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Anonymous Artists Manifesto

NO FAME, JUST A MESSAGE. 1- As no one shall be held in slavery or servitude; Anon Artists believed that they shall never had to censorship themselves, or adapting their work, by adding propaganda or advertising stuffs to be published or obtain a subvention. Therefore, no one as the right to censorship Artists. 2- Anon Artists also believed that everyone should has the right to express itself, reporting news, denouncing the exactions by art works, by paper works or by leaking the information, without having to fairs of being charged for that or persecuted. 3- Anon Artist also believed, as the Article 18 of the Universal declaration of humains rights says that everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. Therefore, no government or authority should ever persecute or censor an artist, a journalist, or a writer, because of what he says, what he believe or what hes expressing on its works. 4- Anon Artists also believed again, as the Article 19 of the Universal declaration of humans right says that everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. As we believe it, we believe that no one as the right to censorship or banned the work of an artist or a journalist, in ANY countries. Therefore, Anon Artists supported Julian Assange and his work because of that. 5- Anon Artists also believe that there work can served the actual revolutions against the system, whose the enemy of free artists. We believe that positive reinforcement, instead of the actual war of fear who rule the world, can overide the precedent beliefs system. Anonymous artists think that art is a good weapon. Because we believe in the power of Art work on the mankind consciousness Therefore, Anon Artists tend to provide that kind of work. Finally: 6- The work of an Anon Artist served those beliefs and nothing else. Thats why an Anon Artist will never asked money or recognition for his work, because it should bind him as a slave and overshadow the message as intended at first. Anonymous Artists don't want FAME. They just want to touch you. Therefore, Anonymous Artists believed that Internet is the best media for there work. They also supported operation like #OpPaperStorm #OpGrafitti #OpEpoch #ProjectMayhem #OpWakeUp Now, go forth Anonymous Artists and spread the world with you art work!

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