enters the ho(se "nd "noints +es(s with her te"rs
"nd with the ointent she bro(ght1
CC3bG$132C # 9h"t +es(s s"id -y the spirit to the he"rts o! these Ph"risees0 which is
not !o(nd in the Gos$e% "cco(nt1
CC3cG$1323 # Soe re!%ections on soe o! +es(sH "nswers to the Ph"riseesH %o"ded
;(estions "nd ore on +es(sH "$$ro"ch to M"r'0 who w"s seeking the Light0 "nd the
Ph"risees0 who were seeking the %(st o! the !%esh1
*<27p.2,+ D Mary Magdalene in the House o! (imon' the 3harisee.
LNe:t three d"'s: +es(s "nd +ohn $rob"b%' s$end the S"bb"th in N"in0 then go to
Dec"$o%is or M"ged"n "nd Mero @23 i%esA1 The M"gd"%ene goes to N"I"reth "nd
then %e"*es with Ho%' M"r' e"r%' on the third d"'1M
2C51 L +(ne E*"nge%iIing in Northern G"%i%ee1
Mt 8:C3 #### #### #### *<C7p.2,;
Three days a!ter ,<,. The Disiples are sent out by +es(s in groups to
e*"nge%iIe in "%% the towns "nd cities "nd to he"% e*er' dise"se bet#een 5a/e Merom
and the (ea o! Galilee =@+ miles?1
2CC1 L +(ne W M A(g S$irit("% 9oen ,ontrib(te to +es(sH Ministr'
#### #### Lk 4:2#C ####
M"r' M"gd"%ene0 +oh"nn" @wi!e o! ,h(I"0 HerodHs stew"rdA0 S(s"nn" =bride o!
Cana?0 "nd "n' other wo"n0 #ho inlude Martha and her servant Marella'
3orphirea =3eter9s #i!e?' Mary (alome and Mary o! Clopas7$lphaeus' begin
gi*ing o! their s(bst"nce and time to the inistr' o! +es(s "nd the A$ost%es1 @Poe
,h"$ters: 5CF#5F2A
2C71 L +(ne The ,o$"ssion o! +es(s !or the M(%tit(des1
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
Mt 8:CF#C4 #### #### #### *<C7p.2,B
(ame day' "orth o! the (ea o! Galilee: +es(s0 seeing the we"r' crowd o! the
si/ and lame #ho had !ollo#ed the Disiples !rom plae to plae hoping to run
into .esus' is o*ed with co$"ssion on so "n' need' $eo$%e. Having !inally all
met in one plae' and seeing the $rob%e0 He dec%"res to the Disci$%es0 <The H"r*est
is gre"t b(t the %"borers "re !ew1 Pr"' 'e there!ore1 1 11= He promises them that
someday' #hen they o#ercome themsel#es and ould Htrample on their
humanity'I they #ill be able to do #hat He does. $lmost to illustrate this very
point' providene seems to have arranged the very ne0t subRet. His Disiples
have Rust heard He had !orgiven the notorious Mary Magdalene in the home o!
(imon the 3harisee' #hih #as' at least to :artholome# and .udas Isariot' a
most serious and damaging mista/e. It has sandalized the 3harisees present'
espeially (imon' #ho has been some#hat disposed and !riendly to .esus. .esus
atually !inds Himsel! having to de!end his ations be!ore His o#n DisiplesL
2C31 L +(ne The -ingdo o! He"*en is Like Hidden Tre"s(re1
Mt 2C:77 #### #### #### *<C7p.2*+
(ame day' "orth o! the (ea o! Galilee: "o# going over to the ro#d o! #eary
see/ers' .esus ommends them !or their perseverane and spea/s o! The -ingdo
o! He"*en "s " hidden tre"s(re0 soething worth "%% the trouble they have endured
to !ind it1 .esus and the Disiples then go ba/ to Capernaum =,, miles?' only to
!ind Martha #aiting !or them in tears over a #orry about the HdisappearaneI o!
Mary. Martha is !inally almed #hen .esus tells her that Mary is #ith His
*<C7p.2,; D The Harvest is %ih but the 5aborers $re Fe#. The 3arable o! the
Treasure Hidden in the Field1
5C6G$1357 @L +(ne0 ne:t d"'A # The M"gd"%ene is Acco$"nied b' M"r' Aong the
Disci$%es1 M"r'0 the Mother o! +es(s0 "nd M"r' M"gd"%ene h"*e coe soe 57 i%es
!ro N"I"reth "nd0 "$$ro"ching ,"$ern"(0 "re "bo(t to be c"(ght in " *io%ent stor1
+es(s <sees= it "nd te%%s Peter "nd +"es to get " c"n*"s "nd he"d o(t o! town with
Hi to eet two woen on the ro"d1 Peter "sks0 <9hoB= He is d(b!o(nded when
+es(s te%%s hi th"t it is His Mother "nd M"r' M"gd"%eneP /oth the <resc(e= "nd the
rece$tion o! the M"gd"%ene b' the Disci$%es "nd the w"iting sister M"rth" "re *er'
o*ing scenes1
2CF1 L +(ne The -ingdo o! He"*en is Like " Merch"nt "nd " Net1
Mt 2C:73#3C #### #### #### *<B7p.2<,
(ame day in Capernaum: It is still raining. .esus reveals His plan to ta/e
both Marys #ith Him to introdue HthemI to the other #omen disiples and then
to the various to#ns in #hih the Magdalene is most /no#n. .esus e0plains that
the #orld must be !aed and publi opinion must be overome. Then' trying to
emphasize that it is #orth denying onesel! every bit o! #ealth and #orldly
entiements to obtain the greatest treasure o! God' +es(s s"'s the -ingdo o!
He"*en is %ike " erch"nt who se%%s "%% to obt"in the ost *"%("b%e $e"r%1
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
To emphasize that they must be able to tell #hih people are #orth their
e!!orts and #hih are not' and that o!ten the souls that #ill be the most use!ul
#ill o!ten not have the best appearane' +es(s s"'s th"t the -ingdo o! He"*en is
%ike " net c"st into the se"0 the c"tch o! which (st be sorted b' wise !isheren =li/e
$ndre#' #ho #as 1uietly instrumental in the Magdalene9s onversion D to the
surprise o! all the Disiples?' beause the very best !ish do not al#ays have the
best appearane.
The -ingdo o! He"*en is "%so %ike " ho(seho%der who wise%' (ses "n'thing th"t
wi%% help his hildren' whether it is o%d or new1 He #ill not let a preRudie against
anything stop him !rom using something i! it #ill #or/ !or good. In this ase'
.esus is re!erring to the use o! parables and stories ommon among (ribes and
%abbis' #hih' beause they #ere so despised by the Disiples' tended to be
reReted as a legitimate means o! evangelism and teahing. +es(s then de$"rts
!ro the cit' o! Capernaum1 He returns a month and a hal! later. =(ee ,@+.?
*<B7p.2*B D The 3arable o! the Fishermen.
5C8G$13C7 @L +(ne0 2#5 d"'s %"terA # M"rKi" Te"ches M"r' M"gd"%ene the <O(r
F"ther1= )n /eths"id"0 h"*ing coe C i%es !ro ,"$ern"( b' bo"t: The
M"gd"%ene is introd(ced to PeterHs wi!e0 Por$hire"0 "nd M"rKi"1 M"rKi" t"kes ($
with the new con*ert "nd wins her he"rtP
2C61 L +(ne The P"r"b%e o! the Lost ,oin1
#### #### Lk 23:4#2> #### *@+7p.2@,
"e0t day in the poor distrit o! Magdala =B miles? #ith Mary Magdalene'
+es(s te%%s the $"r"b%e o! The Lost ,oin to the amazed and urious ro#d !rom
Magdala that !ollo#ed them1 .esus is helping Mary !ae those #ho /ne# her in
her past li!e.
*@+7p.2<; D .esus is the 3o#er!ul 5over. The 3arable o! the 5ost Drahma.
572G$1375 @L +(ne0 s"e d"'A # -now%edge )s Not ,orr($tion i! it )s Re%igion1
Tiberi"s @C i%esA: M"r' !"ces her se*erest tests !ro ockers who knew her1 She
%e"ds one o! the tow"rd the LightP +es(s s$e"ks o! the $(rs(it o! %o*e "nd goodness
"s s(re $"ths to the Tr(th0 e*en in the idst o! " $"g"n re%igion th"t is co$%ete%'
575G$133> @L +(ne0 s"e d"'A # )n the Ho(se "t ,"n" @26 i%esA1 9ith S(s"nn"0 Ho%'
M"r'0 M"rth"0 "%% the Disci$%es "nd +es(s0 M"r' M"gd"%ene e:$resses her desire to
withdr"w !ro e*er'one "nd e*er'thing "!ter the Lord %e"*es the wor%d so she c"n be
with the Lord "%one1 )n " con*ers"tion with +(d"s )sc"riot0 who brings ($ the s(bKect
o! reinc"rn"tion0 +es(s is co$e%%ed to den' its tr(th!(%ness1 L2> d"'s $"ss1M
57CG$1334 @E +(%'0 ne:t d"'0 Fri1A # +ohn Re$e"ts the S$eech M"de b' +es(s on Mt1
577G$13F7 @E +(%'0 s"e d"'0 Fri1A # +es(s "t N"I"reth @7 i%esA1 +es(s "nswers the
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
"cc(s"tion th"t He de!i%es Hise%! b' "$$ro"ching sinners1 He te%%s the th"t e*er'
$riest m&st "$$ro"ch the cereoni"%%' (nc%e"n in order to "ke the c%e"n1
2C41 E +(%'0 S"t +es(sH Second ReKection "t N"I"reth1
Mt 2C:37#34 Mk F:2#F" #### #### *@27p.2;C
"e0t day on the S"bb"th in the s'n"gog(e "t N"I"reth: .esus e0plains He is
being reReted beause He is too /ind and loving to a people #ho are rebellious
against God. He prays that they remain only being hostile to Him. This second
reKection "t the s'n"gog(e is (ch s(bd(ed0 co$"red to His !irst reKection1 .oseph
and (imon' His t#o older ousins @c"%%ed <brothers0= "%ong with +es(sH Disci$%es
+"es "nd +(d"s Th"dd"e(sA0 remain hostile to .esus. .oseph is publily ritial o!
.esus' o! His Mother' o! his unle .oseph' and even his o#n !ather and mother'
#ho allo#ed his t#o younger brothers to be shooled by MaryL LNOTE: L(ke F:2302F
shows th"t +"es "nd his brother +(d"s @Th"dd"e(sA0 the two o! the !o(r <brothers= o! +es(s who bec"e Disci$%es0 were sons o!
*@27p.2CA D In the (ynagogue at "azareth on the (abbath.
2C81 E +(%'0 S(n +es(s P"sses thro(gh &i%%"ges in G"%i%ee1
#### Mk F:Fb #### ####
"e0t day +es(sH Disci$%es $"ss thro(gh the towns o! .aphia and Meraba' #hih
are #ithin three miles o! "azareth. While the other #omen disiples are resting'
Holy Mary spea/s to the Magdalene o! the importane o! ontemplative prayer.
H3rayer is My (on9s rest'I (he on!ides' as they pass near #here .esus has retired
to pray.
The' inister to shepherds in :ethlehem o! Galilee' !ive miles !urther #est.
Here .esus delivers !rom ertain death an aused but innoent man and spea/s
to the people about the 5a# in Israel having been /illed by those #ho did not
#ish it to see it spea/ against their o#n sin. The !alse ausers are smitten #ith
*@C7p.2;; D 4ur 5ady Teahes the Magdalene.
*@;7p.2B* D $t :ethlehem in Galilee.
574G$1385 @E +(%'0 ne:t d"'0 Mon1A # Going tow"rd Sic"inon1 O(r L"d' instr(cts
+(d"s )sc"riot1
578G$138F @E +(%'0 s"e d"'0 Mon1A # +es(s Meets the Disci$%es "t Sic"inon @27
i%esA1 +es(s0 His Disci$%es0 His Mother0 S(s"nn"0 M"r' M"gd"%ene "nd M"rth" eet
($ with )s""c the she$herd "nd those +es(s h"d entr(sted to hi e"r%ier @+ohn o!
Endor0 Tione(s "nd +ose$hA0 "s we%% "s Ste$hen0 the res$ected st(dent o! G""%ie%0
"nd "n' others1 +es(s s$e"ks o! His ,h(rch "nd o! its $otenti"% di*isions d(e to
$riests becoing obstr(cted "nd (se%ess ch"nne%s "nd cisterns1
53>G$1F>7 @E +(%'0 three d"'s %"ter0 Th(1A # At T're: +es(s S$e"ks o! Perse*er"nce1 @C3
i%es to T're "nd C3 i%es b' bo"t b"ck to Sic"inon1A
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
532G$1F>8 @E +(%'0 s"e d"'0 Th(1A # Ret(rn to Sic"inon1 +es(s S$e"ks o! F"ith1
+es(s "nd His Disci$%es ret(rn to His Mother0 the other woen disci$%es "nd +ohn o!
Endor0 who w"s %e!t to w"tch "!ter the woen1 +es(s he"%s se*er"% $eo$%e0 "nd "!ter "
$"r"b%e0 $%"in%' st"tes th"t )sr"e% wi%% $erish bec"(se it wi%% not ch"nge1
535G$1F2F @M +(%'0 2#C d"'s %"terA # De$"rt(re !ro Sic"inon1 The /%essed &irgin
M"r' "nd S$irit("%iIed M"ternit'1 To Dor" @55 i%esA: Ho%' M"r' s$e"ks on the
gre"t rede$ti*e *"%(e o! s(!!ering otherhood1
53CG$1F55 @M +(%'0 s"e d"'A # S'nt'che0 the Greek S%"*e1 +es(s "nd the woen
disci$%es resc(e S'nt'che ne"r ,"es"re" @4 i%esA1 S'nt'che h"s K(st r(n "w"' !ro
her e*i% "ster0 " $ower!(% "nd we"%th' Ro"n nob%e"n who the M"gd"%ene
knows1 This wi%% $(t +es(s "t " new %e*e% o! o$en dis!"*or with the re%igio(s r(%ers o!
)sr"e% "nd " ore hidden dis!"*or with +(d"s )sc"riot1

537G$1F58 @M +(%'0 ne:t d"'A # Good /'e to M"r' M"gd"%"0 to M"rth" "nd S'nt'che1
+(d"sH criticiss o! +es(s behind His b"ck to the other Disci$%es0 "nd his re"rks "bo(t
the new disci$%es whi%e right in !ront o! hi0 ro(se the indign"tion o! Peter0 whose
*erb"% reb(ke o! +(d"s is " dee$ grie! to +es(s1 +es(s s"'s0 <Do 'o( not know th"t "n
i$er!ection o! 'o(rs is ore h"r!(% to the rede$tion o! " he"then or " sinner th"n
"%% the errors o! $"g"nisB= M"r' "nd M"rth"0 with the resc(ed Greek s%"*e
S'nt'che0 de$"rt b' c"rt !or their hoe in /eth"n'0 "!ter te"r!(% goodb'es1 +es(s
"nswers +(d"s )sc"riotHs e:$ressed dis$%e"s(re !or His resc(ing " s%"*e b' re!erring to
the L"w !orbidding the ret(rn o! r(n"w"' s%"*es1

533G$1FC3 @M +(%'0 ne:t d"'A # +es(s S$e"ks o! Ho$e1
53FG$1F7> @M +(%'0 three d"'s %"ter0 Fri1A # +es(s Goes ($ Mt1 ,"re% with His ,o(sin
+"es1 +es(s "nd +"es go to Mo(nt ,"re% @54 i%esA "nd s$end "%% night "nd the
ne:t d"' in $r"'er1
536G$1F7C @M +(%'0 ne:t d"'0 S"t1A # +es(s Re*e"%s to +"es o! A%$h"e(s His F(t(re
A$osto%ic Mission1 +"es is (tter%' o*erwhe%ed "t the stor th"t +es(s s"'s wi%%
descend ($on the "nd "t wh"t the ,h(rch wi%% h"*e to !"ce !ro not on%' o%d )sr"e%0
b(t !ro !"n"tic"% !o%%owers o! His who h"*e not %e"rned $"tience "nd ch"rit'1 +"es
is to%d he is the one chosen to re"in "%one in the idd%e o! the stor to bring the
needed oder"ting in!%(ence1 This is "%so "n incredib%e re*e%"tion o! the wisdo o!
God in His "$$ointents in the ,h(rch1
534G$1F32 @M +(%'0 ne:t d"'0 S(n1A # +es(s "nd His ,o(sin +"es on Their 9"' /"ck
!ro Mt1 ,"re%1 +"es "sks +es(s "bo(t the str(ct(re "nd hier"rch' o! the ,h(rch1
+es(s e:$%"ins this "nd s$e"ks in soe det"i% "bo(t the s"cr"ents "nd their
i$ort"nce in the ,h(rch1 He "%so "nswers +"esH ;(estions "bo(t how the' "re to
de"% with be%ie*ers who do e*i% things "nd those who ight betr"' the1 +"es he"%s
" %itt%e bo' "nd becoes the second Disci$%e "!ter +ohn to he"% soeone1
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
538G$1F38 @M +(%'0 ne:t d"'0 S(n1A # Peter S$e"ks to Dor"sH Pe"s"nts "bo(t the Lo*e
9hich )s S"%*"tion1 )n the P%"in o! Esdr"e%on @2> i%esA: Dor"sH $e"s"nts h"*e " new
"ster n"ed +oh"n"n0 "nother e*i%0 b(t %ess se*ere0 Ph"risee0 bec"(se he h"s t"ken
o*er Dor"sH est"te "!ter his de"th "nd "!ter it h"d been destro'ed thro(gh " c(rse +es(s
h"d $(t on it in No*eber o! the $re*io(s 'e"r @)0 2>8G$1343A1 At +es(sH insistence0
+(d"s )sc"riot is the !irst to s$e"k to the $e"s"nts1
5F>G$1FFF @M +(%'0 ne:t d"'0 Mon1A # +es(s to +oh"n"nHs Pe"s"nts: Lo*e )s Obedience1
+es(s e:$%"ins <the c(rse0= "nd te%%s how the' (st %i*e in this di!!ic(%t sit("tion1
5F2G$1FF8 @M +(%'0 s"e d"'0 Mon1A # )n the Ho(se o! Dor" "nd Phi%i$1 /etween
Esdr"e%on "nd N"I"reth1 +(d"s re*e"%s to M"r' the inner str(gg%e he h"s with the
onster within hi "nd his (tter ho$e%essness th"t it c"n be ch"nged1 Den'ing th"t
$r"'er wi%% do "n' good0 he re;(ests to st"' with M"r' in N"I"reth to oder"te his
torent1 M"r' "nd +es(s s$e"k o! +(d"sH $rob%e1 L"ter0 +es(s s$e"ks o! the
signi!ic"nt ro%e o! woen in His !(t(re ,h(rch "nd gi*es "n i%%(in"ting *iew o! "
<ir"c%e= to the Disci$%es0 who tend to think ir"c%es wo(%d be the so%(tion to "%%
wrongs1 <A ir"c%e0= +es(s s"'s0 <is the "%ter"tion o! wh"t h"s been destined0 "
bene!ici"% disorder, th(s0 which God gr"nts to L"nM to1 1 1 $ro*e 1 1 1 th"t He %o*es
hi0 or th"t He is 9ho He is1= LNOTE: M"king the reo*"% o! the n"t(r"%
conse;(ences o! h("n "ction ore th"n r"re wo(%d cre"te "n into%er"b%e disorder0
eroding o(r sense o! res$onsibi%it'1M
LNe:t 7 d"'s in L +(%': +es(s0 the Disci$%es "nd S(s"nn" he"d to ,"n"0 M"r' "nd +(d"s )sc"riot go
to N"I"reth0 "nd the others go to Tiberi"s @57 i%esA !or the bo"ts the' %e!t0 then to ,"$ern"( @6
i%esA "nd /eths"id"1M
27>1 L +(%'0 S"t A M"n with " 9ithered H"nd He"%s on the S"bb"th1
Mt 25:8#27 Mk C:2#F Lk F:F#22 #### *C*7p.C;B
The s'n"gog(e at Capernaum #ith hundreds o! people: .esus delivers a severe
message and an appeal !or onversion' #hih the guilty onsienes o! the !our
loal 3harisees /no#' is direted at them. An innoent "n with " withered h"nd is
brought in by the (ribes and 3harisees to !rame .esus to get e*idence He
<*io%"tes= the S"bb"th1 +es(s gi*es the the e*idence the' w"nt b' he"%ing the "n in
!ront o! the "%%1 While plainly telling them they are H/illing their souls'I +es(s0
grie*ing !or the0 !orgives them as He al#ays does His enemies.
*C*7p.C;B D The Man #ith the Withered Hand.
2721 L +(% # M A(g +es(s 9ithdr"ws !ro the ,it' Lo! ,"$ern"(M1
Mt 25:23#52 Mk C:6#25 #### #### L#M
+es(s withdr"ws !rom Capernaum0 b(t !or the ne0t t#o #ee/s the crowds !o%%ow
Hi1 He he"%s "%% the sick1
5FCG$1F42 @M A(g(st0 ne:t d"'A # A D"' o! +(d"s )sc"riot "t N"I"reth1 This occ(rs "t
the end o! "n "$$ro:i"te ten d"' st"' o! the )sc"riot with Ho%' M"r'1 A sorrow!(%
"nd !rightening *iew into the he"rt "nd so(% o! +(d"s0 the betr"'er1
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
2751 M A(g(st +es(sH )$ort"nt ,o(nse% to the Disci$%es 9ho "re to Pre"ch "nd
He"% on Their Own1
Mt 2>:3# 75 Mk F:6#22E 7:55 Lk 8:2#3E 4:26 #### *C@7p.CA*
$t least three days later in Capernaum: To His Twe%*e0 who h"*e o!!ici"%%'
becoe His A$ost%es0 +es(s gi*es soe *it"%%' i$ort"nt instr(ctions "s He orders
the to go o(t $re"ch "nd he"% on their own1 @Lk 4:26 is "%so !o(nd in Poe ,h1 7281A
He begins: HThe hour o! evangelization has ome. I am about hal!#ay through
My publi li!e' preparing hearts !or My Oingdom. It is no# time My apostles
also ta/e part in the preparation o! this Oingdom. That is #hat /ings do #hen
they deide to on1uer a /ingdom . . .. $nd muh blood is shed to ahieve
that . . .. &itories al#ays ost blood . . .I :e!ore He !inishes' the $postles' #ith
one voie' delare' HWe are ready to !ight !or 8ou.I .esus responds' HI #ill shed
no blood but that o! the Holy 4ne and o! saints.I 5ater' He says' HWeapons are
use!ul to men #ho do not /no# #hat is holy poverty or divine !orgiveness.I
His !irst order is th"t the' do not go "ong Genti%es or S""rit"n towns0 b(t on%'
to the %ost shee$ o! )sr"e%0 "nd si$%' $re"ch0 <The -ingdo o! God is "t h"ndP= This
is not beause .esus #as a!raid o! o!!ending the .e#s' but beause the $postles
are not yet Hper!etedI enough to approah these #ithout damaging themselves
and #ithout damaging those they #ere trying to #in.
To give men an inentive to believe' He gives them authority to c(re the sick0
c%e"nse %e$ers0 r"ise both bodies and spirits !ro the de"d "nd "ke deons !%ee.
The' "re to t"ke nothing e:tr" !or their Ko(rne's beause they #ill ome ba/ every
(abbath !or !resh lothes. The' "re "%so to%d to !ind the ost spiritually worth'
ho(se "nd st"' there (nti% the' o*e on to "nother "re"0 so as not to be tempted to
be loo/ing !or something better !or the temporal body. 9hen %e"*ing " ho(se or
cit' th"t reKects the0 the' "re to sh"ke the d(st o! the $%"ce o!! their s"nd"%s0
meaning they are not to let the smallest bit o! pride and harshness o! the people
remain #ith them. They are to ompletely !orgive all evil done to them.
.esus says' h"*ing to !%ee to other towns when being $ersec(ted0 is analogous to
His having to !lee into )gypt as a hild' and that the hardships o! His li!e' !rom
that !light' to His betra"al3 crucifixion and resurretion' #ill be repeated in His
Churh. +es(s s"'s th"t not "%% the cities o! )sr"e% wo(%d be e*"nge%iIed be!ore His
second coing beause Israel #ill be sattered li/e ha!! all over the earth !or
Henturies and millennia'I and there!ore' it #ill be impossible to reah them
@*15CA1 It is only a!ter this long period o! time that Israel #ill ome to !aith' and
that every time Israel #ill try to gather itsel! be!ore the Hpredetermined timeI
=the time o! its onversion?' it #ill be sattered. .esus onludes His remar/s
about Israel #ith these #ords: HWhen the #hole o! Israel #ill be under the
mantle o! the Churh o! Christ' then I #ill ome.I ZM"tthew 2>:57#75[ LNOTE:
L(ke 2>:2#25 ight "s we%% h"*e been $%"ced here inste"d o! in 23610 which in The Poem is ))0 5F7G$1F8C#F831M
27C1 M A(g(st +es(s ,ontin(es His ,o(nse%1
Mt 3:C807> #### #### #### *C@7p.CA@
(ame day at Capernaum: )! "n' "n 1 1 1t"ke th' co"t1 @This s"e te"ching is
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
!o(nd in ,h"$ter 2620 $12731 See 471A
2771 M A(g(st The Disci$%es E*"nge%iIe on Their Own1
Mt 22:2 Mk F:2502C Lk 8:F02>" ####
"e0t day' the A$ost%es depart t#o by t#o !rom Capernaum to $re"ch "nd he"%
!or a short !our day #ee/ in the s(rro(nding towns "nd cities1 They return on
Friday "nd te%% "%% th"t the' h"d done.
*C@7p.CA+ D Instrutions to the $postles at the :eginning o! Their $postolate.
2731 L A(g(st0 S(n The /"$tist Sends Two Do(bting Disci$%es to a(estion +es(s1 9oe
to the ,ities1
Mt 22:5#56 #### Lk 6:28#C3E #### *C27p.;+*
T#o days later at Capernaum at the house o! their host: Soe o! +ohnHs
Disci$%es0 #ho had ome to doubt .esus9 Messiahship through the lever
deeptions o! some 3harisees' "re sent b' the i$risoned /"$tist0 to t"%k to +es(s
$erson"%%'1 He hoped this #ould help on!irm them in the truth' #hih he had
been unable to do himsel!. The ;(estion0 <Are Yo( the One who is to coe0 or sh"%%
we w"it !or "nother oneB= #as not .ohn9s 1uestion. It #as the 1uestion o! these
doubting disiples o! his. +es(sH re$%'0 <Go "nd re$ort this to +ohn: NThe de"!
he"r1 1 1H0 w"s gi*en0 bec"(se these disci$%es h"d "sked !or soething direct%' !ro
+es(s Hise%! th"t co(%d he%$ +ohn the /"$tist con*ince others o! the tr(th "bo(t
+es(s1 $mong the ro#d that had gathered and heard the disussion onerning
the :aptist and .esus' there arose partisan vie#s bet#een loyal supporters o!
.ohn and those #ho believed he #as #rong in his severity and #hat they Rudged
as rudeness. This is #hy +es(s s$e"ks "t %ength to the crowd "bo(t +ohn "nd wh'
his ethods h"d to be "s the' were1 .airus @whose d"(ghter +es(s h"d r"ised !ro the
de"dA e0presses his anger that so !e# =less than ,++? turn up to hear .esus !rom
the three villages o! Capernaum' :ethsaida and Oorazim. He as/s .esus i! God
#ould not punish suh Hhardheartedness.I .esus replies that He #ould. +es(s
then ($br"ids the three cities1 @The gener"% content o! Lk 2>:52#57 c"n "%so be !o(nd
in )))0 568G$158 or Gos$e% e$isode 2341A
*C27p.;++ D .ohn the :aptist (ends His Disiples to $s/ .esus Whether He is the
27F1 L A(g(st0 S(n The M(rder o! +ohn the /"$tist1
Mt 27:F#25" Mk F:52#58 #### ####
Perh"$s the s"e d"': On HerodHs birthd"'0 +ohn0 in M"ch"er(s0 is behe"ded1
.esus and the Disiples !irst hear o! the :aptist9s murder almost three #ee/s
later. =(ee Gospel )pisode ,2+.?
5FFG$16>4 @L A(g(st0 ne:t d"'0 Mon1A # +es(s 9orks "s " ,"r$enter "t -or"Ii @2
i%eA1 +es(s he%$s " $oor widow wo"n !inish soe work %e!t (ndone b' her %"te
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
h(sb"nd so the ites c"n be so%d1 He "%so gi*es c"r$entr' %essons to the widowHs son1
M"n"en0 !oster brother o! Herod Anti$"s0 %ooks "diring%' "t +es(sH work "nd then
orders " chest !or hise%!1
2761 L A(g(st0 Fri ,oe .nto Me A%% Ye th"t L"bor1
Mt 22:54#C> #### #### #### *C;7p.;,B
The !ollo#ing Friday at Capernaum: Most o! the $postles are very unhappy
#hen they !ind out .esus has been doing manual labor. They believe it is beyond
His dignity' but they believe it to be so beause they themselves #ish to thin/
their alling is above suh things. .esus letures them e0tensively on #hat He
alled H!atual harity.I He spea/s ho# pride ma/es so many things di!!iult in
li!e. His #ay o! humility and harity ma/es all things in li!e easy. (eeing their
o#n #eariness !rom their evangelization e!!orts o! the past #ee/' done #ith too
little harity and humility' He s"'s to the0 <,oe to Me 'o( "%% who "re !"tig(ed1 1
1 "nd ) wi%% restore 'o( "%%1= *C;7p.;,, D .esus (pea/s o! 5ove. LA who%e week
2741 E Se$0 Fri A /%ind0 M(te0 Possessed M"n He"%ed1
Mt 25:55#3> Mk C:5>#C3 Lk 22:27#5F058# #### *CB7p.;*+
C50 4:28#52 ;*2' ;*;
Capernaum on Friday: +es(s "rri*es "t Thomas9 ho(se0 #here they al#ays stay
#hile in Capernaum1 .esus insists that e*en be!ore e"ting0 He (st go to "
b%ind#(te#$ossessed "n #ho #as #aiting to be healed. /e!ore the crowd th"t h"d
g"thered0 he is he"%ed "nd de%i*ered o! deons1 The Scribes "nd Ph"risees who "re
w"tching +es(s "cc(se Hi o! c"sting o(t deons b' /ee%Ieb(b1 +es(s w"rns the o!
the d"nger the' "re in o! b%"s$heing the Ho%' S$irit1 He is "sked !or " sign "nd +es(s
s"'s He wi%% on%' gi*e the one signgthe sign o! +on"s1 +es(s here so%en%' $roises
th"t the pagan a(een o! Sheb" "nd the pagan Nini*ites wi%% rise ($ to +(dge )sr"e% in
the D"' o! +(dgent1
The reason +es(s begins to s$e"k o! the d"nger o! re#$ossession b' ore $ower!(%
deons =#ithout the repentane o! the individual #ho is delivered? is beause one
o! the 3harisees sneeringly as/s .esus that if He really is asting out demons by
God9s po#er =and not only as a deeption?' #hy does He not ast out all the
demons in Israel so everyone #ill be holyL .esus onludes by saying that
beause many people are not repenting #hen they see God9s mirales' but are
beoming harder' a #orse reDin!estation is happening in Israel.
+(st then0 @Mt125: 7FA t#o o! +es(sH co(sins =.oseph and (imon? "$$e"r "t the
b"ck o! the crowd with M"r'0 His Mother0 Who is very distressed over the sene
that she /ne# .oseph #as going to reate. .oseph is #or/ed up "nd c"%%s0
shouting at +es(s' ausing Him o! #or/ing !or others and negleting His o#n
Mother. +es(s0 in gre"t $"in0 is !orced to $(b%ic%' correct His own (nbe%ie*ing
re%"ti*es1 He e$h"siIes th"t h("n !"i%' re%"tions "re in!erior to s$irit("% ones0
regardless o! ho# strong or dear they might be. While no one #ho ever lived
loved His Mother or relatives more than +es(s0 His %o*e !or the F"ther "nd His wi%%
w"s "bo*e "%%1 The Ph"risees then (se +es(sH words to c%"i He w"s "d1
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
*CB7p.;,A D The Dispute With the 3harisees and the $rrival o! .esus9 Mother and
LThe ne:t d"'0 S"t(rd"'0 +es(s ret(rns to -or"Ii @2 i%eA with %itt%e +ose$h to he%$ the $oor widow
"nd her son !or "nother week in her c"r$enter sho$1 He ret(rns to ,"$ern"( F d"'s %"ter0 on
2781 E Se$0 Fri Herod Fe"rs the /"$tist is Risen1 +es(s "%so He"rs o! the M(rder o!
the /"$tist1
Mt 27:205 Mk F:27#2F Lk 8:6#8 #### =<@;7p.<AC?
Herod he"rs o! +es(sH ir"c%es "nd !e"rs the /"$tist is risen !ro the de"d1 The
:aptist #as beheaded about three #ee/ be!ore. =(ee ,@C.?
23>1 E Se$0 FriGS"t +es(s Retires to the E"stern Side o! the Se" o! G"%i%ee to " Deserted
Mt 27:25b02C Mk F:C>#C5 Lk 8:2>b +n F:205 *CA'
$t Capernaum: +es(s he"rs o! the /"$tistHs de"th and departs alone to a
deserted plae to pray the rest o! the day and into the night. %eturning late at
night' He !inds the Disiples in grie!' having heard the sad ne#s also. They
revie#ed the past #ee/ in #hih several had #or/ed mirales' inluding three by
.udas Isariot' #ho' ho#ever' sho#s no enthusiasm. 9ith three bo"ts0 the' de$"rt
;(iet%' !or " <desert= "re" =meaning a deserted area #ithout villages? near' but east
o!' Tarihea' on the </eths"id" sideI or the east side o! the (ea o! Galilee and the
.ordan. From here they go into the ountry east o! Tarihea =,@ miles?. The
$eo$%e he"r where +es(s h"d gone !rom 3eter9s brotherDinDla#' #ho o#ns one o!
the boats they borro#ed "nd so " crowd g"thers !ro "%% the cites in th"t "re"1 3eter
is not very happy #hen they see the ro#d the ne0t day and disover that his
brotherDinDla# had bro/en his promise to remain silent about #here they #ere
*CA7p.;*A D @E Se$teber0 FriA The "e#s o! the Murder o! .ohn the :aptist.
*;+7p.;<2 D @E Se$teber0 FriGS"tA Departure in the Diretion o! Tarihea.
562G$16C8 @M Se$teber0 5#C d"'s %"terA # S$e"king to " Scribe on the /"nks o! the
+ord"n1 Ne"r T"riche": +es(s s$e"ks o! the error o! reinc"rn"tion0 the re"%it' o! the
iort"% so(%0 P(rg"tor' "nd Etern"% Li!e1
2321 M Se$teber +es(s Feeds the Fi*e Tho(s"nd1
Mt 27:27#52 Mk F:CC#77 Lk 8:22#26 +n F:3#2F
(ame day at the !irst !eeding: The 30>>> near Tarihea. The bo' #hom $ndre#
says h"s two !ish "nd !i*e %o"*es' is MarRiam' his brother 3eter9s ,*DyearDold
adopted son' #ho is in harge o! the group9s !ood. A!ter the %o"*es "nd !ish "re
b%essed "nd broken0 the' "re di*ided ($ between the disci$%es. The (%ti$%ic"tion o!
!ood is in aordane to the !aith o! eah #ho distribute it. MarRiam9s bas/et is
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
!illed immediately' as he has the most !aith. 4thers have their !ood multiplied at
the rate onsistent to the !aith they have in handing out the !ood. LNOTE: +ohn F:230
s$e"king o! "n "tte$t to !orce +es(s to becoe king in the wor%d%' sense0 took $%"ce (ch %"ter @)&0 7F5G$11C22A1 +ohn $%"ces it here
to re*e"% the "in !"ctor th"t oti*"ted this "tte$t0 which "ccording to +es(s did begin with this ir"c%e1M
2351 M Se$teber +es(s Sends His Disci$%es to /eths"id" "nd to ,"$ern"(1
Mt 27:5505C Mk F:7307F #### +n F:26 *;*7p.;@;
S"e d"' "!ter the !eeding ir"c%e0 +es(s te%%s His disci$%es to go to the north end
o! the se" to the /eths"id" "nd ,"$ern"( "re" in the plain o! Gennesaret "nd w"it
!or Hi1 A!ter He sends the crowd hoe0 he goes ($ " hi%% to $r"'1
*;*7p.;@< D The First Mirale o! the 5oaves.
23C1 M Se$teber Peter 9"%ks on the 9"ter1 +es(s Sti%%s the Stor1
Mt 27:57#C7 Mk F:76#3C #### +n F:24#52 *;<7p.;@B
S"e d"' "nd then night: 9hen the shi$ w"s h"%!w"' "cross the se" @3 i%esA0 "
stor coes ($1 The' %"bor ne"r%' "%% night b(t get nowhere1 +es(s then "$$e"rs
w"%king on the w"ter1 Peter w"%ks on the w"ter to eet Hi0 b(t st"rts %osing !"ith
"nd begins to sink #hen he gets his eyes o!! .esus and onto himsel!. The more
!aithless he beomes' the dee$er he sinks1 He is resc(ed when he %ooks "g"in to
+es(s "nd "sks !or the he%$ he needs1 The stor iedi"te%' sto$s "nd the' %"nd in
Gennes"ret0 on the north end o! the Se" @6 ore i%esA1
*;<7p.;@; D .esus Wal/s on the Water. LSe*er"% d"'s to " week $"ss1M
2371 M#L Se$teber E*"nge%iIing "nd He"%ing in the Gennes"ret Region1
Mt 27:C30CF Mk F:37#3F #### ####
The crowds "g"in !ind +es(s1 He he"%s "n' in the Gennes"ret region0 "nd eets
again #ith other disiples in the plain o! Oorazim' inluding (tephen' #ho #ould
be the Churh9s !irst martyr.
567G$1635 @M#L Se$teberA # The Deeds o! ,or$or"% "nd S$irit("% Merc'1 -or"Ii
P%"in1 Soe disci$%es !ro Sic"inon h"*e Koined the A$ost%es0 inc%(ding Ste$hen "nd
Her"s0 $roinent disci$%es o! G""%ie%0 who now h"*e chosen to !o%%ow ,hrist1 )t
w"s the de"th o! +ohn the /"$tist @no do(bt0 with the know%edge th"t ebers o! o%d
)sr"e% h"d been instr(ent"% in his "rrest "nd i$risonentA th"t o*ed the to
!ors"ke the o%d )sr"e% "nd coit to ,hrist1 )t w"s this g(i%t !or being so %ong
identi!ied with o%d )sr"e%0 "s disci$%es o! G""%ie%0 th"t c"(ses the to be !e"r!(% th"t
+es(s ight reKect the1 +es(s0 knowing G""%ie%Hs (nbe%ie! is not bec"(se o! "n e*i%
he"rt b(t bec"(se o! $ride in "nHs words th"t b%inds to GodHs 9ord0 s"'s to the0 <)
honor the gre"t G""%ie% "nd ) wo(%d %ike hi to be with Me0 bec"(se he is worth' o!
it1 Th"t is "%% he %"cks to "ke his wisdo $er!ect1= +es(s then de%i*ers " tr(e
"ster$iece on deeds o! cor$or"% "nd s$irit("% erc' to His A$ost%es0 His new
disci$%es "nd others who h"d g"thered1
2331 L Se$teber +es(s Reb(kes " ,o*eto(s M"n1 P"r"b%e o! the Rich Foo%1 On
9orr'1 The 9"tch!(% Ser*"nt1
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
#### #### Lk 25:2C#3C #### *;27p.;
.esus meets #ith the same group and a small ro#d on a hill above Magdala
and Tiberias =A miles?: +es(s reb(kes " co*eto(s "n who w"nts Hi to punish his
brother who h"s sto%en the !"i%' inherit"nce rather than aepting His o!!er to go
to him in an attempt to bring the unrighteous brother to repentane. .esus
!inally tells him that had he aepted His o!!er to help onvert the brother' he
#ould have !ound him already repentant over his sin on his return home. "o#'
.esus tells him' H8ou #ill have no mirale.I 3ossessed by a demon' the man
e0plodes in anger and' ursing .esus' leaves. The ro#d is inensed and #ould
li/e to punish the man' but .esus !orgives him and urges the other to do so also.
He then te%%s the $"r"b%e o! the Rich Foo% @*12F#52A1 +es(s then disisses the
crowd "nd withdr"ws with His inner circ%e o! A$ost%es "nd disci$%es1 He e:horts the
@*155#C7A "bo(t the e*i% o! worr' "nd te%%s the0 i! they live alone' to se%% their
$ro$ert' "nd gi*e it to ch"rit'0 but i! they have relatives they must give them a
means o! subsidene !or abandoning the home to !ollo# Christ. More important
than money is the giving o! Hthe #ealth o! your a!!etions.I (ari!iing the Roy
and om!ort o! !amily !or Christ9s ause is <the b"g= or <$(rse= th"t wi%% ne*er we"r
o(t or !"i%1 Thie*es c"nnot bre"k thro(gh "nd ste"% this <go%d= bec"(se it is tre"s(re in
He"*en @*1 CC#C7A1
When He s$e"ks o! Hise%! "s " %ord ret(rning !ro " wedding @*1 C3#3CA "nd
knocking on o(r door in the $"r"b%e o! The 9"tch!(% Ser*"nts0 +es(s is spea/ing o!
His oming at the time o! our death' not His seond oming at the end o! this
*;27p.; D $varie and the Foolish %ih Man.
23F1 L Se$teber +es(s on O(r D(t' to "n Erring /rother1
Mt 24:23#26 #### Lk 26:C #### *;C7p.,A
$ !e# days later in Magdala at Mary9s estate =< miles?: +es(s gi*es instr(ctions
on how the )sr"e%ites were to h"nd%e $rob%es between brothers0 #ith the synagogue
being the !inal authority' though M"tthew wo(%d0 ;(ite "$$ro$ri"te%'0 "$$%' +es(sH
instr(ction to the ,h(rch th"t w"s est"b%ished %"ter1 .esus pre!aes this instrution
reorded in the Gospels by e0pounding on the meaning and importane o! the
ommandment' H5ove your neighbor as yoursel!'I in #hih He inludes Hthe
#hole o! man/indI as our neighbor. 5ove' says .esus' is not be thought o! as
merely the absene o! hate' beause even aversion' detahment and indi!!erene
are also hate. This la# o! love must be applied also to those #ho o!!end and sin
against us and should be motivated by a onern !or the #el!are o! their souls. It
is !or this end that .esus re1uires' <)! 'o(r brother h"s sinned "g"inst 'o(0 go "nd
correct hi b' 'o(rse%!0 etc1= =The ontent o! Gospel episode BA. is !ound also in
this Chapter in The Poem.?
*;C7p.,2 D In the Garden o! Mary o! Magdala: 5ove !or 4ne9s "eighbor.
2361 L Se$teber +es(s E$owers the 25 "nd ,oissions the 651 Forgi*eness "nd
the .nerci!(% Ser*"nt1
Mt 24:24#C3 #### Lk 2>:2F02#25E26:7 ####
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
*;;7p.*, (ame day in Magdala at Mary9s estate:
"o# alone #ith only His $postles' .esus gives an idea o! #hat the oming
Churh #ould be li/e' sine they #ill be leading it. +es(s $roises the His own
"(thorit': <9h"te*er 'o( bind on e"rth wi%% be bo(nd in He"*en "nd wh"te*er 'o(
"bso%*e on e"rth wi%% be "bso%*ed in He"*en1= )! two disci$%es o! Mine 1 1 1 wi%% g"ther
together to "sk !or "n' Rust thing in My name' th"t thing wi%% be gr"nted1 1 1 And
where two or three $eo$%e "re g"thered in M' n"e0 ) sh"%% be in the idst o! the0
and I #ill pray #ith them and the Father #ill not re!use anything to those #ho
pray #ith Me.
)n reg"rd to the n(ber o! ties we "re to !orgi*e0 +es(s s"'s0 <) wi%% not s"' to
'o( se*en ties0 b(t se*ent' ties se*en1 $n endless number.I .esus' no# in the
hearing o! all o! His disiples' numbering over ;*' says #e Hmust !orgive as God
!orgives' Who !orgives a thousand times' i! one. . . repents. 3roviding He sees . . .
there is no #ill to sin' no pursuit o! #hat ma/es one sin and that sin is only the
result o! man9s #ea/ness. In the ase o! voluntary persistene in sin' there an
be no !orgiveness !or sins against the 5a# Funless there is also a repentane !or
this muh deeper sinG. :ut #ith regard to grie! suh sins ause us individually'
#e are to !orgive them FunonditionallyG. $l#ays !orgive those #ho harm you.
Forgiveness opens the Oingdom o! Heaven both to him #ho is !orgiven and to
him #ho !orgives.I To i%%(str"te His $oint0 +es(s te%%s the $"r"b%e o! the .nerci!(%
Ser*"nt1 The same instr(ctions that He gave over a month be!ore =,@*.? "re gi*en
b' +es(s to 65 other disci$%es who were $resent "nd sent o(t: <The h"r*est is gre"t1=
:oth they and the $postles are told to meet Him in .erusalem =B2 miles? !or
*;;7p.*+ D .esus (ends the (eventy DT#o Disiples.
Fourth .udean Ministry D 3erea' Deapolis 7 T#o Months' ) 4tober D M
"ovember'$D <*
F3oem Chapters *;BD*ACG
564G$157 @E October0 "t %e"st " week %"terA # +es(s Meets L"I"r(s "t the Fie%d o! the
G"%i%e"ns1 On the Mo(nt o! O%i*es ne"r the Ro"d to /eth"n': L"I"r(s h"s w"ited to
see +es(s !or o*er 5e onths to $o(r o(t ($on Hi the Ko' o! his he"rt o*er the
con*ersion "nd the hoecoing o! his sister0 M"r'1 A!ter her con*ersion in e"r%' +(ne0
"nd "!ter "bo(t " onth o! being with Ho%' M"r' "nd tr"*e%ing with +es(s "nd the
woen disci$%es0 M"r' h"s ret(rned to /eth"n' in id +(%' with M"rth" "nd the
resc(ed Greek s%"*e0 S'nt'che1
2341 E October The 65 Ret(rn !ro E*"nge%iIing "nd He"%ing1
Mt 28:205 #### Lk 2>:26#5> #### *;A7p.*C
(ame or ne0t day: The Mount o! 4lives outside .erusalem be!ore the Feast o!
Tabernales: Holy Mary and the #omen disiples !rom Galilee have arrived.
The Se*ent' Two Disci$%es0 "!ter A or ,+ d"'s o! e*"nge%iIing0 gi*e their enth(si"stic
re$orts "bo(t the s(bKection o! e*en the deons to the1 +es(s te%%s the th"t He s"w
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
S"t"n !"%% !ro He"*en %ike " th(nderbo%t through their merits Roined to His name.
HI sa# . . . your sari!ies' your prayers' the love #ith #hih you #ent to#ards
unhappy people. . . . 4thers #ill do #hat you do' but they #ill do it #ithout
love. $nd they #ill not get onversions.I )t is " tie o! gre"t reKoicing1 @The
gener"% content o! Lk 2>:52#57 is "%so !o(nd in this ch"$ter o! The Poem0 b(t it is
ore c%e"r%' !o(nd in ))0 5F3G$16>41A
*;A7p.*C D The (eventyDT#o Disiples %eport to .esus What they Have Done.
2381 E October The ,ost o! Disci$%eshi$ "nd the ,ost o! Neg%ecting the ,"%%1
#### Mk 7:53 Lk 27:53#CCE4:24 #### *B+7p.<@
First day o! Tabernales: A %"rge gro($ h"*e "sseb%ed "ro(nd +es(s in the
Temple. +es(s t(rns to the "nd e:$%"ins wh"t it e"ns to <coe to= Hi or
<!o%%ow= Hi1 He e:$%"ins the "bso%(te%' se*ere b(t rew"rding cost o! disci$%eshi$1
<)! one w"nts to coe to Me "nd does not h"te in a holy manner !"ther0 other0 wi!e0
chi%dren0 brothers0 sisters0 "nd oneHs *er' %i!e0 one c"nnot be M' disci$%e1= .esus
e0plains one must hate Hthe heaviness o! love' the sensual passionateness o! love
!or your !ather and mother' #i!e and hildren' brothers and sisters' and !or your
very li!e . . .I .esus e0plains !urther it #ould be better to Hremain hildren o! the
5a#' as you have been so !ar'I than to ome and end up betraying Christ and
His ause. One (st "%so co(nt the cost o! disci$%eshi$ be!ore res$onding0 "s "n'
tower b(i%der or king going to w"r wo(%d do1
2F>1 E October The P"r"b%e o! the T"%ents1
Mt 53:27#C> #### Lk 28:22#56 #### *B+7p.<;
(ame day: .esus9 #ords ma/e many 3harisees and %abbis angry. +es(s then
te%%s the $"r"b%e o! the T"%ents "nd the one ser*"nt who w"s gi*en the one most
valuable gold t"%ent' who b(ried it0 to desribe to His !ollo#ers #hat the religious
leaders in Israel #ere li/e. LNOTE: The' did not w"nt to be seen b' others "s destro'ers o! the F"ith so o(t o! their
hidden resentent !or God "nd " desire to %i*e "s the' wished0 the' b(ried th"t ost *"%("b%e t"%ent which God h"d gi*en the0 the
tr(e !"ith o! )sr"e%1M Those #ho had the silver talents o! muh less value represented
(amaritans and Gentiles #ho #ould be true to Christ beause' "!ter s$e"king o!
the wee$ing "nd gn"shing o! teeth in he%% "s the end !or the resent!(% "nd s%oth!(%
ser*"nt0 .esus says: H8ou #ill see Gentiles reahing eternal li!e and (amaritans
possessing Heaven' and you #ill see pure Israelites and !ollo#ers o! Mine losing
Heaven and eternal 5i!e.I
2F21 E October The L"w'er "nd the P"r"b%e o! the Good S""rit"n1
#### #### Lk 2>:53#C6 #### *B+7p.<B
(ame day and still in the Temple #ith the ro#d: " %"w'er "$$ro"ches +es(s to
test Hi "nd "sks how he c"n h"*e etern"% %i!e1 )n essence0 +es(s te%%s hi th"t i! he
wi%% !o%%ow the e:"$%e o! <The Good S""rit"n0= who h"d no %iit"tions on who
he considered his neighbor0 he wi%% h"*e etern"% %i!e1
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
2F51 E October The a(estion on Gener"% H("n Tr"ged' "nd H("n ,(%$"bi%it'1
#### #### Lk 2C:2#3 #### *B+7p.@<
(ame day: .esus and His group no# go to 5azarus9 palae near the distrit o!
4phel. In the group #as an old priest #ith an honest 1uestion: Those ki%%ed b'
Herod "nd whose b%ood w"s i:ed with their s"cri!ices0 were the' worse sinnersB
+es(s e:$%"ins th"t neither the' nor those eighteen ki%%ed b' the Tower o! Si%o" were
worse th"n "n' others in G"%i%ee "nd +er(s"%e0 "nd th"t the' wo(%d "%% $erish in this
cit' i! its citiIens did not re$entP
*B+7p.<+ D $t the Temple !or the Tabernales. @Gos$e% E$isodes 2381 to 2F51A
542G$177 @M October0 "!ter 8 d"'sA # At the Te$%e0 The' Are Aw"re o! Er"ste(s0 o!
+ohn o! Endor "nd S'nt'che1 On their w"' to L"I"r(sH ho(se in /eth"n' @5 i%esA0
+es(s s$e"ks to Ste$hen o! G""%ie% "s the <$er!ect re$resent"ti*e o! o%d )sr"e%0= "s "
stone th"t <wi%% h"*e to be cr(shed in order to be reco$osed1= Then +es(s s"'s0
<And ) wi%% do th"tP= At L"I"r(sH hoe0 +ose$h o! Ari"the" "nd Nicode(s e:$ress
concern "bo(t +es(s h"*ing the Phi%istine0 +ohn o! Endor "nd " Greek s%"*e
"cco$"n'ing the1 The' "%so wonder how the S"nhedrin co(%d h"*e known s(ch
things so ;(ick%'1 +es(s res$onds0 "nd in the $resence o! the )sc"riot0 s$e"ks o! the
sn"ke who0 hiding (nder the "$$e"r"nce o! " !riend0 wo(%d0 o(t o! en*'0 seek to te"r
the wings o!! " bird1

545G$13> @M October0 s"e d"'A # S'nt'che S$e"ks in L"I"r(sH Ho(se1 A !"scin"ting
testion' o! the s$irit("% Ko(rne' o! the $"g"n Greek s%"*e who !o(nd so (ch di*ine
tr(th be!ore she he"rd o! the re%igion o! )sr"e%1 A!ter S'nt'che ste$s o(t !or " whi%e0
"nd s$e"king o! the He%%inis th"t corr($ted )sr"e%0 L"I"r(s re"rks to +es(s0 <) !"i% to
(nderst"nd wh"t in her h"s been <%i!e= is inste"d <de"th= !or (s )sr"e%ites X 9hi%st
He%%inis corr($ted (s0 tho(gh we "%re"d' $ossessed 9isdo0 it s"*ed her1 9h'B= )n
the $resence o! +ose$h o! Ari"the" "nd Nicode(s0 +es(s res$onds0 </ec"(se the
w"'s o! the Lord "re wonder!(%1 And He o$ens the to whoe*er deser*es it1 Yo(
(st conc%(de it is hideo(s "nd d"ngero(s to e:c%(de "%% those who "re not )sr"e%ites
!ro the $eo$%e o! God1=

54CG$133 @L October0 C#7 d"'s %"terA # The Mission o! Fo(r A$ost%es in +(de"1 +es(s
te%%s +(d"s )sc"riot "nd Tho"s0 both o! +(de"0 "nd /"rtho%oew "nd Phi%i$ to st"' in
+(de" "nd !"ci%it"te the g"thering o! the +(de"n disci$%es !or the Fe"st o! Dedic"tion in
+er(s"%e0 "nd then coe ($ thro(gh Tr"ns#+ord"n0 where He h"s gone "he"d o!
the1 He w"nts the to then eet Hi "nd the other A$ost%es in Aer"1 +es(s (st
get rid o! +(d"s )sc"riot !or " whi%e so He c"n send +ohn o! Endor "nd S'nt'che o!!
witho(t %e"*ing hi "n' ide" where the' h"*e gone1
547G$136 @L October0 C#7 d"'s %"terA # +es(s Le"*es /eth"n' !or Tr"ns #+ord"n1 /e!ore
+es(s "nd the re"ining eight A$ost%es %e"*e !or inistr' in Tr"ns#+ord"n0 +es(s "nd
L"I"r(s %e"*e together !or " sec%(ded $%"ce1 +es(s "sks L"I"r(s !or " $%"ce He c"n
send +ohn o! Endor "nd S'nt'che bec"(se the' wi%% not be "b%e to withst"nd the
$ersec(tion th"t the S"nhedrin is $%"nning !or the1 L"I"r(s h"s " ho(se in Antioch o!
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
S'ri" th"t is "int"ined b' " "n"ger which wi%% becoe their new hoe1 +es(s s"'s
o! S'nt'che0 <She is " be"(ti!(% so(% "nd wi%% be " gre"t strength in the !(t(re ,h(rch
"nd !or the !(t(re ,h(rch1= L"I"r(s desires to h"*e his %egs he"%ed b(t +es(s
res$onds0 <No0 M' de"r !riend 1 1 1 ) need 'o( "s 'o( "re1= L"I"r(s w"rns +es(s "bo(t
+(d"s1 +es(s te%%s hi not to K(dge1
547bG$1F2 @L October0 5 d"'s %"terA # +es(s with his re"ining eight A$ost%es0 the nine
woen disci$%es @Ho%' M"r'0 M"r' "nd M"rth" o! /eth"n' "nd their two ser*"nts0
M"r' o! A%$h"e(s0 +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"0 S(s"nn" o! ,"n"0 E%iI" "nd S'nt'cheA0 "nd +ohn
o! Endor0 Er"ste(s0 the Phi%istine0 "nd Tione(s0 he"d o(t to +ericho0 soe twe%*e
i%es0 !or the night1 Gre"t%' re%ie*ed th"t +(d"s is not with the0 Peter0 thinking it
wo(%d not be so b"d to h"*e " good tie %"(ghing "t +(d"sH e:$ense now th"t he is not
there0 (st be corrected b' +es(s1 M"r' gi*es soe serio(s instr(ction on %"(ghing
e*en "t the g(i%t'1 +es(s "%so gi*es S'nt'che co(nse% on how to (se her Greek %e"rning
to he%$ her "nd others to coe to the tr(e !"ith1 +es(s wi%% (se the ne:t onth in
Tr"ns#+ord"n to te"ch the new ,hristi"n !"ith to the two He wi%% h"*e to send into
LThe' re"ch +ericho @25 i%esA th"t e*ening1 The' cross the +ord"n "nd he"d to
R"oth#Gi%e"d @57 i%esA "cross r(gged o(nt"ins1M
LPere"0 Dec"$o%is G One Month E"st o! +ord"n0 L October # M No*eber0AD C5M LPoe
,h"$ters 543#58FM
543G$1F7 @L October0 ne:t d"'0 9ed1A # Arri*"% "t R"oth with the Merch"nt !ro the
Other Side o! the E($hr"tes1 The rich "nd we%%#"red erch"nt0 A%e:"nder0 who h"s
t"ken "n interest in +es(s "nd $roised to $rotect His gro($0 is " descend"nt o! "
+ewish !"i%' !ro the e:i%e1 His $"rents were o! i:ed re%igion "nd so he h"s no
!"ith1 +es(s "nd S'nt'che h"*e "nother *er' interesting disc(ssion1
54FG$16> @L October0 ne:t d"'0 Th(1A # Fro R"oth to Ger"s" @55 i%esA1 +es(s
brings the rich erch"nt to think o! his so(% "nd eternit'1
2FC1 L October0 Fri +es(s on the S($eriorit' o! S$irit("% Re%"tionshi$s o*er A%% Others1
#### #### Lk 22:56D0 54 #### *B;7p.;A
"e0t day in Gerasa o! Deapolis' a busy and gro#ing but hal!Dpagan ity:
.esus delivers a message on the Ten Commandments' a 5a# that is universally
reognizable as right. This 5a# alone' He says' #ill lead anyone to God9s
Oingdom' #hih is no# being established on earth. That all men are invited to
enter this Oingdom is the reason He has ome into the #orld' healing the si/
and asting out demons. $s .esus onludes His message #ith the #ords'
HCitizens o! Gerasa: build the Oingdom o! God #ithin yourselves and in your
to#n'I " wo"n o! gre"t wisdo dec%"res0 </%essed is the 9ob th"t bore Yo(111=
+es(s0 #ith a smile o! approval' "dds th"t the gre"ter b%essing is to those who he"r
"nd kee$ GodHs word1 When as/ed by the $postles later #hy He said #hat He
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
did' .esus replies' HMy Mother #ill be blessed not so muh beause o! Her
immaulate soul as !or listening to the #ord o! God and pratiing it through
obediene. It #as a prodigy o! the Creator that \Mary9s soul #as immaulate.9
$nd He is to be praised !or that. :ut the Hlet #hat you have said be done to meI
is a prodigy o! My Mother. Her merit there!ore is great' so great that the (avior
o! the #orld ame only beause o! Her apability o! listening to God . . . and
beause o! Her #ill to pratie the #ord o! God' #ithout #eighing the di!!iulties
and the immediate and !uture sorro#s onneted #ith Her assent.I DLNOTE: <these
things= o! Lk 22:56 re!er to wh"t is !o(nd in **1 52#5F0 tho(gh th"t te:t is " record o! wh"t +es(s s"id in e"r%' Se$teber0 "t
,"$ern"( @Gos$e% e$isode 2741A1 Since wh"t +es(s did s"' $rior to **156054 here "t Ger"s" w"s *er' sii%"r to th"t te:t0 L(ke (ses
th"t te:t "s the conte:t !or this Gos$e% n"rr"ti*e1M
*B;7p.;@ D 3reahing at Gerasa.
544G$14> @L October0 ne:t d"'0 S"t1A # The S"bb"th "t Ger"s"1 +es(s s$e"ks to the
Merch"nt "nd S'nt'che o! the (nion between the righteo(s de$"rted "nd those who
'et %i*e "nd "bo(t $"g"ns who %i*e honest%' "ccording to the %ight the' $ossess1

548G$143 @L October0 ne:t d"'0 S(n1A # Fro Ger"s" to the Fo(nt"in o! the ,"e%eer
@28 i%esA1 +es(s dr"ws " %esson o! !"ith "nd re$ent"nce !or the erch"nt !ro the
he"%ing o! " re$ent"nt "nd be%ie*ing b%ind "n1 +es(s !(rther e:$%"ins "nHs eor'
o! di*ine tr(th !ro the oent o! his so(%Hs cre"tion "nd the error o! reinc"rn"tion to
58>G$18C @E No*eber0 ne:t d"'0 Mon1A # Going to /oIr"h1 +es(s re*e"%s " secret
"bo(t His $r"'er "nd edit"tion ties to M"rKi" "nd then to the others1
582G$18F @E No*eber0 ne:t d"'0 T(e1A # At /oIr"h @5> i%esA1 +es(s disco*ers th"t
He "nd his co$"n' h"*e been disco*ered "nd "re being s$ied ($on b' Ph"risees0 so
now +ohn o! Endor "nd S'nt'che (st de$"rt !or N"I"reth the ne:t d"' with His
Mother "nd two co(sins0 Peter0 M"rKi" "nd "%% o! the other eight woen disci$%es1
+es(sH two co(sins "nd Peter0 "!ter dro$$ing the others o!! "t G"d"r"0 wi%% then ret(rn
to eet +es(s "nd the other A$ost%es "t Aer"1 +es(s "de "rr"ngeents thro(gh
+oh"nn" o! ,h(I" to get the gro($ to their *"rio(s hoes "!ter th"t1 This w"'0 not
e*en Peter knew where the e:i%es wo(%d end ($ st"'ing @See C33G$1733A be!ore their
!in"% de$"rt(re to Antioch1 +es(s "rr"nged this so0 i! "sked0 the Disci$%es co(%d
honest%' s"' the' did not know1
585G$12>2 @E No*eber0 s"e d"'0 T(e1A # The Seron "nd Mir"c%es "t /oIr"h1 9ith
two s$'ing Ph"risees !ro )sr"e% $resent0 +es(s s$e"ks o! the b%indness o! )sr"e% which
h"d been gi*en the Light0 His reKection "nd b%ood' s"cri!ice $ro$hesied in Scri$t(re0
"nd the s"%*"tion o! those who h"d %i*ed in d"rkness1 9h"t "n in*it"tion +es(s gi*es
this crowdP As " c%e"r "nd (ndeni"b%e sign o! GodHs s$eci"% %o*e !or these ore honest
b(t re%igio(s%' dis"d*"nt"ged $eo$%es0 +es(s he"%s the sick "nd dise"sed in the crowd
inst"nt%'0 en "sseP +es(s h"s "%so won the so(% o! the rich erch"nt who h"d
escorted +es(s "nd His gro($ "%% the w"' !ro R"oth0 soe 8> i%es1
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
58CG$12>4 @E No*eber0 ne:t d"'0 9ed1A # F"rewe%% to the 9oen Disci$%es1 Two
i%es o(tside o! Arbe%"0 the gro($ se$"r"tes "!ter o$ening the genero(s tre"s(re gi*en
the b' the Merch"nt1 +ohn o! Endor "nd S'nt'che wi%% be hidden in M"r'Hs ho(se in
N"I"reth (nti% "!ter the Fe"st o! Dedic"tion @Dec 2F#5CA1
587G$1222 @E No*eber0 s"e to ne:t d"'A # At Arbe%" @CF i%esA1 +es(s s$e"ks to
these rece$ti*e citiIens o! %o*e o! God "nd neighbor "s the two ost ho%' di*ine %"ws0
the i$ort"nce o! s(!!ering in o(r b"tt%e with e*i% "nd S"t"n0 "nd the gre"t he%$ those
who h"*e died in the Lord "re to (s on e"rth1 ,"%%ing the to "%% reKoice "nd to enter
the s$irit("% %"nd o! GodHs -ingdo0 He goes thro(gh the crowd he"%ing e*er'one1
The $eo$%e o! Arbe%" res$ond to +es(s *er' enth(si"stic"%%'1 The Ph"risees0 howe*er0
who h"d ho$ed to !ind the Greek s%"*e "nd the +ohn o! Endor with +es(s to cre"te "
d""ging incident0 "re *er' dis"$$ointed1
L+es(s s$ends the ne:t !i*e d"'s @Th(r# MonA "t Arbe%" whi%e Peter goes to G"d"r"
@23 i%esA with the woen disci$%es1 Peter then goes on to /eths"id" @52 i%esA "nd
then Aer" @75 i%esA0 "he"d o! +es(s1M
583G$1226 @E No*eber0 ne:t d"'0 T(e1A # Going to Aer" @77 i%esA1 Peter coes
!ro Aer" with three donke's ho$ing to h(rr' +es(s "nd the si: with Hi to the
"n:io(s%' w"iting cit'1 .$on "rri*ing "t Aer"0 the' "re recei*ed with wi%d enth(si"s1
Once "g"in $ressed in " crowd0 +es(s inst"nt%' he"%s "%% who "re sick or %"e1
Nowhere in "%% )sr"e% h"*e the' been so w"r%' recei*ed "s in Tr"ns#+ord"n1 )t w"s "
h(b%ing %esson !or "%% twe%*e Disci$%es0 who "re now b"ck together "g"in1 L"ter0
+es(s "g"in wi%% h"*e to get rid o! +(d"s when the tie coes !or the other A$ost%es to
t"ke the e:i%es !ro N"I"reth to their new hoe in Antioch1
58FG$1257 @E No*eber0 ne:t d"'0 9ed1A # +es(s Pre"ches "t Aer"1 +es(s w"rns the
crowd th"t eneies wi%% tr' to destro' their !"ith in Hi "nd the best "nswer the' c"n
gi*e their eneies is si%ence1 Tionone(s @Tiothe(sA0 who w"s o(sted soe tie
be!ore "s he"d o! the s'n"gog(e in ,%e"r 9"ter b' re%igio(s "(thorities b"ck in +"n("r'
@)02C4G$163FA0 is now here where his other is %i*ing1 Er"ste(s0 the Phi%istine
con*ert0 wi%% st"' with hi here1
Fi!th Galilean Ministry D (yroD3hoeniia' Tetrarh o! 3hilip' Deapolis' 3erea 7 Four
Months' M "ovember'$D <* D M Marh'$D << F3oem Chapters *A;D
586G$125F @M No*eber0 ne:t d"'0 Th(1A # The Litt%e Or$h"ns0 M"r' "nd M"tthi"s1
Ne"r L"ke Mero @C7 i%esA: Two st"r*ing or$h"ns0 dri*en o(t b' " rich Ph"risee "re
resc(ed b' +es(s1 L+es(s t"kes the or$h"ns to PeterHs ho(se in /eths"id" @4 i%esA1M
584G$12C7 @M No*eber0 ne:t d"'0 Fri1A # M"r' "nd M"tthi"s Are Entr(sted to
+oh"nn" o! ,h(I"1 Fro PeterHs hoe in /eths"id"0 +es(s "nd the A$ost%es bo"t o*er
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
to Tiberi"s @22 i%esA with the or$h"ns1 +oh"nn" "nd ,h(I" "re o*erwhe%ed to h"*e
%itt%e M"r' "nd M"tthi"s1
LA!ter s$ending the S"bb"th "t Tiberi"s0 +es(s "nd His Disci$%es s"i% to ,"$ern"(
@6 1A "nd T"riche" @25 1A0 "nd then w"%k to ,"n" @23 1A "nd N"in @22 1A1 This
occ($ies 4 d"'s1M
2F71 L No*0 S(n +es(s E:$oses the E*i% o! Ph"ris"ic"% Tr"dition th"t &io%"tes the
9ord o! God1
Mt 23:2#22 Mk 6:2#2F #### #### *AA7p.,@<
"e0t day in "ain' at a large ban1uet in the home o! the young man' Daniel'
#hom .esus had raised !rom the dead seven months be!ore: (even Scribes "nd
Ph"risees !ro +er(s"%e #ho had been !ollo#ing .esus impose themselves and are
relutantly #elomed to this !east in honor o! .esus. Immediately' they began
1uestioning the young man as to #hether he #as really dead. They also 1uestion
.esus as to #hether He and His Disiples #ere using #ithra!t. What is so
pain!ul to .esus is that He /no#s that they /no# o! .udas9 involvement #ith this
evil pratie.
Having lost in that tati #ith the ro#d' the' begin sco%ding +es(s !or "%%owing
His disci$%es to e"t witho(t w"shing their h"nds1 +es(s "sks the wh' the' *io%"te
GodHs co"ndents b' their tr"dition1 When .esus !inishes' having ompared
His enemies to Ra/als and hyenas running a!ter and devouring !oul smelling
putrid !lesh and hyporites' the 3harisees are so humiliated and o!!ended that
they leave' rushing through the ro#d in the house and bumping into people on
the #ay. The ro#d hurls ausations against them as they go. +es(s c"%s the
gro($ "nd s$e"ks o! th"t which de!i%es " "n "s being not wh"t goes into his o(th
b(t wh"t coes o(t o! it1 $!ter the ban1uet' .esus and His $postles leave !or
)ndor =* miles?.
*AA7p.,<B D $t "ain' in the House o! Daniel' %aised !rom the Dead.
2F31 L No*0 S(n 9h"t ,oes O(t o! the Mo(th M"kes One .nc%e"n1
Mt 23:25#5> Mk 6:26#5C #### #### <++7p.,@C
)vening o! same day in a sheep!old to#ard )ndor: .esus is grieving' but the
$postles annot understand it sine He had Rust so thoroughly beaten the
3harisees in their attempt to disredit Him be!ore the people o! "ain. .esus
#arns them about their sel!Don!idene in regard to evil' implying there #as a !ar
more dangerous evil than the (ribes and 3harisees right under their nosesL
.esus is' in !at' grieving over the sin o! .udas. (ine .esus an only spea/ to
.udas' #arning him o! his #ays #ithout letting the others /no# to #hom He is
spea/ing' the other Disiples believe He is spea/ing o! the 3harisees. .udas' in
an attempt to erase any possible suspiions the other $postles might start to get
o! him' approahes .esus in his typial art!ul hyporisy. Thus' the $postles
ontinue thin/ing only o! the de!eated and greatly o!!ended 3harisees.
:artholome#' the most legalisti o! the $postles' #orried about .esus9 diret
atta/ upon the 3harisees' entions how o!!ended the Ph"risees were1 +es(s re$%ies
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
that harity demands that ertain things be said and <"n' $%"nt which is not
$%"nted b' M' He"*en%' F"ther is to be ($rooted1= Peter0 who is s$e"king !or soe o!
the other Disci$%es "s we%%0 then "sks !or "n e:$%"n"tion o! the $"r"b%e o! the ,%e"n "nd
.nc%e"n M"n1
<++7p.,@2 D In the (heep!old at )ndor.
C>2G$1274 @L No*eber0 2 or ore d"'s %"terA # Fro Endor to M"gd"%"1 A!ter "
re$roo!0 "nd to con!ir His s$eci"% %o*e to "n insec(re Peter0 +es(s con!ides to Peter
the secret "bo(t +ohn o! Endor "nd S'nt'che being in N"I"reth with His Mother1
The' "%% he"d !or T"riche" @2F i%esA to get their bo"ts0 then to M"gd"%" @4 i%esA1
C>2bG$1278 @L No*eber0 s"e or d"' %"terA # The' "rri*e "t M"gd"%"1 To get rid o!
+(d"s once "g"in0 the two Disci$%es !ro +(de" @+(d"s )sc"riot "nd Tho"sA "re to%d
the' wi%% be escorting M"r' M"gd"%ene0 M"rth" "nd E%iI" o! /ethI(r to /eth"n'0 "nd
then st"'ing in +(de" with their !"i%ies !or Dedic"tion1 M"r' M"gd"%ene $ri*"te%'
gi*es +es(s the one' she got !ro the Kewe%s gi*en b' the rich erch"nt whi%e in the
C>5G$1235 @E DeceberA # +es(s "t N"I"reth @52 i%esA !or the Dedic"tion1 +es(s !inds
His Mother working in the idd%e o! the night0 w"iting ($ !or His ret(rn hoe1 The'
do not w"ke the three s%ee$ing g(ests @the two e:i%es "nd M"rKi"A who h"d been sent
to Her three weeks be!ore to hide the "nd to strengthen the in the !"ith1
C>CG$123F @E Deceber0 ne:t d"'A # +es(s with +ohn o! Endor "nd S'nt'che "t
N"I"reth1 )t is orning "nd "%% "re "w"ke1 +es(s h"s enKo'ed " Ko'!(% re(nion with
M"r'Hs <$($i%s1= +es(s $oints o(t th"t the <wor%d o! the !(t(re= is here be!ore the1
M"rKi" is the one who wi%% not e*en be "w"re o! becoing " ,hristi"nE the Oe"%ot
@who wi%% soon be with theA is the o%d wor%d o! )sr"e%E +ohn o! Endor0 "nkind in
gener"%E S'nt'che0 the Genti%e wor%d1 Then +es(s s"'s0 <And the' "%% coe to Yo(0 the
Ho%' Mother who gi*es the i%k o! wisdo "nd %i!e to the wor%d1 1 1 1"nd NM'
!o%%owersH wi%% seek Yo( to be !orgi*en0 t"(ght0 de!ended0 %o*ed 1 1 1 bec"(se it wi%% not
be $ossib%e to $erse*ere in ,hrist (n%ess gr"ce is !orti!ied b' Yo(r he%$0 Mother !(%% o!
Gr"ce1= The' wi%% "%% be together0 with M"r' o! A%$h"e(s "nd her sons0 !or "bo(t "
C>7G$1234 @E Deceber0 ne:t d"'A # +es(sH Lesson to M"rKi"1 M"rKi" $o(rs o(t to
+es(s his "gon' o*er the horrib%e de"th o! his !"i%' "nd the e*i% he e:$erienced !ro
Dor"s0 the Ph"risee %"ndowner1 +es(s co!orts hi with the tr(th "bo(t o(r %i!e on
e"rth "nd He"*en1
C>3G$12F5 @E Deceber0 C#7 d"'s %"terA # Sion Oe"%ot "t N"I"reth1 The Oe"%ot
!in"%%' "rri*es "!ter distrib(ting "%s to soe $oor !o%ks "nd b('ing soe "teri"%s in
Tiberi"s0 which wi%% $ro*ide !or the e:i%es1 +es(s h"s K(st !inished " co($%e o! chests1
C>FG$12F7 @E Deceber0 ne:t d"'A # An E*ening "t Hoe in N"I"reth1 The hosti%it'
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
o! e*er'one in N"I"reth0 e:ce$t soe o! the woen "nd the chi%dren0 is disc(ssed1 )t
becoes the so(rce o! soe bitterness "nd disco(r"geent to the Disci$%es1 +es(s
reinds the "%% th"t it wi%% be the woen "nd the chi%dren who wi%% do ore th"n
"n'one to est"b%ish the -ingdo "%% o*er the wor%d1 Sion the Oe"%ot0 with his (s("%
wisdo "nd insight0 he%$s to sother soe o! the K(dgent"% s$irit th"t h"s "risen in
soe o! the Disci$%es o*er N"I"rethHs co%dness1 S'nt'cheHs ;(estion to +es(s "bo(t
origin"% sin0 in who it is c"nce%%ed0 "nd the e!!ect o! its c"nce%%"tion0 gi*es +es(s "n
o$$ort(nit' to e:$%"in soe *er' i$ort"nt tr(ths1
C>6G$126> @E Deceber0 "t %e"st " d"' %"terA # +es(s "nd the 9i!e o! His ,o(sin0
Sion1 Tow"rds ,"n" @7 i%esA: /ec"(se Sion is too "sh"ed to coe o*er to
M"r' "nd +es(sH ho(se to "sk !or he%$ !or his d'ing bo'0 +es(s (st go to their ho(se
to see i! "t %e"st his wi!e S"%oe c"n be%ie*e !or his he"%ing1 +es(s !inds S"%oe now
ebittered "g"inst her h(sb"nd "nd re"d' to %e"*e hi1 +es(s so!tens her he"rt so she
c"n !orgi*e Sion bec"(se He c"nnot he%$ the chi%d witho(t her !orgi*ing s$irit1
C>4G$1265 @E Deceber0 s"e d"'A # Sion Goes /"ck to +es(s1 A tr(%' o*ing
e$isode1 +es(sH co(sin Sion0 whose !e"r o! being identi!ied with +es(s h"s !in"%%'
been broken b' the tho(ght o! his sonHs de"th "nd his wi!e %e"*ing hi0 coes r(nning
to !ind +es(s "nd $o(rs o(t his con!ession to Hi0 "sking !or !orgi*eness "nd erc'1
He is es$eci"%%' sorr' is he !or be%ie*ing the d""ging re$ort "bo(t +es(s which +(d"s
)sc"riot h"d to%d hi soe three onths be!ore @))0 5FCG$1F4F#F8>A1 He0 o! co(rse0
does not know th"t +es(s h"d "%re"d' et with his wi!e "nd $roised her " ir"c%e i!
she co(%d be !orgi*ing1
L+es(s s$ends " week doing c"r$entr' work in N"I"reth @7 i%esA1M
C>8G$1264 @M DeceberA # Sion Peter "t N"I"reth1 Peter is now in!ored o! +es(sH
$%"n to t"ke +ohn o! Endor "nd S'nt'che to !"r "w"' Antioch to hide the !ro His
C2>G$1245 @M Deceber0 s"e d"'A # +es(s S$e"ks "bo(t the Ho%' Econo' o!
.ni*ers"% Lo*e1 +es(s s$e"ks o! the (se!(%ness o! "n' s"cri!ice done o(t o! %o*e to
sto$ e*i% "nd do good1 This w"s the !irst e*ening o! the eight d"' Fe"st o! Dedic"tion
or Lights1
C22G$1243 @L Deceber0 "t %e"st 5 d"'s "!ter the !e"stA # +ohn o! Endor 9i%% H"*e to
Go to Antioch1 The dre"ded d"' when +es(s h"d to in!or the "ged +ohn o! Endor "nd
S'nt'che th"t the' (st be sent !"r "w"' to Antioch h"s coe1 Antioch is ne"r%' C>>
i%es ($ the co"st1 E*en tho(gh these wo(%d $re$"re S'ri" !or the Gos$e%0 the re"%
re"son !or this e:i%e is bec"(se o! wh"t +es(sH eneies were $%"nning to do to the1
Yet this h"d to be conce"%ed !ro the0 !or it wo(%d h"*e se*ere%' d""ged the 'o(ng
!"ith o! these two so(%s1
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
C25G$1286 @L Deceber0 ne:t d"'A # The /eginning o! the Third Ye"r "t N"I"reth
whi%e Pre$"ring !or De$"rt(re1 +es(s corrects His co(sin0 Sion0 in his conden"tion
o! +(d"s1 Peter0 with his wi!e0 "rri*es in N"I"reth0 h"*ing obt"ined " c"rt !or the two
who wi%% be e:i%ed1
C2CG$15>C @L Deceber0 s"e d"'A # De$"rt(re !ro N"I"reth1 Now coes the
sorrow!(% "nd te"r!(% de$"rt(re o! the two e:i%es !ro M"r'Hs hoe in N"I"reth where
the' h"*e re"ined <hidden= !or "%ost two onths1
C27G$152> @L Deceber0 ne:t d"'A # Tow"rds +i$hth"he% @23 i%esA1 )t is co%d0 wind'
"nd wet1 The ro"d is *er' di!!ic(%t (ch o! the w"'1 +ohn o! Endor senses th"t +(d"s
)sc"riot w"s the re"son he "nd S'nt'che "re being e:i%ed1 He (nderst"nds +es(sH grie!
"nd !orgi*es the c(%$rit1 +es(s knows0 howe*er0 in GodHs $%"n this is not "n e:i%e b(t "
ission to $re$"re Asi" Minor !or the ,h(rch b(t nonethe%ess in*o%*ing " ost $"in!(%
se$"r"tion !or "%% o! the1 The h("nit' o! +es(s is $ower!(%%' re*e"%ed in the dee$
"gon' He is e:$eriencing0 not on%' !or %osing two who He ob*io(s%' %o*ed *er'
dee$%'0 b(t o*er the grie! "nd sorrow the' "re e:$eriencing in this e:i%e1
2FF1 L Dec W M +"n +es(s Le"*es G"%i%ee "nd He"ds tow"rd the ,o"sts o! T're "nd
Mt 23:52 #### #### #### <,2'
"e0t day: +es(s and eight o! the $postles' #ith heavy hearts' "re he"ding
tow"rd the Mediterr"ne"n co"st @Pto%e"is0 2C i%esA1 :e!ore reahing the oast'
.esus #ould leave them. Fro the co"st0 the Disiples were to sail to T're0 "nd
passing Sidon0 to $ntioh. +es(s wo(%d be with the in His earnest prayers.
(yntyhe' a brilliant and olor!ul Gree/ #hom they had helped resue !rom
slavery and abuse' and .ohn o! )ndor' #ho had Roined .esus9 group some nine
months be!ore' and #ho #as still healing !rom some very deep #ounds in his
soul' are being !ored into e0ile. They are being !ored to !lee to $ntioh to
esape the .e#ish rulers #ho had planned to harm them. To /no# they #ould
never see .esus again is brea/ing their hearts. 5eaving the sorro#ing group'
+es(s (st now brea/ a#ay !rom .ohn9s grasp and hurriedly %e"*e !or the
o(nt"ins near .iphthahel' where he wo(%d st"' "nd $r"' !or the t#o e0iles and
their eight esorts until they #ould return to meet Him in the middle o! .anuary.
The heart and soul o! the %edeemer o! man is here revealed in His agonizing
prayer to His Father in the ave near .iphthahel.
<,27p.*,@ D .esus9 Fare#ell to the T#o Disiples.
<,C7p.*,; D .esus9 (orro#' 3rayer and 3enane.
C26G$1555 @L Deceber0 ne:t d"'A # Le"*ing Pto%e"is !or T're1 Thirt' i%es b' se"
to T're1
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
C24G$1556 @L Deceber0 ne:t d"'A # De$"rt(re !ro T're on " ,ret"n Shi$1 Fro
T're to Se%e(ci" wi%% be 5C> i%es b' se"1
C28G$15C5 @E +"n("r'0 ne:t d"'A # Stor "nd Mir"c%es on the Shi$1 A d"ngero(s stor
gi*es o$$ort(nit' !or God to show His ight' $ower thro(gh the Disci$%es1
C5>G$15C6 @E +"n("r'0 2 or 5 d"'s %"terA # Arri*"% "nd L"nding "t Se%e(ci"1
C52G$157> @E +"n("r'0 ne:t d"'A # Fro Se%e(ci" to Antioch @C> i%esA1

C55G$157F @L +"n("r'0 "t %e"st 2 d"' %"ter0 9ed1A # At Antigone"1 Antigone" is the
residenti"% "re" o! Antioch0 the $%"ce where the %"te $"rents o! L"I"r(s %i*ed1 Here0
the two e:i%es see their new hoe1
C5CG$153C @E +"n("r'0 C d"'s %"ter0 S"t1A # F"rewe%% to Antioch "!ter Pre"ching1 A%%
eight A$ost%es s$e"k to the S"bb"th crowd " word o! s$irit("% enco(r"geent "nd te%%
o! their own e:$erience in coing to the Messi"h1
C5CbG5F5 # +es(s "kes " signi!ic"nt coent to M& on the content o! the A$ost%esH
ess"ges "bo(t their in"bi%it' to see the !(%% tr(th o! His S"cri!ice1
LThe' %e"*e Se%e(ci"0 $rob"b%' on the ne:t d"'0 "nd "rri*e in Pto%e"is !o(r d"'s
%"ter @57> i%esA1 Fro Pto%e"is to AchIib is "nother 2> i%es1M
C57G$15F5 @M +"n("r'0 ne:t d"'A # Ret(rn o! the Eight A$ost%es "nd Arri*"% "t AchIib1
+es(s "nd His eight A$ost%es !in"%%' eet ($ with +es(s1 A tr(%' h"$$' re(nionP
C53G$15F8 @M +"n("r'0 ne:t d"'A # At AchIib with Si: A$ost%es1 Peter "nd Sion
Oe"%ot h"*e gone to get Phi%i$ "nd /"rtho%oew1
2F612M +"n0 Mon The -ingdo o! He"*en is %ike Le"*en1
Mt 2C:CC#C3 #### Lk 2C:5>052 #### <*C7p.*;2
4ne or t#o days later' evangelizing at the :order o! 3hoeniia =E miles?: Here
on the road to 3tolemais there are many travelers o! every rae and religion'
o!ten mi0ed. .esus addresses His message to true Israelites. %ather than to
Rudge and ondemn' they are to help those #ho have dri!ted !rom the true !aith'
as " ho(sewi!e wo(%d do to %e"*en " b"tch o! do(gh1 She wo(%d hide K(st " s"%% bit
o! %e"*ened do(gh in the b"tch "nd $rotect it !ro h"r!(% dr"!ts in !"*or"b%e w"rth1
They are' li/e#ise' to bury in other9s hearts a little o! their o#n leavened dough
o! truth. When proteted !rom the dra!ts o! evil by the H#armth o! harity'I
even the tiniest bit o! leavened dough #ill #or/ #ith the little Rustie that is
al#ays le!t in human souls. LNOTE: The $"r"b%e o! the Le"*en in the Do(gh to%d here di!!ers s%ight%' !ro the one
recorded b' M"tthew "nd L(ke1M
<*C7p.*;* D )vangelizing at the :order o! 3hoeniia
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
C56G$1563 @M +"n("r'0 s"e d"'0 Mon1A # Arri*"% "t A%e:"ndroscene @25 i%esA1 +es(s
he%$s to bring (nit' to " !"i%' di*ided b' o%d )sr"e%i $reK(dices "g"inst i:ed r"ce
2F615 M +"n # Thro(gh the ,ities "nd Towns Lo! S'ro#Phoenici" "nd G"%i%eeM1
M Mch #### #### Lk 2C:55 #### <*;D<2C
For the ne0t t#o months' +es(s goes thro(gho(t the cities o! (yroD3hoeniia
and Galilee te"ching and healing' as He knows "n' o! these Galileans wi%% "%so be
with Hi in +er(s"%e !or the 3assover in early $pril.
2F41 M +"n0 T(e P"r"b%e o! the 9orkers o! the E%e*enth Ho(r1
Mt 5>:2#2F #### #### #### <*B7p.*B;
"e0t day' a!ter arriving in $le0androsene o! (yroD3hoeniia' a ity o! mi0ed
raes and religion !illed #ith animosity and tension bet#een .e#s and Gentiles:
.esus has Rust per!ormed t#o mirales in the mar/etplae #hih 1ui/ly gave
Him an audiene and le!t the mar/et vendors #ith no buyers. .esus spea/s
immediately o! the sedution o! #ealth and position and ho# that blinds man to
the true purpose o! li!e' #hih is to obtain eternal peae in the Oingdom o! God.
This divine Truth' .esus says' is hidden some#here #ithin every man' no matter
#hat his rae or religion might be. That Truth' He said' #ill also sho# us #e
must love all men as neighbors' #hih is the Wisdom o! the Ten Commandments.
.esus points out that the animosity that e0ists bet#een various groups is not
honest but hyporitial' beause the ursing eases as soon as sensuality or
money is involved. These very things' .esus says' blind man !rom the real
purpose o! li!e' #hih is the importane o! gaining the Oingdom o! God.
(ome in the mar/etplae ro#d e0press their !eelings o! hopelessness !or
perhaps having lived so long ontrary to their .e#ish spiritual roots. +es(s te%%s
the $"r"b%e o! the 9orkers o! the E%e*enth Ho(r to enco(r"ge the and those who
"re %"st =the Gentiles? to begin to ser*e the Lord1 .esus onludes by telling them
to urse #hat should be ursed =the love o! money and sensuality?' so that they
#ill Hget in touhI #ith #hat they used to urse =one anotherL?. The pagan
soldiers are impressed' but not some o! the .e#s and the mar/et vendors' #ho
are losing the attention and the money o! their ustomers. $nd' e0atly as .esus
ould have predited' these .e#s and pagans' #ho have hated and ursed eah
other' no# Roin together to stir up the people and see that .esus is driven out o!
<*B7p.*;A D The Day a!ter at $le0androsene.
C58G$1582 @M +"n("r'0 5 d"'s %"ter0 Th(1A # The Sons o! Th(nder1 Going tow"rd
AchIib with the She$herd Ann"s1 The A$ost%es "re *er' de$ressed o*er the reKections
the' h"*e e:$erienced "t A%e:"ndroscene "nd since @ne"r -edesh0 57 i%esA1 +"es0
who is w"%king with his brother +ohn ne"r +es(s0 s(dden%' b%(rts o(t0 <And
de!e"tsP 1 1 1 "nd de!e"tsP 1 1 1 9e see to be c(rsed1= +es(s0 who "%so h"s been dee$%'
grie*ing b(t !or " (ch di!!erent re"son th"n the A$ost%es0 "sks in " notice"b%e
treb%ing "nd grie*ing *oice0 <Do 'o( do(bt Me0 +"esB Do 'o( no %onger %o*e Me
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
"s 'o( did be!oreB= .nderst"nding how dee$ the sorrow o! +es(s w"s0 +"es is ne"r%'
cr(shed0 "nd thinking +es(sH s(!!ering is o*er being reKected "nd now is do(bting his
%o*e !or Hi0 he s"'s he wi%% go b"ck "nd t"ke re*enge ($on those who grie*e Hi0
e*en i! it wi%% cost hi his %i!eP Seeing +es(s si%e "t his 'o(th!(% b(t sincere $"ssion0
"nd thinking this is wh"t wo(%d re%ie*e +es(s o! His sorrow0 +"es t(rns to +ohn "nd
"sks hi i! he w"nts to he%$ hi !(%!i%% his re*enge to re%ie*e the M"ster1 +ohn is "%so
o*ercoe o! "nger "nd "grees to go with +"es to be "s "n "r' who wi%% not to%er"te
their -ing to be ockedP +es(s sto$s the both1 His reb(ke is "bso%(te%' c%"ssicP
Then0 !in"%%'0 He c"$s o!! His reb(ke with " h(oro(s to(ch: <9e%%0 in eor' o! this
sin o! 'o(rs "g"inst ,h"rit'0 in eor' o! the oent when ) s"w the "ni"%#"n
coe to %ight on 'o(r !"ces inste"d o! the "n#"nge% who ) "%w"'s wish to see in
'o(0 ) wi%% c"%% 'o( <the Sons o! Th(nder1=
Fin"%%'0 He e:$%"ins0 <) " s"d0 not "bo(t M'se%!0 or "bo(t M' de!e"ts0 "s 'o( c"%%
the0 b(t bec"(se ) !ee% sorr' !or the so(%s th"t reKect Li!e1 Good0 we "re "%% h"$$'
now0 "re we not0 'o( big b"biesB= LNOTE: M"rk C:26 entions this n"ing o! these
two brothers0 b(t not in "n' historic"% conte:t1 )t is si$%' !o(nd "!ter " %isting o! the
"ct("% n"es1M
A%ong the w"'0 the' eet " she$herd who gr"cio(s%' re!reshes the with !resh i%k
"nd te%%s o! " gre"t%' distressed wo"n who h"d coe with her chi%d to
A%e:"ndroscene0 on%' to !ind th"t +es(s h"d been dri*en o(t1 +es(s deterines
iedi"te%' to go "%% the w"' b"ck to AchIib @C> i%esA on the Mediterr"ne"n co"st o!
T're "nd Sidon1 1 1
2F81 L +"n0 Fri The D"(ghter o! the Persistent ,"n""nite is De%i*ered1
Mt 23:55#54 Mk 6:57#C> #### #### <<+7p.*A;
+es(s iedi"te%' %e"*es !or $hzib on the Mediterr"ne"n co"st o! T're "nd
Sidon0 #here the distressed #oman and her daughter #ere #aiting !or Him. 4n
the #ay to help this #oman' +es(s and His disiples !ind w"r hos$it"%it' in a
&illage be!ore $hzib' in (yroD3hoeniia' in the hoe o! old .onah' #ho had
al#ays #anted to meet the Messiah1 (ine they are in a hurry' the' do not w"nt
"n'one e%se to know the' "re there1 Des$ite the "tte$t "t secrec'0 " #ido#ed
,"n""nite other shows ($ begging !or erc' on beh"%! o! her d"(ghter $ossessed b'
" deon1 .esus sees the passionate desire these people had to help others and
deides to ma/e this a real lesson !or His Disiples' #ho have been so disouraged
over a !e# reRetions that they #ere almost ready to 1uit =(ee <*A above?. Her
$%e" !or erc' "nd her stor' o! her d"(ghterHs $%ight is "t !irst co$%ete%' ignored "s
+es(s t(rns "nd hurriedly %e"*es the ho(se "nd st"rts o(t down the ro"d0 %e"*ing His
Disci$%es to c"tch ($P On her knees "t !irst begging0 "nd then on her !eet r(nning0 she
!o%%ows the Disci$%es0 cr'ing o(t !or erc' "%% the w"'1 The household' having been
unable to dissuade the pleading and persistent #oman' no# deides to !ollo# her'
as do a gro#ing number o! villagers. The Disiples are utterly astonished at
.esus9 seeming la/ o! interest in this #oman' and embarrassed. They onlude
that .esus must not #ant to help her' and so they also tell her to go home' but to
no avail. $!ter disussing the inreasingly embarrassing situation' the' conc%(de
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
that i! .esus does not #ish to help the #oman' the' (st get Hi to dri*e her "w"'1
A!ter "king their (rgent re;(est0 .esus !in"%%' sto$s and turns around' and giving
her yet another order to be 1uiet and go home' He says <) h"*e coe !or the shee$
o! )sr"e% . . . you are not !rom Israel.I She res$onds on%' #ith a greater
a!!irmation o! !aith in Him. 9hen +es(s s"'s it wo(%d not be right to t"ke bre"d !or
chi%dren o! the ho(se "nd throw it to dogs in the street0 the wo"n res$onds #ith her
!inal reason !or !aith that He #ill help her' </(t dogs go1 1 1 where the %"nd%ord is
e"ting 1 1 1 "nd the' e"t wh"t !"%%s !ro the t"b%e0 the ren"nts o! !ood1= With these
#ords' .esus9 !ae begins to beam #ith a radiant smile. $!ter +es(s coends her
gre"t !"ith "nd de%i*ers her d"(ghter0 +es(s tells her she an be !ar more than a dog
o! the house. (he an be a daughter sitting at the table o! the FatherL
.esus then meets up #ith the other #aiting mother and daughter at a
rossroad near the seaoast. He heals her si/ daughter.
<<+7p.*A; D The Cananean Mother.
CC2G$1C>6 @L +"n("r'0 5 d"'s %"ter0 S(n1A # /"rtho%oew H"s .nderstood "nd
S(!!ered1 AchIib: Phi%i$ "nd /"rtho%oew0 who h"*e been to%d to st"' "t hoe in
/eths"id" since be!ore the Fe"st o! Dedic"tion0 "re bro(ght b' Peter "nd Sion to
AchIib to Koin the "nd +es(s1 +(d"s "nd Tho"s "re sti%% issing !ro their %ong st"'
in +(d"h1 /"rtho%oew h"s been grie*ing0 thinking th"t +es(s %e!t hi hoe !or so
%ong bec"(se he co(%d not be tr(sted0 being too (ch o! "n o%d )sr"e%ite1 LNOTE:
Phi%i$ "nd /"rtho%oew were both %e!t in +(de" with +(d"s "nd Tho"s0 %"te October
thro(gh e"r%' No*eberE then the' were %e!t in /eths"id" !or the Fe"st o! Dedic"tion
!ro %"te No*eber thro(gh %"te +"n("r'1M +es(s e:$%"ins the re"son w"s otherwise1
/"rtho%oew "%so te%%s +es(s th"t soeone with e*i% intentions @"ct("%%' +(d"sPA h"d
sent " good !riend o! his to !righten hi !ro his %o'"%t' to +es(s b' $"ssing to hi "
!"%se re$ort th"t +es(s w"s not h"$$' with hi0 "nd th"t the S"nhedrin w"s intending
to strike those who were "ssoci"ted with gi*ing co!ort to +ohn o! Endor "nd the
r(n"w"' s%"*e0 S'nt'che1 LNOTE: +(d"s w"s "$$"rent%' tr'ing to (se " !rightened
/"rtho%oew0 the ost %eg"%istic o! the A$ost%es0 to $ress(re +es(s into "b"ndoning
His w"'s th"t so o!!ended the r(%ers in the Te$%e1M

CC5G$1C22 @L +"n("r'0 "t %e"st the ne:t d"'A # On the 9"' /"ck to G"%i%ee1 +es(s "nd
the 2> Disci$%es "rri*e "t Pto%e"is @2> i%esA1 The' $%"n to be in Sic"inon @5>
i%esA b' e*ening1
LThe' st"' in or ne"r Sic"inon !or "bo(t two weeks @)))0 $1C2C0 C28A1 Peter
s$ends (ch tie with +es(s @)))0 $1C27A1 M"rk 6:C2 i$%ies th"t +es(s went thro(gh
T're "nd Sidon1M
CCCG$1C2C @E Febr("r'0 9ed1A # Meeting +(d"s )sc"riot "nd Tho"s1 Ne"r Se$horis
@57 i%esA1 S(dden%' +es(s "nd His Disci$%es see +(d"s "nd Tho"s coing tow"rd
the1 A!ter +es(s w"r%' greets the both0 the' re$ort on their "cti*ities d(ring their
%ong "bsence1 +(d"sH re$ort seeed ;(ite i$ressi*eE howe*er0 his skirting the co(ntr'
!ro one end to the other w"s to !ind o(t wh"t h"d h"$$ened to +ohn o! Endor "nd
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
S'nt'che1 The +ewish r(%ers w"nted the in!or"tion1 +(d"s !e%t i! he co(%d get +es(s
to ch"nge His w"'s he co(%d "rr"nge soe kind o! co$roise between Hi "nd the
r(%ers o! )sr"e%1 This wo(%d en"b%e hi to !(%!i%% his gre"t dre" o! becoing the ne:t
High Priest "nd e*en $ossib%' " king in the new )sr"e%1 +(d"s then con*e's "n
in*it"tion to +es(s !ro )sh"e%0 the cr(e% "nd he"rt%ess Ph"risee o! Megiddo1 H"*ing
K(st br"gged so "bo(t h"*ing ch"nged the inds o! these r(%ers0 +es(s ;(estions +(d"s
"s to wh' he sho(%d be so "g"inst "cce$ting this in*it"tion1 +es(s0 knowing th"t
)sh"e% is the one g(i%t' o! the (nbe%ie*"b%e cr(e%t' @entioned in 586G$125FA which
%e!t two chi%dren or$h"ns "nd destined !or st"r*"tion0 h"s soe $%"ns o! His own0 "nd
so "cce$ts the in*it"tion !or " eeting in three d"'s1 Andrew0 the Oe"%ot "nd
/"rtho%oew "re sent o!! to Megiddo with +(d"s to de%i*er the ess"ge to )sh"e% the
Ph"risee1 LNe:t two d"'s: +es(s goes to Esdr"e%on @5> i%esA "nd then to Megiddo
@2C i%esA1M
26>1 M Feb0 S"t A M"n 9ith Dro$s' is He"%ed on the S"bb"th1 The P"r"b%e o! the 9edding /"n;(et1
#### #### Lk 27:2#23 L2F#57DM### <<@7p.<*B
"e0t day near Megiddo: +es(s and His Disiples have aepted an invitation
to eet with one o! the ,hie! Ph"risees' Ishmael :en Fabi' "nd se*er"% o! his !riends
!or " e"%. $!ter voluminous attempts to onvine .esus o! their respet !or Him
!ail' they ome right to the point o! their onern. The Oing o! Israel that they
are loo/ing !or' they delare' is a man #ho an dra# his s#ordL
During His attempt to orret their understanding o! the true nature o! His
Oingship and the Oingdom that #as promised them' !ive other prominent
3harisees Roin them and the dinner begins. Immediately' He is as/ed i! His
intention is to hange the 5a#. His ans#er is that He ame not to hange it' but
to complete it aain as it #as given to Moses to do. They' o! ourse' are greatly
o!!ended #hen He tells them #hy the original intent o! the 5a#' as needing to be
ompleted Fin loveG' had to be restored' beause He reminds them o! ho# they
have destroyed the 5a#' espeially in the #ay they have treated orphans and
$t this point' there is a ry !or help and mery at the door. A "n with dro$s'0
#hom .esus had purposely invited to sho# up on this (abbath day0 coes in1
+es(s s$e"ks to the Ph"risees0 <Te%% Me0 is it %"w!(% to c(re on the S"bb"thB= HIt is
#rong to do any #or/ on the (abbath'I is the reply. .esus responds' H"ot even
to save a man !rom despairE It is not manual #or/.I $t that very moment
.esus sees the #oods =on 5ittle Hermon? o! Hananiah the (ribe on !ire and tells
the (ribe about it. Finally being onvined o! the situation' and in a sudden
pani' he Rumps to his !eet and attempts to leave. .esus grabs him and again
as/s him i! it is right to ure on the (abbath. Hananiah shouts' HCursed be 8ou'
him and the (abbath' I have more important things to thin/ o! . . . LI He pushes
.esus aside and rushes out to attend to the risis.
Once "g"in in the $resence o! the rest0 +es(s "sks i! it is "%% right to c(re on the
S"bb"th1 His ;(estion is et with lo#ered heads and ston' si%ence1 The "n is then
c(red "nd b%essed1 $!ter more #ords o! severe reproo! !or the unbelievable ruelty
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
o! #hih the 3harisee Ishmael #as guilty' .esus te%%s the $"r"b%e o! the 9edding
/"n;(et0 e$h"siIing the need to c"%% the $oor0 the %"e "nd the b%ind1 Finally' He
spea/s o! the ertainty o! #oe upon those #ho lose their hearts to them and His
promise to personally Hrevenge the !orlorn.I
One o! the0 )leazar' the most righteous o! them all' in order to brea/ the iy
tension' s"'s0 </%essed is he th"t sh"%% e"t bre"d in the -ingdo o! God1= +es(s0 to
show the who wi%% "nd wi%% not e"t "t th"t Fe"st0 te%%s the $"r"b%e o! the 9edding
Fe"st0 #hih is in all probability the same one He told ten months earlier in
5azarus9 house in :ethany =II' *+C7p.<2,0 Matthe# **:,D,@ or Gospel episode
,*2.?' rather than the one 5u/e inserts =vv.,CD*@? into his Gospel' #hih
mentions no #edding. The parable o! the Wedding Feast =Matthe# **:,D,@?
spea/s o! the /ing9s servants being perseuted and /illed' the /ing9s revenge on
these and their ity' and the open invitation to those along the high#ays to ome
to the !east.
The love and ompassion o! .esus !or the most evil o! men is revealed in .esus9
last #ords be!ore He leaves: HMy Oingdom is on1uered through vitories over
ourselves' not by means o! vitories in the battle!ield. $ holy tree is springing up
in a heart F)leazarG. In the others there are thorns !or Me' and in the thorns
there are asps and sorpions. It does not matter' Ishmael' I say goodDbye to you.
Do not hate Me. Meditate. 8ou #ill see that I #as severe out o! love' not out o!
hatred. 3eae to this house and to those #ho d#ell in it' peae to everybody' i!
you deserve peae.I TLNOTE: As entioned0 the "cco(nt th"t L(ke gi*es @**1 2F#57A "kes no ention o! " wedding0
"nd since M& did not "ct("%%' record the content o! the $"r"b%e o! the 9edding !e"st th"t she s"'s +es(s to%d whi%e "t )sh"e%Hs ho(se
we c"n on%' "ss(e th"t L(keHs "cco(nt o! this $"r"b%e is "t best "n "d"$t"tion1M
<<@7p.<*+ D Ishmael :en Fabi. The 3arable o! the :an1uet.
L+es(s "nd His Disci$%es s$end the night in " b"rn1M
CC3G$1CC5 @M Febr("r'0 2 or 5 d"'s %"terA # +es(s "t N"I"reth with His ,o(sins "nd
with Peter "nd Tho"s1 On the w"' b"ck to G"%i%ee "nd N"I"reth @26i%esA: The
other A$ost%es "re "ssigned to $"ss thro(gh *"rio(s towns with cert"in Kobs0 "nd then
to eet the on the ro"d tow"rd S"$het1 S"bb"th e*ening: /e!ore the' de$"rt0 +(d"s
e:$%odes (nder the %o"d o! his own g(i%t "t the innocent words o! Tho"s1 +es(s "nd
M"r' enKo' " $e"ce!(% re(nion "t N"I"reth1
LNe:t !i*e d"'s: +es(s then goes to ,h(I"Hs "t Tiberi"s @2F 1A0 then to ,"$ern"(
@4 1A "nd -or"Ii @2 1A0 where He is with his co(sins "nd Peter "nd Tho"s1M
2621 M Febr("r' +es(s is b"ck "t the Se" o! G"%i%ee "!ter being tow"rds the ,o"st o!
T're0 b(t First )nto Dec"$o%is1
#### Mk 6:C2 #### ####
During these !ive days +es(s =atually' His Disiples?' "rri*es b"ck "t the Se" o!
G"%i%ee =Tiberias and Capernaum? a!ter three months in "orthern Galilee on the
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
co"st o! T're0 "nd e*en "s !"r "s Sidon and even $ntioh o! (yria. =<+*7p.,2* D
<<27p.<<* in 5 "ov D M Feb.? =Deapolis: (ee Ch.*A<'*A@ in ) "ov.?
2651 M Feb0 S"t +es(s He"%s " ,ri$$%ed 9o"n in the S'n"gog(e on the S"bb"th1
#### #### Lk 2C:2>#26 #### <<C7p.<<B
On the S"bb"th0 in the S'n"gog(e at Oorazim: +es(s0 still only #ith 3eter'
Thomas' and His t#o ousins' is being urged by the elders to s$e"k1 He does not
#ish to do so beause He /no#s their purposes are not holy. It is their rops
su!!ering !rom a old spring that motivates their oniliatory appearane. (ine
they #ould !ind an oasion to ondemn Him !or not spea/ing' He yields to their
#ish' but no# it #ill be #hat He says and does that #ill give the o!!ene.
.esus reads the te0t in I Chroniles *,:,BD*; about the plague that ame !or
David9s numbering the people and the sari!ie re1uired to stay the plague. "ot
/no#ing #hy He should hose this te0t !or them' .esus e0plains that they are
a!!lited #ith a plague more serious than the one David brought upon Israel' a
plague o! unbelie! that #as ausing them to perish. He e0plains that David
insisted on a sari!ie that ost him something' but their oniliatory Hsari!ieI
to Him #as both heap and !or sel!ish and Hmean interests'I !or Hyour purses not
!or your souls.I Then' to illustrate the /ind o! people that did deserve His love'
He c"%%s !orth " wo"n so bent in !orm she ould not even be seen in the ro#d' "
wo"n with "n 24#'e"r in!irit'1 He s"'s0 HI #ant to give you a re#ard !or your
silent humble !aith. /e c(red o! 'o(r in!irit'P= L"'ing His h"nds on her0 she
iedi"te%' str"ightens ($1 $s the ro#d sings praise to the 5ord #ith the
reRoiing #oman' the r(%er o! the s'n"gog(e and the elders "ngri%' reb(ke +es(s !or
he"%ing on the S"bb"th and began to drive out the happy ro#d as though they
#ere leansing the plae o! evil. In the midst o! this' .esus' emboldened and
maResti as a Oing' shouts His !inal rebu/e HH'$ocritesP 9hich o! 'o( on this d"'
h"s not (ntied "n o: 1 1 1= ZL(ke 2C:2302F[ .esus then Roins the happy ro#d
outside the (ynagogue' #hih goes #ith Him to#ard the ountryside. .esus and
His !our $postles then head !or (aphet' seven miles to the north#est to meet #ith
the others.
<<C7p.<<2 D The Crippled Woman o! Oorazim.
26C1 L Febr("r'0 S"t The P"r"b%e o! the Steri%e Fig Tree1
#### #### Lk 2C:F#8 #### <<;7p.<@<
(ame day on the #ay to (aphet =; miles?' a!ter listening to all the #onder!ul
things the B $postles had aomplished on their o#n in the past #ee/' inluding
many mirales per!ormed by all' but .udas: .esus tries to give His Disiples a
proper perspetive to#ards the ity o! Oorazim =and to#ards anyone else? that
had reReted Him' sine they all #anted Him to !orsa/e the ity. He te%%s the
$"r"b%e o! Steri%e Fig Tree1 P"tience0 "nd then "n "*oid"nce o! dis"$$ointent0 i! their
!irst e!!orts see to !"i%0 "re i$ort"nt0 i! not $%"in coon sense0 K(st "s "n' !"rer
=partiularly the owner o! the !arm? wo(%d res$ond in reg"rd to " !"i%ing tree1 In a
ertain but mild reproo!' .esus then says that He is the patient !armer or dresser
o! the vineyard and they are the impatient owner9 (imon Uealot #ants to /no#
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
i! Hthe treeI in His parable bore !ruit. .esus says that it did not' and #as
there!ore ut do#n. .esus spea/s o! the destroyed tree in a #ay that .udas #ould
/no# that He #as also spea/ing o! him personally. $!ter#ards' privately #ith
.udas' .esus gives .udas speial attention' hoping it #ill ma/e it easier !or him to
turn !rom his pride!ul #ays. Instead' .udas e0plodes in a !it o! rage' ausing
.esus o! ruining him. They sleep over at a village be!ore (aphet.
<<;7p.<<A D Going to#ards (aphet. The 3arable o! the Good Farmer.
CC4G$1C73 @M Febr("r'0 ne:t d"'0 S(n1A # Going tow"rds Meiron @7 i%esA1 The' "%%
disco*er +(d"s h"s gone soewhere in the night1 +es(s "nd the other A$ost%es then
he"d tow"rd L"ke Mero1 +(d"s coes r(nning to c"tch the "nd te%%s the he is
%"te bec"(se he w"s $r"'ing "nd doing $en"nce in the woods d(ring the night1 The
"(d"cit' o! +(d"s in his des$ic"b%e %ie to +es(s is be'ond the descri$tion o! words1
CC8G$1C78 @M Febr("r'0 s"e d"'0 S(n1A # At Hi%%e%Hs Se$(%cher "t Gisc"%" @7 i%esA1
Then the' he"d to Gisc"%" @7 ore i%esA to $r"' "t the tob o! the gre"t R"bbi Hi%%e%1
On the w"'0 +(d"s is with +es(s "he"d o! the gro($1 +(d"s is str(gg%ing with hise%!
"nd his sin1 +es(s tries to get +(d"s to coe to " tr(e re$ent"nce1 This is "nother
!rightening insight into the so(% o! +(d"s0 his s%"*er' to sin "nd the i$ort"nce o!
tr(sting GodHs gr"ce to o*ercoe it1 A dis$(te0 initi"ted b' soe 2>> R"bbis "nd their
disci$%es0 bre"ks o(t here1 /ec"(se +es(sH h(i%it' is t"ken "s we"kness0 it %e"ds to
the being stoned1 +es(s then st"nds "nd i$oses His "Kestic $resence "nd the ob
is $"r"%'Ied1 The'0 with their inK(ries0 now "%% w"%k s"!e%' thro(gh the crowd1
2671 L Feb0 Mon +es(s He"%s " De"! "nd D(b M"n1
#### Mk 6:C5#C6 #### #### <@+7p.<2B
"e0t day' even !urther north' near the 3hoeniian border bet#een Gisala and Oedesh =B
miles?: .esus has stopped to have a !riendly villager dress His #ounded hand.
.esus aepts their invitation to supper and to stay overnight #hen He sees they
have !aith in 4ne #hom they have heard alled the Messiah and beause they
/no# o! those #ho need healing. This inludes one o! their relatives born both
de"! "nd d(b1 .esus tells them to get the young son' 5evi. $long #ith 5evi they
also bring hal! the village' so there is ;(ite " crowd1 +es(s h"s to get Hise%! "nd the
bo' "w"' !ro the crowd1 P(tting His !ore!ingers into his e"rs "nd to(ching His
tong(e to his %i$s0 He breathes on his !ae "nd sho(ts0 </e o$enedP= This is " do(b%e
ir"c%e0 bec"(se the 'o(ng "n "%so knows the s$oken %"ng("ge $er!ect%'0 h"*ing
ne*er he"rd it1
<@+7p.<22 D The Dea!DMute Cured near the 3hoeniian :order.
2631 L Febr("r' +es(s Res$onds to Those 9ho Ask !or " Sign1
Mt 2F:2#7 Mk 4:22025 #### #### <@,7p.<C2
4ne to t#o days later in Oedesh =@ miles?: .esus spea/s to an enthusiasti
ro#d' but %abbis having ome !rom the dispute in Gisala try to stir up the
people. The ro#d' inluding the head o! the synagogue' #ho invites .esus to
ontinue His message in the synagogue' does its best to protet Him. The R"bbis
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
r(de%' interr($t +es(s "nd insist on " sign1 +es(s e:$oses their h'$ocris'0 "nd
re$ro*ing the0 s"'s0 <This wicked "nd "d(%tero(s gener"tion0 which is "sking !or "
sign wi%% be gi*en no other sign b(t the sign o! +on"h1 Let (s go1 3eae be #ith
everyone o! good #ill.I The people !ollo# Him to the inn and beg !or more o!
His #ords. He then delivers a po#er!ul' moving message !rom the prophet
Haba//u/. The ne0t day they #ill all set out !or Caesarea 3hilippi' some si0teen
miles !urther north.
<@,7p.<2A D $t Oedesh. The (igns o! the Times.
26F1 L Febr("r',on!(sion o*er Le"*ened /re"d1 PeterHs Gre"t ,on!ession1
Mt 2F:3#5> Mk 4:2C#52056#C> Lk 8:24#52 #### <@*7p.<CA
"e0t day on the "orth end o! Merom 5a/e =,< miles?' the' cross the s#ollen
w"ters o! the .ordan %iver b' bo"t be!ore they get to the bridge so the 3harisees
#ill not be able to !ollo# them. The Disiples9 animosity to#ard the 3harisees'
(adduees and (ribes has been gro#ing in the last days. Disco*ering the' h"*e
not t"ken eno(gh bre"d !or their tri$0 "nd h"*ing been gi*en on%' one %o"! t#o days
be!ore' they are onerned. 3eter is omplaining beause he9s hungry' and .ames
is #orried about not being able to get more bread !or !ear o! being hased a#ay.
.esus sees that #hile His Disiples are on the loo/out to avoid their enemies' they
are opying their #ays' so He s"'s0 </e c"re!(% %est 'o( $ick ($ the 'e"st o! the
Ph"risees "nd the S"dd(cees1= The' inter$ret wh"t +es(s s"id "bo(t the %e"*en o! the
Ph"risees "s re!erring to their not bringing eno(gh bre"d0 "nd th"t the %o"! th"t the'
were gi*en or wo(%d %ike to b(' w"s not good to e"t1 +es(s corrects the !or
worr'ing "bo(t not h"*ing eno(gh bre"d b' reinding the o! how He (%ti$%ied it
!or the 30>>>1 He then te%%s the th"t the 'e"st o! the Ph"risees is their doctrine0 the
hatred they have !or their enemies. He #arns them' H8ou are no# going to#ards
hatred . . . not even your enemy is to be hated.I
(ome t#elve miles later near Caesarea 3hilippi' .esus "sks His Disci$%es who
others s"' He is1 A!ter the' te%% Hi0 +es(s "sks wh"t they think o! Hi1 Oneeling
do#n in !ront o! .esus #ith an honest and humble adoration' Peter "kes his
con!ession o! !"ith in +es(s ,hrist0 the Son o! the Li*ing God1 +es(s s"'s th"t Peter is
b%essed bec"(se the !%esh "nd b%ood F#ithin himG did not re*e"% this to hi0 b(t the
F"ther in He"*en1 Then' beause 3eter aepted that reply !rom Heaven !rom the
!irst day he #ent #ith Him #ithout any mirale' #ithout any sign or speial
initiative on His part as the others had re1uired' .esus says' HThat is #hy ) c"%%ed
'o( ,e$h"s L)078G$15F>0M1 $nd that is #hy on 'o(0 Peter0 ) wi%% b(i%d M' ,h(rch "nd
the g"tes o! He%% sh"%% not $re*"i% "g"inst it1 ) wi%% gi*e 'o( the ke's to the -ingdo o!
He"*en1 And wh"tsoe*er 'o( bind on e"rth sh"%% be bo(nd "%so in He"*en1 And
wh"tsoe*er 'o( %oose on e"rth sh"%% be %oosed "%so in He"*en1 1 1 $nd no# !rom this
moment you are the head' to #hom obediene and respet are due as to another
Mysel!. $nd I prolaim him suh be!ore all o! you.I 3eter brea/s do#n and
#eeps on .esus9 hest. 3eter did have a long #ay to go to beome the man .esus
envisioned him to be' but he #as a man .esus ould trust.
:e!ore entering Caesarea 3hilippi +es(s !orbids the to te%% "n'one in this
mostly Gentile ity who He re"%%' w"s1 He #anted these Gentiles to determine
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
that by themselves. LNOTE: There is "n o$inion he%d in cert"in circ%es0 dr"wn !ro " isinter$ret"tion o! this te:t0 "nd
!ro the s'no$tic Gos$e%s on " who%e0 th"t +es(s w"s *er' reser*ed0 i! not "%together si%ent "bo(t c%"iing to be "%% the ,h(rch now
so dog"tic"%%' c%"is Hi to be1 According to The Poem, +es(s !ro the *er' beginning o! His inistr' o$en%' "nd e+ery)here
$roc%"ied Hise%! the Messi"h o! )sr"e%0 the Son o! God0 both God "nd "n "nd e*en one with the Tri(ne God1 +ohnHs Gos$e%0 o!
co(rse0 is s(!!icient in deonstr"ting th"t +es(s did not hesit"te to te%% the tr(th "bo(t who He w"s0 b(t this "$$ro"ch +es(s (sed in
,"es"re" Phi%i$$i0 which0 interesting%' eno(gh0 is inc%(ded on%' in the three s'no$tic Gos$e%s0 "%so te%%s (s soething1 )t te%%s (s th"t
"n' si%ence0 or reser*e on this "tter b' the Gos$e% writers w"s not "n' e*idence o! reser*e on +es(s $"rt in His $roc%"iing His deit'
to the Disci$%es or e*en to the +ews0 nor did it re!%ect "n' (ncert"int' concerning the identit' o! ,hrist "s God in the e"r%' ,h(rch0 b(t
w"s " "tter o! $r(dence "nd wisdo in res$ect to Gentiles who0 in re"ding the Gos$e%s0 co(%d *er' e"si%' is(nderst"nd the Trinit'
to be " $%(r"%it' o! gods "s (nderstood "ong the $"g"n wor%d1
)nteresting%'0 in not one o! the "n' $%"ces +es(s "ct("%%' entioned God to be tri(ne "ong the +ews w"s there "n'
contro*ers' or e*en "n' ;(estion "bo(t the te"ching1 This e*idence s(ggests th"t the c(rrent +ewish inter$ret"tion o! the $%(r"%
$rono(ns re!erring to God in Genesis 2:5FE C:55E 22:6E )s"i"h F:4 "nd the $%(r"% <E%ohi= itse%!0 "s re!erring to ere%' " <$%(r"%it' o!
di*ine "ttrib(tes0= w"s de*e%o$ed %"ter to tr' to (nderine the ,h(rchHs te"ching on the Deit' o! ,hrist1 E*en the te:t cited now b'
both +ews "nd "%% "nti#trinit"ri"ns "s <$roo!= the +ews did not be%ie*e in " $%(r"%it' in the Godhe"d deonstr"tes the o$$osite1 De(t1
F:7 <He"r0 O )sr"e%: The Lord o(r God is one Lord1= The word <one= is in Hebrew <ech"d= " collecti+e &nity0 "nd is "%w"'s (sed in
re!erence to God1 Ech"d is the word (sed in Genesis 2:30 s$e"king o! the d"' "nd night becoing one d"'1 )t is (sed in Genesis
22:F0 where it s"'s <it is one $eo$%e1= )t is (sed in Genesis 5:570 where " "n "nd wi!e sh"%% becoe one !%esh1 <Y"cheed= is the
word !or "bso%(te (nit' "nd is ne*er (sed with re!erence to God1 <Y"cheed= is (sed in Genesis 55:250 where the Lord re!ers to )s""c
"s Abr"h"Hs only son1 )t sho(%d be c%e"r !ro Genesis "%one th"t )sr"e%Hs !"ith0 re*e"%ed in Hebrew Scri$t(re0 did not c%"sh with
$"g"n $o%'theis o*er the $%(r"%it' in the Godhe"d0 b(t o*er the %iited "nd degr"ded notions the $"g"ns o!ten h"d o! th"t which
the' g"*e highest *ener"tion1 )t is the tr(th o! the etern"%it' "nd in!inite ;("%ities o! the Tri(ne God @!orcing the tr(th o! the "bso%(te
&nity of essence and nat&re o! the Tri(ne GodA th"t disting(ishes the Tr(th o! God "s be%ie*ed e*en b' the +ews o! +es(s d"' !ro "%%
$"g"n corr($tions1M
<@*7p.<CB D Going To#ards Caesarea 3hilippi. 3eter9s 3rimay.
C7CG$1C6C @L Febr("r'0 s"e or ne:t d"'A # At ,"es"re" Phi%i$$i @F i%esA1 /esides
seeing the gre"t ,it"de% "nd the "gni!icent *iew it o!!ered o! the co(ntr'side0 +es(s
"nd the Disci$%es enKo' " wonder!(% re(nion with other disci$%es who h"*e done so
(ch to $re$"re the w"' !or the Lord1 M"n' h"*e "%so coe !ro -edesh0 where the
crowds h"*e "%so w"r%' recei*ed the1 The' "re !i%%ed with ;(estions0 es$eci"%%'
"bo(t the e"ning o! the sign o! +on"h He h"s entioned "t -edesh1 )t is !ro this
$oint th"t +es(s begins to plainly re*e"% to the "%% th"t He wo(%d s(!!er0 be ki%%ed "nd
rise "g"in the third d"' @See Mt 2F:52b "t 2661 or )))0 C73G$1C4CA "nd th"t the' wi%%
e*en see " deco$osed bod' rise !ro the de"d @L"I"r(sA0 b(t this ir"c%e wo(%d on%'
"ke His eneies ore e*i% th"n be!ore1 +es(s "%so re$e"ts wh"t He s"id in the
s'n"gog(e "t ,"$ern"( si: onths be!ore @2741 or ))0 5F4G$1628A "bo(t the a(een
o! Sheb" "nd the $eo$%e o! Nine*eh rising ($ to K(dge )sr"e%1 +es(s re*e"%s th"t on
their w"' to +er(s"%e !or the P"sso*er0 He wi%% inister west o! +ord"n1
C77G$1C68 @L Febr("r'0 s"e d"'A # At the ,"st%e "t ,"es"re" P"ne"s1 +es(s gi*es %i!e
b"ck to the sti%%born b"b' o! Dorc"1
2661 L Febr("r' Peter is Reb(ked1 The ,ost o! Disci$%eshi$1
Mt 2F:52#54 Mk 4:C2#C8 @#8:2A Lk 8:55#56 ####
"e0t day: .esus and His $postles have le!t Caesarea and are heading ba/
to#ard 5a/e Merom =,2 miles?. From there they #ill go to :ethsaida'
Capernaum' Tiberias and !inally "azareth to see Mary. Mary is no# all they an
thin/ about' and oh' ho# muh love they have !or herL .esus deepens their
thoughts on Mary9s virtue by sharing the truth that (he #ill partiipate #ith
Him as oDredeemer in the dread!ul hour o! torture. HThere are t#o #ho #ill
ma/e My Mother #eep endless tears: I' to save Man/ind' FandG Man/ind by its
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
ontinuous sinning. )very man #ho has lived' is living or #ill live' osts Mary
$s .esus begins to spea/ about His rui!i0ion' the Disiples are inredulous'
some insisting this ould not happen beause they annot see ho# anyone #ould
believe Him to be the Messiah' being that subReted to the po#er o! men. (ome
say they #ill not allo# it to happenL .ames o! $lphaeus' /no#ing the truth'
begins to #eep. $!ter he is rebu/ed !or apparently giving in to #hat #as seen as
.esus9 !oolish !atalism' it is the 3hilistine onvert' )rmasteus' and Isaa' one o!
the :ethlehem shepherds' #ho spea/ up to try to restore a little ommon sense
among the $postles. )ven 3eter is' at least temporarily' a!!eted #ith the
3hilistine9s simple logiL +es(s0 having patiently listened all the #hile' now begins
to te%% His Disci$%es $%"in%' and emphatically "%% th"t He (st end(re0 inc%(ding "
cr(ci!i:ion1 The shouts o! sandalized Disiples rise in protest. Peter0 t"king +es(s
aside by the arm' #hispers his $rotest and his reasoning in .esus9 ear. .esus
stands straight and Peter is se*ere%' reb(ked: <Get thee behind Me0 S"t"n1 1 1 1=
3eter is utterly rushed and in tears' remaining speehless along #ith the entire
group. Finally' $ndre#' 3eter9s brother' annot not ta/e 3eter su!!ering any
longer. He approahes .esus and implores Him to !orgive his brother. .esus
so!tens his approah and alls 3eter to His side. .esus reminds Him that he is
!irst among the $postles and that means a great responsibility. To them all' He
then says' <)! "n' "n wi%% coe "!ter Me %et hi den' hise%! 1 1 1= +es(s then te%%s
the when the -ingdo o! God wi%% coe in $ower =#hen it #ill Hbe established
and it9s Oing ro#ned and anointedI?1 LNOTE: Th"t <soe= o! those $resent wo(%d not be de"d wo(%d
e"n th"t the ,h(rch being est"b%ished <in $ower= re!ers to soething be'ond the Pentecost e:$erience1 )t wo(%d h"*e to re!er to the
destr(ction o! +er(s"%e0 its te$%e "nd "%% its rit("% in 6> AD0 c%e"r%' $ro$hesied b' +es(s0 the New -ing o! the New )sr"e%1 )t w"s
th"t $ower!(% deonstr"tion th"t est"b%ished the ,h(rch "s the Tr(e or New )sr"e% "nd $ro*ed to the entire wor%d th"t +es(s w"s
crowned "nd "nointed -ing1 @See "%so 58>1 "nd 5831.AM
<@27p.<B< D .esus 3redits His 3assion !or the First Time. 3eter is %eproahed.
2641 L Febr("r'+es(s He"%s " /%ind M"n "t /eths"id"1
Mt 23:58" Mk 4:55#5F #### #### <@C7p.<A@
4ne or t#o days later' the' re"ch /eths"id"0 on the Se" o! G"%i%ee @4 i%esA0 at
daybrea/. They are all moved to see 3eter and his adopted son' MarRiam' #ho
had to drop a load o! !ire#ood o!! his ba/' embrae and then leave together to
help 3orphirea prepare the meal !or the group. :artholome# remar/s that they
loo/ li/e $braham and Isaa limbing the mountain to sari!ie. .esus then
sho/s them all then by revealing that both his son and 3eter #ill gladly be
martyrs !or Him and that they all' save one' #ill alsoL .ust a little #hile later'
#hile #aiting !or supper' 3eter and others o! /eths"id" bring " b%ind "n to +es(s
#ho is in the street in !ront o! the !irst house in the ity. They are in the bright
sun so' +es(s o*es hi o(t o! the sun a H!e# steps'I possibly Rust thro(gh the cit'
g"te "nd th(s o(tside the cit'0 "s M"rk records. The b%ind "n is he"%ed "nd to%d not
to te%% "n'one "bo(t it0 beause .esus does not #ant a ro#d o! people around Him
at this time. F.esus goes to Capernaum. =< miles?G
<@C7p.<A, D 3rophesy on 3eter and MarRiam. The :lind Man at :ethsaida.
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
C76G$1C83 @L Febr("r'0 " d"' or ore %"terA # Fro ,"$ern"( to N"I"reth with
M"n"en "nd the 9oen Disci$%es1 M"n"en0 HerodHs !oster brother0 who with the
+(de"n she$herds h"s been w"iting !or +es(s "t ,"$ern"(0 gi*es "n intrig(ing
"cco(nt to +es(s o! the incredib%e corr($tion "nd the stir th"t He h"s c"(sed in the
co(rt o! Herod1 +es(s "sks M"n"en to "cco$"n' the woen disci$%es to the
+er(s"%e P"sso*er0 whi%e He "nd the A$ost%es wi%% t"ke " di!!erent ro(te e"st o!
+ord"n1 +es(s0 His Disci$%es "nd the woen disci$%es go b' bo"t to M"gd"%" @C
LThe ne:t d"' the' go to Tiberi"s @C i%esA to $ick ($ +oh"nn" "nd her two "do$ted
chi%dren1 Then the' "%% go to ,"n" @25 i%esA to S(s"nn"Hs "nd st"' (nti% the ne:t
C76bG$1C84 @E M"rch0 ne:t d"'A # Fro ,"n"0 the' "%% he"d to N"I"reth @7 i%esA1
A!ter w"r greetings "re e:ch"nged with M"r'0 She te%%s the good news th"t +es(sH
co(sin Sion "%so w"nts to becoe " disci$%e1 +es(s now sh"res soe s($ern"t(r"%
g%ories "bo(t His &irgin Mother1 Two <tr"ns!ig(r"tions= h"d been !(%!i%%edE two "re 'et
to coe1
2681 E M"rch The Tr"ns!ig(r"tion on Mo(nt LT"borM1
Mt 23:58bE Mk 8:2#5F @8:5#56A Lk 8:54#73 ####
The ne0t day and si: d"'s "!ter .esus rebu/ed 3eter' and eight days a!ter .esus
had 1uestioned them about #ho men thought He #as' the en "%% go !rom
"azareth to Mount Tabor' some nine miles east o! "azareth. +es(s te%%s Peter0
+"es "nd +ohn to !o%%ow Hi ($ the o(nt"in0 and all the rest to preah in the
area until that evening' #hen they #ill return to "azareth.
C74cG$17>F # +es(s t"kes Peter0 +"es "nd +ohn ($ on the high o(nt"in1 9e"ried
!ro the trek0 the A$ost%es "re doIing whi%e +es(s is $r"'ing1 S(dden%' "w"king0 the'
see +es(s tr"ns!ig(red1 Filled #ith an0iety at the sight and standing to their !eet'
they all out in lo# voies' HMaster' Master.I Two en then "$$e"r out o! the
beams o! light on either side o! .esus. The apostles no# drop to their /nees.
Moses "nd E%iK"h disc(ss with +es(s His de"th in +er(s"%e1 Peter0 pi/ing up a little
ourage !rom a smile !rom .esus' e:$resses his Ko' !or being there "nd "sks i!
"ccood"tions !or " %onger *isit ight be "$$ro$ri"te1 .esus loo/s at them and
gives them all #arm smiles' but says nothing. Then " c%o(d0 most brilliant o! all'
en*e%o$s the scene "nd the *oice o! God th(nders !orth1 The A$ost%es0 !"%%ing on their
!"ces0 "re terri!ied1 The He"*en%' scene dis"$$e"rs "nd +es(s now st"nds with the "s
be!ore1 To(ching the and alling them by name' He brings the to %i!t their he"ds
"nd !in"%%' to st"nd to their !eet1 3eter annot see ho# he #ill be able to live near
.esus and among them' being suh sinners. .esus says they #ill do it out o!
obediene to His all. H"*ing K(st seen E%iK"h0 the ;(estion o! E%iK"hHs ret(rn coes
($1 +es(s s"'s th"t +ohn the /"$tist w"s <E%iK"h0= but that he #ould Home !or the
seond time #hen the last time is lose at hand to prepare the last !or God. He
no# ame to prepare the !irst !or Christ.I +es(s then te%%s the th"t He wi%% be
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
tre"ted K(st "s the' tre"ted the /"$tist1
C74dG$172> # On the #ay do#n the mountain' 3eter as/s the 5ord #hy He told
them this' beause it too/ all the Roy out o! their hearts a!ter sho#ing them this
#onder!ul sight. He told them that He #ould su!!er so they #ould be strong in
the time o! trial. He sho#ed them His trans!iguration so they #ould /no# #hat
He #ould loo/ li/e a!ter His death. 9hen the !o(r descend !ro the o(nt"in0 the'
see the crowd "nd "n e$i%e$tic the other Disci$%es co(%d not c(re1 +es(sH re$%'0 <'o(
!"ith%ess "nd $er*erse gener"tion0 how %ong (st ) be with 'o(0= #as addressed to
the demoni hoards He sa# ausing the a!!lition on this man and trying to
in!luene the ro#d' not to the Disiples or the ro#d. The "n is he"%ed1 .esus
and His group head ba/ to "azareth =A miles? !or the evening.
<@B7p.@+2 D The Trans!iguration and the Curing o! the )pilepti.
24>1 E M"rch The Disci$%es Ask Abo(t the M"n The' ,o(%d not He"%1
Mt 26:24#5>@28#52A Mk 8:56054@54058A #### ####
That evening at "azareth' .udas Isariot "sks wh' the' co(%d not de%i*er the
"n "t the !oot o! Mo(nt T"bor1 +es(s s"'s th"t ore !"ith w"s needed beause too
muh sel!Dinterest and pride #as involved1 Diminishing pride and inreasing
!aith an ome only through $r"'er "nd !"sting1 The $postles are surprised that
this #as suh a di!!iult ase beause .esus had told them that this boy being Ha
pure soulI #as not demon Hpossessed'I but merely si/ #ith a disease in #hih
(atan #as hiding.
<@A7p.@,2 D 5esson to the Disiples a!ter the Trans!iguration.
2421 E M"rch +es(s E$h"siIes His De"th the Second Tie to His Disci$%es1
Mt 26:52055@55#5CA Mk 8:58#C2@C>#C5A #### ####
"e0t t#o days: While Manaen and the shepherd disiples =esorting the
#omen disiples? head !or :ethany and .erusalem' +es(s "nd His gro($ he"d o(t
e"r%' to#ards Cana =@ miles north?' then ba/ to Tiberias on the (ea o! G"%i%ee
=,; miles?1 M"tthew "nd M"rk reco(nt th"t +es(s "g"in s$e"ks emphatically o! His
de"th1 This w"s !irst done " week be!ore K(st "!ter %e"*ing ,"es"re" "nd then to Peter0
+"es "nd +ohn "t the Mo(nt o! Tr"ns!ig(r"tion1 They spend the night in Tiberias
and then leave by boat !or Capernaum =B miles?.
2451 E M"rch The ,oin in the FishHs Mo(th !or the Te$%e T":1
Mt 26:5C#5F@57#56A Mk 8:C5"@CC"A #### ####
:e!ore arriving at ,"$ern"(0 .udas is omplaining about all o! them being
#ithout money and !ood. .esus turns to him #ith a smile and tells him ho# good
it is to be penniless' as though He already has in mind some /ind o! surprise
#aiting !or them to prove His point. Indeed' He does' beause Peter' leaving !or
the mar/et' a!ter arriving at the house o! their host' is iedi"te%' "$$ro"ched b'
t#o en in ch"rge o! the Te$%e t":1 /eing misled by ausing 3harisees' the'
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
;(estion Peter "bo(t whether +es(s is $"'ing the Te$%e t":1 3eter gets very angry
and gives them a tongue lashing beause they have al#ays paid the ta0' and no#'
beause they are #ithout money' they annot do it at this time. Peter0 in anger'
turns and goes into the ho(se where +es(s "nd the others h"*e gone1 +es(s0 /no#ing
all that is going on0 then "sks a very surprised Peter "bo(t who is ob%ig"ted to $"'
t":es0 the sons o! the king or !oreigners1 +es(s s"'s that sine they do not believe
He is the (on o! God' the' sho(%d $"' the t": immediately' #hile they are still in
the s1uare' %est the' sho(%d be o!!ended. 3eter' again surprised' does as he is
instruted' and !inds the oin in the mouth o! the !ish. With !ish and oin in
hand' 3eter' in !ront o! a #hole ro#d and an ausing 3harisee' pays the ta0.
:ut' be!ore he leaves' 3eter annot help but to also rattle and rouse the ire o! the
3harisee #ith his #itty sarasm.
<2+7p.@,; D The Tribute to the Temple and the (tater in the Mouth o! the Fish.
C32"G$1752 @E M"rch0 s"e d"'A # +es(s "nd the Disci$%es "re going b"ck to
,"$ern"( h"*ing been t"ken b' bo"t to M"gd"%" @3 i%esA b' Oebedee "nd PeterHs
brother#in#%"w to c(re " "n who h"d c%"ied he w"s d'ing1 The' "re disc(ssing this
ost interesting c"se0 which h"s bro(ght s(ch Ko' to +es(s1
24C1 E M"rch The Need to be Like ,hi%dren1 The D"nger o! O!!ending the H(b%e o! He"rt1
Mt 24:2#2> Mk 8:C5b#76 Lk 8:7F#3>E 26:205 ####
$pproahing Capernaum =2 miles?' the $postles get into a lengthy disussion
about #ho has greater merit' Rust a!ter .esus has had to orret 3eter !or his
Rudgmentalism. .esus' #al/ing ahead' ignores them and' reahing the !irst
houses o! the ity' is met by :enRamin' a little boy #hose greatest delight is in
#al/ing #ith .esus and hearing His stories. Arri*ing "t the ho(se o! Thomas'
their host0 +es(s stops and c"%%s His Disci$%es' who are still in;(iring who w"s the
gre"test1 H8ou'I He says' H#ho have shouted yourselves hoarse elebrating your
o#n merits and believe you #ill gain a position aording to them' see this
hildEI +es(s then s$e"ks o! the need o! becoing %ike chi%dren1 </e si$%e "nd
h(b%e 1 1 1 i! 'o( wish to re"ch the $%"ce these innocent so(%s wi%% enter1= 5ater' at
the la/eside' .esus ontinues His lassi te"ching on chi%dren "nd those who wo(%d
o!!end the0 "nd begins His *er' insight!(% te"ching concerning those who $re"ch "nd
he"% in His N"e b(t who do not recogniIe A$osto%ic "(thorit' "nd "re Houtside the
!old.I FThe Gospel #riters used a great deal o! !reedom in rearranging the atual
aount as !ound in The Poem.G =M/ A:@<'@; is also !ound in ,;@7p.,;B.?
<2,7p.@*, D The Greatest in the Oingdom o! Heaven. 5ittle :enRamin o!
LThe' "%% rest on the S"bb"th "nd then %e"*e S"t(rd"' night !or the hi%%s e"st o! the
Se" o! G"%i%ee in Dec"$o%is @3B i%esA @)))0 $17240 7C707720784A1 Here the' wi%%
e*"nge%iIe0 he"% "nd de%i*er !or the ne:t si: d"'s0 conc%(ding with the second ir"c%e
o! the %o"*es1 The crowds grow in siIe1M
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
2471 E M"rch0 Th( The Feeding o! the Fo(r Tho(s"nd1
Mt 23:C>#C8 Mk 4:2#2> #### +n F:C07 <2*7p.@<<
(ome Hills east o! the (ea o! Galilee and the seond ir"c(%o(s !eeding: Fo(r
tho(s"nd "re !ed1 +es(s h"s spent several days evangelizing and he"%ing "n'1 As "
res(%t the crowds !o%%owing Hi h"*e grown to ;(ite " siIe1 His !inal lesson on this
last day is on ho# not to #aste the mirale in your li!e.
Since the crowd h"s been in this "re" !or three d"'s "nd h"s r(n o(t o! !ood0 +es(s
h"s co$"ssion on the1 He (%ti$%ies " !ew %itt%e !ish "nd " b"sket o! piees o! se*en
%o"*es o! bre"d1 A!ter the ir"c%e0 +es(s "nd the Disci$%es de$"rt b' bo"t "cross the
Se" to M"gd"%"1
<2*7p.@<< D The (eond Mirale o! the 5oaves.
LA!ter +es(s %e"*es to M"gd"%" @2>B i%esA0 other bo"ts !ro Tiberi"s "rri*e1 Since
the' do not !ind +es(s0 the' bo"t to ,"$ern"(1 Fro M"gd"%"0 the Disci$%es de$"rt
"%one to ,"$ern"( @See M"tthew 23:C8A1M
2431 M M"rch0 Fri A!ter the Feeding o! the Fo(r Tho(s"nd1
#### #### #### +n F:55#53 <2<7p.@<C
A d"' "!ter the !eeding o! the 70>>>: Aong those "rri*ing "t ,"$ern"( in se"rch
!or +es(s are (tephen and Hermas. The' !ind the bo"t "t ,"$ern"(0 b(t not +es(s1
While they are trying to deide #hat to do' the ro#d enters into a most
interesting disussion #ith (tephen and Hermas' #ho have been Gamaliel9s t#o
!avorite students. They !ind Him Rust as He "rri*es in ,"$ern"( @23 i%esA1 +es(s
then goes to the s'n"gog(e L+ohn F:F>@38AM to s$e"k1 LNOTE: The enth(si"s o! the crowds is "t "n
"%% tie high1 The s'n"gog(e here is !riend%' bec"(se +"ir(s is o$en to +es(s "nd h"s in the $"st de!ended Hi0 b(t +es(s knows the
we"kness o! ere h("n "!!ections "nd He now (st te%% the tr(th !or the s"ke o! those He knows wi%% now !ors"ke HiPM
24F1 M M"rch0 Fri The O!!ense o! the Re"% /od' "nd /%ood o! ,hrist1
#### #### #### +n F:5F#65@62A <2<7p.@@+
S"e d"' in the S'n"gog(e "t ,"$ern"(: +es(s coes str"ight to the $oint "nd
te%%s the th"t the' were seeking Hi bec"(se o! the !ood the' "te0 not bec"(se o!
s$irit("% re"sons1 The' then w"nt to know how the' c"n h"*e the tr(e s$irit("% !ood1
+es(s te%%s the He w"s th"t !ood o! which the' (st e"t1 +es(s "kes it $%"in He is
s$e"king ;(ite %iter"%%'1 E*er'one0 inc%(ding the Disci$%es0 "re shocked1 M"n' o! the
disci$%es who h"d gone so !"r o(t o! the w"' to !ind Hi %e"*e disi%%(sioned1 =This
inludes members o! the Hseventy t#oI aording to M&9s o#n observations.
(ee I&' @BA7p.@BB.? Peter then "!!irs th"t the' wi%% not %e"*e "s the S'n"gog(e crowd
did1 /(t the' "re in !or 'et "nother shock1 +es(s then bre"ks the news: <One o! 'o(
is " de*i%P= They all stand stunned. "o one moves. They glane at one another.
(ome begin to #eep. .esus /eeps His head bo#ed. Finally' a!ter #hat must have
seemed li/e !orever' .esus li!ts His head and says' HCome hereL $m I alread" a
leperE F5ater He #ould be a Hleper'I bearing our sins on the Cross.G 4r do you
thin/ I FreallyG am oneEI They all !all at His !eet. Inredibly' .udas /isses Him
on the hee/. <2<7p.@<C D The :read !rom Heaven.
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
C37G$1774 @M M"rch0 ne:t d"'0 S"t1A # Nico%"(s o! Antioch1 Second T Anno(nceent
o! the P"ssion1 ,"$ern"(: +ohn o! Endor @o%d Fe%i:A0 the e:i%e in Antioch0 h"s "de "
disci$%e0 b(t the o%d root o! re%igio(s "nd ethnic $ride in the +ewish Disci$%es is sti%%
"%i*e e*en "!ter the rebe%%ion "ong "n' o! +es(sH +ewish !o%%owers the d"' be!ore1
Nico%"(s0 the new Genti%e disci$%e is %ooked ($on with s(s$icion1 DLNOTE: This is the
second "nno(nceent o! the P"ssion to the who%e gro($ o! Disci$%es entioned in
The Poem0 b(t M"tthew "nd M"rk ention "nother "nno(nceent "bo(t " week
be!ore @See 2421A not co*ered b' The Poem" Th"t "kes this the third "nno(nceent1
+es(s "%so to%d Peter0 +"es "nd +ohn se$"r"te%' o! the P"ssion on the Mo(nt o!
Tr"ns!ig(r"tion @2681A1M The error is in the ,h"$ter tit%e not in the te:t o! The Poem1
LTow"rds +er(s"%e # Dec"$o%is0 Pere" G M M"rch0AD CCM LPoe ,h"$ters C33 W C38M
C33G$1737 @M M"rch0 ne:t d"'0 S(n1A # Going tow"rds G"d"r"1 Se" o! G"%i%ee: +es(s
"nd the Disci$%es h"d s"i%ed o!! tow"rd Hi$$o "nd %"nded ne"r where the Se" !%ows
into the +ord"n @2C i%esA1 Fro here the' w"%k to G"d"r" @8 i%esA1 +(d"s re*e"%s to
the shocked Disci$%es his reKection o! He%%0 S"t"n "nd h("n !ree wi%% and his
e:$ect"tion th"t +es(s sho(%d ch"nge His *iews "nd "gree with hiP 9hen +es(s tre"ts
hi ch"rit"b%' to ;(e%% the o(tr"ge in the other Disci$%es0 +(d"s br"Ien%' (ses it to tr'
to enh"nce hise%! in the e'es o! the others1 +es(s is co$e%%ed to hide His dee$
wo(nd "nd his sorrow !or +(d"s in his so(%1
C3F"G$1738 @M M"rch0 s"e d"' "nd then night0 S(n1GMon1A # The Night "t G"d"r"1
+ohn is concerned "bo(t +(d"sH e*i% "nd "sks i! it is right to t"%k to Hi "bo(t it1 +es(s
gi*es hi co(nse% on when it is right "nd when it is wrong to s$e"k o! "notherHs e*i%1
2461 M M"rch0 Mo +es(s on the O%d Test"ent Pro*ision !or Di*orce1
Mt 28:C#25 Mk 2>:5#25 #### ####
Morning in Gadara' in Deapolis: $!ter being 1uestioned and #arned by a
%oman o!!ier #ho has been led by .esus9 enemies to believe He #as an agitator'
.esus attempts to spea/ in the ity s1uare. He is r(de%' interr($ted b' Ph"risees0
who "tte$t to c"tch Hi "s being in *"ri"nce with the L"w o! God0 which the'
ist"ken%' be%ie*ed to be in "ccord with the Mos"ic "%%ow"nce o! di*orce "nd
re"rri"ge1 )n "nswer to their ;(estion "bo(t this Mos"ic "%%ow"nce !or di*orce
@which w"s al)ays !or the wrong re"sons0 bec"(se "d(%ter' or !ornic"tion re;(ired
stoningA0 +es(s "cknow%edges th"t s(ch di*orce @"%%owing re"rri"geA w"s al)ays
)ron'1 It is al#ays #rong' Heven in the real piti!ul ases' suh as inurable
leprosy' li!e imprisonment' or unmentionable diseases.I =.esus does not mention
!orniation or adultery in this list o! un!ortunate but inade1uate reasons.? +es(s
then s"'s th"t "rri"ge is " cre"tion o! God "king " "%e "nd !e"%e one0 and thus
something good. To destro' this wo(%d be to destro' soething both o! God and
that #hih is good. "o# spea/ing diretly to the 3harisees' .esus s"'s th"t Moses
"%%owed di*orce "nd re"rri"ge @!or other th"n "d(%ter' "nd !ornic"tionA bec"(se o!
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
the h"rdness o! their he"rts0 to avoid even graver disorders. Desribing ho# evil
they are in the liense they have al#ays ta/en to satis!y their o#n Hunappeasable
lustsI by repudiating their #ives' He "g"in !orbids the this $r"ctice in "%% c"ses
e:ce$t one. LNOTE: For this re"son "%one we know th"t +es(s is not s$e"king "bo(t " ,hristi"n s"cr"ent"% "rri"ge b"sed
on " co$%ete%' (ncondition"% coitent0 b(t " %egiti"te "nd di*ine%' s"nctioned "rri"ge (nion b"sed on n"t(r"% %"w "nd si$%e
In short' to legitimately divore their #ives' He says they =these evil 3harisees?
must openly admit t#o things: !irst' that they have been enlightened to the truth
that a #oman is not a possession' but a soul' and thus has e1ual rights #ith man
and is a part o! man' not an obRet o! his pleasureX seond' they must on!ess
they are so hardhearted as to be unable to treat their #ives #ith the dignity they
/no# they deserve' a!ter enRoying them as prostitutesL Why does .esus allo#
divore in this aseE He e0plains: :eause in th"t c"se' He says' their marriage
is not union but !ornic"tionL .esus ontinues. /(t <!or hi who sends "w"' his
%egiti"te wi!e @when no !ornic"tion is in*o%*ed # Mt1 28:8A beause he is satiated
#ith her' to t"ke "nother one0 there is b(t one sentence: he is "n "d(%terer1 LNOTE:
Ob*io(s%'0 then0 when there is !ornic"tion in*o%*ed b' the other $"rtner0 he wi%% not be "n "d(%terer i! he t"kes "nother wi!e1M And
he who t"kes the re$(di"ted Lsti%% %egiti"te%' "rriedM wo"n is "n "d(%terer1=
.esus goes on to say that a #oman in a legitimate union #ho is forced to
remarry =and thus forced to ommit adultery in establishing the ne# union? to
survive' beause she is sent a#ay' annot ever be ta/en ba/ a!ter her remarriage
to another' even i! her seond husband dies. LNOTE: +es(s th(s c%e"r%' "nd !orce!(%%' t"(ght th"t whi%e
the Mos"ic di*orce did not e+er bre"k " "rit"% (nion0 !ornic"tion does0 gi*ing the right to re"rr'g(n%ess the "rri"ge is "
S"cr"ent"% (nion0 b"sed on $(re (ncondition"% gr"ce1 For +es(sH "%%#i$ort"nt te"ching on the restor"tion o! the Pre#F"%%
S"cr"ent"% M"rri"ge .nion0 see )&0 358G$167C#6741 See "%so the note (nder th"t ,h"$ter in this H"ron'1M
$lone with His Disci$%es0 having le!t the ity' +es(s res$onds with soe
i$ort"nt te"ching on "rri"ge "nd ce%ib"c'1
<2C7p.@2A D The "ight at Gadara and the (ermon on Divore.
C36G$17F4 @M M"rch0 s"e d"'0 Mon1A # At Pe%%"1 On the w"' to Pe%%" @5> i%esA0
+es(s !inds " b%ind bo' "nd " deso%"te other whose son h"s been re$ossessed "!ter
being de%i*ered1 He he"%s the bo' "nd his b%ind other "nd $roises th"t the $"tient
s(!!ering o! the other wi%% bring her son b"ck1
C34"G$176F @M Mch0 s"e d"'0 Mon1A # )n M"tthi"sH Ho(se be'ond +"besh #Gi%e"d @7
i%esA1 This w"s not " $%e"s"nt tri$1 R"in0 (d "nd co%d set the Disci$%es to
gr(b%ing "nd +(d"s to "cc(sing +es(s1 A!ter being reKected "t +"besh#Gi%e"d0 the' "re
we%coed into the $oor hoe o! M"tthi"s1
C34bG$1742 @M M"rch0 ne:t d"'0 T(e1A W M"n' citiIens o! Pe%%" coe to M"tthi"sH
ho(se seeking +es(s1
C38"G$174C @M M"rch0 5 d"'s %"ter0 Th(1A @26 i%esA # Rose o! +ericho1 E"st side o!
the +ord"n North o! /ethK"bbok @26 i%esA: More r"in0 (d0 co%d "nd gr(b%ing1
The' retire in " c"*e !or the night1
C38bG$1748 @M M"rch0 ne:t orning0 Fri1A # Sion the Oe"%ot "nd +ohn "w"ke to !ind
+es(s0 h"*ing w"tched o*er the "%% night witho(t s%ee$0 is now wee$ing1 Most he"*'
on His he"rt is the !"i%(re o! His own Disci$%es to (nderst"nd Hi1 As the' "%% %e"*e
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
the c"*e0 the' eet " wo"n re$(di"ted (nK(st%' bec"(se o! the !"%se "cc(s"tions o!
her %ewd h(sb"nd "nd %e!t !or de"d0 h"*ing been stoned b' tr"*e%ers1 The wo"n0
An"st"sic"0 is he"%ed o! her dise"se "nd to%d to go the /eth"n' "nd st"' with L"I"r(s
(nti% the' coe to /eth"n' @CF7bG$13C>A1 +es(s te%%s her to !orgi*e her h(sb"nd
bec"(se he is the re"son she !o(nd HiP She wi%% be entr(sted to E%iI"0 " !"ith!(%
wo"n disci$%e who h"d been one o! Ho%' M"r'Hs te"chers in the Te$%e C3 'e"rs
The Fi!th .udean Ministry D 3erea' Deapolis' "orthern (amaria 7 Three Months' M
Marh D 5 .une' $D << F3oem Chapters <C+D@*+G
CF>G$1787 @M M"rch0 $rob"b%' 2 or 5 d"'s %"terA # Mir"c%e on the +ord"n in F%ood1
The E"st side o! the +ord"n ne"r /eth"b"r" @53 i%esA1 There is e*en ore r"in "nd
(d1 M"r' M"gd"%ene h"s ridden !ro /eth"n' to w"rn +es(s not to cross "t the !ord
bec"(se so%diers "re w"iting to c"$t(re Hi1 O(t o! concern !or His Disci$%es0 not
Hise%!0 He decides to go b"ck ($stre" @23B i%esA to cross "nd then go b"ck to
G"%i%ee1 Arri*ing "t " crossing $oint0 the' get three bo"ts to cross the !%ooded +ord"n0
b(t "re *er' concerned "bo(t being "b%e to "ke it to the other side in the swi!t r"ging
c(rrent1 9ith +es(s0 itHs <No $rob%eP=
CF2G$13>C @L M"rch0 $erh"$s " week %"terA # On the Other /"nk1 +es(s Meets His
Mother "nd the 9oen Disci$%es1 Now0 soewhere between /ethe% "nd Shi%oh @C>B
i%esA0 +es(s s$e"ks "bo(t the !(t(re ,h(rch0 the i$ort"nce o! the si$%e0 h(b%e
ebers o! the ,h(rch to kee$ "%i*e the !"ith "nd the strength o! the A$osto%ic
,o%%ege1 These other <A$ost%es= wi%% be $ersec(ted b' the wor%d "nd o!ten
condened b' <not "%w"'s $er!ect%' bright inisters o! God1= +es(s "%so sh"res "
g%i$se o! the !in"% K(dgent1
The' "%so r(n into +oh"nn"Hs c"rri"ge with the woen disci$%es "%so ret(rning !ro
/eth"n' to G"%i%ee1 Frightening re$orts h"d re"ched /eth"n' th"t Herodi"s "%so h"s
$%"ns "g"inst the disci$%es "t /eth"n'0 so the' decided to %e"*e1 Howe*er0 bec"(se o!
the Procons(%Hs w"rning "bo(t "n'one cre"ting tro(b%e !or Roe in )sr"e%0 Herodi"sH
bite h"s now been red(ced to " ere b"rk1 Herod hise%!0 who h"d "%re"d' %ost (ch
!"*or with Roe o*er the /"$tistHs de"th0 h"s e*er' re"son to restr"in his wi!eHs
(nho%' "bitions1 /eing con*inced o! the $"ci!ied sit("tion0 the' "%% t(rn "ro(nd "nd
he"d b"ck !or +er(s"%e0 b(t st"' o*ernight in /ethe% @4B i%esA1
2441 L M"rch Few in )sr"e% Find the 9"' o! Li!e1 The' 9i%% End ($ L"st in the -ingdo1
Mt 6:2C027 #### Lk 2C:5C#C3 ####
"e0t day' #ith the $postle Thomas9 !amily in %amah =2 miles !rom :ethel and
2 miles north o! .erusalem?. .esus is given a very #arm #elome. The #hole
ity omes out to greet Him. The people have many 1uestions. 9hen "sked i!
"n' wi%% be s"*ed He re$%ies0 <Stri*e to enter thro(gh the n"rrow door0 thro(gh
which "n' wi%% not be "b%e to enter1 The other one0 which is wide "nd orn"te0 is "n
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
"%%(reent o! S"t"n1 The g"te o! He"*en is n"rrow0 %ow0 barren and rough1 4! those
#ho #ait to the time o! death' only !ew wi%% !ind the n"rrow g"te1 $t the time o!
death many #ill not be able to enter' being laden #ith too muh materialism'
#orldly pomp' sin and pride.I +es(s !(rther e:$%"ins th"t
when the narro# g"te is !in"%%' sh(t0 the <"n'= who "re sti%% seeking to enter b(t
c"nnot wi%% $rotest0 bec"(se the' h"*e <e"ten= with the Lord L!e%%owshi$$ed "t the
LordHs T"b%e0 the Ho%' M"ssPM1 He te%%s the th"t whi%e the' o! both )sr"e% "nd the
,h(rch wi%% be c"st o(t into the $%"ce o! wee$ing "nd gn"shing o! teeth bec"(se the'
ne*er re"%%' knew the Lord "nd h"d %i*ed (nrighteo(s %i*es0 <"n'= wi%% coe !ro the
e"st "nd the west L!ro o(tside the +ewish or ,hristi"n co*en"ntsM 1 1 1 "nd sh"%% sit
down in the -ingdo o! God1 +es(s "dds th"t "n' who tho(ght the' were <!irst0=
"nd ost in GodHs !"*or L"s "n' in )sr"e% did then "nd "s "n' wi%% do in His ,h(rch
%"terPM0 wi%% be %"st in GodHs -ingdo0 i! the' "re s"*ed "t "%%0 "nd those who were
tho(ght to be %e"st wi%% h"*e gone thro(gh the n"rrow g"te !irst "nd with the %e"st
di!!ic(%t'1 LNOTE: ,ontr"r' to how soe h"*e inter$reted M"tthewHs record0 the !ew who wi%% !ind the n"rrow g"te "re those
who tr' to enter "t the $oint o! de"th1 +es(s does not te"ch th"t on%' <!ew= wi%% end ($ in He"*en "nd th"t <ost $eo$%e= wi%% end ($
in He%%1M
Ph"risees0 #ho have tra/ed .esus do#n0 interr($t the g"thering0 "nd attempting
to /eep .esus a#ay !rom the 3assover Feast0 tr' to !righten Hi with stories o!
HerodHs thre"ts1 LNOTE: 9h"t +es(s te%%s the to re%"' to Herod is to e$h"tic"%%' i$ress ($on the "%% th"t He h"s no
!e"r o! "n'one0 not e*en Herod0 "nd th"t neither sho(%d "n' tr(e !o%%ower o! His h"*e "n' !e"r o! "n' h("n "(thorit' "cting o(tside
the wi%% o! God1M
.esus then sho#s them it is the 3harisees #ho are !ull o! !ear. He pelts them
#ith suh a Hhailstorm o! burning truthI about their o#n murderous and evil
hearts that they !lee !rom the ityL +es(sH sorrow!(% %"ent o*er the cit' o!
+er(s"%e0 which h"s !ors"ken Hi "nd its own s"%*"tion0 is also His !are#ell to the
people o! %amah. LNOTE: +es(s "kes the s"e %"ent o*er +er(s"%e two d"'s be!ore His cr(ci!i:ion1 @387dG$1778A
He "%so we$t o*er the cit' on P"% S(nd"'1 See 5C61M
<C*7p.2+B D $t %amah. The "umber o! the )let1 @3 i%es to +er(s"%e !ro
CFCG$1323 @L M"rch0 ne:t d"'A # At the Te$%e1 The <O(r F"ther= "nd " P"r"b%e on
Tr(e Sons1 G""%ie% "gni!icent%' de!ends his !orer disci$%e0 Ste$hen0 "g"inst the
ch"rge o! b%"s$he'1 Ste$hen h"s K(st (rged +es(s to %e*e% the Te$%e th"t the w"%%s o!
!"ith "' rise in enHs he"rtsP The $"r"b%e o! the Tr(e Sons is one o! +es(sH ore
$ower!(% $"r"b%es1
CF7G$1357 @L M"rch0 s"e d"'A # At Gethse"ne "nd /eth"n'1 +es(s te"ches M"rKi"
soe i$ort"nt %essons "bo(t K(dging sinners1 The Oe"%ot re$orts to +es(s th"t <The
Rose o! +ericho0= An"st"sic"0 is w"iting !or Hi "t /eth"n'1 At /eth"n' @5 i%esA0
Nicode(sH re$ort on +(d"sH Te$%e deb"te gi*es (ni;(e insight into +(d"sH (tter
b%indness to s$irit("% *"%(es "nd who +es(s re"%%' is1 +es(s te$ers the *"rio(s *iews
o! +(d"s with soe *er' sober tr(th "bo(t "%% h("n n"t(re when one is gr"nted " gi!t0
" $osition or " s$eci"% c"%%ing0 "nd $ride is in*o%*ed1
CF3G$13C3 @L M"rch0 $rob"b%' the ne:t d"'0 9ed1A # Letters !ro Antioch1 +es(s0 the
Oe"%ot "nd M"rKi" "re t"king An"st"sic" to the ho(se in Gethse"ne to eet Ho%'
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
M"r' "nd the other woen disci$%es1 M"rKi" sh"res the tr"gedies in his %i!e "nd his
str(gg%e to reo*e h"te "nd distr(st in his %i!e with An"st"sic"0 who h"s h"d her sh"re
o! tr"ged'0 "%so1 +es(s re"ds %etters !ro the two e:i%es in Antioch0 +ohn o! Endor "nd
CFFG$1373 @L M"rch0 ne:t d"'0 Th(1A # The Th(rsd"' be!ore P"sso*er1 Morning
Pre%iin"ries1 The Mo(nt o! O%i*es: Ho%' M"r' s$e"ks to An"st"sic" "bo(t the
wo"n +es(s wi%% soon entr(st her to1
CF6G$1376 @L M"rch0 s"e d"'0 Th(1A # The Th(rsd"' be!ore P"sso*er1 At the Te$%e1
On the w"' to the Te$%e0 Ann"%e"h greets +es(s !ro the door o! her ho(se in
+er(s"%e1 Her !i"nci0 S"(e%0 h"s K(st re$(di"ted her "nd +es(s (st co(nse% the
distr"(ght other0 who sees inc"$"b%e o! (nderst"nding the choice her d"(ghter h"s
"de to not contest the (nK(st "ctions o! S"(e% "nd to dedic"te herse%! to God1
M"r'Hs %o*e "nd co(nse% !in"%%' c"%s her1 The' $"ss b' +oh"nn" "nd ,h(I"Hs $"%"ce in
+er(s"%e "nd obt"in !ro ,h(I" " $roise to "ke the P"sso*er e"% " b"n;(et o!
%o*e !or "%% the $oor "nd the in!ir o! the cit'1 Dorc"s0 whose sti%%born chi%d w"s
bro(ght b"ck to %i!e b' +es(s in ,"es"re" Phi%i$$i0 is r(de%' tre"ted in the Te$%e !or
te%%ing her stor'1 +es(s s$e"ks to M"r' o! Sion0 other o! the )sc"riot1 He "%so
s$e"ks to M"rk o! +osi"h0 the !"ith%ess "n He de%i*ered !ro deons1
CF4G$133F @L M"rch0 s"e d"'0 Th(1A # The Th(rsd"' be!ore P"sso*er1 )nstr(ctions to
the A$ost%es1 On the w"' to +oh"nn"Hs ho(se in +er(s"%e1 Peter in;(ires "bo(t the
"$$"rition gr"nted +ohn o! Endor in Antioch1 +es(s s$e"ks o! the d"nger o! ir"c%es1
CF8G$13F5 @L M"rch0 s"e d"'0 Th(1A # The Th(rsd"' be!ore P"sso*er1 )n +oh"nn" o!
,h(I"Hs Ho(se1 As +es(s wished0 +oh"nn" h"s !i%%ed her s$"cio(s hoe with
<h(ndreds= o! begg"rs0 the b%ind0 the o%d0 widows "nd or$h"ns !ro the +er(s"%e
"re"1 This wo(%d be the /"n;(et o! Lo*e He so (ch wished !or0 " !oret"ste o! the
,h(rch He c"e to est"b%ish1 There wo(%d "%so be " big s(r$rise !or the "n'
disci$%es who were enc(bered with $reK(dice "g"inst Genti%es0 es$eci"%%' $"g"ns
o(tside the +ewish !"ith1 +oh"nn" h"s i$(%si*e%' s"id <'es= to " re;(est o! her se*en
$"g"n Ro"n !riends to see +es(s "t the b"n;(et "nd con!esses the "tter to +es(s1
)nste"d o! being the %e"st bit concerned0 +es(s is e%"ted1 A!ter the e"%0 +es(s s$e"ks
o! the one gre"t thing done th"t d"'1 The gre"t thing w"s not the wonder!(% e"%0 b(t
the %o*e th"t w"s ser*ed1 His ess"ge is0 howe*er0 interr($ted b' "n intr(sion o! both
Ph"risees "nd the in!"o(s S"%oe0 the br"Ien%' i$(dent "nd w"nton d"(ghter o!
Herodi"s1 A!ter she is $ro$er%' "nd so(nd%' sh"ed0 she withdr"ws1 +es(s h"s "%s
distrib(ted to the $oor "nd then he"%s0 en "sse0 "%% the sick "nd the %"e1 )n the idst
o! the K(bi%"tion0 the Ph"risees "%so withdr"w1 /ec"(se +(d"s disco*ers +es(sH eneies
were w"iting !or Hi "t Gethse"ne0 $%"ns to go there "re ch"nged1 The' decide
inste"d to go to L"I"r(sH %"rge ho(se in +er(s"%e1
C6>G$1366 @L M"rch0 s"e d"'0 Th(1A # The Th(rsd"' be!ore P"sso*er1 The E*ening1
A!ter " ;(ick e"% "t L"I"r(sH ho(se0 +es(s contin(es to s$e"k o! the signi!ic"nce o!
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
their being together with so "n' di!!erences1 )n the !(t(re0 He s"'s0 there wi%% be no
ore ser*"nts "nd "sters0 no ore r"ces0 b(t "%% wi%% be one in His n"e1 He then
re*e"%s the $resence o! the woen o! Roe0 !or ($ to this $oint the' h"*e conce"%ed
their identities b' their *ei%s1 9hen the' !ind o(t th"t one o! the woen is ,%"(di"0 o!
the ,%"(di !"i%' @"nd the wi!e o! Pi%"teA with direct in!%(ence in Roe0 "nd is
$roising $rotection !or ,hrist0 the Disci$%es "re d(!o(nded1 +(d"s is ecst"tic0
thinking th"t nothing now c"n sto$ the tri($h o! +es(s or den' hi his $%"ce o! g%or'
in th"t tri($h1

C62G$134F @E A$ri%0 ne:t d"'0 Fri1A # Pre$"r"tion D"'1 The Morning1 +on"h0 L"I"r(sH
ser*"nt in ch"rge o! the ho(se in Gethse"ne0 coes "t s(nrise0 gre"t%' distressed o*er
the e*ents o! the $re*io(s night1 Mebers o! the S"nhedrin0 Herodi"ns "nd HerodHs
so%diers h"d coe there to "rrest +es(s "nd thre"tened "nd istre"ted hi1 The
M"gd"%ene o!!ers her s$"cio(s s($$er roo !or the P"sso*er !or the gro($0 which is
now %ess th"n one h(ndred1 +es(s then s"'s He wi%% go to the Te$%e to o!!er the
%"b0 insisting His eneies wi%% do nothing in bro"d d"'%ight1 +es(s (st gi*e +(d"s
"nother w"rning "bo(t !"%se con!idence "nd $ride1
C65G$138> @E A$ri%0 s"e d"'0 Fri1A # Pre$"r"tion D"'1 At the Te$%e1 +es(s "nd His
disci$%es "re o$en%' scorned0 ocked "nd e*en sho*ed b' the "ngr' r(%ers o! the
Te$%e1 S$ont"neo(s%'0 there "%so "rises $r"ise "ong the "n' $oor who h"*e !or
the !irst tie been "b%e to o!!er their %"bs "nd $"rtici$"te in the P"sso*er rit("%1
There "re those who h"*e been so o*ed b' wh"t +es(s h"s done !or the $oor th"t
the' *o%(nteer to contin(e His work1 Aong these is the +ewess n"ed Nike who is
c"%%ed &eronic"1 9hi%e w"iting !or the %"bs to be s"cri!iced0 +es(s is "ss"i%ed
seeing%' b' the entire co$"n' o! Te$%e r(%ers1 N"ing the "nd their sins one b'
one0 howe*er0 the' "re !orced b' their sh"e to !%ee His $resence1
C6CG$1383 @E A$ri%0 s"e d"'0 Fri1A # Pre$"r"tion D"'1 )n the Streets o! +er(s"%e1 On
the w"' b"ck to L"I"r(sH P"%"ce0 +es(s (st re$ro*e His Disci$%es0 who h"*e becoe
e"n s$irited tow"rd the "n' !orer disci$%es "nd bene!ici"ries o! +es(s0 who now
ignore Hi1
C67"0bG$1F>2 @E A$ri%0 s"e d"'0 Fri1A # Pre$"r"tion D"'1 The E*ening1 9ith
+oh"n"nHs istre"ted $e"s"nts in the center roo in the $%"ce o! $roinence0 "nd "%%
the others in the h"%%s "nd roos "ro(nd the0 the P"sso*er rit("% "nd !e"st is
A!ter the !e"st "nd g"thered into the center roo0 the' he"r " %o(d b"nging on the
o(tside door1 A crisis h"s "risen in*o%*ing the !orer !i"nci o! Ann"%e"h0 who0 h"*ing
re$(di"ted her on the b"sis o! " !"%se "nd d""ging ch"rge0 now b%"es her !or the
bre"k($ b' citing her new de*otion to +es(s1 )n the "tte$t to "ke his stor'
be%ie*"b%e he h"d c(rsed +es(s1 )n his g(i%t !or th"t b%"s$he'0 he dr"nk hise%! dr(nk1
Now0 " eber o! Ann"%e"hHs !"i%' h"s been critic"%%' inK(red tr'ing to con!ront the
c(%$rit0 who h"d $icked ($ "n ":e "nd %"nded " b%ow on the innocent "nHs he"d1
+es(s t"kes +(d"s to the scene to show hi wh"t one %itt%e sin %e!t (nchecked wi%% %e"d
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
to1 +es(s he"%s the "n "!ter he %e"rns to !orgi*e the o!!ender1

C63G$1F>8 @E A$ri%0 ne:t d"'0 S"t1A # The S"bb"th o! the .n%e"*ened /re"d1 On%' the
ost de*oted o! the disci$%es "re %e!t "t L"I"r(sH P"%"ce in +er(s"%e1 S$e"king o! the
rede$ti*e $(r$oses o! his s(!!ering0 +es(s co!orts L"I"r(s in his $"in!(% condition1
A re$ort o! corr($tion "nd *ice in the co(rt o! Herod !ro M"n"en0 "nd the shocking
re*e%"tion o! e*i% in*o%*ing Ann"s the High Priest "nd his son h"*e %e!t +es(s sickened
"nd deterined to iedi"te%' %e"*e +er(s"%e0 <the *er' den o! S"t"n0= !or /eth"n'1
+es(s $rono(nces "n etern"% "n"the" ($on the e*i% ebers o! )sr"e%Hs r(%ing e%ite
"nd te%%s those $resent to re%"' His words to those He h"s condened1 LNOTE: This
is " $i*ot"% oent in the histor' o! rede$tion0 when neither )sr"e% nor the Te$%e
"re "n' %onger "ssoci"ted with the -ingdo o! God1 This sees to be con!ired in
C66G$1F530 F5F0 eight d"'s %"ter0 when +es(s s$e"ks o! )sr"e% "nd the Te$%e not "s
<The -ingdo o! God= b(t ere%' <this kingdo0= one <r(%ed b' !%esh0 b%ood0 "*"rice0
!r"(d0 %(st0 "nd crie1=M
2481 E A$ri% M"rth" is O*er#,oncerned "bo(t Te$or"% Things1
#### #### Lk 2>:C4#75 #### <;C7p.C*+
3robably the ne0t day in :ethany: M"rth" co$%"ins th"t M"r' sho(%d be
he%$ing her !i: the e"% !or the Disiples =and at least !ive others?' #ho' having
departed to announe to those in the area that .esus #ill be spea/ing that
evening' #ill be returning #ith empty stomahs. +es(s (st correct her1 Martha
is morti!ied and goes a#ay. (hortly a!ter#ards' .esus says they should go to
Martha that she be not too long in her grie!.
<;C7p.C,; # Mary Has Chosen the :etter 3art.
L+es(s s$e"ks th"t e*ening1 He "nd His Disci$%es s$end the ne:t se*en d"'s "t
C66G$1F55 @E A$ri%0 $rob"b%' S(n1A # +es(s S$e"ks "t /eth"n'1 9ith gre"t di!!ic(%t'
"nd sorrow0 Ho%' M"r' "nd "%% the woen disci$%es o! G"%i%ee now %e"*e !or their
hoe%"nd1 The crowds !ro +(de" h"*e grown "nd $r"ctic"%%' !i%% the orch"rd
between the o%d ho(se o! the Oe"%ot "nd L"I"r(sH ho(se1 The crowd inc%(des the
A$ost%es0 the origin"% 65 disci$%es @tho(gh soe h"d been re$%"ced b' those who h"d
de!ected o*er the reKection o! the E(ch"ristA0 "nd "n e;("% n(ber o! other disci$%es0
Herodi"ns0 "nd the *ei%ed Ro"n %"dies "nd Ph"risees o! +(de"0 inc%(ding " n(ber
who "re eneies o! +es(s 1 His eneies0 o! co(rse0 $(t these%*es in the !ront row o!
the crowd1 +es(s now re!ers to )sr"e% "nd the Te$%e "s <this kingdo0= "nd "s one
r(%ed b' <!%esh0 b%ood0 "*"rice0 !r"(d0 %(st0 crie0= the destin' o! whose chi%dren is "
c"sting o(t into d"rkness1 This brings "n o(tcr' o! <b%"s$he'= !ro the r(%ers1 +es(s
contin(es "nd t(rns "%% their "tte$ts to thw"rt Hi into tri($hs in the e'es o! the
crowd0 b(t His eneiesH "tt"ck on%' "cce%er"tes1 )t is then th"t one o! the *ei%ed
woen "rches ($ be!ore the "nd (n*ei%s herse%!0 "nd with "n "(thorit"ri"n *oice
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
"sks0 <9hich o! 'o( is !orgetting he is " s%"*e o! RoeB= Shocked to see the wo"n
is ,%"(di"0 the high#r"nking Ro"n $"trici"n0 wi!e o! Pi%"te hise%!0 the' !ind
these%*es iedi"te%' s(bd(ed "nd h(b%ed1 +es(s then de%i*ers " c%"ssic ess"ge
on His !in"% tri($h0 which wi%% "ct("%%' be ins(red0 He con!ident%' "sserts0 b' the
o$$osition o! His eneiesP

C64G$1FC> @E A$ri%0 s"e d"'0 S(n1A # Tow"rds Mt1 Adoin1 +es(s tries to !ind " $%"ce
where the' c"n be "%one to $r"' "nd $re$"re these%*es !or <!resh !iercer "nd !iercer
str(gg%es0= not on%' "g"inst their eneies b(t "%so "g"inst their <egos1=

C68G$1FCC @M A$ri%0 "bo(t " week %"terA # A!ter the Retre"t ($on Mt1 ,herith @2C
i%es NE o! +er(s"%eA1 This week o! retre"t h"s restored $e"ce to the Twe%*e who
h"*e s(!!ered so (ch !ro the dist(rb"nces o! the $"st onth1 The' h"*e h"d to
re!%ect on wh"t "cting in %o*e tow"rd "%% e"ns1 +es(sH decision to "cce$t the o!!er o!
!ood !ro o(nt"in b"ndits0 who the' r"n into d(ring the week0 w"s "n e:"$%e o!
showing %o*e to those who were ost <(nworth'1= +es(s e:$%"ined th"t e*en tho(gh
the o!!er w"s !or se%!#ser*ing re"sons0 to reKect the $ro*ision0 "s the Ph"risees wo(%d
h"*e done0 wo(%d h"*e disco(r"ged ch"rit"b%e "cts "ong these en in the !(t(re1
The <in!inite= %o*e o! God0 which (st be within (s to bring "bo(t con*ersions0 wi%%
coe0 s"'s +es(s0 b' o(r (nion with God0 when the ,re"t(re dis"$$e"rs in the ,re"tor1
The A$ost%es then were sent o(t to $re"ch "nd then g"ther those interested in
he"ring +es(s "t the !oot o! the o(nt"in0 whi%e He st"'ed "nd $r"'ed the rest o! the
d"' "nd night1
28>1 M A$ri% The P"r"b%e o! the Shrewd Stew"rd1
#### #### Lk 2F:2#24 #### <B+7p.C<A
"e0t day near .eriho =@ miles?' to " crowd that has gathered which inc%(ded
Ph"risees and )ssenes: Man9s general sin o! misusing the material goods o! the
earth that God has given him' and turning them into oasions !or sin and rime'
.esus says' #ould re1uire a strit aounting and punishment unless salvation is
!ound !or suh sin. (ine both the poor' by their envy and ovetousness' and the
rih' by their indulgene' both sin and thus need salvation' He tells ho# eah
an use #hat they !ind as an oasion !or evil in their lives to be the oasion o!
their salvation and holiness. HThe poor #ho is not envious' #ho does not urse'
#ho does not attempt to ta/e #hat belongs to other people' but is happy #ith
#hat he has' e0ploits his humble ondition in order to ahieve !uture
holiness . . .I (ine .esus admits that most o! the poor /no# ho# to do that'
.esus addresses the rih to sho# them ho# they also an be saved !rom the three
deadly lusts that ome !rom the love o! money: lust !or material things' !or po#er
and !or the pleasures o! the !lesh. In short' He te%%s the $"r"b%e o! the Shrewd
Stew"rd @Lk1 2F:2#4A to show th"t the we"%th o! the rich (st be (sed to "ke the
rich0 not !or this %i!e0 b(t !or the ne:t %i!e1 He te"ches th"t those o! the wor%d o!ten
h"*e ore wisdo concerning te$or"% "tters in $%"nning "he"d th"n those who "re
en%ightened with etern"% tr(ths0 "s the Ph"risees1 $t the point #here +es(s s$e"ks
"bo(t h"*ing to choose between God "nd M"on @*12CA0 an )ssene obRets'
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
stating his ase !or the divine predestination o! all things' even evil and
damnation. .esus responds by ma/ing it lear God annot be unRust or the
author o! evil and that God reated all men #ith e1ual love. $ (ribe' to tempt
Him' obRets to .esus9 point o! man9s !ree #ill by laiming temptation to sin is
too great and that God is thus not !air. $!ter he is rebu/ed by the truth' the
)ssene' #ho #ants to /no# the truth' no# as/s .esus #hy He #ould believe in
the resurretion o! the physial body. .esus9 ans#er is so pro!ound and so !illed
#ith the (pirit that the man is dramatially onverted' instantly leaving the
empty dotrines o! the )ssenes. LNOTE: The three distinct thees in **1 2F#24 th"t !o%%ow "re c%e"r%' issing
their essenti"% conte:ts "s the' $resent no contin(it' "nd *126 is obsc(re1 The Poem $ro*ides both contin(it' "nd c%"rit' to this entire
Gos$e% te:t which !o%%ows:M
<The severe L"w "nd the Pro$hets @*12FA #ho !oretold Me' but not#ithstanding
the ries o! their distressing propheies they #ere not able to #ithhold sin' end
with +ohn1 A!ter .ohn0 coes the -ingdo o! God0 the Oingdom o! love. I say to
the humble: \Go in' it is !or you.9 And e*er'one #ith a good #ill stri*es to go in1=
"o#' spea/ing diretly to the 3harisees =#hom He atually names?' He harges
them #ith distorting and hanging the etern"%0 ne*er ch"nging @*126A 5a# by
reating loopholes !or their sins. He harges them #ith ignoring the real
meaning o!' H8ou shall not ommit adultery'I to #hih' in order to give ba/ the
original meaning' He says must be added' <He who sends b"ck his wi!e to "rr'
"nother one is "d(%tero(s0 "nd he who "rries " wo"n re$(di"ted b' her h(sb"nd is
"d(%tero(s @*124A0 beause #hat God Roined' death an only separate.I LNOTE: Since
+es(s "$$e"rs to be s$e"king to s$eci!ic sit("tions in the %i*es o! two Ph"risees0 we neednHt e:$ect this to be " co$%ete st"teent o!
+es(sH *iews on di*orce or re"rri"ge1 See Gos$e% e$isode 2461 !or +es(sH ore co$%ete tre"tent o! the s(bKect1M
<B+7p.C<C D The 3arable o! the >n!aith!ul LShrewdM (te#ard. )ssenes and
C42G$1F7F @M A$ri%0 s"e d"'A # )n NikeHs Ho(se1 +ericho: Nike @&eronic"A0 the
widowed +ewess o! the Di"s$or"0 hosts the we"r' A$ost%es1 She $o(rs o(t to +es(s
her desire to co!ort Hi in His ho(r o! "gon'1 The desire is gr"nted "nd in one 'e"r
to the *er' d"'0 her desire wo(%d be !(%!i%%ed in striking det"i% @See &0 F>7G$1388A1
C45G$1F35 @M A$ri%0 ne:t d"'A # At the Ford between +ericho "nd /eth"b"r" @3 i%esA1
+es(s s$e"ks on %i!e "s the $re$"r"tion !or de"th "nd the c"(se o! de"th "nd sh"e1
C4CG$1F34 @M A$ri%0 s"e d"'A # )n So%oonHs Ho(se1 O%d An"ni"s @C i%esA1 9hi%e
the Disci$%es "re in the $rocess o! c%e"ning ($ the neg%ected %itt%e ho(se gi*en to the
b' So%oon the bo"t"n soe si: onths be!ore @)))0 $33A0 the' disco*er " hoe%ess
o%d b%ind "n ne"rb'1 He h"s been "b"ndoned b' his d"(ghter#in#%"w1 +es(s t"kes hi
in0 gi*es hi b"ck his sight0 "nd $(ts hi in ch"rge o! the %itt%e ho(se1 +es(sH kindness
brings te"rs to the e'es o! Peter1
C47G$1FFC @L A$ri%0 ne:t d"'A # At the ,ross#Ro"d ne"r So%oonHs &i%%"ge1 P"r"b%e o!
the L"bor Agents1 +es(s "nd the A$ost%es inister here !or the ne:t F d"'s0
$re"ching "nd he"%ing1
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
C43G$1FF8 @L A$ri%0 one week "!ter ,h C47A # Tow"rds the 9estern /"nk o! the
C4FG$1F62 @L A$ri%0 s"e d"'A # At Gi%g"% @5 i%esA1 The /egg"r Og%"1 The Twe%*e
Stones1 This "cco(nt o! Og%" the begg"r $ro*ides signi!ic"nt insight into c(%$"bi%it'
!or sin0 the i$ort"nce o! honest con!ession0 "nd *"%id e:$i"tion1 +es(s is ocked0
ins(%ted "nd then c(rsed b' soe Scribes1 9ithdr"wing "side0 He s$e"ks o! the 25
stones o! witness on the +ord"n b"nk to the o$ening o! the ri*er to the Ark in +osh("Hs
d"' "nd the second 25 hidden stones o! witness within the +ord"n itse%! th"t testi!'
"g"inst "n )sr"e% th"t wi%% re!(se to o$en to the Tr(e Ark @Ho%' M"r'A "nd its Di*ine
,ontent @,hristA in this Their d"'1 )n the conte$%"tion o! this $resent reKection "nd
the sc"ttering "nd s$irit("% de!ection o! the <stones= o! o%d )sr"e% "nd the coing
sc"ttering "nd de!ection o! soe o! the <stones= o! New )sr"e%0 He wee$s deso%"te%'
on the sho(%der o! +"es0 who wo(%d soon be he"d o! the ,h(rch in )sr"e%1 +es(s is
c%e"r there is " de!inite order in the ,h(rch th"t h"s ore spirit&al a&thority th"n the
ore *isib%e A$osto%ic co%%ege "nd th"t it deri*es its "(thorit' K(st "s cert"in%' !ro its
origin"%%' di*ine%' chosen <25= "s h"s those within the A$osto%ic s(ccession with
"gisteri"% "(thorit'1 These0 o! co(rse0 "re the <*ision"ries= or $ro$hets1 @See "%so
))02F3G$186 "nd &0FC2G$143>A

C46G$1F66 @L A$ri%0 $rob"b%' the ne:t d"'0 Th(1A # Tow"rds Engedi1 9hi%e +(d"s
)sc"riot "nd the Oe"%ot "re sent on " ission to /eth"n'0 +es(s "nd the re"ining ten
contin(e so(th1 /e!ore the' de$"rt0 +es(s0 "%one with +(d"s0 "kes " $"ssion"te $%e"
!or hi to kee$ "w"' !ro the h"r!(% e%eents in +er(s"%e "nd to s"*e his own so(%
!ro their hidden $%"ns to destro' hi1 Des$ite "%% +es(s s"'s0 +(d"s re"ins b%ind to
the d"nger he is in1
C44G$1F4C @L A$ri%0 ne:t d"'0 Fri1A # Arri*"% "t Engedi @C> i%esA1
C48G$1F43 @L A$ri%0 s"e d"'0 Fri1A # Pre"ching "nd Mir"c%es "t Engedi1 Abr"h"0 the
"ged he"d o! the S'n"gog(e0 te%%s +es(s o! his eeting the 9ise Men who were !%eeing
!ro Herod o*er thirt' 'e"rs "go1 +es(s he"%s his "ged wi!e0 ,o%ob"1
C8>G$1F85 @E M"'0 two d"'s %"ter0 S(n1A # E%ish" o! Engedi1 +es(s "%so he"%s
Abr"h"Hs son0 E%ish"0 o! %e$ros'1 He h"d been %i*ing in the hi%%s se$"r"ted !ro his
C82G$1F8F @E M"'0 one to two d"'s %"terA # At M"s"d" @23 i%esA1 +es(s de%i*ers "
ess"ge !ro o%d An"ni"s o! So%oonHs &i%%"ge to his h"rdhe"rted d"(ghter#in#%"w0 "s
He $roised1
C85G$16>2 @E M"'0 two to three d"'s %"terA # At the ,o(ntr' Ho(se o! M"r'0 Mother
o! +(d"s @27 i%esA1 +(d"s "nd Sion the Oe"%ot "rri*e !ro /eth"n'1 +(d"s h"d
cre"ted "nother $rob%e whi%e in +er(s"%e1 He h"d gone to the Antoni" !ortress to
see ,%"(di"0 Pi%"teHs wi!e1 He h"d insisted th"t +es(s wo(%d h"*e "n e"rth%' kingdo0
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
which h"d now $(t do(bts in her ind "bo(t +es(sH c%"i o! on%' " s$irit("% kingdo1
,%"(di" is re%"ted to the E$eror o! Roe "nd wo(%d w"nt nothing to do with
dist(rbing the $e"ce o! Roe1 +(d"s is so (tter%' b%inded b' conceit "nd $ride th"t he
thinks he c"n get ,%"(di"0 Pi%"teHs wi!e0 to Koin " rebe%%ion "g"inst RoeP
C8CG$16>3 @M M"'0 " week to 8 d"'s %"terA # F"rewe%% to -erioth1 P"r"b%e o! the Two
9i%%s1 +es(s tries to $re$"re the $eo$%e o! -erioth so the' wi%% not conden +(d"sH
other when He is betr"'ed1
C87G$16>4 @M M"'0 s"e d"'A # Anne o! -erioth1 F"rewe%% to +(d"sH Mother1 +es(s
"nd +(d"sH other %e"*e the co(ntr' ho(se ne"r -erioth to *isit the brokenhe"rted
other o! the wo"n +(d"s )sc"riot w"s to "rr'0 who inste"d w"s betr"'ed "nd died
o! " broken he"rt1 +es(s he"%s the bitterness th"t r($t(red the !riendshi$ o! these two
others "nd $re$"res Anne to s($$ort +(d"sH other when she wo(%d ost need it1
Strengthening her with "ss(r"nces o! His "nd GodHs *er' s$eci"% %o*e0 He orders
+(d"sH other not to go to ne:t 'e"rHs P"sso*er1
Notebooks 2877 $2C8 @M M"'0 ne:t d"'A # A &ision o! +es(s with ,hi%dren1 +es(s
*isits S"r"h o! +(tt" @4 i%esA0 her !"i%' "nd !riends1 He is enr"$t(red in the %o*e "nd
innocence o! " sw"r o! chi%dren1 @See )0 6FG$1C88 where +es(s !irst eets S"r"h "nd
her !"i%'1A This "cco(nt0 (n!ort(n"te%'0 did not get $%"ced in The Poem b(t w"s
$%"ced in M&Hs other works1
C83G$1627 @M M"'0 ne:t d"'A # F"rewe%% to +(tt"1 The who%e cit' coes o(t to he"r
+es(s1 He $r"ises the !or their h(b%e "nd ste"d!"st !"ith in Hi in the !"ce o! so
(ch o$$osition1 L+es(s goes to Hebron @4 i%esA1M
C8FG$1628 @M M"'0 ne:t d"'A # F"rewe%% to Hebron1 9hi%e +es(s $re$"res these
!"ith!(% $eo$%e !or the coing stor0 +(d"s c"n on%' see g%or' "nd honor to coeP
C86G$165C @M M"'0 $ossib%' s"e d"'A # F"rewe%% to /ethI(r1 )n /ethI(r @7 i%esA0
the' go to see E%iI"0 one o! Ho%' M"r'Hs te"chers in the te$%e0 "nd An"st"sic"0 the
resc(ed "nd he"%ed <Rose o! +ericho= @C38bG$1$748A who h"d been entr(sted to E%iI"
"s " d"(ghter1 +es(s $re$"res the $eo$%e o! the cit' !or His gre"t h(i%i"tion1
C84G$1654 @M M"'0 ne:t d"'0 Th(1A # At /ether @23 i%esA1 At +oh"nn"Hs est"te1
+oh"nn" con!ides to +es(s the con!(sion +(d"s cre"ted in the ind o! ,%"(di" @Pi%"teHs
wi!eA0 who he "nd the Oe"%ot h"d seen whi%e *isiting the Antoni" in +er(s"%e @See
C88G$16CC @M M"'0 ne:t d"'0 Fri1A # +es(s "t /ether with Peter "nd /"rtho%oew1
Peter "nd /"rtho%oew coe h(rried%' to /ether to +oh"nn"Hs hoe to re$ort on "
sc"nd"% cre"ted b' +(d"s1
7>>G$16C4 @L M"'0 ne:t d"'0 S"t1A # F"rewe%% to /ether1 +es(s c"%s ,h(I"Hs !e"rs
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
cre"ted b' +(d"sH "(d"cio(s "nd (n"(thoriIed "$$ro"ch to ,%"(di" b"ck in +er(s"%e1
Tho(gh +es(s0 "s "%w"'s0 b' His gr"cio(sness0 *ei%s !ro e*er'oneHs e'es +(d"sH sins0
+es(sH ess"ge here is $ossib%' His strongest w"rning 'et to +(d"s1
7>2G$167C @L M"'0 s"e d"'0 S"t1A # Sion o! +on"hHs Str(gg%e "nd S$irit("% &ictor'1
Peter is boi%ing o*er "n ins(%t +(d"s h"s gi*en to his brother Andrew "nd the "$$"rent
worth%essness o! "%% his se%!#s"cri!ici"% $en"nce "nd $r"'er he h"s so heroic"%%' "de
!or hi1 He is re"d' to e:$%ode "t +(d"s b(t r(ns to +es(s !or he%$0 then decides to
t"ke o(t his !r(str"tion on the s(rro(nding woods1 The h(ge co%%ection o! !irewood he
g"thered w"s re"%%' ne*er the intended obKect o! s(ch "n e:$endit(re o! e!!ort1 A%one0
+es(s tender%' e:$resses His gr"tit(de to the te"r!(% !irst he"d o! the ,h(rch1
7>5G$167F @L M"'0 ne:t d"'0 S(n1A # Going tow"rds E"(s on the P%"in @23 i%esA1
+es(s "nd His Disci$%es r(n into " n(ber o! she$herd disci$%es who h"*e $re"ched in
gro($s "%% o*er western +(de"1 Soe h"*e s(!!ered se*ere $ersec(tion1
7>CG$163> @L M"'0 s"e d"'0 S(n1A # Litt%e Mich"e% "nd Pre"ching ne"r E"(s on
the P%"in1 This inc%(des " tender "nd ins$iring "cco(nt o! the si$%e !"ith in " $(re
he"rt o! " chi%d n"ed Mich"e%1
L+es(s goes to +o$$" @57 i%esA "nd s$ends the ne:t d"' there $re"ching "nd
he"%ing "n'1 A 'e"r "nd " h"%! $rior to this " !"ther !ro +o$$" h"d his d(%%#witted
bo' he"%ed b' +es(s "t ,%e"r 9"ter1 )0255G$1F34M
7>7G$16F2 @L M"'0 "t %e"st 2 d"'s %"terA # At +o$$"0 +es(s S$e"ks to +(d"s o! -erioth
"nd to soe Genti%es 1 +es(s (ses e*er' $ossib%e "$$e"% to bring +(d"s to 'ie%d his
$ride "nd se%! wi%% to Hi1 L"ter He res$onds to soe Genti%es0 who h"*e ;(estions
"bo(t Socr"tes "nd Greek $hi%oso$h'1 +es(sH *iew o! the h("n so(% "nd the "!ter %i!e
is *er' i%%(in"ting1 At being in*ited to coe to Roe0 +es(s $roises th"t Peter "nd
+ohn "nd "n' others wi%% coe in His $%"ce1
2821 L M"' The P"r"b%e o! the &ine'"rd Owner "nd the Two Sons1
Mt 52:54#C5 #### #### #### @+27p.;;2
$t least one day later at "iodemus9 estate in the 3hilistine 3lain =** miles?:
:e!ore "iodemus disovers .esus in his harvest !ields' a #ido# is able to tell
.esus privately o! the generosity o! "iodemus' #ho has delared this year a year
o! grae !or the poor. God had proteted his rops !rom the unusually old
spring that year. It is to the poor #ho are gleaning' the #or/ers and "iodemus
that .esus tells The $"r"b%e o! the &ine'"rd Owner "nd Two Sons a!ter having
blessed the !ruit o! his land.
@+27p.;;, D In the )state o! "iodemus. The 3arable o! the T#o (ons.
2851 L M"'0 Th( F"ith "s " Gr"in o! M(st"rd Seed1
#### #### Lk 26:30F #### @+C7p.;B*
The same or ne0t day at the estate o! .oseph o! $rimathea =A miles?: :eing
loser to the (ea' the harvest is already !inished' and .oseph is seen distributing
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
aording to need the sheaves he has reserved !or the poor' #hih' aording to
his ount' represent C* !amilies. His giving is so generous that the servants must
tell him he #ill ertainly run out. With a leture on !aith to his servants' .oseph
only inreases the portions. $t the end' not only did they have enough but there
#ere still ,,* sheaves le!t. The sheaves have learly multiplied. .esus and the
$postles appear !rom behind a hedge !rom #here they #ere #athing. .esus'
pointing out that sine !aith based on a desire o! love an multiply orn' !aith
should be inreased in them !or higher purposes. It is this amazement over the
e!!et o! !aith that eliits even !rom the A$ost%es the re;(est0 <)ncre"se o(r !"ith1=
+es(s s"'s0 <)! 'o( h"*e "s (ch !"ith "s the siIe o! " (st"rd seed 1 1 1 'o( wi%% be
"b%e to s"' to the mighty (%berr' tree #hih shades .oseph9s #ell: N.$root
'o(rse%! "nd be tr"ns$%"nted in the #aves o! the se"1H= .esus then as/s the many
poor and the lame' #ho still did not /no# #ho He #as' i! they believe that the
Christ the" ha#e heard about an ure their si/nesses and do anything. In
response to their !aith' He instantly heals them all. It is then they realize #ho He
is. @+C7p.;;; D $t the )state o! .oseph o! $rimathea.
7>6G$1645 @L M"'0 two d"'s %"ter0 S"t1A # )n the Ho(se o! +ose$h o! Ari"the" on "
S"bb"th1 +ohn0 " Meber o! the S"nhedrin1 +es(s shows the w"' o! de%i*er"nce to "
"n who0 c"(ght b' the deon o! %(st0 h"s dri*en his good wi!e to the $oint o!
"b"ndonent1 LNOTE: +es(s shows th"t the sin o! "d(%ter' in*o%*ed when " s$o(se is
!orced to "b"ndon "n "b(sing $"rtner @in " non#s"cr"ent"% "rri"geA "nd re"rr' is
on the he"d o! the "b(sing $"rtner0 not the innocent one1 See "%so ))0 267cG$1264 or
M"tthew 3:C51M
7>4G$1644 @L M"'0 ne:t d"'0 S(n1A # The A$ost%es S$e"k1 On the w"' to +er(s"%e
@56 i%esA1 +(d"s tests "nd tries the other A$ost%esH $"tience once "g"in1 LSoe !o(r
onths %"ter0 +es(s recei*es word th"t on this d"'0 +ohn o! Endor0 one o! the e:i%es to
Antioch0 h"s died0 %e"*ing S'nt'che to c"rr' on the work there "%one1 See )&0
7>8G$168C @L M"'0 $rob"b%' ne:t d"'A # The Mir"c(%o(s G%e"ning in the P%"in1 +es(s
coes "cross "n "ged "nd ne"r%' b%ind wo"n in the !ie%ds tr'ing to g%e"n1 She h"d
%ost " gr"ndson de!ending his son in the /eth%ehe "ss"cre1 Her own son0 the !"ther
to the s%"in $rotector0 died o! " broken he"rt1 The' co%%ect the ir"c(%o(s%'
(%ti$%'ing g%e"nings !or her "s the' "$$e"r in the stri$$ed !ie%ds1 +es(s co!orts "nd
b%esses this other whose %i!e h"s been so !i%%ed with grie!0 bec"(se he knows the $"in
o! His own other1
72>G$14>> @L M"'0 ne:t d"' *er' e"r%' orning o! the D"' o! PentecostA # The Li%' o!
the &"%%e'1 On the w"' to +er(s"%e1 +es(s tender%' s$e"ks o! His other "s the $(re0
h(b%e "nd ost !r"gr"nt Li%' o! the &"%%e'1
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
28C1 L M"' Dinner with the 9icked LHe%k"i0 "M Ph"risee Lo! the S"nhedrinM1
#### #### Lk 22:CC0C6#37 #### @,,' @,*
3enteost in the Temple: +es(s0 s$e"king plainly about the danger Israel is in'
stirs up the rulers' #ho send in the Temple guards to drive .esus out. They only
end up stirring up the people against them and the rulers. $!ter threats by the
%oman guards against the Temple guards' .esus is relutantly allo#ed to spea/'
but ends up debating the po#er!ul Hel/ai o! the (anhedrin. Hel/ai as/s #hy
.esus spea/s so severely =i.e. learly and truth!ullyL?. .esus replies that He is the
5ight and that Hthe Most High #ould have sent His light in vain i! He h"d hidden
th"t Light (nder " b(she%1 Not e*en en do so when the' %ight " %"$0 other#ise
there #ould be no sense in lighting it. I! the' %ight it0 they do so th"t it "' gi*e
%ight "nd those in the ho(se "' see1 (ubdued ompletely by the #isdom o! .esus
and by the approval the ro#d has given to .esus' Hel/ai the Ph"risee0 to save
!ae' !eigns !riendship by in*iting +es(s to " dinner "t his ho(se in .erusalem #ith
all his !riends. $ trap #as set !or +es(s so He ould be "cc(sed o! not w"shing
be!ore e"ting1 Hel/i hurries .esus into the dining area be!ore He has time to
#ash. .esus did not as/ to go ba/ to #ash beause Hel/ai said He #as in a
hurry. "o# .esus is aused o! violating the ordinanes o! Israel. $!ter +es(s
reb(kes the Ph"risees0 str"ight!orw"rd%' with incredib%e wisdo "nd se%!#contro%0 He
leaves #ith His Disiples. For the !irst time' death is suggested =by Hel/ai? as a
means o! solving the problem o! .esus.
@,,7p.B+@ D In .erusalem !or 3enteost.
@,*7p.B,, D .esus at the :an1uet o! Hel/ai' the 3harisee and Member o! the
72CG$145> @L M"'0 s"e d"'0 PentecostA # At /eth"n'1 +es(s retires to His o"sis o!
%o*e in the hoe o! L"I"r(s0 M"r' "nd M"rth"0 the stor o! h"tred "g"inst Hi
h"*ing re"ched " new c%i":1 +es(sH grie! is so "$$"rent th"t it brings His !riends to
sorrow "nd te"rs1 )t is cert"in%' " dee$ conso%"tion to +es(s th"t L"I"r(s0 in dee$ $"in0
h"s b' ho%' reso%*e resigned hise%! to s(!!ering !or the rede$tion o! h("nit'1
LTh"t e*ening +es(s "nd the A$ost%es %e"*e !or Teko"h @5> i%esA where He !"sts !or
5 d"'s @)))0 $F6>0 455E )&0 $52A "nd then he"ds tow"rd +ericho @53 i%esA1M
727G$16 @E +(ne0 three d"'s "!ter PentecostA # The /egg"r on the Ro"d to +ericho1
The !"ith o! " S""rit"n is "n occ"sion !or 'et "nother %esson !or +(d"s "nd "nother
$%e" !or hi to decide to !ors"ke his w"'s1 L+es(s *isits Nike @&eronic"A ne"r +ericho
!or " co($%e o! d"'s1 72FG$155M
2871 E +(ne O"cch"e(sH ,on*ersion1
Mt 24:22 #### Lk 28:2#2> ##### @,27p.,<
"e0t day "t +ericho: O"cch"e(s0 having already hanged his li!e a!ter someone
had told him #hat he had heard o! .esus9 (ermon on the Mount' c%ibs ($ " tree
to see +es(s "s He $"sses thro(gh the ,it'1 Though Uahaeus is a!!lited #ith
variose sores =#hih eventually #ould lead to his death?' he spea/s to .esus at
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
his home only about his diseased heart. The crowd o! $eo$%e outside his door who
!ee% neg%ected is co$%"ining "bo(t +es(sH "ttention to O"cch"e(s0 who is "n'thing b(t
res$ected b' these citiIens1 .esus alms Uahaeus9 onern by reminding him th"t
he is "%so " son o! Abr"h" "nd th"t the Son o! M"n h"s coe to seek "nd s"*e the
%ost1 <Tod"'0= s"'s +es(s0 H5ight and S"%*"tion h"*e coe to the ho(se o! your
heart.I It #as Rust one sentene o! the :eatitudes that !irst opened up the heart
o! Uahaeus to .esus and his eventual onversion: H:lessed are the poor in
spiritI =@,27p.*+?. LNOTE: O"cch"e(s te%%s +es(s (ch %"ter th"t it w"s " ser*"nt o! his !"ther who w"s the <*oice th"t
w"s ne*er si%ent when ) sinned= @!or which he w"s "%w"'s b"d%' tre"tedA who $%"'ed " %"rge $"rt in his con*ersion @35>G$1F64A1M
@,27p.,, D The Conversion o! Uahaeus.
LE"st o! +ord"n # Pere"0 Dec"$o%is0 Northern S""ri" G 5e 9eeks0 E#L +(ne0AD CCM LPoe
,h"$ters 72F#757M
2831 E +(n#L Oct +es(s A*oids D"nger Lto His Disci$%esM1
#### #### #### +n 6:2 @,CD@;2
"e0t day at (olomon9s &illage in 3erea =Bmiles?: +es(s avoids danger' not to
Himsel!' but to His Disiples' b' %e"*ing +(de" !or G"%i%ee a!ter only t#o months o!
ministry1 LNOTE: +ohn "kes no ention o! "n' e*ents o! this !i!th +(de"n inistr' th"t h"d becoe so thre"tening0 nor does
he ention "n'thing !ro the !o%%owing si:th G"%i%e"n Ministr'1M +es(s wo(%d ret(rn three months later !or
His !in"% ission in +(de"0 becoing o(r S"cri!ice1 =The !ourth .udean ministry
had also been ut to one month beause .esus /ne# His Disiples did not have
the !aith to !ae the esalating hostilities.? $t (olomon9s house' .esus heals the
shepherd disiple' .oseph' #ho has been seriously inRured by a ro/ thro#n #hile
ministering !or .esus.
@,C7p.*+ D $t (olomon9s &illage.
28F1 E +(ne /ew"re o! the Le"*en o! the Ph"risees1 Fe"r Not Those 9ho -i%% the /od'1
#### #### Lk 25:2#25 ####
"e0t day at a village on the east ban/ o! .ordan =E Miles?: The #hole village
crowds "nd throngs +es(s a!ter He ures several people. (pea/ing' then' to the
ro#d !rom a boat in the .ordan' He e0poses the ommon error o! thin/ing that
beause the 5a# e0luded de!ormed people !rom serving in the
Temple that God sa# them as sinners. The ne0t day' .esus' !ollo#ed by His
Disiples' is being ta/en to a man possessed by (atan. $!ter 1uite a ontest #ith
the )vil 4ne' (atan is driven out' but not be!ore all #ho are present hear him
say' HI #ill avenge mysel! . . . There is a demon beside 8ou and I #ill go into him
and possess him'I and not be!ore (atan' #ith a loud noise' violently hurls a tree
trun/ almost upon them. )veryone is astounded at this po#er' and a!ter .esus
departs' He e0plains to His Disiples the nature o! this po#er!ul possession as
ompared that o! Mary o! Magdala. He then e0plains ho# (atan used #oman to
introdue sin into the #orld through her uni1ue gi!t o! sensitivity and love.
In the meantime' 3harisees' no# alone #ith the !reed man' begin to verbally
atta/ him and ause him o! allo#ing a muh #orse devil to possess him
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
through .esus. The man' no# terrorized' leaves the 3harisees and sets out #ith
the people o! the ity to ath up to .esus. Finding Him and having been
brought ba/ to peae' the ro#d is more !urious than ever #ith the 3harisees
and begins to rail against them. It is this reation o! His ne# disci$%es th"t
oasions +es(sH w"rning "g"inst the %e"*en o! the Ph"risees1 :y suh attitudes Fo!
anger' #hih are based on groundless !earG' they #ere atually beoming li/e
them. +es(s e:$%"ined that there #as no need to !ear evil men sine <there is
nothing conce"%ed which c"nnot be disc%osed0 there is nothing hidden th"t sh"%% not be
re*e"%ed in the end 1 1 11 :eause every man is seen by God Who an intervene
and unmas/ o!!enders.I +es(s "%so te%%s the crowd there is " di!!erence between
those who0 in ignorane' s$e"k "g"inst Hi "nd those who b%"s$hee the Ho%'
S$irit1 He are!ully e0plains the di!!erene. Finally' He w"rns the o! coing
$ersec(tion in the s'n"gog(es "nd th"t the' "re not to worr' "bo(t wh"t the' sho(%d
s"'0 b(t th"t the Ho%' S$irit wi%% te%% the wh"t to s"'1
@,;7p.*2 D In the 5ittle &illage o! Deapolis. 3arable o! the (ulpture.
@,B7p.<, D @ne:t d"'A The Demonia o! the Deapolis.
@,A7p.<A D @s"e d"'A The 8east o! the 3harisees.
2861 E +(ne 9e 9i%% A%w"'s be .n$ro!it"b%e Ser*"nts1
#### #### Lk 26:6#2> #### @*+7p.2+
"e0t day on the east ban/ o! .ordan near )non =<+ miles?: .udas auses
.esus o! not treating him !airly and omplains that he has given up so muh to
be a Disiple. +es(s reinds His Disci$%es to consider these%*es (n$ro!it"b%e
ser*"nts e*en when the' h"*e $er!ect%' "cco$%ished their d(t'1 3eter and .ohn then
as/ .esus i! it is then impossible to do more than one9s duty to tell Him they love
Him entirely. .esus replies that in all !airness' God has given us so muh that #e
an never do more than merely our duty' but that God' out o! His generosity'
measures us not by His per!et standard but by a limited measure o! human
apability LNOTE: %ike " te"cher gr"ding on " c(r*eM so He #ill be able to sho#er on those #ho
give to Him a Hsuperabundane o! re#ards.I
@*+7p.@C D Consider 8ourselves >npro!itable (ervants.

