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BCHC has established goals to complement and support our mission to advocate for the homeless and those in need by increasing awareness and educa:on of issues in Brunswick County, and by exploring, promo:ng, recrui:ng, and facilita:ng resources to meet these needs. Our goals are the following: 1. Apply for tax-exempt status. 2. Con:nue to support the night shelter program of Streetreach Inc. 3. Develop an interest/talent inventory of current and new volunteers to match the organiza:onal needs of BCHC. 4. Increase collabora:on and partnerships with exis:ng and new resources. 5. Con:nue to educate the community and serve as advocates for the homeless and those in need.

BCHC officers meet to refine the groups goals.

6. Advocate for transi:onal and permanent housing for individuals/families leaving overnight shelters. 7. Increase awareness of BCHC through press releases, newsleOer, Facebook and other media sources. 8. Collaborate with agencies and county ocials for maximum u:liza:on of the transporta:on system so that individuals can more easily access available and new resources.

BCHC meets on the third Tuesday of the

Slate Of Officers Approved

BCHC con:nues to focus and dene its infrastructure. At the last mee:ng members approved a slate of ocers for the coming year. They are Barbara Seran, president; Rita Caneld, vice-president; Debra Krozser, secretary; and Shirley Wyzga-Johnson, treasurer. In addi:on, the leaders of three work groups have been established. They are Ro Schwenk and Lynn Yencik, volunteer coordinators; Wade Fulmer informa:on management; and KiOy Kesler, newsleOer editor. Another work group called coali:on ambassadors was formed. Those who volunteer for these posi:ons will interact with other groups and aOend area mee:ngs and other func:ons to represent BCHC.

month at St. Brendans Church on Rt. 17. New members are always welcome. Visit us on Facebook or check out our website brunswickcountyhomelesscoaliBon.webst for changes, upcoming events, and the agenda of the meeBng. QuesBons? Contact Barbara Seran at 575-6825.

Members Visit Wilmington Shelter

BCHC members Roy Tucker and Barbara Seran visited the Good Shepherd Center in Wilmington in early September in order to gather informa:on about a program that is successfully dealing with the needs of the homeless in southeastern North Carolina. The Center's mission is to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, and foster transi:on to housing. Volunteer Coordinator Kris:n Pollick shared their Volunteer Handbook which covered essen:al informa:on including the services provided. Among these services are a soup kitchen, a day shelter, a night shelter, a jobs program, a medical clinic, and an 18-month program for homeless veterans and individuals in substance-abuse recovery. The night shelter, available every night year-round, opened in 2005 and accommodates up to 118 men, women, and children. The Execu:ve Director, Katrina Knight, stated that the Center is successfully moving people who have been homeless for years into permanent housing. The Center is dedicated to providing more than emergency services. They are focusing their energy and resources on assis:ng homeless guests toward a working plan for returning to housing. The Center's Annual Report for 2011 - 2012 reports that 238 homeless adults and children have returned to housing. Roy, who is also a member of the Poverty Coali:on, and Barbara were impressed seeing the program in ac:on and the eorts of the Center sta to successfully move people who have been homeless for years into housing. Their collabora:on and partnering with other agencies has added to the success of the program. The visit was certainly worthwhile and an inspira:on as BCHC con:nues to partner with other groups to meet the needs of the homeless.

BCHC Partners At Summer Concerts

As part of our mission to partner with other groups to support the homeless, members of BCHC helped two evenings with the Sunset Beach Concert Series at Village Park. On July 4 and July 25, BCHC partnered with Streetreach to work at the Wednesday concerts. Over the course of the series, six local chari:es which included Streetreach and Brunswick Family Assistance, helped with cooking hamburgers and hotdogs, pizza, set-up and clean-up, selling :ckets for a 50-50 rae, and had the opportunity to inform guests about their organiza:ons. All dona:ons for food and raes were given to the charity of the evening. The concerts gold sponsors, all local businesses, were Sundial Management Services, Fred Thorne Realty LLC, Curiosi:es, Papa Johns Pizza, and Fibber McGees. They helped sponsor the thirteen free concerts each Wednesday evening in June, July, and August. Between 500 to 1000 visitors aOended each concert.

Opportunities to serve...
On October 6th, BCHC members will par:cipate in and support the second annual One Homeless Night, an event sponsored by Brunswick County Streetreach Inc. The event will take place at Building Hope Ministries Oce in Supply, NC. Individuals par:cipa:ng in the community "sleep-out" will have an opportunity to step into the shoes of the homeless for one night. Funds raised will be used to benet the homeless in Brunswick County during the four coldest months of the year. At the event BCHC members will provide food and present an overview of BCHCs mission. BCHC is partnering with the General Federa:on of Womens Clubs of South Brunswick Island and of Southport in a fall coat drive. The drive will run from October 1 un:l the last week in November. Coats may be dropped o in designated boxes at either the ShalloOe Dry Cleaners or the Southport Dry Cleaners. Owner Cindy Cheatham will clean all coats before giving them to BCHC member Lynn Yencik, whose Home Life commiOee of the womens club will donate them to Streetreach for distribu:on among the needy. Mens, womens, and childrens coats of all sizes are needed. This is a great opportunity to clean out your coat closet and help others who are less fortunate. Did you Know? According to the American Associa6on of Fundraising Counsel, $298 billion was given away to charity last year? Of that 32% went to religious ins6tu6ons, 13% to cultural organiza6ons, and only 12% to social services.

Currents is a periodic publication of the Brunswick County Homeless Coalition Editor: Kitty Kesler and Publisher: Susie Kubley

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