LNe:t three d"'s: +es(s "nd the A$ost%es cross the +ord"n "nd begin their
e*"nge%iI"tion in Northern S""ri"1M
752G$132 @M +(ne0 ne:t d"'A # The Re$ent"nt Sinner )s "%w"'s to be Forgi*en1
Northern S""ri" on the w"' to Megiddo @C5 i%esA "nd then ,"es"re" on the Se" @28
i%esA: +(d"s0 not w"nting to go to ,"es"re"0 %e"*es0 c%"iing he w"nts to see <"
!riend= "t Megiddo1 He re"%%' does not w"nt to h"*e to !"ce the high#r"nking Ro"n
,%"(di" @Pi%"teHs wi!eA0 who he h"s is%ed " onth "nd " h"%! "go "bo(t the tr(e
ission o! +es(s1 +(d"s0 h"*ing %e!t0 "nd +es(s0 w"%king "he"d0 h"*e "%%owed the others
to e:$ress "ong these%*es their (nch"rit"b%e tho(ghts "nd "ttit(des "bo(t +(d"s0 "
h"bit +es(s h"s !o(nd i$ossib%e to correct in His Disci$%es1 +es(s !in"%%' t(rns "ro(nd
"nd once "g"in0 in in!inite $"tience0 "ddresses the iss(e1 +es(sH words dee$%' o*e the
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
LNe:t 4 d"'s: The' co*er the 28 i%es to ,"es"re" !ro Megiddo0 d(ring which
tie "n' other disci$%es h"*e Koined the1M
755G$136 @L +(ne0 ne:t d"'0 9ed1A # M"rt'rdo !or Lo*e )s Abso%(tion1 )n sight o! the
Gre"t Se" "nd ,"es"re"0 +es(s disc(sses how God $re$"res one !or "rt'rdo b'
!orti!'ing one with %o*e1 He "%so s$e"ks o! the i$ort"nce o! %i*ing "rt'rdo1
75CG$1F> @L +(ne0 ne:t d"'0 Th(r1A # At ,"es"re"1 P"r"b%e o! the F"ther 9ho Gi*es
E"ch o! His ,hi%dren the S"e Ao(nt o! Mone'1 A $roinent Ro"n is disc(ssing
his $%"ns !or " %"rge $"rt' th"t night in which he $%"ns to ind(%ge his $%e"s(res with "
'o(ng s%"*e gir% he h"s $(rch"sed "nd ren"ed G"%%" ,iprina"
+es(s0 s(rro(nded b' s%"*es o! soe o! the $roinent Ro"n %"dies who h"*e been
gre"t%' in!%(enced b' +es(s0 h"s he"rd o! the sit("tion1 +es(s s$e"ks to the in "
$"r"b%e "bo(t the (se o! the tie "nd !ree wi%% th"t God h"s gi*en the1 The' wi%%
now de%i*er th"t ess"ge to their istresses th"t inste"d o! getting re"d' !or the $"rt'
th"t e*ening0 the' "' choose to coe to see Hi0 "nd $erh"$s (se their tie "nd wi%%
to $%e"se the He"*en%' F"ther1
757G$1F4 @L +(ne0 s"e d"' "nd th"t night0 Th(r1GFri1A # At ,"es"re"1 The Ro"n
L"dies "nd the S%"*e G"%%" ,i$rin"1 The Ro"n %"dies <got the ess"geP= Short%'0 the
Ro"n woen "rri*e0 co$%ete%' *ei%ed1 +es(s !irst "ss(res the th"t +(d"sH *ersion
o! His ission0 which h"d c"(sed so (ch concern "ong the Ro"ns0 is in error "nd
w"s to be ignored1 +es(s then "ster!(%%' de"%s with soe o! the !"%se i$ressions
cre"ted b' +ewish $reK(dice th"t h"*e "cted "s b"rriers to their coing to the !"ith1 A
ost en%ightening disc(ssion t"kes $%"ce "bo(t GodHs re%"tionshi$ to those in $"g"nis
who0 with good wi%%0 $r"ctice the (ni*ers"% *irt(es1 +es(s s$e"ks "t %ength o! the
*irt(o(s Ro"n $oet &irgi%0 b(t te%%s the th"t the tr(th re*e"%ed in &irgi% c"nnot e*er
be (sed "s "n e:c(se to re!(se to coe to Hi0 who is Tr(th Hise%!1
+es(s then te%%s the how ,%"(di" c"n !(%!i%% her wish to he%$ Hi1 She c"n he%$
Hi s"*e one whose so(% wi%% be ki%%ed th"t *er' e*ening "t " $"rt'1 The ission o!
resc(e is "cco$%ished0 b(t G"%%" is %e!t in "
st"te o! shock o*er the' w"' she w"s tre"ted be!ore she w"s resc(ed1
The (i0th Galilean Ministry D Deapolis' Tetrarhy o! 3hilip' (yroD3hoeniia' (amaria 7
Four and a Hal! Months' 5 .une D 5 4tober'$D << F3oem Chapters @*2D@B*G

2841 L +(n #L Oct +es(sH One Fin"% Ministr' in G"%i%ee be!ore O!!ering Hise%! .$ As
O(r P"sso*er L"b1
#### #### Lk 26:22 #### @*2D@B*
+es(s $"sses thr( G"%i%ee0 (yro D3hoeniia "nd then %"ter S""ri" be!ore going to
+er(s"%e to omplete His !inal mission !or man/ind. LNOTE: Hidden in this Gos$e% te:t is the
c%(e to " G"%i%e"n inistr'0 re*e"%ed in The Poem @,h 753# 766A b(t co$%ete%' oitted b' the Gos$e% writers1 L(ke s"'s +es(s
$"ssed <thro(gh the idst o!= -oth S""ri" "nd Galilee Ras He )as 'oin' to #er&salem"S First o! "%% we (st "dit !ro this th"t
the going to +er(s"%e entioned here h"d to be " ent"% resign"tion0 "n "ntici$"tion o! th"t ne:t "nd !in"% tri$ to +er(s"%e in which
He wo(%d becoe o(r S"cri!ice1 L(ke does not e"n to s"' th"t +es(s w"s "ct("%%' geogr"$hic"%%' he"ded to +er(s"%e0 bec"(se 'o(
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
do not go thro(gh the idst o! S""ri" and Galilee i! 'o( "re geogr"$hic"%%' on 'o(r w"' to +er(s"%e1 9h"t L(ke is s"'ing0 then0
is th"t +es(s0 "t the $oint o! 26:220 whi%e now knowing His tie h"s coe to go to +er(s"%e to o!!er Hise%!0 h"s 'et to !(%!i%% "
inistr' in both S""ri" "nd G"%i%ee be!ore He "ct("%%' "kes th"t tri$1 Th"t this !in"% tri$ to +er(s"%e h"d now becoe His entire
!oc(s becoes c%e"r in The Poem, bec"(se e*er'where He goes thro(gho(t S""ri" "nd G"%i%ee He te%%s e*er'one the' wi%% ne*er see
Hi "g"in0 te%%ing others who wo(%d not be "b%e to be"r ($ (nder the horror th"t wi%% h"$$en0 not to coe to +er(s"%e !or th"t ne:t
P"sso*er1 This is on%' one o! the "n' incontro*ertib%e e*idences !or the di*ine origin o! this (n$"r"%%e%ed re*e%"tion gi*en to M&1M
753G$14> @L +(ne0 one d"' "!ter ,h 7570 Fri1A # A(re" G"%%"1 Se*er"% i%es !ro
,"es"re" in the P%"in o! Esdr"e%on1 A(re" is o*ercoe with !e*er0 the' eet ($ with
soe disci$%es with " c"rt1 The' t"ke the resc(ed s%"*e A(re" G"%%" @her origin"%
n"eA0 in the c"rt to the hoe o! M"r' in N"I"reth1

75FG$144 @L +(ne0 s"e d"'0 Fri1A # P"r"b%e o! the &ine'"rd "nd o! Free 9i%%1 To the
A$ost%es "nd the disci$%es who h"*e Koined the0 +es(s s"'s we (st see to it th"t o(r
*ine dresser @o(r !ree wi%%A works h"rd in $r(ning o(r so(%s o! (se%ess $(rs(its0 in
$ro*iding the rich no(rishent o(r so(%s need b' the orti!ic"tion "nd h(i%it' o!
"n(ring0 in hedging to kee$ o(t thie*es0 in trenching0 in hoeing0 "nd in weeding1

756G$187 @L +(ne0 ne:t d"'0 S"t1A # Going "bo(t the P%"in o! Esdr"e%on1 At his !irst
o$$ort(nit'0 +(d"s s$e"ks to +es(s "%one "bo(t ,"es"re"1 )nside0 he is worried "bo(t
h"*ing !"%%en o(t o! !"*or with ,%"(di"0 h"*ing ho$ed inste"d to h"*e sw"'ed her to
his $oint o! *iew "nd "w"' !ro +es(sH *iews o! the Messi"nic -ingdo1 +(d"s h"s
cert"in%' !"%%en o(t o! !"*or with ,%"(di" "nd "%% the Ro"n woen0 b(t +es(s kee$s "
tight %i$ on th"t "tter1 He does0 howe*er0 to +(d"sH eb"rr"ssent0 "ke it c%e"r th"t
He knows "%% "bo(t his scheing1
754G$18F @L +(ne0 s"e d"'0 S"t1A # The F"%%en Nest "nd the Scribe0 +oh"n"n /en
O"cc"i1 +es(s restores to " other bird her !"%%en !"i%' "nd incredib%' is re$ro"ched
b' " Scribe !or it bec"(se it w"s on the S"bb"thP +es(s "nswers thoro(gh%' "nd
co$%ete%' b(t0 "s "%w"'s0 in eekness "nd se%!#contro%1
758G$12>> @L +(ne0 s"e d"'0 S"t1A # The +o(rne' in the P%"in o! Esdr"e%on ,ontin(es1
Tho"s $resents " w"' to *isit +oh"n"nHs $oor $e"s"nts witho(t being disco*ered1
7C>G$12>5 @L +(ne0 s"e d"'0 night "nd e"r%' orning0 S"t1GS(n1A # Ne"r Se$horis with
+oh"n"nHs Pe"s"nts @25 i%esA1
7C2G$12>4 @L +(ne0 s"e d"'0 S(n1A # Arri*"% "t N"I"reth1 9hi%e +(d"s h"s gone to
Tiberi"s "nd the others to ,"$ern"(0 +es(s "nd !o(r A$ost%es "rri*e "t N"I"reth @C>
i%esA1 +es(s he"%s A(re" G"%%"0 the resc(ed s%"*e0 o! her !e*er @See 757G$1F4A1
LTwo !(%% weeks $"ss1M
7C5G$122C @E#M +(%'A # P"r"b%e o! P"inted 9ood1 N"I"reth: +es(s !i:es soe o! His
MotherHs !(rnit(re1 Tho"s "nd the Oe"%ot "%so occ($' these%*es constr(cti*e%'1
7CCG$1228 @M +(%'0 Fri1A # The S"bb"ths o! the Pe"ce o! N"I"reth1 The d"wn o! the
third S"bb"th "t N"I"reth: Since +(d"s h"s not shown ($ !or either o! the two
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
$re*io(s S"bb"ths in ,"$ern"(0 "s he w"s to%d0 "nd bec"(se Peter "nd the other
Disci$%es c"nnot end(re the se$"r"tion !ro +es(s "n' %onger0 the' h"*e de$"rted !or
"nd now re"ch N"I"reth "nd M"r'Hs ho(se K(st be!ore S"bb"th1
7C7G$1257 @M +(%'0 ne:t d"'0 S"t1A # /e!ore /eing " Mother0 the /%essed &irgin )s "
D"(ghter "nd " Ser*"nt o! God1 +es(s e:$%"ins to A(re" how the God o! Sin"i is the
God o! %o*e "nd erc' "nd e:$%"ins how e*en the chi%dren ki%%ed in /eth%ehe were
s$"red !ro the sin o! %"ter h"ting "nd ki%%ing the S"*ior1 M"r' o! A%$h"e(s is horri!ied
"t +es(sH ention o! His de"th in !ront o! His Mother1 M"r' then re*e"%s the secret o!
Her tr"n;(i%it' in the idst o! Her contin("% $"in1
7C3G$1254 @M +(%'0 s"e d"'0 S"t1A # +es(s "nd His Mother ,on*erse1 The two M"r's
wi%% go to Tiberi"s to see i! &"%eri" wi%% gi*e ($ c%"i to A(re"0 the resc(ed s%"*e0 so
she c"n be r"ised in " +ewish hoe1 )n the e"ntie0 A(re" wi%% st"' with S"%oe0 the
wi!e o! Sion0 one o! +es(sH co(sins1
7CFG$12C> @M +(%'0 two d"'s "nd the !o%%owing night "!ter0 Mon1GT(e1A # The /%essed
&irgin "t Tiberi"s1 &"%eri" concedes to M"r'Hs desire !or A(re"1 +(d"s is !o(nd in
Tiberi"s0 dr(nk1
7C6G$12CF @M +(%'0 ne:t d"'0 9ed1A # A(re" Does the 9i%% o! God1 A(re"0 who w"nted
so *er' (ch to st"' with Ho%' M"r'0 'ie%ds her gre"t desire to God o(t o!
gr"te!(%ness !or being resc(ed !ro the Ro"ns1
7C4G$127> @L +(%'0 two d"'s %"ter0 Fri1A # Another S"bb"th "t N"I"reth1 Neither Peter
nor the other Disci$%es st"'ing with hi in ,"$ern"( co(%d be witho(t +es(s on this
Fo(rth S"bb"th either0 so the' "g"in show ($ "t M"r'Hs door be!ore Frid"' e*ening1
The' "%% !irst he"r " s"d re$ort o! +(d"s )sc"riotHs beh"*ior !ro Peter "nd then the' "%%
"re grie*ed to he"r +es(s "nd M"r' re$ro*ed b' +ose$h0 +es(sH e%dest co(sin0 who h"d
!irst coe to congr"t(%"te +es(s bec"(se o! the work He h"d done !or His Mother in
the $"st onth1 He re*erses his origin"% $r"ise to stern reb(ke when he !inds o(t +es(s
is "g"in going to %e"*e His Mother to e*"nge%iIe1
7C8G$1273 @L +(%'0 ne:t d"' "nd th"t night0 S"t1GS(n1A # De$"rt(re !ro N"I"reth1
+o(rne' tow"rds /eth%ehe o! G"%i%ee1 +es(s "nd the Disci$%es0 A(re" "nd her new
other M'rth"0 %e"*e N"I"reth !or /eth%ehe o! G"%i%ee @3 i%es tow"rds /eth%eheA1
77>G$123C @L +(%'0 s"e d"'0 S(n1A # +(d"s with the /%essed &irgin "t N"I"reth1 A
!rightening %ook into the ind "nd he"rt o! +(d"s "nd " re*e%"tion o! erc'0 %o*e0
sorrow "nd grie! in the he"rt o! o(r %o*ing Mother1
772G$1238 @L +(%'0 ne:t d"'0 Mon1A # De"th o! M"rKi"Hs Gr"nd!"ther1 +oh"n"nHs
est"te in the P%"in o! Esdr"e%on @F i%esA1 M"rKi" is th"nk!(% to see "nd s$e"k to his
d'ing gr"nd!"ther1
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
775G$12FC @L +(%'0 two d"'s %"ter0 9ed1A # +es(s S$e"ks o! ,h"rit' to the A$ost%es1
Tow"rds T"riche" "nd ne"r Mo(nt T"bor @2C i%esA: +es(s e:$%"ins wh"t )sr"e% did to
the L"w th"t destro'ed her "bi%it' to %o*e either God or "n1 He e:$%"ins th"t %o*e0 or
ch"rit'0 is GodHs <so*ereign "nd origin"%= "nd <ost "ni!est= "ttrib(te0 bec"(se "%%
His other "ttrib(tes origin"te !ro ch"rit'1 He e:$%"ins in "gni!icent "nner to
/"rtho%oew0 the ridged )sr"e%ite o! the Disci$%es0 how He wi%% sti%% be the S"*ior o!
"n' who wi%% ne*er he"r o! Hi1 LTo T"riche" @23 i%esAM
77CG$12F8 @L +(%'0 one to two d"'s %"terA # Arri*"% "t Tiberi"s1 P"r"b%e o! the R"in on
the &ine @6 i%es b' bo"tA1 Peter does we%% with his $"r"b%e1 The two M"r's "rri*e
!ro N"I"reth to go with +es(s "nd the A$ost%es to ,"$ern"(1 Ho%' M"r' wi%% be in
,"$ern"( !or " onth0 !ro where +es(s wi%% go o(t e"ch d"' to e*"nge%iIe in the
s(rro(nding "re"1
777G$1242 @L +(%' 580 Fri1A # Arri*"% "t ,"$ern"( @4 i%es b' bo"tA1 +es(s0 the
A$ost%es0 the woen disci$%es "nd M"rKi" "re greeted b' PeterHs wi!e "nd "n'
others "t ,"$ern"(1
LE # L A(g(st: +es(s $%"nned to st"' in ,"$ern"( !or "bo(t " onth with M"r'1 @See )&0
25802FC026502421A )t "$$e"rs this is where this st"' t"kes $%"ce1M
773G$1245 @L A(g(stA # Pre"ching "t ,"$ern"(1 The s'n"gog(e is o*er!%owing with
s($$orters o! +es(s0 who0 howe*er0 h"*ing been ($set "t soe incident with the
Ph"risees0 "re e:$ressing their "nger tow"rd the1 +es(s is tr'ing to get the to
!orgi*e0 bec"(se0 "s He s"'s0 the 9ord o! God c"nnot be"r !r(it in he"rts th"t "re
($set1 9hi%e s$e"king "t %ength on th"t *er' s(bKect "nd o! the cert"int' o! the
destr(ction th"t %"ck o! %o*e wi%% bring on the "%%0 He is interr($ted b' " Ph"risee1
Reb(ked "nd thre"tened b' " cent(rion0 the Ph"risee is s(bd(ed0 b(t the crowd0 sti%%
with no e"rs to he"r His ess"ge o! %o*e "nd !orgi*eness0 "dds its own r"i%ings "nd
ins(%t "g"inst the Ph"risee1 +es(s %e"*es with His Mother "nd Disci$%es0 "ditting the'
wi%% no %onger be "b%e to s$e"k in the town1 +es(sH erc' tow"rd the Ph"risee is e*en
too (ch !or the Disci$%es0 who0 in t(rn0 (st be reb(ked b' " dee$%' grie*ing +es(s1
77FG$1244 @L A(g(stA # At M"gd"%"1 P"r"b%e on Good "nd /"d 9i%% @3 i%es b' bo"tA1
Peter becoes the $"r"b%e hise%!1 +es(s s$e"ks to "n' in their bo"ts on the Se" o!
776G$1286 @M Se$teberA # Litt%e A%$h"e(s o! Merob"1 At ,"$ern"( @3 i%esA1 A
Mother reKects her chi%dren1 +es(s (st reb(ke the wi!e o! Tho"s0 their hostess "t
,"$ern"(0 !or her (nwi%%ingness to t"ke in three chi%dren reKected b' their other1
774G$15>5 @M Se$teber0 s"e d"'A # At the &i%%"ge be!ore Hi$$o @4 i%es b' bo"tA1
+es(s he"%s se*er"% $eo$%e1
778G$15>8 @M Se$teber0 ne:t d"'0 T(e1A # Morning Seron in the &i%%"ge on the
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
L"ke1 +es(s gi*es " wonder!(% te"ching on the w"' h(sb"nds "nd wi*es0 chi%dren "nd
$"rents0 "nd "sters "nd ser*"nts "re to re%"te to e"ch other1
73>G$1523 @M Se$teber0 s"e d"'0 T(e1A # Ne"r the P%"ce o! the Le$er1 P"r"b%e on
the Ten ,o"ndents1 The erci!(% "nd !orgi*ing F"ther "nd the God o! Sin"i is the
s"e God1 )n %o*e0 He g"*e (s the Ten ,o"ndents0 the w"' to He"*en1
732G$1557 @L Se$teber0 ne:t d"'0 9ed1A # At Hi$$o1 Lo*e !or the Poor1 ,(re o! "n
O%d S%"*e @2 i%eA1 +es(s (rges the rich to di*est these%*es o! their "tt"chent to
riches "nd the $oor to di*est these%*es o! their deKection1 +es(s he"%s " %"rge n(ber
o! the $oor en "sse "nd the s%"*e o! " $"g"n1
735G$15C2 @L Se$teber0 s"e d"'A # Tow"rds G""%"1 The /%essed &irginHs Lo*e in
Doing the 9i%% o! God1 M"r' o! A%$h"e(s @,%o$"sA is sorrowing o*er the s(dden
re"%iI"tion o! the horrib%e end th"t "w"its +es(s1 Ho%' M"r' co(nse%s her sister#in#%"w0
M"r'0 on the Ko' o! s(!!ering in %o*e !or othersH rede$tion1
73CG$15C6 @L Se$teber0 ne:t d"'0 Th(1A # Ne"r G""%"1 +es(s Entr(sts the ,h(rch to
the /%essed &irgin "nd S$e"ks o! Merc' on O$$ressed Peo$%e @5 i%esA1 +es(s s$e"ks
o! M"r'Hs signi!ic"nt $re#einent s$irit("% $osition in the ,h(rch "s its Mother0 N(rse
"nd De!ender0 "nd 'et Her $%"ce "%so "s " si$%e be%ie*er &nder PeterP )n reg"rd to
ecc%esi"stic"% "(thorit'0 She is <second= to Peter0 b(t in reg"rd to s$irit("% "(thorit' "s
Mother o! the ,h(rch0 She is e*en "bo*e the He"d who is ,hristP +es(s is not s"'ing
His Mother is $"rt o! the ,h(rchHs ecc%esi"stic"% "(thorit'0 b(t bec"(se She wi%% be
PeterHs $ri"r' s$irit("% co(nse%or0 She is there!ore <second= to hi1 L"ter0 to " %"rge
n(ber o! t"sk"sters "nd their !orced %"borers0 who were !or their cries being
worked erci%ess%'0 +es(s gi*es " *er' o*ing ess"ge1
737G$1578 @L Se$teber0 ne:t d"'0 Fri1A # Fro G""%" to A$hek @5 i%esA1 +es(s
s$e"ks to S"r"h0 the we"%th' widow0 o! her concern !or te$or"% things1
733G$153F @L Se$teber0 s"e d"'0 Fri1A # Pre"ching "t A$hek1 S"r"h0 the we"%th'
widow !o%%ows ,hrist1
73FG$15F> @L Se$teber0 $rob"b%' s"e d"'0 Fri1A # At Gherghes" @F i%esA "nd Ret(rn
to ,"$ern"( @F i%esA1 A wo"n chooses widowhood to s"*e her h(sb"ndHs so(%1
+es(s s$e"ks o! the s$eci"% needs o! those who h"*e t(rned !ro sin to gr"ce1 He "%so
w"rns th"t we"%th0 good he"%th0 " s$eci"% c"%%ing0 " son0 or e*en %i!e itse%! "re not
"%w"'s gi!ts1 The' re"in gi!ts on%' i! the' "re (sed !or s($ern"t(r"% "is o!
736G$15F3 @L Se$teber0 s"e d"'0 Fri1A # /e "s 9ise "s Ser$ents "nd "s Si$%e "s
Do*es1 ,"$ern"(: S"(e% is !orgi*en " horrib%e sin1 +es(s gi*es " disco(rse on the
*it"% need o! discerning the s(bt%e tre"cher' in s($$osed !riends "nd the need to "*oid
s(ch $eo$%e witho(t K(dging "nd condening "n'one1 On%' the %"w o! %o*e0 s"'s
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
+es(s0 wi%% en"b%e "n'one to $re*ent the <gers o! e*i%= within (s "nd in "%% those
"ro(nd (s !ro o*ercoing (s1 <The wor%d is " nest o! sn"kes 1 1 1those who "re not
*igi%"nt wi%% $erish1=
734G$156> @L Se$teber0 ne:t d"'0 S"t1A # The S"bb"th "t ,"$ern"(1 The e*ents
here $er!ect%' i%%(str"te the te"ching +es(s h"s gi*en the d"' be!ore1 +ose$h0 +es(sH
o%dest co(sin0 h"s been <wined "nd dined= b' Ph"risees in "n "tte$t to (se hi to
bend +es(s tow"rd their own $(r$oses1
738G$1566 @L Se$teber0 s"e d"'0 S"t1A # At +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"Hs1 Letters !ro
Antioch1 Tiberi"s @4 i%esA: +oh"nn" o! ,h(I" te%%s o! the ($ro"r cre"ted b' Herodi"s
"nd Herod "ong the co(riers0 inc%(ding ,h(I" "nd M"n"en1 The' "re so incensed
th"t the' w"nt to get rid o! Herod "nd "ke +es(s -ing in his $%"ce1 +es(s conc%(des
His co(nse% to +oh"nn"0 st"ting0 <) (st there!ore de!end M'se%! !ro !riends "nd !ro
eneies1= He "kes it $%"in th"t ,h(I" "nd "n' others %o*e Hi !or their own
interests "nd th"t two !orces "re str(gg%ing within her0 %o*e !or ,h(I" "nd %o*e !or
Hi "nd His c"%%1
The %etter +es(s recei*es is !ro S'nt'che0 who h"s been e:i%ed in Antioch !or nine
onths1 /esides re%"ting the heroic "nd ho%' de"th o! +ohn o! Endor0 it s$i%%s !orth the
i%%(in"ting wisdo o! one who h"d ne*er been sh"ck%ed with the incr(st"tions o! o%d
+(d"is1 Peter0 in $"rtic(%"r0 is dee$%' o*ed0 "nd in " oent o! ins$ir"tion "dits
th"t Hebrews "re in!erior to Genti%esP
7F>G$158F @L Se$teber0 ne:t d"'0 S(n1A # At the Ther"% /"ths o! E"(s o!
Tiberi"s @2i%eA1 9hi%e the Oe"%ot t"kes the two M"r's b"ck to N"I"reth0 +es(s "nd
the others wi%% w"%k to T"riche" @F i%esA 1 +oh"nn" decides to !o%%ow ,hristHs c"%% "nd
tr(st Her h(sb"nd to God "nd goes b' bo"t to T"riche"1 +es(s he"%s " n(ber o!
$eo$%e "t the ther"% b"ths1
7F2G$1C>2 @L Se$teber0 s"e d"'0 S(n1A # At T"riche" @3 i%esA1 G"%"ti"0 the Sinner1
The %"rge crowd is dee$%' o*ed "s +es(s e%o;(ent%' s$e"ks o! God "s %o*ing F"ther
to "%% "nkind "nd His ,hrist "s the one "nointed to g"ther into one $eo$%e0 b' one
doctrine0 all o! h("nit'E th"t the' "' be brothers to one "nother "nd chi%dren o! one
F"ther1 +es(s e:$%"ins th"t the $eo$%e o! )sr"e% h"*e gi*en " <n"tion"%0 $erson"%0 se%!ish
e"ning= to the conce$t o! the $roised Messi"h or ,hrist1 He e:$%"ins0 "ong "n'
other things0 the (tter !"i%(re o! Genti%es to "tt"in in their re%igions the tr(th o! the One
Etern"% F"ther0 whose one %"w is %o*e1 G"%"ti"0 " gre"t sinner0 "nd one o! "n' who
h"d !o%%owed +es(s !ro Tiberi"s0 coes to re$ent"nce0 to the (nbe%ie*ing dis"' o! "
gro($ o! o%d )sr"e%ites who becoe enr"ged "t +es(s !or "cce$ting this sinner1 The'
"ss"(%t Hi with their words "nd debris !ro the se"shore1
,h(I"0 who +es(s h"d to sto$ !ro re"cting "g"inst His "ss"i%"nts0 h"s K(st
"$$ro"ched +es(s with "n (rgent re;(est th"t He coe with hi to eet with "
n(ber o! $roinent !riends1 Their $%"n is to con*ince +es(s to he%$ the o*erthrow
Herod b' est"b%ishing Hise%! "s -ing0 thereb' t"king c"re o! His eneies be!ore the'
destro' Hi1 A!ter +es(s s(bd(es the strong $rotest"tions o! Peter0 He goes with
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
,h(I"0 e:$%"ining th"t He is going on%' to show hi He is not "!r"id o! wh"t en wi%%
do to Hi "nd <to c(re= himP= +ohn secret%' !o%%ows +es(s "nd w"its in hiding o(tside
,h(I"Hs ,o(ntr' Ho(se@C i%esA1
7F5G$1C22 @L Se$teber0 s"e d"'0 S(nA # )n ,h(I"Hs ,o(ntr' Ho(se1 The Te$ting
Pro$os"% M"de to +es(s "nd M"de -nown b' the Disci$%e +es(s Lo*ed1 This e$isode
$ro*ides "n incredib%e insight into the kind o! dece$tion the Te$%e r(%ers $r"cticed to
get the e:c(se the' needed to h"*e +es(s destro'edE their "bi%it' to decei*e e*en "n'
sincere disci$%es o! ,hristE "nd the $re*"i%ing $o%itic"% scene th"t so strong%' rein!orced
the !"%se *iew o! the Messi"h "s "n e"rth%' -ing "nd s"*ior1 Most o! those ,h(I" "nd
the other disci$%es o! +es(s h"d bro(ght together to eet with Hi h"d co$%ete%'
decei*ed the "bo(t their re"% intentions1 /eing e:$osed be!ore ,h(I"0 the' were
now "bso%(te%' !(rio(s with h"tred tow"rd +es(s1 This e$isode $ro*ides soe
(nderst"nding o! the kind o! incredib%' co$%e: $ress(res +es(s !"ced !ro not on%'
His eneies b(t "%so good#he"rted <disci$%es= o! HisP Fin"%%'0 "!ter +es(s r(shes o(t
o! the ho(se0T +ohn c"tches ($ with Hi1 The' s"i% to /eths"id" @5> i%esA to $ick ($
M"rKi"0 who wi%% now "cco$"n' the to the North o! G"%i%ee1 DLNOTE: +ohn in his
Gos$e% @F:23A "kes " re!erence to this <esc"$e= o! +es(s !ro those who tried to
<!orce= hi to becoe king in the wor%d%' sense1 +ohn $%"ces this in the conte:t o! the
!eeding o! the 30>>> @2321A0 bec"(se this ir"c%e w"s the $ri"r' oti*e !or this
L7F5bG$1C57M # +es(s "kes soe e:tensi*e coents on the s(b%ie h(i%it' o! +ohn
the A$ost%e1
7FCG$1C54 @L Se$teber0 ne:t d"'0 Mon1A # At /eths"id" "nd ,"$ern"(1 De$"rt(re
on " New +o(rne'1 A!ter M"rKi" is $icked ($0 the' s"i% to ,"$ern"( @C i%esA
where the' eet the rest o! the A$ost%es1
7F7G$1CC6 @L Se$teber0 s"e d"'0 Mon1A # )n the Ho(se o! +(d"s "nd Anne ne"r L"ke
Mero @25 i%esA1
7F3G$1C72 @L Se$teber0 s"e d"'0 Mon1A # P"r"b%e on the Distrib(tion o! 9"ters1
Ne"r -or"Ii @2> i%esA: This $"r"b%e wonder!(%%' i%%(str"tes GodHs e%ection o! )sr"e%
"nd how )sr"e% (tter%' $er*erted the ide"E it "%so i%%(str"tes the ch"nge th"t w"s now
t"king $%"ce with )sr"e% being set "side "nd the $roinent $%"ce being gi*en to
7FFG$1C3> @L Se$teber0 ne:t d"'0 T(e1A # +(d"s )sc"riot Fi%%s +es(s with +o'1
-or"Ii: +(d"s coes to +es(s with " tr(e sorrow !or his sin1 He is !orgi*en in the
idst o! "%% the co$"ssion "nd %o*e +es(s c"n gi*e1 +(d"s on%' needs to contin(e in
his wi%% to $(rs(e the co$%etion o! his s"%*"tion1
7FFbG$1C33 # +es(s e:$%"ins wh' He re*e"%ed so (ch "bo(t +(d"s in The Poem1
7F6G$1C3F @L Se$teber0 s"e d"'0 T(e1A # F"rewe%% to the Few /e%ie*ers in -or"Ii1
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
7F4G$1C34 @L Se$teber0 three d"'s %"ter0 Fri1A # +es(s S$e"ks o! M"trion' to "
Mother #in #L"w1 So(th o! Gisc"%"0 23 i%es N9 o! -or"Ii: Soe wonder!(% co(nse%
!or others#in#%"w1
7F8G$1CFC @L Se$teber0 s"e d"'0 Fri1A # +es(s S$e"ks to /"rn"b"s o! the L"w o!
Lo*e1 Ne"r R""h in G"%i%ee @FB i%esA: This is the /"rn"b"s o! Acts0 here sti%% "
disci$%e o! G""%ie%1 /"rn"b"s h"s been sent b' R"bbis in Gisc"%" @one o! who w"s
G""%ie%A to coe iedi"te%' to gi*e His K(dgent on the *erdict rendered th"t h"s
bro(ght two Scribes into " bitter dis$(te1 G""%ie% "dits th"t on%' +es(s co(%d K(dge
with K(stice in the di!!ic(%t c"se the' h"*e K(st h"nd%ed1 +es(s (st dec%ine since He
c"nnot get to Gisc"%" be!ore the S"bb"th begins0 "nd since the *erdict h"s "%re"d' been
gi*en it wo(%d not be " sin "g"inst K(stice to w"it1 )n the e"ntie0 +es(s gi*es " c%e"r
"nd con*incing e:$%"n"tion to /"rn"b"s wh' GodHs "in "ttrib(te is not K(stice0 $ower
or se*erit' "s he "nd "%% )sr"e% h"d been t"(ght @"nd is e*en tod"' the te"ching o!
Protest"nt !(nd"ent"%isPA0 b(t erci!(% %o*e1
76>G$1C6> @E October0 ne:t d"'0 S"t1A # A +(dgent o! +es(s1 Ne"r R""h: The three
Scribes0 the two in dis$(te "nd " edi"tor0 c"nnot w"it !or +es(s0 so the' coe to the
*i%%"ge where +es(s is st"'ing "nd $resent their c"se1 A!ter " !ew ;(estions0 +es(s
discerns the e*i% "nd !"i%(re o! "%% the $"rties in this c"se "s we%% "s those who rendered
the *erdict o! g(i%t b"sed on on%' one witness to the crie1 /"rn"b"s0 the disci$%e o!
G""%ie%0 is " witness to +es(sH gre"t wisdo "nd testi!ies to the g(i%t' Scribes th"t he
is con*inced o! the s($eriorit' o! +es(sH $erson "nd word1
762G$1C66 @E October0 ne:t week0 S"t1A # ,(re o! the /o' /orn /%ind !ro Sidon1 )n
" *i%%"ge ne"r the S'ro#Phoenici"n border: A !"ith!(% wi!e "nd other recei*es the Ko'
o! " son who c"n now see "nd the restored %o*e o! " h(sb"nd1
762bG$1C42 # +es(s s$e"ks o! the *irt(o(s !"ith "nd h(i%it' this wo"n h"s tow"rd
her h(sb"nd des$ite his (nK(st thinking0 "nd the res(%ting rew"rd o! the second
(nre;(ested ir"c%e0 the restor"tion o! her h(sb"ndHs %o*e1 +es(s s$e"ks o! the
i$ort"nce o! the h(i%it' "nd !"ith!(%ness o! wi*es to their h(sb"nds to kee$ their
!"i%ies !ro r(in1
765G$1C4C @E October0 two or three d"'s %"terA # A &ision th"t )s Lost in " R"$t(re o!
Lo*e1 Tow"rds Pto%e"is: +es(s is w"%king "he"d o! His Disci$%es0 "s h"s been His
h"bit1 He is in dee$ conte$%"tion1 M& gets c"(ght ($ in " r"$t(re o! di*ine %o*e "nd
the *ision !"des o(t "s she "tte$ts to h(b%' describe her ecst"tic e:$erience1
L+es(s goes to Pto%e"is @C> i%es1A then to AchIib @23 i%esA0 then Ste$s o! T're @3
i%esA "nd A%e:"ndroscene @6 i%esA be!ore he"ding b"ck to Pto%e"is @24 i%esA1M
76CG$1C44 @M October0 se*er"% d"'s %"ter0 9ed1A # Going tow"rd Se$horis @28 i%esA1
+es(s r(ns into Abe% !ro /eth%ehe o! G"%i%ee with " gro($ o! other disci$%es1 He h"s
been $r"'ing to !ind +es(s !or soe tie0 ho$ing to obt"in !ro Hi erc' !or two o!
the three +es(s h"d c(rsed with %e$ros' !or their s($$orti*e $"rt in the heino(s crie
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
o! (rder0 "nd !or !"%se%' "cc(sing hi o! the crie so the' co(%d h"*e the woen in
both ho(seho%ds !or these%*es @))0 576G$1345A1 )t h"s been o*er " 'e"r0 "nd Abe% h"s
been o*ed with co$"ssion !or the two who were re$ent"nt "nd who h"d s(!!ered
terrib%'1 He is wi%%ing to gi*e his own %i!e i! this co(%d s"*e their so(%s !ro etern"%
d"n"tion1 +es(sH e:c%""tion0 <M"r"n"th"0= the e:$ression o! "nHs highest ho$e
@M"r"n Q <The Lord0= "nd Ath" Q <coeth=A re*e"%s the o*erwhe%ing K(bi%"tion th"t
!i%%s His he"rt to see s(ch erci!(% %o*e1 +es(s w"s0 in Abe%0 "ntici$"ting the tie when
this %o*e wo(%d ch"r"cteriIe the ,h(rch0 "nd "!ter His reKection0 bring His s"*ing
$resence b"ck into this wor%d1
767G$1C8C @M October0 s"e d"'0 9ed1A # +es(s with the Le$ro(s Sinners o!
/eth%ehe o! G"%i%ee @25 i%esA1 +es(s sends "%% the Disci$%es e:ce$t +ohn "he"d to
Eng"nni @5C i%esA to w"it !or the there1 +es(s "nd +ohn go with Abe% to !ind the
%e$ro(s sinners "nd $roises to he"% the %"ter0 in "n e:ch"nge !or " $roise o! "
consider"b%e s"cri!ice to s($$ort the chi%dren who h"d been %e!t !"ther%ess1
763G$17>5 @M October0 s"e d"'0 9ed1A # +es(s "nd His Mother in the 9ood o!
M"tt"thi"s @2C i%esA1 Two or three i%es north o! N"I"reth: M"r' !i%%s +es(s in on
e*ents since the' $"rted in %"te Se$teber1 She h"s he"rd o! the !i"sco "t ,h(I"Hs
co(ntr' ho(se0 b(t "%so o! the two who c"e to !"ith "!ter their $(nishent with
%e$ros'1 She "%so re$orts th"t +es(sH o%dest co(sin0 +ose$h0 h"s st"rted to coe to
be%ie*e in Hi1 +es(s te%%s His Mother th"t she sho(%d $%"n to reside in +er(s"%e
beginning in the s$ring1 M"r' knows wh"t this e"ns0 "nd in "goniIing grie! she
wee$s in the "rs o! Her Son1
763bG$172> # +es(s reco(nts the re"sons "nd occ"sions M"r'Hs %i!e !or CC 'e"rs w"s
one o! contin(o(s s(!!ering1 Th"t is " s(!!ering0 He s"'s0 He wi%% ne*er !orget0 "nd it is
the re"son He wi%% gi*e M"r' "n'thing !or which she "sks1 )t is +es(sH (n$"r"%%e%ed
%o*e !or His Mother M"r' th"t "cco(nts !or Her ""Iing intercessor' s(ccess1
2881 M October0 Th( The .nbe%ie! o! +es(sH ,o(sins0 L+ose$h "nd Sion0M /egins to Dissi$"te1
#### #### #### +n 6:5#8 @;C7p.@,@
"e0t day south o! "azareth to#ard the 3lain o! .ezreel =2E miles?: T#o o! the
older brothers o! +es(s =ousins .oseph and (imon' sons o! $lphaeus? #ho have
opposed .esus are no# beginning to believe. =The younger ousins' .ames and
.udas Thaddeus' #ere already Disiples.? .oseph' #ho has been the most
obstinate' e0plains to .esus the reasons he had !or his unbelie!. Fresh in all their
minds #as the terrible end that ame to .udas the Galilean' his !amily and
relatives at the hands o! %ome. He sa# the very same happening to .esus' His
Mother and to all o! them. $!ter admitting that he' his brother (imon and Israel
have been #rong in disounting Him as the Messiah' .oseph =and (imon? tries at
length to onvine .esus that He needs no# to assert Himsel! as a Oing in .udea
sine He is the true Oing. Thus they (rge +es(s to "ni!est Hise%! to the wor%d1
+es(s $"tient%' %istens to their sincere $%e"s "nd re"soning "nd !in"%%' te%%s the0 <Yo(
"' go ($ to the Fe"st b(t ) " not coing publily' as a %abbi' as a prophet to
impose Mysel!' bec"(se it is not 'et M' ho(r1= (o even though they have ome to
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
believe He #as the Messiah' the' do not be%ie*e "nd tr(st in the #ay in #hih He is
trying to aomplish His ission0 through love and mery. They really did not yet
understand His mission' #hih is one o! sel!Ddenial and su!!ering' beause they
did not understand the true propheti sense o! the Messiah9s /ingship. They are
yet blinded by a human #orldly onept.
@;C7p.@,, D .esus Converses #ith .oseph o! $lphaeus.
766G$1728 @M October0 s"e d"'0 Th(1A # Aw"iting +oh"n"nHs Pe"s"nts ne"r the +eIree%
Tower @23#5> i%es 9estA1 +ohn0 sti%% "%one with +es(s0 sh"res " dee$ sorrow with
Hi1 9hi%e w"iting !or the $e"s"nts to "rri*e0 +ohn !"%%s "s%ee$1
LTo +er(s"%e # )n S""ri" G L October0AD CCM LPoe ,h"$ters 764 # 745M
5>>1 L October0 Fri To +er(s"%e Thro(gh S""ri"1
#### #### #### +n 6:2> @;B7p.@*<
"e0t day' +es(s is he"ded !or +er(s"%e in secret0 and no#' only #ith .ohn' #ill
Roin the other Disiples #aiting in )ngannim o! (amaria.
@;B7p.@*< D Ta/ing to the %oad $gain to#ards )ngannim.
768G$1757 @L October0 s"e d"'0 Fri1A # +es(s "nd +ohn Arri*e "t Eng"nni @4 i%esA1
The' !ind the other Disci$%es0 inc%(ding +(d"s0 who the' think h"s corr($ted hise%!
with (nho%' "ssoci"tions "nd $r"ctices0 K(sti!'ing hise%! b' c%"iing the' ser*e the
M"ster1 +es(s de$"rts "%one to wee$0 b(t no one knows it is +(d"s or the s(!!ering o!
His Mother th"t is the c"(se o! His $"in1
74>G$17C> @L October0 $rob"b%' ne:t d"'A # +es(s "nd the S""rit"n She$herd1 Ne"r
Doth"n: +es(s he"%s the inK(red son o! " h(b%e S""rit"n who be%ie*ed in the re$orts
he h"d he"rd "bo(t the Messi"h1
L+es(s then he"ds so(thw"rd thro(gh Tebesh @4 1A "nd S'ch"r @25 1A tow"rds Sheche @5 1A
where He sto$s1 @)&G$17C6AM
5>21 L October Ten Le$ers He"%ed "nd One Th"nk!(% S""rit"n1
#### #### Lk 26:25#28 #### @B,7p.@@,
T#o days later: $pproahing a little village near )phraim =*+ miles?: .udas is
in a very good mood and the Disiples have a rather interesting e0hange in their
attempt to e0plain the inredible hatred that the .udean rulers have !or .esus.
As the' "$$ro"ch " %itt%e *i%%"ge0 the' "re et b' ten %e$ers0 only one o! #hom is "
n"ti*e S""rit"n1 :eing in a hurry to get to .erusalem !or Tabernales' .esus does
not stop to heal them' but plans to heal them a!ter He is do#n the road a bit so
as not to attrat the villagers' #ho #ill ertainly try to detain them. Testing their
!"ith0 He there!ore te%%s the to go to the $riest in their own *i%%"ge "nd show
these%*es1 On the w"' the' "re "%% he"%ed1 The one S""rit"n announes his
healing to the villagers' #ho h(rried%' !ollo# him' and' c"tching ($ to +es(s0 begins
to %o(d%' $ro$hec' in the S$irit about the (on o! God. The Disiples' thin/ing only
o! the hurry they are in rather than the #or/ o! the (pirit' are very upset and
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
rebu/e him. +es(s points out their error and t(rns "nd s$e"ks to the S""rit"n "nd
then o*es on to#ard )phraim.
@B,7p.@<C D The Ten 5epers near )phraim.
745G$1777 @L October0 ne:t d"'A # At E$hr"i1 The P"r"b%e o! the Poegr"n"te1 A%%
ho$e $erishes th"t the' c"n $"ss b' E$hr"i (nnoticed in the e"r%' d"wn1 )nste"d0
the' !ind the cit'0 "nd "n' !ro *i%%"ges thro(gh which the' h"d "%re"d' $"ssed0
w"iting !or the1 A!ter being to%d o! " shortc(t to Ensheesh0 c(tting o!! soe ten
i%es0 +es(s "cce$ts their hos$it"%it' o! " e"% "nd He sh"res " ess"ge !ro the
$oegr"n"te on the di*ision "ong $eo$%es0 r"ces "nd n"tions th"t "re "s bitter "s the
di*isions between the segents o! "n otherwise *er' sweet "nd de%icio(s !r(it1 He
enco(r"ges the to $(rs(e %o*e !or "%% in His n"e0 bec"(se He is the One who wi%%
knock down these w"%%s th"t di*ide the h("n !"i%'1
The Great (i0th .udean Ministry D 3erea' (amaria 7 (i0 Months' 5 4tober'$D << D M
$pril'$D <@
F3oem Chapters @B<D2BCG
Lto En#Sheesh @27 i%esA0 then to /eth"n' @5 i%esA1 74CG$1778M
5>51 L October The +ews Seek !or +es(s "t the Fe"st o! the T"bern"c%es1
#### #### #### +n 6:22#2C @B<7p.@@A
(ame day: On%' the Disci$%es show ($ "t the Fe"st o! T"bern"c%es on the !irst
!our d"'s1 +es(s st"'s hidden in :ethany' !or the most part' and ministers to a
very si/ 5azarus. .esus as/s them all' inluding Mary and Martha' !or
unlimited !aith in regard to 5azarus' no matter #hat #ould happen.
@B<7p.@@A D $t :ethany !or the Feast o! the Tabernales.
5>C1 L October0 S(n +es(s Enters the Te$%e on the Fi!th D"' o! the Fe"st1
#### #### #### +n 6:27 @B@7p.@2@
$t least !our days later: +es(s enters the Te$%e to te"ch when the eight#d"'
!e"st w"s h"%! o*er1 Gamaliel is present and is 1uiet in !ae o! 1uestioning by both
supporters and enemies o! .esus.
5>71 L October0 S(n The -ingdo o! God is 9ithin Yo(1
#### #### Lk 26:5>#52 #### @B@7p.@2C
The same day in the Temple: .esus begins His speeh' iting the propheies'
.ohn the :aptist' the visit o! the Wise men and the Massare o! the :ethlehem
Innoents as signs o! the oming o! the (on o! God. The Ph"risees sneeringly "sk
when the -ingdo o! God wi%% coe1 :e!ore .esus an ans#er' a 3harisee o! a
more moderate vie# rebu/es the insulting approah o! his !ello# 3harisee. He
insists that the problem is la/ o! understanding' but .esus e0plains it is a
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
problem o! pride' o! thin/ing one is greater than God' #hih is (atan9s sin' the
lust o! the mind. Finally' +es(s "nswers the origin"% ;(estion: <The -ingdo o! God
does not coe with pomp Lwhich is obser*"b%eM1 4nly the eye o! God an see it
being !ormed. (o do not go loo/ing !or this Oingdom' #here it is being prepared.
$nd do not be%ie*e those who s"': <The' "re $%otting in /"t"ne"0 the' "re cons$iring
in the c"*es in the desert o! Engedi "nd on the shores o! the Se"1 The -ingdo o!
God is in 'o(0 within 'o(0 in 'o(r s$irits 1 1 1=
5>31 L October0 S(n +es(s ,on!ronts the .nbe%ie! "nd M(rdero(s )ntentions o! the
+ewish Le"ders1
#### #### #### +n 6:23#57 @B@7p.@2A
The s"e d"' in the Te$%e: +es(s con!ronts the +ewsH (nbe%ie! "nd (rdero(s
intentions "nd their h'$ocritic"% *iews which the' h"*e (sed to conden Hi !or
he"%ing on the S"bb"th11 Gamaliel is listening intently in silene and #ith respet.
5>F1 L October0 S(n The ,oing o! ,hrist wi%% be %ike Lightning1
#### #### Lk 26:55#53 #### @B@7p.@C,
+es(s immediately turns and heads out the Temple' but then to His $postles
and many disci$%es0 contin(es: HDo not be sad. 8ou are My !riends. $nd you are
doing the right thing in being so beause My time is oming to its end. The tie
wi%% soon coe when 'o( wi%% be wishing to see one o! those d"'s o! the Son o! M"n1
/(t 'o( wi%% no %onger be "b%e to see it1 It #ill then be a onsolation !or you to say:
\We loved Him and #ere !aith!ul to Him #hile He #as among us.9 $nd to laugh
at you and ma/e you loo/ li/e !ools' the' wi%% s"' to 'o(0 \The Christ has ome
ba/. He is hereP He is therePH Do not listen to those voies1 Do not go "nd do not
!o%%ow those lying so!!ers1 1 1 1 The Son o! M"nLHsM 1 1 1 "ni!est"tion wi%% be %ike
%ightning !%"shing "cross the sk' 1 1 1 /(t be!ore th"t h"$$ens0 the Son o! M"n (st
s(!!er (ch1 He must su!!er e#er"thin:)ll the grie! o! man/ind]and !urther'
He is to be reKected b' this gener"tion1=
@B@7p.@2@ D $t the Temple: HThe Oingdom o! God Does "ot Come #ith 3omp.I
5>61 L Oct0 Mon The +ews were Not )gnor"nt o! +es(sH Mir"c(%o(s "nd He"*en%'
#### #### #### +n 6:53#C> @B27p.@C*
.esus enters the Temple this day through the Golden Gate: To the "ssertion th"t
+es(s did not coe 'sterio(s%' or ir"c(%o(s%' @*156A so He co(%d not be the Son o!
God0 b(t One who c"e !ro other th"n He"*en0 +es(s as/s' H(o 'e both know e
"nd 'o( know were ) coe !roE $re you sureE $nd the little you /no#' does it
not mean anything to youE Does it not on!irm the propheiesEI LNOTE: The' were we%%
"c;("inted with the re"son"b%e b"sis !or the c%"i o! His *irgin"% conce$tion h"*ing known M"r' in the Te$%e0 the witness o!
O"ch"ri"s "nd E%iI"beth0 the ir"c(%o(s "$$e"r"nce o! the 9ise Men "nd the /eth%ehe s%"(ghter1 This "nd His ir"c(%o(s inistr'
"nd $erson"% ho%iness sho(%d h"*e $ro*ed His c%"i o! s($ern"t(r"% origin1M 9hi%e +es(s i$%ies those in the
crowd knew eno(gh o! His s($ern"t(r"% origin to be "cco(nt"b%e0 He asserts they did
not /no# the Truth and 5ight !rom #hih He ame. $ near riot brea/s out but is
stopped by the thunderous shout o! Gamaliel' #ho #ishes to hear .esus. When
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
.esus is through' Gamaliel approahes .esus #ith a 1uestion about the
signi!iant sign that had been promised by a t#elve year old in the Temple some
t#enty years be!ore. The sign that #as promised at that time #as that at His last
#ords the stones o! the Temple #ould be sha/en. LNOTE: " n(ber o! the thees !o(nd in the Letter
to the Hebrews c"e !ro +es(sH disco(rse th"t !o%%ows the one +ohn records in his Gos$e%1 ,o$"re Hebrews 2:7030F02C0 5:702202F#
26E 3:F0302>E 6:2#C0023#26E 2>:802>1 )t is "%so noteworth' th"t M& entions th"t she sees G""%ie% with t"b%et "nd $"rchent
beginning to write "t this *er' $oint1 9e know !ro %"ter "cco(nts in The Poem th"t tho(gh he w"s thoro(gh%' con*inced o! the
tr(th o! ,hrist when the Te$%e w"s sh"ken d(ring the cr(ci!i:ion0 G""%ie% does not o$en%' becoe " ,hristi"n o!!ici"%%' in b"$tis
(nti% soetie in A$ri%AD 741 Does this $ro*ide the !irst c%(e to the <non#P"(%ine= (ni;(eness o! this writing0 which h"s been
tr"dition"%%' "ttrib(ted to P"(%B ,o(%d it h"*e been th"t P"(% on%' co$%eted or $(t in !in"% !or wh"t G""%ie% h"d written b(t
!e"red to circ(%"te in his n"eB P"(% w"s " disci$%e o! G""%ie% who w"s con*erted within three 'e"rs o! this *er' e$isode0 "nd
wo(%d h"*e cert"in%' been G""%ie%Hs choice (nder which to circ(%"te his work h"d he indeed written the work "nd not wished to (se
his own n"e1M
@B27p.@C* D $t the Temple: HDo 8ou Ono# Me and Where I ome FromEI
5>41 E No*0 T(e Yet " Litt%e 9hi%e ) A 9ith Yo(1
#### #### #### +n 6:C2#CF @BC7p.@;+
The third day' approahing the Temple: 3eter is reounting to .esus the
e0hange that too/ plae outside the Temple bet#een the crowds #aiting !or Him
and 3harisees #ho #ere trying to drive them a#ay by laiming He #as not the
Christ. The' res$onded0 HHe is not the ChristE $nd' Who is He thenE 9i%%
"nother "n e*er be "b%e to work the ir"c%es th"t He worksB Did the others #ho
said they #ere the Christ #or/ themE "o. 4ne hundred' one thousand
impostors may arise' perhaps reated by you' saying they are the Christ' but
#hoever may ome #ill never #or/ mirales li/e Him and as many as He #or/s.I
3eter then says that #hen they tried to laim His mirales #ere o! :eelzebub' the
ro#d replied' H4hL In that ase you should #or/ stri/ing ones' beause you are
ertainly :eelzebubs' ompared to the Holy 4ne.I
Inside the Temple' they head !or the plae o! prayer but are stopped by the
ro#ds #ho #ant to be #ith Him and hear Him. .esus tells them that He #ill be
leaving them and they #ill understand Him better then and #ill ontinue to
reeive His grae through !aith and prayer. <) sh"%% re"in with 'o( !or on%' "
short tie "nd ) wi%% go to those #hom the Father has sent Me Fthose in sheol7
hadesG. =.ohn9s Gospel adds: <"nd then ) go to Hi th"t sent Me1=A $!ter#ards
'o( wi%% %ook !or Me "nd 'o( wi%% not !ind Me1 And where I am 'o( wi%% not be "b%e
to coe1= LNOTE: +es(s e:isted in " s$irit("% diension in His F"therHs $resence th"t on%' those who c"e to know Hi
inti"te%' "!ter the "toneent "nd the coing o! the Ho%' S$irit co(%d e:$erience1 @See +ohn 27:2#C0 24#5CAM
@BC7p.@;+ D $t the Temple: HI (hall %emain #ith 8ou !or 4nly a (hort Time
746G$1763 @E No*eber0 s"e d"'0 T(e1A # At Nob @5 i%esA1 The Mir"c%e on the
9ind1 An o%d "n n"ed +ohn0 who h"s %onged to see the "ni!est"tion o! the
Messi"h e*er since he witnessed "nother o%d "n @SieonA sing $r"ise to God o*er "
%itt%e b"b' in the Te$%e o*er thirt' 'e"rs be!ore0 h"s his $r"'ers "nswered1 +es(s te%%s
the $"r"b%e o! the Mis(nderstood -ing "nd His Fe"r!(% S(bKects1
M"n"en "nd Tione(s0 who h"*e been so "sh"ed o! h"*ing been is%e"d "nd
decei*ed th"t the' h"*e "*oided +es(s since the !i"sco "t ,h(I"Hs co(ntr' ho(se o*er "
onth "go in %"te Se$teber0 h"*e been bro(ght to +es(s b' M"tthi"s1 As the' h"*e
shed so "n' te"rs o! sorrow0 now the' shed te"rs o! Ko' to !ind +es(s h"s nothing b(t
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
%o*e "nd (nderst"nding !or the1 Fin"%%'0 when the windstor th"t h"s ste"di%' been
intensi!'ing begins to thre"ten %i!e "nd $ro$ert'0 +es(s w"%ks o(t into the stor "nd
co"nds it to ce"se1 E*er'one in the cit' "nd be'ond witnesses the ir"c%e1
5>81 E No*0 9ed S(!!er the Litt%e ,hi%dren to ,oe1
Mt 28:2C#23 Mk 2>:2C#2F Lk 24:23#26 #### @BB7p.@B@
"e0t day outside .erusalem in the Galileans9 Field: Cro#ds o! adults'
espeially !rom "azareth' #ho have been !inally #arming up to .esus' are trying
to /eep the gro#ing numbers o! hildren ba/ so they an approah Him. +es(s
s"'s: <Let the %itt%e chi%dren to coe to Me1= LNOTE: Soe o! wh"t the Gos$e% writers record +es(s s"'ing
is not !o(nd here in M&Hs "cco(nt1 )t is $ossib%e she did not record "%% +es(s s"id here1 +es(s "kes " sii%"r st"teent "bo(t
chi%dren in )))0 C66G$1F561M LM& ist"ken%' c"%%s the "n +es(s !orgi*es !or his otherHs de"th0 A%$h"e(s1 His n"e is S"(e%1 See
)&0 5FFM
.udas Isariot again beomes an oasion !or .esus to teah the rest o! His
$postles about the serious error o! Rudging others. .esus also gives some very
important instrutions and advie to His t#o $postle ousins' oasioned by the
#ell meaning but heated argument they had #ith their t#o older brothers over
their o!!ending attitude and #ords to#ard the #ay .esus is doing things.
@BB7p.@B, D .esus at the Camp o! the Galileans #ith His $postle Cousins.
52>1 E No*0 Th( )! An' M"n Thirst Let Hi ,oe .nto Me1
#### #### #### +n 6:C6#4:2 @BA7p.@BA
The last day o! the Feast in the Te$%e: .$on entering the Te$%e and !inding a
suitable plae among the greatly inreased number o! supporters' +es(s begins1
+es(sH $ower!(% *oice in !(%% !orce !i%%s the te$%e0 <Let those who "re thirst' coe to
Me "nd drinkP Ri*ers o! %i*ing w"ter wi%% s$ring !orth !ro the bosos o! those who
be%ie*e in Me1= He pauses' as though #aiting !or everyone to ma/e a hoie. He
then repeats the invitation and promise' and begins His message. This po#er!ul
message' !illed #ith both urgeny and promise' %e"*es e*er'one in "we0 "nd !or "
oent co$%ete%' dis"rs e*en His eneies1 $s .esus is healing the si/' He is
ordered to leave the Temple under threat o! being arrested. .oseph' #ho has
been the most resistant o! .esus9 ousins' is present and is no# purple #ith anger
against .esus9 ausers. He has to be 1uieted by .esus. Nicode(s0 in de!ending
+es(s0 hise%! becoes the obKect o! threats' ins(%ts "nd ocker' !rom the hie!
priests and 3hariseesL It is here that .oseph reahes a turning point in his
understanding o! the Messiah9s mission. (eeing that .esus is destined to
humiliation' de!eat and death' he brea/s #ith emotion. He is almed by the
assuranes o! .esus. +es(s retires to the Mo(nt o! O%i*es1
@BA7p.@BB # 4n the 5ast Day o! the Feast o! the Tabernales. The 5iving Water.
78>G$1783 @E No*eber0 s"e d"'0 Th(1A # At /eth"n'1 <One ,"n -i%% in M"n' 9"'s1=
The s(bKect o! the de"th o! +ohn o! Endor coes ($1 +es(s0 grie*ed o*er the <deon=
whose "ction "de +ohnHs e:i%e necess"r' "nd th(s contrib(ted to his de"th0 "kes it
c%e"r th"t this w"s (rder0 "nd wi%% be so K(dged b' God1 +(d"s )sc"riot is $resent "nd
he"rs e*er'thing +es(s s"'s1 He then "kes "n e*en ore chi%%ing $rediction "bo(t
this <deon1=
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *

782G$1786 @E No*eber0 s"e or ne:t d"'A # Ne"r the Fo(nt"in o! En#Roge%1 O(tside
the so(the"stern corner o! +er(s"%e is " !o(nt"in th"t h"s been the $%"ce o! decision
!or se*er"% signi!ic"nt historic"% e*ents0 soe *er' good "nd soe *er' b"d1 +es(s te%%s
those who h"*e g"thered th"t o(r so(%0 %ike the !o(nt"in0 needs const"nt $rotection to
kee$ it !ro being dirtied "nd r(ined0 %e"ding it to wrong "nd h"r!(% decisions1
5221 E No*0 Fri The 9o"n ,"(ght in Ad(%ter'1
#### #### #### +n 4:5#22 @A*7p.2+*
The Te$%e: 9hi%e +es(s0 aompanied only by .ohn and 3eter' is s$e"king to "
n(ber o! s($$orters0 soe Scribes "nd Ph"risees coe dragging " wo"n c"(ght in
"d(%ter' be!ore +es(s1 +es(s is si%ent "s the ch"rges "re "de1 +es(s begins to write
the sins o! the ausers on the d(st' stone !loor. Her "cc(sers !in"%%' "b"ndon the
wo"n c"(ght in "d(%ter' when +es(s st"nds "nd0 #ith eyes blazing' thunders !orth'
<)! there is one o! 'o( who h"s not sinned0 %et hi be the !irst to throw " stone "t her1=
S%ow%'0 the Ph"risees and the others in the ro#d' all o! #hom had ome to hear
.esus but have' i! only in their hearts' Roined in their ondemnation' begin to
%e"*e1 +es(s "g"in stoo$s down "nd contin(es to write until only 3eter and .ohn are
le!t. They are dismissed' and +es(s s$e"ks to the wo"n "%one1 He does not say
she is !orgiven. He s"'s0 <Go1 And do not sin "n'ore1 Go home. $nd behave in
suh a #ay that you may be !orgiven by God and the man you o!!ended. $nd do
not trespass on the benignity o! the 5ord.I
@A*7p.2+* D The 3harisees and the $dulterous Woman.
78CG$13>4 @E No*eber0 s"e d"'0 Fri1A # )nstr(ctions on the Ro"d to /eth"n'1
Le"*ing the Te$%e "re" with Peter "nd +ohn0 +es(s Koins the other A$ost%es "nd "n'
other disci$%es w"iting ne"r the !o(nt"in o! Si%o"1 +(d"s is sc"nd"%iIed "t +es(sH
de!ense o! the "d(%tero(s wo"n0 who h"s not e*en re$ented o! her sin1 +es(s gi*es
soe e:tree%' i$ort"nt instr(ctions to His !(t(re $riests "bo(t $"tience "nd
!orgi*eness tow"rd sinners1 +es(s b%esses "nd sends o(t the other disci$%es thro(gho(t
+(de" with instr(ctions !or the to ret(rn "t P"sso*er in the s$ring1
L+es(s sto$s "t /eth"b"r" @24 i%esA be!ore contin(ing on to So%oonHs &i%%"ge @C
787G$1322 @E No*eber0 ne:t d"'0 S"t1A # At the &i%%"ge o! So%oon "nd in His Ho(se1
O%d An"ni"s0 who +es(s h"s he"%ed "nd "de c"ret"ker o! this ho(se soe si:
onths be!ore @)))0 C4CG$1F34A0 we%coes +es(s0 the Twe%*e "nd M"rKi"1 9hen the
con*ers"tion t(rns to the "w!(% b%ood' de"th th"t h"te wi%% "cco$%ish "g"inst the Son
o! God0 +(d"s !%ies into " r"ge1
783G$132F @E No*eber0 three d"'s %"ter0 T(e1A # +es(s "nd Sion o! +on"s1 &i%%"ges
tow"rd R"oth Gi%e"d @2>B i%esA: The o(nting h"tred0 $ersec(tion0 "nd contin(o(s
thre"ts "g"inst +es(s h"*e t"ken their to%% on Peter0 "%so1 As chosen he"d o! the
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
A$ost%es0 he h"s becoe $"in!(%%' "w"re o! his (tter in"bi%it' to h"nd%e things0
$"rtic(%"r%' in the eek "nd !orgi*ing w"' +es(s w"nts hi to1 He is o*ercoe b'
!e"r0 !e"r !or +es(sH s"!et'0 "nd !e"r th"t he wi%% *io%ent%' strike with (rdero(s intent
sho(%d he disco*er the betr"'ing one1 +es(s tries to restore the deso%"te A$ost%e0
"ss(ring hi o! His gr"ce1
78FG$135> @E#M No*eberA # +es(s to Th"dde(s "nd to +"es o! Oebedee1 Ne"r "nd
North o! Heshbon LC7B i%esM: Here0 +(d"s )sc"riot becoes the thorn th"t +"es o!
Oebedee (st o*ercoe1 +es(sH gre"test $"in is the in"bi%it' o! His Disci$%es to be
gr"cio(s "nd %o*ing to one "nother1
786G$1353 @M No*eber0 s"e d"'A # The M"n !ro Petr"0 ne"r Heshbon1 So(th o!
Heshbon LFB i%esM: A!ter being dri*en o(t o! Heshbon0 the Disci$%es "re "ngr' "nd
co$%"ining "g"in1 +es(s $roises to he%$ " "n !ro Petr"1 +(d"s now becoes "
thorn !or +es(s1 He sets the e:"$%e "g"in !or the Disci$%es1
L+es(s "nd the Disci$%es sto$ "t " *i%%"ge "t !oot o! Mo(nt Nebo @7 i%esA0 then go
to Mo(nt Nebo !or " retre"t1 @$1356AM
784G$1354 @M No*eber0 " !ew d"'s "!ter ,h 786A # Descending !ro Mo(nt Nebo1
+(d"s becoes " thorn !or +ohn1 He is conso%ed b' N"th"nie%1

788G$13C5 @M No*eber0 ne:t d"'A # P"r"b%e o! the F"ther who Pr"ises His F"r#Aw"'
,hi%dren1 ,(re o! the Litt%e /%ind ,hi%dren0 F"r" "nd T""r1 A *i%%"ge ne"r Mo(nt
Nebo @HeshbonB F i%esA1 +es(s e:$%"ins th"t it w"s not the "ni"% s"cri!iced th"t w"s
i$ort"nt to God0 b(t the s"cri!ice "de b' "n in o!!ering the best o! his "ni"%s th"t
w"s eritorio(s1 He te%%s o! the d"' th"t "ni"% s"cri!ice wi%% be "bo%ished !or the one
$er!ect s"cri!ice0 the s"cri!ice o! "n obedient0 %o*ing0 "nd contrite he"rt1
S"doc "nd " co$"n' o! his disci$%es coing to worshi$ "t the ho%' Mo(nt Nebo
r(n into +es(s1 The' des$oi% the to(ching "nd tender scene o! the he"%ing o! two %itt%e
chi%dren b' their *io%ent ins(%ts "nd *eno1 +es(s %e"*es dee$%' grie*ed o*er the dee$
sin in so "n' he"rts1
LHis $%"ns to t(rn b"ck to +ericho "re ch"nged "nd the' "%% contin(e so(th to
,"%%irhoe @C> i%esA where the' "re "g"in gi*en " r(de rece$tion1 See 3>>G$13C8M
3>>G$13C8 @M No*eberA # Di*ine "nd Di"bo%ic"% Possessions1 At the /eth"b"r" !ord
@24 i%esA: Peter !"%%s into (tter des$"ir o*er the tre"tent the' h"*e recei*ed e*er
since "nd e*en be!ore the' %e!t G"%i%ee !or this Si:th +(de"n inistr'0 es$eci"%%' !ro
se*er"% <"d0= deon $ossessed $ersons1 +es(s e:$%"ins th"t the worse c"ses o!
deonic $ossession "re those who h"*e $er!ected their e*i% in s(ch " w"' "s to go
(nnoticed1 He e:$%"ins how $eo$%e becoe gr"d("%%' $ossessed b' either S"t"n or b'
God1 +(d"s "cc(ses +es(s o! being (nK(st1
LThe' "%% go to /eth#hog%"h @5 i%esA0 7#3 i%es 9est o! +erichoE then to Dec"$o%is
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
@7> i%esAE then b"ck ne"r +ericho on e"st side o! +ord"nD @see ne:t $"r"gr"$hAE then
"g"in to Dec"$o%is on +ord"n *i" EnonDD @see second $"r"gr"$h be%owA @See )&0
$13720 37F033C0 332A1 The' do not go G"%i%ee "s $%"nned1 @$332AM
3>2G$1375 @M No*eber0 " !ew d"'s "!ter ,h 3>>A # The 9i!e o! the S"dd(ce"n
Necro"ncer1 On the E"st side o! +ord"n ne"r +erichoD @7> i%esA: +es(s s$e"ks o!
the g%or' o! His "rt'rdo1 He then s$e"ks o! the betr"'er0 who wi%% be the ost
$ossessed "nd obsessed "n to e*er %i*e1
A wi!e o! " high#r"nking "n o! HerodHs co(rt0 " necro"ncer0 is bro(ght b' "
Scribe to +es(s to intercede !or her d'ing h(sb"nd0 who is neither re$ent"nt nor with
!"ith1 )t is " c%e*er $%ot to discredit Hi "s one who ight show gr"ce to one in s(ch
e*i%1 +es(s0 cert"in%' !or the s"ke o! the wo"n0 gi*es " ost se*ere0 "%ost
"$oc"%'$tic sentence o! K(dgent on the sin "nd h'$ocris' o! this S"dd(cee1 LThe'
he"d north tow"rd Enon1M
3>2bG$1332 # +es(s sh"res with M& soe *er' signi!ic"nt distinctions between the
,o(nion o! the S"ints "nd Necro"nc'1
3>5G$133C @M No*eber0 ne:t d"'A # De"th o! An"ni"s1 Fro ne"r EnonDD @7>
i%esA0 +es(s decides to go b"ck to So%oonHs &i%%"ge1 Since the' wi%% not be going
b"ck to N"I"reth0 +es(s (st send M"rKi" b"ck so he wi%% not be with the in +(de"
"t the ne:t P"sso*er1 At So%oonHs &i%%"ge @C3 i%esA0 the' !ind o%d An"ni"s h"s K(st
died1 +es(s is dee$%' grie*ed o*er the %oss o! An"ni"s "nd the co!ort o! his %o*e1
LFro here the' %e"*e !or NikeHs ho(se ne"r +ericho @2> i%esA @See $13720
3380F4CA1 Then to +er(s"%e @27 i%esA1M
5251 M No*eber The Need o! Perse*ering F"ith in Pr"'er1 The P"r"b%e o! the
9o"n "nd the .nK(st +(dge1
#### #### Lk 24:2#4 #### 2+<7p.2C*
The Temple: The $"r"b%e o! the 9o"n "nd the .nK(st +(dge1 .esus has Rust
enouraged an older ouple to ontinue praying !or their very serious onern.
They have been praying every day in the Temple !or a month and are very
disouraged. He promises them' in doing so' that they #ill reeive the mirale
they need. The Disiples 1uestion #hy He did not tell the ouple #ho He #as' as
they thought this #ould help them pray #ith more peae. .esus replies that the
ouple indeed #ould pray #ith more peae' but #ith less value and less merit. $s
it is' He says' Htheir !aith is per!et and #ill be re#arded.I I! they /ne# He #as
.esus and not merely a /ind and godly %abbi' their obediene #ould not have
had enough merit to #arrant the mirale. +es(s0 tr'ing to e$h"siIe to the nearly
,++ people around Him the *"%(e o! const"nt $r"'er "nd the *"%(e o! res$onding to
!"ith0 which is most eritorio(s0 te%%s the $"r"b%e o! the 9o"n "nd the .nK(st +(dge1
$s +es(s leaves the Temple and noties the many indi!!erent and hostile !aes' He
s"d%' e:c%"is0 </(t when the Son o! M"n coes b"ck0 wi%% He sti%% !ind !"ith on the
2+<7p.22B D The 3arable o! the >nsrupulous .udge.
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
52C1 M No*eber ) A the Light o! the 9or%d1
#### #### #### +n 4:25#5> 2+@7p.2C@
Tre"s(r' enc%os(re o! the Te$%e: +es(s dec%"res0 <) " the Light o! the wor%d "nd
he who !o%%ows Me wi%% not w"%k in d"rkness0 b(t wi%% h"*e the %ight o! %i!e1= .esus
then e0plains that He is the 5ight beause He is God9s (on' Who' as Father' is
the origin o! 5ight. $s the (on o! God the Father' He has the very same nature
as the Father. When His eneies ch"%%enge +es(sH testion' to Hise%!0 He reinds
the th"t the' L"s "%% h("ns "re !orced to doM in an admittedly dar/ened #orld0
c"n on%' K(dge !ro wh"t the' see in that dar/1 He0 then L(n%ike "n' other h("n
beingM0 knows !ro where He c"e "nd He knows where He is going1 A second
re"son +es(sH testion' is tr(e is bec"(se He is c%e"r%' not " se%!#centered $erson who
"%w"'s h"s to K(dge "nd conden those who o$$ose Hi: <L.n%ike 'o(M0 ) inste"d do
not K(dge "n'bod'0 i! I an abstain !rom Rudging. I loo/ at you meri!ully and
pray !or you' that you may open to the light.I .esus then gives a third reason
His testimony is true: <9hen ) h"*e to K(dge 1 1 1 ) " not "%one0 b(t ) " with the
F"ther who sent Me1= He reinds the th"t their own %"w s"'s th"t the testion' o!
two witnesses (st be "cce$ted "s *"%id1 <) be"r witness to M' N"t(re "nd the F"ther
who sent e testi!ies the s"e thing1= (ine they no# at as though they do not
/no# o! #hat He is spea/ing' .esus reminds them o! the :aptist9s very lear
testimony to Him as the 5amb o! God' the thunderous voie o! the Father in
Heaven and the desent o! the (pirit in the dove upon Him' all o! #hih HmanyI
standing there had atually #itnessed.
2+@7p.2C@ D .esus' The 5ight o! the World.
5271 M No*0 Fri9ither ) Go Ye ,"nnot ,oe1 Ye Sh"%% Die in Yo(r Sins1
#### #### #### +n 4:52#38 2+27p.2;,
The ne:t d"' in the Te$%e: (ribes' 3harisees and priests immediately
surround .esus a!ter He enters the Temple' !inishes His prayers and desends to
the ourt o! Israel to !ind a plae to teah. He is told He #ill no longer be
allo#ed to teah in the Temple and must leave. $s usual' .esus is al#ays
aommodating to His enemies unless another is being harmed. (o He says' <)
" going "w"' as you #ish . . . #here you #ill not be able to reah Me. $nd the
time #ill ome #hen 'o( "%so wi%% be %ooking !or Me . . . through a superstitious
terror o! being stru/ . . . $!ter the present time no remedy #ill be o! any avail.
8ou #ill not have Me any more "nd 'o( wi%% die in 'o(r sins1=
$!ter being interrupted and alled a blasphemer !or alling God His Father'
L*156M .esus again is interrupted as he says' <9hen 'o( h"*e %i!ted ($ the Son o!
M"n L*154M 1 1 1= .esus then ma/es it lear that this raising up #ill seem to them a
lo#ering' but #hen they do that' He #ill be raised up not only over 3alestine but
over the #hole #orld' not Rust !or one li!etime but !or as long as the earth e0istsL
.esus tells them' HThe shado# o! My throne #ill spread more and more over the
earth until it overs it ompletely. Then only #ill I ome ba/ and you #ill see
Me. 4hL 8ou shall see MeLI
.esus' no# repeating His original theme and all o! v.*B' ma/es a hilling
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
predition that sends sho/ #aves even into the hearts o! His enemies. Those
#hose hearts have been moved appeal to .esus !or help to !ully believe. LNOTE: 9h"t
+ohn records in **1 C2#C4 is the (ch#red(ced te:t o! wh"t +es(s "ct("%%' s"id to these seekers o! tr(th1 +es(sH "ct("% words o! **1 C6
"nd C4 "re "s !o%%ows:M H/(t those among 'o( #ho seek M' de"th 1 1 1 reKect M' 9ord which
c"nnot get into the he"rts o! many o! 'o(1 ) te%% 'o( wh"t ) he"rd ne"r M' F"ther 1 1 1
/(t those among 'o( #ho perseute Me' do wh"t L'o(M they %e"rnt !ro their !"ther
and do #hat he suggests.I .esus9 enemies' #ho have to this point been subdued'
upon hearing the harge that (atan is their !ather' beome livid #ith rage' and
they try to push through the protetive group around .esus. The b"ck "nd !orth
deb"te goes on L**1 C8#34M (nti% it bre"ks !orth into co$%ete $"ndeoni(1 +es(s
esc"$es thro(gh " prearranged esc"$e ro(te hidden in the Temple #all.
2+27p.2CA D .esus (pea/s in the Temple to the Inredulous .udeans.
3>FG$134> @M No*eber0 s"e d"'0 Fri1A # )n +ose$hHs Ho(se "t T Se$horis1 Litt%e
M"rti"% N"ed M"n"sseh1 The North end o! +er(s"%e: +es(s0 w"%king to the ho(se
"%one with +ohn0 s$e"ks o! the %ong d(r"tion o! the A$ost%eHs e"rth%' inistr' "nd his
inistr' after)ards "s %"sting to the ne:t <new= "d*ent0 d(ring which tie <"n'
things wi%% dr' ($= "nd <becoe d(st' o%d "nd "rid stones1= According to +es(s0
+ohn wo(%d be <" %ight in the %"st ties= when there wi%% be " <str(gg%e o! d"rkness
"g"inst the %ight0= so th"t in "ddition to His ,h(rch0 which <wi%% not be deo%ished b'
the !iercer "nd !iercer "ss"(%ts o! He%%0= +ohn wo(%d "%so %e"*e " Light th"t wi%% not be
destro'ed1 +es(s te%%s +ohn th"t this %ight wo(%d be !or those who <be%ie*e in Me in "n
i$er!ect "nner0 bec"(se "%tho(gh the' "cce$t Me the' wi%% not "cce$t M' Peter1=
L"ter0 in the hoe o! +ose$h o! Se$horis0 the "do$ted Ro"n or$h"n bo' becoes
the occ"sion !or +es(sH te"ching on the tr(e circ(cision0 the tr(e L"w0 the new
Te$%e "nd $riesthood th"t "re soon to coe1 LNOTE: Fro the in!or"tion gi*en "t
the o$ening o! the ,h"$ter0 one c"n conc%(de th"t this hoe w"s host to M"r' "nd
+ose$h CC 'e"rs "go when M"r' "nd +ose$h c"e to +er(s"%e to see E%iI"beth "nd
then "t the Present"tion o! +ohn the /"$tist1 See )0 5>G$18FE 53G$1252M TLNOTE: The
,h"$ter tit%e is incorrect1 )t sho(%d re"d: )n +er(s"%e "t the Ho(se o! +ose$h o!
Se$horis o! G"%i%ee1

3>6G$1346 @M No*eber0 s"e d"'0 Fri1A # The O%d Priest M"t"n @or N"t"nA1 +ose$h
o! Se$horisH ho(se in +er(s"%e0 %"te "!ternoon: The ho(se becoes " g"thering $oint
!or "n' o! +es(sH $roinent !o%%owers who "re *er' distr"(ght o*er the o(tbre"k "t
the Te$%e th"t orning0 inc%(ding " new !o%%ower0 "n o%d $riest who is o*ed b' the
S$irit "nd $ro$hecies1
+es(s reinds Nicode(s o! his (nch"rit"b%e "ttit(des tow"rds the Ro"n or$h"n th"t "re $%"in%'
contr"r' to the L"w o! God "nd 'et so (ch " $"rt o! e*en the best o! )sr"e%ites1
5231 M No*0 S"t A M"n born /%ind is He"%ed on the S"bb"th1
#### #### #### +n 8:2#C7 2+B7p.2A<
"e0t day: 4n the #ay to the (ynagogue in +er(s"%e: .udas Isariot points out
a "n ob*io(s%' born b%ind oming to !ind .esus and being !ollo#ed by t#o men o!
the Temple. Clearly' in a !urther attempt to get .esus involved' .udas "sks who
h"s sinned0 the "n or his $"rents1 He seems ertain there #as sin on one or the
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
other9s part' but he annot understand ho# the man ould sin be!ore being born
or #hy God #ould punish the man !or his parent9s sin. The other Disci$%es h"*e
the s"e ;(estion0 so they gather around to hear .esus9 ans#er. (ine it is the
S"bb"th0 the men o! the Temple have other reasons !or hearing and seeing .esus9
response. Z+ohn 8:C#F[ 9hen +es(s sends the "n @Sidoni"#/"rtho%"iA to w"sh in
the Poo% o! Si%o"0 the t#o men o! the Temple !ollo# him. Z+ohn 8:6#25[ A!ter the
he"%ing0 the "n "grees to go with the $rotesting (ribes and priests to the Te$%e
a!ter assuranes o! .oseph o! $rimathea !or his sa!ety. Z+ohn 8:23#C7[ The son0
as #ell as the !ather and mother' "re eKected !ro the Te$%e1 $t the son9s
insistene' they all go ba/ to the (ynagogue intending to praise God !or the gi!t
they have reeived. LNOTE: Fro $$1 3860 384 it is c%e"r th"t +(d"s h"d set +es(s ($1 9e c"n on%' g(ess his oti*e1
)n "%% %ike%ihood0 it w"s to cre"te the kind o! con!ront"tion th"t he tho(ght wo(%d co$e% +es(s to (se !orce to est"b%ish Hise%! "s
-ing1M LNOTE: +ohnHs Gos$e% does not indic"te how (ch tie there w"s between the eKection !ro the Te$%e "nd the %"ter
eKection !ro the S'n"gog(e0 b(t it w"s "ro(nd two weeks1 See 32FG$1F74M
2+B7p.2A< D The Cure o! the Man :orn :lind.
3>8G$1F>3 @M No*eber0 s"e d"'0 S"t1A # At Nob @5 i%esA1 +(d"s o! -erioth Lies1
+es(s s$e"ks o! the coing ch"nge in (nderst"nding "bo(t the i$ort"nce o! woen
res(%ting !ro the work o! the 9o"n ,o#redeeer1 +(d"s is ins(%ted b' the "ssertion0
so +es(s e%"bor"tes "t %ength "bo(t th"t 9o"n who is His Mother1 +(d"s is then
gi*en " we%%#deser*ed reb(ke b' "n e%der%' wo"n disci$%e !or his obstin"c'1
Then0 when +ose$h o! Ari"the" coes "nd te%%s wh"t he knows "bo(t the "n
born b%ind0 it is disco*ered b' "%% th"t not on%' h"d +(d"s set ($ +es(s b(t th"t he %ied
to co*er it ($1 Nicode(s then te%%s how the Ph"risees were w"iting "t the s'n"gog(e
"nd h"d "n"the"tiIed the he"%ed b%ind "n "nd b"rred hi !ro entering1 To be
eKected !ro the s'n"gog(e e"nt th"t no )sr"e%ite wo(%d hire th"t $erson !or work1
L+es(s "kes " short *isit to R""h @C i%esA to *isit Nicode(sH hoe "nd to sto$
in to *isit Phi%i$Hs $"rents1 @$$1F220F5CAM
32>G$1F25 @L No*eber0 !o(r d"'s %"ter0 9ed1A # Aong the R(ins o! " Destro'ed
&i%%"ge @C i%esA1 9h"t +es(s sees in these r(ins terroriIes the co$"n' o! disci$%es
th"t "re with Hi1 Here He sees the end o! )sr"e% "nd it brings te"rs to His e'es1
322G$1F23 @L No*eber0 ne:t d"'0 Th(1A # At E"(s in the Mo(nt"ins @C i%esA1
P"r"b%e o! the Rich 9ise M"n "nd the Poor )gnor"nt /o'1 +es(s is sw"red b'
chi%dren0 who get " $"r"b%e the' wo(%d cert"in%' enKo'0 "nd "t the s"e tie wo(%d be
" w"rning to the <three ;("rters= o! the $eo$%e o! )sr"e% who h"*e not recei*ed The
,hrist1 A dre"d!(% sh"dow indeed %oos o*er the n"tion "nd $eo$%e o! )sr"e%0 who
h"*e becoe (tter%' !oo%ish in their "teri"% interests "nd their gr"nd re%igio(s
"$$e"r"nce1 +es(s s$e"ks $%"in%' "bo(t wh"t is going to h"$$en1
325G$1F55 @L No*eber0 ne:t d"'0 Fri1A # The .ndecided Yo(ng M"n1 Mir"c%es "nd
Adonitions "t /eth#Horon @4#2> i%esA1 +es(s shows " 'o(ng "n0 "!r"id to becoe
" disci$%e !or !e"r he c"nnot re"ch $er!ection0 th"t $er!ection c"n be re"ched i! it is
so(ght "!ter in the $ro$er w"'1 Stri*ing !or $er!ection "nd h(i%it' "re essenti"% i! the'
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
"re so(ght "!ter in "n order%' w"' "nd do not in*o%*e <heed%ess h"ste0 (n!o(nded
deKection0 do(bts "nd %"ck o! con!idence s(ch "s be%ie*ing th"t0 bec"(se o! his
i$er!ection0 "n c"nnot becoe $er!ect1= +es(s e:$%"ins th"t !or this to h"$$en0 the
*irt(es (st be $resent0 the *irt(es which c"nnot be $rod(ced b' "n witho(t st"rting
with the s($ree *irt(e o! %o*e to God "nd neighbor1 +es(s e:$%"ins how o(t o! this
s($ree *irt(e God wi%% bring "bo(t the growth o! "%% the other *irt(es we stri*e to see
in o(r %i*es1
A$$ro"ching /eth#Horon0 ($on the s(it o! " o(nt"in0 " re%"ti*e o! He%k"i the Ph"risee0 "
bitter ene' o! +es(s0 coes $%e"ding !or the %i!e o! his wi!e1 He is not h"$$' th"t +es(s !irst "ttends
to " b"d%' inK(red Ro"n so%dier th"t the cit' h"s re!(sed to he%$1 The so%dierHs co"nding o!!icer
h"s K(st h"d " *er' e'e#o$ening con*ers"tion with +es(s0 who h"s "%re"d' he"rd eno(gh "bo(t Hi to
coe to re"%iIe he w"s "t %e"st in the $resence o! " god coe to e"rth1 The o!!icer0 howe*er0 is %e!t
s$eech%ess when +es(s corrects hi0 s"'ing He is <The God1 The On%' OneP= The citiIens o! /eth#
Horon "re o!!ended o*er the ir"c%e !or the inK(red Ro"n so%dier des$ite the !"ct +es(s he"%s the
d'ing wi!e o! one o! their $roinent citiIens1
As the Ro"n co"nder %e"*es0 he e:$resses " desire to see +es(s "g"in1 +es(s
$roises hi0 <9e sh"%% eet on " di!!erent o(nt"in1= LNOTE: This co"nder is
the so%dier "t ,"%*"r' who gi*es witness to G""%ie% th"t +es(s w"s the Son o! God1
@&0 F>3"G$1F>3 or CC3AM
+es(s then w"rns the cit' o! its inK(stice "nd the e*i% within it th"t is <$(rch"sing
consciences in order to %e"d the to crie1=
32CG$1FC5 @L No*eber0 s"e d"'0 Fri1A # Tow"rds Gibeon1 The Re"sons !or +es(sH
Sorrow1 As the Disci$%es0 on " high hi%%to$0 "re tr'ing to esc"$e the sh"dow o! sorrow
th"t h"s en*e%o$ed the "nd their M"ster b' reco(nting soe o! the "n' h"$$enings
in their inistr'0 the' "%% coe to re"%iIe th"t e*er'thing h"s h"d sorrow connected
with it0 es$eci"%%' !or +es(s1 )t %e"ds to "n insight!(% $resent"tion !ro the Disci$%es
"nd !in"%%' +es(s Hise%! on the re"son th"t the K(st h"*e so (ch sorrow1 +es(s "%so
s$e"ks "bo(t the d"nger o! ent"% $ride "nd !%esh%' $er*ersion "nd the !ree choice o!
"n to ebr"ce these "s being the re"% c"(se o! 6>h o! "%% sin0 not the De*i%1 +es(s
"!!irs th"t the $"g"n Ro"n co"nder the' et e"r%ier wi%% be " witness to the
,r(ci!i:ion "nd " witness to <" gre"t doctor= o! )sr"e%0 who wi%% begin0 "t th"t word
!ro this $"g"n0 his "ssent to the LightP
327G$1FC4 @L No*eber0 s"e d"'0 Fri1A # At Gibeon @C i%esA1 The 9isdo o! Lo*e1
+es(s s$e"ks o! GodHs gi!t o! wisdo to So%oon gi*en to hi "!ter he h"d0 o(t o!
%o*e !or God0 o!!ered "n' s"cri!ices in Gibeon0 "nd "ccording%' "sked !or wisdo
inste"d o! we"%th or $ower1 /(t e*er' gi!t0 s"'s +es(s0 is "%so " test "nd necess"r' !or
one to contin(e to $er!ect hise%!1 The test c"n be one o! Ko'0 in which to $rogress
one (st re"in h(b%e0 gr"te!(% "nd !"ith!(% witho(t wishing ore0 or the test c"n be
one o! sorrow0 in which to $rogress one (st be $"tient "nd contin(e %o*ing God
des$ite the di!!ic(%t'1 +es(s "%so s$e"ks "bo(t b(i%ding ($ " reser*e o! good works
which wi%% he%$ b"%"nce o(t "n' re%"$se into sin "nd he%$ one to get st"rted "g"in "!ter
323G$1F75 @L No*eber0 two d"'s %"ter0 S(n1A # Ret(rning to +er(s"%e1 On the w"'
to Nob @F i%esA1 Another i%%(in"tion into the d"rk "nd co$%e: n"t(re o! +(d"s1
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
LTo +er(s"%e @5 i%esAM
52F1 E#M Deceber +es(s ,o!orts the He"%ed M"n Thrown O(t o! the S'n"gog(e1 )
A the Good She$herd1
#### #### #### +n 8:C3#2>:52 2,C7p.C@A
$!ter prayers the ustomary prayers .esus leaves The Temple: The he"%ed b%ind
"n @(idonia D :artholmai? sees +es(s !or the !irst tie since he w"s he"%ed about
t#o #ee/s be!ore. A!ter !"%%ing down "nd "doring the Son o! God0 +es(s s"'s He
c"e into the wor%d to bring light and the /no#ledge o! God and to test en "nd
K(dge the 1 1 1 <) c"e 1 1 1 th"t 1 1 1 those who were b%ind Fbeause others have
built #alls to obstrut the lightG "' see 7 "nd those who consider these%*es seers0
"' becoe b%ind Fin their o#n eyes' that they might /no# the truth about
themselvesG.I The Ph"risees who h"d "%so he"rd +es(s "sk i! the' "re "ong the
b%ind1 +es(s "nswers the wise%' @*172A1
+es(s now s"'s He is both the Good She$herd "nd the Door to His shee$!o%d1 He
is the Door in that He is the one ultimately responsible !or /eeping all
undesirable elements out o! His !old. The #athmen or the porters are the
prophets #ho have !aith!ully told o! the oming o! the Christ and #ho have
#athed the sheep #hile the (hepherd' the true Door' #as gone. The $orter to
which +es(s re!ers in *1C is .ohn the :aptist' who o$ened the door to +es(s by
announing Him to his !ollo#ers. Z+ohn 2>:7#23[ Then' +es(s s"'s th"t He h"s
other shee$ th"t do not be%ong to this !o%d which He (st %e"d to His $"st(res1 The'
wi%% %isten to His *oice1 There wi%% be only one !o%d under only one She$herd0 and
the Oingdom o! God #ill be !ormed on the earth' ready to be transported to and
reeived into Heaven. Z+ohn 2>:26#52[ (idonia D :artholmai leaves all to !ollo#
the 5ord as a disiple. .esus also ma/es a lear re!erene to the )uharist as the
Food o! our e0ile that #ill last as long as #e are on this earth.
2,C7p.C@C D .esus the Good (hepherd.
326G$1F3F @E#M Deceber0 s"e d"'A # Tow"rds /eth"n' "nd in L"I"r(sH Ho(se @5
i%esA1 +(d"s0 witho(t $erission0 decides to st"' in +er(s"%e1 The Disci$%es "re not
too h"$$' th"t +es(s is %e"*ing his itiner"r' with $eo$%e "%ong the w"' so +(d"s c"n
!ind the e"si%' sho(%d he so wish1 /esides being " <tort(re0= the Disci$%es see no
ho$e !or +(d"s e*er ch"nging0 so +es(s (st w"rn the o! the !"t"%is o! the
Ph"risees0 who be%ie*e th"t "%% things "re $redestined "nd (st t"ke $%"ce1 @Th"t w"s
"%so the doctrine o! +ohn ,"%*in0 the ost $roinent in!%(ence in the Re!or"tion0
witho(t who the <Re!or"tion= beg(n b' L(ther wo(%d h"*e cert"in%' died1A
At L"I"r(sH hoe0 +es(s co!orts M"r' "nd M"rth"0 who "re *er' distressed o*er
their brotherHs deterior"ting condition1 The' "re e:tree%' worried th"t their eneies
wi%% dec%"re L"I"r(s %e$ro(s "nd b"nish hi !ro /eth"n'1 +es(s "ss(res the this wi%%
not h"$$en1
324G$1FF2 @M DeceberA # Going to Teko"h1 O%d E%i"nn"1 Tho"s now sh"res his
dee$0 secret reorse with +(d"s Th"dde(s1 Th"t reorse wi%% e:$%"in Tho"sH %"ter
(tter deso%"tion "nd in"bi%it' to be%ie*e th"t +es(s wo(%d e*er "$$e"r to the "!ter His
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
de"th1 Tho"s h"d insisted th"t +(d"s becoe " disci$%e o! +es(s1 Tho"s wo(%d
si$%' not be "b%e to be%ie*e his co$"nionHs word th"t when 'o( do not "ct o(t o!
"%ice 'o( "re not g(i%t' be!ore God1 Since Tho"sH reorse in*o%*ed +(d"s0 the
disc(ssion dri!ts to +(d"s "nd his !"(%ts0 both re"% "nd i"gined1 +es(s is not h"$$'
"bo(t this kind o! t"%k "nd ends ($ s$e"king to the "bo(t the "n' +(d"ses the' wi%%
!ind in the wor%d1 )t t"kes " !"ther0 howe*er0 dri*en o(t o! his own ho(se b' his own
Ph"risee son0 bec"(se o! his %o*e !or +es(s0 to gi*e the Disci$%es the best %esson on
erc' "nd !orgi*eness1 9h"t gre"t Ko' this one erci!(% s$irit brings to the he"*'
s"ddened he"rt o! +es(sP
328G$1FF8 @M Deceber0 ne:t d"'A # At Teko"h @25 i%esA1 +es(s gets " w"r
we%coe here !ro the citiIens0 " re"% ch"nge !ro so (ch o! wh"t the' h"*e
e:$erienced1 +es(s $re$"res the !or the tie th"t "%% wi%% see %ost "nd "n' wi%%
do(bt the tr(th o! His Messi"hshi$1
35>G$1F67 @M Deceber0 one or two d"'s %"terA # Arri*"% "t +ericho @25 i%esA1
O"cch"e(sH A$osto%"te1 O"cch"e(s h"d been con*erted soe si: onths be!ore "nd
h"d ch"nged his entire %i!e st'%e1 He h"d ret(rned ost o! his we"%th to those he h"d
o*ert":ed "nd disissed ost o! his ser*"nts he no %onger co(%d "!!ord to kee$1 He
ke$t on%' the o%d ser*"nt o! his !"ther0 who h"d been " *er' dist(rbing $rick in his
conscience "%% d(ring his o%d d"'s1
M"n' o! the $eo$%e o! the cit'0 tho(gh the' "re e:cited to see +es(s0 h"*e sti%% not
!orgi*en O"cch"e(s "nd "re ;(ite r(de to hi1 A!ter " short e:hort"tion on their !"(%t
"nd " $roise to s$e"k to the the ne:t d"'0 +es(s goes to O"cch"e(sH ho(se1 )n his
hoe0 O"cch"e(s te%%s o! his enco(r"ging e!!orts to bring to !"ith his o%d $"rtners in
sin1 He "%so te%%s +es(s the %"test schee the Ph"risees h"*e to destro' the s($$ort
+es(s h"s gotten "ong the $o$(%"ce1
5261 M Deceber The P(b%ic"n "nd the Ph"risee "t Pr"'er in the Te$%e1
#### #### Lk 24:8#27 #### 2*,7p.CB2
"e0t day: +es(s ures a number o! the si/ and "ddresses the itizens o!
.eriho0 many o! who tr(st in these%*es "nd des$ise others1 Many o! these still
despise Uahaeus. In the parable o! the (i/ and the Healthy' .esus sho#s the
inonsisteny bet#een the #ay they are treating the physially si/ and the #ay
they are treating the spiritually and morally si/' espeially a!ter they reover.
)ven those #ith the #orst disease' #hen they are healed' are #elomed ba/ into
their homes and ities #ith great Roy. )n the $"r"b%e o! the Ph"risee "nd the
P(b%ic"n0 .esus sho#s ho# !oolish and #rong they are in Rudging Uahaeus #hen
God had !orgiven him beause o! his repentane and onversion. .esus then goes
ba/ to the house #ith Uahaeus and his ompany o! !riends.
2*,7p.CB+ D $t .eriho. T#o 3arables: That o! the (i/ and the Healthy' and that
o! the 3harisee and the 3ublian.
355G$1F44 @M Deceber0 s"e d"'A # )n O"cch"e(sH Ho(se with the ,on*erts1 The
So(% "nd the Error o! Reinc"rn"tion1 A ho(se de*oid o! ne"r%' e*er' e"rth%' tre"s(re
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
is0 inste"d0 !i%%ed with he"*en%' tre"s(re1 This is " o*ing "cco(nt o! wh"t GodHs
gr"ce h"s done0 !irst in O"cch"e(s "nd then in the %i*es o! those who were dr"wn to
hi in se"rch !or " new %i!e1 +es(s is enr"$t(red in erc' "nd %o*e !or these who h"*e
so heroic"%%' withstood the !orces o! sin "nd e*i% in their $"st %i*es "nd h"*e now coe
to the Light1 This h"s to be one o! the ost !(%!i%%ing d"'s +es(s wo(%d e*er h"*e in
His Ce 'e"r inistr'1 +es(s "%so s$e"ks "t %ength on the so(% or s$irit o! "n "nd the
error o! reinc"rn"tion1
35CG$1F86 @M Deceber0 s"e d"'A # S"be" o! /eth%echi1 Pere" @3B i%esA: +es(s0
O"cch"e(s "nd his !riends go to the e"st side o! the +ord"n to *isit the %itt%e !"r the'
h"*e "c;(ired to s($$ort these%*es0 h"*ing gi*en ($ their dishonor"b%e occ($"tions1
A n(ber o! Ph"risees0 inc%(ding +es(sH bitter ene'0 S"doc0 bring " 'o(ng
$ro$hetess to +es(s to test Hi1 )t on%' ser*es to bring " striking witness o! +es(s "s
the ,hrist0 "nd to c"tch the Ph"risees in their own d($%icit'1 As " res(%t0 S"doc %oses
to the Tr(th !i*e o! his own disci$%es who he h"d bro(ght with hiP
)n this e$isode there is " $ower!(% witness b' the Pro$hetess to The 9o"n Ho%'
M"r'0 "nd " $roise b' +es(s to S"doc o! " d("% !(%!i%%ent o! <the sign o! +on"h=
$ro$hec' gi*en to hi "%ost " 'e"r be!ore when the' et in -edesh @)))0 C72G$1CF3A1
The !(%!i%%ent in part0 +es(s s"'s0 wi%% coe on one oon !ro th"t *er' d"'1 This
w"s !(%!i%%ed when L"I"r(s w"s r"ised !ro the de"d1 The second $roo!0 +es(s s"'s0
wi%% coe <when the corn 1 1 1 wi%% sh"ke its sti%% green e"rs in the breeIe o! Nis"n1=
This wi%% be in !o(r onths1
357G$162C @M Deceber0 ne:t d"'A # At /eth"b"r" @2B i%eA0 Reebering the
/"$tist1 Pere": The she$herd disci$%es h"*e g"thered " %"rge n(ber o! sick "nd %"e
who h"*e been w"iting !or +es(s1 He he"%s the "%% "nd s$e"ks to the o! the need o!
reco$ensing to God b' gi*ing oneHs s$irit !or His gi!t o! he"%th1 @+es(s re$e"ts soe
o! his te"ching !o(nd in Mt1 3:58E 24:8E "nd Mk 8:761 See ))0 267cG$1264 "nd )))0
353G$162F @L Deceber0 ne:t d"'A # Going /"ck to Nob1 +es(sH Oniscience1 P"ssing
thro(gh the Mo(nt o! O%i*es @28 i%esA: The Disci$%es0 sti%% witho(t +(d"s0 "re gro$ing
to (nderst"nd the re"son wh' +es(s is so s"d1 +(d"s Th"dde(s conc%(des th"t it is
bro(ght "bo(t b' His %osing ho$e !or the )sc"riot0 seeing he h"s been "bsent !ro
the1 /(t th"t thinking brings on%' "nother di%e"1 )! +es(s knows "%% things0 how
co(%d this be " s(r$rise to HiB +ohn is sent to +es(s0 who is now0 "s He o!ten is0
w"%king "he"d o! e*er'one1 +es(s e:$%"ins how He does know "%% things0 'et %i*es "s
"n with %iit"tions1 He e:$%"ins whi%e the "n' te$t"tions He e:$eriences co(%d
not $ossib%' "!!ect His wi%% to do the right @since He h"s "de His wi%%0 b' His own
erit0 stronger th"n the "$$e"% o! "n' sinA0 the te$t"tions He recei*es de"nd
treendo(s costs in s"cri!ice o! His being0 which c"nnot he%$ b(t $rod(ce the gre"test
$ossib%e grie!0 s"dness "nd sorrow1 The worse te$t"tion0 He s"'s0 is the $ride o!
being ho%'P /(t these ties o! sorrow "nd grie!0 +es(s "!!irs0 r"ther th"n being His
worse ties0 "re His bestP
35FG$165> @L Deceber0 s"e d"'A # At Nob @5 i%esA1 +(d"s o! -eriothHs Ret(rn1
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
,"n +es(sH grie! becoe "n' gre"terB He is ne"r bre"king "nd He does not h"*e His
Mother to he%$ Hi1 He !inds co!ort in the "rs o! o%d E%iI"0 the te$%e !riend to
His own Mother "nd " good other to her own chi%dren1 /(t the ro(nd o! grie! is
on%' renewed "s +(d"s ret(rns0 this tie o$en%' showing conte$t e*en !or +es(s1 The
re"% d"nger now is th"t +(d"s wi%% be disco*ered !or the tr"itor th"t he is0 bec"(se th"t
wo(%d cert"in%' e"n there wo(%d be b%ood on the h"nds o! His A$ost%es1 +es(s
c"nnot %et th"t h"$$en "s th"t wo(%d %e"*e "n inde%ib%e "rk "g"inst the ,h(rch He
w"s to !o(nd1
356G$1653 @L Deceber0 "t %e"st 5 d"'s %"ter0 Fri1A # At Nob d(ring the Fo%%owing
D"'s1 Hidden Possessions1 +es(s s$e"ks to +(d"s "bo(t those who se%% these%*es to
the ,(rsed One to g"in $ower to work ir"c%es "nd "bo(t those whose $ossession is
ore d"ngero(s bec"(se it is not detected b' s(ch ob*io(s "ni!est"tions1 He
e:$%"ins wh'0 !or o(r own good0 God "%%ows S"t"n to tr' "nd test the h("n r"ce1
354G$16C2 @L Deceber0 !o(r d"'s %"ter0 T(e1A # +(d"s o! -erioth )s L(st!(%1 Sti%% "t
Nob1 +(d"s h"d s%i$$ed o(t into the night0 thinking he w"s (nnoticed1 A!ter his !%ing
he ret(rns whi%e it is sti%% d"rk0 short%' be!ore d"wn1 +es(s h"s been ($ "%% night
w"tching0 w"iting0 $r"'ing "nd wee$ing !or +(d"s1 His enco(nter with +(d"s is the
ost tender b%end o! re$ro"ch "nd co$"ssion"te wooing one co(%d i"gine1
.n!o%ding here be!ore (s in +(d"sH contin(ed reKection o! +es(sH in!inite %o*e is the
gre"test h("n tr"ged' to h"*e e*er occ(rred1 No "n e*er sinned so gre"t%' "nd
"g"inst so (ch gr"ce "s +(d"s )sc"riot1 LNOTE: The 'ster' o! how one co(%d reKect
so (ch %o*e "nd erc' is $rob"b%' K(st "s dee$ "s GodHs %o*e is in!inite1 Th"t0
howe*er0 is the tr(th o! the (%ti"te so*ereignt' o! h("n wi%%0 the one thing th"t
"kes (s ost %ike God1 )t is His *er' di*ine i"ge in (s0 bec"(se0 i! o(tside in!%(ence
c"n sh"$e "nd e*en he%$ ch"nge the direction o! "n (n!ored wi%%0 it c"nnot ch"nge
wh"t becoes !ir%' wi%%ed b' the h("n so(%1 9h"t "wesoe $ower "nd "(thorit'
we h"*e to be the "sters o! o(r etern"% destin' 7 iort"% gods in e*er' sense0 "nd
$ower!(% eno(gh to rob the One On%' Etern"% God !ore*er o! the ost $recio(s "nd
$rice%ess o! His cre"ted tre"s(res0 " h("n so(%PM
358G$16C3 @L Deceber0 $ossib%' the s"e d"'0 T(e1A # +es(s S$e"ks to &"%eri" o!
M"trion' "nd Di*orce1 The Mir"c%e o! Litt%e Le*i1 9ord h"s s$re"d th"t +es(s is "t
Nob0 "nd "n' sick "nd %"e o! *"rio(s r"ci"% "nd ethnic b"ckgro(nds h"*e coe
!ro "%% o*er P"%estine1 +es(s he"%s the "%% "nd s$e"ks to the (ni*ers"%it' o! His
ission "s the She$herd o! M"nkind "nd their need to desire the -ingdo o! God to
be within the0 not ere%' to enKo' soe "teri"% bene!it !ro Hi1
L"ter0 &"%eri"0 the Ro"n %"d' !riend o! ,%"(di" @Pi%"teHs wi!eA0 coes to *isit +es(s
with her d"(ghter F"(stin"0 who +es(s s"*ed !ro de"th in ,"es"re" "%ost two
'e"rs be!ore @)0 233G$174A1 &"%eri" is "%so " !riend o! +oh"nn" o! ,h(I" who h"d e*en
e"r%ier been c(red b' +es(s1
+es(s s$e"ks $%"in%' to &"%eri" "bo(t the we%% intentioned b(t disorder%' he"then
*iews o! eotion"%0 sens("% %o*e th"t degr"ded her "nd r(ined her "rri"ge0 "nd her
need to tr' to restore the dignit' to the "rri"ge th"t h"d been %ost1 /ec"(se her
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
h(sb"nd w"nts " di*orce0 she thinks0 contr"r' to +es(sH co(nse%0 her d(t' is o*er
tow"rds hi "nd the "rri"ge1 +es(s reinds her th"t e*en "ccording to her Ro"n
%"w0 she is sti%% his wi!e1 Th(s she is d(t' bo(nd to he%$ "ke hi good0 e*en "!ter the
di*orce0 i! th"t is wh"t her *ows were0 "nd es$eci"%%' i! she w"nts to ebr"ce the tr(e
!"ith which He w"s re#est"b%ishing in ,hristi"nit'1 +es(s s$e"ks "t %ength "bo(t her
d(t' to be tr(e to her *ows des$ite his de$"rt(re0 "nd to "cce$t the ,hristi"n conce$t
restoring the $er"nenc' o! "rit"% (nion "s " spirit&al, not ere%' " moral contr"ct0
"nd to re"in th(s " widow sho(%d he not ret(rn1
The i$ort"nt te"ching o! +es(s here con!irs the ,h(rchHs $osition on the "bso%(te
indisso%*"bi%it' o! tr&e ,hristian m"rri"ge0 "s we%% "s the $er"nenc' o! th"t ,hristi"n
(nion into eternit'0 bec"(se it bonds not on%' the bod' b(t the *er' so(%s @s$iritsA o!
two $eo$%e1 @There0 o! co(rse0 wi%% be no "rri"ge in he"*en0 b(t o(r s$irit("% "nd
so(%Hs bonds wi%% re"in1A
LNOTE: The ke' to (nderst"nding this entire "tter on "rri"ge0 di*orce "nd
re"rri"ge "re these words o! +es(s to &"%eri": <So !"r0 "rri"ge h"s been " (t("%
nat&ral and moral contr"ct between two $eo$%e o! di!!erent se:es1 9hen M' %"w
coes into !orce Lit h"s not to this point -een in effect as a la)M0 it wi%% e:tend to the
so(%s o! the consorts1 )t wi%% there!ore becoe " spirit&al contract s"nctioned b' God
thro&'h His ministers1= <M"trion' in My reli'ion wi%% no %onger be " ci*i% contr"ct0
" or"% $roise L"nd th(s if -ro*en h"s "%w"'s been K&stifia-ly s(bKect to
disso%(tionM 1 1 1 it sh"%% be "n indisso%*"b%e bond 1 1 1 con!ired 1 1 1 b' the s"ncti!'ing
$ower ) wi%% gi*e it "s being " S"cr"ent1=
Th"t being s"id0 we need to obser*e wh"t +es(s did not s"'1 +es(s does not s"' th"t
"!ter His %"w goes into e!!ect0 th"t God e:$ects "%% "nkind to %i*e b' this st"nd"rd in
"rri"ge "nd th"t "rri"ge "s " n"t(r"% "nd or"% contr"ct is no) in+alid !or those
who know not the s"*ing gr"ce o! ,hrist "nd the other s"cr"ents o! the ,h(rch1
Note +es(sH words %iiting the sco$e o! the new L"w: <My reli'ion wi%% no %onger be0=
"nd <s"nctioned b' God thro&'h His ministers1= M"rri"ges th"t "re nat&ral and
moral contracts @b"sed on N"t(r"% %"w o! or"%it' "nd K(sticeA !or those o(tside the
,h(rch c"nnot then e*er be considered to be in*"%id in GodHs sight0 "s h"s been the
i$ression %e!t e*en b' soe ,"tho%ics1 The !"ct is th"t the ,h(rchHs <"nn(%ent=
$rocess does not "nn(% or ma*e in+alid the $re*io(s "rri"ge0 e*en "s the ,h(rch
itse%! "ditsP /(t neither does it e"n0 "s is soeties "!!ired0 th"t there w"s si$%'
no $re*io(s +alid "rri"geP 9h"t sho(%d be s"id ore !(%%' is th"t there w"s @in soe
c"sesA no *"%id indisso%*"b%e S"cr"ent"% "rri"ge e:isting0 "nd th"t the conditions
now e:ist !or the K&stifia-le dissol&tion o! the real "nd +alid n"t(r"% "rri"ge (nion0
bec"(se there h"s been " or"% *io%"tion o! th"t n"t(r"% "rri"ge contr"ct1 Soeties
the "nn(%%ed "rri"ge w"s ne*er *"%id "t "%%0 "nd the ,h(rch $rocess o! "nn(%ent
$ro*es this0 hence "%%ows !reedo to "rr' when obst"c%es "re reo*ed1 For +es(sH
$re*io(s te"ching on "rri"ge b"sed on n"t(r"% %"w "nd or"% K(stice "nd the on%'
*"%id conditions !or disso%(tion0 see Gos$e% e$isodes 2>C1 "nd 2461.M See the co$%ete
"nd c(rrent ,h(rch te"ching on this "tter here:
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
3C>G$163C @L Deceber0 9ed1A # +es(s "nd the Prostit(te Sent to Te$t Hi1 Sti%% "t
Nob1 A!ter (ch Ko'!(% "ntici$"tion "nd di%igent $re$"r"tion !or the Fe"st o! Lights0
there is " co$%ete disr($tion in e*er'oneHs h"$$' $%"ns1 E*i% "g"in descends in "n
"tte$t to destro' the $e"ce0 "nd es$eci"%%' the work o! +es(s0 the Ho%' One1 /(t
bec"(se He h"s been wi%%ing to s"cri!ice e*er' con*enience o! His own !or e*en the
ost wretched o! sinners0 +es(s re"ins the $ower!(% Redeeer to e*en those with
on%' the *er' s"%%est bit o! good wi%% %e!t in the1 The 9ise0 Merci!(% "nd Redeeing
he"rt o! +es(s shines once "g"in in !(%% g%or' in this e$isodeP
A!ter this0 +es(s %e"*es !or +er(s"%e to $r"' "%% night1 He t"kes +(d"s0 "g"inst his
$rotests0 with Hi to kee$ hi "w"' !ro the other Disci$%es0 !e"ring wh"t ight
h"$$en i! the' sho(%d disco*er too (ch1
3C2G$16F7 @L Deceber0 ne:t d"'0 Th(1A # +es(s "nd +(d"s o! -erioth Going tow"rds
+er(s"%e @5 i%esA1 North o! the cit' o! +er(s"%e: +es(s h"s $r"'ed "%% night "nd is
now he"ded to HerodHs G"te where the other Disci$%es h"*e "rri*ed e"r%ier th"t
orning !ro Nob1 On the w"'0 +(d"s dodges e*er' "tte$t b' +es(s to get hi to
"ke e*en the si$%est e!!ort "t honest'1 Now the *er' worse e%eents in +(d"s begin
to s(r!"ce1 Fro the G"te o! Herod the' "%% go to +ose$h o! Se$horisH ho(se @"
%ongtie !riend o! Oebedee o! G"%i%ee # See "t 3>FG$134>A "nd then to the Te$%e to
3C5G$16F6 @L Deceber0 s"e d"'0 Th(1A # )n the S'n"gog(e o! the Ro"n Freeden1
+er(s"%e: Here +es(s !inds "n' !ro di!!erent r"ces "nd ethnic b"ckgro(nds1 He
he"%s the sick "nd then s$e"ks on the (ch gre"ter re"%it' o! the "!ter%i!e co$"red to
%i!e in the bod': <De"th is tr(e %i!e !or the K(st1= He then "ss(res the th"t the G"tes
o! He"*en "re re"d' to be o$ened "nd th"t <no other Fe"st wi%% coe "!ter this one
be!ore th"t d"'P= He $roises th"t the <s"cred c(rt"ins= wi%% be o$ened on th"t d"'
bec"(se +eho*"h wi%% no %onger be in the Ho%' o! Ho%ies1 +es(s s$e"ks o! the two
res(rrections0 the !irst one s$irit("% "nd the second "t the end o! the "ge1
+es(s gi*es honor to the $erson0 %i!e "nd words o! Herogenes0 the K(st b(t $"g"n
$hi%oso$her0 $roising "n o%d disci$%e o! his th"t he wi%% soon eet hi in He"*enP
+es(s "%so ;(otes P'th"gor"s "nd Deosthenes "s e:"$%es o! $"g"ns who h"*e
recei*ed tr(th !ro God1
3CCG$1663 @L Deceber0 s"e d"'0 Th(1A # +(d"s )sc"riot "nd +es(sH Eneies1 +(d"s
%ies0 decei*es0 disobe's0 ste"%s0 "nd then cons$ires with the eneies o! +es(s1
3CCbG$1664 # +(d"s eets with the S"nhedrin "nd Scribes in ,"i"$h"sH co(ntr' hoe
K(st so(th o! the cit' w"%%s1 +(d"sH oti*es !or cons$iring with the Te$%e r(%ers "nd
!or his ethods "re here re*e"%ed1 +(d"s disco*ers he is being (sed to "cco$%ish ends
;(ite di!!erent !ro wh"t he h"d desired1 LNOTE: )nste"d o! b%"ing hise%!0
howe*er0 we wi%% see th"t he wi%% b%"e +es(s !or the !"i%(re to see "n (nderst"nding
de*e%o$ with these r(%ers1 He cert"in%' "%so re"soned th"t i! "n (nderst"nding co(%d
not be re"ched with these r(%ers0 +es(s co(%d "nd sho(%d h"*e been "b%e to s(bd(e
the0 K(st "s "n' gre"t $ower!(% $erson s(bd(es those (nder hi0 es$eci"%%' since He
h"d s(ch s($ern"t(r"% $owers1 +(d"s h"d en*isioned gre"t g%or' !or hise%! in this
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
-ingdo "s " ke' "gent in bringing it "bo(t1M
+(d"s0 in the ne:t Ce onths0 wi%% incre"sing%' des$ise +es(s1 At soe $oint +(d"s
wi%% "b"ndon "n' ho$e o! !orcing +es(s to "ssert Hise%! "s -ing1 )t is i$ort"nt to
re"%iIe th"t +(d"s g"*e "n' sincere "nd e*en heroic signs o! s($$ort !or +es(s1 This
w"s0 howe*er0 on%' bec"(se he $ercei*ed th"t his ho$es !or g%or' were tied ($ in +es(s
becoing -ing1 On%' when He !in"%%' sees th"t +es(s wi%% not de!end Hise%! "g"inst
His eneies does he re"%iIe he c"nnot ch"nge Hi @See ,h1 347G$CF60CF4A1 9ith th"t
cert"int'0 "%% his ho$es in %i!e "re (tter%' cr(shed1 He then re"%iIes he wi%% be (tter%'
des$ised b' e*er'one0 not on%' b' the other Disci$%es with who he h"d %i*ed !or three
'e"rs0 b(t b' e*er'one in )sr"e%0 e*en b' those o! the Te$%e who were "t one tie his
!riends1 )n "n "tte$t to g"in b"ck soe erit in the e'es o! the Te$%e r(%ers in
who were his on%' ho$es %e!t !or g%or'0 "nd in $(re s$ite tow"rd +es(s0 he wi%% be the
betr"'er1 +(d"s c"nnot0 howe*er0 be%ie*e +es(s wi%% "%%ow these r(%ers to ki%% Hi1
Th(s the s"distic Ko' he conte$%"tes in h(i%i"ting +es(s t(rns into the night"re o!
des$"ir when he re"%iIes he h"s betr"'ed to de"th the on%' "n who e*er re"%%' %o*ed
hi "nd showed hi so (ch erc'1 To incre"se his torent0 it wi%%0 o! co(rse be the
De*i%Hs de%ight "t this $oint to "%%ow +(d"s to see his end "s the son o! $erdition1
3C7G$1643 @L Deceber0 s"e d"'0 Th(1A # The Se*en Le$ers ,(red1 )nstr(ctions to
the A$ost%es "nd Arri*"% "t /eth"n' @5 i%esA1 +es(s0 with Peter "nd +(d"s Th"dd"e(s0
c"re !or "nd he"% se*en %e$ers0 whi%e the others "re w"iting !or the on the ro"d to
/eth"n'1 +(d"s is coing to eet the0 h"*ing sh"ken hise%! %oose !ro the "ngr'
r(%ers o! the Te$%e "t ,"i"$h"sH co(ntr' hoe1 +(d"s %ies to +es(s "s to wh"t
occ"sioned his e:$edition "nd where it took hi1 +es(s then instr(cts "%% the Disci$%es
on the i$ort"nce o! strict obedience0 bec"(se His eneies wi%% (se e*er' o$$ort(nit'
to destro' the1 Arri*ing "t L"I"r(sH hoe0 the' !ind hi *er' i%%1 /e!ore gi*ing
M"r' "nd M"rth" e:$%icit instr(ctions !or the occ"sion o! L"I"r(sH de"th0 +es(s te%%s
the0 <Ho$e "nd be%ie*e be'ond "%% contr"r' re"%ities1 1 1 ) (st not be here when 'o(
wi%% be w"nting Me ore th"n the "ir 'o( bre"the1 L9ithin two weeks L"I"r(s wi%%
5241 L Dec0 Fri ) "nd M' F"ther "re One1
#### #### #### +n 2>:55#C8 2<27p.;AB
"e0t day in the Te$%e in So%oonHs Porch "t the Fe"st o! the Dedic"tion: .esus
heals a little girl and an old man and asts out a very po#er!ul demon !rom
another girl. A n(ber o! +(de"ns then coe ($ to +es(s to tr' to intiid"te Hi1
The' "cc(se Hi o! not te%%ing the $%"in%' th"t He is the Messi"h1 LNOTE: Soe h"*e t"ken
this "s e*idence th"t +es(s w"s soewh"t re%(ct"nt0 i! not re!(sing "%together0 to t"ke this tit%e !or Hise%!1 The Poem, !ro
beginning to end0 "kes it "b(nd"nt%' c%e"r th"t this w"s "n'thing b(t the c"se0 K(st "s +es(s c%"ied in *53"1 9h' then the
;(estionB These who "$$ro"ched Hi did not be%ie*e +es(s w"s c%e"r "bo(t His c%"i o! Messi"hshi$ bec"(se His *iew o! the
Messi"h w"s not0 in their *iew0 the correct one1 These en were te$ting Hi to rede!ine His e"ning o! the tit%e to !it their own
*iews0 not bec"(se the' wo(%d then be%ie*e "nd !o%%ow Hi0 b(t bec"(se then the' wo(%d h"*e re"son to t(rn Roe "g"inst Hi1M
(o' in reality' they are saying' <)! Yo( "re the ,hrist Fthe real Messiah' the one #ho
#ill rush our enemiesG' te%% (s o$en%'1= Z+ohn 2>:53[
</(t 'o( do not be%ie*e0 you annot believe' bec"(se 'o( "re not M' shee$ Fand
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
thus your idea o! the Messiah is ompletely #rongG1= LNOTE: This te:t h"s been (sed to te"ch
di*ine deterinis !or the e%ect1 )t is !"%se%' "ss(ed0 howe*er0 th"t being " shee$ or not being " shee$ h"s nothing to do with !ree
h("n choice1 The !ree wi%% o! both "nge%s "nd en is the *er' s(bKect iedi"te%' $receding this res$onse o! +es(s1 @See $1688AM
Z+ohn 2>:56#C4[
2<27p.;A@ D $t the Feast o! the Dediation o! the Temple.
3CFG$14>3 @L Deceber0 s"e d"' "nd th"t night0 Fri1GS"t1A # +es(s Goes to the Grotto
o! the N"ti*it' to be A%one @F i%esA1 +es(s gi*es $erission !or the Disci$%es to go
their se$"r"te w"'s !or the ne:t three or !o(r d"'s b(t the' "re not to se$"r"te1 The'
"re to then $recede Hi "cross +ord"n to So%oonHs &i%%"ge in !i*e d"'s1 +es(s goes
to the /eth%ehe Grotto0 the r(ins o! the ho(se or Tower o! D"*id0 His $%"ce o! birth1
+ohn0 who c"nnot see +es(s go "%one0 !o%%ows Hi witho(t notice "nd is !orced to
re"in hidden !or two d"'s ne"r the Grotto in the iser"b%e co%d1 The /eth%ehe
She$herds "ke their "nn("% $i%gri"ge to the Grotto "nd !ind +es(s1 One g"ins "n
(nderst"nding in this e$isode o! the wisdo "nd "t(rit' o! the she$herd M"thi"s0
who %"ter becoes the A$ost%e to re$%"ce +(d"s )sc"riot1
3C6G$1425 @E +"n("r'0 two "nd " h"%! d"'s %"ter0 Mon1A # +es(s "nd +ohn o! Oebedee1
+es(s s$e"ks to " distr"(ght +ohn0 who !ee%s he h"s sinned b' not "biding b' +es(sH
order to st"' together with the A$ost%es1 +es(s s$e"ks o! the need to discern the s$irit
o! the %"w0 not ere%' its %etter1 The wisdo He g"*e Peter "s He"d discerned the
s$irit o! ,hristHs order0 "nd so "%%owed the *"ri"nce in +ohnHs c"se bec"(se it w"s done
o(t o! %o*e1
+es(s s$e"ks o! scr($(%osit'0 " !e"r o! h"*ing sinned when there is on%' "
te$t"tion to sin0 which "ct("%%' gi*es erit r"ther th"n t"kes it "w"'E the wrongness
o! se:("% re%"tionshi$ on%' !or $%e"s(reE "nd the three s($ree erits o! *o%(nt"r'
$o*ert'0 $er$et("% ch"stit'0 "bso%(te obedience Lto those in "(thorit'M to )hat is not
5281 E +"n("r' +es(s Retre"ts /e'ond +ord"n
Mt 28:205 Mk 2>:2 #### +n 2>:7>#75 2<BD=2@2?
$ !e# days later: Fro /eth%ehe0 +es(s and .ohn go to (olomon9s &illage=**
miles?0 be'ond +ord"n0 to Roin the other Disiples #ho have been e*"nge%iIing
(%tit(des @%iter"%%': <gro($s=A "nd he"%ing the sick =2<C7p.B+;? !or several days'
bringing "n' to !"ith0 even be!ore they #ent beyond .ordan. They stay here
!rom early to mid .anuary' #hen they leave !or :ethany to raise 5azarus !rom
the dead. LNOTE: *12" o! M"tthew "' re!er b"ck to the 7
G"%i%e"n Ministr' @2361A b(t $rob"b%' to 2451 #24C1 "nd *12" in
M"rkHs "cco(nt re!ers b"ck to the 3
G"%i%e"n Ministr' @2451 c 24C1A /oth Gos$e% writers then oit or0 b' co$'ing !ro "nother
"cco(nt0 $%"ce e%sewhere the e$isodes o! o(r LordHs inistr' !ro th"t $oint to this $oint in +es(sH F
+(de"n Ministr' when He
<coes into the co"sts o! +(de"1= +ohnHs "cco(nt0 howe*er0 !i%%s in (ch o! this 8#onth g"$ @2471 to 5241A with e$isodes !ro +es(sH
inistr' in ne"r $er!ect chrono%ogic"% order1 This is K(st one ore incredib%e testion' to the di*ine ins$ir"tion o! The Poem1 9ho
co(%d h"*e s$otted this g"$ b' K(st %ooking "t these te:ts here "t 5281B Note "%so th"t when the Gos$e% writers here in +(de" re!er to
#es&s s$e"king to gre"t gro($s o! $eo$%e "nd he"%ing0 the' soeties e"n His disci$%es0 who "re doing so in His n"e1 See
3CFG$14>3 "bo*e0 where the' were "g"in s$eci!ic"%%' coissioned "t this tie to do K(st th"t1 Fro wh"t is s"id %"ter @&0 37CG$154A0
we see th"t +es(s "%so h"d been seeing "n' $eo$%e "nd "%so s$e"king e:tensi*e%'1 The ne:t two e$isodes0 "s the' "$$e"r in M"tthew
"nd M"rk @2461 c 5>81A0 go b"ck to $re*io(s e*ents in the 3
G"%i%e"n "nd F
+(de"n Ministries1 The third e$isodes0 %e"*ing " three#
onth g"$0 re#est"b%ish soewh"t o! " chrono%ogic"% order "g"in "t 5C>11 Once "g"in0 The Poem shows +ohn to h"*e "%so !i%%ed in
this C#onth g"$ @5281 to 5C>1 A with " $er!ect%' chrono%ogic"% n"rr"ti*e in*o%*ing L"I"r(s in +(de" "nd inistr' in S""ri"1M
M"n"en @HerodHs !oster brotherA0 " tr(e disci$%e o! +es(s0 r(ns into +es(s "nd +ohn1
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
+es(s s$e"ks "bo(t o(r need to %o*e "nd c"re !or "%% God h"s cre"ted witho(t being
2<B7p.B,B D .esus #ith .ohn and Manaen. )nd o! the Third 8ear.
55>1E +"n0 T(e L"I"r(s is Sick .nto De"th
#### #### #### +n 22:205 2<A7p.2
/eth"n'0 <some daysI a!ter Ch.2<@: L"I"r(s is *er' sick1 @+es(s "nd His A$ost%es
"re be'ond +ord"n at (olomon9s &illage' some thirty miles distant.? $ large
ompany o! (ribes' 3harisees' (adduees and Herodians ome to 5azarus9
house to give a supposed !are#ell to the dying man #hom they have tormented
#ith their insults and ondemnations !or years.
2<A7p.2 D The .udeans in 5azarus9 House.
37>G$1F @E +"n("r'0 s"e d"'0 T(e1A # The +(de"ns with M"rth" "nd M"r'1 M"rth"0 "s
the e%dest0 we%coes the gro($ o! re%igio(s "(thorities with "%% the c(sto"r'
co(rtesies1 M"rth"0 howe*er0 is not wi%%ing to "%%ow these en to dist(rb the $e"ce
"nd rest o! her brother0 b(t does not h"*e the co(r"ge to ch"%%enge these $ower!(%
r(%ers1 M"r' "$$e"rs "nd t"kes ch"rge1 On%' one o! the $"rt' is "%%owed to coe in
with her to see her brother1 Atte$ts to h(i%i"te M"r' do not d"(nt her in the %e"st1
)nste"d she %"shes the with the tr(th "nd in the end dri*es the o(t o! the ho(seP
M"rth" co%%"$ses in te"rs0 !e"r!(% o! ret"%i"tion1
372G$122 @M +"n("r'0 two d"'s %"ter0 Th(1A # M"rth" Sends " Ser*"nt to )n!or the
M"ster1 M"rth" does not !o%%ow the LordHs instr(ctions to w"it (nti% L"I"r(s dies "nd
to "%so $re$"re !or " %"rge !(ner"% be!ore c"%%ing Hi1 She does not be%ie*e +es(s wi%%
r"ise Hi !ro the de"d "s His words c%e"r%' indic"ted0 "nd she be%ie*es th"t to h"*e
L"I"r(s die witho(t the co!ort o! the M"sterHs $resence wo(%d be cr(e%0 e*en tho(gh
+es(s s"id it is necess"r' !or GodHs g%or'1 M"rth"0 secret%' @witho(t M"r'Hs
know%edgeA sends o!! one o! her ser*"nts in -oth her "nd M"r'Hs n"e soe thirt'
i%es to So%oonHs &i%%"ge with the ess"ge th"t L"I"r(s is sick "nd re"d' to die "nd
w"nts to see Hi "nd th"t they co(%d no %onger w"it1 The ess"ge is gi*en "s i! it
were !ro both M"rth" "nd M"r'1 Th"t is how it w"s de%i*ered to +es(s0 "nd th(s how
it w"s recorded b' the Gos$e% writers "s gi*en to +es(s1 /(t M"r' h"d nothing to do
with this0 "nd w"s *er' ($set when she %e"rned wh"t M"rth" did0 "s she tho(ght it
wo(%d $re*ent the ir"c%e she w"s cert"in +es(s h"d $roised He wo(%d $er!or1
5521 M +"n0 Th( M"rth" Asks th"t +es(s coes to He"% L"I"r(s1
#### #### #### +n 22:C07 2@<7p.*A
To (olomon9s &illage: The ess"ge !rom Martha =but sent in both her "nd
M"r'Hs n"eA' also re1uests that .esus ome immediately. +es(s s"'s to the
servant' HTell the not to #orry. This is not " dise"se th"t wi%% c"(se his de"th0 b(t it
is !or the g%or' o! God th"t His $ower "' be g%ori!ied in His Son1 Tell them to have
!aith. $bsolute !aith.I
$!ter the messenger is sent ba/ and 3eter begins to spea/ o! his disdain o!
%ome and Caesar9s 3alae' though he admits he has never been in either' .esus
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
stuns 3eter by telling him that He plans to on1uer %ome and that He #ill do it
through himL
2@<7p.*; D The (ervant o! :ethany In!orms .esus o! Martha9s Message.
375G$12F @M +"n("r'0 s"e d"' "nd th"t night0 Th(1GFri1A # L"I"r(sH De"th1 @Since
,h"$ter 375 chrono%ogic"%%' coes "!ter ,h"$ter 37C1 it is $%"ced here1A The $"in "nd
"gon' o! L"I"r(s "nd his ho(seho%d w"s not to be ke$t hidden to (s "s it is here
c%e"r%' re*e"%ed1 The %esson is th"t God does not s$"re ho%' $eo$%e !ro $"in "nd
"gon' i! there is " ho%' $(r$ose in it1 /esides the orde"% o! seeing " %o*ed one die "
*er' %ong "nd $"in!(% de"th0 there were the co$%ic"tions th"t "rose o*er M"rth"Hs
!"i%(re to be%ie*e0 the "ctions "nd words o! L"I"r(s in de%iri(0 "nd e*en the con!(sion
o! M"r' herse%!0 who w"s not "t "%% %"cking in !"ith1 These0 howe*er0 "re t'$ic"% o! the
di!!ic(%ties o! %i!e th"t we wi%% "%% e:$erience0 b(t which we (st be"r in con!idence "nd
ho$e1 The words o! +es(s these%*es were " test o! their !"ith1 Did +es(sH words0
<This dise"se w"s not (nto de"th0= e"n He w"s ist"ken0 bec"(se L"I"r(s did dieB
Did it e"n th"t He w"s in error "nd there!ore not re"%%' who He s"id He w"s0 or did
M"rth"Hs (nbe%ie! "nd "ction now den' the the $roised ir"c%eB The %"tter w"s !"r
ore $re!er"b%e to be%ie*e th"n the !orer0 "nd *er' %ogic"%0 b(t sti%% wrong1 +es(s
words0 </e%ie*e "bso%(te%'0 =s"id soething di!!erent0 e*en i! it "de His other words
see inco$rehensib%e1
5551M +"n0 ThGFr +es(sH Lo*e M"kes Hi 9"it1
#### #### #### +n 22:30F =2@27p.@;?
+es(s st"'s in (olomon9s &illage two ore d"'s1 He did so beause He %o*ed
M"rth"0 M"r' "nd L"I"r(sP
377G$1C5 @M +"n("r'0 s"e d"'0 Fri1A # At L"I"r(sH F(ner"%1 +er(s"%e "nd the entire
"re" is "stir o*er L"I"r(sH de"th1 Peo$%e !ro e*er' ro"d "re coing to the !(ner"%1
E*en the S"nhedrin "nd "%% the $roinent r(%ers in +er(s"%e "re there0 des$ite the !"ct
th"t M"r' r(de%' eKected the !ro the $ro$ert' three d"'s be!ore1 The' coe
bec"(se +es(s h"s $roised "%ost " onth "go @)&0 35CG$162>A th"t $"rt o! the sign
o! +on"h wi%% be !(%!i%%ed in e:"ct%' <one oon1= The' know this e"ns " $roise o!
res(rrection0 so the' w"nt to "ke s(re L"I"r(s is de"d1 9hen s"tis!ied with th"t !"ct0
the' go on to ock "nd t"(nt M"rth" "nd M"r' "bo(t wh"t the' $ercei*e to be their
isg(ided !"ith0 bec"(se +es(s h"s not shown ($0 not e*en to conso%e the1
55C1 M +"n0 S(n +es(s Decides to Go to L"I"r(s who h"s Died1
#### #### #### +n 22:6#2F 2@27p.@@
T#o days later in (olomon9s &illage: +es(s decides to go "nd <"w"ken= L"I"r(s
"!ter w"iting two who%e d"'s1 A%% the Disci$%es "re "g"inst the ide" bec"(se o! the
o(nting thre"ts "g"inst the Lord1 +es(s reinds the th"t there "re 25 ho(rs Lo!
s(n%ightM in " d"' Lit is set "nd deterinedM "nd "s "n'one w"%ks in th"t 25 ho(r tie
$eriod he wi%% not h"*e " $rob%e with st(b%ing0 b(t i! he w"%ks in the night he wi%%
st(b%e1 Then He says #hen that time o! dar/ness does ome' Hno po#er' not
even Caesar9s armies' #ill be able to save Me !rom the .udeans.I .esus mentions
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
that at the end o! the #orld this dar/ period o! time #ill repeat itsel! #hen
#or/ing mirales #ould again be detrimental. Then He says that sine He can
#or/ mirales' H5et us go to our !riend L"I"r(s who is s%ee$ing1 Let (s go "nd
w"ke hi !ro his s%ee$1=Z+ohn 22:25#23[ LNOTE: +es(s (ses the word <s%ee$= to describe de"th0 bec"(se
de"th to " K(st "n is no ore th"n the s%ee$ing o! oneHs bod' whi%e the s$iritGso(% contin(es to %i*e0 e*en ore then th"n be!ore1 /'
<%i*ing= +es(s e"nt !"r ore th"n e:isting1 L"ter0 +es(s te%%s M"rth" th"t e*er'one who %i*es in Him "nd be%ie*es in Hi wi%% ne+er
die1 @+ohn 22:5F G 5571AM
They #ill leave Monday at noon' spend the night at "i/e9s near .eriho' leave
at da#n on Tuesday !or :ethany and arrive be!ore noon. This seond delay #ill
give time !or those #ho #ill be oming to (olomon9s &illage to see .esus to also
ome to :ethany to see the great mirale. It #ill also ma/e the mirale even
more unmista/able.
2@27p.@, D .esus Deides to Go to 5azarus.
LOn their w"' to /eth"n'0 the' "%% go to NikeHs ho(se ne"r +ericho@22 i%esA "nd
s%ee$ th"t night there1 @See $17FAM
5571 M +"n0 T(e L"I"r(s is R"ised !ro the De"d1
#### #### #### +n 22:26#7F 2@C7p.@A
/eth"n' @25 i%esA: L"I"r(sH est"te h"s had "n' *isitors every day !or nearly a
#ee/' inluding the Temple rulers and other .udeans #ho have no# ome to
mo/' taunt and spea/ against .esus. Those #ho have al#ays supported .esus
be!ore are so subdued they do not even greet .esusL L"I"r(s h"s been dead !our
and a hal! days and has been !o(r co$%ete d"'s in the se$(%cher1 Z+ohn 22:5>#56[
M"rth" "dds to her testion' o! !"ith in *155 "bo(t +es(sH "bi%it' to bring L"I"r(s b"ck
to %i!e: <) be%ie*e th"t Yo( "re the ,hrist0 the Son o! the Li*ing God0 th"t Yo( h"*e
coe into the wor%d and that 8ou an do everything 8ou #ant. I believe.I Z+ohn
22:54#7F[ The aount o! the ir"c%e o! the r"ising o! L"I"r(s !ro the de"d in The
Poem is po#er!ully moving' inluding .esus9 almost terri!ying on!rontation #ith
the rulers o! the Temple that !ollo#ed the great mirale. The on!essions o!
Martha and Mary are also emotion !illed as are .esus9 #ords o! ounsel and
om!ort to them.
2@C7p.@; D %esurretion o! 5azarus.
5531 M +"n0 T(e One M"n Sho(%d Die !or the Peo$%e1
#### #### #### +n 22:76#3C 2@;7p.;C
+er(s"%e: The entire ity is in a stir. The Te$%e r(%ers "re in " r"ge "t seeing
these%*es being o(t"ne(*ered "nd "t the *erge o! de!e"t and deposition by those
elements in soiety they most strongly despise. The %oman po#ers in the
$ntonia an only repeat in utter amazement' H:y .oveL :y .oveLI Herod is
absolutely terrorized by the prospet o! ertain Rudgment !or his sins and by the
!renzied demands o! a !ranti Herodias' #ho is demanding that .esus be
arrested. The many prominent .udeans that the rulers had brought day a!ter
day to 5azarus9 house to #itness the H!ailureI o! .esus' are no#' #ithout
e0eption' delaring .esus to be the MessiahL
In the Temple: The ,hie! Priests "nd Ph"risees s(on " co(nci%1 $!ter a long
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
and H!ruitlessI ontroversy bet#een the enemies o! .esus and His !riends
="iodemus' .oseph o! $rimathea' and Gamaliel?' and the utter !ailure o! their
delegation to obtain the support o! 3ilate' the High Priest ,"i"$h"s conc%(des his
vehement ounteratta/ against the paralyzing indeision among their ran/s
#ith these #ords: <Yo( know nothing "t "%% 1 1 1 one "n sho(%d die !or the $eo$%e1=
Tho(gh the High Priest w"s e*i% "nd e"nt his words to !(%!i%% his e*i% $%"n0 'et "s one
in the ,h"ir o! GodHs "(thorit' (nder the O%d ,o*en"nt0 he s$oke b' the Ho%' S$irit1
LNOTE: )! this w"s tr(e !or )sr"e%Hs High Priest how (ch ore wo(%d this be tr(e !or the one (nder the New ,o*en"nt who
occ($ies PeterHs ,h"ir0 the $ossessor o! the *er' -e's o! the -ingdo o! God "nd who h"s been "de the s($ree te"cher o! the
,h(rch "g"inst which the g"tes o! He%% wo(%d not $re*"i%BM This is an o!!iial legal all !or .esus9 arrest'
obligating all to denoune Him and assist in His arrest under pain o! severe
2@;7p.C2 D In .erusalem and in the Temple $!ter the %esurretion o! 5azarus.
374G$166 @M +"n("r'0 three d"'s %"ter0 Fri1A # At /eth"n' "!ter the Res(rrection o!
L"I"r(s1 /esides the %egiti"te Ko' b"sed on tr(th "nd re"%it' !o(nd in +es(s0 L"I"r(s
"nd his sisters0 there is "nother kind o! Ko'0 coing !ro h("n b%indness th"t is
in!ecting the Disci$%es0 who now "re con*inced th"t nothing %"' in the w"' o! the
tri($h o! +es(s1 The' c"nnot now i"gine how "n'one c"n do(bt th"t +es(s is the
Messi"h0 %et "%one resist HiP )n one Disci$%e0 howe*er0 the one ost e:(ber"nt o! "%%
in his con!idence0 th"t d"rkness is so dee$ "nd co$%ete th"t the conceit "nd $ride th"t
bro(ght it to his so(% "nd is "%w"'s c"re!(%%' hidden now s$i%%s !orth !or "%% to see1 Let
the chi%dren o! God re"d "nd know how those who c"n "ni!est the ost apparent
s($$ort !or GodHs work c"n be its worst "nd ost d"ngero(s eneiesP Let the
chi%dren o! God know the ene' th"t %(rks ne"r (s "%% to %e"d (s into " d"rkness th"t
c"n "$$e"r the gre"test %ight to those who "re not re$(%sed "t h("n dre"sP
+es(s s$e"ks with L"I"r(s "bo(t his sister0 M"r'0 "nd the s$irit("% ir"c%e th"t
h"$$ened to hi whi%e in Libo @Abr"h"Hs /osoGH"desA "nd his new ission in
%i!e1 He s$e"ks then to M"r' "nd gr"nts her desire to die o(t o! %o*e !or Hi1 @Her %i!e
"s " sec%(ded heritiss "nd her g%orio(s de"th is det"i%ed in Dote-oo*s 19JJ0 $1535#
+es(s then recei*es the ess"ge "bo(t the order !or His "rrest0 which wi%% be $osted
on "%% s'n"gog(e doors the ne:t d"'1 He (st %e"*e !or S""ri" iedi"te%'1 His
re"son !or going to S""ri"B The S""rit"ns0 +es(s s"'s0 <"re %ess S""rit"ns th"n
"n' $eo$%e1=
378G$148 @L +"n("r'0 ne:t d"'0 S"t1A # Going to E$hr"i1 Ne"r +ericho "t NikeHs ho(se
@25 i%esA: Nike @&eronic"A sends the "%% o!! with "n' $ro*isions1 9hen we%% on
their w"'0 +es(s te%%s the th"t He is now " le'ally Persec(ted One1 The Disci$%es0
who h"d s(ch high ho$es0 "re shocked0 "ngered "nd !rightened1 +es(s $%"in%' te%%s
the the d"ngers the' wi%% !"ce "nd re;(ires the to "%% e:"ine these%*es to see i!
the' "re $re$"red to !"ces the !in"% test1 The' "%% res$ond0 b(t the ost con!ident o!
his !itness is the %e"st $re$"red "nd the %e"st con!ident is the ost $re$"red1
55F1 L +"n0 S(n +es(s Retre"ts to S""ri"1
#### #### #### +n 22:37"0b 22+7p.AB
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
"e0t day in a seluded ountry home near E$hr"i o! (amaria=,@ miles?: Here
+es(s is in " desert =an area isolated !rom ites and villages and the main tra!!i
routes and there!ore "w"' !ro the +ews or .udeans #ho are obligated to submit
to His arrest order?.
22+7p.AB D The First Day at )phraim.
5561 L +"n#E A$r +es(s St"'s in E$hr"i "nd S""ri"
#### #### #### +n 22:37c 22+D2CC
+es(s wi%% st"' in )phraim o! (amaria with His Disci$%es !or a little over t#o
33>G$184 @L +"n("r'0 S(n1A # The First D"' "t E$hr"i1 +es(s di*ides the Disci$%es
into two te"s "nd coissions the to go o(t "nd $re"ch in the "re" "nd in
Dec"$o%is d(ring the week1 The citiIens o! E$hr"i0 h"*ing seen the th"t orning0
coe with the he"d o! the S'n"gog(e to we%coe +es(s1

332G$12>5 @L +"n("r'0 !i*e d"'s %"ter0 Fri1A # +es(s Res$ects the Prece$t o! Lo*e More
Th"n the S"bb"tic"% L"w1 The Disci$%es ret(rn "!ter " week o! e*"nge%iIing1 +es(s
ret(rns !ro " *isit with highw"'en0 ho$ing to he%$ he"% their so(%s1 )nste"d He !inds
the with three or$h"ns the' h"*e t"ken in "!ter !inding their she$herd !"ther de"d1
+es(s re%ie*es the o! their concern !or these chi%dren "nd coents to his s(r$rised
Disci$%es0 <)n "%% tr(th0 ) te%% 'o( th"t the' (nderstood Me ore th"n "n' other
$eo$%e1= Since He w"s de%"'ed0 His ret(rn tri$ in!ringed on the S"bb"th %"w on
tr"*e%ing to which +(d"s "kes " s"rc"stic re"rk1 For the bene!it o! "%%0 +es(s
e:$%"ins the s($eriorit' o! the L"w o! Lo*e "nd ,h"rit'1 +es(s "%so res$onds to "
;(estion !ro Peter "s to wh' chi%dren (st s(!!er "nd reinds hi th"t ho%' $eo$%e
"nd He"*en see s(!!ering di!!erent%' th"n en1
335G$12>6 @L +"n("r'0 ne:t d"'0 S"t1A # The Fo%%owing D"' "t E$hr"i1 P"r"b%e on the
Reebr"nce o! M"nHs Etern"% Destin'1 +es(s decides to ce%ebr"te the S"bb"th
"ong these%*es0 with the three S""rit"n or$h"ns0 "%ong the ri*er1 The or$h"ns0
"nd the w"' +es(s h"s h"nd%ed the "tter0 contin(e to be " $rob%e !or +(d"s1 He is
resist"nt "nd "rg(ent"ti*e1 +es(s !in"%%' te%%s the three chi%dren the stor' o! Ad" "nd
E*e "nd how the' !e%% b' disobe'ing God "nd b' %istening to the be"(ti!(% ser$ent1
9hen the $eo$%e o! E$hr"i he"r o! +es(s c"re !or the or$h"ns0 the' "re o*ed1 +es(s
te%%s the0 <The Messi"nic ide" is this: to re-&nite e+ery-ody in lo+e 1 1 1 One $eo$%e
on%' on the E"rth (nder the sce$ter o! the Messi"h1=
33CG$1224 @L +"n("r'0 s"e d"' "nd th"t night0 S"t1GS(n1A # +es(s E:$%"ins to Peter the
M"nd"te !or Reitting Sins "nd 9h' S"ints "nd )nnocents S(!!er1 +es(s s$e"ks "t
%ength to Peter on the d(t' o! $riests "s %o*ing0 $"tient doctors o! so(%s1 He "nswers
in de$th PeterHs ;(estion "bo(t the K(stice o! innocent chi%dren h"*ing to s(!!er1
337G$1256 @E Febr("r'0 si: d"'s %"ter0 S"t1A # On " S"bb"th in E$hr"i0 +es(s S$e"ks in
the S'n"gog(e1 +(d"s is brist%ing o*er not being "%%owed to go o(t o! +es(sH $resence
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
"nd h"*ing to %i*e "ong S""rit"ns1 To "ke "tters worse0 he (st go to "
S""rit"n s'n"gog(e1 +es(s de%i*ers " ess"ge th"t dee$%' o*es the he"rts o! the
%"rge crowd "nd sho(%d h"*e dee$%' con*icted the Disci$%es1
333G$12C7 @E Febr("r'0 two d"'s %"ter0 ten d"'s "!ter ,h13320 Mon1A # The Arri*"% o!
the Re%"ti*es o! the ,hi%dren with M"n' Peo$%e o! Sheche1 Re%"ti*es t"ke the
or$h"ns "!ter their con!essions o! bitterness th"t di*ided the !"i%'1 The' "%so te%%
+es(s the "cco(nt o! eeting the highw"'en "nd their words directed to <the R"bbi=
th"t to(ched the so dee$%'1
33FG$12C8 @E Febr("r'0 $rob"b%' ne:t d"'0 T(e1A # The P"r"b%e o! the Dro$ th"t
E:c"*"tes the Rock1 +es(s e:$%"ins to the S""rit"ns o! E$hr"i0 who wo(%d %ike Hi
to st"' with the "nd !orget "bo(t +(de" th"t h"tes Hi so (ch0 th"t He is %ike "
erch"nt who c"nnot K(st go where $eo$%e %o*e hi b(t he (st go to where $eo$%e
re"%%' need his w"res1 Their %o*e wi%% coe when the' !ind o(t how good the
erch"ndise is !ro the one or two who0 e*en witho(t (ch %o*e !or hi "ke "
$(rch"se1 E*en the h"rdest stone0 howe*er0 c"n be disso%*ed e*en b' the smallest
effort, gi*en $"tient "nd const"nt "$$%ic"tion1 +es(s then te%%s the th"t " (ch
gre"ter sign th"n r"ising " dec"'ing "n !ro the de"d wi%% t"ke $%"ce in +er(s"%e on
the !(%% oon o! Nis"n1
336G$1277 @E Febr("r'0 ne:t d"' "nd the ne:t orning0 9ed1 to Th(1A # Pi%gris Arri*e
in E$hr"i !ro the Dec"$o%is1 M"n"enHs Secret Mission1 Pi%gris0 who h"*e been
to%d where to !ind +es(s0 *isit Hi1 M"n"en coes b' night to in!or +es(s th"t
Nicode(s "nd +ose$h o! Ari"the" w"nt to secret%' eet with Hi soewhere ne"r
Go!en" @F i%esA1 M"n"en wi%% escort +es(s to the sec%(ded "re" "t the "$$ointed tie1
334G$1278 @E Febr("r'0 ne:t d"' "nd th"t night0 Fri1GS"t1A # The Secret Meeting with
+ose$h o! Ari"the" "nd Nicode(s1 +es(s co$"ssion"te%'0 b(t !orce!(%%' e:$oses
the dee$%' se"ted O%d )sr"e% sti%% st(bborn%' resisting deise0 e*en in the K(st "nd
co$"ssion"te he"rts o! Nicode(s "nd +ose$h o! Ari"the"1 M"n"en0 " eber o!
HerodHs co(rt0 now "%one with +es(s0 s$e"ks o! the interesting $o%itic"% "%%i"nces
de*e%o$ing between the Te$%e r(%ers "nd the Herodi"ns th"t wi%% s(cceed in working
e*en "g"inst the interests o! Roe "nd %e"d to +es(sH de"th1 M"n"en $"in!(%%'
str(gg%es with +es(sH words "bo(t being the S"cri!ici"% L"b1
338G$1236 @M Febr("r'0 the ne:t two d"'s0 S"t1 to S(n1A # The Se$hori S"(e%1
A!ter the others h"*e %e!t0 +es(s st"'s behind0 hidden in the *er' b"ck o! the d"rkening
c"*e ne"r Go!en"0 h"*ing $(r$ose%' "%%owed the !ire to die into ebers1 9ho st(b%es
into the c"*e0 wet to the bone0 h"*ing %ost "%% his $ro*isions in " torrentB None other
th"n S"(e%0 the de"rest "nd ost !"n"tic"%%' %o'"% disci$%e o! one o! +es(sH ost bitter
eneies0 R"bbi +on"th"n ben .Iie%1 He is on " ission to seiIe +es(s in E$hr"i "nd
de%i*er Hi o*er to the S"nhedrin1 This e$isode not on%' te%%s (s it is God Hise%!
who $re$"res o(r eneies in e*er' w"' "nd then %e"ds the to (s0 b(t it te%%s (s how
we "s !o%%owers o! ,hrist (st with no reser*e0 hesit"nc' or !e"r we%coe the
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
who%%' "nd (ncondition"%%'1 This is one "bso%(te%' incredib%e re*e%"tion o! the s$irit0
so(%0 "nd ch"r"cter o! +es(s ,hristP
3F>G$12F4 @M Febr("r'A # 9h"t Peo$%e s"' "t N"I"reth1 N"I"reth0 "s e*er' town in
P"%estine0 is "b(II with (tter%' con!%icting conc%(sions "bo(t +es(s r"ising L"I"r(s
!ro the de"d " onth be!ore "nd "bo(t the iedi"te order o! the S"nhedrin to
"rrest +es(s "s " d"ngero(s criin"%1 A%$h"e(s o! S"r"h chides his !e%%ow citiIens !or
their b%indness in reg"rd to +es(s1 He *"%i"nt%' de!ends the Lord !ro those who co(%d
so !ree%' criticiIe the Te$%e r(%ers !or e*er'thing e%se b(t be so ;(ick to K(sti!' their
edict "g"inst +es(sP
3F2G$126> @M Febr("r'A # F"%se Disci$%es Arri*e in Sheche1 At E$hr"i0 +es(s
Restores the Tong(e to the D(b S%"*e o! ,%"(di" Proc(%"1 Th"t the Ph"risees wo(%d
send " de%eg"tion o! s($$osed s($$orters o! +es(s to Sheche to con*ince these
S""rit"ns to0 in t(rn0 con*ince +es(s to %e"*e E$hr"i "nd go to Mo(nt GeriIi0
their ho%' $%"ce o! worshi$0 so He wi%% be s"!e !ro the S"nhedrin0 shows their (tter
des$er"tion in tr'ing to g"in " d""ging re$ort "g"inst +es(s "nd sto$ the gro(ndswe%%
o! $(b%ic !"*or !or +es(s1
3F2bG$1265 @L Febr("r'A # ,%"(di"0 Pi%"teHs wi!e0 who h"s " $ro!o(nd res$ect !or +es(s
"nd h"s in;(ired o! Hi se*er"% ties0 now coes to E$hr"i with her ento(r"ge o!
so%diers "nd s%"*es to c%e"r ($ soe do(bts soe h"d $(t in her he"d "bo(t Hi1 )t is
"n en%ightening con*ers"tion th"t ends with the restor"tion o! the "$(t"ted tong(e o!
,%"(di"Hs d(b s%"*e1
3F5G$126F @E M"rch0 Fri1A # The M"n o! +"bnee%1 +es(s0 north o! E$hr"i0 !inds " sick
'o(ng "n in the ditch st"r*ing to de"th1 He h"s r(n o(t o! one' se"rching !or
+es(s1 Thinking he w"s +(de"n0 the *i%%"gers h"*e dri*en hi o(t o! their *i%%"ge1
+es(s he"%s hi "nd reb(kes those coing !ro the *i%%"ge who now wish to see the
3FCG$1243 @E#M M"rch0 one week %"ter0 Fri1A # S"(e%0 +(d"s o! -erioth "nd +ohn1
P"r"b%e o! the /ees1 9est o! E$hr"i: +es(s0 "%one with S"(e%0 co!orts the new
disci$%e who h"s been tro(b%ed b' the )sc"riot1 9hen +(d"s Koins the the' get into "
disc(ssion "bo(t s(!!ering0 which +(d"s "$$e"rs to den' is $ossib%e !or +es(s since He
is God @$128>A "nd s($$osed%' bec"(se sin%ess $eo$%e "re not s(bKect to $"inP +(d"sH
st"teents were ere%' the <$ro$er= "c"deic res$onses to S"(e%Hs ;(estions0 not
gen(ine sett%ed con*ictions1 +es(s0 howe*er0 te%%s +(d"s "nd S"(e% th"t he s(!!ers
%ike e*er' "n "nd more th"n e*er' "n1 +es(s then re*e"%s the gre"t secret o! His Ko'
"nd $e"ce in the idst o! o*erwhe%ing sorrow1 Hidden in between the %ines o! his
own words @$1282A0 +(d"s re*e"%s th"t the betr"'"% h"s "%re"d' been "rr"nged1
3F7G$1283 @L M"rch0 S(n1A # At E$hr"i0 be!ore "nd "!ter the Arri*"% o! +es(sH Mother
"nd o! the 9oen Disci$%es with L"I"r(s1 9hi%e +(d"s )sc"riot h"s gone with
M"tthew to $(rch"se $ro*isions !or the "rri*"% o! Ho%' M"r' "nd the woen disci$%es0
E%iI" "nd Nike @&eronic"A "rri*e1 The' te%% wh"t h"s been h"$$ening in +er(s"%e0 "nd
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
!ro re$orts o! the Ro"n woen "nd M"n"en0 the' te%% wh"t is h"$$ening with
Pi%"te0 with ,%"(di"0 "nd in HerodHs co(rt in res$ect to the "rising contro*ers' being
cre"ted b' the Te$%e r(%ers o*er +es(s1 The Disci$%es0 one b' one0 begin to *ent their
!ee%ing !or *enge"nce !or the Te$%e r(%ers0 b(t "re ;(ick%' bro(ght to si%ence "nd
re$ent"nce b' the re$roo! "nd te"rs o! E%iI"1
9hen L"I"r(s shows ($ with his c"rri"ge !ro his *isit in Antioch0 bringing the
woen disci$%es !ro G"%i%ee "s he $roised0 there is " who%e c"r"*"n o! c"rri"ges
!ro "n' towns th"t h"*e !o%%owed0 "%% "n:io(s to see "nd he"r +es(s1 The Disci$%es
"re dis"$$ointed th"t se*er"% the' h"d e:$ected to see h"d not coe1 +es(s h"d
!orbidden the to coe0 "s the' were he"ded to +er(s"%e !or P"sso*er1 +es(s wise%'
$roises th"t the' wo(%d all be together !or the second P"sso*er he%d %"ter in )sr"e%
!or those who co(%d not kee$ the !irst one1 This0 o! co(rse0 wo(%d be "!ter His
+es(s s$e"ks to L"I"r(s "bo(t the ch"r"cter o! Pi%"te @$1 5>405>8A1 L"I"r(s
$ri*"te%' in!ors +es(s on se*er"% "tters0 inc%(ding the con*ersion o! " eber o! the
S"nhedrin n"ed +ohn0 "nd the work "nd *ision o! S'nt'che0 the e:i%e to Antioch1
3F3G$1527 @L M"rch0 !i*e d"'s %"ter0 Fri1A # P"r"b%e o! the Torn ,%oth "nd the Mir"c%e
o! the 9o"n in ,hi%dbirth1 +(d"s o! -erioth is ,"(ght Ste"%ing1 The woen
disci$%es "re b(s' w"shing "nd ending the Disci$%esH g"rents th"t h"*e been
serio(s%' neg%ected in the $"st onths when +es(s is c"%%ed to the other end o! the cit'
o! E$hr"i to s"*e " other in chi%dbirth1 The' "%% !o%%ow Hi to see the ir"c%e0
%e"*ing the ho(se *"c"nt1 +es(s "nd +ohn ret(rn "nd !ind +(d"s ste"%ing one' !ro
their host1 9hen +es(s sees the crie is $reedit"ted0 He is !i%%ed with "nger1 He
thinks !or " oent "bo(t c(rsing +(d"s "nd de%i*ering iedi"te%' to the K(dgent
o! God0 b(t He c"nnot0 since He is S"*ior1 ,on!ronted with the crie0 " !rightening
o(tb(rst o! h"tred "nd "cc(s"tion "g"inst +es(s t"kes $%"ce1 +(d"s "cc(ses +es(s o!
h"ting hi bec"(se He h"s re!(sed to s"*e "nd honor hi whi%e He h"s done so !or
$rostit(tes "nd e*er'bod' e%se1 How co(%d +(d"s "ke s(ch "n "cc(s"tionB 9e (st
reeber th"t +(d"s sh"red the s"e e*i% doctrine be%ie*ed b' the Ph"risees th"t "%%
things "re deterined b' God0 th"t God s"*es "nd honors who He wi%% "nd %e"*es the
rest to be d"ned1 LNOTE: This *er' s"e doctrine0 bro(ght to its highest $er!ection
b' +ohn ,"%*in0 the ost in!%(enti"% o! the re!orers0 s"*ed the <re!or"tion= !ro
co%%"$se "nd ins(red the $er"nent di*ision between Protest"nts "nd ,"tho%ics1 9hi%e
,"%*inHs theo%og' o! deterinis h"s now been gre"t%' discredited0 ren"nts o!
,"%*inHs di*ine deterinis sti%% e:ist in ne"r%' "%% Protest"nt bodies1 <Once s"*ed0
"%w"'s s"*ed0= "nd the ore (ni*ers"% $rotest"nt error0 <s"*ed b' !"ith "%one= witho(t
the e:ercise o! h("n res$onsibi%it' "re two e:"$%es o! di*ine deterinis1 On%' the
,"tho%ic !"ith h"s $reser*ed in co$%eteness the tr(th o! s"%*"tion b' di*ine gr"ce
"%one whi%e honoring the re;(ired h("n coo$er"tion with th"t gr"ce !or it to bring
$erson"% rede$tion1M
Now0 K(st "!ter ch"rging +es(s with h"ting hi bec"(se He !"i%ed to s"*e hi0
+(d"s0 in " !it o! irr"tion"%it'0 seeing +es(s so we"k "nd inc"$"b%e0 "cc(ses Hi o!
being " !oo%0 "n idiot0 "n ine$t0 en!eeb%ed "nd de!e"ted "nP +es(s re"sons with +(d"s
"t gre"t %ength0 tr'ing to stir within hi K(st the *er' s"%%est bit o! wi%% to goodness1
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
)t is to no "*"i%0 "nd +(d"s %e"*es0 co%d0 (nre$ent"nt "nd on%' "ng(ished "t the tho(ght
th"t others sho(%d he"r o! his sin1 +es(s0 "%one0 bre"ks down in tort(red grie!0 " grie!
th"t re"ches to the *er' botto o! His so(%1 )n three 'e"rs0 +es(s h"s gi*en +(d"s
e*er' gr"ce he co(%d gi*e1 He e$tied His entire so(% o(t !or hi "nd it w"s "%%
reKected0 " tot"% reKection o! the he"rt "nd so(% o! Lo*e "nd Merc' Hise%!P +ohn
enters "nd c"nnot conso%e +es(s1 +es(s !in"%%' s"'s to hi0 <M' dee$est grie!P
Reeber th"t0 +ohn: This )ill -e fore+er My deepest 'rief?S

L5 d"'s %"ter0 S(nd"': M"r' "nd M"rth" "rri*e !ro /eth"n'1M
3FFG$15C3 @E A$ri%0 one d"' %"ter0 Mon1A # F"rewe%% to E$hr"i1 Going tow"rds
Shi%oh1 The S""rit"ns o! E$hr"i0 es$eci"%%' their host0 M"r' o! +"cob0 who h"s
been " co!orting other to the sorrow!(% he"rt o! +es(s in the "bsence o! His own
Mother0 h"*e " h"rd tie s"'ing good#b'e to +es(s1 Le"*ing now !or +er(s"%e brings
" (ch dee$er $"in "nd sorrow to +es(sH re"% other0 who knows she is %iter"%%'
he"ding !or the cr(cib%e0 where Her he"rt wi%% be cr(shed into " tho(s"nd $ieces1
3F6G$1572 @E A$ri%0 s"e d"'0 Mon1A # At Shi%oh @25 i%esA1 First P"r"b%e on Ad*ice1
+es(s w"rns the S""rit"ns in Shi%oh th"t their eneies0 the re%igio(s %e"ders o! +(de"0
!eigning !riendshi$0 wi%% tr' to %e"d the "w"' !ro Hi1
5541 E#M A$ri% +er(s"%e is in " Gre"t Stir O*er the Res(rrection o! L"I"r(s1
#### #### #### +n 22:3303F@36A 2CBD2B,
The $eo$%e o! +er(s"%e wonder i! +es(s wi%% show ($ !or the P"sso*er in $pril'
since iedi"te%' "!ter L"I"r(sH res(rrection0 over t#o months be!ore' the Te$%e
r(%ers ordered His "rrest1
3F4G$1573 @E A$ri%0 ne:t d"' "!ter ,h13F60 T(e1A # At Lebon"h @C i%esA1 The Second
P"r"b%e on Ad*ice1 Going b"ck tow"rd G"%i%ee "nd dee$er into S""ri"0 +es(s "g"in
thw"rts the $%"ns o! His +(de"n eneies0 who s$re"d %ies "bo(t Hi "ong the
3F8G$1535 @E A$ri%0 ne:t d"'0 9ed1A # Arri*"% "t Sheche @22 i%esA1 +es(s "nd His
A$ost%es "nd woen disci$%es $"ss ne"r the $%"ce where0 o*er two 'e"rs be!ore0 He
h"d s$oken to the <S""rit"n wo"n0= Photin"i @))0 27CG$122A1 He $oints o(t the
gre"t !r(it this h"d born "s the who%e cit' coes o(t to we%coe the1
36>G$1533 @E A$ri%0 ne:t d"'0 Th(1A # At Sheche1 Third P"r"b%e on Ad*ice1 +es(s
"g"in tries to w"rn the e*er#growing crowd o! His ene'Hs tricks to t(rn the "g"inst
362G$1538 @E A$ri%0 ne:t d"'0 Fri1A # Le"*ing !or Enon1 A!ter $r"'ing be!ore d"wn on
Mo(nt GeriIi0 +es(s s$e"ks o! %e"*ing Sheche !or Enon @53 i%esA0 the $%"ce +ohn
the /"$tist went when it bec"e too d"ngero(s to $re"ch "nd inister ne"r +(de"1
+(d"s w"nts to st"' behind !or soe (nho%' re"son0 "nd "rg(es with E%iI" when she
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
wise%' s"'s she wi%% "%so st"' behind0 with the hidden intention o! kee$ing "n e'e on
365G$15F5 @E A$ri%0 two d"'s %"ter0 S(n1A # The Yo(ng She$herd /enK"in1 +es(s is
"%one in the grotto where the /"$tist st"'ed be!ore his %"st "rrest "nd i$risonent1
+es(s resc(es " 'o(ng bo' being se*ere%' istre"ted b' " re%"ti*e1 The "b(ser %ies0
b%"s$hees "nd *io%ent%' resists +es(s1 He is sitten with b%indness1 +es(s reKoins the
gro($ with the new disci$%e1 M"r' o! M"gd"%" entions " sii%"r incident where +es(s
resc(ed 'o(ng Abe% !ro de"th "t the h"nds o! !"%se "cc(sers0 who were then sitten
with %e$ros' @))0 576G$1345A1 +es(s here re*e"%s His tr(e !ee%ings "bo(t s(ch e*i% en1
The' "%% he"d to TirI"h0 @53 i%esA where the' were to eet ($ with +(d"s )sc"riot "nd
E%iI"0 who did not go with the to Enon1 L9h"t is entioned in Lk 8:32035 Lo! the
te:t be%owM0 "ct("%%' occ(rs "t the *er' end o! this ch"$ter "s the' "$$ro"ch TirI"h @5>
5581 E A$r0S(GMo +"es "nd +ohn "sk !or Fire to coe down ($on " S""rit"n ,it'
#### #### Lk 8:32#3F #### 2;<7p.*;,
(ame day and that night at Tirzah in S""ri": +es(s sends "he"d o! Hi and
the #omen disiples' .udas' )liza and the $postles to see i! the ity #ill reeive
them1 The sco(ting $"rt' is dri*en o(t o! the cit' #ith stones and dogs. Men have
even been stationed at the roads to /eep them !rom reDentering' so +es(s "nd the
woen (st #ait !or night and then sne"k thro(gh the !ie%ds "ro(nd the cit' to !ind
" $%"ce to s%ee$ be'ond the cit'P Though a #oman !rom the ity helps them' all
the $postles are very angry' espeially !or they #ay they treated the aged )liza.
+"es "nd +ohn0 admitting to .esus that beause He is love. He ould not Rudge
them' "sk i! they co(%d c"%% !ire to coe down !ro he"*en to destro' those guarding
the roads. These (amaritans are angry #ith .esus beause He re!used to #orship
#ith them at 3assover. These (amaritans have been led to believe =#ith the help
o! sli/Dtal/ing .udeans? that .esus9 insistene that .erusalem #as the only plae
!or #orship' even #hen it #as about to /ill Him' prove His gestures and #ords o!
good #ill to them had been insinere and hyporitial. They #ere led to believe
that .esus #as only using them and (amaria as a means !or His o#n protetion'
#hile they as (amaritans #ill no# be even more hated by the Temple rulers !or
harboring a riminal they #anted.
Having bypassed the ity and be!ore !inding a plae to sleep' .esus' alone #ith
.udas' ma/es another impassioned attempt to bring Him ba/ !rom the Hbrin/
o! the abyss.I
2;<7p.*;, D .esus is %eReted by the (amaritans. With .udas o! Oerioth.
5C>1 E A$r0 Mon The Rich Yo(ng R(%er1 The Gre"t Rew"rd o! Disci$%eshi$1
Mt 28:2F#C> Mk 2>:26#C2 Lk 24:24#C> #### 2;@7p.*BB
(ame day' to Doo =*, miles?: The rich 'o(ng r(%er0 3hilip o! Canata' had been
a disiple o! Gamaliel until he inherited his !ather9s businessX thereupon he le!t
his alling to are !or the business. $s a disiple o! Gamaliel' he had o!ten heard
.esus spea/ o! the )ternal 5i!e promised to those #ho reate His Oingdom
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
#ithin themselves. His very 1uestion' <9h"t (st ) do to h"*e Etern"% Li!eB=
reveals that he #as not living in !ull obediene to God that suh a Oingdom in
him #ould re1uire' but it does not mean he #as living in a state o! mortal sin and
#ould go to Hell Fas !undamental evangelial 3rotestants are !ored to onlude'
having ignored the reality o! 3urgatoryG. "ote that +es(s s"'s0 <)! 'o( w"nt to be
as $er!ect as our Father in Heaven #ants' go se%% e*er'thing 'o( h"*e "nd gi*e it to
the $oor 1 1 1 Then coe "nd !o%%ow Me1= LNOTE: 9hi%e one h"s to be $er!ect to enter the -ingdo0 to h"*e
Etern"% Li!e0 "nd "ct("%%' enter He"*en0 one does not need to be $er!ect to "*oid being condened to He%% "nd to know th"t "!ter "
$(ri!ic"tion one wi%% get to He"*enP E*en the A$ost%es did not "t this tie $ossess th"t kind o! $er!ection or Etern"% Li!e1M
9hen "sked b' the Disci$%es i! the' wo(%d enter the -ingdo0 +es(s s"id to the0
<) te%% 'o( so%en%' th"t 'o(0 who h"*e !o%%owed Me in the re'eneration, wi%% sit on
thrones to K(dge 1 1 1= +es(s s"'s th"t there wi%% be those who s"cri!ice ho(ses0 !ie%ds0
!"ther0 other etc1 who wi%% recei*e Etern"% Li!e only in the ne0t life @Mk 2>:C>0 Lk
24:C>A1 LNOTE: 9h' on%' in the ne:t %i!eB Ob*io(s%'0 bec"(se their s"cri!ice w"s se%ecti*e "nd not co$%ete0 "nd P(rg"tor'
w"s then necess"r' to $re$"re the !or He"*en0 the -ingdo o! God "!ter de"th11 Etern"% Li!e0 then0 is " g%orio(s st"te o! co$%ete
(nhindered co(nion with God in*o%*ing complete tr(st "nd s(bission to God "nd "b"ndonent o! "%% !or Hi0 gi*ing one
immediate entr"nce into He"*en "t de"th1 +es(s s"id to His A$ost%es0 in gre"t s"dness0 there were !ew0 in this life0 th"t !ind Etern"%
Li!e1 @See Gos$e% e$isode2441AM
LNOTE: )n reg"rd to the e"ning o! the word <s"*ed=: A%% three Gos$e% "cco(nts show the Disci$%es "nd +es(s (sed the word
<s"*ed= here in conK(nction with entering the -ingdo o! God @Mt1 28:57#53E Mk 2>:53#56E Lk24:53#56A "nd "s h("n%'
i$ossib%e "s " c"e% going thro(gh "n e'e o! " need%e1 Soe inter$reters0 r"ther th"n t"king the $%"in sense o! " %iter"% e'e o! "
need%e0 h"*e ended ($ den'ing wh"t +es(s $%"in%' s"'s here0 th"t entering the -ingdo or being s"*ed @re"ching $er!ectionA is (tter%'
i$ossib%e !or "n to "cco$%ish witho(t " "Kor s($ern"t(r"% in*o%*eent o! God th"t $rod(ces in (s " si'nificant chan'e in man1
To s$e"k o! this e'e o! " need%e "s soe g"te in +er(s"%e thro(gh which c"e%s co&ld pass i! the' got on their knees denies the
who%e $oint o! +es(s1 )t is "%so gr""tic"%%' inde!ensib%e1 )! +es(s w"s re!erring to " s$eci!ic g"te in soe cit' w"%%0 He wo(%d h"*e
s"id0 <The e'e o! the need%e1= 9h"t " di!!erent wor%d this wo(%d be i! th"t fe) who "re tr(%' <s"*ed= in this %i!e co(%d be t(rned into
2;@7p.*B@ # The %ih 8oung Man.
5C21 M A$ri%0 T(e +es(s Ag"in Te%%s o! His S(!!ering "nd De"th1
Mt 5>:26#28 Mk 2>:C5#C7 Lk 24:C2#C7 #### 2;27p.*A*
From Doo to .eriho' ne0t day: +es(s0 "$"rt !ro the woen disci$%es0 te%%s o!
His s(!!ering "nd His res(rrection on the third d"' in the $%"inest $ossib%e %"ng("ge0
but none o! the A$ost%es e0ept .ohn (nderst"nds the tr(th1 The others onlude
that .esus is only testing themL With the #omen: Mary o! $lphaeus spea/s o!
the #onder!ul days o! Holy Mary9s birth' her betrothal to .oseph' the
ontemplative man #ho #as so o!ten misunderstood by $lphaeus' his older
brother and by the people o! "azareth. =He #as the holiest man' apart !rom
Mary' #ho ever lived.? (he also spea/s o! the horror o! the :ethlehem slaughter
and the agony o! Mary' .oseph and .esus9 sudden disappearane.
5C51 M A$ri%0 T(e A MotherHs Re;(est For Positions o! Honor !or Her Sons1
Mt 5>:5>#54 Mk 2>:C3#73 #### #### 2;27p.*AC
(ame day' to .eriho: S"%oe0 "t the re;(est o! her sons +"es "nd +ohn0 "kes
her <se"ting re;(est= !or the to sit )ith Him in the -ingdo1 This re1uest #as
based on their misinterpretation o! Christ9s promise the very day be!ore =(ee
*<+.? That they #ould sit on thrones to Rudge the tribes o! Israel. .esus did not
say with HimL %eading Matthe# you lose this onnetion' as he does not have
that aount immediately preeding this episode. +es(s e:$%"ins th"t to sit )ith
Him wo(%d re;(ire the' <drink the ,($= He w"s to drink1 +es(s te%%s the the' wo(%d
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
ere%' <drink o!= His ,($1 .esus spei!ially tells M& that many translations have
omitted the preposition Ho!I in Mt. *+:*< and that is an error' as Hno manI ould
drin/ His up.
LNOTE: )t wo(%d be The 9o"n0 Ho%' M"r'0 who wo(%d alone h"*e the strength "nd or"% !ortit(de to drink the c($ +es(s
dr"nk1 Her $reser*"tion !ro origin"% sin0 her choice o! " ho%' %i!e0 "nd0 in "ddition to ere sin%essness0 her "tt"inent to the highest
%e*e% o! *irt(e b' Her (nion with God ke$t Her distinct%' "$"rt0 not on%' !ro the rest o! !"%%en h("nit'0 b(t "%%owed her h("nit'
in the highest $ossib%e sense to be %ost in the Di*init' o! Her ,re"tor1 )t is there!ore she who sits tod"' "t the -ingHs right h"nd
crowned "s a(een o! He"*en0 a(een o! the 25 Tribes o! )sr"e% "nd the 25 A$ost%es0 "ccording to Re*e%"tion 251 The One on the %e!t
side o! +es(s "' on%' be the F"ther Hise%!0 !or it is +es(s who is "t His right1 Perh"$s0 howe*er0 it is +ose$h0 the ho%iest o! the rest
o! "nkind to(ched b' origin"% sin th"t +es(s re!ers to0 "nd !or who the other se"t is being $re$"red b' the F"ther1 +ose$h ke$t
hise%! (ni;(e%' "s no other !ro being " <"n= b' "%so ebr"cing e*er' di*ine *irt(e to its !(%%est1 )t is too o!ten !orgotten th"t
+ose$h0 in "ddition to his own sorrow "ntici$"ting the t((%t(o(s "nd tr"gic end o! +es(s0 "%so sh"red M"r'Hs s(!!ering "ntici$"ting
the s"e horror !or C> 'e"rs be!ore he died1 )n "ddition0 he (st h"*e s(!!ered iense%'0 knowing he wo(%d h"*e to %e"*e his M"r'
to s(!!er "%one th"t d"rk ho(r1M LNOTE: M"r' S"%oeHs desire !or $ri*i%eged $ositions !or her sons w"s known to Ho%' M"r' %ong
be!ore1 She disc(sses this with +es(s in the !irst 'e"r o! His inistr'1 @)0 2>FcG$13FFAM
2;27p.*A+ D The Third 3rophey o! the 3assion. The %e1uest o! Uebedee9s (ons
36FG$1584 @M A$ri%0 s"e d"'0 T(e1A # Meeting with the Disci$%es Led b' M"n"en "nd
Arri*"% "t +ericho @C i%esA1 O*er 3>> disci$%es o! ,hrist h"*e been w"iting to see
+es(s0 inc%(ding two !ro the ,o(rt o! Herod Phi%i$ "nd $roinent e:#disci$%es o!
G""%ie%0 inc%(ding Ste$hen1 Others0 inc%(ding ost o! the origin"% she$herds o!
/eth%ehe0 "nd O"cch"e(s "re "%% w"iting "t &eronic"Hs @NikeHsA est"te K(st so(th o!
+es(s gi*es " *er' i$ort"nt res$onse to seeing%' two r"dic"%%' o$$osing
tho(ghts0 one !ro M"n"en "nd Ste$hen "nd the other !ro /"rtho%oew0 concerning
the kind o! honor to be gi*en to the Te$%e in %ight o! its corr($tion1 The "$$%ic"tion
is $"rtic(%"r%' signi!ic"nt0 "$$%ied to The ,h(rch tod"' torn b' (nbe%ie! "nd "$ost"s'
within its hier"rch'1
366G$1C>2 @M A$ri%0 s"e d"'0 T(e1A # 9ith Soe .nknown Disci$%es1 At NikeHs
Est"te1 Soe +(de"ns "sk +es(s "bo(t the %"test ch"rges "g"inst Hi reg"rding his
re%"tionshi$ to the S""rit"ns0 which "re b"sed on d""ging re$orts "g"inst Hi !ro
soeone @+(d"sPA who h"s been with Hi in S""ri"1 +es(s re$%ies "nd then re*e"%s
the test th"t is coing ($on the shee$ when He0 the She$herd0 wi%% be str(ck1 Two
thirds o! the shee$0 He s"'s0 wi%% be sc"tteredE on%' one third0 "!ter $"ssing thro(gh the
!ire0 wi%% be s"*ed "nd $erse*ere (nto the end1
5CC1 M A$ri%0 9edTwo /%ind Men Ne"r +ericho Are He"%ed1
Mt 5>:58#C7 Mk 2>:7F#35 Lk 24:C3#7C #### 2;B7p.<,<
"e0t day' !ro "i/e9s )state near +ericho on the #ay to :ethany: Four
strangers' one o! #hom #as a member o! the (anhedrin #ho onverted to Christ
!our months earlier !rom the #itness o! the prophetess (abea =I&' 2*<7p.CA;?'
attempt to in!orm .esus o! .udas9 betrayal' but .esus astounds them all by telling
them He /no#s all about it. =.esus9 response e0plains the events and
onversations o! the past t#o hapters in The Poem.? .esus urges them to ta/e
their !amilies and !lee the ountry' beause o! #hat vitors do to notables. .esus
spea/s plainly o! the !inal destrution o! His !atherland to his tear!ul in!ormers
that #ill not only last H!or ages' but !orever.I He predits that a H!leeting
blossoming o! the last IsraelI #ill mar/ the end o! the agesT in #hih the people'
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
having !inally ome to the Christ' #ill die in !aith.
H"*ing $"ssed thro(gh +ericho the day be!ore0 staying at and then %e"*ing
"i/e9s )state ne"r +ericho0 they ta/e the ro#ded roads leading pilgrims to
.erusalem !or 3assover. .esus !irst heals a little girl and an old man. Then He
he"rs the cries o! two b%ind en0 one n"ed /"rti"e(s "nd the other >riel. A!ter
being he"%ed0 /"rti"e(s !o%%ows the Lord immediately. >riel' the other b%ind "n0
!irst goes home to tell his relatives o! the mirale be!ore he !o%%ows the Lord1
TLNOTE: This w"s re*e"%ed to M& on M"rch 260 28760 o*er eight onths be!ore the .nited N"tions *oted !or " +ewish St"te to be
est"b%ished in P"%estine "nd o*er " 'e"r be!ore )sr"e% "s " st"te c"e into e:istence on M"' 270 28741 The !%o(rishing o! this st"te0 "s
$redicted0 howe*er0 did not coe (nti% se*er"% ore 'e"rs o! b%ood' w"r!"re1M
2;B7p.<+; D 3rophesy on Israel. Mirales Wor/ed During the .ourney !rom
.eriho to :ethany.
368G$1C27 @M A$ri%0 ne:t d"'0 Th(1A # Arri*"% "t /eth"n' @25 i%esA1 O"cch"e(s is
sent to in!or the "n' disci$%es in the +er(s"%e "re" o! the Tri($h"% Entr' o! +es(s
into +er(s"%e on S(nd"'1 Yo(ng /"rn"b"s0 " disci$%e o! G""%ie%0 re#introd(ces
hise%! to +es(s "nd sh"res with Hi wh"t G""%ie% h"s s"id "bo(t Hi1 +es(s
instr(cts /"rn"b"s to te%% his "ster th"t the ;(estion he h"s h"d !or twent' 'e"rs0
"bo(t the Te$%e stones he"ring the Messi"hHs word "nd sh"king0 wi%% be "nswered1
L"I"r(s e:$resses his dee$ gr"tit(de to +es(s "nd s$e"ks o! the str"nge $henoen"
o! the orch"rd o! +ose$h o! Ari"the" re!(sing to b(d1 +es(s si%es "nd indic"tes th"t
the b(dding is w"iting !or the right tie to g%ori!' the Lord1 The' wi%% see th"t tie is
in ten d"'s0 Res(rrection S(nd"'P

34>G$1C5> @M A$ri%0 ne:t d"'0 Fri1A # The Frid"' be!ore the Entr' into +er(s"%e1 +(d"s
o! -erioth )$enitent1 L"I"r(sH Est"te: +(d"s becoes "ngr' with +es(s !or not
%etting hi go to +er(s"%e1 +es(s "kes one %"st $"ssion"te "tte$t to s"*e hi !ro
his etern"% r(in1 +(d"s re!(ses to "ke the *er' s"%%est o*e tow"rds gr"ce "nd
w"%ks "w"'1 +es(s is cr(shed in so(% "nd s$irit1 +(d"s is His gre"test grie!P +es(s
str(gg%es in $r"'er to His F"ther o*er His being "%w"'s Merc' "nd the cert"int' o!
+(d"sH d"n"tion1 Merc' $re*"i%s1
342G$1CC> @M A$ri%0 s"e d"'0 Fri1A # The Frid"' be!ore the Entr' into +er(s"%e1
F"rewe%% to the 9oen Disci$%es "nd the Enco(nter with the .nh"$$' ,hi%d1 L"I"r(sH
Est"te: To the !i!teen woen disci$%es0 inc%(ding se*er"% Ro"n woen0 +es(s gi*es
soe *er' i$ort"nt instr(ction on how the' "re to c"re !or one "nother "nd es$eci"%%'
those who h"*e been r"ised o(tside the or"% "nd s$irit("% re!ineents o! )sr"e%1 +es(s
s$e"ks o! His Mother M"r' "s Mother to e"ch o! these woen "nd the' "s sisters1
Pri*"te%'0 He s$e"ks to O%d Anne0 to +oh"nn" "nd &"%eri"1 +oh"nn" is dist(rbed "bo(t
the *"ci%%"tion o! her h(sb"nd ,h(I"0 who is !e"r!(% o! the direction Herod ight go in
reg"rd to +es(s1 +es(s "%so s$e"ks to Ann"%e"h0 the one who w"nts to die in %o*e !or
+es(s be!ore the s"cri!ice1 L"I"r(s then re$orts on his $erson"% eeting with Pi%"te
"nd the $osition he h"s t"ken in reg"rd to +es(s1 This $ro*ides (s " !"scin"ting insight
into the $o%itics o! this oento(s tie1
+es(s resc(es Sh"%e0 the ten#'e"r#o%d de!ored gr"ndson o! N"h(0 son o!
Ann"s0 two o! +es(sH !iercest eneies1 The bo' h"s been so istre"ted th"t he wishes
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
on%' to die1
345G$1C7F @M A$ri%0 ne:t d"'0 S"t1A # The S"bb"th be!ore the Entr' into +er(s"%e1
P"r"b%e o! the Two L"$s "nd the P"r"b%e A$$%ied to the Mir"c%e on Sh"%e1
L"I"r(sH Est"te: Litt%e Sh"%e is he"%ed1 +(d"s0 knowing the Te$%e crowd0 te%%s +es(s
"nd the other Disci$%es the sorr' stor' o! $oor Sh"%e0 his other "nd how she w"s
istre"ted1 The' disc(ss wh"t the' sho(%d do with the bo'0 b(t coe to no
34CG$1C3F @M A$ri%0 s"e d"'0 S"t1A # The S"bb"th be!ore the Entr' into +er(s"%e1
Pi%gris "nd +(de"ns "t /eth"n'1 L"I"r(sH Est"te: L"I"r(s re%(ct"nt%' shows soe
c(rio(s *isitors his tob "nd then brings two !riend%' r(%ers o! the Te$%e to +es(s1
The' h"d coe to in!or +es(s "nd L"I"r(s o! the $%"ns o! the S"nhedrin to destro'
the both1
5C71 M A$ri%0 S"t The O!!ence o*er M"r'Hs S"cri!ice1
Mt 5F:F#2C Mk 27:C#8 #### +n 25:2#22 2B@7p.<C<
(ame day' on 5azarus9 )state: M"r' o! Magdala0 5azarus9 one lost sister'
omes !ro the ho(se o! Sion Uealot' the !ormer %e$er @#here the &irgin Mother
and all the #omen disiples had eaten separately?' to 5azarus9 house. $!ter
serving .esus' the $postles and 5azarus' she "noints +es(sH !eet with s$iken"rd1 She
knew she w"s to %ose her M"ster *er' soon1 9hi%e soe o! the A$ost%es (r(r0 it is
.udas Isariot9s ins(%ting K(dgent0 HThat is the /ind o! thing le#d ourtesans do.
It does not beome your ne# li!e'I that stuns everyone and ends the meal. 4ne
by one the Disiples leave the meal.
$ !inal attempt by .esus is made to stop .udas !rom destroying himsel! by
!ollo#ing through #ith his betrayal plan. .udas' seeing that .esus #ill not stand
up to his enemies' beomes angry and !illed more than ever #ith hatred. He !ires
ba/ at .esus' H(o' you9re a!raidL 8ou !eel li/e a manL 8ou9re Rust a manL $nd
you betrayed us' and #e le!t everything !or you.I What did .udas believe about
.esusE .udas had o!ten pro!essed his belie! that .esus #as God' the (on o! God
and o!ten !ore!ully de!ended his belie! be!ore the Temple rulers. .udas9 onept
o! the (on o! God and even God Himsel!' ho#ever' had al#ays been seriously
!la#ed. What does .udas mean #hen onluding .esus is HRust a manIE Did he
at one time believe .esus to be more than manE LNOTE: ,hristi"ns0 !or cent(ries0 h"*e wondered o*er
the n"t(re o! +(d"sH <!"ith= "nd the oti*e !or his betr"'"%1 The Poem re*e"%s both "nd how the' were re%"ted1 +(d"s ne*er did
be%ie*e +es(s w"s "n' ore th"n "n1 Th"t +(d"s here !in"%%' conc%(des +es(s is <K(st a "n= does not e"n he "t one tie be%ie*ed
+es(s w"s God1 )t on%' e"ns th"t he no %onger be%ie*ed +es(s to be <The "n0= the $roised Messi"h1 He be%ie*ed0 %ike "n' +ews
in his d"'0 th"t the Messi"h wo(%d on%' be " di*ine%' e$owered "n1 Since the tit%e <The Son o! God= w"s seen "s " re!erence to
deit'0 it w"s there!ore not gener"%%' tho(ght to re!er to the Messi"h1 +(d"s0 howe*er0 (sed the tit%e to ere%' indic"te " di*ine%'
e$owered h("n being1 +(d"s be%ie*ed in +es(s "s <god= or <son o! God= in the sense o! " "n $ossessed with s$eci"% $owers0
nothing ore1
As %ong "s he s"w th"t $ower "s $otenti"%%' !(%!i%%ing his own %o!t' "bitions in "n e"rth%' -ingdo0 which he s"w "s coing to
doin"te the wor%d0 he wo(%d be " %o'"% s($$orter o! +es(s1 Since +(d"s did not be%ie*e in S"t"n0 he ne*er "de " distinction
between the $ower o! God "nd the $ower o! S"t"n or the occ(%t1 To hi0 the occ(%t w"s on%' $"rt o! <GodHs= $ower1 Since to hi
God c"(sed "%% things0 e*en sin @in which he o!ten s"w hise%! tr"$$ed "nd b%"ed +es(s !or not s"*ing hiA0 he "nd "%% his
oti*"tions were "%so seen "s $"rt o! God1 So cert"in w"s +(d"s o! the $er!ection o! his own thinking th"t des$ite +es(sH s($erior
$owers0 when he s"w Hi do things he !e%t detrient"% to his dre" o! " wor%d kingdo0 he o$en%' criticiIed +es(s1
+(d"s (sed e*er' $ossib%e e"ns to get +es(s to do things his w"' to bring in this kingdo1 For hi to s(cceed in this e"nt he
wo(%d get the credit "s the only one wise eno(gh "ong the Disci$%es to (nderst"nd how -ings coe to $ower "nd the on%' one in
the $osition o! in!%(ence "ong the Te$%e r(%ers to $(%% it o!!1 M"n' be%ie*e0 howe*er0 th"t e*en in the g"rden o! betr"'"%0 +(d"s
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
be%ie*ed +es(s co(%d $erh"$s be !orced to s(bd(e "%% his eneies "nd !(%!i%% his kingdo dre"s1 Fro wh"t +es(s te%%s L"I"r(s in
the ne:t ch"$ter in The Poem, this w"s not the c"se1 +(d"s h"d no ore ho$es in +es(s "nd now w"s going to "ke @or h"d "%re"d'
!or soe tie been "kingA e*er' e!!ort to g"in "s (ch !"*or b"ck !ro the Te$%e r(%ers "s he co(%d1
Tho(gh his desire w"s now "%so to h(i%i"te +es(s0 s"*ing his own !"ce with those who he knew wor%d now re"in in $ower w"s
the $ri"r' oti*"tion !or the betr"'"%1 His shock "nd <reorse= in seeing +es(s s(bd(ed "nd cr(ci!ied ob*io(s%' e"nt he did not
e:$ect this to %e"d to His de"th1 Neither w"s it his desire th"t s(ch " thing h"$$en0 knowing th"t +es(s w"s not on%' "n innocent "n
b(t one who h"d %o*ed hi "s no other h"d e*er done1 Tho(gh +(d"s0 being "ngr' "t +es(s0 w"s cert"in%' enKo'ing the "ct o! betr"'"%0
he0 to $erh"$s $(t it in his own tho(ght0 si$%' did not think +es(s wo(%d be so <st($id= "s to "%%ow Hise%! to be cr(ci!ied1 He w"s
cert"in th"t +es(s0 seeing His own w"'s (tter%' !"i%0 wo(%d do the on%' sensib%e thing "nd "ke $e"ce with the S"nhedrin1 A!ter being
in!%"ed b' S"t"n to "%icio(s%' desire the h(i%i"tion o! +es(s0 +(d"s !inds S"t"n0 "!ter the betr"'"%0 to h"*e %e!t hi0 "%%owing He%%
to in!%ict its own "%icio(s torent on the ost g(i%t' "n to h"*e e*er %i*ed0 the ost !"ith!(% o! "%% o! S"t"nHs ser*"nts1M

2B@7p.<C, D The (abbath :e!ore the )ntry into .erusalem. The (upper at
5C31 M A$ri%0 S"t +(d"s Arr"nges !or the /etr"'"%1
Mt 5F:27#2F Mk 27:2>022 Lk 55:205 #### 2B2'2BC
(ame day in 5azarus9 Garden: $t dus/' .esus dra#s 5azarus aside to on!ide
to Him #hat only t#o others' Mary' His Mother and .ohn the $postle' /no#. He
tells him that He #ill be betrayed' by #hom' and #hy it #ill ta/e plae' and that
as He no# spea/s' +(d"s h"s gone to the ,hie! Priests "nd "gistr"tes at Caiaphas9
house south o! the ity #all and is pledging himsel! to have Him /illed. +(d"s
now w"nts ore one'0 b(t is re!(sed0 so he "grees to thirt' $ieces o! si%*er1 $!ter
/illing .esus' the (anhedrin plans to /ill .udas' also. The sene in hapter 2BC
reveals the inredible evil o! the Temple rulers and the inredible deeption'
madness and ruin into #hih .udas #as dra#n by his pride.
.esus tells 5azarus that as there #as only one divine inarnation' there #ill
only be one inarnation o! (atan. He then as/s 5azarus !or some !avors: H5ater.
. . a!ter I die' tell my $postles that I /ne# #hat my destiny #ould be. (tay here
and #ait. .erusalem #ill be !illed #ith orruption. My Disiples #ill run a#ay.
Gather them. Tell them that I !orgive them.I .esus desribes the terrible agony
o! #athing His Mother su!!er' o! having the betrayer near Him and o! the
hatred o! so many that He must endure. He desribes the a#!ul su!!ering o!
Mary and ho# He #ill need Her Hto get strength !rom Her lips'I Rust as He
Hreeived li!e !rom Her Womb.I To literally /eep Her !rom dying o! sorro#'
.esus as/s that 5azarus allo# his sisters' Mary and Martha' to be #ith His
Mother on that !ate!ul day !ive days hene1 LNOTE: +es(s recei*ed strength to contin(e in the G"rden
"nd !(%!i%% His rede$ti*e ission thro(gh "n "nge% sent o! God1 9e wi%% disco*er th"t "nge% w"s sent in res$onse to M"r'0 who w"s
$r"'ing "t th"t *er' tie in the roo ne:t to the <($$er Roo0= "!ter h"*ing recei*ed Hi0 bod'0 b%ood0 so(% "nd Di*init' in the !irst
E(ch"rist1 The strength +es(s needed to !(%!i%% His work o! rede$tion then c"e !ro the prayin' lips o! The MotherP M"r'0
strengthened b' the incredib%e Mir"c%e o! the E(ch"rist0 wi%% then !(%!i%% Her indispensa-le role in h("n rede$tion "s ,o#
Rede$tri:0 Medi"tri: "nd Ad*oc"tePM
2B27p.<;+ D Fare#ell to 5azarus.
2BC7p.<;A D .udas Goes to the 5eaders o! the (anhedrin.
3$%T I& D TH) 3$((I4" $"D %)(>%%)CTI4" 4F .)(>( CH%I(T D$D <@
Triumphal )ntry to the 3reparation !or 3assover 7 $.D. <@ F3oem Chapters 2B;D2ABM
5CF1 M A$ri%0 S(n Pre$"ring !or the Entr'1
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
Mt 52:2#F Mk 22:2#F Lk 28:54#C7 #### 2B;7p.<A,
P"% S(nd"': +es(s0 His A$ost%es and' slightly ahead o! them' the #omen
disiples' inluding His Mother' "re on the w"' to +er(s"%e !ro /eth"n'1 He
spea/s alone to the Disiples at length about His death' the 3assover and the
importane o! His sari!iial death. The #omen are then sent to one o! 5azarus9
houses in .erusalem #here they #ill get a good vie# o! the Triumphal entry.
$ndre# and Thomas are sent to get the donke' "nd co%t "t /eth$h"ge1 The don/ey
represents the !aith!ul o! Israel' and the olt' on #hih He #ill ride' represents
the Gentiles #ho #ill ome to Christ' as they #ill be most prominent in the
2B;7p.<B; D From :ethany to .erusalem @5 i%esA.
2BBa7p.<A* D .esus )nters into .erusalem.
5C61 M A$ri%0 S(n +es(s 9ee$s o*er the ,it' o! +er(s"%e1
#### #### Lk 28:72#77 ####
+es(s and the Disiples #al/ to the top o! the hill east o! .erusalem. .esus
#ithdra#s !urther' alone' and wee$s o*er +er(s"%e1 He te%%s His Disci$%es the
horror to coe ($on the cit' "nd His !"ther%"nd1
2BBb7p.<A@ D .esus )nters into .erusalem.
5C41 M A$ri%0 S(n The Tri($h"% Entr'1 The Second ,%e"nsing o! the Te$%e1
Mt 52:6#26 Mk 22:6#22"0 Lk 28:C3#7>0 +n 25:25#28
23#28022b 7307F
They desend the hill so .esus an mount the !oal o! the don/ey. The co%t0
tho(gh h"*ing ne*er been ridden0 recei*es its -ing in $e"ce "nd c"%1 It neither bolts
nor !rightens #hen branhes thro#n on the road#ay !irst stri/e its !ae during
the tri($h"% entr' into +er(s"%e1 The' $rocess through the ity with K(bi%"nt
crowds $r"ising the Messi"h o! )sr"e%1 3assing by the house o! $nnaleah' .esus
stops and blesses the virgin #ho #ants to die o! love !or Him. (he is granted her
#ish immediately. The -ingHs $rocession sto$s "t the northern end o! the Te$%e
near the $ntonia. +es(s enters the Te$%e "nd orders the one'ch"ngers o(t1 )n this
second c%e"nsing o! the Te$%e0 He uses no #hip' but #hen He sees them slo# in
obeying His orders' He o*ert(rns " t"b%e0 s$i%%ing one' "nd " sc"%es on the !%oor1
$!ter the leansing' .esus hears in the porhes o! the Temple many #ho have
ome' rying out !or healing. He instantly heals them all. Le"*ing the cit' the' go
to#ards /eth"n' @M"rk 22:22b "nd 22:28A to the Galilean9s Field in the Mount o!
4lives hoping to see !riends or relatives #ho ame !or the !east. .esus and His
Disiples retire here !or the night.
2BB7p.<A; D .esus )nters into .erusalem.
348G$17>3 @M A$ri%0 s"e d"'0 S(n1A # The E*ening o! P"% S(nd"'1 )n the G"rden o!
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
the Mo(nt o! O%i*es: +es(s w"rns the Disci$%es o! their inebri"tion o*er the orningHs
e*ents0 th"t the' "re now e*en %ess $re$"red !or the coing ho(r bec"(se be%ie*ing
wh"t the' see c"(ses the to ignore His )ordsP
5C81 M A$ri%0 Mon The N"tion o! )sr"e% is ,(rsed in " Fig Tree1
Mt 52:24028" Mk 22:25#27 #### #### 2A+7p.@,A
$!ter midnight' ne0t day: .esus leaves the amp on the Mount o! 4lives
to#ards :ethany and goes into the ity to get His Mother. He then goes to the
home o! $nnaleah to om!ort )liza' her grieving mother. .esus promises her that
He #ill ome to visit her in eight nights #hih #ould be the Monday night a!ter
His (unday %esurretion. .esus then leaves the ity !or the Field o! the Galileans
#hile His Mother stays all night #ith )liza. Ret(rning "g"in in the orning to the
cit' with His A$ost%es0 "nd being h(ngr'0 +es(s c(rses " !ig tree near the Oidron as a
sign that Israel #as !inished as a nation in God9s plan o! redemption =2A*7p.@*A?.
2A+7p.@+B D The Monday :e!ore 3assover. The Cursed Fig Tree and the 3arable
o! the Wi/ed Husbandman.
57>1 M A$ri%0 Mo#Th +es(s Te"ches in the Te$%e1
#### #### Lk 28:76074 #### 2A+D2A@0
Fro the d"' "!ter c%e"nsing the Te$%e "nd His "rrest three d"'s %"ter on
Th(rsd"'0 +es(s te"ches in the Te$%e1
5721 M A$ri%0 Mon The P"r"b%e o! the 9icked H(sb"nd1
Mt 52:CC#7F Mk 25:2#25 Lk 5>:8#28 #### 2A+7p.@,A
(ame day: $!ter the ursing o! the !ig tree' +es(s and His Disiples
immediately enter the Temple to #orship and pray. The (ribes and 3harisees
are subdued and 1uieted on orders !rom Caiaphas. +es(s then goes to the area
#here the %abbis teah. Here he heals a little boy and immediately begins
s$e"king1 He te%%s the the $"r"b%e o! the 9icked H(sb"nd"n1 9hen +es(s !inishes
the P"r"b%e "nd "sks the re%igio(s r(%ers wh"t the !"ther "nd owner o! the *ine'"rd wi%%
do0 there is a dramati silene and then a dramati hallenge !rom .esus that the
Gospel #riters leave out: H(o' spea/ upL $t least you rabbis o! Israel. (pea/ the
#ord o! Rustie to onvine the people to be Rust. I might spea/ a #ord that is
not good' aording to your minds. (o I as/ you to spea/' so that the people may
not be led into error.I Thus the' are ompelled to s$e"k0 condening these%*es
"nd the n"tion th"t wi%% !o%%ow the in ki%%ing the Son0 to di*ine K(dgentP +es(s then0
"!ter te%%ing the th"t The -ingdo o! God wi%% be gi*en to others0 s$e"ks o! di*ine
K(dgent !or those who contin(e to o$$ose th"t -ingdo1 <He who !"%%s "g"inst this
stone wi%% bre"k in $ieces0 "nd ($on who the stone !"%%s0 wi%% be cr(shed1=
LNOTE: L"ter in ,h"$ter 385bG$17C50 +es(s re#e$h"siIes to M& th"t His words were: <!"%%s "g"inst= @not "s it now is tr"ns%"ted0
<!"%%s ($on=A0 "nd th"t e"ning is !or those who0 o(tside His ,h(rch0 tr' to o$$ose it1 These eneies who "tt"ck the ,h(rch wi%% be
broken bec"(se0 "ccording to +es(s0 His ,h(rch is <the He"dstone1= The i$%ic"tion here is th"t "%% the other stones in which "' be
!o(nd bits "nd $ieces o! the tr(th o! ,hrist "re not sec(re "$"rt !ro or se$"r"ted !ro th"t He"dstoneP The most se+ere K&d'ment,
ho)e+er, )ill come &pon those )ho, -ein' )ithin His ,h&rch, feel they are imm&ne to K&d'ment" These0 whose "ctions work to
destro' the ,h(rch "nd its tr(e !"ith !ro within0 wi%% be <cr(shed= (nder the StonePM
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
5751 L A$ri%0 Mon /' 9h"t A(thorit' Dost Tho( These Things1
Mt 52:5C#56 Mk 22:56#CC Lk 5>:2#4 #### 2A+7p.@*,
(ame day in the Te$%e: +es(s con!o(nds the ,hie! Priests with " ;(estion "bo(t
+ohnHs /"$tis1 .esus leaves the Temple and goes to the Mount o! 4lives.
2A+7p.@+B D The Monday :e!ore 3assover. The Cursed Fig Tree and the 3arable
o! the Wi/ed Husbandman.
382G$175C # Mond"' Night be!ore P"sso*er1 Te"ching to the A$ost%es "t Gethse"ne1
Sti%% in the Mo(nt o! O%i*es: +es(s is doing "%% He c"n to dis$e% the i%%(sion o! His
iedi"te tri($h which the A$ost%es h"*e so ;(ick%' re#ebr"ced1 /"rtho%oewHs
dist(rb"nce "t +es(sH contin(ing t"%k o! de"th gi*es +es(s " ch"nce to e:$%"in $recise%'
when Ad"Hs r"ce wi%%0 en "sse0 coe to ,hrist0 "nd when the tri($h o! the S$irit
wi%% occ(r0 after )hich wi%% coe the !in"% b"tt%e with L(ci!er1 He describes the tie
"nd the conditions th"t (st t"ke $%"ce !or this tri($h1 Fro the $ro$hets He shows
the "%% th"t He (st be The S"cri!ice1 Tho(gh Peter sees "nd "grees wh"t is in the
$ro$hets0 he insists he )ill not let it happen to #es&s?
57C1 M A$ri%0 T(e The 9ithered Fig Tree "nd the F"ith to Mo*e Mo(nt"ins1
Mt 52:28b#55 Mk 22:5>#53 #### #### 2A*7p.@*B
4n the #ay to the Temple' Peter $oints o(t the c(rsed !ig tree completely de"d0
dried ($0 and at the stage o! near pulverization a!ter Rust one day. .esus meant
the tree to be an illustration o! a nation and a religion #ithout holiness and
spirituality' as #as the present ondition o! Israel. He "%so w"nted it to be " sign o!
the $ower o! !"ith "nd $r"'er !or those who h"*e Hper!et !"ith= "nd whose $r"'ers
"re not hindered b' resentents "g"inst "nother1 +es(s gi*es His %esson on !"ith
o*ing o(nt"ins1 LNOTE: +es(s s$e"ks here o! <$er!ect !"ith= "s the !"ith th"t o*es the he"rt o! God1 +"es0 in his
E$ist%e @5:55A0 "%so s$e"ks o! this <$er!ect !"ith= "s the conse;(ence o! the h("n res$onse o! obedience to God to the initi"%
oti*"ting b(t inco$%ete !"ith God gi*es to (s1 This initi"% !"ith0 +"es s"'s0 is <de"d= witho(t o(r res$onse o! obedience "nd the
res(%ting K(sti!ic"tion o! God1 H"*ing !"ith in this $er!ect sense e"ns 'o( "re already K(sti!ied "nd already h"*e etern"% %i!e K(st "s
+es(s "!!ired in +ohn C:CF "nd F:761M
5771 M A$ri%0 T(e )s it L"w!(% to P"' Trib(te to ,"es"rB
Mt 55:23#55 Mk 25:2C#26 Lk 5>:5>#5F #### 2A*7p.@<+
Morning o! the ne0t day in the Temple: The ;(estion o! $"'ing trib(te to ,"es"r
w"s "nswered1 .esus leaves' and then omes ba/ and spends the entire
a!ternoon ounseling and om!orting others. $ttempts to physially harm .esus
are th#arted by the Disiples at this time. .esus spea/s o! these inidenes later
that evening =2A<7p.@<<' @<@?.
5731 M A$ri%0 T(e The a(estion o! M"rri"ge in He"*en1
Mt 55:5C#CC Mk 25:24#56 Lk 5>:56#7> #### 2A*7p.@<,
The Temple' same day to#ards evening: S"dd(cees0 who do not be%ie*e in "n
"!ter%i!e0 "sk +es(s "bo(t "rit"% st"t(s in he"*en1 He "nswers th"t "nd the ;(estion o!
the iort"%it' o! the so(%1
385bG$17C5 # +es(s e:$%"ins to M& wh' the e"r%ier Gos$e% writers wise%' oitted
(ch o! the sc"nd"%o(s "s$ects o! +ewish %e"ders "nd +ewish societ'0 inc%(ding the
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
"cco(nts o! the $reK(dices "nd (nbe%ie! o! the A$ost%es0 who were +ewish1
2A*7p.@*B D The Tuesday Morning :e!ore 3assover. The 1uestion o! the Tribute
to Caesar and o! the %esurretion o! the Dead. @Gos$e% E$isodes 57C1 to 5731A
38CG$17CC # The T(esd"' Night be!ore P"sso*er1 Other Te"chings to the A$ost%es1
Gethse"ne0 the -itchen G"rden o! +ose$h o! Ari"the": +es(s s$e"ks o! the "ss"(%ts
"de "g"inst Hi th"t "!ternoon0 "nd th"t these "re nothing co$"red to wh"t is soon
to coe1 He reinds the Disci$%es th"t the "ge in which He wi%% tri($h0 which the'
be%ie*e to be ne"r0 wi%% be "ges "w"'1 S$e"king o! "%% the tort(re He wi%% end(re0 there
wi%% be nothing to co$"re to th"t which He wi%% end(re !ro GodHs "bsence "nd the
$resence o! the Deon in th"t tieP /(t0 He "ss(res the0 with the Lo*e within in
Hi Lass&red b' the $r"'ers o! M"r'1 @See "t 5C31AM He wi%% be "b%e to con;(er "%%1
57F1 M A$ri%0 9ed9hich ,o"ndent is the Gre"testB
Mt 55:C7#7F Mk 25:54#C6 Lk 5>:72#77 ####
In the Temple area on a sultry morning: <The Ph"risees0 he"ring th"t He h"d
si%enced the S"dd(cees the previous day' c"e together1= Ono#ing the others9
plans #ere to te$t +es(s' " 'o(ng %"w'er @scribeA turns the situation to .esus9
!avor and "sks0 <9hich co"ndent is gre"testB= +es(sH res$onse to the ;(estion
@Mk 25:58#C2A recei*es " !"*or"b%e $(b%ic co$%ient !ro the %"w'er @**1C5#CCA "nd
"n "!!ir"tion th"t to %o*e God s($ree%' "nd o(r neighbor "s o(rse%! is gre"ter th"n
"%% o!!erings "nd s"cri!ices1 The la#yer sho#s his a!!inity to .esus and His dotrine
in the rhetorial 1uestion he as/s .esus' H:ut #hih is the most per!et
sari!ieEI .esus bends over him and replies' HThe per!et holoaust is to love' as
ourselves' those #ho perseute us and not bear any grudge. He #ho an love his
enemies reahes per!etion and possesses God.I
2A@a7p.@<; D The Wednesday be!ore 3assover. From the Disussions #ith (ribes
and 3harisees to the )shatologial Disourse. The Wido#9s Mite.
5761 M A$ri%0 9edThe Poor 9idow who G"*e her Two Mites1
#### Mk 25:72#77 Lk 52:2#7 ####
The Temple' still morning: .esus has hanged his garment !rom #hite linen to
a bright red tuni and a dar/er red mantle. LNOTE: 9hi%e %inen signi!ies the $(rit' o! His $riest%'
o!!ice0 red is the b%ood b' which He wi%% con;(er0 "s Oin'0 the he"rts o! en1 L"ter tod"' @5741A He wi%% s$e"k o! b%ood0 His /%ood
"nd the b%ood o! the righteo(s th"t wi%% be shed0 "nd the *io%ent "nd (tter destr(ction th"t wi%% coe ($on (nbe%ie*ing )sr"e% "s "
+es(s is st"nding "nd K(st %istening to the rich r(%ers o! the Te$%e spea/ o! the
love o! the Temple as the greatest love' greater even than love o! !ather or mother.
He then sees many o! the rih throw in %"rge s(s o! one' to emphasize their
point to those they are teahing. He then sees " $oor widow c"st into the tre"s(r'
two br"ss ites0 the %"st one' she h"d0 #ith no !ood in the house and no relatives
to give her anything to eat. LNOTE: Two ites were h"rd%' eno(gh to b(' " s"%% s%ice o! bre"d in her d"'1M
+es(s coends the $oor widow $(b%ic%' "s h"*ing gi*en ore th"n "%% the rich $(t
together0 and says many o! the gi!ts o! the rih ould have !ed all the poor people
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
o! .erusalem and enable them to bless the 5ord. In addition' .esus points out
that muh o! the money o! the rih has been gained by e0ploiting the poor
through usuryL .esus #anted to teah that true sari!ie out o! love !or God is
#hat God honors' but never #hen it denies men the love that they need to ome
to the Father in Heaven. He says' HI tell you that above the Temple there is love.
The la# o! God is love' and he #ho does not ta/e pity on his neighbor' does not
2A@b7p.@<A D The Wednesday be!ore 3assover. From the Disussions #ith (ribes
and 3harisees to the )shatologial Disourse. The Wido#9s Mite.
387dG$1775 # +es(s withdr"ws to " w"%% in the ,o(rt o! the Genti%es1 He e:$%"ins to
His Disci$%es "nd " growing n(ber o! others s(rro(nding Hi soe *it"% "tters He
on%' *"g(e%' to(ched on the d"' be!ore when the' were in the Gethse"ne -itchen
G"rden o! +ose$h o! Ari"the" @38CG$17CCA1 +es(s s$e"ks o! the i$ort"nce o! the
rise in )sr"e% o! the Scribes or Doctors o! the L"w "nd their right!(% occ($"tion o! the
<,h"ir o! Moses= "!ter ,'r(s "%%owed the $eo$%e to ret(rn !ro e:i%e1 He s$e"ks o!
the %"ter rise o! the Ph"risees0 who Ie"%o(s%' "tte$ted to $rotect the L"w b' ridged
strictness "nd obedience0 so b"d%' needed bec"(se o! the degener"ting in!%(ence o! the
He%%enistic +ews1 9h"t +es(s s"'s here is the b"ckgro(nd !or wh"t He s"'s ne:t
@5741A0 which the Gos$e% writer M"tthew "%one !o(nd i$ort"nt to record in their d"'1
5741 M A$ri%0 9ed9oe to Yo( Scribes "nd Ph"risees1
Mt 5C:2#C8 Mk 25:C4#7> Lk 5>:73#76 ####
+es(s0 ontinuing near the Temple #all' s$e"ks to both His Disci$%es "nd the
gro#ing crowd0 <The Scribes "nd Ph"risees 1 1 1 h"*e s"t on MosesH ch"ir 1 1 11 So do
wh"t the' s"'1 /(t do not iit"te their "ctions0 bec"(se the' s"' that things are to be
done in a ertain manner' b(t the' do not do #hat is to be done. ZM"tthew C5:C#
3"[ The 3harisees are heretial' .esus says' in their pagan belie! in !atalism and
also in their plaing themselves above God' #ho says that next3 a!ter Him' one9s
mother and !ather are to be honored' not other religious teahers or authorities.
Then He says' H:e lothed in your virtues. 5et them be mani!old but /no#n
only to God. Do not behave as the Ph"risees #ho we"r the bro"dest Ph'%"cteries
"nd the %ongest !ringes 1 1 1= ZM"tthew 5C:3b#25[ LNOTE: +es(s is ob*io(s%' *er' concerned th"t in His
,h(rch en wi%% (se tit%es o! $osition "nd r"nk to doin"te others r"ther th"n b' their own h(i%it'1 +es(s te%%s the the' (st %e"rn
to doin"te the passions o! others0 not the $ersons these%*es1 To s"' %e"ders in The ,h(rch h"*e "%w"'s !o%%owed this $"th wo(%d
be !oo%ish1 Pride is the root o! e*er' sin!(% "nd de"d%' $"ssion "nd h(i%it' is its on%' e!!ecti*e "ntidote1M
It is lose to noon and very hot. The ro#ds #ill gro# to literally thousands as
+es(s begins to (tter His eight th(ndering woes ($on the Scribes "nd Ph"risees1
ZM"tthew 5C:2C#C8[ &isibly tired' .esus leaves the Temple to get some !resh air
and says' HThis plae really already seems to be burning #ith the !ire o! elestial
5781 M A$ri%0 9edThe Destr(ction o! the Te$%e Foreto%d1
Mt 57:205 Mk 2C:205 Lk 52:30F ####
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
4ne outside the Temple' one o! His disci$%es =not an $postle? $oints o(t the
brilliane o! the Te$%e in the midDday sun. +es(s re$%ies th"t not one stone wi%% be
%e!t st"nding on "nother1 Heading !or the southern part o! the ity' they run into
Manaen' the Tetrarh9s !oster brother' a loyal disiple. He lets them =and most o!
the ;* Disiples? into the Oing9s Garden !or a rest in the shade. The #omen
disiples and Holy Mary are then alled !rom :ethany and invited to the
Garden. When they arrive' .esus' #ho has retired to be by Himsel!' is sleeping'
inluding most o! His Disiples. $ most tender and touhing sene #ith Mary
#athing over Her sleeping .esus and their moments together a!ter He a#a/ens
has been given to us here =pp @2*D@2@?. .esus !inally as/s to see the other #omen
disiples. .esus promises to leave them Ha mysteryI that #ill /eep Him in them
and them in Him a!ter He leaves this #orldL
.esus' leaving the Garden' is no# alone #ith .ohn #hen they are Roined by
Matthias' #ho as/s about the nature o! the Oingdom o! God on earth. .esus
spea/s at length about the spiritual as #ell as the e0ternal nature o! His Churh
and Himsel! as Hthe mystial Head and 3eter as the visible Head.I The Churh'
.esus says' is hol" and in#incible beause o! Him' #ho is Head' and beause o!
the ood will o! the Rust members omposing it. Hell #ill not prevail against it.
The edifice #ill be unsha/able. .esus' ho#ever' gives a serious #ord o! #arning
to the ne# priests and sribes o! the "e# Temple =The Churh? #ho #ill beome
idolatrous and #ill not #ath and loo/ a!ter the other believers. .esus #arns
that i! are is not ta/en' #hat #ill ertainly happen to the Temple in .erusalem
#ill happen to all that is built on the .oundation Christ has laid !or His Churh.
Curiosity about the timing o! the destrution o! the Temple in .erusalem is
stirred by .esus9 statement' and is the oasion o! 3eter9s 1uestion in the ne0t
Gospel episode =*2+.?.
LNOTE: 9h"t is the <edi!ice= o! the ,h(rch th"t is "bso%(te%' (nsh"k"b%e "nd <"%% th"t is b(i%t on the Fo(nd"tion ,hrist h"s
%"id0= th"t is s(bKect to co%%"$seB The <Edi!ice0= in "ddition to the Fo(nd"tion th"t +es(s %"id0 is wh"t is $er!ect "nd ho%' in the
,h(rch0 "nd wh"t is <b(i%t= ob*io(s%' s$e"ks o! two di!!erent things1 9e know th"t the ,h(rch inc%(des "n' e%eents th"t "re
contin("%%' being cre"ted "nd recre"ted @with the reM&ired s"nction o! the <$riests "nd scribes=A in order to !"ci%it"te its ission o!
$roc%"iing the Gos$e% o! ,hrist1 These "s$ects o! the ,h(rch "' be0 "nd sho(%d be0 ch"nged whene*er s(ch " ch"nge wo(%d better
he%$ !(%!i%% the ,h(rchHs Di*ine Mission1 Th"t0 o! co(rse0 does not "%w"'s h"$$en1 An' %"ck in the ,h(rch @which we wi%% "%w"'s
h"*ePA0 wi%% "%w"'s be re!%ected in these str(ct(res1 This is the $"rt o! the ,h(rch <b(i%t= b' "n1 )t is concerning this $"rt o! the
,h(rch th"t +es(s w"rns0 th"t bec"(se o! %":it' "nd c"re%essness "ong its <$riests "nd scribes= th"t (ch o! these dispensa-le
h("n%' cre"ted str(ct(res "' h"*e to be s&ddenly reo*ed !ro His ,h(rch1
9hen +es(s "!!ired th"t the <edi!ice= o! the ,h(rch wi%% be (nsh"k"b%e "nd in*incib%e to the $owers o! He%%0 He is "king " +ery
clear distinction between wh"t co(%d h"$$en to His ,h(rch "nd wh"t "ct("%%' h"$$ened to the +ewish Te$%e s'ste1 The entire
holy, di+inely created RedificeS o! the +ewish Te$%e s'ste )as &tterly and fore+er destroyed1 E*en its !o(nd"tion w"s "%tered b'
the co$%etion "de b' the Gos$e% o! ,hrist1 )n the $resent $eriod o! "$ost"s' in the ,h(rch0 which wi%% c%i": in soe kind o!
betr"'"%0 Ho%' M"r' "nd her cohort wi%% be in ort"% cob"t with !orces who wi%% be ch"%%enging the in!"%%ib%e0 ho%' "nd (nsh"k"b%e
<Fo(nd"tion= "nd <Edi!ice0= whi%e She wi%% initi"te " swee$ing "w"' o! "%% th"t s$irit("% s%oth "nd %":it' h"d "%%owed to de*e%o$
which h"s hindered the *oice o! He"*en "nd the o*ing o! the Ho%' S$irit in the ,h(rch1M
53>1 M A$ri%0 9edThe Signs o! the ,oing o! ,hrist1
Mt 57:C#32 Mk 2C:C#C6 Lk 52:6#C4 ####
The sun is setting' and +es(s "nd His Disci$%es0 in vie# o! the Temple' h"*e s"t
down in the Mo(nt o! O%i*es1 Peter0 in ollaboration #ith +ohn0 +"es "nd Andrew0
"sks +es(s !irst0 "bo(t the tiing o! wh"t the' h"d K(st been disc(ssing0 the destr(ction
o! the Te$%e "nd second0 when He wo(%d coe "g"in1 :elieving He is to be
present #hen the Temple is destroyed' they are puzzled beause He is saying He
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
is shortly going to leave them. They #ant to /no# i! He is then oming ba/ and
#hen they #ill be able to tell #hen He #ill do so. The' there!ore w"nt to know the
signs o! His ret&rn sine they believe that #ill help them /no# #hen the Temple
#ill be destroyed1
^ LNOTE: The ore co$%ete te"chings o! +es(s in The Poem sheds signi!ic"nt %ight on this <end tie= te:t !o(nd in the Gos$e%s0
c%e"ring ($ se*er"% coon isinter$ret"tions1 Howe*er0 kee$ing in ind th"t +es(s is "nswering the t)o M&estions the Disci$%es
h"*e "sked in order wo(%d go " %ong w"' in sett%ing ost o! the con!(sion "de o! this te:t0 witho(t "n' he%$ !ro The Poem1 The
!irst ;(estion concerns the tie o! destr(ction o! the Te$%e0 the tie o! <trib(%"tion0= the <end o! the wor%d= of that day0 "nd0 'es0
the *er' re"% <coing o! the Son o! M"n in His -ingdo= which w"s to h"$$en in that +ery 'eneration @See 2661 GMt1 2F:54A1
+es(s "ddresses th"t !irst ;(estion in the !irst h"%! o! this te:t "nd s"'s these e*ents s(rro(nding the Te$%e destr(ction this wi%% not
occ(r iedi"te%'1 @)t wo(%d be "nother CF 'e"rs in which w"rs "nd r(ors o! w"rs0 $%"g(es0 !"ines0 e"rth;("kes wo(%d coe
be!ore the wor%d the +ews knew wo(%d coe to "n endA1 The second ;(estion concerns the tie o! the literal or <so%en= Second
,oing0 which +es(s "ddresses in the second segent o! these Gos$e% te:ts "nd "kes c%e"r th"t0 "s the' $ercei*e the Second
,oing0 it wo(%d not be (nti% +ery m&ch %"ter0 "nd %ong "!ter the destr(ction o! the Te$%e1 The third segent de"%s with $erson"%
de"th "s 'et " third e"ning to the <second coing= o! ,hrist1 The te:ts "re di*ided "ccording to these two ;(estions in the !o%%owing
w"': M"tthew 57:7#53 7 5F#75 7 7C#32E M"rk 2C:3#5C 7 57#CC 7 C7#C6E L(ke 52:4#57 7 53#CC 7 C7#CF Th"t this is the $ro$er
!or"t is "de e*en c%e"rer in The Poem1M
To "nswer the Disci$%esH ;(estion o! when the Te$%e wi%% be destro'ed @which
cert"in%' h"d to coe relati+ely soon "nd wo(%d cert"in%' coincide with the <coing o!
the Son o! M"n in His -ingdo= th"t +es(s h"d "%re"d' $roised to th"t *er'
gener"tion in Mt 2F:54A0 +es(s begins with " w"rning th"t it wi%% not h"$$en ;(ite "s
soon "s the' ight think1 He te%%s the @"s "n:io(s "s the' wi%% cert"in%' be to see
Hi in the 'e"rs be!ore Tit(s coes in AD 6>A0 th"t "n' wi%% coe $retending to be
,hrist ret(rned to lead them and other Christians into traps to capture them. 9"rs
"nd r(ors o! w"rs0 howe*er0 wi%% coe1 P%"g(es0 !"ines0 e"rth;("kes0 $ersec(tions0
!"%se $ro$hets "nd %"w%essness wi%% coe1 Fin"%%'0 +es(s s"'s0 <First0 this Good News
o! the -ingdo o! God is to be $re"ched "%% o*er the wor%d0 "s " witness to "%% the
n"tions1 Then the end wi%% coe1= LE*er' n"tion on e"rth h"d been introd(ced to the
Gos$e% o! ,hrist b' AD 6>1M .esus ontinues spea/ing to His Disiples: H$nd then
another sign. $ sign !or the end o! the Temple and !or the end o! the ;their<
#orld. 9hen 'o( see the "boin"tion o! deso%"tion $ro$hesied b' D"nie%0 etc 1 1 1=
The ne:t *erses @M"tthew 57:26#53A show this *er' tie !or )sr"e% wo(%d "%so be its
<gre"t trib(%"tion0= which indeed it w"s1 The destr(ction th"t c"e in AD 6>0 which
+ose$h(s describes in gre"t det"i%0 w"s b' !"r the worse the n"tion h"d e*er
LNOTE: 9e see th"t +es(s t"(ght here th"t the Ro"n e$eror Tit(sH siege o! +er(s"%e0 the destr(ction o! the cit' "nd the
+ewish Te$%e in AD 6> is s'non'o(s with D"nie%Hs <"boin"tion o! deso%"tion0= the <coing o! the Son o! God in His
-ingdo0= the <gre"t trib(%"tion= "nd <the end o! the wor%d= of that day1M
LNOTE: This $ri"r' e"ning gi*en to the !irst $"rt o! this te:t "s re!erring $ri"ri%' to AD 6> does not0 o! co(rse0 e"n th"t
there is not "%so " *er' i$ort"nt second"r' "$$%ic"tion !or the <"boin"tion o! deso%"tion= "nd the <gre"t trib(%"tion0= re!erring to
the *er' !in"% end tie $eriod1 There h"s been " gre"t de"% o! $ost#"$osto%ic re*e%"tion to the ,h(rch th"t c%e"r%' est"b%ishes the E*i%
OneHs !in"% "tt"ck ($on the Ho%' ,it' @The ,h(rch0 Roe or the &"tic"n itse%!A "nd its S"cri!ice @The E(ch"ristA in the Te$%e1
@D"nie% 8:56AM
It is only #hen #e ome to Matthe# *@:*C that .esus spea/s o! His literal
HsolemnI oming ba/ to earth at the very end o! this age: .esus says' HI alone
tell you that the Christ #ill ome' but FonlyG #hen it is the end. So i! the' s"' to
'o(: NHe is in the desert0H do not go1 )! the' s"' to 'o(: NHe is in th"t ho(se0H do not
%isten to the1 /ec"(se in His second coing the Son o! "n wi%% be %ike %ightning
striking in the e"st "nd !%"shing "s !"r "s the westT 1 1 1 9here*er the cor$se is0 there
wi%% the e"g%es g"ther1 And iedi"te%' "!ter the distress o! those d"'s L"nother <gre"t
trib(%"tionP=M1 1 1 I am spea/ing o! the end time and o! the #orld and o! the
resurretion o! the bones' o! #hih the prophets spea/ 7 the s(n wi%% be d"rkened0
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
"nd the oon wi%% shed no ore %ight 1 1 1= TLNOTE: <Like %ightening striking= W +es(sH $ost#res(rrection
"$$e"r"nces th"t were witho(t %iit o! tie "nd s$"ce were gi*en "s "n e:"$%e o! wh"t ,hrist e"nt here1 @See &0 $147>AM
.esus also applies the Ht#o in the !ieldI and Ht#o grindingI #here one is
ta/en and the other le!t to not only the angels #ho #ill be separating the good
seed !rom the darnel =tares? but to Hthe enemies o! the Fatherland'I who0 in AD
6>0 wre"ked " horrendo(s s%"(ghter !ro "ong the $o$(%"ce in )sr"e%1
.esus no# spea/s o! a third meaning to Hthe seond omingI in the third and
!inal segment o! the Gospel te0ts: Matthe# *@:@<D2,' Mar/ ,<:<@D<; and 5u/e
*,:<@D<C. We learn this !rom #hat .esus said immediately preeding and
immediately !ollo#ing that parable o! the )vil or Wise (ervant .esus: H$ll men'
one born' must die' and this death and subse1uent Rudgment is a partiular
oming o! the Christ' and its uni#ersal repetition #ill ta/e plae at the solemn
oming o! the (on o! Man.I Follo#ing the parable' He says' HThe same #ill
happen to the unrepentant sinner' #ho does not thin/ that death an be lose at
5321 M A$ri%0 9edThose 9ho 9i%% Enter the -ingdo "nd Those 9ho 9i%% be ReKected1
Mt 53:C2#7F #### #### ####
(till in the Mount o! 4lives: Having Rust desribed the Rudgment o! God'
.esus now te%%s the Disiples how God wi%% deterine who wi%% be "b%e to enter the
-ingdo o! He"*en "nd those who wi%% be e:c%(ded1 Those who wi%% be gi*en the
-ingdo "s h"*ing c"red !or ,hrist Hise%! b' !eeding the h(ngr'0 gi*ing drink to the
thirst'0 c%othing the n"ked "nd *isiting the $risoner1 LNOTE: ,%e"r%'0 +es(s did not be%ie*e !"ith "%one
K(sti!ied "n'one0 b(t "%so re;(ired the wi%%ingness to "ct "ccording to the !"ith gi*en (s1M
.esus goes to :ethany to see His Mother at 5azarus9 house. It is evening. He
returns to the Field o! the Galileans later to Roin the rest o! the Disiples to teah
them !urther =*2*.?.
2A@d7p.@@* D The Wednesday :e!ore 3assover. From the Disussions #ith (ribes
and 3harisees to the )shatologial Disourse1 The Wido#9s Mite1 @Gos$e%
E$isodes 5741 to 5321A
5351 M A$ri%0 9ed+es(sH L"st Te"ching to His M"n' F"ith!(% Disci$%es1
Mt 5F:205 Mk 27:205 #### ####
$t the Field o! the Galileans' .esus begins to give the Disiples His Hlast
teahingsI on #hat He alled Hsad things.I Tomorro# he promises them to
spea/ on love and to H#or/ a mirale o! total loveI !or them. That #ill be the
!irst )uharisti elebration. .esus e0presses His deepest gratitude !or .ohn and
!or His Mother' Ht#o lights in the dar/ness o! the Christ'I and reites a number
o! (riptures desribing His oming su!!ering and death Hso that they may /no#
Him and have no doubts and have no e0uses !or their sin.I He te%%s the0 in so
many #ords that the Son o! M"n is betr"'ed to be cr(ci!ied1 $ll the Disiples are
either #eeping or #hite #ith horror. .udas loo/s li/e he is going mad. $!ter
praying to the Father an e0panded H5ord9s 3rayer'I they retire !or the night.
2A27p.@CA D The "ight o! the Wednesday :e!ore 3assover. 5ast Teahings.
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *

53C1 M A$ri%0 Th( Arr"nging For the L"st P"sso*er1
Mt 5F:26#28 Mk 27:25#2F Lk 55:6#2C ####
The morning in Gethsemane: Arr"nging !or the %"st P"sso*er1 The 5ast (upper
house #as one o! many in .erusalem o#ned by 5azarus' and the man arrying
the #ater Rar !rom )nD%ogel #as a ste#ard o! 5azarus. @The Greek word (sed to
describe " dining roo is <($$er roo= bec"(se the dining roo w"s (s("%%' on the
($$er %e*e%1A The H>pper %oomI that .esus and the Disiples used #as atually
partly belo# the ground. .esus goes to the Temple' heals His last si/ people'
and spea/s one again !rom the prophets o! the su!!ering Messiah' but #ith a
lear emphasis on the glorious and triumphant aspet o! that (ari!ie. .esus
also spea/s o! the seventy #ee/s o! Daniel.
LNOTE: The Se*ent' 9eeks o! D"nie%: @D"nie% 8:57#56 RS& "nd )0 C40C803705270523E )))0 5330626E &0 768A The se*ent' weeks
@6> se*ens o! 'e"rsA o! D"nie% is $ri"ri%' the tiing !r"ework th"t God0 "!ter the /"b'%oni"n ,"$ti*it'0 h"d deterined in which
He wo(%d decisi*e%' de"% with sin (ni*ers"%%'0 "nd s$eci!ic"%%' with the sin "nd rebe%%ion o! His co*en"nt $eo$%e )sr"e%1 This tie
!r"e consists o! three segents1 The !irst is o! 6 weeks @@A yearsA0 the second is F5 weeks @@<@ yearsA "nd the third0 2 week @;
yearsA1 The tie !r"e o! the !irst two segents @e;("%ing F8 se*ens o! 'e"rsA begins "t the end o! the /"b'%oni"n c"$ti*it' when the
!irst decree w"s iss(ed to reb(i%d the Te$%e @The Poem0 )0 527A "nd ends "t the coing o! Messi"h @*153A1 This $eriod w"s the tie
wherein )sr"e% wo(%d once "g"in be "%%owed to b(i%d "nd then enKo' " cit' "nd $%"ce o! worshi$ "nd "ni"% <s"cri!ice "nd o!!ering=
(nder the O%d ,o*en"nt1 )t is c%e"r th"t "t the end o! this $eriod o! F8 se*ens the Messi"h wo(%d coe "nd est"b%ish " new co*en"nt1
This w"s " c%e"r w"rning to )sr"e% to be $re$"red !or His New ,o*en"nt0 which is0 ;(ite incredib%'0 entioned "s being "de not
)ith Israel per se b(t on%' with <"n'1= Th"t the co*en"nt w"s "de !or 2 se*ens o! 'e"rs w"s no do(bt bec"(se this w"s the
intended time o! ,hristHs inistr' to )sr"e%1 Rebe%%io(s )sr"e%0 o! co(rse0 <c(t o!!= the Messi"h stri$$ing Hi o! e*er'thing in the
idst o! th"t <week1 = )ndeed0 +es(sH inistr' %"sted on%' C2 'e"rs1 The Poem "%so re*e"%s +es(s "de on%' si: c'c%es o! inistr'
!ro G"%i%ee to +(de"0 one short o! the $er!ect se*en or 2 o! " $er!ect 251 His de"th0 howe*er0 *oided the "ni"% s"cri!ici"% s'ste1
Now )sr"e%Hs contin(ed rebe%%ion "g"inst the Messi"h becoes (tter "boin"tion0 the <wings= @RS&A on which wi%% coe one @Tit(s
in 6> ADA who wo(%d "ke +er(s"%e "nd the Te$%e deso%"te (nti% the decreed end is $o(red o(t ($on the deso%"tor @Genti%e
$"g"nisA0 " deso%"tor God wi%% (se to $(nish )sr"e% (nti% it coes to re$ent"nce1
&15F "kes " striking st"teent "bo(t who w"s re"%%' res$onsib%e !or the destr(ction o! +er(s"%e "nd the Te$%e th"t w"s c"rried
o(t b' the Ro"n E$eror Tit(s1 )t s"'s th"t <the $eo$%e o! the Prince that is to come sh"%% destro' the cit' "nd the s"nct("r'1= The
ho%iness "nd %o*e th"t $er*"ded the e"r%' ,h(rch0 e*en !or its eneies0 w"s the !orce th"t not on%' drew the he"rts o! en o! good wi%%
to the ,hristi"n !"ith b(t bro(ght the wr"th o! God ($on those who ret(rned on%' h"te !or s(ch gr"ce1 M"tthew 2F:54 "kes it c%e"r
th"t the destr(ction o! +er(s"%e "nd the Te$%e b' Tit(s in 6> AD w"s re"%%' " "ni!est"tion o! His Second ,oing in $ower "nd
g%or'1 The $eo$%e o! the Prince th"t wo(%d coe then were the !irst cent(r' ,hristi"ns1
The o*er"%% tie schee: +es(s0 in The Poem @)0 523E &0 768A0 "kes it c%e"r th"t the coing o! the Messi"h "t the end o! the F8
9eeks @6 weeks V F5 weeksA w"s His birth in /eth%ehe1 This e"ns there w"s $ro$hesied to be 74C 'e"rs !ro the ,'r(sH decree
to the coing o! Messi"h1 .n!ort(n"te%' the consens(s chrono%og' !or e"r%' $"rt o! this $eriod @"nd inc%(ding the Neo#/"b'%oni"n
er"A h"s been b"sed on the now discredited Pto%e' c"non th"t not on%' $ro*es to be F> 'e"rs too e:tensi*e b' the /ib%ic"% $ro$hec'
here b(t "%so b' other "ncient s'stes e:isting "t the tie o! Pto%e'1 Des$ite Pto%e'Hs in!%"ted chrono%og' !or this $eriod their own
d"te !or the re$o$(%"tion o! +er(s"%e is 7C4 /, "nd th"t is the n(ber o! 'e"rs $ro$hesied !ro the !inished cit' to the Messi"h1
This $eriod w"s to be F5 <weeks= or F5 se*ens o! 'e"rs1 9e $resent this on%' to show th"t e*en those who contin(e to ebr"ce
Pto%e' des$ite its discredit"tion sti%% (st t"ke this $ro$hec' serio(s%'1 For a omplete and sholarly revie# o! this period
#hih harmonizes this entire period and e0poses the 3tolemy anon as !ition see Dr. David 5. Cooper9s Messiah1 His .irst
(omin /cheduled3 =The 3eriod o! %estorationI at!o7page@2d.html
L(n"r Ye"rs *s1 So%"r Ye"rs:
The Poem "kes it c%e"r th"t Ho%' M"r'Hs $r"'ers h"stened the tie o! th"t coing b' " ch"nge in the reckoning o! the 'e"rs !ro
so%"r to %(n"r 'e"rs1 A %(n"r 'e"r is 25 onths o! 582 d"'s e"ch1 H"d this shortening o! tie not been "de0 +es(s wo(%d h"*e been
born 23 so%"r 'e"rs %"ter th"n He w"s @)0C8A1
Other A$$%ic"tions o! this Pro$hec':
,ert"in%' " *"g(e !oresh"dow o! this $ro$hec' occ(rred in the desecr"tion o! the Te$%e (nder Antioch(s E$i$h"nes in 2F4 /,1
More i$ort"nt%'0 S"t"n0 thro(gh the Anti#,hrist o! the %"st d"'0 wi%% "%so tr' to iic this di*ine $"ttern "s the (s(r$er o! $ro$hec'1
He wi%% (se this "g"inst the ,h(rch to desecr"te the tr(e Ho%' Te$%e0 the se"t o! ,hristHs ,h(rch0 in "n "tte$t to destro' the tr(e
S"cri!ice in the Ho%' E(ch"rist in the Ho%' ,"tho%ic ,h(rch @D"nie% 4:2C027026E 22:C2#CCE 25:22#2CA1
SCanon o! 3tolemyS# Pto%e' w"s "n "stronoer who %i*ed in the Crd cent(r' AD in A%e:"ndri"0 Eg'$t who g"*e (s " DATED %ist
o! the kings o! /"b'%on "nd Persi" !ro A%e:"nder the Gre"t @CCF /,@SAA b"ck to N"bon"ss"r in 676 /,@SA The so(rces "*"i%"b%e
to hi0 now %ost0 alle'edly $ro*ided det"i%ed records o! %(n"r ec%i$ses obser*ed b' the "ncient /"b'%oni"ns0 which Pto%e' (sed to
d"te this $eriod1 )n 28640 howe*er0 "stronoer Robert Newton0 $(b%ished " st(d' entit%ed The ,rime of ,la&di&s Ptolemy0 in which
he c%"ied th"t Pto%e' h"d !"ked his "stronoic"% d"t"E th"t is0 Pto%e' h"d c"%c(%"ted when these %(n"r "nd so%"r ec%i$ses
<sho(%d= h"*e t"ken $%"ce0 "nd then $(t the into his chrono%og'1 NewtonHs rese"rch on so%"r s'ste shi!ts in s$eeds "nd orbits "%so
showed c"%c(%"ting the d"tes o! ec%i$ses !or s(ch " %ong $"st $eriod is e:tree%' (nre%i"b%e1 F(rther0 other %ists o! kings !or this
$eriod0 soe !ro those (ch c%oser to the tie0 "re shorter0 es$eci"%%' !or the Persi"n $eriod1 /ib%ic"% chrono%og' re*e"%s th"t
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
Pto%e' is F> 'e"rs too e:tensi*e1

5371 M A$ri%0 Th( +es(s S$e"ks to M"n' )nterested Genti%es1 He th"t Lo*eth His Li!e sh"%% Lose )t1
#### #### #### +n 25:5>#7C
The Temple: There "re "n' Genti%es "t the b"ck o! the *er' %"rge crowd w"nting
to see "nd s$e"k to +es(s1 Re%"'ing their ess"ge thro(gh the A$ost%es0 they are told
.esus #ill ome through the ro#d to them1 (oon' they are in the !ront ro# and
the .e#s are behind them. Their onern is that they may not have the
opportunity to learn o! Him beause He has spo/en o! His death. )0pressing the
honor they and Hthe #orldI have !or Him' .esus re$%ies0 < The ho(r h"s coe when
the Son o! M"n is to be g%ori!ied1= The Gentiles are puzzled beause they annot
see ho# His death' o! #hih He has spo/en' ould be a glori!iation. +es(s
e:$%"ins0 H:y dying I give li!e. :y dying I build. :y dying I reate the ne#
3eople. It is through sari!ie that one gains the vitory. ) so%en%' te%% 'o( th"t i!
the whe"t gr"in th"t h"s !"%%en on the gro(nd does not die0 it re"ins (n!r(it!(%1 )!
inste"d it dies0 then it 'ie%ds " rich h"r*est1 He th"t %o*es his %i!e wi%% %ose it1 He th"t
h"tes his %i!e in this wor%d wi%% s"*e it !or the etern"% %i!e1 It is My duty to die to give
this eternal li!e . . . Let whoe*er w"nts to ser*e Me coe "nd !o%%ow Me0 "nd where
) "0 M' ser*"nt wi%% be there "s we%%1 And he who ser*es Me wi%% be honored b' M'
F"ther0 the 4nly' True God . . . Father' (on Holy (pirit' 4ne being Triune' Triune
being 4ne' 4nly True God.I
What happens ne0t stri/es the .e#s #ith !ear' some o! #hom thro#
themselves on the !loor or beat their breasts' rying' HWe shall die no#LI Z+ohn
25:56#58[ $s the th(ndero(s *oice !ro he"*en is he"rd0 Gamaliel omes do#n to
the ourt #here the ro#d had gathered. It is to him that .esus says' <Not !or
Me0 b(t !or 'o(0 h"s this *oice coe !ro He"*en1= Z+ohn 25:C2#C7[ When .esus
says He' as the (on o! Man' #ould be Hli!ted upI they all /no# this means death
on a %oman ross. They see no problem #ith .esus' i! He #ere a man' being
subRet to death but they annot see the Messiah being subReted to suh an
ignominious death. They thus #ant to /no# #hih person .esus really #as (on
o! Man or Messiah. F.ohn' the Gospel #riter' greatly simpli!ies the atual
1uestions.G .esus responds' HThey are only one person. 4pen your eyes to the
5ight. FThey #ere letting their o#n puny human reasoning stand in the #ay o!
believing #hat #as most obvious' His divine originLG On%' " short tie the %ight
wi%% be with 'o(1 9"%k tow"rds the tr(th whi%e 'o( h"*e the %ight "ong 'o(0 th"t 'o(
"' not be o*ert"ken b' d"rkness1= Z+ohn 25:C3b#7C[

5331 M A$ri%0 Th( ) A ,oe "s " Light into the 9or%d1
#### #### #### +n 25:77#3>
Gamaliel' no# in deep thought' starts to leave' and +es(s0 one again in " *er'
%o(d *oice0 s$e"ks to him' <He who be%ie*es in Me does not re"%%' be%ie*e in Me0 b(t
in Hi 9ho sent Me0 "nd He who sees Me0 sees Hi who sent Me1 Z+ohn 25:7F#3>[
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
This !inal te0t in .ohn is also addressed to Gamaliel.
53F1 M A$ri%0 Th( +(d"s M"kes his Fin"% P%"ns !or the /etr"'"%1
Mt 5F:C#3 #### Lk 55:C#F ####
+(d"s eets with the S"nhedrin "nd "kes !in"% "rr"ngeents !or +es(sH betr"'"%1
LNOTE: ,ert"in%' the Gos$e% writers "re "%so re!erring to se*er"% other $re*io(s eetings +(d"s h"s h"d with the S"nhedrin0 b(t
these te:ts "re $%"ced here bec"(se +(d"s "kes his !in"% *isit here with the eneies o! +es(s1M This is a dar/ and
!rightening sene o! the horrible enslavement o! a soul to (atan and ho# he
Hre#ardsI those #ho serve himL
2ACa7p.@;2 D The Thursday :e!ore 3assover. 3reparation !or the (upper and the
$nnounement o! Glori!iation through Death. @Gos$e% E$isodes 53C1 To 53F1A
386G$1748 # The Th(rsd"' E*ening be!ore P"sso*er1 Arri*"% "t the S($$er Roo1
9hi%e the woen disci$%es0 M"r' M"gd"%ene0 M"rth"0 M"r' S"%oe o! Oebedee0 M"r'
,%o$"sGA%$h"e(s "nd S(s"nn" @the bride o! ,"n"A0 "re in " third roo0 Ho%' M"r' is
%e!t with +es(s in the roo "dK"cent b(t s%ight%' "bo*e the %e*e% o! the <S($$er Roo1=
+es(s Koins Her to s"' good#b'e "nd to $re$"re her !or the "n' ho(rs o! "gon' she
wi%% end(re1 The' co!ort "nd b%ess e"ch other1 +es(s "sks !or His MotherHs $r"'ers1
A!ter $roising He wi%% see her once "g"in be!ore cons(ing His P"sso*er Lto bring
Her the E(ch"rist1M He bids !"rewe%% to the Mother1 M"r' wi%% contin(e here $r"'ing
witho(t s%ee$ (nti% she Koins Her Son on His w"' to His cr(ci!i:ion the ne:t d"'1
The >pper %oom 7$D <@ F3oem Chapter 2ABG
5361 M A$ri%0 Th( The First ,($ is /%essed "nd P"ssed1
Mt 5F:5> Mk 27:26 Lk 55:27#24 ####
While .esus is in the ne0t room saying goodbye to His Mother' the Disiples
are in the H>pper %oomI preparing the room and table. .udas Thaddeus
e0plodes in anger over the Isariot9s ausation that .esus is mentally ill and
blame#orthy !or ma/ing His o#n li!e di!!iult by atta/ing the 3harisees and
sribes. Thaddeus /no/s the Isariot on his ba/ #ith a mighty ba/handed
blo# to his !ae. $ll the other Disiples lend silent approval to Thaddeus9 ation.
$!ter things have almed a bit' .esus omes in !rom His visit #ith His Mother.
He ats as though He /no#s nothing o! the inident. $ most moving sene
Then0 +es(s "nd His Disci$%es begin the o%d P"sso*er Rit("%1 The !irst up is
passed and a 3salm is sung. .esus o!!ers the bread and more 3salms and hymns
are sung. +es(s then arves the 5amb' $o(rs the seond c($0 drin/s "nd $"sses it
"nd s"'s0 <) h"*e e"ger%' desired to e"t this P"sso*er with 'o( be!ore ) s(!!er0 !or0 ) te%%
'o(0 ) sh"%% not e"t it L"g"in after this ni'htM (nti% there is !(%!i%%ent in the -ingdo o!
God1= LNOTE: +es(s does not drink the c($ in the S($$%eent"r' P"sso*er @"!ter His Res(rrectionA0 which He $roised to the
"n' !o%%owers o! His He h"d !orbidden to coe to the reg(%"r P"sso*er1 See FC5G$14F21 His "bstinence0 then0 is to be (nti% the
<9edding /"n;(et= "!ter the !in"% gre"t rebe%%ion is $(t down "!ter the <i%%enni(1= M

PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
5341 M A$ri%0 Th( +es(s 9"rns Abo(t Position "nd 9e"kness1 PeterHs Deni"% Foreto%d1
Mt 5F:C2#C3 Mk 27:56#C2 Lk 55:57#C4 ####
+es(s w"rns His Disci$%es "bo(t seeking $osition o*er others1 <The -ings o!
Genti%es %ord it o*er the0 b(t it sho(%d not be so "ong 'o(0= s"'s +es(s1 Peter is
w"rned "bo(t his o*ercon!idence1 LNOTE: A%% three o! the "bo*e Gos$e% writers $%"ce the $rediction th"t Peter
wi%% den' the Lord three ties be!ore the cock crows in this e$isode bec"(se it !its the conte:t o! +es(s w"rning to Peter1 According to
The Poem0 +ohn h"s $%"ced it in the "$$ro$ri"te $%"ce "t 5F71 F(rther0 Since Mt0 Lk "nd +n @5F71A "%% st"te th"t Peter wo(%d den' the
Lord three ties be!ore the cock wo(%d crow e*en once0 Peter (st h"*e denied the Lord !o(r ties0 K(st "s The Poem "!!irs1 This
is e*idenced b' the st"teent in M"rk @5871A th"t PeterHs %"st deni"% is iedi"te%' !o%%owed b' " second crowing1 This insight !ro
The Poem so%*es " $rob%e bib%ic"% scho%"rs h"*e str(gg%ed with !or cent(ries1M
+es(s s"'s to t"ke $(rse "nd sword0 !or all the angels on this night have been
#ithdra#n to Heaven . . . $nd #e are alone . . . 8ou and I alone. The demons
are the masters o! the hour. (o #e shall no# ta/e the appearanes and the
measures o! poor men #ho do not trust and do not love.I LNOTE: M"n' h"*e wondered wh'
+es(s to%d His Disci$%es to "r these%*es when He ne*er0 on "n' occ"sion0 "d*oc"ted $h'sic"% !orce or *io%ence "g"inst "nother
h("n being1 ) think the "nswer is th"t +es(s ne*er condened the (se o! !orce !or se%! de!ense or to $rotect "nother !ro inK(stice
when the higher e"ns o! $(re !"ith "nd tr(st were "bsent or %"cking0 "s the' "re in "%% o! (s to one degree or "nother1 This night the
Disci$%es wo(%d h"*e neither the "nge%s o! God or the S"*ior0 bec"(se the' wo(%d "b"ndon Hi1 L"cking !"ith in God "nd %o*e !or
their eneies0 the on%' e"ns the' wo(%d h"*e to de!end these%*es "g"inst inK(stice wo(%d be these c"rn"% e"ns1M
5381 M A$ri%0 Th( +es(s 9"shes the Disci$%esH Feet1
#### #### #### +n 2C:2#5>
A!ter the s($$er o! the old ritual 3assover w"s done0 +es(s w"shes His Disci$%esH
!eet1 He then ta/es the third up' blesses it and passes it to the Disiples. There
is more singing and sripture. +es(s then e:$%"ins wh"t He h"s done in w"shing
their !eet1 The !ourth up is poured and they sing t#o more 3salms. He drin/s
and they all parta/e.
This ends the old 3assover ritual' and .esus then says He is no# going to
elebrate the "e# %itual #ith them. HI have promised you a mirale o! love. It
is time to #or/ it. That is #hy I have longed !or this 3assover. From no# on this
is the &itim that #ill be onsumed in the perpetual rite o! love . . . We #ill
remain !orever united through the mirale that I #ill no# #or/.I
5F>1 M A$ri%0 Th( The New P"sso*er Rit("%1
Mt 5F:5F#58 Mk 27:55#53 Lk 55:2805> ####
The LordHs S($$er0 the /%essed S"cr"ent0 is instit(ted: The bre"d "nd wine "re
b%essed "nd distrib(ted1 Then +es(s s"'s0 <T"ke this "nd e"t it1 This is M' /od'1 Do
this in reebr"nce o! Me0 Who am going a#ay.I He then t"kes the ,h"%ice "nd
s"'s0 <T"ke this "nd drink it This is M' /%ood1 This is the ch"%ice o! the new "%%i"nce
in M' /%ood th"t wi%% be shed !or 'o(0 to reit 'o(r sins and give you the li!e. Do
this in reebr"nce o! Me1= .esus !inally ta/es the ,<
portion o! the blessed
sarament and the up to His Mother. He returns and says' HI have given you
everything . . . I have given you Mysel!.I
5F21 M A$ri%0 Th( One o! Yo( sh"%% /etr"' Me1
Mt 5F:52055 Mk 27:24028 Lk 55:5205C +n 2C:52055
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
+es(s then te%%s His st(nned Disci$%es th"t one o! the wi%% betr"' Hi1 The
Disci$%es in;(ire "ong these%*es1 That the Isariot is immediately suspeted' at
least by 3eter and .udas Thaddeus' is very obvious . . .
5F51 M A$ri%0 Th( +(d"s Res$onds with Deceit1
Mt 5F:53 #### #### ####
. . . but the Isariot9s sel! on!idene' easy manners and apparent sinerity
are so disarming' all suspiion o! him is dissipated. +(d"s0 to co*er his
eb"rr"ssent0 "sks in $er!ect "$$e"r"nce o! innocence0 <M"ster0 is it )B=
5FC1 M A$ri%0 Th( +ohn is Gi*en " Sign1 +(d"s Le"*es !or the S"nhedrin1
Mt 5F:5C057 Mk 27:5>052 Lk 55:55 +n 2C:5C#C>
+ohn0 "t PeterHs re;(est0 "nd c%ose to +es(sH e"r "sks: <M"ster0 who is itB= +es(s0
bending His head do#n to /iss .ohn on his head' whis$ers the sign th"t wi%% te%%1
+(d"s0 not /no#ing the meaning .esus attahes to the eating o! the bread dipped
in the 5amb9s saue' $"rt"kes he"rti%'1 On%' +ohn knows the e"ning as .esus has
made His o!!ering to .udas sound li/e a re#ard !or a !avor to the other Disiples.
.ohn has already been entrusted #ith the terrible seret /no#n only to .esus' His
Mother' and lastly' to 5azarus. .udas then departs a!ter .esus Rudiiously
oneals his real mission. The last thing .esus #ants #as blood on the hands o!
the $postles' #hih ertainly #ould have been the ase had any o! the others
disovered the ulprit.
2ABa7p.@A* D The 3assover (upper. @Gos$e% E$isodes 5361 to 5FC1A
5F71 M A$ri%0 Th( The New ,o"ndent o! Lo*e1 Peter is To%d he wi%% Den' the Lord1
#### #### #### +n 2C:C2#C4
The remaining eleven Disiples no# gather around .esus in !ront o! the table.
+es(s s"'s0 H$ desire o! Mine #as su!!iient !or the Father to allo# His (on to give
Himsel! Food to man. The Son o! M"n h"s been g%ori!ied by #hat has happened
now0 beause the mirale that is possible only to God9s !riends is a #itness o!
po#er.I LNOTE: There co(%d be no gre"ter honor or g%or' bestowed on +es(s th"n in the gr"nting o! the $ower to $er!or this
ir"c%e1 +es(s then e:$%"ins wh'1M
.esus ontinues to spea/ o! the mirale o! the )uharist' not only as the
greatest o! all mirales' but one so great Hthat a greater one annot possibly e0ist.
I tell you: it is so po#er!ul' supernatural' inoneivable by proud men' that only
very !e# #ill understand it as it is to be understood' and many #ill deny it.I
.esus9 ne0t #ords suggest a very good reason #hy God' !or our o#n good'
allo#ed the !all o! man =allo#ing us to have a part in the struggle and !inal
de!eat o! evil?' #hen He says that #e' #ith Him' #ill no# share not Rust in
$dam9s 3aradise' but Hin the sublime 3aradise o! the Father.I LNOTE: A tho(ght!(%
conte$%"tion o! wh"t +es(s is s"'ing shows " $ro!o(nd interre%"tionshi$ between wh"t ight see to be se*er"% inde$endent
tho(ghts0 b(t g"ining P"r"dise @$13>4A0 the L"w o! Lo*e @*1C7A0 the E(ch"rist "nd His se$"r"tion !ro the Disci$%es@*1CFA "re "%%
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
*it"%%' interre%"ted1 To g"in th"t He"*en%' P"r"dise0 se$"r"tion !ro Hi (st coe !irst0 so the' wi%% be "b%e to g"in !or these%*es
tr(e erit in their *"%i"nt str(gg%e "g"inst e*i%0 which in t(rn c"n on%' be done b' !o%%owing the new L"w o! Lo*e tow"rd one
another1 9hi%e His $resence "ong the in the E(ch"rist wo(%d $resent the gre"test $ossib%e o$$ort(nit' !or growth in the new L"w
o! Lo*e0 His contin(ed +isi-le $resence "ong the wo(%d be " c%e"r hindr"nce to th"t end0 contin(ing to !oster " ere c"rn"%
h("n %o*e !or Hi0 "s it h"d in the $"st1 Absence is not on%' " test o! tr(e %o*e0 b(t "ccording to the o%d "d"ge0 it "kes the he"rt
grow !onder1M
+es(s re*e"%s the New ,o"ndent o! %o*e @*1C7AE Peter "sks where +es(s is
going @*1CFAE Peter bo"sts o! his re"diness to die !or the LordE "nd +es(s $redicts his
!"i%(re1 Z+ohn 2C:C7#C4[ $ording to The Poem' +es(sH predition o! 3eter9s
!ailure #as made in t#o statements: </e!ore the cock crows' 'o( wi%% h"*e
disowned Me three ties0= and H:e!ore the o/ ro#s loudl"' you #ill have
diso#ned your 5ord three times.I First' the impliation o! .esus is that there #ill
be more than one ro#ing and at least one muh louder. This is the !irst ro#ing.
(eond' Rust as The Poem' Matthe#' 5u/e and .ohn all a!!irm' 3eter #ould deny
the 5ord three times be!ore either of these crowins took place. What has aused
all the on!usion on this matter is Mar/9s inomplete aount impl"in that the
second ro#ing ame immediately after the third denial' meaning that the there
#as a ro#ing before the three denials too/ plae. $nother element that has
ause on!usion is that the Gospel #riters spea/ only o! three denials and do not
inlude in their aounts that 3eter denies the 5ord !our times. It is that !ourth
denial' to another woman =not the third denial' #hih is to a man' as Mar/9s
aount implies? that omes after the !irst ro#ing. For Mar/9s aount to be
omplete' and to solve the entire problem #hih has ba!!led sholars !or
enturies' re1uires #e simply insert the !irst ro#ing o! the o/ and 3eter9s @
denial =to the #oman mentioned in the !irst paragraph on page 222 in The
Poem? in bet#een verses ;, and ;* o! Mar/ ,@. &erse CB' #ith the insertion o!
the ro#ing' may not have been intended to onvey an e0at hronologial order
LNOTE: M(ch s$"ce h"s been gi*en to this seeing%' insigni!ic"nt "tter bec"(se this is one o! " (%tit(de o! signi!ic"nt e*idences
th"t no h("n ind w"s in*o%*ed in the origin o! these $ro!o(nd re*e%"tions1M
LNOTE: According to The Poem, on%' +ohn h"s +es(sH $rediction o! PeterHs !"i%(re in the $ro$er $%"ce1 The other Gos$e% writers
h"*e $%"ced it e"r%ier in the <S($$er Roo= stor' @see 5341A0 K(st "!ter the !irst tie Peter tries to "ss(re the Lord he wi%% st"nd b'
Hi "nd when the )sc"riot is sti%% with the1 +es(s0 howe*er0 wo(%d ne*er h"*e re*e"%ed this we"kness o! Peter in the )sc"riotHs
$resence1 There is0 howe*er0 " *er' si$%e e:$%"n"tion wh' the' $%"ced the e*ent where the' did1 These Gos$e% writers do not co*er
the <New ,o"ndent= e$isode where the $rediction w"s "de0 "nd not wishing to %e"*e it o(t @"%ost cert"in%' "t PeterHs own
h(b%e re;(estg"'be0 e*en insistencePA the' $%"ce it in their own shortened "cco(nt @5341A in the !itting conte:t o! +es(sH w"rning
to Peter "bo(t his se%! con!idence1M

5F31 M A$ri%0 Th( )n M' !"therHs Ho(se "re M"n' M"nsions1 9h"tsoe*er Ye Ask1 The Proise o! the
#### #### #### +n 27:2#C2
+es(s h"s not only to%d Peter o! his coing !"i%(re but that they all' in order to
save their o#n lives' #ill Hdiso#n the !allen hero.I It is that ne#s that oasions
+es(sH words: </(t $%e"se do not %et 'o(r he"rts be ($set1 /e%ie*e in God1 And
be%ie*e "%so in Me1 :elieve in Me against all appearanes. 5et him #ho remains
F.ohnG and him #ho runs a#ay Fall the othersG believe in My mery and in the
Father9s FmeryG' Fas #ell asG both he #ho is silent and he #ho moves his lips to
say: \I do not /no# Him.9I )n the ho(se o! M' F"ther there "re "n' "bodes 1 1 1
Z+ohn 27:5b#C2[
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
5FF1 M A$ri%0 Th( ) A the Tr(e &ine1 Yo( "re M' Friends i! Ye Do the Things ) ,o"nd Yo(1
#### #### #### +n 23:2#2F
+es(s s"'s0 H5isten to My last #ords. ) " the tr(e *ine1 The F"ther is the
&inedresser1 E*er' br"nch th"t be"rs no !r(it He c(ts0 "nd the one th"t does be"r !r(it
He $r(nes0 to "ke it be"r e*en ore1 Z+ohn 23:C#23[ Yo( did not choose
'o(rse%*es1 /(t ) chose 'o( "nd e%ected 'o( so th"t 'o( "' go "ong $eo$%es "nd
'o( "' be"r !r(it in yourselves and in the hearts o! those #ho are evangelized'
"nd 'o(r !r(it "' re"in0 "nd the F"ther "' gi*e 'o( e*er'thing 'o( wi%% "sk o!
Hi in M' n"e1=
.esus no# reveals some very deep truths about the po#er and authority o!
(atan =presumably all a1uired through the hoies men have made? about the
sel!Dimposed limits God ma/es on His o#n in!inite po#er to redeem and about
the human vulnerability to (atan apart !rom God9s grae.
Having Rust mentioned that they #ere hosen' .esus says' HDo not say' \(o' i!
you hose us' #hy did you hoose a betrayerE9I .esus tells them that i! (atan
had not hosen to mimi the divine inarnation' .udas' even though he #as
demon possessed =and in his ase' through his o#n !ree hoies? #ould have been
redeemed by His po#er. .ames then as/s #hy .esus did not deliver .udas or at
least de!eat .udas so he #ould be unable to betray. .esus ans#ers the later
1uestion saying something 1uite astounding' HI ould. :ut in order to prevent
(atan !rom ta/ing bodily !orm to /ill Me' I should have had to e0terminate the
human rae be!ore redemption. (o #hat #ould I have redeemedEI LNOTE: There is
eno(gh here !or theo%ogi"ns to $onder !or "t %e"st (nti% the ne:t i%%enni(0 b(t ) think there "re "t %e"st !o(r things re*e"%ed here1
First0 S"t"n h"d the "(thorit'0 no do(bt on the b"sis o! Ad"Hs tr"nsgression "%one0 to ;("si#inc"rn"te in at least one h&man0
es$eci"%%' since God decided to o$en ($ He"*en to the redeeed o! !"%%en h("nit'1 Second0 the n"t(re o! the (nit' o! the h("n
r"ce in Ad" "s he"d is s(ch th"t Ad"Hs tr"nsgression %e!t the entire r"ce we"kened "nd *(%ner"b%e to S"t"n1 Third0 e*en God co(%d
not ignore the c%"i th"t K(stice re;(ired !or Ad"Hs rebe%%ion1 Fo(rth0 S"t"n seeed to g"in soe "(thorit' in this "tter since it
w"s to hi th"t Ad" conceded1 Fi!th0 i! "n w"s e*er to be de%i*ered !ro this st"in o! origin"% sin0 both God "nd "n wo(%d h"*e
to $"' the $rice K(stice re;(ired1 This de"nd w"s co$%ete%' !(%!i%%ed in the (ni;(e God#"n +es(s ,hrist1 A wor%d witho(t
,hristHs rede$tion0 howe*er @which o$ened ($ he"*en to the redeeedA0 wo(%d not necess"ri%' e"n "%% en wo(%d end ($ in He%%0
"s "n' $rotest"nt e*"nge%ic"%s te"ch1 9itho(t ,hristHs rede$tion "%% @e:ce$t those who die in ort"% sinA wo(%d h"*e gone to "nd
re"ined !ore*er in Libo or <Abr"h"Hs boso0= !ore*er se$"r"ted !ro GodHs $resence0 which h"d !irst been e:$erienced in the
5F61 M A$ri%0 Th( The Disci$%es "g"in )n;(ire Aong These%*es Abo(t the /etr"'er1
#### #### Lk 55:5C ####
$s mentioned above' .esus ounsels them not to as/ #hy He had hosen a
betrayer' a (atan. E"ch one then0 begins to again in;(ire whether the' wo(%d be the
betr"'er1 3eter' so onsious o! his many !aults' is terri!ied until the 5ord assures
him he is not the betrayer. Disovering it to be the Isariot' 3eter in a rage
rushes to the door #ith his s#ord. He is stopped by the severity o! .esus9
#arning to him. 3eter' having been almost driven mad thin/ing himsel! to be
ine0usably !oolish !or not seeing the truth about .udas' and no#' being
threatened #ith a urse !or trying to do #hat seemed a moral imperative' is
thro#n into omplete turmoil. $ll he an do no# is to !all at .esus9 !eet and
#eep. @Lk 55:5C is "%so !o(nd in ,h"$ter 384"1A
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
5F41 M A$ri%0 Th( The 9or%d 9i%% A%w"'s H"te W Lo*e An'w"'P
#### #### #### +n 23:26#56
$s 3eter had thro#n himsel! at .esus9 !eet #eeping' .esus reinds the o! the
need o! %o*e "nd !orgi*eness: <) gi*e 'o( M' co"ndent: %o*e and fori#e one
another1 Have you understoodE )ven i! in the wor%d there is h"tred0 let only love
be in you. For e#er"bod". Ho# many traitors you #ill !ind on your #ayL :ut
you must not hate them and return evil !or evil. 4ther#ise the Father #ill hate
you. ) h"*e been h"ted "nd betr"'ed0 %ong be!ore 'o(1= Z+ohn 23:28#56[
5F81 M A$ri%0 Th( +es(s (st Go !or the P"r"c%ete to ,oe1 ) H"*e O*ercoe the 9or%d1
#### #### #### +n 2F:2#CC
+es(s contin(es0 <) " te%%ing 'o( this so th"t0 when the ho(r coes0 'o( "' not
be depressed and sc"nd"%iIed1= Z+ohn 2F:5#6[ S$e"king o! the Ho%' S$irit0 +es(s
s"'s0 <9hen He h"s coe through the #isdom and the #ords' the deeds and the
heroism that He #ill in!use into you' He wi%% con*ince the wor%d o! its deiide sin
"nd o! K(stice #ith regard to My holiness . . . /(t K(dgent wi%% be $"ssed on the
$rince o! the wor%d1= Z+ohn 2F:25#55[ HWhen you see Me again' your hearts #ill
be !illed #ith . . . suh a !ull Roy th"t it wi%% ob%iter"te e*er' need o! 'o(rs to "sk !or
"n'thing !or your minds' hearts and bodies. 8ou #ill !eed on seeing Me again'
and you #ill !orget everything else. $nd Rust in that moment 'o( wi%% be "b%e to
"sk "n'thing in M' n"e0 "nd it wi%% be gi*en to 'o( o! M' F"ther1= Z+ohn 2F:57#
CC[ .esus also e0plains that the sudden assurane they have o! His divinity
and #isdom =,C:<+? omes !rom the #or/ing o! the )uharist in themL
56>1 M A$ri%0 Th( +es(sH Fin"% Pr"'er !or the .nit' o! /e%ie*ers1
#### #### #### +n 26:2#5F
+es(sH $r"'er !or his Disci$%es: This prayer is not atually reorded in The
Poem' but is mentioned as to #hen it too/ plae =see p. 2,;?. The Disiples are
all 1uietly shedding tears.
Gethsemane 7$D <@ F3oem Chapter 2AAG
388"0bG$135> # +es(s s$e"ks to M& o! the gre"t "gon' He end(red in +(d"sH $resence
"t the L"st S($$er1
5621 M A$ri%0 Th( Le"*ing !or Gethse"ne1
Mt 5F:C> Mk 27:5F Lk 55:C8 +n 24:2
The' sing " h'n "nd de$"rt !or Gethse"ne0 leaving His Mother still at prayer
in an adRaent room. )mpo#ered by the 5iving 3resene o! the )uharist'
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
something (atan had ertainly not ontemplated' (he #ill be in prayer the entire
night to bring Him the sustaining help He #ill need !rom the $ngel that appears
in the hour o! His greatest agony. 4n the #ay' .esus e0ats t#o promises !rom
(imon the Uealot: That he #ould go to Gamaliel and tell him that the promised
sign !or #hih he had been #aiting *, years =that the stones in the Temple #ould
be sha/en? #as soon to be given =(ee Gospel episode *2.?X and that he #ould
gather as many Disiples o! His as he ould a!ter the betrayal and bring them to
5azarus9 house. The' cross the brook -idron "nd c"e to the Mo(nt o! O%i*es1
2ABb7p.2+; D The 3assover (upper. @Gos$e% E$isodes 5F71 to 5621A
5651 M A$ri%0 Th( The Agon' in the G"rden1 The First "nd Second Pr"'ers1
Mt 5F:CF#77 Mk 27:C5#7> Lk 55:7>#75 ####
+es(s coes to Gethse"ne1 He t"kes Peter0 +"es "nd +ohn with Hi " %itt%e
be'ond the c"$1 Peter0 we reeber0 w"s the ost con!ident0 "nd +"es "nd +ohn
tho(ght the' co(%d sit with +es(s in the -ingdo in the K(dgent @See "%so &0 $662A1
He "sks the now to $r"' whi%e He goes e*en !(rther to $r"' b' Hise%!1 3eter
promises that they #ould all stay a#a/e and pray. +es(s $r"'s His !irst0 "nd
second $r"'ers in Gethse"ne1 +es(s "ro(ses Peter0 +"es "nd +ohn !ro s%ee$ "!ter
e"ch $r"'er1
56C1 L A$ri%0 Th( +es(s is Strengthened d(ring His Third Pr"'er1
#### #### Lk 55:7C077 ####
)t is d(ring the third agonizing $r"'er th"t +es(s swe"ts $ro!(se%' with b%ood1 An
Ange% ir"c(%o(s%' s(st"ins hi1 It #as His Mother9s !ervent prayers that brought
the angeli assistane. LNOTE: 9h"t the Ange% showed +es(s to s(st"in Hi is !o(nd in the %"st two $"r"gr"$hs on
$"ge 37C1M
5671 M A$ri%0 Th( The Disci$%es "re Aw"kened the Third Tie1
Mt 5F:7307F Mk 27:72075 Lk 55:7307F ####
"ear the end o! the *
#ath =almost midnight?: +es(s "kes " !in"% "tte$t to
"w"ken the Disci$%es1 +es(s s"'s0 </(t get ($ now0 "nd %et (s go1 He who is going to
betr"' Me is c%ose "t h"nd1= LNOTE: There were !o(r Ro"n night w"tches @M"rk F:74A0 F#8 PME 8#25 MidnightE
5631 M A$ri%0 Th( The /etr"'"% o! +(d"s1
Mt 5F:76#78 Mk 27:7C#73 Lk 55:76 +n 24:50C
+(d"s "$$e"rs with the scribes0 Ph"risees0 e%ders "nd "red so%diers1 He betr"'s
+es(s with " kiss1
56F1 M A$ri%0 Th( Friend0 9h' H"*e Yo( ,oeB
Mt 5F:3>" #### #### ####
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
+es(s s"'s to +(d"s: <M' !riend0 wh"t h"*e 'o( coe !or 1 1 1=
5661 M A$ri%0 Th( +es(s a(estions +(d"s "bo(t the -iss1
#### #### Lk 55:74 ####
+es(s contin(es0 <1 1 1 Are 'o( betr"'ing Me with " kissB The guards rush
!or#ard and attempt to restrain not only .esus but also the other Disiples' #ho
are o!! to the side.
5641 M A$ri%0 Th( +es(s Presents Hise%! to the Te$%e G("rds1 The G("rds F"%% to the Gro(nd1
#### #### #### +n 24:7#F
+es(s res$onds almly to the assault against His Disiples: <9ho "re 'o(
%ooking !orB= At their re$%'0 +es(s thunders !orth' <) " HeP= The so%diers "%% !"%% to
the gro(nd1
5681M A$ri%0 Th( The Disci$%es Ask "bo(t .sing Swords1
#### #### Lk 55:78 #### FDG
Ta/ing slight ourage at the seeming turn o! events' the Disiples approah
.esus L"nd "ccording to L(ke0 "sk +es(s "bo(t (sing we"$onsM1 3eter' #ith dra#n
s#ord' attempts to land a blo# on .udas' #ho has Rumped ba/ Rust in time.
(ti/s and stones ome !rom the others' driving .udas !rom the garden.
54>1 M A$ri%0 Th( +es(s E:ch"nges His Li!e !or the Li!e o! the Disci$%es1
Mt 5F:3303F" Mk 27:74078 Lk 55:3503C +n 24:6#8
+es(s "sks "g"in0= 9ho "re 'o( %ooking !orB= The' s"'0 <+es(s o! N"I"reth1= +es(s
res$onds0 <) h"*e to%d 'o( th"t ) " He0 so %et these others go1 I #ill ome.I +es(s
then reb(kes the ob1
5421 M A$ri%0 Th( Peter Strikes the Ser*"nt o! the High Priest with " Sword1
Mt 5F:3>b032 Mk 27:7F076 Lk 55:3> +n 24:2>
9hi%e +es(s is sti%% s$e"king0 a soldier' " ser*"nt o! the High Priest0 is trying to tie
.esus9 hands1 Peter "tte$ts to ki%% the "n0 b(t on%' gets " $"rt o! his e"r1
5451 M A$ri%0 Th( P(t .$ th' Sword1
Mt 5F:35#37 #### Lk 55:32" +n 24:22
+es(s orders0 < P(t those we"$ons "w"'1 I order you to do that. )! ) w"nted0 )
co(%d h"*e the "nge%s o! M' F"ther to de!end Me1= To the High PriestHs ser*"nt +es(s
s"'s0 <$nd you be ured. In your soul !irst o! all' i! you an.I
54C1 L A$ri%0 Th( +es(s He"%s the E"r o! the Ser*"nt o! the High Priest1
#### #### Lk 55:32b ####
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
+es(s then he"%s the ser*"ntHs e"r1 The Disiples are so sho/ed by .esus' ations
they are onvined !or a moment .esus must be mad' having betrayed their
trustL (ome shout' HHe is mad.I 4thers shout' H8ou have betrayed usLI LNOTE:
9e (st reeber +es(s h"d to%d the to t"ke we"$ons with the1 Now the' "re reb(ked !or tr'ing to (se the1 The' c"nnot see
th"t this "%%ow"nce w"s on%' !or se%!#de!ense0 not to defend Him, "nd th"t bec"(se the' did not 'et h"*e the !"ith or %o*e !or their
eneies0 to end(re the thre"ts "g"inst the1M
5471 M A$ri%0 Th( +es(s is SeiIed b' the G("rds1
#### #### #### +n 24:25
+es(s is seiIed the seond time1
5431 M A$ri%0 Th( The Disci$%es "%% P"nic "nd F%ee1
Mt 5F:3Fb Mk 27:3>#35 #### ####
The Disci$%es "%% "b"ndon +es(s "nd !%ee !or their %i*es1
2AA7p.2** D The $gony and the $rrest at Gethsemane. @Gos$e% E$isodes 5621 to
388dG$13C8 # +es(s re%"tes to M& wh"t it w"s %ike to end(re the "gon' in the G"rden1
The Trials o! .esus Christ 7$D <@ F3oem Chapters C++ D C+<G
F>>"G$1377 # +es(s re%"tes to M& the "gon' o! the P"ssion itse%!1
54F1 M A$ri%0 Th( To Ann"s0 F"ther#in#L"w to ,"i"$h"s1
Mt 5F:36" Mk 27:3C" Lk 55:37" +n 24:2C#2F
+es(s0 t"ken "w"' to Ann"s0 is yan/ed and Rer/ed around. He !alls hard against
the bridge parapet as they ross the :roo/ Oidron. His mouth begins to bleed.
3eople thro# garbage in His !ae. 3eter and .ohn hide near the ity #alls and
see everything. They sho# themselves to .esus and He smiles at them. He is %ed
be!ore Ann"s0 the !"ther#in#%"w to ,"i"$h"s0 "nd "%so the High Priest1 3eter and .ohn
are present and then they leave.
5461 M A$ri%0 Th( /e!ore Ann"s0 F"ther#in#L"w to ,"i"$h"s1
#### #### #### +n 24:28#5C
Ann"s "sks "bo(t +es(sH doctrine "nd Disci$%es1 +es(s is str(ck !or His "nswer1
+es(s ;(estions the "b(se1 $nnas leaves .esus in ustody to meet #ith Caiaphas at
his residene. .ohn arrives at the door and is allo#ed in to see .esus' but .esus
motions him a#ay by a glane.
5441 M A$ri%0 Th( Ann"sH Ser*"nt /e"t "nd Mock +es(s Ag"in1
#### #### Lk 55:FC#F3 ####
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
Ann"sH ser*"nts be"t "nd ock +es(s "g"in1
5481 M A$ri%0 Th( Ann"s Sends +es(s to ,"i"$h"s1
Mt 5F:36b0 34 Mk 27:3Cb0 37 Lk 55:37b +n 24:57
Ann"s ret(rns "nd sends +es(s to ,"i"$h"s0 the High Priest1 4n His #ay' .esus
sees 3eter and .ohn #arming themselves by a !ire. $s He arrives at Caiaphas9
residene' Gamaliel #al/s right by .esus and #hispers' HWho are youE Tell meLI
.esus #hispers ba/' H%ead the 3rophets and you #ill !ind out. They #ill give
you the !irst signX the other one is oming.I Caiaphas opens the meeting and
hears the many harges. With the support o! .oseph o! $rimathea and
"iodemus' Gamaliel delares the meeting illegal beause it is night and in the
#rong plae. Gamaliel then #al/s out o! the meeting. .oseph' #ho threatens to
noti!y the %oman authorities' and "iodemus also #al/ out. T#o other leaders'
having re!used to attend' have already made Caiaphas !urious.

58>1 M A$ri%0 Th( +es(s /e!ore ,"i"$h"s1
Mt 5F:38#F4 Mk 27:33#F3 #### ####
Two !"%se witnesses then "$$e"r "nd testi!'1 +es(s "kes no re$%'1 ,"i"$h"s
de"nds th"t +es(s te%% the i! He is the Son o! the Son o! God1 +es(s re$%ies0 <Yo(
h"*e s"id it1 I am1= He then dec%"res0 <And 'o( wi%% see the Son o! "n sitting "t the
right h"nd o! the $ower o! the F"ther0 coe on the c%o(ds o! the sk'1T= At this re$%'0
,"i"$h"s te"rs his g"rent1 +es(s is str(ck "nd s$it ($on1 With His hands tied'
.esus is tripped several times and !alls on His !ae. This is aompanied #ith
roars o! laughter. $!ter several hours =a!ter midnight? they !inally lo/ Him in a
loset !or the rest o! the night. TLNOTE: +(st "s is entioned o*er " 'e"r be!ore in 26610 this is 'et "nother
ob*io(s re!erence to ,hristHs Second ,oing "ni!est in the destr(ction o! +er(s"%e "nd the Te$%e in 6> AD1 S$e"king to His
A$ost%es "nd other disci$%es the d"' be!ore @5781A0 +es(s h"d $redicted this *er' e*ent1 @See "%so 5831 where +es(s "g"in re$e"ts this
5821ThGFr MidnHt PeterHs First Deni"%1 +es(s in ,(stod' "t ,"i"$h"sH ,o(rt1
Mt 5F:F806> Mk 27:FF#F4 Lk 55:33#36 +n 24:26024
PeterHs !irst deni"% to " "idser*"nt o! the High Priest is whi%e +es(s is in c(stod'
with ,"i"$h"s1 The night passes #ith .esus in ustody. LNOTE: M"n' %"ter "n(scri$ts o! Mk
h"*e the !irst cock crowing here0 b(t see note "t 5871.M
5851 FR)0 7 AM PeterHs Second Deni"%1
Mt 5F:62065 Mk 27:F806>" Lk 55:34 +n 24:53
Abo(t <one ho(r= @Lk 55:38A be!ore the third deni"% that too/ plae at da#n0
Peter denies the Lord the second tie to "nother "idser*"nt1
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
58C1 FR)0 3 AM +es(s /e!ore the S"nhedrin !or " ore Leg"% Tri"%1
#### #### Lk 55:FF ####
Da#n: +es(s is bro(ght b"ck be!ore the S"nhedrin !or " ore %eg"% tri"%1 (ine no
one has told Mary about .esus9 arrest' .ohn leaves 3eter to brea/ the ne#s to
Her. =(ee also C+B7p.CCC?
5871 FR)0 3 AM PeterHs Third "nd Fo(rth Deni"%1
Mt 5F:6C#63 Mk 27:6>b#65 Lk 55:38#F5 +n 24:5F056
PeterHs third deni"% to " "%e ser*"nt o! the High Priest0 "!!ired b' "n o"th0 t"kes
$%"ce "t this tie0 "!ter which the !irst cock crows1 $ #oman no# approahes
3eter. (he auses him and he denies the 5ord the !ourth time. )edi"te%'0 the
cock crows "g"in the second tie @Mk 27:65A. $s Peter turns to run a#ay' he eets
+es(s !"ce to !"ce on His #ay to Caiaphas and the (anhedrin. .esus9 eyes are
!illed #ith in!inite ompassion and immense grie!. Peter w"%ks "w"'0 sobbing1
LNOTE: Soe "ncient "nd ost %"ter "n(scri$ts o! M"rk h"*e the !irst cock crowing "!ter the !irst deni"% o! Peter %ong be!ore d"wn1
M"n' "ncient "n(scri$ts oit this e"r%' crowing in M"rk1 M"ri" &"%tort" re$orts th"t -oth the !irst "nd second crowings c"e "t
d"wn "!ter the third deni"%0 K(st "s M"tthew0 L(ke0 "nd +ohn con!ir1 See "%so the third $"r"gr"$h o! 5F710 co*ering the con!(sion
cre"ted b' M"rkHs inco$%ete "cco(nt1M
5831 FR)0 3 AM +es(s Sti%% /e!ore the S"nhedrin1
Mt 56:2 Mk 23:2" Lk 55:F6#62 ####
+es(s is on tri"% be!ore the S"nhedrin "g"in1 +es(s "g"in $redicts th"t these en
who "re K(dging hi wi%% soon see the e*idence o! His di*ine "(thorit'1 This wo(%d be
the destr(ction o! +er(s"%e "nd the Te$%e "nd the res(%ting tri($h o! the ,h(rch1
@See "%so 58>1 "nd 2661A +es(s is sentenced to de"th "nd ordered to st"nd be!ore
Pi%"te1 $t this time' .udas is running through the streets and approahing
Caiaphas9 house. He then turns and !lees. He is atta/ed by a stray dog =p. 2;<D
2;@?. .udas thin/s it is (atan' and in utter terror runs to Gethsemane =p. 2;@D
58F1 FR)0 6:C> AM +es(s /e!ore Pi%"te "t the Antoni" Fortress1
Mt 56:50 22#27 Mk 23:2b#3 Lk 5C:2#6 +n 24:54#C4
+es(s is now t"ken to Pi%"te at the $ntonia Fortress. .esus is led on a
deliberately long route through .erusalem. He is more dragged than led. He is
pelted #ith stones' garbage and e0rement !rom the stables. Pi%"te e:"ines +es(s
"nd !inds Hi innocent1 Pi%"te0 whose r(%e w"s con!ined to +(de"0 disco*ering th"t the
ob wi%% not "cce$t his *erdict "nd th"t +es(s is !ro G"%i%ee0 sends +es(s to Herod0
who h"s r(%ing K(risdiction in G"%i%ee1 Herod h"$$ens to be in +er(s"%e "t the tie1
.udas' running !rom Gethsemane' rushes to the ity and sees .esus being ta/en
to 3ilate =p. 2;C?. He runs then to the Temple.
5861 FR)0 R4:C> AM -nowing He h"s Lost F"*or with the Te$%e0 +(d"s Throws his
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
Mone' Linto ,"i"$h"sH F"ceM1
Mt 56:C#3" #### ##### ####
+(d"s r(ns to the S"nhedrin "nd throws his one' into Caiaphas9 !ae1 Fleeing
!rom them' he runs again into .esus' #ho is being led to Herod' and then again
#hen .esus leaves Herod =p. 2;;?.
C+,a7p.C+2 D The Death o! .udas o! Oerioth. The :ehavior o! Mary to#ards
.udas Canels )ve9s :earing to#ard Cain. @This ch"$ter is $%"ced here in
chrono%ogic"% order1A
5841 R4:C> AM +es(s /e!ore Herod1
#### #### Lk 5C:4#25 ####
+es(s is ocked be!ore Herod a!ter He re!uses to respond to any o! Herod9s
!eigned gestures o! respet. Gi*ing hi no s"tis!"ction0 Herod sends +es(s sent b"ck
to Pi%"te1 .udas runs into .esus one more and then eventually runs to the >pper
5881 FR)0 R8 AM +es(s is /"ck /e!ore Pi%"te0 9ho Tries to Free Hi1
#### #### Lk 5C:2C#2F ####
+es(s is b"ck be!ore Pi%"te0 who tries to !ree Hi0 "nd ho$es th"t sco(rging +es(s
wi%% $"ci!' the ob1
C>>1 FR)0 R8:C> AM Pi%"te Gi*e the Peo$%e " ,hoice /etween /"r"bb"s "nd +es(s1
Mt 56:23#24 Mk 23:F#2> #### +n 24:C8
According to the c(sto gr"nted b' the Ro"ns "s " gest(re o! good wi%% to )sr"e%0
Pi%"te is "%%owed to re%e"se one +ewish citiIen he%d b' the Ro"ns e"ch P"sso*er
se"son1 Pi%"te ho$es th"t b' choosing /"r"bb"s0 " (rderer "nd " seditionist "g"inst
the go*ernent0 "s the on%' "%tern"ti*e to +es(s0 th"t the +ews0 r"ther th"n to e:$ose
their h'$ocris' "nd inK(stice0 wi%% be !orced to chose !reedo !or +es(s1 This0 howe*er0
is the d"' when He%% "nd (tter "dness reign s($ree in +er(s"%e1
C>21 FR)0 R8:C> AM The ,rowd ,hooses /"r"bb"s !or Re%e"se1
Mt 56:5>#5C Mk 23:22#27 Lk 5C:26#55 +n 24:7>
The crowd de"nds the !reedo o! the (rderer "nd seditionist /"r"bb"s "nd the
cr(ci!i:ion o! +es(s1 H"*ing gr"nted !reedo to /"r"bb"s0 Pi%"te $roises to ch"stise
+es(s "nd %et Hi go1
C>51 FR)0 R2> AM Pi%"te H"s +es(s Sco(rged1
Mt 56:5F" Mk 23:23"b #### +n 28:2
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
+es(s is sco(rged "t Pi%"teHs co"nd1 Holy Mary is praying in the room
adRaent to the (upper %oom. (he sees and !eels the sourging o! .esus' Her (on
=p. 2A*' C2;?.

C>C1 FR)0 R2> AM+es(s ,rowned with Thorns is /e"ten "nd Mocked1
Mt 56:56#C> Mk 23:2F#28 #### +n 28:50C
The ,rown o! Thorns is $ressed into the he"d o! +es(s1 +es(s is ocked: <H"i%0 -ing o! the +ewsP=
He is str(ck "nd s$it ($on1
C>71 FR)0 2>:C> AM Pi%"te: ) Find No F"(%t in Hi1
#### #### Lk 5C:5C +n 28:7#8
Pi%"te brings the be"ten "nd b%eeding +es(s o(t in ho$es this wi%% s"tis!' the ob1
He s"'s to the0 <) !ind no !"(%t in Hi1= 3ilate' inredibly' no# asks the people to
let .esus go' as Hit is Rustie.I The re%igio(s %e"ders re!(se "nd c"%% !or cr(ci!i:ion1
"ot #ishing to appear to be the perpetrator o! #hat he himsel! has Rust alled
inRustie' but having no# abandoned his duty as Governor' Pi%"te now s"'s to the
ob0 <T"ke Hi 'o(rse%*es "nd cr(ci!' Hi1= The mob reRets that option b'
@dishonest%'A dec%"ring th"t "ccording to their %"w +es(s (st die1 Herod gets the
point that they are not #illing =in this aseL? to violate the la# o! %ome that
denies them the death penalty.
LNOTE: +es(s e:$%"ins %"ter to M& th"t the +ews re!(sed to e:ec(te Hi these%*es0 "s the' o!ten h"d done with others behind
the b"ck o! Roe0 bec"(se the' did not wish to be "teri"%%' g(i%t' be!ore God o! ki%%ing "n innocent "n1 No one in )sr"e% h"d
$ro*en +es(s to be g(i%t' o! "n'thing contr"r' to "n' %"w0 not to ention "n'thing worth' o! de"th1 The r(%ers o! )sr"e% "ditted
amon' themsel+es th"t +es(s w"s "n innocent "n "nd th"t it w"s !or this *er' re"son He w"s so d"ngero(s1 +es(s w"s cr(ci!ied !or
on%' one re"son: He $resented " thre"t to the re%igio(s order o! th"t d"' which s(r*i*ed on%' b' its s($$ression o! tr(th "nd the
s($$ression o! " $eo$%e who wished !or @"n i%%(sion o!A $e"ce ore th"n tr(th0 righteo(sness "nd K(stice1 The re%igio(s r(%ers
s(cceeded in con*incing the crowd +es(s (st die des$ite the innocence "nd goodness o! +es(s "nd the e*i% o! their %e"ders0 bec"(se to
"%%ow +es(s to %i*e wo(%d be dis"stro(s to their econoic "nd $o%itic"% we%!"re1 The P"% S(nd"' crowd who " week be!ore sho(ted
<Hos"nn" to the -ing= now sho(ted c(rses bec"(se the crowd h"d "%w"'s been ore interested in econoic $ros$erit' "nd sec(rit'
th"n K(stice or righteo(sness
C>31 FR)0 2>:C> AMU Pi%"teHs 9i!e 9"rns Hi1
Mt 56:28 #### #### ####
Claudia 3roula' Pi%"teHs wi!e0 sends " ess"ge o! w"rning to Pi%"te "bo(t
h"ring +es(s1
C>F1 FR)0 R22 AM9e H"*e No -ing /(t ,"es"r1
#### #### Lk 5C:57053 +n 28:2>#23
Pi%"te res$onds to +es(sH si%ence to his ;(estion b' "sking Hi where He c"e
!ro1 Pi%"te then "sks0 <Do 'o( not know th"t ) h"*e the $ower to !ree 'o( or to
cr(ci!' 'o(B= +es(s res$onds0 <Yo( wo(%d h"*e no $ower i! it were not gi*en 'o(
!ro "bo*e1 There!ore0 he th"t h"nded Me o*er to 'o( is ore g(i%t' th"n 'o( "re1=
Pi%"te is now o*ed "nd "g"in tries to re%e"se +es(s1 At this0 the +ews0 to intiid"te
Pi%"te0 "re dri*en to tr' to "ke Pi%"teHs re%(ct"nce to destro' +es(s "$$e"r to be "
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
dis%o'"%t' to ,"es"r1 Th(s the' now bring on these%*es the c(rse o! the doin"tion
b' the Genti%e n"tions (nti% the end o! tie1 <9e h"*e no king b(t ,"es"r0= the' sho(t
to Pi%"te1 ,oncerning the tie +es(s is deli+ered to be cr(ci!ied0 +ohn notes it w"s
<"bo(t the si:th ho(r= or "bo(t noon1 The 3assover lambs began to be sari!ied at
the Temple at noon.
C>61 FR)0 R22:C> AM Pi%"te 9"shes His H"nds1
Mt 56:57#53 #### #### ####
Pi%"te w"shes his h"ndsE the +ews0 incredib%'0 t"ke the g(i%t @the b%oodA o! +es(s
($on these%*es "nd their chi%drenP The g(i%t th"t the' so c"re!(%%' tried to "*oid in
+es(sH de"th b' h"*ing Roe cr(ci!' Hi0 the' now o$en%' "cce$tP 3ilate alls
5onginus the enturion to lead .esus to His e0eution.
C>41 FR)0 R22:C> AM The Sign on the ,ross1
#### #### #### +n 28:28
Pi%"teHs inscri$tion !or the cross raises a round o! obRetions !rom the .e#s'
#hih 3ilate ignores. LNOTE: +ohn $%"ces the obKections o! the +ews %"ter "t the site o! the ,r(ci!i:ion0 b(t The Poem
$%"ces the here "t the tie Pi%"te wrote the sign1 Since +ohn "' be re!erring to " %"ter ro(nd o! obKections0 we %e"*e his record o!
the obKection "t C231M
C>81 FR)0 R22:C> AM Pi%"te De%i*ers +es(s to be ,r(ci!ied1
Mt 56:5Fb Mk 23:23c #### +n 28:2F
Pi%"te gi*es +es(s to the +ews1 .udas arrives at the >pper %oom house =p. 2;;?
and sees Holy Mary' #ho pleads #ith him to repent in order to be !orgiven =p.

C2>1 FR)0 R22:C> AM +es(s is Ag"in Mocked1
Mt 56:C2 Mk 23:5> #### #### FDG
The' c%othe +es(s with His own c%othes1 +es(s is %ed "w"' !ro Pi%"teHs ho(se1
.ohn leaves to get Holy Mary and runs into .udas =p. 2;B?. .udas #anders
around the ountryside =p. 2;A? and eventually ends up on a hill in vie# o!
Golgotha =p. 2;A? at the time o! the rui!i0ion.
C++b7p.2@2 D The &arious Trials. @Gos$e% E$isodes 54F1 to C2>1A
F>>cG$13F4 # +es(s re%"tes His $erson"% tho(ghts on the $erson "nd ch"r"cter o! Pi%"te
to M&1
F>2"G$136C @2#5 PMA # De"th o! +(d"s -erioth L)sc"riotM1 The /eh"*ior o! M"r'
tow"rds +(d"s ,"nce%s E*eHs /e"ring tow"rds ,"in1 @See "t 5861 "nd "t C521A
F>2bG$134> # +es(s coents on the (tter e*i% into which +(d"s !e%% "nd the
deterining $ower o! the h("n wi%%1
F>2cG$1345 # +es(s coents on the re%"tionshi$ he h"d with M"r' "nd the
re%"tionshi$ between Ad" "nd E*e1 The beh"*ior o! M"r' tow"rds +(d"s c"nce%ed
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
E*eHs be"ring tow"rds ,"in1
F>5G$1343 # Other Te"chings on the First P"rents "nd on the P"r"%%e%is between ,"in
"nd +(d"s1 )n "!!iring the $otenti"% o! "n e*o%*ing s$irit("%%' to " higher st"te0 +es(s
distinct%' denies the org"nic or bio%ogic"% e*o%(tion o! "n !ro %ower !ors1
F>CG$138> # +ohn Goes to Get M"r'1 @+es(s h"s K(st been h"nded o*er to the +ews b'
Pi%"te "nd is w"iting to be %ed to His cr(ci!i:ion1A The tie is "ro(nd 22:C> AM
Frid"'1 The woen disci$%es0 we disco*er0 "re in " third "nd se$"r"te roo !ro Ho%'
M"r'1 The' "%so "re noti!ied1
The Way o! the Cross 7$D <@ F3oem Chapters C+@ D C,,G
C221 FR)0 22:C>AM The 9"' o! the ,ross1
#### #### #### +n 28:26 C+@7p.2A<
:e!ore +es(s begins the %ong w"%k to Go%goth" led by the enturion 5onginus'
He is o!!ered a drin/ by the enturion' #ho !eels ompassion !or Him. .esus
drin/s beause He does not #ant to o!!end 5onginus' a pagan.
C251 FR)0 25 Noon 9ee$ Not !or Me b(t !or Yo(rse%*es1
#### #### Lk 5C:56#C5 #### C+@7p.2A;
On the w"' to ,"%*"r' with two other "%e!"ctors0 +es(s eets " n(ber o! His
s($$orters1 He sees the :ethlehem shepherd disiples and tries to smile at them.
5ater' He sees " gro($ o! woen disci$%es0 inluding &eronia' #ho hands .esus a
!ine linen hand/erhie! #ith #hih He ould #ipe His !ae. He presses it upon
His !ae and gives it ba/. Though .esus is ompletely e0hausted' He manages to
co$"ssion"te%' "ddress the0 (rging the not to wee$ o*er Hi b(t !or these%*es1
<D"(ghters o! +er(s"%e0 do not wee$ !or Me111= (hortly a!ter this' Mary and .ohn
ome into .esus9 sight' along #ith Mary and Martha o! :ethany and Mary
(alome o! Uebedee' Mary Clopas7$lphaeus and (usanna =the bride o! Cana?.
C2C1 FR)0 25 Noon Sion be"rs the ,ross o! ,hrist1
Mt 56:C5 Mk 23:52 Lk 5C:5F #### C+@7p.C+*
Sion the ,'rene0 coing !ro the co(ntr'side #ith his art o! vegetables to sell
in the ity' is s(oned by 5onginus to be"r +es(sH cross1 4! the $postles' only
.ohn is present as .esus is led to the ross or during the rui!i0ion. .ohn9s
brother and .ames' the 5ord9s t#o ousins' have ta/en re!uge at 5azarus9
residene. (imon Uealot' as he had promised .esus' has ta/en $ndre#'
:artholome# and Matthe# there' also. 3hilip has run a#ay into the plains
beyond .eriho =C,;7 p.;,2?' and Thomas ta/es re!uge in the grotto #here .esus
#as born. 3eter' a!ter his !ourth denial runs a#ay li/e a madman. He thin/s he
is damned. He goes to the plae #here .esus had been arrested and stays there
until night!all. =(ee C,+7pp. C;2'C;C?

C271 FR)0 25#2PM+es(s Arri*es "t ,"%*"r'1
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
Mt 56:CC Mk 23:55 #### #### C+@7p.C+<
+es(s is "t Go%goth"0 the $%"ce o! ,"%*"r' @%iter"%%' <the $%"ce o! the sk(%%
C231 FR)0 25#2PMThe ,hie! Priests ObKect to the Sign1
#### #### #### +n 28:5>#55 FDG
The +ews rene# their obKections to the sign on the cross1 LNOTE: +ohn "' h"*e been re!erring
to the obKection th"t occ(rred e"r%ier when Pi%"te h"d the sign "de "nd on%' entions it now "t the tie the sign w"s dis$%"'ed1 See
C>41 where The Poem s$e"ks o! the obKections o! the +ews1M
C2F1 FR)0 25#CPMD"rkness ,oes "t Noon1
Mt 56:73 Mk 23:CC Lk 5C:77 #### C+27p.C,+
D"rkness co*ers the %"nd1
C261 FR)0 25#2PMThe F"ith!(% 9oen "t the ,ross1
#### #### #### +n 28:53 C+@7p.C+@
The three M"r's "t the cr(ci!i:ion scene: 9ith +ohn the A$ost%e is Ho%' M"r'0 her
ousin @<sister=A M"r' o! ,%o$"s or A%$h"e(s =#ho #as Holy .oseph9s older
brother?' "nd M"r' M"gd"%ene1 $ little !urther a#ay is Martha =the Magdalene9s
sister?' .ohanna o! Chuza' and her :ethlehem shepherd servant .onathan' 4ld
)liza' $nne o! 5a/e Merom' Mary Clopas9 t#o oldest sons =.oseph and (imon
#ho #ere not $postles?' #ith a group o! other :ethlehem shepherds and !inally
Mary (alome' (usanna o! Cana and $lphaeus o! (arah. $ number o! other
supporters #ho had aompanied .esus to the summit o! Calvary have departed.
They inlude "i/e' (arah' Marella' and the %oman #omen 5ydia' &aleria and
one #ho #as veiled #ho #as ertainly 3ilate9s #i!e Claudia 3roula' as the
soldiers had ta/en orders !rom her.
C241 FR)0 25#2PM+es(s M(st ReKect the Drink L!ro +oh"nn"M !or His Re%ie!1
Mt 56:C70 C6#C4 Mk 23:5C053T#54 Lk5C:CC +n28:24 C+27p.C+C
+es(s0 #hile #aiting rui!i0ion' is o!!ered b(t reKects the drink with 'rrh1 The
drin/ is some#hat o! an anestheti and is given to the enturion 5onginus by
.ohanna o! Chuza !or .esus9 relie!. The vitims are ordered to undress and put
on the riminal rag. Mary no# gives 5onginus the enturion her veil so .esus
an over Himsel!. .esus positions Himsel! on the ross. His riht arm is nailed to
the ross into the predrilled hole through the #rist' not through the palm as
ommonly thought. The hole !or the nail to hold the le!t arm' ho#ever' #as
beyond the #rist area. The e0eutioners pull the left arm to !ore a !it and pull
his arms out o! their so/ets' dis%oc"ting his "rs "nd sho(%ders1 LThis !(%!i%%ed Ps"%
55:27 @52:23 Do("'A1M (till not being suess!ul' they end up nailing the le!t arm
through the palm. This is !ar more pain!ul. The li!ting o! the ross' its !inal drop
into the hole' and its tipping and s#aying movements #hih tossed the impaled
vitim in every diretion until the ross #as stabilized' is an almost unbearable
sene. +es(s is cr(ci!ied with two thie*es1 LNOTE: Th"t the e:ec(tioners wo(%d h"*e n"i%ed thro(gh the
wrists wo(%d h"*e been (nderstood b' *er' !ew (nti% *er' recent%'1 9h"t The Poem re*e"%s is e:"ct%' wh"t the Shro(d o! T(rin
re*e"%s "bo(t the $osition o! the n"i% in right "r1 The Shro(d c%e"r%' shows the right "r $(nct(re in the wrist0 not the $"%1 The
%oc"tion o! the $(nct(re on the %e!t "r is obsc(red b' the $osition o! the right h"nd o*er it1 The is%e"ding rendition o! +ohn 5>:560
where +es(s te%%s the do(bting Tho"s0 <see M' h"nds0= h"s $er$et("ted the $o$(%"r b(t !"%se notion th"t cr(ci!i:ion in*o%*ed the
$iercing o! the $"%s o! the h"nds1 The Greek word <cheir= inc%(ded the wrist1M TLNOTE: M"rkHs re!erence to ,hristHs cr(ci!i:ion
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
"t the third ho(r s$e"ks o! +es(sH tri"% be!ore Pi%"te "t 8 AM which se"%ed His !"te1M
C+@7p.2A< D The Way o! the Cross !rom the 3raetorium to Calvary. @Gos$e%
E$isodes C221 to C241A
C281 FR)0 2 PM The So%diers G"b%e !or +es(sH ,%othes1
Mt 56:C30CF Mk 23:57 Lk 5C:C7b +n 28:5C#57
/esides the %"rge n(ber o! o(nted "nd "red so%diers "t the s(it who h"*e
their e'es on the ob0 there "re ten diso(nted so%diers who "re now g"b%ing !or
+es(sH c%othes1 Mary has speially made this purple garment' suitable !or a Oing
!or this 3assover =C+Ba7p.C2+?. (he understandably grieves over having lost this
and over the inability o! 5onginus to later reloate it among his soldiers.
C5>1 FR)0 2#5PM ,oe Down !ro the ,ross "nd S"*e Yo(rse%!1
Mt 56:C8#77 Mk 23:58#C5 Lk 5C:C3#C4 ####
Now the ins(%ts0 indeent omments and gestures !ro the "ddened re%igio(s
r(%ers "re h(r%ed "t not only +es(s but against the Holy Mother1 <,oe down !ro
the cross "nd s"*e 'o(rse%!1= The ocker' o! the so%diers' ho#ever' #hile sho#ing
an indi!!erene to .esus' is a verbal sho# o! their ontempt !or the ro#d' the
.udeans in partiular. 3i/ing up !rom their mo/ery' HCome do#n and save
8oursel!'I they tell .esus' H(o save 8oursel!L :urn to ashes this suburra o! the
suburraL Do soL %ome #ill . . . #orship 8ou as godLI When the rulers ome
over to Mary Magdalene and threaten to get 5azarus' she !aes them boldly' and
verbally puts them in their plae. (uddenly' !eeling the points o! %oman lanes
in their rears' they run o!! li/e !rightened roosters. M"tthewHs re!erence to both
thie*es re$ro"ching +es(s "nd c(rsing took $%"ce when the' were being h(ng on their
crosses1 @See &0 $1F>61A
C+2a7p.C+2 D The Crui!i0ion. @Gos$e% E$isodes C281 to C5>10 C551to CCF1A
C521 FR)0 2#5 PM +(d"s H"ngs Hise%!1
Mt 56:3b #### #### ####
+(d"s h"ngs hise%! !ro a tree on an estate he had purhased shortly be!ore
#ith money he had gotten !rom spying !or the .e#ish rulers and !rom stolen
money. .udas had remained prostrate on this spot sine about ,,:<+ $M in !ull
sight o! the Crui!i0ion. (eeing the raising o! the ross' he urses .esus. His !ae
onvulses and he ho#ls li/e a #ol!. His eyes roll #ildly. He se"rches !or " tree "nd
then h"ngs hise%!1
C+,a7p.C+2 D The Death o! .udas o! Oerioth. The :ehavior o! Mary to#ards
.udas Canels )ve9s :earing to#ard Cain. @This ch"$ter o! The Poem is $%"ced
here in chrono%ogic"% order1A
C551 FR)0 5 PM The Two Thie*es1
#### #### Lk 5C:C8#72 ####
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
The two thie*es: 9hi%e the one thie! contin(es to c(rse God and deny He e0ists'
the thie! on the right o! .esus' named Disma' having observed the stri/ing
ontrast bet#een .esus and His ausers and revilers and partiularly the grie! o!
the Mother o! .esus' is moved to a deep repentane over his o#n sins that sent
his o#n mother to the grave in grie!. He as/s !or her prayers to !ind !orgiveness.
C5C1 FR)0 5#C PM F"ther0 !orgi*e The1
#### #### Lk 5C:C7" ####
+es(s s$e"ks !or the !irst tie: <F"ther !orgi*e the0 !or the' know not wh"t the'
do1= These #ords give Disma the assurane he needs and so he0 "ddressing +es(s0
"kes his (rgent re;(est: 1 1 1
C571 FR)0 5#C PM Reeber Me when Tho( ,oest into Th' -ingdo1
#### #### Lk 5C:7507C ####
1 1 1 <Lord0 reeber e when 'o( "re in 'o(r kingdo1= +es(s responds #ith a
tortured smile' <) te%% 'o(: tod"' 'o( wi%% be with Me in P"r"diseP= LNOTE: P"r"dise is not
he"*en0 bec"(se +es(s did not go to he"*en (nti% "!ter the Res(rrection1 @See +n 5>:26 "t C7F1A P"r"dise0 "t this tie0 w"s " $%"ce !or
the righteo(s w"iting !or He"*en to be o$ened0 "nd !or soe o! these it w"s " $%"ce o! $re$"r"tion "nd $(rging in "ntici$"tion o! th"t
C531 FR)0 5 #CPM Ho%' M"r' is Gi*en to +ohn "nd the ,h(rch1
#### #### #### +n 28:5F056
+es(s s$e"ks to M"r' concerning +ohn: <9o"n0 this is 'o(r son1= To +ohn He s"'s0 <Son0 this is
'o(r Mother1=
LNOTE: +es(s does not s"'0 <M"r'0= or <Mother0 this is 'o(r son0= bec"(se "t this $oint M"r' His Mother is <The 9o"n= o!
Genesis C "nd Re*e%"tion 250 the <Second E*e1= +es(s is th(s gi*ing to the New E*e the entire h("n !"i%' to other0 es$eci"%%'
tr(e s$irit("% sons0 o! who +ohn w"s ere%' the !irst1M
LNOTE: This "%so is !(rther e*idence th"t M"r' h"d no other chi%dren th"n +es(s1 )! she h"d other chi%dren the' wo(%d be %eg"%%'
re;(ired to c"re !or Her1 ,ert"in%'0 i! "n' o! the !o(r <brothers= o! +es(s h"d been Her sons0 the' wo(%d h"*e been gi*en this
res$onsibi%it'0 $"rtic(%"r%' when two o! the @+(d"s Th"dd"e(s "nd +"esA h"d becoe A$ost%es1M "iodemus and
.oseph o! $rimathea no# appear at the site o! the Crui!i0ion.
C5F1 FR)0 5#C PM M' God0 M' God0 9h' H"st Tho( Fors"ken MeB
Mt 56:7F076 Mk 23:C70C3 #### ####
+es(s sho(ts in " %o(d b(t tort(red *oice0 <E%oi0 E%oi0 %"" sceb"cteniP=

C561 FR)0 5#C PM ) Thirst1
#### #### Lk 5C:73" +n 28:54
The s(n is d"rkenedE a violent #ind is !illing the air #ith dust1 +es(s s"'s0 <)
C541 FR)0 5#C PM +es(s Drinks the P"in!(% O!!ering o! Lo*e !ro " P"g"n So%dier1
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
Mt 56:74078 Mk 23:CF #### +n 28:580C>"
A so%dier gi*es +es(s *ineg"r. He drinks0 beause a re!usal #ould be onsidered
reRetion o! a gi!t o! love !rom a pagan =see hapter C*<7p.;@2' ;@C?' but the
drin/' intended to inrease salivation' only stings his bleeding lips and mouth. It
is the at o! love' ho#ever' !rom this pagan that .esus so deeply appreiates.
5onginus and the soldiers #ho hear the piti!ul' almost delirious e0hanges
bet#een .esus and His Mother are deeply moved.
C581 FR)0 C PM )t is Finished1
#### Mk 23:C6" Lk 5C:7F" +n 28:C>b
+es(s (tters the words0 <E*er'thing is "cco$%ishedP=
CC>1 FR)0 C PM F"ther0 )nto Th' H"nds ) ,oend M' S$irit1
#### #### Lk 5C:7Fb ####
+es(s dec%"res0 <F"ther0 into 'o(r h"nds ) coend M' s$irit1=
CC21 FR)0 C PM +es(sH L"st ,r' w"s <MOTHE 1 1 1=
Mt 56:3> Mk 23:C6b Lk 5C:7Fc +n 28:C>c
A!ter one %"st cr' o! "gon'0 the !irst part o! the #ord HM4TH)%L'I +es(s bows
His he"d "nd dies1
CC51 FR)0 C PMU The Te$%e &ei% is Rent1 M"n' S"ints Rise !ro the De"d1
Mt 56:32#3C Mk 23:C4 Lk 5C:73b ####
)edi"te%'0 lightning begins to ra/ aross the bla/ened s/y' sending do#n
volleys o! thunderous' stri/ing bolts. Then there descends ($on the cit' a yloni
#hirl#ind and " *io%ent e"rth;("ke0 all o! #hih stri/e the ity three times. The
Temple is so sha/en that its massive door is thro#n o!! its hinges and the &ei% o!
the te$%e is rent !ro to$ to botto1 M"n' se$(%chers "re o$ened "nd there "re
those who swore the' see s/eletons' ta/ing h("n "$$e"r"nces0 coing o(t o! the
"nd going "bo(t ausing and ondemning those #ho are guilty o! the deiide.
Many die in the 1ua/e =&'p.;C2?. 5azarus reports that several houses #ere set on
!ire=&' p.A+*?. .ohn reports several houses o! the rulers o! Israel set on !ire =&' p.
;B*? and that the house o! Hel/ai #as ompletely destroyed =&' p. C@<?. The
High 3riest9s house' behind the ity #all' is also stru/ by lightning and athes
!ire. "aham' !ather o! $nnas' the High 3riest is stri/en #ith insanity and his
unnamed son is /illed by a !alling #all =&' p. ;C;?. =(ee C,+7p.C;C !or the
shepherd Isaa9s inredible testimony to the rent Temple&eil.?
CCC1 FR)0 R7 PM +es(sH Side is Pierced1
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
#### #### #### +n 28:C7#C6
$!ter the terrorized ro#d !lees and the remaining !aith!ul #omen disiples
and .ohn pi/ themselves up o!! the ground and reover !rom the sho/'
"iodemus and .oseph o! $rimathea as/ 5onginus !or the body o! .esus and are
told they must get permission !rom 3ilate !or the body' and to also interept a
re1uest o! the .e#s to brea/ His legs' their !inal sarilege. In the meantime' the
cent(rion 5onginus' to avoid any demand to brea/ .esus9 bones' provides another
more honorable proo! o! death' the death o! a #arrior' and so a!ter e0plaining to
Mary and .ohn0 he $ierces His side1
CC71 FR)0 7#3 PM +ose$h o! Ari"the" Asks !or the /od' o! +es(s1
Mt 56:36034 Mk 23:75#73 Lk 5C:3>#35 +n 28:C4
"iodemus and +ose$h o! Ari"the" "re on their w"' to eet with the Procons(%
to obt"in the bod' o! +es(s and a release !rom the order to brea/ His legs #hen
they meet Gamaliel oming !rom the ity' utterly terrorized having seen the
Temple sha/en and deserated and the people o! the ity going mad #ith !ear.
They remember the sign given at the Temple that .esus had promised Gamaliel'
HThese stones #ill shudder at My last #ordsLI
CC31 FR)0 7#3 PM The Ro"n ,ent(rion /e%ie*es1
Mt 56:37#3F Mk 23:C8#72 Lk 5C:76#78 ####
Gamaliel has arrived at Golgotha' and thin/ing .esus to be yet alive' !alls on
his !ae and as/s !or !orgiveness. A Ro"n cent(rion rebu/es him' saying' HGet
up and be silent. It is o! no useL 8ou should have thought o! that previously. He
is dead. $nd I' a heathen' " te%%ing 'o(: this M"n0 Whom you have rui!ied'
w"s re"%%' the Son o! GodP= This soldier is the ommander over the soldier #hom
.esus healed in :ethDHoron !ive months be!ore. He had had a very
meaning!ul onversation #ith .esus' as #ell as being a #itness to that mirale.
.esus had promised him that they #ould meet again on a di!!erent mountain.
=(ee I&' 2,*7p.C*CDC*A and 2,<7p.C<B?
CCF1 FR)0 7#3 PM The +ews Ask !or +es(sH Legs to be broken1
#### #### #### +n 28:C2#CC
To deserate .esus9 body' the +ews "sk !or the %egs to be broken0 but they are
denied beause permission !or e0lusion #as obtained !rom 3ilate through the
interession o! "iodemus and .oseph o! $rimathea. "iodemus and +ose$h o!
Ari"the" h"*e "%so been gi*en the bod' o! +es(s1 $s the body is removed' the le!t
arm !alls #ithout the removal o! the large headed nail' sho#ing #hat is no#
reognized' that the palm annot support any real #eight and thus tore a#ay
!rom the nail. =(ee "ote at <,@.?
C+2a7p.C+2 D The Crui!i0ion. @Gos$e% E$isodes C281 to C5>1E C551 to CCF1A
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
CC61 FR)0 3#F PM +ose$h o! Ari"the" Gi*es his New G"rden Tob !or +es(s1
Mt 56:380F>" Mk 23:7F"0b Lk 5C:3C037 +n 28:7>#75
+es(s is wr"$$ed in " %inen c%oth "nd c"rried down !ro the hi%% o! Go%goth" b'
.ohn' "iodemus and +ose$h o! Ari"the"1 Fo%%owing the "re the woen disci$%es
who "re with Ho%' M"r'0 M"r' M"gd"%ene0 Martha' "nd the woen o! G"%i%ee: M"r'
o! A%$h"e(s0 Mary S"%oe o! Oebedee and (usanna. They have pi/ed up the
nails' the tongs' the ro#n' the sponge and the ane. +es(s is b(ried in +ose$h o!
Ari"the"Hs new g"rden tob1
C+Ca7p.C*B D The :urial o! .esus and the (piritual Distress o! Mary
CC41 FR)0 3#F PM The 9oen "t the Tob !or +es(sH /(ri"%1
Mt 56:F2 Mk 23:76 Lk 5C:33 #### C+CbD
.esus9 body is prepared !or burial #hile the Mother spea/s !rom the deep
state o! Her inredible spiritual distress. This is truly a heartDrending aount o!
Mary9s su!!ering. Deprived o! sleep and sustenane' having endured the vile
insults and this unimaginable inRustie to#ards her (on' the abandonment o! the
Disiples' #hih #ould have /illed any other #oman' she is driven to the point o!
near delirium by the reality that her (on is no# goneX He is dead. (he an no
longer even loo/ into His eyes to tell Him even one more time ho# she loves HimL
(he an do nothing to heal the horrible #ounds on His body' every #ound o!
#hih she also still !eels. $ll she an see is #hat the #orld has done to Him and
the Gi!t' so torn and bruised and old' she gave so the #orld might /no# Him.
/ec"(se "%% si0 woen disci$%es h"*e been here "t the Tob0 the' all know where
to go S(nd"' orning "!ter h"*ing been unintentionally se$"r"ted into three $"rties
in the on!usion reated during the earth1ua/e.
F>FdG$1FC6 # +es(s s$e"ks $%"in%' o! His MotherHs $"rt in rede$tion1 He s"'s
rede$tion w"s not co$%ete with His de"th: <The Mother co$%eted it b' "dding
Her treb%e tort(re to redee the treb%e conc($iscence0 str(gg%ing !or three d"'s "g"inst
S"t"n0 who w"nted to ind(ce Her to den' M' word "nd not to be%ie*e in M'
Res(rrection1 Mary )as the only one )ho contin&ed Lwitho(t "n' do(bt wh"te*erM to
C+CbDd7p.C<+ D The :urial o! .esus and the (piritual Distress o! Mary.
CC81 FR)0 3#F PM The Stone is Ro%%ed O*er the Door1
Mt 56:F>b Mk 23:7Fc #### #### C+;7p.C<B
Finally separating the (orro#!ul Mother !rom the !uneral bed o! Her (on'
+ose$h o! Ari"the" ro%%s " he"*' stone o*er the tob1 Mary9s heart and soul
struggle desperately against the losed tomb and then against the thought that
she must leave the tomb be!ore He rises.
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
C7>1 FR) e*e The ,hie! Priests Ask !or the Tob to be Se"%ed "nd G("rded1
@S"bb"thA Mt 56:F5#FF #### Lk 5C:3F" ####
The Ph"risees coe to se"% the tob "nd set " w"tch1 The Sorrow!(% Mother is
"b%e to det"ch Herse%! !ro the Tob only #hen (he realizes (he must go ba/ and
loo/ !or the $postles' all the others' and espeially .udas and say to him' HHe
!orgives you'I beause Hhe is the biggest sinner1= Th(s M"r' M"gd"%ene "nd the
other woen disci$%es "re "b%e to ret(rn0 #ith .oseph and "iodemus' to the
H(upper %oomI house with the Sorrow!(% Mother1
C+;7p.C<B D The %eturn to the (upper %oom.
F>4"G$1F74 # The Night o! Good Frid"'1 M"r'Hs incredib%e "ng(ish o*er the %oss o!
her Son contin(es with the woen disci$%es "nd +ohn in the <.$$er Roo1=
F>4bG$1F35 # M"r'Hs "ng(ishing %"ent contin(es1 She $%e"ds to Her de$"rted Son to
gi*e Her " sign to co!ort Her in the "gon' o! Her terrib%e %oss1 L+es(s wo(%d not
dis"$$oint His sorrowing MotherP He he"rd Her $r"'er %ong be!ore she $r"'ed0 whi%e
He w"s on His w"' to the cross 1 1 1M
C721 FR) e*e The Pre$"r"tion o! the S$ices1
@S"bb"thA #### Mk 2F:2b0c Lk 5C:3Fb ####
&eronia ="i/e? brings to the #omen and Mary the miraulous image on the
loth she gave .esus on the #ay to the ross. The !ae is a tortured !ae but a
smiling oneL It #as the loving sign !or #hih (he prayedL The woen ollet
embalming spies =Mary Magdalene' !rom her .erusalem mansion and &aleria'
!rom her %oman !riends' 3lautina and Claudia? "nd plan later to $(rch"se aloe
and myrrh through the shepherd Isaa =pCC<?. The woen0 Mary Magdalene'
Mary (alome' Martha' (usanna and Mary Clopas then $re$"re the s$ices they
already have.
F>8G$1FFF # The Redeeing &"%(e o! +es(sH "nd M"r'Hs S(!!erings1 +ohn is He"d o! the
Lo*ers1 @+es(s gi*es $erson"% insights to M&1A
C751 SAT d"' Resting on the S"bb"th1
@S"bb"thA #### #### Lk 5C:3Fc +n 28:C8
The woen rest but om!ort one another. They are visited in the room ne0t to
the H>pper %oomI by Manaen' Isaa the shepherd' 5onginus the Centurion'
#ho brought the spear head' .ohanna o! Chuza' .onathon' .oseph and
"iodemus' #ho brought bags o! myrrh and aloes =saving the #omen !rom
purhasing them HillegallyIon the (abbath' though the (aturday (abbath #as
no# voided?' (usanna9s husband' Uebedee' and (imon and .oseph o! $lphaeus.
.ohn' having gone out to !ind 3eter and the Isariot at the re1uest o! the Holy
Mother' omes ba/ #ith the terrible ne#s o! the Isariot9s suiide and the still
missing 3eter. $t Mary9s re1uest' .ohn leaves again to !ind 3eter. $s dar/ness
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
settles' Mary retires to her room one again to pray !or the strength to believe
Hon behal! o! everybodyLI
C,+7p.C;* D The Holy (aturday.
F22G$1F42 # The Night o! Ho%' S"t(rd"'1 Ho(rs %"ter in the night0 M"r' o! A%$h"e(s
!inds Ho%' M"r'0 h"*ing h"d no s%ee$ !or c%ose to three d"'s0 on her knees be!ore the
<*eronic"0= sti%% $r"'ing1 Ho%' M"r' ends ($ conso%ing her sister#in#%"w in her distress
o*er her two sons0 +(d"s Th"dd"e(s "nd +"es0 !or "b"ndoning +es(s1 +ohn then
!in"%%' coes b"ck0 h"*ing !o(nd in Gethse"ne both Peter "nd the "nt%e o! +es(s
th"t is torn "nd co*ered with b%ood1 Since the )sc"riotHs 'e%%ow "nt%e w"s there "nd
the te"rs were !ro h("n teeth "rks0 the' conc%(de +(d"s w"s res$onsib%e1 Peter0
not thinking he co(%d e*er be !orgi*en0 resists +ohnHs "n' "tte$ts to bring hi b"ck
to M"r'0 (nti% it w"s %"te "t night1 9hen he coes he sits o(tside the door0 wee$ing0
re!(sing to coe in e*en "!ter M"r' herse%! c"%%s hi1 Once "g"in ignoring her own
grie!0 she h"s to go to the door "nd $ick hi ($ !ro the gro(nd1 9h"t tender he"%ing
co(nse% is then gi*en to this broken "nP The' e*ent("%%' "%% retire "nd !"%% "s%ee$ 1 1 1
e:ce$t the be"(ti!(% Morning St"r0 who c"n do nothing b(t $r"'1
The %esurretion o! 4ur 5ord .esus Christ 7$D <@ F3oem Chapters C,*a D C<@G
F25"G$1F8> # The Morning o! the Res(rrection1 )t is sti%% *er' d"rk "s the woen
disci$%es !inish $re$"ring the ointents1 Peter begins "g"in " terrib%e %"ent o*er his
!"i%(re1 M"r' M"gd"%ene con!ronts hi kind%' b(t direct%' "nd $ower!(%%'1 9h"t "
At the ention o! +es(sH res(rrection0 Peters shows his (nbe%ie! which both dee$%'
grie*e "nd "nger the M"gd"%ene1 She $%"ns to $re$"re Ho%' M"r'Hs roo0 which is
ne"r the <.$$er Roo0= !or +es(sH ret(rn Mond"' e*ening0 "nd %ock K(st the two o!
the together into it1 To Ho%' M"r' she then s"'s0 <The rest0 the others who do not
be%ie*e0 we wi%% %ock the in o*er there with their do(bts1= Ag"in it is the M"gd"%ene0
bec"(se o! her tender %o*e !or +es(s0 th"t en"b%es her to "ss(re Ho%' M"r' to st"'
behind whi%e she "nd the other !o(r woen go to c"re !or +es(sH bod'1 +ohn st"'s
behind with Ho%' M"r' "nd Peter0 who h"s "g"in hidden hise%! in grie! o*er his sin1
M"r' sends +ohn o(t to !ind "nd inister to hi1
F25bG$1F8F # Ho%' M"r' contin(es her $r"'ers !or " h"stening o! the res(rrection o!
Her Son whi%e the woen "re on their w"' to the tob1 @See C771 be%owA
F25cG$1F84 # She is sti%% $r"'ing so e"rnest%' th"t She does not notice the e"rth;("ke
th"t coes " %itt%e %"ter1 @See C731 be%owA
C7C1 S.N0 3AM The 9oen Set O(t Together !or the Tob1
D"rk Mt 54:2 Mk 2F:2"0 50C Lk 57:2 +n 5>:2" C,27p.;+@
M"r' M"gd"%ene0 a!ter starting out #ith the #hole group' decides it best to go
"%one to the tob to see ho# ooperative the guards #ould be in removing the
stone and i! neessary to buy them o!!. Martha and Mary Clopas go to get
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
.oanna. (usanna and Mary (alome go to the ity #alls and #ait !or them. So
besides M"r' M"gd"%ene0 who is !irst "t the tob0 there "re =beause o! the pani
reated by the 1ua/e?0 these two other gro($s o! woen who wo(%d end ($ "t the
tob se$"r"te%'1 LNOTE: Another incredib%e sign o! the di*ine ins$ir"tion o! The Poem is !o(nd here1 9h' "n' gro($ o!
woen @%et "%one three se$"r"te gro($s o! woenA wo(%d e*en think o! "$$ro"ching " tob se"%ed "nd g("rded b' Ro"n so%diers0
with eb"%ing s$ices0 e:$ecting entr"nce0 is i$ossib%e to (nderst"nd1 This is "n "bnor"%it'0 which The Poem neither o*er%ooks
nor !"i%s to co$%ete%' e:$%"in "nd "t the s"e tie "king co$%ete sense o! "n otherwise ho$e%ess%' con!(sing Res(rrection
"cco(nt1 The e:$%"n"tion is $ro!o(nd0 considering the n(ber o! co$%e: !"ctors th"t need to be bro(ght together "nd considering
th"t the so%(tion is so n"t(r"% "nd %ogic"%0 re;(iring no stretch o! "n'oneHs i"gin"tion1 How this stor' coes together b' the
in!or"tion in The Poem $oints to soething be'ond h("n cre"ti*it'1M
C,27p.;+@ D The 3ious Women at the (epulher. @Gos$e% E$isodes C7C1 c C731
C771 S.N0 3AM The Tob is O$ened b' Ange%ic Force1
D"rkMt 54:5#7 #### #### #### C,<7p.CAB
There is " gre"t e"rth;("ke1 An Ange% o! the Lord descends !ro He"*en1 His
"$$e"r"nce is %ike a very bright meteor' li/e a sphere o! !ire' %ike %ightening1 There
is a great roarX the ollision #ith the stone /no/s it do#n to the ground'
terroriIing the g("rds1 The' dro$ "s de"d en to the gro(nd1 The tomb is !illed
#ith light and soon the :ody is !illed #ith li!e. The :ody no# moves' stands'
and' blazing #ith light' #al/s out o! the tomb bet#een t#o brilliant angeli
beings. The %esurretion is at 2 $M LNOTE: +es(s te%%s M& th"t he died "t C PM Frid"' "nd w"s C4 ho(rs
witho(t %i!e1 @See &0 $1625AM
C,<7p.CAB D The %esurretion.
F27G$16>2 # +es(s A$$e"rs to His Mother1 M"r' is $rostr"te with her !"ce on the !%oor
in the roo ne:t to the <.$$er Roo1= )t wo(%d be !oo%ish0 howe*er0 to think th"t in
ind "nd s$irit she co(%d not "%so be !o%%owing the M"gd"%ene to the tob1 A c%osed
window is o$ened with " %o(d noise "nd M"r' r"ises her he"d to see1 There she sees
her Son0 "s bri%%i"nt "s the s(n1
C731 S.N0 3AM M"r' M"gd"%ene R(ns Fro the Tob to the .$$er Roo1
D"rk #### #### #### +n 5>:2b#C" C,27p.;+C
M"r' M"gd"%ene0 near the tomb but not in sight o! it' is Rolted by the 1ua/e.
(he sees the bright light desend and is almost thro#n on the ground as it passes
near her. She r(ns to the tob in time to see the guards' !rozen in !ear on the
ground' as dead1 She is not thinking res(rrection but o! some /ind o! divine
punishment !or these #ho have seemingly deserated the tomb o! .esus. A!ter "%%0
it is not 65 ho(rs b(t on%' CF ho(rs since his b(ri"%1 She !orgets her ompanions'
#ho are #aiting !or her #ord' and r(ns b"ck to Peter "nd +ohn1 4ut o! earshot o!
Holy Mary' she te%%s o! wh"t she tho(ght w"s " horrib%e desecr"tion "t the tob1 A%%
three r"ce b"ck to the tob1
C,27p.;+@ D The 3ious Women at the (epulher. @Gos$e% E$isodes C7C1 c C731
C7F1 S.N0 3AM Three Gro($s o! 9oen0 M"r' M"gd"%ene "nd the LFi*eM &isits to the Tob1
D"wn Mt 54:3#2> Mk 2F:7#22 Lk 57:5#25 +n 5>:Cb#24 C,27p.;+C
)n the e"ntie0 and be!ore the three arrive' (usanna and (alome' beause o!
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
the haos reated by the 1ua/e' deide to go to the tob #ithout #ord !rom
Mary Magdalene. The' "rri*e "t the tob "nd see "n "nge%0 who s"'s0 <He is not
here1 He h"s risen1= The' "re terri!ied1 The' <de$"rt with gre"t !e"r= @Mt1 54:4"A1 @)t
is the M"gd"%ene0 "nd %"ter Mary o! $lphaeus' Martha and .ohanna who "re
s$oken o! in Mt1 54:4b "s de$"rting in Ko' "nd te%%ing the Disci$%es1A (usanna and
(alome thin/ (atan may have deeived them. The' go b"ck to the H>pper
%oomI #here they #eep and pray witho(t te%%ing "n'one wh"t the' s"w1
Peter0 +ohn "nd M"r' M"gd"%ene now "rri*e "t the tob "nd see the e$t' gr"*e1
Finding it e$t'0 Peter "nd +ohn ret(rn in gre"t distress1 3eter is surer than ever
there ould no# be no resurretion' b(t M"r' M"gd"%ene st"'s "nd wee$s1 She is
th(s $ri*i%eged to be the !irst to see the Lord =a!ter Holy Mary?. M"r' M"gd"%ene0
who sees +es(s0 then r(ns to the <.$$er Roo= to te%% Peter "nd +ohn1
While the Magdalene is running ba/ to the >pper %oom' the third gro($ o!
woen0 M"r' o! A%$h"e(s0 Martha and +oh"nn"0 get to the tob "nd see t)o "nge%s
who te%% the +es(s is "%i*e "nd th"t the' "re to te%% the Disci$%es1 The' "%so r(sh b"ck
"nd te%% Peter "nd +ohn =#ho had Rust heard Mary Magdalene9s report o! seeing
.esus?1 $t this' (usanna and (alome no# on!ess #hat they have seen and have
#ithheld !rom everyone out o! !ear o! having been deeived. Peter "nd +ohn
h"*ing now he"rd the witness o! three gro($s o! woen0 still remain in &n-elief?
Mary o! $lphaeus and (alome =one o! the H!ear!ulI #omen?0 to settle their
o#n doubts' return to the tomb. They see only an empty tomb' but on the w"'
b"ck0 near :arnabas9 /ithen garden' the' see +es(s0 !"%% "t His !eet0 ho%d His !eet
"nd worshi$ Hi1 )n " tender correction !or (alome' He s"'s0 <Fe"r notP= These also
report the good ne#s and Peter still does not belie#e9 It is only #hen Holy Mary
hersel! !inally brea/s her long inredible silene about His visit to her that 3eter
omes to aept .esus9 resurretion as at least most probable9 LNOTE: There were three
gro($s o! woen th"t initi"%%' *isit the Tob "nd " !o(rth gro($ th"t %"ter re*isits: 2A M"r' M"gd"%ene0 who "%so *isits the second
tie with Peter "nd +ohnE 5A The !e"r!(% woen0 S(s"nn" "nd M"r' S"%oeE CA The Ko'!(% woen0 M"r' o! A%$h"e(s0 M"rth" "nd
+oh"nn"E "nd 7A the re*isit b' M"r' o! A%$h"e(s "nd S"%oe1 +ohnHs "cco(nt on%' co*ers the *isit o! the M"gd"%ene1 M"tthew
inc%(des e%eents o! the *isits o! "%% three gro($s0 the M"gd"%ene @*12A0 S(s"nn" "nd S"%oe @**1 3#4"A0 the M"gd"%eneHs Ko'!(%
witness cobined with the Ko'!(% witness o! M"r' o! A%$h"e(s0 M"rth" "nd +oh"nn" @*14"A "nd the %"ter enco(nter with +es(s ne"r
/"rn"b"sH kitchen g"rden o! M"r' o! A%$h"e(s "nd S"%oe0 who where coing b"ck !ro their second *isit @*180 2>A1 M"rk @**0 3#
4A co*ers the *isit o! S(s"nn" "nd S"%oe "nd then the !irst *isit o! the M"gd"%ene @**18#22A1 L(ke is the on%' re"% "cco(nt o! the
*isit o! M"r' o! A%$h"e(s0 M"rth" "nd +oh"nn" @**1 5#8A1 He "%so entions PeterHs r"ce to the tob in res$onse to the M"gd"%eneHs
!irst distressing re$ort "nd the A$ost%esH (nbe%ie! @**12>#25A1M The ,h(rchHs !irst *ision"ries0 there!ore0 "re
M"r' M"gd"%ene0 M"r' S"%oe @o! +"esA0 +o"nn" o! ,h(I"0 Martha' Mary o!
$lphaeus and (usanna o! Cana1
C,27p.;+@ D The 3ious Women at the (epulher. @Gos$e% E$isodes C7C1 c C731
C761 S.N0 3AM The G("rds "re /ribed to Lie "nd "re Gi*en " F"%se Ass(r"nce o! Protection1
D"wn Mt 54:22#23 #### #### ####
A!ter !irst gi*ing witness to others in +er(s"%e o! the Res(rrection0 the g("rds t"ke
" bribe to den' their stor' "nd %ie @see ch"$ter F52G$1654A1 The' "re to%d to s"' th"t
the Disci$%es h"*e coe "nd sto%en the /od' whi%e the' were "s%ee$0 and that they
lied #hen they said He had risen !rom the dead beause they #ere a!raid o! being
punished !or having gone to sleep. The .e#ish rulers deeit!ully promise to
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
intervene on their behal! to save their lives !or saying they had !allen asleep' but'
o! ourse' do not.
C,27p.;+@ D The 3ious Women at the (epulher. @Gos$e% E$isodes C7C1 c C731
F2FG$1625 # ,oent on the Res(rrection1 +es(s $%"in%' st"tes th"t the !er*ent
$r"'ers o! His Mother h"stened His Res(rrection1 Three d"'s "nd three nights "re 65
ho(rs1 +es(s s"'s He died "t C PM Frid"' "nd th"t He w"s witho(t %i!e !or C4 ho(rs1
This e"ns he rose "t 3 AM on S(nd"' orning0 C7 ho(rs short o! the 651 He s$e"ks
o! the two "nge%s th"t were with Hi when He c"e to re*i*e His bod' in the tob1
He s$e"ks o! the s'bo%is o! the stricken so%diers who do not discern the $"ssing b'
o! the Etern"% God "nd the e"ning o! "$$e"ring !irst to His Mother "nd then to the
F26G$1623 @4 # 8 AMA # +es(s A$$e"rs to L"I"r(s1 L"I"r(s is the !irst witness to the
Disci$%es "t his est"te o! +es(sH res(rrection1 +es(s now w"nts L"I"r(s to te%% "%% the
disci$%es to go o*er to the <.$$er Roo= where the woen disci$%es0 Peter "nd +ohn
"re together1 D(ring this tie0 +ose$h o! Ari"the" h(rr' o*er to the tob0 which is
on his own est"te ne"r Go%goth"1 He $icks ($ the c%e"n shro(d in which +es(s h"d
been wr"$$ed @which w"s !o(nd ro%%ed ($ inside the *ei%A "nd the soi%ed sheet in which
+es(s w"s %owered !ro the cross "nd bro(ght to the tob1 These wi%% be entr(sted to
L"I"r(s0 !or he is sti%% in !"*or with Roe1 The +ews wo(%d not d"re bother hi @see
ch"$ter F7>0 $18>20 8>5A1

F24G$165> @"$:12> AMA # +es(s A$$e"rs to +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"1 +es(s enco(r"ges her
concerning ,h(I"0 her h(sb"nd0 who is terri!ied o*er their $"st "ssoci"tion with +es(s
now th"t He h"s been condened "nd cr(ci!ied1 +es(s s$e"ks how he "$$e"red to
their %itt%e M"r' "nd M"thi"s e*en be!ore He w"s r"ised $h'sic"%%' !ro the de"d1
F28G$165C @"$:122 AMA # +es(s A$$e"rs to +ose$h o! Ari"the"0 to Nicode(s "nd to
M"n"en1 )n gre"t !e"r o! being "rrested b' going to the S($$er Roo ho(se in
+er(s"%e0 M"n"en Koins +ose$h "nd Nicode(s in the %itt%e ho(se in the o%i*e gro*e
on the Mo(nt o! O%i*es1 As M"n"en !in"%%' decides to go to the S($$er Roo ho(se0
e*en "t the risk o! his %i!e0 +es(s "$$e"rs to the1

F5>G$1653 @"ro(nd noonA # +es(s A$$e"rs to the She$herds1 The' "re on their w"' to
the S($$er Roo ho(se !ro /eth"n'1
C741S.N0 C PM +es(s A$$e"rs to Two Disci$%es going to E"(s1
#### Mk 2F:2502C Lk 57:2C#C3 #### C*,7p.;*;
Disci$%es o! E"(s0 ,%eo$"s =son o! the !ormer hie! o! the synagogue in
)mmaus #ith the same name? "nd (imon =his !atherDinDla#?' w"%k with +es(s to
E"(s1 @See "%so )0 $16FC#6F6 where +es(s is "t the ho(se with o%d ,%eo$"s0 his wi!e
"nd 'o(ng ,%eo$"s "nd his wi!e1A
C*,7p.;*; D .esus $ppears to the Disiples o! )mmaus.
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
F55G$16C3 # +es(s A$$e"rs to Other Friends1 To the dis"' o! the Disci$%es "t the
<S($$er Roo= ho(se0 +es(s h"s "$$e"red to "n' others whi%e the' h"*e been
ignoredP )n "nother roo0 se$"r"te !ro the <L"st S($$er= roo0 there "re "n'
$eo$%e0 inc%(ding the !"ith!(% woen disci$%es0 the she$herds "nd "%% the Disci$%es0
"cce$t Tho"s1 The Disci$%es "re gre"t%' h(b%ed to disco*er th"t ost "%% h"*e seen
+es(s e:ce$t the1 To "ke "tters worse !or the0 the' "re Koined b' " gro($ o!
Ro"n woen escorted b' Longin(s0 the cent(rion0 "nd "nother Ro"n so%dier who
h"*e "%% either seen the res(rrected ,hrist or he"rd His *oice1 To Ho%' M"r' the'
"ddress their "$$e"%: <9e wi%% coe to Yo( to be t"(ght (nti% the' @"nd the' $oint to
the Disci$%esA "%%ow (s to s"' th"t we "re o! +es(s1=

C781 S.N0 E*e The Ten Disci$%es Fin"%%' See the Res(rrected Lord1
#### Mk 2F:27 Lk 57:CF#78 +n 5>:280 5> C*<7p.;<;
>pper %oom: )t is %"te e*ening1 The Disci$%es0 witho(t Tho"s0 "re "%% "%one1
The' h"*e !inished e"ting1 )veryone else has either departed or are asleep in the
other rooms. The' "re w"iting !or a promised "$$e"r"nce o! the M"ster1 Their
onversations are !ragmentary. They are 1uite subdued. $s muh as they desire
to see the 5ord' they !ear having to !ae Him. There is a bright !lash as +es(s
s(dden%' "$$e"rs1 The' "re !rightened1 The' re"in "s !roIen "s st"t(es !or soe
tie even a!ter the 5ord spea/s to them. 4nly a!ter the Lord e"ts with the does
anyone even spea/. .esus then ans#ers something that has deeply bothered
them all. Why has .esus appeared to almost everyone else and not to them' and
#hy #as Mary Magdalene the !irst one =a!ter His Mother? to see HimE Why did
they not have the /ind o! believing soul that 5azarus' the #omen and even the
%oman ladies hadE
C3>1 S.N0 E*e Recei*e Ye the Ho%' Ghost1
#### #### #### +n 5>:52#57 C*<7p.;@;
>pper %oom: $!ter .esus tells the plain truth about their preRudies and pride
and the need o! this time o! humiliation !or them' He !orgives them and o!!ers
the His $e"ce1 He sends the into the wor%d0 i$"rts to the the Ho%' S$irit "nd
"(thoriIes the "%% to !orgi*e or ret"in the sins o! "n1
C*<7p.;<; D .esus $ppears to the Ten $postles. @Gos$e% E$isodes C781 "nd C3>1A
C321 L A$ri% Tho"s is !in"%%' Fo(nd "nd bro(ght /"ck1 He Does Not /e%ie*e1
#### #### #### +n 5>:53
The #ee/ !ollo#ing the %esurretion in the >pper %oom: Tho"s0 having
been !ound in the :ethlehem Grotto o! .esus9 birth by )lias' one o! the original
:ethlehem shepherds' h"s been $ers("ded to ret(rn soetie d(ring the week
!o%%owing Res(rrection S(nd"'1 He is now with the other Disci$%es in the H>pper
%oom.I He c"nnot be%ie*e +es(s h"s $h'sic"%%' res(rrected1 His doubt is not in
.esus as Messiah or as being truly God. He does not believe .esus #as physially
resurreted beause he does not thin/ He #ould any longer ome among them
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
#ho loved Him so little. LNOTE: The ke' to (nderst"nding Tho"sH <(nbe%ie!= w"s the !"ct th"t it w"s Tho"s in
the *er' beginning who h"d0 o*er +(d"s )sc"riotHs own origin"% re%(ct"nce0 con*inced hi to becoe " Disci$%e o! +es(s1 Tho"s
con!esses his dee$ reorse o*er this to +(d"s Th"dde(s !o(r onths be!ore0 b(t w"s not "b%e to be%ie*e th"t soething not done o(t o!
"%ice in*o%*ed no g(i%t1 His %"ck o! !"ith in the res(rrection0 then0 w"s b"sed0 "ccording to +es(s0 on " ore serio(s error0 %"ck o!
!"ith in the ho%iness o! the K(stice o! God1 @See )&0 324G$1FF5AM
C*@a7p.;@; D The Inredulity o! Thomas. .esus9 Warnings to the HThomasesI o!
F57bG$1632 # +es(s %"ents !or the Tho"sH o! tod"' who contin(e to do(bt the
tre"s(res o! the re*e%"tions o! His %i!e gi*en e*en in these )or*s th"t h"*e coe to (s
thro(gh the !"ith!(% "nd s(!!ering $en"n0 M"ri" &"%tort"P
C3512 L A$ri%0 S(nTho"s Fin"%%' Sees the Res(rrected Lord1
#### #### #### +n 5>:5F#58 C*27p.;22
4ne #ee/ a!ter the %esurretion in The .$$er Roo: +es(s "$$e"rs1 Thomas
must be alled t#ie be!ore he approahes the 5ord. )ven then he must be
oa0ed to ome loser. +es(s s"'s0 HCome here' 1uite lose to me. 5oo/. P(t 'o(r
!inger0 i! it is not su!!iient !or you to loo/0 into the wo(nds o! your master. Give
Me your hand. 3ut your !inger here' put your !ingers "nd "%so 'o(r h"nd0 i! you
#ish so' into ' side "nd do not do(bt0 b(t be%ie*e1=
C*27p.;2< D .esus $ppears to the $postles #ith Thomas. (peeh on 3riesthood.
F5FG$16F2 @E M"'0 ne:t d"'0 Mon1A # At Gethse"ne with the A$ost%es1 Fro the
.$$er Roo0 +es(s %e"ds the A$ost%es o(t tow"rd Gethse"ne1 On the w"' o(t the
door0 He dis"$$e"rs0 "nd the' (st !"ce the hosti%it' in the cit' "%one1 A%ong the w"'
the' "re con!ronted b' " wo"n who0 recogniIing the "s deserters o! the Lord0
he"$s ($on the her right%' deser*ed conte$t1 +es(s re"$$e"rs "nd t"kes the to
Gethse"ne0 where the' "re "%% torn b' reorse1 +es(s reinds the0 <reorse is "
good !riend in good $eo$%e1= +es(s $r"'s the O(r F"ther "nd te"ches !ro it1
C3515 E M"'0 Mon +es(s $roises signs "nd ir"c%es in His n"e1
#### Mk 2F:2F#24 #### #### C*;7p.;B@
(ame day: The grieving $postles start out alone !or Golgotha in the heat o!
midday as .esus instruted them to do. Here they #ould ma/e up !or their
!ailure to aompany the (avior #hen He #as being rui!ied. .ohn points out
to the rest every horrible event along that #ay #hih beome li/e /nives in all
their hearts. $t the summit o! the hill #here the .esus had sari!ied Himsel!'
they all !all on the ground and #eep. .esus appears as they ma/e their !inal
suppliation in the 4ur Father on their /nees' Hdeliver us !rom evil.I
C*;7p.;;B D The $postles Go along the Way o! the Cross.
C3C1 E M"'0 T(e +es(s A$$e"rs "%% o*er )sr"e% in the S"e D"' to Deonstr"te His Oni$resence1
#### #### #### +n 5>:C>0C2 C*B7p.;A*
"e0t day: The "n' other signs o! which +ohn s$e"ks took $%"ce between His
"$$e"r"nce to Tho"s "nd His "$$e"r"nce "t the Se" o! Tiberi"s in C371. Indeed' the
!ollo#ing miraulous appearanes o! .esus did our on this Tuesday to various
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
people in di!!erent plaes in Israel almost at the same time: To $nnaleah9s
motherX to Mary o! (imon at Oerioth =the Isariot9s godly mother?X $nne' the
mother o! .oanna and old $naniasX to the hildren o! .uttah #ith their mother
(arahX to young .aia' at 3ellaX to .ohn o! "obX to Matthias' the old solitary man
near .abeshDGileadX to $braham o! )ngedi' #ho dies in His armsX to )liRah' the
)ssene o! Mount CherithX to Doras and her hild in the astle o! Caesarea
3hilippiX to the people gathered in the synagogue o! OedeshX to a group o! rabbis
at GisalaX to .oahim and Mary o! :ozrahX to Mary o! .aob at )phraimX to
(yntyhe at $ntiohX to Uaharias' the 5eviteX to a #oman o! the (haron plainX
to some shepherds on the Great HermonX at (idon' to the little boy born blindX
to .ohanan9s peasantsX to Daniel' a relative o! Hel/ai' the 3harisee' #ith (imon'
the member o! the (anhedrinX and to a Galilean #oman named %ahael in the
)sdraelon plain.
C*B7p.;A* # .esus $ppears to &arious 3eople in &arious 3laes.
C371 E M"' Peter Does His Pen"nce "nd is ,on!ired in His O!!ice o! ,hie! She$herd1
#### #### #### +n 52:2#5C C*A7p.B*<
During the ne0t seven days on the southeastern shores o! G"%i%ee: +es(s h"s
bre"k!"st with seven A$ost%es who h"*e gone !ishing1 Though they #ere told to go
to Mount Tabor and #ait !or Him' .esus does not ondemn them !or !ishing' as
they #ere in need o! !ood and money and they did not #ant to ta/e advantage o!
the hundreds o! disiples gathering at Mount Tabor. .esus does tell them that
!rom no# on they should be the ones to pray and ounsel pilgrims and believers
and send others to obtain !ood and money #hen needed. A!ter bre"k!"st o! !ish
!ro the ir"c(%o(s h"(% "nd bre"d !ro +es(s0 Peter is "sked "bo(t his %o*e !or the
Lord1 PeterHs *er' odest tri$%e con!ession o! his %o*e !or the Lord re!%ects "
re"rk"b%e new h(i%it'1 +es(s h"d "sked hi i! he %o*ed Hi (ncondition"%%' @"g"$e
%o*eA1 Peter d"res on%' to con!ess "!!ection !or Hi @$hi%eo %o*eA1 He th(s "dits th"t
his %o*e !"%%s short o! wh"t it sho(%d be and is not any 'reater than the other Disciples
as he had at one time tho&'ht? 9ith e"ch h(b%e con!ession his $onti!ic"% $riest%'
coission is "!!ired "s ,hie! She$herd o! the ,h(rch: <Feed M' %"bs111 Feed M'
%"bs111 Feed ' shee$1= .esus then says' H8our treble pro!ession o! love has
anelled your trebleT denial. 8ou are ompletely pure... .I .esus then sends
them o!! to Mount Tabor. TLNOTE: <treb%e= is s'bo%ic o! soething co$%ete1 Peter "ct("%%' denied the Lord
!o(r ties1 @See 5871AM
C*A7p.B*< D .esus $ppears on the (hores o! the 5a/e. The Mission Con!erred to
C331 M M"'0 S"t The Disci$%es "t Mo(nt LT"borM with !i*e H(ndred /e%ie*ers1
Mt 54:2F026 #### #### #### C<+7p.B*A
Three #ee/s a!ter the %esurretion' +es(s is "t Mo(nt T"bor with the e%e*en
Disci$%es and 2++ believers. The ro#d has gathered hal!#ay up the Mountain'
not at the summit #here .esus #as trans!igured. There had been up#ards to
,'2++ see/ers o! the resurreted 5ord #aiting here sine early May' but many
#ent a#ay #ith those #ho had said they had seen .esus in this or that plae'
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
hoping to see Him #ithout #aiting !or Him to appear in the Mountain. .esus
ma/es a strong point !or obediene over this' as they had all been told to go to
Mount Tabor and #ait !or Him. LNOTE: +es(s h"d w"rned His Disci$%es th"t their eneies wo(%d de%iber"te%'
send word o(t th"t He h"d "$$e"red @ret(rnedA "nd w"s in this or th"t $%"ce to dr"w the o(t to c"$t(re the1 See "t 53>1 Mt1
57:5CE Mk 2C:55M
.esus then desribes #hat His Churh #ould be li/e. It #ould have' as all
organisms must have' a hierarhy. It #ould be united and brotherly' under the
leadership o! 3eter and his successors until the end of time. 5ove must al#ays
prevail. .esus tells them to do as He did #ith .udas. The e0treme pain and deep
sorro# o! .esus' #hih is lear to see as He spea/s o! .udas' is a real sho/ to
them all. That .esus is still su!!ering is so distress!ul to .ohn the $postle that he
ries out to .esus' HDo not su!!erL Do not su!!erLI He tells them He #ill have
muh more to su!!er until the end o! the age' but that they are to ome to
:ethany t#enty days be!ore 3enteost =Mid .une? !or a seond 3assover in late
May @see N(bers 8:2> !!1A
He then arranges to see the $postles and the original H;*I #ho are present to
meet #ith Him the ne0t day at da#n. These #ould beome the !irst priests o! the
ne# Churh =see C<,7p.B@+?.
C<+7p.B*A D .esus $ppears on Mt. Tabor to the $postles and $bout Five Hundred
C3F1M M"'0 S(n The Gre"t ,oission1 The L"st te"chings /e!ore Ascension1
#### Mk 2F:23 #### #### C<,7p.B2@
"e0t day' on a mountain near "azareth: The ,, $postles and many o! the
H;*I disiples are present. .esus spea/s o! :aptism as a (arament' removing
original sin and the need o! that #ashing be!ore being #orthy to ta/e The :ody
o! Christ or being %eDon!irmed in grae by the in!using o! the Holy (pirit.
LNOTE: The disci$%es o! A$o%%o in E$hes(s who knew on%' the b"$tis o! +ohn the /"$tist h"d to be b"$tiIed in the n"e o! the
Lord +es(s in order !or the to recei*e the Ho%' S$irit1 @See Acts 28:2#FAM He instruts them in ho# to Rudge
the severity o! sin' #hen to be severe' #hen to remit and #hen to retain and
#hen to e0ommuniate. In regard to Marriage' .esus says that in the ne#
Christian religion He #ants it to be a Hsared indissoluble atI #herein the t#o
#ill beome Hministers . . . in the propagation o! the human raeI and #arns o!
oming to allo# in the Churh #hat Moses had to allo# in Israel in regard to the
dissolution o! marriage. The %ite o! $nointing o! 4il and 5ast %ites are also
Finally' .esus spea/s most solemnly o! the perpetuation o! the 3riesthood. He
spea/s at great length o! the great threat to the Churh and the entire #orld
H#hen the abomination o! desolation #ill a!!et the ne# 3riesthood.I .esus
presents a !rightening piture o! the storm o! opposition to the !aith and the
!aith!ul that #ill ome. There #ill be a time #hen many priests H#ill have only
the garment and not the soul o! a priest . . . When all the boo/s #ill replae the
:oo/' and this #ill be used . . . mehanially . . . #ithout meditating . . . The
Gospel #ill be taught sienti!ially #ell' spiritually badly . . . I truly tell you that
the time #ill ome in #hih too many among the 3riests #ill be li/e s#ollen
stra# sta/s . . . Can stra# be enoughE It is not even su!!iient !or the stomah
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
o! a beast . . . :ut you' 3onti!! F3eterG' and you' (hepherds' #ath that the spirit
o! the Gospel may not get lost in you and in your suessors . . . and do not allow
M" future #oices to become #oid. )nd each of them is an act of merc" of Mine to
assist "ou3 and the more are the reason b" which I see that (hristianit" needs them
to et throuh the storms of times3 the more numerous the" will be. He #ho'
#holly or partly' reRets My Word is a member in #hom the sap o! the &ine no
longer !lo#s.I LNOTE: O! "%% th"t is so *er' serio(s here !ro +es(s to His Disci$%es0 it is His ess"ge concerning wh"t
"n' in the ,h(rch h"*e b%"nket%' %"be%ed <$ri*"te re*e%"tion= th"t gets +es(sH stron'est emphasis? )t "%so e%icits His stron'est
commandin' order: <Do not allo) My f&t&re +oices to -ecome +oid?S "nd <,hristianity needs them1= To be str"w in " str"w st"ck
"nd o! %itt%e s$irit("% *"%(e to "n'one in oneHs own inistr' is one thing0 b(t to then to be $"rt o! den'ing0 s($$ressing0 hindering0 or
e*en "king %itt%e o! those &oices o! God "nd He"*en gi*en to re*erse the s$irit("% d""ge c"(sed b' oneHs s$irit("% ine$tness "nd
s%oth0 is ;(ite "nother1 )t is "n in!inite%' !"r worse tr"nsgression "g"inst ,hrist "nd His ,h(rch1 For " doctor to be res$onsib%e !or "
de"d%' "%"d' in his $"tient thro(gh irres$onsibi%it' is *er' serio(s0 b(t !or th"t doctor to then resist the "dinistr"tion o! the needed
c(re is inco$"r"b%' worse0 " crie o! the highest order1
Th"t is $recise%' how "n' Priests "nd /isho$s in the ,h(rch "re res$onding to the wides$re"d s$irit("% "%$r"ctice in their
r"nks0 %e"ding to the s$irit("% "!!%iction "nd de"th o! n(ber%ess so(%s (nder their c"re1 To "cknow%edge another needed so&rce
o(tside these%*es to c(re the sickness in the ,h(rch is too (ch !or the $ro(d to "dit1 The soke o! S"t"n in the ,h(rch0
howe*er0 goes dee$er th"n !"ith%ess $riests resisting the he%$ o! He"*en1 9e h"*e !ir%' entrenched heresies in the ,h(rch itse%! th"t
s($$ort the <*oiding= o! these <*oices= o! +es(s0 or0 "s the ,"techis c"%%s the0 <"(thentic c"%%s o! ,hrist "nd the s"ints to the
,h(rch0= which it "%so "dits "re to be discerned b' the !"ith!(% "nd we%coed into the ,h(rchP Yet0 how "n' $riests h"*e been
t"(ght th"t there h"s been gi*en *it"% re*e%"tion since the A$ost%es th"t is re;(ired be%ie! !or the ,h(rch "nd the wor%dB Most h"*e
been to%d none o! this re*e%"tion c"n be be%ie*ed in the "bso%(te sense or b' <di*ine !"ithP= This error s"'s th"t e*en those "$$"ritions
"nd re*e%"tions th"t h"*e been <"$$ro*ed= b' the ,h(rch s(ch "s F"ti"0 Lo(rdes etc1 do not ha+e to -e -elie+ed "nd cannot -e
-elie+ed "bso%(te%' b' <di*ine !"ith1= The !"(%t' thinking is b"sed on the !"ct th"t the ,h(rch hier"rch' h"s on%'0 in its <"$$ro*"%0=
deterined th"t these cert"in "$$"ritions "re !ree o! or"% "nd theo%ogic"% error1 Dot one o! these <"$$ro*ed= $(b%ic%' signi!ic"nt
re*e%"tions which +es(s e$h"tic"%%' stresses "re important !or the ,h(rch h"*e been deterined b' the M"gisteri( to be tr(%' o!
God1 Discerning the "(thenticit' o! $(b%ic%' signi!ic"nt re*e%"tion in o(r d"' is the d(t' o! the ,h(rch1 ) +ohn 7:2 s"'s the ,h(rch is
to <tr' the s$irits i! the' -e of God1= Th"t the ,h(rch h"s the gi!ts to do this @) ,orinthi"ns25:2>A e"ns th"t de%iber"te resist"nce to
God "nd His *oice is in*o%*ed in this disobedience1 The c%"i th"t no one is re;(ired to be%ie*e these ess"ges o! God goes e*en one
ste$ !(rther in ma*in' +oid the 9ord o! God1 M"' God r"ise ($ ten tho(s"nd *oices in o(r d"' "g"inst this cri$$%ing error "nd
indi!!erence to the 9ord o! God "nd the s"%*"tion o! the ,h(rchP <He who0 who%%' or $"rt%'0 reKects M' 9ord is " eber in who
the s"$ o! the &ine no %onger !%ows1=M
In response to 3eter9s onern about dealing #ith Gentiles' .esus gives some
humbling but signi!iant ounsel. He spea/s about the oming o! heresies and
those #ho #ill brea/ !rom the Churh. He tells them ho# they are to treat
heretis. .esus tells them not to avoid the plaes #here they have gone' but' <Go1
) te%% 'o(: Go to "%% $eo$%es1 As !"r "s the bo(nd"ries o! the wor%d1 So th"t all M'
Doctrine "nd M' On%' ,h(rch "' be "de known 1 1 1= LMk 2F:23 is "%so !o(nd in
,h"$ter FC70 $14651M
Finally' 3eter as/s the 5ord about the t#el!th Disiple and is told he is
responsible to see that someone is hosen. 3eter does not #ant the responsibility.
(everal names are suggested' but there is no onsensus. .esus tells them #hen
they are all in agreement they #ill /no#.
C<,7p.B@+ D The 5ast Teahings :e!ore $sension Day @The identit' o! the tr(e
FC5G$1436 @L M"'0 one week %"ter0 7
S(nd"' "!ter The Res(rrectionA # The
S($$%eent"r' P"sso*er1 L"I"r(sH Est"te is !i%%ed with A$ost%es0 disci$%es "nd new
!o%%owers o! ,hrist1 The' "re "%% w"iting !or +es(s0 who h"s to%d the to eet here on
this d"' so those who issed the !irst !e"st c"n kee$ the s($$%eent"% <%itt%e= P"sso*er1
This is the P"sso*er th"t +es(s h"d $roised the woen disci$%es who He h"d
!orbidden to coe to the $ri"r' P"sso*er1 Since the d"' h"s $"ssed0 Peter disisses
the crowds on the gro(nds "nd wonders wh' +es(s h"s not showed ($1 +es(s then
$ri*"te%' "$$e"rs to L"I"r(s "nd instr(cts hi to ho%d the P"sso*er "t Gethse"ne0 so
PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5 PA() *** P:7;*8 /*2*0)(< 34 !esus (evealed as /essiah = A1 >5
34 the poe$ vol * 34 the poe$ vol *
those re"ining go o*er to the o%i*e gro*e which w"s owned b' L"I"r(s1 +es(s now
"$$e"rs "nd "sks M"tthi"s @the !(t(re A$ost%eA to %e"d the cereon'1 +"es o!
A%$h"e(s @who w"s to be he"d o! the ,h(rch "t +er(s"%eA h"s seen +es(s @ )
,orinthi"ns 23:6"A $ri*"te%' "nd is "sked with Peter to bre"k the bre"d1 Peter is "sked
b' +es(s "t e"ch st"ge to describe wh"t took $%"ce in the <S($$er Roo1= The e*ent
dee$%' o*es the "%%1
FCCG$14F5 @L M"'0 ne:t d"'0 Mon1A # F"rewe%% to His Mother be!ore Ascension1 There
is here "n incredib%e re*e%"tion o! the %o*e (nion between the he"rts "nd so(%s o! +es(s
"nd M"r'P
FCCbG$14F7 # +es(s to M& "ddresses those who ight ;(estion th"t He wo(%d "ct("%%'
%i*e in the he"rt o! M"r'0 %e"*ing on%' to consecr"te the /re"d "nd 9ine1 This w"s
on%' one o! "n' things He did !or His Mother to he%$ her !orget the bitterness She
e:$erienced1 <E*er'thing0 e*er'thing0 e*er'thing0 'o( h"*e thro(gh M"r'P Yo( o(ght
to %o*e Her "nd b%ess Her "t e"ch bre"th o! 'o(rs1= He "%so coents on the
gen(ineness o! the <&ei% o! &eronic"= "nd the Ho%' Shro(d1
.)+,( *21,?,0 34 Geo"raphical *nde
3$%T & D TH) CH>%CH 4F .)(>( CH%I(T D$D <@
The $sension o! 4ur 5ord .esus Christ 7$D <@ F3oem Chapter C<@G
C361 E +(ne0 Th( Ascension D"'1 )t is Not !or Yo( to -now the Ho(r1
#### #### #### Ac 2:7#4 C<@b7p.BCA
Ten days later at Gethsemane: The !inal tender and moving !are#ell to Mary. They
enter the house' Mary #ithdra#s and +es(s is %e!t with the e%e*en1 The' e"t together1
Then +es(s s"'s the' "re not to %e"*e +er(s"%e but to reside at the house o! the 5ast
(upper. 5azarus has given this house to them !or their meetings and !or prayer. .esus
e0plains that the Churh must be birthed in .erusalem' but a!ter being !ully reReted'
the (ee o! His Churh must be ta/en else#here' to the H)phraim'I the land o! idols and
heathensX not the )phraim o! 3alestine' He says' but to the )phraim that is Hthe heart
o! the #orld.I This #as an obvious re!erene to %ome.
C341 E +(ne0 Th( Go "nd Te"ch A%% N"tions1 ) A 9ith Yo( (nti% the End o! the Age1
Mt 54:2805>024 Mk 2F:2805> Lk 57:3>#3C Ac 2:8#25 C<@b7p.B;*
(ame day and still in the house in Gethsemane: .esus ontinues His instrution'
H)stablish meetings #here men meet in My nameX b"$tiIing $eo$%es in the n"e o! The
Most Ho%' N"e o! the F"ther0 o! the Son0 o! the Ho%' S$irit111 te"ching wh"t ) t"(ght 'o(0
doing wh"t ) ordered 'o( to do1 And ) sh"%% be with 'o( e*er' d"' (nti% the end o! the
wor%d1= .esus then appoints .ames as head o! the .erusalem Churh and emphasizes
that love' su!!ering and !orgiveness are the only #ay to establish His Oingdom. $!ter a
!inal )uharisti elebration' they leave the house to meet the outer irle o! lose
disiples' inluding (tephen' to #hom He imparts speial blessings. As He "scends the
Mo(nt o! O%i*es0 there are hundreds o! disiples #ho !ollo# at a distane. He limbs to
the very summit o! the mountain c%osest to /eth"n'1 His last #ords are' <GoP Go in M'
n"e to e*"nge%iIe the $eo$%es "s !"r "s the ends o! the e"rth1 God be #ith you. May His
5ove om!ort you' may His 5ight guide you' may His 3eae d#ell in you until you
reah eternal li!e.I With a last tender loving loo/ to His Mother' +es(s "scends into the
He"*ens in "n oce"n o! bri%%i"nt %ight1 @Mk 2F:23 is "%so !o(nd in this ,h"$ter o! The Poem1
See "%so Gos$e% e$isode S C361A
C<@7p.BC2 D Fare#ell and $sension o! the 5ord. @Gos$e% E$isodes C361 "nd C341A
C381 E#M +(ne The P(rch"se o! the Fie%d o! /%ood1
Mt 56:F#2> #### #### #### =C<27p.B;B?
+ewish "(thorities b(' " !ie%d with +(d"sH b%ood one'1
The Coming o! the Holy (pirit 7$D <@ F3oem Chapters C<2DC<;G
CF>1 E#M +(ne M"tthi"s is ,hosen to Fi%% the A$osto%ic O!!ice1
##### #### #### Ac 2:2C#5F C<27p.B;B
)n the ho(se o! the .$$er Roo0 2> d"'s be!ore Pentecost: For ten d"'s the Disci$%es
gi*e these%*es to $r"'er1 They !ollo# the 5ord9s instrution to !ind a replaement !or
.udas Isariot. 3eter reports the !"cts "bo(t the $(rch"se o! the b%ood' !ie%d with +(d"sH
one' recorded b' M"tthew in 56:F#2>1 The' "%%ow the di*ine choice o! M"thi"s0 one o!
the original :ethlehem shepherds' a !ormer devoted !ollo#er o! .ohn the :aptist and a
!aith!ul #itness !or Christ' to be the twe%!th A$ost%e1
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 8hronolo"ical 0u$$ary @ *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 8hronolo"ical 0u$$ary @ *nde
C<27p.B;B D The )letion o! Matthias.
CF21 M +(ne0 S(n The ,oing o! the Ho%' S$irit in tong(es o! Fire1
#### #### #### Ac 5:2#C C<C7p.BB*
The D"' o! Pentecost @6 weeks "!ter the Res(rrectionA: A%% twe%*e o! the Disci$%es and
Holy Mary "re together in the .$$er Roo1 Mary has Rust !inished reading !rom the
4ld Testament (riptures. (he !olds her hands and bo#s in prayer' as do the Disiples.
$ sound !rom heaven li/e a strong #ind !ills the room. $ll the Disiples' e0ept .ohn'
#ho has his eyes glued on Mary' are !rightened. Mary slides to her /nees in prayer and
both .ohn and 3eter !ollo# her' one on the right and the other on the le!t. $ !iery
burning globe desends upon Mary and !ills her. The !ire then s$%its to %ight on e"ch he"d
o! the A$ost%es1 The A$ost%es h(rr' o(tside "nd witness to the di*ine e*ent1
C<C7p.BB* D The Deent o! the Holy (pirit. The )nd o! the Messiani Cyle.
CF51 M +(ne0 S(n The Mir"c%e o! Tong(es1
#### #### #### Ac 5:7#76 L#M
The s"e d"' in +er(s"%e: The A$ost%es go o(t into the street "nd begin to $re"ch "nd
witness to the tho(s"nds o! +ews "nd +ewish $rose%'tes who h"*e coe !ro "%% o*er the
known wor%d !or Pentecost1 Three tho(s"nd "re s"*ed "nd !i%%ed with the S$irit "t their
/"$tis in res$onse to the $re"ching o! Peter "nd the A$ost%es1
FC6G$144F @M +(ne0AD C7A # Peter ,e%ebr"tes the E(ch"rist in " Meeting o! the First
,hristi"ns1 The he"rt "nd so(% o! the ,h(rch then "nd tod"' "re identic"%1
The Churh is )stablished 7$D <@ to$D 22 F3oem Chapters C<BDC@CG
FC4G$148> @+(neG+(%'AD CFA # The /%essed &irgin T"kes ($ Her Abode "t Gethse"ne with
+ohn0 who !orete%%s Her Ass($tion1 M"r' h"s been %i*ing in the cit' o! +er(s"%e "t the
<S($$er Roo= ho(se0 now don"ted b' L"I"r(s to the ,h(rch1 L"I"r(s "nd +ose$h o!
Ari"the" now *isit M"r' "nd in!or her th"t the w"%%s the' beg"n to b(i%d "ro(nd the O%i*e
gro*e "nd +on"hHs ho(se in the G"rden o! Gethse"ne iedi"te%' "!ter the cr(ci!i:ion
@A$ri% 52A to kee$ o(t desecr"tors "re now !inished1 M"r'0 e:$%"ining Her desire !or tot"%
so%it(de0 is de%ighted th"t h"s been "rr"nged "nd th"t +ohn "%one wi%% be with Her1
+ohn enters1 M"r' te%%s hi o! the ch"nge in residence "nd o! Her Ko' to be "b%e to %i*e in
the O%i*e G"rden0 where Her Son "scended0 "s %ong "s She %i*es1 +ohn "!!irs to her th"t he
does not be%ie*e she wi%% die "nd e:$%"ins the re"sons1 The' disc(ss the s(bKect "t %ength1
+ohn recei*ed his insights !ro the Ho%' S$irit1
FC8G$148F @+(neG+(%'0AD CFA # The /%essed &irgin "nd +ohn in the P%"ces o! the P"ssion1
&er' soon "!ter o*ing to the G"rden0 M"r' "nd +ohn *isit the scene o! the P"ssion1 At the
$%"ce o! the kiss o! betr"'"%0 M"r'0 in the S$irit0 s$e"ks o! Her $%"ce in o*ert(rning the order
($set b' E*e1 A!ter " te"r!(% *isit to Go%goth"0 the Se$(%cher "nd +ose$hHs kitchen g"rden0
the' ret(rn to Gethse"ne "!ter $"ssing both the co(ntr' ho(se o! ,"i"$h"s0 where +(d"s
"rr"nged the betr"'"%0 "nd the o%i*e gro*e where +(d"s h"nged hise%!1
F7>G$18>> @M +(%'0AD C7A # The Two Shro(ds o! the Lord1 )t is " !(%% oon night0 so
Nicode(s0 "nd L"I"r(s c"n *isit M"r' witho(t %"$ or torch0 !or the' do not wish "n'one
to notice the1 The' h"*e the %"rge Shro(d @now c"%%ed the Shro(d o! T(rinA th"t +ose$h h"d
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 8hronolo"ical 0u$$ary @ *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 8hronolo"ical 0u$$ary @ *nde
t"ken !ro the Se$(%cher "nd h"d hidden in Nicode(sH ho(se1 Here0 G""%ie% hise%! h"s
coe to *ener"te the i"ge "nd seek !or the %ight he so dee$%' is regretting h"*ing issed
whi%e +es(s w"s "%i*e1 The' h"*e deb"ted "ong these%*es whether the' sho(%d gi*e it to
M"r' "nd on%' now h"d re"ched " conc%(sion1 The' wo(%d gi*e Her this one0 which w"s
+es(s resting in $e"ce0 "nd "sk !or the <*eronic"0= which w"s o! +es(sH tort(red !"ce1
CFC1AD C7 Peter He"%s " M"n /orn L"e1 +er(s"%e
#### #### #### Ac C:2#22 LDM
CF71AD C7 PeterHs Second Mess"ge1 Fi*e Tho(s"nd S"*ed1 +er(s"%e0 the S"e D"':
#### #### #### Ac C:25#5F L#M
CF31AD C7 PeterHs Arrest0 His Tri"% "nd Re%e"se1 +er(s"%e0 S"e D"'1
#### #### #### Ac 7:2#5C L#M
CFF1AD C7 The Pr"ise "nd Pr"'er o! the E"r%' ,h(rch1 +er(s"%e1
#### #### #### Ac 7:57#C6 L#M
CF61AD C7 An"ni"s "nd S"$$hir" Lie to the Ho%' S$irit1 The' "re +(dged1
#### #### #### Ac 3:2#2F LDM
CF41AD C7 The A$ost%es )$risoned1 Their Re%e"se b' the Ange%1 G""%ie%Hs 9"rning to the S"nhedrin1
#### #### #### Ac 3:26#F:6 LDM
CF81 A% C7 The First De"cons "re ,hosen "nd Ord"ined to ,"re !or the Need'1
#### #### #### Ac F:2#6 L#M
AL1 C3
C6>1 L AD C3 Ste*enHs 9isdo "nd Power1
#### #### #### Acts F:4#23 @C@,7p.A+2?
The year !ollo#ing the death o! Christ are years o! rapid gro#th !or the Churh.
The .e#ish rulers are greatly restrained by %ome9s great displeasure at 3ilate9s
handling o! .esus. Furthermore' 3ilate9s #i!e Claudia le!t him the day a!ter the
%esurretion over his o#ardie in regard to .esus. $s a result' 3ilate is very angry
#ith the .e#ish leaders' and give them no allo#anes in perseuting the Christians. In
t#o years' 3ilate9s passions #ould subside #hile the .e#ish %uler9s patiene #ith the
ne# set has reahed a boiling point. The' "rrest Ste$hen0 who the' considered the
ost d"ngero(s ,hristi"n in P"%estine1 He is t"ken to the co(nci% o! the S"nhedrin "nd
C@,7p.A+2 D The Martyrdom o! (tephen. (aul and Gamaliel.
C621 L AD C3 Ste*enHs Stirring Mess"ge1
#### #### #### Acts 6:2#3C =C@,7p.A+2?
Ste$hen is be!ore the co(nci% o! the S"nhedrin1 He de%i*ers his ess"ge th"t enr"ges the
co(nci%1 The' r(sh ($on hi biting hi with their teeth1
C651 L AD C3 Ste*enHs M"rt'rdo1 The First Gre"t Persec(tion o! the ,h(rch1
#### #### #### Acts 6:37#4:2#C C@,'C@*
The !irst gre"t $ersec(tion o! the ,h(rch: Ste$hen is alm' digni!ied' bliss!ul' and even
estati. He sees " *ision o! ,hrist st"nding "t the right h"nd o! God1 As he te%%s wh"t he
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 8hronolo"ical 0u$$ary @ *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 8hronolo"ical 0u$$ary @ *nde
sees0 the co(nci% t(rns into " ob1 Gamaliel' unable to ta/e anymore o! violene and
inRustie' #al/s out' ignoring the shout o! (aul #ho tries to stop him. (aul then runs
over and engages Gamaliel in a heated debate and auses him o! blasphemy !or his
de!ense o! .esus and His message. In response to (aul9s interrogating 1uestion' H$re
you perhaps . . . a !ollo#er o! that riminal named .esusEI Gamaliel said' HI am not
"et. :ut i! He #as #hat He said' and truly many things prove that He #as' I pray God
that I may beome one.I Ste$hen is dr"gged o(t to be stoned1 As the stones beg"n to !"%%0
he s"'s to (aul' HMy !riend' I #ill #ait !or you on the #ay to the Christ.I 3aul9s
response is' H3igL 3ossessedLI and a mighty /i/ to (tephen9s shin. The $ersec(tion o!
the ,h(rch begins1 S"(% becoes its chie! o$$onent1
3eter' .ames' .ohn' the Uealot' "iodemus and Holy Mary reover (tephen9s body at
night. They ta/e the body to Mary9s house in Gethsemane. (tephen9s body is buried
C@,7p.A+2 D The Martyrdom o! (tephen. (aul and Gamaliel.
C@*7p.A,* D Deposition o! (tephen9s :ody.
LP"(% is con*erted0 AD CFE ,orne%i(s is s"*ed0 AD CFM
LHerod Agri$$" begins $ersec(tion in AD 77E Peter is in Roe in AD 77#7F1M
LP"(%Hs !irst ission"r' Ko(rne' is inAD 76#78E M"tthew !inishes co$i%ing his Gos$e% in AD
F7CG$1823 @A$ri% AD 76A # G""%ie% /ecoes " ,hristi"n1 +on"hHs ho(se in Gethse"ne: A
w"*e o! $ersec(tion instig"ted b' Herod Agri$$" )0 gr"ndson o! Herod the Gre"t0 h"s K(st
s(bsided bec"(se o! his de"th1 +"es the Gre"t0 +ohnHs brother0 is one o! his !irst "rt'rs1
G""%ie%0 now "n "ged "n "nd ne"r%' b%ind0 !in"%%' h"s the co(r"ge to "$$ro"ch the
Gethse"ne hoe o! the Ho%' Mother "nd "sk !or her $r"'ers th"t he ight coe to know
The Light in its !(%%ness1 He h"s hesit"ted to "$$ro"ch the A$ost%es0 !e"ring their re"ction to
hi0 "nd 'et !ee%ing the need o! their he%$ in "$$ro"ching God1 He is enco(r"ged b' the %o*e
o! M"r' "nd +ohn "nd decides he wi%% coe to Peter "nd "sk !or /"$tis0 th"t he ight be
restored "s " tr(e Son o! God "nd becoe $"rt o! the ,h(rch1
F77G$185> @AD 76A # Peter ,on*erses with +ohn1 SionHs ho(se on L"I"r(sH Est"te in
/eth"n': Peter is tr'ing to con*ince " re%(ct"nt +ohn th"t the other re"ining %e"ders in the
,h(rch sho(%d %e"*e +(de" "nd e*"nge%iIe e%sewhere1 The ,h(rch is too 'o(ng "nd
i"t(re to %ose "n' ore o! its %e"ders1 M"n' h"*e "%re"d' been ki%%ed0 "nd L"I"r(s0 M"r'
"nd M"rth" h"*e "%re"d' %e!t +(de"1 )t is "greed th"t +ohn c"nnot %e"*e M"r' "%one in the
Gethse"ne hoe1 +ohn sh"res his tho(ghts "bo(t the s$irit("% 'steries t"king $%"ce in
M"r'Hs %i!e "nd his *iew th"t she wi%% be bodi%' "ss(ed into He"*en s(dden%'0 %ike E%iK"h1
Peter "nd +ohn then both go o*er to see M"r' K(st be!ore d"wn1 Peter is sti%% dee$%' tro(b%ed
"bo(t his !"i%(re1
The 3assage and $ssumption o! the :lessed &irgin Mary 7$D 22 F3oem Chapters C@2' C@CG
F73G$1857 @E +(%'0 Fri1 e*ening0AD 33A # The /%iss!(% P"ss"ge o! the /%essed &irgin1 M"r'
s$e"ks to +ohn "bo(t the (ns(r$"ssing Ko' She h"s !or h(b%' "cce$ting the gre"t $"in "nd
sorrow o! Her di*ine c"%%ing to %o*e "%% "nd !orgi*e "%%1 As M"r' s$e"ks o! Her ission on
e"rth being o*er +ohn0 is o*ercoe with sorrow1 As the tie "$$ro"ches0 M"r' becoes
tr"ns!ig(red0 "nd +ohn he%$s her to her bed1 As he is reciting the Ps"%s "nd other scri$t(res0
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 8hronolo"ical 0u$$ary @ *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 8hronolo"ical 0u$$ary @ *nde
M"r'Hs s$irit ;(iet%' de$"rts0 %e"*ing her bod' "nd so(% behind1 @see &0$18C4A
F7FG$18C7 @E +(%'0 T(e10 !o(r d"'s %"ter0AD 331 Age 62A # The Ass($tion o! O(r L"d'1
+ohn0 kee$ing w"tch o*er M"r'Hs incorr($t bod'0 h"s !in"%%' !"%%en "s%ee$ "!ter three nights
witho(t s%ee$1 Ange%s descend0 "nd thro(gh "n o$ening in the roo!0 c"rr' the bod' o! M"r'
into the He"*ens1
Final revelations to Maria &altorta !rom 4ur :lessed 5ady and our (avior .esus Christ.
F76"G$18C4 # On the P"ss"ge0 the Ass($tion "nd Ro'"%t' o! the /%essed &irgin1
M"r' e:$%"ins to M& Her Ass($tion "nd Ro'"%t'1
F76bG$187> # +es(s e:$%"ins ore on M"r'Hs Ass($tion1
F76cG$1872 # M"r' entions the ecst"s' o! gi*ing birth to +es(s "nd es$eci"%%' Her
Ascension1 The Ho(se !ro which She w"s <"bd(cted= to He"*en w"s in Gethse"ne "nd
h"s been %ong destro'ed b' the Ro"ns1
F76dG$1872 # M"r' s"'s ore on Her %onging !or Her Son be!ore She w"s "ss(ed1
F76eG$187C # M"r' on the distinction between so(% "nd s$irit1
F76!G$1877 # M"r' on Her "ss($tion "s wh"t God h"d origin"%%' $(r$osed !or "%% "nkind1
3$G) A@C D TH) %)$(4"( F4% TH) W4%O. F$%)W)55 T4 TH) W4%O.
TH) )"D
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 8hronolo"ical 0u$$ary @ *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 8hronolo"ical 0u$$ary @ *nde
4TH)% I"D)J)(
T4 TH) 34)M 4F TH) M$"DG4D
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 8hronolo"ical 0u$$ary @ *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 8hronolo"ical 0u$$ary @ *nde
The Poem o! the M"n#God Q 3MGE the est of Gospel !tory Q %G(E The Parellel Harmony of Gospels Q 3HG
The ,HRONOLOG),AL S.MMARY G )NDEJ @The H"nd' ,o$"ct
Tr"*e% G(ide? >se to /eep orientated as you read the 3oem 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

The GEOGRAPH),AL )NDEJ # O*er 23> di!!erent
geogr"$hic"% %oc"tions 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 To !ind things in 3MGX %G(X 3HG1 1 2F8
The REG)ONAL )NDEJES # Poe ,h"$ters "nd Gos$e% E$isodes
c"tegoriIed b' regions 1 1 1 1 1 1 To !ind things in 3MGX %G(X 3HG1 1 247
The /)OGRAPH),AL )NDEJ # An enc'c%o$edic inde: o! o*er
3>> $ersons entioned in The Poem" " " To !ind things in 3MG 1 1 1 1 1 24F
The S./+E,T )NDEJ # O*er 73> s(bKects with det"i%ed s(bdi*isions 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 To !ind things in 3MG1 1 1 1 1 556
The )NDEJ o! PARA/LES # 83 $"r"b%es to%d b' +es(s
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 To !ind things in 3MGX %G(X 3HG1 1538

The )NDEJ o! M)RA,LES # 5>6 indi*id("% ir"c%es or
ir"c(%o(s e*ents 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1To !ind things in 3MGX %G(X 3HG1 15F>
The ,HAPTER )NDEJ with " s("r' o! s(b#ch"$ters "nd d"tes these
re*e%"tions were gi*en to M& 1 1 1 1 1 To !ind things in 3MG1 1 1 1 1 15F3
APPEND)J )videne o! supernatural origin o! the 3oem o! the ManDGod 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 587
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 8hronolo"ical 0u$$ary @ *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 8hronolo"ical 0u$$ary @ *nde
As "n inde: this work wi%% $ri"ri%' be "$$ro"ched with " cert"in tie or se"son0 " $"rtic(%"r inistr' c'c%e or e*en " $"rtic(%"r *o%(e in ind1
Sc"n the ch"$ter s("ries in th"t section to !ind the ch"$ter or e*ent !or which 'o( "re %ooking1 Pre#inistr' s("ries o! The Poem0 "%%
$ro$er%' d"ted0 wi%% be !o(nd in The est of the Gospel !tory "nd The Dated Harmony of the Gospels"
Interesting !ats: There "re here %isted C3> s$eci!ic inistr' %oc"tions @to 2>6 di!!erent %oc"tionsA +es(s *isited in His C 'e"r "nd 7 onth
inistr'1 Adding the i%es He tr"*e%ed coes to o*er 70>>>1 Th"t "*er"ges 2>> i%es !or e"ch o! the 7> onths o! his inistr'1 Howe*er0 since
the "cco(nt in The Poem co*ers on%' "$$ro:i"te%' 3>> d"'s o! this 25>>#d"' $eriod this is " conser*"ti*e !ig(re1 +es(s di*ided his short
inistr' tie into F distinct inistr' c'c%es1 E"ch c'c%e cont"ined !irst " inistr' in G"%i%ee o!ten inc%(ding *isits to S'ro#Phoenici"0 Dec"$o%is0
the Tetr"rch' o! Phi%i$ to the NE0 "nd e*en Leb"non0 "nd second0 " inistr' into +(de" with e:c(rsions into S""ri"0 Dec"$o%is "nd Pere"0 both
e"st o! the +ord"n1 +es(s on%' twice inistered in S""ri" on his w"' to +(de" "nd once0 !ro +(de" b"ck to G"%i%ee1 +es(s_ inistries e:tended
to "n "re" "$$ro:i"te%' 263 b' 2>> i%es1 Most o! His inistr' howe*er took $%"ce within "n "re" o! 2>> b' 7> i%es1 A%% His inistries in
+(de" e:ce$t the !irst centered "ro(nd the P"sso*er or the Fe"st o! T"bern"c%es0 which He "%w"'s obser*ed1 His inistries in G"%i%ee were "%w"'s
between these two gre"t !e"sts1 The %ongest inistr' c'c%e w"s the Fth %"sting 2> onths0 the shortest w"s 7 e onths1 The "*er"ge w"s F
onths1 The Gos$e% writers0 "%% cobined0 record (ch "bbre*i"ted "cco(nts o! e*ents occ(rring on on%' 272 d"'s o! the C e 'e"r inistr' o!
Ye"rs0 onths "nd d"'s o! the week h"*e been deterined b' in!or"tion !ro within The Poem of the Man-God
F):%>$%8 D$D <*
M09ed G ,"$ern"( # At dinner in the ho(se o! E%i the Ph"risee o! ,"$ern"(1 ))0,C<G$146
L"ro(nd Tiberi"s L4BM # /etween ,h12FC c 2F70 &o%1 ))M
L0S(n G "bo*e M"gd"%" LCM # The o(nt"in retre"t $re$"ring the 25 !or their e%ection1 ))0,C@G$18>
L0S(n G "bo*e M"gd"%" # The e%ection o! the 25 Disci$%es1 ))0,C2G$18CD
L0S(n G "bo*e M"gd"%" # The !irst seron o! the Oe"%ot "nd +ohn "nd "n' ir"c%es1 ))0,CCG$188D
L0S(n G Tiberi"s LCM # )n the ho(se o! +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"1 +es(s s$e"ks to the Ro"n woen1 ))0,C;G$12>6
LL0S(n G N"I"reth#Ag%"e0 the ^*ei%ed wo"n^ is with Ho%' M"r' "nd te%%s the tr"gic stor' o! her !"%%1 ))0,CBG$122FM
L0S(n G ne"r Arbe%" L3M # Seron on the Mo(nt: ^Yo( "re the s"%t o! the e"rth1^ ))0,CAG$1253D

FnonDindented bra/eted entriesG Q (n#n"rr"ted tr"*e%s o! +es(s deterined b' st"teents "de in other $%"ces1
Findented bra/eted entriesG Q n"rr"ted "cco(nts th"t do not in*o%*e the $resence o! +es(s or non#n"rr"ti*e re*e%"tion1

)0@@G$15C3D Q &o%(e )0 hapter @@ "nd $"ge 5C30 the %oc"tion in The Poem of the Man-God1 Poe ch"$ter
n(bers wi%% "%so t"ke 'o( to the "$$ro$ri"te %oc"tion in The est of the Gospel !tory "nd The Dated Parallel
Harmony of the Gospels1
D )ndic"tes this ch"$ter in The Poem cont"ins " New Test"ent Gos$e% e$isode or te:t1 .se the Poe ,h"$ter
n(ber to %oc"te this Gos$e% te:t in The Dated Parallel Harmony or The est of the Gospel !tory1
F@G Q "$$ro:i"te dist"nce in i%es !ro $re*io(s %oc"tion1
) Qe"r%'0 M QMid0 or 5 QL"te $eriod in the c"%end"r onth $D <* Q the C5
'e"r $!ter the 5ordHs birth1
Mon7Tue Q The night on either side o! idnight o! Mond"' "nd T(esd"'1
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 8hronolo"ical 0u$$ary @ *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 8hronolo"ical 0u$$ary @ *nde
3$%T I TH) TW4 3%4MI()D (4"( I',D*B7p.;D,<;
@Not det"i%ed in this s("r'Ginde:A
3$%T II TH) :I%TH $"D HIDD)" 5IF) 4F .)(>( CH%I(T I'*AD@<7p.,<BD*<@
@Not det"i%ed in this s("r'Ginde:A
3$%T III TH) 3>:5IC MI"I(T%8 4F .)(>( CH%I(T I'@@7p.*<2D&'2BC7p.<A+
The Three#!o%d 9itness to +es(s ,hrist the Messi"h G L Dec0AD C> # L Feb0AD C2
D)C)M:)% D$D <+
L G N"I"reth # F"rewe%% to His Mother1 )0@@G$15C3D
.$">$%8 D$D <,
M G +ord"n ne"r /eth"b"r" L6>M # /"$tis o! +es(s1 )0@2G$1575D
+es(s is Tested "nd Pro*en "s the Messi"h G E +"n # L Feb
M G Mt1 o! !"sting LC>M # +es(s begins His 7> d"' !"st1 )0@CG$1576D
F):%>$%8 D$D <,
L0S(n G 9i%derness o! Te$t"tion L23M # +es(s is te$ted b' the De*i%1 )0@CG$1576D
L0Mon G +ord"n !ord L4M # +es(s eets +ohn "nd +"es1 )0@;G$153CD
L0Mon G the +ord"n tow"rds ,"$ern"( # +ohn "nd +"es %e"*e the +ord"n with +es(s1 )0@;G$1537D
L0Fri G /eths"id" L4>M # +ohn "nd +"es s$e"k to Peter "bo(t the Messi"h1 )0@BG$153FD
L0Fri G ,"$ern"( LCM # Peter eets the Messi"h1 )0@AG$15F>D
L0S"t # S(n G /eths"id" LCM # )n Peter_s ho(se1 +es(s eets Phi%i$ "nd N"th"nie%1 )02+G$15F4D
L0S(n G /eths"id" # +(d"s Th"dde(s in*ites +es(s to the wedding "t ,"n"1 )02,G$156FD
M$%CH D$D <,

+es(s Re*e"%s Hise%! "s Messi"h to G"%i%ee G E Mch0AD C2
E0Mon G Tiberi"s b' bo"t L2>M # On the w"' to the wedding "t ,"n"1 )02*G$1568D
E0Mon G ,"n" L25M # The wedding "t ,"n"1 )02*G$1568D
LE G Tiberi"s L25M /etween ,h135 c 3C0 &o%1 ) @See )032G$15F8AM
LE G ,"$ern"( L4M /etween ,h135 c 3C0 &o%1 ) @See )032G$15F8AM

+es(s Re*e"%s Hise%! "s Messi"h to +(de" G M#L Mch W E A$r0AD C2
L G +er(s"%e L4>M # The !irst c%e"nsing o! the Te$%e1 )02<G$1543D
5 MCH 7 3$((4&)%
L G +er(s"%e # +es(s eets +(d"s )sc"riot "nd Tho"s "nd he"%s Sion Oe"%ot o! %e$ros'1 )02@G$1548
L G +er(s"%e # Tho"s becoes " Disci$%e1 )022G$1583
First G"%i%e"n Ministr' G Two Months G E A$r W E +(n0AD C2
$3%I5 D$D <,
E G +ord"n ne"r Doco L53M # +(d"s o! A%$h"e(s0 Tho"s "nd Sion Oe"%ot "re "cce$ted "s Disci$%es1 )02CG$1C>>
E G N"I"reth LF>M # Ret(rn to N"I"reth with si: Disci$%es1 )02;G$1C>3
LE#M G Mt1 ,"re% L5>M # +es(s "%one1 /etween ,h136 c 380 &o%1 ) +es(s c(res His !irst tr(e %e$er1 @See ))0285G$15F7AM
LE#M G Mt1 T"bor L57M # +es(s "%one1 /etween ,h136 c 380 &o%1 ) @See )034G$1C25AM
L0S"t G ,"$ern"( L2FM # The deoni"c o! ,"$ern"( he"%ed in the s'n"gog(e1 )02AG$1C27D
LL G co(ntr'side "ro(nd ,"$ern"( # /etween ,h138 c F>0 &o%1 )M
LL G -or"Ii P%"in L3M # /etween ,h138 c F>0 &o%1 ) @See )0F>G$1C52A
LL G /eths"id" L7M # Ne"rb' *i%%"ges1 /etween ,h138 c F>0 &o%1 )M
M$8 D$D <,
M0S"t G ,"$ern"( L5M # Peter_s other#in#%"w c(red1 )0C+G$1C28D
M0S"t G ,"$ern"( # +es(s $re"ches "nd works ir"c%es in Peter_s ho(se1 )0C,G$1C57D
M0S(n G ne"r ,"$ern"( L2M # +es(s $r"'s "t night1 )0C*G$1C58D
M0S(n G o(tside -or"Ii L2M # The %e$er c(red ne"r -or"Ii1 )0C<G$1CC5D
L G ,"$ern"( L2M # ,(re o! " b%ind "n1 )02BG$1C>4D
L G ,"$ern"( # The $"r"%'tic c(red in Peter_s ho(se1 )'C@G$1CCFD
L G ,"$ern"( # The ir"c(%o(s c"tch o! !ish1 )0C2G$1C72D
First +(de"n Ministr' G Two Months G E +(n W L +(%0AD C2
.>") D$D <,
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 8hronolo"ical 0u$$ary @ *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 8hronolo"ical 0u$$ary @ *nde
LE G to +er(s"%e L43M # @See F6G$1C78AM
) .>" 7 3)"T)C4(T
M G +er(s"%e # The )sc"riot insists on being " Disci$%e1 )0CCG$1C7C
M G +er(s"%e # Mir"c%e o! the broken b%"des "t the Fish G"te1 )0C;G$1C7F
M G +er(s"%e # +es(s in the Te$%e with the )sc"riot1 )0CBG$1C3>
M G +er(s"%e # +es(s te"ches the )sc"riot1 )0CAG$1C33
M G +er(s"%e # +es(s eets with +ohn o! Oebedee who te%%s Hi o! the "n who owns ost o! /eth"n'1 )0;+G$1CF>
M G +er(s"%e # +es(s with the )sc"riot eets Sion Oe"%ot "nd +ohn1 )0;,G$1CFF
L G /eth%ehe L4M # +es(s0 +ohn0 the Oe"%ot "nd +(d"s go to /eth%ehe1 )0;*G$1CF8
L G /eth%ehe # +es(s with +ohn0 the Oe"%ot "nd the )sc"riot in the $e"s"nt_s ho(se "nd in the Grotto1 )0 ;<G$1C65
L G /eth%ehe # )n the hote% "nd "t the r(ins o! Anne_s ho(se1 )0;@G$1C42
L G be'ond /eth%ehe0 ne"r Hebron L2>M # +es(s with the she$herds E%i"s0 Le*i "nd +ose$h1 )0;2G$1C48
L G +(tt" L5>M # +es(s with the she$herd )s""c1 )0;CG$1C83
L G Hebron L2>M # )n O"ch"ri"s_ ho(se "nd the enco(nter with Ag%"e1 )0;;G$17>51
.>58 D$D <,
E G -erioth L23M # The de"th o! o%d S"(%1 )0;BG$17>8
LE G +(tt" L8M # /etween ,h164 c 680 &o%1 ) @See )068G$1752AM
E G ne"r Hebron L4M # +es(s with the she$herds1 )0;AG$1728
E G Mt1 o! F"sting L2>M # Re*isited1 )0B+G$1757
E G 9i%derness o! Te$t"tion L23M # Re*isited1 )0B+G$1758
E G +ord"n !ord L23M # Meeting with she$herds +ohn0 M"tthi"s "nd Sieon1 )0B,G$17CC
E G +ericho L23M # The )sc"riot te%%s how he so%d Ag%"e_s Kewe%s to Dioedes1 )'B*G$17C4
M0Th( G /etween +ericho "nd /eth$h"ge L3M # +es(s wee$s o*er the )sc"riot "nd the Oe"%ot co!orts hi1 )0 B<G$1777
M0S"t G /eth"n' L4M # +es(s eets L"I"r(s !or the !irst tie1 )0B@G$1778
M0S(n G +er(s"%e L5M # +es(s %istens to the )sc"riot in the Te$%e1 )0B2G$1737
M0Mon G +er(s"%e # The So%dier A%e:"nder "t the Fish G"te1 )0BCG$1738
M G ne"r Doco L2FM # 9ith the she$herd )s""c "nd de$"rt(re tow"rd Esdr"e%on1 )0B;G$17FC

Second G"%i%e"n Ministr' # S'ro#Phoenici" G Three Months0 L +(% W E No*0AD C2
L G P%"in o! Esdr"e%on LF3M # +es(s with the she$herd +on"h1 )0BBG$17FF
L0S(n G Esdr"e%on to N"I"reth L2>M # +es(s %e"*es the she$herd +on"h "nd ret(rns hoe1 )0BAG$1762
L0Mon G N"I"reth # +es(s introd(ces the )sc"riot0 the Oe"%ot "nd two she$herds to Ho%' M"r'1 )0A+G$1766
L09ed G N"I"reth # +es(s te"ches His 2> Disci$%es on (nit' "nd Peter h"s his !irst r(n#in with +(d"s1 )0A,G$1742
L0Th( G N"I"reth # +es(s te"ches the 2> e$h"siIing M"r'_s h(i%it' "nd w"rns o! the <$er!ect crie1= )0A*G$1743
$>G>(T D$D <,
E0Fri G N"I"reth # +es(s s$e"ks on A$osto%ic !or"tion "nd de"%s with the di*ision in His own !"i%'1 )0A<G$1748
E0S"t G ,"$ern"( L5FM # The c(re o! the /e"(t' o! -or"Ii1 At the s'n"gog(e with M"tthew the t": co%%ector1 )0A@G$1787
E0Mon G ,"$ern"( # +"es o! A%$h"e(s is recei*ed "s " Disci$%e1 +es(s $re"ches ne"r M"tthew_s t": bench1 )0 A2G$13>>
E09ed G /eths"id" LCM # +es(s $re"ches "nd "dits o! the rising o$$osition o! the ^gre"t ones^ in )sr"e%1 )0ACG$13>F
E0Th( G ,"$ern"( LCM # The c"%% o! M"tthew1 )0A;G$1322D
M0T(e G Se" o! G"%i%ee L3M # On the w"' to Tiberi"s the' $"ss " Ro"n $%e"s(re bo"t with the M"gd"%ene1 )0ABG$1324
M0T(e G Tiberi"s L5M # +es(s %ooks !or the /eth%ehe she$herd +on"th"n "t ,h(I"_s ho(se1 )0AAG$135F
LM G ,"n" L25M # /etween ,h188 c 2>>0 &o%1 ) @See )088G$13C>AM1
M0T(e G N"I"reth L7M # )n the ho(se o! His (nc%e A%$h"e(s "nd then "t His own ho(se with M"r'1 )0,++G$13C2
M09ed G N"I"reth # +es(s "sks His other "bo(t His Disci$%es1 )0,+,G$137>
M0Mon G N"I"reth to ne"r ,"n" L7M # +es(s c(res +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"1 )0,+*G$1372
M#L A(g G Tiberi"s L2CM to Leb"non # +es(s goes to see the she$herds /enK"in "nd D"nie%1 )0,+<G$1374
M#L A(g G Leb"non L3>M "nd S'ro#Phoenici" LC3M # +es(s with the she$herds /enK"in "nd D"nie%1 )0,+<G$1374
()3)3T)M:)% D$D <,
E G Pto%e"is L7>M # +es(s recei*es %etters concerning +on"h the $e"s"nt1 )0,+@G$133C
E G N"I"reth L5CM # +es(s "kes $e"ce with His co(sin Sion1 )0,+2G$1338
M0S"t G N"I"reth # +es(s dri*en o(t o! town1 He co!orts His other1 )0,+CG$13F7D
M G Tiberi"s L52M # +es(s in the ho(se o! +oh"nn" with His other1 )0,+;G$13F8
LL G ,"$ern"( L4M # /etween ,h12>6 c 2>40 &o%1 ) @See )02>7G$1334E 2>FG$13FFE 2>6G$13F8AM
4CT4:)% D$D <,
Oct G -or"Ii P%"in L3M # +es(s "t the ho(se o! Ann" "nd +(d"s d(ring *int"ge1 )0,+BG$1362
5 7 F)$(T 4F T$:)%"$C5)( =anelled?
"4&)M:)% D$D <,
E G Esdr"e%on L5FM # +es(s "t Dor"s_ ho(se to get +on"h1 The c(rse on his %"nd1 )',+AG$1366
E G N"I"reth L6M # P(b%i(s a(inti%i"n(s t"kes +on"h to M"r'_s ho(se to die1 )0,+AG34F1
E G ne"r L"ke Mero LC4M # )n the ho(se o! +"cob the $e"s"nt with two or$h"ns1 )0,,+G$1348
LE G to Tiberi"s L28M b' c"rt to +er(s"%e1 /etween ,h1 22> c222
Second +(de"n Ministr' # S""ri" G Two Months0 E No* # M +"n0 AD C5
LE G +er(s"%e L68M W /etween ,h1 22> c222
)DM "4& 7 %)(CH)D>5)D F)$(T 4F T$:)%"$C5)( =B D$8(?
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 8hronolo"ical 0u$$ary @ *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 8hronolo"ical 0u$$ary @ *nde
E0Mon G +ord"n !ord ne"r +ericho L52M # +es(s eets So%oon the !err'"n "t the +ord"n1 )0,,,G$1387
E G +ericho L3M # Seeing the /"$tist is no %onger there the' go to +ericho1 )0,,,G$13831
M G +ericho to /eth"n' L24M # +es(s !inds the )sc"riot t"%king to O"cch"e(s in +ericho1 )0,,*G$1384
M G /eth"n' # )n the ho(se o! L"I"r(s M"rth" s$e"ks o! the M"gd"%ene1 )0,,*G$1F>>
LM G +er(s"%e L5M # /etween ,h1225 c 22C0 &o%1 ) @See )0225G$1F>>AM
M G /eth"n' L5M # )n L"I"r(s_ ho(se "!ter T"bern"c%es1 The in*it"tion o! +ose$h o! Ari"the"1 )0,,<G$1F>7
L0S"t G Ari"the" L54M # +es(s eets G""%ie% "t the b"n;(et o! +ose$h o! Ari"the"1 )0,,@G$1F>31
LL G +(de"n co(ntr'side LBM # /etween ,h1227 c 2230 &o%1 ) @See 22FG$1F28AM1
L0S"t G +er(s"%e L2FM # The so%dier A%e:"nder "nd the c(re o! the inK(red bo'1 )0,,2G$1F2C
D)C)M:)% D$D <,
E0 Mon G +er(s"%e # +es(s s$e"ks to Nicode(s "t night1 )0,,CG$1F26D
E0T(e G /eth"n' L5M # +es(s te%%s L"I"r(s he wi%% now st"rt s$e"king $(b%ic%' in +(de"1 )0,,;G$1F5FD1
E0Th( G ,%e"r 9"ter L53M # +es(s on the di!!erence /etween %i*ing "nd ere e:istence1 )0,,BG$1FC>D
E0Fri G ,%e"r 9"ter # <) " the Lord 'o(r God1= )0,,AG$1FCF
E0S"t G ,%e"r 9"ter # <Yo( sh"%% h"*e no gods in M' $resence1= )0,*+G$1F77
E0Mon G ,%e"r 9"ter # <Yo( sh"%% not t"ke M' n"e in *"in1= )0,*,G$1F76
E0T(e G ,%e"r 9"ter # <Honor 'o(r !"ther "nd other1= )0,**G$1F37
E09ed G ,%e"r 9"ter # <Yo( sh"%% not !ornic"te1= )0,*<G$1FF7
M0Th( G ,%e"r 9"ter # Ag%"e0 the *ei%ed wo"n is gi*en she%ter1 )0,*@G$1F62
M0S(n G ,%e"r 9"ter # <Obser*e ho%' d"'s1= )0,*2G$1F6F
M0Mon G ,%e"r 9"ter # <Yo( sh"%% not ki%%1= The de"th o! Dor"s the cr(e% Ph"risee1 )0,*CG$1F4>
M0T(e G ,%e"r 9"ter # <Do not $(t the Lord 'o(r God to the test 1= The C /eth%ehe she$herd disci$%es o! the /"$tist1 )0 ,*;G$1F46D
M09ed G ,%e"r 9"ter # <Yo( sh"%% not co*et 'o(r neighbors wi!e1= )0,*BG$1F85
M0Th( G ,%e"r 9"ter # +es(s de%i*ers " $ossessed $"g"n "nd e:$%"ins His "ction1 Ag%"e is dee$%' o*ed1 )0,*AG$1F86
M0Fri G ,%e"r 9"ter # <Yo( sh"%% not be"r !"%se witness1= Ph"risees con!ront +es(s1 )0,<+G$16>C
L G ,%e"r 9"ter # <Yo( sh"%% not co*et wh"t be%ongs to 'o(r neighbor1= )0,<,G$16>8
L G ,%e"r 9"ter # A !in"% stirring ess"ge1 Peter_s s$irit("% !"therhood1 )0,<*G$1625
5 7 F)$(T 4F D)DIC$TI4" 4% 5IGHT( =B Days?
L09ed G tow"rds /eth"n' # The Disci$%es disco*ering $%"ns to "rrest +es(s (rge Hi to %e"*e ,%e"r 9"ter1 )',<<G$16281
L0Th( G Doco L2>M # The wo"n +er(s" is c(red o! c"ncer1 )0,<@G$1656
L0Fri G /eth"n' L23M # )n the ho(se o! Sion the Oe"%ot1 The M"gd"%ene0 hidden !ro *iew he"rs +es(s1 )0,<2G$16C>
.$">$%8 D$D <*
M G /eth"n' # )n L"I"r(s_ ho(se !or the Fe"st o! Dedic"tion with the she$herds1 )0,<CG$16C4
M G ,%e"r 9"ter L53M # +es(s ret(rning to ,9 is con!ronted with Scribes "nd Ph"risees who de"nd He %e"*e1 )0,<;G$1674
M G tow"rds G"%i%ee # +es(s %e"*es ,%e"r 9"ter "!ter *isiting Tione(s the "n"the"tiIed he"d o! the s'n"gog(e1 )0 ,<BG$1637
M G the o(nt"ins ne"r E"(s L5>M # The Disci$%es s$e"k to +es(s "bo(t their we"knesses1 )0,<AG$1636
M G E"(s L3BM # )n the ho(se o! ,%eo$"s0 he"d o! the s'n"gog(e1 The c"se o! (nintention"% incest1 )0,@+G$16F5
M G tow"rds Ari"the" L5M # +es(s instr(cts the Disci$%es on he"%ing broken so(%s witho(t reg"rd to othersH o$inions1 ))0 ,@,G$16
M G tow"rds S""ri" # +es(s s$e"ks to the Disci$%es "bo(t their "n:iet' o*er the "ctions o! en1 ))0,@*G$18D
M G S'ch"r L53M # +es(s enco(nters Photin"i0 the S""rit"n wo"n1 ))0,@<G$122D
M G S'ch"r # +es(s with the $eo$%e o! the cit'1 ))0,@@G$12FD
M G S'ch"r # The e*"nge%iI"tion o! the cit'1 ))0,@2G$128D
L G S'ch"r # Goodb'e to the $eo$%e o! S'ch"r1 ))0,@CG$155D
L G S'ch"r tow"rds Enon # +es(s s$e"ks on +ewish $reK(dices0 de%i*ers " $ossessed S""rit"n "nd instr(cts Photin"i1 ))0,@;G$153
L G Enon L53M # +es(s *isits the /"$tist "nd $re$"res hi !or "rt'rdo1 ))0,@BG$1581
L G tow"rd N"I"reth # +es(s_ new !oc(s wi%% be on the o(tc"sts in +(de" since He h"s been reKected b' the %e"ders1 ))0,@AG$1C2D
Third G"%i%e"n Ministr' # Tetr"rch' o! Phi%i$0 S""ri" G Two Months0 L +"n #E A$r0AD C5
L G N"I"reth L73M # +es(s with His Mother1 ))0,2+G$1C7
L G ,"n" L2>M # S(s"nn" is he"%ed "nd desires to be de*oted to the Lord1 A son o! " ro'"% o!!icer o! Herod is he"%ed1 ))0,2,G$1CFD
L G /eths"id" L53M # )n Oebedee_s ho(se1 S"%oe is "cce$ted "s " disci$%e1 ))0,2*G$1C4
L G /eths"id" # +es(s s$e"ks to the Disci$%es o! the 9o"n_s A$osto%"te1 ))0,2<G$17>
F):%>$%8 D$D <*
E G ,"es"re" LF>M # +es(s s$e"ks to g"%%e' s%"*es1 ,%"(di"0 wi!e o! Pi%"te he"rs +es(s1 ))0,2@G$175
E G ,"es"re" # F"(stin"0 d"(ghter o! the Ro"n &"%eri" is c(red1 ))0,22G$174
E G N"I"reth LC>M # Ann"%e"h de*otes herse%! to God "s " *irgin1 ))0,2CG$137
E G N"I"reth # )nstr(ctions to the woen disci$%es1 The i$ort"nce o! woen de*oted to God in the ,h(rch1 ))0,2;G$138
E G Tiberi"s L52M # +es(s s$e"ks to +oh"nn" o! ,h(I" on the %"ke1 ))0,2BG$1F3
M G Gherghes" L2>M # The ;(estion o! the /"$tist_s rigoris1 O%d "nd new wine skins1 ))0,2AG$1F4
LM G Mero L5M E c N side o! L"ke to -edesh L53M /etween ,h1238 c2F>0 &o%1 ))M
M G -edesh in N"$ht"%i to Gisc"%" L2>M # +es(s eets "nd con*erses with R"bbi G""%ie%1 ))0,C+G$16C
M G ,"$ern"( L23M # +es(s he"%s the gr"ndson o! E%i0 " Ph"risee o! ,"$ern"(1 ))0,C,G$164
M G ,"$ern"( # )n the ho(se o! Peter_s other#in#%"w "!ter the ir"c%e on E%ish"1 ))0,C*G$142
M G ,"$ern"( # At dinner in the ho(se o! E%i the Ph"risee o! ,"$ern"(1 ))0,C<G$146
LL G "ro(nd Tiberi"s L4BM /etween ,h12FC c 2F70 &o%1 ))M
L G "bo*e M"gd"%" LCM # The o(nt"in retre"t $re$"ring the 25 !or their e%ection1 ))0,C@G$18>
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 8hronolo"ical 0u$$ary @ *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 8hronolo"ical 0u$$ary @ *nde
LL G N"I"reth#Ag%"e0 the <*ei%ed wo"n= is with Ho%' M"r' "nd te%%s her tr"gic stor' o! her !"%%1 ))0,CBG$122FM
L0S(n G "bo*e M"gd"%" # The e%ection o! the 25 Disci$%es1 ))0,C2G$18CD
L0S(n G "bo*e M"gd"%" # The !irst seron o! the Oe"%ot "nd +ohn "nd "n' ir"c%es1 ))0,CCG$188D
L0S(n G Tiberi"s LCM # )n the ho(se o! +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"1 +es(s s$e"ks to the Ro"n woen1 ))0,C;G$12>6
L0S(n G ne"r Arbe%" L3M # Seron on the Mo(nt: <Yo( "re the s"%t o! the e"rth1= ))0,CAG$1253D
M$%CH D$D <*
E0Mon G ne"r Arbe%" # S1O1M: The /e"tit(des1 ))0,;+G$12C5D
E0T(e G ne"r Arbe%" # S1O1M: /ew"re o! !"%se $ro$hets1 Lo*e 'o(r eneies1 ))0,;,G$1272D
E09ed G ne"r Arbe%" # S1O1M: On o"ths0 $r"'er "nd !"sting1 ))0,;*G$1276D
E0Th( G ne"r Arbe%" # S1O1M: )! 'o( !orgi*e en their !"(%ts1 T"ke no tho(ght !or 'o(r %i!e1 ))0,;<G$123FD
E0Fri G ne"r Arbe%" # S1O1M: Ser*ing two "sters1 The e'es1 On %(st "nd K(dging1 The M"gd"%ene interr($ts1 ))0,;@G$12FCD
E0Fri G ne"r Arbe%" # S1O1M: A %e$er is he"%ed "t the !oot o! the o(nt"in1 ))0,;2G$1242D
E0S"t G ne"r Arbe%" # S1O1M: Fin"% ess"ge: Not e*er'one here wi%% enter the -ingdo with Me1 ))0,;CG$1243D
E G ,"$ern"( L2>M # A ser*"nt o! " Ro"n cent(rion is he"%ed1 ))0,;;G$1248D
M G ,"$ern"( # The three en who wish to !o%%ow +es(s1 ))0,;BG$1282D
M G to /eths"id" LC b' bo"tM # The $"r"b%e o! The Sower1 Enth(si"s is not eno(gh1 ))0,;AG$128CD
M G -or"Ii L7M # +es(s t"kes the tr(sting !o%%ower E%i"s @Le*iBA to his !"ther_s !(ner"%1 ))0,;AG$1288
M G to /eths"id" LC b' bo"tM # )n Peter_s hoe +es(s e:$%"ins his (se o! $"r"b%es1 ))0,B+G$15>>D
LM G "%ost to ,"$ern"( L3 b' bo"tM b(t he"d to -or"Ii inste"d # /etween ,h124> c 2420 &o%1 ))M
M G -or"Ii L5M # At the hoe o! Le*i the new disci$%e "nd the $"r"b%e o! the 9he"t "nd the D"rne%GT"res1 ))0,B,G$15>8D
M G to M"gd"%" L4#2> b"ck ro"dsM # +es(s s$e"ks to soe she$herds "nd "n or$h"n bo'1 ))0,B*G$1523
M G M"gd"%" # +es(s !inds the M"gd"%ene "t " tr"gic %ow1 ))024CG$1528
M G M"gd"%" # )n the ho(se o! /enK"in_s other "nd the $"r"b%e o! the M(st"rd Seed1 ))0,B@G$155CD
M G Se" o! G"%i%ee LCBM # +es(s c"%s the se" "!ter being h(i%i"ted "t their in"bi%it' to h"nd%e the bo"t1 ))0,B2G$15C>D
LL G "re" "ro(nd the Se" o! G"%i%ee # +es(s e*"nge%iIes in this "re"1 /etween ,h1243 c 24F0 &o%1 ))M
$3%I5 D$D <*
E0Th( G ,"$ern"( to ne"r G""%" b' bo"t L8M # The deoni"cs o! G"d"r" Lr"ther: "t G""%"M "re de%i*ered1 ))0,BCG$15CCD
LE G toT"riche" b' bo"t L4M /etween ,h124F c 2460 &o%1 ))M
E0Th( G to Mt1 T"bor # +es(s is $%"nning to go o(t o! the w"' to see the (nh"$$' $e"s"nts o! the 'o(ng Dor"s1 ))0,B;G$15C4
LE G Mt1 T"bor L2CM # Arri*ing "nd s%ee$ing on its s%o$es1 /etween ,h1246 c 2440 &o%1 )) @See ))0246G$1572AM
E0Fri G Mt1 T"bor to Endor L7M # )n the c"*e o! the necro"ncer1 The' eet +ohn o! Endor @Fe%i:A1 ))0,BBG$157C
E0Fri G N"in L5M # D"nie%0 the son o! " widow is r"ised !ro the de"d1 ))0,BAG$1535D
E0Fri G Esdr"e%on P%"in L25M # +es(s st"'s with Mic"h0 +oh"n"nHs ser*"nt1 Dor"s_ !ie%ds "re de*"st"ted b' the c(rse1 ))0,A+G$1533
E0S"t G Esdr"e%on P%"in # 9ith Dor"sH o$$ressed ser*"nts +es(s te%%s the stor' o! the Rich "n "nd L"I"r(s1 ))0,A,G$1534D
E0Mon G to Megiddo L4M # Litt%e +"beI "nd Peter <the !"ther1= ))0,A*G$15F71
LTo +er(s"%e thro(gh S""ri" G E A$r0AD C5M
E0Mon G Eng"nni L22M # The' r(n into P(b%i(s a(inti"n(s1 He "nd ,%"(di" wo(%d %ike to he"r Hi s$e"k in +er(s"%e1 ))0,A*G$15F6
E0T(e#9ed G Sheche L55M # Litt%e +"beI "nd +ohn o! Endor1 ))0,A<G$15F81
Third +(de"n Ministr' G Two Months0 E A$r # E +(n0AD C5
L+er(s"%e0 E#M A$r0AD C5M
E0Th( G /eeroth L53M # +"beI_ grie! "nd sorrow s(r!"ces1 ))0,A@G$156C1
E0Fri G to +er(s"%e # +(d"s "nd +ohn o! Endor con*erse1 ))0,A2G$1564D
E0S"t G +er(s"%e L4M # At Gethse"ne: The si: "gnit(des o! %o*e "nd the $ro$hec' o! the )"c(%"te ,once$tion1 ))0,ACG$1542
E0S"t G +er(s"%e # )n the Te$%e in the ho(r o! the o!!ering1 +es(s in*ites +ose$h o! Ari"the" to /eth"n'1 ))0,A;G$1548
E0S"t G /eth"n' L5M # +es(s eets His other "nd "n' disci$%es1 A *er' h"$$' re(nion1 ))0,ABG$1585
M0S(n G +er(s"%e L5M # +es(s goes to the %e$ers o! Si%o" "nd /en Hinno1 M"r' obt"ins !ro +es(s " son !or Peter1 ))0,AAG$1C>>
M0Mon G /eth"n' L5M # Ag%"e !in"%%' eets the Lord "nd is enco(r"ged in her desire !or e:$i"tion1 ))0*++G$1C>81
M09ed G +er(s"%e L5M # +"beI_ @M"rKi"_sA e:"in"tion in the Te$%e1 +ose$h o! Ari"the" in*ites the to dinner1 ))0*+,G$1C23
M0Th( G +er(s"%e # At the Te$%e on the e*e o! the P"sso*er1 +(d"s cre"tes " stir "ong the Disci$%es1 ))0*+*G$1C5>
M $3% 7 3$((4&)% # +es(sGDisci$%es "t L"I"r(s_ residence1 She$herds "t the $"%"ce o! +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"1 /etween ,h 5>5 c 5>C0 &1 ))
M0Th( G +er(s"%e # )n Gethse"ne +es(s te"ches the Disci$%es the <O(r F"ther1= ))0*+<G$1C5CD
LM G /eth"n' L5M # L"I"r(s_ est"te1 @See 5>CG$1CC>AM
M0S"t G /eth"n' # +es(s s$e"ks to Ro"ns: ^F"ith is b(i%t "s 'o(r te$%es1^ ))0*+@G$1CC>
M G /eth"n' # 9ith the M"gd"%ene "nd +ohn o! Endor in ind +es(s te%%s "bo(t the Prodig"% Son1 ))0*+2G$1CC4D
M G /eth"n' # +es(s to%d the P"r"b%es o! the Fi*e Foo%ish &irgins "nd the Ro'"% 9edding1 ))0*+CG$1C77D
LSo(th E"st +(de"n ,irc(it G M A$r #E +(n0AD C5M
M G to /eth%ehe L8M # +es(s0 His Disci$%es0 "nd the other woen disci$%es he"r !ro The Mother o! th"t !irst night1 ))0 *+;G$1C3F
LM G to +"%" L2M # /etween ,h1 5>6 c 5>4M
M G to /ethI(r L22M W 9ith E%iI"0 M"r'_s Te$%e te"cher who is gre"t%' distressed1 ))0*+BG$1CF3
L G /ethI(r # +es(s s$e"ks to E%iI" o! sorrow th"t be"rs !r(it1 ))0*+AG$1C63
L G to Hebron # The wor%d_s re"sons "nd God_s re"sons1 +(d"s ch"%%enges the wisdo "nd !"irness o! +es(s1 ))0*,+G$1C4>
L G Hebron L7M # 9e%coe rece$tion1 A $ower!(% ess"ge on e*i% "nd corr($tion in re%igio(s %e"ders1 ))0*,,G$1C431
L G +(tt" L4M # +es(s s$e"ks in the ho(se o! )s""c0 the dis"b%ed /eth%ehe she$herd1 ))0*,*G$1C85
M$8 D$D <*
E G -erioth L8M # +es(s s$e"ks in the s'n"gog(e "nd te%%s o! being betr"'ed b' one o! His own1 ))0*,<G$1C88
E G -erioth # 9ith the )sc"riot_s other1 +es(s does his best to !orti!' her !or the gre"t tri"% to coe1 ))0*,@G$17>51
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 8hronolo"ical 0u$$ary @ *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 8hronolo"ical 0u$$ary @ *nde
LE G to /ethI(r L24M to eet E%iI"1 /etween ,h1527 c 5230 &o%1 ))M
E#M G /ethginn" L25M # On one o! these d"'s the %(n"tic d"(ghter o! the innkee$er S"(e% is c(red1 ))0*,2G$17>4
L0Fri G tow"rd the Ashke%on P%"in # The s(n is hot "nd the citiIens "re hosti%e1 ))0*,CG$1727
L0S"t G Ashke%on P%"in L23BM # E"ting !ro the !ie%ds the' "re "cc(sed o! *io%"ting the S"bb"th1 ))0*,;G$1724D
L0S(n G Ashke%on L23M # The Disci$%es "re sent o(t to e*"nge%iIe1 ))0*,BG$1755
L0S(n G Ashke%on # The Disci$%es re$ort on their e!!orts1 +(d"s h"d c"(sed "n o!!ense1 ))0*,AG$17C5
L0Mon G M"gd"%g"d LCM # 9hi%e the Disci$%es "re in Ashdod +es(s inciner"tes " $"g"n ido% "nd s"*es two %i*es1 ))0**+G$17C8
LL G AIot(s @AshdodA L2>M /etween ,h155> c 5520 &o%1 ))M
L0T(e G to +"bnee% L5>M # +es(s re*e"%s the destin' o! +ohn0 +"es "nd Peter1 ))0**,G$1773
LL G Ekron L7M # +es(s "nd +ohn go to Ekron whi%e the others go to Modin L26M1 /etween ,h 552 c 5550 &o%1 ))M
L G tow"rds Modin L26M # +ohn coes b"ck !ro Ekron with his !"ce "g%ow1 He h"d $er!ored " ir"c%e1 ))0***G$1732
L G to /ether # +es(s dis"rs " hiding b"nd o! Highw"'en b' " %o*ing s$eech1 ))0**<G$1733
.>") D$D <*
E G /ether L55M # The Disci$%es disco*er th"t the so(rce o! +es(s_ "nd +ohn_s $ower is %o*e1 ))0**@G$17F>
E0S"t G +er(s"%e L4M # The he"%ing o! the $"r"%'tic "t the Poo% o! /ethI"th" stirs ($ " new stor !or +es(s1 ))0**2G$17FFD
E G /eth"n' L5M # L"I"r(s shows +es(s " %etter !ro the M"gd"%ene re;(esting M"rth" to coe to her1 ))0**CG$176F
) .>" 7 3)"T)C4(T
Fo(rth G"%i%e"n Ministr' # S'ro#Phoenici"0 Dec"$o%is0 Tetr"rch' o! Phi%i$ G Fo(r Months0 E +(n W L Se$0AD C5
LE G N"I"reth L63M # /etween ,h1 55F c 5560 &o%1 ))M
LM G ,"n" L7M # /etween ,h1 55F c 5560 &o%1 ))M
LM G Tiberi"s L26M # /etween ,h1 55F c 5560 &o%1 ))M
M G to /eths"id" L2> b' bo"tM # Peter_s eek "nd chi%d%ess wi!e is o*erwhe%ed "t being gi*en %itt%e M"rKi"11 ))0**;G$1764
M G /eths"id" # +es(s s$e"ks to the $eo$%e on the i$ort"nce o! doing good s(ch "s he%$ing or$h"ns1 ))0**BG$1745
M G ,"$ern"( LCM # The wo"n with the heorrh"ge "nd +"ir(s_ d"(ghter is he"%ed1 ))0**AG$1747D
M G ,"$ern"( # Tho"s_ ho(se1 +es(s s$e"ks to M"rth" "bo(t the gre"t t(roi% her sister M"r' is e:$eriencing1 ))0*<+G$1744
M G ,"$ern"( # Two b%ind en "nd " deoni"c "re he"%ed1 ))0*<,G$1787D
M G ,"$ern"(0 Fo(nt ,reek # The $"r"b%e o! the Lost Shee$1 The M"gd"%ene is hiding b(t %istening1 ))0*<*G$1788D
L+es(s coents to M& on the con*ersion o! M"r' M"gd"%ene1 ))0*<<G$13>2M
M G ,"$ern"( # M"rth" s$i%%s o(t the K(bi%"nt "cco(nt o! her sisterHs con*ersion to +es(s1 ))0*<@G$13>4
LM G to T"riche" L25 b' bo"tM # /etween ,h1 5C7 c 5C30 &o%1 ))M
LM G to N"in L24M # +es(s (st kee$ " dinner d"te with Sion the Ph"risee in N"in1 /etween ,h1 5C7 c 5C30 &o%1 ))M
M G N"in # M"r' M"gd"%ene in the ho(se o! Sion the Ph"risee1 ))0*<2G$132>D
LM G Dec"$o%is or M"ged"n "nd Mero L23M # /etween ,h15C3 c 5CF0 &o%1 ))M
L G Mero L7>M # +es(s h"s to K(sti!' His !orgi*ing the M"gd"%ene to His Disci$%es1 The $"r"b%e o! the Tre"s(re1 ))0*<CG$1326D
L G ,"$ern"( L22M # +es(s goes b"ck to Tho"s_ ho(se to !ind M"rth" in distress o*er M"r'Hs <dis"$$e"r"nce1= ))0*<CG$1352
L G ,"$ern"( # Tho"s_ ho(se1 Ho%' M"r' "cco$"nies the M"gd"%ene "ong the disci$%es1 ))0*<;G$1357
L G ,"$ern"( # The $"r"b%es o! The Fisheren0 the 9ise +ewe%ers "nd The F"ther with the O%d "nd New1 ))0*<BG$1354D
L G to /eths"id" LCM # The M"gd"%ene eets Peter_s wi!e "nd M"rKi" who te"ches her the <O(r F"ther1= ))0*<AG$13C7
L G M"gd"%" L4M # +es(s te%%s the $"r"b%e o! the Lost ,oin to those ""Ied to see the M"gd"%ene with +es(s1 ))0*@+G$13C6D
L G Tiberi"s LC M # The M"gd"%ene !"ces her se*erest tests !ro those who knew her1 ))0*@,G$1375
L G ,"n" L26M # S(s"nn"h_s ho(se1 The M"gd"%ene desires to withdr"w "!ter +es(s %e"*es the wor%d1 ))0*@*G$133>
.>58 D$D <*
E0Fri G to N"I"reth # +ohn re$e"ts the s$eech "de b' +es(s on Mt1 T"bor1 ))0*@<G$1334
E0Fri G N"I"reth L7M # +es(s re!(tes the "cc(s"tion th"t He de!i%es Hise%! b' "$$ro"ching sinners1 ))0 *@@G$13F7
E0S"t G N"I"reth # )n the s'n"gog(e +es(s is "g"in reKected1 His two o%dest co(sins "re $(b%ic%' hosti%e1 ))0*@2G$13F8D
E0S(n G to /eth%ehe o! G"%i%ee # Ho%' M"r' s$e"ks to the M"gd"%ene o! the i$ort"nce o! conte$%"ti*e $r"'er1 ))0*@CG$1366D
E0S(n G /eth%ehe o! G"%i%ee L6M # +es(s inisters to she$herds "nd de%i*ers "n innocent "n !ro de"th1 ))0*@;G$1345D
E0Mon G to Sic"inon # Ho%' M"r' instr(cts +(d"s )sc"riot1 ))0*@BG$1385
E0Mon G Sic"inon L27M # +es(s s$e"ks o! the $otenti"% o! di*ision in the !(t(re d(e to $riests becoing (se%ess ch"nne%s1 ))0*@AG$138F
E0Th( G T're LC3 b' bo"tM # +es(s s$e"ks on $erse*er"nce1 ))0*2+G$1F>7
E0Th( G Sic"inon LC3 b' bo"tM # +es(s ret(rns "nd gi*es " $"r"b%e on !"ith1 He $redicts )sr"e% wi%% $erish1 ))0*2,G$1F>8
M G to Dor" L55M # Ho%' M"r' s$e"ks on the gre"t rede$ti*e *"%(e o! s(!!ering1 ))0*2*G$1F2F
M G ne"r ,"es"re" L4M # +es(s resc(es S'nt'che " Greek s%"*e1 ))0*2<G$1F55
M G e"st o! ,"es"re" LBM # Goodb'es to the M"gd"%ene0 M"rth" "nd S'nt'che1 +(d"s "rg(es with +es(s1 ))0 *2@G$1F58
M G northe"st o! ,"es"re" LBM # +es(s s$e"ks o! ho$e0 !"ith "nd %o*e1 ))0 *22G$1FC3
M0Fri G Mt1 ,"re% L54M # +es(s goes ($ Mt1 ,"re% with his co(sin +"es where the' $r"'1 ))0*2CG$1F7>
M0S"t G Mt1 ,"re% # +es(s re*e"%s to +"es his !(t(re A$osto%ic ission1 ))0*2;G$1F7C
M0S(n G %e"*ing Mt1 ,"re% # +es(s to +"es on the hier"rch' o! the ,h(rch "nd the S"cr"ents1 +"es he"%s " bo'1 ))0 *2BG$1F32
M0S(n G Esdr"e%on L2>M # Peter s$e"ks to Dor"s_ $e"s"nts "bo(t the %o*e which is s"%*"tion1 ))0*2AG$1F38
M0Mon G Esdr"e%on # +es(s s$e"ks to +oh"n"n_s $e"s"nts on %o*e being obedience1 ))0*C+G$1FFF
M0Mon G /etween Esdr"e%on "nd N"I"reth # )n the ho(se o! Din"h "nd Phi%i$1 +(d"s_ des$"ir1 9oen in the ,h(rch1 ))0*C,G$1FF8
LL G tow"rd Tiberi"s "nd then to ,"$ern"( LC2M # /etween ,h15F2 c 5F50 &o%1 ))M
LL G /eths"id" LCM # /etween ,h15F2 c 5F50 &o%1 ))M
L0S"t G ,"$ern"( LCM # The Ph"risees "cc(se these%*es1 +es(s he"%s " "n with " withered h"nd on the S"bb"th1 ))0*C*G$1F64D
$>G>(T D$D <*
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 8hronolo"ical 0u$$ary @ *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 8hronolo"ical 0u$$ary @ *nde
LM G N"I"reth # A d"' o! +(d"s )sc"riot with Ho%' M"r' "t N"I"reth1 ))0*C<G$1F42M
M G ,"$ern"( # The Disci$%es o!!ici"%%' becoe A$ost%es1 )sr"e% wi%% be sc"ttered (nti% its con*ersion1 ))0*C@G$1F8>D
L0S(n G ,"$ern"( # The /"$tist sends do(bting disci$%es to he"r +es(s_ own testion'1 ))0*C2G$16>>D
LL G M"ch"er(s # The /"$tist is ki%%ed1 9ord does not re"ch +es(s (nti% C weeks %"ter1 @See ))05F8G$1658AM
L0Mon G -or"Ii L2M # +es(s works !or " $oor widow woen "nd te"ches her son c"r$entr'1 ))0*CCG$16>4
L0Fri G to ,"$ern"( L2M # +es(s doctrine is " h"er to bre"k the h"rd she%% o! h("n ego to %iber"te the s$irit1 ))0 *C;G$1622D
()3T)M:)% D$D <*
E0Fri G ,"$ern"( # A b%ind0 (te $ossessed "n he"%ed1 His Mother "nd His hosti%e co(sins "rri*e1 ))0*CBG$1628D
LE G -or"Ii L2M # +es(s goes b"ck to he%$ the $oor widow "nd her son !or "nother week1 /etween ,h15F4 c 5F80 &o%1 ))M
E0Fri G ,"$ern"( L2M # +es(s he"rs o! the (rder o! the /"$tist1 The three /eth%ehe she$herds Koin with +es(s1 ))0 *CAG$1658D
E0FriGS"t G tow"rd T"riche" # +es(s s$e"ks on the de"th o! the /"$tist1 ))0*;+G$16C3D
M G T"riche" "re" L27M # +es(s s$e"ks to " scribe "t the +ord"n1 He denies reinc"rn"tion "nd "!!irs P(rg"tor' 1 ))0*;,G$16C8D
M G T"riche" "re" # The !irst ir"c%e o! the %o"*es1 ))0*;*G$16C7D
M G Se" o! G"%i%ee LBM # +es(s w"%ks on the w"ter "nd sti%%s the se"1 ))0*;<G$1676D
LGennes"ret region # L5>BM # @567#56FAM
L G -or"Ii P%"in # Ste*en "nd Her"s becoe disci$%es o! +es(s1 +es(s on deeds o! cor$or"% "nd s$irit("% erc'1 ))0*;@G$1635
L G " hi%% "bo*e M"gd"%" "nd Tiberi"s L8M # +es(s reb(kes " co*eto(s "n1 The $"r"b%e o! the Foo%ish Rich M"n1 )))0*;2G$16D
L G M"gd"%" LCM # The g"rden o! the M"gd"%ene: How to h"nd%e in %o*e0 $rob%es /etween brothers1 )))0*;CG$123D
L G M"gd"%" # The g"rden: <9h"tsoe*er 'o( bind1111= 9here two or three "re g"thered1111 Forgi*e 6>:61 )))0*;;G$15>D
Fo(rth +(de"n Ministr' # Pere"0 Dec"$o%is G Two Months0 E Oct W M No*0AD C5
4CT4:)% D$D <*
E G +er(s"%e L43M # Mt1 o! O%i*es: +es(s eets L"I"r(s1 )))0*;BG$157
E G +er(s"%e # Mt1 o! O%i*es: The <65= disci$%es ret(rn "!ter e*"nge%iIing "nd gi*e " K(bi%"nt re$ort1 )))0*;AG$15FD
) 7 )DM 4CT 7 F)$(T 4F T$:)%"$C5)(
E G +er(s"%e # Te$%e: The high cost o! disci$%eshi$1 The Tower0 the T"%ents "nd the Good S""rit"n1 )))0*B+G$1C>D
M G to /eth"n' L5M # The Te$%e is "w"re o! three Genti%es with +es(s thro(gh the )sc"riot1 )))0*B,G$177
M G /eth"n' # S'nt'che_s testion' o! en%ightenent "s " Greek $"g"n be!ore Nicode(s "nd +ose$h o! Ari"the"1 )))0*B*G$13>
L G /eth"n' # +es(s (st get rid o! +(d"s so S'nt'che "nd +ohn o! Endor c"n be e:i%ed in secret1 )))0*B<G$133
L G /eth"n' # Peter is corrected !or his h(or o*er one o! +(d"sH %ies1 Ho%' M"r'_s co(nse%1 )))0*B@G$136
LL G +ericho L25M # /etween ,h1547 c 5430 &o%1 )))M
LPere"0 Dec"$o%is G L Oct W M No*M
L09ed G to R"oth L57M # +es(s with the rich "nd we%% "red erch"nt c"r"*"n "nd ore !ro S'nt'che1 )))0*B2G$1F7
L0Th( G to Ger"s" L55M # +es(s brings the rich erch"nt to think o! his so(% "nd eternit'1 )))0*BCG$16>
L0Fri G Ger"s" # +es(s $re"ches on the Ten ,o"ndents "nd te%%s wh' His Mother is /%essed1 )))0*B;G$167D
L0S"t G Ger"s" # The S"bb"th: +es(s s$e"ks to the erch"nt "bo(t the co(nion o! the s"ints "nd honest $"g"ns1 )))0*BBG$14>
L0S(n G To the Fo(nt"in o! the ,"e%eer L28M # +es(s te"ches on !"ith0 re$ent"nce "nd the error o! reinc"rn"tion1 )))0*BAG$143
"4&)M:)% D$D <*
E0 Mon G to /oIr"h # +es(s re*e"%s " secret "bo(t His $r"'er "nd edit"tion1 )))0*A+G$18C
E0T(e G /oIr"h L5>M # +es(s !inds the' h"*e been disco*ered b' Te$%e s$ies so (st send the e:i%es "w"' iedi"te%'1 )))0*A,G$18F
E0T(e G /oIr"h # A o*ing seron "nd ir"c%es en "sse "t /oIr"h1 +es(s wins the he"rt o! the erch"nt1 )))0*A*G$12>2
E09ed G tow"rds Arbe%" # A!ter %e"*ing /oIr"h the woen de$"rt "nd +es(s with the Disci$%es contin(e to Arbe%"1 )))0*A<G$12>4
E09ed#Th( G Arbe%" LCFM # +es(s s$e"ks o! the gre"t %"w o! %o*e "nd the i$ort"nce o! s(!!ering in o(r b"tt%e with S"t"n1 )))0*A@G$1222
E0T(e G to Aer" L77M # The' recei*e "n (n$recedented we%coe %ike none the' h"*e gotten in )sr"e%1 )))0*A2G$1226
E G Aer" # +es(s w"rns th"t eneies wi%% tr' to destro' their !"ith1 Their best "nswer is si%ence1 )))0*ACG$1257
Fi!th G"%i%e"n Ministr' # S'ro#Phoenici"0 Tetr"rch' o! Phi%i$0 Dec"$o%is0 Pere" G Fo(r Months0 M No*0AD C5 # M Mch0AD CC
M G ne"r L"ke Mero LC7M # +es(s resc(es or$h"ns M"r' "nd M"tthi"s who h"*e been reKected b' +"cob1 )))0*A;G$125F
LM G /eths"id" L4M # +es(s t"kes the or$h"ns to Peter_s ho(se1 /etween ,h1586 c 5840 &o%1 )))M
M G to Tiberi"s L22 b' bo"tM # +es(s entr(sts the or$h"ns M"r' "nd M"tthi"s to +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"1 )))0*ABG$12C7
LM G to T"riche" L25 b' bo"tM "nd ,"n" L23M # /etween ,h1584 c 5880 &o%1 )))M
L G N"in L22M # )n the ho(se o! D"nie% who +es(s r"ised !ro the de"d 4 onths be!ore @))0$535A1 )))0*AAG$12C4D
L G to Endor L5M # )n the shee$!o%d "t Endor1 The Disci$%es is(nderst"nd +es(s_ sorrow1 )))0<++G$1273D
L G to T"riche" to get their bo"ts L2FM # then to M"gd"%" L4M # +es(s con!irs His %o*e to Peter "!ter " reb(ke1 )))0<+,G$1274
L G N"I"reth L52M # +es(s with M"r' !or Dedic"tion whi%e the two e:i%es "nd M"rKi" "re s%ee$ing1 )))0<+*G$1235
D)C)M:)% D$D <*
E G N"I"reth # +es(s with M"r'Hs <$($i%s0= +ohn o! Endor "nd S'nt'che "nd M"rKi"1 )))0<+<G$123F
E G N"I"reth # M"rKi" $o(rs o(t to +es(s his "gon' o*er the horrib%e de"th o! his !"i%' "nd the e*i% o! Dor"s1 )))0<+@G$1234
E G N"I"reth # The Oe"%ot "rri*es "!ter distrib(ting "%s "nd b('ing s($$%ies !or the e:i%es1 )))0<+2G$12F5
E G N"I"reth # The hosti%it' o! "%% b(t soe chi%dren "nd woen in N"I"reth is disc(ssed1 Origin"% sin1 )))0<+CG$12F7
E G N"I"reth tow"rd ,"n" # +es(s gets His co(sin Sion_s wi!e S"%oe to be%ie*e !or the he"%ing o! their chi%d1 )))0<+;G$126>
E G ne"r ,"n" L7M # Yo(ng R"che% is c(red thro(gh the s"cri!ice o! M"rKi" "nd Sion0 +es(s_ co(sin0 re$ents1 )))0<+BG$1265
M G N"I"reth L7M # Peter is in!ored o! the necessit' "nd $%"n to e:i%e +ohn o! Endor "nd S'nt'che1 )))0<+AG$1264
M G N"I"reth # M"rKi" "nd his hone' c"kes: The rede$ti*e $ower o! se%!#s"cri!ice1 )))0<,+G$1245
MD5 D)C 7 F)$(T 4F D)DIC$TI4" 4% 5IGHT(
L G N"I"reth # +es(s !in"%%' te%%s +ohn o! Endor the $"in!(% tr(th o! his e:i%e in Antioch1 )))0<,,G$1243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 8hronolo"ical 0u$$ary @ *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 8hronolo"ical 0u$$ary @ *nde
L G N"I"reth # +es(s corrects His co(sin Sion !or condening +(d"s1 Peter "rri*es with " c"rt !or the e:i%es1 )))0<,*G$1286
L G N"I"reth # The sorrow!(% de$"rt(re !ro N"I"reth1 )))0<,<G$15>C
L G to +i$hth"he% L23M # +ohn o! Endor s(s$ects +(d"s to be the re"son !or his e:i%e b(t !orgi*es1 )))0<,@G$152>
L G +i$hth"he% # +es(s bids "%% !"rewe%% to S'nt'che0 +ohn o! Endor "nd the 4 Disci$%es1 )))0<,2G$1527D
L G +i$hth"he% # +es(s sec%(des Hise%! in " c"*e to $r"' !or the tr"*e%ers1 )))0<,CG$1526D
L Dec#E +"n G +i$hth"he% # +es(s in the c"*e d(ring ,h"$ters: C26#C5C1
LL Dec G Disci$%es to Pto%e"is L2CM
LL Dec G Disci$%es %e"*ing Pto%e"is !or T're LC> i%es b' Se"M1 )))0<,;G$1555M
LL Dec G !ro T're # On " ,ret"n shi$1 )))0<,BG$1556M
.$">$%8 D$D <<
LE G tow"rd Se%e(ci" # The stor "nd ir"c%es on the shi$1 )))0<,AG$15C5
LE G Se%e(ci" L5C> i%es b' se" !ro T'reM )))0<*+G$15C6
LE G Se%e(ci" to Antioch LC>M )))0<*,G$157>M
LE G Antigone" # The residenti"% "re" o! Antioch where the %"te $"rents o! L"I"r(s %i*ed1 )))0<**G$157FM
LE G Antioch # The Disci$%es "%% $re"ch "nd then s"' !"rewe%%1 )))0<*<G$153C
LM G Pto%e"is L57> b' se"M then to AchIib L2>M # /etween ,h1C5C c C571
M G AchIib L26M # +es(s %e!t the c"*e "t +i$hth"he% "nd "rri*es "t AchIib to eet the Disci$%es1 )))0<*@G$15F5
M G AchIib # +es(s with F A$ost%es1 )))0<*2G$15F8
M0Mon G border o! Phoenici" LBM # E*"nge%iIing those with i:ed re%igion1 The $"r"b%e o! the Le"*en in the Do(gh1 )))0<*CG$1565D
M0Mon G A%e:"ndroscene L25M # +es(s eets the C brothers o! Herione the Greek wi!e o! Dosite(s o! Antioch1 )))0<*;G$1563
M0T(e G A%e:"ndroscene # +es(s c(res o%d M"rk "nd +on"h the cri$$%e1 He te%%s the $"r"b%e o! the &ine'"rd %"borers1 )))0<*BG$1568
M0Th( G to -edesh L57M $"st the cit' LB M # +ohn "nd +"es "re "ngr' o*er de!e"ts "nd ins(%ts "nd wish to ret"%i"te1 )))0 <*AG$1582D
L0Fri G to AchIib # The $ersistent ,"n""nite wo"n obt"ins he"%ing !or her d"(ghter P"%"1 +es(s he"%s "nother chi%d1 )))0<<+G$1586D
L0S(n G AchIib LC>M # Phi%i$ "nd /"rtho%oew @who tho(ght he w"s not tr(stedA reKoin +es(s "nd the others1 )))0<<,G$1C>6
L G to Pto%e"is L2>M # +es(s "nd the 2> Disci$%es "rri*e "t Pto%e"is "nd $%"n to be "t Sic"inon b' e*ening1 )))0<<*G$1C22
LL G Sic"inon L5>M # The' st"' here !or "bo(t two weeks1 /etween ,h1CC5 c CCC0 &o%1 )))M
F):%>$%8 K $D <<
E09ed G Se$horis L57M # tow"rds Esdr"e%on # +(d"s0 with "n in*it"tion !ro the Ph"risee )sh"e%0 "nd Tho"s Koins +es(s1 )))0<<<G$1C2C
LE0Fri G Esdr"e%on L5>M # The' st"' !or " d"'1 /etween ,h1CCC c CC70 &o%1 )))M
M0S"t G Megiddo L2CM # At the hoe o! )sh"e% ben F"bi the Ph"risee1 The $"r"b%e o! The /"n;(et1 )))0<<@G$1C5>D
M G N"I"reth L26M # +es(s goes to N"I"reth with His co(sins "nd Peter "nd Tho"s1 +(d"s e:$%odes1 )))0<<2G$1CC5
LM G Tiberi"s L2FM # /etween ,h1CC3 c CCF0 &o%1 )))M
LM G ,"$ern"( L4M # +es(s with his co(sins "nd Peter "nd Tho"s1 /etween ,h1CC3 c CCF0 &o%1 )))M
M0S"t G -or"Ii L2M # The S"bb"th in the s'n"gog(e: +es(s he"%s " cri$$%ed wo"n1 )))0<<CG$1CC3D
M0S"t G S"$het L6 M # The Disci$%es reKoin +es(s "nd re$ort on their s(ccesses "t Deberet0 M"gd"%"0 ,"$ern"( etc1 )))0<<;G$1CC8D
M0S(n G to Meiron L7M # +(d"s %ies "bo(t his where"bo(ts on the $re*io(s night1 )))0<<BG$1C73
M0S(n G Gisc"%" L7M # +(d"s does not re$ent1 At Hi%%e%_s se$(%cher soe R"bbis stone +es(s "nd the Disci$%es1 )))0<<AG$1C78
L0Mon G /etween Gisc"%" "nd -edesh on Phoenici"n border L4M # A de"!#(te c(red in the hoe o! Me%ki"h1 )))0<@+G$1C33D
L G -edesh L7M # +es(s is w"r%' we%coed "nd "sked to s$e"k in the s'n"gog(e b(t is interr($ted b' Ph"risees1 )))0<@,G$1C38D
L G +ord"n Ri*er S9 o! ,"es"re" Phi%i$$i L2CM # The 'e"st o! the Ph"risees1 On 'o( Peter ) wi%% b(i%d M' ,h(rch1 )))0<@*G$1CF4D
L G ,"es"re" Phi%i$$i LFM # +es(s $%"in%' re*e"%s He wi%% die "nd the' wi%% see " deco$osed bod' rise !ro the de"d1 )))0<@<G$1C6C
L G ,"es"re" Phi%i$$i # +es(s gi*es %i!e b"ck to the sti%%born b"b' o! Dorc"1 )))0<@@G$1C68
L G to L"ke Mero L23M # The Disci$%es %o*e !or M"r'1 +es(s te%%s o! His de"th "nd Peter denies1 )))0<@2G$1C4CD
L G /eths"id" L4M # +es(s $ro$hecies "bo(t Peter "nd M"rKi"1 A b%ind "n is he"%ed1 )))0<@CG$1C82D
L G ,"$ern"( LCM # M"n"en te%%s o! the corr($tion in Herod_s co(rt1 )))0<@;G$1C83
L G M"gd"%" L3 b' bo"tM # )))0<@;G$1C84
LL G Tiberi"s LC b' bo"tM # /etween ,h1C76" c C76b0 &o%1 )))M
M$%CH D$D <<
LE G ,"n" L25M # /etween ,h1C76" c C76bM
E G N"I"reth L7M # Sion o! A%$h"e(s " disci$%e1 +es(s s$e"ks o! the !o(r tr"ns!ig(r"tions o! His Ho%' Mother1 )))0<@;bG$1C88
E G Mt1 T"bor L8M # 9ith Peter0 +"es "nd +ohn0 +es(s is tr"ns!ig(red1 An e$i%e$tic is c(red1 )))0<@BG$1783D
E G N"I"reth L8M # +es(s e:$%"ins wh' the Disci$%es co(%d not c(re the e$i%e$tic1 )))0<@AG$1723D
LE G ,"n" L7M /etween ,h1C78 c C3>0 &o%1 )))M
LE G Tiberi"s L26M # /etween ,h1C78 c C3>0 &o%1 )))M
E G ,"$ern"( L4 b' bo"tM # The Disci$%es co$%"in "bo(t h"*ing no one'1 Mone' in the !ish_s o(th !or the t":1 )))0<2+G$1726D
LE G M"gd"%" b' bo"t L3M # The' *isit soeone who is ^d'ing1^ /etween ,h1C3> c C320 &o%1 )))M
E G to ,"$ern"( L3M # The M"gd"%ene_s !irst con*ert1 Litt%e /enK"in te"ches the Disci$%es "bo(t disci$%eshi$1 )))0<2,G$1752D
LE G to Dec"$o%is e"st o! the Se" o! G"%i%eeL3BM # @)))0 $172407C707720784A /etween ,h1C32 c C350 &o%1 )))M
E0Th( G Dec"$o%is # The second ir"c%e o! the %o"*es to 70>>>1 )))0<2*G$17CCD
LE G +es(s "nd His Disci$%es go to M"gd"%" L2>BM # /etween ,h1C35 c C3C0 &o%1 ))) @See M"tthew 23:C8AM
LM G ,"$ern"( # The Disci$%es then %e"*e "%one !or ,"$ern"(1M
M0Fri G ,"$ern"( L23M # The s'n"gog(e: ) " the Tr(e /re"d1 .n%ess 'o( e"t M' /od' "nd drink M' /%ood1 )))0<2<G$17CFD
M0S"t G ,"$ern"( # +es(s is "g"in reb(!!ed b' "n' in the S"bb"th crowd1 Nico%"(s0 the con*ert !ro Antioch1 )))0<2@G$1774
Tow"rds +er(s"%e # Dec"$o%is0 Pere" G M Mch0 AD CC
M0S(n G tow"rds G"d"r" L55M # +(d"s shocks e*er'one b' den'ing the re"%it' o! He%%0 S"t"n "nd !ree wi%%1 )))0<22G$1737
M0S(nGMon G G"d"r" # +ohn "sks +es(s !or co(nse% on how to t"%k to +(d"s "bo(t his e*i% w"'s1 )))0<2CaG$1738
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 8hronolo"ical 0u$$ary @ *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 8hronolo"ical 0u$$ary @ *nde
M0Mon G G"d"r" # +es(s dec%"res the Mos"ic di*orce $ro*ision "s contr"r' to God_s wi%%1 )))0<2CbG$17F3
M0Mon G to Pe%%" L5>M # +es(s he"%s " b%ind bo' "nd other "nd $roises th"t $"tient s(!!ering wi%% con*ert her son M"rk1 )))0<2;G$17F4
M0Mon#T(e G +"besh#Gi%e"d L7M # R"in0 (d0 co%d "nd gr(b%ing1 M"tthi"s0 "n e:#%e$er0 e:tends hos$it"%it' to +es(s1 )))0<2BG$176F
M0Th(#Fri G E side o! +ord"n N o! /ethK"bbok L26M # The Rose o! +ericho @An"st"sic"A re$(di"ted (nK(st%' "nd stoned1 )))0<2AG$174C
M0S"t#S(n G E side o! +ord"n ne"r /eth"b"r" L53M0 then b"ck to 9 side o! +ord"n N o! /ethe% L23M # The ir"c%e crossing1 )))0<C+G$1787
Fi!th +(de"n Ministr' # Pere"0 Dec"$o%is0 Northern S""ri" G Three Months G M Mch # L +(n0AD CC
L G ne"r /ethe% LC>M W On the other b"nk +es(s eets His Mother "nd other woen disci$%es )))0<C,G$13>C
L G R""h L7M # 9ith the A$ost%e Tho"s_ !"i%'1 The g"te o! He"*en is n"rrow1 +er(s"%e0 +er(s"%e111 )))0<C*G$13>4D
L G +er(s"%e L3M # Te$%e: G""%ie% de!ends Ste*en "g"inst b%"s$he'1 The $"r"b%e o! the Tr(e Sons1 )))0<C<G$1323
L G +er(s"%e "nd /eth"n' L5M # Gethse"ne: Lessons "n K(dging sinners1 /eth"n': A re$ort on +(d"s1 )))0<C@G$1357
L09ed G to +er(s"%e L5M # Gethse"ne: Letters !ro Antioch1 +ohn o! Endor "nd S'nt'che1 )))0<C2G$13C3
L0Th( G +er(s"%e # Gethse"ne: Morning $re%iin"ries1 )))0<CCG$1373
L0Th( G +er(s"%e # Te$%e: +es(s (st c"% Ann"%e"hHs other1 He e:$oses the sin o! S"doc the Ph"risee1 )))0<C;G$1376
L0Th( G +er(s"%e # On the w"' to +oh"nn"_s ho(se: Peter in;(ires "bo(t the "$$"rition gi*en to +ohn o! Endor1 )))0<CBG$133F
L0Th( G +er(s"%e # )n +oh"nn"Hs ho(se: +oh"nn" h"s !i%%ed her ho(se with h(ndreds o! the $oor1 The Lo*e Fe"st1 )))0<CAG$13F5
L0Th( G +er(s"%e # L"I"r(s_ P"%"ce: +es(s s$e"ks o! the e;("%it' o! "%% in His ,h(rch1 The Ro"n woen re*e"%ed1 )))0<;+G$1366
$3%I5 D$D <<
E0Fri G +er(s"%e # L"I"r(s_ P"%"ce: +es(s is in!ored o! the "ss"(%t "t Gethse"ne b' those o(t to "rrest +es(s1 )))0<;,G$134F
E0Fri G +er(s"%e # Te$%e: +es(s is "ss"i%ed "nd "ss"(%ted b' the r(%ers1 He dri*es the "w"' b' n"ing their sins1 )))0<;*G$138>
E0Fri G +er(s"%e # )n the streets: +es(s (st re$ro*e His Disci$%es who h"*e becoe e"n s$irited to soe deserters1 )))0<;<G$1383
E0Fri G +er(s"%e # L"I"r(s_ P"%"ce: The P"sso*er Fe"st1 The crisis in*o%*ing Ann"%e"h_s !orer !i"nci1 )))0<;@a'bG$1F>2
E0S"t G +er(s"%e # L"I"r(s_ P"%"ce: Rede$ti*e s(!!ering1 The horrib%e corr($tion o! Herod_s co(rt "nd the Te$%e1 )))0<;2G$1F>8
) $3%' ($T 7 3$((4&)%
E G /eth"n' L5M # M"rth" co$%"ins to +es(s "bo(t M"r' not he%$ing her1 )))0<;CG$1F26D
E G /eth"n' # L"I"r(sH est"te is !i%%ed with $eo$%e1 +es(s $(b%ic%' condens the Te$%e c $roc%"is His Tri($h1 )))0<;;G$1F55
E G tow"rds Mt1 Adoin # The need to $r"' "nd $re$"re !or ^!resh !iercer "nd !iercer str(gg%es^ "g"inst one_s ego1 )))0<;BG$1FC>
M G Mt1 ,herith L2CM # A needed re!%ection on wh"t it e"ns to "ct in %o*e tow"rd "%%1 )))0<;AG$1FCC
M G ne"r +ericho # The need o! (sing we"%th !or etern"% $(r$oses1 An Essene on $redestin"tion1 On di*orce1 )))0<B+G$1FCFD
M G +ericho L7M # )n &eronic"Hs @NikeHsA ho(se: She $o(rs o(t to +es(s her desire to co!ort Hi in His ho(r o! "gon'1 )))0<B,G$1F7F
M G +ord"n !ord L3M # /etween +ericho "nd /eth"b"r": +es(s s$e"ks o! %i!e "s the $re$"r"tion !or de"th1 )))0<B*G$1F35
M G So%oon_s &i%%"ge LCM # )n So%oon_s ho(se1 O%d An"ni"s is he"%ed "nd gi*en ch"rge o! the ho(se1 )))0<B<G$1F34
L G So%oon_s &i%%"ge # At the crossro"ds: P"r"b%e o! the L"bor Agents1 )))0<B@G$1FFC
L G western b"nk o! +ord"n # +es(s wi%% *isit O%d An"ni"s_ cr(e% D"(ghter#in#%"w in M"s"d"1 )))0<B2G$1FF8
L G Gi%g"% L5M # The begg"r Og%": The i$ort"nce o! con!ession "nd e:$i"tion1 +es(s0 c(rsed b' scribes0 wee$s1 )))1<BCG$1F62
L0Th( G tow"rd Engedi # +es(s "kes "nother $"ssion"te $%e" to +(d"s to kee$ "w"' !ro h"r!(% e%eents1 )))0<B;G$1F66
L0Fri G Engedi LC>M # The' "rri*e "t this be"(ti!(% cit' "nd reco(nt its historic"% !"e1 )))0<BBG$1F4C
L0Fri G Engedi # Abr"h"0 the "ged he"d o! the s'n"gog(e te%%s o! his eeting the 9ise Men1 +es(s he"%s his wi!e1 )))0<BAG$1F43
M$8 D$D <<
E0S(n G Engedi # +es(s "%so he"%s Abr"h"_s on%' son E%ish" o! %e$ros' who h"d been %i*ing in the hi%%s1 )))0<A+G$1F85
E G M"s"d" L23M # +es(s de%i*ers " ess"ge !ro O%d An"ni"s to his h"rd he"rted d"(ghter#in#%"w1 )))0<A,G$1F8F
E G ne"r -erioth L27M # The co(ntr' ho(se o! M"r' other o! the )sc"riot: +es(s tender%' "ss(res this ho%' wo"n1 )))0<A*G$16>2
M G -erioth L2M # F"rewe%% to -erioth1 P"r"b%e o! the Two 9i%%s1 +es(s $re$"res the $eo$%e !or the betr"'"%1 )))0<A<G$16>3
M G -erioth # +es(s he"%s the bitterness o! Anne tow"rd +(d"s_ other1 +(d"s h"d occ"sioned her d"(ghter_s de"th1 )))0<A@G$16>4
M G +(tt" L4M # +es(s re#*isits S"r"h0 her !"i%' "nd !riends1 See Notebooks 28770 $12C81 @This stor' w"s not $(t in The PoemA
M G +(tt" # F"rewe%% to +(tt": +es(s coends the !or their !"ith in !"ce o! so (ch o$$osition1 )))0<A2G$1627
M G Hebron L4M # Hebron we%coes +es(s this tie1 He s$e"ks o! Ag%"e "nd then $re$"res the !or the stor1 )))0<ACG$1628
M G /ethI(r L7M # The' see E%iI"0 M"r'_s Te$%e te"cher "nd now ^other^ to An"st"sic"1 )))0<A;G$165C
M0Th( G /ether L23M # +oh"nn"_s est"te: She s$e"ks o! the con!(sion +(d"s "de in the ind o! ,%"(di"1 )))0<ABG$1654
M0Fri G /ether # Peter "nd /"rtho%oew re$ort on "nother sc"nd"% cre"ted b' +(d"s1 )))0<AAG$16CC
L0S"t G /ether # +es(s c"%s the !e"rs o! ,h(I" o*er +(d"s_ (n"(thoriIed "$$ro"ch to ,%"(di"1 )))0@++G$16C4
L0S"t G /ether # Peter is once "g"in tested b' +(d"s "nd str(gg%es to o*ercoe his i$(%ses1 )))0@+,G$16C7
L0S(n G tow"rd E"(s on the P%"in L23M # The' eet " n(ber o! she$herds who h"*e $re"ched "%% o*er 9estern +(de"1 )))0@+*G$167F
L0S(n G E"(s on the P%"in # Litt%e Mich"e% with " $(re0 tender "nd ins$iring !"ith1 )))0@+<G$163>
L G +o$$" L57M # +es(s (ses e*er' $ossib%e "$$e"% to bring +(d"s to 'ie%d his $ride "nd se%! wi%%1 S$e"ks to Genti%es1 )))0@+@G$16F2
L G Phi%istine P%"in L55M # Nicode(s is good to the $oor1 P"r"b%e o! the &ine'"rd Owner "nd Two Sons1 )))0@+2G$1662D
L0Th( G Phi%istine P%"in L8M # A ir"c%e (%ti$%ies the gr"in o! +ose$h o! Ari"the" gi*en to the $oor1 )))0@+CG$1666D
L0S"t G Phi%istine P%"in # +ose$h_s ho(se: +ohn the Ph"risee with " serio(s "rit"% $rob%e interr($ts " S"bb"th rest1 )))0@+;G$1645
L0S(n G tow"rds +er(s"%e # The Disci$%es "re co$%"ining "bo(t the he"t1 +(d"s gets on e*er'oneHsH ner*es "g"in1 )))0@+BG$1644
L G E"st o! E"(s on the P%"in L5M # +es(s (%ti$%ies gr"in !or "n o%d other who s(!!ered in the /eth%ehe "ss"cre1 )))0@+AG$168C
5 M$8 7 3)"T)C4(T
L G ne"r +er(s"%e # +es(s s$e"ks o! His other "s the $(re h(b%e "nd ost !r"gr"nt Li%' o! the &"%%e'1 )))0@,+G$14>>
L G +er(s"%e L53M # The Te$%e "t Pentecost: +es(s s$e"king o! the d"nger )sr"e% is in stirs ($ the r(%ers1 )))0@,,G$14>7D
L G +er(s"%e # The ho(se o! He%k"i: A tr"$ to "cc(se +es(s occ"sions the th(ndero(s woes ($on He%k"i1 )))0@,*G$1422D
L G /eth"n' L5M # +es(s grie! is so "$$"rent it brings His !riends to te"rs1 L"I"r(s tr(sts God with his i%%ness1 )))0@,<G$145>
LL G to the Mt1 o! F"sting ne"r Teko"h L5>M # +es(s !"sts !or 5 d"'s then he"ds to +ericho1 @)))0 $1455A /etween ,h172C0 &1 ))) c 7270 &1 )&M
.>") D$D <<
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 8hronolo"ical 0u$$ary @ *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 8hronolo"ical 0u$$ary @ *nde
E G to +ericho # The !"ith o! " S""rit"n begg"r who is he"%ed occ"sioned "nother %esson !or +(d"s to !ors"ke his w"'s1 )&0@,@G$16
LE G ne"r +ericho # +es(s *isits &eronic" @NikeA1 /etween ,h1727 c 7231@See )&072FG$155AM
E G +ericho L53M # O"cch"e(s0 h"*ing "%re"d' ch"nged his %i!e0 gets his desire to t"%k to +es(s in his hoe1 )&0@,2G$122D
E0Mon G So%oon_s &i%%"ge L4M # For the s"ke o! His Disci$%es +es(s (st %e"*e +(de" "!ter on%' two onths1 )&0@,CG$15>D
E G Dec"$o%is *i%%"ge0 on +ord"n R1LBM # The L"w e:c%(ding de!orit' in those who ser*e the Te$%e is e:$%"ined1 )&0@,;G$153D
E G ne"r Dec"$o%is *i%%"ge # +es(s c"sts o(t /ee%Ieb(b !ro " "n1 He s$e"ks o! deonic $ossession1 )&0@,BG$1C2D
E G ne"r Dec"$o%is *i%%"ge # +es(s w"rns o! the 'e"st o! the Ph"risees1 The (n!orgi*"b%e sin1 )&0@,AG$1C8D
E G "t +ord"n ne"r Enon LC>M # +(d"s "cc(ses +es(s o! (n!"irness1 ,onsider 'o(rse%*es (n$ro!it"b%e ser*"nts1 )&0@*+G$17FD
M G tow"rds Megiddo # +(d"s h"*ing %e!t0 the others beg"n to t"%k "bo(t hi1 +es(s (st "g"in correct the1 )&0@*,G$132
L G in sight o! ,"es"re" L77M # +es(s disc(sses how God $re$"res one !or "rt'rdo "nd "bo(t %i*ing "rt'rdo1 )&0@**G$136
L G ,"es"re" L2M # +es(s "sks !or he%$ in s"*ing the s%"*e G"%%" ,i$rin"1 The $"r"b%e o! the F"ther Gi*ing E;("% Mone'1 )&0@*<G$1F>
L G ,"es"re" # G"%%" ,i$rin" is resc(ed b' the Ro"n woen1 +es(s on the Ro"n $oet &irgi%1 )&0@*@G$1F4
Si:th G"%i%e"n Ministr' W Dec"$o%is0 Tetr"rch' o! Phi%i$0 S'ro#Phoenici"0 S""ri" G Fo(r Months0 L +(n # L Oct0AD CC
L G to the P%"in o! Esdr"e%on L5CM # /"rtho%oew te"ches G"%%" "bo(t God1 SheHs t"ken b' c"rt to M"r' in N"I"reth1 )&0@*2G$14>D
L0Fri G P%"in o! Esdr"e%on # +oined b' new disci$%es0 +es(s te%%s the $"r"b%e o! the &ine'"rd "nd Free wi%%1 )&0@*CG$144
L0S"t G P%"in o! Esdr"e%on # +(d"s "%one with +es(s s$e"ks "bo(t ,"es"re"1 His worr' is ,%"(di"_s *iew o! hi now1 )&0@*;G$187
L0S"t G P%"in o! Esdr"e%on # +oh"n"n_s est"te: +es(s is re$ro"ched !or restoring " bird nest on the S"bb"th1 )&0@*BG$18F
L0S"t G P%"in o! Esdr"e%on # Tho"s $resents " w"' to *isit +oh"n"n_s $e"s"nts witho(t being disco*ered1 )&0@*AG$12>>
L0S"t G S(n G ne"r Se$horis L25M # 9ith +oh"n"n_s $e"s"nts1 )&0@<+G$12>5
L0S(n G N"I"reth LC>M # +es(s "nd 7 A$ost%es "rri*e in N"I"reth1 A(re" G"%%"0 the resc(ed s%"*e0 is he"%ed o! her !e*er1 )&0@<,G$12>4
.>58 D$D <<
E G N"I"reth # +es(s !i:es soe o! His others !(rnit(re1 The $"r"b%e o! the P"inted 9ood1 )&0@<*G$122C
M G N"I"reth # Peter "nd the other Disci$%es c"n not st"nd being witho(t +es(s so the' show ($ in N"I"reth1 )&0@<<G$1228
M0S"t G N"I"reth # +es(s e:$%"ins how the God o! Sin"i is Lo*e "nd Merc'1 M"r' re*e"%s the secret o! her tr"n;(i%it'1 )&0@<@G$1257
M0S"t G N"I"reth # 9hi%e w"iting !or word !ro &"%eri" "bo(t A(re"0 +es(s "nd His other con*erse1 )&0@<2G$1254
M G N"I"reth # &"%eri" concedes to M"r'_s desire !or A(re"1 +(d"s is !o(nd in Tiberi"s0 dr(nk1 )&0@<CG$12C>
M G N"I"reth # A(re"0 wishing to st"' with Ho%' M"r'0 'ie%ds her wi%% to God1 She wi%% go with N"oi "nd M'rth"1 )&0@<;G$12CF
L0Fri G N"I"reth # The Disci$%es "g"in coe !or S"bb"th1 +ose$h0 +es(sH co(sin0 reb(kes +es(s1 )&0@<BG$127>
L0S"tGS(n G to /eth%ehe o! G"%i%ee # A(re" $re$"res to %e"*e with her new others1 The' %e"*e1 +es(s $(ts o(t " !ire1 )&0@<AG$1273
LL G tow"rd /eth%ehe o! G"%i%ee L3M # A(re" goes with M'rth" "nd N"oi to her new hoe1 /etween ,h17C8 c 77>0 &o%1 )&M
LL0S(n G +(d"s with Ho%' M"r' "t N"I"reth # )&0@@+G$123CM
L G P%"in o! Esdr"e%on LFM # +oh"n"n_s est"te: M"rKi" is with his gr"nd!"ther "s he dies in +es(s "rs1 )&0@@,G$1238
L G to Mt1 T"borL2CM # M"rKi"Hs ster%ing !"ith G ch"r"cter1 How )sr"e% !orgot the s($ree %"w o! %o*e1 )&0@@*G$12FCM
LL G T"riche" L23M /etween ,h1 775 c 77C0 &o%1 )& See $12FCM
L G Tiberi"s L6 b' bo"tM W The Oe"%otHs $"r"b%e1 The c"se o! Esther_s de"th "nd her disgr"ce!(% son S"(e%1 )&0@@<G$12F8
L G ,"$ern"( L4 b' bo"tM # M"rKi"0 in sorrow on %osing his gr"nd!"ther0 is greeted b' Peter_s wi!e1 )&0@@@G$1242
$>G>(T D$D <<
L G ,"$ern"( # The s'n"gog(e: +es(s tries to get His "ngr' s($$orters to !orgi*e the Ph"risees0 to no "*"i%1 )&0@@2G$1245
L G to M"gd"%" L3 b' bo"tM # +es(s s$e"ks to "n' in their bo"ts1 Peter is " $"r"b%e on who is g(i%t' be!ore God1 )&0@@CG$1244
()3)3T)M:)% D$D <<
M G ,"$ern"( L3 b' bo"tM # T"king Litt%e A%$h"e(s0 one o! three chi%dren "b"ndoned b' the other Merob"0 to Hi$$o1 )&0@@;G$1286
M0Mon G " *i%%"ge ne"r Hi$$o L4 bo"tM # +es(s he"%s se*er"% $eo$%e1 )&0@@BG$15>5
M0T(e G " *i%%"ge ne"r Hi$$o # +es(s: the w"' h(sb"nds0 wi*es0 chi%dren0 $"rents0 "sters0 "nd ser*"nts "re to re%"te1 )&0@@AG$15>8
M0T(e G " *i%%"ge ne"r Hi$$o # +es(s: the %o*ing erci!(% F"ther is the God o! Sin"i1 The 2> co"ndents1 )&0@2+G$1523
L09ed G Hi$$o L2M # +es(s (rges det"chent !ro riches1 He he"%s " who%e crowd en "sse "nd the s%"*e o! " $"g"n1 )&0@2,G$1557
L09ed G tow"rds G""%" # Ho%' M"r' to M"r' o! A%$h"e(s0 on $er!ect %o*e the gi!t o! God th"t end(res "%% things1 )&0@2*G$15C2
L0Th( G to G""%" L5M # +es(s entr(sts the ,h(rch to M"r'1 He s$e"ks to " %"rge n(ber o! t"sk"sters "nd %"borers1 )&0@2<G$15C6
L0Fri G to A$hek L5M # +es(s s$e"ks to S"r"h o! her concern !or te$or"% things which "re den'ing her " chi%d1 )&0@2@G$1578
L0Fri G A$hek # +es(s s$e"ks o! the (nbe%ie! o! )sr"e% "nd the b%ood the' wi%% soon shed1 S"r"h decides to !o%%ow +es(s1 )&0@22G$153F
L0Fri G Gherghes" LFM # A wo"n chooses widowhood to s"*e her h(sb"nds so(%1 -ee$ing gi!ts !ro being c(rses1 )&0@2CG$15F>
L0Fri G to ,"$ern"( L2>M # The' "rri*e K(st "s " stor bre"ks1 )&073FG$15F3
L0Fri G ,"$ern"( # On%' the %"w o! %o*e wi%% $re*ent the gers o! e*i% within (s "nd other !ro o*ercoing (s1 )&0@2;G$15F3
L0S"t G ,"$ern"( # +ose$h0 +es(s_ o%dest co(sin h"s been ^wined "nd dinned^ b' Ph"risees who tr' to (se hi1 )&0@2BG$156>
L0S"t G Tiberi"s L4M # An ($ro"r in Herod_s co(rt1 ,h(I"_s intent to "sk +es(s to be -ing1 A %etter !ro S'nt'che1 )&0@2AG$1566
L0S(n G to E"(s o! Tiberi"s L2M # At the ther"% b"ths +es(s he"%s " n(ber o! $eo$%e1 He sees Oeno the Greek1 )&0@C+G$158F
L0S(n G T"riche" L3M # +es(s te%% the +ews o! their se%!ish inter$ret"tion o! ^the Messi"h1^ G"%"ti" the sinner is !orgi*en1 )&0@C,G$1C>2
L0S(n G !ro T"riche" to ,h(I"_s est"te LCM # ,h(I" "nd "n' not"b%es "sk +es(s to "cce$t the -ingshi$ o! Herod1 )&0@C*G$1C22
L0Mon G /eths"id" L5>M # The' s"i% to /eths"id" to $ick ($ M"rKi" who wi%% "cco$"n' the to Northern G"%i%ee1 )&0@C<G$1C54
L0Mon G ,"$ern"( LCM # A ;(ick sto$ "nd then tow"rd the ho(se o! +(d"s "nd Anne ne"r L"ke Mero1 )&0@C<G$1CC7
L0Mon G ne"r L"ke Mero L25M # )n the ho(se o! +(d"s "nd Anne0 the %"ndowners ne"r L"ke Mero1 )&0@C@G$1CC6
L0Mon G in sight o! -or"Ii L2>M # P"r"b%e o! the Distrib(tion o! 9"ter: How )sr"e% $er*erted the ide" o! its e%ection1 )&0@C2G$1C72
L0T(e G -or"Ii # +(d"s h"s tr(e sorrow !or his sins1 He needs on%' to contin(e in his wi%% to co$%ete his s"%*"tion1 )&'@CCG$1C3>
L0T(e G -or"Ii # +es(s bids !"rewe%% to the !ew be%ie*ers in -or"Ii1 )&0@C;G$1C3F
L0Fri G tow"rds Gisc"%" L23BM # +es(s gi*es so(nd "d*ice to " other#in#%"w with " disres$ect!(% d"(ghter#in#%"w1 )&0@CBG$1C34
L0Fri G ne"r R""h LFBM # +es(s to /"rn"b"s0 " disci$%e o! G""%ie%0 on God_s "in "ttrib(te o! %o*e *s1 K(stice1 )&0@CAG$1CFC
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 8hronolo"ical 0u$$ary @ *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 8hronolo"ical 0u$$ary @ *nde
4CT4:)% D$D <<
E0S"t G ne"r R""h # Scribes "sk !or +es(s co(nci% on " *er' di!!ic(%t c"se1 +es(sH wisdo con*inces /"rn"b"s1 )&0@;+G$1C6>
E G E"st o! R""h tow"rds Pto%e"is # A Sidoni"n other_s b%ind bo' is c(red "nd rew"rded !or %o*ing her h(sb"nd1 )&0@;,G$1C66
E G E"st o! R""h tow"rds Pto%e"is # The *ision th"t is %ost in M&_s r"$t(re o! %o*e1 )&0@;*G$1C4C
LM G $erh"$s to AchIib L52M # /etween ,h1765 c 76C1M
LSte$s o! T're LFM # /etween ,h1765 c 76C0 &o%1 )&M
LM G A%e:"ndroscene LFM # between ,h1765 c 76C1M
Lb"ck to Pto%e"is LCCM # /etween ,h1765 c 76C0 &o%1 )&M
M G ne"r Pto%e"is tow"rd Se$horis L28M # Abe% w"nts +es(s to !orgi*e his !"%se "cc(sers stricken with %e$ros'1 )&0@;<G$1C44
M G /eth%ehe o! G"%i%ee L4M # +es(s goes to he"% the "cc(sers o! Abe% !or their $roise to s($$ort the or$h"ns1 )&0@;@G$1C8C
M G woods o! M"tt"thi"s L2CM # +es(s eets with His other "nd te%%s her to $%"n to st"' in +er(s"%e in the s$ring1 )&0@;2G$17>5
M G S o! woods o! M"tt"thi"s L3BM # +es(s con*erses with His co(sin +ose$h who is st"rting to be%ie*e1 )&0@;CG$1722D
L0Th( G +eIree% L23M # +ohn with +es(s0 w"iting !or +oh"n"n_s $e"s"nts0 s$e"ks o! his "gon' o*er M"r'_s dee$ sorrow1 )&0@;;G$1728
L0Fri G +eIree% # +es(s0 on%' with +ohn s$e"ks o! his eeting with the $e"s"nts bec"(se +ohn h"d !"%%en "s%ee$1 )&0@;BG$175CD
LTo +er(s"%e # )n S""ri" G L Oct0AD C7M
L0Fri G Eng"nni L4M # +es(s "nd +ohn "rri*e in Eng"nni to Koin the other Disci$%es1 +es(s wee$s o*er +(d"s1 )&0@;AG$1757
L G Doth"n tow"rds Pe%%" L4BM # +es(s he"%s the inK(red son o! " h(b%e S""rit"n who be%ie*ed in the re$orts o! +es(s1 )&0@B+G$17C>
LL G Tebesh L4 M # @See )&0 $17C6A /etween ,h174> c 7420 &o%1 )&M
LS'ch"r L25 M # @See )&0 $17C6A /etween ,h174> c 7420 &o%1 )&M
LL G Sheche L5 M # @See )&0 $17C6A /etween ,h174> c 7420 &o%1 )&M
L G ne"r E$hr"i L5>M # A re"% %esson !or the25: O! 2> %e$ers he"%ed on%' the S""rit"n ret(rns to th"nk +es(s1 )&0@B,G$17CFD
L G E$hr"i # The $"r"b%e o! The Poegr"n"te: How bitter "re the di*isions "ong "nkind1 )&0@B*G$1777
Si:th +(de"n Ministr' W Pere"0 S""ri" G Si: Months0 L Oct0AD CC W M A$r0AD C7
5 4CTD) "4& 7 F)$(T 4F T$:)%"$C5)(
L G En#Sheesh L27M # )&0@B<G$10778
L G /eth"n' L5M # To M"rth" "nd M"r': Yo(_%% see gre"t things when 'o( no %onger h"*e "n' re"son !or ho$e1 )&0@B<G$10778D
L0S(n G +er(s"%e Te$%e L5M # The -ingdo o! God does not coe with obser*"tion1 The -ingdo is within 'o(1 )&0@B@G$1737D
L0Mon G +er(s"%e Te$%e # +es(s s"'s the +ews h"d eno(gh re"son to know He h"d " s($ern"t(r"% origin1 )&0@B2G$17F5D
"4&)M:)% D$D <<
E0T(e G +er(s"%e Te$%e # ) wi%% re"in with 'o( !or on%' " short tie1 9here ) " 'o( wi%% not be "b%e to coe1 )&0@BCG$176>D
E0T(e G Nob L5M # O%d +ohn0 the $"r"b%e o! the Mis(nderstood -ing0 M"n"en "nd the ir"c%e o*er the wind1 )&0@B;G$1763
E09ed G +er(s"%e L5M # Mt1 o! O%i*es: Let the chi%dren coe to Me1 +es(s on K(dging +(d"s )sc"riot1 )&0@BBG$1742D
E0Th( G +er(s"%e # Let those who "re thirst' coe to Me1 Nicode(s "nd +ose$h o! Ari"the" de!end +es(s1 )&0@BAG$1744D
E G /eth"n' L5M # On the de"th o! +ohn o! Endor: <One c"n ki%% in "n' w"'s1= A chi%%ing $rediction "bo(t +(d"s1 )&0@A+G$1783
E G +er(s"%e L5M # Ne"r the !o(nt"in o! En#Roge%0 the $%"ce o! "n' historic decisions1 )&0@A,G$1786
E G +er(s"%e # The Te$%e: The wo"n c"(ght in "d(%ter'1 )&0@A*G$13>5D
E G /eth"n' L5M # +(d"s is sc"nd"%iIed o*er +es(s_ de!ense o! the (nre$ent"nt "d(%terer1 +es(s_ word to $riests1 )&0@A<G$13>4
LEG /eth"b"r" L28M # @See $1322A /etween ,h178C c 7870 &o%1 )&M
E0S(n G So%oonHs &i%%"ge L3M # +es(s te%%s o! the "w!(% b%ood' de"th th"t h"te wi%% "cco$%ish1 +(d"s !%ies into " r"ge1 )&0@A@G$1322
E09ed G *i%%"ges tow"rd R"oth Gi%e"d L2>BM # ,ontin(o(s "tt"cks on +es(s t"ke their to%% on Peter1 He is de*"st"ted )&0@A2G$132F
M G ne"r "nd N o! Heshbon LC7BM # The )sc"riot becoes the thorn th"t +"es o! Oebedee (st o*ercoe1 )&0@ACG$135>
M G ne"r "nd S o! Heshbon LFB M # The "n !ro Petr"1 +(d"s becoes " thorn !or +es(s1 +es(s sets "n e:"$%e1 )&0@A;G$1353
LM G *i%%"ge "t !oot o! Mt1 Nebo0 then Mt1 Nebo L3M # The retre"t on Mt1 Nebo @See $1356A1 /etween ,h1786 c 7840 &o%1 )&M
M G descending Mt1 Nebo # +(d"s becoes " thorn !or +ohn "nd is conso%ed b' N"th"nie%1 )&0@ABG$1354
M G *i%%"ge ne"r Mt1 Nebo @HeshbonBA LFM # ,(re o! the b%ind chi%dren1 +es(s on the $(r$ose o! "ni"% s"cri!ice1 )&0@AAG$13C5
LM G ,"%%irhoe LC>M # +es(s is i%% tre"ted @See $13C8A1 /etween ,h1788 c 3>>0 &o%1 )&M
M G /eth"b"r" L24M # The Disci$%es "re disco(r"ged1 Peter is in (tter des$"ir1 +(d"s "cc(ses +es(s o! inK(stice1 )&02++G$13C8
LM G /eth#hog%"h L5M # @See )&0 $1372037F033CA1 /etween ,h13>> c 3>20 &o%1 )&M
LM G Dec"$o%is L7>M # @See )&0 $1372037F033CA1 /etween ,h13>> c 3>20 &o%1 )&M
LM G b"ck ne"r +ericho on e"st side o! +ord"n L7>M # @See )&0 $1372037F033CA /etween ,h13>> c 3>20 &o%1 )&M
M G ne"r +ericho L7>M # The g%or' o! "rt'rdo1 The ost $ossessed "n1 The wi!e o! the necro"ncer1 )&02+,G$1375
LM G to Dec"$o%is on +ord"n *i" Enon L7>M # @See $1332A1 The' do not go G"%i%ee "s $%"nned1 )&03>2G$11332
M G ne"r Enon to So%oonHs &i%%"ge L7>M # The' !ind o%d An"ni"s0 the one st"'ing in So%oon_s ho(se0 h"d died1 )&02+*G$133C
LM G Nike_s ho(se ne"r +ericho L2>M # @See $137203380F4CA /etween ,h13>5 c 3>C0 &o%1 )&M
M G +er(s"%e L27M # Te$%e: P"r"b%e o! the .nK(st +(dge1 9hen the Son o! M"n coes b"ck wi%% He !ind !"ithB )&02+<G$1334D
M G +er(s"%e # Te$%e: ) " the %ight o! the wor%d1 +es(s e:$%"ins wh' His witness to Hise%! is tr(e1 )&02+@G$13F7D
M0Fri G +er(s"%e # Te$%e: +es(s is i%%eg"%%' b"rred !ro the Te$%e1 <) " going "w"'1 Yo( c"nnot coe1= )&02+2G$13F8D
M0Fri G +er(s"%e # +ose$h_s ho(se: Litt%e M"rti"%1 +es(s0 on those who wo(%d be%ie*e in Hi o(tside the ,h(rch1 )&02+CG$134>
M0Fri G +er(s"%e # +ose$h_s ho(se: M"n' "re distr"(ght o*er the o(tbre"k o! hosti%it' "t the Te$%e1 )&02+;G$1346
M0S"t G +er(s"%e # To the s'n"gog(e: Sidoni"0 born b%ind0 is he"%ed "nd eKected !ro the Te$%e !or de!ending +es(s1 )&02+BG$138CD
M0S"t G Nob L5M # +(d"s is ins(%ted "t +es(sH stress on the i$ort"nce o! woen1 Sidoni"_s eKection !ro the S'n"gog(e1 )&02+AG$1F>3
LL G R""h LCM # @See $1F220F5CA /etween ,h13>8 c 32>0 &o%1 )&M
L G tow"rd E"(s on the Mt1LCM # A r(ined *i%%"ge: 9h"t +es(s sees here !or )sr"e% terroriIes the Disci$%es1 )&02,+G$1F25
L0Th( G E"(s on Mt1 LCM # P"r"b%e o! the Rich 9ise M"n "nd the )gnor"nt /o'1 +es(s s$e"ks !r"nk%' o! )sr"e%_s !"te1 )&02,,G$1F23
L0Fri G to /eth#Horon L4M # Hindr"nces to re"ching $er!ection1 +es(s eets the so%dier who wi%% gi*e witness "t ,"%*"r'1 )&02,*G$1F55
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 8hronolo"ical 0u$$ary @ *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 8hronolo"ical 0u$$ary @ *nde
L0Fri G to Gibeon LCM # The re"son !or so (ch sorrow in the wor%d1 The Ro"n so%dier wi%% gi*e %ight to G""%ie%1 )&02,<G$1FC5
L0Fri G Gibeon # E*er' gi!t o! God is "%so " test to see i! we wi%% contin(e to %o*e God1 /(i%ding " reser*e o! works1 )&02,@G$1FC4
L G to Nob LFM # Sens("%it' *s1 s$irit("%it'1 &icti so(%s1 Another *iew into +(d"s_ d"rk "nd co$%e: n"t(re1 )&02,2G$1F75
D)C)M:)% D$D <<
E G +er(s"%e L5M # Te$%e: Sidoni"0 the he"%ed b%ind "n sees +es(s !or the !irst tie1 ) " the Good She$herd1 )&02,CG$1F7FD
E G to /eth"n' L5M # +es(s w"rns o! the !"t"%is o! the Ph"risees1 +es(s "ss(res M"r' "nd M"rth" "bo(t L"I"r(s1 )&02,;G$1F3F
M G to Teko"h L25M # Tho"s_ dee$ secret reorse1 O%d E%i"nn"0 !orced o(t o! his hoe0 te"ches the Disci$%es1 )&02,BG$1FF2
M G Teko"h # A re"% w"r we%coe1 +es(s $re$"res His Disci$%es !or " tie when "%% wi%% see %ost1 )&02,AG$1FF8
M G +ericho L%3M # +es(s corrects the $eo$%e !or not !orgi*ing O"cch"e(s1 O"cch"e(sH e!!orts to con*ert his !riends1 )&02*+G$1F67
M G +ericho # P"r"b%e o! the Sick "nd the He"%th' "nd the Ph"risee "nd the P(b%ic"n1 )&02*,G$1F43D
M G +ericho # O"cch"e(sH ho(se with his con*erts1 +es(s s$e"ks o! the so(% "nd the error o! reinc"rn"tion1 )&02**G$1F44
M G +ericho to Pere" L3BM # +es(s b%esses O"cch"e(sH !"r1 Scribes tr' to (se the $ro$hetess S"be" "g"inst +es(s1 )&02*<G$1F86
M0T(e G /eth"b"r" in Pere" L%BM # +es(s he"%s " gre"t n(ber1 He (rges the to gi*e their s$irits to God1 )&02*@G$162C
L G tow"rds Nob # +er(s"%e L%8M # +es(s on the *"%(e o! s(!!ering1 His "n' te$t"tions1 +es(s cries to the F"ther1 )&02*2G$162F
L G Nob L5M # +es(s !inds the des$er"te%' needed co!ort o! His other in E%iI"1 +(d"s shows conte$t !or +es(s1 )&02*CG$165>
L0Fri G Nob # 9hi%e he%$ing O%d +ohn +es(s s$e"ks to +(d"s o! those who se%% these%*es to S"t"n1 )&02*;G$1653
L0T(e G Nob # +(d"s s$ends " night in sin1 +es(s "kes e*er' e!!ort b(t !"i%s to bring hi to re$ent"nce1 )& 2*BG$16C2
L G Nob # &"%eri"0 the Ro"n !riend o! ,%"(di"0 seeks co(nse% in reg"rd to her "rri"ge1 +es(s s$e"ks o! "rri"ge1 )&02*AG$16C3
L G Nob # The Ko'!(% $re$"r"tion !or the Fe"st o! Lights is disr($ted b' " $rostit(te sent to discredit +es(s1 )&02<+G$163C
5 D)CD) .$" 7 F)$(T 4F D)DIC$TI4" 4% 5IGHT(
L0Th( G +er(s"%e "re" L5M # +(d"s e*"des e*er' e!!ort o! +es(s tow"rds honest'1 The worst e%eents in +(d"s s(r!"ce1 )&02<,G$16F7
L0Th( G +er(s"%e # S'n"gog(e o! the Ro"ns: No other !e"sts in )sr"e% be!ore the g"tes o! He"*en "re o$ened1 )&02<*G$16F6
L0Th( G +er(s"%e # +(d"s %ies0 decei*es0 disobe's0 ste"%s0 "nd then cons$ires with the eneies o! +es(s1 )&02<<G$1663
L0Th( G to /eth"n' # Se*en %e$ers c(red1 +es(s gi*es instr(ctions !or L"I"r(sH !(ner"% "nd to be%ie*e be'ond %iits1 )&02<@G$1643
L0Fri G +er(s"%e L5M # Te$%e: +es(s s$e"ks to those who bec"(se the' do not w"nt to be%ie*e c"nnot be%ie*e1 )&02<2Gn687D
L0FriGS"t G /eth%ehe LFM # +es(s goes to the grotto o! His n"ti*it'1 +ohn secret%' !o%%ows1 The she$herds "$$e"r %"ter1 )&02<CG$14>3
.$">$%8 D $D <@
E0Mon G /eth%ehe # +ohn is corrected in thinking he h"s sinned coing to +es(s1 9rongness o! se: on%' !or $%e"s(re1 )&02<;G$14 25
E G tow"rds So%oonHs &i%%"ge L55M # +es(s r(ns into M"n"en1 +es(s on %o*ing cre"tion witho(t worshi$ing it1 )&02<BG$14 24D
E0T(e G So%oonHs &i%%"ge # +es(s st"'s in the *i%%"ge (nti% "!ter L"I"r(s dies1 &02<AG$13D thro(gh &02@2G$172D
LE0T(e G /eth"n' # The Te$%e r(%ers with M"rth" "nd M"r' h"*e coe to s$' on L"I"r(s who is d'ing1 &02@+G$16
LM0Th( G /eth"n' # M"rth" sends " ser*"nt to in!or +es(s th"t the' c"n no %onger w"it1 &02@,G$122
M0Th( G So%oonHs &i%%"ge # +es(s recei*es M"rth"Hs ess"ge1 +es(sH ess"ge: H"*e "bso%(te !"ith1 &02@<G$156
LM0Th(GFri G /eth"n' # L"I"r(s dies1 The tri"% o! !"ith !or M"rth"1 &02@*G$12F
L2C0Fri G /eth"n' # L"I"r(sH !(ner"%: The est"te is crowded "nd inc%(des the r(%ers o! the Te$%e1 &02@@G$1C5
M0S(n G So%oonHs &i%%"ge # +es(s decides to go to "w"ken L"I"r(s b(t the Disci$%es "re !e"r!(%1 &02@2G$172
LM G tow"rds /eth"n' L2)M # The' s%ee$ o*er "t NikeHs ho(se ne"r +ericho @See $17FA1 /etween ,h1373 c 37F0 &o%1 &M
M0T(e G /eth"n' L25M # The Res(rrection o! L"I"r(s1 &02@CG$176
LM0T(e G +er(s"%e # The stir in the cit' "!ter the res(rrection o! L"I"r(s1 An order !or +es(sH "rrest goes o(t1 &02@;G$16FDM
M0Fri G /eth"n' # A!ter the res(rrection o! L"I"r(s the Disci$%es "re b%inded b' Ko'1 +es(s (st retire in S""ri"1 &02@BG$166
L0S"t G ne"r +ericho L25M # NikeHs ho(se1 Tow"rd E$hr"i: The Disci$%es "re shocked to he"r o! +es(sH "rrest w"rr"nt1 &02@AG$148
L0S(n G E$hr"i L27M # +es(s "nd the Disci$%es in " sec%(ded deserted "re" ne"r E$hr"i1 Disci$%es go to $re"ch1 &022+G$184D
L0Fri G E$hr"i # +es(s resc(es C or$h"ns being c"red !or b' b"ndits1 Lesson on %o*e being higher th"n ere %"w1 &022,G$12>5
L0S"t G E$hr"i # The or$h"ns "re " $rob%e !or +(d"s1 The *i%%"gers "re o*ed1 Messi"nic ide" is to (nite "%% in %o*e1 &022*G$12>6
L0S"tGS(n G E$hr"i # +es(s to Peter on $riests being %o*ing "nd $"tient doctors o! so(%s "nd on chi%dren s(!!ering1 &022<G$1224
F):%>$%8 D$D <@
E0S"t G E$hr"i # S""rit"n s'n"gog(e: +es(s de%i*ers " ess"ge th"t sho(%d h"*e dee$%' con*icted the Disci$%es1 &022@G$1256
E G E$hr"i # The or$h"ns "re t"ken b' re%"ti*es "!ter con!essions o! bitterness reso%*e the !"i%' di*isions1 &0222G$12C7
E G tow"rd Sheche0 then E$hr"i # +es(s s"'s " (ch gre"ter sign th"n L"I"r(s wi%% soon h"$$en in +er(s"%e1 &022CG$12C8
E G E$hr"i # M"n"en coes with " ess"ge !ro +ose$h o! Ari"the" "nd Nicode(s1 & 22;G$1277
E0FriGS"t G E$hr"i # To Nicode(s "nd +ose$h: +es(s e:$oses the O%d )sr"e% th"t is st(bborn%' resisting deise1 &022BG$1278
M0S"t#S(n G E$hr"i # The !"n"tic"% disci$%e o! R"bbi .Iie%0 S"(e%0 sent to c"$t(re +es(s is in !"ct c"$t(red b' +es(s1 &022AG$1236
LL G N"I"reth # 9h"t $eo$%e "re s"'ing in N"I"reth "bo(t the r"ising o! L"I"r(s "nd the order !or +es(sH "rrest1 &02C+G$12F4+
L G E$hr"i # F"%se disci$%es "re sent b' the Te$%e to con!(se the S""rit"ns "bo(t +es(sH oti*es1 &02C,G$126>
M$%CH D $D <@
E0Fri G E$hr"i # ,%"(di"0 Pi%"teHs wi!e seeks +es(s to c%e"r ($ soe do(bts in her ind1 Her s%"*e is he"%ed1 &02C*G$126F
E G E$hr"i # +es(s co(nse%s the new disci$%e S"(e% who is tro(b%ed o*er +(d"s1 &02C<G$1243
L0S(n G E$hr"i # Ho%' M"r' "nd the woen disci$%es with L"I"r(s show ($1 The' sh"re "%% the %"test news1 &02C@G$1283
L0Fri G E$hr"i # +es(s s"*es " other in chi%dbirth1 +(d"s is c"(ght ste"%ing "nd !%ies into " r"ge1 &02C2G$1527
$3%I5 D$D <@
E0Mon G E$hr"i # F"rewe%%1 +es(s "nd M"r' know the' "re now he"ded !or the cr(cib%e o! the gre"test $ossib%e "gon'1 &02CCG$15C3
E G Shi%oh L25M # +es(s w"rns these S""rit"ns th"t His eneies wi%% tr' to is%e"d the1 &02C;G$157%
E G Lebon"h LCM # Second $"r"b%e on "d*ice1 +es(s "g"in thw"rts the $%"ns o! His +(de"n eneies1 &02CBG$1573
E G Sheche L22M # The who%e cit' we%coes +es(s0 the !r(it o! +es(sH work with the S""rit"n wo"n1 &02CAG$1535
E G Sheche # +es(s w"rns the e*er growing crowd0 o! His eneies tricks to t(rn the "g"inst Hi1 &02;+G$1533
E G Sheche # +es(s $r"'s on Mt1 GeriIi be!ore d"wn1 The' $re$"re to %e"*e !or Enon 1 &02;,G$1538
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 8hronolo"ical 0u$$ary @ *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 8hronolo"ical 0u$$ary @ *nde
E0S(n G Enon L53M # +es(s in the grotto o! the /"$tist1 +es(s resc(es /enK"in0 " 'o(ng or$h"ned she$herd bo'1 &02;*G$15F5
E0S(nGMon G TirI"h L5>M # +(de"ns h"*e $oisoned the inds o! the $eo$%e who dri*e o(t the Disci$%es "nd b%ock the ro"ds1 &02;<G$1562D
E0Mon G to Doco L52M # The Rich 'o(ng "n0 " !orer disci$%e o! G""%ie%0 "sks wh"t be (st do to h"*e etern"% %i!e1 &2;@G$1547D
M0T(e G tow"rd +ericho # M"r' S"%oe "kes her <se"ting re;(est= !or her sons in the -ingdo1 &02;2G$158>D
M0T(e G +ericho LCM # 3>> s($$orters o! +es(s "re "t NikeHs est"te1 +es(s res$onds to two *iews o! the corr($t Te$%e1 &02;CG$1584
M0T(e G +ericho # NikeHs est"te: New ch"rges b"sed on d""ging re$orts "g"inst +es(s !ro one whoHs been with Hi1 &02;;G$1C>2
MG9ed G tow"rd /eth"n' # +es(s s$e"ks o! the !in"% destr(ction o! His !"ther%"nd1 /%ind /"rti"e(s "nd .rie%1 &02;BG$1C>6D
M0T(e G /eth"n' L25M # O"cch"e(s sent to in!or "%% disci$%es in +er(s"%e o! Tri($h"% Entr'1 &02;AG$1C27
M0Fri G /eth"n' # +(d"s becoe "ngr' with +es(s1 +es(s str(gg%es with "%w"'s being erc'1 Merc' wins1 &02B+G$1C5>
M0Fri G /eth"n' # +es(s instr(cts the woen disci$%es1 How to c"re !or those witho(t the or"% re!ineents o! the L"w1 & 0 2B, G$1CC>
M0S"t G /eth"n' # Litt%e Sh"%e is he"%ed "nd the $"r"b%e o! the Two L"$s1 Sh"%eHs s"d "nd tr"gic stor'1 &02B*G$1C7F
M0S"t G /eth"n' # The *isitors who wish to see L"I"r(sH tob1 The Te$%e $%"ns to destro' both L"I"r(s "nd +es(s1 &02B<G$1C3F
M0S"t G /eth"n' # M"r' "noints +es(s1 +(d"s condens "nd ins(%ts her1 +(d"s corrected $ri*"te%' becoes enr"ged1 &02B@G$1CF2T
M0S"t G /eth"n' # +es(s te%%s L"I"r(s o! the betr"'"% "nd the need to h"*e hi g"ther the sc"ttered Disci$%es "!terw"rd1 &02B2G$1C6>
LM0S"t G +er(s"%e # +(d"s goes to ,"i"$h"sH co(ntr' ho(se to eet with the %e"ders o! the S"nhedrin1 &02BCG$1C 68M
3$%T I& TH) 3$((I4" $"D %)(>%%)CTI4" 4F .)(>( CH%I(T &'2B;DC<<7p.<B;DB<@
M0S(n G tow"rds +er(s"%e # +es(s s$e"ks "t %ength "bo(t His de"th "nd its i$ort"nce1 +(d"sH d($%icit'1 &02B;G$1C46D
M0S(n G +er(s"%e L5M # +es(s wee$s o*er the cit'1 The Tri($h"% Entr'1 The second c%e"nsing o! the Te$%e1 &02BBG$1C68D
M0S(n G +er(s"%e # Mt1 o! O%i*es: +es(s w"rns the Disci$%es o! their inebri"tion o*er the Tri($h"% Entr' into +er(s"%e1 &02BAG$17>3
M0Mon G +er(s"%e # +es(s c M"r' co!ort the grie*ing other o! Ann"%e"h1 Fig tree c(rsed1 Te"ching in the Te$%e1 &02A+G$17>4D
M0Mon G +er(s"%e # +es(s e:$%"ins when the re"% tri($h wi%% occ(r0 the necess"r' conditions "nd wh' He (st die1 &02A,G$175C
M0T(e G +er(s"%e # Te$%e: The ;(estion o! trib(te0 "rit"% st"t(s in He"*en "nd the iort"%it' o! the so(%1 &02A*G$1754D
M0T(e G +er(s"%e # The tri($h wi%% be "ges "w"'1 The gre"test tort(re: GodHs "bsence "nd the $resence o! the deon1 &02A<G$17CC
M09edP +er(s"%e # Te$%e: A s'$"thetic %"w'er @ScribeA: <9hich co"ndent is gre"terB= &02A@aG$17C6D
M09ed G +er(s"%e # Te$%e: The $oor widowHs ites1 Abo*e the i$ort"nce o! the Te$%e there is %o*e o! neighbor1 &02A@bG$17C8
M09ed G +er(s"%e # MosesH ,h"ir1 Te$%e destr(ction1 The s$irit("% "nd e:tern"% n"t(re o! the ,h(rch1 His ret(rn1 &02A@dG$1775
M09ed G +er(s"%e # The $roised ir"c%e1 +ohn "nd His other0 the two %ights1 The Son o! M"n is betr"'ed1 &02A2G$17F8
M0Th( G +er(s"%e # He th"t %o*es his %i!e wi%% %ose it1 9"%k whi%e 'o( h"*e the %ight1 He who sees Me sees Hi who1X &02ACG$1763D
M0Th(G +er(s"%e # At the <s($$er= roo: +es(s bids !"rewe%% to M"r' in " se$"r"te roo b(t wi%% see Her once "g"in1 &02A;G$1748
M0Th( G +er(s"%e # )n His "bsence0 +(d"s is gi*en " b%ow !or " "%icio(s coent "bo(t +es(s1 The P"sso*er e"%1 &02ABaG$1785D
M0Th( G +er(s"%e # The E(ch"rist0 the gre"test o! all possi-le ir"c%es1 PeterHs !"i%(re1 ) " the *ine1 The Ho%' S$irit1 &02ABbG$13>6
M0Th( G +er(s"%e # +es(s in the G"rden o! Agon': &02AAG$1355D
M0Th(GFri G +er(s"%e # The *"rio(s tri"%s o! +es(s1 &0C++bG$1373D
LL0Fri G +er(s"%e # The de"th o! +(d"s )sc"riot1 &0C+,aG$136CM
L0Fri G +er(s"%e # +ohn goes to get Ho%' M"r' "s +es(s h"s K(st been h"nded o*er to the +ews b' Pi%"te1 &0C+<G$138>
L0Fri G +er(s"%e # The 9"' o! the ,ross1 &0C+@G$138CD
L0Fri G +er(s"%e # The ,r(ci!i:ion1 &0C+2aG$1F>3D
L0FriP +er(s"%e # The b(ri"% o! +es(s1 &0C+CaG$1F54D
L0Fri G +er(s"%e # The s$irit("% distress o! M"r'1 &0C+Cb''dG$1FC>D
5 $3%' F%ID($T 7 3$((4&)%
L0Fri G +er(s"%e # The Ph"risees coe to se"% the tob1 M"r' "nd the others ret(rn to the <s($$er= roo ho(se1 &0C+;G$1F72D
L0Fri G +er(s"%e # M"r'Hs incredib%e "ng(ish o*er the %oss o! her Son contin(es with the woen disci$%es "nd +ohn1 &0C+BaG$1F74D
L0Fri G +er(s"%e # M"r'Hs "ng(ish contin(es1 She "sks !or " sign to bring Her soe co!ort1 &0C+BbG$1F35
L0Fri G +er(s"%e # &eronic" brings M"r' the ir"c(%o(s i"ge on the c%oth1 The' begin $re$"ring s$ices1 &0C+BG$1FF>
LThe redeeing *"%(e o! +es(sH "nd M"r'Hs s(!!ering1 +ohn the he"d o! the tr(e %o*ers o! ,hrist1 &0C+AG$1FFF
L0S"t G +er(s"%e # Ho%' S"t(rd"': The woen resting0 recei*ed "n' *isitors "nd s$ices1 +ohn !inds +(d"sH bod'1 &0C,+G$1F65D
L0S"t G +er(s"%e # M"r' $r"'ing be!ore the <*eronic"1= She conso%es M"r' o! A%$h"e(s1 +ohn !in"%%' brings Peter1 &0C,,G$1F4 2
L0S.N G +er(s"%e # Morning o! the Res(rrection: The M"gd"%ene con!ronts the deso%"te "nd (nbe%ie*ing Peter1 &0C,*aG$1F8>
L0S.N G +er(s"%e # M"r' contin(es her $r"'er !or the h"stening o! the Res(rrection whi%e the woen go to the tob1 &0C,*bG$1F8
L0S.N G +er(s"%e # M"r' is $r"'ing so e"rnest%' she wi%% not notice the ;("ke th"t wi%% coe1 &0C,*G$1F84
L0S.N G +er(s"%e # The woen s$%it ($ "nd the M"gd"%ene goes to the tob !irst to de"% with the g("rds1 &0C,2G$16>7#6>3D
L0S.N G +er(s"%e # A gre"t ;("ke1 An "nge% o! the Lord descends "nd knocks the stone "nd g("rds to the gro(nd1 &0C,<G$1F84D
L0S.N G +er(s"%e # +es(s !irst "$$e"rs to His other1 &0C,@G$16>2
L0S.N G +er(s"%e # The M"gd"%ene r(shes to the tob1 The other gro($s o! woen coe "!ter M"r' %e"*es1 &0C,2G$16>F#625D
L+es(s coents to M& on His Res(rrection1 &0C,CG$1625M
Post Res(rrection A$$e"r"nces o! the Res(rrected ,hrist
L0S.N G L"I"r(s # &0C,;G$1623
L0S.N G +oh"nn" o! ,h(I" # &0C,BG$165>
L0S.N G +ose$h o! Ari"the"0 Nicode(s "nd M"n"en # &0C,AG$165C
L0S.N G The eight /eth%ehe she$herds # &0C*+G$1653
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 8hronolo"ical 0u$$ary @ *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 8hronolo"ical 0u$$ary @ *nde
L0S.N G ,%eo$"s "nd Sion o! E"(s # &0C*,G$1656D
L0S.N G To "n' others who h"d g"thered in the <s($$er= roo ho(se @e:ce$t the h(i%i"ted Disci$%esA # &0C**G$16C3
L0S.N G The Disci$%es in the <S($$er= roo @"cce$t Tho"sA0 !in"%%' see +es(s1 &0C*<G$16C6D
L+er(s"%e The <S($$er= roo: A%% the Disci$%es with do(bting Tho"s1 +es(s does not "$$e"r1 &0C*@G$1676DM
L0S(n G the Disci$%es with Tho"s in the <s($$er= roo: +es(s "$$e"rs to "%%1 &0C*2G$163CD
M$8 D $D <@
E0Mon G The A$ost%es "t Gethse"ne with +es(s1 &0C*CG$16F2
E0Mon G The A$ost%e retr"cing the 9"' o! the ,ross1 +es(s "$$e"rs1 &0C*;G$1664
E0T(e G &"rio(s $eo$%e in di!!erent $%"ces1 &0C*BG$1685#45C
E G Se*en Disci$%es on the Se" o! G"%i%ee !ishing1 &0C*AG$145CD
M0S"t G The 22 Disci$%es "nd 3>> other disci$%es1 &0C<+G$1458D
M0S(n G The 22 Disci$%es "nd "n' o! the <651= +es(s s$e"ks o! the i$ort"nce o! Post A$osto%ic re*e%"tion1 &0 C<, Gn47>D
L0S(n G M"n' "t L"I"r(sH est"te "t the re#en"ctent o! the L"st s($$er1 &0C<*G$1436
L0Mon G M"r' His Mother1 &0C<<G$14F5
3$%T & TH) CH>%CH 4F .)(>( CH%I(T &'C<@DC<B7p.B<2DA@2
.>") D $D <@
E0Th( G M"r' His Mother then with the 22 A$ost%es1 &0C<@bG$14F8
E0Th( G The A$ost%es "nd "n' disci$%es "nd His Mother "t the Ascension1 &0C<@bG$1465D
LE G +er(s"%e # The A$ost%es "re w"iting !or the Ho%' S$irit1 The e%ection o! M"tthi"s1 &0C<2G$1464DM
LM0S(n G +er(s"%e # The D"' o! Pentecost1 &0C<CG$1445DM
M .>" 7 3)"TIC4(T
LM0S(n G +er(s"%e # C0>>> s"*ed "nd !i%%ed with the Ho%' S$irit "t their /"$tis1 &0C<;G$144FDM
L+(nG+(% G +er(s"%e # Ho%' M"r' t"kes ($ residence in Gethse"ne1 &0C<BG$148>2
L+(nG+(% G +er(s"%e # Ho%' M"r' "nd +ohn *isit the $%"ces o! +es(sH $"ssion1 &0C<AG$148FM
.>58 D$D <@
LM09ed +er(s"%e # Nicode(s "nd +ose$h o! Ari"the" *isit M"r' "nd disc(ss the two shro(ds1 &0C@+G$18>>M
)arly$D <C
L+er(s"%e # The r"$id growth o! the ,h(rch0 then the "rt'rdo o! Ste*en1 S"(% "nd G""%ie%1 &0C@,G$18>3DM
L+er(s"%e # The de$osition o! Ste*enHs bod'1 &0C@*G$1825DM
$3%I5 D$D @;
L+er(s"%e # G""%ie% becoes " ,hristi"n &0C@<G$1823M
$D @;
L+er(s"%e # Peter con*erses with +ohn1 &0C@@G$185>M
.>58 D $D 22
LE0Fri G +er(s"%e # The b%iss!(% $"ss"ge o! Ho%' M"r'Hs s$irit into He"*en1 &0C@2G$1857M
.>58 D $D 22
LE0T(e G +er(s"%e # The Ass($tion o! Ho%' M"r' bod' "nd so(% into He"*en1 &0C@CG$18C7M
LF(rther re*e%"tions to M& on the $"ss"ge0 Ass($tion0 "nd ro'"%t' o! the /%essed &irgin1 The distinction between so(% "nd s$irit1 The
Ass($tion "nd wh"t God h"d intended !or "%% "nkind "t <de"th= &0C@;G$18C4M
This inde: wi%% be "$$ro"ched with " s$eci!ic cit'0 *i%%"ge0 %oc"%it' in ind1 The inde: wi%% be (sed not on%' to %oc"te s$eci!ic e$isodes o!
interest b(t to g"in "n (nderst"nding o! the who%e sco$e o! +es(sH in!%(ence on " %oc"%it' or indi*id("%s !ro th"t %oc"%it'1 3ost
%esurretion appearanes o! ,hrist "re %isted "t the end o! this inde:1
)0@@G$115C3D Q &o%(e0 hapter "nd $"ge %oc"tion in The Poem of the Man-God1 .se this ch"$ter n(ber to %oc"te " s("r' o! this
ch"$ter "nd other signi!ic"nt in!or"tion in The est of the Gospel !tory" Dates !or all 3oem hapters #ill be !ound in the Handy
Compat Travel Guide or Chronologial (ummary7Inde0.
@TA )ndic"tes this ch"$ter in The Poem cont"ins " New Test"ent Gos$e% e$isode or te:t1 .se Poe ch"$ter n(ber to %oc"te the Gos$e%
te:t@sA in either The Dated Harmony of the Gospels or The est of the Gospel !tory1

Lnon#indented br"cketed entriesM &n-narrated tr"*e%s o! +es(s deterined b' st"teents "de in other $%"ces1
Lindented br"cketed entriesM "cco(nts th"t do not in*o%*e the $resence o! +es(s1
M& Q M"ri" &"%tort"
Lto AchIib # Disci$%es ret(rning !ro Antioch1 )))0<*@G$15F5
AchIib # +es(s %e!t the c"*e "t +i$hth"he% "nd "rri*es "t AchIib to eet the Disci$%es1 )))0<*@G$15F5
AchIib # +es(s with F A$ost%es1 )))0<*2G$15F8
to AchIib # The $ersistent ,"n""nite wo"n obt"ins he"%ing !or her d"(ghter0 P"%"1 +es(s he"%s "nother chi%d1 )))0<<+G$1586D
AchIib # Phi%i$ "nd /"rtho%oew @who tho(ght he w"s not tr(stedA reKoin +es(s "nd the others1 )))0<<,G$1C>6
L$erh"$s to AchIib # /etween ,h1 765 c 76C0 &o%1 )&M
to Aer" # The' recei*e "n (n$recedented we%coe %ike none the' h"*e gotten in )sr"e%1 )))0*A2G$1226
Aer" # +es(s w"rns th"t eneies wi%% tr' to destro' their !"ith1 Their best "nswer is si%ence1 )))0*ACG$1257
A%e:"ndroscene # +es(s eets the C brothers o! Herione0 the Greek wi!e o! Dosite(s o! Antioch1 )))0<*;G$1563
A%e:"ndroscene # +es(s c(res o%d M"rk "nd +on"h the cri$$%e1 He te%%s the $"r"b%e o! the &ine'"rd %"borers1 )))0<*BG$1568
LA%e:"ndroscene # /etween ,h1765 c 76C0 &o%1 )&M
LAntigone" # The residenti"% "re" o! Antioch where the %"te $"rents o! L"I"r(s %i*ed1 )))0<**G$157FM
LAntioch # The Disci$%es "%% $re"ch "nd s"' !"rewe%%1 )))0<*<G$153CM
to A$hek # +es(s s$e"ks to S"r"h o! her concern !or te$or"% things which "re den'ing her " chi%d1 )&0@2@G$1578
A$hek # +es(s s$e"ks o! the (nbe%ie! o! )sr"e% "nd the b%ood the' wi%% soon shed1 S"r"h decides to !o%%ow +es(s1 )&0@22G$153F
ne"r Arbe%" @G"%i%eeA # Seron on the Mo(nt: <Yo( "re the s"%t o! the e"rth1= ))0,CAG$1253D
ne"r Arbe%" # S1O1M: The /e"tit(des1 ))0,;+G$12C5D
ne"r Arbe%" # S1O1M: /ew"re o! !"%se $ro$hets1 Lo*e 'o(r eneies1 ))0,;,G$1272D
ne"r Arbe%" # S1O1M: On o"ths0 $r"'er "nd !"sting1 ))0,;*G$1276D
ne"r Arbe%" # S1O1M: )! 'o( !orgi*e en their !"(%ts1 T"ke no tho(ght !or 'o(r %i!e1 ))0,;<G$123FD
ne"r Arbe%" # S1O1M: Ser*ing two "sters1 The e'es1 On %(st "nd K(dging1 The M"gd"%ene interr($ts1 ))0,;@G$12FCD
ne"r Arbe%" # S1O1M: A %e$er is he"%ed "t the !oot o! the o(nt"in1 ))0,;2G$1242D
ne"r Arbe%" # S1O1M: Fin"% ess"ge: Not e*er'one here wi%% enter the -ingdo with Me1 ))0,;CG$1243D
tow"rds Arbe%" @Dec"$o%isA # A!ter %e"*ing /oIr"h0 the woen de$"rt "nd +es(s0 with the Disci$%es0 contin(es to Arbe%"1 )))0*A<G$12>4
Arbe%" # +es(s s$e"ks o! the gre"t %"w o! %o*e "nd the i$ort"nce o! s(!!ering in o(r b"tt%e with S"t"n1 )))0*A@G$1222
Ari"the" # +es(s eets G""%ie% "t the b"n;(et o! +ose$h o! Ari"the"1 )0,,@G$1F>3
tow"rds Ari"the" # +es(s instr(cts the Disci$%es on he"%ing broken so(%s witho(t reg"rd to others o$inions1 ))0,@,G$16
LAshdod @AIot(sA # /etween ,h155> c 5520 &o%1 )) M
P"ge 247
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 (e"ional *ndees . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 (e"ional *ndees
tow"rd the Ashke%on P%"in # The s(n is hot "nd the citiIens "re hosti%e1 ))0*,CG$1727
Ashke%on P%"in # E"ting !ro the !ie%ds0 the' "re "cc(sed o! *io%"ting the S"bb"th1 ))0*,;G$1724D
Ashke%on # The Disci$%es "re sent o(t to e*"nge%iIe1 ))0*,BG$1755
Ashke%on # The Disci$%es re$ort on their e!!orts1 +(d"s h"d c"(sed "n o!!ense1 ))0*,AG$17C5
/eeroth # +"beIH grie! "nd sorrow s(r!"ces1 ))0,A@G$156C
L/eth"b"r" # /etween ,h178C c 7870 @See )&078CG$1322AM
/eth"b"r" # The Disci$%es "re disco(r"ged1 Peter is in (tter des$"ir1 +(d"s "cc(ses +es(s o! inK(stice1 )&02++G$13C8
/eth"b"r" # +es(s he"%s " gre"t n(ber1 He (rges the to gi*e their s$irits to God1 )&02*@G$1162C
/eth"n' # +es(s eets L"I"r(s !or the !irst tie1 )0B@G$1778
/eth"n' # in the ho(se o! L"I"r(s0 M"rth" s$e"ks o! the M"gd"%ene1 )0,,*G$1F>>
/eth"n' # in L"I"r(sH ho(se "!ter T"bern"c%es1 The in*it"tion o! +ose$h o! Ari"the"1 )0,,<G$1F>7
/eth"n' # +es(s te%%s L"I"r(s he wi%% now st"rt s$e"king $(b%ic%' in +(de"1 )0,,;G$1F5FD
tow"rds /eth"n' # The Disci$%es disco*ering $%"ns to "rrest +es(s (rge Hi to %e"*e ,%e"r 9"ter1 )0,<<G$1628
/eth"n' # )n the ho(se o! Sion the Oe"%ot1 The M"gd"%ene0 hidden !ro *iew0 he"rs +es(s1 )0,<2G$16C>
/eth"n' # )n L"I"r(sH ho(se !or the Fe"st o! Dedic"tion with the she$herds1 )0,<CG$16C4
/eth"n' # +es(s eets His other "nd "n' disci$%es1 A *er' h"$$' re(nion1 ))0,ABG$1585
/eth"n' # Ag%"e !in"%%' eets the Lord "nd is enco(r"ged in her desire !or e:$i"tion1 ))0*++G$1C>8
Lto /eth"n' # L"I"r(sH est"te1 /etween ,h15>C c 5>70 &o%1 )) @See ))05>CG$1CC>AM
/eth"n' # +es(s s$e"ks to Ro"ns: <F"ith is b(i%t "s 'o(r te$%es1= ))0*+@G$1CC>
/eth"n' # 9ith the M"gd"%ene "nd +ohn o! Endor in ind0 +es(s te%%s "bo(t the Prodig"% Son1 ))0*+2G$1CC4D
/eth"n' # +es(s to%d the P"r"b%es o! the Fi*e Foo%ish &irgins "nd the Ro'"% 9edding1 ))0*+CG$1C77D
/eth"n' # L"I"r(s shows +es(s " %etter !ro the M"gd"%ene re;(esting M"rth" to coe to her1 ))0**C7p.76F
to /eth"n' # The Te$%e is "w"re o! three Genti%es with +es(s thro(gh the )sc"riot1 )))0*B,G$177
/eth"n' # S'nt'cheHs testion' o! en%ightenent "s " Greek $"g"n be!ore Nicode(s "nd +ose$h o! Ari"the"1 ))0*B*G$13>
/eth"n' # +es(s (st get rid o! +(d"s so S'nt'che "nd +ohn o! Endor c"n be e:i%ed in secret1 )))0*B<G$133
/eth"n' # Peter is corrected !or his h(or o*er one o! +(d"sH %ies1 Ho%' M"r'Hs co(nse%1 )))0*B@G$136
/eth"n' # M"rth" co$%"ins to +es(s "bo(t M"r' not he%$ing her1 )))0C6FG$1F26D
/eth"n' # L"I"r(sH est"te is !i%%ed with $eo$%e1 +es(s $(b%ic%' condens the Te$%e c $roc%"is His tri($h1 )))0<;;G$1F55
/eth"n' # +es(sH grie! is so "$$"rent it brings His !riends to te"rs1 L"I"r(s tr(sts God with his i%%ness1 )))0@,<G$145>
/eth"n' # To M"rth" "nd M"r': Yo(H%% see gre"t things when 'o( no %onger h"*e "n' re"son !or ho$e1 )&0@B<G$174CD
/eth"n' # On the de"th o! +ohn o! Endor: <One c"n ki%% in "n' w"'s1= A chi%%ing $rediction "bo(t +(d"s1 )&0@A+G$1783
/eth"n' # +(d"s is sc"nd"%iIed o*er +es(sH de!ense o! the (nre$ent"nt "d(%terer1 +es(sH word to $riests1 )&0@A<G$13>4
to /eth"n' # +es(s w"rns o! the !"t"%is o! the Ph"risees1 +es(s "ss(res M"r' "nd M"rth" "bo(t L"I"r(s1 )&02,;G$1F3F
to /eth"n' # Se*en %e$ers c(red1 +es(s gi*es instr(ctions !or L"I"r(sH !(ner"% "nd <to be%ie*e be'ond %iits1= )&02<@G$1643
L/eth"n' # The Te$%e r(%ers with M"rth" "nd M"r' h"*e coe to s$' on L"I"r(s0 who is d'ing1 &02@+G$16M
L/eth"n' # M"rth" sends " ser*"nt to in!or +es(s th"t the' c"n no %onger w"it1 &02@,G$122M
L/eth"n' # L"I"r(s dies1 The tri"% o! !"ith !or M"rth"1 &02@*G$12FM
L/eth"n' # L"I"r(sH !(ner"%: The est"te is crowded "nd inc%(des the r(%ers o! the Te$%e1 &02@@G$1C5M
Ltow"rds /eth"n' # the' s%ee$ o*er "t NikeHs ho(se ne"r +ericho1 /etween ,h1 373 c 37F0 &o%1 & @See &0$17FAM
/eth"n' # The Res(rrection o! L"I"r(s1 &02@CG$176
/eth"n' # A!ter the res(rrection o! L"I"r(s: The Disci$%es b%inded b' Ko'1 +es(s (st retire in S""ri"1 &02@BG$166
tow"rd /eth"n' # +es(s s$e"ks o! the !in"% destr(ction o! His !"ther%"nd1 /%ind /"rti"e(s "nd .rie%1 &02;BG$1C>6D
/eth"n' # O"cch"e(s sent to in!or "%% disci$%es in +er(s"%e o! Tri($h"% entr'1 &02;AG$1C27
/eth"n' # +(d"s becoe "ngr' with +es(s1 +es(s str(gg%es with "%w"'s being Merc'1 Merc' wins1 &02B+G$1C5>
/eth"n' # +es(s instr(ct the woen disci$%es1 How to c"re !or those witho(t the or"% re!ineents o! the L"w1 &02B,G$1CC>
/eth"n' # Litt%e Sh"%e is he"%ed "nd the $"r"b%e o! the Two L"$s1 His s"d "nd tr"gic stor'1 &02B*G$1C7F
/eth"n' # The *isitors who wish to see L"I"r(sH tob1 The Te$%e $%"ns to destro' both L"I"r(s "nd +es(s1 &02B<G$1C3F
/eth"n' # M"r' "noints +es(s1 +(d"s condens "nd ins(%ts her1 +(d"s0 corrected $ri*"te%'0 becoes enr"ged1 &02B@G$1CF2D
/eth"n' # +es(s te%%s L"I"r(s o! the betr"'"% "nd the need to h"*e hi g"ther the sc"ttered Disci$%es "!terw"rd1 &02B2G$1C6>
/etween /ethe% "nd Shi%oh # +es(s s$e"ks o! the si$%e h(b%e who wi%% kee$ the ,h(rch *it"%1 )))0<C,G$13>C
L/ethe% # The' sto$ here !or the night1 /etween ,h1CF2 c CF50 &o%1 )))M
to /ether # +es(s dis"rs " hiding b"nd o! highw"'en b' " %o*ing s$eech1 ))0**<G$1733
/ether # The Disci$%es disco*er the so(rce o! +es(sH "nd +ohnHs $ower is %o*e1 ))0**@G$17F>
/ether # +oh"nn"Hs est"te: She s$e"ks o! the con!(sion +(d"s cre"ted in the ind o! ,%"(di"1 )))0<ABG$1654
/ether # Peter "nd /"rtho%oew re$ort on "nother sc"nd"% cre"ted b' +(d"s1 )))0<AAG$16CC
/ether # +es(s c"%s the !e"rs o! ,h(I" o*er +(d"sH (n"(thoriIed "$$ro"ch to ,%"(di"1 )))0@++G$16C4
/ether # Peter is once "g"in tested b' +(d"s "nd str(gg%es to o*ercoe his i$(%ses1 )))0@+,G$16C7
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 (e"ional *ndees . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 (e"ional *ndees
/ethginn" # The %(n"tic d"(ghter o! the innkee$er S"(e% is c(red1 ))0*,27p.7>41
L/eth#hog%"h # /etween ,h13>> c 3>20 &o%1 )&@See )&0$1372037F033CAM
to /eth#Horon # Hindr"nces to re"ching $er!ection1 +es(s eets the so%dier who gi*es witness "t ,"%*"r'1 )&02,*G$1F55
to /eth%ehe o! G"%i%ee # Ho%' M"r' s$e"ks to the M"gd"%ene o! the i$ort"nce o! conte$%"ti*e $r"'er1 ))0*@CG$1366D
/eth%ehe o! G"%i%ee # +es(s inisters to she$herds "nd de%i*ers "n innocent "n !ro de"th1 ))0*@;G$1345D
to /eth%ehe o! G"%i%ee # A(re" $re$"res to %e"*e with her new others1 The' %e"*e1 +es(s $(ts o(t " !ire1 )&0@<AG$1273
L/eth%ehe o! G"%i%ee # A(re" goes with M'rth" "nd N"oi to her new hoe1 /etween ,h17C8 c 77>0 &o%1 )&M
/eth%ehe o! G"%i%ee # +es(s goes to he"% the "cc(sers o! Abe% !or their $roise to s($$ort the or$h"ns1 )&0@;@G$1C8C
Lto /eth%ehe # +ose$h "nd M"r' go to /eth%ehe1 )0*BG$12C7M
L/eth%ehe # The /irth o! o(r Lord +es(s1 )0*AG$12C4M
/eth%ehe # The "dor"tion o! the she$herds1 )0<+G$1273
/eth%ehe # The ,irc(cision o! +es(s "nd the *isit o! O"ch"ri"s1 )0<,G$1233
/eth%ehe # The L(%%"b' o! the &irgin1 )0<<G$12F3
/eth%ehe # The *isit o! the 9ise Men1 )0<@G$12F6
/eth%ehe # To Eg'$t1 )0<2G$1268
/eth%ehe # +es(s0 +ohn0 the Oe"%ot "nd +(d"s go to /eth%ehe1 )0;*G$1CF8
/eth%ehe # +es(s with +ohn0 the Oe"%ot "nd the )sc"riot in the $e"s"ntHs ho(se "nd in the Grotto1 )0;<G$1C65
/eth%ehe # in the hote% "nd "t the r(ins o! AnneHs ho(se1 )0;@G$1C42
be'ond /eth%ehe0 ne"r Hebron # +es(s with the she$herdsE E%i"s0 Le*i "nd +ose$h1 )0;2G$1C48
to /eth%ehe # +es(s0 His Disci$%es0 "nd the other woen disci$%es he"r !ro the Mother o! th"t !irst night1 ))0*+;G$1C3F
/eth%ehe # +es(s goes to the grotto o! His n"ti*it'1 +ohn secret%' !o%%ows1 The she$herds "$$e"r %"ter1 )&02<CG$14>3
/eth%ehe # +ohn is corrected in thinking he h"s sinned coing to +es(s1 9rongness o! se: on%' !or $%e"s(re1 )&02<;G$1425
/eths"id" # +ohn "nd +"es s$e"k to Peter "bo(t the Messi"h1 )0@BG$153FD
/eths"id" # )n PeterHs ho(se1 +es(s eets Phi%i$ "nd N"th"nie%1 )02+G$15F4D
/eths"id" # +(d"s Th"dde(s in*ites +es(s to the wedding "t ,"n"1 )02,G$156FD
L/eths"id" # ne"rb' *i%%"ges1 /etween ,h138 c F>0 &o%1 )
/eths"id" # +es(s $re"ches "nd "dits o! the rising o$$osition o! the <gre"t ones= in )sr"e%1 )0ACG$13>F
/eths"id" # )n OebedeeHs ho(se1 S"%oe is "cce$ted "s " disci$%e1 ))0,2*G$1C4
/eths"id" # +es(s s$e"ks to the Disci$%es o! the 9oenHs A$osto%"te1 ))0,2<G$17>
to /eths"id" # The $"r"b%e o! The Sower1 Enth(si"s is not eno(gh1 ))0,;AG$128CD
to /eths"id" # )n PeterHs hoe0 +es(s e:$%"ins his (se o! $"r"b%es1 ))0,B+G$15>>D
to /eths"id" # PeterHs eek "nd chi%d%ess wi!e is o*erwhe%ed to be gi*en %itt%e M"rKi"1 ))0**;G$1764
/eths"id" # +es(s s$e"ks to the $eo$%e on the i$ort"nce o! doing good0 s(ch "s he%$ing or$h"ns1 ))0**BG$1745
to /eths"id" # The M"gd"%ene eets PeterHs wi!e "nd M"rKi" who te"ches her the <O(r F"ther1= ))0*<AG$13C7
L/eths"id" # /etween ,h15F2 c 5F50 &o%1 )) M
L/eths"id" # +es(s t"kes the or$h"ns to PeterHs ho(se1 /etween ,h1586 c 5840 &o%1 )))M
/eths"id" # +es(s $ro$hecies "bo(t Peter "nd M"rKi"1 A b%ind "n is he"%ed1 )))0<@CG$1C82D
/eths"id" # The' s"i% to /eths"id" to $ick ($ M"rKi"0 who wi%% "cco$"n' the to Northern G"%i%ee1 )&0@C<G$1C54
to /ethI(r # At E%iI"Hs0 M"r'Hs Te$%e te"cher0 who is gre"t%' distressed1 ))0*+BG$1CF3
/ethI(r # +es(s s$e"ks to E%iI" o! sorrow th"t be"rs !r(it1 ))0*+AG$1C63
Lto /ethI(r # to eet E%iI"1 /etween ,h1527 c 5230 &o%1 ))M
/ethI(r # The' see E%iI"0 M"r'Hs Te$%e te"cher "nd now <other= to An"st"sic"1 )))0<A;G$165C
to /oIr"h # +es(s re*e"%s " secret "bo(t His $r"'er "nd edit"tion1 )))0*A+G$18C
/oIr"h # +es(s disco*ers the' h"*e been disco*ered b' Te$%e s$ies so (st send the e:i%es "w"'1 )))0*A,G$18F
/oIr"h # A o*ing seron "nd ir"c%es en "sse "t /oIr"h1 +es(s wins the he"rt o! the erch"nt1 )))0*A*G$12>2
,"es"re" # +es(s s$e"ks to g"%%e' s%"*es1 ,%"(di"0 wi!e o! Pi%"te0 he"rs +es(s1 ))0,2@G$175
,"es"re" # F"(stin"0 d"(ghter o! the Ro"n &"%eri"0 is c(red1 ))0,22G$174
ne"r ,"es"re" # +es(s resc(es S'nt'che0 " Greek s%"*e1 ))0*2<G$1F55
e"st o! ,"es"re" # Goodb'es to the M"gd"%ene0 M"rth" "nd S'nt'che1 +(d"s "rg(es with +es(s1 ))0*2@G$1F58
northe"st o! ,"es"re" # +es(s s$e"ks o! ho$e0 !"ith "nd %o*e1 ))0 *22G$1FC3
,"es"re" # +es(s "sks !or he%$ in s"*ing " s%"*e0 G"%%" ,i$rin"1 The $"r"b%e o! the F"ther Gi*ing E;("% Mone'1 )&0@*<G$1F>
,"es"re" # G"%%" ,i$rin" is resc(ed b' the Ro"n woen1 +es(s on the Ro"n $oet &irgi%1 )&0@*@G$1F4
in sight o! ,"es"re" # +es(s disc(sses how God $re$"res one !or "rt'rdo "nd "bo(t %i*ing "rt'rdo1 )&0@**G$136
,"es"re" Phi%i$$i # +es(s $%"in%' re*e"%s He wi%% die "nd the' wi%% see " deco$osed bod' rise !ro the de"d1 )))0<@<G$1C6C
,"es"re" Phi%i$$i # +es(s gi*es %i!e b"ck to the sti%%born b"b' o! Dorc"1 )))0<@@G$1C68
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 (e"ional *ndees . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 (e"ional *ndees
L,"%%irhoe # +es(s is i%% tre"ted1 /etween ,h1788 c 3>>0 &o%1 )&@See )&0$13C8AM
,"n" # The wedding "t ,"n"1 )02*G$1568D
L,"n" # /etween ,h188 c 2>>0 &o%1 )1 @See )'AAG$13C>AM
,"n" # S(s"nn" is he"%ed "nd desires to be de*oted to the Lord1 A son o! " ro'"% o!!icer o! Herod is he"%ed1 ))0,2,G$1CFD
L,"n" # /etween ,h155F c 5560 &o%1 ))M
,"n" # S(s"nn"hHs ho(se1 The M"gd"%ene desires to withdr"w "!ter +es(s %e"*es the wor%d1 ))0*@*G$133>
L,"n" # +es(s *isits1 /etween ,h1584 c 5880 &o%1 )))M
ne"r ,"n" # Yo(ng R"che% is c(red thro(gh the s"cri!ice o! M"rKi" "nd Sion0 +es(sH co(sin0 re$ents1 )))0<+BG$1265
L,"n" # /etween ,h1C76 c C76b0 &o%1 )))M
L,"n" # /etween ,h1C78 c C3>0 &o%1 )))M
,"$ern"( # Peter eets the Messi"h1 )0@AG$15F>D
L,"$ern"( # /etween ,h135 c 3C0 &o%1 ) @See )032G$15F8AM
,"$ern"( # The deoni"c o! ,"$ern"( he"%ed in the s'n"gog(e1 )02AG$1C27D
Lco(ntr'side "ro(nd ,"$ern"( # /etween ,h138 c F>0 &o%1 )M
,"$ern"( # PeterHs other#in#%"w c(red1 )'C+G$1C28D
,"$ern"( # +es(s $re"ches "nd works ir"c%es in PeterHs ho(se1 )0C,G$1C57D
ne"r ,"$ern"( # +es(s $r"'s "t night1 )0C*G$1C58D
,"$ern"( # ,(re o! " b%ind "n1 )02BG$1C>4D @,hrono%ogic"%%' this ch"$ter coes "!ter ,h1FC1A
,"$ern"( # The $"r"%'tic c(red in PeterHs ho(se1 )0C@G$1CCFD
,"$ern"( # The ir"c(%o(s c"tch o! !ish1 )0C2G$1C72D
,"$ern"( # The c(re o! the /e"(t' o! -or"Ii "nd "t the s'n"gog(e with M"tthew0 the t": co%%ector1 )0A@G$1787
,"$ern"( # +"es o! A%$h"e(s is recei*ed "s " Disci$%e "nd +es(s $re"ches ne"r M"tthewHs t": bench1 )0 A2G$13>>
,"$ern"( # The c"%% o! M"tthew1 )'A;G$1322D
L,"$ern"( # /etween ,h12>6 c 2>40 &o%1 ) @See )0,+@G$1334E ,+CG$13FFE ,+;G$13F8AM
,"$ern"( # +es(s he"%s the gr"ndson o! E%i0 " Ph"risee o! ,"$ern"(1 ))0,C,G$164
,"$ern"( # )n the ho(se o! PeterHs other#in#%"w "!ter the ir"c%e on E%ish"1 ))0,C*G$142
,"$ern"( # At dinner in the ho(se o! E%i0 the Ph"risee o! ,"$ern"(1 ))0,C<G$146
,"$ern"( # A ser*"nt o! " Ro"n cent(rion is he"%ed1 ))0,;;G$1248D
,"$ern"( # The three en who wish to !o%%ow +es(s1 ))0,;BG$1282D
L"%ost to ,"$ern"( b(t to -or"Ii inste"d # /etween ,h124> c 2420 &o%1 ))M
,"$ern"( to ne"r G""%" b' bo"t # The deoni"cs o! G"d"r" Lr"ther0 at GamalaM "re de%i*ered1 ))0,BCG$15CCD
,"$ern"( # the wo"n with the heorrh"ge "nd +"ir(sH d"(ghter is he"%ed1 ))0**AG$1747D
,"$ern"( # Tho"sH ho(se1 +es(s s$e"ks to M"rth" "bo(t the gre"t t(roi% her sister M"r' is e:$eriencing1 ))0*<+G$1744
,"$ern"( # Two b%ind en "nd " deoni"c "re he"%ed1 ))0*<,G$1787D
,"$ern"(0 Fo(nt ,reek # The $"r"b%e o! the Lost Shee$1 The M"gd"%ene is hiding b(t %istening1 ))0*<*G$1788D
,"$ern"( # M"rth" s$i%%s o(t the K(bi%"nt "cco(nt o! her sisterHs con*ersion to +es(s1 ))0*<@G$13>4
,"$ern"( # +es(s goes b"ck to Tho"sH ho(se to !ind M"rth" in distress o*er M"r'Hs <dis"$$e"r"nce1= ))0*<CG$1352
,"$ern"( # Tho"sH ho(se1 The M"gd"%ene is "cco$"nied b' Ho%' M"r' "ong the disci$%es1 ))0*<;G$1357
,"$ern"( # The $"r"b%es o! The Fisheren0 the 9ise +ewe%ers "nd The F"ther with the O%d "nd New1 ))0*<BG$1354D
,"$ern"( # The Ph"risees "cc(se these%*es1 +es(s he"%s " "n with " withered h"nd on the S"bb"th1 ))0*C*G$1F64D
,"$ern"( # The Disci$%es o!!ici"%%' becoe A$ost%es1 )sr"e% wi%% be sc"ttered (nti% its con*ersion1 ))0*C@G$1F8>D
,"$ern"( # The /"$tist sends do(bting disci$%es to he"r +es(sH own testion'1 ))0*C2G$16>>D
to ,"$ern"( # +es(sH doctrine is " h"er to bre"k the h"rd she%% o! h("n ego to %iber"te the s$irit1 ))0*C;G$1622D
,"$ern"( # A b%ind0 (te $ossessed "n he"%ed1 His Mother "nd His hosti%e co(sins "rri*e1 ))0*CBG$1628D
,"$ern"( # +es(s he"rs o! the (rder o! the /"$tist1 The three /eth%ehe she$herds Koin with +es(s1 ))0*CAG$1658D
L,"$ern"( # +es(s *isits "s He $roised "t )))0 574G$1381 /etween ,h1584 c 5880 &o%1 )))M
L,"$ern"( # +es(s with his co(sins "nd Peter "nd Tho"s1 /etween ,h1CC3 c CCF0 &o%1 )))M
,"$ern"( # M"n"en te%%s o! the corr($tion in HerodHs co(rt1 )))0<@;G$1C83
,"$ern"( # The Disci$%es co$%"in "bo(t h"*ing no one'1 Mone' in the !ishHs o(th !or the t":1 )))0<2+G$1726D
to ,"$ern"( # The Disci$%es "nd +es(s then %e"*e M"gd"%" !or ,"$ern"(1 Litt%e /enK"in 9ho wi%% be gre"testB )))0<2,G$1752D
,"$ern"( # The s'n"gog(e: <) " the Tr(e /re"d1 .n%ess 'o( e"t M' /od' "nd drink M' /%ood1= )))0<2<G$17CFD
,"$ern"( # +es(s is "g"in reb(!!ed b' "n' in the S"bb"th crowd1 Nico%"(s0 the con*ert !ro Antioch1 )))0<2@G$1774
to ,"$ern"( # The M"gd"%eneHs !irst con*ert1 Litt%e /enK"in te"ches the Disci$%es "bo(t disci$%eshi$1 )))0 <2,G$1752D
,"$ern"( # M"rKi"0 in sorrow on %osing his gr"nd!"ther0 is greeted "nd co!orted b' PeterHs wi!e1 )&0@@@G$1242
,"$ern"( # The s'n"gog(e: +es(s tries to get His "ngr' s($$orters to !orgi*e the Ph"risees0 to no "*"i%1 &0@@2G$1245
,"$ern"( # T"king Litt%e A%$h"e(s0 one o! three chi%dren "b"ndoned b' the other Merob"0 to Hi$$o1 )&0@@;G$1286
to ,"$ern"( # The' "rri*e K(st "s " stor bre"ks1 )&073FG$15F3
,"$ern"( # On%' the %"w o! %o*e wi%% $re*ent the gers o! e*i% within (s "nd other !ro o*ercoing (s1 )&0@2;G$15F3
,"$ern"( # +ose$h0 +es(sH o%dest co(sin0 h"s been <wined "nd dinned= b' Ph"risees0 who tr' to (se hi "g"inst +es(s1 )&0@2BG$156>
,"$ern"( # A ;(ick sto$ "nd then tow"rd the ho(se o! +(d"s "nd Anne ne"r L"ke Mero1 )&0@C<G$1CC7
,%e"r 9"ter # +es(s on the di!!erence between %i*ing "nd ere e:istence1 )0,,BG$1FC>D
,%e"r 9"ter # <) " the Lord 'o(r God1= )0,,AG$1FCF
,%e"r 9"ter # <Yo( sh"%% h"*e no gods in M' $resence1= )0,*+G$1F77
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 (e"ional *ndees . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 (e"ional *ndees
,%e"r 9"ter # <Yo( sh"%% not t"ke M' n"e in *"in1= )0,*,G$1F76
,%e"r 9"ter # <Honor 'o(r !"ther "nd other1= )0,**G$1F37
,%e"r 9"ter # <Yo( sh"%% not !ornic"te1= )0,*<G$1FF7
,%e"r 9"ter # Ag%"e0 the *ei%ed wo"n0 is gi*en she%ter1 )0,*@G$1F62
,%e"r 9"ter # <Obser*e ho%' d"'s1= )0,*2G$1F6F
,%e"r 9"ter # <Yo( sh"%% not ki%%1^ The de"th o! Dor"s0 the cr(e% Ph"risee1 )0,*CG$1F4>
,%e"r 9"ter # <Do not $(t the Lord 'o(r God to the test1= The C /eth%ehe she$herd disci$%es o! the /"$tist1 )0,*;G$1F46D
,%e"r 9"ter # <Yo( sh"%% not co*et 'o(r neighborHs wi!e1= )0,*BG$1F85
,%e"r 9"ter # +es(s de%i*ers " $ossessed $"g"n "nd e:$%"ins His "ction1 Ag%"e is dee$%' o*ed1 )0,*AG$1F86
,%e"r 9"ter # <Yo( sh"%% not be"r !"%se witness1= Ph"risees con!ront +es(s1 )0,<+G$16>C
,%e"r 9"ter # <Yo( sh"%% not co*et wh"t be%ongs to 'o(r neighbor1= )0,<,G$16>8
,%e"r 9"ter # A !in"% stirring ess"ge "nd PeterHs s$irit("% !"therhood1 )0,<*G$1625
,%e"r 9"ter # +es(s ret(rns to ,9 to be con!ronted with Scribes "nd Ph"risees who de"nd He %e"*e1 )0,<;G$1674
%e"*ing ,%e"r 9"ter # +es(s %e"*es "!ter *isiting Tione(s0 the "n"the"tiIed he"d o! the s'n"gog(e1 )0,<BG$1637

LDec"$o%is or M"ged"n "nd Meiron @MeroA # /etween ,h15C3 c 5CF0 &o%1 ))M
Lto Dec"$o%is e"st o! the Se" o! G"%i%ee # @)))0$172407C707720784A /etween ,h1C32 c C350 &o%1 )))M
Dec"$o%is # The second ir"c%e o! the %o"*es to 70>>>1 )))0<2*G$17CCD
Dec"$o%is *i%%"ge0 on +ord"n Ri*er1 # The L"w e:c%(ding de!orit' in those who ser*e the Te$%e is e:$%"ined1 )&0@,;G$153D
ne"r Dec"$o%is *i%%"ge # +es(s c"sts o(t /ee%Ieb(b hise%! !ro " "n1 He s$e"ks o! deonic $ossession1 )&0@,BG$1C2D
ne"r Dec"$o%is *i%%"ge # +es(s w"rns o! the 'e"st o! the Ph"risees1 The (n!orgi*"b%e sin1 )&0@,AG$1C8D
LDec"$o%is # @See )&0$1372037F033CA /etween ,h13>> c 3>20 &o%1 )&M
to Dec"$o%is on +ord"n *i" Enon # The' do not go G"%i%ee0 "s $%"nned @See )&03>2G$1332A
ne"r Doco # with the she$herd )s""c "nd de$"rt(re tow"rd Esdr"e%on1 )0B;G$17FC
Doco # The wo"n +er(s" is c(red o! c"ncer1 )0,<@G$1656
to Doco # The rich 'o(ng "n0 " !orer disci$%e o! G""%ie%0 "sks wh"t he (st do to h"*e etern"% %i!e1 &02;@G$1547D
to Dor" # Ho%' M"r' s$e"ks on the gre"t rede$ti*e *"%(e o! s(!!ering1 ))0*2*G$1F2F
Doth"n tow"rds Pe%%" # +es(s he"%s the inK(red son o! " h(b%e S""rit"n who be%ie*ed re$orts o! +es(s1 )&0@B+G$17C>
LEkron # +es(s "nd +ohn go to Ekron whi%e the others go to Modin1 /etween ,h"$ters 552 c 5550 &o%1 ))M
the o(nt"ins ne"r E"(s # The Disci$%es s$e"k to +es(s "bo(t their we"knesses1 )0,<AG$1636
E"(s # )n the ho(se o! ,%eo$"s0 he"d o! the s'n"gog(e1 The c"se o! (nintention"% incest1 )0,@+G$16F5
tow"rd E"(s on the P%"in # The' eet " n(ber o! she$herds who h"*e $re"ched "%% o*er 9estern +(de"1 )))0@+*G$167F
E"(s on the P%"in # Litt%e Mich"e% with " $(re0 tender "nd ins$iring !"ith1 )))0@+<G$163>
E"st o! E"(s on the P%"in # +es(s (%ti$%ies gr"in !or "n o%d other who s(!!ered in the /eth%ehe "ss"cre1 )))0@+AG$168C
tow"rd E"(s on the Mt1 # A r(ined *i%%"ge: 9h"t +es(s sees here !or )sr"e% terroriIes the Disci$%es1 )&02,+G$1F25
E"(s on the Mt1 # P"r"b%e o! the Rich 9ise M"n "nd the )gnor"nt /o'1 +es(s s$e"ks !r"nk%' o! )sr"e%Hs !"te1 )&02,,G$1F23
to E"(s o! Tiberi"s # At the ther"% b"ths0 +es(s he"%s " n(ber o! $eo$%e1 He sees Oeno the Greek1 )&0@C+G$158F
to Endor # )n the c"*e o! the necro"ncer1 Fe%i:0 +ohn o! Endor1 ))0,BBG$15C7
to Endor # )n the shee$!o%d "t Endor1 The Disci$%es is(nderst"nd +es(sH sorrow1 )))0<++G$1273D
Eng"nni # The' r(n into P(b%i(s a(inti%i"n(s1 He "nd ,%"(di" wo(%d %ike to he"r Hi s$e"k in +er(s"%e1 ))0,A*G$15F6
Eng"nni # +es(s "nd +ohn "rri*e in Eng"nni to Koin the other Disci$%es1 +es(s wee$s o*er +(d"s1 )&0@;AG$1757
tow"rd Engedi # +es(s "kes "nother $"ssion"te $%e" to +(d"s to kee$ "w"' !ro h"r!(% e%eents1 )))0<B;G$1F66
Engedi # The' "rri*e "t this be"(ti!(% cit' "nd reco(nt its historic"% !"e1 )))0<BBG$1F4C
Engedi # Abr"h"0 the "ged he"d o! the s'n"gog(e0 te%%s o! his eeting the 9ise Men1 +es(s he"%s his wi!e1 )))0<BAG$1F43
Engedi # +es(s "%so he"%s Abr"h"Hs on%' son0 E%ish"0 o! %e$ros'0 who h"d been %i*ing in the hi%%s1 )))0<A+G$1F85
Enon # +es(s *isits the /"$tist "nd $re$"res hi !or "rt'rdo1 ))0,@BG$158
Enon tow"rd N"I"reth # New !oc(s wi%% be on the o(tc"sts in +(de" since He h"s been reKected b' the %e"ders1 ))0,@AG$1C2D
ne"r Enon to So%oon_s &i%%"ge # The' !ind o%d An"ni"s0 the one st"'ing in So%oonHs ho(se0 h"d died1 )&02+*G$133C
Enon # +es(s in the grotto o! the /"$tist1 +es(s resc(es /enK"in0 " 'o(ng or$h"ned she$herd bo'1 &02;*G$15F5
En#Sheesh # )&074CG$1778
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 (e"ional *ndees . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 (e"ional *ndees
ne"r E$hr"i # A re"% %esson !or the25: O! 2> %e$ers he"%ed0 on%' the S""rit"n ret(rns to th"nk +es(s1 )&0@B,G$17CFD
E$hr"i # The $"r"b%e o! the $oegr"n"te: How bitter "re the di*isions "ong "nkind1 )&0@B*G$1777
E$hr"i # +es(s "nd the Disci$%es in " sec%(ded deserted "re" ne"r E$hr"i1 Disci$%es go to $re"ch1 &022+G$184D
E$hr"i # +es(s resc(es C or$h"ns being c"red !or b' b"ndits1 Lesson on %o*e being higher th"n ere %"w1 &022,G$12>5
E$hr"i # The or$h"ns "re " $rob%e !or +(d"s1 The *i%%"gers "re o*ed1 Messi"nic ide" is to (nite "%% in %o*e1 &022*G$12>6
E$hr"i # +es(s to Peter on $riests "s %o*ing "nd $"tient doctors o! so(%s "nd on chi%dren s(!!ering1 &022<G$1224
E$hr"i # S""rit"n s'n"gog(e: +es(s de%i*ers " ess"ge th"t sho(%d h"*e dee$%' con*icted the Disci$%es1 &022@G$1256
E$hr"i # The or$h"ns "re t"ken b' re%"ti*es "!ter con!essions o! bitterness reso%*e the !"i%' di*isions1 &0222G$12C7
E$hr"i # M"n"en coes with " ess"ge !ro +ose$h o! Ari"the" "nd Nicode(s1 &022;G$1277
E$hr"i # To Nicode(s "nd +ose$h: +es(s e:$oses the O%d )sr"e% th"t is st(bborn%' resisting deise1 &022BG$1278
E$hr"i # The !"n"tic"% disci$%e o! R"bbi .Iie%0 S"(e%0 sent to c"$t(re +es(s is0 in !"ct0 c"$t(red b' +es(s1 &022AG$1236
E$hr"i # F"%se disci$%es "re sent b' the Te$%e to con!(se the S""rit"ns "bo(t +es(sH oti*es1 2C,G$126>
E$hr"i # ,%"(di"0 Pi%"teHs wi!e0 seeks +es(s to c%e"r ($ soe do(bts in her ind1 Her s%"*e is he"%ed1 &02C*G$126F
E$hr"i # +es(s co(nse%s the new disci$%e S"(e%0 who is tro(b%ed o*er +(d"s1 &02C<G$1243
E$hr"i # Ho%' M"r' "nd the woen disci$%es with L"I"r(s show ($1 The' sh"re "%% the %"test news1 &02C@G$1283
E$hr"i # +es(s s"*es " other in chi%dbirth1 +(d"s is c"(ght ste"%ing "nd !%ies into " r"ge1 &02C2G$1 527
E$hr"i # F"rewe%%1 +es(s "nd M"r' know the' "re now he"ded !or the cr(cib%e o! the gre"test "gon'1 &02CCG$15C3
Esdr"e%on P%"in # +es(s with the she$herd +on"h1 )0BBG$17FF
Esdr"e%on P%"in to N"I"reth # +es(s %e"*es the she$herd +on"h "nd ret(rns hoe1 )0BAG$1762
Esdr"e%on P%"in # +es(s "t Dor"sH ho(se to get +on"h "nd the c(rse on his %"nd1 )0,+AG$1366
Esdr"e%on P%"in # +es(s st"'s with Mic"h0 +oh"n"nHs ser*"nt1 Dor"sH !ie%ds "re de*"st"ted b' the c(rse1 ))0,A+G$1533
Esdr"e%on P%"in # 9ith Dor"sH o$$ressed ser*"nts0 +es(s te%%s the stor' o! the rich "n "nd L"I"r(s1 ))0,A,G$1534D
Esdr"e%on P%"in # Peter s$e"ks to Dor"sH $e"s"nts "bo(t the %o*e which is s"%*"tion1 ))0*2AG$1F38
Esdr"e%on P%"in # +es(s s$e"ks to +oh"n"nHs $e"s"nts on %o*e being obedience1 ))0*C+G$1FFF
/etween Esdr"e%on "nd N"I"reth # )n the ho(se o! Din"h "nd Phi%i$1 +(d"sH des$"ir1 9oen in the ,h(rch1 ))0*C,G$1FF8
LEsdr"e%on P%"in # The' st"' !or " d"'1 /etween ,h1CCC c CC70 &o%1 )))M
to Esdr"e%on P%"in # /"rtho%oew te"ches G"%%" "bo(t God1 SheHs t"ken b' c"rt to M"r' in N"I"reth1 )&0@*2G$14>D
Esdr"e%on P%"in # +oined b' new disci$%es0 +es(s te%%s the $"r"b%e o! the &ine'"rd "nd Free wi%%1 )&0@*CG$144
Esdr"e%on P%"in # +(d"s "%one with +es(s s$e"ks "bo(t ,"es"re"1 His worr' is ,%"(di"Hs *iew o! hi now1 )&0@*;G$187
Esdr"e%on P%"in # +oh"n"nHs est"te: +es(s is re$ro"ched !or restoring " bird nest on the S"bb"th1 )&'@*BG$18F
Esdr"e%on P%"in # Tho"s $resents " w"' to *isit +oh"n"nHs $e"s"nts witho(t being disco*ered1 )&0@*AG$12>>
Esdr"e%on P%"in # +oh"n"nHs est"te: M"rKi" is with his gr"nd!"ther "s he dies in +es(sH "rs1 )&0@@,G$1238
to the Fo(nt"in o! the ,"e%eer # +es(s te"ches on !"ith "nd re$ent"nce "nd on the error o! reinc"rn"tion1 )))0*BAG$143
tow"rds G"d"r" # +(d"s shocks e*er'one b' den'ing the re"%it' o! He%%0 S"t"n "nd !ree wi%%1 )))0<22G$1737
G"d"r" # +ohn "sks +es(s !or co(nse% on how to t"%k to +(d"s "bo(t his e*i% w"'s1 )))0<2CaG$1738
G"d"r" # +es(s dec%"res the Mos"ic di*orce $ro*ision "s contr"r' to GodHs wi%%1 )))0<2CbG$17F3

LG"%i%ee0 Northern "nd N"$ht"%i # E*"nge%iIing1 /etween ,h123> c 2320 &o%1 ))M
G"%i%ee0 Se" o! # On the w"' to Tiberi"s0 the' $"ss " Ro"n $%e"s(re bo"t with the M"gd"%ene1 )0ABG$1324
G"%i%ee0 Se" o! # +es(s c"%s the se" "!ter being h(i%i"ted "t their in"bi%it' to h"nd%e the bo"t1 ))0,B2G$15C>D
L"re" "ro(nd the Se" o! G"%i%ee # +es(s e*"nge%iIes in this "re"1 /etween ,h1243 c 24F0 &o%1 ))M
G"%i%ee0 Se" o! # +es(s w"%ks on the w"ter "nd sti%%s the se"1 ))0*;<G$1676D
to ne"r G""%" # Deoni"cs o! G"d"r" Lr"ther0 o! GamalaM "re de%i*ered1 ))024FG$15CCD
tow"rds G""%" # Ho%' M"r' to M"r' o! A%$h"e(s0 on $er!ect %o*e the gi!t o! God th"t end(res "%% things1 )&0@2*G$15C2
to G""%" # +es(s entr(sts the ,h(rch to M"r'1 He s$e"ks to " %"rge n(ber o! t"sk"sters "nd %"borers1 )&0@2<G$15C6
LGennes"ret region # @))0*;@D )))' *;CAM
to Ger"s" # +es(s brings the rich erch"nt to think o! his so(% "nd eternit'1 )))0*BCG$16>
Ger"s" # +es(s $re"ches on the Ten ,o"ndents "nd te%%s wh' His Mother is /%essed1 )))0*B;G$167D
Ger"s" # The S"bb"th: +es(s s$e"ks to the erch"nt "bo(t the co(nion o! the s"ints "nd honest $"g"ns1 )))0*BBG$14>
Gherghes" # The ;(estion o! the /"$tistHs rigoris1 O%d "nd new wineskins1 ))0,2AG$1F4
Gherghes" # A wo"n chooses widowhood to s"*e her h(sb"ndHs so(%1 -ee$ing gi!ts !ro being c(rses1 )&0@2CG$15F>
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 (e"ional *ndees . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 (e"ional *ndees
to Gibeon # The re"son !or so (ch sorrow in the wor%d1 The Ro"n so%dier wi%% gi*e %ight to G""%ie%1 )&02,<G$1FC5
Gibeon # E*er' gi!t o! God is "%so " test to see i! we wi%% contin(e to %o*e God1 /(i%ding " reser*e o! works1 )&02,@G$1FC4
Gisc"%" # +(d"s does not re$ent1 At Hi%%e%Hs se$(%cher0 soe R"bbis stone +es(s "nd the Disci$%es1 )))0<<AG$1C78
between Gisc"%" "nd -edesh on Phoenici"n border # A de"!#(te c(red in the hoe o! Me%ki"h1 )))0C7>G$1C33D
tow"rds Gisc"%" # +es(s gi*es so(nd "d*ice to " other#in#%"w with " disres$ect!(% d"(ghter#in#%"w1 )&0@CBG$1C34
Lto Hebron # M"r' "nd +ose$h go to see E%iI"beth in Hebron1 +ose$h wi%% st"' in +er(s"%e1 )0,AG$187M
Lto Hebron # M"r' %e"*es +ose$h in +er(s"%e to go to Hebron to see E%iI"beth1 )0*+G$18FM
LHebron # M"r' "rri*es "t the ho(se o! O"ch"ri"s1 )0*,G$188M
LHebron # M"r' is b"ck in Hebron "!ter s$ending the P"sso*er in +er(s"%e with +ose$h0 who h"s ret(rned to N"I"reth1 )0 **G$12>CM
LHebron # E%iI"beth gi*es birth to +ohn the /"$tist1 )0*<G$122>M
LHebron # +ohn the /"$tist is circ(cised "nd n"ed1 )0*@G$122FM
Hebron # in Oech"ri"hHs ho(se "nd the enco(nter with Ag%"e1 )';;G$17>5
ne"r Hebron # +es(s with the she$herds1 )0;AG$1728
to Hebron # The wor%dHs re"sons "nd GodHs1 +(d"s ch"%%enges the wisdo "nd !"irness o! +es(s1 ))0*,+G$1C4>
Hebron # 9e%coe rece$tion1 A $ower!(% ess"ge on e*i% "nd corr($tion in re%igio(s %e"ders1 ))0*,,G$1C43
Hebron # Hebron we%coes +es(s this tie1 He s$e"ks o! Ag%"e "nd then $re$"res the !or the stor1 )))0<ACG$1628
ne"r "nd N o! Heshbon # The )sc"riot becoes the thorn th"t +"es o! Oebedee (st o*ercoe1 )&0@ACG$135>
ne"r "nd S o! Heshbon # The "n !ro Petr"1 +(d"s becoes " thorn !or +es(s1 +es(s sets "n e:"$%e1 )&0@A;G$1353
" *i%%"ge ne"r Hi$$o # +es(s he"%s se*er"% $eo$%e1 )&0@@BG$15>5
" *i%%"ge ne"r Hi$$o # +es(s: the w"' h(sb"nds0 wi*es0 chi%dren0 $"rents0 "sters0 "nd ser*"nts "re to re%"te1 )&0@@AG$15>8
" *i%%"ge ne"r Hi$$o # +es(s: the %o*ing erci!(% F"ther is the God o! Sin"i1 The 2> co"ndents1 )&0@2+G$1523
Hi$$o # +es(s (rges det"chent !ro riches1 He he"%s " who%e crowd en "sse "nd the s%"*e o! " $"g"n1 )&0@2,G$1557
+"besh#Gi%e"d # R"in0 (d0 co%d "nd gr(b%ing1 M"tthi"s0 "n e:#%e$er0 e:tends hos$it"%it' to +es(s1 )))0<2BG$176F
to +"bnee% # +es(s re*e"%s the destin' o! +ohn0 +"es "nd Peter1 ))0**,G$1773
+"%" L2M # /etween ,h1 5>6 c 5>40 )))05>6G$CFCM
+"$hi" # +es(s $"sses thro(gh this town on His w"' to /eth%ehe o! G"%i%ee1 ))0 57FG$1364
+ericho # The )sc"riot te%%s how he so%d Ag%"eHs Kewe%s to Dioedes1 )0B*G$17C4
/etween +ericho "nd /eth$h"ge # +es(s wee$s o*er the )sc"riot "nd the Oe"%ot co!orts hi1 )0B<G$1777
+ericho # Seeing the /"$tist is no %onger there0 the' go to +ericho1 )0,,,G$1383
+ericho to /eth"n' # +es(s !inds the )sc"riot t"%king to O"cch"e(s in +ericho1 )0,,*G$1384
L+ericho # /etween ,h1547 c 5430 &o%1 )))M
ne"r +ericho # The need o! (sing we"%th !or etern"% $(r$oses1 An Essene on $redestin"tion1 On di*orce1 )))0<B+G$1FCFD
+ericho # )n &eronic"Hs ho(se: &eronic" $o(rs o(t to +es(s her desire to co!ort Hi in His ho(r o! "gon'1 )))0<B,G$1F7F
to +ericho # The !"ith o! " S""rit"n begg"r who is he"%ed occ"sioned "nother %esson !or +(d"s to !ors"ke his w"'s1 )&0@,@G$16
Lne"r +ericho # +es(s *isits &eronic"1 @See )&0@,CG$155A /etween ,h1 727 c 7230 &o%1 )&M
+ericho # O"cch"e(s0 h"*ing "%re"d' ch"nged his %i!e0 gets his desire to t"%k to +es(s in his hoe1 )&0@,2G$122D
Lb"ck ne"r +ericho on e"st side o! +ord"n # @See )&0$1372037F033CA /etween 3>> c 3>20 &o%1 )&M
ne"r +ericho # The g%or' o! "rt'rdo1 The ost $ossessed "n1 The wi!e o! the necro"ncer1 )&02+,G$1375
Lne"r +ericho # NikeHs ho(se @See $137203380F4CA /etween ,h13>5 c 3>C0 &o%1 )&M
+ericho # +es(s corrects the $eo$%e !or not !orgi*ing O"cch"e(s1 O"cch"e(sH e!!orts to con*ert his !riends1 )&02*+G$1F67
+ericho # P"r"b%e o! the Sick "nd the He"%th' "nd the Ph"risee "nd the P(b%ic"n1 )&02*,G$1F43D
+ericho # O"cch"e(sH ho(se with his con*erts1 +es(s s$e"ks o! the so(% "nd the error o! reinc"rn"tion1 )&02**G$1F44
+ericho to Pere" # +es(s b%esses O"cch"e(sH !"r1 Scribes tr' to (se the $ro$hetess S"be" "g"inst +es(s1 )&02*<G$1F86
ne"r +ericho # NikeHs ho(se1 Tow"rd E$hr"i: The Disci$%es "re shocked to he"r o! +es(sH "rrest w"rr"nt1 &02@AG$148
tow"rd +ericho # M"r' S"%oe "kes her <se"ting re;(est= in the -ingdo !or her sons1 &02;2G$158>D
+ericho # 3>> s($$orters o! +es(s "re "t NikeHs est"te1 +es(s res$onds to two *iews o! the corr($t Te$%e1 &02;CG$1584
+ericho # NikeHs est"te: new ch"rges b' the re%igio(s r(%ers b"sed on d""ging re$orts "g"inst +es(s !ro +(d"s1 &02;;G$1C>2
L+er(s"%e # Anne0 $r"'ing in the Te$%e h"s her wish !(%!i%%ed1 )0<G$122M
L+er(s"%e # The $(ri!ic"tion o! Anne "nd the o!!ering o! M"r'1 )0CG$1CCM
L+er(s"%e # M"r' "ge three is $resented in the Te$%e1 )0BG$175M
L+er(s"%e # Te$%e: M"r'0 220 or 250 i$%oring the coing o! ,hrist1 )0,+G$132M
L+er(s"%e # Te$%e: M"r'0 to%d she wi%% h"*e to "rr'0 coes to tr(st God with her *ow1 )0,,G$134M
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 (e"ional *ndees . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 (e"ional *ndees
L+er(s"%e # Te$%e: +ose$h is "$$ointed h(sb"nd to M"r'1 )0,*G$1F2M
L+er(s"%e # Te$%e: The wedding o! the &irgin "nd +ose$h1 )0,<G$1FFM
L+er(s"%e # +ohn the /"$tist is $resented in the Te$%e "nd E%iI"beth is $(ri!ied1 )0*2aG$1228M
+er(s"%e # The Present"tion o! +es(s in the Te$%e1 )0<*G$12F>
+er(s"%e # +es(s is e:"ined in the Te$%e1 )0@+G$15>4
+er(s"%e # The Dis$(te o! +es(s with the Doctors o! )sr"e% in the Te$%e1 )0@,G$1525
+er(s"%e # The !irst c%e"nsing o! the Te$%e1 )02<G$1543D
+er(s"%e # +es(s eets +(d"s )sc"riot "nd Tho"s "nd he"%s Sion Oe"%ot o! %e$ros'1 )02@G$1548
+er(s"%e # Tho"s becoes " Disci$%e1 )022G$1583
Lto +er(s"%e # /etween ,h1F3 c FF0 &o%1 ) @See F6G$1C78AM
+er(s"%e # The )sc"riot insists on being " Disci$%e1 )0CCG$1C7C
+er(s"%e # Mir"c%e o! the broken b%"des "t the Fish G"te1 )0C;G$1C7F
+er(s"%e # +es(s in the Te$%e with the )sc"riot1 )0CBG$1C3>
+er(s"%e # +es(s te"ches the )sc"riot1 )0CAG$1C33
+er(s"%e # +es(s eets with +ohn o! Oebedee0 who te%%s Hi o! " "n who owns ost o! /eth"n'1 )0;+G$1CF8
+er(s"%e # +es(s0 with the )sc"riot0 eets Sion Oe"%ot "nd +ohn1 )0;,G$1CFF
+er(s"%e # +es(s %istens to the )sc"riot in the Te$%e1 )0B2G$1737
+er(s"%e # The So%dier A%e:"nder "t the Fish G"te1 )0BCG$1738
L+er(s"%e # /etween ,h1 22> c 2220 &o%1 )M
L+er(s"%e # /etween ,h1225 c 22C0 &o%1 ) @See )0,,*G$1F>>AM
+er(s"%e # The so%dier A%e:"nder "nd the c(re o! the inK(red bo'1 )0,,2G$1F2C
+er(s"%e # +es(s s$e"ks to Nicode(s "t night1 )0,,CG$1F26D
to +er(s"%e # +(d"s "nd +ohn o! Endor con*erse1 ))0,A2G$1564D
+er(s"%e # At Gethse"ne: The si: "gnit(des o! %o*e "nd the $ro$hec' o! the )"c(%"te ,once$tion1 ))0,ACG$1542
+er(s"%e # )n the Te$%e in the ho(r o! the o!!ering1 +es(s in*ites +ose$h o! Ari"the" to /eth"n'1 ))0,A;G$1548
+er(s"%e # +es(s goes to the %e$ers o! Si%o" "nd /en Hinno1 M"r' obt"ins !ro +es(s " son !or Peter1 ))0,AAG$1C>>
+er(s"%e # +"beIH @M"rKi"HsA e:"in"tion in the Te$%e1 +ose$h o! Ari"the" in*ites the to dinner1 ))0*+,G$1C23
+er(s"%e # At the Te$%e on the e*e o! the P"sso*er1 +(d"s cre"tes " stir "ong the Disci$%es1 ))0*+*G$1C5>
L+er(s"%e # P"sso*er: +es(sGDisci$%es "t L"I"r(sH residence1 She$herds "t the $"%"ce o! +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"1 /etween ,h 5>5G5>CM
+er(s"%e # )n Gethse"ne: +es(s te"ches the Disci$%es the <O(r F"ther1= ))0*+<G$1C5CD
+er(s"%e # The he"%ing o! the $"r"%'tic "t the Poo% o! /ethI"th" stirs ($ " new stor !or +es(s1 ))0**2G$17FFD
+er(s"%e # L"I"r(s eets +es(s "t the Fie%d o! the G"%i%e"ns "nd e:$resses his Ko' o*er his sister1 )))0*;BG$157
+er(s"%e # Mt1 o! O%i*es: The <65^ disci$%es ret(rn "!ter e*"nge%iIing "nd gi*e " K(bi%"nt re$ort1 )))0*;AG$15FD
+er(s"%e # Te$%e: The high cost o! disci$%eshi$1 The Tower0 the T"%ents "nd the Good S""rit"n1 )))0*B+G$1C>D
+er(s"%e # Te$%e: G""%ie% de!ends Ste*en "g"inst b%"s$he'1 The $"r"b%e o! The Tr(e Sons1 )))0<C<G$1323
+er(s"%e "nd /eth"n' # Gethse"ne: Lessons on K(dging sinners1 /eth"n': A re$ort on +(d"s1 )))0<C@G$1357
to +er(s"%e # Gethse"ne: Letters !ro Antioch1 +ohn o! Endor "nd S'nt'che1 )))0<C2G$13C3
+er(s"%e # Gethse"ne: Morning $re%iin"ries1 )))0<CCG$1373
+er(s"%e # Te$%e: +es(s (st c"% Ann"%e"hHs other1 He e:$oses the sin o! S"doc the Ph"risee1 )))0<C;G$1376
+er(s"%e # On the w"' to +oh"nn"Hs ho(se: Peter in;(ires "bo(t the "$$"rition gi*en to +ohn o! Endor1 )))0<CBG$133F
+er(s"%e # )n +oh"nn"Hs ho(se: +oh"nn" h"s !i%%ed her ho(se with h(ndreds o! the $oor1 The Lo*e Fe"st1 )))0<CAG$13F5
+er(s"%e # L"I"r(sH P"%"ce: +es(s s$e"ks o! the e;("%it' o! "%% in His ,h(rch1 The Ro"n woen re*e"%ed1 )))0<;+G$1366
+er(s"%e # L"I"r(sH P"%"ce: +es(s is in!ored o! the "ss"(%t "t Gethse"ne b' those o(t to "rrest +es(s1 )))0<;,G$134F
+er(s"%e # Te$%e: +es(s is "ss"i%ed "nd "ss"(%ted b' the r(%ers1 He dri*es the "w"' b' n"ing their sins1 )))0<;*G$138>
+er(s"%e # )n the streets: +es(s (st re$ro*e His Disci$%es who h"*e becoe e"n s$irited to the deserters1 )))0<;<G$1383
+er(s"%e # L"I"r(sH P"%"ce: The P"sso*er Fe"st1 The crisis in*o%*ing Ann"%e"hHs !orer !i"nci1 )))0<;@a'bG$1F>2
+er(s"%e # L"I"r(sH P"%"ce: rede$ti*e s(!!ering1 The horrib%e corr($tion o! HerodHs co(rt "nd the Te$%e1 )))0C63G$1F>8
tow"rds +er(s"%e # The Disci$%es "re co$%"ining "bo(t the he"t1 +(d"s gets on e*er'oneHs ner*es "g"in1 )))0@+BG$1644
ne"r +er(s"%e # +es(s s$e"ks o! His other "s the $(re h(b%e "nd ost !r"gr"nt Li%' o! the &"%%e'1 )))0@,+G$14>>
+er(s"%e # The Te$%e "t Pentecost: +es(s0 s$e"king o! the d"nger )sr"e% is in0 stirs ($ the r(%ers1 )))0@,,G$14>7D
+er(s"%e # The ho(se o! He%k"i: A tr"$ to "cc(se +es(s occ"sions the th(ndero(s woes ($on He%k"i1 )))0@,*G$1422D
+er(s"%e Te$%e # The -ingdo o! God does not coe with obser*"tion1 The -ingdo is within 'o(1 )&0@B@G$1737D
+er(s"%e Te$%e # +es(s i$%ies the +ews h"d eno(gh re"son to know He h"d " s($ern"t(r"% origin1 )&0@B2G$17F5D
+er(s"%e Te$%e # ) wi%% re"in with 'o( !or on%' " short tie1 9here ) " 'o( wi%% not be "b%e to coe1 )&0@BCG$176>D
+er(s"%e # Mt1 o! O%i*es: Let the chi%dren coe to Me1 +es(s0 on K(dging +(d"s )sc"riot1 )&0@BBG$1742D
+er(s"%e # Let those who "re thirst' coe to Me1 Nicode(s "nd +ose$h o! Ari"the" de!end +es(s1 )&0@BAG$1744D
+er(s"%e # Ne"r the !o(nt"in o! En#Roge%0 the $%"ce o! "n' historic decisions1 )&0@A,G$1786
+er(s"%e # The Te$%e: The wo"n c"(ght in "d(%ter'1 )&0@A*G$13>5D
+er(s"%e # Te$%e: P"r"b%e o! the .nK(st +(dge1 9hen the Son o! M"n coes b"ck wi%% He !ind !"ithB )&02+<G$1334D
+er(s"%e # Te$%e: ) " the %ight o! the wor%d1 +es(s e:$%"ins wh' His witness to Hise%! is tr(e1 )&02+@G$13F7D
+er(s"%e # Te$%e: +es(s is i%%eg"%%' b"rred !ro the Te$%e1 <) " going "w"'1 Yo( c"nnot coe1= )&02+2G$13F8D
+er(s"%e # +ose$hHs ho(se: Litt%e M"rti"%1 +es(s0 on those who wo(%d be%ie*e in Hi o(tside the ,h(rch1 )&02+CG$134>
+er(s"%e # +ose$hHs ho(se: M"n' "re distr"(ght o*er the o(tbre"k o! hosti%it' "t the Te$%e1 )&02+;G$1346
+er(s"%e # To the s'n"gog(e: Sidoni"0 born b%ind0 is he"%ed "nd eKected !ro the Te$%e !or de!ending +es(s1 )&02+BG$138CD
+er(s"%e # Te$%e: Sidoni"0 the he"%ed b%ind0 "n sees +es(s !or the !irst tie1 ) " the Good She$herd1 )&02,CG$1F7FD
+er(s"%e # Tow"rds Nob: +es(s on the *"%(e o! s(!!ering1 His "n' te$t"tions1 +es(s cries to the F"ther1 )&02*2G$162F
+er(s"%e "re" # +(d"s e*"des e*er' e!!ort o! +es(s tow"rds honest'1 The worst e%eents in +(d"s s(r!"ce1 )&02<,G$16F7
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 (e"ional *ndees . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 (e"ional *ndees
+er(s"%e # S'n"gog(e o! the Ro"ns: No other !e"sts in )sr"e% be!ore the g"tes o! He"*en "re o$ened1 )&02<*G$16F6
+er(s"%e # +(d"s %ies0 decei*es0 disobe's0 ste"%s0 "nd then cons$ires with the eneies o! +es(s1 )&02<<G$1663
+er(s"%e # Te$%e: +es(s s$e"ks to those who bec"(se the' do not w"nt to be%ie*e0 c"nnot be%ie*e1 )&02<2G$1687D
L+er(s"%e # The stir in the cit' "!ter the res(rrection o! L"I"r(s1 An iss(e !or +es(sH "rrest goes o(t1 &02@;G$16FDM
L+er(s"%e # +(d"s goes to ,"i"$h"sH co(ntr' ho(se to eet with the %e"ders o! the S"nhedrin1 &02BCG$1C68M
tow"rds +er(s"%e # +es(s s$e"ks "t %ength "bo(t His de"th "nd its i$ort"nce1 +(d"sH d($%icit'1 &02B;G$1C46D
+er(s"%e # +es(s wee$s o*er the cit'1 The tri($h"% entr'1 The second c%e"nsing o! the Te$%e1 &02BBG$1C68D
+er(s"%e # Mt1 o! O%i*es: +es(s w"rns the Disci$%es o! their inebri"tion o*er the Tri($h"% entr' into +er(s"%e1 &02BAG$17>3
+er(s"%e # +es(s "nd M"r' co!ort the grie*ing other o! Ann"%e"h1 Fig tree c(rsed1 Te"ching in the Te$%e1 &02A+G$17>4D
+er(s"%e # +es(s e:$%"ins when the re"% tri($h wi%% occ(r0 the necess"r' conditions "nd wh' He (st die1 &02A,G$175C
+er(s"%e # Te$%e: the ;(estion o! trib(te0 "rit"% st"t(s in He"*en "nd the iort"%it' o! the so(%1 &02A*G$1754D
+er(s"%e # The tri($h wi%% be "ges "w"'1 The gre"test tort(re: GodHs "bsence "nd the $resence o! the deon1 &02A<G$17CC
+er(s"%e # Te$%e: A s'$"thetic %"w'er @ScribeA: <9hich co"ndent is gre"terB= &02A@aG$17C6D
+er(s"%e # Te$%e: The $oor widowHs ites1 Abo*e the i$ort"nce o! the Te$%e0 there is %o*e o! neighbor1 &02A@bG$17C8
+er(s"%e # MosesH ,h"ir1 Te$%e destr(ction1 The s$irit("% "nd e:tern"% n"t(re o! the ,h(rch1 His ret(rn1 &02A@dG$1775
+er(s"%e # The $roised ir"c%e1 +ohn "nd His other0 the two %ights1 The Son o! M"n is betr"'ed1 &02A2G$17F8
+er(s"%e # He th"t %o*es his %i!e wi%% %ose it1 9"%k whi%e 'o( h"*e the %ight1 He who sees Me sees Hi who1X &02ACG$1763D
+er(s"%e # At the <s($$er= roo: +es(s bids !"rewe%% to M"r' in " se$"r"te roo b(t wi%% see Her once "g"in1 &02A;G$1748
+er(s"%e # )n His "bsence0 +(d"s is gi*en " b%ow !or " "%icio(s coent "bo(t +es(s1 The P"sso*er e"%1 &02ABaG$1785D
+er(s"%e # The E(ch"rist0 the gre"test o! all possi-le ir"c%es1 PeterHs !"i%(re1 ) " the *ine1 The Ho%' S$irit1 &02ABbG$13>6
+er(s"%e # +es(s in the G"rden o! Agon'1 &02AAG$1355D
+er(s"%e # The *"rio(s tri"%s o! +es(s1 &0C++bG$1373D
L+er(s"%e # The de"th o! +(d"s )sc"riot1 &0C+,aG$136CM
+er(s"%e # +ohn goes to get Ho%' M"r' "s +es(s h"s K(st been h"nded o*er to the +ews b' Pi%"te1 &0C+<G$138>
+er(s"%e # The 9"' o! the ,ross1 &0C+@G$138CD
+er(s"%e # The ,r(ci!i:ion1 &0C+2aG$1F>3D
+er(s"%e # The b(ri"% o! +es(s1 &0C+CaG$1F54D
+er(s"%e # The s$irit("% distress o! M"r'1 &0C+Cb''dG$1FC>D
+er(s"%e # The Ph"risees coe to se"% the tob1 M"r' "nd the others ret(rn to the <s($$er= roo ho(se1 &0C+;G$1F72D
+er(s"%e # M"r'Hs incredib%e "ng(ish o*er the %oss o! her Son contin(es with the woen disci$%es "nd +ohn1 &0C+BaG$1F74D
+er(s"%e # M"r'Hs "ng(ish contin(es1 She "sks !or " sign to co!ort her1 &0C+BbG$1F35
+er(s"%e # &eronic" brings M"r' the ir"c(%o(s i"ge on the c%oth1 The' begin $re$"ring s$ices1 &0C+BG$1FF>
+er(s"%e # Ho%' S"t(rd"': The woen resting recei*ed "n' *isitors "nd s$ices1 +ohn !inds +(d"sH bod'1 &0C,+G$1F65D
+er(s"%e # M"r' $r"'ing be!ore the <&eronic"1= She conso%es M"r' o! A%$h"e(s1 +ohn !in"%%' brings Peter in1 &0C,,G$1F42
+er(s"%e # Morning o! the Res(rrection: The M"gd"%ene con!ronts the deso%"te "nd (nbe%ie*ing Peter1 &0C,*aG$1F8>
+er(s"%e # M"r' contin(es her $r"'er !or the h"stening o! the Res(rrection whi%e the woen go to the tob1 &0C,*bG$1F8F
+er(s"%e # M"r' is $r"'ing so e"rnest%' she wi%% not notice the ;("ke th"t wi%% coe1 &0C,*G$1F84
+er(s"%e # The woen s$%it ($ "nd the M"gd"%ene goes to the tob !irst to de"% with the g("rds1 &0C,2G$16>7#6>3D
+er(s"%e # A gre"t ;("ke1 An Ange% o! the Lord descends "nd knocks the stone "nd g("rds to the gro(nd1 &0C,<G$1F84D
+er(s"%e # +es(s !irst "$$e"rs to His other1 &0C,@G$16>2
+er(s"%e # The M"gd"%ene r(shes to the tob1 The other gro($s o! woen coe "!ter M"r' %e"*es1 &0C,2G$16>F#625D
+eIree% # +ohn0 with +es(s0 w"iting !or +oh"n"nHs $e"s"nts0 s$e"ks o! his "gon' o*er M"r'Hs dee$ sorrow1 )&0@;;G$1728
+eIree% # +es(s0 on%' with +ohn0 s$e"ks o! his eeting with the $e"s"nts0 !or +ohn !e%% "s%ee$1 )&0@;BG$175CD
to +i$hth"he% # +ohn o! Endor s(s$ects +(d"s to be the re"son !or his e:i%e0 b(t !orgi*es1 )))0<,@G$152>
+i$hth"he% # +es(s bids "%% !"rewe%% to S'nt'che0 +ohn o! Endor "nd the 4 Disci$%es1 )))0<,2G$1527D
+i$hth"he% # +es(s sec%(des Hise%! in " c"*e to $r"' !or the tr"*e%ers1 )))0<,CG$1526D
+i$hth"he% # +es(s in the c"*e d(ring ch"$ters: <,;' <,B' <,A' <*+' <*,' <**' <*<.
+o$$" # +es(s (ses e*er' $ossib%e "$$e"% to bring +(d"s to 'ie%d his $ride "nd se%! wi%%1 S$e"ks to Genti%es1 )))0@+@G$16F2
+ord"n ne"r /eth"b"r" # /"$tis o! +es(s1 )'@2G$1575D
+ord"n Ford # +es(s eets +ohn "nd +"es1 )0@;G$153CD
the +ord"n tow"rds ,"$ern"( # +ohn "nd +"es %e"*e the +ord"n with +es(s1 )0@;G$153CD
+ord"n ne"r Doco # +(d"s o! A%$h"e(s0 Tho"s "nd Sion Oe"%ot "re "cce$ted "s Disci$%es1 )02CG$1C>>
+ord"n Ford # eeting with she$herds +ohn0 M"tthi"s "nd Sieon1 )0B,G$17CC
+ord"n Ford ne"r +ericho # +es(s eets So%oon the !err'"n "t the +ord"n1 )0,,,G$1387
+ord"n Ri*er S9 o! ,"es"re" Phi%i$$i # The 'e"st o! the Ph"risees1 On 'o(0 Peter0 ) wi%% b(i%d M' ,h(rch1 )))0<@*G$1CF4D
E"st side o! +ord"n North o! /ethK"bbok # The Rose o! +ericho @An"st"sic"A re$(di"ted (nK(st%' "nd stoned1 )))0<2AG$174C
E"st side o! +ord"n ne"r /eth"b"r"0 then b"ck to E"st side o! +ord"n North o! /ethe% # The ir"c%e crossing1 )))0<C+G$1787
+ord"n Ford # /etween +ericho "nd /eth"b"r": +es(s s$e"ks o! %i!e "s the $re$"r"tion !or de"th1 )))0<B*G$1F35
western b"nk o! +ord"n # +es(s wi%% *isit O%d An"ni"sH cr(e% d"(ghter#in#%"w in M"s"d"1 )))0<B2G$1FF8
"t +ord"n ne"r Enon # +(d"s "cc(ses +es(s o! (n!"irness1 ,onsider 'o(rse%*es (n$ro!it"b%e ser*"nts1 )&0@*+G$17FD
L+(de"n co(ntr'side # /etween ,h1 227 c 2230 &o%1 ) @See ,,CG$1F28AM
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 (e"ional *ndees . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 (e"ional *ndees
+(tt" # +es(s with the she$herd )s""c1 )0;CG$1C83
L+(tt" # /etween ,h164 c 680 &o%1 ) @See )0;AG$1752AM
+(tt" # +es(s s$e"ks in the ho(se o! )s""c0 the dis"b%ed /eth%ehe she$herd1 ))0*,*G$1C85
+(tt" # +es(s re*isits S"r"h0 her !"i%' "nd !riends1 See Dote-oo*s 19JJ3 $12C81 @This stor' w"s not $(t in The PoemA
+(tt" # !"rewe%% to +(tt": +es(s coends the !or their !"ith in !"ce o! so (ch o$$osition1 )))0<A2G$1627
-edesh in N"$ht"%i to Gisc"%" # +es(s eets "nd con*erses with R"bbi G""%ie%1 ))0,C+G$16C
to -edesh "nd then be'ond the cit' # +ohn "nd +"es "re "ngr' o*er de!e"ts "nd ins(%ts "nd wish to ret"%i"te1 )))0<*AG$1582D
-edesh # +es(s is w"r%' we%coed "nd "sked to s$e"k in the s'n"gog(e0 b(t is interr($ted b' Ph"risees1 )))0<@,G$1C38D
-erioth # The de"th o! o%d S"(%1 )0;BG$17>8
-erioth # +es(s s$e"ks in the s'n"gog(e "nd te%%s o! being betr"'ed b' one o! His own1 ))0*,<G$1C88
-erioth # 9ith the )sc"riotHs other1 +es(s does his best to !orti!' her !or the gre"t tri"% to coe1 ))0*,@G$17>5
ne"r -erioth # The co(ntr' ho(se o! M"r'0 other o! the )sc"riot: +es(s tender%' "ss(res this ho%' wo"n1 )))0<A*G$16>2
-erioth # F"rewe%% to -erioth1 P"r"b%e o! The Two 9i%%s1 +es(s $re$"res the $eo$%e !or the betr"'"%1 )))0<A<G$16>3
-erioth # +es(s he"%s the bitterness o! Anne tow"rd +(d"sH other1 +(d"s h"d occ"sioned her d"(ghterHs de"th1 )))0<A@G$16>4
L-or"Ii P%"in # /etween ,h138 c F>0 &o%1 ) @See )0F>G$1C52AM
o(tside -or"Ii # The %e$er c(red ne"r -or"Ii1 )0C<G$1CC5D
-or"Ii P%"in # +es(s "t the ho(se o! Ann" "nd +(d"s d(ring *int"ge1 )0,+BG$1362
-or"Ii # +es(s t"kes the tr(sting !o%%ower E%i"s @Le*iBA to his !"therHs !(ner"%1 ))0,;AG$1288
-or"Ii # At the hoe o! Le*i0 the new disci$%e0 "nd the $"r"b%e o! the 9he"t "nd the D"rne%GT"res1 ))0,B,G$15>8D
-or"Ii # +es(s works !or " $oor widow wo"n "nd te"ches her son c"r$entr'1 ))'*CCG$16>4
L-or"Ii # +es(s goes b"ck to he%$ the $oor widow "nd her son !or "nother week1 /etween ,h15F4 c 5F80 &o%1 ))M
-or"Ii P%"in # Ste*en "nd Her"s becoe disci$%es o! +es(s1 +es(s on deeds o! cor$or"% "nd s$irit("% erc'1 ))0*;@G$1635
-or"Ii # The S"bb"th in the s'n"gog(e: +es(s he"%s " cri$$%ed wo"n1 )))0<<CG$1CC3D
in sight o! -or"Ii # P"r"b%e on the distrib(tion o! w"ter: How )sr"e% $er*erted the ide" o! its e%ection1 )&0@C2G$1C72
-or"Ii # +(d"s h"s tr(e sorrow !or his sins1 He needs on%' to contin(e in his wi%% to co$%ete his s"%*"tion1 )&0@CCG$1C3>
-or"Ii # +es(s bids !"rewe%% to the !ew be%ie*ers in -or"Ii1 )&0@C;G$1C3F
Leb"non "nd S'ro#Phoenici" # +es(s with the she$herds0 /enK"in "nd D"nie%1 )0,+<G$1374
Lebon"h # Second $"r"b%e on "d*ice1 +es(s "g"in thw"rts the $%"ns o! His +(de"n eneies1 &02CBG$1573
LM"ch"er(s # The /"$tist is ki%%ed1 9ord does not re"ch +es(s (nti% C weeks %"terM
"bo*e M"gd"%" # The o(nt"in retre"t $re$"ring the 25 !or their e%ection1 ))0,C@G$18>
"bo*e M"gd"%" # The e%ection o! the 25 Disci$%es1 ))0,C2G$18CD
"bo*e M"gd"%" # The !irst seron o! the Oe"%ot "nd +ohn "nd "n' ir"c%es1 ))0,CCG$188D
to M"gd"%" # +es(s s$e"ks to soe she$herds "nd "n or$h"n bo'1 ))0,B*G$1523
M"gd"%" # +es(s !inds the M"gd"%ene "t " tr"gic %ow1 ))0,B<G$1528
M"gd"%" # )n the ho(se o! /enK"inHs other "nd the $"r"b%e o! the M(st"rd Seed1 ))0,B@G$155CD
M"gd"%" # +es(s te%%s the $"r"b%e o! the Lost ,oin to those ""Ied to see the M"gd"%ene with +es(s1 ))0 *@+G$13C6D
hi%% "bo*e M"gd"%" "nd Tiberi"s # +es(s reb(kes " co*eto(s "n1 The $"r"b%e o! the Foo%ish Rich M"n1 )))0*;2G$16D
M"gd"%" # The g"rden o! the M"gd"%ene: How to h"nd%e in %o*e $rob%es between brothers1 )))0*;CG$123D
M"gd"%" # The g"rden: <9h"tsoe*er 'o( bind1111 9here two or three "re g"thered1111 Forgi*e 6>:61= )))0*;;G$15>D
M"gd"%" # +es(s "nd the Disci$%es o*ernight here on their w"' to Tiberi"s )))0<@;G$1C84
LM"gd"%" # The' *isit soeone who is <d'ing1= /etween ,h1C3> c C320 &o%1 )))M
LM"gd"%" # +es(s "nd His Disci$%es1 /etween ,h1C35 c C3C0 &o%1 )))M
to M"gd"%" # +es(s s$e"ks to "n' in their bo"ts1 Peter becoes " $"r"b%e on who is g(i%t' be!ore God1 )&0@@CG$1244
M"gd"%g"d # 9hi%e the Disci$%es "re in Ashdod0 +es(s inciner"tes " $"g"n ido% "nd s"*es two %i*es1 ))'**+G$17C8
M"s"d" # +es(s de%i*ers " ess"ge !ro O%d An"ni"s to his h"rd#he"rted d"(ghter#in#%"w1 )))0<A,G$1F8F
to Megiddo # Litt%e +"beI "nd Peter <the !"ther1= ))0,A*G$15F7
Megiddo # At the hoe o! )sh"e% ben F"bi0 the Ph"risee1 The $"r"b%e o! The /"n;(et1 )))0<<@G$1C5>D
tow"rds Megiddo # +(d"s h"*ing %e!t0 the others beg"n to t"%k "bo(t hi1 +es(s (st "g"in correct the1 )&0@*,G$132
to Meiron # +(d"s %ies "bo(t his where"bo(ts on the $re*io(s night1 )))0<<BG$1C73
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 (e"ional *ndees . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 (e"ional *ndees
Mer"b" # +es(s $"ssed thro(gh this town on His w"' to /eth%ehe o! G"%i%ee1 ))0 *@CG$1366#364
Merob" # The town where %itt%e A%$h"e(s %i*ed1 )&0 @@;G$1286
ne"r Mero L"ke # )n the ho(se o! +"cob0 the $e"s"nt with two or$h"ns1 )0,,+G$1348
LMero E"st c North side o! L"ke to -edesh # /etween ,h1238 c 2F>0 &o%1 ))M
Mero # +es(s h"s to K(sti!' His !orgi*ing the M"gd"%ene to His Disci$%es1 The $"r"b%e o! The Tre"s(re1 ))0*<CG$1326D
ne"r Mero L"ke # +es(s resc(es or$h"ns M"r' "nd M"tthi"s0 who h"*e been reKected b' +"cob1 )))0*A;G$125F
to Mero L"ke # The Disci$%esH %o*e !or M"r'1 +es(s te%%s o! His de"th "nd Peter denies1 )))0<@2G$1C4CD
ne"r Mero L"ke # )n the ho(se o! +(d"s "nd Anne0 the %"ndowners ne"r L"ke Mero1 )&0@C@G$1CC6
tow"rds Mt1 Adoin # The need to $r"' "nd $re$"re !or <!resh !iercer "nd !iercer str(gg%es= "g"inst oneHs ego1 )))0<;BG$1FC>
LMt1 ,"re% # +es(s "%one1 /etween ,h136 c 340 &o%1 ) @See ))0285G$15F7AM
Mt1 ,"re% # +es(s goes ($ Mt1 ,"re% with his co(sin0 +"es0 where the' $r"'1 ))0*2CG$1F7>
Mt1 ,"re% # +es(s re*e"%s to +"es His !(t(re A$osto%ic ission1 ))0*2;G$1F7C
%e"*ing Mt1 ,"re% # +es(s to +"es on the hier"rch' o! the ,h(rch "nd the S"cr"ents1 +"es he"%s " bo'1 ))0*2BG$1F32
Mt1 ,herith # A needed re!%ection on wh"t it e"ns to "ct in %o*e tow"rd "%%1 )))0<;AG$1FCC
Mt1 o! F"sting # +es(s !"sts !or 7> d"'s1 )0@CG$11576D
Mt1 o! F"sting # re*isited1 )0B+G$1757
Lto Mt1 o! F"sting ne"r Teko"h # +es(s !"sts !or 7 d"'s then he"ds to +ericho1 @)))0$1455A /etween ,h172C0 &o%1 ))) c 7270 &o%1 )&M

L*i%%"ge "t !oot o! Mt1 Nebo0 then Mt1 Nebo # The retre"t on Mt1 Nebo @See $1356A1 /etween ,h1786 c 7840 &o%1 )& M
descending Mt1 Nebo # +(d"s becoes " thorn !or +ohn "nd is conso%ed b' N"th"nie%1 )&0@ABG$1354
*i%%"ge ne"r Mt1 Nebo @HeshbonBA # ,(re o! the b%ind chi%dren1 +es(s on the $(r$ose o! "ni"% s"cri!ice1 )&0@AAG$13C5

LMt1 T"bor # +es(s "%one1 /etween ,h136 c 340 &o%1 ) @See )034G$1C25AM
to Mt1 T"bor # +es(s is $%"nning to go o(t o! the w"' to see the (nh"$$' $e"s"nts o! the 'o(ng Dor"s1 ))0,B;G$15C4
LMt1 T"bor # Arri*ing "nd s%ee$ing on its s%o$es1 /etween ,h1246 c 2440 &o%1 )) @See ))0,B;G$1572AM
Mt1 T"bor to Endor # )n the c"*e o! the necro"ncer1 The' eet +ohn o! Endor @Fe%i:A1 ))0,BBG$157C
Mt1 T"bor # 9ith Peter0 +"es "nd +ohn0 +es(s is tr"ns!ig(red1 An e$i%e$tic is c(red1 )))0<@BG$17>3D
tow"rds Modin # +ohn coes b"ck !ro Ekron with his !"ce "g%ow1 He h"d $er!ored " ir"c%e1 ))0***G$1732

N"in # D"nie%0 the son o! " widow0 is r"ised !ro the de"d1 ))0,BAG$1535D
Lto N"in # +es(s (st kee$ " dinner d"te with Sion the Ph"risee in N"in1 /etween ,h15C7 c 5C30 &o%1 ))1 M
N"in # M"r' M"gd"%ene in the ho(se o! Sion the Ph"risee1 ))0*<2G$132>D
N"in # )n the ho(se o! D"nie%0 who +es(s r"ised !ro the de"d 4 onths be!ore @))0$535A1 )))0*AAG$12C4D

LN"I"reth # +o"chi "nd Anne wi%% go to +er(s"%e to "ke their *ow to the Lord1 )0*G$14M
LN"I"reth # 9ith " c"ntic%e0 Anne "nno(nces th"t she is " other1 )0@G$12FM
LN"I"reth # The birth o! the &irgin M"r'1 )02G$15>M
LN"I"reth # M"r'0 "t ne"r "ge three0 *ows to be " *irgin tot"%%' dedic"ted to God1 )0;G$1C6M
LN"I"reth # The de"th o! +o"chi "nd Anne1 )0AG$174M
LN"I"reth # +ose$h "nd M"r' "rri*e in N"I"reth b' c"rt !i%%ed with her !"i%' heir%oos1 )0,@G$16CM
LN"I"reth # The Ann(nci"tion1 M"r' is "%so to%d o! E%iI"bethHs $regn"nc'1 )0,CG$14>M
LN"I"reth # M"r' te%%s +ose$h o! E%iI"bethHs $regn"nc'1 )0,BG$18>M
Lto N"I"reth # Ret(rning !ro +er(s"%e0 +ose$h is in t(roi% seeing M"r' is with chi%d1 )0*2bG$125CM
LN"I"reth # M"r' c%"ri!ies the "tter o! her condition to +ose$h1 )0*CG$125FM
LN"I"reth # The ,ens(s Edict1 )0*;G$1258M
to N"I"reth # Fro Eg'$t1 )0<CG$1246
N"I"reth # +es(sH !irst working %esson1 )0<;G$1287
N"I"reth # M"r'0 the te"cher o! +es(s0 +(d"s "nd +"es1 )0<BG$1284
N"I"reth # +es(s coes o! Age1 Le"*ing !or +er(s"%e1 )0<AG$15>F
N"I"reth # The De"th o! S"int +ose$h1 )0@*G$1555
N"I"reth11# F"rewe%% to His Mother1 )0@@G$115C3D
N"I"reth # Ret(rn to N"I"reth with si: Disci$%es1 )02;G$1C>3
N"I"reth # +es(s introd(ces the )sc"riot0 the Oe"%ot "nd two she$herds to Ho%' M"r'1 )0A+G$1766
N"I"reth # +es(s te"ches His 2> Disci$%es on (nit'0 "nd Peter h"s his !ist r(n#in with +(d"s1 )0A,G$1742
N"I"reth # +es(s te"ches the 2> e$h"siIing M"r'Hs h(i%it' "nd w"rns o! the <$er!ect crie1= )0 A*G$1743
N"I"reth # +es(s s$e"ks on A$osto%ic !or"tion "nd de"%s with the di*ision in His own !"i%'1 )0A<G$1748
N"I"reth # )n the ho(se o! His (nc%e0 A%$h"e(s0 "nd then "t His own ho(se with M"r'1 )0,++G$13C2
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 (e"ional *ndees . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 (e"ional *ndees
N"I"reth # +es(s "sks His other "bo(t His Disci$%es1 )0,+,G$137>
N"I"reth to ne"r ,"n" # +es(s c(res +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"1 )0,+*G$1372
N"I"reth # +es(s "kes $e"ce with His co(sin Sion1 )0,+2G$1338
N"I"reth # +es(s dri*en o(t o! town1 He co!orts His other1 )0,+CG$13F7D
N"I"reth # P(b%i(s a(inti%i"n(s t"kes +on"h to M"r'Hs ho(se to die1 )0,+AG$134F
N"I"reth # +es(s is with His Mother1 ))0,2+G$1C7
N"I"reth # <Son0 ) wi%% coe with Yo(1= M"r'Hs res$onse to +es(sH concern in de"%ing with woen1 ))0,2+G$1C7
N"I"reth # Ann"%e"h de*otes herse%! to God "s " *irgin1 ))0,2CG$137
N"I"reth # )nstr(ctions to the woen disci$%es1 The i$ort"nce o! woen de*oted to God in the ,h(rch1 ))0,2;G$138
LN"I"reth # Ag%"e0 the <*ei%ed wo"n0= is with Ho%' M"r' "nd te%%s her tr"gic stor' o! her !"%%1 ))0,CBG$122FM
LN"I"reth # /etween ,h155F c 5560 &o%1 ))M
to N"I"reth # +ohn re$e"ts the s$eech "de b' +es(s on Mt1 T"bor1 ))0*@<G$1334
N"I"reth # +es(s re!(tes the "cc(s"tion th"t He de!i%es Hise%! b' "$$ro"ching sinners1 ))0*@@G$13F7
N"I"reth # )n the s'n"gog(e0 +es(s is "g"in reKected1 His two o%dest co(sins "re $(b%ic%' hosti%e1 ))0*@2G$13F8D
LN"I"reth # A d"' o! +(d"s )sc"riot with Ho%' M"r' "t N"I"reth1 ))0*C<G$1F42M
N"I"reth # +es(s with M"r' !or Dedic"tion whi%e the two e:i%es "nd M"rKi" "re s%ee$ing1 )))0<+*G$1235
N"I"reth # +es(s with M"r'Hs <$($i%s0= +ohn o! Endor "nd S'nt'che "nd M"rKi"1 )))0<+<G$123F
N"I"reth # M"rKi" $o(rs o(t to +es(s his "gon' o*er the horrib%e de"th o! his !"i%' "nd the e*i% o! Dor"s1 )))0<+@G$1234
N"I"reth # The Oe"%ot "rri*es "!ter distrib(ting "%s "nd b('ing s($$%ies !or the e:i%es1 )))0<+2G$12F5
N"I"reth # The hosti%it' o! "%% b(t soe chi%dren "nd woen in N"I"reth is disc(ssed1 Origin"% sin1 )))0<+CG$12F7
N"I"reth tow"rd ,"n" # +es(s gets His co(sin SionHs wi!e S"%oe to be%ie*e !or the he"%ing o! their chi%d1 )))0<+;G$126>
N"I"reth # Peter is in!ored o! the necessit' "nd $%"n to e:i%e +ohn o! Endor "nd S'nt'che1 )))0<+AG$1264
N"I"reth # M"rKi" "nd his hone' c"kes: The rede$ti*e $ower o! se%! s"cri!ice1 )))0<,+G$1245
N"I"reth # +es(s te%%s +ohn o! Endor the $"in!(% tr(th o! his e:i%e in Antioch1 )))0<,,G$1243
N"I"reth # +es(s corrects His co(sin Sion !or condening +(d"s1 Peter "rri*es with " c"rt !or the e:i%es1 )))0<,*G$1286
N"I"reth # The sorrow!(% de$"rt(re !ro N"I"reth1 )))0<,<G$15>C
N"I"reth # +es(s goes to N"I"reth with His co(sins "nd Peter "nd Tho"s1 +(d"s e:$%odes1 )))0<<2G$1CC5
N"I"reth # Sion o! A%$h"e(s " disci$%e1 +es(s s$e"ks o! the !o(r tr"ns!ig(r"tions o! His Ho%' Mother1 )))0<@;bG$1C88
N"I"reth # +es(s e:$%"ins wh' the Disci$%es co(%d not c(re the e$i%e$tic1 )))0<@AG$1723D
N"I"reth # +es(s "nd 7 A$ost%es "rri*e in N"I"reth1 A(re" G"%%"0 the resc(ed s%"*e0 is he"%ed o! her !e*er1 )&0@<,G$12>4
N"I"reth # +es(s !i:es soe o! His otherHs !(rnit(re1 The $"r"b%e o! the P"inted 9ood1 )&0@<*G$122C
N"I"reth # Peter "nd the other Disci$%es c"nnot st"nd being witho(t +es(s0 so the' show ($ in N"I"reth1 )&0@<<G$1228
N"I"reth # +es(s e:$%"ins how the God o! Sin"i is Lo*e "nd Merc'1 M"r' re*e"%s the secret o! her tr"n;(i%it'1 )&0@<@G$1257
N"I"reth # 9hi%e w"iting !or word !ro &"%eri" "bo(t A(re"0 +es(s "nd His other con*erse1 )&0@<2G$1254
N"I"reth # &"%eri" concedes to M"r'Hs desire !or A(re"1 +(d"s is !o(nd in Tiberi"s0 dr(nk1 )&0@<CG$12C>
N"I"reth # A(re"0 wishing to st"' with Ho%' M"r'0 'ie%ds her wi%% to God1 She wi%% go with N"oi "nd M'rth"1 )&0@<;G$12CF
N"I"reth # The Disci$%es "g"in coe !or S"bb"th1 +es(s is reb(ked b' +ose$h0 +es(sH co(sin1 )&0@<BG$127>
LN"I"reth # +(d"s with Ho%' M"r' "t N"I"reth1 )&0@@+G$123CM
LN"I"reth # 9h"t $eo$%e "re s"'ing in N"I"reth "bo(t the r"ising o! L"I"r(s "nd the order !or +es(sH "rrest1 &02C+G$12F4M
Nob # O%d +ohn0 the $"r"b%e o! the Mis(nderstood -ing0 M"n"en "nd the ir"c%e o*er the wind1 )&0@B;G$1763
Nob # +(d"s is ins(%ted "t +es(sH stress on the i$ort"nce o! woen1 Sidoni"Hs eKection !ro the s'n"gog(e1 )&02+AG$1F>3
to Nob # Sens("%it' *s1 s$irit("%it'1 &icti so(%s1 Another *iew into +(d"sH d"rk "nd co$%e: n"t(re1 )&02,2G$1F75
tow"rds Nob # +er(s"%e +es(s on the *"%(e o! s(!!ering1 His "n' te$t"tions1 +es(s cries to the F"ther1 )&02*2G$162F
Nob # +es(s !inds the des$er"te%' needed co!ort o! His other in E%iI"1 +(d"s shows conte$t !or +es(s1 )&02*CG$165>
Nob # 9hi%e he%$ing O%d +ohn0 +es(s s$e"ks to +(d"s o! those who se%% these%*es to S"t"n1 )&02*;G$1653
Nob # +(d"s s$ends " night in sin1 +es(s "kes e*er' e!!ort0 b(t !"i%s to bring hi to re$ent"nce1 )&02*BG$16C2
Nob # &"%eri"0 the Ro"n !riend o! ,%"(di"0 seeks co(nse% in reg"rd to her "rri"ge1 +es(s s$e"ks o! "rri"ge1 )&02*AG$16C3
Nob # The Ko'!(% $re$"r"tion !or the Fe"st o! Lights is disr($ted b' " $rostit(te sent to discredit +es(s1 )&02<+G$163C
to Pe%%" # +es(s he"%s " b%ind bo' "nd other "nd $roises th"t $"tient s(!!ering wi%% con*ert her son M"rk1 )))0<2;G$17F4
Phi%istine P%"in # Nicode(s is good to the $oor1 P"r"b%e o! the &ine'"rd Owner "nd Two Sons1 )))0@+2G$1662D
Phi%istine P%"in # A ir"c%e (%ti$%ies the gr"in o! +ose$h o! Ari"the" gi*en to the $oor1 )))07>FG$1666D
Phi%istine P%"in # +ose$hHs ho(se: +ohn the Ph"risee interr($ts " S"bb"th rest with " serio(s "rit"% $rob%e1 )))0@+;G$1645
border o! Phoenici" # E*"nge%iIing those with i:ed re%igion1 The $"r"b%e o! the Le"*en in the Do(gh1 )))0<*CG$1565D
Pto%e"is # +es(s recei*es %etters concerning +on"h the $e"s"nt1 )0,+@G$133C
LPto%e"is !or T're0 Disci$%es %e"*ing1 )))0<,;G$1555M
to Pto%e"is # +es(s "nd the 2> Disci$%es "rri*e "t Pto%e"is "nd $%"n to be "t Sic"inon b' e*ening1 )))0<<*G$1C22
Lb"ck to Pto%e"is # /etween ,h1765 c 76C0 &o%1 )&M
ne"r Pto%e"is tow"rd Se$horis # Abe% w"nts +es(s to !orgi*e his !"%se "cc(sers stricken with %e$ros'1 )&0@;<G$1C44
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 (e"ional *ndees . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 (e"ional *ndees
ne"r R""h # +es(s to /"rn"b"s0 " disci$%e o! G""%ie%0 on GodHs "in "ttrib(te o! %o*e *s1 K(stice1 )&0@CAG$1CFC
ne"r R""h # Scribes "sk !or +es(sH co(nse% on " *er' di!!ic(%t c"se1 +es(sH wisdo con*inces /"rn"b"s1 )&0@;+G$1C6>
E"st o! R""h tow"rds Pto%e"is # A Sidoni"n otherHs b%ind bo' is c(red "nd rew"rded !or %o*ing her h(sb"nd1 )&0@;,G$1C66
E"st o! R""h tow"rds Pto%e"is # The *ision th"t is %ost in M&Hs r"$t(re o! %o*e1 )&0@;*G$1C4C
R""h # 9ith the A$ost%e Tho"sH !"i%'1 The g"te o! He"*en is n"rrow1 +er(s"%e0 +er(s"%eX1 )))0<C*G$13>4D
LR""h # @See $1F220F5CA /etween ,h13>8 c 32>0 &o%1 )&M

to R"oth # +es(s with the rich "nd we%%#"red erch"nt c"r"*"n "nd ore !ro S'nt'che1 )))0*B2G$1F7
*i%%"ges tow"rd R"oth#Gi%e"d # ,ontin(o(s "tt"cks on +es(s t"ke their to%% on Peter1 He is de*"st"ted1 )&0@A2G$132F
tow"rds S""ri" # +es(s s$e"ks to the Disci$%es "bo(t their "n:iet' o*er the "ctions o! en1 ))0,@*G$18D
S"$het # The Disci$%es reKoin +es(s "nd re$ort on their s(ccesses "t Deberet0 M"gd"%"0 ,"$ern"(0 etc1 )))0<<;G$1CC8D

Ltow"rd Se%e(ci" # The stor "nd ir"c%es on the shi$1 )))0<,AG$15C5
L Se%e(ci" # )))0<*+G$15C6
LSe%e(ci" to Antioch # )))0<*,G$157>M
Se$horis # +es(s0 Disci$%es t"king S'nt'che c +ohn o! Endor to Pto%"(s1 /etween ,h1C2C c C271 )))05>2
Se$horis tow"rds Esdr"e%on # +(d"s0 with "n in*it"tion !ro the Ph"risee )sh"e%0 "nd Tho"s Koin +es(s1 )))0<<<G$1C2C
ne"r Se$horis # 9ith +oh"n"nHs $e"s"nts1 )&0@<+G$12>5
Sheche # Litt%e +"beI "nd +ohn o! Endor1 ))0,A<G$15F8
LSheche # @See )&0$17C6A /etween ,h174> c 7420 &o%1 )&M
tow"rds Sheche # +es(s: A (ch gre"ter sign th"n L"I"r(s wi%% soon t"ke $%"ce in +er(s"%e1 &022CG$12C8
Sheche # The who%e cit' we%coes +es(s0 the !r(it o! +es(sH work with the S""rit"n wo"n1 &02CAG$1535
Sheche # +es(s w"rns the e*er#growing crowd o! His eneiesH tricks to t(rn the "g"inst Hi1 &02;+G$1533
Sheche # +es(s $r"'s on Mt1 GeriIi be!ore d"wn1 The' $re$"re to %e"*e !or Enon1 &02;,G$1538
Shi%oh # +es(s w"rns these S""rit"ns th"t His eneies wi%% tr' to is%e"d the1 &02C;G$1572

to Sic"inon # Ho%' M"r' instr(cts +(d"s )sc"riot1 ))0*@BG$1385
Sic"inon # +es(s s$e"ks o! the $otenti"% o! di*ision in the !(t(re d(e to $riests becoing (se%ess ch"nne%s1 ))0*@AG$138F
Lto Sic"inon # +es(s "nd the Disci$%es %e"*e to inister in Phoenici" !or " d"'1 /etween ,h153> c 5320 &o%1 ))M
Sic"inon # +es(s ret(rns "nd gi*es " $"r"b%e on !"ith1 He $redicts )sr"e% wi%% $erish1 ))0*2,G$1F>8
LSic"inon # The' st"' here !or "bo(t two weeks1 /etween ,h1CC5 c CCC0 &o%1 )))M
So%oon_s &i%%"ge # )n So%oonHs ho(se1 O%d An"ni"s is he"%ed "nd gi*en ch"rge o! the ho(se1 )))0<B<G$1F34
So%oonHs &i%%"ge # At the crossro"ds: P"r"b%e o! the L"bor Agents1 )))0<B@G$1FFC
So%oon_s &i%%"ge # For the s"ke o! His Disci$%es0 +es(s (st %e"*e +(de" "!ter on%' two onths1 )&0@,CG$15>D
So%oon_s &i%%"ge # +es(s te%%s o! the "w!(% b%ood' de"th th"t h"te wi%% "cco$%ish1 +(d"s !%ies into " r"ge1 )&0@A@G$1322
tow"rds So%oon_s &i%%"ge # +es(s r(ns into M"n"en1 +es(s on %o*ing cre"tion witho(t worshi$ing it1 )&02<BG$1424D
So%oonHs &i%%"ge # +es(s st"'s in the *i%%"ge (nti% "!ter L"I"r(s dies1 &02<AG$13D thro(gh &02@2G$172D
So%oonHs &i%%"ge # +es(s recei*es M"rth"Hs ess"ge1 +es(sH ess"ge: H"*e "bso%(te !"ith1 &02@<G$156
So%oonHs &i%%"ge # +es(s decides to go to <"w"ken= L"I"r(s0 b(t the Disci$%es "re !e"r!(% o! +es(sH eneies1 &02@2G$172
LSte$s o! T're # /etween ,h1765 c 76C0 &o%1 )&M
S'ch"r # +es(s enco(nters Photin"i0 the S""rit"n wo"n1 ))0,@<G$122D
S'ch"r # +es(s with the $eo$%e o! the cit'1 ))0,@@G$12FD
S'ch"r # The e*"nge%iI"tion o! the cit'1 ))0,@2G$128D
S'ch"r # Goodb'e to the $eo$%e o! S'ch"r1 ))0,@CG$155D
S'ch"r tow"rds Enon # +es(s s$e"ks on +ewish $reK(dices0 de%i*ers " $ossessed S""rit"n "nd instr(cts Photin"i1 ))0,@;G$153
LS'ch"r # @See )&0$17C6A /etween ,h174> c 7420 &o%1 )&M
LtoT"riche" # /etween ,h124F c 2460 &o%1 ))M
Lto T"riche" # /etween ,h15C7 c 5C30 &o%1 ))M
tow"rd T"riche" # +es(s s$e"ks on the de"th o! the /"$tist1 ))0*;+G$16C3D
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 (e"ional *ndees . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 (e"ional *ndees
T"riche" "re" # +es(s s$e"ks to " scribe "t the +ord"n1 He denies reinc"rn"tion "nd "!!irs P(rg"tor'1 ))0 *;,G$16C8D
T"riche" "re" # The !irst ir"c%e o! the %o"*es1 ))0*;*G$16C7D
Lto T"riche" # /etween ,h1584 c 5880 &o%1 )))M
to T"riche" to get their bo"ts0 then to M"gd"%" # +es(s con!irs His %o*e to Peter "!ter " reb(ke1 )))0<+,G$1274
to T"riche" # M"rKi"Hs ster%ing !"ith "nd ch"r"cter1 How )sr"e% !orgot the s($ree %"w o! %o*e1 )&0@@*G$12FC
T"riche" # +es(s te%% the +ews the' h"*e se%!ish%' inter$reted <the Messi"h1= G"%"ti" the sinner is !orgi*en1 )&0@C,G$1C>2
!ro T"riche" to ,h(I"_s est"te # ,h(I" "nd "n' not"b%es "sk +es(s to "cce$t the -ingshi$ o! Herod1 )&0@C*G$1C22
LTebesh # /etween ,h1 74> c 7420 &o%1 )& @See )&0$17C6AM
to Teko"h # Tho"sH dee$0 secret reorse1 O%d E%i"nn" !orced o(t o! his hoe te"ches the Disci$%es1 )&02,BG$1FF2
Teko"h # A re"% w"r we%coe1 +es(s $re$"res His Disci$%es !or " tie when "%% wi%% see %ost1 )&02,AG$1FF8
Tiberi"s # On the w"' to the wedding "t ,"n"1 )02*G$1568D
LTiberi"s # /etween ,h1 35 c 3C0 &o%1 ) @See )032G$15F8AM
Tiberi"s # +es(s %ooks !or the /eth%ehe she$herd +on"th"n "t ,h(I"Hs ho(se1 )0AAG$135F
Tiberi"s to Leb"non # +es(s goes to see the she$herds /enK"in "nd D"nie%1 )0,+<G$1374
Tiberi"s # +es(s in the ho(se o! +oh"nn" with His other1 )0,+;G$13F8
Lto Tiberi"s # +es(s "nd the Disci$%es go to ,h(I"Hs to $ick ($ " c"rt to h"sten their Ko(rne' to +er(s"%e1 /etween ,h122> c 2220 &o%1 )M
Tiberi"s # +es(s s$e"ks to +oh"nn" o! ,h(I" on the %"ke1 ))0,2BG$1F3
L"ro(nd Tiberi"s # /etween ,h12FC c 2F70 &o%1 ))M
Tiberi"s # )n the ho(se o! +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"1 +es(s s$e"ks to the Ro"n woen1 ))0,C;G$12>6
LTiberi"s # /etween ,h155F c 5560 &o%1 ))M
Tiberi"s # The M"gd"%ene !"ces her se*erest tests !ro those who knew her1 ))0*@,G$1375
Ltow"rd Tiberi"s "nd then to ,"$ern"( # /etween ,h15F2 c 5F50 &o%1 ))M
to Tiberi"s # +es(s entr(sts the or$h"ns0 M"r' "nd M"tthi"s0 to +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"1 )))0*ABG$12C7
LTiberi"s # /etween ,h1 CC3 c CCF0 &o%1 )))M
LTiberi"s # /etween ,h1 C76" c C76b0 &o%1 )))M
LTiberi"s # /etween ,h1 C78 c C3>0 &o%1 )))M
Tiberi"s # PeterHs $"r"b%e1 The c"se o! EstherHs de"th "nd her disgr"ce!(% son0 S"(e%1 )&0@@<G$12F8
Tiberi"s # An ($ro"r in HerodHs co(rt1 ,h(I"Hs intent to "sk +es(s to be -ing1 A %etter !ro S'nt'che1 )&0@2AG$1566
TirI"h # +(de"ns h"*e $oisoned the inds o! the $eo$%e0 who dri*e o(t the Disci$%es "nd b%ock the ro"ds1 &02;<G$1562D
T're # +es(s s$e"ks on $erse*er"nce1 ))0*2+G$1F>7
L!ro T're # on " ,ret"n shi$1 )))0<,BG$1556M
9i%derness o! Te$t"tion # +es(s is te$ted b' the De*i%1 )0@CG$1576D
9i%derness o! Te$t"tion # Re*isited1 )0B+G$1758
woods o! M"tt"thi"s # +es(s eets with His other "nd te%%s her to $%"n to st"' in +er(s"%e in the s$ring1 )&0@;2G$17>5
So(th o! the woods o! M"tt"thi"s # +es(s con*erses with His co(sin0 +ose$h0 who is st"rting to be%ie*e1 )&0@;CG$1722D

Post Res(rrection A$$e"r"nces
L"I"r(s1 &0C,;G$1623
+oh"nn" o! ,h(I"1 &0C,BG$165>
+ose$h o! Ari"the"0 Nicode(s "nd M"n"en1 &0C,AG$165C
The eight /eth%ehe she$herds1 &0C*+G$1653
,%eo$"s "nd Sion o! E"(s1 &0C*,G$1656D
To "n' others who h"d g"thered in the <s($$er= roo ho(se @e:ce$t the h(i%i"ted Disci$%esA1 &0C**G$16C3
The Disci$%es0 e:ce$t Tho"s in the <S($$er= roo0 !in"%%' see +es(s1 &0C*<G$16C6D
L+er(s"%e # The <S($$er= roo: A%% the Disci$%es with do(bting Tho"s1 +es(s does not "$$e"r1 &0C*@G$1676DM
The Disci$%es with Tho"s in the <S($$er= roo: +es(s "$$e"rs to "%%1 &0C*2G$163CD
The A$ost%es "t Gethse"ne with +es(s1 &0C*CG$16F2
The A$ost%e retr"cing the 9"' o! the ,ross1 +es(s "$$e"rs1 &0C*;G$1664
&"rio(s $eo$%e in di!!erent $%"ces1 &0C*BG$$1685#45C
Se*en Disci$%es on the Se" o! G"%i%ee0 !ishing1 &'C*AG$145CD
The 22 Disci$%es "nd 3>> other disci$%es1 &0C<+G$1458D
The 22 Disci$%es "nd "n' o! the <65= s$e"king o! the i$ort"nce o! Post A$osto%ic re*e%"tion1 &0C<,G$147>D
M"n' "t L"I"r(sH est"te "t the re#en"ctent o! the L"st s($$er1 &0C<*G$1436
M"r'0 His Mother1 &0 C<<G$14F5
M"r'0 His Mother0 then with the 22 A$ost%es1 &0C<@bG$14F8
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 (e"ional *ndees . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 (e"ional *ndees
The A$ost%es "nd "n' disci$%es "nd His Mother "t the Ascension1 &0C<@bG$1465D
L+er(s"%e # The A$ost%es "re w"iting !or the Ho%' S$irit1 The e%ection o! M"tthi"s1 &0C<2G$1464DM
L+er(s"%e # The D"' o! Pentecost1 &0C<CG$1445DM
L+er(s"%e # C0>>> s"*ed "nd !i%%ed with the Ho%' S$irit "t their /"$tis1 &0C<;G$144FDM
L+er(s"%e # Ho%' M"r' t"kes ($ residence in Gethse"ne1 &0C<BG$148>M
L+er(s"%e # Ho%' M"r' "nd +ohn *isit the $%"ces o! +es(sH $"ssion1 &0C<AG$148FM
L+er(s"%e # Nicode(s "nd +ose$h o! Ari"the" *isit M"r' "nd disc(ss the two shro(ds1 &0C@+G$18>>M
L+er(s"%e # The r"$id growth o! the ,h(rch0 then the "rt'rdo o! Ste*en1 S"(% "nd G""%ie%1 &0C@,G$18>3DM
L+er(s"%e # The de$osition o! Ste*enHs bod'1 &0C@*G$1825DM
L+er(s"%e # G""%ie% becoes " ,hristi"n1 &0C@<G$1823M
L+er(s"%e # Peter con*erses with +ohn1 &0C@@G$185>M
L+er(s"%e # The b%iss!(% $"ss"ge o! Ho%' M"r'Hs s$irit into He"*en1 &0C@2G$1857M
L+er(s"%e # The Ass($tion o! Ho%' M"r'0 bod' "nd so(%0 into He"*en1 &0C@CG$18C7M

@Poe ,h"$ters )07F W &0F>3A
9HEN YO. -NO9 THE GEOGRAPH),AL REG)ON !or the e*ent !or which 'o( "re %ooking0 (se the GOSPEL
EP)SODE LO,ATOR be%ow i! 'o( know the e*ent 'o(r %ooking !or is !o(nd in the Gos$e%s1 )! 'o( "re not s(re i!
the e*ent is entioned in the Gos$e%s (se the POEM ,HAPTER LO,ATOR be%ow1
G4(3)5 )3I(4D) 54C$T4% Gospel )pisodes o! .esus9 ministry listed by region. Re*iew e"ch
o! the Gos$e% E$isodes !ro the "$$ro$ri"te region (sing The est of the Gospel !tory to !ind the one !or which
'o( "re %ooking1



3F1#FF1 F61#6>1
671 631
6F1#22F1 2261
2241#2281 25>1 2521#2561
2541#2361 2341#2F51
2F71#2F31 2FF1#2F81
26>1#2631 26F1
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 (e"ional *ndees . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 (e"ional *ndees
2661#24C1 2471
2431#24F1 2461 2441#2871
2831#2861 2841
2881 5>>1#5>21 5>51#5241
5281#55C1 5571#5531
55F1#5581 5C>1#CC51
34)M CH$3T)% 54C$T4% Sc"n the s("ries o! the "$$ro$ri"te Poe ,h"$ters be%ow in the
CH%4"454GIC$5 I"D)J to !ind the e*ent in +es(sH inistr' !or which 'o( "re %ooking1



7F # F3 FF#46
44#2>5 2>C#2>7
2>3#22> 222#272 275#278
23>#23C 237#233
556#576 574#535 53C#533
586#C53 C5F#C54
CCC#C72 C75#C77
C3C#C33 C3F#C34 C38#CF>
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 (e"ional *ndees . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 (e"ional *ndees
753#776 774#733 73F"
73Fb#762 765#76C
767#764 768#745
74C#78C 788#3>5
37F#378 33>#365
,h12#27> G &ol. I ,h1272#567 G &ol. II ,h1563#72C G &ol. III ,h1727#3C4 G &ol. I& ,h13C8#F76 G &ol. &
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
)$ort"nt b"ckgro(nd in!or"tion !or "nd e*ents in the %i*es o! o*er 3>> $ersons entioned in The
Poem of the Man-God1 S$eci"% Gro($ings !or The T#elve Disiples0 the :ethlehem (hepherds0
4rphans0 %eligious 5eaders0 %oman "obel #omen' %oman "oblemen' %oman (oldiers'
High#aymen "nd the $ntioh 5isting1 LDM indic"tes Re%igio(s Le"ders !riend%' to +es(s1 Re!erences
cite &o%(e "nd $"ge n(ber1
$aron0 High Priest d(ring )sr"e%Hs w"nderings0 who %ost !"*or with God !or %ooking to "n ido% )&0536
$ava0 the wo"n "t Pto%e"is0 who w"s to be re$(di"ted b' her h(sb"nd !or steri%it' on the "d*ice o! R"bbis be!ore +es(s inter*ened )0337
$bel 0 the e:#%e$er !ro ne"r -or"Ii0 c(red b' +es(s on the o(nt"ins o! N"$ht"%i1 +es(sH !irst c(red %e$er1 )0CC5E ))04C
e*"nge%iIed "n' on the o(nt"ins o! N"$ht"%i ))04C
eeting with +es(s "nd other Disci$%es "t Sic"inon ))038F
re"ined with +es(s "!ter the /re"d o! Li!e disco(rse "t ,"$ern"( )))077F#776
Abe% "nd S"(e% were chosen b' +es(s to re$%"ce the two /eth%ehe she$herds th"t died restoring His 25 <hidden stones= o! testion' )))0F66
with S"(e% his !riend e*"nge%iIing the co"st o! the Gre"t Se" )&0245
$braham' 4ld0 o! Engedi0 h(sb"nd to ,o%ob"0 he"d o! the s'n"gog(e
te%%s o! the h"st' ret(rn o! the 9ise Men thro(gh Engedi )))0F8>
their son E%ish" <dis"$$e"red= to %i*e in the hi%%s bec"(se he w"s %e$ro(s )))0F440F85
+es(s he"%s his wi!e0 ,o%ob"0 o! b%indness )))0F82
the res(rrected +es(s "$$e"rs to hi "nd he dies in His "rs &04>C
$braham0 the e%dest o! the $e"s"nts o! +ose$h o! Ari"the" )))0666
$braham0 " re%"ti*e o! Ann"%e"h0 who w"s serio(s%' inK(red b' S"(e% )))0F>4
$dam and )ve' the !irst two historic"% h("n beings1
their !"%% described in det"i% )045#48
+es(s on His "nd M"r'Hs re%"tionshi$ to Ad" "nd E*e &0345#38>
$dina0 the %e$ro(s wo"n he"%ed b' +es(s in the Hinnon &"%%e' )&0646
$eslulapius =$slepius?' the god o! he"%ing in Greek 'tho%o%og' whose he"%ing $owers were so gre"t he co(%d r"ise the de"d1 )0F26
$gapo0 " disci$%e o! +es(s )))0540F>8
re"ined with +es(s "!ter the /re"d o! Li!e disco(rse "t ,"$ern"( )))077F#776
$ggaeus o! M"%"chi o! ,"$ern"(0 the deoni"c he"%ed "t ,"$ern"( )0C270C24
$glae0 Ro"n $rostit(te o! Hebron %i*ing in the ho(se o! the $"rents o! the /"$tist with Sh""i o! E%chi0 one o! HerodHs !"*ored o!!icers @)0 7>30F6>A "!ter it
w"s con!isc"ted b' Herod "t the i$risonent o! the /"$tist1 A!ter her con*ersion "nd st"' with Ho%' M"r'0 she is entr(sted to S(s"nn" o! ,"n" @))0588A1
+es(sH !irst cont"ct with )07>5
gi*es Kewe%s "nd go%d to +es(s thro(gh one o! the she$herds )0752
The /"$tistHs insight into Ag%"e )0F48
shows ($ <*ei%ed= in /eth"n' to se%% " br"ce%et )0384 "nd "t ,%e"r 9"ter )0FC70F740 FF30F6>#F620 63>
AndrewHs ;(iet in!%(ence in Ag%"eHs con*ersion )0652
!inds Ho%' M"r' in N"I"reth "nd $o(rs o(t her tr"gic stor' o! her !"%% ))022F#257
she is entr(sted to S(s"nn" o! ,"n" ))05880C2>0335
+es(s s$e"ks to His Mother o! Ag%"e ))0588
eets the Lord "t /eth"n' "nd de$"rts !or the desert ))0C>80337
+es(s s$e"ks o! her "s " s$irit("% ode% to those in Hebron )))065>
+es(s s$e"ks to His Disci$%es "t the L"st S($$er o! His %onging to coe to P"r"dise to see her &0322
$lbula Domitilla0 "n e:#s%"*e o! ,%"(di" Proc(%"0 Pi%"teHs wi!e0 "cco$"n'ing the Ro"n woen )&062E )))0368
$le0ander @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
$le0ander0 the Ro"n so%dier
with +es(s "t the Fish G"te in +er(s"%e )0738
his horse inK(res " %itt%e bo' who +es(s he"%s )0F2C
he w"s reo*ed !ro d(t' in +er(s"%e to "ccood"te the +ews0 who were "ngr' knowing th"t he h"s s$oken to +es(s ))0CC5
S'nt'che writes o! hi being in Antioch )&058C
$le0ander0 the son o! " c"r$et "ker !ro Ashke%onE "s " 'o(th he w"s e:$e%%ed !ro schoo% !or disr($ting the c%"ss ))0758
$le0ander Misae0 the rich erch"ntE he h"d 25 chi%dren0 !o(r were n"ed: /"%th"I"r0 N"bor0 Fe%i:0 Sidi" )))0FF
A descend"nt o! " +ewish !"i%' !ro the e:i%e )))0F3#F6
he is con*erted )))02>6
w"s " witness to +es(sH essi"hshi$ "nd $ower to " c"r"*"n "ster !ro Petr" )&035F0356
$lphaeus0 5> 'e"rs o%der brother to Ho%' +ose$h @)05>2E &0F6CA0 h(sb"nd to M"r' ,%o$"s o! N"I"reth0 !"ther to !o(r o! +es(sH <brothers= or co(sins @+ose$h0
Sion0 +(d"s Th"dd"e(s0 "nd +"esAE h"d " sister n"ed S"r"h0 the other o! <good A%$h"e(s= @ )063A1 At soe tie in the $"st his <"ncestors= h"d been dri*en
o!! !ro "n est"te in +(de" !ro which the' s(!!ered gre"t %oss @)))0674A1
w"s strict "nd rigoro(s with the chi%dren )&0284
did not think +es(s w"s t"king $ro$er c"re o! M"r'0 His other )0564
+es(s tries to c"% A%$h"e(s "nd his hoe torn b' di*ision )03CC#3C4
resisted +es(s to ne"r his de"th0 b(t !in"%%' w"s "b%e to see the tr(th "nd re$ent )033603F203F5
$lphaeus' 5ittle' o! Merob" o! ,"$ern"(0 neg%ected b' his re#"rried other Merob" )&0286
went with +es(s "nd the A$ost%es to the Port o! Hi$$o )&05>5#5>6
$lphaeus o! (arah' <good A%$h"e(s= o! N"I"reth0 " ne$hew to Ho%' +ose$hHs (nbe%ie*ing e%der brother A%$h"e(s )08063
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
%i*ed <ne:t door= to Ho%' M"r' "nd +ose$hHs ho(se "nd bec"e the c"ret"ker o! M"r'Hs ho(se )))026407>>: )&02>80255E &026>
de!ended M"r' "nd +es(s be!ore the di*ided !"i%' "nd the $eo$%e o! N"I"reth )03CC0373036>
h"d d"(ghters "nd !o(r gr"ndchi%dren: Anne0 +o"chi0 M"r' "nd +ose$h )03C5E )))02F3
$lphaeus =(r.?' F"ther o! <good A%$h"e(s= "nd h(sb"nd to S"r"h0 +ose$hHs sister )02C03C2
</rother Lin#%"wM to +ose$h= )0F7
$naniah0 The O%d Phi%istine "t Ashke%on0 g"*e +es(s "nd the Disci$%es hos$it"%it' @))0753AE his three A!ric"n ser*"nts: Anibe0 N(bi "nd +etheo @))0753#756A
$nanias0 O%d0 showed ($ ne"r So%oonHs ho(se0 "%ost b%ind0 %ost his son0 "nd his co%d he"rted d"(ghter#in#%"w %e!t to %i*e in M"s"d" @)))0FF2#FFCA
he"%ed b' +es(s "nd gi*en c"re o! the ho(se )))0FF50FF8
"t So%oonHs ho(se with +es(s )&0550322
his de"th )&03FF
$nanias0 O%d0 o! -erioth0 " re%"ti*e o! M"r' o! Sion0 +(d"sH other )))0337E &06860684
$nastasia0 the <Rose o! +ericho0= the 'o(ng wo"n !"%se%' "cc(sed b' her h(sb"nd to obt"in " di*orce0 thro(gh the he%$ o! S"doc )))078>#78C0337
d"(ghter o! " we"%th' "n !ro +ericho who n"ed her "!ter " !%ower he s"w in S'ri" "s " 'o(ng "n )))03C5
!o(nd d'ing "%ong " ro"d0 is he"%ed b' +es(s )))074C03C>
she is introd(ced to Ho%' M"r' in the Gethse"ne ho(se )))03C8
the Oe"%ot brings her to L"I"r(sH ho(se )))03C5
%"ter is entr(sted to E%iI" @o! /ethI(rA )))078C03F806C4E )&0783
+es(s "t /ethI(r with E%iI" "nd An"st"sic" )))0657
$nna o! )s"e% o! G"d"r" ))0655
$nna @"nd +(d"sA o! the -or"Ii P%"in gi*e co!ort to +es(s e"r%' in His !irst G"%i%e"n inistr' "nd then "g"in "!ter +es(s w"s dri*en o(t o! N"I"reth @)0365A1
$nna o! Ph"n(e% o! ho(se o! Asher @)0C3A0 " $ro$hetess @)077A0 one o! Ho%' M"r'Hs Te$%e te"chers @)0C3035034#F2A
$nnaleah0 d"(ghter o! E%iI" o! +er(s"%e @)))0C>AE h"d " co(sin n"ed S"r"h @&0C7>#C720C580CC>A
he"%ed b' +es(s o! t(berc(%osis )073407F5
"s " res(%t she decided to $ost$one her wedding to S"(e% !or one 'e"r "s " s"cri!ice ))036
"!ter he"ring +es(s "t ,%e"r 9"ter0 she chooses to gi*e her %i!e ($ d(ring th"t 'e"r "nd be!ore ,hrist (st die ))03F#38
+es(s "nd His Mother sees her "nd E%iI" whi%e $"ssing their ho(se "nd s$e"k o! S"(e%Hs "$$"rent (nderst"nding o! Ann"%e"hHs choice ))0C>F#C>6
she is in sorrow bec"(se S"(e% h"s t(rned "w"' !ro his $re*io(s "cce$t"nce o! her co$%ete coitent "nd ,hrist )))07>#72
S"(e% bre"king the eng"geent to her to "rr' "nother wo"n is " re$(di"tion "nd "n i$%ic"tion th"t Ann"%e"h is g(i%t' o! sin )))0374
she is o!ten seen with +es(s "nd the Disci$%es )))03FF03F8E )&0344038>0386E &0C230C580CC>0C320C3F0C8C
she con!irs her desire to +es(s to gi*e ($ her %i!e be!ore He dies1 She is the !irst &icti o! Lo*e !or +es(s &0C7>#C7507>2
+es(s goes to M"r' who then go to co!ort E%iI": Ann"%e"h died o! s($ern"t(r"% Ko' &0725#723
+es(s "$$e"rs to Ann"%e"hHs other0 E%iI"0 "!ter His res(rrection &0685
$nnas o! N"h( @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
$nnas the (hepherd %ed +es(s to two ,"n"ne"n others whose 'o(ng chi%dren needed he"%ing )))058C#584
+es(s he"%s his sick shee$ )))05870583
$nne0 o! the ho(se o! A"ron @)027A0 wi!e o! +o"chi1 She "nd +o"chi g"*e h"%! o! their cro$s to the $oor @)))068CA1
co(sin to E%iI"beth0 O"ch"ri"sH wi!e )073
"(nt to O"ch"ri"s )066
other o! Ho%' M"r' )04#74
her "nd +o"chiHs gre"t wisdo0 sorrow "nd s"cri!ice )074#32
s(!!ered no $"in in the birth o! M"r' bec"(se o! their ho%iness )03>
$e"ce!(% de"th bec"(se o! their ho%iness "nd the $r"'ers o! M"r' )032
she "nd +o"chi died o(t o! %o*e !or God )067C
$nne o! /eth%ehe0 e$%o'ed the /eth%ehe she$herds "nd $ro*ided ho(sing !or the ho%' !"i%' !or the 8 onths be!ore their !%ight to Eg'$t1 She "nd her
d"(ghters0 e:ce$t the e%dest0 who w"s "rried to " rich +er(s"%e erch"nt @)0C6FA0 were ki%%ed b' HerodHs so%diers "nd her ho(se w"s destro'ed @)0C47A1
$nne o! +(d"s0 !ro the ho(se ne"r L"ke Mero )))03F6E )&0CC6
h"d (n!"ith!(% (nbe%ie*ing sons "nd three gr"ndchi%dren: +(d"s0 +(d"s "nd M"r' &0C580CCF0CC40CC8
she brings the gr"ndchi%dren to /eth"n' to see +es(s be!ore His Tri($h"% entr' "nd "sks !or the so(%s o! her e*i% sons &0C580CCF
the res(rrected +es(s gr"nts her $r"'er !or her re%"ti*es &06C6
$nne o! -erioth0 the distressed other o! +oh"nn"0 who died o! " broken he"rt "!ter being "b"ndoned b' +(d"s )sc"riot @)))0684A1
+es(s restores the broken re%"tionshi$ between her "nd +(d"sH other )))0684#627
+es(s *isits her "!ter His res(rrection &068C
$nne0 O%d o! O%d Anne0 her son +"cob "rried to M"r' o! Le*i0 "nd their two chi%dren Le*i "nd Anne )&0C34
+es(s co(nse%s this other#in#%"w )&0C34
$nne0 "nother0 died o! grie! seeing +es(s wo(nded "nd be"ten1 Her son h"d been <gi*en e'es= b' +es(s &06F4
$ntioh 5isting:
Phi%i$0 O%d0 @)))057F0578A L"I"r(sH !"ith!(% c"ret"ker o! his $ro$ert' in Antioch @)))0577AE his son +ose$h "rried L"I"r(sH other E(cheri"Hs "id "nd bore
Pto%"i0 who "rried Anne @)))0532A0 who bore +ose$h0 Theocheri"0 Dosite(s "nd Nico%"(s0 " N"I"rite1 Dosite(s "rried the Greek Herione "nd bore
L"I"r(s0 Her"s0 M'rthic" "nd A%$h"e(s1 Herione w"s d"(ghter to O%d A%$h"e(s "nd O%d M'rthic"0 who "%so bore Phi%i$0 E%i"s "nd D"nie% @)))056F0566A1
So%on @son o! A%"te(sA "rried Prisci%%"0 who bore M"ri(s0 ,orne%i"0 M"r' "nd M"rti%%"1 Aic%e" bore ,"ssi(s "nd Theeodor(s1
Others: O%d P%"(t(s0 schoo% te"cher in Antioch @)))0572A0 L(ci(s0 M"rce%%(s "nd his wi!e Tec%"0 "nd )sr"e%ites0 Miri" "nd Si%*i"n
$ntonius0 the <c(rsed Ro"n= )))0522
$postles @See Disci$%esGA$ost%es0 Gener"% /"ckgro(ndE Gener"% ,hrono%ogic"% ListingE )ndi*id("% ListingA
$rria0 The Genti%e who bec"e " +ewess o(t o! %o*e !or her h(sb"nd who w"s (ngr"te!(% !or his he"%ing )&05F>05F2
$rhelaus @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
$ser O! N"I"reth "nd +"cob o! /eth%ehe o! G"%i%ee0 ki%%ed +oe% "nd $%"nned to ki%% Abe%E were sitten with %e$ros' b' +es(s ))0347#344
$seus0 one o! L"I"r(sH ser*"nts )0778
$sher "nd Ishmael0 donke' dri*ers !ro N"I"reth )))0F>8E )&0275
re"ined with +es(s "!ter the /re"d o! Li!e disco(rse "t ,"$ern"( )))077F#776
$srael0 " R"bbi o! the Te$%e @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
$sriel0 the !o(r 'e"r o%d who w"nted to be " disci$%e o! +es(s )06>F
$urea @G"%%"A ,i$rin"0 s%"*e gir% resc(ed b' ,%"(di" "nd the Ro"n woen "t +es(sH re;(est )&0F4
Ro"ns s$e"k o! e*i% $%"ns "g"inst the s%"*e gir% )&0F2#FC
the Ro"n woen res$ond to +es(s who wishes the' resc(e A(re" )&0F4#68
A(re" is t"ken to M"r' in N"I"reth in " c"rt )&04>#46
+es(s he"%s her o! her !e*er )&0225
A(re" %e"rns o! the s"cri!ice +es(s "nd M"r' (st "ke )&0256
M"r' obt"ins !or +es(s c(stod' o! A(re" !ro &"%eri" )&02C7#2C3
she is entr(sted to M'rth"0 other o! Abe% o! /eth%ehe )&02CF#2C8
M"rKi" co!orts A(re" o*er h"*ing to %e"*e M"r'Hs c"re )&0274#278
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
she is "t the S($$%eent"r' P"sso*er "!ter the Res(rrection o! the Lord &0436
$zariah0 one o! M"tthewHs o%d !riends in sin in*ited o*er to %istening to +es(s )0326
he is "t ,%e"r 9"ter %istening to +es(s "nd gi*es his con*ersion testion' )06>7#6>3
$zariah0 The "nge% th"t "$$e"red o!ten to M& )&0C4C0C47
:arabbas0 the thie! "nd (rderer re%e"sed in $%"ce o! +es(s b' Pi%"te &054303FC03F6
th"t +es(s co$"res +(d"s to hi "s "n e:"$%e o! e*i% shows he w"s we%% known !or his e*i% &055C
:arnabas @+ose$hA the Le*ite0 born in the Di"s$or"0 w"s n"ed +ose$h1 /eing <the son o! conso%"tion= to his b"rren other0 he w"s then gi*en to the Te$%e o(t
o! gr"tit(de where he bec"e one o! G""%ie%Hs de"rest disci$%es @)&0CF6#CF4AE " co(sin o! M"rk the E*"nge%ist1
sent to +es(s b' soe R"bbis !or co(nse% )&0CFC#CF6
+es(s corrects /"rn"b"s on )sr"e%Hs wrong *iew o! God "nd "nHs c(%$"bi%it' !or sin )&0CF4#CF8
+es(sH co(nse% on the $oor K(dgent o! the R"bbis )&0C6>#C63
"t the res(rrection o! L"I"r(s &074034
eets ($ with +es(s "g"in "t /eth"n' &0C2F
%e"*es G""%ie% "nd becoes " !o%%ower o! +es(s &75C
:artholmai @See Sidoni"A
:artimaeus "nd >riel0 two b%ind begg"rs +es(s he"%s "t +ericho &0C2C
:arzillai0 " re%"ti*e o! +(d"s o! /eth#Horon &0C>4
:eauty o! Oorazim0 The @AndrewHs !irst con*ertA )0787
:enRamin0 the /eth%ehe she$herd @See She$herds0 The 25 /eth%eheA
:enRamin the bo"t"n )&04FE @)&0248BA
:enRamin0 Litt%e she$herd o! Enon in S""ri"
"!ter +es(s he%$s !ree this s%"*e bo' !ro wicked A%e:"nder0 he !o%%ows +es(s &05F5054F#5460C>2
:enRamin0 Litt%e0 o! ,"$ern"( @)0CC6BAE ))0783 )))0753#7CCE &0C880784
"!ter ,hrist %e"*es this wor%d he becoes " disci$%e o! Ste*en0 the !irst "rt'r )))07CC
:enRamin0 Litt%e0 o! M"gd"%"1 His !"ther0 O"cch"e(s w"s " se" !isher"n ))055C#5570786E )))02FE )&0244#24802820747
:enRamin "nd $nne0 o! ,"es"re" Phi%i$i0 the chi%d%ess co($%e who <"do$t= the $oor o! the Lord )))0C6F
:ethlehem (hepherds @See She$herds0 The 25 /eth%eheA
:lind boy !ro Sidon0 he"%ed b' +es(s0 w"s *isited b' the res(rrected ,hrist &042C#3230436
Caiaphas @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
Cain "nd $bel0 the !irst two sons o! Ad" "nd E*e @)0F43062>E )))0C3304>8E )&0367E &0554053C054>0772A
M"r' c"nce%s E*eHs be"ring tow"rds ,"in &034F#38>
Caius "nd (ipio0 Ro"n so%diers "t A%e:"ndroscene )))0542
Calipius0 the c"e%eer "t Ger"s" who h"d 8 chi%dren )))042045
Callasebona the E%der @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
"t " eeting with +(d"s )&0664#643
"t L"I"r(sH de"thbed &06
Callisto0 the b%"ck d(b s%"*e o! Pi%"teHs wi!e ,%"(di"0 whose tong(e +es(s he"%s "nd !rees to ret(rn to his hoe in A!ric" &026>#263
Camillus0 the Ro"n so%dier downed b' the stones o! "ngr' +ews "nd he"%ed b' +es(s "t the (rging o! " non#coissioned o!!icer0 " dec(ri"n @he"d o! 2>
so%diersA who +es(s s"'s He wi%% eet on "nother o(nt"in @,"%*"r'A )&0F56#F580FC4E &0F53
Cananean 9o"n0 the $ersistent other o! %itt%e P"%"0 who is he"%ed )))0586#C>2
Cananean proselyte #oman with $"r"%'Ied chi%d who w"s he"%ed b' +es(s )))0C>C#C>7
Centurion o! ,"$ern"( whose son w"s c(red ))0248 @See "%so Ro"n So%diersA
h"d he"rd +es(s $re"ch the Seron on the Mo(nt ))02720276
de!ended +es(s !ro the intr(sion o! E%i the Ph"risee in the s'n"gog(e "t ,"$ern"( )&02430246
Chuza o! Tiberi"s0 HerodHs 7> 'e"r o%d stew"rd or Proc(r"tor0 h(sb"nd to +oh"nn" )035F0356037203F8036>
his !"ther "nd gr"nd!"ther h"d ser*ed in the co(rt o! Herod the Gre"t0 "nd to "b"ndon his $osition wo(%d %ike%' e"n de"th )0378
o!!ers +es(s " w"gon to e:$edite their tri$ to +er(s"%e !or the Second Fe"st o! T"bern"c%es )0348#38>
M"r' re$orts on his odd beh"*ior tow"rd his wi!e +oh"nn"0 $rob"b%' d(e to "cc(s"tions she h"d soething to do with S'nt'cheHs esc"$e )))07>0F>
+es(s gent%' b(t $ointed%' con!ronts ,h(I" with his debt to God !or His he"%ing his wi!e "nd then $resents His desire !or the two or$h"ns )))02C6#2C4
he "$$ro*es +es(sH desire th"t he host the /"n;(et o! Lo*e !or the $oor0 "nd goes o(t o! his w"' to "ssist )))033203F70363#36F
M"n"en describes to +es(s the we"kness o! ,h(I" be!ore Herod )))0F2C
he is is%e"d @b' the words o! +(d"sA into thinking +es(s w"nts the throne o! Herod0 "nd so is de"nding his wi!e +oh"nn" !ors"ke +es(s )))06C>
+es(s c%"ri!ies the "tter with ,h(I"0 e:$osing the tricker' o! +(d"s )))06C4#6C8
in "n "bo(t !"ce0 ,h(I"0 gre"t%' o!!ended b' Herod0 now wishes +oh"nn" to $ers("de +es(s to he%$ o*erthrow Herod "nd t"ke his kingshi$ )))0542#54C
"tte$ted to get +es(s to o*erthrow Herod1 M"n"en0 Tione(s0 E%e"s"r @" good#he"rted Ph"riseeA0 +ohn the Scribe0 "nd +ohn the Ph"risee were t"ken in
with this1 M"n' other $roinent re%igio(s %e"ders Koined the e!!ort b(t on%' to get "n occ"sion to destro' +es(s )&0C22#C54
he dri*es o(t the re%igio(s r(%ers o(t o! his "nsion who were %ooking !or +es(s )&0762
he w"s "t the res(rrection o! L"I"r(s0 con!esses +es(s to be God0 b(t sti%% is (ncert"in "bo(t the co(rse he (st t"ke bec"(se o! Herodi"s &0780FF0CC80354
"t the ,r(ci!i:ion0 ,h(I" becoes terri!ied "t his "ssoci"tion with +es(s "nd so disisses +on"th"n the /eth%ehe she$herd &065>#65C06560458
Claudia 3roula @See Ro"n Nob%ewo"nA
Cleanthes o! /eth$h"ge0 " !riend o! +ose$h o! Ari"the"0 who "%%owed +ose$h "nd +es(s to eet secret%' on his $ro$ert' &043
" cheese de"%er @)&054FA0 the donke' o! the Tri($h"% Entr' is t"ken b"ck to his ho(se &0C8C
Cleopas0 O%d o! E"(s0 He"d o! s'n"gog(e
eets +es(s with others !ro his cit' "t ,%e"r 9"ter )0F420F4F
"t the Te$%e !or T"bern"c%es )))0C>
+es(s *isits his hoe )06F5
h"d two sonsE ,%eo$"s0 whose !"ther#in#%"w w"s n"ed Sion0 "nd Her"s0 (n"rried )06F5E )&0F2CE &06C>
the' "%% h"d becoe disci$%es o! ,hristE w"%king to E"(s0 'o(ng ,%eo$"s "nd Sion e:$ressed their dis"' "t +es(sH de"th &06C>
Cleopas' son o! O%d ,%eo$"s o! E"(s
h"d " brother n"ed Her"s who w"s (n"rried )06F5E &06C>
the <strong "n= "nd owner o! " %(:(ri"nt *ine'"rd )&048
he "nd his !"ther#in#%"w0 Sion0 were on the ro"d to E"(s with the Lord &06C>
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
Constant0 " Ro"n citiIen "t G"d"r" )))07F3
Cornelius0 the dece"sed Ro"n h(sb"nd o! "n )sr"e%ite widow o! the $%"in o! Sh"ron )))03FC
he died witho(t recognition !ro his wi!eHs !"i%' bec"(se he w"s " !orer Ro"n so%dier )))03FC
Cornelius0 Ph"risee @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
Crispus0 the o%d E$ic(re"n o! Tiberi"s0 "n "c;("int"nce o! the M"gd"%ene who con*erted "t her testion' ))0377033>
Croesus0 the king o! L'di" @3F>#37F /,A0 " co(ntr' in wh"t is now western T(rke'0 who r"ised his n"tion to its $e"k o! $ower )0F26
Daniel0 the <si$%e +(de"n= "nd " s(ccess!(% !"rer with orch"rds in Gibeon )&065406C>
" de!ender o! +es(s who w"s to "rr' " sister o! He%k"i )))0425#4270428E )&0645
becoe " re"% $rob%e !or He%k"i0 es$eci"%%' "!ter the res(rrection o! +es(s0 "nd tried to doin"te hi &042F
"!ter His res(rrection +es(s "$$e"rs to hi whi%e in He%k"iHs $resence &04>>
he is "t Mt1 T"bor with the 3>> &04C6
Daniel o! N"in0 the widowHs on%' son
r"ised !ro the de"d ))05350@722A
+es(s re*isits D"nie% in N"in )))02C4
with +es(s "nd Disci$%es "t the Fe"st o! T"bern"c%es )&0747
Daniel0 the she$herd @See She$herds0 The 25 /eth%eheA
Daniel0 the +ewish erch"nt o! Sidon0 w"s to re$(di"te his wi!e !or b"rrennessE his b%ind sonHs e'es were restored b' the !"ith o! his wi!e "nd so w"s her
b"rrenness @)&0C66#C42A1
+es(s "$$e"rs to the bo' "!ter the Res(rrection &042C
he is "t the <s($$%eent"%= P"sso*er "!ter the Res(rrection &0436
David0 Litt%e o! ,"$ern"(0 conso%es the sorrowing +es(s1 He is the son o! the !"ith!(% be%ie*ing Phi%i$ )))0774#732
Demetrius0 " he"then erch"nt0 one o! the deoni"cs o! G"d"r" ))05C6
Demosthenes )&0663
Dinah0 the %itt%e gir% o! Ashke%on0 who %i*ed with her sick other "nd three brothers @To%e w"s the o%destAE +es(s he"%s her ))0754#7C5
Dinah o! E$hr"i in S""ri"0 "nd her %itt%e son Ann"s0 who ke$t bees !or hone' &0285
Diomed' the Greek !reed"n "nd "n "stro%oger de"r to ,%"(di"0 Pi%"teHs wi!e )&06C
Diomedes0 the wicked go%d "nd $recio(s stone tr"der o! +ericho0 who $(rch"sed Ag%"eHs Kewe%s )07C4
Disiples7$postles G)")%$5 :$COG%4>"D
the 25 A$ost%es "nd the !irst 25 stones o! witness !ro the +ord"n @)))0F66AE $erson"% testion' o! Peter0 Sion Oe"%ot0 +"es o! A%$h"e(s0 Andrew0 M"tthew0
+"es o! Oebedee0 +(d"s Th"dde(s "nd +ohn o! Oebedee @)))053C#5F2AE testionies o! their dee$ %o*e !or Ho%' M"r' @)))0CC70C47AE Ho%' M"r' on the A$ost%es
@&0856AE their *"ried (sic"% "bi%ities "nd t"%ents @))0542A1
their !"%%en h("nit'
+es(s on the gener"% $oor s$irit("% condition o! the Disci$%es ))057>E &0F5
" sorrow !or +es(s )03F603F4
"%% the Disci$%es "nd their wi*es re!(sed to be%ie*e th"t +es(s wo(%d %iter"%%' be cr(ci!ied )&0CC5
insights on the ch"r"cter o! the Disci$%es: )0F75E )))056>E )&0FF5#FFCE &0464#4680856
"rt'rdo is $redicted b' +es(s !or "%% b(t one o! the Disci$%es )))0C8C
the Disci$%es e*"%("te their s$irit("% $rogress0 es$eci"%%' th"t o! Peter )))056>
the Disci$%es disc(ss their strengths "nd we"knesses )&07C4#77>
+es(s s$e"ks to the Disci$%es o! the grie! He !ee%s o*er their %"ck o! %o*e !or one "nother )&035C#357
the *"rio(s Disci$%es on wh' +es(s s(!!ers )&0 FCC#FC7
+es(s te%%s 8 o! the Disci$%es th"t the' wo(%d %e"rn ore !ro +(d"s th"n "n' other $erson )&0FF7
con!ident o! *ictor'0 the Disci$%es "re shocked "nd incred(%o(s "t +es(sH $rediction o! (tter reKection "nd bo"st o! their strength &085#8F
+es(s (st reb(ke His Disci$%es !or their re!(s"% to %e"rn wh"t the' did not wish to %e"rn &088
+es(s on the need o! the Disci$%es to %e"rn how we"k the' "re thro(gh the coing test &0582#587
+es(s te%%s the Disci$%es the' do not be%ie*e His word "bo(t His cr(ci!i:ion0 thinking He is on%' testing their !"ith &07>F
Disiples7$postles G)")%$5 CH%4"454GIC$5 5I(TI"G
their !irst enco(nter with M"r' M"gd"%ene )0324#35F
their e%ection "s A$ost%es ))08C
their !irst inde$endent $re"ching "%ignent between ))052C "nd 527 @See ))0C88A
e*"nge%iIing "t Ashke%on ))075407C5#7C8
gi*en $ower to work ir"c%es bec"(se the' "re now to st"rt to re$resent Hi in "%% )sr"e% ))0F8>#6>>
Disci$%es ($set "t +es(s !or doing "n("% %"bor ))0627#623
Disiples7$postles G)")%$5 :$COG%4>"D ontinued
The eight Disci$%es s$e"k in Antioch )))053C#5F2
eight sent o(t to e*"nge%iIe "nd co!ort the need' )))0CC5E the' re$ort the working o! "n' ir"c%es )))0CC8#C7C
tested o*er the /re"d o! Li!e disco(rse in ,"$ern"( )))0776
r"in0 (d0 co%d "nd gr(b%ing on the e"st side o! +ord"n )))0748#787
+es(s $roises soe Genti%es th"t Peter "nd +ohn wi%% bring the Gos$e% to Roe )))066>
+es(s te%%s L"I"r(s he (st g"ther the sc"ttered "nd broken Disci$%es "!ter His de"th &0C66
in the <S($$er Roo= &0785#328
in Gethse"ne &035>#37C
the <S($$er Roo= the e*ening o! Res(rrection S(nd"' &06C6#6F>
+es(s s$e"ks to His Disci$%es o! their own $reK(dices "nd $ride th"t %ed to their !"i%(re &0677#67F
the Disci$%es retr"cing the 9"' o! the ,ross "nd the reb(ke b' citiIens o! +er(s"%e &0664#685
the shores o! the Se" o! G"%i%ee with se*en A$ost%es &045C#454
"t Mt1 T"bor with the E%e*en &0458#4C8
the Ascension &04F3
the e%ection o! M"tthi"s &0464
Disiples7$postles0 I"DI&ID>$5 5I(TI"G: @n(bered in order o! e%ection b(t %isted "s the' "$$e"r in M"tthewHs Gos$e%A
*. 3eter @SionA o! +on"h o! /eths"id"0 "rried to the sh' Por$hire" whose doineering other %i*ed in ,"$ern"(0 who contin("%%' co$%"ined "bo(t
Peter @))02870C55E )))06>>E )&025502880655A1 Por$hire" h"d "rried sister@sA "nd brothers @)0F620 ))072A1 PeterHs sisterHs h(sb"nds he%$ed Peter0 +"es "nd
+ohn in the !ishing tr"de @)0C550C7CE ))06C6E )))075>A1 The' "do$t %itt%e M"rKi"0 "n or$h"ned gr"ndson o! one o! Dor"sH ser*"nts1 He h"d %ost his !"i%' in "
%"nds%ide "nd w"s !orced to %i*e hidden in the woods on the Ph"risee Dor"sH Est"te1 Peter w"s the ost h("n%' !%"wed o! "%% the Disci$%es0 'et "de r"$id
$rogress in s$irit("% growth @)&0357A1 His r(n#ins with +(d"s: @)03CF#3C60F76#F74E ))0FC2E )))0783#78FA1 His "%%#too#h("n concern !or +es(s: @)0386#384E
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
))05F05>4A1 He w"s " t"ke#ch"rge kind o! "n @))052FA1 His striking honest': @))0276E )))0255E )&027FA1 He w"s " "ster "t biting s"rc"s @)0388#F>> c!1
)))0CF5E ))0543#54F0FC2E )))078FA1 His sco%ding 'o(ng chi%dren !or their r(deness @))05FFA1 His $ri"c' @)03780 624E ))02>FE )))0CF4E )&0538E &0465 A1 His
$h'sic"% "$$e"r"nce @)))078F#786A1 His !"(%t' se%!#con!idence @)))0386A1 His !e"r o! !"i%(re b(t good wi%% @)))0F74#F78A1
Peter he"rs o! the Messi"h !ro +"es "nd +ohn )053F
PeterHs con!ession "t his !irst eeting with +es(s )05FF
Peter eets M"r' )0C>6
the gre"t c"tch o! !ish )0C75
"bo(t to s$e"k b"d o! his other#in#%"w0 Peter ho%ds his tong(e )0748
Peter $(ts both !eet in his o(th "t the rece$tion o! M"tthew "s " Disci$%e )0323
Peter %oses his te$er with those in " Ro"n $%e"s(re bo"t @inc%(ding the M"gd"%eneA "nd with the t"(nting )sc"riot )0324#352
+es(s $roises " dishe"rtened Peter th"t he wi%% becoe <the Stone consecr"ted b' the S"cri!ice= )0378
PeterHs in!"o(s e$isode o*er +(d"sH %ie "bo(t he%$ing his other in her *ine'"rd )0388#F>> c!1 )))0CF5
" %itt%e insight into PeterHs *"nit' o*er his interest in " Ro"n %"d' seen hidden in " %itter )0F26
Peter "nd the <three honor"b%e b"ndits= "nd sh"rks "!ter big !ish )06>C
Peter is "!!ired "s his M"sterHs <Stone0= <the etern"% n"*ig"tor= "nd is $roised tho(s"nds o! sons !ro e*er' co(ntr' in He"*en )0624
Peter (tters " $ro$hec' "bo(t hise%! )0674
Peter goes to M"r' to get +es(s to gi*e hi M"rKi" !or " son ))0C>6#C>8
Peter !ights to ho%d his te$er "t the e:"in"tion o! M"rKi" in the Te$%e ))0C26#C24
Peter reinisces "bo(t his schoo% d"'s with his te"cher0 E%ish" <the gr(b%er= ))0C47
+es(s te%%s Peter th"t he is destined to ser*e Hi in " gre"t cit'0 " <ske%eton= th"t he wi%% bring b"ck to %i!e ))077F
Peter tries to no "*"i% to disco*er the s$eci"% gr"ce gr"nted to +ohn "t Ekron ))0735#733
Peter is (tter%' st(nned to he"r +es(s te%% hi the M"gd"%ene is with His Mother ))0353
+es(s describes PeterHs we"kness ))0%332
Peter %oses his te$er tow"rd +(d"s ))0FC2
Peter s$e"ks to the $e"s"nts o! Dor"s "bo(t %o*e ))0FF7#FFF
Peter w"%ks on the w"ter ))0678#635
Peter %oses his te$er with the innkee$er "t /oIr"h )))086
+es(s (st correct Peter on his "tt"chent to M"rKi" )))0274
PeterHs $ri"c' $roc%"ied b' +es(s )))0CF4E )&0538
re$ro"ched !or te$ting ,hrist to !ors"ke His ,r(ci!i:ion )))0C44
+es(s $redicts the d"' Peter wi%% we%coe "rt'rdo0 not on%' !or hise%! b(t !or M"rKi" )))0C8C
Peter0 +"es "nd +ohn on the Mo(nt o! Tr"ns!ig(r"tion )))07>3
At the gre"t de!ection o*er the /re"d o! Li!e "t ,"$ern"(: <Yo( "%one h"*e the words o! etern"% %i!e1= )))0776
Peter is distressed o*er the !"i%(re o! his s"cri!ices to ch"nge +(d"s )))06C6
Peter t"kes his !r(str"tion with +(d"s o(t on ne"rb' trees )))0673
+es(s $roises th"t Peter "nd +ohn wi%% bring the Gos$e% to Roe )))066>
He con!esses his !"i%(re to kee$ secret soething he h"d $roised the Lord )&027F
Peter0 ir"te o*er $%e"s(re seekersH is(se o! the G"%i%e"n Se"0 is reb(ked "nd h(i%i"ted )&0248#286
Peter isK(dges /"rn"b"s0 " disci$%e o! G""%ie% )&0C6>#C65
Peter0 thinking o! the !(t(re0 is in gre"t des$er"tion o*er his own we"knesses )&032F#324
Peter is broken he"rted o*er so (ch reKection !or +es(s )&03C8
Peter re!(ses to he"r +es(s s$e"king o! His de"th &0C2
+es(s te%%s Peter he wi%% e*"nge%iIe "nd con;(er Roe !or Hi &0C5
+es(s e:$%"ins to Peter the "nd"te !or !orgi*ing sins &0224
+(d"s is inso%ent "nd Peter b%ows ($ &0C52#C5C
"t the P"sso*er S($$er &0787#3>F
"t Gethse"ne &03C6#3C4
M"r' te%%s Peter th"t his h("n re"soning th"t disco(nted the tr(th w"s the re"son he !"i%ed the Lord &0F46
he is to be he"d o*er "%% the ,h(rch @&0465A
Disiples7$postles' I"DI&ID>$5 5I(TI"G ontinued
<. $ndre# o! +on"h o! /eths"id"0 PeterHs sh' "nd ;(iet brother
the /e"(t' o! -or"Ii0 his !irst con*ert )07870652
Ag%"e0 the *ei%ed wo"n0 his second con*ert )0652E ))05580C2C
e*en eek Andrew %oses his te$er with +(d"s ))0C42
he intercedes !or his reb(ked brother Peter )))0C44#C48
%e"rns his brother Peter "nd his <son= wi%% soed"' be "rt'red )))0C8C
@. .ames0 o! Oebedee "nd M"r' S"%oe o! /eths"id"1 O%der brother to +ohn
he "nd his brother0 +ohn0 c"%%ed <sons o! th(nder= b' +es(s )))0585
is reb(ked !or wishing e*i% on " de!ector disci$%e )))038F
his "nger tow"rds the r(%ers o! )sr"e% &05>2
his desire to send !ire !ro he"*en on the $ersec(ting S""rit"ns &056F
the other o! +"es "nd +ohn "sk !or !"*ored $%"ces in the -ingdo &058F
se%ected with Peter "nd +ohn to "ttend +es(s "t His $%"ce o! $r"'er in Gethse"ne &03C>
the !irst o! the 25 to be "rt'red
,. .ohn o! Oebedee o! /eths"id"0 brother to +"es1 Oebedee h"d " good b(siness re%"tionshi$ @s($$%'ing dried !ishA to Ann"s "nd ,"i"$h"s in +er(s"%e
thro(gh " re%"ti*e0 +ose$h o! Se$horis o! +er(s"%e @)0CFCA1 +es(s te%%s +ohn th"t he wi%% %i*e " %ong tie "!ter He %e"*es the @)&0 342A1
his ch"stit' "nd $(rit' )05370533
his %o*e !or +es(s )05F207F6
+es(s on his h(i%it' )05F605F4
is re"d' to de!end the Lord with his d"gger )0C68
the /"$tistHs highest reg"rd !or )07C3
<i! we s"' we "re witho(t sin= )0F7C
he te%%s Nicode(s how he is so cert"in o! his !"ith in +es(s )0F57
<+es(s0 incre"se Yo(r %o*e Lin (sMP= ))0C7
+ohn en%ightens the he"rt "nd ind o! Ste*en ))02>7#2>F
he is o*erwhe%ed with the "Kest' o! the Gre"t Se" ))0572
he $er!ors his !irst ir"c%e "t Ekron ))0735073C
he "nd his brother +"es c"%%ed <sons o! th(nder= b' +es(s )))0585
on Mt1 T"bor0 the tr"ns!ig(r"tion )))07>F#72>
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
his %o*e !or the w"'w"rd +(d"s )))0738
+ohn on the necess"r' re;(ireent to !"ce "rt'rdo )))0FCC
+es(s on +ohnHs h(i%it' "nd res$ect !or the !"i%ing Peter )&0C57#C54
+es(s denies +ohn his wish to die be!ore Hi "nd $roises hi " %ong %i!e )&0342
+ohn wo(%d be " %ight to "%% who co(%d not "cce$t Peter @the ,h(rchA )&0342#345
+ohn !o%%ows +es(s to /eth%ehe )&04>6#424
+es(s s$e"ks to +ohn "bo(t His desire !or hi to %e"rn to c"re !or His Mother "nd the other woen disci$%es )&045>
his desire to send !ire !ro he"*en on the $ersec(ting S""rit"ns &056F
the other o! +"es "nd +ohn "sks !or !"*ored $%"ces in the -ingdo &058F
+es(s to M&: +ohn w"s so heroic on the Frid"' o! the $"ssion bec"(se he $ossessed the %o*e o! co$"ssion "s no other $erson &0F62#F65
+ohn recei*es his coission to write his Gos$e% o! %o*e !ro Ho%' M"r' Herse%! &0854
2. 3hilip o! /eths"id" @))0745A0 h(sb"nd to M"r' @)))0C75A0 !"ther o! 'o(ng d"(ghters @))07>03C6A0 e%der%' @)0565A0 one d"(ghter consecr"tes herse%! to +es(s
+es(s c"%%s Phi%i$ to be " Disci$%e )0565
his !"ith!(% witness in Tiberi"s %ed to the he"%ing o! +oh"nn" )0358
is not in !"*or o! $(b%ic cont"cts with $"g"ns )0F24E ))05F0F58
he with /"rtho%oew do(bt +es(sH %o*e !or the )))0C>6#C22
his %o*e !or M"r' )))0C47
Phi%i$0 enr"$t(red in o%d )sr"e%Hs notion o! the $ower!(% cr(shing Messi"h0 %e"ds the Disci$%es in " *ictor' song )&0CF7
he str(gg%es with !orgi*ing hise%! !or r(nning "w"' "t the betr"'"% &062F
C. "athaniel7:artholome# o! /eths"id"0 h(sb"nd to Anne @)))0C75A0 took c"re o! his $(titi*e other "t /eths"id" @)))0C75A0 re$ro*es +es(s !or !orgi*ing
M"r' M"gd"%ene in Sion the Ph"riseeHs ho(se @))0328A1 M(st h"*e origin"%%' been !ro ,"n" o! G"%i%ee @+ohn 52:5A1
tho(ght +es(s sent hi "w"' bec"(se he sti%% h"d too (ch o! o%d )sr"e% within hi )))0C>6#C2>
he te"ches A(re" G"%%" )&04>#43
his dee$ $reK(dice "g"inst the $"g"ns e*en into the C
'e"r o! the LordHs inistr' )&02>C#2>7025C0258
he e:$%"ins the di!!ic(%t' the' "%% h"*e in "cce$ting +es(sH *iew o! the Messi"h )&03C>
is "ss(red b' +es(s "nd $roised "rt'rdo &03>5
;. Thomas =Didymus? o! R""h0 3 i%es north o! +er(s"%e @)))0C2CA0 where his $"rents0 brother@sA0 his sisters @inc%(ding his twin sister W &0272A0 %i*ed
@)))023>0C2603>4032>AE w"s " worker o! si%*er "nd go%d @))07>4E )&022CAE the 'o(ngest Disci$%e o! "t %e"st the !irst se*en @)03C2AE w"s not "rried "nd s"id he
wo(%d ne*er be @)&025>AE he h"d " $r"ctic"% sense @)&02>>AE he h"d " contin(ing reorse !or h"*ing con*inced the )sc"riot to becoe " Disci$%e o! +es(s0
knowing +(d"s w"s s(ch " sorrow to +es(s @)&0FF5A0 which "!ter the betr"'"% %ed to his be%ie! th"t +es(s wo(%d ne*er "g"in "$$e"r to the1
Tho"s is !e"r!(% o! becoing " Disci$%e "s he does not see hise%! "s worth'0 b(t ret(rns "nd is "cce$ted )05850587
"$$e"rs to h"*e been "n e:$erienced cook )0FC2
he gi*es +(d"s " re"% %ect(re ))0C42#C45
he sets /"rtho%oew str"ight on the e"ning o! the Mos"ic %"w o! (nc%e"nness !or woen ))0F6F
do(bted the !ish "nd bre"d wo(%d (%ti$%' "t !irst ))067F
+(d"s Th"dde(s tho(ght Tho"s w"s <(ch ore h("n th"n s$irit("%= )))056>
his dee$ %o*e "nd "dir"tion !or M"r' )))0CC70C47
he sees in the Li%%' o! the &"%%e' " s'bo% o! the &irgin Mother0 to which +es(s "greed )))04>>#4>5
Tho"s is !irst to c%"i the' wo(%d die with the Lord to show the' h"d re"ched $er!ection in %o*ing Hi &058C
he c"nnot be%ie*e +es(s wo(%d e*er coe b"ck !ro the de"d to see the &0678
st(bborn%' insisted he (st !o%%ow his own re"son &063>#632
he !"ces the res(rrected Lord &0633
Disiples7$postles 0 I"DI&ID>$5 5I(TI"G ontinued

,*. Matthe# 7 5evi0 o! ,"$ern"(0 !orer t": co%%ector @)032CA0 son o! "n A%$h"e(s @)0345E )))074A0 h"d " sister @)))0252A0 the !irst to write his Gos$e% 23 'e"rs
"!ter the cr(ci!i:ion or AD 78 @)&0C3>A1 He "de " $oint o! writing "nd eoriIing the words o! +es(s @)0674E )&025CE &07F8A1
%itt%e +"es brings Le*iHs "non'o(s o!!ering to +es(s e"ch S"bb"th d"' )0C5C c!1 353
the Disci$%es "re sc"nd"%iIed when he shows ($ "t the s'n"gog(e )0786
+es(s c"%%s hi to be " Disci$%e to the dis"' o! "%% the others )0322
is " co!ort to +es(s "t ,"$ern"( ))043#4F
gets the others to $r"' r"ther th"n co$%"in ))02>2
h"s " r(n#in with Ph"risees E%i "nd .ri"h o! ,"$ern"( ))0787
,,. .ames <the Less= o! N"I"reth0 brother to +(d"s Th"dd"e(s0 sons o! M"r' o! A%$h"e(sG,%o$"s1 His !"i%i"rit' shows he is re%"ted to <good= A%$h"e(s o!
S"r"h @)03C2A0 w"s the ore i%d#te$ered brother @)0FC5E ))0F73E )))0674A1
bo%d%' s$e"ks to the eneies o! +es(s )06>7
+es(s $roises to t"ke hi to the to$ o! Mt1 ,"re% "nd s$e"k to hi o! his !(t(re ))05F7
+"es s$e"ks too (ch to his other "bo(t the !(t(re ))0F26#F28
his !(t(re ission re*e"%ed @))0F7C#F38A "s he"d o! the <,h(rch o! )sr"e%= @))0F33A
to $reside o*er the ch(rch in +er(s"%e bec"(se en wi%% see hi0 " re%"ti*e0 "s " contin("tion o! ,hrist @&0465A
B. .udas Thaddaeus o! N"I"reth0 son o! A%$h"e(s "nd M"r' ,%o$"s @)03FFAE his dee$ s(!!ering o*er his !"therHs o$$osition to +es(s "nd his choice to !o%%ow
Hi @)07820785AE his "ggr"*"tion with +(d"s @)0FC50F6>E ))0FC>E )))073FE &078C#787AE h"d " strong ch"r"cter th"t %"cked the $"tience to de"% with b%ind
)sr"e%ites @))0F73E )))02F7#2F3056>#5620C4FE &078C#78703>5A1
schoo%ed with his brother +"es b' M"r' "%ong with +es(s )0284
s$e"ks o! his str(gg%e to decide to !o%%ow +es(s )0C>2
his dee$ $"in o*er his !"therHs reKection )078203C6
he reb(kes his o%dest brother Sion "nd "%% N"I"reth ))036F
w"s we%% "c;("inted with +ewish %iter"t(re "nd $oetr' ))0385
)n the <S($$er Roo0= he knocks +(d"s to the !%oor with " b%ow to his !"ce !or ins(%ting re"rks "bo(t +es(s &078C#787
A. (imon Uealot o! /eth"n' @the ,"n"ne"nA0 h"d becoe " <!"ther= to L"I"r(s0 M"r' "nd M"rth" @))03F>A1 Tr"gic !"i%'G$erson"% b"ckgro(nd:
@)0C>C0C>7E ))05C7#5C3AE "s " bo' he h"d been the obKect o! the s$eci"% %o*e b' the !"ther o! +ose$h o! Ari"the" @)0F>6AE he"%ed o! <%e$ros'= b' +es(s
@)0548AE sees +es(sH rede$ti*e ission *er' e"r%'E "s " Disci$%e o! +es(s he is the !irst to c%e"r%' (nderst"nd the !(%% e"ning o! ,hristHs rede$ti*e
ission @)0386#384AE te%%s o! his $ride "nd his h(b%ing to !ind " new <we"%th1= @))05>2AE he w"s the oder"tor0 "d*isor "nd $e"ce"ker "ong the Twe%*e
second eeting with +es(s )0CFF
he goes to /eth%ehe with +es(s0 +(d"s "nd +ohn )0CF8#C48
in the hi%%s ne"r Hebron with the she$herds )0C48#7>5
"t O"ch"ri"sH ho(se "t Hebron with Ag%"e )07>C#7>7
+es(s disc(sses the needs o! +(d"s with Sion "nd "sks his he%$ )07C6#7C4
Sion re$ro*es +(d"s )077C
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
Sion co!orts +es(s who is wee$ing o*er +(d"s )0777#774
with +es(s "t the hoe o! L"I"r(s )073>
+es(s s$e"ks to Sion o! the she$herds "nd o! His inco$"r"b%e other )07370733
SionHs secret s"cri!ice o! his "teri"% we"%th is known b' +es(s )0765 c!1 344#348
he de!ends L"I"r(s "nd his !"i%' "g"inst the t"(nts o! +(d"s "bo(t the M"gd"%ene )035>
he co(nse%s Peter on his need to (nderst"nd the $rob%es th"t tro(b%e the )sc"riot )0F78
his concern !or the w"' %e$ers "re tre"ted in )sr"e% ))0C2
SionHs !irst seron gi*en in res$onse to " ;(estion b' Ste*en0 G""%ie%Hs !"*ored st(dent ))02>5#2>C
SionHs gre"t insight into the <new we"%th= God wished to gi*e those who "%%ow the destr(ction o! the o%d we"%th o! h("n ego ))05>2#5>C
+es(s con!ides in Sion His dee$ "$$reci"tion !or his ste"d!"stness ))0726#724
Sion Oe"%ot sothers soe o! the rising K(dgent"%is o! the Disci$%es o*er the hosti%ities in N"I"reth tow"rd +es(s )))02F7#2FF
+es(s "nd Sion s$e"k o! the need o! reorse "nd e:$i"tion cobined with tr(st in erc' to re"ch $er!ection )))03C6#3C4
Sion ho%ds his tong(e "!ter being Kibed b' +(d"s o*er his we"kened $h'sic"% condition "!ter being c(red b' +es(s )))0685
he s(!!ered in his desire to !o%%ow +es(s "nd w"s $r"ised b' +es(s !or the s"cri!ice o! %o*e )))068F
on wh' +es(s s(!!ers )&0 FCC#FC7
SionHs "donition to +(d"s is not "$$reci"ted &0C55#C5C
Sion s$e"ks words o! wisdo on the resist"nce th"t en0 e*en the Disci$%es0 gi*e to con*ert !(%%' to the Gos$e% o! ,hrist &0C37#C33
,+. .udas Isariot @o! -erioth in +(de"A0 son o! M"r' "nd the dece"sed Sion0 who w"nted to "ke hi <" gre"t "n o! the wor%d= @)06F>A1 +es(s s$e"ks
ore o! his !"ther0 his $ride @&0526A0 " sinner b(t not d"ned @&0C5FA1 +(d"sH other re%"tes to Ho%' M"r' thro(gh her te"rs the sorr' c"se o! her sonHs
%i!e @))07>3#7>6A1 He $(b%ic%' de!ended +es(s "s no others did @)))0C7F0343E &087#83AE his tre"tent o! +ohn @&02>CAE bec"e the ost corr($t "n to
h"*e e*er %i*ed @&0C82A1
+(d"s is the schoo% where Peter wi%% %e"rn the ost )0776
+es(s eets +(d"s !or the !irst tie )0582#585
+(d"s insists on being " Disci$%e "nd is "cce$ted )0C7C
+(d"s (ses his other !or his own ends )07>8#727
he $ro$hecies his own K(dgent "nd de"th )07FF
L"I"r(s e:$resses his gre"t disd"in !or +(d"s "nd +es(s tries to odi!' his tho(ghts )0F>7#F>3
the Disci$%esH res$onsibi%it' to +(d"s )0F320F3FE )))0245
des$ite his sin0 he co(%d h"*e been s"*ed h"d he h"d the right in!%(ence "ro(nd hi )))0284#288
Nicode(s on +(d"sH !renIied deb"te in the Te$%e0 both "cc(sing "nd de!ending +es(s )))03CC
+es(s describes hi )03F6
L"I"r(s w"rns +es(s o! +(d"sH ch"e%eon n"t(re )0F>3
the one sin he did not w"nt to !ors"ke )0F3>0638
he "sks +ohn to he%$ hi to be good )0F33
he con!esses th"t +es(s is God ))05>6
+es(s s$e"ks o! His betr"'"% "nd the betr"'er to the $eo$%e o! -erioth whi%e conce"%ing his identit' ))0C88#7>2
Disiples7$postles 0 I"DI&ID>$5 5I(TI"G ontinued
his other te%%s Ho%' M"r' the sorr' c"se o! her son ))07>3#7>4
he is sc"nd"%iIed "t +es(s !orgi*ing the M"gd"%ene in Sion the Ph"riseeHs ho(se ))0328
he con!esses his horrib%e ens%"*eent to sin to Ho%' M"r' "nd "sks to st"' with her ))0F6C#F67
+es(s identi!ies +(d"sH resist"nce to GodHs s"*ing Gr"ce ))0F63 c!1 F4C
gi*es " sc"nd"%o(s re$ort "bo(t +es(s to His o%dest co(sins0 +ose$h "nd Sion ))0F4F#F48
+es(s s$e"ks to +ose$h o! Ari"the" in +(d"sH $resence o! the <*i%e sn"ke0= the in!orer o! the S"nhedrin o! S'nt'che "nd Er"ste(s )))076#78
he des$ises the gi!t o! the h(b%e ho(se o! So%oon the bo"t"n )))033
Ph"risees know +(d"s (ses witchcr"!t "nd (se it to "cc(se +es(s )))0 27>#2750273
+(d"s bo"sts o! gre"t e!!orts !or ,hrist which were on%' "tte$ts to disco*er the where"bo(ts o! S'nt'che "nd +ohn o! Endor )))0C26
so%d hise%! to S"t"n to becoe gre"ter th"n the Son o! God )))055>0552
b%"es +es(s !or !"i%(res "nd c(rses +es(s (nder his bre"th )))0C77#C73
did not be%ie*e in !ree wi%%0 He%% or S"t"n )))0736
+ohn te%%s +es(s th"t +(d"s is %ewd "nd $r"ctices witchcr"!t )))07F5#7FC
+(d"s desecr"tes M"rKi" )))035F#356
+es(s t"kes +(d"s to " crie scene to te"ch hi the conse;(ences o! (nchecked sin )))0F>F#F>6
+es(s "g"in $%e"ds with +(d"s not to $(t hise%! in d"nger o! te$t"tion )))0F42#F45
+es(sH strongest w"rning "g"inst +(d"sH !"(%t' *iews o! the Messi"h "t +oh"nn"Hs est"te in /ether )))067>#67C
+(d"s tests "nd tries the $"tience o! the other Disci$%es )))0648#682
Ho%' M"r' !inds +(d"s dr(nk in Tiberi"s )&02C3#2CF
+es(s re!ers to +(d"s "s " deon in his $resence )&0786
+es(s describes the (tter contro% th"t S"t"n wi%% h"*e o*er His betr"'er )&0377
+(d"s is reb(ked b' E%iI" "t Nob )&0F>4
He se%%s hise%! to the De*i% to g"in $ower to i$ress the Te$%e r(%ers )&06C>
+es(s re*e"%s his dee$ening grie! "nd sorrow o*er +(d"sH incre"sing e*i% )&06C2#6C3
insight into the oti*"tions o! +(d"s !or working with the +ewish r(%ers "nd how he is entr"$$ed b' the &)0668#647
the witness o! " deoni"c to +(d"sH incredib%e $ossession b' %egions o! deons )&0683
o! "%% the Disci$%es0 +(d"s "kes the strongest "!!ir"tion o! %o'"%t' to +es(s &087#83
hidden between the %ines o! his own words0 +(d"s re*e"%s the betr"'"% h"s "%re"d' t"ken $%"ce &028>#282
he is c"(ght ste"%ing &0552#5C3
he now knows +es(s is to die ore cert"in%' th"n the other Disci$%es &0568
+es(s wo(%d h"*e been wi%%ing to die twice0 e*en "!ter the deed0 i! it co(%d s"*e hi &0C>8
Peter b%ows ($ "t +(d"sH inso%ence &0C52#C5C
+es(s "kes "nother des$er"te "tte$t to bring +(d"s to " wi%% to re$ent &0C53#C58
+(d"s ins(%ts the M"gd"%ene o*er her "nointing o! +es(s &0CF3
+es(s te%%s L"I"r(s o! the betr"'"% o! +(d"s "nd o! his oti*es &0C65
+(d"s with the %e"ders o! the S"nhedrin &0C68
"t the !ie%d o! the G"%i%e"ns0 +(d"s is "t the $oint o! "dness &0762
+(d"s be%ie*es +es(sH $%e"ding with hi $ro*es He is "!r"id to die "nd conc%(des this e"ns +es(s is on%' " "n &CF6#CF4
Th(rsd"' o! P"ssion 9eek: +(d"s ti$s o!! the Te$%e r(%ers concerning +es(sH %oc"tion !or the e*ening &074F
"t the P"sso*er S($$er &0787#3>F
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
"t Gethse"ne &03C6#3C4
The de"th o! +(d"s )sc"riot0 +es(s to M& on his (tter e*i%0 "nd M"r'Hs beh"*ior tow"rd +(d"s c"nce%ing E*eHs be"ring tow"rds ,"in &036C#343
+ohn !inds +(d"sH "%re"d' deco$osed bod' &0F64
Peter re$orts o! the desecr"tion o! the Te$%e "nd the ho(se o! Ann"s b' the re"ins o! the bod' o! +(d"s &0674
Disma0 the re$ent"nt thie! cr(ci!ied on the right o! +es(s @&0F5FA
beginning the w"' to ,"%*"r' &0387
$re$"r"tion !or cr(ci!i:ion &0F>F#F>6
Dis" is bro(ght to re$ent"nce b' the $resence "nd sorrow o! the Mother &0F25#F27
he dies in $e"ce with the n"e o! +es(s on his %i$s &0F5F
Don/ey drivers !ro N"I"reth who bec"e disci$%es0 Asher "nd )sh"e% )))0F>8E )&0275
Doras0 The Ph"risee0 !"ther o! Dor"s @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
Doras0 son o! Dor"s @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
Doras9 peasants0 +es(s eeting with @See "%so +oh"n"nHs $e"s"ntsA
n"es: +on"h @she$herd o! /eth%eheA0
)s"i"h with +on"h )07FF
+es(s "t Dor"sH ho(se0 de"th o! +on"h )0366
+es(s with )s"i"h "nd the other $e"s"ntHs o! +oh"n"n0 'o(ng Dor"sH neighbor1 ))0533#5F7
Peter s$e"ks to Dor"sH $e"s"nts "bo(t %o*e ))0F38
Dora@sA0 the 'o(ng other o! ,"es"re" P"ne"s who h"d %ost her h(sb"nd Tob'
her sti%%born b"b' @+es"i Tobi"sA gi*en %i!e b' +es(s )))0C42
"t the Te$%e !or her $(ri!ic"tion "nd her b"b'Hs $resent"tion )))0332
"t the /"n;(et o! Lo*e )))03F60342
with "n' other disci$%es "t the P"sso*er Fe"st )))0F>8#F2>
+es(s "$$e"rs to her "nd her chi%d "!ter His res(rrection &04>3
Doro0 the E%der @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
)glah0 the +ewish s%"*e gir% resc(ed b' ,%"(di" "nd gi*en to +es(s "nd M"r' )))0365036C0347
+es(s entr(st her to Nike )))0F4>06C2
she ends ($ doing $en"nce in " grotto on " o(nt"in )&0344E &0274
)leazar0 son o! Ann"s the High Priest @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
)leazar ben P"rt" @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
)li0 Ph"risee o! ,"$ern"( @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
)lia/im o! N"I"reth0 one o! the !ew en who s($$orted +es(s in N"I"reth &026>
)lianna o! Teko"h0 the o%d "n dri*en !ro his own hoe b' his son0 Sion the Ph"risee0 bec"(se o! his (nw"*ering %o*e !or +es(s )&0FF3#FF40685
h"d been or$h"ned since his birth0 his !"therHs n"e w"s E%i0 his otherHs Ann" )&0FF6
t"ken in b' Sion o! Teko"h "nd e$%o'ed co%%ecting !ees !ro *endors "nd hote% g(ests0 )&0FFF#FF8
w"s (rdered b' his own son0 Sion the Ph"risee )&06450685
)lias0 the she$herd @See She$herds0 The 25 /eth%eheA
)lias @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
)lias0 the 'o(ng "n !ro -or"Ii0 who !orsook his !"therHs !(ner"% to !o%%ow +es(s ))0282
)s""c the E%der "t -or"Ii w"s instr(ent"% in E%i"sH disci$%eshi$ ))0285028C0288
+es(s s$e"ks "t E%i"sH ho(se ))052>#525
re"ined with +es(s "!ter the /re"d o! Li!e disco(rse "t ,"$ern"( )))077F#776
his other w"s c(red b' +es(s )&0C3F
"t the Fe"st o! T"bern"c%es with "n' other disci$%es "nd "t the Tri($h"% Entr' )&0747E &0C88
)liel "nd )l/anah0 brothers o! +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"0 !ro /eth%ehe o! +(de"
high%' res$ected rec%(ses &0FF
new %"te disci$%es o! +es(s &0C>6
)liRah0 the O%d ,o*en"nt $ro$het )&05C3
)liRah0 the con*erted Essene0 the ,h(rchHs !irst herit )))0F73#F7F @See )&0C2CA
+es(s "rr"nges !or Nike to $ro*ide soe b"re essenti"%s !or his s(r*i*"% )))0F3>#F32
+es(s "$$e"rs to hi on Mt1 ,herith "!ter His res(rrection &04>3
)lisha0 the "ster o! the two /eth%ehe she$herds /enK"in "nd D"nie%1 He owned %"rge tiber tr"cts in Leb"non "nd %"rge herds )03320335E ))052>
)lisha o! Engedi0 %e$ro(s son o! o%d Abr"h" "nd ,o%ob"
<dis"$$e"red= to %i*e in the hi%%s )))0F85
he"%ed b' +es(s )))0F85
becoes " disci$%e o! +es(s "t he"ring o! His cr(ci!i:ion &04>7
"t Mt1 T"bor "!ter the Res(rrection: +es(s in!ors "nd co!orts hi "t the $"ssing o! his !"ther0 Abr"h" &04CF
)lisha0 %itt%e0 the gr"ndson o! the Ph"risee E%i o! ,"$ern"(0 he"%ed o! " sn"ke bite b' +es(s ))064046
)liza o! /ethI(r0 wi!e o! dece"sed Abr"h" o! S"(e% ))0C6>
h"d been one o! Ho%' M"r'Hs c%ose co$"nions "nd "n o%der st(dent te"cher "t the Te$%e ))0C>40C62
the de"th o! her two sons0 D"nie% "nd Le*i0 %e!t her in (tter des$"ir ))0CF3#C67
M"r' goes with +es(s to co(nse% her ))0CF3#C67
+es(s s$e"ks o! sorrow th"t be"rs !r(it ))0C63#C4>
+oh"nn" o! ,h(I" c"res !or her ))07>3
she reco*ers being with +oh"nn" ))07F7#7FF0764
An"st"sic" is to be entr(sted to her c"re )))078C03CF033F03F80
+es(s *isits E%iI" "nd An"st"sic" in /ethI(r )))0657#654
E%iI" "nd An"st"sic" decide to tr"*e% with +es(s )&0783
she re$ro*es +(d"s !or his ignor"nce o! M"r' "s ,o#redeeer )&0F>6#F>4
she co!orts "nd conso%es +es(s who is dee$%' $"ined )&065>#652
she is ins(%ted b' +(d"s )&0655
+es(s instr(cts her on how to t"ke c"re o! the new $rostit(te con*ert who w"s sent b' the Te$%e r(%ers to te$t Hi )&06F5#6FC
She0 with the woen disci$%es0 "rri*e in E$hr"i "nd te%% wh"t is h"$$ening in +er(s"%e &0288#5>7
she s"cri!ici"%%' *o%(nteers to st"' with +(d"s0 knowing soeone needed to kee$ "n e'e on hi &05F>#5F2
E%iI" n"rrow%' esc"$es being stoned "t TirI"h &0566#564
St"'ed with the other woen "t ,"%*"r' (nti% +es(s died ))0C6C c!1 &03880F>>0FFC
$ost#res(rrection "$$e"r"nce &06C6
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
)liza o! Hi$$o h"s her son c(red )&05>3
)liza o! +er(s"%e0 other to Ann"%e"h
+ohn eets her "nd co!orts her with the news o! the Messi"h1 Her 23 'e"r o%d d"(ghter Ann"%e"h "s d'ing "nd needed he"%ing )0734
Ann"%e"h is he"%ed b' +es(s )073407F5
M"r' "nd +es(s coe to co!ort her "!ter the $"ssing o! her d"(ghter "t the Tri($h"% entr' "nd $roises she wi%% see Hi in eight nights &0725#72F
+es(s "$$e"rs to her "!ter His res(rrection0 "s $roised &0685
)lizabeth0 wi!e o! O"ch"ri"s the $riest0 other o! the /"$tist
co(sin to Ho%' M"r' "nd Anne0 her other )07306C
)l/anah and )liel' brothers o! +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"0 !ro /eth%ehe o! +(de"
high%' res$ected rec%(ses in )sr"e% &0FF
new %"te disci$%es o! +es(s &0C>6
)nos0 son o! Seth0 son o! Ad" "nd E*e0 the !irst $riest &0384
)phraim0 the new n"e +es(s gi*es the he"%ed %e$ro(s S""rit"n0 who "%one o! the 2> c"e b"ck to th"nk Hi )&0777
)rmasteus0 " Phi%istine !isher"n !ro Ashke%on0 " con*ert o! the she$herd )s""c ))0F>6#F>4E
wo(%d be entr(sted to +ohn o! Endor ))0F>40F260FC2E )))056
+(d"s in!ors the Te$%e r(%ers o! Er"ste(s who h"s not 'et been circ(cised )))076#78
other: )))03F0226025F0C72075C
re"ined with +es(s "!ter the /re"d o! Li!e disco(rse "t ,"$ern"( )))077F#776
other: )))0678E )&0245E &0254
+es(s %e"rns he h"d been ki%%ed !ro the "n o! +"bnee% who He he"%s &026F#24C
)ssenes0 *s1 +es(s )))0FC40F75
)sther "nd her Ro"n h(sb"nd0 Titus' o! ($$er G"%i%ee "nd 2> chi%dren )))0C>3
)sther o! +oh"nn"0 +oh"nn"Hs <wet n(rse= "nd "cting other when +oh"nn" bec"e "n or$h"n )0354E )))076E &06>3
owned " ho(se in +er(s"%e ne"r " g"te &0746
)sther o! Le*i o! N"I"reth0 ki%%ed b' the beh"*ior o! her son0 S"(e% )&023F0264
S"(e% is s"*ed b' the erits o! his other "t M"r'Hs intercession )&0264026805FF05F6
)uheria0 the god%' other o! M"r'0 M"rth" "nd L"I"r(s "nd wi!e to Theo$hi%(s @))03CFE )))0577A She died o! " broken he"rt o*er M"r'Hs w"nton %i!e1
)unie )))06F6
Fabia0 the %itt%e $"r"%'Ied chi%d bro(ght to +es(s b' her istress0 E%iI"0 "nd c(red b' +es(s ne"r +ericho &0C22#C2C
Faustina0 the Ro"n wo"n &"%eri"Hs %itt%e gir%0 he"%ed b' +es(s "t ,"es"re" ))03>0F4E )&0672#635
Feli0 @See +ohn o! EndorA
Feli00 " Ph"risee o! the S"nhedrin @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
Flavia0 the !reedwo"n who recorded +es(sH words in L"I"r(sH g"rden )))03650347

Galatia0 the $rostit(te who +es(s s"*es )&0C>4
she h"d gi*en " *"%("b%e Kewe% to +es(s !or the $oor "nd w"s he"%ed o! her dise"se )&0C>2
Galen0 $hi%oso$her0 who +es(s ;(otes to soe in;(iring $"g"ns )0F88
Galla @A(re"A ,i$rin" @see A(re" ,i$rin"A
Gamala0 " *inedresser $e"s"nt o! the Sh"ron P%"ins ne"r ,"es"re"0 son o! O%d b%ind +"cob0 who +es(s he"%s ))0FC3#FC4
h"d se*en brothers0 one n"ed +"cob ))0FC6E )&0FC5
Gamaliel @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
Genii0 the $rotcti*e gods worshi$$ed b' the "ncient Ro"ns who be%ie*ed e*er' $erson h"d " Geni(s1
Goretti' (t. Mary &0443
Gorgias o! Leontin" @LeontineA0 )t"%'0 " So$hist $hi%oso$her "nd ske$tic who re"soned th"t i! re"%it' co(%d be known it co(%d not be co(nic"ted
Haggai o! AIot(s "nd .oseph o! R""h0 Ph"risees who "cc(sed +es(s o! "$$ro"ching Ro"ns "t ,"es"re" ))032 @"%so %isted (nder Re%igio(s Le"dersA
Hananiah0 O%d0 the Ph"risee @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
Hania0 " Scribe @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
Hel/ai0 Ph"risee o! the S"nhedrin @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
Hermas0 " son o! O%d ,%eo$"s0 the he"d o! the s'n"gog(e "t E"(s0 " !"*ored st(dent o! G""%ie%
+es(s eets hi !or the !irst tie in E"(s )06FC
in the crowd with Ste*en "bo*e M"gd"%" "!ter the e%ection o! the A$ost%es ))02>5
"t the Seron on the Mo(nt with his co$"nion Ste*en0 "nd "!terw"rds ))02C5023F024F0635#63C
sent with Abe% o! /eth%ehe o! G"%i%ee to "nno(nce the coing o! ,hrist "t Aer" )))073
with Ste*en "t ,"$ern"( s$e"king o! G""%ie%Hs highest res$ect !or +es(s "nd their own so%id !"ith in ,hrist )))07C4#7C8
re"ined with +es(s "!ter the /re"d o! Li!e disco(rse "t ,"$ern"( )))077F#776
t"(ght "t ,"$ern"( with Ste*en whi%e +es(s w"s "t N"I"reth )&0275
Hermione0 the Greek wi!e o! Dosite(s0 who worked !or L"I"r(s in S'ri" )))0532056F
Hermogenese )&0662#665
Herod $grippa I0 The -ing who r(%ed "%% the Ho%' L"nd territories !or " !ew 'e"rs d(ring the e*ents o! the book o! Acts @See Acts 25A
Herod $grippa II0 -ing r(%ed ost o! the Ho%' L"nd territories "!ter Herod Agri$$" ) @See Acts 53:2CA
Herod $ntipas0 Ro"n "$$ointed r(%er @Tetr"rchA o! G"%i%ee "nd Pere" "!ter the de"th o! Herod the Gre"t "nd d(ring the %i!e o! ,hrist1 @See "%so Po%itics o! the
Tie in the S(bKect )nde:A
he reb(i%t Ashke%on ))075F
insights into Herod Anti$"s b' the she$herd disci$%es o! the /"$tist )07C707C305CF
took his brother Phi%i$Hs wi!e Herodi"s )0374E ))0FF
Roe tries to kee$ Herod Anti$"s "nd the r(%ers o! )sr"e% in check "!ter he rec"$t(res "nd i$risons the /"$tist ))05F4
the sordid det"i%s o! how Herodi"s "nd her d"(ghter S"%oe got Herod to (rder +ohn the /"$tist three weeks e"r%ier ))06C2#6CC
M"n"en re$orts to +es(s on the sh"e!(% st"te o! HerodHs co(rt "!ter the behe"ding o! the /"$tist )))0C8F#C86
Herod now tries to "rrest "nd ki%% +es(s )))03>>0327#323
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
A!ter +es(s deno(nced "nd condened the i$(dent S"%oe @)))0367A0 Herod (ses " *ei%ed thre"t "g"inst +es(s to get Hi to coe to his co(rt )))0F2C
the res(rrection o! L"I"r(s terroriIed Herod "nd Herodi"s "nd e:ting(ished "n' "bition in Herod to ki%% +es(s &0FF
M"n"en: Roe h"s $(t $ress(re on Herod to cr(sh "%% dist(rb"nces instig"ted b' the +ewish r(%ers or Herodi"s )))03>6
+oh"nn" o! ,h(I" s$e"ks to +es(s o! HerodHs new !e"r o! Hi "nd o! ,%"(di"Hs "tte$t to in!%(ence Pi%"te to $rotect +es(s &0CC6#C7>
+es(s on tri"% be!ore Herod Anti$"s &03F2#3F5
Herod the Great died within C 'e"rs "!ter the Ho%' !"i%' esc"$ed into Eg'$t
res$onsib%e !or the /eth%ehe "ss"cre0 "nd !or this re"son w"s c"%%ed b' ,"es"r <" $ig who !eeds on b%ood= )026502450C47
Herod 3hilip @See Phi%i$0 HerodA
Herodias0 the %eg"% wi!e o! Herod Phi%i$0 t"ken b' his brother Herod Anti$"s @See (nder Herod Anti$"s "bo*eA
+es(s $re*ents " cert"in "tt"ck on " rich wedding $"rt' ))0736#7F>
+es(s resc(es three E$hr"iite chi%dren !ro highw"'en who h"d s"*ed the !ro st"r*"tion )))02>7#2>6
$"id b' the Te$%e r(%ers to discredit +es(s "ong the $eo$%e:
Me%ki"h o! Gi%e"d0 +on"h o! Sc'tho$o%is0 Phi%i$ o! Shochoh0 +ohn o! /eth"*en "nd +ose$h o! R"oth &063
Hillel0 the gre"t doctor o! )sr"e%
his e:ch"nge with the "do%escent +es(s in the Te$%e )0527#528
he "nd G""%ie% both be%ie*ed the bo' in the Te$%e w"s the Messi"h0 b(t th"t He h"d dis"$$e"red bec"(se )sr"e% w"s too e*i% !or Hi to st"' )0F22
+es(s *isits his se$(%cher "t Gisc"%" ))06F#64E )))0C78
G""%ie% con!ronts S"(% with wh"t both he "nd Hi%%e% s"w "nd he"rd !ro " twe%*e#'e"r#o%d bo' in the Te$%e th"t "kes Hi res$ect +es(s &08>6#8>4
+es(s coents to M& on Hi%%e%Hs K(stice b(t his b%indness to the !(%%ness o! tr(th &082>
Hipporates0 the Greek !"ther o! odern edicine1 He %i*ed 7>> 'e"rs be!ore ,hrist1 )0F84
Holo!ernes # According to the book o! +(dith @2C:3#6A he w"s the chie! c"$t"in o! Neb(ch"dneI"r0 king o! /"b'%on1 He co$e%%ed en
to worshi$ Neb(ch"dneI"r b(t w"s s%"in b' +(dith1 ))024F
Immanuel0 .oseph0 Mary0 "nd .esai o! +(tt"0 the !o(r chi%dren o! +o"chi "nd S"r"h )0C8807>2
the !"i%' took c"re o! the sick /eth%ehe she$herd )s""c !or 'e"rs be!ore +es(s c"e to he"% hi )0C88
Isaa the E%der o! -or"Ii
his d"(ghter he"%ed b' +es(s in ,"$ern"( )0C56E ))0288
his witness bro(ght E%i"s o! -or"Ii to becoe " disci$%e o! +es(s ))0285028C0 ))0288
Isaa0 the she$herd @See She$herds0 The 25 /eth%eheA
Isaa @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
Isaiah0 one o! $e"s"nts o! +oh"n"n the Ph"risee ))053F
Isaiah @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
Ishmael0 O%d
"t the Mt1 o! /e"tit(des ))023302F>
sent with S"r"h to L"I"r(s ))023302F>
took c"re o! L"I"r(sH beehi*es "nd dies in $e"ce "!ter "bo(t 5 onths ))0766
Ishmael "nd $ser0 the two donke' dri*ers !ro N"I"reth
the' witness the he"%ing o! +oh"nn" o! ,h(I" )03760374
their others "nd their sisters were soe o! the *er' !ew "d(%t woen in N"I"reth who were %o'"% to +es(s )))02F3
Ishmael :en Fabi @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
Ismene0 the !"*orite sister to the Greek S'nt'che )))03>
.abez o! +ohn @See M"rKi"A
.aob0 " R"bbi o! the Te$%e @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
.aob "nd $ser o! /eth%ehe o! G"%i%eeE ki%%ed +oe% "nd $%"nned to ki%% Abe%0 b(t were sitten with %e$ros' ))0347#344
.aob o! +er(s"%e0 he"%ed o! the dise"se o! %(st "t the intercession o! his wi!e "nd !or the s"ke o! his chi%dren )))0388#F>>
%"ter in his e!!ort to "ss"(%t "nd stone +es(s0 he ki%%s his resisting wi!e &0376 c!1 6F4
.aob o! L"ke Mero0 the se%!ish0 greed' !"rer who wo(%d not !eed two st"r*ing or$h"ns )))025FE CC8
+es(s h"d b%essed his !ie%ds the 'e"r be!ore )0382
desires to be !orgi*en )&0C7F
.aob o! the Sh"ron P%"in ))0FC6E )&0FC5
.aia "nd his mother o! Pe%%"
both gi*en sight )))076>#763076F0745E &0C88
the' both becoe ser*"nts o! " kind wo"n "t Pe%%" &04>>
+es(s "$$e"rs to +"i" "!ter His res(rrection &04>>
"t the s($$%eent"% P"sso*er &0436
.airus0 ,hie! o! the s'n"gog(e "t ,"$ern"(
+es(s he"%ed his d"(ghter0 MirKi" ))0747E )))03FFE )&0242
he is ($set th"t so !ew h"*e coe to he"r +es(s ))06>7
.ames0 Litt%e0 o! ,"$ern"(0 who r(ns into +es(s "nd is $roised the hone' o! P"r"dise !or being good )05F5
he is the essenger M"tthew the t": co%%ector (ses to "non'o(s%' bring +es(s his o!!erings e"ch week )0C5CE ))07830627
.ames "nd his wi!e o! the Sh"ron P%"in ne"r Dor"0 whose d"(ghter w"s being di*orced0 b(t sto$$ed b' $r"'er )&03F>
.erusa o! +osi"h o! Doco @)0625A0 d"(ghter#in#%"w to M"ri"n0 other o! 60 inc%(ding C sets o! twins: Din"h0 OIi"s0 Ann"0 Sheb"0 Me%chi0 D"*id0 +(d"s
is c(red o! c"ncer )0656
her other#in#%"w is entioned )&0CF5
.esai0 .oseph0 Mary "nd Immanuel o! +(tt"0 !o(r chi%dren o! +o"chi "nd S"r"h )0C8807>2
the !"i%' took c"re o! the sick /eth%ehe she$herd )s""c !or 'e"rs be!ore +es(s c"e to he"% hi )0C88
+es(s "g"in sees S"r"h "nd +es"i ))0C8C
+es(s s"'s his goodb'e to the citiIens o! +(tt" "nd S"r"h "nd +es"i )))0624#628
+es(s "$$e"rs to +es"i0 M"r' "nd their other0 S"r"h0 "!ter His res(rrection &0688
.esus Christ' :$COG%4>"D: !ro the ho(se o! A"ron thro(gh Ann0 M"r'Hs other0 "nd !ro the ho(se o! D"*id thro(gh +o"chi0 her !"ther @)027023A
+ose$h0 +es(sH %eg"% g("rdi"n0 w"s "%so o! the ho(se o! D"*id thro(gh So%oon the -ing @)0F6>A
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
.esus Christ' CH%4"454G8 4F )&)"T(: @See "%so )nde: o! Mir"c%es "nd P"r"b%esA
ir"c(%o(s birth )02C4#27703C8
M"r'Hs %"ter descri$tion o! the birth ))0C38#CF5E )))0237E &0FC2
born on ,his%e* 53 on the Fe"st o! Lights )0 C4>062C0626E ))0C360CF2
the *iews o! the (nbe%ie*ing /eth%ehe $e"s"nt "nd the /eth%ehe hote% kee$er )0C63#C660C43
the disc(ssion "ong $i%gris "t ,%e"r 9"ter )0FC6
the /eth%ehe she$herds reco(nt the e*ent "t /eth"n' )067F
the Ro"n woen s$e"k to +es(s o! &irgi%Hs $ro$hec' o! the ,hrist "nd o! the *iews o! " conte$or"r' "stro%oger o! the conK(nction o! st"rs )&06C
the $resent"tion in the Te$%e )02F>
*isited b' "n' who <he"rd= o! the birth lon' -efore the 9ise Men c"e )0C430726
.esus Christ' CH%4"454G8 4F )&)"T( ontinued
the *isit o! the 9ise Men: Me%chior0 /"%th"I"r0 "nd G"s$"r )02F6#267
o%d Abr"h" o! Engedi te%%s o! the 9ise Men !%eeing !ro Herod )))0F48#F8>
ore on the 9ise MenHs *isit to the Ho%' ,it' )&0788
!%ight to M"t"re"0 Eg'$t )026805C>065C
!irst working %esson )0287
"ccidents He h"d "t hoe "s " chi%d &0F36
schoo%ed "t hoe )05>5#5>7
Te$%e e:"in"tion0 "nd G""%ie% rec"%%s the e*ent soe 28 'e"rs %"ter )05>4E )0F22#F25
te"ches His Mother "t the Te$%e )0552
!"rewe%% to His Mother )05C3
His b"$tis )0575
AndrewHs testion' to the c%e"r witness o! the /"$tist to the ,hrist )))053F
the te$t"tion )0576
the te$t"tion re#described )0758#7CC
!irst eeting with Peter )05F>
wedding "t ,"n" )0568
!irst c%e"nsing o! Te$%e )0543
ir"c(%o(s c"tch o! !ish )0C72
re*isiting /eth%ehe )0CF8
+es(s eets L"I"r(s )0778
"kes $e"ce with His co(sin0 Sion )0338
dri*en o(t o! N"I"reth )03F7
s$e"ks to Nicode(s b' night )0F26
"t ,%e"r 9"ter )0FC>#624
+es(s wee$s !or the so(%s o! the r(%ers o! )sr"e% )0635#637
S""rit"n 9o"n @Photin"iA ))022
s$e"ks on 9o"nHs A$osto%"te ))07>
retre"tGe%ection o! the Disci$%es ))08>#84
Seron on the Mo(nt ))0253#243
c"%ing the stor ))05C>
the widowHs son "t N"in ))0272
the O(r F"ther ))0C5C
ess"ge to hiding b"ndits on sin0 $(nishent "nd ho$e ))0734#7F>
$ro$hecies in Sic"inon th"t )sr"e% wi%% $erish ))0F2F
!irst ir"c%e o! the %o"*es ))067C
the 65 sent o(t "g"in )))05> c!125F
the !irst clear dec%"r"tion o! the Lord concerning His P"ssion )))0C43#C46
"rt'rdo is $redicted b' +es(s !or M"rKi" "nd "%% b(t one o! the Disci$%es )))0C8C
Tr"ns!ig(r"tion )))07>3
second ir"c%e o! the %o"*es )))07CC
seron on His bod' "nd b%ood )))07CF
%etters !ro Antioch )))03C3
/"n;(et o! Lo*e )))03F5
+es(sH reb(ke o! nine r(%ers o! the Te$%e "t P"sso*er )))0387
"t the est"te o! +ose$h o! Ari"the" )))0666
+es(s o!!ici"%%' bre"ks with the Te$%e s'ste "nd condens it0 "!ter P"sso*er in His third 'e"r o! inistr' )))0F2F#F26
in the ho(se o! +ose$h o! Ari"the" )))0645
"t the b"n;(et o! He%k"i the Ph"risee )))0422
con*ersion o! O"cch"e(s )&022
The Te$%e "t T"bern"c%es: the c%e"rest $ossib%e $resent"tion on the need o! the Messi"h to be both h("n "nd di*ine )&07F3#7F6
N"I"reth is reconci%ed to +es(s with the ch"nge o! +ose$h0 +es(sH o%dest co(sin0 "nd the ch"nge in the he"d o! the s'n"gog(e )&0745#74C
the "d(%tero(s wo"n )&03>5
+es(s gi*es S"doc the $ro$hec' o! two signs "nd the tie the' wo(%d h"$$en0 re!erring to L"I"r(sH res(rrection "nd then to his own )&062>
+es(s $r"'s th"t the F"ther wi%% conce"% the sin o! +(d"s !ro the Disci$%es to kee$ the !ro s$i%%ing b%ood on the d"' o! $er!ect %o*e )&065>
the Tri($h"% Entr' into +er(s"%e &0C85
the L"st S($$er &0785
"gon' in the G"rden &035>
tri"%s o! +es(s "nd PeterHs !o(r deni"%s @The 2
"nd 5
deni"%s "re in br"ckets bec"(se the' "re not $"rt o! the n"rr"tion in The PoemA
to Ann"s &0373
be!ore Ann"s &0374
be!ore ,"i"$h"s &0332
LPeterHs !irst deni"% to " ser*"nt "id &0337M
+es(s con!ined to " c%oset !or "n (nderined $eriod o! tie &0337
d"wn "rri*es &0337
LPeterHs second deni"% to "nother "idser*"nt "nd others which +ohn c"%%s <inisters= "nd s"'s <the'= ;(estioned hi &0337M
+es(s is on His w"' to ,"i"$h"s &0337
PeterHs third deni"% to " "%e ser*"nt o! the High Priest &0337
the %o(d !irst crowing o! the cock &0333
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
PeterHs !o(rth deni"% to "nother wo"n0 entioned on%' in The Poem0 th"t when inserted in M"rk disso%*es "%% the contro*ers' o*er this stor' &0333
the second b(t so!ter crowing o! " cockere% entioned on%' b' M"rk &0333
Peter t(rns "nd is !"cing +es(s &0333
.esus Christ' CH%4"454G8 4F )&)"T( ontinued
+es(s is be!ore ,"i"$h"s "g"in &0333
+es(s is be!ore Pi%"te &0334
+es(s is be!ore Herod &03F2
+es(s is be!ore Pi%"te "g"in &03FC
The 9"' o! the ,ross &038C
The ,r(ci!i:ion &0F>3
The Res(rrection &0F84
Post Res(rrection A$$e"r"nces
to His Mother &06>2E to M"r' M"gd"%ene &06>8E to M"r' o! A%$h"e(s "nd M"r' S"%oe &0622E to L"I"r(s &0623E +oh"nn" o! ,h(I" &065>E +ose$h
o! Ari"the"0 Nicode(s0 "nd M"n"en &065CE the /eth%ehe she$herds &0653
"$$e"r"nce on the ro"d to E"(s to 'o(ng ,%eo$"s "nd his !"ther#in#%"w Sieon &0656E to "n' other !riends &06C3#6C6
"$$e"r"nce to the 2> A$ost%es &06C6
"$$e"r"nce with Tho"s &063C
"$$e"rs to "n' " week "nd " h"%! "!ter His res(rrection &0685#45C
"$$e"r"nce "t the %"ke &045C
"t Mt1 T"bor to soe 3>> &047>
the Ascension &04F3
.esus Christ' &$%I4>( (>:.)CT(:
is God b(t with " h("n n"t(re ))0227E )))077E )&02F4#2F8E &03C8
God who bec"e !%esh &0324
one $erson0 'et both ,hrist "nd "%so the Son o! M"n &0747
the i$er"ti*e !or the Messi"h to be both h("n "nd di*ine0 not ere%' <"nge%ic"%= "s )sr"e% tho(ght )&07F3#7F6
is God
begotten0 not cre"ted0 so o! di*ine essence )&03F3
He w"s "%w"'s in the boso o! the F"ther b(t <showed Hise%!= "t the beginning o! cre"tion )&03F3
c%"ied to be the <Etern"% 9ord= "nd $resent with the F"ther when "n w"s cre"ted )075F
+es(s: ) " one thing with the F"ther &0744
with " co$%ete h("n n"t(re @See "%so <$(b%ic dee"nor0= be%owA
M"r' s$e"ks o! two "ccidents He h"d "s " chi%d &0F36
"sked !or otherHs $r"'ers )))052F
the "gon' o! His h("n n"t(re o*er the torents !ro " tr"itoro(s +(d"s "nd the hosti%it' o! )sr"e% )))0528#552
the sorrow He s(!!ered "s " "n !ro the !"i%(re o! His own Disci$%es0 "nd the co!ort o! +ohn "nd the Oe"%ot "s en )))0748#78>
His dee$ sorrow o*er the %oss o! those who %o*ed Hi0 +ohn o! Endor "nd An"ni"s o! So%oonHs &i%%"ge )&054F0334
His h("n n"t(re "rri*ed "t di!!erent conc%(sions th"n th"t o! His $er!ect MotherP
in how to "$$ro"ch " other who h"d "b"ndoned her chi%dren )&05>2
in His *iew o! when He sho(%d $er!or His !irst ir"c%e )056F
He "dits th"t He h"d to grow in His "bi%it' to withst"nd e*i% &0C46
He co(%d $r"ctice tot"% %o*e tow"rd the betr"'er on%' bec"(se He h"d $r"cticed %o*e "%% d(ring His %i!e &0324#328
w"s "cco$"nied in His %i!e on e"rth with two g("rdi"n "nge%s &062C
the co$%ete (nion o! His h("n n"t(re with M"r' His Mother
+es(sH cr' !or the co!ort o! M"r' His Mother )))0528
+ohnHs song o! $r"ise to Her )))0556
+es(s s$e"ks to M& o! His oneness to His Mother &037>
+es(sH %"st cr' o! "gon' !ro the cross &0F52
+es(s s$e"ks to M& "bo(t He "nd M"r' "s the new Ad" "nd E*e0 new !o(nders o! the H("n F"i%' &0345#343
Ho%' M"r' sees "nd !ee%s the %"shes o! the sco(rgers o! Her Son tho(gh She is in the S($$er Roo ho(se &03850F360F62
+es(s s$e"ks o! His %o*e (nion with M"rr' &04FC#4F7
*"rio(s n"es !or +es(s ,hrist
Anointed One0 "nd its e"ning )&0C>C
the Firstborn0 bec"(se He h"d neither sin in His !%esh or origin"% sin in His so(% "nd h"d no need to be s"*ed !ro s(ch sin )0F45
the Etern"% First#/orn )&0 7F3#7FF
the New Abe% )))04>8
" $riest !ore*er "!ter the order o! Me%chiIedek )&07F6#7F4
the <Etern"% 9ord= "nd $resent with the F"ther when "n w"s cre"ted )075F
the P"sso*er L"b "s +es(s gr"$hic"%%' describes it to L"I"r(s &0C64#C68
re%"tionshi$s to $eo$%e
to His He"*en%' F"ther ))063>#632
to His e"rth%' !"i%'E !"i%' o$$ositions )056605640C>5
His tot"% i$"rti"%it' to his !"i%' "nd !riends )&062F#626
sensiti*it' to h("n !oib%esE the wi*es o! Phi%%i$ "nd /"rtho%oew needed to $re$"re !or the M"sterHs *isit ))03C3
te"ches chi%dren ) 05620565
on their being kind to "ni"%s )0 7C407C8
the chi%dren o! +(tt" @See Dote-oo*s 19JJ0 2C8#276A
c"re !or %ost h("nit'
ne*er disd"ined "n' "n ))063>
indign"nt on%' bec"(se o! the interests o! the F"ther0 ne*er !or His own ))063>
in !"ce o! o(r indi!!erence "nd %"ck o! !"ith ))06320635
re"son !or the o$$osition o! the r(%ers "g"inst Hi
He w"s not o! the re%igio(s s'ste b(t o! the working c%"ss @"n o!!ense to their re%igio(s inte%%ect("%isA ))0F43
did not "$$e"r to h"*e the nor"% tr"its o! " h("n king ))0F4F
.esus Christ' &$%I4>( (>:.)CT( ontinued
w"s too <h"rsh= @+es(s "de no "%%ow"nces !or their re!(s"% to be honest "bo(t their sinsA ))0 F43
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
His sorrows
!o(r sorrows: +(d"s )sc"riot0 hosti%it' o! $riests0 inconsistent crowd "nd the h("nit' o! the Disci$%es )03F603F4
sorrow "t +ose$hHs de"th )0286
o*er the sorrow o! His Mother0 the re"son +es(s wi%% gi*e Her "n'thing she w"nts )&072>
re"sons !or His sorrow )&072>#722
sorrow o*er not being (nderstood b' His Disci$%es )))0748#78>
sorrow o*er his Disci$%esH %"ck o! %o*e !or +(d"s )sc"riot )&035C
sorrow o*er the h"rd he"rts o! en He co(%d not s"*e )))058C0C76E )&0332E &038
The First Gre"t Sorrow0 which beg"n to c"(se His $h'sic"% de"th0 w"s end(ring the tr"itor "t the L"st S($$er &0324035F
The Second Gre"t Sorrow w"s the know%edge in the G"rden th"t His s"cri!ice wo(%d be (se%ess !or so "n'E it c"(sed the swe"ting o! b%ood &0FF8
The Third Gre"t Sorrow0 the gre"test o! "%%0 w"s seeing His own Mother <die= "t e*er' sh(dder o! His on the ,rossE this c"(sed His de"th &0FF8
His gre"t te$t"tionsGde$ri*"tions )0247E )&0C56 c!1 $$1C22#C520628
+es(s s$e"ks to +ohn o! His "n' te$t"tions )&0628#65>
o!ten denied the $%"ce "nd !ood gi*en to dogs &077F
His P"ssion "nd "toning s"cri!ice
"n e:tended descri$tion o! +es(sH P"ssion &035>#355
be"ring the sin o! "%% "nkindE $"st0 $resent "nd !(t(re0 "nd contin(ing to s(!!er !ro "n tr"$%ing on His %o*e )&07F2
+es(sH worst "nd ie"s(r"b%e tort(re0 the withdr"w"% o! di*ine %ight &035F
+es(s to M& on His gre"test s(!!erings &0372#377
+es(s to M& on His tort(ro(s w"' to the ,ross &0377#373
wh' His erits !or "n "re so iense )&02F4#2F8
His "$$"rition to +ohn o! Endor "nd its $(r$ose )))03360334
$(b%ic dee"nor
"nneriss ))03320335
wore " !ringed g"rent "s the r(%ers o! )sr"e% ))05C7E )&0CF2
gener"%%' not t"%k"ti*e0 si%es0 gener"%%' no %"(ghter )0545E )&0C4C
%"(ghs "t PeterHs c%e*er se%!#con!ession )0748
%"(ghs "t the $ros$ect o! (tter%' s(r$rising Peter on His w"' to c"%% M"tthew to !o%%ow Hi "s " Disci$%e )0325032C
%"(ghs "t tiid AndrewHs s(r$rising testion' to PeterHs o*erbe"ring te$er"ent "t hoe "nd "t PeterHs "stonished e:$ression ))072
(ses h(oro(s s"rc"s to describe PeterHs "ne(*ering to obt"in his desire to h"*e M"rKi" "s his own son ))0C>8
%"(ghs "t " %itt%e bo'Hs innocent con!ession o! his ischie*io(sness ))0556
%"(ghs whi%e ho%ding " chi%d who is $%"'ing with His h"ir Notebook 28770 $1275 @this stor' to be $%"ced "!ter )))0C87G$1627A
He h(ors M"r' S"%oe0 who coes to Hi !e"ring she is not !orgi*en !or her "sking !"*ors !or her sons0 b(t !inds she c"nnot s$e"k &0CC3
+es(s %ightens the scene b' Koking%' "sking her i! she now w"nts " third $osition in the kingdo !or her h(sb"nd0 Oebedee &0CC3
kind to "%% "ni"%s ))0333E )&0457#453
seeed to be insensiti*e to the h"rsh e%eents o! n"t(re &0C>5
ethod o! e*"nge%is *s1 the /"$tistHs ethod ))062#65
$(b%ic%' $roc%"ied Hise%! Messi"h contin("%%'0 es$eci"%%' to )sr"e% )0C260C740C330C44
$ro$hecies He !(%!i%%ed )0C6F#C66
+es(sH te"ching on $r"'er )0CC>
+es(sH insight into the dee$ hidden %onging !or God "nd Lo*e in "%% en des$ite their con!(sion "nd b%indness ))0776#774
+es(sH insights into the hidden %onging o! "%% se$"r"ted ,hristi"ns !or the !(%%ness o! ,"tho%ic !"ith ))0778#732
.oab' >riah' and $dina' C o! the 6 %e$ers c(red in the *"%%e' o! Hinno )&064F#646
.oahim "nd (arah o! +(tt" "nd their !o(r chi%drenE M"r'0 +ose$h0 )"n(e% "nd +es"i )0C8807>2
took c"re o! the sick /eth%ehe she$herd0 )s""c0 !or 'e"rs be!ore +es(s c"e to he"% hi )0C88
+es(s s"'s his goodb'e to the citiIens o! +(tt" "nd S"r"h "nd +es"i )))0624#628
to%d +es(s "t the Te$%e "t T"bern"c%es th"t his wi!e w"s to h"*e "nother chi%d )&0748
+es(s "$$e"rs to +es"i0 M"r'0 "nd their other0 S"r"h0 "!ter His res(rrection &0688
.oahim o! /oIr"h @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
.oahim0 o! the ho(se o! D"*id @)023A0 o! N"I"reth1 Ho%' M"r'Hs !"ther "nd (nc%e to Oech"ri"h o! Hebron0 "nd h(sb"nd to Anne @)04#74066A
"c;("inted *er' e"r%' on with <good= A%$h"e(s o! S"r"h "nd th(s with Ho%' +ose$h "nd his !"i%' )0F7E )))057
s(rrog"te !"ther to <good A%$h"e(s0= son o! S"r"h @who w"s sister to the (nbe%ie*ing A%$h"e(s0 " brother to Ho%' +ose$hA )))057
he "nd Anne died o(t o! %o*e !or God )067C
.oahim @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
.oanna0 the g"rdener o! +oh"nn" "nd ,h(I" o! Tiberi"s ))02>6
.oazar @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
.oel @A%"othA o! AbiK"h @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
.oel0 the !r"i% chi%d o! /eths"id" who did not w"nt to $%"' w"r )0562
.ohanah0 the Ph"risee @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
.ohanan ben Uaai0 the Scribe @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
.ohanan the S"dd(cee @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
.ohanan9s $e"s"nts0 eetings with +es(s @See "%so Dor"sH $e"s"ntsA
n"es: S"(%0 Mic"h0 M"rKi"Hs gr"nd!"ther "re entioned "t the P"sso*er !e"st )0342E ))0CC4E )))0F>3
in the idd%e o! Dor"sH r(ined orch"rd ))0FFF
in +er(s"%e "t the P"sso*er /"n;(et o! Lo*e )))03330F>2
ne"r the +eIree% Tower )&0728
+es(s "$$e"rs to the "!ter His res(rrection &0427
.ohanna o! N"I"reth0 other o! R"che% "nd Tob' "nd her or$h"ned gr"ndchi%dren )))026C#2630 C75
R"che% is he"%ed thro(gh M"rKi"Hs s"cri!ice0 their !ie%ds "re b%essed )))02630CC3
.ohanna o! ,h(I" o! Tiberi"sE h"d *er' $io(s brothers0 E%ie% "nd E%k"n"h @&0FFA who bec"e +es(sH disci$%es @&0C>6A0 "nd "n (nn"ed sister @&0C>4A0 h"d "
c"st%e "nd " rose g"rden in /ether o! +(de" @))07>3A Her other died short%' "!ter her birth @)0354A
%ost " chi%d in birth "nd !e%% into " !"t"% !e*er )0354
in her ne"r de"th st"te she sees one who wo(%d %"ter $ro*e to be +es(s te%%ing her to ret(rn to Tiberi"s )03770 @ See )))0282E &0733A
he"%ed b' +es(s )0372#374
+es(s is in the ho(se o! +oh"nn" "nd eets ,h(I" )03F8#362
she s$e"ks to +es(s "bo(t her Ro"n woen !riends "nd +es(s "kes "n "$$ointent to see the ))0F3#F4
+es(s eets with the Ro"n woen0 P%"(tin"0 &"%eri" "nd L'di" "t +oh"nn"Hs ho(se ))02>6#22F
+es(s s$e"ks to her "bo(t obedience to ,h(I" ))0223
+es(s *isits her "nd E%iI" "t her co(ntr' est"te ne"r /ether ))07F7#7F3
she h"d sh"red her grie! "nd te"rs with ho%' M"r' o*er ,h(I"Hs inconsistent beh"*ior tow"rd her )))07>
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
she "cco$"nies +es(s "s " de*oted disci$%e )))0F>
she "nd ,h(I" recei*e with Ko' the two or$h"ns0 M"r' "nd M"thi"s0 who were %e!t to st"r*e )))02C6#2C4
she brings " gi!t o! roses to M"r' in N"I"reth )))0C88
"t +oh"nn"Hs est"te in /ether0 +es(s "nswers +oh"nn"Hs dee$ concern o*er the !(ror c"(sed b' +(d"sH is%e"ding words to ,%"(di" )))06C>#6CC
+es(s s$e"ks to ,h(I" "bo(t the serio(s errors o! +(d"sH th"t h"*e so tro(b%ed hi )))06C4#67>
she s$e"ks to +es(s o! ,h(I"Hs new desire to h"*e her tr' to con*ince Hi to o*erthrow Herod )))0545
+es(s res$onds "nd $oints o(t her str(gg%e between two %o'"%ties0 ,h(I" "nd Hi )))054C
+es(s res$onds to her "n:iet' o*er the seeing %"ck o! $rogress in the s$irit("% "d*"nceent o! soe o! the Ro"n woen &0CC>
she sh"res with +es(s her sorrow o*er ,h(I"Hs inconsistencies &0CC8#C7>
on the e*e o! the P"ssion0 she sec%(des herse%! in her +er(s"%e "nsion with P%"(tin"0 Anne o! Mero0 Nike "nd two Ro"n %"dies &0354
she sees +es(s on his w"' to Pi%"te both ties &033603F5
on the w"' to ,"%*"r'0 she o!!ers +es(s " drink which He (st re!(se0 "nd "g"in "t ,"%*"r' gi*es Longin(s "n "$hor" "nd " $(rse &03880F>3
!"%se re$orts o! her d'ing0 she coes to see M"r' &0F320FFC "nd &0F64
"t the se$(%cher &06>6
+es(s "$$e"rs to "nd co(nse%s her concerning ,h(I"Hs dis"$$ointing re"ction !o%%owing +es(sH cr(ci!i:ion &065>#65C
.ohn the Ph"risee o! G""sh o! the S"nhedrin @&0C42A @S"e "s +ohn Anti$"tridesBA @A%so %isted (nder Re%igio(s Le"dersA
he "nd E%e"I"r w"rns +es(s o! the e*i% $%"nned b' the S"nhedrin &0C380CF>
.ohn $ntipatrides @"$$"rent !riend o! " Phi%i$0 so s"e "s ne:t be%owB A &0C6 @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
.ohn o! the S"nhedrin @the Ph"riseeBA @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
.ohn the Scribe @S2A @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
.ohn the Scribe @S5BA @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
.ohn the she$herd @See She$herds0 The 25 /eth%eheA
.ohn0 O%d o! Nob0 s"w Sieon in the Te$%e b%ess the b"b' +es(s "t his wi!e Le"hHs $(ri!ic"tion rite "!ter the birth o! their d"(ghter )&0763
o$ened his ho(se to o%d E%iI" so she co(%d be in Nob so +es(s co(%d !ind in her the other He needed )&0783
ins(%ted b' +(d"s0 who thinks no one is "ro(nd e:ce$t o%d E%iI" )&0652#6CC
other )&06C>063>06FC#6F704>F
+es(s "rr"nges !or " %"b to be t"ken to +ohn "nd E%iI" o! Nob !or " ce%ebr"tion on the d"' He knows He wi%% be res(rrected &0543
+es(s "$$e"rs to hi "s " nor"% "n "!ter His res(rrection &04>>
.ohn0 the e:#%e$er o! Hi$$o0 de*oted to e*"nge%iIe his *icinit' )&0523052F
"s " %e$er !or 23 'e"rs0 he w"s " ho%' "n resigned to his st"te )&05>705>F05>6#5>8
.ohn the :aptist' :$COG%4>"D: son o! Oech"ri"h " $riest "nd E%iI"beth who %i*ed in Hebron o! +(de" )0CC0FC06C#66
.ohn the :aptist' CH%4"454GIC$5 5I(TI"G:
$(ri!ied o! origin"% sin in the wob )05730F8>E )))065>E &055F
birth0 circ(cision "nd $resent"tion )022>#25C
"t 23 onths0 he w"s hidden b' E%iI"beth "nd O"ch"ri"s iedi"te%' "!ter the /eth%ehe s%"(ghter !or !e"r o! Herod &058F
went into the desert "t the "ge o! 25 )055507>F
His testion' to +es(s "s the Messi"h w"s he"rd b' "n' o! the re%igio(s %e"ders )&03F4
!irst i$risonent @See Gos$e% E$isode C81A
one' !or his esc"$e )07CC
how the one' w"s (sed to obt"in the esc"$e )0378
+es(s eets with +ohn to $re$"re hi !or "rt'rdo ))058
his testion' o! +es(s to the $eo$%e o! Hebron ))0C46
second i$risonent thro(gh " betr"'"% b' one o! his own disci$%es ))05>>05>6
+es(s s$e"ks o! the /"$tistHs testion' to His Messi"hshi$ ))0767#763
sends do(bting disci$%es to +es(s whi%e in $rison ))06>>
news "nd det"i%s o! his (rder b' Herod ))0658#6C7
" $(r$ose !or his de"th )))03>6
+es(s identi!ies hi "s the %"st $orter or g"tekee$er in +ohn 2>:C )&0F32
.ohn the :aptist' &$%I4>( (>:.)CT(:
his $re#s"ncti!ied birth )0F8>E ))02>7E )))0426
"$$e"rs to h"*e been the !irst to enter He"*en "s " ,hristi"n "s he h"d been "bso%*ed o! origin"% sin in the wob o! his other )0F8>E ))058
the E%iK"h0 the $rec(rsor to the ,hrist )0C7807CF073FE ))06>6E )))072>
+ohnHs b"$tis w"s " s'bo% on%' "nd e"nt <Get rid o! 'o(r $ride0 get rid o! 'o(r %(st= )03>80FF>
his te"ching "nd "$$ro"ch co$"red to th"t o! +es(s )05370C78
his disci$%es o!ten h"d tro(b%e be%ie*ing +es(s to be Messi"h )0757
di*ision between disci$%es o! +es(s "nd +ohn ))02>06>5
.ohn0 Litt%e0 o! ,%e"r 9"ter0 the cri$$%ed bo' +es(s co!orted "nd he"%ed "t ,%e"r 9"ter )0F6F#F68E )))063F
.ohn Deollate0 <+ohn the /"$tist= Deco%%"te e"ns behe"ded1 .sed b' " Ro"n so%dier !ro the Antoni" )))04>F
.ohn o! Endor @Fe%i:A @))057CA0 "n herb"%ist "nd " !orer te"cher "t ,inti(0 ,'$r(s @))0564A0 " !orer g"%%e' s%"*e @)))034A
+es(s enco(nters Fe%i:0 who becoes +ohn ))057C#535
w"s " (rderer "nd w"s !i%%ed with h"te b(t w"nted de%i*er"nce ))057CE )))0523
the Oe"%ot enco(r"ges the new%' con*erted M"gd"%ene with the news o! Fe%i:Hs con*ersion ))0334#3F>
he wi%% be with +es(s or the she$herd )s""c in Sic"inon !or the ne:t 8 onths (nti% eneies o! +es(s !orce his "nd S'nt'cheHs e:i%e ))0384E )))0243
+es(s entr(sts Er"ste(s to the s$irit("% c"re o! +ohn o! Endor ))0F22E @See )))056A
eets with +es(s in Sic"inon "nd s$e"ks o! his str(gg%es "nd concerns ))03860F>5#F>7
+es(s "sks +ohn to "id S'nt'che in her !or"tion )))044#48
+es(s with +ohn o! Endor "nd S'nt'che in N"I"reth )))023F#2F6
+es(s !in"%%' bre"ks the news th"t He w"nts +ohn "nd S'nt'che to ser*e Hi in Antioch )))0243#287
de$"rt(re !ro N"I"reth )))05>C#5>8
"rri*"% "t Antioch )))0577
+ohn o! Endor sends his !irst con*ert Nico%"(s o! Antioch to +es(s in ,"$ern"( )))0735
M"rKi" begins to record +es(sH $"r"b%es to send the to +ohn o! Endor )))032F0352#357
%etters !ro Antioch )))03C3#373
S'nt'che writes o! +ohnHs de"th )&05660546#58F
+es(s te%%s his grie! o*er the $"ssing o! +ohn o! Endor so !"r !ro Hi "nd his hoe )))078F
+es(s with Nicode(s0 s$e"ks to +(d"s "bo(t the de"th o! +ohn o! Endor )&0783
.ohn o! )phesus0 son o! N"oi o! E$hes(s "nd !orer he"d o! the s'n"gog(e )))0358E )&04F
w"s s(ck%ed b' Ho%' M"r' when " b"b' in /eth%ehe )))0354#358
+es(s he"%s his b%ind e'e "nd he becoes " disci$%e o! +es(s )))035803C>
N"oi "nd +ohn o*ed to /eth%ehe o! G"%i%ee to st"' with M'rth" "nd her son Abe% )&046
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
with three scribes0 "nother "n @+oe% A%"othBA "nd two wo"n who w"nt +es(s to deterine i! the $ro$hetess S"be" is $ossessed )&0F4>#F420F86#625
other "$$e"r"nces &058407780458
.ohn the 5eper' o! the Te$%e @+ohn the PriestA0 he"%ed b' +es(s ))0C>3063C @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
.onah o! /"bon @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
.onah the she$herd @See She$herds0 the 25 /eth%eheA
.onah o! the Phoenici"n border0 known b' Ann"s the she$herd0 g"*e %odging to +es(s )))058F
.onah0 took c"re o! L"I"r(sH $ro$ert' in Gethse"ne0 h"d " wi!e @M"r'A "nd son M"rk @becoes the E*"nge%istA who g("rded the o%i*e cro$ @)058>0 5830CF2E
))05450 544#548E )))0346A
he %i*ed in " s"%% ho(se )))0357
he t"kes M"rth"Hs (rgent ess"ge o! L"I"r(sH ne"r de"th st"te to +es(s in So%oonHs &i%%"ge &056
ho(se %"ter gi*en to +es(s "nd then Ho%' M"r' &048>
.onah the ,ri$$%e o! A%e:"ndroscene0 he"%ed b' +es(s )))054C
.onathon0 the she$herd @See She$herds0 The 25 /eth%eheA
.onathon0 the o%d $riest0 !riend "nd M"ster o! +ohn the $riest "nd " !riend o! O"ch"ri"s0 the !"ther o! the /"$tist )))07>07507C
.onathon ben $nnas @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
.onathon o! >zil @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
.onathon ben >riel @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
.onathan Maabee )))0F84
.oseph o! R""h "nd Haggai o! AIot(s0 Ph"risees who "cc(sed +es(s o! "$$ro"ching Ro"ns "t ,"es"re" ))032 @A%so %isted (nder Re%igio(s Le"dersA
.oseph0 Mary0 Immanuel "nd .esai o! +(tt"0 chi%dren o! +o"chi "nd S"r"h @)0C8807>2A @See "%so +o"chi "nd S"r"hA
the !"i%' took c"re o! the sick /eth%ehe she$herd )s""c !or 'e"rs be!ore +es(s c"e to he"% hi )0C88
.oseph0 the she$herd @See She$herds0 The 25 /eth%eheA
.oseph o! .aob =.ames? o! :ethlehem' :$COG%4>"D: @)0FC0C320F6>A0 o! the ho(se o! D"*id0 Ho%' M"r'Hs h(sb"nd0 " 5> 'e"rs 'o(nger brother o!
A%$h"e(s "nd to S"r"h o! N"I"reth0 "nd w"s " !riend o! Ho%' M"r'Hs !"ther +o"chi @)0F7A1 His sister S"r"h "nd her h(sb"nd A%$h"e(s @+ose$hHs brother# in-
la)4 h"d " son <%itt%e A%$h"e(s= who w"s " <gre"t !riend= o! Ho%' M"r'Hs Mother Anne @)0F7 c!1 )02CA1 <Litt%e A%$h"e(s= is " ne$hew o! +ose$hHs re"% brother
A%$h"e(s @)063A "nd being <"%ost " re%"ti*e= o! +ose$h @)03C5A shows it w"s his !"ther th"t w"s not !ro the !"i%' "king <%itt%e A%$h"e(s= o! "nother !"i%'
.oseph o! .aob =.ames? o! :ethlehem' CH%4"454GIC$5 5I(TI"G:
"t soe tie in the $"st0 his <"ncestors= were dri*en o!! !ro "n est"te in +(de" !ro which the' s(!!ered gre"t %oss )))0674
+ose$h is "$$ointed h(sb"nd !or M"r' "nd the wedding in +er(s"%e )0F20FF
+ose$h "nd M"r' "rri*e in N"I"reth )06C
+ose$h de%"'s the !in"% wedding to the dis"' o! e*er'one )06F#66E )&072C
LNote: the de%"' s($$orted the tr(th!(%ness o! the *ows o! *irginit' the' both h"d t"ken "nd it %ent credence %"ter to the *irgin"% conce$tion o! +es(sM
+ose$h "nd M"r' go to +er(s"%e "nd then M"r' $roceeds to Hebron to *isit E%iI"beth )08708F
M"r' "nd +ose$h b"ck in N"I"reth0 M"r' c%"ri!ies her sit("tion to +ose$h who h"s been shown the tr(th b' "n "nge% )025F0673
the cens(s edict "nd the tri$ to /eth%ehe )025802C7
the birth o! the Lord "nd the "dor"tion o! the she$herds )02C40273
+ose$h "nd M"r' "re brokenhe"rted %e"rning th"t O"ch"ri"s wishes to see +es(s r"ised in +(de" )023F#2F>
the $resent"tion in the Te$%e "nd the "dor"tion o! the 9ise Men 4 onths %"ter )02F>02F6
the !%ight into Eg'$t "nd the Ho%' F"i%' in Eg'$t )02680246
+ose$h te"ches +es(s how to work with too%s )0287
the de"th o! +ose$h )0555#554E &0F4>
.oseph o! .aob =.ames? o! :ethlehem' &$%I4>( (>:.)CT(:
his e"r%' s$irit("% insight into M"r'Hs ho%' c"%%ing )0 F8#62
+es(s to M& on the wisdo o! +ose$h "nd his c"%%ing "nd gre"t s"cri!ice to $rotect the ho%' Ark o! God )062065
his incredib%e s(!!ering in si%ence d(ring the tie o! s(s$icion )0 65025C#2530673E ))0F36
his gre"t de$ri*"tions "nd se%!#s"cri!ice d(ring his %i!e
his tho(ght to %e"*e M"r' w"s " choice to be"r the re$(t"tion o! being "n (n!"ir "n )0673
worries0 !"tig(e0 $ersec(tions "nd st"r*"tion )05C2
+es(s on +ose$hHs ch"r"cter deonstr"ted with the 9ise Men )0264
end(red gre"t $"in in his de"th @the !irst co#redeeerA )03C>
A%$h"e(sH *iew o! +ose$h "s <!"inthe"rted= "nd M"r' "s <o*erbe"ring= )03C3E )&074F
+es(s re!%ects on +ose$hHs co(r"ge "nd !"ith &0237
M"r' o! A%$h"e(s re!%ects on the ho%' reser*e o! +ose$h "nd wh' he w"s is(nderstood "nd criticiIed b' her h(sb"nd "nd N"I"reth &0587#58F
other re!%ections o! M"r' on +ose$h ))0C36#CF50F4CE )))07>C
.oseph o! $lphaeus o! N"I"reth0 the e%dest o! !o(r sons @Sion0 +(d"s Th"dd"e(s0 "nd +"esA o! A%$h"e(s "nd M"r' o! A%$h"e(sG,%o$"s @ ))0F44A1
"t soe tie in the $"st his <"ncestors= were dri*en o!! !ro "n est"te in +(de" !ro which the' s(!!ered gre"t %oss )))0674
reKected +es(sH ission (nti% the cr(ci!i:ion )05640C>203>7
"s he"d o! the !"i%'0 he w"s thre"tened b' the re%igio(s %e"ders in +er(s"%e )0657
reb(kes his brother0 +(d"s0 "nd then his own !"ther !or "%%owing M"r' to hoe schoo% his two 'o(ngest brothers ))036F
+es(s $roises his other th"t the reKecting +ose$h "nd the hesit"nt Sion wo(%d coe to !"ith ))0F28
$(b%ic%' reb(ked +es(s ))0654
+ose$h "nd Sion "t +er(s"%e !or the T"bern"c%es ignore their 'o(nger brothers "nd +es(s )))0C507>
+ose$h "nd Sion no %onger coe to see M"r'0 tho(gh Sion sends gi!ts thro(gh his other )))0233
c"%%s on +es(s0 His Mother "t N"I"reth0 to congr"t(%"te +es(s on His ret(rn to <res$onsib%e %i!eE= +es(s (st correct hi0 he %e"*es o!!ended )&027C#277
beg"n to *isit Ho%' M"r' to %e"rn how She "nd +es(s inter$ret the Scri$t(res in the <new= w"' )&07>F
coes to be%ie*e +es(s is the Messi"h0 b(t not th"t He c"e on%' to r(%e the s$irit o! "n0 "nd !ee%s +es(s sho(%d i$ose Hise%! on the $eo$%e )&07>F
he is tr'ing to he%$ +es(s0 tho(gh 'et in " h("n w"' )&074F
he is now con*inced the r(%ers o! )sr"e% c"nnot be won o*er no "tter wh"t +es(s does0 b(t his %o*e !or +es(s is sti%% b"sed on !"i%' $ride )&078C#787
he de!ends +es(s in N"I"reth "nd %"ter in +er(s"%e on the e*e o! the P"ssion tho(gh in " $ride!(% sort o! w"' &02F8#26>0356#354
he "nd Sion "re with the woen disci$%es "nd the she$herds0 *"%i"nt%' de!ending their $%"ce "t ,"%*"r' &0F>7
c"e with Sion to M"r' in the S($$er Roo "nd in gre"t sorrow "nd "sks !or !orgi*eness &0F68#F42
.oseph o! $rimathea @See Re%igio(s R(%esA
.oseph :arnabas @See /"rn"b"sA
.oseph0 the bo"ten !ro Tiberi"s0 his wi!e Anne "nd " 'o(ng d"(ghter )&02CCE )))0C720F>8E )&04F02C5
.oseph the )lder @.oseph o! $rimatheaA @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
.oseph o! E"(s0 *icti o! (nintention"% incest "nd "n"the"tiIing0 )06F3E )))0667
entr(sted to the she$herd )s""c )06F3E ))06
"t So%oonHs ho(se )&05C#53
with +es(s in +ericho "nd with O"cch"e(s "nd his con*erts )&0F42#625
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
.oseph @o! Se$horis0 G"%i%eeA now o! +er(s"%e0 $ossib%' " dist"nt re%"ti*e o! o%d A%$h"e(s o! N"I"reth "nd " !riend o! his sons @)&034>AE w"s " bit sting' "nd his
sons did not res$ect hi @)&0347A1
his ho(se in +er(s"%e )0CC
+ose$h "nd M"r' st"'ed with the "t the tie o! the &isit"tion "nd "t the /"$tistHs $resent"tion )08F0255
his wi!e is M"r' "nd h"d r"ised disres$ect!(% bo's )&0345#347
re%"ti*e o! Oebedee0 thro(gh who Oebedee "rketed his dried !ish !ro G"%i%ee to the Te$%e r(%ers )&034>
thre"tened b' the %e"ders o! the s'n"gog(e !or gi*ing hos$it"%it' to +es(s )&0F22
took in " Ro"n or$h"n n"es M"rti"% @)&034>A0 who %"ter went to %i*e with +ose$h the E%der @+ose$h o! Ari"the"A &043
be%ie*ed in +es(s b(t w"nted $e"ce )&04>3
.oseph0 the o%d ser*"nt o! Sion Oe"%ot0 "%%owed to st"' in the Oe"%otHs ho(se in /eth"n' )06CC0 ))0587E )))0C64
.oseph0 the %itt%e c"r$enter o! -or"Ii
+es(s did work !or the widowed other "nd her !i*e chi%dren "nd t"(ght %itt%e +ose$h c"r$entr' ))06>4#6250654
how the citiIens o! -or"Ii tre"ted the widow "nd her !"i%' ))06>>#6>2E )))02F50C7C
+es(s enco(r"ges +ose$h )&0CC80C76E C3F#C34
+es(s "sks +(d"s "nd Anne o! L"ke Mero to he%$ this $oor !"i%' )&0CCF0CC8
.oseph @S"e "s ne:tBA0 "t the !(ner"% o! L"I"r(s &0C6 @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
.oseph0 "nother @S"e "s $re*io(sBA0 "t " eeting with +(d"s )sc"riot )&0668 @A%so %isted (nder Re%igio(s Le"dersA
.oseph o! ,inti(0 " re%igio(s r(%er who bre"ks !ro the est"b%ishent to Koin +es(s "!ter the cr(ci!i:ion &04C6 @A%so %isted (nder Re%igio(s Le"dersA
LNote: " other !ro ,inti( with " b%ind bo' !inds he"%ing !ro +es(s &0728M
.oseph0 the erch"nt o! M"gd"%" ))05520555
.osiah0 one o! the three t": co%%ector !riends o! M"tthew he h"d in*ited to his ho(se to eet +es(s )0326
.o#ehel0 " $oor "n th"t +ohn the /"$tist "%%owed to %i*e in his !"ther Oech"ri"hHs ho(se be!ore it w"s con!isc"ted b' Ro"ns )07>307>F
.udas0 the !"%se Messi"h !ro G"%i%ee born in G""r" "ccording to +ose$h(s "nd re*o%ted in AD F )0C68E )&0237
the gre"t tro(b%e bro(ght b' +(d"s )&072C
Pi%"te ki%%s " n(ber o! his !o%%owers "s the' were s"cri!icing "t the Te$%e "%t"r )))07C
.udas "nd $nne ne"r L"ke Mero0 the o%d %"ndowner o! Mero )))053E )&0CC6#C72
.udas' " descend"nt o! the Aside"ns @s"e "s ne:t entr'BA &0C6 @See Re%igio(s R(%erA
.udas o! /eth#Horon o! the H"sid"e"ns0 !riend o! M"tt"thi"s the Ason"e"n @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
.udas Maabee ))0C6CE )))06>6063F#634E )&0FC>
5azarus' :$COG%4>"D: brother to M"r' M"gd"%ene "nd M"rth"0 the son o! Theo$hi%(s @once go*ernor o! Antioch0 S'ri" )))05C2A "nd E(cheri" @))03CFA1
L"I"r(s becoes owner o! ost o! /eth"n'0 (ch $ro$ert' in +er(s"%e0 thro(gho(t )sr"e% @)0CF20F55E &0F302F4A "nd in S'ri" @))0F25A0 "nd !ort(n"te%'0 !or the
s"ke o! the !"i%'0 he enKo'ed the !"*or "nd $rotection o! Roe @)0F55A1 He "nd M"rth" h"d been !orced to %e"*e +er(s"%e b' the re%igio(s %e"ders o*er the
sc"nd"% cre"ted b' M"r'1 He h"d tried to re%ie*e the s(!!ering o! Dor"sH $e"s"nts b' o!!ering e:orbit"nt "o(nts o! one' to b(' Dor"sH !ie%ds "nd workers0 b(t
w"s (ns(ccess!(% @)))0F>3A1
5azarus' CH%4"454G8 4F )&)"T(:
!irst eeting with +es(s "t /eth"n' )0778#737
writes to +es(s "bo(t his negoti"ting s(ccess with Dor"s in !in"%%' obt"ining +on"hHs !reedo )0334
M"rth" s$e"ks o! her "nd L"I"r(sH sorrow o*er their sister M"r' o! M"gd"%" "nd +es(s s$e"ks o! the need to !orgi*e )0384#F>C
L"I"r(s e:$resses to +es(s his gre"t disd"in !or +(d"s )sc"riot )0F>7#F>3
"t L"I"r(sH ho(se K(st be!ore ,%e"r 9"ter )0F5F
+es(s s$e"ks to " s(r$rised L"I"r(s o! His "$$ro"ch to $rostit(tes )06C>#6C4
"t L"I"r(sH ho(se0 the Fe"st o! Dedic"tion: <) do not w"nt " !orced res(rrection in he"rts= )06C4
+es(s sends o%d )sh"e% "nd S"r"h to L"I"r(s ))0233#23F
+es(s with His Mother "t /eth"n' ))0585#C3F
L"I"r(s te%%s +es(s th"t M"r' h"s c"%%ed !or M"rth" to coe to M"gd"%" ))076F#764
L"I"r(sH !irst eeting with +es(s "!ter M"r'Hs con*ersion: "t the Fie%d o! the G"%i%e"ns0 +er(s"%e )))057
in his hoe with S'nt'che )))03>#36
+es(s te%%s L"I"r(s th"t He needed hi to s(!!er with his dise"se )))0F>
"t /eth"n'0 L"I"r(s is s(!!ering gre"t%' with his deterior"ting %egs )))03C>
L"I"r(s0 who is resigned to die soon0 is $roised "n' ore P"sso*er ce%ebr"tions )))0F>2#F>C
L"I"r(s is s(r$rised when +es(s te%%s hi th"t his s(!!ering w"s i$ort"nt in the s"%*"tion o! his sister M"r' )))0F2>#F22
M"rth" co$%"ins "bo(t M"r' )))0F5>
+es(s s$e"ks in L"I"r(sH est"te )))0F55
in his hoe "!ter Pentecost0 L"I"r(s gi*es Ko' to +es(s b' resigning hise%! to s(!!ering !or the rede$tion o! others )))045>#457E )&0455
the Fe"st o! T"bern"c%es )&0778
+es(s re"ss(res M"r' "nd M"rth" "bo(t the deterior"ting condition o! their brother )&0F3F
+es(s gi*es S"doc the $ro$hec' o! two signs "nd the tie the' wo(%d h"$$en0 re!erring to L"I"r(sH res(rrection "nd then to his own )&062>
the Disci$%es disc(ss wh' +es(s does not he"% L"I"r(s )&062F
+es(s (rges M"r' "nd M"rth" to ho$e "nd be%ie*e be'ond "%% contr"r' re"%ities )&068C
con!ront"tion with the +(de"ns in L"I"r(sH ho(se &03#22
+es(s goes to r"ise L"I"r(s &072#F7
"t /eth"n' "!ter the res(rrection o! L"I"r(s &066
the C %"st d"'s "t /eth"n' &0C27#C68
he notices the orch"rd o! +ose$h o! Ari"the" h"s re!(sed to b(d0 +es(s e:$%"ins it wi%% b(d "t the right tie to g%ori!' the LordP @&0C280 c!17C7A
he0 the obKect o! c(riosit' b' the *isiting P"sso*er crowd0 reb(kes "nd dri*es !ro his $ro$ert' the h'$ocritic"% Ph"risees &0C34#C38
+es(s describes His terrib%e "gon'0 +(d"sH betr"'"%0 His need !or His Mother0 "nd !or L"I"r(s to g"ther the sc"ttered Disci$%es &0C6>#C68
L"I"r(s w"s "%so " t"rget !or cr(ci!i:ion0 b(t the M"gd"%ene %ets the thre"tening re%igio(s r(%ers know the "nsion is $rotected b' Ro"n so%diers &0F25
"!ter His cr(ci!i:ion0 L"I"r(sH est"te h"d becoe " h"*en !or the sc"ttered Disci$%es "nd !o%%owers o! +es(s0 K(st "s He h"d $%"nned &0F63#F6F
"!ter "$$e"ring to His Mother "nd the other three M"r's0 +es(s "$$e"rs to L"I"r(s0 the !irst "n to see Hi &0623#65>
the A$ost%es re!%ect with dis"' on L"I"r(sH e:$erience o! $e"ce in contr"st to their own &067C
the A$ost%es consider L"I"r(s to t"ke the $%"ce o! +(d"s &043F
the S($$%eent"r' P"sso*er "t /eth"n' &0436#4F5
L"I"r(s gi*es the ho(se in the o%i*e g"rden "t Gethse"ne to M"r' &048>
5eah o! )s""c0 Ho%' M"r'Hs good !riend "t N"I"reth0 dies )0657
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
5evi0 the c"ret"ker @g("rdi"nA o! L"I"r(sH $"%"ce in +er(s"%e )))0F>3E &07220F32
5evi0 the she$herd @See She$herds0 The 25 /eth%eheA
5evi o! -or"Ii0 the 'o(ng "n who w"s wi%%ing to iss his !"therHs !(ner"% to !o%%ow +es(s ))0285
5evi0 Litt%e0 o! Nob0 w"s he"%ed b' +es(s )&063>#632
5evi0 O%d0 o! ,"$ern"(0 c(red )&0565
5evi0 he"d o! the s'n"gog(e in N"I"reth ))03FFE )))0288
5evi0 'o(ng son o! "n )sr"e%ite widow o! the P%"in o! Sh"ron )))03FC#3F3
He "nd his other were directed b' +es(s to +oh"nn" o! ,h(I" who e$%o'ed the in her rose g"rdens "t /ether )))0382
5evi o! So%oonHs &i%%"ge0 the we"%th' "n whose tob w"s (sed to b(r' $oor An"ni"s0 the c"ret"ker o! So%oonHs ho(se )&0336
5ittle (hepherd0 o! /eth%ehe o! G"%i%ee ))0345
5ivia0 Ro"n wi!e o! Enni(s ,"ssi(s0 the %ibertine who $(rch"sed @A(re"A G"%%" ,i$rin" )&0F2#FC c!162#67
5ydia @See Ro"n Nob%e 9oenA
Malahi0 he"d o! the S'n"gog(e in E$hr"i in S""ri" &08F
Malus0 the ser*"nt o! the High Priest who Peter tried to ki%% in the G"rden &03C40 34>
Manaen0 Herod Anti$"sH !oster brother )0F740F78E )))0C5
h"d been gre"t%' in!%(enced b' the she$herds0 inc%(ding Tobi"sGM"thi"s0 whi%e the /"$tist w"s in $rison in M"ch"er(s )0F44
shows ($ !irst "t ,%e"r 9"ter )0F780F3C#F37
disci$%e o! the /"$tist )0F37
w"s sent to +es(s b' the /"$tist with two do(bting disci$%es ))06>>#62>
"rr"nged !or three o! the /eth%ehe she$herds to be e$%o'ed "t the $rison where the /"$tist w"s he%d to co!ort hi ))06C2
+es(s "sks hi to "cco$"n' the woen disci$%es to +er(s"%e )))0C84
he s$e"ks to +es(s "bo(t ,h(I"Hs !e"r o! Herod Anti$"s )))0F25#F2C
t"ken in with "n' other !o%%owers o! +es(s b' the desire to "ke +es(s -ing in $%"ce o! Herod )&0C22#C57
he is s(r$rised "nd o*erwhe%ed b' +es(sH co$%ete "cce$t"nce o! hi "!ter his gre"t ist"ke )&0764
+es(s "nswers M"n"enHs concern o*er "cc(s"tions he is "n ido%"ter0 bec"(se he <c"res too (ch= !or his horse )&045C#453
he brings " ess"ge to +es(s !ro +ose$h o! Ari"the" "nd Nicode(s who wish to eet with Hi in secret &0276#274
"s +es(s in on his w"' to tri"% be!ore Pi%"te0 M"n"en ch"rges thro(gh the (rdero(s ob to co!ort +es(s &033F
he coes to the grie*ing Mother &0F6C#F67
he0 with +ose$h o! Ari"the" "nd Nicode(s0 sees the res(rrected Lord &065C#653
Marella0 one o! M"rth"Hs C "ids )))0C>076
Marella0 " !"i%' eber o! &"%eri"0 sent b' the !"i%' in )t"%' to $ers("de &"%eri" to ret(rn to )t"%'0 "t /eth"n' !or the %"st P"sso*er @&0C580CC>0CC4A
Marus' one o! the deoni"cs +es(s he"%ed @See M"rk o! +osi"hA
Marus0 "t L"I"r(sH o%i*e oi% i%% "t Gethse"ne0 with M"rKi" )&0735E &06@BA @See M"rk o! +on"s "nd M"r' or M"rk0 %itt%e0 o! /eth"n'A
Maria &altorta @See &"%tort"0 M"ri"A
Marian o! Doco0 " widowed other#in#%"w to +er(s"0 who w"s he"%ed o! c"ncer b' +es(s )06561
et +es(s "t ,%e"r 9"ter )0625
he"%ed )0656
Marian0 " d"(ghter o! either Phi%i$ or /"rtho%oew ))13C6#3C8E )))03F4#3F8E )&02420245E &05>3
Marianne o! E%ish"0 o! Arbe%%" )))0225
Marius0 the Ro"n whose s%"*e0 A;(i%"0 +es(s he"%ed "t Hi$$o )&05C2
MarRiam @origin"%%' +"beI o! +ohn o! +(de" "nd !in"%%' n"ed M"rti"%A0 the 25 'e"r o%d "%no(rished gr"ndson o! one o! the $oor worken o! Dor"s the
Ph"risee0 who %ost his !"i%' in " %"nds%ide "nd w"s !orced to %i*e hidden in the woods on the Ph"risee Dor"sH est"te !or onths @))0534#5F>0583A1
his !(t(re re*e"%ed b' +es(s ))05F>#5F2
+"beI "sks +es(s !or " new n"e "nd M"r' gi*es hi one ))056F0586
the <s'bo%#chi%d= o! the ,h(rch ))0C>F
gi*en to Peter to r"ise thro(gh the intercession o! Ho%' M"r' ))0C>4
his Te$%e e:"in"tion ))0C23
M"rKi" str(gg%es with his h"tred o! Dor"s0 his gr"nd!"thersH cr(e% "ster ))0CF6#CF4
he sees the "nge% in the Poo% o! /ethI"th" ))07F4
eets "nd is entr(sted to Por$hire"0 PeterHs wi!e ))0764
he eets "nd t"kes ($ with the new%' con*erted M"r' M"gd"%ene ))03C3#3CF
his gre"t i$"ct on M"r' M"gd"%ene ))03C8
he h"s the Kob o! %ooking "!ter the Disci$%esH !ood b"g "nd is gi*en the Kob o! !eeding the chi%dren "t the !irst ir"c%e o! the %o"*es ))067C#673
te%%s +es(s o! his desire to be " she$herd o! en soed"' )))072
+es(s s$e"ks o! his !(t(re "nd entr(sts hi to +ohn o! Endor to te"ch )))047043048083
he $o(rs o(t the "gon' o! his tr"gic %i!e to +es(s )))0234#238
he gi*es ($ e"ting hone' c"kes !or " onth !or the he"%ing o! d'ing R"che% )))02670 c!1 24>024C#243028C05>3
+ohn o! Endor0 his entor0 (st %e"*e N"I"reth !or Antioch )))05>C#5>8
+es(s !orete%%s the "rt'rdo o! Peter "nd M"rKi" )))0C8C
he h"d been co%%ecting the $"r"b%es o! +es(s to send to his entor0 +ohn o! Endor0 now e:i%ed in Antioch )))032F
+es(s s$e"ks to M"rKi" on how to think o! $riests who "re not good )))0357#35F
+(d"s h"s indecent%' "ss"(%ted M"rKi" )))035F#354
he s$e"ks to An"st"sic" o! the he"%ing o! his torn "nd torented so(% thro(gh the other%' %o*e o! Ho%' M"r' )))03C3#3CF
M"rKi" is with his gr"nd!"ther "t the P"sso*er e"% "t +oh"nn"Hs $"%"ce in +er(s"%e )))0F>7#F>3
he co!orts A(re"0 who h"s h"d to %e"*e M"r' in N"I"reth )&0274#278
the tr"gic de"th o! M"rKi"Hs gr"nd!"ther )&0238#2F5
M"rKi"Hs gre"t sorrow "t the %oss o! his gr"nd!"therE now he (st be to%d o! the de"th o! +ohn o! Endor )&0C58#CC7
M"rKi"0 in gre"t sorrow in h"*ing to be se$"r"ted !ro +es(s0 is instr(cted on the i$ort"nce o! obedience )&0333
M"rKi" eets %itt%e M"rti"%0 the Ro"n bo' t"ken in b' +ose$h o! Se$horis )&0382
on Mt1 T"bor with the 3>> witnesses0 +es(s co!orts M"rKi" &04C4
he is beside the res(rrected +es(s "t the s($$%eent"% P"sso*er &04F2
he is ren"ed M"rti"% in eor' o! the Ro"n bo' (rdered b' the r(%ers o! )sr"e% &046F
h"d %e!t with Peter on his Ko(rne's b' 33 AD &08C>
Mar/0 " disci$%e with Phi%i$ o! Arbe%" )))0226
Mar/0 Litt%e o! /eth"n'0 &06 @BA076074 @S"e "s be%owBA
Mar/ o! +on"s "nd M"r'0 son o! the c"ret"kers o! L"I"r(sH o%i*e gro*e in Gethse"ne @becoes the E*"nge%istA )05830 CF>#CF5E )&0735B0 386E )))07620 3460
344E )&07350 786E &06@BA7>70F4706540438#4F>0 4670482#485E Acts 25:25053E 2C:302CE 23:C6#C8E ,o% 7:2>E )) Ti 7:22E Phi% 57E ) Peter 3:2C
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
" good !riend o! /"rn"b"s
tho(ght to h"*e ser*ed "s "n inter$reter !or Peter who did not know eno(gh o! the Greek %"ng("ge to te"ch in it1
Mar/ @M"rc(sA o! +osi"h0 one o! the deoni"cs o! Ger"s" or G""%" ))05C6
bec"e " disci$%e o! +es(s )))0C72
%"ter denied Hi o*er the E(ch"rist contro*ers' )))07760765#7670745
the gr"ce o! his other wi%% s"*e hi )))0767
he c"%%s +es(s <S"t"n= whi%e +es(s $%e"ds with hi to h"*e erc' on his own so(% "nd on his other )))0333
+es(s s$e"ks o! the c"(se o! the r(in o! M"rk )))0338#3F>
Mar/0 O%d0 o! A%e:"ndroscene0 he"%ed b' +es(s )))054>#545
Mar/ o! the Esdr"e%on P%"in
+es(s brings hi b"ck to %i!e "!ter "$$e"ring to his wi!e0 R"ch"e% &0424#45C
Martha0 the cri$$%ed wo"n "t -or"Ii0 who +es(s he"%ed )))0CC4
entioned "g"in in )&0C3F
Martha0 sister to the M"gd"%ene "nd L"I"r(s o! /eth"n'
+es(s co!orts her "t N"I"reth b' introd(cing her "s <" sister= to the woen disci$%es ))0380F3
M"rth" is enco(r"ged to be%ie*e the $roise o! the rede$tion o! her sister M"r' ))0587
she recei*es " re;(est !ro her sister M"r' to *isit her "t M"gd"%" ))076F
she e:$resses her gre"t distress to +es(s o*er M"r'Hs seeing%' "d beh"*ior ))0744#78C
M"rth" s$i%%s o(t to +es(s the stor' o! M"r'Hs con*ersion ))03>4#32>
her distress o*er M"r'Hs "bsence is c"%ed b' +es(sH e:$%"n"tion ))0355#357
she is o*erwhe%ed to see her sister coing with the other o! +es(s ))0356
M"rth" "nd the %iI"rds ))0F5C
M"rth" "nd M"r' (st $"rt !ro +es(s "nd the Disci$%es !or /eth"n' ))0F58#FC7
M"rth" "nd M"r' "nd +es(s with the *er' "!!%icted L"I"r(s in $re$"r"tion !or the P"sso*er )))0F>2#F>C
co$%"ins to +es(s "bo(t M"r' )))0F5>
"t /eth"n'0 M"rth" is dee$%' o*ed o*er the s(!!ering o! +es(s !ro so (ch h"tred )))0452
+es(s (st i$"rt !"ith to M"rth" "nd M"r'0 who "re in des$er"tion o*er the condition o! their brother L"I"r(s )&073>#735
the !e"r o! " *erdict o! %e$ros' in L"I"r(s !ro the $riests h"s cre"ted " !(rther torent "nd contention between M"rth" "nd M"r' )&0F34#FF>
+es(sH !in"% $%e" !or M"rth"0 M"r' "nd L"I"r(s to <be%ie*e "g"inst "%% contr"r' re"%ities= )&068C
"t L"I"r(sH de"thbed0 M"rth"Hs re"ctions to the t"(nts o! the re%igio(s %e"ders "nd to M"r'Hs dri*ing the o(t o! the ho(se &06#22
behind M"r'Hs b"ck0 M"rth" sends " ser*"nt to +es(s "sking Hi to coe be!ore the $ro$er tie &022
"t the !(ner"% o! L"I"r(s &0C4#7>
"t the res(rrection o! L"I"r(s &078#F2
M"rth" ser*ing others &05C80C28#C5>0CF5#CFC
+es(s re;(ests o! L"I"r(s to h"*e M"r' "nd M"rth" !or the co!ort o! His other d(ring wh"t wo(%d be the ho(r o! His P"ssion &0C6F
M"rth" is gr"nted " *er' s$eci"% <P"sso*er gi!t= b' the res(rrected Lord &06C6
M"rth"0 M"r' "nd L"I"r(s "re e*ent("%%' co$e%%ed to %e"*e +er(s"%e to inister in other $%"ces &0852
Martial0 Ro"n or$h"n t"ken in b' +ose$h @!orer%' o! Se$horis0 G"%i%eeA now o! +er(s"%e0 re#n"ed M"n"sseh )&034>
%"ter st"'ed with +ose$h the E%der &0430657
he w"s (rdered b' the re%igio(s %e"ders "nd %"id "t L"I"r(sH g"te with " c'nic"% note re"ding0 <te%% the G"%i%e"n to bring 'o( b"ck to %i!e= &046F
Martial0 the n"e gi*en b' +es(s to M"rKi" in honor o! his or$h"n !riend ki%%ed b' the re%igio(s %e"ders &046F
Mary0 .oseph0 Immanuel "nd .esai o! +(tt"0 chi%dren o! +o"chi "nd S"r"h o! +(tt" )0C8807>2
the !"i%' took c"re o! the sick /eth%ehe she$herd )s""c !or 'e"rs be!ore +es(s c"e to he"% hi )0C88
+es(s "$$e"rs to +es"i0 M"r' "nd their other S"r"h "!ter His res(rrection &0688
Mary "nd Mathias0 two or$h"n chi%dren %e!t to st"r*e b' E%e"I"r @See M"thi"s "nd M"r'A
Mary "nd (usan0 Ho%' M"r'Hs !riends "t the Te$%e "t Her "nd +ose$hHs <wedding= )0F6
Mary o! /oIr"h0 wi!e o! +o"chi0 c(red o! %e$ros' )))02>F03F6
Mary Clopas7$lphaeus' wi!e o! Ho%' +ose$hHs e%der brother @)063A "nd other o! +es(sH !o(r co(sins: +ose$h0 the o%destE Sion0 "rried to "
S"%oeETh"dd"e(sE "nd +"es0 the 'o(ngest1 The two 'o(ngest becoe A$ost%es o! ,hrist1
she re;(ests th"t M"r' te"ch her two 'o(ngest "t hoe "nd o%d A%$h"e(s s(r$rising%' "grees to "%%ow it )05>C#5>7
whi%e he%$ing M"r' b"ke bre"d0 she he"rs !ro +es(s th"t +(d"s Th"dd"e(s h"s Koined with +es(s "s " Disci$%e )0C>6
her gre"t sorrow o*er her h(sb"ndHs bitterness tow"rd +es(s "nd his two 'o(nger sons )03>7#3>3
her di*ided !"i%' "nd her sorrow0 "t N"I"reth )03CC#3C6
"t the /eth%ehe grotto0 she s$e"ks to M"r' "bo(t their s(dden de$"rt(re to /eth%ehe "t the ,ens(s ))0CF2
she reb(kes +(d"s !or criticiIing +es(s ))0C42
she w"r%' greets the M"gd"%ene "t N"I"reth ))03F3
c(riosit' "nd i"gin"tion get the best o! her when her son0 +"es0 te%%s her o! +es(sH $%"ns to t"ke hi "%one to Mt1 ,"re% ))0F26#F5>
her di*ided !"i%' "nd her sorrow0 "t +er(s"%e "t T"bern"c%es )))0C507>
she tender%' others the brokenhe"rted +ohn o! Endor0 who !inds !ood di!!ic(%t to e"t )))05>7#5>3
Ho%' M"r' te%%s her the secret o! Her incredib%e $e"ce "nd serenit' in %ight o! Her c%e"r (nderst"nding o! the S"cri!ice She is to "ke )&025F#254
she e:$%odes in "nger he"ring her son +ose$h reb(ke +es(s0 "nd !in"%%' bre"ks down in te"rs )&0277
she sh"res her sorrow "nd te"rs with Ho%' M"r' o*er her obstin"te son +ose$h )&0276#274
she tries to c"% the cries o! %itt%e A%$h"e(s o! Merob" )&0284#288
she s$e"ks to Ho%' M"r' on (nion with God "nd His wi%% "nd on he"ring GodHs c"%% )&05C5#5C7
she reinisces "t %ength o! the !"scin"tion o! +ose$h o*er the newborn M"r' e*er'one c"%%ed <St"r= "nd how +o"chi so she%tered M"r' &0578#53>
"t the S($$er Roo ho(se "nd "t ,"%*"r' "t the de"th o! +es(s &078>0F55
Ho%' M"r' conso%es her o*er the sorrow she !ee%s o*er her sons "b"ndoning +es(s &0F42#F4C
+es(s conso%es her K(st be!ore the Ascension &0467#463
Mary o! .aob o! E$hr"i in S""ri"0 the $oorest wo"n in town
+es(s "nd the Disci$%es !ind re!(ge !ro the Te$%e r(%ers in her ho(se &08F
the res(rrected +es(s "$$e"rs to her &04>4
Mary o! Oerioth0 +(d"s )sc"riotHs other0 wi!e to the dece"sed Sion
"t M"r'Hs co(ntr' hoe +es(s %"*ishes on her e:tr" %o*e "nd res$ect )07>8# 727
she disc%oses " dee$ sorrow "bo(t her son to Ho%' M"r' ))07>3#7>4
+es(s h"d in*ited her to be with the "t the /"n;(et o! Lo*eE she wee$s he"ring "nother other dedic"te her son to +es(sH inistr' )))0337#333
She0 in te"rs0 te%%s +es(s o! the e*i% to which her son is "ddicted )))036>#362
+(d"s tries to con*ince his other o! his good intentions )))0343
she "sks +es(s how "n'one co(%d be h"$$' in He"*en with " %o*ed one in he%% )))0F22
+es(s "g"in "t her co(ntr' ho(se (st "nswer M"r' witho(t %'ing "nd 'et witho(t destro'ing the %itt%e $e"ce she h"s )))06>5
+es(s restores " broken !riendshi$ between M"r' "nd Anne0 the brokenhe"rted other o! +(d"sH !orer !i"ncie )))06>4#627
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
+es(s on her "rt'rdo o! sorrow "nd His MotherHs "rt'rdo )&0C>#C2
the res(rrected Lord "$$e"rs to her &0685#684
Mary (alome0 the other o! +"es "nd +ohn "nd wi!e to Oebedee o! /eths"id"1 She h"d brothers or sisters who were "rried with chi%dren @))0C8A1
bec"e " disci$%e o! +es(s ))0C4
brie!%' entioned: ))04205830C>>0C3FE &C55#C530F320F55#F5C
wished her sons " !"*ored $osition in the -ingdo )03FFE &058F
she coes to +es(s !e"ring she h"s not been !orgi*en !or re;(esting this !"*or !or her sons0 b(t c"nnot see to s$e"k &0CC3
+es(s %ightens the scene b' Koking%' "sking her i! she now w"nts " third $osition in the kingdo !or her h(sb"nd Oebedee &0CC3
she !in"%%' s$e"ks to +es(s o! her sin "nd desires "ss(r"nce she is !orgi*en &0CC3
S(s"nn" with M"r' S"%oe "re the second gro($ to *isit the tobE the' see "n "nge%0 "re too !rightened to s$e"k (nti% the others s$e"k &06>6062>
Mary0 the 'o(ng %"d' th"t c"red !or the inK(red +on"h )07F80343
Mary Magdalene' :$COG%4>"D: sister to M"rth" "nd L"I"r(s o! /eth"n'0 d"(ghter o! Theo$hi%(s @!orer go*ernor o! Antioch0 S'ri"0 )))05C2A "nd the
god%' E(cheri" @))03CFA1 She h"d been "rried "nd di*orced @)0F55A1 The disgr"ce she %e!t on the !"i%' %ed to their "b"ndoning +er(s"%e "s " residence @)035>A
"nd the e"r%' de"th o! her other1 She w"s de%i*ered o! se*en deons @)&0C6A with re%"ti*e e"se bec"(se she h"d " wi%% to ch"nge co$%ete%' @)&03>FA
Mary Magdalene' CH%4"454G8 4F )&)"T(:
+es(s "nd Disci$%es !irst see her on the Se" o! G"%i%ee )0324
L"I"r(s wee$s in +es(s $resence when he disco*ers +es(s knows "bo(t his sister M"r' )0F>5
L"I"r(s "nd M"rth" (st !orgi*e be!ore +es(s c"n redee M"r' )0F>C
Nicode(s to +es(s on the corr($tion "nd !"%% o! M"r' )0F55
+es(s $roises the Oe"%ot the con*ersion o! the so(% o! M"r' )0F58
she0 hiding0 he"rs +es(s in /eth"n' s$e"k o! sin "nd GodHs gr"ce )06C>#6C4
disr($ting the Seron on the Mo(nt ))0265#263
"!ter her con*ersion0 +es(s coents to M& on this e$isode "nd how he (sed it to begin " work in M"r' ))03>C
The second direct enco(nter with M"r' in M"gd"%" "t the scene o! "n "tte$ted (rder ))0552#553
"!ter her con*ersion0 +es(s coents to M& on this e$isode ))03>7#3>3
L"I"r(s is $roised the ret(rn o! M"r' ))0CC6
Mary Magdalene' CH%4"454G8 4F )&)"T( ontinued
M"r' re;(ests th"t M"rth" coe to see her ))076F
M"rth" re$orts to +es(s on the ne"r <"d= st"te M"r' is in "nd +es(s c"%s her !e"rs ))0744#78C
"t M"rth"Hs in*it"tion0 she he"rs +es(s s$e"k "t Fo(nt ,reek0 ,"$ern"(0 on the Lost Shee$0 "nd is $ro!o(nd%' o*ed ))0788#3>2
+es(s coents to M& on this e$isode in M"r'Hs con*ersion ))03>C#3>4
+es(s0 on the con*ersion o! M"r' ))03>2#3>40323#32F
M"r' goes to the hoe o! Sion the Ph"risee to honor +es(s "nd "noints Hi ))032>
she goes to Ho%' M"r' to co$%ete her con*ersion ))0357#354
she "cco$"nies +es(s "nd the Disci$%es with the other woen disci$%es !or "%ost " onth ))0354#F58
M"r' %e"rns the <O(r F"ther= !ro M"rKi" ))03C7
+es(s t"kes M"r' to M"gd"%" "nd Tiberi"s to !"ce her $"st with her new %i!e ))03C80375
M"r' e:$resses her desire to soe d"' be iso%"ted to gi*e her !(%% %o*e to +es(s ))0337 @See Dote-oo*s 19JJ0 $1 535#5F2A
Ho%' M"r' te"ches the M"gd"%ene "bo(t conte$%"ti*e $r"'er ))0366#342
+es(s s$e"ks to soe disci$%es "t Sic"inon "bo(t the con*ersion o! the M"gd"%ene "nd w"rns the "bo(t K(dging ))0388#F>7
M"r' begins to !e"r the tho(ght o! h"*ing to !"ce her "c;("int"nces in ,"es"re"0 "nd +es(s wise%' re$ro*es her ))0F52#F55
the resc(e o! S'nt'che0 who is sent to /eth"n' ))0F5F#FC7
+es(s0 the 25 Disci$%es "nd the 65 eet "t M"r'Hs est"te !or i$ort"nt te"chings )))023#57
L"I"r(sH Ko'!(% testion' to +es(s concerning his sisterHs con*ersion )))053
M"r' gi*es +es(s the one' she got !or se%%ing the Kewe%s gi*en b' the rich erch"nt in Tr"ns# +ord"n )))0232
she %e"ds " so(% to s"%*"tion )))0755
M"r' !inds +es(s "t the +ord"n to w"rn Hi the Te$%e r(%ers "re seeking to "rrest Hi )))0788#3>2
+es(s c%o"ks the $roise o! r"ising L"I"r(s !ro the de"d in his res$onse to M"r'Hs $%e" to he"% hi iedi"te%' )))03C>#3C2
M"r' is b(s' c%e"ning "nd dressing ten b"bies o! $oor others in*ited to the /"n;(et o! Lo*e "t +oh"nn"Hs $"%"ce in +er(s"%e )))03F3#3FF
M"r' is co!orted b' +es(sH correction o*er her sorrow in thinking she c"n ne*er be " $(re *irgin )))036>
her stinging reb(ke o! the Disci$%es !or their cow"rdice "t the /"n;(et o! Lo*e )))0344
M"rth" gets ($set with M"r' bec"(se she is not he%$ing with ser*ing )))0F5>
+es(s to M"r' "nd M"rth": <Yo( wi%% see gre"t things when 'o(r he"rts no %onger h"*e "n' re"son to ho$e1= )&0732
the M"gd"%ene corrects +ose$h o! Ari"the" o*er his !oo%ish ;(estion to +es(s )&0786
she is ($set with M"rth" !or i"gining th"t L"I"r(s h"s %e$ros' )&0F38
+es(s to M"r' "nd M"rth" two weeks be!ore L"I"r(sH de"th: <Ho$e "nd be%ie*e "g"inst "%% contr"r' re"%ities0= )&068C
she dri*es the t"(nting re%igio(s r(%ers o(t o! L"I"r(sH ho(se &02>#22
M"r' con!ronts M"rth" o*er her (nbe%ie! in the $roise o! res(rrection !or L"I"r(s &02C#23
M"r'Hs !"ith rises "bo*e the t"(nts o! the re%igio(s r(%er e*en "s L"I"r(s is being $%"ced in the tob &0C8#72
"t the res(rrection o! L"I"r(s &076#34
she "sks +es(s to be cons(ed b' %o*e !or Hi &047#43
M"r' contro%s her indign"tion &05F20563
M"r'0 to the dis"' o! M"rth"0 decides to se%% her si%*er h"ir $ins to b(' " $"ir o! s"nd"%s !or " %itt%e bo' &054F0C5>
she s$e"ks to P%"(tin" o! +es(sH "bi%it' to r"ise Hise%! !ro the de"d &0CC2#CC5
she "noints +es(s !or His Tri($h"% entr' the ne:t d"'0 b(t it is re"%%' !or His de"th &0CFC#CFF c!1 47F
she0 not knowing +es(sH orders0 gets "ngr' "t her brother L"I"r(s !or not st"'ing in +er(s"%e with her "nd the woen disci$%es &0737
she bo%d%' con!ronts the re%igio(s r(%ers who were thre"tening to "%so cr(ci!' L"I"r(s &0F25
she co!orts Ho%' M"r' "t the de"th o! Her Son "nd he%$s s($$ort Her on the w"' to the tob &0F550F54
she is the on%' one "b%e to con*ince the Ho%' Mother to %e"*e the tob o! Her Son &0F72
she reb(kes Peter0 who contin(es to o(rn his !"i%(re !or h"*ing too (ch $ride &0F8>#F82
M"r'Hs !"ith th"t +es(s wi%% rise !ro the de"d on Mond"' "nd her disg(st "t the (nbe%ie! o! Peter "nd +ohn &0F85#F8C
M"r' conso%es the Ho%' Mother with the "ss(r"nce o! the $ower o! their %o*e !or the S"*ior &0F87#F83
M"r' *isits the tob &06>7#625
no one be%ie*ed in or %o*ed ,hrist ore0 'et e*en "!ter the Res(rrection she h"d (ch to $(ri!' thro(gh $en"nce &0627
+ohn "nd then +es(s coent on the strength o! the M"gd"%ene "nd her e:ce%%ing %o*e &067C#673066>#662
the "cco(nt o! her iso%"tion0 e:$i"tion "nd g%orio(s de"th is !o(nd in The Dote-oo*s 19JJ0 $"ges 535#538 c!1 )064
Mary' Holy' :$COG%4>"D: o! the ho(se o! D"*id thro(gh her !"ther +o"chi "nd A"ron thro(gh her other Anne @)027023077A1 Tho"s e:to%s the be"(t'
o! Ho%' M"r'Hs ch"r"cter0 n"t(re "nd Her *er' $resence @ )))0CC7A1 The Disci$%es e:$ress their dee$ %o*e !or Ho%' M"r' @)))0C47A1 She is the !irst ,hristi"n
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
@&0858A1 She reebered +ose$h e*er' s$ring with " !%owering "%ond br"nch @)))0C4CA1
Mary' Holy' CH%4"454G8 4F )&)"T(:
Her )"c(%"te ,once$tion described b' +es(s )02805>067C
$ro$hesied b' her !"ther )07>
birth witho(t $"in to her other Anne )05>03>
"n' $h'sic"% !e"t(res o! her !"ther )053
M"r' wo(%d %ike to be " sinner so she co(%d be s"*ed )07>E ))054C
Ann" did not (nderst"nd GodHs $%"n !or M"r'Hs $er$et("% *irginit' )073
Ann(nci"tion "nd )nc"rn"tion )0680677
M"r'Hs <'es= w"s gi*en with !(%% (nderst"nding o! the incredib%e sorrow she wo(%d end(re &0856
+es(s on the )nc"rn"tion )))07>C#7>7
"rri"ge to +ose$h )0470677
the &isit"tion )088
the gre"t sorrow o! M"r'Hs si%ence "bo(t her condition )025C#2530673
to /eth%ehe )02580673
the N"ti*it' )02C4067F
the she$herdHs worshi$ )0273
the 9ise Men )02F6
the !%ight into Eg'$t )026805C>
Mary' Holy' CH%4"454G8 4F )&)"T( ontinued
the te"cher )0284
t"(ght b' Her Son in the Te$%e )055C0676
de"th o! St1 +ose$h )0555
her bitter sorrow "nd Her strength in her widowhood )0 5560554
her re$ro"ch to +(d"s )sc"riot ))0C7C#C77
She te"ches the M"gd"%ene ))0366
co(nse%ing her sorrowing sister#in#%"w ))0F28
" d"' with +(d"s )sc"riot ))0F42
with +es(s0 +ohn o! Endor "nd S'nt'che )))023F
+es(s entr(sts the ,h(rch to M"r' )&05C6
witness o! S"be" the $ro$hetess to M"r' )&06>5
+es(s s"'s !"rewe%% be!ore His $"ssion &0748
+ohn goes to get M"r' "s +es(s is %ed to ,"%*"r' &038>
distress "t the tob &0F54
the night o! Good Frid"' &0F74
Ho%' S"t(rd"' &0F65
The orning o! the Res(rrection &0F8>
"$$e"r"nce o! +es(s &06>2
+es(sH !"rewe%% be!ore Ascension &04F3
"t Pentecost &0445
ro%e in bringing the Disci$%es b"ck to !"ith "!ter their "b"ndonent o! +es(s )0564
the %itt%e hoe "t Gethse"ne &048>
e:ch"nges the <&eronic"= !or the b(ri"% shro(d &08>>
b%iss!(% $"ss"ge o! M"r' &0857
Ass($tion &08C7
her s$irit h"d de$"rted !ro her bod' b(t not her %i!e gi*ing so(% &08C4087>087C
+es(s: the tr"dition th"t s$e"ks o! " se$(%cher !or M"r' is $(re %egend &087>
M"r' w"s the on%' ort"% to h"*e her !%esh g%ori!ied be!ore the !in"% res(rrection "nd K(dgent &087C
the s$irit("% signi!ic"nce o! M"r'Hs bodi%' "ss($tion "nd g%ori!ic"tion &0877
Mary' Holy' &$%I4>( (>:.)CT(:
Her tr(e g%or'
+es(s re*e"%s Her g%or' to His !o%%owers )))07>2#7>3
cre"ted in the etern"% $"st0 !ro e*er%"sting )))07>5#7>C
Her gre"t *irt(e )06
Her $ro!o(nd h(i%it' )0760740746
co(%d not be%ie*e She w"s witho(t the st"in o! sin )043
did not see Herse%! "s doing (ch !or Her Son )&0222
o(r ode% )0CF
Her wisdo0 the so(rce o! )072
Her $e"ce "nd tr"n;(i%it'0 the so(rce o! )&0256
ke' to the !in"% tri($h ))0CFC#CF7
wh' She is b%essed )))068
$ro$hesied in the OT )055 @Tobit 2C:22#24A @Ps"% 73A
)"c(%"te ,once$tion ))054F0546E )))068
+es(s to M& )024#5>E 53#CC
She h"d no incenti*e to sin &0634
Her *irginit'
its i$ort"nce to h("n rede$tion )053#CC
$er$et("% )0243024F03C8
Her sin%ess %i!e
s"*ed !ro sinning )))068
sin%ess b(t not $er!ect )&057>
Her (ni;(e s$irit("% (nion with +es(s
+es(sH cr' !or the co!ort o! M"r'0 His Mother )))0528
+ohnHs song o! $r"ise to Her )))0556
+es(sH %"st cr' !ro the cross &0F52
+es(s s$e"ks to M& "bo(t He "nd M"r' "s the new Ad" "nd E*e0 new !o(nders o! the H("n F"i%' &0345#343
Ho%' M"r' sees "nd !ee%s the %"shes o! the sco(rgers o! Her Son tho(gh She is in the S($$er Roo ho(se &03850F360F62
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
Her n"es:
<Second /orn= )06
Ark o! the ,o*en"nt ))0CF7E )))0777#773E )&06>5E &0CC7
Ark o! the 9ord &0483
the /e"(ti!(% O%i*e Tree )&06>5
the Tree o! Li!e &0CC7
T"bern"c%e o! the E(ch"rist @P':A "nd the Trinit' )0 237E )))0722
the 9o"n )0 568
the New E*e ))0CFC
the Ge o! P"r"dise )))0F28#F5>
the New He"*en%' +er(s"%e )&0F>4
the F(%% o! Gr"ce &0324
Mary' Holy' &$%I4>( (>:.)CT( ontinued
a(een o! Ange%s &0324
a(een o! the Priesthood &06>C
a(een o! 9isdo &04F7
Mother o! the ,h(rch &0F6>
Mother o! ,hristi"ns &036>
Mother o! the Light &0823
Mother o! the 9ord &0823
Morning St"r &0F48
D"(ghter0 Mother "nd S$o(se o! God &0447
Se"t o! "%% 9isdo &0823
)ncorr($tib%e &irgin &0447
the Ho%' /e"(ti!(% &0447
Etern"%%' Lo*ed &0447
Etern"% M"iden &0447
Ad*oc"te !or sinners0 those in need
$r"'ing in Her n"e )076C
+es(s on M"r'Hs i$ort"nce "s Ad*oc"te )026402680733073F
Her s"cri!ice in bringing sinners to +es(s ))0F7
Her re;(est to tr' to s"*e +(d"s ))0F63#F6F
Disci$%es singG$r"' to Her on the stor' Mediterr"ne"n )))05C305CF c!1 556
Medi"tri: G Medi"tress
the secret o! Her "ccessibi%it' b' sinners o*er +es(s ))0FC5#FCC
he%$ to be%ie*ers ))0FC5
intercedes !or the wedding $"rt' )05470543
intercedes !or " other o! " $"r"%'tic )036F
c"%ed the stor "t se" "nd c(red " "n ))05C3#5CF05F8
intercedes !or Peter !or %itt%e M"rKi" ))0C>F#C>8
,o#rede$tri: G ,o#rede$tress )))0C47#C4FE )&0F>60F>4
Her <'es= to the Ange% "t the Ann(nci"tion w"s "de with !(%% (nderst"nding o! the sorrow she wo(%d end(re &0856
She did ore "s ,o#rede$tri: th"n "%% the rest o! GodH $eo$%e cobined &06>C
wh"t She did w"s indis$ens"b%e to the rede$tion o! ,hrist )058E &06>C085F
She obt"ins the co!orting "nd s(st"ining Ange% !or +es(s in the G"rden so critic"% to the s(ccess o! His ission &0324
wh"t the "nge% showed +es(s th"t wonder!(%%' s(st"ined Hi "t the $oint o! His dee$est des$"ir &037C#377
Her three d"'s o! d"rkness th"t $"r"%%e%ed the F"therHs "b"ndonent o! +es(s &085F
Her re*ers"% o! E*eHs sin )0 44048
E*eHs sin0 " !o(r#br"nched tree )027C0277
obedience o! M"r' *s1 disobedience o! E*e )045#48
She re*erses E*eHs c(rsing o! ,"in !or ki%%ing her Abe% b' %o*ing "nd !orgi*ing +(d"s !or ki%%ing Her Abe% &0347#343
Her (n$"r"%%e%ed s(!!ering in 'ie%ding Her ,hi%d ($ !or the s"%*"tion o! those who wo(%d cr(ci!' Hi &037>
Her (n'ie%ding !"ith th"t +es(s wo(%d be res(rrected w"s necess"r' to co$%ete "nHs rede$tion &0F45
Her s$irit("% "ternit'0 the "gon' o! )0223
Her s(!!ering "nd "gon' o*er "nHs sin condition
tot"% bitterness )0CF3E )))0362
dee$est $"in o*er +es(sH sorrow ))037F
+es(s describes Her sorrow )&072>
wh' She w"s described "s <"%w"'s wee$ing= b' M"r' o! A%$h"e(s &056>
She wo(%d h"*e died o! Her s(!!ering h"d she not been ir"c(%o(s%' ke$t "%i*e &04420858
Her Se*en )ncre"sing Sorrows )05520 5550 5C4
!irst sorrow # SieonHs $ro$hec' "t the $resent"tion )02F>#2F7
second sorrow # the !%ight into Eg'$t )0268#28C
third sorrow # the %oss o! the chi%d +es(s )055>#555
!o(rth sorrow # de"th o! +ose$h )0555#556
!i!th sorrow # se$"r"tion !ro +es(s !or His inistr' )05C3#572
si:th sorrow # the "gon' in the G"rden0 the tri"%s o! +es(s0 "nd the 9"' o! the ,ross &03C>#F>3
se*enth sorrow # the ,r(ci!i:ion0 the de"th o! +es(s "nd His b(ri"% &0F>3#F48
is(nderstood b' re%"ti*es )05C8
Her (ni;(e re%"tionshi$ to the ,h(rch
s$irit("%%' $reeinent "s Mother e*en o*er the He"d who is ,hrist b(t ecc%esi"stic"%%' (nder Peter0 "s "%% en "re )&057>
Her reg"rd !or $r"'er
M"r' to M& on its i$ort"nce )088
M"r' te%%s M"r' o! A%$h"e(s how i$ort"nt $r"'er is to Her &0F45
M"r' o! A%$h"e(s: M"r' %i*ed on $r"'er in ties o! dee$est grie! &0C3F
M"r'Hs $r"'ers bro(ght the inc"rn"tion 23 'e"rs sooner "nd the Res(rrection 2e d"'s sooner )0C8E &0625
Her h("nit'
her str(gg%es with the nor"% h("n desire o! w"nting to be with +es(s )&0566
her %o*e "nd "!!ection !or $et %"bs ))034C
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
Maryanne o! E%ish" o! Arbe%"0 h"d " son n"ed +(d"s )))0225
Mashal0 the (tter%' de!ored "n o! Hebron0 he"%ed inst"nt%' b' +es(s ))0C85
MathiasGTobias0 the she$herd @See She$herds0 The 25 /eth%eheA
Mathias "nd Mary0 two or$h"n chi%dren %e!t to st"r*e b' )sh"e% the $h"risee "!ter their $e"s"nt $"rents died in his ser*ice b(t t"ken in b' +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"
M& reebers these chi%dren !ro )))025F0 " $re*io(s *ision which chrono%ogic"%%' t"kes $%"ce %"ter )0382
+es(s re$ro*es E%e"I"r !or dri*ing o(t these chi%dren )))0C58#CC2
entioned: )))0C8403F60654#65806CC06C4E )&0564E &0CFC0336
with the res(rrected Lord &0652#655
"t the S($$%eent"r' P"sso*er &0436
Mattathias0 " Sici%i"n "nd the %e"der o! the s'n"gog(e o! the Ro"n !reeden )&06F4
Mattathias0 h(sb"nd to S"r"h0 !"ther o! Din"h0 who "rried to Phi%%i$0 h"d borne N"oi0 Ann" "nd b"b' M"r'1
Phi%%i$ w"s re$ro"ched b' +es(s !or being ebittered tow"rd his wi!e !or not h"*ing " bo' ))0FF8#F651
Mattathias o! +ohn o! Sion0 the K(st H"sone"n )))0F64
Mattathias0 O%d0 +"cobHs re%"ti*e @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
Matthe# =5evi? o! A%$h"e(s o! ,"$ern"( @See Disci$%esA
Matthe# o! N"I"reth0 owned "n o%i*e gro*e "nd " s$ring <"bo*e= M"r'Hs $ro$ert' !ro which +ose$h ro(ted w"ter to their ho(se )025C
Matthias0 O%d o! +"besh#Gi%e"d0 "n e:#%e$er who g"*e hos$it"%it' to +es(s )))076F074>
"t the Tri($h"% entr' &0C88
+es(s "$$e"rs to hi "!ter His res(rrection &04>2#4>C
Matthias0 he"d o! the s'n"gog(e "t -edesh )))0CF50C66
+es(s "$$e"rs to hi "nd those in the s'n"gog(e "!ter His res(rrection &04>6
Matthias0 the kee$er o! one o! L"I"r(sH ho(ses in +er(s"%e &0C85
Ma0iminus0 one o! L"I"r(sH ser*"nts ))076>
Mel/ia0 Ph"risee @BA o! /eths"id"0 entioned in )))0578 @Listed "%so (nder Re%igio(s Le"dersA
Mel/iah0 his wi!e "nd chi%dren0 S"r"h "nd S"(e% o! Northern G"%i%ee0 "t the Phoenici"n border ne"r Gisc"%"0 showed hos$it"%it' to +es(s )))0C36#C34
Mel/iah "nd his sons "t the +ord"n !ord )))0788
Meroba o! ,"$ern"(0 the other who neg%ected her three chi%dren )&0286#5>5
Merod o! TirI"h0 " sister o! the wo"n o! TirI"h who "ided the Disci$%es who h"d been eKected !ro " S""rit"n cit' &05670563
Miah0 stew"rd @BA o! +oh"n"n the Ph"risee0 o*er S"(%0 +oe% "nd )s"i"h ))05330CC4E )&02F>
Miah o! ,"$ern"(0 owner o! "n o%i*e gro*e in which +es(s o!ten retired to $r"' )0CC>
Mihael o! ,"n"0 the schoo% bo' ch( o! /"rtho%oew who +(d"s (sed to !righten in "n "tte$t to get hi to $ress(re +es(s to ch"nge )))0C>8
Mihael o! So%oonHs *i%%"ge0 the bo' who c"red !or O%d An"ni"s )))0FF7
Mihael0 Litt%e0 o! E"(s on the P%"in0 the bo' with " $(re0 tender "nd ins$iring !"ith )))063>06F>
Minerva # the Ro"n goddess o! wisdo &0F6
MirRiam0 d"(ghter o! +"ir(s0 the r(%er o! the s'n"gog(e o! ,"$ern"( who +es(s he"%ed ))074706>7
she conso%es +es(s "nd o*es Hi to s$e"k in the s'n"gog(e )))073>#732
with her !"ther "t /eth"n' with "n' disci$%es )))03C8
he%$ing Ann"%e"h $re$"re !or the /"n;(et o! Lo*e )))03FF
with Phi%i$Hs two d"(ghters in ,"$ern"( who "re "%% $%edged to be *irgins )&02420245E &073F
Myrtha0 O%d0 other o! Abe% o! /eth%ehe in G"%i%ee1
+es(s s"*es hi !ro de"th !ro !"%se "cc(sers Aser "nd +"cob0 who "re sitten with %e$ros' ))0345
other re!erences )))0F>80F2>E )&04F
+es(s entr(sts the resc(ed s%"*e G"%%" @A(re"A ,i$rin" @see A(re" ,i$rin"A to M'rth" "nd Abe% @)&02C8#275A "nd N"oi @)))035803C>A
"ahum @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
"aomi0 o! Perg" "nd then E$hes(s0 w"s he%$ed b' Ho%' M"r' in /eth%ehe "t the tie o! the Edict )))0354#358E )&02C8
her son +ohn h"d bec"e he"d o! " s'n"gog(e0 "nd being he"%ed o! oncoing b%indness0 bec"e " disci$%e o! ,hrist )))0358
eets ($ with +es(s "nd His Mother "t the P"sso*er "!ter o*er C> 'e"rsE she "%so !o%%ows +es(s "s " disci$%e )))035403F6
N"oi "nd +ohn o*ed to /eth%ehe o! G"%i%ee to st"' with M'rth" "nd her son Abe% )&046
the s%"*e gir% A(re" entr(sted to her "nd M'rth" o! /eth%ehe o! G"%i%ee )&02C8
"aomi o! E$hr"i &028F
"aomi o! /eth"n'0 one o! C o! M"rth"Hs "ids "nd " n(rse ))0FC5E )))07603F6
h"d been the M"gd"%eneHs wet n(rse ))0FCC
"athanael ben Faba @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
"iodemus @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
"iolaus o! Antioch0 " $rose%'te "nd " N"I"rite0 "$$"rent%' the !o(rth chi%d o! Pto%"i o! Antioch @See Antioch gro($A )))0532
+ohn o! EndorHs !irst con*ert )))07740735
bec"e " !"ith!(% !o%%ower or ,hrist )&0380245
Koined the o!!ici"% <65 Disci$%es= o! +es(s )&0744
in /eth"n'0 +er(s"%e0 +ericho )&03>40344E&0584
on Mt1 T"bor with 3>> !o%%owers o! ,hrist "!ter the res(rrection &0458
"t the Ascension o! the Lord &046F
"iomedes0 L"I"r(sH Genti%e doctor who res$ected +es(s &0402502C024
"iomedes Phi%"de%$hi(s o! ,rete0 the renowned n"*ig"tor )))0554
"i/e @Nick'A0 is#c"%%ed <&eronic"= "!ter the !"ci"% c%oth o! the s(!!ering S"*ior0 " +ewess o! the Di"s$ori"1 Her h(sb"nd +"es h"d died1 Friend o! the
!irst sees +es(s "!ter the /"n;(et o! Lo*e )))0385#38C
"t /eth"n' where +es(s con!o(nds the dece$ti*e re%igio(s r(%ers "nd o!!ers to he%$ +es(s with the $oor )))0F57
host to +es(s "nd the Disci$%es "t her new est"te ne"r +ericho where +es(s disc(sses His $"ssion )))0F3>#F35
Nike "kes her des$er"te $%e" !or the strength to be with +es(s "t His $"ssion "nd co!ort Hi )))0F32#F35
+es(s entr(sts Eg%"h0 " 'o(ng +ewish wo"n0 to Nike who ends ($ %i*ing in " grotto in " o(nt"in )))0F4>06C2E )&0344E &0274
obt"ins " ho(se in +er(s"%e with the he%$ o! +ose$h o! Ari"the"0 ho$ing to be ne"r b' when +es(s is in +er(s"%e )&0338
he%$ed O"cch"e(s " gre"t de"% "!ter his con*ersion )&03680F680F44
gi*es hos$it"%it' to +es(s "nd his Disci$%es "t her est"te ne"r +ericho0 "nd sends the o!! with "b(nd"nt $ro*isions &048#82
she re$orts to the Disci$%es on Pi%"teHs !r(str"tion with +es(s "nd on the %"test with the Ro"n woen &0288#5>>
+es(s "t NikeHs ho(se te%%s soe in!or"nts th"t He knows o! +(d"sH betr"'"% &0C>6#C>8
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
wi$es the !"ce o! +es(s on his w"' to ,"%*"r' &0388 c!1 64>
she $resents the &eronic" to Ho%' M"r' &0FF>#FF2

4gla0 the begg"r o! Gi%g"%0 !orgi*en "!ter "n honest con!ession )))0F62#F67
contin(ed "s " disci$%e o! +es(s with Tione(s )&053
:enRamin0 Litt%e0 o! Enon in S""ri"E +es(s he%$s !ree this s%"*e bo' !ro wicked A%e:"nder0 he !o%%ows +es(s &05F5 @See (nder /enK"in0 Litt%eA
%ahael "nd Toby "re two o! se*er"% or$h"ned chi%dren o! who +oh"nn" o! N"I"reth is the gr"ndother @See (nder R"ch"e%A
MarRiam0 @+"beI o! +ohn o! +(de"A @See (nder M"rKi"A
Mathias "nd Mary0 two or$h"n chi%dren %e!t to st"r*e0 t"ken in b' +oh"nn" o! ,h(I" )))02C7 @See (nder M"thi"s "nd M"r'A
Martial @See (nder M"rti"%A
Isaa0 %uben "nd )lisha0 the three or$h"ns resc(ed b' +es(s !ro Highw"'en in S""ri" &02>702>602>4E 2C3#2C80533 @See (nder Highw"'enA
4shea o! -or"Ii @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
3alma0 d"(ghter o! the $ersistent ,"n"ne"n wo"n o! M"tthew 230 who !in"%%' !inds gr"ce )))0588
3apias0 "n o%d disci$%e o! +es(s0 who ;(estions Hi "t ,"es"re" "bo(t "rt'rdo )&038
3hara0 the innkee$er "t /oIr"h )))088
3harisees o! Capernaum: Sion0 E%i "nd .ri"h @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
3hilip @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
3hilip' Herod0 the r(%er @Tetr"rchA o! the territor' e"st o! the +ord"n "nd north o! Dec"$o%is d(ring the %i!e o! ,hrist
the !orer she$herd +on"th"n w"rns Peter "nd +es(s o! Phi%i$Hs $roc%i*it' !or re*enge tow"rd "n'one seen with one o! Herod Anti$"sH co(rtiers )0374
+es(s *isits his c"st%e in ,"es"re" "nd he"%s Dorc" "nd s"*es her newborn b"b' )))0C42#C45
+es(s re$%ies to his desire to see Hi )))0337
two en !ro His co(rt h"d becoe !o%%owers o! ,hrist &0584
3hilip o! ,"n"t"0 the rich 'o(ng r(%er who h"d "b"ndoned his re%igio(s c"%%ing !or his !"therHs b(siness @&0544A1
he did not t"ke +es(sH "d*ice to se%% the b(siness "nd gi*e "%% to the $oor )&026
3hilip o! +"cob @+"esA o! Arbe%" @)))0840222022503F60C67A
his sin!(% %i!e0 his con*ersion thro(gh his otherHs $r"'ers "nd his strong witness in /oIr"h )))084
re"ined with +es(s "!ter the /re"d o! Li!e disco(rse "t ,"$ern"( )))077F#776
eets +es(s "t +ericho @)&0F42A "nd st"'s d(ring His *isit with O"cch"e(s "nd his con*erts )&0625
"t Mt1 T"bor with the 3>> witnesses o! the res(rrected ,hrist &04C6
3hilip0 the h(sb"nd o! Din"h "nd the !"ther o! C gir%s0 A(r"0 N"oi "nd " new born b"b' gir% @))0FF8#F6>A1
+es(s h"d *isited the soetie between ,h"$ter 36 "nd 34 @)0C>4A
Phi%i$ is not "t "%% h"$$' "bo(t h"*ing "nother gir% ))0F62
+es(s re$ro*es hi ))0F62#F65
3hillip o! ,"$ern"(0 !"ther o! %itt%e D"*id )))073>
3hillip0 O%d0 "n"ger o! L"I"r(sH ho(se in S'ri" )))038
3hotinai0 the S""rit"n 9o"n ))022#2F054
she g"*e her $ro$ert' to the $oor "nd %e!t S""ri" to %e"d " %i!e o! e:$i"tion &0537
+es(s s$e"ks o! her "s one who He is %onging to see in P"r"dise &0322
3lautina @See Ro"n Nobe% 9oenA
3ontius 3ilate0 the Ro"n Proc(r"tor o*er +(de" "nd S""ri" d(ring +es(sH inistr' 'e"rs0 h(sb"nd to ,%"(di" Proc(%" @)))06>7A1
he is "cc(sed b' "n' "ngr' +ews !or being "n "cco$%ice in the c"$t(re o! the /"$tist ))0C23
Pi%"te ki%%ed " n(ber o! G"%i%e"n !o%%owers o! " !"%se Messi"h "s the' were s"cri!icing )))07C
,%"(di" te%%s +(d"s th"t she doin"tes her h(sb"nd Pi%"te )))0368
the e!!ect +es(s h"d on the co(rt o! Pi%"te thro(gh His or"% in!%(ence on ,%"(di" "nd the other Ro"n woen )&0F2#F5
&"%eri" s$e"ks to +es(s o! the in!%(ence Pi%"teHs wi!e ,%"(di" h"d on hi in reg"rds to +es(s )&0675
the +ewish Te$%e r(%ers "re h(i%i"ted be!ore Pi%"te0 who is c%e"r%' "nno'ed b' their h'$ocritic"% w"'s &065#63
E%iI" "t E$hr"i re$orts o! Pi%"teHs thre"t to the S"nhedrin0 reinding the who "dinisters K(stice in P"%estine &0288
Nike re$orts th"t Pi%"te wo(%d K(st "s soon get rid o! +es(s K(st to ;(e%% the t(roi% cre"ted b' the re%igio(s %e"ders &0288
+es(s s$e"ks to L"I"r(s o! Ponti(s Pi%"teHs *"ci%%"ting ch"r"cter "nd his greed' "nd $ro(d ego &05>4#5>8
L"I"r(s s$e"ks to +es(s o! the re"ctions o! Pi%"te to the $ress(res o! the S"nhedrin &0C75#C7C
Pi%"teHs incredib%e res$onse to L"I"r(sH re;(est !or consider"tion !or +es(s &0C75#C7C
+es(s on tri"% be!ore Pi%"te &0334#3F>0 3F5#3F4
Roe condened "nd <cens(red= the "ctions o! Pi%"te in reg"rd to +es(s &08>2
+es(s s$e"ks to M& on Pi%"teHs s$irit("% indi!!erence "nd his !"i%(re to render K(stice in His c"se &03F4#36C
3orphirea0 o! /eths"id"0 PeterHs eek0 doci%e b(t chi%d%ess wi!e @))072A0 who h"d "rried brothers with !"i%ies @ )0C28#C55E ))0720742E )&0CC7A1
her doineering other contin("%%' co$%"ined "bo(t Peter ))02870C55E )))06>>E )&025502880655
Peter describes her *irt(es "nd his e"r%iest "ttr"ction to her bec"(se o! the ))07>C
+es(s !irst eets her "nd is in*ited to st"' the night in the h(b%e hoe )05F8#56>
she took the %oss o! Peter to +es(s with re"% herois )03C6#3C4
her (nse%!ish de*otion to PeterHs interests ))05>>#5>205>C
with the gre"test Ko' she obt"ins M"rKi" to r"ise ))0742
+es(s $r"ises her (n(s("% kindness "nd $(re sincere hos$it"%it' ))03C3
she h"d "n i%%ness th"t "de it di!!ic(%t to tr"*e% )))05>>0C640C8803>7
she is on her w"' with +es(s "nd the Disci$%es to +er(s"%e !or the !irst tie in "n' 'e"rs )))037F
she greets "nd co!orts M"rKi" with her ebr"ces "!ter the %oss o! his gr"nd!"ther )&0242
she sh"res with +es(s her dee$ sorrow o! ne*er !ee%ing %o*ed )&0CC5
+es(s e:to%s her *irt(e "nd gi*es her i$ort"nt instr(ctions !or M"rKi" to not coe to P"sso*er )&0C58#CC5
3tolmai0 the gr"ndson o! O%d Phi%%i$ o! Antioch0 the essenger who took the %etters o! S'nt'che "nd +ohn o! Endor to L"I"r(s )))0377
3tolmai @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
3ublius Vuintilianus0 " Ro"n o!!icer st"tioned in ,"es"re" @See (nder Ro"n So%diersA
3ublius (ulpiius Vuirinus0 the i$eri"% de%eg"te who iss(ed the cens(s !or )sr"e% "t the tie o! ,hristHs birth )0C42
3yrrho0 the Greek ske$tic @C63#563 /,A who t"(ght th"t "%% know%edge inc%(ding those o! the senses is (ncert"in1 &072>
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
3ythagoras )&0F8306670663
Vuintilianus @See Ro"n So%diers0 P(b%i(s a(inti%i"n(sA
Vuintus "nd $1uila0 Ro"n so%diers who "cco$"nied P(b%i(s a(inti%i"n(s who took d'ing +on"h to Ho%' M"r' in his c"rt )0346 @See Ro"n So%diersA
Vuintus o! Perg"0 " son o! " He%%enist +ewish !"ther !ro )coni( who "rried " Ro"n !ro Antioch in ,i%ici" )&07FC @Listed (nder Ro"n So%diersA
shows ($ "t the Te$%e "t T"bern"c%es to he"r +es(s @$ossib%' the s"e "s "bo*eA )&07FC
is on d(t' "t the Te$%e "!ter the Fe"st o! T"bern"c%es "nd greets +es(s )&036>
%ahel o! the Esdr"e%on P%"inE +es(s "$$e"rs to her "!ter His res(rrection "nd brings her de"d h(sb"nd M"rk b"ck to %i!e &0424#45C
%ahel o! E$hr"i &0283
%ahel0 O%d o! -or"Ii @BA )))02F5
%ahel "nd Toby0 two o! the se*er"% or$h"ned gr"ndchi%dren o! +oh"nn" o! ,"n" )))026C#263
R"che% is $roised " he"%ing b' the s"cri!ice o! M"rKi" "nd the !ie%ds to be b%essed )))026C#263
both $roises "re !(%!i%%ed )))0CC3
%ebea0 the d"(ghter o! ,%eo$"s0 the s"nd"% "ker )))0386#384
%)5IGI4>( 5)$D)%( @GQ G"%i%e"n .Q+(de"nA @(aQS"dd(cee (QScribe 3hQPh"riseeA @TQ-nown Friends o! +es(sA M"n' o! these n"es were t"ken !ro
%istings o! g(ests "t L"I"r(sH de"thbed @&06#2>A0 his !(ner"% @&0C5#7>A0 his res(rrection @&076#34A0 "t the in!"o(s eeting in +er(s"%e with +(d"s @)&0668#647A0
"nd +es(sH $erson"% reb(kes to the r(%ers in the Te$%e @)))0387A1 L"I"r(s te%%s +es(s o! the ior"%it' "nd h'$ocris' o! "n' o! the re%igio(s %e"ders @)06C7A1
There "re 24 o! the !o%%owing 6F re%igio(s %e"ders who "re identi!ied in The Poem "s ebers o! the S"nhedrin0 " bod' th"t n(bered 6> !ro "%% o*er )sr"e%1
Twent' one @52A o! these 6F %e"ders were known to be !riend%' to +es(s1
"t L"I"r(sH !(ner"% &0C6
entioned in the gro($ in*o%*ed with the !irst i$risonent "nd tri"% o! Peter in Acts 7:F
$nnas o! "ahum0 @ScA0 High Priest eerit(s @&0332A0 !"ther#in#%"w to ,"i"$h"s the "ct("% High Priest @+0ScA @)0FF8E &0C6A0 h"d ore th"n one son @)06C7A
+ohnHs !"i%' h"d b(siness re%"tions @s($$%'ing !ishA with Ann"s "nd ,"i"$h"s )0CFC
re%"ted to Dor"s0 son o! Dor"s &033>
!"ther o! %itt%e reKected Sh"%e &0C73
+es(s is tried be!ore Ann"s &0C74#C3>0C32
h"d " corr($t son n"ed E%e"I"r )))0F23
$nnas9 older =E? son0 E%e"I"r @+A &0C60 S"nhedrin @&0C42A
+(d"s s$e"ks o! the (nho%' "rri"ge S"doc "rr"nged !or hi &0C35
"t L"I"r(sH !(ner"% &0C6
$nnas9 younger =E? son0 @+A0 "t L"I"r(sH !(ner"% &0C6
*isited the d'ing L"I"r(s with others o! +es(sH eneies "nd "t L"I"r(sH !(ner"% &02>0C6
*isited L"I"r(s with other +(de"ns0 knowing +es(s w"s there &0C34
$srael0 " R"bbi o! the Te$%e0 the senior e:"iner o! 'o(ng en ))0C26
Caiaphas0 the "ct("% Ponti!! or High Priest "nd de$(t' to Ann"s0 the retired High PriestE he "rried the d"(ghter o! Ann"s @)06CCA0 S"nhedrin @&0C68A1
h"d b(siness re%"tionshi$ @bo(ght dried !ishA with Oebedee "nd his sons )0CFC
his ho(se w"s so(th o! the cit' o! +er(s"%e )))034F
eeting with +(d"s in +er(s"%e )&0664#643
in the Te$%e "!ter the res(rrection o! L"I"r(s &0F4#6F
+es(s on tri"% be!ore ,"i"$h"s &0332#333
+(d"s throws the betr"'"% one' in the !"ce o! ,"i"$h"s &0366
Callasebona the E%der @ )0FF8A
eeting with +(d"s in +er(s"%e )&0668
"t L"I"r(sH !(ner"% &0C6
Cornelius0 @PhA
"t dinner with +ose$h o! Ari"the" "nd +es(s )0F>4
"cc(sed b' +es(s in the Te$%e o! c(rsing his $"rents )))0387
"t " eeting with +(d"s in +er(s"%e )&0664#643
*isited the d'ing L"I"r(s "t his !(ner"% "nd "t his res(rrection &02>0CC036
with +(d"s "king !in"% "rr"ngeents !or betr"'"% &074F
Doras0 !"ther o! Dor"s @G0 PhA0 *er' $ower!(% Ph"risee e*en with Ann"s @)034CA0 re%"ti*e o! +oh"n"n the Ph"risee @)0366A0 h"d " son "%so n"ed Dor"s @)))0C5A1
istre"ted /eth%ehe she$herd ser*"nts0 +on"h "nd )s"i"h )07FF
+es(s b%essed his est"te in ho$e it wo(%d diinish Dor"sH cr(e%t' tow"rd his $e"s"nts )07650 )&0F86
how he ens%"*ed +on"h "nd other ser*"nts "nd de"nded do(b%e $"'ent !ro L"I"r(s who tried to $(rch"se his !reedo )03320334
+es(sH con!ront"tion with Dor"s o*er +on"h "nd the c(rse on his est"te )0366
w"s str(ck de"d b' GodHs K(stice when he c"e to +es(s de"nding the c(rse be %i!ted )0F4>0F4F0F440F8206CC
%)5IGI4>( 5)$D)%( ontinued
M"tthi"s te%%s +es(s th"t Dor"s h"d coe to the /"$tist to be b"$tiIed "nd w"s re!(sed0 "nd to%d to go the Messi"h to get His sins !orgi*en )0F44
the c(rse becoes ob*io(s !or "%% to see ))053F#5360583
+es(s s$e"ks to M"rKi" "bo(t the need o! !orgi*ing e*i% Dor"s !or cr(e%t' to his gr"nd!"ther0 +on"h ))0CFF#CF6
his r(ined est"te $(rch"sed b' +oh"n"n0 his Ph"risee neighbor ))0FF2
Doras0 son o! Dor"s @GA0 re%"ted to Ann"s the High Priest @))0572E&033>A
c(rses +es(s "t +er(s"%e "t the Fe"st o! T"bern"c%es )))0C5
"cc(sed b' +es(s o! inK(stice to the $oor )))0387
eeting with +(d"s in +er(s"%e )&0664#643
*isited the d'ing L"I"r(s0 w"s "t his !(ner"% "nd "t his res(rrection &02>0C6036
Doro0 the E%der
"t /eth"n' )))0F5C
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
eeting with +(d"s in +er(s"%e )&0664#643
)hi0 " r"bbi who s$e"ks to +es(s in S""ri" &0576
)leasar ben 3arta0 ch"%%enges +es(s "t Lebon"h in S""ri" &0576
)leazar the 3harisee=T?0 <%ess ent"ng%ed in= o%d theories o! )sr"e% @)))0C53#CC2AE S"nhedrin @&0C42AE @)&0C>8E &078A
he "nd +ohn the Ph"risee w"rn +es(s o! the e*i% $%"ns o! the S"nhedrin &0C380CF>
" !riend o! +ose$h o! Ari"the" &0C42
tried to K(sti!' +es(s in the Te$%e )))0335033C0FC>
"t ,h(I"Hs co(ntr' ho(se with the "n' who w"nted +es(s to o*erthrow Herod )&0C25#C57
s($$orts +es(s )&0F>5E&0C6B
in the Te$%e "!ter the res(rrection o! L"I"r(s with Nicode(sE +ose$h o! Ari"the"0 E%i"I"r the Ph"risee0 "nd G""%ie% who de!end +es(s &0F806>
he0 with +ohn o! the S"nhedrin0 re!(sed to coe to the tri"% o! +es(s on Frid"' orning &0335
)leazar' son o! $nnas @+A0 !riend o! the Procons(% @)0C440FF8A According to +ewish records he w"s high $riest in in 2F#26 AD
"cc(sed b' +es(s o! or"% corr($tion )))03870F23
his horrib%e crie th"t ended GodHs gr"ce on the Te$%e s'ste "nd )sr"e% )))0F23
"t L"I"r(sH de"thbed0 "t his !(ner"%0 "nd "t his res(rrection &0807>0C6078
s$e"ks to +(d"s o! the honor he wi%% h"*e b' betr"'ing ,hrist &0C42
)li o! ,"$ern"( @G0ScA @)03>F06>7E&0F>FA
+es(s te%%s the crowd "t /eths"id" th"t Sion0 E%i0 .ri"h "nd +o"chi "re "g"inst hi "nd wi%% be His eneies )03>F
E%i0 Sion "nd +o"chi interr($t the b"n;(et M"tthew g"*e !or +es(s )032F
+es(s he"%s his sn"ke bitten gr"ndson ))064
in*ites +es(s to dinner ))04C#47046
"sterinded the /"$tistHs !in"% "rrest ))05>>
is h(b%ed b' " Ro"n cent(rion "!ter interr($ting +es(s in the s'n"gog(e )&0243024F
"t the !(ner"% o! L"I"r(s &0C6
)lias=T? @GA @&0C6A0 %ike%' the E%i"s0 " r(%er who "b"ndons his $osition in the Te$%e "!ter the cr(ci!i:ion to !o%%ow ,hrist @&04C6A1
note th"t he is entioned in &0C6 "t the !(ner"% o! L"I"r(s ne:t to " +ose$h @$erh"$s the +ose$h o! ,inti( who "%so h"s br"*e%' broken r"nks with the r(%ers
"ccording to +es(s in &04C6A1
Feli0 o! the S"nhedrin @+A @&0C6A
"t dinner with +ose$h o! Ari"the" "nd +es(s )0F>4
eeting with +(d"s in +er(s"%e )&0668
*isited the d'ing L"I"r(s0 w"s "t his !(ner"% "nd "t his res(rrection &02>0C6036
Gamaliel=T? @+A0 S"nhedrin @&0C42A0 the gre"test r"bbi o! +es(sH d"' "!ter the $"ssing o! Hi%%e% in +es(s bo'hood1 He %i*ed in G""%"0 +(de" @&0576A0 "greed
with +es(sH *iew th"t )sr"e%Hs s%"*er' "nd the Messi"hHs kingdo were both s$irit("% conce$ts @)&0724A0 b(t co(%d not "cce$t +es(sH *iew o! His (tter se%!#deni"%
"nd de"th "s the e"ns o! )sr"e%Hs de%i*er"nce "nd the -ingdo @&0232A
his e:ch"nge with the "do%escent +es(s in the Te$%e )0527#528
he he"rs +es(sH $ro$hec' o! the Te$%e stones being sh"ken )0 528
C> 'e"rs o! si%ence th"t !o%%owed the "$$e"r"nce o! the 9ise Men "nd the she$herdHs "cco(nt o! the /eth%ehe e*ents the' s$re"d "%% o*er )sr"e% c"(sed hi
do(bt the Messi"nic ties h"d coe !ee%ing it cert"in%' h"d been $ost$oned )0736
co(%d not be%ie*e the Messi"h wo(%d coe in the h(b%e !or +es(s "ni!est in His $(b%ic inistr' )0 736
+es(s eets G""%ie% "t +ose$h o! Ari"the"Hs b"n;(et )0F>3#F25
"ditted th"t +es(s c"e !ro God "nd w"s <the gre"test "n in )sr"e%= )0F5CE )))07C4
+es(s describes G""%ie% ))0635
+es(s eets hi "g"in "t Hi%%e%Hs se$(%cher "nd s$e"ks o! the resist"nce o! o%d )sr"e% cre"ted b' too (ch science "nd too %itt%e %o*e "nd h(i%it' ))06C
+es(s s$e"ks to Ste*en "bo(t G""%ie%Hs concern o*er Er"ste(s the Phi%istine )))073#7F
de!ends Ste*en "g"inst b%"s$he' in the Te$%e )))0352
his (tter horror o*er the sc"nd"% in*o%*ing <High Priest eerit(s= Ann"s "nd his son E%e"I"r )))0F2F
G""%ie% "nd +es(s h"*e "n i$ort"nt e:ch"nge "!ter +es(s de%i*ers "n i$ort"nt ess"ge in the Te$%e "t the T"bern"c%es )&07F4#76>
+es(s te%%s +(d"s th"t <the gre"t doctor o! )sr"e%= wi%% be reb(ked b' " Ro"n dec(rion "t His <"ss($tion= L"s " s"cri!iceM )&0FC4
w"s "t the !(ner"% o! L"I"r(s "nd "%so "t his res(rrection &0CF#C4078#3>034
in the Te$%e "!ter the res(rrection o! L"I"r(s: Nicode(s0 +ose$h o! Ari"the"0 E%i"I"r the Ph"risee0 "nd G""%ie% de!end +es(s1 &0F8#62
s"id to h"*e been working on " writing $roKect with his son &0C4F @he "%so recorded " Te$%e ess"ge o! +es(s with $"r"%%e%s to Hebrews )&07F3A
+es(s in the Te$%e "t P"sso*er s$e"ks $(b%ic%' b(t s$eci!ic"%%' to G""%ie% L+ohn 25:C>#3>M &0747#74F
the Oe"%ot te%%s +es(s o! G""%ie%Hs *iew o! Hi on the d"' o! the betr"'"% &0358
G""%ie% "nd his son Sion w"%k o(t o! the i%%eg"% tri"% o! +es(s be!ore ,"i"$h"s &0335
G""%ie% gets his $roised sign "nd r(shes to Go%goth" to con!ess his sin "nd b%indness "nd to "sk !or erc' "nd is reb(ked b' " so%dier &0F57#F53
G""%ie% "rg(es with his st(dent S"(% o*er the inK(stice to Ste*en &08>3#8>4
+es(s e:$%"ins to M& the c"(se o! G""%ie%Hs in"bi%it' to gr"s$ the tr(th tho(gh he w"s " K(st "n &082>#822
%)5IGI4>( 5)$D)%( ontinued
G""%ie% con!esses to Ho%' M"r' "nd +ohn his own b%indness "nd sorrow o*er his !"i%(re to be%ie*e &0823#85>
Haggai o! AIot(s @PhA "nd +ose$h o! R""h0 Ph"risees who "cc(sed +es(s o! "$$ro"ching Ro"ns "t ,"es"re" @))032A
Hananiah0 O%d @+0Ph0ScA0 S"nhedrin @&0C680C45A
"t dinner with )sh"e% /en F"bi0 E%e"I"r "nd +es(s @)))0C530C5F0C58A
"cc(sed o! inK(stice to the $oor )))0387
"t L"I"r(sH !(ner"% &0C60C8
"t " eeting with +(d"s in +er(s"%e )&0664#643
"t L"I"r(sH de"th bed0 "t his !(ner"% "nd "t his res(rrection &060C6036
Hania @ScA ))076>
Hel/ai @+0PhA0 eber o! the S"nhedrin
"t L"I"r(sH ho(se "!ter P"sso*er0 crowded with both disci$%es "nd eneies o! +es(s: <The chi%dren o! this kingdo wi%% be thrown o(t1= )))0F5C
in the Te$%e "t Pentecost in " deb"te with +es(s )))04>6042>
he is reb(ked b' +es(s "t his dinner t"b%e0 "nd %"ter o$en%' s$e"ks o! ki%%ing +es(s "nd (sing +(d"s "nd (rdering hi "%so )))0422#45>
/eth#Horon0 the town doin"ted b' the h"tred "nd briber' o! He%k"i thro(gh " $roinent citiIen "nd " re%"ti*e o! his )&0F5F#FC5
" eeting with +(d"s in +er(s"%e )&0664#643
"t L"I"r(sH de"th bed0 "t his !(ner"%0 "nd "t his res(rrection &060580C6
h(i%i"ted b' Pi%"te in the Antoni" &065#63
"!ter the eeting with +(d"s0 he st"tes th"t both +es(s "nd +(d"s wi%% die &0C4F
his ho(se w"s b(rnt down !ro " %ightening strike "t the de"th o! +es(s &0F7C
!orced b' +ohnHs str"ng%eho%d to "sk !orgi*eness !ro Ho%' M"r' 9ho he h"d ins(%ted in the street &0F77E&06F6
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
He%k"i is enr"ged th"t he c"nnot contro% those "ro(nd hi who "re ne"r%' "d with the news o! the res(rrection o! ,hrist &042F#426
Isaa &0C6
Isaiah0 reb(ked b' +es(s ne"r +ericho o*er the "tter o! di*orce "nd re"rri"ge )))0F73
Ishmael :en Fabi0 the Ph"risee o! Megiddo @G0PhA @&0C6A
dro*e o(t two or$h"ns0 M"r' "nd M"tthi"s0 to st"r*e )))0258
in*ited +es(s to dinner0 +es(s he"%s " "n in his ho(se on the S"bb"th )))0C28#CC5
"cc(sed b' +es(s o! inK(stice to the $oor )))0387
"cc(sed M"n"en o! being (nc%e"n !or c"ring !or his horse )&045C
brings ($ the he"%ing o! the "n in his ho(se o*er " 'e"r be!ore to "cc(se +es(s o! S"bb"th *io%"tion be!ore ,"i"$h"s &0335
Ishmael0 "nother @BA &0C6 c!1 C8
.aob0 " R"bbi o! the Te$%e0 "n "ssist"nt to the e:"iner o! 'o(ng en @))0C26A
$erh"$s the +"cob o! the Te$%e th"t "cco$"nied S"doc "nd +oe% A%"oth "nd other r(%ers to test +es(s with the $ro$hetess S"be" )&0622
.oahim=T? o! /oIr"h0 o! the S"nhedrin @)))0F27A
his wi!e c(red o! %e$ros' )))02>FE )&0C2C
"t L"I"r(sH ho(se with other !riends o! +es(s )))0F27
+es(s gent%' re$ro*es hi "t ,h(I"Hs co(ntr' ho(se with "n' others whoH*e been is%ed "nd he ;(ick%' re$ents )&0C250C240C52
s($$orts +es(s )&0F>5
+es(s "$$e"rs to hi "nd his wi!e M"r' "!ter His res(rrection &04>>
.oahim o! ,"$ern"(0 "%re"d' "g"inst +es(s "nd wo(%d becoe His ene' @)03>FA
te$ts +es(s to he"% on the S"bb"th ))0F4>#F42
"t " eeting with +(d"s in +er(s"%e @BA @)&0668A
"t the !(ner"% o! L"I"r(s &0C6
.oahim0 Another0 @one th"t M& does not recogniIeA @)&0668A
"t the eeting with +(d"s )&0668
.oazar &0C6
.oel=T? @$lamothA o! AbiK"h @ScA0 eber o! the S"nhedrin @&0C>4A
"t the +ord"n in the e$isode with $ro$hetess S"be" )&0F86#625
becoes " be%ie*er in +es(s )&06>80622
" witness to the res(rrection o! L"I"r(s &078034
now " tr(e de*otee o! ,hrist &0C>60C230C2F07C6
.ohanah the Ph"risee0 his res$ect !or +es(s )))0C5
.ohanan ben Uaai @G0Sc0PhA0 @)&084088E &0F>FA
cr(e% %"ndowner "dK"cent to the est"te o! his re%"ti*e0 Dor"s )0366#364
his ser*"nts: Mic"h0 S"(%0 +owehe%0 "nd )s"i"h )0342
bo(ght o(t the est"te "!ter the c(rse on Dor"s ))0FF2
"cc(sed b' +es(s in the Te$%e o! inK(stice to the $oor @or $ossib%' the ne:t +oh"n"nA )))0387
!e"r o! wh"t h"$$ened to O%d Dor"s ke$t hi !or on%' " short tie !ro being "s cr(e% to his $e"s"nts "s he w"s )))0F>7#F>3
re$ro"ches +es(s !or restoring " bird nest on his $ro$ert' on the S"bb"th0 +es(s s"'s he wi%% ki%% " other "nd her sons )&08F#84
"t the !(ner"% o! L"I"r(s &0C8
.ohanan the S"dd(cee @)0C44E &0C6A
distinct !ro $re*io(s +oh"n"n &0C6
"cc(sed b' +es(s in the Te$%e o! inK(stice to the $oor @ore %ike%' +oh"n"n0 the Ph"risee "bo*eA )))0387
.ohn the Ph"risee0 o! G""sh o! the S"nhedrin @&0C42A0 @S"e "s +ohn Anti$"tridesBA
he "nd E%e"I"r w"rn +es(s o! the e*i% $%"ned b' the S"nhedrin &0C380CF>
.ohn=T? @$ntipasA !ro Anti$"tris@desA0 " Ph"risee @&0CF>A o! the S"nhedrin @&0C42A0 o%d !riend o! Herod the Gre"t0 owned the G""sh &"%%e' @)&0C>8E &0C42A0
!riend o! Phi%i$ @&0C6A0 s($$orts +es(s @)&0F>5A1
"t dinner with +ose$h o! Ari"the" "nd +es(s )0F>40F2>
"t L"I"r(sH ho(se "t the %"st P"sso*er "nd w"s with " Phi%i$ )))0F2C0F27
+es(sH co(nse% !or his serio(s "rit"% $rob%es )))0645
+es(sH Ko' !or the so(% who is o*ercoing sin )))068604>C
%)5IGI4>( 5)$D)%( ontinued
L"I"r(s re$orts to +es(s th"t he h"d coe to !(%% !"ith in Hi "s Messi"h "nd th"t his wi!e w"s "bo(t to h"*e " chi%d &0525
re!(sed to coe to the tri"% o! +es(s &0335
w"s r"ther n"i*e "bo(t the other r(%ers be%ie*ing ,hrist sho(%d L"I"r(s be res(rrected &0CF
be%ie*ed +es(s the Son o! God "nd wished th"t +es(s co(%d be "t the circ(cision o! his ho$ed to be son &0525#52C0CF>
he "nd E%e"I"r w"rns +es(s o! the e*i% $%"ned b' the S"nhedrin &0C38#CF> 0C42
.ohn the Priest=T?0 o%d0 "n e:#%e$er @))063CA
the Oe"%ot t"kes +es(s to /en Hinno to +ohn the %e$ro(s $riest0 who is he"%ed ))0C>3
he is dri*en !ro te$%e ser*ice "nd !inds +es(s ))063C#637
+es(s "sks hi to bring soe o! his o%d Le*ite !riends sti%% ser*ing in the Te$%e who seek the tr(th )))0CC
he brings o%d +on"th"n @" !riend o! the !"ther o! the /"$tistA "nd 'o(ng O"ch"ri"s to sh"re " e"% with +es(s "t L"I"r(sH $"%"ce in +er(s"%e )))075#77
re"ined with +es(s "!ter the /re"d o! Li!e disco(rse "t ,"$ern"( )))077F#776 @See "%so )))03520F>3E )&027503>40344#348E &0584A
w"s " disci$%e o! Nicode(s )&0767
.ohn the Scribe S2=T? @G0ScA @)&0C25A
+es(s he"%s his %e$ro(s ser*"nt ))024C0247
c"tered the S"bb"th e"%s d(ring the Seron on the Mo(nt ))0247#24F0637
no do(bt the scribe th"t +es(s sees "t the co(ntr' ho(se o! ,h(I" with "n' other o! His !riends who h"d been is%e"d )&0C24
.ohn the Scribe S5=T? @)&0C25A !ro +er(s"%e@BA
"t the !irst (%ti$%ic"tion o! %o"*es0 +es(s he"%s his sick son ))067>067C
+es(s s"id he sti%% h"d o%d con*ictions within hi e*en "!ter he "cce$ted the reb(ke o! +es(s ))067>#672
w"%ked o(t "t +es(sH h"rd ess"ge on the E(ch"rist )))0776
sti%% res$ected +es(s "s " good "n0 b(t not "s Messi"h &078
.ohn' "nother
with the eneies o! +es(s "t L"I"r(sH de"thbed &06
entioned with the gro($ th"t "rrested "nd tried Peter the !irst tie @Acts 7:FA
.onah o! /"bon &0C6
.onathan o! >ziel0 the Ph"risee descend"nt o! Sion the +(st @))075>A
one o! the Ph"risees who "ccosted +es(s "nd the Disci$%es !or e"ting gr"in on the S"bb"th ))0724#75>
+es(s $ro$hesied th"t he wo(%d seek Hi o(t to destro' Hi %"ter e*en tho(gh he s"id he ne*er w"nted to see +es(s "g"in ))0752
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
the +on"th"n "cc(sed b' +es(s o! inK(stice to the $oor @BA or ne:t entr' )))0387
sent o(t S"(e%0 one o! his disci$%es0 to c"$t(re +es(s &02F>0282
.onathan ben >riel
the +on"th"n "cc(sed b' +es(s o! inK(stice to the $oor @BA or $erh"$s the $re*io(s entr' )))0387
w"s "t L"I"r(sH !(ner"% with his !"ther0 .rie% &0C6072
w"s the one entioned "s %osing "n' o! his disci$%es to +es(s &0C47
.onathan ben $nnas
"t L"I"r(sH de"th bed &08
.onathan=T?0 the o%d Le*ite !riend o! +ohn0 the o%d $riest "nd !riend o! the !"ther o! the /"$tist )))075#7C
.oseph o! R""h @PhA "nd H"gg"i o! AIot(s0 Ph"risees who "cc(sed +es(s o! "$$ro"ching Ro"ns "t ,"es"re" ))032
.oseph the )t(r"e"n0 " non#+ewish E%der on d(t' "t the Te$%e in +er(s"%e )0F2F
.oseph0 Another @s"e "s ne:t or one o! $re*io(s twoBA @M& does not "$$e"r to h"*e seen hi be!oreA "t " eeting with +(d"s )sc"riot )&0668
.oseph=T?' @GA @s"e "s $re*io(sBA "t the !(ner"% o! L"I"r(s &0C6
$ossib%' the +ose$h o! ,inti( who "!ter the cr(ci!i:ion bo%d%' broke with the Te$%e "nd Koins +es(s "s he is entioned "s ne:t to "n E%i"s in &0C6 who
"%so broke with the Te$%e "ccording to +es(s in &04C6
.oseph o! Cintium=T? @s"e "s $re*io(sBA0 " re%igio(s r(%er who bre"ks !ro the est"b%ishent to Koin +es(s "!ter the cr(ci!i:ion &04C6
LNote: " other !ro ,inti( with " b%ind bo' !inds he"%ing !ro +es(s &0728M
.oseph o! $rimathea=T?' the E%der @)054FA0 ,o(nse%or o! the S"nhedrin @)0C44A
his c"re%ess indi!!erence to the $oor in the Te$%e0 +es(s c%e"nses the Te$%e )054F
he "nd Nicode(s %istening to the )sc"riot ch"$ion the works o! ,hrist )073F
with +es(s "nd G""%ie% "t his hoe in Ari"the" !or " b"n;(et )0F>3#F25
$roises to "cco$"n' Peter "t the e:"in"tion o! M"rKi" )05820C23#C28
he s$e"ks with concern "bo(t +es(s kee$ing Er"ste(s the Phi%istine0 +ohn o! Endor "nd S'nt'che )))07F#76
in the Te$%e0 +ose$h ch"%%enges G""%ie%Hs re%(ct"nce to coe to !"ith in ,hrist "s Messi"h )))0352
"t /eth"n' with Nicode(s "nd +es(s disc(ssing +(d"sH !r"ntic deb"te in the Te$%e )))03CC#3C7
+ose$h "nd Nicode(s disc(ss with +es(s the heino(s crie o! E%e"I"r0 son o! Ann"s the High Priest0 "nd his i$risonent o! " witness )))0F23
"t the est"te o! +ose$h o! Ari"the"0 his generosit' to the $oor0 the ir"c%e o! the (%ti$%'ing she"*es )))0666
!ir%' con!esses his !"ith in the di*init' o! ,hrist )))0645
+ose$h "nd Nicode(s in " secret eeting where +es(s s$e"ks !r"nk%' "nd "t %ength o! their wrong *iew o! Messi"h )&02780 23>#235
"t ,h(I"Hs co(ntr' ho(se with "n' others decei*ed into thinking the' sho(%d tr' to get +es(s to o*erthrow Herod )&0C52
he "nd +es(s s$e"k o! S'nt'che "nd the now dece"sed +ohn o! Endor )&078F
he%$ed Nike get " ho(se in +er(s"%e )&0338
+es(s (st correct +ose$h !or his $reK(dice "g"inst the %itt%e Ro"n bo'0 M"rti"% )&0382#385
+ose$h ;(iets " t((%t in +er(s"%e o*er the tre"tent the re%igio(s r(%ers were gi*ing to /"rtho%"i0 who +es(s he"%ed on the S"bb"th )&0F>>#F>2
he con!ronts +(d"s with his %'ing "bo(t h"*ing set +es(s ($ !or " he"%ing on the S"bb"th )&0F2>
took in %itt%e M"rti"% "!ter his st"' with +ose$h o! Se$horis )&04>3E &043
he disc(sses the (nrest o! the $eo$%e "nd the decision o! the r(%ers to "ttend L"I"r(sH !(ner"% des$ite being dri*en o!! the est"te b' M"r' &0CC#C6
"t the res(rrection o! L"I"r(s &0780360FF
in the Te$%e "!ter the res(rrection o! L"I"r(s0 Nicode(s0 +ose$h o! Ari"the"0 E%i"I"r the Ph"risee0 "nd G""%ie% de!end +es(s &0F806>
he in!ors +es(s o! the "rrest w"rr"nt K(st iss(ed b' the S"nhedrin &046
+ose$h "nd Nicode(sH secret eeting with +es(s &0278#236
+ose$hHs st"nd "g"inst the S"nhedrinHs $%"n to e%iin"te +es(s "nd his e:c%(sion !ro their eetings &03540C42
+ose$h "ngri%' deno(nces the S"nhedrin "t +es(sH tri"% be!ore ,"i"$h"s "nd goes to in!or the Ro"n "(thorities &033C
%)5IGI4>( 5)$D)%( ontinued
he reb(kes the chie! $riests "t the cr(ci!i:ion &0F2F
+ose$h "nd Nicode(s go to the Procons(% @Pi%"teA to re;(est the bod' o! +es(s "nd r(n into G""%ie% &0F5C#F57
with the woen0 Nicode(s "nd +ohn !ro the cross to b(ri"% &0F5F#F76
+ose$h "nd Nicode(s bring 'rrh "nd "%oe to the <S($$er Roo= ho(se &0F68
the res(rrected +es(s "$$e"rs to +ose$h0 Nicode(s "nd M"n"en &065C#653
M"r' is o!!ered the ho(se in Gethse"ne b' L"I"r(s "nd +ose$h &048>
.oshua=T?0 " eber o! the S"nhedrin @)))0F27A
"t the ho(se o! L"I"r(s with other !riends o! +es(s )))0F27
*isited the d'ing L"I"r(s with !riends o! +es(s &08
"t L"I"r(sH !(ner"% &0C7
.udas0 " descend"nt o! the Aside"ns @s"e "s ne:t entr'BA &0C6
.udas=T? o! /eth#Horon o! the H"sid"e"ns0 the %"st o! the tr(e H"sid"e"ns @s"e "s $re*io(s entr'BA0 eber o! the S"nhedrin )))0F270F23@BA
!riend o! M"tt"thi"s the Ason"e"n &0C>6#C>8
/eth#Horon @hoe o! He%k"i the Ph"riseeA0 where +es(s he"%ed " Ro"n so%dier be!ore " re%"ti*e o! his )&0F55
becoes " new %"te disci$%e o! +es(s &0C>6
Matan=T? @"atanA0 the o%d Priest who Koins +es(s in +er(s"%e "nd $ro$hecies )&0348
Mattathias0 O%d +"cobHs re%"ti*e &0C6
Mil/ia o! /eths"id" )))1578
"ahum0 !"ther o! Ann"s @&0CF>A "nd his Tr(stee @)0FF8E )&068FA
"t L"I"r(sH !(ner"% &0C6
he w"s the !"ther o! the (nw"nted de!ored %itt%e bo' n"ed Sh"%e &C7C#C730C3>
w"s stricken down with ins"nit' the d"' o! the LordHs de"th0 "nd the s"e d"' "nother son o! his w"s ki%%ed b' " !"%%ing w"%% &06F6
"atan0 @See MatanA
"athanael ben Faba @+A @)&0C>8A
eeting with +(d"s in +er(s"%e )&0664#643
"t L"I"r(sH !(ner"% &0C6
"iodemus=T?0 the he"d o! the +(de"ns @&0F2FA0 " eber o! the S"nhedrin @&0C42A0 h"d inherited ho(ses "nd !ie%ds be'ond E"(s @)))0674A0 his hoe w"s
in R""h @)&0F22A1
in " con*ers"tion with +(d"s "bo(t +es(s being the Messi"h )073F#736
+es(s s$e"ks to Nicode(s "t night )0F26
"t L"I"r(sH ho(se with S'nt'che )))076#37
te%%s +es(s o! +(d"sH contr"dictor' deb"te in the Te$%e )))03CC
"t his est"te0 his generosit' to the $oor "nd his !"ith )))0662#66F
secret eeting with +es(s0 with +ose$h o! Ari"the"0 +es(s s$e"ks !r"nk%' o! their wrong *iew o! Messi"h )&02780 23>#235
he "nd his disci$%e0 +ohn the $riest0 h"d won the town o! Nob o*er to +es(s )&0767
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
+es(s reinds hi o! his (nch"rit"b%e "ttit(des tow"rd the Ro"n or$h"n M"rti"% t"ken in b' +ose$h o! Se$horis )&0382
te%%s +es(s o! thre"ts "g"inst +ose$h o! Se$horis "nd the "n"the"tiIing o! the he"%ed /"rtho%"i )&0F22
"t L"I"r(sH de"thbed0 his !(ner"% "nd "t his res(rrection &080C3078
in the Te$%e "!ter the res(rrection o! L"I"r(s0 Nicode(s0 +ose$h o! Ari"the"0 E%e"I"r the Ph"risee0 "nd G""%ie% de!end +es(s &0F806>
the secret eeting with +es(s "t Go!en" &0278#236
"t the cr(ci!i:ion "nd the b(ri"% o! +es(s &0F5C#F76
he "nd +ose$h bring 'rrh "nd "%oe to the woen on the S"bb"th &0F68
the res(rrected +es(s "$$e"rs to hi0 +ose$h "nd M"n"en &65C#653
he0 +ose$h "nd L"I"r(s s$e"k to M"r' "bo(t e:ch"nging shro(ds &08>>#8>7
+es(s to M& on Nicode(s "nd +ose$h o! Ari"the" &0822
4shea o! -or"Ii )))0578
3hilip=T? @)))0F27A0 !riend o! +ohn Anti$"trides @&080C6A0 who "' h"*e been the c"terer "t the Mo(nt o! /e"tit(des @))0247#24FA
" eber o! the S"nhedrin )))0F27
with other !riends o! +es(s "t /eth"n' with L"I"r(s )))0F27
"t L"I"r(sH !(ner"% with +ohn Anti$"trides &0C6
3tolmai0 eeting with +(d"s in +er(s"%e @)&0668A
(ado @G0 S"0ScA <the go%den Scribe= @)0FF8E )))0CF70387A0 S"nhedrin @&0C680C45A
$(b%ic%' reb(ked b' +es(s !or co$%icit' in " sc"nd"%o(s inK(stice "g"inst "n innocent wi!e )))0337
"cc(sed b' +es(s "t the Te$%e o! $er*ersion o! K(stice )))0387
+es(s gi*es S"doc the $ro$hec' o! two signs "nd the tie the' wo(%d h"$$en0 re!erring to L"I"r(sH res(rrection "nd then to his own )&062>
eeting with +(d"s in +er(s"%e )&0664#643
"t L"I"r(sH de"thbed0 his !(ner"%0 "nd his res(rrection &060C6078
b' deceit0 !%"tter' "nd !e"r he o*ed +(d"s to !o%%ow thro(gh on his $roise to betr"' ,hrist &0C45#C4C
(ado=T?0 "nother @&0C6A
$erh"$s this is the s"e $erson who bre"ks with the Te$%e "!ter the cr(ci!i:ion who is so re*o%ted b' his n"e th"t he no %onger (ses it &04C6
(amuel the Scribe @+A
"t ,%e"r 9"ter )0FF8
"t /eth"n' )))0F5C
+es(s reb(kes hi ne"r +ericho )))0F73
(aul0 the S"(% o! the New Test"ent0 +es(s s$e"ks o! the deonic in!%(ence th"t c"e ($on hi "t the tri"% o! +es(s &0822
thin "nd $"%e with %"rge e'es "nd o(th "nd " disci$%e o! G""%ie% "t the tob o! Hi%%e% )))0C3C#C37
"t /eth"n' )))0F5C
"t L"I"r(sH !(ner"% &0C6
"t the tri"% o! Ste*en "nd his con!ront"tion with G""%ie% &08>3#8>4
(hammai0 the s$irit("%%' b%ind doctor o! )sr"e%0 who died soetie be!ore +es(sH inistr'
his e:ch"nge with +es(s the "do%escent in the Te$%e )0525#5280FF8#F62E ))025>0C4F
%)5IGI4>( 5)$D)%( ontinued
(imeon o! Gamaliel=T?
"t L"I"r(sH !(ner"% "nd his res(rrection &0C60 78
w"%ked o(t o! +es(sH tri"% with his !"ther0 G""%ie% &0335
(imon :oetos )))042F0428
(imon Camit &0C6
(imon the 3harisee o! N"in @GA0 @!re;(ented the s'n"gog(e "t ,"$ern"(A )03>FE ))046057>E &05>2
w"s not "t !irst "n ene' o! +es(s ))0783#78F
with +es(sH o%der co(sins tr'ing to in!%(ence the "g"inst +es(s )&05FF056C#563
$ossib%' "t " eeting with +(d"s )&0668
this Sion w"s "t L"I"r(sH !(ner"% &0C8
Peter: he w"s <to%er"b%' good= &05>2
(imon o! the (anhedrin0 @+A
"t the ho(se o! +ose$h o! Ari"the" with +es(s with other r(%ers0 inc%(ding G""%ie% )0F>40F25
+es(s "nd His Disci$%es "re "ccosted b' Sion "nd " gro($ o! +(de"n r(%ers "t -edesh )))0CF7
"t /eth"n' he he"rs +es(s reb(ke the sins o! the r(%ers o! the Te$%e )))0F5C
dro*e his !"ther0 E%i"nn"0 o(t o! his own ho(se "nd h"d hi ki%%ed )&0645E &034
eeting with +(d"s in +er(s"%e )&06680642
+(d"s te%%s o! the (rder o! SionHs !"ther0 E%i"nn" )&0685
this Sion is issing "t L"I"r(sH !(ner"% &0C6
he is "t the res(rrection o! L"I"r(s "nd is con!ronted b' +es(s !or the (rder o! his !"ther &034
goes "d "!ter the ;("ke "nd destr(ction in +er(s"%e "nd the $h"ntos o! his conscience &042F
+es(s "$$e"rs to hi with D"nie%0 the re%"ti*e o! He%k"i &0426
Tolme0 Ph"risee "cc(sed b' +es(s "t the Te$%e o! $r"cticing "gic )))0387
Triphon &0C6
Trison )))0F5C
>riah o! ,"$ern"( )03>FE ))07870F68E &0C6
h"rsh s$e"king o$$onent o! +es(s &07C6
>riel0 !"ther o! +on"thon o! .rie% @&0C6072A
M& reebers this R"bbi str(ck +es(s with stones "t Gisc"%" "t the tob o! Hi%%e% )))0C3CE &08
*isited the d'ing L"I"r(s "nd "t his !(ner"% &08072
>zziel0 the !"ther o! +on"thon o! .IIie% &02>
he w"s in the crowd th"t stoned +es(s "nd the Disci$%es "t the tob o! Hi%%e% "t Gisc"%" )))0C3C
he ins(%ts +es(s "t -edesh0 b(t is $roised the sign o! +on"h )))0CFC0CF3
Uahaeus @ScA ))076>
Uaharias=T? @S"BA "t L"I"r(sH !(ner"% "nd res(rrection &0C6
$ossib%' the O"ch"ri"s0 the re%igio(s r(%er who <de!ied the w"'s o! the ight' ones= "t +es(sH cr(ci!i:ion &04C6
$ossib%' the O"ch"ri"s0 the 'o(ng Le*ite !riend o! +ohn the Priest who w"s in*ited to e"t with +es(s "t L"I"r(sH $"%"ce in +er(s"%e )))075#7C
Uaharias0 "nother0 "t L"I"r(sH !(ner"% "nd res(rrection &0C6
%euben0 the inK(red son o! " S""rit"n she$herd be'ond Doth"n0 he"%ed b' +es(s )&07C707C3
%ih merhant @See A%e:"nder Mis"ceA
%ih young ruler @See Phi%i$ o! ,"n"t"A
%oman "oble Men' 5I(T)D
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
&alerian0 the rich "nd cr(e% Ro"n nob%e"n !ro whose Greek s%"*e S'nt'che esc"$ed ))0F53E )&0F5
w"s shi$$ed b"ck to Roe bec"(se o! the tro(b%e he c"(sed o*er %osing his s%"*e S'nt'che
)nnius Cassius0 the w"nton nob%e"n !ro who ,%"(di" resc(ed the s%"*e @A(re"A G"%%" ,i$rin" "t +es(sH re;(est )&0F>#64
he knew &"%eri"n "nd th"t he h"d %ost S'nt'che )&0F5#FC
w"s shi$$ed b"ck to Roe b' "n order ,%"(di" got Pi%"te to sign whi%e dr(nk )&064
Florus Tullius Cornelius "nd Marus Heraleus Flavius0 !riends o! Enni(s )&0F2#FC
%oman "oble Women' :$COG%4>"D: +es(s eets "nd s$e"ks with P%"(tin"0 &"%eri" "nd L'di" "t the hoe o! +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"Hs in Tiberi"s @))02>6A1
The'0 with P(b%i(s a(inti%i"n(s0 eet with +es(s "t L"I"r(sH est"te in /eth"n' @))0CC>A1 At the P"sso*er /"n;(et o! Lo*e @)))0365A1 Meeting with +es(s in
,"es"re" @)&0F70F4A1 The' resc(e the s%"*e gir% G"%%" @A(re"A ,i$rin" !ro " Ro"n %ibertine @)&0F4A1 P%"(tin"0 L'di" "nd &"%eri" $rotect Nike "s she brings the
<&eronic"= to Ho%' M"r' %"te Frid"' nightGe"r%' S"t(rd"' orning @&0FF>A1
%oman "oble Women' 5I(T)D I"DI&ID>$558:
Claudia 3roula0 o! the ,%"(di !"i%' @)))06C5A "nd Pi%"teHs wi!e @)))06>7A0 the <re"%= Procons(% or $ro*inci"% go*ernor @))05F406>7E )&0675A "s she
thre"tens to %e"*e Pi%"te i! he !"i%s to do wh"t is right b' +es(s @&0C7CA
he"rs +es(s s$e"k in ,"es"re" ))07F
res$ects +es(s "s " gre"t $hi%oso$her0 " 9ise M"n ))05F4E )&02>2E &0F605>>
"t the /"n;(et o! Lo*e )))0 365#343
the re"% $ower behind Pi%"te )))06>7
she !rees her s%"*e A%b(%" Doiti%%" )))0368E )&062
!oresees the ,hristi"n !"ith tri($hing o*er the $"g"nis o! Roe )))0368
s(bd(es the Te$%e r(%ers "ccosting +es(s "t L"I"r(sH est"te )))0F58
she h"s been con!(sed "bo(t the ission o! +es(s b' the conni*ing o! +(d"s )sc"riot )))06C5
her %i!e h"s been gre"t%' "!!ected b' +es(s )&0F2
+es(s e:$%"ins to +(d"s wh' ,%"(di" did not show ($ with the other Ro"n woen "t ,"es"re" two d"'s be!ore )&083
s$e"ks to +es(s in E$hr"i &0265
sends " ess"ge to Pi%"te not to conden +es(s &03F6
she se$"r"tes !ro Pi%"te o*er his inK(stice tow"rd +es(sE she0 P%"(tin" "nd L'di" %e"*e with Longin(s to ,"es"re" &066>
Flavia0 ,%"(di"Hs e%der%' scribe ))0CC50CC6
"t the /"n;(et o! Lo*e )))0365
3lautina0 Ro"n !riend o! +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"E " c%ose !riend o! ,%"(di" "nd $ossib%e re%"ti*e @))0F6A
!irst eets +es(s "t +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"Hs ho(se in Tiberi"s with L'di" "nd &"%eri" ))02>4
P%"(tin"0 &"%eri" "nd L'di" $"ss +es(s "nd the Disci$%es in co*ered w"gons he"ding to +er(s"%e !or the P"sso*er ))0562
the d"' "!ter P"sso*er0 P%"(tin"0 &"%eri"0 "nd L'di" eet with "nd s$e"k "t %ength with +es(s "t L"I"r(sH ho(se ))0CC5#CC6
"t the /"n;(et o! Lo*e )))0365
h"s "n interesting e:ch"nge with the M"gd"%ene "nd +es(s K(st be!ore the Tri($h"% Entr' &0CC>#CC7
&aleria0 Ro"n !riend o! +oh"nn" o! ,h(I" @))03>AE h"d " s%"*e n"ed /"rb"r" @)&02C702C3A
+es(s c(res her d"(ghter F"(stin" "t ,"es"re" ))03>0F4
!irst eets +es(s "t +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"Hs ho(se in Tiberi"s with L'di" "nd P%"(tin" ))02>4
P%"(tin"0 &"%eri" "nd L'di" $"ss +es(s "nd the Disci$%es in co*ered w"gons he"ding to +er(s"%e !or the P"sso*er ))0562
the d"' "!ter P"sso*er0 P%"(tin"0 &"%eri"0 "nd L'di" eet with "nd s$e"k "t %ength with +es(s "t L"I"r(sH ho(se ))0CC5#CC6
"t the /"n;(et o! Lo*e )))0365
+es(s s$e"ks to her "t %ength on di*orce )&0672#678
"t the S'n"gog(e o! the Ro"n Freeden )&06F6#663
she be%ie*es +es(s is God &0F6
di*orced b' her h(sb"nd0 she becoes " $rose%'te "nd !reed "%% her s%"*es &05>>
"de " s$eci"% "tte$t to con*ince ,%"(di"0 Pi%"teHs wi!e0 o! the !(%% tr(th o! +es(s &05>>
she s$e"ks to +es(s "t L"I"r(sH est"te o! her co$%ete bre"k with her $"g"n $"st "nd her desire to st"' with His !o%%owers &0CC6#CC4
she brings b(ri"% resins contrib(ted b' P%"(tin" "nd ,%"(di" &0FF3
!irst eets +es(s "t +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"Hs ho(se in Tiberi"s with P%"(tin" "nd &"%eri" ))02>4
P%"(tin"0 &"%eri" "nd L'di" $"ss +es(s "nd the Disci$%es in co*ered w"gons he"ding to +er(s"%e !or the P"sso*er ))0562
the d"' "!ter P"sso*er0 P%"(tin"0 &"%eri"0 "nd L'di" eet with "nd s$e"k "t %ength with +es(s "t L"I"r(sH ho(se ))0CC5#CC6
eets +es(s0 the Disci$%es "nd the M"gd"%ene in ,"es"re" "!ter her con*ersion ))0F56
"t the /"n;(et o! Lo*e )))0365
5ivia0 wi!e to the %ibertine0 who $(rch"sed G"%%" @A(re"A ,i$rin" !or " s%"*e )&0F7065067043
%oman (oldiers' 5I(T)D
$le0ander0 the Ro"n so%dier
with +es(s "t the Fish G"te in +er(s"%e )0738
his horse inK(res " %itt%e bo' who +es(s he"%s )0F2C
he w"s reo*ed !ro d(t' in +er(s"%e to "ccood"te the +ews0 who were "ngr' knowing th"t he h"s s$oken to +es(s ))0CC5
S'nt'che writes o! hi being in Antioch )&058C
one o! the en $"id to %"sh +es(s knows A%e:"nder "nd his de*otion to +es(s &03F7
:asso0 one o! the three %egion"ries "t the Antoni" in +er(s"%e th"t r(shed in to he%$ +es(s )&04>7
Camillus0 the Ro"n so%dier downed b' the stones o! "ngr' +ews "nd he"%ed b' +es(s "t the (rging o! his (nn"ed non#coissioned o!!icer0 " dec(ri"n @he"d
o! 2> so%diersA who +es(s s"'s He wi%% eet on "nother o(nt"in @,"%*"r'A )&0F53#F580FC4E &0F5306CFB
Centurion o! Capernaum whose son w"s c(red ))0248#2820652
h"d been sent to w"tch +es(s "t the Mo(nt o! /e"tit(des ))02720276
de!ended +es(s !ro the intr(sion o! E%i the Ph"risee in the s'n"gog(e "t ,"$ern"( )&02430246
Cornelius0 one o! the Ro"n so%diers "t +es(sH sco(rging &03FF
5iinus0 one o! the three %egion"ries "t the Antoni" in +er(s"%e who r(shed in to he%$ +es(s )&04>7
5onginus0 the Ro"n cent(rion &0F6
w"s sent with his so%diers !ro ,"es"re" to +er(s"%e to re$%"ce troo$s in*o%*ed in ;(e%%ing the disorder "t the T"bern"c%es &0F6
et +es(s in the streets o! +er(s"%e on his w"' to Pi%"te0 "nd with Pi%"te "s +es(s is condened &033603F203F4
+es(s to M& on the goodness o! Longin(s &0365
%e"ds +es(s to Go%goth" "!ter o!!ering hi " drink o! wine o! which +es(s $"rt"kes0 b(t in token on%'0 to not o!!end this $"g"n &038C
+es(s to M& on the drink o!!ered to Hi b' Longin(s &06730632
o!!ers +es(s "nesthetic wine !ro +oh"nn"0 which is re!(sed &0F>F
Nicode(s "nd +ose$h "sk hi !or the bod' o! +es(sE he sends the to Pi%"te0 who (st gi*e $erission &0F5C
brings the %"nce to M"r' "t the S($$er Roo ho(se &0F6F#F66
"t the S($$er Roo ho(se0 desiring to be "cce$ted "s " disci$%e &06C3#6CF
te%%s o! his being he"%ed o! soe "!!%iction when he he"rs the res(rrected Lord &06C8
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
escorted ,%"(di" to ,"es"re"0 with P%"(tin" "nd L'di" "!ter she decided to %e"*e Pi%"te &066>
with the e"r%' ,hristi"ns "s Peter ce%ebr"tes the E(ch"rist &0446
Marus Gratus0 one o! the !o(r so%diers g("rding the g"tes o! +er(s"%e &07>8
Marius (everus0 non#coissioned o!!icer "t G"d"r"0 who is s(s$icio(s o! +es(s ))0247#24F
Ma0imus0 one o! the three %egion"ries "t the Antoni" in +er(s"%e who r(shed in to he%$ +es(s )&04>7
3ublius Vuintilianus @VuintilianA0 Ro"n o!!icer st"tioned in ,"es"re" o! the )t"%ic" %egion @)0346A
took the d'ing +on"h to Ho%' M"r' in his c"rt )0366
+es(s sees hi in ,"es"re" "s $roised ))07C073
r(ns into +es(s ne"r Eng"nni "nd is s(r$rised to see +ohn o! Endor with +es(s ))05F6
"t L"I"r(sH est"te with the Ro"n woen who h"*e " %ong disc(ssion with +es(s ))0CC50CC70CC6
considered +es(s " <di*ine $hi%oso$her= )))0547
Vuintilianus @see P(b%i(s a(inti%i"n(sA
Vuietus Feli0 "nd A;(i%"0 two Ro"n so%diers who "cco$"nied P(b%i(s a(inti%i"n(s0 who took d'ing +on"h to Ho%' M"r' in his c"rt )0346
g("rding the Te$%e "nd tr'ing to he"r +es(s s$e"k )&07FC
"t the Te$%e "g"in "nd ho$ing to he"r +es(s s$e"k )&036>
Vuietus o! Pere"0 " son o! " He%%enes +ewish !"ther !ro ,oni(0 who "rried " Ro"n !ro Antioch in ,"%eche )&07FC @$ossib%' the s"e "s "bo*eA
shows ($ "t the Te$%e "t T"bern"c%es to he"r +es(s )&07FC
is on d(t' "t the Te$%e "!ter the Fe"st o! T"bern"c%es "nd greets +es(s )&036>
(oldiers at $le0androsene: ,"i(s0 Sci$io0 P(dens0 Acti(s0 Procor(s0 A;(i%"0 ,eci%i(s M":i(s0 F"bi(s "nd S"bin(s )))0542#582
&ital0 !ro /ene*ento0 one o! the !o(r so%diers g("rding the g"tes o! +er(s"%e who in;(ired o! +es(s "bo(t $e"ce "nd the so(% &072>0726#724
%ose o! .eriho0 @See An"st"sic"A
(abea' the $ro$hetess o! /eth%echi0 testi!ied in "n e:tended $ro$hec' o! the ,hrist be!ore S"doc "nd other r(%ers )&0F42#F450F86#6>4
"!ter being thre"tened b' the r(%ers o! the Te$%e0 she is recoended b' +es(s to %i*e with Tione(sH other in Aer" )&06250663
(ado0 Ph"risee <The Go%den Scribe= @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
(ado0 Another @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
(alome0 wi!e to Sion0 son o! M"r' o! A%$h"e(s1 She h"d !o(r chi%dren0 one n"ed A%$h"e(s )))026>0265
(alome0 M"r'0 other o! +"es "nd +ohn0 wi!e o! Oebedee o! /eths"id" @See M"r' S"%oeA
(alome0 the in!"o(s w"nton d"(ghter o! Herodi"s
the she$herds re$ort to +es(s on the de"th o! the /"$tist ))06C>#6C5
" re$ort b' M"n"en on the sh"e!(% st"te o! HerodHs co(rt "nd S"%oe "!ter the behe"ding o! the /"$tist )))0C8F#C86
Herod te%%s ,h(I" wh"t he thinks o! S"%oe )))0F25#F2C
cr"shes the Lo*e /"n;(et o! +es(s to h(i%i"te Hi )))0367#36F
(amaritan orphans resc(ed "nd resett%ed with re%"ti*es @R(ben0 E%ish" "nd )s""cA &02>602C40533
(amaritan Woman @See Photin"iA
(amson' the N"I"rite0 " K(dge o! )sr"e% sed(ced b' the ene' )&0C74
(amuel0 the she$herd @See She$herds0 The 25 /eth%eheA
(amuel the Scribe @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
(amuel0 the c(red cri$$%e "nd the !riend o! Abe%0 the e:#%e$er o! -or"Ii
brings +es(s to Abe%0 his !riend0 !or his c(re )0CC70CC3
entioned with +es(s ))038FE )))0F>8
re"ined with +es(s "!ter the /re"d o! Li!e disco(rse "t ,"$ern"( )))077F#776
S"(e% "nd Abe% were chosen b' +es(s to re$%"ce the two /eth%ehe she$herds who h"d died0 restoring His 25 <hidden stones= o! testion' )))0F66
"cti*e in witnessing "%% "%ong the co"st o! the Gre"t Se" )&0245
(amuel0 Ann"%e"hHs !orer !i"nci0 who "t the !irst h"d "n "$$"rent sincere desire to !o%%ow +es(s ))03F#360 C>F#C>6
,oes to reKect ,hrist0 b(t ,hrist $roises he wi%% be "de good b' Ann"%e"Hs s"cri!ices )))072
broke the eng"geent "nd !eigns "nger "g"inst her "nd +es(s !or her *ow o! ce%ib"c' in order to "rr' "nother wo"n )))03740386#384
"%ost ki%%s one o! Ann"%e"hHs (nc%es )))0F>F#F>4
ki%%ed his other who tried to sto$ hi !ro inK(ring +es(s d(ring His w"' to the cross )))0F>2E &037606F4
(amuel0 the h(sb"nd to An"st"sic"0 who re$(di"ted her with " !"%se ch"rge she h"d %e$ros'1 S"doc w"s $"rt' to this crie )))0337
(amuel0 the S"$hori0 disci$%e o! +on"th"n ben .Iie%0 sent to "$$rehend +es(s b(t is con*erted b' +es(s in " c"*e &0236#2F60243#2830525
(amuel0 o! N"I"reth0 son o! Esther0 ki%%ed his other Esther thro(gh his beh"*ior
+es(s s"*es hi with the erits o! his other "nd the intercession o! M"r' )&023F0264
he coes to re$ent"nce )&05FF#5F6
(amuel0 the !riend o! /"rtho%oew "nd Phi%i$0 in the +er(s"%e "re" ))0C>5
(amuel "nd (arah' e%der%' ser*"nts o! O"ch"ri"s "nd E%iI"beth o! Hebron )02>202>C
(amuel0 the innkee$er o! /ethginn"0 whose %(n"tic0 deon#$ossessed d"(ghter w"s c(red ))07>4#727
(arah "nd (usan0 Ho%' M"r'Hs !riends "t the Te$%e )0F6
(arah0 one o! three o! M"rth"Hs "ids )))076E &024
(arah0 other o! <good A%$h"e(s0= " sister to the (nbe%ie*ing A%$h"e(s0 "nd brother to Ho%' +ose$h )0F7063E )))057053
(arah "nd (amuel e%der%' ser*"nts o! O"ch"ri"s "nd E%iI"beth o! Hebron )02>202>C
(arah o! the Mo(nt o! /e"tit(des0 %"ter bec"e one o! M"rth"Hs three "ids ))0F37E )))076
c(red on the Mo(nt o! /e"tit(des ))023302F>
sent to L"I"r(s with o%d )sh"e% ))023302F>E )))03F6
(arah o! A$hek0 widow o! the "t *endor )&05>6
w"nted to "do$t %itt%e A%$h"e(s o! ,"$ern"(0 whose other Merob" %ost interest in hi "nd her other chi%dren )&05C5
she !o%%ows +es(s to A$hek )&05C5#578
S"(e%0 E%i"s "nd Phi%i$0 her ser*"nts )&0535
M"r' "nd +oh"nn"0 the "idser*"nts )&0537
+ose$h "nd E%i"s0 ser*"nts to the "idser*"nts )&0537
+es(s instr(cts /"rn"b"s to entr(st "n (nw"nted i%%egiti"te chi%d to her )&0C630C66E &0582
(arah o! N"I"reth0 the sorrowing d"(ghter whose other +es(s he"%s on%' !or her s"ke )0C>F0C520C55
(arah "nd .oahim o! +(tt" )0C88
!or 'e"rs took c"re o! sick )s""c0 one o! the /eth%ehe she$herds )0C88
h"d !o(r chi%dren n"ed "!ter the Ho%' F"i%'0 M"r'0 +ose$h0 )"n(e% "nd " newborn n"ed b' +es(s Hise%!0 +es"i )0C88#7>2E ))0C8C
+es(s s"'s his goodb'e to the citiIens o! +(tt" "nd S"r"h "nd +es"i )))0624#628
to%d +es(s "t the Te$%e "t T"bern"c%es th"t his wi!e w"s to h"*e "nother chi%d )&0748
+es(s "$$e"rs to the "!ter His res(rrection &0688
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
(arah0 Yo(ng0 Ann"%e"hHs co(sin0 who she brings to eet +es(s "t the L"st P"sso*er Fe"st &0C580CC>
she !o%%ows Ann"%e"h in " *ow o! *irginit' "nd wi%% st"' with her other "!ter her de"th &0C7>#C72
(aul @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
(aul0 one o! the $e"s"nts o! +oh"n"n @See +oh"n"nHs Pe"s"ntsA )))0F>3
(aul0 Oing ))057CE )))06>6
(aul0 O%d M"n o! -erioth0 died in +es(s "rs )07>80726#728E ))0C88E )))0224
(aul o! O"ch"ri"s o! Gerghes" who %ent +es(s his %itt%e bo"t )&05F>0CC3
(ella0 ne"r Hi$$o0 in!erti%e wi!e to E%ish" is he"%ed )&05>F
(entius (aturninus0 the Go*ernor o! P"%estine "t the tie o! the ,ens(s )0C42
(eventy T#o Disiples0 The )))05C05705F0560F55E )&0774E &075C07740778073204C6047>043F04F>04F8
(ipio "nd Canus0 Ro"n so%diers "t A%e:"ndroscene )))0542 @See Ro"n So%diersA
(halem0 the i$o*erished reKected 2> 'e"r o%d son o! Ann"s o! N"h(0 the High Priest &0C730C3>0C32
(hammai0 the s$irit("%%' b%ind doctor o! )sr"e% @A%so %isted (nder Re%igio(s Le"dersA
his e:ch"nge with +es(s the "do%escent in the Te$%e )0525#5280FF8#F62E ))025>0C4F
(hammai o! E%chi0 <HerodHs !"*orite= "nd e:#%o*er o! Ag%"e0 who c"e to st"' in the hoe o! the i$risoned /"$tist )0F6>
(hepherds' The ,* :ethlehem :$COG%4>"D: M"r' "nd +ose$h !irst eet the she$herds o(tside o! /eth%ehe @)02C3A1 The "$$e"r"nce o! the "nge%s o!
He"*en to the she$herds @)0273#233A1 A!ter the s%"(ghter0 the she$herds were "cc(sed o! in*enting their stor' in " dr(nken st($or @)0C63A1 +ose$h w"s ki%%ed "nd
the others dri*en !ro /eth%ehe0 b(t were he%$ed b' O"ch"ri"s to !ind Kobs @)076FA1 Des$ite contin("% o$$osition0 the' s$re"d the stor' o! the birth o! the
Messi"h "%% o*er )sr"e% d(ring the C> 'e"rs in which the' h"d %ost e*er' tr"ce o! the Messi"h1 The <gre"t ones= o! )sr"e% h"d (sed e*er' e"ns0 e*en briber'0 to
s;(e%ch these stories @)07FCA1 The' were the !irst <25 hidden stones o! the +ord"n0= the second witness who wo(%d h"*e to withst"nd <the b%ows o! )sr"e% who
h"tes GodP= @)))0F66A
(hepherds' The ,* :ethlehem G)")%$5 CH%4"454GIC$5 5I(TI"G:
+es(s !irst eets she$herds E%i"s0 Le*i "nd @'o(ngA +ose$h )0C48#C85
+es(s goes to !ind )s""c who r(ns to see Hi "!ter being inst"nt%' he"%ed )0C86
+es(s goes to *isit the gr"*e o! o%d she$herd S"(e%0 b(ried on the $ro$ert' o! the /"$tistHs $"rents in Hebron )07>3
+es(s eets she$herds +ohn0 M"tthi"s "nd Sieon "t the +ord"n !ord )07CC
+es(s eets the s(!!ering she$herd +on"h in the P%"in o! Esdr"e%on )07FF#76>
+es(s eets she$herd +on"th"n ne"r ,"n"0 who h"s "ttended sick +oh"nn" o! ,h(I" )037C
+es(s eets /enK"in "nd D"nie% in Leb"non )0374#335
+es(s is with his Disci$%es "nd she$herds: +on"th"n0 E%i"s0 Le*i0 +ose$h0 "nd )s""c "t L"I"r(s ho(se in /eth"n' "t the Fe"st o! Dedic"tion )0672
the' rec"%% the wonder "nd g%or' o! th"t /eth%ehe night )0675#674
the she$herds "re entioned thro(gho(t The Poem, e*"nge%iIing ost%' on their own0 on%' eeting with +es(s "nd His Disci$%es $eriodic"%%'
nine she$herds !ind +es(s "nd +ohn in the grotto d(ring one o! their "nn("% $i%gri"ges to /eth%ehe )&04>8
the' see +es(s on His w"' to the cross &0F>70F5C
+es(s "$$e"rs to the she$herds "!ter His res(rrection &0653
in re$ro"ching his Disci$%es0 +es(s reinds the o! the !"ith!(%ness o! the she$herds tho(gh He s$ent %itt%e tie with the &0673
the she$herd disci$%es "t Mt1 T"bor with the res(rrected Lord &0458
"t the Ascension0 +es(s dr"ws the c%ose to Hi "nd coends the !or their !"ith!(%ness &046F
+es(s sh"res with M& " s$eci"% trib(te to the h(b%e "nd !"ith!(% she$herds &082>
(hepherds' The ,* :ethlehem I"DI&ID>$5 5I(TI"G:
5evi # the 'o(ngest0 who s"w the "nge% !irst @"$:1 "ge 25A @)0276#274AE he "nd +ose$h "re or$h"ns @)076CA
Koined E%i"s "nd %itt%e +ose$h "s she$herds !or " rich b(t cr(e% Herodi"n in the Hebron "re" )0C66
+es(s !irst eets she$herds E%i"s0 Le*i "nd @'o(ngA +ose$h )0C48#C85
he te%%s the stor' o! th"t /eth%ehe night "t L"I"r(sH ho(se )0672#674
!ree to ser*e +es(s !(%% tie0 Le*i0 E%i"s "nd 'o(ng +ose$h go o(t with the 65 to e*"nge%iIe )))05F
)lias # g"*e i%k to Ho%' M"r' on Her w"' to /eth%ehe )02C30232#237
goes to O"ch"ri"s "nd E%iI"beth to te%% the good news in Hebron )023C
obt"ins !or the Ho%' F"i%' %odging with his e$%o'er0 Anne o! /eth%ehe )0235
his wi!e "nd chi%dren ki%%ed in the s%"(ghter )0C8>
obt"ined e$%o'ent "s " she$herd !or " we"%th' b(t cr(e% Herodi"n in +er(s"%e )0C660C82
+es(s !irst eets she$herds E%i"s0 Le*i "nd @'o(ngA +ose$h )0C48#C85
he te%%s the stor' o! th"t /eth%ehe night "t L"I"r(sH ho(se )0672#674
!ree to ser*e +es(s !(%% tie0 Le*i0 E%i"s "nd 'o(ng +ose$h go o(t with the 65 to e*"nge%iIe )))05F
+ose$h "nd E%i"s were stoned "nd "%ost ki%%ed )))063>
!ights his w"' thro(gh the crowd to see +es(s on the w"' to the cross &033F
E%i"s !inds Tho"s hiding in the /eth%ehe grotto "nd brings hi b"ck to the other Disci$%es &0678#63>
(amuel0 O%d # o! Hebron1 Died 2> 'e"rs "!ter the birth o! ,hrist )0C85
+es(s goes to *isit the gr"*e o! o%d she$herd S"(e% b(ried on the $ro$ert' o! the /"$tistHs $"rents in Hebron )07>3
.onah # %"ter worked !or Dor"s the Ph"risee0 "nd w"s ens%"*ed "nd terrib%' istre"ted )07FF07F607F80332
re%"ted to +ohn the she$herd )0F44
+es(s eets the s(!!ering she$herd0 +on"h0 in the P%"in o! Esdr"e%on )07FF#76>
+es(s obt"ins the e"ci"ted +on"h !ro the cr(e% Dor"s "nd brings hi to His Mother in N"I"reth be!ore he dies )034>#38>
+on"h w"s r"nsoed b' the s"cri!ice o! Sion Oe"%ot "nd the secret ch"rit' o! L"I"r(s )0F58
+es(s on the cross w"s t"(nted b' " Ph"risee @Dor"s o! Dor"sBA to "sk !or the he%$ o! +on"h since He h"d he%$ed hi &0F25
Isaa W "bo(t "ge 5>0 h"d %ost his other "s " chi%d "nd %ost his bride to be b' de"th @)07F7A0 "nd w"s sick !or C> 'e"rs in +(tt" @)07F7A
+es(s goes to !ind )s""c0 who r(ns to see Hi "!ter being inst"nt%' he"%ed @"bo(t "ge 3>A )0C850C860C84
he te%%s the stor' o! th"t /eth%ehe night "t L"I"r(sH ho(se )0672#674
Tione(s0 the !orer he"d o! the s'n"gog(e in ,%e"r 9"ter0 "nd +ose$h0 who w"s !"%se%' "cc(sed "nd "n"the"tiIed0 is entr(sted to )s""c ))0808>0585
he is c"%%ed <o(r %itt%e "ster= b' the she$herd disci$%es "nd others )))0678
"$$"rent%' the ost "cti*e in witnessing "nd e*"nge%iIing !or the Lord )&042>
his s"int%' re"ction to the )sc"riotHs ins(%ts )&0275
with +es(s in E$hr"i &02830525
"s <chie!= o! the she$herds0 he w"s to in!or "%% the gro($s o! disci$%es when +es(s wo(%d so%en%' enter +er(s"%e &0C2F
LNote: )s""c is ore !re;(ent%' with the Lord thro(gho(t His inistr' th"n "n' o! the other /eth%ehe she$herdsM
!o(nd hise%! in the Te$%e "!ter the e"rth;("ke %ooking thro(gh the torn *ei% into the Ho%' o! Ho%ies &0F6F
he dies in the %onging to be with +es(s the night o! the Ascension &0442
.onathan # bec"e e$%o'ed b' ,h(I"0 HerodHs stew"rd )0C85
+es(s !inds th"t +on"th"n h"s "c;("inted the entire ho(seho%d o! ,h(I" with the /eth%ehe ir"c%e )0356#354
+es(s eets she$herd +on"th"n ne"r ,"n"0 who h"s "ttended sick +oh"nn" o! ,h(I" )037C
he te%%s the stor' o! th"t /eth%ehe night "t L"I"r(sH ho(se )0672#674
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
w"s disch"rged b' ,h(I" "!ter the cr(ci!i:ion o! +es(s &0656
with +es(s "nd the 3>> on Mt1 T"bor &0458
.oseph # o! S"bi"0 twin brother to /enK"in0 ki%%ed in the "ss"cre "nd b(rnt to de"th in his ho(se )0C850C8C
.oseph0 Yo(ng # the son o! she$herd +ose$h "bo*e who w"s s"*ed @)074>A "nd %"ter Koined Le*i "nd E%i"s @)0C82E )&0442A
+es(s !irst eets she$herds E%i"s0 Le*i "nd @'o(ngA +ose$h )0C48#C85
te%%s the stor' o! th"t /eth%ehe night "t L"I"r(sH ho(se )0672#674
!ree to ser*e +es(s !(%% tie0 Le*i0 E%i"s "nd 'o(ng +ose$h go o(t with the 65 to e*"nge%iIe )))05F
he "nd E%i"s "re stoned "nd "%ost ki%%ed )))063>
+ose$h is sent to the ho(se in So%oonHs &i%%"ge to reco*er )&055#53
w"s one o! the two she$herds noin"ted to re$%"ce +(d"s "s "n A$ost%e &0442
:enRamin # twin brother to o%d +ose$h0 bec"e " she$herd in Leb"non with D"nie% to E%ish" " we"%th' %"nd owner )02350 C850332
+es(s eets /enK"in "nd D"nie% in Leb"non )0374#335
Daniel # bec"e " she$herd with /enK"in !or E%ish"0 " we"%th' %"ndowner in Leb"non )03320C850332E ))052>
+es(s eets /enK"in "nd D"nie% in Leb"non )0374#335
Tobias # ren"ed M"tthi"s @M"tthewA "!ter his !"ther M"thi"s0 who w"s ki%%ed in the "ss"cre )0C85
bec"e the ost !"*ored o! the disci$%es o! +ohn the /"$tist )0C85E ))0C>
he0 +ohn "nd Sieon kee$ c%ose w"tch o*er the /"$tist whi%e he is in $rison )07C7#7CFE ))0584
he "nd +ohn t"ke the bribe one' to the $rison to !ree the /"$tist )0777
he0 +ohn0 "nd Sion bring the tr"gic news o! the /"$tistHs (rder to +es(s "nd their desire to be disci$%es o! ,hrist ))06C>#6C2
his di"%og with %itt%e Mich"e% )))063>#633
his s$eci"% wisdo "nd %e"dershi$ ;("%ities "re seen when the' !ind +es(s "nd +ohn "t the /eth%ehe grotto )&042>#425
"!ter the res(rrection0 "t the s($$%eent"% P"sso*er0 he w"s se"ted "t the he"d o! the t"b%e0 tho(gh )s""c w"s considered he"d o! the she$herds
%"ter e%ected "s A$ost%e to re$%"ce +(d"s @)s""c h"d died the night o! the AscensionA &044>#445
(imeon # bec"e " disci$%e o! +ohn the /"$tist with Tobi"sGM"thi"s "nd +ohn
he0 +ohn "nd M"tthi"s kee$ " c%ose w"tch o*er the /"$tist whi%e he is in $rison )07C7#7CFE ))0584
he0 +ohn0 "nd M"tthi"s bring the tr"gic news o! the /"$tistHs (rder to +es(s "nd their desire to be disci$%es o! ,hrist ))06C>#6C2
.ohn # bec"e " disci$%e o! +ohn the /"$tist with Sieon "nd Tobi"sGM"thi"s0 w"s in soe w"' re%"ted to +on"h the she$herd @)0F44A
he0 M"tthi"s "nd Sieon kee$ c%ose w"tch o*er the /"$tist whi%e he is in $rison )07C7#7CFE ))0584
he "nd M"tthi"s t"ke the bribe one' to the $rison to !ree the /"$tist )0777
he0 M"tthi"s "nd Sion bring the tr"gic news o! the /"$tistHs (rder to +es(s "nd their desire to be disci$%es o! ,hrist ))06C>#6C2
(idonia @:artholmaiA0 the "n b%ind !ro birth0 he"%ed "nd eKected !ro the Te$%e "nd S'n"gog(e )&038C
becoes " disci$%e o! +es(s )&0F3F
(imeon0 the she$herd @See She$herds0 The 25 /eth%eheA
(imeon0 !"ith%ess h(sb"nd o! Arri" o! Gherghes"0 he"%ed b' +es(s "!ter e$t' $roises to ch"nge )&05F>
serio(s%' inK(red in " !ight0 his wi!e $etitions +es(s !or his etern"% s"%*"tion )&05F2
(imeon o! theTemple0 the o%d "n who $ro$hesied o! the sorrow!(% destin' o! Ho%' M"r' "nd Her Son )02F2
(imeon o! Gamaliel @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
(imon o! $lphaeus0 o! N"I"reth0 +es(sH second o%dest co(sin0 one o! !o(r sons o! M"r' o! A%$h"e(s @,%o$"sA0 "rried to S"%oe0 with son A%$h"e(s "nd other
chi%dren @)))026>0265AE +es(s te%%s M& o! SionHs we"knesses "nd strengths "nd th"t "!ter the S"cri!ice he $roceeds ore ste"di%' (nti% he $ro!essed !"ith in Hi
b' his own b%ood @)03FC#3F7A1
ho%ds "nd c"rries Ce 'e"r o%d +es(s ($on the Ho%' F"i%'Hs ret(rn !ro Eg'$t to N"I"reth )))026F
w"s do(bt!(% o! +es(s "nd His ission )05640C>203>7E ))04C
+es(s "kes $e"ce with hi )0338#3F7
he he%$s M"r' with chores "ro(nd her ho(se ))0C3
+es(s $roises his other th"t <reKecting +ose$h= "nd th"t <hesit"nt Sion= wo(%d coe to !"ith ))0F28
wo(%d %ike to !o%%ow +es(s b(t doesnHt (nti% (ch %"ter ))04303F3E )))07>>07>F
+ose$h "nd Sion "t +er(s"%e !or the T"bern"c%es ignore their 'o(nger brothers "nd +es(s )))0C507>
+ose$h "nd Sion no %onger coe to see M"r'0 tho(gh Sion sends gi!ts thro(gh his other )))0233
+es(s he"%s SionHs 4#'e"r#o%d son thro(gh the erits o! S"%oe0 his wi!e0 "nd Sion coes b"ck to +es(s )))026>0265#266
+es(s (st te%% Sion0 who is critic"% o! +(d"s )sc"riot0 th"t his $rob%e o! " tri($h"nt kingdo is the $rob%e sti%% within hi "nd +ose$h )))0284#288
he "nd +ose$h "re with the woen disci$%es "nd the she$herds *"%i"nt%' de!ending their $%"ce "t ,"%*"r' &0F>7 c!1 F35
h"s on%' " $"rti"% (nderst"nding o! +es(s )&07>3#728
M"r' shows hi the &eronic" "nd he wee$s &0F68#F4>
(imon o! Isaa0 one o! the three t": co%%ector !riends M"tthew in*ited o*er to his ho(se to eet +es(s )0326
(imon the 3harisee o! N"in @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
(imon o! Cyrene
co$e%%ed to c"rr' +es(sH cross &0F>2#F>3
(imon o! Te/oah0 g"*e hos$it"%it' to +es(s )&0FF60FF8
(imon0 the !"ther#in#%"w o! 'o(ng ,%eo$"s0 son o! ,%eo$"s o! E"(s
+es(s0 c"%%ed to so%*e " di!!ic(%t "tter0 eets Sion "nd his in %"ws !ro E"(s )06F5#6F4
+es(s s$e"ks to 'o(ng ,%eo$"s "nd Sion0 his !"ther#in#%"w on the ro"d to E"(s &06C>#6C7
(imon o! the (anhedrin @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
(imon :oetos @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
(imon Camit @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
(itare0 the %itt%e $"r"%'Ied Phoenici"n gir%0 sister to S'r" @who h"d %i*ed in A%e:"ndroscene with her h(sb"nd0 Oeno0 be!ore he diedA "nd T"ir"
+es(s he"%s her in the s'n"gog(e o! the Ro"n Freeden )&06F4
on obedience )))05>6
on the so(% )))06F6#6F4
entioned in ))0F5FE )&053F
+es(s entions the *irt(e o! Socr"tes to Pi%"te who is tr'ing Hi &03F>
(olomon0 the !err'"n o! @ne"rBA +ericho @)&054A )0387E ))038FE )&057
" disci$%e who g"*e his %itt%e ho(se "t the +ord"n !ord to +es(s )))033072F077F0F34
he ret(rns to his ho(se c"rr'ing the inK(red she$herd +ose$h )&05C#53
h"d " de"! "nd d(b re%"ti*e c(red b' +es(s )&054
"t the Te$%e !or Fe"st o! Dedic"tion )&0767
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
(olomon0 The Oing o! Israel
his !"i%(re to (se GodHs gi!t wise%' )&0F7>#F72
his re;(est !or wisdo o*er riches0 he%$ed c"nce% his %"ter !"i%(re )&0F72
(ons o! Thunder0 +es(sH n"e !or +"es "nd +ohn )))0582
(tephen0 the $riIed st(dent o! G""%ie% "nd c%ose !riend o! Her"s0 who w"s one o! the sons o! O%d ,%eo$"s o! E"(s "nd "%so " $riIed st(dent o! Gamaliel
in the crowd "bo*e M"gd"%" with Her"s "!ter the e%ection o! the A$ost%es0 he"ring +ohn s$e"k he w"nts to be " disci$%e ))02>502>F
"t the Seron on the Mo(nt "nd se*er"% other ties with +es(s "nd the Disci$%es ))02C5023F024F @See "%so ))07F6038F0635#637E )))0530CC07C0C870C5CA
s$e"ks to +es(s "bo(t G""%ie%Hs worr' o*er Er"ste(s the Phi%istine )))07307F
"t ,"$ern"(0 he co(nse%s wo(%d#be disci$%es o! the cost o! !o%%owing ,hrist )))07C6#7C4
re"ined with +es(s "!ter the /re"d o! Li!e disco(rse "t ,"$ern"( )))077F#776
the n(ero(s other ties he is seen with +es(s "nd the Disci$%es )))03520364038606780667E )&0245076703>40F2C0F75E &02830525
he is (n"sh"ed to $(b%ic%' dec%"re the Te$%e o! +er(s"%e de"d "nd e*en to die !or his *iews &0588#C>>
with +es(s d(ring the P"ssion week0 then "t Mt1 T"bor "nd "t PeterHs !irst ce%ebr"tion o! the E(ch"rist &074F074404580446
the ,h(rchHs !irst "rt'r &08>3
(usanna0 bride o! ,"n"1 Her h(sb"nd is either " re%"ti*e or c%ose !riend o! Ho%' M"r' )0542
+es(s is in*ited to her wedding in ,"n" )056F#542
S(s"nn"Hs h(sb"nd "sks +es(s to he"% her "nd $roises to gi*e her to His ser*ice ))0CF#C4
+es(s h"d entr(sted Ag%"e to the c"re o! S(s"nn" ))05880C2>0335
"t her ho(se0 S(s"nn" now enco(r"ges the new con*ert0 M"r' M"gd"%ene ))0335#337
Ho%' M"r' (st re$ro*e S(s"nn" !or "n (nch"rit"b%e re"rk ))0F64
on the w"' to the cross "nd "t the cross "t +es(sH de"th &0F>20F550F5C
S(s"nn"0 with M"r' S"%oe0 the second gro($ to *isit the tobE the' see "n "nge% "nd "re too !rightened to s$e"k (nti% the others s$e"k &06>6062>
(yntyhe0 !orer Greek s%"*e o! &"%eri"n @))0F53A0 h"d sisters "nd one !"*orite n"ed )sene @)))04CA1
resc(ed b' +es(s "nd entr(sted to M"r' "nd M"rth" ))0F55#F540FCC
her testion' "t L"I"r(sH ho(se )))05F07603>#37
+es(s gi*es S'nt'che "d*ice on how to (se her Geek know%edge to he%$ others coe to !"ith )))0FC#F7
s$e"ks o! Greek 'tho%og' to +es(s )))0F4
+es(s s$e"ks o! the co(nion o! the s"ints "nd $"g"ns who %i*e honest%' with the %ight the' h"*e )))04C#47
+es(s s$e"ks o! "nHs eor' o! di*ine tr(th !ro his cre"tion "nd the error o! reinc"rn"tion )))082#85
+es(s te%%s her He (st send her to st"' with His Mother "t N"I"reth )))088#2>>
with +es(s "nd +ohn o! Endor "t N"I"reth )))023F
+es(s "nswers S'nt'cheHs ;(estions "bo(t origin"% sin0 its c"nce%%"tion "nd its e!!ects )))02F6#26>
S'nt'che "nd +ohn o! Endor "re to%d the he"rt#rending tr(th o! h"*ing to %e"*e )sr"e% !or Antioch )))0243#287
de$"rt(re !ro N"I"reth )))05>C#5>8
+es(s bids !"rewe%% to the e:i%es he"ded !or Pto%e"is "nd then Se%e(ci" "nd Antioch )))0527
the tri$ b' se" to Se%e(ci" )))0556#57>
%etters !ro S'nt'che "nd +ohn o! Endor )))037>#377
she writes o! the de"th o! +ohn o! Endor )&0566#58F
L"I"r(s te%%s +es(s o! his *isit "nd o! S'nt'cheHs schoo% !or gir%s in Antioch &052C#527
+es(s "$$e"rs to her "!ter His res(rrection &04>4
(yra0 'o(ng wi!e o! the dece"sed Oeno "nd sister to " T"ir" o! A%e:"ndroscene )&06F4#6F8
Oeno died 2> onths be!ore +es(s is to%dE she wishes to !o%%ow +es(s )&06F4
"t the S($$er Roo ho(se "!ter the res(rrection &06C306C6
Tamar0 the %itt%e gir% ne"r E$hr"i who cheered +es(s with !%owers &0266
Ten 5epers ne"r E$hr"i )&07CF
Theodate0 the Greek o! Tiberi"s ))037C
Theophilus0 go*ernor @chie! "gistr"teA o! S'ri"0 !"ther o! L"I"r(s0 h(sb"nd to god%' E(cheri" @))038E )))05C2E &02F4AE he resided "nd go*erned !ro Antioch
@)))024>057>A0 "nd died " co($%e o! 'e"rs be!ore +es(s beg"n his inistr' @)0732A1
Theresa o! the ,hi%d +es(s )&0C4F
Theudas0 " !"%se Messi"h who "rose -efore +(d"s the G"%i%e"n "rose in AD F "nd "ccording to G""%ie% "t the tie o! the birth o! ,hrist )0C6FE )&0237E Acts
Thomas o! ,"$ern"(0 w"s "%w"'s host to +es(s "nd the Disci$%es when the' were in ,"$ern"( ))02820745 c!1 744E ))03520F8>
his wi!e re$ro*ed b' +es(s !or not t"king ore interest in %itt%e reKected A%$h"e(s o! Merob" )&0288#5>>
Timon0 the hote% kee$er in +ericho )))0745
Timoneus0 @Tion or Tiothe(sA0 (nK(st%' "n"the"tiIed0 e:# ,hie! o! s'n"gog(e "t ,%e"r 9"ter )063F
+es(s co!orts "nd instr(cts hi )0636
he is entr(sted to she$herd )s""c "%ong with +ose$h o! E"(s0 who w"s "%so wrong%' "n"the"tiIed ))0808>0587038F
with his other "nd +es(s in his hoetown o! Aer" )))0226#256
re"ined with +es(s "!ter the /re"d o! Li!e disco(rse "t ,"$ern"( )))077F#776
+es(s gent%' re$ro*es hi "t ,h(I"Hs co(ntr' ho(se with "n' others whoH*e been is%ed0 "nd he ;(ick%' wishes to re$ent )&0C250C240C52
"!ter " %ong onth o! !ee%ing sh"e !or his error0 he "nd M"n"en "re bro(ght b"ck to +es(s )&0764
Titus0 one o! the two +ewish sco(rgers o! +es(s &03F7
TobiasGMathias0 the she$herd @See She$herds0 The 25 /eth%eheA
Tobit' O%d0 " !"ith!(% resident "t ,"$ern"( th"t +es(s *isits be!ore His de"th ))03C7
Toby "nd %ahel @See +oh"nn" o! ,"n"A
Toby "nd .ohanna0 the %itt%e brother "nd sister o! ,"$ern"( who r"n into di!!ic(%t' tr'ing to get soe !igs o!! " tree )0325E ))0785
Tolme0 Ph"risee "cc(sed b' +es(s "t the Te$%e o! $r"cticing "gic )))0387 @Listed "%so (nder Re%igio(s Le"dersA
Triphon @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
Trison @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
Tusnilde o! Te(tob(rger 9"%d0 &"%eri"Hs s%"*e who she set !ree )&06F6E &0CC4
>riah' .oab' and $dina' C o! the 6 %e$ers +es(s c(red in the &"%%e' o! Hino )&064F#646r
>riah0 the Ph"risee o! ,"$ern"( @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
>riel0 b%ind /"rti"e(sH b%ind co$"nion0 who w"s "%so he"%ed b' +es(s &0C2C
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
>riel0 *isited the d'ing L"I"r(s @&08A @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
M& s"'s this R"bbi "%so str(ck +es(s with stones &08
>zziel0 str(ck +es(s with stones in Gisc"%" @)))0C3CA @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
M& s"'s this R"bbi *isited L"I"r(s on his de"th bed &08
&aleria @See Ro"n Nobe% 9oenA
&alerian0 the rich "nd cr(e% Ro"n nob%e"n whose Greek s%"*e0 S'nt'che0 esc"$ed ))0F53E )&0F5 @Listed "%so (nder Ro"n Nob%e"nA
w"s shi$$ed b"ck to Roe bec"(se o! the tro(b%e he c"(sed o*er %osing his s%"*e0 S'nt'che
&altorta0 Iside0 other to M"ri" )0i*
M& s$e"ks o! her sorrow "nd +es(sH co!ort in her otherHs de"th )027F
&altorta' Maria' 3)%(4"$5 5IF)
o!ten c"%%ed <%itt%e +ohn= b' +es(s "nd <sweet %itt%e *io%et o! M' $"ssion= "nd <$"ssion !%ower o! M"r'= &034504F3
" biogr"$hic"% s("r' )0i*#:ii
she sh"res her chi%dhood sensiti*it' to GodHs $resence &06C7#6C3
the condition !ro which she w"s con*erted ))03>F
Ho%' M"r' h"d "de " s$eci"% re;(est o! Her Son to gi*e M"ri" to Her )&03>6
her str(gg%es with her ission )0 57F#57605F>
the se*ere %iit"tions o! being bedridden in re%"tion to her work )))0578
" *icti so(% ) 066#68027305C20CF3E ))076#7407470c! 7440E )))025FE )&05CF0C540C4FE &07750635#63C
intense $h'sic"% s(!!ering )0F86E )))06C4E )&0557
+es(s w"rns her "g"inst $ride "nd (nbe%ie! )))0727
M"ri" h"d re"ched " s(it o! <tot"% %o*e= !or the Lord b' her 78
birthd"' )))06C7#6CF
she is c"(ght ($ in "n ecst"tic e:$erience o! Di*ine %o*e )))0C4C#C46
+es(sH $roise to be incre"sing%' c%oser "nd c%oser to her )))0287 @$roise gi*en on October 570 2873A
her $"tient obedience to her s($eriors )))0677
+es(s s"'s wh"t "de M& so i$ort"nt w"s her %o*e0 not her writings0 bec"(se the' be%onged to Hi &0F62
with gre"t s"dness M& re"%iIes "t the *ision o! the Ascension th"t her tie with +es(s "nd His "n' disci$%es is coing to "n end &04F3#4F6
&altorta' Maria' &$%I4>( (>:.)CT(
the n"t(re o! the *isions0 the dict"tions0 "nd the inner %oc(tions she recei*ed
*isions so *i*id th"t in "ddition to he"ring "nd seeing e*er'thing "s tho(gh "ct("%%' $resent0 she co(%d "%so se%% e*er'thing ))0727
in one s(r$rising c"se0 +es(s "ct("%%' inter"cts with M& in " *ision &06F2
dict"tions *s1 *isions )0250273
<The second *oice0= "n inner %oc(tion )0528#55>
not gi*en in chrono%ogic"% order0 b(t re"rr"nged %"ter "t the direction o! ,hrist Hise%! )&0C3>
soeties the *isions or wh"t w"s re*e"%ed in the were not wh"t she w"s e:$ecting0 ;(e%%ing her !e"rs th"t these *isions were o! her own i"gin"tion
"n (ne:$ected *ision )036
she is s(r$rised to !ind the <.$$er Roo= to be " roo %ower th"n the rest o! the ho(se1 The on%' conc%(sion th"t c"n be re"ched is th"t <the ($$er roo=
w"s " co%%o;(i"%is !or the roo where e"%s were e"ten0 bec"(se e"%s were nor"%%' e"ten in "n ($$er %e*e% roo0 $res("b%' to better c"tch "n'
coo%ing breeIes1 &0748#78>
+es(s c"%%ed the wo"n we c"%% &eronic" b' the n"e Nike1 The <&eronic"0= "ccording to The Poem0 re!ers to the c%oth which Nike o!!ered to +es(s th"t
w"s i$rinted with the s(!!ering !"ce o! +es(s1 This c%oth ist"ken%' bec"e the identit' o! the wo"n who o!!ered it1 &0F>7
+es(s w"s n"i%ed to the cross thro(gh the wrist0 not the $"%s0 "s w"s coon%' be%ie*ed b"sed on " is%e"ding tr"ns%"tion o! the Gos$e%s &0F>4
+es(s h"d enco(r"ged her to "dd "s (ch o! her own obser*"tions d(ring these *isions bec"(se the' wo(%d bring "n' to the Lord )057F
these $erson"% obser*"tions soeties c"(sed is(nderst"ndings on the $"rt o! M&:
)0265 # thinking this re*e%"tion occ(rs *er' e"r%' in ,hristHs inistr'0 she ist"ken%' !ee%s th"t not "%% the 25 Disci$%es h"*e been chosen1
)))03C3 # thinking th"t An"st"sic" is s$e"king o! the <other= +es(s w"s entr(sting her to0 she thinks she is re!erring to E%iI" o! /ethI(r r"ther
th"n to the Ho%' Mother M"r'1
+es(s wo(%d re$e"t dict"tions when she got behind "nd sto$ the *ision when she is interr($ted to "*oid "n' error ))0335E )))0787
discre$"ncies between the Gos$e%s "nd The Poem
di!!erences between wh"t +ohn wrote in his Gos$e% "nd wh"t w"s re*e"%ed in The Poem )05F6#5F4E )&0C5F#C56
coents on the critics o! the work )))025FE )&0C8
those who wi%% reKect the h("nness o! ,hrist re*e"%ed in this work )0774
the odern Ph"risees wi%% disco(nt this work bec"(se the' si$%' do not wish ,hrist to be %o*ed )06F4
en wi%% be K(dged b' the w"' the' h"*e re"cted to this work in o(r d"' "s the' were K(dged b' their re"ction to ,hrist 5> cent(ries "go )&0454
to the do(bters "nd the deniers &0632#63C
the reKection o! this work "nd He"*en "b"ndons those in the highest $ositions in the ,h(rch0 the Po$es %"ter $ro*ing to be the e:ce$tion &044F
se*en !o%d $(r$ose !or the gi!t o! The Poem &087F#835
to restore " tr(e (nderst"nding o! the h("nit' o! ,hrist th"t h"s becoe <(nre"%= )05C4
+es(s to M&: the Gos$e%s h"*e o*er the cent(ries h"*e been de$ri*ed o! e%eents th"t h"*e "de it di!!ic(%t to (nderst"nd ))084#88
to s"tis!' the $"rtic(%"r need in o(r d"' !or $riests to becoe tr(e "sters o! the s$irit )&04560454
!or e*er'one0 b(t dedic"ted to $riests &0635#63C
on the !ire o! GodHs %o*e she h"s e:$erienced ))0C8C#C83 c!1C84E )))06C7#6CF
her withdr"w"% !ro the wor%d "nd (nion with the Lord )0:E )))0457 @noteAE )064
&eiled Woman @See Ag%"eA
&eronia @See NikeA
&irgil0 the Ro"n $oet )&065#6C
the Ro"n woen s$e"k to +es(s o! &irgi%Hs $ro$hec' o! the ,hrist "nd o! the *iews o! " conte$or"r' "stro%oger o! the conK(nction o! st"rs )&06C
+es(s coents to +(d"s on his ch"ste %i!e )&08F
Wise Men: Melhior' :althazar0 "nd Gaspar )02F6
+es(s0 on their s$irit("% ch"r"cter )0267#264
the *iew o! the (nbe%ie*ing /eth%ehe $e"s"nt "nd the /eth%ehe hote% kee$er )0C63#C66 "nd C43
the disc(ssion "ong $i%gris "t ,%e"r 9"ter )0FC6
the /eth%ehe she$herds reco(nt the e*ent "t /eth"n' )067F
the Ro"n woen s$e"k to +es(s o! &irgi%Hs $ro$hec' o! the ,hrist "nd o! the *iews o! " conte$or"r' "stro%oger o! the conK(nction o! st"rs )&06C
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
o%d Abr"h" o! Engedi te%%s o! the 9ise Men !%eeing !ro Herod )))0F48#F8>
ore on the 9ise MenHs *isit to the Ho%' ,it' )&0788
Woodutter9s son o! Mt1 ,"re%0 he"%ed b' +"es ))0F36#F38
Uahaeus o! +ericho0 the 7> 'e"r o%d @)&026A t": co%%ector who becoes con*erted
+(d"s s$e"ks with hi in +ericho )0384#388
eets +es(s in " tree )&022#23
his s$irit("% $rogression to " K(st s$irit )&0F67#F8F
his A$osto%"te )&0F67
Nike h"s been he%$ing hi (nti% she o*ed to +er(s"%e )&0F68
+es(s with hi "nd his new con*erts )&0F44
his !riends: +oe%0 +(d"s0 E%ie%0 E%k"n"h &0C23
Uahaeus0 " scribe @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
Uahaeus0 the se" !isher"n o! M"gd"%" who h"d !i*e chi%dren0 one n"ed /enK"in ))0557
Uaharias the she$herd bo'0 son o! de"d )s""c0 h"d " sorrowing other "nd three ore brothers0 is co!orted b' +es(s ))0526
Uaharias @See Re%igio(s Le"dersA
Uaharias' the %e$er o! 2> 'e"rs0 c(red b' +es(s "t the tob o! +er(s"%e0 witnesses to O"cch"e(s o! +es(sH erc' )&025
Uaharias o! Hebron0 $riest o! the c%"ss o! AbiK"h @)0C32A "nd !"ther o! the /"$tist0 h(sb"nd to E%iI"beth1 He "nd E%iI"beth were both co(sins to Ho%' M"r'
@)06C066023CAE he she%tered0 !ed "nd !o(nd work !or the /eth%ehe she$herds0 who were dri*en o(t o! /eth%ehe @)0C85#C8CAE his ho(se w"s con!isc"ted b' the
Ro"ns "!ter his i$risonent0 "nd his gr"*e @which "%so cont"ined the re"ins o! S"(e%0 the /eth%ehe she$herd !ro HebronA w"s desecr"ted @)07>3AE h"d
$roised to h"*e %itt%e M"r' $r"' whi%e "t the Te$%e th"t he "nd E%iI"beth wo(%d h"*e " chi%d )0C30CF
"t M"r'Hs $resent"tion to the Te$%e )077#7F
with M"r' when the High Priest in!ors her o! her need to "rr' )034#F2
the $resent"tion o! M"r' to +ose$h )0FC
M"r'Hs *isit"tion )02>2#2>502>302>4#2>8
the birth o! the /"$tist )022>#223
his circ(cision "nd then his $resent"tion in the Te$%e C5 d"'s %"ter )022F#2240228#253
his s$irit("% b%indness to M"r'Hs *irgin"% conce$tion o! Her Son )02>4
he is !in"%%' en%ightened on M"r'Hs *irgin"% conce$tion )0 226
"t the /eth%ehe "ss"cre0 O"ch"ri"s "nd E%iI"beth (st hide the /"$tist0 who is on%' 23 onths o%d &058F
O"ch"ri"s h"d b%"ed the $ossib%e de"th o! the Ho%' F"i%' on his $oor "d*ice to M"r' "nd +ose$h to st"' in +(de" &058F
Ho%' M"r' re!%ects on his re%i"nce on h("n wisdo )0238
+es(s re!%ects on the s$irit("% !or"tion o! O"ch"ri"s )067F#676
M"r' o! A%$h"e(s reco(nts O"ch"ri"sH grie! o*er his "d*ice to the Ho%' F"i%' to st"' in +(de" &058F
Uaharias0 the 'o(ng Le*ite !riend o! +ohn the $riest0 !riends o! +es(s )))07>07507C
h"s decided in his he"rt to becoe " disci$%e o! +es(s )&0746
%istening to +es(s "t the Te$%e )&03F7036>0364#34>
+es(s "$$e"rs to hi "!ter His res(rrection &04>8
+es(s chooses hi to "ong the <65^ &04C6047>
Uaharias0 son o! !"ith!(% Sion o! ,"$ern"( ))06>4
with +es(s in +er(s"%e )&03F7036>
Uebedee0 !"ther o! +"es "nd +ohn0 h(sb"nd to M"r' S"%oe o! /eths"id" @))0C8A0 h"d re%"ti*es @+ose$h o! Se$horis )&034>A in +er(s"%e @)0252A where M"r'
"nd +ose$h st"'ed when in +er(s"%e
h"d " good b(siness re%"tionshi$ @s($$%'ing the dried !ishA with the High Priests Ann"s "nd ,"i"$h"s in +er(s"%e )0CFC
he res$onds re%(ct"nt%' b(t $ositi*e%' to his wi!e S"%oeHs desire to !o%%ow +es(s )0C8#7>
he credits +es(s with the %"rge c"tch o! !ish )))0754
Ueno0 the Greek !ro Antioch0 sent b' S'nt'che with %etters to +es(s )&05880C>>#C>4
"t ,"$ern"( )&05F305FF056F054C#546
went to Tiberi"s )&05FF0542
eets +es(s "nd de%i*ers the %etters )&054C#546
!inds +es(s "g"in )&05880C>>#C>4
"t the Te$%e0 Fe"st o! T"bern"c%es )&0737
Ueno0 the dece"sed h(sb"nd to 'o(ng S'r" o! A%e:"ndroscene )&06F4
Uita' (t. &0443
S7BJ40% ;$D4<
%9 %H4 694* 93 %H4 *A$=G9D
P(r$ose o! The Poem0 "ccording to +es(s Hise%!0 w"s to restore the re"%it' "nd tr(th o! ,hristHs ort"% d"'s @)05C4A1 This restor"tion o!
re"%it' w"s then to "cco$%ish the se*en obKecti*es det"i%ed "t the c%ose o! the !i!th *o%(e1 +es(s $re*io(s%' s("riIed the $(r$ose o!
this re*e%"tion !or societ'0 <to strengthen it "g"inst the ore "nd ore $ower!(% "tt"cks o! S"t"n "nd the wor%d1= The S(bKect )nde: wi%%
he%$ the st(dent o! The Poem %oc"te "teri"%s th"t "ddress these "tt"cks on the !"ith e*en the c(rrent neg"tion o! *it"% re*e%"tion in o(r
d"' s(ch "s The Poem1 +es(s gi*es His *iews o! those odern Ph"risees in the ,h(rch who reKect the re*e%"tion o! The Poem of the
Man-God in )06F40 )))025F "nd &0632#63C1 The conse;(ence o! ignoring or reKecting His 9ord is "%so re*e"%ed in )057F1 M& describes
how the "cc(r"c' o! her writing is "int"ined when interr($ted @)))0787A "nd th"t +es(s "%so re$e"ted when soething w"s oitted
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
it is (rder:
+es(s "t ,%e"r 9"ter )0FF60F47
+es(s s"'s itHs (rder ))06F5E )))07F6
on%' God h"s "(thorit' to t"ke %i!e )0C3F
+es(s to +(d"sH other0 who wished she h"d torn her wob to $re*ent +(d"sH birth: <'o( wo(%d h"*e sinned= &0683
+es(s to the S""rit"n wo"n ))027
ho$e !or those who h"*e h"d "n "bortion: The S""rit"n wo"n Photin"i ))027
$bsolution !rom (in
ch"rit' "nd erc' )&0C7F
(st be cert"in0 not <"%ost cert"in= to "ke "n "cc(s"tion )))07FC
+es(s "t ,%e"r 9"ter )0FF7#F62
to desire is sin ))02670266#264
$dvent' The Final )&0342
$esulapius D the Ro"n 'tho%ogic"% god o! edicine0 the son o! A$o%%o &0722
$!terli!e @See "%so He"*enE He%%E LiboE P"r"diseE P(rg"tor'A
three re"%s: He%%0 P(rg"tor' "nd Libo )&0535
!o(r re"%s: He"*en0 P(rg"tor'0 Libo "nd P"r"dise @"!ter the Res(rrection P"r"dise w"s t"ken into He"*enA &06F3
$ge o! $ountability )072E ))085E )&082
$ge o! )arth7>niverse @See ,re"tionA
g("rdi"n ))0524
!"%%en ))03F2E )&07FF
wh' soe !e%% )0C36
when we sin )))0C32
he%$ !or "n in te$t"tion )))0C3>#C32
the' w"tched o*er Photin"i0 the S""rit"n wo"n in her e:i%e o! e:$i"tion &0537
do not need " te"cherE the' see God )0C36
L(ci!er0 ost be"(ti!(% "nge%0 drew into sin those we"kest in %o*e )0C36
Ange% o! Di*ine Sorrow0 one o! the two "nge%s th"t "$$e"red !irst to the M"gd"%ene0 then "%one to S(s"nn" "nd S"%oe in the LordHs
tob "nd then "g"in with the G("rdi"n o! the M"n#God to M"r' o! A%$h"e(s0 M"rth" "nd +oh"nn" &06>6#62>
G("rdi"n o! the M"n#God0 the "nge% th"t "$$e"red with the Ange% o! Di*ine Sorrow !irst to M"r' o! M"gd"%" "nd then to M"r' o!
A%$h"e(s0 M"rth" "nd +oh"nn" &06>6#62>
"n cre"ted higher th"n the "nge%s )0C3403>8
M"r' s"'s the "nge%s o! He"*en <do not ce"se singing their NS"nct(s0H not e*en !or "n inst"nt= )084
no "nge%s on e"rth the night o! the /etr"'"% &0788
M"r'Hs $r"'ers obt"in the s(st"ining "nge% !or +es(s in the G"rden o! Gethse"ne &0324
wh"t the "nge% showed +es(s th"t wonder!(%%' s(st"ined Hi "t the $oint o! His dee$est des$"ir &037C#377
"g"inst onese%! !or !"i%(re0 " sign o! $ride "nd %"ck o! !"ith )))022
+es(s "nswers M"n"en0 who is concerned o*er "cc(s"tions he is "n ido%"ter bec"(se he c"res too (ch !or his horse )&045C#453
$nointing o! the (i/0 (arament o! ))0F3C#F37
" $(ri!ic"tion !or the %"st st"ins o! o(r sins &047F#476
$re!ig(red in the M"gd"%eneHs "nointing +es(s !or His Tri($h"% entr' into +er(s"%e0 " !ig(re "%so o! o(r own de"th &0476
e*en in the $(rs(it o! ho%iness is b"d )))022
$phrodite $nadyomene D Greek goddess o! %o*e "nd be"(t'0 co$"r"b%e to the Ro"n goddess o! &en(s )&0F5
in the tr(e ,h(rch ))0525#52CE )&0342E &0476#432
+ohn o! Endor "nd S'nt'che Koined !or work in Antioch )))0285
$postoli College @See "%so M"gisteri(E &ision"riesA
two orders o! 25 A$ost%es0 one hidden "nd the other $(b%ic1
Abe% "nd S"(e% took the $%"ce o! two o! the 25 /eth%ehe she$herds th"t h"d died0 O%d S"(e% "nd +on"h @+osh(" 7:2#8A1 )))0F66
(st re$resent the wor%d )0372
the A$osto%ic co%%ege (st be contin("%%' renewed b' the <!(t(re *oices= Lthe <hidden= co%%egeM o! ,hrist )))03>7
$pparitions @See "%so Mir"c%e "nd Post A$osto%ic Re*e%"tionsA
$(r$ose o!0 to good $eo$%e )))0336
d"nger to others )))0338
+es(s s$e"ks on the i$ort"nce o! the <!(t(re *oices= o! ,hrist in the ,h(rch )))03>7#3>3
+(dgent on those who iniiIeGignoreGdes$ise GodHs gi!ts or the $rec(rsors o! His second coing ))06>6E )))0727#723
M& on those who tre"t s($ern"t(r"% things %ight%' )))0756
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
discerning A$$"ritions "nd Re*e%"tion witho(t o(tw"rd ir"c%es or signs )))0C62
those who see or s(s$ect !"%sehood )))073C
how to "ct in )&074F0746
$ssumption o! Mary into Heaven &08C7
Her s$irit h"d de$"rted !ro Her bod' b(t not Her %i!e#gi*ing so(% &08C4087>
+es(s: the tr"dition th"t s$e"ks o! " se$(%cher !or M"r' is $(re %egend &087>
M"r' w"s the on%' ort"% to h"*e Her !%esh g%ori!ied be!ore the !in"% res(rrection "nd K(dgent &087C
witho(t it en wo(%d st"' in Libo0 "nd He"*en wo(%d not be $ossib%e !or "n )&0726
i! ,hrist h"d not coe0 the e"rth wo(%d h"*e $erished0 h"*ing torn itse%! to $ieces c(rsing the cre"tor &0C33
w"s !or the sins o! "%% en0 not K(st Ad"Hs sin ))06>8#62>E )))0F75E )&07F2
$uthority @See "%so Obedience to ,h(rch A(thorit'A
GodHs c"%% is "bo*e " !"therHs c"%% )0 C>50C>C
" !"therHs "(thorit' !or his !"i%' is "bo*e " $riestHs "(thorit' &077>#775
GodHs "(thorit' is "bo*e " $riestHs "(thorit' )023F0236 c!1 M"tt 5:55
+es(s on +ohnHs h(i%it' "nd res$ect !or the !"i%ing Peter "s he"d A$ost%e )&0C57#C54
M"r' de!e"ts )027C
:an1uet o! 5ove
"t +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"Hs ho(se in +er(s"%e )))03F5#36F
its e!!ect on Pi%"teHs co(rt thro(gh the in!%(ence o! ,%"(di" "nd the other Ro"n woen )&0F2#F5
:aptism' Christian
wh' +es(s chose to c%e"nse (s !ro Origin"% sin "nd i$"rt the S$irit (sing the o(tw"rd sign o! /"$tis &047C
not the on%' w"' to w"sh "w"' sin )0F72
the w"ter o! /"$tis is the w"ter th"t c"e !ro the side o! +es(s "t ,"%*"r' @&047CAE b"$tis is "nother ir"c%e @&0472#475A
this w"ter !ro +es(sH side is the w"ter o! EIekie% 76:2#25 &047C
the b%ood o! ,hrist redeeed the sins o! en0 b(t on%' the w"ter o! His co$%ete de"th co(%d redee The Sin &047C
wh' +es(s w"nted the Trinit"ri"n !or(%" "t /"$tis &047C
other b"$tis"% rites <o! the !(t(re= th"t wi%% not be <inde%ib%e signs on the iort"% $"rt= &047C
<b"$tis !or the de"d= ) ,or1 23:580C> Note: E"r%' ,hristi"ns were b"$tiIed !or those in P(rg"tor'0 who wo(%d !"ce K(dgent !or
sins o! the !%esh1 This w"s "$$"rent%' done $(b%ic%'0 risking $ersec(tion0 which e:$%"ins the *irt(e o! the "ct1
s$rink%ingG$o(ring )0F72
" s"cr"ent ))0220F35
reo*es the Origin"% sin @))0F35E &047CA b(t not its sc"rs )0C50534
the so(% is *i*i!ied b' gr"ce "nd the S$irit o! the Lord t"kes $ossession o! it &0667047C
this took $%"ce in the Disci$%es when the res(rrected Lord bre"thed on the in the S($$er Roo &06760636
this rece$tion o! the Ho%' S$irit reo*es sin b(t does not "ke the S$irit the M"ster &0667
is o! no *"%(e i! there is no re$ent"nce "nd wi%% to !orgo sin )0788
+ohnHs /"$tis " ere s'bo% intended to he%$ one h(b%e onese%! "nd re$ent )03>8E ))0F35
it is the word o! the $riest or be%ie*er "t /"$tis th"t works the ir"c%e o! reo*ing "%% sin ))0F35#F3C
:aptism' .ohn9s
on%' s'bo%ic0 w"s not "cco$"nied b' the S$irit ))0F35
w"s re$e"ted e*er' tie one c"e to hi ))0F3C
the c(rse o! it in +es(sH d"' )03370333
God cre"ted wo"n so "n wi%% not be te$ted "nd !"%% into e*en gre"ter obscenit' th"n he did )&0457
Me"ning )&024028
$o*ert' o! S$irit ))02CF#2C6
its re"% e"ning )&024#5>
eekness ))02C6
wee$ingGo(rning witho(t co$%"int ))02C4
Ho%' M"r' "ttrib(tes the goodness o! " wo"n to Her (nh"$$iness &054C
h(ngering !or K(stice ))02C4
erci!(% ))02C8
e*en to those with " b"d dis$osition0 the worst iser' !or both the one who h"s it "nd those who %i*e with the ))02C8
$(re in he"rt ))027>
$e"ce!(% in s$irit ))027>
$ersec(ted !or the c"(se o! right ))027>#272
wh' the righteo(s "re $ersec(ted ))0272
"cc(sed "nd "b(sed !"%se%' ))0272
:eelzebub ))0C4>0765E )&0 CC#C302C>0377
is S"t"n )&0C3
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
:el "idras D M& o!ten con!(ses m "nd n in +ewish n"es1 This sho(%d no do(bt be /e% Midr"sh0 the $%"ce in the Te$%e where
doctors wo(%d te"ch the $eo$%e1 )0C3>E )&078F
:elievers in Christ
wi%% "%w"'s be %itt%e when co$"red to the gre"t "ss o! h("nit' &04C7
:ethlehem Massare )0C65#C43
:ethlehem (hepherds @See M"gisteri(0 (no!!ici"%A
:etrayers in the Churh )))0F66 @See "%so ,h(rchA
+es(s disco(nts the conce$t )))0583
:ible +es(s entions it "s %"sting "s %ong "s "n e:ists ))0574
Ho%' M"r' sees "nd !ee%s the %"shes recei*ed b' Her Son tho(gh She is in the S($$er Roo ho(se &03850F360F62#F65
:laming @See +(dgingA
:lessing @See "%so Gi!ts o! GodA
"$%i!ies or "gni!ies oneHs "bi%it' to do the good th"t brings GodHs !"*or )))0325
wi%% becoe conden"tion i! not "$$reci"ted "nd (sed $ro$er%' )0777E )&0627#623
:loody (lope D " $%"ce on Mt1 Ad(i where "n' h"d been robbed "nd (rdered b' highw"'en &0274
:odily %esurretion )))0F7C
te$%e !or so(%0 so(% te$%e !or God )0622
%e"st i$ort"nt "s$ect o! o(r being )))06F4
the bod' "nd this %i!e "s " s"cri!ice c"n b(' so(%s )))06F8
<"ni"% bod'= )&08>
+es(s /en Sir"ch )072
:orn $gain
de!inition e"ning s"inthood )0C73
+es(s (ses it to describe con*ersion to Hi "!ter His Res(rrection &0566
d"ngers o! "nd to the Priesthood "nd inisters )))04
Calendar 8ear' The Christian # to begin with the onth o! the P"ssion "nd Res(rrection &0C44
Capital 3unishment
to be "bo%ished thro(gh the in!%(ence o! the Gos$e% )&0C63
Caries0 the Disease )&05F
Celibay @See "%so E(n(chs?
the highest c"%%ing )032>
Census7)dit' The
on%' one in P"%estine )0C8>07260FC606FCE )&072C
M"r' on Her ch"rit' tow"rd E%iI"beth )02>8022>
"s "$$%ied to gi*ing "%s or doing good )0353
ch"stit' "nd $er!ect ch"stit' )0285028C
the A$ost%e +ohnHs $(rit' )0537#53F
essenti"% in recogniIing ,hrist )))0534
+es(s to +(d"s on ch"stit' &05C>#5C2
Cherit' Gorges o! )&0F5C0F85
sees to h"*e been " coon !ood !or the $oor &084
Children @See "%so Or$h"nsA
+es(s s$e"ks o! their ;("%ities )0CC40CC8
$(rit' )))0F28
+es(s te%%s the Disci$%es th"t chi%dren h"*e stronger s$irit("% %ight th"n the' (n%ess the' %e"rn to edit"te &0225
the' "re the gre"test so(% *ictis &025F
%itt%e Mich"e%0 the /eth%ehe she$herd M"tthi"s "nd +es(s )))0635#633
need !or obedience
M"r' te"ches M"rKi" on obedience )))023F#236
+es(s te"ches the chi%dren o! Hi$$o )&0527
to be chi%d%ike is the gre"test o! ;("%ities in GodHs kingdo )))0758
terrib%e w"rning to those who destro' the $(rit' o! chi%dren )))07C>#7C2
rebe%%io(s chi%dren
$"rents not "%w"'s res$onsib%e !or rebe%%io(s "nd e*i% chi%dren )))076706>3#6>F
s"cri!ice o! $"rents c"n s"*e their chi%dren )))0767
i%%egiti"te chi%dren wo(%d soed"' be t"ken "nd %o*ed0 not scorned )&0C63
Chimera D "n i"gin"r' onster )&0C>>
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
its e"ning $er*erted0 its correct e"ning )&0C>5#C>C
+es(s $ro$hecies o! the (se o! this ter to describe the !o%%owers o! the A$ost%es ))0F>E )))0C>
Churh' The @See "%so PriesthoodE Schis in the ,h(rchE A$ost"s' A
" new he"*en%' n"tion"%it' tr"nscending "%% r"ci"%0 ethnic "nd econoic distinctions )))056C
the ,h(rch Tri($h"nt in He"*en0 enKo'ing the /e"ti!ic &ision0 the ,h(rch S(!!ering0 being $(rged o! its sin in P(rg"tor' "nd $"rt
o! the ,h(rch Mi%it"nt0 working o(t its own s"%*"tion on e"rth "nd the ,h(rch Te"ching th"t !eeds it0 is one (ni*ers"% /od' &0433
+es(s $redicted it wo(%d center in Roe &035F
+es(s te%%s Peter th"t he is destined to ser*e Hi in " gre"t cit'0 " <ske%eton= th"t he wi%% bring b"ck to %i!e ))077F
+es(s $roises th"t Peter "nd +ohn wi%% bring the Gos$e% to Roe )))066>
+es(s te%%s Peter he wi%% e*"nge%iIe "nd con;(er Roe !or Hi &0C5
+es(s e:$%"ins whi%e the ,h(rch (st be birthed in +er(s"%e it wi%% be t"ken to the <E$hr"i0= the %"nd o! ido%s &046>
wi%% ne*er $erish ))0C54E &0246
its edi!ice wi%% be (nsh"k"b%e &07F2
the Tr(e Te$%e0 it "' be <knocked down= b(t it wi%% rise "g"in thro(gh its own strength &074>
is s(bKect to the !"(%ts "nd !"i%(res o! its ebers &07F5
+es(s e:$ected it to be !i%%ed with "n' we"k ebers who wo(%d contin("%%' !"%% into ort"% sin &0636
w"rning to the new $riests "nd scribes o! the New Te$%e &07F5
wi%% %i*e o(t the $"ttern o! ,hristHs %i!e "nd de"th "nd in the end the ,h(rch "nd Po$e wi%% "%so be betr"'ed ))0F86E &0476#43>
*ision"ries "nd those who g"*e the s"nct("r' wi%% g"ther the sc"ttered Disci$%esGshee$ "t the ,h(rchHs /etr"'"% &0C66
wi%% go thro(gh tho(s"nds o! $h"ses o! %ight "nd d"rkness0 K(st "s the oon )0653E &08C#87
one org"nic bod' or org"nis with hier"rch'0 not ere%' "n "sseb%' o! so(%s ))0F>5
"s ho%' "s its Fo(nder "nd He"d )&0682E &07F2
the bod' is one with the He"d )&0682
+es(s is its 'stic"% He"d "nd Peter is its *isib%e He"d &07F>
The ,h(rch "de ($ o! ch(rches (nited "nd in s(bKection to Peter "nd his s(ccessors (nti% the end o! tie &04C2
its 'stic"% n"t(re: "de ($ o! "%% %i*ing s$irits )&0785
its hier"rch' @is "teri"% n"t(reA ))0F32E &04C>
+es(s to M&: <the One0 Ho%'0 ,"tho%ic0 A$osto%ic0 Ro"n ,h(rch= &0443
,"tho%ic ,h(rch Q His -ingdo )&0C63
w"rning to the new $riests "nd scribes o! the New Te$%e &07F5
its %"ws "re o! di*ine origin "nd (st be obe'ed (n%ess %o*e "nd K(stice @the *oice o! GodA re;(ire otherwise )&0CC2
+es(s on the S"bb"th tr"*e% %"w @See "%so ObedienceA )&0CFF
+es(s: "bo*e the Te$%e there is Lo*e &0772#775 c!1 77>
the %o*e o! the Mother in the ,h(rch0 the co$%eent to the $ower "nd "(thorit' o! the $"$"c' ))0CFC
how the ,h(rch wi%% ch"nge the wor%d thro(gh %o*e0 eekness "nd $"tience )))0345#347
to (nite e*er'bod' in %o*e: one $eo$%e on%' on e"rth "nd one $eo$%e on%' in He"*en &0224
+es(s re;(ires "n ec(enic"% s$irit "nd res$ect !or those in other !"iths b' His ,h(rch &067F
de"%ing with !"%tering "nd !"i%ing <chie!s= )&0C5F
de"%ing with e*i%doers "nd betr"'ers in the ,h(rch ))0522#52C0F3F
de"%ing with heretics &0437
betr"'ers in the ,h(rch )))0F66
Churh $ge
%ength o!0 "n' cent(ries ))0C54E )))0FC7
the b%ood s'bo%iIed the $(ri!ic"tion !ro Ad"Hs conc($iscence th"t e:c%(ded hi !ro di*ine sonshi$ &043C
Cirumision o! the Heart
wi%% reo*e the <s(!!oc"ting ring o! treb%e conc($iscence= )&034F
Communion o! (aints @See "%so Pen"nceE Pr"'ing to the S"intsE S"ints in He"*en A
co(nion in the s$irit no %onger hindered b' the ch"ins o! the !%esh )0C8F
the' see (s ))05280C3CE )))0240234
he%$ (s thro(gh $r"'er "s we he%$ the ))05FCE )))04C02230F22#F25
the di!!erence between co(nion o! the s"ints "nd necro"nc' "nd the occ(%t )&0332#335
+es(s on co$%"ining "bo(t not h"*ing the necessities o! %i!e )))0762#765
tri$%e )))0FC8
!irst sens("%it'0 then one' "nd $ride o! the s$irit )&0C6
Condemning @See +(dgingE ,riticis0 The S$irit o! A
Con!irmation' (arament o!
" new /"$tis o! the Ho%' S$irit b' the i$osition o! h"nds "nd (nction o! scented oi%s (sed to consecr"te $riests &0477
" sign o! the $riesthood o! "%% be%ie*ers b(t <" %itt%e in!erior to the Priesthood= &0477
Con!ession @See "%so Reconci%i"tion0 S"cr"ent o!A
need o! )))0F6C0F67
honest' needed !or !orgi*eness )))0F67
the M"rch night sk' th"t ho%ds the ke' to restoring the tr"dition"% d"ting o! the %i!e "nd inistr' o! ,hrist )))07F>
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
in the !%esh "nd ind needed )0 C36
Conversion @See "%so Re$ent"nceA
!"%se0 b"sed on h("n oti*es "s Sion o! A%$h"e(sH !irst decision to <!o%%ow= ,hrist ))043#4F
(st be " $rocess oti*"ted b' %o*e "nd go*erned b' (nderst"nding th"t $eo$%e ch"nge s%ow%' ))0 3>3#3>F
how it took $%"ce in the M"gd"%ene ))032F
the M"gd"%eneHs need to !"ce those who knew her in sin to contin(e her con*ersion ))03C>
s(dden con*ersions "re ne*er to be e:$ected "s the' "re s$eci"% works o! God &0CCC
Corporal and (piritual Mery' Deeds o!
+es(s on ))0635E )&0C87
Covetousness @See "%so Ten ,o"ndents0 8
"nd 2>
neighborHs wi!e: +es(s "t ,%e"r 9"ter )0F85#F8F
neighborHs goods: +es(s "t ,%e"r 9"ter )06>8#625
Creation @See "%so E"rthE E*o%(tionA
$(r$ose in )056054
to "ke o(r e:i%e on e"rth %ess di!!ic(%t )&0453
st"ges0 in %ong $eriods o! tie )))03>7E )07F707F3
took "ges "nd h(ndreds o! tho(s"nds o! 'e"rs in s(bse;(ent o$er"tions to cre"te &07F5
+es(s s$e"ks o! being contin("%%' cre"ted to re$%"ce those th"t h"*e $erished &043>
origin"%%' the %ion w"s not !erooci(s "nd the sn"ke witho(t $oison ))0523 @See "%so the F"%%A
res$ect0 %o*e "nd c"re !or0 b(t not ioder"te "!!ection )&0457#453
e:ists on%' b' the tho(ght o! God who w"nts it &07C7
Critiism0 the spirit o! @See "%so +(dgingA
shows we h"*e the s"e sin $rob%e ))0326
+es(s re$ro*es Peter !or criticiIing the re%igio(s %e"ders "nd +(d"s )))02420245
Culpability !or (in @See "%so Acco(nt"bi%it'A
%iited to wh"t "n knows to be tr(th )))0F6C0F67E )&0CF8
not *irt(o(s )0C52E ))0C63E )))0754#758
Peter wins o*er c(riosit' "nd "kes +es(s h"$$' )))04>5#4>C
!orbidden b' the L"w0 "nd one c(rse %e"ds to "nother )0C6F
do not c(rse "n'thing0 e*en things th"t %e"d to sin )0FC8
Damned' The @See "%so He%%A
the' "re those who the God o! Lo*e "nd Merc' (st (tter%' "b"ndon0 which is di*ine h"tred &0C5F
Dead' The
$r"'ing !or )0C830C8F
c"n do ore !or (s )038>
Death' 3hysial
e"ning o! de"th
is the go"% or !oc(s o! this %i!e )))0F33#F3F
not i$ort"nt how %ong one %i*es b(t how one %i*es )))0F3F
is %i!e to those who ho$e in the Lord ))0756E )))0F33#F3F
is itse%! e:$i"tion )))0272
the (%ti"te !reedo o! the righteo(s so(% )))02F>#2F2
de"th is "n etern"% gi!t to those too s$irit("%%' we"k to !"ce the sin o! this wor%d )&05F3"
s(!!ering in )032
be!ore sin0 de"th wo(%d h"*e been " s%ee$0 no dec"' )0F45
$"rents t"ke chi%dren to He"*en ))0563
brings (s into gre"ter (nion ))06C3
Death' (piritual
c"(ses o! s$irit("% de"th )))0F3F#F34
+es(s: th"t is the %ot o! the best $eo$%e )))0582
Deity o! Christ ))0675E )))077
Deluge' The Great
.ni*ers"% on%' in res$ect to the %oc"%iIed wor%d $o$(%"tion: +es(s s"id en wi%% cre"te sco(rges ore dre"d!(% th"n the F%ood
entioned in )&0785
Demon 4bsession
on%' $r"'er "nd !"sting gi*es "(thorit' to de%i*er )))072F#726
Demon 3ossession
*s1 obsession )))072F
the worst !ors o! the "n' "ni!est"tions )&03C8#372
two kinds )0F88E )))033F
how it occ(rs )&0C6
c"n h"$$en to the innocent ))0725E )))033F
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
in +(d"sH c"se0 he o$ened the door to S"t"nHs "%%(reents &0568
!ornic"tion0 the occ"sion !or deonic $ossession )&0C2#CF
co$%ete $ossession )))08E )&0C6
+es(s describes the co$%ete $ossession th"t the )sc"riot wi%% know )&0377
Demoni Inarnation
on%' one "n wi%% e*er be S"t"n inc"rn"te0 +(d"s )sc"riot &0C650C6C0C820327
Demon %eDpossession )))056033F
Demons @See "%so S"t"nA
c"n do d""ge to trees "nd cro$s )0765E ))05CFE )&068F
wh"t it re;(ires to dri*e the o(t ))0F8C
the' c"(sed the Disci$%es to s%ee$ in the G"rden o! Gethse"ne &0375
Desert D !ro wh"t she sees0 M& correct%' conc%(des th"t the word <desert= in the Gos$e%s on%' e"ns *oid o! *i%%"ges &02>>
is wrong )02F702F3
!r(it o! $ride )0C3F
+es(s te%%s +oh"nn" th"t di"onds were !ored s%ow%' (nder he"t0 soething science h"s deonstr"ted &0CC>
Di!!iult Dotors # the critics o! The Poem ))028C0287
Diserning the (pirits ))02>CE )&07C
+es(s w"s to be discerned b' His works "nd the words He s$oke b' the Ho%' S$irit )06FC
"d*ice !ro " $oor she$herd who discerned +es(s w"s the Messi"h ))0526
to te%% " tr(e s"int !ro " $retender0 h(i%it' the e"s(re ))07F7
+es(s s"id the gre"test $roo! o! His "(thenticit' w"s His <works= @$h'sic"% "nd s$irit("%A ))0767
the deonic brings dist(rb"nce "nd sorrowE the di*ine gi*es $e"ce "nd Ko' )&075
!"%se wonders "re "%w"'s Koined to !e"r0 $ert(rb"tion "nd !"%sehoodE tr(e wonders gi*e ho%' $e"ce0 Ko'0 !"ith &07FC
to "n' disci$%es "t the S1O1M1 ))0256#258
to soe wo(%d be disci$%es "t ,"$ern"( ))0282#28C
the cost "nd the rew"rd:
to the Disci$%es "t ,"$ern"( ))03CC#3C7
+es(s in the Te$%e "t T"bern"c%es )))0C7#CF
+es(s to His own Disci$%es )))0C8>#C82
d"nger o! $res($tion in becoing " disci$%e when one is not $re$"red )))0C3#CF
"%% $h'sic"% "nd s$irit("% dise"se the res(%t o! S"t"n "nd sin )0F38
Disorderly 5ove @See "%so Lo*e0 !"%se %o*eA
!or re%igion "nd !"ther%"nd is sin!(%Gse%!ishness )&028F
Division $mong Man/ind
%ike " $oegr"n"teHs bitter di*isions "nd cre"ted b' "ns $ride0 inK(stice "nd h"tred )&0774
Divore' in a nonDsaramental marriage @See "%so M"rri"geE Re"rri"geA
on%' in the c"se o! !ornic"tion ))0264
Mos"ic di*orce @!or <"n' re"son=A ne*er right1 Di*orce "nd re"rri"ge on%' i! re%"tionshi$ is one o! !ornic"tion )))07FF#7F6
to di*orce !or "nother re"son !orces the *icti into "d(%ter' !or which the di*orcing $"rt' is tot"%%' "cco(nt"b%e )))0646
when ho%' necessit' or %o*e re;(ires " bre"king o! %"w0 those who occ"sioned the *io%"tion "re "cco(nt"b%e &02>7#2>3%
+es(s s$e"ks to the Ro"n &"%eri" o! di*orce )&06C3
Dotrine' False @See "%so Heres'A
wi%% gener"te so (ch sorrow in the wor%d &0C33
Dogs )0F86E ))05F207570778E )&0807C5E &064F
" ch"r"cteristic o! S""ri" )&07CFE &056C
re%igio(s r(%ers "t HerodHs co(rt "re re*o%ted "t the $resence o! "n inK(red gre'ho(nd &0338#3F>
" str"' dog in +er(s"%e "tt"cks the betr"'er0 the !irst M& h"s seen in her !irst 34 *isions &0367
Don/ey Drivers D Asher "nd )sh"e% !ro N"I"reth who bec"e disci$%es )))0F>8E )&0275
Drin/ing @See "%so 9ineA ))06>2E )))0F>FE )&02830C370325E &05FF072>03C7
$re$"r"tion !or )))0FC7
w"s to be "n "%t"r o! e*er%"sting $r"ise to its ,re"torE now bec"(se o! sin it (st be " $%"ce o! end%ess e:$i"tion &0257
there "re other wor%ds %ike e"rth th"t were to $r"ise the ,re"tor &0257
)umenism D " s$irit th"t recogniIes "n i$ort"nt s$irit("% (nit' between o! "%% en o! good wi%% "nd $"rtic(%"r%' ,hristi"ns0 " s$irit
th"t or"%%' ob%ig"tes (s to seek " (nit' "%so in the $"rtic(%"rs o! !"ith0 "nd !in"%%' in ecc%esi"stic"% (nion in the One /od' +es(s
en*isioned !or His e%ect1
+es(s re;(ired this ec(enic"% s$irit to be %i*ed o(t b' His A$ost%es "nd b' His ,h(rch &067F
)dit @See ,ens(sA
)!!ets o! (in on "ature )))0F64
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
)go )&0C33
in!erior h("n ego "nd the s$irit("% ego ))0840254#258
s$e"king to0 "rg(ing with 'o(r ego ))055>
de!ending oneHs ego )&03>>
not to be ser*ed )&0322
O"cch"e(s con;(ers his ego )&0F6F
+es(sH ego w"s "!r"id o! !"cing betr"'"% "nd cr(ci!i:ion &0782
+es(s on G""%ie%Hs str(gg%e between his "ncient ego "nd his $resent ego &0822
the $er!ecting o! the h("n ego &0877
)lysian Fields &0F6
)mbolismi 8ear D " 'e"r the +ewish %(n"r c"%end"r inc%(des the e:tr" 2C
onth to bring the c"%end"r b"ck into h"ron' with the so%"r
'e"r1 Since the %(n"r onth is 58e d"'s0 "n "ddition"% onth w"s re;(ired e*er' three 'e"rs1 /oth the 'e"r +es(s c"e o! "ge "nd w"s
in the Te$%e deb"ting the Te$%e r(%ers @AD 2CA "nd the !irst 'e"r o! ,hristHs inistr' @AD C2A cont"ined 2C %(n"r onths1 )0F22
)nd Times @Arr"nged ,hrono%ogic"%%'A @See "%so note on D"nie%s 6> 9eeks in Gos$e% E$isode 53C1 in The est of the Gospel !toryA
the $ro$hec' o! the $"$"% $roc%""tion o! the )"c(%"te ,once$tion o! M"r' ))0544
the wor%d wi%% be w"shed in the coing "rt'rdo in the new ch(rch )0378033>
,h(rch "ge to be cent(ries0 e*en <i%%enni"= )0 5240C2>: ))0F86
two <d"'s= o! eternit' o! "rt'rdo0 then " third in which we wi%% %i*e in the tri($h o! the S$irit "nd !in"% test &0757
e"rth "nd tie wi%% end when the $ro$er n(ber o! e%ect is re"ched &0753
+es(s $ro$hecies in 2877 th"t the 9"r soon to end @99 ))A is not *ictor' o*er the Anti#,hristE " !iercer str(gg%e wi%% !o%%ow )))0723
D"nie%Hs $ro$hecies o! Anti#,hrist h"d both " $resent "s we%% "s !(t(re "$$%ic"tion ))0246
E%iK"h to coe "g"in "t the %"st ties )))072>
gre"t "$ost"s' in the ,h(rch "nd $ersec(tion in the end ties o! Anti#,hrist &0476#474
two se$"r"ting K(dgents th"t "re within the s$"n o! one gener"tion ))0244
ho(r o! $(nishent when the wor%d wi%% !o%%ow S"t"n ne"r the end o! the wor%d &073
cert"in $e"ce "nd Ko' on%' "!ter the third bitter <ch"%ice= is cons(ed )038F0386
Lthe !irst two "$$e"r to be the P"ssion o! +es(s "nd the Trib(%"tion0 the third wi%% be the !in"% gre"t testM
*ision"ries "nd those who g"*e the s"nct("r' wi%% g"ther the sc"ttered Disci$%esGshee$ "t the ,h(rchHs /etr"'"% &0C66
)sr"e% ne*er to be restored bec"(se "tte$ts wi%% be sti!%ed &0C2>
)sr"e% (st be con*erted be!ore ,hrist coes ))0F860F84
)sr"e% wi%% be the %"st to be s"*ed ))0F76
end o! the <,h(rch= be!ore the Etern"% -ingdo ))0C54
Fin"% New Ad*ent )&0342E &0757
)nemies o! the (oul D the wor%d0 the !%esh "nd the De*i%
how one is ens%"*ed "nd how one is !reed )075F0756
in o(r desire to $%e"se God "re "%% "%%owed to he%$ (s to "tt"in o(r ho%' go"%s )&045F
*s1 +es(sH doctrine )))0FC40F75#F7C
)ternal 5i!e
is " (ni;(e New ,o*en"nt gr"ce thro(gh regener"tion "nd " s$eci"% $ro*ision !or o(r e"rth%' $i%gri"ge )&066>#662
"n in!erior order o! gr"ce (nder the O%d ,o*en"nt c"e with the ho$e o! Etern"% Li!e to coe )&066>#662
"n' who h"*e %i*ed witho(t this New ,o*en"nt gr"ce wi%% th(s be "b%e to go to He"*en "!ter Libo )&066>#662 c!1 2F4
on%' e:$erienced in its !(%%ness in the ne:t wor%d &0584
+es(s on the /eth%ehe she$herds "nd the re"% $resence )0237
%i!e gi*ing on%' i! t"ken with ho%' intentions )))077C
the ore one is worth' the gre"ter is its e!!ect !or good &0328
" c(rse "nd e*en de"th to $"rt"ke witho(t ho%' intentions )))0777
the ore (nworth' the ore destr(ction it wi%% c"(se both s$irit("%%' "nd $h'sic"%%' &0328
the de"th "nd iedi"te $(tre!"ction o! +(d"sH bod' "nd his "dness res(%ted !ro his $"rt"king (nworthi%' &03280475
$roised to be gi*en "s !ood "s %ong "s we "re in e:i%e in the deserts o! the E"rth )&0F33
+es(s w"rns the A$ost%es o! " d"' when the tr(th o! the E(ch"rist ight be e:ting(ished0 %e"*ing " de"d ,h(rch &0666
+es(s $roised the sorrowing woen disci$%es He wo(%d %e"*e soething !or the th"t wo(%d kee$ Hi in the "nd the in Hi
(nti% He is (nited with the in the -ingdo &073F
+es(s c"%%s the E(ch"rist <" ir"c%e o! tot"% %o*e= &07F8
the L"st S($$er: +es(s $roises " ir"c%e o! %o*e &078F03>7
no gre"ter ir"c%e c"n $ossib%' e:ist &03>4
nothing h"s so g%ori!ied ,hrist "s the F"ther gr"nting Hi this ir"c%e &03>4
+es(s s$e"ks o! the en%ightening e!!ect o! the E(ch"rist on the Disci$%es &0326
+es(s $roises His Mother His $resence K(st "s re"% "s when She c"rried Hi &06>C
the inc"rn"te 9ord in the 9ob o! M"r' is the !ig(re !or the E(ch"rist we cons(e &0634
we h"*e the E(ch"rist thro(gh M"r' bec"(se +es(s did not w"nt His Mother to be witho(t Hi on the e"rth &04F3
)unuhs @See "%so ,e%ib"c'A
the ho%iest0 the !reest0 the ost "nge%ic o! $eo$%e on e"rth )))07F4
)vangelizing @See "%so S"*ing So(%sA
the ission: b' %o*e "ke $eo$%e %o*e ))0633
the $ower o! %o*e on the ost h"rdened ))07F5#7F7
the e*"nge%iIer (st ne*er h"*e " dis%ike !or "n'one ))0F32
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
those dee$ in sin @M"r' o! M"gd"%" "nd M"tthewA ))0557#55F0744#78C
the $"r"b%e o! the Lost Shee$ ))0788#3>2
+es(s te%%s wh"t it wi%% t"ke to be " gre"t winner o! so(%s ))03>2#3>40F8C
the tot"%%' $"g"n ))077F#778
the se$"r"ted ,hristi"ns ))0778#732
*ictis o! inK(stice0 the' (st !orgi*e )))02F
$roises o! ,hristHs $resence "nd wisdo !or the e*"nge%iIer )))056054
the so(%s we s"*e "re o(r on%' <one'= ))0F8C
)vil @See "%so SorrowE S(!!eringE Mis!ort(neA
+es(s e:$%"ins to the Oe"%ot the $%"ce o! e*i% in the o*er"%% di*ine $%"n ))0724
M"r' M"gd"%ene sees the $(r$ose o! the e*i% in +(d"s !or her ))0338
e*i% o$$ressi*e $o%itic"% $ower ser*es GodHs $(r$ose ))032303C4
God "%%ows e*i% "s th"t is the on%' w"' en o! good wi%% c"n g"in erit be!ore God )&0688
the *"%(e o! the cre"t(re eerges !ro the str(gg%e between Good "nd E*i% )&06580688
wh' God o!ten "%%ows the to h"*e ore te$or"% b%essings "nd Ko's th"n the righteo(s )&0527
)volution @See "%so ,re"tionA
org"nic e*o%(tion denied &0348
s$irit("% e*o%(tion "!!ired ))0672#675
)0orists in Israel )))0725
need o! )))0F6C0F67
E*eHs e:$i"tion in her sorrow o*er ,"in &0346
S'nt'che to +ohn o! Endor )))05>6
+es(s to S"(e% whose sin %ed to his otherHs de"th )&05F6
Photin"i gi*es her we"%th to the $oor "nd %e"*es S""ri" to e:$i"te !or her sins &0537
c"n be the c"(se o! gre"t $(ri!ic"tion "nd wisdo:
the c"se o! M"n"en "nd Tione(s0 who were t"ken in b' the ide" o! "king +es(s " king in HerodHs $%"ce )&0764#768
Faith' Hope and Charity
their re%"tionshi$ to e"ch other ))0FC8#F7>
!"ith is the $er"nent st"te o! "nE incred(%it' is the "ccident"% "bnor"%it' )&0C>7
Fall into Grave (in @See "%so Mort"% SinA
is ne*er s(dden b(t the res(%t o! "n' !"i%(res )&0C33
Fall o! Man @See "%so Origin"% SinA
%oss "nd $er*ersion o! wisdo0 inte%%igence "nd re"son )072
e:$%"ined in det"i% )04C#48E ))026>
origin"% st"te "nd $(r$ose )0C34
"rri"ge be!ore !"%% ))0547
no thorns or $oison be!ore the F"%% &0377E ))0523
%ost "bi%it' to see "nd discern GodHs *oice )0577
on%' 2 in 20>>> wi%% w"nt to know ,hrist "nd on%' 2 in 2>0>>> wi%% !o%%ow ,hrist !(%%' )07F3
"nHs b%indness to the s$irit("% d"ngers in the wor%d )0 7460744
False Disiples o! Christ @See "%so O$$osition to ,hristE Po%itics o! the TieA
sent to Sheche to is%e"d the $eo$%e &0262#265
False Gods @See "%so P"g"nisA
+es(s on the !"%se gods o! the Greeks "nd Ro"ns )&0C>7#C>F
False Messiahs
The(d"s "nd +(d"s the G"%i%e"n )&0237072C0362
False 3iety )03F4
False 3rophets
(se heres' "nd e*en <ir"c%es=
to %e"d so(%s "str"'0 in $ride i$ose these%*es on en ))0244
Family @See "%so M"rri"geA
i$ort"nce o! )0286#2840FF2
*"rio(s i$ort"nt re%"tionshi$s between h(sb"nd0 wi!e "nd chi%dren )&0522#523E )&03>F
"d*ice to " other#in#%"w )&0C34#CF2
S1O1M1 te"ching on ))023C
the !"sting o! the re%igio(s r(%ers "nd the !"sting "cce$t"b%e to God )&02>F
Fatalism @See Predestin"tionA
Fear o! God
on%' the beginning o! wisdo0 it destro's0 it does not b(i%d )))03>4
Feast o! 5ights or Dediation D ,oeor"ted the $(ri!ic"tion o! the Te$%e "nd dedic"tion o! " ho%' "%t"r b' +(d"s M"cc"b"e(s in
2F7 /, "!ter the' h"d been $o%%(ted b' Antioch(s E$i$h"nes in 2F4 /,1
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
inc%(ded " c(sto o! gi!t gi*ing )&0637
Field o! the Galileans # the $%"ce where the G"%i%e"ns c"$ed o(tside +er(s"%e !or the Fe"st D"'s )))057
Fire o! 5ove @See "%so Ho%' FireA )&0235
Flesh' The @See "%so Sens("%it'A )0F7C
obstr(cts o(r "bi%it' to <he"r= the cr' o! the so(%s o! en ))03FC
wh"t the !%esh w"s to +es(s "nd M"r' &0345#34C
Flood' The Great @See De%(ge0 The Gre"tA
to ser*e the bod' )&054
+es(s on S"son "nd the i$(re !ood !orbidden b' the N"I"rite *ow: wine0 cider "nd !"t e"ts )0784
Fore' use o! @See "%so 9e"$onsA
needed to $rotect those (n$re$"red to s(!!er or be "rt'rs )))0C84
sho(%d be no %iit to o(r !orgi*enessG%o*e0 the on%' obst"c%e in !orgi*eness sho(%d be the otherHs resist"nce to it )&03F#36
""Iing e:"$%e o! !orgi*eness in Abe% o! /eth%ehe )&0C82#C8C
+es(s te%%s His Disci$%es to !orgi*e Sion o! the S"nhedrin !or (rdering his god%' !"ther )&0685
o$$ressed $e"s"nts to !orgi*e their cr(e% "sters )&02>F#2>6
the need to !orgi*e "%% o!!enses "g"inst (s !or oneHs own s"ke "s we%% "s the o!!ender ))028E )))055E )&05FC#5F7
Ho%' M"r' on o(r need to !orgi*e "%% &056>
its $ower to s"*e M"r' M"gd"%ene )0F>50F>C
!or "%% en )&03F036
!orgi*eness "nd $"tience !or "%% )&0322
GodHs !orgi*eness
"*"i%"b%e !or "%% sin e*en to those who <ki%% God= )0FC40627
+(d"s wo(%d h"*e been !orgi*en h"d he re$ented &034>#345
incredib%e e:tent o! GodHs !orgi*eness "nd restor"tion o! the M"gd"%ene ))0327#323
wh"t God !orgi*es0 "%% in He"*en we h"*e sinned "g"inst0 "%so !orgi*e )0FC8
God o!ten !orgi*es witho(t (s "sking !orgi*eness )&03>8
GodHs !orgi*ness coes b' degrees de$ending ($on the e:tent o! re$ent"nce )0625
GodHs eor' o! o(r sin re"ins e*en "!ter !orgi*ness (nti% "de;("te $en"nce )0627
when God does not !orgi*e
conditions !or GodHs !orgi*eness )0C3F
!or *o%(nt"r' $ersistence in sin )))055
tho(gh +es(s !org"*e the "d(%tero(s wo"n0 she w"s not !orgi*en co$%ete%' b' God )&03>F c!1 3>4#3>8
de$ends on oneHs wi%%ingness to e:$i"te !or his sins )&05FC
GodHs co$%ete !orgi*eness o! (s de$ends on the !orgi*eness o! those we h"*e o!!ended )&05F5
not !orgi*ing o(rse%*es is $ride
Peter is reb(ked b' the M"gd"%ene !or his e:cessi*e reorse &0F8>#F82
/"rtho%oew (st te%% Phi%i$ th"t itHs his $ride th"t wi%% not %et hi !orgi*e hise%! &062F
contin("% d"nger to GodHs $eo$%e )05220525
Forniation @See "%so )ncontinenceA
e*en within "rri"ge )0FF3#FFFE )))07F60643#646
"n occ"sion !or deonic $ossession )&0C2#CF
Fortune Telling )))0754#758
Fountain o! )n %ogel )&0788
Free Will
S"t"n "ss"(%ts "nd $rogressi*e%' ens%"*es "nHs wi%%0 e:$%"ining GodHs erc' !or "n ))0333#334
one o! two gi!ts God gi*es e*er' "nE the other is tie )&0F6
$"r"b%e on !ree wi%%0 the *ine#dresser in the *ine'"rd: The &ine'"rd "nd Free 9i%% )&08>#8C
God on%' r"re%' does *io%ence to h("n !ree wi%% )&0C42
de$ends ($on o(r cr(shing sens("%it' "nd $"ssions )0FCF
+es(s on the b"sis o! !riendshi$ )))0C57
gre"t d"nger o! b"d !riendshi$s )&05F4#5F8
in the Ho%' F"i%' )028C
Gabriel' The $ngel
his c"%%ing "nd st"tion )067C
Gentiles @See "%so P"g"nisG$"g"nsE Re%igion0 i$(re or !"%seE ,(%$"bi%it'A
+es(s to the A$ost%es: how to tre"t Genti%es in other re%igions "s the' wi%% soeties be better th"n ,hristi"ns &0435#43C
e*"nge%iIing the tot"%%' $"g"n ))077F#778
Gi!ts o! God
"%w"'s inc%(de " test to see i! we wi%% contin(e to %o*e God )&0F7>I
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
wi%% becoe conden"tion i! not "$$reci"ted "nd (sed $ro$er%' )&0627#623
the $ro$er w"' ))0238
M"r' de!e"ts )0277
d"nger o! )0535
no %onger <Adon"iGLord= b(t GodGF"ther ))0C56
%o*e is GodHs s($ree "nd doin"nt "ttrib(te )&02FF0CF4
GodHs Ke"%o(s'0 the K(st %o*ing ho%' Ke"%o(s' !or the we%!"re o! His chi%dren )0F73
e*er' so(% th"t is %ost is " wo(nd to God ))063
%osing " so(% is %ike te"ring " $iece o(t o! GodHs he"rt
GodHs kindness0 its incredib%e e:tent )0F7F
GodHs erc' to "%% en whose sin is not "%w"'s their !"(%t )&0CF4#CF8
GodHs !orgi*eness )0F7F
GodHs wi%% is the (ni*ers"% wi%%0 co$%ete%' "%tr(istic )&023#2F
GodHs gi!ts "nd e%ection wi%% bring r(in i! not (sed right%' )&05F3
His oniscience )052
His i"nence ))05>5#5>C
who is HeB )076C
"s <Mother= ))02C8
o! Sin"i0 God o! Lo*e )&02530C6F
contin("%%' s$e"ks to (s
c"%%s "n to Hise%! )0FC8#F7>
s$e"ks to (s witho(t (s knowing it )&05CC#5C7
the h("n *"%(e $%"ced on it w"s the instig"tion o! S"t"n ))0634
Good Deeds
ore i$ort"nt th"n Te$%e cereon' )0348
"ccording to the wor%d "nd "ccording to the s$irit )0F58#FC>
Good Will @See "%so 9i%% o! M"nA
de!ined: not K(st " good desire0 b(t desire strong eno(gh to obe' the good )&0738
"%% th"t is needed to !ind God "nd the Tr(th ))03740378
the on%' thing th"t deterines GodHs gi!ts o! s"*ing gr"ce th"t %e"ds " "n to ,hrist )))077306>4E )&028F
the "nge%ic "nno(nceent "t /eth%ehe0 <Pe"ce to en o! good wi%%= )0235E )))06>FE )&0738E &07>>07>60344065F
Gospel o! .esus Christ
+es(s de!ines it "s the doctrine "nd !"ith o! ,hrist which re%ie*es "%% h("n b(rdens ))0626
the New E:od(s tow"rds the tr(e Proised L"nd0 be'ond the Red Se" o! sens("%it' "nd deserts o! sin ))0C82
s"e doctrine "s the Dec"%og(e @d(t' to %o*eA b(t s"id not "id the !%"shes o! Mt1 Sin"i b(t the brightness o! erc' )&055>
e"ns i%%egiti"te chi%dren wo(%d soe d"' be t"ken "nd %o*ed0 not scorned )&0C63
c"$it"% $(nishent wo(%d be "bo%ished thro(gh the in!%(ence o! the Gos$e% )&0C63
Gospel o! .ohn' The
+es(s s"'s it w"s written "n' 'e"rs "!ter the e*ents o! his %i!e )&0C56
Gospel o! Matthe#' The
+es(s te%%s M& th"t his Gos$e% w"s written 23 'e"rs "!ter His Ascension "nd w"s the !irst )&0C3>
+es(s0 on M"tthewHs "cco(nt o! the &irgin /irth o! +es(s )024F
h"d " good eor'0 "de it " $oint to reeber the words o! +es(s "nd t"ke notes )0674E )&025CE &07F8
Gospels' The Four @See "%so M"tthew0 The Gos$e% o!A
o! M"tthew0 the !irst to be written0 23 'e"rs "!ter the cr(ci!i:ion )&0C3>
h"d " good eor'0 "de it " $oint to reeber the words o! +es(s "nd t"ke notes1 )0674E )&025CE &07F8
others written %"ter !ro "cco(nts !ro Ho%' M"r'0 Peter0 other A$ost%es "nd disci$%es )&0C3>
s$e"king o! "notherHs !"(%ts to those who c"n do nothing "bo(t it is %"ck o! ch"rit' &0228
wrong not to seek "d*ice to he%$ " re%"ti*e or !riend who is in error &0228
Gree/ Mythology
S'nt'che s$e"ks to +es(s o! its tr"ces o! tr(th )))0F4#F8
"nHs *s1 GodHs *iew )0243
de"%ing with )0756
Hades @See "%so LiboE P(rg"tor'A
+es(s goes to re%e"se c"$ti*es )))0F82
Halaha' Midrash' and Haggada D +ewish inter$ret"tions o! Scri$t(re0 the L"w "nd Tr"dition )))0427
Haruspe0 &03F6
Hasidaeans &077C
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
is " strong !orce in the wor%d b(t %o*e is stronger "nd h"s no %iits ))05FC
"*ersion0 det"chent0 "nd indi!!erence "re three br"nches o! h"te )))024
h"tred "nd c(rsing "re (rder )))0F6C
the wicked !r(it o! treb%e conc($iscence with the (nrestr"ined ego in the "ni"% "n )&04>>
Heathen $ountability @See "%so Acco(nt"bi%it'E P"g"nisG$"g"ns?
God does not conden those who "re ignor"nt o! the tr(th ))0CC3E )))04C047
"%% en h"*e "n origin"% (nderst"nding o! God !ro the tie o! the cre"tion o! their so(% )))082085
wh"t $"g"ns c"n do to be "cce$ted with God "nd to !ind Hi )&0665#66C
Heaven @See "%so P"r"diseE LiboE P(rg"tor'E He%%A
"!ter the "toneent0 P"r"dise w"s t"ken into He"*en "nd the' "re now one "nd the s"e ))0675
no one be!ore the "toneent o! ,hrist co(%d be in He"*en in the F"therHs $resence &06>C
the $(ri!ied went to P"r"dise or Libo0 those to be $(ri!ied went to P(rg"tor'0 those with no ho$e0 to <He%%=
S"ints intercede !or (s ))05FCE )))04C02230F22#F25
the' "re ore (se!(% in He"*en )03F40345038>
the two things di!!erent between He"*en "nd e"rth )0F78
$%"ce o! in!inite Ko' where no grie! e:ists0 inc%(ding !or %ost so(%s )))0F22#F25
re;(ireents !or entering He"*en:
on%' those who h"*e becoe "s $(re "s chi%dren )))0F5>
on%' those who "chie*e " s$irit in "cti*e %o*e directed entire%' to the g%or' o! God )&06F8
88 o(t o! 2>> need $(ri!ic"tion be!ore entering he"*en )&0F83
Hebre#s' $uthorship o! the 5etter to the # )t "$$e"rs th"t " n(ber o! the thees !o(nd in the Letter to the Hebrews c"e !ro
+es(sH disco(rse !o(nd in )&0743G$$17F3#7F41 G""%ie% is seen "s recording this disco(rse1 @See the e:tensi*e note on the "(thorshi$
o! Hebrews in Gos$e% E$isode 5>61 in The est of the Gospel !toryA
is cre"ted in the he"rts o! en "nd e:$"nds !(rther !ro there )))0736
it is se*ere )038>
%"sts thro(gho(t cent(ries )0FC3
etern"% tort(re )0F7>
"bso%(te "nd etern"% so%it"r' iso%"tion )0F85
%ess torent th"n being in GodHs $resence )))0CF7
wh"t wi%% be Ko' to the redeeed in seeing +es(s wi%% be " terroriIing sight to the d"ned &062C
%o*ed ones in he%% wi%% not diinish o(r Ko' )))0F220F25
on%' !or those who reKect ,hrist )))0672
!or those who $(t these%*es be'ond the $ossibi%it' !or God to s"*e the &0328
(n!(%!i%%ed $"ssions "re " tort(re )0532
Hellenisti 3arty &077C
Herodians D This w"s ore " $o%itic"% $"rt' in )sr"e% th"t be%ie*ed coo$er"ting with Roe0 thro(gh the Ro"n "$$ointee -ing Herod0
w"s necess"r'0 tho(gh no right !or Roe to reign b' %"w or re%igion w"s recogniIed1 The Ph"risees e*ent("%%' s(cceeded in $ress(ring
Pi%"te0 "g"inst his own better K(dgent0 to coo$er"te in sentencing +es(s b' their "%%i"nces with their own ost h"ted eneies0 the
Herodi"ns1 The *iews o! the Herodi"ns were in direct contr"st to Ph"riseeis1 The Ph"risees ob*io(s%' s"w th"t getting rid o! +es(s w"s
ore i$ort"nt th"n "n' o! the $rinci$%es o! se$"r"tis the' t"(ght0 "nd the Herodi"ns s"w the $otenti"% !or ore !"*or with Roe b'
deciding to o$$ose one th"t w"s "t %e"st being $resented "s " thre"t to Ro"n r(%e1 M"n"en0 " !orer Herodi"n0 describes this $o%itic"%
h'$ocris' &0233#23F
Heresy @See "%so Doctrine0 F"%seA
the work o! the E*i% One thro(gh !"%se ser*"nts who c"n e*en work ir"c%es ))0244
+es(s on how to de"% with heres' &0437
Hillel9s (epulher "t Gisc"%" )))0C78
+es(s "*erts " robber' ))0733
re%igio(s %e"ders $"id %"rge s(s o! one' to h"*e the tr' to discredit +es(s )&0F4>
one is s"*ed b' O"cch"e(s )&0F4>0F85#F8C
the' show co$"ssion on !o(r or$h"ned chi%dren "nd %isten to +es(s &02>7#2>F02C8
ore o! the stor' is re%"ted %"ter b' re%"ti*es o! the or$h"ns &2C3#2C4
Holiness @See "%so &irt(eA
is erc' )0F25
is "de o! %o*e o(t o! which wi%% coe "%% the e%eents o! *irt(e b' o(r coo$er"ting with GodHs work within (s )&0F53#F5F
hindr"nces to "tt"in ho%iness: "n:iet' to be $er!ect "nd des$"ir o*er oneHs own we"kness )&0F53
"tt"ined b' s(rrendering to His %o*e ))0C7
ost di!!ic(%t to "tt"in b(t ost rew"rding )035C0353035F
not " s(dden "chie*eent0 b(t the res(%t o! "n' !"ctors in " $eriod o! tie )&0C330357
how to "chie*e it b' order "nd %o*e to ch"nge the "ni"% "n into " s$irit("% "n )06F>#6F5
wh' it is o!ten ore ;(ick%' "nd !(%%' "tt"ined b' those who h"*e sinned the gre"test )))03C6
Holy Fire @See "%so Fire o! Lo*eA )&0235
Holy 5ove ))03C6E &C63
Holy 4rders' The (arament o! ))0F37E &06380476#43>
Holy (pirit
the eighth 'sterio(s S"cr"ent ))0F37#F33
His !irst E$i$h"n' @"ni!est"tionA wo(%d be "t Pentecost ))0F37
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
+es(s to M& on the ir"c%e o! Pentecost )))07C3#7CF
b%"s$heing the Ho%' S$irit is (n$"rdon"b%e )&073#7F
+es(s $roises the Ho%' S$irit wi%% kee$ the tr(th "%i*e in the ,h(rch &0CF8#C6>
+es(s to His Disci$%es be!ore He "scends to He"*en on the work o! the S$irit &046>0462#465
Home (hool
M"r' schoo%ed +es(s "nd His co(sins0 +(d"s "nd +"es0 "t her hoe )05>5#5>7E ))036F
Homose0uality @See Se:0 witho(t the $(r$ose o! $rocre"tionA
Hours o! the Day @See "%so Night 9"tchesA
!irst ho(r Q F AME third ho(r Q 8 AME si:th ho(r Q 25 NoonE ninth ho(r Q C PM
the ore di!!ic(%t h(i%it'0 kee$ing si%ent "bo(t GodHs gi!ts to (s )0258
is to know onese%! witho(t %osing he"rt "nd to "dit the $ossibi%it' o! "n' sin bec"(se o! wh"t we sti%% do not know "bo(t
o(rse%*es ))0C58
the c%e"rest sign o! ,hristHs doctrine )))0365c
in the Ho%' F"i%' )028C
in the A$ost%e +ohn )05F605F4
Idolatry o! the Gree/s and %omans @See F"%se godsA
Idolatry' in True :elievers
+es(s corrects +(d"s )sc"riot )0F240F28
+es(s "t ,%e"r 9"ter )0F77#F76
+es(s destro's " $"g"n ido% ))07C8#773
Illegitimate Children
wo(%d soe d"' be recei*ed "nd %o*ed0 not scorned )&0C63
the' "re not to be K(dged !or the $"rentHs sin &0752
Immaulate Coneption o! Holy Mary
(nknowing%' $ro$hesied b' +o"chi )024
+es(s $ro$hesied the dog" to be one d"' $roc%"ied b' " gr"' h"ired $o$e ))0544
+es(s on )02805>067C
+es(s on )))07>C#7>7
M"r': Her %o*e h"stened the inc"rn"tion &08C2
M"r'Hs <'es= w"s gi*en with !(%% (nderst"nding o! the incredib%e sorrow She wo(%d end(re &0856
Inontinene @See Fornic"tionA
the occ"sion !or deonic $ossession )&0C2#CF
In!allibility @See (nder P"$"% A(thorit'A
de"%ing with *ictis o! inK(stice )))02F
Interest on 5oans @See .s(r'A
Israel @See "%so +(d"isE S"dd(ceesE Ph"riseesA is not K(st the h("n decend"nts o! +"cob b(t the <Peo$%e o! God1= )06F7
its c(%t(r"% nors:
the "sses o! coon $eo$%e hos$it"b%e "nd res$ect!(% o! otherHs $ro$ert' )))063>
dee$ $reK(dice "g"inst Genti%es: +ose$h o! Se$horis "nd +ose$h o! Ari"the" "nd Litt%e M"rti"% )&034>#34F0382#385
its o%d *iew o! God:
"s "bso%(te%' ridged "nd ine:or"b%e )))064C
His se*erit' "s gre"ter th"n His goodness )))0C62
+es(s corrects /"rn"b"s on )sr"e%Hs wrong *iew o! God "nd "nHs c(%$"bi%it' !or sin )&0CF4#CF8
did not be%ie*e God co(%d be so good "s to send His 9ord to s"*e the )))0C62
co(%d not be%ie*e God the 9ord co(%d "%%ow Hise%! to be born o! " wo"n )))0777#773
its wrong *iews o! the "ntici$"ted Messi"h @wh' +es(s w"s reKected "s Messi"hA:
" g%orio(s%' $ower!(% king )))0533E )&02540258
the O1 T1 Scri$t(res t"ken o(t o! their s$irit("% conte:t "nd setting th"t is%ed e*en the A$ost%es )&0CFC#CF7
+ose$h0 +es(sH o%dest co(sin0 !in"%%' con!esses his "nd )sr"e%Hs wrong *iew o! Messi"h )&072C#727
he re"ins cert"in0 howe*er0 th"t +es(s sho(%d i$ose Hise%! "s s$irit("% -ing )&0727#726
His $ro$hesied s(!!ering w"s on%' s'bo%icG"%%egoric"%0 not %iter"% )))05F5
e*en +ohn c"nnot (nderst"nd the w"' +es(s is to redee "n )&075>#752
+es(s to M"r' on the Disci$%es reKecting the P"ssion )&0258
Messi"h w"s to be born o! " wo"n so He co(%d not be the *er' 9ord o! God or God Hise%! )))0777#773
Messi"h0 tho(gh not God Hise%!0 w"s to be ore <"nge%ic= th"n h("n )&7F3#7F6
N"th"nie% e:$%"ins wh' he "nd "%% the Disci$%es h"d s(ch " di!!ic(%t tie "cce$ting ,hristHs *iew o! the Messi"h )&03C>
+es(s !r"nk%' te%%s +ose$h o! Ari"the" "nd Nicode(s o! their sti%% !"(%t' *iews o! Messi"h &023>#2350653
+es(s w"s reKected e*en "!ter the res(rrection bec"(se He did not appear to (nite )sr"e% "s $roised0 b(t seeing%' di*ided it1
+es(s0 in !"ct0 did (nite "%% o! tr(e )sr"e%: be%ie*ing G"%i%e"ns0 be%ie*ing +(de"ns0 be%ie*ing S""rit"ns0 whether the' were rich or
$oor0 bond or !ree1 &0658#6C>
+es(s to ,%eo$"s "nd Sion: )sr"e%Hs *iew o! the Messi"h "nd the -ingdo w"s wrong in e"ns "nd !or &06C2#6CC
Her destr(ction !oreseen:
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
+es(s s"'s th"t CG7 o! the $eo$%e o! )sr"e% did not recei*e Hi )&0F52
+es(s sees the horror th"t is to coe "t the h"nd o! those the' considered in!erior )&0F2C#F23
wo(%d be sc"ttered !or cent(ries "nd wi%% $ersec(te the ,h(rch ))0F860F84
it wi%% ne*er be "b%e to resett%e the %"nd witho(t cert"in disr($tion )&0367
ne*er to be restored bec"(se "tte$ts wi%% be sti!%ed &0C2>
)sr"e% (st be con*erted be!ore ,hrist ret(rns ))0F860F84
.anus # Ro"n 'tho%ogic"% god0 g("rdi"n o! $ort"%s0 "nd $"tron o! beginnings "nd endings whose te$%e in Roe w"s ne*er c%osed
e:ce$t in tie o! (ni*ers"% $e"ce &072F
GodHs Ke"%o(s'0 the K(st %o*ing ho%' Ke"%o(s' !or the we%!"re o! His chi%dren )0F73
.onah9s house0 in Gethse"ne @)0248A
owned b' L"I"r(s b(t gi*en to Ho%' M"r' "!ter the Res(rrection
the secret o! +es(sH Ko' "nd tr"n;(i%it' &028>#282
e:cessi*e Ko' !or one not 'et $er!ected is o!ten his r(in )&05>8
.udaism in .esus9 day @See "%so Te$%e S'steE )sr"e%E S"dd(ceesE Ph"riseesA
"n' be%ie*ed 2>> 'e"rs were to be between the Prec(rsor "nd the ,hrist )0736
+es(s on its $er*ersion )0745E ))02750C330C44#C82
how the L"w is is(sed0 se*ere reb(ke o! re%igio(s r(%ers ))032#3C
the L"w h"s been ki%%ed ))038>#385
the F2C $rece$ts th"t ki%%ed the L"w )&0CF4
$reK(dice "g"inst woen in th"t d"' ))0F6F#F66E )&06>C
$rootion o! di*orce !or steri%it' )03370333
wo(%d be "cco(nt"b%e !or not %e"ding the S""rit"ns b"ck to the tr(e !"ith b' good e:"$%es "nd ch"rit' ))024
took the S(!!ering S"*ior te:ts o! Scri$t(re "s "%%egoric0 not %iter"%%' ))0F78
+es(s e*"%("tes the sorr' st"te o! )sr"e% "!ter two 'e"rs o! inistr' "nd te%%s wh"t is "he"d !or the n"tion )))05>5#5>C
.udging @See "%so ,riticis0 The S$irit o! A
do not K(dge ))0268
Ho%' M"r' on K(dging the )sc"riot "nd Ro"n citiIens )&02C5#2CC
+es(s to the Disci$%es on K(dging highw"'en !or their cries &02>3#2>F
wh' we sho(%d ne*er do it )074F0353
the e:tern"% "s$ects o! sin "' be $resent b(t the so(% "' be $(re0 "s with O"cch"e(s )&0326
shows we h"*e the s"e sin $rob%e ))0326
+(d"s b%"ed others @the con*erted M"gd"%enePA !or his own sin o! %(st ))0333#334
correct K(dgent @discernentA o! others )))0353#35F
c"(se o! di*ine K(dgent: God withdr"ws !or *io%"tion o! His L"ws "nd E*i% "d*"nces &07>7#7>3
three K(dgents within the two "in c"tegories o! +(dgents ))0244E )))0C230428
tie !or $(rging between the ))0244
!irst K(dgent is %i!e itse%! th"t $ro*es to o(rse%*es wh"t we "re "nd th"t is <r"ti!ied= "t the K(dgent "t o(r de"th )))0C23
second K(dgent is "t de"th )))0428
the terror o! %ost wi%% be seeing the wo(nds o! ,hrist their sin cre"ted &062C
the third Gre"t "nd Terrib%e +(dgent*ers"%A e:$oses wh"t we "%% re"%%' )anted on e"rth )))0C230428
wi%% be "t the res(rrection "nd wi%% e"n etern"% tort(re to "%% who %i*ed !or the $%e"s(re o! their own egos &7F6#7F4
"n' K(dged in Sodo wi%% !ind erc' in the !in"% K(dgent ))06>4
+es(s $redicts di*ine K(dgent on the strongho%d o! M"s"d" )))06>>
.ustie @See "%so Soci"% +(sticeA
re%"tionshi$ to erc' )06F7
h("n K(stice terrib%' inconsistent ))07C07706F2E )))05>E )&03F5
o(r res$onsibi%it' to ins(re K(stice ))0343
Oilling @See Ten ,o"ndents0 3
Ohamseen Winds # $"rching winds
GodHs kindness0 its incredib%e e:tent )0F7F
Oingdom o! God7Heaven
distinction between the two ))0553
its n"t(re )0C230C770C73E ))048
-ingdo o! God is %o*e &0462
+es(s "ddresses the error o! His d"' o! " $o%itic"% Messi"h )))067>#67C
o$ened to the OT $"tri"rchs b' the s"cri!ice o! ,hrist )0556
not o! "n )))0C53
e"rth%' str(ct(re o! "(thorit' instit(ted "!ter +es(s died ))0FC7
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
the ,"tho%ic ,h(rch )&0C63
to be won on%' b' *ictor' o*er o(rse%*es )))0C>F0C530CC5
its coing wi%% be e*idenced b' the destr(ction o! obst"c%es to the Gos$e% o! ,hrist @the destr(ction o! the Te$%eA )))0C82
how it wi%% ch"nge the wor%d thro(gh %o*e0 $"tience "nd eekness )))0345#347
its $(r$ose )0367
in the Ho%' F"i%' )028C
b"%"nce between res$ect !or "nd worshi$ing it )&0523
s($$orting their we"ker <,hie!s= or $riests )&0C5F
"t "notherHs we"kness or ist"ke )))0F5#FC
5a#' The Mosai @See "%so +(d"isE Lo*e0 gre"ter th"n %"wA
+es(s on His need !or obedience to it &0324
w"s so %iited in e:$ressing GodHs wi%% bec"(se $eo$%e were "t s(ch " %ow s$irit("% %e*e% )&088
%o*e is gre"ter th"n %"w &02>7#2>3
when %o*e re;(ires 'o( to bre"k the %"w0 others who occ"sioned the *io%"tion wi%% be he%d "cco(nt"b%e &02>7#2>3
its re%"tionshi$ to the Gos$e% o! ,hrist ))02>C02C30275#27F0FC7
how it w"s "de *oid in )sr"e% ))0275
the F2C $rece$ts th"t ki%%ed the L"w )&0CF407CF
o! c%e"n "nd (nc%e"n "ni"%s0 the $(r$ose o! ))05C3
th"t e:c%(ded those with de!orit' in Te$%e ser*ice )&058#C>
$(r$ose o! the %"w o! (nc%e"nness !or woen ))0F6F
Mos"ic %"ws th"t "re not <scienti!ic"%%'= correct )))03F>
the three br"nches o! +ewish L"w: H"%"sci"0 Midr"sc "nd Agg"d" )05>8
+es(s knew the entire content o! "%% three br"nches o! +ewish L"w &0658
in +es(sH d"' )0783
s$irit o! the %"w i$ort"nt )&0423
5iberation Theology @See "%so Soci"% Re*o%(tionA
+es(s "ddresses the !"%se notion $re*"%ent in )sr"e% o! " $o%itic"% Messi"h )))067>#67C
%i!e "nd de"th identi!ied "nd de!ined )0FC7#FCF
$(r$ose o! "nHs %i!e on e"rth:
" test )07>CE )))06F80543
to con;(er etern"% $e"ce in GodHs -ingdo )))05430CF2
to con;(er *irt(e )))05>6
"s " s"cri!ice to b(' the s"%*"tion o! others )))06F8
o$$ort(nit' to g"in erit !or o(r %i!e with God ))0CF6
the e"ns to con;(er tr(e %i!e0 not "n "i &0FC
+es(s s$e"ks o! the "s becoing the s'bo% o! those woen who wi%% %o*e Hi "s His Mother %o*ed God &0727
5imbo @ See "%so P"r"diseE H"desA
the K(st w"ited here !or the "toneent ))0567
Libo soewh"t e;(i*"%ent to the Greek conce$t o! H"des )))066>
+es(s went to Libo or P"r"dise d(ring His $h'sic"% entobent &06>C
5ord9s Day
Peter decides to begin reg(%"r "g"$es "t the S($$er Roo on the d"' "!ter the S"bb"th &08>2
5ord9s 3rayer
!irst $r"'ed when +es(s !irst %e!t N"I"reth )0 5C60572
t"(ght to the Disci$%es0 the co$%ete "nd $er!ect $r"'er ))0C5F#CC>
M"rKi" te"ches the M"gd"%ene ))03C7
+es(s in the Te$%e "t P"sso*er )))0328#35>
+es(s with the Disci$%es the 9ednesd"' night o! the P"ssion week &0767
+es(s e:$o(nds on e"ch $hr"se to the Disci$%es "!ter His res(rrection &0663#664
5ost' The
"re <sons o! God= in reg"rd to cre"tion b(t not in reg"rd to gr"ce ))062
"re not reKected b' God des$ite their errors i! the' seek the Tr(th ))0378
the strongest !orce in the wor%d0 no %iit o! $ower or tie ))05FC07F>07F5#7F7
the !o(nd"tion o! the (ni*erse ))03FC
its "bso%(te s($re"c'0 the w"' to God ))02>7#2>FE 623#624
gre"ter th"n %"w )&0CC20CFFE &02>7#2>3
when %o*e re;(ires 'o( to bre"k the %"w0 others who !orced the *io%"tion wi%% be he%d "cco(nt"b%e &02>7#2>3
the gre"test %"w )))0227
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
%e"ds one to tr(th ))0374E )))07CC
is wisdo "nd %ight )&0C>>
%o*e is the %"ng("ge o! wisdo )&0F52
o(r on%' de!ense "g"inst $ersec(tion "nd h("n h"tred )))0FCCE )&05CC
"nHs on%' de!ense "g"inst !"%%ing into sin )&05F8
"kes o(r b(rdens "nd $ersec(tions %ight &046C
M"r': %o*e <tri($hs o*er e*er'thing "nd e*er'bod'= &08C2
M"r': <%o*e "kes "%% (ndert"kings e"s'= )0365
the door to the -ingdo o! God &0467
!%"ing !ire th"t destro's "%% th"t is $erish"b%e &0856
wi%% s"*e the e"rth )&0C2
%o*e o! Ad" "nd E*e be!ore the F"%% ))0547
kinds o! %o*e:
n"t(r"% %o*e "nd $"ssion "re i$ort"nt in their $%"ce b(t +es(s "nd M"r' not ens%"*ed to the )02470243
$h'sic"% $%e"s(re o! being c%ose to the ones we %o*e *s1 tr(e %o*e )))045C
!"%se %o*e
<c"rn"% %o*e= not !orbidden b(t (st be oder"ted ))05C3
sens("%it' is o$$osite o! %o*e ))0374E &034C
se%ecti*e or e:c%(si*e %o*e is o!ten se%!ishness ))0364
se%!ish %o*e: not w"nting to s(!!er seeing others s(!!er )))0572
e:cessi*e or disorder%' %o*e !or re%igion or !"ther%"nd is sin!(%Gse%!ishness )&028F
to %o*e +es(s 'et not %o*e His doctrine which is to %o*e others witho(t distinction &0247
ho%' %o*e ))03C6E )))054FE &0C63
the three highest $owers o! %o*e: one gi*en to God0 the %o*e o! " other or !"ther0 "nd the %o*e o! oneHs wi!e ))054C#547
the three %ower $owers o! %o*e: %o*e !or o(r neighbor0 %o*e !or science0 "nd %o*e !or work ))0543
si: %e*e%s ))0547
9ho we "re to %o*e:
'o(r neighbor )))023#28
'o(r eneies )058FE ))038>0382E )))0CF8#C6>
+es(s reb(kes Peter !or c"%%ing the $ersec(ting re%igio(s %e"ders <criin"%s= )))0242
witho(t reg"rd to oneHs !"ith or
how to "tt"in $er!ect %o*e:
Ho%' M"r' "tt"ined it b' tot"% (nion with God )&05CC
o(r on%' ission to s"*e so(%s thro(gh %o*e:
b' %o*e "ke $eo$%e %o*e ))0633
we wi%% s"*e so(%s not b' the w"' we s$e"k b(t b' the w"' we %o*e )))0FC3
M"r': <the doctrine o! +es(s is the doctrine o! %o*e= &085F#856
M"r': t(rns the (d o! !"%%en h("nit' into Sons o! God "s the cre"tor did in the beginning &0854
th"t which robs God o! o(r %o*e )07F6
$ride is re"% hindr"nce to %o*e ))0626
%o*e *s1 !e"r )))0227
ess"ges on %o*e:
"t ,"$ern"( )0 5F705F3
+ohn "t the Mo(nt o! their A$ost%eshi$ ))02>7#2>F
"t M"gd"%": The (st"rd seed o! %o*e ))0554#558
to the wo(%d#be robbers ne"r Modin ))0734#7F>
to o%d ,ris$(s "nd Disci$%es "t Tiberi"s ))0374#378
Peter to the $e"s"nts ))0FF7#FF3
+es(s to +oh"n"nHs $e"s"nts ))0FFF#FF4
+es(s to the Disci$%es ))0623#624
+es(s to the citiIens o! +(tt" )))0623#62F
+es(s to His A$ost%es )&02F3#2F8
+es(s to the citiIens o! Hi$$o )&055F#558
+es(s to the !"ith!(% "t ,"$ern"( )&024C#24F
+es(s to M& on the $er!ect %o*e He "nd M"r' $ossessed &034C
5ui!er @See "%so S"t"nA
Arch"nge% )0C36062>
di!!erent !ro S"t"n )))0626
L(ci!er be!ore his !"%%E S"t"n "!ter it )&0734
re"son !or his !"%% )04C
5ust @See "%so Sens("%it'E P"ssionsE Fornic"tionA
the disordered "bition !or the te$or"% things o! this e"rth )&0734
the three %(sts: sens("%it'0 $ower0 riches *s1 !"ith0 ho$e "nd ch"rit' &034C
M"r' de!e"ts )0277
how to de!e"t ))026>
how it destro's %o*e in "rri"ge1 +ohn o! the S"nhedrin )))0 645#644
sens("%it' is o$$osite o! %o*e ))0374
co(nse% !ro +es(s to the Disci$%es in de"%ing with s(ch con!essions &025>#255
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
h"%! tr(ths o(t o! %o*e )076F
+es(s to the Disci$%es: ne*er te%% " %ie e*en i! the tr(th h"rs Me )&0327
!or " <good= $(r$ose )077CE )&0753E &0CCF
"nswering tr(th!(%%' " ;(estion best not "nswered )0255
+es(s "nswers the )sc"riotHs other witho(t %'ing )))06>5
F"%se witness: +es(s "t ,%e"r 9"ter )06>C#6>8
its e*i% "nd the re"sons en %ie )06>6#6>8
+es(s instr(cts M"rKi" not to %ie0 b(t to be si%ent "bo(t h"r!(% in!or"tion )&0333
Magisterium D the "(thorit' gi*en to the A$ost%es b' +es(s b' which the ,h(rch wo(%d be go*erned "nd s"!eg("rded1 The o!!ici"%
M"gisteri( rests in the origin"% 25 A$ost%es "nd is con*e'ed to their s(ccessors0 the /isho$s "nd $riests in (nion with the ch"ir o! Peter1
This is the A$osto%ic Order th"t h"s ecc%esi"stic"% "(thorit' "nd "ccording to +es(s it <re$resents the wor%d= @)0372A1 There is0 howe*er0 "
hidden Order whose on%' "(thorit' is s$irit("%1 The Twe%*e /eth%ehe she$herds were the !irst o! th"t Order1 At the instit(tion o! the
,h(rch0 Abe% "nd S"(e% took the $%"ce o! the two she$herds0 O%d S"(e% "nd +on"h0 who h"d died @)))0F66A1 @See +osh(" 7:2#81A
)nteresting%'0 "t the Tri($h"% entr'0 Peter w"%ks on one side o! +es(s "nd )s""c0 the she$herd0 w"%ks on the other side and holds the
rei'ns of the &n-ro*en colt @&0C86A1 )s""c "%so !o(nd hise%! 'sterio(s%' st"nding in the Te$%e g"Iing thro(gh the torn *ei% "t the
Ho%' o! Ho%ies @&0F6FA1 M"r' describes the /eth%ehe she$herds to the !irst Ro"ns who wish to becoe disci$%es "s <the !irst in the
herois o! %o*e= @&06CFA1 The' "re "%so c"%%ed to st"nd c%ose to the Lord "t His Ascension to He"*en @&046F0466A1
o!!ici"% M"gisteri( # s'bo%iIed in the twe%*e stones o! testion' ordered b' +osh(" to be erected in the c"$ @)))0F66AE erected b'
en chosen b' the $eo$%e "nd <$re$"red= b' +osh(" @)))0F66AE (st re$resent the wor%d @)0372AE its te"ching i! (nited on one is in!"%%ib%e
the (n#o!!ici"% M"gisteri( @See "%so &ision"ries "nd Post A$osto%ic Re*e%"tion1A # s'bo%iIed in the stones $%"ced dee$ in the +ord"n
$erson"%%' b' +osh(" where the !eet o! the $riests stood with the Ark o! the ,o*en"nt @)))0F6603>7#3>FA1 As the highest h("n s$irit("%
"(thorit' M"r' he"ds this M"gisteri( "s <second Le"ning Ns(bser*ientHMto Peter in ecc%esi"stic"% "(thorit'= @)&057>A1 +es(s c"%%ed
this second Order the <second witnesses= @)))0F66A1 &ision"ries "nd their s($$orters @the L"I"r(sesAwi%% g"ther the sc"ttered A$ost%es
"nd shee$ "t the ,h(rchHs betr"'"% @&0C66A1
Man' General @See "%so So(%E S$iritA
de!ined ))0374
"n cre"ted higher th"n the "nge%s )0C34
cre"ted to be -ing o*er the cre"ted (ni*erse )0560C34
how "n w"s to "chie*e doinion o*er "%% the e"rth )0 4504C
three gr"des o! "n: the in!erior @bod'A0 the s($erior @indA "nd s$irit("% @s$iritA ))0765076C c!1 )))0C46
o(r "ni"% n"t(re )))0F8>
"nkindHs s"d $redic"ent in reg"rd to his h("n n"t(re0 his $ride "nd desire to be God )))03C7#3C3
Man' Gender
his $ower in doctrine "nd e:tern"% %e"dershi$ in the ,h(rch ))0F66
how cre"ted di!!erent%' in s$irit !ro wo"n )&0C6#C4
Manna o! the Wilderness
its ir"c(%o(s ch"r"cteristics )))0775077C
Mar/ o! Cain )))04>8
Marriage' General0 )nc%(ding the Non#S"cr"ent"% ,ontr"ct("% M"rri"ge @See "%so F"i%'E Di*orceA
be!ore the F"%% ))0547
the b(rden o! "n in "rri"ge )02C502CC
<c"rn"% %o*e= to be oder"ted ))05C3
ch"stit' in "rri"ge )023E )&0525
its K(sti!ic"tion is chi%dren )02302F032>
i$ort"nt re%"tionshi$s between h(sb"nd0 wi!e "nd chi%dren ))0374E )&0522#523
obedience o! wi*es coended b' +es(s ))0223
"d*ice to " other#in#%"w )&0C38#CF5
%e"*ing !"ther "nd other )&0CF>#CF2
de"th "%one !(%%' disso%*es "n' "rri"ge @e*en " non#s"cr"ent"% "rri"ge is on%' -ro*en b' !ornic"tionA ))0264E )))07FF#7F6
%i*ing ce%ib"te in "rri"ge "s brother "nd sister )))07F4
widows "d*ised not to re"rr' ))0268E )&0676
Marriage' The (arament o!
to be " new instit(tion in the ,h(rch )&067F#674
h(sb"nd "nd wi!e $riests o! " s"%% ch(rch "s inisters o! the rite o! $rocre"tion ))0F37
the wonder!(% e:"$%e o! the Sidoni"n wi!e "nd +es(sH te"ching on the ro%e o! the wi!e )&0C45#C4C
the Mos"ic *iew o! "rri"ge w"s " contr"ctE in the ,hristi"n re%igion "n indisso%(b%e "ct i! both "re be%ie*ers &0473#47F
$(r$ose o! "rri"ge: to gi*e chi%dren to the Lord &0473047F
" g%or' !or "n ))0387
to er"se the tr"ces o! e*i% !ro the w"' o! God )))063>
GodHs $re$"r"tion "nd en"b%eent !or (s ))0CCE )&038
i$ort"nce o! %i*ing "rt'rdo )&0F>E &0666
the wor%d wi%% be w"shed in the coing "rt'rdo in the new ch(rch )0378033>
the $r"'er o! resign"tion !or " "rt'r ))0523
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
resign"tion to " !"%se sense o! !"te is not "rt'rdo ))0F>C
Mass' The @See "%so E(ch"ristA
+es(s s$e"ks to L"I"r(s o! the <!irst "ss= where the w"ter o! M"r'Hs te"rs wi%% i: with His b%ood "t the cross &0C63
the second M"ss w"s "t the s($$%eent"% P"sso*er in +on"hHs ho(se in the G"rden o! Gethse"ne &04F>#4F5
+es(s te%%s the /eth%ehe she$herd M"tthi"s0 "t the he"d o! the t"b%e0 </egin the P"sso*er b"n;(et= &04F2
"t the c%ose0 +es(s0 K(st "s the $riest tod"'0 stretches o(t His "rs "s His s"cri!ice on the cross &04F5
the third M"ss0 the !irst cond(cted b' Peter0 the week "!ter Pentecost S(nd"' &044F
the re%ics o! the cr(ci!i:ion "re on the "%t"r when Peter consecr"tes the e%eents &0 448
the e%eents "re e%e*"ted in the consecr"tion &0448
the woen0 with M"r'0 "re ser*ed with the en !or the !irst tie &0448
the re"ining e%eents "re cons(ed b' the A$ost%es &0448
M"r'0 who h"s "%w"'s been on Her knees d(ring the who%e cereon'0 now "$$ro"ches the "%t"r "nd re%ics "nd kisses the &0448
A$ost%e +ohn $ro$hesies o! the contin(ing song o! $r"ise0 </eho%d the L"b o! God= 1 1 1 in the ,h(rch ))02>7
in the s'n"gog(es0 the Scri$t(res were "%w"'s kissed be!ore re"ding the )&0C62
Masturbation )&03>3
Material :lessing )&0535053C
sign o! (ndeser*ed gr"ce not ho%iness )&058
we "re to %o*eG*"%(e the "s signs o! GodHs goodness0 b(t ne*er ore th"n God )&05>
+es(s s$e"ks to the we"%th' S"r"h o! A$hek )&0532#535
Mee/ness @See /e"tit(desA
+es(s "de " $riest !ore*er "!ter this order )&07F6#7F4
Mery @See "%so /e"tit(desA
cor$or"% works o! erc' o$en en to God secret%' )&0C87
re%"tion to K(stice in the o%d "nd in the new "ge )06F7
GodHs erc' e*en to those who ight <ki%% God= )0FC4
we "re to show it to those who reKect the Tr(th0 !or God gr"nts th"t right to en )))0257#253
wh' the erits o! ,hrist "re so iense )&02F4#2F8
+es(s de!ines "s <-ing o! "%% $eo$%es= "nd <Redeeer= &0237
*iews o! @See )sr"e%A
Messiahs' False @See F"%se Messi"hsA
Messiani Idea D to (nite e*er'bod' in %o*e &0224
Metempsyhosis the tr"nsigr"tion o! so(%s !ro one bod' to "nother "t de"th &0773
Military (ervie
+es(sH *iew o! )))0C>F
+es(s on oneHs d(t' in the i%it"r' )0346E )&0F58E &0726
Minerva # the Ro"n goddess o! wisdo &0F6
Ministering to (ouls
Ag%"e: !o(r d"ngers: c(riosit'0 (n"d*ised Ie"%0 into%er"nce "nd e:cessi*e co$"ssion )075C
Mirales @See "%so S$irit("% Gi!tsE A$$"ritionsE Post A$osto%ic Re*e%"tionsA
de!inition o! ))0F64
$(r$ose o! )076>0F2>E ))042E )))058CE &0F2#F5
" $roo! o! GodHs goodness "nd o(r we"kness )))058C
$(r$ose o! ir"c%es !or good $eo$%e )))0336
does not cre"te !"ith0 or e*en strengthen itE it on%' gi*es o(r !"ith ore $e"ce &04CF
+es(s on the need o! ir"c%es in the ,h(rch0 es$eci"%%' !or the A$ost%es &0F5#FC
when God (ses the or other !ors o! coercion ))07F2
"' do no good !or soe )))0578
d"nger to soe ))042E )))0338
+es(s conce"%s " ir"c%e to "n (nbe%ie*ing crowd ))0746
not $roo! the worker is ore ho%' th"n others )0F2>
conditions !or working ir"c%es ))0F8C
condition !or recei*ing " ir"c%e
(st desire !"ith to be%ie*e be!ore "n'thing e%se )&057C
+es(s on wh' !ew ir"c%es "re $er!ored in o(r d"'
%"ck o! !"ith in the God o! ir"c%es "nd "n "ttit(de th"t wishes to (se God !or oneHs own se%!ish ends &0F5
%"ck o! !"ith "nd K(stice0 " wor%d witho(t s"ints &04C7
K(dgent on those who iniiIeGignoreGdes$ise GodHs gi!ts or the $rec(rsors o! His second coing ))06>6E )))0727#723
M& on those who tre"t s($ern"t(r"% things %ight%' )))0756
discerning ir"c%es o! A$$"ritions "nd Re*e%"tion witho(t o(tw"rd ir"c%es or signs )))0C62
Mis!ortune and Trouble @See "%so SorrowE S(!!eringE E*i%A
wh' God "%%ows ))05C5#5CC
O%d +"cob0 !"ther o! G""%" the *ine dresser o! ,"es"re" "cce$ts with !"ith ))0FC4
good $(r$ose !or )&045F
Money @See "%so RichesE M"teri"% /%essingsA
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
ost (se%ess "nd !i%th' thing on e"rth ))0CC
the c"(se o! nine tenths o! the dis"sters o! the wor%d &077F
7 dr"ch"s Q 2 st"ter )))075>
Mortal (in
sin th"t !(%%' bre"ks oneHs re%"tionshi$ to God &07C5
is ne*er s(dden0 b(t the res(%t o! "n' !"i%(res )&0C33
s'bo%iIed in the st(nned g("rds "t the tob o! +es(s th"t co(%d not see God Etern"% $"ss b' &062C
Mosai 5a#s @See "%so L"wA
%"ws th"t "re not <scienti!ic"%%'= correct )))03F>
th"t e:c%(ded those with de!orit' in Te$%e ser*ice )&058#C>
Murder @See "%so Ten ,o"ndents0 3
+es(s "t ,%e"r 9"ter )0F4>#F46
"ativity (tory' The
to%d b' one "t ,%e"r 9"ter )0FC6
to%d b' +es(s "nd the she$herds )0673#67F
"azarite &o#
+es(s on S"son "nd the i$(re !ood !orbidden b' the N"I"rite *ow: 9ine0 cider "nd !"t e"ts )0784
"ear Death )0periene
+"ir(sH d"(ghter ))06>3
"eromany @See "%so Occ(%t0 TheA
"t the c"*e o! the witch o! Endor ))057F#578
the c"se o! the inc(r"b%e necro"ncer "t HerodHs co(rt )&0376#378
the di!!erence between $r"'ing to the s"ints "nd necro"nc' "nd the occ(%t )&0332#335
de!ined )))026054F
"ight Wathes' %oman @See "%so Ho(rs o! the D"'A
9"tch Q F PM#8 PME *
9"tch Q 8 PM#25 PME <
9"tch Q 25 PM#C AME @
9"tch Q C AM#F AM
"ight Wathes' .e#ish @See "%so Ho(rs o! the D"'A
9"tch Q F PM W 2> PME *
9"tch Q 2> PM W 5 AME <
9"tch Q 5 AM W F AM
"uns and (isters @See "%so 9oenHs A$osto%"teA
+es(s s$e"ks "bo(t Phi%i$Hs d"(ghter "nd consecr"ted *irgins ))03C6#3C80F66
4aths @See Swe"ringA
4bediene to God @See "%so S$irit o! the L"wA
i$ort"nce &073C
the e"ns b' which +es(s redeeed "nkind o! the $reeinent Sin )&0FC3
is both sorrow "nd g%or' )&0FC3
s"*es 'o( !ro the sins o! $res($tion "nd $ride0 which gi*e we"$ons into the h"nds o! the ene' )&068>
is i$ort"nt to disting(ish between the %etter o! the %"w "nd the s$irit0 which is %o*e )&0423#42F
4bediene to Churh $uthority @See "%so A(thorit'E PriesthoodGHier"rch'A
ch(rch %"w is " re;(ireent (n%ess %o*e "nd K(stice @the *oice o! GodA re;(ire otherwise )&0CC2
+es(s on obedience to the S"bb"th %"w on tr"*e%ing s($erceded on%' b' the %"w o! %o*e )&0CFF
obedience to " $riest is re;(ired (n%ess He"*en c%e"r%' re;(ires otherwise )023F#2340238 c!1 M"tt 5:52#55
"bso%(te obedience to <Peter= is re;(ired b' God (n%ess the "tter is " *io%"tion o! or"% %"w )&0423#42F
"bso%(te obedience in wh"t is not sin!(% )&0426
4ult' The @See "%so Necro"nc'A
"t the c"*e o! the witch o! Endor ))057F#578
the di!!erence between $r"'ing to the s"ints "nd necro"nc' "nd the occ(%t )&0332#335
4pposition to .esus !rom the rulers o! Israel @See "%so F"%se Disci$%es o! ,hristE Po%itics o! the TieA
the' cons$ire with +es(sH !riends to "%%(re Hi into rebe%%ion "g"inst Herod )&0C22#C57
the' "rr"nge with +(d"s to send " $rostit(te to sed(ce Hi1 )&063F#6F7
M"n"en s$e"ks to +es(s o! the t(roi% in +er(s"%e0 the new "%%i"nce between the re%igio(s r(%ers "nd the Herodi"ns0 "nd other
str"tegies the re%igio(s r(%ers h"*e instig"ted to discredit +es(s )&0455#45C
their *"rio(s schees to destro' +es(s "nd His re$(t"tion &03#F
!"%se Disci$%es sent to Sheche to is%e"d the $eo$%e &0262#265
4ptimism' )nlightened
b"sed on the tr(th o! GodHs good $(r$ose !or "%% things ))03F2
4riginal (in @See "%so F"%%0 TheA
%e!t <S"t"nHs inde%ib%e "rk= on "%% h("n %i!e )0675E )))085
the n"t(re o! the sin )028#5>053#CC045#4707>6E ))026>E &0343#34F
the conse;(ence: h("n conce$tion now in*o%*es " $h'sic"% "ct r"ther th"n one entire%' o! the S$irit )))0426
tho(gh c"nce%%ed0 e!!ect o! th"t sin re"ins )0C50534E )))02F402F8
c"nce%%ed in /"$tis b(t "w"kened b' oneHs (nwi%%ingness to being o! God &034F
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
on%' reo*ed in the ,hristi"n co*en"nt thro(gh the work o! ,hrist ))0F70567#563
E*eHs ro%e in )045#47E )&0C60C4
the conse;(ence o! her sin on her !irst son0 ,"in0 who w"s h"rd#he"rted0 en*io(s "nd wicked &0346
how the $"in "nd sorrow !ro her !irst son g"*e her " righteo(s son0 Abe% &0346
the $"in "nd sorrow o! Abe%Hs (rder !(rther $(ri!ied E*e &0346
the i$ort"nce o! o(r c"re !or the ))074CE &02C6
4ur Father0 The @See LordHs Pr"'erA
+es(s corrects Peter o*er his se%!ish *iews )&0248
3aganism7pagans @See "%so Genti%esE F"%se Gods A
+es(s e*"nge%iIes the Ro"n woen ))0CC2#CC6
c"n be *irt(o(s "nd wi%% be rew"rded b' God ))027
those honest "re <s"!e= )))04C047
those who show ch"rit' "re <c%ose to the Tr(th0= "nd h"*e Re%igion ))07C>
those whoH*e ne*er he"rd or !"ith!(% to wh"t the' be%ie*e to be right "re "cce$ted b' God )&02F6#2F8
wi%% h"*e " %ong tie in Libo (nti% the' re"ch (nderst"nding "nd $er!ection )&02F4
wh"t $"g"ns (st do to be "ss(red o! GodHs "cce$t"nce )&0665#66C
+es(sH insight into the d"rkness "nd con!(sion o! %ost h("nit' "nd their dee$ %onging !or God "nd Lo*e ))0776#774
n"es entioned:
Aesc(%"$i(s0 ,roes(s )0F260F84
Hi$$ocr"tes )0F84E
G"%en )0F88
s$irit("% wisdo o! the Greek S'nt'che "t L"I"r(sH ho(se )))03>#37
3ain @See S(!!eringA
3aint' )&0227#224
3apal $uthority @See "%so &ic"r o! ,hristA
in!"%%ibi%it' ))05>7
"(thorit' )))0C65E )&042F
+es(s on +ohnHs h(i%it' "nd res$ect !or the !"i%ing Peter )&0C57#C54
the $rono(nceent o! dog" o! the )"c(%"te ,once$tion $ro$hesied b' +es(s to the Disci$%es ))0544
3aradise @See "%so LiboE He"*enE P(rg"tor'A
the re$ent"nt thie! wo(%d be with +es(s in P"r"dise &0F23
+es(s went to P"r"dise or Libo iedi"te%' "t His de"th0 b(t He"*en "!ter His *isit with M"r' "nd the M"gd"%ene &06>C
3assions @See "%so L(stA
!o(r $er*erted $"ssions: h"tred0 %(st0 wr"th0 $ride vs. !o(r ho%' *irt(es: !ortit(de0 te$er"nce0 K(stice0 $r(dence &034C
3assover Feast' the (eond
he%d the !o%%owing onth !or those who co(%d not "ke the !irst or Pri"r' Fe"st &05>4
e:e$%i!ied in the tie o! cre"tion "nd rede$tion )07F707F3
disordered %o*e o! !"ther%"nd is sin!(%Gse%!ish )&028F
3eae @See "%so /e"tit(desA
witho(t it one c"nnot he"r God )06FCE )))038>
3eae' )ra o! the witness o! L"I"r(s to it )&0732E the witness o! Ho' M"r'0 )&0566
+es(s on the in!%(ence "nd $ower o! %o*ing s"cri!ice "nd on M"rKi" gi*ing ($ his hone' c"kes )))024C#243
b%essing e*en those we do not know thro(gh s"cri!ice is $"rt o! the $ri*i%ege o! the co(nion o! the s"ints )))0247
the e:$i"tion "nd $en"nce $roscribed b' +es(s !or the criin"%s Aser "nd " ser*"nt "cco$%ice )&0C86#C88
no one be%ie*ed in or %o*ed ,hrist ore the M"gd"%ene0 'et e*en "!ter the Res(rrection she h"d (ch to $(ri!' thro(gh $en"nce
+es(s to M& on the ir"c%e o! Pentecost )))07C3#7CF
3er!etions' The Three
2A ,h"stit' 5A Po*ert' CA Obedience in "%% th"t is not sin!(% )&0426
gre"test $er!ection: to gi*e oneHs %i!e o(t o! %o*e !or God "nd !or oneHs brother )&0426
3erseutions @See "%so /e"tit(desA
$roised to (s "nd $ro*isions in $ersec(tion )&07F
(n!"ir !or the righteo(s to h"*e both etern"% tre"s(reGbene!its "nd te$or"% tre"s(reGbene!its )07>C07>7
how it he%$s (s to be $ersec(ted ))03>C
is " g%or' !or "n ))0387
+es(sH words o! co!ort "nd His $roises to o$$ressed $e"s"nts o! +oh"n"n )&02>5#2>4
3ersonal %elationship to God
is essenti"% )0 5220525
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
b"sed on $ride "nd %"ck o! %o*e "nd !"ith ))03F2
3harisees D !ro the Hebrew word <se$"r"ted0= re$resented the ost $o$(%"r o! the three "Kor re%igio(s *iews in +es(sH d"'1 )n
contr"st to the S"dd(cees0 who disco(nted "n' doctrines o! orthodo:' "nd de"%t with Greeks "nd Ro"ns0 "nd the Essenes0 who where
e:tree se$"r"tists0 the Ph"risees re$resented " oder"ted se$"r"tis1 These three $"rties were bitter ri*"%s1
their $ower in )sr"e% )0332
denied the !ree wi%% o! "n )))0F75
did not be%ie*e en co(%d be con*erted )))0F77
+es(s recogniIes the %egiti"c' "nd need o! the sect in its e"r%' rise to $ower &077C
$rotected b' God )058F
3olitial 3o#er and 3osition
d"nger "nd we"kness o! ))03F8#362
cre"ted b' "n b(t "%%owed b' God ))036>
in!erior to the c"%% o! one to si$%e ho%' %i*ing ))036>#36C
"re "%w"'s corr($ted b' the tho(s"nds o! interests o! others ))0362#365
3olitis o! the Time @See "%so O$$osition to +es(sA
r(th%essness "nd corr($tion )03740378
Roe kee$s Herod Anti$"s "nd the r(%ers o! )sr"e% in check "!ter the rec"$t(re "nd i$risonent o! the /"$tist ))05F4
M"n"en re$orts to +es(s on the sh"e!(% st"te o! HerodHs co(rt "!ter the behe"ding o! the /"$tist )))0C8F#C86
!"%se Messi"hs in the $"st h"*e dis"$$ointed "nd bro(ght gre"t tro(b%e to G"%i%e"ns !ro Roe )))02FF
M"n"en: Roe h"s $(t $ress(re on Herod to cr(sh "%% dist(rb"nces instig"ted b' the +ewish r(%ers or Herodi"s )))03>6
the e!!ect +es(s h"d on the co(rt o! Pi%"te thro(gh His or"% in!%(ence on ,%"(di" "nd the other Ro"n woen )&0F2#F5
" $riest "t ,h(I"Hs e:$resses the !"(%t' re"soning o! "n' o! +es(sH !riends who wish Hi to o*erthrow Herod )&0C24
&"%eri" s$e"ks to +es(s o! the in!%(ence Pi%"teHs wi!e0 ,%"(di"0 h"d on hi in reg"rd to +es(s )&0675
M"n"en s$e"ks to +es(s o! the t(roi% in +er(s"%e0 the new "%%i"nce between the re%igio(s r(%ers "nd the Herodi"ns0 "nd other
str"tegies the re%igio(s r(%ers h"*e instig"ted to discredit +es(s )&0455#45C
M"n"en te%%s +es(s the %"test on the "%%i"nce between the re%igio(s r(%ers "nd the h"ted Herodi"ns &0233#23F
E%iI" "t E$hr"i re$orts o! Pi%"teHs thre"t to the S"nhedrin0 reinding the who "dinisters K(stice in P"%estine &0288
Nike re$orts th"t Pi%"te wo(%d K(st "s soon get rid o! +es(s K(st to ;(e%% the t(roi% cre"ted b' the re%igio(s %e"ders &0288
+es(s s$e"ks o! Ponti(s Pi%"teHs *"ci%%"ting ch"r"cter "nd his greed' "nd $ro(d ego to L"I"r(s &05>4#5>8
+oh"nn" o! ,h(I" s$e"ks to +es(s o! HerodHs !e"r o! Hi "nd o! ,%"(di"Hs "tte$t to in!%(ence Pi%"te &0CC8#C7>
L"I"r(s s$e"ks to +es(s o! the re"ctions o! Pi%"te to the $ress(res o! the S"nhedrin &0C75#C7C
Pi%"teHs incredib%e res$onse to L"I"r(sH re;(est !or consider"tion !or +es(s &0C75#C7C
3ornography )&03>3
3ostD$postoli %evelation @See "%so M"gisteri(0 (no!!ici"%E &ision"riesA # Tho(gh re*e%"tion gi*en since the A$ost%es is o!ten c"%%ed
<$ri*"te re*e%"tion= not "%% s(ch re*e%"tion w"s intended !or $ri*"te (se1 Soe $ost#A$osto%ic re*e%"tion w"s c%e"r%' e"nt !or the !"ith
o! the entire ,h(rch "nd e*en the wor%d1 The ,"techis @$"r1 F6A "dits th"t within "t %e"st soe o! this <so called N$ri*"teH re*e%"tion0=
there "re re*e%"tions which "re <"(thentic c"%%s o! ,hrist "nd the s"ints to the ,h&rch"= The ,h(rch h"s th(s "n indis$(t"b%e or"%
ob%ig"tion to recogniIe this re*e%"tion "s s(ch1
$ro$hets "nd contin(ing re*e%"tion wi%% "%w"'s be bec"(se:
$re*io(s re*e%"tion "%w"'s gets distorted ))02C5#2CCE )&06>8062>
*ision"ries wi%% "%w"'s be needed to c"%% en b"ck to the Gos$e% "nd ,hrist )))03>7#3>F
*ision"ries wi%% be chosen !ro the h(b%e0 wi%% be condened b' <inisters o! God= )))03>7#3>F
$(r$ose o!0 to good $eo$%e )))0336
GodHs $ro*ision !or those who "re st"r*ing !or s$irit("% !ood )))07CF
tr(e $ri*"te re*e%"tion is to be sh"red on%' with those to who "nd when it is !"ir to do so &0655
K(dgent on those who iniiIeGignoreGdes$ise GodHs gi!ts or the $rec(rsors o! His second coing ))06>6E )))0727#723
"n' o! those who h"*e ridic(%ed "nd torented <the *oices o! God= wi%% be d"ned )))03>F
M& on those who tre"t s($ern"t(r"% things %ight%' )))0756
+es(sH *iew o! those odern Ph"risees who reKect the re*e%"tion o! The Poem of the Man-God )06F4
9oe to those who c"(se God to be si%ent ))0C33
+es(s w"rns "bo(t ignoring His !(t(re *oices &0474#478
dre"d!(% sin "nd then $(nishent !or those who ignore "n'thing !ro God &0753#75F
A$ost%es did not be%ie*e the ess"ge o! He"*en to the woen on the Res(rrection "nd were re$ro*ed )06C8#67F
$re#K(dgent"%is tow"rds "n "$$"ritionGre*e%"tionG*ision"r': <s(s$icion is "%re"d' " %"ck o! %o*e= )))0784
M"r' te%%s Peter th"t his tr(st in h("n re"son w"s wh' he !"i%ed the Lord "t the /etr"'"% &0F46
+es(s %"ents the Tho"sH o! tod"' who do(bt the re*e%"tions thro(gh the !"ith!(% "nd s(!!ering $en"n0 M& &0632
discerning the $resence or 9ord o! God witho(t ir"c%es or signs @See "%so Discerning o! S$iritsA )))0C62
discerning di*ine origin o! " ess"ge ))02>CE )&075
wh' it wi%% be resisted "nd ignored e*en b' <A$ost%es= )0675
en o!ten choose not to w"nt to know !(rther tr(thE soe den' it e*en when the' know it ))063
its "d*"nt"ges "nd dis"d*"nt"ges ))0C78#C3>
Tho"s "nd +es(s on the Ko' o! $o*ert' )))0724
3rayer @See "%so LordHs Pr"'erA
S1O1M te"ching on $r"'er ))023>#23C
with two or three )))052
M"r'0 on the i$ort"nce o!:
M"r' to M& on its i$ort"nce )088
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
M"r' te%%s M"r' o! A%$h"e(s how i$ort"nt $r"'er is to Her &0F45
M"r' o! A%$h"e(s: M"r' %i*es on $r"'er in ties o! dee$est grie! &0C3F
M"r'Hs $r"'ers bro(ght the inc"rn"tion 23 'e"rs sooner "nd the Res(rrection CF ho(rs sooner )0C8E &0625
i$ort"nce o! conte$%"ti*e $r"'er ))0850368#34>0FF6E )))02F2
(st be s"id with the he"rt )0F75#F7CE ))0C5706FC
!or the de"d )0C83E )&02F7E &0433
!or those who resist "nd reKect the gr"ce0 the gr"ce is gi*en to others &054C
in M"r'Hs n"e )076C
se%!ish $r"'er )0282
+es(s te"ches Peter )0CC>
its i$ort"nce to +es(s )0C33
in the Ho%' F"i%' )028C
+es(sH d"i%' $r"'er sched(%e )))087
s$ent ost o! His nights in $r"'er )))06F3
3raying to the (aints @See "%so ,o(nion o! the S"intsA
the di!!erence between $r"'ing to the s"ints "nd necro"nc' "nd the occ(%t )&0332#335
necro"nc' )&0376#378
3redestination vs. Free Will o! Man
+es(s *s1 " sincere Essene )))0F750
+es(s *s1 +(d"s )sc"riot )))0736
+es(s "donishes the Disci$%es )&0F36
3reD)0istene o! the (oul
$rior to its being $%"ced in the bod' )0FC30FCFE )))0F8082085
+es(s coends Tho"s !or his !e"r o! !"i%ing ,hrist "nd w"rns o! the $res($tion He s"w in the )sc"riot )0585
+es(s co(nse%s +ohn o! the d"nger o! "king *ows o! se%! deni"% th"t "' be i$ossib%e to kee$ )&0426
"%% sins coe !ro )0 534
Ho%' M"r' o*ercoes )027C
tiredness "nd h"ste both coe !ro $ride )07F7
dishe"rtenent is !ro $ride ))0CC8E )&0FC4
the stone on which S"t"nHs $edest"% st"nds0 the !(nd"ent"% $rob%e with the Disci$%es )))03C4
t(rns GodHs gi!ts "nd !"*ors into s$irit("% dis"ster )))0348
kee$s en !ro tr(th "nd !ro God )&0FC6
3riestesses0 " <inor $riesthood= !or woen disci$%es with consecr"tion on%' b' God not the ,h(rch ))0C40F>0FC0F66
3riesthood o! all Faith!ul :elievers &038>
3riesthood @See "%so ,h(rchA
the critic"% $"rt $%"'ed in resc(ing0 thro(gh "bso%(tion0 the "n' who !"%% into s$irit("% de"th "!ter b"$tis &0636
the need o! $(rit' in the consecr"tion o! the /re"d "nd 9ine &0634
the' s$e"k !or God )076
the' h"*e the Ho%' S$irit to gi*e the wisdo &025>
to be "%w"'s res$ected !or the o!!ice he%d ))0F87
to be obe'ed e*en i! "d*ice i$er!ect )03C0F3023802F>
(st re;(ire res$ect when s$e"king )076E )))0357
the worst +(d"ses "ccording to +es(s wi%% be "ong the $riests in His ,h(rch &06F>
the contin(ing <tort(re o! "%% tort(res= to +es(s "re the g(i%t' $riests0 the c"(se o! sc"nd"% "nd r(in &04CC
wh"t to do "bo(t e*i% $riests )))0353
e*i% $riests who inK(re the !"ith o! others to be e:co(nic"ted ))0F87
s"*ing !"i%ing $riests )023802F>
$riests not gener"%%' the ost s$irit("% )02340238E ))086084E )&0C5F
(st be o$en to honest criticis !or !"i%(res )037
i$ort"nce o! $r"'ing !or )02F>
i$ort"nce o! res$ecting "nd s($$orting those who !"%ter "nd !"i% )&0C5F
+es(sH *iew o! " tr(e $riest )065>#652
the' "re c"%%ed to be doctors !or so(%s whose science is %o*e )&0C83#C8F
the' "re $riests0 doctors0 "sters "nd $"stors o! so(%s who (st discern the n"t(re o! the needs o! others &025>#255
d"ngers !"ced b' $riests:
d"nger o! corr($tion b' one' )))04
their te$t"tion to think in h("n wisdo "s O"ch"ri"s )0676
w"rning to the new $riests "nd scribes o! the New Te$%e &07F5
+es(s s$e"ks to His Disci$%es o! their own $reK(dices "nd $ride th"t %ed to their !"i%(re &0677#67F
+es(s s$e"ks to the Disci$%es o! the !(t(re needs o! His $eo$%e !or !"ith!(% $riests "t the S($$er Roo &0634#6F>
+es(s s$e"ks to the Disci$%es "bo(t their ro%e "s $riests "t Mt1 T"bor &04C>#4CF
3rivate %evelations @See Post#A$osto%ic Re*e%"tionsA
3roreation @See "%so M"rri"geA
be!ore the F"%% ))0547
the on%' K(sti!ic"tion !or se:("% (nion )02302F032>
3rourator D D(ring the %i!e o! ,hrist0 "!ter Arche%"e(s w"s de$osed0 +(de" "nd S""ri" were go*erned b' Proc(r"tors1 Pi%"te w"s the
Proc(r"tor d(ring ,hristHs inistr' 'e"rs1
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
+es(s to%d His Disci$%es th"t the $ro$hets to%d the stor' o! His coing "nd inistr' in s'bo%s "nd !ig(res &022C
3rotestantism7protestants @See SchisA
the $ro$er inter$ret"tion o! )))0CFC
"%w"'s needed "nd "%w"'s to be )&06>8062>
3syhi @See Fort(ne Te%%ingA
3urgatory @See "%so LiboE H"desE P"r"diseE He"*enA
+es(s: P(rg"tor' is %i!e !or those there0 tho(gh st(nned "nd tied ))0675
Peter be%ie*es he wi%% s$end " %ong tie in P(rg"tor' "!ter his deni"% o! ,hrist &0672
tho(s"nd ties ore di!!ic(%t th"n e:$i"ting on e"rth )0773
%ong P(rg"tor' !or those who on%' do eno(gh to esc"$e d"n"tion )067>E )&06F8
"' %"st to the end o! the wor%d )&02F4
coon be%ie! "ong the +ews "nd be%ie*ed b' +es(s ))0675
3urity @See "%so /e"tit(desA
its *"%(e )06
3yrrhonian D " !o%%ower o! the Greek ske$tic P'rrho @C63#563 /,A who t"(ght th"t "%% know%edge inc%(ding those o! the senses is
(ncert"in @&072>A1
3ythagoras9 Theory K reinc"rn"tion @)&0F83A1 P'th"gor"s w"s " Greek $hi%oso$her "nd "the"tici"n o! the F
cent(r' /,1
3ythoness D " wo"n sooths"'er @)&0C4A1
Voheleth D $erh"$s " $oet or $hi%oso$her who +es(s s"'s s$oke o! the *"nit' o! te$or"% things @))0658A1
%ahel9s (epulher )0C65
%abbi # +ewish te"chers "nd instr(ctors o! the L"w1
+es(s re!(tes their *iew th"t their "(thorit' e:ceeded th"t o! $"rents o*er their $($i%s &077C#77F
%ain @See "%so ,"%end"r ,on*ersion ,h"rtA
<!orer= r"in # No*eber thro(gh Febr("r'0 the nor"% r"in' se"son1 Note contin("% r"in in Deceber: )0F330FF70F620F6F
<%"tter= r"in # Febr("r' thro(gh M"rch0 the critic"% r"ins th"t "ke the di!!erence between !"ine "nd $%ent' )))076F#742 c!1 747
%eason vs. Faith
M"r' te%%s Peter th"t his tr(st in h("n re"son w"s wh' he !"i%ed the Lord "t the /etr"'"% &0F46
%ebu/ing $nother !or (in or )rror
wrong i! not "cco$"nied with "d*ice to better the sit("tion &0228
%eoniliation' (arament o!
the so(% th"t coes with tr(e re$ent"nce "nd con!ession is to be "bso%*ed ))0F3C
instr(ctions to the Disci$%es on "dinistering this S"cr"ent &0477#473
%edemption o! Christ @See "%so AtoneentA
co*ers the three "re"s o! "nHs sin debt )))0C46
,hristHs work o! rede$tion !or "%% h("n sin needs "nHs $"rtici$"tion e:ce$t !or origin"% sin )&03C2
" serio(s error )0F57E ))024>03330672#675E )))082085E )&0F830F8F
not reinc"rn"tion b(t recre"tion )&0F83#F8F
the bones o! the $riest O"ch"ri"s0 the /"$tistHs F"ther )07>6
%eligion @See "%so Genti%esA
+es(s describes the *"%(e o! "%% re%igion th"t he%$s en %i*e K(st "nd or"% %i*es "nd the tr"ged' o! h'$ocritic"% $riests in:
!"%se re%igion b"sed so%e%' on the need o! "n to cre"te " !"ith b' which to %i*e &04C2
i$(re re%igion b"sed on $"rti"% re*e%"tion o! tr(th to wise en &04C2
tr(e re%igion th"t be"rs the n"e o! ,hrist &04C2
+es(s re;(ires His ,h(rch to be res$ect!(% o! those in other re%igions "nd !"iths &067F
+es(s: there is no %"ck o! K(st $eo$%e in "n' co(ntr' "nd re%igion &0435
+es(s orders His A$ost%es to $ro$"g"te His .ni;(e0 Tr(e0 Per!ect0 )(t"b%e re%igion "nd ,h(rch "%% o*er the wor%d &04C2
%eligious Form
*s1 co(nion with God )02F7
the e$t' re%igio(s !or in the %i!e o! S"(e%0 who ne"r%' ki%%s soeone )))0F>8
e:cessi*e or disorder%' %o*e !or re%igion is sin!(%Gse%!ishness )&028F
%emarriage @See "%so Di*orceE M"rri"geA
in the ,hristi"n !"ith is "%w"'s wrong (n%ess the $"rtner dies )&067F
+es(s s$e"ks o! the tro(b%e o! re"rri"ge when there "re chi%dren e*en "!ter the $"rtner dies )&0676
the s$irit("% )075>
+es(s: " good !riend in good $eo$%e &0665
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
%epentane @See "%so ,on*ersionA
!"%se re$ent"nce:
born o(t o! !e"r o! God not %o*e: E%i the Ph"risee ))04C#47
sentient"% eotion"%is o*er !"i%(re0 no !ir wi%% to ch"nge: +(d"s )))0C32E &034>#345
Ph"risees den' the gen(ineness o! s(dden or gre"t con*ersions )))0F77
to GodHs wi%% in di!!ic(%t sit("tions )))0FF7
%esin Trees )&0278
%esurretion o! the :ody
+es(s *s1 "n Essene )))0F7C
%evolution @See Soci"% Re*o%(tionA
%e#ards' God9s
God not re;(ired to gi*e (s "n'0 $er!ection is o(r d(t' )&03>#32
bec"(se o! GodHs goodness He gi*es gr"cio(s%' "ccording to o(r e!!ort )&032
%ih' The
their d(t' to the $oor ))0273E )&055F#554
%ihes @See "%so Mone'A
S1O1M1 the right (se o! ))0236#238
res$onsibi%it' o! the we"%th' to the $oor )&0C73#C7F
d"nger o! "n "tt"chent to riches )&0556
e*en !or the $oor )))06
%omanizing o! Cities in Israel
Sheche o! S""ri" w"s n"ed Ne"$o%is &052>
/eth#She"n w"s n"ed Sc'tho$o%is &052>
+es(s c"%%ed Roe the New Oion &035F
+es(s te%%s Peter th"t he is destined to ser*e Hi in " gre"t cit'0 " <ske%eton= th"t he wi%% bring b"ck to %i!e ))077F
+es(s $roises th"t Peter "nd +ohn wi%% bring the Gos$e% to Roe )))066>
+es(s te%%s Peter he wi%% e*"nge%iIe "nd con;(er Roe !or Hi &0C5
K(st be!ore His Ascension0 +es(s te%% his A$ost%es the ,h(rch wi%% be reKected in )sr"e% "nd it (st be est"b%ished in <E$hr"i= <the
%"nd o! ido%s "nd he"thens= @"nother re!erence to RoeA &046> c!1 852#855
%oman Catholi Churh @See "%so RoeE ,h(rchA
+es(s to M&: <the One0 Ho%'0 ,"tho%ic0 A$osto%ic0 Ro"n ,h(rch= &0443
%ose &inegar D " re!reshing drink th"t +oh"nn" brings to +es(s0 which He (st re!(se &0733
(abbath Day @See "%so LordHs D"'A
kee$ing ho%' d"'s: +es(s "t ,%e"r 9"ter )0F6F#F4>
+es(s ke$t the S"bb"th tr"*e% restriction e:ce$t when %o*e re;(ired otherwise
+ose$h o! Ari"the" "nd the A$ost%e +ohn0 "!ter the b(ri"% o! +es(s0 recogniIe th"t the o%d S"bb"th w"s <de"d= &0F760FFC
(araments0 General
the re"son the' were gi*en ))0F35
+es(s te%%s +"es there wi%% be se*en ))0F37
witho(t ch"rit' the' "re o! no *"%(e or "re e*en " s"cri%ege )))02C2
(araments0 5isted
+es(s s$eci!ic"%%' to%d the Disci$%es there wo(%d be se*en %ike the c"nde%"br( o! the Te$%e ))0F37E &0475#476
/"$tis @See (nder th"t he"dingA
,on!ir"tion @See (nder th"t he"dingA
E(ch"rist @See (nder th"t he"dingA
Reconci%i"tion @See (nder th"t he"dingA
Anointing o! the Sick @See (nder th"t he"dingA
Ho%' Orders @See (nder th"t he"dingA
M"trion' @See (nder M"rri"geA
Ho%' S$irit0 the eighth 'sterio(s S"cr"ent ))0F37#F33
(ari!ie @See "%so Pen"nceA
+es(s: )t is thro(gh s"cri!ice th"t one g"ins *ictor'0 i! the gr"in o! whe"t !"%%s "nd dies &074C
(ari!ie' animal
its $(r$ose ))02C8E )&03C7
(adduees D " sect o! "ristocr"tic +ews th"t stood in contr"st to the two other "Kor sects0 the Ph"risees "nd the Essenes1 The'
h"d %itt%e in!%(ence on the coon +ews who !o(nd their %o'"%ties with the ore orthodo: Ph"risees1 The S"dd(cees h"d !ew scr($%es in
de"%ing with Greeks "nd Ro"ns1 The S"dd(cees re$resented the e:tree re%igio(s %e!t0 (n%ess we inc%(de the Herodi"ns0 who were
ore " $o%itic"% $"rt'E the Essenes the e:tree right1
their heresies:
did not be%ie*e in "n "!ter%i!e0 the so(%0 res(rrection0 h("n !ree wi%% )075F
did not be%ie*e in !ree wi%% o! "n0 S"t"n or He%% )))0736#734
be%ie*ed0 "s +(d"s0 in <irresistib%e di*ine gr"ce= "nd th"t "n h"s no $"rt in his own ho%iness &022>
be%ie*ed 2>> 'e"rs were to be between the Prec(rsor "nd the ,hrist )0736
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
+es(s recogniIes the %egiti"c' "nd need o! the sect in its e"r%' rise to $ower &077C
(t. &itus Dane # " dise"se )&056
(aints on )arth
do not !ee% the' "re "n'thing ore th"n sinners ))0768
the tr(e test is "bso%(te h(i%it'0 not signs "nd wonders or ight' words ))07F7
(aints in Heaven @See "%so ,o(nion o! the S"intsA
the' $r"' !or their bene!"ctors on e"rth ))0764
c"n obt"in " $e"ce!(% de"th !or (s )032
ore (se!(% in He"*en th"n on e"rth )03F40345038>
+es(sH $roise to +ohn o! Endor ))0F>7
ste$s to GodHs gr"ceGs"%*"tionGir"c%e: 2A Seek God 5A GodHs goodness CA ,oe to Tr(th 7A Re$ent 3A GodHs !riendshi$ FA the
Mir"c%e )))046
$eo$%e with e:cessi*e !e"r o! God who c"nnot !or th"t re"son recogniIe +es(s wi%% be !orgi*en )&073
ini( re;(ireents to not go to He%% )))0325
K(st "*oid doing b"d )&02F
how "n' wi%% be s"*ed )))032C#327
New ,o*en"nt s"%*"tion0 origin"% Sin c"nce%%ed )))02F4
(amaritan (oiety )&07CF
S""rit"ns wo(%d $%(nder the orch"rds o! the G"%i%e"ns )07F6
(anti!iation o! Heart' The mystery o!
incre"se Yo(r %o*e in (s ))0C7
(anti!ying Grae
the *ision o! God we %ost in Ad"0 the ost s$irit("% thing de$osited in o(r so(%0 "kes (s " chi%d o! God ))02C7
is God @9ho is Lo*eA "diring Hise%! in His cre"t(re ))02C7
how it w"s "de "*"i%"b%e !or "nkind thro(gh ,hrist ))02C3
the gi!t sets (s !ree !ro S"t"nHs kingdo "nd en"b%es (s to $(t "nge%ic wings on oneHs so(% ))02C3
M"r' s"'s the "nge%s o! He"*en <do not ce"se singing their NS"nct(s0H not e*en !or "n inst"nt= )084
(anhedrin D The r(%ing bod' !or re%igio(s %i!e in )sr"e% in +es(sH d"' whose he"d "(thorit' w"s the High Priest1 There see to h"*e been
6> ebers !ro the $riest%' c%"ss o! both Scribes "nd Ph"risees1
(aphorim D " Scribe &023602F>07C>
(atan @See "%so L(ci!erE DeonsA
is not Ad"0 "s soe h"*e c%"ied )0C>0C2
di!!erent !ro L(ci!er )))0626
L(ci!er be!ore his !"%%0 S"t"n "!ter it )&0734
the etern"% iic o! God &0327
GodHs $(r$ose !or )))0683068FE )&0658
worker o! ir"c%es )&0654
c"nnot <re"d inds= )075
his str"teg' in con;(ering so(%s )0535
" doin"ting !orce in the wor%d "nd in en h"*ing g"ined the right o! soe contro% o*er "n )0735
wh' God "%%ows S"t"n )&0658
his str"teg' to destro' +es(sH ission in the G"rden o! Gethse"ne &0375#37C
(aved' The
!o(r %e*e%s o! honor in He"*en )067>
wh' "n' o! the %e"st %ike%' wi%% be s"*ed "nd the ost %ike%' wi%% be %ost )))0352#357
(aving (ouls @See "%so E*"nge%iIingA
e"ning o! the word <s"*ed:= New re%"tionshi$ o! sonshi$ to God0 not necess"ri%' de%i*er"nce !ro ort"% sin )))07C8
not with words b(t with s"cri!iceG$en"nce )0754
!ro the ;(icks"nd o! sin b' %o*e "nd !orgi*eness )0735073C
those dee$ in sin @M"r' o! M"gd"%" "nd M"tthewA ))0557#5530744#78C
the $"r"b%e o! the Lost Shee$ ))0788#3>2
+es(s coents on the con*ersion o! the M"gd"%ene ))03>2#3>4
the co$%ete%' $"g"n ))077F#778
$"rents s"*ing their rebe%%io(sGe*i% chi%dren )))0767
"in c"(se o! non#con*ersions is $ride "nd se%!ishness in GodHs $eo$%e ))03>50FC2
God is $resent in e*er' (nh"$$' $erson )))034C
s"*ing the so(%s ost *"%("b%e to God0 those with the ost wi%% to be s"*ed ))03C2#3C5
re;(ires the s"cri!ice o! "nother $erson ))0F>>#F>2
the worst sinners c"n becoe the gre"test !%"es !or God ))0F>>#F>2
the so(%s we s"*e "re o(r on%' <one'= in this %i!e ))0F8C
(hism in the Churh
c"(se o! ))0F>5
,hristi"nit' wi%% be s$%it b' S"t"nHs bite1 )t wi%% worshi$ ,hrist b(t be de*oid o! His gi!ts ))0C5F
+es(s: those who be%ie*e in Me i$er!ect%'0 reKecting M' Peter0 wi%% sti%% %ook to the tr(e ,h(rch )&0342#345
their work "nd erits "%w"'s inco$%ete 'et the' wi%% "ke ,hristHs n"e known "%% o*er the wor%d &0437
hidden sorrow o! the schis"tic ))024E &04C5
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
+es(sH insights into the hidden %onging o! "%% se$"r"ted ,hristi"ns !or the !(%%ness o! ,"tho%ic !"ith ))0778#732
$ri"r' so%(tion to schis is the good e:"$%e "nd ch"rit' o! those in the right ))024
+es(sH gre"t $"ssion !or one Fo%d (nder one she$herd @Po$eA &04C5
the gre"t ission o! tr(e ,"tho%ics tod"' in " di*ided wor%d "nd !"i%' ))06#570 73>#732
schis"tics o(tside The Fo%d who %o*e ,hrist "re brothers "nd "re not to be K(dged )))07C2#7C5
+ohn wo(%d "%w"'s be " %ight to those who co(%d not "cce$t the tr(e ,h(rch )&0342#345
God is erci!(% to those is%e"d into c(%ts bec"(se o! the !"i%(re o! %"I'0 indi!!erent "nd $ro(d she$herds )&04>2
+es(s s"'s th"t schis"tics wi%% o!ten h"*e ore !"ith th"n <"n'= "ong the A$osto%ic ,o%%ege )))07C5
wi%% st(d' the instr(ent thro(gh which the 9ord coes b(t the chosen ones wi%% be t"(ght b' the Lo*e )&04>2
(ieman!loras D the (nrecogniIed descri$tion o! "gic "rts !ro Eg'$t )&033>
not wrong i! b"sed on God ))0378
(re#driver # M& sees wh"t she thinks "re screw dri*ers on +ose$hHs bench )0 55C0283E )&0228 Screws were in *ented in the 3
/, "nd were $o$(%"r in the 2
centr(r' /,1
(ribes D the r"bbis o! )sr"e% who disting(ished these%*es b' their know%edge o! the L"w @Tor"hA "nd c%"ied ore "(thorit' o*er their
$($i%s th"n th"t o! !"ther or other1 The' were the %eg"% "(thorities who inter$reted0 t"(ght0 "nd "dinistered K(stice with the L"w in
or"% ess"ges co(%d be "cc(r"te%' tr"nscribed in +es(sH d"' )))0357E ))0CC6
oit "n' det"i%s o! the !"(%ts o! +es(sH eneies0 o! the Disci$%es0 "nd det"i%s o! ,hristi"n !"ith !or good re"son &07CC
the di!!erence between te$t"tion0 " dise"se0 "nd "ct("% sin )&042F#426E &0252#255
the di!!erence between obedience to " good %"w o! n"t(re "s e"ting "nd s%ee$ing "nd " disordered i$(%se )&042F#426
(ea o! Galilee
its s(bKection to r"$id "nd *io%ent stors ))0357#35F
(ee/ers o! the Truth @See "%so P"g"nsA
"re not reKected b' God des$ite their errors ))0378
(eond Coming o! Christ @See "%so End TiesA
the res(rrection w"s the beginning o! His Second coing0 which contin(es whene*er ,hrist inter*enes on o(r beh"%! &04C7
the second coing0 described "s %ightning coing !ro the e"st to the west0 re!erred "%so to his $ost res(rrection "$$e"r"nces th"t
were not restricted b' tie or s$"ce &047>
" second coing o! ,hrist in g%or' w"s !(%!i%%ed in 6> AD @M"tthew 2F:54A "nd the end o! the then known wor%d &07F7
" second coing o! ,hrist is "t e"ch $ersonHs de"th &07FF
no !in"% Second ,oing (nti% )sr"e% is (nder the "nt%e o! the ,h(rch ))0F84
the !in"% <so%en= second coing o! ,hrist is "t the res(rrection &07F307FF04C7
(el! %eliane' (el! Con!idene
the %esson o! the stor on the %"ke ))05C>#5CC
+es(s w"rns Peter "t the L"st S($$er &032>
(ensuality and (pirituality @See "%so L(stE F%eshA )0C>#C5E )&0F73
sens("%it' b%inds one to s$irit("% re"%it' "nd d"nger )0535
%e"ds downw"rd to d"rkness ))0374#378
+es(s s$e"ks to &"%eri" "bo(t her re%"tionshi$ to her w"nton h(sb"nd )&067C#677
is %(st0 not %o*e &034C
(eparation' Marital @See "%so Di*orceA
+es(s s$e"ks to &"%eri" on "rit"% d(t' in se$"r"tion )&067F
(eparation' 3ersonal (piritual
wrong i! b"sed on ere e:tern"%s or "$$e"r"nce r"ther th"n re"% d"nger o! h"r!(% in!%(ence ))05>
wrong to !e%%owshi$ with e*i% en !or h("n $(r$oses0 not to bring the to God ))06>#62
(eparatism D The !"%se doctrine th"t te"ches th"t the ,h(rch w"s to "int"in its $(rit' "nd ho%iness $ri"ri%' thro(gh e:c%(sion0
se$"r"tion "nd di*ision !ro erring ,hristi"ns r"ther th"n in "int"ining the (nit' o! the S$irit in the One /od'0 the ,h(rch1 The Gos$e%
th"t re;(ired the (nit' o! be%ie*ers in one /od' is the !irst bib%ic"% tr(th th"t se$"r"tis reKects !or the notion th"t be%ie*ers (st bre"k
!e%%owshi$ "nd se$"r"te !ro those be%ie*ers one be%ie*es to be in error1 This doctrine K(sti!ied the e*ent("% Protest"nt bre"k with the
,h(rch "nd e*er' one o! the o*er 5>0>>> di*ision in Protest"ntis since1 This !"%se doctrine "rises !ro " %oss o! con!idence in the
$ower o! the Gos$e% o! +es(s ,hrist0 "n (nwi%%ingness on the $"rt o! its "dherence to s"cri!ici"%%' %i*e th"t Gos$e% "s " e"ns to he%$
correct those in error0 "nd " %"ck o! con!idence in the $roise o! +es(s ,hrist th"t the g"tes o! He%% wo(%d not $re*"i% "g"inst the One
/od'0 the One A$osto%ic ,h(rch1 The New Test"ent itse%! shows we "re to e:$ect $rob%es0 e*en serio(s ones0 e*en in the tr(e ,h(rch
o! +es(s ,hrist0 "nd th"t reKecting the right!(% A$osto%ic "(thorit' in the ,h(rch wo(%d on%' worsen the $rob%e1 @See M"gisteri(E
,h(rchE PriesthoodGHier"rch'A
+es(s $ointed o(t to M& th"t +ohn0 who r(ns !irst to the e$t' tob0 "%%ows Peter0 his !"i%ing cow"rd%' Ponti!!0 to enter !irst0 "nd th"t
the %e"ders in His ,h(rch wo(%d "%w"'s need th"t kind o! s($$ort1 )&0C5F
d(t' to "sters "nd God )&0523
(ervie to God
does not de$end on $osition0 ski%% or know%edge W K(st the he"rt )&058#C>
s(rrender to the deni"% o! these things is $ower!(%%' rede$ti*e )&058#C>
(eventy T#o Disiples' The )))05C#5705F0560F55E )&0744E &075C07540778073204C6047>043F04F>0 4F8
(eventy Wee/s o! Daniel @ )0C40C803705270523E )))05330626E &0768A # Fro Daniel A:*@D*; %(& The se*ent' weeks @6> se*ens o!
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
'e"rsA o! D"nie% is $ri"ri%' the tiing !r"ework th"t God0 "!ter the /"b'%oni"n ,"$ti*it'0 h"d deterined in which He wo(%d
decisi*e%' de"% with sin (ni*ers"%%'0 b(t s$eci!ic"%%' with the sin "nd rebe%%ion o! His co*en"nt $eo$%e )sr"e%1 This tie !r"e consists o!
three segentsE the !irst is o! 6 weeks @@A yearsA0 the second is F5 weeks @@<@ yearsA0 "nd the third 2 week @; yearsA1 See e:tensi*e
note "t Gos$e% E$isode 53C1 in The est of the Gospel !tory
sho(%d not e:c%(de the $(r$ose o! $rocre"tion0 "nd th"t on%' to $o$(%"te He"*en )0C>#C20FF3#FFF
not !or $%e"s(re itse%! )&0426
$(r$ose o! this te$or"% h("n %i!e not "n end in itse%! @See "%so Li!e0 $(r$ose o!A &0FC
se: ed(c"tion wrong !or those not o! "ge &0252
(heol D The $%"ce o! the de"d be!ore rede$tion !or the good "nd b"d @See "%so H"desE LiboE P(rg"tor'E He%%A ))0738
(hroud D The b(ri"% c%oth $ro*ided b' +ose$h o! Ari"the" &0FCC0FC6
+es(s e:$%"ins how the i$rint w"s "de on the shro(d &0FF4#FF8
+es(s te%%s how the Shro(d "nd the &eronic" "re identic"% !ors &04F3
not "%w"'s !or o(r sin )))0227
i$ort"nce o! %e"rning ))08F#86
(ign o! the Tau @See T"(0 EIekie%HsA the sign to re"in "nd gi*en "!ter the s"cri!ice is "de )&0738
(imon9s House K The ho(se o! Sion the Oe"%ot "t the b"ck o! the est"te o! L"I"r(s in /eth"n'
(in @See "%so .n$"rdon"b%e SinE Mort"% SinE &eni"% SinA
" sin on%' when one conscio(s%' rebe%s "g"inst GodHs order ))0CC3
*eni"% "nd ort"%: e*er' sin is " dise"se0 soe sin brings de"th )))07C7
e!!ects o! sin on n"t(re )))0F64
wh"t to do when 'o( sin ))0524
three kinds o! sin debts: "teri"%0 or"% "nd s$irit("% )))0C46
wh' it is not necess"r' to be " sinner to (nderst"nd sinners )))0C3>
se*en de"d%' sins &066F
(iroo Winds D hot o$$ressi*e winds )))07F8E )&08C
+es(s $ro$hesies the "bo%ition o! s%"*er' in the wor%d ))07F
(oial .ustie )&055F#556
d(t' to hire %oc"% workers
d(t' to $ro*ide !or those inK(red on the Kob )&055F#556
(oial %evolution @See "%so Liber"tion Theo%og'A
its c"(se )&024
+es(s on "cce$ting oneHs $%"ce "nd st"tion in %i!e )0368034>E )&0554
+es(sH co(nse% to s%"*es on " g"%%e' ))07C077
(odom and Gomorrah
!in"% K(dgent %ess se*ere th"n !or ost )sr"e%ites ))06>4
+es(s te%%s /"rtho%oew these cities wo(%d be !o(nd int"ct in the De"d Se" )))0F64
(oldiers' Duties o! @See Mi%it"r' Ser*iceA
(on o! Man D e"ning <$er!ect "n= )058CE )))0C6>
(on o! God D .nderstood b' )sr"e%ites to e"n God Hise%! )058CE )))0C6>
(ons o! God @See "%so /"$tisA
$"g"ns "re sons o! God in reg"rd to cre"tion b(t not in reg"rd to gr"ce ))062
on%' the reo*"% o! <origin"% sin= in New ,o*en"nt "%%ows en to be sons o! God in gr"ce ))062
(orro# @See "%so S(!!eringE Mis!ort(neE E*i%E &icti So(%sA
c"(se o! it !or the K(st ))02C4E )&0FC5#FC4
its $erson"% *"%(e ))02C4
is s"ncti!ic"tion &0FC
its gre"t rede$ti*e *"%(e to others ))0F28
+es(s on the sorrow th"t be"rs !r(it ))0C66#C68
+ohn o! Endor on good "nd b"d sorrow )))044
The c"(se o! +es(sH gre"test sorrow )))058C c!1 585E )))0C76
(oul' The
its re"%it' "nd !(nction )&0F8C#F83
gi*es re"son "nd $(r$ose to know%edge )&0F87
cre"ted contin("%%' b' God in He"*en "t the tie o! $h'sic"% conce$tion )075FE &45
e"ch cre"ted with di!!erent tendencies !or *"riet' )&024
$(t into the h("n conce$tion )0330FC30F8>E ))CC3E )&08>
reebers God )0F35E ))05C60CC3E )))0F8
three $h"ses o! !or"tion: cre"tion0 new cre"tion0 $er!ection ))0CC3#CCF
identit' o! the so(% )0F8406>2
the i"teri"% $rie c"(se o! %i!e )&0F87
" ;(een th"t reigns in the "ni"% cre"ted "nd n"ed "n )&0F87
" $"rtic%e o! God0 b(t cre"ted ))0225
to be " throne !or God ))0227
the nobi%it' o! "n "s it coes !ro God ))07F
the so(% in re%"tion to the !"r#too#honored bod' )))06F4
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
bod' is on%' the dec"'ing g"rent !or 'o(r being )))077>#772
three gr"des o! "n: the in!erior @bod'A0 the s($erior @indA "nd s$irit("% @s$iritA ))0765076C c!1 )))0C46
the so(%0 the s($erior $"rt th"t cries o(t to God !ro the $rison o! the bod'0 the "teri"% $"rt )))0 328
cr"*es di*ine !ood to kee$ it %i*ing ))02C4#2C8
ki%%ing oneHs so(% )0357
s$e"king to 'o(r so(% )0F3>
disting(ishing between the so(% "nd the s$irit &08C4087>087C
he"*enHs *oices th"t s$e"k to o(r so(%: 2A its G("rdi"n 5A the s$irits sent b' God L"nge%sM CA 9isdo LM"r' c+es(sM 7A s($ern"t(r"%
reebr"nces )&082
Socr"tes "nd +es(s on the so(% )))06F4
n"es !or ))05CE &034F
the Essence which coes !ro GodE the S$"rk th"t de$"rts !ro GodE the /re"th th"t is in!(sed b' GodE the Se"% on the !%esh
"!!i:ing the sign o! the Etern"% ,re"tor
reebers tr"ces o! tr(th !ro the oent o! its cre"tion )0F35E ))05C60CC3E )))0F8085
no sens("%it' in )))06F4
the word <so(%= c"n "%so re!er to the s$irit o! "n )&0F78
di!!erence between so(% "nd s$irit )))06F4
(pirit o! the 5a# @See ObedienceE Obedience to GodA
ore i$ort"nt th"n the ere %etter )&0423#42F
(piritual Gi!ts @See "%so Mir"c%esA
be reser*ed "nd se%! contro%%ed in s$e"king o! the )&042>
not ne"r%' "s i$ort"nt "s s$irit("%it' or ho%iness0 which (st be Ke"%o(s%' w"tched &04CC
gi!ts "nd ir"c%es "re %ike we"$ons th"t "' o$en He%% inste"d o! He"*en i! is(sed &04C3
" $rocess th"t is incre"sing%' di!!ic(%t !or "n ))0F2>
+es(s s$e"ks o! being contin("%%' cre"ted to re$%"ce those th"t h"*e $erished &043>
the 9ise Men s"w the ess"ge o! the Messi"h in the st"rs )))0F8>
(tations o! the Cross
the origin o! the St"tions o! the ,ross w"s ,hristHs directi*e to the !irst A$ost%es &0
the Disci$%es0 %ed b' +ohn0 "ke the St"tions !ro Gethse"ne to Go%goth" &0664#64C
+es(s instr(cts the on the i$ort"nce o! conte$%"ting the st"tions "nd "king others to edit"te on the &0682
(ty0 &0F6
(u!!ering @See "%so SorrowE Mis!ort(neE E*i%E &icti So(%sA
sorrow does not coe !ro GodE He "%%ows it to con*ince others o! GodHs %o*e !or the &046C
good $(r$ose o! )06402280277077707730765#76CE )))02270F2>0F2205F60564
end(ring s(!!ering0 $er!ect %o*e )&05>6#5>805CC
not "%w"'s !or o(r sin )))0227
(n!"ir !or the righteo(s to h"*e both etern"% richesGbene!its "nd te$or"% richesGbene!its )07>C07>7
good $eo$%e s(!!er the ost )0774
wh' it is " gre"t K(stice !or the best to s(!!er on beh"%! o! e*er'bod' &025C#253
the erits o! the s(!!ering o! the she$herd +on"h )0762
the s(!!ering "%% s"ints (st end(re !ro "%% those "ro(nd the0 K(st "s did +es(s )))0748#78>
s"e "s ki%%ing "nother $erson )0C3F
(n$"rdon"b%e i! done to "*oid reorse o*er oneHs sin )0C3F0C36
(unday @See LordHs D"'A
(upper %oom House D The s$%it %e*e% ho(se owned b' L"I"r(s in +er(s"%e where +es(s "nd His Disci$%es h"d the L"st S($$er1 Th"t
roo w"s "ct("%%' on the %ower %e*e% b(t w"s c"%%ed the <($$er roo= "s nor"%%' e"%s were e"ten on "n ($$er %e*e% roo1 M"r'
st"'ed in one o! the se*er"% "dK"cent roos d(ring the e"% "nd "!terw"rds with other woen disci$%es1 A!ter the Res(rrection L"I"r(s
gi*es the ho(se to the M"r'0 the A$ost%es0 the <se*ent'#two= !or eetings "nd $r"'er &04F8
"re ido%"tr' ))07FC
(#earing @See "%so ,(rsingA
swe"ring in gener"%
were ne*er s"nctioned b' God b(t now !orbidden ))0276#23>
+es(s to +(d"s )&078
!"%se%' "nd t"king GodHs n"e in *"in
+es(s "t ,%e"r 9"ter )0F35#F37
(ynagogue' .e#ish
+es(s s"'s there were o*er 3>> s'n"gog(es in )sr"e% in His d"' &085
(ynagogue' (amaritan D The s"e "s the +ewish0 b(t " gre"t de"% !ewer scro%%s @the S""rit"ns reKected "%% the O1T1 e:ce$t the
Pent"te(chA &02C>
(ynagogue o! the %oman Freedmen
+es(s s$e"ks to "n' Genti%es o! His (ni*ers"% -ingdo )&06F6
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
Tabernale o! the )uharist
Ho%' M"r' )0237
+es(sH $roise to the S""rit"ns: one t"bern"c%e in the idst o! GodHs $eo$%e0 the so(rce o! %i!e0 the bre"d o! %i!e ))055
Tau' )ze/iel9s )))062604>8E )&078>E &04750474
(n!"ir to the $oor bec"(se the rich do not $"' their sh"re )0772E ))044
Temple (ystem o! Israel @See "%so +(d"isAA
*io%"tions o! the L"w b' Te$%e r(%ers )0544
"b"ndoned b' the Ange%s0 its $(rit' "nd ho%iness now resided on%' in its w"%%s1 )0CF5E ))0C33
its r(%ers $"id %"rge s(s o! one' to b"ndits "nd highw"'en to discredit +es(s "ong the $eo$%e )&0F4>
$"id !ro the Te$%e tre"s(r'0 the g("rds "t the tob o! +es(s c%"i their $re*io(s re$orts o! the res(rrection were "de to co*er the
tr(th th"t the' !e%% "s%ee$ whi%e the Disci$%es sto%e the bod' &0657065406C>
sti%% w"s GodHs s'ste (nti% God s"id it w"snHt )))0326
its i$ort"nce des$ite the sin o! its %e"ders )0568
+es(s o!!ici"%%' bre"ks with the corr($t Te$%e s'ste "nd its r(%ers in (nion with the $r"'er o! G""%ie% )))0F23#F26
+es(s $(b%ic%' "nno(nces the bre"k "nd di*ine K(dgent on the Te$%e r(%ers "t L"I"r(sH est"te )))0F53#F5F
"!ter the res(rrection0 +es(s re!(ses to enter the Te$%e "nd c"%%s it " de"d cor$se &06F7
Temporal Wealth @See M"teri"% /%essingA
do not %ook !or the0 b(t when the' coe0 do not be cow"rds &066F
e:$erienced b' +es(s "nd His Mother )02470C340C38
God "%so te$ts (s with good ))02F8
"n c"n "ct("%%' sh(t o(t the he"ring o! GodHs te$t"tion to good ))02F8
de"%ing with the %(st o! the !%esh ))026>#262E &05C>#5C5
te$t"tion reKected incre"ses its *ir(%ence "nd gi*es e*en gre"ter *ictor' when reKected &05C2
te$t"tion is not sin0 b(t consent to it is e*en i! the "ct is not c"rried o(t &05C2#5C5
te$t"tion o!ten coes !ro the o(tside0 b(t corr($tion "%w"'s coes !ro within &05C2
the three so(rces o!: the wor%d0 the !%esh0 "nd the De*i% ))0246
the ore s"int%' we "re0 the ore we "re te$ted ))0C25
S"t"n "tt"cks with gre"ter te$t"tion when he knows he is %osing " so(% ))035C
Ten Commandments' General
not thre"ts0 b(t GodHs in*it"tions to h"$$iness "nd b%essing )&0C6F
(nderst"nd"b%e e*en !or $"g"ns )))06F#6406>>0623
i$ort"nce o! !or the new er" )0625062CE &0246
the tr(e doctrine o! the O%d ,o*en"nt "nd the Doctrine o! ,hrist )))0F82E )&0CF8
+es(sH $"r"b%e on )&0524#557
Ten Commandments )numerated )))06F#64E )))054F
Yo( sh"%% h"*e no other gods in M' $resence )0F77#F76
+es(s corrects He%k"i o*er the e"ning o! gr"*en i"ges )))0422#425
Yo( sh"%% not t"ke M' n"e in *"in )0F76#F37
Obser*e Ho%' D"'s )0F6F#F4>
Honor 'o(r !"ther "nd other )0FF>#FF5
Yo( sh"%% not ki%% )0F4>#F46
in necess"r' c"se o! " so%dier in b"tt%e0 "nd e:ec(tioner ordered to or in se%! de!ense it is "%%owed &053C
Yo( sh"%% not !ornic"te )0FF7#F62
Tho( sh"%% not ste"%
Yo( sh"%% not be"r !"%se witness )06>C#6>8
Yo( sh"%% not co*et 'o(r neighborHs wi!e )0F85#F8F
Yo( sh"%% not co*et wh"t be%ongs to 'o(r neighbor )06>8#625
Testing7Tempting God
+es(s "t ,%e"r 9"ter )0F46#F85
Tetragram &033C
Tetrarh D In the Ro"n E$ire0 " r(%er o! $"rt o! " territor'1 Herod Anti$"s w"s "de Tetr"rch o! G"%i%ee "nd Pere"0 "nd Herod Phi%i$0
his brother0 w"s "de Tetr"rch o! territor' north "nd e"st o! the Se" o! G"%i%ee "!ter the de"th o! Herod the Gre"t when the Ho%' F"i%'
w"s in Eg'$t1 D(ring the %i!e o! ,hrist0 "!ter Arche%"e(s w"s de$osed0 +(de" "nd S""ri" w"s go*erned b' Proc(r"tors1 Pi%"te w"s the
Proc(r"tor d(ring o(r LordHs inistr' 'e"rs1
Theologial &irtues' The Three
!"ith0 ho$e "nd %o*e ))0626
Thirteen &eins o! Man/ind &0C48
Time @See "%so Ho(rs o! D"' "nd The Hebrew Agric(%t(r"% "nd ,%i"ctic ,"%end"r "t the end o! this )nde:A
the b'$rod(ct o! sin0 it b%inds "n to the tr(th o! etern"% g%or' )))0C>
c(riosit' o*er tiing o! e*ents is !itting !or witchcr"!t0 not GodHs $eo$%e )0C23
(st be seen in re%"tion to o(r etern"% s$irit )0C2F
one o! two gi!ts God gi*es e*er' "nE the other is !ree wi%% )&0F6
To#er o! David K The r(ins o! which w"s the st"b%e where +es(s w"s born )&04>4
o! +es(s on the o(nt"in )))07>3
" brie! tr"ns!ig(r"tion be!ore Sidoni"#/"rtho%"i0 the "n he"%ed o! b%indness )&0F78
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
+es(s tr"ns!ig(res Hise%! !(%%' to M"r' "!ter the Res(rrection
Tree o! the Ono#ledge o! Good and )vil @See "%so Origin"% SinA )04CE &0343
Tree o! 5i!e &034F0348
The Tho(ght0 The 9ord0 The Lo*e with the 9ord obe'ing The Tho(ght "nd The Lo*e ))0275
gener"ted @etern"%%'A0 not cre"ted )))06F4
contin("%%' t"(ght to His Disci$%es )058CE ))0544E )&022>0FC3E &055607CF
contin("%%' t"(ght in $(b%ic in +es(sH d"' with no contro*ers' or "n' ;(estion b' "n'one )03>80F450F8>0F8406>2E ))06602>702>F02220
2750 77C0765076CE )))05330623E )&03FFE &02C2074C
)sr"e%ites h"d no $rob%e with God "s ore th"n one0 i1e10 God "s both the F"ther "nd the Son or 9ord )))0C62
See e:tensi*e note "t Gos$e% E$isode 26F1 in The est of the Gospel !tory
Trouble @See Mis!ort(neE SorrowA
"s h(i%it' "nd obedience )02CC
to !ind tr(th one (st Koin oneHs inte%%ect with %o*e @good wi%%A ))03740378
Tyropoeon D The n"e M& he"rd gi*en to the *"%%e' between Mori" "nd Oion )&0383

>nited Hearts o! .esus and Mary
their (t("% de$endenc' on one "nother &0737037>
>n/no#n God )))06F4E )&0665
>npardonable (in )0C3F0C36E ))0657#653E )&0730362
!orbidden )&0524
&enial (in D Sin th"t on%' $"rti"%%' bre"ks o(r re%"tionshi$ to God
&iar o! Christ @See "%so P"$"% A(thorit'A )))0C65
&itim (ouls
their Ko' is in the s$irit("%E the !%esh is ere%' " g"rent with no !ee%ing )&0F73
+es(sH <!(t(re *oices= or *ision"ries "re *icti so(%s needed to kee$ the ,h(rch *it"% )))0 3>7#3>F
the ho%iest so(%s wi%% wish to be *ictis &02>F
chi%dren "re the gre"test *icti so(%s &025F
&irginal &o# @See "%so ,e%ib"c'A
i$ort"nce o! ))0 3C6#3C8E )))03F403F8
Ann"%e"h de*otes herse%! to God "s " &irgin ))037
Phi%i$sH d"(ghter )))03F403F8
+"ir(sH d"(ghter0 MirKi" )))03F8
&eronia' The
the %inen c%oth Nike gi*es to +es(s to wi$e His !"ce on the w"' to Go%goth" to co!ort grie*ing M"r' &03880FF>#FF2
+es(s te%%s how the Shro(d "nd the &eronic" re*e"% identic"% !ors &04F3
&irtue @See "%so Ho%inessA
s$rings !ro %o*e0 the "in e%eent o! ho%iness0 which "%%ows God b' His gr"ce to he%$ (s "chie*e *irt(e )&0F53#F5F
h(i%it'0 $r(dence0 ch"stit'0 strength0 continence0 $"tience0 s"cri!ice or $en"nce )&0F53#F5F
&isionaries @See "%so Post#A$osto%ic Re*e%"tionsE M"gisteri(0 (no!!ici"%A
chosen !ro the h(b%e to c"%% en b"ck to the Gos$e% "nd ,hrist )))03>7#3>3
+es(s te%%s the Disci$%es th"t chi%dren h"*e stronger s$irit("% %ight th"n the' (n%ess the' %e"rn to edit"te &0225
wi%% be tort(red b' S"t"n0 "nd b' en*io(s0 $ro(d "nd incred(%o(s en0 "nd condened b' <inisters o! God= )))03>7#3>3
*ision"ries "nd those who g"*e the s"nct("r' wi%% g"ther the sc"ttered Disci$%es "nd shee$ "t the ,h(rchHs /etr"'"% &0C66
Wathes' The "ight @See Night 9"tchesA
Wealth @See Mone'E RichesE M"teri"% /%essingA
who "re to (se the ))0F8C
the Disci$%es we"r the "t M"rKi"Hs E:"in"tion0 b(t not +es(s ))0C2F
+es(s te%%s the Disci$%es to "rs these%*es "t the L"st S($$er &0788
n"tions "re not so (ch s"*ed b' we"$ons "s b' " !or o! %i!e th"t "' "ttr"ct the $rotection o! He"*en &07>3
+es(s "d*ises to not re"rr' ))0268
Will o! God
is the (ni*ers"% wi%%0 co$%ete%' "%tr(istic )&023#2F
Will o! Man @See "%so Good 9i%%A
wi%% o! "n "%w"'s brings "bo(t e*i% or good )&03>>
P"ge 243
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 0ubAect *nde
o(r wi%% to righteo(sness is essenti"% !or GodHs gr"ce to "ke (s ho%'
wi%% to sin necess"r' be!ore God ho%ds (s "cco(nt"b%e )&0287#283
" good deed is sin i! there is " sin!(% oti*e or wi%% )&0283
it w"s +(d"sH wi%% th"t $(t hi into the h"nds o! the deon @"nd $re*ented " w"' o! esc"$eA )&0C37E &0568
+(d"sH (nwi%%ingness to re$ent "de e*en his reorse " sin &034>#345
$ersisting in sin h"s its serio(s conse;(encesE it h"rdens the wi%% in sin0 b(t it is ne*er i$ossib%e to t(rn b"ck &0342
Wine0 $loholi @See "%so DrinkingA ))06>2E )))0F>F#F>8E )&0325E &05FF0CF503C7
de!ined )))054F
its %"ng("ge is %o*e )&0F52
it is obt"ined or $(rch"sed b' *irt(e )&0F52
it wi%% s"*e 'o(r so(% )&0F55
her $(r$ose ))0C60C4E )&0C6#C4
cre"ted to be " other ))054C
essenti"% distinction !ro "n )&0C6#C40F>6
s(bKect to "n b(t not in!erior )&0F>6
ch"nge !or woen in societ' wi%% coe b' the redeeing work o! " 9o"n )&0F>6
the herois !or woen (rged b' Ho%' M"r' )&0276
i$ort"nce in the ,h(rch ))075038#F30F6F#F66E )))02F3E )&02C4
"s e:"$%es o! other%' %o*e !or <A$ost%es= to e(%"te )&0284#288
"s ser*"nts o! the Lord "s $riestesses ))0C40366
con!ined to singing "nd te"ching other *irgins in the ,h(rch0 <inor $riestesses "nd "ssist"nts to the $riests= ))0F>0F66
$%"ce in the ,h(rch "de $ossib%e b' the *irt(e o! Ho%' M"r' ))0F>
their $ower in $r"'er ))0F66
$(r$ose o! the %"w o! (nc%e"nness ))0F6F
their ro%e in he"*en0 not to occ($' thrones to K(dge0 b(t to Koin "nge%s in $r"ise o! M"r' &073F
Woman9s $postolate @See "%so N(ns "nd SistersA
+es(s s$e"ks to the Disci$%es on ))07>#75
+es(s instr(cts woen disci$%es ))0380F2#F3
the $%"ce o! woen in the coing ,h(rch "s $riestesses0 b(t not consecr"ting "nd "dinistr"ting the gi!ts o! God ))0F66
Woodutters @ne"r E$hr"iA &0285
Wor/ @See L"borA
World' The @See "%so E"rthE ,re"tionE End TiesA
o$$osed to ,hrist )0534
treendo(s in wickedness ))0F>#F2
" nest o! sn"kes )&05F8
e"rth "nd tie wi%% end when the $ro$er n(ber o! e%ect is re"ched &0753
do not "bo(t "teri"% things ))02F5#2FC
+es(s to +ohn o! Endor on the di!!erence between worr' "nd $r(dence )))024F#246
8ear' The Christian
is to st"rt in the onth o! the P"sso*er "nd Res(rrection &0C44
o! the Ph"risees: "niosit' "nd h"tred "nd doctrines th"t s$ring !ro it )))0CF8#C6>
o! the Ph"risees is h'$ocris' o! which we $"rt"ke when we K(dge the )&07C#77
'e"st o! good "nd the 'e"st o! e*i% )&023
the 9ise Men st(died the Oodi"c to deterine the e"ning o! the /eth%ehe st"r )0265
in the c"*e o! the necro"ncer ))057F
P"ge 243
O! the 86 $"r"b%es !o(nd be%ow in The Poem0 C8 o! the "re !o(nd in the New Test"ent Gos$e%s1

Gos$e% E$isodeGLoc"tion in Loc"tion in
The Dated Harmony of the Gospels The Poem:
# The Rebe%%io(s Horse )0F2G$1C57
# The Fig Tree th"t 9i%%ed to S(r*i*e )0F3G$1C72
# The Si!ted F%o(r )068G$175C
# The .nited Ar' o! Ants )082G$174C
# Pre$"red "nd .n$re$"red Fie%ds )0222G$1383
# The ,"r$enterHs Str"ight /o"rd )02C8G$16F2
# The More No(rishing Food ))02FFG$12>2
# The A;("d(ct "nd the 9icked Stones ))02FFG$12>C
2>31 The Ho(se on " Rock ))0267G$1264
22>1 The Sower ))0268G$128F
# The )ndestr(ctib%e Ants ))024>G$15>3
22C1 The D"rne% or 9he"t "nd the T"res ))0242G$1522
# The Disci$%es "s Fie%ds ))0242G$152C
2231 The Seed "nd GodHs -ingdo ))0247G$1553
2231 The M(st"rd Seed ))0247G$1554
2281 The Rich M"n Di*es "nd L"I"r(s ))0282G$15F2
2551 The Persistent Friend ))05>CG$1C54
# The P"g"n Te$%e ))05>7G$1CCF
25C1 The Prodig"% Son ))05>3G$1CC8
2571 The Fi*e Foo%ish &irgins ))05>FG$1C77
2531 The M"rri"ge Fe"stGRo'"% 9edding ))05>FG$1C32
# The De!ored Son ))0552G$1778
2C>1 The Lost Shee$ @))05C5G$1788A
2C21 The Two Debtors ))05CFG$135>
2C31 The Tre"s(re Hidden in the Fie%d ))05CFG$135>
2CF1 The Net ,"st into the Se"GFisheren ))05C4G$13C2
2CF1 The Ho(seho%der .sing O%d "nd New ))05C4G$13C7
2C61 The Lost Dr"ch"G,oin ))057>G$1372
# The Le$er ,%e"nsed b' the Priest ))0577G$13F4
# The Trees 9ho 9ished !or " -ing ))0573G$136>
# The Ani"%s "nd their Meek -ing ))0573G$136C
# The Digger 9ho Perse*ered ))053>G$1F>4
# The Tree "nd the &ine ))0532G$1F2C
# The Sc"!!o%d o! M"nkind ))0533G$1FC8
# The Fr(it Stone witho(t " Seed Ger ))05F6G$1623
2331 The Rich Foo% )))0563G$12>
2331 The 9"tch!(% Ser*"nts )))0563G$12C
2361 The .nerci!(% Ser*"nt )))0566G$155
2381 the Tower /(i%der )))054>G$1C3
2381 The -ing Going to 9"r )))054>G$1C3
2F>1 The T"%ents )))054>G$1C6
2F21 The Good S""rit"n )))054>G$1C4
# The Di!!erence in Teeth )))0583G$125>
2F71 The ,%e"n "nd .nc%e"n M"n )))0588G$1277
2F612The Le"*en in the Do(gh )))0C5FG$1563
2F41 The 9orkers o! the E%e*enth Ho(r )))0C54G$1546
26>1 The 9edding /"n;(et )))0CC7G$1CC2
# The 9edding Fe"st )))0CC7G$1CC2
@To%d $re*io(s%' "t 5>FG$1C32A
26C1 The Good F"rerG Steri%e Fig Tree )))0CC6G$1C7C
# The Good She$herd "nd the F"ith!(% L"b
2441 The ,%osed Door )))0CF5G$132C
# The Tr(e Sons )))0CFCG$1352
# The Ho(se )n!ected with Mo%d )))0CF4G$1336
# The Li$ed 9"ter in the Pond )))0C6FG$1F28
# The /irds o! the D"' "nd Night )))0C66G$1F57
28>1 The .n!"ith!(%GShrewd Stew"rd )))0C4>G$1FC8
# The L"bor Agents )))0C47G$1FF3
# The P"% Tree Seed )))0C48G$1F8>
# The Two 9i%%s )))0C8CG$16>3
2821 The &ine'"rd Owner "nd Two Sons )))07>3G$1663
# The ,%"' in the H"nds o! the Potter )))0722G$14>3
# The Ye"st o! Good "nd E*i% )&0723bG$123
# The Sc(%$t(re )&0726G$158
# The F"ther who Gi*es E;("% Mone' )&075CG$1F7
# The &ine'"rd "nd Free 9i%% )&075FG$18>
# The P"inted 9ood )&07C5G$1223
# The F%o(r "nd the Linen @M"r'A )&07C5G$1224
# The Fig Tree with the Di*ided Tr(nk )&0775G$12F3
# The 9e"%th' ,o($%e who Asks !or Hos$it"%it' )&0775G$12FF
# The R"in on the &ine )&077CG$1263
# The Good "nd /"d 9i%%GPeter )&077FG$1285
# The Ten ,o"ndents )&073>G$155>
# The /ee0 His 9ork0 His Tre"s(re )&034>G$1C53
# The Distrib(tion o! 9"ters )&07F3G$1C72
# The Might' Terebinth Trees )&0767G$187
# The Poegr"n"te )&0745G$1776
# The Mis(nderstood -ing )&0746G$176F
# The F"ther who Pr"ises His F"r Aw"' ,hi%dren )&0788G$13CC
5251 The .nscr($(%o(sG.nK(st +(dge )&03>CG$13F5
# The Rich 9ise M"n "nd the Poor )gnor"nt /o' )&0322G$1F2F
# The Mo(nt"in "nd the &"%%e's )&032CG$1FCF
52F1 The Good She$herd )&032FG$1F3>
# The Sick "nd the He"%th' )&0352G$1F4C
5261 The Ph"risee "nd the P(b%ic"n )&0352G$1F43
# The Reebr"nce o! M"nHs Etern"% Destin' &0335G$1227
# The Dro$ th"t E:c"*"tes the Rock &033FG$1272
# The /ees &03FCG$128C
# The Torn ,%oth &03F3G$152F
# The Deceit!(% Ad*ice in the -ingdo &03F6G$1572
# The Two ,hoices o! the )%% Ad*ised &03F4G$1574
# On Deceit!(% Ad*ice Ag"inst the Son &036>G$153F
# The Yo(ng Sw"%%ow &0342G$1CC7
# The Two L"$s &0345G$1C76
# Sh"%e "nd Tr(e +(stice &0345G$1C3>
5721 The 9icked H(sb"nd"n &038>G$1728
53>1 The S$ro(ting Fig Tree &0387G$17F3
53>1 The E*i% "nd 9ise Ser*"nt &0387dG$17FF
5F81 The 9o"n in ,hi%dbirth0 Her S(!!ering "nd +o' &0384G$132F
P"ge 538
)N TH( P9(M 9G TH( M=D-G9D
A "Kor e*idence !or the Di*ine origin o! The Poem of the Man God is its det"i%ing o! "n' e*ents on%'
hinted "t in obsc(re re!erences in the Gos$e%s which when e:$%"ined s(dden%' "ke sense o! things th"t
h"*e been hereto been (ne:$%"in"b%e or si$%' o*er%ooked1 One s(ch e:"$%e is the he"%ing o! +oh"nn"
the wi!e o! ,h(I"0 " $roinent eber o! HerodHs co(rt0 which is "%ost co$%ete%' hidden in the
Gos$e%s in one obsc(re re!erence1 )t co(%d h"*e e"si%' been o*er%ooked b' "n'one ere%' constr(cting "
stor'1 The Poem not on%' $resents this dr""tic ir"c%e in gre"t det"i% b(t %inks it in " ost n"t(r"% w"'
to wh"t re"son wo(%d e:$ect to be the conse;(ence o! s(ch "n e*ent es$eci"%%' within s(ch " $roinent
ho(seho%d1 +(st "s The Poem so we%% describes0 nothing e%se co(%d h"*e e:$%"ined how " eber o!
HerodHs co(rt co(%d h"*e "%%owed his wi!e to be so co$%ete%' de*oted to +es(s in this $o%itic"%%' ch"rged
tie1 See Gos$e% E$isode 2CC1 in The Dated Harmony or L(ke 4:2#C "nd co$"re to The Poem )037F1
Loc"tion in: The Poem Gos$e% E$isode
I. H)$5I"G( @268 c"ses0 soe in*o%*ing %"rge gro($s being he"%ed1 On%' C> o! these c"ses "re
indic"ted in the Gos$e%sA
Sion the Oe"%otHs <%e$ros'=XX11XXXXXXXXXXXXXX )058>E @)))0537AXXXX1
A %e$er "t the !oot o! Mt1 T"bor11XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX @)0C25AXXXXXXX1
/%ind e:#b%"cksith "t ,"$ern"( XXXXXXXXXXXXXX )0C22XXXXXXXX
Deoni"c o! ,"$ern"( in the S'n"gog(eXXXXXXXXXXX1 )0C26XXXXXXXX
The d'ing d"(ghter o! "n o%d "n !ro -or"IiXXXXXXXXX )0C56XXXXXXXX
Two (nh"$$' $ossessed en "t ,"$ern"(XXXXXXXXXXX )0C58XXXXXXXX
S"(e% the cri$$%ed !riend o! Abe% XXXXXXXXXXXXXX1 )0C5F @CC5AXXXXX11
The $"r"%'tic %et down thro(gh PeterHs roo!XXXXXXXXXXX1 )0CC4XXXXXXXX
P"ge 5F>
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of /iracles
A d'ing b"b' in PeterHs ho(seXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX11 )0C7>XXXXXXXX
The "%ost#b%ind "n "t the Poo% o! /ethI"th"XXXXXXXXXX )0C37XXXXXXXX
The she$herd )s""c is c(redXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1 )0C86XXXXXXXX
Ann"%e"h is c(red o! t(berc(%osis XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX )07F4XXXXXXXX
The /e"(t' o! -or"Ii is he"%ed o! %e$ros' XXXXXXXXXX11 )0783XXXXXXXX
+oh"nn" o! ,h(I" is he"%ed o! " de"d%' in!irit'XXXXXXXXX )037FXXXXXXXX
The wob o! b"rren A"*" is "de !erti%e XXXXXXXXXXXX)033FXXXXXXXX #
Ten 'e"r o%d bo' with broken b"ckXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1 )0363XXXXXXXX
D'ing bo' inK(red b' " Ro"n horseXXXXXXXXXXXXX11 )0F2CXXXXXXXX
A %e$er ne"r the se$(%chers in +er(s"%e XXXXXXXXXXXX11)0F26XXXXXXX111 #
A "n with dise"sed e'es ne"r ,%e"r 9"terXXXXXXXXXXX1)0FC5XXXXXXXX #
The "n with g"ngrene "t ,%e"r 9"terXXXXXXXXXXXXX )0F72XXXXXXXX
A chi%d0 " b%ind "n0 Din" @" wo"nA0 "nd " $"r"%'tic "nXXXXX )0F76XXXXXXXX
The d(%%#witted bo' "t ,%e"r 9"terXXXXXXXXXXXXXX11 )0F34XXXXXXXX
The w"'w"rd son o! " other o! Northern Pere" XXXXXXXXX1)0FFCXXXXXXXX #
Litt%e +ohn with b"d%' !r"ct(red %egs "t ,%e"r 9"terXXXXXXXX )0F6FXXXXXXXX
The ior"% 'o(ng %e$ro(s "n "t ,%e"r 9"terXXXXXXXXX1 )0F85XXXXXXXX
A %itt%e d(b bo' "nd se*er"% other sick $eo$%eXXXXXXXXX11 )0F8FXXXXXXXX
The "d deon#$ossessed Ro"n "t ,%e"r 9"ter XXXXXXXX )0F86XXXXXXXX
A "n who is "%ost b%ind XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX111)0625XXXXXXXX #
+er(s" o! Doco is he"%ed o! c"ncerXXXXXXXXXXXXXX11 )0654XXXXXXXX
The inert deoni"c S""rit"n wo"n XXXXXXXXXXXXX ))05FXXXXXXXX1
The d'ing son o! "n o!!icer o! Herod o! ,"$ern"( XXXXXXX11 ))0CFXXXXXXXX
S(s"nn"0 the bride o! ,"n"0 is he"%edXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ))0C6XXXXXXXX
A sick "n "t ,"es"re" XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1111))076 XXXXXXXX #
Litt%e F"(stin"0 d"(ghter o! &"%eri"0 who w"s choking XXXXXXX
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of /iracles
X #
Litt%e E%ish"0 gr"ndson o! E%i the Ph"risee0 bitten b' " sn"ke11XXXX ))064XXXXXXXX
A gre"t "n' ir"c%es "ong the crowd "bo*e M"gd"%"XXXXXX1))08>XXXXXXXX #
The bo' with se*ere b(rnsXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ))088XXXXXXXX
Litt%e e%der%' "n with "sth"tic s$"ssXXXXXXXXXXXX ))088XXXXXXXX
E%der%' $"rt%' $"r"%'Ied wo"nXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX11 ))02>>XXXXXXX11
The sick who "re he"%ed on the 2
d"' o! the S1O1M1 XXXXXXX ))0272XXXXXXX11 #
A b%ind "n who is !i%%ed with h"te is he"%ed @S1O1M1AXXXXXX11 ))027FXXXXXXX1
E%der%' S"r"h he"%ed to c"re !or o%d )sh"e% @S1O1M1A XXXXXX1 ))023C0237XXXXX11
A cri$$%e0 " b%ind begg"r "nd others he"%ed @S1O1M1A111XXXXXXX))02F3 XXXXXXX #
Litt%e M"r' who is $"r"%'Ied @S1O1M1AXXXXXXXXXXXXX ))02FFXXXXXXX1
Deon o! %(st dri*en !ro " h(sb"nd @S1O1M1AXXXXXXXXX11 ))02FFXXXXXXX1 #
Deon o! %(st dri*en o(t o! " d"(ghter @S1O1M1AXXXXXXXXX1))02F6XXXXXXX1 #
A %e$er "t the !oot o! the o(nt"in @S1O1M1AXXXXXXXXXX11 ))0242XXXXXXX1
,ent(rionHs ser*"nt !ro ,"$ern"(XXXXXXXXXXXXX11
X11 2>41
The !e*erish d"(ghter o! shee$ herdersXXXXXXXXXXXXX ))052>XXXXXXX1
The "n st"bbed in the M"gd"%eneHs ho(seXXXXXXXXXXX1 ))0555XXXXXXX1
Two deoni"cs0 M"rk o! +osi"h "nd Deetri(s0 "t G""%"XXXXX1 ))05CFXXXXXXX1
M"n' %e$ers o(tside o! +er(s"%e0 "nd +ohn the %e$erXXXXXXX11 ))0C>C0C>3XXXXX11
,(ring the sick "t HebronXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1 ))0C46XXXXXXX1
The se*ere%' de!ored "n n"ed M"sh"%XXXXXXXXXXX1 ))0C85XXXXXXX1
The %(n"tic d"(ghter o! S"(e%0 innkee$er "t /ethginn"XXXXXX1 ))07>4XXXXXXX1
The other o! %itt%e Din"h o! Ashke%onXXXXXXXXXXXXX ))07C>XXXXXXX1
P"g"n ido% destro'ed "nd " wo"n d'ing in chi%dbirthXXXXXXX ))07C8077>XXXXX1
#ohn he"%s " d'ing "nXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ))07350 LF38M XXXX1 #
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of /iracles
A $"r"%'tic "t the Poo% o! /ethI"th"XXXXXXXXXXXXXX1 ))07F4XXXXXXX
The wo"n who to(ched +es(sH t(nicXXXXXXXXXXXXX11 ))0747XXXXXXX
Two b%ind en o! ,"$ern"(XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX11 ))078FXXXXXXX
The d(b deoni"c o! ,"$ern"(XXXXXXXXXXXXXX1 ))0784XXXXXXX
A "n "%ost b%ind0 " "n with "%"ri"0 " wo"n with no i%kXXX ))0F2CXXXXXXX
An o%d b%ind "n o! the Sh"ron P%"in is "de to seeXXXXXXX11 ))0FC4 @)&0FC5AXXX1
A b%ind +"cob o! the Sh"ron P%"inXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX @))0FC6A @)&0FC5AXX11
#ames of =lphae&s he"%s " cri$$%ed bo'XXXXXXXXXXXX11 ))0F34XXXXXXX
A "n with the withered h"nd "t ,"$ern"( XXXXXXXXXX1 ))0F4>XXXXXXX
A b%ind0 (te "nd $ossessed "n "t ,"$ern"(XXXXXXXXX1 ))065>XXXXXXX
Peter c(res " sick bo' XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX11 ))06CFXXXXXXX1 #
!imon Eealot he"%s " %e$er XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX11 ))06C6 XXXXXX11 #
#&das Iscariot h"s C ir"c%es XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX11 ))06C6 XXXXXX11 #
+es(s he"%s "n' sick $eo$%e on the hi%% "bo*e M"gd"%"X11XXXX1 )))06 XXXXXXX1 #
+es(s he"%s sick $eo$%e "t M"gd"%" XXXXXXXXXXXXXX )))02F XXXXXXX #
A h(sb"nd in Ger"s" with (%cer"ted e'esXXXXXXXXXXXX )))043XXXXXXX
M"r' he"%ed "t Arbe%"0 Dec"$o%is XXXXXXXXXXXXXX11 )))022FXXXXXX1 #
M"r' o! /oIr"h0 the %e$ro(s wi!e o! +o"chiXXXXXXXXXX11 )))02>FXXXXXX11
A "ss he"%ing "t Aer"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1 )))025CXXXXXX11
Litt%e A%$h"e(s0 son o! +es(sH co(sin SionXXXXXXXXXXX )))0262026FXXXXX
R"ch"e%0 the or$h"n o! ,"n"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1 )))02670247XXXXX
The c(re o! " wo(nded "n with Holy Mary$s ointentXXXXXX1 )))05>F05C705C6XXX1
O%d b%ind M"rk0 "nd +on"h0 the cri$$%e o! A%e:"ndroscene1XXXXX )))0545054CXXXXX
The sick shee$ o! Ann"sXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX11 )))05870C>5XXXXX
A ,"n"ne"n otherHs d"(ghter0 P"%"XXXXXXXXXXXXX )))0586XXXXXX11
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of /iracles
A otherHs d"(ghter ne"r Pto%e"isXXXXXXXXXXXXXX )))05870C>5XXXXX
A "n with dro$s' in the ho(se o! )sh"e% ben F"biXXXXXXX1 )))0C550C54XXXXX
The cri$$%ed wo"n n"ed M"rth" "t -or"IiXXXXXXXXX1 )))0CC4XXXXXX11
The Disciples re$ort the working o! "n' ir"c%esXXXXXXXX1 )))0CC8#C75XXXX11
The de"! (te ne"r -edeshXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1 )))0C34XXXXXX11
9o"n who %ost her *oice he"%ed thro(gh her sonXXXXXXXX1 )))0C64XXXXXX11
Newborn b"b' o! Dorc" "t ,"es"re" P"ne"s XXXXXXXXXX1 )))0C4>03320F2>XXX1
/%ind "n "t /eths"id"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
X 2641
Sick $eo$%e "t ,"$ern"( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1 )))0C84XXXXXXX #
E$i%e$tic bo' with " deon ne"r Mt1 T"borXXXXXXXXXXX )))07250723XXXXX1
An o%d %o*er o! M"r' M"gd"%eneXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1 )))0752XXXXXXX
Mir"c%es b' " non#disci$%eXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX )))07C2XXXXXXX
M"rk o! +osi"h wi%% be s"*ed b' his otherHs sorrowXXXXXXX11 )))0765#767XXXXX
+"i"0 the b%ind bo'0 "nd b%ind other !ro Pe%%"XXXXXXXXX11 )))076>07670742XXX11
The Rose o! +ericho @An"st"sic"AXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1 )))078>XXXXXXX1
The b%ind "n @+ohn o! E$hes(sA once s(ck%ed b' Ho%' M"r'1XXX1 )))03540358XXXXX11
A%% the sick "nd %"e "t the /"n;(et o! Lo*eXXXXXXXXXX11 )))03F6 @)&0767AXXX11
E*i% +"cob0 who %"ter stones +es(sXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX )))0388XXXXXXX1
The "n "tt"cked b' S"(e%0 Ann"%e"hHs e:#!i"nciXXXXXXXX )))0F>FXXXXXXX1
One with " broken s$ine0 " wo"n $"r"%'tic0 "n inert chi%dXXXXX )))0F5FXXXXXXX1
A "nHs !oot is restored "t /eth"n'XXXXXXXXXXXXXX1 )))0F54XXXXXXX1
O%d An"ni"s with c"t"r"cts "t So%oonHs ho(seXXXXXXXXX11 )))0FF2XXXXXXX1
A wo"n with " "%ign !e*er distorting her bonesXXXXXXXX1 )))0FF4XXXXXXX1
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of /iracles
A "n st"r*ing with " t(or on his tong(eXXXXXXXXXXX1 )))0FF4XXXXXXX1
#&das and =ndre) work ir"c%es XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX )))0F44XXXXXXX1 #
E%ish"0 Abr"h"Hs %e$ro(s sonXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX )))0F85XXXXXXX1
Ann"0 the )sc"riotHs otherHs !riendXXXXXXXXXXXXXX )))0625XXXXXXX1
A bo' "nd "n o%d "n with e'e tro(b%e XXXXXXXXXXXX11 )))0657XXXXXXX #
,(re o! twent' $eo$%e "t +ose$h o! Ari"the"Hs est"teXXXXXXX )))0645XXXXXXX1
Restr"int on " deon o! %(stXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX )))0646XXXXXXX1
An inK(red $"r"%'tic S""rit"n begg"r on the Ro"d to +erichoXXXX )&0602>XXXXXXX
+ose$h the she$herd inK(red in " stoningXXXXXXXXXXXX1 )&055XXXXXXX11
A %itt%e bo' d'ing o! c"ries in " *i%%"ge o! Dec"$o%isXXXXXXX11 )&05FXXXXXXX11
Three with dise"sed e'es "nd one with St1 &it(s d"nce11XXXXXX )&056XXXXXXX11
The de"! "nd d(b re%"ti*e o! the bo"t"nXXXXXXXXXXX1 )&056054XXXXXX1
The "n o! Dec"$o%is $ossessed b' S"t"nXXXXXXXXXXX11 )&0CC#C6XXXXXX1
The s%"*e gir% A(re" G"%%"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX )&0225XXXXXXX
The g(i%t' "nd der"nged S"(e%0 "t M"r'Hs re;(estXXXXXXXX )&0264XXXXXXX1
A b"rren wo"n0 Se%%"0 "t Hi$$o1XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX )&05>705>3XXXXX1
A sick 'o(ng other on " %itter "t Hi$$oXXXXXXXXXXXX1 )&05>7XXXXXXX
+ohn the %e$er "t the Port o! Hi$$o "nd othersXXXXXXXXXX )&05>705>F05230526XX11
A gre"t (%tit(de is c(red "t Hi$$oXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1 )&05C>XXXXXXX
A;(i%"0 "n o%d Ro"n s%"*e o! M"ri(s "t Hi$$oXXXXXXXXX1 )&05C>XXXXXXX
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of /iracles
Sick $eo$%e "t G""%" XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX )&0578XXXXXXX #
E%i"s0 the ser*"nt with " g"ngreno(s %eg "t A$hekXXXXXXXX11 )&0537XXXXXXX
Sion0 Arri"Hs sin!(% h(sb"nd0 is on%' de%i*ered o! " s$iritXXXXX1 )&05F205F5XXXXX1
Se*er"% c(red "t ,"$ern"( on the S"bb"thXXXXXXXXXXX )&0562XXXXXXX1
A "n with "rthritis !ro T'reXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
X #
M"n' he"%ed "t the Thero b"ths o! E"(s o! Tiberi"s XXXXX1 )&0C>2XXXXXXX
M"n' he"%ed " /"r" on the S'ro#$honeci"n border XXXXXXX1 )&0C6>#C62XXXXX #
The bo' !ro Sidon born witho(t e'esXXXXXXXXXXXXX )&0C64042CXXXXX1
Two %e$ersG(rderers "nd $ersec(tors o! Abe% "re c(redXXXXXX )&0C820C86XXXXX1
Re(ben0 " she$herdHs son0 with " broken b"ckXXXXXXXXXX1 )&07C5#7C3XXXXX1
Ten en with %e$ros' ne"r E$hr"iXXXXXXXXXXXXXX )&0772XXXXXXX
A %e$er ne"r /eth$h"ge XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX11 )&073FXXXXXXX #
Se*er"% sick $eo$%e "nd " $"r"%'tic "t the Te$%eXXXXXXXXX )&078CXXXXXXX1
T""r "nd F"r"0 two b%ind chi%dren o! " erch"nt o! Petr"XXXXX1 )&035303C3XXXXX11
/"rtho%"i o! +er(s"%e0 the "n born b%indXXXXXXXXXX11 )&038C0F>80F78XXX11
9o"n with sti%%#born chi%d "t /eth#HoronXXXXXXXXXXX )&0F5F0F54XXXXX1
A Ro"n so%dier with " broken %egXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1 )&0F560F54XXXXX1
A n(ber o! cri$$%ed0 i%%0 "nd b%ind "t GibeonXXXXXXXXXX )&0FC8XXXXXXX
The %itt%e d(b bo' o! GibeonXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1 )&0FC8XXXXXXX
The d'ing son o! the wo"n !ro Mi%et(s XXXXXXXXXXX )&0F45XXXXXXX
M"n' "re he"%ed in /eth"b"r"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1 )&062CXXXXXXX
The $"r"%'Ied se""n !ro T'reXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX )&06C3XXXXXXX
,hi%dren0 woen "nd o%d $eo$%e "t NobXXXXXXXXXXXX1 )&06CFXXXXXXX
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of /iracles
Se*en %e$ers o(tside o! +er(s"%eXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX )&0643E &02>XXXX11
A sick gir%0 "n e%der%' "n "nd " deoni"c gir%XXXXXXXXX11 )&0683XXXXXXX
A bo' between /eth%ehe "nd the +(de"n 9i%derness XXXXXX1 )&0424XXXXXXX #
The d(b s%"*e o! ,%"(di"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1 &026CXXXXXXX11
The st"r*ing "n !ro +"bnee%XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX &0264XXXXXXX11
Ad"h0 the wo"n in chi%dbirthXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1 &052805C7XXXXXX
The h(nchb"cked bo'0 son o! M"%"chiXXXXXXXXXXXX11 &057FXXXXXXX11
O%d K(st E%i h"s his sight restoredXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX &05F4XXXXXXX11
An o%d "n with " de"d "rXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX &0C25XXXXXXX11
Two b%ind en0 .rie% "nd /"rti"e(sXXXXXXXXXXXXX1 &0C2CXXXXXXX11
Sh"%e0 the de!ored son o! N"h"0 who w"nted to dieXXXXXX &0C7C0C730C78XXXX
A %"rge n(ber o! %e$ers o(tside o! +er(s"%eXXXXXXXXXX &0C840@724AXXXXX
M"n' he"%ed in the Te$%e on P"% S(nd"'XXXXXXXXXX11 &07>C XXXXXXX
Litt%e dise"sed b%ind bo' !ro ,inti( in the Te$%eXXXXXXX &0728XXXXXXX1
The *er' %"st o! the sick $eo$%e in the te$%e K(st be!ore +es(sH de"th11 &0764XXXXXXX #
The high $riestHs ser*"nt str(ck b' PeterXXXXXXXXXXXX &03C4XXXXXXX1
A %itt%e bo' !ro the Sh"ron P%"in "!ter the Res(rrectionXXXXXX &0422XXXXXXX1
II. C4MM$"D( 4&)% "$T>%) @77 c"sesA
&irgin"% conce$tion o! +es(sXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX )04>XXXXXXXX11
/irth o! +es(s w"s "%so s($ern"t(r"% XXXXXXXXXXXXXX )027>@3C8AXXXXX11
The "$$e"r"nce o! G"brie% "nd the He"*en%' HostsXXXXXXXX )0278XXXXXXX11
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of /iracles
The <st"r= th"t g(ided the 9ise MenXXXXXXXXXXXXX11 )02F60265XXXXXX
9ise Men %ed to s"e s$ot "nd co(%d (nderst"nd one "notherXXXX )0265XXXXXXX111
The descent o! the Ho%' S$irit in " do*e ($on +es(sXXXXXXXX )0573XXXXXXX11
9"ter t(rned to wine "t ,"n"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX11 )0568XXXXXXX11
The gre"t c"tch o! !ishXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1 )0C75XXXXXXX11
The broken b%"des o! two sh(!!%ers in +er(s"%eXXXXXXXXX )0C7FXXXXXXXX
A son to A"*"0 " b"rren wi!eXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX )033FXXXXXXXX
+es(s iobi%iIes the hosti%e N"I"renes re"d' to stone Hi XXXX )03F3XXXXXXX11
The destr(ction o! Dor"sH !ie%ds "nd orch"rdsXXXXXXXXXX1 )034F @))053FAXXXX1
Dor"s the Ph"risee is str(ck de"d b' the God o! Sin"i XXXXXXX
X11 #
Aser "nd +"cob0 wo(%d#be ki%%ers0 stricken with %e$ros'XXXXXX11 ))0346 XXXXXXX
,"%ing the stor on the se"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ))05C>XXXXXXX1
#ohn $er!ors his !irst ir"c%eXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX @))0735073CAXXXXX
))067CXXXXXXX11 2321
9"%king on the w"terXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ))0674XXXXXXX1
A$$%es !or M"r' "nd M"thi"s on " b"rren treeXXXXXXXXXX )))0258XXXXXXX1
Peter and #ohn c"% the stor' Mediterr"ne"n XXXXXXXXX1 )))05C3XXXXXXX1
+es(s $"r"%'Ies 2>> eneies beginning to stone Hi "t Gisc"%" XX11 )))0C37XXXXXXX1
The Tr"ns!ig(r"tion o! +es(sXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX )))07>3XXXXXXX1
The coin in the !ishHs o(thXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX )))075>XXXXXXX
70>>> $eo$%e !ed XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1 )))07C7
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of /iracles
+es(s sti%%s the !%ooded +ord"nXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX11 )))03>2XXXXXXX
M(%ti$%'ing she"*es o! corn "t +ose$h o! Ari"the"Hs est"teXXXX11 )))0664XXXXXXX
Mir"c(%o(s re"$ing in the !ie%d XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX11 )))068FXXXXXXX
+es(s dis$erses the h"i%XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1 )&08CXXXXXXX1
+es(s e:ting(ishes " !orest !ireXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1 )&0278XXXXXXX
A she$herdHs dog is re#directedXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX )&07C3XXXXXXX
Sti%%ing the wind "t NobXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX )&0768XXXXXXX
+es(s incre"ses the oi% !or the %e$ers XXXXXXXXXXXXXX )&06460644XXXXX
E*i% A%e:"nder is b%indedXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX &05F4XXXXXXX1
+ose$h o! Ari"the"Hs orch"rd withho%ds its b(ddingXXXXXXX &0C2807C7XXXXX1
,(rsing o! the !ig treeXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1 &0728075807C7XXXX
The !irst ir"c%e o! the E(ch"ristXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX &03>7XXXXXXX11
So%diers in the G"rden !"%% to the gro(ndXXXXXXXXXXXX1 &03C4XXXXXXX11
The de"d%' e"rth;("ke "nd torn"do "t +es(sH de"th XXXXXXXX &0F52@6F3AXXXXX1
The Te$%e door (nhinged "nd the &ei% is rent XXXXXXXXX1 &0F57XXXXXXX11
)s""c the she$herd is in the Te$%e seeing the Ho%' o! Ho%iesXXXX @&0F6FAXXXXXX1
The ho(ses o! se*er"% r(%ers str(ck "nd b(rnedXXXXXXXXX11 @&0F7C064508>5AXXX1
The stone o*er the tob o! +es(s is thrown to the gro(ndXXXXX11 &06>>XXXXXXX1
Another %"rge c"tch o! !ish XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX11 &045FXXXXXXX1
The Ass($tion o! M"r' into He"*enXXXXXXXXXXXXX &08C3XXXXXXX1
III. %$I(I"G TH) D)$D @3 c"sesA
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of /iracles
The widowHs son0 D"nie% o! N"inXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1 ))053CXXXXXXX11
+"ir(sH d"(ghter0 MirKi"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ))0747XXXXXXX1
+es(s r"ises M"rk " sorrowing widowHs h(sb"ndXXXXXXXX11 &0452XXXXXXX11
CH$3T)% I"D)J
)nc%(ding the D"te the Re*e%"tion w"s Gi*en "nd S("ries !or "%% ,h"$ter S(b#di*isions
Italici/ed te0t indic"tes non#n"rr"ti*e s($$%eent"r' re*e%"tion1 The 2FF ch"$ters with LDM were
origin"%%' gi*en to M& o(t o! chrono%ogic"% se;(ence0 "s the d"te wi%% show1 9e know these were
written o(t o! order not on%' bec"(se "%% b(t two o! the origin"% re*e%"tions were d"ted0 b(t bec"(se M&
shows %"ck o! !"i%i"rit' with ch"r"cters "nd $%"ces o! %"ter n"rr"ti*es which were re*e"%ed to her !irst0
"nd " gre"t de"% o! !"i%i"rit' in e"r%ier n"rr"ti*es th"t were re*e"%ed %"ter1 At the instr(ction o! +es(s
,hrist0 these 2FF ch"$ters were %"ter $%"ced where the' "re $resent%' in $ro$er se;(ence1 9h"t is so
s(r$rising is th"t the o!ten det"i%ed se"son"%0 "gric(%t(r"%0 %(n"r0 geogr"$hic"% "nd ch"r"cter in!or"tion in
these re#"rr"nged ch"$ters becoes " $er!ect%' h"ronio(s "nd !%owing "cco(nt with nothing o(t o!
$%"ce1 This !e"t(re "%one "bso%(te%' $rec%(des h("n "(thorshi$1
&45>M) 4")
,h"$ter Tit%e D"te Recei*ed
3$%T I TH) TW4 3%4MI()D (4"( 7 &ol. I' Chapters ,D*B

21 Introd&ction" DA(g2F0 N77 6

51 +o"chi "nd Anne M"ke " &ow to the Lord1 DA(g 550 N77
C1 Anne0 Pr"'ing in the Te$%e0 H"s Her 9ish F(%!i%%ed1 DA(g 5C0 N77
71 9ith " ,"ntic%e0 Anne Anno(nces th"t She )s " Mother1 DA(g
570 N77
31 /irth o! the &irgin M"r'1 DA(g 5F0 N77
-" God$s p&rpose in creatin' man" eal ca&se of the fall" Importance of Mary$s Vir'inity" DA(g
560 N77
F1 The P(ri!ic"tion o! Anne "nd the O!!ering o! M"r'1 DA(g 540 N77
P"ge 5F3
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
-" #es&s5 R,ome to Me loo*in' at Mary"S DA(g
540 N77
61 The Son H"s P(t His 9isdo on His MotherHs Li$s1 DA(g 540 N77
-" #es&s e0plains the 'reat )isdom of Mary to the s*eptics" DA(g 540 N77
41 M"r' is Presented in the Te$%e1 DA(g C>0 77
-" #es&s e0plains Mary$s perfection amplified her h&mility and her sensiti+ity" DA(g
C>0 77

81 De"th o! +o"chi "nd Anne1 DA(g C20 77
2>1 M"r'Hs ,"ntic%e )$%oring the ,oing o! the ,hrist1 DSe$t 50 N77
-" Ho) the !aints ha+e s&ch &nderstandin', e+en of the f&t&re" DSe$t
50 N77
c" MV 'ets a s&rprise and is ass&red that her +isions are not self deception" BSe$t
50 N77
221 M"r' 9i%% ,on!ide Her &ow to the S$o(se God 9i%% Gi*e Her1 DSe$t
C0 N77
251 +ose$h is the A$$ointed H(sb"nd o! the &irgin1 DSe$t 70 N77
2C1 9edding o! the &irgin "nd +ose$h1 DSe$t 30 N77
-" #es&s on the heroic +irt&es of #oseph as the first co-redeemer of man*ind" DSe$t
30 N77
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
271 +ose$h "nd M"r' Arri*e in N"I"reth1 DSe$t F0 N77
231 ,oncl&sion to the Pre-Gospel" DSe$t F0 N77 66
-1 Mary spea*s of some special 'ifts she is 'i+in' to MV, a +ictim so&l" DSe$t
F0 N77
2F1 The Ann(nci"tion1 Mch 40 N77
261 The Diso-edience of (+e and the 9-edience of Mary" Mch 30
-" Mary 5 RI o-eyed in My KoyS and *ne) the pain of the Gather o+er the corr&ption of (+e" Mch 40
c" #es&s, on the tr&e nat&re of the fall" Mch 40 N77
241 The Ann(nci"tion o! E%iI"bethHs Pregn"nc' to +ose$h1 Mch
530 N77
-" Mary$s a'ony in remainin' silent -efore #oseph a-o&t God$s 'ift of 'race to Her" Mch
530 N77
281 M"r' "nd +ose$h Set O(t !or +er(s"%e1 Mch 560 N77
5>1 Fro +er(s"%e to O"ch"ri"sH Ho(se1 Mch 540 N77
-" Mary on the importance of prayer and )orship in Her and #oseph$s life" Mch
540 N77
521 Arri*"% "t O"ch"ri"sH Ho(se1 A$r 20 N77
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
551 M"r' "nd E%iI"beth S$e"k o! their ,hi%dren1 A$ri% 50 N77
-" The Holy !ecrets of God are re+ealed only to those )ho )al* in faith" A$ri%
50 N77
c" Mary spea*s of her faith in God$s pro+isions for Her as she helps (li/a-eth" A$ri%
50 N77
5C1 The /irth o! the /"$tist1 A$r C0 N77 22>
-" (li/a-eth )as not free from pain in child-irth as )as Mary, -&t Mary$s pain )as m&ch )orse in
-rin'in' forth
spirit&al children" A$r C0 N77
571 The ,irc(cision o! the /"$tist1 A$r 70 N77
-" Mary appeals to &s to repent of o&r sin as Eacharias so )e may o-tain God$s %i'ht" A$r 70
531 The Present"tion o! the /"$tist in the Te$%e1 A$r
-" Three days of silent a'ony for Mary and #oseph -ac* to Da/areth" A$r 3GF0 N77
5F1 M"r' o! N"I"reth ,%"ri!ies the M"tter with +ose$h1 M"' C20 N77
-" Mary$s fear )as for #oseph in errin'" The 'reatest test of h&mility5 emainin' silent a-o&t
some special 'race in one$s life"
M"' C20 H77 254
561 The ,ens(s Edict1 +(n 70 N77
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
-" Mary on the -&rden of a man in marria'e" Tr&st God in all thin's" Dothin' happens )itho&t
God allo)in' it,
incl&din' the destr&ction of e+il men" +(n 70 H77
541 The +o(rne' to /eth%ehe1 +(n 30 N77
3$%T II TH) :I%TH $"D HIDD)" 5IF) 4F .)(>( CH%I(T 7 &ol. I' Chapters *AD@<
581 The /irth o! O(r Lord +es(s1 +(n F0 N77
-" Mary on the e0tent of Her sacrifice and s&fferin' to redeem &s from (+e$s sin" +(n F0
C>1 The Ador"tion o! the She$herds1 +(n 60 N77
-" #es&s spea*s of the h&m-le, holy and 'enero&s faith of the shepherds, the first (&charistic
)orshipers in the
,h&rch" +(n 60 N77 237
C21 O"ch"ri"sH &isit1 +(n 40 N77 233
-" Mary on the holiness and )isdom of #oseph in contrast to Eacharias to )hom they yield" +(n 40
C51 The Present"tion o! +es(s in the Te$%e1 DFeb 20 N77
-" #es&s on )hy !imeon sa) )hat the priest co&ld not and on =nna$s )ords of )isdom" DFeb 50
CC1 L(%%"b' o! the &irgin 1 DNo* 540 N77
C71 The Ador"tion o! the 9ise Men1 DFeb 540 N77
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
-" #es&s on the spirit&al character and inte'rity of the Cise Men" =lso Mary and #oseph" DFeb
540 N77
C31 The F%ight into Eg'$t1 +(n 80 N77 268
-" #es&s on Matthe)$s testimony to Mary$s perpet&al +ir'inity" +(n 80 N77
CF1 The Ho%' F"i%' in Eg'$t1 D+"n 530 N77
b1 #es&s on the spirit&al )ealth in the ho&se of po+erty in ('ypt" Most prayers are selfish" D+"n
5F0 N77
C61 The First 9orking Lesson Gi*en to +es(s1 DMch 520 N77
-" #es&s spea*s of His home as Rhappy in its po+erty -eca&se it )as s&rro&nded -y the lo+e of t)o
s&-mitted to the need of man as teacher, He tells ho) He )as perfected as a man -y #oseph" DMch
520 N77
C41 M"r'0 the Te"cher o! +es(s0 +(d"s "nd +"es1 DOct 580 N77
-" #es&s5 R There )as no other doctor in Israel li*e My s)eet Mother"S DOct
580 N77
C81 Pre$"r"tions !or +es(sH ,oing o! Age "nd De$"rt(re !ro N"I"reth1 DNo* 53 G Dec
280 5>0
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
7>1 +es(s E:"ined in the Te$%e 9hen He is o! Age1 DDec 520 N77
721 The Dis$(te o! +es(s with the Doctors in the Te$%e1 D+"n 540 N77
-" MV e0plains ho) she discerned the names of the doctors, Hillel, Gamaliel and !hammai" D+"n
580 N77
c" #es&s reflects on the reactions of Mary and #oseph to #es&s stayin' in #er&salem" DFeb
550 N77
751 The De"th o! S"int +ose$h1 DFeb 30 N77
-" #es&s on the -itter s&fferin' of Mary at the loss of #oseph" DFeb 30 N77
7C1 ,oncl&sion to the Pri+ate %ife" +(ne 2>0 N77 554
TH) FI%(T 8)$% 4F TH) 3>:5IC 5IF)
.)(>( %)&)$5)D $( M)((I$H 7 &ol. I' Chapters @@D2C
The Three!old Witness to .esus Christ the Messiah G &ol. I' Ch. @@D@2
771 F"rewe%% to His Mother "nd De$"rt(re !ro N"I"reth1 DFeb 80
-" #es&s on Mary$s deep sorro) o+er the depart&re of #es&s" It )as Her fo&rth sorro)" DFeb 80
731 +es(s is /"$tiIed in the +ord"n1 DFeb C0 N77 575
-" The si'n of the Do+e )as not for the 8aptist, )ho already sa)" The p&rpose of The Poem" DFeb 70
c" MV str&''les )ith her director$s ill ad+ice and her str&''le to o-ey God" DFeb 70 N77
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
.esus is Tested and 3roven as Messiah 7 &ol. I' Ch. @CD2,
7F1 +es(s is Te$ted in the Desert b' the De*i%1 DFeb 570 N77
-" #es&s on !atan$s methods and ho) to defeat him" DFeb 570 N77
761 +es(s eets +ohn "nd +"es1 DFeb 530 N77
-" #es&s tells )hy #ohn )as the only one a-le to reco'ni/e Him after the lon' fast" DFeb
530 N77
c" #es&s comments on the chronolo'y of #ohn 1529" DFeb 530 N77
741 +ohn "nd +"es S$e"k to Peter "bo(t the Messi"h1 Oct 250 N77
781 First Meeting o! Peter "nd the Messi"h1 @"0bA Oct 2C0 N77
c" #ohn$s incredi-le h&mility in his creditin' =ndre) for Peter$s con+ersion" Oct 2C0 N77
3>1 +es(s "t /eths"id" in PeterHs Ho(se1 He Meets Phi%i$ "nd N"th"nie%1 Oct 230 N77
321 +(d"s Th"dde(s "t /eths"id" to )n*ite +es(s to the 9edding "t ,"n"1 Oct 260 N77
.esus %eveals Himsel! as Messiah in Galilee 7 &ol. I' Ch. 2*
351 +es(s "t the 9edding "t ,"n"1 @"0bA D+"n 2F0 N77
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
c" RMy first miracle happened -eca&se of Mary"S RI )anted to ma*e Her po)er *no)n"S D+"n
2F0 N77
.esus %eveals Himsel! as Messiah in .udea 7 &ol. I' Ch 2<D2C
3C1 +es(s Dri*es the Merch"nts o(t o! the Te$%e1 Oct 570 N77
371 +es(s Meets +(d"s )sc"riot "nd Tho"s0 "nd ,(res Sion the Oe"%ot1 Oct 5F0 N77
331 Tho"s /ecoes " Disci$%e1 Oct 560 N77
3F1 +(d"s A%$h"e(s0 Tho"s "nd Sion Are Acce$ted "s Disci$%es "t the +ord"n1 Oct 540 N77
FI%(T 3>:5IC MI"I(T%8 C8C5) 7 Chapters 2;DB;
The First Galilean Ministry 7 &ol. I' Ch. 2;DC2
361 Ret(rn to N"I"reth "!ter P"sso*er with the Si: Disci$%es1 Oct C20 N77
341 ,(re o! " /%ind M"n "t ,"$ern"(1 Oct 60 N77
381 The Deoni"c o! ,"$ern"( ,(red in the S'n"gog(e1 No* 50
F>1 The ,(re o! Sion PeterHs Mother#in#L"w1 No* C0 N77
F21 +es(s Pre"ches "nd 9orks Mir"c%es in PeterHs Ho(se1 No* 70 N77
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
F51 +es(s Pr"'s "t Night1 No* 30 N77 C58
FC1 The Le$er ,(red ne"r -or"Ii1 No* F0 N77
F71 The P"r"%'tic ,(red in PeterHs Ho(se1 No* 80 N77
F31 The Mir"c(%o(s Dr"(ght o! Fishes1 No* 2>0 N77
FI%(T 3>:5IC MI"I(T%8 C8C5) ontinued
The First .udean Ministry 7 &ol. I' Ch. CCDB;
FF1 The )sc"riot Finds +es(s "t Gethse"ne "nd is Acce$ted "s " Disci$%e1 Dec
540 N77
F61 +es(s 9orks the Mir"c%e o! the /roken /%"des "t the Fish G"te1 Dec
C20 N77
F41 +es(s Pre"ches in the Te$%e1 +(d"s )sc"riot is with Hi1 +"n 20 N73
F81 +es(s Te"ches +(d"s )sc"riot1 +"n C0 N73
6>1 +es(s Meets +ohn o! Oebedee "t Gethse"ne1 +"n 70 N73
-" #es&s compares His Disciples, #ohn and #&das +"n 70 N73
621 +es(s with +(d"s )sc"riot Meets Sion Oe"%ot "nd +ohn1 +"n F0
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
651 +es(s0 +ohn0 Sion "nd +(d"s go to /eth%ehe1 +"n 60 N73
6C1 +es(s "t /eth%ehe in the Pe"s"ntHs Ho(se "nd in the Grotto1 +"n 40 N73
671 +es(s Goes to the Hote% in /eth%ehe "nd Pre"ches !ro the R(ins o! AnneHs Ho(se1 +"n 80 N73
631 +es(s "nd the She$herds E%i"s0 Le*i "nd +ose$h1 +"n 220

6F1 +es(s "t +(tt"h with the She$herd )s""c1 +"n 250 N73
661 +es(s "t Hebron1 O"ch"ri"sH Ho(se1 Ag%"e1 +"n 220 N73
641 +es(s "t -erioth1 De"th o! O%d S"(%1 +"n 270 N73
681 +es(s on His 9"' /"ck Sto$s with the She$herds ne"r Hebron1 +"n 230
4>1 +es(s Ret(rns to the Mo(nt"in 9here He F"sted "nd to the Rock o! Te$t"tion1 +"n 260
421 At the +ord"n Ford1 Meeting with the She$herds L+ose$h0M +ohn0 M"thi"s "nd Sieon1 +"n 240
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
451 +(d"s )sc"riot Te%%s how He So%d Ag%"eHs +ewe%s to Dioedes1 +"n 280
4C1 +es(s ,ries on "cco(nt o! +(d"s "nd Sion Oe"%ot ,o!orts Hi1 +"n 5>0 N73
-" RHo) many times ha+e I cried )ith My face on the 'ro&nd -eca&se of men"S +"n 5>0
471 +es(s Meets L"I"r(s "t /eth"n'1 +"n 520 N73
431 +es(s Goes /"ck to +er(s"%e "nd Listens to +(d"s )sc"riot in the Te$%e "nd then Goes to
+"n 550 N73 737
4F1 +es(s S$e"ks to the So%dier A%e:"nder "t the Fish G"te1 +"n 570
461 +es(s "nd )s""c ne"r Doco1 De$"rt(re tow"rds Esdr"e%on1 +"n 530
()C4"D 3>:5IC MI"I(T%8 C8C5) 7 Chapters BBD,@A
The (eond Galilean Ministry K (yroD3hoeniia 7 &ol. I' Ch. BBD,,+
441 +es(s with the She$herd +on"h in the P%"in o! Esdr"e%on1 +"n 5F0
481 Ret(rn to N"I"reth "!ter Le"*ing +on"h1 +"n 560 N73
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
8>1 The Ne:t D"' in the Ho(se in N"I"reth1 +"n 540 N73
821 +es(sH Lesson to His Disci$%es in the O%i*e Gro*e1 +"n 580 N73
851 +es(sH Lesson to His Disci$%es ne"r His Hoe1 +"n C>0
8C1 The Lesson to the Disci$%es in the Presence o! the Most Ho%' &irgin in the G"rden o! N"I"reth1
+"n C20 N73 748
871 ,(re o! the /e"(t' o! -or"Ii1 Seron in the S'n"gog(e "t ,"$ern"(1 Feb 20
831 +"es o! A%$h"e(s is Recei*ed "ong the Disci$%es1 +es(s Pre"ches ne"r M"tthewHs ,(stos
Feb 50 N73 3>>
8F1 +es(s Pre"ches to the ,rowd "t /eths"id"1 Feb C0 N73
861 The ,"%% o! M"tthew1 Feb 70 N73 322
841 +es(s on the L"ke o! Tiberi"s1 Lesson to the Disci$%es ne"r the s"e Town1 Feb 30 N73
881 +es(s Looks !or +on"th"n in the Ho(se o! ,h(I" "t Tiberi"s1 Feb F0 N73
2>>1 +es(s in the Ho(se o! His .nc%e A%$h"e(s "nd then "t His Own Ho(se1 Feb 60
-" #es&s comments on the 'reat diffic&lties He had in trainin' His Disciples or the diffic&lties the
es had"
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
challen'es the Rdiffic&lt doctorsS 1critics of this )or*4 to -ecome tr&e Disciples" Feb 60
2>21 +es(s a(estions His Mother "bo(t His Disci$%es1 DFeb 2C0 N77
2>51 The ,(re o! +oh"nn" o! ,h(I" ne"r ,"n"1 Feb 40 N73
2>C1 +es(s in Leb"non with the She$herds /enK"in "nd D"nie%1 Feb 2>0 N73
2>71 +es(s in the Se"#Town Recei*es Letters ,oncerning +on"h1 Feb 220 N73
2>31 +es(s M"kes Pe"ce with His ,o(sin Sion in the Ho(se o! M"r' o! A%$h"e(s1 Feb 250
-" #es&s comments on a mista*e MV made in thin*in' His co&sin !imon )as an =postle1 Feb 250
N73 3FC
2>F1 +es(s is Dri*en o(t o! N"I"reth "nd He ,o!orts His Mother1 @"0bA DFeb 2C0 N77
c1 M"r' begs +es(s to st"' "w"' !ro N"I"reth bec"(se o! the hosti%it' "g"inst Hi1 DFeb 2C0 N77
d" Go&r contemplations5 #&das Iscariot< the hostility of priests< inconsistent cro)d<
the h&manity of the =postles" DFeb 2C0 N77 3F6
2>61 +es(s in the Ho(se o! +oh"nn" o! ,h(I" with His Mother1 Feb 2C0N73
2>41 +es(s "t the &int"ge in the Ho(se o! Ann"1 Mir"c%e o! the P"r"%'tic ,hi%d1 Feb 270
2>81 +es(s "t Dor"sH Ho(se1 De"th o! +on"h1 Feb 230 N73
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
22>1 +es(s in the Ho(se o! +"cob ne"r L"ke Mero1 Feb 260
()C4"D 3>:5IC MI"I(T%8 C8C5) ontinued
The (eond .udean Ministry K (amaria 7 &ol. I' Ch. ,,,D,@A
2221 Ret(rn to the +ord"n Ford ne"r +ericho1 Feb 240N73
2251 +es(s in the Ho(se o! L"I"r(s1 M"rth" S$e"ks o! the M"gd"%ene1 Feb
22C1 )n L"I"r(sH Ho(se Ag"in "!ter the LSecondM T"bern"c%es1 )n*it"tion o! +ose$h o! Ari"the"1 Feb 5>0
2271 +es(s Meets G""%ie% "t the /"n;(et o! +ose$h o! Ari"the"1 Feb 520 N73
2231 ,(re o! the Litt%e D'ing /o'1 The So%dier A%e:"nder1 )nti"tion to +es(s1 Feb 550
22F1 +es(s S$e"ks o! Nicode(s0 "t Night0 "t Gethse"ne1 Feb 570 N73
2261 +es(s "t L"I"r(sH Ho(se /e!ore Going to the <,%e"r 9"ter1= Feb 530 N73
2241 +es(s "t the <,%e"r 9"ter1= Pre%iin"ries !or Li!e in ,oon with the Disci$%es1 Feb 5F0
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
2281 +es(s "t the <,%e"r 9"ter1= <) " the Lord 'o(r God1= Feb 560
25>1 +es(s "t the <,%e"r 9"ter1= <Yo( Sh"%% H"*e No Gods in M' Presence1= Feb 540
2521 +es(s "t the <,%e"r 9"ter1= <Yo( Sh"%% Not T"ke M' N"e in &"in1= Mch 20 N73
2551 +es(s "t the <,%e"r 9"ter1= <Honor Yo(r F"ther "nd Yo(r Mother1= Mch C0 N73
25C1 +es(s "t the <,%e"r 9"ter1= <Yo( Sh"%% Not Fornic"te1= Mch 70
2571 The &ei%ed 9o"n "t the <,%e"r 9"ter1= Mch 30 N73
2531 +es(s "t the <,%e"r 9"ter1= <Obser*e Ho%' D"'s1= Mch F0 N73
25F1 +es(s "t the <,%e"r 9"ter1= <Yo( Sh"%% Not -i%%1= De"th o! Dor"s1 Mch 2>0 N73
2561 +es(s "t the <,%e"r 9"ter1= <Do Not P(t the Lord Yo(r God to the Test1 The Three Disci$%es o! the
Mch 220 N73 F46
2541 +es(s "t the <,%e"r 9"ter1= <Yo( Sh"%% Not ,o*et Yo(r NeighborHs 9i!e1= Mch 250 N73
2581 +es(s "t the <,%e"r 9"ter1= He ,(res the M"d Ro"n "nd S$e"ks to the Ro"ns1 Mch
2C0 N73
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
2C>1 +es(s "t the <,%e"r 9"ter1= <Yo( Sh"%% Not /e"r F"%se 9itness1= Mch 270 N73
2C21 +es(s "t the <,%e"r 9"ter1= <Yo( Sh"%% Not ,o*et 9h"t /e%ongs to Yo(r Neighbor1= Mch
230 N73
2C51 +es(s "t the <,%e"r 9"ter1= ,%os(re1 Mch 260 N73
2CC1 +es(s Le"*es the <,%e"r 9"ter= "nd goes tow"rd /eth"n'1 Mch 240 N73
2C71 The ,(re o! +er(s"0 the 9o"n o! Doco A!!%icted with ,"ncer1 Mch
280 N73
2C31 At /eth"n' in the Ho(se o! Sion Oe"%ot1 Mch 520 N73
2CF1 The Fe"st o! Dedic"tion in L"I"r(sH Ho(se with the She$herds1 Mch
550 N73
2C61 Ret(rn to the <,%e"r 9"ter1= A$ri% 230 N73
2C41 A New Disci$%e1 De$"rt(re !or G"%i%ee1 A$r 2F0 N73 637
F5eaving .udea !or Galilee K (amariaG 7 &ol. I'II' Ch. ,<AD,@A
2C81 On the Mo(nt"ins ne"r E"(s1 A$r 260 N73
27>1 )n the Ho(se o! ,%eo$"s0 the He"d o! the S'n"gog(e1 A$r 240 N73
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
&45>M) TW4
TH) ()C4"D 8)$% 4F TH) 3>:5IC 5IF)
2721 )nstr(ctions to the Disci$%es whi%e Going tow"rds Ari"the"1 A$r
280 N73
2751 )nstr(ctions to the A$ost%es whi%e Going tow"rds S""ri"1 A$r 520 N73
27C1 Photin"i0 the S""rit"n 9o"n1 A$r 550 N73
2771 9ith the Peo$%e o! S'ch"r1 A$r 5C0 N73
2731 E*"nge%iI"tion "t S'ch"r1 A$r 570 N73
27F1 Goodb'e to the Peo$%e o! S'ch"r1 A$r 530 N73
2761 )nstr(ctions to the A$ost%es "nd the Mir"c%e o! the 9o"n o! S'ch"r1 A$r 5F0 N73
2741 +es(s &isits the /"$tist ne"r Enon 1 A$r 560 N73
2781 +es(s Te"ches the A$ost%es1 A$r 540 N73
THI%D 3>:5IC MI"I(T%8 C8C5) 7 Chapters ,2+D**C
The Third Galilean Ministry K Tetrarhy o! 3ilip' (amaria 7 &ol. II' Ch. ,2+D,A@
23>1 +es(s "t N"I"reth: <Son0 ) 9i%% ,oe with Yo(1= A$r C>0 N73
2321 )n S(s"nn"Hs Ho(se in ,"n"1 The Ro'"% O!!icer1 M"' 20 N73
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
2351 )n OebedeeHs Ho(se1 S"%oe is Acce$ted "s " Disci$%e1 M"' 50
23C1 +es(s S$e"ks to the Disci$%es o! 9oenHs A$osto%"te1 M"' C0 N73
2371 +es(s "t ,"es"re" on Se" S$e"ks to the G"%%e'#S%"*es1 M"' 70
2331 ,(re o! the Litt%e Ro"n Gir% "t ,"es"re"1 M"' 30 N73
23F1 Ann"%e"h De*otes Herse%! to God "s " &irgin1 M"' F0 N73
2361 )nstr(ctions to the 9oen Disci$%es "t N"I"reth1 M"' 60 N73
2341 +es(s S$e"ks to +oh"nn" o! ,h(I" on the L"ke1 M"' 40
2381 +es(s "t Gherghes"1 +ohnHs Disci$%es1 M"' 80 N73
2F>1 Fro N"$ht"%i to Gisc"%"1 Meeting with R"bbi G""%ie%1 M"' 2>0 N73
2F21 The Gr"ndson o! E%i0 " Ph"risee o! ,"$ern"(0 is ,(red1 M"'
220 N73
2F51 +es(s in the Ho(se in ,"$ern"( "!ter the Mir"c%e on E%ish"1 M"' 2C0 N73
2FC1 Dinner in the Ho(se o! E%i0 the Ph"risee o! ,"$ern"(1 M"'
270 N73
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
2F71 Tow"rd the Retre"t on the Mo(nt"in be!ore the E%ection o! the A$ost%es1 M"'
230 N73
2F31 The E%ection o! the Twe%*e A$ost%es1 M"' 2F0 N73
-" #es&s on ho) the Gospel records ha+e s&ffered loss of clarity, tho&'h not to doctrine" M"'
2F0 N73
2FF1 The First Seron o! Sion Oe"%ot "nd +ohn1 M"' 240 N73
2F61 )n the Ho(se o! +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"1 +es(s "nd the Ro"n L"dies1 M"'
280 N73
2F41 Ag%"e in M"r'Hs Ho(se "t N"I"reth1 M"' 5>0 N73
2F81 The Seron on the Mo(nt: <Yo( Are the S"%t o! the E"rth1= M"' 550 N73
26>1 The Seron on the Mo(nt: The /e"tit(des @P"rt OneA1 M"'
570 N73
2621 The Seron on the Mo(nt: The /e"tit(des @P"rt TwoA1 M"'
530 N73
2651 The Seron on the Mo(nt: The /e"tit(des @P"rt ThreeA1 M"'
5F0 N73
26C1 The Seron on the Mo(nt: The /e"tit(des @P"rt Fo(rA1 M"'
560 N73
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
2671 The Seron on the Mo(nt: The /e"tit(des @P"rt Fi*eA1 Enco(nter with the M"gd"%ene1
"1 /e!ore the enco(nter with the M"gd"%ene1 M"' 580 N73
b1 The Enco(nter with the M"gd"%ene1 DA(g 250 N77
c1 9ords !ro +es(s to the crowd "!ter the M"gd"%ene h"s de$"rted1 M"' 580 N73
2631 The Le$er ,(red "t the Foot o! the Mo(nt"in1 M"'
C>0 N73
26F1 The S"bb"th "!ter the Seron1 At the Foot o! the Mo(nt"in1 +(n 20 N73
2661 The Ser*"nt o! the ,ent(rion )s ,(red1 +(n 50 N73
2641 +es(s Meets Three Men 9ho 9"nt to Fo%%ow Hi1 +(n C0 N73
2681 The P"r"b%e o! the Sower1 +(n 70 N73
24>1 Lesson to the A$ost%es in PeterHs -itchen "nd the Anno(nceent o! the /"$tistHs ,"$t(re1 +(n 60
2421 P"r"b%e o! the D"rne%1 +(n 40 N73 5>8
2451 On His 9"' to M"gd"%" +es(s S$e"ks to Soe She$herds1 +(n 80 N73
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
24C1 +es(s "t M"gd"%"1 He Meets with M"r' M"gd"%ene the Second Tie1 DA(g
250 N73
2471 At M"gd"%" in the Ho(se o! /enK"inHs Mother1 +(n 2>0 N73
2431 The ,"%ing o! the Stor1 D+"n C>0 N77
-" #es&s5 This crisis )as -eca&se the Disciples )ere too confident in their o)n a-ilities" D+"n
C>0 N77
24F1 The Deoni"cs o! G"d"r"1 +(n 220 N73
2461 Tow"rds +er(s"%e !or the Second P"sso*er1 Fro T"riche" to Mo(nt T"bor1 +(n 250
2441 Fro T"bor to Endor in the ,"*e o! the Necro"ncer1 Enco(nter with Fe%i:0 9ho /ecoes +ohn1
+(n 2C0 N73 57C
2481 The Son o! the 9idow o! N"in1 +(n 270 N73 535
28>1 Fro N"in to Esdr"e%on1 +es(s st"'s "t Mic"hHs1 +(n 230 N73
2821 The S"bb"th "t Esdr"e%on1 Litt%e +"beI1 The P"r"b%e o! Rich Di*es1 +(n 2F0 N73
FIn (amariaG 7 &ol. II' Ch. ,A*D,A@
2851 Fro Esdr"e%on to Eng"nni Sto$$ing "t Megiddo1 +(n 260 N73
28C1 Fro Eng"nni to Sheche in Two D"'s1 +(n 240 N73
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
2871 Fro Sheche to /eeroth1 +(n 280 N73
THI%D 3>:5IC MI"I(T%8 C8C5) ontinued
The Third .udean Ministry 7 &ol. II' Ch. ,A2D**C
2831 Fro /eeroth to +er(s"%e1 +(n 5>0 N73
F.erusalemG 7 &ol. II' Ch.,ACD*+C
28F1 The S"bb"th "t Gethse"ne1 +(n 520 N73
2861 )n the Te$%e "t the Ho(r o! the O!!ering1 +(n 550 N73
2841 +es(s Meets His Mother "t /eth"n'1 +(n 5C0 N73
2881 +es(s Goes to the Le$ers o! Si%o" "nd /en Hinno1 The Power o! M"r'Hs 9ord1 +(n 570
5>>1 Ag%"e Meets the M"ster1 +(ne 530 N73 C>8
5>21 M"rKi"Hs E:"in"tion1 +(n 5F0 N73
5>51 At the Te$%e on the E*e o! P"sso*er1 +(n 560 N73
5>C1 The <O(r F"ther1= +(n 540 N73
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
5>71 +es(s to the Genti%es1 F"ith is /(i%t "s Yo(r Te$%es1 +(n 580 N73
5>31 The P"r"b%e o! the Prodig"% Son1 +(n C>0 N73
5>F1 P"r"b%e o! the Ten &irgins "nd the P"r"b%e o! the Ro'"% 9edding1 +(% 21
F(outh )ast .udean CiruitG 7 &ol. II' Ch. *+;D**C
5>61 Fro /eth"n' to the Grotto o! /eth%ehe1 +(% C0 N73
5>41 Going to E%iI"Hs "t /ethI(r1 +(% 70 N73
5>81 +es(s in E%iI"Hs Ho(se S$e"ks o! Sorrow th"t /e"rs Fr(it1 +(% 30 N73
52>1 Tow"rds Hebron1 The 9or%dHs Re"sons "nd GodHs1 +(% F0 N73
5221 9e%coe Rece$tion "t Hebron1 +(% 60 N73 C43
5251 At +(tt"h0 +es(s S$e"ks in )s""cHs Ho(se1 +(% 40 N73
52C1 At -erioth0 +es(s S$e"ks in the S'n"gog(e1 +(% 80 N73
5271 +(d"sH Ho(se "t -erioth1 +(% 2>0 N73
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
5231 The L(n"tic Gir% o! /ethginn"1 +(%' 220 N73
52F1 )n the P%"in tow"rds Ashke%on1 +(% 250 N73 727
5261 +es(s is M"ster "%so o! the S"bb"th1 +(% 2C0 N73
5241 Arri*"% "t Ashke%on1 +(% 270 N73
5281 Te"ching "t Ashke%on1 +(% 230 N73 7C5
55>1 +es(s "t M"gd"%g"d )nciner"tes " P"g"n )do%1 +(% 2F0 N73
5521 Lessons to the A$ost%es Going to +"bnee%1 +(% 260 N73
5551 Tow"rds Modin1 +(%' 240 N73 732
55C1 +es(s S$e"ks to Highw"'en1 +(% 280 N73
5571 Arri*"% "t /ether1 +(% 5>0 N73
5531 The P"r"%'tic "t the Poo% o! /ethI"th"1 +(% 520 N73
55F1 M"r' H"s Sent !or M"rth" "t M"gd"%"1 +(% 550 N73
F4>%TH 3>:5IC MI"I(T%8 C8C5) 7 Chapter **;D *AC
The Fourth Galilean Ministry K (yroD3hoeniia' Deapolis' Tetrarhy o! 3hilip 7 &ol. II'III' Ch.
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
5561 M"rKi" )s Entr(sted to Por$hire"1 +(% 570 N73
5541 +es(s S$e"ks "t /eths"id"1 +(% 530 N73
5581 The 9o"n with " H"eorrh"ge "nd +"ir(sH D"(ghter1 DMch
220 N77
5C>1 +es(s "nd M"rth" "t ,"$ern"(1 +(% 560 N73
5C21 Two /%ind Men "nd " D(b Deoni"c ,(red1 +(% 540 N73
5C51 P"r"b%e o! the Lost Shee$1 DA(g 250 N77
5CC1 ,omment on the three (pisodes ,onnected )ith the ,on+ersion of Mary of Ma'dala1 DA(g
2C0 N77
5C71 M"rth" H"s Her &ictor' 9ithin Her Gr"s$1 +(% 580 N73
5C31 M"r' M"gd"%ene in the Ho(se o! Sion0 the Ph"risee1 D+"n
520 N77
-" #es&s tells )hat -ro&'ht the Pharisee !imon to silence" D+"n 520 N77
c" MV on the )isdom of #es&s$ ans)ers" #es&s$ perceptions into the so&l of the Ma'dalene" D+"n
550 N77
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
5CF1 The H"r*est is Rich b(t the L"bo(rers Are Few1 The P"r"b%e o! the Tre"s(re Hidden in the Fie%d1
+(% 580 N73 326
5C61 The M"gd"%ene )s Acco$"nied b' M"r' "ong the Disci$%es1 +(% C>0
5C41 The P"r"b%e o! the Fisheren1 +(% C20 N73 354
5C81 M"rKi" te"ches M"r' M"gd"%ene the <O(r F"ther1= A(g 20 N73
57>1 +es(s is the Power!(% Lo*er1 The P"r"b%e o! the Lost Dr"ch"1 A(g 50
5721 -now%edge is not ,orr($tion i! it is Re%igion1 A(g C0 N73
5751 )n the Ho(se "t ,"n"1 A(g 70 N73 33>
57C1 +ohn Re$e"ts the S$eech M"de b' +es(s on Mo(nt T"bor1 A(g 30 N73
5771 +es(s "t N"I"reth1 A(g F0 N73
5731 )n the S'n"gog(e "t N"I"reth on the S"bb"th1 A(g 60 N73
57F1 O(r L"d' Te"ches the M"gd"%ene1 A(g 40 N73
5761 At /eth%ehe in G"%i%ee1 A(g 80 N73 345
5741 Going tow"rds Sic"inon1 A(g 2>0 N73
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
5781 +es(s Meets the Disci$%es "t Sic"inon1 A(g 220 N73
53>1 At T're0 +es(s S$e"ks o! Perse*er"nce1 A(g 250 N73
5321 Ret(rn to Sic"inon1 +es(s S$e"ks o! F"ith1 A(g 2C0 N73
5351 De$"rt(re !ro Sic"inon1 The /%essed &irgin M"r' "nd S$irit("%iIed M"ternit'1 A(g
270 N73
53C1 S'nt'che0 the Greek S%"*e1 A(g 230 N73
5371 Goodb'e to M"r' o! M"gd"%"0 to M"rth" "nd to S'nt'che1 A(g 260 N73
5331 +es(s S$e"ks o! Ho$e1 A(g 240 N73 FC3
53F1 +es(s Goes ($ to Mo(nt ,"re% with His ,o(sin +"es1 A(g 280 N73
5361 +es(s Re*e"%s to +"es o! A%$h"e(s His F(t(re A$osto%ic Mission1 A(g 5>0 N73
5341 +es(s "nd His ,o(sin +"es on Their 9"' /"ck Fro Mo(nt ,"re%1 A(g 520 N73
5381 Peter S$e"ks to Dor"sH Pe"s"nts "bo(t the Lo*e0 9hich is S"%*"tion1 A(g
550 N73
5F>1 +es(s to +oh"n"nHs Pe"s"nts: <Lo*e is Obedience1= A(g 5C0 N73
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
5F21 )n the Ho(se o! LDin"hM "nd Phi%i$1 A(g 570 N73
5F51 The M"n with the 9ithered H"nd1 A(g 5F0 N73
5FC1 A D"' o! +(d"s )sc"riot "t N"I"reth1 A(g 561 N73
5F71 )nstr(ctions to the A$ost%es "t the /eginning o! their A$osto%"te1 A(g
540 N73
5F31 +ohn the /"$tist Sends His Disci$%es to Ask +es(s whether He is the Messi"h1 A(g
580 N73
5FF1 +es(s 9orks "s " ,"r$enter "t -or"Ii1 A(g C20 N73
5F61 +es(s S$e"ks o! Lo*e1 Se$ 20 N73 62>
5F41 The Dis$(te with the Ph"risees "nd the Arri*"% o! +es(sH Mother "nd /rothers1 Se$ 50
5F81 The News o! the M(rder o! +ohn the /"$tist1 Se$ 70H73
56>1 De$"rt(re in the Direction o! T"riche"1 Se$ 30 N73 6C3
5621 S$e"king to " Scribe on the /"nks o! the +ord"n1 Se$ F0 N73
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
5651 The First Mir"c%e o! the Lo"*es1 Se$ 60 N73
56C1 +es(s 9"%ks on the 9"ter1 DMch 70 N77
-" #es&s spea*s of His )atchf&l care o+er &s and o&r often indifference" Peter$s fa&lt of self
confidence" R9h, if the
(arth co&ld say 5 TMaster, %ord sa+e me?$ !atan )o&ld -e immediately defeated"S
DMch 70 H77
5671 The Deeds o! ,or$or"% "nd S$irit("% Merc'1 Se$ 40 N73
&45>M) TH%))
5631 A*"rice "nd the Foo%ish Rich M"n1 Se$ 2>027 N73
56F1 )n the G"rden o! M"r' o! M"gd"%": Lo*e !or OnesH Neighbor1 Se$
2F0 N73
5661 +es(s Sends the Se*ent'#Two Disci$%es1 Se$ 260 N73
F4>%TH 3>:5IC MI"I(T%8 C8C5) ontinued
The Fourth .udean Ministry K 3erea' Deapolis 7 &ol. III' Ch. *;BD*AC
5641 +es(s Meets L"I"r(s "t the Fie%d o! the G"%i%e"ns1 Se$ 240 N73
5681 The Se*ent'#Two Disci$%es Re$ort to +es(s 9h"t The' H"*e Done1 Se$ 280 N73
54>1 At the Te$%e !or the T"bern"c%es1 Se$ 5>0 N73
5421 At the Te$%e The' Are Aw"re o! Er"ste(s0 o! +ohn o! Endor "nd o! S'nt'che1 Se$
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
520 N73
5451 S'nt'che S$e"ks in L"I"r(sH Ho(se1 Se$ 550 N73
54C1 The Mission o! Fo(r A$ost%es in +(de"1 Se$ 5C0 N73
5471 +es(s Le"*es /eth"n' !or Tr"ns#+ord"n1 Se$ 570 N73
5431 Arri*"% "t R"oth with the Merch"nt !ro the Other Side o! the E($hr"tes1 Se$
530 N73
54F1 Fro R"oth to Ger"s"1 Se$ 5F0 N73
5461 Pre"ching "t Ger"s"1 Se$ 560 N73
5441 The S"bb"th "t Ger"s"1 Se$ 540 N73 4>
5481 Fro Ger"s" to the Fo(nt"in o! the ,"e%eer1 Se$ 580 N73
58>1 Going to /oIr"h1 Se$ C>0 N73
5821 At /oIr"h1 Oct 20 N73
5851 The Seron "nd the Mir"c%es "t /oIr"h1 Oct 50 N73
58C1 F"rewe%% to the 9oen Disci$%es1 Oct C0 N73
5871 At Arbe%"1 Oct 70 N73
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
5831 Going to Aer"1 Oct F0 N73 226
58F1 +es(s Pre"ches "t Aer"1 Oct 60 N73 257
-" #es&s consoles MV o+er the indifference and criticism le+eled a'ainst all her efforts" Oct 60
FIFTH 3>:5IC MI"I(T%8 C8C5) 7 Chapters *A; K @*@
The Fi!th Galilean Ministry K (yroD3hoeniia' Tetrarhy o! 3hilip' Deapolis' 3erea 7 &ol. III' Ch.
5861 The Litt%e Or$h"ns M"r' "nd M"tthi"s1 @"0bA DOct 40 DA(g 5>0
c" #es&s5 RIt is &seless to freM&ent the !acraments and rites, it is &seless to pray, if one lac*s 1the desire for4
charity" They -ecome form&lae and e+en sacrile'es"
DA(g 5>0 N77 2C2
d1 Mary on the holy simplicity of the 9rphans" RThere is no misery )hich My !on cannot t&rn to riches
and there is no fa&lt )hich He cannot
DA(g 520 N77
5841 M"r' "nd M"tthi"s "re Entr(sted to +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"1 Oct 220
5881 At N"in0 in the Ho(se o! D"nie% R"ised !ro the De"d1 Oct 250 N73
C>>1 The Shee$!o%d "t Endor1 Oct 2C0 N73 273
C>21 Fro Endor to M"gd"%"1 @"0bA Oct 270 N73
C>51 +es(s "t N"I"reth !or the Dedic"tion1 Oct 230 N73
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
C>C1 +es(s with +ohn o! Endor "nd S'nt'che "t N"I"reth1 Oct 2F0 N73
C>71 +es(sH Lesson to M"rKi"1 Oct 260 N73
C>31 Sion Oe"%ot "t N"I"reth1 Oct 240 N73
C>F1 An E*ening "t Hoe in N"I"reth1 Oct 280 N73
C>61 +es(s "nd the 9i!e o! His ,o(sin Sion1 Oct 5>0 N73
C>41 Sion Goes /"ck to +es(s1 Oct 520 N73
C>81 Sion Peter "t N"I"reth1 Oct 550 N73
C2>1 +es(s S$e"ks Abo(t the Ho%' Econo' o! .ni*ers"% Lo*e1 Oct 5C0 N73
C221 +ohn o! Endor 9i%% H"*e to Go to Antioch1 (nd of the !econd 7ear" Oct 570 N73
-" #es&s 'i+es clarification for the critics" Gor MV )ho is 'rie+in' o+er the e0iled #ohn of (ndor,
#es&s promises
she )ill not e+er -e so separated from the %ord -&t )ill R-e closer and closer to Him?S Oct 570
TH) THI%D 8)$% 4F TH) 3>:5IC 5IF)
C251 The /eginning o! the Third Ye"r "t N"I"reth0 whi%e Pre$"ring !or De$"rt(re1 Oct 580
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
C2C1 De$"rt(re !ro N"I"reth1 Oct C>0 N73
C271 Tow"rds +i$hth"he%1 Oct C20 N73 52>
C231 +es(sH F"rewe%% to the Two Disci$%es1 No* 20 N73
C2F1 +es(sH Sorrow0 Pr"'er "nd Pen"nce1 No* 50 N73
C261 Le"*ing Pto%e"is !or T're1 No* C0 N73
C241 De$"rt(re !ro T're on " ,ret"n Shi$1 No* 70 N73
C281 Stor "nd Mir"c%es on the Shi$1 No* 30 N73
C5>1 Arri*"% "nd L"nding "t Se%e(ci"1 No* F0 N73 5C6
C521 Fro Se%e(ci" to Antioch1 Lno d"teM
C551 At Antigone"1 No* 60 N73 57F
C5C1 F"rewe%% to Antioch "!ter Pre"ching1 No* 40 N73
C571 Ret(rn o! the Eight A$ost%es "nd Arri*"% "t AchIib1 No* 2>0 N73
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
C531 At AchIib with Si: A$ost%es1 No* 220 N73 5F8
C5F1 E*"nge%iIing "t the /order o! Phoenici"1 Lno d"teM
C561 Arri*"% "t A%e:"ndroscene1 No* 250 N73
C541 The D"' A!ter A%e:"ndroscene1 P"r"b%e o! the &ine'"rd L"bo(rers1 No* 2C0 N73
C581 The Sons o! Th(nder1 Going tow"rds AchIib with the She$herd Ann"s1 No*
270 N73
CC>1 The ,"n"ne"n Mother1 No* 230 N73 586
CC21 /"rtho%oew H"s .nderstood "nd S(!!ered1 No* 260 N73
CC51 On the 9"' /"ck to G"%i%ee1 No* 240 N73
CCC1 Meeting +(d"s )sc"riot "nd Tho"s1 No* 280 N73
CC71 )sh"e% /en F"bi1 The P"r"b%e o! the /"n;(et1 DSe$
220 N77
CC31 +es(s "t N"I"reth with His ,o(sins "nd with Peter "nd Tho"s1 No*
5>0 N73
CCF1 The ,ri$$%ed 9o"n o! -or"Ii1 No* 520 N73
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
CC61 Going tow"rd S"$het1 The P"r"b%e o! the Good F"rer1 No* 550 N73
CC41 Going tow"rds Meiron1 No* 5C0 N73 C73
CC81 At Hi%%e%Hs Se$(%chre "t Gisc"%"1 No* 570 N73
C7>1 The De"!#M(te ,(red ne"r the Phoenici"n /order1 No* 530 N73
C721 At -edesh1 The Signs o! the Ties1 No* 5F0 N73
C751 Going tow"rds ,"es"re" Phi%i$$i1 PeterHs Pri"c'1 No* 560 N73
C7C1 At ,"es"re" Phi%i$$i1 No* 540 N73
C771 At the ,"st%e in ,"es"re" P"ne"s1 No* 580 N73
C731 +es(s Predicts His P"ssion !or the First Tie1 Peter is Re$ro"ched1 No* C>0 N73
C7F1 Pro$hec' on Peter "nd M"rKi"1 The /%ind M"n "t /eths"id"1 Dec 20
C761 Fro ,"$ern"( to N"I"reth with M"n"en "nd the 9oen Disci$%es1 @"0bA Dec 50 N73
C741 The Tr"ns!ig(r"tion "nd the ,(ring o! the E$i%e$tic1 @"0bA@cA@d0eA Dec C0 N73E DA(g 30 N77E
Dec C0
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
f" #es&s e0plains this is a 'limpse of the &nima'ina-le Koy that He )ishes &s to share )ith Him" The
sad and sorro)f&l thin's are needed to ma*e &s h&m-le and contrite
so )e can attain to this Koy someday" DA(g 30 N77
C781 Lesson to the Disci$%es "!ter the Tr"ns!ig(r"tion1 Dec 70 N73
C3>1 The Trib(te to the Te$%e "nd the St"ter in the Mo(th o! the Fish1 Dec 30 N73
C321 The Gre"test in the -ingdo o! He"*en1 Litt%e /enK"in o! ,"$ern"(1 @"0bA@cA@d0eA
Dec F1 N73E DMch 60 N77E Dec F0 N73
f" #es&s5 RThe Oin'dom -elon's to the faithf&l lam-s )ho lo+e and follo) Me )itho&t 'ettin' lost
in the all&rementsS
as did little 8enKamin" DMch 60 N77 7CC
C351 Second Mir"c%e o! the Lo"*es1 DM"' 540 N77 7CC
-" #es&s chides His critics for their d&llness of spirit and their fail&re to read and relish as food )hat has -een
a-o&t Him" DM"' 540 N77 7C3
C3C1 The /re"d !ro He"*en1 Dec 60 N73
C371 Nico%"(s o! Antioch1 Second Anno(nceent o! the P"ssion1 Dec 80 N73
C331 Going tow"rds G"d"r"1 Dec 2>0 N73
C3F1 The Night "t G"d"r" "nd the Seron on Di*orce1 @"0bA Dec
220 N73
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
C361 At LToM Pe%%"1 Dec 250 N73 7F4
C341 )n M"tthi"sH ho(se be'ond +"besh#Gi%e"d1 @"0bA Dec 2C0 N73
C381 The Rose o! +ericho1 @"0bA Dec 270 N73
FIFTH MI"I(T%8 C8C5) ontinued
The Fi!th .udean Ministry K 3erea' Deapolis' "orthern (amaria 7 &ol. III'I&' Ch.<C+D@*@
CF>1 Mir"c%e on the +ord"n in F%ood1 DSe$ 260 N77
CF21 On the Other /"nk1 +es(s Meets His Mother "nd the 9oen Disci$%es1 Dec
2F0 N73
CF51 At R""h1 The N(ber o! the E%ect1 Dec 260 N73
CFC1 At the Te$%e1 The <O(r F"ther= "nd " P"r"b%e on Tr(e Sons1 @"0bA +"n 20 N7F
CF71 At Gethse"ne "nd /eth"n'1 +"n C0 N7F
CF31 Letters !ro Antioch1 +"n 550 N7F 3C3
CFF1 The Th(rsd"' be!ore P"sso*er1 Morning Pre%iin"ries1 +"n 5C0
CF61 The Th(rsd"' be!ore P"sso*er1 At the Te$%e1 +"n 570
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
CF41 The Th(rsd"' be!ore P"sso*er1 )nstr(ctions to the A$ost%es1 +"n 530 N7F
CF81 The Th(rsd"' be!ore P"sso*er1 )n +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"Hs Ho(se1 +"n 5F0 N7F
C6>1 The Th(rsd"' be!ore P"sso*er1 The E*ening1 +"n 560 N7F
C621 Pre$"r"tion D"'1 The Morning1 +"n C>0 N7F 34F
C651 Pre$"r"tion D"'1 At the Te$%e1 +"n C20 N7F
C6C1 Pre$"r"tion D"'1 )n the Streets o! +er(s"%e1 Feb 50 N7F
b1 M& recogniIes both the "n c(red "nd S"(e%1 The c(red "n she s"w in " *ision o! the $"ssion
o! ,hrist hit +es(s in the he"d with " stone1 S"(e% ki%%s his other1
Feb 50 N7F F>2
C671 Pre$"r"tion D"'1 The E*ening1 @"0bA Feb C0 N7F
C631 The S"bb"th o! the .n%e"*ened /re"d1 Feb 70 N7F
C6F1 M"r' H"s ,hosen the /etter P"rt1 DA(g 270 N77
b1 #es&s comments on the Ma'dalene as the 'reatest of all those res&rrected -y His Gospel" DA(g
270 N77
C661 +es(s S$e"ks "t /eth"n'1 Feb F0 7F
C641 Tow"rds Mo(nt Adoin1 Feb 60 N7F
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
C681 A!ter the Retre"t ($on Mo(nt ,herith1 Feb 80 N7F
C4>1 The P"r"b%e o! the .n!"ith!(% Stew"rd1 Essenes "nd Ph"risees1 Feb 2>0
C421 )n NikeHs Ho(se1 @"0bA Feb 250 N7F F7F
C451 At the Ford between +ericho "nd /eth"b"r"1 Feb 270 N7F
C4C1 )n So%oonHs Ho(se1 Feb 230 N7F
C471 At the ,ross#Ro"d ne"r So%oonHs &i%%"ge1 P"r"b%e o! the L"bo(r Agents1 Feb 2F0
C431 Tow"rds the 9estern /"nk o! the +ord"n1 Feb 260 N7F
C4F1 At Gi%g"%1 The /egg"r Og%"1 The Twe%*e Stones1 Feb 240 N7F
C461 Tow"rds Engedi1 T"king Le"*e o! +(d"s )sc"riot "nd Sion Oe"%ot1 Feb 280 N7F
C441 Arri*"% "t Engedi1 Feb 5>0 N7F
C481 Pre"ching "nd Mir"c%es "t Engedi1 Feb 520 N7F
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
C8>1 E%ish" o! Engedi1 Feb 550 N7F
C821 At M"s"d"1 Feb 530 N7F F8F
C851 At the ,o(ntr' Ho(se o! M"r'0 Mother o! +(d"s1 @"0bA Feb 5F0 N7F
C8C1 F"rewe%% to -erioth1 P"r"b%e o! the Two 9i%%s1 Feb 560 N7F
C871 Anne o! -erioth1 F"rewe%% to +(d"sH Mother1 Feb 540 N7F
&ision o! the ,hi%dren1 Fro Dote-oo* 19JJ0 $$1 2C8#273 DFeb 60 N77
C831 F"rewe%% to +(tt"h1 Mch 30 N7F
C8F1 F"rewe%% to Hebron1 Mch 60 N7F
C861 F"rewe%% to /ethI(r1 Mch 80 N7F
C841 At /ether1 Mch 250 N7F
C881 +es(s "t /ether with Peter "nd /"rtho%oew1 Mch 2C0 N7F
7>>1 F"rewe%% to /ether1 Mch 2F0 N7F
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
7>21 Sion o! +on"hHs Str(gg%e "nd S$irit("% &ictor'1 Mch 530 N7F
7>51 Going tow"rds E"(s on the P%"in1 Mch 560 N7F
7>C1 Litt%e Mich"e% "nd Pre"ching ne"r E"(s on the P%"in1 Mch
540 N7F
7>71 At +o$$" +es(s S$e"ks to +(d"s o! -erioth "nd to Soe Genti%es1 DSe$
5>0 N77
-" MV admits she does not *no) the settin' of this +ision -&t accordin' to )here #es&s later tells
her to place it in
her )or* the place is #oppa 1 !ee ,h J3Q4 DSe$ 5>0 N77
7>31 )n the Est"te o! Nicode(s1 The P"r"b%e o! the Two Sons1 Mch 580 N7F
7>F1 At the Est"te o! +ose$h o! Ari"the"1 Mch C20 N7F
7>61 The Ho(se o! +ose$h o! Ari"the" on " S"bb"th1 +ohn0 " Meber o! the S"nhedrin1 A$r 50
7>41 The A$ost%es S$e"k1 A$r 30 N7F 644
7>81 The Mir"c(%o(s G%e"ning in the P%"in1 DSe$ 560 N77
-" #es&s e0plains )hy #es&s )as made happy to see #&das try to chan'e )hen He *ne) he )o&ld ne+er
t&rn completely a)ay from e+il"
DSe$ 560 N77 688
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
72>1 The Li%' o! the &"%%e'1 A$r 40 N7F 4>>
7221 )n +er(s"%e !or Pentecost1 A$r 80 N7F
7251 +es(s "t the /"n;(et o! He%k"i0 the Ph"risee "nd Meber o! the S"nhedrin1 A$r 2>0 N7F
72C1 At /eth"n'1 A$r 220 N7F
&45>M) F4>%
7271 The /egg"r on the Ro"d to +ericho1 DM"' 260 N77
7231 The ,on*ersion o! O"cch"e(s1 D+(% 260 N77 22
-" The yeast of 'ood and of e+il" #es&s$ insi'ht into the heart of Eacchae&s" D+(% 240 N77
c1 God created so&ls )ith different tendencies so the )orld )ill ha+e -alance" !ocial re+ol&tion is
re-ellion a'ainst this order" #es&s spea*s also on the meanin' of -ein' poor in !pirit"
D+(% 280 N77 24
72F1 At So%oonHs &i%%"ge1 A$r 2C0 N7F 5>
7261 )n " Litt%e &i%%"ge o! the Dec"$o%is1 P"r"b%e o! the Sc(%$tor1 DOct 50 N77
7241 The Deoni"c o! the Dec"$o%is1 DSe$ 580 N77
-" #es&s laments there are many )ho )ill not -elie+e !atan can possess men" DSe$ 580 N77
7281 The Ye"st o! the Ph"risees1 A$r 550 N7F
75>1 ,onsider Yo(rse%*es .n$ro!it"b%e Ser*"nts1 A$r 570 N7F
7521 The Re$ent"nt Sinner is A%w"'s to be Forgi*en1 A$r 530 N7F
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
7551 M"rt'rdo !or Lo*e is Abso%(tion1 A$r 560 N7F
75C1 At ,"es"re" on the Se"1 P"r"b%e o! the F"ther 9ho Gi*es E"ch o! His ,hi%dren the S"e Ao(nt
o! Mone'1
A$r C>0 N7F F>
7571 At ,"es"re" on the Se"1 The Ro"n L"dies "nd the S%"*e G"%%" ,i$rin"1 M"' 20
(IJTH 3>:5IC MI"I(T%8 C8C5) 7 Chapters @*2 K 2BC
The (i0th Galilean Ministry K Deapolis' Tetrarhy o! 3hilip' (yroD3hoeniia' (amaria 7 &ol. I&'
Ch. @*2D@B*
7531 A(re" G"%%"1 M"' 50 N7F 4>
75F1 P"r"b%e o! the &ine'"rd "nd o! Free 9i%%1 M"' 70 E7F
7561 Going "bo(t the P%"in o! Esdr"e%on1 M"' F0 N7F
7541 The F"%%en Nest "nd the Scribe +oh"n"n ben O"cc"i1 D+(n 2F0 N77
-" #es&s spea*s of His care for creation and of the spirit of the la)" D+(n 2F0 N77
7581 The +o(rne' in the P%"in o! Esdr"e%on ,ontin(es1 M"' F0 N7F
7C>1 Ne"r Se$horis0 with +oh"n"nHs Pe"s"nts1 M"' 40 N7F
7C21 Arri*"% "t N"I"reth1 M"' 80 N7F
7C51 P"r"b%e o! the P"inted 9ood1 M"' 2>0 N7F 22C
7CC1 The S"bb"ths in the Pe"ce o! N"I"reth1 M"' 2C0 N7F
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
7C71 /e!ore /eing " Mother0 the /%essed &irgin is " D"(ghter "nd Ser*"nt o! God1 M"'
270 N7F
7C31 +es(s "nd His Mother ,on*erse1 M"' 230 N7F
7CF1 The /%essed &irgin "t Tiberi"s1 M"' 2F0 N7F 2C>
7C61 A(re" Does the 9i%% o! God1 M"' 5>0 N7F
7C41 Another S"bb"th "t N"I"reth1 M"' 520 N7F
7C81 The De$"rt(re !ro N"I"reth "nd the +o(rne' tow"rds /eth%ehe in G"%i%ee1 @"0bA M"'
550 N7F
77>1 +(d"s o! -erioth with the /%essed &irgin "t N"I"reth1 M"' 5C0 N7F
7721 The De"th o! M"rKi"Hs Gr"nd!"ther1 M"' 530 N7F
7751 +es(s S$e"ks o! ,h"rit' to the A$ost%es1 M"' C>0 N7F
77C1 Arri*"% "t Tiberi"s1 P"r"b%e o! the R"in on the &ine1 +(n C0 N7F
7771 Arri*"% "t ,"$ern"(1 +(n 70 N7F 242
7731 Pre"ching "t ,"$ern"(1 +(n 550 N7F
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
77F1 At M"gd"%"1 P"r"b%e on Good "nd /"d 9i%%1 +(n 570 N7F
7761 Litt%e A%$h"e(s o! Merob"1 +(n 530 N7F
7741 At the &i%%"ge /e!ore Hi$$o1 +(n 5F0 N7F
7781 Morning Seron in the &i%%"ge on the L"ke1 +(n 560 N7F
73>1 Ne"r the P%"ce o! the Le$er1 P"r"b%e on the Ten ,o"ndents1 +(n 580 N7F
7321 At Hi$$o1 Lo*e !or the Poor1 ,(re o! "n O%d S%"*e1 +(% 50 N7F
7351 Tow"rds G""%"1 The /%essed &irgins Lo*e in Doing the 9i%% o! God1 +(% C0
73C1 Ne"r G""%"0 +es(s Entr(sts the ,h(rch to the /%essed &irgin "nd S$e"ks o! Merc' on O$$ressed
+(% 40 N7F 5C6
7371 Fro G""%" to A$hek1 +(% 2C0 N7F
7331 Pre"ching "t A$hek1 +(% 230 N7F
73F1 At Gherghes" "nd Ret(rn to ,"$ern"(1 +(% 2F0 N7F
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
7361 /e "s 9ise "s Ser$ents "nd "s Si$%e "s Do*es1 +(% 260
7341 The S"bb"th "t ,"$ern"(1 +(%' 240 N7F
7381 At +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"Hs1 Letters !ro Antioch1 +(%'
5C0 N7F
7F>1 At the Ther"% /"ths o! E"(s o! Tiberi"s1 +(% 5F0 N7F
7F21 At T"riche"1 G"%"ti"0 the Sinner1 +(% 560 N7F
7F51 )n ,h(I"Hs ,o(ntr' Ho(se1 The Te$ting Pro$os"% M"de to +es(s "nd M"de -nown b' the
Disci$%e +es(s Lo*ed1
+(% C>0 N7F C22
-" #es&s ma*es some e0tensi+e comments on the s&-lime h&mility of #ohn" +(% C20
7FC1 At /eths"id" "nd ,"$ern"(1 De$"rt(re on " New +o(rne'1 A(g 20 N7F
7F71 )n the Ho(se o! +(d"s "nd Anne ne"r L"ke Mero1 A(g C0 N7F
7F31 P"r"b%e on the Distrib(tion o! 9"ters1 A(g 30 N7F
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
7FF1 +(d"s )sc"riot Fi%%s +es(s with +o'1 DSe$ 5C0 N77
-" #es&s e0plains )hy so m&ch )as re+ealed a-o&t the Iscariot in The Poem" DSe$ 5C0 N77
7F61 F"rewe%% to the Few /e%ie*ers in -or"Ii1 A(g F0 N7F
7F41 +es(s S$e"ks o! M"trion' to " Mother#in#%"w1 A(g 60
7F81 +es(s S$e"ks to /"rn"b"s o! the L"w o! Lo*e1 A(g 2>0 N7F
76>1 A +(dgent o! +es(s1 A(g 250 N7F C6>
7621 ,(re o! the /o' /orn /%ind !ro Sidon1 A(g 230 N7F
-" #es&s spea*s of the +irt&o&s faith and h&mility of this )oman to)ard her &nK&st h&s-and" A(g
230 N7F
7651 A &ision that is %ost in a apt&re of %o+e1 @"0-A@cA A(g 230 2F0
76C1 Going tow"rd Se$horis1 A(g 260 N7F C44
7671 +es(s with the Le$ro(s Sinners o! /eth%ehe in G"%i%ee1 A(g
280 N7F
7631 +es(s "nd His Mother in the 9ood o! M"tt"thi"s1 A(g 520 N7F
-" #es&s on Mary$s contin&o&s s&fferin' for QQ years" It is #es&s$ &nparalleled lo+e for Mary that
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
ns )hy
#es&s )ill 'i+e Her anythin' she )ants" A(g 520 N7F 72>
76F1 +es(s ,on*erses with +ose$h o! A%$h"e(s1 A(g 550 N7F
7661 Aw"iting +oh"n"nHs Pe"s"nts ne"r the +eIree% Tower1 A(g 570 N7F
7641 T"king to the Ro"d "g"in tow"rd Eng"nni1 A(g 5F0 N7F
FTo .erusalem K In (amariaG 7 &ol. I&' Ch. @;AD@B*
7681 +es(s "nd +ohn Arri*e "t Eng"nni1 A(g 560 N7F
74>1 +es(s "nd the S""rit"n She$herd1 A(g 540 N7F
7421 The Ten Le$ers ne"r E$hr"i1 A(g 580 N7F 7CF
7451 At E$hr"i1 P"r"b%e o! the Poegr"n"te1 A(g C20 N7F
(IJTH 3>:5IC MI"I(T%8 C8C5) ontinued
The (i0th =Great? .udean Ministry K 3erea' (amaria 7 &ol. I&'&' Ch. @B<D2BC
74C1 At /eth"n' !or the Fe"st o! the T"bern"c%es1 Se$ 50 N7F
7471 At the Te$%e: <The -ingdo o! God Does Not ,oe with Po$1= Se$ C0 N7F
7431 At the Te$%e: <Do Yo( -now Me "nd 9here ) ,oe !roB= Se$ 70
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
74F1 At the Te$%e: <) Sh"%% Re"in with Yo( !or On%' " Short Tie Now1= Se$ 30
7461 At Nob1 The Mir"c%e o! the 9ind1 Se$t F0 N7F
7441 +es(s "t the ,"$ o! the G"%i%e"ns with His A$ost%e ,o(sins1 Se$ 2>0 N7F
7481 On the L"st D"' o! the Fe"st o! the T"bern"c%es1 The Li*ing 9"ter1 Se$ 2C0 N7F
78>1 At /eth"n'1 <One ,"n -i%% in M"n' 9"'s1= Se$ 270 N7F
7821 Ne"r the Fo(nt"in o! En#Roge%1 Se$ 2F0 N7F 786
7851 The Ph"risees "nd the Ad(%tero(s 9o"n1 DMch 5>0 N77
b1 #es&s spea*s of the hypocrisy in the hearts of the acc&sers )ho )ere as '&ilty, e+en if it )as only
He spea*s of the imperati+e of mercy on those )ho fall" DMch
5>0 N77
78C1 )nstr(ctions on the Ro"d to /eth"n'1 Se$ 260 N7F
7871 At the &i%%"ge o! So%oon "nd in His Ho(se1 Se$ 240 N7F
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
7831 +es(s "nd Sion o! +on"s1 Se$ 5>0 N7F
78F1 +es(s to Th"dde(s "nd to +"es o! Oebedee1 Se$ 520 N7F
7861 The M"n !ro Petr"0 ne"r Heshbon1 Se$ 550 N7F
7841 Descending !ro Mo(nt Nebo1 Se$ 5C0 N7F 354
7881 P"r"b%e o! the F"ther 9ho Pr"ises His F"r#"w"' ,hi%dren1 ,(re o! the Litt%e /%ind ,hi%dren0 F"r"
"nd T""r1
Se$ 570 N7F 3C5
3>>1 Di*ine "nd Di"bo%ic"% Possessions1 Se$ 530 N7F
3>21 The 9i!e o! the S"dd(ce"n Necro"ncer1 DOct C0 N7F
-" #es&s spea*s of the clear difference -et)een the occ&lt and the comm&nion of the !aints" DOct C0
3>51 De"th o! An"ni"s1 Se$ 5F0 N7F
3>C1 The P"r"b%e o! the .nscr($(%o(s +(dge1 Se$ 560 N7F
3>71 +es(s0 Light o! the 9or%d1 Se$ 540 N7F
3>31 +es(s S$e"ks in the Te$%e to the )ncred(%o(s +(de"ns1 Se$
C>0 N7F
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
3>F1 )n +ose$hHs Ho(se "t Se$horis1 Litt%e M"rti"% N"ed M"n"sseh1 Oct 60
3>61 The O%d Priest M"t"n @or N"t"nA1 Oct 40 N7F
3>41 The ,(re o! the M"n /orn /%ind1 Oct 2>0 N7F
3>81 At Nob1 +(d"s o! -erioth Lies1 Oct 220 N7F F>3
32>1 Aong the R(ins o! " Destro'ed &i%%"ge1 Oct 250 N7F
3221 At E"(s in the Mo(nt"ins1 P"r"b%e o! the Rich 9ise M"n "nd o! the Poor )gnor"nt /o'1 Oct 270
3251 The .ndecided Yo(ng M"n1 Mir"c%es "nd Adonitions "t /eth#Horon1 Oct 260
32C1 Tow"rds Gibeon1 The Re"sons !or +es(sH Sorrow1 Oct 240 N7F
3271 At Gibeon1 The 9isdo o! Lo*e1 Oct 550 N7F
3231 Ret(rning to +er(s"%e1 Oct 570 N7F F75
32F1 +es(s0 the Good She$herd1 Oct 530 N7F
3261 Tow"rds /eth"n' "nd in L"I"r(sH Ho(se1 Oct 540 N7F
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
3241 Going to Teko"h1 O%d E%i"nn"1 Oct 580 N7F FF2
3281 At Teko"h1 Oct C20 N7F FF8
35>1 Arri*"% "t +ericho1 O"cch"e(sH A$osto%"te1 No* 20 N7F
3521 At +ericho1 Two P"r"b%es: Th"t o! the Sick "nd the He"%th'0 "nd Th"t o! the Ph"risee "nd the
No* 50 N7F F4>
3551 )n O"cch"e(sH Ho(se with the ,on*erts1 The So(% "nd Error o! Reinc"rn"tion1 No* C0
35C1 S"be" o! /eth%echi1 No* 30 N7F
3571 At /eth"b"r"0 Reebering the /"$tist1 No* 60 N7F
3531 Going /"ck to Nob1 +es(sH Oniscience1 No* 40 N7F
35F1 At Nob1 +(d"s o! -eriothHs Ret(rn1 No* 80 N7F
3561 At Nob d(ring the Fo%%owing D"'s1 Hidden Possessions1 No*
250 N7F
3541 +(d"s o! -erioth is L(st!(%1 No* 270 N7F
3581 +es(s S$e"ks to &"%eri" o! M"trion' "nd Di*orce1 The Mir"c%e o! Litt%e Le*i1 No*
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
230 N7F
3C>1 +es(s "nd the Prostit(te Sent to Te$t Hi1 No* 520 N7F
3C21 +es(s "nd +(d"s o! -erioth Going tow"rds +er(s"%e1 No* 530 N7F
3C51 )n the S'n"gog(e o! the Ro"n Freeden1 No* 5F0 N7F
3CC1 +(d"s )sc"riot "nd +es(sH Eneies1 @"0bA Dec 50 N7F
3C71 The Se*en Le$ers ,(red1 )nstr(ctions to the A$ost%es "nd Arri*"% "t /eth"n'1 Dec 70
3C31 At the Fe"st o! the Dedic"tion o! the Te$%e1 Dec 80 N7F
3CF1 +es(s Goes to the Grotto o! the N"ti*it' to be A%one1 Dec 220 N7F
3C61 +es(s "nd +ohn o! Oebedee1 Dec 270 N7F
3C41 +es(s with +ohn "nd M"n"en1 (nd of the Third 7ear1 Dec
2F0 N7F
-" #es&s spea*s of the end of His third year and the -e'innin' of the Preparation for the Passion, a
is in man )ill -e re+ealed for )hat it is" Dec 2F0 N7F
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
&45>M) FI&)
3%)3$%$TI4" F4% TH) 3$((I4" 7 &ol. &' Chapters 2<A D 2BC
3C81 The +(de"ns in L"I"r(sH Ho(se1 Dec 240 N7F
37>1 The +(de"ns with M"rth" "nd M"r'1 Dec 280 N7F
3721 M"rth" Sends " Ser*"nt to )n!or the M"ster1 Dec 5>0 N7F
3751 L"I"r(sH De"th1 Dec 520 N7F 2F
37C1 The Ser*"nt o! /eth"n' )n!ors +es(s o! M"rth"Hs Mess"ge1 Dec 550 N7F
3771 At L"I"r(sH F(ner"%1 Dec 5C0 N7F C5
3731 +es(s Decides to Go to L"I"r(s1 Dec 570 N7F

37F1 The Res(rrection o! L"I"r(s1 Dec 5F0 N7F 76
-" #es&s e0plains the reasons He allo)ed %a/ar&s to die, and )hy He chose men set in their )ays as
Disciples" H&man life, the means to conM&er the tr&e life, not the aim" easons #es&s )ept at
%a/ar&s$ tom-" DMch 5C0 N77 F2
c" =nticipatin' the criticism, #es&s e0plains that MV$s acco&nt does not conflict )ith #ohn 95Q3"
%a/ar&s$ 'arden is not in the Villa'e of 8ethany" #es&s did a+oid the Villa'e to a+oid &n)elcomed
attention" L(nd"tedM F7
3761 )n +er(s"%e "nd in the Te$%e "!ter the Res(rrection o! L"I"r(s1 Dec 560 N7F
3741 At /eth"n' "!ter the Res(rrection o! L"I"r(s1 Dec C>0 N7F
3781 Going to E$hr"i1 +"n 50 N76
33>1 The First D"' "t E$hr"i1 +"n 40 N76
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
3321 +es(s Res$ects the Prece$t o! Lo*e More Th"n the S"bb"tic L"w +"n 220
3351 The !o%%owing D"' "t E$hr"i1 P"r"b%e on the Reebr"nce o! M"nHs Etern"% Destin'1 +"n 250
33C1 +es(s E:$%"ins to Peter the M"nd"te !or Reitting Sins "nd 9h' S"ints "nd )nnocents S(!!er1
+"n 230 N76 224
3371 On the S"bb"th "t E$hr"i0 +es(s S$e"ks in the S'n"gog(e1 +"n 260 N76
3331 The Arri*"% o! the Re%"ti*es o! the ,hi%dren with M"n' Peo$%e o! Sheche1 +"n 240 N76
33F1 The P"r"b%e o! the Dro$ th"t E:c"*"tes the Rock1 +"n 520 N76
3361 Pi%gris Arri*e in E$hr"i !ro the Dec"$o%is1 M"n"enHs Secret Mission1 @"0bA +"n 550
3341 The Secret Meeting with +ose$h o! Ari"the" "nd Nicode(s1 +"n 5C0
3381 The S"$hori S"(e%1 Feb 30 N76 236
3F>1 9h"t Peo$%e S"' "t N"I"reth1 Feb F0 N76
3F21 F"%se Disci$%es Arri*e in Sheche1 At E$hr"i0 +es(s Restores the Tong(e o! the D(b S%"*e o!
,%"(di" Proc(%"1 @"0bA
Feb 60 N76 26>
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
3F51 The M"n o! +"bnee%1 Feb 60 N76
3FC1 S"(e%0 +(d"s o! -erioth "nd +ohn1 P"r"b%e o! the /ees1 Feb 2>0 N76
3F71 At E$hr"i0 be!ore "nd "!ter the Arri*"% o! +es(s0 Mother "nd the 9oen Disci$%es with L"I"r(s1
Feb 250 N76 283
3F31 P"r"b%e o! the Torn ,%oth "nd Mir"c%e o! the 9o"n in ,hi%dbirth1 +(d"s o! -erioth )s ,"(ght
Feb 230 N76 527
3FF1 F"rewe%% to E$hr"i1 Going tow"rds Shi%o1 Feb 570 N76
3F61 At Shi%oh1 First P"r"b%e on Ad*ice1 Feb 560 N76
3F41 At Lebon"h1 Second P"r"b%e on Ad*ice1 Feb 540 N76
3F81 Arri*"% "t Sheche1 Mch 20 N76
36>1 At Sheche1 Third P"r"b%e on Ad*ice1 Mch 50 N76
3621 Le"*ing !or Enon1 Mch C0 N76
3651 At Enon1 The Yo(ng She$herd /enK"in1 Mch 70 N76
36C1 +es(s is ReKected b' the S""rit"ns1 9ith +(d"s o! -erioth1 Mch 30 N76
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
3671 The Rich Yo(ng M"n1 Mch 60 N76 547
3631 The Third Pro$hec' o! the P"ssion1 The Re;(est o! OebedeeHs Sons1 Mch 40 N76
-" #es&s corrects a fa&lty rendition of Matthe) 2352Q" It sho&ld read, Rof My chaliceS as Mar*
135Q9 says"
Mch 40 N76 584
36F1 Meeting with the Disci$%es Led b' M"n"en0 "nd Arri*"% "t +ericho1 Mch 220 N76
3661 9ith Soe .nknown Disci$%es1 Mch 230 N76 C>2
3641 Pro$hec' on )sr"e%1 Mir"c%es 9orked D(ring the +o(rne' !ro +ericho to /eth"n'1 Mch 260 N76
3681 Arri*"% "t /eth"n'1 Mch 240 N76
34>1 The Frid"' be!ore Entr' into +er(s"%e1 +(d"s o! -erioth )$enitent1 Mch 280 N76
3421 The Frid"' be!ore the Entr' into +er(s"%e1 F"rewe%% to the 9oen Disci$%es "nd the Enco(nter
with "n .nh"$$' ,hi%d1 Mch
550 N76 CC>
3451 The S"bb"th be!ore the Entr' into +er(s"%e1 P"r"b%e o! the Two L"$s "nd the P"r"b%e A$$%ied to
the Mir"c%e o! Sh"%e1 Mch
5F0 N76 C7F
34C1 The S"bb"th be!ore the Entr' into +er(s"%e1 Pi%gris "nd +(de"ns "t /eth"n'1 Mch
560 N76
3471 The S"bb"th be!ore Entr' into +er(s"%e1 The S($$er "t /eth"n'1 Mch 540 76
3431 F"rewe%% to L"I"r(s1 DMch 50 N73
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
-" MV mentions her 'reat s&fferin' seein' #es&s in a'ony all that ni'ht" DMch
34F1 +es(s Goes to the Le"ders o! the S"nhedrin1 Mch 580 N76
3$%T I& TH) 3$((I4"' D)$TH $"D %)(>%%)CTI4" 4F .)(>( CH%I(T Chapters
The Triumphal )ntry to the 3reparation !or 3assover 7 &ol. &' Ch. 2B; D 2A;
3461 Fro /eth"n' to +er(s"%e1 DMch C0 N73
3441 +es(s Enters into +er(s"%e1 @"A@bA@cA Mch C>0 N76E D+(%' C>0 N77E Mch
C>0 N76
d" #es&s spea*s of the tra'edy to come &pon #er&salem5 RGod )ithdra)s and (+il ad+ances"S
are not
so m&ch sa+ed )ith )eapons as """ a form of life that may attract the protection of Hea+en"S D+(%
C>0 N77
3481 The E*ening o! P"% S(nd"'1 DMch 70 N73
38>1 The Mond"' be!ore P"sso*er1 The ,(rsed Fig#Tree "nd the P"r"b%e o! the 9icked H(sb"nden1
Mch C20 N76 7>4
3821 Mond"' Night be!ore P"sso*er1 Te"ching to the A$ost%es "t Gethse"ne1 DMch
F0 N73
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
3851 The T(esd"' Morning be!ore P"sso*er1 The a(estion o! the Trib(te to ,"es"r "nd o! the
Res(rrection o! the De"d1
A$r 20 N76 754
-" #es&s e0plains )hy the Gospel )riters omitted m&ch of the scandalo&s -eha+ior of the #e)ish
leaders and e+en the sorry preK&dices and &n-elief of the Disciples themsel+es"
A$r 20 N76 7C5
38C1 The T(esd"' Night be!ore P"sso*er1 Other Te"chings to the A$ost%es1 DMch
60 N73
3871 The 9ednesd"' be!ore P"sso*er1 Fro the Disc(ssions with Scribes "nd Ph"risees to the
Esch"to%ogic"% Disco(rse1
The 9idows Mite1 @"0bA @dA A$r 50 N76
c" #es&s tenderly as*s MV for her Rlast t)o coins,S her e+erythin'" A$r 50 N76
3831 The Night o! the 9ednesd"' be!ore P"sso*er1 L"st Te"ching o! the A$ost%es Lon sorrow!(%
DMch 40 N73 7F8
38F1 The Th(rsd"' be!ore P"sso*er1 Pre$"r"tion !or the S($$er "nd the Anno(nceent o! the
G%ori!ic"tion thro(gh
De"th1 @"0bA A$r C0 N76
3861 The Th(rsd"' E*ening be!ore P"sso*er1 Arri*"% "t the S($$er#Roo "nd F"rewe%% to the Mother1
DFeb 260 N77 748
The >pper %oom in .erusalem 7 &ol. &' Ch. 2AB
3841 The P"sso*er S($$er1 @"0bA DMch 80 N73
c" #es&s on the fo&r main teachin's from the Passo+er !&pper episode" DFeb
260 N77
Gethsemane in the Mt. o! 4lives 7 &ol. &' Ch. 2AA
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
3881 The Agon' "nd the Arrest "t Gethse"ne1 @cA DMch 2F0 N73
a" #es&s spea*s to MV of the 'reat a'ony He end&red in #&das$ presence at the %ast !&pper" DFeb
2>0 N77
-" #es&s 'i+es MV a 'entle reproach for an e0a''erated claim of fati'&e" BFeb
220 N77
d" #es&s tells MV )hat it )as li*e to end&re the a'ony in the Garden" DFeb 230 N77
The Trials o! .esus Christ 7 &ol. &' Ch. C++b D C+<
F>>1 The &"rio(s Tri"%s1 @bA DMch 55#530 N73
a" #es&s relates to MV the a'ony of the Passion itself" DFeb 2F0 N77
c" #es&s$ insi'ht into the character and nat&re of Pilate" DMch 2>0 N77
F>21 The De"th o! +(d"s )sc"riot1 DMch C20 N77
-" #es&s comments on the &tter e+il into )hich #&das fell, and the determinin' po)er of h&man )ill"
DMch C20 N77 34>
c" #es&s comments on the relationship He had )ith Mary and the relationship -et)een =dam and
(+e and ho) Mary cancels (+e$s &nfor'i+in' attit&de to)ard ,ain"
DA$r 50 N77 345
F>51 9ther Teachin's on the Girst Parents and on the Parallelism -et)een ,ain and #&das" DA$r
30 N77
F>C1 +ohn Goes to Get M"r'1 DA$r 60 N77 38>
The Way o! the Cross 7 &ol. &' Ch. C+@ D C,,
F>71 The 9"' o! the ,ross !ro the Pr"etori( to ,"%*"r'1 DMch 5F0 N73
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
F>31 The ,r(ci!i:ion1 DMch 560 N73
F>F1 The /(ri"% o! +es(s "nd the S$irit("% Distress o! M"r'1 @"A@bA@cA@dA DFeb 28E DOct 7E DFeb 28E
DOct 70
F>61 The Ret(rn to the S($$er#Roo1 DMch 540 N73
F>41 The Night o! Good Frid"'1 @"0b0cA DMch 580 N73
F>81 The edeemin' Val&e of #es&s$ and Mary$s !&fferin's" #ohn is the Head of %o+ers1 DFeb
5>0 N77
F2>1 The Ho%' S"t(rd"'1 DMch C>0 N73
F221 The Night o! Ho%' S"t(rd"'1 DMch C20 N73
The %esurretion o! the 5ord 7 &ol. &' Ch. C,* D C<<
F251 The Morning o! the Res(rrection1 @"0b0cA DA$r 20 N73E DFeb 520 N77E DA$r
20 N73
F2C1 The Res(rrection1 DA$r 20 N73
F271 +es(s A$$e"rs to His Mother1 DFeb 520 N73
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
F231 The Pio(s 9oen "t the Se$(%cher1 DA$r 50 N73
F2F1 ,omment on the es&rrection1 DFeb 520 N77 625
F261 +es(s A$$e"rs to L"I"r(s1 DA$r C0 N73
F241 +es(s A$$e"rs to +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"1 DA$r 70 N73
F281 +es(s A$$e"rs to +ose$h o! Ari"the"1 DA$r 70 N73
F5>1 +es(s A$$e"rs to the LeightM She$herds1 DA$r 70 N73 653
F521 +es(s A$$e"rs to the Disci$%es o! E"(s1 DA$r 30 N73
F551 +es(s A$$e"rs to the Other Friends1 DA$r 30 N73
F5C1 +es(s A$$e"rs to the Ten A$ost%es1 DA$r F0 N73
F571 The )ncred(%it' o! Tho"s1 DA$r1 60 N73
-" #es&s laments for the Thomas$ of today )ho contin&e to do&-t the re+elations of His life in these
)or*s that ha+e come thro&'h the faithf&l and s&fferin' penman, Maria Valtorta?
DA$r 60 N73 632
F531 +es(s A$$e"rs to the A$ost%es with Tho"s1 S$eech on Priesthood1 DA(g 80 N77
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
F5F1 At Gethse"ne with the A$ost%es1 A$r 220 N76
F561 The A$ost%es Go "%ong the 9"' o! the ,ross1 A$r 270 N76
F541 +es(s A$$e"rs to &"rio(s Peo$%e in Di!!erent P%"ces1 A$r 2F0260 N76
F581 +es(s A$$e"rs on the Shores o! the L"ke1 The Mission ,on!erred to Peter1 A$r
280 N76
FC>1 +es(s A$$e"rs on Mo(nt T"bor to the A$ost%es "nd to "bo(t Fi*e H(ndred /e%ie*ers1 A$r
5>0 N76
FC21 The L"st Te"chings be!ore Ascension D"'1 A$r 550 N76
FC51 The S($$%eent"r' P"sso*er1 A$r 5C0 N76 436
FCC1 F"rewe%% to His Mother be!ore Ascension1 DFeb 550 N77
-" #es&s addresses those )ho mi'ht M&estion that He )o&ld act&ally li+e in the heart of Mary and
lea+e only to consecrate the (&charistic -read and )ine" R(+erythin', e+erythin', e+erythin' yo&
ha+e thro&'h Mary?S
DFeb 550 N77 4F7
3$%T & TH) CH>%CH 4F .)(>( CH%I(T Chapters C<@DC@;
The $sension o! 4ur 5ord .esus Christ 7 &ol. &' Ch. C<@
FC71 F"rewe%% "nd Ascension o! the Lord1 @"0bA A$r 570 N76
The Coming o! the Holy (pirit 7 &ol. &' Ch.C<2 D C<;
FC31 The E%ection o! M"tthi"s1 A$r 5F0 N76
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
FCF1 The Descent o! the Ho%' S$irit1 A$r 560 N76
-" The end of the )or* in commemoration of !t" Eita and Mary Theresa Goretti A$r
560 H76
FC61 Peter ,e%ebr"tes the E(ch"rist in " Meeting o! the First ,hristi"ns1 D+(n C0 N77
The Churh is )stablished 7 &ol. &' Ch. C<B D C@@
FC41 The /%essed &irgin T"kes ($ Her Abode "t Gethse"ne with +ohn0 9ho Forete%%s Her Ass($tion1
A(g 520 N32 48>
FC81 The /%essed &irgin "nd +ohn in the P%"ces o! the P"ssion1 Se$ 40 N32
F7>1 The Two Shro(ds o! the Lord1 Oct 30 N32
F721 The M"rt'rdo o! Ste*en1 S"(% "nd G""%ie%1 DA(g 60 N77
F751 De$osition o! Ste*enHs /od'1 DA(g 40 N32
F7C1 G""%ie% /ecoes " ,hristi"n1 No* 20 N32 823
F771 Peter ,on*erses with +ohn1 No* 70 N32
The 3assage and $ssumption o! the :lessed &irgin Mary 7 &ol. &' Ch. C@2 D C@;
F731 The /%iss!(% P"ss"ge o! the /%essed &irgin1 No* 520 N32
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
F7F1 The Ass($tion o! O(r L"d'1 Dec 40 N32 8C7
F761 9n the Passa'e, the =ss&mption and oyalty of the 8lessed Vir'in"
a" Mary e0plains to MV Her =ss&mption and oyalty" DA$r 240 N74
-" #es&s e0plains more on Mary$s =ss&mption" D+"n 30 N77
c" Mary spea*s of the ecstasy of 'i+in' -irth to #es&s and especially Her ascension from the ho&se
in Gethsemane"
D+(% 40 230 N77 872
d" Mary says more on Her lon'in' for Her !on -efore !he )as ass&med" DDec
240 N7C
e" Mary spea*s on the distinction -et)een so&l and spirit" DM"' 20 N7F
f" Mary on Her ass&mption as )hat God had planned for all man*ind" DDec 287C
540 N76
4ur 5ord gave seven reasons #hy he revealed this #or/ and guided Maria to get it right:
(from end of Vol 5) B)he $ost profound reason for the "ift of
this worC is that in the present ti$e# when $odernis$#
conde$ned by /y holy Dicar Pius X# beco$es corrupted in
$ore and $ore har$ful doctrines# the 8hurch# represented by
/y Dicar# $ay have further $aterial to f"ht a"ainst those
who denyE
5. the supernaturalness of do"$asF
2. the divinity of the 8hristF
>. the )ruth of the 8hrist God and /an# real and perfect both in
the faith and in the history that has been handed down on
+i$ (Gospel# Acts of the Apostles# Apostolic ;etters# tradition)F
. ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he . ) + , ( * 2 1 , ? , 0 34 *nde of 8hapters and 0ub 8hapters in )he
Poe$ Poe$
&. the doctrine of Paul and !ohn and of the councils of 2icaea#
,phesus and 8halcedon# as /y true doctrine verbally tau"ht
by /e.
5. /y unli$ited science# as it is divine and perfectF
%. the divine ori"in of the do"$as of the 0acra$ents of the
8hurch .ne# +oly# 8atholic# ApostolicF the universality and
continuity# until the end of ti$e# of the Gospel "iven by /e
and for all $enF
G. the perfect nature# fro$ the be"innin"# of /y doctrine that
has not been for$ed# as it is# throu"h successive
transfor$ations# but was "iven as it isE the 1octrine of the
8hrist# of the ti$e of Grace# of the Hin"do$ of +eaven and of
the Hin"do$ of God in you# divine# perfect# i$$utable. )he
Gospel for all those thirstin" for God.
E*idenced in its R"dic"% De$"rt(re !ro the Se;(ence o! Pre*io(s H"ronies o! the Gos$e%s
I. TH) ()V>)"C) 4F 3%)&I4>( H$%M4"I)( I" C4"T%$(T T4 TH- PO-M O.
TH- M)8-GO!
For The Poem to be o! h("n origin wo(%d h"*e re;(ired0 in "ddition to n(ero(s high%' technic"%
reso(rces in se*er"% !ie%ds0 the (se o! " $re#e:isting h"ron' o! the Gos$e%s0 the Gos$e%s "rr"nged both in
$"r"%%e% "nd in "n "cce$t"b%e chrono%ogic"% order1 No one co(%d h"*e written " work th"t inc%(des the
entire content o! "%% !o(r Gos$e%s "nd e:$"nding on e"ch e$isode witho(t s(ch " h"ron' witho(t
in"d*ertent%' "dding inco$"tib%e "teri"%0 issing signi!ic"nt "teri"%0 or witho(t ist"king soe not so
ob*io(s $"r"%%e% "cco(nts !or "%together di!!erent e*ents1 The Poem, howe*er0 whi%e "int"ining "bso%(te
integrit' in "%% these "re"s0 !o%%ows "n "%together di!!erent "rr"ngeent th"n $re*io(s h"ronies which
!o%%ow the se;(ence o! the Gos$e% writers whene*er $ossib%e "nd c%(ster "%% the inistr' e*ents o! ,hrist
into " sing%e +(de"n0 " G"%i%e"n "nd " Pere"n inistr'1 )n signi!ic"nt contr"st0 The Poem h"s si: distinct
+(de"n inistries with e:c(rsions into Pere" "nd S""ri" @"%% b(t the !irst centered "ro(nd the P"sso*er
or T"bern"c%es0 when +es(s wo(%d n"t(r"%%' h"*e been in +(de"A0 "nd si: distinct G"%i%e"n inistries with
e:c(rsions into S'ro#Phoenici" "nd Dec"$o%is occ(rring between these two !e"sts1 Tho(gh this is "n
"%together new "rr"ngeent0 those !ew e*ents in the Gos$e%s identi!ied b' scho%"rs "s be%onging to
s$eci!ic c"%end"r or se"son"% $eriods "re "%% correct%' $%"ced1
)n res$ect to the gre"t "Korit' o! the Gos$e% e*ents whose c"%end"r or se"son"% $%"ceent co(%d not be
deterined !ro the bib%ic"% d"t"0 we !ind "n incredib%e n(ber o! di!!erences in se;(ence in The Poem
co$"red to $re*io(s h"ronies =(ee T$:5) 4")?0 "%% o! which wo(%d h"*e been (nnecess"r' i! the
on%' $(r$ose w"s to cre"te "n "cce$t"b%e !iction"% "cco(nt1 S(ch ch"nges wo(%d h"*e signi!ic"nt%'
co$%ic"ted the cre"tion o! this work1 The %"ck o! necessit' !or s(ch re#"rr"ngeent "nd co$%e:it'
in*o%*ed in these re#"rr"ngeents r(%es o(t "n' re"son"b%e $ossibi%it' o! h("n "(thorshi$1 A %ook "t
$re*io(s h"ron' works which o! necessit' !o%%owed the r(%e o! kee$ing the se;(ence o! the Gos$e%
writers (n%ess e*idence re;(ired interr($tion0 shows no ore th"n 2F bre"ks in se;(ence "nd
re"rr"ngeent in the entire inistr' o! ,hrist1 The Poem "kes "n "sto(nding 2C3 bre"ks in the
se;(ence $resented b' the Gos$e% writers =(ee T$:5) TW4?1 This shows e*en ore c%e"r%' th"t the
Gos$e% writers0 e:ce$t !or +ohn0 h"d no interest in "n' chrono%ogic"% $resent"tion0 tho(gh there is (ch
e*idence !ro the Gos$e% te:ts these%*es0 when co$"red to in!or"tion in The Poem, th"t the writers
took their "teri"% !ro chrono%ogic"% so(rces1 The signi!ic"nt $oint is th"t so "n' bre"ks "nd
re"rr"ngeents in the Gos$e% n"rr"ti*e wo(%d h"*e re;(ired the constr(ction o! " who%%' new h"ron'
th"t wo(%d h"*e not on%' been " Herc(%e"n t"sk in itse%!0 b(t one th"t wo(%d h"*e been co$%ete%'
(nnecess"r' !or "n'one ere%' wishing to interKect " !iction"% "cco(nt into the e:isting Gos$e% n"rr"ti*e1
T$:5) 4") be%ow shows the incredib%e n(ber o! re"rr"ngeents !o(nd in The Poem to the gener"%%'
"cce$ted se;(ence gi*en to the Gos$e%s1 For $(r$ose o! co$"rison0 we "re (sing = Harmony of the
Gospels b' Dr1 +ohn H1 -err which0 with The Poem, "int"ins !o(r P"sso*er Fe"sts in the $eriod o!
,hristHs inistr'1 The en(er"tions "%% re!er to Gos$e% e$isodes "nd their e:"ct se;(ence "s !o(nd in The
Poem @See LEFT co%(nA1 ) $%"ced these en(er"ted e$isodes in the R)GHT co%(n "ccording to the
order in Dr1 -errHs h"ron'1 A%% o(t o! order e$isodes "re in bold type1 )n "ddition0 those e$isodes th"t
"re underlined "re $%"ced b' The Poem in " co$%ete%' di!!erent inistr' 'e"r th"n does this h"ron'1
T$:5) 4"): TH) %$DIC$5 D)3$%T>%) 4F TH- PO-M F%4M TH) ()V>)"C) $"D TIMI"G
F4>"D I" 3%)&I4>( H$%M4"I)( # DETA)L)NG THE SEa.EN,E FO.ND )N A TYP),AL
Gos$e% e$isodes @en(er"ted in se;(ence "ccording to The PoemA $%"ced in s$eci!ic tie $eriods o! the
inistr' o! ,hrist
According to According to = Harmony of the Gospels
The Poem b' Dr1 +ohn H1 -err

+es(sH /"$tis to the 2
C3#33 C30 C60 C40 7>0 <@' <C' 720 7C0 770 7F0 760 740 3>0
PASSO&ER "nd !irst !(%% inistr' 'e"r
3F#255 2*'2<'2@'22' F60F40F806>06206506C067' CC' @*' C<' 2C' 2;'2B'2A'C+'C,'C*'C@

PASSO&ER "nd second !(%% inistr' 'e"r
PASSO&ER "nd third !(%% inistr' 'e"r
40C280C5>0 C520C550C5C0C570C530C5F0C560C540C580CCF
PASSO&ER0 ,r(ci!i:ion "nd $ost#res(rrection e$isodes
C7>#CF4 There is here no signi!ic"nt di!!erence between The Poem "nd other
T$:5) TW4: TH) %$DIC$5 D)3$%T>%) 4F TH- PO-M F%4M TH) ()V>)"C) F4>"D I"
4TH)% T%$DITI4"$5 H$%M4"I)( D DETA)L)NG THE SEa.EN,E FO.ND )N TH( P9(M"
This "g"in re*e"%s how %itt%e the Gos$e% n"rr"ti*e !o%%ows the chrono%ogic"% se;(ence o! The Poem !or the
inistr' 'e"rs o! ,hrist1 A%% en(er"tions0 "s in TA/LE ONE "bo*e0 "re e$isodes or n"rr"tion !ro the
Gos$e%s in the se;(ence indic"ted in The Poem
L 0 M indic"tes when @"nd how o!tenA none o! the Gos$e% writers !o%%owed the se;(ence indic"ted in
The Poem" @The
Poem "kes 22F interr($tions "nd re"rr"ngeents in the se;(ence indic"ted b' the Gos$e% writers when
"t the *er' ost on%' 2F were reM&ired b' the bib%ic"% d"t"1 These 2F "re gener"%%' re!%ected in other
$re*io(s h"ron' works1A
L D M indic"tes where @"nd how se%doA one or ore o! the Gos$e% writers did !o%%ow the se;(ence
indic"ted in The Poem @4C o(t o! 526 c"sesA1 These e$isode n(er"%s "re "%so in bold te0t.
L T M indic"tes how !ew @22 tot"%A interr($tions b' the tr"dition"% h"ron' there were in these 4C
c"ses where there is "greeent on se;(ence between " Gos$e% writer "nd The Poem" )n other
words0 where "t %e"st one o! the Gos$e% writers "nd The Poem "gree on se;(ence we !ind the
tr"dition"% h"ronies "%so s(bst"nti"%%' in "greeent1
.nder%ined segents indic"te e$isodes occ(rring on the s"e d"' "ccording to The Poem1 Gos$e%
e$isodes F68#2>6G in*o%*e the Seron on the Mo(nt which s$"ns se*en d"'s b(t is (nder%ined "s one (nit
since o(t o! se;(ence "teri"% here is o! %itt%e signi!ic"nce1
The Ministr' Ye"rs o! ,hrist:
C30 CF0 <;D<B0 C80 7>0 720 750 @<D@@ 0 730 @CD@;D@B 0 780 3>0 320 2*D2<D2@D220 2CD2;D2BD2ADC+D
C,DC*TDC<TDC@0 C2DCC0 C;DCBDCAD;+D;,D;*D;<D;@0 630 ;CD;;0 640 F 680 4>0 420 450 4C0 B@DB2 0 4F0
460 BBDBA 0 8>0 820 85 0 8C0 A@DA2 0 8F0 860 840 880 2>> 0 ,+,D,+* 0 2>C0 2>70 2>30 2>F0 ,+;D,+BG0
2>80 ,,+D,,, 0 2250 22C0 2270 ,,2D,,CD,,;0 2240 2280 25>0 ,*,D,**0 25C0 2570 2530 25F0 2560
,*BD,*A0 2C>0 2C20 2C50 2CC0 2C70 ,<2D,<C0 2C60 ,<BD,<A0 ,@+D,@,0 2750 27C0 ,@@TD,@2 0 27F0
2760 2740 ,@AD,2+D,2,D,2*D,2<D,2@0 2330 ,2CD,2;0 2340 2380 2F>0 2F20 2F50 2FC0 ,C@D,C2D,CC0
,C;.,TD,C;.*0 2F40 2F80 26>0 2620 2650 26C0 2670 ,;2D,;CTD,;;0 ,;BTD,;AD,B+D,B,D,B*D,B<0
2470 ,B2D,BC0 2460 2440 2480 28>0 2820 2850 28C"0 28Cb0 2870 2830 28F0 ,A;TD,AB0 ,AAD*++0
5>20 *+*D*+< 0 5>70 5>30 5>F0 *+;D*+B0 5>80 *,+D*,,0 5250 *,<D*,@D*,2D*,C0 5260 *,BD*,ATD**+D
**,D***D**<D**@D**2D**CD**;TD**B0 5580 *<+D*<,D*<*D*<<0 *<@TD*<20 5CF0 *<;TD*<BD*<A 0 57>0
5720 5750 57C0 *@@D*@2D*@C 0 5760 *@BD*@AD*2+ 0 *2,D*2* @This is thro(gh 9ednesd"' o! P"ssion
II. TH) ()V>)"C) 4F )$CH 4F TH) F4>% G4(3)5 W%IT)%( I" C4"T%$(T T4
TH- PO-M O. TH- M)8-GO!
E$isodes in bo%d t'$e "re0 "s one c"n see0 o(t o! chrono%ogic"% order "ccording to The Poem1 According
to The Poem, the Gos$e% o! +ohn is "%ost $er!ect%' chrono%ogic"% "s bib%ic"% scho%"rs h"*e conc%(ded1
L(ke0 howe*er0 inste"d o! being in gener"% chrono%ogic"% order "s "n' h"*e be%ie*ed0 is the ost
chrono%ogic"%%' disordered1 Tho(gh L(ke "nd M"tthew h"*e ne"r%' the s"e n(ber o! dis$%"ced
e$isodes0 L(ke is !"r ore scr"b%ed1 There!ore the <order%' "cco(nt= L(ke c%"is o! his Gos$e% is ore
in res$ect to " theo%ogic"% order1 Gos$e% e$isodes 64#2>60 @which "re "%% (nder%inedA "re e$isodes o! the
Seron on the Mo(nt0 "nd th(s their disorder )ithin that 'ro&pin' is not "s signi!ic"nt1
80 2>0 220 260 240 280 5>0 540 580 C>0 C50 C30 C60 C40 7>0 750 320 @2' F>0 640 4>0 680 420 440 480 ,+<' 8>0
BC' B@a7,@<' B@b' B<' B;' 8F0 A,' ,*,' 860 A@' A2' 2>>0 880 840 2>70 A<0 B20 ,BB0 B*0 ,+;a0 2>30 ,+;b0
2>F0 2>40 2B0 2>80 22F0 2260 C*0 C@0 ;20 2540 2580 2C50 2C70 ;C0 2750 2770 2730 2760 ,*C0 ,@+0 ,@,0 2740
,,+0 ,,,0 ,,<0 ,,20 ,C;0 ,,@0 ,<20 ,<C0 ,<B0 2780 <A0 ,,*0 ,@C0 23>0 2320 2350 23C0 2370 2F70 2F30 2FF0
2F80 2640 268"0 ,B@0 ,;20 ,;C0 ,;;0 268b0 24>0 2420 2450 24C0 2870 ,<+0 ,2C0 ,2;0 5280 ,B;0 *+A0 5C>0
,CB0 5C20 5C50 5CC0 5CF0 5C40 5C80 57C0 5750 ,A,0 ,@,0 ,*20 5770 57F0 5760 5740 5780 53>0 ,*@0 ,C+0
5320 5350 53F0 *<@0 *<20 *2<0 5360 5F20 5FC0 5F50 5F>0 5620 *2B0 5650 5670 5630 56F0 5420 5450 *B+0
5430 54F0 5480 58>0 5820 5850 5870 5830 58F"0 5860 <*,0 <2A0 58Fb0 C>>0 C>30 <+,0 C>60 <+*0 C>80 <+<0
C2>0 C2C0 C27"0 C240 C280 <,@b0 C5>0 <,C0 C5F0 C540 CC20 CC50 CC30 <<@0 CC60 <<A0 CC40 C7>0 C7C0 C770
C7F0 C760 C330 C34 @FF e$isodes o(t o! orderA
540 580 C50 C30 C60 C40 7>0 C80 320 @20 360 340 380 F>0 F20 F50 FC0 F70 630 ,*C0 ,@+0 ,@,0 6F0 ,@B0 22>0
2220 ;Aa0 ,@*b0 ,2A0 2230 22F0 2260 2540 2C40 2C80 275"0 2770 2780 ,,*0 ,@C0 23>0 2320 2350 23C0 2370
2F70 2F30 2F80 2620 2670 ,B@0 2630 26F"0 2640 26Fb0 2660 2680 24>0 2420 2450 24C0 ;Ab0 *,A0 2460 5>80
5C>0 5C20 5C50 5C70 5CF0 5C4"0 5C80 5C4b0 *@<0 A;0 5750 5720 5770 57F0 5760 5740 *@20 5780 53>0 5350
*<@0 *<20 53C0 5360 5F20 5FC0 *C+0 5620 *2B0 5650 5670 5630 5420 54>0 5430 54F0 5480 58>0 5820 5850
5870 5830 58F0 C>>0 C>20 C>50 C>80 <+<0 C2>0 C2C0 C27"0 C240 C280 <,@b0 C5>0 <,C0 C5F0 C540 C580 CC20
CC50 CC30 CC70 CC60 CC80 CC40 C7C"0 C720 C7Cb0 C7F0 C740 C780 C3F0 C34 @5C e$isodes o(t o! orderA

20 50 C0 70 B0 30 F0 60 *C0 250 2C0 270 230 2F0 520 550 5C0 570 530 560 540 C>0 C20 C50 <A0 C30 C60 C40 7>0 780
C20 CC0 3F0 360 340 380 F>0 FC0 F20 F50 F70 630 ,*C0 ,@+0 6F0 660 4>"0 ,+*0 ,+,0 4>b0 B;a0 470 430 46b0
,+@0 450 850 ,+Bb0 2>30 2>60 2>4"0 2240 ,@2a0 2C20 2CC0 ,,+0 ,,,0 ;Aa0 275b0 ,2Ab0 ,@B0 ,,C0 ,,;0 ,*B0
275"0 2770 2780 23>0 2320 ,;C0 ,;;0 ,;A0 ,B<a0 **A0 ,+A0 236b0 ,@2b0 236"0 2340 ,@20 2F20 ,BA0 ,*,0
,**0 ,@Ba0 2FC0 ,@Bb0 ,A<0 ,AC0 ,220 BA0 2F50 26C0 2650 ,,20 ,C;. ,0 ,C;. *0 2440 ,;+0 ,*20 ,2Aa0 ;Ab0
,<+0 ,<;0 ,*<0 28>0 ,,A0 ,B<b0 ,2C0 ,2;0 2850 2860 2840 5>20 5>70 5>F0 5250 5260 *+A0 5C>0 5C20 5CC0
,A@0 ,C+0 5CF0 5C4"0 5C60 37G5C4b0 57>0 5750 5720 5770 57F0 5760 5740 *@20 5780 53>0 *<20 53F0
*2,0*2<0 5360 5F>0 5F2"0 5FC0 5F2bG5F60 *2B0 5620 5650 56C0 5670 5630 5660 5680 5420 5450 54C0 *B+0
54F0 5480 5820 5850 5870 *BB0 58C0 5830 58F0 5840 5880 C>20 C>70 C>F0 C2C0 C250 C270 <*<0 C280 C5>0
C550 C570 <,C0 C560 <<*0 C580 CC>0 CC20 CC30 CC70 CC60 CC40 C7>0 C720 C750 C7C0 C7F0 C740 C780 C34
@F7 e$isodes o(t o! order0 soe signi!ic"nt%' so A
CC0 C70 CF0 720 7C0 770 7F0 760 740 3>0 350 3C0 370 330 F60 F40 F80 6>0 620 650 6C0 670 25>0 2560 23>0 2320
2350 23C0 2430 24F0 2830 2880 5>>0 5>50 5>C0 5>30 5>60 5>40 52>0 5220 52C0 5270 5230 52F0 5240 5280
55>0 5520 5550 55C0 5570 5530 55F0 5560 5540 5C70 5C40 5370 5330 5380 5F20 5FC0 5F70 5F30 5FF0 5F40
5F80 56>0 5620 5630 5640 54>0 5420 5450 5470 54F0 *A,0 5460 5480 5850 5870 58F0 C>>0 C>20 C>50 C>C0
C>70 C>F0 C>80 C220 C270 <+B0 C230 <,A0 C260 C530 C560 C540 C580 CC20 <<C0 CCC0 CC70 C750 <<;0 C7C0
C730 C760 C780 C3>0 C320 C350 C3C0 C37 @3 e$isodes on%' sli'htly o(t o! orderA
As e*idenced in its di*ergence !ro "%% known origin"% %"ng("ge Gos$e% "n(scri$t st"nd"rds1
The Poem of the Man-God w"s not " ere e:$"nsion o! "n' known Gos$e% "n(scri$t st"nd"rd0 *ersion0
or schoo% o! critic"% tho(ght0 soething th"t wo(%d h"*e been e:$ected in "n' h("n%' cre"ted work1
O! "%% the 62 signi!ic"nt%' di!!ering "n(scri$t *"ri"tions noted in the !ootnotes o! = Harmony of the Gospels b' Ste*ens "nd /(rton
@which (sed the Re*ised &ersion o! 2442_A0 The Poem @(sing the Eng%ish editionAs($$orted the Rheis tr"ns%"tion in "n ""Iing FC
inst"nces1 )n on%' 4 c"ses @S 80 2>0 C30 370 360 F30 FF0 "nd F6A did The Poem not s($$ort the Rheis1 On%' one o! these @SFFA0 in*o%*es "
geogr"$hic"% in"cc(r"c' in the Rheis0 "n in"cc(r"c' not $icked ($ b' The Poem1 This "nd the other inor *"ri"nces with the Rheis
"re "ddition"% e*idence The Poem h"d "n origin "$"rt !ro "n' known e:isting so(rce1 9hi%e the Rheis "ni!ests signi!ic"nt h"ron'
with The Poem0 the PGR @PoeGRheisA w"s !o(nd "t *"ri"nce with the Re*ised &ersion in 54 o! these FC c"ses1 F(rther0 in these 54
c"ses o! dis"greeent with the R&0 the PGR w"s twice "s %ike%' to "gree with renditions s($$orted b' < many "ncient "(thorities= th"n
those s($$orted b' <some "ncient "(thorities1= The s"e consistenc' ho%ds tr(e in res$ect to "%% FC c"ses1 Here the PGR w"s ne"r%' twice
"s %ike%' to a'ree )ith " rendition s($$orted b' <"n' "ncient "(thorities= "s dis"gree @52G22A "nd ore th"n twice "s %ike%' to disa'ree
"s "gree )ith renditions s($$orted ere%' b' <soe "ncient "(thorities @56G2>A1= This sees !(rther signi!ic"nt inde$endent s($$ort !or
the "cc(r"c' "nd s($ern"t(r"% origin o! The Poem1
)n "ddition0 in the "n' c"ses where the alternate "n(scri$t re"dings noted in this h"ron' were not signi!ic"nt%' di!!erent !ro the
Re*ised &ersion0 The Poem0 which ne"r%' "%w"'s gi*es ore det"i% to the "cco(nt0 o!ten $ro*ided K(sti!ic"tion !or these di!!erences1 Th"t
is not on%' "nother s($$ort !or the s($ern"t(r"% origin o! The Poem, b(t s($$ort !or the "cc(r"c' o! "n' *"ri"nt "n(scri$ts which were
not0 "s so "n' h"*e s($$osed0 *ictis o! "dditions b' those who h"d no or %itt%e know%edge o! the "ct("% e*ents1 The Gos$e% "cco(nts
being "%ost "%w"'s *er' condensed *ersions reM&irin' editing "nd soeties e*en $"r"$hr"sing wo(%d h"*e "%%owed "%tern"te
renditions e*en "t the e"r%' origins o! the Gos$e%s1 Di!!erences !o(nd in <%"ter= te:ts ore %ike%' then origin"ted !ro editing b' either
e'ewitness s(ch "s the Disci$%es or e*en b' the origin"% "(thors these%*es1 Di!!erences in*o%*ing new in!or"tion or de%etions cert"in%'
do not e"n corr($tion or in"cc(r"c'1 O(t o! these 620 there "re on%' F c"ses o! re"% in"cc(r"c' @co$"red to the in!or"tion in The
Poem, one of )hich )as also K&d'ed on modern e+idence4 "nd "%% o! the "re s($$orted b' <"n' "ncient "(thoritiesP= The "nti;(it' o!
"n' sing%e te:t then h"s %itt%e or no re%"tionshi$ to its "cc(r"c' or re%i"bi%it'1 Rheis incor$or"ted one o! those in"cc(r"cies @SFFA whi%e
the R& incor$or"ted 5 errors @S 32 "nd 35A1 The Poem o! ourse annot prove #hat the Gospel #riters originally put in their
aounts' it an only substantiate #hat atually #as said and #hat atually too/ plae.
These "re0 in order0 the 62 signi!ic"nt%' di!!ering "n(scri$t not"tions0 F8 o! which "re "%tern"ti*es to the Re*ised &ersion1 )H*e noted
with " @VA the 54 c"ses o! these F8 where the %heims73oem agrees =[? #ith the alternative note "nd th(s disagrees #ith the %evised
&ersion "nd with " @#A the C3 c"ses o! the F8 where %heims73oem di!!ers =D? #ith the alternative note "nd th(s agrees #ith the
%evised &ersion1 @)n F o! the F8 c"ses The Poem "nd Rheis do not "gree "nd two o! the 62 LSC3 "nd SF6M "re not "%tern"ti*e not"tions
b(t K(sti!ic"tion !or the R& rendition1A )n the 4 tot"% c"ses where The 3oem and %heims di!!er you #ill !ind t#o separate notations in
those entries1
Loc"tion o! te:t in The Dated Parallel Harmony of the Gospels "nd The Poem
21 Mt 3:703 @4>1A ))0$2C3 @VAT: Soe "ncient "(thorities tr"ns$ose *17 "nd 31 @Ed1 <eek= coing be!ore <o(rn=A
51 Mt F:2C @2521A ))0$C5F @#AT: M"n' "(thorities0 soe "ncient0 b(t with *"ri"tions0 "dd Gor thine is the Oin'dom, and the po)er,
and the 'lory, fore+er" =men"
C1 Mt 22:23 @2731A ))0$6>6 @#A: Soe "ncient "(thorities oit to hear1
71 Mt 22:28 @2731A ))0$6>6 @VAT: M"n' "ncient "(thorities re"d children1
F1 Mt 25:3 @25F1A ))0$724 @#A: M"n' "ncient "(thorities insert second-first"
61 Mt 25:C2 @2741A ))0$657 @#AT: Soe "ncient "(thorities re"d &nto yo& men"
41 Mt 25:76 @2741A ))0$656 @#A: Soe "ncient "(thorities oit *1761
81 Mt 2C:8 @22>1A ))0$284 P@#A0 R@VA: Soe "ncient "(thorities "dd here to hear" @Ed1 c%"ri!ies the e"ningA
2>1 Mt 2C:7C @2271A ))0$52C P@#A0 R@VA: Soe "ncient "(thorities "dd here to hear" @Ed1 c%"ri!ies the e"ningA
221 Mt 23:F @2F71A )))0$27C @VA: Soe "ncient "(thorities "dd and his mother1
251 Mt 23:F @2F71A )))0$277 @#A: Soe "ncient "(thorities re"d la)1
2C1 Mt 2F:2#C @2631A )))0$CF3 @#A: Soe o! the ost "ncient "nd other i$ort"nt "(thorities oit *12b#C
271 Mt 26:5> @24>1A )))0$726 @VA: M"n' "(thorities0 soe "ncient0 insert L"!ter yo&M *152 8&t this *ind 'oeth not o&t sa+e -y prayer
and fastin'"
231 Mt 24:22 @2871A )&0$23 @VA: M"n' "(thorities0 soe "ncient0 insert L"!ter he"*enM *122 Gor the !on of Man came to sa+e that
)hich )as lost"
2F1 Mt 24:27 @2C>1A ))0$3>2 @#A: Soe "ncient "(thorities re"d my"
261 Mt 24:23 @23F1A )))0$28 @#A: Soe "ncient "(thorities oit a'ainst thee1
241 Mt 28:8 @2461A )))0$7F6 @VA: Soe "ncient "(thorities re"d sa+in' for the ca&se of fornication, ma*eth her an ad&lteress"
281 Mt 28:8b @2461A )))0$7F6 @#A: oitted b' soe "ncient "(thorities1
5>1 Mt 28:2F @5C>1A &0$544 @VA: Soe "ncient "(thorities re"d Good Master1
521 Mt 28:26 @5C>1A &0$544 @VA: Soe "ncient "(thorities re"d Chy callest tho& me 'oodL Done is 'ood sa+e one, e+en God"
551 Mt 28:58 @5C>1A &0$548 @VA: M"n' "ncient "(thorities "dd L"!ter otherM or )ife1
5C1 Mt 52:77 @5721A &0$75> @#A: Soe "ncient "(thorities oit *177
571 Mt 55:C> @5731A &0$7C2 @VA: M"n' "ncient "(thorities "dd L"!ter "nge%sM of God"
531 Mt 5C:7 @5741A &0$773 @#AT: M"n' "ncient "(thorities oit and 'rie+o&s to -e -orne" @Ed1 $"r"$hr"sedA
5F1 Mt 5C:27 @5741A &0$776 @VA: Soe "(thorities insert after *12C0 *1271 @Ed1 <widows ho(ses0 etc1=A
561 Mt 5C:C4 @5741A &0$778 @#A: Soe "ncient "(thorities oit desolate"
541 Mt 57:C2 @53>1A &0$7F3 @#A: M"n' "ncient "(thorities oit so&nd Lo! " tr($etM1 @Ed1 $"r"$hr"sedA
581 Mt 57:CF @53>1A &0$7FF @VA: M"n' "(thorities0 soe "ncient0 oit neither the !on"
C>1 Mt 5F:54 @5F>1A &0$3>7 @VA: M"n' "ncient "(thorities insert ne)1
C21 Mk 6:23 @2F71A )))0$277 @VA: M"n' "ncient "(thorities insert L"!ter "nM *12F: If man hath ears to hear, let him hear1
C51 Mk 8:57 @2681A )))0$72C @VA: M"n' "ncient "(thorities "dd )ith tears1
CC1 Mk 8:58 @24>1A )))0$726 @VA: M"n' "ncient "(thorities "dd and fastin'"
C71 Mk 8:75 @24C1A )))0$7C> @#A: M"n' "ncient "(thorities oit on me"
C31 Mk 8:7707F @24C1A )))0$7C> P@VA0 R@#A0 R&@VA: The best "ncient "(thorities oit the e:tr" two )here the )orm dieth not" @Ed1 The
@7C073A re$etition in Rheis is not in"cc(r"c'A
CF1 Mk 2>:6 @2461A )))0$7FF @#A: Soe "ncient "(thorities oit and shall clea+e to his )ife"
C61 Mk 2>:57 @5C>1A &0$544 @#A: Soe "ncient "(thorities oit for them that tr&st in riches1 @Ed1 $"r"$hr"sedA
C41 Mk 25:CF @57F1A &0$7C4 @#AT: Soe "ncient "(thorities re"d &nderneath thy feet"
C81 Mk 2C:CC @53>1A &0$7FF @#A: Soe "ncient "(thorities oit and pray1
7>1 Mk 27:57 @5F>1A &0$3>7 @VA: M"n' "ncient "(thorities insert ne)1
721 Mk 23:C8 @CC31A &0$F52 @VA: M"n' "ncient "(thorities re"d so cried o&t, and 'a+e &p the 'host"
751 Mk2F:8#5> @C7F1A &0$6>F @#A: The two o%dest Greek ss10 "nd soe other "(thorities oit this ending to M"rk1 Soe h"*e "
di!!erent ending1 @Ed1 On%' *12F#24 "re not !o(nd in The Poem b(t th"t does not e"n +es(s did not
s$e"k the1 Lvv.@D,,0 &0$6>FE vv.,*',<0 &0$656E v.,@0 &0$6C6E v.,20 &0$47>E vv.,A'*+0 &0$465M A
7C1 Lk 2:54 @C1A )0$42 @VA: M"n' "ncient "(thorities "dd -lessed art tho& amon' )omen1
771 Lk 2:C3 @C1A )0$42 @VA: Soe "ncient "(thorities "dd of thee"
731 Lk 7:77 @F>1A )0$CC5 @#A: &er' "n' "ncient "(thorities re"d #&dea1 @Ed1 )n"cc(r"teA
7F1 Lk F:74 @2>31A ))0$24> @VA: M"n' "ncient "(thorities re"d for it had -een fo&nded &pon a roc*1
761 Lk 4:75@7CA @2541A ))0$743 @#A: Soe "ncient "(thorities oit had spent all her li+in' on physicians1
741 Lk 8:C3 @2681A )))0$7>8 @VA: M"n' "ncient "(thorities re"d my -elo+ed !on1
781 Lk 8:37 @5581A &0$56F @#AT: M"n' "ncient "(thorities "dd e+en as (liKah did" @Ed1 )n"cc(r"te i! it w"s tho(ght +"es or +ohn
"ct("%%' s"id this r"ther th"n ere%' being in their tho(ghts0 "s it ost cert"in%' w"s1A
3>1 Lk 8:33 @5581A &0$56F @VA: Soe "ncient "(thorities "dd and said, 7e *no) not )hat manner of spirit ye are of"
Lk 8:3F @5581A &0$56F @VA: Soe0 b(t !ewer0 "dd "%so Gor the !on of Man came not to destroy men$s li+es, -&t to sa+e them"
321 Lk 2>:2 @236b1A )))0$5C @VAT: M"n' "ncient "(thorities "dd Lse*ent'M and t)o1 @Ed1 An'thing other th"n se*ent' two
is in"cc(r"te1
351 Lk 2>:26 @2341A )))0$5F @VAT: M"n' "ncient "(thorities "dd Lse*ent'M and t)o" @Ed1 An'thing other th"n se*ent' two is
3C1 Lk 2>:72 @2481A )))0$F52 @#A: A !ew "ncient "(thorities oit an0io&s "nd a-o&t many thin's1
371 Lk 22:5 @2521A ))0$C5F P@VA0 R@#A: M"n' "ncient "(thorities re"d 9&r Gather )hich art in hea+en"
331 Lk 22:22 @2551A ))0$C58 @#A: Soe "ncient "(thorities oit a loaf, and he 'i+e them a stoneL 9r
3F1 Lk 25:C2 @2331A )))0$25 @VA: M"n' "ncient "(thorities re"d the Oin'dom of God1
361 Lk 23:52 @25C1A ))0$C72 P@VA0 R@#A: Soe "ncient "(thorities "dd ma*e me as one of thy hired ser+ants1
341 Lk 26:57 @5>F1A )&0$7F2 @#A: Soe "ncient "(thorities oit in his day"
381 Lk55:7C077 @56C1A &0$3CF @#A: M"n' "ncient "(thorities oit *17C077
F>1 Lk 5C:C7 @C5C1A &0$F27 @#A: Soe "ncient "(thorities oit =nd #es&s said, Gather for'i+e them for they *no) not )hat they
F21 Lk 57:F @C7F1A &0$62> @#A: Soe "ncient "(thorities oit He is not here, -&t is risen"
F51 Lk 57:CF @C781A &0$67> @#A: Soe "ncient "(thorities oit and saith &nto them, Peace -e &nto yo&"
FC1 Lk 57:7> @C781A &0$67> @#A: Soe "ncient "(thorities oit *17> @Ed1 +es(s shows His h"nds "nd !eetA
F71 Lk 57:75 @C781A &0$67> @VA: M"n' "ncient "(thorities "dd and a honeycom-"
F31 +n C:2C @F61A )0$F53 P@VA0 R@#A: M"n' "ncient "(thorities oit )hich is in hea+en"
FF1 +n 3:5 @2561A ))0$7F4 P@#A0 R@VA: Soe "ncient "(thorities re"d 8ethsaida1 @Ed1 )n"cc(r"teA
F61 +n 6:3C @52>105221A PGR@#A0 R&@VA: Most o! the "ncient "(thorities oit +n 6:3C#4:221 Those th"t cont"in it *"r'
# 4:22 )&0$748 (ch !ro e"ch other1 @Ed1 +ohn "' not h"*e $(t this in his origin"% edition b(t in "
%"ter one1A
F41 +n 4:38 @5271A )&0$368 @#AT: M"n' "ncient "(thorities "dd and 'oin' thro&'h the midst of them )ent his )ay, and so passed
-y" @Ed1 Seeing%' in"cc(r"te %ooking "t the "cco(nt in The Poem 14
F81 +n 8:C3 @52F1A )&0$F78 @#A: M"n' "ncient "(thorities re"d the !on of man"
6>1 +n 2>:24 @52F1A )&0$F33 @#A: Soe "ncient "(thorities re"d too* it a)ay"
621 +n 2>:58 @5241A )&0$4>5 @VAT: Soe "ncient "(thorities re"d That )hich my Gather hath 'i+en me"
` The Rheis *ersion o! the New Test"ent0 tr"ns%"ted !ro the L"tin &(%g"te0 w"s the st"nd"rd !or the ,"tho%ic ,h(rch !ro its
$(b%ic"tion in 2345 thro(gh its re*ision in 263> b' /isho$ ,h"%%oner @"nd the ,on!r"ternit' re*ision in 2872A (nti% the "$$e"r"nce o! the
New Aeric"n /ib%e in 286>1
_ The R& @2442A re!%ects the bib%ic"% scho%"rshi$ o! M&Hs d"'1 The Re*ised St"nd"rd &ersion @287FA which0 howe*er0 shows e*en
gre"ter *"ri"nce with the PGR0 w"s not "*"i%"b%e when M& recei*ed her re*e%"tions1
TF(rther (nist"k"b%e testion' to the di*ine origin o! The Poem coes !ro the Peshitt"0 the high%' re*ered "nd e:ce$tion"%%' re%i"b%e
"ncient E"stern te:t written in Ar""ic0 the origin"% %"ng("ge o! +es(s0 the Disci$%es "nd M"tthewHs Gos$e%1 )n on%' these 22 noted c"ses
does the L"s" tr"ns%"tion o! the origin"% "ncient Peshitt"0 di!!er !ro the PGR renditions1 @)n F o! these 22 c"ses the Peshitt" dis"greed
with the R& "%so1A The Peshitt"0 !(rtherore0 di!!ers with the R& in C7 o! these F8 c"ses1 The !ew di!!erences with the PGR0 howe*er0 is
!(rther e*idence th"t The Poem w"s no ere e:$"nsion on any known New Test"ent *ersion o! which we "re "w"re1
9i%% be e*idenced in "n' st(d' o! The Poem in the order in which it w"s origin"%%' gi*en "nd d"ted1
TH) 34)M I" TH) 4%D)%
IT W$( %)&)$5)D
A re"ding o! The Poem in the order in which it w"s recei*ed "nd origin"%%' d"ted re*e"%s the "(thorHs
$rogressi*e%' incre"sing know%edge o! $ersons "nd $%"ces1 Th"t this re*e%"tion @2FF ch"$ters o! itA w"s
then written o(t o! chrono%ogic"% order0 "nd th"t when "sseb%ed in $ro$er order0 "ni!ests " $er!ect%'
!%owing stor' %ine with none o! the o*er 3>> $ersons0 or the C6> %oc"tions entioned in o(r LordHs Ce
'e"r itiner"r' being o(t o! $%"ce or inconsistent with the tiing necessities !or tr"*e%ing0 $ro*es be'ond
;(estion this work co(%d not h"*e been o! h("n origin1 This $er!ect%' !%owing stor' %ine "%so inc%(des
$ro$er se"son"% se;(encing0 "nd "gric(%t(r"% "nd %(n"r c'c%ing1 @See the P"%estini"n Agric(%t(r"% "nd
,%i"ctic ,"%end"r "t the beginning o! this workA
Italici/ed te0t indic"tes non#n"rr"ti*e s($$%eent"r' re*e%"tion1 The 2FF ch"$ters noted with "n "sterisk
LDM were gi*en o(t o! chrono%ogic"% se;(ence0 "s the ch"$ter en(er"tions wi%% indic"te1
,h"$ter Tit%e G !&mmaries of ,hapter !&--di+isions D"te Re*e"%ed
&o%1 G P"ge
F761f" Mary on Her ass&mption as )hat God had planned for all man*ind" DDec 287C
F761d" Mary says more on Her lon'in' for Her !on -efore !he )as ass&med" DDec
240 N7C
F761-" #es&s e0plains more on Mary$s =ss&mption" D+"n 30 N77
351 +es(s "t the 9edding "t ,"n"1 @"0bA D+"n 2F0 N77
c" RMy first miracle happened -eca&se of Mary"S RI )anted to ma*e Her po)er *no)n"S D+"n
2F0 N77 )0547
5C31 M"r' M"gd"%ene in the Ho(se o! Sion0 the Ph"risee1 D+"n
520 N77
-" #es&s tells )hat -ro&'ht the Pharisee !imon to silence" D+"n 520 N77
c" MV on the )isdom of #es&s$ ans)ers" #es&s$ perceptions into the so&l of the Ma'dalene" D+"n
550 N77
CF1 The Ho%' F"i%' in Eg'$t1 D+"n 530 N77
b1 #es&s on the spirit&al )ealth in the ho&se of po+erty in ('ypt" Most prayers are selfish" D+"n
5F0 N77
721 The Dis$(te o! +es(s with the Doctors in the Te$%e1 D+"n 540 N77
-" MV e0plains ho) she discerned the names of the doctors, Hillel, Gamaliel and !hammai" D+"n
580 N77
2431 The ,"%ing o! the Stor1 D+"n C>0 N77
-" #es&s5 This crisis )as -eca&se the Disciples )ere too confident in their o)n a-ilities" D+"n
C>0 N77
C51 The Present"tion o! +es(s in the Te$%e1 DFeb 20 N77
-" #es&s on )hy !imeon sa) )hat the priest co&ld not and on =nna$s )ords of )isdom" DFeb 50
731 +es(s is /"$tiIed in the +ord"n1 DFeb C0 N77 )0575
-" The si'n of the Do+e )as not for the 8aptist, )ho already sa)" The p&rpose of The Poem" DFeb 70
c" MV str&''les )ith her director$s ill ad+ice and her str&''le to o-ey God" DFeb 70 N77
751 The De"th o! S"int +ose$h1 DFeb 30 N77
-" #es&s on the -itter s&fferin' of Mary at the loss of #oseph" DFeb 30 N77
&ision o! the ,hi%dren1 Fro Dote-oo* 19JJ0 $$1 2C8#273 DFeb 60 N77
771 F"rewe%% to His Mother "nd De$"rt(re !ro N"I"reth1 DFeb 80
-" #es&s on Mary$s deep sorro) o+er the depart&re of #es&s" It )as Her fo&rth sorro)" DFeb 80
388.a" #es&s spea*s to MV of the 'reat a'ony He end&red in #&das$ presence at the %ast !&pper" DFeb
2>0 N77
-" #es&s 'i+es MV a 'entle reproach for her e0a''erated claim of fati'&e" BFeb
220 N77
2>F1 +es(s is Dri*en o(t o! N"I"reth "nd He ,o!orts His Mother1 Re!%ections1 @"0bA DFeb
2C0 N77 )03F7
c1 M"r' begs +es(s to st"' "w"' !ro N"I"reth bec"(se o! the hosti%it' "g"inst Hi1 DFeb
2C0 N77
d" Go&r contemplations5 #&das< the hostility of priests< inconsistent cro)d< the
h&manity of the =postles" DFeb 2C0 N77
2>21 +es(s a(estions His Mother "bo(t His Disci$%es1 DFeb 2C0 N77
388"d" #es&s tells MV )hat it )as li*e to end&re the a'ony in the Garden" DFeb 230 N77
F>>1a" #es&s relates to MV the a'ony of the Passion itself" DFeb 2F0 N77
39N"c" #es&s on the fo&r main teachin's from the Passo+er !&pper episode" DFeb
260 N77
3861 The Th(rsd"' E*ening be!ore P"sso*er1 Arri*"% "t the S($$er#Roo "nd F"rewe%% to the Mother1
DFeb 260 N77 &0748
F>F1 The /(ri"% o! +es(s "nd the S$irit("% Distress o! M"r'1 @"A@cA DFeb
280 N77
F>81 The edeemin' Val&e of #es&s$ and Mary$s !&fferin's" #ohn is the Head of %o+ers" DFeb
5>0 N77
F251b The Morning o! the Res(rrection1 DFeb 520 N77
F2F1 ,omment on the es&rrection" DFeb 520 N77 &0625

72"c" #es&s reflects on the reactions of Mary and #oseph to #es&s stayin' in #er&salem" DFeb
550 N77 )055>
FCC1 F"rewe%% to His Mother be!ore Ascension1 DFeb 550 N77
-" #es&s addresses those )ho mi'ht M&estion that He )o&ld act&ally li+e in the heart of Mary and
lea+e only to consecrate the (&charistic -read and )ine" R(+erythin', e+erythin', e+erythin' yo&
ha+e thro&'h Mary?S
DFeb 550 N77 &04F7
7F1 +es(s is Te$ted in the Desert b' the De*i%1 DFeb 570 N77
-" #es&s on !atan$s methods and ho) to defeat him" DFeb 570 N77
761 +es(s eets +ohn "nd +"es1 DFeb 530 N77
-" #es&s tells )hy #ohn )as the only one a-le to reco'ni/e Him after the lon' fast" DFeb
530 N77
c" #es&s comments on the chronolo'y of #ohn 1529" DFeb 530 N77
C71 The Ador"tion o! the 9ise Men1 DFeb 540 N77
-" #es&s on the spirit&al character and inte'rity of the Cise Men" =lso Mary and #oseph" DFeb
540 N77
56C1 +es(s 9"%ks on the 9"ter1 DMch 70 N77
-" #es&s spea*s of His )atchf&l care o+er &s and o&r often indifference" Peter$s fa&lt of self
confidence" R9h, if the (arth co&ld say 5 TMaster, %ord sa+e me?$ !atan )o&ld -e immediately
defeated"S DMch 70 H77 ))063>
261 The Diso-edience of (+e and the 9-edience of Mary" Mch 30
C321c1 Litt%e /enK"in o! ,"$ern"(1 DMch 60 N77E )))075C
f" #es&s5 RThe Oin'dom -elon's to the faithf&l lam-s )ho lo+e and follo) Me )itho&t 'ettin' lost
in the
as did little 8enKamin" DMch 60 N77 )))07CC
261-" Mary 5 RI o-eyed in My KoyS and *ne) the pain of the Gather o+er the corr&ption of (+e" Mch 40
c" #es&s, on the tr&e nat&re of the fall" Mch 40 N77
2F1 The Ann(nci"tion1 Mch 40 N77
F>>1c" #es&s$ insi'ht into the character and nat&re of Pilate" DMch
2>0 N77
5581 The 9o"n with " H"eorrh"ge "nd +"ir(sH D"(ghter1 DMch
220 N77
7851 The Ph"risees "nd the Ad(%tero(s 9o"n1 DMch 5>0 N77
-" #es&s spea*s of the hypocrisy in the hearts of the acc&sers )ho )ere as '&ilty, e+en if it )as only
He spea*s of the imperati+e of mercy on those )ho fall" DMch
5>0 N77
C61 The First 9orking Lesson Gi*en to +es(s1 DMch 520 N77
-" #es&s spea*s of His home as Rhappy in its po+erty -eca&se it )as s&rro&nded -y the lo+e of t)o
s&-mitted to the need of man as teacher, He tells ho) He )as perfected as a man -y #oseph" DMch
520 N77
37F1-" #es&s e0plains the reasons He allo)ed %a/ar&s to die, and )hy He chose men set in their )ays as
Disciples" H&man life, the means to conM&er the tr&e life, not the aim" easons #es&s )ept at
%a/ar&s$ tom-" DMch 5C0 N77 &0F2
c" =nticipatin' the criticism, #es&s e0plains that MV$s acco&nt does not conflict )ith #ohn 95Q3"
%a/ar&s$ 'arden is not in the Villa'e of 8ethany" #es&s did a+oid the Villa'e to a+oid &n)elcomed
attention" L(nd"tedM &0F7
241 The Ann(nci"tion o! E%iI"bethHs Pregn"nc' to +ose$h1 Mch
530 N77
-" Mary$s a'ony in remainin' silent -efore #oseph a-o&t God$s 'ift of 'race to Her" Mch
530 N77
281 M"r' "nd +ose$h Set O(t !or +er(s"%e1 Mch 560 N77
5>1 Fro +er(s"%e to O"ch"ri"sH Ho(se1 Mch 540 N77
-" Mary on the importance of prayer and )orship in Her and #oseph$s life" Mch
540 N77
F>21 The De"th o! +(d"s )sc"riot1 DMch C20 N77
-" #es&s comments on the &tter e+il into )hich #&das fell, and the determinin' po)er of h&man )ill"
DMch C20 N77 &034>
521 Arri*"% "t O"ch"ri"sH Ho(se1 A$r 20 N77
551 M"r' "nd E%iI"beth S$e"k o! their ,hi%dren1 A$ri% 50 N77
-" The Holy !ecrets of God are re+ealed only to those )ho )al* in faith" A$ri%
50 N77
c" Mary spea*s of her faith in God$s pro+isions for Her as she helps (li/a-eth" A$ri%
50 N77
F>21c" #es&s comments on the relationship He had )ith Mary and the relationship -et)een =dam and
cancels (+e$s &nfor'i+in' attit&de to)ard ,ain" DA$r 50 N77
5C1 The /irth o! the /"$tist1 A$r C0 N77 )022>
-" (li/a-eth )as not free from pain in child-irth as )as Mary, -&t Mary$s pain )as m&ch )orse in
-rin'in' forth
spirit&al children" A$r C0 N77
571 The ,irc(cision o! the /"$tist1 A$r 70 N77
-" Mary appeals to &s to repent of o&r sin as Eacharias so )e may o-tain God$s %i'ht" A$r 70
F>51 9ther Teachin's on the Girst Parents and on the Parallelism -et)een ,ain and #&das" DA$r
30 N77
531 The Present"tion o! the /"$tist in the Te$%e1 A$r
-" Three days of silent a'ony for Mary and #oseph -ac* to Da/areth" A$r 3GF0 N77
F>C1 +ohn Goes to Get M"r'1 DA$r 60 N77 &038>
7271 The /egg"r on the Ro"d to +ericho1 DM"' 260 N77
C351 Second Mir"c%e o! the Lo"*es1 DM"' 540 N77 )))07CC
-" #es&s chides His critics for their d&llness of spirit and their fail&re to read and relish as food
a-o&t Him" DM"' 540 N77 )))07C3
5F1 M"r' o! N"I"reth ,%"ri!ies the M"tter with +ose$h1 M"' C20 N77
-" Mary$s fear )as for #oseph in errin'" The 'reatest test of h&mility5 emainin' silent a-o&t
some special 'race in one$s life"
M"' C20 H77 )0254
FC61 Peter ,e%ebr"tes the E(ch"rist in " Meeting o! the First ,hristi"ns1 D+(n C0 N77
561 The ,ens(s Edict1 +(n 70 N77
-" Mary on the -&rden of a man in marria'e" Tr&st God in all thin's" Dothin' happens )itho&t
God allo)in' it,
incl&din' the destr&ction of e+il men" +(n 70 H77
541 The +o(rne' to /eth%ehe1 +(n 30 N77
581 The /irth o! O(r Lord +es(s1 +(n F0 N77
-" Mary on the e0tent of Her sacrifice and s&fferin' to redeem &s from (+e$s sin" +(n F0
C>1 The Ador"tion o! the She$herds1 +(n 60 N77
-" #es&s spea*s of the h&m-le, holy and 'enero&s faith of the shepherds, the first (&charistic
)orshipers in the
,h&rch" +(n 60 N77 )0237
C21 O"ch"ri"sH &isit1 +(n 40 N77 )0233
-" Mary on the holiness and )isdom of #oseph in contrast to Eacharias to )hom they yield" +(n 40
C31 The F%ight into Eg'$t1 +(n 80 N77 )0268
-" #es&s on Matthe)$s testimony to Mary$s perpet&al +ir'inity" +(n 80 N77
7C1 ,oncl&sion to the Pri+ate %ife" +(ne 2>0 N77 )0554
7541 The F"%%en Nest "nd the Scribe +oh"n"n ben O"cc"i1 D+(n 2F0 N77
-" #es&s spea*s of His care for creation and of the spirit of the la)" D+(n 2F0 N77
F761c" Mary spea*s of the ecstasy of 'i+in' -irth to #es&s and especially Her ascension from the ho&se
in Gethsemane"
D+(% 40230 N77 &0872
7231 The ,on*ersion o! O"cch"e(s1 D+(% 260 N77 )&022
-" The yeast of 'ood and of e+il" #es&s$ insi'ht into the heart of Eacchae&s" D+(% 240 N77
c" God created so&ls )ith different tendencies so the )orld )ill ha+e -alance" !ocial re+ol&tion is
re-ellion a'ainst this order" #es&s spea*s also on the meanin' of -ein' poor in !pirit"
D+(% 280 N77 )&024
3441b1 +es(s wee$s o*er +er(s"%e1 D+(%' C>0 H77
d" #es&s spea*s of the tra'edy to come &pon #er&salem5 RGod )ithdra)s and (+il ad+ances"S
are not
so m&ch sa+ed )ith )eapons as """ a form of life that may attract the protection of Hea+en"S D+(%
C>0 N77
C741c1The Tr"ns!ig(r"tion 1 DA(g 30 H77
f" #es&s e0plains this is a 'limpse of the &nima'ina-le Koy that He )ishes &s to share )ith Him" The
thin's are needed to ma*e &s h&m-le and contrite so )e can attain to this Koy someday" DA(g
30 N77
F721 The M"rt'rdo o! Ste*en1 S"(% "nd G""%ie%1 DA(g 60 N77
F531 +es(s A$$e"rs to the A$ost%es with Tho"s1 S$eech on Priesthood1 DA(g 80 N77
2671b1 The enco(nter with the M"gd"%ene1 DA(g 250 N77
5C51 P"r"b%e o! the Lost Shee$1 DA(g 250 N77
5CC1 ,omment on the three (pisodes ,onnected )ith the ,on+ersion of Mary of Ma'dala" DA(g
2C0 N77
C6F1 M"r' H"s ,hosen the /etter P"rt1 DA(g 270 N77
-" #es&s comments on the Ma'dalene as the 'reatest of all those res&rrected -y His Gospel" DA(g
270 N77
21 Introd&ction" DA(g2F0 N77 )06
5861 The Litt%e Or$h"ns M"r' "nd M"tthi"s L+es(s "$$ro"ches their ho(seM1 @"A DA(g
5>0 N77
c" #es&s5 RIt is &seless to freM&ent the !acraments and rites, it is &seless to pray, if one lac*s
" They
form&lae and e+en sacrile'es" DA(g 5>0 N77 )))02C2
d" Mary on the holy simplicity of the 9rphans" RThere is no misery )hich My !on cannot t&rn to
is no
fa&lt )hich He cannot cancel"S DA(g 520 N77

51 +o"chi "nd Anne M"ke " &ow to the Lord1 DA(g 550 N77
C1 Anne0 Pr"'ing in the Te$%e0 H"s Her 9ish F(%!i%%ed1 DA(g 5C0 N77
71 9ith " ,"ntic%e0 Anne Anno(nces th"t She )s " Mother1 DA(g
570 N77
31 /irth o! the &irgin M"r'1 DA(g 5F0 N77
-" God$s p&rpose in creatin' man" eal ca&se of the fall" Importance of Mary$s Vir'inity" DA(g
560 N77
F1 The P(ri!ic"tion o! Anne "nd the O!!ering o! M"r'1 DA(g 540 N77
-" #es&s5 R,ome to Me loo*in' at Mary"S DA(g 540 N77
61 The Son H"s P(t His 9isdo on His MotherHs Li$s1 DA(g 540 N77
-" #es&s e0plains the 'reat )isdom of Mary to the s*eptics" DA(g 540 N77
41 M"r' is Presented in the Te$%e1 DA(g C>0 77
-" #es&s e0plains Mary$s perfection amplified her h&mility and her sensiti+ity" DA(g
C>0 77

81 De"th o! +o"chi "nd Anne1 DA(g C20 77
2>1 M"r'Hs ,"ntic%e )$%oring the ,oing o! the ,hrist1 DSe$t 50 N77
-" Ho) the !aints ha+e s&ch &nderstandin', e+en of the f&t&re" DSe$t
50 N77
c" MV 'ets a s&rprise and is ass&red that her +isions are not self deception" BSe$t
50 N77
221 M"r' 9i%% ,on!ide Her &ow to the S$o(se God 9i%% Gi*e Her1 DSe$t
C0 N77
251 +ose$h is the A$$ointed H(sb"nd o! the &irgin1 DSe$t 70 N77
2C1 9edding o! the &irgin "nd +ose$h1 DSe$t 30 N77
-" #es&s on the heroic +irt&es of #oseph as the first co-redeemer of man*ind" DSe$t
30 N77
271 +ose$h "nd M"r' Arri*e in N"I"reth1 DSe$t F0 N77
231 ,oncl&sion to the Pre-Gospel1 DSe$t F0 N77 )066
-1 Mary spea*s of some special 'ifts she is 'i+in' to MV, a +ictim so&l" DSe$t
F0 N77
CC71 )sh"e% /en F"bi1 The P"r"b%e o! the /"n;(et1 DSe$
220 N77
CF>1 Mir"c%e on the +ord"n in F%ood1 DSe$ 260 N77
7>71 At +o$$" +es(s S$e"ks to +(d"s o! -erioth "nd to Soe Genti%es1 DSe$
5>0 N77
-" MV admits she does not *no) the settin' of this +ision -&t accordin' to )here #es&s later tells
her to
it in
her )or* the place is #oppa 1 !ee ,h J3Q4 DSe$ 5>0 N77
7FF1 +(d"s )sc"riot Fi%%s +es(s with +o'1 DSe$ 5C0 N77
-" #es&s e0plains )hy so m&ch )as re+ealed a-o&t the Iscariot in the Poem" DSe$ 5C0 N77
7>81 The Mir"c(%o(s G%e"ning in the P%"in1 DSe$ 560 N77
-" #es&s e0plains )hy #es&s )as made happy to see #&das try to chan'e )hen He *ne) he )o&ld
completely a)ay from e+il" DSe$ 560 N77
7241 The Deoni"c o! the Dec"$o%is1 DSe$ 580 N77
-" #es&s laments there are many )ho )ill not -elie+e !atan can possess men" DSe$ 580 N77
7261 )n " Litt%e &i%%"ge o! the Dec"$o%is1 P"r"b%e o! the Sc(%$tor1 DOct 50 N77
F>F1-"d1 /(ri"% o! +es(s "nd the S$irit("% Distress o! M"r'1 DOct 70
341 ,(re o! " /%ind M"n "t ,"$ern"(1 Oct 60 N77
5861b1 The Litt%e Or$h"ns M"r' "nd M"tthi"s DOct 40
741 +ohn "nd +"es S$e"k to Peter "bo(t the Messi"h1 Oct 250 N77
781 First Meeting o! Peter "nd the Messi"h1 @"0bA Oct 2C0 N77
c" #ohn$s incredi-le h&mility in his creditin' =ndre) for Peter$s con+ersion" Oct 2C0 N77
3>1 +es(s "t /eths"id" in PeterHs Ho(se1 He Meets Phi%i$ "nd N"th"nie%1 Oct 230 N77
321 +(d"s Th"dde(s "t /eths"id" to )n*ite +es(s to the 9edding "t ,"n"1 Oct 260 N77
3C1 +es(s Dri*es the Merch"nts o(t o! the Te$%e1 Oct 570 N77
371 +es(s Meets +(d"s )sc"riot "nd Tho"s0 "nd ,(res Sion the Oe"%ot1 Oct 5F0 N77
331 Tho"s /ecoes " Disci$%e1 Oct 560 N77
3F1 +(d"s A%$h"e(s0 Tho"s "nd Sion Are Acce$ted "s Disci$%es "t the +ord"n1 Oct 540 N77
C41 M"r'0 the Te"cher o! +es(s0 +(d"s "nd +"es1 DOct 580 N77
-" #es&s5 RThere )as no other doctor in Israel li*e My s)eet Mother"S DOct
580 N77
361 Ret(rn to N"I"reth "!ter P"sso*er with the Si: Disci$%es1 Oct C20 N77
381 The Deoni"c o! ,"$ern"( ,(red in the S'n"gog(e1 No* 50
F>1 The ,(re o! Sion PeterHs Mother#in#L"w1 No* C0 N77
F21 +es(s Pre"ches "nd 9orks Mir"c%es in PeterHs Ho(se1 No* 70 N77
F51 +es(s Pr"'s "t Night1 No* 30 N77 )0C58
FC1 The Le$er ,(red ne"r -or"Ii1 No* F0 N77
F71 The P"r"%'tic ,(red in PeterHs Ho(se1 No* 80 N77
F31 The Mir"c(%o(s Dr"(ght o! Fishes1 No* 2>0 N77
C81 Pre$"r"tions !or +es(sH ,oing o! Age "nd De$"rt(re !ro N"I"reth1 DNo* 53 G Dec
280 5>0
CC1 L(%%"b' o! the &irgin1 DNo* 540 N77 )02F3
7>1 +es(s E:"ined in the Te$%e 9hen He is o! Age1 DDec 520 N77
FF1 The )sc"riot Finds +es(s "t Gethse"ne "nd is Acce$ted "s " Disci$%e1 Dec
540 N77
F61 +es(s 9orks the Mir"c%e o! the /roken /%"des "t the Fish G"te1 Dec
C20 N77
F41 +es(s Pre"ches in the Te$%e1 +(d"s )sc"riot is with Hi1 +"n 20 N73
F81 +es(s Te"ches +(d"s )sc"riot1 +"n C0 N73
6>1 +es(s Meets +ohn o! Oebedee "t Gethse"ne1 +"n 70 N73
-" #es&s compares His Disciples, #ohn and #&das +"n 70 N73
621 +es(s with +(d"s )sc"riot Meets Sion Oe"%ot "nd +ohn1 +"n F0
651 +es(s0 +ohn0 Sion "nd +(d"s go to /eth%ehe1 +"n 60 N73
6C1 +es(s "t /eth%ehe in the Pe"s"ntHs Ho(se "nd in the Grotto1 +"n 40 N73
671 +es(s Goes to the Hote% in /eth%ehe "nd Pre"ches !ro the R(ins o! AnneHs Ho(se1 +"n 80 N73
631 +es(s "nd the She$herds E%i"s0 Le*i "nd +ose$h1 +"n 220
661 +es(s "t Hebron1 O"ch"ri"sH Ho(se1 Ag%"e1 +"n 220 N73

6F1 +es(s "t +(tt"h with the She$herd )s""c1 +"n 250 N73
641 +es(s "t -erioth1 De"th o! O%d S"(%1 +"n 270 N73
681 +es(s on His 9"' /"ck Sto$s with the She$herds ne"r Hebron1 +"n 230
4>1 +es(s Ret(rns to the Mo(nt"in 9here He F"sted "nd to the Rock o! Te$t"tion1 +"n 260
421 At the +ord"n Ford1 Meeting with the She$herds L+ose$h0M +ohn0 M"thi"s "nd Sieon1 +"n 240
451 +(d"s )sc"riot Te%%s how He So%d Ag%"eHs +ewe%s to Dioedes1 +"n 280
4C1 +es(s ,ries on "cco(nt o! +(d"s "nd Sion Oe"%ot ,o!orts Hi1 +"n 5>0 N73
-" RHo) many times ha+e I cried )ith My face on the 'ro&nd -eca&se of men"S +"n 5>0
471 +es(s Meets L"I"r(s "t /eth"n'1 +"n 520 N73
431 +es(s Goes /"ck to +er(s"%e "nd Listens to +(d"s )sc"riot in the Te$%e "nd then Goes to
+"n 550 N73 )0737
4F1 +es(s S$e"ks to the So%dier A%e:"nder "t the Fish G"te1 +"n 570
461 +es(s "nd )s""c ne"r Doco1 De$"rt(re tow"rds Esdr"e%on1 +"n 530 N73
441 +es(s with the She$herd +on"h in the P%"in o! Esdr"e%on1 +"n 5F0
481 Ret(rn to N"I"reth "!ter Le"*ing +on"h1 +"n 560 N73
8>1 The Ne:t D"' in the Ho(se in N"I"reth1 +"n 540 N73
821 +es(sH Lesson to His Disci$%es in the O%i*e Gro*e1 +"n 580 N73
851 +es(sH Lesson to His Disci$%es ne"r His Hoe1 +"n C>0
8C1 The Lesson to the Disci$%es in the Presence o! the Most Ho%' &irgin in the G"rden o! N"I"reth1
+"n C20 N73 )0748
871 ,(re o! the /e"(t' o! -or"Ii1 Seron in the S'n"gog(e "t ,"$ern"(1 Feb 20
831 +"es o! A%$h"e(s is Recei*ed "ong the Disci$%es1 +es(s Pre"ches ne"r M"tthewHs ,(stos
Feb 50 N73 )03>>
8F1 +es(s Pre"ches to the ,rowd "t /eths"id"1 Feb C0 N73
861 The ,"%% o! M"tthew1 Feb 70 N73 )0322
841 +es(s on the L"ke o! Tiberi"s1 Lesson to the Disci$%es ne"r the s"e Town1 Feb 30 N73
881 +es(s Looks !or +on"th"n in the Ho(se o! ,h(I" "t Tiberi"s1 Feb F0 N73
2>>1 +es(s in the Ho(se o! His .nc%e A%$h"e(s "nd then "t His Own Ho(se1 Feb 60
-" #es&s comments on the 'reat diffic&lties He had in trainin' His Disciples and the diffic&lties the
es had"
challen'es the Rdiffic&lt doctorsS 1critics of this )or*4 to -ecome tr&e Disciples" Feb 60
2>51 The ,(re o! +oh"nn" o! ,h(I" ne"r ,"n"1 Feb 40 N73
2>C1 +es(s in Leb"non with the She$herds /enK"in "nd D"nie%1 Feb 2>0 N73
2>71 +es(s in the Se"#Town Recei*es Letters ,oncerning +on"h1 Feb 220 N73
2>31 +es(s M"kes Pe"ce with His ,o(sin Sion in the Ho(se o! M"r' o! A%$h"e(s1 Feb 250
-" #es&s comments on a mista*e MV made in thin*in' His co&sin !imon )as an =postle1 Feb 250
N73 )03FC

2>61 +es(s in the Ho(se o! +oh"nn" o! ,h(I" with His Mother1 Feb 2C0N73
2>41 +es(s "t the &int"ge in the Ho(se o! Ann"1 Mir"c%e o! the P"r"%'tic ,hi%d1 Feb 270
2>81 +es(s "t Dor"sH Ho(se1 De"th o! +on"h1 Feb 230 N73
22>1 +es(s in the Ho(se o! +"cob ne"r L"ke Mero1 Feb 260
2221 Ret(rn to the +ord"n Ford ne"r +ericho1 Feb 240N73
2251 +es(s in the Ho(se o! L"I"r(s1 M"rth" S$e"ks o! the M"gd"%ene1 Feb
22C1 )n L"I"r(sH Ho(se Ag"in "!ter the LSecondM T"bern"c%es1 )n*it"tion o! +ose$h o! Ari"the"1 Feb 5>0
2271 +es(s Meets G""%ie% "t the /"n;(et o! +ose$h o! Ari"the"1 Feb 520 N73
F271 +es(s A$$e"rs to His Mother1 DFeb 520 N73
2231 ,(re o! the Litt%e D'ing /o'1 The So%dier A%e:"nder1 )nti"tion to +es(s1 Feb 550
22F1 +es(s S$e"ks o! Nicode(s0 "t Night0 "t Gethse"ne1 Feb 570 N73
2261 +es(s "t L"I"r(sH Ho(se /e!ore Going to the <,%e"r 9"ter1= Feb 530 N73
2241 +es(s "t the <,%e"r 9"ter1= Pre%iin"ries !or Li!e in ,oon with the Disci$%es1 Feb 5F0
2281 +es(s "t the <,%e"r 9"ter1= <) " the Lord 'o(r God1= Feb 560
25>1 +es(s "t the <,%e"r 9"ter1= <Yo( Sh"%% H"*e No Gods in M' Presence1= Feb 540
2521 +es(s "t the <,%e"r 9"ter1= <Yo( Sh"%% Not T"ke M' N"e in &"in1= Mch 20 N73
3431 F"rewe%% to L"I"r(s1 DMch 50 N73
-" MV mentions her 'reat s&fferin' seein' #es&s in a'ony all that ni'ht" DMch
2551 +es(s "t the <,%e"r 9"ter1= <Honor Yo(r F"ther "nd Yo(r Mother1= Mch C0 N73
3461 Fro /eth"n' to +er(s"%e1 DMch C0 N73
3481 The E*ening o! P"% S(nd"'1 DMch 70 N73
25C1 +es(s "t the <,%e"r 9"ter1= <Yo( Sh"%% Not Fornic"te1= Mch 70
2571 The &ei%ed 9o"n "t the <,%e"r 9"ter1= Mch 30 N73
2531 +es(s "t the <,%e"r 9"ter1= <Obser*e Ho%' D"'s1= Mch F0 N73
3821 Mond"' Night be!ore P"sso*er1 Te"ching to the A$ost%es "t Gethse"ne1 DMch
F0 N73
38C1 The T(esd"' Night be!ore P"sso*er1 Other Te"chings to the A$ost%es1 DMch
60 N73
3831 The Night o! the 9ednesd"' be!ore P"sso*er1 L"st Te"ching o! the A$ost%es
Lon sorrow!(% "ttersM1 DMch 40 H73
3841 The P"sso*er S($$er1 @"0bA DMch 80 N73
25F1 +es(s "t the <,%e"r 9"ter1= <Yo( Sh"%% Not -i%%1= De"th o! Dor"s1 Mch 2>0 N73
2561 +es(s "t the <,%e"r 9"ter1= <Do Not P(t the Lord Yo(r God to the Test1 The Three Disci$%es o! the
Mch 220 N73 )0F46
2541 +es(s "t the <,%e"r 9"ter1= <Yo( Sh"%% Not ,o*et Yo(r NeighborHs 9i!e1= Mch 250 N73
2581 +es(s "t the <,%e"r 9"ter1= He ,(res the M"d Ro"n "nd S$e"ks to the Ro"ns1 Mch
2C0 N73
2C>1 +es(s "t the <,%e"r 9"ter1= <Yo( Sh"%% Not /e"r F"%se 9itness1= Mch 270 N73
2C21 +es(s "t the <,%e"r 9"ter1= <Yo( Sh"%% Not ,o*et 9h"t /e%ongs to Yo(r Neighbor1= Mch
230 N73
3881 The Agon' "nd the Arrest "t Gethse"ne1 DMch 2F0 N73
2C51 +es(s "t the <,%e"r 9"ter1= ,%os(re1 Mch 260 N73
2CC1 +es(s Le"*es the <,%e"r 9"ter= "nd goes tow"rd /eth"n'1 Mch 240 N73
2C71 The ,(re o! +er(s"0 the 9o"n o! Doco A!!%icted with ,"ncer1 Mch
280 N73
2C31 At /eth"n' in the Ho(se o! Sion Oe"%ot1 Mch 520 N73
2CF1 The Fe"st o! Dedic"tion in L"I"r(sH Ho(se with the She$herds1 Mch
550 N73
F>>1b The &"rio(s Tri"%s1 DMch 55#530
F>71 The 9"' o! the ,ross !ro the Pr"etori( to ,"%*"r'1 DMch 5F0 N73
F>31 The ,r(ci!i:ion1 DMch 560 N73
F>61 The Ret(rn to the S($$er#Roo1 DMch 540 N73
F>41 The Night o! Good Frid"'1 @"0b0cA DMch 580 N73
F2>1 The Ho%' S"t(rd"'1 DMch C>0 N73
F221 The Night o! Ho%' S"t(rd"'1 DMch C20 N73
F251 The Morning o! the Res(rrection1 @"0cA DA$r 20 N73
F2C1 The Res(rrection1 DA$r 20 N73
F231 The Pio(s 9oen "t the Se$(%cher1 DA$r 50 N73
F261 +es(s A$$e"rs to L"I"r(s1 DA$r C0 N73
F241 +es(s A$$e"rs to +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"1 DA$r 70 N73
F281 +es(s A$$e"rs to +ose$h o! Ari"the"1 DA$r 70 N73
F5>1 +es(s A$$e"rs to the LeightM She$herds1 DA$r 70 N73 &0653
F521 +es(s A$$e"rs to the Disci$%es o! E"(s1 DA$r 30 N73
F551 +es(s A$$e"rs to the Other Friends1 DA$r 30 N73
F5C1 +es(s A$$e"rs to the Ten A$ost%es1 DA$r F0 N73
F571 The )ncred(%it' o! Tho"s1 DA$r1 60 N73
-" #es&s laments for the Thomas$ of today )ho contin&e to do&-t the re+elations of His life in these
)or*s that ha+e come thro&'h the faithf&l and s&fferin' penman, Maria Valtorta?
DA$r 60 N73 &0632
2C61 Ret(rn to the <,%e"r 9"ter1= A$ri% 230 N73
2C41 A New Disci$%e1 De$"rt(re !or G"%i%ee1 A$r 2F0 N73 )0637
2C81 On the Mo(nt"ins ne"r E"(s1 A$r 260 N73
27>1 )n the Ho(se o! ,%eo$"s0 the He"d o! the S'n"gog(e1 A$r 240 N73
2721 )nstr(ctions to the Disci$%es whi%e Going tow"rds Ari"the"1 A$r
280 N73
2751 )nstr(ctions to the A$ost%es whi%e Going tow"rds S""ri"1 A$r 520 N73
27C1 Photin"i0 the S""rit"n 9o"n1 A$r 550 N73
2771 9ith the Peo$%e o! S'ch"r1 A$r 5C0 N73
2731 E*"nge%iI"tion "t S'ch"r1 A$r 570 N73
27F1 Goodb'e to the Peo$%e o! S'ch"r1 A$r 530 N73
2761 )nstr(ctions to the A$ost%es "nd the Mir"c%e o! the 9o"n o! S'ch"r1 A$r 5F0 N73
2741 +es(s &isits the /"$tist ne"r Enon 1 A$r 560 N73
2781 +es(s Te"ches the A$ost%es1 A$r 540 N73
23>1 +es(s "t N"I"reth: <Son0 ) 9i%% ,oe with Yo(1= A$r C>0 N73
2321 )n S(s"nn"Hs Ho(se in ,"n"1 The Ro'"% O!!icer1 M"' 20 N73
2351 )n OebedeeHs Ho(se1 S"%oe is Acce$ted "s " Disci$%e1 M"' 50
23C1 +es(s S$e"ks to the Disci$%es o! 9oenHs A$osto%"te1 M"' C0 N73
2371 +es(s "t ,"es"re" on Se" S$e"ks to the G"%%e'#S%"*es1 M"' 70
2331 ,(re o! the Litt%e Ro"n Gir% "t ,"es"re"1 M"' 30 N73
23F1 Ann"%e"h De*otes Herse%! to God "s " &irgin1 M"' F0 N73
2361 )nstr(ctions to the 9oen Disci$%es "t N"I"reth1 M"' 60 N73
2341 +es(s S$e"ks to +oh"nn" o! ,h(I" on the L"ke1 M"' 40
2381 +es(s "t Gherghes"1 +ohnHs Disci$%es1 M"' 80 N73
2F>1 Fro N"$ht"%i to Gisc"%"1 Meeting with R"bbi G""%ie%1 M"' 2>0 N73
2F21 The Gr"ndson o! E%i0 " Ph"risee o! ,"$ern"(0 is ,(red1 M"'
220 N73
2F51 +es(s in the Ho(se in ,"$ern"( "!ter the Mir"c%e on E%ish"1 M"' 2C0 N73
2FC1 Dinner in the Ho(se o! E%i0 the Ph"risee o! ,"$ern"(1 M"'
270 N73
2F71 Tow"rd the Retre"t on the Mo(nt"in be!ore the E%ection o! the A$ost%es1 M"'
230 N73
2F31 The E%ection o! the Twe%*e A$ost%es1 M"' 2F0 N73
-" #es&s on ho) the Gospel records ha+e s&ffered loss of clarity, tho&'h not to doctrine" M"'
2F0 N73
2FF1 The First Seron o! Sion Oe"%ot "nd +ohn1 M"' 240 N73
2F61 )n the Ho(se o! +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"1 +es(s "nd the Ro"n L"dies1 M"'
280 N73
2F41 Ag%"e in M"r'Hs Ho(se "t N"I"reth1 M"' 5>0 N73
2F81 The Seron on the Mo(nt: <Yo( Are the S"%t o! the E"rth1= M"' 550 N73
26>1 The Seron on the Mo(nt: The /e"tit(des @P"rt OneA1 M"'
570 N73
2621 The Seron on the Mo(nt: The /e"tit(des @P"rt TwoA1 M"'
530 N73
2651 The Seron on the Mo(nt: The /e"tit(des @P"rt ThreeA1 M"'
5F0 N73
26C1 The Seron on the Mo(nt: The /e"tit(des @P"rt Fo(rA1 M"'
560 N73
2671 The Seron on the Mo(nt: The /e"tit(des @P"rt Fi*eA1 L8eforeM The Enco(nter with the
M"' 580 N73 ))02FC
2671 c1 9ords !ro +es(s to the crowd "!ter the M"gd"%ene h"s de$"rted1 M"' 580 N73
2631 The Le$er ,(red "t the Foot o! the Mo(nt"in1 M"'
C>0 N73
26F1 The S"bb"th "!ter the Seron1 At the Foot o! the Mo(nt"in1 +(n 20 N73
2661 The Ser*"nt o! the ,ent(rion )s ,(red1 +(n 50 N73
2641 +es(s Meets Three Men 9ho 9"nt to Fo%%ow Hi1 +(n C0 N73
2681 The P"r"b%e o! the Sower1 +(n 70 N73
24>1 Lesson to the A$ost%es in PeterHs -itchen "nd the Anno(nceent o! the /"$tistHs ,"$t(re1 +(n 60
2421 P"r"b%e o! the D"rne%1 +(n 40 N73 ))05>8
2451 On His 9"' to M"gd"%" +es(s S$e"ks to Soe She$herds1 +(n 80 N73
2471 At M"gd"%" in the Ho(se o! /enK"inHs Mother1 +(n 2>0 N73
24F1 The Deoni"cs o! G"d"r"1 +(n 220 N73
2461 Tow"rds +er(s"%e !or the Second P"sso*er1 Fro T"riche" to Mo(nt T"bor1 +(n 250
2441 Fro T"bor to Endor in the ,"*e o! the Necro"ncer1 Enco(nter with Fe%i:0 9ho /ecoes +ohn1
+(n 2C0 N73 ))057C
2481 The Son o! the 9idow o! N"in1 +(n 270 N73 ))0535
28>1 Fro N"in to Esdr"e%on1 +es(s st"'s "t Mic"hHs1 +(n 230 N73
2821 The S"bb"th "t Esdr"e%on1 Litt%e +"beI1 The P"r"b%e o! Rich Di*es1 +(n 2F0 N73
2851 Fro Esdr"e%on to Eng"nni Sto$$ing "t Megiddo1 +(n 260 N73
28C1 Fro Eng"nni to Sheche in Two D"'s1 +(n 240 N73
2871 Fro Sheche to /eeroth1 +(n 280 N73
2831 Fro /eeroth to +er(s"%e1 +(n 5>0 N73
28F1 The S"bb"th "t Gethse"ne1 +(n 520 N73
2861 )n the Te$%e "t the Ho(r o! the O!!ering1 +(n 550 N73
2841 +es(s Meets His Mother "t /eth"n'1 +(n 5C0 N73
2881 +es(s Goes to the Le$ers o! Si%o" "nd /en Hinno1 The Power o! M"r'Hs 9ord1 +(n 570
5>>1 Ag%"e Meets the M"ster1 +(ne 530 N73 ))0C>8
5>21 M"rKi"Hs E:"in"tion1 +(n 5F0 N73
5>51 At the Te$%e on the E*e o! P"sso*er1 +(n 560 N73
5>C1 The <O(r F"ther1= +(n 540 N73
5>71 +es(s to the Genti%es1 F"ith is /(i%t "s Yo(r Te$%es1 +(n 580 N73
5>31 The P"r"b%e o! the Prodig"% Son1 +(n C>0 N73
5>F1 P"r"b%e o! the Ten &irgins "nd the P"r"b%e o! the Ro'"% 9edding1 +(% 20
5>61 Fro /eth"n' to the Grotto o! /eth%ehe1 +(% C0 N73
5>41 Going to E%iI"Hs "t /ethI(r1 +(% 70 N73
5>81 +es(s in E%iI"Hs Ho(se S$e"ks o! Sorrow th"t /e"rs Fr(it1 +(% 30 N73
52>1 Tow"rds Hebron1 The 9or%dHs Re"sons "nd GodHs1 +(% F0 N73
5221 9e%coe Rece$tion "t Hebron1 +(% 60 N73 ))0C43
5251 At +(tt"h0 +es(s S$e"ks in )s""cHs Ho(se1 +(% 40 N73
52C1 At -erioth0 +es(s S$e"ks in the S'n"gog(e1 +(% 80 N73
5271 +(d"sH Ho(se "t -erioth1 +(% 2>0 N73
5231 The L(n"tic Gir% o! /ethginn"1 +(%' 220 N73
52F1 )n the P%"in tow"rds Ashke%on1 +(% 250 N73 ))0727
5261 +es(s is M"ster "%so o! the S"bb"th1 +(% 2C0 N73
5241 Arri*"% "t Ashke%on1 +(% 270 N73
5281 Te"ching "t Ashke%on1 +(% 230 N73 ))07C5
55>1 +es(s "t M"gd"%g"d )nciner"tes " P"g"n )do%1 +(% 2F0 N73
5521 Lessons to the A$ost%es Going to +"bnee%1 +(% 260 N73
5551 Tow"rds Modin1 +(%' 240 N73 ))0732
55C1 +es(s S$e"ks to Highw"'en1 +(% 280 N73
5571 Arri*"% "t /ether1 +(% 5>0 N73
5531 The P"r"%'tic "t the Poo% o! /ethI"th"1 +(% 520 N73
55F1 M"r' H"s Sent !or M"rth" "t M"gd"%"1 +(% 550 N73
5561 M"rKi" )s Entr(sted to Por$hire"1 +(% 570 N73
5541 +es(s S$e"ks "t /eths"id"1 +(% 530 N73
5C>1 +es(s "nd M"rth" "t ,"$ern"(1 +(% 560 N73
5C21 Two /%ind Men "nd " D(b Deoni"c ,(red1 +(% 540 N73
5C71 M"rth" H"s Her &ictor' 9ithin Her Gr"s$1 +(% 580 N73
5CF1 The H"r*est is Rich b(t the L"bo(rers Are Few1 The P"r"b%e o! the Tre"s(re Hidden in the Fie%d1
+(% 580 N73 ))0326
5C61 The M"gd"%ene )s Acco$"nied b' M"r' "ong the Disci$%es1 +(% C>0
5C41 The P"r"b%e o! the Fisheren1 +(% C20 N73 ))0354
5C81 M"rKi" te"ches M"r' M"gd"%ene the <O(r F"ther1= A(g 20 N73
57>1 +es(s is the Power!(% Lo*er1 The P"r"b%e o! the Lost Dr"ch"1 A(g 50
5721 -now%edge is not ,orr($tion i! it is Re%igion1 A(g C0 N73
5751 )n the Ho(se "t ,"n"1 A(g 70 N73 ))033>
57C1 +ohn Re$e"ts the S$eech M"de b' +es(s on Mo(nt T"bor1 A(g 30 N73
5771 +es(s "t N"I"reth1 A(g F0 N73
5731 )n the S'n"gog(e "t N"I"reth on the S"bb"th1 A(g 60 N73
57F1 O(r L"d' Te"ches the M"gd"%ene1 A(g 40 N73
5761 At /eth%ehe in G"%i%ee1 A(g 80 N73 ))0345
5741 Going tow"rds Sic"inon1 A(g 2>0 N73
5781 +es(s Meets the Disci$%es "t Sic"inon1 A(g 220 N73
24C1 +es(s "t M"gd"%"1 He Meets with M"r' M"gd"%ene the Second Tie1 DA(g
250 N73
53>1 At T're0 +es(s S$e"ks o! Perse*er"nce1 A(g 250 N73
5321 Ret(rn to Sic"inon1 +es(s S$e"ks o! F"ith1 A(g 2C0 N73
5351 De$"rt(re !ro Sic"inon1 The /%essed &irgin M"r' "nd S$irit("%iIed M"ternit'1 A(g
270 N73
53C1 S'nt'che0 the Greek S%"*e1 A(g 230 N73
5371 Goodb'e to M"r' o! M"gd"%"0 to M"rth" "nd to S'nt'che1 A(g 260 N73
5331 +es(s S$e"ks o! Ho$e1 A(g 240 N73 ))0FC3
53F1 +es(s Goes ($ to Mo(nt ,"re% with His ,o(sin +"es1 A(g 280 N73
5361 +es(s Re*e"%s to +"es o! A%$h"e(s His F(t(re A$osto%ic Mission1 A(g 5>0 N73
5341 +es(s "nd His ,o(sin +"es on Their 9"' /"ck Fro Mo(nt ,"re%1 A(g 520 N73
5381 Peter S$e"ks to Dor"sH Pe"s"nts "bo(t the Lo*e0 9hich is S"%*"tion1 A(g
550 N73
5F>1 +es(s to +oh"n"nHs Pe"s"nts: <Lo*e is Obedience1= A(g 5C0 N73
5F21 )n the Ho(se o! LDin"hM "nd Phi%i$1 A(g 570 N73
5F51 The M"n with the 9ithered H"nd1 A(g 5F0 N73
5FC1 A D"' o! +(d"s )sc"riot "t N"I"reth1 A(g 561 N73
5F71 )nstr(ctions to the A$ost%es "t the /eginning o! their A$osto%"te1 A(g
540 N73
5F31 +ohn the /"$tist Sends His Disci$%es to Ask +es(s whether He is the Messi"h1 A(g
580 N73
5FF1 +es(s 9orks "s " ,"r$enter "t -or"Ii1 A(g C20 N73
5F61 +es(s S$e"ks o! Lo*e1 Se$ 20 N73 ))062>
5F41 The Dis$(te with the Ph"risees "nd the Arri*"% o! +es(sH Mother "nd /rothers1 Se$ 50
5F81 The News o! the M(rder o! +ohn the /"$tist1 Se$ 70H73
56>1 De$"rt(re in the Direction o! T"riche"1 Se$ 30 N73 ))06C3
5621 S$e"king to " Scribe on the /"nks o! the +ord"n1 Se$ F0 N73
5651 The First Mir"c%e o! the Lo"*es1 Se$ 60 N73
5671 The Deeds o! ,or$or"% "nd S$irit("% Merc'1 Se$ 40 N73
5631 A*"rice "nd the Foo%ish Rich M"n1 Se$ 2>027 N73
56F1 )n the G"rden o! M"r' o! M"gd"%": Lo*e !or OnesH Neighbor1 Se$
2F0 N73
5661 +es(s Sends the Se*ent'#Two Disci$%es1 Se$ 260 N73
5641 +es(s Meets L"I"r(s "t the Fie%d o! the G"%i%e"ns1 Se$ 240 N73
5681 The Se*ent'#Two Disci$%es Re$ort to +es(s 9h"t The' H"*e Done1 Se$ 280 N73
54>1 At the Te$%e !or the T"bern"c%es1 Se$ 5>0 N73
5421 At the Te$%e The' Are Aw"re o! Er"ste(s0 o! +ohn o! Endor "nd o! S'nt'che1 Se$
520 N73
5451 S'nt'che S$e"ks in L"I"r(sH Ho(se1 Se$ 550 N73
54C1 The Mission o! Fo(r A$ost%es in +(de"1 Se$ 5C0 N73
5471 +es(s Le"*es /eth"n' !or Tr"ns#+ord"n1 Se$ 570 N73
5431 Arri*"% "t R"oth with the Merch"nt !ro the Other Side o! the E($hr"tes1 Se$
530 N73
54F1 Fro R"oth to Ger"s"1 Se$ 5F0 N73
5461 Pre"ching "t Ger"s"1 Se$ 560 N73
5441 The S"bb"th "t Ger"s"1 Se$ 540 N73 )))04>
5481 Fro Ger"s" to the Fo(nt"in o! the ,"e%eer1 Se$ 580 N73
58>1 Going to /oIr"h1 Se$ C>0 N73
5821 At /oIr"h1 Oct 20 N73
5851 The Seron "nd the Mir"c%es "t /oIr"h1 Oct 50 N73
58C1 F"rewe%% to the 9oen Disci$%es1 Oct C0 N73
5871 At Arbe%"1 Oct 70 N73
5831 Going to Aer"1 Oct F0 N73 )))0226
58F1 +es(s Pre"ches "t Aer"1 Oct 60 N73 )))0257
-" #es&s consoles MV o+er the indifference and criticism le+eled a'ainst all her efforts" Oct 60
5841 M"r' "nd M"tthi"s "re Entr(sted to +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"1 Oct 220
5881 At N"in0 in the Ho(se o! D"nie% R"ised !ro the De"d1 Oct 250 N73
C>>1 The Shee$!o%d "t Endor1 Oct 2C0 N73 )))073
C>21 Fro Endor to M"gd"%"1 @"0bA Oct 270 N73
C>51 +es(s "t N"I"reth !or the Dedic"tion1 Oct 230 N73
C>C1 +es(s with +ohn o! Endor "nd S'nt'che "t N"I"reth1 Oct 2F0 N73
C>71 +es(sH Lesson to M"rKi"1 Oct 260 N73
C>31 Sion Oe"%ot "t N"I"reth1 Oct 240 N73
C>F1 An E*ening "t Hoe in N"I"reth1 Oct 280 N73
C>61 +es(s "nd the 9i!e o! His ,o(sin Sion1 Oct 5>0 N73
C>41 Sion Goes /"ck to +es(s1 Oct 520 N73
C>81 Sion Peter "t N"I"reth1 Oct 550 N73
C2>1 +es(s S$e"ks Abo(t the Ho%' Econo' o! .ni*ers"% Lo*e1 Oct 5C0 N73
C221 +ohn o! Endor 9i%% H"*e to Go to Antioch1 Oct 570 N73
-" #es&s 'i+es clarification for the critics" Gor MV )ho is 'rie+in' o+er the e0iled #ohn of (ndor,
she )ill not e+er -e so separated from the %ord -&t )ill R-e closer and closer to Him?S Oct 570
C251 The /eginning o! the Third Ye"r "t N"I"reth0 whi%e Pre$"ring !or De$"rt(re1 Oct 580
C2C1 De$"rt(re !ro N"I"reth1 Oct C>0 N73
C271 Tow"rds +i$hth"he%1 Oct C20 N73 )))052>
C231 +es(sH F"rewe%% to the Two Disci$%es1 No* 20 N73
C2F1 +es(sH Sorrow0 Pr"'er "nd Pen"nce1 No* 50 N73
C261 Le"*ing Pto%e"is !or T're1 No* C0 N73
C241 De$"rt(re !ro T're on " ,ret"n Shi$1 No* 70 N73
C281 Stor "nd Mir"c%es on the Shi$1 No* 30 N73
C5>1 Arri*"% "nd L"nding "t Se%e(ci"1 No* F0 N73 )))05C6
C521 Fro Se%e(ci" to Antioch1 Lno d"teM
C551 At Antigone"1 No* 60 N73 )))057F
C5C1 F"rewe%% to Antioch "!ter Pre"ching1 No* 40 N73
C571 Ret(rn o! the Eight A$ost%es "nd Arri*"% "t AchIib1 No* 2>0 N73
C531 At AchIib with Si: A$ost%es1 No* 220 N73 )))05F8
C5F1 E*"nge%iIing "t the /order o! Phoenici"1 Lno d"teM
C561 Arri*"% "t A%e:"ndroscene1 No* 250 N73
C541 The D"' A!ter A%e:"ndroscene1 P"r"b%e o! the &ine'"rd L"bo(rers1 No* 2C0 N73
C581 The Sons o! Th(nder1 Going tow"rds AchIib with the She$herd Ann"s1 No*
270 N73
CC>1 The ,"n"ne"n Mother1 No* 230 N73 )))0586
CC21 /"rtho%oew H"s .nderstood "nd S(!!ered1 No* 260 N73
CC51 On the 9"' /"ck to G"%i%ee1 No* 240 N73
CCC1 Meeting +(d"s )sc"riot "nd Tho"s1 No* 280 N73
CC31 +es(s "t N"I"reth with His ,o(sins "nd with Peter "nd Tho"s1 No*
5>0 N73
CCF1 The ,ri$$%ed 9o"n o! -or"Ii1 No* 520 N73
CC61 Going tow"rd S"$het1 The P"r"b%e o! the Good F"rer1 No* 550 N73
CC41 Going tow"rds Meiron1 No* 5C0 N73 )))0C73
CC81 At Hi%%e%Hs Se$(%chre "t Gisc"%"1 No* 570 N73
C7>1 The De"!#M(te ,(red ne"r the Phoenici"n /order1 No* 530 N73
C721 At -edesh1 The Signs o! the Ties1 No* 5F0 N73
C751 Going tow"rds ,"es"re" Phi%i$$i1 PeterHs Pri"c'1 No* 560 N73
C7C1 At ,"es"re" Phi%i$$i1 No* 540 N73
C771 At the ,"st%e in ,"es"re" P"ne"s1 No* 580 N73
C731 +es(s Predicts His P"ssion !or the First Tie1 Peter is Re$ro"ched1 No* C>0 N73
C7F1 Pro$hec' on Peter "nd M"rKi"1 The /%ind M"n "t /eths"id"1 Dec 20
C761 Fro ,"$ern"( to N"I"reth with M"n"en "nd the 9oen Disci$%es1 @"0bA Dec 50 N73
C741 The Tr"ns!ig(r"tion "nd the ,(ring o! the E$i%e$tic1 @"0bA@d0eA Dec C0
C781 Lesson to the Disci$%es "!ter the Tr"ns!ig(r"tion1 Dec 70 N73
C3>1 The Trib(te to the Te$%e "nd the St"ter in the Mo(th o! the Fish1 Dec 30 N73
C321 The Gre"test in the -ingdo o! He"*en1 Litt%e /enK"in o! ,"$ern"(1 @"0bA@d0eA Dec F0
N73 )))0752
C3C1 The /re"d !ro He"*en1 Dec 60 N73
C371 Nico%"(s o! Antioch1 Second Anno(nceent o! the P"ssion1 Dec 80 N73
C331 Going tow"rds G"d"r"1 Dec 2>0 N73
C3F1 The Night "t G"d"r" "nd the Seron on Di*orce1 @"0bA Dec
220 N73
C361 At LToM Pe%%"1 Dec 250 N73 )))07F4
C341 )n M"tthi"sH ho(se be'ond +"besh#Gi%e"d1 @"0bA Dec 2C0 N73
C381 The Rose o! +ericho1 @"0bA Dec 270 N73
CF21 On the Other /"nk1 +es(s Meets His Mother "nd the 9oen Disci$%es1 Dec
2F0 N73
CF51 At R""h1 The N(ber o! the E%ect1 Dec 260 N73
CFC1 At the Te$%e1 The <O(r F"ther= "nd " P"r"b%e on Tr(e Sons1 @"0bA +"n 20 N7F
CF71 At Gethse"ne "nd /eth"n'1 +"n C0 N7F
CF31 Letters !ro Antioch1 +"n 550 N7F )))03C3
CFF1 The Th(rsd"' be!ore P"sso*er1 Morning Pre%iin"ries1 +"n 5C0
CF61 The Th(rsd"' be!ore P"sso*er1 At the Te$%e1 +"n 570
CF41 The Th(rsd"' be!ore P"sso*er1 )nstr(ctions to the A$ost%es1 +"n 530 N7F
CF81 The Th(rsd"' be!ore P"sso*er1 )n +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"Hs Ho(se1 +"n 5F0 N7F
C6>1 The Th(rsd"' be!ore P"sso*er1 The E*ening1 +"n 560 N7F
C621 Pre$"r"tion D"'1 The Morning1 +"n C>0 N7F )))034F
C651 Pre$"r"tion D"'1 At the Te$%e1 +"n C20 N7F
C6C1 Pre$"r"tion D"'1 )n the Streets o! +er(s"%e1 Feb 50 N7F
d1 M& recogniIes both the "n c(red "nd S"(e%1 The c(red "n she s"w in " *ision o! the $"ssion
o! ,hrist hit +es(s in the he"d with " stone1 S"(e% ki%%s his other1
Feb 50 N7F )))0F>2
C671 Pre$"r"tion D"'1 The E*ening1 @"0bA Feb C0 N7F
C631 The S"bb"th o! the .n%e"*ened /re"d1 Feb 70 N7F
C661 +es(s S$e"ks "t /eth"n'1 Feb F0 7F
C641 Tow"rds Mo(nt Adoin1 Feb 60 N7F
C681 A!ter the Retre"t ($on Mo(nt ,herith1 Feb 80 N7F
C4>1 The P"r"b%e o! the .n!"ith!(% Stew"rd1 Essenes "nd Ph"risees1 Feb 2>0
C421 )n NikeHs Ho(se1 @"0bA Feb 250 N7F )))0F7F
C451 At the Ford between +ericho "nd /eth"b"r"1 Feb 270 N7F
C4C1 )n So%oonHs Ho(se1 Feb 230 N7F
C471 At the ,ross#Ro"d ne"r So%oonHs &i%%"ge1 P"r"b%e o! the L"bo(r Agents1 Feb 2F0
C431 Tow"rds the 9estern /"nk o! the +ord"n1 Feb 260 N7F
C4F1 At Gi%g"%1 The /egg"r Og%"1 The Twe%*e Stones1 Feb 240 N7F
C461 Tow"rds Engedi1 T"king Le"*e o! +(d"s )sc"riot "nd Sion Oe"%ot1 Feb 280 N7F
C441 Arri*"% "t Engedi1 Feb 5>0 N7F
C481 Pre"ching "nd Mir"c%es "t Engedi1 Feb 520 N7F
C8>1 E%ish" o! Engedi1 Feb 550 N7F
C821 At M"s"d"1 Feb 530 N7F )))0F8F
C851 At the ,o(ntr' Ho(se o! M"r'0 Mother o! +(d"s1 @"0bA Feb 5F0 N7F
C8C1 F"rewe%% to -erioth1 P"r"b%e o! the Two 9i%%s1 Feb 560 N7F
C871 Anne o! -erioth1 F"rewe%% to +(d"sH Mother1 Feb 540 N7F
C831 F"rewe%% to +(tt"h1 Mch 30 N7F
C8F1 F"rewe%% to Hebron1 Mch 60 N7F
C861 F"rewe%% to /ethI(r1 Mch 80 N7F
C841 At /ether1 Mch 250 N7F
C881 +es(s "t /ether with Peter "nd /"rtho%oew1 Mch 2C0 N7F
7>>1 F"rewe%% to /ether1 Mch 2F0 N7F
7>21 Sion o! +on"hHs Str(gg%e "nd S$irit("% &ictor'1 Mch 530 N7F
7>51 Going tow"rds E"(s on the P%"in1 Mch 560 N7F
7>C1 Litt%e Mich"e% "nd Pre"ching ne"r E"(s on the P%"in1 Mch
540 N7F
7>31 )n the Est"te o! Nicode(s1 The P"r"b%e o! the Two Sons1 Mch 580 N7F
7>F1 At the Est"te o! +ose$h o! Ari"the"1 Mch C20 N7F
7>61 The Ho(se o! +ose$h o! Ari"the" on " S"bb"th1 +ohn0 " Meber o! the S"nhedrin1 A$r 50
7>41 The A$ost%es S$e"k1 A$r 30 N7F )))0644
72>1 The Li%' o! the &"%%e'1 A$r 40 N7F )))04>>
7221 )n +er(s"%e !or Pentecost1 A$r 80 N7F
7251 +es(s "t the /"n;(et o! He%k"i0 the Ph"risee "nd Meber o! the S"nhedrin1 A$r 2>0 N7F
72C1 At /eth"n'1 A$r 220 N7F
72F1 At So%oonHs &i%%"ge1 A$r 2C0 N7F )&05>
7281 The Ye"st o! the Ph"risees1 A$r 550 N7F
75>1 ,onsider Yo(rse%*es .n$ro!it"b%e Ser*"nts1 A$r 570 N7F
7521 The Re$ent"nt Sinner is A%w"'s to be Forgi*en1 A$r 530 N7F
7551 M"rt'rdo !or Lo*e is Abso%(tion1 A$r 560 N7F
75C1 At ,"es"re" on the Se"1 P"r"b%e o! the F"ther 9ho Gi*es E"ch o! His ,hi%dren the S"e Ao(nt
o! Mone'1
A$r C>0 N7F )&0F>
7571 At ,"es"re" on the Se"1 The Ro"n L"dies "nd the S%"*e G"%%" ,i$rin"1 M"' 20
F761e" Mary spea*s on the distinction -et)een so&l and spirit" DM"' 20 N7F
7531 A(re" G"%%"1 M"' 50 N7F )&04>
75F1 P"r"b%e o! the &ine'"rd "nd o! Free 9i%%1 M"' 70 E7F
7561 Going "bo(t the P%"in o! Esdr"e%on1 M"' F0 N7F
7581 The +o(rne' in the P%"in o! Esdr"e%on ,ontin(es1 M"' F0 N7F
7C>1 Ne"r Se$horis0 with +oh"n"nHs Pe"s"nts1 M"' 40 N7F
7C21 Arri*"% "t N"I"reth1 M"' 80 N7F
7C51 P"r"b%e o! the P"inted 9ood1 M"' 2>0 N7F )&022C
7CC1 The S"bb"ths in the Pe"ce o! N"I"reth1 M"' 2C0 N7F
7C71 /e!ore /eing " Mother0 the /%essed &irgin is " D"(ghter "nd Ser*"nt o! God1 M"'
270 N7F
7C31 +es(s "nd His Mother ,on*erse1 M"' 230 N7F
7CF1 The /%essed &irgin "t Tiberi"s1 M"' 2F0 N7F )&02C>
7C61 A(re" Does the 9i%% o! God1 M"' 5>0 N7F
7C41 Another S"bb"th "t N"I"reth1 M"' 520 N7F
7C81 The De$"rt(re !ro N"I"reth "nd the +o(rne' tow"rds /eth%ehe in G"%i%ee1 @"0bA M"'
550 N7F
77>1 +(d"s o! -erioth with the /%essed &irgin "t N"I"reth1 M"' 5C0 N7F
7721 The De"th o! M"rKi"Hs Gr"nd!"ther1 M"' 530 N7F
7751 +es(s S$e"ks o! ,h"rit' to the A$ost%es1 M"' C>0 N7F
77C1 Arri*"% "t Tiberi"s1 P"r"b%e o! the R"in on the &ine1 +(n C0 N7F
7771 Arri*"% "t ,"$ern"(1 +(n 70 N7F )&0242
7731 Pre"ching "t ,"$ern"(1 +(n 550 N7F
77F1 At M"gd"%"1 P"r"b%e on Good "nd /"d 9i%%1 +(n 570 N7F
7761 Litt%e A%$h"e(s o! Merob"1 +(n 530 N7F
7741 At the &i%%"ge /e!ore Hi$$o1 +(n 5F0 N7F
7781 Morning Seron in the &i%%"ge on the L"ke1 +(n 560 N7F
73>1 Ne"r the P%"ce o! the Le$er1 P"r"b%e on the Ten ,o"ndents1 +(n 580 N7F
7321 At Hi$$o1 Lo*e !or the Poor1 ,(re o! "n O%d S%"*e1 +(% 50 N7F
7351 Tow"rds G""%"1 The /%essed &irgins Lo*e in Doing the 9i%% o! God1 +(% C0
73C1 Ne"r G""%"0 +es(s Entr(sts the ,h(rch to the /%essed &irgin "nd S$e"ks o! Merc' on O$$ressed
+(% 40 N7F )&05C6
7371 Fro G""%" to A$hek1 +(% 2C0 N7F
7331 Pre"ching "t A$hek1 +(% 230 N7F
73F1 At Gherghes" "nd Ret(rn to ,"$ern"(1 +(% 2F0 N7F
7361 /e "s 9ise "s Ser$ents "nd "s Si$%e "s Do*es1 +(% 260
7341 The S"bb"th "t ,"$ern"(1 +(%' 240 N7F
7381 At +oh"nn" o! ,h(I"Hs1 Letters !ro Antioch1 +(%'
5C0 N7F
7F>1 At the Ther"% /"ths o! E"(s o! Tiberi"s1 +(% 5F0 N7F
7F21 At T"riche"1 G"%"ti"0 the Sinner1 +(% 560 N7F
7F51 )n ,h(I"Hs ,o(ntr' Ho(se1 The Te$ting Pro$os"% M"de to +es(s "nd M"de -nown b' the
Disci$%e +es(s Lo*ed1
+(% C>0 N7F )&0C22
-" #es&s ma*es some e0tensi+e comments on the s&-lime h&mility of #ohn" +(% C20
7FC1 At /eths"id" "nd ,"$ern"(1 De$"rt(re on " New +o(rne'1 A(g 20 N7F
7F71 )n the Ho(se o! +(d"s "nd Anne ne"r L"ke Mero1 A(g C0 N7F
7F31 P"r"b%e on the Distrib(tion o! 9"ters1 A(g 30 N7F
7F61 F"rewe%% to the Few /e%ie*ers in -or"Ii1 A(g F0 N7F
7F41 +es(s S$e"ks o! M"trion' to " Mother#in#%"w1 A(g 60
7F81 +es(s S$e"ks to /"rn"b"s o! the L"w o! Lo*e1 A(g 2>0 N7F
76>1 A +(dgent o! +es(s1 A(g 250 N7F )&0C6>
7621 ,(re o! the /o' /orn /%ind !ro Sidon1 A(g 230 N7F
-" #es&s spea*s of the +irt&o&s faith and h&mility of this )oman to)ard her &nK&st h&s-and" A(g
230 N7F
7651 A &ision that is %ost in a apt&re of %o+e1 @"0-A@cA A(g 2302F0
76C1 Going tow"rd Se$horis1 A(g 260 N7F )&0C44
7671 +es(s with the Le$ro(s Sinners o! /eth%ehe in G"%i%ee1 A(g
280 N7F
7631 +es(s "nd His Mother in the 9ood o! M"tt"thi"s1 A(g 520 N7F
-" #es&s on Mary$s contin&o&s s&fferin' for QQ years" It is #es&s$ &nparalleled lo+e for Mary that
ns )hy
#es&s )ill 'i+e Her anythin' she )ants" A(g 520 N7F )&072>
76F1 +es(s ,on*erses with +ose$h o! A%$h"e(s1 A(g 550 N7F
7661 Aw"iting +oh"n"nHs Pe"s"nts ne"r the +eIree% Tower1 A(g 570 N7F
7641 T"king to the Ro"d "g"in tow"rd Eng"nni1 A(g 5F0 N7F
7681 +es(s "nd +ohn Arri*e "t Eng"nni1 A(g 560 N7F
74>1 +es(s "nd the S""rit"n She$herd1 A(g 540 N7F
7421 The Ten Le$ers ne"r E$hr"i1 A(g 580 N7F )&07CF
7451 At E$hr"i1 P"r"b%e o! the Poegr"n"te1 A(g C20 N7F
74C1 At /eth"n' !or the Fe"st o! the T"bern"c%es1 Se$ 50 N7F
7471 At the Te$%e: <The -ingdo o! God Does Not ,oe with Po$1= Se$ C0 N7F
7431 At the Te$%e: <Do Yo( -now Me "nd 9here ) ,oe !roB= Se$ 70
74F1 At the Te$%e: <) Sh"%% Re"in with Yo( !or On%' " Short Tie Now1= Se$ 30
7461 At Nob1 The Mir"c%e o! the 9ind1 Se$t F0 N7F
7441 +es(s "t the ,"$ o! the G"%i%e"ns with His A$ost%e ,o(sins1 Se$ 2>0 N7F
7481 On the L"st D"' o! the Fe"st o! the T"bern"c%es1 The Li*ing 9"ter1 Se$ 2C0 N7F
78>1 At /eth"n'1 <One ,"n -i%% in M"n' 9"'s1= Se$ 270 N7F
7821 Ne"r the Fo(nt"in o! En#Roge%1 Se$ 2F0 N7F )&0786
78C1 )nstr(ctions on the Ro"d to /eth"n'1 Se$ 260 N7F
7871 At the &i%%"ge o! So%oon "nd in His Ho(se1 Se$ 240 N7F
7831 +es(s "nd Sion o! +on"s1 Se$ 5>0 N7F
78F1 +es(s to Th"dde(s "nd to +"es o! Oebedee1 Se$ 520 N7F
7861 The M"n !ro Petr"0 ne"r Heshbon1 Se$ 550 N7F
7841 Descending !ro Mo(nt Nebo1 Se$ 5C0 N7F )&0354
7881 P"r"b%e o! the F"ther 9ho Pr"ises His F"r#"w"' ,hi%dren1 ,(re o! the Litt%e /%ind ,hi%dren0 F"r"
"nd T""r1
Se$ 570 N7F )&03C5
3>>1 Di*ine "nd Di"bo%ic"% Possessions1 Se$ 530 N7F
3>21 The 9i!e o! the S"dd(ce"n Necro"ncer1 DOct C0 N7F
-" #es&s spea*s of the clear difference -et)een the occ&lt and the comm&nion of the !aints" DOct C0
3>51 De"th o! An"ni"s1 Se$ 5F0 N7F
3>C1 The P"r"b%e o! the .nscr($(%o(s +(dge1 Se$ 560 N7F
3>71 +es(s0 Light o! the 9or%d1 Se$ 540 N7F
3>31 +es(s S$e"ks in the Te$%e to the )ncred(%o(s +(de"ns1 Se$
C>0 N7F
3>F1 )n +ose$hHs Ho(se "t Se$horis1 Litt%e M"rti"% N"ed M"n"sseh1 Oct 60
3>61 The O%d Priest M"t"n @or N"t"nA1 Oct 40 N7F
3>41 The ,(re o! the M"n /orn /%ind1 Oct 2>0 N7F
3>81 At Nob1 +(d"s o! -erioth Lies1 Oct 220 N7F )&0F>3
32>1 Aong the R(ins o! " Destro'ed &i%%"ge1 Oct 250 N7F
3221 At E"(s in the Mo(nt"ins1 P"r"b%e o! the Rich 9ise M"n "nd o! the Poor )gnor"nt /o'1 Oct 270
3251 The .ndecided Yo(ng M"n1 Mir"c%es "nd Adonitions "t /eth#Horon1 Oct 260
32C1 Tow"rds Gibeon1 The Re"sons !or +es(sH Sorrow1 Oct 240 N7F
3271 At Gibeon1 The 9isdo o! Lo*e1 Oct 550 N7F
3231 Ret(rning to +er(s"%e1 Oct 570 N7F )&0F75
32F1 +es(s0 the Good She$herd1 Oct 530 N7F
3261 Tow"rds /eth"n' "nd in L"I"r(sH Ho(se1 Oct 540 N7F
3241 Going to Teko"h1 O%d E%i"nn"1 Oct 580 N7F )&0FF2
3281 At Teko"h1 Oct C20 N7F )&0FF8
35>1 Arri*"% "t +ericho1 O"cch"e(sH A$osto%"te1 No* 20 N7F
3521 At +ericho1 Two P"r"b%es: Th"t o! the Sick "nd the He"%th'0 "nd Th"t o! the Ph"risee "nd the
No* 50 N7F )&0F4>
3551 )n O"cch"e(sH Ho(se with the ,on*erts1 The So(% "nd Error o! Reinc"rn"tion1 No* C0
35C1 S"be" o! /eth%echi1 No* 30 N7F
3571 At /eth"b"r"0 Reebering the /"$tist1 No* 60 N7F
3531 Going /"ck to Nob1 +es(sH Oniscience1 No* 40 N7F
35F1 At Nob1 +(d"s o! -eriothHs Ret(rn1 No* 80 N7F
3561 At Nob d(ring the Fo%%owing D"'s1 Hidden Possessions1 No*
250 N7F
3541 +(d"s o! -erioth is L(st!(%1 No* 270 N7F
3581 +es(s S$e"ks to &"%eri" o! M"trion' "nd Di*orce1 The Mir"c%e o! Litt%e Le*i1 No*
230 N7F
3C>1 +es(s "nd the Prostit(te Sent to Te$t Hi1 No* 520 N7F
3C21 +es(s "nd +(d"s o! -erioth Going tow"rds +er(s"%e1 No* 530 N7F
3C51 )n the S'n"gog(e o! the Ro"n Freeden1 No* 5F0 N7F
3CC1 +(d"s )sc"riot "nd +es(sH Eneies1 @"0bA Dec 50 N7F
3C71 The Se*en Le$ers ,(red1 )nstr(ctions to the A$ost%es "nd Arri*"% "t /eth"n'1 Dec 70
3C31 At the Fe"st o! the Dedic"tion o! the Te$%e1 Dec 80 N7F
3CF1 +es(s Goes to the Grotto o! the N"ti*it' to be A%one1 Dec 220 N7F
3C61 +es(s "nd +ohn o! Oebedee1 Dec 270 N7F
3C41 +es(s with +ohn "nd M"n"en1 Dec 2F0 N7F )&0424
-" #es&s spea*s of the end of His third year and the -e'innin' of the Preparation for the Passion, a
is in man )ill -e re+ealed for )hat it is" Dec 2F0 N7F
3C81 The +(de"ns in L"I"r(sH Ho(se1 Dec 240 N7F
37>1 The +(de"ns with M"rth" "nd M"r'1 Dec 280 N7F
3721 M"rth" Sends " Ser*"nt to )n!or the M"ster1 Dec 5>0 N7F
3751 L"I"r(sH De"th1 Dec 520 N7F &02F
37C1 The Ser*"nt o! /eth"n' )n!ors +es(s o! M"rth"Hs Mess"ge1 Dec 550 N7F
3771 At L"I"r(sH F(ner"%1 Dec 5C0 N7F &0 C5
3731 +es(s Decides to Go to L"I"r(s1 Dec 570 N7F

37F1 The Res(rrection o! L"I"r(s1 Dec 5F0 N7F &076
3761 )n +er(s"%e "nd in the Te$%e "!ter the Res(rrection o! L"I"r(s1 Dec 560 N7F
3741 At /eth"n' "!ter the Res(rrection o! L"I"r(s1 Dec C>0 N7F
3781 Going to E$hr"i1 +"n 50 N76
33>1 The First D"' "t E$hr"i1 +"n 40 N76
3321 +es(s Res$ects the Prece$t o! Lo*e More Th"n the S"bb"tic L"w +"n 220
3351 The !o%%owing D"' "t E$hr"i1 P"r"b%e on the Reebr"nce o! M"nHs Etern"% Destin'1 +"n 250
33C1 +es(s E:$%"ins to Peter the M"nd"te !or Reitting Sins "nd 9h' S"ints "nd )nnocents S(!!er1
+"n 230 N76 &0224
3371 On the S"bb"th "t E$hr"i0 +es(s S$e"ks in the S'n"gog(e1 +"n 260 N76
3331 The Arri*"% o! the Re%"ti*es o! the ,hi%dren with M"n' Peo$%e o! Sheche1 +"n 240 N76
33F1 The P"r"b%e o! the Dro$ th"t E:c"*"tes the Rock1 +"n 520 N76
3361 Pi%gris Arri*e in E$hr"i !ro the Dec"$o%is1 M"n"enHs Secret Mission1 @"0bA +"n 550
3341 The Secret Meeting with +ose$h o! Ari"the" "nd Nicode(s1 +"n 5C0
3381 The S"$hori S"(e%1 Feb 30 N76 &0236
3F>1 9h"t Peo$%e S"' "t N"I"reth1 Feb F0 N76
3F21 F"%se Disci$%es Arri*e in Sheche1 At E$hr"i0 +es(s Restores the Tong(e o! the D(b S%"*e o!
,%"(di" Proc(%"1
@"0bA Feb 60 N76 &026>
3F51 The M"n o! +"bnee%1 Feb 60 N76
3FC1 S"(e%0 +(d"s o! -erioth "nd +ohn1 P"r"b%e o! the /ees1 Feb 2>0 N76
3F71 At E$hr"i0 be!ore "nd "!ter the Arri*"% o! +es(s0 Mother "nd the 9oen Disci$%es with L"I"r(s1
Feb 250 N76 &0283
3F31 P"r"b%e o! the Torn ,%oth "nd Mir"c%e o! the 9o"n in ,hi%dbirth1 +(d"s o! -erioth )s ,"(ght
Feb 230 N76 &0527
3FF1 F"rewe%% to E$hr"i1 Going tow"rds Shi%o1 Feb 570 N76
3F61 At Shi%oh1 First P"r"b%e on Ad*ice1 Feb 560 N76
3F41 At Lebon"h1 Second P"r"b%e on Ad*ice1 Feb 540 N76
3F81 Arri*"% "t Sheche1 Mch 20 N76
36>1 At Sheche1 Third P"r"b%e on Ad*ice1 Mch 50 N76
3621 Le"*ing !or Enon1 Mch C0 N76
3651 At Enon1 The Yo(ng She$herd /enK"in1 Mch 70 N76
36C1 +es(s is ReKected b' the S""rit"ns1 9ith +(d"s o! -erioth1 Mch 30 N76
3671 The Rich Yo(ng M"n1 Mch 60 N76 &0547
3631 The Third Pro$hec' o! the P"ssion1 The Re;(est o! OebedeeHs Sons1 Mch 40 N76
-" #es&s corrects a fa&lty rendition of Matthe) 2352Q" It sho&ld read, Rof My chaliceS as Mar*
135Q9 says"
Mch 40 N76 &0584
36F1 Meeting with the Disci$%es Led b' M"n"en0 "nd Arri*"% "t +ericho1 Mch 220 N76
3661 9ith Soe .nknown Disci$%es1 Mch 230 N76 &0C>2
3641 Pro$hec' on )sr"e%1 Mir"c%es 9orked D(ring the +o(rne' !ro +ericho to /eth"n'1 Mch 260 N76
3681 Arri*"% "t /eth"n'1 Mch 240 N76
34>1 The Frid"' be!ore Entr' into +er(s"%e1 +(d"s o! -erioth )$enitent1 Mch 280 N76
3421 The Frid"' be!ore the Entr' into +er(s"%e1 F"rewe%% to the 9oen Disci$%es "nd the Enco(nter
with "n .nh"$$' ,hi%d1 Mch
550 N76 &0CC>
3451 The S"bb"th be!ore the Entr' into +er(s"%e1 P"r"b%e o! the Two L"$s "nd the P"r"b%e A$$%ied to
the Mir"c%e o! Sh"%e1 Mch
5F0 N76 &0C7F
34C1 The S"bb"th be!ore the Entr' into +er(s"%e1 Pi%gris "nd +(de"ns "t /eth"n'1 Mch
560 N76
3471 The S"bb"th be!ore Entr' into +er(s"%e1 The S($$er "t /eth"n'1 Mch 540 76
34F1 +es(s Goes to the Le"ders o! the S"nhedrin1 Mch 580 N76
3441 +es(s Enters into +er(s"%e1 @"A@cA Mch
C>0 N76
38>1 The Mond"' be!ore P"sso*er1 The ,(rsed Fig#Tree "nd the P"r"b%e o! the 9icked H(sb"nden1
Mch C20 N76 &07>4
3851 The T(esd"' Morning be!ore P"sso*er1 The a(estion o! the Trib(te to ,"es"r "nd o! the
Res(rrection o! the De"d1
A$r 20 N76 &0754
-" #es&s e0plains )hy the Gospel )riters omitted m&ch of the scandalo&s -eha+ior of the #e)ish
leaders and e+en the sorry preK&dices and &n-elief of the Disciples themsel+es"
A$r 20 N76 &07C5
3871 The 9ednesd"' be!ore P"sso*er1 Fro the Disc(ssions with Scribes "nd Ph"risees to the
Esch"to%ogic"% Disco(rse1
The 9idows Mite1 @"0bA@dA A$r 50 N76
c" #es&s tenderly as*s MV for her Rlast t)o coins,S her e+erythin'" A$r 50 N76
38F1 The Th(rsd"' be!ore P"sso*er1 Pre$"r"tion !or the S($$er "nd the Anno(nceent o! the
G%ori!ic"tion thro(gh
De"th1 @"0bA A$r C0 N76
F5F1 At Gethse"ne with the A$ost%es1 A$r 220 N76
F561 The A$ost%es Go "%ong the 9"' o! the ,ross1 A$r 270 N76
F541 +es(s A$$e"rs to &"rio(s Peo$%e in Di!!erent P%"ces1 A$r 2F0260 N76
F581 +es(s A$$e"rs on the Shores o! the L"ke1 The Mission ,on!erred to Peter1 A$r
280 N76
FC>1 +es(s A$$e"rs on Mo(nt T"bor to the A$ost%es "nd to "bo(t Fi*e H(ndred /e%ie*ers1 A$r
5>0 N76
FC21 The L"st Te"chings be!ore Ascension D"'1 A$r 550 N76
FC51 The S($$%eent"r' P"sso*er1 A$r 5C0 N76
FC71 F"rewe%% "nd Ascension o! the Lord1 @"0bA A$r 570 N76
FC31 The E%ection o! M"tthi"s1 A$r 5F0 N76
FCF1 The Descent o! the Ho%' S$irit1 (nd of the Messianic ,ycle" A$r 560 N76
-" The end of the )or* in commemoration of !t" Eita and Mary Theresa Goretti A$r
560 H76
540 N76
F761 9n the Passa'e, the =ss&mption and oyalty of the 8lessed Vir'in"
a" Mary e0plains to MV Her =ss&mption and oyalty" DA$r 240 N74
,A@AX ,A2+X ,A2,
F751 De$osition o! Ste*enHs /od'1 DA(g 40 N32
FC41 The /%essed &irgin T"kes ($ Her Abode "t Gethse"ne with +ohn0 9ho Forete%%s Her Ass($tion1
A(g 520 N32
FC81 The /%essed &irgin "nd +ohn in the P%"ces o! the P"ssion1 Se$ 40 N32
F7>1 The Two Shro(ds o! the Lord1 Oct 30 N32
F7C1 G""%ie% /ecoes " ,hristi"n1 No* 20 N32 &0823
F771 Peter ,on*erses with +ohn1 No* 70 N32
F731 The /%iss!(% P"ss"ge o! the /%essed &irgin1 No* 520 N32
F7F1 The Ass($tion o! O(r L"d'1 Dec 40 N32
I"D)J !ro TH) G4(3)5( $"D $CT(
TH) 34)M 4F TH) M$"DG4D
TH) %)(T 4F TH) G4(3)5 (T4%8 and
TH) D$T)D 3$%$55)5 H$%M4"8 4F TH) G4(3)5(
The Gospel )pisode number wi%% t"ke 'o( to the "$$ro$ri"te section in the est of the Gospel !tory or the Harmony of the Gospels1
Fro either o! these works 'o( wi%% then be directed to the $ro$er %oc"tion in The Poem1 These works $ro*ide d"tes "nd geogr"$hic"%
%oc"tions !or the e$isode1 The est of the Gospel !tory wi%% gi*e 'o( " s("r' o! signi!ic"nt in!or"tion !ro The Poem "nd i$ort"nt
inter$reti*e notes th"t wo(%d shed %ight on the Scri$t(re "cco(nt1 Or0 (se the &olume' page or hapter numbers to go direct%' to The
Te0ts that are not asribed a Gospel )pisode number re$resent "teri"% th"t is (nd"t"b%e1 A te:t co(%d be (nd"t"b%e bec"(se it is not
historic"% n"rr"ti*e or si$%' bec"(se the te:t w"s not !o(nd in The Poem" $ parenthesis around =The Poem loation? e"ns
in!or"tion here s(bst"nti"tes the Gos$e% n"rr"ti*e b(t is not itse%! the Gos$e% e*ent1 :ra/ets around FThe Poem loationG e"ns the
Gos$e% te:t is " *er' gener"% st"teent re%"ting to ore th"n one ch"$ter o! The Poem1 The s'bo% TU e"ns the te:t is not !o(nd in
The Poem"
TH) G4(3)5 4F
Gos$e% 3oem:
E$isode S : Te:t: *o% G $"ge
Mt 2:2#26 TU
81 Mt 2:24#28 )025C
2>1 Mt 2:5>#57" TU
221 Mt 2:57b#53 @)066A
261 Mt 5:2#25 )02F6
241 Mt 5:2C#23 L)0ch C3#CFM
5>1 Mt 5:2F#24 L@)0ch 6C#63AM
5>1 Mt 5:28#5C @)0282A
541 Mt C:2#C @)0575A
581 Mt C:7#F @)0575A
C>1 Mt C:6#2> @)0575A
C51 Mt C:22025 @)0575A
C31 Mt C:2C#26 L)0ch 77#73M
C61 Mt 7:2 @)0576A
C41 Mt 7:5" @)0576A
7>1 Mt 7:5b#22 )0578
751 Mt 7:25#2F )053F
321 Mt 7:26 @)0543A
731 Mt 7:24#55 )05F4
F>1 Mt 7:5C#53 )0CC5
641 Mt 3:205 ))0253
4>1 Mt 3:C#25 ))02C3
681 Mt 3:2C#2F ))0258
421 Mt 3:26#5> ))0275
441 Mt 3:52#57 ))027F
481 Mt 3:53#5F ))027F
2>C1 Mt 3:56#C5 ))0267
8>1 Mt 3:CC#C6 ))0274
4F1 Mt 3:C4 ))027F
471G27C1 Mt 3:C807> ))0277
Mt 3:72 TU
4C1 Mt 3:7C ))0277
461 Mt 3:77#74 ))0273
8F1 Mt F:2#7 ))0238
821 Mt F:3#4 ))0232
2521 Mt F:8#2C ))0C5F
861 Mt F:27023 ))02F2
871 Mt F:2F#24 ))023C
831 Mt F:28#52 ))0236
2>>1 Mt F:5505C ))026>
881 Mt F:57 ))026>
841 Mt F:53#C7 ))02F5
2>71 Mt 6:2#F ))0268
8C1 Mt 6:6#22 ))0235
431 Mt 6:25 ))0273
2441 Mt 6:2C027 )))032C
451 Mt 6:23#5> ))027C
2>6"1 Mt 6:52#5C054058 ))0246
2>31 Mt 6:57#56 ))024>
2>6b1 Mt 6:54#58 ))0246
2>F1 Mt 4:2#7 ))0242
2>41 Mt 4:3#2C ))0248
341 Mt 4:27#26 L)0 ch F>0F2M
2>81 Mt 4:24#55 ))0282
22F1 Mt 4:5C#56 ))05C>
2261 Mt 4:54#8:2" ))05CF
F51 Mt 8:2b#4 )0CC8
F71 Mt 8:8#2C )0322
631 Mt 8:27#26 ))06>
2541 Mt 8:24#5F ))0747
2581 Mt 8:56#C7 ))078F
2C51 Mt 8:C3 ))0326
2C71 Mt 8:CF#C4 ))0324
6F1 Mt 2>:2#7 ))08C
2751 Mt 2>:3#75 ))0F85
2771 Mt 22:2 ))06>>
2731 Mt 22:5#56 ))06>5
2761 Mt 22:54#C> ))0624
25F1 Mt 25:2#4 ))0724
27>1 Mt 25:8#27 ))0F64
2721 Mt 25:23#52 TU
2741 Mt 25:55#3> ))065>
22>1 Mt 2C:2#8 ))0283
2221 Mt 2C:2>#5C ))05>>
22C1 Mt 2C:57#C> ))0522
2231 Mt 2C:C20C5 ))0553
2F61 Mt 2C:CC#C3 )))0563
2271 Mt 2C:CF#7C ))0525
2C31 Mt 2C:77 ))035>
2CF1 Mt 2C:73#3C ))03C2
2C41 Mt 2C:37#34 ))036F
2781 Mt 27:205 @)))0C8FA
C81 Mt 27:C#3 @)0537A
2251 Mt 27:C#3 L@))0ch 24>0242AM
27F1 Mt 27:F#25" @))0658A
23>1 Mt 27:25b02C ))0ch5F8056>
2321 Mt 27:27#52 ))067C
2351 Mt 27:55#5C ))0676
23C1 Mt 27:57#C7 ))0674
2371 Mt 27:C30CF L@))0ch 567#56FAM
2F71 Mt 23:2#22 )))027C
2F31 Mt 23:25#5> )))027F
2FF1 Mt 23:52 L)))0ch C230C2FM
2F81 Mt 23:55#54 )))0586
2641 Mt 23:58" )))0C87
268"1 Mt 23:58b )))07>3
2471 Mt 23:C>#C8 )))07CC
2631 Mt 2F:2#7 )))0CF3
26F1 Mt 2F:3#5> )))0CF8
2661 Mt 2F:52#54 )))0C43
268b1 Mt 26:2#26 @24A )))07>3
24>1 Mt 26:24#5> )))0723
2421 Mt 26:52055 @ )))0723 A
2451 Mt 26:5C#5F )))0726
24C1 Mt 24:2#2> )))0756
2871 Mt 24:22 )&023
2C>1 Mt 24:25#27 ))0788
23F1 Mt 24:23#26 )))028
2361 Mt 24:24#C3 )))052
5281 Mt 28:205L)&0ch 3C4#373M
2461 Mt 28:C#25 )))07F3
5>81 Mt 28:2C#23 )&0747
5C>1 Mt 28:2F#C> &0544
2F41 Mt 5>:2#2F )))0546
5C21 Mt 5>:26#28 &0585
5C51 Mt 5>:5>#54 &058F
5CC1 Mt 5>:58#C7 &0C2C
5CF1 Mt 52:2#F &0C82#C85
5C41 Mt 52:6#26 &0C86
5C81 Mt 52:24#28" &0728
57C1 Mt 52:28b#55 &0754
5751 Mt 52:5C#56 &0752
2821 Mt 52:54#C5 )))0663
5721 Mt 52:CC#7F &0728
2531 Mt 55:2#27 ))0C32
5771 Mt 55:23#55 &07C>
5731 Mt 55:5C#CC &07C2
57F1 Mt 55:C7#7F &07C6
5741 Mt 5C:2#C8 &0773
5781 Mt 57:205 &0578
53>1 Mt 57:C#32 &07FC
2571 Mt 53:2#2C ))0C77
2F>1 Mt 53:27#C> )))0C6
5321 Mt 53:C2#7F &07F6
5351 Mt 5F:205 @&07F8A
53F1 Mt 5F:C#3 &074F
5C71 Mt 5F:F#2C &0CFC
5C31 Mt 5F:27#2F L&0ch 343034FM
53C1 Mt 5F:26#28 &076F
5361 Mt 5F:5> &0787
5F21 Mt 5F:52055 &03>3
5FC1 Mt 5F:5C057 &03>F
5F51 Mt 5F:53 &03>F
5F>1 Mt 5F:5F#58 &03>7
5621 Mt 5F:C> &0326
5341 Mt 5F:C2#C3 &0784
5651 Mt 5F:CF#77 &03C>
5671 Mt 5F:7307F &03C6
5631 Mt 5F:76#78 &03C6
56F1 Mt 5F:3>" &03C4
5421 Mt 5F:3>b032 &03C4
5451 Mt 5F:35#37 &03C4
54>1 Mt 5F:3303F" &03C4
5431 Mt 5F:3Fb &03C8
54F1 Mt 5F:36" &0373
5481 Mt 5F:36b034 &0332
58>1 Mt 5F:38#F4 &033C
5821 Mt 5F:F806> @&0337A
5851 Mt 5F:62065 @&0337A
5871 Mt 5F:6C#63 &0337
5831 Mt 56:2 &0333
58F"1 Mt 56:5 &0333
5861 Mt 56:C#3" &036C
C521 Mt 56:3b &0F>3
C381 Mt 56:F#2> @&0464A
58Fb1 Mt 56:22#27 &0334
C>>1 Mt 56:23#24 &03FC
C>31 Mt 56:28 &03F6
C>21 Mt 56:5>#5C &03FC
C>61 Mt 56:57#53 &03F4
C>51 Mt 56:5F" &03FC
C>81 Mt 56:5Fb &03F4
C>C1 Mt 56:56#C> &03F3
C2>1 Mt 56:C2 TU
C2C1 Mt 56:C5 &0F>5
C271 Mt 56:CC &0F>C
C241 Mt 56:C7 &0F2>
C281 Mt 56:C30CF &0F2>
C24b1 Mt 56:C6#C4 &0F>C
C5>1 Mt 56:C8#77 &0F22
C2F1 Mt 56:73 &0F2>
C5F1 Mt 56:7F076 &0F24
C541 Mt 56:74078 &0F28
CC21 Mt 56:3> &0F52
CC51 Mt 56:32#3C &0F520F57
CC31 Mt 56:37#3F &0F53
CC71 Mt 56:36034 &0F57
CC61 Mt 56:380F>" &0F54
CC81 Mt 56:F>b &0FC4
CC41 Mt 56:F2 &0FC>
C7>1 Mt 56:F5#FF &0F72
C7C1 Mt 54:2 &06>7
C771 Mt 54:5#7 &0F84
C7F1 Mt 54:3#2> &06>F
C761 Mt 54:22#23 @&0654A
C331 Mt 54:2F026 &0458
C341 Mt 54:24#5> &0465

TH) G4(3)5 4F (T. M$%O

541 Mk 2:2#7 @)0575A
581 Mk 2:30F @)0575A
C51 Mk 2:604 @)0575A
C31 Mk 2:8#22 L)0ch 77#73M
C61 Mk 2:25 @)0576A
C41 Mk 2:2C" @)0576A
7>1 Mk 2:2Cb )0578
C81 Mk 2:27" @)0537A
321 Mk 2:27b023 @)0543A
11731 Mk 2:2F#5> )05F4
361 Mk 2:52#54 )0C24
341 Mk 2:58#C7 L)0ch F>0F2M
381 Mk 2:C3#C4 )0C58
F>1 Mk 2:C8 )0CC5
F21 Mk 2:7>#73 )0CC3
F51 Mk 5:2#25 )0CC8
FC1 Mk 5:2C )0F3
F71 Mk 5:27#26 )0322
631 Mk 5:24#55 ))06>
25F1 Mk 5:5C#54 ))0724
27>1 Mk C:2#F ))0F64
2721 Mk C:6#25 TU
6F1 Mk C:2C#28 ))08C
2741 Mk C:5>#C3 ))065>
22>1 Mk 7:2#8 ))0283
2221 Mk 7:2>#5> ))05>>
68"1 Mk 7:52 ))0258
275b1 Mk 7:55 ))0F85
Mk 7:5C057 TU
2381 Mk 7:53 )))0CF
2231 Mk 7:5F#C7" ))0553
22F1 Mk 7:C7b#7> ))05C>
2261 Mk 3:2#5> ))05CF
2541 Mk 3:52#7C ))0747
2C41 Mk F:2#F" ))036F
2C81 Mk F:Fb L))0ch 57F0576M
275"1 Mk F:6#22 ))0F85
2771 Mk F:2502C ))06>>
2781 Mk F:27#2F @)))0C8FA
2251 Mk F:26#5> L@))0ch 24>0242AM
27F1 Mk F:52#58 @ ))0658A
23>1 Mk F:C>#C5 ))0ch5F8056>
2321 Mk F:CC#77 ))067C
2351 Mk F:7307F ))0676
23C1 Mk F:76#3C ))0674
2371 Mk F:37#3F L@))0ch 567#56FAM
2F71 Mk 6:2#2F )))027C
2F31 Mk 6:26#5C )))027F
2F81 Mk 6:57#C> )))0586
2621 Mk 6:C2 )))0C>50C22
2671 Mk 6:C5#C6 )))0C34
2471 Mk 4:2#2> )))07CC
2631 Mk 4:22025 )))0CF3
26F" Mk 4:2C#52 )))0CF8
2641 Mk 4:55#5F )))0C87
26Fb1 Mk 4:56#C> )))0C62
2661 Mk 4:C2#C8@8:2A )))0C43
2681 Mk 8:2#5F@5#56A )))07>3
24>1 Mk 8:56#54 )))0723
2421 Mk 8:58#C2 @)))0723A
2451 Mk 8:C5"@CC"A )))0726
24C1 Mk 8:C5b#76 )))0756
68b1 Mk 8:74078"b ))0258
5281 Mk 2>:2 L)&0ch 3C4#373M
2461 Mk 2>:5#25 )))07F3
5>81 Mk 2>:2C#2F )&0747
5C>1 Mk 2>:26#C2 &0544
5C21 Mk 2>:C5#C7 &0585
5C51 Mk 2>:C3#73 &058F
5C71 Mk 2>:7F#35 &0C2C
5CF1 Mk 22:2#F &0C82#C85
5C4"1 Mk 22:6#22" &0C86
5C4c1 Mk 22:22b &07>C
5C81 Mk 22:25#27 &0728
5C4b Mk 22:23#28 &07>5
57C1 Mk 22:5>#53 &0754
861 Mk 22:5F ))02F2
5751 Mk 22:56#CC &0752
5721 Mk 25:2#25 &0728
5771 Mk 25:2C#26 &07C>
5731 Mk 25:24#56 &07C2
57F1 Mk 25:54#C6 &07C6
5741 Mk 25:C4#7> &077F
5761 Mk 25:72#77 &077>
5781 Mk 2C:205 &0578
53>1 Mk 2C:C#C6 &07FC
5351 Mk 27:205 @&07F8A
5C71 Mk 27:C#8 &0CFC
5C31 Mk 27:2>022 L&0ch1343034FM
53C Mk 27:25#2F &076F
5361 Mk 27:26 &0787
5F21 Mk 27:24028 &03>3
5FC1 Mk 27:5>052 &03>F
5F>1 Mk 27:55#53 &03>7
5621 Mk 27:5F &0326
5341 Mk 27:56#C2 &0784
5651 Mk 27:C5#7> &03C>
5671 Mk 27:72075 &03C6
5631 Mk 27:7C#73 &03C6
5421 Mk 27:7F076 &03C4
54>1 Mk 27:74078 &03C4
5431 Mk 27:3>#35 &03C8
54F1 Mk 27:3C" &0373
5481 Mk 27:3Cb037 &0332
58>1 Mk 27:33#F3 &033C
5821 Mk 27:FF#F4 @&0337A
5851 Mk 27:F806>" @&0337A
5871 Mk 27:6>b#65 &0337
5831 Mk 23:2" &0333
58F1 Mk 23:2b#3 &0333
C>>1 Mk 23:F#2> &03FC
C>21 Mk 23:22#27 &03FC
C>51 Mk 23:23"b &03FC
C>81 Mk 23:23c &03F4
C>C1 Mk 23:2F#28 &03F3
C2>1 Mk 23:5> TU
C2C1 Mk 23:52 &0F>5
C271 Mk 23:55 &0F>C
C241 Mk 23:5C &0F2>
C281 Mk 23:57 &0F2>
C24b1 Mk 23:53#54 &0F>C
C5>1 Mk 23:58#C5 &0F22
C2F1 Mk 23:CC &0F2>
C5F1 Mk 23:C70C3 &0F24
C541 Mk 23:CF &0F28
C581 Mk 23:C6" &0F5>
CC21 Mk 23:C6b &0F52
CC51 Mk 23:C4 &0F520F57
CC31 Mk 23:C8#72 &0F53
CC71 Mk 23:75#73 &0F57
CC61 Mk 23:7F"0b &0F54
CC81 Mk 23:7Fc &0FC4
CC41 Mk 23:76 &0FC>
C7C" Mk 2F:2" &06>7
C721 Mk 2F:2b0c &0FF>
C7Cb1 Mk 2F:50C &06>7
C7F1 Mk 2F:7#22 &06>F
C741 Mk 2F:2502C &0656
C781 Mk 2F:27 &06C6
C3F1 Mk 2F:23 &047>
Mk 2F:2F#24 TU
C3515 Mk 2F:26#24 &0647
C341 Mk 2F:2805> &0465
TH) G4(3)5 4F (T. 5>O)
Lk 2:2#7 TU
21 Lk 2:3#5C L)0ch 5>#55M
51 Lk 2:57#53 @)088A
C1 Lk 2:5F#C4 )04>
71 Lk 2:C8#33 L)0ch 28#52M
41 Lk 2:3F )0228
31 Lk 2:36034 )022>
F1 Lk 2:38#68 )02F
61 Lk 2:4>" TU
5F1 Lk 2:4>b TU
251 Lk 5:2#C )0258
2C1 Lk 5:703 )02C7
271 Lk 5:F#5> L)0ch 580C>M
231 Lk 5:52 )0233
2F1 Lk 5:55#C8 )02F2
521 Lk 5:7>#72 L)0ch C6#C8M
551 Lk 5:75 )05>4
5C1 Lk 5:7C#77 @)055>A
571 Lk 5:73 @)055>A
531 Lk 5:7F#35 )0525V@)055>A
561 Lk C:205 @)0575A
541 Lk C:C#F @)0575A
C>1 Lk C:6#8 @)0575A
C21 Lk C:2>#27 @)0575A
C51 Lk C:23#24 @)0575A
C81 Lk C:2805> @)0537A
C31 Lk C:52#5C" L)0ch 77#73M
Lk C:5Cb#C4 TU
C61 Lk 7:2 @)0576A
C41 Lk 7:5" @)0576A
7>1 Lk 7:5b#2C )0578
781 Lk 7:27023 )0568
F31 Lk 7:2F" )0338
FF1 Lk 7:2Fb#C> )03F7
3F1 Lk 7:C20C5 L)0ch 34#F3M
361 Lk 7:CC#C6 )0C24
341 Lk 7:C4#72 L)0ch F>0F2M
381 Lk 7:7507C )0C58
F>1 Lk 7:77 )0CC5
FC1 Lk 3:2#22 L)0ch F70F3M
F21 Lk 3:25#2F )0CC3
F51 Lk 3:26#5F )0CC8
F71 Lk 3:56#C5 )0322
631 Lk 3:CC#C8 ))06>
25F1 Lk F:2#3 ))0724
27>1 Lk F:F#22 ))0F64
6F1 Lk F:25#2F ))08C
661 Lk F:26#28 ))088
4>"1 Lk F:5>#5C ))02C3
2>51 Lk F:57 ))0267
2>21 Lk F:53 ))0267
4>b1 Lk F:5F ))02C3
46"1 Lk F:56054 ))0273
471 Lk F:580C> ))0277
431 Lk F:C2 ))0273
46b1 Lk F:C5#CF ))0273
2>71 Lk F:C6#75 ))0268
451 Lk F:7C077 ))027C
851 Lk F:73 ))023>
2>4b1 Lk F:7F ))0248
2>31 Lk F:76#78 ))024>
2>61 Lk 6:2" ))0246
2>4"11 Lk 6:2b#2> ))0248
2241 Lk 6:22#24 ))0535
273"1 Lk 6:28#C3 ))06>5
2C21 Lk 6:CF#3> ))032>
2CC1 Lk 4:2#C L))0ch 5CF#5F7M
22>1 Lk 4:7#4 ))0283
2221 Lk 4:8#23 ))05>>
68"1 Lk 4:2F ))0258
275b1 Lk 4:26 ))0F85
238b1 Lk 4:24 )))0CF
274c1 Lk 4:28#520 ))0656
22F1 Lk 4:55#53 ))05C>
2261 Lk 4:5F#C8 ))05CF
2541 Lk 4:7>#3F ))0747
275"1 Lk 8:2#3 ))0F85
2771 Lk 8:F02>" ))06>>
2781 Lk 8:6#8 @)))0C8FA
23>1 Lk 8:2>b L))0ch15F8056>M
2321 Lk 8:22#26 ))067C
26F1 Lk 8:24#52 )))0C62
2661 Lk 8:55#56 )))0C43
2681 Lk 8:54#73 )))07>3
24C"1 Lk 8:7F#3> )))0756
5581 Lk 8:32#3F &0562
2>81 Lk 8:36#F5 ))0282
236b1 Lk 2>:2#25 )))05C
273b1 Lk2>:2C#23 ))06>6
236"1 Lk 2>:2F )))052
2341 Lk 2>:26#5> )))05F
273c1 Lk 2>:52#57 ))06>4
2F21 Lk 2>:53#C6 )))0C4
2481 Lk 2>:C4#75 )))0F5>
2521 Lk 22:2#7 ))0C5F
2551 Lk 22:3#2C ))0C54
274"1 Lk 22:27#5F ))065>
2FC1 Lk 22:56054 )))068
274b1 Lk 22:58#C5 ))0653
28C"1 Lk 22:CC )))042>
2>>1 Lk 22:C7#CF ))026>
28Cb1 Lk 22:C6#37 )))0422
28F1 Lk 25:2#25 L)&0ch1726#728M
2331 Lk 25:2C#3C )))06
Lk 25:37#36 TU
481 Lk 25:34038 ))027F
2F51 Lk 2C:2#3 )))07C
26C1 Lk 2C:F#8 )))0C7C
2651 Lk 2C:2>#26 )))0CC4
2231 Lk 2C:24028 ))0553
2F612 Lk 2C:5>#52 )))0563
2F615 Lk 2C:55 L)))0ch C56#C3FM
2441 Lk 2C:5C#C3 )))032C
26>1 Lk 27:2#57 )))0C54
238"1 Lk 27:53#CC )))0C7
68b1 Lk 27:C70C3 ))0258
2C>1 Lk 23:2#6 ))0788
2C61 Lk 23:4#2> ))0372
25C1 Lk 23:22#C5 ))0CC4
28>1 Lk 2F:2#24 )))0FC8
2281 Lk 2F:28#C2 ))05F2
24Cb1 Lk 26:205 )))07C>
23F1 Lk 26:C )))028
236c1 Lk 26:7 )))052
2851 Lk 26:30F )))0645
2861 Lk 26:6#2> )&03>
2841 Lk 26:22 L)&0ch 753#745M
5>21 Lk 26:25#28 )&0772
5>71 Lk 26:5>052 )&073F
5>F1 Lk 26:55#53 )&07F2
5321 Lk 26:5F056 )&07F6
Lk 26: 54#C6 TU
5251 Lk 24:2#4 )&03F5
5261 Lk 24:8#27 )&0F43
5>81 Lk 24:23#26 )&0747
5C>1 Lk 24:24#C> &0544
5C21 Lk 24:C2#C7 &0585
5CC1 Lk 24:C3#7C &0C2C
2871 Lk 28:2#2> )&02C
2F>1 Lk 28:22#56 )))0C6
5CF1 Lk 28:54#C7 &0C82#C85
5C4"1 Lk 28:C3#7> &0C86
5C61 Lk 28:72#77 &0C87
37G5C4b1Lk 28:7307F L)0546E&07>5M
57>1 Lk 28:76074
L&0ch 38>#387038F"M
5751 Lk 5>:2#4 &0752
5721 Lk 5>:8#28 &0728
5771 Lk 5>:5>#5F &07C>
5731 Lk 5>:56#7> &07C2
57F1 Lk 5>:72#77 &07C4
5741 Lk 5>:73#76 &077F
5761 Lk 52:2#7 &077>
5781 Lk 52:30F &0578
53>1 Lk 52:6#C4 &07FC
5C31 Lk 55:2#5 L&0ch1343034FM
53F1 Lk 55:C#F &074F
53C1 Lk 55:6#2C &076F
5361 Lk 55:27#24 &0787
5F>1 Lk 55:2805> &03>7
5F2"1 Lk 55:52 &03>3
5FC1 Lk 55:55 &03>F
5F2bG5F61 Lk 55:5C &03>3V&0327
5341 Lk 55:57#C4 &0784
5621 Lk 55:C8 &0326
5651 Lk 55:7>#75 &03C>
56C1 Lk 55:7C077 &03C3
5671 Lk 55:7307F &03C6
5631 Lk 55:76 &03C6
5661 Lk 55:74 &03C4
5681 Lk 55:78 TU
5421 Lk 55:3> &03C4
5451 Lk 55:32" &03C4
54C1 Lk 55:32b &03C4
54>1 Lk 55:3503C &03C4
54F1 Lk 55:37" &0373
5481 Lk 55:37b &0332
5821 Lk 55:33#36 @&0337A
5851 Lk 55:34 @&0337A
5871 Lk 55:38#F5 &0337
5441 Lk 55:FC#F3 &0332
58C1 Lk 55:FF &0337
5831 Lk 55:F6#62 &0333
58F1 Lk 5C:2#6 &0333
5841 Lk 5C:4#25 &03F2
5881 Lk 5C:2C#2F &03FC
C>21 Lk 5C:26#55 &03FC
C>71 Lk 5C:5C &03FF
C>F1 Lk 5C:57053 &03F6
C2C1 Lk 5C:5F &0F>5
C251 Lk 5C:56#C5 &0386
C241 Lk 5C:CC &0F>C
C5C1 Lk 5C:C7" &0F27
C281 Lk 5C:C7b &0F2>
C5>1 Lk 5C:C3#C4 &0F22
C551 Lk 5C:C8#72 &0F25
C571 Lk 5C:7507C &0F27
C2F1 Lk 5C:77 &0F2>
C561 Lk 5C:73" &0F28
CC51 Lk 5C:73b &0F520F57
C581 Lk 5C:7F" &0F5>
CC>1 Lk 5C:7Fb &0F5>
CC21 Lk 5C:7Fc &0F52
CC31 Lk 5C:76#78 &0F53
CC71 Lk 5C:3>#35 &0F57
CC61 Lk 5C:3C037 &0F54
CC41 Lk 5C:33 &0FC>
C7>1 Lk 5C:3F" &0F72
C721 Lk 5C:3Fb &0FF>
C751 Lk 5C:3Fc &0F65
C7C1 Lk 57:2 &06>7
C7F1 Lk 57:5#25 &06>F
C741 Lk 57:2C#C3 &0656
C781 Lk 57:CF#78 &06C6
C341 Lk 57:3>#3C &0465
TH) G4(3)5 4F (T. .4H"
CC1 +n 2:2#27 TU
C71 +n 2:23#54 @)0575A
CF1 +n 2:58#CF )0575
721 +n 2:C6#C8 )053C
7C1 +n 2:7>#75" )053F
771 +n 2:75b )05F>
7F1 +n 2:7C#32 )0565
761 +n 5:2#5 )056F
741 +n 5:C#22 )0568
3>1 +n 5:25 @)0543A
351 +n 5:2C" @)0543A
3C1 +n 5:2Cb @)0543A
371 +n 5:27#2F )0546
331 +n 5:26#53 )0544
F61 +n C:2#52 )0F26
F41 +n C:55" )0F5F
F81 +n C:55b#57 )0FC>
6>1 +n C:53#CF )0F48
621 +n 7:2#75 L))0ch 275#27FM
651 +n 7:7C" ))053
6C1 +n 7:7Cb077 ))0C2
671 +n 7:73#37 ))0CF
25>1 +n 3:2 ))0564
2561 +n 3:5#76 ))07F4
23>1 +n F:205 L))0ch15F8056>M
2471 +n F:C07 )))07CC
2321 +n F:3#2F ))067C
2351 +n F:26 ))0676
23C1 +n F:24#52 ))0674
2431 +n F:55#53 )))07CF
24F1 +n F:5F#62 )))077>
2831 +n 6:2 L)&0ch 72F#763M
2881 +n 6:5#8 )&0727
5>>1 +n 6:2> )&075C
5>51 +n 6:22#2C )&0778
5>C1 +n 6:27 )&0737
5>31 +n 6:23#57 )&0738
5>61 +n 6:53#C> )&07F5
5>41 +n 6:C2#CF )&076>
52>1 +n 6:C6#4:2 )&0748
5221 +n 4:5#22 )&03>5
52C1 +n 4:25#5> )&03F7
5271 +n 4:52#38 )&0362
5231 +n 8:2#C7 )&038C
52F1 +n 8:C3#2>:52 )&0F78
5241 +n 2>:55#C8 )&0684
5281 +n 2>:7>#75 L)&0ch 3C4#373M
55>1 +n 22:205 &03
5521 +n 22:C07 &058
5551 +n 22:30F @ &076A
55C1 +n 22:6#2F &077
5571 +n 22:26#7F &078
5531 +n 22:76#3C &06F
55F1 +n 22:37"0b &084
5561 +n 22:37c L&0ch 33>#3FFM
5541 +n 22:33#3F@36A
5C71 +n 25:2#22 &0CFC
5C41 +n 25:25#28 &0C86
5371 +n 25:5>#7C &0745
5331 +n 25:77#3> &0743
5381 +n 2C:2#5> &03>>
5F21 +n 2C:52055 &03>3
5FC1 +n 2C:5C#C> &03>F
5F71 +n 2C:C2#C4 &03>6
5F31 +n 27:2#C2 &032>
5FF1 +n 23:2#2F &032C
5F41 +n 23:26#56 &0323
5F81 +n 2F:2#CC &0323
56>1 +n 26:2#5F @&0326A
5621 +n 24:2 &0326V355
5631 +n 24:50C &03C6
5641 +n 24:7#F &03C4
54>1 +n 24:6#8 &03C4
5421 +n 24:2> &03C4
5451 +n 24:22 &03C4
5471 +n 24:25 &03C8
54F1 +n 24:2C#2F &0373
5821 +n 24:26024 @&0337A
5461 +n 24:28#5C &0374
5481 +n 24:57 &0332
5851 +n 24:53 @&0337A
5871 +n 24:5F#56 &0337
58F1 +n 24:54#C4 &0333
C>>1 +n 24:C8 &03FC
C>21 +n 24:7> &03FC
C>51 +n 28:2 &03FC
C>C1 +n 28:50C &03F3
C>71 +n 28:7#8 &03FF
C>F1 +n 28:2>#23 &03F6
C>81 +n 28:2F &03F4
C221 +n 28:26 &038C
C241 +n 28:24 &0F>C
C>41 +n 28:28 &03F4
C231 +n 28:5>#55 @&03F4A
C281 +n 28:5C057 &0F2>
C261 +n 28:53 &0F2>
C531 +n 28:5F056 &0F2F
C561 +n 28:54 &0F28
C541 +n 28:58#C>" &0F28
C581 +n 28:C>b &0F5>
CC21 +n 28:C>c &0F52
CCF1 +n 28:C2#CC &0F5F
CCC1 +n 28:C7#C6 &0F55
CC71 +n 28:C4 &0F57
C751 +n 28:C8 &0F65
CC6 +n 28:7>#75 &0F54
C7C1 +n 5>:2" &06>7
C731 +n 5>:2b#C" &06>F
C761 +n 5>:Cb#24 &06>F
C781 +n 5>:2805> &06C6
C3>1 +n 5>:52#57 &0676
C321 +n 5>:53 &0678
C351 +n 5>:5F#58 &0633
C3C1 +n 5>:C>0C2 &0685
C371 +n 52:2#5C &045C
+n 52:57053 TU
TH) $CT( 4F TH) $34(T5)(
C361 Ac 2:7#4 &04F8
C341 Ac 2:8#25 &0465
CF>1 Ac 2:2C#5F &0464
CF21 Ac 5:2#C &0445
CF51 Ac 5:7#76 &044F
CFC1 Ac C:2#7:C6 TU
CF71 Ac 3:2#2F TU
CF31 Ac 3:26#F:6 TU
CFF1 Ac F:4#23 @&08>3A
CF61 Ac 6:2#3C @&08>3A
CF41 Ac 6:37#4:C L&08>3#823M
I"D)J !ro TH) 34)M 4F TH) M$"DG4D
TH) G4(3)5( $"D $CT('
The Gospel )pisode number wi%% t"ke 'o( to the "$$ro$ri"te site in the Harmony of the Gospels or the est of the Gospel !tory" These
works $ro*ide the d"te "nd geogr"$hic"% %oc"tion !or the e$isode1 The est of the Gospel !tory wi%% gi*e 'o( " s("r' o! signi!ic"nt
in!or"tion !ro The Poem "nd i$ort"nt inter$reti*e notes th"t wo(%d shed %ight on the Scri$t(re "cco(nt1
$ =parenthesis? around The Poem loation e"ns in!or"tion here on%' s(bst"nti"tes the Gos$e% n"rr"ti*e b(t is not itse%! the "ct("%
Gos$e% e*ent1 P"ge n(ber on%' indic"tes the beginning o! the Gos$e% te:t1 F:ra/etsG around The Poem loation e"ns the Gos$e%
te:t is " *er' gener"% st"teent re%"ting to ore th"n one ch"$ter o! The Poem1 =3arenthesis? "ro(nd te0t loation indic"te *"ri"nts
!ro the Rheis &ersion en(er"tion1

TH) 34)M
&45>M) 4")
Poe Gos$e% Scri$t
P"ge: E$isode S : Te:t:
)02F F1 Lk 2:38#68
)0F3 FC1 Mk 5:2C
@)066A 221 Mt 2:57b#53
)04> C1 Lk 2:5F#C4
L)087#2>CM 71 Lk 2:C8#33
L@)08F#22>AM 21 Lk 2:3#5C
@)088A 51 Lk 2:57#53
)022> 31 Lk 2:36034
)0228 41 Lk 2:3F
)025C 81 Mt 2:24#28
@)0258A 2>1 Mt 2:5>#57"
)0258 251 Lk 5:2#C
)02C7 2C1 Lk 5:703
L)02C4#233M 271 Lk 5:F#5>
)0233 231 Lk 5:52
)02F2 2F1 Lk 5:55#C8
)02F6 261 Mt 5:2#25
L268#287M 241 Mt 5:2C#23
@)0282A 5>1 Mt 5:28#5C
L)0287#5>4M 521 Lk 5:7>#72
)05>4 551 Lk 5:75
)0525G@55>A 531 Lk 5:7F#35
@)055>A 5C1 Lk 5:7C#77
@)055>A 571 Lk 5:73
@)055>AG525 531 Lk 5:7F#35
L)05C3#576M C31 Mt C:2C#26
L)05C3#576M C31 Mk 2:8#22
L)05C3#576M C31 Lk C:52#5C"
@)0575A 561 Lk C:205
@)0575A 541 Mt C:2#C
@)0575A 541 Mk 2:2#7
@)0575A 541 Lk C:C#F
@)0575A 581 Mt C:7#F
@)0575A 581 Mk 2:30F
@)0575A C>1 Mt C:6#2>
@)0575A C>1 Lk C:6#8
@)0575A C21 Lk C:2>#27
@)0575A C51 Mt C:22025
@)0575A C51 Mk 2:604
@)0575A C51 Lk C:23#24
@)0575A C71 +n 2:23#54
)0575 CF1 +n 2:58#CF
@)0576A C61 Mt 7:2
@)0576A C61 Mk 2:25
@)0576A C61 Lk 7:2
@)0576A C41 Mt 7:5"
@)0576A C41 Mk 2:2C"
@)0576A C41 Lk 7:5"
)0578 7>1 Mk 2:2Cb
)0578 7>1 Mt 7:5b#22
)0578 7>1 Lk 7:5b#2C
)053C 721 +n 2:C6#C8
@)0537A C81 Mt 27:C#3
@)0537A C81 Mk 2:27"
@)0537A C81 Lk C:2805>
)053F 751 Mt 7:25#2F
)053F 7C1 +n 2:7>#75"
)05F> 771 +n 2:75b
)05F4 731 Mt 7:24#55
)05F4 731 Mk 2:2F#5>
)0565 7F1 +n 2:7C#32
)056F 761 +n 5:2#5
)0568 741 +n 5:C#22
)0568 781 Lk 7:27023
@)0543A 3>1 +n 5:25
@)0543A 321 Mt 7:26
@)0543A 321 Mk 2:27b023
@)0543A 351 +n 5:2C"
@)0543A 3C1 +n 5:2Cb
)0546G&07>5 37G5C4b1 Lk 28:7307F
)0546 371 +n 5:27#2F
)0544 331 +n 5:26#53
L)0C>4#C7CM 3F1 Lk 7:C20C5
)0C24 361 Mk 2:52#54
)0C24 361 Lk 7:CC#C6
L)0C28#C58M 341 Mt 4:27#26
L)0C28#C58M 341 Mk 2:58#C7
L)0C28#C58M 341 Lk 7:C4#72
)0C58 381 Mk 2:C3#C4
)0C58 381 Lk 7:7507C
)0CC5 F>1 Mt 7:5C#53
)0CC5 F>1 Lk 7:77
)0CC5 F>1 Mk 2:C8
)0CC3 F21 Mk 2:7>#73
)0CC3 F21 Lk 3:25#2F
LCCF#C7CM FC1 Lk 3:2#22
)0CC8 F51 Mt 8:2b#4
)0CC8 F51 Mk 5:2#25
)0CC8 F51 Lk 3:26#5F
L@)0C65#C83AM 281 Mt 5:2F#24
@)07>FA 5F1 Lk 2:4>b
)0322 F71 Mt 8:8#2C
)0322 F71 Mk 5:27#26
)0322 F71 Lk 3:56#C5
)0338 F31 Lk 7:2F"
)03F7 FF1 Lk 7:2Fb#C>
)0F26 F61 +n C:2#52
)0F5F F41 +n C:55"
)0FC> F81 +n C:55b#57
)0F48 6>1 +n C:53#CF
TH) 34)M
&45>M) TW4
L))08#53M 621 +n 7:2#75
))053 651 +n 7:7C"
))0C2 6C1 +n 7:7Cb077
))0CF 671 +n 7:73#37
))06> 631 Mt 8:27#26
))06> 631 Mk 5:24#55
))06> 631 Lk 3:CC#C8
))08C 6F1 Mt 2>:2#7
))08C 6F1 Mk C:2C#28
))08C 6F1 Lk F:25#2F
))088 661 Lk F:26#28
))0253 641 Mt 3:205
))0258 681 Mt 3:2C#2F
))0258 68"1 Mk 7:52
))0258 68b1 Mk 8:74078"b@7803>"bA
))0258 68b1 Lk 27:C70C3
))0258 68"1 Lk 4:2F
))02C3 4>1 Mt 3:C#25
))02C3 4>"1 Lk F:5>#5C
))02C3 4>b1 Lk F:5F
))0275 421 Mt 3:26#5>
))027C 451 Mt 6:23#5>
))027C 451 Lk F:7C077
))0277 4C1 Mt 3:7C
))0277 471G27C1 Mt 3:C807>
))0277 471 Lk F:580C>
))0273 431 Mt 6:25
))0273 431 Lk F:C2
))0273 461 Mt 3:77#74
))0273 46"1 Lk F:56054
))0273 46b1 Lk F:C5#CF
))027F 4F1 Mt 3:C4
))027F 441 Mt 3:52#57
))027F 481 Mt 3:53#5F
))0274 8>1 Mt 3:CC#C6
))023> 851 Lk F:73
))0232 821 Mt F:3#4
))0235 8C1 Mt 6:6#22
))023C 871 Mt F:2F#24
))0236 831 Mt F:28#52
))0238 8F1 Mt F:2#7
))02F2 861 Mt F:27023
))02F2 861 Mk 22:5F
))02F5 841 Mt F:53#C7
))026> 881 Mt F:57
))026> 2>>1 Mt F:5505C
))026> 2>>1 Lk 22:C7#CF
))0267 2>21 Lk F:53
))0267 2>51 Lk F:57
))0267 2>C1 Mt 3:56#C5
))0268 2>71 Mt 6:2#F
))0268 2>71 Lk F:C6#75
))024> 2>31 Mt 6:57#56
))024> 2>31 Lk F:76#78
))0242 2>F1 Mt 4:2#7
))0246 2>6"1 Mt 6:52#5C054058
))0246 2>6b1 Mt 6:54#58
))0246 2>61 Lk 6:2"
))0248 2>41 Mt 4:3#2C
))0248 2>4b1 Lk F:7F
))0248 2>4"1 Lk 6:2b#2>
))0282 2>81 Mt 4:24#55
))0282 2>81 Lk 8:36#F5
))0283 22>1 Mt 2C:2#8
))0283 22>1 Mk 7:2#8
))0283 22>1 Lk 4:7#4
L))05>>#523M 2251 Mt 27:C#3
L@))05>>#523AM 2251 Mk F:26#5>
))05>> 2221 Mt 2C:2>#5C
))05>> 2221 Mk 7:2>#5>
))05>> 2221 Lk 4:8#23
))0522 22C1 Mt 2C:57#C>
))0525 2271 Mt 2C:CF#7C
))0553 2231 Mt 2C:C20C5
))0553 2231 Mk 7:5F#C7"
))0553 2231 Lk 2C:24028
))05C> 22F1 Mt 4:5C#56
))05C> 22F1 Mk 7:C7b#7>
))05C> 22F1 Lk 4:55#53
))05CF 2261 Mt 4:54#8:2"
))05CF 2261 Mk 3:2#5>
))05CF 2261 Lk 4:5F#C8
))0535 2241 Lk 6:22#24
))05F2 2281 Lk 2F:28#C2
))0564 25>1 +n 3:2
))0C5F 2521 Mt F:8#2C
))0C5F 2521 Lk 22:2#7
))0C54 2551 Lk 22:3#2C
))0CC4 25C1 Lk 23:22#C5
))0C77 2571 Mt 53:2#2C
))0C32 2531 Mt 55:2#27
))0C32 2531 Lk 27:2F#57
))0724 25F1 Mt 25:2#4
))0724 25F1 Mk 5:5C#54
))0724 25F1 Lk F:2#3
))07F4 2561 +n 3:5#76
))0747 2541 Mt 8:24#5F
))0747 2541 Mk 3:52#7C
))0747 2541 Lk 4:7>#3F
))078F 2581 Mt 8:56#C7
))0788 2C>1 Mt 24:25#27
))0788 2C>1 Lk 23:2#6
))032> 2C21 Lk 6:CF#3>
L))0326#F82M 2CC1 Lk 4:2#C
))0326 2C51 Mt 8:C3
))0324 2C71 Mt 8:CF#C4
))035> 2C31 Mt 2C:77
))03C2 2CF1 Mt 2C:73#3C
))0372 2C61 Lk 23:4#2>
))036F 2C41 Mt 2C:37#34
))036F 2C41 Mk F:2#F"
L))0366#385M 2C81 Mk F:Fb
))0F64 27>1 Mt 25:8#27
))0F64 27>1 Mk C:2#F
))0F64 27>1 Lk F:F#22
))0F85 2751 Mt 2>:3#75
))0F85 275"1 Mk F:6#22
))0F85 275b1 Mk 7:55
))0F85 275"1 Lk 8:2#3
))0F85 275b1 Lk 4:26
))06>> 2771 Mt 22:2
))06>> 2771 Mk F:2502C
))06>> 2771 Lk 8:F02>"
))06>5 2731 Mt 22:5#56
))06>5 273"1 Lk 6:28#C3
))06>6 273b Lk 2>:52#57
))0624 2761 Mt 22:54#C>
))065> 2741 Mt 25:55#3>
))065> 2741 Mk C:5>#C3
))065> 274"1 Lk 22:27#5F0
))0653 274b1 Lk 22:58#C50
))0656 274c1 Lk 4:28#520
@))0658A 27F1 Mt 27:F#25"
L))0658#6C8M 23>1 Mt 27:25b02C
L))0658#6C8M 23>1 Mk F:C>#C5
L))0658#6C8M 23>1 Lk 8:2>b
L))0658#6C8M 23>1 +n F:205
@))0658A 27F1 Mk F:52#58
))067C 2321 Mt 27:27#52
))067C 2321 Mk F:CC#77
))067C 2321 Lk 8:22#26
))067C 2321 +n F:3#2F
))0676 2351 Mt 27:55#5C
))0676 2351 Mk F:7307F
))0676 2351 +n F:26
))0674 23C1 Mt 27:57#C7
))0674 23C1 Mk F:76#3C
))0674 23C1 +n F:24#52
L@))0635#)))05>AM 2371 Mt 27:C30CF
L@))0635#)))05>AM 2371 Mk F:37#3F
TH) 34)M
&45>M) TH%))

)))06 2331 Lk 25:2C#3C
)))028 23F1 Mt 24:23#26
)))028 23F1 Lk 26:C
)))052 2361 Mt 24:24#C3
)))052 236"1 Lk 2>:2F
)))052 236c1 Lk 26:7
)))05C 236b1 Lk 2>:2#25
)))05F 2341 Lk 2>:26#5>
)))0C7 238"1 Lk 27:53#CC
)))0CF 2381 Mk 7:53
)))0C6 2F>1 Mt 53:27#C>
)))0C6 2F>1 Lk 28:22#56
)))0C4 2F21 Lk 2>:53#C6
)))07C 2F51 Lk 2C:2#3
)))068 2FC1 Lk 22:56054
)))027C 2F71 Mt 23:2#22
)))027C 2F71 Mk 6:2#2F
)))027F 481 Lk 25:34038
)))027F 2F31 Mt 23:25#5>
)))027F 2F31 Mk 6:26#5C
L)))0527#555M 2FF1 Mt 23:52
L)))0563#7F4M 2F615 Lk 2C:55
)))0563 2F612 Mt 2C:CC#C3
)))0563 2F612 Lk 2C:5>#52
)))0546 2F41 Mt 5>:2#2F
)))0586 2F81 Mt 23:55#54
)))0586 2F81 Mk 6:57#C>
)))0C>50C22 2621 Mk 6:22
)))0C54 26>1 Lk 27:2#23
)))0CC4 2651 Lk 2C:2>#26
)))0C7C 26C1 Lk 2C:F#8
)))0C34 2671 Mk 6:C5#C6
)))0CF2 238b1 Lk 4:24
)))0CF3 2631 Mt 2F:2#7
)))0CF3 2631 Mk 4:22025
)))0CF8 26F1 Mt 2F:3#5>
)))0CF8 26F"1 Mk 4:2C#52
)))0C62 26Fb1 Mk 4:56#C>
)))0C62 26F1 Lk 8:24#52
)))0C43 2661 Mt 2F:52#54
)))0C43 2661 Mk 4:C2#C8@8:2A
)))0C43 2661 Lk 8:55#56
)))0C87 2641 Mt 23:58"
)))0C87 2641 Mk 4:55#5F
@)))0C86A 2781 Mt 27:205
@)))0C86A 2781 Mk F:27#2F
@)))0C86A 2781 Lk 8:6#8
)))07>3 268"1 Mt 23:58b
)))07>3 268b1 Mt 26:2#26@24A
)))07>3 2681 Mk 8:2#5F@5#56A
)))07>3 2681 Lk 8:54#73
)))0723 24>1 Mt 26:24#5>@28#52A
)))0723 24>1 Mk 8:56#54@54058A
@)))0723A 2421 Mt 26:52055@5505CA
@)))0723A 2421 Mk 8:58#C2@C>#C5A
)))0726 2451 Mt 26:5C#5F@57#56A
)))0726 2451 Mk 8:C5"@CC"A
)))0756 24C1 Mt 24:2#2>
)))0756 24C1 Mk 8:C5b#76@CCb#74A
)))0756 24C"1 Lk 8:7F#3>
)))07C> 24Cb1 Lk 26:205
)))07CC 2471 Mt 23:C>#C8
)))07CC 2471 Mk 4:2#2>
)))07CC 2471 +n F:C07
)))07CF 2431 +n F:55#53
)))077> 24F1 +n F:5F#62
)))07F3 2461 Mt 28:C#25
)))07F3 2461 Mk 2>:5#25
)))032C 2441 Mt 6:2C027
)))032C 2441 Lk 2C:5C#C3
)))0F5> 2481 Lk 2>:C4#75
)))0FC8 28>1 Lk 2F:2#24
)))0663 2821 Mt 52:54#C5
)))0645 2851 Lk 26:30F
)))042> 28C"1 Lk 22:CC
)))0422 28Cb1 Lk 22:C6#37
TH) 34)M
&45>M) F4>%

)&02C 2871 Lk 28:2#2>
)&023 2871 Mt 24:22
L)&05>#722M 2831 +n 6:2
L)&053#7FM 28F1 Lk 25:2#25
)&03> 2861 Lk 26:6#2>
L)&04>#778M 2841 Lk 26:22
)&0727 2881 +n 6:5#8
)&075C 5>>1 +n 6:2>
)&0772 5>21 Lk 26:25#28
)&0778 5>51 +n 6:22#2C
)&0737 5>C1 +n 6:27
)&073F 5>71 Lk 26:5>052
)&0738 5>31 +n 6:23#57
)&07F2 5>F1 Lk 26:55#53
)&07F5 5>61 +n 6:53#C>
)&07F6 5321 Lk 26:5F056
)&076> 5>41 +n 6:C2#CF
)&0747 5>81 Mt 28:2C#23
)&0747 5>81 Mk 2>:2C#2F
)&0747 5>81 Lk 24:23#26
)&0748 52>1 +n 6:C6#4:2
)&03>5 5221 +n 4:5#22
)&03F5 5251 Lk 24:2#4
)&03F7 52C1 +n 4:25#5>
)&0362 5271 +n 4:52#38
)&038C 5231 +n 8:2#C7
)&0F78 52F1 +n 8:C3#2>:52
)&0F43 5261 Lk 24:8#27
)&0684 5241 +n 2>:55#C8
L)&0424#&076M 5281 Mt 28:205
L)&0424#&076M 5281 Mk 2>:2
L)&0424#&076M 5281 +n 2>:7>#75

TH) 34)M
&45>M) FI&)
&03 55>1 +n 22:205
&058 5521 +n 22:C07
&077 55C1 +n 22:6#2F
@&076A 5551 +n 22:30F
&078 5571 +n 22:26#7F
&06F 5531 +n 22:76#3C
&084 55F1 +n 22:37"0b
L&084#572M 5561 +n 22:37c
L&0573#C7FM 5541 +n 22:33#3F@36A
&0562 5581 Lk 8:32#3F
&0544 5C>1 Mt 28:2F#C>
&0544 5C>1 Mk 2>:26#C2
&0544 5C>1 Lk 24:24#C>
&0585 5C21 Mt 5>:26#28
&0585 5C21 Mk 2>:C5#C7
&0585 5C21 Lk 24:C2#C7
&058F 5C51 Mt 5>:5>#54
&058F 5C51 Mk 2>:C3#73
&0C2C 5CC1 Mt 5>:58#C7
&0C2C 5CC Mk 2>:7F#35
&0C2C 5CC1 Lk 24:C3#7C
&0CFC 5C71 Mt 5F:F#2C
&0CFC 5C71 Mk 27:C#8
&0CFC 5C71 +n 25:2#22
L&0C6>#C46M 5C31 Mt 5F:27#2F
L&0C6>#C46M 5C31 Mk 27:2>022
L&0C6>#C46M 5C31 Lk 55:2#5
&0C820C85 5CF1 Mt 52:2#F
&0C820C85 5CF1 Mk 22:2#F
&0C820C85 5CF1 Lk 28:54#C7
&0C87 5C61 Lk 28:72#77
&0C86 5C41 Mt 52:6#26
&0C86 5C4"1 Mk 22:6#22"
&0C86 5C4"1 Lk 28:C3#7>
&0C86 5C41 +n 25:25#28
&07>5 5C4b1 Mk 22:23#28
&07>5G)0546 5C4b1G371
Lk 28:7307F
&07>5 5C4b1 Lk 28:7307F
&07>C 5C4c1 Mk 22:22b
L&07>4#7F80763M 57>1 Lk
&0728 5C81 Mt 52:24#28"
&0728 5C81 Mk 22:25#27
&0728 5721 Mt 52:CC#7F
&0728 5721 Mk 25:2#25
&0728 5721 Lk 5>:8#28
&0752 5751 Mt 52:5C#56
&0752 5751 Mk 22:56#CC
&0752 5751 Lk 5>:2#4
&0754 57C1 Mt 52:28b#55
&0754 57C1 Mk 22:5>#53
&07C> 5771 Mt 55:23#55
&07C> 5771 Mk 25:2C#26
&07C> 5771 Lk 5>:5>#5F
&07C2 5731 Mt 55:5C#CC
&07C2 5731 Mk 25:24#56
&07C2 5731 Lk 5>:56#7>
&07C6 57F1 Mt 55:C7#7F
&07C6 57F1 Mk 25:54#C6
&07C4 57F1 Lk 5>:72#77
&077> 5761 Mk 25:72#77
&077> 5761 Lk 52:2#7
&0773 5741 Mt 5C:2#C8
&077F 5741 Mk 25:C4#7>
&077F 5741 Lk 5>:73#76
&0778 5781 Mt 57:205
&0778 5781 Mk 2C:205
&0778 5781 Lk 52:30F
&07FC 53>1 Mt 57:C#32
&07FC 53>1 Mk 2C:C#C6
&07FC 53>1 Lk 52:6#C4
&07F6 5321 Mt 53:C2#7F
@&07F8A 5351 Mt 5F:205
@&07F8A 5351 Mk 27:205
&076F 53C1 Mt 5F:26#28
&076F 53C1 Mk 27:25#2F
&076F 53C1 Lk 55:6#2C
&0745 5371 +n 25:5>#7C
&0743 5331 +n 25:77#3>
&074F 53F1 Mt 5F:C#3
&074F 53F1 Lk 55:C#F
&0787 5361 Mt 5F:5>
&0787 5361 Mk 27:26
&0787 5361 Lk 55:27#24
&0784 5341 Mt 5F:C2#C3
&0784 5341 Mk 27:56#C2
&0784 5341 Lk 55:57#C4
&03>7 5F>1 Mt 5F:5F#58
&03>> 5381 +n 2C:2#5>
&03>7 5F>1 Mk 27:55#53
&03>7 5F>1 Lk 55:2805>
&03>3 5F21 Mt 5F:52055
&03>3 5F21 Mk 27:24028
&03>3 5F2"1 Lk 55:52
&03>3G327 5F2b1G5F61
Lk 55:5C
&03>3 5F21 +n 2C:52055
&03>F 5F51 Mt 5F:53
&03>F 5FC1 Mt 5F:5C057
&03>F 5FC1 Lk 55:55
&03>F 5FC1 +n 2C:5C#C>
&03>6 5F71 +n 2C:C2#C4
&032C 5FF1 +n 23:2#2F
&0327G3>3 5F61G5F2b1
Lk 55:5C
&0323 5F41 +n 23:26#56
&0323 5F81 +n 2F:2#CC
@&0326A 56>1 +n 26:2#5F
&0326 5621 Mt 5F:C>
&0326 5621 Mk 27:5F
&0326 5621 Lk 55:C8
&0326G355 5621 +n 24:2
&0328 5F31 +n 27:2#C2
&0355 G326 5621 +n 24:2
&03C> 5651 Mt 5F:CF#77
&03C> 5651 Mk 27:C5#7>
&03C> 5651 Lk 55:7>#75
&03C3 56C1 Lk 55:7C077
&03C6 5671 Mt 5F:7307F
&03C6 5671 Mk 27:72075
&03C6 5671 Lk 55:7307F
&03C6 5631 Mt 5F:76#78
&03C6 5631 Mk 27:7C#73
&03C6 5631 Lk 55:76
&03C6 5631 +n 24:50C
&03C4 56F1 Mt 5F:3>"
&03C4 5661 Lk 55:74
&03C4 5641 +n 24:7#F
&03C4 54>1 Mt 5F:3303F"
&03C4 54>1 Mk 27:74078
&03C4 54>1 Lk 55:3503C
&03C4 54>1 +n 24:6#8
&03C4 5421 Mt 5F:3>b032
&03C4 5421 Mk 27:7F076
&03C4 5421 Lk 55:3>
&03C4 5421 +n 24:2>
&03C4 5451 Mt 5F:35#37
&03C4 5451 Lk 55:32"
&03C4 5451 +n 24:22
&03C4 54C1 Lk 55:32b
&03C8 5471 +n 24:25
&03C8 5431 Mt 5F:3Fb
&03C8 5431 Mk 27:3>#35
&0373 54F1 Mt 5F:36"
&0373 54F1 Mk 27:3C"
&0373 54F1 Lk 55:37"
&0373 54F1 +n 24:2C#2F
&0374 5461 +n 24:28#5C
&0332 5441 Lk 55:FC#F3
&0332 5481 Mt 5F:36b034
&0332 5481 Mk 27:3Cb037
&0332 5481 Lk 55:37b
&0332 5481 +n 24:57
&033C 58>1 Mt 5F:38#F4
&033C 58>1 Mk 27:33#F3
@&0337A 5821 Mt 5F:F806>
@&0337A 5821 Mk 27:FF#F4
@&0337A 5821 Lk 55:33#36
@&0337A 5821 +n 24:26024
@&0337A 5851 Mt 5F:62065
@&0337A 5851 Mk 27:F806>"
@&0337A 5851 Lk 55:34
@&0337A 5851 +n 24:53
&0337 58C1 Lk 55:FF
&0337 5871 Mt 5F:6C#63
&0337 5871 Mk 27:6>b#65
&0337 5871 Lk 55:38#F5
&0337 5871 +n 24:5F#56
&0333 5831 Mt 56:2
&0333 5831 Mk 23:2"
&0333 5831 Lk 55:F6#62
&0333 58F"1 Mt 56:5
&0333 58F1 Mk 23:2b#3
&0333 58F1 Lk 5C:2#6
&0333 58F1 +n 24:54#C4
&0334 58Fb1 Mt 56:22#27
&03F2 5841 Lk 5C:4#25
&03FC 5881 Lk 5C:2C#2F
&03FC C>>1 Mt 56:23#24
&03FC C>>1 Mk 23:F#2>
&03FC C>>1 +n 24:C8
&03FC C>21 Mt 56:5>#5C
&03FC C>21 Mk 23:22#27
&03FC C>21 Lk 5C:26#55
&03FC C>21 +n 24:7>
&03FC C>51 Mt 56:5F"
&03FC C>51 Mk 23:23"b
&03FC C>51 +n 28:2
&03F3 C>C1 Mt 56:56#C>
&03F3 C>C1 Mk 23:2F#28
&03F3 C>C1 +n 28:50C
&03FF C>71 Lk 5C:5C
&03FF C>71 +n 28:7#8
&03F6 C>31 Mt 56:28
&03F6 C>F1 Lk 5C:57053
&03F6 C>F1 +n 28:2>#23
&03F4 C>61 Mt 56:57#53
&03F4 C>41 +n 28:28
&03F4 C>81 Mt 56:5Fb
&03F4 C>81 Mk 23:23c
&03F4 C>81 +n 28:2F
@&03F4A C231 +n 28:5>#55
&036C 5861 Mt 56:C#3"
&038C C221 +n 28:26
&0386 C251 Lk 5C:56#C5
&0F>5 C2C1 Mt 56:C5
&0F>5 C2C1 Mk 23:52
&0F>5 C2C1 Lk 5C:5F
&0F>C C271 Mt 56:CC
&0F>C C271 Mk 23:55
&0F>C C24b1 Mt 56:C6#C4
&0F>C C24b1 Mk 23:53#54
&0F>C C241 Lk 5C:CC
&0F>C C241 +n 28:24
&0F>3 C521 Mt 56:3b
&0F2> C2F1 Mt 56:73
&0F2> C2F1 Mk 23:CC
&0F2> C2F1 Lk 5C:77
&0F2> C261 +n 28:53
&0F2> C241 Mt 56:C7
&0F2> C241 Mk 23:5C
&0F2> C281 Mt 56:C30CF
&0F2> C281 Mk 23:57
&0F2> C281 Lk 5C:C7b
&0F2> C281 +n 28:5C057
&0F22 C5>1 Mt 56:C8#77
&0F22 C5>1 Mk 23:58#C5
&0F22 C5>1 Lk 5C:C3#C4
&0F25 C551 Lk 5C:C8#72
&0F27 C5C1 Lk 5C:C7"
&0F27 C571 Lk 5C:7507C
&0F2F C531 +n 28:5F056
&0F24 C5F1 Mt 56:7F076
&0F24 C5F1 Mk 23:C70C3
&0F28 C561 Lk 5C:73"
&0F28 C561 +n 28:54
&0F28 C541 Mt 56:74078
&0F28 C541 Mk 23:CF
&0F28 C541 +n 28:58#C>"
&0F5> C581 Mk 23:C6"
&0F5> C581 Lk 5C:7F"
&0F5> C581 +n 28:C>b
&0F5> CC>1 Lk 5C:7Fb
&0F52 CC21 Mt 56:3>
&0F52 CC21 Mk 23:C6b
&0F52 CC21 Lk 5C:7Fc
&0F52 CC21 +n 28:C>c
&0F520F57 CC51 Mt 56:32#3C
&0F520F57 CC51 Mk 23:C4
&0F520F57 CC51 Lk 5C:73b
&0F55 CCC1 +n 28:C7#C6
&0F570F52 CC51 Mt 56:32#3C
&0F570F52 CC51 Mk 23:C4
&0F570F52 CC51 Lk 5C:73b
&0F57 CC71 Mt 56:36034
&0F57 CC71 Mk 23:75#73
&0F57 CC71 Lk 5C:3>#35
&0F57 CC71 +n 28:C4
&0F53 CC31 Mt 56:37#3F
&0F53 CC31 Mk 23:C8#72
&0F53 CC31 Lk 5C:76#78
&0F5F CCF1 +n 28:C2#CC
&0F54 CC61 Mt 56:380F>"
&0F54 CC61 Mk 23:7F"0b
&0F54 CC61 Lk 5C:3C037
&0F54 CC61 +n 28:7>#75
&0FC> CC41 Mt 56:F2
&0FC> CC41 Mk 23:76
&0FC> CC41 Lk 5C:33
&0FC4 CC81 Mt 56:F>b
&0FC4 CC81 Mk 23:7Fc
&0F72 C7>1 Mt 56:F5#FF
&0F72 C7>1 Lk 5C:3F"
&0FF> C721 Mk 2F:2b0c
&0FF> C721 Lk 5C:3Fb
&0F65 C751 Lk 5C:3Fc
&0F65 C751 +n 28:C8
&0F84 C771 Mt 54:5#7
&06>7 C7C1 Mt 54:2
&06>7 C7C"1 Mk 2F:2"
&06>7 C7Cb1 Mk 2F:50C
&06>7 C7C1 Lk 57:2
&06>7 C7C1 +n 5>:2"
&06>F C731 +n 5>:2b#C"
&06>F C7F1 Mt 54:3#2>
&06>F C7F1 Mk 2F:7#22
&06> F C7F1 Lk 57:5#25
&06>F C761 +n 5>:Cb#24
&0656 C741 Mk 2F:2502C
&0656 C741 Lk 57:2C#C3
@&0654A C761 Mt 54:22#23
&06C6 C781 Mk 2F:27
&06C6 C781 Lk 57:CF#78
&06C6 C781 +n 5>:2805>
&0676 C3>1 +n 5>:52#57
&0678 C321 +n 5>:53
&0633 C351 +n 5>:5F#58
&0685 C3C1 +n 5>:C>0C2
&045C C371 +n 52:2#5C
&0458 C331 Mt 54:2F026
&047> C3F1 Mk 2F:23
&04F8 C361 Ac 2:7#4
&0465 C341 Mt 54:24#5>
&0465 C341 Mk 2F:2805>
&0465 C341 Lk 57:3>#3C
&0465 C341 Ac 2:8#25
@&0464A C381 Mt 56:F#2>
&0464 CF>1 Ac 2:2C#5F
&0445 CF21 Ac 5:2#C
&044F CF51 Ac 5:7#76
@&08>3A CFF1 Ac F:4#23
@&08>3A CF61 Ac 6:2#3C
L&08>3#85>M CF41 Ac 6:37#4:C
T)JT( >()D I" THI( W4%O
"4T F4>"D I" TH) 34)M

Mt 2:2#26 # Gene"%og' o! +ose$h
Mk 7:5C057 # +es(sH te"ching
Mt 3:72# +es(sH te"ching
Lk 2:2#7 # )ntrod(ction to L(ke
Lk C:5Cb#C4 # Gene"%og' o! M"r'
Lk 25:37#36 # +es(sH te"ching
Lk 26: 54#C6 # +es(sH te"ching
Mk 2F:2F#24 # +es(sH te"ching
+n 52:57053 # +ohnHs own n"rr"tion

Dated but not in The Poem
2721 Mt 25:23#52E Mk C:6#25 #
5681 Lk 55:78 # The Disci$%esH
C2>1 Lk 23:5>E Mt 56:C2 # +es(sH
CFC1 Ac C:2#7:C6 # E"r%' ,h(rch
CF71 Ac 3:2#2F # E"r%' ,h(rch
CF31 Ac 3:26#F:6 # E"r%' ,h(rch

45D T)(T$M)"T (C%I3T>%) I"D)J
From (C%I3T>%) to The Poe o! the M"n#God
En(er"tions in the odern ,"tho%ic *ersions "nd the o%der Do("'GRheis &ersion "re identic"% (n%ess noted1 9hen di!!erent0 the
Do("' is (s("%%' the second entr' in $"renthesis1 The Douay is the !irst =and only? entry #hen !ollo#ed by =d7rDonly?. In these
ases there is missing te0t in the modern versions. The @dGrA not"tion "%w"'s e"ns The Poem $re!ers the o%der Do("'GRheis
rendition1 The Poem0 with !ew e:ce$tions0 s(bst"nti"tes the Do("' @O1T1A "nd the Rheis @N1T1A tr"ns%"tion where there "re not"b%e
di!!erences1 This not"tion wi%% be !o(nd "!ter 66 o! the 86C entries in this inde:0 re$resenting 28 s$eci!ic te:ts1
/ook Atr"ns%"tions' !ro odern to the o%der Do("' &ersion: )0 )) S"(e% Q )0 )) -ingsE )0 )) -ings Q )))0 )& -ingsE )0 )) ,hronic%es Q
)0)) P"r"%i$oenonE EIr" Q ) Esdr"sE Nehei"h Q )) EIdr"sE Song o! So%oon Q ,"ntic%e o! ,"ntic%esE Ob"di"h Q Abdi"sE Oe$h"ni"h Q
So$honi"sE H"gg"i Q Agge(sE Sir"ch Q Ecc%esi"stic(s
&0C>3 Aos 8:22
))057 /"r(ch C:2#3
)&0F5> /"r(ch C:8#2C
)&0F5> /"r(ch C:5>
)&0F52 /"r(ch C:56
))0C48 /"r(ch F:C#65 @5#62A
))05C /"r(ch 5:2F#24
))05C /"r(ch 5:57#5F
I CH%4"IC5)(
@) P"r"%i$oenonA
))05F> ) ,hronic%es 7:802>
)&02>6 ) ,hronic%es 7:8#2>
))0C88 ) ,hronic%es 2>
)&024C ) ,hronic%es 54:C#6
)072F ) ,hronic%es 58:2
)&024C ) ,hronic%es 58:2>#28
II CH%4"IC5)(
@)) P"r"%i$oenonA
))07>> )) ,hronic%es C:2
))03FF )) ,hronic%es 4:22
)))0F47 )) ,hronic%es 5>:5#26
))086 )) ,hronic%es 58:C#54
)0653 D"nie% C
))0246 D"nie% C
&05> D"nie% C
&0832 D"nie% C:5C#56
&0257 D"nie% C:36#8> @dGrA
)&0335 D"nie% 3
))024F D"nie% 6#25
))052C D"nie% 6#25
&0757 D"nie% 6025
)&03F6 D"nie% 6:8#2>
)03C D"nie% 8:27
)0C4 D"nie% 8:5>#56
)&073F D"nie% 8:5>#56
)&0F27 D"nie% 8:5>#56
&0738 D"nie% 8:5>#56
&07FC D"nie% 8:5>#56
&0768 D"nie% 8:5>#56
&08>4 D"nie% 8:5>#56
)0C8 D"nie% 8:57
)037 D"nie% 8:57
)0523 D"nie% 8 57#56
&052> D"nie% 8:57
)0526 D"nie% 8:53#56
))0566 D"nie% 8:5F# 2>:52
)&056> D"nie% 8:5F056
&06C5 D"nie% 8:5F056
&0476 D"nie% 8:5F056
))0323 D"nie% 2>:25
&0476 D"nie% 22:C2
)&0F27 D"nie% 25:6#2>
&0476 D"nie% 25:22
)&0253 D"nie% 2C
&055 D"nie% 2C:5C
&04C6 D"nie% 27:5C#75
&0483 De(terono' 2:58#CC
&0232 De(terono' C
)))0422 De(terono' 7:23#24
)0567 De(terono' 3
)062C De(terono' 3
)0FC8 De(terono' 3:F
)0F77 De(terono' 3:6#2>
)0F35 De(terono' 3:22
)0F66 De(terono' 3:25#23
&02F5 De(terono' 3:25
)0FF2 De(terono' 3:2F
)))027C De(terono' 3:2F
)&0CF2 De(terono' 3:2F
&0752 De(terono' 3:2F
)&0C63 De(terono' 3:26024
)0C35 De(terono' 3:26
)0C33 De(terono' 3:26
)0F4> De(terono' 3:26
)&0C67 De(terono' 3:24052
)0FF3 De(terono' 3:24
))0267 De(terono' 3:24
))0266 De(terono' 3:24
)))0F73 De(terono' 3:24
)062> De(terono' 3:28052
)06>6 De(terono' 3:5>
))0276 De(terono' 3:5>
)0F83 De(terono' 3:52
&08C2 De(terono 3:C5#F:2C
)062C De(terono' F
)0567 De(terono' F
)0363 De(terono' F:7
))05>5 De(terono' F:7
)))0C8 De(terono' F:7
)))0227 De(terono' F:7
))0C57 De(terono' F:3
))063F De(terono' F:3
)))05F De(terono' F:3
)))06C6 De(terono' F:3
)&0F7> De(terono' F:3
)&066C De(terono' F:3
&05>5 De(terono' F:3
&07C6 De(terono' F:3
&0772 De(terono' F:3
)036C De(terono' F:2C
)))0F6F De(terono' F:27#2F
)0F8> De(terono' F:2F
&053F De(terono' F:2F
))03FF De(terono' 6:C
)))0F77 De(terono' 2>:2F
)))04 De(terono' 2>:26
)0F7> De(terono' 2C:3
))05C3 De(terono' 27:C#4
)))0385 De(terono' 23:22
)0544 De(terono' 2F:24#5>
)&03F5 De(terono' 2F:24#5>
)&0C74 De(terono' 2F:28
)&03F6 De(terono' 26:F
)0544 De(terono' 24:205
)&0C63 De(terono' 24:23#5>
))02C8 De(terono' 28:52
)&0C67 De(terono' 28:52
)&0753 De(terono' 28:52
)&0358 De(terono' 28:52
)&0C63 De(terono' 52:52
)&084 De(terono' 55:2#7
)))02F> De(terono' 55:F
)&084 De(terono' 55:F
)&03>5 De(terono' 55:55#57
))0C82 De(terono' 5C:2
))0FC7 De(terono' 5C:2302F
)0544 De(terono' 5C:2805>
))0276 De(terono' 5C:52#5C
)06FF De(terono' 57
))0264 De(terono' 57:2#7
)))07FF De(terono' 57:2#7
)))0385 De(terono' 57:27
)))0687 De(terono' 57:28#55
)))0425 De(terono' 56:23
)))0427 De(terono' 56:23
)))0427 De(terono' 56:57053
)&07FF De(terono' C5:7C
)0C3C De(terono' C5:72
)&0328 De(terono' C5:74#35
)&0356 De(terono' C5:74#35
&02>> De(terono' CC:2C#26
))0CF8 Ecc%esi"stes 2:50C
))0658 Ecc%esi"stes 2:5024
)0C33 Ecc%esi"stes 2:5
)&05F2 Ecc%esi"stes 3:7#F
))053 Ecc%esi"stes 22:7
)0C33 Ecc%esi"stes 25:2C
))0FCF Esther 2:2#4
))0C74 Esther 5:26
)067> Esther 3
)))0425 Esther 3:2#3
))074C E:od(s 5
))0F6F E:od(s 5:3#2>
&07C5 E:od(s 7:3
))03C E:od(s 6:25
&0786 E:od(s 22025
&06C5 E:od(s 22025
&0253 E:od(s 25028
))0566 E:od(s 25:2#27
)))04>4 E:od(s 25:2#27
&0C44 E:od(s 25:2#27
&0C48 E:od(s 25:3
&0C8> E:od(s 25:6
)02>3 E:od(s 25:52
&0786 E:od(s 25:56
&0C45 E:od(s 25:58#C7
&0C8> E:od(s 2C
)&0253 E:od(s 2C:22#2F
)))0C33 E:od(s 27:23#5C
)))0F63 E:od(s 27:23#5C
&06> E:od(s 27:2F#5C
)052F E:od(s 27:52055
))063F E:od(s 2F
)))0775 E:od(s 2F:703027
)0627 E:od(s 2F:2805>
)))0227 E:od(s 26:4#2F
)0657 E:od(s 26:22025
)&0727 E:od(s 24:2C#56
)0FC8 E:od(s 28
))02CC E:od(s 28
)&055> E:od(s 28:2F#5>:52
&06FC E:od(s 28:2F
)062C E:od(s 5>

)))0428 E:od(s 5>
))0566 E:od(s 5>:2#26
)))066 E:od(s 5>:2#26
)&03>2 E:od(s 5>:2#26
)&0563 E:od(s 5>:50C
)))0422 E:od(s 5>:7
))0F68 E:od(s 5>:6
))056F E:od(s 5>:4#22
)052> E:od(s 5>:2>
))027F E:od(s 5>:2C
)0333 E:od(s 5>:27
)&0378 E:od(s 5>:5C
)))0387 E:od(s 52:26
))02C8 E:od(s 52:57
)&0C67 E:od(s 52:57
)&0753 E:od(s 52:57
)&0358 E:od(s 52:57
))0C26 E:od(s 55:55
))074C E:od(s 55:55
&02C6 E:od(s 55:55#57
&025F E:od(s 55:580C>
))086 E:od(s 57:7
&06FC E:od(s 53:2>#55
&0477 E:od(s 58:2#C3
&06FC E:od(s C>:2#2>
)0627 E:od(s C5
)&035C E:od(s C5
))0C8F E:od(s C5:23#57
))0C8F E:od(s CC
))0C8F E:od(s C7
)&0378 E:od(s C7:26
)&03FF E:od(s C7:58#C3
&06C4 E:od(s C7:58#C3
&06FC E:od(s C6:2#8
&06FC E:od(s C6:53#58
)&03F6 EIekie% 2:5F#54
))026 EIekie% 5:2#4
)&078> EIekie% 4:2#24
)&078> EIekie% 4:7#F
&0474 EIekie% 802>
)))04>8 EIekie% 8:7#F
&0C>6 EIekie% 2F
))024 EIekie% 24:7#C>
))05> EIekie% 5C
)&0F3C EIekie% C7
&0768 EIekie% C7:22#2F
)&0CF7 EIekie% CF:4#57
)&078> EIekie% C6
)&066> EIekie% C6:7#27
))055 EIekie% C6:23#54
)&0782 EIekie% 76:2#25
)&0667 EIekie% 76:2#25
&074> EIekie% 76:2#25
&047C EIekie% 76:2#25
)))0F47 EIekie% 76:2>
)U%$ @) Esdr"sA
&02C> EIr" 2#F
&077C EIr" 2#F
&02C2 EIr" C:22#2C
)))07F3 EIr" 8:F06
))03FF EIr" 2>:2>
)))0F8 Genesis 2#22
&0472 Genesis 2#C
)))067> Genesis 20C
)045 Genesis 2
))03F> Genesis 2
)&03F3 Genesis 2
)))07FF Genesis 2:5F
&0377 Genesis 2:5F056
&047C Genesis 2:5F056
))05>C Genesis 2:56
))0547 Genesis 2:56#C2
)03C Genesis 2:54
))0264 Genesis ):54
&0227 Genesis 50C
)045 Genesis 5
)033F Genesis 5
)062> Genesis 5
))032> Genesis 5:5
&036 Genesis 5:5#6
&047C Genesis 5:6
&0854 Genesis 5:6
&0822 Genesis 5:4
&0FC5 Genesis 5:4#26
)))0F75 Genesis 5:2F026
)&0C4 Genesis 5:24
&0343 Genesis 5:5>#57
))03FF Genesis 5:5C
))0547 Genesis 5:5C
)&0525 Genesis 5:5C
))0264 Genesis 5:5C057
)&0CF> Genesis 5:5C057
)&0CF2 Genesis 5:5C057
)024F Genesis 5:57
))0543 Genesis 5:57
)))07FF Genesis 5:57
&0756 Genesis C
)06F7 Genesis C
)0F3C Genesis C
)062> Genesis C
))0F6F Genesis C
))0F8C Genesis C
&0343 Genesis C
&0326 Genesis C:2#6
&0377 Genesis C:2#6
&0822 Genesis C:2#6
)&06>C Genesis C:2#23
))0574 Genesis C:F#57
))0574 Genesis C:6
)))0356 Genesis C:4#2>
)052 Genesis C:23 @dGrA
)044 Genesis C:23 @dGrA
)0277 Genesis C:23 @dGrA
)0C46 Genesis C:23 @dGrA
))0CFC Genesis C:23 @dGrA
)&0F>6 Genesis C:23 @dGrA
)&06>C Genesis C:23 @dGrA
)&0C4 Genesis C:23 @dGrA
)&07CC Genesis C:23 @dGrA
&0C63 Genesis C:23 @dGrA
&0776 Genesis C:23 @dGrA
&0FC4 Genesis C:23 @dGrA
&0F7F Genesis C:23 @dGrA
&0443 Genesis C:23 @dGrA
&048F Genesis C:23 @dGrA
&087F Genesis C:23 @dGrA
)0C4F Genesis C:23#24 @dGrA
)0223 Genesis C:2F
)&0F>6 Genesis C:2F
&0377 Genesis C:24
))06>8 Genesis C:28
)))0772 Genesis C:28
)))0F53 Genesis C:52
)062> Genesis 7
)))055> Genesis 7
)))0567 Genesis 7
&054> Genesis 7
&066F Genesis 7
&053C Genesis 7:2#F
)))0F75 Genesis 7:2#2F
)))0625 Genesis 7:2#2F
&0C45 Genesis 7:2#2F
&0C48 Genesis 7:2#2F
&034F Genesis 7:2#2F
&0687 Genesis 7:2#2F
)067C Genesis 7:7
))0C45 Genesis 7:4
&036F Genesis 7:4
&0347 Genesis 7:4
)0744 Genesis 7:4#25
)&0367 Genesis 7:4#25
&0F38 Genesis 7:4#25
)))0F6C Genesis 7:4#2F
)))04>8 Genesis 7:4#2F
))07>2 Genesis 7:2>022
)))0F36 Genesis 7:23
&02F3 Genesis 7:23
)06F3 Genesis 7:2302F
&0348 Genesis 7:2302F
&0348 Genesis 7:5305F
&0F8> Genesis 3
&0872 Genesis 3:24#57
)06F3 Genesis F#8
&0756 Genesis F
))024F Genesis 6
))0F66 Genesis 6
&07FF Genesis 6:22#5C
)02F3 Genesis 4:52
&0756 Genesis 8
&0C33 Genesis 8:22
)&036F Genesis 2502C
&043C Genesis 25:2#53
&044> Genesis 23:2
)&0367 Genesis 2F052
)0333 Genesis 2F:2
)&0F57 Genesis 26:2
)&0385 Genesis 26:8#27
)024F Genesis 26:23
)&036F Genesis 24055
&0878 Genesis 24:27
)&0558 Genesis 24:C5
)))0F75 Genesis 28:2#58
)024F Genesis 28:3
))0F66 Genesis 28:5C#53
)0333 Genesis 52:2#C
&0C45 Genesis 55
))0C4 Genesis 55:2#C
&046> Genesis 55:23#24
))0C45 Genesis 53:8
)))06C8 Genesis 53:58#C7
&036> Genesis 53:58#C7
))02C Genesis 5F:52
)0567 Genesis 54:2>#55
))0567 Genesis 54:2>#55
)055 Genesis 54:22
)038F Genesis 54:25
)&0257 Genesis 58#C3
)0333 Genesis C>:2#70 55#57
&0528 Genesis C3:2F#5>
)0C46 Genesis C3:2805>
)))0355 Genesis C6:25#CF
))024F Genesis 72
&04> Genesis 74078
&03>5 Genesis 78:408
)))032> Genesis 78: 5305F
H$:$OO>O @H"b"c(cA
)))0CF2 H"b"kk(k 2:5#7
)))0CF5 H"b"kk(k 2:3
)))0CF3 H"b"kk(k 2:25
)))0CFF H"b"kk(k 5:C070F @dGrA
)))0CF6 H"b"kk(k C
)&0C>5 H"b"kk(k C:2C024
)))0CFF H"b"kk(k 5:8025028
H$GG$I @Agge(sA
)0526 H"gg"i 5:8 @2>A
))032 H"gg"i 5:22#27@25#23A
))035 H"gg"i 5:23#24@2F#28A
H4()$ @OseeA
)&0FC> Hose" 2
)&0FC> Hose" 5:2#C
)&0FC2 Hose" 5:27#24
&0757 Hose" F:5
&0C>3 Hose" F:7
&0728 Hose" 8:F
&0C>C )s"i"h 2:24
)&0FFC )s"i"h 5:55
))02>7 )s"i"h F:F#4
&06CF )s"i"h F:F#4
)075 )s"i"h F:F#22
)&07F4 )s"i"h F:4
))05>7 )s"i"h F:2>
)))02>7 )s"i"h F:2>
)037 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
)0C8 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
)077 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
)04> )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
)0252 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
)0C6F )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
)0C63 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
)0C4> )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
)0673 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
))026 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
)))07>C )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
)))07>3 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
)&073 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
)&025F )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
)&0726 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
)&06>C )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
)&064F )s"i"h 6:27 @dGr
&07>> )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
&0776 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
&0743 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
&06C5 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
&0538 )s"i"h 4:27023
&07>6 )s"i"h 4:22#23
)))02>7 )s"i"h 8
)0C66 )s"i"h 8:5
))028> )s"i"h 8:5
)0723 )s"i"h 8:30F
&0768 )s"i"h 8:F
&06C5 )s"i"h 8:F
)&0726 )s"i"h 8:F06
))0323 )s"i"h 2>:3#5F
)0C6F )s"i"h 22:2
)0367 )s"i"h 22:2
)&06>C )s"i"h 22:205
))03C )s"i"h 22:2#7
))0C>3 )s"i"h 22:2#7

)&0F3C )s"i"h 22:2#25
&0764 )s"i"h 22:2#25
))028> )s"i"h 22:25
&07>4 )s"i"h 22:23
)&0CFC )s"i"h 27:53#56
))0FF3 )s"i"h 2F:2
)&0CFC )s"i"h 26:2
))0C>3 )s"i"h 53:4
)&0F27 )s"i"h 54:22#2C
)&0F23 )s"i"h 54:23#5>
)))0277 )s"i"h 58:2C
))0F58 )s"i"h C3:5
)052F )s"i"h 7>:2#3
))06>3 )s"i"h 7>:2#3
)&0573 )s"i"h 7>:2#3
)&057F )s"i"h 7>:F#4
&0768 )s"i"h 7>:2>022
)0C26 )s"i"h 7>:22
)))072 )s"i"h 7>:22
)&0C>3 )s"i"h 75:2#6
&0C8> )s"i"h 75:2#6
&0768 )s"i"h 75:2#6
)))0653 )s"i"h 7C:2#2C
))0FC4 )s"i"h 7C:4
)))065F )s"i"h 7C:27#57
&04F8 )s"i"h 73:27#53
&07C3 )s"i"h 73:5C
)))074> )s"i"h 78:5
&07C3 )s"i"h 78:5#7
&0762 )s"i"h 3>:F
&074> )s"i"h 3>:F
)))074> )s"i"h 32:2F
)))053C )s"i"h 35
)))0537 )s"i"h 35
)))0536 )s"i"h 35
)))0534 )s"i"h 35:22
))05 66 )s"i"h 35:22#3C:25
))06F> )s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
)))0538 )s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
)))05F5 )s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
)))0786 )s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
)))0F32 )s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
)))0622 )s"i"h 35:2C#3C#25
)))042C )s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
)&025F )s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
)&0FFF )s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
&0765 )s"i"h 35:2C#3C#25
&0C45 )s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
&028> )s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
&0362 )s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
&0FC3 )s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
&06C5 )s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
)&0CF7 )s"i"h 3C
&074> )s"i"h 3C:5#6
)02>3 )s"i"h 3C:C
))0F78 )s"i"h 3C:C
&02F7 )s"i"h 3C:C
)&025F )s"i"h 3C:7 @dGrA
&02F7 )s"i"h 3C:7 @dGrA
&0C48 )s"i"h 3C:7 @dGrA
&0765 )s"i"h 3C:7 @dGrA
&074> )s"i"h 3C:7 @dGrA
&035> )s"i"h 3C:7 @dGrA
&0352 )s"i"h 3C:7 @dGrA
&0358 )s"i"h 3C:7 @dGrA
&0F>2 )s"i"h 3C:7 @dGrA
&0F>6 )s"i"h 3C:7 @dGrA
)033 )s"i"h 3C:3
&0F53 )s"i"h 3C:30F
))0FF3 )s"i"h 3C:6
&02F3 )s"i"h 3C:25
)))0773 )s"i"h 37:2C
)))0C>3 )s"i"h 33:2
)&0558 )s"i"h 33:2
)&0785 )s"i"h 33:2
&074> )s"i"h 33:2
)&0574 )s"i"h 3F:F06
)&02>F )s"i"h 34:2#6
)&0F62 )s"i"h 38:2
))028> )s"i"h F>:F#25
)))02>3 )s"i"h F>:F
)062F )s"i"h F2
)&0576 )s"i"h F2
)03F7 )s"i"h F2:2
&0768 )s"i"h F2:2#C
&052> )s"i"h F5:2#C
)0386 )s"i"h FC:2#7
)))02>7 )s"i"h FC:2#7
)&0CF7 )s"i"h FC:2#7
&0762 )s"i"h FC:2#7
&0768 )s"i"h FC:2#7
)))0623 )s"i"h FF:2
)))0387 )s"i"h FF:C
)))0626 )s"i"h FF:3#22
)))0624 )s"i"h FF:25#2F
))0C8F +erei"h 5:5C#56
))0C86 +erei"h 5:C5
)&036C +erei"h 703
)&0247 +erei"h 3
)05F7 +erei"h 6:C#6
&07>5 +erei"h 6:205
&0435 +erei"h 25:27#2F
)0C66 +erei"h 2C:23
&04F8 +erei"h 2F:28#52
)))04>3 +erei"h 24028
)))0387 +erei"h 55:2C#26
)0C35 +erei"h 5C:C
&0C>3 +erei"h 5C:30F
)))04>6 +erei"h 57
)0523 +erei"h C2:23
)052F +erei"h C2:23
)0C46 +erei"h C2:23
)))07>3 +erei"h C2:55
&0878 +erei"h C5:56
&0C>3 +erei"h CC:26
)&02>3 +erei"h CF
))07CC +erei"h 76:5
)&0CFC +erei"h 78:56
&055 +ob 205
&025C +ob 2:52
)06C3 +ob C#C5
))0378 +ob 22:26024
))0378 +ob 25:604
&0C>7 +ob 56:3#4
)))074> +ob 75
&05> +ob 75:2>#26
.4"$H @+on"sA
)))0C6F +on"h 205
))0653 +on"h 50C
)0524 +on"h 5
)))083 +on"h 5
)&02>6 +on"h 5
&05> +on"h 5
&06C5 +on"h 5
&04>2 +on"h 5
))024F +on"h 5:2#2> @5#22A
)0524 +on"h C
)))0F63 +osh(" C:2#7
&0483 +osh(" C:27#26
)))0F6F +osh(" 7:2#8
))086 +osh 7:2#80 28#57@53A
)))0F63 +osh(" 7:27#24
&0232 +osh(" F#4
)0C23 +osh(" 6:2C
&0F7> +osh(" 802>
))07>8 +osh(" 8
&024F +osh(" 8:C#56
))07>8 +osh(" 2>
))07>8 +osh(" 2>:30F
)&0F58 +osh(" 2>:2>022
)&03F2 +osh(" 2>:25#27
)&0F4> +osh(" 2>:25#27
&06> +osh(" 2>:25#27
&03>4 +osh(" 2>:25#27
)))0CF> +osh(" 5>:6
))0C44 +osh(" 52:2#F
))0C44 +osh(" 52:2C
))07>8 +osh(" 52:58
))0F8 +osh(" 57:2#52
))06> +osh(" 57:55#54
)&0752 +(dges 703
)&06>5 +(dges 703
)&02C4 +(dges 7:26#55
&0C4C +(dges 7:26#55
))03F8 +(dges 8:6#2F
&0C4C +(dges 22:58#7>
)&0257 +(dges 22:C7#7>
)&0C74 +(dges 2C#2F
))07>8 +(dges 2C#23
)0784 +(dges 2C#2F
)0333 +(dges 2C:5057
)))038C +(dith
)&0CF5 +(dith
))0FC +(dith 7
&02F5 +(dith 4#2C
&0C4C +(dith 4#2C
&03>8 +(dith 4#2C
&05C +(dith 4:3
))0FC +(dith 2>#2C
)&06>5 +(dith 25
&0F6> +(dith 2C:7#2> @7#25A
))024F +(dith 2C:3#6
&05C +(dith 23:802>
I OI"G( @))) -ingsA
)))038C ) -ings 205
)0627 ) -ings 2
)&0788 ) -ings 2:3#8
)&0788 ) -ings 2:72#3C
)&0F7> ) -ings C:7#23
)&0F75 ) -ings C:2>#23
)0C4 ) -ings 4
)))0C6F ) -ings 2>:2#C
))065F ) -ings 2>:2#2C
)))0732 ) -ings 25:54
))0F3> ) -ings 2C
)&0775 ) -ings 2C:503
)))0FC7 ) -ings 26:5#F
)03F3 ) -ings 26:8
))0F>F ) -ings 26:8#57
)&0F>C ) -ings 26:8#57
&06> ) -ings 26:8#57
&045> ) -ings 26:8#57
))0F37 ) -ings 26:52#57
))05F3 ) -ings 24:5>#7>
))0F74 ) -ings 24:5>#7>
)))0552 ) -ings 24:C4
&06> ) -ings 24:72#7F
)&05C3 ) -ings 28:22#24
))0F24 ) -ings 28:27
))0F3> ) -ings 28:28#52
)))0672 ) -ings 52:2#7
)))067C ) -ings 52:56#58
))0F3> ) -ings 55:3C
II OI"G( @)& -ingsA
)&0374 )) -ings 2:2#702F
)&0378 )) -ings 2:2#702F
))0F3> )) -ings 5:6#24
)052F )) -ings 5:22
))0FC3 )) -ings 5:22
))0F74 )) -ings 5:22
&085C )) -ings 5:22
&0872 )) -ings 5:22
)))0F73 )) -ings 5:52
)06>> )) -ings 3:2#28
)&0CF> )) -ings 8
)&0752 )) -ings 8:26
)))0257 )) -ings 24:2C#C6
)&024C )) -ings 28:5>#C6
)0522 )) -ings 55:2>#2C
))0F3C Le*itic(s 4:2>#25
)0F82 Le*itic(s 2>:5
))03F4 Le*itic(s 27
)))03F> Le*itic(s 27:CC#36
))0F6F Le*itic(s 23:28#CC
&0858 Le*itic(s 2F
)0FFF Le*itic(s 24:5505C
)0C54 Le*itic(s 28:25
&08C2 Le*itic(s 28:23#24
)))0)24 Le*itic(s 28:26
)07C8 Le*itic(s 28:24
)062C Le*itic(s 28:24
)0363 Le*itic(s 28:24
)0FF> Le*itic(s 28:24
))0C57 Le*itic(s 28:24
))063F Le*itic(s 28:24
)))026 Le*itic(s 28:24
)))0C8 Le*itic(s 28:24
)))0227 Le*itic(s 28:24
)&0F7> Le*itic(s 28:24
)&066C Le*itic(s 28:24
&07C6 Le*itic(s 28:24
&0775 Le*itic(s 28:24
&05>5 Le*itic(s 28:24

)&0374 Le*itic(s 28:5F0C2
)&0C63 Le*itic(s 5>:2#3E
)&0533 Le*itic(s 5>:F
)&0378 Le*itic(s 5>:F
))0362 Le*itic(s 52:2
)&058 Le*itic(s 52:2F#57
))0264 Le*itic(s 52:26#52
)065 Le*itic(s 52:5C
)&04>C Le*itic(s 57:2>#5C
)))0F>F Le*itic(s 57:23
)))0675 Le* 5F:27#7F @27#73A
&0C4C Le* 5F:27#7F @27#73A
I M$CC$:))(
)0C62 ) M"cc"bees
)))0F84 ) M"cc"bees
)))0652 ) M"cc"bees
&077C ) M"cc"bees 2
)))04>F ) M"cc"bees 5:5C#5F
)))0F64 ) M"cc"bees 5:56#C2
)))04>F ) M"cc"bees 5:C8#74
)&0C28 ) M"cc"bees 5:C8#74
&0C45 ) M"cc"bees C#25
&078C ) M"cc"bees C:2
)&0FC> ) M"cc"bees C:27#57
)))063F ) M"cc"bees C:C4#7:23
)&0F>> )) M"cc"bees 7
)))0634 ) M"cc"bees 7:2F#53
)&0348 )) M"cc"bees 7:C>#C3
)0625 ) M"cc"bees 7:77#32
)0627 ) M"cc"bees 7:73
)))06>6 ) M"cc 3:2402803F#F2
&0357 ) M"cc"bees F:7C#76
))0F5> ) M"cc"bees 6
)))0FC2 ) M"cc"bees 8:2#24
))0733 ) M"cc"bees 8:28
)0627 ) M"cc"bees 22
II M$CC$:))(
)0C62 )) M"cc"bees
))0733 )) M"cc"bees 2#6
))0F>> )) M"cc"bees 2:24#CF
)0627 )) M"cc"bees C:57#7>
))0C88 )) M"cc"bees 7
))07>> )) M"cc"bees 7
)0627 )) M"cc"bees 7:5C#53
))07>2 )) M"cc"bees 7:C4
)0C2F )) M"cc"bees F:2C027
))0FC )) M"cc"bees 6
)&02C4 )) M"cc"bees 6
&0F35 )) M"cc"bees 6
))0C6C )) M"c 25:C4#73 @7FA
M$5$CHI @M"%"chi"sA
)0524 M"%"chi C:2
))06>F M"%"chi C:2
MIC$H @Miche"sA
)02C2 Mic"h 3:2
)0265 Mic"h 3:2
)0C26 Mic"h 3:2
)0C46 Mic"h 3:2
))026 Mic"h 3:2
)0C32 Mic"h 3:205
&0743 Mic"h 3:205
))0CF2 Mic"h 3:5
)05FF Mic"h F:4
")H)MI$H @)) Esdr"sA
&038F Nehe C:C2 @dGrA @C>A
)))022C Nehei"h 4:2
)))0223 Nehei"h 4:802>
)))022F Nehei"h 8
)0674 Nehei"h 8:30F
&0483 Nehe 8:24#52
)0567 Nehei"h 2>:C2
)))0732 Nehei"h 2C:27055
)0567 Nehei"h 2C:23#5C
)0627 N(bers C:7
))0346 N(bers 3:22#C2
))036 N(bers F
)0363 N(bers F:57#5F
))023F N(bers F:57#5F
))0C37 N(bers F:57#5F
)))05F2 N(bers F:57#5F
)))032> N(bers F:57#5F
)))0FC> N(bers F:57#5F
)))06F> N(bers F:57#5F
)&0322 N(bers F:57#5F
)&0C34 N(bers F:57#5F
&047C N(bers 4:F06
&0483 N(bers 8:23
&05>4 N(bers 8:2>#27
)&077C N(bers 22:5F#C>
)062> N(bers 25
)&06>5 N(bers 25
))0F23 N( 2C:52#57 @55#53A
)&0C63 N(bers 23:C3
)))0675 N(bers 2F
&0554 N(bers 2F:2#2F
&0483 N(bers 26
)0728 N(bers 28:22
&047C N(bers 28:26#55
)&0536 N(bers 5>
&06> N(bers 5>:6#22
)&0534 N(bers 5>:4
))0FC8 N(bers 52:408
)))0C33 N(bers 52:408026024
)02>3 N(bers 52:8
)0F53 N(bers 52:8
)&0353 N(bers 52:52#C3
)&0775 N(bers 55:52#CC
)0523 N(bers 57:26
)0C6F N(bers 57:26
)0FC6 N(bers 57:26
)&0253 N(bers 57:26
)&07CC N(bers 57:26
)&07C4 N(bers 57:26
)&0775 N(bers 57:26
&086 N(bers 57:26
)038 N(bers CF:F#2>
4:$DI$H @Abdi"sA
)&0FC> Ob"di"h
&02F5 Pro*erbs C:58
&02FC Pro*erbs C:58
)023 Pro*erbs 3:24#28
)&077 Pro*erbs 3:5505C
)06>4 Pro*erbs F:25#28
&06> Pro*erbs F:2F#28
)062 Pro*erbs 4
)05F Pro*erbs 4:55#C2
)))07>5 Pro*erbs 4:55#C2
)0CF Pro*erbs 8:7
)0F62 Pro*erbs 28:2C
)&05F2 Pro*erbs 5>:2>
)))0387 Pro*erbs 52:2C
)&05F4 Pro*erbs 53:8
&02F5 Pro*erbs 56:2>
&055 Pro*erbs C2:F
)&02C4 Pro*erbs C2:2>#C2
&08C5 Ps"% 2
)&07F3 Ps"% 5:6
&07>C Ps"% 4:5 @CA
&04>F Ps"% 4:5 @CA
&052> Ps"% 4:F @6A
)&0524 Ps"% 23:2#3 @27:A
)0557 Ps"% 2F:6#22@23:A
)))0678 Ps"% 26:4 @2F:A
))0566 Ps"% 55 @52A
))06F> Ps"% 55 @52A
)))0622 Ps"% 55 @52A
)))042C Ps"% 55 @52A
)&0CF7 Ps"% 55 @52A
&02F7 Ps"% 55 @52A
&028> Ps"% 55 @52A
&0C45 Ps"% 55 @52A
&0FC3 Ps"% 55 @52A
&06C5 Ps"% 55 @52A
&0F38 Ps"% 55:2 @52:5A
)&025F Ps"% 55:6 @dGrA @52:4A
&02F7 Ps"% 55:6 @dGrA @52:4A
&0C48 Ps"% 55:6 @dGrA @52:4A
&0762 Ps"% 55:6 @dGrA @52:4A
&0765 Ps"% 55:6 @dGrA @52:4A
&074> Ps"% 55:6 @dGrA @52:4A
&035> Ps"% 55:6 @dGrA @52:4A
&0352 Ps"% 55:6 @dGrA @52:4A
&0358 Ps"% 55:6 @dGrA @52:4A
&0F>2 Ps"% 55:6 @dGrA @52:4A
&0F>6 Ps"% 55:6 @dGrA @52:4A
&0762 Ps"% 55:25#27
)))0F32 Ps"% 55:23 @52:2FA
)0386 Ps"% 55:2F @52:2FA
&0765 Ps"% 55:24 @52:28A
&056> Ps"% 5C @55A
&08C5 Ps"% 5C @55A
&06C4 Ps"% 5C:2#C @55:A
)))0F32 Ps"% C2 @C>A
)))0622 Ps"% C2 @C>A
&04>7 Ps"% C2:3 @C>:FA
&08C5 Ps"% C8:2#6 @C4:5#4A
)))0F44 Ps"% 7> @C8A
&04>7 Ps"% 7>:2@C8:5A
&0C>8 Ps"% 72:8 @7>:2>A
&03>7 Ps"% 72:8 @7>:2>A
&08C5 Ps"% 75:2#7 @72:5#3A
&0723 Ps"% 73 @77A
)))02F2 Ps"% 73 @77A
&0F>6 Ps"% 73:5 @77:CA
)0623 Ps"% 32 @3>A
)))03C6 Ps"% 32:C @3>:3A
)0784 Ps" 32:2#22 @3>:C#2CA
)&03C7 Ps"% 32:2F026
&0253 Ps"% 32:2F026
&07C4 Ps"% 32:2F026
)&0CF7 Ps"% F8 @F4A
&028> Ps"% F8 @F4A
&0323 Ps"% F8:7 @F4:3A
&044> Ps"% F8:53 @F4:5FA
)&0CF7 Ps"% 65:3#22
)))0652 Ps"% 67 @6CA
)&04>C Ps"% 45:F @42:A
)0553 Ps"% 47:2#8 @4C:5#2>A
)0553 Ps"% 43:22#2C
))03>C Ps"% 4F:23 @43:A
)&0CF7 Ps"% 48:5>#56
)056F Ps"% 82:2#C @8>:A
)055F Ps"% 82:2#2C @8>:A
)))0678 Ps"% 82:7 @8>:A
)&062C Ps"% 2>>:2#C @88:A
))03>C Ps"% 2>C:4 @2>5:A
&044> Ps"% 2>8:4 @2>4:8A
)&07FF Ps"% 22>:2 @2>8:A
&07C4 Ps"% 22>:2 @2>8:A
&06C5 Ps"% 22>:2 @2>8:A
&06F2 Ps"% 22>:2 @2>8:A
)0F2> Ps"% 22>:7 @2>8:A
)&07F6 Ps"% 22>:7 @2>8:A
)055F Ps"% 225:208 @222:A
&0786 Ps"% 22C:2#C @225:A
)&07>> Ps"% 227 @22C"A
&0786 Ps"% 227:205 @22C ":A
&0464 Ps"% 223:205@22Cb:A
&03>5 Ps"% 22F:2#23
&03>7 Ps"% 22F:2> @223:A
&03>C Ps"% 226:205 @22F:A
&03>C Ps"% 224:2#5F @226:A
&075> Ps"% 224:55 @226:A
&0778 Ps"% 224:5F @226:A
&03>7 Ps"% 228 @224A
&08C5 Ps"% 228 @224A
))076F Ps"% 228:22F @224:A
))0542 Ps"% 25>#2C7
&02CC Ps"% 25>#2C7
)&02F5 Ps"% 2520255
))0542 Ps"% 255:2 @252:A
)0623 Ps"% 2C> @258A
)0553 Ps"% 2C5:2#26 @2C2A
)))0F36 Ps"% 2CC:2 @2C5A
))03>C Ps"% 273:4 @277A
)&0253 R(th
))0C64 R(th 2:4#57
))0C)8 R(th 2:5>
)024F R(th 7:2>
))0C68 R(th 7:27024#55
I ($M>)5 @) -ingsA
&0577 ) S"(e% 20507

)))0C43 ) S"(e% 205
)&0257 ) S"(e% 205
))03F ) S"(e% 2:5
)024F ) S"(e% 2:5028
)0333 ) S"(e% 2:3#6
)0333 ) S"(e% 2:28#5>
)&0736 ) S"(e% 5:2#2>05>
&02FF ) S"(e% 5:F#4
)&0FF6 ) S"(e% 5:25#7:24
)024F ) S"(e% 5:5>
))0732 ) S"(e% F
))07>8 ) S"(e% F:2C#28
)&0522 ) S"(e% 4:3#6
))0F3C ) S"(e% 2>:2
))048 ) S"(e% 2C:4#23
)))06>6 ) S"(e% 23:2>#5C
)))06>6 ) S"(e% 2F:2#2C
))0F4F ) S"(e% 2F:22
))0F3C ) S"(e% 2F:2C
))07>8 ) S"(e% 26:2
))07>8 ) S"(e% 26:7
&0C4C ) S"(e% 26:C4#37
))0576 ) S"(e% 26:7>#37
))07>8 ) S"(e% 52:2>#23
))0752 ) S"(e% 52:2#F
)&0788 ) S"(e% 55:5>
))0F68 ) S"(e% 5C:28#54
)))0F47 ) S"(e% 57
))0576 ) S"(e% 57:2#4 @5#8A
))0576 ) S"(e% 5F:2#25
)&0374 ) S"(e% 54:C#5>
))057C ) S"(e% 54:6#53
))0574 ) S"(e% 54:23#28
II ($M>)5 @)) -ingsA
)024F )) S"(e% 2:5F0 56
&027> )) S"(e% 3:F#2>
&0425 )) S"(e% 22025
)0784 )) S"(e% 22
)0627 )) S"(e% 22:5
)0784 )) S"(e% 25
)0627 )) S"(e% 2C
))0F86 )) S"(e% 57:2F#5C
)))0CCF )) S"(e% 57:55#53
(I%$CH @Ecc%esi"stic(sA
)072 Sir"ch 2:2
)075 Sir"ch 2:3
))0C7> Sir"ch C:2F @24A
)074 Sir"ch 7:22#24@dGrA
)078 Sir"ch 7:25 @dGrA@2CA
)))0385 Sir"ch 4:F#8 @6#2>A
&055 Sir"ch 8:2> @dGr#on%'A
&06> Sir"ch 57:4#C7
&08C5 Sir"ch 57:22#7F
&062 Sir"ch 57:5F#C2
&062 Sir"ch 57:C2#C4
&062 Sir"ch 57:72#76
)&0F7F Sir"ch C>:604
)))0385 Sir"ch C5: 8 @dGrA @2CA
)))0387 Sir"ch C7:24#55
))05F Sir"ch C3:2#7 @2#FA
)))0F34 Sir"ch 75:22
)))0775 Sir"ch 73:2#3
&085C Sir"ch 74:2#2>
&0254 Sir"ch 3>:5305F @dGrA
(4"G 4F (454M4"
@,"ntic%e o! ,"ntic%esA
)))0F47 Song o! So% 2:2C027
&08CC Song o! So% 5:2
))0CFC Song o! So% 5:C#3
)))0C47 Song o! So% 5:2>#27
&0F7> Song o! So% 5:2>027
&0355 Song o! So% 5:25
&0C8C Song o! So% 5:27
)06C6 Song o! So% C:2
))067> Song o! So% C:2#7
)))07>7 Song o! So% 7:2022025
))0C38 Song o! So% 7:7
)))04>5 Song o! So% 70F06
)0F8 Song o! So% 7:25
)))0F47 Song o! So% 7:25
))0CF8 Song o! So% 7:25#2F
)))07>7 Song o! So% 3:2
)&022> Song o! So% 3:5
)&06C7 Song o! So% 3:5
&0F>6 Song o! So% 3:2>#2F
)0CC4 Song o! So% F:50C @205A
)))07>7 Song o! So% F:50C @205A
)07> Song o! So% F:4 @F06A
)))0FC3 Song o! So% 4:F
)))07>7 Song o! So% 4:F06
)&022> Song o! So% 4:22025
))074C Tobit 2#27
)&0253 Tobit 2
)024F Tobit 2:22 @25A
)024F Tobit 2:52 @dGrA@5CA
))0F37 Tobit C:6#26 @dGrA
&0422 Tobit 3#25
)0358 Tobit F
)06> Tobit 6:25#27@dGrA
)03C Tobit 4:7#4
)0358 Tobit 8
)0358 Tobit 25
))0C76 Tobit 25:6
&05C> Tobit 25:6
&04F> Tobit 25:6
))074C Tobit 25:4#25
)&0F>6 Tobit 2C
&08C5 Tobit 2C
)055 Tobit 2C:2
&08C2 Tobit 2C:22#24 @dGrA
)055 Tobit 2C:2C#24 @dGrA
)&0F>4 Tobit 2C:2C#24 @dGrA
&046C 9isdo 5:57
))06>> 9isdo 5:22@dGrA
)&077 9isdo 7:5#7
)&0F75 9isdo 6#8
)024 9isdo 6:53
)023 9isdo 4
)027 9isdo 4:5
))02>2 9isdo 8

)023 9isdo 2>
))06>> 9isdo 25:2F
)023 9isdo 2C
U)3H$"I$H @So$honi"sA
))07C6 Oe$h"ni"h 5:3#6
)))042C Oe$h"ni"h C:7
)))042C Oe$h"ni"h C:4
&07>4 Oech"ri"h C:8#7:2>
))07C6 Oech"ri"h 8:2#3
)0524 Oech"ri"h 8:8
&0C8> Oech"ri"h 8:8
&0768 Oech"ri"h 8:802>
)&02>F Oech"ri"h 22:7#22
&0C>3 Oech"ri"h 22:2>#27
&044> Oech"ri"h 22:2502C
&0C45 Oech"ri"h 22:2502C
&0C43 Oech"ri"h 22:25
&0C>3 Oech"ri"h 2C:6#8
45D T)(T$M)"T (C%I3T>%) I"D)J
From TH) 34)M 4F TH) M$"DG4D to (ripture
En(er"tions in the odern ,"tho%ic *ersions "nd the o%der Do("'GRheis &ersion "re identic"% (n%ess noted1 9hen di!!erent0 the
Do("' is (s("%%' the second entr' in $"renthesis1 The Douay is the !irst =and only? entry #hen !ollo#ed by =d7rDonly?. In these
ases there is missing te0t in the modern versions. The @dGrA not"tion "%w"'s e"ns The Poem $re!ers the o%der Do("'GRheis
rendition1 The Poem0 with !ew e:ce$tions0 s(bst"nti"tes the Do("' @O1T1A "nd the Rheis @N1T1A tr"ns%"tion where there "re not"b%e
di!!erences1 This not"tion wi%% be !o(nd "!ter 66 o! the 86C entries in this inde:0 re$resenting 28 s$eci!ic te:ts1
/ook Atr"ns%"tions' !ro odern to the o%der Do("' &ersion: )0 )) S"(e% Q )0 )) -ingsE )0 )) -ings Q )))0 )& -ingsE )0 )) ,hronic%es Q
)0)) P"r"%i$oenonE EIr" Q ) Esdr"sE Nehei"h Q )) EIdr"sE Song o! So%oon Q ,"ntic%e o! ,"ntic%esE Ob"di"h Q Abdi"sE Oe$h"ni"h Q
So$honi"sE H"gg"i Q Agge(s
&olume I
27 9isdo 4:5
23 Pro*erbs 3:24#28
9isdo 4
9isdo 2>
9isdo 2C
24 9isdo 6:53
52 Genesis C:23 @dGr#on%'A
55 Genesis 54:22
Tobit 2C:2
Tobit 2C:2C#24 @dGrA
5F Pro*erbs 4:55#C2
CF Pro*erbs 8:7
C4 ) -ings 4
D"nie% 8:5>#56
C8 D"nie% 8:57
)s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
7> Song o! So%oon F:4 @6A
72 Sir"ch 2:2
75 Sir"ch 2:3
)s"i"h F:F#22
77 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
74 Sir"ch 7:22#24@dGrA @25#52A
78 Sir"ch 7:2C @dGrA @25A
3C Genesis 2:54
Tobit 4:7#4
D"nie% 8:27
37 D"nie% 8:57
)s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
33 )s"i"h 3C:3
38 N(bers CF:F#2>

F8 Song o! So%oon 7:25
6> Tobit 6:25#27 @dGrA @2302FA
62 Pro*erbs 4
65 Le*itic(s 52:5C
4> )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
45 Genesis 2
Genesis 5
44 Genesis C:23 @dGrA
2>3 )s"i"h 3C:C
E:od(s 25:52
N(bers 52:8
223 Genesis C:2F
252 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
2C2 Mic"h 3:2
277 Genesis C:23 @dGrA
2F3 Genesis 4:52
265 Mic"h 3:2
24F Genesis 5:57
Genesis 26:23
Genesis 28:3
R(th 7:2>
) S"(e% 2:5028
) S"(e% 5:5>
)) S"(e% 2:5F0 56
Tobit 2:22 @25A
Tobit 2:52 @dGrA @5CA
52> E:od(s 5>:2>
522 )) -ings 55:2>#2C
523 D"nie% 8 57#56
N(bers 57:26
+erei"h C2:23
52F +erei"h C2:23
)) -ings 5:22
E:od(s 27:52055
)s"i"h 7>:2#3
526 D"nie% 8:53#56
H"gg"i 5:8 @2>A
524 Oech"ri"h 8:8
M"%"chi C:2
+on"h 5
+on"h C
557 Ps"% 2F:6#22 @23:A
553 Ps"% 47:2#8 @4C:5#2>A
Ps"% 43:22#2C @47:25#27A
Ps"% 2C5:2#26 @2C2:A
55F Ps"% 225:208 @222:A
Ps"% 82:2#2C @8>:A
5F7 +erei"h 6:C#6
5FF Mic"h F:4
567 De(terono' 3
De(terono' F
Genesis 54:2>#55
Nehei"h 2>:C2
Nehei"h 2C:23#5C
56F Ps"% 82:2#C @8>:A
544 De(terono' 2F:24#5>
De(terono' 24:205
De(terono' 5C:2805>
C23 +osh(" 6:2C
C2F )) M"cc"bees F:2C027
C26 )s"i"h 7>:22
Mic"h 3:2
C54 Le*itic(s 28:25
CC4 Song o! So% F:50C @205A
C32 Mic"h 3:205
C35 +erei"h 5C:C
De(terono' 3:26
C3C De(terono' C5:72
C33 De(terono' 3:26
Ecc%esi"stes 2:5
Ecc%esi"stes 25:2C
C62 ) M"cc"bees
)) M"cc"bees
C63 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
C6F N(bers 57:26
)s"i"h 22:2
)s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
C66 )s"i"h 8:5
+erei"h 2C:23
C4> )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
C4F Genesis C:23#24 @dGrA
C46 Genesis C3:2805>
+erei"h C2:23
Mic"h 3:2
Genesis C:23 @dGrA
723 )s"i"h 8:30F
72F ) ,hronic%es 58:2
728 N(bers 28:22
7C8 Le*itic(s 28:24
744 Genesis 7:4#25
784 Ps"% 32:2#22@3>:C#2CA
)) S"(e% 22
)) S"(e% 25
+(dges 2C#2F
358 Tobit F
Tobit 8
Tobit 25
333 E:od(s 5>:27
Genesis 2F:2
Genesis C>:2#70 55#57
) S"(e% 2:3#6
+(dges 2C:5057
) S"(e% 2:28#5>
Genesis 52:2#C
33F Genesis 5
3F7 )s"i"h F2:2
3F3 ) -ings 26:8
36C De(terono' F:2C
367 )s"i"h 22:2
363 De(terono' F:7
Le*itic(s 28:24
N(bers F:57#5F
38F Genesis 54:25
386 )s"i"h FC:2#7
Ps"% 55:2F @52:26A
F2> Ps"% 22>:7 @2>8:A
F53 N(bers 52:8
FC6 N(bers 57:26
FC8 E:od(s 28
De(terono' 3:F
F7> De(terono' 2C:3
F77 De(terono' 3:6#2>
F35 De(terono' 3:22
F3C Genesis C
FF> Le*itic(s 28:24
FF2 De(terono' 3:2F
FF3 De(terono' 3:24
FFF Le*itic(s 24:5505C
F62 Pro*erbs 28:2C
F66 De(terono' 3:25#23
F4> De(terono' 3:26
F8> De(terono' F:2F
F82 Le*itic(s 2>:5
F83 De(terono' 3:52
6>> )) -ings 3:2#28
6>6 De(terono' 3:5>
6>4 Pro*erbs F:25#28
62> De(terono' 3:28052
Genesis 5
Genesis C
Genesis 7
N(bers 25
625 ) M"cc"bees 7:77#32
62C De(terono' 3
De(terono' F
Le*itic(s 28:24
E:od(s 5>
627 ) M"cc"bees 7:73
E:od(s C5
) -ings 2
) M"cc"bees 22
N(bers C:7
E:od(s 2F:2805>
)) S"(e% 2C
)) S"(e% 22E5
)) M"cc"bees C:57#7>
)) M"cc"bees 7:5C#53
623 Ps"% 32 @3>A
Ps"% 2C> @258A
62F )s"i"h F2
657 E:od(s 26:22#25
653 D"nie% C
6C3 +ob C#C5
6C6 Song o! So%oon C:2
67> Esther 3
67C Genesis 7:7
673 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
674 Nehei"h 8:30F
6F7 Genesis C
6F3 Genesis 7:2302F
Genesis F#8
6FF De(terono' 57
&olume II
2C Genesis 5F:52
26 EIekie% 5:2#4
)s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
Mic"h 3:2
24 EIekie% 24:7#C>
5> EIekie% 5C
55 EIekie% C6:23#54
5C /"r(ch 2F#24
/"r(ch 57#5F
57 /"r(ch C:2#3
53 Ecc%esi"stes 22:7
5F Sir"ch C3:2#7 @2#FA
C4 Genesis55:2#C
32 H"gg"i 5:22#27@25#23A
35 H"gg"i 5:23#24 @2F#28A
3C )s"i"h 22:2#7
E:od(s 6:25
3F ) S"(e% 2:5
36 N(bers F
FC +(dith 2>#2C
+(dith 7
)) M"cc"bees 6
F8 +osh(" 57:2#52
6> +osh(" 57:55#54
48 ) S"(e% 2C:4#23
86 E:od(s 57:7
+osh(" 7:2#8028#57@53A
)) ,hronic%es 58:C#54
2>2 9isdo 8
2>7 )s"i"h F:F#4
2CC E:od(s 28
2C8 E:od(s 52:57
De(terono' 28:52
27F E:od(s 5>:2C
276 De(terono' 3:5>
De(terono' 5C:52#5C
23F N(bers F:57#5F
267 De(terono' 3:24
266 De(terono' 3:24
264 Le*itic(s 52:26#52
Genesis ):54
Genesis 5:5C057
De(terono' 57:2#7
24F Genesis 6
+on"h 5:2#2> @5#22A
Genesis 72
+(dith 2C:3#6
D"nie% 6#25
246 D"nie% C
28> )s"i"h 8:5
)s"i"h 22:25
)s"i"h F>:F#25
5>5 De(terono' F:7
5>C Genesis 2:56
5>7 )s"i"h F:2>
52C D"nie% 6#25
5C3 De(terono' 27:C#4
57C ) S"(e% 54:6#53
576 ) S"(e% 26:7>#37
) S"(e% 57:2#4 @5#8A
) S"(e% 5F:2#25
574 Genesis C:F#57
) S"(e% 54:23#28
Genesis C:6
5F> ) ,hronic%es 7:802>
5F3 ) -ings 24:5>#7>
567 Genesis 54:2>#55
56F E:od(s 5>:4#22
566 E:od(s 25:2#27
)s"i"h 35:22#3C:22
Ps"% 55 @52A
D"nie% 8:5F# 2>:52
E:od(s 5>:2#26
542 Ps"% 25>#2C7 @228#2CCA
Ps"% 255:2 @252:A
547 Genesis 2:56#C2
Genesis 5:5C
543 Genesis 5:57
C>3 )s"i"h 22:2#7
)s"i"h 53:4
)s"i"h 33:2
C26 E:od(s 55:55
C57 De(terono' F:3
Le*itic(s 28:24
C7> Sir"ch C:2F @24A
C76 Tobit 25:6
C74 Esther 5:26
C37 N(bers F:57#5F
C38 Song o! So%oon 7:7
CF2 Mic"h 3:5
CFC Song o! So%oon 5:C#3
Genesis C:23
CF8 Song o! So%oon 7:25#2F
CF8 Ecc%esi"stes 2:50C
C6C )) M"cc"bees 25:C4#73 @7FA
C64 R(th 2:4#57
C68 R(th 2:5>
R(th 7:270 24#55
C45 Genesis 53:8
Genesis 7:4
C44 +osh(" 52:2#F
+osh(" 52:2C
C48 /"r(ch F:C#65 @5#62A
C82 De(terono' 5C:2
C8F +erei"h 5:5C#56

E:od(s C5:23#57
E:od(s CC
E:od(s C7
C86 +erei"h 5:C5
C88 ) ,hronic%es 2>
)) M"cc"bees 7
7>> )) ,hronic%es C:2
)) M"cc"bees 7
7>2 )) M"cc"bees 7:C4
Genesis 7:2>022
7>8 +osh(" 52:58
+osh(" 8
+osh(" 2>
) S"(e% F:2C#28
+(dges 2C#23
) S"(e% 26:2
+osh(" 2>:30F
) S"(e% 26:7
) S"(e% 52:2>#23
752 ) S"(e% 52:2#F
7CC +erei"h 76:5
7C6 Oech"ri"h 8:2#3
Oe$h"ni"h 5:3#6
732 ) S"(e% F
733 ) M"cc"bees 8:28
)) M"cc"bees 2#6
76F Ps"% 228:22F @224:A
74C Tobit 2#27
Tobit 25:4#25
E:od(s 55:55
E:od(s 5
3>C Ps"% 4F:23 @43:A
Ps"% 2>C:4 @2>5:A
Ps"% 273:4 @274:A
32> Genesis 5:5
323 )s"i"h 2>:3#5F
D"nie% 2>:25
378 +ob 25:604
+ob 22:26024
3F> Genesis 2
3FF )) ,hronic%es 4:22
Genesis 5:5C
EIr" 2>:2>
De(terono' 6:C
3F4 Le*itic(s 27
3F8 +(dges 8:6#2F
362 Le*itic(s 52:2
346 N(bers 3:22#C2
F>> )) M"cc"bees 2:24#CF
F>F ) -ings 26:8#57
F23 N(bers 2C:52#57 @55#53A
F24 ) -ings 28:27
F5> ) M"cc"bees 6
F58 )s"i"h C3:5
FC7 De(terono' 5C:2302F
FC3 )) -ings 5:22
FCF Esther 2:2#4
FC4 )s"i"h 7C:4
FC8 N(bers 52:408
F74 ) -ings 24:5>#7>
)) -ings 5:22
F78 )s"i"h 3C:C
F3> ) -ings 2C
)) -ings 5:6#24
) -ings 28:28#52
) -ings 55:3C
F3C Le*itic(s 4:2>#25
) S"(e% 2>:2
) S"(e% 2F:2C
F37 ) -ings 26:52#57
Tobit C:6#26 @dGrA @6#53A
FF3 )s"i"h 2F:2
)s"i"h 3C:6
F6F Genesis C
E:od(s 5:3#2>
Le*itic(s 23:28#CC
F66 Genesis 6
Genesis 28:5C#53
F68 ) S"(e% 5C:28#54
E:od(s 5>:6
F4F ) S"(e% 2F:22
F8C Genesis C
F86 )) S"(e% 57:2F#5C
6>> 9isdo 5:22@dGrA
9isdo 25:2F
6>3 )s"i"h 7>:2#3
6>F M"%"chi C:2
6>8 Genesis C:28
653 +on"h 50C
65F ) -ings 2>:2#2C
658 Ecc%esi"stes 2:5024
67> Song o! So%oon C:2#7
63F De(terono' F:3
Le*itic(s 28:24
E:od(s 2F
6F> )s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
Ps"% 55 @52A
&olume III
4 De(terono' 2>:26
26 Le*itic(s 28:24
24 Le*itic(s 28:26
5F De(terono' F:3
C8 De(terono' F:7
Le*itic(s 28:24
72 )s"i"h 7>:22
F8 Genesis 2#22
66 E:od(s 5>:2#26
83 +on"h 5
2>7 )s"i"h FC:2#7
)s"i"h F:2>
)s"i"h 8
2>3 )s"i"h F>:F
22C Nehei"h 4:2
227 De(terono' F:7
Le*itic(s 28:24
E:od(s 26:4#2F
223 Nehei"h 4:802>
22F Nehei"h 8
257 )) -ings 24:2C#C6
27C De(terono' 3:2F
277 )s"i"h 58:2C
2F> De(terono' 55:F
2F2 Ps"% 73 @77A
55> Genesis 7
552 ) -ings 24:C4
53C )s"i"h 35
537 )s"i"h 35
536 )s"i"h 35
534 )s"i"h 35:22
538 )s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
5F2 N(bers F:57#5F
5F5 )s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
567 Genesis 7
CCF )) S"(e% 57:55#53
C33 E:od(s 27:23#5C
N(bers 52:408026024
CF> +osh(" 5>:6
CF2 H"b"kk(k 2:5#7
CF5 H"b"kk(k 2:3
CF3 H"b"kk(k 2:25
CFF H"b"kk(k 5:C070F @dGrA
H"b"kk(k 5:8025028
CF6 H"b"kk(k C
C6F +on"h 205
) -ings 2>:2#C
C47 Song o! So%oon 5:2>#27
C43 ) S"(e% 205
7>5 Pro*erbs 4:55#C2
7>C )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
7>7 Song o! So%oon 3:2
Song o! So%oon F:50C
Song o! So%oon 7:2022025
Song o! So%oon 4:F06
7>3 +erei"h C2:55
)s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
772 Genesis C:28
775 E:od(s 2F:703027
Sir"ch 73:2#3
773 )s"i"h 37:2C
732 ) -ings 25:54
Nehei"h 2C:27055
7F3 EIr" 8:F06
7FF Genesis 2:5F
Genesis 5:57
De(terono' 57:2#7
74> )s"i"h 78:5
)s"i"h 32:2F
+ob 75
786 )s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
32> Genesis 78: 5305F
N(bers F:57#5F
355 Genesis C6:25#CF
356 Genesis C:4#2>
3C6 Ps"% 32:C @3>:3A
3F> Le*itic(s 27:CC#36
385 De(terono' 23:22
De(terono' 57:27
Sir"ch 4:F#8 @6#2>A
Sir"ch C5:8 @dGrA @2CA
38C +(dith
) -ings 205
387 Sir"ch C7:24#55 @52#56A
)s"i"h FF:C
+erei"h 55:2C#26
Pro*erbs 52:2C
E:od(s 52:26
F>F Le*itic(s 57:23
F53 Genesis C:52
FC> N(bers F:57#5F
FC2 ) M"cc"bees 8:2#24
FC7 ) -ings 26:5#F
FC3 Song o! So%oon 4:F
F75 Genesis 7:2#2F
Genesis 28:2#58
Genesis 5:2F026
F77 De(terono' 2>:2F
F73 )) -ings 5:52
De(terono' 3:24
F32 Ps"% C2 @C>A
)s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
Ps"% 55:23 @52:2FA
F36 Ps"% 2CC:2 @2C5:A
Genesis 7:23
F34 Sir"ch 75:22
F6C Genesis 7:4#2F
F63 +osh(" C:2#7
E:od(s 27:23#5C
+osh(" 7:27#24
F6F De(terono' F:27#2F
+osh(" 7:2#8
F64 ) M"cc"bees 5:56#C2
F47 ) S"(e% 57
)) ,hronic%es 5>:5#26
Song o! So% 2:2C027 @2502CA
EIekie% 76:2>
Song o! So%oon 7:25
F44 Ps"% 7> @C8A
F84 ) M"cc"bees
6>6 ) M"cc"bees 3:2402803F#F2
) S"(e% 2F:2#2C
) S"(e% 23:2>#5C
622 )s"i"h 35:2C#3C#25
Ps"% 55 @52A
Ps"% C2 @C>A
625 Genesis 7:2#2F
623 )s"i"h FF:2
626 )s"i"h FF:3#22
624 )s"i"h FF:25#2F
652 Ps"% 67 @6CA
) M"cc"bees
653 )s"i"h 7C:2#2C
65F )s"i"h 7C:27#57
6C6 De(terono' F:3
6C8 Genesis 53:58#C7
67> Genesis 20C
672 ) -ings 52:2#7
675 Le*itic(s 5F:27#7F @27#73A
N(bers 2F
67C ) -ings 52:56#58
678 Ps"% 26:4 @2F:A
Ps"% 82:7 @8>:A
63F ) M"cc"bees C:C4#7:23
634 ) M"cc"bees 7:2F#53
6F> N(bers F:57#5F
687 De(terono' 57:28#55
4>5 Song o! So%oon 70F06
4>3 +erei"h 24028
4>F ) M"cc"bees 5:5C#5F
) M"cc"bees 5:C8#74
4>6 +erei"h 57
4>4 E:od(s 25:2#27
4>8 Genesis 7:4#2F
EIekie% 8:7#F
422 E:od(s 5>:7
De(terono' 7:23#24
425 De(terono' 56:23
Esther 3:2#3
42C Oe$h"ni"h C:7
Ps"% 55 @52A
)s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
Oe$h"ni"h C:4
427 De(terono' 56:23
De(terono' 56:57053
428 E:od(s 5>
&olume I&
58 Le*itic(s 52:2F#57
C4 Genesis 5:24
Genesis C:23 @dGrA
77 9isdo 7:5#7
Pro*erbs 3:5505C
73 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
84 De(terono' 55:2#7
De(terono' 55:F

2>3 +erei"h CF
2>F )s"i"h 34:2#6
Oech"ri"h 22:7#22
2>6 +on"h 5
) ,hronic%es 7:8#2>
22> Song o! So%oon 4:22025
Song o! So%oon 3:5
257 Genesis 58#C3
+(dges 22:C7#7>
) S"(e% 205
253 R(th
Tobit 2
D"nie% 2C
N(bers 57:26
E:od(s 25028
E:od(s 2C:22#2F
25F )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
)s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
)s"i"h 3C:7 @dGrA
Ps"% 55:6 @dGrA @52:4A
2C4 Pro*erbs C2:2>#C2
+(dges 7:26#55
)) M"cc"bees 6
2F5 Ps"% 2520255 @25>0252A
24C )) -ings 28:5>#C6
) ,hronic%es 54:C#6
) ,hronic%es 58:2>#28
247 +erei"h 3
522 ) S"(e% 4:3#6
525 Genesis 5:5C
524 Ps"% 23:2#3 @27:A
55> E:od(s 28:2F#5>:52
558 )s"i"h 33:2
Genesis 24:C5
5C3 ) -ings 28:22#24
573 )s"i"h 7>:2#3
57F )s"i"h 7>:F#4
576 )s"i"h F2
574 )s"i"h 3F:F06
533 Le*itic(s 5>:F
536 N(bers 5>
534 N(bers 5>:4
5F2 Ecc%esi"stes 3:7#F @C#3A
Pro*erbs 5>:2>
5F4 Pro*erbs 53:8
56> D"nie% 8:5F056
563 E:od(s 5>:50C
C>5 H"b"kk(k C:2C024
C>3 )s"i"h 75:2#6
C28 ) M"cc"bees 5:C8#74
C74 De(terono' 2F:28
+(dges 2C#2F
C34 N(bers F:57#5F
CF> )) -ings 8
Genesis 5:5C057
CF2 Genesis 5:5C057
De(terono' 3:2F
CF5 +(dith
CFC )s"i"h 27:53#56
)s"i"h 26:2
+erei"h 78:56
CF7 EIekie% CF:4#57
Ps"% 48:5>#56 @44:52#54A
Ps"% 65:3#22 @62:F#25A
Ps"% 55 @52A
)s"i"h 3C
)s"i"h FC:2#7
Ps"% F8 @F4A
C67 De(terono' 3:24052
E:od(s 52:57
De(terono' 28:52
C63 De(terono' 3:26024
Le*itic(s 5>:2#3E 57:27
N(bers 23:C3
De(terono' 52:52
De(terono' 24:23#5>
7>> Ps"% 227 @22C":A
727 E:od(s 24:2C#56
726 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
)s"i"h 8:F06
752 +(dges 703
)) -ings 8:26
753 E:od(s 52:57
De(terono' 28:52
7CC N(bers 57:26
Genesis C:23 @dGrA
7C4 N(bers 57:26
775 N(bers 57:26
) -ings 2C:503
N(bers 55:52#CC
77C N(bers 22:5F#C>
73F D"nie% 8:5>#56
736 ) S"(e% 5:2#2>05>
7F3 Ps"% 5:6
7FF De(terono' C5:7C
Ps"% 22>:2 @2>8:A
7F6 Ps"% 22>:7 @2>8:A
7F4 )s"i"h F:4
78> EIekie% 4:2#24
EIekie% 4:7#F
EIekie% C6
782 EIekie% 76:2#25
785 )s"i"h 33:2
788 ) S"(e% 55:5>
) -ings 2:3#8
) -ings 2:72#3C
3>2 E:od(s 5>:2#26
3>5 De(terono' 55:55#57
322 N(bers F:57#5F
328 De(terono' C5:74#35
35C E:od(s C5
353 N(bers 52:52#C3
356 De(terono' C5:74#35
358 E:od(s 52:57
De(terono' 28:52
3C7 Ps"% 32:2F026 @3>:24028A
374 ) S"(e% 54:C#5>
)) -ings 2:2#702F
Le*itic(s 28:5F0C2
378 Le*itic(s 5>:F
E:od(s 5>:5C
E:od(s C7:26
)) -ings 2:2#702F
335 D"nie% 3
3F2 +osh(" 2>:25#27
3F5 De(terono' 2F:24#5>
3F3 Genesis 2
3FF E:od(s C7:58#C3
3F6 EIekie% 2:5F#54
D"nie% 6:8#2>
De(terono' 26:F
36C +erei"h 703
367 Genesis 7:4#25
Genesis 2F052
36F Genesis 2502C
Genesis 24055
348 )) M"cc"bees 7:C>#C3
385 Genesis 26:8#27
F>> )) M"cc"bees 7
F>C ) -ings 26:8#57
F>6 Genesis C:2F
Genesis C:23 @dGrA
Tobit 2C
F>4 Tobit 2C:2C#24 @dGr#on%'A
F27 D"nie% 8:5>#56E 25:6#2>
)s"i"h 54:22#2C
F23 )s"i"h 54:23#5>
F5> /"r(ch C:8#2C
/"r(ch C:5>
F52 /"r(ch C:56
F57 Genesis 26:2
F58 +osh(" 2>:2>022
FC> ) M"cc"bees C:27#57
Hose" 2
Hose" 5:2#C
FC2 Hose" 5:27#24
F7> De(terono' F:3
+osh(" 802>
Le*itic(s 28:24
) -ings C:7#23
F75 9isdo 6#8
9isdo 8:3
) -ings C:2>#23
F7F Sir"ch C>:604
F3C )s"i"h 22:2#25
EIekie% C7
FFC )s"i"h 5:55
FFF )s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
FF6 ) S"(e% 5:25#7:24
F62 )s"i"h 38:2
F4> +osh(" 2>:25#27
6>5 N(bers 25
+(dges 703
+(dith 25
6>C Genesis C:2#23
Genesis C:23 @dGrA
)s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
)s"i"h 22:205
62C Ps"% 2>>:2#C @88:A
6C7 Song o! So%oon 3:5
66> EIekie% C6:7#27
66C De(terono' F:3
Le*itic(s 28:24
667 EIekie% 76:2#25
64F )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
4>C Ps"% 45:F @42:A
Le*itic(s 57:2>#5C
&olume &
5> +ob 75:2>#26
+on"h 5
D"nie% C
55 Pro*erbs C2:F
+ob 205
Sir"ch 8:2> @dGr#on%'A
D"nie% 2C:5C
5C +(dith 4:3
+(dith 23:802>
36 Genesis 5:5#6
6> E:od(s 27:2F#5C
N(bers 5>:6#22
+osh(" 2>:25#27
) -ings 26:8#57
) -ings 24:72#7F
Pro*erbs F:2F#28
Sir"ch 57:4#C7
62 Sir"ch 57:5F#C2 @dGr#on%'A
Sir"ch 57:C2#C4 @dGr#on%'A
Sir"ch 57:72#76 @dGr#on%'A
4> Genesis 74078
86 N(bers 57:26
2>> De(terono' CC:2C#26
222 )) -ings C:8#5>
225 )) -ings 7:24#C6
22C )) -ings 7:C4#72
227 Genesis 50C
25C +ob 2:52
257 D"nie% C:36#8> @dGrA
253 Ps"% 32:2F026 @3>:24028A
25F E:od(s 55:58#C>
254 Sir"ch 3>:5305F @56054 dGrA
2C> EIr" 2#F
2C2 EIr" C:22#2C
Ps"% 256:2#7
2CC Ps"% 25>#2C7 @228#2CCA
Ps"% 25F:2#F
2C6 E:od(s 55:55#57
27> )) S"(e% 3:F#2>
232 De(terono' C
+osh(" F#4
2F5 Pro*erbs C:58
Pro*erbs 56:2>
De(terono' 3:25
+(dith 4#2C
2FC Pro*erbs C:58
2F7 )s"i"h 3C:C
Ps"% 55 @52A
)s"i"h 3C:7 @dGrA
Ps"% 55:6 @dGrA 52:4
2F3 Genesis 7:23
)s"i"h 3C:25
2FF ) S"(e% 5:F#4
24F +osh(" 8:C#56
28> )s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
Ps"% 55 @52A
Ps"% F8 @F4A
5>5 De(terono' F:3
Le*itic(s 28:24
5>4 N(bers 8:2>#27
52> D"nie% 8:57
Ps"% 4:F @6A
)s"i"h F5:2#C
528 Genesis C3:2F#5>
554 N(bers 2F:2#2F
5C> Tobit 25:6
577 ) S"(e% 20507
53C Genesis 7:2#F
53F De(terono' F:2F
538 )s"i"h 4:27023
56> Ps"% 5C @55A
54> Genesis 7
C>C )s"i"h 2:24
C>7 +ob 56:3#4
C>3 Hose" F:7
+erei"h 5C:30F
Aos 8:22
+erei"h CC:26
Oech"ri"h 2C:6#8
Oech"ri"h 22:2>#27
C>6 EIekie% 2F
C>8 Ps"% 72:8 @7>:2>A
C33 Genesis 8:22
C63 Genesis C:23 @dGrA
C45 ) M"cc"bees C#25
E:od(s 25:58#C7
Genesis 55
Genesis 7:2#2F

)s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
Ps"% 55 @52A
Oech"ri"h 22:2502C
C4C +(dges 7:26#55
+(dith 4#2C
+(dges 22:58#7>
) S"(e% 26:C4#37
Le*itic(s 5F27#7F @27#73A
C43 Oech"ri"h 22:25
C44 E:od(s 25:2#27
C48 Genesis 7:2#2F
E:od(s 25:3
)s"i"h 3C:7 @dGrA
Ps"% 55:6 @dGrA 52:4
C8> E:od(s 25:6
E:od(s 2C
Oech"ri"h 8:8
)s"i"h 75:2#6
C8C Song o! So%oon 5:27
7>> )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
7>5 )s"i"h 3F:6
+erei"h 6:205
7>C Ps"% 4:5 @CA
7>6 )s"i"h 4:22#23
7>4 Oech"ri"h C:8#7:2>
)s"i"h 22:23
723 Ps"% 73 @77A
728 Hose" 8:F
75> Ps"% 224:55 @226:A
752 De(terono' 3:2F
757 Hose" F:5
D"nie% 6025
756 Genesis C0F08
7C5 E:od(s 7:3
7C3 )s"i"h 73:5C
)s"i"h 78:5#7
7C6 De(terono' F:3
Le*itic(s 28:24
7C4 Ps"% 32:2F026 @3>:24028A
Ps"% 22>:2 @2>8:A
772 De(terono' F:3
775 Le*itic(s 28:24
77C EIr" 2#F
) M"cc"bees 2
776 Genesis C:23 @dGrA
)s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
778 Ps"% 224:5F @226:A
738 D"nie% 8:5>#56
7FC D"nie% 8:5>#56
7FF Genesis 6:22#5C
762 Ps"% 55:6 @dGrA 52:4
)s"i"h 3>:F
Ps"% 55:25#27 @52:2C#23A
)s"i"h FC:2#7
765 Ps"% 55:24 @52:28
)s"i"h 35:2C#3C#25
)s"i"h 3C:7 @dGrA
Ps"% 55:6 @dGrA 52:4
764 )s"i"h 22:2#25
768 )s"i"h 7>:2>022
)s"i"h 75:2#6
)s"i"h F2:2#C
EIekie% C7:22#2F
)s"i"h 8:F
Oech"ri"h 8:802>
D"nie% 8:5>#56
)s"i"h FC:2#7
74> )s"i"h 3>:F
)s"i"h 3C:5#6
)s"i"h 3C:7 @dGrA
Ps"% 55:6
EIekie% 76:2#25
)s"i"h 33:2
743 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
Mic"h 3:205
78C ) M"cc"bees C:2
786 E:od(s 25:56
E:od(s 22025
Ps"% 227:205 @22C":A
Ps"% 22C:2#C @225:A
3>5 Genesis 78:408
Ps"% 22F:2#23 @227:2#
3>C Ps"% 226:205 @22F:A
Ps"% 224:2#5F @226:A
3>7 Ps"% 72:8 @7>:2>A
Ps"% 22F:2> @223:A
Ps"% 228 @224A
3>4 +osh(" 2>:25#27
3>8 +(dith 4#2C
323 Ps"% F8:7 @F4:3A
326 Genesis C:2#6
35> )s"i"h 3C:7 @dGrA
Ps"% 55:6 @dGrA 52:4
352 )s"i"h 3C:7 @dGrA
Ps"% 55:6 @dGrA 52:4
355 Song o! So%oon 5:25
357 ) M"cc"bees F:7C#76
358 )s"i"h 3C:7 @dGrA
Ps"% 55:6 @dGrA 52:4
377 Genesis C:2#6
Genesis 2:5F056
Genesis C:24
36> Genesis 53:58#C7
362 )s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
36F Genesis 7:4
347 Genesis 7:4
343 Genesis 5:5>#57
Genesis C
34F Genesis 7:2#2F
348 Genesis 7:2302F
Genesis 7:5305F
38F Nehei"h C:C2 @dGrA @C>A
F>2 )s"i"h 3C:7 @dGrA
Ps"% 55:6 @dGrA 52:4
F>6 Ps"% 73:5 @77:CA
Song o! So%oon 3:2>#2F
)s"i"h 3C:7 @dGrA
Ps"% 55:6 @dGrA 52:4
F53 )s"i"h 3C:30F
FC5 Genesis 5:4#26
FC3 Ps"% 55 @52A
)s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
FC4 Genesis C:23 @dGrA
F7> Song o! So%oon 5:2>027
F7F Genesis C:23 @dGrA
F35 )) M"cc"bees 6
F38 Ps"% 55:2
Genesis 7:4#25
F6> +(dith 2C:7#2> @7#25A
F8> Genesis 3
6C5 )s"i"h 6:27 @dGrA
)s"i"h 8:F
Ps"% 22>:2 @2>8:A
)s"i"h 35:2C#3C:25
Ps"% 55 @52A
+on"h 5
E:od(s 22025
D"nie% 8:5F056
6CF )s"i"h F:F#4
6C4 E:od(s C7:58#C3
Ps"% 5C:2#C @55:A
6F2 Ps"% 22>:2 @2>8:A
6FC E:od(s 28:2F
E:od(s 53:2>#55
E:od(s C>:2#2>
E:od(s C6:2#8
E:od(s C6:53#58
66F Genesis 7
687 Genesis 7:2#2F
4>2 +on"h 5
4>7 Ps"% 7>:2 @C8:5A
Ps"% C2:3 @C>:FA
4>F Ps"% 4:5 @CA
422 Tobit 3#25
425 )) S"(e% 22025
45> ) -ings 26:8#57
4C6 D"nie% 27:5C#75 @55#72A
472 Genesis 2#C
47C N(bers 4:F06
N(bers 28:26#55
EIekie% 76:2#25
Genesis 2:5F056
Genesis 5:6
477 E:od(s 58:2#C3
476 D"nie% 8:5F056
D"nie% 22:C2
D"nie% 25:22
474 EIekie% 802>
435 +erei"h 25:27#2F
43C Genesis 25:2#53
4F> Tobit 25:6
4F8 )s"i"h 73:27#53
+erei"h 2F:28#52
Mic"h 7:2#4
46> Genesis 55:23#24
46C 9isdo 5:57 @57053A
464 Ps"% 223:205 @22Cb:A
44> Oech"ri"h 22:2502C
Ps"% F8:53 @F4:5FA
Genesis 23:2
Ps"% 2>8:4 @2>4:8A
443 Genesis C:23 @dGrA
483 N(bers 8:23
De(terono' 2:58#CC
Nehei"h 8:24#52
N(bers 26
+osh(" C:27#26
48F Genesis C:23 @dGrA
8>4 D"nie% 8:5>#56
822 Genesis 5:4
Genesis C:2#6
85C )) -ings 5:22
Sir"ch 74:2#2>
854 Genesis 5:6
858 Le*itic(s 2F
8C2 Tobit 2C:22#24 @dGr#on%'A
De(terono' 3:C5#2C
Le*itic(s 28:23#24
8C5 Ps"% 228 @224A
Ps"% 75:2#7 @72:5#3A
Ps"% C8:2#6 @C4:5#4A
Ps"% 5C @55A
Ps"% 2
Tobit 2C
Sir"ch 57:22#7F @dGr#
8CC Song o! So%oon 5:2
872 Genesis 3:24#57
)) -ings 5:22
87F Genesis C:23 @dGrA
878 +erei"h C5:56
Genesis 24:27
832 D"nie% C:5C#56

Other )$ort"nt P(b%ic"tions A*"i%"b%eP
TH) )&$"G)5IC$5 C$TH45IC (T>D8 :I:5) TH) )&$"G)5IC$5 C$TH45IC (T>D8 :I:5) HTa/ing the ertainty o! :iblial %evelation to
a #hole ne# levelI In the "e# $mpli!ied Douay7%heims &ersion
Illuminated and in urrent
)nglish Noting the (%tit(de o! egregio(s errors in the New Aeric"n ,"tho%ic St(d' /ib%e1 No other St(d' /ib%e
"ddresses and sol+es so "n' te:t("% <$rob%es= "nd bib%ic"% di!!ic(%ties which h"*e $(II%ed scho%"rs "nd !(e%ed the c"(se
o! ske$ticis "nd (nbe%ie! !or cent(riesP This /ib%e wi%% "bso%(te%' $(t 'o( on the o!!ensi*e "g"inst the (nbe%ie! o! the
critics1 -e'ed to the Poe1
TRA&EL G.)DE TRA&EL G.)DE To The P(b%ic Ministr' O! +es(s ,hrist According To The Poe O! The M"n#God1 @A L"rge 24:57
)nch M"$ O! P"%estine is So%d Se$"r"te%' A 24 # 4e J 22 )nch M"$s O! +(de"0 G"%i%ee0 Dec"$o%is0 Se" O! G"%i%ee0 And
+er(s"%e with ,o$%ete )nde: to "%% Loc"tions1
AN 24>> 9ORD GLOSSARY TO THE POEM AN 24>> 9ORD GLOSSARY TO THE POEM OF THE MAN#GOD # OF THE MAN#GOD # !or "%% those di!!ic(%t wordsP !or "%% those di!!ic(%t wordsP
&O)D)NG THE &O),ES OF HEA&EN G &O)D)NG THE &O),ES OF HEA&EN G the Churh9s 3ost &atian (piritual' Moral and
)lesiastial Crisis and the "e# )vangelization # This work thoro(gh%' deo%ishes the $o$(%"r be%ie!
th"t the Poem of the Man-God "nd "%% the other $(b%ic%' signi!ic"nt <"$$ro*ed= re*e%"tions gi*en to the
,h(rch "re ere <$ri*"te re*e%"tions0= which no one h"s to be%ie*e0 "nd shows th"t this error h"s c(t the
ch(rchen o!! !ro this %ight o! He"*en "nd h"s thrown the door o$en to the $resent s$irit("%0 or"% "nd
ecc%esi"stic"% crisis in the ,h(rch1 This work est"b%ishes be'ond ;(estion the di*ine origin "nd the gre"t
signi!ic"nce o! The Poem of the Man-God !or the New E*"nge%iI"tion "nd restor"tion o! the ,"tho%ic
,h(rch1 )t gi*es " co$%ete chronic%e o! the str(gg%e this work h"s end(red to becoe the tri($h it h"s
tod"' being $(b%ished in o*er 2> %"ng("ges1
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J. *ebster3 former fundamentalist +aptist Pastor. J. *ebster3 former fundamentalist +aptist Pastor. <Like " bri%%i"nt !%"sh o! %ight "nd (nderst"nding "!ter
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